#dont get me wrong i enjoyed barbie
I knew a girl in high school who very firmly believed that humans could explore the surface of the sun by simply doing so at night. Was astonished that nasa had not considered this plan yet. And I think that girl, at that point in time, could probably come up with a more intelligent and well thought out analysis of any given movie than the ones I read on letterboxd.
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breecoleur · 1 year
watching the social zeitgeist flip so quickly from "we are obsessed with spiderpunk and are making or stealing our merch of him, because fuck capitalism" to "barbie has 5000 brand deals and im buying all of them" is really giving me bo burnham "that funny feeling"
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4sh--tr4y · 8 months
Tumblr media
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homo-house · 2 months
I feel like taylor swift's public persona is so bland and uninteresting I don't understand how people can be so obsessed with her. Like rationally I understand from a social and psychological standpoint why she has obsessed fans (for the same reason anyone else does) but I cannot see the appeal at all especially since most her music is equally as uninteresting. Like what are you obsessing over exactly? That's just some random npc holsted to stardom lol what is there to like...
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tiredofthehumanlife · 2 months
He bloody kissed me😱
Barbie dolls: rosekiller x you (Evan rosier, Barty crouch jr, and your gay ass)
Words: 6.7k ish
Summary: gn!reader btw but so basically Barty and Evan decide to include you in their sex life so yeah
Warnings: allusions to Jegulus, Barty gets called a fucktoy, choking, Barty is v submissive and then Evan is like dominant?? And then r is like the medium between the two, KNIVES KNIVES, blood lots of blood, they lap up the blood like hounds, Barty cried during sex but like he's chill dont worry about him, handcuffs Barty is restrained, Voldemort mentioned, Evan quite enjoys degrading Barty, lots of praise, choking with a belt, Barty is the only one who cums, I don't think you people read these, Barty gets called a slut, cumslut, and a whore, cuckolding undertones srry ig, Barty's comes in his pants, is it comes or cums?, Barty's happy trail is mentioned so often it deserves a space in the credits, scarring, cannibalism undertones (they aren't under they're very present), AFTERCARE INCLUDED SUCK MY DICK ITS PART OF SEX, if you know me 😐not anymore
Being friends with Barty and Evan was enjoyable. They were funny, they were nice on occasion, however they were also insane. More specifically they were insane in bed. It wasn't even something you wanted to know. Everything you learned about their sex life was involuntary.
Barty would come in with a new bandage and an impossible to recreate grin. You'd get worried that he got into trouble and ask his what happened. He give you a bright smile and mutter 'ask my boyfriend'. You fell for it everytime, too. Your love for your friends often trumped your common sense. Always so worried for him you'd forget he was a physchopath dating a psychopath. He had shown up with bruises before, a hickey, a bruise on his arm in the shape of a hand, yada yada. If you didn't know them as well as you wished you didn't you would've thought Evan was beating Barty without his consent. Unfortunately you did know them, you knew they were a match made in hell. Bruises and cuts before, sure but never this bad.
From the second Barty entered the Great Hall, you were zoned in on his neck. A long blue stripe spanned across his throat, with more purple in a squarish shape. Evan was happily holding onto Barty's arm over his shoulders. They split when they reached the table, Barty coming to sit next to you and Evan across from him. Dorcas and Pandora were deep in a conversation about the way someone would go about turning into a tree. Regulus was ignoring all of you, deeply focused on his breakfast and the book in his lap. You gripped onto Barty's shoulder staring at his neck.
"Barty, what happened to your neck?" You whispered. Evan snorted across from you. You sent him a glare, assuming he was laughing at Barty.
"Belt." Barty said, reaching around you to steal a sausage off Regulus' plate.
"A belt? Barty, what? Who the hell did you get into a fight with? Who rips off their belt in the middle of a tossle? The fuck is wrong these people?" You started glancing around the Hall to see if you could find someone with a black eye or two.
"Who you looking for, baby?" Evan asked. You turned back to the table to stare at Evan. He raised an eyebrow at you. You looked between Barty's cocky grin and Evan's teasing look. The realization finally hit you, your shoulders slumping. You sighed and ripped your hand away from Barty's shoulder, wiping it off on your shirt.
"You two are filthy. Truly." Barty shrugged. Evan sneakily pulled a slice of toast off of Dorcas' plate. She continued arguing with Pandora about human trees.
"Well you can't lie, you think it's hot." Barty said, leaning in to your personal space. "Don't you, baby" You felt your ears go red. You stared at Barty's smug face. You reached up and pushed him away from you.
"No comment." Evan laughed at you.
"See that's basically a yes." Evan muttered. You shook your head.
"I think you two are disgusting little parasites. It's filthy and foul." You said, crossing your arms. Barty leaned his head on your shoulder, blinking up at you.
"I love it when you talk sexy." You shoved Barty off of you. Evan shrugged. You three went to your regular conversation over your assignments, most of which Barty didn't do and still aced the class.
In fact it wasn't until a week later they brought up their sex life to you, again. This time you shockingly hadn't fallen for their tricks. You were all piled in the boys' dorm. Dorcas, Pandora, and Marlene were all sat on Evan's bed. Marlene was painting Pandora's nails, not that she was very good at it. Dorcas had her head resting on top of Marlene's thigh, 'resting her eyes' as she said. Regulus had laid down for a nap hours ago. He had a very exhausting day, having to speak to Potter and all that. His curtains were drawn and you were glad the others had all silently agreed to stay quiet while speaking. You were sat on Barty's bed, which was next to Evan's. Barty and Evan were sitting next to you. Evan had his head rested on your shoulder, as him and Barty quietly whispered to each other. You were focused on your book, blocking out everyone's voices.
You kept your full attention on the story, the words sweeping you away into another world. Just as things were ramping up, a fight sparking between two characters, Marlene interrupted your train of thought. Her voice dragging you out of the world.
"Are you really going to let them do that next to you?" You gave her a confused look, tilting your head.
"Do what?" As you spoke you turned to look next to you. You found your boys with their tongues down each others throats. Barty had his leg thrown over Evan's lap, pushing Evan's shirt up. Evan yanked at Barty's hair. You were suddenly aware of the wet noises right next to your ear, their moans sending a chill of disgust down your spine.
"Oh! Boys, cut it out." You swatted them with your book. They broke apart sitting straight again. Evan pulled his shirt down. You noticed them both readjusting their pants, much to your dissapointment. You muttered about how nasty they were as you turned back to your book.
"Nothing was stopping you from joining, sweetheart." Evan whispered. You shuttered. You stared moved back to read where yu left off, though now you were unfocused. You could only think of the image of Barty running his nails down Evan's stomach. Evan biting down on Barty's tongue, his hand edging towards the band of Barty's pants. You kept restarting on your paragraph, trying your hardest to focus on the words. All you could think about was them. Within a second you realized your disgust was a red herring. You pretended to gag, you called them gross, you told them they were filthy rabbits, you told them to get a room, but really deep down you were...
attracted to them.
Oh god. Oh god, Oh god. You were attracted to not only your best friends, but your best friends who were dating. Not what do you do. Tell them? Have them stare at you with their 'I'm actively sitting next to my boyfriend' eyes? Ignore it? Just have them be all gross and loving and stuff in front of you all the time? You sighed deeply. It appears your best choice of action is to ignore it. You felt Evan wrap his arm around yours, using it as a pillow.
So you did ignore it, mostly. You really just stared at them wistfully as they went about loving each other and leaving the evidence of their long nights out in the open. It felt like they were taunting you with their hickeys, bruises, and kisses. Their gentle touches, showing the other they loved them, burning your own skin. They were completely clueless, just being in a happy realationship. All the while their best friend was yearning for them to touch you in the way they did each other. They did seem to catch the shift in tension. They hadn't said anything yet, but they'd share glances with each other.
Finally they did sit you down under the impression you were meeting up to get Regulus to confess his feelings. Barty held onto both your hands as he revealed that this meeting wasn't about Regulus, it was about you. Evan asked what was wrong, what was going on. You gave them both a confused look, lying and saying 'what i have no ideaaaaaa'. They both glared at you, giving you time to gather your own courage. You three sat in silence as you sucked in a deep breath.
"Okay yeah, well so basically-" You paused suddenly feeling like you should lie more to get yourself out of this terrible situation. You stared at the dormitory floor, wishing you were anywhere but Barty's bed.
"I am totally into these two hufflepuffs. I just I can't pick which one I want more. I just- It's all I can think about. And I know I've been distracted. But I will be working on focusing on my friends more. I know it must've been putting a strain on our friendship but I'm working on it." Lies, but hey why communicate when you could fib. Barty squeezed your hands. Evan sighed and rolled his eyes. So mayhaps they saw through it. Mayhaps they'll ignore it and let you slide.
"Do you genuinely think you're good at lying or do you just think we're stupid?" Evan asked. You gave him a confused look. You shook your head.
"I don't- I have no idea what you're talking about right-"
"Be serious."
"Okay so I lied. I'm a fibber. What about it?" You caved the second Barty spoke up. You had the backbone of an uncooked spaghetti noddle, but you still gave it a shot.
"Can you just tell us what's going on? You keep being weird." Evan groaned, crossing his arms. You sighed and pulled your hands out of Barty's.
"Alright fine, so maybe the Hufflepuffs were you. But maybe we don't need to talk about that or address that at all. Maybe ignoring it all was the friends we made along the way." Barty grabbed onto your hands again, Evan squatting down in front of you.
"Well, darling, have you considered that maybe we're totally into you too?" Barty asked, lightly squeezing your hands. Evan rested his hands on your knees.
"Obviously not." Evan muttered.
"Listen, the feelings are mutual. We've discovered this now. We're also sitting on a bed." Barty gestured to his sheets underneath you. Evan scoffed.
"Of course you're suggesting intercourse at a time like this." You whispered.
"You're not saying no." Evan pointed out.
"I am not, I am saying though, not now. Give me like a week or so to wrap my head around all this jazz." And with that you left to think. You retracted. You stayed quiet and ignored you friends. All of your energy put into figuring out what you wanted to do. It ended up only taking you about 3 days of silence for you to realize what you wanted to do. Which was to fuck them for a month straight, but you'd settle for a few minutes.
Within a flash of an eye you were searching for them all over the castle. You evenyually found them, sitting on the couch with Barty's head resting on Evan's shoulder. They were both decked in their pajamas, cozily curled up against each other. You stood in front of them waiting on them to look up at you. Evan did first, Barty's eyes closed. As they both stared at you, you steeled yourself.
"I know what I want." Evan nodded, giving you encouragement to finish your thought. "I want you to show me everything." They both looked at each other before standing. Evan latched onto your hand before grabbing onto Barty by the back of his shirt. Evan dragged you both up the stairs, his grip gentler on you. You were smiling the whole way up the staircase. Barty caught a glimpse of your face and blew you a kiss.
Barty moved to his bed, taking you with him. He laid down on his back and patted the mattress next to him. You sat next to him and watched him unbutton his shirt. Evan squatted down next to his bed digging under it. Barty smiled up at you pointing to his lips before puckering them. You met his demands, leaning down to him. Barty quickly buried his hand on the back of your head, tugging the hair between his fingers. You groaned into his mouth. Barty took the opertunity to slip his tongue past your lips. You felt Barty's hand leave your head, only to be replaced by another hand. Evan pulled your head back, your throat being fully exposed. Evan dipped his head down, dragging his teeth down the column of your neck. You heard Barty sigh under you both. Evan pulled back and set a shoebox on top of Barty's chest, using him a table. Evan pulled the lid off, glancing up at you to make sure your attention was on him.
"This is most of everything, babe. We're still learning what's enjoyable and what's not. I thought we'd start here. Barty is our test subject, for today. Trust me, he wont mind." Evan said. You leaned forward peering into the box. What you found wasn't really all that intresting, a belt, lube, condoms, a knife, handcuffs that looked particularly cheap, but it was more the gaurentee of what was to come, Barty. You felt a grin grow, looking up at Evan. He nodded.
"Knew you'd be curious. So here's my preposition, I'll do something and you watch. Then if you wanted to try, I could talk you through it, yeah?" You nodded excitedly at Evan. Evan removed the box from Barty, instead setting it next to you on the bed. Barty sat up and slipped his shirt off entirely, dropping it to the floor. Evan straddled Barty's hips. Barty pinned his hands underneath Evan's legs. Barty looked giddy. You sat next to them, watching them intently. Evan sighed, running his hands up and down Barty's chest.
"Barty doesn't really need much of anything, he's truly just a fuck toy. He quite enjoys choking, but the belt is really something that needs more buildup." You listened intently to Evan. You wanted to pay your full attention to Evan but he kept tweaking Barty's nipples while talking. Evan slid his hand up to Barty's throat. Evan squeezed, watching Barty's grin grow. Barty stared up at Evan. His eyes slipped away from Evan's to yours. Evan squeezed harder making Barty's eyes roll back.
"How do you know you're not hurting him, more than he wants I mean?" You asked, looking away from Barty to look at Evan. Evan smiled at you, glad you were excited to learn.
"He'll tap me three times if he wants me to stop, or he'll say 'snakes'. " Evan turned his focus back to Barty. Barty's mouth had gone slack, staring up at the ceiling. Evan looked back to you.
"Do you wanna try?" You felt a wave of warmth pass over you at the question. You nodded. You were slightly concerned that you'll do it wrong. Barty's face and Evan's muttered praises as you took Evan's place. You straddled Barty as he breathed harder, catching his breath.
You felt his bulge pressing into your leg as you settled your hands on his stomach. Evan sat where you were, next to the box, off to the side. Evan rubbed your shoulder as you traced Barty's happy trail. Evan gently grabbed the back of your hand pulling it up towards Barty's neck. You looked to Barty, uncertain that he didn't just enjoy choking because Evan was the one doing it. Barty smiled up at you, nodding eagerly. Evan pressed a kiss to your shoulder, placing your hand on Barty's throat. Evan took his hand off yours, giving you a moment to pull away if you needed. He placed his hand back on yours, squeezing on the sides.
"Squeeze him like that, yeah?" You nodded, mimicking Evan's force. Barty was smiling at you the whole time, egging you on.
"Harder. Pretty please, darling?" Barty muttered. You glanced at Evan, out of the corner of your eye. Evan nodded, reasueingly rubbing your arm. He ran his hand down to yours, showing you how to add more pressure properly. When Evan removed his hand and you took over, Barty moaned. He opened his mouth again. You wanted to lean over to Evan and ask why Barty did that but it felt mean. You were enjoying the look on Barty's face. You looked over at Evan with a growing grin. Evan smiled at you.
"Yeah?" You nodded, looking back down at Barty. You realeased your grip. Barty opened his eyes watching as your hand returned to his happy trail. Evan ignored Barty's whining, focusing on you in stead.
"What's next? You wanna pick from the box?" Evan asked. You nodded, although you were starting to feel like Evan was babying you. You leaned over Barty to look inside the box. You pulled the handcuffs out, showing them to Evan. He took the out of your hands.
"Barty, hands up." Barty raised his arms from his sides. Evan pulled the handcuffs through the top part of the headboard. You helped move Barty's hands to the handcuffs. Evan pulled Barty's wrists into them, locking the cuffs. Evan noticed the worring look on your face.
"He can get out of them if he wants to, they're actually a toy from like a random gas station in the middle of nowhere." You looked back to see Barty waving around his free hand. Evan tsked pulling Barty's hand back towards the cuffs. Barty grinned, leaving his hands above his head. He sent you a wink as you looked back into the box. Evan looked with you, curious it see what you would pull out next. You glanced over at him, meeting his eyes. He gave you an encouraging look as you reached into the shoebox. You pulled out the knife, holding the handle out to Evan. Evan smiled at you, taking the Knife out of your hands.
Now that you were actually looking at it you could tell it was less of a knife and more of a dagger. The handle and sheath was green, tiny gemstones forming flowers. If you didn't have an impatient Barty bucking his hips up into yours, you would've marveled at the beauty.
Evan pulled the sheath off the dagger, who knew a knife could get prettier with its clothes off? It was very pretty, two small slivers of space in the middle dragging from the handle down towards the tip. If you were Barty, you'd be quite excited. Evidently he was, moaning at the sound of Evan pulling the knife out of the sheath. Evan looked up at you to make sure you were paying attention before moving the dagger towards Barty. Evan gently dragged it over his skin, doing nothing more than enticing Barty.
"Pay attention, baby. You have to be gentle. You don't want to hurt him, more than usual." You followed along, watching Evan's hands. Evan placed one hand further up Barty's chest, the other one spinning the blade around. Evan pointed the tip down, pressing the metal into Barty's stomach. He dragged it down slowly, a small trail of blood following it. Barty groaned. You ignored him, focusing on Evan. Evan looked up at you as he pulled the bloody blade away, showing you the small mark he left. It was barely two inches big, off to the side. You stared at the red on the side of blade. Something deep inside you told you to lean forward and run your tongue over the blade. You didn't.
You gently took the blade out of Evan's hand. He nodded at you, whispering something about 'being good'. You didn't catch it but felt it was an inappropriate time to bring up your chronic 'huh?'-ing. You stared down at Barty, checking with him again if he was ready. Barty smiled at you, bucking his hips up. You groaned and shot your hands down to his hips. You pushed them down into the mattress.
"Sit still." You ordered, your tone biting at Barty's grin. He wanted to roll his eyes but your and Evan's wicked smiles made him reconsider. Barty stayed still, waiting. You brought the knife down towards his stomach. Off to the left side of his bellybutton closer to his hipbone. You watched Barty's reaction as you made a small cut in a downwards angle. Evan encouraged you with a kiss to your cheek as Barty whimpered underneath you. You watched the cut dribble out blood, a swam of excitement passing over your skin making you flush more. You looked up to Barty's contorted face. His eyebrows pushed up, his teeth digging into his inner cheek, eyes squeezed shut.
"Good?" You muttered, patting his face. Barty opened his eyes, looking up at your concerned face. You saw tears swelling in his waterline. He nodded egearly, flashing his teeth to settle your worries.
You pulled back, looking back at the cut you made. It was smaller than Evan's on Barty's other hip. You glanced over at that one to compare the two. Just to make sure you were doing it right. You noticed a scar under Evan's cut. It was two letters, ER made out of small cuts. You glanced over at Evan to see his cocky grin. He raised an eyebrow at you. You turned back to your cut, deciding you'd make a similar mark. Although you expected it to only last for tonight, a wand's flick and it's gone. You pressed the blade to the end of the last cut, pulling it up. Barty whined again, tugging at his cuffs.
You pulled the blade back admiring your downward pointing arrow. You stared at the blood making a mess on Barty's skin. You checked on Evan, finding him watching the blade with all the intensity of a man watching his best friend butcher his boyfriend. Consensually, of course. You glanced at Barty's face, seeing his tears rolling down his cheeks in a mess. He seemed to sense your concern immediately speaking to you.
"Good. 's good. So good, please keep going, please." His words pushed against each other, mixing together from his desperation. You focused back on his side, wiping away some of blood that was obstructing your view. You made 4 more cuts, turning the downward arrow into a small heart. With each stroke of your hands, Barty let out a whine. Evan started to coo at Barty, the longer you spent at his hip. Evan leaned towards Barty's face, brushing his hair away from his sweaty forehead. Evan muttered to Barty degradation in his soft tone.
It was quite confusing, his tone made it sound nice but when you focused on Evan's words you felt sick to your stomach. When you finally pulled back from Barty's hip there was a lovely little heart on the opposite side of Evan's initials. You looked up to see Barty's face wet with his tears and his eyes red. You creened, leaning forward to kiss Barty's wet cheeks.
"You're such a good boy, Barty. I'm so proud of you, doing such a good job for us." You muttered in his ear as Evan called him a slut in the other. Barty whined at the contrasting words. You pulled back from his face, looking down at the heart. The surrounding area was red with blood and flushed pain. You met Evan's eyes. He left a kiss on Barty's cheekbone before leaning towards you. He stared down at the heart, complimenting your good work. While you enjoyed how the cuts had effected Barty, his bulge pressing into your inner thigh desperately hard, you liked seeing his blood more. You wanted to lick Barty's stomach clean. You stared at Evan. He looked at you confused.
"Can I lick it?" You muttered, scared to ask much louder than a breath. Evan stared at you for a second as a grin that would make Voldemort himself quiver with fear. He gave you a small nod. You looked to Barty, his chest was heaving, his eyes still red and his arms still held tightly above his head. He nodded aggressively, trying to get his message across as fast as possible.
"Do it." Barty whispered. Evan tsked at Barty.
"Manners, Barty. Be nice to our quest." Evan chided Barty, pushing his hair back again. Barty nodded against Evan's hand.
"I'll be good. I'll be good, I promise. Rosie, I promise." Barty whined, his words mashing together again. You ignored Evan's coos as you dropped your head to Barty's hip. You tentatively swiped the tip of your tongue over a small drop of blood away from the cuts. You heard Barty moan as your eyes rolled back from his metallic taste. You were no longer taking small steps, he was too good to not spoil. You flattened your tongue out licking up every drop of Barty's blood. Loud moans rolled off Barty's tongue as you continued your work. You loved the extreme intimacy of it, also the bloody taste but that's a separate matter.
You felt Evan's hand met the back of your head again, pulling your face away from Barty's stomach. His eyes snagged on the dark shadow smeared over the bottom half of your face.
He always scolded you for being a messy eater. Evan never considered he'd find your freaky grin splattered with his boyfriend's blood so attractive. The room had gotten darker somewhere between choking Barty and now, though you weren't sure when too focused on Barty and Evan.
So no Evan couldn't see the exact shade of red on your face but he could still taste the copper on your lips. Barty told Evan he was a messy kisser, clacking teeth and sloppily slipping his tongue into Barty's mouth. But Barty had never seen Evan like this.
Evan was swiping his tongue everywhere but your mouth it seemed. He was rabid, more than usual. Evan was messily and harshly kissing you, his hand holding onto your hair tightly. Evan was moaning into your lips as he tried to get more of the coppery taste of Barty's blood in his mouth. Evan liked the taste the Barty, but he thinks he might like the taste of Barty more when he takes it from your mouth.
You pulled back from the kiss, dropping to Barty's hip again. You swiped your mouth over the surrounding area of Barty's cuts, occasionally tracing the lines with the tip of your tongue. The feeling of warmth from your mouth around his wounds made Barty wail in pleasure. He wanted to yank at your hair as much as Evan already has.
Barty pulled at the cuffs above his head. You lifted your head, looking up at Barty. He understood why Evan pounced on you like that before. The sight of his blood smeared across your mouth made him want to kiss it off like Evan already had. You leaned in towards Barty's face. Barty could smell the copper on you as you tilted your head. Barty learched his head forward, colliding his lips with yours.
He moaned at the taste of his own blood invading his mouth. Evan rubbed your back as he moved behind you. You nipped at Barty's bottom lip. He messily tried to lick at the blood around your mouth as he kissed you. You pulled away from his lips, sliding down to his neck. You swirled your tongue around him as you dragged your teeth over his skin.
Barty moaned, yanking at the cuffs holding his arms up again. You slid your free hand up Barty's throat, over his chin, and to his mouth. You slipped two of your fingers past his lips. Barty reacted instantly, swiping his tongue over your fingertips. You could feel the blood on your face smearing onto Barty's neck as you made yet another hickey. You pulled back letting his skin go. Evan helped you sit up straight, holding on to you by your waist. You pointed the tip of the dagger at Barty, making him whimper around your fingers.
"You'll be a good little slut and listen to us, won't you?" Your tone was edging on pity. Barty nodded, his movement restrained by your fingers pressing into his tongue. Evan pulled his chin over your shoulder, pressing his lips to your ear.
"You're doing good. Do you want me to show you the belt now?" You grinned as you nodded. Evan lightly kissed you before focusing back on the box. He plucked the dagger from your hands, much to your disappointment. You pulled your hand away from Barty's mouth back to his chest. Evan put the knife back it's rightful sheath before taking the belt out from the box. He tapped Barty's chin. Barty lifted his head up. Evan slid the belt behind Barty's head. He glanced at you as he slipped the end through the buckle and pulled. It wasn't tight enough to squeeze Barty yet but it was close enough that it wouldn't slip off. Evan held the end of the belt out towards you. You took it, still straddling Barty's hips. Evan moved behind you, running his hands up and down your back as he whispered to you.
"Now pull." You listened to Evan, yanking on the strap. The leather around Barty's neck tightened as his jaw went slack.
"Good. Tighter." You turned your head, looking back at Evan. He gave you a nod. You pulled on the end of the belt again, this time gentler. Barty's eyes rolled back before he refocused on staring at you. He looked like he was going to cry again. Evan hummed running his hands around from your back to your stomach.
"Release it." You loosened your grip on the strap. The belt around Barty's throat quickly loosened as he sucked in a breath. Barty's chest heaved up and down as he caught up with his lungs. Evan nodded against your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. After Barty finally evened his breaths Evan whispered to you again.
"Again. Pull." You stared into Barty's eyes as you pulled again, this time getting the right tightness on the first try. Barty let out a strangled groan. You watched Barty's face as Evan's hands traveled upwards. Your shirt gathered around his wrists as Evan moved his hands up towards your nipples. Evan pressed a kiss to your temple.
"Release." You let the end of the belt slide through your hands. Barty gasped as his breath returned. Evan nodded. As Evan gave you his repetitive instructions, you found the pace of the pulling and releasing. You were able to torment Barty's airway without Evan's instruction. Evan seemed to be quite proud of this, kissing along the curve of your neck. Barty was enjoying this more than the two of you combined, his eyes rolling back and moans slipping past his lips everytime you tightened the belt.
You liked it. A lot. You liked watching the belt dig into Barty's skin. You liked his moans. You liked his erection pressing against your leg. You liked how he left his life in your hands with the hope for pleasure. You liked how Barty's moans encouraged Evan to roll your nipples between his fingers and suck harder on your neck. You liked how Evan's motions made you grind down on Barty's lap, making Barty groan. Starting the cycle all over again.
You kept your pace with the belt, giving Barty time to catch his breath and not die. You leaned back against Evan's chest. You pulled your arm back, resting your hand on the back of Evan's head. You watched Barty's eyes focus on you again, staring at Evan's hand as it slid down your chest. You yanked on the belt again. Barty tilted his head back, whimpering loudly. Your hips moved on their own, grinding down on Barty again.
Evan groaned in your ear, dipping his hand down to the waistband of your pants. You shook your head against Evan, dropping your hand from his hair to the back of his hand. You dragged his fingers back to your chest. Evan easily accepted this, going back to tweaking your nipples. You keep pulling and releasing the belt while you bucked your hips against Barty's. His pajama pants were thin, which made it all the more exciting. You released the belt again, giving Barty time to catch up with the world again. Evan pulled his chin over your shoulder to stare down at Barty.
"You're loving all the attention, aren't you? You're such a pathetic fucking cumslut." Evan mocked Barty's moans, as Barty yanked at his handcuffs again. Just as Barty was about to bite a quip back to Evan, you yanked on the end of the belt. The leather dug into the skin of Barty's neck. You realized now why Barty's neck was always bruised, he talked too much. Evan chuckled. His laugh vibrated through you, his chest pressed against your back.
"Look at you, learning so well. Shutting Barty up like that, I'm proud of you." Evan whispered, his lips pressing against your ear. Your grip on the belt faultered from your shiver. Barty let in a fast breath. Evan tsked next to you, holding onto your hand with his. He tightened the belt, pecking your jaw.
Evan turned his attention back to your nipples, as you focused back on grinding down onto Barty's lap. You picked but the pace of tightening and releasing easily. As Barty started to get more desperate, bucking his hips up, you quickened the pace. Evan licked up your neck, nipping under your chin. You moaned, dropping your head back on Evan's shoulder. Through the split seconds of peace, Barty liked the image of you grinding against him with his boyfriend sucking at your neck.
Your tightest squeeze around his neck, coupled with your loudest moan from Evan, was what pushed Barty over the edge. Wetting his boxers and thin pajama pants. His head was light from the lack of air and the heavy pleasure. You dropped the tail end of the belt, giving all your attention to Evan. You pulled him back from your neck, meeting his lips feveriously.
Barty watched you both intently as he ignored the feeling of his underwear sticking to him. You nipped at Evans bottom lip as he slipped his tongue past your lips. You dragged your teeth over it, before pulling back to stare down at Barty with a mocking look.
"Awe did our little whore cum in his pants? All untouched. Pitiful." You mocked his blissed outface. Barty lolled his head to the side, letting it rest on his bicep. You gently dragged your finger over his happy trail. Evan moved out from behind you, sitting next to Barty's tired body. You traced around the little heart by Barty's hip.  Barty let out a whimper, nuzzling his face against Evan's hand.
"Yeah? Baby's tired?" Evan said, in a high pitched voice you'd used on a dog with a broken leg. Barty made a pathetic noise, nodding his head. You gently slipped your fingers between Barty's bruised neck and the leather belt. You pulled, slipping the belt off of him. Barty closed his eyes, leaning further towards Evan. Evan reached up to the headboard, releasing Barty's wrists. Barty dropped his arms, if you didn't know better you'd mock him for his broken marionette position. You rolled the belt up, gently placing it in the box. You held your hand out for the handcuffs from Evan, dropping those into the box as well.
You helped Evan, help Barty up onto his feet. You both gently lead Barty to the bathroom, taking the box with you.
When you three entered, turning on the light, you looked to the mirror. You found your face was still tinted red from Barty, as long as your hands. You looked over Evan. He had a red tint too, spefically over his lips, you wondered if he'd still taste like copper. Barty was the worst of all, he looked like he tried to make great friends with a bear. His neck would most definitely be bruising, his hair was sweaty and pointing in odd directions, his own blood smeared and dried around his bottom lip and down his throat. He had a smile on though, gazing at you both with loving eyes.
Evan turned both bathtub knobs to the max, dipping his hand under the water before tinkering with the temperature.
"Oh, Evan Darling, where is your wand?" Evan gestured to his bed, helping Barty step out of his now soaked pants. You quickly fetched it before handing it over to Evan. Evan pointed the tip at Barty's stomach. Barty grumbled, yanking the wand out of Evan's hands.
"I want the scar. It's a little heart, how could I not love it?" Evan hummed at Barty's bargaining. Evan glanced over at you. You shrugged and held your hands up, instead focusing on making a warm bubble bath for Barty.
"I suppose." Evan muttered. You know if Barty had access to all of his Barty brain he'd 'yippee' though now you settled from his little sigh of triumph. Evan pointed his wand back at Barty's cuts, quickly scaring over them like they've been there for years. Barty smiled happily running his fingers over the new heart scar. Evan turned back to you, finding the bath dyed acid green and a pile of bubbles on top. Evan gave you a grimace. You scoffed at him, latching on to Barty's hand.
"Have you never heard of fun? Whimsy? Joy and all things nice? Party pooper." You muttered as you helped Barty into the bath. Barty grinned up at Evan.
"It's great. Love, love, love green." Evan rolled his eyes at Barty. You both assisted Barty through his bathing routine, praising him for how well he did tonight. Evan focused mainly on Barty's hair routine as you whispered to Barty appreciation for his hard work. You switched roles when it came to washing Barty's body.
You worked on the stains, being gentle to his bruises. Evan's praises made Barty hide his face in your arm, as you rinsed him off.
As you drained the tub Evan set out pajamas for Barty on the sink counter. You helped dry off Barty. You asked if he wanted to blow dry his hair, Barty said it was 'too mother fucking loud'. Evan dressed Barty, sealing his new outfit with a peck to Barty's cheek. Barty hopped up on the counter, watching as Evan wiped your face clean. You cleaned his chin with the same wet rag.
Then you three brushed your teeth, Barty trying to fight you over the sink territory. You did not amuse him, rolling your eyes at him and moving to Evan's sink. Barty tucked himself into Evan's bed. Evan washed off the dagger in his sink as you scrubbed under your nails.
"Are you guys going to come give me love or just stand in the bathroom all day." Barty yelled across the room into the bathroom. Evan scoffed and wiped the knife off with a towel. Evan leaned his head out the bathroom door.
"Barty, respectfully, shut your fucking mouth." Evan turned back to the dagger, sheathing it and putting back in its place.
"Make me, bitch." Evan stared up at the ceiling when Barty's voice chimed again. You continued to run the tiny brush under your nails as you stood in the bathroom door frame.
"We're almost done, Baby. Just be patient." You said towards the Barty shaped pile of blankets. You moved back to the sink, rinsing the suds off. Evan closed the shoebox, flicking his wand at it. The box flew out the bathroom and tucked itself under Evan's bed, as you assumed.
"I'm no good at that." Barty said, although it was muffled from the 900 blankets stacked on top of him. Evan kissed your cheek, smiling at your now unstained hands.
"We can tell." Evan muttered. Evan turned the bathroom light off on his way out. He dragged you towards his bed, pointing at the mattress.
"I heard that."
"I know." Evan rolled his eyes as he walked over to Barty's bed. You tucked yourself into Evan's bed. Barty quickly snuggled up against you, wrapping his arms around you, squeezing tightly. He intertwined your legs.
"Alright give me a little oxygen." You whispered. Barty grumbled, loosening his grip. You glanced over at Evan watching him swish his wand at the mattress. He came back muttering about clean sheets. Evan spooned Barty, reaching over him to hold your hand. Barty fell asleep first, snoring loudly. You were next, falling asleep feeling Evan press a peck to your temple.
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yippeerrrs · 11 months
"I'm here for you."
Pt. 2 of "i'm sorry"
I was waiting for my ipad but i just got this idea and i dont wanna put it to waste 😭😭
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As you bump into simon, könig catches you, holding you tight. You notice his eyes are watery and that he's about to cry, you scoff.
"we're done könig."
You stand up, noticing simon you give him a weak smile and walk again. Konig is a mess behind you, he was hurt. He felt so many emotions passting through him. He truly was sorry, it took him everything to not break down in the middle of the base right there and then. He quietly gets up and everyone who was looking at your outburst moves to make way for the giant. Ghost stood there, dumbfounded and concerned.
Ghost went to könig's office, obviously curious and concerned.
"What happened back there?"
Ghost looks around the room, noticing it was dark and he could hear sniffling in the corner, where he saw könig crying.
"You alright mate?"
He asks, concern in his voice.
"i fucked up, ghost."
Ghost sits next to him, comforting him the best he can.
"There's plenty of fish in the sea colonel, you'll find some-"
Konig cuts him off, clearly irritated.
"There's no one better. I fucked up, she gave me a chance and i fucked up."
They sit there in silence for a while, ghost awkwardly trying his best to comfort konig.
You were pissed. You drove back home, fighting back your tears. He wasnt worth it. No. He was, but if he chose to cheat on you like that, sober. It was just not worth it.
You sobbed and banged your head on the steering wheel in a red light, you were angry, pissed. You trusted him, you were there for him in his lowest.
It suddenly started raining, hard. The pit pattering of the raindrops on your car muffling your cries. The light had turned green-- or so you thought. You drove through a red light and BAM! a speeding truck hit your side of the car and knocked you out.
There you were, dying. Ironically like the ones in the movies where the wife dies first, you chuckle as your memories pass by.
One, König holding up a chocolate bar so you wouldn't reach it, laughing at your desparate attempts on trying to grab it.
Two, movie night with konig after he was too tired to do anything after his mission, you two cuddled together and just enjoyed eachother's company while watching a barbie movie.
Three, König dropping all of his shields after you confessed to him, crying in your arms.
"Really? Meine liebe.. i'll be here for you forever, i won't ever betray you"
He whispered in your ear between sobs of happiness. You always thought if you were to die you'd die in his arms, and yet here you are. Dying alone.
"I'm sorry könig.."
You whispered in staggered breaths, finally letting yourself feel the embrace of sweet death.
"Would you really let her go just like that?!"
Simon hissed, slapping könig. König looked at him, fonally realizing what he had just done. He grabs his keys and starts to sprint to his car, planning to apologize. Simon following him close behind, Simon was also very concerned about you- worried even, you two had been best friends ever since you met, you had helped him through his worst times. He had a crush on you but the way he saw you look at könig.. he had to push it away to be a good friend for you, doing anything to keep you happy.
Konig drives off with simon, stopping by and buying flowers for you even. When he reached your house, his heart stopped. There were police cars and sirens. He went out in the rain, leaving the flowers in the car as he went to ask for an officer what was happening. But before he could ask the police turns around and asks him a question that gives his gut a feeling that it wasn't a good sign.
"Do you know the person who lives here?"
He nods, worried.
"What's wrong?"
"Are you König?"
He nods again, suspicion raising.
"She's in the hospital, i suggest checking up on her now."
König's heart drops, rushing back to the car even though soaking wet- he drives over the speed limit and gets to the nearby hospital, startling ghost.
"Woah mate calm down! What's wrong?"
The moment they park and ghost sees where they are, he gets the idea. Both of them feeling their heart pumping a little too much, scared. They go into the hospital, rushing to your bedside. König grabs your cold hand, his tears falling down.
"I'm so sorry.. im so so sorry shatz"
As simon sees the situation, he loses it all. He's pissed and he knows who to blame, whose fault this was. Who fucked up. This was when he snapped, losing all of his cool, he pushes könig.
Simon yells, angry tears falling and his mask drying it up. König stays quiet, knowing it was in fact his fault, his fault this happened, his fault he messed up, everything was his fault. He sits down next to your hospital bed and caresses your hair gently.
"I could've treated her better. You promised nothing would happen to her."
Simon's fists roll up as he looks down, tears falling as he finally let the reality of all of this happening. Before he could pounce on könig a doctor comes in, informing them that you had a miscarriage. The crash had taken your baby's life. But not yours, you had a chance to live still, they calculated that you would have to stay in the hospital for a couple weeks until they could let you go.
Simon was dumbfounded, confusion and anger on his face. As soon as the doctor left he walked over to könig, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
"You got her pregnant then cheated on her?!"
"I can explain!"
Simon scoffs, letting go of könig.
"Go ahead, explain."
Silence fills the room as könig looks away, not having an explanation for everything. Simon chuckles, still pissed.
"Get out."
"Did you not hear me?"
Ghost leans in, pissed.
"Get. Out."
König sighs, he looks at your unconscious body with tears in his eyes, mumbling an apology under his breath before going out of the room.
Ghost sits down beside you, holding your hand oh so lovingly as he wipes his tears and pulls you close for a hug, making sure you're alright.
"I'm here for you"
Okay i srs tried my best i gave up because damn this is wayy too cheezy and corny for me bye (end my life) please tell me how to write omfg.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Heyyy!! Do u think u can write a Jax x Reader and zooble x reader (both separate) headcanons whose appearance in the digital circus is almost like a Barbie doll? Srry if this is hard to understand but what I mean is a reader who’s very fashionable, wears mostly pink everyday and also shows up with a new outfit everyday, has every single job occupation ever, room is probably a resemblance to Barbie’s dream house, just Barbie things. Sorry if this is too much!
Jax and Zooble x barbie doll!reader
Was gonna answer this earlier but then I started playing roblox LMAO
Anyways written on mobile, I hope you enjoy anon!
Also I know absolutely nothing about barbie, never watched any of the movies or shows
Need to watch the barbie movie still
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I think that he would think fashion is dumb.. dont get me wrong I dont think he would be too mean when poking fun at you for your interest.. but theres definitely some level of teasing. Take that as you will. Probably tries to bring up the most obscure and random jobs ever to try to catch you without an outfit or qualifications for it.. is absolutely flabbergasted when you still have experience. I think he might also tease you for being obsessed with pink, which is funny since his overalls are.. pink..
Unlike jax, zooble doesnt make any comments about your style or interests. Sure it's not for them and they're not going to be much help if you ask them for any input on an outfit... but they do listen to you talk about your likes! Their voice may sound disinterested but rest assured, they're very much invested! I think sometimes they have to do a double take when you just. Spontaneously change outfits. Probably never gets used to it... I think it someone (jax) ever says something about your style or interests they would stand up for you
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aristotels · 5 months
Thinking about art and fiction and concepts of ownership and honestly it's kinda fucked that collaborative and transformative storytelling is literally as old as time and one of the most basic human instincts that exists, but the only good word it we have right now is "fanfiction"
and when you tell people you write fanfiction they think you're some kind of cringe weirdo and possibly pervert and then the whole thing gets derailed by this bizarre side discussion into how "No it's not all porn, it's absolutely everything and anything imaginable, duh, but like, even if it were all porn, that would also be okay". Like I'm all for pointing out the double standards about how published authors who put sex into their stories don't lose any respectability (especially if they're men, and especially if the sex is cishet), but the second I, a fanfiction person, add a romantic arc into my plotty casefic suddenly I'm a fujoshi with shipper brainrot etc etc-
But it's tiring that this is even a focal point
My favourite funny and sad thing is watching people (usually dudes) who clearly either view themselves as above fanfiction or have simply never ever thought of themselves as "the type" to do creative writing discover The Fanfiction Urge, because the way they express it is like. An increasingly passionate and detailed video essay about how Movie should have gone instead, or, my favourite, a story about something cool that happened to them in XCOM or Darkest Dungeon or some other Difficult Game For Serious Gamers and by the end of the post they're legitimately just writing prose. Like look at this! LOOK! Damn if this person didn't speedrun the gamerbro-to-AO3 pipeline just for a sec. And not that there's anything wrong with those formats but it makes you wonder if that's something they'd be interested in exploring more if their wings got unclipped
Or DnD. Small wonder that TTRPGs are becoming so popular when they're one of the few increasingly non-cringe ways to do the extremely basic human urge of Tell Story Collaboratively
A friend of mine had this to say recently about his own struggles with this kind of internal bias:
i'd like to try out Thousand-Year-Old Vampire (a solo role-playing game with minimal rules to make you write your own narrative) and my toxic masculinity is getting in the way. discouraging thoughts include: i'm not creative enough; creative writing is for Floofy Humanities types and i am a Cold STEM type; it's not a real game unless it has Systems that you can Study and Master. would anyone like to say something encouraging?
and honestly that's incredibly illuminating innit isn't it. The splitting off of creative activity (not just fanfiction, either) into something only for Floofy Humanities Types but not Serious People and the way it's linked to whether or not you can make money off it... oof.
This became a long post thank you for your patience
ngl i just dont rly care that much for fandoms... i like fanfic, i read it and write it, but i dont rly see fandom as my identity or smth i particularly care about, to me all of it is just the same as me playing with barbie dolls.
i dont think its something special that can be compared to actual literature and i think there are certain problems w booktok people relying on tropes that come from fanfic mentality. its just not the same, and i do wish people who like fanfic would sometimes also read.......some actual books sometimes
i just generally dont see what youre describing as some huge thing or problem, i think anti-kink ppl doxxing artists is the major worrisome thing when it comes to fandoms, but i think the doxxers also take the whole fandom experience too seriously
and i say this as someone who also writes fanfic, so like, it rly isnt me going "fanfic authors/readers are stupid", i find fanfic super cool to explore yourself, fanart taught me sooo much as an artist, i even enjoy roleplaying; all of this serves a very real purpose of exploring things as a human in realms of fiction, and pre-existing characters make that easier. i think that can be very useful, we learn about ourselves through books and stories. i just think fandom should be treated the way it is - playtime with toys ✌️
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elysia-nsimp · 2 years
And now, even MORE TWST as things my friends and I said!
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6
CW: stuff like. sex jokes and friendly bullying/threats (all lighthearted and in good fun)
Yuu: And by that, I mean Jade
Idia: all condoms are recipes for allergic reactions to me though because I’m actually allergic to sex /j
Lilia: I have arriven
Lilia: it’s like arrived but fancier
Lilia: three wishes?
Dude: yes
Lilia: Hmm… if you give me your name!
Dude: Great! My name’s Blake
Lilia: Be careful what you wish for.
…: I wish for a [describes a super specific car], enough money to buy a house, and a sailboat that can take me across the sea
Lilia: Great! Your car doesn’t work, you can only afford a tiny shitty ass house—
Lilia: And your sailboat will sink after one trip across the sea.
Lilia: Enjoy your wishes! And thanks for your name, I’ll take good care of it~
Floyd: My parents—who I KNOW can hear me right now—are going to be so disappointed when they start finding tiny plastic babies around the house. I will hide tiny plastic babies around the house. This is both a threat and a promise.
Cater: Some people just know where they belong. Like me! I belong in horny jail.
Cater: Which is really ironic because I’m demi… it’s like I’m not usually horny, but then I really am!
Azul, playing DnD: My character lets out a shrek- SHRIEK-
Idia: Azul let out a SHREK /j
Idia: who let the dogs out but it’s badly rendered Shrek models t-posing /j
Cater, pointing at a drawing of a dead flower (x eyes and all): that’s me
Ruggie: I’m so fucking god that it’s cold
Azul: jumps several hundred of feet off a cliff, survives
Idia: mecore
Azul: I am going to slit your throat
Idia: this is so sad, Ortho play despacito
Ortho: okay, playing Despacito
Idia: NOOO
Ortho: Aye~
Ace, giggling:
Ace, still giggling:
Ace, reblogging:
Both of them, giggling their asses off:
Azul: Im just gonna cross my fingers and hope that if I stop responding then you'll stop
Azul: I was mistaken. I was very sadly mistaken
Lilia: Malleus, are you going through the five stages of grief right now?
Malleus: yea
Malleus: thnx for noticing
Ruggie: I'm deathly allergic to cats, if I eat a cat, I will die
Cater: if your house is on fire, and you got one of those little meow meows, just chuck it out the window, it'll be fine
Malleus: Yuu don’t do this, I might actually start crushing on you—this is a dangerous game. YUU BE CAREFUL
…(Blake): ELF- ELF EARS
…: OI
Lilia: Hm?
…, in a Scottish accent: Hi can I have more wishes :D
Lilia: Even after last time?
…: Ehhh, it worked out in the end!…. Eventually.
Lilia, shaking his head: So greedy…
Deuce: What is a socialist? And where can I buy one?
Ace: The girls are fighting and Barbie is winning
Idia: I had a depressive episode called “quarantine”
Kalim during CH4: Awww poor snake
Yuu: the SNAKE is making BAD CHOICES.
Lilia: Eating a plum at 3 am (gone wrong) (police called)
Deuce: crap
Ace: Fuck.
both gasp, then go incredibly silent.
Deuce: …
Leona, gesturing to Cheka: This child is a piece of shit. Get the parents involved before I fistfight him myself.
Vil: do you want to be the monster that runs into a wall and dies?
Lilia: YES????? HELLO????????
Ace: but was the grink there?
Jack: I promise I’ll protect you from Danny DeVito /gen
Yuu: thank you
Lilia: I need to do more roleplays in furry games
Ace: Fishing is like tinder for fish kissers
Floyd: fishr
Jamil: what
Sebek: You’d think having longer ears would mean I could hear you better, but no, I have an auditory processing disorder.
Crowley: Number one! E! As in… E.
Cater: Can you feel it in your bones, Kalim
Cater, to Riddle: Don't be British in front of your mom
Floyd: Don't kidnap the local tiger, he doesn't wanna live in your bathroom!
Yuu: Why would you keep a tiger in your bathroom??
Floyd: Uhhhh.. um.. D- Don't ask questions you don't want answers to! A- And don't look in my bathroom!
Lilia: modern jesus is staring at me blankly. except modern jesus has no face.
Anyway that’s the end. I still have more. Plus a whole other server of quotes that I haven’t touched from a few years ago…
Already making another one bc I didn’t wanna put too many in this post lmao
Tags: @aetherphobia @thesunshineriptide @end3rm1st lmk if you wanna be tagged lmaooo
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heartsoulspiritelite · 10 months
Saw the barbie move last Friday IT WAS AMAZING🫶
Matt Jackson x Nick Jackson
I cringed so many times writing this. IM SO ASHAMED. But likee :) jk but brooooooo. Maybe im projecting or sum (NOT THE INCEST PART) im sorry about this, Ive read too many fics on ao3..., I know it aint a big deal but i had to take multiple break while writing this because i felt like the ghosts of my relatives were watching, man i had to take screaming breaks ;-; the writing is terrible but still. ENJOY:)
Warning- Smut, spanking- punishment, slight smut, Sibling Incest
No Summary
Close Brothers
"Nick leave me the eff alone" Matt said sharply while trying to avoid the other bucks eye contact
Matt's been acting weird ever since they got back to their hotel and nows they're trying to pack up peacefully but Matt's attitude isn't helping.
"Matt just tell me whats wrong, Why do you have to be so frustrating" Nick almost yells.
Matt freezes at this and looks at Nick with a slightly hurt expression and runs to the bathroom and locks himself him. Why wont he just tell him whats wrong? They tell each other everything. Did he do something wrong?
"Matty please.." He pleads while sitting outside the bathroom door
Hearing the pleading tone in his younger brothers voice made him feel a tad bit guilty so he unlocked the door but didn't open it and returned to his previous position .
Once Nick heard the door unlock he took that as his cue to walk in.
The sight he saw before him made his heartbreak. He saw matt curled up in a ball beside the toilet with stray tears running down his pretty face, looking up at him desperately with his boo boo eyes.
"Please tell me whats got you acting like this?" Nick asked him as gently as he could while bending down infront of his older brother.
"W-why did you let her touch you like that" He whispered
"Who" Nick asked genuinally confused
"The girl we ran into while going shopping Nick dont act stupid" He said not even looking Nick in the eye
"The worker? Matt she was just talking to us about the shoes, why does it bother you so much?" He says standing up a little annoyed
"Nick she was FLIRTING WITH YOU, IDIOT" Matt yelled getting even more upset wiping his tears
About 2 hours ago the bucks went shopping, When they were looking for new shoes one of the workers came up and totally started hitting on Nick but Nick is god damn oblivious he didn't even think about her carressing his arm or looking up at him fluttering her eyelashes but Matt did. Plus she didn't even glance at him, she was a bitch.
'Matt you're jealous" Nick stated coming to a conclusion
"Well no shit sherlock thanks for pointing out the obvious" matt replied
"Aww Matt you know im yours, you dont needa be jealous, Im sorry darling, i didn't realise she got that close" Nicks apolagizes before hugging him
He picks matt up from off the floor, brings him to bed, sits him down and stands infront of him
"But you're not going to get away with this attitude you've been pulling Matt, You've been acting like a little bitch ever since e got back. You dont trust me huh?" he says to him looking him straight in the eye, using his finger to lift his chin up
Nick knows what Matt really want, its obvious he knows his brother better than he knows himself and he can also tell because of dent in Matts pants. Of course he's going to give it to him, but not without a few punishments.
Matt freezes
"Nick i-" He tries
"Nuh uh that aint gonna fly here. Strip."
"Nick W-what?" He tries again
''What you want a audience or something? Taking your effing clothes of Matt" he orders him watching him closely
"Well i mean-" He laughs slighty before standing up to remove his shirt, then his pants, and underwears and puts them to the side then goes to stand infront of his brother and waits for his next order like a good boy would.
You'd probably imagine Matt being the top right? Well your so far from the truth. Matt loves the humiliation from the punishments, He loves being submissive. He loves letting Nick take control of him.
Nick sits down on armless chair in the middle of room after locking the hotel door and grabs Matts arms and pulls him over slowly
"Bend over." he orders
Matts wastes no time at all and bends over his brothers lap but not without putting on a little show, He makes sure  his ass is perked up and bends over slowly, teasing Nick, Nick swats his ass hard and pulls him over her lap, Making him stop his actions.
He runs his hand over Matts ass and squeezes it causing Matt to moan.
"You know the safe word right" He asks just to make sure
"Yes its 'Stop' Nick" He replies rolling his eye
Nick sees this and pinches him in the side
"Ow im sorry, red means stop, yellow means slow down and green means yes" He rushes out
He doesn't want Nick to stop. he want's to be crying mess in his lap. He wants the aftercare, he wants the pleasure.
Without any warning he slaps Matt's ass. Hard.
"Count. We're doing 15, you miss a number and we restart"
Matt nods
He feels Nick pinch again
"Use your words"
"Okay daddy"
He feels Nick's dick harden beneath him and giggles
His laughter is cut short when he feels another smack on his ass
"1" he gasps
"You little slut, you love this dont you" He teases him then gives him another smack on the ass"
"2, Y-yes daddy. ohh i love it so much" he moans
He tries to hump Nick's leg to get relief
"Nuh uh, you dont get to do that get" He stops Matts movements with another harsh smack on the ass, making his own hand hurt.
"3, Oh my god oww" he cries
Nick smirks and undoes his belt, and then grabs it out of his pants
"Oh my god Nick-" Matt says watching his brothers every movement, his stomach getting worried, but his dick getting harder by the second.
"4" Matt sobs
he wants to so badly rub his ass but he knows he'll get in trouble so he refrains himself and bites his hand.
"You little whore, you love getting manhandled and put in your place huh, you love getting spanked by your little brother" Nick says to man over his lap, smirking
Matt just keeps sobbing
"Color?" Nick asks gently
"Green Nick oh my god its green please dont stop"  He begs
He smacks Matts ass once again with belt then gives him a few seconds to breath
He puts the belt away and just spanks him 10 times fast.
spank spank spank spank spank
spank spank spank spank spank
"6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15" Matt cries
he takes heavy breaths and sobs until the sting goes away a bit, his dick is still hard as hell
All he feels is pleasure. He loves this.
Nick gently helps him up until matt is straddling his lap and places his head into the crook of his neck.
He bends down and grabs lotion to rub on Matt's bottom to soothe the pain.
Matt sighs at the sensation of Nick rubbing lotion on his ass.
"You okay love?" He whispers
"Yes, thank you" He whispers back
"You're welcome but we're not finished yet baby" Nick laughs slightly at Matt saying thank you
He lifts him up and carries him bridal style over to the bed and lays him down.
Matt hisses at pain of having his ass rub against the bed.
Nick removes his clothes and joins his naked brother on the bed and crawls overtop of him.
His kisses Matt and rubs his hands over his brother pecks making Matt moan loudly.
Matt grabs the back nick's neck and deepens the kiss until he feels Nick break the kiss and lower himself down until he's face to face with his older brothers dick.
He licks a stripe down his dick and slowly licks a circle around his tip causing Matt to arch his back.
"Oh fuck" he moans grabbing at younger brothers hair.
He feels Nick mouth around his cock and pushes his head down forceably until he feels nick gag and lets go to pull his head back up a bit.
"Nicky- f-feels so good" he yells
hearing all of the noises of pleasure he brings out of his brother made him cum right then and there all over the bed.
Nick bobs his head faster down Matt's cock feeling him come close to his release.
"Oh my- im about to" he cries before cuming down Nick's throat
Nick stays in place and swallows it all down before he brings his head back up and smiles at his brother.
They both breath heavily until their breaths even out.
Nick comes to lay beside his brother and pulls him close
"Wait do you need me to" He asks refering to Nick's cock
"No no im fine i kinda already did while.." he trails off making Matt laugh
"But look im so sorry about earlier i really didn't realise what was happening, i love you so much Matty" He whispers into Matt's ear while laying on top of him.
"Its okay, i love you too" His whispers into the brothers hair, running his hands through it.
~Cross-posted on wattpad & ao3~
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cemetery14 · 4 months
me comparing akashi to billie songs : )
the time has come for me to rant about why almost all of my akashi playlist is billie eilish, sometimes im bad at wording my thoughts and i just wanna go "yknow that one billie eilish lyric? yeah thats him"
idk why i just really relate music to whatever in into at the moment, like obsessively
a couple are just gonna be vibe based but some will also be very detailed 0_0 im just gonna go in order of my playlist
i dont need to explain myself on this one but,,, he literally had a "nah im gonna be the bad guy" moment
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"I had a dream I got everything I wanted Not what you'd think And if I'm being honest"
akashi winning everything and being perfect at everything and realizing that it brings him no joy
"It might've been a nightmare To anyone who might care"
"Nobody even noticed I saw them standing right there Kinda thought they might care"
'kinda thought they might care' this song really makes me think of akashi in teiko and realizing that none of the miracles care about him the way he cares about them, and none of them tried to help him if anything they made it worse
"I tried to scream But my head was underwater They called me weak Like I'm not just somebody's daughter"
"And it feels like yesterday was a year ago But I don't wanna let anybody know 'Cause everybody wants something from me now And I don't wanna let 'em down"
"If I knew it all then would I do it again? Would I do it again? If they knew what they said would go straight to my head What would they say instead?"
i love that last line for him 'would i do it again' 'what would they say instead' if only they knew how fragile akashi was would they have treated him differently? would akashi have wanted them to treat him differently?
"I used to float, now I just fall down I used to know but I'm not sure now What I was made for"
"Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real Just something you paid for What was I made for?"
akashi struggling with his own identify after being used by other his whole life
"I don't know how to feel But I wanna try I don't know how to feel But someday, I might"
"When did it end? All the enjoyment I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend"
akashi going from loving basketball to just seeing it as another thing he needs to win at
"Think I forgot how to be happy Something I'm not, but something I can be Something I wait for Something I'm made for"
this song makes me think of akashi and mayuzumi :>
"I'm getting older, I think I'm aging well I wish someone had told me I'd be doing this by myself There's reasons that I'm thankful, there's a lot I'm grateful for But it's different when a stranger's always waiting at your door Which is ironic 'cause the strangers seem to want me more Than anyone before"
i bet akashi has a hard time making friendships with people his age, or just friendships in general
he deals alot with people older than him, like teachers and im sure his dad already had his talking with business partners and such
"Can't shake the feeling that I'm just bad at healing And maybe that's the reason every sentence sounds rehearsed Which is ironic because when I wasn't honest, I was still being ignored (Lying for attention just to get neglection) Now we're estranged"
neglect neglect neglect akashi is a victim of neglect, GIVE HIM ATTENTION OR HES GONNA ACT OUT
"Things I once enjoyed (ah-ah) Just keep me employed now Things I'm longing for Someday, I'll be bored of"
akashis love for basketball being twisted into just another thing hes expected to win
"I'm getting older, I've got more on my shoulders But I'm getting better at admitting when I'm wrong I'm happier than ever, at least that's my endeavor To keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure 'Cause to be honest, I just wish that what I promise Would depend on what I'm given (not on his permission) (Wasn't my decision) to be abused, mmm"
'im happier than ever at least thats my endeavor to keep myself together and prioritize my pleasure'
THIS LINE AAAAAAAAA this is how i would describe akashis character post birthday over, i just think it perfectly encapsulates him and how hes doing
"They're gonna tell you what you wanna hear Then they're gonna disappear Gonna claim you like a souvenir Just to sell you in a year"
akashi being taken advantage of
"I'm overheated, can't be defeated Can't be deleted, can't un-believe it I'm overheated, can't be defeated Can't be deleted, can't be repeated I'm overheated"
kinda vibes based but it makes me think of akashi and how he constantly has to be ON for interviews or just interacting with people he knows since hes extremely popular and how overwhelming it must get
"Did you think I'd show up in a limousine? (No) Had to save my money for security Got a stalker walkin' up and down the street Says he's Satan and he'd like to meet I bought a secret house when I was seventeen (Ha) Haven't had a party since I got the keys Had a pretty boy over, but he couldn't stay On his way out, made him sign an NDA, mm"
"You couldn't save me, but you can't let me go, oh, no I can crave you, but you don't need to know, oh-oh"
"At least I gave him somethin' he can cry about I thought about my future, but I want it now, oh-oh-oh Want it now, mm-mm-mm You can't give me up"
"Did I take it too far? Now I know what you are You hit me so hard I saw stars Think I took it too far When I sold you my heart How'd it get so dark? I saw stars Stars"
vibes based but like, heavy vibes
being rich and popular at such young age like EVERYONE knows akashi, having rapid success at such a younge age must be crazy
i also have I Didnt Change My Number, Therefore I Am, and You Should See Me In A Crown but those are mostly vibes based
i love you should see me in a crown for akashi, pretty boy on a power trip <3
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sadclowncentral · 1 year
I just started playing Skyrim!! On the switch so I can't mod it unfortunately :/ i wish I could adopt every child. Any tips, tricks, feelings, thoughts about Skyrim you wanna share? :)
okay let me preface this by saying that skyrim is the only game i have ever played in the last five years and the only game i need given the over 1000 hours i have logged on it its the game of all time. it is a source of endless joy. i haven't even finished the main story yet i have too much fun. so here is my skyrim advice from a person who plays it wrong but has the most fun doing just that:
yes skyrim has a main story allegedly and a civil war subplot but you know what? if that's not what's your vibe right now feel free to ignore it. there is a lot of fun missions especially by the factions like the Thieves Guild or the Companions that can also take up a lot of your time. don't feel pressured. have a look around. kill some draugr. build a house.
yes there is a lot to do in skyrim but you know what is the MOST fun? making soup. collecting books and furnishing your home. scouring for flowers and making potions. don't let the ever-present violence stop you from enjoying the fishing minigame. the world is your oyster. to me the game is always the most fun when I give my character a task that the quests don't have, like stealing every bottle of alcohol, collecting dwarves artefacts, and creating an extensive library. whatever floats your boat!!
while the game mechanics don't really enforce that point, skyrim is filled to the brim with NPCs with absolute insane requests and takes and I always do the best to honour them. somebody said something racist about elves and I am one? I am now building traps in the town square. somebody mentioned their love for books passing by? I am breaking into your house and putting them there. there might not be a quest in game but there is one in my heart. ESPECIALLY when it come to marrying someone has to take upmost priority. my loves pre-programmed wishes are my command.
there is a lot of parts of skyrim that can be frustrating but a decade old community has circumvented them. increasing carry weight, optimising potion brewing, finding the stones of berenziah, locating that one fucking lever...people have been where you have been. you stand on shoulders of giants, and those giants are on Google! it's not cheating, it increasing your fun at the game!
skyrim is a vast world and you can do whatever you want. if you want to complete the main quest or toss it aside to just maim bears for an hour, you get to do that! i play skyrim every rpg oriented and use it as a dollhouse but that doesn't have to be you. you are a free person. just don't forget to have fun!! and if you are bored or frustrated, just do something else. no try harding in MY skyrim community
do not get complacent while climbing the steps the fucker will kick your absolute ass.
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bippot · 2 years
OKAY OKAY. PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY! PLEASE.... can you rewrite some old stuff. Not in a bad way. I think you've improved as a writter and wanna see the change?! Get it? I get it if that's too much to ask!
I get you. I was thinking about doing this because I've always thought that one was kind of weak.
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Summary: Childhood friends have a habit of drifting apart. Usually, it's a natural thing. Usually, there's a slow detachment. Adrian never wanted to detach from his best friend. But he thought he had to.
Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Family Drama, Grief/Mourning, Friends to Lovers, Canon-Typical Violence, Fluff and Smut
Peacemaker, Adrian Chase Masterlist - here
The Chase's and the L/N's used to be inseparable. Or, more specifically, their children were. Despite the fact that Adrian was a year older than Y/N, they spent every second they could together, in and out of school.
Living next door was the thing that really brought them together. Not to mention the fact that Y/N's older brothers were friends with Gut Chase, and Adrian found it nice to finally have someone who didn't pretend he wasn't there. Y/N took the time to play cars with him, so he returned the favour and was often caught coming up with soap style plotlines with her and her Barbie's. (Although he would claim he was just humouring her when his brother would tease him about it, he really enjoyed playing with her dolls.)
It had been like this since kindergarten. They had become best friends from then onwards, even if they didn't really understand it at first. Adrian was a quiet child, preferring to remain inside whenever possible, but Y/N was different. She was bright and curious, eager to learn and make new friends.
As such, Adrian soon became one too, especially when she dragged him to the playground during recess where everyone else played and tried to get him to join in. When he refused, she kept insisting, saying, "Come on! I want you to come and play with me!" Every time it happened, he gave in, always following her around until it became tradition.
And that's how it went until Adrian had to go to middle school a year before Y/N. He hated being away from his best friend, and was always looking forward to when the bell went so he could rush to her school. It wasn't far, but he made sure to hurry there and, without fail, she'd be at the gates, waiting for his arrival.
"Is that your girlfriend, Chase?" Someone behind Adrian called out as the pair walked home.
"No. This is my friend Y/N," Adrian replied, keeping his gaze ahead, not wanting to look back. He knew who it was. Frankie Oswald. The guy who had been making Adrian's life a living hell at middle school.
Y/N did turn to look at the older body with a weird sense of bubbling fury in her eyes, but Adrian quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her away before she could say anything. "Let's just ignore him," he said quietly. Y/N nodded and kept walking, though she seemed rather reluctant to leave.
Eventually, they were out of range from Frankie and she finally asked, "Who was that?"
Adrian sighed and looked down at the ground. "That was..." He trailed off for a minute, considering his answer carefully. If he told her he was bullied by his classmates, she might try to help and get her ass kicked too. That wouldn't end well for either of them. "...that was Frankie Oswald."
"Oh," she said simply. That name meant nothing to her, and she couldn't figure out why Adrian would be bothered by it. "Do you know him?"
"A little." Adrian hesitated once again, wondering how he should explain the situation without causing Y/N any unnecessary worry.
All seemed well until the days got colder and on one walk home, Adrian noticed his little buddy had goosebumps all up her arm. So, without thinking, he took his jacket off and handed it to her, exposing all the bruises that littered his arms.
"You should take this," he said with a slight smile.
Although, she didn't take the jacket, not at first. She brushed the fabric away so she could see the big dots of purple on his skin. "Did Gut give you those for taking his Gameboy again?"
Gut didn't give him them. Frankie Oswald did. But, she didn't need to know that, so he lied, "Yeah. I wanted to play Crash Bandicoot and he, uh, wanted to play Mario." He felt stupid lying, but Y/N just nodded and accepted the jacket, shrugging it over herself as they continued walking home.
Then, over time, she noticed again and again and again. His sleeves would be pushed up his elbows and showing her new marks, and he started to look kind of nervous, almost...shy. It worried her. Why wasn't he telling anyone? Did someone tell him not to? She wanted to ask, but Adrian never liked talking about the things that hurt him.
Halloween came and the pair were all dressed up in their costumes. Hercules and Megara. After dealing with the paparazzi of both sets of their parents, the pair were allowed to trick or treat on their street, Rockefeller Place, and the next street over. It was great. There was such a good haul in the beginning, so much candy they hardly needed to share it like they had originally thought. By the time they got to Bishops Close, honestly, they were just trying to get as much as they possibly could stuff into their plastic jack o'lanterns.
Everyone seemed to love their costumes too. Adrian was very pleased that his cardboard breastplate was such a hit and he'd refused to wear a skirt, that was a little too far for him because Gut and his awful buddies would use it as blackmail, so he was glad people understood what he was going for with the long shorts.
Though, he had to admit, sandals definitely weren't his thing.
Originally, Y/N had said she wanted to go as Hercules, but no. Adrian insisted. So she had her hair up in a fancy looking ponytail, equipped with a long purple dress and sharp tongue. She was a perfect Megara.
After getting to the final house on their Trick or Treating journey, some other, taller kids came by. Some of them wore scary masks that the pair recognised from some of the movies they'd seen their brothers watching.
"Hey, Chase!"
Oh no. Oh, no oh no oh no oh no. Frankie and his crew. Just his luck. He turned towards them, trying not to cringe, but Y/N was quick to notice the fear on his face. "What's wrong?" Her voice sounded unusually small as she approached him.
"Nothing," he replied hurriedly, turning away from the group. He needed to get Y/N out of here as fast as he could before they decided to start harassing her. He heard her footsteps catch up to him.
"That's an awful lot of candy you two have there. Want to share?"
"By the looks of you, you've had enough," she retorted, sounding much braver than Adrian ever could. He turned to look at her, surprised that she dared talk back to Frankie like that. Of course, she was also scared, and rightfully so - he was almost double her size.
Still, she held her ground. He saw something flicker across Frankie's face. Anger maybe? Hurt perhaps? Whatever it was, Adrian hoped that it passed quickly. Unfortunately, it didn't. Frankie lunged towards her, grabbing hold of her shoulder with one hand, while grabbing a handful of Y/N's ponytail with the other.
"The candy or I pull the princess's ponytail off," Frankie threatened, glaring down at Y/N who simply gathered her nerve and spat in his eye, surprising even herself. In total shock and disgust, his grip loosened but he managed to push her over, knocking her to the concrete beneath them.
Frankie can bully him as much as he wants, but laying a hand on Y/N was a no-go in Adrian's mind. For the first time in his life, he felt the blood rush to his ears and his jaw clenched.
"Leave her alone!" Adrian exclaimed, jumping between Y/N and his bully.
"You're actually defending her?" Frankie laughed bitterly, shaking his head as he wiped the spit from his face. "Aw look, little Chase is mad because I hurt his girlfriend. What are you going to do you limp fucking chicken-"
Without warning, Adrian punched him square in the nose, breaking it instantly. Blood spurted everywhere as Frankie fell backwards. With an expressionless face, Adrian helped Y/N up. "Don't fucking touch my friends," Adrian warned coldly, turning away from Frankie to lead her away, but Y/N didn't go away.
Before they got too far, she turned around, swung her foot back and kicked Frankie in the stomach. "Leave him alone from now on!" She warned, adding another kick after every word. As soon as she was done with her sentence, Y/N grabbed Adrian's hand and ran back to her house.
Going through the back gate and into the garden without notifying her parents, the pair climbed up into her tree house where they had already placed blankets and pillows. Once they arrived, they flopped down and lay there for a few minutes, just catching their breaths.
"The bruises are from him?" It wasn't really a question since she knew the answer to that already. Adrian didn't respond, and Y/N sat next to him. Taking one of his hands into hers, she stared down at the bruising on his knuckles.
At that, he pulled his hand free from her grasp. His reply however, wasn't what she was expecting at all. He chuckled softly and shook his head. "My knuckles are nothing compared to this." He turned her hand over. When she got pushed, she'd scraped her hands up pretty badly, leaving her hands raw and red.
In all the chaos, she hadn't noticed this until now. She frowned and leaned her head onto his shoulder, asking, "How long till they look normal again?"
"A couple of days."
To ease her, he lifted her palm and pressed a quick, comforting peck against her injury. "There. I kissed it better. It will take less time now." A small grin appeared on her lips, and she looked up at him. He gave her a confused stare and asked, "What's with that face?"
"Nothing," she giggled. He blushed and smiled, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. They sat there for another couple of minutes before Y/N spoke up, "Adrian..."
Her eyes flickered back to his bruised knuckles. "Why didn't you tell me sooner that he hit you?" Her tone was serious, yet gentle.
"Didn't want to scare you. Not everyone at middle school is like Frankie."
"Do you think he'll try and fuck with you again?"
"I hope not," was all he could say. She didn't press any more though. Instead, she just nodded slowly, then wrapped her arms around him and cuddled closer in the hopes she could hug away all his hurt. She wished, not only for his bruises to fade, but for everything he'd gone through that day, especially with Frankie.
If she could have helped, she would've taken that pain away for him. But she didn't know how. All she could do was sit there in silence and hope he felt better, even if only for a little while.
"I got my dad to record Wild Force. Want to go inside and watch it?"
"Oh, hell yeah."
The pair went inside and watched Power Rangers until Adrian had to go home, which was at an earlier time than usual as his mum had been told about their little fight. Apparently, Frankie had a broken nose and a broken rib and a wounded ego.
Punishment was that they weren't allowed to hang out for a week. It didn't really work as their windows were opposite each other and they had walkie-talkies so they could easily communicate with each other. From his room Adrian could easily see into Y/N's and they would just sit at their desks, chatting in secret.
It was at that point that Y/N finally asked something that was bugging her. "Ade, why didn't Frankie's friends help him? They just stood there. Over. "
"Maybe it took 'em a little time to realise that he was a bigger loser than they thought. I don't think they like him very much actually." She nodded slowly. That was probably true, Frankie didn't exactly strike her as someone she could stand, let alone like, so why would anybody else like him?
"I'm sorry he hurt you," he apologised softly. Even though she couldn't see it, Y/N was sure that her cheeks reddened slightly as he whispered into the microphone, "But you did look really badass. Over."
Smiling to herself as she leaned back in her chair, Y/N exclaimed, "Says you! That punch was like kachow! So cool!...oh yeah, over."
She heard his laughter coming through the radio and rolled her eyes playfully. It seemed like nothing else mattered anymore, at least in Adrian's world. The days passed swiftly, almost too quickly, with both him and Y/N spending most of their time together.
Middle school got easier for him when she arrived. Sure it had been rough, but he had her now - his girl. And she was always looking out for him. Whenever Frankie came anywhere near them, whether it be in school or in the garden, she made sure to put herself between them. She made him feel safe and protected and loved. Everything he had wanted, and more.
As time passed, he began to notice more things; things she said. Her smile. Her laugh. Sometimes, her eyes. Sometimes, her whole personality. He started to notice everything about her. He realised he couldn't live without her. If she left him, he didn't know if he'd be able to function properly.
Yet, high school was hard for Adrian. There were more bullies and it didn't help that his parents were fighting every single day. His mother's constant screaming had begun getting on his nerves and his father's never ending lectures became unbearable at times. At least he still had Y/N though. He spent most of his time at her house watching movies or playing video games, just talking about their days. They'd talk until late at night, just enjoying each other's company.
Sometimes, he caught himself smiling. Just thinking about her brought a smile to his face that he couldn't wipe off. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but she was the only reason why he thought about staying in Evergreen after high school.
"What do you want for your 14th birthday?" She asked, nudging him to distract him from his PSP. Adrian lay on her bed as Y/N attempted to do her homework next to him.
Arguing could be heard from next door.
"Peace and fucking quiet," he complained. He had been grumpier recently, but she knew why. She understood why he felt as he did, but she didn't like seeing him upset either.
"That's lame," she laughed, pushing his shoulder as she got up to quickly close her window in the hopes that would stop the sounds of his parents from being heard in her room.
He groaned as she'd caused him to die in his game.
"Sorry," she apologised sheepishly, sitting back down beside him. She picked up her pen and started on her homework again. She checked up on him from time to time, trying to make out his expression. He was engulfed completely in his game, so she decided to leave him alone for a while. She didn't want him to get too stressed and start feeling miserable, so she tried to focus instead of worrying about him.
After some time of doing her homework though, she sighed in frustration. "Ade, can you help me?" She asked, smiling sweetly. He sighed, dropped his game, and sat up to lean over to look over her homework.
Looking over it himself, he took her pen from her hand and started correcting it as he told her all about it. He'd done this shit last year too, so she'd learn quick enough. As he pointed out where she needed to fix, he'd sometimes glance up at her from the page to watch her face as he explained everything he was teaching her.
Completely distracted by how cute he looked when he was focused, Y/N didn't listen to a word he said. His eyes narrowed as he concentrated and he always pushed his glasses up with his pointer, making his eyebrows scrunch together. His hair fell over his face and Y/N reached up and brushed it aside gently. Before she could pull away though, his eyes flicked up and locked with hers.
They stared into one another's eyes. Neither one moved or spoke, they just sat there silently and held eye contact. She saw his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed, his breath shallow, and her pulse sped up a notch. Then, as soon as he realised what he was doing he snapped out of whatever daze he was in and looked down at the floor, cheeks flaming red.
"Y/N," he squeaked, clearing his throat, "Can you maybe finish up your homework so we can watch a movie?"
"Oh, right!" She replied, tearing her gaze away from his to start working again. He cleared his throat and continued reading through her work to check up on mistakes she hadn't managed to solve correctly yet.
After another half hour she finished her work and laid down, staring at the ceiling. Adrian shuffled closer and laid next to her, turning his body to her. With a small huff, she turned onto her side facing him. A smirk grew across his lips as he stared at her, totally amused.
"You've gone crazy with a biro," he joked and licked his thumb to wipe the pen off her chin. His thumb gently swiped over her skin, causing her breath to hitch and her gaze darted to his.
Then it seemed as if he was going to lean in closer, but before he could, her father could be heard coming up the stairs. Both Y/N and Adrian jumped back so fast, they nearly fell from the bed. Their faces were bright red as her dad entered her room and asked, "Alright, what are you two doing in here?"
"I'm just helping Y/N with her homework."
"He's just helping me with my homework."
Suspiciously, her father looked between the two teenagers. Y/N was blushing furiously, while Adrian refused to meet his gaze. Her dad simply shook his head and gave a smile as he teased, "Are you staying for dinner, loverboy?"
That affectionate nickname was something that Adrian was used to at this point, but he still had to clear his throat and respond, "It's taco Tuesday, right?" Her dad nodded. "Then, hell yeah."
Mr L/N smiled and then left the room, muttering something about the kids growing up too fast. Y/N smiled to herself and turned back to look at Adrian who was staring at the floor. She reached over to flick him on the nose, earning a light glare from the boy in question.
"Stop glaring at the floor, you're making me feel awkward."
Eventually, his parents separated, which was a relief to all members of the Chase family as they were getting rather fed up with each other. That didn't mean that they finally got on, god no. But, they were better than before.
Gut would hardly be at home. When he wasn't working, he'd be out with friends. Especially that Smith boy that Y/N had met a couple of times and always thought, 'huh, he's got a huge head'. Although, she wasn't a fan of how the two treated Adrian as if he were beneath them.
"Y/N, what's a thimble?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow as he looked at her curiously. His brother and his friend had given him a nickname that he was very excited to learn the meaning of.
It was probably something cool.
"It's used for sewing. Why?"
"Is it big?"
Y/N let out a laugh. "No, dummy. It's small. It goes on top of your thumb so you don't poke yourself with the needle," she explained and watched as his face fell in disappointment. She reached out to give him a little pat on the cheek, trying to cheer him up. "What's up?"
"Nothing," he muttered, not wanting to speak anymore, not even to Y/N. But he wasn't going to mope around for long, she decided and quickly set her ipod in its speaker, turning the volume up so the sounds of Barbie Girl could be heard from all around.
To brighten his mood, she did the worst dance moves she could think of. First was the robot - an absolute classic! Then onto a just awful attempt at a moonwalk, which made his lip twitch up as she almost tripped over her own feet. Pretend snorkelling? Done. The Beyonce hand wiggle was next and he finally broke into a small laugh. That made her happy as he was finally looking a bit better.
Holding onto his hands, she moved them back and forth in time to the music, leading him to dance along with her. It wasn't anything fancy, but she figured they could use some fun, right?
Soon, he was laughing uncontrollably with her and dancing without any shame whatsoever. He forgot that he'd been in a bad mood before, which is exactly why he needed this. Even the music was helping. She danced in circles around him, giggling wildly. He joined her, copying her moves as much as he could.
They both ended up falling to the ground because they were laughing too hard, and soon enough, they were laying on the floor. He stared at the ceiling and laughed softly, feeling his heart slowly come back down from racing it up earlier. He glanced sideways at her and found her staring up at the ceiling, too.
There was silence for some time as he studied every little detail about her face, committing each and every freckle, mole, scar, and blemish to memory, even the small ones he loved. The longer they lay there, the more he started noticing more about her that he never did before. Like the slight curve of her smile, or her eyelashes, or the way her hair fell into her face.
Everything about her seemed to capture his attention in some way and he couldn't figure out why.
"Y/N," he mumbled after a moment of silence. He nudged her gently with his elbow. She turned her head towards him and raised an eyebrow curiously as she waited for him to go on. "Thank you."
Her eyebrows immediately furrowed and she gave a confused frown, "For what?"
"For understanding me. I know I'm not easy to get at first, and you usually do what you can to be nice, but you've stuck with me all this time. I... I don't know what I would do without you," he said quietly, looking away sheepishly. His cheeks flushed pink and he looked like he was struggling to make eye contact with her again. He was being honest, Y/N knew he was, but... it felt nice to hear anyway.
"It's nothing..." she began, but decided it would be nicer to just scooch over and give him a big hug, burying her head into his shoulder. He hugged her back without hesitation and squeezed her tightly. They stayed in the embrace for a few minutes until they both pulled away awkwardly.
As Y/N got up she noticed her father standing at the doorway watching the pair with a fond expression on his face. He looked down at his daughter and gave her a gentle but knowing smile, crouched down to ruffle Adrian's hair and then walked back downstairs. She let out an awkward laugh to herself and turned back towards Adrian, smiling at the sight of his bashful face as he stood up from the carpet.
After that day, Adrian kept seeing new aspects of his friend that he never really paid attention to before. He tried his best to hold back the goofy grin that formed on his face whenever he looked at her, but every now and then, when he least expected it, his mouth would twitch involuntarily upwards into a wide smile.
When she got to high school, it was clear that she had the chance to be popular. She was pretty enough that it would be easy for her to date one of the dumbass football players if she wanted to. She didn't want to date those guys though. She liked someone else; someone who deserved her respect and kindness more than anyone else.
Neither of them had many friends, maybe a handful. They didn't need them. They had each other and that was more than enough.
Yet, there was something about Y/N - maybe it was the loner x popular kid romance trope - but some of the jocks seemed to be into her. Not that she noticed, god no. She was too busy defending her friend from their insults and teasing. But Adrian heard how these boys spoke about her in the locker room, how they acted like they knew her personally. And it bothered him.
If he were a girl, he would've hated hearing that kind of thing and he would have punched the guy in front of him, but that would result in getting his ass kicked multiple times by multiple jocks at the same time. One he could deal with. Two a stretch but he'd do it. Three plus? He'd be in a hospital bed.
Often he dreamed of a future when he was big and buff and strong enough to beat up anyone he wanted to. Sadly, reality didn't quite match up with his imagination.
For now.
In her sophomore year, she had a paired project with the most popular guy in school: Grant O'Donnelly. Adrian knew he had no chance against that. In one of their study sessions, they sat at her desk that was right in front of her window, meaning that Adrian had a front row seat to their interaction as his window was opposite hers.
Adrian always felt like a pervert every time he glanced into her window and gazed at her. There was one time when she had forgotten to close the curtains before she had taken her shirt off and his brain nearly exploded.
Grant was handsome, he was smart, he was athletic. Hell, he was conventionally attractive. And here was his best friend sitting across from him, unaware that Grant was clearly trying to make a move on her. She caught him staring once and rolled her eyes at him, obviously annoyed that her work had been interrupted.
Once they were done for the day, Grant started asking her questions. He asked her all sorts of things, ranging from what classes she had, what movies she liked and, this was the kicker, "Why'd you hang out with Chase?"
"Because we're friends." was all she responded with, which only made him look even more confused.
"Yeah, but why?"
She shrugged, "We just are."
A small 'hmph' escaped his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest, seemingly accepting her answer for what it was. He still had that weird glint in his eyes whenever he spoke to her and she wondered what it meant.
Well, she found out what it was when out of nowhere he suddenly leaned in and kissed her. Her body stiffened instantly and she pushed him away with a horrified expression on her face. That made him stop and gawk at her in confusion, not having anticipated her reaction.
That was her first kiss. She had been saving it for Adrian when he was ready, but this guy just took it. Grant opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, she shook her head furiously. "No!" she exclaimed, "Not a chance!"
"Wha-" he stopped short, shocked at how quick she was to reject him. "I just wanna see if your lips tasted as good as they look."
"Please leave."
With a final pout, Grant reluctantly left the room with one last look her way. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him leave and collapsed back onto her chair, closing her eyes briefly and letting out a small groan. She lowered her head to her desk and lightly banged her forehead against the wood, trying to calm herself down, or maybe to bash the memories away.
Out of nowhere, her Motorola Razr buzzed.
Ade: Trying to give yourself brain damage?
Y/N: Come over?
Y/N: Please?
Ade: Technically I'm grounded because I threw a stink bomb in Gut's room last week
Ade: But I'm a bad boy so...
She looked up to see him climb out of his window, which was over the garage - a lucky thing since he often left that way instead of through the front door because it allowed him to avoid his mother's questions - and jumped over the fence between their houses. The fence had been changed years ago to one that was more jumpable since he'd pulled the same move and knocked the last one down.
He reached her window and moved her dad's ladder over so he could climb up, gracefully flopping into her room when he got to the top. He landed next to her with a loud thump and she rolled her eyes, pulling him to his feet before she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug.
Usually, when someone hugged him, he had no idea what to do, but she had done it so often that he had become accustomed to it. Being touched and touching people weren't his favourite things to experience. He had no idea what was socially acceptable. But, with Y/N, he felt so comfortable that she could do anything and he'd be at ease. He couldn't explain it, but he trusted her enough to allow himself to relax around her.
"You okay?" he questioned when she finally released him after hugging him for a while.
"Am now," she replied softly, running her fingers absently over the fabric of his shirt, "You?"
"I'm good."
Interrupting their calm moment, Grant reappeared and exclaimed, "Fucking Damher?" People at school called Adrian that because of his glasses, and it doubled up as a way to call him gay, so it was twice as effective. "I forgot my textbook, but I don't think I want it back if you were planning on fucking Damher over it."
Adrian pretended not to care, handed Grant the textbook and politely retorted, "Here you go."
Grant snatched it from his hand and angrily huffed. That didn't go down well with Y/N. "Are you going to leave now?" she asked in a stern tone, her eyes boring into him intensely.
"Why? Want to get me out of the way so you can get fucked by this fa-"
She knew what he was just about to call Adrian. The boys at their school always called people they didn't like that slur. It was nothing new, but she wasn't going to stand there and let him say it either. Instead, she reared back and plunged her fist right into his face. Grant fell to the ground immediately, holding his nose in pain as he cried out in agony, clutching it tightly.
"What the fuck?!" he screeched, looking up at her with fear in his eyes. He scrambled backwards and attempted to get up, but Y/N grabbed him by the collar of his tshirt before he could fully get up and pushed him out of her door. He stumbled outside and landed on the ground with an audible thud.
"Don't ever come back again. You don't want to see when he bends me over THIS FUCKING DESK!" she snarled. She slammed the door shut and let out a sigh of relief. Thank god both of her parents were out. She wasn't sure what possessed her to do such a stupid act, but she didn't regret it. Not one bit.
The sound of Grant's footsteps down the stairs and the front door slam was a relief to hear. She turned back to Adrian to apologise profusely, but was surprised to find his gaze fixed on her with... With? Concern? Shock? Disbelief? No words formed in his mind at first, but he managed to ask, "Did... Did you just punch Grant O'Donnelly in the face?"
"Yeah...guess I did."
"Holy shit." He sounded completely stunned and amazed at the same time, which caused her face to flush slightly. His eyes then flickered down to her bruised knuckles and back up to her face, a hint of a smirk on his lips as he beamed at her. "That was so ho-" He changed course before he could add the t. Phew, he came so close to admitting that she was attractive to him. "Cool."
"Yeah...it was, wasn't it?" she said with a shy smile, feeling somewhat proud of herself. Although she would never admit it, she actually enjoyed punching that asshole in the face. "Nobody calls you that on my watch."
Sheepishly, Adrian went to inspect her knuckles to assess the damage. They were swelling nicely, and she winced when he gently touched them and flinched at the sting. "Sorry...You shouldn't have to..." he started to apologise, but decided to joke, "Hey, at least you got your first kiss out of the way," instead.
So he did see.
"Urgh, don't remind me."
But, as jealous as he felt, he couldn't help but inquire, "What was it like? Wet? Slippery? Was he all French and use tongue?"
"Oh my God! No! Shut up! It was just a kiss." She laughed at him and punched his shoulder playfully. He smiled and chuckled as well, making her feel better about the whole ordeal. "I think it would've been nice if it was with someone, I don't know, someone I liked, but it was with that jerkface. Can you imagine?"
Yes. Yes he could imagine kissing her. He did often daydream about how it would feel to kiss her.
"Imagine? Imagine w-what?" he stuttered with a nervous laugh, his cheeks flushing red. He averted his gaze towards his lap awkwardly, unable to meet her gaze as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. What he would give to tell her the truth about his feelings. He wanted to tell her everything. But he couldn't bring himself to.
For now.
"I don't know, just imagining, like, kissing someone you trust and love and actually like being around."
Before he could stop himself, he asked, "Like me?" He cringed instantly. Why did he say that? He hadn't meant to say that aloud, but he still had to hear her answer. There was no turning back now; she had heard what he'd just blurted out. He waited for her answer anxiously, but when she stayed silent, he continued, "Not me, obviously. Someone like me. I know you don't want to, uh, I know you don't want to kiss me."
His heart dropped as soon as those words escaped his mouth. He should've kept quiet. Why did he open his big mouth anyways? Why did he even say those words? He sighed and leaned back onto her bed with a heavy heart, staring at the ceiling in silence. This whole situation was awkward and uncomfortable. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to say. He didn't even know where to start.
"Well, I'd prefer to kiss you than Grant" she said softly, and he whipped his head round to look at her. Her cheeks were pink as she tried not to make eye contact with him, but she couldn't hide the smile that was forming on her lips.
"Really?" he exclaimed, his voice soft and almost disbelieving.
"So...if I said that I would like you to be my first kiss, that wouldn't be weird or ruin our friendship or anything like that?"
"No, we would be friends, right?"
"Right," he agreed, nodding his head enthusiastically, "We're best friends, aren't we? So we should probably be able to kiss each other without thinking it's weird. Right?"
Her grin stretched and she nodded her head enthusiastically in agreement. "Right."
"So, if I kissed you right now and it didn't ruin anything between us, you wouldn't be weirded out if you kissed me back?"
"No, I promise you I wouldn't be weirded out at all."
And he leant forward.
"Okay. Good to know."
Y/N gasped as soon as he moved closer to her and wrapped her arms around him instinctively, closing her eyes tightly as his lips pressed against hers hesitantly. They slowly moved together, neither wanting to rush it, both afraid to screw it up. The kisses were light and chaste, but their hearts seemed to beat faster than ever. Neither wanted to pull away from each other. Yet, neither wanted to push it further than it already was.
They pulled apart and stared at each other in wonder and anticipation, waiting for the other to make a move. Y/N broke the trance first, leaning her forehead against his and giggling quietly. She couldn't believe that just happened. It felt so surreal. And yet, here they were, standing in the middle of their bedroom, sharing a kiss.
A real kiss.
"Was that okay?" he asked quietly, his eyes searching hers desperately for answers. She smiled, took his hands in hers and gave him a little nod.
"Better than Grant's."
Neither of them spoke about the smooch again, but ultimately was over the moon that it happened. Everything stayed the same until she graduated. He stayed in Evergreen and found a shitty job. But she wanted to go to college. Evergreen didn't have a college. It would be the first time that they would have to be apart for more than a couple of days.
And Adrian would be by himself to deal with his family. Sure, her parents would still let him hang out at her home, but it wouldn't be the same without her there too. She promised to visit him as often as she could, and though she knew he hated talking to her over the phone, she swore that she would call him every night.
Every single night.
Frankly, when she told him she'd been accepted to a college in Chicago, he was devastated. He didn't care that she had a dream and he didn't. He cared that she left. That she would leave. That she would leave him behind. Because she was leaving for college, and he only stayed because of her.
Now, he had no friends of his own (he very often would bug Gut and Chris and their friends despite the fact that Y/N often had to comfort him after their hangouts), and had nothing going for him but his deadbeat job.
Before she left, he had been hiding from her for around a week, unable to come to terms with the fact that she wouldn't be next door to him anymore. He didn't realise what an emotional toll it would take on him until the week before.
She had to say goodbye. That was a must. So, she let herself into his house and opened his bedroom door to find him under his duvet watching YouTube on his iPod. She closed the door behind her quietly as she approached his bed and lay down beside him, curling up against him and resting her chin on his shoulder. He didn't look away from the screen.
"What you watching?" She whispered to him, smiling when his body calmed slightly upon hearing her voice.
"Can I watch too?"
He glanced at her briefly and then returned to the screen with a hum of acknowledgement. As she watched the video over his shoulder, she couldn't help but smile widely. He looked so adorable with this cute little pout on his face. She couldn't help but wrap an arm around him, squeezing his waist gently in an attempt to comfort him.
"What are you doing?" He finally spoke.
"We are having a sleepover, didn't you hear?" she explained. His eyes instantly brightened, but he tried to hide it. "It's not as if my parents can ground me for it."
Video after video after video, Adrian kept watching them. Y/N snuggled closer to him and nuzzled her nose against his neck, enjoying the warmth radiating off him. He turned to face her and placed his hand on her waist as well, pulling her closer to him, and rested his head on top of hers, keeping her close to him for as long as he had left.
Who knows how many stupid clips they watched before Y/N fell asleep peacefully, curled up against him, her fingers idly stroking his arm, her cheek nestled against his shoulder. A smile formed on his lips as he gazed down at the sleeping girl beside him, admiring every feature of her pretty face, admitting it to his memory since he wouldn't be able to look at her for a while. He placed his iPod down and brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"I love you," he admitted and lightly kissed her forehead, placing his hand on her waist to tug her even closer. He shut his eyes tight, trying not to cry, fighting to control himself, and silently wishing that he could stay awake forever. He missed her already and she hadn't even left yet.
Chapter 2: Fatal Flaw
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dumb-doll-lips · 2 years
This is going to sound thirsty asf, but your lips are fucking top tier. Dont get me wrong, your tits and ass are nice, but those lips, god damn. I have a huge mouth fixation, and so I am very picky with them, but baby Doll your mouth is damn near perfect. Lips so plump and youthful, the cutest shades of pink tongue to match, and such pretty white and straight teeth. I cant get enough! I love how you have such a huge collection of pics under your #me tag so I could scroll through and vigorously admire them. Your lips look great in every colour and even when without makeup but I loved you in that Barbie-like pink. Also every time you had them shiny with gloss, I was absolutely taken with you. Then I came across your lips in dark red with gloss and I was down so bad I couldn't continue my day without cumming to those completely gorgeous things! The red is definately my favourite. The pink is great for saying "the girl wearing this is cute and dumb" while the gloss incites lustful thoughts about all things that can cause lips to become wet... But the red, oh the red to me just screams "this mouth isn't for talking or words, this mouth is only for licking, sucking and moaning." as if it was rude to try strike up a conversation while you wore it rather than just inserting something into your mouth. Whether it be fingers, a toy or a cock. To feel those luscious lips pressed firmly against the base of my cock as you deep throat would truly be a treasurable experience. Thank you for sharing them with the world. I will end my love letter from my cock to your mouth here before I ramble any further.
Awe oh wow. Thank you for all the compliments!✨
Def like thay you’ve enjoyed my pics so much.
I don’t think I ever thought of red lipstick like thay before. Maybe I need to break some out some time soon. Feels fitting for like the fall weather too.
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gunkbaby · 1 year
Cringe OC X Canon Character shipper gives unwanted opinion on subject they do not care abt, for a fandom they are no longer a part of:
From an outsider pov, my takeaway from seeing 6 yrs of tokyo ghoul ship discourse is this:
It’s complicated.
There are a lot of components, lots of complexities to each popular ship, and a lot of parties make good points, but said points are devalued by general cattyness and the fact some of y’all cannot keep ur chill.
Look, I don’t care about shipping. Monogamy makes me physically ill, and I just. Don’t see the appeal. Tokyo Ghoul was always about non-romantic relationships more than the platonical ones from my POV. So who tf am I to suddenly post about this?
Well. Discourse does pop up on my twt tl sometimes and it’s irritating and I have thoughts, which I wanna give now, bc i feel this way a lot, and if this post is nothing but a ramble to get it off my chest, then be it so. I really don’t care.
So. My honest opinion on tg shipping is :
although monogamy as a whole makes me uncomfortable, and I dislike certain th ships bc I don’t feel they’d be unhealthy and i want the best for my bby boy -
i honestly think we should just…let people live.
If people enjoy or take comfort in a harmless ship then I dont think anyone has the right to take that away from them. If you’re not going after anyone else, and if the ship isn’t like, involving incest or children, etc, then i dont see anything rly wrong with it. And I don’t think anyone has any right to try and take that from anyone.
I dont like that tokyo ghoul shipping has become this horrible thing that - as a sort of outside member of the community- i have felt uncomfortable with and afraid of.
isnt shipping about love? the childlike whimsy of making two barbies kiss? why don’t i feel any of that love from shipping communities? why does it instead feel catty and petty and violent?
I’ve said before but, loving something is not a competition, and if you treat it like a competition, you’ll just fight with whoever forever.
If no one’s hurting you, and you’re not hurting anyone - then i don’t understand why you can’t just love your ship.
Yes, by all means, defend it when people come at you, but at the end of the day : this is just the adult equivalent of making two barbies kiss. The kid in the corner making different barbies kiss is likely no lesser or better than you, you don’t need to fight over who gets what doll, why you deserve it more, etc - there are enough dolls for everyone!
I’m tired of the hatred in this community. This fandom is dead as is, and even though I’ve chosen to distance myself from most of the greater fandom, I don’t want more people to feel pushed out of it because of a fucking ship. And it’s like, I’ve seen bad behaviour from basically every ship in tg - from people randomly deciding to say awful, bigoted things about characters, to actual people - all because they like a different ship.
It’s ridiculous. If y’all wanna hate on me for this post, then fine, but I am so consistently disheartened by the lack of kindness in this community. It’s exhausting, and just writing this ramble has been exhausting, because y’all really will just go and bully someone for shipping touken, or hidekane, or whatever - it’s not that deep. It’s not that big of a deal. Your ship is special to YOU. No one can or should try to take that away from you, but that has to work both ways.
Just be kind u guys. That’s literally all. It’s not always easy to make the kindest choice, or choose the kindest words, but it is worth the effort. Just be nicer to each other, please.
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martyrette · 2 months
yo. idk who u r but i just wanna say that a lot of people over on wgs, especially that rise of the highborne guy, are GIGANTIC pussies and are really insane for getting mad u over ur art and not TWing it or whatever lol. i dont think uve done anything wrong and its just a matter of everyone being a bunch of losers hehe
Yeah, it’s just the waaaay she blooows. I’ve had people up my ass since I was 18 for a multitude of reasons - some valid, some silly and foolish. The SH/TW stuff is just another way they can excuse basically bullying (sounds so cringe to say out loud) and in all honesty I HIGHLY doubt half of them actually care about a serious dialogue about SH and censorship; it’s a very divisive topic and I enjoy explorative, meaningful conversation. But you know, we don’t get that on WGS. Being told I’m a piece of shit and wah wah totally makes me want to see your point and do as you say (not). But I’ll probably die on this hill till I’m convinced otherwise.
Active SH = TW
Inactive SH (scars) = No TW
I’m gunna sound Live, Laugh, Love, but I genuinely hope they heal from whatever I’ve done to them. I always keep my asks, dms and discord open if people want to talk things out like adults. I am unironically friends and close with a lot of people who disliked me prior. SOME OF MY FAV PEOPLE EVEN; and I would have never had that opportunity if I didn’t suck up my pride and offer the olive branch. Cause I mean like, we’re all here to play virtual Barbies.
Thank you for the kind words! They’re a nice start to my day. I hope your day is fruitful and relaxing! 💕
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