#especially ring a bell. Ring a bell is such a vibe actually that song just makes me smile
soft-serve-soymilk · 19 days
I LOVE TALES OF !!!!1!!1!11 🎉🥳🎊☀️🌻
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acaplaya-musings · 2 months
Voiceplay Visuals: In The Air Tonight
Now this is a song that many people know, at least partially! Even if the name doesn't ring a bell for you, you almost definitely know the part that some people call "one of the most iconic drumlines in music", so really it's no surprise that this was an arrangement from The Human Drumkit himself, Mr Layne Stein! Voiceplay's cover of In The Air Tonight premiered on YouTube on the 17th of June, 2023, and features J None, back again! I will of course say more about the video when we actually get into it, so let's go!
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Apparently the style/aesthetics of this video plays homage to a classic 80s cop show called Miami Vice, which used the song "In The Air Tonight" in its pilot episode, in a scene which (so I've heard) has been referred to by some as one of the most iconic in the history of television.
(Also the car belongs to Layne's dad, and likely would have been sitting in the garage since the early days of 4:2:Five, at least)
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J looking very cool and fresh in that red blazer! (Reminds me of the Walk Like A Man section of the Boy Band Medley!)
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Geoff is, once again, the only bare-shouldered/sleeveless one of the group! (A back-to-back occurrence if you don't count the Peaches video!) (Also peep the necklace!)
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A cool audiovisual effect thing to transition into the "modern-day" filming style!
Cesar is vibing, and Eli is back at it again with the unworn-sunglasses-as-accessory!
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Cool necklace! And he's got earrings, too!
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I won't lie, this may be one of my favourite Geoff Looks of 2023. It's not even anything particular about the outfit, he just looks so pretty in this one! (And his hair is looking very nice here, too 👀😁)
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"Well if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand"
Of course I had to acknowledge Cesar's powerful side-eye here! Like seriously, if anyone ever asks you what a side-eye is, just show them this moment! 👌
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Group shot!
I believe I read a comment somewhere saying this was filmed outside PattyCake Productions or something, like outdoors? And apparently it was a bit warm outside, especially with the lighting rigs, but if they were sweating/partially melting at all during this, you really can't tell! They did great!
(And shoutout to both Layne and Tony for set design and direction!)
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Cesar never fails to put his whole self into his performances, and I love it every time
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Voiceplay love adding brief little moments like this into their videos sometimes, just to keep things interesting and/or keep viewers on their toes 😄
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Get it, Layne! Go off!
I wanna post screencaps from Geoff's little vocal solo and/or Layne's epic drumline-recreation immediately after, but still images don't do either justice! Go (re)watch it yourself!
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"I been waiting for this moment, for ALL my liiife!"
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The retro filming style/aesthetic is back! Happening so quickly and smoothly that you would be forgiven if you didn't immediately pick up on it! (*cough*)
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Sure, why not?
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"Well I been waiting for this moment, for all my life, oh loooooo o r r r d d"
(Pretty Boy!!!!!)
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J None is freaking amazing, and I really hope he becomes a permanent Voiceplay member again someday; both he and Cesar are fantastice vocalists and performers, and they both have vocal ranges wide enough that they can both easily take the role of baritone and/or tenor!
In my opinion, the original song does not really start getting interesting until the "bass drop" drumline like 3 minutes into the song, but Voiceplay's cover is not even close to dull for a single moment! We get incredible vocals from everyone in this one (and I didn't talk about Eli much at all here, but vocally he was of course phenomenal), and the arrangement has a fair few complexities and interesting stuff to it, like the stomp-clap-click percussion moment which I still struggle to actually keep in time/on beat with! Definitely a very strong cover from Voiceplay, and frankly it's a crime that it "only" has 500k views on YouTube! It deserves a million! At least!
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OFMD Favs Tag Game
I was tagged by- @likethehotsauce Thank you so much! Always love to rant.
(I'm probably not doing this right, cause I'm just using this a an excuse to look back on the parts of the show itself that I love, but I needed to write an essay today. And it's been months since I went back to my Stede/Ed roots. Before Izzy latched himself onto my brain. So here's some love!)
favorite Ed gif:
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Look, I love ep7, especially on rewatches. Most rom-coms run into the trouble of not showing the audience our protagonists bond. They rarely get to relax around each other before the relationship really starts but that's what this episode is.
We've got Ed, who's starting to get comfortable/settled in around Stede. Stede having a fun little adventure, trying to make Ed thinks he's cool. Ed genuinely having a shitty day and finally getting that Stede cares about him. It's really fucking sweet. This gif just wraps that all up in a cute ball. The fit? Amazing. The lil hop? Adorable. Edward essentially telling everyone to shut up and just let Stede have his fun? Cute pre-boyfriend moment. He's a goofball, and this episode needs more love on here.
favorite Stede gif:
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Yeah, yeah. Ed's here. But the scene is focusing on Stede and resolving an arc (my favorite thing), so it counts! Stede has issues feeling accepted. He has gone without a 'crew' for so long that he's unapologetically who he is. He already feels along, why the fuck would he care about dressing up and being a bit too 'feminine'? They already make fun of him for not being enough, he already feels along. Why wouldn't he try to be happy not giving a shit about what they think?
So, in ep 10, we see a Stede who feels accepted into a family. He gets to get up there with a silly little in-joke and have people put their trust in him. Are they doing this to get back at the Navy? Yeah. But Stede build himself a place where he feels like he can be accepted and welcomed. I don't always see Stede in the best light. Accountability is a huge thing for me, and S2 better include this guy fessing up for the hurt he's caused. But this scene always makes me smile when I think about it.
favorite Ed outfit:
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:). I know what I'm about. I'm simple, and if you've been here a while, you already know. We get to see Edward proudly rocking Stede's lil handkerchief. The tummy is great, and so is seeing his tattoos. I always love a fingerless glove, and his jewelry is on point. Yes, I love Ed in soft fabrics. Especially the loose poet shirt moment in ep 4. But in my head, this is Ed being a frat guy and trying to seduce Stede. 'Usually the exposed skin and touching works :('. Cause this poor guy has had to seduce assholes like Jack, and isn't comfortable with opening up yet. Ed's also just having fun exposing Stede to 'pirate' things which is a favorite trope of mine.
favorite Stede outfit:
Unironically? All of them.
Next question.
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Gender. Whole lotta gender right here. I'm a sucker for loose fabric and BOY.
Open Shirt? Yes. Hideously colored mustard robe that works because it's a part of the whole 'look'. Achieved. Rings? Amazing. Fluffy shirt that's a button-up? Yep, you could totally reveal more chest.
FLUFFY SLEVES!!!! AHHH. But seriously, most of his outfits are amazing. I chose like five different Gifs-before settling on this for the lace sleeves.
favorite Blackbonnet song:
Oh boy! Buckle up.
(I have 2 playlists with these 2 with around 40 total hours of music on Spotify from the 4 months post ep10 airing where I only read these two. So any answer I give is going to )
Stede POV specific('A Stede Soundtrack' on spotify)- Five Bells- CoCo and The Butterfields. Yes, I have better ones, but the general vibe is just happy, light, and in love. Excited for the future. (If this song is actually about something else, keep me innocent). With instrumentals, and dancing, and fucking joy. I love this song. 2.) Being 'May It Last'- The Avett Brothers if Folk music isn't your thing. 3.) 'The Bitch is Back'-Elton John For bitchy Stede. The best flavor.
Edward POV specific ('Blackbeard's Breakup' on Spotify)- Desperately in love Ed? 'honey'-Coastal Club. yes, I am a pet name Edward truther. Also a song about being excited by life and by love. If it's Stede Hating, Kraken era? 'Money, Money, Money'-ABBA. Yes, I know Edward is now the breadwinner, but it's very Him.
Gentlebeard. Sad era- 'Last Request'- Paolo Nutini. Oh shit, I have a crush era- 'I think I love you'-Specifically the Tenacious D cover. It's Jack Black, how can you hate it? Desperately in love- 'An Old Fashioned Love Song'-Paul Williams. This song has been in my Spotify top 100 for years. I fucking love it.
favorite OFMD fic trope:
HAHA! You didn't specify the ship, so I get to bring up Izzy.
SteddyHands specific- Stede&Ed working together/competing for Izzy to choose them first. Especially if Ed&Stede already know that Izzy has a crush on them but Izzy doesn't. I don't read this ship too much anymore, but this always made me happy.
Izzy Specific-Post S1 Izzy hunting down Stede, hijinks ensuing. Izzy gets injured, and this starts his character jornery into a mentally healthier person. Him getting loved tbh. Aslo, Izzy getting described as short. He's really not that much shorter than most of the crew. I just love when it's brought up.
Long fic- Anything character based, post S2 'reunion'. Essentially skipping how they all resolved S1 and skips to the fun parts. Love Izzy learning/starting to care for the crew. If reading a fic kinda feels like going to therapy, you're doing it right. Huge shoutout to anyone who has tried to break down how Izzy's brain works for angst fic. Also, Ed and Stede being held accountable for some of their more shitty actions.
Short Fic- You know what, I'll say it. I like soulmate (and adjacent) AUs. Love me a Hanahaki, or similar curses. If there's a story reason two characters are dubiously forced to admit their feelings, I'm there. I love that 'what if they don't like me' rant even though its destined, I love the holding yourself back to keep another person happy shit. Yes, irl, that'd be fucked. But since it's a short fic, it doesn't need to worry about all that.
Trope Tropes- Buttons being a Disney princess around animals. Lucius living in the walls. Izzy swears every other sentence. Any media of the Revenge (music, stories) being super out of time period. Two characters are falling in love, but are the last people to realize it. Stede being a pirate parent.
Ed’s hair or Stede’s hair:
I agree with what likethehotsauce said. Both fit the character really well. I can't imagine Stede or Ed suddenly shaving their head. It's a part of who they are.
If this is about me wanting their hair? I'm choosing Ed's. I've had Stede length hair for the past 2 years, and miss braiding my hair. Also, his hair looks soft as shit. Good to run your fingers through, etc.
longest gap between rewatches:
July 2022-January 2023. I watched it like 13 times post ep 10 aired, then immediately jumped into fan content. I'm a huge 'character' person when consuming media, so I generally enjoy doing that vs rewatching the show itself again.
Lucius is Hiding in the Ship vs. Lucius is Dead and a Ghost:
No corpse= Not dead. Once Ed and Stede reunite I don't think Ed would be able to forgive himself if he actually killed him. Lucius was saved by someone on the ship and hidden away. I do think Lucius will be discovered before the captains reunite. As much as I love ghosts, our guy is safe. Fearing for his life, but safe.
favorite Revenge crew member: OG Revenge-Frenchie or Buttons. If y'all haven't written him in your fics, including Buttons. He's so much fun to make the 'Cassandra' of your work! Let him be ominous and all-knowing, it's a great time! Frenchie because I'm always up for a bard, and he's a character that has so much potential. From being a bard to an 'assassin in training' with Izzy & Jim. They're fun to throw in!
Again, many thanks to @likethehotsauce! I would like to tag — absolutely zero pressure!!! I know most of you are mostly into Izzy, and I love hearing harsh opinions about Ed&Stede or general thoughts on the show looking back, after a year. @ivegotnonameidea @dianetastesmetal @gydima @downinthehull @treesofgreen @ladyrenity
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conartisthaiji · 1 year
hey lyz! sending you this ask because you reblog enough kpop to be my designated kpop mutual and i was thinking abt giving it a try.
no need to answer this or put effort into it, but if you want to share, do you have any groups or artists you recommend? especially to a beginner? (i have never been into kpop ever...)
also! hope you are having a nice day! <3
hi clem! thank u for your patience! i wasn’t sure how i wanted to go about this since my normal go-to, loona, is currently out due to boycott reasons (general reminder for everyone else to stop listening to them on spotify/apple music/youtube and any other streaming platforms btw). 
anyways!! i picked some of my favorite groups and sorted them in order of most well-known to least known :) then i picked just a few songs from each group to help give u an idea of what the group’s vibe is. 
twice: i feel like you can’t do a kpop introduction without them...they’re iconic in every way. TT, What is Love, and Fancy are their three most popular; personally i really love Feel Special and Yes or Yes. 
seventeen: my current boy group...Aju Nice is iconic!! i also really like Rock with You, Don't Wanna Cry, and Cheers. 
red velvet: this was actually my first kpop group ever...they are so special to me. most popular tracks would be Psycho, Bad Boy, and Peek-a-Boo; i’m a huge fan of Really Bad Boy and Feel My Rhythm as well. 
stayc: they made a splash when they debuted with So Bad and have continued to make waves with their good music! personally I’m a huge fan of Stereotype and Run2U. 
billlie: they’re sooo underrated in my opinion like have you heard about billlie? no? well you should. Gingamingayo is probably their most famous track; personally i adore Ring Ma Bell and flipp!ng a coin as well. 
h1-key: my nugu girlies <3 they debuted last year with Athletic Girl and they just released their first mini album, rose blossom! the title track, Rose Blossom, is really pretty. they also released Run last year, which is a really fun summer-y song imo. 
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yukiakaren · 2 years
Kpop title track ranking: fromis_9
In this series I’ll be ranking kpop groups/soloists title tracks based on my taste.
Today it’s time for fromis_9! I have to say I don’t listen to their songs that often but they are hilarious group to watch do some variety stuff and I felt like I should give all their title tracks a proper listen, so I did!
DM - I feel like this is the most mature sound for them with continuing to be extremely catchy like all their stuff is. Very enjoyable. They brought summer in the middle of winter, when the song was released. At least for now I’ll call this my fav from them!
We Go - Very catchy and summery. Somehow though more my thing than I even knew myself xD The video is quite annoying to use for listening to the song though, and that's always a pet-peeve of mine.
FUN! - Probably the song from fromis_9 that I've listen to the most. Still very cute song and the video is totally adorable with all the different fromis versions of well known brands. Also, unrelated to the song but Jisun's hair was one of the many reason why I ended up doing that same type of brown to green ombre hair myself.
Feel So Good - Very much a feel-good song! So the title is pretty fitting here xD Also, incredibly catchy like all their songs seem to be.
Stay This Way - Another mature sounding song and the summery beach vibes are undeniable in this one too. And can we just acknowledge how gorgeous Chaeyoung looks with those tinted glasses! I mean everyone is gorgeous but I guess those glasses just do it for me xD
Love Bomb - This is actually the first song from them that I started listening to actively. Somehow very adorable but in a different way than their earlier songs and the chorus is extremely catchy.
Glass Shoes - I haven't really listened to this one, maybe even to a degree that I've never heard this before. For me this song, especially the chorus, gives a bit of jpop vibe. I'm actually positively surprised how nice this was!
DKDK - I knew the chorus but haven't probably ever listened to this completely. Very very cute again but not really the type of song that I'd often go for. Side note: that cat theming in the MV is so adorable!
To Heart - Second one that I don't think I've ever listen to fully, but I'm very familiar with the chorus. Very cute and nice but not one I’d actively go for.
Talk & Talk - Just seeing the name of the song didn't ring any bell in my head but the first second of the songs was so like "aah this song, of course". I have to say not my fav of their songs albeit the newer stuff seems to generally be more to my liking.
After hearing all the songs in a row, there definitely is this fromis_9 vibe that carries out to all the songs; they are all quite upbeat, cute and summer vibes giving. If you are in a need of some cheery and happy songs, go for fromis_9!
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oakskull · 3 years
Guess who finished this illustration set,,
It's Cogchamp fnf sprites!!! I would have made a mod but unfortunately I don't have the right software to do so
Featuring such characters as
Tutorial Fox
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Brother Dearest
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Tub and Crumb
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Prime Bell
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Um sir.
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and last but not least, Sammy wants murder
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These are weeks 1-4, and week 5 will be in a separate post bc of image limit(derogatory) and I worked really hard on this!! (more thoughts and stuff under the cut, I got kind of rambly haha)
It was super fun to draw in this style and I feel like I learned a lot about shading and shapes (shoes especially) by trying to recreate the style of a professional artist. I think I'll do more exercises like this in the future, just to keep learning!! Also obligatory reminder that these drawings are referenced HEAVILY from the original game sprites. I was trying to draw the cog champers(and dream) like they would be a mod for the game, so the poses and style are extremely similar if not the same. If I were to redo these illustrations I might put more personality and originality into the poses, but I didn't actually study the style at all before creating the first illustration (fundy, the one I posted here is actually a redraw to make him higher quality, the original was too small)
So yeah, over all, this was super fun and I'd definitely do it again. Maybe I'll redraw some of these in the future to be more creative, you can tell which ones I drew later on bc of the variety in poses and expressions, I was a lot more comfortable with the style (tho I did keep my own eyes and mouth style bc expressions are something thats really important to my style and I didn't want to feel like I was just like,, tracing) Sorry for rambling so long, I'll put this under a cut for all the people who just want to see pretty art.
On a more art related note, you may have noticed that Dream is Pico, you may be thinking "but dream isn't on Cogchamp" and you're Right. I didn't know what else to do okay? He's fundy's Ex so it kind of fits??? I dunno man, I gave him a more steam punk mask but kept the majority of his design similar to my normal dream design, so as to keep the Dream vibe. Yknow where he's always just a green blob? It kinda slaps tbh, branding is important.
Also regarding Prime Bell, again, I didn't know what else to do, I was thinking of doing something with the egg, but that's not on cogchamp (thank goodness) so I needed something else. I decided that the only like, tangentially related thing I could do was make an Evil prime bell, based on how Sam steals it idk maybe in this world its always the demon thing and is kinda like the ring from lord of the rings, where once you have it you can't give it up. In any case designing Prime Bell took a while (plus some help from Yipcord and Chaos Crew thx guys ❤ and specifically @valpurgatory who is what inspired me to personify the Prime Bell in the first place with their turn everything into a women philosophy (I @ed him so you can check out his blog he slaps. She's like the go to for saving women from Wilbur Soot's dirty mits)) but drawing it was surprisingly quick, mostly due to the fact that I figured out how to easily recreate the texture on the Lemon Monster's body. I did no shading bc that's what the Lemon monster looks like, and it kind of hurt bc it just looks kind of unfinished to me,,, I had some trouble with the week 5 design for Prime Bell bc I didn't want to abandon my first idea. I probably should have and would have gotten a better result, but I can't be bothered tbh. This is the 3rd day I'm working on this project (these were surprisingly quick the churn out, probably bc I was having a blast) and I simply do not want to alter anything. My idea was good but the execution didn't pan out. What am I saying the week 5 prime bell design isn't even on this post sjjdjsks
Anyway, go check out fnf(Friday Night Funkin) it's a rhythm game, it's free and the OST Slaps. I'd also highly recommend listening to the Whitty mod songs and the Neo mod songs,,,, good good music.
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littlemisslol-fic · 2 years
The Silent Opera
Chapter Eight: Coloratura
Summary: In a world populated by Soulmates— people drawn together by wordless music connecting them to their destined other half— Varian is an anomaly. He is Songless, someone without a Soulmate of his own. He makes due with the cards dealt to him, used to being the castle oddity by now, but when an interesting blond takes up residence in the castle, he can’t help but be drawn to him.
Hugo, on the other hand, is horrified to find that not only is his Soulmate a palace brat, but that Varian doesn’t hear him back— meaning Hugo is trapped in a one-sided bond. When presented with a horrible choice between completing the theft Donella had sent him to do, or taking a frightening step into vulnerability, Hugo finds himself at an impasse he just might not be able to charm his way out of.
And then politics get involved.
Notes: Teehee >:D
ALSO LOOK AT THE FANARRTTT adorable and precious and fuel for my soul, Duckie absolutely nailed the vibes of last chapter so well, they're so cute!! See them over here!
Something is definitely wrong the day after the masquerade.
Hugo wakes up to a note taped to his door. Varian’s scratchy handwriting is easy to distinguish from a mile away. At first he’s confused; he hadn’t even thought that Varian knewwhere his room was, let alone which door is actually his, but someone must have mentioned it at one point. Either way, Hugo wakes up to a piece of paper stuck to his door, and it’s not a great wake-up call. The note’s short, sweet, to the point.
No lab today, it says, feel free to take the day for yourself.
It’s simple. Hell, it’s not even really out of the ordinary; sometimes Varian gets caught up in some bureaucracy shit that takes up the whole day, and there’s no time left for experiments. However, the timing is incredibly suspicious. Something about the curtness of the note especially sets Hugo’s alarm bells ringing: Varian’s the type to write out his excuses, to over explain even the smallest point through text. The curtness of it puts a bad taste in Hugo’s mouth. Though he can’t exactly pinpoint why, he knows something’s off.
Which is why, maybe, he finds himself wandering the halls of the castle in hopes of spotting his wayward Soulmate. He’d kind of wanted to talk to Varian after the clusterfuck that was last night. They hadn’t seen each other again after Hugo had talked him down, and though the Song is sending its usual brand of misery and woe, he hasn’t had any indication of much else. Hugo has no idea how the rest of the night went, not after he ran like a dog with its tail between its legs. The shame still burns.
Rapunzel had… well, fuck, she’d cut him to the core, and she definitely knew it. How exactly she seemed to be able to just chop his carefully constructed wall in half with such ease, he didn’t know, but it had rattled him to his core. The blond hadn’t slept last night, turning her words over in his mind and trying to find her angle. There was no possible way for her to know who his Soulmate is… right?
Right. Of course she didn’t know, or she’d have her beloved husband pitch Hugo out on his ass before he could blink. No need to ruin her little brother’s image with a street rat Soulmate, of course. She’d been nice to him, sure, but in a contest between Hugo and Varian, her choice would be obvious.
But she’s still right,which is the worst part of all. He needs to make his choice on what to do, come hell or high water. Donella, if she even had an answer for him, wouldn’t be able to reply for at least another week or so—mail is so fucking slow in Corona—so in his heart of hearts, Hugo knows he’s on his own here.
He needs to shit or get off the pot. He needs to choose. And it’s terrifying, that idea of putting himself out there, of pulling Varian aside and saying hey, I’m a coward, and you’ve been a pariah all this time because of it.
Yep. That’ll go great.
He pushes the thought away the second it comes to the surface. One problem at a time, after all. The only thing he needs right now is to find Varian—everything will fall into place after that. Hugo stalks the halls for a while, listening as the Song grows louder. It’s the same drifting melody as always, but the sharp punches of annoyance that have become so common litter it more than usual. Wherever he is, Varian’s upset. Again. What a shock.
Hugo’s getting closer to the room they’d discussed crop production in, the one where Varian had held his ground against Frederick for the fun of it. The hallway outside is abandoned, thankfully, but as he wanders by he can hear the sound of arguing. Oh, goodie.
“—just don’t understand why you thought it was a good idea to say that to our guests.” Frederick says snappishly, his voice clear through the wooden door. Hugo doesn’t dare get too close, not in broad daylight at least, opting to hide behind a thick curtain.
“I think that if I stall for a while longer, we can figure something out.” Rapunzel. She sounds exasperated. “I just need some extra time.”
“Darling, we’ve been over this.” Arianna’s in there too. It’s a whole party. “The Socrians have already been patient with us for almost a year; if we keep pushing this back, they will seek other options. We can’t afford that.”
“No buts, Rapunzel.” Oh, Freddy sounds pissed. “I understand that you’re upset. The boy is your friend, but he understands his place. It’s time you do as well.”
There’s an awkward silence, tense and loaded. Not a single one of the royals speak up; Hugo can just imagine them all standing in a circle and glaring at each other. Suddenly he’s extremely grateful that he’s on this side of the door.
“Rapunzel,” says Arianna. “I know you’re worried about Varian. But we have no other choice. We can always argue for him to come visit… maybe during the holidays?”
Fuck. Fuck that’s right, Varian’s going to move, isn’t he? He’d be sent off to live with Landis, in a strange new country all on his lonesome. Hugo’s been there—stuck wandering around a city you’ve never been to, constantly fucking lost—but the thought hadn’t hit him before now. Varian’s going to move away, probably before Hugo’s contract is even up. It… fuck, the idea hurts, of Varian leaving, their time getting cut short. Though it’s hypocritical—seeing as Hugo’s literally got a deadline for him to be out of the castle by—he can’t help but feel a pinprick on the surface of his heart at the thought.
Varian’s going to leave. Hugo’s never going to see him again, all because he’s too fucking scared to talk to his Soulmate and admit he fucked up.
Hugo tunes out the royals and presses a hand to his chest like he can keep the hurt at bay by pushing them back into his skin. He fails, obviously, the sick twist embedding itself deep into his throat without any pity. Hugo swallows past it, shaking himself and forcing himself to focus. He can’t fix anything if he’s just standing in the hallway like a jackass.
The Song isn’t loud enough here. Varian’s not in the room, but he’s somewhat close. He’ll leave the royals to their squabbles; there’s no fucking way Hugo’s going to listen to them talk in circles for the fiftieth time. There’s no new information here, he knows their stances. But now he needs to know Varian’s.
Hugo winces when a sudden pulse of misery projects through his bond, sharper than before. He… he needs to talk to Varian. If not for his own sanity, then for Varian’s. Maybe he can gently broach the idea of Soulmates again, see how receptive Varian might be to the idea. Or they could just… talk. Figure themselves out. Try to make sense in this topsy-turvey ride they’ve found themselves on. Maybe, if things go well… maybe.
Hugo follows the Song. The blond barely registers where he is, ghosting through the hall without really knowing what direction to take, following the rhythm that flows in between his thoughts— until he finally finds the place where it’s the loudest—bingo.
If memory serves, he’s standing in front of a broom closet, which is. Fucking weird. But the Song can’t lie, Varian’s definitely in there: if Hugo listens closely, he could hear someone shuffling around in the room beyond. He raises a hand to knock but stops dead with the emergence of a new sound.
Ah. Oh fuck.
He has a choice here—either he could keep walking, pretend nothing happened or…
Hugo sighs, letting his head drop as he brings his hand up to gently knock on the door. The sniffling inside goes quiet with a panicked noise before there’s a beat of silence. Hugo waits, about as patiently as he can, before the door finally creaks open.
Varian peeks out from inside, looking like absolute shit. He’s obviously been crying, eyes rimmed with red and bright with tears—but it’s the sheer hopelessness in them that tugs on the space under Hugo’s heart. The second their eyes meet, Varian goes bright red, wiping fruitlessly at his face and trying to seem normal.
“H—Hugo?!” he nearly shrieks, trying overly hard to sound happy. “Hey, hey, what—uh, what are you doing here? Well, not in the castle, I mean you technically live here, but I mean. Uh. Here.”
Hugo sighs and rubs at the back of his neck. “I heard uh. A weird noise. Thought I’d investigate.”
Varian goes cherry red, hiding a little more behind the door. “Oh, yeah, uh. Ruddiger was. Um…”
Hugo sighs—this is getting stupid. “I’m not going to judge you for being upset, goggles.”
The younger alchemist groans, closing his eyes and knocking his head against the door with a thunk. “Yeah but I didn’t want you to hear that—I didn’t want anyone to hear that.”
Hugo coughs into his fist, not making eye contact. “I can. Go? I could go, if you wanted to be alone, I mean—”
“You don’t have to.” Varian’s voice is scratchy, but stable. Hugo bounces on his feet, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Maker help him, this is so awkward.
“You know, um…” he trails off, trying to keep his face under control, “I was going into town to do um, stuff. So, you know, if you wanted to maybe… uh.”
“You want me to go with you?” Varian sounds hopeful. Good, so Hugo hasn’t made an ass of himself yet.
“Yeah. Yaknow, if you want to. No pressure, but I like going for walks when things get… overwhelming.”
Varian wipes at his face again, his expression doing a weird little dance between something angry, concerned, and rebellious. “You know what, yeah, I’d love to go do stuff. Anything to get out of here.”
Hugo backs up as Varian fully opens the door, stepping out into the hallway. Okay, so, it wasn’t exactlyaccording to plan, but this could still work, right? Might even be better, getting away from the prying eyes of the castle and into somewhere more private before he reveals himself as a massive coward and Varian murders him on the spot.
This… could work.
It’s… less awkward than Hugo thought it would be. At least a bit. As much as he complains about Varian—thinks he’s an egotistical little fuck who can’t see past the end of his own nose—at least the guy’s easy to talk to. Though Varian’s got a neutral expression, Hugo hears the Song ebb and swell like a torrential sea; no poker face is enough to cover the tumultuous shrieking currently being shot directly into Hugo’s brain. It’s… not great.
When they hit the main market square properly, there’s already a large crowd taking over the space. Great. Just wonderful. Hugo grumbles to himself when he’s forced to step out of the way of two screaming kids, crossing his arms. Varian manages to smile for a brief moment before the poker face re-cements itself, the shorter boy stepping out of the way as well. When they’ve passed, he turns to look at Hugo expectantly.
“So, what’s first?” Varian asks. Fuck, right, Hugo had claimed he needed stuff from town. A bold-faced lie, but one that had seemed smart at the time—and one that is currently biting him in the ass.
“Uh. Well,” his voice cracks a bit. “I was thinking of stopping by the post office, then maybe the apothecary… maybe the blacksmith?” He looks down to one of his wrist gauntlets, frowning. “One of the clasps is getting loose, and we don’t have the tools in the lab to fix it.”
Varian nods, biting at the inside of his cheek and tilting his head. “Post office is closest,” he muses, “then probably Xave’s place… then the apothecary?”
“Sure,” Hugo has no fucking idea if that’s right, but he’s down to trust a local. He knows where the post office is, though the other two… not so much. Varian nods, looking down one of the streets. He frowns.
“We’ll have to take the back roads to avoid the festival,” he says flatly. “Unless you want to get swept up in a dance circle or something.”
“Ha, no, thanks. Not much for dancing.”
“Is that why you left last night?”
Hugo nearly chokes on his air, taken by surprise. Fuck, right, of course Varian noticed.
“Nah, nah, I just… got kinda bored. And I woke up early that day, so I wanted to turn in for the night.”
Varian frowns and can’t seem to meet Hugo’s eye. “That’s alright,” he says. “I’m sorry it got kinda… weird, for a bit there. It was just rough.”
“Hey, only you would figure out how to have a panic attack at a party that boring.”
Varian rolls his eyes, elbowing Hugo before waving the blond along toward an alley. “C’mon then,” his voice tilts up in amusement— real, this time, if the slight peak of mirth in the Song is to be believed. He turns then, not waiting to see if Hugo will follow him.
Hugo follows.
The alley is short, a small crack between shops that barely counts as a street. When they emerge in another square Hugo has to blink away the sun. They’re in another marketplace, similar to the last one— so much so that Hugo can’t tell the difference— but Varian walks with the confidence of someone who knows exactly where he’s going. It’s easy to fall into step to his left, watching as the citizens of Corona pass them by without notice; Varian is a quiet tour guide, though he slowly starts to come out of his shell the more they wander. It’s honestly adorable, watching as the sparks in his eyes start to come back to life… and Hugo can’t help but feel something warm burrowing itself in the space beneath his heart at the sight of it.
“That’s Uncle Monty’s shop,” Varian mentions as they pass a candy store, “he knows everyone’s favorite candy off by heart. When I was a kid my dad would visit the court a lot, so Monty always had those swirly lollipops for when I visited.” The Song takes a small dip, though Hugo can’t tell why. It’s gone within seconds when Varian points to another place.
“And over there’s the city library, it’s smaller than the one in the castle, but I used to spend a lot of time there too—” he cuts himself with a small gasp, grabbing at Hugo’s hand. “Oh! Oh, you have to see this, c’mon!”
Hugo’s a little busy trying his best not to zero in on where their hands are connected, his entire world narrowing down to where skin touches skin— don’t think about it, don’t think about it, don’t think about it— so he barely registers where they’re going until Varian’s dragged him up in front of a bakery. It smells sweet, overly so, but even Hugo can’t deny that the piles of baked goods stacked high in the window are impressive.
“It’s Atilla’s bakery,” Varian explains, “he makes the best cupcakes, c’mon we’re making a pit stop. I want sugar.”
Ah. Whelp. It’s ironic, honestly, that this technically is Hugo’s adventure and yet he lets himself get dragged into the bakery without protest. Funny, even. Varian’s hand is warm in his, a solid weight that threatens to drag him under the swell, never to be seen again. He still can’t help but focus on it, the rough callouses on Varian’s palm that catch on his own— can’t help but feel the way their hands lock together so naturally. There’s a softness to it… like coming home. He can feel himself spiraling, sinking deeper into the madness the Song brings him to—
“Hi, Atilla!” Varian calls, when they enter the shop. It’s enough to break Hugo from his stupor, looking up to see a brick shithouse of a man standing behind the counter, his face obscured by a thick metal helmet with twin horns sticking out from the sides. He’s terrifying, honestly, imposing and threatening and—
Varian just walks up to him like it’s nothing.
“Varian!” the helmeted man’s voice rattles with an echo. “Good to see you, I was just using the new oven! Thank you for fixing it, it’s perfect for mini-quiches.”
Varian smiles. “No problem,” he says. Hugo trails up behind him, looking over the sea of sweets behind the glass of the counter. Varian catches his eye, smiling widely.
“Get whatever you want,” he tells Hugo, “it’s on me.”
“Oh, no, I can’t—”
“It’s on me. Atilla, can I get two of those chocolate thingies I had last time, please? And—”
📷📷Hugo zones out as Varian prattles, looking over the confections. They all look so sweet, his stomach rolls at the thought. The smell alone is thick with sugar.
He makes a noise, looking up to see Varian watching him. “I know,” the alchemist laughs, “it’s a lot of options. It’s all good, though, I promise. Atilla makes the bestfood.”
Atilla seems bashful, holding his helmet like he would cheeks. “Aw,” he coos.
Hugo sighs, finally pointing to a honey muffin. “That one, I guess.”
Atilla grabs at it with a pair of tongs, putting it in a small, decorative bag. Varian pays, grabbing his own food, and they leave; the bell jingles happily when they do. Varian guides him to a spot for them to sit outside on a small, stone wall of a nearby garden. Varian tears into his snack—a chocolate cupcake, adorable—without a care, passing the bag to Hugo as he does so.
Varian makes a weird noise, like he’s trying to say something. Hugo has to bite his lip to keep from laughing at the sight of Varian’s cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk, full of cupcake. The alchemist swallows roughly, coughing, before pointing to Hugo’s food.
“I would have bet on you having a sweet tooth,” he says. “Not one for sugar?”
Hugo laughs, tearing a piece off his muffin and stuffing it in his mouth. “Not really,” he admits. “I didn’t have much of it when I was a kid, so now everything’s too sweet for me. Honey’s okay.”
Varian tilt his head. “Why not?”
It’s an innocent question. Hugo should lie.
“I didn’t. Uh. Grow up in a palace.” Shut up, idiot. “I was actually, uh, homeless I guess? Until I was seven.”
“Oh, Hugo, I’m so sorry—”
“No, no, it’s… it’s in the past. My mentor found me, and she took care of me. But I didn’t eat anything sweet until I was with her, so I guess I never, I dunno, adapted?”
Varian still looks shell shocked, blinking those wide eyes and coughing into his fist. Fuck, way to go, you made it awkward, Hugo thinks to himself.
Varian takes another bite of his cupcake, chewing thoughtfully. “Is your mentor nice?” he asks, throwing Hugo for a loop. The blond laughs before he can think better of it.
“Not even close.”
Varian doesn’t look assured by that, so Hugo finds it in him to backtrack. “No, I. Okay. She’s just… blunt. And serious. But she took me in, gave me a home, a job. I owe her for a lot. Just because she isn’t overly affectionate doesn’t mean I don’t love her, and that she doesn’t love me. It just means that she shows it differently.”
Varian nods. His hands drop, cupcake done, one only a hair away from touching Hugo’s own. “I understand that,” he says softly. “My dad, for a long time, was always busy with work. So I never really got to see him a lot, and when I did see him he was mostly telling me to stop blowing things up.”
They both giggle at that, knowing how well thatrequest must have gone. Varian sighs, leaning back. “But you’re right. Some parents just… find it hard, I guess.”
Hugo snorts, thinking back to a time Donella had given him a knife and said aim for the knees, kid, with one-hundred-percent seriousness. But Varian’s trying here, so Hugo will give it to him.
“Eh, that’s what makes us fun,” is what he says, drawing a laugh out of Varian again. Something still pricks at Hugo, though, a question he hadn’t thought of until now.
“What’s he think about all this?”
Varian tilts his head, questioningly. Hugo gestures, wincing. “You know,” he says, “what does your dad think about the whole wedding thing?”
The shorter teenager nearly chokes on his food. “Oh, uh…” he trails off, fidgeting. “He, uh, he doesn’t know.”
Oh. That hadn’t been the answer Hugo had been expecting. It must show, as Varian winces when he sees Hugo’s expression. The other teenager wrings his hands, looking down at them.
“It was a big thing with my dad when I was little, he didn’t care who I ended up with or why, but as long as I was happy. He got even more adamant about it when we figured out I was Songless. He is too, right? Ever since mom… you know. He can’t hear her anymore. He probably thinks I’m lonely too. Sorry, that’s depressing.” Varian laughs awkwardly. “But he always wanted me to find someone on my own, since I don’t have the Song to guide me. If he knew that the thing with Landis is a charade… he wouldn’t like it. I know he used to be scared of exactly this happening when we first found—well, when I was a kid. He tried to hide it, but I could always tell.”
Varian takes another bite of his cupcake, contemplative. “He can’t know, not until the public does. It’ll break his heart.”
Hugo sighs, leaning back. “It sounds like he loves you a lot.”
The alchemist smiles then, nodding. “He does. Like I said, he has trouble showing it sometimes, but I’ve never doubted that.”
“How sappy,” Hugo jokes to take the edge off. Varian laughs, gently hitting his shoulder with a small shut up. Hugo smiles—Varian’s laugh is something he finds himself craving more of. The Song sparks in amusement, a flickering firework in the beat. No, wait, that’s actual music—
Sure enough, a band’s started playing in the square. Hugo watches with disjointed attention as people begin to dance, swirling skirts creating a blur of color. Varian makes a noise, standing, before turning and holding out his hand.
“Wanna dance? I was going to ask you last night, but by the time I pried myself away from Landis you were already gone,” he says, like that’s a normal fucking thing to say. Hugo’s brain snaps in half at the question, stuttering and stalling and oh gods, if they dance then they’d be touching, and they could be close, and he has to say no—
“Sure, fuck it.”
God damn it.
They end up in the middle of the crowd. The music drifts around them, loud and jubilant, the fast pace making Hugo’s heart beat faster. Yep. Just the music. Varian’s hand is warm in his, the two of them keeping a respectful distance as they spin with the rest of the dancers. The Song swells as they spin, burying deep in the hollow of Hugo’s chest—loud and inescapable as Varian’s smile becomes the only thing he can focus on. The other alchemist grins as they dance, their feet stepping perfectly in time. It’s perfect.
Varian laughs as the crowd splits, everyone locking elbows and beginning to twirl. He ends up paired with an older gentleman; Hugo ends up elbow to elbow with a little girl, maybe ten. He can’t help but stare as they spin, everyone switching partners again—Varian’s absolutely glowing, radiant in the summer sun. He’s beautiful. He’s everything Hugo can’t have.
The Song picks up, as does the music from the musicians. There’s another partner swap; Hugo ends up with Varian again, elbows linking together as they spin. Varian smiles, something genuine and joyful, the happiest Hugo’s ever seen him. It looks good. Varian locks eyes with Hugo, that smile turning into a smirk. Before the blond can think, Varian twists in the hold, grabbing Hugo by the hand and waist. Varian then proceeds to dip him, using the inertia against the taller teenager.
Hugo yelps as his world goes upside down. His grip on Varian’s arms gets tight—holy fuck, he wasn’t expecting that—before he finds himself upright again. For just a second he wants to yell, to scowl and whine and shove Varian for the uncalled-for move, but one look at Varian’s grin stops any protest in its tracks.
Oh, so that’s how he wants to play it?
Hugo spins them then, hands dropping to grab Varian by the waist and pull him along. Varian lets out a noise that might be a giggle when Hugo lifts him at one of the beats, the other dancers doing the same in time. When he drops back down to earth, the shorter teenager wraps his arms around Hugo’s neck. They stand so close; Varian’s eyes are the only thing Hugo can focus on—they’re so blue.
They swirl a few more times, letting the music guide them, before it draws to an end. They’re both breathing heavily, transfixed with each other. Hugo’s breath doesn’t want to come to him. Varian’s face is flushed, the pink making his freckles stand out, little pockets of stars set across a sunset— which. Wow. Wow, that’s a thought that needs to stop.
Hugo coughs, then. He lets his hands drop, stepping back from Varian in a way that he hopes isn’t overly offensive. Varian bites at his lip, adjusting his vest in without making eye contact.
“So, uh. Post office?”
Hugo chokes on his own spit.
“Post office.”
The post office is boring as hell. They stand in line until he can give his letter to the employee, paying the fee. It’s another report for Donella, addressed to one of their multiple safe houses. She said she’d keep an eye on it, so that she would know when he messages—but hopefully it’s a quick reply. Hugo could really use a dose of reality.
He gets through his business, heading back to Varian, but slows when he hears a group talking by the door.
“—fireworks tonight?”
“Are they still happening? I heard the Socrians didn’t like fireworks.”
“My cousin is one of the guys setting it up, he says they’re still on for tonight—”
Hm. Fireworks, eh?
The thought leaves as he draws closer to Varian, drawing Hugo back to the moment in front of him.
Varian hadn’t asked him any more awkward questions, thankfully, but instead got distracted by one of the townspeople asking for his help halfway through the mail-centered part of their day. The guy—Feld-something—seems beside himself, sobbing about how one of his cobbling machines has been having trouble. Varian looks close to snapping, assuring the guy that it’ll be fine as long as he doesn’t push the machine too hard. Hugo can’t help but laugh, looping Varian’s elbow with his own as he comes up behind the smaller alchemist.
“So sorry, gotta borrow the boss-man, here,” he says, not stopping as Feldspar splutters at Varian suddenly being yanked away from his dramafest. Varian doesn’t argue, waving to Feldspar as Hugo pulls him out of the square and toward the alchemy shop. Even he knows how to get there, seeing as Varian had been using him as a gopher for two months.
“Gods, thanks,” Varian sighs. “Feldspar’s a nice guy, but he also loves to panic about everything. I don’t know what he’s going to do once I’ve left.”
“Eh, I’m sure he’ll live.” Gods, right. Varian’s going to move. Right. Thanks for the reminder.
Varian laughs, looking back slightly. “Rapunzel will have to take care of it. Sucks to be her.”
That gets a laugh out of Hugo. By now the day’s already started winding down; they’ve been out for most of the afternoon just bumming around town and having a pretty good time honestly. Hugo’s definitely had worse days. So, it seems, has Varian.
“Oh! Alchemy shop!” Varian crows, using the way their arms are still linked to drag Hugo to the shop. The blond goes without question, letting Varian guide him through the thinning crowds. The alchemy shop draws up in front of them, a cozy, shorter building set into the side of a larger apothecary. Varian unhooks their arms to open the door—and no, Hugo doesn’t care about that except for the way a sudden chill that bleeds in from the lack of contact—and leads them in.
Inside is an alchemy shop like many others, though Hugo will admit that at least this one’s on the bigger side. Some capitols have absolutely pathetic shops, barely hole-in-the-wall spots that rarely had what you need. It’s nice to see actual stock for once.
Hugo wanders through, poking around. It’s nothing overly crazy, just the same kind of alchemy supply store that exists in every capitol between here and Koto but watching Varian flutter through the shelves with enthusiasm is funny enough. The Song croons with a relaxed, happy melody, something that sets Hugo at ease. For the first time in days, the weird, twisting feeling in his stomach relaxes, uncurling like a snake. He sighs, toying with a set of beakers in the back of the shop as Varian gets distracted by a beaker set.
“Oh, look,” he murmurs, poking at the embossed set. Hugo looks over, tilting his head. It’s a nice set for sure, carved with small, geometric designs with gold highlights embedded in the surface. Beautiful, yes, but not super practical. Varian’s transfixed by it. Hugo snickers, leaving him and wandering off to look at the tools instead.
Varian eventually gets bored of looking at all the pretty tools, slowly approaching Hugo and picking through the display of different measuring units.
“If you see anything, tell me,” he tells Hugo. “I have a tab here, and it comes from the castle. Making Fred pay for useless things is my favorite thing about my job.”
Hugo huffs out a breathy laugh, shaking his head. “I’ll let you know,” he replies. Varian nods, peeking up over Hugo’s shoulder. The blond pokes at an admittedly nice set of scales, thinking. He’d kill for some of the stuff in here; Donella had never invested much in getting them the fancy stuff, seeing as it was mostly her and Hugo that used it, and utility took precedent overall.
(“Sorry, Hugo,” she tells him, “we’ll have to get by with the tools we have.”
“But what if we just stole them?”
She smiles, ruffling his hair. “A kid after my own heart. But no, we can’t risk getting caught right now. Cyrus and the boys fucked the last job up too badly. Maybe in Neserdnia, in a couple weeks.” He sighs, and she rolls her eyes. “Besides, you’re smart enough to not need the fancy toys, aren’t you? I’ve seen what you can make with garbage. Adapt.”
And he had.)
Varian’s wandering around with an armful of what looks like chemicals, glowing vials that balance precariously. In theory Hugo should ask if he needs help, but if he drops something it would be really funny, so he doesn’t. Instead, he keeps poking around as Varian scatters the supplies across the frazzled employee’s desk. Hilarious.
Varian circles back, looking at the different engineering tools scattered on the table. Hugo’s pretty sure that they’ve got basically everything back at the lab; what exactly Varian might be missing, he wouldn’t be able to tell you, but then, Varian opens his stupid mouth and says something that throws him for a loop.
“Is there anything you need? Like in your lab at home.”
Varian cocks his head, like he can’t understand why Hugo’s confused. “If there’s anything you want to… you know, take home with you, feel free to add it to the pile—” the employee desperately shakes their head, silently begging him not to add anything else to the pile, “—since Rapunzel said you were only here for another few months. Think of it as souvenirs! So you’ll, you know, remember me. Us. Corona?”
“Good catch.”
“Fuck you, you’re not getting anything now.”
Hugo lets out a laugh, opting on plucking up one of the smaller scales and handing it to Varian. If shortie’s paying, he might as well get his money’s worth. Varian grins, gently placing it on top of the pile on the desk. The employee looks tired: poor guy’s probably the one in charge of packing all that shit up.
Varian seems happy with his haul. “Are you done?” he asks, not unkindly but with the air of someone who’s already getting bored.
“Yeah, I was just poking around.”
When they leave, Hugo just catches the employee sighing in relief, and laughs quietly to himself. The air outside the shop’s cooled off a bit since high noon with a pinch of cold developing in the air. It’s almost evening now, the sun starting to set. Hugo bounces on his feet, looking out to across the water. Varian steps up next to him.
“Anything else? Or did you want to head back to the castle?”
Hugo should let the day end here. Just two friends spending an afternoon in town, easy and simple. Nothing more, nothing less. He should draw the line, should keep that distance… but when has he ever listened to what he should do?
“I heard there was going to be fireworks tonight. I was thinking maybe we could stick around, see the show?”
Varian’s face lights up at the mention of fireworks. “Really?! I had no idea—yes we have to stay, there haven’t been fireworks since Rapunzel’s birthday; that was ages ago!” The shorter teenager looks two seconds from vibrating right out of his boots. “We should get something to eat—oh and I know the best spot, and—”
He babbles on, grabbing at Hugo’s hand again. Air leaves his lungs, leaving behind nothing but warmth and the soft feeling of skin on his own—which is so saccharine a thought he nearly hurls.Yeah, who’s he kidding?
He’s fucked.
Varian hasn’t had this good a day in… well, in a long time. Maybe that day they spent in the garden, he and Hugo, nearly a month ago now. Everything after had been consumed with the crop shortage, or Freddy breathing down his neck, or Landis, just a chaotic whirlwind of annoying bullshit. Isn’t that just depressing?
But that’s not something to bog today down with. He’d dragged Hugo through town. He’d been distracted by the way the callouses on that thin hand linking into his own—like two puzzle pieces slotting home. He hadn’t even realized they’d stopped by Atilla’s again. Everything had blurred together. Hugo had tugged him into the bakery this time, the two of them grabbing dinner, before they were off once more.
The last time there’d been fireworks, Eugene had showed him a great spot to sit Xavier’s roof; hopefully it wasn’t taken yet. Hugo had never seen a Coronan firework show, it should be special! Or that’s what Varian’s telling himself. It’s not like he wanted it to be special because it was Hugo or anything, that would be ridiculous.
Thankfully when they get there the roof is vacated. Varian waves to Xavier through a window; the man waves back from inside, and when Varian points up to the roof he laughs and nods. Nice.
The alchemist turns to Hugo then, smiling wide. “Up here,” he says, passing Hugo the bag with their food and stepping onto a nearby stack of crates. It’s easy enough to hop up onto the lower roof, before turning and holding out his hand. He expects for Hugo to chuck the bag up to him and then hop up, but the blond takes him by surprise by instead grabbing his hand, hoisting himself onto the roof.
Varian braces, tugging Hugo up onto the thatch. Well then. They grin at each other, both of them scrambling up onto the second of tier of roof. From up here the entire city sprawls around them; glittering candles and lanterns scattered through the streets… fireflies, dotting an inky canvas. The sky above is clear and starry, not even the moon to be seen.
Hugo sighs, sitting on the topmost timber with a groan. “This had better be good,” he whines, but not without a hint of humor. “I’m just saying, I didn’t sign up for anything this crazy.”
Varian flops next to him, elbowing the blond in the gut. “Trust me,” he says. The time’s close: the sun’s been down for nearly an hour now, it won’t be long before the show starts.
To pass the time he opens their bag, handing Hugo a small quiche. “Here. Will you quit complaining if I feed you?”
That gets a laugh out of Varian before he takes a bite of his own food. It’s good—Atilla made it, of course it’s good—and he sighs contentedly, letting the warmth sink into his chest. He might not get many more chances to visit the bakery before… well before he had to leave.
“Hey, Hugo?” the words are out before he can stop them.
“Yeah, sweetcheeks?”
“Thank you, for today. It’s been a while since I could just… relax. Have fun. So thank you for inviting me along today.”
Hugo scratches the back of his neck, looking away—but Varian just catches the soft pink that flashes on his cheeks before he does. “It’s nothing,” Hugo mutters, “I was going into town anyways, right?”
“No you weren’t.”
“No, I wasn’t.”
Varian laughs, but anything else gets cut off by a sudden, high-pitched squealing noise and a burst of blue light. He snaps his head around, watching as the first firework explodes in a sparkling shower of light and sound.
“It’s starting,” he gasps, unconsciously grabbing at Hugo’s hand. He only just registers how Hugo squeezes back before another firework launches, this one exploding into four smaller puffs of sparkles. It’s beautiful. From far below, Varian can hear excited murmurs from the crowd in the city. Especially when one firework explodes into a perfectly shaped version of the Corona sun.
Hugo’s hand is warm in his, even against the chill of the evening air. It’s almost tranquil, in a way. Simple. Like breathing. Almost terrifying easy to slip into the calm Hugo brings him. The rational part of him says to stop this… but there’s a small part that watches how the multicolored lights reflect off Hugo’s glasses, how a soft smile slowly splits his face—and it wants.
It wants something easy. Something that he can choose for himself. Something that can be his. And the fact that he has to restrain himself is brutal. It’s not fair, to either of them.
He turns away before he can do something stupid.
The fireworks burst to life with another pop-pop-pop, covering the world in a rainbow burst of color. Varian finds a warmth to his side, finding Hugo leaning closer to his side. He stiffens a bit—oh gods, they’re so close—but it’s nice. Varian sighs, letting himself enjoy it.
Might as well, right?
“Today was nice,” Hugo says quietly. Varian can feel his breath on his skin.
“It was,” he agrees.
A moment passes like that, calm and good. Hugo shifts, leaving Varian’s side cold when he turns to face him.
“I have something I want to try.” What could he possibly mean by that?
Varian tries to play it cool. “Shoot.”
He turns and reels back when Hugo’s face is right fucking there—
Lips on his. A kiss, catching him off guard but so, so good. The press of chapped skin on his own, a calloused hand coming up to hold his face. Varian’s own hands fly up, hanging awkwardly in the air for just a second before they settle on Hugo’s shoulders.
He pulls the blond closer, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. It’s a terrible fucking idea but he can’t help it—that magnetism that sits deep in his chest, the one that draws him to Hugo, tug, tug, tugs on him. He should be fighting that feeling. He can’t find it in himself to.
The fireworks behind them have nothing on the ones going on in Varian’s chest.
When they break for air, Varian heaves for breath like he’s been underwater—this is a bad idea, a terrible fucking idea—but Hugo grins in that lopsided way that sets his pulse racing and fuck.
For a beautiful, terrible second there’s nothing but silence. Varian wants to pull him closer, to push him away, to run and hide, to pause time and keep the moment still and perfect, just the way it is…
But he can’t.
Hugo leans in again, like he’s going for round two. Varian wants to let him, but he still puts a reluctant hand on Hugo’s chest. It tears him up inside—he’s being torn between two wants, the want to protect his family and the want of the man in front of him—and it’s already painful.
“I—I can’t,” he says. Time seems to stand still before it shatters. The flash of hurt in Hugo’s eyes cut deep. Varian scrambles to explain; he can’t fuck this up, not now. “I want to, I swear. Hugo—don’t leave!”
He has to grab Hugo’s arm to keep the blond from moving. Hugo’s stock still, frozen. A statue, a monument to Varian’s fuckups. Varian clings to him, even when he stands. “Please, don’t leave. I can’t, it’s not fair to you.”
“I’m being serious. It’s not right to lead you on when… when we both know it wouldn’t work.”
Hugo’s face is unreadable. His height is staggering from this angle. Varian’s stomach twists with nerves, he can’t fuck this up. The silence stretches just a bit too long.
“I’m so sorry,” Varian finally whispers, hanging his head. He has to shove down that bit that wants, the bit that craves those lips on his again. Hugo pauses, looking down at him—he’s thinking for sure, but about whatVarian couldn’t tell you. The night stretches too long. Fireworks still pop in the background, loud and abrasive and sending a shock of colour across the blond’s blank face.
Hugo’s hands leave his. Varian feels his heart crack.
“It’s okay.” Hugo’s voice is carefully flat. “I’m the one that should be sorry.”
“No, no, Hugo—”
“I overstepped. You’re right.” He stands then, and even Varian’s weak grip can’t keep in place. Hugo shakes himself, barely a silhouette against the ink dark sky. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay goggles?”
“Nah. We’ll just pretend it didn’t happen. Nothing has to change.”
And then he starts walking away. Varian tries unsuccessfully to shuffle to his feet. His legs shake, a mixture of adrenaline and heartbreak fueling his actions—but Hugo’s already gone, hopping off the roof and disappearing into the crowd. Varian wouldn’t have a hope in hell of catching him, not with their height difference.
The alchemist, alone in more ways than one, slumps back into a sit. He grips at the thatch under his hands, white knuckled and agonizing as his eyes swim hot with tears. It’s not fucking fair.
But the universe doesn’t seem to give a shit about fair.
It never had.
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
❝𝕀𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕡❞
⇢ Episodes 7-8
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english. requests and feedback are highly appreciated!
⇢ script form (name: lines) are the interviews
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her first cut for the episode is in the kitchen of the upper house where hobi stops by and pats her head
“need help?” “i’m good, oppa. you can go ask jinnie or yoongi oppa if they need help!”
she’s silently moving around the kitchen while getting everything she needs to make tteokbokki and grilled chicken skewers
then she heard them say they were gonna cook fried chicken instead so she looks right into the camera
“maybe i should make rabokki instead?”
she works around hoseok and jungkook while they make the batter and prepares all her stuff starting with marinating her small pieces of chicken
eventually, she’s starting on her rabokki when jungkook comes in to make sauce
“need help, oppa?” “you know that good chicken sauce?” “i got you”
she started dictating stuff out loud for him to follow while simultaneously working on her own dishes
he stands next to her, heating up his saucepan on the spot next to her rabokki. she jumps when he loudly asks for ketchup
“you’re so loud” she laughed and passed the ketchup bottle
“don’t pretend you don’t get louder than this” “true. try this. is it good?” “i’ll try yours if you try mine”
the two maknaes were just trying each other’s food more than they should have at this point
once she put the cheese on her rabokki and covered it, she moved to putting her chicken pieces and chopped up bell peppers onto skewers
when she finished that, she turned off the stove and moved her skewers outside
she watched in amusement while the others panicked over the fried chicken. she was peacefully grilling her skewers
when they went to score the chicken, she called out to them “make sure to check the first two knes you fried, too”
Miya: The oppas… sometimes get a little excitable. Cooking with them is pretty amusing because they usually know what to do, but something happens and makes everyone a little jumpy. It’s actually quite funny. We did it, though. It worked!
cut to when they’re eating and she smiles
she’s sitting across from yoongi struggling to open her can of beer until yoongi opened it for her
“how can you still look like a baby when opening a can of beer?” “the tab hurts my fingers”
her skewers were finished quite quickly, and so was the rabokki
after they joked about an edm version of the in the soop song, she finished the remnants of her beer can and stood up
“does anyone want a cocktail?”
hoseok cheered for her “ooooh makdungie’s gonna make us an adult drink”
she laughed and took three bottles of soju before skipping over to the kitchen
she pulled a large clear bowl from the cabinet and dumped in a lot of ice quickly followed by the soju. she pulled a few scoops of what looked like strawberry ice cream and mixed it into the bowl of soju
she frowned realizing she couldn’t carry it but jungkook walked in
“i’ll carry that, go get us some glasses, mimi”
she grinned at jungkook then took 8 smaller glasses from the cupboards
“a sweet drink to counter all the salt and strong flavors”
she scooped some for everyone, and they did a cheers to it
“ooooh you made this well, aegi” taehyung’s wide eyes made her giggle
“i saw it online!”
by the end of the night, she was on hoseok’s lap and in an endless fit of giggles especially when they were teasing namjoon to make him dance
the next day you they show a clip of her empty bed with the words “makdungie is gone?” on the screen
then you see her sleeping beside jungkook
Miya: The oppas made it a rule to never let me sleep alone after drinking. I don’t really know why? Maybe it’s because I’m a little clingier, or I think it’s an alcohol poisoning thing or in case I get sick. It’s pretty sweet of them, honestly.
she wakes up mumbling nonsense when hoseok cuddles her and jungkook awake
“makdungie, jk” “[incoherable]”
she sits up straight away though and starts rubbing her eyes “hobi oppa?”
and hoseok uwus because cute tiny baby aksjdhf meanwhile jungkook is still knocked out. he cups her cheeks and squishes them
“time to wake up, yoon-ah. i’ll leave the other maknae to you. head to the upper house, alright?”
when hoseok left, she turned to jungkook’s sleeping form and poked him. he groaned, so she just sprawled herself across his stomach, making him grunt
“hobi oppa says we need to wake up and go to the upper house” “right now?” “mhmm”
next cut of them is yoonmi on jungkook’s back while they arrive at the upper house
“maknaes, could you two clean up and set up the table? and bring ten bowls too?” “okay”
once she finished, she walked over to the camper van and slid in next to yoongi. she closed her eyes again, making yoongi sleepily chuckle
you can see her again when they're eating breakfast. her eyes are half-closed, hair going everywhere while eating, so taehyung had to tie her hair into a bun for her
she disappears for a while after breakfast which leads to taehyung asking yoongi where she went
“knowing her, she’s probably with her guitar at the dock”
then the screen cuts to yoonmi actually sitting on the dock with her guitar and laptop out
she’s strumming random melodies until at some point she’s just playing waste it on me
there’s a mini time lapse of her before she decides to get up and go back into her room to nap
the screen shows her cuddling up to her plushies and hiding her entire body under her blanket
by the time it was 7, yoongi comes over to her room to wake her up
“hey, princess. if you don’t wake up now, you won’t be able to sleep later” “hmm” “wanna come sit with me while i work?” “mkay”
she sleepily let yoongi pull her back to the camper van
Yoongi: I’m not sure how, but I know when to check on her. I just thought maybe she’s still asleep, so I needed to wake her up so she can sleep at night. She sleeps in so much on free days, so j have to make sure she keeps as regular as a sleeping time she can get
the last clip you see of her is her hugging yoongi’s arm while they walk
she’s sitting across from yoongi with a sleepy smile on her face
“yoon-ah, put your hands up!”
she giggled and did as she was told while vibing with the elder. the screen’s caption read “yoon siblings are having fun”
hours later, she and yoongi are called for dinner
“the steak and pasta are good!” “thanks, makdungie”
they toasted for their last night there and she’s just mumbling off to jungkook about both the song for in the soop and another song she had been working on then yoongi came to let them hear the guide
jungkook then wraps himself around her because she feels cold and yoonmi just sits there unbothered. once she finished her food, both maknaes cuddled up to jin
she sits on the grass between jungkook and taehyung while holding her own firecrackers
“wah, this is really cool” “makdungie, look here”
hoseok was holding out his phone and taking pictures of her. she immediately smiled for him
jimin kept a hold on her when they tried the other types of firecrackers so she wouldn’t get too close
she was cheering when they lit the firecrackers “wah! pretty!”
they’re all gathered in the living room where she found herself in between namjoon and yoongi. you can see her zone out a little during their game
“i’m so confused” she laughed and went along with whatever was happening
the next day she woke up due to her phone ringing
“mm hello?” “...” “a little, yeah” “...” “it’s already 2pm?” “...” “alright” then she hung up
the captions just read “her brother woke her up by accident”
she spent a while staring at her wall while sitting up in bed until her door opens to reveal hoseok
“yoon-ah, time to—oh, you’re up” “good morning” “how long have you been awake?”
hoseok sat next to her which effectively made her lean her head on his shoulder “just now. yoonsungie oppa just called me about seollie”
“head up in a bit, okay?” “i’ll fix my stuff first”
she was quiet for most of lunch then went straight to the trampoline and does a few tricks and flips
“oh, they’re playing with water guns. that looks nice. oh, i should probably take a shower”
taehyung caught sight of her when she was walking off to the boathouse to get her stuff for her shower
“aegi, come give me a hug.”
he ran right for her making her squeal and laugh while running away from him. he eventually caught her in a hug and got her wet. she laughed and hugged him back before going to get ready to leave
Miya: It was nice. I feel like this is the least amount of work any of us had in the past seven years. It was a reminder to sit back and take a break every now and then. To you who is watching this, take a break. Whether it’s by yourself or with friends, take a break. It’ll be good for your body and your mind.
“is it just me, or did the staff suddenly bring in another car?” “i don’t know, mimi. maybe they want us by twos?”
she got into a car with jungkook and hooked her phone up to the aux. they looked at each other for a bit before she played the original version of euphoria, which was their duet they rolled down the windows and sang along
Recording In The Soop:
she sat next to yoongi while they waited for everyone to discuss what they wanted the lyrics to be
they were silently discussing something between themselves
eventually they had her go into the booth to record first
she was in a fit of giggles when they were instructing her “okay okay, i got it, let’s go”
she got it in one go and skipped back to everyone else. she settled herself next to yoongi again and watched the rest of the process
she cringed a little at namjoon’s narration but cheered “RM!”
she laughed when yoongi ran into the booth “oppa, i could have pressed the start for you”
she couldn’t help it and gave all controls to hoseok. she just kept laughing
when it came to the chorus bit, she and yoongi stayed outside to direct
“oppa, are we gonna make them record adlibs after the soop part?” “probably. you wanna try?” “hmm not really”
namjoon did his adlib and she just bursts out laughing because she didn’t expect it
jungkook kept making adlibs so she laughs and pokes him with her foot “oppa, you better record one”
then it was jungkook’s turn. she snorted “this is gonna be something”
then he actually did it and she just falls out of her chair laughing which just made everyone laugh harder while jimin helped her up
but he fell, too, and cue harder laughter
“oh my god, i can’t”
once they finish jungkook’s adlibs she just “can we get jimin oppa and jinnie oppa to record the main line for the soop part?”
the rest of recording was going well with a whole lot more laughter until yoongi checked everything
“jungkook, yoonmi, get in for harmonies”
she follows jungkook inside while everyone leaves
“what do you two want to do?” “i was thinking we’ll do layers to the soop part” “oh, oppa same. you do the main, i’ll do the higher?”
they recorder the layers smoothly and yoongi clapped for them “good work, kids”
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aemondhightower · 3 years
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what’s in a name - shen qingqiu 
沈清秋 / 沈九 (shen qingqiu/shen jiu)
surname: 沈 - to move (冘) with water the water (氵) radical = to submerge, to sink, poss. to drown as in trad. (瀋) 審 to test/examine since shen doesnt have a clear meaning courtesy: 清秋 - clear autumn, deep autumn 
if we ignore the “given” name as jiu typically denotes his caste+very low status, essentially shen qingqiu poetically could mean “to drown in clear autumn.” and what especially is interesting is that 沈 and 清 both keep water radicals to 秋 which utilizes the fire radical. in this essay, i’m focusing more on the original shen qingqiu as qingqiu’s name was given to shen jiu. 
that being said, shen qingqiu's name derives actually (in true mxtx fashion) from a classic chinese poem...or rather many chinese poems. while qingqiu (清秋) shows up in a number of literati poetry, the one that stands out the most is 雨霖铃 (yulinling bells ringing in the rain) by 柳永 one of the most famous love poetry but also one of loss, desolation and tragedy. yulinling is the most famous of the ci-poems. most ci-poetry of the song dynasty are quite interesting dealing with heartbrekaing love, parting sorrow, spring regret (chunshan) and autumn bitterness (qingqiu).
多情自古伤离别,更那堪⑽,冷落清秋节 translates to passions have made partings more painful since ancient times, even moreso during this bleak autumn! the poem itself, according to baidu, is the lamentations of an emperor who was fleeing the anlushan rebellion and hoping to retake a city. his beloved consort Yang Guifei, one of the Four Great Beauties, was deeply and widely detested due to her familial relationships and was eventually strangled by his own tropes by the orders of the emperor in order to preserve harmony within his troops and retake his city. the lamentations of 雨霖铃 conveys the sorrowful tragedy and the emperor’s deep feelings for his lost lover which lbr here big qijiu vibes 
essentially the poem is an examination of grief and the pain from being separated from a beloved which if we look at both shen qingqius and their respective significant others, both carry an element of sacrifice for the sake of the other’s power. both yue qingyuan and shen jiu sacrificed everything for the other though ultimately it was futile while shen yuan (as sqq) explodes his core in order to bring stability to binghe’s cultivation. 
though looking at the usage of qingqiu in the poem, it could also refer to the mid-autumn festival, the name qingqiu has massive autumn vibes not actually unlike another one of mxtx’s figures also with autumnal connotations jiang cheng) borrowing from the post linked, autumn in chinese history particularly late autumn is used to depict longing. 秋水 is quite a famous idiom/phrase in poetry meaning longing/to await one’s beloved anxiously not unlike shen jiu waiting for yue qi/yue qingyuan in the qiu (秋) or autumn household only to eventually realize that he would never arrive. 
the etymology of qiu itself too is quite interesting, the left side made up of like 禾, one radical above 木 (wood) meaning crops/grain. the right side is 火 meaning fire with the very etymology of qiu represented in shen jiu’s eventual act of vengeance, setting the qiu household aflame before escaping into the dark. 
disclaimer: if anyone who is better versed in mandarin than I have better or differing ideas, i would LOVE to hear it. there are other poems that uses the phrase qingqiu, i just used the one that was more famous and seemed to convey sqq’s themes the best. most of my knowledge is from like a 5-7th grade chinese student + using beidu’s version of sparknotes. i am by NO MEANS a scholar of chinese literature. 
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years
a little bit of sugar, daddy [9]
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↳ pairing: taehyung x reader
↳ genre: smut, CEO! au, sugardaddy! au 
↳ rating: 18+
↳ word count: 11.5k (This is the longest fic I’ve written so far oops) 
↳ warnings: dom tae, sub reader, cussing, big dick taehyung, unprotected sex (FUCKING GLOVE THEM UP BEOTCH), rough sex, choking, handcuffing, use of gag ball, dirty talk, face fucking, multiple orgasms, and many more :D
— synopsis: Taehyung - a sugardaddy and a businessman, a man who derives his life from sex, pleasure, and money. Y/n - a girl working at a small cafe, whose sex life is as dry as the weekly delivered coffee beans. Will Y/n adjust to the new lifestyle she agreed to, and keep up with all of the dirty antics with Taehyung?
THIS TOOK TOO FUCKING LONG. Sorry for any errors, grammatical mistakes or typos! Check out my masterlist to see more! 
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The sound of your phone’s alarm clock wakes you up from your deep sleep, cutting off your dream about you and Olivia. Quickly sitting up to remove the sleepiness away from your body, you stretch your arms upwards, groaning from the satisfying feeling. You feel the fresh morning air and the sunlight coming through your blinds, painting your sheets with a faint yellowish tint. 
Grabbing your phone from the desk, you text your best friend.
You [6:23 AM]
– Liv! I had a dream about you.
– You probably won’t see this until later though
– But I dreamed that we were at a strip club and you were so wasted that you climbed up on one of the poles and you twerked
You [6:24 AM]
 – But instead of the people cheering you on
– They laughed because you had no butt to shake
– And you cried… yikes
A giggle escapes your lips, trying to remember more of what happened in your dream but that one scenario was the only one stuck in your mind. Leaving your phone on the bed, you scramble to the bathroom to shower.
You had an appointment with your doctor today regarding your birth control. It was Taehyung’s request, and you had no choice but to do what you were told. There was no point in saying no, too. You figured that there’s no harm in using it. And besides – you researched that being on the pill is safer than pulling out! 
After you showered, you wore a beige sweater and black skinny jeans paired with your black low-cut converse. It was a good thing that your first period at school today was at eight-thirty, and your appointment at seven o’clock, leaving you enough time. Arranging your bag for school, you grab all your necessities before heading out with your keys, locking the door.
Somehow, you didn’t feel trapped around Taehyung at all. There was no suffocating feeling, he wasn’t pushing you to do anything you didn’t want to. He always made sure that you’re okay with everything.
You liked it. You like that someone was finally taking care of you when your own parents couldn’t.
You called a cab, smiling brightly at him to freshen his day as you sat on the backseat. “Good morning sir!”
Sir. Ahh, how you miss Taehyung. 
“Good morning to you too, young lady! Where are we off to today?”
The driver was so nice, making your heart warm. You saw that he was 50 years old from the I.D he stuck behind his seat. He’s bald, looks very young for a middle-aged man.
“Umm, Mrs. Raya Kim’s clinic? It’s at 3148 Doctor’s Drive…” you mumble.
“Ah yes. Understood.”
You release a pleased sigh, trying to relax your body at the uncomfortable seat.
You feel nervous, not going to lie. You feel tense for the appointment even though Mrs. Raya was a trusted doctor. Olivia told you that a gynecologist would’ve been better, but you knew no one you could rely on and you did not want to go outside of the city.
The ride was quiet, and you smile when you hear the driver humming an unknown song. It was kinda creepy from how joyous he was – you've never seen a cab driver this bubbly in the morning!
“We’re here,” the driver says and you quickly scurry inside your bag to find your wallet, giving him three dollars.
“Thank you,” you bid farewell before opening the car door, slinging your bag over your shoulder. Before you can even shut it close, the man yells.
“Miss! You dropped your phone!”
Your heart jumps out of your chest when you see your phone ditched on the dirty carpeted floor of the cab. You cringe, forehead wrinkling as you quickly pick it up and wipe the device using the hem of your sleeve. “Oh my god, thank you so much!” you say dolefully, eyebrows furrowed, “Please drive safe!”
The man chuckles, “I will. Please be mindful of your belongings.”
You nod your head, finally closing the door shut and the car drives away.
God, that was close. Good thing he didn’t just leave and drive away. 
You'll probably cry if you lose your phone. 
Placing the event that just happened at the back of your mind, you make your way in front of the clinic, slowly pushing the door open. The bell at the top of the doorframe jingles, indicating your presence.
The doctor’s office always scared you, even back as a child. Even though you’re already twenty, you still had that tinge of uneasiness whenever you walked into a room. You wish you had someone here with you. Striding your way to the front desk, you force a smile out of you.
“Good morning,” you start, “I have an appointment with Mrs. Kim at seven?”
The man over the counter starts to look through her files, “Name?” he states blandly.
“Y/n ___.”
Going through the papers, he emits a satisfied sigh when he finds your folder of records. He looks through the beige folder, nodding his head, “Alright, Mrs. Kim is still working with another patient right now so please have a seat, and I’ll call you when she’s ready.”
“Okay, thank you.” You grip your bag strap tightly, finding a vacant seat in the lounge to sit in. Good thing there were not a lot of people, about five of you inside the area, and you can sit in peace.
Checking the time on your phone – 6:50 am, it reads. You had ten minutes left to kill so you decide to call Taehyung so that your nerves can rest for a little while.
Your heart thumps faster in your chest, pressing the call button with your thumb as you chew on your bottom lip.
Bringing your screen to your right ear, you wait for him to answer.
Taehyung was in the middle of signing documents when he heard his phone ring from the other side of the room. He furrows his brows, standing up from his leather chair as he follows the sound of his ringtone. He picks up his phone from the couch and immediately smiles when he sees the caller I.D.
“Hello, angel.”
The deep, raspy voice quickly made you squeeze your thighs together, preventing a whimper. You can never get used to his hot voice.
“Hi,” you quietly say, “I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you…”
“No, no, absolutely not,” his mood brightens up immediately as he hears the pleasing tone of your voice, “You never disturb me. I’d rather talk to you all day, baby.”
The way he was saying those words, a sultry, teasing vibe was making your legs quiver. You shouldn’t be feeling like this! Not when there’s other people around. Maybe calling him was a mistake… 
“Taehyung, I’m at… I’m at the doctors.”
“What? What for?!” he suddenly blurts out, thinking that you got sick or got into some kind of trouble. He sits down on the couch, placing his right leg on top of the other as he rests his free arm out on the backrest. “Are you okay?”
You giggle, chewing on the inside of your cheeks, “Do you remember when you told me I should get prescribed for birth control?”
Taehyung, right after you said those words, hangs his head low while he runs his tongue along his bottom lip. Black strands of his hair cover the front of his eyes as he stares at his lap. He smirks cockily, “Yeah?”
Yet he doesn’t let you reply though, answering before you, “Are you about to?”
You nod, but you remember that he wasn’t actually there to see you. “Mhmm, I’m quite nervous though.”
Taehyung sighs as he can’t hide the growing smirk on his face. He hates how his mind was absolutely going straight to the gutter, but he tries to keep most of his composure. “Ahh, why are you nervous, angel? There’s nothing to worry about, right?”
You slightly frown, your fingers starting to pick on the fabric of your jeans. “I know, but,” you blush, “I wish I had company.”
“Oh, angel,” he breathes out, feeling a stinging pinch in his chest. “You should've told me so that I can be with you.”
“Yeah but,” you protest, “I didn’t want to bother you.”
“You know that’s not a problem, Y/n. You should know that by now.” You gulp from the sudden use of your first name, his tone becoming strict. “I can make time for you. Why didn’t you tell me that you had it scheduled today, hm? Especially now for an important matter.”
Your eyes widen, feeling your mouth go dry as you try to find a quick answer. Just the way he was speaking as if he was talking to an employee of his or a client – firm and stern, made you tremble in your seat. You did not know when you’ll get used to it.
“I’m sorry,” was the only thing that you can say, breath hitching up.
Taehyung squints his eyes and bites his lip for a quick second, enthralled by the soft tone of your voice. He decides to play with you, keeping in mind that you were in a public place. “Sorry? That’s the only thing you can say?” he teases. 
You can’t hide back your whimpers as you felt electricity run through your spine and down to  your core.
“It w-won’t happen again.”
“Remind yourself who you’re talking to.”
“Sir. I’m sorry s-sir,” you half-whisper, careful so that others won’t hear you. You were blushing so hard, not believing that this was happening right now. The air suddenly gets hot around you, feeling butterflies in your stomach when Taehyung growls softly.
“Good girl,” he chuckles, amused, “Look at you, whimpering. Wanna tell me why, baby?”
Bouncing your knee up and down, you emit a shaky sigh. His voice was turning you on so much, but it was hard to keep your emotions to yourself when there were other people around. The room wasn’t loud, but quiet enough that if you listen closely, you’ll hear what other people are talking about.
You worry if these strangers can hear you too.
“Tae – sir, please,” you beg, “not right now.”
“Aww, why?” he fakes an upset tone, pouting his lips, “you don’t want people to hear you, huh? Hear how desperate you are?”
You feel yourself slowly soaking your panties so you cross your legs together, trying to relieve some type of friction. “Mmm, s-sir,” you mewl, shutting your eyes while your fingers grip the phone tighter, “I can’t…”
Taehyung feels his dick harden through his pants, curling his other hand into a fist as he digs his nails into his palm. He likes messing with you like this. Yes, it was cruel of him – but you had to get used to it.
This was only the beginning.
“If I was there I’d have no problem with teasing you, angel. Resting my hand on your thigh, dragging it close to your cunt? Hm? I don’t care if people will look at us,” he laughs darkly, “I’ll even let them watch.”
“Sir,” you whine, “I- i/please. I want y-you but I can’t.”
“Oh, baby, baby,” he coos, “I know. Can’t handle it? You just want me to be there with you right now? Is that what you need?”
“Yes!” you declare too loudly, causing an elderly man to whip his head in your direction. Instantly looking down at your feet, your cheeks flush in a deep shade of red. You feel so embarrassed!
Taehyung has never heard you like this, sounding so needy. He finds your little noises so adorable, wanting to just snuggle you up in his arms, stroke your hair, and fuck you against the wall. It was crazy how the little things you do turns him on, having such a huge effect on him. Deep inside, he was afraid of how whipped he was for you.
He can imagine your red face as you struggle to shut your mouth, how you were probably biting on your lip. He wants to see your cute blushing face in person so badly, wants to hold you in his arms and play with your cunt, wants to see you cum – but he has work to do. So, he settles on dirty talk. 
“I bet you’re wet right now, angel. Hmm? My dick’s throbbing for you baby,” he grunts when he brings his hand down to palm the tent his cock has created. “Wanna have my way with you so bad.”
You knit your eyebrows together in frustration, licking your dry lips. You didn’t know what to do anymore. As your foot nervously taps on the white tiled floor, you feel your palms getting sweaty.
He growls, making you release a quiet moan. “Fuck, you make me go crazy. I want you so bad, angel. Want to fuck you here in my office with the door unlocked so that people can easily come inside. You want that, hmm? People catching us fuck? Bet your cute little pussy’s begging for that, huh?”
“S-sir, mmh” you whimper with pursed lips, getting wetter and wetter each second. Taehyung knows that you can’t do anything in this situation that you’re in, making him have all the control.
Yes, you can just hang up, but you don’t want another punishment.
“Miss Y/n?”
Your head instantly snaps up when you hear the man call for your name from the front desk, and you quickly try to get yourself together.
“Yes?” you reply with wide eyes, heart pounding rapidly.
“Mrs. Raya is ready for you.”
Taehyung hears this and chuckles.
“Okay,” you nod furiously, forcing a fake smile.
“Sir—Taehyung, I have to go.”
Taehyung frowns, purposely making his tone deeper, “Oh, so you’re gonna leave me needy, huh?”
”Tae!” you clench your hand into a fist, punching your knee in frustration, “I’m sorry, but I have to go!” He finally stops teasing you, sighing as he replies with an ‘okay’, saying his goodbye. You scatter to put your phone back in your back pocket as you stand up, fast-walking to Mrs. Raya’s office. 
Damn him for making you feel this way. 
Your hand grip the door handle as you slowly twist it open, carefully pushing the white wooden door. The smell of rubbing alcohol instantly hits your nose as you step foot, your doctor instantly greeting you with a kind smile. 
“Y/n, good morning!” she chirps, welcoming you with open arms. 
“H-hi,” you smile, shutting the door. Even though Mrs. Raya is already in her 40’s, she still looks radiant and blooming. She has very white teeth and a gorgeous smile, brown chocolate skin, and luscious curly hair. She motions you to sit on the other side of the desk and you oblige, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“May I ask your age before we proceed?” she asks politely as she sits across from you. “My record of you here is,” she suddenly whips out a white folder and checks through papers, “not updated at all.” 
“Oh,” you chuckle, “I’m twenty.” 
Mrs. Raya nods and gathers a pad of paper in front of her to write on. She starts teaching you all about the contraceptive pills and how it can affect your body and its possible side effects. But most of the time you were tapping your foot on the ground, fiddling your fingers together in nervousness as you try to calm down. You were acting like such a child, yet all you can think about is Taehyung. Your eyes disconnect from your doctor's gaze and they land on the white desk. 
You were still on Cloud 9 from the previous incident, thinking about the deep timbre of his voice. 
“Miss Y/n,” her voice suddenly snaps you back into reality. “Are you even listening?” she asks with knitted brows. 
“I'm sorry,” you quickly apologize, stopping your foot from drumming on the tiles. 
Mrs. Raya sighs while intertwining her hand together. “Please listen, Y/n. I know it's too early in the morning for this but this is very important. I recommend giving you pills, unless…” 
You gawk at her with wide eyes, “Unless?” 
“Unless you're up for IUD?”
“Uh no, thank you,” you quickly deny. You learned what IUD is and what it does during high-school health classes and to be honest, you were just scared of the procedure – even though it's the most safer option. Plus you had no guts to do it. 
Inserting a little hook-looking device up your uterus? Nope. Not for you. 
“Okay, okay,” she immediately acknowledges and stands up, facing her back to you. She ponders to her array of cabinets, going through all kinds of boxes. “Do you have classes right after?” she asks. 
You hum, scanning around the room to find a clock anywhere. Your eyes land to a small desk clock to your left, reading 7:28 am. “Yes, I do.” 
“Let's get started, then.” 
“You fucking bitch.”
Olivia’s voice suddenly made your body jump as she sits on the bench in front of you. You cover your mouth with your right hand, muffling your laugh. 
“It’s not my fault that I had a dream like that!” You tolerate, watching how she rolls her eyes. 
“I’m not mad about the fact that I was a stripper, heck – thank you I’ll accept the job. But just know that if everything goes to shit and I turn broke, I’m using your money to get a butt implant.” 
“My money?” you smirk, “I don’t know what you’re talk–” 
“Oh, stop that Y/n. You know what I mean.”
You giggle as you give her some of your food. The cafeteria was filled with noisy seniors whereas they were getting ready for their graduation pictures. Girls were doing each others’ makeup while the boys were sharing hair gel. You had been watching them chit-chat with each other for the past ten minutes while you waited for Olivia to arrive. You can't wait for the end of the school year to arrive. 
“Moving on. Will you go to Yoongi’s party with me?” 
You slam your hand on the table, eyes wide, “Liv! You know what happened to me when I went to one of his parties last time. I'm not going to another party.” 
Olivia pouts, pushing her brown hair back away from her face, “Pleaaaaase? I promise I’ll stay with you! I won’t leave your side, I swear! You know how iconic Yoongi’s parties are before the year-end. He holds them annually!” 
“Yeah, and I tend to run away from it. C’mon, Liv. I don’t want to drink like that anymore.” 
You suddenly remember Taehyung’s voice ringing in your head, how he strictly reminded you not to drink so much but you didn’t comply. You wonder how you’ll survive a massive gathering if you can’t even stop yourself from drinking too much at a fucking pool party. 
“I mean, you can choose not to drink.” She simply states, stealing your unfinished sandwich. 
Snorting, you say sarcastically, “Oh yeah and I’ll read a book while at it.” 
“Y/n…” Olivia frowns. There was a ten seconds silence before you finally replied. Rolling your eyes, you throw your hands up in defeat, “Okay, okay, Jesus…” 
She instantly holds your hands while an excited squeal leaves her lips. Her eyes turn into little slits, waving your arms left and right. She was such a child! “Yay, thank you, thank you!” 
“You’re so lucky I’m your best friend.” You blankly stare at her. “Just don’t get me wasted.” 
She gives you a thumbs up, smiling as she flashes you her teeth, “You got it!” 
You and Olivia were walking alongside the soccer field to go to the main building for your next periods. Hugging your binder closer to your chest, you watch your school’s group of athletes having their training, their coach yelling at them while soccer balls fly across the field. 
Suddenly, you spot a familiar looking face. You squint your eyes, slowing down for a second while you grip Olivia’s arm. 
“I didn’t know Park Jimin plays soccer,” you mumble, watching how he pushes his black hair back, tilting his head upwards. Jimin high-fives a teammate with a big smile. 
Olivia chuckles as she tugs on your arm and forces you to walk faster, “He does! You really don’t know anything, do you?” 
You give her a disgusted expression, opening your mouth to retaliate but she immediately cuts you off. “Hey! Remind you that i’m a top stu–”
 “Hey! Park Jimin!” Olivia starts to wave frantically, getting Jimin’s full attention. 
Starting to panic, you try to block her view by stepping in front of her, trying to force her arm down. “Liv! No, don’t! I was just asking!” Olivia jumps up and down, flailing her arms around and she looks like a huge clown. Grunting, you can't help but laugh at her actions, “Olivia! “
But your efforts are useless when you hear Jimin’s reply. “What?!” He yells. You slowly turn around and there he was, walking to you and Olivia. Your shoulders slump, wanting to slap your best friend yet you keep your composure. 
“Y/n here says hi!” She giggles. 
You quickly wave your hands in front of you, faking a smile, “Uh, no. S-She’s just messing with you.” 
Jimin comes closer with a smug look on his face, crossing his arms together. Your eyes involuntarily checks him out, eyeing him from top to bottom. He looks so different from when you last saw him. Your gaze flies down to his thighs, eyebrows knitting together when you see how muscular and thick it was. You gulp. Jimin looks very well-put in his uniform too, even though he was covered in sweat. 
“Y/n?” Jimin’s voice snaps you back. He laughs at your widened eyes, “You good?” 
“Yeah.” You state. 
No one talks for a while and the awkward silence kills you. You look down to the floor as you try to find the right words to say without sounding like an idiot. “Anyway,” Oliva breaks the tension, “You remember her right? The one that acted like a ragdoll when drunk during Yoongi’s party?” 
You groan, “Olivia,” an exhausted sigh leaves your mouth, “leave it alone.” 
Jimin grins at you as he lifts a single brow up, “Of course I do.” 
“Please don’t. Pretend that it didn’t happen please?” you say, hearing Olivia giggle behind you and you want nothing more than to hit her with your binder. 
“Aw, why?” he suddenly walks closer until there is a three-feet distance between the two of you. “You’re cute though.”
Your breath hitches up as your jaw gapes, his words shocking you. You shake your head, laughing nervously. “Ah, heh, t-thank you?” You grab Olivia’s hand and you start to walk away from him, “S-See you around Jimin!” 
“See you.” He sends you a playful wink, causing you to jolt your head forward in surprise. What the hell was that?! 
Jimin watches as you force your best friend to run, dragging her behind you. He laughs and shakes his head side to side, jogging back to his teammates. Hoseok furrows his eyebrows as he seemingly watched everything that had just happened. 
“What’s up with them?” he nods in your direction. Hoseok sees how you accidentally drop your binder on the ground, hearing your loud grunt as Olivia laughs. 
“Remember Y/n from Yoongi’s pool party?” he starts. Hoseok hums, “The girl we played beer pong with?” Jimin tilts his head to the side for a second as he rests his hands on his hips. 
“Yeah. She’s hot.” 
Hoseok smirks, “You know what to do.” 
Jimin feels himself getting hyped up from the idea. He starts to jump up and down, warming himself up when they hear their coach blow his whistle. “Can’t wait for the party.” 
You were in your microbiology class when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Looking around the laboratory room to know if your professor can see you, you reach down to your jeans and unlock your phone. 
Taehyung [2:12 pm] - Justin will pick you up. Do you go off at 3 today? 
Damn, he didn’t even say a single hi? You chew on your bottom lip, using your thumbs to type a reply. 
You [2:12 pm] - Yes. Where am I going? 
Taehyung [2:12 pm] - My office, angel. We have unfinished business. 
Your heart suddenly pounds faster from the text. Was he referring to…? 
Deciding to play with him a little, you giggle. 
You [2:13 pm] - Oh, we do?
You [2:13 pm] - I wasn’t informed… 
Taehyung, on the other side of the screen, smirks devilishly. He tuts as he sends a reply. 
Taehyung [2:13 pm] - Act like that one more time and let’s see where it takes you, Y/n.
You [2:14 pm] - To your bedroom I hope 
Suddenly, you see a hand slamming down on your table and you quickly disregard your phone back to your pocket. “I’m s-sorry professor…” you stutter, wide eyes gawking at your teacher. His eyes flash you a warning, “Who are you talking to, hm? Is he more important than this?” 
“No,” you shake your head, wincing from the harsh tone of his voice. 
“Focus, Y/n.” 
You nod, getting back to where you were. You turn on the switch for the microscope, sighing to yourself. How can you focus when Taehyung’s words were the only thing clouding your mind? 
Walking to the parking lot after a long, productive day at campus, it was concerning you that you can’t find anyone that’s called Justin around. Besides – your initial plan of stopping every adult-looking male and asking if their name is Justin and if they’re looking for a woman called Y/n was ridiculous. 
Your shoes clad on the rough concrete of the pathway, the cool breeze blowing your hair away from your face. You notice a dark-haired man in a suit walking up to you and it was definitely clear that he looks like he works for a millionaire. You smile, trying to appear kind. 
“Y/n?” he asks. 
“Uh, yeah. That’s me,” you giggle nervously. There were students walking past and were looking at the two of you with a confused expression, skeptical. 
“My name is Justin, I’m Kim Taehyung’s PA. He told me to pick you up and head straight to the office.” He suddenly starts to walk and you follow behind him. Why is everyone so strict these days? 
“Oh, I know. H-He told me,” you chirp, hoping you'll get a reply back but there was none. You follow his footsteps in silence, staring at his black loafers until he stops in front of a black shiny Mercedes. Your jaw drops, feeling like your eyes have been blessed by such a hot-looking car that costs triple your rent. 
Justin opens the passenger side door for you and you enter with a thanks. The car smells so expensive, it has a lot of buttons that make your fingers itch to press. Once he starts the engine, the car roars loudly and it is enough for you to giggle in amusement. He mumbles “seatbelt”, and you do what you were told. 
“So, uh,” you try to make a conversation, “Do you perhaps, o-own this car?” you ask politely as possible. 
Justin smirks the tiniest bit and shakes his head, “Nope. Mr. Kim’s.” 
You place your bag comfortably on your lap while your mind goes back to the time where Taehyung showed you his collection of high-end cars. You weren’t surprised. 
The ride was complete silence, the cold air conditioning of the car hitting your exposed skin while you stared outside the window. You suddenly wonder if Justin had met every single one of Taehyung’s past flames, picking them up just like what he was doing now. Was he always asked to buy Taehyung's partner's clothes just like the time you stayed over at his house? Frowning, there was an uncomfortable feeling building up your chest. No, you can’t be jealous. You’re not in a place to be, right? 
“Hey, is it okay if I can ask you something?” your voice was soft-spoken, glancing at him. 
“Sure.” He simply replies. 
“How long have you been working for Taehyung?” 
Justin suddenly snickers and you can see the creases on the sides of his lips. “As early as he started his company.” 
Your eyes grow bigger, he was working for Taehyung for so long! He must know everything about him… 
“Do you know how many relationships he had?” You gasp at your own sentence, pursing your lips shut as you slam a hand over it. Justin laughs, his shoulders bouncing up and down. “I’m so sorry!” you apologize. 
“No, please. But I can’t answer your question, Y/n.” 
Hanging your head down, you feel a little ashamed. “But,” he continues, your eyebrows lifting up. You gaze at him with expecting eyes, “This is the first time I’m meeting you in person, and I must say that I’m quite shocked when he told me that I was picking up a girl from college. You look very young.”
“I-Is that a bad thing?” you gulp, “I’m twenty.” 
“No! Not at all, Y/n. Don’t get me wrong,” he chuckles, “It’s a good thing!” 
Nodding your head in acceptance, your lips curve in a smile. “Thanks.” But then, an abrupt memory crosses your mind. 
Isn’t that what Marie – Taehyung’s housekeeper – said to you when you first went to his house? 
‘“It’s a shocker though. It’s the first time Taehung has ever brought a young-looking girl into his house.” 
What was up with everyone being so appalled? Was he usually into older girls? Crissy doesn’t even look that old… 
You had to ask him. You were desperate for an answer. 
Stepping back inside the building made a lot of flashbacks to reoccur in your brain. All the things you and Taehyung did, inside the elevator, inside his office up at the 20th floor, everything was coming back to you. Almost everyone was dressed in business-formal outfits and you’ve never felt more out of place with your sweater and black converse. 
But your body freezes when you spot the blonde-haired woman that was occupying your thoughts a couple of minutes ago. Based off of the irritated expression on her face and the blank stare that the lady at the front desk wore, they were having an argument. 
Crissy sees you and smirks to herself. 
You were stunned when she suddenly strides over to you and harshly grabs your arm, pulling you to her side. Your heart beats faster. 
“She’s with me! You’re seeing Taeyung, right!?” she exclaims, her high-pitched voice ringing in your head. 
“No, I’m not.” you roll your eyes, but Crissy only grips your arm tighter. You wince in pain, struggling to escape but she just pulls you closer. “Stop lying. We both know you have nothing else to do here but hug his legs.”
What the fuck is she talking about? 
The exhausted lady ignores Crissy and turns her attention to you, “Can I confirm your name?”
“Y/n ___,” you say, and she reads something on her monitor and nods once. “Kim Taehyung has ordered you to meet him on the twentieth floor. Please go ahead.” She motions her hand to the right, directing you to the elevator, and you smile gratefully. 
Crissy gasps, eyes turning into little slits as she looks at the desk lady in shock, “How come she goes and not me? I know Taehyung myself and I don’t think I need his permission!” 
“I'm sorry ma'am but that's not how it works here. We have strict rules and you're not allowed to see the boss if you have no schedules for it.”
Crissy was speechless, not knowing what to say. You tried your hardest not to giggle as you slowly walked away from her. 
“But this is important!”
The lady finally snaps, clicking her tongue. “If you don't go out of this building now I'm gonna call the guards to escort you out.”
You didn't hear what Crissy’s reply was because you were already making your way to the elevator which was thankfully vacant. “Ah, finally,” you sigh. What was Crissy doing here? And what does she want from Taehyung?
You were about to press the close button until you hear heels clicking against the marble floor. Looking straight ahead, your eyes widen when you see Crissy making her way to you with a smirk on her face. She was walking fast, making sure to catch up. Your breathing gets heavy and heavy, immediately pressing the button furiously - praying that the doors would close faster. 
You were holding your breath - you can’t be stuck in an elevator with her! No way! 
“Please please please,” you mumble under your breath, lips pouting when the doors won’t close faster as you wanted it to be. Crissy has a mocking expression on her face, inserting her hand between the doors so that it wouldn’t close on her. Quickly, you step to the very corner of the elevator, hugging your body as you felt intimidated by her appearance. 
“Oh, Y/n,” she shakes her head side to side, laughing to herself. Crissy presses the 20th button using her baby blue acrylic nails, whipping her hair. “You think a stubborn little lady at the front desk will stop me?” 
You’ve never wanted to pull her hair so bad until now. 
Crissy studies your figure up and down, a sour look on her face as if she just ate a lemon. “You’re going to see him looking like that?” she scoffs, “Couldn’t you at least dress up like me?” She looks down at her outfit, wearing a black skin-tight dress that hugged her perfect body. 
You look at her through the reflective walls of the elevator, staring at her hazel eyes, “At least I don’t have to try to get his attention.” 
The brattiness in you jumped out, and Crissy gasps from your sentence, clearly offended. Crossing your arms together, it was your turn to rake her body, “I don’t have to be pathetic like you.” 
“Me?! I’m the pathetic one?” she suddenly walks closer to you, further cornering your body into the wall. You gulp the big lump in your throat. Crissy was taller than you, making you look up at her as her towers over you. “Coming from a broke college student?” 
Fuck. What have you gotten yourself into? 
Crissy backs up a little to take a good look at you. She lifts her eyebrows up, her stance defensive as you just stand there, hanging your head low. You can’t look at her face, you were mortified. 
“You don’t deserve Taehyung, Y/n. He doesn’t need someone like you. He needs me.” 
She whips her blonde hair again, moving it to her right shoulder while she looks at her manicured fake nails. She continues to argue, “He needs someone experienced. I know for a fact that that’s what he likes.” 
You hold yourself back. You knew better than to fight her. Even though her sharp, cruel words were hurting you - hurting you so bad, you keep your guard up. 
Crissy leans down until she is face to face with you, cooing when she sees the fear in your eyes. “Aww, look at you. What a weak little thing. You’re delusional if you think Taehyung even likes you.” 
“I didn’t ask for him in the first place.” You hiss, “He came up to me.” 
“Of course he did! He wanted to help a poor, pruney little virgin – that’s why.” 
Oh no she didn’t. Your hands curl up in tight fists on your sides, eyes narrowing at her as you feel your nerves firing up. How dare she call you that when she doesn’t know a single thing about you?! 
“You don’t know me.” You say through gritted teeth, “You have no right to say that.” 
Crissy smiles and shrugs her shoulders, “I’m allowed to have my own opinion!” 
You swear you just felt your head hurt. “What are you even ta– you know what, whatever.” Rolling your eyes, you turn away from her. Your nails dig into the skin of your palm, surely getting red. You hated each second as the time passed by. 
“What are you doing here anyway?” she says, sizing you up. Crissy lifts an eyebrow, waiting for your response. 
“I don’t know.” You say, closing your eyes shut in annoyance. “How about you? What do you want from him?” 
Before she can answer, the elevator dings, signalling the doors open and Crissy was the first one to step out. You follow behind her, the irritating clicks of her heels were making your head spin. She answers, a smirk evident from the tone of her voice, “Trying to get back what’s truly mine.” 
You felt your heart crush into a million pieces. 
“You have a boyfriend, Crissy!” 
“And?” You feel sorry for Taehyung, and sorry for Crissy’s boyfriend. 
However, you stop your tracks when the door going to Taehyung’s office swings open, and he absolutely snaps when he sees her. 
Crissy smiles, about to say something but Taehyung shuts her up, immediately backing her against the hallway. He slams the door shut with a loud bang, making you jump. Taehyung was completely furious, nostrils slightly flaring as he held her wrists tightly. Crissy winces, but she doesn’t show the pain because she keeps a straight, smiling face. “Tae–” 
“Shut up. Why the fuck are you here, huh?” 
“Calm do–” 
“No. Answer the fucking question! How did you get up here?” 
Your chest tightens, afraid of Taehyung’s sudden change of aura. He was raising his voice at her, and you haven’t seen this side of him. You feel yourself getting small, holding your hands together behind your back as you watch them with wide, afraid eyes. 
“Taehyung, they let me in of course! Why wouldn’t they let someone who previously worked here inside the building? I wanted to visit you!” 
Taehyung growls animalistically, removing the grip he has on her wrists and instead places his hands on her shoulders. He grips her firmly, eyes dark in anger. He towers over her while Crissy can’t push him away even if she tries to. “Stop. Fucking. Lying,” Taehyung fumes. 
“It’s true!” 
Taehyung shakes his head and suddenly whips his head over his shoulder to look at you. You look like a deer in headlights, frozen in your place as he burns holes into your eyes. 
“Tell the truth.” He states firmly. You feel your throat drying up, your mouth gaping open but no words seem to come out. “I-I, uh.” 
Taehyung clenches his jaw, waiting for a reply. It was obvious that his patience was bearing thin. “Tell me the fucking truth, Y/n!” 
You remember his words ringing in your head - not to lie to him. It was the one thing he despised the most. 
“S-She,” you clear your throat, fiddling with your fingers in a habit of nervousness, “I don’t know, the lady at the front desk told her to exit… but she sneaked inside the elevator with me before I can close the doors.” 
You felt ashamed, even though you did absolutely nothing wrong. Looking down on the floor, you were unable to meet Taehyung’s harsh, angry eyes. You just wanted to curl up into a little ball and cry from how intimidated you are. 
Suddenly, Jungkook appears from inside the office and chuckles as he sees the situation that was currently happening. He gives Crissy an ugly glare, walking up to you. “Hey, hey,” he purrs, holding your body, “Don’t be scared, hm?” 
You slowly tilt your head up, looking at him with wavering eyes. He smiles, his dimples peeking out, “Don’t worry.” 
Taehyung bites the inside of his cheek as he watches Jungkook caress your arms, the closeness making his stomach turn. This angers him further, turning his attention back to Crissy who was smirking the entire time. 
“I hope you know this is your last straw, Crissy.” She was about to retort but Taehyung was faster to cut her off, “I’m placing you on our blocklist. And if I ever see you here, at my house, or if you even think about getting near Y/n, I won’t hesitate to place a restraining order against you. You won’t be able to see me – or Y/n – ever again.” 
You hear everything he says, sighing in relief. Why didn’t he do this much earlier?! 
Crissy has her mouth open although nothing comes out. And by chance, you hear rushing footsteps down the hallway and you turn to look to see who it was. Justin has called for security and the guards rush to grab a hold of Crissy. She tries to escape, pulling her arms away but the bulky, muscular men were obviously stronger. She yells in frustration, “Fuck you, Kim Taehyung!” 
Taehyung scoffs bitterly, watching the guards escort her down the hall until they were finally nowhere near in sight. She was gone at last. 
There was an uncomfortable feeling, something you can’t explain. It was so weird and new to see Taehyung like that, he was obviously hurting her yet Crissy looked as if it didn’t affect her. You didn’t like that side of him. You tried your hardest to not cry, holding your tears back as you squeezed your eyes closed. 
“Angel,” Taehyung’s voice gently calls out for you, and you can hear his footsteps coming closer to you. 
“Jungkook, please excuse us.” He tells, and Jungkook nods his head knowingly. He understands the situation and walks away. 
Your body jumps when you feel Taehyung’s arms wrap around your body, pulling you into a tight, warm hug. He rests his chin on top of your head, swaying your body side to side as he waits for you to calm down. “Angel,” he whispers, “you’re good now. You’re okay.” 
“Hm?” he places two fingers underneath your chin and lifts your head up. He pouts when he sees your glossy, tearful eyes. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I’m so sorry, Y/n.” 
“You scared me.” You whisper, voice slightly cracking. Your heart was still pounding while Taehyung sighs. 
“I know, fuck. I know baby. I won’t scare you like that ever again, I was just s-so angry and I couldn’t stop myself. I won’t ever talk to you like that, understand me?” 
“Yes, Tae.” 
Sniffing, you rest your cheek against his chest, arms wrapping around his waist. The warmth of his body radiates into yours, slowly calming you down. It was like you saw a different person just a minute ago. You can’t speak, not having the energy to do so. 
“Let’s go home, okay?” He says, and you nod your head. You want nothing else than to be alone with him. 
You puff out a large huff of breath once the two of you have stepped foot inside his house, Taehyung locking the front door. He removes your school bag and places it neatly on a nearby counter. Without wasting any time, he suddenly swoops you off your feet and carries you bridal-style. 
“Tae!” you squeal, the nickname making him blush. He starts to walk up the long flight of stairs up to his room while you tightly hold onto his shoulders, trying not to fall back. 
Once you both arrive in his room, he carefully rests you down on the soft comfort of his king-sized bed. Taehyung takes off his suit jacket and you watch him put it on a loveseat’s armrest. He takes his shoes off, instantly feeling butterflies when he flashes you his winning smile. 
God, was he always this hot?
“What are you doing?” you whisper, palms slowly getting sweaty as Taehyung runs a hand through his black hair. Taehyung feels something primal inside him, his mind racing with lewd thoughts while your body unconsciously writhes on the bed. Why are you like this? Why do you always have to look so pure every time he's about to ruin you? 
You watch him walk over to his closet, a smirk glued on his face as he rummages through his belongings. Taehyung bites his lip as he goes through all of the toys he's bought at the sex store a few days ago. He wonders what he will use next on you. 
Whips? Floggers? No, he's not going to punish you. 
Anal beads? The hot pink butt plug he chose for you? Not today. 
Rope? Maybe next time. 
“Ahh,” he muses, releasing a dark chuckle when he finds something he can use. You can't see anything besides his broad back facing you, yet you can hear how he laughs devilishly. 
His heart clenches from hearing the soft tone of your voice, just like a little kitten's meow. Fuck, he didn't know that a sound like that can turn him on so much. 
He swiftly turns around for a moment, observing you with a raised brow. He stands as if dripping in dominance, his arms crossed together. Your eyes can't seem to connect with his because you're afraid that you'll literally melt beneath his hot gaze. The atmosphere seems to thicken, your mouth going dry when you took note of the large tent underneath his pants. You unwillingly close your legs together, biting your lip as you feel your pussy throb.
Taehyung clenches his jaw at the sight, “Hm?”
You immediately shake your head side to side, a blush forming your cheeks. “N-Nothing…” 
He abruptly walks up to you and crawls on the bed, moving up until he is face to face with you. You suddenly can't breathe. He lowers himself until you can feel his crotch against your covered cunt, feeling how hard he is. A moan goes past your lips, “O-oh, Tae…” 
Suddenly, he wraps his big hand around your throat, squeezing it tightly enough to choke you. The feeling was different than you expected, it feels good. He snickers, watching your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Tae? Is that my name, hm?” 
“A-ahh,” he squeezes your throat harder, your pussy clenching as you can confirm yourself dripping onto your panties. 
“Answer, baby girl, or I swear to fucking god,” Taehyung taunts with a growl, grinding his crotch harder against you. He tries to calm himself down before he can go overboard, before he goes past your limits. And by the way you were looking at him so innocently, so purely – was making it harder for him. 
‘Calm down, Taehyung.’ He thinks to himself. 
“I'm s-sorry, sir.” You purr, staring up at him with lust-blown eyes. 
“That’s right,” he grunts, fluttering his eyes close for a moment as he drives his hips a little bit harder. His cock was aching, begging to be released. 
Your hands grip on the white sheets, not knowing where to place them. Your chest was heaving up and down as you feel your stomach turning, your mind hazy while the sensation was already so much for you. His deep groans and hums were making you lose your sanity.
“Arms up,” he commands, and you do just that. He grins while he pushes your sweater up and throws it somewhere on the plush carpeted floor. 
Taehyung cocks his head to the side for a second, eyes obviously ogling your pretty chest. He bites his lip from the sight of your bra, the cute pastel pink color somehow made him hornier. You cheeks blush horribly, wanting to cover your face but Taehyung was quicker to hold them up, grabbing your wrists in one hand. “Nuh-uh, baby girl. Let me see this adorable face, hm?” 
You can’t look straight in his eyes. If you will, you’d absolutely crumble beneath him. Taehyung lowers his head down until his lips come in contact with your collarbones, peppering wet and seductive kisses all over your chest. You can feel that he was smirking. Goosebumps arise from your skin when he suddenly licks a wet stripe from the base of your neck and up to your jaw, sensitive as you feel his hot breath. 
You can’t help but whimper, tugging on your hands but Taehyung holds your wrists tighter. 
“If you keep whimpering like that, baby girl,” you gasp when he bites your shoulder, “You’re gonna make it harder for the both of us.” 
What does that even mean? You look at him in utter confusion although he only chuckles. Taehyung stands back up to get something from his closet. You were already sweating and he’s only getting started!
“Remove your pants for me, angel.” 
Again, not wanting to disobey him, you fumble with the buttons of your jeans and you tug the clothing down as fast as you can, throwing it down on the floor. 
Your eyes widen when Taehyung suddenly, without any delay, holds out two pairs of steel handcuffs and a pink leather – choker looking thing – with a black rubber ball attached to it. 
What the fuck was that?! 
Taehyung chews on his bottom lip as he studies your reaction. He places the toys on the bedside table before he strips himself in only his boxers. Unwillingly, you lick your dry lips from the sight of the prominent outline of his big cock. 
“Sir,” you mewl, eyes drooping down as if begging for something, “W-What’s that?” You point at the leather toy, your heart suddenly pounding out of your chest. 
He kneels on either side of your hips, sitting on your lap as he grabs the toy. His smirk never wears off from his face and you were sure that he was utterly cruel. You feel small under him, not having any control. 
Yet that’s what you like. 
“This is called a gag ball, angel.” He utters in an authoritarian tone, looking straight at your glistening orbs. “It’s to keep your pretty mouth shut.” 
“Oh,” you whisper, the toy intimidating you. The ball was so big though! “Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable?” 
Taehyung leans down on your ear and chuckles deeply, the vibrations going straight down to your dripping core, “That’s the fun of it all, baby. Letting yourself completely submit to me, allowing me to play and torture your body, giving me all the control. It’s what you signed up for, isn’t it baby?” 
Gulping the huge lump in your throat, you nod once.
“Do I have your consent to all of this?” 
“Yes sir.” You say wholeheartedly. You weren’t merely doing all of this for his own pleasure, but for yourself too. You want to explore a lot more and discover new things about yourself that you wouldn’t figure out without his help. Taehyung’s a person you can trust, you’ve come to learn that. 
“Good girl,” he growls, satisfied from your words while his hands reach to grab the handcuffs. “Pick a safe word.” 
Oh god. What will he do to you that requires a safe word? 
Your mind fumbles with random words until you settle with something; “Coffee,” you grin. 
Taehyung hums, nodding as he gets the reason why you chose that word, “Very good, angel.” 
Hearing the metal clinking with each other as he cuffs your wrists to the headboard was making your body tremble. You were so used to gripping on the sheets, on his hair, wherever. And allowing him to remove that sense of touch away from you will make it exciting for him. Taehyung feels his dick tremble when he finally finishes cuffing you, forehead creasing from the hot sight. 
“Shit, baby girl,” he grunts, “Try to pull on it.” 
The metal clinks on the headboard and it slightly stings your skin. Taehyung brushes his hair back, “Mhmm, that’s good. Gonna bruise your wrists – wouldn’t it?” he mockingly asks you as if he doesn’t already know the answer. Before, he used fuzzy handcuffs on you and it didn’t hurt your wrists that much, yet now without the furry material, you were a hundred percent sure that it’s going to mark your skin. 
“Yeah,” you mewl, “It’s gonna hurt.” 
“Aww, you’ll get used to it angel. You wouldn’t even feel the pain when my cock’s pounding in and out your tight pussy.” 
Taehyung uses both hands to grope your breasts, feeling your hard nipples poking up the thin, flimsy material of your bra. He growls and as if something snaps inside of him, he rips your bra in two. 
“Ta– sir!” you gasp, eyes wide. He doesn’t waste any time and he dives his mouth on one of your nipples, sucking harshly as his tongue flicks vigorously. “Oh, mnghh,” you tug on the cuffs and you hiss from the stinging pain. “S-Sir!” 
“I’ll buy you a fucking new one,” he moans, “A much sexier one.” 
He twists your abandoned nipple with his thumb and index finger, your back arching upwards when he applies a tight pressure on your sensitive bud. He growls, licking around your areola. “A-Ahh, sir! Fuck…” 
“Like that?” he mutters teasingly, raising a brow at you as he runs his tongue along your boobs, running it to the valley of your breasts until it reaches your other nipple. He gives it the same treatment, sucking harshly, nibbling sharply. The pain makes your body arch, arms tugging on the restraints again and you wanted to cry.  
“Ohhh, baby,” he fakes being sincere, your cute whimpers and whines feeding the utter dominance in him. It was only getting him riled up even more. “That hurts, huh? Mhmm does it hurt baby?” 
Before you can reply, he does it again – but harder. He digs his teeth on your abused bud and bites on it, rolling it along his teeth as his tongue flicks it again and again. “Aahh! Oh my god!” Taehyung growls and tugs it upward, and you can feel your body burn in pain and pleasure as if you just got electrocuted. He releases your nipple, letting it snap back to its original place.
You whine loudly, your hand instinctively wanting to grope your boob to ease the pain but the cuffs restricted. 
Taehyung throws you an evil smirk, “What is it, hm, little one? Wanna touch yourself?”
Nodding furiously, you beg with your eyes droopy, “Please,” you whisper. 
“Too fucking bad.” 
He grabs the gag and wraps it around your head, your eyes getting a little bit watery. Taehyung looks like a completely different person above you. If his normal self was already intimidating then imagine how he’d be now. He was like an animal, a predator playing with it’s prey before he digs in. You were scared for your life. 
“Open your mouth.” 
He places the ball at the anterior of your mouth and you thought that you’re supposed to put the whole thing in, but no. He instructs you to bite on the ball, leaving it half-inside your mouth. You furrow your brows, it wasn’t even that bad! You look up at him in confusion yet he only scoffs, knowing what you’re thinking about. Taehyung fondles with the clasp of the toy, and suddenly it gets tighter. 
You couldn’t bite on the ball anymore because it automatically feeds inside your mouth, forcing your jaw to slack as you struggle to breathe. You remind yourself to breathe through your nose.
Taehyung leans down and presses a tender, loving kiss on your forehead as he strokes your hair away from your face. “Hmm, is that okay angel? Not too tight?” 
You nod your head. Letting him know that you were alright. Even though you felt helpless, you’ve already completely submitted yourself to him and there’s no going back. 
“Good girl. Since you can’t speak anymore – I want you to kick me when it gets too rough for you, okay? Understood? And I’ll stop completely.” Taehyung breathes out the last sentence, eyeing you up and down like you were some delicious eye-candy. You look beautiful. 
You badly wanted to talk, to address him as ‘sir’ like you were taught to, but you guessed that this was part of everything. You nod fully. 
And with that, he pulls your soaked panties down wastes no time to push his long, slender middle finger in. 
Taehyung hears the handcuffs jingle and your muffled moans as he works his digit in and out, not giving you any time to adjust. “Be a big girl and take it.” He grunts, adding a second finger in. He stretches your walls out, doing scissoring motions as his eyes drink in the sight of your juices flowing out from your drenched hole and to the sheets. 
“Mmm, look at this pretty mess,” he chuckles, “So fucking wet for me already. I don’t even get to do anything and you’re already soaked.” 
Taehyung starts to fuck your cunt with his fingers. Wet, squelching sounds fill the air as your eyes roll to the back of your head. He fucks you knuckle-deep, making fast ‘come here’ motions as his fingers were in a quest to find your g-spot. 
You whimpered into the silicone ball, bucking your hips up as you feel more needier for his cock. You wanted to beg, to yell, but everything was preventing you from doing so. You can feel a layer of sweat form in your forehead and on your back, the air in the room getting hotter. 
“Mm, so tight baby,” he muses, “So tight around my fingers.” 
He dives down and circles your clit with his tongue, your nerves instantly firing up as the hairs on your skin stand from the intoxicating feeling. He smirks, sucking on your clit as his fingers finally found the spongy feeling of your g-spot. He focuses his fingers there, thrusting in and out as he flicks his tongue at an inhumane speed. Your wrists were burning from all of the pulling, hips trembling uncontrollably. 
Your mind gets dizzy in pleasure, moaning loudly when he unexpectedly prods a third finger inside. Three fingers stretch your walls out, your eyes closing shut tight while you yell into the ball. You feel a tight knot in your stomach already as Taehyung continues to abuse your poor cunt. 
“Stretch this pussy out nice and good for my dick,” he growls, “Yeah? You’re already close aren’t you?” 
You can’t even force yourself to nod as you remove all control from your body, letting him do whatever he wants to you. “Cum on my fingers, baby girl. C’mon, hm? Let me taste your cum.” 
Somehow his words send you over the edge, hearing him release deep grunts from the feeling of your walls tightening around his fingers. Your mind clouds in lust as the knot in your stomach snaps, finally gushing your cum out of your system. His fingers were coated in your thick juices when he pulled out, not hesitating to lick it clean. 
The sight was alluring, making your tummy twist. He keeps his eye contact with you and stares at you seductively, sending you a wink as he licks his fingers clean. “Taste so fucking delicious, baby girl.” 
Taehyung hovers his body above yours, whimpering when he starts to remove his boxers. You can never get used to his size. 
His cock was dripping in precum that oozes out of the angry, bulbous head, shaft thick and covered in prominent veins. Instinctively, your hips buck up in need and Taehyung chuckles, the vibrations resonating in his chest as he muses your reaction. 
Taehyung firmly grips his dick and strokes it a couple of times while he watches how your eyebrows dip down, toes curling. You’ve never felt so hungry and desperately his cock since right now. You throw your head back, the gag muffling your moans when he suddenly starts to rub his length through your wet folds, the tip of his cock hitting your sensitive clit. Taehyung mutters curses under his breath, your legs twitching. 
“Fuck, what a sensitive little angel I have right here,” he snarls, slapping your pussy a couple of times. “How can you handle my cock then, huh?” 
“Mmmph, s-sir,” you try to say, batting your eyelashes at him. He cocks an eyebrow up, cupping your throbbing pussy with his large hand, “Yeah? Can you handle it?” He leans down and whispers darkly in your ear, “Can you take this cock?” 
Nodding up and down, “Mhmm!” 
“Good girl, baby.” He kisses your forehead delicately and hums, pressing his tip against your entrance. Closing your eyes shut, Taehyung firmly grasps your hips with one hand. “Mmm, that’s right baby, breathe for me, breathe…” 
Your nails dig into the skin of your palm as you feel your walls stretch from his thick cock. You let out a throaty moan, legs quivering while he tries to calm you down by scattering kisses all over the crook of your neck. You pull on the handcuffs, your body arching back once again, his dick almost halfway in. He was so large, feeling him hit all of the unexplored nerves inside you. 
“Fuck, Y/n, your pussy’s so tight, shit.” His words paired with that deep, raspy voice was making your head spin in pleasure, wanting nothing more than to tug on his hair or scratch his back, but the goddamn cuffs weren’t letting you. You can’t even speak coherently! You feel so good, yet the stretch was burning your cunt. 
Your pussy flutters tightly around his dick when he goes even deeper than before, filling you up. Taehyung suddenly growls while shutting his eyes for a brief moment. And the second he reopens them, there’s a much darker shade of black in his eyes, irises blown out. “Stop fucking clenching so tightly or else. Do you wanna get punished, huh? Y/n?” 
You shake your head no, mewling as you try to relax your muscles. 
“Good. You wouldn’t want that anyway.” 
Before you can even comprehend his reply, he pulls his dick all the way out – leaving just the very tip in, before he shoves all of his length inside. 
“Aaaah, fuck!” You can feel his dick throb inside of you as he starts to pound your cunt, pulling all the way out and slamming it back in. Hearing Taehyung growl right above your ear made the butterflies in your stomach flutter furiously, your hole clenching around him so tightly. He mutters deep mhmm’s and grunts, lost in the feeling of your wet walls. 
He was thrusting at an unbelievable speed, hips moving like it was made to fuck. The pleasure was overwhelming, still so sensitive from your last orgasm and it wasn’t hard for you to grow into another climax. You involuntarily close your legs shut but he places his hand on your thigh, forcing it back open. “Don’t.” He groans, “Don’t fucking close your legs.” 
Whimpering into the toy, you stare at him with glossy eyes while his dick hits your g-spot. “R-Right there!” you yell in a muffled voice, earning a harsh, deep thrust from him. 
Taehyung keeps fucking you into the mattress while he thinks about how absolutely torn you looked. Underneath him, cuffed up and gagged. He couldn’t believe that he finally got you in this position, after all his dirty, filthy fantasies. He was so fucking excited that everything he wanted turned into a reality. The way that your eyes looked as he pounded you was driving him wild. Your big, innocent-looking eyes just staring at him while he destroys your cunt - the contradiction of it all - was so amusing to him. 
Something about you that he couldn’t explain. You were ethereal. Like an unhealthy drug for him. He was addicted to you. 
“You like that baby girl, yeah? Like my big cock slamming into you?” he muses, feeling your walls tightening around him. He chuckles when you struggle to answer, noticing strings of saliva dripping down your chin. He fucks you deeper. 
“Ohh, what a messy little angel i’ve got here…” he leans down and licks the saliva off of your chin, making your body chill from the surprising action. “Drooling all over herself.” 
And it was there again, your climax coming faster than the previous one. Your legs shake as you try to hold it in but it was all too much, happening too fast. You cum all over his cock without the energy of saying anything, your whole body trembling as the sheets rustle underneath you. Taehyung gasps, furrowing his forehead. He can’t move or a brief moment from how tight you were squeezing his dick. 
“Fuck, cum baby, that’s right. Make a fucking mess on my dick.” 
You feel so euphoric, never feeling this amount of pleasure in your entire life. Your vision blacks out for a quick second, seeing little white stars while he continues to thrust his hips a little bit slower this time. 
Taehyung can’t seem to take in anymore so he reaches his hands behind your head and unclasps the gag, removing it from you. You inhale a large breath as you can finally breathe properly. “Sir,” you whimper, your energy drained out, “S-So sensitive.” 
“Shh, shh, baby,” he coos, removing his cock out as your cum drips down to your asshole and down to the sheets. He was still rock hard, and you feel bad for it. “Don’t worry angel, c’mere, let me fuck your throat.” 
You nod, looking up with weary eyes while he straddles your chest, placing the tip of his angry-red cock right above your lips. You open your mouth immediately, making him chuckle, “Good girl.” 
Taehyung pushes his cock past your lips and you instantly moan from the taste of your own cum. He throws his head back, holding onto the headboard as he starts to slowly thrust himself in and out. “Suck on it, angel. Use your tongue.” 
You hollow your cheeks the best that you can, slacking your jaw while you try to take his cock in the best that you can. He was so thick, the tangy-sweet taste of your own cum coating your tongue while you swirled around his tip. His deep moans and grunts were turning you on, encouraging you to do better. Taehyung stops halfway when your mouth chokes around his cock, gagging sounds make him roll his eyes back in bliss. He grabs a hold of your head and forces his dick a little bit deeper, the vibrations of your moans were electrifying his body. 
He quickly starts to fuck your mouth, shoving his length in and out like an animal. He wasn’t thinking clearly as he focuses on the sound of your whimpers and the feeling of your throat closing around him. His cock twitches, your tongue sliding against the underside of his shaft. Your saliva drips down to your chin again as you look up at him with watery eyes. He bites his lip from how hot you looked with his cock choking your mouth. 
“Fuck yeah, that mouth feels so good,” he gasps, “I’m gonna cum angel, gonna cum down that pretty throat.” 
The choking sounds were music to his ears, feeling your throat closing around him repeatedly until he finally spills his hot, sticky load down. Your eyes widen in shock and Taehyung pulls out, starting to stroke his length vigorously. Strings of cum come shooting out, coating your chest and a little bit on your face. You’ve never felt dirtier in your entire life. Taehyung moans out your name, drenching his cock to the very hilt. 
Taehyung never once judged you for who you are. In the beginning, you worried if you’ll ever even reach the expectations given to you. Being his submissive means letting him control your body and letting him do whatever he wants to you with consent. You wouldn’t think in your entire years of living that you’ll agree on something absurd like this. But as intimidating as he is, Taehyung happily gives you the ropes and helps you climb it. You love how he never lets you walk alone. He was always there to guide you – and you love him for that. 
But love? That’s a word holding so much weight. 
Even though you’re starting to learn how to be open and bold, there’s still one thing you’re afraid of. 
Catching feelings. 
You’re still just a normal college student! It’s normal! But when you’re with someone who’s constantly making you feel butterflies in your stomach and making you blush, someone who’s always taking care of you like nobody did – more than your parents did, and someone who makes you feel special – it’s hard not to fall for someone like that. Like Taehyung. And it’s so fucking scary to know if he ever loves you back. 
Thanks for reading and being patient! The taglist is closed, and I apologize if I couldn’t/forgot to add you <3
@taehyungmakesmeoof @cuddleyashlee @jkthethief @reflectionsthings @bangvateez @soft-pjimin @jiminiesthiccthighs @sugarkinky @allforjenrene @inutiledediscuter @hoeseokworld @tata951230 @bangtansubyeondan @bboop-bro @megasecretme @sjt-kpoplover  @pipwhale @fetchingtae @creepysweet @nama4 @cami–yg @nanna022 @honeyhyuckles @lightskintae @zimzimseulgi @bangtan-myhome @taehyungmakesmeoof @rain-fall-2019 @chvrcs @shreya-pjm @dubtae @a-florxscer @aphrotints @livorna @nerdylunagrl @phillixie @jjk-bunny @itskitten123 @jooniejune​ @kookie-and-sugar​ @zxlla​
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appassaddle · 3 years
In worldbuilding, one of the best touchstones you can give people is in arts. Music is especially great because it’s one of the longest lasting sense-memories people have, so giving that to your fictional characters makes them that much more real and relatable. ATLA, as a great fantasy world, makes great use of this (how many times have you sung a song from the show? be honest.) so this is a list of possible musical influences that could be part of the various nations outside of the music we’re given in-show. The musical possibilities with bending and having benders has just... so much cool potentital, because look at what we’ve got without even having powers!
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Check it:
Earth kingdom – lithophones
The Earth Kingdom would have absolutely sick lithophones (instruments made from resonating stone).
Lithophones are also some of the oldest dated musical instruments, going back to prehistoric times, and can be found in locations/cultures around the globe (singing/ringing/sonic/resonant rocks of different types are everywhere) in both natural and man-made settings. (Musical caves/stalactite organs vs carved or shaped settings)
Some examples:
Bianqing: (also known as qing, biên khánh in Vietnam, and pyeongyeong in Korea) A stone gong originating from China, played in a set (or singular) hung on racks, with a characteristic angular shape. (Not to be confused with bianzhong, which are metal bells, often played together with bianqing.)
          [example] [example] [example]
Ðàn đá: a stone mallet instrument from the western/central highlands of Viet Nam. They are a historic instrument and got a revival in the 1950s, so they are fairly common in the modern era as well.
          [example] [example]
          If you’re interested in checking out the work of Viet musicologists, check out their website: https://www.vienamnhac.vn/home-page
For a look into how stone based instruments can be made, check out this report from a small town in Japan that specializes in a specific type of musical stone (sanukite): https://www.kensanpin.org/en/report/no47/
Some examples of instruments made from sanukite: [example] [example]
(I can also totally see towns in the EK having stones specific to their region and their local musical tone.)
Post metalbending revolution they would probably partner up with…
The Fire Nation likely has a strong lean towards metallophones. In Western music the most well known of these would be vibraphones, glockenspiels, and bells. (In the ATLA soundtrack, a notable metallic sound is Azula’s signature sting.) But for the FN, more likely influences could be along the lines of:
Gamelan: this is a genre/type of ensemble from Indonesia, the main three styles being Javanese, Balinese, and Sudanese. (Styles depend on island of origin and cultural purposes.) It has a rich history and cultural importance that cannot be done justice in a few lines her, but it’s absolutely amazing music. Gamelan is used for religious/spiritual purposes, dance, puppeteering/storytelling, theater, general concerts, community gathers, and more. Ensembles range in size and instrumentation, but the main timbre is in the various metallophones (barred, gongs, cymbals, etc.), as well as drums, strings, woodwinds, and singers. [example] [example] [example]
[If you’re interested in learning more, the Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamelan actually has whole video modules via youtube to learn about the various styles of gamelan and multiple sources both print and online to access!]
Steelpan/steel drums: Originating from Trinidad and Tobago, these instruments have a very universal popularity for their bright tone and accessibility. There are many variations on steelpan such as the hang drum, handpan, steel tongue drum, and others. [example] [example] [example]
For the polar Water Tribes, I’d imagine they’d have a much stronger oral/vocal tradition than instrumental, with the exception being portable/durable instruments like hands drums, bone flutes, etc. (So this section is a little less instrument based and more appropriate vibes.)
Vocal/oral tradition: It’s hard to find a culture that doesn’t have some form of oral or sung tradition, but with the cultural influences behind the Water Tribes, I’d guess that a strong tradition would be in throat singing. Throat singing is found in multiple indigenous cultures around the world with various styles of overtone singing (producing more than one tone at once). Some examples are:
Inuit - [one] [two]
Tuvan (Mongolian) - [one] [two] [obligatory plug for The Hu bc they are some of the coolest people on the planet]
Tibetan - [one] [two]
Italian - [one] [two]
Ainu - [one] [two]
Tan Dun, Water Music: Tan Dun is a composer who has done film scores and currently focuses on what he calls “organic music” where the main focus is using naturally occurring materials/sounds. [performance]
Water drumming: One of the coolest ensemble performances, just straight up using water as an instrument. These examples are from Vanuatu and the Baka people of Cameroon. [one] [two] [three] [four] [five]
Sea Organ: Located in Zader, Croatia, this experimental instrument is played by the tides and waves. [video]
Hand drums/frame drums: these styles of drums can be found around the world, throw a dart at a map and there’s probably a style of hand drum from there. They are among the simplest style of drum to make, needing a round frame and hide to stretch over it. Here are just a few examples: [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six]
Air Nomads probably had a hug musical tradition between the temples, skybison herding, and traveling. Both singing and wind instruments were probably very popular (we see Aang being able to play multiple instruments). Simple flutes make good travel instruments and being able to share news and information via song when stopping at towns would be a valued skill (in communities before reading was a common skill, it would usually fall to either dedicated criers or bards to pass along information in an understandable and memorable way).
Singing/chants: Learning songs from around the nations would be fun for those who travel, it’s easy to imagine an informal song competition for the most variety or strangest or most locations or dirtiest ones learned during their travels. But given the strong influence of Tibetan Buddhism on the Air Nomads, some traditional Tibetan vocal music examples (a couple of other examples are under the Water Tribe section as well)- [one] [two] [three] [four] [five]
(Tibetan musical notation is also regarded as some of the most beautiful in the world, I’d strongly recommend taking a look.)
Sheng- This is a free-reed mouth organ from China and it has an incredibly long history. Traditional shengs are handheld with few keys, more modern versions vary in size, number of pipes, and keys. It’s a pretty delightful instrument imo. [one] [two] [three]
Panflute: There a lots of different kinds of panflutes found around the world, the most famous being the Greek and Peruvian styles. Some different kinds include paixiao (China), wot (Laos, northern Thailand), nai (Romania, Moldova), siku (Andean), and kuvytsi (Slavic). Variations include the cut of pipes to produce the sound, arrangement of the pipes, and materials used.[siku] [paixiao] [wot 1] [wot 2]
It would also be very cool to have carvings into the mountains that could be played by airbending oh man.
All of these are, of course, just barely dipping a toe into the vast amounts of beautiful musical cultures out there, but hopefully it helps inform and build on what is there. If something tickles your fancy, please feel free to go digging and find more about it! (If you aren’t sure where to start, I’m happy to help, just drop me a line and I can at least point you in the right direction. I make no claim to be any kind of expert here, but I can get you to them!)
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jonah-aesthetic · 3 years
Jingle Bells I Daniel Seavey
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Daniel X Reader 
Plot:  Your best friend since childhood takes you on a sleigh ride. one you’ve only mentioned once to him. With the entire Christmas vibe he brings to life it’s hard for you to keep your feelings at bay for him.
Word count: 2.9k
Author’s Note: unedited I feel like this piece flopped for me. I didn’t want it too long, but it also dragged on a little. Yet I didn’t think I put enough detail in this one. 
Rating: 16+ (I’m 20 so I’d like my readers to be some what around there.)
Your vision was blocked by a folded bandanna tied around your head with a secured knot or two. Hand tightly locked with Daniel’s, feeling his thumb rub a top yours for comfort. Snow crunched under your Dr. Martens with ease, slightly soft from the snow fall a few days prior. Slow steps as He guided you keeping your location a surprise.
 Your senses felt heightened with your eyes looking into the dark oblivion. The vague bitter smell of horse manure and the rather oddly pleasant hay scent Reached your nose. You wouldn’t have noticed it before, almost feeling like a damn blood hound. Yet it gave a hint on where he was taking you. 
Two hours previous he woke you up, you’re nothing close to a morning person. So you cussed his ass out of your apartment so you could enjoy the fantasy dreams about him. Ones you could never endure in reality, Daniel’s your best friend who you were insufferably in love with. 
Yet he came again, using the spare you forgot you gave him. But this time he came bearing an Eggnog Latte and gingerbread cookie. Slaying the ferocious dragon into silence, the way he always knew how.  The caffeine and baked good keeping you at bay as he told you he at the day planned for the both of you. Although it was a surprise, all he said was dress appropriate for the chilly winter weather and grab a blanket. 
Analyzing everything in your head for a quick second. You realized he was bringing you on that sleigh ride you mentioned once before. Thinking it’d be fun to do during the winter months, you didn’t think he’d actually book an entire day for it. Making it a big thing, you wish he didn’t. Cause it only made butterflies flutter, tempting you to wreck your friendship. 
“Watch your step..” Daniel’s voice is more projected against the snow over ground. Heart slamming upon your rib cage and you swear you can hear it.
“Actually just bend your knees, It’s a stairwell and I’d rather not risk you eating shit. Or breaking a nose in the winter.” At his words you probably figured they were slippery or he didn’t trust you not to slip, you were no doubt clumsy as Bambi, and the man knew it. 
Bending your knees a little, which you curious on why he asked you in the first place. Yet you trusted him with your life, there’s no going back on years of friendship now Seavey. his arms scooped you under your legs and against your back. Bringing you closer to his chest, the motion fast and unexpected as you let of a small whimper. Daniel groaned as he hopped getting a more sturdy hold on you. 
“God you’re heavy.” He breathes, the air from his lungs hitting your cheeks. 
“Then put me down Asshole.” You scold him, slapping his chest, feeling a deep chuckle rumble within. 
“I was joking, you’re not heavy, you’re fine. It was a bad joke anyways. Now hold on I might drop you.” 
“Daniel That’ll be the last thing you’ll do before you end up in hell.” You threaten playfully. You instantly wrapped your arms around his neck after feeling him climb up the stairs. It was a small rocking motion almost like you were on a ride especially with the blindfold on. 
“Was that a death threat?” 
“If you drop me, yes, yes it is.” 
Gasping you felt Daniel fake drop you, it was a slower motion that you thought it would be to actually drop you. Nonetheless it still scared you, clawing on tighter to him. Whitening your knuckles as angry wasps scattered in your stomach. 
“I hate you, I hate you, I have you Seavey.” You yelled still preparing for the fall the would never come. 
Again you could feel the glorious deep chuckle of his erupt from his chest. Vibrating against you, turning angry wasps into love-sick butterflies. “We’re hear anyways.” 
“Than you can put me down and take this damn blindfold off.” You speak trying to reach for it. Daniel’s hand caught your wrist like a reflex. “Not yet, just a few more minutes.”
Opening a door and being engulfed my warmed, you shivered from the drastic temperature change. Bells rang above warning the receptionist that customers have arrived. It was around an hour, or what felt like an hour to you later. Of going over everything for the surprise, from the time to the pricing. Which you weren’t to happy about, yet after all of it nobody confirmed your theory. You knew what it was, but you wanted it to be heard. Though nothing about it was said. 
Nada. Zilp. Zitch. Nothing. Not even a damn crumb. 
Going from warm to cold wasn't as drastic of a change. Daniel still held you bridal style, scared you eat shit. Which you most likely would have, if he let you climb down the steps. You felt very natural in his arms anyways, like to pieces of a puzzle. 
Daniel began to lower you softly letting you go before your feet were on the ground again. Silently thanking him for being on your two feet again. His presence coming behind you, raising his fingers to the knots and began to pick at them. 
“Are you ready?” 
Yes I’ve been waiting all damn day for this. Take it off Seavey.” Hearing him chuckle behind a smile spread across your face. Feeling the bandanna drop, hands flying to your mouth as you gasped. You knew it, yet you were still shocked by the sight of it. 
In front of you was bright red sleigh with gold detailing all around it. Had a massive resemblance to the famous Santa Klaus one. instead of nine reindeer, a beautiful black Clydesdale stood in their place.  On of the bands resting upon his butt had a line of huge bells. Ringing every time he moved, bringing the whole Christmas vibe alive. 
whirling around gazing at him a gentle smile rested on his lips. His blonde hair half tucked under a black beaning. Light stubble dancing along his jaw, making him look older. His icy blue eyes watching you, fighting the urge to tell him you wanted him. Maybe he knew it already, that’s why he took you here, and maybe he didn’t.
“You didn’t have to.” You said shaking your head, 
“I know, I wanted to, I had the money for it.” He shrugged stuffing his hands into his pockets. Why couldn’t Daniel be less attractive! it wasn’t fair. perfect silence emerged over both of you, genuine smiles with adoration for one another hidden behind your eyes. 
“If you Two love birds are ready, I love to show you what this gorgeous winter has to offer.” The Driver spoke, sitting upon the front seat that was two or three feet higher then the main seats in the center of the sleigh. 
With giddy giggles Daniel escorted you towards it, his hand resting on the smallest part of your back. Maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you, but you swear you could’ve felt his hand reach and squeeze your hip. 
Sitting down it was a tight and cozy fit, the bench and the back rest was cushioned with a black leather material. Smooth to the touch and soft as ever, with a clicker of the chauffeur’s tongue, the sleigh bolted to life, cause you and Daniel to fall back into each other. Soon enough the jingle bells rhythm came into ear shot. Making this whole experience feel like you woke up in a fucking Christmas. Unbelievable real.
“Are you okay?” Daniel’s laugh fans your cheeks as he helps you to sit up right. 
“Never better.” You say with an undying happiness you possessed inside. Not feeling the way the cold nipped at your nose making you look like and off brand Rudolph. 
“Here.” He speaks as you watch him unfold a black blanket, a little dumbfound, the thing was massive and surprised you hadn't noticed it before. Handing you one of the corners of the blanket, and instantly wrapped it around you as Daniel did the same. Pulling you two closer together, trying to engulf your body in it as much as you. 
“Thanks” you whisper under your breathe, watching it form into an icy cloud. Glancing at the gold letters embroidered into the corner of the blanket tight. it was a gift from Daniel’s mother giving to you on the day you both graduated. Remembering the words she said to you like it was yesterday. 
“You know I wasn't to ecstatic about new neighbors moving in. But as soon as I saw this sweet little girl playing with my boy. I was glad that your parents’ pick the that house. I Watched you two laughing and giggling in the yards, I just knew you two would be in separable. It’s a shame that boy of mind doesn't see the love that you have for him...”
It shocked you to know that she knew that you were in love with him. You covered your tracks pretty well back then. Controlling yourself around him was child’s play compared to now. She never interfered with the way you felt about him, You were grateful at the time. Now not so much, but it could’ve wrecked the friendship you had-
“Y/N look.” Daniel’s voice cut your thoughts short, His attention of the right. You follow his gaze, spotting nine caribou in scattered in the woods. Or rather nine reindeer, you guessed they weren’t replaced after all. You could feel the sleigh come to a gentle stop, the jingle bells’ song vanished into the air. 
“Oh shit! Reindeer.” No filter with pure shock, 
Curiously watching them from a far, you admired each and every one. Noticing a chunky bell lacing around their necks, like they were Santa's famous reindeer's’ out of the movies. 
“And watch this.” He speaks glancing up at the driver, as if on cue he places his fingers in mouth and releases a high pitch whistle. “Keep an eye out for him,” 
“Keep an out of who?-” 
A  reindeer further into the forest walks towards us, elegant and gentle. Stalking through the snow as if he held pride, significantly larger than all the other reindeer, he must of been the alpha, the leader. 
Amazed at the whole thing you couldn't think of words to say and if you manged something. It’d definitely come out as word vomit. Reaching closer and closer to the sleigh you could her the bell jingle against his chest. Black scribble appeared on the red ribbon clasped around his neck. Soon being able to read the name ‘Rudolph’  on both side on his throat. 
“Isn’t he beautiful?” Daniel asks looking back at you expecting you to say words you couldn’t fathom at the moment. You gulped and nodded your head vigorously. He was more then beautiful he was stunningly gorgeous and massive. You’ve never seen a wild animal in person not to mention this close to one. 
Daniel held a chuckle at your reaction to this entire encounter with Rudolph. Finding your dumbfound shock, adorably cute. In moments like these he dreaded the knowledge of being your best friend and not your boyfriend. Where he could just grab the back of your neck and smash his lips hungrily to yours. 
The adrenaline high was retreating in your veins, causing your mind to process again. The cage of anxiety breaking open as the glance of Daniel’s ocean eyes calmed you down.  
He’s fucking perfect. Look at those dopy eyes, various shades of blues swirled inside them. causing your heart to melt into the bottom of your stomach. All thoughts of common sense started to leave, glancing at his lips. looking pink and soft as ever, god they must taste like heaven, or at least the closest thing to it. 
Best friend. Best friend. Best friend. 
Looking forward you could’ve swore you breathed the same air as Rudolph. Still he was more beautiful up close. White creamy chest that reached to his legs, chocolate brown body. adorable nose that had the softest resemblance to a cow. Antlers sprouting from a top his head, developing towards the sky. A small white box was tethered to his left antler by a black ribbon. Throwing your best friend a suspicious glance, he nodded letting you reach for it.
Clasping the velvet box in your hand, feeling your heart pound repeatedly. Breath caught, anxious of what’s in the box. Feeling your gut tell you this was it and whatever this box contained was going to change everything. Distracting yourself you focused on Rudolph, seeing the way he looked at you. As if he knew what it was somehow. 
taking your glove off with your teeth you reached for him, pausing three inches before his nose. If you learned anything from Draco’s encounter with Buckbeck, was to be patient and let the animal come to you. Although at the end of the day it was just a fucking movie. 
Warmth exploded from your palm to your elbow, smiling you trailed your hand to rest under his chin. His fur softer than you were expecting it to be, yet you didn’t know what you were expecting. “Thank you Rudolph.” You whisper to him soon retracting your hand. Backing away he retreated to his herd, quite as if the encounter with him never happened.
Taking up your spot next to Daniel you glance up at him, “What is this?” You asked breathlessly. 
“Open it.” He says, voice a tremble and couldn’t help but think that he knows. Was this what a best friend break up was like? Staring at it you forced the top open, but you let it go. Snapping shut without a glimpse. You shake your head, gulping feeling the bile rise. “I can’t Daniel” 
His hand comes into view, twice the size of yours. Veins scattered along his knuckles, red from the cold. Taking the box from you grip you stared at your fingers, missing the feeling of his hands on yours. 
“I’m in love with you.” He blurts in out like it was nothing new to you. Your head whipped so fast you got dizzy. His eyes were genuine, you always knew he was lying. The way he would glance up and down then to side. Tongue poking out with a fiddling of handing, but he didn’t show any signs. He was a good actor though. 
“She told you.” You accuses like a defensive mechanism. You guessed Keri thought you moved on with your feelings for Daniel. There was no other reason you could think  of. 
“She did.’ He confirms, Nodding his head. Was this was this a joke to him? Cause it wasn’t fucking funny. You shook your head feeling the fire burning in your blood. 
‘I can’t do this.” You speak, removing yourself from the seat and jumping out of the sleigh. Starting to head back in the direction you think the farm was located. The cold weather bite at your body, but you hugged yourself too furious to care. 
“Leave me alone Daniel.” You could here him chase after you, with the ay he was breathing. 
“Mom told me you wouldn’t believe me.” His voice getting louder. 
“Maybe you should’ve kept it to yourself Seavey, better yet you should’ve let me sleep in.” You were hurt, and you didn’t know how to comprehend any of this. 
“I love when you talk about things you’re passionate about. Like the colors on your paint palette, how you mixed blue and purple for the perfect shade of magenta.” 
That was two months ago and you remembered the excitement you felt. After hours of mixing you finally made the exact shade you wanted. Daniel was the first one you came to, as he was at your apartment. 
“Daniel stop.” using his name the way you were was like a sting each time. 
“Or the time you hit that sparrow, you pulled over as so soon as you felt the bird hit the grill. You dug him a grave with a used spoon in the truck of my car. Gave him a funeral and forced me to speak at it like it was lost friend. It was the day I finally realized I love you with every fiber of my being.” You could hear the strain in his voice. 
That happened two fucking years ago. 
“It’s not fair.” You speak stopping in your tracks, a good distance away from the sleigh. Feeling his presence behind you, you let him reach out for you. His hand turning you to face him yet you faced the ground feeling like you lost a damn war, defeated and drained. 
“I know it’s not and I’m so incredibly sorry.” He sounded like he was begging for you. 
“Okay.”  you didn't know exactly what it was for, but you felt like it was needed. 
His hand came to rest on your cheek wiping a tear you didn’t know slip. His touch delicate against your face, tilting your head up he caught your lips against his. His lips were soft as you fell into sync. Tasting like cinnamon and peppermint. Pulling him closer you lost yourself within him, the feel, the smell, and the touch of him. 
Kissing him was like finally finding the last piece of your puzzle, the way both of you fit perfectly together amazed you. He tasted like heaven and heaven tasted like home. 
Felt like I could’ve added more, but its already long.
I hope you enjoyed this piece.
Also if ya made it to the end comment which Why Don’t We guy I should do next. 
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Vibes Dream SMP members give off (in my opinion)
Barked at people in high school ironically but it became unironic real quick
Can’t cook very well but is good with a knife, especially at a fast pace
One of those kids who either purposely spells the first word wrong in a spelling bee to just be done with it right away or tries the hardest and manages to win (there is no inbetween for this heathen)
Bites ice cream with his teeth
Has snorted pixie stix far too many times and sneezed blue after each time
Eats bananas with the peels
Wears mismatched socks
Has taken a bite out of a pool noodle because he liked the texture and impulsively bit it (ADHD things✨😌)
Walks around looking extremely high but he’s just spacin out and stuck in his head
Dreams (lmao) in Minecraft and video games in general
Will flirt with anything that moves but has no idea how to respond to compliments
Makes fun of himself first before anyone else can
Has eaten an orange peel and it wasn’t that bad in his humble opinion
Wears khaki shorts
Eats the wax part of the baby bell cheese
Doesn’t actually know what genre his music taste is cause he vibes to everything
Picks at the skin on his lip when it’s dry so it bleeds and he tries not to give in by licking his lips often enough to the point where it became a habit
Wears velcro shoes because he doesn’t feel like tying them (he knows how, he just doesn’t wanna do it)
Eats peanut butter straight from the jar
Makes that disgusting “ants on a log” thing (celery stick filled with peanut butter topped with a row of raisins)
Can’t drink milk plain, it’s gotta have some sort of flavour
Can draw a perfect straight line but his circles look Terrible
Eats cheez-its like cereal without milk
Loves making little noises so much like he walks around his house doin chores and he’s just goin “memememenownownwnkwkshskshkshskhs”
Hates wearing socks
Coloured his tongue with highlighters because they’re non-toxic
Constantly tapping his feet and hands to a song/beat playing in his head
I can’t imagine this man using a bike of any sort, so Imma say he doesn’t know how
Can’t be licked by dogs because he’s used to being licked by his cat so it makes him uncomfortable
Can actually sing pretty well but gets real nervous in front of people so he fucks it up
No idea how to cook anything other than Mac and cheese please help this man
Meows at cats because he wants to confuse them and laughs Way too hard when he does (his laugh is like sunshine so I’ll allow it)
Would be fantastic at braiding hair Idk why
Gives the BEST fuckin hugs EVER
When singing, he makes noises for the instrumental parts too
Wanted to play the drums at one point
Really likes pit bulls but he’s more of a cat person so he loves them from afar
Only vaguely knows how to shave his face properly without hurting himself
Opportunities for him come up out of pure luck but mans is skilled for them so it works out well almost Always
Used to or currently has a skateboard and isn’t too bad
ALWAYS has bruises appearing everywhere for no reason, he doesn’t even know where 90% of them are from
Calls his friends twinks to jokingly bully them and gets away with it because he himself is not a twink
Gets sudden bursts of energy in the middle of the night and just shimmies around a bit to try and deal with it
Favours spearmint over peppermint
Banned from three (3) Dave & Busters in Texas
Washes his hands after doing literally anything
Likes the bird exhibits at the zoo (specifically the penguins)
Very good at cooking, best at soups and stews
If he painted his nails they would definitely be a baby blue
Overthinks very simple things and it makes him look less smart than he actually is
Drinks tap water
Probably prefers whiskey over beer
Knows how to tap dance a bit
Surprisingly good at taking and handling shots
Steady hands
Adds extra chocolate to hot chocolate
Plays sudoku and is really really good at it (only uses pen when he plays)
Everytime he sees a Himalayan salt lamp he NEEDS to lick it despite knowing it’s very salty and he’ll pull a face afterwards
Not great at Rock Paper Scissors
Wears sunglasses inside for no reason at all, he just,,,Does
Still has a stuffed animal from childhood perched on his bed
Probably tried his hand at archery
He has no idea how to use a baby voice on children or animals, so he just talks to them normally
Wears socks to bed
His fingers are double jointed
Always starts twitching if he stays still for too long because he’s gotta move around
His shoes and have different laces and it bothers everyone but himself
Doodles on himself in class when he’s bored or not paying attention
Has really good hearing, both with pitch and volume
Can’t eat tomato’s by themselves, it’s either gotta be in sauce form or with something else
Terrible handwriting
Favourite part of a slice of bread is the crust
Wants to paint his nails black to be cool and edgy but his hands are far from steady and he has no clue how to paint nails
Pretty affectionate with close friends (like Tubbo and Wilbur) off stream/camera
He likes pears for some reason
Wilbur Soot
Is constantly having to decide between leaving his hair as is or shaving all of it off
He also thinks about adding some colour but never actually does
Most tea is gross to him
Everytime he puts a breath mint thats circular in his mouth, he pretends it’s a pill and he’s taking drugs because he thinks that’s funny
He does that vacant state as a joke but that really what he looks like when he’s spacing out
Likes to aggressively flirt with his male friends but if his female friends flirt with him, he gets a bit flustered
Has probably accidentally swallowed a guitar pick
Once drank two entire jars of pickle juice
Bonks his head on anything and everything
He has broken a pair of glasses by walking face first into a pole outside
Thinks kinetic sand is fun
Has passionate arguments with others about trivial and random topics like chicken feet
Can open a beer bottle with his teeth
Would accidentally pop and swallow a bracket if he had braces
Hates sharp cheddar cheese
Everytime he learns a new word it’s in every sentence he says for the next week or so
Ate candle wax for a dare once
Doesn’t know how to tie a tie and will probably never learn
Wanted to do ballet at one point but decided not to
He has eaten multiple flowers for absolutely no reason other than wanting to know how they taste
Starts vibrating if he’s too excited
Used to bite his nails
Has eaten paper and says it doesn’t taste that bad
Enjoys telling his friends how much they mean to him (this has resulted in Tommy and Wilbur crying on a few seperate occasions)
Spaces out a lot and doesn’t often pay attention to his surroundings
Gets lost inside of Best Buy’s
Likes s’mores but doesn’t properly understand how to make them
Learned to cook purely out of spite and found it’s actually pretty fun
Constantly getting smacked in the face by trees when walking outside
Really likes apple pie
Everytime he looks at potatoes he thinks of all the hours he spent trying to win the potato war
Starts things as a joke and gets too into it
Doesn’t like the taste of most energy drinks
Has rubbed salt and lemon juice into an open wound to just,,see how it felt (he did it once and Hated it but did it again because he forgot what it felt like)
Sometimes hates how quiet he is because everyone he knows is loud and talks over him
Despite how he is portrayed in the Dream SMP, he is extremely loyal to his friends and would kill for them
Over seasons his food because he can’t taste it otherwise
Really good balance
Doesn’t like to wear bright colours, but still enjoys wearing colours
Good at knitting
Actually fairly quiet when off camera
Will accidentally use Spanish grammar while speaking English sometimes
Country music confuses him
Doesn’t really like kids but they really like him
Can’t dance
Hardest drugs he’s ever done is second hand smoke from a cigarette and children’s Tylenol
His favourite jolly ranchers are the red and blue ones
He uses lighters as fidget toys basically
Will have a breakdown, take a bubble bath, and call himself the self care king
Wants a pet rat but he already has a cat and doesn’t wanna risk anything
Constantly questions why his main source of income is playing Minecraft with two 16 year olds
Karl Jacobs
Probably ate a spider once
Would wear those socks that are like gloves for you feet where it separates all the toes
Eats ravioli straight from the can, cold
Can answer an incredibly complex math equation fairly easily but will stumble over 12x11
Loves kids so much and speaks to them in a soft voice
Tried making ramen in a coffee pot and broke it
Drinks 2 monster energy drinks a day on average
Likes to open walnuts with his teeth but doesn’t actually eat them
The embodiment of that one John Maulany joke where he says you could spill soup in his lap and HE’D apologize to YOU
Loves physical affection so so much!!!!
If he moves his wrists in a certain way, they pop Really Loudly
Fantastic at making cookies
Lowkey actually a furry but more on like, a cat boy level than fursuit level
Drives a Honda Civic
Likes ABBA
Adds parsley to almost anything he makes food-wise
Loves garlic bread so much, he’d commit a federal crime for it
Middle child vibes
Decent at skiing
Good at singing but isn’t terribly confident
Seems responsible at first glance but in reality he’s pretty chaotic and childish
Bad at spelling
Always cuts his nails way too short so they always feel weird/hurt
Likes bracelets and rings
Thinks pastel colours slap
Despite the character he plays, he’s actually really sweet
He’s genuinely that cryptic off camera as he is on camera
Can cook but chooses not to most of the time
Would probably say “what pussy size you wear” to anyone who asks him to buy pads
Not actually as intimidating as he appears to be
Lowkey would fight a child
Shuts down when someone compliments him, often using aggression as a front because holy shit they just called him handsome and kind what the Fuck-
Jokingly says his license is suspended but in all actuality he never got his license in the first place
He has two (2) extra teeth but they don’t need to be removed so he kept them
Has a stick n poke of a stickman on his ankle he got in high school
Likes physics
This is already very long, and I still plan on adding more.
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your-local-vamp · 3 years
I disappeared off of the face of the earth for a while, but I’m back ya’ll!! I need to get used to the whole writing and then posting it thing haha. Anyway! I’ve had this idea for a really long time, but was very much procrastinating on writing it. Whoops. But here it is! It’s honestly mostly focused on the whole conflict within the vampire’s mind. I like to show different sides of them. My last one was straight up a stalker, but this one is a liiiiiiitle different, you’ll see :)! I need to shut up before I spoil the entire thing out of excitement lol. Oh and also! I finally took it upon myself to research how I can write better, make it easier to read and stuff. So if there are some errors or if anyone has advice for me, please do leave a comment! Also also, I have a habit to listen to badass vibe songs while writing/reading, so if you’re interested in some recommendations, hit me up! Okay that’s really it. Have fun reading!
Again, this story contains some explicit themes (blood, character death, overall just being angsty af) so make sure to check the tags before reading!
Running From Death
I once again find myself drinking in the bar located a few blocks from my apartment. That intoxicated feeling I get after a few glasses is amazing to me. It’s pleasant to feel good for a change.
Being here also allows me to converse with the humans. Which is… Interesting to say the least. Their different personalities, lifestyles, stories. I happen to eavesdrop into conversations from time to time, which results in me hearing the most outrageous stories sometimes. May they be true or not, they interest me.
I try not to attract too much attention to myself, but I fail in doing so most of the time. Blame it on my charismatic vampire looks, I guess. Humans often strike conversations with me, but I’m not one to complain. I like talking to them when I get the opportunity.
The bell attached to the front door rings. A woman enters the bar. “Oh god, it’s her again,” someone in one of the booths behind me sighs. Hmm, must be a regular. I come here embarrassingly often, enough to call myself a regular as well, but I haven’t seen her before. She’s very handsome looking.
My hand covered with a leather glove tightens around the whiskey glass.
“Control yourself, please. You’ve practiced this many times before.”
It repeats in my head over and over again. Unfortunate things usually happen when I’m drunk. It saddens me, because I wish to not hurt anyone. I was a human once too. And I want to remember the memories from back then. Try to do ‘human’ things. But it’s hard, especially with-
“Hey, how are ya doing?” A voice interrupts my intrusive thoughts.
I look up and see the handsome woman sitting on a stool next to me. Her voice is lively and confident. But it’s probably just the liquor talking.
“Just thinking.”
Oh god. She’s totally wasted. I now notice that she can barely even sit up straight without falling over. I can’t help but smile at her actions though, it’s almost endearing in a way.
“Just contemplating life, really.”
“I came here to do the exact same thing!” the woman says.
“How so?” I ask, now completely interested in her story.
“Ugh, where do I even start? My shitty boss fired me today. And you know what the most fucked up part about it all is? The fact that I’ve been working there for years! I did so much for his company, but he decides to just fire me, because ‘he’s gotta cut some people down’. So, I came here to drink my sorrows away. Well, I may have already visited two other bars, so I’m kinda far gone already haha.” The woman keeps on rambling, without actually making eye contact with whom she’s talking to. But I happen to listen to every single word.
“Why did he have to cut people off?” I question the woman.
“Pfshh, I don’t even know. Not enough money, I guess. He could’ve fired literally anyone else, but-“ she interrupts her own sentence, while her eyes make contact with the bartender, “-Hey! Can I have uhhhh. Whatever he has?” she finishes, while she absentmindedly points at my own drink.
She seems to have forgotten what she was talking about before, she’s just staring at the bartender until her drink is ready.
“And what’s your excuse for being here?” she asks, while taking a sip of her whiskey.
“Just taking a break from drinking blood and killing people.”
Well, that’s what I should’ve said if I really wanted to be honest. But being honest isn’t my reality. Lying has become my forte over the many years I have been a vampire. I don’t exist in the eyes of humans. And it should stay that way.
“Just taking a break from life.”
Yeah, that should do it.
“I come over here to share my entire life story, and all you’ve got for me is that? Damn.”
Or not.
“My life is really not that interesting,” I quickly add, trying not to blow my cover.
She takes an observing look at me. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my entire existence. She gives me the feeling like she can look right through my lies. “Hahaha, I’m just messin’ with ya. I don’t like to pry into people’s lives like that anyway,” the woman smiles.
Phew, I barely got away with that one. I return a signature smile to her. The one that makes everyone all the more invested in me, it seems.
*a few hours later*
The handsome stranger and I have been talking for hours. I lost track of time a while ago. Talking, or rather listening to her, reminds me of my human days. I used to help my elder neighbors with chores around the house, but ended up listening to them for hours and hours. I knew that when I had finished the chores, there would be a nice hot cup of tea and cookies waiting for me. The elder couple loved to share their stories with me. I know now that most of them were of pure fantasy, but at that time they were something I would so eagerly wait for to hear.
This woman gives me that feeling of nostalgia. The excitement of finally hearing the story I have longed for. It’s odd, since I have only met her a few hours ago. But somehow I feel like I’ve known her for a really long time.
“Nghn, my head hurts…” She snaps me out of my thoughts. “Woah there, don’t fall off that stool now,” I say, while carefully taking a step towards her. “C-Can you take me home?”
I look at her with disbelief.
Did she really just ask me to walk her home?
“U-Uh, I can call a cab for you? Or ask one of your friends to come pick you up maybe? I’m sure that-“
She looks at me with eager eyes. Her intention is really for me to take her home. If only she knew what I really am. I sigh. “Let me go to the toilet first, then I’ll walk you home.” I finally surrender to the human.
The entire way to the toilet I ask myself what I’m getting myself into. I shouldn’t be doing this, I know that all too well. But I can’t just keep hiding my true feelings all the time. I want to live amongst humans. I know that we can coexist. As long as I control myself, everything will be fine.
I sigh, take my gloves off and use the toilet. My head is suddenly throbbing like hell. I can feel that my body is trying to fight the urge to kill every single soul in this bar. Everything spins.
“Hey, you ready or not? I feel like puking!” I hear the woman urgently knocking on the door. “Y-Yeah, I’ll be out in a sec!” I shout back.
I quickly finish and go back to the bar. “Let’s go,” we hurriedly exit the bar. She does so, because she needs to get home asap. And I do so, because of obvious reasons.
I can feel that I’m starting to lose control. It was a mistake drinking this much. I’m usually okay with drinking a few glasses, but this woman has a certain effect on me. And it’s not a positive one. Not while I’m drunk, at least.
The woman is currently walking behind me, laughing at her own jokes. All I want right now is to drop her off as fast as I can.
“Ah, shit!” I hear a loud thud.
I look back and see that she is now sitting on the cold concrete.
“What happened?” I ask, clearly concerned.
The woman shakes her head. “I’m so clumsy, I literally just stumbled over my own feet haha.”
God, we’re never going to get anywhere like this. “Oh nooo! My new pants! Ugh, this stuff always happens to me.”
I take a quick look at her leg and notice that the fabric is ripped open. She took a great fall apparently, otherwise that wouldn’t have happened.
“Damn, I’m bleeding too.”
That’s all she had to say to make my eyes turn red and making my fangs expose themselves. I quickly turn around, hoping that she didn’t notice my weird behavior already.
“Are you okay…?” she asks, proving my thoughts wrong. I disregard her question and return it with my own.
“Is it bad?”
I don’t know why I’m asking her that. No matter of how bad it is, the mere smell of her blood is driving me insane. All I can think about is that right at this moment.
“Uhm, no I think that I’m okay.” I can hear that she’s getting up and has started to walk towards me.
“Please, don’t come any closer.” I say this with a serious tone, hoping that she’d cease to move instantly.
“What’s wrong? It’s not even that bad.”
Fuck fuck fuck.
I can’t hold the urge back anymore. I never want to hurt humans, but I also can’t forget of who I have become. I’m a vampire. To stay alive, I need blood. Alcohol has terrible effects on me.
It’s like drinking water with salt in it. You’re drinking, but it worsens your thirst because of the salt. Alcohol only enhances my thirst for blood. I’m learning the consequences of that now.
The woman has come even closer to me. I turn around, only to see a reached out hand with blood on it. I try to fight the dark side of me with everything I have. That side of me gives in, eventually. I resist the urge and grab her wrist, only to warn her to stop.
However, this action suffers a great consequence. The woman looks at me. The white of her eyes turn dark red.
Wait… I look at my hand, having a firm hold on her wrist.
“My gloves!” is all I can utter at this moment.
I have forgotten my gloves in the toilet area. How can I be so stupid… I’m unable to touch any living being with my bare hands. If I do so, it dies. Everything I touch turns into dust. It’s a curse I have carried with me ever since I turned. It has barely posed as a problem the last few years. But I… I touched her without gloves on.
“W-Wait. No. I’m sorry, please!” I beg for my actions to reverse themselves. But what happened cannot be undone.
The woman’s eyebrows furrow and her eyes look back into mine, filled with betrayal. “H-How cou-ld y-ou,” she chokes on her own blood. She is in immense pain, I can tell. I let go of her hand, terrible guilt now washing over me.
She takes a look at her shaking hand, which gets covered with popping veins inch by inch. The sounds coming from her are agonizing. She stumbles backwards, now nearing her end. Tears roll down my cheek, as I carry her.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know my gloves were…” I’m unable to finish my sentence, as my non beating heart breaks seeing her mouth all covered in blood clots.
It’s ironic, really. I was barely able to resist the smell of her blood before, but now even though I’m covered with it, I don’t seem to mind.
Her body shivers uncontrollably, until it stops moving at all. I hold her limp body, watching my tears fall on her veiny cheek.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” I keep repeating it, somewhere having a wishful thought that I could go back before all of this happened.
But her body stays unmoving. I scream and I scream, all of my human feelings washing over me now. This shouldn’t have happened. My ignorance allowed this to take place. And I will never forgive myself for it.
I hear sounds of a crowd nearing by. In total panic, I let go of her body and hide in a nearby alleyway. I crouch and hold my hands over my own ears, trying to ignore the screams that are coming from the spot where I just killed a human. The tears are now streaming down, my thoughts racing. What have I done? I should’ve never went to that bar in the first place.
Fuck, I need to get out of here before they find me. I try to leave the guilt there and run from myself as fast as I can. I am a monster. And no matter how hard I cling on to the little humanity I’ve got left, I will always remain one.
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Chapter 25 -- Perfect Harmony | Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Emily Fox is a talented 17-year-old with a passion for all things music. Her dream is to become a successful singer-songwriter one day. But to achieve that dream, she needs to get into one of the most prestigious music schools in her district – it’s all been part of her plan since she was six. Sadly enough, those schools cost a ton of money that her parents don’t want to invest. They don’t even want her to pursue her dream. So, now Emily’s hustling, working at the music store to save up to get into college. That’s until she meets Charlie, an annoying seventeen-year-old boy with the same dream as her. The only difference is, he’s just doing it. He doesn’t need a fancy college to pursue his dream to become famous with his band. He just writes his songs and books small gigs here, there and everywhere. Will meeting Charlie defer her from her dream college, or will he actually help her achieve the dream?
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x OC (Emily Fox)
Warnings: mentions of death, sexual assault
Important note: the characters of Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and Madison are based on the characters they play on the show and i do not own their names, only OC are mine. The songs aren’t mine either, they’re all from the show except for one.
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~|Emily Fox|~
The boys and I have spent every waking hour together, working on music, working on the band. The dark void in my heart having been filled up by these three wonderful dorks and our music. While I’m building up my idea of a new future again, the boys have been building me up; giving me more confidence in my singing and my being. They supported me with every thought or idea I had about what college to go to or what idea I had for the band. Anything I said, the boys were 100% behind. It’s rewarding and refreshing to find a group of people to vibe off of so easily, especially after being a time apart and realizing how big of an impact they make on your life. It’s brought life back into a world that has crumbled apart. ��That sounded tight, you guys!” I say, high-fiving Jeremy when we call in a break on rehearsals. “I can’t wait to play these songs live!” The boys chuckle while putting away their instruments or, in Owen’s case come from behind their instrument. “If we ever book a gig again,” Owen says solemnly. “Don’t give up hope, you guys. I’m sure we’ll book something soon,” I reassure them, and myself. Besides the Open Mic Night, we haven’t had the opportunity to play anywhere. Mostly because I was coped up in my room, crying all the time, and didn’t see the band for a good week. But you know… Still sucks. “Yes. You. Will!” Mitch’s voice resounds in the store. I hadn’t even heard the bell over the door ring; we were too busy chatting about gigs and rehearsals. “I think I might have a gig for you, Muffin.” He holds up a piece of paper, smiling smugly. “At the Orpheum,” he replies. I glance over at my bandmates to check if they heard it too. Judging by their bulging eyes and surprised glances, I’m sure they did. “Albeit it’s a school event, but you know… Still the Orpheum!” “What’s the gig exactly?” I ask, urging him to elaborate. “Bobby’s old school is holding a benefit. At first, they wanted to just do it in the school, but they booked a lowkey famous band and sold so many tickets, they can’t pack them all in the gym. And they’re looking for a band to open for them. You want me to make a call? I think you being Bobby’s niece will help us out a little.” I look up at the boys to see what they’re thinking. They’re eyes are sparkling like never before. The Orpheum has been a dream since they were Sunset Curve. “Please, try!” I tell Uncle Mitch. He grabs his phone and dials a number. The boys come closer to me as we watch Mitch in anticipation. We just hear a lot of ‘yes’ and hums until Mitch hangs up. “What did they say?!” I ask impatiently when he’s not telling us anything for an agonizing minute. Mitch almost looks upset, like he doesn’t want to disappoint either of us. “EMILY AND THE FOXES IS PLAYING THE ORPHEUM, BABY!!” He shouts really, really loudly. The four of us burst out into cheers and happy jumps and high fives. Without thinking twice about it, I grab Charlie’s face in my hand, staring into his eyes, and yelling, “THE ORPHEUM, CHARLIE!” When I realize how close we are, I slowly let go. For a while, we just look at each other until Jeremy and Owen make us snap out of the trance. That night, we celebrate in Jeremy’s garage with pizza, a movie and just each other’s company. My heart is full.
“Your VIPs are here,” Amanda, the showrunner, tells us as she knocks on the door of our dressing room. Today is the day; we’re playing a gig at the Orpheum. The gig we’ve been practicing all day and night for. “Come in!” I shout and get ready to greet Mitch, Madi and Charlie’s and Jeremy’s parents. Instead, I find my parents head in first, followed by two people I don’t know. They’re around my parents’ age. Neither of them seems too happy to be here either. “Mom? Dad?” I hear Owen say as he joins me at the door. “Surprise!” Madi and Mitch say at the very same time, showing off jazz hands. “Y—You… What? Huh?” Owen stutters and stumbles over his words, not sure what to say. I know they don’t have the greatest relationship either. He must be as surprised, if not more, as me. “Your Uncle Mitch called us,” mom starts with a small, careful smile on her face. “He caught us up on everything and told us about your show tonight…” dad continues. “We didn’t believe our little girl was playing the Orpheum!” I glare at my mother. “I thought you didn’t want to support my music career?” I ask, gritting my teeth. “We didn’t at first… But you have to know, Princess, we’re very proud of how far you’ve come,” says dad, placing his hands on mother’s shoulders. “Yeah, I came this far without you. Instead of you supporting me and believing in me from the start, I had to turn to my uncles. They didn’t choose to take care of me, but they did anyway. They love me and support me with everything I do.” Mitch gives me an appreciative smile. “I came this far because of Madi being by my side every single moment of every day I was angry and sad about my own parents not even loving me enough to be behind me 100%.” She grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles. “I came this far because of Charlie, Jeremy and Owen. They all became my family who supported me and cheered me up and comforted me because my own family couldn’t even do that for them.” I turn to Owen’s parents. “With all due respect, misses and mister Joyner, but your son is the most amazing and thoughtful person I have ever met. He’s been like a brother to me, and I can’t believe you as his family would ever do to him what you did to him. So, I’m sorry…” I turn back to my own parents. “But unless you’re all 100% behind us, I want you to leave.” “Emily…” Owen starts, but his father interrupts him. “No, she’s right, Owen. We should’ve been there for you and listened to you to learn about your world. We shouldn’t have reacted the way we did and we’re so sorry…” “We’re really proud of who you’ve become, Owen,” his mom chimes in, “Because you’re proud of who you are and everything you’ve achieved all by yourself. So, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive your old folks?” Owen glances at me, and after I’ve given him an encouraging smile, he launches forward and embraces his parents. My heart swells at the sight. “Emily…” my mother captures my attention. “Please, let us stay? We really are sorry for what we did to you. We should’ve never kicked you out. We should’ve never doubted you could make something of yourself. You’re part Mancini after all…” This is the first time she’s ever even slightly mentioned Uncle Robert. “I see so much of my brother in how you act and how ambitious you are… Please, let me just witness how you grow into a performer the way he did?” She sniffles, and that’s when I realize I’ve started crying too. I nod my head, granting them the permission back into my life, and the three of us hug. Mom holds me the way I wanted to be held so many times since the day she kicked me out. It’s nostalgic and rewarding. “What a sight this is,” Uncle Mitch says and when I look up, I find Charlie and Jeremy hugging their families too. For a while before the show starts, all of us hang out in the dressing room with our families. Luka, Owen’s sister has joined, as well as Jeremy’s two brothers. I’m glad I got to know all of them. Now, our Emily and The Foxes family has grown from the band-plus-Mitch-and-Madi to one big, happy family. Nothing can take this away from us now.
I take a deep breath, glancing over at our families in the front row, and after hearing Charlie’s “You got this”, I start playing the first notes on the piano to our new song. “Running from the past Tripping on the now What is lost can be found, it's obvious And like a rubber ball We come bouncing back We all got a second act, inside of us” The boys then chime in with their instruments as I grab the microphone, joining the boys to jam out with them. “I believe I believe that we're just one dream Away from who we're meant to be That we're standing on the edge of Something big, something crazy Our best days are yet unknown That this moment is ours to own” I turn from Jeremy to Owen and then to the crowd. I can’t look at Charlie yet. I know that if I do, I’ll want to kiss him, and we can’t have that. Got to stay professional. “'Cause we're standing on the edge of great” “On the edge of great” “Great” “On the edge of great” “Great” “On the edge of great” “'Cause we're standing on the edge of great” Charlie then takes the next verse whilst I walk out to the edge of the stage to interact with the crowd. “We all make mistakes But they're just steppingstones To take us where we wanna go It's never straight, no” I glance back at him as we sing together. He even gives me a little nod to beckon me to him. “Sometimes we gotta lean Lean on someone else To get a little help Until we find our way” Instead, I walk to Jeremy’s side of the stage, giving those people a bit of attention. “I believe I believe that we're just one dream Away from who we're meant to be That we're standing on the edge of Something big, something crazy Our best days are yet unknown That this moment is ours to own” I make my way back to Jeremy, dancing along to the rhythm he and Owen are giving me. “'Cause we're standing on the edge of great” “On the edge of great” “Great” “On the edge of great” “Great” “On the edge of great” “'Cause we're standing on the edge of...” I step onto the piano stool to give me a boost onto the grand piano itself. I crawl across, staying put on the edge as the boys and I go for the bridge together. “Shout, shout C'mon and let it out, out Don't gotta hide it Let your colors blind their eyes Be who you are no compromise Just shout, shout C'mon and let it out, out What doesn't kill you makes you feel alive Ooh-oh” Jeremy and Owen quit playing their instruments, and though we’d said this would be an a Capella moment for me, Charlie’s guitar riff surprises me instead. As I kneel in the middle of the piano, he makes his way over to me, giving me an encouraging smile. “I believe I believe that we're just one dream Away from who we're meant to be That we're standing on the edge of great” While I hit the high note, standing up onto the piano, the boys continue with the chorus. “Something big, something crazy Our best days are yet unknown That this moment is ours to own” We lapse into the chorus again, the crowd getting rowdier and cheerier with the second. This feeling right here is one I want to feel forever. With Charlie and Owen and Jeremy. And with Madi and Mitch next to me. The boys quit playing their instruments after the last chorus as I take my seat behind the piano again, securing the mic into the stand. To my complete surprise, I feel Charlie coming to sit next to me, and we sing the very last bit together in the same microphone. “Running from the past Tripping on the now What is lost can be found, it's obvious” As the crowd breaks out into a loud cheer, I can’t move anymore. All I can do is stay put and stare into Charlie’s beautiful hazel eyes that I’d missed so much. I inch closer. He inches closer. All the way until our lips touch in a soft, love-filled kiss. A kiss I’d missed for so long. “I love you, Emily Fox,” he whispers, his forehead pressed to mine. “I love you too, Charlie Gillespie,” I whisper back. Little do we notice my microphone is still on until the crowd bursts into even louder cheers. The both of us look up into the crowd first, then to Jeremy and Owen, who simply give us a proud smile, and then back at each other. He grabs my hand in his and leads me towards the middle of the stage where the boys join us too. Jeremy takes my hand, and Owen and Charlie hold hands too. The four of us take a bow, soaking in the feeling of the cheers at the Orpheum. We actually played the Orpheum. Emily and the Foxes. Me and my boys. Me, my two best friends and the love of my life. Forever. Together.
Taglist: @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @gingerxarmy​ @lovesanimals​ @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @ashleyleblancx​ @calamitykaty​ @lolychu​ @bookdealer5​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @hemmingsness​ @siennanoelle01​ @iainttakingshitfromnobody​ @ifilwtmfc​ @luckylouiebug​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @camiladelrio98​ @myfriendscallmebeans​  @caitsymichelle13​ @thedarkqueenofavalon​
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yue-muffin · 3 years
Ultimate Note (2020)
Episode 1
I put off watching this one for long enough, but I am back with my wildly inconsistent dmbj watch-blogging adventures! Gosh, do I miss this series.
I honestly love how barely anyone reprises their role in this franchise, and if you’ve been in for a few seasons worth of dramas, it barely even fazes you anymore. The cast this time includes Zeng Shunxi as Wu Xie, and his name did not ring a bell until I looked at his profile - he was Zhang Wuji from the 2019 Heaven Sword Dragon Sabre! Not sure what popular consensus is, but I liked his performance there. Then, we have Xiao Yuliang who is actually reprising his role as Zhang Qiling from the flashbacks in Tomb of the Sea. He doesn’t 100% fit my image of Zhang Qiling, but I thought that about Cheng Yi and ended up loving him, so. Cheng Fangxu is a new addition as Pangzi. Haven’t heard of him or seen any of his works.
Aside from the main cast, there’s Liu Yuning who is playing Hei Yan Jing??? I honestly would have pinned him more of a Xie Yuchen and I also forgot he is also an actor haha (I know him from Our Song/我们的歌).
That’s all the speculation from me, time to get into the episode itself!
Serious talk for a moment.
One of the reasons that this series is so appealing to me is the slow integration of the overarching conspiracies behind the mysterious places our main characters have visited, and the fact that the mysteries begin to tie into the characters’ histories and pasts is the motivation to keep watching. The character relationships are the glue that binds all of the zany events together.
This series is one where I seriously wondered why I was still watching it well into TLT2, because it isn’t the type of genre I usually watch. It just has a lot of charm, strong enough to endure the multiple cast changes and out of sequence timelines.
Anyways, episode 1, here I come.
I loved the opening sequence, as it gives you a mysterious vibe - the sort of wonder you get when you look at an abandoned building and try to imagine the lives that once inhabited it. I also appreciated the recap. It’s much needed at this point, especially given the timeline of the dramas’ release dates, the change in casts, and the absence of the heavenly palace arc.
The episode opens with a scene that will very soon become the bane of Wu Xie’s existence: Wu Sanxing running off without a word, leaving Wu Xie to chase after him looking for crumbs of the truth and possibly uncovering even MORE trouble than if his uncle simply told him what was up in the first place.
Then, of course, the highlight of my day was seeing Wu Xie so damn possessive of ANYTHING that involves Xiaoge. He snatched that box up so fast as soon as Pangzi said “Zhang Qiling” lol.
There’s also something hilarious about Pangzi being fed up with the empty tape and kind of joking about a hidden code in the static, only for Wu Xie and his uncle to take it seriously and take a closer look. Love the family resemblance lol.
I am definitely missing context with the whole heavenly palace/Changbai Mountain segment of the story but the great thing about dmbj is that I’ve long gotten used to missing parts of the story but can still enjoy what I’ve got right in front of me at the moment. Anyways, apparently Xiaoge is supposed to be elsewhere but he is actually once again stalking Wu Xie lol. Wu Sanxing was right, without his friends, Wu Xie probably would’ve died several times over at this point haha...
Ah Ning shows up again! Less antagonistic this time, and I really like how she is portrayed across the shows honestly. Definitely a sort of frenemy haha. It’s going to take me a bit to get used to this actress, I still prefer TLT2 Ah Ning the most out of all the ones who have played her I think?
Also lol at Hei Yan Jing following Xiaoge around.
??? Wu Xie doppelganger! Or is it the other way around? Now that’s not something I expected. Nor do I recall reading about it in a spoiler, which is pretty amazing given all the events I’ve spoiled for myself. Also has something to do with the missing women who were part of Wu Sanxing’s archeological expedition team...
Oh no, Wu Xie is going off alone on this one. He’s lucky that Xiaoge is following him, otherwise he’d probably end up being monster chow or something.
Really going for horror movie vibes with this one, haha. That creepy hand reaching for him under the bed and the accompanying soundtrack...
I love how he’s self-aware about his habit of waking the dead with his prodding around tombs and coffins lol...
Eeey, Xie Yuchen! Seems more straightforward than he was portrayed in TLT2, though perhaps that’s due to the situation/subject. 
And it looks like this notebook is starting to tie everything together.
Yes, Xiaoge, come save Wu Xie! He doesn’t even realize he’s got a creepy thing stalking him lol.
Ooh, blooper reel in the credits! I love bloopers haha.
Anyways, first episode done, and I look forward to seeing what the rest of the season has in store!
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