#consider it collab but it's also a gift and I love it x)
taski-guru · 4 months
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Heart shaped veggies
Mirra occasionally brings heart-shaped vegetables from the store if they manage to find them. As a gift, since the reindeer seems to like heart shapes and symbols. That's what these frames are about.
Collab between myself and Gentry (idea and sketch is not mine)
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seonghwanotes · 9 months
new years eve | jeong yunho
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pairing: yunho x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 953
a/n: this was originally a collab but i completed the ending bc the writer i collabed with had closed her acc so yeah, this had me thinking for a lil bit. ALSO THE GIF 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im getting bias wrecked big time, i cannot imagine being yunhonotes 😭 (21 Aug 2021)
a/n: as i write this, it is 28th sept 2023 😭 had this in my drafts for a while, did not proofread at all so will just post this up for now x
It was finally the most awaited week of the whole year, Christmas week. It was a family tradition for everyone to start preparing for Christmas when December came by but this year round, you were away from your family and you were spending it with Yunho and his friends. Considering that everyone was busy with their own schedules and you finally got a break till New Years, you began your preparation a little later than usual.
But as usual, Christmas went by in a blink of an eye. Right after you had taken down the Christmas tree all by yourself, you let out a loud sigh, feeling a little sad. It certainly felt a little different since it was something you’d do together with your family members but it didn’t feel as lonely since you were with your loving boyfriend.
You grabbed your phone off the couch and took a picture of the now dismantled tree, sending it to Yunho who was at practice with the boys. Not even a second passed, he had seen your message and immediately called you.
“Oh, hello?”
“Y/N, how can you take down the tree without me helping you out? It must have been hard, especially with the upper part of the tree.” He scolded you, making you chuckle.
“Yunho, it’s fine. I was gonna do it by today anyway and I was free after you left so I just got it done. You would be home later anyway. I used a chair in case you were wondering.” You replied back, earning a sigh from him. You didn’t need to be next to him to see his pout and know that he was upset for not helping you out.
You waited for a bit as you sat down, grabbing your gifts you got for Yunho along with the gift wrapper. You set your call on speaker mode and put your phone down. You could only hear some of the boys whispering to each other but it wasn’t too audible since the background music was blocking their voices out.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry I didn’t wait till you came home but tomorrow’s New Years eve! You know I don’t like keeping the tree up for longer than 3 days. Anyway, I’m going to the supermarket soon to get some stuff for our dinner tomorrow.” You told him, still not getting a response back. “Should I get champagne too?”
You and Yunho spent a homely Christmas together as everyone was with their family except for the two of you. It was not much but work has definitely made your lives much more busier, causing you two to not get presents for each other in time that you were doing it pretty late. Not that it mattered to you at this age but you felt bad for not carrying out a simple task.
You started wrapping your presents, occasionally glancing at your phone to see if he was about to end the call since he wasn’t answering you back. There was some light bickering among the boys but you couldn’t hear what they were talking about. ��Jeong Yunho, If you wanted to help me out so badly, do me a favour and ask the boys what they would want for gifts or I’m wrapping vegetables for all 8 of you.”
Your threat seemed to slightly work as you heard Mingi chime at the other side of the call, “Ya, I don’t want vegetables this year. You better ask her for her size or I’m asking her myself!”
Size? Your size for what? You were about to voice out but Yunho cut you to it. “Well, that sounds fine. Go ahead, baby.”
“So you want me to get vegetables for them?” You questioned, earning a yell from Jongho.
“Y/N! Don’t listen to hyung! Get us what you feel like getting us except vegetables… what? Oh, no mint chocolate for Hongjoong hyung and Seonghwa hyung. We love you!” He yelled, making you laugh. These boys were enough to make you feel like you were at home.
“Not sure why I’m on speaker mode but okay.” You answered back, hearing someone getting a hard smack. You were about to end the call but stopped when Yunho called out. “Baby, wait! One more thing.”
“Your hand is almost the same as San’s right?” The question almost came out as a whisper, Yunho knowing you would get agitated at that question since your hands were the size of a child compared to his delicate giant ones.
“You know the answer already. Why are you even asking this? Are you getting me a bracelet from Pandora or what?” You asked him, sealing the gift wrapper with a ribbon on top for Yunho’s gift, which was a Rolex watch and matching rings that you’ve been eyeing for a while now.
A silence was heard initially, then a voice followed along. “Yeah, would rose gold do?”
Your cheeks flushed, “Ah, um, yeah. See you later then. Tell the boys to be early tomorrow. Oh, I’ll get 3 bottles of champagne then, okay?”
“Okay, sure thing. Yes, 3 is fine. I love you.” Yunho replied, sending a kiss through the call.
“Love you too.” You responded and ended the call.
One gift wrapped and there was more to go. You sighed, pushing them away for awhile and opened your laptop to surf the internet, making a list on what to buy for the boys, wanting it to be meaningful as well. Even if Christmas wasn’t as joyful as you wanted it to be, New Years was going to be the most memorable holiday you had in a while and you couldn’t wait for it to arrive.
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ But I Still Love You ゚☾. ࿐
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summary: your relationship was all you could have wished for but what if it turned out it was just a little more?
pairing: scaramouche x gn!reader
prompts: 8. "you're a monster", 19. "i can't do this anymore", 23. "what's wrong with me?"
warnings: [heavy angst] murder, somewhat graphic depiction of violence, emotional abuse+ manipulation, toxic relationship, gaslighting, mentions of suicide, yandere (?) themes, you know i normally love scara but he’s a totally messed up asshole in this, i do not condone this type of behaviour; do not engage with this fic if any of these could potentially jeopardise your health!!
a/n: i can happily announce that this is my first collab fic ever and i’m very excited!! i just had to join after reading the prompts in @versadies’s “farewell, love” collab, my brain was running wild with ideas and settled on the darkest one, don’t ask what possessed me that day; thank you to @mari-on-dragonspine and @yaesnovels for reading this ahead of time and boosting my confidence about it, couldn’t have done it without you; now… soft scara stans, look away, this is not your man
happy halloween🍁
genshin impact masterlist
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It was a dream come true.
Every time you’d meet him, the butterflies in your stomach would create a whirlwind of emotion and your heart would soar higher than any bird ever could. That fact that he’d chosen you out of everyone still didn't feel real to you.
Always bright-smiling and elated to see you, he had your heart wrapped around his finger but you didn't mind, you'd gladly given it to him. Taking you out for dinner, escorting you home from work, planning weekend trips with your interests in mind…
He was perfect.
But he was also the Balladeer, who could make anyone dance to his tune. Your friends were wary of his flawless performance from the start. Something that seemed too good to be true was usually just that; a short-lived dream at best, an intricately woven tapestry of lies and illusions at worst. But you ignored all their warnings as your rose-coloured glasses blended every possible red flag with the bouquet of dendrobiums he had gifted you on your date.
As time passed, you saw your friends less and less and eventually they stopped reaching out to you; there were no more letters in your mailbox, you didn't run into them on your trips to the market and their excited knocks on the door faded away into memories. Besides your colleagues at work, you spent most of your time with Scaramouche, whose role in your life was growing more significantly with each passing day.
From helping you with everyday chores to helping you secure better business deals with his position as the Sixth Fatui Harbinger to even going so far as lending you money or straight-up buying whatever you needed or wanted, you were starting to wonder how you managed to navigate life before he waltzed into yours.
Then, Scaramouche asked you if you wanted to move in with him. Considering how evolved he already was and how often you saw each other, you thought living together would make everything easier. Besides, waking up next to him and coming home to him every evening did sound rather enticing, so you agreed.
Relocating all your belongings from where you had grown up to the far side of Inazuma was quite the challenge but of course, Scaramouche came to your rescue, lending a hand in sorting through your stuff and leaving behind what you didn't need anymore.
It was hard to find a new job. Every interview you attended ended up in you being turned down without a specific reason given, even though you more than met the required qualifications. After continuously being rejected you couldn't take it anymore as the venomous fangs of failure sank their teeth into you. Luckily, Scaramouche was there to catch you when you broke down.
“Shh, it's okay, little dove. Why don't you rest for a while and let me take care of you? Can't you see how all this stress is weighing you down? Let me handle everything while you recover, I promise I'll cover whatever you need, so don’t worry. Take all the time you need and then you can start looking again.” As he pressed his cold lips against your temple, you couldn’t help the shiver that ran down your spine. Somewhere in the back of your mind, the notion of Death marking its next victim had taken root while he securely held you in his arms, letting your falling tears stain the shirt clutched in between your hands. “You’re doing so well for me, I'm very proud of you, my love.”
Grasping the fact that you were unemployed and solely relying on your boyfriend’s, admittedly generous, income took a while. Up until now, you’d always stood on your own two feet, a philosophy your parents had instilled into you from a young age and something you had prided yourself on. 
At first, it was hard facing yourself in the mirror, too ashamed of yourself and too afraid your mind would zero in on your every flaw to tear your confidence down even further. But whenever your eyes averted from your figure, two hands would wrap around your middle from behind, Scaramouche’s face appearing next to yours to whisper sweet words into your ear, saving you from shattering completely.
And frankly, your income couldn’t compare to his anyway, so you working would only be worth a drop in the bucket, if at all. 
To keep yourself busy with all your new free time gained, you started working around the house, doing chores just to pass the time and distract you from your feelings of uselessness.
One of your greatest joys was going grocery shopping at the local market. With no new coworkers to speak of, it had been increasingly difficult finding a connection to the people. With the title of being a Harbinger’s partner, they were wary and kept their distance, a precautionary measure you couldn’t fault them for.
As you stopped by more often, however, their behaviour changed. The elderly lady selling vegetables started sharing recipes with you, the young pair from the flower shop were waving you over to catch up and the guy from the herb stand handed you free samples to try around with.
Finally, for the first time since moving here, you felt like you could become part of the community, so naturally you told Scara about it. What you didn’t notice was how his smile strained the more excited you grew. 
"How long has this been going on for?” Even he couldn’t hide the venom lacing  his words. “Remember, you have to tell me. Not telling me is just as bad as lying.”
“Wait, Scara, you aren’t upset with me, right? I just wanted to help out, you know.“
“Am I upset? Why? Should I be?“ The hairs in the back of your neck rose and your skin tingled as if someone had shot a bolt of electricity through you. It was like the ground around you broke away at his tone and you knew you had to tread carefully if you wanted to make it out of this safely.
“No, don’t be.“ You gingerly extend your arm as if not to scare a cautious animal and cupped his cheek. “I love you like I’ve never loved anyone else, you know that right?“
Leaning into your touch and trapping your hand under his own, his purple eyes zeroed in on you. “So you knew after all?“
You froze. “What?“ It was barely more than an exhale as your gut seemed to plummet. His grip on you tightened as you started squirming.
“Oh come on, you’re smarter than this. You knew I‘d get jealous and you told me anyway. Or maybe that is why you told me in the first place?“ Apparently your appalled face gave away how impossible the thought was to you because he merely sighed deeply before dropping your arm and turning to leave. “Whatever. It’s not like I care anyway.“
The silence he left behind that day left you stunned, weighing down on your chest and pressing the air out of your lungs only to be shattered by the sound of a plate smashing against the wall a few rooms over. Yet, despite flinching and despite the acidic sting in your eyes, the tears wouldn't fall.
In the wake of that incident, you desperately scrambled to make it up to him. There was no need to go to the market for groceries anymore, instead you found a basket with produce in the kitchen with no trace of the Fatui Agent who brought it. So, you devoted your time to cooking homemade meals and cleaning the house. Only to have your heart broken when Scaramouche picked at his plate with disinterest or had someone clear the decorations you had put up in careful consideration.
But he still loved you, he always reminded you. From showering you in expensive fabrics and jewellery to treating you to fancy dinners in high-class restaurants to sweet words of praise dripping from his lips like honey, making it hard for you to taste anything but their saccharine flavour. Of course he still loved you when he responded to your gratitude with “I would do anything to make you happy. I just want you to do the same for me.”
Maybe you were the one who wasn’t showing their affection enough. Otherwise, why would you feel this sharp stab of guilt piercing your heart whenever you refused him? How could you stay unmoved when his glassy violet eyes drooped as he mumbled “I guess you just don’t love me enough after all.”
And when you brought up an issue you wanted to discuss with him, his cold “I could just leave, you know” didn’t mean he actually would, he still loved you after all. Surely, he just had a bad day at work and needed some space. Your theory was cemented when Scaramouche sat you down one evening, expression unreadable as he took hold of your hands.
“Listen, little dove, something at work happened that I need you to know about. I’m telling you this for your own safety, okay?” You silently nodded at his genuinely concerned voice. Normally, he never told you anything about his work and completely shut you out if you asked about it, so you figured it must be pretty serious. “You understand that my job is dangerous, right? That shouldn't be news to you. And while I’m always very cautious to keep any kind of information about my personal life away from the Fatui, it seems that recently some of that information trickled down to our enemies through a mole.”
You didn't need to voice it, the anxiety sparked within you at his words apparent in your expression and Scaramouche gave your hands a reassuring squeeze as he continued with a softened tone.
“I'm sure you already figured out what kind of information has been leaked if I need to tell you. Yes, the enemy knows the location of this estate. It's unclear, however, if they know about you.” At that you couldn't help but clench your fingers into fists; enemies of the Fatui weren't to be taken lightly. “Don’t worry, I already made sure that traitor got what he deserved. Despite all of that, he wouldn't talk about the reason for giving up this particular intel, the working theory being that someone is after my life. Personally, I don't think you are their target; all the same…”
Pulling out a silver dagger, he handed the razor sharp weapon to you. Its handle felt like an icicle against the warmth of your palm and the weight of it seemed to sink into your gut rather than your arm. Certainly he wasn't asking you to…
“I want you to have this. If the situation calls for it, you need to be prepared to use it.”
“Scara, what is it that you want from me? I’m not like you, I can't just…” Lost for words, your currently empty hand was waving through the air trying to grasp the meaning of all of this. 
Your lover reached forward and clasped his hands tightly around your shoulders, his stern gaze glued to your shaky one. “Your life or my life might depend on this, (Y/N), do you understand? If you really cared about me, you'd do what I'm asking.”
For the first time in a long time, you cried. Bitter tears seeping out of the corners of your eyes before starting to fall faster and faster and broken hiccups echoed around the room. The knife clattered noisily onto the floorboards as Scaramouche pulled you into his arms as you clutched onto his robes, gasping for air. 
“Shh, shh, I understand, little dove. It's scary,” he soothed. “But you have to see my side of things too. If something happened to you, what would I do? You’re the most precious thing in the whole world to me, I can't lose you, ever. I promise you, we’ll be together forever, so don’t cry.”
You didn’t sleep well that night. Or any of the following for that matter. It was even worse when Scaramouche had to stay out on Fatui business, leaving you all alone in the estate. Even the agents you knew where stationed somewhere in the vicinity didn’t help quell your fears.
Had this really become your life? Waking up in cold sweat, thinking you heard a noise? Flinching at the curtains blowing in the night’s breeze? The dagger didn’t pacify your worries either. Instead, the wretched blade seemed to follow you into your dreams, cutting through the pleasantries to reveal subconscious terrors slumbering under your quiet surface.
It was one of those nights where you were startled awake by your own hammering heart and the sweat rolling off your temple, the other half the bed cold and empty. Just as you slid your legs from under the blanket in hopes that a glass of water would help you calm down, you heard a thud. 
You wanted to play it off as your mind playing tricks on you, like every other night; that it was just the blood thumping through your ears that made you hear things. But then it was there again. 
There was someone else in the house with you.
It couldn’t be the Fatui nor Scaramouche. They were better trained than this, stealthier than to make a sound twice. In the moonlit room, you groped for the cool metal under your pillow, shaky fingers wrapping around the handle. There was no way you could win against an enemy who’d go after a Harbinger in one-to-one combat, much less if you were outnumbered, so you hid in the shadows of your room.
The creaking of the floorboard grew closer and you tried to stifle your ragged breathing. Even when you wrapped both hands around the hilt, they were still trembling as you recalled what Scaramouche had drummed into your head… “Go for the throat”
You didn't dare inhale or exhale as the door slowly slid open and a shadowy figure stepped into the room. The person was wearing a straw kasa shielding most of their head from your view but, from what you could make out, it was a young man. 
There was no time to think. In the few seconds he took to advance to the middle of the room, you lunged forward, driven mad by fear alone. Just before the sharp blade made contact with his skin, the man whirled around, startled by the noise. And then, merely a fraction later, the dagger was lodged to the hilt in his throat. 
When he tried to speak, nothing but a gruesome gurgling sound left his mouth. From the proximity, you could finally see under the hat, just to meet familiar eyes. You staggered back, mortified. It was as if someone had punched out all the air from your lungs as realisation struck you.
How didn't you recognise him? You had seen him so often. If you had just taken a second longer to properly look at him, he wouldn't…
The person burbling unintelligible noises sounding too similar to the letters of your name was certainly not an enemy of the Fatui. No, he was a simple herb farmer, selling his products on the local market. And you…
…just killed an innocent man.
The dull thud of the knife hitting the floor barely registered as your knees gave out and you sacked downwards. Two cold hands wrapped under your arms and stopped you from joining the blood-slicked blade. You didn’t put up any resistance as you were pulled against an all too familiar chest, your body limp like a puppet with its strings cut as he lowered both of you to the ground slowly.
“Look at you. You’re a monster,” he cooed and you could feel his grin curl against the top of your  head as he placed a frosty kiss there. “You just murdered an unarmed farmer, just like that. But it’s okay. I still love you.”
“No, I– I didn’t… I cant–” Guilt crushed your chest and wrangled your airways. You might as well have been the one with the slit vocal chords, judging by the lack of sound coming from you.
“Mhh, but you did, little dove.” Scaramouche’s soft hands were caressing the side of your face as he softly spoke to you. It took a few caresses for you to realise that his fingers were sticky and you forced yourself to focus on the scene in front of you. There was a pool of dark liquid slowly expanding from where the man's neck would be, the metallic smell filling the room, making you nauseous. You saw the knife lying next to the slumped over body. As in trance, you reached for it, anything to make the pain go away…
But Scaramouche was faster in pinning your arms back to your side “None of that, don’t be dumb. It wouldn't remedy what you already did.” When you sagged back against him and he was sure you wouldn't try taking the knife again, he let go of your arm. “Did you know? He was here to ‘save you’, isn't that funny?”
“I know, right? It's ridiculous,” he chuckled. “Apparently, the townsfolk were concerned about you when you stopped showing up at the market, so they waited for an opportunity where I wouldn't be home, those fools. But you made nice work of this idiot without my help. You did so well for me, love.”
“You… you knew about this?” You couldn't prevent the way your voice cracked from lack of energy. “But… the enemies of the Fatui… and the information that was… you said that… I thought..”
“Hm? Oh, that? I told you, didn’t I? We took care of them a couple of days ago. I definitely told you, little dove; you were so relieved when you heard the news. You didn't forget, did you?”
Did he tell you? You couldn’t remember; surely you would, if he had told you something so important. The Fatui, however, were notorious for dealing with their problems quickly, so it was possible this had been resolved so swiftly. No, you'd definitely remember…
You were ripped out of your thoughts when something warm touched your bare foot. Violently jerking your leg towards yourself as vermillion smeared across the wooden floor. Suddenly, it wasn’t just your lungs caving into themselves but also your stomach being compressed into a fraction of its size. Flopping onto your side you pulled yourself up onto shaky arms and knees as acid burned your throat and your body tried to rid itself of nonexistent content. 
Throughout all of it, Scaramouche lovingly ran his hand up and down the length of your spine, cooing at you to soothe your nerves, all the while praising you for doing so well. When you stopped throwing up for the moment, he gently lifted you up and brought you to the bathroom and helped you wash up. Frankly, he did most of the work, whereas you merely stood there, watching your reflection in the mirror. 
This was the baseline behaviour for the next few weeks as you processed what you had done. Naturally, by the time you exited the bathroom that night, there was no body or crimson trace left of what had transpired there. Nobody would know, except you, Scaramouche and the Fatui agents under his command. Although, the guilt and shame within you remained, most possibly until the day you died. He was right, you were a monster.
But underneath all the easily-accepted self-loathing, another sensation reared its ugly head. Denial spilled into the numbness and slowly warped into scepticism. And it culminated the morning you looked at yourself in the mirror. What had your life become? When did it all go wrong? 
Quietly, meant for nobody but the reflection on the polished surface but with the force to shake you awake, you mumbled a long overdue question: “What's wrong with me?”
However as you turned the situation over and over in your mind, there was only one answer. It was him, it all started with him. Your life was good before him. You weren't the problem here; you weren't the monster in this house. And there was only one solution to your problems.
“I can't do this anymore.”
“What?!” It was pure fury, the way he sliced the air with that single word. “You’re kidding, right? Well, it's not funny, so cut the crap, (Y/n).”
“I’m not. We’re done, Scaramouche.” It took every ounce of willpower for your voice to remain composed and unwavering. But you had made your decision and you wouldn't let him charm you into your downfall again. “I'm leaving. Don't follow me.”
“Have you completely lost your mind? You killed a person, remember? You should be grateful I’m willing to stick by your side; who else would love a freak like you? And that’s given the chance you’re even allowed to walk free.” The sneer was contorting his face into an ugly grimace and in the back of your head you wondered if those were the true colours you were just too blind to see all of this time. “You do realise, my position is the only thing keeping you from prison and poverty and homelessness. You need me. You owe me.”
“I don’t owe you anything for ruining my life,“ you spat, thoroughly done with him manipulating the narrative. It felt good to finally stand your ground and argue with your own agency in mind, no matter how terrifying it might be. Turning on your heel you marched straight to the front door, belongings in hand. Before you could make it there, however, a hand wrapped tightly around your wrist, spinning you around forcibly.
“You don't want to do this, little dove, trust me. You don’t know what I'll do if you dare leave me,” he gritted out. “I told you, we will be together forever.”
Merely raising an eyebrow as you held his stare you noted, “What you do no longer concerns me.” And so, you took the first steps to your regained freedom.
It had taken months of gentle caring to nurture the wilted shell in your chest back into a living sapling, hopefully strong enough to fill the empty void where your heart had been carved out.
It had taken years of genuine reassurance for your friends, who readily took you in again, to finally be fully let back into your life as you slowly broke down the high walls you had erected to keep the tiny sprout safe. 
Finally, the lively breeze that had carried you from adventure to adventure before had returned to ruffle your rusty wings once more and you were ready to rejoin the path you used to walk on.
So when you were waiting for your friend to pick you up and you excitedly answered the knock on your door, the dreaded amethyst staring back at you made you stagger back, the bouquet of crimson dendrobiums tearing open scars you thought had healed.
“Hello, little dove. You seem surprised to see me.” Every nerve in your body was screaming at you to run, far far away, put as much distance between you and the person you had once called your lover. But the weight in your stomach was dragging you down and you could only stare with wide eyes as you were once again pulled under and into your own demise.
“I came back for you. I promised I would.”
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tag list: @mccnstruck @silentmoths @teyvattales @ainescribe
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bl4cktourmaline · 6 months
I really need some Kanade fluff
Reader being friends with her in school before she stopped going sounds like a fun backstory. Or maybe the other way round and Kanade finds out one of her online friends (who isn't in N25) was you?
Feel like she'd be the kind to not forget a friend who disappeared.
Ty for considering this request!
(*/ω\) — yoisaki kanade
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : x/modmafuyu is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : Behind the screens, reunion.
✿ — ♯ GENRE : Fluff
✿ — ⊜ CW : Nil
✿ — ↠ NOTE : Hello Anon! This was a really interesting request. I hope this fic will satisfy your Kanade fluff needs<3
Also sorry if I turned this into a chat fic(?) I had troubles finding out how to write this since Kanade barely leaves her house TT
For context:
[o/a] - online alias
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
Extra: If you would like to request, click 'here' and read the writing rules for each writer!
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Yoisaki Kanade
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Click click!
"I think this is a good place to stop.."
As a long white haired girl lifted her headphones off. Slowly looking up at the time. It was currently 6pm, and needed to go to her daily meetings at the family restaurant.
"I should probably take a quick sho-"
"E-eh..? Nightcord notification.."
As she sat back down in her seat to see who had messaged her on Nightcord.
[o/a] Today at 18:00 : K! Your new released song was really well made. I love the composition!
[K] Today at 18:01 : Ah, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed our works.
[o/a] Today at 18:01 : Yeah! I listened to it just now. I'm currently on break for my shift.
[K] Today at 18:01 : Good luck with your shift. You've been busy nowadays too.
[o/a] Today at 18:02: Yeah, I really love all your music works. I really hope we can collab one day. Of course when I'm free from all these shifts aha.
[K] Today at 18:02 : I hope I'll be able to collab with you too.
[o/a] Today at 18:03 : Ah sorry gotta go! Breaks almost over. Let's chat later tonight again?
[K] Today at 18:03 : Sure
"Hehe.. I should really go get ready now."
As the girl finally stepped away from her computer to prepare going out.
⋘ At the Family Restaurant... ⋙
"Yoohoo! Kanade, we're here!" Kanade looked up and saw a familiar pink-haired person waving her over to come to their table.
Kanade: "Hi everyone, sorry for being late. Have you all ordered yet?"
Ena: "Don't worry about it. We only just arrived so you didn't miss much."
Mafuyu: "..You don't need to lie to her. You already ordered your cheesecake"
Ena: "Oi! I was just trying to be nice"
Mizuki: "Ahaha. Don't worry about being late Kanade. Although we did order already, what would you like to order?"
Kanade: "I'm fine with any Ramen they have here"
Mafuyu: "I'll have the same too."
Mizuki: "Okayyy!"
As Mizuki took a look around and raised up their hand to call a waiter to place their friends' order.
A person with [hair/color] hair came over to take their order. However Kanade had a thug in her chest feeling like she had met the waiter before.
"Why does this person feel familiar..?"
Kanade then took a closer look at the waiter.
"Their voice, hair color and eyes remind me of a childhood friend who stopped coming to school.."
"Could this person b-"
"..-o! Earth to Kanade?"
Kanade: "Ah sorry, did I space out?"
Mafuyu: "..Did you know that waiter? You were kind of staring at them.."
Kanade: "I-I was?!"
Ena: "Yeah, though I don't think they noticed it, they just looked at you and smiled then went away. Who are they anyways?"
Kanade: "Ah, they just felt familiar. That's all."
Mafuyu: "Childhood friend?"
Kanade: "Yeah. However they suddenly stopped coming to school abruptly so I could be mistaken if it is them"
Mizuki: Did you gift them anything? Maybe a necklace or bracelet? If they do wear it, it could be them!
'..Right! I gave them a music bracelet as a birthday present before they left I can check it if they come over here again..'
Kanade: ..Actually I bought the both of us matching music bracelets. Though I'm not sure if they're wearing it. I always keep mine on to remember them..
Ena: Aww, that's actually pretty cute, Kanade!
Kanade: I could probably check if it is them if they come over here again..
And just like that, Kanade's prayers got answered as the same waiter had came to deliver the cheesecake and French fries to the table.
???: "Here's your order. Enjoy-"
Kanade took a glance at their wrist and was surprised to see that it looks like the same exact bracelet she gave to her childhood friend.
..If only she could verify it-
Mizuki: Oh hey, that's a nice bracelet. Where did you get it?
'Mizuki is pretty awesome at this.. I wonder if it is actually them'
???: Oh this? I got it from a childhood friend. I had to leave school abruptly but I treasured our friendship. I've never taken it off. Pretty cute right?
Kanade: [n-name]? Is that you?
[name]: W-wait.. Kanade?! I knew you looked familiar..
As the rest of N25 watch as both [name] and Kanade chat till [name] got called back to work.
⋘ At Kanade's house... ⋙
"Ah.. I'm so glad to see [name] again. Though I forgot to ask for their number.." Kanade whispered to herself as she continued composing.
"Notification? Ah must be [o/a]."
As Kanade pull out her Nightcord app.
[o/a] Today at 21:27 : K! You won't believe what happened today!
[K] Today at 21:27 : Oh? What happened today [o/a]?
[o/a] Today at 21:27 : I met my own childhood friend at the place I work at. She was with three other friends. Though its a same I didn't manage to get her number as she left too quick.
[K] Today at 21:29 : [name]?
[o/a] Today at 21:30 : HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!
[o/a] is typing..
[o/a] Today at 21:30 : Wait.. KANADE?!
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Home for the Holidays
This is for the Hidden Shinobi Hideout Holiday exchange! <3 My gift goes to @kankuroplease!! I was soo lucky to draw my dear dear friend. Merry Christmas!
Dearest C. I'm so happy I had you for this end of year exchange so i can give you one last gift before the year ends! I am so very fortunate that you decided to conatct me in March and work with me, when I was until then just a big fan from afar. I used to be so intimidated by you and so scared to even send you messages even after we started collaborating. It is weird that I thought you are too proud to talk to most people and that I would just be abother, when in reality you really just want to be nerdy with other people. I had so much fun with you this year, when we were 3 and now that we are only 2 still. I am so proud to have you as a friend, so thankful to be able to rant to you for whatever I want to rant about, for every little drawing you've made for me during this year, for your company and support. I wish you a great Christmas Day today and hope we continue this friendship into the next year (and beyond!) Cant wait for our art collab and whatever we cook up together next. I love you, sending you many hugs. Thank you for being in my life.
Set in KPZ's Tattoo Shop / Yakuza AU
Aburame Shino X OC
very very brief mention of naru x saku x sasu and kaka x obi x rin
Rated T (alcohol mention)
6246 words
Back from her world travels in Japan Katsura runs into an old friend she hasn't seen in a while.
When Katsura opened the door and the little jingle went off to alert the members inside of another visitor, she couldn’t help but sigh at the wave of nostalgia radiating from the view of what was inside. The tattoo parlour looked exactly the way she had last seen it,  down to the black and red leather interior. This felt more like coming home than stepping foot into Konoha had.
What was different, however, was how empty it was. There was nothing of the usual hustle that came with clients, usually yakuza members, entering and leaving the parlour, demanding this tattoo or that. Katsura hadn’t been here often while she still lived in this part of the city, but often enough to get used to it.
Now there was only Sai sitting at his usual place, deeply focused on cleaning his usual work tools. Katsura didn’t know much about him, not beyond what Sakura had told her. Sai hadn’t gone to school with them and since she had mainly been travelling since graduation, she had never really met him except for in passing.
Most of the year Katsura found herself in the hot and humid climate of the south american rainforest or in the dry, cold and stormy mountains in north america. Sometimes she hiked through thick dark forests in central Europe and then, on occasion, she was also back in Asia like right now. And when she was in Asia, she often took at least one detour to Japan, until it took her to another continent again. Someone had to check up on her sister sometime, especially since she was living in such a dangerous territory.
“Hi,” Katsura said and stepped next to Sai. “Uh- ‘s Sakura around?”
Sai looked up and closed his eyes to a smile. “In the back,” he pointed to the door at the back of the studio. “But I would not go there right now.”
She considered this. On one hand the very limited things she knew about Sai told her that he was not going to lie about stuff like that. Sakura had said several times over the phone that the Sai was almost too brutally honest for his own good. If he wasn’t under Yamato’s and by extension Kakashi’s protection it could have landed him in a hotbed several times before. On the other hand Sakura had asked Katsura to come round at this exact time and might just be in the back getting ready to go out.
It was worth trying it out, she decided and nodded to Sai: “I’ll check anyway.” The other just shrugged his shoulders and went back to cleaning his tools.
The door to the backroom was only leaning and Katsura could easily push it open with a few fingers. She heard things before she saw them. The low hums and moans, the sucking noise that reminded her of a vacuum cleaner, the whispered words. Right then her fight or flight reflex kicked in and her brain violently went forward and back between just turning around or seeing what was going on.
If only the flight reflex had won. If only. Instead, she felt compelled to check. Katsura pushed the door open just a little more, a few more inches so she could look easier through it and then let out a gasp at the image in front of her eyes. Sakura was there indeed, sandwiched in the middle of what seemed to be Sasuke and Naruto. One had his head buried in her neck and one at her throat on the front. 
The gasp had been louder than she had intended to and Sakura’s eyes flew open and to the door, but Katsura had already turned on her heel. “I told you,” Sai said calmly as she ran by, but she didn’t feel it dignified an answer.
She was angry, flying with rage and shame. Sakura had been her friend since childhood, for years! She had told Katsura to come by at this time so they could play catchup, and then decided to engage in such things with those guys. Naruto especially always gave Katsura this ick that she could not explain. He was too excited for his own good, too oblivious at the world around him, naive to a fault. 
Uh, she should have known that these people knew no shame. When she was young, Katsura had stayed away from this parlour which was then owned by Naruto’s parents. They had already been notorious for the shady stuff that was going on there, so of course the new owner just let this business continue. It was also no surprise to her that the employees would be doing such disgusting things at the workplace, since they lacked any structure.
What was it with people and their excessive need to be horny all the time anyway? She had travelled all over the world and never met anyone that she felt incredibly drawn toward. Men could be handsome and women could be beautiful, but nobody was “I wish I could undress this person in a public place”- handsome or beautiful.
She stomped out of the store and back into the snow that lay heavy and thick in front of it. It was cold here in Konoha, way too cold for her that had just returned from South America without an adequate winter jacket. But in her defence, she did think that she was just meeting a friend for a lunch date and that would most likely happen inside. She didn’t think that she would have to spend so much time outside.
Distracted by her own anger she saw the wall only when her head was already crashing into it. A big, grey wall that had appeared right in the middle of the sidewalk. Katsura stumbled backward and then found herself steadied by an arm before her feet could slip on the ice. 
“I’m sorry, you seem to have crashed into me,” a male voice said in a low timber and Katsura looked up to realise the wall was not a wall at all, but just a very tall human man in a grey long coat. She hummed and then went back onto her feet with a mumbled thank you.
It took her a moment to recognise him, or better said, she only recognised him when she followed his chin up to the sunglasses on his nose. There was only one person she’d ever known who wore sunglasses inside the house. Well, two, him and his father. 
“Oh – It is you Shino,” she said and put her head on her neck to look up to him. Had he always been this incredibly tall? He seemed twice her height.
She couldn’t see his eyes moving underneath his shades but she imagined them narrowing as he scanned the length of her. “Katsura.” He said it like he had just decided on that name for her. Then: “Nice to see that you are back.”
Katsura waved with her hand. Shino and her had always had a very peculiar relationship. They had both been obsessed with bugs since they were kids, cataloguing and analysing them and hunting and freeing them and most of all defending them from annoying bug-haters. But he had slighted her as a kid, which she had never really forgiven him, no matter how nice he had turned out to be later.
“I was in Brazil”, she said. “Got myself a tan and a new tropical ladybug species.” She grinned. She couldn’t help but brag. 
He let out a low chuckle, which took her completely by surprise. “I’ve seen your pictures on social media. Congratulations, that was a great find.” 
Despite the cold her cheeks warmed. “T-Thanks.” She didn’t know what else to say.
“I’ve become an Entomologist too, but I specialise in Greater Japan or rather this area. Preservation rather than exploration.” A smile appeared on his face. “Though I can’t help but be a little jealous. That butterfly you found in the Rocky Mountains? Outstanding grey colours.”
Katsura huffed and shook her head. “Oh, I’m sure what you do is great too. Though - that butterfly really was incredibly interesting. Did you know it can survive even at lower altitudes?”
“I do now.” Shino put his hands in his pocket. She watched as she waved her arms to explain to him how this species specifically had adjusted so well to its surroundings and how it was- in fact - masterful in what it did. 
After a while her hands felt so cold that she shuddered, which did not escape his keen eyes, sunglasses or not. “I would love to hear more,” he said softly, “but maybe we should go inside. What do you think about going to a cafe?”
Caught off guard a little she stammered: “Uh- Uh, I had- a thing…” but then she remembered what Sakura was doing right now instead of their meeting and her eyes hardened for a moment. “Sure, I’d love to. I have all the time in the world.”
Shino picked a cafe at the very border of Uchiha territory, just a street down the Hyuuga were ruling the underworld. It was run by a local that Katsura did not know and was cosy enough to feel warm and homely even on a snowy, cold day like this. 
“Wow, what a lucky pick!” she said as she sat down in the big red seats. “A place like this is a real find.”
He took his coat off. “Yes, it is beautiful. I thought it would be perfect.”
Well any cafe would have been perfect really, she thought but didn’t say anything. 
Instead, she ordered a triple latte coffee because she really needed it after the day she’d had so far and all the jetlag still kind of pulled her underwater. Then she folded her fingers in front of her face and said: “Now, tell me about your job. What is your education? Did you go to University? What bugs are you raising?”
Shino smiled again at her barrage of questions and then he did something she had almost never seen him do: He took his sunglasses off.
This felt like that one time she had seen Kakashi-san without his surgical mask. This revelation that this part of Shino’s body actually existed and that the shades were not a permanent fixture on his face. Just that this time it felt a hundred times more incredible then when she had seen Kakashi.
His eyes were this deep, chocolate kind of brown, almost too incredible brown to be real. The light of the candle on the table was reflected in them like a mirage of light and Katsura had to immediately think of the million fireflies she had once seen on a tour in China. He was handsome with his hair combed back, the kind smile on his face and the shining eyes. 
“Is everything alright?” he asked and put his head to the side a little.
Katsura realised her mouth was hanging a little open and closed it quickly. “Yes, sorry..” She didn’t know what got into her. It took her more willpower than she wanted to admit to pull away from his face and remember what questions she had asked him. “So…”
“Right, about my education and work.” He smiled a little to himself, tipping lightly against the porcelain cup in front of him. “I am mostly working locally. We are growing some nearly extinct stag beetle species on our family compound, but so far the amount is still too little for them to be released into the wild…”
His low, calm voice and interesting topic of conversation lulled her a little, especially now that she felt warm and safe. While she was still intently listening, she wondered if he had always been this handsome or if he had just grown up to be. Shino had always been a person she had wanted to be close with, because his family was known to be specialists in insects, but for one reason or another it had never worked out. Mostly because he had slighted her as a kid and she could not forgive.
Turns out Shino did go to university and he had come out with a degree. This was not usual, especially not in their little, yakuza infested city. People often took up a trade that needed no education or straight up did crime. Katsura herself, as she told Shino as soon as he had finished telling his story, had left Konoha without any degree and just started travelling the world on her own merits. Working to earn money locally and then moving on. This way she had seen much more than she had ever planned.
“I’ve always wanted to go.” Shino said with a sigh. “It is incredible to work here where I am from and get to know more and more corners and such. But when I hear your stories it makes me feel like I want to get out more.”
Katsura took a sip of her coffee: “You could always join me on the next expedition.”
He smiled and she almost choked on her coffee accidentally. “I would love to go,” he said calmly. “But I don’t think it's possible.”
They had two more cups of coffee, way too much coffee if one was honest, and then Shino paid -for both of them. The weirdly intimate gesture had Katsura blush and when he held the door open so she could leave before him into the dark evening, she suddenly wondered if this entire thing had been something like a date. 
“I can walk you home still, if you want,” Shino offered and closed the zipper of his long coat. The shades were hiding his eyes again.
Katsura had never had a date before. Katsura had not even thought about dating before this But now Shino had invited her for coffee, he had brought her to a cosy place and asked her whereabouts and now he was trying to walk her home? That sure sounded like the end of a date.
She panicked. “Not necessary, I can find my way.” Her eyes avoided his face as much as they could while looking too suspicious. “T-Thanks for the coffee. Maybe I’ll see you around before I leave again.”
“Yes, hopefully,” she heard Shino say from behind as she was already walking away sternly, her heart hamming loud against her chest. 
Katsura walked back to her sister's apartment. For a moment she had wondered if she should go back and check the tattoo shop again, to see if Sakura had repented from letting her friend down in such a way as she had, but then Katsura decided against it. 
Aori also lived right at the border between Uchiha and Hyuuga district and worked on both sides of the metaphorical fence. Katsura felt like her hands were falling off from the cold as she entered the hallway and turned the key to get inside. Though she was rarely at home, Aori had obviously provided her with her own key anyway. More symbolic than practical.
There was noise coming from the kitchen. The slightly messy, stumbling steps of her sister were mixed up with the low, but always so incredibly loud voice of her boyfriend Might Gai, who, to Katsura’s endless misery, was around most of the evenings now.
It was not like Katsura hated Gai, he was connected enough to keep her sister safe enough and he was kind, and good to her, but his never relenting energy was a drag that Katsura was glad to flee from 96% of the year.
“Hello, young lady!” he waved at her as if she was a street away and not just standing right in front of him. “How was your meeting with your precious friend?”
Katsura let herself fall onto the tatami floor and put her feet under a blanket to warm them up. “She was busy,” she said shortly. “So I met with another old classmate of mine instead.”
She took a mini muffin from the table in front of her. Other than bugs, Katsura loved baking and since Aori could do a lot, but not that, she had spent the morning making muffins for all of them. Yes, even for Gai.
“Wonderful!” Gai let out. “It is great that you are still connected to all the people here. It is important to never forget your youth!”
Aori must have caught Katsura’s frown, because she interjected: “Which friend?”
“Aburame Shino.” Katsura bit into yet another muffin, most definitely spoiling her stomach for dinner, especially after the cakes she had had at the cafe.
“Oh, he is so nice.” Aori put her fingers together. “In summer he sometimes comes to the kindergarten I work at and instructs the children about fireflies and the like. He is really good at that. Very forthcoming and friendly…”
“And he looks quite good too..” Katsura mumbled.
Katsura shook herself. “Nothing.”
Gai unfortunately apparently had ears like a bat and so he said: “I think Katsura just commented on the way young Shino has grown up quite handsome indeed.”
“Ah, really, Katsura?” Her sister couldn’t help but grin.
Katsura wasn’t going to take a lecture from Mrs has-a-crush-on-weird-guys so she shoved a few of her own made muffins into the pockets of her hoodie and got up with a “I’m not hungry right now.”
Aori yelled after her that they’d leave the stuff for her on the stove so she could eat later, but Katsura had already disappeared in the room that was currently her bedroom.
At night she dreamed about Shino, which was a bother.
In her dream, Shino took his sunglasses off again to look at her with the chocolate creamy eyes of his to ask her if he could accompany her on her travels. The her that was in the dream had blushed harder than Aori did when Gai gave her a compliment and had accepted with a loud stutter. Both things that were very unlike Katsura in many ways and when she woke up she was annoyed at herself.
Additionally, there were about 40 text messages from Sakura on her phone when she rolled over and picked it up. At least 30 “I’m sorry-s” and then 8 more messages asking Katsura for a new meetup time. The last two contained “I will just come by Aori-nee’s house in the morning before my shift” and then the last “I’ll be there at 10.” 
Katsura looked at the clock on her phone. It was 9.50. 
She peeled herself out of bed and took the quickest shower known to man to be ready on the couch with the tv running when the door opened and Sakura walked in. Her friend looked a little distressed.
“I’m so sorry!” Sakura said before she even said hello and threw herself down next to Katsura. “You know that feeling, when you think you can remember something without writing it down, but then you don’t remember? Well, that is not an excuse, but it is an explanation and I want you to know how deeply sorry I am.”
That had been about the gist of the 30 text messages too. Katsura let out a sigh. “It’s alright, I noticed you were - busy.”
When Sakura was shy she blushed like a school girl in a rom com, but when she was embarrassed her whole face turned red, right under the line of her cherry blossom hair. “The guys..” she mumbled, “... can be pretty distracting if there is nothing else to do. Especially when the adults are gone. I’m sure you get it.”
Katsura did not get it. What was so special about Uchiha Sasuke and especially Uzumaki Naruto that made them so irresistible? She had never understood how people in this town seemingly had such hots for each other all the time. She shook her head and then shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t, but it’s ok,”
Of course it was not ok for Sakure, who still looked very worried. “Sai told me only hours after you left. When I yelled at him and wanted to know why he didn’t tell me earlier, he said it was because I didn’t ask about it.” Sakura’s eyes hardened. “I will have to tell on him to Ino.”
“But in the end you were the one who forgot anyway. It’s not his fault.” Katsura raised a brow.
Sakura’s face fell once more. “You said you accept my apology.” She grabbed Katsura’s hand again and looked a little teary eyed.
Feeling like she had teased her old friend enough, Katsura smiled. “I do. I do. Look, you are here now and I see you are sorry. I mean, I ended up having a nice afternoon anyway.”
“Oh with Aori-nee?” Sakura also was smiling again.
“No, not with her. I ran into Shino.”
Sakura’s eyes widened a little. “Oh”, she said and it sounded like there was more weight behind the sound.
“Oh?” Katsura asked.
Her friend blinked and then found her usual friendly and calm facial expression again. “Oh I’m just surprised that it was him you ran into.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Did you do something nice?”
“He asked if I wanted to go to a cafe and we did. It was a tiny place, but very nice. We just talked and - why are you looking like this?” Sakura*s calm smile had somehow turned into a grin.
“It’s just… you know, Shino - his interests are so similar to yours, we always kind of thought you should be…close.”  Though Sakura had used much more diplomatic words, Katsura knew instantly what she meant with “close.” “But you just didn’t seem interested like that, which is of course alright. I have to admit though, that sometimes I felt like maybe he was.”
Katsura’s lip curled. Shino’s eyes appeared in her mind again, looking at her over the table, the way he had smiled while she talked, taking everything in with a calm she had never seen of anyone else. Had he possibly brought her there for some sort of date after all?
“Impossible,” she said, more to conclude her thoughts than as a reply.
Sakura shrugged her shoulders again. “I just think you guys would match, so maybe it is kind of wishful thinking on my part.”
“Seems like,” Katsura said, trying not to look into her friends’ face while her heartbeat felt so loud in her ears. “I mean its is like you said, I’m just not that kind of person.”
Christmas eve Katsura found herself squished between Aori and Sakura in a karaoke room that seemed way too small for the amount of people inside. In true cross generation fashion, Gai had invited all his friends, mostly Kakashi, his partners and Yamato, while Katsura had invited Sakura, who then had brought Sai, Naruto and Sasuke along. There were too many people in this hot room.
Alcohol had been flowing freely and now Gai, who had one arm wrapped around Aori, was singing passionately, his voice only lightly hitting the right notes. Katsura flinched each time his voice raised a little and wished it could just be Yamato signing again. She did not know the man well, but from the way he behaved and sounded he liked karaoke well enough and was good at it at least to some degree.
There was too much going on and it was hot plus the alcohol started to get to Katsura’s head too. When in foreign countries she sometimes drank with the locals, but not quite as much beer as here and not without eating a ton beforehand. She felt dizzy and tapped Sakura on the shoulder as if to say she was going to take a breather outside.
The room they were in was one of the largest of this newly opened karaoke place. It was in the centre of Uchiha district, not two streets from the tattoo shop Sakura worked at and was allegedly directly operated by Uchiha Shisui, who by all means would become Uchiha clan head someday. Katsura had asked Uchiha Obito, one of Kakashi’s partners, why Shisui, who had a reputation to be rather brutal in his underground activity, had decided to buy a karaoke place, but Obito had only shrugged and said: “Because he felt like it.”
Maybe it was a front for money laundering or whatever, Katsura thought and once again reminded herself not to stick her nose into things that weren’t hers to know. She wasn’t like Aori, who’s sense of righteousness made it almost impossible for her to turn a blind eye to injustice. Having Gai, who was strong, as a partner helped her only so much. Her good relations with Naruto and in extension Kakashi (also through Gai) kept her mostly safe.
Upstairs were the smaller rooms and Katsura came to a stop in front of one of them. Inside someone was passionately singing “Who let the dogs out” and howling in tune with the dog barks of the song. It made her laugh and with the alcohol having lowered her limit for embarrassment she stopped for a bit and howled along with the person singing inside.
She didn’t notice that the door had opened until a big figure suddenly threw a shadow on her face: “I didn’t know you were such a passionate singer.” It was Shino.
Katsura almost choked on her own spit trying to close her mouth fast. Of course, there was only one person that would passionately sing a song about dogs and howl along, Kiba, and if Shino was here now then that meant that the other person inside was probably Hinata. A Hyuuga deep in Uchiha territory. Times have really been peaceful lately.
“No, I just… thought it's a fun song,” she replied, feeling very suddenly and very unnecessarily hot. 
He smiled. “I didn’t know you were here either.”
“We are downstairs. I was just on my way to get some air.”
“So was I. Can I join you?” He gestured to the door and though she felt uneasy, Katsura nodded and then went ahead outside into the icy cold.
Shino was wearing his long coat again and though it was night out the sunglasses were right there on his eyes. Katsura caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the door and knew she looked a little red, but this could be put down to alcohol and heat, so there was nothing to worry about.
“You smoke?”  He asked and took a lighter out of his pocket. 
Katsura shook her head. “You?”
“No, I just have a lighter, if in case.” He let it sink back into his coat.
Then they both went quiet.
She sucked in the fresh air and tried to clear her mind a little, but despite the cold she could feel her fingers sweating. Shino leaned right next to her against the building wall, shoulder to shoulder, and somehow that made her more nervous than standing up and singing karaoke in front of Aori’s friends had.
“When will you leave again?” Shino asked friendly.
Katsura suddenly remembered the dream she had had, about him asking to come along. She pulled her shoulders up. “Day after tomorrow.” 
“Where to this time?”
Katsura weighed her head: “Australia.” 
Shino huffed in admiration. “Wow, there is so much to see there, I am a little envious of you for that.”
She really wanted to offer him to come along again, like she had that time in the cafe. But she remembered that he had said it was impossible and so why do it again anyway? Just to hear the same reply again? So instead of reaching out to him a second time she just hummed in agreement.
For a moment she could feel his eyes rest on the side of her face as if he was thinking of something intensely. In her mind she hoped that the blush she felt could pass up as her being cold. Then Shino laughed a little quietly: “But, well, the next few days I will spend time with my parents and siblings instead. Also not too bad.” 
Somehow she couldn’t shake the feeling that he was disappointed.
Gai was still asleep the next morning when Katsura and Aori sat opposite to each other at the breakfast table. He had a little much to drink the night before and needed a little more rest than the two women, not that Katsura’s head wasn’t also hammering violently.
She had just finished telling Aori of the encounter she had had the night before at the karaoke bar, which she had no time to talk about the night before. She was hesitating to tell her sister about her wish to ask Shino to come along with her on her travels. The sisters shared a lot with each other, but this seemed so weirdly personal.
“Hm, you keep running into Shino. Almost feels like destiny wants to tell you something.” Aori took a sip from her tea.
Katsura could feel the heat in her face again and looked away, hoping her sister hadn’t noticed. But Aori knew her sister too well to miss it. “Oh.” Aori chuckled.
“‘Oh’ again.” Katsura said, a little annoyed. “People keep saying that when I talk about Shino. It’s rude, you know.”
Her sister grinned: “Well, I guess there are other people who realise you have a crush on the guy.” Aori stopped exactly long enough so that Katsura’s cheeks could redden even deeper. “It’s no surprise really. You guys really would match well.” She made a face. “You have similar interests.”
“I don’t have a crush on him. He is just nice to me.”
Aori laughed. “Well if you want to live in denial.”
Katsura put her cup down, a little more aggressive than maybe necessary. “Just because you now have a  - well - “boyfriend”, does not mean you are the expert on love. You can’t even talk to him right when he compliments you.”
Now Aori was red too, but more of anger than embarrassment. She raised a brow in question. “Alright then Katsura.”
“Besides,” Katsura continued. “I’m leaving tomorrow. It is not like I would see him very often. Who knows when I’ll be back. And I can’t just ask him to come along so I can get to know him better.” She was rambling.
“Why not?” Aori asked, trying to hide her grin behind the cup of tea again.
“Because!” she shot back. “He told me he couldn't come with me the first time I asked and so how could I ask again?  He is busy, he has his students and his work and - and I don’t think he would be willing to spend time with me so I can figure my feelings- ” 
She stopped mid sentence, suddenly very aware of what she had just said out loud.
Aori finally set the cup back down. “So you have feelings for him.”
“I don’t know!” Katsura folded her arms in front of her body and pouted.
Her sister sighed. “I think you should ask him if he wants to come along with you. Or at least ask him why he said it’s impossible for him to come. So you understand if your feelings are returned or not.”  She reached out her hand and pressed Katsura’s. “But, of course, I am just your lame older sister that can’t talk to the guy that is her boyfriend.” Katsura laughed.
“Do you really think he might return these feelings?” Katsura pressed Aori’s hand now too.
“No choice but to ask him.
“Shino”, Katsura yelled after him, hands pressed into her burning sides. 
The man exchanged a look with his father and mother and then stopped while his parents walked on. It was heavily snowing now, Katsura could barely see him through the thick flakes.
“Did you run here?” He seemed worried.
She forced herself to look up: “It was no big deal.” Shino only raised his eyebrows at that, especially since she still couldn’t catch her breath.
The ice stung in her lungs. “I think I lost my -” she touched her throat and yes, her scarf was gone, but then she shook herself, “- Doesn’t matter, I have more important things to ask about.”
As she stood to regain her breath and her conviction she noticed that Shino had taken a step towards her so that he towered over her. Suddenly she felt something warm on her neck and when she looked up she realised that Shino had tied the ends of his own scarf around her back.
“You should keep warm otherwise you might get sick and miss your flight,” he said kindly.
Katsura felt her heart clench again and shuddered a little. “Th-Thanks.”
She straightened her back out, which didn’t help in any way because she was still much smaller than Shino was. He was so close to her now that she could feel his breathing on her face and it made her so uneasy that she felt like running away from him. But no, she reminded herself, Aori had told her this was all normal.
“Uh- Shino,” Katsura began trying to find the right words to say, “I wanted to ask you something.”
Shino smiled: “Go ahead.”
It wasn’t easy putting into words what she was feeling. To say “I have a crush on you” right now, especially after just having seen him for a few days, seemed so stupid and childish, even if it was true. She couldn’t be sure that he felt similar and that would just break her heart. She thought again how much easier her life had been when romantic feelings were just something that other people engaged in.
“Do- do you…” she stammered. “Do you maybe - uh -” His scarf next to her nose smelled like him and for a moment Katsura got sidetracked from the scent. Then she shook her head to ground herself back in reality: “If you would like to come with me to - to Australia, I would not m-mind working with you.”
That was by far the most diplomatic way she could have asked that without giving away too much of her feelings.
He seemed a little surprised, his mouth opening slightly and then closing just to open to a smile again. “That's a little spontaneous.”
“Yes, I know, I know. I wanted to ask you - before, but I c-couldn’t.” She looked at her feet again. “And last time you said it was impossible for you, so I didn’t want to be a bother…”
When she looked up she saw snow all over his hair, colouring the dark brown with white points like little bugs swarming around his head. He was also looking at her, as far as she could tell from where his shades were aimed at. Her fingers felt cold in the air but also sweaty with nerves. Nothing, he said nothing, as if he was trying to consider as carefully as he could.
But then he lifted his head to push snowflakes out of her hair. The intimate touch made her feel dizzy. “I have always wanted to leave this place,” he said without looking at her. “I always wanted to travel and see the world and research, but - more than that, I’ve for a long time wanted to travel with you.”
“W- -me?!” She wasn’t sure she had heard him right.
Shino chuckled again. That low rumble in his voice that she had heard at night in her dreams. He didn’t repeat what he said, instead he zipped down his coat and then drew Katsura in, pressing her against his own beating heart and wrapping her up in his arms.  
“That is why I at first said it would be impossible for me to go with you,” he explained. “Not when you don’t feel the way I do.”
That was when she realised that no, these feeling weren’t one sided at all
The snow had let up outside, but the world was still coated in white. “Here you go,” Shino said and handed Katsura a cup of coffee that she eagerly took into her hands. The airport was heated of course, but just watching the cold world outside made her feel cold too.
He settled in next to her and put his feet up over his on board luggage in front of him, his nose once again deeply in a magazine about newly published academy papers. KAtsura had teased him about it earlier in the day, that he was like a professor and Shino had only shrugged his shoulders and said that he was considering becoming a teacher, yes.
“I can’t believe you actually convinced your family to let you go”; Katsura said, for what felt like the 50th time today. It was true, she could hardly believe it.
Shino hummed. He seemed too tired now to repeat the line he had said all day when she had brought it up. “I’m an adult, they can’t stop me.”
Instead he reached out his hand to Katsura and found hers to wrap his fingers around. Her heart skipped a beat for a second, not yet used to this being a normal occurrence. Dating someone brought many new experiences.
“I’m glad it all worked out though,” he said finally, with his usual quiet smile. “I’m glad I get to go with you.”
Katsura leaned over, against his shoulder: “I’m happy you get to go with me.”
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
presented | k.bakugou.
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♡ pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader.
♡ word count: 13.3K
♡ rating: mature, 18+, mdni.
♡ genre: fantasy!au, dragon king!au, angst, fluff + smut.
♡ summary: on the twenty-first birthday of katsuki bakugou, an offering is made in his honour as he becomes chief of the dragons. clans usually offer up sacrifices of berries or nuts, salts and fresh catches. but for those of dargon’s blood, their offering is a mate...and that mate is you.
♡ warning(s): please read ! heavy smut,  ( characters aged up to early twenties ), dark content,  dub-con,  heavy!voyeurism, heavy!degredation, slight!misogyny breeding!kink, dacryphilia!kink, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it, kids ), fingering ( female receiving ), blowjobs, tummy bulges, face slapping,  choking, spitting, cumplay, reader is a sexual offering. listen,,, its a lot...
♡ author’s note(s): HAPPY BAKUGOU DAY <33 i love this man sm :( and i wanted to do somn special for his day so here’s my contribution to the bakugou birthday bash collab!!! ( my first woo ) hosted by the lovely @jodrawssmut @phasmwrites @katsukikitten @bakugotrashpanda @lady-bakuhoe and @ramen-rambles​ !! pls go ahead and check out the works from the other creators!!  and enjoy <333
♡ masterlist | requests | kofi
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it was tradition in the tribes of barbarians roaming japan, that on the twenty first birthday of the eldest child of the tribe leader came— an offering would be made in their honour and the title of chief would be passed down to them. for those of nymph and earth tribes it would be the month’s harvest of berries and nuts, for those of mer and water tribes it would be fresh salts and the biggest catch they could find… and for tribes of dragons and fire it would be— a mate.
the dragon clans worked differently from most others, with rituals fuelled by the heats of their core and the fire in their spirits— their desire. so when the moon came to be at its highest and the eldest child had come of age, the virginity of the most eligible men or women of the tribe was offered up as thanks for the leader’s hard work.
not much was expected of the offering, their only goal in life to produce heirs to the chief and act in pleasure of their mate. offerings were also trained from an early age for the ceremony— it was considered a privilege and brought many riches to their family. at least that’s what your parents had told you, where they as children had watched their friend masaru be paired with the dragon clan’s current chief, mitsuki. you had never understood the glitz and the glamour of being presented to someone as a gift, having your rights stripped away from you to be nothing more than a trophy to the leader of your people. the question of why always remained at the forefront of your mind, why was this the goal? why was this the life your parents so badly wished for you to attain?
sure, the arrangement and ceremony had it’s ups, mitsuki and masaru were happily mated still to this day and brought the dragon clan of barbarians much success, creating stable ground for trade amongst other clans and cementing their fearsome reputation— but you couldn’t see mating for honour in your future. you wanted it to be out of love just like your parents. you didn’t want to be one of sixteen other gifts offered to the chief’s son on his birthday ( a son that you barely remember, mind you. ) — but then again, life wasn’t always about getting what you wanted, unless you had power. life was always unfair so it seemed.
sometimes you wondered what the chief’s son thought of all this, you liked to think he too would be opposed to something so obscure as an offering and mating ceremony to celebrate his birthday and coming of age— but even then it was still wishful thinking and you could barely remember bakugou well enough to know what he was thinking. you had played together as children apparently, before you’d both begun your individual training, him to be a warrior, a leader and a king and yourself, a wife, a mother and whatever the future chief needed. it had been a long time since then, so you tried not to be bothered that you couldn’t remember him.
for right now, you sit aged twenty on the night before the coming of age offering and ceremony— sitting between girls of a similar age group as they fix the gifts they’d prepared for bakugou in their lessons today. another tradition you found stupid, was that along with the classes you had to take in order to prepare yourself as an offering , was to prepare a feasible gift for the future leader of your clan. as if he didn’t already have all the riches and land in the area under his belt already. the excitement of the girls in your hut  irks you enough to tune out of the conversation, wondering if any of the other offerings were getting much sleep and would allow an extra bed. you only return to the chitchat when someone calls your name.
“yn,” a girl you know as ichika whines from beside you, throwing herself into your left shoulder whilst clutching a woven basket she’d made for the prince. “aren’t you excited?”
you frown at the girl, confused and rub at the spot she’d hit you with a pout soon after. “why would i be excited?” your tone is blunt and unamused, there’s not a single emotion that sits at the base of your words— unlike the other offerings who can’t wait to have at it with the soon to be dragon prince. you couldn’t understand their fascination with having their life thrown away for someone they hardly knew.
akari is next to speak, she was a little older than most of the other offerings, at aged twenty three going on twenty four— a lot of your teachers doubted bakugou would pick someone older, since he needed someone able to produce heirs or live long enough to care for many generations of his offspring, no matter who they came from. you sometimes felt bad for her, but then again this seemed to be a life she was willing to suffer through. “didn’t you know him growing up, yn? oh please tell us what he was like?” she squeals with star struck eyes, latching into your right arm as she abandons the small fabric painting she’d made for bakugou. the others lean forwards in their seats, eager to swallow up any information they could get on their future mate before the time came, but you didn’t know how many more times you could tell them that you didn’t have any.
you clutch at your own gift, suppressing the annoyance at their ignorance. you’d made bakugou a necklace of shells, small and pearlescent ones that shone when you held them up to the light of the moon. did they sparkle like his eyes? hold the world’s fragile jewels? you think, but if you weren’t careful, they could shatter under your harsh grip and crumble to pieces— much like the hearts of all of these other offerings if the chief’s son didn’t pick them at tomorrow night’s ceremony. shells were fragile yet beautiful things, they didn’t deserve to be broken like this. you don’t even know why you bothered to make the stupid thing, you didn’t want to get picked and it’s not like you would anyway.
looking away from hopeful faces, you drop your gaze to your lap and sigh. “i don’t know how many more ways i can tell you this, but i don’t know him— bakugou, i don’t even remember him!” you try to explain, earning yourself several irritated sighs and a couple of eye rolls. “my parents are the ones that do! he and i were just barely on our feet when we played together as children.” both ichika and akari retreat from you at this, a solemn shadow cascading over their features and again you’re made to feel like an outcast. for thinking differently, for mayhaps thinking better of yourself instead of as a gift to be traded off to someone else.
“of course she wouldn’t tell us, why would she when knowing about him gives her the one up. typical yn. so selfish.”
one of the other offerings mumbles from a distance, and when you look to the girls you had previously been chatting with— they choose to lower their heads and not even utter a word in your defence. you scoff, standing up from your seat and deciding that if those you were raised and taught with weren’t going to have your back, you would much rather be elsewhere. so you quickly gather your robes, stuffing the necklace into your pocket and storm out from the hut— ignoring the whispered pleas for you to come back to bed and not break the rules to avoid getting in trouble. you were tired of the rules, hot from being kept inside and hotter in the face from being pushed away by the others.
you don’t know why it hurts so much, to be rejected by offerings you’d never see again after tomorrow and a part of you longs for some kind of acceptance somewhere out in the world. would you get it from your parents if bakugou chose you? would you even get it from yourself if being his mate was where you ended up? as you weave your way out of the offering camp and into the forest behind, your frenzied storm of nerve wracking thoughts quickly dissipate when your face is hit with cool nightly winds and fresh air that carries the salt from the seas at the mouth of the nearest river.
closing your eyes, you feel relief flood your body and your worries tumble downstream with the rush of the river. whatever were to happen tomorrow, you’re sure would be fine, you try to convince yourself— doing your best to ignore the raging anxious parts of your brain. opening your eyes, you lift a finger to the sky and allow the stars and constellations in the midnight canvas above to soothe your spirits, recounting each of the ones your father had taught to you as a child to calm your nerves. ursa major is one easy find, ursa minor next and after that the ram and after that some rustling deep within the bushes across the stream.
hold on a second, rustling?
slapping a hand over your mouth, you try to quieten your breathing. it was stupid of you to come out here so late at night, alone and without a weapon— that was also one of the rules of the offerings camp and rightly so, it was usually around this time other, weaker divisions in the dragon clan would try to sabotage the coming of age ceremonies by attacking and harming the offerings and you knew that there wasn’t much damage the necklace you thumbed over in your pocket could do as a weapon of self defence. hearing the rustling in the foliage turn to footsteps against the woodland floor, you duck in an attempt to conceal yourself— praying that whoever it is has a  shitty sense of hearing.  
“whoever’s there, i can see your fucking robes, if yer a hostile you might as well come out. ya’don't stand a damn chance against me.” a gruff voice cuts into the peaceful silence of the night and out of fear, you jump up and throw your only mechanism of defence at the perpetrator. he makes an oof  sound as shells collide with his skin but scoffs not long after. that’s how you know you’re fucked. “throwin’ a shitty necklace at me? well you’re no damn hostile, show yourself, fucker.”
you curse to yourself internally— you weren’t raised or taught to fight for yourself, that wasn’t the job of the dragon king’s mate, it was his job to protect you and that was another thing you found ridiculous about this whole ceremony scheme. catching your breath, you weigh up your options; either you make a mad dash back to the camp and face getting scolded for leaving the premises— or you face this stranger and die before you possibly give up your life for a man you’d hardly known.
dying sounded a lot better than being some asshole’s mate right about now.
moving to your feet, you rise to a standing position and make yourself visible to the intruder, hands up in the air as you ready to plead for your life and surrender. however, your face mirrors the look of surprise on the stranger’s handsome face, your gaze settling on a man seemingly in his early twenties with blood ruby eyes that practically shine like precious dragon jewels under the night sky. they hold secrets as they scan your body, catching on the robes that identify you belonging to the dragon tribe and more specifically as an offering too. he seems to recognise that fact, gaze revealing the fine detail of disappointment amongst the dark flecks in his eyes. the corners of lips twitch into a deep frown, as if the asshole is looking down on you. the boy has blonde hair, thick in volume and rough and unruly like the untamed flames of a village bonfire while he stands tall and the muscles of his body flex from underneath his red fur cape— also allowing you to place him as a member of your clan.
the stranger is beautiful, nothing like you’ve ever seen before and he makes curiosity burn at your insides while you both stare one another down.
after sometime, he scoffs and you have to avert your eyes from his figure to avoid watching his bulky, trained arms flex deliciously as he crosses them. “yer a fuckin’ offering?” he states more than he questions, causing initiation to flare up deep in your chest.
“and you shouldn’t be here.” you counter with a roll of your eyes. you quickly mimic his stance, in a weak attempt to cover the silken red fabric that does blatantly tell the world what you are. a mate, an offering, a gift.
“neither should you,” the blonde shoots a cocky smirk your way while he moves to cross the stream that separates you— chucking the shell necklace you’d made for bakugou in your direction. he makes a noise of amusement when you stumble to catch it and clutch the gift to your chest. “shouldn’t ya be back at your camp, with the others? oh ‘n here’s your shitty necklace, get a better weapon.”  you don’t know why you feel so protective of the stupid thing, it’s not like bakugou would appreciate it if he chose you. which he wouldn’t, he can’t, you don’t want him to.
the stranger adjusts himself after joining you on the other side of the stream, the water is only shallow and reached up to his boots— but he was stupid and hadn’t lifted his cape to stop it from getting soaked in his commute. for the second time that night, heat prickles at the skin underneath your cheeks while he takes the heavy red fur into his hands, wrigining it out to free the water that weighs it down. your skin only burns because the asshole isn’t wearing a shirt and you can see his abs ripple as he moves and shifts the cape off to reveal his scarred, caramel grazed skin to the night air.
“technically, i’m still on campgrounds. you’re the one who shouldn’t be here. you shouldn’t even be looking at us. so what are you even doing here?”  you ask him after defending yourself. even if you were breaking the rules by not being in your hut, it was against clan rules to see the offerings before the ceremony. they were for the chief's child only. and besides, the wooded area surrounding the offering campgrounds wasn’t off limits, he was the one who was somewhere he shouldn’t be. “who even are you?”
the blonde tilts his head at you, as if he’s entertained by the little sass that you give him and sucks his teeth once. “i’m on a fuckin’ walk, i’m a traveller, not that that’s any of yer business.” he grunts, voice rough in a way that makes you shiver. the stranger makes a move to sit on the grass, laying out his cape to dry under the night's moon. you backup a little bit to give him some space but also a little bit out of fear. you hadn’t had much contact with people outside the camp aside from your parents and the other offerings, so being this close to an incredibly handsome and abrasive stranger was nerve wracking. still, you shake your head, you couldn’t be having thoughts about another man when you could be married off tomorrow. “stop yer fuckin’ movin’ too, ‘m not gonna kill ya, you’re not a hostile and you’d be too easy.”
the boy adds, finally giving you a toothy grin at how you begin to scowl at him you admit, it’s worth it though. “what’s your name then?” you settle on asking him next, moving to sit down next to him. he spares you a glance but doesn’t shy away, allowing you to sit with him.
“bak— katsuki, now stop askin’ me questions, it’s fuckin’ annoying.” katsuki mumbles as he lays back in the grass and closes his eyes while he waits for his belongings to dry, locking away the fiery vermillion orbs that seem oddly comforting to you. a silence sweeps over you, one that’s weirdly content and periodically interrupted by the pair of you shifting in the grass or woodland creatures moving amongst the treelines or in the bushes.
“why are you out for a walk so late at night, katsuki?” you press, not afraid of pushing his buttons.
if he was really annoyed by your talking he would have up and left by now, but instead the self proclaimed traveller who you now know as katsuki lets out a low chuckle but keeps his eyes closed. “thought i asked you ta’stop talkin’?” the blonde gives a small chuckle as if he finds your persistence interesting.
“i‘m not a very good listener.” you retort, catching the wisps of a smile against his lips.
“i could tell.” bakugou doesn’t know why he continues to entertain you, maybe it’s because your innocent aura is like a breath of fresh air compared to the people he’s used to being around. “you talk too much, people must have a hard time gettin’ a shitty word in around you.” there’s something different about you, you don’t talk to him with the weight of expectations hidden behind your tone or try to play into his desires and change yourself to please him. instead, you challenged his actions and play along with his harsh banter. you’re brand new, a light shining in the dark pressure he feels.
this time to don’t bounce back with a witty response, your next words falling flat. “trust me, it’s quite the opposite.”
katsuki doesn’t need to be up and looking at you to know that a solemn frown is cast over your features like a dark cloud ruining a sunny day. he may not know you well enough but he could tell that you must not have a lot of people around you that you could talk to.
he doesn’t like feeling sympathetic but he shifts until his legs are bent and bumps his knee against yours as you have yours crossed. “‘m out here ‘cause i needed to think, got a lot on my plate. under a lotta pressure.” the blonde says to answer your earlier question.
you hum appreciatively, casting your gaze over the strangers’s closed eyes and now relaxed face. you wonder what a traveller like him could be stressed about and rub your knee where he bumped you, sheepishly. “‘m sorry,”
“don’t be, s’not like i need your pity, y’have plenty of that ya’self it’s seems.” katsuki still seems calm, another small smile playing at his lips— telling you that he enjoys talking to you despite the sharp edge to his words.
you push at his knee. “yeah? and how would you know?”
“you just like look like it.” he mumbles.
“your eyes are closed, you’re not even looking at me right now!”
“don’t need to be, can feel it. you exude ‘my life sucks’ energy.” katsuki’s eyes briefly flicker over to you, giving you a knowing look before he returns to his nap like state.
you scoff incredulously, he’s only been around you for about thirty minutes and he’s already making assumptions about to character. “and you’re not going to ask me about what my life is really like?” you ask, huffing into the night.
“nope,” the dragon prince ( unbeknownst to you ) says, popping the p. “don’t care enough.” you giggle, finding the stranger’s blunt attitude slightly charming.
this moment and the banter it held had been the most relaxed you had been in a while, no longer trapped by the strings of stress related to giving your life away for the sake of tradition. for some reason, you feel like you can talk to katsuki, even if he’s rude and gruff, he doesn’t seem bothered by your presence.“well since you oh-so-kindly asked..my name’s yn and...i’m on a walk too. one that i shouldn’t be on, valuable merchandise and all...but i needed to clear my head.” you confess into the cool air, looking back up at the sky in search for the constellation of your own zodiac sign.
katsuki bakugou cracks an eye open, looking over your side profile as you find peace within the sky. he thinks that you’re stupid for not recognising him, especially after his blunder with his own damn name but for some unknown reason he feels drawn to you and can’t bring himself to leave. “don’t care, didn’t ask, stop talkin’.” he spits, despite his internal thoughts and hopes that you ignore his brashness.
you do, barely giving him the time of day as you continue, fingers gripping the grass beneath your thighs. “i needed to clear my head because i’m scared, about tomorrow, about my future and…” you pause as bakugou perks up, seemingly interested in what you have to say about the choosing ceremony for his birthday. he didn’t care much for it himself, it was part and parcel of the leader of the dragon clan, he’d do what he had to for his people, for honour. “and i know with all my heart that if i am chosen to be the dragon prince’s mate tomorrow, it’ll be the worst moment of my entire life. i’m not cut out to be someone’s wife, to be limited to having his children and to serving him, pleasing him. that’s just not who i am or what i want from this life…the other offerings all look forward to being this, but me? i—“
“yeah, yeah yeah, boohoo little miss ‘‘m not like other girls’, we fuckin’get it.” katsuki groans loudly now, cutting right through your train of thought. you make a move to curse him out, to shove him hard in shoulder for disrupting you while you pour your heart out into night time’s breeze but he grabs your wrist and yanks you toward him. your heart rate spikes as his warm breath fans over your cheeks, but he doesn’t seem the least bit fazed for now. “stop pittyin’ yerself. who’s to say the chief’s son’s gonna pick ya anyways? i know i wouldn’t with all yer fuckin’ whinin’.” the blonde tuts when you gasp, not expecting his mean words but you can barely focus on them with your sudden proximity. you’ve become so close that you can see the darker shades of red that line his vermillion orbs along with the tan freckles that line his cheek bones and dot around his scars, he’s beautiful and you wish so badly that you weren’t an offering so you might have a chance with him.
bakugou doesn’t seem to notice as you lose focus, still scolding you with a firm grip on your wrist while he inches closer to you. “it fuckin’ sucks having your whole life planned out for you— but’cha make do with what you have, this is an honour, to your name and to your parents,” he breathes in with the sway of the trees as he grows heated and katsuki isn’t sure when his lesson to you turned into a rant about his feelings towards what he really thought about the ceremony. “...hell, even to—even to your fuckin’ clan. you really gonna pity yourself when you could end up with a better life than what half the people here have? would you hate it that much if you got chosen?” he looks to you hopefully, eyes catching the light of the moon as he speaks.
“i won’t get chosen.” you whisper, not registering the fact that katsuki is leaning into you with unadulterated curiousness. something about the way he stares at you, makes you tingle with a foreign feeling. was it desire? interest? fear? you couldn’t tell.
“what if you do?” he counters, a breaths width away from you now.
“i won’t. he wouldn’t want me.” your eyes meet before gazes flutter down to either one of your lips.
“how would you know that?”
this time, you bite your lip and finally break away from the trance katsuki had somehow lured you into. “not even i want me. i wouldn’t be able to meet his needs.”
bakugou scoffs at this, the sound similar to earlier when you’d first met and eventually pulls away from you. the lack of his overbearing warmth and harshness upsets something within your body and you start to cower due to the cold— even if your robes protect you from the breeze. “yer a fuckin’ whiner, you know that? it’s fuckin’ infuriating,” he sighs before gathering his cape and moving to stand. “you should go back to your camp before someone finds ya. i’ll see you tomorrow.”
the last of katsuki’s words pass over your head, your body still reeling from his change in attitudes and emotions towards you. your head spins, one second you’re about to kiss a complete stranger and the next, he’s leaving you in the cold of the night. was this what life would be like if you were chosen at the ceremony? needed one moment and then in the blink of an eye, tossed to the side? you hated that feeling, you never wanted to feel that way ever again. so you quickly gather yourself together, not bothering to watch bakugou retreat and pray to all of the stars that you don’t get chosen to be the future chief’s mate.
“tomorrow?” you whisper, briefly touching your lips before heading to your hut back at camp for some well deserved rest.
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the next day is spent preparing for the ceremony taking place that night. your teachers from over the last few years bid you and the other offerings fair well, reminding you of your training with tearful granny eyes as they pull at your cheeks and tell you not to worry if you didn’t get picked— like you were all children being chosen for a team game. you”re given a celebratory lunch for completing your training, which your parents and family are allowed to join you for.
more tears are shed when your mother sees you again, telling you what a beautiful young lady you’ve become and that bakugou would be lucky to mate you. you choke on your green tea and your father wipes you clean, recounting old memories of how you and the future dragon king used to play in the mud as infants— the other offerings and their families stare you down but you avoid their gazes and chant to yourself ‘the sooner this day is over, the sooner you never have to see ichika and akari ever again.’ to distract yourself.
part of you hoped that bakugou is into self centred, shallow and fake women— at least that way one of them would have a better chance at being his mate than you.
you almost cry when they begin to dress you for the ceremony later that day. you feel demeaned as they strip you from the safety of your robes and put you in skimpy fabrics consisting of next to nothing. a red bralette does nothing but hold up your cleavage, leaving your skin exposed to the chilly spring air— it’s fabric painted with shades of burnt orange and honeyed yellows to symbolise the fire of your people. the panties are even worse. you regrettably run your fingers over the fabric, hating how your most intimate areas will be put on display for everyone to see, even your parents.
was losing yourself worth it to become what they wanted?
shame burns at your cheeks when your teachers tie strings of a dragon scaled thong around your waist, to them you look like a model beauty— ready to become a wife but you feel nothing but loss and try to remember katsuki’s words from the night before. this was for honour, make do with what you have. your teachers leave you after you’re dressed, reminding you to join the others as you slide on some traditional jewellery and fix your hair. with a nervous heart pounding at your rib cage, you grab your gift to the dragon prince and head towards the main camp, where the other offerings reside behind a makeshift stage. they ignore you, of course, leaving you to your own devices until the ceremony begins.
a hand lands on you shoulder, breaking you from your jumpy trance. “good luck out there, whiner,” katsuki’s familiar, timbre voice fills your ear and a warmth floods your exposed, cool body. spinning around, you lock eyes with the blonde and can’t help but smile. he’s dressed for the occasion too, although missing his cape from last night he wears leather as well, but in the form of a lace up jacket that ends just under his rib cage, patterns that tell stories of your clan’s origins are burned into the material— it’s unusual blue contrasting with the heat of his eyes. he must be here to join the crowds like everyone else, you muse, the clan makes a big deal out of these things.
“thank you, katsuki,” you breathe steadily, trying to hide your body when you realise you must look much different from last night.
he doesn’t look down, much to your surprise, gaze settling on the chain of shells you’d made for the dragon prince. katsuki’s face twists with something you don’t recognise before he tucks away a stray baby of yours and leans in to whisper into the shell of your ear. “you’ll be fuckin’ needing it, whiner.” he says smoothly, retreating from your body as he stalks away to the beat of the announcing drums outside.
“what’s that supposed to mean—?” again, you don’t understand what it is that he means but before you can get an answer, the man is lost in the chaos and you’re lining up to head out on centre stage to give up the rest of your life.
“now presenting, the sixteen offerings of the dragon-fire tribe!” someone calls to the crowd, announcing your cue. you follow the lead of the other offerings into the stage, blinded by fire and pitched while you’re drowned in the screaming and chanting of your fellow barbarians.
you would make do, you would do this for honour.
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up on stage, your blood freezes in your veins.
you feel stuck in place, barely able to move and think any clear thoughts aside from him. before tonight, in your mind, bakugou was a fuzzy blur from your childhood, a blurry figure that danced amongst your memories as a child— but here now, he stays standing before you as clear as day with his mother mitsuki bakugou announcing him to the clan as your new leader. her son, katsuki bakugou.
you feel a fool for not noticing the resemblance in him earlier— you”d confided in the man you had a one in sixteen chance of being mated to, told him your fears and your worries and now he proudly smirked to his people with an inflated ego and an evil glint in his once warm eyes. “my boy, as you take reign as chief,” mistuki’s voice booms loudly across the swarm of barbarians that cheer the new chief on, reclining in her seat and linking hands with masaru. katsuki basks in his new found glory, barely acknowledging his mother until she starts to speak again, “you must choose a mate to stand by your side as you build your new empire and to bring forth heirs in order for the bakugou name to prosper. katsuki bakugou, you must choose one from the sixteen offerings by taking their gift to you and placing it on your body as proof you belong to them, and they you,”
the crowd falls into an anticipating silence, the moment they’d been waiting for since the period of sacrifice began finally coming to fruition. it’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop, in fact, the sounds of your own uneven breathing fills the air while you hope and pray that bakugou skips over you. tradition has it that the new chief must inspect each of his offerings before coming to a final decision, so you wait with baited breath in hopes that he chooses someone, anyone but you to become his. your gaze drops to your feet while the dragon king’s footsteps ascend the line of your classmates, you can’t bear to look Jim in the eye after he knows what he does about you. you don’t even want to see your parents in the crowd.
the footsteps grow closer and your anxiety spikes, causing you to screw your eyes shut. “gimme yer dumb fuckin’ necklace.” bakugou declares with a harsh tug of your chin to make you look up at him. his sudden presence before you sends shock waves through your system and your eyes shoot open to meet his cooler, now more calculated ones. he had picked you.
“k-katsuki?” you stutter, hands shakily holding out the jewellery you’d make for him. you wonder if he recognises you from last night, the pathetic girl who wanted to escape it all, whining about her life— does he remember that she was you?
“finally recognise me, whiner?” the dragon king snatches the necklace from your hands and pulls it over his head with unusual care for his brash personality— face lighting up as he questions you. you swallow and nod your head, unable to do anything else as you remain paralysed with shock. turning to his people, bakugou takes hold of your wrist in the same way he did last night and pulls you towards them before you have a chance to think. “this one. she’s my mate.”
you could almost hear the excited screams of your parents, cheers from your people and sighs or sneers of disappointment from your fellow offering peers while they’re cleared off of the stage. you feel light headed, everything moving too quickly for you to process and you latch onto katsuki to steady yourself. he smirks as if he had planned this all.
mitsuki stands from her throne, approaching you with a smile of approval stretching across her lips. “what is your name?” she asks you and when you give it to her, the smile on her face grows. “now yn, here your life begins as mate to the chief of the dragon clan. you begin by presenting yourself to your mate.”
“p-presenting myself?” absentmindedly, you shudder— from cold or from anxiety you’re not sure. all the lessons you’ve ever learned about being an offering drop from the forefront of your mind and all you can think about is all the people that will watch you lose yourself to katsuki bakugou. you feel sick, still not over the fact that you’d met last night, the fact that he’d chosen you despite everything you had to say and most importantly— the fact that he was basking in your reaction.
the new chief uses your hold on him as leverage to push you down to the floor, not letting up even as you stumble and taking over as his mother backs away from you both to let him perform his duty in completing the ceremony. “you heard her, slut.” katsuki’s mouth remains vulgar but this time the words on his tongue are dipped in a coating of venom that sends an uncomfortable mix of desire and fright down your spine. “get on your hands ‘n fuckin’ knees, present yourself to your people, present yourself to your king— to me.”
in that moment, while trepidation twists in your gut, you feel the blood in your veins fill with a sick mix of hatred and humiliation. you hate him for ruining your life after you put your trust in him. he took advantage of your innocence in not knowing who he was, acting as a stranger who made you feel safe and wanted. you hate him for it.
“do i need to fuckin’ repeat myself? do they teach you offerin’s nothing or are you just that dumb.” bakugou says cooly , disinterested expression taking over his face, similar to when you’d first met last night. on the contrary, his rubied eyes bleed with newfound fierceness— telling you that if you mess up, he’ll snap. “ya’must have nothin’ but air between those fuckin’ ears or didn’t they teach ya to take orders? get on your fucking knees.”
this man isn’t the same as the one you’d met last night, he’s mean and feral, blinded by the roaring cheers from his people. you internally curse yourself out for the heat that starts to grow between your exposed thighs while the dragon king  degrades you. you hate it, you hate him. “n-no, k-katsuki please, you know i don’t want to do this,” you bite back a whimper, trying to get through to the softer side of him that had comforted you prior but he returns the wobble in your lower lip with a snarl, his upper lip curling harshly in a way that makes you genuinely scared.
“you think i care about what you want? this day is about me. it’s my day, my fuckin’ ceremony and you’ll do as i please. like ya’spsosed to, as my mate.” tears flood your eyes and the spark that they held in the moon the night before falls from them easily, much to katsuki’s expiation. he’s going to enjoy breaking you down tonight. “you should be honoured about servicing me, don’t you remember our little chat yesterday? you should feel honour. don’t wanna disappoint your teachers, your folks, your people… do you?”
poison dipped words sit in the forefront of your mind as you look up at your newfound mate. the people of the dragon clan weren’t just under his rule, but yours too. there would be expectations that they had for you: to bare children, to look pretty and be kind. to be mated to their chief under their watchful eye. would your parents really feel disappointed if you neglected your duties in front of everyone they knew.
you shake your head gently at your king’s confession, feeling the eyes of every person in your clan on you in that moment. vermillion eyes light up at your change of heart, you’ll want this, just as he did. “good girl, now hurry the fuck up and get on your knees.” katsuki seethes, pride swelling in his chest as you give into his demands. angry tears that you swallow down hurt at you throat while you shift from your slump on the floor into a kneeling position— anger towards yourself for wanting whatever he’s about to do to you, despite how scared you feel.
bakugou towers above you, you hadn’t noticed last night how big he really was. his honey glazed chest is barely covered by the tight leather that he wears, muscled from the years of training he’d undergone for this moment. his body looks as if it were carved from stone by the gods himself, angular and cut in the right placed— heavy scars lining his perfect skin. he’s so big that you feel dwarfed as a large palm comes up to sit on your head, the touch softer compared to the blood lustful stare he gives you, it flickers for a moment when you flinch back.
“‘m not gonna hurt ya, ya stupid little thing. at least not yet.” his words are gentle but unlike last night, you aren’t so naive to believe him this time round. bakugou’s thick fingers wrap around the tendrils of your hair, gripping them harshly and using them to force your head until a sky filled with stars comes into view. you gasp at the unexpected pain, he’s hurting you and you so shamefully like the pain, rubbing your kneeling thighs together as slick starts to travel between them. the blonde takes your open mouth as a sign of opportunity— spitting into it harshly and smirking as you splutter and choke on him. the action gets a rouse out of the crowd, members of your clan cheering katsuki on as he starts to take his claim over your body.
yanking you to look up at him as a sweltering heat boils in your lower tummy, the dragon king leans down to your level until you’re a breaths width apart and he can practically smell the need rolling off of you in waves. “here’s how this s’gonna go, little one. ‘m gonna fuck you, in front of all of these people— make a fung show of turnin’ you into my obedient lil mate. mine.”  he grips your cheeks with a free handcki, pads of his burning hot fingers sinking into the supple flesh there as he keeps and even, low voice. “you’re fuckin’ mine now, y’got that?”
through squashed cheeks you manage to agree with him— meekly. “yes, katsuki—“
your words are quickly cut off when the hands that held your cheeks release you— only to send up slapping you across the face. your head swings to the side and you blink back the burning pain in your cheek— a pain that you liked, that made you leak through the flimsy thong you were wearing. the people cheer and you whimper.
“getting real sick of you whinin’ my name like that,” bakugou muses, mouth twitching up into a sinister smirk. he takes in your dazed state, the way your pupils blow wide your mouth now hangs open with tracks of drool. “y’gonna call me your fuckin’ king, especially if you wanna get slapped around like that again, i know you liked that, nasty bitch.”
you can’t believe the vulgar words that pour from the boy’s mouth even with everyone watching his every move, you find it harder to believe that you’re enjoying this— never having been handled like this before. nothing in your training as an offering could prepare you for how mean, dirty and nasty bakugou would be when taking you for the first time.
he steps around your kneeling form with calculated eyes, mapping out in his brain how he wants to ravage your pure and virgin body first. once out of your line of vision, the dragon king disappears from your body completely— leaving you under the watchful gaze of barbarian men. you hate it that you miss his hands on you, grabbing you and twisting you in different ways.
katsuki returns with a curved blade, earning hoots from your clan as he holds it to your chest. your heart hammers against your rib cage and you look up at the blonde with wild untamed fear. “be still, unless ya want me to fuckin’ cut ya,” he warns, keeping cool until you manage to still yourself enough for him to hook the blade on your bralette and slice right through the material.
the flimsy fabric falls limp at your chest, making you shudder as your breasts are exposed to the cooler night air— making your nipples harden. “fuck baby, look yer tits… so fuckin’ pretty,” you mewl at his praise, chest arching into nothing as dangerous blood red eyes dance between them. they look so soft to him and he wants nothing more than to bury his face between them and mark them up— but there would be time for that later, his twitching hard on required more attention. “want you to suck me off, take out my cock n suck it dry. use your tits, dirty girl.”
your body flushes with white hot desire at katsuki’s command and without thinking, you launch forward to work through his pants eagerly, forgetting the group of people watching you just as eagerly. after fighting with his belt for long enough, bakugou finally manages to shrug down his pants— cock springing free as he’d forgone underwear. you’d never seen a cock up close before, fascinated by the clear droplets of precum that ooze from the slit at his angry red tip. your king is impressive in size too, curved ever so slightly and so big you fear that wherever he chooses to put it, bakugou’s length might not fit.
you know that he’d make it fit, however.
“what’s takin’ you so long?” bakugou grunts impatiently from above you, face contort with want as you eye his impressive girth. the cold air is getting to him, making his dick twitch at the change in temperature.
you hesitate and bite your lip, feeling your cheeks flame as the crowd of men grow angsty. “katsuk— i mean, my king… i’ve never…never...”
“spit it the fuck out.” he snaps.
“i’ve never sucked a cock before!” you squeal, ashamed that you had to admit the fact in front of everyone that you know. as an offering you had never had a sexual encounter in your life, unless you counted touching yourself at night while you thought everyone else was asleep.
something shifts in the air as realisation dawns on katsuki. for a split second he had forgotten the traditions of your clan, that offerings were made to remain pure and innocent until their mate could take them at the ceremony. he grins at the thought, he would be the first to break you— wreck your mouth and your cunt and ruin everything else for you. “shit, huh? guess i’ll have to teach you that too, stupid lil girl can’t do anytnin’ for herself can ya, how pathetic.” bakugou hums, feeling himself pant from excitement about sinking into your hot mouth. he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls you onto him, shoving his leaky cock past your soft, virgin lips.
you make a small squeak of protest at his sharp thrust into your mouth, but settle down feeling the weight of bakugou’s girth on your tongue. he’s heavy, tasting of sweetness and smelling like caramel— mostly from the layer of sweat that glazes his skin. experimentally, you run your tongue over the prominent vein on the underside of his cock and peer up at him through your lashes.
fucking hell, you look so darling and innocent from up above, dried tears on your cheeks as your jaw stretches to accommodate for katsuki’s size. your mouth is hot as he sinks further into it and he can feel your tongue fidgeting beneath him as he pushes in. “fuck baby...you’re so hot on me, how’s it feel? takin’ a fat cock in your mouth for the first time, hah?” bakugou’s words come out slurred and breathy, swaying on his feet as he pushes your head towards his balls and bucks up into your mouth. “look atchu baby, fuckin’ look at her.”
the blonde sneers commandingly to the crowd with another jolt of his hips, sticky tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat with ease. you gag, fresh sets of tears springing to your doe eyes and searing a pathway down your chubby baby fat cheeks as they burn with shame once again. your cunt is wet, throbbing with wanton as your mate directs everyone to look at you choking on the sheer size of him— for some reason, mayhaps a primal desire, you feel the need to impress and begin to slowly bob your up and down the length of katsuki’s dick.
a triumphant, toothy grin spreads across the dragon king’s lips— bearing is sharp fangs for all the world to see. you’ve finally come around, ready to get the show on the road and he pulls your head back by the hair only just to add a globule of his own spit to the sloppy mess you’ve made on his cock. “ohh fuck, shit. y’sure this is the first time you’ve sucked a cock, little one? ‘cause your mouth is takin’ me in like a well trained slut,” bakugou coos, although there’s a mocking lilt to his tone but you barely hear him over the sound of you slurping up his precum and sloppily licking over what fits in your mouth.
he shudders, feeling you swallow around the tip at hit reaches the base of your throat— eyes growing hazy. “gonna need those precious tits of yours baby, s’pecially since your pathetic mouth can’t take all of me,” katsuki pants out. he doesn’t need your breasts on him but he can’t help but want to stain them with all the dripping mess from his cock. painting your body with his potent seed so everyone knows that you’re his.
seeing you like this makes his chest burn with lust, thoughts of all the ways he could take you and claim you plaguing his mind. he fucking lucked out, he thinks, being the only one who’s ever going to get you on your knees like this.
as you hesitantly push your breasts together around the base of his cock, visions of you waiting for him, sprawled out across various furs under the light of burning flames flash behind katsuki’s eyes. you’re going to belong to him, mind body and soul but everyone has to know it first.
your tits are soft and fleshy around the base of katsuki’s dick and his eyes flutter shut at the push and pull of them over his length, at least what doesn’t fit into your mouth. you remain obedient for him, giving it your all to see the dragon king’s face contort with pleasure above you, memorising how he twitches when your tongue presses down on certain spots along his shaft. fuck you’re so good at this, so pretty like this with his essence smeared against your skin and your glassy eyes focused on him and only him.
“god the way you’re fuckin’ lookin’ at me, takin’ my cock...such a good little bitch, hah?” you moan around him, praise shooting straight to your puffy, untouched heat. the sound travels up katsuki’s length, pulling a broken growl from him. “oh yer s’naughty, practically begging fer me to fill your mouth up with my cum, hah? isn’t that whatcha want?” his breathing is shallow, hips stuttering as he thrusts through the valley of your breasts, straight into the heat of your sinful mouth. bakugou could cum like this, paint your mouth from the sight of drool spilling down your cheeks and chin, dripping between your bouncing tits, over your hard nipples and mixing with the clear stickiness of his precum. “too bad ya cockhungry little whore, ‘m not cummin’ till i get to that tight little cunt of yers—hey!”
you forget for a moment, the people surrounding you and watching you slobber over their leader’s cock and stumble forward, selfishly closing your lips around katsuki— desperate to taste his release on your tongue. he grits his teeth, drunk on the early signs of his high as spit gathers in mouth before you spew it all over his heavy girth, some of it landing on his thick thighs and against your messier chest. “oh-hoho, you greedy fuckin’ girl,” he punctuates each of his words with a thrust through your glossy lips and a pat to your cheeks. “yer such a slut, s’hungry for your first taste of my cock hah? in front of all these people?”
red eyes swimming with lust dart to the crowd, growing more and more rowdy the more you give in to your duty as mate. you follow katsuki’s eyes, whimpering around him at the men and women who basically drool over you getting railed. “oh fuck— you fuckin’ bitch, m’gonna cum, gonna fuckin’ cum—“  he grabs hold of your face with a free hand, pushing you further down his girth until your nose his buried in his public hairs. you gag and choke and splutter as he thrusts deeper and deeper into your tight throat. a gruff moan tears in bakugou’s throat, the pace of his hips losing momentum as he nears his high.
you lose your balance, letting go of your chest to catch yourself as you fall onto hands and knees but don’t dare let up on working bakugou with your mouth. you shiver, thin material of your underwear caught between your sticky pussy lips as you’re exposed to cool air once again. the tips of your ears burn as people start to notice your glistening heat, capturing bakugou’s attention even as he’s close to cumming.
“god, she’s soaked.”
“if he doesn’t fuck her cunt soon, then i will.”
it makes him livid to hear such unworthy low life’s talk about his property like that, at his ceremony for his twenty-first birthday. how dare they? who the fuck do they think they are? katsuki glances back down at you again, watching as you struggle to breathe from his cock down your throat and all it takes is the look of need in your eyes for the cord in his lower belly to snap. “shit baby, fuck—“ he shouts, creaming your sweet mouth for all to see. “suck that cock, suck it dry, fuck—! show ‘em who you belong to.”
you swallow every last drop of cum as katsuki hits cloud nine, white colours of rage and euphoria flashing behind his commanding eyes. you milk him for all his worth, tasting his sweet essence across your tongue and for a second you forget every doubt you had about becoming an offering as the image of your king painting your mouth with his seed becomes ingrained in your mind.
the moment doesn’t last long, for you’re ripped off of his dick by the hair— milky white staining your chin and tits and bakugou is manhandling you back down to the crowd, letting them see how filthy you are. bakugou strips the rest of his shirt and shoves his pants lower behind you, throwing his shirt across the stage and earning a few hoots from members of your clan below— you’re breathless and a hot mess, sprawled out on the cold concrete. you’re thankful for the break, trying to sit up and recover from his toughness before a hard leather boot lands on your shoulder, keeping your back arched and you pinned to the floor.
“y’see this needy little bitch?” katsuki puffs his chest, staring at his people—the cat callers more specifically— in an accusing manner. they nod with fear rolling off of their bodies in waves as he grips your hair, yanking your head up. “she’s fuckin’ mine, and if you dare say a fuckin’ word about my cunt again? i’ll kill you and feed you to the fuckin’ dragons. get that through your thick, shitty skulls.”
his possessive warning sends your pussy into a series of flutters, juices of arousal dripping from your hole and staining the ground beneath you. it’s rough against your skin, probably marking you up and grazing your softness— but the pain feels good and you whine out for your mate, desperate for something; anything from him to ease your needy pain. “f-fuck— suki, p-please i—“ you resort to begging, no longer caring about the many pairs of eyes on you— nor about your values either. “please, please please—!”
a hand flies across your face, stinging your chubby cheeks and making a fresh set of hot tears burn at your bambi eyes. “thought i fuckin’ told ya to call me yer fuckin’ king, slut. or do i have ta teach ya that too?” as soon as the stinging is gone, he’s rubbing at the sore area before he’s pushing your face back down to the ground. “gonna have ta show all these people who you belong to sweet girl, gotta fuck you until cum for me ‘n all of these worthless, pathetic fucks know that your cunt is mine and mine a fuckin’ lone.”
your audience remains intrigued and you drip down the backs of your thighs, craving to be touched and roughed up more. your brain crackles with electricity and anticipation sits heavy in the air as katsuki kneels beside your head and his fingers dance down your spine until they meet your juicy, fleshy ass.
a heavy hand comes down against your ass cheeks, making you squeal and your breath hitch. “y’ want my fingers in that tight hole of yours, my pretty little slut? gonna stretch you out for a fat cock. you’re gonna be so tight around me, can already tell,” bakugou pinches at the base of your spine then tears through your panties, watching with amusement as your hips jump up before he spreads your cheeks and leans back to spit directly into your hole. you clench right after. “so greedy, ‘course you fuckin’ do. tell me you want it.”
“i want it, wan...want your fingers…” you pant, drool sloshing around in your mouth.
the blonde shakes his head, spitting again and landing another spank. “beg for it you greedy bitch.”
“oh god—please! need your fingers inside me, my king, can’t—please, oh please—!” the words pass from your lips in incoherent babbles but your mate seems pleased, sliding his fingers lower and lower down to your slit.
“louder, tell your people what you want from your fuckin king.”
twitching under his boot, your hips rut you into the air with heavy impatience— causing the blonde holding you down to smirk in amusement. “please use your fingers on my dirty cunt, m-my king, can’t hold it anymore— ‘m desperate please!” you practically scream, the tail end of your words catching in your throat as katsuki pushes two of his thick fingers past your entrance, immediately scissoring them once they breach your gummy walls.
your cunt is so fucking hot, so fucking sticky, the juices that pour from it viscous like sweet honeys. you cry out, lips pushing into a messy, wet pout while you clamp down on the digits pressing against your inner walls. “christ sweetheart, yer cunny’s drippin’ all over me— ya really get this wet from suckin’ your first cock?” katsuki moans breathily in your ear, grinning as your eyes cross and you become dazed.
“yes,” you hiccup, drunk on the way your virgin hole stretches over the two fingers inside them. you gush all over them when they curl in search of your g spot— your hips pushing back against bakugou’s palm which grinds against your puffy clit deliciously. “feels s’good, so good, ‘m so wet m-my king— oh! fuck—more, please more!“
you’d never felt pleasure like this in your entire life, not even your hand against your sex in the dead of the night had felt as good as this. wet, squishy sounds fill the air, coming straight from your hole with the push and pull of his fingers. “shut the fuck up.” bakugou grunts, watching strings of your arousal stick to his fingers while he pulls them out of your hole to show the crowd. “who the fuck is she s’wet for?” he asks them, grinning as the men up front cower in fear. they stop their hands in their pants as you quiver— knowing that if they don’t answer you won’t get the release you’re craving for.
“y-you, chief bakugou.”
he brings his fingers to his lips, smearing your slick against them to get a taste of what he’ll have access to for the rest of his life. katsuki is nasty, dirty, so fucking filthy—lifting his boot from your back to tug you up by your hair again as he pulls you up to his face, leaning in just like last night. his lips brush against yours, hot breath fanning against them as he speaks. “isn’t that right baby, you ‘n your stupid cunt are soaked for me, yeah?  s’all for fuckin’ me…” bakugou tilts his head, focused on the twitches of your face. “bet you want me to eat that cunny of yers too...”
“s’all for you suki, please eat me...” you mumble, chest heaving at your proximity. bakugou licks over his bottom lip before feverishly pressing them against yours— forcing you to taste yourself on him. you sigh, eagerly sucking on his bottom lip and biting down on it hard when his fingers end up circling your puckering hole once again.
“fuck no, you’d be a nasty, greedy little bitch if you think ‘m eatin’ you out here,” the blonde growls, only just pulling away from your spit covered lips. “ya’get what yer fuckin’ given, got that?”
you whimper in agreement before being yanked back onto katsuki’s mouth.  your teeth and tongue clash in a dirty, filthy kiss— spit swapped between your mouths with the taste of one another’s arousals on your tongues. the pad of his thumb press roughly into your swollen clit, your shrill and cute whines becoming more and more addictive as they twist with the sounds of your silken heat.
“you’re so fuckin’ naughty, takin’ my fingers like this in front of all these people. tryna be my good mate but yer jus a stupid, needy bitch who wants to cum for me.” bakugou manages between kisses, sliding his tongue lazily against yours and using it to push his spit into your mouth at the same time as his scarred digits press down hard on your pleasure spot. your gummy walls clamp down on him, forcing more of your nectar down your thighs. “christ, you like being talked to like that, like yer my worthless whore. hah?”
you nod, it’s all you can do as you feel your high approaching you rapidly. honeyed whines breach the night air, sounding out loudly against the cheers and hoots from katsuki’s people—your people. “w-wanna cum for my king,” you babble, back arching and hole growing tighter and tighter around the fingers pleasuring you. “‘m so close, ‘m yours, worthless ‘n yours—!”
bakugou begins to cackle into your kiss, the flavour of your juices fading before he forces your face back under his boot and starts pumping his fingers into you at a brutal pace. “then cum for me, little one.” he orders and your body naturally responds, the coil in your stomach finally snapping as thousands of colours and shades without names dance behind your eyes. your body shakes violently as your orgasm washes over you— sucking the air out of your lungs as your pussy selfishly keeps katsuki’s fingers locked in against your walls. “atta fuckin’ girl,”
you release a shrill scream and you cum so hard that you practically black out, not registering the way katsuki sets himself on the ground in front of  you and manipulates your body into position— still twitching as he gathers you in his arms.
you come down from your high only to have katsuki positioning himself at your entrance, his pants hang low on hips but he doesn’t dare remove them. you didn’t even notice the stark difference in your modesties until it was too late, for now his cock slides up your wet, over stimulated pussy— prodding at your puckered entrance while he holds you against his sweaty chest. you’re spent, sleepy from the orgasm he pulled from you and latch onto his pec to pacify yourself, sucking on the skin gently while he rubs his tip over your clit, slapping it a few times.
“c-can’t,” you croak out, thoughts mushy and blurred in your brain— barely thinking as you wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself. your thighs meet his clothed ones while he kneels with you in his lap, the rough material against your bare skin adding to your sensitivity. “s’too much, katsuki i can’t—“
his hands fall against your ass, gripping the peachy flesh as he uses it to press your bodies flush together. bakugou’s dick breeches your walls, sloppy and bathing him in your sweet nectar. it drips down his balls, mixing with his own arousal that oozes from his hardened cock again. “you can’t, you can’t. does it look like—“ the blonde’s mocking breathing stutters while he gets accustomed to your iron hot walls that stretch over him. “does it look like i give—shit yer tight— like i give a fuck?”
you know the answer, letting a whine bubbling up on your pouted lips and shake your head— falling into a cock haze. your earlier release makes it easier for him to push his way into your hot cunt, hissing through his teeth as he bottoms out. sleepily, you gaze down to where your bodies join, squeezing down hard at the sight of his fat cock at the base of your tummy. you’re bulging from the size of him and he hasn’t even started moving yet.
katsuki himself can’t even think straight, buried deep in your velveteen walls that grip him so nicely— being inside a pussy had never felt so heavenly as it did right now, making him moan lowly into your ear as he pulls back his hips to give an experimental thrust. your syrupy cunt accepts him warmly and you buck back against him— causing choked whimpers to tumble from both of you. “yer suffocatin’ me baby, fuck— i outta fuck ya loose… mould your cute cunny into the shape of my cock,” bakugou slurs, eyes fluttering shut while he pushes deeper into you.
“s-so deep,” you mumble to him, tiredly dragging your lips across his collar bones— mapping out every dip and scar in his skin. you’ll need to get used to them, find what makes him tick if you’re going to be able to please him like this again. “more, more, need more of you,” you chant to bakugou, sinking your teeth into his neck to hold in your pathetic cries. he sets a pace, starting slow at first as if to let you adjust.
but you beg him so sweetly, moving your own hips to take more of the blonde into you— he couldn’t deny you of having your cunt destroyed in front of everyone, not when you were so reserved before, and now you were opening up for him like a blossoming flower. your sticky thighs wrap around his slender waist, bruised from moving against the sharp leather of his pants. god you fucking deserve this, to have your body claimed and worshipped in front of your clan— you need to be claimed and shown that you’re wanted. and katsuki bakugou was going to give you that.
“more, y’want more? then fuckin’ look at them— look at your people while i fuck you.” he draws his head back to look at you, ruby lined eyes authorative as the shallow thrusts bakugou gives you start to pick up, harsh and wet as your skin starts to slap against one another and the clan start to grow angsty as you both approach the last hurdle. katsuki has ruined you, for better or for worse you don’t know, but you lift your head from his now bruised neck and shoot your stare out to the crowd, bouncing on his lap as your hardened nipples brush against one another.
the air between your sweaty bodies is thin but layered thickly with arousal— viscous juices of your sexes dirtying everything that he still wears. bakugou watches your face twist with new euphoria with every roll of bakugou’s hips upwards into yours, his girth pushes against your g-spot and in that moment, a saccharine cry paints your cherry lips. the very sight of you deep in pleasure because of him sends waves of dopamine over his brain— he gets to make you feel this way for the rest of his life.
because you’re his, his mate.
his mate who one day he’s going to fill with pups to carry on his legacy. breeding you makes his red eyes cross, the clan before him becoming blurry as he fucks into your addictively gluttonous hole. the tip of his dick creates friction against the ridges of your insides and he can’t help but spread is thighs to spread you wider— ploughing further into the deepest parts of you, that now belong to him. “you’re fuckin’ mine,” he growls more so to himself than you, “my bitch, mine. gonna breed you ‘n stuff ya full— god you’d like that, fer me to cream in your cunny ‘n show the world that you’re mine,”
“want you to cum in me,” you affirm, tipping your head back in a sweet simper. “c-cum in me my king, want it more than anythin…” you give into him as bakugou’s hands travel from your ass to your thighs, scratching and pinching at any part of your flesh that he could reach. you’re sure that the pads of his finger tips have burned bruises into your waist when he begins to lift you up and down on his dick— stirring up your insides with your chests pressed hotly against one another.
weakly, you lift and drop your hips against him— forgetting about the world around you both. your parents, the ceremony, the people— it’s just you and bakugou as he fucks up into you harder, faster, needier. thoughts of him spilling his cum into you and breeding you as his fill his mind and one of his large hands drop to your waist to take control of your pace above him. “stop movin’, let me fuck you deeper,” he snarls, the strokes of his cock inside you increasing in pace. “stay fuckin’ still.”
you make a gurgling noise of protest, back arching as katsuki swirls his hips in circular motions— bearing down harshly on your g-spot. “please, ‘m gettin’ close,” you slur sleepily, looking at him with hooded eyes. your hands push through his blonde locks, tug on his jewellery until it snaps and the beads shatter across the stage— you grab at him anywhere and everywhere to get him to come closer, to make you cum. you forget about the shell neckpiece you’d made for him
heat flashes through your body as katsuki’s freehand comes crashing down on your throat— dwarfing you in his arms as the world falls away. the lack of oxygen numbs your body and your brain, not a thought between your eyes except for the cock that wetly pounds at your hole, abusing it over and over again. “yer gonna cum while i choke you, take my fuckin’ cum while you’re dumb and breathless over me—“ katsuki makes the choice for you, his own words punctuated by his desperate and needy tone. you feel him throb in your power belly, pulsing with your heat that warns you of his own impending orgasm. you gush at the feeling, bringing a devilish smile to bakugou’s sweat licked face. “you get s’wet when choke you, when i slap you about, god— fuck….” he whines, dizzy from your tightness.
the sound of your king whimpering is what drives you off the cliff and straight into release— the deep husky sound filling your ears and revitalising your numb senses. “k-katsuki-!” you scream, mouth hanging open in a loud, moan while you ascend to cloud nine— your eyes roll far into the back of your head, spraying bakugou’s pelvis with your essence. the hand on your hip drops to your tired, worn out pussy— flicking your clit in rough, speedy circles to draw out your orgasm. you don’t stop cumming, more and more of your release slipping out from between your folds until you’re a shaky, faint mess.
bakugou doesn’t let up with us thrusts, although their pace becomes sloppy and languid while his balls slap heavily against your ass. “shit, make me cum, greedy bitch— fuck my cock, fuck my cock— fuuuck,” he chants, orgasm taking over him as he pumps you full of his sticky, potent seed. katsuki fills your pussy up to the brim, lining your walls with thick white to the point of it spewing down your glazed, doughy thighs. you slump in his arms, trying to stay awake as katsuki pushes his cum deeper and deeper into your cunt, making you twitch from the overstimulation.
“fuck, you’re so good…” bakugou praises, his soft voice filling your ears despite the earnest claps from his family and subjects alike. you collapse into his chest, practically passing out in a post orgasm haze— the last thing you remember is the blonde growling at anyone who dared tried to separate him from you...his mate.
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the next time you wake, you’re no longer on the stage with hundreds of people watching you being fucked and degraded by their king. instead, you rise from masses of animal furs with fresh garments adorning your body and a warm fire crackling to your left. the insides of your thighs burn and you peer between them only to see that you’re clean and the skin there appears slightly tender and swollen, bruised from katsuki’s fingertips.
“you’re awake.”
the words are more of a statement than a question, gruff and stern as they slip past your mate’s lips. you barely manage to rub the sleep from your eyes before bakugou is shoving a bowl full of something that smells so good into your face accompanied by a curious face and eyes laced with concern.
you take the food, staring at the warm orange-red liquid as it sloshes in the bowl before wolfing it down— you’re hungrier than you anticipated. “where am i?”
“didn't anyone ever teach you not to eat with yer fuckin’ mouthful?” katsuki scolds, dropping his worried glance as his face morphs into mild disappointment. you nod, an embarrassed heat sparking at the tips of your ears and slow your roll. “you’re in my room,” you choke on the spoonful of soup you have in your mouth and bakugou smirks. he’s annoying. “you passed the fuck out after you came and they wanted to take you away to clean you up. so i refused, did it my fuckin’ self.”
“oh,” you say flatly, unsure of why he would do that for you. just a mere offering, made to please and to serve. “why?”
bakugou stands opposite from you, his large, trained boy shifting with irritation but you can tell for some reason he’s trying to keep cool. “because.” he mumbles petulantly, looking everywhere in his room but you.
“because, why?” you press again, slowly slurping the soup he’d given you.
growing tired of your antics, bakugou lunges for the bowl of soup in your hands causing you to whine out a ‘hey!’ in protest— his strong, scarred arms flex when he cages you in next and you can practically hear his chest rumble as he snarls out. “because i’m your mate, because you’re mine.” he breaths hotly, gaze zeroing in on you. “didn’t i already tell ya to stop askin’ me so many damn questions?”
that was not the answer you were expecting. in fact, quite the opposite and you look down with a huff to avoid the blonde before you. “but isn’t that, what i’m supposed to do for you?” all your life you’d been taught that it was your job to take care of the chief, the dragon king or queen. you were taught to fill their every desire, sexual or mundane but never had you known that they could try to return the gesture.
katsuki is trying, lifting his head to look up at you. you can’t read his face, too many emotions flying across it at once but he’s still as close as he was that night, his lips a breaths width from your own. the fire crackling in his room illuminates his face with amber hues, some swirling with the brilliant red in his eyes. he’s trying.
“y’really must be a little stupid huh?” bakugou smiles lazily, still having you locked between your arms— close enough to see your face twist with mild annoyance. “you’ve seen my parents right? my dad was an offerin’ too, mom chose him and there isn’t anythin’ in this fuckin’ world she wouldn’t do for him.” he pauses to read your expression again before continuing. “now, i don’t know whatcha been taught at that dumbass camp...but there ain’t anythin’ to say that we dragon chiefs, leaders or whatever the hell you wanna call us can’t care for our mates.”
your breath hitches at bakugou’s next words. “that we can’t learn to love ‘em too.” his cheeks flame at the admission, cherry red flying up to the tips of his while a flutter bursts through your heart.
he wants to care for you, wants to love you.
“then why me?” you ask your final question, knowing that he’d grow irritated with you and shift on the bed— inviting katsuki to sit with you. for a moment he’s bewildered but quickly joins you, sitting impossibly close to you so much so that you feel the heat of his skin against yours and instinctively curl into him.
bakugou’s arms come down against you hesitantly, pulling you further into his chest as his brain dizzies with affection. neither of you are used to this, being so close to one another— even if you did fuck on stage in front of all of your subjects. this was a new level of intimacy.
“i chose you ‘cause  you were different,” the dragon king starts by explaining. “the night we met weren’t the first time i’d been to the camp. i’d snuck in before to meet the other offerin’s, dressin’ up as one of yous just to see what you were like,”
you curl further into the burning heat of his chest, listening to him talk. bakugou is dressed more casually now— skin covered by a cotton shirt similar to yours but he still wears the shell necklace you gave him, you can tell it was reassembled, barely surviving your wreckage but it still makes butterflies fill your tummy.
“they all thought the same ‘bout my ceremony, my birthday. they all just wanted to serve me...but you…” bakugou looks down to you, admiration splayed out on his features as he does. “you had an opinion, you were scared like i was. you kept me on my toes and— i knew if i wanted to spend the rest of my life mated to an offerin’ it was goin’ta be you.” there they were, those butterflies again. “if i wanted someone stupid, i woulda just fucked them— which i did with you. but i also wanted to show ya that you were wanted, i wanted you.”
your stomach is in flips as you mull over his words, you weren’t just some stupid girl to him. something to fuck because it was his day and his ceremony, you were wanted by him and that was that. “t-thank you katsuki, i-i don’t even know what to say.” you admit shyly. “i’ll be a good mate for you and…i’m sure i’ll learn to love you too.
he grins, genuinely before pulling you to straddle his lap and letting his hands rest over your thighs— drawing sweet shapes into them. “finally gotcha to shut up, huh?” bakugou hums pridefully, eyes honing in on your parted lips. “don’t thank me, say nothin’. just know i meant what i said at the ceremony. yer mine. no one’s takin’ya from me.”
you nod slowly, giving in to the way he stares at your lips and press a slow, passionate kiss against his. katsuki cups the back of your head with one hand and clutches your hips from underneath your loose shirt while you grab a fistful of his, keeping him impossibly close until you both come up for air.
“you’re mine too, katsuki, my king, my mate, mine.” you say breathlessly, happily— a smile spreading across your cherry lips.
“damn right i am,” he says cockily, making you roll your eyes. bakugou lifts you from his mass of warm furs, taking you into his arms before laying down with you on top— holding you to him possessively. you don’t know how long you stay awake with him like that, talking about everything and nothing at all. but you want this, for the rest of your life. you want him.
so as sleep begins to take over your bodies again, katsuki’s comforting caramel scent filling your senses while you cuddle into your mate— you manage to speak as the minutes of his birthday fade away into the next dawn. “happy birthday, katsuki,” you say warmly.
you feel him squeeze you tighter as the world falls away and nothing else remains. it’s  just katsuki bakugou and his mate and the budding love between them.
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@shiggysvixen  @gh0ulte4rs
9K notes · View notes
strwbrryblues · 2 years
A Budding Romance
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Pairing: Lee Minho | Lee Know x Fem!Reader (AFAB)
Genre: Fluff, Slight angst, Fantasy AU, Medieval AU, Childhood friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining
Additional Tags: Florist!Minho, SoonDoongDori can talk (kinda), SKZ 00z and Jeongin aged down, Minju Jungwoo Minho pretty besties, It’s honestly more like idiots to lovers tbh, Cameos from other group's members
Warnings: Talk of insecurities, SeungJin puppy love (yes gonna put that as warning in case some of you are not comfortable), This was not proofread properly, so if there are any kinds of typos, please ignore it (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Word Count: 12.8k
Synopsis: In which it’s not only flowers that bloom in spring, but feelings as well. However, you’ve only just realized that they’ve always been there
A/N: This kind of got out of hand hhhhhh I was planning to keep it short and simple but I wanted to add a lot of elements and description, so I got carried away 😭  Also, I still am visibly confused if Soonie Doongie and Dori are all male or female because I believe that Koreans don’t usually use fem or male pronouns sooo.... yeah you’ll see me almost have a crisis with that 💀
By the way, go check out the other fics from @bruh-changbin ‘s spring fling collab once they’re posted! 🥺💗
© May 2022, strwbrryblues. All rights reserved.
[Spring Fling Masterlist]
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Spring has arrived. The remnant cold that the winter season had left lingered on the streets for weeks, and it was just the right amount of coolness to battle the sun’s heat.
Minho, upon the early kiss of the sun’s rays, had already set up his little flower shop at the corner of Levanter Street. The place was perfect to catch the eyes of any passerby, as the place was decorated with the newly blooms of spring. And it was around this time that customers alike would pick out from his bunch.
Mothers who usually finished up their spring cleaning would buy a couple or three bouquets they would set on their vintage vases. Men and women pick single stems of flowers as a gift for their newly love, or bouquets to celebrate one’s anniversary. Even witches pass by, their brooms speeding to a stop to look for Minho’s rare plants they can use for their crafts.
To say spring was the busiest season for his little flower shop would truly be an understatement. And so, he had to look for someone to be his apprentice.
After consulting with his friend, Jungwoo—the coffee shop owner just beside his shop—they both decided to put up posters, calling out for new hires. The poster being nicely made by you—Minho’s long time childhood friend.
You three gathered around the side of Minho’s flower shop. His cats trailed along, all three sitting down to watch in curiosity the huddle that formed.
“You know, I clearly don’t see the point of you looking for hire when I’m literally right here.” You frowned, hands both resting on your hips as you still formulated the reason for Minho looking for help, when you can do it yourself; considering your job is a night shift at most, you don’t really have anything else to do during daytime.
Jungwoo, who stood at the opposite side of Minho, crossed his arms as well. “Yeah, you can have Y/n at your beck and call, no need for the awkwardness stage if you ever find a recruit.”
You gave an unimpressed look at the taller boy, “really? I’m at his ‘beck and call’?” His choice of words made you look at him pointedly, while he just shrugged and gave you his signature princely smile.
Minho, who was in the middle of you two, was building up a headache from the constant noise. He averted his gaze from the poster he’d just put up, now pinching the bridge of his nose as he clenched his eyes shut.
And while you and Jungwoo bickered, a fourth person entered the scene, specifically another friend in your little group.
“Minho’s looking for help?” Minju asked, dressed in her maid outfit, minus the apron, as she was about to head to the daycare for work. “I thought Y/n was actually getting paid for always helping? I actually think he doesn’t need any more helping hand.”
At this, both you and the taller boy you’ve been bickering with, turned to the new addition to the huddle, agreeing in chorus.
“See! I told you, Lee Minho!” You laughed almost maniacally while pointing at him. The victorious grin not leaving your face as you went back inside the flower shop, Soonie, Doongie, and Dori following you inside as you called them for their breakfast. “I’m always right!” You hollered, the noise being muffled by the glass windows.
The three who were left outside looked puzzled at the bellow of laughter you let out. But then brushed it off, as it was very normal for them at this point.
“Well, you men figure out what you want.” Minju said, gathering her skirt and clutching tightly on the stack of book that was strapped together by leather, resting on her back. “I’m off to work. Mrs. Yang sent an owl earlier, saying that Jeongin manifested his powers and that we need to keep an eye on him in case he blows anything up.”
Jungwoo looked baffled, as he uttered in disbelief, “blow things up? What?”
Minju shrugs, “beats me. Seungmin blew up Jisung’s toy top last time.” The girl had her fair share of the disastrous kids at the daycare. Just last month, the little alchemist - Seungmin, had blown up Jisung’s top, and the management still had to figure out how it happened. In short, Minju wasn’t even surprised anymore.
The two boys watched their friend leave for work after bidding her goodbye. The taller boy then turned to Minho, “you know, I get that you need the extra help an all, but Y/n really is suited for you.” Jungwoo said. “Not just work wise.” He added, winking at the boy meaningfully as he watched the tip of his friend’s ear, burn bright red at his comment.
Minho groaned, as if he wasn’t thrown off guard just earlier. Of course, he can’t hide his emotions well, especially when his ears always give it away. “You know, it’s better if you just shut up and go back inside your shop and start making coffee. I’ll have my usual order.”
Jungwoo just chuckled, knowing full well that the order he was talking about was specifically for you. His friend has always been like that, ordering coffee—or breakfast at that—for the two of you, and insists he just does it out of convenience, and not because he’d taken a romantic liking to you.
Flashing a grin at the slightly shorter boy, Jungwoo went back to his café to set things up. As for Minho, he went back inside to his shop, to see you sitting on the floor with the cats. Seeing you get along with his cats always tugged at his heartstrings and made his stomach flip in happiness.
“Get your ass off the floor. You’re getting my floor dirty.” He contrasted the feelings he felt inside to what he just said. In truth, he wanted you to stay there longer, and maybe he’ll sit with you and play with the cats as well.
You stood up however, much to his dismay. “You’re such a meanie. If you keep being like that, no one’s going to work for you.” You placed your hands on your hips, and frowned at him.
Oh, how Minho wanted to kiss that frown away from you, but he had to keep it all in.
“What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you still be asleep?” He changed the topic, going around the counter to take his spell book, preparing to cast his daily spell on the shop; a spell that sets the mood of the shop, so customers enjoy their short time inside the shop, and feel at peace.
“I would still be asleep, if only Jungwoo had not barged in my house at the wee hours of the morning; asking me to finish and duplicate that poster.” You grumbled.  
At the news, Minho stopped his spell midway, frowning at the news. He concluded that he’d have to reprimand his friend for cutting short your precious sleep. “Then go back home and sleep, doofus.”
You shook your head, “no thanks. I’d rather be here, it’s relaxing.” You sat down again, the cats crowding you once more for attention and affection. “You go and try making and serving drinks all night to drunkards, and see if you don’t find this place calming.”
The thing was, you worked the late shift for a local pub, run by someone you were close to. Even if you hated the scene and alcohol in general, you enjoyed the music that was played by a very locally known bard. Staying until late at dawn, but you still bother to get up early to help out with Minho in his flower shop.
“If you insist,” Minho shrugs, having done with his daily spell. Oh, but his inner self wanted to just drag you to his room upstairs—where he’d made the second floor of the shop his homely space to save money—and tuck you in his bed to sleep, so he knew you were well rested. “Pick up my order from Jungwoo.” Minho left the topic as quickly as possible, to avoid him from blurting out a confession.
You quickly stood up, saluting him, before dusting away on your skirt and running out of the shop.
Minho watched your figure leave the shop completely, and to the shop next door. Once he was sure no one was around, he knocked his head on the counter top, letting out a strangled groan. His ears flushed so hard; he was sure it was hot to the touch.
“Oh, my heavens,” he sighed, cheeks resting on the cold surface of the wooden counter. “I can’t believe I’ve fallen for my best friend.” Minho whined to himself.
He didn’t know when he fell for you, other than the fact that he suddenly finds everything you do to be endearing and heart fluttering.
Soonie, his eldest cat, meowed at him. An amulet he was wearing, that was cast with a spell. allowed him to understand the language of cats, and was able to decipher the meow to be a, “just suck it up and confess to her then.”
Minho glared at his eldest. “I can’t just do that. I’d be ruining what we have now.”
Doongie, his second eldest cat, leaped on the counter and started meowing loudly. “You dumbass! How are you so sure that she doesn’t even feel the same way?”
The eldest cat meowed as well, backing up Doongie’s complaint, “yeah. She’s literally the only person who’s willing to spend all her free time on you despite you always saying you don’t like her company.”
His youngest, Dori, amidst the noise of the two eldest, only rubbed its face gently on Minho’s legs, purring loudly as he let out a silent mew, “I like her. I want her to be our mommy, because she takes care of us really well.”
Minho almost died at how cute Dori was. He was about to reply when you barged in, two hot mugs in hand, while a tray of both your breakfast was balancing on your head.
Minho was quick to stand from his seat, taking the tray off your head as he clicked his tongue. “Stop doing things like this or else you’d end up breaking things.” Or you could get hurt. And he would absolutely be disheartened about that.
You apologized sheepishly, pulling a stall towards the counter and hopping on to it. You placed down the mug, waiting for Minho to place down the tray as well.
Once Minho approached the inner side of the counter, he pulled his stall as well, placing the tray and then sitting down. He took your plate of food and placed it in front of you as he placed his in front of him.
You hummed in satisfaction as the scent of eggs and freshly baked bread filled your nose. Quickly, you dig in, another hum resonating from you as you seemed pleased with the way the food was thoroughly prepared. Sipping on the mug carefully, the hot cocoa drink flowed down your throat, sending you comfort and warmth against the nipping coolness of the spring breeze.
“Isn’t today just lovely?” You let out a sigh of content, before continuing to eat.
Minho could almost see flowers blooming around you like spring time. It fluttered his heart, making him want to just pinch your cheeks and coo at you. But the crumbs of bread that littered at the corners of your mouth was enough to distract and bother him. His hand up and moving unconsciously to wipe them off.
“You’re such a messy eater.” He said, now his other hand grabbing the sides of your jaws to halt your movement. The gesture catching you off guard; the beats of your heart suddenly skyrocketing.
After brushing away the crumbs, Minho went back to eating his breakfast as if not an intimate moment had just occurred. His ears begged to differ, however. But you wouldn’t notice that, considering you’re stuck in a conundrum of your own.
Doongie meowed, and Minho thanked the heavens you don’t understand the cats, because the mischievous second eldest just said something really suggestive, that both flushed Minho’s ears to be redder than it was, all the while having the urge to just throw something at the cat for embarrassing him further.
The awkward tension that rouse was interrupted when the clinking of the shop’s bell reverberated around the room. Minho was only then woken with the realization that he had already flipped the “open” sign minutes ago. The bell signaled the arrival of a customer, who had disappeared in between the tall shelves where Minho usually grouped all gardening tools.
“Welcome to Soonie, Doongie, and Dori’s Flora! We hope you’re having a blooming day!” You cheered out the shop’s name, along with the catchphrase you came up with—specifically you, Jungwoo, and Minju, as Minho wasn’t really on the more creative side in terms of literature.
As much as Minho hated that greeting, whenever it was you, it just seemed right. You, and the word “bloom” just fit together in the same sentence. So, always having you say the assigned greetings to the customer was much to his pleasure.
While he was spacing out again in thought of how very beautiful you looked just now, the customer emerged from the aisles, a small rake and a couple of clay pots in hand. You halted eating your breakfast as you quickly tended to the customer.
“I didn’t think you’d need more help Minho?” The old lady spoke—one of Minho’s usual customers in the shop, who you were also familiar with. “Y/n here seems to be a lot of help already.”
This snapped Minho out of his thoughts, only to witness you giggling. It was cute, but he knows there was some hidden mischief behind your laugh.
“That’s what I told him granny! He’s very stubborn, it’s very annoying.” You huffed, though not meaning it. Minho only rolled his eyes at you, finishing his breakfast quickly and gulping down the remains of his now lukewarm coffee—which he found the temperature to be revolting.
“I guess it’s also not bad to get more help, especially during the spring season,” the older woman closed her eyes, chuckling. “You deserve a rest too, little lady.”
Now you huffed out, feeling helpless at the fact that the older woman made a somehow valid point. That made Minho snicker at you, he can’t help but feel the need to stick his tongue out at you just to add fuel to the fire.
After Minho had set aside his used dishes, he took over your work after you’ve totaled the balance in which the woman had to pay. Minho gathered the trinkets the woman picked out, tying them in a green ribbon before casting a light spell—one that lightens the weight of any heavy material for a period of time—and handing it to the older woman.  
The spell wasn’t really necessary as the woman can manage a few trinkets, but Minho felt the need to, after noticing that the woman kept on twisting her wrist in discomfort. In addition, with spring heavy on its way, people right now are keener to observe the changing trends and prices of materials and foods alike; sending almost everyone into a shopping spree in the local market place. In this case, the sweet old lady who now just left, would be more likely to roam the market, carrying more and more things as she buys. And Minho wanted to lessen the burden of the old lady by adding a simple light spell on the things she bought from his shop.
He does the same to every other customer that went through the day, especially those who purchased bulks and bulks from him. You mostly wrote down the receipts and recorded every transaction, as well as doing the sweeping and some watering of the plants on display. Minho arranged and wrapped up bouquets upon customers’ request; having more knowledge in the field.
Whenever he does so, you can’t help but stare at him in silent fascination at how knowledgeable the boy is about flowers, their language, and the perfect complement for each. You watch him work on a customer’s request after having done recording the transaction.
His nimble fingers worked gently in arranging each stalk, being careful in hopes of not breaking a stem. And with the gentle afternoon light cascading his features, you were entranced. To the point where you start feeling your chest tightening; deeming his beauty to be out of this world.
“I... uh... I’ll just go get some water.” You stood up from your seat beside him on the counter, very abruptly that it startled both the middle-aged woman—who Minho was tending to their request—and Minho himself. He looked at you still with shock but it returned to his neutral expression, giving you a nod.
“You should take a break too,” Minho said, before turning back to the bouquet he was working on. You just nodded quickly, trying to flee from the scene.
Going to the store’s backroom, you leaned on the door upon closing. Your mind going on an endless frenzy of scenarios that was caused by the scene you just witnessed earlier. Suddenly, Minho didn’t look friendly to you. And it wasn’t in a bad way. The vision that was suddenly haunting you was Minho moving gently and softly from before, despite the crease on his brows, with the setting looking as domestic as ever.
The boy you’d grown to see since young was mature and different from who you’ve grown to know. The scene played out with a gentle, stern looking Minho who was tending to a child. And the child looked oddly like the man himself, but also looked like you. The next thing you know, however, was Minho turning to you and muttering something. You swore you heard him saying, “honey” to you, in a very gentle tone with a sweet smile.
Suddenly, the small room that nestled silently in the back of the shop had gotten smaller than what you have come to know. The air was suffocating, tightening your chest that rendered you to inhale deep breaths.
“Fuck.” A curse unfamiliar to your mouth, has rolled its way off your tongue as your fist clenched on the fabric of your top. “It hurts.” You whined quietly.
The unfamiliar constricts on your chest made you worry.
Why are you suddenly feeling this? It confused you to no end.
Sliding down the door and crouching, you didn’t let your fists uncoil on the fabric as you kept it to feel solace in the familiarity of the texture. Thinking back to times from before, you always did feel a tug in the pits of your stomach whenever you were around Minho. But it was only now that you noticed its heightened activity, to the point where you feel it constrain your chest.
You tried to steady your breathing. And amidst your heaves, a sudden noise startled you. More specifically, one of a cat’s meow. You turn to the general direction of where you heard the noise, only to see Soonie on top of the stacked crates containing some clay pots.
“Oh! So that’s where you’ve been!” You wondered where the older cat wandered off to midday, as only two were present inside the shop.
“Meow,” Soonie replies, which meant to actually ask you the question of, “what happened?” You wouldn’t have known what he was saying so you assumed it to be a different one—translating it to be, “I like it here.”
“Okay, you be careful when you get down from there. It’s quite high.” You approached the orange cat, booping on its nose.
“You know, I asked you a question. It’s concerning that you’re clutching on your chest like that.” Another meow on your side. Thinking that the cat meant it as “why did you touch my nose?”  
“Was it uncomfortable for you? I’m sorry, let me compensate with some treats.” You turned back to the cat, placing your hand on the knob of the door then turning it.
“You know, this conversation is going nowhere. We’re on totally different pages.” Soonie meowed again, but this time, swiftly going down from the crates to follow your steps, in pursue of the treats you promised. “But I could use some of those treats you just said.” Another meow.
“Mhm! I’m sure you’ll enjoy the treats!” You cheered, almost on the same page as Soonie with the talk of cat treats.
The cat made no further reply, only rubbing its body on your leg in anticipation. Even until you got out of the back room, the cat trailed behind you silently in wait.
As you reached the store front, you were greeted however with the sight of a slightly familiar woman. Probably around your age, if not a bit older. It wouldn’t bother you on any day as it could have just been a customer, but you picked the conversation happening with her and Minho.
“I don’t have a written resume right now; I can come back tomorrow if you want.”
“Oh, that wouldn’t matter actually, but if you feel the need to have a resume, then we can arrange to have your interview tomorrow.”
“That’s perfect! When should I come by for the interview?”
“After lunch is perfect.”
“Okay, I’ll be here after lunch tomorrow. Thank you so much for letting me know about it.” The girl bowed in thanks, giving Minho a big, bright smile.
Minho in turn, bowed in return and only watched the figure leave. Noticing your presence as you approached the center of the room, where the cats have gathered around you; stepping their tiny paws on your legs as you crouched to give them treats.
“Are you feeling any better?” Minho asks. However, he got no response from you. Only the sight of your back turned before him sufficed the answer he wished.
“Y/n?” He called for your attention.
This time you replied, but the tone in your voice hinted irritation than what Minho always expected from you—light and happy. “I’m fine.” You dismissed.
Clearly you weren’t. Minho wanted to speak up but Doongie meowed, “someone’s in trouble.” It ticked Minho off, wanting to scold the second eldest of the cats. Soonie did so anyways in his stead, hissing at the younger.
You translated the situation as the cats fighting for the treats you’re giving, making the frown in your face deeper. “Hey, don’t fight.” The statement did not stop the two, only furthering the argument between the two cats, Dori trying to calm the two down, filling the quiet shop in meows and hisses.
The noise made you upset than ever. Doing so, you stood up from your crouched seat, going to the counter to pick up any of your belongings that you left, and putting them all in your satchel. “I’m leaving early. I have to prepare for work.”
Minho can’t help but watch your form walk away. He couldn’t even ask you what the problem was. And it wasn’t even time for your shift at the local pub. It was still around 4 in the afternoon, and you usually left at 5, leaving an hour to prepare for your shift. Clearly, something was happening that you weren’t telling Minho.
The man can only sigh. He’d have to talk to you tomorrow morning instead. Thinking of ways to talk to you, he then turned to the three cats who were still arguing. “You lot can’t keep your mouths shut for a damn second.” Oh, Minho was pissed. And it immediately sent chills down the cats’ furry bodies. The glare was enough to kill, but it was a good thing his eyes held no power to do so.
“It was Doongie. He started it.” Soonie couldn’t help but point fingers at the second youngest, clearly afraid of facing the wrath of their father.
“What? I literally didn’t do anything, you suddenly hissed at me,” Doongie snarled back, to which the older started hissing again. “See! You’re doing it again!”
“Please stop fighting,” Dori timidly mewled, scared of putting more fuel in the fire. The youngest already feeling the seething aura coming from Minho.
“Okay! That’s it! You’re all on time out. No treats for a week, I’m sealing all of it, and no one is going to touch it.” Minho angrily took out all the stored treats in one of the cabinets under the counter, along with the small spell book he keeps handy inside his pocket—containing emergency spells and the like.
The three cats stood up on their little feet, already circling Minho to stop him from taking the treats up to his room and sealing it in one of his drawers.
“Dad! No, we’re sorry! We won’t do it again!” The three meowed in unison, following Minho’s steps, until they reached the top, where a loft has been made from the large space for the cats to settle in. Two doors, one for the bathroom, and one for Minho’s room. And before the three feline could make their entry inside Minho’s room, the door had already been gently shut in their faces.
The three stared silently at the bronze door knob, staring hardly as if it would open with their command.
“This is all your fault Doongie.” Soonie scoffed, making the second youngest rapidly turn it’s head.
“What do you mean mine?! If you hadn’t hissed at me for no reason, then I wouldn’t have fought back, idiot!” The cat’s loud meows echoed around the second floor of the shop.
“I was trying to make you read the room! Your statement was uncalled for!” Soonie meowed back.
At this point, Dori wanted to quiet down the two oldest cat, but he was genuinely growing tired of their argument, that he walked away from them, and jumping to the wooden cat tower of their loft.
Minho on the other hand, successfully sealed the treats, but leaving one aside to give for them. The treat wrapped in a white cloth, containing two of your home made cat cookies. Deeming that the three at least deserved the treat, but they will have to learn to share it for a week.
After doing so, he sat shortly on his bed, thinking of what happened earlier. Of what could have bothered you, that you’ll leave earlier than your usual time, without talking it out with him. And seeing and hearing you sound upset, made his heart break a little. He was confused on what could have possibly gone wrong, but he decided to do his best in making it up for you. Even if he didn’t exactly know if he was the reason or not.  
You weren’t doing so well either; the walk to your home was filled with too much scenarios from earlier. Both the one that made your heart clench in something that confused you, and the other giving you that unpleasant feeling.
Upon finding out that Minho was to take in, sooner and probably much later, a reliable helper around the shop—and a beautiful one at that—something inside you felt unpleasant. Your insides churned in a feeling you felt whenever someone disagrees with you to the point they disrespect you. Much closely to unlike but not hate. You couldn’t put a name on this feeling but you wanted it to go away.
Switching your path, you make your way to the daycare where Minju was working, needing the advice and comfort of a female friend. You knew you can’t trust Jungwoo, because not only would he have something up his sleeve, but because the female, and most probably the male population of the area would flock the man, rendering useless for private consultations.
When you peeked into the glass windows of the place, you see only a few children were left. All the others picked up by their parents, or guardians. More notably, the ones left are the trouble makers you’ve come to know—little Jeongin, Jisung, Yongbok, Seungmin, and Hyunjin.
Rapping your knuckles on the door, you were then greeted by Dahyun—one of Minju’s co-workers. “Oh, Y/n. Did you come to talk with Minju?” The girl brightly smiled at you.
Looking at her, the gleeful smile she displayed, rubbed off on you, making you smile in return and forgetting your worries for quite a short period of time. “Yeah! I hope I’m not intruding on work hours?”
“Oh no, work ended hours ago. We’re just waiting for the kids left in here to be picked up, then we’ll be on our way.” Dahyun smiled again, opening the door wider to let you in.
“Teacher! Is that my mommy!” One of the kids, you assumed it’s Jisung from his voice.
“No sweetie, it’s Y/n,” Dahyun corrected, picking up the wood carved nutcracker that the boy dropped as he ran excitedly to the door.
Looking up at you, both in happiness and sadness, little Jisung spoke, “oh… I thought it was mommy.” He can’t help the little frown that painted his face.
You crouched down and pat Jisung’s head comfortingly, “don’t worry! Your mom will pick you up soon!”
Yongbok, Jisung’s twin brother, approached him and held his hand, “mommy won’t forget! Maybe she just stumbled on a cat that needed to be rescued!” The freckled boy made up a scenario of why their mother could be late. And at this, Jisung quickly smiled, nodding in agreement at how their mother is probably a hero in disguise.
Dahyun chuckled, holding Jisung’s hand and leading the twins back inside the room. “Come on. Minju is just preparing snacks for the kids. Apparently they don’t want to go for an afternoon nap.” You chuckled at the statement, somehow relating to the kids for still having some energy left in them.
When you finally arrived, you were greeted with the kids playing around, while Seungmin sat still in one corner, reading a book. Jisung and Yongbok joining Jeongin and Hyunjin in playing a game. However, the little quiet nook Seungmin occupied, was invaded by the other four. Soon enough, the boy reading his story book joined the fray, playing around until Minju finally arrived with a tray of snacks and drinks.
The kids, having been distracted by food, you were finally able to talk to Minju.
“Why did you come by? Isn’t it too early for you to leave the shop?” Minju asked, bunching her skirt before sitting on the floor beside you and Dahyun, conversing but still keeping eye on the kids.
You pressed your legs to your chest, your own skirt pooling to your sides. “I just needed to talk to someone.”
Dahyun being naturally concerned, perked up at the change in your tone. “Why? Has something bad happened? We can help you.” She asked.
You looked down sadly, almost feeling bad for feeling the way you feel, “it’s just, I feel bad for walking out on Minho… I didn’t even explain anything to him, and then I also walked out on the kids.” And by kids, you meant his cats—the term being natural to you and Minho.
Minju tilted her head, confused on what’s happened, “walked out? Did you get into an argument with him?”
You shook your head, “not really… I just felt upset he was really pushing through with looking for a new hire.” Now that you said the problem out loud, you felt it too ridiculous to be even worrying about. But there’s just this feeling of unsettlement that you can’t shake off.
“I’m sure it’s just seasonal, sweetie. You know how it is in spring,” Minju tried her best comforting you, rubbing your back comfortingly.
Dahyun agreed, “yeah. Besides, he probably doesn’t mind you still helping around. You know how things work there with how long you’ve been helping him.”
You stared of blankly, absorbing their words like a sponge. However, there was still something bothering you. It was nitpicking at the very corners of your heart.
“But… I don’t know… the person applying looked beautiful, and it kind of sets something inside me, I don’t know how to explain it,” you sighed. The thought of this beautiful lady working side by side with Minho was making you sad, and you were confused on how you felt. “She also seemed to be kind and gentle.”
Minju and Dahyun turned to give each other a look, already giving name to the feeling you were too oblivious about. “Oh, you sweet, innocent, naïve child.” Dahyun couldn’t help but laugh.
Minju chuckled as well, hiding her giggles behind to which piqued and confused you. “Huh? Why are you both laughing?”
Dahyun waved it off, now breaking into fits of laughter. The kids who were previously distracted by their afternoon snacks, were now huddling around you three. “Teacher is telling a joke! Teacher, tell us the joke!” Yongbok squealed excitedly, tugging on the hem of Minju and Dahyun’s skirt.
Jisung jumped up and down, while Hyunjin was holding on to Jeongin and Seungmin’s hands, who were equally piqued and excited.
Dahyun scowled at the kids, “oh you nosy children, go eat your snacks.” At this, the children pouted and groaned sadly.  
“Teacher, unfair!” Jeongin shouted, following another line, “Jeongin always tell jokes to teacher!”
Minju couldn’t help but spill as you still sat in confusion. “Our Ms., Y/n is obliviously jealous.”
After dropping the bomb, you were baffled. The kids looked confused at a word they never encountered before, except for both Seungmin and Hyunjin. The latter quickly shooting his hand up, squealing, “oh! It happens when you feel that someone you love is being taken away from you by someone else!”
Seungmin’s face soured at the mention of the word ‘love.’ “Or, you feel it when someone else has something you want.” The boy related it to something more relatable, to which the other kids now nodded their heads.
Hyunjin tugged at Seungmin, disagreeing to what the boy said; always a lover of romance as he finds a way to justify that jealousy is more akin to be felt with love. “But you feel it with someone you love too! I get jealous when other kids play with you and not with me, because I love you!” The slightly older boy pouted.
The three of you were shocked at the sudden revelation, especially the young alchemist, whose cheeks were now tinted baby pink. “Y-you can come visit my house to play anytime, we’re neighbors after all!” Seungmin turned away from Hyunjin. The latter’s eyes lighted with delight.
The kids, as well as Minju and Dahyun was now teasing the two who was shrouded with what seemed to be puppy love. As for you, you were processing what Minju labeled your feelings as ‘jealousy.’
You thought back to earlier, feeling upset at the scenarios that plagued your mind when you thought back to the lady from before. Hardly even starting work and yet the scenarios made you upset to such an extent where you’re overthinking the lady stealing Minho from you.
“O-of course I’m jealous!” You blurted out, gaining everyone’s attention. Dahyun smirked at the admission, teasing about to roll off her tongue until you added, “he’s my best friend! Of course, I’ll be upset if someone else takes him away from me!”  
Dahyun’s eye twitched in irk at your obliviousness. Rubbing her face, she groaned before asking you, “if Minju was ‘taken away’ from you, or someone else got her attention, and the someone was very pretty, would you be upset?”  
“I wouldn’t, because they might be talking about something important.” Dahyun nodded at your answer.
“If Jungwoo was talking to you, then someone else pretty would steal his attention, would you be upset?”
“It’s kind of not out of the ordinary, so I would not mind anymore.” You answered once more.
The last question, however, gave back the despair you felt from before. “If Minho was talking to someone else who looks pretty and kind, how would that make you feel?”
You mulled it over, frowning as you gave your answer. “I’d be sad.” You were used to Minho giving you all his undivided attention, despite looking the total opposite, that thinking of him doing so with someone else tugged at the pit of your stomach.
“Ms. Y/n you’re like my mama when papa is ignoring her.” Hyunjin spoke, thinking back to his mother who always pouted when her husband is piled with mails to write back to.
You didn’t think you would have such reactions to this thing. You now only think that this seems too petty to even give it that much attention, but the feeling at the pit of your stomach really wasn’t going away.
“Then what do you suggest I do?” You thought out loud for everyone to hear. Feeling helpless for even having these feelings in the first place. “I even felt my heart squeezing earlier when I glanced at Minho... It was strange.”
Minju was not aware whether you wanted that thought to be heard, but it only confirmed their suspicion of you eventually falling for your best friend.
“Ms. Y/n you’re in love!” Jisung shouted in glee, excited about the news. You only then realized your thoughts were out in the open for everyone in the small room to hear.
“No, I’m not! I think I’m sick,” you blindly reasoned, thinking it could probably be a sickness yet to be discovered. A sickness where you feel your heart almost being squeezed out when looking at someone.
“But, Ms. Y/n, my mama says she feels that way with papa!” Hyunjin reasons out, always on the move for asking about romance to his mom, who was also quite the romantic.  
“Ms. Y/n should confess to Sir Minho, right?” Minju wiggled her brows suggestively, while Dahyun gave you a very sly wink.
At this, the kids squealed in excitement, even Seungmin who was not a very romantic child. “Like how Jinnie confessed to Minnie!” Yongbok stared, his eyes twinkling like how his freckles twinkled on his cheeks. The mention once more making Seungmin flush in an adorable baby pink.
“Sir Minho is cool! He takes care of flowers, and has cats!” Jisung raised his hands excitedly, as if testifying his reasons on why you should confess to your friend.
Jeongin raised his hand as well, catching the attention of the other kids as they paid attention to the youngest speaking his thoughts. “Sir Minho is mind reader,” Jeongin starts, his sentence form still lacking as he was still young. “Sir Minho read mama’s thoughts.”
You thought back to Jeongin’s mom who was a regular at Minho’s shop. It was because the woman sticks to her favorite flower arrangement, that Minho starts working on the bouquet before the woman could even speak. Maybe that’s why Jeongin thought he was a mind reader; which you found undeniably adorable.
Upon finishing his sentence, the other boys stared in awe. Talking amongst themselves about how they also want to be a mind reader like Minho. The two daycare teachers only laughed fondly at the kids, while you stared adoringly at how their innocent and imaginative minds are very endearing.
Alas, you could only stay for such a time, leaving just before the last of the kids were picked up by their parents or guardian. Bidding the two women as well, a good bye—with them also promising to drop by the pub for a few non-alcoholic drinks—before heading back home to change out of your day outfit.
Your night—or work attire—was not anything special. Only the dress being a much lighter material to grant you ease when maneuvering around tables and tables when serving. Your shoes as well, changing to a much light and loose leather.
When you arrived, there were already some of the few patrons, with a few of your co-workers setting up the small stage. Seungkwan, one of the famous bards who performs, was already downing a small glass of ale.
“Nervous?” You asked, grabbing on to an apron under one of the counter cabinets, and wrapping it around your body.
The man gave you one of his very popular sassy looks, scoffing, “I could never. You know I’m only drinking a glass so I don’t have to take nonsense from some of the geezers here.”
If anything, Seungkwan was sassy, but respectful, only drinking, when necessary, to double the sass especially in times he needs to—like when someone starts to get too disrespectful to him during or off performance. Nonetheless, he was still a very sweet gentleman, who knows how to make the mood lighter–making him perfect for the job.
You just chuckled, giving him an understanding pat, and wishing him luck with the performance—not like you think he needed, considering the amount of talent the man holds.
The night grew busier and busier, with the thoughts from earlier finally fading. Dahyun and Minju visited you, ordering their usual rose tea with some light snacks. The two were not one with adoring the busy pub scene either, but the place was one of the best servers of alcoholic drinks as well as having the best singer in town–that there was a lot to be competing in.
“The drink was great as always Nayeon!” Dahyun thanked the older woman behind the wooden counter. Minju agreed, but frowned quickly as her dress’ sleeve got caught on one of the wooden splinters.
“Changbin should really get the counters fixed,” she muttered, loud enough for the two other girls to hear her. Unfortunately, the boy mentioned was blessed with sharp hearing, and in a matter of seconds, the man was now next to them.
“Believe me, that’s the third repair this month, but someone keeps picking on it. Chan’s getting frustrated.” Changbin crossed his arms, sighing in exasperation and empathy for his carpenter and artisan friend. The four then sighed in unison, thinking of the hardworking man and already imagining him frowning at how someone could ruin his handiworks.
After serving a few drinks to some patrons, you approached the four. Minju engaged in a short conversation before declaring that she would have to head home and sleep for another early hour shift for the next day. You bid them soon, voicing your concern for them to be careful on their way.
It was then that you, Changbin, and Nayeon were left, conversing for a short period of time before going back to work. Nayeon making the drinks, along with another colleague who had just arrived for his shift – Hansol; Changbin with managing and overseeing everyone, as well as greeting some of the regulars in his pub and even welcoming new faces, even helping with making drinks when needed; while you went around taking orders from the customers along with your co-workers, Chaeyoung, Moonbin, and Minghao.
The bustle of the tavern would have you grow exhausted and render you tired and knocked out after work, usually; however, today you were up and going on your toes. Your mind automatically leans into burning energy as a coping mechanism from what had occurred earlier that day. You were so on a roll that you barely noticed it was time for closing; only coming to mind when Chaeyoung tapped you on your shoulders and offering to walk home together.
“You’ve been spacing out lately, I figured I walk home with you so I can assure you get home safely.” Chaeyoung spoke, giving you a gentle smile as she looked down to fix and dust of her skirt.
You were touched with the kind thought of the girl, and who were you really to deny such an angelic person? You agreed with her, but not telling the reason that you agree because you also want to protect her in case some hooligans were to jump out of nowhere and even attempt to do things to you and Chaeyoung.
You were sent to be more at ease when Moonbin as well as Hansol offered to walk with you two. You knew you were capable of self defense, but with two more people, and a masculine form of intimidation, you were guaranteed safety. So, the walk home was very comfortable, alongside some quirky topics to converse in, it gave you peace at most.
Peace was probably good in its own, but it was kind of bad in some way. Because when your mind feels at ease, you oversleep. Not that Minho minds it, he thinks you deserve all the rest you need after a long night at work. However, the usual time you arrive in, usually a little past noon, he’d expected you’d be there. But you weren’t.
Afternoon rush were very common in his store, and without you, Minho was somehow a fumbling mess here and there. It was bad enough that Sana—the girl who he was supposed to interview—was sat uneasily in a seat at the corner of the shop. The girl offering to help him with managing some of the customers, but Minho politely declined, and now she was forced to just watch as the man hurries from one place to the other.
A couple more hours after the rush hour and you finally arrived, perkier than before. Minho sighed in relief, after having to worry that something else could have happened to you. He greeted you but he got no reply as he watched you approach the cats, a small bundle of treats out of the pockets of your skirt.
“Oh, is that Ms. Y/n?” Sana asked, after having done with Minho’s briefing and approval that today she’d start work, but under your guidance.
“Yes.” He answered shortly, still gazing at you. Sana watched with hawk like curiosity at you two. “Uh…Just approach her and ask; she doesn’t seem too keen on talking to me.” And it piqued the girl, as Minho was left with the conundrum of what could he have possibly done for you to suddenly ignore him, and not his cats.
Sana nodded her head, approaching you cautiously so as not to trigger any negative feelings with you. “Hi,” she spoke timidly but brightly at the same time.
You looked up from the cats who were enjoying their treats—who you didn’t know were currently grounded and banned from eating treats for the week. You gave a curious look at the girl, despite the churning feeling of hurt inside you, you urged her to ask a question, which was obvious from the way she fiddled at the texture of her skirt.
“Minho said I’d be under your wing for the week. I’ll be learning the ropes around the shop with your guidance, as he said you were more experienced.” She said, fumbling again as she hurried to add her self introduction, “my mistake for not introducing. My name is Minatozaki Sana. I live just down the block from the marketplace. And I’ve always been interested in flowers.” Sana didn’t know just how to introduce herself to you, as you seemed to hold that unexplainable air of intimidation while also feeling approachable.
Pushing hard on the gnawing pain in your chest and stomach, you gave her your most genuine smile. You’d do this for Minho, even if there was an unexplainable feeling inside you. You didn’t want to name it jealously. But Sana seemed harmless and quite perfect with Minho, and you can’t help but sigh in defeat inside.
And it went on for a week. Maybe two or three. But Minho was sure you’ve been avoiding him, definitely. Because he’s been watching you for days with those forlorn eyes.
You barely arrived in time for rush hours, the way you always do. And when you had free time, you either spent it with the cats, or you’d go next door to Jungwoo. And it sends him reeling with feelings of hurt and jealousy, more than curiosity.  
He asks himself why you suddenly avoided him? Was it something he did? Did he offend you in some way? He’d have deep talks with Soonie sometimes, but the cat just tells him to talk to you about it. But how was he supposed to talk to you, if you keep walking away from him when he was at arm’s length to you?
You were no better yourself. You watched the times when Sana and Minho would talk. They looked so comfortable with each other now. And when Sana laughs at Minho saying something, you just can’t look. Minho looks so soft with his gentle smile, and it makes your heart wrench. You almost want to hurl out your insides not out of disgust, but out of hurt. Hoping that vomiting it out could stop you from having these feelings.
You’ve been frequenting your visit with Jungwoo, just for the sole purpose of distraction. Because it was surely amusing to watch him decline date invites from men and women alike, who holds up the line in his little café. But you’re suddenly into people watching. You watched everyone’s gesture, developing the habit after having spaced out a lot of times. And Jungwoo’s café was the perfect place for it.
You also visited the daycare a lot. Finding comfort in the two girls, while also playing with some of the kids there. And it also piqued at you at Hyunjin and Seungmin’s predicament. After Hyunjin’s puppy love confession, the two have been inseparable. Always doing things together, confiding in the other, when one is lonely. And you felt jealousy for the kids, because you wanted to do the same with Minho.
You wanted what with Minho?!
You dropped the clay pot you were holding, breaking it to pieces, as both Sana and Minho rushed to your side.  
“Y/n, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Minho fumbled, grasping your hand and stepping you away from the broken pieces of clay on the floor. Searching and scanning your hands for any scratch or open wound.
“I’ll go get the broom, you two don’t make a move or touch anything,” Sana hurries to the back room to pick up the long broom and pan.
You were too focused on your hands that were enveloped by Minho’s slightly larger ones.
You wanted to hold hands with Minho. You wanted to hold his hands, the way Hyunjin and Seungmin does. Not platonically, but romantically. You wanted to be there for him when he’s feeling alone, so you can give him your undivided love and affection.
That’s when it hit you that you really were feeling something more for your childhood friend.
“Y/n?” He looks into your eyes with unbridled concern and…love? “You can sit this one out and rest if you're not feeling well. I can even talk to Changbin so you don’t have to go to work.” His thumbs were rubbing the back of your hands in comfort, and it triggered the butterflies inside you stomach, especially now that you’ve something to name that feeling you had been feeling the past few weeks.
Love and hurt. Longing and jealousy.
Sana walks back into the room and starts sweeping hurriedly, all the while speaking out her concern for you. She was about to walk back to the back room of the shop to look for any medicinal herbs for if you did have any injuries.
But you ran away.
You fled from the scene, right after yanking your hands from the comfort of Minho’s calloused ones. Hearing both the concerned and shocked calls from Minho and Sana.
More than heart racing and fluster, you were feeling shame, regret and sadness at the late realization. The hurt from weeks of having it unnamed had increased ten fold now that you have a name for your emotion.
So you ran and ran, until you found yourself once more inside the daycare. It was still early, the kids were yet to be dismissed, so you halt in your running to catch your breath. Your feet aching from the heels you wore. Looking for a bench to sit on along with the other parents and guardians who were waiting. Minju got out on one of the rooms, and was surprised to see you come earlier.
“You’re here early. Anything happened?” She asked, concern written in her face as she scanned your out of breath form.
“We’ll talk later, you just go and finish what you need to do,” you assured her, not wanting to get her in trouble for talking during work hours.
Half an hour passed and the kids were finally dismissed. The five mischievous boys were still around, along with the three other little girls who were busy in their own world.
Minju found it appropriate that you now enter the room, sitting you down on the floor next to one of the children’s small table. “I’ll prepare some tea,” she says, scurrying to the daycare’s small kitchen in the back.
You were left with Dahyun who was quick to sit next to you on the floor. Your skirts littered the floor in bunches. “You need some water, you look like you ran around the country,” Dahyun said, handing you a glass of water.
You were quick to down the glass, and settle it gently on the small table. “I did. I did run to here.” You heaved in and out in slow breaths.
Dahyun nodded her head, sensing something good or interesting has happened. She leaned closer, her hands resting her chin as her elbows were propped on the table.
You know the look she’s giving so you spoke, “not until Minju is seated.” You scoffed, turning your head away as you weren’t really in to explaining everything that happened in repeated times.
Once the girl did arrive, you were quick to explain why you ran, coming to a conclusion, “I also just now realized my feelings for Minho…” You spoke timidly, unbeknownst to you the eavesdropping ears of the rascals.
“I knew it! Ms. Y/n does like Sir Minho!” Jisung announces, more so quick to celebrating than the two older girls.
“Ms. Y/n don’t worry, I’m sure Sir Minho likes you as well,” Chaeryeong spoke timidly, but her eyes sparkled.
“You rascals, you should never listen to adults talking,” Dahyun scolded light heartedly. The kids running away as she chased them around the room.
You thanked her for having quick senses on your feelings of vulnerability. You knew the kids meant well, but you were really in need of some safe space at the moment. Minju took your hand in hers, sandwiching it in comfortable warmth.
You’ve always been jealous of Minju having soft and smooth hands, as yours have always been rough at such a young age. Despite being soft, the surface of your hands were always rough, and littered with creases and lines. It was one of your insecurities, which was why you were quick to pull your hands away from Minho earlier.
“I’m proud of you coming to terms with your feelings, sweetie. But, I need you to be more confident in yourself. I can sense you feeling hesitant and insecure.” Minju softly voiced, giving you hand gentle massages to ease you from your worries. “Will you tell me what you feel at the moment?”
You sighed deeply, before speaking out your thoughts. “I feel very much insecure, you’re right.”
Minju nodded, “will you tell me what you’re most insecure about? I won’t pressure you if you feel uncomfortable.” She speaks, all the while giving your hand gentle presses.
“I just suddenly feel defeated… I feel like I’m not worthy of having Minho. I’m not perfect like Sana. And they especially look good together. Minho looks really comfortable with her, and I felt like I’m disrupting them, when I finally came to terms with how I feel.”
Minju frowned, upset to hear you bringing yourself down. But she urged you to continue, wanting you to let out what you feel so you’d be carrying a lighter load in the future. And once you were done, she was quick to envelope you in her arms.
With you two having sat on the floor, it was easier to engulf you in warmth. You feeling small, yet safe around the warmth of your dear friend. Silently sobbing out your insecurities as she whispered the words you needed to hear in that moment.
Dahyun did her best to distract the kids and give you two the time you need, but she can only do as much, as the kids now turn their attention to you two.
Yongbok gasps, sparkles lighting his eyes as his freckles as the sight of you two, “it’s a cuddle pile!” The little boy giggles excitedly, wanting to be involved in the cuddles.
His twin, Jisung, joins. Running with arms wide open as the two tried their best to hug you and Minju with their little arms.
Jeongin, Chaeryeong, Yeji and Lia as well, running up to you and jumping to hug. Hyunjin and Seungmin going last. Seungmin a bit reluctant, but going along as Hyunjin tugged him along.
“You kids,” Dahyun sighed exasperated, however joining the pile as well, the last to wrap her arms around all of you, even if you all didn’t fit.
Minho wasn’t doing well. Even more heart broken with how you ran away from him; stressed because he never knew what the reason was for you to avoid him. Most of all, missing your cheery aura, that was all for him. He had a possessive side, that was much, but it wasn’t bad. He just was naturally drawn to you like a magnet.
“You should talk to Y/n,”  Sana speaks up, noticing the broken look of Minho. “There seemed to be a misunderstanding.”
Minho looked back to her, confused.
“She likes you Minho, that much is obvious,” Sana chuckles. “But she seemed to look at us as something more. You know I don’t swing that way.”
Minho felt bare and exposed. Was he wearing his heart on his sleeves to be read that easily? Was it really obvious that he was giving you the heart eyes? The longing, forlorn looks? The subtle chuckles when he sees you communicating with the cats, but he very well knows that you aren’t on the same page as the cats—as he can communicate with them?
“Let’s close up the shop. You need time to gather your thoughts.” Sana gives him a reassuring smile and pat, leaving for the shop’s front door, and flipping the sign. Carrying the displays inside the shop, and doing a bit of sweeping.
Once Minho snaps out of his thoughts, he helped with closing the shop. A bit fidgety, he was. Concerned, of course, but he was formulating the things he wanted to say. And if Sana is right that you feel the same as him, then he needs to let it all bare. He has to be honest to you and clear up the misunderstanding.
After he closed the shop, and bidding Sana a farewell, he wrote a letter to Changbin, asking for a two day leave in your stead, explaining how you seemed to be out of it and not in the right mindset lately. But also leaving out the fact that he needs to talk to you about something important.
Minho calls for Soonie, asking the older cat to send the letter to Changbin. While some people had their own messenger birds, Minho mostly did his messaging through his cats. Not finding it fit to have a bird as a messenger when he had three cats.
After the older cat left, Minho quickly wrote another letter. This one was for you. Asking for some of your time and talk about what you were feeling. He tried to be very obvious in the letter that he missed you, and he hoped you were feeling up for it. He did say he would respect your decision if you wouldn’t want to talk at the moment.
And after having written the letter, he called for Dori, asking the young cat to deliver the letter. He then watched as the grey cat walked away happily and out of the shop through their little cat door.
“That’s unfair. Why don’t I get to deliver letters?” Doongie meowed, upset.
Minho scoffed at the second oldest. “You’re mischievous. Who knows what you could’ve done to the letter?”
Doongie meowed louder, “I’m literally a cat!”
Minho chuckled, tapping on to his thighs. “I’m sorry. I’ll let you send letters in the future.” He grinned, naturally weak for his cats.
And although Doongie was such a mischievous little one of his, he was grateful for the cuddles that the cat gave him. Automatically giving him comfort.
He decided that he needs the comfort of a male friend, so he made sure to take note in confiding to Jungwoo before he gets to talk to you.
A little while into the afternoon while walking on your way home, a white dove lands softly on your head; blocking your view with an envelope. You noticed the dove to be Changbin’s. You thought back to when Changbin had sent you a mail through his messenger bird, actually expecting a bird close to the more predator type, seeing as the man himself looked intimidating. But you may have judged him by his cover then, because Changbin was a pure and honest man himself.
Picking at the letter gently, you thanked the beautifully, untainted bird. The dove nuzzling the top of your head in affection before flying off.
Upon opening the letter, you see the words written in bold that you’re given two days off from work, without proper explanation. And as much as you want to storm to the pub, or even the man’s home itself, you knew just how stubborn Changbin is once he makes a decision.
Sighing, you snugged the letter safely inside your pocket.
Your mood have slightly improved with Minju and Dahyun’s comfort, as well as having the kids give you a cuddle pile. And you didn’t think you’d be taking advice from a child, but here you were, engraving young Hyunjin’s advice into your brain.
Honesty is the best way to go especially when communicating. Just let it all out Ms. Y/n. If Sir Minho loves you as well, then he will love your everything even if you hate them.
You sighed, thinking how running away from this would be useless. And if Minho were to not reciprocate your feelings, you deemed it better, as long as you know he’s happy. It would be worth the try. You just hoped he keeps being friends with you.
Your thoughts of planning to talk to him tomorrow, as you do have two days off, were interrupted as you felt something brushing on your legs. You look down to see Dori, who had a letter in its mouth. You knew then that it was a message from Minho.
Scared that it would be a message of him scolding you from earlier, you didn’t pick it up. You were afraid you’d let out some tears. Instead, you picked up the cat, and took long strides to your house, finding it more fit that you read the letter in a more private setting.
After setting Dori down inside your home, you gave the young cat some treats, and a small bowl of water. Taking the letter gently out of its mouth and opening it nervously.
However, upon opening, you were not greeted with the ominous aura or wording. Instead, you find that it’s quite hinting differently. At the very bottom, he was asking you to meet him at midnight at Mooncross Lake. The lake where you two would usually play to by yourselves when you were kids.
There seemed to be more to the letter as you read the first alphabets of each word at the left side of the paper. Each row’s first letters creating the phrase “I miss you.”
It raised your hopes. Heightened the feeling inside your stomach. Leaving your heart racing.
Minho knew you all too well. He knows how you loved solving puzzles, deciphering riddles, theorizing, and the like. And for him to incorporate as such in the letter, it left your mind at ease, all the while feeling hopeful.
Hopeful that he’d feel the same.
And so when night came, you were antsy. Dori left after demanding some cuddles from you, and you were left to feel anxious until you felt that it was finally time to meet up with Minho.
The track to the lake was safe, as the path were illuminated by magic lamps. If someone were to jump out of nowhere, and cause trouble, you were prepared; having a small emergency dagger around your neck.
The necklace having its pendant designed in the shape of a dagger. Only does it become the right hand held size when manifested with mana. It was a present that Jungwoo gave to you and Minju to help you to protect yourself especially at night.
Once you approach, the lake, you were greeted with the man’s silhouette, illuminated by the moonlight, both from the moon itself, as well as from the reflection of the lakes surface. The dark tones creating a mirror, an illusion of no land and only space.
You approached the form. An all to familiar form. You know it’s Minho, from all the times you’ve known him and looked at him, you have his everything memorized. Even the gestures and mannerisms he does.
“Minho?” You called out. Your voice acting as knife that cut through the night’s serene silence.
And you were right, as the silhouette now turned to you. Minho approached you, his leather shoes creating a rhythm with the grass and some fallen leaves. Accompanied were the sounds of metal clanking from the lamp he carried, along with the rustle of his rucksack making contact with his shirt. Only now did he light the lamp using the matchbox he had with him.
Setting down the lamp, he pulled out a small blanket from his rucksack. It looked to be the only thing in his pack. He sat down, both your distance from the lake, a good 10 feet away. Once he was comfortably seated, he held out his hand, asking for yours.
You hesitantly gave yours, but freed from his grasp just as fast after sitting. Minho looked away sadly, which you missed as you turned your head away. Both of you still wrapped around in misunderstanding but Minho wants to clear it up as fast, afraid to prolong the heartache he’s been feeling.
The serene silence turns tense. The crickets being the only one to speak its thoughts in the cold spring air.
“I…” Minho starts, after finally gathering his courage.
You turn to look at him, and with the lamp shining from below you two, you were able to make out the distant and hurt look that painted his face. It made your heart clench.
Why was he unhappy? Was the “I miss you” just you reading into too much things, and he’s actually just finding it hard to look for the words to say that he’s not interested in you?
Oh how you wished to go back through time to save yourself from the embarrassment waiting to happen.
“I’m sorry…” He says quietly. And as if the air wasn’t tainted with enough tension and awkwardness, the crickets have stopped their chorus, making the air more unbearable.
You couldn’t handle the tears, as they make their way out your orbs and dance freely to kiss the air of cool spring. You sobbed silently, you breathing held.
But how can you hold your breath for long? Of course you couldn’t. So the silence was once more disrupted as you heaved in deeply, the snot that has formed clogged your breathing, making it more audible that you were indeed crying.
“I know, let’s just stop this. Th-there’s clearly no way you would like me. Why did I even get my h-hopes up.” You sobbed in between your breaths.
Minho was worried with how you suddenly cried. Taking you in his arms, he started rubbing his hands up and down your back. He didn’t mind the wet patch that has formed as he leaned your forehead to rest on his shoulders.
“How can you think this way, Y/n? Of course I like you…” His other hand made it’s way to your head. Your hair loosely hanging, making it easier to thread his fingers through, massaging your scalp comfortingly.
“You’re obligated to like me…because I’m your, f-friend…” You never thought that the word friend could wound your heart so deeply.
Minho felt his heart ache. Did you really see his affection as an obligation?
“See it as you will, but I like you genuinely. I like you to the point it hurts my heart. You don’t even know how much you make me feel at ease when I’m with you…” Minho hugged you closer to him, afraid of losing you if he didn’t hold on tighter.
“I like you even more than how normal friends see each other. I see myself with you. In my past, my present, and future. I’m sorry I haven’t been verbal with my affection for you, but I don’t think words can explain how I feel, Y/n.”
Your sobbing dies down slowly, as you listened to him further explain. And the more he explained, the more your heart was left beating.
“I’m sorry for the unnecessary misunderstanding I’ve created, Y/n. I never wanted to get rid of you. I never even had the slightest thought about it…” Minho explains, after having talked with Jungwoo. Your friend reading your feelings as something akin to fear. It was close, because you did have a fear of losing Minho.
“But, you like Sana. I know, because you look at her with something… it’s something close to love…And when she looks at you, you suddenly look away…” You clenched on Minho’s shirt. Hurt flashing across you once more as you thought to that scene of Minho looking fondly at Sana.
Minho is baffled. He doesn’t even remember looking at the girl in that way. Could it have been a coincidence? Because he remembers looking at you with heart eyes—admittedly—and it just so happens that Sana is right behind you, catching him on the act, that probably triggers his flustered reaction.
Suddenly he can’t help but let out a fond chuckle. And it hurt you more, thinking that he’s ridiculing you, causing you to slightly push him away.
The gesture clutches at Minho’s heart, but he has to clear up the misunderstanding before even thinking about giving up.  
“You never let me explain properly…” Minho sighs, taking one of your hand still in his.
You looked away in shame. Ever since talking to him finally, you never made the first step, even having the guts to push him away and put words in his mouth.
As if sensing your negative thoughts, Minho’s other hand cups your jaw, turning you to look at him straight in the eyes, as he starts explaining properly. “Me turning away, was due to Sana catching me in the act of looking at you, fondly.”
“I don’t think I can ever look at someone the same way I look at you. I want you to trust me. To believe me; that my heart is only for you.” He placed a kiss on your forehead, before continuing, “besides, Sana is married, and I believe she’s not interested in men.”
At the news, your eyes grew like saucers. You never noticed this, not even the ring that glistens on Sana’s finger whenever the sun’s ray hit her hands. How could you have missed that?
“Why do you think I let Sana be under your wing? Other than you being more than capable enough to teach a newcomer, it’s also because she said that she’d be more comfortable if she worked with the same gender.” Minho spoke, explaining how Sana had spoke vaguely about having bad experiences with men.
“She seemed comfortable with you though?” You asked, still quite confused.
“About that,” Minho chuckles again, his cheeks now a blooming shade of pink, a tint of yellow from the lamp’s candlelight making the shade a bit orange. “Sana thought we were married, and just so happened to be in a quarrel.”
It was your turn to flush. The thought of being married with Minho fluttered your heart to no end.
“A lot of people seemed to think that way…” Minho spoke. He’s hinting something. Hinting at you how both your affection for each other goes beyond being just friends, that people could easily mistake you for a couple.
“I don’t think I’m done explaining what I feel, but I can’t find any more words, so I will let you have your turn to speak. And if time comes I need to explain more, I will keep letting you know, until you know just how much I adore you; romantically. Because I promise you, no words can explain just how much I feel for you.”
Tears well up in your eyes; overwhelm being an understatement. “I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you,” you started, heaving in another breath as another wave of tears wells up and ready to fall. “I was scared of losing you, I didn’t know what to do.”
You sniffled, wiping the tears that can’t stop falling. Minho now cupping your cheeks with both hands as he did the wiping for you, making a silent promise to never give you any reason to cry.
“You—she…she just seemed so perfect for you. I can never compete. I’m just me. She’s almost sent from the heavens, made for you. And her hands look soft and smooth and perfect for you…”
Minho grasps your hands with both of his, resting them on his face, “but these are the hands that I love. These hard working ones who helped get through the day. These gentle hands that holds mine when I need them. These caring hands that took care of my kids and flowers with so much care in the world.”
He retaliates your insecurities with the things he came to love about you, and it brought more than enough comfort inside you. “Your hands are rough, and it’s enough proof for what kind of person you are. I’m not saying that Sana is the complete opposite and is lazy—as she’s hard working as well,” Minho chuckles, and it made you let out one as well, knowing that the girl worked hard as well as everyone you knew. “But know that there’s more to you than what you seem. I want you to slowly see yourself the way others, especially the ones you’re close with, see you.”
You nod your head, closing the gap between you to and wrap yourselves once more in a comforting hug. “I apologize again for ignoring you,” you whispered sadly.
Minho rubs your back comfortingly, “I admit I was hurt, but it’s all okay now. As long as you’re here with me.”
You finally sighed contently after weeks of constant hurt and confusion, that you let the words slip past easily from your lips, “I love you.”
Minho can’t help the lovesick grin forming on his lips, as he replied back, “I love you, too.”
An eruption of butterflies from both of you, along with the racing of heart beats, that you swore you can feel his in sync with yours through his thin shirt.
“Does this mean I’m yours?” You asked curiously with a shy smile, looking up from where you rested your head on his shoulder.
Minho’s smile never faded, only growing wider that the corners of his eyes wrinkles in happiness. “Yes. As I am yours, too.”
Your heart wrenches in pain, but not from hurt. You feel something close to a flower blooming, and it was enough explanation that you were absolutely in love with your childhood friend.
“I’m yours, and you’re mine.” You whispered to yourself, smiling.
Minho hears, and replies, “Yes, I’m yours and you’re mine.” He smiles to himself, humming a song in content as he pressed occasional kisses on top of your head, and on your hands that were interlocked. Watching the scenery, just in time as the nocturnal flowers start to bloom, where some even emitted a gentle, blue glow.
Minho could’ve gone with confessing during the day where the flowers were most beautiful to admire and would fit the situation, but this worked well. The night in combination with the nocturnal flowers. They’re like you, he thinks. You’re most active in the night and he found it as beautiful as the flowers in the day. And he thinks that this moment he shares with you tonight, is still as perfect and budding with romance as any other spring love told.
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megumri · 2 years
love child
Pairing: Megumi x Reader (gender neutral)
wc: ~1.5k
genre: straight up fluff & comfort
cw: established relationship; slice of life; megumi is a sorcerer and reader is a civilian; a touch of emotional intimacy /me being sentimental on reader’s part; reader referred to as babe and baby; n*sfw undertones; please let me know if I missed something
your plant has grown tremendously! and its time for a re-pot, good thing megumi’s there to lend a hand
a/n: hello hello! I AM BACK and this is part of @augustinewrites Domestic Bliss Collab (congrats again on your milestone🥳); thank you for hosting this, ever since i read your fushigojo series it made me really want to start up a drabble series like yours, so thank you for the inspiration and for providing me an opportunity to do so!! consider this a first installment friends♡ this is self-indulgent as hell, also i don’t know how this wasn’t the first thing i wrote lmao
All characters are +21. Minors don’t interact.
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"Megumi? Can you come here for a sec?"
All your instruments are assembled and ready for their debut. Atop a towel sit a container filled with fresh dirt, an empty emerald pot, a cup of water, and the plant Megumi gifted you when you first started dating. It's grown so much since then. New leaves branch out in delicate white shoots to accent the established leaves. They stretch out in vulnerable slates, seeking sips of sunlight. You run a finger along one of these new growths, following the shape of it, marveling at its waxy freshness. Oh how you teased him for giving you a pink plant: is this so I can remember your blush when you're away? You smile widely at your past joke. You recall the gradual shading of his cheeks to match the speckled leaves.
Quiet footsteps sound behind you. You twist, looking up and over your shoulder to see him come around the corner. His eyes trail over your gathered arsenal.
"What's going on?"
You lift a hand, palm facing up, and stretch it out to him. He moves forward immediately. A warm and slightly damp hand slides into yours. You pull him down to the floor next to you and he settles into a cross-legged position.
"Did you finish with the dishes?" He nods, eyes darting between you and the plant. "Great! I am going to re-pot our plant, and I want you to help me."
A dark eyebrow lifts. A finger rises to scratch behind his ear.
"I haven't done this before, not sure how much help I'll be."
Swatting the air as if to bat away his inexperience, your hand drops down to tap at his shins. He uncrosses and spreads his legs. You slot yourself between them and his hands reach under your arms to settle on your hips. A familiar warmth seeps into your back.
"We're going to do it together, don't worry babe."
His nose presses against your jaw. His lips flutter below your ear, "Ok, what do we do first?"
"First, we need to take it out of its old pot without breaking or damaging the roots." You pull the plant towards you. He kisses your cheek, one hand lifting to help bring it closer. "Well, not breaking too many of them," you amend. A soft huff tickles your shoulder.
"And we're putting it in that green one?"
"The one that matches your eyes? Yes!" He shifts, and out of the corner of your eye you catch a familiar shade of rose tinting the ridge of his cheekbones. Satisfaction thrums in your chest.
"Ok, now—Megs let me see your hands," he holds them up, palms facing you, fingers slightly spread. "Yes, thank you. Now, we're going to loosen the dirt a bit and some of it is going to come out of the pot—don't worry! We're not going to make a mess! That's what the towel's for."
He chuckles. "You know me so well," he murmurs before pressing a quick kiss to your ear.
A flutter nestles in your stomach. Placing your palms against the back of his hands, you guide them down to the surface of the soil. His head shifts forward to align his cheek against yours. His fingers are malleable under your guidance. A soft pressure to one, and it dips into the dirt with yours. Dark granules inch under the tips of your fingernails as they are swallowed by the dark earth.
"Ok, now just, wiggle your fingers a bit. We're loosening the dirt so its easier to take the plant out." His fingers ripple through the dirt and you both watch as it bubbles up to tip over the edge onto the safeguard below. "Good, a bit deeper now…see if you can feel any of the roots"
You lick your lips, searching form of resistance among the loamy particles.
"I think I found one," he whispers.
"Perfect, ok," your voice pitches low to match his and you withdraw your hands. His follow yours and he angles them towards your face, no doubt studying the caked dirt that covers the pads of his fingers. "We're going to pick it up, pull it out and put it in the new one; but before we plant it in there, we need to double check how much dirt we gotta add."
His cheeks skims yours. Squaring your shoulders, you lean into him a bit more. His arms squeeze your sides and he reaches forward to bring the empty pot closer. You grab his hands once again and plunge back into the loose soil. Together you carefully extract it from its former home and guide it to the new pot.
"We don't want it to sit too deep," You murmur. Lowering it down, you stop a bit above where the stems meet roots. "Here should be good. Hold it there for a sec?"
Dropping a hand down, you feel out the bottom of the cavity, gauging the amount of dirt to add. Nodding, you reach back up and guide him and the plant out.
"Ok, can you hold it? And I'll add some dirt to the bottom." You feel him nod and his head dips to rest his lips against your shoulder. You scoop the remnants of the dirt from the previous pot into the new one and supplement it with some fresh dirt. "I'm adding old dirt so that it has some of the same environment and new dirt so it refreshes it a bit. There's fertilizer mixed in with the new dirt so it helps promote growth… well at least I think it does."
He smiles against your shoulder, "That sounds right to me."
You bite back a smile and reach up, "Ok, now, we're going to loosen the soil that's still stuck to the roots. We got to be gentle here babe," your voice trails off as you cup his hands. "Massage it a bit with your whole hand," dexterous muscles move under yours, and you watch as clumps fall away. Spindly roots begin to emerge, and as more dirt falls, thicker branches begin to show.
"That should be good, ok," you guide his hands to hover over the new pot. "We're going to put it in here—I made a kind of well in the center, we might need to make more room for the roots. But, you do this part, I don't want too much of the mix to spill out."
His hips wiggle behind you, sliding up closer to your back. You rest your hands on his forearms, watching with wide eyes as he lowers it down. Once he places in the same location as before, you reach out to catch the base of the stem between your thumb and pointer finger.
"Perfect Megs! Grab more dirt and put it around the edges working your way in until you get to the top."
He moves slowly, grabbing fistfuls of dirt and placing it evenly around the roots. A smile pulls at the corners of your mouth. You knew he would be good at this—he's good at everything. It's easy to fold him into your hobbies, ask him for advice on the direction of a new piece, teach him how you complete small projects such as this. The quiet, solemn, intensity he brings to each task always fills you with an airy exaltation. It stretches your seams, bidding you to burst with happiness and contentment. It calls you to bare a piece of yourself, one after another. To not shy away from hiding any part of yourself. A lump catches in your throat. What you wouldn't give for him to be here with you all the time. But, small moments like this—living and moving through life with him—it's all you can ask for.
A brush of his dirt crusted finger against the back of your hand pulls you from your thoughts. Looking down at the pink variegated leaves, they bloom out from a bed of freshly turned soil.
"What now baby?"
"We need to water it," you whisper.
You point to the cup sitting at the edge of the towel. Easily within his reach, he brings it in front of you, and picks up your hand. He places it over his and angles the cup. It dribbles down the lip to kiss the base of the stem. You lean back into his embrace and his lips ghost over your cheek up to your temple.
After a moment, you rotate his hand, stopping the stream. You both watch as the water seeps into the soil.
"It's perfect," you sigh.
"I think so too."
You turn, attempting to scan his face, to see if your joy in sharing in this chore resides anywhere in his features; but, his mouth meets yours for a sweet kiss. His tongue prods your lips and you part them without hesitation, letting him in. You lift a hand to cup his face, remembering at the last second of the dirt that still clings to your hands. As if sensing your train of thought, he pulls away.
"Megumi, I love you." It's a hushed and fervent confession.
His face relaxes into a benevolent smile.
"I love you too baby."
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Thanks for reading, and feel free to check out the other pieces in the collab! reblogs & comments appreciated :)
disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters or people mentioned in this piece & all characters are +21 plus regardless of published canon
please do not copy, translate, nor repost this work nor any work belonging to @megumri​
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
timeskip!semi eita x fem!reader
ingredients? between the heat that makes his leather jacket cling to his skin in an uncomfortable way, and the number of children running around and mindlessly crossing the street while he's driving, semi never considered summer to be his favorite season. but that all changes when he sees his favorite girl in a sundress fucking simp.
what's it? smut, mostly. light fluff at the end
allergen warning/s? fem!reader,  the use of the word heaven -- light religious talk, biting, choking, semi being a whore for praise, multiple positions, oral [fem!receiving], tongue-fucking, light spanking, light overstimulation, fingering, light dumbification, light hair pulling, light scratching, swearing...i am so sorry. lemme know if i missed something!!
sugar level? 3.6k
parlor's note? my first full length hq fic i’m pretty sure??? this is also my entry for @sweetsbysatori​'s 2012 collab! happy birthday, dear! and i hope you all enjoy this filth i wrote.
likes, comments, and reblogs appreciated!
bon appetit!
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"god i have no idea how people can even tolerate summer." he grumbled from beside you, wiping the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve. "to think people even move to places that are fucking sweltering hot. fucking maniacs." he grumbled on, readjusting his arm that was around your shoulders.
you giggled at him, amused by your boyfriend's excessive swearing that usually came out when he was really annoyed, most of the time, it was paired with a pout on his lips. today, that reason for that was his intense dislike - or even anger - at the season of the year. you were sure that semi would be able to write a whole ten page essay on why he hated summer so much, and now with this conversation, you basically knew he'd be writing a song expressing how he felt about high thirty degree weather and blinding rays of sunlight only to grumble at himself when he finally calms down and feels better.
"i think i'd help if you weren't cuddled up to me-" he shot you a look and you immediately shut your mouth, forgetting the suggestion you wanted to give him.
in response, he readjusted his sitting position on the sofa and tightened his grip on your waist, allowing you to further cuddle into his bare side -his sweaty side, but how can you refuse this man? besides, you're used to it after being with him back when he played volleyball at shiratorizawa academy - "no way," he muttered. "already hate this fucking heatwave. not gonna let it take you away from me too."
you shook your head at his overdramatic words, laughing lightly. "alright, how 'bout we go and take a stroll through the park, yeah? it might be a little cooler there. besides, i heard there's a new ice cream shop that just opened up." you said, wiggling your eyebrows up and down, hand on his chest.
"at this point, i'd do anything." the teasing words were on the tip of your tongue, aching to poke him about his use of anything when earlier you had a suggestion - one that's factually going to work, nonetheless - and he just gave you his signature scowl. something in his demeanor, how he's more hot-headed and swears more than usual makes you decide against it. you followed him upstairs to get dressed instead.
after a short minute of going through your wardrobe, you picked the perfect dress to wear. it was a cute white sundress that stopped a few inches below your ass, light and precisely the right amount of tight to accentuate the curves that eita loved so much. it had a squared neckline and puffy sleeves and a thin white ribbon tied into a bow in front. you put on a matching white headband and some gold accessories to compliment the pretty dress semi gave you as a gift for your anniversary that year. lastly was the shoes, they were a little chunky, heeled, and laced up to your calf -- reminiscent of ballerina shoes. you grabbed a white minibag and went downstairs to meet your boyfriend, clad in an almost sheer white, long sleeved button down, the gold chain necklace you gave him back when you were first years hanging on his neck - he only takes it off when he needs to clean it - and black dress pants with vertical white stripes waiting for you patiently, a hand tucked into his pants' pockets.
when he hears your footsteps, he looked up from his phone and he swears that you actually steal the breath from his lungs with how beautiful you look. his jaw literally drops and you find yourself blushing at his reaction even though this has happened multiple times now -- the first time was when you were second years and you guys went to a school dance together, just like today, his jaw dropped when he saw you; tendo being the amazing friend that he is will never let his semi semi live it down.
you positioned your pointer finger under his chin and lift it up so his mouth will close with a smile on your glossy lips. that didn't do anything about the fact he's speechless right now, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water trying to get a compliment out, and you think this reaction is one you'll never get tired of and that semi eita is a man you'll never get tired of.
finally, he's able to swallow the spit in his mouth and his eyes scan over your figure once again. "angel, you look angelic." another scan over your body and lust takes over those warm brown eyes of his. "so fucking pretty." he mutters, hands finding purchase on your hips and backing you up to the back of the sofa. his mouth ghosted on the smooth skin of your neck, moving up to the sweet spot he knows all so well behind your ear, the feeling of his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. "eita,"
his mouths latches onto your clavicle, sucking a deep red mark into it and licking the skin once he's done to soothe it. "if you keep on saying my name like that i might fuck you so hard it'll be the only thing you know."
as tempting the offer was, you still had somewhere to go so you tugged on his arm, face flushed and your heart pounding. "p-park. we're gonna go to the park, 'member?"
he chuckled. "should i be offended you still remember the fucking park when i'm making you feel this good?" he didn't give you room to answer his rhetorical question. "well, i have to do something about that, don't i?" before you knew it, you were scooped in his arms and he was walking back towards the bedroom with one thing in mind.
he kicked open the door and wasted no time in setting you down on the bed and hovering on top of you, his lips finding yours in no time. he bit your bottom lip, making a whine vibrate from your throat, then slotted his lips against yours moving in sync. "god," he moaned, slipping his tongue in your mouth and letting it meet with yours. "you're the fucking best." the praise sent a wave of wetness in between your legs.
his lips moved, down, down to the neckline of the dress. he looked back at you, waiting until your eyes met his and sent you a wink. it was then he pulled the neckline down, making your breasts spill out. he captured one in his mouth, sucking and flicking it with his velvet tongue while giving the other just as much love and attention, only with his fingers, rough and calloused from playing a hundred games of volleyball and a thousand gigs with his electric guitar.
he stopped when you started to roll your hips on him, opting to give your ass a firm smack and moving down further south, trailing kisses upon kisses on every single inch of your body. "behave." his strong pronunciation of the word went against how soft his movements are and you found yourself so aroused that it hurts. that it aches. that now, the only thought able to grace your mind was semi eita and how he's making you feel.
he reached your waist and got off of the bed making you frown and reach for him. for the first time that day, he chuckled. his hands were on your waist and he pulled you from the bed until your hips were off of it. "just positioning you, angel. you know i love it when i get to eat that sweet pussy of yours like this. those gorgeous legs over my shoulders and that desperate cunny of your right in my face." he dropped onto his knees and nudged your feet apart, immediately feeling like his trousers were a tiny bit too tight and groaning, almost coming on the spot all because of the scene in front of him.
god, you were wearing his favorite lingerie set, the one he always took care of and make sure not to tear into shreds no matter how turned on he was because it looked so so perfect on you. every time you put it on, he has to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming or that you weren't actually a goddess standing in front of him and using him as a sacrifice, but honestly if that was the case, he's sure he wouldn't really mind. it's white, and lacy, and he can see the way your pussy's clenching around nothing but thin air. he grins and lets one his hands to travel down and squeeze the growing bulge in his pants.
"gonna eat you out in these pretty panties of yours." he leaned his head forward when your voice, breathless and needy interrupted him. "knew you'd like it. knew you'd be all over me in this dress. wanted to wear your favorite for you just to show how much i love you."
"oh message received, angel." his voice was low and gravelly and made you gush once more, a sight he lived for. his left hand was on the inner side of your left thigh and along with that, it pulled the damp crotch of your panties from your cunt, exposing it to the humid air in the room and his eager mouth while the right rested on your clit, drawing small, tight circles on the bundle of nerves.
he blew on it, just a little gust of wind that made your toes curl and goosebumps rise on your skin all the same. he smirked at your reaction before delving into your cunt, licking at the moisture and groaning when the flavor of it hit his tastebuds. "god, you taste so sweet, angel. so fucking good." he buried his face into you again and started to tongue fuck your aching hole, the wet muscle curling upwards at random times to gain a pleasured reaction out of you as it hit your spongy walls just right as well as for semi to gather more of your nectar on his tongue.
the smell of your arousal filling his nose didn't help him either. he found himself so turned on he started to rub himself on the bed and he prayed he wouldn't come just yet. he wanted to come in his pretty doll, his angel; you.
his tongue and fingers switched places, long nimble fingers being able to reach places his talented tongue was not able to making you squirm in bed and grab on to anything that you could, your mind spinning and basically going into overdrive with each time he treated your cunt like a fine wine. you whined loudly when he trapped your clit in his mouth and started to suck, throwing your arm over your face. he tsked at that, slapping it off. "wanna see your pretty face when you come."
you felt his tongue start to flick at you the same time his fingers curl in a c'mere motion and you're ready to come right then and there. it doesn't go unnoticed by semi, the way your body rocked under his control and the mewls coming from your mouth told him enough about how you were feeling so he cooed at you. "wanna come, angel?" all you could do was helplessly nod, lost in the way you were feeling and you prayed that semi doesn't choose to be a tease today because you wanted it so bad.
"go ahead, pretty girl." his fingers go back to playing with you puffy clit with ease so his mouth can swallow up every single drop of your arousal. that's exactly what he did, pressing his tongue flat against your pussy, letting you ride out your orgasm. only, he doesn't stop even when you're done.
"angel, you have another for me, don't you? you didn't get to really have fun with my fingers, so lemme give you another chance."
he feels guilty about it, truly he does. his fingers in your pussy reaching depths his tongue is not able to, while you were below him, crying it's too much! but he thinks it's worth it when he feels your pussy flutter around him at every word he speaks. "c'mon good girl. you wore my favorite panties for a reason, didn't you? now squirt all over daddy's fingers." his mouth left your clit to press sweet kisses all over your inner thighs and sucking a bruise into it as you came for the second time that night, screaming out his name and arching your back off of the bed and if semi wasn't turned on before, then he definitely is now. that sight was one he wanted to see for the rest of his life. no heaven above could compare to what you looked like lost in bliss and mouth chanting his name like a mantra, as if it's the only thing you knew in this world.
he crawled up over your body and you took that as your cue to move so your legs were no longer dangling.
he cupped your cheeks and kissed you thoroughly, teeth clashed, spit exchanged from the two of you, and your heart thumping out of your chest. he pulls away when he inevitably ran out of breath and pressed his forehead against yours, looking deeply into your eyes. "i could just stay with you forever." he muttered not giving you any chance to respond as he kissed you again, lightheaded from the loss of air. "so perfect, so goddamn perfect for me. my heaven on earth. i love you so much, angel." his hand traveled to his chest to rid himself of his shirt, this time not teasing you and allowing himself to spend more time without your caring hands roaming all over the contours of his body.
he reached to his belt buckle, going to tug his pants down when he noticed you pulling your dress over your head, something he tsked over with that familiar scowl on his face. "no, i wanna fuck you in that dress. want you to remember the way my cock feels stuffed in that little cunny of yours every single time you wear it." he growled out, pushing his pants and boxers off to reveal his cock, veiny and with a very slight curve. it may not have be the thickest dick you've seen, but it's longer than average, more than a few inches longer than average and semi knew how to use it as if sex was an art and he was a world-renowned master. for a reason you did not know, it looked pretty. almost as pretty as semi himself. it was a few shades darker than his pristine skin, the head of it a shade of red and with beads of pearlescent precum on it, looking absolutely delicious to you. you couldn't help but lick your lips when you spotted it making semi chuckle and yank your head back by the hair.
he was so worked up he didn't even see your headband and upon feeling it under his large hands, he scowled and threw it on the floor without a second thought.
the next thing he did was discard your panties. "these are your prettiest pair. gotta take good care of them, right?" he grinned, pulling if off your legs and shoving the soaked undergarment in his face, inhaling the scent of your essence before throwing it on the floor - this time with an ounce more care - and moaning at your smell. you couldn't help but press your thighs together, subconsciously longing for any kind of stimulation. semi smirked at your reaction and pulled your shaking thighs apart, making room for himself to settle in.
he hiked the dress just enough that he'll be able to position himself between your legs and reached over to the bedside table to grab a condom. he tore it, the foil packet between his teeth and slid it onto his waiting shaft smoothly, having done this with you countless times. he made a show of pumping his aching cock in his hand, tightening his grip before proceeding to shove it in you without warning.
no matter how many times you've taken semi in you, you're sure you'll never get used to the way his cock feels, warm and pleasurable, as if it was made just for you and your desires only. he fit you like a glove and you'd be lying if you said you didn't like the way the fat tip poked and prodded at your cervix when he threw your legs over his shoulders and pressed you into a mating press. "ah! eita!"
he could play the part of the devil himself with the way his already deep voice lowered an octave and got more raspy, "you like that, angel? like it when i stuff you with my cock?"
he was unrelenting in his pace, continuing to shove his dick in and out of you roughly and folding you in half like origami, using you like his fleshlight. all you could do was hold onto him, wrap your arms around him and dig your nails into his back, the other pulling at his hair, sending a searing pain through all of the pain receptors in his body. not that he cared, that sadomasochist.
he grabbed a pillow from beside your head and placed it under your lower back. the new angle had your eyes rolling to the back of your head and made you look like a bitch in heat, but most importantly, his bitch in heat. "answer me!" he barked out, breathless as his hand wrapped around your neck and squeezed tightly.
"yes! yes, eita! your cock is the best!"
a cocky smile crept onto his pink, plump lips. "you're goddamn right. you think there's another person out there that can fuck you this good, huh angel?"
when you don't answer, opting to wrap your smaller hand around his wrist, holding his weight up as he chokes you, he fills the silence with his voice. "absolutely not, angel. no one can fuck you dumb like i do."
with the hand that's wrapped around your throat, he picks you up with ease, turns you around so your back is to his chest and sinks you down his shaft. "take my cock so well, sweetheart. such a sight for sore eyes. want you to see how angelic you look when i fuck you." he grunts out through clenched teeth when one of his arms leave your throat, migrating to your face, squeezing your cheeks together and forcing you to stare at yourself as he pistons his hips up at you in an unrelenting pace. "look so fucking pretty taking my cock, like a goddamn champ, angel. you always have and you always will. you're my national fuckin' anthem ah shit-" he groans when his thrusts start to stutter, letting you know he's close to his release. "god, fuck, fuck, fuck." his eyes are closed tight now, and one of his hand tightens its grip on your hip and the other rubs at your clitoris, swollen from all the affection it has gotten throughout the afternoon. "come with me, fucking come with me," and really, who were you to deny his request when he looks this ethereal?
you screamed out his name, throwing your head back. your vision momentarily darkened when you felt pressure on your neck again, the feeling of your airway being cut off for a brief moment making for the best orgasm of your life. his hand left your waist and let you sink down on his cock as you came in unison, his teeth burying itself in the meat of your shoulder as he reached his climax.
he gave it an apologetic lick when he came down from his high, squeezing your thigh as he did so. "you alright? wasn't too rough on you, wasn't i?"
you shook your head at him. your throat felt too dry to actually utter words at him.
"do you need to go to the toilet?"
you nodded and he carried you bridal style to the master bathroom within your bedroom.
when you were done doing your business, he swept you off of your feet - literally. you stood up, ready to walk back to bed when he scooped you up - and laid you back down, brushing the hair from your visage and kissing the tip of your nose.
"so i guess you don't care about the heat anymore?" the burn in your throat almost made you think speaking a mistake, but when you saw semi's reaction, you decided against it. "absolutely not, summer might as well be my favorite season now." he peeled the dress off of you and settled to take a nap at four in the afternoon.
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narumika · 2 years
hello! I saw that the requests are open (although it may also be that you forgot to close them uh) and if it's not too much trouble I wanted to ask for a stage or HC (both are fine uh) for Hinata Aoi and Naru at once Fem! S/O who likes to clean and also sings very well but doesn't do it in public because she's too embarrassed, and Hinata/Naru only finds out because he found her cleaning and singing
the songbirds!
hinata aoi, arashi narukami (separate) x fem!reader
authors notes ; anonny i didn’t know if you meant at once as in poly but i don’t write poly, apologies :( i wrote them separately though,,
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the first time he walked in on you singing and cleaning he thought he heard angels
he LOVED your voice!! it was so elegant,, please consider singing in public!!! he’d cheer you on no matter what and would defend u 100%
he understands having stage fright though, so he just hopes you feel comfortable enough to sing around him
he probably had asked you to sing him to sleep once, he just thinks your voice is so elegant and calming…
you both have small duets when you clean together
probably tried dancing and singing with you cause he’s just soooo silly
probably gifted you one of those disney princess bags with a microphone. he would don’t deny it
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when she first heard you singing, she freaked out and rushed to you asking if you could sing with her
she loves your voice. a Lot. probably asked to record your voice for her ringtone
she used a lot of persuading but she got the damn ringtone. good for you naru, good for you.
she rants about your voice to mika, knights, literally anyone willing to listen (or anyone unfortunate enough to be in a 4 ft radius of her when she’s talking about your voice)
she thinks you’re very elegant, sings with you sometimes
has tried many, many times to get you to collab with knights. it’s okay naru maybe one day
when you guys have random spa days she sings to you and tries to get you to sing with her, it’s worked 2 times. you guys sound fucking amazing together btw
she is also apart of the disney princess bag with a microphone toy gifter club. she gives you elegant outfits (sewn herself or not) that matches your voice
her cat loves your voice too!! it starts purring when it hears you sing it’s adorable honestly
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byeolhyesisi · 2 years
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kim jungwoo x reader
An abrupt end left you in what you thought would be everlasting sadness. A trip to London managed to battle your shadows for a while, but you met your first love that drifted away.
genre: slight angst, hurt/comfort, non idol au, fluff at the end, open ending (kind of????)
warnings: was only slightly proofread so i apologize for any grammatical mistakes and misspellings. flow might also be too fast or smth idk im sorry
words: 3.7k+
tags: @angel-hyuckie @joker0705 @bbjisungg @spectracully @mmarrie @jwoos-colored @deysii @trashlord-007 @jeonqquk @neotechhsworld @kjpmin @i-aecrysture @je4nsv @whatsa-bi-as @gu-nil
a/n: hello! this is my entry for @moonsclover's beautiful wounds collab! i really hope i did well with the concept but this was fun for me to write<3 i listened to London by Yerin Baek and I got the mood of this fic from there^^ it has an open ending but it suggests a happy one of course! it's up to you how you would want them to be with eachother once again.
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Summer was warm and refreshing just like him. Since he was a new face, he was shy at first but soon enough, he showed how lovable he was. Jungwoo never failed to make you laugh, he was always the reason why there was a smile displayed on your face everyday.
You spent a lot of time with eachother, he always sat next to you during lunch and he always walked you home. The dynamic was unexpected considering that you were known to be this gloomy person, but Jungwoo managed to change that and it was a change that you didn't hesitate to accept. From strangers to friends, it felt like a life-changing experience knowing him.
He made you happy and he made you fall for his charms.
"Jungwoo what are you doing?" You chuckled when you saw him shaking the vending machine just outside the cafeteria. "The chips I bought for us is stuck. I even tried to buy something above it but it didn't help." Jungwoo pouted just as he explained the situation. You approached him, patting his back with a smile on your face, thinking to yourself that he's so adorable. "It's alright. How about we eat the sandwiches I made instead?" "I'd love that." His pout turned into this wide grinned that beamed brightly and it made your heart flutter from the scene.
It was spring when you confessed and he admitted that he felt the same. There, a relationship bloomed along with the flowers; a beautiful beginning, an innocent start. He showered you with his affection. He showed his love in many admirable ways. Jungwoo tells you he loves you religiously everyday and it never failed to make you blush intensely. You felt like your love meter was going to break because of the amount he gives. Of course, you made sure to show off much you loved him too. The way you would always bake him cookies or buy him unexpected gifts was enough for Jungwoo to fall deeper in the depths of love that he likes to call as "you". He adores you to an extent, he always wanted to make you feel special because of it.
Jungwoo always embraced you and it was soft. It felt like home. He is your home. You never want to leave his comfort and he assured you that he would never let you go.
You felt something was being placed on your head. You looked up to see Jungwoo carefully placing a crown made up of flowers with his delicate hands. "Hm? What's this?" You asked. "I made it! A flower crown just for my flower." He cheerfully said and it made you chuckle. "That's not all I have for you though." Jungwoo mentioned and it piqued your curiosity. "Tada~" the boy pulled out a necklace with a daisy pendant out of his pocket, his grin got wider as he put it on you, gently pulling your hair out of the loop to let the chain rest on your neck properly. "As expected. It suits you so much, I'm happy." You blushed, the tint on your cheeks became even redder once he wrapped his arms around you.
Autumn came and just like the leaves on the tree, the relationship has wilted. He left you all alone when he promised he wouldn't. Just like the leaves on the ground everything was dead and empty. The promises he made were meaningless.
Slowly you started to go back to your old self. The gloominess engulfed you again and just like that...
It was already winter.
It was cold. It was lonely. The warmth you wished you had by your side wasn't there. The comfort you once had was nowhere to be found. The person you once called your home left you all alone in this freezing winter where the coldest winds cruelly blows.
Years have passed yet the wound was still fresh as if it was from yesterday. Everyday you wondered if you were the one to blame. He just left without a trace, leaving no tearful goodbyes or bittersweet kisses. As if he didn't even exist in the first place, he just vanished. At first you were concerned; what could've happened to your lover? Knowing that he couldn't even hurt a fly doesn't give you much peace of mind. Yet the concern faded away when you heard that he was ok from one of his friends in school.
"Oh Jungwoo? Yeah he's alright don't worry. He left the country with his parents. Didn't he say goodbye?" He didn't and it made you wonder if you meant something to him at all. Why did he forget about you? Was the "i love you" he'd shower you from time to time a joke? He promised he wouldn't leave you yet where is he now?
Since that day your eyes were just like a broken faucet. Tears would suddenly stream down your cheeks and it would be uncontrollable. You tried to forget but it was hard. Because it felt like you were played and at the same time it felt like it was your fault. You were lost in this depressing world, stepping on the glass-like fragments of your brokenheart; your feet bleeding from each step with your eyes getting numb from each tear that would drop. You loved him truly. You love him truly. Until this day the passionate love you had for him was still there but it was painful.
"What did I do... Why did you leave so suddenly, Kim Jungwoo?" You were looking for an answer that was impossible to have.
Recalling those memories made you break even more. Pieces of you were everywhere and it seemed impossible to fix. You were at your lowest point in life, on the edge of giving up. The depressive surrounding just became darker, the path was just filled with more of those broken shards of glass. No light was found, because it left you years ago. You wanted to give in to the void yet there was still this small piece of you that was keeping you alive. Is it hope? You would be lying to yourself if you said you never hoped that he'd come back, lighting up your world once more.
You still tried to make your self elated. You still tried to make everything better. The facade that you always put up in front of everyone else is the best you can do to make yourself feel happier. Hiding your troubles under a bright smile outside the darkness of your life is the only time you actually appear to be in bliss. You once thought that maybe you're being a little too harsh on yourself by refusing to make a step and move on. Maybe you need a break to forget the venomous thoughts that creeps in your head, even if it's just for a short period of time; a fresh new air to breathe, away from the origins of your dark clouds, far from the nightmares derived from your memories. A trip was what you had in mind, an escape from Seoul where everything haunts you. A two week long break will be enough, right? You asked yourself reluctantly, still having second thoughts about it, but you knew that you had to help yourself some how. So you continued your plan, proceeding to buy a two-way ticket to London and book a hotel room; the only thing left to do was to pack the stuff you need. In the midst of gathering your clothes and essentials, a silvery material fell on the floor and it twinkled in the corner of your eye because of how it reflected light. Eventually you looked closer and picked it up, the familiar pendant made your heart tighten. "As expected. It suits you so much, I'm happy." His soft voice echoed in your head and you were longing to hear it again. You bit your lip subtly, wondering on what will you do with this necklace. Throwing it crossed your mind yet your attachment issues already makes it obvious that you won't have the courage to do it. You held it tightly in your hand, your fist clenching the necklace you once wore everyday.
Your flight to London will be on the day after tomorrow and after an hour of packing, you can say that you're all good. The necklace ended up resting on top of your nightstand, your eyes fixated on it while you were sitting on the edge of your bed. You don't know what went inside your head when you stood up and reached for it. There was something urging you to wear it and well, you did. Your fingers played with the daisy pendant, for some reason this action gave you a sense of comfort. Perhaps the reason because of this is him. The reason is always him. Until now it's still him and you scold yourself for letting it stay this way, but you couldn't change.
And neither did he. Jungwoo couldn't change the fact that you never left his heart nor his mind. Leaving without a word was a decision that he regrets in every second of his life. He had no choice and he didn't have the time. His parents rushed him; fleeing the country was so sudden that until now it still shakes him up. Day by day, he was constantly worried and prayed that you're alright. The tears he shed when he was on the plane was probably enough to make a whole new ocean. Jungwoo was in pain as much as you were. He always wanted to come back because he never wanted to leave you in the first place, but his parents would always stop him and he doesn't have the heart to rebel against what they want. He still managed to be the Jungwoo that you once met but it felt so wrong, as if he was just forcing himself not to breakdown everyday, fighting the desire to reveal how fragile he is now in front of everyone else.
He knows that it'll have a major affect on you because he knows how the world looked like to you before he acted as your light that guided you through your darkness called depression. Jungwoo just wants to keep doing that, he wants to keep being your hope. He wants to keep you safe and hold your hand. He wants to assure you everything is alright while cradling you in his embrace.
"Hey Jungwoo, you alright there bud?" Jaehyun's voice brought him back to senses, making him gulp faintly before flashing a smile, "Yep I am." He nodded. "You sure? You looked too deep in your thoughts." The man who was sitting across him pointed out. "Yeah... Yeah I'm sure, Jae." Jungwoo reassured before looking outside the cafe's window. Rain was pouring, the surroundings dimmed down because of the grey clouds that swarmed the blue sky, and despite being inside, he can already feel that the breeze of the wind got colder. In times like this, Jungwoo would be under the covers with you, warming your bodies from the cold weather in eachother's arms and falling asleep due to the cozy moment. The man glanced at his cup of coffee, wrapping his hands on the warm cup; wishing that you were there instead, wishing that he was still there instead.
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Today is the day you'll be able to get away from some of the shadows of the past. Your vacation leave from work got approved just now, receiving an email from your boss saying that it's all noted, even wishing you a safe trip and you replied in gratitude. Shutting your laptop down, you closed it before putting it inside your suitcase and you're now ready to leave.
Fast forward to your arrival at the London City Airport, the twelve hour flight kind of made your body feel strained and the jet lag was already kicking in. You already exited the airport, standing in line to wait for a taxi to bring you to the hotel you booked for your stay. Once you already got you taxi and you already got inside, you showed the directions to the driver as you were internally noting to yourself that thank god you can speak in english. The ride was quiet, the kind driver was quick to pick up that you were knackered from your flight that's why he decided to keep things silent, not bothering you with questions to have a small conversation during the ride. You were looking outside the window, in awe at the new architecture you're currently seeing. The streets seemed busy yet at the same time it was tranquil. Letting your eyes wander around the city somehow managed to make you feel light in a good way, the childlike amazement overtaking you for a while.
"Thank you..." You politely told the driver as you got out of the taxi and he grinned at you fondly in return before driving off. Breathing in the fresh new air that have zero traces of your painful recollections made you feel moderately lively. But would it last? Nevertheless, you decided to shake off the negative thoughts your anxiety is giving you. "I should be positive for once this time." You murmured to your own self before turning around to go inside the hotel, your suitcase trailing behind you. Once you entered the room you booked on the fifteenth floor, you gawked at it's extravagance; especially when you looked at the view outside the window. Well, you did pay quite a price for it and it didn't disappoint. It made you feel giddy for the first time in years, plopping down on the bed face down and you chuckled softly to yourself. Maybe a two week trip is all you really need after all.
For some reason you made a list of places to visit after you took a nap to shake off the jet lag. As soon as you woke up, you heard your stomach grumble from hunger and so you fixed yourself before grabbing your purse that had your keycard, phone, and wallet. There was a restaurant nearby and you thought of checking it out, letting your feet lead you to your destination. Entering the place, the aroma and ambiance greeted you as if you were an old friend and you enjoyed it. The interior was simple yet at the same time, alluring. You went ahead to stand in line, counting how many people were in front of you to know when is your turn. Your eyes were exploring the surroundings however it suddenly became attached to someone exiting the restaurant who looked too familiar. You had no idea if your mind was just playing with you but the person did look like him. Your mood shifted, your head was clouded by questions. Was it him? Is it actually him? Closing your eyes, you shook them out of your brain. It can't be him, right?
The meal you had was amazing but what you saw kept replaying on your mind over and over again like a television that was rewinding on its own. Now it made you think, "Is he here?". It felt impossible, there is absolutely no way. You convinced yourself that it's just a small hallucination your brain decided to conjure and yet it seemed so real. It wouldn't happen again, right? Wrong. The next day you swore that you think you actually saw him when you went to buy coffee before heading to a nearby park. In spite of the many years that passed, his features were still etched in your mind and that's what made you confident that it looks exactly like your past lover. You just brushed it off because the more you think of it, the more the dark cloud above your head is returning; your past is haunting you again. You didn't want to mess up the seemingly good days for you.
A sigh of relief escaped your lips when on the following day, there were no signs of "him" or any illusion of him. Were you just overcomplicating things? Overthinking it, even.
Although it wasn't just you. For two days straight, Jungwoo thought that he was seeing things from the corner of his eyes; he thought that he was catching glimpses of you twice. But the authenticity of these two moments were unknown to the both of you. The coincidence was brushed off, thinking that they were just false images caused by the yearning of the other's comfort.
Today marks your fifth day in London. Yesterday you took a stroll in the city, stopping by at some shops that caught your interest, and coming back to your hotel room tired, resulting in a good night's rest. Your plan for today was to buy some stuff at a local supermarket and stay at the comfort of the hotel. It may seem like a boring plan when you could go out and explore the city again but you wanted to take a relax for now.
You splashed water on your face at the bathroom sink, drying it with a face towel. Eventually you looked in the mirror and stared at the sight you see. The last time you did this, you saw that you were pale with sunken eyes. As if your life was drained from your whole body and now it was slowly improving. You don't look dead. You don't look alive either but you definitely look better than before. Is this a sign for you to move on? You exhaled an exasperated breath, stubbornly holding on to your false hopes, gripping onto the edge of the sink tightly before loosening it slowly. The past few days for you were good so far; excluding the ghostly sightings of what you thought was forever gone. Negative thoughts were absent, it was all clear skies and you want to make the most of it. You know that once you go back home to Seoul, you'll be back in the dark corners of your head, back to your old self because almost everything makes you think of him. Almost everything reminds you of him. That's why as much as possible, you want to keep things positive while you're in an almost different world.
You left the bathroom to wear your jacket, putting your phone and wallet in your jean's pocket. Walking out of your hotel room and to the elevator. You waited patiently for it to arrive. When it did you went inside and pressed the button for the ground floor, stepping out to the lobby once the elevator made a small 'ding', signaling that you already reached the floor you chose. The supermarket wasn't that far, in fact it was of walking distance. Walking inside, the ambiance completely differs from the one outside; it wasn't busy, it was quiet. The only notable sounds are the beeping of the barcode scanners and the soft music playing in the background. You went ahead and grabbed a cart, leaning forward on the handle as you went around to browse the store. Going to a few aisles to grab some snacks and drinks. After that you were basically aimlessly roaming around for a few more minutes, casually taking a peek on the aisles you didn't go to while pushing the cart in front of you.
A sudden force that made a loud clank almost sent you backwards. You wanted to be mad but at the same time you were also at fault for not paying any attention to where you were going. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to—" a voice of a man apologized. His voice was soft and it gave you goosebumps. You looked at him and saw that he was looking down, fixing some of the things in his cart that had tumbled over due to the impact. "No it's alright, I wasn't paying attention to where I was—" You halted, your lips parting further while your shoulders dropped subconsciously, relaxing your tensed muscles as the man who hit your cart with his raised his head.
Your body felt weak, your heart felt weak. You felt like breaking down here and now, and so does he. For a while you just stared at eachother in disbelief.
"This isn't real, right? You're not here... You can't be here. No this isn't..." You refused to believe and you refused to cry over something that wasn't true. Jungwoo mimicked the way your mouth was slightly agape because of the shocking encounter. So I wasn't seeing things? He thought in his head. The woman he loved so much was right in front of him after unwillingly leaving her behind. Destiny was playful enough to make the two of you meet in such an unexpected moment.
"You're still beautiful." He whispered audible enough for you to hear, making you feel more frail at his words— it wasn't the response you wanted but it was the response you didn't think you needed. Jungwoo didn't hesitate in engulfing you in his arms and you didn't hesitate in melting into the embrace you craved for so long. It wasn't something your brains made up. Jungwoo was here. You can feel his warmth. He has you in his embrace. This isn't a hallucination. After all these years, you both felt eachother's warmth in the freezing cold winter wind that blew harshly. Slowly you could feel the cold and dark atmosphere disperse in the air.
"And I still love you." Jungwoo choked on his words as he broke down crying, holding onto you tightly and you did the same.
Sure this isn't the most ideal thing to do in a local supermarket, but as simple as the place was— it was what made it more unreal and unnatural. It made it seem like a dream and it's a dream that has finally came true. You sniffled, burying your face on his chest. Your tears were staining the material of the baby blue sweatshirt he was wearing. "Don't leave. Please don't leave me again. Please, Jungwoo..." You pleaded. A part of you was still not convinced that this was reality, telling you that it's pathetic to even say those words but you didn't care. You could feel his warmth. You weren't alone.
Your plead made Jungwoo tighten his embrace, not tight enough to restrict you from breathing but tight enough to let you know that he doesn't want to let you go. Never again.
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aonesteddybear · 4 years
According To Him
akaashi keji x  female reader
warnings: cheating, soft angst, body worship oral sex (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex
word count: 5001
notes: this is for the nsfw hq server collab, which the prompt was " I wonder what he would do if he knew you were with me right now ” akaashi was one of two of the pieces i wrote for this collab so be sure to keep an eye out for terushima which will be posted later in the day. be sure to check out the masterlist here and see all the other great writings and artwork done!
thanks for the beta @daishou-s​
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Hot tears slipped down your cheeks in frustration as the door slammed. The apartment was eerily quiet. The only noise filling your ears was the occasional soft sniffle as you furiously rubbed at your eyes, willing yourself to stop crying despite the very real reason behind them. 
The sheets puddled in your lap, and despite the soft chill covering your skin, you couldn’t bring yourself to cover yourself- your bed no longer brought you the comfort you sought. Yet again, your fiancé had left you to go practice volleyball with his team post-sex despite having agreed to dinner with you. He had kissed you, apologizing as he got ready despite your pleas, but Bokuto Koutaro really only had one love that claimed his heart, and it was always glaringly obvious it wasn’t you. 
You could beg him all you wanted, but at the end of the day, he would choose his sport over you. It didn't always bother you. In fact, you had encouraged it for the longest time, even as he skipped out on dates or outings for practice. However, leaving you for the others had long since grown old, especially when you wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms and be held. 
He always would promise to make it up to you, showering you in gifts and lavish trips and soft words, but it didn’t change the fact he really only seemed to be at ease on the court and between your legs. 
Still, there was one person you knew you could always turn to. As long as you have known Bokuto, Akaashi Keiji has known him longer. The former setter had always dealt with Bokuto’s tantrums and emotional mood swings, and he didn’t seem to mind when, even now, you turned to him for help.
You always assumed it was because Akaashi favored Bokuto, the two of the remaining close friends and meeting frequently even though they had graduated and had no actual ties holding them together. After seeing him around for so long, you had also warmed up to him, and now, you also sought him out for comfort, despite the soft whisper of it being inappropriate, which you often forced down. 
Still, you found yourself reaching for your phone and clicking the familiar contact. After a few moments of it ringing, the phone clicked as the other side picked up. 
“Hello?” Akaashi’s voice carried through the phone, and you sniffled pathetically again. “Y/N, are you okay?”
You nodded, forgetting he couldn’t see you. “Yeah.” God, even your voice sounded pathetic. “Can you come over?” You found yourself whispering before you considered the words.
Akaashi was silent for a moment, and you found yourself wondering if he would agree to the proposition before he spoke. “Sure.” The sound of keys jingling made you swallow, because of course your boyfriend's friend would come over to see you when your boyfriend wouldn’t even stay. “What’s wrong?” 
You rubbed at your eyes again. “It’s Kou again. He is...infuriating, sometimes. We were supposed to have dinner, but someone texted him, and of course he agreed. We’ve been planning this for the last week.” You found yourself babbling, the words spilling before you could stop it even as silent tears rolled down your face in humiliation. 
“Okay, okay. It’s okay, Y/N. I promise. I’ll be there in a few okay? I’ll tell you when I get there.” His words were soothing, and you mumbled an agreement. As he hung up, you forced yourself to wipe your tears once more. 
You looked down at your chest and the splattering of hickeys Bokuto had left on them, and you touched them lightly before your hand fell. You could feel the soreness between your legs, left over from his energetic thrusts, and you didn’t want to think of the mess he had left there either.
Still, Akaashi was on his way, so you forced yourself to stand, moving from the bed and grabbing an old, oversized shirt and a pair of panties from the drawer as you made your way to the bathroom. As you cleaned yourself up, taking care of the new bruises and fluids left from your actions earlier, you didn’t fight the tears or the pit in your stomach.
You tried washing your face, patting cold water on your eyes to remove the puffiness that was there, but eventually, you ignored it, simply wiping it on the shirt. Akaashi had seen you worse than this. 
As if on cue, a knock on your apartment door had you jumping. You walked out, dragging your feet as you went before you opened it without looking. Akaashi stood outside the door, his fist raised if he was about to knock again before you had opened it. 
Upon seeing you, his features softened, and he stepped into your space, pulling you into a hug as you sniffled into his shirt. His hand was gentle on the back of your head, petting your hair lightly as he soothed you, the door shutting behind him. “It’s okay. I promise. It’ll be ok.”
You clung to his words, replaying them in your head in hopes that he was right, because at this point you were ready to leave. You were so sick and tired of Bokuto’s antics and not appreciating you.
As if Akaashi could sense your train of thought, he pressed a soft kiss to your head. “He loves you, a lot.” At this point, you weren’t sure who he was trying to convince, because Bokuto clearly wasn’t here showing it. “I’m sorry he’s doing this to you.” 
You hum in response, enjoying the contact with Akaashi, but even you realized how wrong it was for you to be seeking comfort in your fiance’s best friend's arms. Which is exactly why you pulled back, and Akaashi reluctantly let you.
“Do you want a drink?” you questioned, and Akaashi smiled so softly, his eyes just as sad as yours were. 
“I know where everything is. Go sit down.” He coaxed gently, and you nodded. 
You could hear him as he rustled through your kitchen, finding your cups and the water you kept chilled in the fridge. When he brought it out to you, you were already sitting on the couch, a blanket drawn up over you as he handed you a cup, which you took, swirling it gently in your hands as Akaashi sat next to you, his body angled towards you as he watched you.
“Drink.” His words were a soft command. You obeyed, lifting the glass to your lips as you sipped it lightly. “Now, tell me, what happened.”
Your words spilled out then, rushing out your mouth as quickly as your tears did as you told him exactly what happened earlier. How he had come home late, barely talked to you before he was ushering you to bed. Then, he had just left after, despite your anger and the fact you had plans together. “It’s like he doesn’t even care about me, Keiji. He just wants me for sex.”
Your final words tumbled out as you finished breaking down, soft sobs shaking your shoulders as you sobbed. Akaashi hummed, taking your cup from you as it threatened to spill as he sat both of your cups down on the coffee table. 
He once again pulled you into him, letting you rest your head on his chest as you cried, and he resumed his head-petting, just as you liked. “It’s okay.” he promised, his words comforting even as he buried his own face into your hair.
He knew he should feel guilty about it, how he was holding you so selfishly and breathing your scent, which would fuel his late night thoughts despite your genuine heartache. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to push you away, and not let you clutch him so desperately and use him either. 
“I’m sorry he’s doing this. He should realize how blessed he is to have you.” Akaashi’s words were whispered into your hair, but you couldn’t help the soft noise of confusion as you pulled back to stare up at him. 
“What do you mean?” You questioned attempting to pull away from his chest, unsure if you liked where this conversation was going, but his grip was tight and prevented you from pulling away from him. 
“I mean, he is being selfish. It’s what he does. You’re amazing, and he should worship you like you deserve.” His words were gentle as his thumb ran over your cheek, wiping off the tear tracks there, and he looked so very sad as you flinched away from it. 
“Keiji, I don’t know-” You started, and he shushed you gently, his finger brushing against your lips. 
“It’s true. I would treat you better. I should have never given into him.” His words were soft, musing, as if he didn’t mean to speak them, and before you could question further he was leaning forward, his face suddenly too close. “Can I?”
You swallowed. “Can you do what, Keiji?” you questioned, and he smiled softly.
“Can I show you how I would treat you if you were mine?” His words were gentle, filling you with a lull of soft security, and before you knew what you were doing, you found yourself nodding even as he was leaning even further forward.
His lips pressed against yours, fitting securely against your lips as you sucked in a sharp breath. He was gentle- much more than Bokuto ever was- his lips moving against yours, and after a moment, you found yourself responding to them in turn.
Hands touching your neck made you jump even as he pressed further into you, holding you securely to his body so you couldn’t escape from him. As your lips parted to object, his tongue brushed against them before sliding into your mouth.
The whimper you let out was eagerly swallowed as he licked into your mouth, pushing his tongue against yours and enticing you to play with him, which you found yourself reluctantly doing. Your tongues molded against one another, slid against one another, before he was pulling away, gasping in breaths of air even as you leaned forward, chasing after him.
His forehead pressed against yours, his fingers tightening on your neck, feeling the drumming of your pulse against his hand. “Please,” his whisper was low, deep, and needy, and you found yourself leaning forward into it.
“Please what, Keiji?” you questioned, and he let out a soft whine in response, a noise that made your thighs clench together and all reason fly out of your head. 
“Please….” he hesitated, pondering his next words, as if he didn’t know exactly what he was about to ask. “Please let me touch you. Touch you properly.”
You swallowed again, and for a moment, your eyes met his, and the thought of what you were about to do crossed your mind, but rather than focus on it, you pushed it from your thoughts. You couldn’t mull over it, not yet. “Okay.”  
The word was all the permission he needed, a sharp whimper escaping his lips as he pushed back into you. His other hand attached to your hip, sliding first up over your shirt before he was dipping down, and pushing at the shirt. 
As his skin connected with yours, you let out a sharp hiss, which he eagerly caught, his tongue pressing against your lips yet again as you opened for him. As his hands traced up your body, his hands connecting with your breast, he tensed, as if he realized what he was doing also.
He pulled back ever so gently, his eyes searching yours as his lips parted, but any words he was about to say disappeared in his throat just as quickly as you licked your lips. His lips connected with yours once more, desperate, as his hand opted to grope at your breast, squeezing the tender flesh before he pulled back to pinch at the nipple lightly. 
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous.” His words were whispered into your mouth as you gasped into him, back arching up into his touch as he pulled at the bud. “He’s so stupid.” 
You let out a soft noise at that in objection, but he didn’t give you the chance to speak as he nipped at your lips eagerly instead. After a moment, his head dipped from you, his hands moving down to push at your shirt until he was able to wiggle it up past your breasts. 
The sharp exhale was audible to you as he stared at your chest for a moment before his head dipped to kiss at the valley between them. He pulled back just far enough to shift where his head was before he latched on to your nipple, sucking it gently into his mouth as his tongue pushed over it in excitement. 
His pace was gentle, soothing, and relaxed as he sucks at tender flesh. His teeth grazed the bud just for a moment before he soothed it with his tongue. “You’re so perfect.” The words were whispered into your flesh as he nuzzled at it, his other hand palming softly at your other breast as his eyes flicked up to your face.
As your eyes met, his name fell from your lips in a soft sigh, a mournful sound, and he smiled gently. His lips released your nipple, moving to the other side to suck on it as your hands came to grip his hair. 
He hummed in response as you tugged lightly in the soft curls of his hair that were beginning to form from the length. His lips wrapped around the new bud, sucking it into his mouth as you whimpered his name out again. 
“Keiji, please.” The words were whispered, but his ears caught it anyways, so very attentive on your body’s response to his actions. His mouth released from your chest as he turned to look up at you, and there was no mistaking the dark glint in his eye from anything other than lust for you.
He pressed another kiss to your skin. “What is it, darling?” his words were gentle, covering you in comfort as his hands rubbed tenderly into your skin. Yet as your lips fell open, no words came out. You didn’t know what to ask him for.
The idea of what you were doing was finally beginning to set in, a warm bubbly feeling masking the terror of being caught later on. Yet at the end, it wasn’t you who spoke.
“Can I take you to bed?” His words were sweet, much nicer than the given implications of what would occur if you said yes. He was taking charge of the situation and guiding you to comfort like he always did. 
Your hands moved on their own to cup his face, pulling him up into yours as you lent forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, your foreheads pressing together gently as you held him to your body. The hum he let out filled you with warmth, your toes curling in an excitement you hadn’t felt in a while as he pressed a gentle kiss to your nose.
“Yes,” the word fell from your lips without much thought. The idea of telling him no, pushing him away from you, left you with even more anxiety than holding him did. 
“Come, little one.” His instructions had you moving even before he pulled away, clutching to his body as he helped you to your feet and ushered you in front of him towards the bedroom. As you crossed the threshold of the room, you swallowed, feet pausing as you gazed at your bed, which was still tousled from earlier. 
Sensing your hesitation, Akaashi’s arms wrapped around you from behind, his hand coming up to force you to stare up into his eyes. “If you don’t want to, we can stop.” He assured, pressing his face gently against yours once more, and you couldn’t help the whimper that fell from your lips as you pressed further into his. 
“No. I want to.”
You knew he was giving you an out, promising to stop at any point should you want it, but it didn’t change the fact of how desperately you craved wanting to be wanted. So you angeled your head up, kissing first his jawline and moving to the corner of his lips. 
“Please, Keiji,” you whispered, and this time you both knew exactly what you were asking for, and who was Akaashi to deny either of you?
His hands moved, shifting to spin you around to face him further as his hands came up to tangle roughly in your hair, and his other hand slotted against your hips as he carefully walked you backwards until your knees hit the bed.  
Before you could collapse onto it, his hands were moving to push at your shirt once more, removing his lips from yours just long enough to tug your shirt over your arms and head before he was throwing it to the floor and pressing back further into you relishing how your body felt flush against him.
He could feel your nipples pressed against his body, even through the skin as you whimpered in frustration. Your hands reached out, tugging at his shirt, and he laughed lightly against your lips as he pulled back. His hands fumbled with his shirt for a moment, undoing the buttons by his head, before he was tugging his own shirt off and discarding it. 
As his body pressed against yours, with only bottoms separating the two of you, he let out a sharp sigh into your lips. Your hands smoothed over his skin, running over muscles and skin you had never experienced before. 
Yet, just as quickly as he started the kiss, he pulled away. His hands nudged your hips further back on the bed as his head dipped down to kiss at your neck. You hummed in response, fingers lazily running over his back as you rolled your hips up into him.
“Easy,” he breathed out into your skin, moving to kiss at your collarbone, and then back down your chest. “I want to take my time, show you properly how much you mean to me. Is that okay?” 
You nodded, licking at your lips as you watched him move further down your body, stopping only to kiss at spots randomly, just to hear and feel the responses you gave to him. When he reached the band of your panties, he hesitated, pressing a kiss right against the line. His eyes flicked up at you as his fingers ran over the band carefully.
“Are you sure?” His words were gentle, but clouded with desire. You let out an annoyed whimper, tired of his hesitation.
“Keiji, please.” You found yourself repeating even as he frowned, pulling back slightly, and you lifted your hips to chase after it as his hands pushed down, effectively holding you in place.
“I want to hear you say it.” 
You let out a whine, licking at your lips as you reached out for him. “Yes, I’m sure. I want you, Keiji.” 
Akaashi hums then, a delighted glint showing in his eyes as he mulls over your words in his head. “You sound so beautiful when you say that.”
His hands tugged at the band of your underwear, pulling it down your legs, and you feel your legs closing at his intense scrutiny, suddenly shy.
“Shhh,” he soothed, his thumb running over your mons. “You’re so fucking perfect.” He promised, and you let out a soft whimper in response to his words.  
His hands nudged your legs open as he pushes his way in between them. His eyes were level with your cunt, and you couldn’t help the warm flush that spread up your body as you covered your face with your hands shyly, and his fingers gently pushed open your lips to stare at your core. 
“Perfect.” he repeated, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the top of your slit before you could object. Just as quickly, his tongue slid out, licking up your slit as you let out a sharp gasp of his name. 
Before you could try and wiggle away, his hands connected with your hips, grabbing them tightly as he held you still, his eyes connecting with yours as he pressed his face into your core. His tongue slid out to lick sloppily at your hole as you feel him push into you.
“Keiji!” His name was slurred, your mind hazy at the stimulation he was giving you. He was so different from how Kotarou usually ate you out. Akaashi was much more neat, his tongue pushing in and out of you repeatedly even as you squirmed underneath his grip, desperate for more. 
Yet, as your eyes flicked down to look at him, his attention was focused solely on you. Blue eyes knocked your breath away as they locked with yours, and you couldn’t help the whine that slid out as you attempted to arch your hips up into his mouth. 
Akaashi hummed in response, a satisfied noise that had you blushing from the vibrations as his tongue pulled away from your hole, licking up your slit slowly yet again until it flicked over your clit.
The grin that spread across his face was shameless as you jumped, hands flying down to fist in his hair at oversensitivity as you let out a squeal of his name. He repeated the action, enjoying how you flinched and cried at the pleasure as he continued to repeat the assault on the sensitive bundle of nerves smugly. 
“It’s too much.” You whispered, but ever-attentive, he caught it. He let out a hum in response even as you whined at the vibrations, but rather than back off, his lips wrapped around the bud as he sucked harshly on it.
Your back arched up off the bed as your fingers tightened in his hair. “Fuck, Keiji!” you cried out, hips jerking under his hands as they pushed you down. Even as your eyes squeezed shut, you could feel his eyes on you, watching your face closely as he memorized your movements, ingraining them into his mind, and he held your hips flush to his face even as you squirmed against his grip.
As the ball in your stomach exploded. His name was all that fell from your lips in a chant as you came around him. His fingers worked you steadily through your orgasm, your body trembling around him as you crashed down. As his movements caught up with your body, you let out a cry, pushing at his head desperately as you attempted to push him away. 
“‘s too much!” You repeated, words slurred and heavy in your mouth as your body jerked with overstimulation.
The man finally gave in, pulling away to kiss his way up your body as you grabbed at his face, kissing him eagerly as you pushed at his remaining clothes. 
“Please?” The word was asked against his lips, barely audible as you gasped into his mouth. He nodded in response, his lips never leaving yours as his hands fumbled with his boxers, pushing them down his legs.
As you reached down, wrapping a fist blindly around his cock, his hips canted forward, a sharp groan escaping his lips against yours as you curiously stroked it. He was heavy in your hand, solid and warm. You could feel the precum leaking down from his tip, wetting your hand as you ran a thumb curiously over it.
As you tried to pull away, his hands caught you, holding you against him even as you let a soft squeak in protest, wanting to taste him in your mouth as well. “It’s fine,” he breathed out against your lips as if he could hear your thoughts. 
“This is about you.”
His hands nudged you back, pinching at your skin playfully as you wiggled backwards further up the bed. He stopped you, pushing you flat back onto the bed so he could loom over you.
He pulled back, panting heavily against your lips as his eyes scanned your face once more, and you couldn’t help but acknowledge just how pretty he was, the light illuminating his head behind a shadow of black hair. 
You reached up for him, trying to pull him back down against you, but he gently knocked your hand away as he looked down at you, eyes soft. 
“I don’t have a condom.” He sounded apologetic, unsure of his words, as he examined you and your reaction to his statement. 
You hummed in response, gently rubbing a thumb against his cheekbone as he turned his head into the pressure. 
“It’s okay,” you promised softly. Koutarou never wore a condom with you, prefering to fill you up, which you didn’t mind, but it helped that you were on birth control already. You also trusted Akaashi, and if he said he was safe, you had no reason to doubt him.
“I can pull out?” he offered, voice raising at the end of his words in question as he proposed the solution, and you nodded softly. 
“That’s fine with me.” You approved, and this time it was him who hummed in approval as he shifted upwards close towards your hip. As he pulled back to rub a thumb over his own head, and you felt your mouth dry at just how pretty his cock was. 
He didn’t give you long to look, gently gripping your hip with one hand as he held his cock with the other. He ran the tip of it along your folds, smiling softly as you jumped at the sensation of it bumping into your clit. 
As soon as he deemed it slick enough with your own juices, he angled his hips to push it lightly against your opening. He teased you just for a moment, gently pressing against the hole without pushing into it until you whined out his name. It was a pitiful sound that had him pushing his hips forward and entering you with a soft exhale.
You felt your body tense up around him at the new sensation. He was a bit smaller than Bokuto, not stretching your walls to the same level, but it still left your toes curling at the new sensation of Akaashi inside of you. 
Your sharp whimper filled his ears, your hips arching up into him as he bottomed out within you. You reached up, grabbing at his shoulders as you pulled him into you. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling his face into yours as you kissed at him. 
“Fuck,” You breathed. “Can you move please?” 
He hummed in response, nipping at your lip softly. “Yes, of course.”
His hips rolled into you gently, testing your response, and you let out a whine in pleasure as you tugged at his hair. He was slow, testing out your responses as you squirmed underneath him. 
His name fell from your lips as you angeled your hips slightly higher, urging him to speed up. 
“Shhh,” he hushed gently, kissing you as his hands moved to push your hips down. “You have to be patient.” 
You frowned, grabbing at his back as you whimpered in frustration. “I don’t want to be patient, Keiji.”  
He pressed a finger against your lips, leaning forward to kiss you as he pulled his finger away. You let another huff as he shifted, grabbing your hips and jerking them upwards so he could move his hips easier into you.
As he thrusted into you at this new angle, you let out a sharp yelp. Your hands scrambled at his arms as he hit the spongy spot inside your walls. A soft sob escaped your lips as he repeatedly began to hit your g-spot. 
“Please, please, please.” You chanted out, back arching up into him in time with his thrusts. “Just like that.” 
He smirked, leaning forward to cup your face in his hands. “You’re so gorgeous,” he purred, leaning down to kiss you tenderly.
Your tongue ran along his lips, eagerly pushing into his mouth as he opened for you. As your tongues pressed together, Akaashi’s hand slid in between your bodies to rub at your clit. As his fingers connected with your body, you jerked away from him at the sensation. 
He let out an amused noise as he held you steady, pushing his fingers against you as he rubbed at your clit in time with his thrusts, and you jerked in pleasure. 
As your body spasmed around his cock, he tensed as you milked him perfectly. “You’re so perfect, darling- you deserve to be worshipped,” 
His other palm spread across your body, rubbing at your breasts softly as he pinched at your nipple lightly watching as you flinched, squirming under his attention. 
“You should be treated like the goddess you are, and if he won’t do it, I will.” He promised, his thumb increasing in speed on your clit as your muscles spasmed. “I wonder what Bokutou would do if he knew you were with me right now.” he crooned out softly as he watched you cum around him. 
As you grabbed at him, you buried your head into his shoulder, and your cunt spasmed around him. 
“Keiji!” You cried out, clutching at his body desperately.
As his hips pulled back out of you, his hand left you to dip between you two yet again, except this time it was for his own pleasure. His own pleasure crested over him as he stroked himself to completion, painting your stomach white. 
However, as he relaxed into you, the sound of the door creaking open made you both jerk away from one another, and you were left staring into the inscrutable eyes of your fiancé, who took over the scene in front of him with a strange amount of calmness. 
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask me?”
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wonjaekook · 3 years
Residual Starshine
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Pairing:  Soccer player!Yuta x fem!reader
Description: You’ve experienced plenty of irritations in your life. For better or for worse, none of them are quite like Nakamoto Yuta.
Word Count: 19.3k
Genre: strangers-to-friends-to-lovers ; fluff, smut, touch of angst
Warnings: my first published full blown smut scene (only one towards the end, nothing crazy), sexual references?, swearing, mentions of alcohol
A/N: Mingyu appears as a somewhat bad character in this, but I absolutely don’t think of him that way. As always, this is entirely fictional. If you want one song to vibe to while reading this, I was listening to Everybody Talks by Neon Trees a lot :-) this is the longest fic I’ve ever written and the first one containing smut that I’ve ever published, so please let me know what you thought!
Taglist: @junglewoos​ @insomni-writing​ @neowritingsnet​
This is my contribution to @/leesmrk’s sports collab, but she deactivated (Dee I miss you) so @lucas-wongs​ has compiled the masterlist in her stead! The link to the master post with all other submissions is in my masterlist.
You didn’t expect to be spending your first morning before classes with your face smashed into your pillow, pressing the cotton over your ears. Yesterday morning had been perfectly lovely - you slept a solid eight hours and you only awoke to the beautiful morning sunshine greeting you through your blinds.  All things considered, it was a very natural wake-up. However, the loud J-rock blaring through the floor from the apartment below you is the exact opposite of natural. Perhaps the music isn’t as loud as you perceive it to be, but you happen to take things quite personally when you’re woken up an hour early.
Except, you don’t take it personally enough that you force your body out of bed. Instead, you allow yourself to let out a loud groan of annoyance before you pull your covers over your head. Thankfully, the music shuts off about five minutes later and you drift back off to sleep.
When you awaken again an hour later, the sunlight coming into your room doesn’t seem nearly as friendly as it did yesterday. Still, this time you do force yourself to get up. You go through your usual routine - bathroom, change into your running clothes, and stretch. You hear no sounds of any stirring from your roommates as you get ready. It’s somewhat of a relief to have the apartment to yourself in the morning. You put your headphones in and step out of the apartment, trying to get yourself in the zone with your workout playlist while also doing a quick look around to see if anyone is out. One set of stairs and you’re at the door leading out of the small complex - a building with four apartments, two on the first floor and two on the second floor. Outside on the step leading to the sidewalk and there’s still no one around. Without a second of hesitation more, you’re off at a light jog. Half of the apartments in this area of your campus are dedicated to student athletes and there’s nothing you dread more than running, quite literally, into someone who’s by far your superior at this activity and who would judge you. As you run, the thought of your lower neighbor comes to you. You wake up early to go run - but they woke up earlier. At that thought, a frown subconsciously makes its way to your face. Shooting a quick prayer to the heavens that you don’t run into anyone, you continue on.
Though you hadn’t started running until this summer, you know your campus well enough in the years you’ve been here to find a nice path. That also means that, when you see pairs of runners ahead of you, you can make unexpected turns to avoid passing them. At one point, you veer out of the way of a pack of people who you assume is the running club. About forty five minutes later, you’re sweaty and more physically exhausted than when you had left, but the energy thrumming in your veins leaves you with a deep sense of satisfaction. You had successfully avoided every person you had come across on your run and-
You nearly open the door of your complex into one of your neighbors. Acting on reflex, you step back and dip your head, avoiding looking at him. “Oh, sorry.”
“That’s alright.” His voice is a smooth rumble and you look up, briefly forgetting about your sweaty and near-unpresentable state. He looks freshly showered, his skin smooth and just slightly sunkissed. Based on his physique, you would have guessed that he’s a student athlete, but his hair seems a little too long to match the stereotype. It’s a bit of a mane, a dark mop sitting atop the throne of his handsome face, and you think it suits him. As your eyes drift from his hair to his eyes to his nose and finally to his mouth, which has been set into the crooked angle of a smirk, it dawns on you that you’re checking him out very openly. Your face, already warm from exercise, turns blazing hot. After all of the hard work you went through to avoid embarrassing yourself this morning… “You’re cute, too, don’t worry.”
Several very intrusive thoughts come to you at once. By his very specific phrasing, he thinks you’re attractive. He also knows he’s attractive. The warmth of the complement fades to indignation at his cockiness. You press your mouth into a thin line and lower your head again, not making eye contact with him as you slip past him through the door. You’re not sure if his gaze follows you as you march back up the stairs to your apartment.
“One of our neighbors is a total ass!”
One of your roommates, Sowon, is lounging on your sofa as you sit at the small table in your shared living room, grinding the pen in your hand into your planner in frustration. It’s well into the afternoon now, the sun casting lines of shadows through your blinds, and you’re still hung up on what happened earlier. Sowon is also perfectly aware that you’re exaggerating, but she encourages you to continue. “The soccer neighbors or the volleyball neighbors?”
“Of course it’s one of the soccer neighbors! The volleyball neighbors would never do this to me.” You huff, eying the nearly empty container of cookies on the table.
“You’re aware that Johnny just brought those over so he had an excuse to hit on Yein, right?” Sowon releases a strand of hair that she had just idly wrapped around a finger, watching it twirl in the air. Your second roommate only sighs at the mention of her name, but doesn’t deny it.
“And Doyoung was the one who actually made them. So, by association, I am entitled to an equal share of cookies.” You consider Doyoung a friend - you shared a chemistry class with him once and he seemed to tolerate your presence, even enjoy it at times. He even sends you the occasional text still. “That doesn’t mean Yein isn’t going to be the one to give the container back, though.”
Yein frowns and opens her mouth but Sowon raises a finger to stop her. “Y/N is correct.”
With a shake of her head, Yein turns her attention back to you. “You were talking about the soccer neighbor?”
After you explain the situation as truthfully and dramatically as possible to them, they look at each other once before looking back at you. Sowon speaks first. “He’s definitely flirting.”
“Or he’s just like that naturally.” Yein counters. “Who flirts at eight in the morning?”
“You’d be surprised.” After you say that, her words sink in. You ran into him at eight in the morning, when he was looking refreshed. He’s a member of the soccer team, meaning he probably exercises in the morning. He also has pretty stereotypical rocker hair. “Holy shit, he’s the asshole who was blasting J-rock through the floor this morning!”
“Okay, never mind. He is a jerk.” Sowon wrinkles her nose.
“Was it at least good J-rock?” Yein prods.
You shrug. “It was alright, I guess. But that’s besides the point!” You slam your planner closed. “I’m giving him a piece of my mind the next time I see him.”
For several days, as classes start, you still get in your morning run and, each day, without fail, you’re woken up by the boy’s J-rock about an hour early. You fail to catch him at any time of the day until, finally, you’re on your way out of the apartment one morning. As you pull open the door, you nearly ram into him once again, though the situation is reversed. He’s the one who’s sweaty and warm, headphones firmly in his ears. That changes as he smirks, popping them out at the sight of you in the door. “So, we meet again.”
“Uh-huh.” You take the position of a displeased mother about to lecture a child, your arms crossed over your chest as you block the door. “You know, I have words for you.”
“Wow, already? People usually don’t have words for me until at least the third time we’ve met. Well, at least not more than a few choice ones like-”
You cut him off before he can inflate his own ego more. “Stop playing music so loud at six in the morning.”
He tilts his head like he’s confused, but the way his lips are quirked up tells you that he knows exactly what you’re talking about. “Baseless accusations. Maybe you should take this up with Jaehyun or Kun. I would never do such a thing.”
“Come on. I know it’s you.” The look you give him is entirely unamused, so he relents slightly, the smile falling from his face.
“What are you gonna do, report me to housing?” Before you can reply that, yes, that’s exactly what you’ll do, he continues. “I’ll tell them about the parties you and your roommates have. I’m sure they’d love coming out here at 3 AM one day just to tell you to keep it down. Almost as much as they’d love to come to my door at 6 to do the same.”
He starts walking towards the door and you turn your body inward, allowing him passage while silently fuming. “You-”
“My name is Nakamoto Yuta. You can say that if you need something to scream.” He gifts you a sly wink as he unlocks his door and lets himself in, leaving you so bewildered that you can’t think of a response at all.
“Stop messing with the soccer boys.” Sowon immediately reprimands you after you recount what happened. “You know the school will punish us before they punish them.”
“Yeah, and if this is your way of flirting, you need to think of something better.” Yein adds from the connected kitchen, tossing the stir-fry in her pan. “I’m not risking getting kicked out because you decided to mess with the soccer team’s star player.”
“To be fair, I don’t think he was really upset about the interaction. He seemed amused by my reaction.” You slump down, your forehead resting on the table. “And I didn’t know who he was until he said his name.”
“Well, he doesn’t know who you are-”
“And I don’t want him to.” You cut off Sowon. “I’ll just… deal with it.”
You get one more peaceful morning of running alone before, two days after you had first talked to him, Nakamoto Yuta comes jogging up to you. You don’t hear him at first. Music blares in your earbuds, drowning out most of the background noise of the morning, and your heartbeat in your ears fills out the parts of your internal sound profile that your music doesn’t quite reach. He comes up behind you, nearly making you jump out of your skin when you see the figure of another person jogging in your peripherals. Your pace falters, but you immediately try to right yourself and regain momentum, praying he’ll just pass by you without saying anything. Except he doesn’t leave. With an internal sigh, you turn your head towards him. He offers you a grin and air-taps over his ear. Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you pull out your headphones. “What?”
“Great morning, isn’t it?”
You contemplate shutting your eyes so that you can purposefully trip and eject yourself from this conversation. “I guess.”
“It’s soccer season. You know that, right?” You narrow your eyes at him, but nod. “Our first game is coming up soon.” You don’t like where this is going. “You should come.” “You must be hard-pressed for attendees to be randomly asking your neighbor to come to your game.” You reach for your earbuds again.
“Hold on, hold on.” You pause, then immediately wonder why you’re even giving him the time of day. Still, you relent for a moment. “If you come to the game this Saturday, I’ll stop playing music so loud when I wake up.”
“If you were a kind and courteous neighbor, you would just do that without having to threaten me to go to one of your games. And,” you state flatly, “I’ve already been to enough soccer games for the rest of my life, thank you very much.”
As you jog away, he doesn’t try to stop you again, but you could swear that he seems the slightest bit disappointed.
The next morning is more of the same as usual. The same loud J-rock that wakes you up an hour early, your same run, your same shower and breakfast and classes. You consider shifting your sleep schedule so that you wake up at the same time as Yuta, though you dismiss the idea because why should you change your lifestyle to adjust for his? You’d rather suffer the early wakeup.
Except, two days after he asks you to come to one of his games, the music stops. That first morning, you wake up at your usual time. You’re prepared to be upset at Yuta waking you early again, but when your foggy morning brain processes that you had woken up to your own alarm and not his music, you lie there confused. When you go out for your run not long after, you almost hope that you’ll run into him. There’s no way he’s just being nice is there? He has to be sick or something. To your disappointment, you don't run into him and you’re just stuck in your confusion. This goes on for three more days and each day you become more perplexed.
As you’re returning to your apartment after your classes that Friday, someone holds the door for you as you approach. “Thanks-” you start, then see who’s holding it for you. “-oh! Jaehyun!”
“Hey, uh, Y/N, right?” You smile at him, nodding firmly. You’re almost surprised that he remembers your name because you’d only chatted once before, back when you were moving in. He’s perfectly polite, almost shy-seeming, and completely different from his roommate. “What’s up?”
“Nothing, I’m just getting back from classes.” Thinking of his roommate… “I was actually wondering, um…” He gives you a confused look, waiting for you to continue. “Is Yuta doing okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine. Why?” Jaehyun hadn’t been aware that you were at all acquainted with his roommate.
You appear equally as confused as he does. “Oh, I… never mind. If you don’t mind me asking, where’s your next game?”
He brightens up at that. “It’s a home game. Tomorrow at six, don’t miss it!”
You return his smile. “Great, thanks, Jaehyun! I’ll see you around?” He sends you off with a wave before you go your separate ways, entering your respective apartments.
Should you actually go to his game? You don’t owe him anything, you never agreed to his deal, but he did stop playing his music so loud. You’re not really doing anything on Saturday either… maybe you’ll bug Sowon and Yein so that they’ll come with you.
That evening, the apartment below yours is particularly busy. All of the soccer boys are home - Yuta, Jaehyun, Kun - and the volleyball and art boys are also over - Johnny, Doyoung, Jungwoo, Taeyong, Ten, and Sicheng. After all, as Johnny says, Friday nights are for the boys. Conversation flows from school to girls to boys to soccer, upon which Jaehyun shares a very interesting observation with his friends.
“By the way, it seems like you have another admirer, Yuta.” Jaehyun says as he takes a swig of his soju, recently acquired from the nearby Korean market and grossly overpriced.
“Sure,” Yuta responds, rolling his eyes, “who would that be?”
“You know that girl from upstairs? Y/N? She asked about you today and then asked me about our next game.”
“We haven’t even had our first game and you’re already collecting fangirls? Come on, Yuta,” Kun chimes in this time, breaking away from his conversation with Sicheng about their shared organic chemistry class.
“That can’t be right,” Yuta says, leaning back into the couch, “L/N Y/N? I’m pretty sure she hates my guts. I tried to make a deal with her to get her to come to the game and she just brushed me off.”
Doyoung narrows his eyes at his friend. “Y/N doesn’t just hate people for no reason. What did you do?”
Yuta raises his hands defensively and half-glares at him. “I didn’t do anything! I was just being myself and she decided to hate me.”
“The star-player, cocky version of yourself or the normal version of yourself?” Doyoung says, looking entirely unamused.
Yuta thinks back to all of the encounters he’s had with you and cringes slightly. “Listen, she was the one who was checking me out first-”
“Stupid.” Doyoung shakes his head before taking a sip of the water he’s drinking. “Some people take well to forwardness, but not her.”
“Are you sure? Because if she’s asked after me, I think that means she likes it.”
“I am going to spike a ball into your head, you-”
“Guys, calm down,” Sicheng says with a rather flat tone. Instantly, the two bickering boys stop, resorting to glaring at each other. Jaehyun gently shoves his roommate to get his attention and the room quickly returns to normal. Later, Doyoung passes Yuta a new bottle once his has run out, so he knows that the younger was never truly angry at him. The small party doesn’t go long into the night - tomorrow’s the first game of the season, after all - and, surprisingly, there isn’t much noise from their upstairs neighbor either.
That is mostly thanks to you. You had convinced your two party-addicted friends to attend someone else’s get together instead of hosting their own, so you ushered them out of the house at around ten in the evening. You know that they’ll come back fine in a few hours, rumpled and with their makeup half sweated off, buzzing with alcohol and the blaring music of whatever houseparty they were invited to, but you still tell them that your phone will be off of silent in case they need anything. Previous semesters, you might have gone with them, but, now, you just want to sleep so you can wake up early and go on your usual run.
The morning comes with your sleep uninterrupted by your roommates. After you awaken, instead of lying in bed and contemplating life for a while, you drag yourself up and to their rooms, where you find each of them peacefully asleep in their beds. Yein bothered to change out of her party clothes and into pajamas while Sowon didn’t, her dress half off of her shoulder and bunched up under her butt. Both of them are snoring away, hugging pillows and blankets.
The relief of seeing your roommates in good condition adds a spring to your step. A few minutes later, after you’ve stretched on the floor of your bedroom, you’re halfway out the outside door of the complex when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You know who it is even before you turn around.
“Y/N,” Yuta says, grinning much too brightly for how early it is. He doesn’t seem like he’s been out yet, which is strange. “Good morning.”
“Is it?” You lift an eyebrow.
“Perfectly!” As he talks, you begin to move farther out the door. Down one step. Down two steps. On the sidewalk. “Do you want to run together?”
“Shouldn’t you be just coming back from doing that?” You pull out your phone.
He quickly matches his stride to yours. “I decided to start running an hour later on the weekends. You know, sleep in a bit since I have the time.”
“I’m happy for you.” You select a song and put one ear of your headphones in.
“Are you coming tonight?”
“Didn’t I already answer that?” In all honesty, you feel like you should be more irritated with him than you actually are. He’s at least amusing to talk to. Plus, he stopped waking you up an hour early without you even promising to come to his game.
“Yeah, but then you asked Jaehyun about it.”
You stop moving, turning to look at him. He has another one of those infuriating smirks on his face and all of your previous enjoyment flies out the window. “Maybe I’m a huge fan of his.”
“What position does he play?”
“I don’t have to answer that!” Now, your face is already warming and you haven’t even begun your exercise. You turn away from him again and begin to slowly jog. “Bye, Yuta.”
“He’s a midfielder! And I’m a forward! You can see today at the game!” He calls after you as you get farther away, his voice getting more distant. Part of you feels bad for your neighbors - the windows aren’t exactly soundproof. You just wave a hand back at him in dismissal. A minute later, you look behind you. To your great relief, and mild surprise, he isn’t following you. He went the complete opposite direction.
“Will you guys please come with me? I promise some of the guys on the team are hot.” You tug on Sowon’s sleeve like a child does to their mother when they want something.
“I thought you hated college soccer because of your brother.” She flips a page in her textbook, scribbling down something in her notes.
“I don’t think this one will be so bad. Our team is supposed to be really good this year, right?” You look hopefully at her.
“How am I supposed to know? How is anyone supposed to know? Today is their first game.” She stops attempting to study, looking at you. “Also, I’m messing around. I’ll go with you.”
You look at your other roommate, who is in the middle of the very exhaustive task of sitting on your sofa and scrolling through her phone. She gives you a thumbs up. “As long as I can put on face paint!”
A couple hours later, you find yourselves in the bleachers surrounding the soccer field. It’s a modest stadium, not a stadium at all but just a normal soccer field with bleachers on either side and some decently sized flood lights for night usage. Not too far away is a moderately sized building that is a shared locker room space for all of the school’s athletic teams. Your school never invested much of its funds into soccer until recently, largely thanks to Yuta and some of the other members who are in their third or fourth year playing who made a name for your university in the sport. You also suspect that they probably talked the ear off of the provost so that he finally agreed to give them more funding, but that’s just a personal guess.
From your place on the home side of the bleachers, you have total vision of the field. Both teams are running warm-up drills and it’s easy enough to spot the people you know: someone from your physics class named Mingyu, someone you remember from a party named Baekho, and your lower neighbors, Jaehyun, Kun, and, of course, Yuta. His hair is pulled back from his face in a small ponytail at the back of his head and a small version of your university’s lion mascot stands out proudly on his red jersey.
You purposefully make a point to look for him last, only to find that he’s completely focused. Though it’s just shooting drills, he seems like he’s entirely in the zone, his eyes sharp and calculated. From what you can tell. The physical distance between you isn’t huge, but you can’t read his expressions that well from this angle.
The sharp scream of a whistle being blown indicates that there’s five minutes until the start of the game. The teams both do a bit of last minute stretching as they gather around the coach, a man you recognize as a biology professor. Finally, just as the clock hits six, they squeeze closer together, arms slung over each others’ shoulders in a tight circle, and do some sort of indistinct chant that ends in something like “Go Lions!”
After they break away, you can see the shift in atmosphere. Everyone is completely serious. It’s the first game of the season and they aren’t going to destroy the reputation they’ve built up for the last three years. You watch as Jaehyun moves to his position as a midfielder, Kun moves to his position as defense, and Yuta lines up in the position of forward center. A coin flip gives the kick-off to the away team, a school with a hawk mascot. Everyone shifts slightly on their feet and, for a moment, the world seems to be silent. The crowd leans forward in their seats.
Then, the whistle is blown.
The game gets to a roaring start. From how cautiously the other team is playing, they seem to know the reputation of the Lions - a team that shot up out of nowhere and suddenly has one of the best forwards in college soccer. You find yourself grinning as the ball barely makes it past your team’s defensive midfielder Mingyu before it’s in the Lions’ metaphorical hands. Your midfielders carefully juggle the ball between them, passing and passing and passing, before it reaches Jaehyun at center midfield. He does his job quickly and efficiently, making it almost look easy, and the ball meets the half-tip. From there, the ball is stolen by one of the Hawks’ defense at a failed pass to the second striker, Baekho. The ball shoots all the way to midfield.
For a few tense minutes, you watch the players run back and forth across the field, their eyes never leaving the target. The game pauses every so often when the ball gets kicked out of bounds, but it always resumes with just as much vigor. About a quarter of the way through the game, Yuta finally has his breakthrough. Jaehyun lands a kick directly in his direction, giving him the perfect opportunity. The strike is clean and so fast that you would have missed it if your eyes weren’t glued to the movements of the ball. All of the people on your side of the bleachers launch to their feet in roaring cheers as the ball sails past the opponent goalie’s right side and into the net. You’re standing alongside everyone else, your hands cupped around your mouth as you yell in excitement. It’s not often that you see such a well done shot from a college team.
The boil of the crowd’s blood dies down a bit as the game continues, but soars back up whenever something particularly exciting happens. In the third quarter, the Hawks manage to land a goal on your team, but Yuta comes in clutch a few minutes later and scores two easy goals almost one after the other. The final score is deeply satisfying at 3:1.
The opposing team try to be good sports about it, but they’re obviously sulking when they shake your team’s hands. After they break away, they’re all gloriously sweaty, which you’re sure Sowon is excited about. Some of the spectators immediately rush out of the stands and make their way down, friends and significant others of the players, you presume. Part of you wants to go down there and be a part of the excitement. Luckily enough, a distraction comes in the form of some of your other neighbors before you’re forced to make any decisions.
“Hey, Yein, Sowon, Y/N!”
When you turn, you see Johnny and Doyoung approaching. Yein stiffens slightly and you nearly start laughing at your friend’s embarrassed behavior. Sowon greets them first. “Hi, guys.”
“I didn’t know you guys were into soccer?” Johnny asks, his eyes shifting easily from Sowon to you to Yein, where they remain.
“Not really! But Y/N wanted to go today.” In her nervousness, Yein easily exposes you.
“I wasn’t the only one who wanted to go,” you huff, crossing your arms. Doyoung and Johnny exchange a look that makes you want to change the subject. “I guess you guys are here to support some friends?”
“Yup, Yuta, Kun, and Jaehyun,” Doyoung says, looking towards the field, where some of their other friends are already gathered around the star player. “They played really well. It’ll be a good season.”
“I hope so,” Sowon says, also watching.
“Well, we don’t want to keep you guys from them,” you say, wanting to eject yourself from the conversation before it turns in a different direction. To your displeasure, Johnny is a master of knowing exactly what you don’t want and then doing it anyways. You’ve never really talked to him before, but it seems that he’s similar to Yuta in that way.
“Why don’t we all go say hi?” The tall boy says, grinning. “You guys can tell me how those cookies were, too.”
There is no escape. Now, as you follow them down the bleachers, you reflect Yein in a way. She no longer looks quite as nervous, eagerly chatting with Johnny, while you grow increasingly more fidgety. It’s not that you don’t want to talk to Yuta. You just don’t want to give in to whatever game the two of you silently decided you were playing.
Then again, it is much more fun to play along than it is to outright reject him. Plus, today’s actual game was good. You’ll give him that.
Trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, you join the small crowd surrounding Yuta. If you thought he glowed normally, he absolutely shines now. There’s something about him being in his element at the very top of his game that makes you forget your irritation with him for a moment. In that instant, he’s a star. In that instant, he reminds you of your brother. Then, he spots you and opens his mouth.
“Y/N!” As he calls out to you, the girl he was talking to before you arrived seems perturbed, but he ignores her, pushing his way closer to you. “You actually came.”
You turn your nose up at him slightly. “No one ever said it was for you.”
“Of course not. You and I both know the truth, though.” The wink is nowhere near subtle or sly and you scoff at him. He seems unbothered. “This was your first Lions game, right? Did you enjoy it?”
You nod hesitantly. “I heard you guys were good, but I didn’t know how good. You played a near perfect game.”
The self-satisfied smile drops from his face. “I wouldn’t say that.”
“What do you mean?” Tilting your head, you match his somewhat grim face.
“There’s always better plays to make, better places to have been. You know.” He quickly tries to play it off like he’s uninterested rather than deeply bothered. You’re not sure you know what the truth is. You haven’t talked to him nearly enough to know. This is the first hint of something serious that he’s shown you. It almost makes you want to talk to him more to find out.
“Dude, shut up, you’re good.” From the side, Johnny butts in, elbowing his friend. You’re glad for the interruption, as you once again didn’t know what to say. The mood raises, with some of Yuta’s friends reenacting the best parts of the game, joking about his long hair, betting on what next week’s game will look like. A few minutes later, the Lions’ coach shouts for all of the team members to go shower and get changed, so the crowd slowly disperses.
After you’re alone with your roommates, Sowon and Yein can’t help but give you playful shoves as you walk home. Sowon is the first to verbalize her amusement. “I thought you hated him?”
You grumble under your breath, not saying anything in particular.
“You played a near perfect game.” Yein mimics, making your face burn.
“I do not sound like that! Also, I know a good game when I see one and I know when to admit it!” You kick your shoe against the pavement as they giggle at you.
From then on, it seems like you run into Yuta far too often for your own good. Every few days, you bump into him when you’re either about to go run or when you’re coming back from running. When you go with Yein to return Johnny’s cookie container, Yuta is in his apartment, lounging on the sofa and chatting with Jungwoo, your third volleyball neighbor. Once, when you’re studying at the school library because you need a change of scenery from your apartment, he runs into you. That time, you snap at him.
“Are you stalking me or something?”
He places a hand over his heart, pretending to be offended.  “What do you mean? If anything you’re the one stalking me. I come here every Thursday after practice to study.” He huffs. “If you’re talking about when I was in Johnny’s apartment, I was already there before you even arrived. Unless you’re accusing me of being psychic, too.”
Your shoulders slowly lower at the guilt you feel. Cringing slightly, you raise your hands in apology. “I didn’t mean to imply…” You sigh. “Sorry. Can I buy you a coffee or something to apologize?”
Only after Yuta’s mock hurt shifts to a triumphant look do you realize the implications of your words. You’re really on a roll with implications today. He grins. “If you really want to.”
As you pack up your things, Yuta tells the few teammates he had come to study with that he’s going, and you walk out of the library side by side. Luckily, he actually makes for easy conversation and good company. You don’t know why he insists on the flirting and cockiness in your shorter interactions. As you walk to the campus coffee shop, you learn that he’s a studio art major. He learns that you’re a physical therapy major. You learn that he’s taking a statistics class that you had already previously taken - he put it off while you got it done in your first year - and, without thinking, you offer to help him if he needs it. After you order both of your coffees, finding out that he likes a lighter roast, you sit at a table in the shop with him. Silence comes and goes as both of you do some of the studying that you intended to do at the library. Every so often, he asks you a question. Usually, you answer him. You always return with a question of your own. You find out that his favorite of the bands that he used to blast through the floor is One Ok Rock.
“Sorry,” he finally says, appearing genuinely remorseful with the sheepish look on his face, “I didn’t have upstairs neighbors last year. I didn’t know you could hear it through the floor.”
“It’s fine. Sorry I snapped at you back then.”
It’s very strange to be on perfectly good terms with Nakamoto Yuta.
A few days later, when your brother sends you a ticket for the local professional soccer team, the Ravens, you almost feel like you should ask for a second so you can bring Yuta. Figuring it would be too much to ask, you plan to go by yourself, thankful that the game falls on a day the Lions aren’t playing. Plus, you can’t imagine what your roommates would say if you chose to go out of your way to take him with you.
You’ve taken to hanging out with the long-haired center forward, helping him with his math when he needs it and just… generally enjoying his company. That doesn’t mean you’re all sugar and smiles to him - it’s much more fun to mess around a little, make him think that you don’t like him quite as much as you actually do. The only thing you can think of that would personally offend him would be to say you’re going to one of his games and then failing to do so.
On the bus ride over to the stadium where the Ravens are playing, you’re thankful that you don’t recognize anyone from your school. You’re in the team’s colors, silver and forest green, and it would be clear to anyone where you’re going. Only after you get off of the bus do you realize just how many came to watch. The stadium is full, packed to almost capacity. That’s probably why your brother hadn’t gotten you tickets earlier - all of them were taken. He probably gave tickets to the earlier games to your parents. They would have thrown a fit if he had only invited you earlier, even if you are his favorite.
As you make your way to your seat, you remark on how strange it is to see your last name printed on the backs of the shirts of a bunch of strangers. The vibe of the crowd is completely different from that at your school’s field. While college students are excitable and energetic, these spectators are rabid. At any moment, there’s one hundred people yelling, someone trying to start a chant, someone screaming just for the sake of it. The air is buzzing with the anticipation of the crowd.
There’s a moment of sudden thick silence, like the moment before a dam is about to burst, where the crowd is silent. Then, both teams are stepping out onto the field and the stadium explodes. In the middle of the line of the eleven Ravens players, like he’s trying to blend in even though half of the crowd is chanting his name, is your brother. There’s a coin flip and it’s decided that the Ravens will start. He gets into his position, forward center, and the audience takes another breath.
You’re on the edge of your seat. Half of the game you’re standing. There’s a thrill about the experience that makes you so invigorated and proud beyond belief. If it had been strange seeing your last name on the backs of fans’ jerseys, it’s just as weird hearing the announcer say your brother’s name as he scores. If Yuta had been residual starshine, your brother is a shot of pure gold. He has long given up trying to make himself small where he glows the brightest, smiling as the whistle is blown for halftime. His teammates slap each other on the back when they go for water. Just as the game is about to resume, you feel your phone buzz in your pocket once. You figure that whoever is texting you can wait.
The other team makes a comeback in the second half, scoring on the Ravens and tying the score. You feel a bit bad for the goalie, a guy you know as Kim Yongsuk, who your brother had introduced you to in the past. He’s probably beating himself up over it. Still, the team doesn’t falter, doesn’t repeat their mistakes. It’s a hard game - from how close you are, you can almost see everyone breathing hard. Finally, with just a few minutes left to spare, the ball travels smoothly from the Ravens’ defensive line, to the midfielders, to the offense. Once it’s in your brother’s possession, it’s over. He shoots and he scores.
To be fair to the other team, they try to recover, but it’s just not enough. Time is called and it ends 2:1. The Ravens have won. You find yourself clapping and cheering with the other fans, shouting your elation to the huge stadium. As things begin to wind down and the teams shake hands, people begin to trickle out of the stadium. A satisfied hum is in the air, leaving a smile on your face, too. Perhaps soccer games are the reason you like parties, too. The warm, excited atmosphere, the noise, forgetting about the outside world to become absorbed in something else.
Finally, reality calls again after all of the players filter out to their respective locker rooms. You pull out your phone, about to send a text to your brother. However, when your phone comes to life, the first thing you see is a text from Yuta.
NaYu: Are you at the Ravens game??
An instant later, right on cue, you hear his voice. “Y/N!” Upon looking up, he’s bounding down the aisles towards you, also donning forest green and silver. Watching him weave through the rest of the people trying to leave, you wouldn’t be surprised if he would have slid down the railing if there weren’t other people there. Nonetheless, it doesn’t take long for him to reach you. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Why not?” You tilt your head, smiling slightly. You’re in too good of a mood to outright lie to him.
He blinks. “I thought you hated watching soccer.”
You hold your hands behind your back, swaying playfully. For once, he’s the confused one. “I don’t know what gave you that impression. I really enjoy seeing the Ravens play.”
“But… you said…” He furrows his eyebrows. “Didn’t you say you’ve seen enough soccer games to last your whole life already, or something?” “I changed my mind.” Your phone buzzes in your hand.
B/N: You still in the stands? I’m coming up.
At that, you freeze. Yuta nudges you. “You okay?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” You’ve kept the fact that your brother is the Ravens’ star striker away from everyone, besides your roommates, and you can’t even begin to imagine how Yuta would react if he found how. What would he think of you? “You can head out without me, Yuta. I’m waiting for someone.” The concerned expression doesn’t leave his face. “Are you sure? It’s kind of late-”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine, I’m-”
You turn just in time to see your brother jumping the gate blocking off the entrance to the field from the stands. Most of the stadium has cleared out by now, ushered out by staff, leaving very few people. Your brother has a hoodie on with his team’s colors, the hood up and partially blocking his face from distant onlookers nonetheless. You cringe internally as he jogs up to you, not seeming tired at all, and you greet him as he engulfs you in a warm hug. “Hi, B/N.”
“I’m glad you could make it. It’s not often that I get to play for my favorite sibling.” You’re looking at your brother, but you’re sure that Yuta has a shocked look on his face as he connects the dots. Now that your brother has directly stated who he is to you, there’s no avoiding it. He looks past you and realizes that you’re not alone. “Who’s this?”
“I…” Now that you’re actually looking at Yuta, you realize he’s entirely starstruck. He looks like he’s stuck in one place, his eyes wider than normal and full of awe.
You take over for him. “This is Yuta. He’s my friend from school and our team’s center forward.”
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m B/N! Since Y/N finally decided to show her face at her own team’s games, I heard you guys are doing well this year. Go Lions!” He raises a fist, giving Yuta a sunny smile.
Yuta blinks hard, looking almost like he might pass out. “Y-yeah. We’re doing alright, I guess. Thank you for your support.” He reflexively dips into a shallow bow, making your brother chuckle.
“You don’t have to be so formal. Any friend of Y/N’s is a friend of mine.” He elbows you not-so-gently. “Y/N! Tell me next time you want to bring him. I’ll throw in a second ticket.”
Yuta unfreezes a bit and looks at you. “You don’t bring Yein or Sowon?”
You shrug. “I don’t like to bring only one of them. It feels unfair to the other.”
“Still, I’m glad to see that you’re not lying about having at least one friend.” Your brother gives you a wicked grin and heat fills your cheeks.
“I have friends!” You insist, clenching your fists at your side.
“Do you?” Yuta teases, making you press your lips together in a look of indignation.
Before you can counter him, your brother interjects. “I hate to part with the two of you, but I have to leave.” He steps back, waving a hand at the two of you. “See you!” “I hope you stub your toe on the way out!” You shout back at him as he retreats.
“Hey, this toe is worth a lot of money! Love you, too!”
There’s a period of silence as you watch your brother disappear. Yuta clears his throat. “Do you want to go back?”
“Yeah.” You follow him wordlessly for a while, making your way out of the stadium. He walks by your side, his hands in his pockets. He doesn’t seem upset, just a bit shocked still. As you approach the bus stop, you finally speak up. “Did you come with anyone else?”
“Some of the guys from the team. I told them to go ahead without me so I could talk to you.” Of all the things he’s ever said, that makes your heart feel strange. A tiny flutter of a butterfly’s wings, if you will.
Then, as you make it to the bus shelter, you turn to him, grabbing onto the edge of his sleeve. “Yuta, promise you won’t be weird after this?”
He blinks, not fighting your grip. “Why would I be weird?”
“Just… I don’t really tell people about my brother. I don’t want you to think any differently about me because of it.” This level of vulnerability isn’t something you usually show and it feels foreign, unfamiliar. When you told Sowon and Yein about it, it didn’t feel this way. Yet, standing under the shelter with Yuta, his deep green sleeve in your hand, his eyes on yours, the light of the city falling faintly on your faces, you feel your heart pound even harder in your chest.
“I already liked you before I ever knew that.” He reaches up oh so slowly. You don’t know what he’s going to do. Touch your cheek, pat your head, kiss you? Before you can find out, the bus pulls up with a loud exhale, spewing exhaust. The doors open and the driver looks at you expectantly as you turn and get in. Yuta follows you, silent. Both of you pay your dues and sit down, side by side, his sleeve brushing yours.
You know exactly what it is about him that drives you insane. At the same time, you have no idea. While you don’t want things to be different with him after tonight, you also desperately wish for the opposite. You’re tempted to slap yourself in the face to try and wake yourself up from whatever strange dream you’re happening, but you don’t know how the boy next to you would react.
The ride passes excruciatingly slowly, as does the short walk back to your complex. Finally, as you’re standing in the stairwell, about to part ways with him, he speaks. “Do you want to study together tomorrow?”
At that, such a normal suggestion, you smile. “Sure.”
He reflects your expression. It’s a familiar look on him, which you’re grateful for. “I’ll text you. Goodnight, Y/N.”
The next day is entirely ordinary. It’s like the previous night never happened. Yuta is perfectly normal, perfectly flirty, perfectly infuriating. In fact, the entire week after is normal. You go to the Lions game, cheer on your neighbors, and pretend to be difficult with Yuta after the game. He’s always so hard on himself after his games, remarking on what he believes are the many things he could have done differently to play a better game, despite scoring all of the team’s goals and securing wins every time. You hope that you talking to him afterwards raises his spirits just as much as you enjoy it.
Then, one Saturday, you’re out running when Yuta jogs up to you. Once again, he scares the shit out of you, making you nearly trip. “Hey, Y/N.”
You tear out your headphones, giving him a look. “Have you tried not jumpscaring me?”
The shrug he gives you looks strange, as he’s jogging slowly next to you when he attempts to emote. “It’s kind of funny.” You grumble under breath about showing him what’s funny, and he continues. “Do you want to run together on the weekends?”
“This again?” You say, frowning.
He rolls his eyes. “Listen, I know you’re lonely. Since you come out to my games, I thought I should do you some sort of favor in return.”
“I also help you with your statistics homework.”
“Anyways, you’re in luck because I also don’t have a running partner. It’s a lot easier to set a pace and keep moving if you have someone with you.”
You know he’s right, but it doesn’t make you feel any better. When you’re running, you’re at your most vulnerable - sweaty, tired, out of your element. There’s plenty of reasons you shouldn’t want him to run with you. “You have to run so much faster than I do. I would just slow you down.”
“Not really,” he says, looking at your feet as you jog next to him, “see? We’re both doing fine right now.”
You realize that he’s right. You keep moving wordlessly for a minute, until you speak quietly. “Would you really not mind?”
You focus on his hair bouncing as he takes each step for a while before you look at his face. In the morning sunlight, he gives you a pure smile. “Not at all.”
On Saturdays and Sundays, he’s waiting for you just outside of the complex at seven in the morning with his hair tied up to keep it out of his eyes. He easily matches his pace to yours. He’s always much more awake at that hour than you are, but the quiet encouragement he whispers whenever you slow down help perk you up. It takes you a little while to realize that he’s doing something very similar for you to what you do for him after his games.
It’s a cloudy Sunday morning. Usually, you don’t talk a ton while you’re running together, but it seems that his curiosity has gotten the best of him. “What made you want to start running?”
“Hm?” You hum, snapped out of the world that was just your feet thudding against the ground and the sound of your breathing in your ears. “Do I have to have a reason?”
“People usually don’t just randomly start doing it. Maybe they want to get stronger or lose weight. Maybe they want to impress someone.”
“It’s not about impressing anyone. I’m doing this for me.” You say it firmly, confidently. His pace stutters and he watches you continue forward. There’s something in your voice that makes him incapable of moving, and all he can do is stare at you for a moment, his heart speeding up in his chest for reasons other than the running you’re doing. When you realize he isn’t following, you turn towards him, jogging in place. The way your face is illuminated by the sunlight being cast upon it makes him sure he’s never met someone as incredible as you before in his life. “Are you coming?”
You don’t know what’s up with him. His expression is something you’ve never seen but can’t quite place. He catches up in a few bounds and you resume your run.
The next Friday, you receive a strange text.
Unknown Number: Hey, is this Y/N?
You contemplate whether or not you should respond, but you get a second text.
Unknown Number: This is Mingyu from physics
Now, that’s strange. You start to type out a reply.
Y/N: Hi! What’s up?
Kim Mingyu: I was wondering if you could help me with the lab report from last Friday? I’m having some trouble
Y/N: Sure, do you want to meet in the library later?
Meeting up with someone who you’ve never really talked to before is strange. Mingyu tries to joke with you, but something about them falls flat. You try your best to laugh and help him anyways, figuring it’s just stiffness from interacting with someone new. Though it’s nice to finally have a physics buddy, you’re almost relieved when you go home.
As you approach your complex, you see a small group formed on the lawn outside. Sicheng and Ten are standing on one leg, holding the other leg up and trying to knock each other down. A small smile comes to your face when you realize that Yuta is in the group, cheering for his friends. Around the same time you see him, he sees you and his eyes light up. He’s quickly getting to his feet and bounding towards you. Taeyong calls after him with a frown. “Yuta, you’re next!”
Still, he sidles up next to you as you walk closer to the circle. “Y/N! Where are you coming from?”
“Just the library. Actually, I was meeting up with one of your teammates, Mingyu. We were working on physics.”
The smile he wears twitches downwards for a moment. “I didn’t know you had a class with him.”
“It wasn’t worth mentioning. I never talked to him before today.” You shrug, shifting the backpack on your shoulders. “What are you guys doing?”
“One-legged fight. You should join.” He suddenly has a sadistic gleam in his eye and you take a tiny step away from him.
“And give you an excuse to push me on the ground? No thanks.”
“Aw, Y/N, I’m hurt. You don’t think I would just push you if I really wanted to?” At his proclamation, you shake your head, trying to force down a smile but failing miserably. “I’m kidding, of course. I would never.”
It’s almost sunset and he looks glorious in the golden light, the sun reflecting off of his dark hair and making his eyelashes cast long shadows on his cheekbones. If you were bolder, you might say something about it. Instead, you let out a snort of laughter, looking away from him. From the circle a few yards away, cheers erupt. Ten is curled on the ground, dramatically bemoaning his loss to Sicheng, who stands proudly over him. Taking that as his cue, Yuta gives you a small wave and rejoins his group.
When you enter your apartment with a small, content smile on your face, Yein looks up from her cooking. “Good day?”
“You could say that.”
The next morning, thankfully, is a Saturday. Yuta is waiting for you, looking just as fine in the morning sun as he did in the evening rays. He’s stretching as you approach him. “It looks like it’ll be good weather for the match today.”
“It better be.” He says it lightheartedly, but you can really imagine him threatening the weather. He’s told you that he hates the rain, partly because it makes it unpleasant to play but also just because it dampens his mood. The team is lucky they’ve gotten good weather for the season so far.
As you’re running, you remember what something you needed to ask Yuta about. “Hey, are you free on Wednesday night? My brother offered me two tickets for his game.”
His eyes light up. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah?” You tilt your head, trying to keep your pace steady. “He said he would pull through, so he did. You made a good impression on him.”
“I am totally free. Completely. Did I tell you how free I am that day?” The child-like excitement in his voice makes you smile in return.
“Wow, with how not free you are, I guess I should invite someone else,” you tease and he lets out an uncharacteristic whine.
“Y/N, I know you’re messing with me, but if you take someone else after asking me, I will never forgive you.”
Now it’s your turn to pretend to be offended. “I see how much our friendship means to you, Mr. Nakamoto.”
He sighs dramatically, bringing a hand to his forehead as he acts like he’s going to faint. “You’re so serious.”
You stick out your tongue at him. “You’re such a fanboy.”
“I can’t help it. Your brother is just so cool. I don’t know how you don’t try to hang out with him literally all the time.”
That gives you pause. You feel your feet connect with the earth repeatedly for a minute, thinking about your brother and your complicated but not complicated relationship. You trust Yuta with so many things, so you may as well tell him. “A few weeks ago, when I said I was only doing this for me, I lied. Just a little.” You say, not looking at him. You’ve never really admitted it out loud before. “I want to get good enough to run with my brother. I almost never see him these days, but if I can start getting up to run with him sometimes… it’ll be like when we were kids. Or something. I don’t know.”
“He’s important enough to you that you want to change something about your life to spend more time with him,” Yuta says quietly, keeping pace with you. “I hope he knows how much you care about him.”
“You don’t always need to change to show you love someone. That’s why it was only partly a lie when I said I’m only doing this for myself.” You flash Yuta a smile, which he returns. Though your lungs burn and your legs ache, the air you breathe in is cool and fresh. “I’ll race you back.”
His eyes flash. “Challenge accepted.”
The next time you see Yuta is later that day, at his game. He’s serious, as usual, in the zone. As the season goes on, the bleachers fill up more and more with students eager to see the Lions throw sparks. The games continually get harder, but they manage to clutch this one out with a final score of 3:2.
Despite the win, Yuta still seems somewhat down. Afterwards, you’re about to go up to him to describe the glorious moment when he slid between two of the opponent defenders and scored, but you’re stopped by a heavy hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, Y/N.” To your surprise, Mingyu is the one approaching you. He doesn’t take his hand away.
“Oh! Mingyu, hi.” You try to smile at him, but your eyes wander over to Yuta briefly. “Good game today! You guys played solidly.”
“Ha, thanks. Could’ve been better on my part, I’m always looking to improve, you know.”
“I get it,” you respond, nodding.
“Are you possibly free on Wednesday night? We have a lab due on Friday and I just think it would be easier to do if we can work together, ya know?”
“Oh, um, I’m actually busy then.” You force yourself to not look at Yuta. “Does Thursday night work instead?”
“Sure, whatever. I’ll see you then.” The way he squeezes your shoulder once before stepping away to talk to some of his own friends makes your stomach turn. Why is he being so… weird?
Shaking your head, you turn back to who you had intended to greet in the first place, only to find that he had been looking at you already. What’s with the look in his eyes? Why is everyone being so weird? Ignoring the feeling, you join his circle. Yuta moves closer to your side, his arm looping around your waist as he does so, pulling you in slightly. The touch is brief but intimate, sending a bolt of electricity through your body. You swear that you can almost feel the heat of his skin through your clothes. Then, his arm is back at his side like nothing happened. You want to speak up, say what you were planning on saying before, get your mind back on a normal track, but you find that Johnny, Ten, and Jungwoo are already recreating the scene, making Yuta smile through the veil of whatever emotions he’s experiencing right now.
When the entire team heads over to the locker rooms to clean off the shine of sweat and dirt that had been accumulated through the game, you can’t help watching him. As he goes, you catch flashes of his smile while he congratulates his teammates. Something stirs in your heart.
That night, you dream of healing smiles dressed in a lion’s mane of black hair. That same visage is waiting for you the next morning when you go out to run but, here outside of your head, he’s solid, real, more than heated touches and soft caresses. At the same time, he is those things. Or, so you wish him to be.
When you study with him the next night, he is as he usually is, theoretically. Sometimes it feels like his eyes linger longer than usual, his hand rests a little closer, he smiles a little wider. It’s nothing you can confirm because, to any normal gaze, he seems entirely the same. Perhaps you’re confusing yourself into imagining things. Has his flirtatious nature finally tricked your brain into thinking he likes you?
Sometime that evening, you go to the bathroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. You pat your face rather harshly to try and drive some sense back into your brain. You should tell him. This new boy who has become so close to you. Why are you afraid of it going wrong? You emerge from the bathroom with the same feelings that you entered it with and, there he is, looking up at your return.
The next day, Tuesday is a brief reprieve from the torture of trying to figure out his feelings through his actions. Then, your brother’s game comes. Your chatter fills the space between you on the bus ride to the stadium, him telling you about the anime he’s watching, you talking about the drama you’re watching in response. He jokes about culturing you by getting you to watch a show with him.
Watching your brother’s game with Yuta at your side is an entirely different experience. While you think you normally have pretty good commentary on your own, he provides an extra edge, excitedly explaining why some players choose to do some things or making observations about small moves that you ordinarily wouldn’t notice. Both of you absorb the atmosphere of the stadium, bursting into cheers whenever something incredible happens, screaming extra loud when your brother scores.
During halftime, when the roar of the audience is less deafening, you realize that you’ve never asked Yuta about his background with soccer before. You nudge him. “Hey, Yuta? How long have you been playing?”
He taps his chin, trying to think back. “Probably since I was five?”
“No wonder you know so much,” you say, “I’m talking to an expert right now.”
“You know too much for just a casual viewer,” he says back, snorting, “don’t tell me you don’t have some experience.”
“I only played a bit when I was younger, but I wasn’t any good. It was always more fun to watch B/N. I ended up just taking care of him whenever he pulled something or fell and scraped his arm… you know.” A wistful smile forms on your face. “It started off as just kissing bruises like my mom would, but then it turned into intense Googling whenever I couldn’t immediately figure out what was wrong with him.”
“Maybe you can kiss my boo-boos whenever I get hurt, too, then.” He’s smirking, the ever-familiar gleam of mischief in his gaze.
You force yourself to roll your eyes at him, ignoring the feeling of your heart jumping in your chest. “You’d better not get hurt, Nakamoto.”
“Only because you asked so nicely.”
A few minutes later, the game resumes. This matchup is considerably more difficult than the game you had attended before. Each time the Ravens seem like they’re close to scoring, the opponent defense sends it back towards your end of the field or the goalie successfully blocks it. All the same, your defense and goalie do their jobs, too, leading to a brutal back and forth. By the time the game is over, the only goal that had been scored was the single one your brother got in the first half.
“Ah, that was tense. They almost took it back there for a second.” You stand, stretching your arms behind your back to loosen them up a bit. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, sure.” Yuta gets up as well, following you as you begin to climb the stairs. “Is your brother not coming to see you this time?”
“He told me he has some press deal after this.” Once you’re in a more open area, Yuta walks next to you instead of behind. You can now see that he’s frowning.
“Does he keep you a secret on purpose?”
“I asked him to.”
“I can’t imagine keeping someone like you hidden like that.” At that strange comment, you stop, looking at him. He seems to be taking the issue very personally.
“It’s easier this way. No one prying into my life, no one asking me for autographs from him all the time. People know who our parents are. What’s so important about an unknown sister?” Is there something else he wants you to say? The look on his face is something you’ve only seen maybe once or twice. He’s in a strange mood, that’s for sure.
“I get it, it’s just…” He sighs, looking at the ground with his hands shoved in his pockets.
“Yuta.” He finally meets your eyes. “It’s important to me that what people think about me is what I show them first. I don’t want to be a reflection of my brother, no matter how much I love him.”
“Is he the reason you didn’t want to talk to me at first?” There’s amusement in Yuta’s voice again, that strange seriousness gone.
You start to walk again and he keeps pace. “No, that was just because you woke me up at six in the morning.”
“I guess both of us have experiences that precede our reputations then, huh?”
The bus comes not much later. The previous reminder of how you met has him offering you one side of his earbuds, saying that this would be a better introduction to J-rock than the one you had before. As you listen, you’re tempted to lean your head against his shoulder or take his hand, which is resting oh so close to yours. Instead, you just sit still and look out the window.
After you get off of the bus, the topic of shows you both like makes a return.
“I will take it upon myself to expose you to great art. Are you free tomorrow? We have to start immediately.” Yuta begins to pester you, practically bouncing as you walk.
“Actually, I’m busy tomorrow. I’m working on physics with Mingyu again.” He doesn’t initially not react to your first statement. However, when his teammate’s name comes out of your mouth, he frowns.
“Of anyone…” The sudden change in his attitude catches you off guard. “Why him?”
“I don’t choose who’s in my classes. What’s wrong with you? I thought you got along with your teammates.” You’re nearing your complex at this point. The lamp posts bordering the sidewalk cast long shadows on the ground as you walk.
“In a team context, they’re fine. Usually. Just, that guy…” He’s scowling now, making you frown deeply in return.
“What about him?”
“I don’t know, Y/N.” He pauses, but then his feet stop moving a moment later. “Fuck it, I do know. He’s not a good person. He’s a manipulator. He’s a good manipulator, but he’s bad at lying when you actually confront him-”
“Yuta, you’re being ridiculous. Even if he is, I’m strong enough to take care of myself.”
“Y/N, he was with me at that first game! The one where I found out about your brother? What if he saw? He’s the type to use information like that to get what he wants. What if he-”
“What if he what, Yuta?” You glare at him, anger muddled with some other hurt now filling you. “He hasn’t done anything. He isn’t going to do anything. Our ‘secret’ isn’t going to get out. I can take care of myself.”
With that, you brush past him, into the complex, into your apartment. Thankfully, your roommates aren’t in the common area, so you safely make it to your room. Once you’re there, you shove your face into your pillow. You consider screaming into it, but you know he’s probably in his own room, where he could hear you. Instead, you just heave breath after frustrated breath.
You don’t know why you snapped at him. Actually, you do. It’s the fear that he’s actually doing what he accused Mingyu of. After every word you’ve exchanged, every conversation, you should be confident that he’s not like that. But, you’ve never been in this situation before. What if he…
It’s a stupid notion and you know it. That’s just the surface. Another layer of your feelings peels away. You hate when people are too protective of you. You want to make your own decisions, to learn for yourself. You hate when your brother is too protective of you and you hate when Yuta is.
That’s not even all of it. Finally, you reach the root of your aggression. What right does Nakamoto Yuta have to try and be protective of you when you aren’t even together? Was that the concern of a friend or the concern of a jealous lover?
You curl in on yourself even more tightly, breathing through the pillow under your face. No one has ever flirted with you as much as he has. You’ve never been so ridiculously on and off with someone before. Still, neither of you are willing to answer the question. You’ve never actually fought like this with him before.
Perhaps he hates you now that you’ve thrown his warnings back in his face.
The next day, after your classes, you force yourself to go to the library to meet Mingyu, Yuta’s words heavy in your mind. As you work, you can tell he’s still trying desperately to get on your good side, even emanating Yuta in a strange, off-balance way. It’s not amusing when he does it.
Finally, the subject you’ve been dreading comes.
“Are you a fan of the Ravens? I think I saw you at one of their games once.”
You swallow back disappointment. Mingyu is the worst fear of your insecure self and you finally have to come face to face with it. “I guess you could say that.”
To your surprise, he doesn’t take it farther than that. If Yuta’s right about him, then it’s probably just one piece of a larger goal. Though you never cared much for Mingyu, it doesn’t feel good to see things begin to unfold.
Not seeing him for two days in a row brings your mood down more than you’d like to admit. At the same time, you’re not ready to apologize yet. You don’t know what exactly is happening on his end, you never know, so when you go outside to run at your normal time on Saturday, you half expect him to be there.
He isn’t. And you don’t run into him on your way back, either. The game it is, then.
As the day progresses, the sky gets increasingly cloudy. In the evening, when the Lions and their opponent team are out on the field running final drills, it’s easy enough to tell that a good number of people had looked at the forecast - the crowd in the bleachers is much thinner than usual. The sky could open up and pour its soul out onto all of you at any moment.
You don’t even bother pretending that you’re not watching Yuta. As he steps off the field for their usual pre-game pep talk and chant, you swear he makes eye contact with you. Normally, he wouldn’t even bother looking, because he’s usually confident that you’re there. You’re not sure what the look in his eyes is now.
The coin toss decides that the other team will start with the ball. That might have been the first omen about the game. Then again, maybe the other team is just… better. Their defense is at least tighter than yours. At halftime, they have a point up on the Lions, 0:1. Yuta seems to take this very, very personally. Within ten minutes of the game restarting, they tie the score back up.
At about three quarters of the way through, it begins to rain. The referee deems that they’ve played far to stop, so the match continues. Almost like they take the poor weather as a sign, the rival team scores nearly immediately after.
You pathetically huddle under a single umbrella with Sowon while Yein shares one with Johnny. The ball slips rather than flies around the field, back and forth, back and forth, until, finally, with barely any time to spare, it’s at Yuta’s feet. The world seems to move in slow motion, then. His right foot moves backwards. It swings forwards. He makes contact.
He misses.
You try not to gasp. Yuta himself seems to be in shock, with how he goes stiff for a moment. Then, he’s back in action, targeting where the goalie had thrown the ball. This time, it’s not enough. A minute later, after another brutal back and forth, the scream of the whistle soars above the sound of the rain. It’s over. The Lions have met their first loss of the season.
The two teams barely wait around to shake hands before they’re rushing off to the locker rooms, away from the rain. Yuta moves slower than the rest, seeming to drag his feet through the muddying grass. Ahead of him, all of his teammates are moving quickly, but moping nonetheless. From your position, you see Mingyu kick the shins of someone you recognize to be one of the younger players. You see Kun’s mouth move as he tells him off, but they’re far enough away and the rain is loud enough that you can’t hear. If you hadn’t been displeased already, you are now.
Might as well kill two birds with one stone, right?
“You guys can go back,” you say, taking a step out from under the umbrella after you’re out of the bleachers with your friends. When Sowon tries to shove her umbrella in your hands, you push it back. “I’ll be fine! It’s only a short distance.”
She narrows her eyes. “You’re going to catch a cold.”
“Don’t worry.” With a sigh, she turns, reluctantly walking back behind Yein and Johnny.
You take off running, trying to outpace the raindrops pelting you. By the time you make it beneath the slight sheltered roof of the locker room building, you’re damp, but not entirely soaked. It’s enough to be an annoyance, your clothes sticking slightly to your skin.
You wait outside for a good few minutes. Small groups of players from either team leave, the opponent players giving you strange looks as you lean against the wall and shiver, Baekho and his group giving you an awkward acknowledgement, and, finally, Mingyu emerges.
“Y/N?” He seems confused, but somewhat excited. As if you’re there to meet him.
“Mingyu. Answer one question for me.” You say it wearily, expressing it like the chore it is.
“What are you acting so weird for?” The excitement you glimpsed before dies.
“Were you going to use me to get in good with my brother?”
The rain is the only sound you hear for a couple solid heartbeats. “Y/N, listen…”
“He was right…” You grumble to yourself. You glare up at him. “You can do your physics labs by yourself. Delete my number.”
He stands before you for a moment more before he realizes that you’re serious. He turns and walks away, into the haze of the downpour. A minute later, Jaehyun and Kun emerge from the building.
“Oh, Y/N,” Jaehyun says, seeming surprised. “Are you waiting for Yuta?”
“Is it that obvious?”
The two of them exchange looks and smile. Kun speaks next. “He’s probably not coming out for a while. He usually gets all depressed when we lose a game, but I’ve never seen it this bad. He’s been standing in the shower for like fifteen minutes.”
You glance at the door. Jaehyun nudges you. “He’s the only one left in there. I wouldn’t tell anyone if you, say, went in right now.”
“A bonafide cupid right here,” Kun says, swinging the bag he has slung over his shoulder around so he can dig through it. He produces something, offering it to you. “Here.”
“What is…” You trail off as you take it from him, your face warming as you realize exactly what it is. “Kun, what is this?!”
“I don’t want any miniature versions of him running around. I’m always prepared.” You stare at Kun incredulously a beat longer before you shove the condom in your damp pocket.
“Good luck!” Jaehyun calls back to you as they begin to walk off, leaving you standing under the overhang. Taking a deep breath, you push open the door and walk inside.
Unsurprisingly, the place has a somewhat sweaty smell to it. The rows of lockers are labeled with names and a little image depicting the sport the owner plays, as all of the school’s teams use the same locker room, and the occasional miscellaneous socks, gloves, and other things are scattered about. A row of sinks is against one wall and past the sinks is an entrance into the shower area. You make your way there.
As you get closer, the distinct sound of one shower running gets louder. The only curtain that’s closed is a middle stall, all of the others open and empty. Parallel to the shower stalls is a long wooden bench. “Yuta?” You call out. He doesn’t respond, so you try again. “Yuta?”
“Go away.” This time, the response is sharp and harsh. He certainly is in a mood.
“Yuta, it’s me.”
“Y/N?” His voice is significantly less negative now. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to talk to you.”
You can barely hear him sigh over the sound of the shower running. “You couldn’t wait until after I was done?”
“No.” When you say that, the water shuts off. A hand sneaks out to grab the towel hanging from a hook affixed to the partition between the stalls. You don’t see anything revealing, but you look away anyways. The scraping of the rings being drawn back tells you he has emerged from the stall.
“You can look at me, you know.”
“I didn’t want to be rude.” You look back, greeted with the sight of his gloriously wet hair and bare torso. He emerged quickly enough that he didn’t have time to dry much of the water dripping off of him. The only part of his body that’s covered is his waist and thighs, though the towel still reveals a tantalizing v-line. You forcibly swallow your thirst.
“Blatantly checking me out again? I get it, but would it kill you to be less obvious?” The comment throws you back to a simpler time, when you were just irritated with him for his cockiness and blasting music through the floor.
“Speak for yourself.” You cross your arms. It was obvious enough that he was enjoying the sight of you in a wet t-shirt and shorts.
“Why didn’t you wear something warmer?” He says, frowning. He steps closer, leaving little space between you.
“I didn’t think it would cool down this much.” You look away, not able to face his bare chest quite yet. The room still has a certain steam about it from the hot shower he was taking that makes it a little harder to breathe. Then again, maybe that’s just him being mostly naked in front of you. He reaches out, touching the hem of your shirt.
“You’re soaked,” he says, rubbing your shirt between his thumb and index finger.
“You’re just making me wetter.” Your face burns something fierce as you say it, contrasting the chill that had settled over your skin from standing outside. “You would think you’d dry yourself off more before getting out of the shower.”
“I was just eager to see you, I guess.” You finally have the courage to meet his eyes again.
“I missed you this morning.” You almost pout while saying it, feeling small under his gaze. It’s not an uncomfortable smallness, but one that makes you feel closer to him.
“I figured you didn’t want to see me.” He reaches out, brushing his fingers softly over the side of your face. His touch is blissfully warm. “Or, I think that you did want to see me, but you would only be angrier if I showed up.”
The thought almost makes you laugh. It would be one of the few times he’s been wrong about your feelings. But, if he always knows so much… “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. I talked to Mingyu a few minutes ago and you were right. I should have trusted you.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t let you handle it on your own.” He runs a hand through his hair, pushing it away from his forehead. “You’re strong enough to deal with assholes like him. You don’t need me.”
“I might not need you, but I do want to keep you around.” The small confession has your bottom lip quivering. “Did I mess up your game today?”
“It was mostly the rain.” He sounds so nonchalant, but you can tell he’s still bothered. “Not you. But, if you do feel bad about it, Miss Physical Therapy, there is something you can do for me.”
His eyes have shifted away from their darkness into a different sort of moodiness. You step closer. “What is it?”
He moves back, taking a heavy seat on the bench. “I’m quite tense. Give me a massage.” His eyes bore into yours. “If you so choose.”
You step behind him. The thrill of what you feel like he’s implying thrums in your veins. The muscles of his shoulders and back are hard under your fingers, showing years of training and toning. You’re almost surprised at how well built his upper body is for a soccer player. His skin is beyond perfect too, and the little droplets of water from his steamy shower that settle on his skin glisten temptingly in the low light of the locker room.
“Sorry my hands are cold,” you practically whisper.
“It’s fine. Feels nice.” He wasn’t lying when he said he was tense - you can feel the knots leaving his muscles as you press down on them, dissolving into smooth flesh that’s soft to the touch. As you work along his back, one particularly tough knot has your thumbs pressing harder into him, drawing a low groan and a curse from his throat. “Fuck.”
The sound turns you on more than you’d like to admit. As you finish his back, you become even more hyper aware of the little noises he’s letting out, the space between you becoming noticeably warmer. Slowly, reluctantly, your hands leave his skin and you circle back towards his front, not quite wanting to look him in the eye. “Is that better?”
“Much.” The air feels heavy. “But you’re not done, yet.” Ordinarily, he’d be smirking so hard you’d be able to hear it in his voice, but there’s only a low command to his tone now. He reaches out, guiding your dominant hand forward so that it’s resting on the front of his shoulder. There’s no hiding from his eyes now. You decide then - if you’re going to do this, you might as well go all out. Sliding onto his lap, your knees pressing into the wooden bench on either side of him, makes you feel both powerful and small at the same time. His face is only a breath away from your own. You swear you can see his eyes flicker to your lips. Trying to play innocent, despite the fact that you can basically feel his dick hardening under his thin towel, you shift slightly, putting your focus on his shoulder and pectoral muscles. Every so often, you readjust yourself, purposefully bouncing slightly on his lap, almost grinding down on him. He doesn’t crack, remaining still and keeping his expression flat. The only signs he gives of being aroused are the slight shiver to his breath and the prominent bulge you’re now certain you can feel. That, and the hands he has on your body, one on your hip and one on your thigh, fixing you in place.
The process is slow, arduous, but you eventually finish with his pectoral and shoulder muscles. You pull your hands away, placing them in your lap and then sitting back, unmoving on his lap, reveling in the way you’ve very clearly made him feel. “Is that all?”
His eyes flicker down to your lips again before boring into your own. “You missed one spot.” Wordlessly, he reaches up, tapping his own lips.
You could walk away right now. His hands aren’t so tight on your body that you couldn’t just get up and leave, go back to your apartment and forget this ever happened. But why would you want to? You’ve been dreaming of his lips for weeks. Finally, you’re about to get a taste. Still, there’s an edge of apprehension digging slightly in your gut.
You’ve sat in silence for long enough that he’s opening his mouth, an apology about to leave his lips, when you swoop forward, pressing your lips to his.
Where he had given you the choice to initiate, he’s the one who really leads. He almost instantly deepens the kiss, dragging you even farther up his lap, pressing you hard against his barely-shielded dick. You feel his fingertips against your skin, under the hem of your top.
“Do you want this?”
“Yes, but-” Where his hands had stilled under your shirt they begin to move again. “Yuta, wait.” He freezes once more, looking up at you. If you didn’t know better, you could swear you see a little bit of fear in his eyes. A shaky breath leaves your lips. “I won’t fuck you unless you tell me you actually have feelings for me. Did you mean what you said back then? After the games?”
“Is that a requirement for all the guys you sleep with or am I special?” You can feel his cock throbbing under you and your own insides ache in response. Of course, he’s delaying what both of you want by being coy. The frustration building up in your gut and in your heart makes you feel like you’re going insane.
“Yuta…” You mean it to sound admonishing, but your tone is more akin to a whine as you lightly drag your nails down his chest. His breath stutters slightly in his lungs at the motion, but in that moment, a sort of gentleness you’ve rarely seen takes over his facade.
“You’re the most incredible person I’ve ever met,” he breathes out, eyes locked with yours, “how could I not have feelings for you?”
You kiss him, sweetly, desperately. His hands begin to move once more, his fingertips digging ever so slightly into your skin. When his hands make it to the edge of your shirt, giving you a suggestion, you cover them with your own, guiding him to take it off. As soon as the garment is out of the way, his lips are on your neck, your collar, the soft skin of your chest. He can feel the hum of your voice through your breast as you speak. “I really like you, Yuta. More than I’ve ever liked anyone else.”
His fingers nimbly unclasp your bra and it falls to the ground somewhere. As his touch ghosts over your breasts, you arch into his hand, drawing a warm chuckle from him. “That’s good,” he says, thumbing slow circles over your nipples, “because I feel the same way about you.”
You pull him back to your mouth, pulling him as close as you possibly can, breathing him like he’s air, tasting him like he’s food. His tongue is slick against your bottom lip, against your own tongue. Almost unconsciously, you rock your hips against his bulge as you move. Impatiently, he tugs at your shorts, pulling you out of the kiss.
“These have to come off.”
“It would kill you to go slow for once,” you laugh, getting off of his lap on shaky legs.
“I go slow for you all the time,” he responds, shifting the towel at his waist, which you realize is barely holding onto him from all the grinding you were doing on his lap, “I’ve been going slow for months now. Isn’t it time to speed things up?”
You roll your eyes, but shimmy out of your shorts, leaving you in your panties and him in his towel. From this angle, he can truly appreciate you. Every curve, every beauty mark, every fold and crease on your body. He leans back, his hands bracing him against the bench. Then, he shifts forward abruptly, taking the opportunity to snap the elastic of your underwear against your skin.
“Yuta!” The cry is half an admonition, half a laugh. You move to push his shoulder gently and he catches you by the hand, pulling you on top of him and kissing you once again. Before you realize it, he has a sneaky hand slipping into your panties, touching you where you’re most sensitive, making you jolt against his hand.
“Is this okay?” He murmurs the words against your lips and you nod, trying to focus on kissing him through the pleasure of his fingers. It’s been far too long since anyone has touched you like this and you’re not used to it.
“Mm,” you moan back, “more than okay.”
He had said he wanted to go faster, but it seems like he’s just going so slow, making you fall apart on his hand, first with just a thumb on your clit, then two fingers pushed more deeply inside of you than you could ever reach yourself. At some point, you’re no longer kissing him and your cheek is pressed to his instead. You nip at his ear, which you now realize is pierced, and the damp spikeyness of his hair rests against your temple.
His free hand rests over your breast, rhythmically squeezing it as you ride his fingers. Oddly enough, you feel like he predicts your climax before even you do, working you carefully through the release of pleasure as you shudder against him and clench around his fingers. Before you can fully regain your senses, he’s kissing you again and removing his hand, wiping his sticky digits against the towel slipping from his waist. You figure you’ll finish the job, reaching down to untwist the cloth so that it falls open against the bench.
You continue kissing him as you take his dick in your hand, your thumb sliding over the precum beading at his tip. It’s his turn to shiver, his cock twitching in your hand. Giving it slow, purposeful jerks, you watch him become perfectly uncomposed under you and you grin, leaning closer to press a kiss to the juncture between his neck and shoulder. He’s stiff, but remarkably soft to the touch, veiny and thick enough that your mouth waters. A couple minutes pass before he’s encasing your hand in his own, slowing your movement.
“I don’t want to come in your hand.” You stop, looking at him with faux-innocent eyes. He blinks desperately at you. “Please.”
“Can I suck you off later?” The words leave your mouth unexpectedly. You hadn’t even really been thinking about the later, but you figure you’re safe to assume that there will be one.
“Of course, pretty girl.” He strokes your hair and you can just think about him holding it back in the future as he-
Trying to distract yourself from the later and focus on the now, you slide off of his lap once again. He almost seems confused, made lonelier by the tiniest distance you put between the two of you. It’s almost a funny image, him half pouting at you while his dick is out, standing up against his abdomen and completely exposed. You let out the smallest exhale of a laugh. “You showed me yours, so I figured I would show you mine.” Your panties fall to the ground, where you kick them in the general direction of the rest of your clothes. The sight of your shorts reminds you of another important thing. “Oh! Also!”
You scramble over to them, reaching into the pocket and producing the little foil packet. Yuta stares at you. “You’re… prepared? I didn’t even think this far ahead and half the time my brain is controlled by my-”
“Kun gave it to me before I came in here,” you say, waltzing back over to him. He takes the packet from your hand, tearing it open. You… give him a hand as he rolls it on. “He’s awfully ready for a great many situations, isn’t he?”
“I think he was expecting this to happen a lot earlier than it actually did, honestly,” Yuta responds, pulling you back on top of him for the third time. Once again, your knees rest on the hard wood bench. “Can we not talk about my roommate, please?”
“I can agree to that.” You smile, kissing him. “Can we talk about how much I like you instead?”
“We can always talk about that,” he says, one hand on his dick, one on your hip, “are you ready?”
The mood dips, making your body shiver in anticipation again. “Yes.”
The way he positions his cock and begins to push into you makes both of you let out noises of relief, a groan from him and a sigh from you. You sink down onto him further until he’s fully sheathed inside of you, hard and pulsing and ungodly warm. He gives an experimental buck of his hips, pulling a moan from your lips and shaping his into a cocky smirk. “Already feel that good?”
“Shut up,” the complaint dies in your throat as you lift yourself up on your knees and sink back down again, bouncing on his lap slightly. You focus on the feeling of him inside of you, the sensation of him hitting your G-spot, the touch of his fingers on your clit again. His breath mingles with yours whenever he takes a break from kissing you. Your hands wander the smooth planes of his chest, your thumb briefly ghosting over his nipple, your palms getting sweatier as you hold onto him. It’s not long before you let your head fall back, your thighs tense as you hold onto his shoulders and move up and down on top of his cock.
His lips are hot as he mouths your neck. You’re not usually the type for marking, but, honestly, the thought of wearing his hickey on your skin sounds beyond appealing. He introduces the slightest bit of teeth, grazing them over your pulse as you ride him. The trail of tiny nips goes down past your collarbones to your breast. Your heart beats loudly in your ears and the desperation of chasing your orgasm makes the passage of time feel fuzzy, but in the sweet, bubbly way a soda does rather than the heavy, blurry way a cold would.
“Yuta,” you whine, the knocking of your legs against the bench growing painful, “can you…”
“I got you, baby.” With a grunt, he stands, lifting you by the thighs. You wrap your legs around his waist, keeping him close. A breath later, your back is pressed to the wall and he’s pushing into you once again. The new angle is a change, and it’s a good change. Every one of his thrusts hits exactly right, pushing you further and further until-
“Yuta, you’re gonna make me...” you pant against his mouth, breathing the same air as him. At some point, after he had picked you up, you had reconnected your lips, and he swallows the little noises you let out hungrily. You clench and unclench your fists behind his back, as your arms are slung over his shoulders.
“Mm, good. That’s my girl.”
All you can think as he pounds into you is Yuta, Yuta, Yuta. You come undone with a final swipe of his thumb and a choked cry of his name. Once your own orgasm has stopped burning quite so bright, lowering to a comfortable simmer in your gut, his hips slow with each thrust until he pushes into you and stays there. You can feel him throb inside of you even through the condom.
Your skin feels like it’s glowing in the aftermath of his love, warm like coals after a fire has just ceased to burn. Warm with the promise of more flames in the future. You lean your face in the junction of his shoulder and neck, breathing love onto his skin. His deep, uneven breaths slow over time as he presses gentle kisses to the exposed flesh of your shoulder. The silence between you is only interrupted by the ambient sound of water flowing through pipes hidden in the concrete walls of the shower part of the locker room. That’s enough of a reminder for you to groan, clutching onto him tighter. “I can’t believe we just confessed and fucked in your sweaty locker room.”
“From my perspective, it’s more ‘wow, I can’t believe we finally confessed and fucked, even if it was in my sweaty locker room.’” That, at the very least, makes you smile. Slowly, he begins to pull out, separating from you with a sticky, wet sound. He backs up, turning so that he can place you gently on the towel still lying on the bench. He disposes of the used rubber quickly, throwing it in a trash can at one end of the room.
Now that he’s no longer touching you, it feels so much colder. “I feel bad for whoever has to clean this place. I hope they don’t find that.”
He shrugs. “I’m sure they’ve seen worse.” He makes his way back to you, naked body still on full, glorious display for your eyes only. “Wanna shower while we’re here?”
You groan. “Yuta, I’m tired. No funny business.”
“Who said anything about any ‘funny business?’ I just suggested we clean off the sweat from all that physical exertion.” He’s smirking, not even pretending to be innocent.
“You’re insatiable.” Still you get up, joining him in the shower stall that he holds open for you. If any follow up activity happens while you’re in there, the only way anyone on the outside would be able to tell would be from the quiet sounds that are mostly drowned out by the noise of the shower.
As you finally redress, accepting the hoodie that Yuta had in his locker so that you don’t have to put your wet shirt back on, he can’t seem to keep his hands off of you, like he’s afraid you’ll go away. The environment between you feels different, but the same. After you’re both fully dressed and start walking out the door, you reach out to take his hand. He accepts the action, interlocking his fingers with yours. Both of you stop under the overhang of the building. By now, the sun has set and a few street lights shine along the walkways of the campus through the haze of rain. “Yuta, are you my boyfriend?”
He blinks a couple times. “Wasn’t that implied?”
You turn away, suddenly shy. “I mean… I just… wanted to clarify…”
“You’re too good for me.” He laughs, then kisses your cheek. Both of you stare out of the rain, as if it’s going to suddenly stop just because you’re politely waiting for it. “I meant it. Every time.”
“Every time I said I liked you, or that you’re amazing. I was just afraid of- I don’t know. That I’m not honest enough or nice enough, or even good enough at soccer. I just-” He seems so tired as he says it, so brutally truthful, so terribly self-doubting.
You squeeze his hand. “Yuta, it’s okay. Honestly, all this time, I thought you’re too good for me. You’re so much more than the things you say you are. You’re a star.”
“I’m not. I can be an asshole, and jealous, and not serious even when I should be-”
“Yuta, if you like me despite all of my ridiculous bad qualities, I’m pretty sure I can deal with a little jealousy. You’ve shown me who you are and I still like you. You’re loyal and funny and romantic and so many other things. I like you.”
He sighs sweetly, like he was holding in a breath for so long and is finally letting it out. He’s holding your hand so tightly, it feels like he might never let go. Right now, you think you might be okay with that. “Sorry. I’ll never get tired of hearing that.”
You peer into others’ eyes for a long time, content to just look. Then, the cold finally gets to your legs and you shiver, scooching slightly closer to him. You look out. The rain isn’t getting any better. “Do you want to run? To make up for us not going together this morning?”
He doesn’t even respond. He just glances at you, winks, and tugs at your hand, starting to go. The rain pelts you as you go, utterly soaking you, getting in your shoes, darkening your borrowed hoodie. His hair sticks to his forehead, making him look a bit like a wet kitten. Maybe a lion, more accurately. Still, in the passing lights and the sheen of the rain, he glows.
“Yuta?” You say between shallow breaths.
“Yeah?” He keeps going, keeps tugging you along. You have to work to keep up with him, pumping your legs hard.
“Do you want to go professional?”
He looks back at you quickly, but then turns forward. “I would.”
“I really think you could do it!”
Then he’s laughing, truly, mirthfully. “That’s the second best thing you’ve said to me today!”
At that, you’re laughing too, though it slows your pace, though it makes your lungs burn, though it helps rain water run into your mouth. When you make it to your complex, soaked through, looking like you just took a swim in your clothes, you don’t want to let go. Reluctantly, both of you part ways to change clothes in your respective apartments with the promise to meet soon and start Yuta’s effort to culture you with anime.
Sowon and Yein tease you relentlessly, both when you enter your apartment leaving puddles on the ground and when you leave again ten minutes later completely dry. They tease you for the next week whenever they catch you leaving if they know you don’t have classes. The next Friday, you end up staying up far too late watching one of Yuta’s shows, which you admit are at the very least fun, and you fall asleep in his bed. You’re sure you’ll never hear the end of it from your roommates, even if Yein has been staying in the volleyball boys’ apartment every other day for the last month.
In the morning, a mere three hours after you and Yuta went to sleep, you wake up in his arms to a strange blaring of J-rock. He reaches over you to slap his phone and shut it off. You stay awake just long enough to comment on how strange it is hearing the music next to you and not through the floor.
When you wake up around noon to Yuta staring at you, his bangs half covering his eyes, you flip over, checking the time so that he can’t see the absolutely embarrassed look on your face. “You’re so weird.” “Why are you being all shy? I’ve seen you naked. There’s nothing more to see.”
“There’s plenty more of me to see, thank you very much, Nakamoto Yuta.”
“I know there is, darling.” His arm is still slung over your torso like it was when the alarm went off and he tries to wrestle you back around to face him. You squirm in his hold.
“Darling? You’re so weird. Why are you so weird?”
“Weird? I thought I was romantic and funny and-”
“And weird!” You wiggle more until he flips you onto your back, straddles you, and pins your hands to the bed. It’s quite an incredible sight, him pinning you down with his raven hair a complete mess and no shirt, where you can faintly see marks that you may or may not have left on his chest earlier in the week. “No fair. Home ground advantage.”
He leans in, looking ever so charming despite his disheveled appearance. “You know what makes for great morning exercise?”
“You’re weird and a horndog and-”
“Running! Let’s go.” He suddenly rises up, taking one of your hands with him and pulling you into a sitting position.
“Yuta, it’s noon! There are going to be people out everywhere.” He tugs on your hand and you move so that you’re sitting on the edge of the bed. “And it’s Saturday, so there’s going to be even more people…”
“You don’t need to worry about people judging you. If anyone gives you any funny looks, I’ll-”
“You’ll what? Punt a soccer ball at their heads?” You’re standing now, looking at him uncertainly.
He shrugs. “Sure. But, seriously. I promise that you have nothing to be self conscious about. You also have me. That part most importantly.” You would smack him if the smile he gives you doesn’t have you reluctantly agreeing.
He’s right, of course. The run is completely fine. At least, you’re distracted enough by your boyfriend for it to be fine. When you return, you split off to take showers in your apartments. After you emerge from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around your body, you find him waiting in your room. You register him saying something about the tables turning and “great afternoon exercise” before he practically pounces on you.
Afterwards, through your sex-high haze, you hear a loud knocking on your front door. Groaning, you move only so much as to press your face into Yuta’s shoulder. “Don’t wanna get up…”
“Did I make you feel that good?” His voice is a warm rumble, teasing, though full of the same tiredness that yours has. You’re about to jab him lightly in the side when his hand shifts down, two of his fingers running through your folds. Shivering at the suggestion, you wiggle closer to him, hiding your face even more.
“Let me rest, you sex-fiend.” Before he can reply, there’s a few more insistent knocks at your door. “Ugh…”
“Were you expecting someone?” You shake your head against him. He reaches over and grabs your phone. “I heard this going off earlier while we were busy.” You make no move to take it from him, so he turns it on, his eyes scanning the recent chain of texts you’d just received. “It’s your brother.”
You immediately bolt straight up. “What?” Your mind ticks back to the previous day before you’re scrambling out of bed. “Shit, shit, shit, I forgot he was coming today!” As quickly as you can, you try to throw on the various items of clothing that had gotten scattered around the room in your - Yuta’s, more accurately - haste to move them off of the bed, where you had laid them out for after your shower.
Yuta stretches lazily. “Glad I could remind you.”
“Asshole, get clothes on! He’ll kill you if he figures out what we did!”
“Ah, to be killed by L/N B/N. You say ‘what we did’ like it’s a bad thing.”
“He’s my older brother, for God’s sake!” You throw a shirt at him, smacking him in the face. “He will murder you! If he doesn’t murder me for forgetting our plans first…”
“And your plans are?” He slips his arms through the sleeves of his shirt, slipping it on.
“I’m taking him to see your game. Maybe meet the team. Who knows? You won’t be able to see it if you don’t move your ass.” You finish putting your jeans on.
“I’ve never escaped through a window before, but it sounds fun.” He’s still smirking, clearly amused. You’re certain he would actually do that if you let him.
“On second thought, just stay here. I won’t let him into my room.” Your phone lights up with your brother’s face and number and starts to buzz. You pick it up. “Sorry, I’m coming! I was napping.” You hang up. “Please, Yuta?”
He steps into his own jeans. “That’s what I was planning on. Don’t worry, I’m not trying to incapacitate myself before the game.”
With that reassurance, you close the door to your room and head for the apartment door. Your brother, clad in a hat, hoodie, and jeans, weirdly normal for him, is standing in front of your door, his phone in his hand. He narrows his eyes. “Hi, Y/N. For a second there, I really thought you forgot about our plans. Who takes a nap on a Saturday afternoon?”
You step aside, letting him in. “I was just tired today for some reason. Sorry.” “You’re lucky you’re my favorite.” He walks in, sliding off his shoes next to yours. “Are your roommates home? It’s been a while since I’ve seen them.”
“No, but they’ll be at the game later. You won’t miss them.” You stand there, swaying somewhat awkwardly. You’re sure that he’s noticed that you’re acting strangely. “Who let you into the lower doors?”
Your brother steps inside casually. “Your neighbor Jaehyun. Nice kid.”
“Y-Yeah. He’s one of our midfielders.”
“I guess I’ll get to see him in action soon, then. Where near here is good for something quick? We only have an hour and a half until the game.”
You’re thankful for a change in subject. “Depends what you want to eat! Think about it while I run to the bathroom?”
As you head there, you glance at your closed door. You feel kind of bad for leaving him in there, but it’s for his own protection. When you get back to the door, your brother is in the same place, staring at the shoes around the entry. He points at a pair of men’s shoes, which you realize with dawning horror are Yuta’s.
“Y/N? Whose shoes are these?”
“Oh! Those are, um, Johnny’s. Yein’s boyfriend.”
He deadpans. “Johnny. Your neighbor. The one who lives right across from you. Who is dating your roommate who isn’t here right now.” When you don’t respond, he sighs. “Y/N, it would be a lot easier to lie to me if you didn’t tell me so much in the first place. Who’s in your room? I know you hate closing your door if you’re not sleeping.”
Reluctantly, you walk to your room, cursing observant soccer players. Yuta looks mildly surprised to see you, and you walk over to where he’s sitting on your bed, grabbing him by the hand and tugging him over to your brother. If he’s afraid of your brother, he doesn’t show it.
“Yuta, was it?” He’s still expressionless. “I’ll have you know that there’s a few rules.” Before Yuta can even ask about the rules, he’s launching into a detailed explanation about consequences, saying something about maiming and making it look like an accident.
“B/N, you’re a professional now. You should really try not to say such scary stuff. Also,” you say, frowning, “I can handle myself. You know that by now.”
Yuta breaks his silence. “She really can. She’s strong enough to deal with anything.”
“You really believe that?” Your brother’s gaze is unyielding.
“I do.”
“Well, then.” He suddenly lightens up, smiling at the two of you. “Want to join us for dinner? I’m thinking noodles.”
“I actually have to get to warm-ups soon…” Yuta says regretfully.
“That’s a good boy. See, Y/N, I trust your judgement. We best be off, then.” Abruptly, your brother turns, putting his shoes back on. You scramble to join him, grabbing your things and putting your own shoes on.
“I’ll see you later?” You say to Yuta, who’s simply staring, somewhat shell shocked that he survived the encounter.
He blinks, then gives you a sort of smirk. “How about a kiss for-”
“Don’t push it.” Your brother cuts him off, standing in the doorway. He starts down the stairs. When he’s not looking, you lean over, pressing your lips to Yuta’s cheek. Before you can turn around, he sneaks one of his own onto your lips. You run after your brother.
He thoroughly grills you about Yuta during dinner, but you don’t mind. You keep out the parts about sex and the specifics of the relationship coming to fruition and he seems satisfied. You barely make it to the game in time because of your brother’s interrogation, but you still get there early enough to see some of the drills. In work mode, he crosses his arms, making approving comments about Yuta’s footwork. Your boyfriend is in a similar mood, already focused in.
Then, the game starts. The other team starts with the ball, but it makes no difference. The Lions take it back, sending it back and forth across the field, gaining and losing it, until Yuta, as usual, scores, redeeming himself from the previous week. Your brother says something under his breath about potential and skill. Through the game, the Lions make great plays and you find yourself cheering for all of them, even Mingyu. The rival team stands no chance - not for lack of skill, but simply because your team is determined. By the end of the game, the score is a solid 3:0.
You’re one of the first onto the field after the teams break away from shaking hands. You meet Yuta in the middle, jumping on him in a hug when you reach him. You can’t stop the outpouring of praise, telling him how well he played, how brilliant he was. He just laughs, telling you he did his best. It’s the most positive thing you’ve heard from him after a game.
When you let go of him, willing to let the rest of his friends surround him now, you step away in search of your brother. To your surprise, he’s chatting up the Lions’ coach, who seems somewhat flustered by the Ravens’ striker speaking to him. Before you can get close, the coach blows the whistle he has around his neck, getting the attention of everyone around him, but particularly the team.
“Boys! Gather round, we have someone here with something to say to you.”
It doesn’t take long for them to recognize who your brother is.
It’s funny seeing the team rush to your brother, some pretending to be cool, some openly fawning over him. But, there’s one person who isn’t looking at him. From across the mob forming around your brother, you make eye contact with Yuta. And, in the midst of the stars shining in the form of the Raven, the Lion’s light falls on you.
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myherowritings · 4 years
hearts intertwined | t.s.
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— You and Todoroki have been roommates for months now but have barely had more than a two minute conversation. When quarantine hits and everyone is on lockdown, you find yourself forced to spend more time with him and actually end up...enjoying it? 
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader word count: 3,055 genre: roommate au, pro hero!shouto, fluff warnings: suggestive content, 16+, mc and todo are both mid-20s
a/n: this is written as part of the crackhead sanctuary’s server collab! (pls excuse my server name lmfdkgfdg i have terrible naming skillz) i hope y’all enjoy and pls lmk what u think!! xx sof
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In many ways, Todoroki Shouto was the perfect roommate. 
He cleaned up after himself, always made an extra serving of food and set it aside for you (though it may only have been because he sucked at measuring out ingredients rather than him intentionally planning on leaving you leftovers), and generally kept his volume to a minimum when entering the apartment at ungodly hours of the night. 
There was also the fact that he was the most attractive person you had ever shared a living space with in your life, and seeing him shirtless on his way to his bedroom from the bathroom was a definite bonus.
But despite all that, he was never someone you considered yourself close to.
You needed help paying for rent and expenses and he happened to be a friend of a friend of a friend who was looking for a place in the city to stay. Call it a divine intervention, a gift from the gods, or even fate… But you still wouldn’t consider yourself his friend.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t want to befriend him--Todoroki seemed like a sweet person. It was more along the lines of neither of you having the time. While you spent most of your day in the lab studying and doing research, Todoroki was always working in his office or out in the field to fulfill his new hero duties. 
This quarantine was probably the first opportunity either of you had to be in the same building for more than thirty minutes at a time. Which was why, as the two of you sat side-by-side on the living room sofa, no one knew exactly what to say.
“So, the weather--”
“Looks warm out--”
Both of you opened your mouths and shut them at the same time.
“Sorry,” Todoroki said with a small smile. “You first.”
“I-- Oh… It was nothing,” you managed, clearing your throat in an attempt to compose yourself. “Just trying to make some small talk.”
With a tight-lipped smile and wide eyes, you slowly craned your head away from his view. Who admits they’re trying to make small talk? That breaks all the rules of how to properly talk to someone.
The faint sound of the television playing old infomercials buzzed in the background while you and your roommate sat in silence. You never struggled to talk to him during those brief moments of passing, so why now? 
Looking at the screen to pass time, you noticed an outdated commercial of an older Tamagotchi game playing and felt yourself breaking out into a grin.
“Aw, I miss that game!” you cried as you turned to Todoroki with an excited glint in your eye. “Don’t tell anyone, but in elementary school I used to play it in class and since I was such a goody two-shoes, the teacher never suspected a thing.”
He raised an eyebrow in response. “I see we have ourselves a rebel in disguise here.”
“It’s our little secret, though. To everyone else, I am the epitome of innocence.”
You couldn’t help but notice the way his gaze travelled down your body and lingered on where the fabric of your oversized pajama shirt stopped and the expanse of your thigh started. 
“Sure. I believe you,” he said in what was almost a teasing tone. 
You felt your face growing hot but you paid it no mind. 
“As you should,” you sniffed, crossing one leg over the other haughtily. When he chuckled, you turned back to him. “How about you? Are you a secret bad boy who played with his Tamagotchi in the back of class?”
Todoroki shook his head. “I never had one. I actually never even knew what it was until high school, I think.” 
“Really?” Your eyes widened. Sure, the hand-held game was marketed to girls, but to never have heard about it through your whole childhood? You weren’t sure how that was possible. “Not even your older sister had one?”
Now, you didn’t know much about his personal life (whether or not he was dating someone, if he slept on the left or the right side of the bed, which leg he put in his pants first, et cetera), but you did pick up on a few things about his siblings from the previous interactions you’ve had with him.
“Not to my knowledge,” he said, looking away thoughtfully. “My father never afforded us such luxuries.” 
You frowned. “What about toys like Pokemon? Oh! Or Yu-Gi-Oh cards?”
“Yu-Gi-Oh cards?” repeated Todoroki slowly, as if he was unsure what you were talking about.
Your jaw dropped in disbelief. “You never played--? Oh, never mind. How about family games like Twister or Just Dance?” 
As far as you were aware, Todoroki Shouto came from a rather affluent family. So it was a wonder why he never participated in at least one of these experiences that characterized a whole generation’s childhood.
Again, he shook his head. “Never did those either. I wasn’t exactly allowed to play with my siblings, let alone other kids my age. My father always made me prioritize my training.” 
“That’s not right of him.”
You winced. Of course he never had the opportunity to have a “normal” childhood. How could you be so insensitive? It was no secret Endeavor had a troubled relationship with his family, but you weren’t exactly sure to what extent. You didn’t focus much on the whimsical world of heroes and, ever since you were a child, you know you wanted to pursue the field of research rather than use your quirk. The lives of heroes--even top ranking ones--was something you never paid much attention to. Still, even you have heard some gossip about the estranged Endeavor. 
“Sorry for pressing you,” you said, toying with the hem of your shirt. “I didn’t mean to be so insensitive.”
He gave you a nonchalant shrug and a small smile to let you know it was okay.
“Don’t worry about it, Y/L/N. You didn’t mean to,” he comforted. “Besides, it’s been a long time. It would be useless to hold a grudge against my father for this long.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Forgiveness, huh? That’s very mature of you, Todoroki. I think I admire you.”
His shoulders moved upward in silent laughter. “Thank you. I admire you, too.” 
Ignoring the faint heat you felt in your cheeks, you beamed. “Thanks. Anyway-- You know what I just realized?”
“You did not have a childhood.”
While his face remained passive, you could have sworn you saw his eye crinkle in amusement.
“I suppose I can’t argue with that,” he said in agreement. “My youth was spent quite differently than most.”
You nodded profusely. “Right. And while I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with that, per se, it could be beneficial to do these things you haven’t had the chance to!”
He examined you curiously as you bounced up from your seat on the sofa with an excited grin. After a few moments of silence, he craned his neck, prompting you for clarification.
“You’re bored on lockdown, I’m bored on lockdown,” you stated matter-of-factly. “What better time to reclaim your childhood than now?”
Todoroki didn’t bother to hide the small smile making its way across his face at your determined words. “Okay, then. Count me in.”
- - - - -
When you decided you wanted to help your new friend Todoroki reclaim his childhood, you expected your days to be full of cute Beanie Babies and Webkinz, as well as the presumed amounts of chaos that followed edible bubbles and candy kits. And while the first few days of the week consisted of that, the tone changed rather drastically when a certain game was introduced. Of all things, what you expected least was to be practically panting on top of Shouto as you braced your muscles and tried not to collapse onto him.
“Left hand, blue,” he called after flicking the spinner. 
How he managed to turn the spinner with one hand and keep his body balanced with the other on a Twister mat without toppling over was a mystery to you.
Stupid heroes with their stupid, bulging muscles, you thought crossly as you relived your many previous losses. You tried to ignore the bead of sweat dripping down your face as you struggled to stay up. 
Somehow, you turned your head just enough that you had the perfect view of Todoroki’s flexed triceps as he held himself in a modified pushup position of sorts. There was a look of concentration on his face and, while you found his furrowed brows to be rather cute, you still couldn’t help but focus your attention on his arms. He had a lean type of muscle that you thought would feel especially comfortable wrapped around your waist-- 
“Y/L/N, do you forfeit?” 
You blinked, feeling lightheaded both from this game which you lacked the stamina for and from the lack of oxygen that travelled to your brain as you held your breath while staring at Todoroki. 
Once your mind processed his words, you huffed. “Forfeit! Me? Never! Why would you think that?”
“Because I called ‘left hand, blue,’ minutes ago and you still haven’t moved.” 
Blood rushed to your face and you were thankful you had the exertion to blame it on. It wasn’t your fault Todoroki’s arms were so toned and strong and...distracting.
“No,” you said, unsure if there was even a question asked for you to reply to. “I don’t quit!”
Your eyes scanned the mat feverishly, looking for a blue circle to place your left hand on that would cause the least amount of strain. Shouto had already won the first two rounds and you’d be damned if you were to let him win again. (As much as you loved witnessing him succeed, your pride would simply be too hurt if you lost a third time in a row.) 
“Find a spot yet?” he asked in amusement. “I’m not sure how much longer my arms can hold.”
Of course, just the mention of his arms drew your attention from finding the optimal Twister position to staring stupidly at his triceps again.
As you attempted to tear your gaze away from him, you spotted hints of a smirk lingering on Todoroki’s face.
Did he notice your staring? There was no way… 
You looked at him, wide-eyed and dubious, and almost choked when you saw his shoulders start to shake as he tried to hide his laughter.
His laugh was muffled by his shirt in an attempt to keep his volume down, but it still rang rich and deep in the air. It was the first time you heard him laugh like that and you wanted to do anything to hear it again. 
With a shake of his head, he removed his hands from their spot on the Twister board and sat upright beside you.
“I concede,” he said when he saw you eyeing him with curiosity. “You win this round. My arms were getting too sore.”
After hearing the sweet sound of Todoroki saying, “You win,” you let yourself collapse on the floor, rolling onto your back to get a clear view of your cream-colored ceiling.
“For some reason, I sincerely doubt that your arms were getting sore,” you said, stretching your own--genuinely sore--arms out in front of you. “But seeing as I was about to fall flat on my face if I waited any longer… Thank you for conceding.” 
“Doubt I’d be sore?” he repeated, craning his neck to peer down at your face. He placed his left hand on his right bicep and gently massaged it with his thumb and forefinger. “What for?” 
By then, whatever rational thought was left in your brain had been fully replaced by Shouto’s arms and Shouto’s arms only, and you couldn’t even complain. 
“Mmm, what did you say again?” You blinked, clearing your throat. You suddenly had the desire to chug a cool glass of water.
Todoroki’s only reply was another small--almost imperceptible--smirk. It would have been easy for someone to miss, but to you, someone who was perhaps being more attentive to their roommate and newfound friend than they’d care to admit, it was clear as day.  
“You’re totally messing with me!” you groaned, covering your face with your hands as you continued to lie with your back on the floor. “Aren’t you?”
He let out a breathy laugh and shrugged, the corners of his lips quirking upwards. “Sorry. It’s just cute seeing your reactions. I didn’t know you liked my arms so much.”
You could’ve sworn he flexed once more for dramatic effect and an indignant squeak escaped your mouth.
“I-I don’t!” you protested, making sure to look anywhere but his arms. “I just never noticed how...proportionate they were before! Just thinking about how da Vinci would admire them. For scientific purposes, of course.”
You gaped at the knowing look on his face. “How did you even notice? Aren’t you a bit of the oblivious type?” With wide eyes, you slapped your hand over your mouth. “Wait-- I’m sorry. That was rude to say.”
Todoroki waved it off with a smile to show he wasn’t offended in the slightest. “I guess I was rather oblivious in the beginning of high school. But as I grew up I became more accustomed to picking up on such things.” 
You hummed in silent contemplation. Of course he had to have grown used to people making moon eyes over him. He probably got it all the time.
“I usually pay it no mind,” he continued as he stood up, peering down at you sprawled out on the floor. “But when you do it, I find it sort of cute.” 
As if he didn’t just say something that caused your heart to skip a beat, Todoroki extended a hand out to help you up.
Ignoring the heat rushing to your cheeks, you gently placed your hand in his.
“Thanks,” you murmured as Shouto pulled you off the mat and towards his body, a feeling of lightheadedness overcoming you at the sudden motion.
One hand held yours while his other was placed firmly above your elbow to help you steady yourself.
“You okay, Y/L/N?” he asked, a hint of concern in his voice as he watched you regain your balance.
“Oh, yeah! No worries. This happens all the time, to be honest,” you admitted, vaguely taking note of how your chest was almost fully pressed against his. “Whenever I move my head too fast I get a bit dizzy. And whenever I stand too fast my knees sort of just crack.” 
Your words did nothing to soothe the worried furrow between his brows.
“Is...Is that not normal?” 
He blinked.
You grimaced. “Okay. Guess not. Maybe I need to work out more.” 
“You can work out indoors with me,” Todoroki suggested with a small smile. He looked so sincere you were just about to agree until he opened his mouth for a second time-- “As long as you don’t spend the whole workout gawking at my arms.”
With an indignant cry, you pulled yourself away from his loose grip, face burning with such intensity you wouldn’t be surprised if he were able to sense the rise in temperature. “I never gawked at your arms.” 
He hummed. 
“Well, okay, maybe I did,” you relented with a huff, bending down to fold up the game mat in front of you. “They look very strong. Being a hero must be hard work.”
Todoroki shrugged, helping you clean up. “It’s worth the toll it takes. I can imagine your research requires hard work too.” 
You tried to hide the look of surprise on your face. You briefly talked to him about what you did during the roommate-finding process, but you didn’t think it was anything interesting enough for him to recall. It brought an odd warmth to your stomach knowing he cared enough to remember. 
“I guess. But I’d say it’s nowhere near as difficult as hero work,” you brushed off. “Not everyone has what it takes to be a good hero.”
A faint blush colored his cheeks as he followed you into the kitchen for a glass of water.
“There are lots of great heroes,” he stated, filling up two cups and handing one to you. 
“Yeah, there are. And greatness is one thing, but you’re a good one-- In the heart.” Your gaze flitted to his, unsure why you were filled with the sudden urge to have such an intimate conversation after a game of Twister. Still, you rolled with it. “I know we haven’t talked much prior to this lockdown...but even I can tell how caring you are. And I’m looking forward to getting to know you more.” 
A comfortable silence filled the air as he took a seat beside you. If Shouto was taken aback by your sudden compliment, he did a good job at hiding it, simply giving you a small smile as he let his shoulder rest against yours. You glanced over at the point of contact and bubbled with elation. 
“Todoroki?” you called quietly, the edge of your pinky brushing against his. 
He looked down at the gentle touch of your hand and didn’t move away. Instead, he took the initiative and placed his fingers on top of yours, his hand surprisingly soft despite the calluses on his fingertips. The back of your neck heated at the sudden movement, but you decided you rather liked how his hands felt on yours. 
“Thanks for letting me drag you along to play these childhood games,” you said, letting out a sigh of contentment. “It’s a nice change of pace while we’re stuck indoors.”
Shouto shook his head. “I should be the one thanking you. These are much better childhood memories than the ones from my actual childhood,” he admitted with a light laugh. “I’m glad we had the opportunity to spend more time together, Y/L/N.”
By now your fingers were intertwined with his, his thumb lightly stroking the peak of your knuckle.
He continued, “I hope this continues even when quarantine is over.” 
“I hope it does, too.” You couldn’t stop the grin from spreading wide across your face as you nuzzled your head on his shoulder. “Let’s keep making memories together, okay, Todoroki?”
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heavenlyholland · 3 years
jealousy | tom holland
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a/n: alright! here’s my first imagine from my tom holland book on wattpad, i’m sorry if it’s not that good but, grab your tissues. 
warnings:  angst :’)
pairings: tom x singer! reader | word count: 2k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You let out a nervous breath, shrugging your shoulders up and down and shaking your hands, hoping to get rid of the nerves that began to course through you. The time was passing by quicker than you anticipated, and soon enough you'd be on stage not only performing for thousands of people in person, but performing for millions on television. You were given the amazing opportunity to perform you new hit collaboration with Shawn Mendes at the American Music Awards.
Shawn and you had recently released the steamy collab a few months prior, and just within weeks, had it reached the top of all the charts across the world. It was titled "Teach Me How To Love" and of course along with the release of the romantic song, came the rumours and accusations that Shawn and you were dating. But the truth was, Shawn and you were just good friends, and you were dating British actor, Tom Holland. Shawn and you though, both being introduced into the music industry at a young age and both being from Canada, you two had developed a close bond over the years as each of your careers skyrocketed.
You met tom at an after party of an award show a few years back, and had bumped into each other as you were getting more drinks. Both of you quickly bonding and then later, developing feelings. The internet was shocked when you and Tom confirmed the relationship, and for a while your relationship had all eyes on it. It lessened as time went on, but you were truly happy with Tom, and ever since you started dating, it had been nonstop support and unconditional love. You had the amazing opportunities to attend premiers with him, and see him in his natural element. you were so infatuated with this man, you couldn't believe it.
Tonight, along with a bunch of other celebrities in the stands, Tom was going to watch you perform. Sure, he had joined you on your world tour, but this time considering you were performing with another guy and the song was more sexual, you knew there would be some sort of tension because of how protective Tom was over you.
As your makeup artist and stylist finished the final touch ups to your look, you looked in the mirror and took in your appearance. your makeup artist, Nessa had done a simple, but glam eye look, with a nude brown lipstick. you stylist, Katie had picked out an outfit to match this look. That consisted of cream coloured pants and cropped bralette, along with heels to match. Your hair was styled into your favourite look that made you look absolutely astonishing, and you wore your favourite earrings, gifted to you from Tom along with a matching necklace he had also gotten you.
"You're on in ten, Y/n." A worker said, as they popped their head into your dressing room. you nodded your head in their direction and then stood up, looking at yourself in the mirror and taking in your appearance. Nessa and Katie quietly left and you started your vocal warmups. After that was done, which didn't take long, you started humming the song and pacing around the room.
"You look amazing, my love." You heard the familiar voice call from behind you. you turned around to see your boyfriend Tom standing at the door. Immediately a smile formed on your face and you began walking in his direction, Tom meeting you halfway and pulling you into an enormous hug.
"Ugh, thank you." You gushed as you felt heat rise to your cheeks, pulling away. tom brought his hand up to your cheek, pushing a strand of hair out of your face before leaning in, attempting to kiss you. "I’d kiss you baby, but I don't wanna ruin my makeup, or give you any." You laughed.
"Of course, of course. you should probably head back soon, you're performing in-" Tom started before another crew member opened your door, interrupting yours and Tom’s conversation.
"Y/n? yeah, it's time to go. need you to get all set up." He smiled nicely. You nodded, before looking back at tom and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He scrunched his nose, before hugging you one last time and whispering a "good luck" and "I love you". You nodded and walked off, Tom’s hand trailing down your back as you left but letting go right before your ass.
As you walked down backstage, you approached your manager and Shawn, who was getting hooked up to all the things he needed before going on stage. You caught their attention, making them smile, but you were quick to be distracted and occupied with getting set up for the performance. The crew gave you your ear piece and you placed it in the correct spot. You were then handed your microphone. Once that was finished, Shawn and you were ushered closer to the stage. Your nerves spiked as you walked even closer. You could hear the cheering and hosts talk to those there and those watching.
"You ready? We got this." Shawn asked and smiled, pulling you into a hug.
"Yeah, I’m so ready. I’m really excited for this." You smiled. The two of you continued talking, laughing every once in a while before a crew membered told you that you'd be on in the next minute and so you walked with Shawn, under the stage and then up the stairs which lead you to the stage. Currently, the broadcast was on commercial break and so everyone was rushing around, preparing for the performance. You got into your beginning pose that was hidden by a prop you'd later come out of. In your ear, you heard the crew say that it would resume in the next three seconds. You heard a count down in your ear piece before music started playing, welcoming the viewers back.
"This. is the moment, you have all been waiting for." The first celebrity spoke.
"Performing their hit collab, Teach Me How To Love," The other continued.
"Please welcome, Shawn Mendes and Y/f/n Y/l/n!”They cheered. The music began playing and before you knew it, Shawn was singing.
"Oh, your body's like an ocean..."
"I’m devoted..to explore you."
"Oh, what do you desire, I’m inspired..."
"I’ll do it for you."
"Won't you,"
"Draw a map for me, laced with strawberries, and i'll get on my knees"
"Put my hands around you, oh, teach me how to.."
"Touch you, tease, caress you and please you,"
"Teachme how to love!"
"Put my hands around you, oh, teach me how to.."
"Touch you, tease, caress you and please you,"
"Teach me, teach me, teach me how to love!"
It was now your part of the song. The prop began to spin, revealing you to the crowd. You brought your hand that held the mic, up to your face and began singing.
"Your imagination..now i'm fixated,"
"And I’m dying to learn.."
You walked down the stairs in front of you, Shawn being at the end, waiting for you to reach him. When you got to the last few steps, Shawn reached his hand out to help you down, and you smiled at him while walking down the stairs. Taking your hand that had intertwined with shawn's, your brought it around your front so that it was wrapped around you. You looked up at Shawn and he looked at down at you, smiling.
"Won't you,"
"Draw a map for me, laced with strawberries, and I’ll get on my knees."
"Put my hands around you, oh, teach me how to.."
"Touch you, tease, caress you and please you.."
"Teach me how to love!"
The song was coming to an end and Shawn and you walked towards each other meeting in the middle. You looked up at him, singing the song and he looked down at you, his tall figure towering over you.  You shared a mic, Shawn’s and your lips getting closer than ever. When the final lyrics approached and fell across your lips, you moved your head to the side and the lights dimmed. The crowed went insane. Shawn took your hand and pulled you off stage, carefully guiding you down the steps. When you reached the concrete floor, he pulled you into a hug, lifting you up and spinning you.
"That was awesome!" He whispered, trying to be as quiet as he could.
"I know! that was the best performance, oh my god." You smiled as he let you back down. You then were told by a crew member to go to your dressing room because Tom was there and had requested you. you walked down the hallway, heels clicking on the floor as you took each step. When you reached your dressing room, you opened the door only to be face to face with an unimpressed-looking Tom.
"You okay? What’s wrong babe?" You asked, truly concerned.
"What was that?" He asked bitterly, clearly mad at you for an unknown reason, pacing back and forth.
"What do you mean?" You replied slowly, confused with his sudden change in emotion. you shut the door and locked it, giving the two of you privacy.
"Oh c'mon Y/n, don't bullshit me right now. I watched you on stage and I saw the way you were looking at him and the way he looked at you." He said stopping in his tracks and looking at you, hurt in his eyes.
"Are you kidding me right now?" You asked in disbelief. You couldn’t wrap your mind around the fact that he was actually asking these sorts of questions.
"No, I’m not Y/n. Are you cheating on me with him? Because there's clearly something going on." He said, confident that his assumptions were correct.
"Tom, you've got to be shitting me right now. Why would I cheat on you with someone I’ve known all my life who's been nothing but a friend to me?" You asked in shock. How could he accuse you of such horrible actions when you both knew you had it so bad for Tom.
"Uh- because you've known him all your life? It’s not rocket science, Y/n." He said, shaking his head in frustration.
"I can't believe you right now Tom," you said, tears now falling from your eyes and down your face, staining your cheeks. "You’d think-that after all this time of loving you and having it so bad for you-I’d cheat on you?" You ask, pure pain coursing through your voice.
"Yeah! I do." he exasperated, running a hand through his hair.
“Well, you're wrong. It’s called performing, you would know considering you're an actor, but I can't believe you would accuse me, your own girlfriend, of cheating on you. When clearly, Tom. clearly, I love you and only you. I don't care how many times I have to say it but I love you and no one else. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be the father of my children, I want to grow old with you. And to see you go and accuse me of this?" You ranted, heart shattering as you spoke. "I can't believe you, Tom." You shook your head.
"I- I’m sorry." He spoke quietly, head hanging low.
"Yeah, you sure as hell should be." You spat, leaving a thick, tension-filled silence between the two of you. You gathered your thoughts before coming to an conclusion.
"I think I need a break from this." Yiu finally said. Tom looked up at you with confusion written all over him.
"What do you mean, a break from this?" He asked.
“I think we need a break from each other to let the tension and heat from this argument cool down. So I want you to leave." You said calmly, opening the door and stepping to the side.
"Y/n, please, I’m so-" Tom started before you cut him off.
"Please, Tom." You croaked. You didn't want to do this, but it was for the best. And so Tom nodded his head, hanging it low as he slowly walked out your dressing room. When he was out, you shut the door and slid down the hard surface, breaking down and crying.
who knew one performance, could lead to a break up.
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Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve done a crossover ship and this was all heavily inspired by the exciting crossover RP I’ve been doing with my lovely friend, @x-elyssa-x​~💜 I put in the idea of doing a crossover with Synth meeting Disney’s Kaa, wondering how it would all turn out. And I must say we got some really heartwarming results! >w< It starts off with Synth meeting Kaa in his dream from listening to a famously familiar storybook, and of course Synth fears Kaa at first but it turns out that the mysterious snake manages to find his way to the Trolls’ world (where anything can happen ;p) encounters our Techno Ambassador and instantly takes a liking to him! Ovo Still fearing the persistent snake, Synth wished Kaa would leave him be but as time passes, he slowly but surely begins to enjoy the snake’s company as they get to know each other better (as Kaa is kept secret in Synth’s home) and the more time they spend together, the more Synth begins to gradually fall for Kaa while the snake already had strong feelings for him~💓 Eventually the two of them became inseparable, especially when Kaa decided to finally leave his old jungle life behind to be with Synth, for it seemed the Techno Ambassador had changed him for the better, opening the snake’s eyes to his brighter world and together, they go to visit an old acquaintance of Kaa’s to help him become a troll like Synth, permanently. And as seen above, that is what Kaa’s troll form looks like - a Techno Troll with the new name to disguise his own, ‘Kayne’. Elyssa and I came up with the design together~ :3 She did the template lineart, I did the colour scheme (inspired by the first movie and sequel) and details, along with designing Kaa’s new troll hairstyle~✨ I am super pleased of how it all turned out and I really enjoyed doing the collab with you, Eylssa, dear! 💕 I also added a heart-shaped crystal opal necklace around Kaa’s neck, which was given specially to him by Synth as symbol of their loving bond~ 🎧🎶 💖🐍 Kaa, now ‘Kanye’ has become a very supportive and loving partner, protecting Synth with his life and love, and even comforts him about his fear of the dark~ ;//w//; Also, Kaa still has his hypnotic powers but he doesn’t use them as much as he used to. He sometimes uses them to soothe Synth when needed~ UvU But that’s not all, folks! 8D ‘Cause lookie what my sweet buddy, Emi a.k.a @groovinyeen​ drew for me below!! 🌟0🌟 💘 My very first fanart of SynKaa, which I absolutely, love, love, LOVE~!! 😍 🎧🎶❤️🐍 😍 
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My fave crossover ship, up there with Bluegnouf (Groognouf x Blue Diamond)
Thank-you, thank-you ever sooo much, sweets! *mega-hugs* 💞 You did a fantastic job and as promised to you and Elyssa, I wished to share your amazing work with the fandom! ✨👍Consider Emi’s piece a birthday gift from me too~🎁 ;3 Hope you all like - especially you, my dear Eylssa and I would like to also wish you a very Happy Birthday to you for tomorrow~!! (31st Jan) 🎊 💝 🎉 🎂 🎉 💝 🎊 =^o^= Thank-you so much for being such a wonderful friend, you deserve the best in my eyes~💜 😘 *mega-cuddles* 
And also a very Happy Birthday to our dear Branch too, a.k.a Justin Timberlake! 🎂 🎊
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Synth (c) Trolls TrollsTopia/Dreamworks Animation
Kaa (c) Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book
Kaa’s Techno Troll Form ‘Kanye’, Design, Lineart & Colour Scheme (c) @x-elyssa-x​ & @jade-green-butterfly​ (Me~!) 
Synth x Kaa (SynKaa) Gift Art (c) @groovinyeen
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