#drama writing
scribblesbyb · 3 months
WIP Intro Alert!
B is excited to share her WIP intro finally!
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Spill the deets, Sis!
Title: The White Pearl: Book I: The Origin
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Drama, Adventure, (dash of) Romance
No. of chapters: 28 (approx. 22-23 pages/chapter)
POV: 1st pov
Setting: Earth, 21st Century
MC(s): Ivory (Eve), Theodore II (E.T.), Ulysses (Baldie), Spike (Spikey, Old Man)
Secondary MCs: Ludo (Lu, Rapunzel), Vada (Bitch-face), Gabrielle (Gabbie, Gab)
Supportive MCs: Orson (Sonnie), Raven (Vee), Adelyn (Lyn), Carl (Boss), Kevin (Kev, Saggy Ass), Castro (Cass)
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P.S. This isn't the actual book cover! I'm working on a much better one with a close artist friend 😉
Cool! What's the WIP about?
Here's what I'm putting on the back of the book when I publish it hehe
Ivory has fought to be normal her entire life. After humanity shunned her and labeled her abnormality as the work of the devil, Eve's purpose became to hide behind fallacies that'd protect her from another world of hurt.
But what happens when the facade falls apart? When her fate comes to strike her in the face, yet again, forcing her to face a reality she's run from for too long?
And this time….she's doing it all alone.
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Love it already?
I mean, duh, it's a pretty awesome book. There's a whole new fantasy language to learn too. But, hey, I'm tooting my own horn 🙊
The good news is I'm publishing it soon. Looking into a few online options first (Wattpad, Amazon Kindle...etc.) but trust, the second I do, I'm boasting all about it on here!
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In the meantime, expect the following:
Character Intros: I can't wait for those! I get to spill the tea on my beloved creations and have fun while at it. So look forward to that 😄
Book Cover Drafts: Will have to ask my friend permission to share those first, though 🙈
Sneak Peeks: Provided I come across fun Tumblr tag games, I will use them to share more of my book 💃🏼
Chapter Title List: Particularly proud of it and think it's kinda funny + intriguing so yes, I might share it soon 📃
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Thank you for reading this far!
Author's Note
Honestly, TWP (The White Pearl) has taken much of my creative energy these past few years - both the first and the second book (Spoilers: it's three books! #why did i do this to myself lol) but I honestly love the characters and the world I created so much that I wouldn't have it any other way!
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desertskiespodcast · 7 months
I tried to write a novel. Not once. Not twice. But about 12 times. Here's how that would play out: 1. I sit down and knock out 10 pages 2. I share it with someone 3. They say "It's goooood" like it's not good 4. I ask for critical feedback 5. They say, "Well....the plot just moves so quickly. So much happens in the first few pages it doesn't feel natural." So I'd write more drafts. I'd try to stretch out the story. I would add dialogue that I tried to make interesting but thought was boring. I would try including environment and character descriptions that felt unnecessary, (why not just let people imagine what they want?) Anyways, I gave up trying to write because in my mind, I wasn't a fiction writer. Maybe I could write a phonebook or something. But then I made a fiction podcast, and I waited for the same feedback about the fast moving plot, but guess what??? Podcasts aren't novels. The thing that made my novels suck became one of the things that made Desert Skies work. I've received some criticism since the show started, but one thing I don't receive regular complaints about is being overly-descriptive or longwinded. In fact, the opposite. It moves fast enough that it keeps peoples attention. I always felt I had a knack for telling stories but spent years beating myself up because I couldn't put those stories into novel form. The problem wasn't me. The problem was the tool I was trying to use. All that to say: If, in your innermost parts you may know that you're a storyteller but you just can't write a book, don't give up right away. You can always do things to get better and there's a lot of good resources. But if you do that for a while and novel writing just isn't your thing, try making a podcast, or creating a comic, or a poem, or a play, or a tv script. You might know you're an artist but suck at painting. Try making a glass mosaic, or miniatures, or try charcoal portraits, or embroider or collage. You might know you're a singer, but opera just isn't working out. Why not yodel? I could keep listing out examples, but the point is this. Trust your intuitions when it comes to your creative abilities, but don't inhibit yourself by becoming dogmatic about which medium you can use to express that creativity. Don't be afraid to try something new. Don't be afraid to make something new. You might just find the art form that fits the gift you knew you always had, and what it is might surprise you
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 3 months
people who don't study history will simply never understand the joy of reading historian beef. there's nothing like it
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mournfulroses · 5 months
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T. S. Eliot, from The Complete Works of T. S. Eliot; "The Confidential Clerk,"
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mrtequilasunset · 9 months
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drop-dead-dino · 2 months
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I’m totally normal about these two totally normal dudes :) .
I don’t usually read fics, specially AU related ones, but this one GOT me, holy cow. Check it out if you fancy that sort of thing! 
Love, Death, and Rollerskates by @spadillelicious !
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humanismo-nostalgico · 10 months
La atracción física desaparece muy rápidamente. La pasión sólo se mantiene cuando la atracción que sentimos se basa en algo más que la apariencia física de una persona. La compañía del alma es aquella que nos atrae en los cuatro niveles de nuestro ser: el físico, el emocional, el mental y el espiritual. Para disfrutar de una vida de amor, y no sólo unas semanas, meses o años.
— John Gray
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scealaiscoite · 4 months
coworkers to lovers prompts ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
¹⁾ “hey - in case no-one else’s said it, you’ve been doing some really great work lately. i really apprec- i mean, all of us really appreciate it.”
²⁾ “if you keep putting in nights this late, i think [boss] is gonna start charging you rent.”
³⁾ “stop jumping in whenever you think i need saving! i don’t need defending, and i don’t need you!”
⁴⁾ “you remember how i take my coffee?”
⁵⁾  “you don’t need to keep pushing yourself so hard, you know. we all know how hard you worked to get here - it’s okay to let yourself breathe now.”
⁶⁾ “if you don’t wanna spend the night in a empty house, you could always come over to mine.”
⁷⁾ “normally when you invite me to lunch, it’s with everyone else too. what’s so different about this time that you needed me alone?”
⁸⁾ “don’t tell anyone else, but i like working with you the best.”
⁹⁾ “hey, why are me and [name] being split up? you know we do our best work when we’re together.”
¹⁰⁾ “i figured you wouldn’t have the time, so i went and picked up lunch for you.”
¹¹⁾ “wow, someone’s looking good. who’re you trying to impress?”
¹²⁾ “[other coworker] told me you nearly lost it when they all tried blaming me for what happened. why did you care so much?”
¹³⁾ “do you make house calls to all of your coworkers when they call in sick, or am i just that special?”
¹⁴⁾ “why are you freezing me out all of a sudden? I thought you were happy I was dating again, and now you act like it pains you to hear about it.”
¹⁵⁾ “until such a time as the two of you can prove that you can work as well on your own as you do together, you’re going to be put on different schedules.”
¹⁶⁾ “why didn’t you tell me you were up for the promotion? did you seriously think i wouldn’t be happy for you?”
¹⁷⁾ “you do know you’ll be seeing me first thing in the morning, right? what’s so important that it couldn’t wait until then?”
¹⁸⁾ “one date, that’s all i’m asking for. one night to let me show you how good we could be together.”
¹⁹⁾ “i think people are starting to notice that you spend more time at my desk than you do at your own.”
²⁰⁾ “no, you don’t get to do this. you don’t get to make me fall in love with you, and then tell me there’s no way for this to work because of the job!”
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crow-caller · 2 years
Tiktok sensation LightLark is the final boss of bad fantasy YA— a failure built on aesthetic boards and tropes, unable to pretend it has a heart
Tiktok sensation LightLark is the final boss of bad fantasy YA— a failure built on aesthetic boards and tropes, unable to pretend it has a heart
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View On WordPress (Includes audio version)
A full summary with spoilers, analysis, quotes- and so much more on the subject of a book you should never read. This is a long piece. Like ‘Youtube Video Essay’ long.
Lightlark is joyless, a husk beyond parody, a checklist of every Island of Blood and Bone and Glass and Hearts that has come out in the last five years, built and sold on tropes and aesthetic boards. This is a book written by an author who is not a writer. It would fit in on the dregs of an amateur writing site with eerie perfection.
But Lightlark is more than that. You see, Lightlark is… a TikTok book.
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Thanks :')
There's now a video version. I heard Tumblr likes video essay long watches on obscure very specific content... may I introduce you to:
I'm not making a dime on this, I have no horses, only like 70 hours of work looking at this mess of a book and I just want to make sure everyone knows how bad it is. Let's be bitter at this multimillionaires flop together.
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abril-juvenile · 3 months
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leona-peakscholar · 16 days
Malleus's grandmother did not care that Malleus was in love with a human. Though she was reluctant, he knew Malleus can be a stubborn child and it would be easier to just go along with his little game then cause unnecessary conflict
So she decided to play along, tell Malleus to do whatever he wants. Because at the end of the day a human lifespan is like a mere week for a long life species and fertility rate for faes are rather low so there won't be a chance in hell that Malleus would ever successfully mate with a human
That was until she heard news from her Royal Guards that Malleus' human lover/current wife was showing signs of pregnancy a few months after their honeymoon that Malleus' grandmother realizes the grave mistake she had made
──★ ˙🍋. ̟ !! lemon
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adharagranley-writer · 8 months
i love it when i get to the dramatic part of the story and write 1,000 words like breathing
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changanomaly · 2 months
i wanna be famous
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mournfulroses · 7 months
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Anton Chekhov, from The Complete Plays of Anton Chekhov; "Ivanoff,"
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rainyyy-dayysss · 2 months
I like canceled plans. And empty book stores. I like rainy days and thunderstorms. And quite coffee shops. I like messy beds and overworn pajamas. Most of all, I like small joys that a simple life brings.
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can't stop thinking about Kayleigh Day. she moved to Japan for a sports management exchange program and made up a batshit insane sport. her best-friend was yakuza and apparently she had no clue. she was non-monogamous and had lovers all over the world. she had no family. she had kevin. she was fierce enough to spread exy internationally in half a decade. david wymack loved her more than she ever could love him. she became a legend but died before she could ensure women in exy were heard. the team spirit award is named after her. the best player in the world is her son. we know nothing of her but her name.
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