#but then i remember that on average it takes me like 2 days to respond to a text IF i haven't forgotten about it
blackopals-world · 1 year
Molly Whuppie
Gardener!Yuu x Vil Schoenheit
Part 1
Part 2
An average night for the Schoenheit family.
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Night time for the Schoenheit's was chaotic. Molly was sweet and as pretty as a doll but she was her mother's daughter.
Once all the dirt is scrubbed from her face and fingers you can see the bright rosy cheeks she had. She had enough freckles as a confetti cake has sprinkles and red curly hair that made the light around her give off an orange glow. Her eyes were like violets that matched her father's to the letter.
She was every bit of what Vil pictured when he heard his wife was with child. Especially when she was all cleaned up and dressed in the cutest nightgowns. Her hair was brushed and her teeth brushed and Molly was ready for bed. This was Vil's most precious moments of the day.
Yuu was already sitting on her bed with a book in hand. A book Vil recognized.
When Yuu was pregnant she began preparing for the future. She wrote a book for her unborn daughter; "Damsels Causing Distress"
Yuu was firm that even if Molly would be Vil's little princess she wouldn't be the kind that lets herself be one that needs to be saved. No princes to kiss you out of a coma for her girl.
Molly curled up to her mother's side. She loved being tucked in next to her chest almost as much as her papa. She smelled like wildflowers and lemongrass.
Molly could feel her papa laying on the otherside of the bed. He pulled the covers over her as her mother began her story.
"There were once 3 sisters who had no other family. The eldest was kind, the middle was talented, and the youngest girl was very clever. Her name was Molly Whuppie." Yuu read aloud.
"That's my name!" Milly gushed aloud her little hand reaching to grab Vil's hand as if to bring him over to see.
"Yes, it is. That's how you got your name Molly well that and another story about another Molly." Yuu remembered hating all the baby name books Vil poured over in an attempt to kind something perfect. It was only when Yuu started writing for the baby that the name was chosen.
The story went on as the girls met a giant woman who invited them to stay the night with her family. The giant husband wanted to eat the girls but clever Molly switched out the ropes on their necks for the gold chains on the giant's daughter's necks. She escaped with her sisters to the nearby king's palace and gave him the golden chains. But after she made it crossing the bridge no thicker than a hair she shouted.
"Twice more churl, I'll come to Spain!" Yuu said in a high picked and unwavering voice.
Molly cheered in excitement.
The king accepted and offered his eldest son's hand and marriage since the lad was taken with the kind eldest sister. At the weeding feast the king whispered to Molly.
"Say little Molly. You outsmarted that mean old giant. Could you do it again? The giant stole my sword. My middle son is fond of your talented older sister and would gladly take her hand. I will allow it if you helped me." Vil said in a very convincing impression of a king.
Molly nodded vigorously as she rolled over to face her dad. He loved it when he was in character.
Molly went back to the giant's house and stole the the sword that hung over the head of the giant and as she got it in hand she stepped on the giant's knobby head before sprinting to the bridge.
"Curse you Molly Whuppie! Never you come again! The giant yelled." Vil said in deep groveling voice.
Molly yelped and clung to her mama.
"Once more churl, I'll come to Spain!" Yuu responded in character.
During the wedding feast of the of the middle siblings the king whispered to Molly again.
"Molly Whuppie, you're the best of the best. Never has their been a girl like you. What I'd do to have a daughter like you. Not much I hope because you see my youngest son is more then fond of you and I'll let him propose to you if you help me. The giant's ring. If you get it then you can marry him." Vil said
Molly liked the prince as well and wanted to marry him. But even more she wanted to show that giant who's boss.
She pretended to get caught by him.
"Molly, Molly! I've got you now! Tell me Molly what you do to someone who has do to you that you have done to me!" Vil growled as Molly let out a giggle.
"Well churl, I'd throw them into a gunny sack with a dog, cat, scissors, with needle and thread. I'd hang that sack on a tree and find the biggest stick I can find. Then beat that sack to a bloody pulp." Yuu said as Vil gave her a dirty look. She didn't want Molly to get any nightmares.
The giant left after throwing Molly in a sack. As she hung in the tree she began to sing. She sang about all the treasures and wonders that were in that magical sack.
"Oh Molly dear, please show me what it is you see. Might you share with me? The giant's wife asked after she came by while hanging laundry" Yuu said softly like the giantess.
Molly said she would if she brought the giants ring. She did and Molly cut open the sake with scissors. She jumped out and pushed the woman in. She then used the needle and thread to sow it shut.
"Oh, Molly! You rotten girl! You tricked me! Let me out! She yelled but you couldn't hear her over the dog and cat yowling in the sack" Yuu scolded as her Molly giggled.
When the giant returned with a tree instead of a stick to beat her with. As she reeled back Molly felt a bit of sympathy and shouted.
"Good sakes man! Your wife is in there!" Yuu said in panicked voice. Both Milly and Vill laughed at her antics.
Molly bolted with the giant chasing like the hounds of hell nipped at her heels. She made it across the bridge of one hair again and raised her fist.
"Curse you Molly Whuppie! Never you come again. Never will I see your kind come to my land again, nor mine yours!" Vil growled lifting Molly in his arms.
"Never again churl, will I come to Spain!" Yuu said stealing Molly away into her arms and settling her back into her blankets.
Molly returned and married the prince and lived happily giant-less after.
"Yayyy!" Molly cheered as her body gave out her last hurrah as she began drifting off to sleep.
Her parents sighed in relief as they kissed her goodnight and slipped off to their bedroom.
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(Anyways to the asker who hates when I add character descriptions to Yuu because "you wouldn't do that" or "its not inclusive for everyone" or "not all readers are like that. I don't like you, please go away. I don't write reader fics. Yuu is not You. You aren't meant to be them. Read other people's fics if you don't like mine. You don't pay me or even know me. You aren't entitled to my work. Everyone else have a nice day.)
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missriddle03 · 1 year
➪𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀-mattheo riddle x fe!m reader
➪𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁𝘀- mattheo gets kidnapped and forced to see videos of his deas girlfriend but it isn't what it seems
➪𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀- angst cause i felt like it
➪𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱- 10 mins and 45 seconds-average time
➪𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁-1.8k
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Mattheo was sitting in his bed thinking of y/n and remembering them before it all went dark. Once he had opened his eyes he had noticed an old friend that he and y/n had taken a liking to, was watching him.
“Tell me what actually happened to y/n” he told Mattheo. His name was Jordan and had been y/n’s friend for years. “I told you all I know” Jordan didn’t believe him so he ended up punching him.
Mattheo would have hit him back but his legs and hands were tied with rope on a chair. “Let me go” he tried escaping but it was no use. “You put yourself in this” Jordan told him with a smirk.
Mattheo had no idea what he would do but he didn’t want to think of y/n. He didn’t answer him but saw Jordan grab a remote and turned the tv on. Jordan got out his wand and penetrated Mattheo’s mind. Small bright pictures began showing up on the screen. Pictures of y/n and videos were playing of her too.
It was a bright sunny day as the sun shone down onto both of them. “Hey I’m y/n, nice to meet you” she said waving to Mattheo. “Mattheo, Mattheo Riddle” he expected her to run away screaming but instead she stood there smiling. “Have you had a nice day?” “Besides everyone freaking out at me then yeah, suppose”
Y/n was scribbling away at a small potions test that she couldn’t understand. “I can’t do this,” she muttered. Mattheo was sitting next to her and noticed how tense she was. “The answer is dragon heart and phoenix tear” he whispered to her. “Thanks”
“Do you think if there is an actual heir of Slytherin that’s opened the chamber?” Y/n asked Mattheo as she started reading some books about potions. “Maybe, I’m not believing anything till I see solid proof” he simply told her. Harry,Ron and Hermione were frantically running and splashing in the water and soon the teachers were rushing over..again. “There’s your proof, Riddle” she said before turning away.
“Mr Riddle please come this way” McGonagall had told Mattheo, taking him out of his lesson.”Now, this may be a shock” she said, guiding him into the infirmary. His jaw dropped realising that y/n was petrified on the hospital bed, Her hands were reading a book that was labelled ‘history of Hogwarts’ and her face looked like she had only just lifted up her head. “She was facing a mirror, take your time Mr Riddle” she said before leaving Mattheo sitting next to the frozen y/n.
“Those dementors scare the living daylights out of me” y/n laughed. “Well as long as they're doing their job I’m not bothered”. It was lunchtime as they were all gathered in the hall. “Do you think they’ll catch him? Sirius I mean” Mattheo thought about her question before responding. “I mean they have to”
The quidditch match wasn’t a great idea considering the fact there was a massive rain and lightning problem. “They honestly shouldn’t be letting them do this but it’s fun to watch” y/n said cheering people on. “It really is,” he agreed looking at y/n.
“Who are you hoping to win?” y/n asked Mattheo as they both were cleaning out their dorms but y/n came to help Mattheo clean his. “I’m not bothered who wins. Have you heard about the yule ball?” he asked. “Of course I have, why?” Y/n tied her hair into a bobble as a quick thing to stop her hair going into her face. “I was wondering if you wanted to go with me” y/n stopped doing everything. “Are you serious?” “You don’t have to-” “I would love to go”
“Oh my god, Theo someone’s dead” y/n told him as the body of Cedric was laying on the field. “It’s Voldemort, he’s back” Harry yelled. Y/n knew this was a sensitive subject as her best friend was the son of him. “Theo, ignore it” she held his hand to comfort him even though she knew she wasn’t great at comforting someone.
“Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It’s said to smell different to what attracts them” Hermione explained to Professor Slughorn. Y/n was talking with Mattheo about how he was now a player for quidditch until Professor Slughorn stopped them. “Y/n, Mattheo why don’t you come up and test this Amortentia” They knew they had no choice so they unwillingly walked over. “I smell vanilla and watermelon” Mattheo said, causing the other girls fawning over him to back away. “I smell..a cologne and,uh, cigarettes” y/n placed her hand on her arm and went to the back of the class distancing herself from Mattheo. They both knew he had smelt her and she had smelt him.
Mattheo was playing quidditch with his big supporter, y/n, cheering him on. “YOU CAN DO IT THEO!” she yelled as he scored a goal and massive cheers and claps flooded everyone’s head. “150 points to Slytherin” the commentator said. “100 points to Ravenclaw” the golden snitch zoomed past Mattheo as he told his teammate where it was. “SLYTHERIN HAS WON”. Afterwards, a small slytherin party was held for congratulations. “You know, you did better than I thought you would” y/n told him as he rolled his eyes. They shared glances as y/n noticed his eyes going from her left eye to her right and then to her lips. They both stepped in front of each and planted a kiss on each other’s lips.”Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked as she immediately nodded.
“Are you hiding something from me Theo?” she asked him as she started noticing his strange behaviour. “What do you mean?” “You keep skiving lessons, disappearing for days on end and not telling me where you’ve been. And I swear I’ve seen you going somewhere with Draco and pretending like you don’t even know what I’m on about” she felt relieved to let it all out. “I can’t tell you” “Yes you can, because I’m just going to think the worst. Like you fancy someone else or you’ve joined a cult or you hate me or something even worse like-” “I'm a death eater okay!” he blurted as y/n’s face dropped. “Are you serious?” He pulled up his sleeve to show the dark mark. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I was afraid you’d hate me” he muttered more to himself than to y/n. She didn't yell at him, she didn't do anything but one thing she did do was hug him. Tightly. "I don't care, I just wanna know that you're okay"
Dumbledore's dead body plummeted to the ground causing alarm to anyone. The glass chandeliers smashed by Bellatrix as y/n and the other pupils started forming around what had happened. Y/n stood there noticing Mattheo with all the bad people. "why?" she mouthed, he bowed his head down as they all apparated away. "good god" she whispered.
"Have you seen Mattheo?" Hermione asked y/n as she stood their with Ron and Harry. "No I haven't" she coldy said. "Do you have an idea-" "No I don't! If I did I wouldn't be sitting here in Hogwarts" she yelled causing attention to herself. "Now please leave me alone" she said picking up her books and heading to her dorm. Pictures of them both were stuck to her wall so like a spitefull person she ripped them off the wall.
Voldemort and his followers stood in the grounds of Hogwarts as Mattheo came into view. Y/n rushed over so he could see her "You are such an asshole" she told him. Mattheo stood by his hand for a second till he decided to run over to her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I had no choice" he was begining to panic. "Yeah well I still care for you no matter what you do" they both slightly laughed and it eased the tension. "My boy has gone soft has he?" they heard him say. "I rather be soft than be like you" he told Voldemort. He got out his wand and yelled "Crucio!" y/n was sent on the floor screaming in pain. "Father stop it, now!" indeed his father did stop using crucio but on one condition. "Kneel to me son" Mattheo lowered his leg onto the ground and bowed down to him. His wand was twisting about in his hand before he yelled a spell unleashing mayhem and Harry leapt out of Hagrid's arms. "Run!" Mattheo told y/n as she began disarming the witches and wizards. Mattheo was running with her before one of Voldemort's followers followed them both. They were getting close to a ledge that none of them wanted to fall down."How dare you disrepect the dark lord over a silly little girl" he cast a spell sending y/n falling down the abyss. "Avada kedavra" he said killing the man. She was holding onto Mattheo's hand. "Let go, you'll be okay" he kept shaking his head. "You can't hold on, I love you" "I love you too" she let go off his hand as she plummeted into the ocean.
"What did you want to get out of this?" Mattheo asked Jordan. "To know the truth about how she lived oh sorry I mean died" Jordan said. Mattheo gave him a puzzled expression before he pressed onto his arm and two men, tall and scruffy, stood with a girl in the middle with shoulder length hair. "Y/n?" he asked as his tears were mixing in with the blood from the punch. "Theo?". "I thought you died, I saw it" the blood dripped onto the floor and y/n's stomach churned. "Well turns out I almost did but Jordan sorta saved me. So, I wanted to go to you but me and Jordan had a deal so I couldn't"
Mattheo's eyes darted from Jordan to the guys and then to y/n. "You didn't even send me an owl or anything to let me know that you were alive. I was fucking hurting thinking it was all my fault when in reality you just lied, for months" Jordan was watching from afar "come on boys let's leave em to it" he said before they apparated away. "I did try to send an owl to you but my owl sent it back so of course I thought the worst. Jordan told me he went on a search to find you but said he couldn't" she explained. Mattheo couldn't pinpoint why she couldn't just tell him she was alive to save him from all the guilt and grief. "You could have told me that day but you didn't" "I was unconscious and thought I did die until I woke up and saw Jordan looking after me"
Y/n untied Mattheo from the ropes and let him stand up "I won't forgive myself for not telling you" "yeah well I still care for you no matter what you do" they couldn't help themselves from smiling. "I'm just glad you're okay, I still love you" "I still love you too"
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the-hidden-posts-gt · 1 month
Borrower short story based on a dream I had where the Giant and Tiny switch bodies (Part 1?)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (in progress)
Sunshine/Sunny (yeah that’s their name, it was sunny the day they were born and their mom was just like, “yeah, that makes sense, definitely!” 😅) is 5”/~13cm, average height by borrower standards. They have brown hair, with a tiny -not so tiny- patch, bleached slightly lighter than the rest of their hair (Gideon is messy with his hair dye/bleach, and somehow it always gets everywhere. Sunny was not spared.) They have hazel colored eyes, thick brown eyebrows, crooked nose, and an ovular face.
Gideon/G/Giddy(when Sunny wants to mess with him) is a 5’10”, kind of a lanky guy, with purple hair (he dyed it), and thin blonde/light-brown eyebrows. He doesn’t look well rest, ever. He has green-blue eyes, his nose is surprisingly button-shaped, (Idk why, but that’s the description that made itself available in my head) and his face is kinda diamond shaped. (Not sure if that is handsome, but he is supposed to be kind of handsome, just underslept.)
When I opened my eyes, he wasn’t there. The dizziness had subsided, but where was he?! I needed to find him. He was too big to just vanish. He was human after all. I heard my pulse roar in my ears. Why is it so loud? My breaths were shallow, but also too much.
I heard a door open and close and I saw Gideon’s roommate. He could help. Fighting my instincts, I stood up from the couch. Why are my limbs so bulky? As he walked into the kitchenette I rushed over to him. My legs felt weighted and slow, and yet I surged forward.
“Where’s Gideon?!” My instincts urged me once more to hide from this Bean, but I needed Gideon. I needed to find him! I need to know he’s alright! Gideon had said his roommate was kind. I just hope Gideon was right.
“Dude,” the roommate smiled, far too nonchalant for an emergency. “How high are you right now?”
I blinked, taken aback. This was not the reaction I was expecting. What does that even mean? My surprise taking over instead of the panic, and I was able to really tale in my surroundings.
I am taller than him. I am taller than G’s roommate. I looked around, the room was smaller, everything was smaller than I remembered it. It was honestly claustrophobic, like the walls had squeezed in on me. Everything was … my size, I guess.
My eyes found their way back to my hands, only to realize, these aren’t my hands.
The roommate just smiled, taking a step towards me and patting my (is it mine?) elbow. “Oh yeah, you have fun with that,” he said as he guided me back to the couch where I’d been sitting. I let myself be lead, now staring at the arms attached to me, they were familiar, just … not mine.
As I was sitting down, the couch squeaked, no shrieked. I felt my pulse quicken, as the body’s instincts took over, and I was suddenly standing back up faster than I thought possible. I know that sound? No. This body knew that sound.
“You good, man?”
I didn’t respond. I just slowly picked up the pillow I’d almost crushed. I peered down at the couch, careful not to let the roommate see what I suspected was there, but that didn’t prepare me for seeing my own face staring back at me.
Light blinded me, as the entire space shook, I had been unceremoniously tossed into a dark and stuffy prison, where there was a bunch of panicked mumbling, and then something had just attempted to crush me. Now there’s an earthquake. Great!🙄 I attempted to steady myself against the wall behind me, as I held up my hand trying to block out the light and possibly understand why my world was suddenly shaken.
Instead of usable answers, I saw a shock of purple hair, before realizing I was staring at a giant version of my face. It stared down at me with eyebrows raised high. I didn’t even know they could reach that part of my forehead.
There was no respite from the chaos, however, as I was hastily snatched up into giant hands. I rapidly went from free, to shooting into the air clasped surprisingly gently within giant hands the size of me, to between two cupped hands, like I’d been caught by a kid who wanted to show a critter to their friends.
“Ugh.” My stomach was not a fan of all this jostling.
“Sorry!” My voice whispered down at me, before we slowed down enough for me to get my barrings. This must be what Sunny feels like all the time. My heart stopped, before speeding up again, to twice the speed. Where is Sunny?! If When I get out of this, I need to find them. I just need to survive whatever giant me is up to.
Part 2
That’s it for now. I like these two enough that I’ll probably end up writing about them a lot, so idk stay tuned? 🤷
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beels-burger-babe · 1 year
For Forever With You - Pt 1
***It's been a looooong time since I've written and I deeply apologize! However I'm back with our favourite wizard man! A long time ago, I wrote a little fic called "A Magical Bond" and now, after at least a year and a half, we go back to that MC and Solomon and discover their story. This is going to be a series with a new part for each era of their life that I cover. Thanks @jxcyt for the inspiration! I hope you enjoy 😊 -B ***
Summary: Two humans — one plain and dreadfully average, the other an immortal who thought he had seen an experienced it all. In any other world, they would go most of their lives without ever meeting and be destined for another, but not in this one.
Part 2
Trumpets and saxophones swelled around Solomon as he sipped on a martini, observing the dazzling lights and sparkling dresses at the dive bar he had found on his way home.
Despite all the noise and glamour, he couldn't help but smile.
This was what he loved about humanity. The vibrancy. The life.
The last few decades had been so drab in comparison with all the dark colours and constricting societal rules but now ...
He laughed as a woman squealed as her partner twirled her before extending her out away from him. The two giggled before continuing to do the Charleston around each other with their arms waving about.
It looked fun. Solomon made a mental note to try and learn it before it went out of style.
"Pardon me, sir. Did you want a refill on your drink?"
He glanced down at the now-empty glass, before looking up. He felt his eyes widen as he took in your face. "It's you!" He couldn't help but shout in surprise, taking a second to take in your appearance — the serving uniform you were wearing looked exquisite on you. It was quite different from the modest, neck-high garbs that he had last seen you in, though he supposed that was due in part to the change in times. He glanced around from you to the rambunctious crowd around the two of you. "What are you doing in a place like this? Last I checked, it was 1910 and you were a cute, quiet librarian making a modest living."
You cracked a smile, pouring his drink with the same delicate, professional touch that he remembered you carrying even as you shelved books. "The war, for starters. Library couldn't afford to stay open."
Solomon huffed, taking a hearty gulp of his drink. "Shame. I quite like your little collection of books. It was a quiet haven. I'll miss it."
"I'm aware," you responded with a teasing lilt in your voice that caught the wizard's attention. "You swung by nearly every day. To be honest, I'm as surprised to see you here as you are to see me."
Solomon paused taking a moment to observe the situation. Both of you, not quite strangers but not quiet friends, find yourselves at the same woefully tasteless speakeasy and happen to find each other. The smile on your face told him that's a good thing. And maybe it was the alcohol, but while he usually doesn't allow himself to get too close to mortals, there was something about the sparkle in your eyes that was drawing him in like a moth to the flame.
It had always been that way with you. He still vividly remembered the first time he ran into your quaint library to escape the rain, and there you were, warm and light, offering him a towel to dry off with and tea. He was hardly one to say no to such welcoming company. When he returned a second time, he had told you it was for the books, and that was true in part — you had quite the collection of vintage scripts he hadn't had the opportunity to read in some time — but he wanted to observe the compassionate creature that had taken him in. It wasn't long before coming to the library, perusing your stock, and people-watching became a hobby of his.
There was a strange ache in his chest when he went to visit you again one day, only to find the door boarded up and windows darkened.
He smiled and leaned in closer to you, "Perhaps I'm more than just the bookworm you thought I was. You seem well aware that a person can have several facets to themselves," he tilted his head, eyes flickering towards the door before returning to yours once more. "Would you care to learn mine?"
Your eyes widened, and he couldn't help but feel his smile grow as an adorably flustered look fretted across your expression. "I- I um-" you chuckled nervously, "You're more sly than I thought. I didn't take you for a cake-eater, mr ...." You blinked in sudden confusion. "Oh. All those visits to the library and I never caught your name."
"Solomon," he explained with a smirk. "And I meant no harm with my offer. Just a walk together on this lovely night and a bit of good conversation. It's been a while. I'm sure there's a story of how you ended up here."
You hummed, fiddling with the cocktail mixer still in your hands. "That don't sound too bad, I suppose," you glanced back at the clock over the bar. "My shift ends in about an hour and a half. Think you can wait?"
"Time is fickle and good company is rare and far between," your breath caught at his words as his knowing silver eyes locked onto yours. "Get back to work. I'll be back here when you're done ... though maybe a name to associate with my new companion before you leave."
"MC," you quickly offered, almost too quickly. "M-My name is MC. I-I um, yes. Back to work!"
He watched you go, his chest warm with the promise of something new, something exciting, something fun.
Gods, he hadn't felt this alive in centuries. He set down his drink and leaned back, simply enjoying the thriving atmosphere once more.
Nearly two hours later, the two of you were laughing as you walked through the empty city streets.
"There's no way," you cackled, fanning your face with your hand as your shoulders hitched. "There is no possible way that 's true."
"Well it is," Solomon teasingly reassured. "I presented his lordship with cookies that I spent at least a day preparing and they were so delightful, the man fainted on the spot. I am an excellent cook, I'll have you know."
He soaked in the sight of your head thrown back in laughter, the moon casting you in its mysterious glow and glittering off the embellishments of your uniform — a natural masterpiece. He had always been an admirer of humanity and the strange yet fascinating quirks it possessed but with you there was something drawing him in like the strongest undertow. As though the pulls of your charisma and beauty were the deadly tide and he was a sailor lost at sea. How tempting it was to let himself drown.
It was a draw he hadn't experienced since he tasted his first licks of magic.
"Solomon," he blinked himself out of his thoughts to see your hand waving in front of his face. A soft smile eased onto your face as you met eyes. "Thought you were lost there for a moment. Am I boring you that much?"
Warmth filled his chest as he smiled in return and took one of your hands into his own. "Quite the contrary."
The lovely flustered expression returned to your face once more. "Aren't you quite the flatterer," you chuckled staring at your two hands interlocked.
He hummed, never once taking his eyes off you. "Is that an issue?"
Sparks run up his spine as he felt you gently squeeze his hand. "Not so long as I'm the one you're flirting with."
A smile split across his face, "That can be arranged."
The night was one Solomon wouldn't forget. It was the first night he got to know you, really know you. You took turns asking each other questions, hands glued together, completely oblivious to the hours slipping by. The only care the two of you had was what would happen after it was time to say goodbye.
Turns out it didn't need to be a concern.
Solomon visited you in and outside of work frequently. The two of you would sneak away and Solomon would take you to all of his favourite places — little pieces of paradise that he liked to escape to when the world became too much. It wasn't something that he shared often but, as with anything related to you, you were the exception.
It was almost frightening how easy it was to open up to you. Solomon wouldn't describe himself as a particularly guarded person, but he appreciated some distance, it was safer that way. There were moments where he considered the thought that maybe you were a trap sent by someone he had annoyed. That you were charmed specifically for him to fall for.
He did research. He ran tests as subtly as he could without your clever mind catching on. The conclusion he came to was not one he had ever anticipated.
You weren't a trap designed for his destruction.
You were his soulmate.
He had heard of the concept before. They were rare and more of a child's tale than anything else. He had never actually met anyone with a genuine soulmate and as such, thought them to be nothing by horsefeathers.
But he couldn't deny it. There was a connection he felt to you the second he met you. You understood him in a way he had never encountered before. You were brilliant, and oh-so curious about everything around you. You grounded him and made him high all at once.
You were his other half.
It was a one in a million chance. One that he wasn't so keen to let go of.
The same day that Solomon made his realization, he bought a bouquet of flowers and took you to the same street the two of you had walked down until dawn.
"MC," he questioned softly as you swung your joined hands and looked at the bustling streets around you.
"Hm?" You hummed in acknowledgment, taking a second to sniff the white chrysanthemums and red primroses that he had gifted you.
"Will you allow me to court you?"
He expected sputtering, or that adorable bashful expression you get when he teases you, or perhaps laughter from shock. But he got none of that.
Instead, you cocked your eyebrow at him as you glanced over to him from the side of your eye. "Are we not already courting?"
Solomon felt his cheeks grow red as he stopped in his tracks and looked at you. "I beg your pardon?"
You snorted as gathered his arm with yours and pulled him back into pace alongside you once more. "We've been flirting with one another, going on unsupervised dates, and exchanging gifts for months now. I thought we were courting this whole time, you fool," you paused as realization struck you. "B-But um, if you didn't, then I ... I apologize if I was too forward or-"
"NO!" Solomon loudly amended, earning strange looks from the passerbys on the street around you. He waved at them in apologies before dragging you into a nearby ally. "No. That's not the case at all! I just thought we were being friendly and teasing one another!"
Your face only grew more flush at his words. "What? If that's friendly to you, then what in the world would courting mean to you?!"
He smirked as he leaned down close into your space, your back quickly finding the surface of the brick building behind you. "With any luck, and your permission, perhaps a kiss or two," your breath hitched as his hand came up to cup your cheek. "Telling you how when I see you, the sun ceases to exist as your light and radiance is enough to warm me in even the cruelest of winters. Expressing that each time your eyes find mine, I'm taken back to that rainy little bookshop and the sincere librarian who lived within it. Being sure that everyone knows exactly how much I love you."
"Solomon," you breathed, your voice threaded with utter awe that pooled in your eyes.
"I'll ask you again," he took another step closer. Your chests brushed against one another as the toes your shoes met. He could practically feel the frantic beating of your heart thrashing under your skin. "Will you allow me to court you? To love you and have you love me in turn?"
The bouquet that had been in your hands met the ground as you wound your arms around his neck and dragged his face down to meet yours.
A thousand lifetimes crashed into this one single moment, and for a second, Solomon felt so heartachingly mortal and timeless all at once. Your lips were richer than the oldest wines and equally addicting. They wrapped him with a powerful passion that he hadn't known he was missing. It was as though your souls had finally intertwined and were now waltzing the in the intimacy of your embrace.
He pressed his forehead against yours as you both pulled away. Your breath painted his shoulder as he felt your chest heave against him.
He couldn't help but laugh at your reaction, pulling you closer to him. "Is it safe for me to take this as an acceptance of my courting?"
You giggled, pecking his lips once more before bending down to pick up your discarded bouquet. "Of course it's a yes," you smirked as you batted his chest with the flowers. "It would've been a yes if you asked me properly months ago."
The smile that decorated his face was bigger and brighter than any smile he had ever worn before. He shook his head to himself and took after you, ready to chase after what little time with you he had for every drop it was worth.
***And that's the first part of this Prequel! From here we'll be jumping to the 1930s for some pre-WW2 and then go from there! Hope you all enjoy! Thank you so much for your love and support!***
@thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @yukihaie @justtiarra @mammoneybb @poly-bi-mf @burrixino @rul-of-demise @pumpkins-mainside-blog @acousticpen @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff @itskrispy @10paradox10 @vallison-rea @ivoryclive @newfangled-artistry @pumpkinpatchkid @chirikoheina @sailboat21 @theother4 @todoroses @circus-of-freaks @mcx7demonbros @bloopthebat
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cherryy-slushy · 1 year
I Will Never Fall in Love Again~ Yandere!Jason Dean
TW: Violence, cheating, abuse (alcohol related), smut?, alcohol, drugging, using (using a person for something), bad mental health. (Also I may change to personal pronouns halfway through I apologise in advance.)
Part 1!
Part 2
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Your an average person. You have a normal amount of friends, a bit of childhood trauma but an average life now, average looks and average grades. You’re no Heather. But, recently you started to wish more and more that you were. And here’s why.
Y/N has English first class, she was tired as any sane person would be. Your teacher was also majorly upbeat for 8:50 am on a Monday morning. What is she hopped up on?
Y/N looked over to her side. Great Christine isn’t in again. She rolled her eyes knowing this class is going to drag on because of the absence of her friend. She isn’t entirely close with Christine, but she still helps her get through English without loosing the plot.
She snapped out of her trance when she heard her name get called on the registration.
“Here”, She said in a blank tone.
“Perfect”, the teacher replied in a chirpy tone.
As she went back into a daydream she kicked back into reality when she heard a knock on the classroom door. Jesus Christ you know it’s a bad class when you find any way to not listen for one second.
She looked to the door as it opened. Through the open door came a deviously handsome boy. I’m talking a guy that would have girls swooning.
“Ah you must be Jason!”, Ms Fleming chirped. “Yep, that’s me”, he replied back, clearly trying to be polite but just sounding sarcastic. Y/N tried so hard not to snort at this.
In the corner of her eye she saw Veronica sawyer. Veronica shifted in her seat suddenly intrigued by the stranger. I turn my head to face her and roll my eyes. I don’t dislike Sawyer, she’s lovely, but it is pretty shitty that she dumped her only friend of nearly 11 years to be a part of the “popular” gang.
I face back up to where the boy and Ms Fleming we’re stood.
“Y/N, Christine isn’t in today is she?”, Ms Fleming asked. “No, she’s not”, I respond, remembering the tragic disappearance of my friend. Okay, maybe I’m being dramatic but this class sucks ass. I need someone to help me through the day.
“Perfect”, she said clapping her hands together, “Jason, go take a seat down there next to Y/N. Y/N raise your hand please.”
I raise my hand a small bit but not too high. Jason starts walking down the class and plomps his bag down next to the edge of the table. I try act nonchalant even though inside I’m dying. I return to scribbling incoherent nonsense onto a refill pad.
In the corner of my eye I see him look at my face and then down to my refill pad as he cocks his eyebrow.
Shit I forgot to change the page…
The sheet I was using was a page another friend of mine and I used to pass each other notes in science class. So yes, there is a massive…willy.. on there…. A very graphic image of one too..
I quickly snap the refill pad shut and pretend to listen to Ms Pauline Fleming ranting about S.E Hintons writing. She was talking about hawkes harbour.
“Im more an outsiders guy myself”, I hear a deep yet somehow high voice whisper too me. I look over at him and see him looking up at Ms Fleming.
“You’ve read the outsiders?”, I asked with a small smile starting to appear on my face.
“Have I read the outsiders? Well duh. Who hasn’t darling?”, he replies back with a small chuckle.
“Tell me, are you more a Ponyboy or Johnny person”, I asked. You can tell a lot about someone from their favourite characters movie.
“Dally”, he replied. “May not be the answer you were looking for but it’s an answer.”
I like this guy
We spoke about the outsiders for a bit longer and before I knew it the bell rang. We both started to stuff out stuff into our bags and before either of us could say anything Veronica Sawyer swoops in.
“Hey. I’m Veronica, Veronica sawyer. What’s your name?”, she asked with a polite smile. “Greetings and salutations, Veronica, Veronica Sawyer. I’m Jason, Jason Dean. JD for short.”, he smirked back.
Oh fuck, am I gonna have my heart broken by this boy.
I started getting bored of them because let’s be honest, who would want to stand there and listen to the boy she’s already starting to have feelings for talk to one of the most beautiful girls in school who is clearly swooning for him and he is clearly swooning for her. Doesn’t seem like a very fun conversation too listen too.
As I walked out I looked back to see if he noticed I left. Nope. He didn’t. Great. I kept walking down the hall and into my next class. Today is going to drag on.
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bagofburntcreampuffs · 10 months
ʀʜʏᴛʜᴍ ɪɴ ᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ
Just a minute before ★
« previous · masterpost · audition over »
➼ now playing...crossing a bridge
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It’s finally Friday, the day you were honestly kind of dreading. You’ve been trying to calm yourself down by saying ‘Auditioning is fun! I’ll be fine.’ or something along the lines of that to calm your nerves. But nothing is truly working. Azul has surprisingly been kind to you during your time of stress, of course, he understood you well. The twins had other ways of trying to calm you down. As much as you love those two. eating mushrooms and chasing down Riddle doesn’t exactly help calm your nerves. 
Then Ace was such a prick during the time Friday was about to arrive, asking you how you felt when you were just about to relax and forget about it. It’s like he knew when you were finding peace in yourself. You can only name a handful of times when your friend group tried their best to support you during this stressful week of anxiety and this bubbling feeling down in your stomach, only for it to become much worse. 
Yuuken was the kindest in your opinion, helping when you asked and being patient. Praise that man! You clasp your hands together and blow onto them with the warmth of your breath. Your hands feel much colder like you were back in the ocean. Walking down the halls reaching to class 2-B you pulled down your headphones and checked the flurry of messages that suddenly appeared on your phone screen. 
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A sense of relief passed you as you read and answered the messages. You open up the door to class 2-B to be greeted by the regular band members, and at least five more students who are sitting on the side of the room. Kalim gives you a bright smile before rushing towards you. “You’re here!”
“Hi. Sorry, did I come a little late?”
“No no! You just got here in time, they already decided in what order they wanted to go by though. You’ll be singing last if you don’t mind?” Kalim responds as he drags you to his bandmates.
"Great, of course, I had to be last.” You thought to yourself while internally groaning. “No, that's fine!” You lied, of course, you care. Being last is the worst because most people pay attention to you more. Maybe that isn’t true, after all once it’s the last presentation you’re more focused on the time than the one talking. You try to reason with yourself to calm your nerves. You wave to Cater and Lilia as you pass by them, Kalim continues to drag you by the wrist till you reach Jamil. Your stomach flips seeing his face again. Jamil..there’s not much you know about his character. He’s quiet, worries about Kalim a lot, has average grades, and he’s on the same team as Floyd and Ace. That’s all you know, but something about him makes you all the more embarrassed about auditioning. Especially in front of him. 
“Jamil will handle the music for today! So let him know which song you are doing or hand him your phone so he can download it.” Kalim quickly explains before heading back to his little ‘judging table’. Leaving you alone with Jamil, you can feel him tense once you look right at him. Quickly opening your phone to the song you wanted to play you then hand it to him. He takes it, but he looks you up and down before turning to the laptop beside him.
“You’re from Octavinelle? Wouldn’t being in a band be bad for your work in Mostro Lounge?” Jamil asked, still working on downloading the song.
“Well, Azul has already taken me off all the shifts at Mostro Lounge. I’m too clumsy and he’s scared I’ll run up his money from having to fix all the stuff I break.” You answered honestly remembering the time you threw that student. He deserved it! Then you remembered all the cups you’ve shattered and the plates. You pale at the thought of going back to working at Mostro Lounge.
“Oh, that’s right. You were the one who threw that student through a window? That was you wasn’t it?” He turns to look at you inquisitively. You threw your hands up to your face to hide your flustered face. “Of course, he knows..” 
“I did do that..but for a good reason though!” You answered quickly, but all he does is raise his eyebrow at you. He turns around to grab your phone.
“I believe that. The Savanaclaw students have been acting up lately. Here’s your phone.” Jamil gathers his things before walking you to your seat. “Good luck.” He whispers to you, face close to yours. You watch as he walks over to his seat and your heart is beating much faster than the moment before you walked into the room. “He’s going to be a problem for sure.”
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a/n: I've writing while running back and forth trying to complete my laundry. I'm so tired but it gives me some time to decide what to write next so ig it's okay. Anyways enjoy another chapter.
Taglist: @rivr-styx
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tuesday again 11/7/2023
three days until my birthday problems. i have been very busy with 1) prepping my costume for ren faire and 2) onboarding a new henchwoman to the evil lair, a talented little tabby we're immediately extending full health benefits to with no trial period
good morning afternoon by rebecca sugar. if i had not already known it was rebecca sugar by the voice and the understated guitar, i would have known it was her by the gorgeous synthy chimey chimes. spotify
on my release radar playlist
stop fucking using personally identifiable details in your passwords. also stop reusing your passwords and burner emails. especially if you're doing crime
A pivotal clue for validating the research into Apathyp/Fearlless came from the identity intelligence firm myNetWatchman, which found that [email protected] at one time used the passwords “геззи1991” (gezze1991) and “gezze18081991.” Care to place a wager on when Vkontakte says is Mr. Sherban’s birthday? Ten points if you answered August 18 (18081991). Mr. Sherban did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
the 2006 anime BLACK LAGOON, we're going to yoink this from wikipedia bc it's serviceable enough
The series follows the Lagoon Company, a four-member team of pirate mercenaries smuggling goods in and around the seas of Southeast Asia with their PT boat, the Black Lagoon. The group takes on various jobs, usually involving criminal organizations and resulting in violent gunfights.
unfortunately i am genetically inclined to boats and ex-military boats. it is extremely 2006 in sensibility and animation choices. there are remarkably sophisticated and fun battle sequences, and a lot of ass but little upskirting. revy (pictured below) is a dual-wielding gunslinger who is simply the worst. horrible woman that gets space to have a bit of a messy complex character arc and have a messy complex time of it. her writing and character are quite good period, not just quite good for 2006. i adore her.
the second episode has our pirates take out a helicopter with a torpedo boat (no deck guns! they just use the torpedo!) in a way that made me stand up, lift mackintosh above my head, and hoot like a tusken raider.
this is about as violent as your average spaghetti western, and much like spaghetti westerns i don't think the series is always successful in using its setting to make points about grey morality and not like. shock for shock's sake? certainly one to look up trigger warnings for.
the why: now i have a bootleg chromecast i have been watching more things on my actual television, remembered "hey this exists on hulu why didn't i finish it several years ago". still not sure why i didn't finish this several years ago. i am pirating the second season, but it's the sub which is a shame bc i quite like the dubbed voice actors, but it's a nightmare trying to find a dub with subtitles. i rarely have the patience to fuss with my own subtitle files.
turnip boy commits tax evasion, a 2021 game that was recently free on Epic. it is the studio Snoozy Kazoo's first game. i had a very strange time with this, bc the first fifteen minutes up to the first boss fight lulled me into a sense of complacency and then the minute i had to do something slightly complicated at the first boss fight (pay attention to my timing) i lost interest. i don't know if i will return to this, bc the humor didn't always hit for me (extremely online, but twitter online) and there's a major genshin update later this week.
new evil lair employee, phil (short for philip marlowe)
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recap of tragic backstory: i had seen her Around for about a week or so, realized on friday night when i scared her out of the dumpster that she had something stuck to her, and didn't see her again until sunday night, when she was too lethargic to skitter away from the dumpster. she has a VERY gnarly wound on her left flank and leg, the urgent care vet thinks she got dragged or caught in something. it is healing remarkably well, all things considered, and it's not infected bc the thing stuck to her was some vetwrap. so someone at some point patched her up?
she is SO full of milk. i have not found the kittens but there are a Lot of strays in this neighborhood, so my hope is that some other momma cat has engaged in some kidnapping.
i have a formal vet appt on the 17th for mackie that ive added phil to, so we'll see about her heart murmur, if she has a microchip (unlikely) and getting her spayed after she heals up a bit more.
mackintosh is Fucking Pissed!!! we will do incredibly slow introductions and phil will probably live in the office/guest suite for. several months. i had not originally planned on adding another henchwoman so soon, but i do have the spare bedroom, the shelter wasn't doing intakes or clinic appointments until friday, and the wound. really could not have waited until friday. it was free cat.
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maesterchill · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag @cassiaratheslytherpuff, it was really interesting to read your answers! And fuck, I remember that WIP about Muggles fighting Wizards and suppressing their magic, so if you ever do reignite that, hit me up!
Here are mine! (under the cut)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 112 works right now. (64 fics, 40 artworks, 4 poems & 4 podfics)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
422,153, which averages around 7k per fic... sounds about right, most of mine are short form.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter!! Various ships but mostly Drarry
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(All Drarry - All Explicit 😂) December Never Felt So Wrong, 50k, E (The memory loss one) My Heart was far too glad, 22k, E (The double mpreg birthing class one) When The Fallout Comes, 7k, E (the hand kink one) Every Day is Leg Day, 2k, E (the seven days of significant legs one) Eat Me, 11k, E (the chocolate cock one)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. I'm SO grateful to people for reading and taking the time to leave me a comment, so I like to thank them for that.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely my Dron fic, Primum Non Nocere (1.8k, M). Sorry, Ron!! No HEA for you in that one 😬
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Wow that's a toughie. Most of my fics have some sort of happy sappy ending. Maybe Threads of Hope (5k, T) for the family feels and for 'Harry was happy on Halloween'. 💖
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. A few strange comments from time to time and people not agreeing with my choices for characters or plot, but nothing hateful!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't think of myself as a smut writer, only 22 of my 64 fics are rated Explicit. Nor is the smut especially kinky - have dabbled in hand kink and watersports but that's about it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not exactly, but I collabed on an LCDrarry fic/art combo that was based on the trolley scene from Meet Me in St Louis, with Draco as Esther and Harry as John.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Once - into Russian. So people can now read about Гарри Поттер and Драко Малфой enjoying a hand job in the Room of Requirement.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes - quite a few! I've co-written 5 or 6 fics with @timothysboxers, I wrote a fic with 20 other authors once, which was wild, and recently wrote a little ficlet with @lettersbyelise and @sassy-cissa. Tim and I are working on another one right now - wish us luck! 😅 *sweats in writer's block* I've also collabed on 2 podfics. And have at various times and with various people participated in a fic & art collab where one of us draws and the other person writes. It's so great being creative with others!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Drarry. 🤷‍♂️
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
SO MANY. I have a lots of WIPs and some of them I *might* finish some day (or so I tell myself). But I think the George/Angelina one I started in 2018 will probably never get finished. I realise you'll all be sadface emoji about that. 😂
16. What are your writing strengths?
I really don't know. I am GREAT at starting a fic, getting the first scene and a half down. That is my superpower. I'm ok at dialogue I think?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Following on from above, I seem to have unusually great difficulty writing endings. I struggle with making things plotty, and I find it so hard to delay the smooshing together of the characters. Also descriptions of places and rooms and clothes... not my forte. (Food descriptions I'm ok with though, lol, glutton that I am)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've never thought much about it. I occasionally include a short phrase uttered by someone in another language. But not whole sections of dialogue.
Should I have opinions about this? Is there discourse here I am unaware of? 😅
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. First and only!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Like Cassiara, my favourites change every time I try to pick one! I'll go with Good Intent (12k, E) - a Jeddy fic! Ha. I don't know why but I do quite like naughty James and conflicted Teddy and the lingering love for Harry in this one. Thinking about Drarry... let's give some love too to Be careful what you hiss for (5.6k, E) - Fithy-mouthed parseltongue Harry was a lot of fun to write 🐍👅
I'll tag @citrusses @sweet-s0rr0w @basicallyahedgehog @autumnsnuggling @drarrymyheart @skeptiquewrites @xanthippe74 @cluelesspigeons @lqtraintracks @schmem14 if you want to do it (and haven't already). And anyone else who'd like to do this!
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xb0rder-7inex · 3 months
I was moved to a women's shelter and let me tell how how much more fucking comfortable it is here.
For starters at the last shelter I met some people who already know who he is and already didn't like him before they saw me and that was unsettling for a few reasons but I won't go into details. I'm having a lot of anxiety tremors and there's nobody here to hold me and I'm trying to keep my head on straight and remember what I'm fighting for.
Every support worker here is a woman my age or only slightly older which makes them really easy to talk to. There are still a few "moms," but only a few. It definitely feels more like a camp than a shelter. I ate 3 healthy meals today. I took a 30 minute hot shower in a clean bathroom. I got to put on fresh clean pajamas that fit me. My bed is actually fucking warm. I'm allowed to use my own blanket. I can smoke weed in the parking lot. I'm not sleeping on a cot beside strangers and I have my own full sized locker. A little space to myself. These are all a relief because I will be here for quite a while. I'm glad they talked me into coming here.
I also talked to the courts today and they care about what I have to say about him and that's so fucking important to me. I talked with her on the phone for 20 minutes and she gave me a lot of positive feedback about options and reuniting families after safety plans have been put in place and I'm so fucking hopeful. I meet with her next week.
Guess the best place about rock bottom is that there's nowhere to go but up.
I have literally nobody left. My dad is helpful but my mom and I have nothing to talk about and I can't stay with either of them, especially if I want to get my life together in the way that I want to. My therapist and these support workers and some of the women staying here are the only people who get why I want to go back. It's so hard to talk about and if you think the stigma around bpd is bad I hope you never have to see the stigma around being a victim of dv who isn't ready to get out. Did you know victims will go back on average SEVEN times before they leave? I guess this is number two for me, but I had somewhere to go before and I genuinely believed he didn't want me anymore.
Still... This is 2 of ~7. That's just the statistics.
That's a long time for women to not have any of the support that they need. Everything is "let's keep you out" but I have had to FIND the people who say "let's keep you safe."
As hard as this is to do literally fucking alone, I am so proud of myself for being strong through this. So many times I wanted to die. So many times I wish he had killed me. And I'm proving to myself exactly who I fucking am, both who I am to myself and who I am to him. And I refuse to betray that. I made certain commitments when I went back and I'm sticking to those commitments.
I have been emailing him several times a day but he obviously isn't allowed to talk to me so he doesn't respond. I don't know if he even opens them. I'm not blocked on snapchat and that's a good indication for me that he isn't done being in my life, although my biggest fear right now is that he doesn't care even though I know that's not who he actually is. He isn't a monster, he's just spent his entire fucking life being told that he is. I don't expect anyone to understand or be supportive but I always knew this day would come. I always fucking knew what my place in his life would mean.
I really do hope he fucking learns from this. I really fucking hope he sees that I'm fighting FOR him and realises that and doesn't take it for granted because I have never been so fucking low in my life.
I have never had this level of unconditional love for anybody, ever. And if he ever tries to tell me again that I don't fucking love him then I stg he better just kill me next time.
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valentinehorrors · 5 months
Casey's Fears Part 2
(TW: transphobia, bullying, death)
Cave mouth.
Not something new he's heard, and to those who ask what happened, he gives a simple explanation, a hockey accident.
Not a lie, but not the full truth. And when one talks with an expert in in lying, that doesn't fly.
He almost says he doesn't want to talk about it, but something about those sharp, ice blue eyes that stare through any farce he could ever muster up compels him to open up once again.
His second true fear, being found out.
No one in the area knows of his original birth gender, he's learned his lesson.
While he doesn't remember much of the events after he was locked in his room, he remembers all too well the days following.
Casey's mom was, justifiably, very upset. His dad tried to blame the alcohol, how he was raised, that he just doesn't understand. Every excuse under the sun, he threw all of them out, attempting to stay afloat. But there really was no excuse to keep a whole garbage bag full of rat corpses and then spread said corpses on his son's bed.
"If she wants to be a man so bad then she has to learn to man up!"
That one earned him a firm slap. It was the worst argument Casey had ever witnessed. He slept in his sister's room that night, even she didn't fully know what had happened.
The next day, Casey's mom had told both him and his sister to pack up, that they were leaving. Going somewhere far away from that horrible old man that she herself had been to young and too in love to see how horrible he truly was. He had just woken up and was only taking about every other word but he got the memo.
"When you fall in love one day... Please... be sure you know who they are, who they truly are..."
Something like that at least.
Next thing he knew, he and his sister had turned packing into a game, distracted as what was once arguing turned to begging, Casey's father begging to stay afloat in the boat that he had started sinking in the first place. Casey's mom was going out because she had... something to do before moving them out, he struggled to remember, he was young and his sister even younger.
She said she was going to be back for them at ten.
8:00 AM
He made breakfast for his sister, she didn't really want to eat it, but he managed.
8:30 AM
Their father started... sobbing? That was new... and caused Case's stomach to churn, he didn't feel like throwing up again. He convinced his sister to listen to music, drown it out, that would work...
9:00 AM
He started banging at their door, begging forgiveness. A grown adult, a bumbling, crying mess. Casey might've considered it if he wasn't using the same breath to throw more excuses at him.
"I saw some shit back in my day! Every man needs to see some shit to toughen up! That's just how it goes!"
And yet...
"I can't have my girls taken away from me please!"
9:55 AM
Casey was hugging his sister close, seemed like the old man had gone bac to drowning his sorrows, he could vaguely hear him trying to call his mom again...
Just a bit longer...
10:00 AM
Any second now...
10:10 AM
His sister was worried, he swore she was coming back any second now...
10:30 AM
10:40 AM
11:00 AM
12:27 PM
There were lights outside...
After his mother's death, things changed drastically. His father went back to being quiet, but he was... overwhelmingly supportive. Legal name change, hormones, all paid for. He figures it's in the form of some kind of apology.
So they moved, brand new clean slate. Casey Jones, a punk kid, always getting into fights, blood running a bit too hot for his own good. Your average rebellious teen boy.
He had promised his mom that he would live as himself and be damn happy doing it.
Casey sighed as he finished his story, leaning back until he was now laying down on the cold concrete rooftop, staring at the dazzling night sky, stars glimmering as though they could see him and wanted him to know.
Mikey didn't respond for a bit, allowing the silence to rest over them. But his eyes never left the human, his cold gaze never left his human.
Eventually, those cold eyes appeared in Casey's vision as Mikey looked down at him, "And your teeth?"
Casey paused before nodding "oh, yeah, that was the whole point of that." He chuckled dryly, "So, few years later, I'm fully me... 'scept some assholes caught me changing after hockey practice... saw my binder..." He huffed as he moved his hands under his head, his own eyes moving from the vibrant stars to those frozen lakes the turtle had for eyes. He got quieter, voice a hushed whisper as he spilled secrets he had never breathed to anyone else before. "They called me a freak... They beat me... Doctor said I was lucky, didn't swallow any of the teeth..."
It was a subtle change, it's not like Mikey's eyes shifted dramatically or changed color, but the way he held them always changed when he let his mask drop. They got sharper, more observant, and cold, so very cold. Mikey's gaze could freeze the ocean, he almost would feel as though his blood was freezing, crystallizing, every time he felt those icy eyes on him, sending shivers through him.
"Humans truly do amaze me at times..." His voice was different too, his true voice lacked any actual emotion or indication of tone, it was also slightly deeper, as the turtle lightly raised his voice when he had his mask up.
No one else got to see this Mikey, no one else got to see those true cold eyes. Not even his brothers, all living with a lie.
The real Michelangelo was many things, numb, cold, observant, apathetic, curious...
And dark.
He wasn't an idiot, there's a reason that whenever he saw Mikey's true smile, it made Casey's hair stand on end, his gut saying one thing:
Casey had two main fears, rats, and being outed.
Casey has three fears.
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mycupofrum · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks so much for the tag gracelesslady23!! ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
28 (14 in English and 14 in Finnish)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mainly write for the Harry Potter fandom, though I did write one Star Wars fic (dipped my toes into Obikin). I’ll post it in English some day.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
These are all Prongsfoot.
Bathe with me (4k, Explicit)
What are best friends for (2k, Explicit)
A lesson in love (6k, Mature)
First day of work (730, Mature/Explicit)
One of these days (388, Gen)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely!! If someone has taken the time to leave a comment I will happily respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t know if I have any angsty endings in my fics but probably By my side is one of the angstiest stories I’ve posted on AO3. Just your average Midsummer fic with some necromancy and raising someone from the dead.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have happy endings, but probably A lesson in love, which has a feel good ending, or Specialised in you where they get to a happy ending through some initial angst and drama. Feels even happier then, doesn’t it?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
None so far. Fingers crossed it stays that way. Nobody should have to deal with it.
9. Do you write smut?
Yesss. Whatever they end up doing, there’s usually an emotional connection there because that’s how I prefer to write intimate scenes. But ngl, half the time I'm pushing myself to get the words out because I still think "oh no, is this really awkward" but then I remember the post I saw here on Tumblr where an actual published novel had the cringiest smut I've ever seen, and I'm fine again. We've all got this!
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translate my own fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Years ago I wrote a few HP crack fics together with others.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
James/Sirius. (To quote Snape: Always. 💀) Almost from the start. Sometime before the fifth book came out I was completely into Prongsfoot. Not counting years.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I don’t post anything until I finish it first, so I have no hanging WIPs on AO3. But I have plenty in my WIP folder. I like to remain hopeful that I’ll end up writing them eventually. Not going to stress about anything.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I can come up with some nice plot ideas, funny and tense scenarios and good banter between J and S.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My ability to finish fics and focus on one fic at a time has felt difficult lately. I don’t know why I seem to run out of steam when I have the last third left. Also descriptions are hard for me, partly because while I love how they set the mood and make the text more vivid, I’m always eager to just write what the characters are doing and saying to each other. Descriptions in English are especially hard because it’s my second language and I’m always guessing if what I write has the right nuance and tone etc.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Sure, why not if it fits the story. I added a very minimal amount of French flavour to Fashion and hoped that no one would get too pissed off about it (mostly because of my poor attempt to write French English accent, not the actual French in there).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. The first fic I ever posted as a teenager was a humour fic where Harry and his friends time travelled into the past and for some reason all the guys had to take part in a beauty competition (Mr Hogsmeade ’76) hahaha. This fic does not exist anywhere online anymore.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Specialised in you is dear to me because it was not supposed to become at all what it is but James Potter took over the plot and I was a mere scribe at that point. Also I have a 20k Prongsfoot fic in Finnish that I haven’t translated into English yet but it’s the apple of my eye. I did a lot of research and put so much time and effort and all my Prongsfoot feels into it. It’s loosely inspired by the film Velvet Goldmine i.e. glam rock, glitter and S pining for J.
Tagging @fiendishfyre @siriuslystarbucks @solitaire-sol @adiha @prongsfootloves
No pressure. <3
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rhea-0f-sunshine · 11 months
Hi! Well– I’ve been on tumbler for a while, but this is my first post! So yay!
I’m currently looking for some peeps to roleplay DreamSMP with! Just make sure to read the rules and friend me on discord so we can start! My Discord username is in the general rules section.
Rules and guidelines
Main rules:
1. Be patient! I’m a depressed person with a lot of problems, and I may take a while to answer. Please give me up to three days before pinging me, and I will do the same for you, unless stated otherwise.
2. I might lose interest! If the roleplay isn't going anywhere or I have no direction in my head we can go, I might ask to change it up with a different RP instead. If this happens, don't take offense, I will tell you if it has something to do with you.
3. I don’t RP fluff very well– and usually have no idea what to do when it pops up. If you would like to roleplay fluff, I will accept it on occasion, but will need you to take initiative so that I can play off of it more dynamically.
4. Don't be sensitive! I completely understand if something triggers you, but I love fucked up shit, as it’s a huge outlet for me. If you‘re uncomfortable with things like gore, angst, death, t0rture, abuse, manipulation, rape, etc, we’ll both probably end up losing interest.
General Rules
If you’re interested, just contact me on discord via my username Rheaofsunshine and we can start discussing a plot or scenario for the roleplay we would like to do!
I don’t like script or one/two-sentence roleplays, and expect starters to have a bit more effort put in than average (3+ paragraphs), just to get the mood set up.
I am a fairly literate roleplayer and use a third person writing style. I’m good with roleplaying multiple people at once, and my reply preference is two to three paragraphs, though responses can vary depending on what is happening in the roleplay. I will try to match your length, and do ask that you do the same.
I will respond as soon as possible. It may take a while for me to type out my response, as I may take a while to think about the response before I start writing. Please do not contact me every fifteen minutes asking if I’ve seen your response yet, or if I’m writing my reply. If I haven’t responded in a few days, though, feel free to give me a ping.
We do not just have to RP if you’d like, I’m fine with having discussions outside of that and am open to any friendships that might form because of it.
But please do not harass or judge me for liking graphic things, and remember that I am a completely different person then the characters I’m playing as. I would never do anything messed up irl, nor do I find joy in seeing others suffer :)
Regarding a Progressive Plot
If we’re on a role and want to expand upon a specific RP, that’s great! But I would first like to discuss the direction we want to take it beforehand to prevent things from becoming stagnant.
If you think of something plot / drama related on the fly, I’d be fine with throwing it in to add more fuel to the plot. Just remember to send me a message out of character to ask if it’s okay, and it’ll usually be fine~
I am okay with adding drama such as family troubles, death of characters, unexpected pregnancies, arguments, etc. If you do not want me to add any drama, please let me know!
Any Headcanons you have of specific characters or dynamics can be discussed before starting an RP, I personally don’t have that many, and am open to pretty much anything, but Dad!Schlatt is a headcanon I will always stand by and hold dear to my heart.
Selecting Characters
We all have our favorite characters we *always* want to play as when they become relevant, and mine is Schlatt! As he’s my main comfort character, and am almost guaranteed to enjoy any plot involving him.
Any characters you feel strongly about playing as, whether that’s because you love their character or feel comfort when playing as them, just let me know! And I’ll remember that that character is off limits for me to play, along with going out of my way to include them in as many plots as I can!
Though do let me know if you’re okay with me playing as your favorite / comfort character occasionally as well, if I enjoy playing them at all, as I am okay with others playing as Schlatt on occasion.
Other characters I enjoy playing as, but am not strictly attached to, are: Dream, Sapnap, Charlie, DreamXD, Sam, Wilbur, Quackity, Technoblade, and Tubbo.
And other characters I am very good at playing as, but am not strictly attached to, are: Callahan, Ranboo, Tommy, Skeppy, Connor, George, BBH, Fundy, Ghostbur, Glatt, Foolish, Eret, Philza, and Puffy.
All the other characters of the DreamSMP are either characters I do not enjoy playing as, or am not in tuned enough with their character to give you the best in-character replies. You can ask me which one it is if you’d still like me to play as of the other characters in an RP.
And that’s it! I hope you’ve at least read the rules– and I can’t wait to RP with you!
I will also get better at posting as time goes on :)
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
The 1% Of Chances | TWICE Jeongyeon x M Reader Fanfic : CHAPTER 1
Welcome to my first Jeongyeon x Male Reader book! I hope you guys will like this story that I attempted to make after days of deciding whether I should do it or not. For the reads and votes that this book would get, I gave to all of you already my deepest gratitude for supporting my work. Now, here's the pilot chapter of my 12-chaptered book. Enjoy reading everyone!
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"Alright, you can now leave Mr. YN. Rest assured that I will send you an update after I fully review these including our interview today.", the owner of the establishment said to you while compiling all of your papers he seperated each just to take a look at each of its contents. "Understood, sir. Thank you so much.", you bowed in respect to respond on his statement. He gave you a timid smile before you left your gaze at him and stepped outside his office and the building. You came here to pass some copies of your personal documents that were included on their requirements in search for their new worker to take on their vacant position. And as the guy who is currently desperate to look for an available, still continuing and keeping your hopes high despite being rejected by multiple companies now including taking a time to find another one whether around inside or outside of your area in Seoul, South Korea.
Stumbling to this one, you unhesitantly attempted to try this one; not minding what type of job it is. The only thing that matters to you anyways is so that you could use this job to help yourself survive into this word and maintain your personal life average, whilst figuring out also how to improve and reach the best limit you could ever get that can enable you to help others too who are inspiring to do the same thing as you. Here you are who just finished the interview that was set up by the boss to atleast get a glimpse of your personality and hear to you loud and clear on how can you possibly assured that you'll help and contribute to the changes of the business to make you perfectly fitted for the role, you are now standing outside the building; sighing deeply in relief both in relief and nervousness. Relieved because your meeting is done, nervous is because you don't know if the higher one will accept or reject your application. While you were waiting, you decided to just push aside your overthinking to the back of you head and chose to calm yourself a bit knowing that so far you don't have any huge errands to rush for a couple of days. Before you were even about to hop onto your motorcycle, your phone beeped; stealing your attention. You picked it up, seeing the contact profile of your friend named Somin flashed on the screen. You answered the call by swiping to the green call button. "Hey, what's for the call?", you spoke as your placed the phone near to your ear. "Yo, YN. Where you at right now?" "Outside the building I applied for a job, why?" "Oh, the interview was today? How is it?" "It's fine. The stuttering were atleast controlled and somehow the boss looked convinced on some of my answers to his questions. But that doesn't mean I have to complacent you know? Still, these thoughts of failing to get employed is making my nerves tensed." "Well that sounded good still and also you were right. Just look at the positive side, man. Enough or not enough, you showed to him that you can be very useful anyways." "Same point we're sharing then. That's what i'm doing right now, taking some cool off." "By the way, uhh what time are we going tomorrow?" You remembered your plan because of what he said, causing you to frown immediately. "9 in the morning is fine, man." "Alright. Time flies, doesn't it? I don't intend to ruin your mood but... I know you have the similar expression of mine that it still disbeliefs me. Hasn't it been 2 years already?" He was right, and the truth got your heart even sank deeper at the heavy weight of the sorrow you feel. It's been 2 years since you lost the only remaining special one in your life. The only woman who fought till the end just to stay by your side... even if it costs her life due to her unselfishness. And you both love and hate her so much for that. But even if you argue with her over and over again about that, you know she'll win always. She loves you so much and that love is your weakness. Which was her strength but... fate went upside down as it was instead the one who pushed her to the risk of disappearing forever. It was never easy for you every single day when you'd think about it. "Y-yeah. It feels like yesterday when we attended her funeral.", you answered with your voice getting rough a bit due to your force of not wanting to sob already and instead save your tears for another day. But having the observative friend you have, he didn't failed to let it pass as he got aware that the reality still stabs you straight in the feels. "Sorry if I just said it man. I know it stinged you a lot but hey, feel free to let it all out tomorrow. You know I'll be there always to console you, man." "Thanks, Somin." "No biggie." "I gotta go now dude, I still have to buy some flowers and candles to bring for her resting place before I go home." "Sure, have a safe way home okay?" "Got it.", you replied before the call ended. You placed back your phone in your pocket before riding your motorcycle and revved its engine to have you transported onto your next planned destination. Minutes later, you bought some pieces of lilies and carnation flowers to a floral shop along with some pleasant smelled candles to bring with you to the cemetery where you'll be placing it in front of her tombstone to gift on it atleast on the anniversary of her passing. You then crossed the street and entered a fast food chain next to buy some take-over food as your dinner for tonight. Just a combo of coke, two layered burger, two pieced chicken with a rice and lastly a fries were effective immediately to make your starve and crave for it to be eaten. So you went back to your vehicle and drove instantly in the middle of the road ahead to your sweet home. One of the streets made you stop driving as you got to follow the red light to allow the bypassers to cross the road through the pedestrian lane. In the midst of waiting patiently, your music 's volume shrinked on your earbuds when a notification appeared on your phone. Opening it, you learned that it came from the K-Pop girl group you stan the most, which is TWICE. They just released their concept photos for their upcoming 2nd English Single titled "Moonlight Sunrise" which was labeled also as their pre-released English Track.
It made you ooh-ed in fascination and awe as you got to see the individual photos of the unnie line who are slated as the Batch 1 of their scheduled releasing of concept photos for today. You figured that tomorrow would be the middle line's turn next and the day after would be lastly the maknae line's. After you gave a heart react and shared the post of Nayeon's concept photo, it took you a bit long to head quickly to Momo because there was something that had you abruptly halt on your hand movement. You ended up in a stare with the concept photo of your bias and your huge celebrity crush, Yoo Jeongyeon who looks absolutely damn gorgeous and deadly attractive with her short bob-cut black hair which is definitely your favorite and top-tier haircut look of all time from her. It reminisce you of Feel Special where she had that look first before, and successfully caught your attention that led you today on being a die-hard ONCE and her as your bias without further picking. You smiled widely and shrieked in victory that she returned this look again which made you extremely assured that you'll be loyal even more to her because of this era. "Oh myt God, I really have to prepare my heart and soul for their comeback. She's going to snatch it again and make it hers as usual.", you muttered to yourself. After you finished heart reacting Momo's next, the green light was lit to give you and the other drivers an access to continue driving. The next day, you woke up from the irritating sound of your alarm to inform you that you have to start such a big day today. You groaned at the stretching of your body before you stood up from the bed and fix your bedsheet. The morning routine began as you stepped into the kitchen, making your breakfast for this morning. Afterwards, the preparation for yourself is near to be accomplished as you wore both pair of your shoes one last time before checking yourself in the mirror about how you look. Satisfied enough that you atleast look like a civilized and modernized human being, you left your house then locked it and rode your motorcycle to drive away to the location you're suppose to visit. You stepped inside the JYP Entertainment building after parking your ride at their provided lot, greeting the receptionist courteously. "Uhh hello and good morning miss. I'm here for Mr. Jinyoung Park or I guess I could say JYP himself." "Hello and good morning to you too, sir. Are you perhaps the one that Mr. JYP informed me that he had to meet with an intern today?" "I guess you can say it like that." "Just a sec, sir. I'll just have to call Mr. JYP to alert him of your appearance." She then went on to talk on the telephone where she dialed the number of his boss to call him. It didn't lasted longer as she dropped it right away once the short talk ended. "Sir, you may now proceed to meet him." "Ok thanks. Uhm, wait... where is exactly his office miss?" "Go to the elevator to reach the 3rd floor than walk over the hallway. His office is just after the Prince Recording Room, the one with the gray colored door." "Thank you very much, miss." "You're welcome. Welcome once again to JYP Entertainment!" You followed what the lady receptionist said and now, you were standing in front of what it seemed to be the place you are about to enter and meet him personally. Providing some couple of inhale and exhale to compose yourself, you directed to create 3 knocks on the door before speaking up to signal your presence. "Uhm Mr. JYP, it's me. The intern." "Come in!", you heard the muffled sound of his command from the inside of the room. You obliged, opening the door which revealed the owner of this agency, the legendary and the one and only "Asiansoul" of K-Pop himself, Jinyoung Park aka JYP who is signing some papers in his desk. Along with him was a woman wearing all black attire, sporting a short hair with a nicely trimmed bangs, sitting in one of the guest chairs as she makes herself comfortable. All of their pair of eyes connected at you which made you shy and nervous at the same time when you stepped inside the room. "Mr. LN, great to finally see you.", JYP stood up from his seat and offered you his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, sir.", you accepted the handshake and returned back the greeting. "Before we start, I would like to introduce you to another one who's with us right now in my office. Sadness?", JYP glanced at the woman in front of him. "So you're YN? Annyeong, i'm Kim Nayeon or call me Sadness-noona instead as my nickname. I figured that you'll have to use the honorific noona because based from your application, well it does seem that you're younger than me. Nice to meet you, by the way." "Oh... okay, nice to meet you too noona." "Okay now that we're done on the introductions, YN you may now take a seat.", you followed JYP's command, sitting at the spare chair in front of Sadness. "This won't be along but the reason I want to gather us together here for some short meeting is to first.... congratulate you for taking the spot as part of Division 3's managemant team. And I assume that you don't know who's group you'll be assigned for, aren't you?" "Yes, JYP-nim." "You will be under TWICE's staff team. As their head manager who's tasked to keep an eye and manage the whole group while being the leader of the team, that means you'll be sent to duty as a manager for ONE of the members in the group.", Sadness took the cue to speak next. You were shocked to know that you'll get to have working very closely with none other than the group you're hugely stanning since day one. This just feel so surreal of you. You tried to maintain your fanboying as you have to priroitize being professional and dedicated for your job at the moment. "And may I ask who is it, noona?", you asked in curiosity. "Don't worry, YN. You'll meet her later.", JYP assured you. "Now that we're done to the second reason, let's get it on to the last one which is for me.... as the owner of the company who only wants nothing more but for the safety and the best not only of my artists' experience in and out of my company but also for my employees around here working diligently, I want you to promise me one thing that you will be true to your words of what you told me back in the interview to impress me more. Be a dedicated and a trustworthy worker to his job, please." "And also, give us your word that you swear to assist, guide and guard the girls at all costs, especially to that one particular member JYP-nim and I has placed you with. They are the gem of JYPE who's career has never failed to make the company and also the fans who love them so much be proud of them for what they accomplished in the industry", Sadness continued JYP's words. "You have my word, JYP-nim and Sadness-noona. I swear that I will do my best to work hard for them mostly for that specific one like my life depends on it. I have to be honest, I am one of their fans and a part of the ONCE fandom so yeah, I'm just the same as what my fellow ONCEs and you guys also want the most for the girls... and being very lucky to grab the opportunity to work here in JYPE under their team, I'm here to give action to all of it." JYP and Sadness looked at each other, giving each other a nod and a smile as they were very impressed at your motivated spirit. "Well, that's more like it. I consider it already that you'll be very serious and committed then.", JYP chuckled which made you sheepishly smile. "Let's not waste the precious time, you two can go now so that Mr. LN here can finally start his first work today. Congratulations and welcome to JYP Entertainment again, YN.", he offered again his free hand which you quickly caught it for another handshake. "Thank you so much again for this opportunity, I'll do everything not to let you down, sir and you too noona.", you said to them. Sadness understood and agreed also at your words as she also made handshake with you. You and Sadness sent goodbye to JYP and left his office. You followed and walked with her until both made their way out to the building and went to the parking lot where the van you and her would be riding to is now waiting for them to carry on. After opening the slide door, you and Sadness sat alongside together inside the van as the driver operated the wheels and passed the surroundings of Seoul. The ride ended when the driver slowed down the speed and stopped in front of a large expensive looking dormitory building located in Cheongnam-dong. The guards allowed the van to enter the area before finally parking in one of the vacant slots. You and Sadness exit as both made its way up to the 12th floor where the exact location of the room is.
"How are your doing so far? You ready for your first day?", Sadness asked you as she looked at you. "Still nervous and processing that this is actually happening but yeah, I'm ready.", you gave a smile. Sadness went on to elicit a press on the doorbell then opened the intercom to let the device scan her face and even you who are both standing in front of the door. In just a moment, the door swung open by one of the occupants of the dorm. Jsut as when you had a sight of the stupendous figure of a woman in front of you, your senses went temporarily stopped and had your eyes wide open in surprise. Her eyes connected at first on Sadness before it switched next on yours who observed the entire features observingly at the unfamiliar individual standing next on her nice noona. "Hi, Sadness noona..., oh who's this? Is he..." "Yup.", Sadness answered already as she cut the idol's obvious question. She gestured at you next as if she's presenting you who is still in immense disbelief with the reveal you witnessed. "YN, here it is. The answer to your question earlier. You're assigned as the new manager for her, meet Yoo Jeongyeon of TWICE."
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xiaq · 1 year
This is deeply personal so please feel free not to respond! I just remember you talking in the past about not being able to have sex because of pain, and I’m currently going through the same thing (or, rather, have been my entire adult life). Was there anything that helped you? My gyno just keeps recommending pelvic floor therapy to release tightness, but I’m too scared to have multiple strangers prying me open in hopes I magically get better, and I don’t think mentally I’m able to cope with that yet. It’s scary to think of having to go to an embarrassing doctor for months and months, knowing each session is going to bring me pain (during and for days after!) both physically and mentally. It just sort of sucks to see my gyno once a year, have all these issues bubble up, and then have no support for the next year until we rinse and repeat. Any advice?
Answered below the cut with CW for frank Sex/Anatomy Talk
So for years I mentioned pain when using tampons, and then when I finally had penetrative sex, asked about pain related to sex, and I had 3 diff OBGYNs who basically were like, "eh, you're small, so everything is small, learn to deal." Or I had one who suggested...I can't remember what it was called, but basically, a system of devices that would "stretch" me which would, he said, be painful. The opposite of what I was going for.
I finally found an OBGYN who listened to me which made a huge difference, and we found out I had a few specific issues. 1. That my cervix is low, 2. I have endometriosis, and 3. Because I have an autoimmune disease (and endo), even if I'm managing things well, I still deal with more inflammation than the average person (especially during different times in my cycle). Depending on when and how I was attempting penetrative sex, these issues meant I was anywhere from moderately uncomfortable to dealing with significant pain. My new doctor said the best approach to manage my issues was 1. figure out when the inflammation-related pain gets worse, and either not have sex then or take anti-inflammatories beforehand, and 2. be careful about positions/exuberance for the cervix-related stuff, and finally 3. lots of foreplay because that will only help things. These three things combined mean I have a pretty "normal" sex life, now (not to brag but I'd say it's way better than most folks I know, if I'm being honest). And my partner has been very helpful and patient in determining what does and does not work for us. I have no idea how helpful this is in regard to your situation but the number one thing I recommend is going online and spending a few hours looking up OBGYNs and reading their reviews and finding one who is noted for taking time with patients, who have treated patients with similar issues, etc., and then go see them. Maybe you do need to go invest some time in these exercises, I don't know. But I'd get a second opinion and I'd get it from someone who, according to reviews, knows what they're talking about and are empathetic to your concerns and will help you build a treatment plan going forward rather than just saying "eh, try this thing if you want, see you at your next pap."
Good Luck!
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Gang Orca X Female Reader Pt 3
A/N: If you couldn't tell this book is self-indulgent chapters :D
Part 2, Part 4
You did in fact end up spilling the tea to your ever-so-loving and nosy best friend Ember and to say she was ecstatic for you was an understatement
"You got to ask him out on a date as of yesterday bitch." You looked at her as if she just grew two heads
"You do realize he's not your average guy right? He's THE Gang Orca, the number 10 hero of Japan." Does she not realize that you can't just go up to him and ask outright? Or text him like that.
"And? You're point? I bet he would like for a woman to be a bit assertive or upfront. It'll show that you're not scared of him because as we both know despite him being a hero, most children run away from him and he intimidates half the civilians he saves." You hated that she had a point but, that didn't stop the butterflies floating in your stomach.
"I'm still nervous." Who wouldn't? You're not crazy enough to demand to have his babies or marry him or whatever else the crazed beyond-recognition fangirls are willing to do.
"Of course, it's normal to be nervous, but just think about it okay? I can sense some good things happening in the future between the two of you." She winked and with that said she left your office and went to her separate office. You sat there for a few minutes staring between your computer screen and your phone. It's been two weeks since the aquarium and he surprisingly texts a lot usually during the morning and at night. You kept staring at your phone and with a wave of courage you opened your phone to his messages and typed out a quick 'Hey I know you're super busy but I was wondering if maybe we can go out for coffee or something? It's okay if you can't :)' Before you can psych yourself out you hit send throwing your phone in the top drawer of your desk.
"Fuck." You grinned stupidly at yourself running your hand through your hair. You were acting so stupid it was just a question. The worst that could happen would be that he says no which will be a blow to your pride but it wouldn't be the first blow. A few minutes later your phone buzzed a few times so curiously you opened the drawer to look to see who it was. One of them was from Ember and the other 3 were from Gang Orca. You stared until you finally opened the messages and were pleasantly surprised.
'I would love to go for coffee but it'll have to be in the evening.'
'I have the perfect place in mind and I'm free on Friday and Saturday.'
'Are you free any of those days?'
Holy mother of Jesus lord himself he responded and ACTUALLY agreed. You were staring at the messages for a few before it hit you that you got to respond back to him.
'I am free on both days so whichever would be better for you will work for me.' Great, you sound eager but who cares. You were actually going on a date with your IDOL. You weren't sure what God or Goddess you pleased but you hope that they continue to bless you for this chance. Would this even be considered a date? Or more friends hanging out to see if something more could happen? You're overthinking it. You looked back down at the sound of a ding.
'Friday it is then. See you then L/N-chan.' You sent him a smiley face which he read and you placed your phone down taking a breather. You can't believe it. You are actually going out somewhere with Gang Orca. In public. Where the vultures can see you. "I'll worry about that later." That's when you remembered that Ember texted you so you opened her messages to see what she sent you. You read it and saw that it was just a picture of the stack of work she needs to do and her aiming finger guns at her temple. You smirked deciding to enlighten her of the plans between you and Gang Orca. Two minutes later she was keyboard-smashing your texts. You expected a visit from her at any moment now and were prepared when she slammed open your door and threw herself at you.
"YOU GOT TO LOOK EXTRA CLASSY AND CASUAL." You winced at her volume shushing her a bit as a reminder that you both were still at work
"I'm not going to dress extra." She rolled her eyes pinching your cheeks.
"No one said to be extra but you're going to get that fat ass in a dress and add some jiggle to your wiggle." You hate her.
"You're going to wear that cute ass sundress that I love on you and you're going to wow the shit out of him. I don't care what you say. Leave your hair straight put those matching hoops and necklace on with some sandals and a cute shoulder purse. I want pictures as well." Why must she always be assertive when it comes to these things? "I'm doing this cause I love you and want you to have his attention." You blushed to try to hide it but, of course, she noticed grinning at you.
"Yeah yeah yeah you'll have your pictures and details." You frowned at her squealing but as always she ignored you. She blew you a kiss before skipping out of the office to finish her work and to allow you to ponder and finish your work as well. "Maybe I should wear that dress...Maybe a bathing suit underneath as well just in case." You both loved the water so it was better to be on the safe side.
This chapter was a bit short but the next part will be longer and include the date so stay tuned!
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f1-birb · 10 months
aaaaa so both @wunderlichkind and @ocontraire tagged me to this get to know thing (idk what it's actually called) so thank you Silja and Leaf ❤️❤️
name ~ on the internet I go by birb and honestly I would respond to it irl too at this point
sign ~ cancer 🦀
last movie ~ i rewatched bullet train and have a burning need for a 🍋🍊 spin off and/or writing dando mercenary au again
last show ~ i've started watching it's always sunny
when i created this blog ~ some time last year i think??? honestly at this point it feels like i've had it a lot longer than i have
other blogs ~ only my main which i'm not really active on, which is why i send asks as anon and sign them with birb
do i get asks ~ a surprising amount yes, and i cherish all of them even if sometimes i take 40 years to respond to them, but asks are always open and i promise i don't bite
followers ~ a lot more than i feel like i deserve, seriously what are you all doing here (i'm only half joking, i love you all dearly)
average hours of sleep ~ not enough babey!
instruments ~ vaguely remember how to play maybe 2 songs on piano but i would love to be able to play them all
what i'm wearing ~ hoodie and short gym shorts because comfy
dream job ~ i'd legit love to work for an animal charity but i couldn't because i'd end up arrested for punching neglectful/abusive owners and that's not good
dream trip ~ i really want to go to new zealand
fave song atm ~ duele el corazón (ft. wisin) by enrique iglesias, idk why i've just had it on repeat for days
I'm gonna tag @stephanieu8719, @alexi-01, @f1-disaster-bi and @mcl4r3n but as always feel free to ignore ❤️
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