#convinced it was a bad shipment
mod2amaryllis · 2 years
so this very frustrating PetSmart tetra experience has been winding down because they are just friggin dying. yesterday morning we were down to 2 and last night that was down to 1 and frankly i was expecting the last survivor to go while i was at work. but.
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i am going to try.... VERY hard for the next 12 hours...... to not get optimistic.... unfortunately I'm a romantic and i am rooting for this guy.
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flame-343 · 4 months
Tim: hey Alfie, I think you'll need more cleaning supplies
Alfred: ah, hello master Tim, may I ask why?
Tim: * cringes*
Alfred: *sigh* murder to prank war how bad
Tim: I caught Jason and Steph planning a prank and then walked into dick convincing Damian pulling pranks are non negotiable for any kid
Alfred: ........... Thank you for the warning master Tim, I will go inform the cleaning company about the pranks and ask for my weekly shipment in advance
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 2 months
The way of the water
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request: can i have some kaz x grisha!reader where she's a tidemaker and during a heist he falls into the water and she uses her powers to pull him out and helps him through a panic attack? hurt/comfort and preferably established relationship pls and thx
a/n I am so tired that I do not know what this is. And I really apologize if it is bad.
warning: drowning?, fear of water, not really played into his touch aversion.
Kaz was convinced that you were simply his best investment. A quick and smart way of dealing with his fear of water. He had torn earth and sky. Put at least five bullets between different merchants' eyes before he found you locked in a glass tomb. For a moment, you looked repulsive to him. Floating in the water like a corpse. But then again, he remembered the gossip. The way the creature was forced into a trance. It had been the only way to drag you out of the village the salesman had raided once the word about your kind spread. Just you didn’t remind him of a creature...
“Unlock her," Kaz had muttered to Jasper, who had stood gaping like a fish himself, “and I don’t know... offer her water." Kaz had glanced one more time at you. “Very funny, boss," Jasper hissed. “You do know that she could bite my head off and drown me once I...", but Jasper was only met with a slam of the door.
The weeks that followed left Kaz both satisfied and frustrated. You had tried to run only five times in a span of two weeks. In an angry haze, Kaz had locked you against the staircase railing. Much to everyone’s displeasure. But then he only managed to sit in his office for an hour before he found himself reaching for his cane.
“Extend your leg," he muttered, watching as the droplets fell to the floor. Your angry eyes darted toward him. “Sometimes I’m glad you can’t move blood," he muttered under his breath. “Careful, maybe you don’t know all of my tricks," you huffed, pulling your chained leg beneath yourself. Kaz inhaled deeply. He needed you. There was no use in you if you just sulked.
“You do know that I wasn’t the one who brought you here. I saved you from a very bleak existence. You should be thankful," he said blankly. “My apologies; you want me to bow or kneel?”, you scowled back. “I don’t want to exploit you, I..." Kaz swallowed thickly. He hadn’t told anyone why he had been so close to obsessively looking for you. He was sure they had found their conclusions on their own. “I need your help," he finished.
Kaz watched as curiosity flicked in your gaze. He knew that you weren’t going to ask. You could very well just sit there for hours. “I don’t like... I have a complicated relationship with water." For some reason, Kaz was waiting for you to start laughing. Make a joke. But the expression on your face didn’t change. If anything, the harsh frown eased up. “It… I had to be near corpses during the plague”, Kaz pulled at the suit he was wearing as his throat slowly closed up with anxiety. But then, in a heartbeat, the air in the room shifted. The dripping of the leaks in the roof faded to nothing. Kaz lifted his head to assess the droplets turning to mist the moment they entered the room. Once he glanced back down, he found you standing with the chained leg extended to him. He held your gaze for a moment before nodding. A silent understanding taking shape between you both.
“It’s an easy job. Pick up the document and go." It had been a while since any job had come into Kaz’s view. One he would like to take on, at least. Until now. He needed that handbook, the new shipment trades, and the new substance that had leaked into the market. “Worst-case scenario, there’s a harbor," Kaz tapped onto the map. His eyes caught yours across the room. He had sworn to never involve you in the Six Crows business but caved in after watching you wilt into nothing for weeks. So now he just offered you the safest job he could find. To stand watch. To leave false trails. To watch his back if a big body of water was near.
“Fourth floor. You will go through here." Kaz quickly averted his gaze. “I will scale the outside wall." He could hear the sharp breath you had taken in. He knew why. The side wall was bordered by the edge of the dock. Kaz swallowed thickly and said, “Get me that fucking book," before folding the map up and showing it into the top drawer of the desk.
The salty water kissed your skin as you slowly walked into the waves. You knew that Kaz watched you from his spot. You could feel his eyes on you. It had been weird the last few months. Going from full terror to finding a strange family of sorts. Yet still, it was Kaz who intrigued you the most. It was unusual the relationship between you two. If you could even call it that. You rarely talked, but then it never felt like you had to. He understood. And when he wanted you to be there when he tried to overcome his fear of water, you would just linger there. Like a phantom touch. Guarding him. And then he would stand there looking at you for hours. Eyes pouring more than words could ever tell.
You are the one watching him now. Like a shadow. Crawling up the wall. Each move is calculated, each move is planned out. Covered by the waves crashing against the shore. It always bugged you in the moments when you couldn’t see him. When he was inside the building, outside of your sight. You couldn’t protect him there. Even if Jasper had told you time after time that it was you and all of them that needed saving from Kaz, not the other way around.
A loud bang sent your head shooting up to the balcony. Voices following through. Shouts. Glass braking. The light flickering on throughout the whole upper floor. One that was supposed to stay undisturbed. Your own heart picked up in pace. Then the dark coat appeared, swaying in the wind. Another figure leaped upfront. The two wrestle in the tight spaces. A loud snap. And there it was. The time stopped still as a flash of Kaz’s face eliminated by the moon glimpsed by right as his body was forced over the railing. You had barely managed to swallow his name while diving into the waves. Forcing your body to move as fast as possible.
The free fall felt short, but the impact of the water felt as if Kaz had been drowning for an eternity. He didn’t even realize that he was falling into the water. He was prepared for hard ground. But the panic that filled his body when he was submerged made him let out a gasp. Filling his lungs with salty water. Memories of the past clasped clammy hands all over him, dragging him deeper and deeper. The light from the moon fading away.
And then it’s as if he’s wrapped in an invisible net. Kaz blinks once, and it’s you there. Right in front of him. By some absolute stupidity, he tries to call out your name. Letting more water into his lungs. Your eyes grow big, and then your fingers are grasping for him. Kaz catches that apologetic expression on your face before you pull him closer to you. Lips crashing into his, and at once it feels as if his lungs don’t remember how to breathe or how to welcome that gust of oxygen. But he’s holding onto you regardless. Feeling the fear fade away until it all goes black.
“Look at me," you frantically tap at Kaz’s cheek. Breathing heavily. The very tips of the waves still kissing your legs. You didn’t have enough energy to pull you both out fully. Feet slipping beneath the wet sand. Making you fall over, with Kaz’s body following right with you. "Kaz," you press your ear against his chest, trying to listen for a heartbeat, but you’re too anxious and too shaky to distinguish anyway.
“Why aren’t you waking up? Wake up!" You whine in frustration, pressing your lips against his now-blue ones. A kiss from you had to be enough. Had to breathe him back to life. You couldn’t have been too late. Couldn’t have. And then Kaz jerks, sitting up in a rush, his pained coughs slipping past his lips. You don’t dare to touch him now. You know he doesn’t like it. You had already overstepped as it was, but now.
“What the fuck?", he hissed through clenched teeth, making you drop your gaze. “Are you out of your mind?”, Kaz was coughed once again. Now you could see a sharp gash in his forehead. Still leaking blood. Your fingers traced the wet sand. “I saved it," you muttered, handing him the book he had come for—one that fell alongside him into the water. Kaz rips it out of your grasp, throwing it to the side. His fingers wrap around your wrist. “Are you insane?”, he hisses, pulling you closer. “You could have gotten hurt; they could have very well shot at you." His words hit you like a blow, leaving you speechless as you glanced up at him.
“Your arm." You want to laugh at how insane this is. Had you too hit your heads? Why is he concerned with... “What happened to your hand?” Kaz demands, making you glance down at the torn flesh. He was too heavy for you to lift up the dock. You tried. Unfortunately, that resulted in you slipping, and since you were too afraid to let go of his body, your arm met the sharp edge of the hook that was left carelessly there.
The sound of the shirt being ripped makes you blink. And here he stands. Taring his shirt up before grasping your hand as he wraps it around. “Your head," you mutter, "You," "It’s a scuff," Kaz grunts, his fingers shaking the longer he touches you. You back away slightly, not wanting him to do something he’s uncomfortable with. But Kaz’s wild eyes meet yours, making you still. “Next time," he breathes out, “Next time, you swim away without looking back.”
He drops your arm, turning away from you. Brushing his shaky fingers through his messy hair. “There will be no next time," you mutter, making Kaz turn around so quickly it makes you jolt. “There will be no next time," you continue once again, “because I will be right there, right under, and you will never get to feel what drowning feels like." Your hands wrap into fists as angry tears roll down your face. Kaz shakes his head. “You silly girl," he huffs, stopping closer to you. Not daring to touch you, but enough to feel your body close. Enough to feel whatever that is left of both of your bodies's warmth bouncing off of each other. Kaz takes a deep breath, "I would rather drown over and over again than see you get hurt again.”
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ghostandsoap · 11 months
John Price x Fem! “Peach” Reader
Tags: Angst. Momma Peach and Poppa Price fight in front of the “kids.”
Word Count: 4.8k
“I would’ve if you had let me.”
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She had been at it for hours.
She had a side stitch from standing for so long and the splitting pain in her head was only getting worse with each passing moment. The stress and tension of the room didn’t help, but there was no way she was giving in. 
She could do this all day, but it was beginning to take a toll on her.
Her brain felt like it was swimming in circles. The same movements repeated in her hand gestures and leg motions, and the same threats and words of venom spit from her mouth as she tried to break the man sitting in the middle of the room.
Apparently, he had the same kind of patience that she did. Besides, it wasn’t like he could go anywhere.
He had stopped trying to fight the restraints of his chair long ago. He wasn’t getting up from where he sat without some outside help, which he most surely wouldn’t be getting. Ghost and Soap had been the ones to wrestle and tie him down, so the odds of him getting loose were slim to none.
It was well into the night. Darkness and stars had painted the sky hours ago. Too bad she and the rest of the Force were stuck inside trying to get answers out of this scumbag, who didn’t show any signs of giving up the information she wanted from him.
Notorious criminal was a basic definition of his character. He and his posse of “colleagues” had been tied to four different chemical warfare incidents in the last several months. “Colleagues” was a term that he so leisurely used, but she hardly considered them to be friendly co-workers. 
He and his crew had designed and created a chemical weapon that had been used in these chemical attacks over the course of the last several months. They had only just now caught up to him, because he was just as good as staying under the radar as he was making his mark. 
Word was that they had sent a “special shipment” of this lab-made weapon to an official location, but the destination was unknown – hence why Peach had been grilling him for half the night at this point. They needed to find the shipment and intercept it before it reached where it was intended to go. A mass exposure to this chemical weapon could mean a lot of damage and fatalities. 
Time wasn’t on her side, and he was stalling and wasting as much of it as he could. 
She was the best interrogator of the team. Each member had their own strengths when it came to squeezing answers out of a person of interest. 
Soap had a certain way with words that could cause the subject to unintentionally give up information. Gaz was cool and convincing, and Price had a temper on him that could shake up pretty much anyone. Ghost was just plain scary – he could merely walk in the room and some people would fold immediately.
But Peach had a little bit of it all. She was convincing and smooth, but could also turn angry and loud. She had it down to a science, but this was her hardest attempt yet. 
Usually she slapped them around a little bit. It sped up the process and you wouldn’t believe the people that caved just because they didn’t want to be beat up by such a sweet-looking woman. Other times though, it slowed everything down. It was a risk that usually had to be weighed once she was in the middle of things and had scoped it out.
But Price had given her once simple command before she began her interrogation.
“Whatever you do, don’t lay a finger on him.”
She had whined and protested, begging her Captain to give her the freedom to get her hands bloody if she needed it. It wasn’t like she ever really hurt anybody that bad. She could control herself much more than if Price went in there and put his hands on the guy.
Still, John feared that if she used her knuckles instead of her head, then they’d never get anything out of him.
Right now she was trying the convincing approach, although she wasn’t getting anywhere. In the last several hours, she had probably asked him what felt like about 100 questions, and he hadn’t answered a single one. He dodged every question and demand and brushed off every insult, threat, and comment. 
She circled him for what had to have been the millionth time. She was sick of looking at his face, and she could only imagine he was tired of seeing her too.  
“That shipment must be goin’ somewhere real important if you’re this tight lipped about it,” She persuaded, her hands shoving into the pockets of her cargo pants. “Must be headed for someone mighty special.”
There had been a few times where she was positive that he was about to give something up, but then he’d catch himself and change the subject completely. 
“That accent…” He rumbled, and she didn’t even bother resisting to roll her eyes. “You’re a long way from home, huh?”
She could only describe his voice as snakelike. It had a certain pitch to it, and all of his “S” sounds were drawn out like a hiss. 
A few times, she entertained his counter questions. If it brought her closer to getting something out of him, then she didn’t mind giving up some personal information of her own. It was a fair trade off, if you will.
“Haven’t been home in a long time,” She answered. “I can’t seem to ditch the accent.”
“I’d say it suits you.” He shrugged.
This had been the cycle the entire time. She would ask a question and he would change the subject. She was beyond frustrated because nothing was working.
The room that they were in was stuffy. The air was warm, thick, and it felt like she was breathing soup with every inhale she took. Beads of sweat lined her forehead and dripped down the middle of her back, despite the fact that she had stripped down to a tank and her most comfortable set of pants. 
The room was straight out of a movie. Concrete floors, cinder block walls, and there was hardly any real light coming from the singular LED overhead. Based on how it flickered and flashed, it was clear that it had been quite some time since the bulb had been changed.
There was a singular window that offered observation inside, and it connected the adjacent room. The glass was tinted from the inside, so the eyes that were inside, couldn’t see outside.
Price, Gaz, Ghost, and Soap had been watching this whole time from the opposite side, and they were growing more discouraged by the minute.
“She’s not getting anywhere, Captain. He’s barely said anything useful.” Ghost remarked, who was saying what everyone else was thinking. 
Price sighed. They could only do this for so long before they would just be wasting precious time on a dead end. Price didn’t want to pull her out because that was giving up in her mind. But he couldn’t stand to watch her keep doing this.
While she was hiding it well, he knew she was as distressed as could be on the inside. He had seen her in her more visible moments of stress and anxiety, and he knew she was close to the beginning of a breakdown. 
“Let’s give her another half hour,” Price advised. “Maybe she can turn this around.”
They were all tired. It had been a long day and now they were already well into an even longer night. They needed as much rest as they could possibly get before coming up with a new plan and starting over. They didn’t have enough time to try and do this again. 
It turned out that Price’s extra thirty minutes had dwindled down to about two minutes.
“This is gonna go a whole lot easier if you just tell me now,” Her voice lowered, her tone smooth and dark. “Where’s the shipment bein’ sent to?” 
Of course, he wasn’t going to answer that. She was mean and she was tough, but he had spent years perfecting keeping his cool under this kind of pressure. 
“That Captain of yours has it bad for you, doesn’t he?”
A thunderclap of dread cracked in Price’s chest and vibrated to the rest of his body. If there was one way to set her off, it was to bring him into it. She didn’t totally lose it right away, but he could tell just by looking at her that she was close by that comment alone.
John knew better than to look at Soap, Ghost or Gaz, but he knew they were watching him like a hawk. They were waiting for a reaction, but they surely weren’t going to get one. 
“Not a word.” Price instructed, still staring ahead through the dirty glass.
They all jumped, quickly looking in different directions as if they hadn’t been waiting for some kind of tell that this guy was getting under his skin.
It wasn’t necessarily a secret that Peach and Price had been seeing each other. They weren’t really trying to hide it, but they also weren’t going out of their way to share it publicly. Ghost, Gaz, and Soap were curious, but too afraid to ask. They were entitled to privacy, but it didn’t stop them from being nosy.
“What makes you say that?” She dared to ask through almost bared teeth.
“It’s in his eyes. He doesn’t look at his men the way he looks at you,” He said. “How long has that been going on?”
“That’s none of your fuckin’ business.” She growled, and her pupils were expanded the way they were every time she was heated. 
This wasn’t going anywhere good. The second she laid hands on him, this entire thing was going to be blown.
“She’s gettin’ angry, Captain.” Soap advised, which was more of a warning than anything.
“Not yet.” Price held up a hand, giving her up until the last possible second to get something. 
She remembered John’s words. It was imperative to find out where the chemical weapon was going. There was no telling what they were planning to do with it and what kind of mass effect it would have. She couldn’t be the one to jeopardize that. She knew that entertaining his nagging questions would only make things worse.
“Where’s the shipment going?” She asked one final time.
He leaned forward as much as the restraints would allow, his words rolling off in his most sinister tone.
“Fuck you.”
Price saw the fire explode in her eyes, and he knew to react before she had a chance to.
“Ghost. Get her.” Price ordered immediately.
Ghost was swift on his feet, entering the room and snatching Peach up before she even had a chance to do or say anything else. He hoisted her off the ground, ignoring her wriggling and shrills of protest. A blast of cold air hit her when he carried her back into the next room, which was barely helpful to her boiling blood.
Ghost wrestled to set her back on her feet, but kept a strong arm around her to fight her attempts to get back in the other room. She shrieked and pleaded for Ghost to let her go, and the good Captain only stepped in when Soap and Gaz had to assist Ghost in holding her down.
“That’s enough,” Price barked. “We’re done here.”
She ripped herself from Ghost’s hold at the sound of John’s voice, giving him a look so cold that it sent a shudder down his spine. Her anger was now laser focused on Captain Price, who wasn’t looking forward to the argument that was undoubtedly about to unfold.
“Let me at him, John, he’s gotta give in sometime.” She hissed, strands of her hair sticking to her damp forehead and the back of her neck.
He didn’t want to fight. He hated fighting with her. He especially didn’t want to get into a squabble with her in front of the rest of the team. But right now, he needed to be her captain first. This was her captain speaking, not her lover. 
This was one of those moments where it was unexplainably hard to be both.
He wanted to comfort her, to reassure her that she was doing everything that she could. He could praise her for her determination and hard work. At the same time, he couldn’t just sit and watch her work herself to death, especially for no reward. There was much more at stake, and her pride getting a little damaged was better than wasting all of her time trying to crack this nut. 
He grabbed her arm, dragging her away from the door in case she tried to force her way back inside. 
“You’re done for the night,” John commanded. “You’re not getting anywhere with him.”
Ghost, Soap, and Gaz were standing aside, watching and listening without saying a word. It wasn’t often that Peach and Price got into it like this. But when they did, they knew not to interject or intervene.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” She stood in front of him, her eyes squinted and jaw clenched as her accent drew thicker. 
Fire was burning in her eyes. The outline of the vein in her forehead was showing under her skin as her cheeks grew hotter with each passing second. 
He knew that she would take that the wrong way. He wasn’t insulting her attempt or her work, but she surely took it that way. She was tired from being up so long, irritated by the suspect’s behavior, and disappointed that all of this was for nothing. 
But at the moment, that wasn’t Price’s understanding of the situation. All he knew was that she was angry and questioning his judgment in front of his team, and he had to match her tone. 
“It means that this is a waste of time,” His voice grew louder, cheeks burning red. “We can’t afford any more dead ends.”
“And what do you suppose that I do in the meantime?” She challenged him, something she rarely ever did.
“You need to take a break. Get some rest. We’ll reconvene in the morning,” John barked. “That’s an order.”
She didn’t like that at all. She was determined to keep at this until she physically couldn’t anymore. This was just too important to give up on now. She shook her head in disbelief, a mixture of fury and disappointment causing her to be so vicious. 
She could stand here and argue with him for the rest of the night, but if there was anything that she knew would be a waste of time, it was arguing with John Price. 
“Yes, Captain.” She hissed, those two simple words dripping with venom as she pushed past him. 
He sighed as she stalked out of the room, no doubt going to find the furthest place to get some sleep. Price knew better than that though. She would be up the rest of the night stewing over this, prematurely blaming herself for something that hadn’t happened yet. 
He was already feeling guilty for his reaction. He knew better than to blow up at anyone like that…especially her. He was tired, she was tired, everybody was tired. His emotions in a state of exhaustion and irritability had gotten the best of him.
He knew what he needed to do – cool off and go fix this.
Ghost was the first one to speak up when he realized they really were finished for the night.
“What about him?” Ghost asked, tilting his head to reference the terrorist that was still tied down. 
“Leave him. He’s not going anywhere.” 
That was Price’s way of telling him that he wasn’t in the mood to deal with a criminal right now. That was also Price’s way of telling the three of them that they could do whatever they pleased with him at this point. Price didn’t ask any questions about what they intended to do with him. He didn’t need to know, and he trusted that they would leave him intact enough so he would see his day in the clink.
Price had other matters to tend to. A clammed up suspect wasn’t worth his time. Everybody needed to regroup and come up with a new strategy when the new day came around. 
Rest, reconcile, and regroup. That was his to-do list. He emphasized the second one, but cooling off needed to come first.
He left Ghost, Soap, and Gaz to their own devices, trudging off to find a quiet place to collect himself.
If there was one place that Price always knew where to look for her, it was the infirmary.
She was the only one of the team that was trained and qualified enough to effectively utilize the space. Most people avoided it, considering the times that they were there were usually because they were injured or coming down with something. Needless to say that, other than her, it wasn’t likely to catch anybody hanging around there for fun.
She excelled there. It was her main place of work and where her skills were most useful and appreciated. She was talented in many other ways, but her medical knowledge was just so precious and priceless. The force could scrape by without having someone who was perfectly trained in combat or computer hacking. But without a medic? Success was highly unlikely.
The infirmary was where she felt the most useful. She felt almost…safe there.
He knew that’s where she would be. She was probably standing at one of the cabinets, taking all of its contents out and organizing them back inside again. 
It was a meaningless task, just something to occupy her hands while her brain circled around itself. She would do this over and over until every corner of every box was flawlessly lined up and every label on every bottle was centered with the front of the cabinet. It was just to distract herself, and an attempt to keep her real feelings at bay. 
Not to mention, she was unbelievably angry with her captain.
John knew that she wasn’t going to be thrilled to see him. He prepared himself for another fight as he navigated his way to the infirmary. She would never yell or scream at him, but her voice always turned ice cold and stern when she was upset. He found that to be worse. He’d rather her scream in his face – that way he’d have no question about how she was feeling.
She also wasn’t one to talk about things right away. She liked time to simmer on it and at least cool off a little before talking it out. He had waited around 45 minutes before seeking her out. 45 minutes was all he could stand. The anxiety and anticipation of knowing she was alone and seething to herself was unbearable for him. 
While he was desperate to get this resolved, he also had to stand firm in his decision to pull her out of the interrogation. It might’ve upset her as his girlfriend, but it was the right move as her captain. He could acknowledge her disapproval while also defending his decision. 
He turned a corner and immediately noticed a glow of light coming from the open doorway of the infirmary. He could feel the energy from here. She certainly wasn’t in the best mood.
Nonetheless, he would rather have a conversation than move on without discussing it. 
Sure enough, there she was – facing the cabinet on the back wall, lining up boxes of gauze pads and organizing bottles of disinfectant. He could practically see the steam hissing out of her ears, like her head would blow off of her shoulders at any moment. 
He leaned against the doorway, hands shoved in his pockets and his feet crossed over one another. She was oblivious to him standing there, another sign that her focus was elsewhere. He took a calming breath to recenter himself before he made himself known.
“Hey, Peach.” He kept a neutral tone.
Her shoulders squared and straightened at the sound of his voice. She wasn’t expecting to see him again tonight, not after that little fallout they just had. 
Her hands had paused on the box of gauze in her hands, her eyes trained on the print on the cardboard cover. 
“Captain.” She said. 
He ignored the sting in his chest and the annoyance that came from her not using his name. This was one of those times where he was here both as a boss and as a boyfriend. Those moments were pretty rare, and he very much preferred being one or the other. 
“I thought I told you to take a break.” He said coolly, more as small talk than anything. 
“Not tired,” She half-lied. She was tired, but wouldn’t have been able to sleep though. “Where are the boys?”
He couldn’t help but grin to himself. She always referred to Ghost, Soap, and Gaz as “the boys” like they were her kids. It was ironic because she was practically the same age as them, but somehow all of them saw her as motherly at certain times. 
“Soap and Gaz hit the sack,” He said. “I think Ghost is dealing with our perpetrator.” 
Price reached into the inside of his jacket, locating the pack of cigarettes that he stashed there. After today, he needed something to take the edge off. He slid a cigarette from the pack, settling it between his lips while he fished around in his pants pocket for his lighter.
“Guess he was better for the job then?” She grumbled, her back still towards him. “And don’t you dare light that cigarette.”
Price’s thumb had just set on the spark wheel with not even enough time to push it down to ignite the butane inside. She was always on him about his smoking habit. He knew all the health risks and concerns that came from smoking (she had explained them to him many times), but never were they enough to motivate him to kick his habit completely.
Nonetheless, he placed the cigarette back into the pack and stored them with his lighter for safekeeping. 
“It had nothing to do with that. You were just as suited and prepared for it.” He answered.
I guess we’re getting right into it then. He thought to himself.
“Then why’d you pull me out?” She set the box in the cabinet and closed the door.
Her tone wasn’t as firm now, but it still had a certain chill to it. 
“It was all part of his plan. He was going to wear you out until we were out of time.” He remarked.
She shook her head, an incredulous smile spreading across her features. She finally turned to him, her eyes meeting his from across the room. He had calmed down much more than she had, but she didn’t look like she was close to combusting anymore.
“You have absolutely zero faith in me.” She said.
His stance changed, his legs straightening out as he fully entered the room. 
“Come on, Peaches. You know it isn’t that,” He pleaded. “We’re running out of time. I couldn’t risk using it all on a dead end suspect.”
He was closer to her now. He could read her better if he was close. 
“If it had been Soap, you wouldn’t have pulled him out.” She grumbled.
“That’s not true,” He became more determined, but his voice remained normal. “I was looking out for you and for the best interest of this team.”
Her pupils dilated, a quick surge of vexation flashing over her irises. 
“I’m not soft, John. I don’t need you takin’ care of me.” She huffed.
At least we’re back to first names.
“I know that. I’ve never thought of you as anything other than independent and perfectly capable. And I’m sorry if I made you think otherwise,” He defended. “But I’m your captain. It’s my job to keep this team safe and in line. That includes you.”
She almost rolled her eyes. How could he act like she didn’t already know that? She had a response ready, but he went on before she could say it.
“I made a judgment call because I was worried about you, and I saw that what he was doing was sabotaging what we’re trying to do,” He proclaimed. “You have the right to be upset over it, but it was the best call. I would’ve made the same choice no matter what. It just so happened that there was a little more emotion involved.”
It wasn’t always easy being both her captain and her lover. As he had said before, it presented some unique challenges that could only be dealt with as they happened. It was only when the two sides blended that things could get tricky. 
It wasn’t always easy for her either. Over time, she had learned to know when to treat him as a respected captain and when to love up on him as her romantic partner. She just had to understand that there were going to be times where his care for her was going to overlap with how he treated her professionally.
And in all honesty, she knew deep down that he hadn’t dragged her out because he didn’t think she could do it. If he thought that she wasn’t capable, he never would’ve let her do it in the first place. 
“It’s just…” She sighed, a much more serene look glossing over her eyes. “He got the best of me.”
She didn’t lose her temper often. If anything, it was more likely for John to flip his lid. But the stakes were high, the pressure was on, and time was running out…it made sense that an uncooperative criminal pushed her over the edge.
“I know. It’s alright,” He pushed a set of stray hairs from her eyes. “I didn’t want you getting all worked up over it. I need you to have a clear head so we can get this figured out.”
She felt ashamed for lashing out. She was better than losing her composure and confidence over some low life criminal.
She felt remorse for getting in John’s face and nearly cursing him out in front of his team. Her reaction had been uncalled for, and she felt guilty.
“I’m sorry, Captain.” She apologized, the last of the flames in her eyes smothering out completely.
“Oh, come on now, darling,” He took her chin gently between his thumb and index finger, tilting her head forward to press his lips to her forehead. “I’m just glad you didn’t try to kill him.”
“I would’ve if you had let me.” She gave a small smile.
He chuckled at that, wrapping one of his arms around her waist.
“I know,” He pressed another kiss to her head. “I find the thought of you killing an international terrorist rather sexy.”
“Is that so?” Her smile grew wider. “Only problem with that is I’ll lose my job if I get caught killin’ him without probable cause. And I like my job.”
“You would never get caught,” He scoffed. “You’re stealthy.”
His arm unwrapped from her waist, his hands coming to gently grip her biceps. He kissed her properly then, his facial hair tickling her skin as she hummed into the kiss. All was well between them. This was hardly any real bump in the road for them. A minor hiccup, at most. 
Price could forgive and forget a little outburst on a terrorist. He would be more concerned if she hadn’t cared so much about this mission.
“How about you get some sleep?” He said when she broke the kiss. “We need to get started as soon as the sun comes up.”
Price’s eyes suddenly started scanning the room, as if he were looking for something. 
“Sure. I’ll finish packin’ the cabinet and I’ll hit the hay,” She smirked, following his eyes. “My medic bag is in that closet. Suckers are in the front pocket. I just restocked the cherry ones.”
A grin spread on his face when he dashed towards the closet that she pointed to. He had a theory that she kept lollipops around not only for people after being treated, but also to keep him from smoking so much. It didn’t really work, but he still appreciated the gesture. 
He stuck around until she was finished, escorting her out of the infirmary and to a decent place to get some rest. He made sure she was comfortable before he turned in for the night as well, but not before finishing his candy treat. 
Although, the lollipop was nothing compared to the relief he felt from making things right.
He felt confident that the answers the team was looking for would be found. And her confidence would return when this was all over and dealt with. She would be successful once more.
And he believed that both as her captain and her lover.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 5 months
The Bookworm and The Basketball Player – Steve Harrington
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"Just go talk to him."
I jumped, involuntarily letting out a small shriek. I didn't recover before Steve came jogging over.
"Everything okay over here?" He asked, looking between me and Robin.
"We're fine, Harrington," Robin said, not looking away from me. "I just scared Y/N. My bad."
Steve glanced at me, his eyes softening. "So you're okay?" He asked me.
"Yeah," I said, my voice soft. "I'm fine, Steve."
Steve looked between me and Robin before clearing his throat and fixing his vest. He sent me one more look before going back to work. I turned toward Robin, the butterflies in my stomach disappearing when I saw her smirking at me.
"Please don't say anything," I whispered as I glanced at him walking into the back office. "I know how pathetic this is, okay? I know how sad and pathetic I'm being. Of course, the one guy in all of Hawkins that I happen to fall for is Steve Harrington."
"Y/N," Robin sighed but I was on a roll. I have been holding this in for too long.
"And what's worse is the fact that he would never be with someone like me. Before you give me the 'you're a great girl, why wouldn't he like you' speech, it's useless. There is nothing that you could say to convince me that I'm exactly the kind of girl he'd go for. I'm quiet, introverted, antisocial. The list goes on. I'd rather stay at home and watch a movie than go to a party. I'd rather drink a smoothie than a beer. I'd rather read a book than go to a high school basketball game. Trust me, I'm not the kind of girl Steve Harrington would fall for."
"If I could say just one thing," she said hesitantly. "The guy you're thinking about is the Steve Harrington from high school. He's not that kind of guy anymore, Y/N. He's changed."
"But I haven't."
Robin studied me. "That doesn't matter," she said, her voice dropping. "Y/N, Steve's a great guy. If you like him, you should tell him."
"Steve would never go for someone like me," I said, pushing down the pain. "So I might as well forget my feelings."
I grabbed the box of returns and started putting them back on the shelves. I tried to ignore the feeling in my stomach when I saw Steve walk over and start talking to Robin.
Robin didn't talk to me for the rest of our shift. Instead, she kept talking to Steve. That stupid feeling in my stomach kept coming back every time I looked at them talking to each other.
Robin and I are good friends. Robin and Steve are good friends. Me and Steve, however, act as if it's our first day working together.
At closing time, we went about our usual routine of closing up shop. Something about the smirk on Robin's face made me nervous for our shift together tomorrow.
* * * * *
I walked into the empty video store, not paying attention to who was already in the store. When I looked up and saw who was here, my breath got caught in my throat.
"Morning, Y/N."
"Morning, Steve," I stuttered. "I thought Robin was working the opening shift with me."
"She asked me yesterday if we could switch," he shrugged as he powered the computer on.
"Was this before or after. . ."
"Before or after what?" He asked when I didn't finish my question.
"Never mind," I said a little too quickly. I went into the back room and dropped off my bag. I pulled my vest on as I walked back out to the store.
"You okay with running the cash register?" Steve asked as I joined him behind the counter. "We got a shipment of new movies. The boxes are heavy so I figured it'd be easier for me to lug them around and unpack them than it would be for you."
"Okay," I said, picking at my nail polish.
"Not that you're not strong," Steve said quickly. "I just don't want you getting hurt while lifting and moving boxes around the store. I didn't mean to come off as sexist, Y/N. I'm sorry."
"It's okay," I chuckled. "I didn't take it that way. Thanks though."
"Thanks?" He stuttered.
"For watching out for me," I said as I patted him on the shoulder and walked to the storage room to grab another box of candy.
When I walked back out, Steve was focused on unloading a box. I walked over to the counter and started putting the candy away. I moved on to checking in yesterday's returns. After I finished, I started putting them back on the shelves.
"Oh shit!"
I looked up in time to see Steve drop a box, instantly holding his back. I ran over and gently put my hand on his back.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he said through his teeth. I glanced around to see the store empty.
"Come with me," I said. I grabbed his hand and kept my other hand on his lower back.
"But the store," he said, trying to hide his pain.
"Is empty," I finished. "Come on. The movies can sit alone long enough for us to make sure your back doesn't get worse."
He didn't argue as I led him to the employee lounge in the back. I helped him sit down and ran to the fridge.
"What are you. . ." He didn't finish his question because he tried to sit back.
"There's an ice pack somewhere in here. At least, I thought there was," I mumbled as I tried to find it.
"Since when have we had an icepack back here?"
"Since Robin kept dropping boxes on everyone's feet." My heart jumped into my throat when he laughed. I turned around with the ice pack in my hand but froze when Steve was suddenly right in front of me.
"Y/N," he whispered.
"What are you. . ."
He grabbed the ice pack out of my hand and tossed it onto the nearby table. He then grabbed my hands in his and intertwined our fingers.
"I heard you and Robin."
"You heard us?" I asked, not understanding. "I don't. . . You heard us when?"
"Yesterday," he answered causing my heart to jump into my throat.
"Yesterday," I said slowly. My eyes widened when I realized what he had heard. "Oh."
Steve stepped closer to me, his face inches from mine. I held my breath as he leaned down and delicately pressed his lips to mine. I let go of his hands and wrapped my arms around his neck as we deepened the kiss.
I broke the kiss when Steve let out a pained gasp. "I'm sorry," I stuttered. "I was getting you ice to help your back."
I let go of him and ran to the table. I quickly grabbed the ice and went back to him. He smiled at me as he grabbed my hand, moved it around his body, and placed the ice pack and my hand on his back.
"Much better," he whispered.
"Yeah." Suddenly his smile dropped. "Y/N, can we talk about your conversation with Robin?"
"What about it?" I asked, looking away from his eyes. Steve used his free hand to lift my chin.
"The part where you thought that I would never be with someone like you," he said, his hand still holding my chin. "And the part where you said that there was nothing Robin could say to convince you that you're exactly the kind of girl I'd go for. Or the part where you listed off things you like to do, assuming I wouldn't like to do them too."
"I just. . . I can. . . I can't really explain," I finally got out. "But I'm not wrong. Why would our school's basketball star want to be with the school's bookworm?"
"Because he knows that she's so much more than that," Steve whispered. "And because she doesn't know the truth."
"What truth?"
"The truth that a certain basketball player often spent his lunches watching a certain bookworm who always spent her lunches sitting in the library by the window with her nose stuck in a book. Every. Single. Day. And the truth that the same basketball player wished he would've had the guts to ask out that bookworm. Or the truth that the only reason he didn't ask her out was because he never thought the bookworm would want to date someone with his low grades."
"Or the truth that the bookworm has a major crush on the basketball player even with his low grades," I blurted out.
Steve smiled as he pulled me closer. "Or the truth that the basketball player has a major crush on said bookworm."
Steve leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips as I kissed him back.
"Y/N? Steve? Where the hell are you guys?"
"Crap," I whispered as we broke the kiss.
"We should go out there," Steve chuckled.
"You should stay here," I corrected. "I'll go handle Robin and the store."
I started to walk out, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into his chest.
"Before you go back," he said, "I need to ask you something."
"Okay," I said, trying to push down my sudden nerves.
"Will you go on a date with me?"
"Are you. . ."
"Yes," he chuckled. "The basketball player wants to buy the bookworm dinner and listen to her talk about her latest book and vent about the newest and worst movie adaptation of a beloved book."
"For the record," I said, my voice dropping, "the bookworm would be willing to sit and watch a basketball game with the basketball player just so she could spend time with him."
Steve was about to kiss me again but Robin came bursting through the door.
"There you two are," she sighed. "What the hell are you doing back here? Why is no one watching the store? Why are you holding the ice pack like that?"
"Steve threw out his back moving boxes," I said as I finally let go of the ice pack and wrapped my arms around myself.
Robin looked between the two of us with a knowing smirk. "Ohh," she elongated. "Gotcha. Well, I'm gonna go cover the store. You two. . ."
"Robin," Steve warned. "Shut up."
"Sorry," she chuckled. She sent me a wink and turned on her heel. Steve and I turned toward each other and laughed awkwardly.
"So, date tonight, bookworm?"
"Tonight works, basketball player."
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ughgoaway · 6 months
Hello I've been sending you a few asks recently so I've decided to be 🎄 anon 🙂
Anyway I was thinking about how Matty would be when teacher is pregnant. Obviously she works full time so he probably can't keep an eye on her as much as he'd like to, and I bet in those early months she comes home from work absolutely exhausted and just wants to lie on the sofa all the time 😴😴
hi!!! thank you so much for sending asks, 🎄 is yours now!! :))))
as soon as matty finds out you're pregnant, he is treating you like you're made of glass. if you want absolutely anything, he's getting it for you.
"matty. I can get my own cup of tea!! the baby is only the size of a pea right now, I am still allowed to do things, " you say as matty takes the kettle out of your hand and ushers you back to the sofa.
"Ah ah ah. they might be the size of a pea, but they're our pea, and you need to relax and keep them safe. just sit and let me take care of you both sweetheart, it's my job as dad anyway"
I think that you get pretty bad morning sickness the first trimester, and matty fucking hates it. he always sits with you, rubs your back and holds your hair. he makes you herbal tea to try and settle your stomach but nothing works. its just something that happens, but he can't help but feel so awful for you, and kind of guilty it's his baby causing all the sickness.
I imagine he talks to the bump about it after one particularly bad morning, "Hey, little pea, can you please stop making your mum so sick? she's just trying to keep you growing, and it's very difficult when she can't keep anything down. " You laugh at him and stroke his hair.
"matty I don't think they get to choose if I'm sick or not" you giggle as he rests his head next to your bump and continues to try and convince your baby to stop making you sick.
if you have a craving, he's getting it. the first few months all you wanted was crackers, they were all you could stomach so you just ate them endlessly. within a week of you telling matty, he had organised a massive shipment to be delivered to the house, "so you can always have something to eat my love"
you're definitely right with being exhausted in those first few months too, working with kids all day is already tiring - let alone when you're growing a baby at the same time.
I can see you getting home and immediately passing out on the sofa, just fucking knackered 24/7. matty catches on soon enough and starts setting up blankets and pillows for you. basically creating a cocoon for you to rest in.
the fact that he can't follow you around all the time and make sure you're okay is killing him, so he'll do whatever he can.
so if he can't wrap you in cotton wool for 9 months, he'll just wrap you in blankets when you need a nap instead.
he sleeps with you when you ask, spooning you and holding your bump. even when there isn't really a bump yet.
"matty, why are you holding my stomach?" You groggily ask as he lies behind you.
"I wanna hold them!" he defends, rubbing his hands over your non-existent bump.
"There's nothing there yet. They are barely a baby at this point," you say with a smile on your face. his love for this baby was the only thing getting you through these early months, obviously you were over the moon to be pregnant but fucking hell it was hard.
"they're still in there. They've got to get to know their dad early"
Annie also joins you for a nap sometimes. She is normally full of energy after school, but every once in a while, she comes home with heavy eyes and is clearly exhausted.
Annie sees you lie down and comes up to the sofa, gently patting your shoulder to get your attention.
you open your eyes and softly smile at her, "You okay, sweet girl?" You say with a yawn, Annie rubs at her eyes with closed fists and nods slowly.
"Can I cuddle with you y/n? I don't have a baby in my tummy, but I'm really sleepy too, " Annie says shyly, fiddling with the corner of the blanket matty had draped over you.
you pull back the blanket and shuffle back on the sofa, patting the spot in front of you and saying, "Of course angel, jump up and cuddle with me. it would make me feel so much better"
Annie grins and slides into the spot you created for her, and you wrap her up in your arms, tossing the blanket over the two of you.
quickly, you both fall asleep. Soft snores from Annie caught mattys attention as he came in from the kitchen.
walking in and seeing you and annie curled up together, and knowing you were also pregnant was something he would never forget. this was his dream for so many years, and it's finally real and happening. the years of delusions had paid off. his little family was growing, and saying he was giddy was an understatement.
his daughter was always the most important thing in his life, and now he has 3 people that he would die for.
he never thought he'd get a chance at this again. he thought that once he decided to be a dad, that was it for him. no more grand romances, no more falling in love. it was just him and annie, and he was okay with that.
but when he met you, it all changed. he used to dream of you just talking to him, giving him any sort of attention. he could have never imagined that one day you would be dating him, pregnant with his child and be completely in love with his daughter.
he takes a photo of you and sets it as his background, and it stays that way until 9 months later. it finally changed when he snaps the first picture of the 3 of you in the hospital bed, with Annie's new baby brother in her arms and you watching over them with a soft smile on your face.
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bluefootedbooby · 13 days
Jinx x reader ahhh!
I’m thinking of like a super super needy reader who’s all over jinx all the time and genuinely cant be more than 3ft away from her at any given time- and even then she’s SUPER clingy(me fr 😞)
me too 😔
Can’t go without you
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You and Jinx have been together for 3 months now, far past the honeymoon phase, and yet you were always clinging to her. Your fingers intertwined with hers, your knees touching, playing with her hair, anything just to feel her. It never quit, even when you two are naked and sweating on a creaking bed you still weren’t satisfied. So yeah, you are quite clingy! But boy oh boy… you didn’t know how bad this would get when Jinx had to go away for a few days to help Silco with a shipment of shimmer.
“Two days?!”
You shrieked gripping you hair as she told you.
“I’m sorry, toots! I tried to convince him to let me stay but he ain’t budging! It’s only two days and a night!”
Yeah, didn’t help. How the hell could you survive this?! The day she left it was torture! Like you could hear every ticking second even when a clock wasn’t nearby. And the night was horrible! You ended up sleeping on her bed the whole night just to get some illusion of her being there by slipping her sleep shirt on a pillow and hugging it all night. But finally! The morning! Where you usually would be cursing at the morning light you welcomed it springing out of bed to tidy things up. And when noon came, there she was!
You dashed to her, she hugged you swiftly dropping her little bag and holding you tight. Your legs wrapped around her waist as she supported you by your butt to hug you, carrying you like a baby and collapsing with you onto the bed to roll around and kiss, giggle, and hug. And eventually after a few minutes that familiar bed trembling.
“I love you,”
Jinx smiled looking down at your red face, a toothy smile as a bead of sweat fell down her chin.
“Love ya too, toots. Don’t worry, I’ll smuggle you in next time!”
Laying on the bed together wrapped into each other practically glued to each others skin from the sweat. Who cares, you two sure didn’t. Jinx ran her hand along the back of your head tracing the dip in your neck and base of the skull where your spinal cord paths. Her finger swirling little circles in your hair tangling it around her finger before she released leaving a temporary curl. Nothing could be better, your cheek rested on her flat chest a hand outlining her tattoos. Jinx hummed occasionally, her nails gently picking at your scalp, a feeling you loved. It was all perfect.
“You are beautiful, trinket. I love you.”
Jinx spoke her lips pressed against your head as she kissed it.
“I love you too.”
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flowersbane · 9 months
The Series Of Unfortunate Events That Lead To Putting Carrots In A Cake
Joshua Rosfield X Reader
This is the second version of this request. It's a bit similar in some parts, but I like having fic variants. ( ^_^ ) b
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Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags: Baker!Reader, Finally Getting Joshua To Eat Some Gosh Darn Vegetables, Fluff, Teasing, Unedited, Fun, Cutesy.
It was truly a wonder how this recipe book had fallen into your hands.
A trader from the Crystalline Dominion had been making his way to Rosaria when a flock of chocobos had attacked his wagon. Clive had happened to cross the man’s path and while most of the man’s merchandise had been destroyed, he was still able to repay Clive’s kindness with a tattered recipe book. And yet, as Clive was returning from Rosaria, the book toppled over a cliff, never to be found again. However, as luck would have it, a group of bandits happened across the book. They tossed it in with their collection and forgot about it. Months later, the bandits stole from a supply caravan that was carrying goods meant for the Hideaway. Otto had intended for the Cursebreakers to retrieve their stolen goods, but Joshua offered to go instead. After some convincing, Otto agreed. Joshua, Jote, and Torgal confronted the bandits. Joshua had intended to only take what the Hideaway needed, but one of the bandits called Torgal a mangy mutt, causing his mercy to dissipate. After a short battle, Joshua and Jote hitched the wagons to some chocobos and made for the Hideaway. During their travels, Joshua rummaged through their loot until he found something suitable for you. A baker’s book. Perfect. He grinned, ignorant of the way the stars aligned for this one moment.
Now, you leaned against the counter of the Ale Hall, leisurely flipping through the pages of recipes. A recipe rut had been plaguing you for the past week and you were hoping that this new book might put an end to it. You had just turned to the next page when commotion on the Main Deck caught your attention. You turned your head a little to see Gav rising from placing down a heavy-looking, wooden crate. One of many, from what you can see.
“Founder,” Gav muttered, “what a mess this is.”
“It could be worse,” Cole commented, having dropped off a box of his own. “They could be turnips.”
“Eugh, turnips.”
Gav crossed the Main Deck and ordered a mug of ale. You leaned closer to him. “What’s with all the boxes?” you ask.
“Carrots. Blasted things. You know, it really is quite the story, how they got here.” You wordlessly motioned for him to continue. After a swig of ale, he did. “One of our suppliers, ah, one that has a deal with Clive’s uncle, was meant to be sending us a shipment of vegetables. Well, at the docks, his son made a mistake. Put all the carrots on one boat, all the turnips on another, and all the potatoes on another. Ordinarly, something like that doesn’t just slip by unnoticed, but the man in charge of inspections had eaten a bad breakfast, didn’t agree with his stomach, so he just stamped the papers before running off to deal with his, uh, returning breakfast.” You wrinkled your nose at that. “So the ships set sail, all with the wrong contents. Now, we’re stuck with a dozen crates of carrots and no potatoes.”
“And no turnips,” you pointed out.
This time, it was Gav’s turn to wrinkle his nose. However, his attention was quickly caught by the book laying out in front of you. He motioned to it as he lifted his mug for another drink. “What’s that?”
You glanced down at the book. “Oh, this? It’s just something Joshua brought me after…” You did a double take, something on the age having caught your eye. You trailed off as you began to read.
“Ah, right, sorry, it’s just…”
The book spread out the solution to your problems in one simple, sweet, perfect recipe. You grin widely. “I know what to do with the carrots.”
“All of them?”
You rolled your eyes. “No, not all of them, but some of them.”
Without bothering to explain further, you leapt from your seat and began dashing around to get to work. Otto gave you a skeptical look when you asked to take from the supply of carrots, but agreed without need for any further convincing. The recipe was completely new to you and, as strange as it sounded, you knew you had to give it a try. Perhaps it was even because it sounded strange that you knew you couldn’t just let it pass you by. The opportunity was perfect. And your curiosity was insatiable.
In a matter of hours, you had baked enough cake for the entire Hideaway. Just in time, too, as supper was coming to an end.
“There’s a sweetness in the air that completely distracted me from my supper,” Joshua teased as he approached the bakery’s counter. He had an easy smile on his face as he leaned against the wooden edge. “Must you tease me so?”
“A bit of anticipation can be a good thing,” you countered. “But, worry not, your wait can finally be over. They’re ready.” He took a seat on one of the stools, eyes wide and expectant. You stifle a giggle. “So eager.”
“You haven’t seen the half of it. He was glancing in the direction of the bakery for the entire duration of our meal,” said Clive as he and Jill approached. “I thought he might get up and run off if I so much as glanced away from him.”
“Clive…” Joshua casted his brother a look that only made him chuckle.
You laugh behind closed lips. “Alright, alright. Here, Joshua, you can have one of the first slices.”
His expression immediately brightened. He accepted the small plate with a grin, one that he quickly flashed at Clive in an almost boastful manner. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you continued passing out slices of cake.
Joshua made an approving sound at his first bite. “This is quite delicious. Well, that much should be expected. It is your baking we’re speaking of.”
A blush dusted your cheeks. Jill nodded her agreement as she had her first taste of the treat. “Truly remarkable.”
“You’ve outdone yourself. This is… different, somehow, from what you’ve made in the past.” Joshua looked up from his plate. “What is it?”
“Carrot cake,” you declared.
He froze. Jill’s chewing slowed. The corners of Clive’s lips twitched upwards as his gaze glided towards his little brother.
Your brows knit together with concern. “Joshua?”
Complicated emotions pass over his face. Confusion and horror, as well as a handful of other things you couldn’t quite place. It seemed that Clive was unable to hold back his amusement any longer. A sharp laugh escaped from his chest. Joshua glared at him, but the expression lacked any true anger. Clive’s laughter only grew louder, encouraging giggles from Jill as well.
“Not you too,” Joshua muttered.
“I’m sorry, it’s just–” She couldn’t even finish her sentence for the mirth that stole the words from her mouth.
Joshua sighed and shook his head. “What sort of unfortunate series of events leads to putting carrots in a cake?”
“You don’t like carrots?” You frowned. “I’m sorry, truly. I–I didn’t know–”
He soothed your worries with another shake of his head. “No, no, you have nothing to apologize for.” He looked back down at the cake. “I suppose I shouldn’t complain. If I couldn’t tell in the first place…”
“It seems we have found the only way Joshua will eat his vegetables.” Clive snickered. “Baked into a cake.”
“All they have to be is coated in sugar and cream,” Jill added.
Joshua gave them both a tired look. It only made them laugh more.
You reached out, taking his hand in yours. “But, you liked it, right?”
He seemed to have sensed that you were in need of more reassurance, for he forsook his brother’s teasing and focused his attention on you. His closed his other hand over yours. “Of course, my dear.” He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss on your knuckles. “I would love anything these hands crafted.”
The blush returns to your cheeks, accompanied by a bashful smile. “Then, you’ll keep eating, right?”
A flicker of wariness flashed across his face, but it was gone as soon as his eyes met yours. “Gladly.”
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atruththatyoudeny · 11 months
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Happy 28th! Here are the fics I read and loved this month. As always all my love goes out to the fantastic authors, not only in this fic rec but all over the fandom. Without you my days would look much  bleaker ♥
I've Got Demons, You've Got Scars - WIP | mission2feelike | [94k] Harry’s life has been ruined twice. Once, the first time his alpha raised his fist four years ago, and then again today when his job discovered that he is an omega in a world where omegas, especially bonded omegas, have no rights. Now, he’s stuck trying to figure out how he’s going to take care of his four-year-old daughter, Mia. Just when it’s looking completely hopeless, a possible job arises. Someone is looking for an omega to help an alpha in need. The only problem is that the alpha has been diagnosed with Alpha Rage, a crippling disease that causes an alpha to become feral, making them succumb to their most instinctual, primal versions of themselves. A story of an omega that’s been broken, an alpha that can’t trust himself, and their unlikely relationship. Lovingly known as 'The Feral Louis Fic'.
everything to lose | stylinsoncity | [92k] harry is a global popstar who's convinced the world he has it all -- a happy marriage to a devoted alpha, two beautiful children, two grammy awards, three platinum albums, and a budding film career. but some aspects of his image aren't as true as they seem. like the fact he's been separated for over a year, uses meaningless flings to cope and occasionally forgets responsibilities or commitments to his family. he and louis once commanded stages together. they tackled any challenges to their future. and no matter how hard things got, they always returned to one another. harry would always return to louis. until one day, he finds he can't.
The Pros and Cons of Breathing | HelloLovers13 | [82k] Omega Harry has always known he'd be married off someday, so when he's betrothed to Prince Louis, he's anxious about having to leave his life behind, but hopeful for a happy marriage. The hope doesn't last long, with his husband avoiding him at all costs and Harry being left to fend for himself. Can he find happiness even in a broken marriage?
Some Records Turnin’ | crimsontheory | [49k] “Harry, dear,” Niall said cheerily, his arms ladened down with more boxes they’d received from their shipment earlier that day. “I promise this isn’t a prank, but Louis Tomlinson is sitting in our office.” “I know,” Harry replied, using his hip to close the drawer of the cash register. “I let him back there.” “Wait,” Niall said as he sat the boxes in his arms down on the counter and then held up his hands with his palms facing out towards Harry. “You mean to tell me that this man who you have a massive crush on is in our store right now and you’re just letting him sit back there by himself and not trying to shoot your shot?” Or, Harry is a soft alpha who owns a record store and Louis is a closeted singer omega masquerading as an alpha who randomly stumbles into Harry’s store.
taken by lust’s strange inhumanity | CuckooTrooke | [20k] One of the reasons Harry said 'yes' in the first place was because he believed Louis Tomlinson, the campus’ most notorious “bad boy”, would be here. And much to Harry's triumph and dismay, Louis is here but the last time Harry got a glimpse of him, he had a pretty omega wrapped around him, clinging onto the flaps of his leather jacket while nosing his scent glands. Maybe that’s just the story of Harry's life; always infatuated with the wrong people. OR The one with all the jealous snarling, awkward first kisses and one unforgettable night.
Bitter Ends Turn Sweet | allwaswell16 | [30k] It had been four years since Harry first heard the song his ex wrote about him and far longer since they broke up. He forgave Louis long ago, and now his life was focused on his career, his family, and especially his son, Max. But Louis was back in Chicago, after all this time, and he’s not an easy man to ignore. Or a songfic inspired by the song Chicago
show me your love (grow up and see) | abaddxns | [22k] At only thirty two years of age, Louis Tomlinson has made quite the life for himself—he has his dream job, a place all his own, a nice car, and all the people closest to him are seeing success of their own. The only big thing he's missing now is having the right partner and starting a family with them, although he figures he has plenty of time for that yet. That is, until his best mate, Harry, comes to him with a proposition. Or: what happens when you agree to become your best friend's baby daddy.
Chicago | likelarry | [15k] Harry Styles is one of the fashion industry's best models and Louis Tomlinson is a world renowned rockstar. In the midst of Louis' world tour, Harry finds out he's pregnant.
Tupelo Honey | superglass | [54k] “What,” Louis starts, always hating how silence like this drives him crazy, “what exactly are you gaining from all this? All this, following a mediocre band around. Why do you do that?” Harry giggles around her cigarette, looking out at the alley. When she smiles, her teeth peek out behind her red lips, giving him the chills— right down to his core. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen a smile so pretty. So enthralling he can’t take his eyes off of it. “I’ve got nothing better to do, Louis.” or Louis is a roadie for a rock band, and Harry is their groupie. 1970s au.
Yours To Lose | loulicate | [25k] “I think I know the person that matches your descriptions of your dream alpha.” “Who? And oh not my dream alpha, god you’re making me sound like a teenage school girl. I’m a mum, H.” They laugh as they watch kids gather in front of the verandah, getting ready to go back to the orphanage. “Well, you’re gonna have to find out.” Harry winks before standing up to start cleaning their spot. - Or Louis always gets distracted with his mummy duty and he eventually catches Harry's attention.
and when it rains, you're shining down for me | martisgotaproblem | [37k] “This is Harry, he’ll be your patient,” Liam gestured politely. Harry froze when Louis’ eyes met his own once more. He felt himself getting lost in those eyes, so much so that he didn’t notice Niall and Liam leaving the room quietly but the sound of the door shutting behind them brought him out of the trance. “Hello, I’m Louis,” the omega said, extending his hand for Harry to shake. The alpha could still sense some nervousness in his stance but decided to ignore it. “‘’m Harry.” Or the one where Harry is a grumpy boxer who gets injured and Louis is the lovely physiotherapist hired to help him, but getting pregnant wasn’t exactly in his recovery plan.
In the middle of the night when the wolves come out | Marchessa | [30k] I. It's always darkest before the dawn The full moon was hiding behind dark clouds on that night, filling the air with something sinister. Harry lived that evening like an out of body experience, as if it hadn't happened to him. Because something horrifying like that can happen only to fictional characters and people from old-wives tales, not to actual breathing people. Or so he thought. Everything that happened after nightfall seemed surreal, and he couldn't put his finger on where it went off the track. Probably sometime during the train ride back to Holmes Chapel after a long, exhausting week of university classes. Or the one where Louis saves Harry's life by biting him, but the younger man has to pay the price for it. II. On such breathless nights as these “Do you wish to become my mate, the pack omega?” “I do.” Louis kneeled down in front of him, and took the omega’s hands in his own, holding them over his chest. “Then I will take you as my omega today,” Louis said with a firm voice. “I will keep you as my omega, my fated mate. From now on, you are mine to love. Mine to care for. Mine to pleasure,” he promised, leaning closer to the omega. Harry’s whole body flushed after hearing his alpha’s vow, and tears gathered in his eyes. As a newly presented omega, Harry has a hard time adjusting to his new life. Luckily he has the best alpha anyone could ask for on his side. The Moon had guided him to the most perfect mate in the world, and soon they will bond in the pale moonlight. He just has to survive the long road leading to the mating ritual.
Pray To God This Won't Be A Mess | xogucciblue | [28k] “You know,” Niall muses, voice too loud for the quiet of the afternoon, “this would all be much easier if you had a boyfriend.” Louis blinks one eye open lazily and turns to squint it at Niall. “I mean,” he continues as Louis let his eyes drift closed again, “all any of those twats seem interested in is who you’re screwing this week. Reckon if you had one steady bloke to point to they’d eventually have no choice but to go back to asking you about the music.” It’s not a bad point. Even as fucked up as he is, Louis is able to recognize that Niall is probably right – at the moment, the most interesting thing about Louis is his unattached status and resultant potential for scandal. If he were tied to only one person there’d be no room or reason for questions about his boy of the week or if the rumors that he was sleeping with his stylist’s nephew's older brother’s friend were true. --- When Louis is outed just weeks before his hotly anticipated second album is set to drop, Harry agrees to hold his hand in a few pictures to cool down the media hype. That's all it was supposed to be.
Until the Pearls Get Lost | LadyLondonderry | [25k] London, 1933. Harry Styles, alpha, elusive bachelor and happy third wheel to his coupled friends, receives a visit from one Liam Payne, begging for his help. Liam’s childhood friend Louis is about to become the talk of the city; left at the altar because the mating bond was rejected, Louis will spend the rest of his life in an institution unless Liam can find someone to take him in and care for him as he recovers. Most omegas with failed bonds are never the same again. With rumours swirling around about the reason for the rejected bond, Harry gives in to Liam’s pleas. He hasn’t the slightest idea how that decision will shape the rest of his life.
Where Life Changed Us | ExiledQueenCatalog | [22k] Omega Harry has a rare genetic disorder where he has no sense of smell. This has lots of odd effects such as him not being able to smell his own scent but most brutally, not being able to scent the way his inner omega desires. It also leaves him as a sort of odd-ball to the community, leaving him becoming touch starved as no one wants the omega who can’t scent. Until finally, he meets the right alpha.
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sadboyeddie · 2 years
Don’t Forget Who You Belong To
October 14th: Spanking
Kinktober 2022
Summary: Steve is jealous and fed up with your attitude
Warnings: (Minors DNI 18+ only) smut, daddy kink, mean Steve, breeding kink, spanking
A/N: Hooo boy
2.3k Words
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You snatch ‘The Temple Of Doom’ tape off the rack in front of you before turning to face Steve with a huff.
“Indiana Jones is not horror, Steve!” To say you’re in a bad mood would be an understatement.
You were supposed to be on a date right now with a cute guy you had met at the hideout when you last went to watch Eddie play, but instead Keith decided he didn’t want to work so he switched shifts with you. 
You usually didn’t mind late night stocking, always enjoying Steve’s company but it’s been so long since you’ve been out and every time you find a tape put in the wrong place you feel yourself getting a little more angry.
“It really depends on your concept of horror,” he laughs, completely ignoring your stroppy tone, “did you see the monkey brains?”
You send him your meanest glare and he sends you a playful one back, clearly enjoying your misery.
And honestly he was.
Robin told him of your date and to say he was not happy would be an understatement.
You and Steve used to have a friends with benefits arrangement but that stopped a few months ago, you noticed your feelings for the man growing stronger and not being reciprocated so to save yourself further heartbreak you pulled away.
Steve wasn’t pleased but what could he do?
When Keith told him of the new shipment of tapes coming in Steve was thrilled. It was a big shipment that would require taking old tapes off and rotating in the new releases. It would surely take the better part of the night.
Steve convinced Keith to take the night off and switch shifts with you, he spun some lie about how you needed the extra money but were too prideful to ask for extra work.
He at least had the decency to feel a small amount of pity, but that quickly dissipated when he overheard you complaining to Robin about having to cancel on your date.
Back in the present you put ‘Indiana Jones’ in the action aisle before doing a once over to make sure he hasn’t ‘accidentally’ put any more in the wrong place.
Steve isn’t usually this careless and you’d almost think he was doing it on purpose but that would make no sense, he was complaining about cancelled plans earlier so wouldn’t he want to get out of here quicker?
“Seriously?” You hiss as you grab yet another misplaced tape, “‘Aliens’ isn’t action!”
“There’s action in it,” Steve argues.
“It’s horror!” You throw your hands up and walk back to the other aisle.
“What’s up your ass today?” Steve scoffs, feigning ignorance.
“No one, that’s the problem,” you mumble to yourself but Steve’s hawk-like hearing catches your words.
“What was that?” His smirk is playfully with a hint of something else.
“What was what?” You ignore his attempts of teasing.
“So you’re pissed cause you’re not getting fucked tonight,” he huffs a laugh and trying hard to hide his jealousy.
“Fuck you, dipshit,” you flip him the bird and slam the tape on the rack.
“You could if you want,” he shrugs.
“No thank you!” You snap and head over to the counter to grab a pile of tapes, hopefully Steve has put them onto the computer, he’s had more then enough time.
“You know, I’m getting a bit sick of your attitude,” he grumbles.
“Well why don’t you do something about it,” you don’t really pay attention to the words you just spoke and they don’t really hit you until you feel a tight grip on your bicep.
Steve drags you behind the counter with a rushed force causing you to drop the tapes in your hands.
“What the fuck, Harrington,” your voice his filled with annoyance.
“Shut up,” he spits and spins you around and pushes you face down on the counter, your chest making contact with the top, “you wanna be a naughty little girl, I’ll treat you like one.”
Steve’s hands come around to your front and unsnap the buttons of your pants before pulling your jeans down your to your ankles.
“Colour?” He pushes his body flush against you, his thighs pressed against yours as he leans in awaiting a response.
“Green,” you flex your thighs, pussy already dripping, “fuck, Steve, green!”
He lets out a chuckle as he leans back, hands pushing up the material of your shirt until it’s bunched above your hips giving him a full view of your ass.
A bit of movement grabs your attention and your eyes instantly snap to the front of the store, it’s almost one in the morning but there was a work party at the arcade down the street.
You watch as a few people stand on the other side of the road chatting and smoking as they leisurely walk to their destination, if they just happened to turn their heads slightly they would see you in a very compromising position.
“St-Steve,” the anger has sizzled out of your tone, now nervous at the idea of being caught.
“Better be quiet, baby,” he chuckles, eyes trained on them as well.
Without warning Steve brings his hand down in a swift SMACK causing a high pitched squeak to slip out. You slap your hand over your mouth as your asscheek throbs.
“How many do you deserve, sweet girl?” Steve’s voice is mocking but it sends a thrill straight down your spine to your core.
“What ever you think,” your voice quiet, you jolt forward as he lands another hit, this time to the other cheek, “daddy, fuck,” you quickly correct yourself, you should know better by now.
“Good girl,” he massages the reddening skin before speaking again, “I think twenty should do it,” he hums.
“Twenty?!” You furrow you brow, that seems too much, especially when Steve has a tendency to be quite hard with his hits.
“Ten for your attitude, five for going on a date, and five for ignoring me for the last few months,” he lists off, voice turning hard at the last part.
You’re momentarily shocked, Steve never showed any indication that he had feelings for you or that he was upset when you called off the arrangement, if anything he seemed indifferent.
Before you can scrutinise every moment you ever spent with Steve he delivers two harsh smacks to your left cheek. You squeeze your eyes shut and suck in a breath at the sting.
“Relax, babe,” his tone is soft, a jarring contrast to his punishments.
Your grip on the edge of the counter tightens as your knuckles go white, Steve lands three more blows on the same cheek, you feel tears stinging your eyes, your panties not doing much to soften the hits but the pain is nothing compared to the throbbing between your legs.
“What do you say, sweetheart?” He finally decides to inflict some damage to your right cheek with two more slaps.
“Sorry, daddy!” You hiss, tears freely sliding down your cheeks.
By the time he’s on the fifteenth smack you’re sniffling against your wrist, you haven’t safeworded so he knows you’re fine.
“Almost done, pretty girl,” he promises, voice soft.
You let out a whine and wiggle your ass back against his hand, biting your lip at the painful sting but just wanting this to be finished so he can fuck you.
Steve decides to take some pity on you and not draw this out, your legs are slightly twitching from exhaustion and your asscheeks and the backs of your thighs are almost bruised and hot to the touch.
Unfortunately for you he decide to convey all his pent up frustration at your behaviour into these last five smacks, the dark, cruel part of him wants you to feel the anguish he felt.
He slightly rears his hand back and brings it down with a loud CRACK.
Thankfully the people from across the street left about ten minutes ago because they definitely would have heard that.
You don’t have time to recover as he delivers four more equally loud and equally painful hits to your ass.
You openly sob now, the punishment teetering on more pain then pleasure and just as you’re about to safeword out he stops.
“You did so good for me, baby,” his voice is sincere and it only causes you to sob a little more at the gentleness of it, “we’re finished now,” he promises.
The leans down and presses kisses up your back, his hands massaging your hips as he continues to praise you.
He kneels down behind you so he can get a look at the damage he’s caused as he moves your panties to the side, a smirk playing over his lips at the handprint starting to bruise into your ass.
He kisses the slightly raised skin, you let out a pained whimper as he shushes you, lips gliding over your flesh to place soft kisses against you.
When you clench your thighs Steve is hit with the heavy scent of your arousal and when he pulls your legs apart he can see that your panties are practically glued to your folds as slick coats your thighs.
He gathers some of your wetness and sucks his fingers into his mouth, groaning around the appendages, he’s missed your taste.
He bunches the top of your panties in his hand and harshly pulls up causing the material to wedge between your pussy folds and asscheeks.
“St-Steve,” your voice is shy, a little embarrassed with his actions.
“Such a pretty pussy,” he complements, he tugs up harder watching as the material all but disappears between your folds, “I think you deserve a reward, baby.”
With that Steve pulls your panties down your legs and helps you kick off your jeans all the way before he pockets the damp material. When he stands he pulls out his cock and is quick to line it up with your entrance.
He puts a firm hand on your lower back to keep you in place as he thrusts inside, not waiting for you to adjust before he’s jackhammering his hips into your cervix.
You bite down on your fist as whimpers flood from your mouth. You clench around him every time his balls slap against your clit.
Steve leans down and grabs a handful of your hair and yanks it back, your head is pulled at an uncomfortable angle but it all just adds to the pleasure.
“Gonna fill this pussy,” his voice almost as rough as his pace, “might get you pregnant, see if you leave me then.”
Your moan comes out slightly strangled due to the strain on your neck, you knew Steve has a breeding kink, he’s shared his camper van story and it’s even fuelled some decent sex but for some reason this doesn’t seem like the usual role play.
“You want that, baby?” He slows down his pace so he can fuck deeper into you, “want me to make you a mommy?”
You don’t know if it’s delirium caused by so much overwhelming pleasure but right now you did. You wanted Steve to make you a mommy.
“Yes, yes, yes, Steve fuck!” You drop your hand from your mouth, no longer caring if you’re heard, “put a baby in me!” You beg.
“Fuck,” you never really responded to the other times he’s brought it up during sex so he wasn’t expecting you to now but at your words something changes in him.
He lifts you up further so you’re more on the counter, your legs no longer touching the floor, as he grabs your hips and controls your movements.
He fucks up into your pussy, hands tight on your hips as he slams them down to match his pace, your chest is rubbing uncomfortably against the counter top but you’ve never been more turned on in your life.
“Gonna cum, baby!” He places a hand on your shoulder as he leans forward and fucks his cock deep into your womb before letting out an animalistic growl.
Even as you feel his cum filling you up he doesn’t slow down, instead his pace becomes slightly erratic as he uses his cock, still fully hard, to push his cum into you further.
You’re sure by now your insides are as bruised as your ass and that thought mixed with Steve hammering his cock into you has you crying out as you fly over the edge.
You let out a pained moan as he continues to use your body, you’re exhausted and on the brink of passing out but Steve is still as hard as he’s been all night.
“Steve,” you gently cry.
“One more, baby,” he promises, “the first time never takes.”
Steve pulls you back until you’re standing, his arms wrap around you to anchor your body to his, you’re back pressed to his chest as he fucks up into your heat, the new position causing your pussy to squeeze his cock tighter inside you.
You slump your weight against him and hold on for dear life, unfortunately for you Steve is still feeling a little mean as he brings his hand down and slaps over your clit, you cry out as he continues to abuse your oversensitive nub.
He arched his back as he thrusts one last time into you, the position causing your feet once again to leave the ground as he fills you for the second time tonight.
Your pussy is sore and you can feel every twitch and throb from his cock as he holds it inside of you to plug his cum.
“Fuck, baby girl,” he voice is cracked, you’re no longer able to stand and he helps you slide to the floor, finally pulling his softening length out of you when you move to sit back against the counter, “I think that should take.”
If Steve hadn’t just fucked you within in an inch of your life you would have felt slightly alarmed at his comment and you also might have noticed the sound of a car door slamming and driving away.
Steve sits in front of you, breathless with a smug smile knowing that your ‘date’ won’t be happening any time soon, not after witnessing Steve take your pussy like he owns it.
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phaeton-flier · 1 month
i think people vastly overestimate Biden's power in this whole situation. Like i think he could be doing way better but also Israel isnt nearly as beholden the US as people seem to think. Israel is already fueled by a weapons-grade victim complex where theyre convinced that theyre the underdog with everyone against even with a global superpower on their side. Biden telling them to fuck off would only strengthen that resolve.
So I think you're ignoring that Israel itself is not a monolith, but made of millions of people who themselves vary in political opinion. The Israeli left is not what I would call ideal, in terms of policy choice around Gaza, but decisions made under Netanyahu's government are not the same as the broad opinion of Israel are not the same what might occur given political shifts. I do think Biden could come out much more against the government but not Israel the Abstract Entity* and thereby opposes these actions being taken can help shift support.
Similarly, weapons shipments are not making or breaking the genocide here**, but "The US is threatening to stop weapons shipments over Gaza" would not exactly help Netanyahu's position. It's also not controlled directly by Biden but by Congress, which itself is filled with people in heavy support of Israel and fearing public opinion. On the other hand, part of a politicians job is to lead public opinion, not blindly follow it, and while Israel is a goddamn quagmire of US public opinion, threading the needle is neither impossible nor implausible.
I think a lot of commentary on this get dumb because the loudest voices tend to be modeling the world in a very simplified, "US and it's colonies/satellite states" way where of course the US can tell Israel what to do, that's how it works in the colonialism***, or just the idiotic "WHY IS BIDEN TALKING AND NOT DOING SOMETHING" camp that treats the presidency as a sort of rule by fiat. It makes it much more frustrating to discuss the actual flaws in Biden's policy here.
But yeah. A lot of moving parts, a lot of different constraints on action which are simultaneously being over- and underestimated, being read thru the sort person who assumes public opinion is secretly majority leftist and would approve any action.
'* Which. Look, I'm against Ethnostates because they're bad, and while Israel the Entity could theoretically be a secular non-ethnostate, that's also not a popular view even on the Left of Israel, to my knowledge. Still, vague pronouncements of supporting an abstraction but not its government are low-cost and make political shirts easier to swallow.
'** and for the most part should be seen more as subsidies for American military contractors rather than Israeli government aid. It's got a much larger manufacturing base and trade for weaponry outside the US.
'*** Did you hear that REAGAN called up ISRAEL and got them to STOP something or other, why can't Biden do that, please ignore any other context or change over the last 40 years of geopolitics
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Red Hood and his adopted henchmen.
Fred: Welcome everyone to our weekly Red Hood Henchmen's meeting. Greg what's our first item to discuss?
Greg: The boss has changed his outfit for the 3rd time this month... And it's bad.
Lucy: Really bad, like you can't convince me he can see out of that pill helmet.
August: And don't get me started on the boots.
Fred: Yeah, how bad is it?
Penny: We're getting mocked by the Penguin's henchmen.
Greg: Wait the Penguin has henchmen? All this time I thought they were just more penguins.
Lucy: Oh he does, I heard they get good dental.
Penny: Is that the henchmen or the penguins?
Greg: Wait what are the penguins than? Pets? Servants?
Fred: bangs a teeny gavel Guys, focus.
All: Sorry.
August: So we all agree his outfit sucks, right?
Fred: All those who agree say aye.
All: Aye.
Fred: Yeah I'd say so. Which means one of you has to go break it to him.
Lucy: One of us? Why not you. You're his second.
Fred: Er because I lost the shipment last week and I'm trying to stay on his good side.
Greg: He wasn't even that mad man.
Fred: You don't get it, he had his disappointed voice.
All: wince
Penny: Maybe we could just ruin them.
Fred: He would just get replacements. If he hadn't already.
Greg: Maybe we could get him a new outfit as a gift? He won't not use it if it's a gift right?
Penny: That, might work.
Fred: All those in favour.
All: Aye.
Lucy: Alright, we need to go over his past outfits find what he kept consistent. Because that'll be what he liked about them.
Greg: And add that into the design, something that's both new and old.
Fred: Sounds good. And who are we blaming if the boss catches wind of all of this.
Greg: Batman.
August: Yeah I get behind that.
Lucy: Agreed.
Penny: Same.
Fred: bangs his gavel Alright, next order of buisness. Pictures of mini Boss for the scrapbook, everyone cough up.
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blade-liger-4ever · 7 months
RWBY X Transformers Partnerships 1: Qrow Branwen and Wheeljack - Death from Above
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"I gotta warn ya, pal. I'm a bad luck charm."
"Bad luck charm, huh? Let's see if we can put that to use."
"Scientifically speaking, your little power would work on everything EXCEPT for where you're standing, right? So, if you were to just sit on my shoulder, or ride along in my chest compartment, and we go behind enemy lines..."
*a lightbulb clearly turning on in Qrow's brain* "I like the way you think, Sports Car."
Shortly after the portal shenanigans, I think Wheeljack would find himself in Vale. Once he wakes up, he'd transform and try to contact the others, staying in V-mode while he scans his surroundings. Somehow, he picks up on a signal that has both a similarity and a dissimilarity to energon, and needing to keep himself functioning, Wheeljack would investigate and find a shipment of Dust in the dockyards. Confused but unable to resist that scientific urge to know how these weird rocks work, Wheeljack rips open a cargo container and lets some refined Dust fall into his hand. After he's scanned it and found that they're (relatively) safe to ingest, he'd shrug and down the mouthful.
The catch? It was Lightning Dust. And he just ate like thirty of these suckers.
Cue Wheeljack now hyperactive and doing all manner of scans on the shipments of Dust, quickly figuring out that Dust shares many of its compounds with energon and that, while obviously having side effects on Cybertronians, it won't kill them in the long or short term. However, Wheeljack's transformation and rapid running between different cargo containers has alerted the authorities to his presence, and after a mild confrontation, the Wrecker scientist takes off at a much higher speed than normal.
He's driven about thirty miles before the lightning aspect of his meal wears off, and as he finds a place to recover and figure out what to do, a crow flies into him just as he transforms. Looking down, Wheeljack's surprised to see the bird turn into a human male, not to mention radiating a strange energy. Knowing protocol for human-Cybertronian meetings is likely a lost cause here, Wheeljack bends down and picks up the man to make sure he hasn't suffered a concussion - then badgers him about how he transformed and is perpetually generating a weird energy.
After a few minutes of snarking, questioning, and legitimate conversation, Wheeljack learns this human is named Qrow (with a Q, the man stressed), and is a Huntsman trying to learn what's still going on at the remains of Beacon Academy. Figuring he can help and knowing he needs a guide if he's to find the 'Bots, Wheeljack convinces Qrow to let him drive the Huntsman there. On the drive, Qrow casually explains about Grimm, Aura, Semblances, and the level of technology they have, listening with interest as the Wrecker explains about Cybertronians, their planet, the war, the factions, as well as the Wreckers themselves.
Though they don't usually bond easily with people, Qrow and Wheeljack find they have similar mindsets, and a friendship quickly forms as they scout the remains of Beacon. Blasting and slashing some Grimm on the way in and out, Qrow decides to take Wheeljack back to Patch with him to figure out how to find his friends - and get him Dust without breaking over fifty international laws.
When together, Qrow and Wheeljack tend to be the resident snarkers, always managing to annoy the strictest of people while endearing themselves to the kids, especially the likes of Ruby and, to an extent, Mercury and Neptune. They trade banter as if they were old friends, watching each other's back from the ground and sky respectively, and work together on weapons' projects. Wheeljack can't help but be impressed by Qrow's weapon, Harbinger, praising the ingenuity of it and lightly ribbing him about how his daughter inherited his brains.
Coincidentally, this would probably be the moment Ruby discovers her true heritage, and since Wheeljack got a scan of their DNA, there's no going back from the Wrecker's slip. This is the first time their friendship is strained, but more surprising is that Wheeljack finds that he's the one who has to make someone face the truth. He picks up Qrow before the man can go for the bottle, and after a short argument, Wheeljack points out that Qrow's been throwing his life away and letting his own daughter live a lie. Sure, it doesn't matter if it's him, but what happens to the one who looks up to him if he dies?
"Fact is, Sunshine, Ruby's been following in your footsteps since she could waddle. You can mourn, you can drink, but you'd better be ready to right things between you, 'cause otherwise one of you is gonna lose the other, and whoever's left is gonna be kicking themselves until they find a way to join you in the next life."
This manages to get through to Qrow, but he points out that Wheeljack was oddly specific in that dressing down. Wheeljack has to admit that Smokescreen had been following him around for a few weeks one time, and after one mission nearly got them both killed, he realized just how much he had to clean up his own act. After this moment of bonding, the two become like brothers, spending time with Ruby and Smokescreen while still kicking Decepticon tailpipe and fighting off Salem's forces - aided greatly by Wheeljack's alt-mode and Qrow's bad luck power, something that never ceases to wow their two charges.
And there's our first partnership, people! Much like the team attack names, each partnership will get a nickname. I chose "Death from Above" because of how TFP Wheeljack tends to drop down on his enemies, and because of Qrow's super-move with Harbinger. Dunno when I'll get to the next match up, but I've got a lot of possibilities right now, so we'll see who comes after these two troublemakers.
Until next time, folks!
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kindnessisweakness2 · 8 months
Perfect Chaos - Part 9
“I should explain everything to you guys. I owe you that. Especially you Angel. I would hate you to think i was leading you on. I would never do that.” Riley sat around the fire pit as she spoke to them all. Angel, Lina, Coco and Ez all looked at her with worried expressions. She needed them to understand. She needed them to know why she was so worried for Angel’s safety. “I know things i shouldn’t know. Like club business. I know your all in the shit because you were running coke for Galindo and one of the shipments got stolen. I know Galindo thinks theres a rat at your table because it was BTT that jacked his shit. BTT are guns for hire basically, and Miguel thinks it was a Mayan that organised the hit. I know that by next Monday Miguel wants someone in his Pew to make up for the mistake.” Coco, Ez and Angel couldnt help but share glances of worry between them. “I know all about Ez and Emily’s old relationship, that its a sore spot for Galindo. That means Miguel already hates Ez and because your brothers he also dislikes Angel. I also know about the Rebels and the hate their pushing for the Cartel.” Coco placed his beer on the table and leaned his elbows on his knees. “You get all that from Jake?” Riley nodded. “Guess who the rat at your table is?” Riley sipped her drink and continued to fill everyone in. “He’s in Miguels pocket. Jake’s his ear in the Templo. Miguel wants rid of the MC and Ez dead. His wife clearly cant let go of her feelings and that burns Miguel. Jake set up the hit for Galindo’s shipment to start all this drama. Jake wants power and control. Just being patched doesnt give him that anymore.” Riley shook her head and sighed. "He knows I don't want to be with him anymore. I've tried to leave him before. That didn't go down well. He beat me so bad I couldn't get out of bed for days. Told everyone I was sick and he was taking care of me. Told me if I left him, he'd tell Miguel Coco was working with the rebels against him. He’d be dead and Lina would be devastated. I couldn't do that to any one. I don't want anyone hurt because of me.' Tears Welled in Riley’s eyes as Angel pulled her close. “This is why we have to be careful. I dont want him to come after you Angel.” Angel shook his head in disagreement. “I meant what i said. He’s not hurting you again.” Riley rolled her eyes at the stubborn man. “And i meant what i said. Im not letting any of you get hurt because of me." Lina leaned forward clearly frustrated. She couldn't stand Jake from the moment her friend started dating him. And she couldn't stand that he had used Riley's love for her and Coco to manipulate her. "Look how about we try and enjoy the next few days here. No Jake. No Stress. We will work out a plan before we head home." Everyone agreed, including Riley eventually.
An hour later and they had all moved indoors. The atmosphere was different though. Instead of depression and worry hanging heavy in the air, laughter now filled the indoor pool area they were all gathered in. Lina and Coco were all over each other in the pool, play fighting and making out. Ez was lay back on one of the pool chairs reading a book. And that left Angel and Riley down the furthest end of the pool. She would be lying if she said he didnt make her nervous. She was convinced that he could hear her heart beating ridiculously fast in her chest and she was trying to focus on keeping her breathing even. " Your beautiful." Angels soft voice made her snap from her thoughts. Beautiful? She was far from it. A ugly bruise spread on the one side of her face, her hair soaking wet and the oversized t-shirt she wore to swim in made her feel far from pretty. She smiled softly at him as her head turned to look at Lina who sat on Coco's shoulders, giggling as she covered his eyes with her hands. Now She was what you considered beautiful. Her tanned skin, long legs and wild curly hair had loads of guys falling at her feet. But she met her match in Coco and Riley was genuinely happy for them. Soft hands on her hips, again pulled her from her thoughts. "You don't see it. How amazing you are." Riley smiled at Angel, lifting her arms over his broad shoulders. "Thank you" she spoke softly, almost as if she spoke too loud he would disappear. Angels brows furrowed in confusion as he looked down at his girl. "For making me feel safe. For caring." Riley explained as she leaned into him fully. Angels heart lurched in his chest at her words. She really did feel like she was on her own. That no one cares. That she had to be strong. Angel gently leaned her against the side of the pool, her legs coming up to wrap around his hips. "I meant what I said Ry. I'll always keep you safe." Riley couldn't explain the emotions that Angel put through her. He really was incredible. Not being able to resist, she leaned forward and captured him in a deep kiss. Her hands cupping his face, his moving lower in the water to rest on her bum. The feel of his hands sliding underneath her shirt and up her back made Riley groan. Everywhere he touched made her skin tingle with excitement and warmth. She wanted him. She wanted him so bad, worse than she has ever wanted anyone before. None of this seemed real to her. That someone like Angel would want someone like her. He could have any body he wanted, but here he was kissing the life out of the girl nobody in their right mind would look twice at. "We should stop, it's not just us...." she spoke against his lips, inbetween kisses. " No one's paying attention baby." Angel trailed kisses down her neck, fingers hooking in the sides of her underware. "I could take you right here against the edge of the pool and not one of them idiots would notice." God, soaking wasn't the word. A gasp left her mouth as his hands moved lower. He filled her senses completely. She felt love drunk already, and it didn't make sense to her. How he could make her feel so much in such little time. Jake had never and could never make her feel this way. So wanted, so beautiful. "I have a better idea." She kissed the shell of his ear as she spoke quietly. Angel smiled as she drew him into another kiss before lifting herself out of the pool. Holding out her hand with a smile, she waited for Angel to get out or the pool before leading him towards the hallway. Lina locking eyes eith her as they passed a grin spreading on her face.
"Ooh go get it girl!! Make most of your alone time!! Don't do anything I wouldn't!!" Lina called out to them followed by lots of giggles. All Riley could think about was enjoying every moment with angel she could because as much as she hated to admit it, she knew there was trouble brewing and it was heading straight for her..
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nick-writes-stuff · 2 years
Plenty of Time
Hanzo x gn!reader (established relationship) (post-recall)
Warnings: canon-typical violence, injury, hospitals, alluding to death, mental health struggles/grieving, it's a lot of angst but there is comfort at the end
// an: i've always been bad with titles so ignore that. this is really long btw. like i think around 4k words. just a warning so you know what you are getting into. also i love this trope so much. that's all, thank you for reading! //
It was just supposed to be simple job. Get in. Find the crate that Overwatch is looking to keep out of Talon's hands. Get out. Winston had expressed the importance of intercepting the shipment to you, Hanzo, Genji, and Mercy before sending you off.
The plan was simple. Angela and Hanzo would keep their distance. Winston found that there was rarely personnel on the catwalk, so the two of them would be the eyes in the sky. Hanzo could intervene if needed and Angela could swoop in to support you and genji on the ground. You two were the ones responsible for retrieving the crate and getting it outside, where the other two would meet you in the alley beside the warehouse where the getaway vehicle was waiting.
Hanzo hated the idea of being separated from you, especially on a more high risk operation like this. The place would be crawling with Talon soldiers, and he felt helpless knowing that he was that far away. It took some convincing from Genji and Winston, but eventually the plan was set in place.
Winston seemed to have analyzed every variable that could affect the mission. He vetted the source of the information, tracked the routes of the guards over the last three weeks, and placed the getaway vehicle ensuring it was discrete and ready to go when you needed it.
The only thing that Winston didn't account for was Reaper personally escorting the package to its destination.
Of course, he couldn't have known that. None of you could have. But you'll never forget the feeling in the pit of your stomach when you heard his signature shotguns echo through the warehouse. You thought it might of been his way of dealing with soldiers who didn't do their part, but you tried to push that thought out of your mind.
You all stopped in your tracks. None of you dared to say a word. Slowly, you looked over to Hanzo, who clearly seemed to tense up at the sound. You gave him a soft, albeit nervous, smile trying to comfort him.
The two of you often communicated with glances. It became helpful in situations like this, but it's a result of the two of you being able to read each other well. He could tell how your day went simply by the look of your eyes. You knew when he was getting overwhelmed by Hana and Lucio's antics in the cafeteria. Genji claims you have a sixth sense when it comes to understanding Hanzo, but it's really just a testament to how well you know and trust each other.
Hanzo didn't reciprocate your smile. He swallowed tensely before muttering, "We need to move."
It wasn't long until Winston chimed in on the comms: "The entrance to catwalks should be on your right."
Low and behold, there was a towering set of scaffolding holding up a set of metal stairs.
You gave your boyfriend a small smile. "See you soon."
His gaze lingered on you for a moment, before taking a deep breath and following Mercy up the stairs.
You followed Genji behind palletes of crates, using them as cover. Winston chimed in, giving updates on where the guards patrolling were in relation to your position.
"Do you think you could distract them while I get the crate out of here?" Genji said, his voice hardly above a whisper.
You hated the idea. It wasn't that you doubted your skills, as you were obviously well trained enough to be on the Overwatch strike team. The problem was that Reaper, the head of Talon, was the one you were distracting. Also, Genji was certainly stronger than you, even without the cybernetic enhancements. If there was anyone to take the crate out of the warehouse quickly, it was certainly him.
"That works." You lied through your teeth. You tried not to feel anxious; it would only weigh you down. You took a deep breath before addressing Winston: "Does that work for you?"
"That sounds optimal. I would suggest initiating soon. There is a guard passing your location on the left in approximately 15 seconds. If you engage with them, there's a clear path for Genji to slip through to your right."
You sighed softly. "No time like the present"
As you split ways with Genji, you heard a soft "Stay safe" through your earpiece. Hanzo was obviously trying to say it discretely so he didn't get pestered by his younger brother. You chuckled softly, murmuring back "you too."
Once you saw the signature red helmet of the Talon soldier, you immediately jumped into action. You swept his legs out from underneath him, causing the soldier to fall with a thud.
Moving towards the open area, you paused for a moment. You scanned the area, looking for any sign of Reaper. You didn't see him, but that didn't mean much.
You stepped out from cover, raising your rifle. You caught the glint of Genji's armor on the right. You aimed at the group of the soldiers across from the crate, hoping to draw them away. Bullets sprayed throughout the room, as you weren't exactly shooting with intent to harm, more so to distract.
The soldiers reacted fairly quickly, turning toward you and grabbing their guns. As bullets began to fly toward you, you dove for cover behind a forklift. You didn't intend to use it for long, just enough time to find your next spot. You scanned the room while firing more rounds. As the soldiers moved towards you, you backtracked to your previous position.
You fired more rounds at the soldiers you were currently engaged with. One of them clutched their side, presumably from getting hit. Before you could react to that, you started hearing shots from behind you.
You rolled away from the aisle behind you, landing behind a pallete of crates set for shipment. They looked like they were to be sent alongside the package you were intercepting.
Shit. The package. You should probably check on that. "Genji, what's your status?" You said as softly as possible, hoping your intense whisper could be heard on the comms.
"I got the crate, but there's two guys by the door."
You turned to try to get a view on Genji's position before immediately ducking again. The soldiers were closing in. "Do you think one of you could help him out?" You asked before aiming your rifle again. You fired some more shots, this time more of them making contact with your adversaries.
"I got it." Mercy said. It made sense: she could glide down there and Hanzo can watch you. You scan the room quickly before moving toward the garage doors on the opposite side of the building where Mercy and Genji were. You were about to cover for your allies before your comm blared in your ear: "Y/N-"
That's all you needed. You turned around, swinging your gun around to knock a black shotgun out of the way. Reaper.
All you heard was your heart beating out of your chest. You made an attempt to push him back with the gun, trying to get as much distance between the two of you. In response, he aimed his other shotgun. You instinctively dodged, dropping down and attempting to roll away. This is what Reaper wanted, however, as in the process he knocked you off balance.
Breaking the silence, Angela chimed in through your earpiece. "Bad news, there's a lot more guys out here than we expected. Do you think you cou-"
You didn't have time to talk. You were trying to regain your footing while avoiding getting shot. You were obviously a bit occupied. Hanzo, however, was not having it. "They're a little busy Angela!" He snapped.
Even if you did have time to respond, Reaper decided that you weren't going to. When you stood up, his hand connected with your throat, shoving you against the garage door behind you. The metal sheet dented around you slightly, and the impact knocked the wind out of your lungs.
Hanzo didn't waste time, grabbing an arrow from his quiver and drawing the bow. He tried to calm the shaking of his hands as he lined up the shot on Reaper. He was an easy shot at the moment, seeing as he was focused on you.
"This is what happens to people who get in my way." Reaper said, his voice eerily calm. It was almost worse that way, as you didn't think it would be nearly as terrifying if he showed actual emotion. His arm moved, presumably to pull another shotgun seemingly out of thin air.
Hanzo saw this too. There wasn't much time; Reaper had you pinned by your throat, he needed to do something. He took a deep breath before releasing his hold on the string.
That should have been the end of it. But Sombra, who had been watching the agents' moves from the security cameras, had different plans.
"Watch out jefe, the archer is on the catwalk getting ready to intervene"
You were lucky Reaper's mask hid the sick grin that was plastered on his face. It probably would have haunted your nightmares, though his mask wasn't much better. He let out a low chuckle before dematerializing.
Air filled your lungs as his grip faded, but that moment of triumph was quickly interrupted by an arrow through your stomach.
Two thoughts ran through your mind. First: oh my god. Second: Hanzo.
You instinctively squeezed your eyes shut. Observing the situation, one would assume that was your reaction to pain, but there was definitely more than that. Hanzo didn't need to see you after that. When he opened up to you about his falling out with Genji, he always mentioned how his brother's eyes haunted him for the longest time.
You weren't going to do that to him. He didn't deserve it.
Your brain was scrambling to make sense of the situation, working through pain and anxiety. One moment, the shadowy man was right in front of you, and the next think you remember, you're with Mercy. She's rushing you away from the area, and from the sounds of it, Genji was taking care of Reaper.
Stumbling alongside the medic, your hand lightly presses on the wound. You weren't convinced this was really happening until you saw the blood stained on your hand.
Everything around you was a blur, either from blood loss or anxiety. You saw the blinding headlights of the getaway vehicle.
The rest of the night happened in a blur. You didn't really remember any of it. You remember Angela starting to tend to your wound, and at some point, Genji entered the vehicle. Soon after, the vehicle started moving.
"Where's Hanzo?" You heard yourself say, even though you didn't remember saying it.
Genji's answer faded out, not really hearing any of it. You thought you were dying, that was your instant thought. However, you saw Angela with an empty syringe. Before you could realize that she had given you a sedative, your vision failed you and you slipped into unconsciousness.
As your eyes began to flutter open, you questioned why they made hospital lighting so harsh. You let your vision adjust to the bright fluorescent lights, looking around the room. To your surprise, it was empty.
You tried to shift to sit up, forgetting that you had just gotten shot. You winced, groaning in pain and annoyance before giving up and laying back. You fished around for the remote on the bed, pressing the button to call the nurse.
The next few days went by in a blur. Your sleep schedule was wrecked from the pain meds, so you hardly knew what time it was. Hell, you weren't even sure how long it had been after the mission.
Angela visited you regularly. She would change your bandages as gently as she could, and you would pretend she wasn't hurting you. You were still hooked up to an IV, receiving pain meds, antibiotics, and fluids.
Genji visited twice, you think. At least two times that you remember. He didn't stay for too long, he mostly came by to see if he could get you anything from your room. You usually said no, since you weren't doing much else than sleeping. However, sometimes when you woke up, you'd see a book on the nightstand.
Genji didn't realize that you couldn't actually reach the nightstand without hurting yourself, but it was the though that counted.
You faintly remembered Hana and Lena stopping in, and Reinhardt might have stopped in. Or it was a dream. You couldn't tell.
Notably, though, Hanzo hadn't stopped in. That terrified you. You tried to ask Angela about him, but she brushed you off. That made it worse.
He was probably beating himself up about it, and God knows if he had been taking care of himself. You would hope Genji would be checking up on him, but your boyfriend was stubborn. Knowing that he was probably freaking out hurt worse than the wound.
Once you were starting to feel a bit better, you tried convincing Angela to let you go up to his room.
"No, y/n. I don't know how well walking for that long would go, I know you've been having trouble walking around the ward with the physical therapist-"
You sighed, trying not too seemed too annoyed. Sure, this was not the outcome you wanted, but the doctor in front of you was probably the only reason you were alive.
"Angela please, you can have someone take me up in a wheelchair or something. I can get up at his door and go in and sit or something. Please? I just need to make sure he's okay."
She looked you over intently. She still wasn't convinced by your proposal, but she knew you well enough. If she didn't accept the deal, you'd probably go without her knowledge. She would come in for your next vitals check and see an empty bed and your IV pulled out.
She sighed before admitting defeat. "Fine. But you have to come back down here within an hour. I need to administer your last dose of antibiotics, and I want to check the wound to make sure you didn't pop a stitch or something." She said as she disconnected you from the IV pole.
You thanked her as she hurried out of the room. You made a mental note to get her a gift for putting up with you. As you maneuvered to sit up, a nurse came in with a wheelchair. You hadn't actually intended using the wheelchair (as you more or less just mentioned it to convince Angela). But with how painful it was to sit up, you figured you'd take the help. After all, you did need to actually make it up to his room.
The journey to Hanzo's room was mostly silent. You didn't exactly know what to say, seeing as the situation didn't really fit small talk. Plus, you hadn't been doing much of anything since your injury, so you really didn't have much to talk about regardless.
The awkward silence continued the whole way to his room, until you broke it. "I'm gonna get up and walk to the room, if you don't mind." You were only a few feet away from his room, and if you couldn't make it there you might as well be able to get back to medway easier. The nurse obliged, putting on the brakes of the chair.
You shakily stood up, and it went a lot better than you thought it would. Walking definitely caused some pain, but you were also shot with a literal arrow; that was expected. You made it to the door, knocking on it lightly.
You should have guessed that.
You knocked a little louder. You had a gut feeling he was in there; either that or the universe really wanted to waste your time.
Still nothing.
You knocked one more time before you heard his voice.
"Genji, what the hell do you w-" He snapped as he opened the door, quickly stopping once he noticed your form in the doorway.
The sight of him, however, could have broken you. He looked like a wreck. His hair was messily tied back. He clearly looked like he hadn't slept since the mission, which you knew could have been mostly true. He also, most notably, looked as if he was trying to pretend he hadn't been crying. His eyes were glassy and his eyes slightly red. You'd never actually seen him cry before, as Hanzo has a bad habit of bottling everything up. So seeing him in this state was nearly heartbreaking.
"Shouldn't you still be on bedrest?" He asked. His question almost seemed cold, but you had an idea what he meant. It seemed like he had been trying to postpone talking to you for as long as he could. Hence why he didn't visit your room.
"It's a nurse sanctioned event, I promise." You said with a light chuckle. You gesture down the hallway to the nurse waiting for you. You watched Hanzo's unenthused gaze switch over to her as she gave a small wave. "Can I come in?"
He looked back to you, trying to gauge the situation. Realizing he didn't exactly have a way out, he stepped back to allow you in.
You closed the door behind you, following him into the dorm. Considering the circumstances, his room was more tidy than you would expect it to be, but it certainly wasn't up to Hanzo's usual standards.
You pulled the chair from the rarely used desk, sitting down while pretending it didn't hurt. You didn't seem like you convinced him.
He sat on one of the cushions adorning the floor. Normally, you would of sat on one of those as well, but in this situation, you didn't think you would be able to stand up again.
The silence hung over the room.
Surprisingly, Hanzo was the first to speak.
"I'm sor-"
You cut him off before he got to finish. "You don't need to apologize"
"Yes I do."
"No, you really don't."
"I almost killed you."
"We both know it was an accident."
"You could have died because of me. Because I screwed up."
"Trust me, y/n. I've been going over the situation for the past week or so." He cut you off. "I even got the surveillance feed, and I've been pouring over the footage. I could have shot first instead of warning you, or I could have helped Mercy and Genji so Mercy could go back to you or-"
He continued on like this, rattling off different scenarios. He got more and more upset about it as he went on.
"Hanzo." You said louder, reaching to put an arm on his shoulder. This got him to stop. He slowly pulled himself away from the train of thought, gaze centering on you with a breath.
"I understand you're upset, and but don't be upset at yourself because you think I'm upset at you. Because I'm not. You couldn't have known what was going to happen. Sure, you're an extremely skilled archer and an amazing warrior. But you can't see the future."
You paused for a moment, looking over him. His eyes were trained on the floor, tears threatening to spill from them.
Before you could continue, he spoke. "Why wouldn't you look at me after it happened?"
"What do you mean?" You asked softly. The night was a bit of a blur for obvious reasons, so you didn't exactly know what meant.
He looked up at you, being serious about it. "You wouldn't even look at me. Like you were..." He paused, thinking of the right word. "Ashamed." His gaze fell once he found the word.
It slowly clicked for you. The memory got a little less hazy. "I know that's what it seemed like, but I promise it wasn't." You started. You took a shaky breath, trying to not be overcome by your own emotions.
"I remember when you talked about what happened with Genji," you said, skirting around explaining that any further. "That you couldn't get his eyes out of your head." You trailed off.
You had the feeling that he knew what you were going to say.
"I didn't want to do that to you." You said, voice dropping just above a whisper.
You two made eye contact, and when you did, you both gave a light laugh, seeing the other in their emotional state.
"I think this conversation went well." He said. You chuckled softly, wiping a stray tear from your face.
"Oh, absolutely." You quipped back. Earning a laughed from him.
You looked at your watch, wondering how serious Angela was about the hour time limit she allotted for you.
Yeah she would probably kill you.
"As much as I would love nothing more than to sit here and say the most sappy, romantic things I can think of, I need to get back to my room."
He narrowed his eyes at you. "I thought this was a nurse sanctioned event?"
"Wow." You said, becoming mockingly offended. "Did you really think I would lie to you?"
Hanzo smirked. "I think you would casually bend the truth."
"Yeah you're probably right." You conceded. "But I promise it was. Dr. Zeigler was very strict about having an hour time limit, and I don't think now is a good time to make her mad."
He laughed lightly. It was a wonderful sight.
You offered him your hand, getting a stupid grin when he clasped his fingers around yours. You led him out of the room. The nurse was no longer there, and you assumed she was paged for something more important for waiting for the lovebirds to leave the room.
As you walked down to the infirmary, you made casual small talk. Hanzo talked about how annoying his younger brother had been (even if he knew Genji had his best intentions in mind), and you complained about the hospital food you'd been having.
Sure, there was a lot more you two needed to talk about.
But thanks to Dr. Zeigler... you both had plenty of time for that.
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
Oh, I never meant to imply or make anyone think you'd be uncomfortable with poly relationships in general. I really did just mean as far as writing goes.
But if you're okay doing romantic sfw poly, would you be willing to write a Misty x reader x Natalie when you have time? Or even just a headcanon list of how that starts and what it would be like?
I know, Love, don't worry! I mostly just gave the clarification for myself and anyone who could wonder.
But, here are my thoughts on a poly relationship with Nat and Misty!
✰ any relationship with either of these girls is going to be complicated and honestly probably a little strange, but together it's a whole new experience on its own, what with their very clashing yet compatible personalities
✰ I think it could start with either Misty and Natalie together first or you and Misty together. (For this list, I'm going with Misty and Natalie are established, but if you want me to write about the alternative let me know!) Either way, opening the relationship feels like it would be Misty's idea. But Misty is a very clingy and possessive person. I could see her getting jealous easily not being the center of attention. She'd either want you both dating her exclusively without any other partners or as a thruple, which is ultimately what happens.
✰ Misty and Natalie would already be semi-established when they run into you. Definitely hooking up but maybe not calling each other girlfriend or considering each other mutually exclusive at this point. They'd be getting coffee together before working on whatever weird situation they're in now when they pass you by leaving the cafe.
✰ you'd inherited and reopened your mother's flower shop after she passed and decided to settle down back in your old hometown. You'd gone to school with both of them and remembered them well despite being a few years younger. You and Misty had an already established acquainted friendship and she'd convinced her nursing home to get flowers from your shop on Fridays for the hospice patients to brighten up their rooms. she'd been using that errand as a cover to chat you up every week since.
✰ of course, this relationship would warrant a stop at the shop, where Natalie looks wildly out of place, but she listened quietly in the corner as the two of them prattle on about a new flower shipment or something. That is till you reintroduce yourself to Natalie, reminding her of who you were from school. She's surprised by the way you've matured. She feels bad, but though she remembered you, you hadn't left much of an impression on her other than being quiet back in the day.
✰ this would become routine, especially with Misty's errand for work. now she just drags Natalie along with her.
✰ it would take quite a while for them to ask you out with both of them because they need to first figure out what's going on between the two of them, but once they do, they mutually agree that they both like you and want to date you together. Misty would suggest the idea first and probably be very nervous about it but she'd be thrilled when Natalie agrees with her. They invite you out for dinner with them the next time they stop in.
✰ however, they forget to mention that they're inviting you on a date. with both of them. And that's not intentional, they just both suck at social interaction and think that it's a given that it's a date. but you realize about halfway through dinner what's going on and you're surprised, to say the least. it makes things in general pretty awkward and the two are left thinking that they completely fumbled the ball. you're embarrassed enough that they almost stip their flower run the following week, but you manage to stop them in time to explain.
✰ you're extremely flattered and frankly honored they'd hold you in such high regard to open their relationship up to you, but it was just surprising to realize at the moment. you do like them both and would be interested in dating them a try, but you request that you take it very slowly, starting out with solo dates for a while before jumping into a complete relationship with the three of you.
✰ they agree and for a few months, you take turns going on dates with one or the other on the weekend. Misty's dates are often very thought out and innocent, taking you out to bookstores, parks, gardens, and sweet shops or trying out a new restaurant you mentioned offhandedly before returning to hers.
✰ Natalie on the other hand prefers the nightlife. She'll take you to bars or nightclubs or you'll just have a night in at her motel room. either way, you know you'll have a good time with both of them.
✰ after a month or so of this, you move on to dates together, which are always fun! around this time you officially start dating altogether as you might call it and it works out pretty great. You focus a lot on clear and positive communication between the three of you and you developed a lot of beneficial routines over time.
✰ Misty's house sort of becomes the home base for all of you since Natalie is still at the motel and you're in an apartment. You have a lot of nights in and slow mornings there which is alright because Misty loves having company.
✰ Misty is definitely the most attentive to both of you. she's constantly checking in when you are apart and thrilled when you come back to her. Natalie's often a lot quieter, but she enjoyed taking both of her girls out on the town and listening to the two of you ramble about whatever it is you are interested in together.
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