#can't believe they keep anticipating the date of the release but i love that for us
victoryrifle · 2 months
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FALLOUT - Console to Camera
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atdawnweryd · 1 year
Lucia Appreciation Post
I wasn't in the fandom when S1 came out so hopefully this isn't something that everyone has already rehashed to death, but! I want to give some love, and my own interpretation to the S1 Lucia scene.
First of all, I know we can all agree that it is a thing of pure beauty artistically! But beyond that it's such a great scene because of how it shows a very critical moment in Simon and Wille's relationship:
We know that Simon is a caring person. This is one of his core characterizations that comes into play over and over again throughout the series (eg taking on the role of protector to Sara; playing peacemaker for his mother and Sara when they are not understanding each other well, and then working hard to make sure Sara keeps in touch with their mother while she's living at Hillerska; giving Wille 2nd, 3rd, 4th chances after he gets skittish and pulls away in S1, then not allowing Wille to believe he and Marcus are dating because it will make Wille sad. The list goes on!). Seeing someone he cares about hurting or needing help is something that Simon cannot turn his back on, he truly believes in giving people chances to grow.
So, as the scene starts there is a big conflict happening within Simon, and you can see it clearly in the amazing acting by Omar. When they walk into the classroom, he has already calmed down significantly from the anger he was previously feeling- now that he knows that he's not going to get expelled - but he's still upset. He's not shouting or defensive anymore like he was in the music room, he's listening, but still skeptical of Wille's intentions. He maintains a physical separation between them that shows clearly that all is not forgiven yet.
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Wille has really hurt him here by allowing Simon to be put into a position where he might be expelled. Where the rich kids would get away with it while the outsider feels all the consequences. More importantly, Wille showed Simon that he didn't understand or anticipate how upsetting that would be for him during their argument in the music room.
But now Wille responds with honesty and sincerity. He doesn't try to beg, plead or excuse his actions, or worse - try and convince Simon that it wasn't a big deal, minimizing his feelings.
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And you can see how much that resonates with Simon here. You can see his defensiveness melt away, leaving him feeling a little lost on how to proceed. Does he just forgive Wille right way? Is it enough? Is this relationship even worth it if this is the kind of B.S. he's going to be exposed to around Wille?
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But Wille continues. He opens up and makes himself vulnerable to Simon, revealing how important Simon and their relationship are to him.
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He tears up, showing just how scared he is of losing Simon. And Simon, who is a caregiver at heart, can't help but respond to that.
(Me too fr, let's have a brief moment of admiration for Edvin's acting and unreal kicked puppy eyes!)
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This following moment right here is so important!! The emotional climax of the scene in my opinion.
You can see it in Simon's eyes, the exact moment when he gives in - when he realizes that his feelings for Wille and his need to comfort Wille overpower his own feelings of hurt and frustration.
But it's not an easy decision for him - he looks almost pained, like he has fought a battle with himself and lost. Like maybe he had no choice at all, this was only going to end one way....
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He pulls Wille into an embrace, and it's forgiveness, emotional release, and relief that this is not the end of them. Relief mixed with a very strong feeling on both their parts that their relationship has taken on a new dimension.
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Before, they had admitted to liking each other, but their relationship was limited to lighthearted (and sexy) hookups, teasing, and generally enjoying each other's company. The honeymoon phase.
But this is the first time their relationship has been affected by external influences outside their control. It's been put to the test, and although they choose to overcome it together, it leaves them shaken.
Wille gets his first taste of reality - that Simon comes from a different world and does not see things from the same perspective, nor will he put their relationship above his family or his morals (ok yeaaa it's going to take a few more lessons for this one to fully sink in, but I said first taste!). Simon is not a sure thing.
And Simon realizes that being with Wille is not all fun and games, but it's something he wants anyways.
This conflict is unpleasant and jarring for them, but ultimately leads to a better understanding of one another, and new depth in their relationship.
They end this scene with a kiss that is pure comfort. Wille, who craves touch from Simon when he needs reassurance of closeness, goes in for one quick kiss before he pulls back slightly, and they just breathe each other in, Simon lightly stroking Wille's hair and cheek. We very much get the sense that there is an intensity between them that wasn't there before.
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This scene was necessary to have before their video was leaked and everything went to hell. I don't know that Simon would have been so certain about sticking it out with Wille, or that Wille would have tried defying his mother for Simon if they hadn't gotten this taste of being apart first, cementing their desire for this relationship.
Because Simon is a very good, caring person, yes. But - he's not a bleeding heart who will stick their neck out for just anyone (for example, he doesn't exactly seem bothered that Alexander's going to be thrown under the bus instead of himself). He's the kind of person who generally prefers to mind their own business unless he or a loved one is involved.
I think that this scene is the first time Simon consciously realizes that he's in a bit over his head with Wille, that the depth of his feelings for him far surpasses what he had believed. Because Wille is now one of those people whose needs Simon will put before his own. He has become a loved one.
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euno11a · 5 months
Are you comfortable with writing yandere au? If you are could you possibly write about yandere!BTS completely lost it when they found out their crush is going on a date with another guy? Thanks 👍
Ngl…I was honestly hoping someone would request this😳 I wrote a small head canon for each of the members, so I hope you enjoy!
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Warnings: yandere au, violence, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour
Namjoon had always been a quiet and reserved person, preferring to spend most of his time alone, lost in his thoughts. But ever since he laid eyes on Y/N, he couldn't help but feel drawn to her. Her smile, her laugh, her every move, it all captivated him in a way he couldn't explain.
He had been watching her from afar for months now, too afraid to approach her. He didn't want to scare her off with his awkwardness or worse, reveal his dark secret. He had an unhealthy and obsessive love for Y/N, and the thought of anyone else being with her sent him into a jealous rage.
So when he heard that she was going on a date with another guy, he completely lost it. He couldn't believe that she would choose someone else over him, someone who truly loved her with all his heart. He had been planning for this moment ever since he first saw her, and now all his dreams were shattered.
He sat in his room, surrounded by pictures of Y/N, his hands shaking with anger. How could she do this to him? Didn't she know how much he cared for her? He couldn't let her go on that date, he just couldn't.
Without even realizing it, he found himself outside Y/N's house, his heart racing with anticipation. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't control his actions. He had to protect her, even if it meant going to extreme measures.
He watched as Y/N and the other guy walked out of her house, laughing and holding hands. His blood boiled with jealousy and he felt like he was going to explode. Without a second thought, he ran towards them, his mind clouded with rage.
The couple stopped in their tracks as Namjoon approached them, his eyes filled with madness. Y/N's date tried to push Namjoon away, but he was no match for the yandere's strength. Namjoon grabbed him by the throat, his grip tightening with each passing second.
'You can't have her!' Namjoon yelled, his voice filled with desperation. 'She's mine!'
Y/N's date struggled to break free, gasping for air, while Y/N stood frozen in shock. She had never seen this side of Namjoon before, and it terrified her.
Realizing what he was doing, Namjoon quickly released the guy and turned to Y/N, his eyes pleading with her. 'I-I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I just can't stand the thought of you with anyone else.'
Y/N took a step back, fear evident in her eyes. She had always thought Namjoon was a little strange, but she never imagined he would do something like this. She quickly ran back into her house, leaving Namjoon alone with his thoughts.
Feeling defeated and ashamed of his actions, Namjoon slowly made his way back home. He knew he had crossed a line, and he couldn't bear the thought of Y/N being afraid of him. He loved her too much to hurt her, but his love had turned into an obsession, consuming him completely.
Jin had always been a quiet and reserved guy, keeping to himself most of the time. But there was one thing that brought out a different side of him - his crush on Y/N.
Ever since he first laid eyes on her, Jin had been completely smitten. He would watch her from a distance, admiring her beauty and grace. He had never found the courage to approach her, always afraid of being rejected.
But one day, fate seemed to be on his side. Y/N was sitting alone at a café, looking lost and deep in thought. Jin took this as a sign and mustered up all his courage to approach her.
To his surprise, Y/N was friendly and kind, and they hit it off immediately. They talked for hours, and Jin couldn't believe his luck. From that day on, they became good friends, and Jin couldn't help but hope for something more.
However, his hopes were crushed when he found out that Y/N had a date with another guy. He couldn't believe it. How could she choose someone else over him? He had been there for her, always ready to listen and support her. But it seemed like she didn't see him in the same light.
Jin couldn't bear the thought of Y/N being with someone else. He had to do something to stop this date from happening. He tried to push the thoughts away, telling himself that he had no right to interfere in her personal life. But the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't control the intense feelings of anger and jealousy building up inside of him.
He started to stalk Y/N, following her every move and keeping a close eye on her. He was consumed by possessiveness, unable to accept the fact that someone else could have her. He even went as far as to sabotage her date, making sure that they wouldn't have a good time.
But despite his efforts, Y/N's date with the other guy went well. Jin couldn't believe it. How could she enjoy someone else's company when he was right there, willing to do anything for her? He was furious.
He couldn't take it anymore. Jin completely lost it. He confronted Y/N, pouring out all his feelings and frustrations. He didn't care if he scared her. All he wanted was for her to see that she belonged with him and no one else.
Y/N was shocked and scared by Jin's sudden outburst. She had never seen this side of him before. She tried to reason with him, telling him that she only saw him as a friend and that she had the right to go on a date with someone else.
But Jin refused to listen. He was convinced that Y/N was meant to be his and that he would do anything to make her see that. He became possessive and controlling, unable to accept any form of rejection.
Y/N was scared for her safety and decided to distance herself from Jin. She couldn't be around someone who was so unstable and obsessed with her. But Jin couldn't let her go. He became more and more desperate, trying to win her over by any means necessary.
J-Hope had always been a devoted and loving friend, Y/N. He would do anything for her and would often surprise her with romantic gestures and gifts. But beneath his charming smile and caring nature, there was a dark and possessive side to J-Hope that only Y/N knew about.
J-Hope was a yandere, a person who becomes obsessed and possessive over his love interest to the point of violence. He had always managed to keep this side of him hidden, but when he found out that Y/N was going on a date with another guy, he completely lost it.
It all started when Y/N received a text from her friend inviting her to a concert. She was excited and immediately told J-Hope about it, not thinking much of it. But when he found out that the concert was with another guy, his mind went into overdrive.
He couldn't believe that Y/N would even consider going on a date with someone else. She was his, and no one else's. He spent hours pacing in his room, trying to come up with a plan to stop Y/N from going on that date.
The day of the concert arrived, and J-Hope's nerves were on edge. He couldn't sit still, and his mind was consumed with thoughts of Y/N with another guy. He knew he had to do something, and he had to do it fast.
He quickly got dressed and drove to Y/N's house. He found her getting ready and tried to contain his anger as he watched her put on a beautiful dress. She looked stunning, but the thought of her going out with another guy made his blood boil.
'Are you really going to go on a date with that guy?' J-Hope asked, his voice trembling with anger.
Y/N was taken aback by his sudden outburst. She had never seen him like this before, and it scared her. She tried to calm him down, but he wouldn't listen.
'You belong to me, Y/N. No one else has the right to take you out on a date,' J-Hope growled, his eyes darkening with possessiveness.
Y/N was frightened by his words and his intense gaze. She had never seen him like this before, and she didn't know what to do. She tried to reason with him, but he was beyond reasoning.
In a fit of rage, J-Hope grabbed Y/N's arm and dragged her out of the house. He drove her to an isolated spot and locked her in the car. Y/N was now terrified, and she knew that J-Hope was capable of anything in this state.
'You are mine, Y/N. I won't let anyone else have you,' J-Hope said, his voice filled with madness.
Y/N could see the crazed look in his eyes, and she knew that she needed to escape. She managed to unlock the car door and ran out, but J-Hope was hot on her heels.
He chased her through the woods, his mind consumed with thoughts of Y/N being with someone else. Y/N ran as fast as she could, but she couldn't outrun J-Hope. He caught up to her and grabbed her, his grip tight on her arms.
'Please, J-Hope, let me go,' Y/N begged, tears streaming down her face.
But J-Hope was beyond reason. He had completely lost his grip on reality, and the only thing he could think about was keeping Y/N by his side. He pulled out a knife from his pocket and held it to her throat.
'I won't let anyone take you away from me, Y/N. You are mine, and I will do anything to keep you,' J-Hope said, his voice cold and devoid of any emotion.
Y/N was now trembling with fear as she realized the extent of J-Hope's obsession. She knew that she had to do something to stop him from hurting her or anyone else. With all her strength, she pushed him away and ran as fast as she could.
Yoongi had always been a quiet and reserved person, keeping to himself and focusing on his studies and music. But there was one person who had caught his eye and captured his heart: Y/N. He had been secretly in love with her for years, admiring her from afar and never having the courage to confess his feelings.
But today, everything changed. Yoongi had overheard Y/N talking to her friend about a date she had planned with another guy. His heart sank and his mind went blank. He couldn't believe that the person he had been dreaming about was going on a date with someone else.
Yoongi's hands clenched into fists as he tried to control his emotions. He couldn't let Y/N go on a date with anyone else, she was meant to be his. He had to do something to stop it.
He quickly ran back to his apartment and started to plan. He couldn't let Y/N slip away from him, not when he had finally built up the courage to make a move. He had to make her realize that she was meant to be with him, and only him.
The next day, Yoongi showed up at Y/N's workplace with a bouquet of her favorite flowers. She was surprised to see him, but also happy. She had always considered Yoongi as a friend and was glad to see him. But little did she know, Yoongi's intentions were far from friendly.
He showered her with compliments and attention, making her feel special and wanted. Y/N couldn't help but feel flattered and her heart fluttered at the thought of Yoongi having feelings for her.
But things took a dark turn when Yoongi suddenly grabbed her and pulled her into a nearby alleyway. She was confused and scared, not understanding why Yoongi was acting this way. And then it hit her, the realization of Yoongi's true intentions.
He had always been possessive of her, but she never thought he would go to such lengths. Yoongi's grip tightened on her as he whispered in her ear, 'You're mine, Y/N. No one else can have you.'
Y/N's heart raced in fear as she struggled to break free from his hold. She begged him to let her go, but Yoongi was in a trance. He couldn't let her go, not when she was about to go on a date with someone else.
Just then, the guy Y/N was supposed to go on a date with appeared in the alleyway, looking for her. Yoongi's eyes darkened with rage as he saw the guy approaching them. Without thinking, he pushed Y/N behind him and confronted the guy.
'What do you want with her?' Yoongi growled, his fists clenched and ready to defend his territory.
The guy was taken aback by Yoongi's sudden aggression, but he calmly explained that he was Y/N's friend and they had plans to go on a date together. Yoongi's grip on Y/N loosened as he processed the information.
He couldn't believe that Y/N was going on a date with someone else, even though she had no idea about his feelings. His mind was clouded with jealousy and possessiveness, and he couldn't control his actions.
In a fit of rage, Yoongi lunged at the guy and started to attack him. Y/N was horrified at the scene in front of her, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that Yoongi was finally letting go of her.
Jimin had always been a quiet and reserved boy, keeping to himself and rarely showing any emotion other than a polite smile. But behind that calm exterior, there was a fire burning inside of him, a possessive love for his crush that he could never reveal.
He had been secretly in love with Y/N for years, admiring her from afar and cherishing every moment they spent together. He had never mustered up the courage to confess his feelings, afraid of losing her altogether.
But one day, everything changed. Y/N excitedly told Jimin that she had a date with a guy she had met at a party. Jimin's world came crashing down at that moment. He could feel his heart shattering into a million pieces as jealousy and rage consumed him.
He tried to keep his composure, not wanting to scare Y/N away, but inside, he was a mess. He couldn't believe that she would choose someone else over him. He had been there for her through everything, always ready to lend a listening ear and offer a shoulder to cry on. And yet, she was going on a date with someone else.
As the days went by, Jimin's mental state deteriorated. He couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep, all he could think about was Y/N and her date with that other guy. He became obsessed, constantly checking her social media and trying to find out more about this mysterious man she was going out with.
One night, he couldn't take it anymore. He had to see for himself who this guy was and why Y/N had chosen him over Jimin. He followed her to the restaurant where they were supposed to have their date and hid in the shadows, watching as they walked in together, laughing and holding hands.
Jimin's blood boiled at the sight. He couldn't bear to see Y/N with anyone else, it was his worst nightmare come true. He waited until they were seated and then stormed in, confronting them both.
Y/N was shocked to see Jimin there and tried to explain that the guy was just a friend, but Jimin would hear none of it. He had completely lost it, blinded by his love and possessiveness for Y/N. He started shouting and causing a scene, scaring Y/N and her date.
The restaurant staff had to call the police and Jimin was taken away, screaming and struggling, still not willing to let go of Y/N. It was then that Y/N realized the depth of Jimin's feelings for her and the danger she had unknowingly put herself in.
Taehyung had always been a bit possessive when it came to his crush, Y/N. He couldn't help it, he was completely infatuated with them. Every time he saw them, his heart would race and his palms would sweat. He wanted nothing more than to make them his, to have them all to himself.
But when he found out that Y/N was going on a date with another guy, he completely lost it. He had been scrolling through his phone when he saw a text from Y/N, excitedly confirming that she had a date with someone else. His heart sank and his mind went into overdrive. Who was this guy? How long had they been seeing each other? Why hadn't Y/N told him?
Taehyung couldn't take it. He had to do something. He couldn't just sit back and watch his crush go on a date with someone else. He had to make them see that he was the one for them, that they belonged together.
He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed Y/N's number. It rang a few times before they picked up.
'Hey, Taehyung,' Y/N's voice sounded cheerful on the other end. It only made Taehyung's heart ache even more.
'Y/N, who is this guy you're going on a date with?' Taehyung asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
'What? Oh, he’s no one special.' Y/N sounded surprised.
'Who is he?' Taehyung repeated, feeling a surge of jealousy and anger building up inside him.
'It's just a guy I met at work. We're just going to grab some dinner,' Y/N explained, but Taehyung wasn't listening anymore. He heard the word 'just' and it didn't sit well with him.
'Just a guy? You're going on a date with just a guy?' Taehyung's voice rose in pitch, his emotions getting the better of him.
'It's not a big deal, Taehyung. We're just friends,' Y/N said, trying to calm him down.
'Just friends? You can't go on a date with just a friend, Y/N. It's not right,' Taehyung said, his voice shaking with anger.
'Taehyung, please calm down. It's just one dinner. I promise it's nothing serious,' Y/N pleaded, but Taehyung wasn't listening. He had already hung up the phone, his mind racing with thoughts of Y/N on a date with another guy.
He couldn't take it anymore. He had to make Y/N see that they were meant to be together. He couldn't let anyone else come between them.
Taehyung quickly got dressed and made his way to the restaurant where Y/N and the other guy were supposed to be meeting. He waited outside, his heart beating rapidly as he watched couples walking in and out of the restaurant. He couldn't bear the thought of Y/N being with someone else.
Finally, he spotted them. Y/N and the other guy were walking towards the restaurant, laughing and chatting like old friends. Taehyung's heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice. He couldn't take it any longer.
He stormed towards them, his eyes wild with jealousy and anger. 'Y/N!' he called out, causing both of them to stop and turn to him.
'Taehyung? What are you doing here?' Y/N asked, looking surprised and a bit worried.
'I can't let you go on a date with this guy. You belong with me, Y/N. You know that,' Taehyung said, his voice trembling with emotion.
'Taehyung, please calm down. We can talk about this,' Y/N said, trying to reason with him.
But Taehyung was beyond reason. He couldn't stand the thought of Y/N being with anyone else. Without thinking, he lunged towards the other guy, pushing him away from Y/N and grabbing their hand.
'Y/N, let's go. We can go somewhere else, just the two of us,' Taehyung said, his grip on Y/N's hand tight.
'Taehyung, stop! You're scaring me,' Y/N said, trying to pull away from him.
But Taehyung wouldn't let go. He was determined to make Y/N see that they were meant to be together. He had to protect them from anyone else who tried to come between them.
Y/N, his childhood friend, had been the light in his life since they were little. He always admired her from afar, never daring to confess his true feelings for her.
But as they grew older, Jungkook's feelings for Y/N only grew stronger. He found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with her, but he was too scared to tell her. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if she rejected him and their friendship was ruined?
So, he kept his feelings hidden, content with just being by her side as her friend. But everything changed when he overheard Y/N talking to one of her friends about going on a date with another guy. His heart dropped to his stomach and his mind went blank.
He couldn't believe it. His Y/N, the girl he had loved for so long, was going on a date with someone else. The thought of her being with someone else made him feel sick to his stomach. He couldn't bear the thought of her being with anyone other than him.
Jungkook's mind started to spiral out of control. He couldn't think straight, and the only thought that consumed him was that he needed to stop Y/N from going on that date. He had to make her see that he was the only one for her.
He started to stalk her, following her every move, making sure she was safe and that no one would harm her. He even went as far as to install a tracking app on her phone, so he could always know her whereabouts. He was becoming possessive, and his love for her was turning into an obsession.
But Y/N didn't notice anything different about Jungkook. She was too busy getting ready for her date and was excited to finally go out with someone. Little did she know, her childhood friend was slowly losing his sanity.
As she left for her date, Jungkook couldn't take it anymore. He followed her to the location and watched from a distance as she walked hand in hand with the other guy. His heart shattered into a million pieces, and he couldn't control his emotions any longer.
He stormed towards them, rage filling his body. He didn't care about anything else but making that guy pay for taking Y/N away from him. He grabbed the guy by the collar and pulled him away from Y/N, ready to attack.
Y/N was shocked and scared at Jungkook's sudden outburst. She had never seen this side of him before. She tried to calm him down, but he was too far gone. He was screaming and yelling at the other guy, accusing him of stealing his Y/N away from him.
The guy managed to break free from Jungkook's grip and ran away, leaving Y/N alone with a crazed Jungkook. She was scared and didn't know what to do. She tried to talk to him, but he was too consumed by his possessiveness towards her.
In a moment of desperation, Y/N confessed her feelings for Jungkook, hoping it would calm him down. And to her surprise, it did. Jungkook's eyes softened, and he calmed down, realizing what he had almost done.
He hugged Y/N tightly, apologizing for his behavior and promising to never let anyone come between them again. Y/N was shocked and confused by his sudden change of heart, but she couldn't deny the love she felt for him.
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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anathemafiction · 3 years
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I can't wait until April 1 😭😭
April first of 2022.
That is certainly... a longer wait than I was expecting. It looks distant. I won't lie, right now, it feels a little bit cold. Just a little bit. Like staring at a small point of light at the end of a deep tunnel. It's so small, and you're surrounded by darkness, but you don't look away from it because you know, if only you keep walking, it'll grow. It'll brighten and, eventually, it'll come to encompass you.
And you'll step right through it.
That's how it feels right now. A little bit of hope, but maybe not the kind I was anticipating. Such is life. It doesn't care for our expectations, it moves on its own rules.
Looking at the upcoming Hosted Games list, however, this is really no surprise. There are so many games coming! Two new games a month, Hosted must be with their hands full. It seems the Rose is at the bottom of a lengthy publication list, and if anything, it’s my fault for taking so long to submit it.
As such, I'll stop this winning and focus instead on the positives. The biggest one being that, with this tentative release date, the Rose hasn't been outright rejected!!! I can start to let myself believe that it'll really be published, and a dream I've had for so long will eventually come true. 😭
Another great news is that it seems I've been considered for a Steam release as well!!! I really want to go to Steam, so I was so happy to see that little blue symbol next to my game.
Eight months seems like a lot. It feels like it too, I'm not going to stand here and try to pretend that it doesn't. But I won't be standing idle either. I'll keep working on Book 2 so that, when the first one finally comes out, you won't have to wait long to dive right back into a new, shiny demo.
We have something, and having something, my friends, is always better than having nothing at all. Even if that something, right now, is little more than a faint light at the end of a cold tunnel. Let's support the other games that will come out in the upcoming months, all of them, undoubtedly, a product of hard work and love.
Tarragona is waiting for your mercenary to explore it, with all its dangers and joys and, most of all, with all its patience. 🌹
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moririki · 3 years
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you save your boyfriend from a massive problem which is currently in the corner of your bathroom )
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REQUEST -> n/a
CONTAINS -> spiders, bugs, you picking up said creepy crawlies, hq boys being no! help! at! all! (but that's ok bc we love them for it), fanon-ish sakusa cos i haven't read the manga and he had like 5 seconds of screen time so i'm just going off of what i've read + seen, clear favouritism despite the fact that i know basically nothing about sakusa, manga timeskip spoilers in sakusa's
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> haven't seen one where the reader is the one in the relationship who takes care of bugs so since i'm a #girlboss who throws spiders out of my room whenever i see them without breaking a sweat i'm writing that into a fun lil thing with the haikyuu boys that i strongly believe are scared of bugs. also besides the point but look at the pretty colour palette that their banners make fjfjfjdj will go back to writing the requests after this! inspiration just struck
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-> omg this fucking guy
-> don't let his pride fool you this man HATES bugs with a burning passion
-> he'll never admit it though
-> between you and the aoba johsai team he would never hear the end of how the great king oikawa would cower at the sight of a moth doing laps around a lightbulb
-> so when you pretended not to hear the shriek that left your boyfriend when he saw something flying around the bathroom light and he declined your offer to get rid of the moth for him, this left oikawa in a pretty difficult situation
-> it was just him alone in the bathroom, trying to brush his teeth while eyeing the bug warily
-> you came in a few minutes later, getting ready to go to bed as well
-> "you know, babe, that moth's been there for quite a while," you teased him
-> oikawa hummed in response, his eyes never leaving it as it continued its circumnavigation of the light fixture
-> "oh, you know. who am i to kick someone out of their home? i'm no monster"
-> you almost snorted at how poor of an excuse that was, but ruffled your boyfriend's hair anyway
-> "i'll take care of it, ru, you just finish getting ready"
-> "but y/n-chan, that moth has feelings! don't be mean to it!"
-> you gave tooru a very blank stare at that
-> "so do you want me to leave you alone with your new friend?"
-> "......no"
-> "that's what i thought"
-> you went up to the moth, managing to trap it in your hands before releasing it from a window
-> oikawa shuddered as you came back to the sink, giving your hands a quick rinse before resuming with brushing your teeth like nothing had happened
-> "you're so brave, my love"
-> "anything for you, babe"
-> bless this poor boy
-> so it's no secret that sakusa isn't the fondest of germs
-> and that extends to bugs and spiders too
-> besides a normal amount of disgust that he held for them, the thought of where the insects had been or placed one of their many feet on never failed to make his skin crawl
-> that's where you, his wonderful significant other, comes in
-> as much as he loves you, he just can't understand how you always stared at bugs with wonder in your eyes
-> you'd even pick them up, cooing at the way they crawled up your arm while sakusa just stared at you in disbelief with a can of bug spray in hand
-> tonight was one of those swelteringly hot summer nights
-> you know, the ones where the air seems to be still no matter how many windows you open and every insect in a mile radius is actively trying to enter your home
-> you were spending the night at your boyfriend's apartment, ready to have a relaxing night in with him since your schedules had finally synced up and allowed you both to enjoy a day off at the same time
-> it took months of trust before sakusa finally admitted to you how much he enjoyed doing skincare
-> so whenever you two spent the night together, you decided to start the evening with some face masks and idle binging of a tv show
-> against his half-hearted protests, you had insisted that sakusa wore a headband while this happened (one that had a very cute duck face printed on it)
-> just to keep the curls out of his face, of course
-> whenever he caught you sneaking a candid of him with facemask and duck headband on, he just shot you a halfhearted glare and threatened you to never send that to atsumu or the rest of the msby team
-> (you set it as your home screen instead)
-> anyways, i digress
-> so tonight you decided to cool down from the heat with a few facemasks and cuddling in your boyfriend's heavily air conditioned living room
-> but he kept all his skincare stuff in the bathroom, so you went to go get them as he set up a show to watch along with some snacks
-> you flicked on the light, going to his cabinet when something in the corner of the room caught your eye
-> there was a fairly large spider, desperately trying to crawl up the smooth tile wall
-> you decided to take pity on it and release it
-> but when you had it cupped safely in your hands, you decided to terrorise your poor boyfriend just a little
-> "hey, omi, look what i found!"
-> your boyfriend perked up at your signature nickname for him, though his eyes narrowed as he saw your clasped hands held in front of you
-> "no"
-> "but baby, you haven't even seen-"
-> "no"
-> you giggled at how defensive he had become
-> "come on, don't you want to name it? it's very cute"
-> "i want you to throw it out, y/n"
-> "alright, alright"
-> you took the spider to a window, releasing it back outside before heading back to the bathroom and grabbing a few masks for real this time
-> sakusa gave you the cold shoulder as you sat down next to him, humming as you gave him a face mask and putting it on without a word
-> "aww, baby, i'm sorry"
-> "..."
-> "i'll give you a head massage if you stop ignoring me?"
-> sakusa turned to you, his eyes narrowed in thought as he stared you down
-> the act soon broke, though, and he smiled against the sheet mask that was on his face
-> "it better be a good one," he huffed as he tugged the duck headband off, already sighing at the sensation of your fingers against his scalp
-> "omi, come on, what do you take me for?"
-> ngl lev gives off equal amounts of being terrified of like the tiniest spider or just finding bugs insanely cool vibes
-> it's funnier to imagine this 6-foot-something guy scramble away from a fucking crane fly in terror though so this is how it's going to play out
-> when you invited your giant of a boyfriend to your flat, you didn't anticipate just how small he made everything appear
-> he even towered in your doorway, having to stoop to step through into your hall
-> "woahh, i love your place!"
-> it was his first time staying over for the night, and lev was making sure to drink in every aspect of your interior design
-> you found it sweet of him, and watched as he stared in wide-eyed wonder at the little trinkets you had collected over the years to make your small apartment seem more like a home
-> you didn't expect him to scream at the top of his lungs and practically run back to you, though
-> you jumped at the sound, watching as he scrambled away from your lamp and pointed back at it with a shaking finger
-> you squinted at it, making out the very menacing form of a crane fly as it bumped into the lampshade and continued on its path
-> "lev, you big baby," you giggled, heading to the kitchen to grab a glass and trap it
-> "y/n, don't leave me alone with it!" he yelped, and you rolled your eyes at his antics
-> you came back, smoothly capturing the insect and throwing it out of a nearby window
-> lev was sat on your couch the whole time, hands covering his eyes as he curled in a ball
-> "is it gone?" he asked, and you you giggled at how childlike he was acting at the moment
-> "it's all good, baby" you smoothed his hair and lev gratefully leaned into your touch, a sigh of relief leaving him
-> "thank you, y/n"
-> "i'll get rid of all the bugs in the world for you, lev"
-> gives off the vibes that he used to eat bugs as a child i'm sorry but
-> have mercy on his soul lmao
-> so twins are supposed to be identical right?
-> anyone who spends more than a few minutes around the miya twins know that that's a complete fucking lie
-> and you've had the misfortune of being friends with them for a very long time
-> like your mums were friends and you were all born around the same time
-> you've been pulled into their shit before you could walk or talk
-> so you're well aware of just how different these mfs are
-> even though they were both absolute bastards, osamu always had a slightly more mellowed out approach which would always end up with atsumu getting the blame for what they got up to
-> especially as a child, osamu loved to terrorise his twin with the unwilling help of you
-> one of the ways was through osamu exploiting one of his twins' fears
-> that being bugs and spiders
-> he always cackled at the sight of atsumu screaming and trying to run away from him due to the spider he was holding
-> as they both grew up, this became less of a frequent thing for osamu to do
-> you also somehow started dating atsumu, but nobody could exactly pinpoint a moment that signified a beginning to your relationship
-> but since you're dating the world's biggest manchild in disguise, and osamu gets annoyed with atsumu quite easily, you would have to swoop in to rescue him from time to time
-> recently the twins had been getting a little snappy with each other, and it had yet to sort itself out
-> from what you had heard your boyfriend was in the wrong this time, but you still listened to him whine and rant about it
-> you were going to the inarizaki school gym to say hi to your boyfriend and best friend before practice started, only to see absolute chaos unfolding
-> with kita yet to arrive, the twins were effectively unleashed and that much was clear with the way atsumu was practically screaming his head off as he ran around the gym
-> your eyes took in the rest of the players- aran had his head in his hands, suna was snickering with his phone out to record the newest miya twin fight, and osamu's deranged laugh could be heard above everything else as he chased his brother, hand held out in front of him
-> only one thing was capable of making atsumu scream like that, so you already knew what was happening
-> atsumu quickly spotted you hovering in the doorway, and made a beeline to where you were
-> his eyes were panicked, and you were quick to wrap him in a hug as you shot osamu a nasty glare over his shoulder
-> literally this lmfao
-> "that's enough, 'samu"
-> your best friend paused, before a smile spread across his face as he dangled the centipede in front of him
-> "you know it was rubber, right?"
-> you felt your boyfriend tense in your arms and you bit your lip to stifle a small giggle
-> but at least they would be back to normal by the end of today
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katrinegrey · 2 years
Blood & Ash Characters Most Likely to Die in Upcoming Books
Now that it's been a minute since The War of Two Queens' release and most of us have had a moment to soak it in, I wanted to revisit a list I did last year in anticipation of TWOTQ's release. In December, I compiled a list of the top characters I thought to be most likely to die in the upcoming books in the series. The original list can be found here if you're interested in checking that one out first.
Given the new information we received and the new directions we can see this series headed in, I thought this a great time to re-evaluate the list and see how my personal rankings have changed.
Just like last time, I will be ranking these characters starting with the LEAST likely and ending with MOST likely to die. These characters' placements on this list doesn't inherently mean I wish for them to be there. This is only the characters I thought had a decent chance (over 50%) to be unalived by the end of the series. Let me reiterate that this list is characters who I believe will die by the end of the series, not necessarily in the very next installment.
It should come as no surprise, but there will be MAJOR SPOILERS for both the Blood and Ash and Flesh and Fire series, including TWOTQ. These are my own opinions and should be taken with a lot of grains of salt. More than a shaker; the full refill container will be required. I am also notoriously terrible when it comes to predicting things to come or forming theories for various series, these being no different.
Emotional warning: big sad discussed below so viewer discretion is advised.
If you're new around these parts, here are some acronyms that may be used within to keep in mind as we go:
JLA = Jennifer Lynn Armentrout (author)
ACOGB = A Crown of Gilded Bones (third book in B&A series)
ASITE = A Shadow in the Ember (first book in F&F series)
TWOTQ = The War of Two Queens (fourth book in B&A series and most recent release)
My list in December 2021 contained fourteen(ish) characters. Of those fourteen, only one character was unalived in TWOTQ. So long and farewell to Isbeth, who I had down as #2 last year. I wasn't expecting her departure so soon, but I can't say I'm upset about it either.
Now onto my current list.
#17 - Hisa Fa'Mar
Ooo, this one hurts. This one hurts me. But I’ve read a LOT of fantasy and the ‘bury your gays’ trope is unfortunately strong in the genre. It’s getting much, much, much better, but until proven otherwise, I’ll always add some weight to the death chance percentage if they’re LGBTQ+. I originally had Perry here instead, but I’m not certain JLA would want to invoke the wrath of the Delano stans by hurting his love. 
We know she’s one of the people Casteel trusts most and is Commander of the Crown Guard. The woman is frequently in a dangerous position guarding Poppy and Casteel or fighting in their war. It would hurt me so much to lose this huge piece of LGBTQ+ representation, but I see it as a very real possibility. Can I also take this moment to point out that I need to see more of her and Lizeth’s interactions? Their ‘be careful but be brave’ mantra, however cliché some might see it, is probably my favorite inspirational quote to come out of this series to date.
#16 - Eloana Da'Neer
Eloana was much, much higher on my list last year. I’m not entirely sold on the idea of her being left alone forever, but I think her life is in a lot less immediate danger after the events of TWOTQ. Eloana didn’t appear at all in the flesh in TWOTQ. I understand it didn’t make sense plotwise for her to be there, but her absence was noted. I also believe Sera was able to burn off some of her revenge rage on Isbeth and she will now have at least one son to distract herself by caring for and a whole godsdamned world to save. Exacting revenge on Eloana could wait until she dies and Nyktos deals with her in the Abyss. 
#15 - Sage
Nothing has happened on the page to make me think that Sage’s number is being pulled, but it’s a feeling. She’s someone we don’t have a lot of history with yet who Poppy really likes and we’ve seen her interact briefly with other characters, like Naill and Reaver. Wolven, who the big three have had a connection to, have been killed in these pages with little warning before (namely Lyra and Arden). It wouldn’t take much to lose Sage either.
#14 - Valyn Da'Neer
After the bonding moments between Poppy and Valyn and the reunion scenes between Valyn and his sons, Valyn suddenly holds more emotional weight than he did just a book before. Considering his wife wasn’t featured in this book at all, it gave Valyn a chance to shine on his own and he did so marvelously. But unfortunately, it does paint a bit more of a target on his back. Like other parental figures in this series, he is now something that could be taken away from some big players in this series, causing pain, but one that they’ll have an easier time surviving and taking revenge for.
#13 - Poppy Da'Neer (temporarily)
The track that Poppy is currently on could see her becoming the ruler of Atlantia, Solis/Lasania, and Iliseeum. That is too damn much! Even just Atlantia and Solis/Lasania is too much! Just a few short months ago, this woman was the maiden. She’s never ruled a toothbrush, let alone a country. She’s barely spent any time in Atlantia, the only one of these three where she was formally named queen, before she had to traverse off to fight a war. Now this is no fault of her own, but how could anyone expect her to take on all of that responsibility straight out of the gate? It’s not healthy for her or the people.
That said, I’d like to believe that something will happen to relieve her of all of that duty. Unfortunately, the easiest ways for this to happen would be if she were to figure out how to give up her Primal powers, though I’m not sure how that could even happen considering it’s fundamentally tied into her life force, her soul. But this is where her death on this list comes in. I wouldn’t be surprised if JLA does go this route, and giving up that power, or even killing Kolis with that power, causes her to die. 
But I also can’t see JLA pulling an Allegiant and seriously killing off her heroine at the end, so it would be a temporary sort of death and could even serve to momentarily kill Casteel and Kieran, highlighting the gravity of such a choice as the Joining.
Ideally, this is what I’d like to see happen. I’d like to see Poppy retain her title as Queen of Atlantia and only that title, regardless of her power. I’d like to see Solis stay as its own country for a while, perhaps even change the name back to Lasania, with Millicent and Malik possibly ruling there. And finally, Sera and Nyktos holding their crowns in Iliseeum. This is a pipe dream, but it’s mine and I’d appreciate y’all letting me have it please.
#12 - Ires
When creating this ranking, I originally had him placed higher before I realized I had no concrete reason to do so. We haven’t really met Ires yet and what was said about him in TWOTQ was all from other characters’ perspectives, namely Isbeth and Reaver. I’m sure I won’t have some idea until we actually meet him, at which point it will likely be too late, but I don’t feel secure enough in his living to take him off the list entirely. If everything Isbeth said about Ires is true and he bedded Isbeth willingly, even after everything she did and what she meant to his twin, I would place him much, much higher. I just can’t place any degree of confidence solely in what that bitch queen said.
#11 - Queen Calliphe
To say that Sera has a complicated relationship with her mother is to put it lightly. It’s implied that their relationship wasn’t great before the beginning of ASITE, but Calliphe would try every once in a while to be there for Sera, showing up to practice or just sitting with her for a moment. That all changed drastically after the Primal of Death rejected Sera as his Consort in the prologue. Calliphe, who we know had never been physically affectionate with Sera due to her status as the maiden, gets physical with her, slapping her on the throne before blaming her for their misfortunes and cutting out Sera nearly entirely. 
As the book is from Sera’s perspective, we get a front row seat to her conflicted feelings about her mother. If someone, like say Kolis or Callum, were to kill Calliphe before Sera for whatever reason, it could cause untold emotional devastation for her. Particularly if she never has the chance to tell her mother that the Rot was never her fault like she wants to.
#10 - Malec
Originally I had Malec and Ires listed together. Then I remembered how very different these twins are, and how much more of a precarious position Malec may wake to find himself in. Malec will likely wake and have to deal with the aftereffects of his imprisonment, the realization of what Isbeth did in her grief, and his own mourning for the loss of his heartmate and son. That’s in addition to whatever happened before the events of Blood and Ash between Malec and his family that caused him to turn his back on Iliseeum. Eloana swears he was a good man at one point, just made some bad choices. Will he still be that man after all this time and agony? Will he want to be?
When Poppy asked if he was alive at the end of TWOTQ, Nektas answered “For now.” That is probably the most ominous statement at the end of that book and doesn’t bode well at all for this god.
#9 - Holland
Holland’s death would be a perfect way to devastate Sera. Only two people from her life before Iliseeum seemed to love her and care about her beyond her role as the future Consort: Princess Ezmeria and Holland. Holland filled bits and pieces of certain essential roles for Sera as she grew, never really fitting entirely into one box: mentor, father, brother, friend. As such, he became one of the only people Sera ever learned to trust, one of the only people she learned to be vulnerable around. The loss of his life could be seen as the final piece removed of whatever lingering innocence or desire for a normal childhood she may have had.
#8 - Eythos' soul
In ASITE, we find out from Ash that Ash’s father, Eythos, was killed and his soul was captured by Kolis. We don’t know what state that leaves Eythos in, whether he is aware or not or if he is any sort of pain. Kolis is also known to grant “final death”: the destruction of one’s soul, meaning the person in question just stops existing with no afterlife. I don’t see Kolis willingly giving up his brother’s soul, but I could see him either destroying it or Eythos somehow behind helped to escape for one final act before death.
#7 - Nyktos’ Court
Just like last time, I can’t narrow down who I believe to most firmly be sitting on the chopping block, but I find it highly unlikely that every single one of them make it through the Blood and Ash series alive. These gods have only been seen in the flesh in the pages of ASITE, which is what makes it so difficult for me to judge who may or may not die. I may be able to decide further depending on how ALITF goes, but as of right now, they’re all lumped in together. 
Just as a recap, these are the gods I’m referring to : 
Aios – Goddess of Love, Fertility, and Beauty
Bele – Goddess of the Hunt
Theon – God of Accord and War
Lailah – Goddes of Peace and Vengeance
Rhahar – the Eternal God
Rhain – God of Common Men and Endings
Penellaphe – Goddess of Wisdom, Loyalty, and Duty
#6 - Ector
~ ‘Cause I’m an international Super Spy! ~
Sorry for that. In the months since ASITE came out, it’s the first thing to pop into my troubled mind every time I think of his name. Because he’s totally a villain, right?
If he isn’t, cool cool cool, but the way he disposed of Hamid was so strange. In addition to that, after Bele’s Ascension, Ector and Saion seem to be at different levels of wary of Sera. Saion seemed unnerved but solid, like he was just concerned, but Ector read to me as almost afraid of Sera. Ector also seems none too pleased to be used as an errand boy, which we see earlier in the book when he delivers the dagger to Sera. He doesn’t show it in the Shadowlands, but he is asked to do small tasks by Nyktos quite a lot (grabbing a cloak before heading to the Rise, fetching a bowl of water and a towel for Sera, cleaning up the mess after Hamid) and I imagine if he were someone with an ego, he might be chaffed by that a bit. 
He also knew Eythos and Mycella before they were killed, which makes me raise my eyebrows a bit because we don’t know who killed Mycella. We know it was on Kolis’ orders, but it’s mentioned at one point that the gods in the Shadowlands don’t know if Kolis can even enter the Shadowlands now that he isn’t the god of death. Which tells me that they don’t think he’s been there since he ruled there, so he couldn’t have killed Mycella. But someone did…
It's also telling that he's the only Shadowlands god we've met that wasn't named in the Blood and Ash series.
#5 - Nektas
He’s gonna die to get Jadis to safety, isn’t he?
It seems like a very strong possibility that one whatever adventures everyone goes on to find and rescue Jadis, Nektas will end up staying behind to fight some yet unknown horror to give Poppy and Co. a chance to escape with his beloved daughter in tow. We’ve seen it played out time and time again over countless forms of media, the sacrifice to give others a chance to escape, because this trope works. When executed well, it’s heartbreaking and terrible in its selflessness. This death would also serve to cause pain to not just Poppy and her friends, but Nyktos, Sera, and their court.
#4 - Nyktos
If you’ve seen any of my other posts on this topic, you know that one of my greatest fears going forward is that Nyktos doesn’t see the end of this series. For a character who is so kind, decent, generous, and brave, it wouldn’t take much to have him sacrifice himself to save others. It could be anyone, from common folk to his children and grandchildren to his court to his queen. I think his death would mainly go in one of two ways: 1. defending his liessa or 2. captured (alive or just his soul) by Kolis to be used as leverage against Sera and/or Poppy.
#3 - Callum
While reading TWOTQ, did anyone else want to punch through their book every time he opened his golden mouth? He’s such an awful person and his death has been promised by several characters at this point, with more to join I’m sure. It’s not even a matter of if he will die, but who will be granted the pleasure of killing him. My money is on JLA giving it to Casteel, but I would love to see Millicent get the chance.
#2 - Kolis
What else is there to say about this steaming pile of excrement that couldn’t be summed up in a bevy of curses that would scandalize gentler ears? Kolis is the big bad in both of these series. He’s so villainous that there’s no point of redemption for him at all, not that anyone would want to see him redeemed. The entire point of the Blood and Ash series going forward is that Poppy has to kill Kolis. It’s the only way to save lives and restore balance to the universe. He is a guaranteed death at this point. 
He is also the only character I believe to be virtually guaranteed to have his soul destroyed. Seems only fitting that someone who looked at souls as if they were disposable would then have his own soul destroyed.
So why isn’t he number 1 on this list like he was last year? Well…
#1 - Seraphena Mierel
How could Sera possibly be featured higher than Kolis on this list?
I believe she is the only character still on the board who could have a very real possibility of dying twice between now and the end of both series.
Her first death I’m predicting to happen in the Flesh and Fire series. I have held the belief since ACOGB that Poppy actually died when Commander Jensen's people shot her through the chest. I don’t believe that her dormant Primal blood and Casteel’s blood was enough to save her. I think Nyktos caught her soul before it could cross and Sera actually helped save her, giving her a little life boost back to her newly Ascended body. But Poppy could have saved herself. As we discovered throughout this series, she was born a god (at least from Ires' side and whatever the hell Isbeth gave). She was never actually mortal.
But pieces of Sera very much are, as stated by Penellaphe at the end of ASITE. I think that Sera might end up gravely injured and could possibly even die temporarily before being brought back by Nyktos and possibly someone else (Eythos’ last act as a soul?). It doesn’t help that the Flesh and Fire series has some serious parallels to Poppy and Casteel’s story, with their own unique twists.
I also feel like she will die by the end of the Blood and Ash series. Once again, all conjecture, but if JLA keeps her pattern of making Poppy more powerful with each book, Poppy could very easily end up ruling Iliseeum by the end of the series. I hope this doesn’t happen, I don’t believe she’s ready and I’m certainly not ready to say goodbye to Sera. However, it is a possibility and fear in the back of my mind and it would be so easy for JLA to do.
So there we have it folks. My complete list of all of the characters from the Blood and Ash series that I believe have the highest chance of dying post TWOTQ. I'm not sure if I'll revisit this after ALITF, but I will for sure revisit it after B&A 5.
These are the characters I had on my list of fourteen in December who, after TWOTQ and reevaluation, I believe are safe enough for right now (less than 50% chance of kicking the bucket): Malik (#8), Jasper (#9), Jadis (#11), and Millicent (#14).
Please let me know what you all think! I'm so curious to hear your theories and who you think may or may not survive to see "The End".
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moonofiron · 3 years
I saw this one panel in the manga and lost my shit.
He looks so 🥵 here. This is the panel that has inspired this smutty fanfic. I also wanted to draw something related to this piece so I've thrown in an illustration between the story as well! Enjoy!
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Jujutsu Kaisen, Chapter 78
Anime: Jujutsu Kaisen
Characters: Geto Suguru x (fem)reader
Genre: smut, bondage, kinbaku, edging, overstimulation, explicit sexual content, visual content thrown in too 🥵
Rating: M
Synopsis: Geto shows you his skills at kinbaku
Word count: 2.4K ~
Minors, dni.
Geto Suguru ties the last knot near your ankle. You whimper from the rope chaffing your skin but ease into the burn and position yourself the way Geto wants.
It has taken months for you to get to this point. 8 months back you had casually asked him where he disappears to for hours at end every Saturday. You couldn't hold it in and he couldn't bring himself to lie to you.
"I..I practice kinbaku love. It's to destress, really."
"Oh, what's that?"
"Umm, it's the art of tying knots. It's derived from the act of tying prisoners during the war but now it's a...a form of art."
"I see." After a moment's pause, you had asked, "So what do you tie knots with?"
"Three strand jute ropes. On manequins."
You didn't really get it and had pouted slightly.
To break the awkward silence, you had asked him, "Will you show me sometime, Suguru?"
His face had clouded and he had looked the other way. "Maybe. Maybe, someday I will."
"There, all done," says Suguru joyfully. He puts his hand under your chin and pulls your face up so you can look at yourself, his artwork, in the large mirror in front of you.
You gasp at how helpless you look. You're naked and your hair is tied up neatly in a bun. Suguru did your hair earlier and decorated it with the delicate pin he bought for you on your second date. You're pretty much bent into a ball and perched on the futon you both have fucked on on so many nights that you've lost count now. Your hands are tightly tied behind your back and your ankles are tied to your thighs. The knots go down from your neck all the way down to your clit and then climb up your spine. Your breasts perk up from the pressure around them. The knots are elegant and look complicated, and you can see your cunt swelling from the pressure of the tight ropes around your inner thighs.
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Please do not repost or plagiarize.
Years of practicing kinbaku has rendered him into a master of this art that he's extremely private about. His passion leaks in the way his long fingers tackle the ropes around your body, almost as if he's making love to them.
You meet his eyes in the mirror and see him looking right back at you as he bites his soft lips. His eyes are dreamy and lustful, and he wears a look of pride that pushes all the buttons for you.
He takes out a small black ball from his kimono's left sleeve and your eyes widen. He walks around and sits in front of you so his face is inches away from yours.
"Open your mouth, love," he whispers.
You do as he says without even giving it a second thought. He pushes the ball-gag in your mouth gently and you close your eyes as you envelope it with your wet mouth. He moves closer so your nose buries into his chest as he clamps the ball-gag strap at the back of your head. When done, he sits back and strokes a finger across your jaw.
“I'll be back in sometime, baby. Be good. I'll be watching." He winks and kisses the ball in your mouth gently, his gaze never leaving yours. A soft gasp escapes his lips. And then, just like that, he's gone.
You panic. 'What? I thought he'll just be showing me how it's done. What does he mean he'll be back in sometime? When? How long?' you think. A flash of fear makes your stomach drop. But then you calm down.
The first few minutes are easy. You spend them admiring how beautiful you look, how lovely Suguru has made you. But, after a while you get bored and start looking around. There's nothing to do except wait for Suguru to come back. Perhaps he ran out of ropes. The thought excites you but you don't know how long he'll take. You don't know if he's locked the door. There's no way to tell how much time has passed. All you know is that there's a warmth spreading in your stomach from the anticipation of his arrival. You try to bend down to take a peek at your cunt and see that you've formed a small pool of wetness on the futon. And, you notice a strange little cube embedded in the knot on top of your clit. You instinctively reach with your hands for your clit forgetting you can't and let out a small moan as the ropes dig into your wrists. You look back at yourself in the mirror. You notice the thin sheen of sweat on your forehead and that your nipples are plump and hard. You look around frantically before you give up and enter a kind of peace that you've never known before. You look up at the ceiling, close your eyes, and hear yourself make a gurgling noise. The small cube has suddenly come alive and is vibrating against your clit, making you squirm and lose balance. Your entire body jerks and shivers as you moan out Suguru's name unintelligibly, the ball-gag stopping you from forming coherent sentences. You feel a wave of pleasure coming and then, just as suddenly as the cube had come alive, it dies, leaving you on the edge, helpless and slick and frustrated from being denied release.
Geto Suguru absolutely can not wait to get back home to you. He watches you through a curse, a little eyeball, he's placed in the corner of his room. He struggles to keep still and loses patience in all his meetings. He wants them to get over as soon as possible so he can focus on you. He finishes mission reports and some pending tasks as he watches you struggling and squirming, wet and waiting. His cock twitches at the absolutely stunning sight of you, wriggling on the floor, helpless and vulnerable.
You don't know how many hours it has been. All you know is that it's the 12th time that the small cube has come alive and you can't take it anymore. The threads of the ropes are wet and cold, the futon is completely ruined, you're hot and extremely bothered. Your thighs are sticky and slick. You need to cum. You can't take the teasing, the absolute relentlessness of this thing that's refusing to let you cum. You're not in an elegant stance anymore, either. Suguru, without even being here with you, has made you fall face-first into the futon, your back arched so your hips are in the air. You're uncomfortable and all you can think about is Getou's cock buried deep inside your throbbing cunt. Your hair has almost come undone and strands stick to your breasts. Your jaw aches and your neck and chin are covered in drool. You're focused on your release. You'll definitely get there before this damned thing shuts off again. But, you know that's wishful thinking.
'This is getting out of hand,' you think as you feel tears dripping down your flushed cheeks. You try to get a sense of balance but you're so disoriented that you can't think anymore. You breathe heavily and are about to close your eyes when you hear the low buzz of the vibrator again. You're grunt and moan and your entire body buckles again and again. In all your frenzy, you don't realise when Getou comes back and quietly sits on the floor behind you.
When the vibrator stops, you scream an unintelligible, "No, please!!" and drop face-first on the futon again. Your laboured breath makes it hard to concentrate on anything. When you finally calm down, you feel his presence. You look back and see his kimono loosly wrapped around his waist, the sleeves are halfway off his shoulders as he gently strokes his cock, already rock-hard and glistening. He watches you intently. You let out a sigh of relief and arch your back to let him know he can use you anytime. Amused and greedy at once, he pulls you to himself, and unclamps the ball gag. He shoves his cock in your mouth, grabs your hair, and maneuvers your head just the way you like it. He moans and grunts out loud enough for the neighbors to hear. He's extremely vocal today and this is new.
He suddenly stops and kisses your mouth hard.
“Such a pretty babe today. Eh? You look stunning.”
"Su..Suguru, pl..please fuck me. Please. Please. Please." You break down, you can't bring yourself to speak coherently. You start to lower your head so you can taste his cock - anything to have him inside you - but he pulls your hair hard and stops you.
He pushes you back and makes you lie down. He carefully unties only the knots near your inner thighs. His cool fingers give you shivers. He cups your nipples with his mouth and licks, nibbles, and bites his way down to your clit.
“Who are you so fucking wet for?”
“Suguru! You!”
“Uhun, please, just please, take me already."
“Yeah? How?"
“Suguru, I am begging you. I cant-"
Getou comes back up in a flash. He squeezes your face with his hand and roars, “I asked, how?"
You're crying again and he can't stop thinking how gorgeous you look, sweaty and flushed, begging for his cock.
You take a sharp intake of breath and say, “Getou I want you.”
He raises his eyebrows but doesn't let your face go.
“I want you inside me, I want your cock inside me. I'm throbbing and dripping and so ready for you. Just for you. For you to use and love and fuck. Please Daddy." you say, in a trembling voice.
Suguru lets go of your face and removes his kimono. He's naked underneath. He can't believe he gets to ruin a goddess like you. He starts to lightly flutter his tongue across your swollen clit. You're trembling and it doesn't take long for your whimpering to turn into screaming. You're so close to cumming, finally! Your eyes roll back as you feel his long and thin tongue lapping up your wetness. He licks it like a fucking dog before kissing it sweetly and moves back, leaving you on the edge again and you have such a violent reaction that he lets out a strong grunt.
You've never felt so helpless before. You realise that he's enjoying himself a bit too much seeing you struggle, at your body so bent before him. You're sobbing now, and he hovers over you.
“You're making me lose it with all this begging and squirming, baby," he whispers and thrusts into you in one deep stroke. You immediately bite his neck hard and moan deep into it. Clenching around his cock hard, you take in as much of him as you can. His touch on your arms and lower back is electrifying but he soon holds the ropes around you for leverage. He moves in a quick pace and it doesn't take you long to gush around him, giving him a cumsleeve that he bends down to look at. Your release is so so sweet, your toes are curled, your calves are flexed, your back is arched, and your teeth have left Suguru's neck with spots of blood.
“Please...do..don't stop, Daddy,”
“I won't baby, you've been so good. We've got all night.”
“Night?! How long were ...uhh..were you gone?” You pant.
“6 hours."
Suguru looks at himself moving in and out of your plump cunt as his long hair tickles your breasts. It makes his cock twitch and harder inside of you. He pushes your knees back and the ropes dig into your lower back. He grabs your hair and bends your head to your stomach.
“Look at me moving in and out of you.”
The sight turns you on even more. You didn't know that getting so hot amd bothered was even possible. It seems like you've been cumming for a while now and you're overstimulated.
Suguru pulls out. You gasp and your head rolls back. He turns you around and spends a moment to admire his rope-work, and, of course, your plump and throbbing slick cunt that he's going to fuck again.
“Look at how gorgeous you are," he gently holds your chin and pulls it up. You can see yourself, your face is flushed a deep red and you're bruised everywhere. Suguru towers behind you, holding his cock that's glistening with your cum. You can't believe how good he makes you feel. You wiggle your hips at him, inviting him.
He positions his cock to enter you but starts to rub it on your clit instead. Sensitive from all the edging before, your clit blooms from the rubbing and the warmth. You moan.
"Fuck, I love how noisy your cunt gets."
“Oh, oh, please don't stop. Let me cum all over your cock again."
Suguru bites his lip and doesn't take his eyes off you in the mirror. He can't help but admire how sexy you sound and look. He continues to rub his cock slow but hard against you and you collapse on the futon again, cumming. You've squirted all over the base of his cock and stomach and your screams are drown out everything else.
”Such a good girl. Cumming all over Daddy like that."
He thrusts his cock inside of your swollen cunt and continues to move inside you for what seems like an eternity.
"Daddy's gonna paint you so pretty, love," he whispers as he pulls out, grunts, and cums all over your back, on the ropes, in your hair.
He collapses on your side and looks up at the ceiling and then at you. He's out of breath as he gently plays with his drained cock.
You're completely spent and about to pass out when you feel him untying all the knots quickly. His face is tinted with concern. When you're finally free from the ropes, he tries to massage you lightly and helps you lie down properly. He brings you a bottle of water right away and kisses your forehead.
“I'll run you bath, princess. And then I'll get you something to eat. Okay?"
"Hmm," is all you can manage.
You hear the bath running and he comes back, picks you up and takes you to the bathroom. He bathes you and shampoos your hair, kissing you everywhere with sweet pecks. When you're both finally in bed, you snuggle up close to him and dare to ask -
"When will you tie me up next?"
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jjaeong · 3 years
Airports, And Convenience Stores.
Series: KPOP Girl Group: 이달의 소녀 (LOONA).
Pairing: Kim Hyunjin & Idol Female Reader.
Summary: If you told Y/N that a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with her favorite idol at a convenience store from way back in her trainee days would be stuck on the idol's mind for years—she wouldn't believe you. Well, until the said idol bumps into her again at a public setting and asks for her number infront of every news outlet there is.
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"I'll be going now!"
"Don't forget my cider!"
"I won't!" shutting the door behind you, the familiar tune of the door signalling that it's locked played as you made your way down the hallway, adjusting the strap of your tote bag that you usually brought with you whenever you went out to do some grocery shopping. You pushed your hands into the pockets of your hoodie, making your way into the elevator and pressing the key to the ground floor before humming a song that had been going on repeat in your head ever since you first listened to it. Of course, the song was LOONA Kim Hyunjin's solo song "Around You" that had came out just a few months ago. You stumbled upon it just as when their four-member group had released their most recent song "Love&Live" which had you hooked in no time—making you get into the entire discography, and after playing everything on repeat, Kim Hyunjin just slipped her way into your heart. Maybe it was how her voice just sounds so soothing in her song, or how odd the plot of her music video was yet it reminded you of the feeling of home—you couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was about Kim Hyunjin that just spoke to you.
Well, it could also be that she's very pretty too.
You were never the one for such things, but you were drawn to the rookie idol who has yet proven herself to the audience. Somehow, this seemed to be even more attractive to you—a company that popped out of nowhere with the idea that releasing a new member every month, accompanied by a lore that keeps you reeled in every comeback..
There's so much to look forward to, and you've just been introduced to the first unit.
Your mind wanders about the lore as you walked out of the dorm's building, your feet leading you to the usual convenience store you know that was open around this time of the morning. Sometimes, you choose to stay in the store to converse with the staff that had always been kind to you, not minding at all that you were one of the most anticipated trainees to debut in your current lineup considering that articles had already spread about a monster rookie girl group to debut under SM Entertainment with your stage name highlighted on it. It was astonishing how your hard work had seemed to pay off, but with your already growing fanbase, it even further fueled the burning passion inside you to keep working harder to be able to become strong even after you debut.
Before entering the store, you stopped infront of the glass doors to pull your phone out to check if there had been any more requests from your members. This pattern with making sure to check your phone before entering the store had also been engraved in you once you came back with a bag full of snacks for your group, only to be caught by your manager and them to confiscate it all because you were on a diet—could've been avoided if only you checked the warning messages from your unnies that they sent you before you came back.
2:25AM, it read on the screen.
"Ah, Y/N. It's always nice when you drop by~"
"I can't stay for long unnie, I need to go back to the practice room after I buy these.." you motioned to the list on your phone, nose scrunched as you grabbed a basket while the pretty store clerk, Haejin, pouted at you.
"Busier and busier, huh.. Why—are you debuting tomorrow already??" you walked past her and made your way to the shelves, laughing at the eagerness in her tone as your eyes scanned the snacks for the specific ones your members had requested.
"I'm sure that if I had the date already, It'd be postponed before I even manage to tell my parents about it."
"They're so strict about that." Haejin groaned from the counter as you smiled to yourself, shrugging as if she could even see you.
"They're leading for a reason."
"I just hope you'll still be able to do these types of things once you debut, I'll barricade the doors from your saesangs if I have to."
"Unnie, how do I know you're not going to be one of my sasaengs?"
"Ah—this kid, really!" your laugh echoed through the empty convenience store yet again, the soft melody of whatever was on the radio playing in the background as you walked around the place. You pointed out numerous new items on the shelves that Haejin didn't hesitate to tell you about when they arrived, along with the reviews about them—you swear that this girl was the most enthusiastic convenience store employee you've ever encountered in your life but you guessed that it was because the girl liked your company's idols and they often drop by on her shift as well.
Haejin, as much as college seemed to have her in a chokehold—enjoyed beeing a store clerk for the reason of satiating her inner fangirl over her idols being friends with her because she worked there.
As you pulled open one of the fridge doors to look for a tub of your member's specified brand of ice cream, you heard the bells ring by the entrance, indicating a customer entering the store. You heard Haejin greet them, low voices conversing as you finally found the ice cream you were looking for and walked over to the beverage fridge, knowing exactly where the cider your unnie asked for was located.
"The bread is on that aisle." Haejin's polite voice told the customer whos footsteps you could hear was about a few shelves behind you. Managing to finish contemplating it over in your head if you wanted cider as well, you settled on grabbing strawberry milk instead and turned to make your way to the counter when you failed to feel the approaching presence from behind you. You gasped when you felt the collision of your heads against each other just before your body crashed into theirs, practically pushing the both of you to the shelves if it wasn't for you quickly stepping back and grabbing the stranger by both of their arms, dropping your basket to the ground.
"I'm so sorry, are you alright? I should've watched where I was going I—" the girl who had her head down, phone in hand against her head as she clutched a cream bun in her other looked disoriented just from how she stood as you kept a firm grip on her arms to keep her steady. You leaned over to look at her face to see if she really was alright but you could barely make out her features through her hair, brows furrowed and eyes closed.
"Ah.. I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry.." you kept trying to apologize when she quickly shook her head, rubbing her hand that held her phone on the spot where your head had hit hers.
"No, no.. I thought you weren't that close—it's my fault."
"You took it harder than I did, do you want to sit down for a while? Maybe I can—" your breath hitched when the girl finally lifted her face, brows furrowed and a frown set on her lips as her eyes stayed stuck scanning the ground. You could feel how almost instantly your heart started racing, the sound almost blocking your ears from the radio playing in the background, eyes scanning her features as she stood there in all of her glory looking as distraught as ever.
Yet very, very ethereal.
Oh my God it's Kim Hyunjin, holy sh—
"My cream bread.." her airy voice quickly snapped you back into the present, looking down at the crushed bread in her hand before eyeing the now less disoriented girl that stood infront of you. You didn't even notice how long you were just staring at her as she stared down at her bread, until she connected her eyes with you, blinking before tilting her head.
Her eyes are so pretty—
"You're that trainee in the articles." Kim Hyunjin mumbled, and only if you were paying any extra attention—you would've heard how much in awe she was, but you quickly panicked once you realized that she recognized you.
Kim Hyunjin knows who you are.
"I'm so sorry! I'll buy you two cream buns to compensate for my actions! I didn't mean to bump into you like this—I'm sorry for being a junior leaving such a bad impression! Please let me make it up to you, sunbaenim!" Hyunjin's face consorted into pure confusion when you quickly pulled your hands off her arms, taking a step back and doing a full 90° bow infront of her. She scanned you for a moment, eyeing your basket full of snacks and rocking back on the soles of her feet before leaning over to get on the same level as you, hands on her knees.
"Just.. Two cream buns?" she asked, making direct eye contact with you as you slightly turned your face to meet hers, instantly flushing at her expectant look.
"As many as you'd like, sunbaenim!" you rephrased in haste, Hyunjin's expectant look changed into amusement before a bashful smile made it's way on her lips. She reached over to pat your head gently, the action taking your breath away for a moment but she didn't seem to think that much about it, standing up straight before lightly rubbing on the spot where your heads met, looking as if she's contemplating something. You took this as a sign that she took offer, still it didn't stop you from anxiously getting back up on normal level as her eyes scanned the fridge behind you.
"I..I'll go get them for you quickly—"
"What's your name?" Hyunjin asked just as you made a move to retrieve the bread, you stopped on your tracks to look back at the older girl. Her eyes pierced through yours as if she was looking for something in them but at the moment, you could barely think about anything else other than appeasing the idol.
"Y/L/N Y/N, I'm just a trainee.." your eyes widened at your introduction, knowing damn well Hyunjin just said that she knew you were a trainee. You internally face palmed yourself but Hyunjin didn't seem to mind, if anything—the girl could almost feel your panic and as much as it pained her, she couldn't help but find your flustered state endearing.
And if you could only hear how many times Hyunjin's inner voice tried to convince her to ask for your number, or edge you more into keeping contact with her to make up for such a small mistake.. Hyunjin didn't want to be mean to you, but she's currently thinking of ways to keep you from leaving without giving her your number.
"Ah.. That rings a bell.." Hyunjin dragged her words slowly, nodding to herself as you stood there almost shaking in your spot. She looks down at her crushed bread in hand, thinking if you noticed her crushing it literally after you collided when she caught a glimpse of who exactly she bumped into.
Ofcourse she'd exaggerate her disorientation.
"Is everything okay here..?" Haejin walked over to you two, eyeing your flushed state before staring directly at Hyunjin. Haejin's brows shot up quickly, as if it was the first time she actually looked at the customer before she motioned to the girl.
"You're that Girl of the Month thing." you tensed next to the clerk to which Hyunjin's lips quickly pulled up into a big grin, finding it amusing how the clerk didn't even know which one she was but it was nice to know that their group was getting recognition. You however, something in Hyunjin just knew you knew her specifically.
"I'm the second girl, Kim Hyunjin."
"Ah! Kim Hyunjin.." Haejin furrows her brows as if she remembered the name before, hitting her fist in her palm at the sudden realization, "..the cat head girl? Around you? Y/N, you told me to play that song here all the time! Isn't this her?" Hyunjin's eyes moved to yours as you looked at Haejin in alarm, reaching over to hit her arm but stopping mid-way when you saw Hyunjin's soft eyes directed at you.
"I.. Yeah, of course. It was my favorite solo song, but I listen to Rain 51db more these days.." now you really had Hyunjin's attention, you basically outed yourself as a fan and now Hyunjin will not let you leave the store without your number in her phone.
"The 90's karaoke one?"
"Heejin-sunbaenim is really cool.."
Heejin? And you said Hyunjin's solo song was your favorite?
"I'll get sunbae's bread—" you were cut off when your phone started vibrating in the pocket of your hoodie, you pulled it out to find your manager's name on your screen calling you. Your eyes widened as the call could only mean one thing—reminding you of the practice room that was supposed to be your destination right after buying your snacks.
"Practice?" Hyunjin softly asked as you frowned at your phone before looking up at her, finding warm eyes locked on yours.
"I'll make it up to you. Next time we see each other—"
"I want your phone number." Haejin audibly choked next to you as you flustered as deeply as before.
"R-right now?" Hyunjin stared at you for a moment before shaking her head—deciding against her initial plan of making sure to not let you leave without giving her your number—reaching over to grab your basket on the ground to hand it to you. You quickly grabbed ahold of the handles as Hyunjin ran her fingers through her hair, looking around the convenience store with a shrug.
"No, the next time we meet." you stared at her, completely baffled beyond words to even form a reply and so you just nodded, staring at her and trying to memorize her features as much as you can, knowing that this is the moment you part ways.
"I'm sorry.. I hope we meet again someday, in a better manner, Hyunjin-sunbaenim.." you bowed yet again at Hyunjin who oddly felt her heart warm at her name rolling off your lips smoothly, as if you've always been saying her name—in which she didn't doubt that you did, you were a fan afterall. You gave her one last shy smile before turning to Haejin, motioning to the counter to which Haejin only grinned at, following after you but not before glancing at Hyunjin who's eyes seemed to only follow your retreating figure.
"I think she likes you~"
"Be quiet! She can still hear us!"
Hyunjin reatreated back to the bread aisle as you quickly paid for all of your snacks, she listened closely when the bells at the entrance signal that you've left, to which Hyunjin felt her mood dampen at. Practically pouting to herself the entire time she walked around to look for whatever she needed to buy, she finally walked over to pay over the counter, Haejin packing her items in a bag as Hyunjin reached over to hand the clerk her card when Haejin smirked at her.
"Y/N told me to just charge it to her account, whatever it is you bought." Hyunjin raised a brow the information, to which Haejin shrugged at but still kept the smirk on her face.
"If I were you, I'd grab a few more.. you know, to make her feel like she atleast made up for it." Haejin could only look at Hyunjin's ruined cream bun and strawberry milk that she only took because it reminded her of the contents in your basket. Hyunjin shook her head at Haejin's mischievious attempt behind your back, instead, smiling softly at the ruined bread as Haejin handed her the bag.
"It's alright, she'll make up for it next time. I'm sure."
"Hi! Hello! They're so cute!!" your member waves at your fans as you stand next to her, trying your best not to squint your eyes at the rapid flashes that went off as you aligned yourself with your group, smiling at how you were all being greeted with such heavy enthusiasm. Making your group introduction, you all bowed before your manager motioned that it was time to head over inside, in which you grabbed onto one of your unnies as you slid through the crowd with your bodyguards doing their best to keep anyone from being too close to your members. As you just passed the entrance however, the flashes seemed a bit stronger and the deafening clicking of shutters, followed by screaming fans became stronger.
Your ears perked up at the familiar names, to which your members that walked in front caught your attention when they started squealing. Your eyes settled on a few of your members being smothered by the familiar group that had just seemed to arrive, Chuu's bright smile as she hugged two of your members quickly, Choerry wildly waving at them as they bowed while Jinsoul and Yves seemed to tease them a bit.
Your groups seemed to be in the middle of paparazzis, fans, and curious gazes—in the middle of a very busy airport lobby. The crowd that circled around both groups was almost overbearing if it weren't for your bodyguards making as much space for your groups as possible. You tried to keep your distance, not wanting any sort of drama to build upon any group's name considering how heavy your own seemed to be even in your group, but then a familiar voice started to call your name.
"Y/N-unnie! Y/L/N Y/N-unnie!" your eyes instantly snapped over to find a small figure practically bouncing over to you, making you pull away from your member to insantly beam at the short girl whom you've bonded with at a variety show once. It was once but you can't seriously not love LOONA's maknae.
"Yeojin.." she instantly hugged you, giggling as you leaned over so that you can hug her back, patting her hair softly before she pulled away to smile up at you.
"What are you doing all the way here? Come on, Haseul-unnie wants to meet you!" she started tugging at your hand to which you only pursed your lips at.
"Yeojin, I'm kind of.. not good to be caught on camera with right now."
"Why not? You're practically as famous as us right now! I mean, even if you weren't it's still okay! We're friends!" Yeojin tried to reassure you but something just didn't sit right with the manager telling you a few days back that your name was at such a high place right now, and they wanted you to take care of it and make sure you didn't get into any sort of trouble or your group was going to plummet.
It was repulsive how they highlighted the idea that since you were on the first of all brand reputations since your groups debut, it was up to you to keep your group's name afloat. And if that type of toxicity rubs any other groups the wrong way..
"Oh.. we have to leave.." Yeojin mumbles, sounding disheartened as she looked up to find you giving her a sad smile. She shook her head, hugging you again before giving you a pointed look.
"I'll call you the moment we get back to the dorms, and then we'll plan another meetup. I promise—no paparazzis, we'll have lots of fun then, alright Y/N-unnie? I promise!" your heart dropped as Yeojin slowly made her way over to her group's retreating figures, she waved at you, still smiling brightly and just like that—your heart feels a little bit better at the girl's energy. Yeojin quickly bumped into Haseul, hugging her as Haseul's eyes moved to yours, you gave her a small smile and she reciprocated along with a wave.
Their group had always felt oddly comforting, but in a good way.
As your group slowly moved away from LOONA, you turned to face the direction of where you were supposed to be heading when your eyes seemed to have found themselves locking with stunningly familiar ones, eyes that would always seem to remind you of a cat's. You quickly turned away though, thinking that the woman who made your heart race about two years ago—now with striking dyed red hair—wouldn't even remember you at all. But your mind seemed to have stopped functioning completely when her usually soft, and airy voice boomed through the lobby and all of the commotion just to call your name.
"Hey! Y/L/N Y/N!" almost everyone around the both of you looked rattled out of their minds, watching silently as the two last members of each group stood only but a few feet apart, members standing behind them stopping on their tracks to understand what it was all about. Heejin whom was standing next to Hyunjin looked scared for a moment, only for her eyes to soften when they landed on your figure.
Jinsoul on the other hand had no filter, literally saying, "What is this? This is how you get a girl's attention, Kim Hyunjin?" before Kim Lip bursted into her iconic laughing face, grabbing Jinsoul's arm and shaking her. Chuu smiled widely at you, she always had but this time it's as if there was some meaning to it, with Cheorry turning from waving at a fan to grin at you—along with Yves smirking and Vivi giving Haseul a side eye.
Even Olivia Hye looked intrigued by the commotion, with Gowon drowsily clinging onto her but looking around as if she was confused.
"Y/L/N Y/N.." Hyunjin said softly this time, eyes only on you. You swallowed sharply, quickly bowing with the usual 90° degrees before eyeing all of the cameras that seemed to surround the both of you.
"Hyunjin, maybe another time.." Heejin tried to tell her bestfriend but she barely paid any attention to it. Instead, LOONA's Kim Hyunjin walked over to Y/L/N, in the middle of every single news outlet there is, every single fansite, every single curious gaze—she stood infront of you with a determined look on her face that had you shuddering slightly on your spot. She looked more mature up close, if you had a major change from losing some of your baby fat, Hyunjin looked almost nothing like the soft featured sunbaenim you met in that store two years before your debut. She looked like an actual sunbae now—if that made sense—as she stared right back at you, the soft gaze was still there but her aura emitted such strength, a newfound sense of maturity that wasn't exactly present when you bumped into her that morning.
"Hyunjin-sunbaenim." Hyunjin felt slightly taken aback by how your voice seemed so different from how it always used to echo in her head since that day, you no longer looked like kid and instead—if it was even possible, you looked way more beautiful than the first time she saw you in that damn article. And God, you've aged well since she last bumped into you, even though you look as if you could easily be knocked off on your feet from the pressure of all the eyes on you right now..
Hyunjin wanted to tell you that you'll be fine, that you're doing great.
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
But Hyunjin wasn't that good with words, she proved that to herself when countless of times she'd hear Yeojin talking about her day with you, how she always said you were bound for a great career ahead. Hyunjin could barely ask Yeojin for your number, she wanted to just have it so many times but that was your deal, she wanted to get it from you because she respected you—and it took her two years.
Two years to find the guts to stand infront of her favorite junior, practically the only junior that had caught her attention ever since.
"Here, type in your number." if your eyes could only bulge out of it's sockets right now, it would've. Collective gasps and camera flashes started going off as Hyunjin held out her phone infront of you, looking as laid back as ever while your mind goes into a complete shut down.
"What did she say?"
"Hyunjin just asked for Y/N's number? Here?!"
"Oh my God, this is—what??"
"Alright, alright—you're not seriously doing this here, aren't you, Kim Hyunjin-ssi?" Yves calls out from behind Hyunjin but the girl didn't even hint at acknowledging it, making Heejin sigh and turn to Yves with a knowing look, the challenging smile on Yves' lips dropping into a confused pout as Jinsoul let out yet another one of her amazed laugh.
"Wah! This is really happening!" Chuu and Kim Lip bursts into a fit of laughter, the sound bringing you back from your trance to scan your sunbaenim's now flushed face.
Kim Hyunjin is.. flustered?
"Hyunjin is fine." your eyes moved to the awestruck people around you, trying to find both of your managers only to find your members holding your own back—and LOONA's manager watching the interaction with an amused look.
"Are you going to make it up to me or not? I'm not the one with a flight to catch, Y/L/N Y/N." Hyunjin rolled her eyes but only in a teasing manner, tilting her head at you as she lightly waved her phone onto your confused face before it registered to you that she was talking about the convenience store incident. You instantly flushed, cursing internally at how you could forget your own words like that before nodding quickly, reaching over to grab her phone only for it to be pulled away by Hyunjin which confused you once again.
"I want your number, not your manager's, not your members', not the number you give for business transactions—I want the number on your actual phone," Hyunjin stated firmly, leaning her face to yours and staring at you intently. You nodded slowly as you reached over to grab her phone, but she pulled it away yet again, "I want to be your friend, Y/N." she finished, placing her phone in your hand before pulling away to lower her eyes at you as she crossed her arms on her chest.
And just like that, there goes all of your worries about everyone's prying eyes and your spot on the brand reputation rankings..
You swallowed thickly, trying to calm the sudden burning feeling in your entire body as you quickly typed in your number—cautiously eyeing her intimidating stance before grabbing your phone from your back pocket, pressing the call button on Hyunjin's phone for your own to start ringing. Once Hyunjin looked satisfied, you typed your group's name and then your name before handing Hyunjin her phone.
"Assa! Unnie~" Gowon cheered from behind Hyunjin, with Olivia Hye looking at the back of Hyunjin's head as if she's impressed.
That didn't stop Kim Lip from cackling loudly with Jinsoul, Chuu, Yeojin and Choerry though.
"Kim Hyunjin! Just like always!" Heejin cheered, grinning when Hyunjin turned to glare at them.
"Yeojin said she'd call me when you're all back to the dorms.."
"Not if I call you first." Hyunjin stated firmly with a knowing look, as if she already knew she was going to win.
To which you only softly smiled at.
"It's a thirteen hour flight to the US, you know that right?"
"Hyunjin! We need to go!"
"I know!" Hyunjin's eyes widened, waving her hands dismissively, "That's not directed to you, Y/N—I can't ever get mad at you." Hyunjin frowned to herself to which you only shortly laugh at, nodding before glancing at your own members making heart poses but the others also pointing to the gates. You faced Hyunjin who looked almost like an abandoned cat who didn't want you to leave.
"I should get going.."
"See you around, Hyunjin." you bowed yet again, but this time it was a quick one and with a smile—different from the ones that were shy, and apologetic—it was an actual smile, a smile that Hyunjin felt as if the butterflies in her stomach were going wild as you did the simple action.
"See you, Y/N." Hyunjin watched as you retreated back slowly to your members, hesitant yet making your way back to them. You were just about to disappear from her view when you heard her call you again, to which you almost automatically turn at, but you did anyways, stopping on your tracks yet again to find the image of a giddy looking red haired Kim Hyunjin smiling from ear to ear, eyes crinkled as she did.
"You're still going to make it up to me, right Y/N?" she asked sweetly, making you all flustered yet again as everyone around you seemed to find this interaction sweet.
"Ofcourse, I promised."
And with that, Kim Hyunjin practically skipped all the way to the van—staring at your contact name she changed on her phone.
My Favorite Hoobae.
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This acc is dedicated to writing loona ideas that I have, maybe some day I'll take requests who knows—but for now, I'm going to focus on writing alot of imagines for Kim Hyunjin because she's my bias and I.. Don't.. See.. Much.. Hyunjin.. Imagines..? So yeah, if y'all want to follow, by all means we're chill here~ but thanks for reading! I hope this was as entertaining to you as it was for me writing it!
Also, I make the gifs myself, but to give credit to the original source I will always put the link of the video and the channel name from where I got it from at the bottom of each author's note. If any of these sources do not want their work to be displayed like this, please inform me immediately and i will get rid of the gif and.. find another source that wouldn't mind. I just use specific visuals for the ideas so..
May Kim Hyunjin guide me to write even more..
Laters (for now),
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> ovc: NewsenTV (200120)
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pocketreads · 3 years
REVIEW: Dark and Shallow Lies by Ginny Myers Sain
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Thank you to PenguinTeen for sending me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!
To Keep It Short: I knew this was going to be a fun, spooky read, but I definitely didn't anticipate it to be this good of a time! (A TL;DR can be found at the bottom of this review!)
Summary: La Cachette, Louisiana, the self-proclaimed Psychic Capital of the World where Grey spends her summers, is the worst place to be if you have something to hide--and the place where Elora Pellerin, Grey's best friend, disappeared six months earlier.
Grey can't believe that Elora vanished into thin air any more than she can believe that nobody in a town full of psychics knows what happened. But as she digs into the night that Elora went missing, she begins to realize that everybody in town is hiding something - her grandmother Honey; her childhood crush Hart; and even her late mother, whose secrets continue to call to Grey from beyond the grave.
When a mysterious stranger emerges from the bayou - a stormy-eyed boy with links to Elora and the town's bloody history - Grey realizes that La Cachette's past is far more present and dangerous than she'd ever understood. Suddenly, she doesn't know who she can trust.
In a town where secrets lurk just below the surface, nobody can be presumed innocent.
CWs: alcoholism, smoking, physical child abuse, mentioned murder/drowning of children, brief mention of self-harm/suicide Release date: 8/31/2021 Publisher: Razorbill (Penguin Teen) Page Count: 432 Genre: YA Paranormal Thriller Is It Queer: No, aside from an "oh, he's gay" for a side character
I was pleasantly surprised by this book! I knew it was going to be an interesting one from the get-go, but I honestly didn't expect to like it as much as I did - I'm not typically a fan of YA thrillers. But Dark and Shallow Lies was fast-paced, beautifully written, deliciously eerie, and - shocker - dark! I loved the small-town bayou setting - murder mysteries where everyone knows everyone are always so intense, and this was no different. So much heartbreak at stake (and oof did I feel that heartbreak). And speaking of the mystery - this one had me guessing up until the very end. I'm not the best at guessing plot twists, but I'm not half-bad, and still, this one kept surprising me over and over. I seriously thought I had guessed it a few chapters in, but oooh, I was dead wrong! (Haha... get it... dead? Ahem.) There really are so many dark and twisted secrets to keep your attention glued to the pages! I enjoyed the cast - especially the voice of our narrator, Grey - although I do wish we could have delved deeper into some of our side characters. I felt as though Zale in particular had a lot more story to him that we didn't get to see, and would have loved to see his character expanded upon. The same goes for Sander, who I feel very deeply deserved more page-time because I love him very deeply. There is a love triangle of sorts, which I'm not usually a big fan of. The same remains true for this book, but I found that the plot cast most of it in shadow, so it's completely tolerable if you're also not into love triangles. And if you are, it's still present enough to fill all your love triangle needs, I promise! If you're as intrigued as I was by the idea of a thriller with small touches of the paranormal, check it out; it won't disappoint!
★★★★✰/5 STARS (4)
Pros: Fast-paced, eerie, fun cast of characters, fantastic mystery!
Cons: Some characters could have been further developed
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Love On-Set (Pt. 06 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
Word count: 3 K
<- Previous part (05)
Next part (07) ->
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Los Angeles
The fresh wind messes with your hair as you squint your eyes at the rising sun. You always loved the beach, but this one is your favorite. The way the light blue color of the ocean mixes with the sky is breathtaking, and you know you could spend all of your days here, just looking at the horizon, not a single worry on your mind. It's peaceful, like paradise. The sand is soft under your bare feet, and there's nobody here yet. It's too early, and the only reason why you're here is because you missed this feeling.
It doesn't matter where you go, you'll always want to return here, even is it's just for a visit. The only sound you hear is from the crashing waves, slow and calming, like music. You can't help but smile, eyes closed to better feel the warmth of the sunlight in your skin.
The unmistakable click of a camera gets your attention, forcing you to open your eyes again. Furrowing your eyebrows, you wonder if someone recognized you. It happened only once, even before the shooting for the season three started when a girl spotted you as the girl who Billy almost ran over. But that was it.
Turning around to check the source of the sound, your heart stops for a moment when you see Dacre, still putting his phone down.
“Sorry, but you were looking so good.” He says, making his way over you.
He's the one looking good. The white pants and pale blue shirt mix perfectly with the atmosphere, light, and relaxing. And all the rest too. His face, his smile, the way he walks. You're quick to notice the first three buttons of his shirt are opened and you wonder if he's getting this idea from Billy. “Me? Please, look at you. You're... Gorgeous.”
“Yeah.” She simply says, finally reaching you. “I'm glad you're still here. I was scared you'd be gone.”
Dacre lives forty-five minutes away from you. It's not that close, but close enough, you think. Maybe it's fate, or so says Millie. Like a sign. “I can't believe you came all the way here.” An hour ago, before you came to the beach, you answered his text to let him know where you would be since you wouldn't bring your phone.
“Better start trying, because here I am.”
Biting your lip to hold back a smile, you turn at the ocean again. “Well, this is one of my favorite places on Earth.”
“I noticed.”
“Really? How?” Crossing your arms, you look at him. Dacre's eyes are as blue as the ocean. But they're much more beautiful.
“The shine in your eyes.” He answers, shrugging his shoulders. “It's pretty obvious if you pay attention.”
“You say these things and I don't even know what to think.” Unlike you, Dacre doesn't try to hide his feelings or thoughts. He's honest, every time.
“Just tell me how you feel about this place.” He lightly touches your arm, and you set in a slow walk.
“Uhm...” You mutter, feeling as his hand slides down your arm until it reaches yours. His fingers linger for a while, and you feel the usual sensation Dacre brings you. Butterflies, moving all over your skin, tickling. Slowly, very, almost painfully, his fingers brush on yours, and when he's just about to let go, you decide to be brave, intertwining your fingers with his. You wait for him to still want to let to, but he doesn't. His grip only gets tighter. “It's beautiful, obliviously.”
“That's it? Is that everything you have to say about one of your favorite places on Earth?” You stop a few feet away from where the ripples reach. “You know you can tell me how you feel, right? I want to know.”
Taking a deep breath, you turn your body towards Dacre, trying not to look as nervous as you feel right now, holding his hand. “This is nostalgic. It's my second home after that house over there.” You gesture at a small group of houses by a cliff. “Mine is the tiniest one. I grew up here but only moved back a year ago. This beach makes me feel... Free. Like there is not a single worry in the world. It's... Bliss.”
Dacre is already looking down at you when your eyes meets his. The smile on his lips sends shivers down your spine. “I'm happy you shared it with me.”
“It's just... A couple of words.” Blushing, you look down. “It doesn't mean anything.”
“It means a lot.” His free hand comes to your face, fingers softly caressing your cheek and jaw. “To both of us.”
You were just about to say something when the water reaches your feet, and you give a little jump. “Oh my Gosh!” You exclaim, giggling.
“Wanna go for a swim?” He asks.
“I can't.” Shrugging your shoulders, you take a look at the ocean. “I don't know how to.”
“It's not a big deal.”
“We were shooting next to a pool and you didn't tell me you can't swim?” He sounds a little offended, but when you look at him again, you can tell he's faking it. “I play the lifeguard, I should know that.”
“Well, you never asked.” Letting go of his hand, you start walking backward, away from the water.
“No, no.” He's quick to grab your arm, smirking. “We will go for a dive. C'mon.”
“No way!” You start pulling back, and a small fight starts. “You have your phone with you, remember? You'll ruin it.”
“Let me just–.” Dacre searches on his pocket, easily finding his phone and throwing it on the sand, away from the water. “Problem solved.”
“I won't let you drown. Trust me.” His voice invites you in, and you know you can't fight it. And you do trust him.
Sighing, you surrender, allowing him to pull you into the water. Your eyes are focused on his, and it's impossible to keep the usual distance. When your feet stop touching the bottom, you have no choice but to cling onto him, arms around his neck. Dacre holds you tight, arms encircling your waist, and you feel secure in his embrace. Fortunately, the water is calm, and the waves are small. It'll change in a few hours though, but for now, they won't be a problem.
There's nothing else to do now. Your foreheads are almost touching, and there's no space between your bodies. You've never been this close to him, not even on scene. You wonder if he can listen to your heart, beating insanely fast.
“Hold your breath.” He says and you nod, taking the deepest breath you can.
Dacre pulls you down with him, and you close your eyes shut. It only takes a few seconds before you break to the surface again, releasing the air from your lungs and lips breaking into a smile.
“You ok?”
“Yeah. Why?” You ask, letting go of him just to remove some of the hair that was attached to your face.
“Your cheeks are red.”
“Oh...” There's no way to hide it now, standing face to face with him. “I'm alright. I know you won't let your co-star drown.”
“Never.” He whispers, his voice deep and soft. “Actually, I–” Dacre is cut short by his cellphone ringing. It's a low, calming song you don't know.
“Maybe we should go.”
“I know who it is. This magazine wants an interview and a photoshoot but I told them I'd only accept if you could come with me.”
“What?” You giggle, furrowing your eyebrows. “I'm not as famous as you, they wouldn't want me.”
“The whole interview will be about Billy and Stranger Things. People are already shipping Billy and Amy, it'll only make sense if you're there with me.” As he speaks, Dacre starts making his way back to the beach, only letting go of you when you're out of the water. “And the moment season 3 starts, you won't be left alone by the fans, trust me.”
“Would James allow it? Seeing us together will raise suspicions.”
“Yeah, I texted James about it. He said it's a good idea, to get people hyped for the next season.” Dacre carefully picks up his phone. “What do you say? We could even go out after. Have dinner somewhere nice.”
Does he mean it like a date? It can't be... Right? “Ok, then. When is it?”
“Tomorrow afternoon. I'll pick you up.”
Smiling, you nod, biting your lip.
You would stay the whole day with Dacre, but you had promised your mother you'd spend the day with her. And Dacre understands it. You took him to your house so he could dry himself and have breakfast since he only had a cup of coffee.
When he leaves, your mother makes a lot of questions, and you're happy to answer. She teases you a lot, making silly comments and reminding you how handsome Dacre is throughout the day. You don't need to be reminded though, you know it very well.
When the next day comes, you patiently wait for him after having lunch and taking a fresh shower. You wonder if you'll always feel this nervous about Dacre. Just the thought of seeing him in a couple of minutes sends a shiver down your spine, makes your stomach burn with anticipation. When the doorbell rings, you jump up, taking your bag, and ignoring the stare your mother gives you.
“Bye, mom.” You mutter, heading to the front door. Taking a deep breath, you open it, trying not to smile. And failing. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He says back, and you start making your way to his car. “Excited?”
“Wondering what they'll ask. They always want some spoilers.” You get into the passenger seat, blushing with the fact that Dacre just opened the door for you.
“That they do.”
The ride is filled with chattering. You tell him about your childhood and he does the same. Eventually, you're not sure how exactly, you have your hand on his shoulder as he drives, then on his neck. He touches your leg every once in a while, and you can't help but blush a little.
But soon enough you're at this amazing, luxury hotel. The photoshoot will take place at the pools, which are absolutely incredible. It's huge, and there's an aisle in the middle, with a bridge that leads to it. A stylist comes to take you to the dressing room so you can change. It'll be 80's themed, so your swimsuit is very colorful, blue, green, and pink. The one piece is open on the sides and on the back, and it looks amazing. Your hair is done very quickly, beach waves with some volume. It takes an hour until you're allowed out, and Dacre is ready, talking to a guy. He looks good, his blue and green shirt unbuttoned, leaving his chest exposed.
“Hey,” you mutter when you're close enough. “Looking good.”
“Not as good as you.” He says, winking. “We were waiting for you, the interview happens now, then the photoshoot.”
“Alright.” Dacre guides you to a small scenario, with three chairs and a huge Stranger Things poster behind. The cameras are already positioned, and a woman comes to pin the microphones on your suits.
Once everything is ready, you and Dacre sit down, and a middle-aged woman takes the seat before you, a smile on her lips. The interview goes on very well, with small questions about what the public can expect from the new season, and from the relationship between Billy and Amy. People are really excited about it, you didn't know how much. You make a self note to make some research, to know where exactly the fans stand.
It was great until the video in the gym comes up. “I think it's pretty obvious, but that got people talking.” The woman, Maryan, says. “So I gotta ask. Is there anything happening between you two? Away from the cameras?”
You exchange a glance with Dacre, and you have no idea what to say. You don't want to say no, but you're too scared to say yes...
“Well, if there is you'll find out soon or later so...” Dacre speaks up, and you can tell this is the gentle way of saying this isn't her business.
She seems happy with that, making a quick remark before finishing the interview. Then different people take over. The photographer, a short man with grey hair and a huge camera starts guiding you around the pools. The stylist comes to fix your hair every time you strike a pose. And obviously, it takes little time for you and Dacre to be put close, very close.
You have fun though, laughing at his jokes about how weird things can get on these things. And that he's happy you're here.
“Alright. (Y/N), lie down, please. Dacre, sit down beside her.” Nodding, you follow the instructions. Half your body is in the shadow and the other half under the sunlight as you lie down near the pool. “Dacre, I want you to look down at her, and (Y/N), reach out your hand to touch his face.”
Trying to keep it professional, you do as he says. Dacre's eyes burn right through you, and you would give all the money you have to know what he's thinking. Slowly, you caress his jaw with your thumb, realizing you never touched him like this.
“You ok?” He asks, for the hundredth time. Dacre is always making sure you're comfortable, but the truth is that you're more than comfortable. You're actually starting to crave for this proximity, for his touch.
The camera flashes and you smile. “Look over here.” The photographer commands and you follow. “Amazing, amazing.”
The good news is that you're enjoying yourself. The bad news is that they make you get inside the pool, which is too deep. So all the photos have you on Dacre's arms, and honestly, you don't mind one bit.
The night is falling when the photoshoot is over and Dacre takes you to one of his favorites restaurants. It was an area on the back from which you have a view of the city. You both continue talking about childhood memories and stuff like that, and you tell him about your father. How he forced both you and your mother to put the walls high, to keep people away. Dacre is so kind though, reassuring you he wants to get in. That he wants to know how you feel, all the time. You still wonder if he means it though, you can't help it. But by the end of the night, after you both ate the desert and are now just chattering, you feel like he means it.
“Oh, have you read the script they sent us? They changed so many things they had to add another episode.” Dacre says, elbows on the table.
“Of course I didn't.” Shrugging your shoulders, you raise an eyebrow. “We got a five days vacation and that means no work. And since I have you to read it and tell me everything... Why should I?”
“Really? Are you making me do all the hard work in scene?” He makes a pause when the waiter comes with the check.
“James always likes it better when we improvise anyways.”
“I have no idea why.” He says, taking the check.
“Hey, we can–”
“I'm paying and that's not up to discussion.” He cuts you off, giving you a glance as he leaves the money on the table before standing up.
“(Y/N), I...” You were just about to head to the exit when he stops, still near the table. “I'm not sure if I made it clear, I should've have... But this was supposed to be a date.”
Blushing, you gasp, looking at him in the eyes. “It kinda felt like a date but I didn't want to assume anything.”
“Well, if you're ok with it, I'd like this to be the first date.” Some people walk by, so you set in motion, walking towards the exit and to the parking lot.
“I'm ok with that.” More than ok, actually. Your stomach feels funny as he opens the passenger door for you, and your skin is on fire.
“Well...” He mumbles as he gets in, starting the car. “It's still a little early but since we have a flight tomorrow morning, we'll both need to get some sleep.”
“Definitely.” You agree. Tomorrow you'll be flying back to the set, straight to the kissing scene. As if he's listening to your thoughts, Dacre gives you a glance. “Excited to go back to work?”
“I am actually.” He nods, eyes on the road.
“Why?” It comes out suddenly because you can't help but wonder if it's for the kiss. If he wants to kiss you as you want to kiss him.
“...I miss the guys, that's all.”
“Oh...” Shifting in your seat, you look away from him, eyes on the road ahead. Your heart sinks a little, and now you're genuinely confused. “Me too.”
“Yeah.” He mumbles, a hand running through his hair.
The rest of the ride to your place is silent, and when you get there, you mutter a goodbye. Once you're inside, away from Dacre, you can't help but feel a little stupid. Maybe you're misreading the signs. He did say today was supposed to be a date, so you don't get why he ignored the kiss. He knows that's the scene you'll be shooting tomorrow night. You'll be thrown back into work straight into the very scene you've been worrying about since the beginning. You were hoping he'd say something, make it easier or... You just don't know anymore. If Dacre wants a date, he should want a kiss too, right? Isn't it how it works?
Not even the fresh shower helps you understand what's going on. With you or with Dacre. Climbing into bed, you feel the wind invading the bedroom, but you're too lost in thoughts to enjoy it. The truth is that you were excited to do it, to shoot that scene and finally kiss him, but now... Now you feel as you did on the first day.
The soft notification sound of your phone gets your attention. Stretching your arm, you take it. It's a voice message from Dacre. Maybe he regrets the whole first date thing and he wants you to know... It'll only make things worse, but you should know it. The sooner the better. You're a professional, and you'll manage to do your job no matter what.
Taking a deep breath, you unlock your phone, pressing play on the message and bringing the phone to your ear.
You can hear his heavy breath before any words come. It takes a couple of seconds until his voice breaks through. “I probably shouldn't say this through a message, but I think I won't be able to sleep if I don't let you know how I feel.” A pause, something falling on the background. “Tomorrow on the scene... It won't be Billy and Amy, it'll be you and me.” This makes you sit up straight, a hand in your heart as it starts beating dangerously fast. “I can't be Billy when I'm with you, when we're so close, it just... I've been breaking character every time and I never struggled so much with a character before.” His voice is heavy with sleep. “I know you've been struggling too and I have no idea why I didn't tell you all this in the car, I just... I really like you and tomorrow I'll kiss you but I didn't want our the first kiss to be like that... So I'm just letting you know when it happens it won't be Billy, it'll be me and... And I hope it'll be you too. Good night, (Y/N).”
His voice is long gone, but you keep still, frozen, eyes on the wall across the room. You can't believe what you just heard.
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelanin @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines @peakascum
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lesdreams-author · 3 years
Ready or not, love doesn't wait part 2/10
How should she tell Jean about her... Condition... She can't simply goes into her office and say
You know that night we promised to don't bring up ever? Yeah, that night you cheated on your fiance and broke my heart...well, it seems like we are really fucked up because we managed to achieve something most people doesn't. You got me pregnant.
Lisa groans, head hitting the desk.
It's not a miracle to get two women pregnant in Teyvat, not with all the magic and bullshit going on in this world. But it's rare, so rare it's needs a set conditions. Like first, if two women wants to be pregnant they can make a potion, drink and then have sex. Their visions will take care of the rest. The other way is to wait for Venus align with Teyvat, it's a really rare phenomenon, only happening each 10 years. If the women has visions and Teyvat is perfectly align at Venus, the gods will grant those women get pregnant.
Everybody knows this story but it's so rare nobody really believes in such thing.
Well, turns out it's true. That is the only explanation to Lisa's current state. She even looked at old newspapers to confirm Venus was indeed align that night with Teyvat.
Fucking great
At 25 years Lisa Minci got pregnant from her best friend. Her betrothed beast friend.
( ╹▽╹ )( ╹▽╹ )( ╹▽╹ )
They got out to have dinner together, one thing they aren't doing with so much frequency anymore. Not after that night.
She was going to a date with Diluc but Lisa called, asked to meet her and well, Jean isn't in the mood to look at Diluc's face. She hasn't been for a while now.
Either way, she downs her better clothes - white pants, blue shirt and a leather jacket - and goes to the cat's tail.
The place is packed and she is grateful because when she looks at the bar she remembers that night, remembers Lisa's lips, her taste, the abundantly fluids on her tongue, the way her body shivered when she sucked her slowly.
A sighs is released on the air. She can't think, she can't remember that night. They are friends and can't only remain like that.
Her wedding is getting closer by the minute and her father is pressuring her all the time about heirs.
She shakes her head and searches the place for Lisa's profile. When she realizes her friend isn't here yet she chooses a table near the back of the room and sits.
Since that night she can't stop thinking how she feels towards Lisa. Can't stop comparing the boring sex she has with her fiance and the earth shaking one she had with Lisa.
Yeah, she knows she doesn't really likes Diluc but she thought she would come to like him with time. He is an okay guy - most the times - it's just, he is boring, he bores her to death and after having Lisa...nothing is the same.
She rises her head and sees Lisa looking for her, watches the way her simple dress hugs all the right curves on her body without being scandalous. When her green eyes meet her blues, Jean feels that pressure again, that anticipation building up on her stomach.
Soon Lisa is seating in front of her, red lips opening in a sheepshly smile, apologizing for her tardiness.
Jean doesn't mind, she wouldn't mind wait for Lisa forever.
L: " should we order?"
Lisa asks, finally breaking Jean daydream. She nods.
They make their order, Lisa ordering some pasta and chicken - no wine tonight what makes Jean confused. - while Jean asks for a crab stew and bear.
They talk about nothing, enjoying each other company, eating Delicious dishes.
It's only when the desert is delivered - a chocolate pie for both of them - that Jean finally asks.
J: " I liked this dinner but you seemed worried on the phone. Did you had something to tell me?"
She watches the way Lisa fidgets with her hands, her eyes roaming the room. Jean wants to touch her, to offer her support for whatever is making Lisa anxious but she doesn't. She fears if she touches Lisa, she will not know how to stop.
So she keeps quiet, eyes on Lisa while she pretends to eat her pie.
After a few minutes - maybe half hour, Jean isn't sure but it seems like that to her - when her pie is already I side her stomach Lisa says.
L: " I ..I have some news..."
Jean lifts an eyebrow and nods.
J: " to me?"
Lisa nods and after a while her lips trembles in an attempt to a smile.
L: " Congratulations, you will be a mother."
J: " " wait...what?"
She chuckles, anxiety building up and confusion lacing her words.
Lisa sighs, shoulders dropping.
J: " is it a joke? Because I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant. I had my period like, a few weeks ago."
Lisa sighs again.
L: " Yeah...I'm sorry....I don't know how to say it."
Jean frows.
J: " okay, you are freaking me out...what is going on?"
Lisa fingers fidget on too of the table and then she says, eyes on hers.
L: " I'm...pregnant..."
Jean looks at her for a long while, not really understanding anything. Is it really happening? Is Lisa joking around with her?
J: " I don't follow...You...are pregnant?"
Lisa nods slowly and Jean chuckles, trying to mask her heart squeezing painfully.
J: " Oh...I...I see... congratulations then. Who is the lucky fella?"
Lisa frows, head cocking to the side.
L: " I'm nine weeks pregnant."
Jean stops, eyebrow frowing too.
So what? She is nine weeks pregnant, it's early, only three months and...
Jean stops against. Nine weeks...It's like, around the january...around the time they had their thing, that Incrideble night she can't stop remembering.
Jean swallows.
J: " I see...So you are dating someone?"
She can't stop cave her own grave. Because it's not too after they got together that Lisa found someone, the baby's father and...Jean swallows. She shouldn't be judging Lisa, after all Lisa is single, she should find someone who will love her and Jean in a state of guilty spend an awful and bland night with Diluc too after their fling. So really, Jean doesn't have any right to be jealous, to feel broken.
L: " I...I'm not...I'm not dating anyone, Jean."
Jean frows. If Lisa isn't dating anyone so what she wants to say with it?
J: " I'm sorry, Lisa. I'm not understanding you. Who is the father? Are you like, planning to be a single mother or... I'm really confused."
Lisa groans and it shouldn't sound so sexy as it is, even more when Lisa is talking about the kid she is expecting, from some random guy.
L: " it's your baby, you stubborn woman!"
Jean smirks and then laughs.
Gosh, Lisa is crazy.
J; " Okay, I see now. You are joking with me. You really got me there, you know. For a moment I thought-"
She stops, Lisa face serious and a little bit angry.
L: " I'm not joking, Jean!"
Something inside her shifts, anxiety and fear bubbling on her stomach and making her see double.
J: " Lisa, it's not the time to joke about it."
L: " I'm not. Can you listen to me?"
Jean shakes her head, hands starting to sweat.
J: " look, you know we shouldn't be talking about that night, you know I'm marrying Diluc soon, so what is your angle here? I'm a female, I can't get you pregnant!"
Lisa face closes up, Jean can see it - as if a wall was builder up in front of her eyes -, the way her lips tighten in a fine line, the little vein in between her eyes throbbing, even though her bangs covers it most the time.
Jean opens her mouth to say something else but Lisa makes her snap it shut. Lisa voice is so calm and low, so serious it makes Jean heart plummet to her feet.
L: " I don't expect anything from you. I know you are marrying that..." She spats, disgusted and angry " guy, that you like him enough to it and you don't really like women. I know it all, after all you told me that."
Jean swallows, ashamed and sad.
L: " I came here just to say it because its the right thing to do. I expected more from you, not it you said. I would never make it up. If you don't know, that night was Venus and Teyvat alignment night. We had sex at the exact time!"
She always thought it was a tale told to kids not an actually fact.
Jean tries to say something, to apologize and ask more but Lisa doesn't let her.
L: " Anyway, if you want to accept it, fine if not, fine too. For me it doesn't matter. "
She watches Lisa rises from her chair and turn around. Jean rises too, reaching for her arm.
J: " Lisa, please."
L: " I have to go. If you want to talk, we can do it later."
She is left only with the empty table and a bill to pay.
She says to herself.
What the actual fuck happened
Jean is 25, working up her ass to ascend in the knight of Favonus and turn into the Grand Master of Mondstadt. Jean is 25 and betrothed to a guy she barely liked. Jean is 25 and her wedding is scheduled to the end of the year. Jean is 25 and she got her best friend, her biggest crush, pregnant.
Fuck me
To be continued
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scatter-the-stars · 4 years
Hi! I have a prompt. Kurt and Blaine hate each other but somehow can't stop having sex.
They’re not fuck buddies.  Fuck buddies would imply that they like each other.  And liking each other would mean being civil in any way to one another.  No, what they are is fuck enemies.  They are two people who hate each other’s guts, but seem to keep falling into bed and having the hottest hate sex that is born from, not from fighting, but from despising each other.  That anger and hatred they have for each other fueling their intense, hot fucking.
If he could change things, make it to where he doesn’t come the hardest because of Blaine Anderson’s cock, he would.  Because the last person he wants to give him the kind of pleasure he’s been experiencing this past year shouldn’t be at the hands of the guy whose life he would happily watch fall apart.
This wasn’t even meant to happen.  It was a stupid fucking drunken mistake he made last year at a Fourth of July party.  Only an inebriated him would let Blaine bend him over the arm of their friend’s couch in the pool house and fuck him until he screamed so hard he went hoarse and ruined the material of the couch.  Never would a sober him spread his legs for someone like Blaine.
That’s what he thought.  What he wanted to believe.
Until a two weeks after that first time when he let Blaine fuck him up against his front door while he was perfectly clear-headed and thinking straight.  That moment was born of weakness, and being horny.  He couldn’t stop thinking about the way Blaine had fucked him.  Couldn’t stop his traitorous body from being affected and remembering the way Blaine made him feel.  How his cock felt inside him.
Blaine knew too.  Knew what he wanted as he watched him with a knowing smirk the entire night they spent with their friends having a small get together.
He tried to deny it.  Not only to Blaine, but to himself.  Tried to buy the lie he told Blaine when he confronted him in his kitchen and said You want my cock again with a grin on his sinful lips.
His reply of Fuck you was said with such seething vehemence, that for a moment he believed the anger he put into the words.  Believed he could forget what Blaine gave him.  But his body betrayed him when Blaine roughly grabbed his chin and yanked him close until he could smell the cologne on his skin and the red wine on his breath.
Blaine’s fingers on his chin roughly dug in without a thought or care to the pain he was causing.  He saw the enjoyment in Blaine’s eyes when he let out a little whimper when he squeezed hard enough to elicit a sharp stinging pain.  He hated him for causing him pain.  But hated himself even more for enjoying it; for wanting more.
The words I can make you moan like a whore again harshly spoken with cocky pride into his ear had him seeing red.  Not at the spoken words of truth.  But at his body instantly reacting and desperately wanting just that.  At his stomach clenching and cock throbbing.
He was proud of himself for managing to say I don’t want shit from you without skipping a beat, or with a shaky voice.
Blaine saw through his bullshit, though.  Pushed him up against his front door with no resistance after all their friends had left and fucked him until he came around his cock twice.
That night, Blaine fucked him to six Earth-shattering orgams that left him angrily sated.  And pissed off that he wanted more from the guy he loathed completely.
That night started what they share now.
They fuck.  That’s all it is.  All they want from the other.  Barely show any civility to the other while it’s happening.  It’s only about getting off.  About scratching that itch the other seems to be the only one that knows how to perfectly scratch.
Wild animals in heat is how he would describe it.  How he sees what they share.  There’s no deeper meaning to when they fuck other than to achieve what they want.
No one knows.  None of their friends or family.  Not even the guys they both tried dating in the past year.  Both of whom who were quickly dismissed from their lives when they realized they couldn’t get from those guys what the other gave them.
He can still remember the proud and smug smile on Blaine’s lips when he showed up at his door two months into being with James.  Glared at him while stepping into his place.  Bit and clawed at his skin to show his anger while he fucked him so good that he screamed out his release in a way James never came close to making him do.
Blaine fucked him five times that night.  Smacked his ass in such a rough way that it seemed as if he was punishing him for attempting to try and find what he knew only he could give him.  Filthily whispered into his ear Only my cock can make you feel this good while ramming inside him.
He broke up with James a week later.
The proud smugness that Blaine wore in that encounter was returned in kind when he saw him try to attempt to be with a guy called Cody.  Wore it without guilt when Blaine showed up on his doorstep a few weeks into his relationship.  Growled into his ear My ass is the only one that squeezes your cock perfectly while he angrily fucked him.
He wasn’t entirely sure what Blaine was angry about.  Didn’t really care.  Assumed he hated that his relationship with Cody wasn’t going to work out.  Whatever the reason, he gladly took the punishment Blaine doled out on his ass repeatedly that night.  Enjoyed every orgasm Blaine gave him.  
They fuck.  It’s nothing more and nothing less.
Currently gripping two rungs of his staircase as Blaine fucks him, ass already sore from the two other times earlier, he lets out an obscene moan when Blaine sinks his teeth into his shoulder and roughly bites down on his flesh.  His ass grips Blaine’s cock as pain shoots through him.
Sweat dampens and beads over his skin.  His heart pounds and lungs try to take in breathfuls of air.  His body aches from the two times they’ve already fucked.  But hungers for the orgasm Blaine is working him up to.  Chases after it like a dog chasing a fox; desperate to catch it and bask in the joy of catching it.
Blaine covers his hands on the rungs.  Squeezes tight as he rolls and grinds his hips into his ass.  Gently bites along his shoulder to his ear.  Nips at the lobe.  Growls, “This ass missed my cock.”
Kurt turns his head and glares at Blaine.  “I haven’t missed shit from you.”
Blaine smirks and chuckles.  “Then why did you come so fucking quick the first time I fucked you?”
“Fuck you!”  No way will he ever admit that he missed Blaine in any capacity.
Kurt cries out when Blaine slams inside him so hard there’s a hint of pain that follows the movement.
“You’re a mouthy little shit, you know that?”  Blaine grabs a handful of his hair and yanks his head back.  Drags his teeth along the exposed column of his throat.  Bites at his jaw.  Growls in an angry voice, “Maybe I should shove my cock into your mouth to shut you the fuck up.”
He narrows his eyes at the guy he simultaneously wants to punch and beg to fuck him harder.
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” he snarls in reply.
Blaine lowers his mouth to his.  Not to kiss him.  But to bite his lower lip.  Sinks his teeth into his soft flesh deep and hard enough to draw blood.
The metallic taste that hits his tongue when he runs it along his abused lip thrills and excites him in a way he would never have anticipated before he started screwing Blaine.
He clenches around Blaine at the taste.
Eyes screw shut and he holds in a moan when Blaine runs his tongue along his lip; licks away the drop of blood gathered there.
For a brief moment he imagines what it would be like if Blaine covered his mouth for a kiss.  How would it feel?  How would it taste?  Would Blaine’s mouth fit perfectly against his own the way his cock fits perfectly in his ass?  Would it feel as good as when Blaine fucks him?
He lets himself wonder for a few seconds before dismissing those ridiculous thoughts.
He doesn’t need Blaine’s kisses.  Doesn’t need those questions answered.  All he ever needs or wants from him is what he’s already getting.
They don’t kiss.  Never have and never will.  Because kissing is intimate and personal in a way they don’t want to include in the fucking they do.  Kissing is crossing a line they don’t need to cross.
Blaine’s other hand drops and wraps around his aching, throbbing cock.  Grips it tight and strokes the hard flesh in the way he loves.
Kurt shoves into his tight fist.  Continues to chase that release he so desperately wants.  Grips the rungs of the staircase harder as he chases and chases and chases.  His hands ache and body thrums.  His cocks throbs hard and balls pull tight.
Just like a band pulled too taut, his body snaps.  He screams as his release slams into him.  Thick, hot jets of cum erupt from his cock and coat Blaine’s fist.  Paint the wall in front of him.  Pleasure ripples through him until it’s all he knows for several minutes.
After, after Blaine comes and pulls out of him, after he gets rid of the used condom and does up his jeans, he pulls on the robe he was wearing when Blaine knocked on his door.  Walks to his kitchen for something to drink while Blaine finishes putting himself together.
There’s no small talk or formalities.  They don’t thank the other for a good time.  They go their separate ways like they always do.
By the time he leaves the kitchen a minute later Blaine is gone.
“Blaine is coming.”
Kurt glares at Owen, his best friend, three days later at that news.  “Why?”
“Because he said he wasn’t doing anything tonight.  So I invited him.”
He lets out a huff of indignation.
Owen just rolls his eyes.  “I still don’t get why you two hate each other?  Didn’t  you two go to the same high school?”
“What happened?”  Owen curiously inquires for what seems like the millionth time in the four years since Blaine and him met up again.
“He’s an asshole is what happened,” he replies before downing the rest of his drink.
Blaine joins them twenty minutes later.  Kurt takes one look at him and walks away.  Ignores his amused chuckle.
Instead of thinking about the guy who ruined his life in high school, he drinks and dances the night away with the cute guy who catches his eye.  Lets him pull him close and roam his hands all over his body.
The guy’s touch in no way affects him.  There’s no thrill or pleasure.  Only a blank nothingness.
Although he wants to go home with the guy, he already knows who he’s going to go home with.  Knows who he’s going to pick.  Like it’s a choice to begin with.
That’s how a few hours later he finds himself at Blaine’s place sinking down around his cock.
“Knew you wanted this cock.”  The corner of Blaine’s mouth tips up in a cocky grin.
“Fuck you!”
As he looks at the face of the man who betrayed him all those years ago, Kurt finds himself wondering, not for the first time, how different things could have been if Blaine wasn’t such an asshole and a coward when he was younger.
Would they have actually liked each other?  Would they have been more than the friends they once were?  Would they be in love?
He grimaces at the idea of being in love with Blaine Anderson.  Hates even the thought of it.  Never in his life would he ever lower himself to having any kind of feelings for Blaine outside of hatred.
Hips lift and lower.  He repeatedly slams himself down on Blaine’s cock.  Rocks and grinds down on it.  Grips the back of the couch and increases the force.  Shudders when he manages to hit his prostate.
Big, strong hands roam down his back and grab at his ass.  Blaine plants his feet on the table in front of him and roughly thrusts up into him.  Shoves himself as deep and as hard as he can over and over again.
Hazel eyes blown wide with pleasure stare up at him.  He hates those eyes.  Hates the pain-filled memories they bring up every time he looks into them.  Hates that they haunted his dreams for years.  But really fucking hates that those are the eyes he has to look into to get the pleasure he wants.
“I fucking hate you,” he says with every ounce of truth to the words.
“Fine,” Blaine replies, the least bit affected by his words.  “Hate me while you finish riding my cock.”
He rides Blaine until he’s crying out with his release.  Until he’s spasming around his cock.
They don’t say a word to each other after.  Only sit there and wait until the other is ready to go again.  Go upstairs to Blaine’s bedroom and fuck their continued anger and hatred for each other out on the other.
They continue on like that for weeks.  Have angry, hate-fueled sex to get that fix they need.  Barely speak to each other in their normal lives.
Until it all comes to a head in the last days of summer.  And the hidden truths of everything is revealed.
At the beach party Owen is throwing, bottle of beer in hand, Kurt scowls when he sees Blaine walk out of the house and towards the small group that has formed around the bonfire Owen started.
“What’s with the pinched face?”  Vince asks when he notices his angry look.
“Owen invited that asshole.”  He tips the bottle in the direction of Blaine.
Everyone looks to where Blaine makes his way closer to them.
“You ever going to tell us why you two hate each other so much?”  Claire asks.  “What the fuck happened to cause such animosity and anger?”
Kurt waits until Blaine is close enough to hear him before he answers.  “Blaine took upon himself to humiliate me in high school.”
He looks to Blaine and sees the guilt fill his features as realization dawns on him what is going on.
“How?” someone asks.
He looks away from him and back to his group of friends.  “He asked me to prom.  Which was a big deal for me because Blaine was the most popular guy in high school.  And I was a nobody.  The outcast because I was the only out gay kid.  You get the gist.”  His friends nod their heads.  “Anyways, I think nothing of it because Blaine and me are somewhat friends.  And I thought, Hey, maybe he’s been hiding who he was and wants to come out.”  He looks to Blaine and glares.  “I was wrong.”
“What happened?”
Kurt never looks away from Blaine as he says, “Before prom, I went to Blaine’s house because he said he wanted to take pictures.  Imagine my confusion when I get to his place and all his friends and half the school is there.  I stood on his walkway and had red paint poured over me by him.”  He looks back to his friends, who all now look at Blaine with their own anger.  “He fucking Carrie-d me.  Laughed while saying Did you actually think I wanted a faggot like you?”
“Don’t fucking touch me, asshole.”  He moves his arm before Blaine can grab it.  His anger for Blaine renewed in a way that feels as if he’s that gullible eighteen year old on Blaine’s parents’ walkway.
Before anyone can say or do anything, he turns and bolts for the house.  Inside, he runs up the stairs and into one of the empty bedrooms.  Shuts the door before sitting on the other side of the bed; hidden from anyone who may come looking for him.
Knees hugged to his chest, he cries through his hurt and anger.  Cries for that young boy whose life was ruined.  Who was traumatized to the point of missing the rest of his senior year of high school.  The young boy who truly thought he was wanted by the guy he was secretly in love with.
He snorts now thinking about how ridiculous he was for thinking he ever loved Blaine.  Because when he looks back on what he felt for him, it wasn’t love.  It was a deep attraction and nothing else.  A strong lust that felt like love to his teenage self.
He was stupid then.  But not now.  Now, he knows better.  Knows not to fall for any of Blaine’s charms or looks.  Only sees the guy he uses to get off.
When the door opens some time later, he knows who it is without having to look.  Isn’t sure if he wants him there or not.  Feels a mixture of anger and desire swirling inside him.  Because no matter how much he hates Blaine, he still wants him.  His traitorous body still craves his.
He hears the bed dip.  Doesn’t look.  Keeps his eyes on the view outside the window in front of him.
The silence between them stretches on for minutes that feels like hours.
Blaine finally speaks.  “I have to tell you something.”
“I don’t care for anything you have to say,” he replies, infuriated.  “Go away.”
Feet hit the floor.  He thinks Blaine has left only to be surprised when he steps in front of him a moment later.  He glares up at him.
“Go away,” he repeats.
“No.”  Blaine drops down in front of him.  Determination on his face.  “You’ll hear what I need to tell you.”
Rather than fight Blaine on this, too tired to do so, he looks at the wall and waits for whatever Blaine wants to tell him.
“I’m sorry, okay?  I’m sorry for what I did to you in high school,”  Blaine says, guilt and regret in his voice.  “There is no excuse for what I did.  For how deeply I hurt you.  I was an asshole back then.  And I was so fucking scared of who I truly was and what I felt for you that I did anything to hide those feelings.  I did what I thought was necessary to protect myself from anyone possibly figuring out who I really was.”
Kurt looks at him and snorts.  “Scared, pathetic jock.  How fucking original,” he sarcastically states.  “So fucking scared of what everyone else would say or think.  Tell me?  Was Daddy part of the reason you hid?”  When Blaine looks down, he knows he has his answer.  “Of course.”
“We all aren’t you, Kurt.  We don’t always get the great dad who understands,” Blaine defends.
“Don’t fucking put this on me.  You could have done things differently.  But you chose the cowards way out.”
“Yes, I did.  And I regret that choice every fucking day.  I regret…”  Blaine takes a breath.  Sits back on his ass.  “I regret that it took you away from me.  That I never got to tell you how I felt about you.”
Curiosity gets the best of him.  “How do you feel about me?”
“Kurt…”  Blaine licks his lips as a hint of nerves shows in his features.  “I’ve been in love with you since we were seventeen.  Since that first night I gave you a ride home from work.”
Kurt thinks back to that night.  To the fear of walking home alone in the dark that was quickly replaced with relief and a sense of safety when Blaine pulled up beside him and happily offered to drive him home.  Remembers how his heart raced and skin flushed at the sexy, popular jock taking notice of him in any way.
“You hate me,” he says in a soft, confused voice.
Blaine lets out a low chuckle.  “I don’t.  I never did.  I didn’t want you knowing how I truly felt because I knew you would chew my heart to pieces.”
“You’re right.”  That’s the truth.  If he knew how Blaine really felt about him, he would have never allowed what they do to have happened.  Would have purposely ripped his heart to shreds to return the pain he had inflicted on him.
A loud silence follows Blaine’s confession.  They sit there just breathing and not saying a word.  Kurt listens to the distant sound of waves crashing to shore and his friends' laughter.
Blaine is the one to break the silence.  Asks, “What now?”
What now?  That is the big question.  What happens now that the entire truth has just been laid bare at his feet.
Some part of him wants to stomp all over that truth.  To do what Blaine feared he would do and break his heart.  But another part wants to be a grownup about this.  To take time to think things through.
“I… I don’t know,” he replies in a small voice.  “You hurt me in the worst way possible, Blaine.  I can’t easily forgive you for that.  I still carry this hatred inside me.  It won’t go away anytime soon.”
Blaine gets up onto his knees and moves close to him.  Grabs his chin and says in a soft, honest voice, “You want me to wait for you?  Then I’ll wait.  I’ll wait years for you to forgive me.  To give me a chance.  I’ll do whatever it takes.  I want you and you alone, Kurt.  I’ll wait forever for you.”
When lips crash to his, every instinct he has is telling him to shove Blaine away.  To stop this most intimate thing they’ve ever done.  But when he lays his hands on his strong, defined chest, he finds his fingers curling against the material of his shirt and pulling him closer.
The kiss is explosive and gentle.  It’s tender and sweet.  Sends a shiver through him.  Has him softly gasping and whimpering.
He parts his lips for Blaine’s tongue when he teases it at the seam of his mouth. Moans at the sharp jolt that runs through him when he thrusts their tongues together.  Forgets about his anger and hatred and lets himself fall into the wonderful pleasure.
Both of them are gasping when Blaine pulls away after several minutes.  Kurt eyes his kiss-swollen, red lips.  Suddenly finds himself wondering what they would feel like learning his body.
But as he sits there, his anger begins to seep back in.  The guy in front of him slowly goes back to being the person who humiliated him.  Who ruined his life.  He lets it take hold of him.  Lets it pull him back into his hatred.
“I hate you,” he says with raw honesty.
One confession and a great kiss will not change that.
Blaine sadly smiles.  “I know.”  He kisses him again.  This time, before he pulls away, Kurt bites him.  Takes great pleasure in hurting Blaine when he sees the blood on his lip.
Blaine touches a finger to the small cut.  Grins with pride.  “I’ll wait,” is all he says before standing and walking away.
Kurt is left there alone to wonder if he will actually truly forgive Blaine and give him the chance he wants.  Wonders if he’ll leave Blaine waiting forever.  Doesn’t see a problem with that if it should happen.
It takes time.
It doesn’t happen overnight.  Or in a couple of weeks or months.
It takes time.
Months and months pass before his hatred begins to diminish.  Until he can look at Blaine and not feel anger toward him.  Then more months pass before he is able to hangout with Blaine as a friend.  After that, weeks pass before he lets Blaine pull him close and kiss him after their first date.
Then weeks pass before they sleep together again.  And for the first time, instead of fucking, they make love.
A little over two years after first sleeping together is when Kurt realizes he’s in love with Blaine.  He almost hates himself for it.  Would if he wasn’t so fucking happy.
He figures people are right; there is a thin love between love and hate.
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