#Ultimate comfort food series ✨💖
soft-serve-soymilk · 19 days
I LOVE TALES OF !!!!1!!1!11 🎉🥳🎊☀️🌻
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valkblue · 2 years
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4: Bonus if they kinda do disturbingly look like they have some some of a, say, major substance abuse issue
6: … 👀
8+19: Go ahead. Nerd on.
9: *happy baby yoda sounds*
24: Don’t cheat and pick a shapeshifter. 👁 👁
27: … including the ones that got marbled or scrambled in the meantime. 😔
30: Go ham fam.
40: I’m actually curious. 👀
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4. Favourite character from original trilogy?
I have a few favourites!
Luke. At first, I was just like 'Ok, nice guy', when I was myself a little girl and didn't quite fully understand the whole story. But I grew to love him a little more each time I watched the films and started to understand him better, as I was myself growing up.
Leia. She's head-strong, reliable, courageous and speaks her mind. She was right in the alley of characters like Xena, Sam Carter, Sidney Fox, Scully… and that I loved so much.
Lando. I was genuinely shocked when he betrays Leia, Han and Chewie the very first time I saw the film as a child!! I was very confused and sad… but I also felt all the more relieved when he finally gets back on their side before the end! 🤣
…and Larry Obi-Wan, of course!
6. Do you have any ships?
I'd love to fly a light freighter or a gunship like Din's. I'm not quite sure I'd feel comfortable flying a starfighter like a X-Wing or TIE. Powerful and efficient but a little too claustrophobic to my taste, sadly… I like to be able to walk in my ship, change decks and store shit in it you see?
Ah… You meant another kind of ship, right? Ok, I like Leia x Han, even though Han is kind of a creep sometimes. 🤣
8. Weapon of choice?
A blaster. No need for a heavy one, something light and not too clunky would do. (Not an Echani weapon either 😛) But I'd love to try a Deece with whatever attachment too. 👀
19. What type of outfit would you wear?
Whatever outfit I would choose, I truly hope I'll end up with a super cool jacket with A LOT of pockets!!! I'd love strong boots too, something that feels undestructible.
But I must admit… Jedi outfits look incredibly comfy. They all look like they are in their pajamas… and I kinda envy them that. 😩
9. What food from Star Wars would you want to try?
Actually, I did try one! The Uj cake👌 I even have perfected my very own recipe for it now. Kandosii!
24. Would you want to be human, or from another species?
I can't shapeshift?!?! 😲 What is this tyranny?! Well, in that case, I'm fine with staying human-looking then. I kinda like the Bothans, though…
27. Top 3 planets to visit?
No marble, no scramble—I'd say: Naboo, Arvala-7, and Bespin. ✨ (but also maybe Concord Dawn 🤫)
30. Do you have any headcanons?
Wato's business crashed after he lost Ani, and then Shmi. He never had any other slaves before or after them.
Taun We likes the clones in her weird Kaminoan detached way, and maybe Boba even more so, but the little shit despises her (and rightly so, all other Kaminoans) even though he's treated well, just because he sees Jango act like an asshole and talk shit about them… and he's mimicking his parental figure, like kids usually do. Even cloned ones.
Maybe it has been said somewhere in the EU, but I suspect Palpatine to be able to use a battle meditation. Also, he made Dooku unable to speak after Anakin 'disarmed' him, and he influenced Anakin's mind through the Force to kill him against his better judgment. *queue tortured violin music*
Also, I would have rewrote the final fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan. It would have been a better dogfight and his injuries would have been from a crash... (but yeah yeaaaah, it needed lightsabers fights and duels, I know…)
40. If you could make your own Star Wars trilogy/series, what would it be about?
It would be about Canderous' stories 👀 The whole basilisk thing and raids, seeing Ordo and the clans challenging each others, Mand'alore the Ultimate, up to their defeat against Revan… 😩💖
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