#diologue writing prompts
soullessfawn · 1 year
Superhero / Villain month prompt list
1: Mentor and Apprentice
2: “Go ahead, hit me.”
3: Glowing Hands
4: “This is wrong.”
5: Thieves In The Night
6: “You’re not who I thought you were.”
7: Held At Finger-point
8: “Am I really the villain, or are you just lying to yourself?”
9: Switching sides
10: “Dodge first, monologue later!”
11: Three Against One
12: “I don’t need powers, I have science!”
13: New Suit
14: “Your a sad excuse for a villain.”
15: Final Stand
16: “I’m a villain but I’m not evil.”
17: Ability Swap
18: “Get down!”
19: Friendly Competition
20: “No more lives need to be lost.”
21: Sidekick vs Sidekick
22: “I think it’s time to retire.”
23: Stitches
24: “I… need help.”
25: Sleepless Nights
26: “Breath.”
27: A Day In The Life
28: “Please don’t leave me.”
29: To Much Blood
30: “You promised!
31: Peace
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writersloveroe · 10 months
argument dialogue prompts
•”what the hell were you thinking?”
•”god, it just feels like i’m constantly talking to a wall,”
•”are you even listening?”
•”that’s your problem- you don’t know how to listen,”
•”have you ever stopped to think about what i had to say?”
•”you don’t care about anyone but yourself!”
•”go ahead, leave. i don’t care anymore just leave,”
•”wow, so it’s my fault?”
•”i hate when you get like this,”
•”i literally can’t stand you,”
•”did you lie to me?”
•”even after everything we been through?”
•”i’m so sick of being used by you,”
•”could you shut up me listen to me?”
•”are you even listening to yourself speak?”
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my-sentences-prompts · 11 months
"I fuck him for the way he talks when we're having sex."
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fr-3-aksh-0-w · 6 months
Menacing Villain: “I’m coming for you”
Me: “Well I hope it makes your clit throb.”
Villain: “—Excuse me??”
Me: “…pussy.”
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Another Dialogue Prompt Because I Said So
The villian looked the hero dead in the eye and held a gun to their head, "you can have one or the other. The love of your life or the city."
The hero held back a scoff. They had no connections or family. No friends or lovers. Not even a pet. "The city," they said with no hesitation. The villian looked at them with tears in their eyes, as if it was the end of everything. Even so, there was something hidden far below.
"I said I wanted to keep the city," the hero clarified.
"I know," the villian uttered before putting the loaded gun underneath their chin. Their gazes locked for the spit second between the compleat silence and the deafening sound of the gun going off.
"No!" The hero cried over the bleeding body in front of them. "No, I need you. You're the only thing I have."
The villian had finally caught on. Without them, the hero was nothing. If they were gone, then the hero would destroy themselves from the inside. That would be true suffering.
"Please... don't go.." the hero sobbed and they clung to the only clothes that wasn't coated with blood.
(Idea from:
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i-write-dumb-shit · 11 months
Villain: I’m here to steal the princess’ heart!
Hero: no! I won’t let you have her!
Princess: you can’t steal what’s already yours ;)
Hero: Exactly! I’ll fight you to the bitter end- wait what did you say princess?
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lckoda · 2 years
Dialogue prompt
Been watching a lot of horror and paranormal movies and I love the idea of not knowing if the person is possessed unless they say something abnormal and so one character asks the other a question that they know the other should know.
Especially if they’re a sibling duo who’s family knows something in a small town. So when they’re younger their family always tells them the same story.
Sibling/ twin prompt (1/?)
TW: possession?
“Hey (B)”
“You remember that story mom used to tell us when we were younger about her older sister?”
“Mom told us several stories about her.”
“Yeah- but the one that she always told to stop us from playing with fire.”
“Yeah the one where aunt (name) accidentally set the barn on fire and got stuck- couldn’t escape. I remember that as clear as day, but why is that important? Why are you looking at me like that? What’s wrong?.”
“Mom didn’t have an older sister who died in a barn fire. She had older brother who drowned in the lake near the camp because he couldn’t swim.”
“Oh? That’s unfortunate”
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call-me-camryn · 1 year
Writing Prompt #2
"See? I told you this would happen." The villain chuckled, "You put up a good fight though, kid. He'd be proud of you."
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strangelyboldtree · 2 years
Person 1: Why are you so damn cheerful you're dead?
Person 2 (a literal zombie): Only on the outside!
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Ladies must always carry a knife on them but if you prefer, a heavy book will suffice as a weapon too.
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writingprompts-3 · 1 year
Writing Prompt 1/8/23
"In my eyes, the rules are just a guideline."
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soullessfawn · 2 years
Writing prompts but in speaking format, cuz you know, boredom.
1: “You look different.” “And you don’t.”
2: “This is a surprise, how many years has it been?” “Three centres.”
3: “I don’t think this is a good idea.” “Oh shut up, this is a perfectly good idea.”
4: “Why are you wearing high heels?” “Why are you in a trash can?”
5: “They said they’d be here!” “They also said to act normal, yet here we are.”
6: “Pass the salt-“ “We’re out of salt.” “…Then pass the pepper-“ “We’re also out of pepper.”
7: “I should ride a motorcycle.” “No you should not.”
8: “How the hell are we going to hide this!?” “How should I know!? Ask google!”
9: “The stars are pretty.” “Unlike you.”
10: “If I don’t make it out, delete my search history.” “Don’t say that, we’ll definition make it out- wait, why?” “I can’t have people knowing I watch children cartoons when I’m scared.”
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give-me-the-lamp · 2 years
What a day
Imagine what happens when a child/ teen protagonist gets home
Mp: Mom I'm home, man today was wild.
Mm: Hi sweetie, I'm making dinner right now. What happened today?
Mp: Well me and my friends explored the forest found a secret passage to another world ruled by a selfish king, we got really buff and a few of us died, then we defeated the king a set the entire world free.
Mp: And I got a biscuit
Mm: Why is it always my kid?
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soulmate au - "You have symptoms of a false soulmate. It's a condition where you have a deep connection to a person, and therefore start to believe they are your soulmate. Your body tricks you, usually due to some former trauma or rejection. It is commonly confused with having multiple soulmates, though there are major differences."
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sleepysleepnomore · 2 years
Story Dialogue Prompt
*Shoved against the wall mid argument*
b: "AM I your mistress?"
b: "Men treat their mistress roughly, with no restraint."
a: I am the lady of this house and before that I was a proud knight in his majesty's army. I am neither your mistress nor someone who you can treat so rudely. I suggest you remove your hands from my person before I remove them entirely from your body."
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Dialogue Prompt bc apparently you guys like that:
A: "Can we keep him?"
B: "That's a dragon."
A: "Yes, and his name is Jared. Can we keep him?"
B: "We cannot keep a fucking dragon in our house."
A: "But he's nice!!"
Jared: *aggressively nods head*
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