#which tbh was most of these peoples problems with it
doberbutts · 2 days
Hey there! I hope you don't mind me asking this.
I remember you posting about how cis women say that men don't have to worry about going outside at night for example, and you brought up moc issues and how black men do have to deal with that. Which was a really good post and made me more aware of the topic.
Well so I keep seeing these posts (made by mostly white queer people) about how "cishet people don't have to worry about holding hands in public" / "opposite sex couples can legally marry anywhere" / etc, which doesn't really sit right with me? Cause interracial couples still face a lot of discrimination and are still actively being hurt. (same with disabled couples, but that's a different topic I think)
However every time I brought this up, people (mainly white queer people) would get mad at me. Saying how I'm changing the topic and how that didn't matter to the conversation.
I was wondering how you feel about this, cause I'm white (and also queer), and I'm not sure if my concern with these statements are valid. Personally I see a lot of poc voices are being ignored in the queer community, and statements aren't useful to make our point (besides being false).
Thanks for reading, please tell me if I'm being ignorant / should do more research on the topic. I'm more than willing to do so. Also don't feel any pressure to answer, I know you don't owe me your time to explain.
Another older ask and one I deliberately left until I had the ability to actually answer on a keyboard instead of on my phone.
The TLDR of this is effectively: this is why I prefer black feminism, which does in fact go into these nuances, to any sort of nonblack theory adopted by the larger feminist and queer communities (which is often white and does not address these problems, which was the point of that post tbh)
But it also goes into my point of how most oppression is neither unique nor is it new, it simply changes its face when applied to different demographics. Much of what we call misogyny is not limited to misogyny, much of what we call homophobia is not limited to homophobia, and so on. "Straight couples don't get disowned by their parents for getting married" well... my ex brother-in-law did because he brought home a black woman. "Straight couples can legally marry anywhere" well according to some sitting justices on the Supreme Court, potentially not for long if they're interracial couples, and while disabled couples can marry they lose all or most of their benefits the moment they do so... "No one beats up straight couples for holding hands" my guy not even going into oppression but you clearly have never been to middle school when a deeply unpopular kid has a crush or is in a relationship with someone who is significantly less unpopular than they are.
But again, this is why I don't find this type of theory to be grounded in reality, and thus why I tend to gravitate more towards theory that makes more sense to the experiences I've had.
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tyetknot · 3 days
I thought you were joking when you said that the Farrar's books were outdated but holy shittt, even for 1970s wicca/witchcraft those guys were like full gender heterosexual white magic ye harm none thing, I was also seeing their interview were christian kids interview them, and boy it is hard to watch, but on to my question kskk, do you know if they changed later down?,like Janet seems to be okay sometimes,I can't find anything of them on their "controversial views" except their later polyamorous relationship (wich come to think of it I would love to hear their gender rationale on that), and also, how do you personally (if you do so) reconcile this type of author?, like there is no doubt that they are important in craft history, but now they kinda do more harm than good.
Hi Anon! I'm sorry if you've been waiting for a bit, you know how Tumblr is.
So one thing it's important to remember is: back in the 1970s and 80s a religion where women run the show was very progressive. Feminism got bolted onto Wicca pretty quickly once it hit the American West Coast and Starhawk wrote The Spiral Dance. Things like worshipping a goddess who didn't need a man around to tell her what to do were really unusual for the time. All this hippie-dippy shit like being naked in your rituals and such was far out, man, not like those totally square and boring Christians.
The problem is that, like many older people who were once cool and progressive, they just kind of stopped where they were in the 70s and 80s and didn't really......well, progress past that point. This leads to things like statements like that one in A Witches' Bible where they think that actually gay people are perfectly OK in ritual (this was a bit of a controversial point at the time) as long as they act like their biological gender, which is hilarious to us in 2024 because they obviously conflate being gay with being trans in some bizarre fashion. This was progressive for the time. It comes across as incredibly ignorant today. And of course, if their ideas did change, well, the book is already out there, people are reading it, and you can't go back in time and change something that's already been published. You can add notes or amendments to further editions, but I don't believe they ever did that, and Stewart Farrar died in the early aughts.
I find the polyamory thing to be pretty cringe, NGL, because I am a judgmental and suspicious piece of shit and think that an awful lot of the time polyamory is a tool used to make younger women sexually available to older men - good Lord, the age difference between Stewart and Janet - and that's very distasteful.
In my opinion the Farrars are probably the stodgiest and most conservatively-written books you'll find from that time period, and they're a good example of what coven-based Alexandrian Wicca looked like at that time, but there were a lot of more relaxed writers out there at the time and LOTS more a few years later. My primary complaint with A Witches' Bible is rather specifically that asinine Oak King / Holly King thing which they made up entirely and then ineptly shoehorned into the Wheel of the Year, where it just doesn't fucking work, and then everyone else just kind of went with it. No! It sucks and is bad, don't do it!
Do I think they do more harm than good? No, I don't. I think that anyone fairly new to Wicca shouldn't read this book first thing out the gate because it sets a lot of very unrealistic expectations, and because it's pretty old - Eight Sabbats for Witches was published in 1981, which makes it a few years older than me, and The Witches' Way in 1984, which makes it a year younger than me, and TBH there's much newer and fresher material being published every year. I would much sooner recommend someone like Thorn Mooney to new person interested in traditional Wicca.
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ginganthropy · 1 day
Can I ask why you use "endos dni"?
I'm questioning being osdd1a but I don't really think I've been through enough trauma, maybe cptsd, and I'm being genuine and as non-confrontational as possible when I ask why endos are invalid?
( b4 i start, endos please don't interact with this post, ya'll will be blocked /lh )
1. you've been through enough, people process trauma differently and something that barely effected one person can be devastating to another!! if you've been through repeated trauma ( ex: getting abused in any way in childhood, getting bullied very badly, unstable home life, and/or others ) you can form OSDD/DID. also, dissociative amnesia isnt just " blacking out ", it includes emotional amnesia, which can make you forget how you felt/disconnect emotionally from a memory. i assure you that some things you now think " arent a big deal " really traumatized you!!
2. okay so theres multiple reasons why i say endos dni so im gonna have sub-points
2a. they're appropriating did/osdd terms for their own use. ' alter ' stands for ' alternate states of dissociation ' and ' system ' stands for ' system of dissociative parts '. when they say stuff like " non-dissociative system " it spreads misinformation about the origins of the term, same goes for alter.
( from here on out i'm gonna use system to describe p/w did/osdd and endo system origins to describe endos, just bc saying " p/w did/osdd " takes too long to type )
2b. they're trying to compare being tulpagenic/willogenic/stuff like that to being a system with trauma. endogenic and willogenic ( if willogenics possible ) experiences and inner functionality would be WAY different than a systems. endogenics wouldnt have c-PTSD, so they wouldnt have many traumaholders/protectors/persecutors/gatekeepers/tbh most system roles because their brains wouldnt feel the need to form those in order to be safe. endogenics also view having headmates as something fun and quirky while most systems view it as what it is: a disorder. if every p/w did/osdd liked having alters, integration wouldnt be a thing.
2c. they're inherently anti-recovery. they like to find people who found out that they're a system and tell them all abt endogenic junk, leading the new sys to believe that they are endogenic. the problem with that is that its practically impossible for that system to tell if they're truely " a system with no trauma " or a system that just cant remember it. systems form because the victim of trauma/abuse uses dissociation to cope with their situation, then the brain causes dissociative amnesia to form. a m n e s i a. most systems dont remember their trauma. hell, i dont remember most of mine!! but i know it exists because of the trauma holders who do remember it. with endos spreading the idea that being " a system without trauma " is possible, many p/w did/osdd will stick to that instead of the realization that their childhood sucked and had to break in order to survive, hence why the endo community is anti-recovery.
not really a point, but endos also tend to be pretty cocky so even if i did agree with their community i wouldnt want them interacting...
i hoped this answered your question!! feel free to send more asks if you want :>
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I knew a girl in high school who very firmly believed that humans could explore the surface of the sun by simply doing so at night. Was astonished that nasa had not considered this plan yet. And I think that girl, at that point in time, could probably come up with a more intelligent and well thought out analysis of any given movie than the ones I read on letterboxd.
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Head in hands. 'I Spy' with Pulp is such a banger for Zor. It's giving me the urge to finally think about designing them (+ redesigning a couple others..). There's something so good abt some of the lyrics like: "you see I spy for a living // and i specialise in revenge // on taking the things that i know will cause you pain". Like....likee.............
Theres earlier parts that also make my brain tick: "it may look like to the untrained eye // im sitting on my arse all day // I'm biding my time until i take you all on // my lords and ladies, i will not fail // i will prevail, cause i spy"
PLUS the name. That did not help the situation. Alas Different Class by Pulp 🤝 IEYTD Characters. Similar can be said about the Chicago soundtrack but thats a. Whole other ramble
#and that whole other ramble is gonna take place in the tags rn#i have mentioned it a few times tbh but yk. yk i have given it more time.#for starters: roxie's suite is SO PHOENIX dear lord#it's this really upbeat jazz track which sounds SO IN PLACE with the rest of ieytd#furthermore: roxie is a very juniper aong ESPECIALLY early in his acting career brah#and later on is razzle dazzle thats. so juniper i will die on my hill it's SO juniper#when youre good to mama is very fabby to me it just oozes with this confidence and i just. with her higher up postion in zoraxis i like it#i can't do this alone is very fabby trying to convince solaris to work with her. i really like it in a sense she's trying to prove herself -#- to solaris ESPECIALLY because in the musical it's like a disingenuous want to work with the other which i also thinks fits#and then theres mister cellophane which HELLO REGINALD CRANE.#i can't quite place it but i think about it constantly. doesn't help that i love that song SO BAD#i tell ya cellophane mister cello phane should i bend my name mister cellophane#AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHBH GRGRGRRGRGRBBRGRGRGR#im normal i swear#cell block tango. i would love to do that with all the women/fem alligned people in ieytd because not ONE OF THEM have EVER caught a break#that's. all of them. bows.#i LOVE chicago SOOOOOO much its such a good musical#i have taken most of these songs out of context and i would love to do an in context au for them all#but trying to figure out who would be who is a problem tbh#I've mentioned it before qnd it's still something i mull over#sigh#anyways. pleade ask me abt ieytd and music i can yalk a lot as you can see#i think i will put#ieytd#because uhh rambles....auhh
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inktheblot · 7 months
The rotation of Christmas music that plays in the store I work at includes the following:
Any version of “Last Christmas” you could think of and then some, EXCEPT Wham’s
Various people trying to come up with weird new verses to “Jingle Bells”
Joey Ramone’s cover of “What a Wonderful World”
This one cover of “Do You Want To Build a Snowman” that’s sung in like. That specific really breathy way that pop singers do Christmas songs sometimes y’know?
The song from the Victorious Christmas episode
Three songs from the Phineas and Ferb Christmas special
“I Have a Dream” by ABBA except not the ABBA version
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circuitcircus · 17 hours
Unfortunately I really think early kabumisu fanartists really did mithrun the biggest disservice by defaulting to drawing kabru doing things like brushing his hair/teeth for him and dressing him and stuff instead of focusing on their dynamic and doing something with that instead (this sounds judgmental but I don't actually have a problem with that stuff..,I think it's cute)
Kabru never even does that in canon but now so many people misunderstand them to the point where they think mithrun needs someone to lift his hands up for him and insist him just being around kabru would be "a burden on him"…. wow…..yikes. I've already talked about the ableism in this ideology but ya
Someone who doesn't like the pairing claimed "the main appeal of them is the caretaker aspect" but that's not really it for me? I can see how it's just easy to come up with for fanart especially if the idea comes from someone else's stuff though
While I do think the moments in the comic where kabru makes food and helps mithrun are cute as fuck, kabru doesn't do all that and too many fans forget that mithrun does so much on his own and is a fighter and strategist, and is also really funny? He kills it with the deadpan humor like that dullahan comic??? Gut busting
It doesn't even have to be a ship for their dynamic to be interesting honestly like there are so many things to play around with from their canon dynamic and interactions like the raceswaps (changelings), the tragic difference in the way their races age, how they influenced each other while they were together, how mithrun is the one who gives kabru information about the dungeon that he'd ALWAYS been wanting, etc. and, yeah, helping each other out :\ Also the detail of how similar they were to each other before mithrun met the demon, and how being with mithrun made kabru more honest because mithrun is so candid and nonjudgemental that kabru doesn't feel the need to mask around him…I could keep going!
There's nothing wrong with needing a caretaker, but that's not even the best thing about their relationship and it's way over exaggerated, too. Mithrun did just as much for kabru as kabru did for him in those 6 days and no one remembers that whyy 😱😭
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shoechoe · 2 months
"potentially autistic enough to get regularly assumed some form of neurodivergent including just being asked 'are you autistic' several times from friends and acquaintances, but not obviously potentially autistic enough to ever be evaluated for it" is such an interesting spot to be in
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aropride · 2 months
i think the best thing that could happen this election season is if joe biden dies in the next 4-6 months . genuinely
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robinsnest2111 · 6 days
still feeling bad even after food and a couple hours of sleep. how mean
#one of these days the yearning for an understanding person to come home to at the end of a day will end me#until then i will probably have to complain about my stupid suffering#why must humans be a social species and why must i crave things i cannot have lol#why must i be stuck living with people i cannot ever trust again. want to be around people i like and who i can be vulnerable with#tbh if i still was as whiny in real life as i am on here most days i'd only get to hear 'shut up' and 'tough luck. man up'#and that is Not It. would only make me feel worse. so i keep quiet and keep to myself#which does not solve my original problem at all#maybe one day. maybe one day i can just be a beloved pet that doesn't get scolded or belittled for seeking comfort#that one thing my parents said to me 15 years ago still haunts me#'only people who deserve it get hugs' which was used to deny me comfort/affection. because apparently i am not worthy/deserving 👍#i was 13 going through the most vile shit at school but bc it affected me negatively and my parents didn't like me at my mentally illest#they just straight up denied me any type of comfort or support. took away my belongings. made me stay in my room for months on end#as corrective punishment. but none of it made me better. just made me worse. idk idk idk#all the shit they put me through. the emotional and physical punishments. the beatings borne from frustration#and still some part of me wants to seek comfort from them. BUT I SHOULDN'T. they broke my trust and my heart and soul so many times#it'd be straight up suicide to open up and be vulnerable with them again... lole running chest first into a wall of knives. no.#sorry. really in it tonight. gonna try to be more normal tomorrow
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batsplat · 29 days
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doctorweebmd · 7 months
both zero-sum and the litany of love and loss were concepts that possessed me and would not not get out of my head until i wrote them but i have wastly different feelings about both of these stories despite loving them equally
#I love both of these works but I hated writing litany of love and loss. does that make sense#both of these pieces have the same amount of love and dedication#arguable skill-wise and imagery-wise a litany of love and loss is better#like running for fun vs running away from a zombie horde or something#technically you are doing the same thing. you’re probably even running faster with the zombie horde#but the context of that activity is endlessly different#…there’s been a weird few days we’re people have been commenting on zero sum#which makes me really really happy#but also nostalgic for it. I loved the story and writing it and interacting with people while writing it#everything that came after it has been a much different much less satisfying experience#in other news the path to paradise is both more fun and more interesting than both of the above stories#but I fear the fact that so few people are reading it takes away some of that external validation fun#now it’s all internal validation. lol. and the 3 really nice people who read and comment#we are honestly always our own worst enemies#I don’t compare my writing against other peoples (<- is lying)#but competing against myself is always a problem#just that weird feeling like despite the fact that you’ve grown and hopefully improved as a writer#there are some stories and concepts people are going to feel captured by and some that aren’t#tbh I know most fic readers don’t come into it being like ‘what is the most well written or interesting piece?’#I tout zero sum game but a large proportion of people reading it do it only because it’s exclusively dkbk#which I have my own feelings about. mostly negative.#anyway…. I’m so thankful for people#for still reading or caring about anything I’m writing…#…..eh#anyway does anyone else feel like this#or am I just thinking too much about everything all the time#haha#anyway I’m being sentimental because once again I am#night shift is…. yeah
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etchedstars · 6 months
hi i just wanted to drop a ss of the comments i wrote on my notion page for captured ghosts because im about to reread and i think this fic deserves all the recognition in the world it slays so hard and you should know the absolute anxiety and simultaneous joy you caused me!!!
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HI OH MY GOD ?!?!??!?!? thank you asufaudsf this is so so nice the joy THIS brought me?????????? immeasurable ty <3333
(ps theres a lot of thoughts in the tags w captured ghosts spoilers for those who may or may have not read my will byers gets haunted multichaptered fic!!)
#if youre thinking hmm i should read captured ghosts!! dont take it from me take it from tumblr user romainlettusdinnerparty :)#okokok so !!! authors thoughts#one of the biggest problems i have with media and especially in fics is when characters just have. the worlds most perfect inner dialogue#which clearly. bc they are fifteen years old. they will not be perfect they wont think coherent thoughts#human emotions are messy and indecipherable and ESP w the st characters someone who has gone thru as much as will has. hes gonna be angry !#i do my best to walk the line between good writing and realistic writing LMAO so im glad that came across :)))#ok abt joyce. this was less of a 'i think this is how joyce would be' and rlly just me being annoyed w my own mother tbh#i also wasnt a huge fan of her when i first wrote cg bc i thought she was way too paranoid over will and not caring much abt jonathan#so that is why shes Like that. im gonna be real i dont think id change it if i rewrote but i also dont think i wrote her fairly#and finally !!! im very sorry i lied about the rewrite. its not gonna happen bc i am so so swamped and i have nothing and i wrote it last y#but for the record will was supposed to be in the same sort of coma max was in and they were supposed to find each other and will#was going to promise max hed find her way out and then boom he was going to wake up there was going to be some jealousy w lucas and mike an#he makes it out alive max makes it out alive vecna doesnt fully leave etc etc. the end#anyways if youve read this far thank u and thank you for leaving this ask and this comment :))))) i havent gotten anything abt my fics in a#while tbh so knowing that like . They Still Exist and people still like them means so so much to me :')))) ok bye this was super long#overdue gets some asks#captured ghosts#happy chemical
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clamsjams · 8 months
this might be an abnormal take but i consider youtubers tweeting about how they’re looking for people to work for them to be unprofessional at best and downright exploitative at worst
#tbh i’m even being a bit generous with giving the at best bit#bc i do wanna believe that these guys are good people and don’t want to exploit anyone#but it’s still shitty#bc who are the people who r going to see these tweets? their fans#and obviously there’s always going to be an imbalanced power dynamic between an employee and their boss#but if the employee is a fan then it tips that unbalanced dynamic even further#they’re almost definitely gonna let the youtuber get away with a lot of stuff bc they’re a fan#and like i’m not even talking about shit like grooming even tho that does set up a perfect environment for it#like i wanna believe that these youtubers have good intentions#but they may not understand stuff like how much money is reasonable to pay for these jobs and stuff like that#and get away with it#and the most common thing i see this for is like thumbnails and video art#so u could argue that they want someone familiar with their videos or something#but then they should mention that in the job description#or go out and find someone like look through fanart tags and find an artist to commission#which would definitely have its own set of problems but i think that would be better than a tweet at least#and like the problem here isn’t necessarily just tweeting about hiring ppl#like companies tweet that they’re hiring all the time and then the tweet has a link to like a linkedin page#or the job page on the company’s website#don’t get me wrong linkedin and indeed and other sites like them are shitty and annoying to use#but they do a lot to legitimize a job posting and set up a professional experience from the start#(looking at u quackity studios)#mcyt#minecraft youtube#discourse#qsmp#posts from the ocean#minecraft yt#youtube#tag rants
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wrecking · 9 months
edit: i ended up just ranting abt like the current vibe™ in the tags... sorry abt that but like also whatever i don't care anymore
#d#my food therapist really said the most real thing on planet earth when she said i'm meeting me at the same time everyone else is#i feel like a cringey overzealous emotionally dumb teenager who's a total embarrassment to everyone around me while i'm trying 2 say fuck i#cuz like this is the first time in my entire life i feel like i get to actually explore my identity and do like normal young people things#and i feel just. so so exposed in the sense that everyone is watching me make a fool of myself without a single shred of self-awareness#and it makes me so fucking mad cuz like i'm finally happy with myself!! i'm finally starting to feel like a fully formed person#instead of a 2d projection or an object or something monstrous hiding in the shadows because that's how i've spent until now imo#and like. it's hard to emotionally make peace with the fact things in my social life are changing because like. there's some part of me#that thinks that maybe if i stayed in that miserable place that maybe i wouldn't have any of the problems i have now#and like my life is a lot better. and i know that and i wouldn't change a thing. but like emotionally i guess i'm just#processing it as a fault of mine to have changed bc it's changing my relationships to others#and this isn't about any one specific thing like i've been having lots of small growing pains with a lot of ppl in my life rn i just am lik#there's a lot happening to me rn emotionally so i feel like everything i do is a fuckup and i'm just bracing for more people to go ig#which might happen or it might not and tbh either is ok at this point. i need to do this in order to live i think#idk why i'm even rambling about this i just have a lot of thoughts and i want to share them i guess. not like it does anything but like#what else is this app for at this point lmfao i barely even want to talk on here anymore because i feel like everything i say on here is#just pointless. i'm thankful i have a strong support system rn cuz genuinely i don't know what i'd do if i didn't like#i feel like everything is so much more emotionally Big to me on E and it's kind of hard trying to figure out how to manage it#like i'm basically finally getting to be me. for worse AND for better. and i just am like. insecure on some level i guess#not even over my appearance tbh i've kinda made peace with that. moreso my personality and what things i share with others#this whole post is so wholly unnecessary but i feel like i'm going to go insane if i don't get this out of my head#i've genuinely been avoiding talking about my emotions or my private life on here because i don't exactly feel safe on here anymore#which is like great. love it when my primary outlet for like. socially interacting with people casually gets compromised i love it#i literally softblocked like 30 ppl off of here so i could talk abt my weird sex stuff and my body and my deeper thoughts with ppl i trust#and then i still am too conscious about it! this always happens when i make a blog for myself to talk on#maybe i'm just not meant for talking abt things
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hopegained · 1 year
everyone in the resistance knows who he is, even before he joins them officially (and they may have persuaded him to join sooner), but that's still a significantly small number of people compared to the rest of the galaxy.
so, it's not surprising that no one else knows him. some people outside of the circle may have heard of him, as he went to the hosnian prime flight academy for about four years. his name may ring a bell. it may not. i imagine it's known in the first order, too, but not to your average stormtrooper or low-ranking officers. it's more people like his cousin of course, the KoR, snoke, and hux... they would know of his existence, and how he survived the destruction of the jedi temple because he wasn't there.
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