#dude only wrote disturbing stories
rynnaaurelius · 5 months
I'd really love the sci fi reading list, if it's not too difficult! Thank you for your explanation
Yes! Okay, requisite this is Not Authoritative Or Comprehensive claim, I'm a dork with a Russian degree, but here we go:
(I tried to organize this chronologically because if I did it thematically we would be here all day. Also, I still have more books, but they get increasingly niche. This is a Greatest Hits playlist, and if you look these people up, you will find their contemporaries)
(Long list below the Read More)
Jules Verne — 80,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth. Excellent continuations of that exploration/'ostracized' genius figure, so popular in the previous century. French, so English translations. Kinda marks the transition point between 19th c. pure spec exploration and what we would call sci-fi. BUT BEFORE HIM...
Mary Shelley — Frankenstein is probably the first sci-fi novel as we know it. BUT BEFORE HER...
Margaret Cavendish — Okay, the 'first sci-fi novel' is hard to define for obvious reasons, but The Blazing World has as good a claim as any. Published in the 17th c., so it really traverses the genres, but includes a utopian kingdom accessible via the North Pole. Her husband was so impressed that he composed a sonnet for her, which serves as the epigraph for the novel; it's a wild read in the same way Robinson Crusoe and other early novels are, and I'm mostly including it here because it's so, so wild to read in 2023.
John W. Campbell — That dude. The hero's journey guy. His short story Who Goes There? Has been adapted a million times into a little movie called The Thing. Unfortunately got really into race science, so Isaac Asimov told him to fuck off. Edited the magazine Astounding Science Fiction, which in 1939 published Black Destroyer by Alfred Van Vogt, usually cited as the beginning of Golden Age sci-fi.
H. G. Wells — Big critic of class divisions in Victorian English society, coined the term 'time machine' as we think of it in his novel...The Time Machine. A lot of what we consider 'classic' time travel tropes were, if not invented here, had their seeds planted here. Also famous for War of the Worlds, leading to a MINOR disturbance when Orson Welles did a dramatic radio reading.
Edgar Rice Burroughs — the man, the myth, the legend. If I could persuade you to read one white English sci-fi author with rather dubious politics, it would be him, if only because of how influential he was. Mostly famous for Tarzan, but he also wrote a whole series about Hollow Earth that crosses over with Tarzan at some point (Pellucidar), as well as the series Barsoom (A Princess of Mars and its sequels), and Amtor (Guy named Carson Napier gets transported to Venus, which was a watery hellscape, as was popularly theorized for a while).
They're basically pulp comics before pulp comics, published in magazines, extremely lurid and dramatic, and he did write his own crossovers. These were what the first modern superhero comics writers often grew up reading and what inspired them—John Carter's cultural cachet was borrowed by Superman until it became his cultural cachet.
They're very fun, but also supremely products of their time, and extremely fond of the British Empire.
Judith Merrill — prolific writer and editor, who also wrote one of my personal favorite reactions to the atomic bomb in Shadow on the Hearth.
Gabriel García Márquez — we're gonna take half a sidestep into magical realism here (which is, to define quickly, a genre incorporating the fantastic into otherwise realistic narratives, often formed and associated with decolonial and post colonial Latin American fiction, but not always. It's a fuzzy genre). He wrote in Spanish, but I read him in English. One Hundred Years of Solitude is probably one of the great novels ever written. My mother is also telling me to rec Love in the Time of Cholera and she wrote about the man, so listen to her.
Jorge Amado — the sixties were the big magical realism heyday. Amado was Brazilian and his Dona Flor and her Two Husbands is a book my Spanish high school teacher made me swear to read some day.
Andre Alice Norton — Deserves a spot for being one of the most prolific sci-fi authors of all time during a time when sci-fi was INCREDIBLY inhospitable to women. Over 300 books!
Robert Heinlein — This man is the poster child for "male author who writes groundbreaking sci-fi novels but cannot be normal about women with a gun to his head". The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress is excellent and incredibly important for how comprehensive the creation of Luna and its workers was, even if it is very sixties free love. Also wrote Starship Troopers, the novel.
Edward Smith — you haven't seen drama until you read what they said when Lensman (first book is Triplanetary) lost to Foundation for the Hugo in the sixties.
Larry Niven — Fleet of Worlds! Ringworld won a whole host of awards and deservedly so in 1970. Fair warning, his stuff decidedly falls under "hard" sci-fi (lots and lots of discussion for plausible alien artifacts), though it is awesome just in terms of how he can communicate scale. If you see a big ring-like structure in space, you can thank this guy, basically (the term ringworld comes from here). Also did a bunch of co-writing. I haven't read his other stuff, but CoDominium is on my list (he co-wrote it. First book is The Mote in God's Eye). If you liked the TV show The Expanse when it did the alien stuff and the later books it never got to adapt, you'll love this guy.
Samuel R. Delaney — Dhalgren is a book I am forbidding you to research before reading. Go in prepared. You have been warned. You will either love this book or set it on fire.
Stanislaw Lem — Solaris. I started this novel last week after watching the Tarkovsky film and. It's doing something to my brain, that's for sure. It's a book where I have to read every sentence twice. If you read it, find a good translation if you don't speak Polish. The author famously is very mad at critics who use Freudian analysis for it, so tread carefully (it's about the limits of rationality and our ability to understand, so. Fair).
Joanna Russ — The Female Man is a seminal work of feminist sci-fi. It's—fascinating, to be honest. Discusses socially enforced dependence of women on men and the creation of a different gender, a "female man", when the protagonist chooses to reject it and thus her socially enforced gender. I wouldn't call it a transgender manifesto (written in 1975, features insufficiently masculine men undergoing sex change surgery, so...yeah) but it definitely awoke something in my brain when I was 16 lol. I would LOVE to see it revisited in literary criticism from a modern perspective, especially from trans people.
C.J. Cherryh — If we talked about female sci-fi authors from the 1950s-70s writing under gender ambiguous aliases, we would be here all day, so I'm picking the one whose books I got for cheap at a book sale. Her Foreigner series has such a good premise with descendants of a lost Earth ship and interstellar court drama, and it's SO fun.
Poul Anderson — the name is not a typo, do not look up Paul Anderson, you will never find him. I actually have a copy of Three Swords and Three Lions currently collecting dust on my shelf and judging me right now as I wait to read it. Tau Zero is one of the greatest things I've ever read. The time dilation stuff gets kinda dense at times, but he incorporates some interest in his Swedish history and folk tales into it, and his explanation of travel at the speed of light and incorporating that into his discussion of nationalism is incredible. The ending where they survived [REDACTED] and landed on what may have been [REDACTED] has been bouncing around my brain for a bit now.
Laura Esquivel — Like Water for Chocolate is from the magical realism reading list.
Salman Rushdie — Midnight's Children is one of those bucket list books, for better or worse. Recontextualized Indian independence from the British and the Partition through framing of a husband telling the story to his wife, as he actively tells the story to her. Really uses the fantastical versus the real w/history versus truth so well.
Nancy Farmer — The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, for the kids lying about their age on Tumblr dot hell. Three kids try to escape a kidnapping after sneaking out—in 23rd century Zimbabwe. With the help of three mutant detectives. It rules.
Ben Okri — Okay, I have not read his stuff yet, but it is on my list. Other people here have discussed his influence on them in post colonial sci-fi. His big one is The Famished Road, first in a trilogy, and renowned for its discussion of the spiritual and realist world coexisting in African animist spiritual life.
Nnedi Okorafor — I have read one of her short stories, Remote Control, and currently have an book list with her other stuff on it. Other people I know vouched for her work. She specifically writes Africanfuturism and Africanjujuism centered around her Nigerian background, and follows on from the likes of Okri and Octavia Butler. I'd also add if you're a Stephen King fan when he's in Dark Tower mode, she's probably gonna have things that appeal to you.
Mentions that are absolutely influential but don't need explaining on this website: Franz Kafka, Ursula K Le Guin, Douglas Adams, N. K. Jemisin, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Frank Herbert, Alduous Huxley, Philip K. Dick, Orson Scott Card, Kurt Vonnegut, George Orwell, Octavia Butler, Neil Gaiman, Toni Morrison.
(to be clear: you SHOULD read them, but you probably know who most of them are and/or why they're big deals. Most of them are also incredibly prolific, and explaining their bodies of work are other posts. Trying to make a list about other folks)
For more on Afrofuturism,(not to be confused with Africanfuturism), I recommend the shit out of Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture, full of short stories and guides to art and music. I, alas, lack similarly useful authoritative guides to other genres, but I have read that one, so wanna toss it out there. There's so much.
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theindescribable1 · 6 months
Story Time Saturday #1
Can You See Me? ((Fiction))
((I wrote a little book for me and my family & friends only. It was called "Can you See Me?" It was a light horror book. I added disturbing and uncanny details in the book, but for your sake...I'll just write a tiny version of it with me and my frkends instead of the book protagonists. Its not that great, the book is better, but here you go!))
One time I was with my friends, just hanging out! It was a nice night, the stars were bright and twinkling. The moon was full and bright. Me and my friends decided to go on a river walk! How fun! We walked along the moonlit river and listened to the sounds of nature. We were enjoying our peaceful time together until I heard one of my friends ask; "can you see me?" I looked over to who I thought was talking and said "Of course we can see you!" But my friends gave me a strange look before saying "No one said anything, dude." I was about to tell them what I heard...But I didn't want to spoil the mood. We eventually came to a stop when we saw a large amount of ripples in the water. One of my friends said "Hey! I didn't know there was fish in this river." I was about to comment when I once again heard someone ask; "Can You See Me?" I looked around once more frantically. I looked over to my friends and asked if they heard the voice as well, but they all looked at me like I was crazy. I remained tense and nervous as we continued to walk about the river. Then I heard a whisper that sounded as if it was right in my ear... "I can see you..." I spun around and searched for the source of this whisper but I never saw anything. My friends decided that I must be having some sort of hallucinations, so they took me back home. I kept trying to convince them that I wasn't lying, but they all assumed I just needed sleep or I was straight up crazy. They left me back at my house, alone and still wondering... Who or what was talking to me? Why was it me? Why couldn't my friends hear it? I went to my computer and searched up the river that me and my friends were walking on and I saw an article on it. I searched through the article and daw that 3 children had drowned in that river. The children were very young, and they loved to play games by the river. They liked to play hide-and-seek, tag, and for the youngest child of all... Peekaboo! I see you!
Meh :p
Bonus: Go watch "Obey the walrus" tonight in complete darkness with headphones on :D
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harringrove-groove · 2 years
Billy’s love-hate relationship with sex
I wrote it in series of tweets and didn’t bother to edit it yet, but maybe you’ll enjoy it :D it starts out as a headcannon but then actually develops plot :’D enjoy <3
I like to imagine Billy swings from being very sexual to barely being able to stand being touched completely casually. He always try to act like he’s into it, and maybe one time he overdoes it or maybe Steve’s getting that good at reading him-
because Billy’s ready to go, even to he has to suppress a cringe every time Steve’s’ hands touch new part of his body. but then, Steve just stops. he backs up a little bit and says “I don’t think you want to do it right know” and just kisses him very gently
and Billy’s so grateful- not only for stopping but also not making it a question, not expecting Billy to explain, because he can’t, he have no idea why sometimes sex is all he’d like to do and other times it’s makes him break in cold sweat
and just like this, Steve stops every time he sees The Signs. sometimes Billy actually tells him to continue because he’s great, just pent up and desperate for it. but they never have sex when he has his “cold” episodes. They don’t talk about it, either, really
the first time Steve decides is a thing that needs to be put in words is when it becomes obvious Munson is going to become a permanent fixture in their sex life. bc Eddie’s sweet and really empathetic, but Billy’s great at hiding and his body language gets really confusing
so one time, after he witnesses Billy putting himself on Eddie’s lap even though The Signs are obv for Steve, he puts his foot down and interrupts. Eddie looks immediately anxious and Billy looks pissed of and relieved at the same time. Steve knows he’s embarrassed,
but continuing like that will end up in everyone getting seriously hurt. but his boyfriend liked bluntness so he says “Billy doesn’t always like sex and he has no idea how to say that so he just goes with it” Billy cringes and Eddie immediately pales.
“oh my god, Billy” he gasps, letting Billy off his lap “shit, sorry, I haven’t had any idea, i’m so sorry, did I ever-” Billy interrupts him harshly. “yeah, you didn’t know, bc i didn’t tell you, stop being sorry” and then grumbles, “you didn’t do anything I didn’t-
-want you to. besides, Steve’s always in the guard dog duty” Eddie blinks at them and asks “when now, then?” They end up staying at Eddie’s trailer for whole night. They watch tv with uncle Wayne and pass a joint around them. Wayne smokes too and tells them hilarious-
stories from his time in the Navy. they’re only mildly disturbing and Wayne spends pretty consequential amount of time shitting on people like Billy’s dad, who all had to had inferiority complexes due to being nobodies in the military
when Steve and Billy leave in the morning, Billy’s weirdly quiet. Steve’s about to ask what’s wrong when he says “do you even like Eddie?” and when Steve glances at him, he looks anxious. “what do you mean?” he asks carefully. “I mean do you like him. as a person.
outside sex. do you see us hanging out. without sex” Steve blinks, suddenly feeling extremely quesy. “Billy- you know you’re allowed to just have friends, right?” Billy snorts derisively, and rolls his eyes. “i’m talking about the kind of sexless hanging out we do”
Steve’s fluent enough in Billy speak to realize that by that he means “romantic hanging out” “being in relationship” he supplies. “stop being a fussy” Billy says, kind of frowning, but there is a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “so?” and… steve doesn’t know
“I-” he stammers and Billy’s face stays carefully neutral “to bo honest i don’t know if I can feel romantically about Munson. like, I like him, he’s a good dude, and i like when we hook up with him, but like. I don’t feel any connection” Billy starts looking subtly disappointed-
-but Steve’s not done talking yet, “but!” he exclaims, “you know, if you want to. you could. with Eddie specifically. I mean, I wouldn’t mind. no! even more, if you want it, the. I want it for you! like we can still fuck the three of us, but if you two have feeling during that-
-I wouldn’t mind, of course not! Like, I get it, we basically spend most of the time with Eddie and-” the unexpected sound from the passenger seat. Billy’s crying. “shit, fuck, baby, i’m sorry, it’s not what you want? sorry, should let you spea-”
Billy shuts him up by putting his hand on Steve’s mouth and growls “every time you open your stupid mouth I convince myself i’m still in the coma and my brain is making you up” before Steve can decide whether or nor he should get offended, Billy continues-
“because there is no other reason for you to be able to always say the fucking greatest, most generous thing in a whole world” Billy laughs but it’s the kind of wet laugh that always comes with crying “what the fuck, you’re reacting like I asked for a dog, not to cheat on you”
“it’s not cheating if I give you a go ahead” Steve says, and then adds quickly so Billy can’t argue “besides, you’re handful also outside the bedroom, so I guess the extra pair of helping hands in this department can’t harm things” he shoots Billy dirty look-
-but the other boy still just looks kinda disbelieving. “look, can’t hurt to try, right?” the he gets serious “you have to promise me one thing though, babe” he says and Billy relaxes like yeah, favour, he can do favours and barter for things he wants. “yeah?”
“the second you’re uncomfortable with something, sexual or not, physical or not, you tell me or Munson. and if you feel like he’s not listening to you, you tell me and I fucking ruin his life” Billy’s breath hitches a little, but it’s not time and place, so Steve-
just puts a firm hand and Billy’s thigh and say, more forcefuly this time “this is my only condition, okay? you promise me that and stick to it and i’ll do anything to make sure you guys are doing at least as good as us, okay” he asks, jiggling Billy’s thigh. “okay” says Billy
next time they see Eddie, Billy starts with “Look, Munson, we need to talk” while Eddie exclaims “listen, before we start I have something to talk to you about”. then they both freeze. Billy looks desperately at Steve, while Eddie glances at him with mix of anxious and curious
well, all right. “I swear it’s a good thing we want to talk about it, Billy’s just grumpy he has to talk feeling. but maybe you could start?” Eddie starts looking straight up fascinated, but he still nods and produces- scans of a book? it’s looks like homework
it’s not homework. “okay, so this is a system usually used in more- like complicated sex, but since some of us” he shoots Billy a looks and a smirk “have trouble
expressing themselves” he babbles and then seem to catch himself. “Of course, this is completely valid, to have that trouble under stressors-” he catches Steve’s exasperated look, takes a deep breath and gets to the point. “so, I think safewords”
Billy makes kind of disgruntled noise, like he does every time he thinks Steve coddles him. “come on, Munson, be serious, i’m not some pussy-” “nope” Eddie interrupts him. “you’re a very manly man, who’s bad at communication. that’s a staple of masculinity!
but either way, safewords or we can call them signals, if you prefer- they make everything easier, not just sex. you know, with the explosive temper you both have, they can mean something like «I need a breather, calling a five» without having to say that, or having to guess”
Steve is just hearing about this concept for the first time, but it seems really fucking smart. and useful. being able to back out from a conversation like that is, particularly for Steve, probably more appealing that from sex, but he’s listening nevertheless.
“I like it” Steve says, since Billy is only making faces, and looking like he’s trying to stop himself from saying something unsavory. Billy’s not surprised about it, because Steve loves a good system. Billy prefers spontaneity, but doesn’t feel like he should complain-
-since Eddie’s coming up with all of this because he get all panicky about sex, like he doesn’t fucking love it. but Steve already made him promise to like. talk to them when he’s getting weird, and having dedicated word for this cannot hurt. But he still doesn’t like it
“isn’t it kinda getting the big guns, freak? you’re trying to get me used to all that pervy business, huh? did you at least get a whip, or something” he bitches, his words more clipped than he planned. Eddie looks confused for a moment but then arches his eyebrows,
like he knows Billy’s just fronting, all bark and no bite. “I mean I can find something last minute, I you’re asking so nicely. but maybe we should get the safewords sorted out?” “not red, yellow, green?” Billy asks, because fuck’em it’s not like he’s a prude who’s never
heard of sado-maso. Steve elbowing him perfectly into jugular makes him curl on himself on the tiny picnic blanket they’re sitting on and remember that Steve probably never did heard of it. at least, not of theory, which doesn’t stop him from being perfectly kinky fucker
who could definitely swipe the floor with some guys in Cali who considered themselves very much into scene.
Steve, in fact, never heard pretty much anything about sado-maso except for crude jokes made by guys who definitely hadn’t had a second idea about it either. also, he didn’t really want to learn about it now. “hey! can someone explain these safe words to the innocent?” he said
prompting Billy to groan and Eddie to laugh in his face of Steve’s angel routine. “it’s like streetlights. red, yellow, green. stop, slow down, go. you ask for a color before you do something fucked up to whomever you’re tucking” Billy says, still kinda bitchy
but getting over himself. maybe even squirming a little, like he’s imagining what that fucked up things may be and getting excited about them. Eddie produces a pained sound and corrects “well, not quite- but we won’t be using them like that, so it’s not important right know.
but basically, yeah” Steve frowns. “so what’s wrong about just saying stop, slow down?” he asks, and Eddie gets right back into lecture mode “well, there’s nothing wrong with them, but sometimes they can be rendered useless, you know, like when you plan or saying stop but don’t
actually want fun to end.” Steve opens his mouth but thinks about it, decides he’s not ready to unpack that and let’s Eddie continue. “and that’s while safewords are great and thing whole communities agree on, but they only work” he points at Billy, who actually wasn’t going
to snark right now, who raises his hand defensevly“if everyone involved agree on them, okay?” he points at Steve this time, and he kind of feels like that one time when he was forced to play the nerd game with the little nerds, so he doesn’t say anything and just nod
“okay” Eddie moves on, “so yeah, you can use colors, like Billy said, but I personally prefer when everyone has a personal word to use- something that has no appeal to them and what they usually don’t talk about” he mimics being grossed out. for me, it’s “joghurt”. so like, if
you two are at each other’s throats and I scream “joghurt” that means you need two shut up until I leave the room, because it’s bringing bad memories and I’m going to have a meltdown if I won’t remove himself, okay?” Steve nods, grateful for non-sexual example, while Billy
stiffens up and looks a bit perturbed by that bit of vulnerability, which, that’s not that surprising, not coming from Eddie. he’s definitely most forthcoming with his shit than all the other fucked up people Steve associates himself with. “okay, so there’s a big thing
about safe words: they’re indisputable, under any circumstances, not mater what. if someone says «red» or their word, everything stops, no matter if you are fucking, or fighting or arguing- it just ends and nobody complains about it, ever, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of”
while the beginning of this particular part of his speech Eddie directs at Steve, he ends it with his face inches from Billy’s’ who responds with just a slightly sour grin and a playful tug at Eddie’s vest “that’s a beautiful sermon, Mr. Munson, but can wrap it up already?”
he shoot’s Steve unsure look. “We also have a thing to talk about?” he clearly didn’t want it to come out as a question but Steve likes it, that he’s basically asking for permission. so yeah, Munsons right with his directing - between the two of them, Steve is usually the one
to call the shots and Billy’s the one liquidating and then having internal conflicts about how easy it is for him to just give up. Steve usually intuits the fuck out of their mess and tries not to pry, but it seems like Eddie has completely different philosophy when it comes to
talking. having emotions and dealing with them. which, like, Steve already knew, but it’s weird to see in practice. and also used on his boyfriend. usually, the talks they talk between ending up i. someone’s bed oscillate between small talk and gossip, even if
Billy likes to call it “getting up to date” or “making sure we’re not about to get chased out of the town”. but usually is gossip, plain and simple and the only really relationship-y thing they do is fuck. it’s clearly already changed, because while Billy is flirting
most often than not, usually his flirts are a full frontal attack, overdone and cheesy. today Billy’s hitting that really sweet tone he’s so ashamed of, and they didn’t even get to the part during which Billy and Eddie actually discuss actual relationship.
Eddie actually looks surprised the second talk was still on the menu. So he thought he already covered it, or that it wasn’t that important to them. or maybe, Steve thinks looking at sprawled out, smoking Billy, who does his best to really exude that completely fake
feeling of borderline boredom. so maybe Eddie thinks Billy’s done talking for today. well, he’s certainly not in a mood for other activities yet, still so anxious about what he wants to say. “so what’s next in the agenda, Munson” he asks. steve in turn, is completely relaxed
sending Eddie that lazy, carefree grin, as he lets his eyes wander. that flusters Eddie like usually, which is unexpected for someone bringing their fuck buddies printouts out a book on sado maso, but not unwelcomed. he clears his throat and decides they should
probably think about what they want their safewords to be. Steve says “monster” without giving it a second thought, voice way more gravelly than he intended. Eddie frowns with sympathy but inquires further. “are you sure it won’t come out in a conversation? bc it could get
confusing” “nah, it’s always demodogs, or demogorgon or whatever cute name kids came out for those fuckers” he answers, “pretty sure i only think about them as a monster in my nightmares” he shook himself a little. Billy was quiet during this exchange, not only
not offering his thoughts on the presented topic but also becoming still like a statue. “Billy” Steve nudged him lightly to get his attention back on the conversation. Billy, shivered as if he just get out of a deep water. momentarily he looked like he thought of
something then turned the deep shade of red, one that definitely meant he was really embarrassed. So Steve just ignored that, kicking Eddie in the shin when he opened his mouth. in the end, Billy volunteered “I think I talk about my shit too much” he laughed, still
bit pinkish in the cheeks. “‘think I will stick with red, ‘till I can think about something better”. “sure, sure” Eddie nodded. “so? what was your thing?”
It was so much more awkward to actually talk to Eddie rather than speculate about how that conversation could go, with Steve, i. the safety of night, few drunk beer and a smoked joint. asking Eddie out in the harsh light of the day, while they all sat outside,
just about in the middle of nowhere, it felt wrong. invasive. “you’re only sane person in this goddamned town” he finally spited out. it wasn’t going how he planned, but he preferred to fall back on familiar routine then make a fucking idiot of himself. “don’t let it get to your
head, the bar is like, on the floor” he continued before Eddie managed any response beside his shit-eating grin. he fished massacred pack of marlboros from the pocket of his jeans, and only when he already had a cigarette between his lips, he murmured: “we should go out sometime”
there. statement. no questions. Eddie gaped at him like a fish out of water, his gaze flicking to Steve, who finally decided to be of some use. “don’t look at me, man” he laughed. “this one’s between the two of you and I sweared not to micromanage”. “So everything’s clear?”
Billy asked, completely rhetorically, since he didn’t give Eddie chance to react before crawling over him and kissing his open mouth, one of his hands finding a place in his hair, the other one – on Eddie’s flat stomach. they were kissing only for a moment, before something
gripped his hairs, hard, and yanked with enough force to make him let go of Eddie and get to his knees. Steve was standing over them, picture-perfect vision of politeness, looking almost disinterested, if not for a gleam in his eyes Billy first saw long before he would even dare
to dream of having- this. Billy panted in the general direction of Steve’s crotch, but he only smiled a bit wider and shook Billy by the death grip he had on his hairs. “now, Billy, all this talk about communication, don’t you think you should let Eddie at least state his opinion
“Munson knows I’m a treasure” Billy panted, trying to actually get a look on Eddie’s long body sprawled on the ground, but the task was proven near impossible due to Steve’s hand still forcing him to look up at him. “Uh-huh. Sure, Eddie, you have something to say? Or ask about?”
You could still hear a smile in Eddie’s voice, but he started sounding a bit nervous. “Uh, yeah actually, I think there’s still more talking to do, as sad as I am to let Billy here go”. Billy groaned. His jeans were getting uncomfortably tight, as his dick swollen as Steve and
Eddie talked over him. “And I’d rather not do it in the field” they’ve decided to meet on the neutral ground this time, since possibly groundbreaking discussions and shit. “Yours or mine” Steve asked Eddie directly, not letting go of Billy’s hair in the slightest, ignoring
him still. Billy whined. While he actually preferred to hang out in Eddie’s trailer, Steve’s parents’ house had enormous advantage that was a full ton of place and actually comfortable beds that could fit all three of them without somebody always being at risk of falling of and
smashing his head on a bedside table. Steve just shushed him. “I wasn’t asking you” he said in that flippant tone perfectly matching a rich bastard who’d just walked all over a fucking mess like Billy. He’d keeled over, if not for Steve’s hand, which was starting to feel like
his life-line, his only connection to slowly fading reality. “Jesus Harrington” Eddie’s voice was coming from far away as well. “we can ride to yours, I can’t exactly march him like that in front of neighbors. Or Wayne”. the thought of being lead through a trailer park, or having
to face someone he was seeing almost everyday send a wave of- something through Billy, as well as shiver of weird mix of pleasure and embarrassed, setting his veins on fire and freezing them at the same moment. “fuck, fuck, fuck” he chanted, squirming, not even trying to move
from his position at Steve’s feet. he thought fleetingly, that if they were supposed to talk soon, he probably wouldn’t be much of a help. he would maybe even prefer that – leave talking to Steve. he would know exactly what to tell Eddie to convince him it was a good idea
Billy’s talking never get him too far, except maybe put him in ever bigger trouble.
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lake-archive · 6 months
You Like Me
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AO3 Link - Fling Posse Selfship / Yumeship Masterlist
Fandom: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Ann Wolff (OC), Ramuda Amemura, Dice Arisugawa
Pairing: Ramuann (Ramuda/Ann)
Summary: When it comes to noticing if someone is in love or not, Ramuda is no fool. So he decides to finally call Ann out…
Tags: Love Confessions, Established Relationship, Falling In Love, Declarations Of Love, Romance, Romantic Fluff, Amemura Ramuda-centric, POV Amemura Ramuda, Mentioned Arisugawa Dice, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Genderqueer Character, Genderqueer, Confessions, Original Character(s), Major Original Character(s), POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited, OC x Canon, S/I x Canon
Technically this is a later part. However, due to personal reasons and having very self indulgent ideas (which will not be part of the main stories), I already wrote it. I will add it to the CATZ Masterlist once it is time though. I do not want to disturb the order and flow of the story (as it is a jump atm). However, just know that this already exists.
Whenever asked one question the answer was always the same. Ramuda had overheard it several times, merely by chance and honestly… It was getting a little tiring to hear. It’s not as if he didn’t know better, he knew more than well that the answer given was always a lie… Well, it wasn’t as obvious as Gentaro’s but he always said it shortly after. No, Ramuda just… Knew. Then again, the person in question was a god awful liar, they wouldn’t even need to add that sentence to make it obvious that they were lying through their teeth. That blush said it all, let alone them being so hesitant, not to mention how stuttery and flustered they got each time. You would have to be a literal fool to not notice, or blind. Or a massive idiot. It was impossible to overlook… In fact that would be the only type of bet Dice would win. Speaking of Dice, it was thanks to him that Ramuda got confirmation that his hunch was correct, right at this moment… 
“Yo Ann, what’cha doin’ here?” The man had asked shortly after having entered the studio of the fashion designer, this one not denying slight annoyance perhaps yet he did not necessarily mind in the end. 
“Arisugawa–San? Were you invited too?” They asked shortly after having heard Dice, tilting their head slightly in confusion.
“Me? Nah, didn’t hear a word from Ramuda. Just bein’ here for the usual.”
“Which means begging for money to gamble away?”
“Oh you’re sooo right ‘bout that! Actually, ya got some too?”
“How about you pay those back you owe before I let you borrow any of my money.” They retorted, sounding so cold and sharp at that moment. “Then again, given your track record…” 
“C’mon! Won’t help one of the dudes out here?” He asked, though having become visibly nervous despite that smile. “Please?”
“Forget it. Besides, I can’t afford it either.”
“Haha, Ann–Chan shot you down again~” Ramuda decided to finally throw in, having listened to this for a long enough time. It was always hilarious. Despite telling him ‘no’ so many times he was always asking them again and again. Dice sure never knew when to give up and it was almost amusing to look at. No, it was very funny to listen to and never got old, not really at least. 
“You make it sound as if I got rejected…” Dice countered for a moment, a bit in disbelief.
“I mean, they kinda did.”
“Shut it!” A quick scoff yet the mood of the man quickly changed, going back into his usual begging demeanor, even clapping his hands together and bowing a little forward. “Anyway Ramuda! Please, lend me some cash! I’m broke!”
“Eh? But I just lent you some money…” The pink haired guy responded, not sure what else to expect. It was tempting to give Dice what he asked for just for him to leave but… He still wants the amount he is owed back. This was tough, may as well be put on the spot while at it… 
“Please! I’ll win and pay ya back double!”
“You said that last time too…”
“Ah! Th… This time for sure! I’ve got a good feeling!”
“Maybe you should just get an actual job instead and earn money…” Ann threw in, perhaps unable to take in the sight any longer… Judging from their face, it might have been that. 
“Easy for ya to say Misster Student.”
“Listen, last time I said ‘Miss Student’ ya whacked the shit outta me. So how ‘bout that?”
“I— Hah, nevermind. Either way, you should consider, you know.”
A nod from Ramuda.
“Eh, no need. Anyway please! I’ll be outta your hair and won’t disturb your date any longer!” He was… Desperate. However, Dice would only make things worse for himself the moment he said ‘date’. Why? Well, it may as well have been that. Ramuda had no intention to talk to anyone else right now and just wanted to be alone with them, maybe dwell on some old memories again. It was just so much fun honestly and Ann would always listen. Conversing with them over tea turned out to be more fun than he had ever expected. However, as for them…
They stood up in one go, their face as red as a stoplight while glaring at Dice, as if having just been called out. They had suddenly become defensive after all, as if called out. “Date!? This… Is not that!” They even added, as if trying to hide something. 
It made the gambling addict in the room flinch, almost falling over from the mere rise of the voice alone. His eyes went wide fairly quickly on top of that. “Woha! Ann!? Wha—”
“Th…There’s a difference between a conversation and a date you know! A clear difference! This is nothing like a date, at all! I wouldn’t be interested in the first place if that’s what you’re suggesting! This is seriously nothing like—”
“Calm down, I was joking!” Dice was trying so hard to get them to calm down and yet they just kept coming up with excuse after excuse, getting a little too much into it. While the first few seconds were funny it soon became a little annoying. Talk about trying too hard… It even made Ramuda sigh and drop his usual cheerful facade, only looking at the scene in annoyance. Yeah, a terrible liar, as always. And dense too… That or they were in denial. Then again, both did not get the hint… That he wanted to be alone with Ann. Looks like he had to set the record straight. First that would mean—
“Alright, I’ll make one exception~” Ramuda interrupted the tangent in a moment, quickly switching to his usual smile for a moment and getting up. This silenced both parties for a good moment, turning to him instead. “How much do you need Dice? I’ll lend it to you~”
Honestly, he didn’t want to but if it got Dice away, then so be it. And it had gone rather quickly, Ramuda borrowed the asked amount and Dice was on his merry way. Shortly after he plopped back onto the couch, sighing. The brunette had just been staring at him in slight disbelief when slowly getting seated, about to ask what had gotten into Ramuda perhaps yet he did not allow them to speak up. Instead he lowered his voice for this moment, then looked at them with a slightly sharp gaze while asking: “Any reason for you to lie?”
“Lie?” They asked, tilting their head for a short moment. “Wh.. What are you—”
“Ok, maybe you’re just a bit dense. Fair.” He decided to respond, not having the energy to sugarcoat his actual thought for the moment. “This falls under a date.”
“E… Excuse me?” They said, the faint red still visible and their body starting to shake. “Ramuda, this… Should not be a jo–”
“Am I laughing?”
They took a close look and…. Well… The conclusion was obvious, even for them. “You’re dead serious, aren’t you?”
“At least you understand that much.” He nodded, his gaze never leaving theirs. “I still don’t know why you had to lie though.”
“Again, what do you mean by me lying? I don’t—”
“You know, if you’re in love with me, you can just say it.” He interrupted, getting straight to the point. He was tired of playing games, having to pretend as if he didn’t know… He knew, for a good while now. Or at least had a hunch. Yet he had to pretend as if he didn’t and that was tiring. Why couldn’t they just come out with it? It wasn’t that hard. And he was about to show them how easy it is, especially when being aware that your feelings are reciprocated. 
And yet, they would still be in denial, at least for this short moment. “I… In love!?” They repeated, jumping in their seat for a second. “Wh… What are you saying? I—”
As they were speaking he got up from his seat, no longer wanting to hear any of this. Instead he walked closer to theirs before leaning forward, grabbing onto the armrests of their seat and getting his face awfully close to theirs, as if wanting to look dead into their eyes. Well, that was the true. Besides, getting his face so close shut them up in a second, their face flushing red yet again and them trying not to look at his face, turning it slightly sideways and looking down. 
“R… Ramuda… What—”
“Look at me, will you?” He said while suddenly grabbing their cheeks and turning them back to him so they just had to face him. And the longer they had to, the more they seemed to lose their ability to speak. Or at least form straight sentences. Not like it mattered to him though. “I know what’s going on. So can you stop acting like a stubborn brat already?”
“Eh!? I… Erm…”
“Your constant denial is goddamn tiring. If you like me, just say it. Everyone caught on with this nonsense of yours.”
“N… Nonse—”
“It’s not that hard to say it you know.” He interrupted, not tolerating any excuse whatsoever. “In fact, let me show you. Now.”
“Show!? Wha—”
“Ann, I love you.”
It was one sentence. One very simple sentence he just said out loud. It wasn’t so hard… Well, he made it look easy, maybe it was a little embarrassing and the chance of some heart beating was there. He kinda felt it… But he felt at ease all the same. Was it their presence or was it because he knew they would not reject him? No, it was both. There was a reason why he had started to fall for them to begin with. After all, it was not common that someone made him feel at ease, safe even… Let alone being able to open up like this and not freak out when he switched expressions almost on a whim. It was refreshing and he didn’t really see any reason to not be drawn to them. Well, or rather, there was more reason to feel drawn to them than not feeling drawn to them. He couldn’t put it into words, but do you have to put such a feeling into words? He knew what he wanted, who he wanted and how he felt. That was all that should matter. And he is not going to pretend any longer… No more games, no more running. Besides… The quicker this was dealt with the better… Who knows how long both of them would have left. 
“Wh… Wha— Hah!? Wait a second… Tha—”
“Don’t tell me you seriously didn’t notice?” He asked them, staring somewhat blankly at them. 
They flinched yet nodded shortly after, a little ashamed. 
This was met with him looking a little annoyed at them before squishing their cheeks a little, not in a harmful manner but a little tightly. “You’re really an idiot, aren’t you?” Before finally letting go, his hands trailing back downwards onto the armrests yet his gaze not turning away from theirs. 
“C… Come on! What was I supposed to think!? Y… You just hug about anyone sometimes!” They countered, making his gaze become a little sharper.
“Why do you think I invite you over so many times? When it’s just the two of us?”
“To… Talk about… Things? You know, just talk.”
“Seriously? You thought this was just about talking?”
“Y… Yeah…”
He only stared at them blankly, very blankly. This was— “Ann, you can’t be serious right now.”
“I… Kinda am.”
“You’re an idiot sometimes.”
“Sorry for not wanting to jump to conclusions.” They pouted for a moment, one of the cheeks puffing up. “Besides, someone like you, being interested in some nobody?”
“Ey, no talking like that!” He countered before suddenly something switched. Besides, he had the urge for quite some time now, ever since having gotten so close. Thus he hugged them from one moment to the next, allowing himself to be buried into their chest while clinging onto them rather tightly, almost nuzzling against them even. His voice had become a little higher as well it seemed, the higher pitch slowly coming back. “I won’t tolerate that! Especially not from my partner!”
“Eh!? Wait wait wait, I didn’t agree–”
“Well, do you have any reason to refuse?” He asked, almost sounding rather childish yet again, just as before. All because he was more than certain of his victory. No, not certain, it was a mere guarantee. 
“I… I… I… guess not…”
“Hehe, there we go. I knew you’d come around if I push it~” He responded, sounding more chirpy now. “But but, you still have to say something you know.”
“Eh!? But—”
“Please~?” He even looked up while leaning against their chest, using a begging face. He wanted to hear it once, from their mouth. No, he had to hear it!
They were flustered, clearly, stuttery, and yet soon signed, finally giving in. “F… Fine! I… I… I lo… lo… I love you too, Ramuda.”
And even when he expected it, hearing it from their lips was still a comfort on its own. He didn’t respond to it, not verbally at least, and instead decided to just get as close as he could, burying himself into their chest by then. Hearing it made him feel all fuzzy inside, there were no words needed. He didn’t even worry about the why himself, even if he questioned it. He was willing to accept it without a second thought after all and wanted to just enjoy the moment.
“Hehe~ Ann–Chan’s all mine now~”
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sabaramonds · 5 months
a sight beyond death: timeline differences & other notes
so i wrote a fic. its partially alins fault. because the timeline diverges with changes i feel are relevant but didnt write in full bc the fic itself starts up after many of them, i decided to compile them here for perusal, alongside some other background headcanons alin and i decided upon regarding L, B and wammys house. probably a very long post, i will update later as well if more comes up or i forgot something 👍
jan 1 2004 (just over a month after light got his death note), sayu goes to deliver a change of clothes for her father and encounters misora naomi at the station. hearing her intent on meeting with the kira task force, sayu strikes a conversation because of her father, and the two of them wait together while sayu waits for her father to call her back after she messages him.
naomi is able to get in touch with L after speaking with soichiro via sayus phone and joins the task force; she informs L of her suspicions regarding kira being able to kill with methods besides 'heart attacks'
due to naomis information, suspicion on light increases
jan 8 surveillance begins on the kitamura and yagami families. during this week, sayu gets into an argument with her mother sachiko regarding her grades and when sachiko compares her to light (unfavorably), sayu storms off. while light is at cram school she goes into his room and triggers the diary trap, setting the house on fire. the investigation has hiccups here because of the fire but it doesnt actually matter in detail rn cuz i am not writing it all
at some point in january, B escapes his prison. because he needed so much medical attention, L arranged for him to be in a long term care facility as he recovered from skin grafts and physical therapy, because after losing B wouldnt leave anyway (he fully intended to resign himself to this until he saw the kira news). when he recovered from his final surgery and was being arranged transport to an actual prison, he escaped :) yay!!
roger alerts watari and L of this happening and L decides not to worry about it. naomi is like dude. i think we should worry. i decided he doesnt tell her about B escaping
the yagami family begin living in a hotel as their house undergoes reconstruction after the fire, though they contemplate moving to another local residential area. kiras murders slow marginally, a pace unnoticed by most, as light is unable to write as often and with as much as privacy in the hotel
when he makes it into to-oh in april his family decides to let him live on campus for a semester because the house isnt ready yet. L thinks this is awesome because he can just wire the dorms. light has to keep taking a potato chip and eating it 🙄
april 25h the phrase shinigami is used by the 2nd kira in the videotapes, as is a reference to "eyes". Ls visceral reaction is because of B, which he informs only naomi of in private he doesnt say anything actually because he doesnt feel like it
june 8th, a week into confinement, light gives up his ownership of the death note
june 9th, L wakes up to B atop him, having broken into his room. due to the fact misa & light have forfeited their death notes, he can see both their names and times of death when L involves him in the investigation, so there is nothing noticeably off about them
theres like a full week of everyone being super disturbed by L and B before the yotsuba group starts killing people as "kira" other additional notes/headcanons: i decided Ls real name is not L Lawliet because that sounds stupid as hell im sorry. but i also decided no matter what even if i decide on a name i like, i wont ever reveal it in the story. only B will ever know and any time it gets spoken or thought by him (or by shinigami) its going to be redacted Bs grandfather is actually japanese. he has no idea if his grandmother is because he never met her/she died before he was born; he met his grandfather several times. this is why he repeatedly uses japanese aliases and why naomi didnt go huh? whys some white guy got a japanese name? however, one of Bs parents is welsh and he probably grew up in wales. why...? its funny. B and L actually had a lot of impact on each other and they sort of cannibalized one anothers identity and mannerisms in their childhood even though L wasnt always at the orphanage. after A died they both subconsciously picked up some of his habits as well, as if to keep him "alive" in them both (and in the identity of L) so like, basically B used to sit like a frog and L started doing that because B does it; B chews his fingers because L does it; they both hold things the way they do because A used to do that; they both started preferring strawberries over their old favorites because strawberries were As favorites....so on. "L" is, in a way, already an amalgamation of B, A, and L; L himself had little sense of self and identity as he was molded by wammy into a "genius detective", and B and A, who were not only the only two people in his age range he ever socialized with but also two people being conditioned to become backups of him as a person....well uh there was a lot going on. basically. ❤ so tldr B and L are essentially amalgamations of each other. and of A. yay. unrelated to B, L and A but when were talking about all this alin and i realized that mello would have been 2 years old during the fall of yugoslavia and his childhood was probably insane even before watari scooped him up for his genius orphan exploitation program. just thought that was ummmm Interesting <3
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
i don't know if you plan to go any further with the Dustin's sister x steddie story but i can't stop thinking about Dustin trying to explain to steve everything he can about the lotr universe so he'll be ready to fight back the next time eddie try to disturb him 👀❤️
Hi, anon!! OMG thanks for sending this i love to talk about this concept!!
First of all, I do plan to continue that series with two more parts for the seasons i haven't wrote about yet. I only gave myself a little rest because i have been writing and consuming a lot of stranger things fanfict for the last month and i was afraid i could end up burnout. I plan to continue, i only gave it a rest to avoid getting a block.
That being said, i LOVE this and i can so imagine it happening. I'm picturing Steve asking Dustin to explain him the things he heard from the reader, at first not wanting to admit it is because she said those to him.
Like, after Eddie told him he didn't deserve the comparison to a captive elve escaping Mordor before becoming an orc, Steve wants to know exactly what she meant with that. She made it sound so sweet and it clearly pissed off her freak friend, so it had to be something really nice although he isn't completely sure because he has no idea.
I'm gonna keep this with a little untituled blurb (sorry for any possible mistakes, i am not doing a second read so it is unedited) :
" They talk on this weird slang, i can't get what they say and I know Munson does it on purpose." Steve was venting to his younger friend. " It's like he constantly tries to remind me i don't belong there because I am not like him. "
Dustin had no calming explanation for that part, other than the defensive mechanisms of nerd culture, but he was at least able to explain it for him.
" What do you mean with ' weird slang'? What does he bring up in front of you?"
" It's that Lord of the Rings thing. Well, i found out it was that when she said it because he does it all cassualy as if it was some code they share."
The implied jealousy was unbelievable to his listener.
" Maybe they are just being nerds together. How do you know the dude wants to make you feel left out?"
" He called me an orc, then your sister said i was like a captive elve escaping them and that upsetted him. Munson said i didn't deserve it. What the hell does that mean? "
The kid's smile indicated the answer was as positive as he once guessed.
" She thinks you are a great guy, he thinks you are an asshole and she is trying to prove him wrong. " Dustin summarized before proceding into a more tecnical explanation. " The creation of orcs is a process that imitates the bíblical origin of demons. Just as the first demons were in fact corrupted angels, Tolkien ubicates the origins of this race of dicks on the long imprisonment of captured elves. After a really long time of prison, tortures and degradations, this corrupted form of life mutated into what the Third Age Middle Earth we read in Lord of the Rings knows as an Orc. For what i understand, the dude must have compared jocks to orcs, what it's actually brillant, yet (y/n) said that your process of transformation never completed. "
The little things he catched in the speech made him feel really good. Steve got to understand at least one bassical point of it.
" She said i am a beated up angel?"
It was on oversimplification, but his friend allowed him to have it.
" To the practical purposes of this talk? Yes. Never call a warrior elve a ' beated up angel' in front of anyone else, specially that guy."
Steve got a bit of a foolish smile just of thinking about your words, finnaly getting deeper understanding of those. It made him wonder how many more details he was missing.
" Who is her favorite character in the books?"
" It depends on how to define a favorite. Is it simbolically or by personal identification?"
" Do you used to play about that shit when you were kids, ríght? It must have been one of your little nerd games. Who did she liked to play as?"
" That's an easy one: Lady Eowyn of Rohan." The boy commented with relaxed determination. " She is not one of the nine companions, but she is a real badass. Meriadoc Brandybuck and her teamed up to kill the Witch King of Angmar, the leader of Sauron's scariest servants that are called Nazguls. "
" Is she a princess or…?"
" Niece of a King, tecnically. " Dustin continued, with excitement. " If you are asking this just to make a comparison that would flatter her, then i need to tell you all what's needed to know about the character.
Steve listened to the ramble with increased attention, but he got ocassionally lost in the naming of weird places and persons that couldn't be explained without tedious delays into other topics. Fantasy was really complicated to learn about in one take, the worldbuildings were intrincated and that was only one universe of the many others in the genre. What sticked the most with him was the description of the warrior princess, her feat and the love triangle plot that Dustin was about to skip if he wouldn't have asked him not to.
" It's just some minor drama that doesn't add much to the plot. " The kid insisted. " Remember how i told you about this nine companions that left Rivendel together, then split by circunstancies? "
" The Fellowship of the Ring. "
" Yes, exactly! And how i told you they have this implícit leader that nobody actually named leader, but kind of takes that role?"
" The wild ranger."
" Strider, his real name is Aragorn and in fact he is meant to be the King of Gondor. " Dustin confirmed. " After the Fellowship splitted Aragorn met Eowyn in Rohan and she fell in love with him, but her feelings were not destined to be required. Aragorn's destiny is to be a gondorian King and marry an elve lady, but Eowyn meet him as this dude who helped save her uncle's kingdom and that impressed her. She hero worshipes him, to her he is like a rockstar and he doesn't seem to mind that she likes swords so she is super happy. "
" But they don't end up together."
" No, she marries the little brother of Boromir. Faramir, he is as much of a hobbit nanny as his older brother was, only ignored by their father. "
That was all he needed to hear, Steve's most valuable conclussion of the talk.
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sasukes-left-tit · 11 months
Got tagged by @iwillstealyourpotatoes in a tag game, so I'm gonna do it!
Last listened to: אור הירח by Aviv Gefen, the song's in Hebrew and the title translates to the light of the moon! The singer is like... notorious for having a bad voice, he says so himself, but it always suits the song's he's singing.
Currently watching: the Granada Sherlock Holmes series, very therapeutic after watching the BBC one. I have no words to describe the BBC Sherlock series because the English language has not yet invented a word that encapsulates how disrespected, offended, insulted, disgusted, revolted, harassed, and disturbed I felt watching it. Ik it's a pillar of Tumblr culture but Jesus Christ. I am enjoying the Granada series though.
Currently reading: His Last Bow, second to last book in the Sherlock Holmes series, and also the Clockwork Scarab, which was recommended to me by a friend but just... the plot 😭. It's about Sherlock Holmess neice and the FICTIONAL VAMPIRE HUNTER sister of BRAM STOKER, a REAL GUY, teaming up with some dude who time traveled from 2010 back to victorian london. The author had her own vampire hunting series before she wrote this story and she basically made it so her vampire oc from THAT series got with Bram Stokers real life dad. I'm only a chapter in but first impressions are I admire the initiative of just creating an entire OC family for a real guy instead of just using one of the fictional characters he wrote about like she did with Holmes.
Current obsession: It is Sherlock Holmes. And I do think I'm better then everyone else because I like the original and hate the BBC show. I fell into it bc I decided to rewatch The Great Mouse Detective (the best adaptation btw) and spiraled from there. He is not an overrated character whatsoever, I get it now, I understand why we let him change entertainment history.
I have to tag some people now so I'm just gonna go with who tumblr recommends @gourmetfcknfruitgelsbro @strawberryking @lamethulhu @aethelfred @stealthclaw1 @deeper-vell aaaand that's it! Ty for tagging me in this <3
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tamelee · 2 years
Are there any naruto ships you dislike besides naruhina and sasusaku?
Not… really?
Shipping in itself is kind of fun right? I don’t really do it a lot myself especially not in ‘Naruto’ (I do enjoy reading fan-fiction outside of SNS, like SNK, Haikyuu, DN and BNHA) and I don’t consider SNS a ship or any “already mutual romantic connection” to be ships either. 
So yes, NH/SS are ships to me.
Naruto and Sasuke may not be in a relationship, but for a majority of their lives they’ve been aware of the other and have started to try and give meaning to whatever it is that they’ve been feeling so strongly about.
“Shipping” all of that sounds a bit.. underwhelming to say the least. Hence me calling myself a SNS-fan.
NaruSaku, SasuHina, SakuIno, SakuHina, InoHina, KakaSaku, KakaSasu, KakaNaru, KakaIru, NaruSasuSaku, ItaSaku, ItaSasu, ItaNaru, KakaGai, NaruGaa, LeeSaku, KakaObi, ObiSaku, GaaLee, OroSasu, .. I can go on and on.. 
Some of these are disturbing even if some hc’s are cute and some I have a problem with for other reasons. Written in fan-fiction, there are some I don’t mind.
I wouldn’t necessarily say I “dislike” them though, because just like these aren’t established romantic relationships as written by Kishimoto, neither is NH/SS. 
They just aren’t.
The only difference between them is that NH/SS got the title ‘canon’, because Naruto had to marry.. sorry, -married Hinata. And Sasuke.. married Sakura? I guess? They say? Signed some paper along the way? Lol? And therefore they became marketing material, but nothing emotionally had been established either way. Fight me on it. 
A title means shit all. 
Right, Naruto? 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
And that is the reason why I dislike NH/SS as ships, but not the others. 
Because that’s just what it is.. ships. Something that you’re supposed to do for fun, but how is it ‘fun’ when you have to dumb down the main characters (yes, yes this includes Sakura and Hinata) and their development to suit your head-canon’s? To glorify your heterosexual view, “because that’s the only way things should go especially since it’s Shonen”. Or to put other characters they can insert themselves into (for whatever reason) on a pedestal so they can “shine” who frankly aren’t as significant in the story (“damn that Kishimoto”) as they'd like to see?
And if all of that doesn’t sound ‘fun’ enough, how about arguing for it with straight up false claims and misleading information that all the dude-bro’s and sisters will back them up with on the first 3 Google links that are none other than Reddit and Quora. 
See? There’s the difference. And that << I dislike about NH/SS as ships. 
Well-.. that and Hinata Hyuuga.. I have to be honest. *nods* 
But it’s not just all the fandom, because the marketing team keeps feeding this fight which I wrote about here < 
Anyway, no, I don’t dislike ships generally. NH/SS are just.. very special. Though some ‘Naruto’-ships that this fandom comes up with are a little interesting in their own way. 
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Gonna answer these for Adira's story, because that's all my brain wants to think about at this moment.
💥 - What is the main conflict of the wip?
The main conflict I suppose is between truth and lies, light and darkness, that sort of thing. When the truth comes to light suddenly the lies are kinda shaky, but the people who formulated them did it for a reason. They want to keep power, so they'll do almost anything to keep it. ...I need to find a good worldbuild-y reason as to why they wouldn't simply kill Adira off, tbh.
🦋 - Which character has the biggest transformation?
Oooh, an interesting question. Ultimately I'd have to say Tom. Adira undergoes a complete shift in her beliefs, but in the end her personality doesn't change a great deal, if that makes sense? It's more that she grows up into the woman she was always going to be. Whereas Tom goes from having some really nasty ideas, and also a serious anger problem/tendency towards violence, to learning to control himself and correct his ideas. It takes a lot more active work from everyone involved to help him improve.
🤝 - How do the characters meet? (antagonist included!)
The antagonist meets the protagonist at her birth, because it's usual to have the father in the delivery room. :P Anyway, Adira meets Tom at school because he's new and looking rather lost and clueless and she just has to have that help-everyone mentality doesn't she. I'm not sure how they meet Neil, since despite the fact that I really like the scene I wrote about it a couple years ago, it probably doesn't fit.
🕳 - What’s a plot hole you just can’t seem to fix?
Seriously, why doesn't the Ruler simply order Adira outright killed rather than dumped on her doorstep mostly dead after the events of book 2 (?). Like isn't it gonna radicalise people more when they discover the government has messed up one of their own to the extent that, without the advancement of medical technology since our time, 90% of her body would be composed of scar tissue, and that's only the physical aspects of it. She'd disappeared and they didn't know if she was alive or dead; it would make better sense from the perspective of the government if they'd just executed her and the others never knew. (Hmm, suddenly that one AU idea is stretching its wings again.)
Also I'm pretty sure at least one of their number is exiled, so why wouldn't the rest of them be in one go? Surely it would be easier for the government if they all just disappeared, even if they weren't willing to kill them?
Oooh perhaps Theo might be behind this? Except why? The dude doesn't have a caring bone in his body. He expects praise for something very disturbing, and straight up says it to his wife during their epic argument after she discovers the truth about him. (Seriously, Dorothy should divorce him. But she won't, even though she won't let him stay any longer in what is technically her family home.) But maybe he doesn't want Adira to be killed? And it's known he has a lot of power in the government. Maybe that's it. <makes notes>
Incidentally, Theo is one of the only characters I desperately wish was real, and the reason for that is because I want to give him a good hard punch, and also to castrate him with a blunt knife.
3 notes · View notes
the-real-tc · 2 years
Bad Business Ch. 9: Dark Horse Candidate
Author's Note: It's amazing how things change over time. When I first wrote this story, the name "Karen" did not have the negative connotation it has come to have in this post-COVID world of ours. I named a Dude Ranch guest "Karen", having no clue that years later it would be pejorative. In any case, I chose to keep the name, because it's a perfectly good name, and this "Karen" is one of the nice ones.
I'm afraid things still will not be much clearer, though danger is lurking closer. The end is also in sight, so hang on tight.
Chapter 9
Dark Horse Candidate
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Lou came to the difficult but nevertheless necessary conclusion she would have to kick all the Dude Ranch guests out for the next couple weeks.
"Lisa's family is going to need a place to stay," she explained to Jen over the phone. "They can't all cram into the ranch house, and we're not going to force them to stay in a hotel in town. Let the guests know I'm refunding them in full, but they need to be out right away. Give them an hour to clear out, give or take."
"All right, Lou. I'll get on it right away," said Jen after receiving her boss' request. "And I'm so sorry about Lisa."
"Thanks, Jen," Lou said. "I appreciate it. Let me know when all the guests are gone."
"For sure. 'Bye for now."
Heartland Equestrian Connections
Jen reluctantly knocked on the door to the main cabin. A homeschooling family of four had arrived only three days earlier; Mitch had taken them for a trail ride he turned into an impromptu educational nature walk on the first afternoon they had all enjoyed. Now, they would have to find some other accommodation for their vacation.
The door opened to reveal a forty-something woman dressed casually in jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt. "Yes?"
"Hi, I'm Jen, the Dude Ranch manager," Jen said, putting on the most professionally apologetic tone she could muster. "We met when you checked in. It's Karen, right?"
"Yes, that's right. What's going on?" asked Karen, a look of consternation creeping into her features. "Have the kids been too noisy?"
"Oh, no, nothing like that," Jen said easily, quelling the woman's worry. "I'm really, really sorry, but we have to close all the cabins right away."
"What? But we just got here the other day," Karen said in dismay, very evidently disappointed.
"I know—and you'll be reimbursed totally," Jen was quick to add. "But, um, there's unfortunately been a death in the owner's family, and she's made the decision to shut things down for the next little while."
"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that," Karen immediately uttered with sympathy. "How much time do we have to check out?"
"I don't mean to rush you," Jen replied. "An hour or so would be really great, though."
Before moving on to the next guest, Jen gave Karen all the necessary details for her compensation owing to the inconvenience.
"Hey, Mitch," Jen spoke into her cell phone. "Have you seen the guy from Cabin Two today? There's no sign of him here."
"Cabin Two? That's our 'Do Not Disturb' guest who just re-booked to the end of the month, right? No, I haven't," Mitch answered. "Last time I saw him was maybe two days ago when I offered to take him on a trail ride or a hike. He said he was okay and was keen to do some hiking on his own. I told him to watch out for predators since there have been some bear sightings again."
Jen nodded wryly. "Well, his truck is still here, so let's hope he hasn't met with some unfortunate accident. That's the last thing Lou needs right now."
"Yeah, no kidding," Mitch sighed. "What do you want to do?"
"Well, Lou wants the guests out of here as soon as possible. Can you take a ride around the usual trails and see if you find him?"
"Yeah, no problem."
"Thanks, Mitch. Let me know if you find anything."
"Excuse me," Karen said after Jen ended the call with Mitch. "I couldn't help but overhear—well, we couldn't help but overhear your talk about the guy in Cabin Two."
"What about him?" Jen asked, looking at Karen and the youngster by her side, a boy of about eleven years of age.
"My son just said he thinks he saw him last night," Karen said. "Go ahead and tell Jen what you saw, John-Paul."
The boy stepped forward. "I was kinda half-asleep," he started. "The sound of a motorbike or something in the distance got me up. Then I couldn't go back to sleep for a little while. Then I realised I had to use the bathroom. Well, the outhouse. When I came out from doing my—y'know—business, I saw someone out by the lake, well, on the deck by the firepit."
That grabbed Jen's attention. "Could you identify who it was?"
John-Paul shook his head. "Not really, but it was a guy, and he was bald, like the guy in Cabin Two."
"What time do you think this was?" Jen asked.
"Sorry, I don't know," John-Paul replied with a slight shrug. "It was dark, but the firepit was lit. The man's back was to me. It looked like he bunched something up and threw it into the fire. He was poking at it bit. Then I started feeling kinda guilty for spying on him, so I snuck back inside our cabin. I peeked out and saw him coming back towards the cabins. I'm pretty sure he went inside Cabin Two."
"Thank you for that, John-Paul, that's really helpful." Jen said, her mind turning over this new piece of information. So Mr. Cabin Two was here up to last night, if John-Paul is right. But if that's the case, where is he now?
"Is that all you need to know?" Karen asked.
"Yes, thanks," Jen replied. "Now we at least know the guy was probably here last night. He probably took off early this morning for a hike or something and still has not come back."
"Okay. I hope he shows up," Karen said. "And please tell your boss I'm sorry for her loss."
"I will," Jen said. "Thank you."
Heartland Equestrian Connections
After over an hour of aimless trekking along the trails normally reserved for rides and hikes, Mitch turned back for the cabins. There had been no sign of their missing guest.
"Nothing?" Jen asked when she saw him ride up.
"Not on any of the marked trails," Mitch replied as he dismounted from Maverick.
"That's just so weird," Jen said as she put her hands on her hips and frowned.
"I think it's time we ask Lou if we should open up his cabin," Mitch stated. "I don't care if he doesn't want his space disturbed. What if the guy had a heart attack and he's dead in there?"
Jen went pale in the face, mentally kicking herself for not considering that possibility beforehand. She swallowed. "You're right. I'll call Lou. I really think she should be here to open it up, just in case."
"Okay, so explain again to me why it was so urgent for me to be here," Lou said, wondering why her manager wasn't acting in a very managerial way.
"Because the guy in Cabin Two is still a no-show," Jen answered. "Mitch searched all the usual trails earlier, but he didn't find anything. It's suspicious."
"And he's booked right up to the end of the month, right?" asked Lou.
"Yes. And his truck is still here," Jen continued, pointing at the vehicle. "We've tried the cell number on file. It just keeps getting kicked to voice mail. Now, one of the kids staying here told me he thinks he saw our guy last night out by the fire pit, but he can't be sure. It was late, and it was dark, so, who knows? Lou, what if he's had a heart attack or something in there? I'd be way more comfortable if you're here for something like that."
"Right," Lou said with a pout. "I guess it's time we opened up that cabin."
Jen reached for the master key. "Let's go."
Cabin Two was in near pristine condition. Some of the occupant's clothes were folded on the bed; the latter had been neatly made up in almost military-like precision.
"He's not in here," Jen sighed, almost in relief, the earlier fear of finding him collapsed on the floor or dead of a coronary now vanishing from her thoughts.
Lou frowned. "But if he's not here, then where is he?"
Jen shrugged. "It is a mystery."
"I hope he isn't lost out there," Lou grumbled, glancing out one of the windows. "I might have to resort to getting in touch with his emergency contact on his forms. If he doesn't show up soon, I'll have to involve the police."
"All right, Lou," Jen said with a short sigh. "And once again, I'm really sorry about Lisa. This whole thing is so unbelievable."
"I know. But we'll make it through," Lou said, embracing the other woman briefly. "Thanks, Jen. You and Mitch are hereby excused from Dude Ranch duty for the next two weeks."
"Are you sure you don't want my help for when Lisa's family gets here?"
"I'm sure," Lou said. "We can handle it. Thanks."
After Jen drove away, Lou pulled out her cell phone and dialled her father's number. "Hi, Dad. We've managed to clear all the cabins except for Cabin Two. We can't find the guy who booked it anywhere, and neither Mitch nor Jen has seen him in a couple days. I'm not sure what to do about this. It's crazy. I'm worried."
"Don't be," Tim replied, uncharacteristically calm. "Honey, just call the cops, relax and let them handle it. Everything is going to be fine, okay?"
"Okay," Lou said doubtfully, willing herself to be calm while resisting the urge to ask about how Jack was doing. She wished he would just come home, but knew he needed the time and space away from everything for the present.
Rookie Hudson Police Constable Mike Becket frowned. The Missing Persons report he just tried to file for Samantha Louise Fleming was making no sense.
The name Dov Grosvenor, allegedly belonging to the man booked at Heartland Equestrian Connections, did not match any name in the Alberta Motor Association database. Worse, his truck's registration sticker was fake. Becket probed even deeper and brought his findings—or lack thereof—to his boss, despite knowing how busy he was with a murder investigation.
"Could be something, could be nothing, but we can't find a record of anyone with that name anywhere," Becket said to Chief Parker. "Not in the motor vehicle records, not in any employment records or taxes, no arrest records, zip. No one answers his cell, and his emergency contact number doesn't exist, either.
"He registered under a fake name and provided a false emergency contact number?"
"So it would appear, sir," Becket said. "Everything about him is fake."
"The lengths people will go to for privacy," Parker commented dryly.
"But the biggest red flag, sir? The registration sticker on his license plate is fraudulent," Becket said. "I think this has more to do than just wanting privacy. What should I do?" asked Becket.
"Well, you can't file a Missing Persons report for someone who doesn't exist," Parker said. "I admit it is very suspicious. But until this 'Dov Grosvenor' shows up, or until someone comes looking for him, there's very little we can do, legally. We have no real name and no details to go on. But if he does show up, you know we're going to have a lot of questions for him."
The dog would be a problem, of that much he was sure. No stranger could approach that ranch house during the night without her sounding the alarm. One bark from that animal, and the whole house would be on the alert. Already, there was too much coming and going; people stopping by to offer condolences; too much activity to be able to pin down when the vet would be alone in his barn office. He would have to find some way to get close enough to the mutt, maybe feed her a poisoned doggie treat or something. Whatever he did, it would have to be soon. There could be no witnesses left to what happened to the Stillman woman; no loose ends. Of course the risks were extremely high, but then the payoff would be, also.
Hudson Hawk: Your Eye on Hudson
A Blog.
May 5, 2019
Is it A Case of Mistaken Identity in the Deaths of Stanton and Stillman?
Your watchful Hawk has been tracking these two awful cases pretty closely. One thing to note is the fact Valerie Stanton and Lisa Stillman bear a superficial resemblance to one another. Both middle-aged. Both blonde with blue eyes. (See attached images for comparison.) Both well-known in the world-class equine community.
One fact this blogger learned from an anonymous source is Stanton was riding a horse belonging to Stillman at the time of her death. (Side note: That horse is very valuable; it is not outside the realm of possibility it could also be the target of greedy thieves, which brings to the table a potential motive for the murders of these women.)
But back to the original topic at hand: Is it possible Stillman was the original target, and Stanton was the unfortunate victim of mistaken identity?
Drop your comments or theories below.
I've got my eye on you, Hudson.
-Hudson Hawk
[Photos courtesy the Hudson Times]
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Comment: OMG that is so creepy! I think your right about this town use to be so safe, now I dont know what to think anymore. I just hope the police catch whoever did this awful things. I use to see Lisa Stillman in Maggies Diner. She seemed pretty nice. You'd think someone like her would be too stuck up to have coffee in a place like Maggies but she seemed pretty down to earth to me. I know there were rumors that Valerie Stanton was mean and snooty, but no one deserves to get killed like that. I mean she was just out for a ride. I'm almost afraid to go for a ride myself now with a crazy gunman on the loose. Thanks for keeping us informed like this Hawk.
Comment: Based on the pictures of the two women, I don't think there's any connection. They look nothing alike, really. It's more likely a coincidence. I heard Stillman was loaded, though. Maybe her husband did it. I heard rumours that Heartland ranch is barely scraping by. Weren't they the ones who were put under quarantine a few years back because of a Strangles epidemic and then again when there was an equine influenza scare, right? Business must have dried up because of that. Bet Stillman's widower stands to inherit a fortune with her out of the way. Easy fix to the financial problems they've been having. Sorry, just my opinion.
Reply: Don't be a dumb***, AlbertaBoy. That's such a load of bull****. I know this family. No, they're not "barely scraping by". Have you ever tried Heartland Beef sold at Garland grocery stores and served at Maggie's Diner? That's this family's beef cattle. There are no "financial problems" for them to fix. Next time keep your "opinion" to yourself.
- GreenRodeo
Reply: Touchy! Get a grip. I don't care if you know the family or not. You have to admit that it's fishy the police have not said anything about a motive, nor have they arrested anyone. And the last person to see Stillman alive was her husband. I'm just putting two and two together. Have a nice day!
- AlbertaBoy
Reply: And how is it you know Lisa Stillman's husband was the last one to see her alive? Go on, share your sources. If not, stop spreading dumb rumours. Hey, maybe you're the one who did it, if we're going to be throwing around baseless accusations!
Reply: AlbertaBoy's source: "Trust me, bro." LOL.
Amy opened the ranch house door after hearing a knock. Neighbours and friends in the community had been calling and dropping by in predictable fashion to express their sympathies, so this was not totally unexpected. What did surprise her was who was behind the door this time.
"Jesse? What are you doing here?" Somehow, the elder Stanton offspring was not on her list of likely visitors to Heartland. Memories of the way he had tried to ruin Ty surfaced at that moment, bringing with it long-forgotten anger she thought had been buried.
"Hi, Amy. I know I'm probably the last person you expected to see here, but of course heard about Lisa, and I..." Jessie said while shuffling his feet. "I, uh, wanted to give my condolences in person, and to thank you for your support after my mother... you know..."
She took in Jesse's earnest face and considered his stated reasons for being at Heartland. Val's death seemed to have changed him, and Amy had to acknowledge Jesse had steered clear of Ty ever since he dropped the assault charges. "Of course," she finally said. "Um, why don't you come on in?"
"Thanks," he said, sounding much relieved. He followed her inside where they sat down at the kitchen table.
"Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee? Tea?"
"A good stiff drink would be nice," he said with a sardonic twist of his mouth. "No, I'm kidding, Amy. I really don't plan to stay long. Thanks, anyway. How's Jack?"
Amy bit her lip while her heart took a dive. "He's... coping," she responded slowly. "He wanted some time away from everything, so he went to his fishing cabin for the next few days."
Jesse stared at her. "He went alone?"
"No. My dad went with him. Lou insisted on at least that. The last time Grandpa tried to grieve alone up there, he nearly drowned in the river."
"What about a funeral?"
Amy shook her head. "Not for a little while. Lisa's Aunt Evelyn is overseas right now and has begged for a little time to arrange her travel plans back to Canada. Grandpa didn't want to offend her by saying 'no'. Plus, Lisa had lots of friends in Europe who would want to come, too, so delaying a funeral makes sense right now. Her sister and Ben get in the day after tomorrow, though."
"Right, Ben. I remember when that guy was at Briar Ridge. I'm sorry, Amy," Jesse said. "I mean, I know Lisa wasn't related to you by blood, but I get that you loved and respected her as if she were. This has to be tough on you."
"On all of us," Amy sighed heavily.
Jesse looked at her carefully before speaking again, judging her mood. "Listen, I know things haven't always been easy between us; that my stupid jealousy ruined everything. But...If... if there's anything I can do..."
"I'll let you know," she said with a sad nod, filling in the unfinished sentence, taken aback by his admission of jealousy and his desire to be of some help.
"So, uh, how's Herring?" Jesse asked, awkwardly changing the subject.
"Yeah, he's doing really well, actually," Amy replied, somewhat surprised Jesse was concerned about the horse. "The bear's attack left more than physical injuries, but he's come a long way."
"Well, that's good news," Jesse said. "As you probably know, he was the last horse my mom got to ride. I keep thinking—as morbid as it sounds—Herring probably prevented that bear from dragging her body off..."
An involuntary tremor raced through Amy's frame. "Good Lord, Jesse," she murmured, trying to blot out the mental picture Jesse's words conjured up.
"Sorry," he said, averting his gaze before clearing his throat. "This whole thing has been brutal on all of us. I guess what I'm saying is I'm glad Herring is okay and that Ashley and I had Mom's body to bury. It wasn't the outcome we were hoping for when she went missing, but it could have been a lot worse."
"You're right," Amy agreed, desperate for another change in subject.
A hopeful expression replaced the anguished one on Jesse's face. "Can I—do you think I could see him?"
Amy gladly acquiesced. "Of course! Let's go to the barn."
They walked out into the yard, waving at Georgie as she vaulted over the jumps on Phoenix, Remi dutifully watching from the sidelines, as usual. Amy could not help but remember the time Val had briefly asked to train at Heartland.
"Did you know your mom once asked me to coach her?" she asked Jesse as they reached the stables.
"Really?" he said, a quick smile coming to his lips, as if thinking of happier times. "She never mentioned that. I guess this was when I was away at university in Toronto?"
"Yeah," Amy chuckled. "She told Grandpa it had something to do with her 'Happy List': a list of things she wanted to do that made her happy."
"Oh, was that after her first bout with cancer?"
"That's right," Amy replied. "Showjumping was one of those things."
"Why didn't she just get someone at Briar Ridge?"
"Do I really have to answer that?" Amy asked, a sly smile playing across her lips.
Jesse's face puckered into a puzzled frown for a moment, then understanding dawned. "Ohh, I get it. Coming to Heartland meant she could take time to visit with Jack, right?"
"Ah, that would be my guess," Amy replied.
"Heh. Ashley and I always suspected she was into him," Jesse said. "We thought it was gross, like most teens would."
Amy rolled her eyes. "Everyone knew your mom was 'into' my grandpa. Anyway, here he is," she said, coming to a halt at Herring's stall.
The wounds were healing nicely; Ty's ministrations and Amy's behavioural work—coupled with the intangible assistance from the Remi—seemed to be exactly what the horse needed to recover.
"Hey, boy," Jesse called softly. "How ya doing, huh?"
Herring's tail swayed once as if to acknowledge the greeting. He bent his long neck down to pull at some of the fresh hay lining the floor. Several mute moments passed while the pair watched this activity.
"Jack said some very kind things about my mom at the funeral," Jesse said at length, breaking the silence.
"Truthful things," Amy commented. "In the end, they were good friends."
"And she was grateful for that," Jesse uttered, growing serious again. "I know she was. I know Jack was there for her when she was sick. It should have been me—or Ashley, even, ferrying her to all those appointments, but I was away, and Jack really stepped up. Mom always said she didn't deserve to have such a loyal friend."
Amy reached out and gave Jesse's shoulder a comforting pat. Despite all the previous rancor between them, it seemed the right thing to do.
"Do you—do you mind if I just stay here for a little while longer?" asked Jesse, seemingly flustered by the effort of making the request. "My mother did have the idea she might buy him from Lisa. I don't know who legally owns him now—I guess that might be Jack—I, uh, I'm thinking maybe I might want to pick up where my mom left off."
"You'd want to buy Herring?" Amy asked, eyebrows quirked.
"Yeah, maybe," Jesse responded with a diffident shrug. "I don't know. Maybe I'm being stupidly sentimental, but like I said before, he is the last horse Mom ever rode, so I guess I feel some kind of weird connection."
"I get it," Amy said with a knowing smile, thinking back to how Spartan was the last horse she rescued with her own mother. That simple fact forged an unbreakable bond between them after Marion's sudden death. "Take as much time as you need, Jesse. I'll leave you two alone."
"You will never guess who came by today to express his condolences," Amy said when Ty returned from his shift at the clinic.
Ty raised an eyebrow. "Who?"
"Jesse Stanton."
"You're kidding," Ty scoffed. "He actually showed his face at Heartland."
"He did," Amy said with a nod. "And to say he might want to buy Herring."
"Yup," Amy confirmed. "I don't know, Ty. I think Val's death really shook him. He said he felt like there was a bond between him and Herring, since that was the last horse Val ever got to ride."
"I didn't think Jesse was interested in riding," Ty said.
"No, I don't think it's about riding, necessarily," Amy explained. "I think it's more about taking in and caring for the horse that probably protected Val's body from being dragged off by the bear."
"Well, Herring sure would be treated like royalty if he ever went to live at Briar Ridge. You and I both know it's pretty ritzy. After Hillhurst, Briar Ridge is the most high-end training facility in this part of the province," Ty added. "I guess that guy really has turned over a new leaf."
Amy gave a short nod. "And since Ashley has no interest in being involved with running Briar Ridge in any way, Jesse's got to pick up the pieces by himself. I almost feel sorry for him."
"'Almost'?" Ty echoed, hearing the authentic note of empathy in his wife's voice.
"Okay, I do feel sorry for him," she corrected herself. "Even after all the bad blood between us and Jesse, you and I know first-hand what it's like to lose a parent. It's never easy, especially the horrible way Jesse lost Val."
"Come here," Ty said, stretching open his arms. She went to him and allowed him to embrace her snugly. He then planted a kiss on her forehead and they stood together for a few moments of silence.
"Mmm. What was that for?" Amy eventually asked.
"For being such a caring person," responded Ty. "Even when it comes to people who don't have any particularly redeeming qualities."
Dinner and baby bath-time were over. Ty and Amy had together read Lyndy a bed-time story and put her down for the night. After the horrific events of the preceding days, this routine was a welcome taste of normalcy. The child seemed to be unaffected by the sad, somber mood of the adults around her, and she went down easily in her crib.
The relative calm was about to be broken in the form of another unexpected emergency.
Georgie's cry rang out from the barn below.
"Georgie?" Ty answered back, wondering why his niece was shouting.
"Come quick!" the girl was half-way up the steps now.
"What's the matter?" Ty went to the top of the stairs and peered down, wishing she would lower her volume lest she wake Lyndy.
"Something's wrong with Remi!"
There was no mistaking the desperation in the teen's voice; this was clearly something dire. Amy was now beside Ty, also on the alert. Amazingly, Lyndy was still in dreamland.
"I'll be right there, Georgie," Ty finally responded as quietly as possible so as to still be heard, but not loud enough to rouse Lyndy.
"Please, hurry." Now that she knew she had been heard, Georgie lowered her voice, though both Amy and Ty noticed a quaver in her voice that indicated she was far from pacified.
Ty shoved his feet inside his boots and shrugged into his leather jacket. "I'm ready; what's going on?" he asked, opening the baby gate.
Georgie turned on her heel and careened down the stairs, two at a time. "Come with me!" she called. "Hurry! I think Remi's having some kind of seizure."
"A seizure?" Ty repeated with a touch of panic, increasing the speed of his own descent at this piece of bad news. Once in the barn office, he snatched up his vet kit. He raced across the yard behind Georgie to where she beckoned inside the ranch house.
In the living room, Lou crouched worriedly over the twitching dog. Remi's legs were paddling restlessly while a foamy saliva dribbled from her mouth. Ty noticed the rug beneath the dog was visibly wet, a tell-tale sign that Remi had lost bladder control.
"How long has she been like this?" Ty asked briskly, all business-like while pulling on a pair of gloves.
"Uh-a—about, I don't know, four or five minutes now, maybe?" Georgie replied shakily. "I'd just finished washing the dishes with Mom. I called Remi to go upstairs, and she—she dropped and started shaking like that."
"What's wrong with her, Ty?" Lou asked, her own voice indicating her deep concern at seeing the dog in this condition.
"I don't know for sure yet," Ty answered as calmly as possible. He knelt down next to the animal with a needle and syringe of diazepam. "Lou; Georgie, help me hold Remi, but stay clear of her mouth because she might snap and bite in this state."
The two of them drew closer to assist, and Ty managed to inject the drug into a vein in the foreleg.
Georgie asked: "What are you giving her?"
"Something to relax her," Ty replied, keeping note of how the dog was reacting to the medication.
"Valium?" Lou guessed.
"Yes, that's the generic name for diazepam," Ty said.
Georgie's worry still had not abated. "Is she going to be okay?"
"We won't know until we get her to the clinic, Georgie," Ty replied hastily. "The both of you, I need your help again. We need to move her to the truck right away. Georgie, find me a blanket that I can use as a kind of temporary sling."
"Right," Georgie said, and scurried off.
Knowing Cassandra had the overnight shift, Ty said to Lou: "Call Cass at the clinic and tell her I'm bringing Remi in because she's had a seizure."
"You got it," Lou answered, and went to make the call.
Seconds ticked by. Ty could hear Lou speaking with Cass; heard Georgie rummaging in the linen closet. The dog's manic twitching continued. If the relaxant did not start to work soon, he feared the outcome would not be very favourable.
He heard Lou say, "Ty said he gave her Valium. He's coming with her now... Yes... He's got to get her into the truck... Okay... Thank you, Cass."
Yes, thank you, Cass, Ty thought. Knowing his very capable colleague, she was already starting to prep the clinic with all the necessary medical tools, equipment, and drugs they might need so that upon arrival they could administer immediate help to the stricken dog.
"Good girl, Remi," Ty cooed while stroking her coat, relieved to see her spasms were starting to subside in the couple minutes since the diazepam had entered her bloodstream.
"Here's a blanket, Ty," Georgie said upon returning. "Sorry I took so long. It's an old one, so it doesn't matter if she soils it."
"Good thinking," Ty said. "Thanks, Georgie. She's calmed enough now. Let's slide it under her. Please get the door for me while I carry her. Okay?"
"Okay," Georgie said, rushing ahead of him through the kitchen. She opened the door and pushed the screen out of the way so Ty, burdened with the animal, could make an easy exit towards the vehicle. Next was the truck door. Amy appeared right then with the truck keys dangling from her finger and his wallet in the other hand.
"You'll need these," she said.
Ty looked at her with affection at her forward thinking. "Thank you," he uttered gratefully. Amy unlocked the truck and Ty deposited Remi gently into the passenger side.
"I'll be at the clinic," Ty said as he sat behind the steering wheel.
"Right," Amy said, choosing to refrain from delaying him with useless questions or comments.
Seconds later, the truck roared out of the yard towards town.
Next Day
"I got the bloodwork back for Remi," Ty announced as his phone dinged the message from the lab. As soon as the words left his mouth, the family instantly froze, their faces locked in expressions of apprehension. He paused, realising he should have schooled his features a little better. Feeling like the constant harbinger of bad news, Ty intuited they were expecting the worst. "It was poison. Strychnine."
A gasp escaped Georgie.
"Strychnine?" Lou repeated, immediately unsettled.
"It's common to use it around these parts to control the gopher population," Ty said.
"I know, but we don't use that at Heartland. Grandpa hates that stuff," said Lou.
"Exactly," Amy said heatedly. "Someone must have left baited food somewhere around here and Remi got into it."
"No," Georgie spat, shaking her head vehemently. "No way. I've made sure she hasn't been wandering off lately because of the bear sightings. I'd know if she did."
"Are you sure?" Lou asked, fixing her gaze on the teen. "You can't watch her 24/7."
Glumly, Georgie plopped back down in the couch. Lou sighed, placing a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Then how else could she have been poisoned?"
"I don't know," replied a baffled Ty. "I don't think any of our neighbours uses anything toxic like this, either."
Georgie spoke up again. "Do we call the police? Shouldn't Chief Parker know?"
"And tell them what? It's not illegal to use strychnine as a gopher poison in this province, Georgie," Lou said, hating in this instance to be the voice of reason.
"Well, it should be!" she shot back sullenly.
"I agree," Amy put in.
"Symptoms of strychnine poisoning in canines can manifest in as little as fifteen minutes," Ty said reflectively. "But they can also take up to two hours. Georgie, you said Remi was with you the whole time yesterday, right?"
"Yes," Georgie said, sending a glare her mother's way. "She never went outside alone. The only time she was outside was when I was jumping Phoenix and when I walked out with her to do her business."
"Well, since we don't keep strychnine in the house, how did she ingest it?" Amy asked.
"That I don't know," Ty said. "In any case, I took samples of the water and food from her dishes to be tested to rule them out as the source."
"We have to do something," Georgie said, eyes ablaze. "What if it is contaminated dog food? What if happens again to other dogs in Hudson?"
"We're gonna try to make sure it doesn't," Ty said as calmly as he possibly could. "We're still having the contents of Remi's stomach analyzed, so we might get a better idea of precisely what it was she ate that was poisoned."
"That's good, right?" Amy asked tentatively.
"It will tell us what, but it might not necessarily tell us how or where Remi was poisoned," Ty answered.
"Why is this even happening?" Georgie lamented miserably. Her eyes brimmed. "First Val Stanton, then Lisa... now Remi..."
No, Lou thought grimly. First poor Lanny and Paige. A chill descended upon her and refused to lift, despite the warmth of the day. So much evil.
Chapter 10: There the Vultures Will Gather
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supernova3space · 26 days
18,681 words. That's where I am now.
I'm not even close to half of the story but I don't want to start posting the chapters now because if I do, I'll either lose the flow or I'll forget and procrastinate and never finish it.
And I want to finish it.
It's an SOA fanfiction. I was reading one of my old Satyajit Ray books (HE'S A GENIUS). I love his stories. They have an element of an undiscoverable horror, peppered with mystery, woven with such meticulous care into the fabric of the story. His horror stories leave you with nightmares and he doesn't even have to utilise ghosts or any specific supernatural beings for them.
The could be a line of ants crawling on your wall. Or the apparition of the dog you ran over with your car. Or an abstract wooden figurine you found in the woods that can't let you sleep at night.
It could be your doppelganger who not only resembles you but has done everything that you have done as well, living your life. It could be a carnivorous plant that your eccentric friend bought.
And his creation of Feluda the detective. Dude is the Indian Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot.
I started writing horror when I was in 6th grade. For our language class. Our teacher gave us a list of words and we had to include them in the story we were writing.
I think I was the only person who wrote a ghost story. I wrote two.
First one was pretty cliched. It was about a man entering a house with a gorgeous garden with lots of fruit trees that he wants to use for selling fruits (Fruit was one of the words in the list so the lack the creativity here lmao). He enters at night cause he wants to prove the watchman wrong about ghosts in the building and, you guessed it, he was killed by the ghost.
Second one took a little more time but it was about a young girl who moves into this town and she finds another little girl playing inside an old dilapidated building. (My cousins and I used to play in old buildings all the time so this was fun). They become good friends and every day our protagonist goes to play with her friend. She never sees the girl in school or anywhere else and when she asks the girl, she says her house is far away.
Then one day, when she comes back, she finds the little girls white dress stained in blood. She's shocked as hell but her friend smiles and tells her she was preparing to go home. She was scared of going because she thought people would forget her but now she had found the courage to go after meeting our protagonist. She then guides our protagonist to an old photo album buried in the building and says goodbye before disappearing into the wind.
Yeah, so, my language teacher was super supportive of this whole disturbing thing lmao I blame her. Thank you ma'am.
I'd say the thing I'm working on is sort of similar. I'm writing something I'm familiar with. I love it, I like what I'm writing, I like how it's going (sorta) and well, idk when I'll finish it but I will finish it. It'll take a long, LONG time tho lmao
Well, that's my rant for the day.
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the-doomed-witch · 1 year
Ok, after some "post-reading-smut time alone"... now I can properly answer you with my fangirling attitude 🤭
Thank YOU for that. So damn good... SO FUCKING DAMN GOOOOOD. Tell me there is a part 2. Pretty please, tell me.. come on.. she is so dreamy to be a stand alone kind of thing.....
First: I cannot unsee Olsen in a air-hostess uniform... is burned in my mind.
Second: Holy mama...mommy/daddy play is just so.. 👌
Third: yes to oral in the crew seat, yep, yep.. totally worth the googling "where do they seat on an airplane" mishap...
Uuuh, I liked to know I have requests freedom! Don't give me too much opening, I will use it 🤭. Oh, I have so many... let me get my best one forward and I will send you later.. (claps excitedly)
About reading my fics... uhm.. hard pass. 😂 I am joking. I will get off anon and DM you one of this days - you are so nice to talk to 😊. I am writing one for Lizzie. But is far from over.
GOOGLE CAN BE SO DAMN STUPID! Like.. just ANSWER ME! Sometimes I feel like it is mansplaning me.. 😅
No new dehli? Really? Where I would stay is so very nice! My cousin lived there for... like... 10 years? Maybe is because it was a very fancy place 🤣. His photos are extraordinary! But thanks for the advice ;) I will definitely consider it when I am ready to board on a 24hour wanda-less flight 😂
Oh, I am sorry. I shouldn't have anticipated your suffering :x... I had nightmares about balance sheets not matching for years.. hahaha. I can TOTALLY see you doing 34 pages of ledgers by hand. That was a very weird phase in life for me :x.
Well, my biology is more into human anatomy and physiologic, buuut mitochondria being a gift from your mother ... who gots from you grandma, and after grandma.. and so on..is so poetic. Hahaha my geek feminist side showing...
Ok, NOW I AM INTERESTED. We need to exchange smuts indications one of this days.... 😗
My god, exactly!! And I thought I was in a very dark path when I got to know slight smut.. then I stumbled on midnightcrimson and Wanda a few weeks ago? Is safe to say my soul if on the line to take the lift down to hell. 🤣
(Arrrgh, how can I add a freaking image here?? I got a Lizzie doing yoga one!! 😒)
. .
JUBGBKDDJHJKGB 😭😭😭 i’m so so glad that you liked it anon! 🖤🖤 i’m not sure if i’ll have a part two, but i am planning a small drabble in continuation about the strap-on 🫣 still, not very sure because one thing abt me is i suck at series or multiple parts of a story 🥲
olsen in an air hostess uniform yes. yes exactly. you seriously get me. that’s what i had in my mind the whole time 🤤 sitting in the crew cabin and eating out wanda? COUNT ME IN!
also!!!!! i’ll be eagerly waiting for your request <333 & enthusiastically waiting to read your fics!! 🖤
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google a mansplainer? YOU ARE SO REAL FOR THIS. like my dudes don’t try to explain me shit #GenderfluidBossing (because girlbossing sounds very gender dysphoric to me hehe)
delhi has deteriorated a LOT over the time, the air quality index has risen to a very disturbing amount… if you plan on coming here then i suggest you to do a bit of a research, because it’s seriously dangerous. nothing is more dangerous than a flight with wanda tho. iykwim
34 pages is an understatement 😭🥲 the last time i wrote an accounts exam, i used up 70+ pages in three hours! queue this genre of taylor swift lyrics:
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human anatomy is my only strong topic in the entirety of biology. reminds me of the time i scored 50/50 in science in 7th grade 💀😭🤣 yeah no i’ll never forget that, it was the smartest in science i could ever be! but scientific poetry can consume my heart. the thing is, i love learning about science but for academic purposes is a no.
a geek feminist? you’re like a billion times more iconic to me. i am a geek feminist too. but more of in a way where they should allow people who menstruate to have considerate holidays and exam timings. having cramps while writing a stupid ass 20 mark test should be banned fr😐
the moment i started reading smut i only confirmed my place in hell. i haven’t spared myself. funny part is, i cannot even stop thinking about it 😩 sometimes when i cannot sleep i keep thinking abt smut …should i be concerned?
if you have a pinterest link to the image, you can link it to the text :)
(again, i’m so sorry, i geniunely forgot to answer the ask!)
0 notes
river's best book recs!
for @wings-in-a-dream!
Short stories that take the emotional strength of reading a 10-20k fanfic:
Bernice Bobs Her Hair, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. HILARIOUS. 10/10 WOULD RECCOMMEND. A short read, but OH MY STARS. SO WORTH IT. It's ridiculous, a story of peer pressure, rash haircuts, and the cruelty of jealous teenage girls. It's so funny and so sad and it's just. Ugh. It's a trip, and the ending is so satisfying. I loved this story.
Rappaccini's Daughter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A poison girl lives separate from the rest of the world. A man falls in love with her despite her deadliness. How on earth can he be with a woman who will kill him? Or, a deep discussion of the toxic nature of relationships based on only infatuation and emotions. It's a blast, romantic as frick, and original and disturbing as all get out. It's amazing. I love this short story, and wrote a thesis on it for my Literary Analysis class. Just skip the first paragraph. It's a bunch of boring dates. There's meaning there, but it doesn't really tie into the plot all that much.
Young Goodman Brown, again by my best dude, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Say you're an upstanding gent. You head out for the evening, and meet Satan. And you're not smart about it. And you find out that everyone in your town who you thought was upstanding, from your wife to your parish priest, is in cahoots with the devil(probably?). You're never going to trust anyone again, are you? Read this to be enthralled with a hell-tinged fever dream. It's spectacular writing, and there are so many layers to this story. But, if you only read it for the plot, it's still just as thrilling, because the veil between the written reality and the written fake is so thin and imperceivable that while you read you're just going to vibe along with it. It will really stretch your brain in funky ways as you try to grasp what's happening!
The Importance of Being Earnest, a comedic play by OSCAR WILDE. Do you need more convincing to read this? Let me say it again. COMEDY! PLAY! OSCAR WILDE! IT's hilarious on every level, and a really enjoyable plot, super deep and super funny all of the time. There's a whole muffin discourse, and the title is a pun. It's a case of mistaken identity, and lies, and miscommunication. I love it, and you will too.
The Monkey's Paw, by W.W. Jacobs. This was featured in a Simpson's episode, so you know it's good. It's a really disturbing thriller story about a magical paw that grants three wishes. But, as always. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. I wholly recommend reading this in the afternoon, so one someone slams the door in your house, you don't need to feel like the two main characters of this story.
Longer books for the long haul!
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte. Always fun to take on a book labeled as a classic, and a pretty easy read, honestly. The plot is straight forward, and follows a girl who goes from a really dark childhood to an okay life to a sad life to a happy? Ish? Ending? It's not super long, but it's super dark and it's really dreary, but the ending will leave you shook, and you might throw the novel across the room. It's also really inspiring, because no matter what you think of her and her choices, Jane's a person who starts in the dark and has to fight tooth and claw for the good. At the end, she gets the good, but it doesn't feel like a real good. Her ideas of good are realistically a little twisted, but she's honestly doing her best. It's written in first person, and it's about a girl who is seriously doing her best. There's nothing super awful in it, except for, like. All the little, implied things, and the themes of childhood trauma, broken marriages, and mental illness. Oh, and the arson. Yeah.
Spontaneous, by Aaron Starmer. A YA novel that's just as disturbing as it is sickeningly beautiful. One of my favorite books of all time. It's a really disturbing dive into hedonism and self-destruction inspired by events that happen to teenagers in a highschool. Basically, kids start blowing up, spontaneously combusting, and it spirals completely out of control and the world goes out of control with them. It got me through Covid and was a huge comfort for me. It's full of twisted gallows humor, and it's sarcastically darkly funny. It really makes you grateful for living, and it makes you want to sit outside and breathe air and just enjoy life? And do something responsible? Idk. If it was a movie it would be R for language, gore, and sexual content, but it's really, really, really interesting.
All of The Hunger Games series. It's dark, deep, and it's a read that pulls you in and sets you in front of a well-developed world. If you want something snappy to pull you out of your reading slump, wholly recommend re-reading Catching Fire. It usually works for me. And it will make you want to read Mockingjay. So there's that. It's a win-win. Catching Fire is one of my favorite books of all time. Like, if I had to rate books, this would be in my top ten. It's just soooo good.
The Truth About Forever, by Sarah Dessen. It's a really cute, sweet romance novel. Overcoming the traumatic loss of her dad, the main character has pushed and pulled herself into the strictest, most perfect boss queen ever. The girl is uptight and perfect but the boy isn't a bad boy. He's actually the sweetest man this world has ever seen, and I'd die for him, but her mom is like "You're ruining your own life by being around him!!!" and she has to make a choice between perfection and what she really actually wants. 10/10.
Bookish Boyfriends: A Date With Darcy, by Tiffany Schmidt. Okay, i know the title sounds cringey af. I know it does. But hear me out. This is hilarious. This is beautiful. This is everything i've ever wanted. It made me laugh. It made me cry. I just. I loved it. It was really sweet and really relatable. But yeah. Also, the sequel(with the equally cringey name Talk Nerdy To Me) is about 300x better, which is saying quite a bit since I liked this one so much. 10/10, if you've ever had a crush on a fictional character, this will be relatable.
One Small Thing, by Erin Watt. This book destroyed my soul. This book literally destroyed me. A girl goes to her first party in an act of teenage rebellion, and sleeps with the guy who killed her sister in a reckless driving incident. I usually hate books that start with a one-night-stand, but this book hooked me, and pulled me in. It's beautiful, and achingly sad, and it actually promotes working through your issues and not relying on a significant other to save you! It starts out in a really rough place in both the boy and the girl's lives, and they GROW??? They function??? They grow together??? It's beautiful!!! This book is amazing. 10/10, would recommend.
The Awakening, by Kate Chopin. Okay. Maybe she drowns herself at the end of the story. Okay. Maybe she's a coward, and a loser, and wants to be amazing but completely fails. But y'know what? Edna didn't even try. Anyways. This book is just interesting, and a really good study on being yourself, and the price you have to pay for complete authenticity but demanding acceptance. Yeah. It's neat, and the descriptions are gold, and it's another classic!!! So!!! yeah!!! 10/10, wrote a thesis on this as well.
Anyways, hope you enjoy these recommendations! :DDD
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Ive seen a lot of Dream (and usually Techno and Phil too) as gods au (i have one too dw) but all of you are sleeping on the funniest option.
Tommy is the god.
hes the only one in that galaxy (other than drista ofc)
Just imagine how fucking funny it is like 
it would be so fucking hilarious
and tommy just doesnt tell them
so techno is just there making all these blood god jokes and jokingly telling tommy to serve him and tommys just laughing
imagine a god in the form of a chaotic 16 year old racoon gremlin just walts into your land commits arson and gets banned, only to come back with another person who he helps start a nation for drugs?
imagine how fucking funny it is
imagine tubbo banning a literal god from his lands and he just doesnt come back? he just plays by the rules? then goes and like sits in the corner all sad because some humans/dreamons told him to leave
ranboo, just joining the server: hi-  a chaotic gremlin god: wanna commit arson with me?  ranboo, just trying to vibe and maybe not disturb this god: sure 
Phil and Ranboo recongnize Tommy as a god on sight.
Everyone else just refuses to believe it. hes Tommy. Tommyinnit. hes just weird lol
And Drista being a fucking chaotic blood god? 
drista is open about her godhood and does not hesitate to spawn blocks
Drista finds Dream and decides she likes this small human, and dream just has to deal with it lmao.
drista and tommy are both born at the same time.
Tommy is a god of music, chaos, war and theivery (the last one bc he is a BITCH)
Drista is the blood god, chaos, deception, and theatre
okay but imagine the sbi interactions... like ig in this au tommy joins at like 12/13 years of age (in their minds) so he doesnt really grow much 
and like tommy, a literal god, just claiming phil as his father???
phil, in his house making eggs, assuming one of his sons woke up and came to the kitchen, not looking: hey son  tommy, from their couch, already deciding hes phils son now: whats up dad? phil: looks up at tommy who are you tommy: idk dad, who am i  phil: *stares at tommy for a second* eh i made extra eggs you can stay 
everyone on the server: tommy is the youngest! tommy, as old as the universe: no im not!!!! im not a child!!!! he doesnt pout because pouting is for children and hes not a child but hes pouting tubbo: lol im older than you by a month tommy dont try to hide it tommy: im not a child!!!! techno: laughs
tommy doesn't try to hide that hes a god just its tommy
thats all the evedince anyone needs to think tommy isnt a god or powerful its like mcc hes good but only when he doesnt throw for content
quackity: sees drista written in bedrock lmao drista visited? tommy: yeah! i wrote that for her!  quackity: snorts yeahhhh sureee tommy
imagine like how fucking funny it is jsut like 
a fucking chaotic god breaks into your house androbs you makes a room under your house and decides to live in your floorboards
imagine dream like trying to manipulate tommy, and tommy a fucking anchient diety immeditly recongnizes what hes doing
but decides to play along for the angst and giggles and then actually gets mad when no one fucking cares for his theatrics
tommy, storming off to technos base to rob and build under: >:///// cant believe none of them acknoledged my  deppression 
i love that tommy stills robs everyone, he doesnt need to he can spawn in anything he wants
he just does it for the sport of robbery
dream: im god actually tommy: thats so fucking funny lets make a cult about that :)  dream: see! look! im god! and jesus!  tommy: wheezing
imagine tommy getting stressed and letting go of his mortal form
Tommy, his human form peeling away, showing his actual form a bit: WH̸͘A͠T̷ ̶̢T͞H͢E ̡͘F̴̵͘Ù̧C͜K҉ ̶T͘͜͞E͟CHǸ͏Ǫ  Techno: HAH?
tommy just saw tubbo and got emotionally attached
Tommy, a literal god: hello Tubbo: oh hi do you like my pet bee? Tommy: you’re mine now Tubbo: im okay with this
tommy, a bored god: gives techno shapeshifting powers  techno, not even caring: changes into more human to pig-ishg forms as he wishes this is my life now ig 
phil lets tommy do fuck all in exile bc he knows hes a god hes fine
phil: IDC IF YOURE A GOD! YOU WILL DO THE DISHES NOW YOUNG MAN! tommy: grumbles but does them
phil is the only one who can control tommy
god... tommy... with star freckles... on his human form... (as well as his god one)
tommy: f̷͛͠a̵̋t̵̒̑h̸̚e̶̓͝r̸͊ ̸̐̒i̴ ̸̅̿d̷̉͆o̵͂͋ ̵̛̆ñ̸̾ő̶́t̸̎́ w̶͆͘i̴͠s̵̓̈́h̸͗́ ̵̯͗f̶͋́ő̴͑r̷̐̌ ̶͝é̵̽g̸͊͂g̵̒s̷͂̃  phil: idc, eat your goddamn eggs tommy: pouts
tommy, despite being able to get supplies himself by fucking spawning them in: hey tubbo? we need supplies 
In this au ig like if a god claims you you get a mark on your skin showing that. Drista’s would be like a green crown, Tommys would be a red and white disk (white as the outer ring and red as the center) (its different enough that if you don’t realise tommy is a god you wouldnt realise whos it is) (schlatt is the only one who never had one which shoulda been a sign dude :/)
Dream has two from the beginning, everyone else has only one, well until they meet drista. (sbi have had one since they met tommy, though they dont remember the first time they met tommy)
wait what if tommy like found them all as children one by one and later kinda pulled some strings to get them all in one kingdom. (he still joined sbi through forcing phil to adopt him) 
tommy would hang out with baby techno and tell him stories
once he told him the story of a man named thesus
another time he told him the story of a blood god
like for example tommys first time meeting techno would be like
(for context techno lived in a shitty village and was an orphan and it was kinda a dog eat dog place, he learned how to be strong because of it)(he was young enough that he doesn’t remember this well, just like learning about the blood god and someone giving him gold)
baby techno: sighs tommy, appearing out of nowhere: oh heyyy whyre you sad? techno: jumps turning around with a knife up ready for a fight who are you tommy: im tommy! :) techno: what do you want from me! you dont scare me! tommy: whats your name! techno: i have a knife! i'll use it! tommy: of course, thats a given, but its rude not to tell people your name techno, confused: t-technoblade? tommy: smiles thats a nice name techno: so. tommy: hm? techno: why're you here tommy: i don't have a reason. im just a traveller! techno: then why hole to this terrible village! theres nothing nice here! everyone is terrible and so are you! tommy: hmmmm i dont agree techno: what are you? a child? i thought adults were supposed to know that everyone is mean tommy: mmhmm looks at the bruise on technos face where'd you get that? techno: fight. i won. i'll win against you too! so don't try anything. tommy: of course. i would never win in a fight against a blood god techno, putting down his knife a bit, stars in his eyes: blood god? tommy: grins blood. god. i think she'd like you. techno, muttering: maybe i can give the blood god some of your blood tommy: laughs yeah, she'd defenitly find you intresting tommy: here tosses techno a golden crown at techno, he spawned it in in the moment techno: whats this? tommy: a crown, thought it suit you screams in the distance tommy: huh. i need to go. have fun lil piglin. ruffles technos hair before running off towards the screaming unbeknownst to the pig the blood god was actually the one waiting for the god he met. techno: stares at the crown 
Techno found a pouch of gold in his ‘house’ later that day. he didnt know who left it but it helped him get food for that night. (he kept the crown)
okay but imagine tommy not taking the war seriously at all, and only seeing it as a squabble between mortals, Like toddlers fighting
tommy doesnt realise that theyre serious until wilbur dies
tommy would usually go apeshit against anyone who dares messes with his humans, but what is he supposed to do when his humans are fighting Eachother?
wilbur: fucking goes insane and dies  tommy: hey- hey can you guys let me talk to wil for a sec? everyone else leaves tommy, unsually somber: sorry i didnt help you i forgot how easily breakable mortals are tommy: this time you wont die, and i'll make it so that you dont break again, okay? tommy: brings wilburs soul out of its body and enters his mindscape ghostbur: wakes up what- where am i? tommy: hi there ghostbur: who are you tommy: i go by a lot of names all, one, you, the world, the universe, god, but you can just call me tommy ghostbur: oh okay. who am i? tommy: you're name was wilbur soot. you were the son of philza minecraft and brother to Technoblade, Tubbo and myself. ghostbur: was? tommy: well you see, you died. ghostbur: oh... well what am i then? tommy: a ghost! well actually its your choice. would you like to continue your existance or fade away with your body? ghostbur: i dont want to fade away! tommy: smiles thats what i thought you'd say stretches his hand to wilbur ghostbur: grabs tommy hand tommy: lets go home
ghostbur doesnt remember that though
he only remembers the good
tommy wont let him remember the bad, what if he breaks again? mortals are so fragile
phil realises what tommy did as soon as he sees ghostbur 
drista, painting tommys nails (there both in god form btw) (after wilburs death btw): tommy shouldn't you of all gods realise how fragile they are?  tommy: i know just... forgot  drista: sighs and nods i get what you mean, especially with the ones we found... they act a lot like gods sometimes i forgot they arent  tommy: ikr? wait- drista here gets drista's hair out of her face you were gonna get it on my nails, anyways, don't judge me. we all know if dream died you would turn him into a ghost too drista: smirks not if you do it first, we all know you would tommy: you say that as if you wouldn't fight me to do it first  drista: .... tommy: ... drista: both of us when he dies? tommy: nods tommy: anyways my turn to do your nails 
or like tommy with ghostbur like
ghostbur: i don't like this :( tommy, a worried brother and god: whats wrong? ghostbur: everyone is mad at me and i d-dont know why- why are they mad at me tommy: theyre mad at something alivebur did ghostbur: b-but im not alivebur sniffs it hurts. i dont like it. tommy: spawns in some blue here ghostbur: whats that? tommy: its some blue! it'll help you not hurt anymore! ghostbur: how does it work? tommy: see how its blue? ghostbur: nods tommy: well its blue because it sucks up all the bad feelings! it'll help ghostbur: !!!!! ghostbur: presses the blue into his chest ghostbur: !!!!its working!!!! :D tommy: smiles good
wilbur fucking died and tommy went from annoying little brother to caring older brother
tommy just wants to help his brother :) though he doesnt realise that not letting ghostbur remember bad memories isnt good
*at logsted shire btw* ghostbur: who are you? tommy, chuckling: did you forget me already ghostbur? ghostbur: i didnt forget you! i think! you're tommy! i just... you're different tommy, looks over at ghostbur: different how? ghostbur: you're not normal are you? tommy: grins whaaaaat? you think im weirdddd? how heartbreaking... my own brother thinks im weird, this is terrible ghostbur: giggles tommy: but really, don't worry about it bur. ghostbur: you sure? tommy: yeah, dont worry about me ghostbur: smiles okay! do you want some blue anyways? tommy: giggles sure! ghostbur: grins
ghostbur isnt worried about tommy
he knows hes strong
phil having to tell tommy that he cant just not let wilbur remember the bad memories
and tommys like "what if he breaks again!" and phil hugs him and tells him to at least ask ghostbur if he wants to remember and tommys like ‘fine’
tommy: hey bur? ghostbur: yeah? tommy: do you like you're memories? ghostbur: i mean, yeah its hard not to when you only remember the good tommy, quietly: would you want to remember the bad? ghostbur: w-what brought this question on tommy: answer the question ghostbur: no- alivebur was badi shouldn't want to- tommy: but what do you want bur? wilbur, silent for a moment: yeah- yeah i do. not that i like the bad memories! they hurt... but i wish i could remember tommy: ... ghostbur: hey tommy? tommy: yeah? ghostbur, with tears in his eyes: do you think they'd be less mad at me if i could remember, maybe then i could repair my relationships, what the hell am i supposed to do when i dont even remember hurting them? tommy: what if they dont? what if you break again? ghostbur, saltily: we'll maybe i'll be able at least be able to say i know why everyone hates me tommy: i know how to get all of your memories back ghostbur, looks towards tommy in shock: you do??? tommy: nods ghostbur, voice wavering: for how long tommy: since the beginning ghostbur: and you didnt tell me tommy: i did what i thought was best. i just didnt want you to hurt anymore. ghostbur, angrily: WELL THAT CLEARLY WORKED DIDNT IT? tommy: sorry wilbur, sometimes i forget how to handle humans ghostbur: what- tommy: sighs and taps ghostbur on the forehead and ghostbur does the ghost equivilent of passing out tommy: wont hide any memories this time
ghostbur doesnt wake up, instead wilbur wakes up weither thats good or bad we'll see
wilbur, waking up with all his memories: HOLY SHIT TOMMY WASN'T KIDDING phil, who was reading beside the bed tommy placed wilbur into, which was in technos house. yes he broke into technos house with a passed out wilbur. move on.: hm? wilbur: holy shit phil: huh? yeah. wilbur: wait you knew? phil: yeah i recongnized him as soon as i saw him about 5 years ago now? wilbur: excuse me while i freak out because my little brother is an actual god
it really hits wilbur that tommy is a god later
wilbur: hey tommy? tommy: yeah? wilbur: how fucking old are you? tommy: snorts of course thats the first thing you ask wilbur: well? tommy: i dont really know the exact years since years are kind of a human thing that were invented recently wilbur: they were invented thousands of years ago- tommy: but it was around the beginning of this galaxy wilbur, softly: what the fuck
tommy telling wilbur stories about different heros and villains and different humans he met during his life.
Adsjbffsg what if Tommy made himself blonde and blue eyed and white bc thats hyow the first human he met looked like asjfhsd
and just didnt change that, despite meeting new humans, its just his defult settings.
he would totally do this tho im crying.
drista just based her human form off dream because she is his sister now. he must deal with this. trying disowning me when i look like you BITCH.
thats my take anyways later might continue this
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house-of-no-regrets · 3 years
No Regrets [in the wee hours]
Took a bit longer than expected, but I’ve finished the next little story! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep a decent pace on these. No overarching plot, just little stories in the same universe with the same characters. Warning for ~*murder*~ in this one!
I've been all-too-easy to wake up since I was a child; I'd often needed to go from dead asleep to functional, if groggy, as soon as I heard my father demanding action or attention. While I no longer need that reaction time, the old man long since locked up to rot, my brain is set in its ways and very convinced that I need to be able to bolt out of bed and fight God if a dust bunny moves too quickly in my vicinity.
Which is how I found myself waking up in the middle of the night, the sudden shift in the atmosphere bringing on consciousness with all the subtlety of a foghorn.
My room was silent, still, but I knew without opening my eyes that there was a spirit somewhere, and I didn't even give them a chance to speak before I pointed at the sign posted on my wall, barely shifting from my comfortable snuggle in my blanket and not even opening my eyes. Yes, this happens more often than I care to admit. No, I do not enjoy it. At all.
"Resurrection hours are noon to eight. I'm still alive and still need sleep to function."
There was silence, but the presence didn't leave, so I groaned and raised my head, finally opening my eyes to see the translucent, vaguely glowing, and unfortunately blurry spirit at the foot of my bed.
It did finally speak in a bewildered voice.
"Um, I'm being murdered."
Ah, fuck.
I grabbed my glasses from the bedside table and put them on. The spirit at the foot of my bed was tallish -- I've always been bad at estimating height, maybe half a foot shorter than Yvette? Five-nine... ish? -- and seemed to be in his twenties. There was a considerable dark stain on his chest and belly; likely blood, and the cause of his death. The newly-dead tend to show things like that, as they haven't had the time to get used to modifying their form.
I really hate it when brand new ones find me. I'm not sure how it started, but it seems like more and more often, now, the dead are drawn to No Regrets before they even realize they're dead, at least if they're the type to need my help. Wish I wasn't the one who had to break it to him. I'm not great with people.
"Sorry, bro, but I'm afraid they succeeded. Where was it? I'll get the police over there."
"Uhh... my house. I think. It's a little..."
I sighed. Right.
"You're probably a little out of it still... fresh dead usually are. C'mon, I'll take you around until things look familiar."
Climbing out of bed, I headed over to grab my hoodie from the back of the chair. I learned the hard way that sleeping is not a tits out sort of occasion when you're liable to get the dead dropping in at all hours of the night, so I sleep in pajama pants and a tank top. Little too chilly for tank tops outside, though. I shoved my phone in my hoodie and my feet into loafers, then started heading out of my room and down the hall.
"You remember your name?" I asked, trying to make conversation and learn what I could.
"Uh, Davis. Craig? Craig Davis."
"Well, Craig Davis, I'm sorry to hear about your passing. You're gonna need to possess me for this little adventure, by the way, but I'll walk you through it once we're outside."
"I- what?"
Considering how often I find myself lost in normal conversations, dealing with confused new spirits is especially difficult. Still shaking off my body's angry demands for More Sleep was not helping matters in the slightest, either.
"Possession. I'll explain it in just a minute." I rubbed an eye and yawned as I stopped in the foyer to pull a set of keys off one of the hooks on the wall.
Usually, I've got a driver. Not for vanity reasons, but after three or four near-misses caused by Sudden Spirits appearing in the car with me, I elected to hire someone to drive me into and around town as needed. But it was Fuck-This-Shit O'Clock in the morning, and Graves deserved their rest. The dead don't need to sleep, but they can if they so choose -- and it does, after all, conserve energy. The same goes for Yvette and Ashby; it was too early in the morning for most people to be out and searching for a necromancer to kill, so I wasn't gonna disturb them. I could handle a simple spirit chauffeur and 911 call on my own.
The keys were to the motor scooter; it was the better choice in this situation, allowing for more mobility and no passenger seat for any extra ghosts to drop into. That did, though, mean that Craig would need to ride shotgun in my body.
When I got out to the green scooter in the driveway, I paused and looked over at Craig.
"Hey, I know you're probably still a little out of it, so Possession 101." Script time. At least having this stuff memorized made it easier to do while dozy. "Our bodies need to take up the same space, so c'mere." I beckoned Craig over.
"So like… step into you?" He asked. Good, seemed like his head was clearing up some.
"Yeah, that's part 1."
He nodded and complied, crossing the space between us and settling in the same location, the two of us clipped into each other like bugged NPCs. It always felt so weird, those moments before a spirit actually possesses you. A sort of wobbly, in-and-out feeling like physics is trying to crush you and the spirit together, or, failing that, just kick your ass to the ground so you're not both in the same place at the same time.
"A'ight, now turn around and face the direction I’m facing, and overlay your hands onto mine as best you can." It was just a moment for him to obey, and I continued. "I'm not resisting, so you're gonna start feeling like you're being pulled in and pushed out at the same time. Space is trying to equalize. Let yourself be pulled in. It's gonna feel a bit like-"
The whirlpool effect kicked in before I could finish, the sudden snap and release of tension as Craig's spirit sank into my body. I wobbled a bit and grabbed the handlebar in front of me, then shivered at the sudden chill and dizziness. I'm pretty good at taking on passengers like this, but that didn't make it any more pleasant.
"You in there, buddy?" I asked out loud. Especially with new spirits, trying to think at each other was more trouble than it was worth. My lips moved to answer, though it wasn't my voice coming out.
"Uh- yeah. Yeah I'm here."
I grabbed the helmet hanging on the other handlebar and snapped it on, kicking the stand up and plopping heavily onto the seat.
"Great. Let's go."
"Wait, why am I not in control?" came Craig's confused voice. He felt almost frustrated, an undercurrent of emotion that wasn't mine despite being in my mind and body.
"Because this is my body, and I let you in willingly. Easier to keep control when you're letting someone in. Plus," I gave a little snort. "You just died, dude. I've been letting spirits possess me since middle school."
I felt his frustration turn to grumpiness, and then the pressure in my head, like a storm rolling in, that I knew from experience was him trying to take control. I froze and let out an irritated huff.
"You stop that. I'm not dealing with you doing some dumb shit with my body. Either chill out or get out."
"Oh- uh. Just wanted to see if I could…"
"Uh-huh. Anyhow, now that you're together enough to try joyriding, do you remember much about where you were before you were killed?"
I started up the scooter as emotions rolled through my mind, detached and distant, almost like the muffled dissociation I was used to mid-shutdown. Possessing spirits' emotions always felt weird like that, both mine and not mine, held at arm's length. Craig's was especially turbulent for a new death, but given that he had been murdered… I didn't fault him for being a little confused and angry. Even if it did put me a little on edge. 
"Uh- South Pine Street, Dogwood Acres housing development."
"Baller. That's not far from here. Once we get close to your body, you should be able to feel where it is, so I'll have a house number for the police. Don't want to have them scream in all blue lights and loud sirens and have your killer go to ground before they know which house, y'know?"
The muffled flare of anger that I felt was definitely not my own. I took a deep breath, hoped that the killer had panicked and tried to clean up instead of get rid of the body first, and puttered off towards Dogwood.
The housing development was quiet, lines upon lines of identical suburban boxes lit by flickering street lights that cast the sidewalks and yards in harsh white light. The occasional house had the glow of yellow within, but most of them were dormant. Weaving my way through the maze of streets, each one absolutely indistinguishable from the one before and the one to come, I felt terribly exposed -- and alone despite the spirit currently hitching along in my body.
I turned onto South Pine and brought my scooter to a puttering stop, stabilizing it with both feet on the ground. I couldn't help but bounce my legs to replace the vibration of driving; the sudden lack of sensation would ratchet my anxiety up even if I wasn't currently letting a frustrated dead man hang out in my head to catch his murderer.
...I should be more than a little anxious, really, but half-asleep Tabby once again wrote a check that more-awake Tabby is having to cash, and more-awake Tabby is very used to having to deal with the consequences of her idiot decisions. It occurred to me that normal peoples' consequences didn't usually involve murder, but when you live with the dead, you're bound to meet a few killers.
Two houses down, I could feel- not a tug so much as a presence, an echo of Craig's spirit reacting to his body. It was the only one on the street with its lights on and its garage, while not lit, was open. There was a car in the garage, another in the driveway, and a pickup at the curb in front.
"258?" I asked Craig, though I knew the answer already. His anger flared and I felt the oncoming storm again. I snapped at him. "That's two strikes, Craig. I'm sorry for your death, but if you end up driving my body into a crime scene or, god forbid, getting me killed next, I will kick your ass to whatever afterlife you're headed for and stay there to keep kicking it for eternity."
Big words for a short fat lady, but this is, in fact, my body on the line right now. I probably wouldn't be able to follow through on any ass-kicking, but dammit, I would try.
Craig was silent, and I could feel him steaming, petulant like a child denied a toy but with the power of a grown man behind it. With my stomach tying itself in knots and my hands starting to tremble, I dialed 911, hoping it would help quell the rising panic.
"258 South Pine Street. I think there's been a murder. I don't know the state of the crime scene or if the perp is still there, but you might be able to catch them if you hurry. The victim is Craig Davis, white adult male, either shot or stabbed in the chest, likely multiple times-"
"Wait, is this Tabby? The necro girl?"
Oh god I hope that isn't what the operators call me regularly-- I know I'm a bit of a 911 cryptid, since the usual intruder calls are to the non-emergency line, but if I get known as the necro girl I might have to move to a different state.
"Yeah, uh, necromancer, yeah-" I couldn't help but stumble over my words, now, with my train of thought derailed by the interruption. "-uh, murder?"
"Right! I'll send someone."
I murmured a thanks and hung up before she could ask me to stay on the line. I already had to stay around for the cops so Craig could give a statement, and making small talk with the 911 operator was not in the spoons tonight.
I don't like cops much, but in my line of work, they're kind of a necessity. I need to stay on the police force's good side because I need them to remove attempted murderers from my property on the regular. ...and also because graverobbing is still technically illegal, even if I do have the body owner's permission to dig them up.
At least most of the locals who know of me and my employees are chill about it. It took a bit of effort to get to that point, but now at least people don't run screaming from the less-presentable of my employees…
The blue lights of the police showed up fairly quickly, followed almost immediately by the red flashing of EMS. I puttered up slowly and parked my scooter just out of range as the officers set to work surrounding the house, then hung my helmet on a handlebar and walked up the rest of the way to watch the impending train wreck. I could feel Craig's anger boiling higher and tried my best to ignore it; Craig himself seemed to have fallen silent and sullen after I called him out.
I was standing just off to the side of the ambulance when someone stepped up behind me and called my name, making me jump and cringe.
"Oh- oh dear, I'm sorry, Tabs. I thought I heard you were the one who called this in!"
I straightened up immediately, face burning. I recognized that voice, bright and smooth and kind and--
"J-Jenna!" My voice was barely a squeak as I turned to face her, looking up at the round, dark face of one of the EMTs. She was a good six feet tall, maybe more, towering above me even in her uniform flats, with a brilliant smile and full lips and gorgeous natural hair pulled through the back of her uniform cap, the streetlight illuminating her from behind like a halogen angel.
Jenna had shown up to one of my early calls for assistance at No Regrets, and then she kept turning up, not every time I was in a situation where I'd be around EMTs, but often.
Concern showed on her face as she leaned to look me over.
"Are you okay? Did you see it happen, or-"
I shook my head, buying time to sort out words by tapping my temple with a finger.
"N-no, I uh- the victim woke me up, he's in here, uh, in case the cops need somethin' from him."
"Oh… are you getting enough sleep, dear? You sound exhausted. Do you want to sit in the back of the truck?"
It took me a second or two to recover from the way she called me dear, my face burning bright red. I couldn't make eye contact even for the second or two I can usually manage so that people don't immediately think I'm being dishonest.
"I- uh- um- w-well, it's, uh, it is like 4am--" I stammered, trying desperately to find words. "I-I guess 'm sleepin' okay, uh, how're… you doing??"
I have never been a great orator and the list of why that is gets a bit longer with every um and stutter.
Jenna's face bloomed into a gorgeous, open grin.
"I'm on 12-hour overnights right now, so I'm basically at least 60 percent Red Bull at any given time. Everyone okay up there at the House? Last I heard y'all were digging up half the lawn.”
I nodded, unable to keep from grinning. At least this was a subject I could talk to her about without making an absolute ass of myself--
"Yeah! The new girl, Chris, she's gotten Daryl and Roy to help her get the vegetable garden going! It's plenty big enough to take care of all of us, and I worked out a deal with the soup kitchen so that they get any of our excess, once things are running smoothly, and I can use their account to buy from that bulk food program that's usually only open to chari- oop-!" I bit my tongue and cringed. Right. I'm pretty sure that's technically fraud and I just admitted to it in front of-
There was a commotion from the house that snapped me back to attention, and the cops were leading a man out in handcuffs. He looked pale and shaken, spattered in blood, and not quite… present, like he had just checked out of reality for his own good. That… was a familiar look. I furrowed my brow. He certainly didn't look like a maniacal killer-
"He caught me with his wife," I said. Well. Craig said. I jumped. Jenna jumped. I flushed and covered my mouth reflexively.
"N-no that was him! The victim!" I squeaked. Jenna laughed, a hearty belly laugh, and covered her own mouth, though she was doing a terrible job of hiding her grin.
"I figured! If he caught you with his wife, it would be an upgrade!"
At this point, you could probably fry an egg on my face. Hell, my glasses were starting to fog up-- I stammered for a few moments, trying desperately to find something to say, and it was Craig who saved me, if you could call it that. I was too caught up in my embarrassment and awkwardness to realize how much anger and frustration he was radiating.
"Motherfucker told me he'd have my job! Son of a bitch thinks he can get away with doing this to me, he's gonna fucking pay--"
The oncoming storm crashed over me before I could get a grip on it, and all of a sudden I was lumbering forward, snarling words that weren't my own, and dragging a gardening pickaxe out of my truck -- Craig's truck -- on my way to the man and the cops--
I let out a shriek, in my own voice, feeling the sound cutting my throat raw. I wrested control of my body back with a lurch, falling on my ass in the yard with the force of it while the silvery-blue form of Craig was ejected from my body, screaming obscenities.
I threw my hand forward, fighting for whatever thoughts and words I could find to fix this. I saw Craig right himself and move back towards me, and the first incantation -- if you could call it that -- that my brain grasped left my lips in a single desperate breath, with a dizzying rush of power--
The force of the hurried exorcism rushed outward like a sonic boom, strong enough for even the mundanes around me to feel, and Craig's spirit let out a yowl of rage for a brief second before twisting around itself and collapsing in with a sickening crunch, crushing smaller and smaller until it was gone.
I winced -- not my best exorcism. At all.
As the flare of adrenaline dropped almost immediately and I came back to myself properly, I realized -- blurrily, as my glasses had gotten thrown off somewhere -- at least two officers had their weapons half-drawn at me, though they were looking over at where Craig's spirit had disappeared.
I collapsed the rest of the way onto the grass, shaking, and covered my face with my hands, trying with everything within me not to start crying. I should have realized he'd try something like that, why hadn't I been paying attention- I could have been attacked, I could have been arrested, I could have had to watch myself beat a man to death and I- fuck--
The sob that came out was squeaky and pained, and I pressed my hands harder against my face, like that would stop anything else from going wrong. I should have brought someone-- I shouldn't have let him possess me-- I should have been paying more attention--
Warm tears ran from the corners of my eyes, down my cheeks, to pool in my ears, making my already-trembling body shiver harder with the unpleasant sensation. I'd let myself get complacent, hadn't lost control of a possession like that in years, and- I'd almost- fuck--
"Honey, honey, sit up for me. Tabby? C'mon, let's get you up--"
Numbly, I let Jenna help me into a sitting position, where she wrapped a blanket around me and pressed an open bottle of water into my hands.
"Take slow sips. Are you okay? Just shaken?"
I nodded, some part of me grateful that I couldn't quite see her face properly without my glasses, because I didn't want to see what she thought about me after that. She sighed, though, and sounded relieved when she murmured "Good."
My whole body felt like jelly, trembling so hard I could feel the water in the bottle sloshing around, and I kept flashing from too hot to too cold to too hot again, and I couldn't even sort out my thoughts--
Jenna sat down beside me and rubbed my back. If I wasn't having a complete breakdown, I might have enjoyed it.
I don't know how long it took for me to calm down and clear my head, but the car with the other man had left, and the other EMTs had loaded Craig's body into the ambulance while Jenna sat next to me and made sure I was doing okay.
After a while, though, I blinked and shifted my torso, then opened the blanket more and cursed at the bloom of red on my hoodie.
I heard Jenna curse as well as she stood up, but I grabbed her pants leg.
"N-no, 'm okay," I mumbled, and instead of trying to speak more, I reached to pull my hoodie and tank up my stomach to show bruised, but completely unbroken skin, covered in blood, rivulets following my stretch marks and making it look even worse despite my being otherwise completely uninjured. "See, 'm okay." This was not the first time I've had a possession lead to the dead's cause of death showing on my own body. It wasn't even the bloodiest.
Jenna sat back down, and I could see her leaning in a bit.
"Well damn. Magic ghost stuff, huh?"
I nodded.
"Magic ghost stuff."
I could see the flash of white against dark skin as she grinned.
"So that exorcism… Artemis or Usagi?"
It took me a moment to parse her.question, but all of a sudden I was completely back to myself, just in time to absolutely die of embarrassment.
"L-listen, I- y-you can exorcise i-in anyone's name, i-it's the power and conviction that counts--!!"
"Usagi, then." I could hear the laughter in her voice, laughter that bubbled out moments later. I wanted to crawl in a hole in embarrassment, but- it didn't feel like condescending laughter. I knew what that felt like. She seemed just genuinely amused. "I grew up with Sailor Moon, too."
I couldn't stop the squeak that eaked out, and I covered my face again.
"G-god I hope word about this doesn't get out, people already think I-I'm weird enough, and to- to fall back on anime for magic i-in a pinch is just--"
"Cute," Jenna finished.
I squeaked.
Jenna moved away for a moment, and then she settled my glasses on my nose. I couldn't make eye contact, but I did glance over at her and sheepishly murmur my thanks.
"The officers still want a statement from you, since you made the call and tried to go after the perp, but I don't think they're looking at any charges, given…" Jenna trailed off and looked over at where Craig had disappeared. "...yeah."
I nodded, slowly, and then found myself yawning, the adrenaline drop setting in especially hard.
"...d'you think it can wait 'til tomorrow… 've kinda had a rough night."
"I think they'll be okay with that."
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theravenclawlover · 3 years
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader; Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: +18, heavy smut, cheating, angst, fluff, descriptions of violence, guns, strong language, and gore (?).
Word Count: 3,225.
Summary: Reader and Steve have been dating for some time. One day Steve leaves for a mission. A moment between Bucky and the reader might disturb the order of things, and not for the best.
Chapter Number: 1.
Chapter Title: How It Started.
A/N: Second story I ever wrote! This is one is sad and might trigger some people due to its themes. The warnings above should pretty much cover all the things this short book will contain. Please refrain from reading this if you are not comfortable reading this type of stuff. I want to say thank you for the love 'Monster' got (especially the smutty last chapter). Show some love to the rest of the chapters if you can, I would really appreciate some feedback.
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If you would've told me a year ago that I would be in the middle of a love triangle, I would have laughed so hard. But now I wish that someone would've warned me about that mission a year ago. Before I start telling you what's wrong I'll tell you what was right…
I'm an Avenger. I was recruited at the same when Sam, The Twins, and Vision were recruited, so after the whole Ultron incident. Our superiors were Steve and Natasha. Within a couple of months, we all became a family. We all cared about each other; friendships were strong amongst those who lived at the compound. I loved every single one of those idiots, no matter how much at times I would want to strangle them. I had different kinds of fun with every single one of them.
But I got closer to one of them in particular, we got so close to the point of dating. My superior Steve Rogers. Steve was the sweetest guy in the world. We didn't start dating until I had reached six months of being an Avenger. To be honest with you almost everyone started dating each other after the sixth-month mark.
Steve and I were in a serious relationship no doubt. Everything was great, we had fun all the time, we trained together a lot, and we had many missions together. The first time we told each other ' I love you' was not until one of Tony's parties at the tower…
You and Steve were standing next to Clint, Thor, and Natasha. You were all talking about how things had gone down in the latest mission. It was the usual, tracking down any clue of HYDRA and there still lurking agents.
"I can't believe Y/N actually went for it. She was so tiny compared to that dude. He was even bigger than Cap here," said Clint with a voice of amusement, still not believing the fact that you actually ended up beating the crap out of that HYDRA brute.
"I will not lie, I was about to back out once he got closer because I don’t have a death wish like some of ya’ll,” everyone laughed as you almost glared at Steve, “but then I was like 'no can do, Cap is watching’ and also, mama ain’t raise no bitch."
Now everyone present laughed a lot harder as Steve rolled his eyes at the way you responded.
"We knew you liked danger, but damn, I would’ve gone the other way," said Clint as he down the rest of his drink.
"Lady Y/N was graceful in battle. And most importantly, she survived! Let's toast brothers and sisters!" said Thor give a loud cheer as he passed his Asgardian drink to Steve while giving you a loving smile.
"Cheers to Lady Y/N!" Everyone raised their glasses as Clint did his best Thor impersonation which only made the real Thor laugh.
"Hey, Steve, wanna dance?" you said while putting your now empty glass on the counter.
"Oh, umm, I don’t know,” he scratched the back of his neck, “I'm not a good dancer."
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow before grabbing his drink and putting it down on the counter next to your empty glass and grabbed his hand before he could give you any more excuses.
"Don’t worry, I’ll teach you,” you stopped in a little spot where you could dance without anyone bumping into you, “and besides, It’ll be fun. You’ll see.”
The music that had been good for some liberating dancing was now shifting to a more slower-paced rhythm. You looked at how Steve sported a soft blush as he realized the music had shifted.
"I guess we gotta slow dance now," you said shyly while putting your arms around his neck. He hesitated for a second before his big hands placed themselves on your hips.
"Y/N, I'm not a good dancer, I would hate to step on—" He didn’t finish his sentence as you stepped closer to him. Slowly, you and Steve found a slow rhythm. It was a little messy, but you didn’t mind that. He was trying.
"Steve, I want to dance with you, I don’t care if you don’t know how. I'll teach you what I know,” your eyes were locked with his, a soft smile gracing your lips, “You’re my boyfriend and I think I have the right to dance with the man that I love."
In an instant, you were blushing as you realized what had escaped your mouth. Steve has stopped moving and you noticed the ever-growing smile on his beautiful lips that matched the captivating glint on his blue eyes. He bent down and in seconds you were putty, legs going weak as his lips were on yours. It was a soft but passionate kiss the two of you shared that night. After the two of you had run of breath, he pulled you out of the dance floor. You left the party a lot earlier than planned.
After that night things got much better in the relationship. That is until months later when Fury called Steve, Natasha, and me for a mission. It was about where Bucky might be hiding from the world. The second Steve was told the mission was about finding his best friend, he was ready to risk his all to get him back. And the mission did go okay; Steve had to fight Bucky at first but some words from Steve and Bucky relaxed. We coaxed him into coming with us with the promise of helping him. After some months of constant care, Bucky got better. He had his memories gained most of his memories back with the help of Steve and his psychiatrist. He was well aware of the fact that the Winter Soldier could be triggered any second, and the team was constantly in the search of answers on how to remove that from his brain or whatever.
I was happy that Steve had his best friend back and I spent a lot of time with them because Steve wanted that his best friend and best gal to get along. We were a great trio, the whole team teased us with every single thing. The running joke with Tony was that we three could satisfy each other sexual fantasies. The only thing I could do was laugh as I tried to hide how embarrassing it all was. Bucky would smirk and blush, and Steve would just hide his face and call Tony an idiot. But it pained me to admit that you had thought about it before, and the guilt wouldn’t let me entertain the idea past rogue kisses and minor sexual activities. And that was where all my issues came from.
Steve, Sam, Pietro, Wanda, and Natasha were sent on a mission last minute. Timetables had moved and they needed to leave within two hours after Fury had told them everything they needed to know. The mission had them out of the country for a week. You guessed it was top classified as Steve couldn’t say anything about it except that it involved HYDRA. It had taken all your strength not to pull him back into your room as you gave him a long good-bye kiss.
That week was really something new for you. For the first time since Bucky joined the team, he wasn't training with Steve or Natasha. Which meant that the next best option was you.
"Hey, tiny, umm can I ask you a question?" Bucky’s voice came from behind you. You turned your head from your spot on the couch and smiled up at him.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Steve is gone and so is Natasha as you know. So, I was wondering if you could train with me? It's okay if you don’t want to," he quickly added as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sure, why not.” You got up from your spot on the couch as you gave him your devilish grin, “I gotta warn you though, I'm pretty good at knocking big guys down."
"If I can handle Natasha and Steve, I’m pretty sure I can take you, tiny.”
"Trust me, Barnes, I can be a little tougher than her. Just ask her.”
Bucky let out a pained grunt as he landed on the training mate once again.
"Damnit, tiny, I think you almost broke my back there," he said while he tried to stand up without showing how beat up he was.
"Nah, that’s just you grandpa," you said while you grabbed your water bottle, “are you giving up, Barnes?”
"Oh no, Doll. I'm going to put you down at least once," he said as he now stood ready for another round.
"Let’s see, Sergeant.”
With one last grin from him, he sent the first punch. I grabbed his right arm with my left hand trying to make him lose a little balance by pushing his arm out of the way. And that’s how it went for a couple of minutes, and you were getting a little cocky as he was getting messy with his punches out of his frustration. You smirked when the ‘perfect’ idea crossed your mind. You decided to do ' The choker' which is how you called Natasha's move with her legs. You managed to do it just as flawlessly as she did. But you had forgotten that he trained with Natasha more than he ever did with you, so it was no surprise he was able to get out of it. He turned you, your crotch was directly covering his face. And that kind of shocked both of you. The next thing you knew, your back hit the mat, and Bucky on top of you. If anyone were to walk in, the position you two were in would have definitely given them the wrong impression.
Bucky and you just stared at each other not making a move or saying anything. After a while of awkward silence, you tried to move your legs so Bucky could stand up. He reached forward trying to stand up at the same time you moved. You felt it: his dick was hard.
You cursed yourself at how fast the idea of him getting turned on by the position you were in had you ruining your underwear. You couldn’t help but gasp when you felt his boner touch your lower area as he tried to move again. This time he didn’t wait for you to move or anything, he detached himself from you and left you there. Before you could say anything, he had grabbed his stuff and walked out of the training room shouting a quick ‘thanking you’.
That night, you got off by the thought of having sex with Bucky. And while you finished with a shout of his name, Bucky had done the same while he came with a shout of your name.
That week that Steve was gone went extremely slow for you. The sexual tension between you and Bucky was too strong that you were afraid someone will notice how you two were acting around each other. You were feeling guilty because you had masturbated every night with the thought of your boyfriend's best friend. You were trying hard not to think of Bucky that way, but it was kind of hard when everything he did made you horny. You were dying inside and by the end of the week, you were 100% sexually frustrated.
Steve and the rest of the team got back around nine Saturday night. Steve was a little surprised not to see you waiting for him, but he shrugged it off thinking you were probably asleep. With that thought in his mind, he went to see if he could steal a kiss from you before waking you up. He got to your room to find your bed empty, but then he noticed the little note on your pillow.
Hey Cap,
In the shower.
Steve had to hold his groan when he saw you through the glass door. He could see the silhouette of you. You were naked, wet, and roaming your body with your hands more than necessary as you had no soap, just water.
"Doll," said Steve in that husky voice of his that made you weak on your knees.
You opened the glass door, finally revealing your full nakedness to him, not caring that some water was wetting the bathroom floor.
"Welcome home, Captain. Wanna take a shower with me?" you said in that sweet voice you always conjured up when you wanted something from him. Your hands slowly trailed up to your breasts as you looked at him hungrily. A week had definitely been too long for you.
Steve didn’t say anything as he almost ripped his suit off while never breaking eye contact with you. In no time you had an extremely turned-on Captain America. He stalked toward you, his body entering the compartment of the shower stall. He was right in front of you, all naked and dirty from his mission. The water was now falling on his messy blond hair, making him close his eyes for a second as the water ran down his face, down his long neck, down his broad shoulders, down his hard pecs, down his long torso, and down those abs, and finally down his hard cock that curved upward.
"You’re staring, sweetheart,” Steve’s teasing voice brought you back from your daydreaming. “Do you like what you see? Did you missed me?"
Steve got closer to you, and in a husky whisper he proceeded to ask you, “did you miss my fat cock inside of you? Did you miss me fucking you raw every night, huh, Y/N?"
Your legs were slightly shaking at his words and you knew you were dripping wet, but you weren’t going to allow the night to go with just you trembling in need.
"Well yes, Captain. I did,” your thin fingers roamed the hard arbs you loved to scratch and bite whenever you could, “I missed sucking, gagging, and riding that fat cock of yours, Captain. I missed how it stretched my tight pussy. And God knows how much I’ve missed the feeling of you spilling your cum in my mouth and inside my pussy."
You definitely broke him.
"Kneel down, I want you to suck this cock," he commanded with such hunger leaving no room for argument. He was taller than you for like a whole foot, so you kind of had to squad to reach his cock. Steve remembered this as he saw you and before you could grab a hold of his cock, he cleared the little sitting area and sat there for your benefit.
You placed yourself in between his legs, giving the tip of his cock a sweet kiss before you flatten your tongue as you dragged it from the base of his cock to the very tip.
"Fuck,” he groaned as he grabbed your wet hair and tangled it with his thick fingers.
Your lips wrapped around the head of his cock and you sucked hard. This made Steve groan your name loud enough to resonate in the bathroom. You loved his sounds, they just made you wetter as you relished in the way you were making him feel. Your right hand went to play with his balls, applying some pressure which added to his pleasure. His thighs were shaking the more you sucked and the more you played with his balls.
"Shit, Y/N. I’m going to cum." His grip on you got a lot more tighter which made you moan. This sent vibrations up his cock and just like that, he came with a whimper as he told you to swallow it all. You did without much convincing.
"Get up," he ordered in between breaths. You did and as soon as you had he pulled you in for a hard kiss. He moaned at the taste of himself on your lips and tongue. You pulled his hair as he pushed against the wall, trapping your body against his hard torso and the cold wall. Then his lips were off you and he flipped you, you back now facing him.
"Tell me what you need from me, love. Do you want me to fuck you with my tongue or with my cock?" he whispered into your ear as he sucked on your earlobe and kiss the side of your neck. He left small bites as he went.
"I want—” you moved your head giving him more room to bite and kiss, “—your cock, Captain. Please, fuck me with your cock."
He hummed in your words as one of his hands traveled down your stomach in search of your slit.
"Fuck, Doll. You are soaked," he said while teasing your entrance with his fingers. You moaned at the contact, but his fingers left not soon after. Before you could whine in complaint, you felt the tip of his dick. Both of you groaned as Steve pushed the head of his cock, but you whined his name when he pushed the rest of his dick in one swift thrust.
"Shit, Steve,” you clawed at the wall as the back of your head rested on his chest, “please, baby, move.”
"Oh fuck! I’ve missed this. I missed being inside of your tight pussy.” Steve was fucking you with deep and hard thrusts, your pussy swallowing his length greedily wanting to keep him there. You were trembling as your legs were going numb, and Steve noticing this grabbed your hips steady as he continued to praise your cunt.
"Cap, I'm going to cum! Baby, I want you to cum inside of me please!"
Steve bit your shoulder as he positioned himself better, that way he could hit your sweet spot rapidly. He was grunting as he sought out your orgasm before he let himself fill you up with his cum. A couple more thrusts and Steve had to hold you still as your legs gave out when your orgasm hit you. Your cunt spammed around his cock too tightly that Steve followed suit as you milked his cock of his cum.
After you had finally regained your breathing, Steve helped you shower as you both talked about his mission while both of you stole kisses here and there. Steve was home, and he was happy.
Once you two had finished in the shower, Steve had fallen asleep the second his head touched the pillow. You looked at his tired face, a sweet smile crossed your lips seeing him rest. But you weren’t as tired as he was, so your mind went back to your day’s musings. Before Steve had come into the bathroom, you had wondered how things would go if it had been Bucky who found the note. You hadn’t thought of him while Steve and you were together, no, but now you couldn’t help but think the way Bucky would sound, feel, and taste.
You contained a groan at your own thoughts. You needed to confront this, and you needed to do that before things got worse for you. or him. You wanted to tell Steve, he needed to know. It was only right, he never lied to you. Why would you keep this from him?
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