#even if he had a moments of dark thougts he was sure that that was the wrong option
marauderswolf22 · 1 year
i love the idea that everyone kisseed lily before james. imagine that, he would be absolutely pissed off lol. remus-when they were drunk-learning togheter (it's my idea and i dunno on how would it look), sirius when they would want to annoy james one time, peter when they would play truth or dare and some girl wouldn't want to kiss him (bItch) and lily would say -i can kiss you pete (yes, i stole that from anne with an e) (absolutely love this scene), and bassicly james would die in front of all of this
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star-writez · 8 months
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Jax x depressed gn angst to fluff
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(This oneshot was requested by a user on wattpad so if you want to let yourself be known)
(Anyways enjoy!)
~2nd person pov~
Jax has always had a crush on you and it was quite obvious to everyone
Well...Accept you of course
You were the only person he was actually somewhat nice to you
Yes he still teased you a little here but he was still super friendly to you
You two were best friends and you two were basically inseparable
But lately it's been different
You started staying in your room more and you started acting more hopeless and empty on the inside
Which was weird cause you always were full of happiness and hope for life even when it got rough
Jax was quite cornered by this point
It's already been a week since you started acting like this
So jax decided to finally do something about this
Jax was walking down the hallway looking for your room
He had only been to your room a few times but he couldn't really remember that much about it
Jax continued to walk picking up his pace getting more worried
It was weird for jax to act like this most of the time jax acted like a jerk but he was actually...acting sort of nice?
After he finally found your door he pulled out a key
He had keys to everyones rooms which was actually a good thing in this instance
Jax finally unlocked your door quickly running into your room
"Hey y/n are you in here?" jax asked quickly looking around trying to find you
Starting to get a little cornered again
But after a few seconds you came out from under your blanket
"Hey...." you said looking very miserable and a total mess
"Oh my god y/n you look like a total mess!" jax exclaimed still seeming very cornered "are you actually concerned about me?" you asked seeming a tiny bit shocked that jax could actually act nice "of course I am you're my friend!" jax said crossing his arms getting a little annoyed you thougt he didn't care about you "I know...I know...." you said yawning and rubbing your eyes looking very sleep deprived "are you ok y/n?....you look absolutely miserable?" jax asked putting one of his gloved hand on your cheek making you look at him "just...a little bit tired and depressed..." you said sighing again blushing a tiny bit at the physical touch "why didn't you tell me?!" jax asked getting annoyed again not wanting you to suffer in silence "well I didn't want to bother you..." you said sounding very guilty trying to look away but jax had a tight grip on your cheek "you never annoy me y/n...I want to tell me if you are ever struggling with anything...I'm here for you...." jax said his words sounding very genuine like he REALLY cared for you "ok...." you said still blushing a little feeling a tiny bit better now that jax was here "this may sound a bit weird but um...can I give you some cuddles?" jax asked becoming a bit awkward realizing that maybe he shouldn't have said anything "....that actually sounds very nice....sure" you said starting to smile softly
Jax started to get a tiny bit excited then he scooped you up in his arms carrying you over to your messy bed sitting you down then he sat down rapping his arms around you keeping you close to him
"I hate it here....I wish I could leave" you said pausing for a moment as you looked at him directly in the eyes "but... being with you makes me actually feel slightly happiness..." you said starting to smile again but then jax became a dark shade of crimson becoming very flustered at your words but he didn't look away he just stared back at you
There was a awkward silence for a minute or two but then jax spoke up finally
"Do you uh...um.......love me?" jax asked becoming very flustered and awkward again "yes....yes I do..." you said starting to blush s lot again being overwhelmed by emotions
"Do you love me?" you asked your eyes starting to sparkle a little as you continued to blush your heart pounding quickly
"I love you a lot..." jax muttered not used to loving someone or even being loved his ears trying to cover his face seeming slightly embarrassed then you grabbed his face giving him a quick but loving kiss which made jax's heart melt (not literally don't worry)
"So does this mean we're like officially together?" jax asked seeming a little confused not really knowing how relationships really work
"Yes does does mean we're together..." you said holding jax close to you hurrying your face in his chest which made him wrap,his arms around you trying to keep you as close as possible
After a few minutes you finally fell asleep getting the sleep you obviously needed
Jax sighed looking down at you smiling softly
"Sleep well darling...."
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
you are
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A/N: going into the DC side of things. except another leap for my writing as well as my brain. this came to be in the middle of the night bout 2am so i briefly jotted a few ideas on a piece of paper in the dark and now im doing this… i hope this brings joy in these dark times!
Pairing: Kate Kane x reader
sentance inspirations : “what's stopping you now?" “can you help me with my tie?” / “can you zip up my dress?”
summery: not freaking telling
several years ago, billionaire Bruce Wayne disappeared from Gotham City, the company struggled but when Lucius Fox got murdered his nephew Luke struggled to keep Wayne techs inner lights on.
one evening Kate Kane walked into the office of CEO Bruce Wayne her cousin. she was determined to continue the legacy he had left behind in one shape or form.
she stumbled upon her cousins biggest secret, the biggest legacy he had left behind. she found the Batcave. she discovered her cousin was Batman. now she continues the shadow of the Bat. she continues to strike fear into the criminal element of Gotham City.
you had gone off the grid shortly after Bruce did, you werent sure when or if you should return but 6 years later you did, just cause you figured things would have changed and you had heard about another bat being in gotham.
you wanted to know if Bruce had returned. of course you knew your boss’ deepest darkest secret, you were his co ceo and his secretary. you had to know these things.
the penthouse you had been living in before leaving gotham hadnt changed at all. after putting your stuff down and getting somewhat settled, you decided to go and see if your workplace had changed at all, you decided to go see if anything had changed with Wayne tech.
the exterior of wayne tech hadnt changed though there were fewer lights on inside, but you swiped your key card thinking that no one else would be here that you would be able to go upstairs without anyone realizing that you were here.
kate: “someone just used a key card and entered the building.” Luke: “what do we do?” Kate: “we need to find out who they are and how they have a key card. It looks like they are coming up here. So perfect we will be questioning them in no time.”
Luke: “why would we question someone who used a key card? wait what was the key card access number?”
Kate looked at the computer again…
Kate: “4789932. why do you ask?”
Luke: “dont interrogate the person coming out of the elevator was the last person to see Bruce before he disappeared. his secretary, YN.”
you exit the elevator at that moment to see Luke and Kate in the room. Kate’s eyes lock onto yours, her gaze piercing your soul, you had forgotten that you were standing in the office of your former boss.
Luke: “you YN right?”
YN: “who are you? and how did you get in here? this is sacred space.”
Kate steps in front of luke and comes close to you.
Kate: “no need to be hostile, im Kate Kane im Bruce’s cousin. the one he didnt really mention, when he disappeared i figured i would use this place as my home away from home. plus my buddy Luke here is the son of Lucius who i believe worked closely with you and Bruce before Bruce disappeared and before Lucius passed a year ago. when my cousin disappeared did you happen to…”
you interrupted Kate, you felt bad for doing so but you knew what she was gonna ask.
YN: “no he didnt mention anything to me about where he was going, he was just being Bruce. he told me he had to leave Gotham and wasnt sure if or when he would return. i left that same day when he and i had last talked. we had our final conversation and i got on the next flight out of gotham and spent the last few years trying to cope with having lost my job, the loss of my best friend, and the loss of my life.”
Kate: “how long have you been back in Gotham?”
You had to set yourself down in a chair cause now you were feeling the vibes and memories from being back in the office.
YN: “i got back only 4 hours ago. i live in the penthouse in the gotham plaza hotel a couple blocks away. but there are a ton of cars and everything everywhere whats going on?”
Kate looked at you and then remmbered that you hadnt been back in gotham very long.
Kate: “tonight is some sort of fancy ball type thing that the rich folk are throwing in honor of the crows security team that helps the gcpd protect gotham well only those who can afford it anyway. anyway my dad wants me to make an appearance and be there and such so i was wondering if your not busy would you consider coming with me…”
you were shocked this woman this woman who you had barely known for a total of half an hour was asking you on a date… and you of course had nothing to wear.
YN: “i would love to but i have nothing to wear.”
Kate: “we can solve that… Luke im taking the night off… and whatever you do dont contact me at all. im gonna show YN just how much has changed in this city and with its people. and rememebr to pick us up at the apartment at 6:30pm.”
Kate takes you to the elevator and down to the garage. you of course realized that she had a motor bike and that was a total turn on for you.
YN: “where are we gonna find me an outfit on such short notice.”
Kate: “there is a boutique near my place we will stop there on the way to getting me ready.”
you take the helmet that she hands you, you put it on and strap your small bag cross your body, and get on behind Kate. you hold on tight as she takes off out of the garage.
the feeling coursing through your veins right then was something you hadnt felt in a long time. in about 15 minutes you both arrived at a small boutique. it was super fancy, you remmber hitting alot of those types of store when you were bruce’s secretary.
Kate: “lets find you a dress…”
you and Kate walk into the boutique and smile as you both walk in not knowing what you wanted like detail wise for a dress. but Kate spoke up fairly calm.
Kate: “can i get some help to find this lovely woman a dress for the ball tonight?”
Helen comes around the corner and stands immediately in front of you and Kate.
Helen: “such a fluent canvas, let me guess you wear mostly bright colors, but look good in almost anything, dont really care for heals but will deal with wedges, spaghetti strap, built in bra, and has to have a slit in the front for easy walking but can deal if it doesnt. how did i do?”
YN: “you got it. how did you know?”
Helen: “darlin’ ive been at this a long time plus you are very easy to read… wait a moment you remind me of.. YN?”
you had to think now… you couldnt think straight in the first place cause of Kate but now you were faced with this lady who suddenly knew your name.
YN: “im sorry you seem to have me at a disadvantage. do i know you?”
Helen: “its me Helen, i was your tailor when Mr Wayne was still here. God rest his soul.”
you now knew who she was and she hugged you welcoming you back to Gotham as she took you to the rack where she happened to have a mermaid spaghetti strap in lilac and in your size.
she pulled it off the shelf and handed it to you. you held it up to your figure and she gave it the thumbs up as she went to grab you a shawl and a handbag as well as a pair of wedges which she took a guess on the size.
kate and you went back to her apartment and she helped you get comfortable before she went to go get ready for the ball. you started to take off what you currently were wearing, and then you slid into the dress. the satin lace combo gliding across your skin.
you didnt hear Kate who wanted your help with her tie come back as you finished pulling the up but couldnt reach the zipper.
Kate: “knock knock…”
YN: “i cant reach the zipper. Can you zip up my dress?”
Kate: “only if you help me. Can you help me with my tie?”
you nod.
YN: “deal. but who goes first?”
Kate: “come closer to me and turn around so i can do up the zipper.”
you turn around and move your hair out of habit. Kate’s hands move slowly along your back to the zipper but they trace every inch of your back before grasping the zipper.
YN: “can I ask you something?”
Kate: “of course.”
Yn: “did you have any contact with Bruce before he left that would indicate where he was going or why?”
Kate: “no but my cousin was strong willed, if he wanted to do something he most certainly did everything in his power to achieve whatever he was trying to do. Ugh the zipper is stuck, do not worry I have someone who is very eager to help in any way possible but while I Call her can you do my tie?”
Just as you turn around you hear the door open, Kate turns to defensive in front of you. Mary walks through the door.
Mary: “chill out sis it’s me!”
Kate: “thank God it’s you I hope you can help. Mary this is YN, YN this is My sister Mary. Mary can you fix YN’s zipper on her dress it is stuck even I couldn’t get it.”
Mary places her purse and her coat down and comes behind you. While you trace Kate’s form grasping hold of her tie. Mary goes to take a look at your zipper, she spends longer on the zipper then you do on kates tie.
You had this weird feeling, like she had a secret, like she was trying to tell you something and you werent quite picking up the signal.
Kate had one of her hands on your waist, she had every confidence that she had found her one in you. Course she had heard her cousin mention his fantastic secretary but she didnt think you would be this gorgeous. Mary after a while exclaims.
Mary: “i have an idea… stay right there dont move…”
mary left the room for a moment this left you and kate to further ponder your thougts. kate still had her hand on your waist, this sparked something within you that you had not felt in years.
Kate: “do you have anyone special in your life?”
YN: “ive been single every day for my entire life. cause before i left bruce and i shared secrets with eachother that we soon knew would go with us to our graves. kate, im a lesbian…”
Kate smiles and is about to speak when mary comes back into the room, she goes to the back of your dress and fiddles round for a few moments before standing straight and comes back to her bag and coat.
Mary: “all done i replaced the zipper pull, you will be fine ill fully replace the zipper before that dress is needed again. now both of you should go Luke will be here any moment. and im hitching a ride so hurry up both of you and finish getting reAdy.”
Kate and you finished getting ready, the sound of a car horn sounded. this pulled you and kate out of your own admirations and into a state of lets go present to the public.
you held kates hand this sent several shivers down your spine but in a good way. kate however knew what you felt but she knew she would have to tell you her secret after tonight if everything went her way.
kate: "so i hope that this isnt too forward but how do you think people at this party will react to seeing you at the party let alone back in gotham?"
yN: "dont worry bout it ill just exclaim that im back to stop running from the past. Exclaim that I can't and I shouldn't run forever! Even if I'm still scared."
kate: "what do you have to be scared of?"
yn: "my future, the company I worked for for so long went awol after lucius God rest his soul and now I return to meet the cousin of my former boss and the son of his best friend. Geez I'm overwhelmed!"
Kates hand on your own had you finding the strength to make it through the evening! Your only thoughts were of how how you and Kate looked.
Luke got out of the car and came round to open your door so kate and you as well as mary could exit the car. The press got one look at you beside kate and had a field day.
After pushing through the crowd, making it inside the gallary you realized that the security was tighter than usual.
YN: “when did security get beefed up?”
Kate: “since my father became the leader of a security company, they are called the Crows, they became a thing after Batman disappeared. lets avoid any and all contact with him while here, he wont entirely take kindly to me having a date at this gala.”
YN: “does he know that your...”
Kate: “yes he does but he doesnt entirely approve of it. but you know what screww what he thinks. im just happy to not be suffering this event alone.”
You smiled you knew that there was a small chance that kate had feelings for you as well. there was speeches, music, silent auction and dancing. this was what you and Kate spent some of your time doing. was dancing and placing tickets into the silent auctions.
You and Kate were standing by the bar during the next few speeches, doing a few shots and having several laughs.
Kate: "have you ever kissed a girl?"
YN: "not willingly... Poison ivy got me once but batman swooped in and saved me after I sucker punched him while he was trying to save me. But I guess kissed and put under a spell by a bad girl doesn't count."
Kate: "nope but it was a good try..."
before kate had a chance to finish er sentance her name was being called, this made both you and her turn toward the voice, this also made kate immediately chug the rest of her drink.
Jacob: "kate... didnt expect to see you here tonight."
kate: "thats cause i didnt mention that i was gonna be here. as i found out a few new things today but you dont need to know as long as you do what you do we can never be a proper family. trust me being gay is the best thing to ever happen to me. I swear I'm not gonna give up who I am just to make you proud of me. If you can't accept me for who I am then how are we supposed to be a family. "
Jacob: "Kate you made your choice years ago at the Acadamy you don't need to remind me that we are not and can never be a proper family. You and your lady friend enjoy the gala."
Jacob gives you the snake eye before walking away. You turn to Kate both of you now standing alot closer before. Then it was time for someone from Wayne tech to get up and speak.
You and Kate were the only ones who were able and willing to represent the company on the stage.
Kate: "Wayne tech was started by my aunt Martha and my uncle Thomas Wayne many many years ago. Then my cousin Bruce took over when he was old enough. 6 years ago my cousin disappeared, 3 years ago lucius fox was murdered, today I stand up here with YN who worked close along side lucius and Bruce for many years before Bruce disappeared. Under her leadership and the help of lucius fox's nephew Luke we have plans to reopen Wayne tech."
YN: "citizens of Gotham, what Kate says is true we have plans to reopen Wayne tech, we hope to bring good to our city, continuing on in the steps of my former boss and business partner Bruce, may he ever be remembered as we reopen and continue the business that was the foundation to Gothams Legacy for years before and will continue to be...”
before you could finish your speech the lights in the entire building went out. you and Kate stood close.
Kate: “stay close to me, this is not supposed to happen...”
a few moments later a single spotlight on the other side of the room reveals someone standing there...
Hush: “greetings gothamites, right now some of the crows are all standing on pressure plates that will explode the building if they move. so i want the little rat who is associated with Bruce wayne to come forth and face the punishment for trying to shine that light again.”
Kate and you make your way through the shadows and around the harmless civilians to a hidden panel in the wall. stepping inside this felt very familiar feeling of security.
Kate: “we all have our demons, some of our demons hide in the shadows, for this lunatic out there im one of his demons. YN you know Bruce’s secret now im trusting you with mine.”
YN; “ what are you talking about Kate i have to go out there and stand up to that monster and prove my worth.”
Kate: “and you will have your part to play in this but so will i...”
you watch as she emerges from shadws into some low lighting dressed as a bat...”
YN: “so you took after your cousin in that respect. i am so happy that you have trusted me with this secret. thank you for that.”
Kate: “all i want you to do is go out there and keep him talking distract him long enough for luke who can hear us right now to silently and remotely disarm the pressure plates. now go, ill be along shortly. i have to go a different way.”
you leave the hole in the wall, you walk out there and throw your voice from behind the people.
YN: “who are you and what the hell do you want with me?”
Hush: “why dont you come out and face me so i can see who you are!”
You go further and a spotlight shines on you.
Hush: "well well well, let's get this party started.. Starting with a pop quiz: in Wayne tech the last project that was announced to be in development was what?"
YN: "a new secure wing at arkham asylum."
Hush: "what made the plans for this project go off the rails?"
YN: "the disappearance of Bruce Wayne and the murder of lucius fox."
Hush: "and what project are you guys gonna start on with your start up?"
Yn: "why does it matter to you you dick? You are the one that is basically holding us for hostage... Now either release the innocent people and disarm the pressure plates or the gcpd will be crawling over this place in a matter of moments."
Hush: "now now little girl, you were Bruce Wayne's pet weren't you?"
YN: "I was his assistant and best friend."
Hush: "I knew him once, but he was much different then... I for one am glad he is gone, he was an arrogant ass..."
Kate came into view a few times, helping to set up the room so the people are safe, you keep ‘hush’ busy for a few moments. before you knew it all the innocents were in a safe location.
Hush approached you rapidly and began to get all up in your grill.
Hush: “why are you not afraid of me?”
YN: “cause ive seen things in my lifetime that would scare even a man with no heart such as yourself. so do your worse cause im counting on someone saving me very soon...”
Hush comes up and starts using his fingers to trace your body. that is when Kate decided it was time to make her presence known.
Batwoman: “hey ugly, take your hands off the lady...”
Hush turns to see Batwoman who you know is actually Kate standing behind him...
Hush: “why should i you silly little bat?”
Batwman: “cause in a number of moments the pressure plates will be disarmmed, the crows will be free and you will be going to arkham. now pick on someone your own size...”
Hush turned away from you immediately before turning to batwoman he chucked knives at her while you stood there and watched.. Kate caught your eye and winked, just like bruce used to do if he wanted to pull a reverse batarang catch combo.
Kate threw the batarang and it landed in your catch then with all your strength and force your threw that batarang at the back of hush’s head and he fell straight on his face.
batwoman: “alright commander the pressure plates have been disabled, make sure this animal sees justice. ill take the lady out of the building. have a good night commmander.”
kate comes up to you and grapples both of you out of the building. kate’s father called to make sure both of you were okay. you ended up at wayne tower with kate now she still is in costume.
Kate: “what fascination did my cousin have for bookcases...”
YN: “it is just his thing, back at wayne manor he had a bookcase a piano entrance and several other things, he finally choose the bookcase to make things easy for his quick escapes.”
Kate: "do you want to see the cave?"
YN: "I haven't been down there since before Bruce left... I would love to see it back up and running."
Kate's hand on your own leading you down into the cave made you smile as the stairwell seemed to get brighter like something glowing at the end of the tunnel.
Getting to the end of the tunnel there's a path lined with flame less tea lights.
Yn: "it's beautiful... I love these tea lights!"
Kate: "I have to be honest tonight I had a hard time keeping myself from letting my heart lead my actions. In the few short hours that I've known you, I've fallen in love with you. I had Luke and Mary set this up. As well as the bed in the center."
Kate says as she starts de suiting allowing you to roam around but mid way through de suiting her eyes couldn't leave your form.
Kate: "it took everything I had for will power not to make love to you right then and there and when we were dancing it took all my will power not to kiss you while dancing."
You turned to face Kate both of you facing eachother now.
Yn: "what's stopping you now?"
Mid way through de suiting Kate allowed her instincts to take over. she left her suit half off ran to you cupped your cheeks and kissed you. this was the kiss that felt like it had happened before, but of course it hadnt but it sure as hell felt amazing literally breath taking.
after 10 minutes both of you broke the kiss breathing heavily before kate spoke in heavy raspy breaths.
Kate (breathing heavily): “this might be more sexy if you help me finish getting out of my suit.”
YN (breathing heavily): “turn around and i will...”
Kate turns around, you place small seductive kisses trailing her neck, to her shoulder, down her spine earning small soft moans of approval from Kate. your hands moved to her wait and began to slide the suit from her waist down her legs you still leaving kisses ever couple seconds.
once the suit was off Kate threw it across the table in the corner, and took you closer to the bed as she started to use her hands once more to roam over your body, feeling every inch of it.
Kate: “you are still wearing far too much clothing... turn around time for me to help you get out of what you are wearing...”
YN: “i promise you that this is probably way less than you were wearing.”
Kate: “turn around for me..”
you turned around and smiled, kates hands on the back of your dress using the make shift pully for the zipper that mary had put on to undo the dress. but Kate kissed your neck earning soft moans from you.
Kate: “dont forget we are the future of wayne tech, and united we stand..”
YN: “you are so hot, i got all throat dryed and tongue tied when i first met you. i was shell shocked... but im damn well glad you were the one in the building.”
the fabric slid off your body on its own, all kate had to do was make sure you didnt trip over the dress. tossing that with the suit you are in the caressed embrace of Kate.
Kate: “so beautiful...”
you turn around lifting Kate’s tank top off her body. her hands making quick work to slide off her shorts. both of you now scooting onto the bed, Kate was on top of you quicker than you were fully laying down.
Kate: “now this is how love is supposed to be...”
Kate grinded her way onto you, pulling off 69 and just general pleasuring sensual acts. you both were screaming and moaning in pleasure.
Kate: “you know i dont think ive had this much passion in sex in a long time.”
YN: “i know what you mean and i am perfectly content staying right here for like ever...”
kate had been using a double strap on so it pleasured you both. she hadnt puled out or really stopped moving, you both were just laying in a way that you could have a conversation.
YN: “how did i get so lucky to end up with you?”
Kate: “no idea but it was probably the same thing that brought me to you. i love you...”
You cupped her cheeks making sure your noses were touching and that was how your night of perfect bliss continued with the strap on and the vigerous sexual positions and the oral sex you received from Kate.
After several hours of that you both fell asleep cuddled together in perfect harmony. Morning soon fell, the bat computer started its morning routine, the lights were still romantic.
In those moments things seemed simple, both of you had forgotten the horrific but wonderful time at the gala the night before.
Kate and you stirred at the same time, opening your eyes only to start grinding the strap on again, not alot of moving from where you were nor from under the covers.
You were still going at it moments later when Luke and Mary began to decend into the cave. Neither you nor Kate noticed as you were too pre occupied.
The bat computer spoke suddenly.
Computer: "sir Luke and lady Mary, madame Kate and mistress YN are still rolling in the sheets, they also just woke up shall I put up the protective shield?"
Mary: "yes please so we don't have to see anything.. But there is a question I have who installed those shield and why?"
Computer: "master Wayne did for his rendezvous with miss Kyle! Whenever they would happen. "
Luke: "did my father know? About Bruce and Selena?"
Computer: "oh yes everyone eventually knew cause they got engaged in secret. To show Gotham that Selina had truly changed her spots."
Luke and Mary were shocked they didnt think that someone would happen upon anything like that in the cave... though like they were about to see the shield would reveal as though nothing was on the other side of the wall...
Luke: "did bruce leave anything indicating where he was going or why he left?"
computer: "that information is classified except to those whose code names are on the inscription."
Mary: "is it safe to go down now?"
computer: "yes go on..."
meanwhile you and Kate were still engaged in the sensual arts. passion flowing gracefully from you both. neither of you noticing the shield nor hearing the voices from luke and mary, nor realizing that there was work to be done.
about an hour later you and kate were both finally satisfied. you both threw on the robes sitting near by and smiled happily walking out from behind the shield. only to be confronted with glares from Luke and Mary...
Luke: “glad you both could finally join us... oh by the way, great idea for starting wayne tech again that is a brilliant plan...”
Mary: “where are your formal wear so i can repair that zipper and whatever else needs on it...”
YN: “its on the couch over near the shield. just dont look back there it aint pretty.”
Kate smiled cause she could only imagine what kind of horrors they would see if they looked. 
Kate: “did you find anything on that Hush character from the gala last night?”
Luke: “sadly no but i can say that whoever he is is extremely hard to place. plus there is no mention of anyone named Hush in Bruce’s files anywhere.”
YN: “so he is someone new thats okay cause i am the one that took down Poison ivy, that was one of the only missions i ever did with bruce i had my own suit and everything. Bruce taught me everything he knew. but in those moments ivy had no idea that i was the same girl she had tried to force to kill Batman. then i turned around and clipped her with a batarang to the back of the head and brought her ass to arkham. it was a glorious day. it was also the same day that Bruce told me he was leaving. or well that he was preparing too. he told me for what was coming neither of us should be in the city. so when he left i grabbed what few belongings i had and i left gotham and had been in Star City till yesterday.”
Kate went to mary who handed Kate something which peaked your curiousity, but you werent gonna pry you knew when the time was right Kate would do what her heart commanded. 
~1 and a half years later... success had been accross yours and Kates features as you both were running sucessfully 3 businesses. the reopening of wayne tech had gone smoothly. then there was the real estate firm that Kate had been running before you got to gotham as well as a nightclub. a little excessive but its a welcome reprieve with a fully stocked bar. you and Kate were happily living in your penthouse together. you had left alot of it alone due to both of you missed Bruce and wanted him to be honored.~
Kate: “YN, did you put..”
YN: “top drawer in the middle cabinet, Kate did you...”
Kate: “its in your desk in the center drawer...”
you and Kate were functional working happy couple. this was to be the night of the wayne tech gala. you both had put one on as tghe grand reopening and now its a yearly thing. to showcase everything that is in development for the people of gotham. 
Kate: “can you believe that its already been almost 2 years...”
YN: “can you believe that i never thought i would have ever been working for wayne tech again.”
kate: “can you believe that you are the most beautiful woman at this party.”
YN: “your not so bad yourself.”
Kate smiled as she came up behind you to help you do up your dress. 
Kate: “do you think bruce would be proud of what we have done and are doing?”
YN: “i think whereever he is he is very proud of us... and even better he would be honored that we took this mantle and have upheld it for the good of the Wayne family legacy.”
thats when an intruder alert sounded. it was one of the silent alarms on the wayne manor property. 
YN: “we should go as ourselves not in costume.”
Kate: “ill call Mary and Luke and have them stall for time at the gala. we will be there in plenty of time. but your right as usual.”
YN: “good thing we travel to impress.”
Kate: “we also travel combat ready... i get now why you always have slits in your dresses. lets go.”
Kate and you got onto Kates bike and drove off towards the detection. ah yes wayne manor now declared sacred land and only for family, it was unusual that someone would dare to venture onto the property. 
upon arrival at the gate you and Kate parked and got off the bike leaving your helmets and hiding the valuables in the safe installed on the bike. 
Kate: “keep your eyes open something isnt right.”
YN: “dont worry whatever it is we will make sure to handle this.”
Kate smiles and keeps you close while walking further onto the property. you remembered the last time you had been here before bruce left and disappeared. 
Kate: “see anything yet?”
YN: “not yet... wait there is a light inside...”
you start running towards the house Kate follows in suit, you start going up the steps but stop as Kate comes up behind you and grabs your hand both of you walking up those stairs together.
Kate and you each opened one of the double doors, both of you walking inside the light seemingly brighter. you could hear rustling and creeking of floors. you and Kate wanted to charge in “guns” blazing but you were in civilian form not a good idea. 
you both stop outside the door to the room, you hear a familiar voice. no it cant be... 
Kate: “whoever that is, is going to be tried for trespassing...”
except you knew that voice... you knew who it was...
YN: “dont be rash babe, i recognize the voice.”
you open the door with Kate on your heels.
YN: “talia...”
the figure turns around and remves her hood.
Talia: “its been a long time YN. how have you been?”
YN: “to be fair its been a gong show... what with having just come back to gotham last night after being in star city for the last several years.”
Talia: “i guess it has been a long long time. whose your friend?”
Kate holds her hand towards talia and stands tall beside you.
Kate: “kate kane, im Bruce’s cousin. im as of 1 and a half years ago  YN’s  girlfriend.”
Talia shakes kates hand. 
YN: “what are you doing here talia?”
Talia: “i mean no disrespect but something seemed wrong about Bruce disappearing. something felt wrong and if i can find out why it felt wrong then i can find out where Bruce disappeared to.”
YN: “keep us informed, we have an expo to get too.. we are so late...”
Kate: “if you wish there will be a ticket for you at the door Talia. it was very nice to meet you.”
Talia: “as it was to meet you Kate.”
You and Kate leave Talia to what she was doing and head back to the bike. Tears fell from your eyes thinking about Bruce and how proud he would be of both you and Kate.
Kate: "thinking about Bruce?"
YN: "I just wish he were here to see what we have accomplished. But let's get to the expo and reveal the plans for the developments that we have come up with."
Kate hands you your helmet before hse puts hers on as you both get back on the bike and head to the expo. Parking in the parking garage you make the notion that you both got dirt on your outfits.
Kate: "shit Mary is gonna kill us... She might have planned for something like this... Hold on let me..."
before kate could call Mary, mary rang Kate’s cell...
Kate: “Mary thank god its you listen YN and i had a little run in with some dirt both our outfits are no longer presentable do you have any spare outfits.”
Mary yells at luke and then speaks a moment.
mary: “meet me in the washrooms in the lobby... i will have them there shortly..”
you and Kate sneak your way through the corridors and head into the lobby washrooms. anxiously awaiting Mary’s arrival with your replacement outfits, you made sure that you kept a level head. 
Kate: “you look a little tense love...”
YN: “i wanted this night to go smoooth and now we have to do a costume change only a few short moments before we have to be on stage for the toasts. this is not how this night was supposed to go...”
Kate: “not to worry, there is still plenty of time for things to go right.”
Mary walks in a while later, you look at Kate with anticipation for the way that you were hoping this night would go was not what it seemed. 
Mary: okay whose first for their outfit change... 
Kate: just give me the outfits Mary, you and Luke need to make sure no one comes in here for a few moments while we get changed... once we are changed ill knock on the door and you and come and collect the outfits. 
Mary: that sounds do-able. just both of you hurry up people are asking for you, important people. 
you and Kate were not sure who could be out there but you both were certain that this night was gonna be a rocking good time. 
getting into your clean outfits you both realize that you both are wearing your costume colors. Kate knocks on the door once you both are presentable, mary walks in.
Mary: you both look spectacular!
Kate: ya in our costume colors what is going on?
Mary: luke developed a microchip to change anything into your costumes its like a portable solution. but these are just incase of any ruckass. which we are hoping there wont be but just in case here they are. 
Kate: what if we just want to be normal for one night?
Mary reaches into the neckline of Kates shirt and your bra line on your dress and pulls out the microchips. 
Mary: if you both change your minds i have the chips now go  you both are due for your speech in a few moments. 
you and kate go out of the washroom, arriving in the ballroom to be greeted by dignitaries and just in time to be called up on stage. politely excusing yourselves you both walk up on stage. 
Kate: whats up gotham city. thank you all so much for coming out tonight. this year so far is really big and productive for the company. i cant believe its been almost 2 years since me and YN brought wayne tech back to life. if bruce wayne were here today, to see what we have done he would be very proud of everything we are doing to keep this legacy alive. the silent auction will run all night the winner will be contacted by telephone and by email. the prizes will be availble for drop off or pick up at wayne tech. now i am gonna turn the mic over to my business partner and girlfriend YN.
YN: thanks kate, so as you all have seen around the room are some of the plans to refurbish some of the wings at arkham as well as build a secure wing for those more deadly super criminals. our goal is to create a more secure enviroment as well as give the orderlies more space for any other crazies that may pop up or have to go to arkham thanks to the donations of you Gotham we almost have the funds to start the arkham asylum expansion project. 
Kate: before we sign off for the evening i have something i would like to do. bare with me i have not put alot of thought into this but here it goes. 
Kate turns to you taking your hand in her own.
Kate: Yn you and i have taken Wayne tech and brought it back from the dust and shadows like a phoenix in rebirth but tonight as we boht stand before all of gotham i have a question for you, this night at this gala i want to know. Will you YN marry me?
she then got down on one knee and held a ring box to you open to a rose gold entwined celtic knot band with a emerald cut stone in the center. your face went pretty fast from shock to a face of happy complete utter joy. 
YN: yes!
was all you managed to squeak out.  kate placed the ring on your finger and kissed you before holding both your hands up for the press to see the gripped shot of the engagement ring. 
you were not sure what else would come out of your mouth. thats when luke stepped onto the stage with mary. both of them bringing you and kate some champagne. 
mary: waiters are coming around with champagne will you all please join me in raising a toast to YN and Kate  the best people for the right jobs at the right moments. we are honored to be in your debt. to YN and Kate. 
the toast made, the congratulations flowed in, the press all over your engagement. even the crows offered congratulations. 
~what happens now is a different story for a different time~
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My little mischievous partner ~ Part 1
So before I start I just wanna point out that the main idea of this story came from @tomtenadia and I simply transformed it into a little Elriel ff with the IC. It was originally planed as only a one-shot, but it turned out way too long so I parted it.
And I just wanted to say @tomtenadia that I really am sorry that I post it this late, but anyway hope you enjoy. 
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It will be an peacefull evening they said. It will be relaxed they said. It will be fun they said. 
But all of this was the least from the situation right now.
Azriel, who had taken his first week off in decades, actually only wanted to spend some time with the seer. 
Just being around her and enjoy the last warm breathes of the summer air together with her, but of course did he get carried away as Mor and his brothers presured him into an evening with all of them. 
Instead of just him and Elain. 
And honestly Azriel didn’t know why he had agreed. Thinking for the fracture of a second that it was a good idea, but that thought had crossed his mind before his second glass of wine, or was it already the third? Maybe even the fourth? 
He honestly did not know how many it have been until now. 
The spymaster only learned that he would never trust his family when it came to peacefull evenings ever again. 
Knowing they would end up with two tipsy or drunken Illyrians, arguing over a topic they had been arguing over for the past five centuries. 
Their voices way too loud as to be tuned out as he continued listening to them. The warmth of the fire on his wings right now the only thing that kept him seated in the plush armchair.
“What do you mean by that you idiot?” roared Rhys, half slurring, at his brother, who had a smirk displayed on his face. “I mean by that, that Nesta would agree with my opinion.”
“You have no right to say that! Feyre knows I put best use to what I have!” 
Cass smirk grew at that. “I would say that too if had 10 inches to defend.”
Rhys huffed, chest puffed out as his violet eyes practically pierced his brother “Are you talking about yourself now or what?”
Azriel could only shake his head at the two Illyrians. Trying to tune out again, but the try was only of succes for a little amount of time, as suddenly a crash was heared. 
The lamp, that stood next to the seer that sat on the couch and absentmindly nibbled at one of her blueberry cookies, crashed to the floor. Causing the innocent fawn to almost jump to her feet. But that still didn’t change the fact that she chocked slightly on the cookie bites she chewed with such intesity that looking alone hurt. The intensness of her far away gaze prove that she, too, tried to stay with her mind as far away as possible from the arguing.
But that didn’t work as Rhys flared out his wings. Knocking over the lamp and almost hitting the innocent seer in her face. 
Elain, who already drank a good amount of wine too, dared to glare at Rhys back. A crack heared as she aggresivly bit off a piece of her cookie again. 
Azriel was amazed how the mood of the seer could change so easily. Normally all sweet and nice - even while she was drunk, but somehow she seemed allergic to loud bussy bodys. His two brothers shivering for the amount of a second, in which they had the full attention of an icy glare from the middle Archeron- that would have even made Amren proud. 
Causing him almost to laugh out loud and forget his aching skull. 
But his brothers were a literall pain in the neck. Their boaming voices a hammer to his head whenever they spoke. 
“Get a measuring stick and I will show you whos bigger! Or just ask Feyre!” 
Now Cassian was mocking him with a cooing voice “Do you really think you need a measuring stick? Don’t you think an ruler is more than enough for you?”
As Rhys loud voice already wanted to start arguing back - something in Azriel snapped. Causing him to jump to his feet, move swiftly past  the few couches in the sitting room and reach for his brothers. 
Taking each of their massive heads in his scarred hands as he clanked their heads together. Their skulls meeting with great force as a dull thud was heared. 
Both of his Illyrian brothers groaning as he let them go. Their hands rubbing the spots where they had collided with the head of  the other one just a moment ago. 
Cassian was the first to recover, still groaning as he rubbed his forehead “What the hell was that about?!” but his pissed tone soon vanished as he saw the fire flickering in Azriels eyes. 
Knowing even in his drunken state, to not piss off his brother further than here. 
The silence of his threats a cold blanket around them. 
Rhys was smart enough to keep quiet as well, hissing whispered curses of pain under his breath as he rubbed his forehead too. 
Everything felt right, now. Peace having settled, but only temporary. 
The strong head of the High Lord finding the better of his brother again, as he whispered to his comander, as they started to walk out the room, “I will still get the measureband!” 
Azriel sighed and lifted his hands in defeat. The seer, that had watched the scenario in quiet amazement, giggled at the silly gesture. Her tipsy state probably getting the better of her. 
Causing the pissed but tipsy Shadowsinger to smile genuinely at her, before he stormed up to his brothers. 
His cold presence in their backs making them turn around with their heads ducked in. Their hunched form remembering him of the time were Rhys mother had scolded the two of them for breaking her favourite vase. 
Azriel tried to cover them up back then, telling that one of his shadows had accidently knocked it over, but the Illyrian Lady of the Night court knew better. 
And right now Azriel would gladly be the one to scold the two, but his patience was already worn thin, so he quickened the whole process a bit. 
Pointing, with his scarred index finger, up the winged staircase. His voice not allowing any arguments “Go to your rooms! Both of you and I don’t wish to see any of  you two drunken idiots all night again! Got that!?” 
He grumbled at them. His brothers obbeying as they walked up with heavy steps the withe stairs up, Cassian not able to control his grumbling “Stupid mother hen! Always ruins the fun!” 
But the Spymaster only sighed. Trying his best to get the air out of his lungs.
Azriel was no speaker, that all of them knew, but sending a shadow to whack Cass at the back of his head was something he did with satisfaction. 
The head of the commander whiping around at the cool, stinging sensation on his skin. His fiery eyes widening in shock as he saw the cold promise that layed in Azriels pissed eyes, as he watched with crossed arms over his chest,  how his two brothers hurried up the stairs. 
A final sigh escaping the shadowsingers lips as he turned towards the sitting room again. Abondening the plush armchair and taking a seat beside the lovely flower grower instead. 
Her honey eyes glowed with something he had never seen before, as her normaly bright, head turning smile grew into a wide stretched smirk that made his heart shiver. “These two sure are a handfull.”
Azriel could only nod, rubbing his throbbing temples. 
This was clearly not the time of day he whished to put up with their nonsense, but they never seemed to have mercy with him. Mor,Amren and Feyre the only ones that even tried to allow him some peace, next to Elain of course.
Never would he have guessed that even the friendly seer could give him a troubling time, but he clearly mistook her. 
Elain was a fae that could send his entire body, with a soft touch, soaring up into the sky far,far above them. Which she did. The brush of her soft fingers on the heated skin of his forearm, making goosebumps appear all over his body.
The warmth of the fireplace infront of him, once again, the only thing that kept him seated. But then again, was it the warmth that kept him still or the quiet michivous gleam in Elains knowing eyes? 
Those warm doe eyes that never seemed to miss a second of the day, those eyes which were a calming ancheror to his raging thoughts - were now gleaming of a dangerous dark brown. 
A wicked smile stretching her lips, as she flashed him her white theeth. 
The sight alone of her, making his heart stutter. 
Those warm eyes reflecting the fire, as her hair cought the hue of orange and gold. Those golden curles of hers, suddenly looking like an river made of fire. Elains softness seemingly all gone, as that wicked smile and the hand on Azriels forearm kept him still.
Making him take in the rare sight infront of him. 
But it seemed that the tipsy seer was full of surprises this evening. 
Her petite form leaning in to whisper, in a sinfull voice, in his rounded ear. That wicked smile on her lips spreading on his own like a wild fire, as she explained her plan to him. 
A plan he would truely have never expected of her, but that made the smirk grow even wider. 
The sight of the two smirking figures on the couch would have made even Amren shiver, as they discussed a plan, that would not be forgoten by the Inner Circle, for the next centurie at least.
“Az sure isn’t as fun as a centurie ago.” slured Cass at Rhys as they strode through the large hallway on the second floor. The white wall to the commanders right, a pleasent companion on the way to his chambers. 
His brother could only nod as he, too, made the way to his room on wobbly knees and legs. 
The two drunken Illyrians not carring at all that, below them, the Spymaster could still hear them.
But both did not have the braincells for the thougt of carring rigth now. It was already hard enough for the two to remember the way to their bedrooms. 
A turn of the hallway to the right was Cassians reminder of where his room was, sadly for him he noticed the turn too late. The reminder hiting him like cold marble - quiet literally, like he needed to find out. With a groan, escaping his dry throat, he rubbed one of his temples - where his stubborn skull hit the cold floor. 
Rhysand could only watch. The look on his face not clearly readable. It seemed like he was torn between lauhing like crazy and helping Cassian get up. He decided for the first, as a howling laughter echoed through the empty white hallway. 
The sound too shrill, as the loud,booming midnight voice of his brother hit the commanders sensetiv ears. Making him cover them up with a light growel on his lips. 
He wasn’t quiet sure how long he sat there - or how long Rhysand laughed. But what he knew was that they both layed on their backs on the cold floor afterwards, probably because Rhys wasn’t able to hold his balance as he reached for Cass.
 The flickering faerie lights only a dimmed hue.
Weird. Hadn’t they been brigther before? Like really bright. Cassian remembered, that when they reached the top of the stairs and the light turned imideatly on, that it hurt his eyes so much he had to close them. 
The commander only shrugged as he looked into the hallway infront of him with furrowed eyebrows. Maybe he had just imagined the light so bright, since the light downstairs was even more dimmed.
But the temptation of giving in to this thought was taken away from him, as he saw the shadow. A shadow that looked like a pillow of needles. Sharp claws looking like cresent moons that wanted to slice the Commander and the High lord open. The high Lord that hadn’t even noticed the shadow behind him, since he was on all four trying to get up on wobbly feet - his back turned to the shadow. 
A cold shiver ran down Cassians spine as he noticed the twisting silhouette of claws and sharp teeth. Suddenly not so sure if it was just a shadow or the cloud of black  mist that was the creatures body.
With plate wide eyes fixed on the twisting thing on the wall - he shook his brother, that almost made it to stand, but was dragged down again as Cassian shook one of his wobbly legs. Making him fall with a loud thud as the commander  hissed at him “Rhys! Look behind you!” The high lord only threw daggers at his brother as his tan face colided with the white floor again. His cheek flat against the cold stone. “What is it Cass!” 
Cass had only looked for a moment at Rhys when he fell, but now - as he gestured to the wall. Everything was normall. His eyebrows furrowed as he mumbled to himself “I could swear I saw something ...” as Rhys crawled on all four to the next wall - so that he could get up safely- he only grumbled “Yeah sure.” 
Cassian could only shake his pounding head. The drunkness suddenly lifted by the shock, but as he turned his back to the white long wall opposite him - he could have sworn to have heared a hissing laugh. A sound that came close to swords clanking together. 
He shivered again, but got up on wobbly feet. His chamber was only afew steps away and Rhysand already started to walk to his own chamber, so there was probably no reason to be worried at all. 
“Night Brother.” was Cass last good night. Rhys grumbled as he took the way, closest to one of the walls , back into the main hallway “Night, short inch.” at that Cassian needed to laugh as he, too, made the short way to his door in a far too long time “You wish. We both know it’s not true.” 
The only answer was a slammed door and Cassian was left alone in the hallway his heavy hand already on the doorknob to his room as a cold breeze turned off all the faerie lights. Making him blink in the dark.
“Hihihihi.” There! Again that sudden laugh. Louder and clearly audible, as if someone was next to him. A cold breath on his cheek strengthening his theory. 
Cassian was never one to run away, but if that laugh belonged to the one he suspected. He would feel no shame tomorrow for having swung his door open and having stumbled into it. The door, that flung wide open at the force of stregth that was used on it, seemed to close itself again as the commander fell onto all four again. 
Slightly panting in fear, he turned on the dimm lights and only saw a black mist lick at the side of the lock, before it fell shut. 
The shiver increased as he felt his face go chalk white. The louring sound of sleep now the only thing that could make him forget abou these incidents. 
And so he went to bed. The thick blanket, that normally suffocated him, now too cold for him.
Cassian didn’t know how long it was what he slept, but all he knew was the reason why he woke up. The sticky warm breath on his cheeks the complete opposite to the cold licking at his feet. Shivers waving through his paralyzed body, as he oh so slowly - turned on his back to look at the source of all this. 
Sharp yellowish teeth gleaming at him, as his eyes looked into the dark. The fullmoon light coming in through his window making his fears only worse as they made the thin yellow teeth look like little sharp knives. 
And for one of the few times of his life, did Cassian feel afraid of knives. 
But as he layed there - motionless- his brain started to catch up on him. A roaring scream escaping his lungs as he shoot up - hitting his head on the dark creature he so feared. His clumsy feet hurrying to get out from beneith the blanket.
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warlock-enthusiast · 3 years
I can't sleep until I feel your touch
@feylen bought me some ko-fi <3 <3 much labbu !!!
fandom: Pathfinder: Age of Worms (Lesraniza x Ekaym x Eligos)
rating: E (this is pure smut)
Normally not the most outgoing person, and neither a ladies man, Ekaym wondered how he’d ended up like this. 
Meaning sitting on Eligo’s bed, wine in his hand, head a bit dull from herbs and alcohol, with the wizard close to them. Lesraniza’s shoulder touched his and her silken excuse for a dress offered so much exposed skin. Ekaym found himself unable to look away, to ignore the soft lines of her body and her smile. 
Her beauty left him speechless. 
Ever since meeting her, she’d been on his mind constantly. 
Ekaym closed his eyes and tried to just enjoy the moment. 
Candles lit the room and heavy drapes kept them hidden from the moon and stars. Some heavy essence wavered through the air. Sage? Musk? It calmed the senses and his mind and it fit with Eligos’ new home. 
Eligos watched them warely, eyes wandering to Lesraniza, but ever so often also lingering on Ekaym’s face as if looking for an invitation to join them. 
Ekaym found his voice. “What are we celebrating?” 
Chuckling, Eligos refilled their glasses. “I’ve been given a second chance. I want to make the most of it.”
“Sounds reasonable.” Ekaym knew about Eligos’ death and its implications. Tragedy seemed to follow them around these days. All three of them had faced too much darkness and hardship during these last month and maybe, maybe, this could be the beginning of something new, something more. 
Though, Ekaym wasn’t sure if drinking helped with making rational decisions. 
“It does make sense.” Lesraniza put her hand on his cheek, golden eyes warm, and Ekyam took the offered wine and ignored how her closeness brought him on the edge of sanity. 
Lesraniza’s voice sounded more like a whisper. “We're celebrating, yes?”
Ekaym turned around and kissed the knuckles on her hand. “I’m inclined to see where this celebration is taking us.”
“Music to my ears.” Eligo stepped forwards to reach for Lesraniza. He easily pulled her up and close and Ekaym followed their movements.
His heart was already beating too hard and fast and heat rose to his cheeks. 
No way back now.
Ekaym put his hands on her hips, drawing her close, and pushing his groin against her behind. Eligos didn’t waste more time but pressed his lips against Lesraniza’s throat, following a path down to her collarbones.
He felt goosebumps on her skin and a soft moan escaped her lips. He’d heard that sound before and it never failed to arouse him. Ekaym felt his cock push against his now too tight trousers. 
A wave of black hair tickled his skin as Ekaym bared Lesraniza shoulders. Her skin seemed soft and inviting beneath his mouth and he carefully slipped the dress from her shoulders. 
“Please.” Her words echoed through the silent room and Eligos helped pull down the rest of the fabric. Both men stayed clothed, while Lesraniza shivered beneath their attention, clearly enjoying being positioned between them.
Eligos’ green eyes appeared dark as he soaked in her nakedness. “Hm. Delightful.” He touched her lips and chin, trailing lower with every second, as if trying to feel every inch of Lesraniza. He circled her breasts, making sure to tease her a bit, before closing his mouth around her already erect nipples. 
Lesraniza moaned. Louder this time. Ekaym steadied her wavering body with his strength, caressing her hips. “Shhht, it’s alright. Let yourself enjoy this.” His words betrayed his own nervousness, but seeing her so exposed and eager drowned out any doubt. 
Eligos appeared more sure of his movements, as he got on his knees. Ekaym put a trail of featherlight kisses on her shoulders and neck and graced her skin with his teeth, while Eligos pushed Lesraniza’s legs further apart, exposing even more parts of her body to the air. 
He continued kissing her stomach and mound then.
“I ... “ Lesraniza's whole body shivered. Ekaym put his arms around her and pushed her hair over her shoulder to kiss her exposed back. 
“I’ve dreamt of this.” Eligos whispered against Lesraniza’s thighs and pushed his tongue between her wet folds. He didn’t use his hands, just sucked and nibbled and kissed her most sensitive parts. 
Lesraniza grabbed Eligos’ hair and pushed her hips even harder against Ekaym. Her bare ass rubbed against his clothed cock, creating delicious friction. She had to knew. Awful tease. With his free hand, he opened his trousers and let them fall to the floor. A sigh of relief escaped his lips. 
Wetness already pooled around the tip and he grabbed himself to spread it further along his cock. 
“Come for us.” Ekaym closed a hand around her neck, careful not to put too much pressure on her, and leaned forwards, forcing her to feel his cock hard against her backside.
Lesraniza turned sideways and put her small hand around Ekaym. For a second, he seemed surprised but enjoyed her fingers too much to endulge his thougts. Her movements felt sloppy and lacked a certain coordination, but with Eligos pushing her closer to the edge, Ekaym didn’t mind.
Her orgasm came in waves, forcing her whole self to tremble. 
She almost screamed. Ekaym put his hand on her mouth to dampen her moans, holding her in a strong embrace, while she rocked against him.  Poor servants didn’t need to hear them. 
Eligos didn’t mind her almost riding his face, rubbing herself against his mouth and chin as if she’d lost control of herself. 
Lesraniza licked his palm and Ekaym felt her smile against his hand. 
Faster than anticipated, she crawled onto bed, pulling both men with her. Eligos wiped his face clean quickly, before resting his back against the wall. 
Lesraniza followed his thoughts, opened his trousers and put his hands around his cock, carefully gliding her fingers up and down. She leaned forward to take Eligos into her mouth, tongue playing with the tip, following the veins on his shaft. 
The sight of her head bobbing up and down made Ekaym too aware of his own needy erection. 
The wizard moaned and tried to find some support with the bedding and failed. 
Her raised hips were an invitation that Ekaym followed all too eagerly. She was so wet and ready, her ashen cheeks flushed. He saw her full breasts rubbing against the sheets and her lips closed around Eligos’ cock. 
Ekaym balanced himself on the bed, grabbing her hips to steady his movements. He entered her with a forceful thrust, sending them all off balance. Not that one dared to complain. Heat and tightness guided his motions as he pulled out, only to trust harder the second time. Lesraniza pushed her body against his cock, while keeping Eligos’ between her lips. 
Damn. Damn. Damn.
It felt too good, too perfect. He’d never experienced wanting someone like this, feeling her move around him. 
With his hands on her hips, Ekaym dictated a fast rhythm. He didn’t want to last for long. He just wanted to come, to mark her. A desperate need engulfed him, accompanied by the sound of flesh slapping against each other.
Eligos finished before him. 
Ekaym saw traces of white dripping from Lesraniza’s mouth and followed with a low moan. The sight had been too much. He kept her hips closed against him, buried deep inside her. His body rocked forwards and he hoped that he didn’t bruise her skin with his tight grip.
Ekaym collapsed against Lesraniza, searching for a way to calm his breathing. For a minute, stars danced in his eyes and he wondered, if Eligos had somehow spiced their wine with something more than just alcohol. 
“Well, that was a first.” Eligos’ smiled and rolled around to grab some water. 
Thankfully, his words broke the strange tension between them.
“Hm.” He let go of Lesraniza and settled down on a blanket. She followed suit, stretching herself between the two of them and putting her head on his chest. 
Ekaym caressed Lesraniza’s hair and longed for a long, hot bath (preferable with her also in the same tube). Some of his muscles protested against being used so much and now offered a healthy dose of pain. Probably a sign that even as a merchant he should train a bit more. 
He felt drowsy but satisfied and surprisingly a bit shy about the whole encounter. But with Lesraniza resting on his chest doubts seemed far away. 
“Can we …” Lesraniza bit her lip. “Do this again.” Ekaym blushed and looked to Eligos, who just nodded and laughed, his golden earring sparkling in the dim light.
“Of course.” Ekaym answered, before overthinking his answer and a shared future. “As often as you like, my dear. 
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vinylhazza · 4 years
28 w/ e 💖💖💖
prompt list
28. they ask you to pretend to be their date at a bar to prevent an ex from talking to them. 
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being dragged to a bar was the one thing you wanted to happen after a long day at work. granted, it was a friday and it was a day most people chose to ‘go out on the town’ or let loose - but all you desired at the moment was a nice glass of your favorite pear red wine,  your newest book you’d purchased at the local bookstore, and your sweet kitty egypt. she must have been so worried when you didn’t come home. that thought alone made you want to ditch the uncomfortable heels and fake smile you wore. 
you’d left work, drove directly to your good friends house, and begrudgingly gotten ready in front of her tiny bathroom mirror. you’d stuffed a black dress into your purse before leaving the house that morning, knowing something ridiculous like this would happen, but hoping it wouldn’t. thankfully she had makeup and a curling iron she let you use so you weren’t walking into a bar with a bun similar to a librarian (you know the one). it was all you had to work with - so you would be surprised if you didn’t look like the total train wreck you felt like.  
the bar well, it was packed. you’d stumbled in with linked arms, your friend trotting off somewhere into the sea of dancing bodies promises she’d “be right back.” fat chance. you’d shot up some conversation with a mutual friend, something about an ex who knew a guy that could possibly get her a new car, something that you weren’t interested in in the slightest. but of course, because the kind person you were, you watched your friend disappear into the crowd and off to discuss the details of their little financial exchange - leaving you to your own lonely devices.
with a pout you make your way over to the bar, making sure to not make any unwaranted eye contact with any of the other people that had the same idea as you - hoisting yourself up into a tall barstool that feels like a feat in itself to get into, but in no time you’re seated firmly on the stiff maroon cushion - browsing the rows and rows boose behind the counter. you weren’t much of a “whiskey on the rocks” type of girl - really a mixed drink type of gal. the simplest drink you’d get is a Manhattan - which sounded best right now. if you’re going to be alone for a while, the least you could do is make sure you’re relaxed - which you definitely weren’t at the moment.
“just a Manhattan please,” you tell the middle aged bartender, not quite sure if you’re using the right word for what you want, but he nods without hesitation, turning to the shelves of alcohol on the back wall - taking down a bottle and a clear drinking glass. a sigh ripples through your chest and oozes out of your mouth.
why did i think this was a good idea? you wine to yourself, all alone in a bar on the opposite side of town. somewhere you didn’t want to be, never would want to be, and only made your appearance because of your friend that is off somewhere with a friend probably much more outgoing than you. you envisioned her as a “fly by the seat of your pants” type of person - something you envied.
but instead of sulking to yourself, you decided you’d simply enjoy your drink. that’s all you had to do, look at the light at the end of the very shitty tunnel that was your day. yeah, you’d been yelled at by a customer for something that was not and would never be your fault. yes, you’d shed a tear or two in the back room because your grandma of 92 years of age buttdialed you on break thinking in was your grandma that died two years ago. yes, your feet were blistering from the heels you bought from a website that swore on everything they had the comfiest shoes around. yes, your day was shit. it was utter shit - but it had to get better right?
just as the bartender slides the glass across the slick wooden counter - a dashing boy with a head full of dark hair is leaning over you with a frazzled expression, nervousness seeping from his every nerve. he was...very attractive. it took your breath away for a moment, if you’re being honest. his hand rests on the counter right by your own that stopped the glass at the last minute - thanking the good Lord above you didn’t have to hassle with a mess of alcohol on the floor.
“please tell me you’re not here with a date or something,” the boy states, baritone voice melodic over the loud music. it was more of a plead than anything.
after your initial shock of being bothered after your attempt at being invisible, you’re shaking your head nervously, glancing around you to see who he’s watching out for all worried and anxious - just to be on the lookout so you don’t get yourself into a dangerous situation - you were scared you’re teetering that line right now anyhow.
“uh no no, no date but my friend is just over there-“ your finger points off in the general direction where she disappeared into the crowd earlier in the night, hoping she was at least in the same general area.
“then do me a favor and act like i said something funny,” he interjects quickly, scraping another barstool across the floor to sit right beside you, his arm leaning on the counter with a forced grin - visibly trying to prove something to someone.
but you give in. of course you do, who are you to mess up someone’s desperately thrown together plan of looking put together when they’re actually falling apart? you take a sip from your drink with a nod, setting it neatly on the counter before you’re laughing. and oh my gosh were you laughing - just really putting on a show.
it’s something that floods from you, like a river raging through you and you don’t even know where the water came from. he’s a stranger, you don’t owe him any favors - not a one. yet you find yourself complying to sudden request to laugh - that’s all. that’s all he’d asked of you.
the devilishly attractive boy is watching you close, with this playful glint in his eye that just keeps growing as the laughter bubbles from you - your hand raising to grab at his arm to seal the deal. you hope that whoever is watching, whatever relation he may have to them, that they believe your little facade. you have 0 clue why you are laughing with a handsome stranger in a bar after a fucked day while drinking a cocktail you don’t even care about anymore - but it felt good to laugh. even if it was fake and you looked crazy to the lingering eyes around you.
“what am i laughing at exactly?...” you stutter with a sigh and a tired smile, wiping a fake tear from your eye in an attempt to look the most joyful you’ve been in a while.
“ethan - uh ethan dolan,” he offers up his name. such a lovely name. very fitting for him as well, “and it’s just eh...you see that girl over there in the red?” he bends over to talk by your ear, not wanting whoever it is to see him being so polite with someone he’s meant to look close with.
glancing over your shoulder seemed like the worst idea in history, there were so many options for how it could go: lock eyes like the suspect, look around and find her to be a godess among men and women - totally out of your league, or simply mistake her for the wrong person. but when your head does turn, just the slightest bit, you see her. in a knee-length sundress fit for a bar - sort of on the skimpy side but still modest enough to not look too desperate. you approved. she looked like a lovely girl. that is, until her head of blonde hair whips to your direction, a glare shooting straight from her glasses framed eyes.
you snap your gaze away just as quickly, knowing it’s a fight you didn’t want any part of. you had no interest in being “the other woman.”
you’re nodding back at him with a frown, not sure why you feel this strange vibe eminating from that girl across the bar - but you don’t like it.
but - oh. oh. he’s looking at you still, observing you watch his evil ex try to seduce him back with her swaying hips across some mans bulge. but here he is, having all eyes for you. stop looking at me. wait don’t stop.
let’s just say it’s been...a while since a man has looked in your direction. you were of course not the shy type exactly - but right on the cusp. you observed the room. you made yourself noticeable that in case anyone would talk to you, you’d be the one they’d lean over to, to make their comment. but you could also make yourself as invisible as you pleased - and you’d thougt you’d done a good job tonight. but obviously with ethan sitting here looking at you, you didn’t succeed.
it’s spilling from your mouth before you could stop it, “she doesn’t really seem like your type.”
and you think for a moment , from the raising of his right eyebrow, that he’s angry. that you’d pressed a button somewhere under his dashing exterior. but then - he’s laughing. really laughing. it’s like a zap of lightening inside you, stirring up something that hasn’t been touched for years.
“and what do you think ‘my type’ is?” ethan firing back with a low tone, smiling so deviously. is he flirting?
“i’m not sure, but i know it isn’t her.” and it’s bold - to say such a thing about a person you don’t even know. maybe it’s the night you’ve had, or the fact that he’s already made you feel a sense of comfort, but you find yourself being the most honest in the moment.
he gives a nod, a simple bob of his head while still keeping those gorgeous eyes plastered on your face - waiting for something - you’re not sure what until he runs a hand through his hair and finally lets his thoughts spill out in a nervous jumble of words.
“she doesn’t give up easy that’s for sure. she’s been harassing me for a couple weeks and i can’t get her to stop and...” he’s thinking carefully, “...i uh...was hoping maybe you would be willing to maybe act like this is something like a date? just so she won’t try anything.”
“you don’t have your friends with you? you’re here alone?” you make it a point before you agree, just confused why he’s asking something so random and so elaborate. if you don’t look the part, she won’t believe a thing. girls are observant that way.
“my brother is here somewhere - i’m not sure i lost him but - are you in or not?”
and you think for a minute, lookin back over your shoulder to the door, wondering if you left right now - just grabbed your friend and went home like you had planned all day - how much you would regret it. it was simple really. in or out?
his leg bounces under the table, anxious with every minute that passes, feeling her eyes searing through his skin across the room - waiting for her moment to pounce. please say yes please just say yes.
it’s not that big of a deal right? pretend and you won’t see him again and you can go back to your normal, boring excuse of a life right? just this once?
“okay,” you smile brightly, tilting your head back and downing the last bit of your drink, setting the glass on the counter firmly with a smack, “i’m in.”
and you don’t know it - after what seemed like minutes but was actually close to an hour and half sitting there leaning into him, engaged in this little game of yours - that the same girl you’re putting on a show for had left that bar. got in her car, admitted defeat , and left. you’d been so caught up in talking to ethan about nonsense: laughing, talking, singing ridiculous songs that played over the speakers - that you hardly remembered it was fake.
it was only when you’re friend came up to tap your arm that you were pulled back down to reality. you’d been floating somewhere off in space with this high happiness that washed over you just talking to someone so freely. ethan was easy to talk to. even when you’re yelling over loud music.
and it shocked you to your core that as you got up from your seat, tripping just a bit to try and follow your friend, that ethan grabbed at your arm - a nervous expression crossing his face at the sight of you leaving. he was just having so much fun for once, never having felt so comfortable and safe with a girl he just met before.
“look uh, i know this is really random but uh...would it be okay for me to see you again?” he’s fumbling, hand still on your arm - so warm.
he’s standing now, and you realize just how tall he is. and your friend, still confused, but smirking behind you, nudges at your back with your silence. you wanted that. of course you did. but what would change if you said yes? what kind of trust would you have to put in him for just a chance at something wonderful?
before you can think too hard of the outcome of something that hasn’t even happened yet, your hand dives into the black abyss of your purse - pulling out a ripped piece of paper and a pen - jotting down seven digits that he would soon use to talk to you for hours upon hours - the same number he would call one lazy sunday afternoon, missing you, just to tell you how much he loves you. you write down those numbers and leave a little heart at the end. handing it to him felt like freedom. something inside you screamed that you shouldn’t be afraid - that you didn’t have to be afraid of ethan. even if it was terrifying to start again, start over, try to let yourself be vulnerable - you had a feeling this was a good idea.
“don’t wait to long,” you leaned in to tell him, placing the sweetest of kisses right to the apple of his blushing cheek, all while tucking the frayed piece of paper into his hand securely. his heart was racing - oh God was it racing and - what was he worried about his ex for? he watched you saunter away from him, smile lighting up your face, hips swaying just the right way, your arm linked with your friend. he doesn’t even jump when a plastered grayson slaps his hand onto his shoulder - where he stares at the door you disappeared in and out to the night - off and ready to steal his heart. he didn’t flinch when graysons sour attitude tried to interrupt the weird high he felt after your lips landed on his skin. he didn’t let it bother him because fuck - he was totally enamored by you.
don’t wait too long don’t wait too long don’t wait too long
and you better believe when i tell you he didn’t.
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dama-dama · 4 years
"Finn!" Poe yelled and ran through the crowd of people. After the final battle he split up with Finn and Rey to clear some last things. And now they were gone. Everybody around him was already celebrating the victory. A few people patted his shoulder and wanted to join them but he had other things on his mind first. He needed to find Finn. Now that it was all over he had to talk with the dark-haired guy. To make sure that between them everything would be alright and to get an answer. During the battle Finn was in a situation that could have cost his life. In this moment Poe was scared and only were able to breath again as the deep voice of Finn through the comm. Relieved and happy he didn't know what to say and so the only thing he had in his head came out of his mouth. "I love you!" After this it was quite and Finn had let out a nervous laugh. Poe didn't had the time to ask what his friend thougt about him now. Even when the fight was over he hadn't the time to question it. Now he finally weren't occupied by a mass of people but Finn had disappeared. Suddenly he got a glance of brown hair in the crowd. "Rey?" he called out. The girl turned around and smiled bright as she saw him. "Poe." she walked towards him. "Where were you?" Poe shook his head and grabbed her shoulder. "Not now, Rey. Do you know where Finn is?" he asked. Maybe Rey was able to help. The brown-haired girl was thinking for a moment. "Finn wanted to go to the ships I think." Rey gave him a questioned look. "Why do you ask?" Poe patted Rey on the shoulder. "Thank you!" Then he spun around and ran of in the direction of the ships. "Good luck!" Rey called after him and he smiled. So she knew why.
Out of breath Poe had left the loud crowd behind and was standing aside. Slowly he walked over to his X-wing. Exhausted he leaned against the cold material. For quite a while had he tired to find Finn but still he hadn't. Where on hell could he be gone? Poe closed his eyes. Maybe Finn didn't want to talk with him and was avoiding him. But that wasn't like Finn at all. Or at least that was what he had thought. Oh god! What if Finn didn't wanted to speak with him ever again because of what he had said. No, don't overthink Poe. He admonished himself. A warm hand was placed on his arm. Slowly he opened his eyes. "Finn!" a big grin appeared on his face. "Poe. I was looking for you." Finn said with a small smile. "I was as well looking for you." The dark-haired in front of him shifted a little. "I uhm...wanted to talk to you." Poe sighted. He took Finn's hand in his and stepped closer. "Listen Finn," he begann. "I wasn't thinking back there. The only thing I could think about was you and I hope that my words doesn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything. I am sorry, I-" he got interrupted by Finn. "Whoa, whoa. Slow down a bit." Finn stopped him and raised his free hand. "I don't know about what you're taking but you did nit make me feel uncomfortable. Back then I was actually surprised by your words and I had no clue how to react." he paused. Unsure Poe looked Finn in the eyes. "So you are okay with it?" Poe wanted to make sure. Finn nodded and shyly looked away. "More than okay." Poe felt his heartbeat increase. "What do you mean?" nervously he tired to catch the brown eyes. Finn took a breath before he turned his face back to him. "I love you Poe." He could only stand there and look with big eyes at the guy in front of him. "I-" he was cut off again but this time because of soft lips pressed against his. He felt the world lighten and a warm shudder ran over his skin. Automatically he wrapped his armes around Finns neck and pulled him even closer. After a short time they parted and Poe was searching happyliy for the others eyes. "I love you too." he whispered. Finn leaned his forehead against his. "I know."
The End
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mellie1409 · 3 years
Workout coffee (pt. 2 Fansign- ft. jjk)
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Beautiful y/n, please meet me at the men's bathroom of the floor above us 5 minutes after we leave the fansign. I will wait there for 10 minutes and it's totally okay if you don't want to show up.
'Is this for real?' Y/n thougt. When she came to the fansign she was ready to only be able to spend 14 minutes with her beloved idols, the people she appreciated the most. But now one of them wanted to see her? And actually talk to her in private? 'What would he want from me?' Y/n wondered. She was too nervous imagining what he would want from her to actually realize how Jungkook spent the rest of the fansign looking furtively at her.
She missed those little glimpses he threw her and how he would smile at her anxious tick where she would bite her lip and use some chapstick right after.
Fast forward to the end of the fansign
When everyone had went through the whole table, Bangtan spent a few more minutes interacting with ARMY and then stood up and prepared themselves to wave goodbye.
Before leaving the room, Jungkook looked at y/n one last time, and this time she made eye contact with him. Time seemed to stop again and once again she felt lured to him. But it was just a second. She gave him a little nod and then he smiled and left the room without saying anything else.
Y/n stood up so quickly she threw her chair onto the girl behind her, who gave her a hateful look. But she didn't have time to pitty that girl, she needed to get to the bathroom ASAP. She passed most ARMYs and pushed a few girls carefully aside while walking through the door. She walked up the stairs one floor and looked for the men's bathroom.
She stopped at the door: should she go in? Was this all real or just her imagination? 'I guess if no one is here then I'm just going crazy, but right now I have nothing to lose... '
So Y/n took a deep breath and pushed the door. There, standing in his concert clothes, was Jungkook. Looking like a God, so perfect and impossible to reach, until he reached out to shake her hand. At that moment Y/n realized he was real and that they were both in fact standing in the bathroom of a football stadium alone.
'Hi, Y/n, I'm Jungkook nice to meet you. ' he spoke with his sweet and soft voice.
Y/n was still holding his hand but didn't dare to look him in the eyes. She was very shy and only dared to say hi.
Jungkook giggled and thought: 'cute'. But didn't tell her that, instead he spoke rapidly and nervously:
'I know you're probably wondering why I asked you to come here. I just felt something the moment I saw you. I loved your way of being so sincere with each of the members and couldn't help but start to like you. So I wanted to ask you formally and personally on a date. As you know it's difficult as an idol, but we could make it work if you want it and only if you want. I don't want to pressure you or use my status as an idol to convince you because I like you a lot and I think you deserve a thruthful person they doesn't hurt you. So Y/n, would you like to go on a date with me? '
Y/n looked shocked, never in a 1000 years would she have expected to be asked out by her bias. She was beyond excited and didn't manage to get her answer out. This was until Jungkook shifted a bit uncomfortable. She then snapped back to reality and blurted out a huge YES while throwing herself into his arms for a hug.
A few seconds, a confused Jungkook and an embarrassed Y/n after, they stood there for a minute silently. But then they excitedly began planning their date.
Jungkook's plane would leave the next day at 12 o'clock to the next city so they needed to meet way before that time. As they were both very sporty people, they decided to go on a run date and would afterwards get some coffee in a little café. To make sure nobody recognized him, they would meet at 5 in the morning and then leave before people woke up.
After some planning and exchanhing their phones, they decided that it was best if Jungkook left the bathroom a few minutes after Y/n. They gave each other a cute little awkward hug and then Y/n took off.
Fast forward to 5 oclock in the morning the next day
Y/n was waiting in front of her house. She was wearing sporty clothes as she would be running and probably sweating. It was still a bit dark, but it would be day in no time because it was summer.
She still couldn't believe what happened yesterday, she was in cloud nine. What Jungkook had told her yesterday made her heart flutter. Before her natural reaction of doubting could even take place, she found herself feeling reassured by his words and the way he wanted to do things right without hurting any of them both. He truly was the golden maknae, not because of his talents, but because of his heart.
'Good morninggggg! ' she snapped back to reality and saw Jungkook standing there, ready to run, with the cutest smile on his face looking at her.
Y/n smiled and looked at him. He was the cutest dork she had ever seen and the butterflies in her belly told her this wouldn't be the last time she was going to see him.
They started running and ran around the park next to Y/n's house. Even if Y/n was a sporty girl, Jungkook was in a much better physical condition than her, but he was a true gentleman and adapted his running tempo to her's. They ran for about an hour and then decided to sit on a bench to talk.
They talked about everything and anything, about their lives. How Jungkook was living his dream life and how he loved what he did, but that he felt he missed something or someone in his life, an anchor to the real world. That talked about Y/n and how she was stressed lately because of her busy life, but how she used BTS to get out of that stressful routine and enjoy and relax. And they talked about what they wanted in life. They both wanted to start a relationship but with their busy schedules it was a bit difficult to find someone who would understand them.
Then they suddenly fell silent. They both realized they were the right ones for each other, but none of them dared to set the first move. To come out of their embarrassment they headed to the little cafe they would be having breakfast at.
There that sat down in a corner were no one would be able to recognize Jungkook and they ordered some sweet food to strengthen back after such a workout session.
They had a light and funny conversation and enjoyed the delicious breakfast with sights on the early morning street, with no passerby and the city river on sight. Torwards the end of the meal, the knew they time had come where they made a decision.
They both liked each other and wanted to have another fmdate, but Jungkook needed to leave and that would not be possible. So they made a crazy, but lovefull decision. They would be as from that moment a couple. They would keep it a secret from the public, but would be in a long distance relationship. It was easier to be in an already started relationship, than to start one online. It was for them at that moment the best decision they could make. And for the rest, the wouldn't rush things. They would take their time and see if things worked out. Because the both felt, they were ment to be for each other. That is
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Danger | | Tenth Doctor x Reader
Requested by another Tennally member hheh @late-night-thougts
25: "What the hell were you thinking?"
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Strictly speaking, it wasn't the Doctor's fault. Strictly speaking, it wasn't Y/N's, either. Strictly speaking, it had been the planet's inhabitants fault.
Okay, so, maybe the two had contributed to the mess.
"What the hell were you thinking?" The Doctor's voice rang out loud and clear, but he wasn't shouting. It was...powerful and certain, but sounded as if even he had had some kind of doubts during the situation they'd just been in. Doubts of whether he'd be able to save Y/N again.
They'd been visiting a planet called The Library, together, their other companion Donna having went off somewhere. The Doctor had refused to leave Y/N's side, as if he were attached to the other Gallifreyan. Well, he was, quite literally. Not physically, but mentally. The two had established a mental link, which allowed them to communicate without speaking. Instead, they could hear each other's thoughts. Didn't stop them from talking, obviously.
There had been something seriously wrong with The Library, there was no sound, just silence. Silence in The Library. The Trio had gone to investigate, Donna had been 'saved', quite literally, and there had been a woman called River...Y/N had figured out that she was from their future. The Doctor was a tad bit slower to figure that out.
Anyhow. Turns out the place was full of Vashta Nerada. Y/N had ran off upon hearing that Donna has been 'saved', which was why the Doctor was more than a little frustrated.
"I was trying to find Donna!" Y/N responded, calmly, voice even. Donna was stood to the side, watching the two, bewildered. It'd been a while since she'd seen the two getting into some form of mild arguments. "What, would you rather I had left her?" Y/N added.
"No! Of course not! But the place was teeming with-" The Doctor paused, then continued. "The place was teeming with Vashta Nerada. You could have been killed." He looked at Y/N, and the Gallifreyan shrugged.
That caused the Doctor to scowl slightly. How could Y/N be so...careless! "So now you don't care if you get killed...right then. Right. You know how dangerous that would be for me. Is that what you wanted?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly, and Donna was quick to reply for Y/N. She knew what the consequences were.
"Oi! Shut it! Y/N doesn't want you to get hurt! Why would you even think of that, you idiot!" She yelled, and Y/N had to take a few moments to try and calm the redhead down. Her temper certainly matched her hair, that was for sure. Eventually, Donna headed off, presumably to bed, and Y/N turned to face the Doctor, and walked over to him.
"Did you really think I'd risk your life? I kept talking throughout the whole thing, through the link, if anything had happened I would have said. Or you would have felt it." Y/N told him, voice soft. "I wouldn't ever run off unless it was necessary. It was. I wasn't going to risk losing Donna. Not after the others." There was a pause, and then a whisper that the Doctor recognized as his actual name. "Look at me." The Doctor lifted his head, his eyes meeting Y/N's eyes.
Then there was soft lips against hiss, and he suddenly wasn't so tense, and he let his earthy eyes shut. Earthy, ha. Still, the feeling made him feel much better, and he carefully lifted his hands to cup Y/N's cheeks, needing to actually feel the other Gallifreyan, so maybe he could convince himself that he wasn't actually alone for just a little while longer.
Everything suddenly changed. Y/N was gone, the TARDIS went dark, and the Doctor was alone, grasping on thin air, before he remembered that Y/N was gone. Gone, and there was no returning for them. He slid down the console, onto the floor, his knees buckling underneath him, and a shuddering sob racked through his body.
"What was I thinking?"
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minnimari · 4 years
Enderal Character Ask – Fill it out yourself or reblog as is to use as an ask meme. Have fun! <3 So i start to work, but only in short answers :D ————————————— 1. The basics – name, age, etc… Her name is Mya Megles, 28 years young, female and quite normal.
2. Describe their appearance. I would say her hair is dark brown with little bit red. The red you can see in the sun.
3. How do they like to dress? She likes to wear trousers best and a linen shirt. Leather shoes not more. Yaaa.. its not special, but the most comfortable without armor. And dressesonly for nice occasions.
4. Do they have any markings (scars, tattoos, birthmarks)? Hehe.. a heroic scar on the face from a fight with a domestic cat ;D Big scar on the hip and a few small strokes through the birth of son.
5. What are they like? Describe their personality (use whatever tools you like- MBTI, D&D alignment, astrological signs, Hogwarts house, words/phrases): Ouw yes this ancient civilication. They call them starlings, i thing. So the stars are really beautiful, and plants, right. Astrology, Symbols and all this magic things.
6. How would they describe themselves? Mya is a little bit shy, but a happy person. She loves beautiful things such as sunsets, candles and flowery meadows. Just an almost typical woman. As far as trust in others is conserned, she is rather careful, because shes been hurt badly in the past.
7. Education level? On a scale from 1 to 10 she is a 7/8. Mya is a "Bookworm" and reads everything she can get her hands on.
8. What are they proud of in themselves? What are they embarrassed about? Proud? Rather happy to finally be able to decide for yourself about your own life. And possibly ashamed of being laughed at because of their height. Not to be taken seriously. As they are now by most in the Sun Temple ;D
9. Do they know any languages other than Inal? Only Inâl and native language.
10. What, if any, aspects of their mother’s culture influenced them growing up? Mother always sang songs about the old gods, no matter at what time. It always cheered her up. Mya´s forgotten many things in recent events :(
11. Name a song (or a few) that remind you of them. Almost all songs remind me of previous life with my family.
12. Speaking of songs, can they sing? What is their voice like? How about instruments? Mya can sing, but she doesn´t like singing in front of people. She´s got a deep voice for a woman. Hm.. She doesn´t know much about music, and she doesn´t play any instruments.
13. What was their life like before coming to Enderal? Before we noticed the real war, it was a nice quit life with son Kaleb and partner. Since he disappeared and mother died of a serious illnes and old age. She was lonely with son for short time until she met Sirius.
14. How did they decide to leave Nehrim? When Sirius opened Myas eyes to begin a new life. Kaleb (4) was too young to make this journey. With a heavy heart she placed him in a kind of monastery. The abbot knew her and her mother from befor. Now she doesn´t even know if Kaleb is still alive. Not a day goes by without thinking of him. The plan to go to another country came from Sirius. Different perspectives, different opportunities. He never told her how old he was. She suspected he was younger than she was. He had a lot of plans for the new life.
15. Describe their relationship with Sirius. Sirius will always remain Mya´s best friend, or like a brother. He was the only one she could trust after the thing with Kalebs father. Mother said she couldn´t sit in the house forever, she´s still young. So she made contacts with the outside world. They understood each other from the beginning.
16. Who do they blame for what happened to their family? Hmm... fate? The Nehrimese? Why must we always look for fault in others? Perhaps there were reasons for what happened.
17. Apart from stowing away, have they ever broken the law? On the run, Sirius and Mya stole to keep from starving. They couldn´t take much food with them on their journey.
18. How honest are they? Under what circumstances would they lie? She would only lie if the lives of the innocent were at stake. Better to be honest and hurt, than to be dishonest and have a bad conscience.
19. Worst memory(s)? Best memory(s)? Worst: mother on her deathbed with that whitegrey face. When she brought Kaleb to the monastery. Best: Mother always cooked and sang, and everyone laughed. Even Sirus was there. The birth of Kaleb. 20. Fight, or flight? Fight!
21. Describe their combat style. In short words: defensive and with full energy!
22. Have they ever killed before? What is their reaction to combat? She killed, yes. The blood is shocking at first. But it was easier to get through, when you were distracted.
23. How do they react to having magical abilities? Do they use them? Mya uses Restoration- spells after combat. Thats all she can take. She can´t handle potions. Fear of arcanistfever is very real. 24. What do they think of Enderal? Enderal is a beautiful country. Big Forests, great coastlines... The people are a little too much led by their trails. A little limited in their ability to think ahead. :D If she wanted to live in a place like this, it would be the Sunshine coast.
25. Did they do the Biggest Egg Hunt Ever quest? Of course! She got all the eggs Kurmai wanted.
26. How do they feel about joining the Order? What do they think of Arantheal? About the joining the Order, uh... it all happened very quickly. There was no time for Mya to get at least a little bit of information about it. She could have simply accepted smaller tasks, like Jespar. The life of a mercenary. A beautiful title. Myas opinion about Arantheal is very divided: He´s a nice guy, could be Myas grandfather. Strange was only that he put so much responsibility and trust in her. Apart from that she is a foreigner and has no idea. But she soon realized that he was selfish.. The opinions of his advisors were not important to him at all.
27. What is their opinion of the gods (or lack thereof)? The people of Enderal would be better off without the gods. They´d just ahve to learn to turn their own heads. That´s what it´s for. Each man should choose his own path, decide which vocation is best. A mayor or king would be quite sufficent for rules.
28. Wine, or pipe? Both! More wine, less pipe. Mya´s only weakness.
29. Do they spare or arrest Hallys, the farmer-turned-bandit in the quest, Deus Ex Machina? Why? Arrest him! He puts his own life before that of 100 poor people. The family should go to the food bank itself. If they´re not too proud.
30. What are their feelings and opinions about the Undercity? Mya´s disappointed about the undercity. The roads are destroyed. The "houses" aren´t even made of stone. It stinks everywhere. In the uppercity not a word is spoken about it. This is no life for a human being. If Mya could, and had the means, she would change so much. Not to see herself in a better light, but to prevent suffering. At least for the children or the sick.
31. How do they react to the beggars of Ark? When Mya sees a beggar, she supports him/her. Either with food or coins.
32. Where and how do they spend their time when in Ark? She´s home a lot. Sometimes in the dancing nomad with Jespar, when he has time. When Mya needs her rest, she also goes to Undercity in the Tavern.
33. What would they do with three wishes? Good Question. She would save them for important moments.
34. How do they feel about death? Do they fear it? Fear death? No, he´ll come one day anyway. Or if you´re not careful.
35. What (else) do they fear? Mya´s afraid of spiders. Big, hairy spiders... Fear of heights.
36. Do they have any secrets? Secrets, yes... Everyone has their secrets... :P
37. How is their behavior around people they like? People they dislike? If one of her loved ones needs help, she is there. But when she really likes someone, she shows it with little gestures and specific word. If she does not like someone at all, she tries to avoid them as much as possible. For example Natara.
38. What is their relationship with the companions? Who, if anyone, did your prophet romance? It´s difficult. Mya was initially very fascinated by Jespar. He is a good friend. Both have the same view of freedom and relationships. It is always an adventure to travel with him. He always has something to say. But Mya is not sure if she wants to start a romance with him.   As for Calia, besides Arantheal, she was the only person of the holy order who talked to her normally. She´s like a sister. Unfortunately, she is too devoted to her sacred duties. So spending time with her is very difficult. In herself a beautiful woman and very trustworthy, but not suitable for a romance. Now Esme: She doesn´t really know anything about Esme. She is a nice girl yes, but she is too attached to her partner. Esme and Mya finished a mission together, but when they finally met at the Tower, there was not much to talk about. The ways parted. Let us come to Tharael.. If Mya had never entered the arena, she never would have met him. In short words: He´s an asshole, but one with good intentions. Mya always wonderes if he had ever seen the uppercity. In all his conversations, everything he said referred to the Undercity, the father and the bad sides of the people. He definitely needs to relax. ;) Finally Dijam. A very strong personality, very dominant. The meeting with her were pleasant. But Mya can´t imagine spending a few days with her. Dijam is always convinced of her opinion, so Mya would never dare to speak her own mind. It would definitely lead to a fight. Currently, there is no Romance with Mya.
39. Was there any non-companion character that they were close to? That they particularly disliked? + Konstantin was an old unfriendly guy, but still quite cool. If Mya was interested in magic, he could be her mentor. She´s still wondering, was he like that in Nehrim? -Natara didn´t even knoe Mya and thougt she was going to be judged. Does she really think that Mya chose this path?
40. How do they feel about myrads? They are respectful animals. Loveable if domesticated, as the keeper said. Mya prefers the horse because of her fear of heights.
41. What dreams or ambitions did they have before coming to Enderal? What about afterwards? She never had big dreams. Just a simple life with her son.  Now her only dream is not to be alone and see Kaleb again. Maybe there are bigger dreams and Mya just doesn´t know it yet.
42. Do they like cities? Or do they prefer the country? Is there a region of Enderal that they like or dislike more than the others? It´s too loud in the city. Life in the country is much more relaxed. The suncoast was impressive from the beginning...
43. What do they do to lower their considerable stress? When Mya comes home after a mission, cooking something or meditating by the fireplace.
44. Describe their perfect day off. There are so many things you can do. Like take a bath in a water hole. Or lying on a flower meadow by the lake with a good book.
45. List three of their favorite things. Three things they hate? Her favourite things are her books. She likes listening to other people´s stories. Wine!.. hehe What she does not like are loud noises, ignorance and bad food :D
46. What’s in their pockets? Oh it varies from trip to trip. Myas diary is always with her. A few coins. Food. Everything you find interesting on a mission.
47. Pets? Mounts? Treasured possessions? A cat that always hides in the house. Then there is Hurricane the horse. Myas prized possessions are her books. Nothing about material things is more important to her.
48. How are their cooking skills? For regular food, Mya cooks very well. She learned that from her mother. She likes to bake things.
49. Do you consider any particular quest or side quest to be definitive for your prophet? Which one(s) and why? Every secondary task that involves making decisions is difficult for her.
50. How forgiving are they? For example, if they were yelled at in a brothel after searching high and low for this little sh*t, how would they react? Hm. It depends on what situation Mya´s in. If she sees a boy steal an apple, it´s her. But if she sees someone taking money from the poor. Then Mya´s not forgiven. (Hallys)
51. What do they think of the Veiled Woman? The first time, Mya thought she was in another dream. Whether she´s s ghost or a god, it doesn´t matter. When the veiled woman really plays a major role in this matter, why can´t she help? It will always be a mystery. She has no opinion for her. She doesn´t show herself enough.
52. If they had been a victim of one of the black stones, how would it have affected them? What would they have used its power to accomplish? Similar to little Rhyneus, she would have created a world as it was before. When everyone was alive and with her. Sirius, Mother, Kaleb,... In the end she would go crazy, because it´s all up to her wishes.
53. What was their reaction to the Black Guardian’s revelations? Do they accept or reject his offer? Even though it all sounds very lgical what the black guard says, she refused. The reason is: If he really comes out of that device/Goliath( How ever;)), the whole thing would start all over again. He would be a "god", yes. People would be subservient. And as it was depicted in the Star City, it would all happen again. Over and over.
54. How does their story end? With Mya, the story will never end. All solutions have good and bad sides. If she doesn´t start the purification and the construction of the beacon, everything is fine. All her loved ones stay alive.
55. Do they change over the course of the story? In what ways? No.
56. Anything else you’d like to share about them? At this moment, not no.
I am not a big writer but... enjoy it, please :D Big Thanks for @enderalappreciationblog
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newgeht · 5 years
Always for You - Aquarius
Position 146. Emmanuel - The Positions of the Kamasutra // NSFW under the cut
Summary: The water bearer had bore on Lucy for life, an everlasting impression. The doubt heavy in her search for the key anew, Minerva kissing every shadowed thougt away. Comfort in their bodily splendors and each other. Lucy could only hope for more peace in Aquarius's blessing. Pairings: Minlu  Characters: Lucy Heartfilia, Minerva Orlando, Aquarius Words: 1,610 Rating: M  AO3 | FFNet 
Life was always different than she expected it to be. Who thought that love would’ve fallen into her lap, even after her ceaseless chasing. But always after a man, not a woman. 
Her lips puckered up against the thick olive branches nestling against her cheeks. Thrice she suckled on the sweet skin. Her tongue laden with the sweetest salt and grime, licking so her mark was made known. Lucy’s incessant “warm-up” was for herself, she wanted more time. Her head thrown between pathways of rambling thoughts and insecurities. 
“Why don’t you have a boyfriend yet?” 
Lucy preached under the altar in voice. Hesitant to take action as the bud of flowers hovered closer, slick with it’s fruity nectar. But was this what Aquarius had wanted for her? 
She blew against Minerva’s folds, igniting the woman above. Her legs shifting, brushing her own  locks of corn against the sheets. Lucy felt trapped but not from the gates of heaven that surrounded her. 
A golden chain sat between her breasts, refusing to take it off in their hot flury. Lucy only needed it for the sake of judgement. Her desires unmatched to the spirit she had sacrificed. Judgement hanging from the long thread much as the look Aquarius shared daily. 
An invaluable item that unlocked the doors above. Which locked away her darkest secret and heart. But Lucy had failed at her stalling. 
Nails curving steadily into her scalp, a voice none other than Minerva’s vexed above. “Is it too much?” 
She could only lean into her touch. Closing her eyes so Minerva couldn’t see the shame she had been sulking in. This entire mission a bad idea. 
“I-I’m fine. We’ve just had a long day, don’t you think?” Lucy sounded small. Unable to meet the worried gaze from above. 
Minerva swiftly pulled her leg over, settling beside her. Her eyes never leaving her face as she fought for the hold of hands. Lucy’s fingers trembling within her hands. 
“Did I…,” eyes still scanning over her, taking her state into account. “For lack of a better word, trigger you?” 
Clutching the pendant Lucy shook her head. Everything has been smooth sailing, the rockiness only beginning. Maybe it was the net above them, so sheer that the stars shined upon them. Maybe even Loke was watching over her now. 
She could feel her cheeks warm, searching for the mesh’s cover. It was such a small space. “Where is it?” 
Minerva sat in the middle of the tent and fed off the restless energy. “I don’t know what you’re looking for.” 
“The thing- The top, people can see right in.” Lucy’s paranoia increasing as she thought Aquarius would laugh at such a frantic state. Most likely whispering to Scorpio about how disappointed she was. 
“Lucy,” the calmest the saber ever spoke. Arms threading under her own, to pull her back into a comforting embrace. The point of her nose daring to slide against her hair on its downward journey. Minerva caressing her curves as her mouth spoke against the nape of her neck.
She rumbled in understanding, “No one can see you here. Not even those bastards above. Just look.” 
Her fingers tilting her chin up, constellations of autumn shining bright. The water bearer most notable, as it correlated to the warmth ignited from the key. Lucy tried to look down but Minerva wouldn’t let go. Her arm tightening around her waist. 
“Tell me about them.” 
She could only blink, “Which one?” 
“I know you’re smarter than that. Whoever this,” Minerva’s hand snaking between her breasts to grasp the golden fragment, “is or was.”
Now she flinched as the memories burned. No choice given from the ruthless demon she choose to bed. But in fact it was the opposite. An angel sent to relieve her of the burdens she clutched onto so desperately. Though her look was far from it; dark hair with rigid horns in place of the buns she once bestowed. A  jagged scar that masked her face, Lucy was lucky she could keep hers hidden. Her gaze always similar to that of Aquarius’s, Minerva was beautiful.
“Make sure he can protect you.” 
“Was, still is. She,” Minerva’s lingering kisses halting, “was my mentor. My whole world for the longest time and I gave her away. Just to summon the stupid mustache man…” 
“You mean… The king didn’t come of free will?” 
“Of Aquarius’s…” Her chords strained as she choked her name out. Minerva’s arms securing around her waist. Those sparkling stars above securing their vanity in Lucy as they shone bright, the mermaid dull. 
“You’ll never marry with a posture like that.” 
She straightened, trying to peel away from Minerva. Doubt upon doubt piling still, looking for Aquarius was the last decision she should have made. The connection she felt from the broken key, severing with every disdain. 
But her lover help on tight, quietly shushing her cries. Humming in a soft candor as her fingers delicately wiped over her cheeks, kissing the trails her tears left. A wildfire spreading down her bosom, Minerva’s tongue attending to her breasts. Lucy only mewled, hands stuck to the covers beneath her. 
“I’ll take care of you,” Minerva murmured; along with many other sweet nothings. 
Lucy was on her back moments later, still trying to deny the pleasure she felt -received. Her eyes straying from the sky ever so often. The key burning as Minerva sank lower. Though she wasn’t so sure if it was a sign to stop. 
A year of loneliness, Lucy deserved this… The lightest gasp as she was filled. One slim digit pushed against her, curling in a delicate tease. Dark waves fell as Minerva leaned over searching for another level of clearance. 
She gave a small nod but the gaze narrowed. “I would love to hear your voice.” 
But Lucy only melted at the sound of hers, garbling on choked words. “Min-... I don’t think. I want to… You-” 
Her cheeks were reddened as her lips quirked in an odd fashion. They curved and shaped the beginnings of a smile, the most genuine she had received in a while. 
In awe she felt herself slip, moaning as another was added. Lucy felt elated as Minerva’s blush deepened, lowering herself to level with her nether lips. A man could never make her feel this way. 
She writhed under the steady pace of her fingers, the tip of her tongue across her sensitive bud. Lucy cried in ecstasy. Hips rearing back as Minerva blew softly against her (wonder where she learned that from?). 
“This won’t do…,” she muttered. 
A question slide to the tip of her tongue but was replaced by a surprised squeal. Minerva hoisting her up by the waist. One fluid turn and she was on top, the position they had started in. “Minerva…” Lucy was shaky, balling her hands into fists. 
Only for them to enveloped by the hands of her lover. Each pulled to the side, held in tenderness as her tongue flicked against her own sacred spot. Another content sigh as she did the same again. 
She strained to look down but Minerva stopped. Her fingers slowly lacing up with her own, cinching together as a corset. But the touch was needed, calming her. “Chin up. The heavens will bask in you… My star.” 
And Lucy was breathless, cheeks brighter than any ripe cherry apple. She felt freed, alive; bucking her hips down. Minerva accepted her and tugged on her hands. Her muscle hot as it slipped inside and out. Each of her folds caressed delicately as the heat bloomed evermore. 
Just as Minerva commanded, she looked up. Aquarius the brightest in the crest of sky. No words needed as she was filled with tranquility, piercing her through the golden key around her neck. It flushed brighter as her own insides tightened. 
Minerva groaning as her sweet juices flooded. Lucy crying out in the sweetest satisfaction, riding away. Her legs held Minerva in place, grip tightening as she pulled down. 
“Right there- Oh Mavis!” And the gates to her own starry venue opened, panting. Head falling back as the figures above gleamed, acceptance settling in. This is what Lucy always wanted and her oldest friend was happy. 
The aftershock of her climax apparent as she collapsed beside the dark haired beauty. One hand still threaded with her own as a lifeline. Lucy didn’t want to let go. 
“Do you still want to come with me?” A foreign doubt trickling through her as Minerva sighed. 
Her lips placed reverently against her own. She chuckled, her nose nudging against her. “I’m not sure I have enough energy for another round.”  
Lucy blushed, shaking her head. She was content herself. “No, I meant…” What did she mean? The waves of the ocean called to mind and siren’s singing. “To find her, Aquarius. I want you to meet her...” 
And silence proceeded. She hoped her request wasn’t odd but Lucy didn’t want to lose this connection -she couldn’t. 
Minerva shifted, resting on her side. A poker face as she searched over Lucy, as if in disbelief. A small smirk rising from her query. “And what would you introduce me as?” 
An audible gulp wretched from her throat, the question scaring her. Minerva’s fingers loosely twirling around a piece of her golden hair. She was aloof, words caught in her throat once more. Whatever they were, it would be her decision. 
Lucy only smiled as her mind bounced the word around. Aquarius would love this and would love Minerva. There was not one single question of it as her Lucy’s lips slowly forming each syllable, “My girlfriend.”
Buy me a coffee~ 
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noythe · 5 years
Of Oracles and Kings
After surely enough hours of thinking I finally managed to write down, what I am thinking of the Prologue of Episode Ardyn. Everything I gathered since the release of Final Fantasy XV will be used in this post, probably not pleasing every single individual - but this is my opinion alone.
All the facts I am going to list are part of the Game, may it be from several translation sources - as far as the german was closer to the original japanese, I considered a few things from there, too.
Remember, this is a post made by someone who hated Ardyn on an early stage, but fell in love with the chancellor after enough time, fancfiction - replays and so on. But I will edit this whenever I find something new that is a reliable source.
Now is your last time to turn back, if you are an Ardyn hater or want to spill more fire into it.. Last chance to scroll past this. Thanks.
And by all means. Whatever I have written down there - this does not justify what he had done in the game.
1: Izunia
Ardyn Lucis Caelum. The name we all got to know during the stage of the game, as Noctis goes into the chrystal. The tale of the accursed. I guess I do not have to repeat this. We all know it very well. But the first name we stumble over by this handsome traveller with that voice like silk -> Izunia.
So, in the Dossier by german translation it was stated, that the Name of Ardyn was Izunia.. Before they became Lucis Caelum. Considering the Anime now - I have two theories.
They messed up the translation. Again.
Which is hopefully more like to be happening: Before the Plague went down and everything went to hell, everyone might have been normal. Same for Somnus and Ardyn. Only as the world needed it, they were gifted by the Astrals to stop this. Rising over the human limits with their abilities they were given the Name of Lucis Caelum. For whatever reason. I hope this will get finally solved and covered in the DLC.
2: Fleuret/Oracle
We have Aera. A woman that is betrothed to Ardyn and sneaking out to see him. Called the Oracle .Didyou guys ever reconsider that an Oracle was not always meant to heal the people? If we can take the information of the Prologue for granted, Aera was talking to the Astrals/Godsl and spreading their word and plans among the people. Perhaps because she could understand the godlike gibberish. She was no healer. It was Ardyn on his own. They looked up to her and took her word for granted.
So after he was no longer able to heal, I guess the Astrals or Bahamut decided that they needed a new source of Light in this darkness. Because the Plague was not gone after Ardyn was killed/imprisoned/abandoned. But it couldn’t be her. It couldn’t be Aera. Even if she looks a lot like Lunafreya and shares her last name as far as I know - she died to protect the man she loved. Besides the shared looks are quite intersting.. Remember the time Ardyn was killing Lunafreya and his entire look softened for a mere second? Perhaps he saw her again.  
So, we see another woman next to Aera - perhaps Gentiana as she was a Messenger of the Gods as well and some Artworks show a dark haired woman that wields the Trident.  It is not confirmed yet, but I guess that she might have assisted Somnus indeed. Just not like the very first Oracle did. 
3: Scourge
While both brothers have their way of dealing with it, I have to say I like Somnus even less than before. Not that he just burned the people alive - he made it worse without noticing, calling his brother a traitor for doing his best to stop the plague from spreading. So in fact, Ardyn cleaned the mess up - his younger asshole brother created. Also - people say that the Memory might a fake. I can nearly assure you it is not. During the early scenes you see Somnus gathering the Victims of the plague. It is night. Do you guys remember what happened in the game during night and with Demons around? Right. The Area got misty/foggy and some particles were flying around. So. GUESS WHAT. There are DOZENS of people. It’s just what happens with all the scourge piled up. As Aera dies Ardyn can’t hold back the darkness he had gathered over an undefined amount of time. Maybe it had been years. So what Somnus had faced with Gil in the beginning.. Was probably NOTHING compared to the darkness Ardyn had been holding back, Same for the moment Ardyn gets stabbed by his brother in the tower/Temple/whatever.As the entire Scourge that was gathered in his body is released, it’s all dark. This is one of the effects of the scourge. Don’t play it down. So killing someone with the scourge is not an option, as we saw it only spreads ( Reference: The ‘Death’ of Ardyn during the ending) Unlike the method Ardyn used -> Taking it in and keeping it contained. That gives me to think..Did Lunafreya heal it the same way like Ardyn did? Was she getting that weak because of it and the Covenants? 
There probably was a way to clear it. Perhaps a special rite whatever. But that was never mentioned. Maybe Ardyn was just send to sacrifice himself with all the Scourge, only given this task. One live in exchange of countless. But we know how this played out.
4: Kings
I noticed some people claiming that Ardyn was in the end selfish as he announced himself King. He didn’t. He never really did. First of all he was traveling alone and in secret, admired by the people he helped with a real solution. They despised Somnus for what he did - and I can’t blame them. If someone would burn my entire family just for the sake of ‘preventing’ things, I would be pissed too. 
Ardyn was loved by the people. They asked him to be king. They had chosen him. And he knew what kind of burden that would be, but for the sake of them - he would have been their king.  We see Aera talking to the Chrsystal - performing some kind of ceremony to listen and spread their word. It was Somnus who asked. But the ones seeing the scene don’t know what was told. Only Aera and Somnus know - at least that was what I thought. But recalling Episode Ignis helps here. The Chrystal itself tells us there, that Ardyn was indeed chosen.
They call out Ardyn and he ends up in the same room - Somnus seems to snap, revealing his master plan to get Ardyn to them because they had lost him before and says that he is the chosen one. Somnus lied. Otherwise Aera wouldn’t be so surprised. He didn’t even wait for HER to announce it. Aera the Oracle - the messenger of the god, the voice the people would listen to.
So I assume that Somnus is indeed the jealous King Ardyn told us about.
That he was in the end rejected by Chrystal was not his fault. Ardyn hadn’t done anything wrong in this case. He had tried to fulfill his calling - knowing what would happen. Sadly we have no real information about this but I really guess that Ardyn was talking the truth. He was erased from history. And we know that Somnus felt guilty. 
5: Curse and Blessing
We know that Ardyn is immortal. Unless Noctis shows up and fulfills his calling and cleans up the mess Somnus and Bahamut had created.
We also know that the Oracle promised Ardyn to remember him always - even if no one else would. Foreshadowing? Perhaps. Perhaps she had seen the future like Ignis did during his Episode. Words she used during the gameplay trailer reveal, that she wanted Ardyn to live ( I guess she meant him. And I guess the scene was a dream that haunts him during the 2000 years or after his freedom.)
Maybe she had used these words before, trying to encourage him. Perhaps she had known about the state he was in. Maybe she knew he had a calling to follow. This is just a theory of mine and I can’t say for sure how this will play out. But I hope SE will play it smoothly, otherwise I will be mad af. But he calls it himself Both during the train-scene. My thougts on that. The Blessing part might be indeed from Aera.. While the curse keep him chained to this world and far from the woman he had loved.
6: Lies
There is no good or evil, only thinking makes it so.
If it would be a twisted memory, I assume we would know. Ardyn had suffered a lot. He had seen people die he cared for. He had lived, loved and in the end found peace. People say that this insight into the Episode might be twisted because it is Ardyn’s story we’re talking about. Think about it again. Aera is telling us the story and we have enough proof that he is talking the truth. As it is even said by the developers that the Anime will show the side of Ardyn we didn’t know so far. It is confirmed.
(And if someone screams. BUT THE PLACES ARE DIFFERENT - Watch the prologue again, or at all.... Watch it for real. And notice the details, temple area, open at the sides, different time. It is as confirmed as I can say now. If SE tricked us.. Well. I just can work with what I have. There is no mistake in the Animation or such. Watch it 200 times if you have to. I can point it out by seconds, but I am too lazy for that.)
To erase every single trace of Ardyn in history, Somnus had to work cleanly. I have to say, Somnus did good by that. Either because he burned everyone alive who knew or made sure the day was never mentioned like it happened.
But why isn’t  Aera mentioned? Somnus erased Ardyn from history. Guess you wouldn’t want anyone to know that you actually killed his fiancé, because you’re a mad,stupid idiot she knew the truth that he didn’t. Sad death. I hope they’re happy in the Afterlife. They deserve it.
 A lot has been lost. No one had known. No one. And to be fair, a common  quote I stumbled across lately a lot: History is written by winners.
He calls himself noble, thinking that his actions are the right ones. Maybe that’s why he burned the people alive. But burning innocent people is not noble. There is nothing noble about killing the fiancé of your brother and calling her a foolish woman. There is nothing noble of tricking your brother and cursing him, giving him no choice but to mourn for the love he had. Good job Somnus. It took your nearly 2000 years to realize and ask your friendly younger version to give Ardyn peace, huh. A little bit late, asshole. No, I don’t forgive you.!
To finish this for now, I have to say: Ardyn deserved better. Same for Aera. It is a tragedy. 
Not you, Somnus, I hope I can smash you in an epic-long-ass-bossfight during the DLC: Otherwise my comrades-Character will wipe the Lucian floor with your remaining body parts. I hope we get more answers during the DLC and can’t wait to finally play it.
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luna-loo · 6 years
Piece Of Art
Tumblr media
(Jeff Hardy - pure fluff)
She was lika a piece to art for me. Art was made to inspire you. She inspired me like no other.
I loved the way her nose would crinkle whenever she laughed. I loved the way her laugh would softly ring through my ears. I loved the way she would giggle softly at my silly jokes. I loved her smile. It was the brightest smile I has ever seen.
I loved her little scars on her face. She'd always tell me she was insecure about them. There were times when I would trace them with my fingers unconsciously. I would do it on purpose sometimes, because I knew she was ticklish.
I loved her eyes. Whenever she stood in the sunight, little specks of gold would reflect in her eyes. They looked like little stars shining bright in a galaxy. There were times I would get lost in them. It would feel like I was lost in another universe. A place where only she and I existed. Her eyes were like the door to her soul. She was a sensitive Person, so I could easily tell by the look in her eyes how she was feeling at that moment. That's what I liked about her. She wasn't scared to show and express her emotions.
I loved her voice.  It was like my own personal lullaby. She was always too shy to sing, but at times she would softly hum a sweet melody. It was soothing to listen her voice, hearing it eased all of my troubled thoughts.
I loved her hair. I loved the way a single strand of hair could fall so perfectly to the side of her face and she wouldn't even notice. I love the way she would blush whenever I tucked a small strand of hair behind her ear. I loved the way her hair looked in the morning. She'd always complain about her bed head, but I found it simply adorable.
She was a simple woman with complicated thougts. I always tried my best to figure her out. She was like an open book at times, and at other times she'd seem like a diary with a tight lock on it. Only accessible to those who dared to enter some of her darkest thoughts and secrets.
She was like a piece of art to me, but I wasn't the first one to paint her world. Others had been here before me. Some left dark marks on her canvas, other left scratches which were impossible to fix. She was a perfectly imperfect creation. Shaped by her actions, molded by her heart and colored by her own thoughts.
I was like a piece of art to him and he was the artist. He painted my world with all kinds of colors. He made my world a brighter and better place. He made me feel like the most beautiful girl in th world. He would always make sure to shower me with compliments and kisses. He was always there for me.
He was like a piece of art to me. He was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes on.
I loved the way he moved. There was something magical about it. The way he danced and moved in the ring was so captivating, mesmerzing, enchanting... there could be an entire room filled with people, but he would be the only oneto catch my eye. I loved the way his hand would slowly inch towards mine, as if silently asking for permission to hold my hand. I loved the way he would tuck a fallen strand of hair behind my ear. He would always look me in the eyes with an adoring look afterwards, which made me blush slightly.
I loved the way his hair would stand up his head in the morning. I would always chuckle at the sight and he would give me a questioning look.
I loved his eyes. They were like a mysterious faraway place. Dangerous to enter, impossible to leave. I loved the way he looked at me whenever I told him a story.  His expression would always soften a little bit. I loved the way he would give me a cheeky wink whenever he was sitting across the room from me. I loved the scar on his stomach. He would make sure to tell me that story over and over again. I would always roll my eyes , but I secretly loved it whenever he told me these stories.
I loved the way he could be so passionate about something. He would always frown slightly whenever he concentrated. He seemed to get lost in his own little world. It would take him a while to noticemy gaze. Whenever he did notice, he would always give me this sheepish look., slightly embarrassed that I had caught him.    
He was an abstract piece of art. He was special in his own way. He was fascinating to look at. Once I got to know him, I kept on finding new pieces to the puzzle. Slowly I got to figure him out.
He was like a piece of art to me. I wasn't the first one to draw on his canvas, but I hope I will be the last one to paint his world.
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Tags: @kittysilver86 @0paint-the-stars0 @ringer04 @haven-raven012591
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mrslittletall · 6 years
Title: The Sick Day Fandom: Dark Souls Characters: Dragon Slayer Ornstein/Executioner Smough Word Count: 6.027 AO3-Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13890231 Summary: The Dragon Slayer has fallen sick. Luckily, the executioner is there to help. (Author’s note: Nobody has asked for a Smoughstein sickfic, but I have written one anyway. Enjoy!)
Ornstein awoke and fell into a coughing fit right away. He clutched a hand before his mouth, trying to make as little noise as possible to not waken his boyfriend he was snuggled up against. But it was to no avail, he could feel the executioner shift and pulling him closer to his chest: "Are you alright? That sounded nasty."
"I had better days.", Ornstein croaked more than said. His throat and head did hurt. "But it doesn't feel that bad.", he finished, not wanting to worry Smough, who pulled him even closer into a hug: "You are hot." Ornstein sighed: "Sorry, I am not up to it right now." Smough put a hand onto his forehead: "No, I mean, you seem to have a fever."
Oh, that was what he meant. "Uh, I guess... It doesn't feel like its too high though.", Ornstein said, feeling his face got red (and that was not from the fever). Trying to change the subject, he asked: "Is it morning already?" With the way he was huddled up to Smough it was not possible for him to take a look for himself.
"It is still dark outside.", Smough said. Of course they both knew that didn't mean much. It could simply mean Gwyndolin hadn't got up yet. They normally created an illusion of a sun to shine on Anor Londo, which was covered in darkess in its usual state, but dropped the illusion when they got to sleep so that they had a feeling like it was nighttime. Right on cue he heard Smough say: "The sun just showed up. I guess it is morning." Ornstein could feel how his boyfriend got ready to stand up and he started to pull himself up too only to being pushed back into bed by a large hand.
"Where do you think you are going? You are clearly sick. You should stay in bed today.", Smough scolded him.
Ornstein wasn't too happy about this. "What if one of those Chosen Undead comes along today?", he asked.
"I can take them on my own.", the executioner answered. "Besides, it doesn't seem like someone has made it through Sen's Fortess lately. And even if someone makes it, they first had to pass the Anor Londo sharpshooters."
That made Ornstein chuckle. The Anor Londo sharpshooters had become some kind of inside joke amongst them. The various Undead who came to Anor Londo could spent an awful long time trying to get past these two Silver Knights armed with dragonslayer bows. He had to admit, they were positioned at a nasty spot, at least for anyone who tried to get past them.
"Well, fine.", Ornstein said, being certain that Smough wouldn't let him get up today. "I'll stay in bed until I feel better."
"Good.", Smough said. "I'll make us some breakfast. What do you want to eat?"
"Something that is easy to swallow.", Ornstein answered once more aware of his sore throat.
"I'll see what I can do. Just wait here." Smough walked out of the room, probably heading for the kitchen. Ornstein watched him until he was out of sight, then grabbed a hair band to tie his long hair into a ponytail. Now he had to wait. He laid back and let his mind wander.
He had to admit, he was a bit concerned. He really hoped that no Undead would show up today. Sure, the executioner was strong, but slow. He certainly could use the backup in battle. But he also had to face that he wasn't in a fighting state today, with his fever, the sore throat and the coughing he wouldn't last very long and probably being more of a laughing matter for any opponent. He hoped, that Smough would be right and even if someone made it through the fortress, they would need a while to get past the sharpshooters and many other opponents Anor Londo had to offer. Still, there had been instances, where varios Undead had made it rather quickly...
His train of thougts was interrupted by the realization that he needed to use the bathroom. It surely wouldn't be a problem to get up for that. He pulled himself up to get out of bed. But he probably shouldn't wander around barefoot in his state. Ornstein found a pair of slippers to wear and started to shuffle to his destination. __________________________
At his trek back from the bathroom Ornstein decided to take a look into the kitchen, where Smough was preparing the food. Ornstein liked to watch Smough cook, because that was something the executioner was truly passionate about. He probably should have rather gone back to bed, but he had felt a bit lonely there and feared that his dark thoughts would continue there. Leaning against the door frame, out of sight of the executioner, he decided it wouldn't hurt to just watch a couple more minutes. Of course his cough had other plans and prompted Smough to turn around.
"Do you want your fever to get worse?", he asked, frowning.
"I just wanted to watch you a bit.", Ornstein answered, still a bit coughing. "I felt a bit lonely alone in bed."
"Then at least sit down and not stand there in the doorway." Smough motioned to a table with chairs they normally would sit at to eat together. Ornstein straightened up and wanted to walk towards the chair, but after having leaned against the doorframe, he felt dizzy for a moment and tumbled forward. He could feel Smough catch him and promptly picking him up. That's it, he would surely bring him back into bed. Even though Ornstein was tall enough to easily tower over humans, in comparison to Smough he was small.
As the larger man carried him, he said: "I hope you didn't get up just because you felt the need for some company."
Ornstein avoided the gaze of his boyfriend, feelin a bit embarassed about the whole situation, murmuring: "...had to use the bathroom..."
"You should have gone back to bed after being done."
"Sorry... I just wanted to watch you cook. I love watching you while you cook."
"That's cute, but you should think about your health first."
"I know..."
They spent a brief moment in silence when another question rose from Ornstein: "Have you told the princess about this?"
"Yes, of course. She is fine with us taking it slow today. Well, at least I think that was what she meant."
The princess often sounded really weird with her wording since her return, so Ornstein could understand Smough's confusion. Well, he didn't expect it would be a problem, she had always been rather empathic. In the meanwhile, Smough had arrived at their room and put Ornstein softly down on the bed, even tucking him in.
"Just wait a bit longer, I'll be back with the food soon.", he said and left the room once more. It seemed like Ornstein had to play the waiting game now, Smough surely wouldn't tolerate him getting up another time. It would probably be the best to try and get some more rest until Smough was done with the food. He closed his eyes, trying to doze off but got interrupted by his cough quickly. This now really started to hurt. He should ask Smough to get some medicine later. After an unknow time of him dozing off and awakening because of the urge to cough, Smough came back in with the food: "Sorry, that you had to wait so long. I am sure you must be pretty hungry by now."
Ornstein pulled himself up, not having noticed how much time had actually passed: "No, it's fine. I haven't even noticed how much time passed. Please don't apologize for this."
Smough handed him a plate filled with soup and a spoon: "It has cooled down enough so that you can eat it right away."
Ornstein started to spoon the soup, eathing rather slowly because of his sore throat. At least it was easy enough to swallow. After a few minutes he felt like something was off. He looked at Smough, asking: "Um, why aren't you eathing anything?"
"Don't worry about me. I already had my serving. I had to let it cook a bit longer for you to make it easier to swallow.", Smough answered.
Ornstein looked closer at the soup and noticed how the ingredients pretty much had become one with each other, making it really easy to eat. And it still tasted good. It simply amazed him how much care his boyfriend had put into this meal. He put the spoon down and said: "I don't deserve someone like you..."
"What? Don't say something like that. I am sure you would take the utmost care of me too if I would be sick."
"Well, of course." Even though Ornstein felt he could never do as much as Smough did for him. For once, he was completely unable to carry his much larger boyfriend around. And even though Smough had given him some cooking lessons, his cooking skills were still far away from that of the executioner.
Smough interruped this thoughts: "Don't worry to much about this, just make sure to get healthy. And I would appreciate if you eat up, it will surely help you to feel better."
"Oh, of course, I just have been lost in thoughts...", Ornstein said and continued eating. After he had finished, he turned to Smough and asked: "Can you get some medicine from Gwyndolin, please? I need something for the cough and the sore throat. It really hurts." Smough took the dishes and answered: "Of course." He then left the room.
After having eaten something, Ornstein indeed felt a bit better, but still tired. Maybe he could get some sleep now. He untied his hair and laid down, snuggling into the blankets. Even though it felt hard for him to actually sleep without snuggling against Smough. He was so used to it by now. Right after he had started to doze off, he was startled awake by Smough barging into the room and asking: "Ornstein. I want to get going your medicine now. Are you fine with me leaving now or do you need something?" And after seeing Ornstein's reaction: "Oh no, sorry, did I wake you? I just wanted to make sure you aren't in any trouble when I am gone." "It's fine... I don't need anything.", Ornstein reassured his boyfriend. "It isn't that far away, I can survive without you for a couple of minutes. I am not a little kid." At last he gave the executioner a smile: "But it is nice to know how much you care." "I will be gone then for a while.", Smough said while giving Ornstein a pet on the head, then once again turning around and leaving the room. Ornstein watched him walk away, then tried going back to sleep. _______________
Ornstein wasn't really sure how long he had slept, but he woke up because he was freezing. Did he have to get the chills now? Had his fever gotten worse? Shivering, he curled together, snuggling more into the blankets, trying to get warm. Suddenly he felt a large figure pulling him into a hug, keeping him warm and safe, making the shivering stop. Ornstein soon fell back asleep again, snuggled against the comforting figure.
As Ornstein woke up again, he realized that it was actually Smough who had kept him warm, having let Ornstein sleep snuggled against him in his usual position. For a brief moment, Ornstein thought about how silly it was that he hadn't recognized his boyfriend before, there wasn't exactly anyone else around. Ornstein pulled himself up, a bit upset: "What are you doing? This way you only catch it too." Smough looked concerned: "Master Gwyndolin told me to keep you warm and you were freezing." He did let go of Ornstein, carefully removing some locks that had gotten tangled up on him. "How are you feeling?", he asked. Ornstein sat up, feeling his forehead. He definitely felt hotter than before. "Fever has gotten worse. Throat still hurts. Actually, not very g..." , while his voice had been more a whisper the whole time, now it completely failed him. And then he got hit by another painful coughing fit. He could feel Smough's hand on his back, rubbing circles into it. He could be so glad to have such a caring boyfriend like him. A terrible thought crossed his mind. What if Smough wouldn't be there anymore one day? What if one of the Undead would succeed in striking down Smough but Ornstein would survive? What if Smough would go away one day and never coming back? While he still was thinking about these terrifying scenarios, he heard Smough say: "I should go prepare your medicine now, you clearly are feeling not well." The executioner attempted to stand up from the bed, but Ornstein grabbed his arm in a very tight hug: "Please, don't leave me alone." ____________________
It took Smough by surprise when Ornstein grabbed his arm, begging for him to stay. On the one hand, he wanted to give Ornstein his medicine, on the other hand he felt really uncomfortable leaving his boyfriend alone clearly having a mental breakdown. Smough decided that it was more important to first calm Ornstein down. He picked the smaller man up, sitting him on his lap and letting him take in his comfort position. He could feel Ornstein shivering in his arms, pressing against his chest. "I won't go anywhere, Ornstein.", the Executioner reassured his boyfriend. He started to pet Ornstein's head, slowly tracing the full lenght of his red locks down his back.
It wasn't the first time Smough assumed that Ornstein could have abandonment issues. He couldn't even blame the dragon slayer for this, remembering what all had happened in his life. First, his master had turned traitor and not only had to leave Anor Londo forever, even all existence of him was erased from the history books and only people like him and Ornstein who had still known him knew about his existence. Their lord, Gwyn, had also left kindling the flame and never returned. And the three knights that Ornstein had lead, all of them had left one day and never returned. Smough also remembered, that Ornstein had once told him, that he got abandoned by his parents as a little kid. This alone would be enough to give most people a trauma. Ornstein had also told Smough how each and everyone of these events had crushed him, but he had to stay proud, continuing to be the captain of the knights and not show his true emotions about this to anyone. And Smough had noticed in the long hours of them guarding the cathedral together how that bottled up emotions started to boil over. Every once in a while, Ornstein would have some kind of breakdown and it was up to the executioner to make the dragon slayer feel better. He quickly had noticed that physical affection was the best way for Ornstein to calm down, so he normally would hold him until it was over. While continuning the reassuring stroking, he looked down at his boyfriend. Most people had only seen the fierce warrior in the golden lion amour, ready to pierce through anyone who was in his way. Not many people knew what a sensitive soul it was that resided in that armour. Smough considered himself lucky to be one of the few people the dragon slayer was comfortable showing this side of him. Even though Smough was pretty sure, Ornstein would apologize for it later. His boyfriend hated to show weakness.
After a while, Smough noticed that the shivering had stopped and Ornstein's form seemed to relax. He started to talk again: "Are you fine with me getting your medicine now? Or do you want me to stay a while longer here with you?" Ornstein didn't answer at once. Smough recalled that his voice had failed earlier, maybe he simply couldn't talk at the moment, but then he heard him talk: "You can go get the medicine. Sorry for this..." There it was, Smough knew he would apologize. He pulled the blankets back, carefully laying Ornstein back into the bed, having a bit trouble cause his boyfriend's hair got into the way (it would ALWAYS do that), then tucking him in. "You just stay here in bed. I am getting your medicine right now.", he said, grabbing the bag and instructions that Master Gwyndolin had given him and leaving for the kitchen. ____________________
As soon as Smough was gone, Ornstein started shivering again. He wasn't sure if he got the chills again or it was some after effect of the mental breakdown. He tried to pull the blankets closer in an attempt to keep him warm but noticed that Smough had already tucked him in. He also remembered that his hair had gotten in the way, so he fumbled around at the night stand till he found his hair band. After he had tied his hair into a ponytail, he pressed his face against the nearest pillow in shame. It had happened again! He wanted to blame his sickness for this, but him being unwell had most certainly only been one trigger. It wasn't the first breakdown. They happened actually quite regularly lately. Smough would normally stay with him, often hold him until he calmed down, but he still hated that it happened in the first place. He was the dragon slayer, the captain of the knights (and the last of them) and should stand proud and tall at all times, not breaking down like this. Smough already had told him, that he was allowed to show weakness, but Ornstein still hated that these things happened. At least Smough didn't think lesser of him because of that.
After a few more minutes spent in self loathing Ornstein raised his head. The pillow had gotten wet. Had he seriously cried over this? The sickness probably had gotten the better of him. He used his sleeve to wipe his face. All this made him feel dried out and made his throat hurt even worse. Wasn't there a jar with water on the nigthstand? Ornstein grabbed at it only to accidentally knock it down and having to watch how it slowly fell to its doom. Ornstein winced at the noise when the jar shattered into shards. Oh no, now he had also managed to make a mess. He pulled himself up, looking at the shards on the floor (which reminded him of his own life). His common sense told him to just let Smough handle this, but... he kind of couldn't bring himself to just leave it like that. He wanted to pick that mess up. Ornstein got slowly out of bed, kneeling down before the shambles and reaching out for it.
"What are you doing?", Smough's voice suddenly sounded through the room, startling Ornstein, so that he accidentally cut his index finger instead of picking up the shard, which made him wince cause of the sudden pain. He slowly looked down and noticed that the cut started to bleed. Smough was at his side in a mere seconds, picking him up and pulling him into a tight hug: "Please don't do things like this..."
That confused Ornstein. What did he mean? Making a mess? Ornstein wanted to open his mouth and explain the situation only to find out his voice had now completely failed him. Smough put him back into bed, noticing the bleeding cut on his finger. "You are bleeding.", he stated. "We should bandage this up. Please stay in bed now, would you? I am coming right back to patch you up. And then you should finally take your medicine. Don't worry about this mess, I will clean it up."
Ornstein also looked down on the cut. The cut wasn't too deep, but refused to stop bleeding. "It's not that bad.", he wanted to say, but it came out as only a faint whisper. "You really shouldn't talk now." Smough gently forced him to lay down again and left.  It didn't take long for Smough to return, bringing some bandages, a wet cloth and the finished medicine. He then first started to clean out the wound before taking the bandages and wrapping them not only over the hurt finger but his whole hand. Ornstein wanted to protest about this, but with his failed voice he wasn't able to. After Smough was done he took the cup with the medicine and offered it to Ornstein: "Please drink it now while I am going to clean up this mess." Ornstein accepted the cup, having to hold it in his left hand for now and took a first sip. That already warmed him up from the inside, dumbing down the pain in his throat. While he slowly drank the rest of it, he had some time to think. He was really wondering why Smough was making so much drama about this, he had gotten far worse injuries (and the scars to prove it). Maybe he should try to see this from Smough's perspective?
That was the moment realization dawned. Smough had seen his sick boyfriend who just happened to have a mental breakdown kneeling down with tears in his eyes and reaching out for a sharp object. Smough must have been under the impression that Ornstein wanted to harm himself! Did he really send off vibes that he would do something like this? He hoped that his voice would return soon so that he could explain the whole situation. In the meantime, Smough had cleaned up the shards and sat down on the edge of the bed, looking very ready to give Ornstein some more emotional support.
Ornstein wanted to explain the whole situation. Hoping, that his voice had returned he cleared his throat and started to talk: "Uh, I think there was a misunderstanding." Very good, his voice had returned. "I just knocked down the jar and wanted to pick up the shards, cause they reminded me of..." (my life). The last part of the sentence remained unspoken. He really shouldn't worry Smough anymore. Avoiding his gaze Ornstein stared down at the blankets when he heard Smough speak up: "You really worried me there, Ornstein. You could have just leave it to me. You are always pushing yourself far too hard." Ornstein wasn't in the mood to get into this discussion, so he changed the subject: "So, how is Gwyndoln doing? They weren't really feeling well when I last visited them." He made a short pause when things fell into place. "Oh, I guess, that is where I caught it."
"Master Gwyndolin is doing fine. They also told me that they needed this particular medicine themselfes just a short while ago. So I guess you really got infected by them.", Smough replied to his question. "Are you sure you feel alright now?"
Smough didn't want to let it go, it seemed. "Yes, I am fine. Despite of being sick of course." He started to feel hot. Probably side effects of Gwyndolin's medicine, they often had one or another. "I am sorry that I am worrying you so much today...", Ornstein finished his sentence, now starting to sweat too. Ugh, this turned into a heat flash.
Smough noticed his apparent discomfort: "Did your fever rise again?" Ornstein shook his head: "Just side effects of the medicine, I think." He just had to sit this out, it wouldn't probably last long. And he felt like the medicine had already helped him feel better, having far less pain in his throat and having some peace from the coughing for once. And luckily, it didn't last long and was over as soon as it had begun. But it unfortunately left Ornstein with a sweat-soaked night shirt. He definitely shouldn't stay like this.
"I think I need to change.", he started. "And wash up too. Could you get me some hot water and a new night shirt, please?" His boyfriend instantly acted. "I am on to it.", he said and left probably to get and heat up the water first, that would take some time. When he was gone, Ornstein remembered that Smough had bandaged up his complete right hand. How should he wash up like this? He fumbled around the bandage to get the use of his hand back. Smough came back into the room as Ornstein just had managed to remove most of the bandages of his hand. "Hey, you shouldn't take this off now.", the executioner protested. Ornstein knew Smough had just meant well when he applied it, but decided to confront his boyfriend with the truth: "You overdid it with this, Smough. I am sorry, I know you just meant well, but I only cut my finger. I don't want to remove it completely, I just would like to be able to use my hand." He hoped that his words didn't came out as hurtful. "Well, you made me really worried, so maybe I overdid it with this.", Smough said, looking a bit ashamed. "Would you let me fix it then, please?" Ornstein was glad about how understanding Smough was and offered him his hand: "Sure, go on." With some quick movements Smough managed to tie the bandages in a much better way, giving Ornstein the control of his hand back. "Thanks.", he said, laying back down, watching as Smough went over to the chest where Ornstein would store his clothes. After giving it a hearty kick (they had learned to be cautious after a mimic infestation a few years ago), he opened it and then stopped: "Uh, Ornstein, there aren't anymore clothes in here." "What? I am always putting my clean clothes in that chest.", Ornstein said confused and then noticed the pile of undone laundry right next to the chest. "Oh no.", he put a hand over his face upon this discovery.
"You have procrastinated doing your laundry again, right?" Smough had put his hands on his hips while staring at Ornstein. "Seriously, I see you keeping your armour in top shape every day, but doing the laundry? Don't always wait till you are out of clothes with this. You really seem to have your priorities straigth."
"I am sorry.", was all that Ornstein could respond to that. It wasn't exactly like he was intentionally putting that off. Most of the time it was hard for him to gather the energy and actually do stuff like this. Or coming out of bed. He was actually impressed that he managed to keep his armour and weapon in shape. Smough probably thought that he just liked to sleep in and was a bit lazy. Maybe he should tell him about this issues one day. But for today, he didn't want to worry his boyfriend anymore.
"But you need something to change into.", Smough said. "So I guess we have to use one of my night shirts."
"What? Smough, that won't fit me at all! You perfectly know how much smaller I am than you." And this was saying something regarding that Ornstein's own size surpassed the 2,50 meter mark. Maybe Smough had some actual giant blood in him? Ornstein remembered a time where Artorias had told him that having a bit of blood of another race was more common than one might think (and implied that Ornstein himself could have some dragon blood, which was actually could be regarding that Ornstein had little fangs as canine teeth).
"With a girdle it may fit you a bit better.", Smough said nonchalantly. "The water should be heated up by now." He noticed something in the chest and bend down to pick it up. "Look, at least I found some clean underwear of yours. Even though that's a bit of a pity." Ornstein had to chuckle a bit at this statement: "Smough, please, I told you, not today."
"Hey, it's not my fault that you are so cute.", the executioner said and left the room to get the water.
Ornstein didn't have to wait long for the executioner's return, bringing a bowl with hot water, a washing cloth and some towels. "Do you need some help?", he asked while putting the things down. Ornstein deliberated for a brief moment, the bandaged finger on his right hand shouldn't get wet. He decided that he should use his left hand as main and the right only as support and answered: "No, thanks, I can do it on my own."
He started to pull the sweat soaked night shirt off, glad that this uncomfortable feeling was over. "Do you want some privacy then?", Smough asked further. "You can stay. We have seen each other naked often enough by now, don't you think?", Ornstein replied while taking up the washing cloth and wetting it. Then he got an idea: "Actually, you can help me with getting my hair out of the way." Ornstein's hair was long enough to get in the way even when tied up to a ponytail.
"You don't want to wash your hair then?", Smough asked, grabbing the ponytail to lift it out of the way.
"That would be to much. You know what a hassle it is to wash my hair.", Ornstein said while slowly starting to washing up. Not mentioning that he had to brush his hair after washing it and he hated to do that. His hair was an uncombable mess and he had pretty much given up on it by now. But Smough hadn't. Ornstein wasn't really keen on getting this treatment today.
He continued to wash himself when he noticed something out of the corner of his eyes. "Smough, were exactly do you think you are looking at?", he asked slightly annoyed when he noticed Smough was staring at his rear. "Hey, I told you, it's not my fault you are cute.", Smough said defensively and then added with a smug grin: "And hot." Ornstein sighed: "You are awfully horny today." This statement prompted a little poke of Smough, but the executioner stayed silent afterward. And it was not like Ornstein minded that his boyfriend gazed at him. He finished washing up and grabbed for a towel. Luckily, this time he could use both hands more freely, so drying himself off was a lot quicker.
After he was finished, Smough did let go of his ponytail and picked some clothes up from the floor. "Your underwear and one of my night shirts." He laid down the items in front of Ornstein, who naturally put on the underwear first. Then he picked up Smough's night shirt. How should this even work? Smough was just so much bigger as him. Well, he had to start somewhere, so he pulled it over his head. Having some trouble finding the sleeves, Smough helped him dressing up. As expected, it was far too big. Even though Smough had choosen a short one, it was long enough to go down to Ornstein's knees. Smough eyed him: "We have to adjust some things with that." He had to turn the sleeves a few times so that Ornstein got the use of his hands ack and then proceeded to tie the shirt together with a girdle. That actually... worked. Ornstein felt a lot more comfortable wearing Smough's clothes now. Smough himself got an enarmoured look onto his face. "You are looking to cute in this, kitten.", he exclaimed and pulled Ornstein into a hug. "I told you to stop calling me that.", Ornstein complained. "As long as you have little cat like fangs and come crawling into my bed, I won't stop with that.", Smough said. Caught in the hug, Ornstein could only protestingly mumble: "I had these teeth for centuries now and we long decided to live in the same room." "What? I can't understand a thing.", Smough said and released Ornstein from his hug. "You are still having a fever, you should lay back down.", he observed. "I should wash some of your clothes, you literally have nothing to wear. Just to be sure, this is an expection." Ornstein laid back down, he almost had forgotten his fever. It felt far better now. "Thanks.", he said. "I will make up for it somehow."
Ornstein watched as Smough picked up some of his clothes to wash, then contemplated what to do. He didn't feel like sleeping anymore and just waiting for Smough's return would bring the gloomy thoughts back. He decided to look into the drawer of the nightstand, he usually stored some books there. The first book he pulled out was a cook book. Oh right, he started to read this to get a better hold of Smough's cooking lessons. He put the cook book aside for now, grabbing the next one. That one was a history book. About the dragon war. Why exactly had he decided to pick up a book about an event he had been a part of? He dismissed this one too and picked up the last book. This one was a novel. That seemed to be the right choice for now, by diving into the story he could get rid of all the grim thoughts. He opened up the book and started reading. _____________
"...stein. Ornstein, wake up." Huh, what was that? He could hear somebody calling his name and giving him a nudge. He slowly opened his eyes and was instantly greeted by pain in his neck and shoulder area. "Ow, what happened?", he asked, pulling himself up. Smough had kneeled down beside the bed: "You fell asleep in an awkward position. I preferred to wake you up before you got cramped, but it seems it was already to late." Ornstein observed his surroundings. He must have fallen asleep while reading, cause the book was still lying on his legs. It felt like he had fallen asleep in his upsitting position which hadn't been a good position for his muscles. He also noticed, that his cut finger throbbed a little, he had probably laid on it or something. "Yes, it really hurts. Shoulder and neck part is all cramped up.", he said. "And I guess lying in bed all day also hasn't helped." Smough stood up and joined Ornstein in the bed. "Come sit here.", he prompted and pointed to a spot between his legs. Ornstein followed the prompt and sat himself down between the legs of his boyfriend. After he had made himself comfortable, he could feel Smough's large hands massaging his shoulders. "Ow, that hurts.", he said with a pained voice. "Then it is the right spot.", he heard Smough say in a gentle voice. "It hurts at first but it will be better later. Trust me." Ornstein decided to just let his boyfriend do his work in silence. Smough was right, the pain really started to lessen. After a while, he spoke up: "You never told me that you can give massages." Smough stopped his massage for a short while, giving Ornstein a stroke down his back: "I can use my strenght not only for crushing people." After that, he continued giving Ornstein a massage in comfortable silence. Until the noise was broken by the loud rumbling of Ornstein's stomach.
Smough stopped his movements: "Seems like someone is hungry again." Ornstein hid his embarassed face in his hands: "Well, to be fair, the last meal was a while ago." Smough stood up. "I am going to heat up a bit of the soup from this morning. Just wait here in bed. Your shoulders and neck should feel better now, right?" "Yes, thanks a lot.", Ornstein answered. He felt actually a lot better overall. His throat barely hurt anymore, he hadn't coughed for quite a while and his fever seemed to have gone down a great value. While waiting for Smough, he snuggled himself in the blankets. He didn't know if he would really be back to health the next day, but he knew he could count on one thing: That Smough would be there for him. (Author’s note: Actually, I don't know if in Anor Londo they use outhouses or some kind of privy, I just needed an easy reason for Ornstein to get up in the beginning. I leave it up to you.
That was really fun to write for me and I hope that you liked it.)
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iammultifandomaf · 3 years
Chapter 10 - Mundane No More
"Why are you looking at me like that? How should I call you? Anselm? Björn? Merlin? Or the most recent – John?" Stiles asked with a raised eyebrow.
"It's just- I haven't heard this name for such a long time..."
"Yeah, for about six years now."
"Hm," John hummed and looked down at the ground where the last daughter of the Gomernot clan was lying, dead.
"Don't look at her as if it were their fault. It was ours as well," Stiles said, "mostly mine..."
"Let's not get into that now. Lydia has to be out of her mind. We should- You should go to her."
Michendros blinked a few times. He couldn't believe it. He actually saw something. Quickly, he looked around for his brother who was lying right next to him, still holding Michendros' hand.
"Stolos," Michendros said, "Stolos wake up," he said more urgently. He can't be dead, he thought. Just can't. It didn't take long though and Stolos opened his eyes as well. Michendros helped him to sit up and tried to catch his brother's gaze.
"Holy shit, your eyes-"
"Yes. I can see," Michendros said with a smile. They both helped each other to stand up and for the first time, they saw the result of the magical earthquake which has apparently buried everyone inside the building but them two. For some reason, there was a fire near to them but that wasn't the important thing for the brothers.
Around a dozen people were lying on the ground around them burned to a crisp. Stolos and Michendros exchanged worried looks with each other.
"What a sacrifice, huh," Stolos muttered.
"I can't find Elyana's body," Michendros said.
"She's either under the piled up stones or she magically disappeared. At this point, I would even believe the disappearance one."
"Hm, look, isn't that the friend of yours?" the older brother asked and nodded to a boy standing across the street staring back at them.
"Oh, yeah. Maybe, we should go to him...," Stolos suggested and was about to walk out of the ruins but a woman yelling made him stop.
"They are the witch's accomplices! I am certain! I've seen them with her before! And that is why they survived this."
The brothers looked at each other, both knowing that they won't have a such luck surviving again. The citizens and the men in power will take care of that. Within minutes, they were sitting in the prison Elyana was closed in before, too. They sat on the cold ground, leaning against the even colder wall, feeling defeated. Stolos broke the silence after a while: "I thought that she's giving us a possibility to escape this hole of an Empire."
"Stolos, don't be like this. She surely tried."
"Did she? She threw a few stones at us and then brought us back to life. About fifty people saw it and now they think we are sorcerers as well."
"Maybe... maybe something will happen. Something else."
"What? Like our bodies being on fire tomorrow?"
"No, well, maybe. I am not certain. But I have this feeling like this is not it."
"I feel the same like before, though."
"Stolos, I've got my eyes back. There is more to it, for sure."
The brothers fell silent, both deep in their thougts. Michendros still believed for a miracle as he had trusted Elyana from the moment he laid eyes on her, Stolos, on the other hand, had a few misgivings about this whole thing, doubting that when he'll face death for the second time, it will be escaped easily like before.
Even though they tried not to, the brothers fell asleep on the uncomfortable surface. It might have been the events of the previous day which exhausted them, or maybe just the fact that they had died that day.
Stolos didn't remember any of his dreams for about a year now. Maybe it was a self-defense technique because when he arrived as a young boy to the Roman Empire, he suffered from night terrors and insomnia. Now, his sleep was calm and energizing, exactly what he needed for being a good fighter.
But that night, he did dream. And this dream was something he remembered forever. It was situated in a graveyard. Of course it has to be such a place, Stolos thought. Suddenly, he noticed the familiar dark brown hair in the distance, standing by a tree without leaves.
"Michendros!" he called out, making the person in front of him turn his head back. A soft smile appeared on his face and gestured at Stolos to come closer.
"That's nice. My last dream will be with you," Michendros said, looking up the tree.
"Wait, no, this is my dream," Stolos said with a slight confusion. Michendros looked at him, shrugging at his little brother.
"Does it even matter?" he asked him. "At least we are together."
Stolos glanced around the graveyard, thinking why are they spending their last dream-moments there.
"Let's go somewhere else, we'll be in this place in a few hours anyways," Stolos suggested.
"No, wait."
Both, Michendros and Stolos turned around to see the young sorceress in a lighy blue dress, smiling at them.
"I am glad that my efforts paid off," she said and approached the two brothers.
"No offense, but we might be alive right now, but we are about to be burned in the morning. So, yeah. But you tried," Stolos said. Michendros gave a strict look to his brother who ignored him. Elyana looked at Stolos as if she was looking at a small naive child which annoyed Stolos even though he knew it was only a dream.
"I did everything right, and you being alive proofs it. It will just take a little time to take effect."
"So, before the burning or after it?" Stolos raised his eyebrow and folded his arms on his chest.
"Stolos! Let her talk," Michendros jumped in.
"You both are extraordinary creatures. You are the first and the last of your kind. There is no name to call you. There are no legends nor myths but the ones which will arise in the future. For some reason, the religion and gods I dedicated my young life to, chose you two for this cause. I don't know if you are meant to do something great or nothing at all. You will find out in time. I've given you all my knowledge and all the knowledge about the mysteries and magic in this world. In time, it will come to you and you'll feel as if it was with you all your life. I don't know where your power starts and when it ends, that you will find out on your own."
"What power?" Michendros asked but Elyana shrugged: "I wasn't told much, I've been mostly shown. But it should be greater than any sorcerer ever had."
"So, we are witches now?" Stolos asked with a scoff.
"You are certainly not witches. The only thing I know for sure that you are mundane no more."
Michendros exchagned his confused looks with his brother and asked: "How do we learn to control this... new thing?"
Elyana shrugged. "I am just a child in the end, you are the ones who should know more than any person alive."
"I feel kind of clueless, though," Stolos said and looked around a graveyard, still wondering why he has a dream in such a cryptic place.
"It's almost morning. You should get ready," Elyana said and disappeared into the thin air. Michendros has managed to give a last look at his brother before the dream ended, making Stolos and Michendros wake up inside their cell again. They sat up and stared at each other for a while untik Michendros carefully asked: "Did that just happen?"
Stolos slowly nodded, turning his gaze to the opposite wall. "How should we get ready? And for what exactly?" Stolos asked but received only a shake of his brother's head.
He didn't understand what had Stolos done to bring both of them into trouble. Of course, his older friends had some secrets he didn't want to share but Dentorons always thought that the lack of sharing was mostly caused by Stolos' fear of reopening old wounds.
It was a mystery for Den how Stolos and his brother had survived the fall of the building and the peculiar lighting bolts. But because it was known that Dentorons had some sort of a friendship with Stolos, the man in lead automatically presumed that Dentorons can explain these events.
He was locked up in a dark dungeon for hours now. Once a while, someone came in, splashed him with cold water and the interrogation began. Questions like how long have the brothers been in contact with the witch, why did they want to kill the leaders and what was their plan were answered with a simple: "I don't know."
Unfortunately, the more times he said this, the more got the men interrogating him frustrated and angry with the boy. And that lead to plan B which meant: 'Made him talk using any means necessary'.
For hours, Dentorons was beaten, cut, threatened and kicked. But the only result was a crying young child saying "I don't know". That wasn't welcomed, though.
The brothers were taken to the bonfire before noon. It was already crowded and everyone was whispering gossips about the two. They were tied up to a tall wooden log which was stuck in the ground while an important-looking man climbed up on a podium in front of them, starting his speech.
"Thank you all for coming! It is needed that you see how we deal with traitors and the ones who take actions against the Empire. These two commited crimes against our law and worked with a witch, planning to bring down the caesar!" he said loudly and a lot of gasping people started chattering about it.
"The saddest thing is, that they even made a child to join them! Please, bring him," he commanded. Stolos looked up, hoping that he might be talking about some stranger. At the sight of the bruised boy, Michendros only said: "I am sorry, Stolos. This is all my fault."
They watched how the soldiers lead Dentorons on the podium. He was welcomed with booing and people yelling at him. Dentorons glanced quickly at Stolos who was standing in the middle of piled up wood, then he was made to sit on his knees, facing the crowd.
"For his crimes, he shall pay," the man said and another one came with an ax. At this moment, both of the brothers started to struggle with the ropes around their wrists, desperately trying to get out and save the kid. But it was useless. The ropes did not move at all. Dentorons' head was laid on a stump and with a few swings of the ax, his head rolled down the podium. Stolos stared at it with disbelief, only able to scream out: "NOO!"
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Imagine Loki coming to you years after you thought he was dead.
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You glanced down at your phone for the millionth time that day and sure as you expected the missed calls had increased just as the messages. You knew it wasn't because he was worried but because you had been actually ignoring him, and Tony Stark was not one to take that easily. You had explained you wanted time to yourself but as much as he tried to understand that he still couldn't really.
You turned off your phone again and stuffed it in your pocket, fishing the keys to unlock the door to your apartment. You let out a tired sigh as you placed your files on the desk, making your way to living room almost in the darkness as there was practically no lighting.
“FRIDAY lights please?” you asked as you walked down the hallway and a short reply came after they were turned on.
“Yes mis, (Y/n). Mis, I must inform you that there is someone waiting in-”
“The living room.” you breathed out, completing the sentence as you practically stopped dead in your tracks at what stood in front of you “Uh thanks FRIDAY.” you blinked clearing your throat as you took hesitant steps towards the two men, both of them surprising for a different reason each.
“What the hell?” you narrowed your eyes at them “I thought you were- And you were- that you would- and you wouldn't-you shouldn't, should you? I saw you- and you- we murned- and you- and Odin- who was I talk-” you stuttered, unable to form a proper sentence as you looked back and forth between the two men, your heart hammering in your chest. You rubbed your temple, finding it impossible to understand what was happening.
“Always on point, you haven't changed one bit love.” he said in the same smooth voice that would make shivers run down your spine with that kind of smile on his face that at times like this you wanted to whipe off so bad... maybe not in the most appropriate way.
“Shut up.” you growled but his smile only got bigger.
“Lady (Y/n)-” the blond man said with a smile and you blinked as you looked at him you shot him a glare, too mad about everything else to be happy to see him in front of you “It is great to see you.”
“Alive? Yeah I guess considering the shit that went down while you were MIA! I mean what the hell Thor?” you huffed.
“Really, what the hell?” you motioned to the man standing right next to him “What the hell?!” you breathed out looking at him and back at Thor “What the hair?” you whispered for a moment, seeing that his hair was shorter than the last time you saw him “What the hell?” you shook your head.
“Someone's too excited to see us here then?” Loki asked with a smirk and you shot him a look that could have just as well killed him, for real maybe this time.
“I told you to shut up.” you growled “I thougt you were dead!” you exclaimed, giving him a harsh look “We all thought you were dead!” you huffed and he only smiled at you.
“Someone missed me much?” he chuckled and you literally fumed.
“We mourned you- I mourned you!” you huffed “For months!” you almost choked on a sob and you saw his eyes soften for a minute.
“Well, can't take the trick out of a trickster.” he said with a smirk that wasn't as mocking as before.
“You were never dead, right.” you nodded to yourself, realization downing on you even harder “And you didn't even bother saying a thing not once right? Let me- us believe that you were dead.” you corrected yourself giving him a hard look.
“(Y/n)” Thor's soft voice made you look at him “We need your help, things are- they are going downhill. And soon I am afraid the entire universe might be at risk.” he said sincerely and you sighed heavily. Even if he wasn't here when you needed him during the fight that broke up between Tony and Steve you couldn't deny him a thing when he asked you like this.
“You're lucky I need a distraction.” you sighed “Just- just give me some time to wrap my mind around everything.” you mumbled turning to leave before you stopped on your tracks.
“Yeah I almost forgot.” you said in a low voice, turning and punching the black-haired man straight in the face. You actually made him stumble and hold his jaw, his eyes going wide as he huffed.
“That's for lying to me and pretending you were dead.” you growled at him, pointing a finger before huffing and turning to leave them for a little while.
“Oh she missed me.” Loki breathed out, grinning to himself as he glanced for a moment at Thor.
“That's what worries me the most.” Thor sighed, shaking his head as Loki raised an eyebrow.
“So... trouble in paradise?” you heard a voice ask and you rolled your eyes.
“Loki if you have not realized it I am working to find a way out of the situation you're in, why don't you go bother your brother?” you mumbled annoyed.
“Ooh so there is trouble in paradise.” he said and before you could realize it he waved your phone in front of your face and your eyes widened.
“That's not yours to have.” you snatched it from his hand, glaring at you put it back in the chair you'd left it.
“But somehow your heart is?” he asked with a sly smirk and you scoffed at him, walk past him to go get a drink.
“Who told you that would ever happen?” you mumbled, not even giving him a glance.
“Has it not already?” he grinned at you and before you could realize it he was standing right in front of you. If he wasn't this annoying and if you weren't this mad at him for lying to you all this time – yes that actually hurt you more than you would admit – you would have let yourself really admire at how good he looked in this black suit. Because damn him he did look handsome as hell, the fact that he was tall and slim enough made him even more attracting but- you were too angry to let yourself get carried away.
“What do you want Loki?” you sighed, finally looking him fully in the eyes.
“Isn't it obvious? To talk.” he shrugged and you sighed, shaking your head.
“I'm not in the mood, Excuse me if I'm too mad at you for everything you did.”
“Come on, it wouldn't be the first time. But you always came back nonetheless.” he said with a small grin and you rolled your eyes.
“Let's get you back in a cell and then we'll see.” you said with a tight smile and he smirked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ooh kinky much?” he smirked and you groaned, trying to push past him back but he caught your hand.
“I told you I am not in the mood Loki, why don't you fucking understand it?”
“Because I know you.” his voice was low and his breath fanned over your neck, making your shiver “And I know what you need better than you do... better than he does.” it was almost seductive and you willed yourself so hard to not fall for it.
“You have no idea what I want Loki.” you wanted your voice to sound harsh but it was only a low almost plea as you pushed – or tried to – away “You think you know, but you don't really. There is more to the woman that you think you know but with this- with what you did, what you do and what you will keep doing, you don't have a chance in knowing me.”
His grasp loosened and you found a way out “I tried to understand you, I did my best to give you a reason Loki. Despite what everybody thought, despite what my own friends thought of me for doing that I tried to reason with you. To see the man that nobody else could because you hid him all too well but you- you keep proving me wrong every chance you get. I thought I knew you, maybe I was wrong after all. And maybe you shouldn't even try knowing me either- I wouldn't want to when you keep acting like this.”
“You're mad.” he whispered and you shook your head.
“No Loki I'm disappointed. I thought you were better than this. I thought you-” you sighed “I was wrong.”
“Maybe it's because you don't know me either, then.” he said but his voice held no playfulness in it.
“Well, then let me know you Loki. You're the one holding back.” you shrugged and he took a step closer to you just as you had managed to put some distance between you.
“Am I?” he asked and what he did next was not what you expected and not something you could even comprehend yourself especially as you did the same seconds later. He kissed you.
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