#chubby ball of joy
peachdues · 1 year
And a fluff thought stemming from bundle of joy just some years after
All I'm cracking up at is this big scary wind hashira, terrifies the lower ranked slayers. Middle of training when they break for lunch, Y/N coming by with their now toddler daughter. Watch the slayers head spin when this lil girl is absolutely delighted to see her dad, running to hug his leg squealing
No, because this has sent me into a spiral.
Imagine Sanemi has the lower-ranked slayers nearly passing out from how brutal his training is, but they're also too scared to actually stop because they know it will just make their day a thousand times worse.
Sanemi is in the middle of laying into one of them because his form was wrongwrongwrong and how can he possibly expect to cut a demon's head off if he can't even hold a fucking sword, when they're interrupted by a shriek of laughter and joy from across the training grounds.
At first, the group of trainees see the Lunar Hashira crossing the dirt towards them, and they think, oh thank god, she's here to save us from Shinazugawa's wrath, she's going to help, thank god, thank god.
But instead she stops, and she's not looking at them, she's looking at the Wind Pillar and the Wind Pillar alone (like hello?? they're here too?? damn), and he stops the entire training session.
Suddenly, a small, white-haired, pink-cheeked miniature human peeks out from behind the Lunar Pillar's leg. She takes one look at the scarred menace who is low-key torturing this poor group of slayers, and she lets out the loudest little shriek of delight and begins toddling towards Shinazugawa as fast as her little chubby legs can carry her because she just learned to walk and now nothing can stop her.
And Shinazugawa smiles, and not in his signature sadistic manner that makes his trainees nearly wet themselves, but he has an actual genuine smile on that scarred face of his. Then, he does something even creepier -- he laughs.
He squats down and opens his arms as this little ball of pudge and snowy hair waddles to him, and he scoops her up and puts her on his shoulders while she claps her little hands together, laughing.
Sanemi then turns back to the group and for half a second, they think maybe Shinazugawa is in a good enough mood to dismiss them for the day because he can't possibly want his little angel to see him all scary and mean and angry, right?
Sanemi does decide he's done with training for the day -- but they're not. Instead, the Lunar Hashira -- his wife -- is stepping in to run them on defensive drills. Most of them haven't trained under the Lunar Hashira, so they breathe a sigh of relief, because surely, surely her training cannot be anywhere near as life-threatening as Shinazugawa's.
The Lunar Hashira looks so kind, so gentle, as she unsheathes her actual fucking weapon and begins using her breathing forms on them (because it's a mostly defensive-style of fighting, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have some very fast, very brutal offensive techniques saved for when she needs them). The slayers are forced to run, to contort their bodies into unimaginable shapes in a desperate attempt to dodge her crescent-shaped attacks. By the time the sun sets, several of them have thrown up, and a couple of them have passed out.
Meanwhile, Sanemi stands off to the sidelines, daughter still balanced on his shoulders, as she oohs and ahhs the display of lights and shapes unfolding before her. She squeals in delight every time her mama makes another pretty crescent moon and is so entranced by the dazzling show before her that she can't hear the screams of the slayers trying desperately avoid getting slashed to pieces.
And Sanemi has never been happier in his entire life.
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Sanemi's proudest moment is when his daughter, who just hit speaking age, loudly says "fuck!" in her little, cute voice when she drops her piece of ohagi in the dirt outside their estate one afternoon. Too bad she also said it in front of her mother, and suddenly Sanemi's proudest moment also becomes the moment he learns what true fear is.
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welcometomyoasis · 8 months
Seventeen's hip hop unit with a chubby s/o
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Requested by: @kim-hao-han Pairing: svt hip hop unit x gn! reader Genre: headcanon, fluff, hurt/ comfort Word count: approx. 1300 words Warnings: body image issues A/n: i’m sorry this took so long to come out. Ngl this was hard to write because the author’s brain is dead. I hope you like it though! Not proof read... Other units: vocal unit | performance unit
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🍒 Seungcheol
You’re his stress ball little squish!
This man is smitten with everything about you. He thinks you are beautiful and adorable, inside and out.
He absolutely loves to give you hugs and cuddles. He loves the way you look and feel in his arms. You’re so soft, and there’s something about enveloping you in his arms that just makes all the tension melt away. 
Might squeeze you a little too tightly but you’re just too adorable to let go. 
Adores how you let him cling onto you like a koala
On days when he has a bad day at work, you don’t even need to say anything because you provide all the comfort he needs. In other words, you’re like his comfort soft toy. 
In return, he’s your loud number 1 hype man. 
Seungcheol’s love languages are gift giving and words of affirmation. 
Specifically, he loves buying you presents like clothes. He knows all your sizes and will be on the constant look out for clothing he knows will look amazing on you. 
Will loudly shout about how good you look. “BABY? YOU LOOK AMAZING!”, “HOW? YOU’RE A GODDESS!”
On a more serious note, he does it because he understands that it can sometimes be overwhelming for you to buy clothes for yourself. The way that you sometimes feel self-conscious when shopping at the sections with larger sizes breaks his heart. He needs you to see how beautiful you are.
So, he’s definitely more direct with how he shows his love towards you. 100% unashamed of hyping you up. 
Why wouldn’t he be? You’re his partner. His love. 
You won’t ever need to think otherwise because Seungcheol’s actions and words will not give you a chance to. But in the 0.1% chance that you do, he will ramp it up and shower you with so much love that all doubts will be washed away. 
BONUS: his favourite body part of yours? Your cheeks! He just wants to smoosh them together all the time. Be careful, he sometimes bites…
🐈‍⬛ Wonwoo
You’re his ball of sunshine.
I’m a strong believer that Wonwoo falls hard for your appearance, but he falls harder for your personality.
Sleepy black cat and hyper sunshine combo
He adores how easily excitable you are, the way your eyes light up when you are doing something you enjoy/ when you see something you are fascinated with. 
He admires your perseverance. Everytime you face an obstacle, be it at work, or when it has to do with your appearance/ size, you always continue to smile and push on. He knows it hurts, but the way you never let it drag you down makes him think you’re the strongest person he knows. 
So, in return, he’s your confident.
Wonwoo will always let you talk to him whenever you face any difficulties. He will never invalidate you and your worries. Depending on what you want, he will either offer advice or simply just listen to you. 
Definitely gives you the best advice. Plus, Wonwoo’s love languages includes words of affirmation and physical touch.
Unlike Seungcheol, he’s more subtle with his compliments towards you. He’s so sincere as well. Will tell you things like “you look beautiful today”, or “your presence brings me so much joy”. It doesn’t all have to do about your appearance. The way he goes about it just makes you feel human? 
Also, I know Wonwoo doesn’t seem like the person who would enjoy physical touch, but I think he would really enjoying holding your hand. Caressing your hands as you talk about literally anything and everything. It reminds you of his presence. Plus, your hands are really soft so there is something calming about rhythmically stroking his thumbs over your hands. 
BONUS: his favourite body part of yours? Your hands! He loves kissing the back of your hands too, it makes him feel romantic. 
🐶 Mingyu
You’re his joy in life!
You give him so much happiness. He is thoroughly enamoured with you. 
You always give in to all his silly little ideas and antics. Plus you never scold him for being clumsy. You take things in your stride and just smile as you clean up his messes. Things happen right?
You also never tease him. He gets enough of that from his members. Instead, you shower him with so many compliments you want to make him curl up into himself. The way you always stare at him like he is superman makes him feel so happy and loved. 
Mingyu loves being wrapped in your arms as well. While he does enjoy being big spoon (and your personal weighted blanket because he literally will pounce on top of you), he thinks your arms are the safest place in the world. 
Something about your warm, soft arms wrapping around his broad shoulders or waist does something to make his insides turn into mush. 
In return, Mingyu is your number 1 supporter.
Mingyu will move mountains for you. You have him wrapped around your little finger. 
Mingyu’s love languages are acts of service and physical touch. 
Loves to indulge all your wants and needs. Will not let you lift a finger at all. Why should you? You have your big strong clumsy boyfriend! He will do everything for you. 
Especially when you want to eat something, he will cook it for you. Or, he will buy it for you. He finds you the most adorable when you eat. It makes your cheeks look like a chipmunk. Will coo at you and pinch your cheek. 
It also doesn’t matter what your size is since Mingyu is also a giant? You will always be a little dwarf to him. Loves to tease you about how small you are next to him. 
When you are feeling sad, the roles are reversed and he will cuddle you to death. You might suffocate from his arms and the strength that he is squeezing you with, but is that so bad? 
BONUS: his favourite body part of yours? Your arms! Like I said, he adores being wrapped in your embrace. 
🐻‍❄️ Vernon
You’re his pillar of strength.
Vernon is always in awe at the endless amount of support and unconditional love that you give him. 
He loves that he can talk to you about anything and everything. Especially when things get hard for him. Even if you can’t offer him any advice, the point is you’re there. 
He especially loves it when he lies on your plush thighs, with his arms looped around your soft waist and his head buried in your tummy. It’s so comforting. Plus he finds it so so endearing when you start to run your fingers through his hair. He often falls asleep like that because (1), you’re just so comfortable. (2), you’re presence calms him. 
In return, Vernon is your protector.
Acts of service is probably his main love language towards you. There are times when he is subtle, and there are times when he is more forceful.
He’s extremely observant and will notice when you have bad body image days/ when you start to feel more self-conscious. 
In times like that, he will leave his oversized hoodies around for you to wear because you tell him that it comforts you + makes you feel tiny.
If you are in public, he will pull you closer towards him and place kisses against your temple. 
Vernon would also be the one who would always put more food on your plate. He wants to ensure you are eating enough. It’s his way of saying, I care for your wellbeing, please don’t care about your size or what other people might think.
Of course, if there were others who were more vocal about your appearance/ amount of food you eat, Vernon would not hesitate to step in to tell them off. You can always count on him.
BONUS: his favourite body part of yours? Your soft waist and tummy. He loves to bury his head there for comfort.
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hyukalyptus · 4 months
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are you alone? — idol!hueningkai x fem!reader | established relationship. NSFW/MDNI!
cw. phone sex (?), joi (f. and m. receiveing), switch!kai x switch!reader, chubby!reader, tummy love as usual, masturbation, nipple play, cunnilingus is discussed but doesn't actually happen, reader licks her own juices <3, older!reader kinda, pet names (baby, babe, good boy), balls, kai sends reader a nude, established relationship, lemme know if i missed anything!
wc. 1.6k
notes. reposted from my old acct! i have a bunch of longer fics in the works so i thought i’d repost something from my other account in the meantime. i wrote this awhile ago and didn’t edit it a lot so it’s not my finest work, but oh well. smut under cut !
“How’s New York?” You ask Kai over the phone. The time difference is so drastic between the two of you that the only option for phone calls was during your lunchtime while he was getting ready for bed.
“It’s good, but I miss you,” he said. You were totally fine until he said that. When he says he misses you, everything in you aches. You need a hug, a kiss, an orgasm, and a cuddle. More than anything. And he can sense it all—and he misses you just as much. “You okay?”
You sigh and say, “Yeah…just wish I could be there with you.” He agrees—having you there would be perfect. And you can’t help you couldn’t get off work. How many people could take six weeks off work to go on a world tour with their boyfriend? “What are you doing right now?”
“Getting ready to take a shower.” He chuckles just a bit before adding, “Naked.”
You cackle and say, “I know you take showers naked, babe.”
“I know. I just wanted to remind you.”
“I bet you look really sexy.”
“Wanna see?”
“Do you even have to ask?” He poses for a cute mirror selfie that’s not too revealing, just shirtless, his sexy smirk, hair messy, and the top of his pelvis just barely exposed leaving everything to the imagination. He’s so cute. “Oh, wow. I was right.” Remaining silent, you wish you could be there with him…hugging and kissing, cuddling in the shower as he rubs a loofah all over you. He’d jiggle you and kiss your tummy…a lot. “I woke up thinking about you this morning,” you admit.
“Yeah? What about me?”
“About you touching me…” You hum, the ache for him growing stronger with each syllable.
“Really?” You can hear the water turn on over the phone, his voice echoey off the bathroom walls. “Are you alone?”
“Yeah,” you giggle. “I’m at my apartment. Why?”
He hesitates, trying to put into words exactly what he wants to do with you. “No reason,” he says, a hint of a giggle in his voice. “I was just thinking about what I’d do if you were here with me.”
“What would you do?”
“Oh god…” he takes a deep breath. “You know I love your tits. I’d just bury my face in your tits and kiss all over them.” You groan, resisting the urge to slip your fingers into your lounge shorts—resorting to squeezing your tit gently, imagining it was him. “You love it when I lick your nipples,” he says matter-of-factly and you hum in agreement. “Touch your nipples for me right now.” After pulling your bra off from under your shirt, you lick two fingers, rubbing circles over yourself. Your head falls back against the couch cushion, gently sighing, all your muscles relaxing.
“That’s it, baby,” he says. It almost makes you feel silly how much of an affect those three words have on you. “Tell me what else I do that you like.”
“Oh,” you start. “I love you tongue on my clit. God…” you groan. “I so wish you were here to eat me out right now. I really need some love from you.”
“I’m sorry—”
“No, no, it’s okay,” you say, hoping you didn’t ruin the moment. “I just meant you always feel so fucking good.” Your hips involuntarily grind against nothing. “It'll be well worth the wait when you get back.” Your thighs press together, trying to find some form of friction.
“I know it will. I miss you too you know…” he says, his breath heavy.
“I know,” you chuckle. You take a minute to switch to headphones so you have both hands free.
“Start moving your hand down to your pussy, but don’t touch yourself yet.” He takes a deep breath. “And tell me about it.”
“I’m dragging my fingertips across the front of my hips,” you whisper, stomach jerking at the tickle. “They're on the inside of my thighs. I can feel myself getting wet for you,” you say, moving closer and closer to your center. “Can you tell me what you would do if you were here with me?”
“Yes, baby,” he sighs, a smile evident in his voice. “Are you on the couch?” You hum. “Well, I’d come over and get on my knees, kissing all over your belly.” That’s one of your favorite things he does to you. And he absolutely adores your tummy. Loves it when you giggle from the tickle of his lips, making your belly jiggle against his lips. “Baby, do what I say but with your fingers. Do exactly what I say. Do you understand?” He asks, his voice getting sharper.
“Yes, I understand,” you giggle.
“I’d get on my knees and kiss your belly, spreading your legs, dragging my fingers all over the inside of your thighs,” he says. “And I’d pull your shorts down, pressing my hand over the outside of your panties.” You do the same. “And I’d move them to the side really slowly, looking up at you writhing, begging me to touch you.”
Groaning in anticipation, you hear him snicker, satisfied knowing he’s teasing you, even from this far away. “And I’d slide one finger inside you, feeling how wet you are.”
“I’m so fucking wet for you,” you say. Pumping your finger in and out of your pussy, some built-up tension is relieved.
“I know you are,” he says. “And then I’d slide another finger inside you, making you grind your hips against my fingers,” he says, as if he’s telling your body exactly how to move—and it’s obeying. “But that’s not what you want, is it?”
“No,” you whine, clenching your jaw, using everything in you not to touch your clit.
“Not yet, baby,” he chuckles. “I’d gather your wetness on my thumb and rub your nipple, and you’d moan for me.” You do what he says, moaning loudly.
“Please, Kai…”
“Did you do what I said? Did you rub your nipple with yourself?” You hum. “Good. Then, I’d lick your nipples, cleaning you up.” You lick your fingers, wiping your nipple clean, tasting yourself on your fingers.
“I’d kiss around your clit, hearing you whine and beg for me.” He takes a few deep breaths, trying to steady himself. You’re not sure if he’s touching himself, but you hope not so you can give him instructions in return later.
“Baby, please let me touch my clit. Please…” He hesitates as you keep begging.
“And then I’d flick my tongue over your clit.” You finally make contact with your fingers, moaning out loud. “That’s it, baby.” It’s those three words again.
“God, you feel so good,” you say, head dropping back to the couch cushion again.
“And I’d look up at you between your legs and you’d be rubbing your nipple.” You look down, half-expecting him to be there, only to be met with emptiness.
“Fuck, baby—” you gasp. “I love it when you talk to me like this.”
“Your legs would start to shake around my head,” he says. The knot in your stomach tightens—his voice along with your fingers feels amazing.
“I’m so close, babe,” you say, close to being out of breath.
“Don’t stop,” he insists. “Do whatever you want to yourself.” You don’t change anything. This is already too good. “Cum so good for me, baby,” he says and you push yourself over the edge, moaning loudly through gritted teeth. “Yeah, that’s it. Just like that,” he praises you as you work yourself through your orgasm—legs shaking, hips flinching, breasts heaving.
After coming down from your high and catching your breath, you say, “That was fun.”
“It was…” he sighs, finishing it off with a bit of a whimper.
“Aw, I’m sorry, babe,” you say. “You need me to help you out?” He hums so, so cutely. “You’re still in the shower?” He hums again. “You haven’t touched yourself yet, have you?”
“No, I wasn’t told to.”
“That’s my good boy,” you giggle. “You’re so good for me.” You take a second, trying to think of what you’re gonna do with him. You can’t get the image of him in the shower out of your head—water rushing over his body, cock painfully hard, pushing his bottom lip out for you—all while attempting to avoid the water from splashing his phone. “How about you start squeezing your balls first?”
“Are you asking or telling?”
“Sorry,” you blink, getting in the mindset of that role. “Squeeze yourself for me, baby. But don’t you dare touch your dick yet. Tell me how it feels.”
“Wish it was your hand…”
“I do too, baby,” you sigh. “Use your thumb to rub the precum around your tip for me. I know you’re already leaking,” you say and he chuckles, letting you know you were right. That action makes him absolutely whine. “Feel good?” He stutters, finally mumbling out a yes. You’re giddy as hell. It’s so fucking cute getting him like this. “Do you wanna squeeze your cock, baby?”
“So bad…” he stutters, sending shivers down his spine.
“Get some soap in your hand and go ahead,” you giggle. “Squeeze your cock for me, yeah?” He hums, following your instructions. His mouth dropping open, he moans so fucking loud. And you’re not surprised, he’s waited quite some time to touch himself. “How’s it feel?”
“Wish it was your mouth…”
“Aw, miss you too, baby.” You smile. “But tell me how good it feels.”
“Feels so good.” His hand pumps himself and he honestly doesn’t think he’ll last very long. “Won’t last…” he can’t even get past mumbling half sentences.
“That’s okay. Go a little faster for me.” And he does just that. “Just want you to feel good, baby.” Following your instruction, he makes this heavenly noise and you know he's cumming. And you can’t help but imagine his cum spurting all over his hand, his mouth barely open, eyes squeezed shut. “That’s a good boy. Cum so, so good. So good for me.”
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onmyyan · 1 year
Sharing is caring
A/N: Mariah Carey voice* ITS TIIIIME Smut will be in part three and I hope y’all enjoy!!! 17.1 pages, 6,340 words NOT EDITED
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If someone told you a week ago that your childhood best friends were planning some huge conspiracy to kidnap you, You'd of laughed in their faces.
After all, your boys couldn't be capable of something like that.
Sure they were a little more intense than the average person, but that's just how they've always been!
Growing up as the next-door neighbor to the Delmont Family used to be something you'd take great joy in, you would thank the stars you'd gotten lucky enough to be in their presence, how insanely loving they were to you from the second you entered their lives.
The family had taken you in more times than you could remember, whenever your parents fell through- be it picking you up from school hours late or forgetting to leave food money when they left you home alone, you were forced to care for yourself way too young and it didn't go unnoticed by the Delmont's.
Caspian recalls the day he'd first seen you vividly. He was twelve years old at the time and had just gotten into a rather nasty fight with his old man, he'd sulked his way outside to his small garden bed of herbs and veggies, the tiny oasis was a birthday gift from his mother last year, anytime life got too hard for the young boy he found himself kneeling in the dirt, and it's here he spots you.
Your small form sat idly in front of the T.V., a large blanket draped over your shoulders, he was confused, it was early in the day, why were you all alone? He checked your front yard to confirm his suspensions and it only made him sadder to see your parent's car's missing from the driveway.
He watched as you numbly munched on some dry cereal, but what really caught his eye were the tears running down your chubby cheeks, his chest began to ache at the sight, you couldn't have been much older than his youngest brothers, and be it his older brother instincts or the way you looked so sad, he was soon in the kitchen, furiously gathering all he needed to bake his mama's special cookies, the treats always managed to cheer him up, so he hoped they'd do the same for you.
When his mother came down to see her oldest baking as he'd never done before, she asked what the rush was. "I think our neighbor is sad mama- she looks all alone I just thought your cookies would make her feel better." His eyebrows were furrowed in the cutest form of frustration, she mentally cooed over him, how sweet he was, before beginning to wash her hands.
"Well, we better hurry up and give em' to her then." With the two working in tandem, he was bouncing on the balls of his feet outside your door in no time, the plate of warm treats made his hands hot, but he needed to be the one to give these to you. He wanted you to know you had someone in your corner.
His mother knocked on the door, her face twisting as she realized you were truly by yourself. The small pitter-patter of bare feet came closer before the door was swung open.
"Mama's not home." Was the first thing you said as if practiced. Both Delmonts felt their heart clench at the sight of you, you had bags under your eyes, your hair was messy as if you'd done it yourself, and the crumbs from something stuck haphazardly to the sweater you had on.
"Hi Honey, my name is Carla Delmont, I live right there with my family, this is my son Caspian- say hi mijo."
The awestruck boy shook himself from his stupor and thrust the plate forward. "Hi, there! Um. I-we made these for you." You stared at him with that blank look in your eye, at his words warmth seemed to pool into your gaze, the soft gapped tooth smile you gave him had his heart hammering in his chest, gently your small hands reached out to grab it, fingers touching his for a split second, but that's all it took for a bolt to shoot up his arm.
"Thank you! I'm (Y/N), we were supposed to come over and say hi when we moved in but I think mommy forgot."
She didn't want to assume something so harsh so early, but based on the way you looked and spoke, she couldn't help the sinking feeling that said your parents weren't the greatest at caring for you.
"Well how about this, when she gets home tonight you two come over for dinner hm?" Caspian had this hopeful look on his face as if urging you to say agree.
"Sure! I um, I dunno when she's coming home but that sounds fun." Your eyes lost a bit of twinkle at the thought, the older woman leaned down to put her hand on your shoulder, "Well if you get hungry before then come over. I'll even call your mom so she doesn't get worried okay?"
And that's exactly what you did anytime your parents went MIA, they knew they could find you next door.
A few hours later the matriarch heard the smallest knock at the door. She opened it with a warmth you weren't used to, ushering you inside before you could change your mind, she could see how nervous you were.
"Gabriel! Tell your brother to set another plate, we have a guest." The tall red-haired boy seemed to perk up at the request of his mother, nodding so fast you're sure he got whiplash, he took off, not before shooting you a big toothy grin, and soon returned red-faced and out of breath.
"Hi! I'm Gabriel but you can call me Gabe- do you like dogs? We have a dog, her name is Sophie, she's a pitbull and we had to put her outside cuz she bit Father. I thought it was pretty funny but he didn't." He rambled bouncing from either foot.
"Hi, Gabe- I'm (Y/n)." Despite baby, you's poor social skills Gabe didn't skip a beat as he stuck out his hand, grabbing your own in a gentle grip "Can we go play Mama?" The older woman sighed gently brushing fly-away curls from her second oldest's face.
"Yes mijo, just don't let (Y/n) get hurt okay? You boys can be so rough I don't want a single scratch on her understand?" He suddenly looked as serious as he could, nodding sternly to his mother, "Pinkie swear." She had no idea just how long he'd keep that promise.
And just what lengths he'd go to to do so.
He led the way through their comforting home with a gentle grip, careful not to hurt your smaller hand. The second the twins caught sight of you they abandoned whatever they were doing, tripping over themselves to say hello.
The twins looked nearly identical, the only way you could tell the two apart is if you really looked at Manny, the smaller boy had the prettiest eyes you'd ever seen, when you told him this he had to pull his shirt over his face to hide the red hot blush on his cheeks.
Marcos was so excited to meet a new friend, and his age no less! He spent the whole time outside asking you questions and trying to show off, the quiet boy sitting on the porch swing gave you a simple smile, introducing himself as Ricky, "I like your hair! It's so long and pretty!" You gushed over the long locks, he turned cherry red and decided then and there he'd never cut it short.
Time flew by in the sweetest moments, and before you knew it you were about to start High school.
About a week before the mandatory orientation you and the twins were set to attend, the parental unit sat you down in their living room, it felt odd being summoned without any of the boys, it didn't occur to you until that moment that you've never been in their home without one or more of them lingering around you, so to say you felt out of place was an understatement.
The way their Father was staring you down only added to your stress, but then again you learned long ago he just looked like he wanted to murder everyone in the room, he was quite sweet to you, often treating you like the daughter he never had,
"Am I in trouble?" You asked with a nervous laugh, hands wringing themselves ragged under the table.
"Of course not Hun! We were just talking about how you spend so much time here and how you're always bouncing back and forth." Carla sat down at the table to lay her hand palm side up, her silent request was met by you giving her your own, she began rubbing calming circles into the skin, trying to pacify your unease.
The effect of your absence on the boys, no matter how short of a duration, was becoming more and more volatile. Manny had begun acting out the longer you spent out of his reach, he'd be in such a foul mood he'd start snapping at his twin, a feat that unnerved everyone in the house because if Manny was mad enough to actually raise his voice at Marcos, something was very wrong in the universe.
Anytime you were not under the watchful gaze of one of her sons they seemed to deflate, curl into themselves. The clouds hanging over each of their heads, made the whole house feel like a ticking time bomb, she wasn't a dumb woman, she knew exactly who her husband was and exactly how alike her children were.
They were all so loving and kind, most of society couldn't understand the deep, raw, brutally honest way they felt their feelings, but she could, she knew what her sons needed to keep their heads on straight.
It seemed like the most rational course of action to the older woman, the way their heavy mood would instantly dissipate whenever your presence was near, plus she adored you like one of her own.
"We want you to move in you're practically my daughter already and it just is so lovely having you home, where we know you're safe." You felt your eyes widen at the statement, a million things ran through your mind but the strongest feeling was this warmth, your eyes begin to water, opening and closing your mouth in shock at the generous offer, "Oh god- that's the nicest thing anyone's ever offered me but- I don't know how long it'll take me to get a job-" the older woman's usually soft features soured at the words, "What job? You're just a child, don't worry your pretty head about any of that. Besides you stay here so often that nothing would really change." She looked to her husband to continue.
Their father wasn't much of a talker but whenever he did speak to you it was always awkwardly pleasant. "Before you start with that crap- it's nothing and you're already family so quit the yappin' and move your shit in your room already."
Your parents put up a bit of a fight but ultimately relented, knowing you were never as happy as you were when with the Delmonts.
That decision was what truly sealed your fate.
As you grew up alongside them, their toxic behavior seemed like the norm.
As if it was normal for the brothers to be the only friends you had, Marcos isn't proud of it but he'd use his popularity to slander your name, start a rumor here and there- nothing too bad! Just enough lies to keep the general population uninterested in you, if anyone ever dared to hurt you in any way because of these actions they'd be stopped before they got the chance.
In Marco's mind, it was a flawless plan because neither he nor his twin would let anything close enough to even touch you, they never left your side, going so far as to threaten the principal into giving you all the same classes, he was happy to keep lying if it meant you only looked to them for comfort.
It seemed perfectly fine for Ricky to stop you one day and ask you to install a tracking app on your phone, "You never know what kinda' psychos you're dealing with, at least with this I'll always know where you are- just in case." He spoke so confidently and so surely, you never questioned him, Ricky was the smartest person you knew, and he was always watching your back in ways you didn't even know you needed.
Gabe had this habit where he'd hover, like a guard dog, no matter how old you got he never grew out of his habit of looming over your shoulder, ready and waiting for a threat so he could sink his teeth into it, but their grip wasn't always as tight as it was today.
Before the unanimous decision to keep you to themselves, you'd managed to get a crush on some lowlife boy in your class, he'd gotten wind of your feelings and he thought it be funny to ask you out as some kind of cruel joke when you'd inevitably found out, you'd rushed home after school, not having it in you to wait for the twins like always, you felt too embarrassed to face them. Thankfully Gabe had football practice and Caspian had his cooking club, and you knew Ricky went straight to the shop after school so you managed to sneak into the house, undetected.
That is where mama Delmont found you a good two hours later, the boys still weren't home, and she thanked god because when she caught sight of your still sobbing form, buried face first in your pillow, the silent cries soaking into the fabric.
You were all but inconsolable, weeping into her arms as she tried in vain to soothe you. Had you looked up you would have seen the fear on her face. Because she knew something awful would come of this.
It didn't take long for the tale-tell the sound of their front door slamming shut. She heard a distinct set of footsteps running towards the (h/c) haired girl's room. She quickly stood to her feet and intercepted the two troublemakers before they could enter.
"Is she here? She left before us." Manny looked frantic, wide eyes darting from the door behind his mother to his twin. "That isn't like her, sum' wrong I just know it." Marcos placed a comforting hand on his younger brother's shoulder. "What happened Ma?"
She managed to get a few words out of you that summed up the situation. "Some stupid boy hurt her feelings. I think she's feeling a little embarrassed so maybe-" before she could finish Manny's hand gently moved her aside before slinking into your room, Marcos followed after only seconds behind him.
They spent a good hour coaxing the full story from you, sandwiching your sniffling body between them in a bear hug from both sides.
After the older brothers all got home, Marcos took the initiative to fill them in, mostly because Manny refused to leave your side, and Gabe had to leave the room because he needed to hit something, bad.
He was quiet as a ghost that night at dinner, in fact, most of the boys were, as your disheartened face was all too fresh in their minds. Caspian gave Gabe a look before he went to bed, a silent conversation taking place between the two.
In the dead of night Gabe snuck out his window and took off like a bloodhound, it took little to no effort to get the kid's full name from the school's website, and he soon after found his address.
He waited in the shadows, hood pulled up, the facemask he wore concealed the snarl on his face, the baseball cap shrouding his poisonous glare.
Gabe's ruby eyes were like slits as he waited, silent and still as a statue. His all-black outfit blended him seamlessly into the darkness, he forced his trembling hands to remain by his side, feeling himself vibrate in his skin, the rage bubbling under the surface threatening to pour over and consume him, but he made himself be still.
His efforts in self-control were rewarded as the teen who'd made the fatal mistake of breaking your heart walked out his backdoor with a trash bag in hand. He dragged his feet towards the can without a care in the world. Unknowingly delivering himself to his end.
Before he could lift the lid his neck was grabbed in a vice-like grip, Gabe yanked him into the bushes, dragging the scrawny guy by his throat he finally stopped once he found something hard enough to slam him into.
The surprised yelp that left his mouth brought a small sliver of joy to Gabe.
But not nearly as much joy as it brought to knock his skull against the concrete, his hand was so big he only needed one to do it.
He'd only gone out that night with the intention of roughing him up, making him pay for your tears with his blood, but the longer he wailed on the sputtering male, the angrier he got.
"Fucking piece of shit!- you got some kinda' nerve!" He stopped his assault to bring the bloodied face closer to his own. "You fuck with her feelings like that and expect to just walk away?"
To be blessed with your love, to reject it so coldly? The venomous mix of jealousy and anger had him repeating the violent motion until the other male's face turned to unrecognizable mush.
When he made it home, after dumping the body in its own garbage can, of course, Ricky and Caspian were up waiting for him in his room.
"You do it?" The youngest of the three asked chewing his thumb, eyes flickering to and from the door as if he expected his parents to burst in, while Caspian handed Gabe a warm towel, knowing he'd come home covered in gore.
The proud smile on his face was all the reassurance Gabe needed.
"I had to." Gabe began wiping at his soaking hands, the pride in defending your honor had the adrenaline pumping. Ricky gave his older brother a small smile, nodding to himself, "Course you did big guy- c'mon get clean then meet us in the garage."
After tossing his blood-soaked garments in a bag to deal with later, he joined his brothers downstairs. They kept the lights off in order not to arouse suspicion.
"Ricky has an idea," Caspian said as soon as Gabe entered, he was leaning against his father's car, a hand toying with his bottom lip, a look of contemplation.
Ricky made a point to look across each of his siblings before starting.
"We can't let what happened today happen again." The long-haired man spoke leaning on the red workbench with his knuckles.
"She sees the best in everyone which means it falls to us to keep the scum of the world at bay."
"Look what happened when we didn't have our eye on her for one second, she still up there crying, and if we don't do somethin' now we're just as bad as the piece of shit who made her like that." He watched the way each of their faces scrunched in displeasure.
"It's gone on unspoken for years but since we all clearly care about her we need to come to an agreement, here and now."
Their silence told him to continue, "We all want her, and we can either kill each other about it or we can come to a compromise."
"What kind of compromise?" Marcos asked from his seat on the washing machine. His smirk told Ricky he knew exactly what he was talking about.
"We share. Simple."
"Agreed- I know nobody but us would love her the way she deserves, seems rational t'me." Caspian spoke up quickly, making his way to Ricky's side, clapping a supporting hand on the younger man's shoulder.
"What if I-someone gets jealous?" Manny asked toying with the fabric of his sleeves, his eyes darting from sibling to sibling. "Then we talk about it- the only way this works is if the communication is on point. You feel like someone's hoggin' her, tell us okay?" Ricky spoke softly, despite the pain in his ass Manny was on a daily, he had a soft spot for the guy.
"We gotta' make it official! Ooh, what about a blood pact!" Marcos jumped off the machine, wildly gesturing with his hands.
"You dumb fuck we already share the same blood." Ricky rolled his eyes so hard he swore he saw his brain, Gabe snickered at the jab, throwing his obnoxiously large arm over the smaller man's shoulder. "C'mon Rick, baby boy just wants to make it official- let the little weirdo do his blood thing."
From that night on, after a quick cut to each of their palms, they were sworn to you.
Ricky had made it abundantly clear they couldn't move too fast or you'd freak out, so they wait it out, slowly prepping you for the day when they can finally stop hiding their devotion.
But they're not all that good at hiding it, it slipped out in lots of little ways.
Caspian always had you eating, he made a point to make little snack bags for you before school each morning, even if he didn't go to school that day he'd made sure one of his siblings got you your treat, and he left little encouraging notes in each one. The side you didn't get to see was how he intercepted every love note and gift that wasn't from him or his brothers, ripping and tearing at the items like an animal. Only to replace them with his own. Anonymous of course.
The Twins did a pretty good job keeping everyone else away since they were around you the most, one would distract you while the other beat the shit out of anyone who even thought to cause you problems.
By the time of your 22nd birthday, you'd long since moved into your own place, a place they helped you pick out of course, not too far from each of them, Caspian made sure to install some cameras the day he helped you move in.
They'd each fallen so deep into their obsession, there was no hope for you.
But you were none the wiser.
After all, why would you expect any of them to harbor romantic feelings when you've known them nearly all your life? When they treated you like their own family?
Marcos was a lover by nature, he had a different hottie on his arm faster than you could count, it seemed like before you could ask their name he'd replace them. And this was completely on purpose.
He was so terribly afraid you'd see through him, catch on to the truly dark, ever-growing feelings, and turn tail, he made a point to discuss his late-night adventures with you always hanging off your reaction, hoping one day he'd see a flicker of jealousy in your eye, just so he had an excuse to tell you what he so desperately hid.
You have no idea he's imagining your face every time he's intimate with someone, how his dates always had some sort of echo of your being, be it (e/c) eyes or the same haircut, he sought you out in everyone.
Cas and Gabe always tried to take care of you, be it making sure you ate that day or walking on the street side of the sidewalk just in case, they'd been doing these little things for as long as you can remember, the almost possessive way they cared for you had gone on so long you no longer batted an eye when they got in one of their moods, you just assumed that brotherly instinct to provide carried over to adulthood.
You were completely unaware of the darkness in their hearts.
Ricky confided in you much like the way a husband would, he made a point to fall asleep with you whenever he got the chance, he liked to imagine you were his, enjoying the domestic way you snuggled into him, or how you always went to him to unwind from your day, it fueled his deepening obsession.
He often has you over, tucked away in his room, just having you close by relaxes him completely. Funny considering all you do is just exist in the same space and suddenly his migraine is gone and he smiles for the first time that day, you just think you're being a good friend, but to Ricky, you're giving him a space to safely bare his soul and he doesn't take this kindness lightly.
Manny is your self-proclaimed best friend, he spoke to you the most and was at your place so often he had a drawer just for his clothes. He believes the two of you are not only soulmates but twin flames.
The way you sync up is too perfect to not be a love destined for the stars!
It was one of those days where he was lounging around your place like a house cat, sprawled out on your bed, head fuzzy from being surrounded by your heavenly scent. The grin on his face only grew at the sight of your towel-clad form, you were so comfortable around him this was normal, but he never got used to being so fucking close to you like this, he could see the sporadic beads of water falling down the crevice of your chest. His throat tightened as he watched the droplet fall. His tongue flicking out over his canines, his ring-clad fingers gripped the cotton of your sheets in an attempt to calm down.
The sight had him turning to lay on his stomach, in an attempt to hide his growing hard-on, he pretended to be scrolling on his phone, eyes frantically flicking from your goddess-like form. "Sorry- didn't know you were coming over or I woulda' showered sooner, you don't mind if I get ready right?"
Manny swallowed dryly, not trusting his voice at the moment.
"Mmhm" His bright orange eyes never left your form as you shimmied your underwear on under the towel. You were talking but all the blood from his head was rushing south, so he didn't catch a word until you said,
"-date, I mean I've never been on a real one so I'm nervous ya know? I almost called Marcos up to ask for advice but he'd never let me live it down." You giggled to yourself slipping on the lace bra. Meanwhile, his mind was melting. How could you drop such a bomb on him at a time like this?! he was torn between kissing you and bursting into tears.
"W-uh, date? like with a person?" he tried to keep his tone light, but he could feel himself beginning to unravel at the seams. His hands anxiously wringing themselves in his lap. He'd sat up the second he heard the word date come out of your mouth. His shoulders tense as if he were about to pounce.
"Yeah, you know that cute guy from the cafe we go to? He wrote his number on my receipt yesterday and I dunno," You paused to brush a few stray strands away, "I just guess I thought 'god (y/n) you're a twenty-two-year-old virgin and if you keep being the hermit you are, that will never change'." you said slipping on a knit sweater, "Just feels kinda nice to be wanted you know?" You offered a shrug as you began browsing your clothes for bottoms that satisfied you, completely unaware of the total mental breakdown your bestie was having on your bed.
He made up some half-baked excuse to leave and all but ran to his car. He could hardly close the door from how blurred his vision was, hot, salty tears cascading down his face, his cheeks flushed in unfiltered frustration, You wanted to feel desired? God, he could wring Ricky's neck right now, if Manny had it his way you'd have been theirs ages ago, but nooo, Ricky said to play it cool- now look what happened, he could hardly breathe as he hit his speed dial.
"Yo-" Marcos was interrupted by the loud sob from his younger brother, he immediately brushed the person off his lap and made his way outside, face set in stone, knowing his twin he figured it could be anything that set him off.
"Ya gotta breathe little man- y'know I can't understand you when you get like this." he sighed through his nose, his index and thumb fingers gently massaging the bridge of his nose.
"SHE'S GOING ON A- A DATEEE." Now that Marcos could understand, his eyes widened as he laughed to himself in disbelief.
"No she's not." he shook his head, an empty smile on his face, as he kept waiting for the 'gotcha'
"She is! I-I was at her h-house and she," he cut himself off with another whimper, Marcos, feeling his blood pressure reach a dangerous new high forced his tone to be as calm as he could, "What even- How is that even possible? We're with her 24/7, how in the fuck-" he scoffed cutting himself off. "Look where are you? I'll come with Cas, he'll get your car while you ride back with me and tell me exactly what she said." Manny gave him a shakey 'okay' before sending his location. 
It wasn't rare for all the Delmont boys to be together in one room, in fact, they had weekly meetings just to talk about everything cute you did that week.
This was different.
The air in the room felt dark. Like all their negative emotions had festered into a poison.
Ricky had called them all to his home office since his place was the biggest.
He was the last to arrive as he'd been hard at work in his father's shop- he dropped everything the second he got Caspian's call. Gabe sat in his desk chair, he flipped a pen back and forth between his fingers, the dark look in his eye meant nothing but trouble if Ricky didn't fix this soon. The twins were huddled on the couch he'd put in just so you had somewhere comfy to be when you visited. Marcos had a lit joint between his teeth, his right leg shaking rather aggressively, he made sure to look Ricky in the eye before ashing it on his previously clean floor.
Manny wouldn't even look at him when he entered, so he knew he was pissed.
Caspian was the only one to properly greet him, but even he could see the horrid mood he hid just under the surface.
After a moment of tense silence, Ricky exhaled sharply through his nose.
"Okay I'll say it, I fucked up." his admission of guilt broke Caspian's foul mood immediately, he knew his brother well enough to know pushing you into some random nobody's arms was the very last thing he wanted. The taller man moved closer to rub Ricky's back affectionately.
"We know you were just doing what you thought was best right guys?" It was rare for Caspian to use his 'Big Brother' voice on them so they knew he was serious. Manny's glare had turned into a small pout, finally looking at his older brother.
"What now Ricky? We do everything you say no question, no matter how many times I wanted to just take her in my arms and hold her the way she deserves- you said not yet." He pointed his finger at the older man, "Well now she's on a date with some fuckin' loser and she has no idea how we feel." Manny had stood during his rant, beginning to pace the room, his hands on his hips. "I know bud, look I thought we'd scare her off but clearly I was wrong." He flicked his tongue against his cheek. 
Ricky made his way to his desk, not so gently pushing Gabe and the chair he occupied out of the way. After a few moments under the watchful eye of his kin, he flipped the computer monitor around.
Gabe scooted back over with a sour look on his face, clearly not pleased with his previous removal, his face twisted into pure confusion at the content on the screen.
"You bought a house? This is in the middle of nowhere."
"Exactly." Ricky crossed his arms, anxiously chewing his thumb as the four of them crowded around the desk.
"Is this-" Marcos gaped at the images, his mind running a mile a minute as he realized what it meant.
"Home. Like the forever home ." Ricky then pulled out a manila folder from the drawer to his right. He flipped it open, his heart pounding, as he set it before them. Inside was all the detailed information he'd been collecting over the years, ever the perfectionist he knew he had to pick a place perfect for all of you.
"I've been looking at the land for years, the property is close to a small town but deep enough in the woods that we won't have to worry about strangers. There's a Gym in the basement-" He was cut off by Manny throwing his arms around his shoulders. 
"It's so perfect! She loves the forest oh my god she's gonna be so excited! When can we go?- Wait How are we gonna get her to go if she's too busy dating that asshole?" The speed at which his emotions flipped could be scary, but they wouldn't have him any other way, Ricky awkwardly returned the hug with a few pats on his back.
"Don't worry, I have an idea for that too," He turned to face the hulking blue-haired man still in his seat, Gabe pointed at his chest with his thumb, a goofy smile on his face, "Moi? What can I do for ya squirt?" Ricky ignored the nickname, "You gotta get rid of that guy before she goes on the date, I don't care how you do it, just make sure he doesn't show up." Gabe stood up so fast the chair shot backward, he put two fingers to his forehead and gave them all a wolfish grin. "One dead son'ofa'bitch coming right up."
The long-haired man then turned to his oldest brother, handing him a pair of keys from the same drawer he pulled the file from. "Cas I need you to stock up on about two weeks worth of food and anything else you think we'll need, she's gonna need an adjustment period so we gotta be prepared not to leave for a while." Caspian took the keys with a smile, affectionately rubbing the twin's heads as he all but ran to his car. "Oh! I'll get started on dinner soon as I get there-" The gentle giant trailed off now talking to himself.
"Okay, you two probably got the most important jobs, think you can handle it?"
Both men nodded their heads simultaneously, each looking like a puppy about to get a treat, which in a way, was exactly what they were.
"When that dickhead inevitably stands her up tonight I need you two to be there for her, order some comfort food, and when I text you the signal, give her these." He handed them a small bag of pills. "Gotta make sure she eats or drinks at least two of em', she should be out like a light in no time and when that happens, Marcos will pack everything on this list." Ricky handed him the paper with a stern look, "No extra, just what's on here got it?"
"I'm not gonna steal her panties or somethin'- I'm not Gabe." The older twin scoffed taking the list with a pout. "Considering we're trying to make it look like a voluntary vacation, we can't take any risks okay?" The older twin nodded, happy to be given the task around you.
Before the two buzzing men left for their tasks, the oldest one turned to Ricky with an evil little smirk, "What'r yooou gonna do while we're out doing all the leg work hm?" 
"Somebody's gotta make the world believe she's going, I'm just gonna go on all her socials and leave a long enough trail of evidence that if anyone does come sniffing around, it looks like she's been planning to leave for a while." He shrugged as if it was normal making Marcos laugh so hard he had to lean against the door frame. 
"What an evil genius."
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
╰┈➤ ꒰🍓💌🥛 ┊boba time ┊ Hana ꒱
Having a baby & Everything that comes with that. Katsuki loves you, adult diaper and all. unedited as always.
Your daughter comes out with a head full of curls. No doubt from somewhere in your gene pool. She’s tiny, with chubby cheeks and her fathers eyes.
Her little feet kick and squirm, fists balled, as she cries. Katsuki stands beside you with soft eyes and a clenched jaw, fingers slowly making their way to the pair of you. He’s hesitant but you take your time looking at him with awe-struck eyes. You see his chest shake and give him a slow kiss to the lips, whispering “we’re okay, it’s okay baby” and he breathes in deep.
Katsuki steadies himself after that, speaking to nurses about every little thing they do, and he orders you food.
She lays against your chest, hic’ng here and there as the nurses prepare you to deliver the placenta. She’s been cleaned, swaddled and is learning to breast feed. A challenge, but one you’re willing to take on.
When you hand her to Katsuki, he shakes. His voice quivers and he blinks rapidly.
“Hey little one, shhh..” he soothes, finger coming to touch the tip of her nose.
She smacks her lips together and returns sleeping.
Delivering the placenta is not fun, in any capacity. You grip Katsuki with hell fire in your eyes and he murmurs encouragement. The baby lays against his chest, finding comfort in the warmth of her fathers love.
Katsuki has known love. He has been well acquainted with hate, jealousy, envy, discouragement, joy, pride- and the list goes on. But never in his life has he felt so terrified.
You sway in the kitchen, humming, with your little one. She giggles at a face you make and you turn towards him with a wide grin.
Passing through the room, your fingers wrap under the babies arms, one hand coming to support the back of her neck. Your face nuzzles to her own and you give her to him.
“Hana~ baby girl, what are you giggling about ?” He teases smile settling on his cheeks.
She giggles again in response, mouth open, and he bounces her. She yawns, tiny hands coming to rub at her face. Beautiful tiny red blink slowly, taking in her fathers image. With one swift movement, he props her on his peck and forearm, kissing her forehead. She’s slowly falling asleep, ready for her umpteenth nap.
Katsuki walks through the beautiful living room and to the kitchen to assist. You turn on your heel and give him a kiss on the cheek.
“I knew you’d be a good dad, fuckin’ natural.” You comment, one last kiss on the lips.
You adjust the uncomfortable pump against your boob, grateful it can be used without holding it much. But fuck, no one told you it would hurt. Turning back to your task- throwing in seasonings into the pot, you smile.
Katsuki’s free hand comes down to smack your ass, gripping the flesh. He feels the padding of the adult diaper you’re wearing and makes no comment, still satisfied.
Your face heats and you scowl until you notice it had no effect on him. The consequences of labor are still causing major changes to your day to day. Your cooking isn’t the same, relying on premade food you’d stored in your freezer for this.
Sex isn’t possible, with stitches from tearing. Not to mention how horribly bad it hurts to pee. You have to use a peri bottle every time you go to the bathroom.
At first it was embarrassing, seeing katsuki’s face when you explained that yes you’ll need stool softener and adult diapers. But a lot of that faded when he’d come home one night with a haul.
For Katsuki, it was a no brainer. You were the love of his life and he would love you in every life after. Terrifying, he thinks.
He thinks the him in the past would have scowled, making angry comments about how stupid it was to need those things. He probably would have made fun of you, just a little bit.
But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Something about the way your eyes flicked to the side, as if worried he wouldn’t love you anymore. It made his chest ache, sink , to the deep ocean floors.
He’d stayed up that night, while you laid on his chest. He scrolled through every article, guide, how to, and YouTube video he could find. In the morning his mother woke to a couple texts requesting details.
There was nothing more beautiful than the relief on your face when he walked in. His arms hurt from carrying all of the bags, plastic digging into them and cutting off circulation for a moment.
You had opened them that day and kissed him so hard he thought you’d knock the breath out of him.
Pads, liners, adult diapers, aloe, cooling spray, perri bottles, heating pads- it was all there. He even took the time to find post partum specific vitamins.
After that, your embarrassment hardly made a peep. Even when he’d felt the padding of it beneath your night gown.
“Gimme a kiss, sexy” He rumbles, bringing your lips to his.
The two of you take your time, drowning in one another. Something about him calling you sexy, despite you looking like a train wreck, makes you want to jump his bones.
Your baby has other plans, however.
Little Hana wakes with a fit, screaming to the top of her lungs. The two of you stare at her for a moment and he flinches at first.
“She’s hungry, I think, go to the couch baby I’ll finish the rest.” He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
The baby is placed in your arms after a quick “shh” and some bounces. The blonde, tall and thick, stretches his back and presses the “bake” option on the stove top.
Your heart soars. As soon as you aren’t confined to peri bottles and adult diapers, you’re going to fuck him until he can’t go anymore.
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elsweetheart · 1 year
I know the coach's son (toddler) loves to mess with basketball!abby 🥲
oh gosh wait this idea is so cute
the coach stepping into the auditorium with a cute little baby boy on her hip and she’s just like “couldnt get a sitter so, gonna have to just ignore him today guys.” and it’s a weekend practise so it’s totally understandable, the coach just plops him down on a bench and gets to work.
except he keeps climbing off the bench and running into the centre of the floor, nearly getting knocked flying by the concentrated players. and abby sees and just sighs because the game is coming up and there is a literal baby having near death experiences in real time beside her. so she jogs by and scoops him up and sits him back down on the bench and is like “stay here, ‘kay buddy?” before running off back to continue playing.
and the baby giggles, watching abby’s braid swish around and he liked when she picked him up because he was sooo high of the ground! cos abby is a tall girl! so he jumps off and beelines straight for abby again. and the coach is running around taking care of other stuff so she’s not watching him, so abby reluctantly is like “alright, kid. come here.” and picks him up, stepping away from the game and walking around with him on her hip — pointing at the players from afar now as they stroll around the auditorium.
“can you say ball?” she raises an eyebrow with an amused smile as the toddler points, whispering out a ‘b’ sound. “b-all?” she repeats slower and the kid tries again, nearly getting it but not quite. “nice one.” she chuckles, the small boy now interested in holding her braid in his chubby hand.
“whats your name, little dude?” she asks, and then asks slower before he places his hands on his chest. “sam.” being his response.
“sam?” abby grins excitedly, bouncing him a few times and he nods delightedly.
“samsamsamsam!” he squeals, kicking his legs out in joy, bouncing on her hip.
“yeah!” she cooes, laughing at his excitement for saying his own name.
and soon you’re arriving, coming to sit in on her practises like you usually did, beaming when you see her — a curious expression overtaking when you see the little baby on her hip. you walk over through the stalls and arrive by her side with a wide eyed smile.
“who’s this?” you coo.
“coaches kid. she couldn’t find anyone to watch him so i guess i’m now officially a babysitter.” she attempts to sound peeved about it, but can’t help the smile from spreading across her face when she looks down and sees sam staring up at her with beautiful big brown eyes. she turns him to you, “his name is sam.”
“hi sam!” you grin, squeezing his cheek and he waves with a happy squeal. “oh he’s such a happy boy!” you laugh, tickling under his soft chin. the coach glances over, grinning.
“all okay over there?” she calls out.
“oh yeah. we’re hanging out.” abby shoo’s her off, happy to be distracted by the toddler now. the two of you sit down on the bench with sam, who stands before you both dancing wildly. “woah there, check this little guy out.” she laughs and you follow, leaning into her. your heart warms, thinking about how one day this could be your life. you, abby, and a cute little chubby baby.
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nekohime19 · 18 days
Mini Mac #9 : Befriending the feral lil guy
Macaque finally recognized that Wukong is kinda his friend! Wukong's efforts paid off, 😌
The flowers were beginning to bloom through the frost of winter and the first hint of warmth crawled beneath the thick grayish sky of the cold season. Spring was on its way, and thus Macaque's hibernation (if you could call it like that) was coming to an end. The black-furred monkey fastened the bags around his body and stepped outside of the stone mansion, he breathed in the soft sweet-scented air of the water-curtain cave and began to wander. First, he climbed the nearby peach-tree growing beside the mansion and perched himself in the highest branch. He liked to see the cave from one of the highest points; it enabled him to see which trees were bearing fruits and where the flowers were blooming. Macaque didn't need much fruit, contrary to many other seasons spent on his own, now the black-furred monkey had a friend (of some sorts) bringing him food on a daily basis. Even if some parts of him were still suspicious of the golden monkey intentions, he had to admit that the sage had paved a way inside of his heart as a friend. Macaque never had friends before, he didn't know how to act around one. He indulged the King at times, conversing with him, but he still felt awkward most of the time. 
The black-furred monkey ripped one of the nearby leaves and jumped out of his branch, he used the leaf as his personal parachute and, quite elegantly, landed in the corner he was eyeing seconds ago. He took some flower petals, specifically the one he used to create his sleeping powder and stored them in his bag. He was so focused on his endeavor he failed to notice the fuzzy fur-ball watching him, hidden in the high grass. 
“Ghost!” Macaque flinched and turned around, he crossed eyes with a familiar cub, Yue if he recalled correctly. She was looking at him with stars in her eyes, her tail wagging uncontrollably. 
“How did you…” Macaque was surprised, he didn't see anyone in this corner. Yue chirped, the kind that didn't truly mean anything but held a strong sense of happiness and excitement. Surprisingly enough, she didn't touch him, perhaps Sun Wukong told her not to. If there was one person those troublesome fur-balls listened to it was their King. “Calm down, calm down.” Panicked the macaque. Yue stopped chirping and looked at him intently. “Alright, what do you want?” 
“She wants to play.” Macaque startled and looked up. Sun Wukong was leaning over them with a smirk on the edge of his smile. “I came over when I heard lil Yue's chirps.” Explained the sage when he caught sight of Macaque's confused face. “So, do you wanna play with her?” Carefully asked the sage, he crouched down before them and scratched lil Yue's chin, the cub leaned in his touch eagerly. Macaque opened his mouth, ready to refuse, he didn't like cubs, they were loud. But he finds himself unable to once he saw Wukong's hopeful face and lil Yue's puppy dog eyes. 
“Maybe a little, but not for long, I have other things to do.” Sun Wukong brightened considerably, he translated Macaque's words to lil Yue and she exploded in joyful chirps. “So… what should I do?” Macaque has never been around other monkeys much, at least not in an intimate way. He knew their tongues, there were few languages he hadn't heard of, but he wasn't familiar with their customs and their behaviors. Sun Wukong kindly took lil Yue on his lap and calmed her with a few scratches. 
“Hm, I think she just wants to touch you for a bit, if that's alright. Also, something about shadows?” Macaque was impressed by Sun Wukong's ability to understand lil Yue's chewed chirps, the only one he recognized was “Ghost”. Sun Wukong took lil Yue's paws and tried to entice the black-furred monkey with little waves. Macaque rolled his eyes but he approached cautiously. He sat before the cub and put one of his hands in her chubby paws, she squealed in joy and kindly squeezed it. He let her mess with his hands a bit before retrieving them and manipulating the nearby shadows. He created little animals made of darkness and made them play with each other. When he looked up both lil Yue and Sun Wukong were intently watching, pupils dilated and tails wagging. 
“Why are you both looking like that?” Asked Macaque with a raised eyebrow. 
“Nothing, just… I didn't know you could do that. It's amazing!” Cheered the King as lil Yue clapped with stars filled eyes. 
“It's nothing.” Mumbled the black-furred monkey with flushed cheeks. 
“What, no ! It's so cool, I have never seen this before.” Argued the sage. “Lil Yue agrees with me.” Added Sun Wukong as he petted the excited cub. Macaque looked away, ears flickering in joy. He didn't showed this type of shadow magic often. When he tried to showed it, at the time he lived outside of Flower Fruit Mountain, people cowered. After all, shadow magic was often feared for its mysterious nature. So it was odd to be praised, to see his art (if he could call it like that) being liked.
“W-well, I could show you more… I have a few other tricks…” Shyly proposed the black-furred monkey. 
“Really!? Please do!” Cheered the King, he settled the cub more comfortably in his lap and eagerly leaned over the macaque. 
Macaque took a deep breath and gathered the nearby shadows. When he looked up and found both monkeys watching with smiles on their lips, he felt happy. 
+cut scenes 
Yue *chirps excitedly about Macaque* : 😆
SWK : I know you wanna see him again but Macaque is a cautious one. 😔
Yue *chirps sadly* : 🥺
SWK *Who cannot handle sad baby faces* : Okay, okay, try to not startle if you see him. Don't touch him. Maybe then he'll be…more inclined to be friends. 
Yue : 😊
Yue *bragging about being able to see Macaque's magic* : 😆
Others cubs : 😯
Macaque : why do I feel like I'm being watched? 🤔
Others cubs *hiding and following him around*: 🫣
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cottonlemonade · 3 months
All That Matters
word count: 1812 || avg. reading time: 8 mins.
pairing: UniversityAU! Oikawa x chubby!Reader
genre: angst, pining, fake dating kinda
warnings: none, just good ol’ Oikawa angst
synopsis: You and Oikawa are friends. After an argument he saves you from some drunks.
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> you never suspected Oikawa to have interest in you in any way other than platonically
> how could you when he rolled up to group hangouts with a new girl every couple of months
> the fact that his girlfriends always dumped him because he never had time for them or seemed distracted didn‘t occur to you, you just figured he may have become bored with them
> the fact that his eyes were only on you when you hugged and kissed your boyfriend after a game went completely unnoticed by you (but not by his girlfriends, leading to some of them lashing out at you without any context)
> you didn’t question that he came to every one of your games (often excusing himself from a date to do so)
> although, it wasn‘t as if Oikawa wasn‘t trying to make it work with every new girlfriend - it was just that … ultimately … none of them came close to you
> but he didn‘t allow himself to go after you - for one, you already had a boyfriend and for another, he knew he wouldn‘t be able to keep a relationship going for long and then what? He couldn‘t lose you. So rather than finding a healthy way to maybe reduce his insane training sessions and obsession with becoming the best allround player, he put on his signature smile and sweet voice to tease you instead.
> you’d been friends since his first week at university when you stood in front of the group of new applicants to the volleyball club, clipboard in hand, looking so unassuming with your soft and chubby figure and adorable smile that his jaw literally dropped when you spiked a ball right past him during the initiation match
> you looked out for everyone, making sure that they remembered their breaks and had given him a talking to more than once, when you first noticed him struggling and never hesitated to encourage him when he felt like he wasn’t good enough (which somehow you always immediately noticed, no matter how hard he tried to hide it)
> always kind, always sweet, always genuine… selfless and on top of that a talented volleyball player - he never had a chance to not fall for you
Today was a bad day for Oikawa.
Sure, he had gotten top marks for a paper and was greeted by another pile of love letters when he opened his dorm room door but his knee was acting up again and to top it all off you had a bit of trouble with your boyfriend.
The latter would typically give him nothing but private selfish joy but it was how you reacted to it that bothered him.
„Why do you let him get away with it?“, he asked, feeling his sweet manner slipping.
„Get away with what?“, you laugh, setting the ball for him to practise his spike, „It‘s no big deal. I’m sure there is a reasonable explanation for it.“
„For hanging out with another girl when he says he can’t make it to training?“
„I trust him.“, you simply say with a shrug, „I‘ll hear him out first before jumping to conclusions. He should be here soon.“
Another set and his spike landed perfectly in the corner of the field.
„Nice! One more and then we‘ll cool down for today.“, you announce, letting the ball bounce once, twice before tossing it in the air to set.
„Don‘t you see he is just using you?“, Oikawa asks quietly. He hadn‘t meant to say it out loud. He knew it wasn‘t true. He didn’t actually think your boyfriend was cheating. He knew how devoted that idiot was to you but he hated how angry he was that you were in a loving relationship right in front of him. He felt so childish.
You caught the ball as it came down.
„Using me?“, you frowned, then laughed a little awkwardly, „Come on, Oikawa-Kun, you don‘t really believe that, do you?“
He really really didn‘t. Balling his fists he stared at the ground.
“Of course he is. He is just using you until someone better comes along.“
Your sharp intake of breath let him know he had gone too far.
He didn‘t dare to look at you. You just stood there, not knowing what to say, the silence between you slowly becoming deafening.
Then your boyfriend‘s voice suddenly called from the entrance, “Hey, is my love ready to go?“
“Yep, coming!”
With another glance at Oikawa, you walked to the bleachers to grab your bag.
Then you came back over to where he was still standing as if rooted to the spot. You handed him the gym keys.
“Please don’t stay much longer. Your knee needs some rest, alright? Make sure to cool it when you get home and have a proper dinner. No cup ramen tonight, okay?”
He only mumbled something in response and you walked to your boyfriend who took your bag and greeted you with a kiss.
A few days later you went out to dinner with some friends for some serious catching up. Your spirits soaring high and your tummy warm of friendship and good food you made your way to the underground station to wait for your train home.
It didn’t take long for a group of drunk men to spot you standing by yourself in the almost empty station. Your Japanese was pretty fluent but apparently not good enough to understand all their slurred remarks, although you had a pretty good idea from the few words you caught.
But not to worry, the train would be here soon. You only wished you hadn’t forgotten your headphones so you could drown them out.
The few other people on the platform didn’t react as the drunks kept on whistling and hollering and your annoyance turned to alarm when they kept on moving closer, pushing each other.
You tensed and, as if just wanting to read the schedule, walked further away from them to the bulletin board.
From the other side of the station, Oikawa walked down the stairs, hands in his pockets, tired and ready for bed after a long study session. He privately rolled his eyes when he heard the drunk men cheering and calling, almost deciding to head to the next station when he realized that they were seemingly harassing a woman.
His jaw tensed and he hurried down the last couple of steps determined to intervene - ready for anything. Except to see a familiar figure and the (h/c) hair of the girl they were gradually moving in on.
His heart pounding, he fell into a small jog.
You were tapping on your phone, thinking about calling your boyfriend to calm your nerves. The drunks were getting closer now, so close you could smell the smoke from their cigarettes and the alcohol on their breath. Your fingers began to shake when you heard hastened steps and closed your eyes, your legs ready to run or kick.
“There you are.”, a mercifully sweet, familiar voice said and you had never been so glad to see anyone in your entire life. You looked up into Oikawa‘s dark eyes.
He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and kissed your temple.
“I’m sorry it took so long, princess.”, he said, brushing your hair out of your face and smiling brightly, „Thank you for waiting.“
The drunks called another few things you didn’t understand, then muttered something and turned around to go back to the other end of the station.
“Oh my god, thank you so much.”, you said, hugging him, his heart stung when he felt you shaking. He laid one hand on the back of your head and tugged a little at your waist to pull you even closer. Of course only to keep up the charade that he was your boyfriend.
“Are you alright?”, he asked gently, lips brushing against your temple again, trying to keep in mind not to get too carried away.
You nodded against his chest.
Forcing himself to let you go, he laced his fingers with yours, his heart hammering against his ribs at the feeling of your warmth.
“I’m… I’m sorry I missed training yesterday.”, he said, his voice so faint you barely heard it.
“That’s okay… I was just worried that I did something wrong.”
His eyes widened slightly and he shook his head, “No! Nono, you didn’t do anything.”
You relaxed further, even giving a small laugh at his urgency.
“It had nothing to do with you, it was… my … thing.”
You furrowed your brow.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Oikawa shook his head and, wanting to underline the boyfriend aspect again, raised your fingers to his mouth, throwing a careful glance over his shoulder.
His lips didn’t touch your skin, but you were close enough to feel the heat radiating from his face and from afar it would look convincing.
“So, what brings you here on this fine night?”, he asked conversationally, wanting very badly to change the topic.
He was a little disappointed when the train finally arrived, realizing how much he had missed talking to you even only for those few days and was about to say goodbye when two of the drunks were boarding the cart as well.
Seeing the look on your face and the uncomfortable shift in your seat, Oikawa slipped through the doors as they were closing and took the seat next to you. For good measure he draped his arm around your shoulder, leaning his cheek on the top of your head.
“Sorry, this must be so weird for you.”, he whispered and you chuckled.
“Thank you, though.”
He smiled and didn’t let you go until you were at the right stop.
Later when he was home in bed, thinking about what happened, Oikawa rolled over to the side and thought about you and your boyfriend again.
You were together. You were happy together.
And really, you weren’t that great. For example, it was so annoying how you… or when you…
He was pathetic.
For the next half an hour he tried his hardest to make a mental list of reasons why you and him shouldn't be together. In the end there was exactly one reason. Groaning in frustration he turned on some music to drown out the list of reasons why you would be great together - why he wanted, no, needed you so badly.
Why did he have so many love songs in his playlists?!
He jumped when he got a text from you. It was not like you were doing this on purpose. He stared at the short Thank You message for minutes, his gaze drawn to the little yellow heart at the end of it, reminding himself over and over that you were happy with the idiot. And in the end, that was all that mattered. That you were happy.
art: Oikawa himself tbf
✨@rinnndoll 👋🏻 ✨
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greedyhoneyz · 1 year
Our Love For All Time
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・pairing: kylian mbappé x reader
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・synopsis: in this household, there is a shared love for football.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・cw: domestic fluff
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・final notes: i will try to pump out as much requests i will get but i have an assignment due so i will need to focus on that as well.
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Joy and excitement sat on the tip of Anais’ voice as her little feet scrimmaged towards the ball spinning beneath her father’s foot.
Cradled in his arms, gums and all, little Marie giggled hysterically. Her little head flopped onto his chest as he twisted and turned, her tiny body bursting with energy. She kicked her legs excitedly, drool pooling down from her mouth.
Kylian dribbled the football underneath his feet, a warm smile painting his face. His eyes glimmered with glee, his heart swelling with delight at the sweet sound of giggles and shrieks, coated in bliss.
Anais scrambled around Kylian, pushing against his legs, kicking her legs frantically for the ball he tossed between his feet.
From the couch where (name) sat, her chin pressed against the shoulder of the sofa, she beamed. She watched her little family eagerly, laughing when Anais purposely dug her nails into Kylian’s leg for him to promptly yell out. “Ow!” All whilst Marie giggled erratically, bending forward, her tiny, grabby hands reaching for the ball below her.
After a few seconds of fighting, Anais turned away from her father and sped towards her mother, huffing. She pouted, peering up at (name) from beneath her lashes. “Mama.”
(name) glanced down at Anais and extended her arms to cup her chubby cheeks, the palms of her thumbs feathering her soft skin. “Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas?” (What is wrong?)
“Papa,” Anais whined, her tiny face contorting as she raised her pointer finger to Kylian.
Stifling a laugh, (name) raised her gaze to her husband, both sharing a knowing look before (name) spoke assertively. “Laisse-lui avoir le ballon Kylian.” (Let her have the ball Kylian.)
Kylian smiled, kicking the ball towards Anais as Marie gurgled. “Ici.” (Here.)
Flicking her gaze to the ball rolling towards her, her eyebrows knitted, Anais shrieked from the top of her lungs. The frustration she had once felt settling in her spirit had finally dissipated as she picked up the ball. She squeezed it excitedly, a glimmer of joy sparkling in her eyes, and peered up at her father. “Merci!” (Thank you!)
She held the football in the air and rushed off, urging her father to follow her. “Suis-moi papa!” (Follow me, papa!)
“J’arrivé.” (I’m coming.) Kylian called out sweetly.
He turned to (name), his shadow hovering her head and leant forward. He pressed a kiss to (name’s) head, her eyes fluttering shut as he returned to his full height.
(name) peered up at Kylian, beaming, pressing her chin deeper into the couch. “Amuse-toi bien.” (Have fun.)
“Bye bye.” She wiggled her fingers at Marie as she squealed from her position on Kylian’s shoulder, wailing her fists around wildly. She smiled at (name), exposing her gums and two bottom teeth, before leaning her head against her father’s cheek.
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khuzena · 1 year
Que sera, sera
♡ˋ°•*⁀➷Rin itoshi x reader
Summary: the story which dives in the beginning and the end of you and rin. He doesn't believe in miracles, though he thinks you are one. He's thankful that what will be, will be. And its you and him.
Warnings: none, fluff to angst, angst to fluff. Childhood friends to strangers to lovers. Slow burn, maybe not i dont know. Happy ending.
A/n: GAAAHHHHHH SORRY I WAS SO TIRED I COULDN'T FINISH THIS ON VALENTINES DAY AWWW MANNN. Its also been a long time since i wrote fics so bear with me with this one and it ain't proofread plss.
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For the longest time, Itoshi Rin treated you like shit. Muttering how everything about you is lukewarm and how everything you say is nonsense.
You still remember when you two first met in the playground, at that time Sae never left him yet, Rin still having those chubby cheeks as he runs around in the playground, happily dribbling the ball when the ball suddenly hits your knee.
"O-ow!" You groaned in pain, before you burst into tears as your left knee reddens.
The boy at the swing runs towards you, "Are you okay?" He asks you, he looks concerned for you as guilt creeps up as he doesn't know what to do when sees you cry.
You were a sobbing mess on the floor as the aching got worse, Rin kept a distance before grabbing the playground sand and pouring it at your ankle, "sorry…"
The little boy trying to help you up when you two heard footsteps coming closer, Rin panicking as he realizes it's his brother walking towards them.
Rin stares at the ground when Sae scolds him for being too careless, the little boy now crying with you.
"You two should make up before the adults hear about this, Rin you go and get the first-aid kit and candy, I'll watch after them." The red-head yells as Rin bolts to their house. Later coming back with the first-aid kit and candy, watching his older brother do the work and rub medicine on your scraped knee. As the older boy treated your knee, your eyes met the culprit's gaze, he turned away in shame as tiny sobs left his lips from Sae scolding him earlier.
After that incident, you get a scraped knee, some candy and two new friends. Let's just say Rin's parents weren't too happy when they found out what happened.
The next day, Rin rings your doorbell as he asks your parents where you were, calling you downstairs as you excitedly run towards the gate.
"Oh you're back! What's that in your hand?" Younger you asked Rin as he fiddles a tiny bag in his hands; clearly anxious from yesterday.
The boy gulps before taking a deep breath and awkwardly handing you a bag full of chocolates, "I'm sorry for yesterday.."
Rin closes his eyes as he waits for some sort of punishment until he feels you hug him.
"Heh! No worries, these are my favorite chocolates so you're forgiven."
"Really?" His eyes beam in joy.
"Yup! This chocolate tastes good! Where'd ya get it?" You ask while munching away happily.
"My brother actually has a bowl of candy… you can come over and you can eat more chocolate there."
Your lips curled into a smile before you shook his hand, "what's your name again?"
"Awesome! I'm [name] by the way!"
As you sweep the floor, your broom brushes an old polaroid; it was from 18 years ago. You and Rin were cuddling in Sae's bed, not knowing Sae sneaked in a picture.
Smiling at the picture you reminisce again.
It was summer at that time. Luckily Rin's parents weren't home so you two had the whole house to yourselves.
"Mmm!" Stretching your limbs as you two lie on the couch, playing some mario kart while Sae prepares lunch for the three of you.
The aggressive pressing of the controllers and smell of fruits in the kitchen; you can remember it all perfectly.
"I'm gonna beat you, just you wait—! Hey!" Rin yells when you start tickling him and successfully taking the lead, making Rin's character fall off the map.
Rin's demise eliciting a loud giggle from your lips as you beat his ass after a whole hour of trying to one up each other.
Rin is fuming with anger as he complains to Sae, "No fair! You're cheating! Sae don't give her any chocolates! You're a cheater!"
"Bleh! You're just bad!"
Sae groans in annoyance as he prepares the table, "You two get over here and stop fighting or else I won't let you two play."
You two pout and start glaring at each other.
"That's right midget." You tease him before sitting right next to him, grabbing a plate of spaghetti.
"Shut up! I'm gonna be taller than you, just you wait!" Rin sticks his tongue out, teasing you with confidence but Sae gives you two an icy-glare, indicating that you two should just stop fighting.
"Rin, [name]."
"Y-yes!" Both of you stop fighting, at least not In Front of Sae. Hours go by and the night sky settles in.
Plopping in his bed while staring at all his trophies, "damn rin you won all these?"
Rin doesn't reply, fixing the bed sheets before lying next to you; letting out a small hmph.
You sigh, and make him turn around to face you. "Rin. Sorry for earlier."
Rin rolls his eyes, "lukewarm" he mutters under his breath.
After that you two look away and fall asleep. When Sae comes in however, he sees you two cuddling like kittens. Sae smirks to himself before grabbing his phone, taking a picture— close ups even so he can use this as blackmail later on. Let's just say you both did not enjoy waking up in each other's arms; spoiler alert: Rin actually did.
A few years pass by and you two find each other laying on the park, star gazing. These days Rin gets too lonely, his brother moving to Spain to chase after his career.
"S-so… Rin are you okay?"
The boy right next to you stares at the stars, ignoring your voice calling out for him.
Sighing in defeat, knowing Rin isn't in the mood to talk right now.
"I'm nervous actually, about the future." You say before clearing your throat.
Rin turns around and looks at you, "and?"
The stars were lovely, lovelier than anything you've ever seen.
"It just feels like time flies by so quickly, all of the sudden Sae is in Spain and now we're just- ya know… here."
Rin doesn't say a word again, only listening to the rustling of the leaves as it sways with the wind.
"I just wish we had more time. What if something bad happens in the future and we're not friends anymore?"
Rin sits up before flicking your forehead, "Hey what was that for?!"
"To stop your lukewarm talking, stop worrying about the future— I started learning some Spanish so when Sae comes back I can greet him and.."
He looks back at you, nervous and shaking; tears welling up in his eyes. He misses Sae too much.
You tap his shoulder lightly, pushing him to continue what he wants to say.
"Que sera, sera I think? I searched it up and it means whatever will be, will be. So stop worrying too much, you idiot" he rolls his eyes, trying to stop the tears from leaving his eyes.
The world felt peaceful like this, only you and him; the moon and stars as your witness.
A few years later Sae comes back though it didn't go as expected. You two were ecstatic when Sae came back but he changed. After that Rin and Sae were no longer 'Rin and Sae'; now they were just strangers.
Sae was a catalyst for what Rin would become. Rin stopped eating chocolates. Rin would overexert his body from practice and when you two talk it's nothing more than just 'hello'.
Needless to say you were hurt. This wasn't the Rin you knew, the new him is now an empty shell of what he used to be; no— the old Rin died when Sae came back and now you're left to mourn alone for the old him.
You don't watch Rin's practice anymore; you couldn't bear to see that bitter expression written on his face as he tries and tries to practice more just to catch up to his brother.
Months later, Rin was accepted to blue lock. He was gone again for months.
Staring at the small tv screen when you watch the U20 vs Blue lock match.
The camera pans over to Rin disheveled, on his knees when Sae comes over to him. You wonder what happened between them when they met again on the field that caused Rin to be beyond irritated even though his team won.
A week later, Rin comes back to the neighborhood park, kicking the football with tears in his eyes. Pouring all his anger on the ball, almost deflating the ball in the process.
A gust of wind blows on your face before you utter a weak 'hi'. It was like a teen romcom cliche but the thing is there was no chemistry anymore.
At Least… that you thought that there wasn't.
"Go away." He groans, fixing his shoe tie and running off to get the ball.
"I saw the game." You yell trying to get his attention. He kicks the ball again but this time with more force, the ball ricocheting and bouncing on the fences. "You did great."
Two words almost fell from your lips but cleared your throat, trying to make sure the 'Im proud' doesn't spill from your lips as maybe your tears will too.
Rin quirks his face into an expression you can't describe. Anger? Hatred? But when you stare longer at his eyes, watch how his chest heaves up and down shakily you can see a hint of sadness— as if he was a ripped doll, his heart torn apart, left to rot. He would never admit it but the way you stare at him with such pity, angers him. It makes his torn heart beat rapidly and his lungs bruise more, waiting for you to sew him up again; fixing him.
But he would never admit it, his ego warped mind and his dying heart. He doesn't notice it but he feels alive when he sees you again.
He doesn't know what to do when you stare at him with pity. The small child locked away a long time ago in the corners of his soul begging him to let it all out and cry in your arms; maybe you could see how he's hurting and maybe you'll stitch him up again.
But you don't. At least not now.
He shivers from the cold air, he's glad it's winter as the cold weather could freeze his tears away before you even see it. But it's not cold enough to turn his tears into icicles as he sheds a tiny tear, he swears if he could just open up to you, you would catch it.
His ragged breathing, his worried expression, the tears threatening to leak from his eyes all of it. You ingrain all of it in your mind, burning this memory into your brain.
You want to run towards him, hug him, comfort him like you did as a child. Your arms aching to hold his trembling figure but you don't, fearing it might ignite more tension between you two. So you just watch as he tries to hold back his tears right in front of you.
You say nothing and hand over a piece of chocolate. Watching him accept it and eating one for the first time, oh how he's forgotten the taste of this treat.
There was a silent agreement with you two. A simple nod and you two go back to your own paths now, wondering how the other one is doing right now.
Months pass by again and this time Rin won the world cup but you notice a change in him, a spark reignited in him. The same old spark when he first started playing football.
You couldn't afford to go to the actual world cup so you watch the match on your tv screen. Seeing him in person is better but never seeing him at all even on a screen is worse.
Months ago Rin would be red in anger, you don't know why but it feels like you should've done something. But now, even on the screen you could see him smile for the first time as he shakes hands with Sae.
Letting out a sigh of relief, maybe Rin is fixed, maybe he was the same rin back then. Maybe, just maybe you two could be on good terms again.
Then it happened.
You see Rin again at the park. The neighbors were talking about how the itoshi brothers were going back to the neighbor so you went to the park; this is where Rin has always been.
A leaf falls to your side and at that moment Rin notices your presence. Anxiety bubbling in his chest, he knows what he's done to you. He's scared that you'll never forgive him for how he treated you.
"I'm uh.." you stutter, the words stuck in your throat. Looking down in shame, if you only said this back then maybe you had a chance to fix him. He looks at you, he doesn't look as broken as before. His eyes no longer bear hatred, only melancholy and guilt.
"I'm proud. I'm proud of you." You've finally let the words out, the ones that have been dying to be said.
Rin has never been good with words and neither have you. Rin doesn't say anything, he stands up and kicks the football to the tree. That tree has been there for as long as you remember. It was the sign of your pact, your friendship.
He shoves his hand in his pocket, trying to find something. It takes him a while and he pulls out a tiny treat.
It was that same chocolate he first gave you as a child.
Que sera, sera right?
What will be, will be.
From the beginning it was you and Rin. In the end it will always be you and Rin.
You stretch your back after finishing sweeping and dusting the living room. Your shared house should get some renovations by now but oh well, Rin's schedule has never been that generous to give you both enough time.
The warm sun hits your skin as you walk to the garden and tend to the flowers. After you and Rin hit it off he started to plant your favorite flowers in your garden, so even if it weren't valentines day, he'd still have enough flowers to give you every day.
"I'm home." That familiar voice echoes in the room, the door creaking open.
You chuckle as you place the broom away, "Hard day?"
He nods and hugs you, his wedding ring hitting your back as he hugs too tightly. He lets out a small giggle when you pepper his face with kisses.
You threw the curtain at his chest as he raised an eyebrow, "Rin, we should really renovate and shop for new stuff— these things are getting a little too wonky don't you think?"
He lets out a sigh, he barely notices the condition of the house when he's out for months. "Fine, fine. We're going out later"
Your lips quirk into a smile. Oh how lucky you are to be with him. The way he treated you like a deity, praising the floor you step foot on. Caring for you and treating you kindly, gently even as a way to pay back what you did for him. You stitched his torn heart back up, sure the scars will stay forever but he learnt how to cherish it because it brought him to you.
"Rin, help me with this thing— it's too heavy!"
He rushes to your side and hastily carries all the heavy luggage and boxes, helping you out as you two laugh and talk about your day.
He was an idiot, he forgot it was valentines day, no wonder why you were so pouty. Rin will just make it up to you later.
Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
It will always be You and Rin. Nothing more, nothing less.
- La fin♡
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Note: so so sorry if this has so many mistakes, i just started writing again and this is just practice. English is not my first language. ♡
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slytherhys · 6 months
12 Days of Christmas - ACOTAR Edition
In the spirit of the Holidays, I will be writing & posting short stories about the ACOTAR characters for the next 12 days. Please note that some will be shorter than others and that this is simply meant to be a fun time for everyone that loves these characters as much as I do!
PS. I'm open to requests.
1st day of Christmas - Christmas Decorating
New Traditions (Modern Elriel AU)
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Living with Elain Archeron, Azriel had found, implied a great many things. For starters, there wasn’t a windowsill that wasn’t peppered with colourful vases, the leaves green and luscious all year around. The kitchen, now covered in all kinds of baking supplies he couldn’t even begin to name, was constantly in such a state of disarray that the simple task of getting a glass of water easily turned into a hefty task. He couldn’t complain – not when every day he was greeted by a different kind of pastry his girlfriend was eagerly trying for the first time.
These, however, were details Azriel had been expecting when he first asked Elain to move in with him. What he hadn’t expected, however, was the sight of the enormous garland covered in berries, orange slices and small pinecones, hanging on their front door. Nor did he expect the tiny, chubby snowman sitting on it, staring at him with unwarranted joy. Azriel scowled.
It was the first day of December.
He opened the door, briefly wondering if Bing Crosby’s voice was crooning from their neighbour’s living room and not theirs. If the sweet voice singing along wasn’t his girlfriend’s – who couldn’t possibly be decorating on the 1st day of December – and belonged to Mrs. Allis instead.
Such wishful thinking was short-lived.
The house, Azriel noticed, smelled distinctively of ginger and cinnamon, and the wooden table in the foyer, usually covered in random knickknacks and their house keys, now sported entirely too many candles and a knitted reindeer wearing a Christmas sweater, welcoming him home with an innocent smile. Azriel settled his keys next to it, feeling oddly disturbed.
Azriel eyed the kitchen with concern. He wouldn’t go in – not yet at least – but he could glimpse Elain’s baking supplies on the counter, as well as a plate filled with red velvet brownies. Azriel swallowed a groan, fighting the urge to eat one – Elain knew how much he loved red velvet, but this felt premeditated. It felt like a bribery. 
He kept walking, following the sound of Elain’s voice as he pointedly ignored the gingerbread house kit on the kitchen table (and the fact it remained unopened). Apprehension coursed through his body as he eyed the mistletoe hanging in the archway leading to the living room. As it was, Azriel usually decorated on the week before Christmas, and that was if Cassian nagged him enough that he’d just give up and put up whatever crappy decorations he had gotten throughout the years (read an old, plastic Christmas tree and a few random Christmas ball that didn’t really look good together). Azriel rarely spent Christmas in his own house, so it had never made much sense to decorate in the first place.
Elain, however, clearly had different plans.
Sure, this was their first Christmas together, but he couldn’t say he had expected this much…dedication on her part.
Azriel stopped in his tracks just as he reached the living room, eyes widening as he took in every single detail. Their once cosy living room was no longer. Their couch, a beige, dull thing by default, was covered in a fuzzy, checkered blanket, white pillows dotting its cushions. The usually empty mantelpiece was now covered by a green garland, dotted with fairy lights. Hanging from it, two stockings – one with an A stitched into it, the other with an E (if he seemed to smile at the sight of it, it was purely a muscle spasm).
He fought the urge to groan, side-eyeing the checkered blanket with horror once again. At least, he thought, there were no knitted animals in the living room.
Needless to say, he wasn’t entirely convinced on the Christmas decorations.
His girlfriend, however, was a sight to behold. He crossed his arms, fighting to not let his amusement show as he watched her. Even in her pyjamas and frowning at the tangled Christmas lights in her hands, Elain was lovely. Her cheeks were slightly pink, lips pursed in concentration as she appeared to fight the knotted mess in front of her (it seemed to Azriel she was losing, but he refrained from commenting on it). There was an old Christmas hat on her head, one Azriel faintly recalled taking home from one of Cassian’s holiday parties. It was entirely too big on her head, but it only made her all the more charming.
She was sitting on the floor, right next to a very tall, very bare Christmas tree. More boxes littered the floor around her, but Elain remained humming, unconcerned and completely unaware of Azriel’s presence in front of her.
Azriel hated to ruin her peace, but the checkered blanket seemed to mock him from the couch. He cleared his throat, face stoic ever as Elain yelped and looked up, eyes widening as she blushed.
“You’re home!” She greeted, standing up as she unceremoniously dropped the Christmas lights on the floor. Azriel raised an eyebrow, watching her as she turned down the volume of the music.
“What are you doing?” He asked, briefly wondering if this was one of those times Nesta had accused him of taking himself too seriously. Whatever that meant.
Elain, however, wasn’t deterred by his seriousness. She smiled prettily. “Decorating.”
Azriel made a show of raising both eyebrows. “It’s the 1st of December.”
“Yes.” She simply said, as if that explained everything.
“It’s the first of December.” He said again, not sure she had heard him correctly the first time.
“I’m aware.” She said, pushing the beanie away from her eyes. She did look adorable. “I’m in a festive mood. I wanted to do some light decorating.”
“Light?” He was vaguely aware he sounded like a crabby old man. Elain was too if the twitch in her lips was any indication. “Isn’t this all too much?” He still asked, eyeing the blanket.
He truly didn’t like that thing.
Elain blinked. Then she blinked again, taking in their living room. The couch, the tree, the mantle garland. Then she frowned. “Are you messing with me?”
Azriel scoffed. “Why would I be messing with you?” He took a step in her direction and Elain eyed him suspiciously. “There’s a gingerbread house in our kitchen.”
“No, there’s a gingerbread house kit in our kitchen.” She explained very slowly. “We’re going to build it together.”
“No, we’re not.” He chuckled, but his smile quickly fell away at her raised eyebrows. “We are?” He asked, frowning even as she walked towards him, a pretty smile on her lips.
“We are.” Elain said, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down as she pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “But I made you red velvet brownies as a reward.” She whispered.
Azriel groaned, pressing his head against her neck, making her squeal as his beard tickled her skin. “You can’t distract me with brownies.”
“Are you sure?”
Azriel chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist as he pushed the Christmas hat away from her eyes. “I am.”
“Well, can I distract you with something else?” She asked, her fingers playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck. Azriel hummed, pressing his nose against her neck, taking her in for the first time in hours. He was almost distracted. Almost.
“Can we at least get rid of that blanket?”
Elain frowned, eyeing the couch. “What’s wrong with the blanket?”
Well, its very existence was wrong, in his opinion, and he opened his mouth to say just that.
“Nesta gave it to me.”
He promptly closed his mouth. The blanket was staying, then. Mother’s tits.
He cleared his throat. “And the tree?” He asked instead, trying to swiftly change the subject. Elain eyed with him a cheeky smirk, making it clear she was fully aware she had won the fight before it even begun.
Gods, he loved her.
“Were you going to start decorating it now?”
“Oh, well. No.” Elain turned shy, chuckling nervously. “I actually wanted to decorate it with you.”
“Right.” He nodded. “On the 1st of December?” He asked. Just to be sure. Elain chuckled, playfully pushing him away even as he tightened his hold around her.
She looked at the tree, avoiding his eyes. “I just wanted to give you a new tradition.” She shrugged. “Our own tradition.”
Oh. Oh.
He was an absolute fool.
Azriel looked at her, his heart beating wildly inside his chest. “You did, love?”
She shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “If you want to, that is.”
It was all he could do not to drop to his knees and show her exactly how much he did.
He kissed her instead, his tongue seeking hers, his hands roaming around her body. He groaned at the taste of her, urging her to wrap her legs around his waist. Elain smiled against his lips.
“Is that a yes?” She asked, gasping as his hands found her ass.
“How could I ever say no to you?” And little did she know how much he really meant it.
Which would explain why, merely hours later, Azriel could be found wearing a stupid Christmas hat, ignoring the stupid checkered blanket, and helping Elain put up the last of the ornaments on the too big Christmas tree. And if he had a smile on his face…
Well, that had everything to do with the girl in his arms.
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hanilessa · 5 months
crystal star
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` Childe x Fem!Reader
` Genre: fluff, romance
` Author’s notes: merry christmas, my dears! i hope you will always be healthy, happy and loved <3 p.s. i love ajax being a tease!!
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The spicy smell of cookies mixed with the slightly sour and sweet smell of fresh tangerines hit your nose. This smell slightly stung the mucous membrane of your nose, but you couldn't get enough of this amazing smell of the coming Christmas. Bright colors and lights, a decorated Christmas tree, cold snow melting on your mittens, delicious food and happy smiles of loved ones — all this was the atmosphere of the winter holidays. Pleasant excitement and anticipation settled in your heart.
You balanced on the tip of your right foot, relentlessly trying to reach the very top of the green Christmas tree that stood in your living room in front of the fireplace. The warmth of the fire spread through the room, pleasantly enveloping your exposed areas of the body. Even if the snow was raging outside the window, you were warmed by the warm air and your husband's hugs at home. Goosebumps ran through your body when you remembered how tenderly and reverently the ginger man's hands caressed you day and night. Your cheeks turned red and you shook your head from side to side to clear away the embarrassing thoughts.
The Christmas tree again attracted your attention, and you sighed in frustration, not knowing how to reach the top of the tree to decorate it with a bright crystal star. The Christmas tree decoration in your hands sparkled slightly in the twilight of the living room, illuminated by garlands and the light of the fire in the fireplace. However, the star in your hands shimmered with bright colors and delighted your eyes. You looked at the tree again, wondering what body position you should take in order to finally place the star on the top of the tree.
The Christmas tree looked simply excellent, decorated with many bright balls that shimmered in different colors, toys in the form of little bunnies and cheerful angels here and there, giving pleasure and peace of mind. For complete peace of mind, you only had to place the most important decoration — a crystal star. So you once again stood up on your toes to reach the top of the tree, but again failed and whined irritably.
You were completely disappointed, sulking at yourself and your insufficient height, although your lover never stopped telling you that you're the most beautiful for him, and that you don't need to be taller or shorter, because you're perfect just the way you are. Suddenly, you felt your feet leave the ground, and your feet no longer felt the softness of the shag carpet that gently caressed your feet. Your lover's strong arms lifted you up, holding your waist carefully. You let out a sound of excitement and joy.
"Ajax!" Your voice sounds like thousands of bells, and the man's soul flutters with love, listening to the beautiful sound of your laughter. You grab his shoulders tightly and your eyes find his, filled with love and adoration.
"What do we have here? Is anyone having a little problem?" Childe teases you kindly, enjoying your embarrassed and pouty face. He wants to bite your chubby cheeks so much! But first he must help you.
"Be serious! Can you stop teasing for at least five minutes?" You decided to continue his little game, and when Tartaglia realized this, his blue eyes sparkled mischievously. He wrapped his arms tighter around your waist, enjoying the weight of your body in his arms.
"Sorry, baby, I can't help but tease you when you pout your cheeks so cute." A blush spreads across your face as you hear those words and see his smug smirk. You know you'll never have a chance to beat him in this little game.
"Alright, alright. You won." You rolled your eyes, focusing your attention back on the Christmas tree.
"As always!"
The ginger man's handsome face lights up with sincere joy, and you cannot contain your happy smile too. You bring the Christmas tree decoration closer to his face, and Ajax looks at the crystal star.
"Here. I need your help to place this star on the tree." You say shyly. "I can't reach the top, so you could do it for me."
Childe just smiles and shakes his head, "Let's do this together."
A bright smile lights up your face, and you nod happily, feeling Tartaglia's strong arms gently lift you a little higher. Where the bright and beautiful star should have been located. The feeling of your husband's support makes you more confident and happier, and, now being right in front of the top of the tree, you solemnly decorate the tree with a bright crystal star. The room is illuminated with a shimmer of bright colors, an atmosphere of happiness and celebration hovers around the two of you. Your eyes light up with joy at the sight of this beauty.
You feel the man turn your body towards him again. Your heart flutters at how beautiful Ajax was in the light of the fire burning in the fireplace. The man gives you a gentle smile, behind which hides a little bit of slyness.
"Well, I helped you." He looks innocent and then smiles playfully again. "What about my reward?"
You wrapped your arms around his neck contentedly and leaned closer to your husband's face, smiling slyly and taking him by surprise for a second. "Since you were so kind and helped me, I will gladly give you your reward."
Your lips met his in a sensual kiss, and your bodies are filled with the fire of intense passion. Love fills your entire being and there will never be an end to it. The softness of your lips, the tenderness of your hands, the passion and lust of intertwined tongues inflames a frantic desire. It seemed like you both could never fully get enough of each other. Ajax breaks your kiss, listening to how deeply you breathe, trying to even out your breathing. Your red cheeks betray your embarrassment. But still you smile happily.
"Merry Christmas, Ajax." Your soft lips touch his freckled nose, and a stupid, loving smile appears on his lips.
"Merry Christmas, Y/n, my love." Childe answers and takes you into another kiss filled with adoration and love.
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
Hello! I was just wanting to request a request your way for Mihawk (OPLA) with a fellow Warlord please?
Preferably female and chubby (if that's okay!) who uses Polearms/spears and has a kind + warm attitude.
Scenario: Both have to work together under the orders of Garp to track down some pirates who've ganged together to cause havoc and its them having to figure out how to actually work together as a team and not individuals with mutual pining >:)
Song: Tongues and Teeth - The crane wives
Have an awesome day!
Pining 😫. Yes, absolutely. Of all of fanfic writing, pining is my absolutely favourite flavour to divulge in.
The song! I'm ✨obsessed✨. It's really shown me the vibe you want for the piece written.
I can already see the battle sequences of push and pull. I'm imagining she be more scrappy in her style, her joy in battle gleefully falling from her lips as they dance amongst each other in the thralls of combat; Mihawk always remaining steady and calculated with his blade.
Mutual respect for their titles, Ginger Cat x Black Cat/Doberman energy.
Disclaimer: I don't regularly utilise body, skin, eye, hair descriptors other than using terms that are exclusively feminine or masculine to have the "reader" be imagined in a multitude of ways. I am more than happy to make an exception to my rule in this case, but I usually prefer not to for ambiguity.
I have a few other pieces to complete before this one, unless the dice roll otherwise.
In the interim, here is the Masterlist for you to consume should you desire some other Mihawk fics. I'm yet to truly write a one-shot for him (I tried, and now it's an ongoing series).
He makes appearances in:
Dance Series: swing, sway, shag & shimmy (Mihawk x reader x Buggy fic) {Synopsis: a night off was granted by captain Buggy and his pirates. Acrobatic reader impresses both of the men with her dance style. Both men decide they have the ability to potentially play nice as they share the acrobat. (Smut in chapter 4)}
Bar Shift: as a patron of Baratie (Sanji fic) {Synopsis: Sanji and Reader are work husband and work wife. They develop feelings of infatuation as they flirtatiously navigate their way through developing rapport as coworkers and now a relationship.}
The Apprentice: the one-shot that got out of hand because I love talking about wine (Mihawk fic). {Synopsis: bitchy boss and their bratty underling, enemies to lovers. Sword fighting, wine tasting and navigating complex feelings. (nudity mentioned in chapter 2 and 3, chapter 5 smut)}
You Should Be Sad: 3-part series of angst, fluff & smut. {Synopsis: Mihawk ruins his relationship with his former fiancé by not giving her the attention and care she truly longed for. She is a talented musician, performing at Baratie when she sees her ex-lover. Sings her wrath to have him feel something. (Angst in part 1, fluff in part 2, smut in part 3)}
I've also got two fics that are active works in progress upcoming:
El tango du Mihawk: Dance Series. {Synopsis: a talented thief manages to obtain an invite to the marine ball and decides to utilise it as a great opportunity to steal from the wealthiest members of the world government. Mihawk immediately recognises them and decides to toy with their scheming, tango dancing ensues.}
The Marine's Mistake. {Synopsis: something horrible occured to rid the warlord of his signature facial hair. Cadets had gathered and began whispering in hushed tones as Garp held a seated meeting with the warlord at a table in a run of the mill tavern. A new transfer does not recognise the sleek cheeks of the handsome gentlemen and immediately decides to approach to flirtatiously engage him over a drink or two. Mihawk is amused.}
I will add this to the ever growing Mihawk list and aim to complete it shortly! Thank you for your request! ❤️
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def-ace-ing-it · 1 year
There’s something about the batboys having kids.
Bruce had never expected to live long enough to have children, let alone see them have children of their own. He is hit with grief all over again as he holds his first grandchild (!), knowing deep in his heart that his parents never got to see him grow up, never got to see this family he created on his own. This tiny ball of life is in his hands, possible because he raised these boys into men able to become the fathers they’ve lost, and Bruce is suddenly eight years old again, on his knees as he makes a vow and it’s suddenly all worth it.
Gotham may never get better, but as long as there’s this: the possibility of new life being brought into the world and loved in a city of smog and unbalance, it’s worth it.
Because Bruce is a grandfather, his parents and Alfred are great-grandparents, and his children are parents.
These boys, brought up in dirt and pain, held together by a bird’s song and determination to make the world a better today and tomorrow for all who follow.
These boys, who’ve faced the horrors of loss and desperation, watching their bones be broken just to get up the next day and do it again and again because it makes the world safer.
These boys, his boys, held the weight of the world on their shoulders, suffered trial and tribulations, and seen the worst of the worst of the worst, and decided to do good. Decided that no matter how much harder this path was, it was worth it to see families thrive in the face of it all.
And then they did it themselves, creating families of their own in the world that trusted them to protect both young and old, and they felt safe enough to have that for themselves, too.
His boys. His stubborn, fearless, empathetic boys.
They’re older now, not as old as they could be but not as young as they should be, and Bruce is no longer the spry man he was. His age is catching up to him, as are the numerous fractures and spinal injuries he obtained, and he will have to retire from hero life (and he can do that now, something eight year old him thought was impossible to achieve).
But now, the passage of time is daunting, anc looking down at the bundle of joy (a chance, a start of something new-) in his hands, eyes locked on him and chubby fingers reaching for the chain on his neck with his parent’s wedding rings, and Bruce knows that it was worth it. He is old and tired, but his sons are alive and well, and there is now the possibility to grow old enough to know how his legacy extends into the future.
Bruce is a man of fists and Kevlar, forged in a pain long past, but now everything is different.
There is a new way forward, and it’s defined by love, not grief.
There is something about the batboys having kids.
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phenomenice · 9 months
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Haven't done much fanart this year, but I WAS able to do RQBB again! And I got to draw so much Grizzop and gobbos for @emwoman25's wonderful "Weapons Drawn". I'll reblog with the link to the fic in a moment! And you HAVE to read it to find out why Hamid is a baby.
This is part of @pilesofnonsense 2023 Rusty Quill Big Bang and as always it's been an absolutely joy participating.
Image IDs under the cut!
Image 1: A black and white watercolour and ink image of Grizzop drik acht Amsterdam, a goblin. He has large eyes and ears and is wearing a coat. He also wears a tactical-style baby carrier, in which he carries halfling Hamid Saleh Haroun al Tahan, who is a baby. Hamid has curly dark hair, chubby cheeks, and is chewing on the wing of a stuffed dragon.
Image 2: A colour watercolour and ink image of a family picnic. From left to right we see Kriz, Plik, Izzo, Grizzop, Hamid, Vesseek, Esk, Frax and Grat. All are goblins except Hamid, who is a baby halfling. Esk is also a baby. Hamid is wearing green pyjamas, Esk is wearing purple pyjamas. The younger goblins are all clad in various colours and styles. Izzo wears a yellow dress, Grat wears a brown tunic and olive hose. She carries a plate of fruit to the red picnic blanket everyone is sitting on. The babies are sitting on Hamid's purple cloak, which also holds a plate of cinnamon buns. Hamid and Esk are playing with a red and blue ball; Hamid has his arms raised in the air. There is a tree and blue sky in the background, along with a low stone wall and some shrubs. There is grass on the ground.
Image 3: A black and white watercolour and ink image of a side-hug between Hamid Saleh Haroun al Tahan and Grizzop drik acht Amsterdam. Hamid, on the left, is an adult halfling with pointy ears and dark curly hair. He wears an immaculate suit. Grizzop, on the right, has his arm around Hamid's shoulder and wears his breastplate, a turtleneck, a coat, and spaulders on his shoulders. He is a goblin with large ears and rings in his ears. His face is reminiscent of a sphinx cat.
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Cute chubby warm little reader with her disgusting incel bf Ajax :(( Ajax is always admiring her perfect chubby thighs, cute tummy and big breasts:((( he just can't help himself she's just SO cute always greeting him with a smile and excitement and even doing little jumps when extra happy<3 or maybe even incel bf with her she's just so sweet and innocent yk! So polite, sweet and well trained :(( she'd make such a cute little house wife for him not having to worry about anying from money to what's happening around her :(((
hehehe anon u know EXACTLY what i crave what i desire <33 yucky icky incel childe and his cute soft lil gf he foams at the mouth over <3 bee tee dubs, i don’t rlly have rules n such!! ppl can send me whatever whenever n i’ll probably respond at some point maybe!! i have month old things in ma inbox n drafts whoopsies!! but i was quick with urs bc incel childe <3 ^u^ blurb btc!!
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Ajax is… slimy. gross. greasy. he’s what most would turn their noses up at but you didn’t. it almost felt as though you pitied him with the way your already doe eyes softened towards him. he knew you let him into your heart and that should’ve been enough but… he had to stay there. had to carve out an Ajax shaped hole to rest for eternity. you were his most beloved and to let you go was a crime, one only punishable by death.
your hands are soft, he notes. softer than his boobie mousepad, softer than his body pillows, softer than… other things. Ajax wants to hold them forever. he adores when you cling to him, wrap yourself around his hand or arm, and stay there like it’s your home. he thinks it’s just adorable the way you giggle and smile up at him, swaying around and chattering away about something that he isn’t listening to because god you look so kissable right now. he wants to kiss you until you’ve both passed out from lack of air and love shared. your lips belong against him in all sorts of ways but right now they should be on his own though, he can’t bring himself to end whatever rant your on for it would stop the sweet melody of your voice. Ajax comforts himself saying he’ll have plenty other chances to kiss you.
he spoils you to bits. his sweet girl is fawning over a little trinket or a new dress? consider it yours! any money spent is worth it to see the happy claps and bounces you respond with and that adorable smile on your face. he’d run his bank account dry, which is nearly impossible, if it equated to seeing your joy.
and oh, your body. he’d love you in any form but your squish tummy and tits? good luck prying his hands from you, you’ll need the jaws of life to get out. Ajax adores being able to nap on your just as squishy thighs while kneading your stomach and breasts like a cat. you’re his own personal stress ball!
Ajax adores his sweet little wifey. he’d go to the end of the universe and back should you request it. <3
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