#felix lee fluf
skz-fanfic-recs · 27 days
hiiii do you have any changbin/felix recs? :p
so i told a friendly star (the way dreamers often do) by dwaekinyz
the sound of you by sunshineandrayne
i love you (in case you haven't heard) by raining_on_neptune
lovely lie by minhos_diamond
bad boy bad boy (what'cha gonna do?) by cheapdreams
fake by seungfluff
spotlight! by minhos_diamond
i'm sorry this is so late <333
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pinkyqil · 5 months
LovelyDisaster - Jeong cerise x Bada lee
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Synopsis: Jeong Ae cha know has cerise mostly know for her infamous love for the color red and begin the school queen bee so what happens when her group cross path with the one and only bada lee would there chemistry cause fire or would it all rumble .
Genre: smau + written, humor, enemies to lovers , fluf, they both want nothing to do with each other, mild Tension !!! Everyone is a student .
Pairing: student!Jeong ae cha x student! Bada lee ft manequeen cera ;redlic,stray kids felix, Jr ling, team bebe lusher tatter minah, 1million redy ; harimu, debby, wolf lo chocol, haechi, , mamamoo hwasa
Warning: swearing, mild bullying, mention of violence, mention of suicide, kys/kms jokes .
Status: ongoing! Updates will be every 2 days or when I can 💫
A/n: this nothing but a work of fiction and the people related in this are no way connected to this in there real life ! Let me know if you'll like to be add to the taglist .
Profile : Les problématique ,Future Bachelorette, Wannabes,
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Chapitres :
00. Wtf
02. Oh oh
03. New comers
04. Thiz bitch
72 notes · View notes
The one where you're pretty sure you're being stalked. And not in the hot, sexy kind of way. Unless-?
Or the 2nd part of the SKZ!Pack Prequel Series!
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, SKZ!pack, SKZ!abo, a/b/o/, alpha beta omega, poly!skz, ot8, ot8 x you, ot8 x reader, SKZ x you, skz x reader, Bang Chan, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, Kim Seungmin, Lee Felix, Yang Jeongin, Changbin x you, Changbin x reader, fluff, skz fluf, prequel
Genre: Nothing but fluff
Title: Killing, Stalking
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Changbin is-fine-you guess. 
Even though his smoky scent burns your throat a little bit and makes your eyes water, and he comes off as somewhat awkward and a bit stern, you still manage to get away from that first uncomfortable meeting (damn you Hwang Hyunjin) somewhat unscathed, which is usually an anomaly when two strange alphas are meeting for the first time, let alone in a shared omega’s space. 
So yeah, you meet Seo Changbin, your secret crush’s weird “not boyfriend, but kind of boyfriend” and that’s that. 
Hyunjin isn’t due for another heat for six months, and Changbin is back in town regardless, and now you’ll never have to deal with alpha ‘not boyfriend’, or that, ever again. 
You can go back to sitting next to Hyunjin every week in your micro lab and secretly sneaking glances at him from the corner of your eye and harboring your weird little obsession and no one will be none the wiser. Everything will go back to normal.
Because suddenly, after meeting Changbin, you’re seeing him everywhere. 
Maybe you’re just paranoid, maybe your wolf hasn’t quite dropped the idea that Changbin secretly wants to murder you in some archaic, primal way after seeing you with his omega, but whatever it is, you’re almost positive it’s not all in your head. 
Because the scent of smoke lingers, and you’re fairly certain you’ve caught glimpses of the other alpha leaving the library just as you arrive, or darting onto the bus back to the dorms and out of sight before you can turn the corner to the bus stop. 
It’s all a little weird, and it’s got you on edge, and so, when you’re pretty sure you just caught a glimpse of Changbin lurking outside of the physical sciences building before your lab, nose in a book, eyes definitely on you, you decide enough is enough. 
Your wolf growls-low and dangerous-in agreement.
Maybe you are crazy, or maybe you’re not, but regardless, maybe a certain omega can help shed some light on the subject. 
So when you slide into your seat next to Hyunjin that morning, you ignore his preliminary greeting, and get right to the point. 
“I think your boyfriend is stalking me.” 
Hyunjin’s eyes go ridiculously wide and you resist the urge to get lost in the black of his pupils, resist the urge to coo over how cute it is when his full lips go into a surprised little ‘o’, dark lashes fanned across the tan skin of his cheeks. 
You lean toward him and dump your pencil case onto the desk between the two of you, holding his gaze as you repeat the words, slower this time, for emphasis. 
“Your boyfriend is stalking me. I think he wants to kill me.” 
You’re only halfway joking. 
Hyunjin scoffs now, rolling his eyes and brushing long dark hair back into the messy ponytail at the nape of his neck. 
You stifle down the urge to tangle your fingers into the soft strands. 
“What’s got you so paranoid?” 
You don’t appreciate his obvious sarcasm, the obvious lilt to his tone, and you say as much by reaching out and pinching his side, hard, between your fingers. 
Hyunjin yelps and flinches away from you, glaring at you as he rubs the offended skin beneath his palm. 
“I’m not kidding. Ever since you forced us to meet, I’ve been seeing him everywhere. Like. Everywhere.” 
Hyunjin shrugs.
 “I mean. He’s a student here too. Odds are pretty good you’d see him around campus. And he’s an alpha, so you guys have the same dorm building.” Something amused flashes across Hyunjin’s gaze, and he reaches out to snag one of your discarded pencils, tapping it along the table top in some sort of nonsensical pattern as he thinks. “Also, he’s a music major. He’s bound to hang around the music department a lot.” 
“Hyunjin! I’m a biology major!” 
The pencil stops tapping.
“Oh. Hm.” 
You sigh in outright exasperation and steal your pencil back from between his fingers, ignoring the pout he throws your way. 
“Seriously though. Can you tell him to knock it off? I’m so on edge I spilled my americano on the bus this morning when an old lady brushed my arm standing up, and I’m a poor starving college student. Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know!” 
Hyunjin smirks at you and cocks an eyebrow, only serving to infuriate you further. 
You reach out and smack his upper arm and he yelps once more, rubbing at the reddening skin as his pout deepens. 
“Yah, seriously?” 
“Seriously.” You repeat back, tone brooking no argument, as you point the pencil menacingly in his direction. “Tell your boyfriend to back off, Hwang Hyunjin, or I’ll be forced to take drastic measures.” 
“Like what?” Hyunjin looks entirely too smug with this conversation, leaning forward and resting his chin in his palms, batting his eyes at you, the perfect picture of rapt attention. “What are you gonna do to him, (Y/N), tell me.” 
Without blinking an eye, you lean forward and snap your teeth at him. 
The omega wobbles briefly in his chair, caught off guard. 
“I’ll murder his favorite omega.” 
Hyunjin tsks, sitting back now and crossing his arms over his chest, the picture of a petulant child. 
“First off, I’m not his omega. Secondly, he’s not my boyfriend, you brat.” 
You leap forward and rap him on the head, and Hyunjin squawks. 
“Yah, I’m older than you, Hwang Hyunjin, don’t forget that.” 
Hyunjin rolls his eyes. 
“Now.” You settle back in your seat, finally digging in your backpack for your notebook, glancing to the board for today’s instructions. You shoot Hyunjin a withering glare as you reach for another pencil. “Call off your guard dog, and maybe, I’ll let you cheat off of me for the final.” 
Hyunjin visibly brightens, metaphorical ears perking, and then he’s whipping out his phone, and you don’t want to make a show, but you covertly try to breathe through your nose as the air fills with the unmistakable smell of bright, tart lemons. 
Inside, your wolf, traitor that it is, is violently wagging its tail. 
The next time you see Seo Changbin, you’re in the library, parked in the middle of a table, books strewn about, desperately trying to grasp the concept of Homeostasis and Regulation, your study partner clearly fed up with your obvious inability to be anything less than stupid. 
“I can’t, Minnie, it doesn’t make sense.” 
You’re whining, you know it, and the scent of frosty pine hovering in the air spikes significantly. 
The beta sitting across from you sighs in a long suffering sort of way and you don’t miss the way his nostrils flare at the fresh wave of your scent, covertly reaching up to brush at his nose with the sleeve of his sweater. 
“Focus, (Y/N). You need to force yourself to understand. Let’s go over the diagram again.” 
You groan and let your head drop to the table with a heavy thud. 
Your entire body is tired-limbs, head, eyes, brain-and the thought of having to go over the assignment again, with Seungmin as your annoyed, but patient, tutor, has you practically shuddering in your seat. 
“God, you’re whiny today.” 
You muster up enough strength to lift your head slightly, shooting the beta a glare, now watching you with slight amusement, arms crossed over his chest, and then complain halfheartedly, “I haven’t been sleeping well. And this class is going to be the death of me.” 
Seungmin tsks beneath his breath, reaching out to straighten his papers and pencils just so, and you briefly wonder if he’s ever been screened for OCD-or maybe just for neurotic tendencies in general, because that’s the only obvious explanation for how easy he’s grasping all of this. 
“Remind me again why you’re a biology major then?” 
You want to quip back something witty, but his scent washes over you-warm and ginger and citrus-and suddenly you’re feeling so much more tired than before. 
Betas really are the stress relief lotion of the subgender world, huh? 
“I’m done for tonight.” You announce suddenly, sitting up with a struggle, as you begin to haphazardly shove papers and books and pens into your open backpack. 
Seungmin watches your chaos from across the table with thinly veiled distaste. 
“You’re gonna fail you know.” 
You glance over at him and offer him your brightest, most innocent, dazzling smile. 
“No way. That’s why I have the best study buddy in the world right here, right Minnie?”
Your tone is wheedling, and makes Seungmin do nothing but roll his eyes heavily in response. 
You sigh and drop the act, hoping he can sense your desperation. 
“C’mon, Minnie. Just for tonight? I promise I’ll return tomorrow with renewed hope and even more diligent effort.” 
Seungmin watches you blankly for a moment, unconvinced, and then he sighs, and you know you’ve won. 
He begins to carefully file away his pencils into their color coded case. 
“Fine. But just know, if you have to retake this class, I won’t be joining you. You’re on your own.” 
“Yes! Okay!” You’re giddy with the thought of going back to the dorm, almost dizzy with the idea of falling into your bed, going to sleep, emptying your brain. You fist pump and shove the rest of your supplies into your bag. “Thank you, Minnie. Have I ever told you I love you?” 
“No. And please don’t.” The beta grumbles under his breath, sliding his books neatly, one by one, into the recesses of his backpack. 
You’re jamming the last of your heavy textbooks into the already protesting backpack, humming some nonsensical song beneath your breath, when a whiff of smoke assaults your senses. 
You choke on your spit, caught off guard, and begin a violently coughing fit. 
Seungmin watches you passively from across the table, entirely unimpressed. 
You glance around the almost deserted library-it is almost 1 am-and feel like you’re in the beginning scenes of a horror movie. 
That’s when you see him, sitting at a far table, apparently reading, but you know better, can feel the way he sneaks in quick glances at you when he thinks you’re not looking. 
You scrabble around the table and effectively take up hiding behind Seungmin. 
“Minnie. We gotta go.” 
He hums under his breath, entirely unhurried, as he starts to file away his notes-color coded and marked for convenience obviously. 
“I know. You already said that.” 
“No!” You hiss out beneath your breath, crouched down behind him like some kind deflated balloon man, fingers plucking desperately at the edge of his sleeve. “Like now.” 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” The beta finally turns to glance down at you, eyebrow cocked, lips pulled into a thin line, as if he can’t believe you’re actually hiding behind him, using him as a human shield for god knows what. “If this is some weird alpha rut thing-” “What? Ew. No.” Your tone loses some of its breathlessness at his statement, leveling him with a hard, pointed stare. “That’s not-” You huff out a sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers. “We don’t have time right now for me to tell you how entirely wrong you are, but later-” 
The smell of smoke intensifies, and your eyes dart to the figure of the lone alpha, standing from the table to stretch and shove books into his bag. 
“Minnie.” You whine, tugging at him again, as he finally finishes putting every color of highlighter into their respective pouches. “Please?” 
“I’m not moving from this table until you tell me what’s wrong with you and if you need a doctor.” 
You heave a sigh and Seungmin offers you a blank look, clearly waiting. 
“Fine.” You grumble out, still crouched behind the shelter of his chair. If you weren’t practically sitting on your haunches right now, you probably would have angrily stomped your foot in frustration. “See that guy over there?” 
Seungmin follows your line of sight and his uninterested gaze falls on Changbin, now shucking on his coat in preparation to meet the cold winter air outside. 
You resist the urge to pinch the beta’s side and settle for rolling your eyes instead. 
“Apparently he’s like Hwang Hyunjin’s boyfriend or not boyfriend or something? I dunno the specifics, and I didn’t ask, but-” “Wait, wait, wait.” Seungmin interrupts you, finally a shred of interest coming to life in the dark recesses of his eyes at the mention of a certain omega. 
A smirk lifts the corner of his lips, and you suddenly regret everything. 
“The Hwang Hyunjin? Your omega lab partner from micro? The one that you have a ridiculously, huge, asinine, creepy secretive crush on? The one that you helped through his heat, as ‘friends’, just ‘bros being bros’-that Hwang Hyunjin?” You don’t appreciate the way he’s practically gleeful now. 
“Yes, that Hwang Hyunjin!” You hiss out from between clenched teeth, eyes darting to Changbin, and then back to the overly smug beta. “How many Hwang Hyunjins do you know?” 
Seungmin shrugs, entirely nonplussed, but finally lets you drag him to his feet and shepherd him toward the door-the door opposite the one closest to a certain Seo Changbin. 
“Move your feet, dumbass.” You grit out, as Seungmin seems to do everything in his power to staunch your forward progress, glancing over his shoulder pointedly, openly curious now, at the other alpha, still gathering up his things. 
“Okay, so that’s your secret lover’s not so secret lover. Still doesn’t explain why you’re literally hiding behind me like a cat who’s just seen the garden hose.” 
“Okay, first off-” You manage to shove the two of you through the revolving turnstile, backpacks and all, and are only a little out of breath. “-I resent that metaphor. Secondly-”
 You almost trip over your own feet in your hurry to get down the stairs, Seungmin dragging at a leisurely pace behind you. 
“-Hyunjin made us meet, in person, to like, make us friends or something, I guess? And the initial meeting was fine, but now I’m running into this guy everywhere, and I literally think he’s stalking me at this point, because we don’t have that many things in common, let alone classes, and so the only logical explanation is he’s scoping me out, biding his time, waiting for the right moment to murder me and dump my body in the lake because obviously, I helped Hyunjin, and Hyunjin is his, and now he’s out to get me-” 
You’re out into the crisp late night air now, and your breath puffs in little clouds as you turn to face Seungmin, who has stopped dead in his tracks, feet like lead weights.
He’s staring at you with something akin to growing horror. 
“What?” You ask, suddenly defensive, tugging your coat around yourself as you try to hold his increasingly judgment filled gaze. 
 “So you do need a doctor.” He finally says, stuffing his hands deep into the pockets of his coat, eying you almost warily. “Just not a medical one.” 
You roll your eyes so hard you’re sure he can hear them rattling in your head. 
“Okay, it sounds a little crazy-” 
“Oh my god. A little?” Seungmin huffs, disbelief clear in his usually flat tone, eyes boring into yours. 
You bristle at his words and your wolf growls, still worked up by the lingering scent of campfire in the air.  
“Okay, so maybe a lot, but seriously-” 
Seungmin throws his hands up in the air in exasperation and looks to the sky, up at the crescent moon, as if he’s asking someone, anyone, for strength. 
“So you formed all of this-this idea-off of the fact that you’re seeing this guy-this guy who you didn’t know before, mind you-around campus more, studying at the library, god forbid, at the same time as us, when he literally goes to this school, you literally share the same dorm, and he’s literally dating your lab partner? Oh my god, (Y/N). I’m going to kill you.” 
You stand there, suddenly sheepish, and the anger cools almost immediately in the face of frost. 
“I-” You rub the back of your neck and avoid his gaze. “-okay, it sounds stupid.” 
“Damn right it does.” Seungmin mumbles, though there’s no real edge to his voice. “Now, can we please go home? I’m cold and tired as hell from trying to teach your dumb ass homostasis all night.” 
You stick your tongue out at him and he leaps forward to mime grabbing it, even though you both know your reflexes are too fast to allow him to get even close. 
You link your arm through his, even though he protests, and trudge down the snow lined sidewalk toward the bus stop. 
You’d never tell Seungmin, but you swear, once the beta boards his bus and you board your own, that a waft of smoke follows you all the way back to the dorms. 
You make sure to lock your door. 
You’re sitting at a table outside the campus coffee shop, enjoying the weak winter sunlight, sipping an americano, when the right moment arrives. 
A shadow slips across the sun, and you glance up from your phone, where you’re currently involved in a heated meme battle with Hyunjin, to see Changbin standing in front of you, looking entirely out of place and a lot more awkward than you remembered. 
You promptly choke on your coffee and nearly drop your phone. 
“Shit, man.” You splutter out, hurriedly reaching for a napkin as you begin to desperately wipe at the coffee stains now splattering the front of your white button down shirt. 
Curse today of all days for being the one day you had to wear formal attire for a class presentation. 
Chanbin, to his credit, looks slightly remorseful, though you can’t tell if it’s because he scared you senseless or because he’s having to watch the current shitshow that’s unfolding before him with his own two eyes. 
“Sorry.” He rubs at the back of his neck and shifts from one foot to the other in obvious discomfort, before he asks, pointing to the empty chair across from you, “Can I sit?” 
Still coughing slightly, still messily wiping at the front of your shirt, you motion to the chair impatiently without another glance. 
Well, today’s as good a day to die as any, you guess. 
You eye him warily from across the safety of the table as he slides his frame into the uncomfortable wiring of the chair, noting slightly the way his biceps bulge beneath the thin fabric of his muscle tee. 
Hyunjin obviously likes a guy who goes to the gym, and you can’t say you blame him. 
“Um-” Changbin falters, stumbling over his words, and you sit back, watching him in silence, not willing to help him a bit, and also taking the opportunity of silence on your end to study him a bit more. 
He’s good looking-blunt, square features, muscular body, dark bangs soft and touseled against his forehead-and he doesn’t look like he’s hiding a knife-a murder weapon-somewhere on his person, but you’ve been wrong before, so it’s better to stay alert, just in case. 
“Listen, I-” Changbin clears his throat, trying again, and shifts in the chair, and your eyes are briefly drawn to the way his tan skin brushes against the cold, crisp lines of the wire backing. 
He’s not even wearing a coat. 
So Hyunjin’s type is not only strong, but strong and dumb. 
The silence becomes too much, his fingers tapping nervously on the table, your coffee growing cold in your hand, the strong scent of smoke intermingling with the cold smell of frost, both sharp and bitter and souring quickly. 
You decide it’s time to up the ante, face the beast, if you will. 
“Are you going to kill me?”
Changbin’s mouth drops open so fast that you’re surprised the hinges of his jaw don’t snap in the process. 
You warily eye him over the rim of your cup, going in for another careful, slow sip. Don’t want a repeat of last time. 
God, no wonder Hyunjin likes him. 
He’s pretty and stupid and altogether kind of cute, sitting there staring at you, gaping, like a fish out of water.
 Not to mention, he looks like he could bench press both you and Hyunjin’s weight combined.
You tap your finger on the table in rhythm with your words. 
“Seo Changbin. Are. You. Here. To. Kill. Me.” 
His mouth is still hanging open, and you resist the urge to sit forward and close it with a finger beneath his chin. 
His jawline is as chiseled as the Appalachian Mountains, and you bet it’d feel like granite beneath your fingertip. 
“Why-” He seems to be struggling, his brain trying to catch up, and you can physically see the confusion, the wheels turning, inside his head, eyes dark and wide. “-Why would you think that?” 
You snort and shoot him a look full of open exasperation. 
“You’ve literally been stalking me. What else was I supposed to think? Usually when someone stalks you, their intentions aren’t purely ambiguous.” 
“I wasn’t-” Changbin looks entirely caught off guard again, lips parting, and you almost think he’s going to gape some more, as if he hasn’t done enough of that in the last five minutes already, but instead, he groans with obvious agitation, scrubbing at his face with his hands. “I wasn’t stalking you!” 
You arch a brow and wait, because clearly, you can’t believe otherwise unless he gives you another explanation, and so far, Seo Changbin hasn’t given you a whole lot of anything other than a pretty decent impression of a goldfish. 
“I was just-” The alpha across from you stutters to a halt once more, clearly frustrated. “Look, I’m not good at this okay?” 
Something in his vague, but entirely honest statement, lures you back into the conversation. 
“Good at what?” 
“Okay first off-” He waves a sudden finger in your direction, eyes suddenly wild and a tiny bit defensive. “I wasn’t stalking, I was lurking-” 
You snort again. “Not much difference there if I’m honest, buddy.” 
Changbin levels you with a glare and you shut up, almost eager to hear what he has to say next. 
You can’t wait to hear the explanation on this one. 
“And secondly, I just-” He rubs at the back of his neck again, a nervous motion that he obviously does subconsciously, and you offhandedly wonder if the skin is raw yet. 
A muscle in his jaw ticks, as if he’s working himself up to whatever he wants to say next, and it only serves to pique your curiosity, your eyes drawn to the miniscule movement. 
That and damn, did you mention, Seo Changbin is just kind of so ridiculously good looking that it makes your mouth water? 
It should be illegal honestly. 
You’re even getting used to the smell of smoke, now almost raging into the burning scent of a forest fire, that fills the air. 
You can’t say as much for the omegas sitting at the table next to you, judging by their hurried, curious glances in your direction. 
Changbin sighs-long, heavy, accepting-and then he swallows, hard enough to be audible, and opens his mouth. 
“I wanted to get to know you better.” 
It’s your turn to catch flies as your mouth falls open abruptly. 
That’s honestly the last thing you expected to hear from the mouth of the obviously uncomfortable alpha sitting across from you. 
Changbin huffs out something between an exasperated sigh and a humorless chuckle and sits back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest. 
You try not to get too distracted by the way the move makes his biceps bulge, or the way his pecs flex in response. 
“Yeah, I mean, I can totally see now how-” He eyes you pointedly, lips almost curving into the start of a sardonic smile. “-’lurking’-” You roll your eyes. “-wasn’t the best way to go about it, but I really was just interested in you-everything about you, really-ever since Hyunjin introduced us.” 
There is not currently a coherent brain in your head. 
“Wait, so you-” You hedge out, picking at the table cloth now, suddenly unable to meet his gaze in your shock and encroaching humiliation. “-weren’t mad?” 
Changbin laughs, the sound full of disbelief. 
“Mad about what?” 
You glance up, and something akin to understanding suddenly washes across his gaze at your very obvious ‘figure it out sherlock, shit’s not hard’ expression. 
“Oh. Oh.” He breathes out, and you can see the wheels turning again, connecting all the pieces. “You mean Hyunjin, right?” 
God. You may be dumb and more than a little bit paranoid, but Seo Changbin is just as stupid, maybe even more so. 
“Of course I mean Hyunjin.” You blurt out, disbelief bleeding into open annoyance, carried across in your sharp words. 
Changbin laughs again, and maddeningly, this time, he doesn’t sound anything but utterly gleeful, if not a little delighted. 
You instantly pout. 
“No, no, sorry.” He waves his hand at you, almost breathless because of the laughter, though you fail to see what’s funny, and swipes at a few mirthful tears that have gathered in the corners of his eyes. “I just-you thought-Hyunjinnnie and me-?” 
“Well duh.” You exclaim, hands going wide, as if to make him see the whole picture. 
That, and you’re just annoyed now at his continued laughter at your expense. 
“Shit, man. Do the two of you even hear yourselves? You just called him ‘hyunjinnie’ and don’t even get me started on the pet names Hyunjin uses for you when you’re not around and then there’s the whole ‘just helping each other out when biology calls’ bullshit, and everybody knows that’s so obviously just an excuse, like c’mon, maybe the oldest one in the book even, and god, even the way the two of you look at each other is openly disgusting enough to make me want to vomit.” 
Changbin has grown silent now, and something inside of you preens at effectively shutting him up. 
The other, more major part of you is caught entirely off guard by his obvious and sudden “deer in the headlights” expression. 
He looks shell shocked. 
“Wait-Hyunjin calls me pet names?” He openly chokes over the statement, and his skin-once bronzed like a greek god-is looking more than a little green. Okay, so maybe Changbin is a whole lot more stupid then you first gave him credit for. 
That, and absolutely oblivious. 
You silently add that to the growing list of adjectives you’re using to mentally describe him in your head. 
Mouthwateringly Hot. Check. 
Dumb AF. Check.
Rippling with muscles. Check. 
Startlingly Stupid. Check. 
Absolutely, infuriatingly, oblivious? Check. 
Changbin is still staring at you in shocked silence, so you pull yourself away from your list, and return his stare right back, one eyebrow cocked. 
“Seriously? How are you this dumb?” 
At your blunt words, Changbin promptly chokes on his spit.
You wordlessly slide the rest of your now very cold americano across the table toward him, a peace offering of sorts, or maybe just a way to end his very obvious misery. 
His fist closes around the mug and without so much as a word, he downs the offered drink in one fell swoop that under any other circumstances might have been impressive, but right now, when he’s currently having an existential crisis over his “not boyfriend,” just comes off as little more than desperate. 
You wait until he’s cleared his throat and his face has gone a little less red, and then you sit back in your chair with a smirk. 
“You really didn’t know, huh?” 
Changbin glowers at you, though it doesn’t quite have the effect he’s wanting, currently clutching your empty mug like it's a lifeline, his lost breath still not quite caught. 
You whistle under your breath, and openly tsk at him. 
“Damn, baby, you certainly came off as the kind of thick musclehead type in our first and only meeting, but I gotta say, even with my limited knowledge, this is embarrassing, even for you.” 
Changbin sighs in annoyance, and your smirk grows. 
“Congrats. You’ve made your point. I’m obviously bad with feelings, okay? Otherwise, I wouldn’t have just lurked around until I finally got up the courage to ask you out.” 
“Stalked.” You correct innocently, with a sweetly saccharine smile, earning yourself another glare from Changbin in the process. 
“So,” You sit back, taking pity on him, content for now to deal with the whole ‘how did you not know your friends with benefits was actually more than a friend’ conversation later. “Is this you asking me out then?” 
Changbin’s ears go pink at your forward statement-it’s frankly adorable, and you resist the urge to audibly coo-but he nods regardless. 
“Yeah, I guess it is.”
He looks shocked, and you think it’s becoming a permanent expression on his features at this point. 
“Yeah. Okay.” You repeat, pulling out your phone and sliding it across the table to him with an amused smile. “But please, for the love of god, give me your number this time, so we can communicate normally, instead of one of us stalking the other and meeting up unexpectedly at a coffee shop where I think you’re going to kill me.” 
Changbin rolls his eyes, but takes the offered phone anyway, typing in his contact information. 
Something inside of you is giddy to see that he has added a little standing man emoji next to his name when he hands it back. 
Progress, you think, and your wolf purrs at the scent of campfire-suddenly no longer irritating, and a little more comforting. 
“You should know-” You say offhandedly, as you casually stuff your notebook into your backpack and gather up your things, noting the time before your next class. “-the thing with Hyunjin? It’s not usually like that. I don’t usually make it a habit to put out on the first date-minimum rule is usually three-so don’t think you’re gonna get lucky.” 
Changbin chokes for what feels like the fifth time in as many minutes, and you can’t help the laugh that bubbles past your lips at the sight of the red blush creeping slowly but steadily up his neck at your blunt words. 
“What-I didn’t-I don’t think-” 
You grin at him, shooting him a text so he can save your number, and his phone dings loudly in the flustered silence between the two of you.
He glances down at his phone, and his eyes scan your message, which simply says, ‘hey stalker 😘’ before he shoots you another halfhearted glare. 
It doesn’t land, considering he looks more like a vine ripened tomato currently than a scary alpha predator. 
“Lucky for you, alpha-” You let the word slip off your tongue in a purr, leaning toward him, and in a bold move, brush an errant strand of hair from his eyes, fingers featherlight and nothing more than a moment as they come in contact with the warmth of his skin. 
The scent of smoke spikes considerably, and you bite back a self satisfied smirk behind your teeth. 
You keep your expression neutrally blank as you regard him easily. 
“-I’m counting this whole misunderstanding as our first date so-” You shrug nonchalantly, and shoot him a lazy wink, before you stuff your phone into your bag and turn to walk away. “-only two more to go..” 
You don’t have to look to know Changbin chokes, the stuttered cough serving to confirm your suspicions. 
You grin to yourself, but don’t look back, giving a blind little wave in his general direction, entirely too smug. 
“See you around, Seo Changbin. Don’t wait too long to confess to a certain omega we both know.” 
He must have gotten his second wind, because you promptly hear his annoyed voice call out over the distance between the two of you, startling some of your unfortunate classmates with the volume-
“I’ll confess when you do!” 
You turn around, walking backward, smirk no longer hidden, and give him another little dismissive wave with your fingers before you yell back, miming thoughtfulness-
“Confessing is like a fifth date thing. Minimum.” 
Changbin grins now, the first time you’ve seen him completely at ease since he first sat down, and something inside of you flutters, stupid and vulnerable and giddy, at the sight of the lazy grin, stretching to reveal perfectly straight, white teeth. 
Dammit, Changbin is pretty. 
Maybe Seungmin is right, maybe this is some weird alpha rut thing. 
You put a hand to your forehead, just to check for fever, to be sure. 
Nope. Cool to the touch. 
And your wolf is still turning happy circles deep within the hidden confines of your chest. 
This time, he’s the one who gives you a little wave as you turn back around,and you promptly hide your ensuing smile in the collar of your jacket and tell yourself it’s just because the brisk winter wind has suddenly picked up. 
Definitely not because of the alpha standing behind you, still watching you go, and definitely not because of a certain Hwang Hyunjin and his stupid omega instincts. 
Damn him. 
Your phone dings in your pocket, and you dig around until you find it, holding up the screen to squint at the text message in the weak afternoon sunlight. 
‘Is it still considered ‘lurking’ if I tell you I’m openly watching you walk away and that you have a fantastic ass? 👀🍑’
You grin and stuff your phone back into your pocket. 
Inside, your wolf purrs. 
💗Taglist: @hosh1kwon @carolinexkpop @blithevix @sunabokuto @illicee @maddmartian @rejem @xwinchesterprincessx @ley-lani59 @shimmeringmoons @rosegaming117 @meivida @sai-kida134 @cutecucumberkimberly @aroseharder @spideyweirdo @coureurs-de-bois9
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laniminchanlix · 4 months
~Forever together~
No warnings!!
Plot: bestfriends to lovers trope, minlix, fluff , vanilla, kissing.
Summary: Felix and Minho never knew of each other until Felix started taking the bus to school. There first meeting was kind of funny but as it goes on things started to take great turns. That’s until one day Minho leaves for awhile and Felix is lonely and misses him. He can’t get Minho out of his head for days. He doesn’t want to seem clingy so he doesn’t call or text much while he’s away. Felix started noticing his feelings for Minho when he left, he wanted to keep it a secret but secrets come out one way or another.
I’ve always had social anxiety, I never went around big places, I avoided going out with my mother to the mall from the big crowds. If I did end up going out with her I would latch onto her arm the whole time never leaving her side unless I went to the fitting rooms to try something on. I always end up asking a friend to take me to school or I would walk to avoid taking the bus. I hate people they always for some reason weirded me out. Until my mom scolded me to start taking the bus because she doesn’t like me getting into cars with my friends cause she doesn’t know them. I argued with her saying I didn’t want to, but it wasn’t working NOT EVEN MY PUPPY DOG EYES, which usually work on her and everybody else if I want something. So I avoided the argument and decided I’ll take the bus, but I’m not letting a single soul sit next to me. When I first rode the bus I avoided everybody around me like they weren’t there, I put my earbuds in, set my bag in the empty space next to me so no one would sit next to me and enjoy the ride. I vape, my mom gets them for me and everybody knows that so they always text me to ask my mom to buy for them, but I always say no cause fuck that find your own person. I end up taking my vape with me to school so when I get stressed out I could just go to the bathroom and take couple hits then I’ll be fine. And that is how I met ‘him’ Minho also known as Lee know. I didn’t know a thing about him till I rode the bus to school, he was known as the supposedly “trouble-maker or the bad boy” of the school which is funny cause if they really knew he was nothing near those categories. He’s really just a big softy.
I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I forgot to set my phone away from face but I ended up falling asleep watching dramas. I got up did. all the good stuff to get ready for school then headed to my mom to see her off for work. “Yongbok, how you feeling this morning?” She said turning to me smiling giving me a hug. “Mom, you know I don’t like that name, and I’m feeling alright.” I said rolling my eyes at her smiling softly. I grabbed my earbuds my and backpack, “come on mom, let me walk you out.” I said. She hurried and grabbed her purse and keys and we headed out the door. “Alright, have a good day sweetie AND! don’t get caught with that Felix.” She said playfully glaring at me. “How did yo-“ before I could get the sentence out she interrupted me rolling her eyes scoffing. “I’m not stupid yongbok, I was your age once now head down to the bus stop before your late!” She said lightly pushing me getting into the car. “YAH! I TOLD YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT!” I yelled at her as she drove off. I sigh putting my earbuds in heading down to the bus stop. It’s not that long of a wait honestly it’s about 15 to a 20 minute wait. I sat down at the curb waiting when I looked up I saw a boy with black fluffing hair with cat eyes walking across the road to the bus stop. That’s weird I never seen him wait here before. He walked over the the tree that about a couple ft from me and leaned against it waiting. I decided to just leave it alone and continue on what I usually do avoiding everybody. I looked up to see the bus was here so I got up behind the guy that was leaning against the tree, I lowkey did check him out but like not in a sexual way just kinda observing him, he’s wearing a pair of black jeans cut off on the knee parts, with a black tshirt with some band on it paired with a chain and a couple rings, he had a pair of black and white adidas on as well. I like his style it kinda suits his look anyways. Like I always do I walked to the back and sat down in my original spot sat down and set my bag next to me like always. I looked over to see he sat in the other seat next to mine, he looked over at my way but I hurried and looked out the window. Hopefully he didn’t notice my stare. I felt kinda stressed from all that so I took my vape in my sleeves and decided to take a couple hits, I glance around while hitting it to see if anybody was looking I look over at the guy next to me to see him staring at me grinning wickedly. It’s was actually kind of scary. After my last puff still staring at each other I slowly would blow the smoke out every second to be funny about it. He laughed a little and put his hand out. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He chuckled, he grabbed my bag then scooted next to me. I backed up a little from him getting close to me. “What flavor is it?” He asked. I just stared at him. “W-what?” I stuttered out blushing from embarrassment cause I stuttered. “Oh, umm it’s blue razz.” I said avoiding eye contact with him. “Nice.” He said leaning back into the seat getting comfortable looking forward nodding his head like he’s listening to a song. I just stared at him in confusion because why is he still here? What does he want? “Can I hit it?” He asked looking over at me putting his hand out. “I-uh I guess.” I said shrugging my shoulders putting the vape in his hand. “Minho.” He said taking a few hits then handing it back to me. “What?” I asked. “My name…Minho.” He said looking at me smiling. “Oh, I’m Felix.” I said smiling a little. Maybe I made a new friend.
Not long after we just clicked. We sat by each other everyday on the bus I figured out he lives like 4 minutes from me that’s why he’s at my bus stop as well. He showed up randomly at my house one day after school scaring the living shit out of me, but I got used to it at some point. After we clicked we became bestfriends, he would literally threaten anybody who tried to mess with me.
Me and my mother got a new place so it was kind of hard to hang out a lot but you know we found our ways. “Are you like ever gonna go home?” I asked chuckling, we were both sitting on the couch cuddled up in blankets with some popcorn and soda, we are watching the re runs of twilight, well I forced him to of course. I was cuddled up to his side and was talking nonstop about Jacob, he knows about me being gay but he never had a problem. He said he knew before I even told him which kind of embarrassed me that he could read me so quickly. But us cuddling is normal. It’s brotherly love….. I mean I think that’s what I feel for him. “Mmm, no.” He said smirking then pulling me closer to him popping another piece of popcorn in his mouth. My heart started to beat a lot faster than it normally should when he pulled me closer to him. What the fuck? I started to feel heat hit my cheeks and noticed I was blushing but I hurried up and put all that away and just snuggled into him watching the movie. “But why Jacob? I think jasper is pretty sexy.” He said. I looked at him then laughed loudly. “What?” He said chuckling a little while rolling his eyes. “We are not gonna get into the ‘whole who’s better looking’ in this movie, cause trust me you won’t win.” I said smirking getting prepared for this argument. “Oh really huh? Fine then well… let’s do thi-“ before he could finish his phone started ringing and it was his mom. “Hold on a second let me take this real quick.” He said kicking off the blanket going to the back door then going outside. I just sat back and continued on with the movie eating my buttered popcorn. He came back inside a few seconds later with a scowl on his face. “What’s wrong min?” I asked softly patting the spot next to me so he could explain what happened to me. We came up with nicknames for each other, mine is Lix or Lixie and his is Min or MinHoe. “It’s mom, she said I have to…move in with my dad.” He said sighing loudly leaning his head back in frustration. “Okay? So what’s the problem?” I asked confused pausing the movie sitting towards him sitting cross crossed putting my full attention on him. “That is the problem, he lives far.” He said sighing loudly again. I gulped in anxiousness. “How…far?” I asked in a slight whisper. “Pretty far it’s like 45 min to an hour away from here.” He said running his hands down his face out of frustration once again. “Oh.” Is all I could say looking down at my lap fiddling with my fingers. I bit down on my lip hard to hold back my tears. “Yeah I know it’s Stu- wait are you crying?” He said worriedly. “N-no.” I said in a whisper sniffling while wiping my eyes. But that was no use cause the tears kept flowing. My heart shattered to a million pieces just hearing about how far he’ll be from me. Because that means we won’t have time for each other at all like we used to. “Aww, Lixie come here.” He said his eyes softening from all the frustration, he now has gone. All his worries and attention is on me. Which is one of the things I love about him, that he would drop anything in a heartbeat for me. He grabbed me and pulled me into his chest hugging me tightly rocking us side to side. I sobbed into his shirt most likely soaking it, I fisted at his shirt squeezing it tightly pulling him tighter, and closer to me like he was gonna leave me forever. “I won’t get to see you much anymore.” I said sobbing quietly while he rubbed soothing circles on my back. “Lix, I promise you I will make all my time for you I don’t care how busy I am. You know that.” He said. “I know it’s just, your gonna be so far.” I said pulling away from him with bloated red tear stained cheeks and red puffed eyes. “I know.” He said tears forming in his eyes.
“But it’ll be okay, cause I’ll come and see you as much as I can, and try to call you as much as I can.” He said smiling. “Your right.” I said smiling back to him cuddling into him while he sang a soft melody to me. After that he moved, and we did call all the time like he said he tried to see me as much as he could like he said, but after awhile it died down, I was thinking of just calling him all the time but I didn’t want to seem clingy. He got a girlfriend which is understandable cause now he needs to find time for her. But why does it feel like a knife is being stabbed into my heart a million times? He’s my bestfriend I should be happy for him…. But I’m not, it hurts so bad to see them how they are, all flirty and lovey dovey with each other. It hurts so bad. I’m jealous… big time jealous. I didn’t know why I was being like this, until I finally came to the conclusion it’s because I’m in love with him. But of course I would never tell him that. It’s been a year or so since he’s been at my house, then all of a sudden after a week of no talking to each other he texted me one day.
MinHoe😈: hey can I come over….
Lixie pixie🧚: yeah sure!! Is everything okay??
MinHoe😈: yea… I just really need someone to talk to right now.
Lixie pixie🧚: yeah, just head on over here whenever!
MinHoe😈: okay I’m on my way rn.
Lixie pixie🧚: okay the front door is unlocked I’m in my room when you get here.
MinHoe😈: okay.
Something seemed off when he texted me like that cause he never texts me all depressed like that, so something is definitely fishy.
(Should I do a part two or no? Please telll meeeee. I ended it right here cause a bitch is tired lol 😂)
~Thank you for reading let me know if you want a part two to see what happens next.~
Our cutie patooties Minlix 🥰⬇️
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baekhansol · 3 years
N.D.A | f.l
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ℕ𝕠𝕟 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 (ℕ.𝔻.𝔸.) noun
a contract by which one or more parties agree not to disclose confidential information that they have shared with each other as a necessary part of doing business together.
Happy Birthday, Felix Lee!
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff!
𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 : mature
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : best friend Felix x gn + nonverbal reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 3.7k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : reader is nonverbal, JYP is an asshole, wanting to lie about having been eating well, food/eating, mentions of wearing masks, I think that's it ?
𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 : Felix has always been your best friend, and takes care of you when you can't
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : this was beta read by the lovely Dee Dee over at @sugasbabiie . Her notes and edits were wonderful as always 💜
this is also a friendly reminder that my blog contains nsfw elements, so do not follow me if you are a minor.
At one simple glance into your eyes, once allowing yourself a moment of vulnerability with your best friend, Felix knew what a terrible day you must have had. He immediately pulls you into a warm hug, pausing in case he meets resistance before squeezing you and holding you tightly.
"Have you eaten well?" He softly asks you, playing with your hair as he sways you back and forth.
You wanted to lie and say yes. You really did. But you couldn't get yourself to respond that way, so instead, you shake your head no.
"I'll make something then," he says simply, pulling back to look you in the eyes.
Felix finds tears welling up in your eyes, so he cups your cheek with one hand. "Have you taken your meds?" He checks.
When you nod, his expression gives away a brief flash of relief before turning back to genuine concern.
"Good. Why don't you go put your pajamas on and start getting ready for bed then, hmm?" He suggests, smiling sweetly.
You hesitate, considering saying no. You rack your brain, but the fog from your mental state makes the task difficult. You were fairly certain you'd never been braless around Felix before, but at the same time, you really didn't want to wear one.
"It's okay, y/n," he softly assures you.
Looking into his eyes, you remind yourself he has sisters. So you nod as a soft whimper accidentally escapes you.
You retreat to the bathroom, scrubbing your face harshly as you wash it. You try to get rid of the self-hatred and body insecurities that consumed your entire body, but particularly your face. Of course, it didn't help.
A whine of irritation escapes you before you apply the rest of your skincare. Afterwards, you slowly shuffle to your bedroom. You stare at what pajamas you have clean (which isn't much) and end up in a long sleeved shirt to hide your arms and pajama shorts. You made sure the pair wasn't too free flowing, as you didn't want to flash Felix by some weird accident since you didn't wear underwear to bed.
You slowly shuffle out to the kitchen, finding Felix at the stove throwing something together. Padding closer, you notice him making ramen. You ask him what he is doing with a soft “Hm?”
He gestures for you to come closer before speaking, “You had some ramen, so I’m making it with eggs. And now I’m adding in vegetables, see?”
When you nod, he smiles. “Do you want to grab a bowl for yourself? I already ate,” Felix assures you.
You nod and timidly get yourself a bowl and chopsticks, your hands unsteady. You manage to set down the bowl without dropping it, and Felix notices your lack of stability.
He moves from the stove, getting a plastic cup with a lid and straw, pouring you a cup of water before getting himself a glass. Felix sets it at the table before returning to the stove, getting your ramen together in your bowl. “Will you sit down, Y/N?” he asks gently.
You nod and sit, sipping your water and swinging your legs. Felix soon places the bowl in front of you, and you begin to eat slowly. He sits next to you after getting a napkin, watching you to ensure you don't eat too quickly.
Following “Dr. Lee’s” orders, you finish the entire bowl of ramen. Once done, he inquires, “Go brush your teeth, okay? Do you need to take your night meds?”
You pout but nod, getting up and taking the cup of water with you. You take your medicine before slowly brushing your teeth, trying not to let the sensation overwhelm you. When you finally finish, you pad back out to find Felix, who was currently cleaning the dishes.
You huff at him, upset that he was doing them for you. He wasn’t just doing the ones he cooked with, but even the ones you had left in the sink.
He says nothing but smiles when you hug him from behind and bury your face into his shirt. When he finishes and dries his hands, you drag him to the bathroom and get out a spare toothbrush, silently offering him to stay overnight.
“Go lay in bed; I’ll come and join you soon,” he says. When you nod, he takes the toothbrush and gets himself ready for bed.
You lay in bed playing games on your phone, curling up under your sheets. Felix soon comes back, grabbing a book off your bookshelf. He sets his phone on your bedside table, placing his there as well. Felix sits on your bed, leaning against the wall and spreading his legs.
“Come here,” he suggests, patting the spot between his legs.
You hesitate before sitting up, moving to sit in his lap, resting against his chest. He opens the book in front of you, making you giggle when you realize what it is.
“Didn’t your mom buy you this?” he asks, kissing your cheek before resting his chin on your shoulder. You nod as he opens the book. “I still can’t believe she knew it was a Star Wars storybook and didn’t think it was a children’s book,” he laughs.
A little giggle escapes you, and Felix beams. He begins to read, his gentle voice helping to lull you to sleep. When he finishes the book, he helps you lay down and tuck you in. He puts the book back and turns off the light, smiling at the soft whine escaping you.
You wiggle a little, subconsciously craving his hold. "Lixie?" You manage to murmur, not even realizing it was your first words since he came over. But he knew.
"I’m here," he assures you, climbing into bed with you and spooning you. Felix wraps his arm loosely around your waist, handing you one of your stuffies to cuddle. "This okay?" He checks with you.
You nod, relaxing into him and falling back asleep.
"I love you," Felix says lowly, and you can't quite tell if you were dreaming or not. You two had said that you love each other plenty of times before, but this time seemed different.
You wake up in the morning alone and immediately begin to panic.
"Felix?" You cry out, stumbling out of bed.
You're quick to find him in the kitchen and nearly cry out of relief.
"I didn't leave; I'm just making breakfast," he assures you, setting down the spatula and hugging you close.
When you pull away, he looks at you intently, a smile creeping onto his face. "Good morning, sweetheart," Felix says, causing you to blush.
"Morning," you manage, glancing down.
"Go take your medicine. And don't worry about being nonverbal or not, okay?" Felix says.
You tried not to go nonverbal around others, but you had mentioned your frustration to Felix before. People, especially your parents, always ended up forcing you into talking. It made you uncomfortable and took up extra energy, exhausting you quicker. Felix was rather understanding at the time, but you were always afraid to be around him while nonverbal due to the struggle of communicating. But at the moment, it was going surprisingly well. You figure it's his patience and caring nature.
You go and do as he says, briefly wondering why he was telling you what to do and why you found it so easy to listen. You shrug and come back out, sitting at the table as Felix places a plate of eggs and toast in front of you.
"Eat up, please," he says, joining you with a plate of his own.
You begin to eat, letting out a happy hum as you do.
Felix’s smile grows before he clears his throat. "I have to go into the studio today, but I'm not comfortable leaving you alone, even if I take all of your sharp objects," he admits, his expression turning serious.
You look intently at your plate, finding the yellow of the eggs to be a lovely color suddenly.
"Will you come to the studio with me? You can stay somewhere quiet and read for homework, if you'd like," Felix offers, watching closely for your reaction.
You'd never gone to the studio before. There had been times where Felix had said it would be okay, but you never had the chance. You wanted to, but you were worried about saesangs, getting Felix in trouble, starting a scandal… you had, and have, a lot of anxiety around it.
You hesitate before nodding slightly, causing Felix to grin in absolute delight.
"Okay! Great! And the second thing is… can I borrow clothes? I know you sometimes wear boxers to bed, and I just need a clean shirt and sweats…" Felix asks, and this time it was his turn to blush.
You laugh a little and nod, hoping your clothes would fit him.
"Great! Then after we get ready, I'll drive us there," he decides, smiling to make sure it was okay with you.
You nod in agreement, giving him a sense of relief.
You go use the bathroom, relieved that he didn't get up and leave without saying goodbye, or that the whole thing was a dream or strange hallucination. You take your medicine before going back to the kitchen, sitting at the table where Felix had already begun to eat.
You hum softly as you eat, letting him know to the best of your ability that you appreciate his actions.
Once you finish your plate, you bring them to the kitchen sink and wash them. You go to pick up the pan, but you can tell it’s too hot to wash. You leave it aside to cool down, drying your dishes as Felix washes his own.
After drying your hands as well, you head to your room with Felix to get ready for the day.
Felix helps you make your bed, but you manage to do most of it yourself so it was made the way you like it. You sit down and hug one of your pillows, watching as Felix goes through your clothes and picks something out to wear. He ends up picking out your clothes as well, getting you a soft shirt, your favorite pants, and a hoodie that he could have sworn belonged to him at one time.
He opens your underwear drawer before you can stop him, a noise of distraught escaping you. Felix ignores it just as he ignores your sex toys and lubricant, finding a pair of boxers for himself and a soft, simple pair of cotton panties for you along with a wireless bra.
Felix shuts the drawer and sets what he chose for you on the bed, the soft blush adorning his cheeks visible.
"I'll change in the bathroom, ok?" He states, gathering his borrowed clothes and shutting the door behind him.
In shock, you stare at the door for a moment before managing to get yourself dressed and tossing your dirty clothes in the hamper. You get up and head to the bathroom, greeted with an open door. Felix had already changed and was borrowing your hairbrush.
"Sorry," he apologizes, somewhat sheepishly.
You shake your head and dismiss it with a wave of your hand, silently letting him know you didn't mind.
"Turn around," he says.
You give him a confused look but turn around regardless, watching his reflection in the mirror. Felix runs the brush through your hair, careful about your ears. He sets the brush down and runs his fingers through your hair, braiding it. Felix then ties it off with a hair tie, beaming in pride at his creation.
You give him an appreciative smile before he asks, "are you ready?"
You shake your head, pulling out your makeup.
"You know you don't have to," he begins.
You shake your head more stubbornly, crossing your arms with a huff before you point to your concealer. Felix chuckles, and much to your surprise, he begins to do your makeup. You turn to lean against the sink, watching as he concentrates on doing your makeup. His soft breath fans over your cheeks, and you were secretly glad you gave him a toothbrush.
Felix doesn't take long, giving you only base makeup. He does your eye makeup very simply, looking through your lip products before choosing the one he wants for you. Felix applies the glossy tint, his concentration on your lips causing you to blush.
"There," he softly murmurs, stepping back for you to look in the mirror as he pockets the lip tint.
You beam at him, turning and hugging him. He gently rubs your back before leading you to the door.
"Ugh, socks!" He remembers, turning back and heading to your bedroom.
You laugh and go to the kitchen, somehow managing to start cleaning the dishes. Felix comes back and looks confused, only to realize what you were doing. He helps by drying the dishes, watching as you tie up the trash.
"Eggs," you say pointedly.
"Good idea," he hums, going and putting on his shoes.
You notice he grabbed your backpack and keys, so you put your own shoes on.
As you throw out the trash, Felix goes and starts your car. You soon join him, using the hand sanitizer you carry for situations like this.
Felix turns on soft music, driving to the company after ensuring you were both wearing your seatbelts.
Once he parks, he grabs masks from his bag for you both. Felix puts his on before going to the passenger side door and helping you with yours. He slings your backpack over his shoulder, locking your car before leading you inside. You don’t notice Felix’s fingers twitching, but you did wish you were holding hands. Even in your sensitive state, you knew holding hands here and to the JYP building was not a good idea, as the possibility of saesangs taking a photo and starting drama was too high for either of your likings.
Once inside, security tries to stop you. “It’s okay, they’re with me,” he assures the guard, taking your hand as he shows them his ID.
The security guard stares you down before nodding and taking both of your temperatures. The guard stands to the side, letting Felix take you to the elevator and towards their practice room. He doesn’t let go of your hand, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
Once off the elevator, another security member is about to stop you before they notice Felix holding your hand. “Excuse us,” he says, leading you around them. Their puzzled expression doesn’t go unnoticed by you, but you were glad they didn’t try to stop you.
He stops outside a room, pointing to it. “This is Channie hyung’s room, okay? If you need to go there for somewhere quieter, he won’t mind,” Felix explains, quickly pulling out his phone to check something. “Then we are practicing in this room today,” he says, leading you to a different door and opening it.
It was loud, as some of the others were stretching, talking, and dancing. Hyunjin smiles and waves as soon as he notices you, while most of the others shout their greetings. Changbin runs over and is about to hug you, but Felix stands in front of you, since Changbin was prone to hugging without asking.
“Do you want a hug?” Felix asks you, wanting you to be comfortable.
You hesitate before nodding, stepping around Felix and hugging Changbin. Changbin picks you up and spins you around, giggles escaping you.
“How are you? I can’t believe you came!” Changbin cheers as he sets you down, a grin on his face.
You step back into Felix, who gently holds your shoulders as you lose your balance. You look up at him, worry clouding your features.
“Y/N is… having some trouble talking right now. So, simple yes or no questions work best for them,” Felix explains, squeezing your shoulders reassuringly before letting you go.
“Oh, okay,” Changbin says, nodding despite not clearly understanding. “Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t know,” he adds, smiling.
You shrug a little, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“They don’t normally leave home when it happens. They generally are stressed and overwhelmed, so it helps them cope and is easier just to let them… communicate in other ways,” Felix further explains, moving to stand next to you and resting his hand on your back.
When you tense up, he withdraws his hand, but you stop him by grabbing his arm and shaking your head. Felix gently rubs soothing circles on your back as you accommodate yourself with the new space.
Chan comes over at the same time, smiling brightly. “It happens normally to neurodivergent people, right? Especially autistic ones?” Chan asks, looking at you for confirmation. You nod, and he continues. “Is it okay if I put my hand on your shoulder?” he asks. When you nod a second time, Chan places his hand on your shoulder and squeezes lightly. “I’m happy you came! If you need a break, you can go to my studio room, okay? Did Felix show you where it is?”
You nod, glancing at Felix.
“Okay, good! Today might not be the best day though,” he admits, looking to Felix.
“What do you mean by that?” Felix asks, rubbing your back.
Chan removes his hand from your shoulder and says in a hushed voice, “JYP is supposed to come to practice today.”
“I’m sure everything will be fine,” Felix responds with a tight lipped smile.
Once Felix makes sure you are comfortable sitting down, he produces earplugs from his pocket (you have no idea where or how he got them), and sets them in the palm of your hand. “In case it gets too loud,” he murmurs, smiling.
He straightens up as the choreographer enters the room, who they greet and thank. They soon start practicing, and you find yourself carefully stuffing the earplugs in your ears. You watch them in awe, looking at each of them practicing the new moves. Your eyes always come back to Felix, and you soon find yourself grinning like a fool. The song was amazing, and you wrote a note down in your phone to tell Chan, Changbin, and Jisung later on.
Right as they start a break, JYP himself comes into the room. You look up from your phone, the blood draining from your face as you try to meet Felix’s eyes. They immediately turn around and greet him, bowing and thanking him for his time.
“Show me what you have so far,” JYP says, heading towards you, standing in front of the mirror. That’s when he notices you. His eyes narrow and he walks over to you, and you immediately bow in greeting.
You feel the anxiety bubbling in your chest, threatening to overwhelm you as your breathing becomes irregular.
“You’re not an intern. Who are you?” he inquires, resting his hands on his hips.
You gape up at him, but thankfully Felix is quick to come to your aid.
“Sorry, JYP! This is my partner, Y/N. They can’t talk right now, since their doctor has their voice on rest-” Felix begins, only to be interrupted. Your eyes widen in shock as he introduces you as his partner, quickly trying to hide your surprise as he lies for you.
“So they’re sick? They shouldn’t be here then!” JYP demands, his face reddening in anger.
“No! They just aren’t supposed to talk because they had vocal chord surgery, that’s all!” he explains, doing his best to pull the lie.
Felix’s words seem to console and calm JYP, who huffs.
“Someone’s going to have to give them a non-disclosure agreement then,” he huffs, looking at the staff as if to tell them they needed to. “I will have a conversation with you later, Yongbok,” JYP sneers.
You knew Felix was in for it, but he gives you a charming smile before starting to practice.
You notice JYP’s glare every now and then, so when they take a break you make a beeline for the door, heading to Chan’s studio room and sending Felix a text with an explanation. You’re so caught up in remaining calm and composed that you almost bump into who turns out to be Mina from Twice.
Your eyes widen and you apologize, bowing and managing to say a soft, “I’m sorry.”
Once in Chan’s studio room, you move his chair and curl up under his desk. You put the hood of your hoodie over your head, doing some deep breathing. You take out the earplugs and put them in your pocket before turning on some soft, soothing music.
You close your eyes and don’t realize you had fallen asleep until Felix comes in the room, calling your name. Before he panics, he notices you under the desk. He bends down and offers you his hand, saying, “C’mon, you must be uncomfortable.”
You take it and he helps you stand up, your back popping as you do so.
“Are you hungry? It’s been a while since breakfast, and we all stopped and had lunch,” he explains, gently letting go of your hand.
You shove the hood off of your head, grabbing his forearms. “Did you mean what you said?” you ask, your eyes wide as your cheeks flush.
“What I said?” he asks, perplexed.
You stare at him for a moment before blurting, “You called me your partner…”
“Oh,” Felix says, his voice small. “About that…” he begins, subtly checking his pulse before rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable…”
“Do you want me to be your partner?” you bluntly rephrase.
Felix’s cheeks turn pinker and pinker as he nods ever so slightly. “I’ve thought about asking you before, but never did. I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way, and you’re my best friend…” he murmurs.
“Well…” you shyly begin. “You’re patient, caring, and help me when I go nonverbal. You’re understanding of my space and sometimes I swear you know me better than myself. You’re… Well, pretty much everything I want in a boyfriend…”
“Really?” Felix asks, surprised at your admission.
“Yeah…” you murmur with a nod, glancing downwards as you loosen your grip on his arms. You look back up and bite your lip before shyly asking, “Will you kiss me?”
Felix blinks, but smiles before pulling down both of your masks and giving you a soft kiss on your lips. You whine softly, so he cups your cheek and kisses you again.
After he pulls away, he smiles and giggles, “So about that non disclosure agreement…”
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theyneedtobangstahp · 4 years
Stray kids reaction to you falling asleep on them
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First reaction and request !!! 
Requested by @taeyongsweave​ :> 
Genre:Fluff !
I got the gifs from pinterest so credits to the owners !! I kinda didn’t proofread ? I’m sorry if there spelling errors :< 
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` C H A N ▪
Staying up until 3 am to finish homework while having a date the next morning with Chan was a bad idea. You wanted to finish the homework as soon as possible so you won't be stressing out while on the said date with Chan, so you pulled an all nighter just to finish it. What are you doing for a date? Oh you know just gonna watch the sunrise on the beach, and running on at least an hour of sleep before you two go was kind of a bad idea. You tried staying awake during the car ride there, listening to upbeat music, ordering coffee, and talking to Chan about everything so you won't get sleepy. But that 1 hour of sleep was really taking its toll on you.
"Baby? Are you okay? Are you sure you don't want to take a nap? We still have like 50 mins until we reach the beach, you can get some shut eye while we're still far." He says while gently squeezing your thighs.
"No, its fine. I wanna stay awake so you have company baby." You say as you take a sip of your coffee. "Okay baby if you insist. But when you really can't help it just sleep okay? I'll wake you up when we get there."
50 minutes went by and you guys arrive at the beach, not a lot of people are there to watch the sunrise so it was great for you both. Chan puts the blanket on the ground and you both sit together. You put your head on his shoulder and get comfortable while he rests his hand on your waist, drawing patterns absentmindedly while you both were staring into the ocean. "It's really peaceful here." You state as you hear the ocean waves and birds chirping. "Yeah, especially when you're here." He says while kissing the top of your head. You smile at this and you both enjoy the comfortable silence while waiting for the sunrise.
Minutes passed and Chan could see a little bit of orange peeking out from the horizon. "Babe look." He states while stealing a glance at you. But he notices your eyes closed and your soft breathing prominent against your chest. He chuckles at this, he told you to sleep while you guys were in the car, and yet you didn't listen. But Chan loved you very much so he decided not to wake you up, instead, he pulled you closer to him, kissed the top of your head and made sure you were comfortable, took out his phone to remember the moment and made it his lockscreen. All while thinking how you were so cute while you were sleeping and having the yellows and oranges of light paint your face, did he truly thank you for choosing him and not someone else. Chan truly loved you with all of his heart.
` M I N H O ▪
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After a long day of school, all you wanted to do when you got home was crash on your bed and sleep the whole weekend. That was the plan. So when you got home, you didn’t expect Minho on the couch (which he kinda made into a fort that looks really comfy) with pizza on the table with your favorite drink and a movie ready to be played. 
“You’re home!” He says while standing up and hugging you, his (now yours also) 3 cats also welcoming you home. You hug him back and nuzzle your face in his neck. “I’m so tired.” 
“I know baby, thats why I made this. Now go upstairs and change into your pajamas, we’re gonna relax all weekend, we deserved it.” He pecks your lips and gently pushes you into your room to change. 5 minutes later and you guys are cuddled up on the fort he made, with Soon-ie, Doong-ie, and Dori also snuggled up next to you guys. You put you head on Minho’s chest and he starts patting your head. Both of you watch the movie, but halfway through it you feel your eyelids drooping and you really wanted to fight it because times like this with Minho were kinda rare because of both your busy schedules. But you can’t help it, everything was just so relaxing and comfortable, and before you knew it you were asleep. Minho kinda didn’t notice at first because he was so immersed in the film but when he asked you a question and didn’t get an answer he glanced at you and noticed you were fast asleep. He just kinda looks at you, not in a weird way, in a wow-I-really-love-you-and-I-kinda-maybe-wanna-spend-my-life-with-you kinda look. You just looked so adorable and soft, and his heart was melting more when Dori cuddled up to you from behind. He can get used to this, days where you guys were just relaxing with the cats, like a family. 
` C H A N G B I N ▪
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Changbin and you were only on the first stages of your relationship. You guys haven’t even had your first kiss yet. You both were just really shy because you liked each other so much, and God forbid if he saw you sleeping. Nope, you weren’t letting him see you sleep. It’s cause you had this habit of opening your mouth when you sleep, and for you it was not flattering, especially when you drool, for you it was your least favorite part about your sleeping habits. Why can’t everyone just sleep cutely? Like the ones in the movies. So when Changbin invited you over to the dorms and you stayed there until 1am, he insisted you stayed the night. 
“No, It’s fine Binnie, I can walk myself home, it’s not that far.” 
“What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I let my baby walk alone at this time of night? Come on babe just stay, please?” He says while giving you a cute pout. Who can resist his pout? No one. “Okay fine, but I need to borrow some clothes, I didn’t pack any. Also no funny business okay.” 
“I promise. I respect you so much that no funny business will happen without your consent, okay ?” He leads you to his room, which he shares with the other boys, kinda uncomfortable because a handful of the boys will see your sleeping face, but you can just sleep facing the wall and hope that you won’t move as much through the night. You change into changbins sweats and tshirt, which was really big on you but he insisted that it looked just fine. Okay now you guys were kinda facing the ceiling, yes, both of you were. As I said you both were on your first months of dating so cuddling or even sharing a bed was very new to the both of you guys.
“Uhm.. Are you comfortable?” He asks. “Kinda? I think I’m gonna sleep on my side so I can get comfortable. Goodnight Binnie.” You say and kiss his cheek, turning to your left side.
“Oof, Changbin won’t get cuddles tonight, I owe Seungmin money now.” Minho states as he looks over at both of you. “Shut it.” Changbin says giving Minho a glare. Minho puts his hands up and faces the other side. You chuckle at this and internally apologize to Changbin. 
Next morning rolls by and Changbin can’t feel his left arm. He was confused as to why, but when he saw you next to him and hugging his torso, while your mouth was open, looking like a literal angel to Changbin, he didn’t mind too much. He lets you sleep a few more minutes, just admiring your beauty and being thankful that he convinced you to stay the night. 
“Awww, why you gotta cuddle? Now I owe Minho hyung money.” Seungmin says as he peeks inside the room. “Quiet, Y/N is still sleeping.” Seungmin glances at you and laughs a little. “Are you sure she’s asleep? Kinda looks a little dead to me.” Changbin Chucks a pillow at his face which makes him leave the room. “Don’t listen to him baby, you look really cute right now while you’re sleeping.” He says while moving away stray hairs that was covering your face. As if you could hear him, you smile while you were sleeping and Changbin could feel his heart beat ten times faster because of you.
` H Y U N J I N ▪
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Sitting on the dance studio's couch at 1 am wearing Hyunjins oversized sweater and shorts was not what you expected your friday night would be. Hyunjin called you over at midnight asking you to come and keep him company while he practiced the new choreo that was taught. You being crazy, agreed and went to where he was.
An hour passed of him doing the same move, you got worried. You knew that when Hyunjin over exerted himself he would get sick. And you didn't want him sick. He was extra clingy ang whiny when he got sick. Not that you minded, it was just you didn't get to finish anything when he was sick cause he will trap you in his arms the whole day.
"Hyunjin I think you should rest. You've been doing that move for over an hour. You're going to get sick if you don't rest and drink water." You say while already holding his bottle of water. He looks at you and sees just how small you looked wearing his sweater. He can't just say no when it comes to you.
"Okay-" He stops the music and walks over to you. "-just for 15 minutes though. I really need to get this one right." He sits next to you and gets the water bottle that you were handing to him. Giving you a peck on the cheek as a thank you. You rest your head back and close your eyes.
"Wake me up in 15 minutes okay? If I hear the music playing again or hear your sneakers I will drag you out of here and take you home." You say to him.
"Ooh, my baby is feisty tonight." He jokingly says. "Okay y/n I'll wake you up in 15 minutes. But I think you'll get a stiff neck if you sleep like that. Why don't you put your head on my lap? So that you're comfortable and it ensures that I stay here?"
"Nice thinking babe." You say as you put your head on his lap. He pats your head to help you fall asleep faster. "Oh when we get home you need to shower right away okay? We can't risk you getting sick." You say and shiver a little because of your exposed legs.
Hyunjin notices this and reaches inside his bag. Pulling out a jacket, he unzips it and puts it on your legs.
"Okay baby, will do." He continues patting your head, and soon enough he can hear your light snores and the subtle twitching of your fingers. Small habits that you have when you sleep. You looked so cute like this. Although Hyunjin was kind of sorry because he asked you to go to the studio at midnight.
"I can't believe you went here wearing shorts. What if some creep saw you? I won't be there to protect you." He frowns at this. "I'm sorry Y/N. Next time I'll just go home and cuddle you where you can sleep comfortably." He admires you for a couple of minutes, not realizing that his head was slowly leaning back and his eyes closing. The day of dancing was finally gaining up to him. Next thing you guys knew, it was already morning and Hyunjin was was hot to the touch.
"You didn't get to shower! Now you're sick!" You say to him.
"Hehe, I'm sorry baby." He says innocently smiling at you.
`J I S U N G ▪
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Jisung was on the bed on his phone, playing with the other boys. While you on the other hand was drowning yourself in homework for the past 2 hours. Jisung actually came home 30 minutes ago and kissed your cheek then played on his phone. He knew not to disturb you so much when you were doing your homework because when you got motivated to do your work, you don’t take a break, because if you take a break, you will procrastinate the whole day so you just hope to finish your work before 5pm so you have time to cuddle your boyfriend. 30 minutes later you close your book very loudly and practically throw yourself on Jisung who was still playing on his phone.
“Boyfriend I now acquire attention.” You say as you cuddle his chest with his arms around you so he can still continue playing the racing game.  “Wait baby one more round with the boys and I’m all yours.” minutes passed and you felt your eyelids get heavy. All the hours of being slouched on your desk answering the homework really got to you. You snuggle closer to Jisung, your face squeezed on the crook of his neck. You give him a peck there before closing your eyes.
Jisung closes his phone and puts it on the bedside table. He bear hugs you and kisses your crown. “Should I wake you up? Nah you look cute right now, I can’t wake you up now.” He says in a baby voice to your sleeping form. “I can like scream right now and wake you up? A fun way to wake someone up, don’t you think baby?” Jisung was a weirdo. He moved you a little so he can entangle your legs together. He puts the blanket up to your chin to ensure that you won’t get cold and hugs you closer. 
“I can’t do that to you baby. You look so cute when you sleep I can’t possibly ruin it by screaming into your ears. I love you so much sweet dreams sweetheart.” He says as he places a last kiss on your head and drifts of to sleep with you.  
` F E L I X ▪
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Being bestfriends with Felix was very tiring, in a good way. He was always hyper and a living meme. Everytime you were with him was like being with a 6 year old with a sugar rush all day. But thats why you loved him. Yep, you loved him, you don’t know when it started, maybe it was when he brought you to your favorite cafe when you got a bad score to cheer you up, or when he smiles at you and waves when he sees you in the distance, or maybe when he does this dance when he wins a game and he sometimes asks you to join him dance. Maybe it was all of it. So when Felix texted you that he was coming over you started preparing when he was gonna come to your house. Preparing by putting on lip tint and washing your face to look a tad bit presentable. 
“Woah, are you wearing lip tint? You never wear lip tint at home though?” He asks as he takes off his shoes by the door. “I was having a little selfie session before you came?” You said, well by the way you said it, it kinda sounded like a question. “Really? Send them to me, I need a new homescreen.” You stop at this. “I’m your homescreen?” 
“Well, yeah, who else would be my homescreen? I saw your phone, and I was your homescreen so it’s normal right?” Ouch yeah, it is normal, you both were bestfriends for so long that this was normal for you guys. “I mean, sure, I’ll send them to you.” 
You both go to your room and he jumps on your bed. “So what do wanna do?” He asks. “Weren’t you the one that invited yourself? I thought you had a plan?” He shrugs at this. “I’m just winging everything at this point Y/N, mostly with maths, yeah that one, I’m really winging that one.” You laugh at this. “Want me to teach you?”
“Aren’t you also kinda failing math?” “Look lets just watch a tutorial or something so we both learn.” You say as you get your laptop and put it at the end of the bed. “But thats boring, I came here to spend time with you, not learn.” You pass him your notes and put your head on his lap. “Look, I’m not failing math, I’m good at it, average at best, but you. All I can say is you need this more than I do Lix. So just watch one episode and I’ll just be here monitoring your work.” You say as you pick a lesson that you previously had at school. “And why is your head is on my lap?” He asks. “Cause it’s comfy, now go and learn!” You say as you play the video. Felix seems to be immersed and learning things cause he was writing stuff on your notes and answering the questions the video asks. Kinda boring now because you didn’t expect Felix to actually answer them. So you decide to take a nap while he was preoccupied. 
“Hey if x is equal to 82 then the answer would be-” He glances at you and sees that you were asleep. He stops the video and puts the notebook down. “What are you doing to me Y/N?” He asks himself in particular. Felix had this crush on you, and he definitely knows when it started. He didn’t really know if you also had feelings for him, he doesn’t wanna do something that can make things awkward so he just keeps his mouth shut. But while you were looking so cute sleeping on his lap, he just can’t help but take a picture. So he does, he takes a picture of the mirror on  the front of your bed and puts a hand on your head. “Cute” He says as he makes it his lockscreen photo, saving the homescreen for the selfies you were gonna send him later. Maybe one day he’ll confess, but while he doesn’t have the courage yet, he’ll just admire you from the sides.  
` S E U N G M I N ▪
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You and Seungmin woke up extra early today because he invited you over for a beach day with the boys. When you guys arrived, they were all ready to jump in the water, but you being the mom in your friend group stopped them.
"Guys! You haven't put on sunscreen yet!" You say as you wave the sunscreen up. They all stop halfway through and runs back to you. You laugh at them of how cute they look right now. Once they were done they bolted back into the water.
The boys left you with Seungmin. "I'll help you set up babe." He says while grabbing an umbrella from you.
"No! I'll set up while you-" You take the umbrella from his hands. "-have fun with the boys. This is rare that you guys get to have a rest day, and let alone do it on the beach. So you leave this to me and you go have fun with the boys." You say while pushing him near the ocean.
"No buts! Now go have fun!" You turn away from him covering your ears to show that whatever he says will not make you change your mind. He smiles at you, even though you weren't looking at him, then runs over to where the boys were, joining in on the fun.
The day consisted of you taking care of the boys. Making sure everyone ate well and applied sunscreen again before going in the water. After lunch, Seungmin came up to you, all wet because of the ocean.
"Come on Y/N join us!" He says while trying to get you up from your sitting position on the blanket.
"I'll stay here Seung. No one will look after our belongings if I join you guys so I'll just stay." You say trying to convince him.
"Chan is gonna rest for a while, he can watch our things while he rests and you can join us. Come on we haven't even taken photos yet." He says pouting at you. How can you resist the pout? You agree and he takes your hand in his and runs to the water.
You guys have fun splashing around all day. When it was time to leave, everyone was exhausted. The drive home was silent, apart from the calm music that was playing on the speakers. You and Seungmin were at the back, your head on his shoulders and his head leaning on yours.
"Thanks for inviting me Seung, I had a really fun day." You say while closing your eyes. The tiring day taking its toll on you.
"I'm glad you had fun babe. But all you did was look after us. I really appreciate that babe, but I feel bad that you only got to enjoy the beach for a few hours. You set up everything and even grilled for us! I'm really thank-" He stops mid sentence cause he notices how your head was hanging lower and lower from the bumps that you guys were passing by. He holds your head and sighs. You probably were very tired from all the things you did the whole day. 
He felt guilty, but when he looked at the photos you guys took, he saw how your eyes were sparkling while splashing him with water, and how your smile was so big when you guys managed to bury Chan in the sand. He smiles and holds your hand, whispering something to you even though he knows you can’t hear him.
"I love you very much."
` J E O N G I N ▪
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Jeonginie, sweet baby uwu. 
So you and Jeongin were really good friends. Both of you became close because some of your friends were friends with his friends. So you guys kinda had this big ass group that did everything together. Hence the weekly movie night at one of your friends place. You guys squeezed next to each other, feeling awkward cause you both weren’t used to being this close. Everyone was immersed in the film, except Jeongin. The poor boy couldn’t think straight with how close you were to each other. The only thing running through his head was “Oh my God, oh my God, can they feel my heart beating so fast? Am I too tense? What if they think I’m weird that I’m just sitting here? Of course you’re just gonna sit Jeongin you’re watching a movie.” He continues to have thoughts like this running through his head, not thinking about the facial expressions he was showing. 
“Are you okay Innie?” What were you doing to him? When you said his nickname he felt like his heart was gonna combust. “O-oh? Y-yeah I’m good.” He says while sitting straighter than before. “If you say so.” You say and face the tv. You subconsciously put your head on his shoulder and I kid you not, he almost malfunctions. He was so red and he was shifting so much that you thought he wasn’t comfortable, so you took your head off of his shoulder. “Sorry I made you uncomfortable.” 
“No it’s nothing like that y/n. It’s just.. Look it’s fine if you do it I don’t mind.” He awkwardly reaches for your head and puts it on his shoulder. You get comfortable and Jeongin is still kinda tense but you don’t mind. 10 minutes later he feels your head was slowly slipping from his shoulder, he gently holds your head and adjust his seat so your head can comfortably rest on his shoulder while you were sleeping. 
He looks around to see if any of your friends notice what was going on and breathes out when he sees that everyone was still watching and paying no mind to both of you. He gently caresses your hair and appreciates how peaceful you look right now. Damn, he was whipped for you and for you only. He doesn’t notice it, but he eventually falls asleep too. You both wake up when hushed whispers and the sound of clicking is heard around you. Not to mention a flash that was so strong it almost blinded you by how close it was to your face. 
“Jisung! We told you to take the flash off!” You hear one of your friends whisper. “I’m sorry I thought I had it off!” Jisung says. You open your eyes and the sight that greets you is your friends and their phones close to your face. 
“What are you guys doing?” You say as you rub your eyes. “You and Jeongin just looked so cute while sleeping we needed to take pictures.” She shoves her phone to your face and you have to admit, you guys do look cute together. 
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starlithan · 4 years
I Promise
word count:1481 words
Siren Jisung/ Reader (ft. San ATEEZ)
Warnings: slight abuse 
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Y/n POV;
“Here you go the keys if you need anything I'll be downstairs okay” the landlord said 
I just moved into my new place at jeju it's not that big but its comfortable plus its near to the sea and let me say very very very cheap, I take the keys and head in my house  “darong-ah I told you those are just drawings of fish not actual fish” i tell my cat who's trying to catch the fish that I drew on the canvas. 
I'd say I'm not much of an art person to begin with. I just like to draw things related to the sea, which is one of the reasons why I moved here. “Okay that's it it's time for us to go to bed, come on” I pick her up and head to my room.
My room was a little big it had a study in the corner a bookshelf in the right corner and bed in the middle I put Darong on the bed “I'll get freshened up okay and don't you dare go back for the fish there just drawings okay” she just dismisses me and looks away “whelp I guess that’s my cue”.
“Darong you asleep?” i say in a low voice cats aren't deep sleepers, i take the towel off of my head and- Ring Ring~ 
My phone starts ringing “where the heck is it” i go outside to find it on the kitchen counter 
“Hmm what's up Hyunjin”
“Hey what sup you settled yet?” he asks he sounded a bit tired from the other side
“Yes I did what's wrong? You sound a little tired?” 
“Yeah me and Chan just got back to find the house ruined by Kkami… so I'm just cleaning up I guess” I laugh at that I mean Kkami always ruins the house when Hyunjin’s not there but Darong ..noooo she ruins the house infront of me it's like  I hear her saying I don't like this throw it away.
“Give me the phone” Chan says to Hyunjin from the other line
“Y/n what do you think should I beat Felix or not?” the twist in the conversation
What did Felix do now!!?
“Why are you asking me that what did he do now?” I ask getting a little curious at what he did
“What.. did Seungmin not tell you yet?...” okay I think now I'm getting a little worried 
“No…. what's wrong” I ask a little hesitant
“The guys in the hospital”
“What WHY… is he okay”
“You should expect it by now … food poisoning he ate too much brownies” blank I think my mind went blank 
“I'm gonna kill him” that’s all I said, and I hung up on Chan and quickly dialed Felix’s number 
I mean I should have expected it. Felix's love for brownies is beyond this roof and it's not like this is the first time he had to visit the hospital for food poisoning. 
~beep beep~
“Where are you?” i go straight to the point 
“I- I'm home” he says a bit hesitant
“I swear to God Felix if your at the hospital I'm gonna kill you”
“It was just a little brownie. What's wrong with that and you know how much i love it and…”
Buzzing my head starts buzzing i could hear Felix calling out my name and asking if im alright, but the pain i can't see anything clearly 
Deep Breaths, Deep Breaths 
I tell myself I take in deep breaths the buzzing slowly goes away and my sight slowly comes back. I slowly get up from the ground and sit on the nearest sofa, my hands were shaking violently i've been getting these Migraines from about 4 years now, and when i say it's severe its severe my phone rings again
“Felix i'm fine”
“Y/n it's me Felix told me you had a migraine again are you okay?” the voice of my older brother says from the other side of the phone. I stop.
“Minho Im fine its okay it was just a small one im fine you don't need to worry” i tried to sound as okay as i could 
He sighs in relief “Okay good good… you almost gave me a heart attack” he says 
“Im fine im sorry you dont need to worry” i tell him
“It's okay but just call Felix before you go to sleep okay he was really freaked out …. And don't stress okay”
“Okay i'll call him good night” i hung up before he could say anything i just did not wanted him to be worried, i dialed Felix again 
“Y/N ARE YOU OKAY? Im sooooo sorry ill never eat brownies again just don't stress out okay i'm sorry” he says trying to control his tears from the other line 
“I'm okay Felix i'm sorry i got you worried” i say trying to control my laugh he so cute 
“Okay okay you take rest okay” he says sniffing 
“Okay you take your medicines kay” i say 
“Okay promise go to bed and rest okay bye”
“I told you to wash the stairs why didn't you” my step mother yelled at me 
“I had to go to school. I told you, i'll do it after i'm done with my assignments” i told her, her face got so red.
“Don't get smart with me i'll lock you in the basement again” she said her face close to mine her anger radiated this heat off of her, i hate her so much, i do everything and then she takes the credit for all of it, i can't even tell dad, she just makes him so happy i can't take that away from him and Minho he was so hurt after Mom's death that i don't wanna burden him with all my problems.
“I told you, but i think you didn't hear me i have to go study and when im done ill do it” with that i started to head to my room when something hit my head, i started to get dizzy i look behind me, then down on the floor to see the vase broken, after that i pretty much don't remember what happened, everything just blacked out
“She's going to be alright” a voice said, “just please don't give her a lot of stress she has a sewer case of migraines that vase hit her at a very sensitive area its better to avoid things that hurt her”
I slowly opened my eyes to see my dad, and the doctor, Minho was in the corner his eyes puffed up as if he cried “Please come with me Mr. Lee i want to  prescribe her some medicines” the doctor said my father squeezed my hand, smiled at me and followed him outside, when he left the room Minho came close to my bed “Hi” he said with a small smile i wanted to say i'm okay but i couldn't “its okay dont say anything you need rest, i'm just disappointed in myself you used to tell me everything when we were kids and…… why didn't you tell me she was treating you like that?” he asked i just stared at him “Dad found out and its okay shes gone Dad divorced her” he said but he had that sad look on him, i know he was sad that i didn't tell him anything, i wanted to say a lot of things but we just sat there, silently communicating.
I came out to the beach, the night sky was beautiful, the calm cold air, and the sand beneath my feet, it was such a beautiful moment, i took a look at the sea, sometimes the sea looked so lonely, so lonely that i wanted to go in it and forget everything, i wished that rather than having a migraine  i could have lost my memories, i walked along the sea, with the soothing silence.
I could hear someone singing in the distance, my feet started to follow the voice as I got closer the singing became louder, i wouldn't lie the song was beautiful almost hypnotizing, it felt like it was calling me i got near a rock, the sound was definitely coming from here, but what i saw was unbelievable it almost took my breath away, a man half naked with ….. A tail.. A merman, I was looking at a Freaking  Merman, he had black stunning hair with rainbow streaks, a beautiful face, and a red or maybe a maroon tail. It was beautiful, when he noticed me, he got scared and quickly went into the sea.
“Wait!” i said but he was far off gone, this can't be real “i think i took too many sleeping pills” i told myself trying to deny the fact that i just saw a merman, or something.
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kpopaddicted06 · 3 years
Birthday surprise – one shot
Summary: Some things are happening when you’re less expecting them.
pairing: Stray Kids’s Lee Felix x reader
genre: best friends to lovers au
type: fluff, slight comedy, slight angst
words: 3.6k
warnings: parental abandone (father), cursing (I think?), mention of alcohol and suggestion of getting drunk
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hanaridulsetcheese · 4 years
Loving the Enemy~ Bang Chan
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It was a tough battle indeed. You were barely holding on but you had to pull through somehow. Your troops were down, your lab was under attack, there was no safe place to hide.
"We have to get out of here. The roof's about to collapse. " his voice was rough, fear and worry evident.
You had never once thought that in your lifetime you would be working side by side with Bang Chan himself.
It was the dawn or yet a brand new day, you were just finishing up the last bits of your new project, what was it? Nothing much, just a new device that would destroy the human race, that's it.
You called it Typhoon. Inspired by the Greek myth of the best that reigned terror and havoc in ancient times. Designed to destroy anything in its path,  this was your life's work all complete and you were itching to test it out.
Let's do a quick introduction before we start anything else.
You were known as the Red Warrior, Mistress of Invisibility. You possessed the power to make yourself and others invisible. A useful power indeed, it completely wiped you off the face of the Earth, you were untraceable.
The name Red Warrior came from your style of fighting, you would sneak up on your victim and attack, the only thing they would see was blood, spilt on the floor.
You liked your name and reputation, people shivered at the mere mention of your name. It gave you power, you liked power.
Everything was perfect, people feared you, they work to your bidding, things stayed that way until he arrived.
You hated the thought of him, he made you so angry, you might have taken out a few cities because of him but it was his fault.
Bang Chan was the bane of your existence. Coming into your life one day, out of nowhere and ruining everything you worked for. He was the only one that wasn't afraid of you, he did not fear you, and you hated that.
Bang Chan was your typical heartthrob, every girl loves him, every guy wants to be him and every parent wants him as their child. Everyone thought he was perfect, or but he was far from it.
Bang Chan went undercover as the world's superhero. He was simply called The Saviour, why? Because every time to went out to do your daily terrorising of people, he was there and he stopped you.
He even went as far as to stop one of your big projects from commencing, he possessed a great control of his mind, he was able to do things that ordinary people couldn't do, you envied that. For years, you tried to train your mind to work a specific way, to tried to change it to see through the realm of reality but it never worked, you had an extraordinary mind, yes, but it was not like Chan's.
He was the only one who could see through your invisibility because he could see through the other realm. This pissed you off. Chan could sense when you would attack and how just through that mind of his.
It became known afterwards, that the only person that could defeat you was The Saviour, who only you knew was Chan.
The two of you had been at war for years, trying to stop one another. You had given up trying to terrorise people and tried finding ways to weaken Chan and his mind. You were practically in hiding trying to create the master plan that would finally take down Bang Chan once and for all.
You had become obsessed with him, occasionally you would stalk him to see what he was up to, of course, he would sense you but wouldn't do anything. You found it strange but continued that for a while.
That's when you finally created it, Typhoon. It took your three years you finally build the monster, but you did it. You stood in your lab, admiring your hard work.
The monster stood a whopping thirty feet tall, you were lucky that you had space to build him, his gleaming red eye looked down on you, you saw your reflection on his armour, you were pale and skinny, obsessing over building him for the past three years had taken a toll on you but you didn't care. A few years of sacrifice will result in your long reign of terror.
"Mistress, we have a report on Chan. " a young man came entering the room, he was Kim Namjoon, (Y/N)'s right-hand man. The pair had met when (Y/N) had found him sitting in a dark alleyway two years back after gathering materials for Typhoon. He was furious, throwing balls of fire from his hand onto the nearby trashcan. Immediately, the Mistress of Invisibility took an interest in the young lad.
She brought him back to the lab, explaining to him who she was and why she brought him with her. He was curious and scared, she liked that.
She trained Namjoon and allowed him to work on Typhoon with her, soon becoming her right-hand man. While working on Typhoon, they recruited others to join them, forming a small army.
"What has the loser been up to know? " (Y/N) asked, still admiring her monster as if it were her child that just won a prize for being the most terrifying.
"Jungkook said that he saw Bang Chan sitting in a graveyard staring at a tomb for the past two hours," he reported.
Moving her attention to Namjoon, she looked at him with a confused face, trying to figure out why Bang Chan was there.
"Two hours? " she pondered, an evil thought forming in her evil mind. "Let me go give him some company. "
Heading to the graveyard, she saw Jungkook's figure crouched down behind a tombstone a few yards behind Bang Chan, making her way to him, he immediately bowed to her in respect.
"Mistress, he's been here for a long time. I don't know what he is doing. If I move more forward, he would catch me. " (Y/N) nodded, telling Jungkook to head back to the lab.
She watched Chan for a while, seeing his figure shake from the cold, was it the cold? Or was he...crying?
She took the risk of moving closer to him, close enough to hear if he was saying something. She wondered how he had not sensed her yet, or even Jungkook before.
Something must be wrong with him.
"Why did have to leave when I needed you the most? " (Y/N) was shocked to hear her enemy cry.
His sobs filled the dense graveyard, (Y/N) stayed as quiet as possible, hoping not to get caught.
"I don't want to do this anymore. I can't live like this. " he continued, "She's exactly like you. "
His words sparked something inside you, you wanted to know more.
"I can't live loving my enemy," he spoke, those words caught you off guard. The hand you were using keep yourself in a steady crouch position slipped a little, causing the gravel beneath you to make a noise.
"Shit. " you muttered, turning your self invisible running away before Chan could sense you.
Racing back to your lab, you couldn't get the words Chan spoke out of your head. This completely took you by surprise.
Your men were worried when the saw you racing back to the lab in such a panic, you didn't bother to explain anything and ran straight to your room and locked yourself up.
"Mistress? Is everything okay? " Namjoon said from the other side of the door.
Trying to control yourself, you gathered your words and spoke, "I'm fine. Just leave me be. Make sure everything is prepared for tomorrow. "
You couldn't let one small thing like that throw you off guard, you couldn't let it blind you from your goal.
The next day when you awoke, the words of Chan were still fresh in your mind but you managed to push it back and focus. Today was the day you were planning to attack, earn back your reputation back once and for all.
Typhoon was ready, you all were.
Namjoon stationed himself in the monster, ready to control and attack at your command. You already had your troops out there wreaking havoc just to start everything up.
Soon, you march out into the city, the sound of people screaming and running away in fear of the monster made you smile.
"Are you scared of me now?! " you called out to the people of the city. They all looked around for you, fearing that you may strike them.
"Bow down to me! Your saviour is no match for me. "
Namjoom, with the help of Yoongi, another member of your troop, had managed to hack every piece of technology allowing you to broadcast your message even wider.
"You can't hide from me. Just join my troop and you shall be safe. Fail to join and well, it's the ned for you. "
Typhoon trampled building, crushing it to the ground. You sat on top of the monster and laughed each time someone ran away in fear.
Your fun was cut short when the person that had been stuck in your mind appeared.
"Looky here, The Saviour, about time you showed up. Ready to lose? " you tormented.
"DON'T DO THIS! " he yelled out. His mask covered his face but his eyes still shone brightly, you could see that he was trying to formulate a plan.
"What you're gonna do? Open a portal and take my monster to another dimension? " you tormented.
"You think I can't? " he opened up a portal to another realm, trying to force your monster into it with his mind.
"Namjoon, show him what this baby can do. " you hopped off the monster, sliding down it arm before dramatically landing on the ground perfectly, you might've practised that a few times.
Typhoon conjured up a thunderstorm, aiming it a Chan. He barely had time to react. Lighting bolts fired its way to Chan, hitting him in his chest and sending him flying backwards, hitting the rubble that was formerly an office building.
Laughing at his misfortune, you made your way towards him, kicking his weekend from before crouching down.
"Give it up Channie. You're no matched for Typhoon," you smirked.
Grabbing your hand before you could get up, Chan pulled you towards him and took you through a wormhole.
Even though your distorted figure travelling through the wormhole, you could still feel Chan holding you.
Where was he taking you?
Soon, you felt yourself land on a soft surface. You opened your eyes to see Chan staring at you. You pushed yourself off him.
"What did you do? " you pulled out your dagger, not bothered about your surrounding but more about the man in front of you.
"(Y/N), " he said softly, trying to approach you. On instinct, you slash your dagger, cutting him on his face. A long scar formed, the blood seeping through and drilling down his face.
You continued your attack, he was forced to defend himself, pulling out his own dagger, similar to yours. You were caught off guard when he pulled it out, this allowed him enough time to disarm you, using his mind to bring your dagger to him.
You got angry, running towards him, you were going to fight with your bare hands. You weren't going to go down without a fight.
Throwing both daggers to the side, Chan blocked all your attacks.
"(Y/N) let me explain! "
"You stole that dagger! Where did you get it from?! " you kicked him hard as he held onto your hands.
"It's not what you think! " 
He got tired of trying to contain your attacks, he took control of your body using your mind. You couldn't move a limb.
"What are you doing? " you fought hard in your mind for control of your body. Chan was overpowering you but you managed to break free.
You tackled him to the ground, pinning both his hands above his head as you straddled him.
"How did you get that dagger?! " you growled, your nails digging into his skin.
"Its mine- "
"Lies. You stole it! "
Chan got tired, he used all of his strength to escape your grasp, getting hold of you and pinning you to the ground. His eyes changed colour, what was once brown was now a murky grey.
You made the mistake of looking into his eyes. Immediately something flashed in your mind.
You were walking across a battlefield. The remains of the battle still sprawled across, in the process of being cleaned. Your planet had been in a battle with people from Earth.
Yes, you were from another planet.
In order to save you, your master had sent you and the boy you trained with to Earth before your planet could be destroyed.
Before sending you, he left the boy if you with daggers to protect yourself and remember each other.
"I don't want to be separated. " the boy said to you, holding your hand.
"We'll find each other again. " you told him. You kissed his cheeks and boarded the ship that would take you on Earth.  "Don't forget to find me, Chan. "
You were brought back to reality. With heavy breathing, you looked at Chan.
"You- You found me. "
"I did. " he smiled at you, letting you go.
You couldn't believe it, all your life on Earth, you waited for Chan to come, but he never did. The bitter thought of him forgetting you turned you into what you were now.
"You didn't forget about me. " a tear slipped out of your eye.
"I could never forget about you," he said. "I felt your presence and immediately came to get you, but I had to make sure it was you first. It took me a while because my powers were kind if faulty. " he rubbed the back of his neck.
Soon realisation struck me, "Chan! We have to stop Typhoon! "
That brings us to the present. After Chan opened up the portal back to reality, you were shocked. Half the city was already torn apart.
"Namjoon! Stop the attack! " you tried calling out to him but he didn't listen. "Namjoon! "
"M-mistress? " you heard a voice call out to you.
"Jungkook? " you rushed over to the boy, his lower half was trapped underneath a wall of a fallen building.
"He's gone crazy. Tool out half the troops as well. " he coughed blood.
"What do you mean? " there was a crash above you, a bolder was hurtling your way, Chan managed to send it through a portal before it hit you.
"Well well well, the Red Warrior. " Namjoon called out. You turned your attention to him.
"Namjoon stop this now," you said firmly but he just laughed.
"Why stop now, isn't this what you wanted? "
"Namjoon I order you to stop! "
He ignored your command.
"I knew you'd go soft, after what you heard in the graveyard. " he shook his head. "I couldn't let your emotions get in the way of our work. We started it, now we have to end it. "
"Why are you doing this?! "
"You really don't know? " he scoffed, "Why do think I so angry the day you found me? Have you ever stopped to ask me? "
I stopped to think, I didn't know.
"Why were you angry? " I asked him.
"You killed my parent that day. I came home from school and they were dead! We came to Earth just like you, to live a peaceful life! Why'd you have to do that?! " he blasted Typhoon's lasers at us. We barely managed to dodge the lasers.
It ended up hitting another building.
"We have to shut down Typhoon! " I said to Chan while dodging another round of lasers.
"Youll never get in! " Jungkook yelled, still trying to get out from under the wall. Chan levitated the wall, allowing him to slip out. His leg seemed to be broken.
"He's got the entrance wired. There's no getting in it out. "
"I could open a portal. " Chan said.
"You can't, this was designed to take you out. I made sure that it couldn't be bent out of reality. "
"What do we do then? "
I racked my brain to find other ways of shutting down Typhoon. The only known power switch was in, "The lab! We have to get to the lab! "
Chan opened a portal to the lab, we all walked inside the portal but Namjoon noticed.
"No! " Jungkook screamed as Typhoon's hand grabbed him just before the portal could close. It was too late for me to reach out to him.
"Jungkook no! " I yelled as the portal closed.
"(Y/N) we have to move on! " there was a loud crash on the lab's roof. Namjoon was here, we had to fast.
Namjoon constantly attacked the ceiling, making it hard to move around. I had to get to the power source but the falling roof made it difficult.
A giant piece of the roof fell on my arm as I was crawling underneath a piece of rubble to get to the power source.
I yelled in pain, "(Y/N) are you okay?! " Chan said, trying to clear a path to get to me. I clutched my arm and sucked back the tears. I had to stop this. The power source was in sight, "If I could just get to it. "
I pushed past the pain and managed to enter the code. The attack stopped, I was relieved, "(Y/N) you did it! "
The rumbling started again, the roof was unstable.
"We have to get out of here, the roof's gonna collapse. " Chan said, helping me get up.
"Not so fast! " we turned around and saw Namjoon being held at gunpoint by a man with a mask on.
"Help me, please! It's all his doing! He was controlling me on the inside! " Namjoon pleaded.
"Shut your mouth! " the man jabbed his gun into Namjoon's ribs.
"Who are you? " Chan stepped forward, shielding me.
"Oh you don't know? " he pulled off his mask. Chan and I gasped.
"Master? " I was stunned.
"I thought you were dead. " Chan said, "Your grave-"
"All fake," he said. "I did that so I could come down to Earth and finish what these humans started. " he shoved Namjoon forward a bit, "This little puppet here helped me, angry at someone for killing his parents, it was easy to poison his mind. "
"You killed them? " I scrowled.
"Duh," he said. "Now it's your turn. " he aimed the gun at Namjoon. He was about to pull the trigger when Chan leapt through a portal and knocked the gun out of his hand.
The impact of Chan landing caused the roof to start crumbling.
"It's going to come down- "
It was too late, the roof came down crushing everything in its path. Unfortunately, we were the ones in its path.
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hyun-jinss · 4 years
Only you
You were sitting on a blanket by the beach next to Felix. Earlier this morning, you got a call from the cafe you had made a reservation at, telling you that they are closing for a few days to renovate. You were devastated at this as you wanted to make this day special for him. You then came up with the idea of going to the same place you had your first date at.
“Sorry that today didnt go as planned,” you apologize. “What do you mean?” he looks at you, “I wanted to take you to that popular cafe you were talking about the other day, but it didn’t work out.” Felix grabs your hand and laces your fingers with his, “no matter where we go, as long as we’re together, I’m more than happy,” he says before carding his fingers through your hair and leaning in to place a kiss on your forehead. “I love you, my sunshine,” he continues, making you giggle softly. “I love you too,” you say as he pulls you in for a kiss.
Inspired by iKon’s Only you.
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chvnnie · 2 years
felix gives off the impression that he loves thighs i need to see something with him making out and gripping your thighs while eating you out
bby the way @lix-ables and i were rotting over this just a few hours ago-
thank you sm for your request! hope this is everything you wanted it to be and MORE <3
3:00 AM
lee felix x reader
word count: 1.2k
genre: smut
warnings: sleepy reader but no somnophilia, oral (f receiving), needy lix, that’s about it honestly? if i missed anything, PLEASE LET ME KNOW
summary: all felix wants is you, and to have you fall apart on his tongue.
a/n: felix is a thigh man and honestly this request was MADE for me. thank you for blessing me with this idea and brain rot
this is a work of fiction. this fic in no way represents lee felix as a person or stray kids as a whole. you are responsible for the media you consume. please read responsibly.
The white satin sheets were colder than usual, glowing under the moonlight that filled the dark bedroom. Felix flipped back and forth, trying to find a comfortable position. He moved closer to you, then further away. He adjusted his pillows, fluffed them over and over again. He even shed some of his clothes, stripping down to his briefs in search of just a crumb of comfort.
Felix was so tired, but nothing was working. Nothing would work, either, until he got rid of the problem in his briefs, which were snugger than usual.
It wasn’t uncommon for Felix to wake up hard. If anything, it happened more often than he wanted to admit. But never had it been this bad. His cock was literally throbbing, demanding his attention. It was obvious he wouldn’t be able to sleep it off, not this time at least.
He was staring at the ceiling, debating on the best way to approach the situation when you flipped onto your back next to him. Felix rolled his head over to look at you, sleeping soundly next to him. He was envious of the way you slept; mouth slightly open, soft breaths mixing with little snores, eyes fluttering with dreams. You were out. Gone. Resting in a way Felix thought he would never rest again.
Felix always thought you looked pretty when you slept. He loved the way your body would relax, how peaceful you looked when your mind was blank. He rolled onto his side, fingertips dancing up and down your bare arm as he watched you sleep. You hiked up a leg, effectively spreading them and ruffling the sheets, giving Felix a peek at what was under them.
You often slept without pants on. It shouldn’t be a surprise that tonight was no different, but something about the pair of blue cotton panties you sported made Felix’s erection even more prominent. Almost painful.
He had to do something, and he couldn’t sit and debate on what that something was any longer.
Felix rolled over on top of you, nuding a knee in between your legs. Sleepy kisses were peppered on your face in an attempt to wake you. You stirred a bit, whining as you tried to brush his lips away from your face.
“Lix-“ you whined, accidentally nudging your nose against his. “Sleepy.”
“Sh, I know baby.” He continued the butterfly kisses down to your neck, soft suckling at the bare skin. Felix slid a hand under your tank top, slowly inching closer to your breasts. “Just let me take care of you, hm? Then we can go back to sleep.”
Cold fingers met your nipple, a low groan slipping from your lips. Felix continued to kiss down your body, getting closer and closer to your core as he massaged your boob. His lips found your tummy, pushing your shirt up just enough to kiss the soft skin of it. The way your skin prickled under his lips, the sounds of your moans blending with the soft roar of the fan made everything much more difficult for Felix.
It was truly a talent, the way you drove him mad by doing nothing but laying here. The need Felix had for you, the one that burned in the pit of his stomach and set his nerves on fire, was never ending. Even in his sleep, he wanted you. Needed you.
The pace at which his fingers slid under the waistband of your panties was torture. Not for you; no, you were hardly awake enough to notice. It was too much for him. He wanted to rip them off, throw them across the room never to be found again. But he also didn’t want this moment to end; he wanted the image of you half awake, writhing under his touch to last forever.
Once off, Felix laid flat on his stomach, leaning into your core until his nose was barely resting on your clit. “God, so pretty.” He whispered, inhaling your scent. Felix’s eyes rolled back in pleasure, unable to contain himself anymore. Like this was new - like he hadn’t spent hours of his life between your legs - Felix dove in, base of his tongue pressing against your slit. The way you taste has his head spinning, moans vibrating against your mound as he covers himself in your slick.
It’s messy, the way he devours you. The sound of slick is echoing off the walls, drowning out both your moans and his. He feels it all over his face, and that just encourages to do more. To taste more. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he was drowning in your cunt.
Your perfect, wet cunt. All for him.
The taste and the way you so willingly let him eat you out, so early in the morning, made Felix more desperate. Not wanting to pull away, he subtly began to grind his hips against the mattress. The friction numbed his mind, everything making him feel so good.
Pulling away from your core to look at you, Felix smiled. “How do you feel baby?”
A whimper fell from your lips, fingers lacing through his hair. “Close, Lix. So close-“
“Mm, are you?” He brought two fingers up to your clit, teasingly stroking it as he spoke to you. “Don’t hold back baby. Paint my face with your cum, and then maybe I’ll pump you full of mine.”
Felix pinched your clit lightly, causing your thighs to snap up and close around his head. The way your back arched at the sensation had Felix chuckling deeply, before he leaned back into you.
“That good, dove?” He replaced his fingers with his lips, sucking harshly on your nub. Using a free hand to hold one of your thighs to his face, the other slowly pushed two fingers into you. He watched as you threw your head back, legs clenching around his head to keep him there.
Like he would ever dream of moving.
Felix’s grinded on the bed harder, desperate to feel something. He was high on you; the way you held his head to your cunt and how you drenched his face had him in the clouds. He wanted you to need him as much as he needed you.
“Shit baby, you’re squeezing my fingers so hard.” He was panting now, hot breath fanning your core. “Do it. Fucking cum on me.”
He didn’t wait for a response before he went back to licking you raw, slowly losing his sanity at the way your thighs held him still. The hand holding a thigh against him began to bruise the skin; nails digging into you as both the thrusts of his fingers and hips sped up.
Felix felt you push your hips up, grinding up and down his tongue just a bit before you released onto him. Pulling his fingers out of you as fast as he could, he shoved his tongue into your hole, licking up every last drop you gave him.
Once you felt yourself slipping away from the orgasm, you tried to move your thighs. Felix’s other hand flew up and grabbed the other thigh, keeping them in place.
“Nuh uh.” He tutted, squeezing your thighs as his tongue found your hole once again. “Need to cum twice more before I give you anything else, got it? I need you nice and stretched out for me.”
©: chvnnie 2022
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Making jewelry with them
Bang Chan
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° Walked through your apartment doors, arms filled but buckets of string and many different assortments of beads.
"The craft store had a sale on."
° Makes you a bracelet with a cute wolf charm in the middle, just so you have one more thing to remind you of him.
° Ends up staring at you rather then finishing his bracelets, loving your focused pout and giddy behavior when you finish one.
° You kept working on this bracelet secretly, not wanting him to ruin the sickly sweet surprise you had prepared for him.
"Baby I want to seeeee~"
° When you finally finished the bracelet, you still kept it behind your back. Asking him to close and cover his eyes, walking behind him just in case he decided to peek.
° You placed the black and white bracelet on his opened palm, the letters arranged to say 'Forever'.
° He loved the colors and how much thought you out into it, but wondered why you put forever on it out of all things.
° That is until you raised your wrist to reveal the letters spelling 'Together'.
"Aw, baby~ you're too cute. C'mere I want to kiss your face."
Lee Know
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° You were both bored, wanting to do something cute and simple without having to go out into the cold weather.
"Let's make bracelets."
° You knew he secretly just wanted to make bracelets with the cat's names on it. But you didn't mind, you loved the cats too.
° You began to head Minho giggle to himself as he assembled another bracelet. He hid it behind his arms, still chuckling.
° Once he finally finished, he cupped it in his hands and asked for your attention. A smug smirk stretched across his soft lips.
"I hope you *chuckle* like it."
° The cool beads fitted into your palm perfectly, you looked down to see the start of a word. My Second Love, you soon realized the meaning of the bracelet.
° You pouted cutely as the cats came first once again, but you could stay mad at him for being an adorable cat father.
° Minho kissed your pout away, leaning closer and closer until you pushed onto the floor of your apartment.
° His smug smirk returned once again, this time much more apparent and sly.
"Don't pout and expect no kisses, your still my sweet lil kitten."
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° Changbin knew that the fast few weeks have been hard on you, due to the lack of time spent with him.
"Sweetheart, want to hang out?"
° The way your eyes lit up with extreme amounts of joy, melted and broke his heart at the same time.
° He loved hanging out with you, swooning over your small habits and quirks. But he felt bad for not doing it more often.
° You stuck your tongue out for the tenth time as you tried to tie the bracelet together, failing once more to your disappointment.
"Here let me help you."
° You both never realized how close you were until he looked up at you, his hot breath fanning across your skin. Before you could even say a word, his lips were on yours.
° This kiss wasn't usual from Changbin, it was very cautious as if you were going to break. He only did this when apologizing.
° You knew something was eating him up inside, just by the glossy layer on his eyes. He looked on the edge of tears.
° Changbin didn't have to explain, you just held him close, knowing he needed it.
"I'm so sorry, I really don't deserve you sometimes. I love you y/n."
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° You were having a tough day, being miles away from your family. And not being able to visit them due to the risk of the virus.
"Why don't we send them something?"
° Hyunjin was your positivity throughout these tough times, encouraging you to keep moving forward with him.
° He placed the buckets of beads from art projects that never happened, and handed you the different colors of string.
° Hyunjin played your favorite movie on for background noise, sometimes getting lost in the scenes and dropping his bracelets.
"You look so cute when you're focused."
° His messy ponytail lost small strands of hair that kept blocking his vision. He constantly shook his hair away, making you giggle at the annoyed scoffs he made.
° As he finally finished his bracelet, he gently tugged at the sleeve of your sweater. Asking to place it across your wrist.
° You smiled gently as the mint green and brown beads spelled out 'My Home'. His lips landing gently across your head.
"Well get through this together, I'm just glad we have each other during this."
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° After winning an award for Back Door, you wanted to give them something as a congratulations gift.
"Pumpkin, what are you up to? ~"
° You showed off the five bracelets you've already finished, each holding a different symbol and different color patterns.
° Jisung's face beamed only pure joy, seeing your criss crossed on the floor as you focused on congratulating them.
° He knew that none of them asked you to make these and your company was far enough, but that made it even sweeter.
"I swear you are the cutest person on earth."
° He didn't tell any of the members, knowing they'd melt just as much as he did. Especially Felix and Jeongin, since they were already quite close to you.
° For the rest of the night, Jisung ordered your favorite take out and helped you finish your adorable project.
° The next day, sent his heart into a frenzy as you shyly passed them to each member. Hoping they like the gifts.
"This is why I love you, you're just so damn cute and it ruins me."
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° You and Felix were known to always do cute activities like this, even fitting in time during his busy schedules.
"Let's make some cute bracelets."
° His hair was messy from the recent dance practice, clearly tired from his hard work. Yet he still insisted to spend time with you.
° You worried that he felt the pressure of having to spend time with you, even though you reassure him that you don't mind.
° After the long silence as he concentrated on a pastel based bracelet for you, you confronted him on your concerns.
"Spending time with you calms me down."
° The beaming grin with his sweet tone, melted away all of your concerns. Giggling like one of his many admirers as he fluffed your hair playfully.
° After around bracelet 4 he began to get increasingly tired, crawling his way to your lap. Burrowing his way into your grip.
° You both just lied there quietly, playing with his hair as he places small kisses to your shoulder blade.
"Thank you for calming me down love, I truly owe you for always being so amazing."
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° You were currently in quarantine after your landing to south Korea, only having the virtual company of your boyfriend.
"Only two more days til I can see you again."
° You laid on the carpet of your hotel room, creating a bracelet for him when you see him face to face finally.
° Seungmin ranted to you about how much he misses his fans, thanking you for making his days brighter and more pleasant.
° His messy bed head and cute glasses always sent you heart into a frenzy, wishing you were there to play with his fluffy locks.
"Is that bracelet for me darling?"
° You quickly hid the cute gift behind your back, chuckling softly as you tried to tease him on his "secret" gift from you. Seungmin laughing with you, as you failed to hide it.
° As the laughing quieted down, both of you smiled sadly. Never knowing how long two days could truly feel when waiting.
° He could see the sad look in your eyes, and wished he could just kiss all of it all better. But the only thing he could do was talk.
"Don't worry darling, the days will go by in no time. And we'll cuddle non stop."
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° You were spending quality time with your boyfriend and your best friends, all of which happened to be in Stray Kids.
"Y/n made us some cute bracelets!"
° The excited shimmer in his eyes made all of you feel just a bit happier, his energy always contagious to anyone.
° Throughout the bucket of handmade bracelets, he searched to find the one you specifically made for him.
° An adorable confused pout when he couldn't find it, knowing you were hiding it due to the shy smirk on your lips.
"I know you too well baby, hand it over. ~"
° You reveled a beautiful bracelet, with a shining ring in the middle of it. Which happened to be detachable. The admiration that filled his eyes, made you shiver.
° He knew it was a promise ring, and loved how you took so much effort to make something for him. It swelled his heart.
° Before you could explain the meaning of anything at all, Jeongin molded his lips against yours. The members going wild.
"You're so thoughtful and caring, I'll cherish this forever my adorable y/n."
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hyunyin · 3 years
69 with felix? 😳
random number prompt list!
069. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
→ Lee Felix
a/n: is this slightly a comfort fic because my history classes have been a mess since the assigned reading keeps changing? mayhaps. listen to shrike from hozier while reading this for an optimal experience. i hope you like this, dear anon! Love, Rosie
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The setting sun shining in through the window illuminated the living room in a million different shades of oranges, reds and pinks. In front of that window, his back facing the sun creating something that was almost reminiscent of a halo around his body, was Felix. You could only faintly make out the gentle smile on his face when you looked at him.
You had been sat on the floor by the coffee table for a few hours now, making futile attempts at trying to get through your assigned reading for school. Felix knew that the whole thing was a mess; you’d told him all about it. Articles that you had to read that kept being adjusted, chapters of books being switched, whole papers being added. It wasn’t really anything he could help you with, sadly for him, but he found different ways to support you.
It was his day off, and even though he knew you would be busy all day, he still wanted to use his time by spoiling you as much as he could. For you, this meant pillows being propped behind your back, and being fluffed up every hour or so. It meant back massages when he noticed you starting to squirm around from the ache of sitting hunched over for such a long time. It meant as many refills of drinks as you could ever wish for. It meant that, every once in a while, you could feel a kiss land on the crown of your head.
And now, it meant him coming up with a new idea to make your life just a little bit easier. You watched him as his smile grew, and he slowly moved from his spot on the couch to sit behind you. He must be made of magic, because this action alone already worked miracles on the frown that had been prominent between your eyebrows. “What are you up to?” you asked with a small smile growing on your face. His head came down to rest on your shoulder, and he pressed a soft kiss to the side of your neck before he moved away again, only to rake his hands through your hair on the sides of your head just a little bit. “You’ve been trying to get this to stay behind your ears for an hour now.” It was barely a whisper. Oh, how lovely moments like these could be. Just you and him, both speaking softly, as if any loud noise might break the peaceful feeling of his love slowly coming down over you like a blanket.
You only hummed in response, relaxing into his touch for a few moments. You knew you had to get back to work soon, but there was nothing wrong with taking a little break. Not if it was Felix who was providing you with a moment of peace of mind and a few kisses on your back.
“How about I get it out of the way for you?” You could feel his lips on the back of your neck. His hands ran over the top of your head once again, gathering your hair together in a bunch as they reached the nape of your neck. You let out a quiet huff. “I’d like that, but I didn’t brush it today. It’s all tangled up.” Felix only let out a low chuckle against your neck, right above where he was holding your hair in a makeshift ponytail. “I can do something about that.” And then he was gone. On his way up to the bathroom, where he knew he would find your hairbrush.
You leaned back against the couch a bit to wait for him to come back. It’s not long until you hear his footsteps come down the stairs again, and you can feel the couch dip ever so slightly behind your head, prompting you to sit up straight again. He gently gathers your hair together once more, giving you another kiss on your head before he sets the brush onto your hair to start on the knots that had been forming in it all day.
“Don’t worry,” he assures you. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
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redsandroses · 4 years
Stray kids reaction to their best friend being heart broken/upset
Before we start, I think all the boys would be the softest when something happens to their loved ones and do everything they can do to make it better and so as everyone else should.
 and maybe I teared up a bit while writing these but we won’t talk about that 🥺  
Bang Chan
He is basically your big brother. Doesn’t matter if you’re older or the same age as him, he will protect you no matter what.
As the sweetest boy he is; Chan was at your doorstep, the second you told him you were upset. He brought you all your comfort foods, your favorite flower, and of course your comfort person, himself. You let him in with fluffed eyes from last night. He hugged you as soon as he got in and put down the stuff in his hands. “Don’t worry y/n, whatever the situation is, we will talk and find a way out of it together. I’m here for you. Now tell me what happened.” You talked for a whole day, until you felt a bit relieved and you guys found a possible solution for the problem. He cuddled you throughout the whole day, making sure you felt safe in his arms. Later he cooked for you and made sure he was taking good care of you. At the end of the day, you weren’t thinking about the problem you had and just thankful for your best friend Chan.
Lee Minho
I feel like Minho would be the type to get angry when someone hurt his loved ones. He would be so ready to fight the other person and make sure you know you are loved and appreciated by him.
You met with him, telling you felt upset. You told him about what happened, he tried to comfort you first, telling you what happened was not your fault. “Cry all you want in my arms y/n, I’ll hold you and protect you. I’m here.” He stayed with you until he was sure you felt better. Every day he looked after you, made sure you ate well, slept well, made you take showers and basically never left you. In the meantime, he was making plans to talk to the one who broke your heart to make sure they know what they did was wrong, after asking you if you would want that.
Seo Changbin
Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles and more cuddles.
 After you told him about what happened, he gave you comfort by holding you in his arms, making sure you never felt alone, cause you are not. You are never alone with him by your side. He would sit there, listen to you, trying to understand how you feel and what makes you feel that way. Looking into your eyes deeply as you talk. “I know why you feel like that y/n but trust me, this will pass. You went through a lot of things and look, you are here after all the bad times you had and I know you are strong enough to get through this one too. And if you need help I’ll be strong for you. You know, I don’t have this buffed arms for no reason.” You laughed, and hugged him “Thank you Binnie, I knew I could count on you.”
Hwang Hyunjin
He couldn’t reach out to you for a couple of days now, and as your best friend, he was going to lose his mind. So he came to your house, asking your mom where you were. She told him you’ve been in your room for a week now and they were also getting worried. He went straight up to your room to check on you. You were crawled up in your bad “y/n, it’s me. What’s wrong?” he asked, coming next to you, turning you to look at him. The moment you saw him, you shed into tears, reaching to hug him. “It’s okay, it’s okay, talk to me” he wiped your tears. You told him what happened and he hugged you even more. “We’ll find a way out of this together y/n, now get up and get ready we’re going to go and you get some air now. Let’s go to our spot at the park and talk about this there, mkay?”
Han Jisung
This baby will get as upset as you and maybe even more than you and sit there with eyes full of love and understanding, pouting.
 You went to him the moment you realised things were getting bad. “I didn’t want to go through this by myself Hannie” “You don’t have to y/n, come, we’ll face this together.” He lived every second of it with you, never leaving you alone. “How could someone hurt a baby like you.” he kept asking while hugging you and patting your back. He holded your hand any time you needed him and made sure he made you feel he was there with you. After you left his house, he checked up on you every hour. Calling, texting, face timing, anything; unless you told him you want some space. -Yes he would lose his mind if you don’t reach out to him soon but he will respect what you need and give you exactly what you want.- He couldn’t take the idea that you were upset, he needed to make you feel better. So he did everything in his power to do so.  
Lee Felix
If you are hurt, he is hurt more. 
When he saw you upset, he got so worried. “Hey, hey beautiful/handsome, what’s wrong?” he came to you. “Nothing Lixie, don’t worry” you said wiping your tears, knowing that he was going to be sad about it. “Don’t lie to me y/n, I’ve known you for 14 years. I know you better than you know yourself. Spill it, don’t hold it in. Promise I won’t get upset.” “You don’t have to be right all the time. But you are and I don’t want to keep it from you.” and you told him what happened. He knew you needed distraction and he knew all your favourite places. He first took you out to eat something, then you went to an amusement park, playing all the games and winning plushies for each other, then he walked you back to your place. He gave all his plushies to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek and a big hug as he said good night. He made sure you had all your days like this.
Kim Seungmin
He knew something was off when you didn’t reply to his texts like you used to. This sweet boy could understand how you feel even through the way you text him. He texted “Be ready in 20 mins, I’m coming.” When you went down you saw him standing there with a basket in his hand. “Picnic time for my sad bestie and we’ll take all her/his sadness away today.” he smiled at you. Then you went to a picnic area and had a nice picnic, full with meaningful conversations and of course fun. He knew how to make you laugh and he knew what you needed at times like this. At the end of the day, he offered you to go to his place so he could hold you close and make sure you don’t feel alone. So you decided to do that. You loved sleepovers with him. That night, you went to sleep with your best friend besides you and you knew you were going to get over this with him next to you soon.
Yang Jeongin
Don’t make his loved ones upset. He will get very angwy and sad.🥺🥺
You were crying when he called you so you didn’t answer. But you always answered each others calls no matter what, so he knew something was wrong. He came right to your house. Throwing a little rock to your window. You found it adorable when he did that. Just that, made you smile a little. Then he came to your front door, talking to your mom as the sweetest boy he is. You went down to talk to him. He hugged you “Aaw I knew something was wrong. What is it y/n?” You went out for a walk and you told him about what made you upset. He got cutely angry and he pouted the whole time, looking at you with puppy eyes anytime he looked at you. “No one makes my bestie sad hmph. We’ll make them pay for this y/n. We are a powerful duo.” Then you guys didn’t do anyhting and just lie down on a grass area. Just hugging each other as he comforted you. “I’m here y/n, I will always be on your side. And I know you will never do anyhting bad intentionally so I love you bestie.”  
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 5 years
Den Of Sins - Part 3
Lee Know
Requested 💕
Theme: lingerie
Description: Welcome to Den Of Sin’s, a fast rising modeling agency. You get offered the job, but your boss informs you that you need to keep your body in tip top shape, and tells you you’ll have five different body trainers to teach you. During these “trainings” you learn where the company gets its name from.
Workout: Yoga
Warnings: sex toys, degradation, organs denial, choking, spanking, bratty reader, overstimulation, this shit is FILTHY, a whole lot of SIN, Minho is the dom of my dreams
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 4) (Part 5)
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Your eyes ran up and down your form, the red and black laced lingerie on your body suited every curve you had. Goosebumps were on your skin, the theme today being lingerie. You looked at your form again, Felix’s voice still ringing in your ears:
“You won’t have any of us submit to you, and good luck with the next trainer.”
Good luck? You might just need it with today’s theme. Your stylist came into the room, a big smile on her face as she looked you up and down.
“Oh, Minho is going to have a blast with you.” She said with a big smile.
“Minho?” You asked.
“Okay, I know I said Felix and Jisung were attractive, but Minho is drop dead GORGEOUS. I think he’ll give you a good workout.” She said with a wink, putting a red satin robe around you.
She did you hair, getting it bone straight. She highlighted your cheeks and lined your eyes with red and black make up to match your lingerie. She played with your hair for a moment, fluffing it up and smiling at you.
“Beautiful.” She cooed, beckoning you to follow her.
You walked closely behind her, anticipation filling your body. She led you to the last door, a smile on her face as she looked at you.
“Good luck.” She said, walking away.
You watched her go and gulped, as this was the second person to tell you good luck. You slowly opened the door to see a giant, red, hear shaped bed. It had rose petals around it, and candles were lit everywhere. Your eyes scanned the room, seeing a bunch of sex toys, whips, blindfolds, and pretty much anything else you could find in a Fifty Shades of Gray movie.
“Like what you see?” You jumped and whipped around, you face almost hitting someone else’s chest.
You looked up at him, your breath almost being taken away. Your stylist was right, this man was drop dead gorgeous. He had a sharp nose, sharp eyes, and an beautiful face.
“You must be Y/N.” He said, his voice silky.
“O-Oh yes, nice to meet you.” You stammered out, bowing to him. “You must be Minho.”
“I am.” He said with a handsome smile.
“Let’s get into positions everyone.” The photographer called.
Minho began to open his robe, and you followers suit. Your cheeks turned red as you stole a glance at him. He had smooth skin silky skin, his stomach was ripped, and his chest was nicely toned. He had on black boxers with red lining at the tip to match yours, but what really got you, was the obvious bulge. He wasn’t hard, not yet, at least, but it was still pressed tightly to the thin material.
“Alright you two, inspire me.” The photographer called.
Minho pulled you in by your waist, his hand slipping inside the robe as he tilted your head up to his. The camera flashed as his lips were only an inch from your own. He moved your hand onto his bare chest, tilting your head over as he pressed his mouth to the crook of your neck. The camera flashed again.
“Now, drop the robes.” The photographer called. “And get on the bed.”
You both hung up your robes then went to the bed. You were about to position yourself on top of him, wanting a good shot like that. But his hands found your waist and brought you underneath him, his hand caressing your jaw, his lips close to yours. He was in between your legs, his bulged pressed against your heat. Your cheeks began to heat up as warmth began to pool in your stomach.
He grabbed your thigh and hoisted his up, pressing his lips to yours this time. You tangled your fingers in his hair as the camera flashed. When he pulled away, he nibbled on your ear, making you bite your lip. FLASH.
“I can see you’re having a little problem.” He purred in your ear.
He had noticed the wet patch between your legs, your things betraying you. You bit your lip and leaned into his ear.
“I see you also have a little problem.” You purred into his ear.
He flipped you so you were on his lap, his eyes looking up at you as the camera flashed again. He brought your lips down, connecting them as, once again, the camera flashed.
“My problem isn’t so little, Kitten.” He whispered against your lips.
Your cheeks flared up as you dug your fingers into your shoulders, his lips pressing to your bare shoulder as another flash filled your vision with white. The photographer finally put his camera down, a huge smile on his face.
“Well done my loves.” He said, kissing both of your cheeks. “Have a good workout. Try not to over do it.”
You watched him walk out as Minho walked up behind you, his fingers brushing your hair off your bare shoulder.
“Shall we get started?” He asked.
“We should probably get dressed and head to the gym.” You said.
He chuckled, his eyes dark.
“Yoga doesn’t need a gym.” He purred.
He pulled a mat out from the closet in the room and laid it down, a small smirk on his face as he patted it, indicating for you to lay down.
You followed his instructions, but before you could lay down, he slipped you on to your hands and knees.
“Downward doggy is the first position.” He said.
He hand ghosted up your legs, making your legs stand tall while your lower half was downward. The way his hand came up and grazed your core had you shivering, his touches feather light.
“Now stretch.” He instructed.
You did the stretch, feeling it in your hamstrings. He kept you in that position for a bit, his eyes taking over your form.
“You can rest a moment.” He said.
You nodded and sat on your knees, watching him as he seemed to be thinking.
“Back on all fours. Spread your feet apart.” He said. “Lower your head.
You nodded and did as he said. You felt his hand gently slide to your abdomen, pushing it up as he slid his hand under your chin to push that up too.
“Repeat those movements.” He instructed.
You nodded and continued to the movements. You could feel it in your spine, extending the spinal cord. Minho watched you, his dark eyes looking at every curve in your body.
“You may rest.” He said.
You sat back on your knees once again, eyes searching his face. He wasn’t looking at you as he thought, his dark eyes seemingly else where.
“Next is the knees, chest, and chin.”
Your muscles burned after the fifteenth yoga pose, and you were starting to get desperate with the way his touches were always feather light.
“Next is the low lunge.” He said, turning to you.
You stayed in your position, almost pouting, and shaking your head.
“My muscles burn.” You said.
“They’re supposed too. Now get in position.” He ordered.
“No.” You huffed.
“I’m sorry what,”He asked, gripping your chin tightly. “Was that?”
“I-I said no.” You stuttered out, your eyes locked with his.
You couldn’t look away from his eyes. They were piercing daggers at the moment, angry and dominating.
“You think you can tell me no, Kitten? Do you know whose in charge here?” He asked.
The smell of his cologne and the candles had your heat begging for him. Your eyes were trained on him as he smirked down at you.
“Oh, so you need to be reminded huh? Get in the bed.” He demanded.
You luckily got up on the bed, the silt robe feeling too hot all of a sudden.
“Take the robe off.” He growled.
You slowly slipped the robe off your body, your lingerie on full display. He smirked as he walked over to you, tapping your cheek with his finger tips.
“So now you want to listen? When you’re getting your way, huh?” He asked with a chuckle.
His fingers that were tapping your cheek went lower, and you gasped as you felt his hand around your throat.
“I love brats like you. You know why?” He cooed.
You looked up at him, eyes wide and blown out. He leaned foreword, his teeth gently pulling on your earlobe before his lips came to your ear.
“Because I love to rip the submission right out of them.” He growled.
He let go of your throat harshly as he stepped away from the bed and towards a closet. He reached in and grabbed a box, bringing it over to the bed. He patted the edge of the bed, his eyes narrowed.
“Right here. And stay on your knees.” He ordered.
You remained there, a small smirk on your face. You wanted to see how riled up you can get him. His eyes darkened as he let out a laugh through his nose.
“You still want to disobey? Listen Kitten, it won’t end well for you.” He growled.
When you still wouldn’t move, he reached over and gripped the roots of your hair, turning your head and bringing your neck open for his view.
“I’ll make you obey.” He growled.
You felt something being attached to your neck, and noticed it was a chain collar. The leash was in his hand, a smirk on his face as he back away and stood at the foot of the bed.
“Now come here.” He said.
When you didn’t move, he pulled the leash, and the chain collar tightened around your throat. You gasped as you were lurched foreword. He chuckled, his eyes daring as he looked at you.
“I said, come here.” He purred.
You finally went to the edge of the bed, sitting on your knees. He stretched his hand out and held your chin, rubbing your jaw with his thumb.
“That’s a good girl.” He purred. “But unfortunately, I had to rip the good out of you. So I hope you prepared yourself for this.”
He kept a tight hold on the leash, the collar thightening slightly around your throat as he grabbed something. You watched him pull out a blindfold and smirk as he wrapped it around your eyes.
“Stay in that position.” He growled.
You stayed there as he rummaged around for something, until he made a noise of interest and lifted something out of the box. Your body shivered with anticipation, until you felt something being wrapped around your head, and a mouth piece being shoved in your mouth, holding it open.
“You think being a brat is getting you what you want princess? Think again.” He growled, gripping your hair.
His lips hit yours, passionate and dominant. The kiss wasn’t messy, but it was rough. His lips and tongue knew how to win over yours, and they did so without getting sloppy. He let go of your hair roughly and stepped away, dropping his robe and pulling his boxers down, his length hitting his stomach. You flinched at the sound, knowing what it was, the blindfold now allowing you to see it. You felt something rub your bottom lip, drool slightly dripping from your open mouth.
“Be a good girl.” He purred, before you felt his length slide down your throat.
You choked a bit a he began to slide himself in and out of your throat, the open mouth gag holding it open for him. You choked and whimpered around his length, saliva dripping down your chin. Tears wet the blind fold as he thrusted into your mouth.
“Good girl.” He rasped as he stroked your hair, rolling his head back as his hips began to speed up.
He removed the blind fold, his eyes smarkling as he saw some of your mascara under your eyes, your own eyes glass with tears as you watched him thrust into your mouth. He grabbed the side of your head and pushed himself all the way down your throat, his pelvic bone being pressed against your nose. He roughly pulled out and you choked, saliva dripping from your chin, onto your chest. He unbuckled the gag and smirked at you as he tapped his length against your lips.
And he was right, his problem wasn’t so little. He had the absolute most perfect length. It was longer than both Jisung’s and Felix’s, and it held more girth than the both of them. He pressed it to your lips again and you pulled away stubbornly, earning a tsk from him. He pinched your nose so you had to open your mouth to breath, and when you did, he slid his length into your mouth.
“It’s cute when you think being a brat is gonna make me want to pleasure you too.” He rasped through gritted teeth as he thrusted into your mouth harshly, his length hitting down your throat.
You were a whimpering mess, trying to rub your thighs together. You felt his thighs tense and warmth fill the back of your throat as you swallowed around him. He pulled his length out and you gasped, finally being able to breathe properly.
“You’ve got a nice mouth there Kitten. I think you deserve some relief.” He chuckled, noticing you trying to rub your thighs together. “Turn around.”
You turned around, excitement filling you, finally getting what you wanted. However, you were thrown from that idea as he bound your hand behind your back. You looked back at him and he smirked, flipping you back over. Your eyes widened when he pulled out a spreader bar with little ankle cuffs. He attached them to your ankles, your pussy on full display for him.
“That quite a pretty pussy, Kitten.” He purred.
You were about to respond when he grabbed a mouth gag with a small ball and smirked at you.
“If you can take what I give you without a sound or complaint, I’ll fuck you and let you cum. I’m letting you off easy, really. Instead of giving you nothing to bite on, I’ll let you use this gag.” He cooed, attaching it to your head, along with the blind fold.
You kept your mouth around the gag as he settled himself between your spreaded legs, his eyes looking at your glistening heat. He reached into the box and pulled something out. You felt irritated that he had blind folded you again, when you heard something buzzing.
Your body jolted as it was pressed to your clit, rubbing it up and down.
“How does that feel, Kitten?” Minho asked with a smirk.
You let out a whimper as he attached it to your clit, the setting just enough to have you seeing stars, but not enough for your to orgasm.
“I’ll let that sound go this time Kitten, but you have to keep quiet.” He ordered.
You bit tightly around the ball as the vibrater remained attached to your clit, your aching heat dripping into the bed. You heard another vibration and almost shrieked when you felt another vibrater against the tip of your clit. Your fingers dug into the silk cuffs holding your hands together, tears brimming your eyes as you began to drip all over the bed.
“Does that feel good, baby?” He asked, his voice honey smooth.
You nodded frantically, trying to keep your whimpers in. He attached the other to your clit and reached for something else. You felt him flip you over, your ass in the air, cheek on the bed, arms still tied behind your back. You could feel your own arousal leaking down your legs, the air making it cold. You wiggled your butt impatiently, earning a harsh slap. You bit down hard on the ball gag as another landed on the same cheek, harder.
“You really are a fucking brat.” He growled, landing another slap to the same spot.
Tears filled your eyes at the stinging pain. You sat still for a moment as a hand gently rubbed over the skin.
“Now listen me, hm? I’ll give you what you want when you listen.” He purred. “Be a good little slut for me.”
You nodded into the mattress, when you felt something pushing against your entrance. It slipped inside of you and you keened, your teeth leaving marks in the ball gag. It was too short to be his length, and you realized it must’ve been a dildo. You closed your eyes tightly and grit your teeth as he began to thrust it in and out of you.
“You really are a slut, hm? Your pussy is eating this dildo like it’s the last fuck it’ll ever have.” He cooed.
You tried not to make a sound at his words, burying your face into the mattress. You were dripping all over the bed, your legs shaking as the vibrater stayed attached to you, the dildo working your insides. Just as you were about to cum, he ripped it from you, a string of your arousal attached to it.
“You’re soaked Kitten, dripping everywhere.” He chuckled, watching your pussy clench around nothing.
“Please.” You whined.
“Please what?” He asked, bending over your shaking form and kissing your bare shoulder.
“Please let me cum- please fuck me Minho.” You begged.
“Not so much of a brat now, huh?” He asked.
You whined at his words and he chuckled, kissing down your back. You gasped as the vibraters went faster, as he clicked a higher setting. You felt the dildo glide past your folds and start to pump in and out of you. Your cries filled the room as your legs shook, and you came with a loud moan. You whimpered as the vibraters stayed attached to your clit, Minho’s hand still working the dildo into your clenching heat.
“M-Minho.” You whined.
“Hm?” He asked.
“Please.” You whined.
“Beg for it. Beg for it like the slut you are.” He purred, pulling the toy from your heat.
“Please fuck me Minho. Please fuck me with your big dick and fill me with your cum.” You whimpered.
You let out a loud moan as the vibraters went faster, going to the highest setting. You felt Minho’s tip at your entrance, poking at it, teasing you still. You let out a whine, that was cut off with a high pitched squeal as he shoved himself up to the hilt inside of you. He immiediatly pulled out to just the tip and slammed back in, his hips smacking off of your ass.
Your whole body shook as his legnth brushed your gspot, the tip hitting your cervix at the angle. Your loud moans filled the room, the gag no longer keeping you quiet. Wet slapping sounds filled your ears every time his length filled you, pushing you closer and closer to your orgasm. You could feel your arousal coating Minho’s pelvis and your thighs, your whole lower half covered in it.
“You’re a real slut, you know that Y/N?” He asked through gritted teeth. “I’ve never seen a pussy this wet, making such a mess.”
You whined at his words, when his hand gripped your hair and arched your back, a shriek leaving your lips as his tip slammed directly into your cervix, the deepest anyone has been in you.
“Are you a slut, Y/N?” He asked, his hips still, his tip still pushing up against your cervix.
You shook your head, a whimper leaving your mouth. You could feel your saliva dripping down from your mouth and the gag, the gag marked from your teeth digging into it. You whimpered loudly as he slapped your ass, grabbing it right after.
“No?” He asked. “Then why are you dripping all over, hm? Why is your pussy begging for me?”
You remained silent at his words and he smirked, pulling out the slightest bit and slamming back into your cervix. You cried out and dug your nails into the silk cuffs.
“Are you a slut Y/N?” He asked, slowly dragging his hips back and shoving his length back into you the same way he did.
You tried to cry out a response, but the ball gag had you choking. Minho graciously reached over and pulled it off of your face as you cried out.
“Yes! I’m a slut Minho! Please, please let me cum again.” You rasped.
“That’s a good girl.” He purred, grabbing the leash that was still attached to the collar and tugging on it.
The pressure around your throat, the vibraters, and Minho’s dick so deep into you had you screaming as you tightened around him and came, your whole body shaking. Minho’s hips stuttered slightly at the feeling of your clenching, before picking up the pace and slamming into you.
Your stomach churned at the overstimulation, your eyes pooling with tears as it hurt and felt so good at the same time. You felt Minho pull at the leash, pulling you up till your back met his chest, his one hand wrapped up in the least, the other on your hip as he brought your hips back against his own. He latched his mouth to your neck, sucking harshly as his length abused your G-spot.
“You’re such a good Kitten, taking over stimulation like it’s nothing.” He purred.
“G-Good for you, M-Minho.” You whimpered out, lost in the feeling of his lips sucking purple and red marks onto your skin, and his length pushing deep inside of you with the vibraters on your clit.
Your thighs tensed and your toes curled as you hit another high, your whole body turning to jelly as you dropped, despite the chain tightening harshly around your throat. You started to squirm and squeal as the vibraters became too much with the feeling of Minho so deep inside of you. You felt him pull out, grabbing the remote and turning one off, and the other on a lower level. He pulled the one he turned off off of you, tossing it to the side. He undid the spreader bars and leaned over you, lifting your legs over his shoulders.
“Take one more Kitten.” He said, kissing your lips.
Your eyes rolled back as he slipped back into you, his length pushing against every sweet spot you had. His hands held your hips as he pounded into you, your back arching to take him deeper.
“That’s a good girl.” He rasped, snapping his hips into yours.
Your eyes began to roll back, choked moans leaving your lips as your back arched further. He attached his lips to your neck as his hips rolled into yours. You could feel your arousal on his hips, on the bed, everywhere. The vibrater remained buzzing on your clit as his legnth plummeted in and out of you, soaked and dripping in your essence. You felt his finger press against the vibrater, putting pressure on it. You cried out and came with a choke scream of his name, incoherences leaving your lips as you squirmed and squealed underneath of him, your toes curled and cramping.
Minho let out a raspy moan as he came inside of you, his fingers digging harshly into your hips, bruises forming on the skin. You both panted as Minho dropped on top of you, his face in the crook of your neck. You both laid like that for a moment, panting loudly. He watched your chest heave and gave a low chuckle as he pushed himself up with his elbows and kisses the red and purples marks he had created on your neck. You whimpered as the vibrater was still on, and he quickly turned it off and slowly pulled out of you. You gave a content sigh as you felt both empty and full.
He watched his cum leak out of you, a small smirk on his lips.
“Good thing those candles are lit. Even with them, I can still smell the sex in here.” He chuckled hoarsely.
You let out a tired laugh as he grabbed the robes and you shoved him off.
“You can go, I need a minute.” You rasped.
He got on the bed with you, laying the robes on the wet spots and smiling at you. You looked at him curiously as he pulled the covers and brought them over you, before sliding in beside you.
“No one needs this room, and it seems we both need a minute.” He said with a shrug.
You smiled as you nuzzled your face into his chest, his smooth skin smelling like his cologne.
“You don’t come off as the cuddling type.” You laughed.
He stroked your hair and chuckled.
“My duality can be amazing.” He said.
Your eyes began to close, and by the way your body felt, you knew you wouldn’t be able to walk for a few days. You fell asleep on his chest, his fingers still threading through your hair.
“Sleep well Y/N.” Minho purred. “You’re gonna need it with the next two.”
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cbspams · 3 years
District 8: Textiles
“Turn.” Felix does with ease, watching with no small amount of awe as the fabric on his body flutters gently. One of the best things about coming from Eight meant that the stylist, Irene, could do whatever she wanted. Any fabric, any silhouette, any embellishments and accents. Because it’s Eight and all the best fabrics come from Eight. Irene had done her job with gusto, dressing Felix beautifully in a tailored suit, made of midnight black velvet with deep blue and purple high lights, silver glinting off the interwoven threads. In essence, Felix looked like Irene had plucked the night sky and draped it on his body. Made him look tall but slim, elegant in a way he would never have been back in Eight. Because this is the Capitol and being beautiful will get you so much farther than you could even know.
His pale blond hair had been fluffed up and then smoothed out, giving the illusion of a star’s birth. Irene had even painstakingly parted and spray dyed a few strands here and there so that under the light shine, his hair would look white with blushes of color underneath, never quite the same when you looked at it. Then she’d decorated his ears with simple silver rings on his right lobe, small and thin. A silver star ear coil on the left side. But really, all that was just to frame his face. That was the bit that would tie it all together.
When Irene had first met him, she had exclaimed that he was perfect. His skin was flawless. But it was his natural freckles that would be the perfect canvas for her starry image of him. She had stuck to light makeup, nothing too dramatic because she wanted his skin to stand out, in its soft glowing glory. A touch of highlighter, a smidge of eyeshadow and a quick gloss on his lips. The real show was how she had glued small gems to his face, on top of some of his real freckles. And then she’d connected the dots with a shimmering eye liner. Holographic, like the rest of him. Made to change and glimmer under the light. Made to look like the twinkle of stars in an artificial sky, since the real one has long since been polluted.
She had debated giving him colored contacts, since they’d make him stand out more but they might make him unrecognizable in the games somehow. In the end, she decided to give him one in his left eye, so it’d be seen but not a main focus. And because it gave him the option of duality. Whoever he wanted to be. After watching him turn, Irene grasps Felix’s hand and presses a kiss to the palm. “For luck,” she says before disappearing down the corridor and leaving him alone with Kibum.
But Felix doesn’t need luck. Not when he looks like the stars fell to earth and birthed a champion themselves.
Just before Felix is called up, when his partner tribute is around halfway done, Kibum grasps his hands and squeezes them once. Stares into his eyes, one a chilling blue grey and the other a warm melting hazel and whispers one last bit of advice: Don’t forget who you are.
As if Felix could ever forget.
He squares up his shoulders, blinks his lashes slowly and then stares out where Park Jinyoung sweeps a hand out and beckons him forward.
“Please welcome, the tribute from Eight: Lee Felix!”
The cameras flash, the lights gleam and the crowds gasps as a delicate celestial being flounces forward, so light on his feet that he really must be a star made of gas. Felix settles himself prettily on the chair opposite Jinyoung, carefully turning his face so that only the soft hazel of his eye can be seen. After a moment, the crowd shuffles into silence and Jinyoung starts to dissect Felix’s entire being.
“Well well! What a stunning outfit you have on today Felix. Truly, how many of us can claim the stars to our skin?”
Felix giggles, the sound ringing clear and true. “Would it be too cliche to say all of you? When I first peered out of the train, I thought surely I’m among angels and fairies and gods.” The crowd titters, pleased. Jinyoung’s smile grows fractionally.
“Well now! You’re on your way to becoming the star you were meant to be, pun intended.” Jinyoung winks as Felix laughs again, forcing his body to relax. “Now dear boy, tell us. A nine in training, not a usual score from your district. Did you cast some kind of magic on our darling Gamekeepers?” Jinyoung lowers his voice for the last part, conspiratorial but only jokingly. Of course there’s no real controversy here.
Felix just winks at the crowd, raising a finger to his lips. “That’s for me to know and you all to find out now isn’t it?”
It’s so easy to melt into this flirtatious, crowd pleasing persona. Felix is the sun, warm and gentle and bright and genuine, something the people of the Capitol adore. Something they want desperately for themselves, hands outstretched to try and take a piece home. Because everyone wants a piece of the star that fosters life. But he’s a tribute and the best they can do is throw money at him to ensure he survives, somehow. So he can keep being their star somehow.
Jinyoung continues, a few back and forth banter questions to allow Felix to butter up the audience more. Time ticks away slowly and it’s time for the final question, usually some kind of wrap up. Felix feels a little high honestly, his head spinning with how much he’s had to giggle and laugh and flirt. He wonders briefly what his parents must think, looking at him.
“Well, this has been a true delight Felix. Is there anything else you’d like to say to the crowd?” Here it is, the defining moment. Will they remember him as Lee Felix, the flirt, the forgettable? Or will they remember him as Lee Felix, the kid who shot across the sky like a burning star, who crash landed on earth and brought the entire world down with him.
Name: Lee Felix
Age: 17
District: 8
Specialty: Pyrotechnics and explosions
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