#el. texts
mcrcki · 9 months
[ elain → inner circle🦇🌟 ] : [image attached] [ elain → inner circle🦇🌟 ] : hiiiiiiiiiiiii srorry [ elain → inner circle🦇🌟 ] : fcuk the matse thing no mor presur e :))))))))))))
@rcvcrics | @tragcdysewn | @lcngliive | @lavendaers
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Duke, Jason, Damian and Cass who only knew Kon and Tim during their "I would burn down the world for you" era asking the rest of the family how Tim missed their obvious chemistry, how he's been oblivious to the person he's been in love with since the day they met.
Steph, Dick, Bruce, Alfred and Babs, who all got a taste of their initial Young Justice years where Tim was one second away from framing Kon for murder, just exchange amused looks.
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ca-dmv-bot · 3 months
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abisalli · 29 days
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doodle requests from instagram <3
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starsapphire · 10 months
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my-secret-shame · 7 months
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Gods and Monsters
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superbat-love · 5 months
Jor-El: You look troubled, my son.
Clark: It’s nothing.
Jor-El: There’s definitely something on your mind. Tell me. My knowledge database of this planet and technological capabilities have significantly improved. I may be able to help.
Clark: Well… [mumbling] I think I’m in love with Batman.
Jor-El: That would be an unwise choice. You should find someone whose moral values align with yours. Compatibility is important in a relationship.
Clark: Batman is a good man!
Jor-El: Your infatuation with them has adversely affected your language skills. It should be ‘bad men are good men’. In the Earthian language, they would call a good bad man an oxymoron. I would be happy to provide an Earthian refresher course specially optimized for your learning needs. Introduction to Lesson 1-
Clark: No, I don’t need an English lesson please. Not bad men, Batman, aka Bruce Wayne. You’ve met him before.
Jor-El: I see. A wise decision, Kal. With someone as bountiful as him, Krypton 2.0 will be repopulated much earlier than our target date and all will be well-provided for. Sending out the robots for construction of the underground tunnel between the Fortress and the Wayne Manor.
Clark: W-What?!
Jor-El: As per the Earthling’s time-honored tradition, I will dispatch our delegates to inform everyone from here to Gotham of this delightful news immediately.
Clark: Wait! [hears the distant trumpeting of marching band drones and a booming “Attention citizens!”]
Jor-El: Leave the preparations to me, my son. In the meantime, please look over this schedule that I came up with for the both of you.
Clark: [stares at the schedule appearing in front of him and turning red]
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luthienne · 5 months
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Mohammed El-Kurd’s full remarks from today’s 500K person march in London (13 Jan 2024)
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butterflysonnets · 25 days
14 year old mike wheeler, monologuing to eleven: i knew from the moment i met you that i loved you
12 year old mike wheeler, the moment he met eleven: crawl out my window and go knock on my house's door so my mom calls child services on you and you can go back to pennhurst asylum or whatever because i'm way too busy — wait did you say you know about will? where is he? is he okay? you can live in my closet if you help me find him
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ahaura · 1 year
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Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone This Is How You Lose the Time War
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mcrcki · 1 year
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Was that [VICTORIA PEDRETTI]? Oh no no, that was just [ELAIN ARCHERON], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES]. They are [TWENTY TWO] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here -
just barely a few hours, honestly, i'm thinking she's gonna be one of those people who just immediately showed up and girl is not doing super great with it. elain is not someone who handles big changes well, so this is ?? a lot
what is your character’s job -
once she is settled in, she is absolutely going to be opening a bakery!!
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom -
ok i have not finished acosf yet, we are about ???? a quarter of the way through, so that's where i'm pulling elain from. the last thing she remembers is feyre telling the inner circle that she's pregnant! i'll update this as i finish reading, the book is just CHONKY and it's taking me longer than the other volumes lmaoo
has any magic affected your character -
nope! elain is the same elain as always, honestly, she's been changed enough from magic she is not looking to get her memories or anything else messed with, thank you so much!!!
other notes -
damn do i love a soft vibe tragic backstory bitch, this time in faerie form! so original!! anyways, elain is my angel and i don't want to hear anything bad about her ever thank you so much goodnight -- pls enjoy me info dumping the current hyperfixation
elain is the middle child of the archeron family, having always been closer to her older sister nesta in comparison to her younger sister feyre. their mother always claimed elain was going to marry for her looks and for love, her family constantly putting a lot of weight into her appearance for that
she's always found some sort of peace and quiet in gardening however, though her love of baking didn't come till later. tending to her garden was one of the few things that elain still had control over, when everything else in the archeron life was falling apart
she and her father are the only ones who are affected by tamlin's glamour once he takes feyre to prythian.
this girl is just so kind, she is sad over the death of a like great aunt that literally never existed but she is still bummed about it
just wanted to travel the world and see flower festivals with feyre and enjoy their lives together and then so much shit goes wrong so fucking fast !!!!! so--
ok at this point im going into spoilers for a court of mist and fury and beyond so anyone reading ( @ jodie and risa ) don't read on !! all you gotta know is this is a sweet summer child and i would die for her
during acomsf elain is engaged to a human boy, the son of a lord who just absolutely hates faeries. homeboy is like a doomsday prepper but for faeries invading the mortal lands. so ofc when feyre comes back with just a whole fucking group of faeries, elain is understandably a little worried and she doesn't want it to get back to her fiancé. she stuck around for the meeting though and honestly good for her, she is loyal as hell and we love her for that
and then she's just kinda gone until the end of that book when she and nesta are fucking kidnapped and forcibly made into faeries by being thrown into the cauldron by the king of hybern, to literally just prove a fucking point, to make it clear that it can do that!!! (there is so much more during these scenes that i dont want to explain bc again spoilers but damn the end of that book is a nightmare of drama)
anyways, elain is tossed into the cauldron like a sack of potatoes and just dumped onto the fucking floor, having gone through possibly the most traumatic thing anyone could really go through and light of my life, dumb bitch #1 lucien really looks at her and goes "you're my mate" like my love, some tact. time and place
i love lucien don't get me wrong , just that line in the midst of everything?? what a time
mor takes the sisters away from hybern, hides them up (i think up at their cottage???) , when feyre goes back to the spring court with tamlin. enter the poor way all of prythian handles trauma --
(literally is no one in all of this faerie or human lands a fucking therapist , pls can we get the sisters to talk to ANYONE)
ok a court of wings and ruin -- elain has gone almost completely nonverbal with grief and ptsd and very poor adjustments!!! except for some weird freaky cryptic comments that everyone just looks at her like "ok honey let's go back to bed"
she has not accepted her change into fae, and spends like weeks just crying and talking about her upcoming wedding to greyson. like genuinely, all i want to do is hug this woman she needs a good hug. esp cause, while again i love him, lucien is not helping matters like at all. he's doing so much, and it's just.. buddy pls some space (i would love a lucien tho so they can maybe one day talk about their shit together)
either way, elain is finally starting to talk a little bit, but again it's that cryptic shit, that after a few weeks of it, the only person who seems to actually understand what's going on is azriel! shoutout to you az! cause surprise, the cauldron made my girl a seer!!! and she is so afraid !!!!
anyways, she starts to kind snap out of it once there is a name for what's going on, once people start realizing that she isn't like.. out of it, just seeing the future. she starts to bake with nuala and cerridwen-- the two maids rhys employees. literally that is one of the biggest things that pulls elain out of this mess of grief that's in her mind. it's still her solace even now, baking is where things make sense for her. she loves gardening, but there is something about baking that just clears her mind like nothing else.
eventually the inner circle makes their way to greyson and his family's estate for the express purpose of trying to get them to agree to take in human refugees in the upcoming war. they glamour elain so that she still appears human but my boy jurian is out here being a bigger gossip than the suriel and already told them everything. greyson like screams in elain's face to end their engagement (and i became a nesta stan in that moment ty for slapping the shit out of that boy)
losing greyson for good really set elain back off on the bad path of nonverbal constant crying. she barely leaves the war tents, only moves outside of them when the camp has to move, and is just going through a terrible heartbreak like pls can she catch a singular break!!!!!
she sure fucking cant!! bc she gets kidnapped by the cauldron and taken into the heart of hybern's camp almost immediately after!!!!!!!!!!! again shoutout to azriel for just jumping right in for that rescue mission with feyre , you're a superstar.
so war happens , elain stays mostly out of it thank god, she is not a fighter. but i will die on the hill that she deserves recognition for killing the king of hybern!! ik nesta cut off his head but elain is the reason nesta was still alive!!!!! to do it!!!!! she is the person who stabbed him first!!!!!! and she deserves that title just as much as her sister!!!!!!!
elain and her sisters lose their father in the fight, and while elain is in mourning , she goes to visit the memorial spot that feyre had created for him quite often. but she returns to velaris with her friends, her new family and is honestly, pretty well adjusted by the end of it, like she's really coming out of this on the other side doing pretty well all things considered.
for the novella -- elain's visions are mostly gone, she is adjusting well, honestly she's just vibing, baking and hanging out with the twins, there's a lot of like innerworkings of her relationships between lucien and azriel and pls don't ask me who i ship her with i simply do not know and would rather her just be happy with no man before she gets stuck in something for centuries
ok final bit i promise i know my intros are always disgustingly long but a court of silver flames!!!! this is where i'm pulling elain from, but since i am still reading it, she is only going to be pulled from the first like quarter of it
the last thing that elain remembers from home is feyre and rhys telling the inner circle that they're expecting, and her fight with nesta at the house. she remembers nesta snapping at her over their father's death, when elain wanted nothing more than to just check on her sister, to make sure hse was adjusting well. she left the house crying, having thought the training with cassian was supposed to be helping nesta but, she is more skeptical than ever.
here in dc, elain is definitely going to be like, relieved to find people that she knows, will be settling in with her bakery once she is .. adjusted. she doesn't handle change super well so it's gonna take some time before she feels confident in the city but i cannot wait until we are at that point
connections :
✩ friends!!
honestly please just be her friend , she is such a kind soul and will look after you and be the sweetest person, i just think she would do really well with a group of friends that like lift her up and are more high energy than her, just good vibes
✩ employees
once she opens her bakery, she's gonna need people to come work for her so :)))
✩ maybe someone she could nanny for
i think while she is getting used to the city and settling in she might try to pick up some odd jobs here and there before she settles into owning a whole bakery and i think she'd like the idea of helping people like that
✩ someone to help her adjust
like a guide to dc kinda vibe, someone that can explain the modern world, help her out so she doesn't feel like she is burdening her family by having them have to like walk her through all of this
✩ trauma bonding buddies
someone wanna talk about their issues with her and provide a safe space so she can finally talk about her own shit!! thanks sm !!!
✩ potential ship
i genuinely don't know if i'm going to go with canon ships or whatnot and would love to have elain just like.. branch out before she settles into anything. this would be CASUAL like not an endgame ship right off the bat (obviously if chemistry works out we can chat but) mostly just looking for someone to make her feel like she is not stuck with some predestined fate
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harringroveera · 9 months
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How Billy and Will first met each other
Inspired by @ventya text post
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lemonlimestar · 1 month
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attempt #99 of ridding the world of that stupid t-shirt&jeans ensemble
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rueisblue · 1 month
Tim: you ever sitting with your siblings and then remember 2/3 of them tried to kill you?
Kon:no… Jon has never tried to kill me Tim…
Tim: oh yeah
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ktsghost · 11 months
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panel redraw
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geryone · 6 months
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Rifqa, Mohammed El-Kurd
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