greetings-fiends · 11 days
Feel free to share any other quirks you're capable of, that I didn't list, in the tags! (Like if you have any double joints, or extra teeth, or whatever)
Don't forget to reblog so more people can vote! :]
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autumnmobile12 · 2 months
So we know that when Quirks first appeared, villains started making grabs for power, vigilantes appeared to stop them and restore the normal order, and some people went about forming their own dynasties with people who had similar powers.
Personally, I really want to hear more about the environmentalist vigilantes who ignored the immediate chaos and just took off to undo the harm humanity caused to nature.
People with ice Quirks who formed a coalition and rebuilt the arctic and antarctic circles.
A random person with a Quirk that allowed them to breathe in carbon gases and exhale oxygen, so they just took a couple hours out of their day peacefully reading books near a factory complex while advocating for cleaner emissions in the meantime.
The ones with plant-based Quirks stimulating plant growth in deforested areas.
Someone with an accumulation-type Quirk who could consume plastic and convert it to energy.
Other Quirk-users specifically targeting poachers
Electricity Quirk-users forming power companies of their own and stamping out the more harmful competition.
People who can talk to animals teaching animals hunted for sport (or harvested for medicinal remedies that don't work) how to avoid hunters and traps.
In the eyes of large corporations, some of these people were probably relegated to the status of villains and may have been targeted by the proto-Heroes as such, only to be met with the controversy of environmental advocates against environmentally destructive companies.
Fictional nations like Otheon and Klayd have sprung up in the My Hero world, so it stands to reason there are other new nations as well. Like if these early advocates carved out territories of their own and now areas like the Amazon or pockets of the savannah and taiga and other threatened ecosystems are currently independent oases thriving in the world.
All things considered, I feel like for all their societal problems, the My Hero world is a world that at least has its environmental stuff sorted out.
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moon-delia · 1 year
★ ៸៸៸ JEALOUSY ╱ post ❜ ✸ ៸ !?!
Along with many other emotions, jealousy is very complex emotion and requires you to break it down into tiny pieces in order for you to identify and write them.
It is very effective in writing as it helps a character realize what they really want and how badly they want it. It doesn't have to be central to the plot; it can be understated and supported by anger or fear.
It comes across in simple examples like a villain who is jealous of the hero, when two characters want one thing / have the same goal or when one character is more successful than the other.
★ ! THE TYPES ❪ 🎧 ❫ ៸ !?!
# ៸ sexual jealousy ― when a character's spouse or significant other displays or expresses sexual interest in someone else.
# ៸ romantic jealousy ― when your character fears the loss of a romantic partner or fears rejection from a potential or current romantic partner.
# ៸ possessive jealousy ― when he/she feels threatened by someone who could interrupt a friendship or relationship that they value.
# ៸ separation jealousy ― when your character has fear of separation or loss of a lover, partner, friend or parent due to their relationship with another person.
# ៸ work jealousy ― when your character feels cheated out of a promotion at work, or feels jealousy towards a specific person at work.
# ៸ friend / sibling jealousy ― When he/she feels inadequate when comparing themselves to their friends/family/siblings (they always try to one-up their friend/sibling).
# ៸ abnormal jealousy ― extreme psychological jealousy that results in or a combination of morbid, psychotic, psychological, delusional, anxious, controlling, immature and insecure behavior.
★ ! WHAT FUELS IT ❪ 🎧 ❫ ៸ !?!
There are many reason for someone to be jealous of another person. It could be rejection, confusion, frustration, powerlessness, insecurity, suspicion, loneliness or distrust. Choose the reason that fits the type of jealousy.
★ ! HOW IT EFFECTS ❪ 🎧 ❫ ៸ !?!
Do they have an increased heart rate or body temperature? Do they become angry and clench their fist, have verbal outbursts, stare downs and tensed muscles? Do they become quiet and have a dry mouth?
★ ! THEIR REACTION ❪ 🎧 ❫ ៸ !?!
★ make up stories/gossip about that person so that others will have negative feelings towards the same person.
★ feel overwhelmed and underachieve in every sphere of their life.
★ avoid the person all together.
★ take up a bad habit or addiction in an attempt to deal with their feelings.
★ become obsessed about something (like over exercising and dieting to beat their rival in a tournament or something more sinister like plotting another character’s demise).
★ manipulate others into feeling sorry for them.
★ over criticize themselves and everything they do.
★ harm themselves, their environment or others.
★ show a blatant disregard for the needs and desires of others to fulfill their own.
★ bully or intimidate the people around them to gain a false sense of power.
★ abuse others physically or psychologically.
★ flaunt their wealth (or fame, intelligence, status, beauty, etc.) to mask their own insecurities.
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winxanity-ii · 19 days
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 01 Chapter 01 | distorted reality⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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❘ prev. chapter ❘༻✦༺❘ next chapter ❘
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The world swam back into focus, a sickening wave of nausea rolling through you.  Your throat rasped, a metallic tang heavy in your mouth. Blinking away blurry spots, the world swayed violently around you. There was a dull throb behind your eyes, and a chilling, empty space where your memories should have been with each sluggish heartbeat.
Fear, raw and primal, gnawed at your insides. Where were you? Everything felt...wrong.
Another thunderclap, followed by a blinding flash of lightning, illuminated the room for a split second. Each crackle of electricity sent a jolt of pain through you, a strange disconnect between the storm outside and the ache in your body.
Disoriented, you tried to sit up, only to find your limbs heavy and unresponsive. Groaning, you forced your eyes back open, expecting the sterile white of a hospital room. But instead, you were met with a riot of bubblegum pink and frilly decorations.
Trying to focus, you pushed yourself off the plush bed, tiny legs unsteady and weak on the plush carpet. Drawn by an instinct you didn't understand, you stumbled towards a small, ornate vanity tucked away in a corner.
Another flash illuminated the room, and for a fleeting moment, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. A face stared back, long, coily red-tinged auburn hair, framed a face unfamiliar and innocent. Light brown skin stretched taut across unfamiliar cheekbones.
However, it was your eyes that truly terrified you.
Golden irises stared back, hypnotic in the flickering light. But it was the crimson rings within them, swirling like miniature storms, that sent a cold dread spiraling down your spine. These eyes, alien and unsettling, were the only familiar thing in this sea of confusion. Where are you? Why did everything feel so wrong?
Tears welled up, blurring the vibrant clash of pink and lightning in the reflection. But even the tears felt alien—a betrayal of a body you didn't recognize. You were adrift in a sea of your own flesh, a puppet with severed strings. No memories, no identity, just a throbbing head, a strange pain in your body, and fear—a cold, suffocating fear that had no name.
Collapsing onto the plush carpet, you reached for the cool vanity for some semblance of comfort. But instead of finding solace, your hand brushed against a soft, frilly nightgown, another alien entity on your unfamiliar skin.
You were lost, a terrified child in a body that felt wrong, with eyes that held a secret you desperately wanted to remember. A frantic voice cut through the cacophony of fear in your head. "Sweetheart, are you alright?"
An instinct you didn't understand made you shrink back.
The voice belonged to a woman who rushed to your side, her brow furrowed in worry. Her face, etched with lines of concern, was unfamiliar, yet there was a warmth in her eyes that practically swallowed you whole—you were a star in her desolate sky.
You wanted to ask who she was, who you were, but the moment you tried to form a question, a searing pain lanced through your head. It was easier, for now, to just let the confusion wash over you.
"Come to Mommy~" she reached out, her voice gentle but laced with urgency.
The woman—your apparent mother—sighed, her worry deepening. "Oh, sweetie, you must have been scared with that awful storm. Were you having another bad dream?"
Another dream? The term triggered a flicker of unease.  Dreams?  What dreams?
You clenched your fists, the throbbing in your head intensifying with every attempt to pull a memory from the void.
Frustration welled within you, a surge of anger replacing the fear. "I... I don't remember," you admitted, the words falling flat in the face of your growing anxiety.
Your mother, whoever she was, wrapped her arms around you, a gesture that felt foreign yet strangely comforting.  You didn't know how to react, your body stiff and unyielding in her embrace.
"It's alright, Y/N~" she soothed, her voice tinged with sadness. "Now come on, let's get you cleaned up and ready for breakfast."
The word "Y/N" hung in the air, a name that felt foreign on your tongue—a borrowed coat ill-fitting your shoulders.
As your short and chubby mother, led you away from the unsettling reflection in the mirror, you stole a glance at her. Her burnt orange hair, once vibrant and full of life, was now streaked with silver, a testament to the years that had passed. The curls, once perpetually escaping from any attempt at control, were now pulled back in a loose, lopsided bun, seemed to vibrate with nervous energy.
Her honey-tan skin was dusted with a constellation of dark freckles across the bridge of her nose—boring the etchings of time in the form of wrinkles crinkling around her warm, honey-colored eyes.  Even now, a flicker of worry, a worry that seemed to have become a permanent resident, danced within their depths.
Her name, you vaguely recalled from the panicked jumble in your head, was Mei.
The house itself mirrored Mei—functional, lacking any personal touches.  It spoke of a life lived by routine, devoid of the chaos you once thrived in.  The lack of toys or childish decorations was another jarring note.  Here, in this world of beige walls and muted tones, quirks weren't a topic of conversation, a stark difference from the hero-worshipped society you once manipulated.  Here, it seemed, you were utterly ordinary.
Breakfast was a quiet affair.  Your 'father'—Wino, a stoic man with a perpetual peppered five o'clock shadow—presented a stark contrast.
Tall and lanky, he grunted a greeting before disappearing behind a newspaper. His electric green eyes, usually crinkled at the corners from a lifetime of suppressed smiles, were hidden behind thick wire-rimmed glasses. His hair, once a vibrant auburn, had surrendered to the relentless march of time, turning a stark white that seemed to hold the secrets of countless unspoken words; both he and your mother appeared older than their mid-forties.
As Mei fussed over you, you picked at your food—the unfamiliar taste of fluffy pancakes, a bland echo of the delicacies you once indulged in.
Mei, oblivious to the storm brewing within you, hummed along to a children's show playing on the TV. It depicted brightly colored superheroes battling a giant, fire-breathing lizard. You watched the scene detachedly; it was both whimsical and confusing.
"Welcome back, young heroes-in-training! Today, we're going to learn all about quirks—those amazing abilities that make our world so unique!"
A flurry of images flashed across the screen: a boy with stretchy limbs, a girl who could manipulate fire, a man who could zoom through the air.  Your brow furrowed in concentration.  This was unlike anything you'd ever known.
"Quirks can be anything from super strength to creating illusions!" the cheerful announcer continued, "It's what makes our society so exciting!"
The show droned on, explaining quirk training, hero schools, and the intricate classifications of these bizarre abilities.  You listened intently, a spark of curiosity igniting within you.
What the hell are these "quirks" they kept droning on about?
Suddenly, a booming voice jolted you from your thoughts.
"Mei, change the channel. Not much point in letting her watch that mess. She won't be developing any quirks soon," Wino sighed behind his newspaper, lowering it down with a grimace. "No use in getting her hopes up."
Your mother bit her lip, a flicker of sadness crossing her features. "But she's only five," she began, her voice tinged with defiance, "we don't know if she's actually quirkless, there's always a chance..." Her words trailed off as Wino stood up and left the room without a glance, leaving behind a lingering scent of pipe tobacco in his wake.
You watched him go, your eyes narrowing a bit. Quirkless? The word itself felt foreign, a label you didn't understand but instinctively disliked.
As if on cue, the monotonous ringing of the house phone cut through the tense silence.  Mei gave you a strained smile before hurrying to answer it.  Left alone, you wandered back to the television, the cartoon announcer's overly enthusiastic voice now droning on about the "Quirkless Woes."
"And remember kids," the announcer chirped in a condescending tone, "if you're unfortunate enough to be born without a Quirk, just remember, there are plenty of perfectly ordinary jobs you can take up! Like... janitorial services! Or... grocery bagging!" His patronizing tone made you huff in annoyance; a strange feeling, a mix of anger and confusion, began to nestle in your chest.
Being Quirkless sounded... boring.
Suddenly, the cheerful theme song was drowned out by a breaking news alert flashing across the screen. A stern-faced woman with a microphone reported on a villain attack downtown. Live footage showed a hulking man with glowing red eyes causing havoc, his bare fists shattering concrete pillars with ease.
"This is villain Catastrophe causing a rampage in the Musutafu financial district," the newscaster explained. "Heroes are on the scene, but the situation seems critical. We'll continue to bring you updates..."
Your gaze flicked between the cartoon heroes and the real-life devastation; a strange mix of curiosity and... envy? flickered within you.
These people, these heroes, could manipulate reality—defy the laws of physics with the flick of a wrist.
You, on the other hand, were utterly and seemingly ordinary.
The frustration bubbled up again, a familiar feeling you couldn't quite place. Was it the powerlessness? The lack of control? Or perhaps a deeper longing for something more, something you couldn't even articulate?
As the news droned on, Mei switched the TV off, a bright etching itself onto her face. "Come on, sweetie, let's finish your breakfast~" she said gently, "Today's an exciting day, we're learning the alphabet!"
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Later that night, as the rain tapped a gentle rhythm against your window, you lay tucked under the covers, Mei having just left after her nightly goodnight kiss.  Staring out at the slick streets, you tried, in vain, to push past the blank canvas of your memories.
A dull ache throbbed behind your eyes, intensifying with each frustrated attempt.  Your body trembled, a cold sweat slicking your skin. Suddenly, a sharp pain lanced through your head, and a gasp escaped your lips.
Involuntarily, your eyes flared open, an unsettling yellow glow emanating from them for a fleeting moment.  A metallic tang filled your mouth, and you reached up to your nose, feeling a warm trickle of blood.
Through the ringing in your ears, a voice, faint and distorted, seemed to whisper a name. "...Ma...ki...ma..." it repeated, the syllables blurring together before fading entirely. Each whisper senting a jolt through you, a flicker of a vision erupting behind your closed eyelids.
"...Ma...ki...ma..." The first whisper brought a flash of a pale, porcelain face, a chilling smile stretched impossibly wide across blood-red lips. Then, darkness.
"...Ma...ki...ma..." The voice pleaded, a touch more insistent this time; and with it, it ignited a vision of slender, crimson-stained fingers wrapped around a length of barbed wire, a look of perverse pleasure contorting the unfamiliar face. Darkness again.
"...Ma...ki...ma..." The vision that followed this plea was a kaleidoscope of horrors—a city in flames, screams swallowed by the roar of an unseen beast, and that same face, eyes blazing with a cold, predatory hunger.
A wave of nausea washed over you, and you squeezed your eyes shut tighter, willing the visions away.
The whispers began to quicken, a desperate urgency seeping into their tone. "Ma...ki...ma...Ma...ki...ma!" Each utterance felt like a physical blow, a sledgehammer pounding against the fortress of your mind. With each beat, the visions intensified, a torrent of violence and depravity flooding your senses.
A cackle, laced with madness, echoed in the darkness. You saw twisted shadows writhe on the ground, heard the sickening crunch of bones, felt the heat of searing flames licking at your skin.
And then, her face, crystal clear this time, filled your vision.
The pale girl, the crimson smile—Makima.
Her eyes, once a mesmerizing crimson, were now a bottomless void, devoid of any humanity.
"Makima!" The final whisper arrived in a shout of despair, resonating with horrifying clarity, shattering the last vestiges of your resistance.
Your pupils dilated, a single word echoing in the vast emptiness—Makima.
It was a name, a fragment of who you were, but it offered no explanation for your current existence.
Slowly, the tremor subsided, the yellow glow in your eyes receding, leaving behind a chilling emptiness.  Fear melted into a strange sense of clarity.
You were Makima, but you were also Y/N.
Calming your ragged breaths, you tested the name on your tongue in a low, raspy whisper. "Makima..."
It held power—a chilling familiarity—but it felt distant, alien.
Y/N, the name your mother called you, felt more comfortable, more like your own.
Yes, you decided; you were Y/N.
You didn't know who Makima was, but you would find out. And in the meantime, you would carve your own path in this world, as Y/N.
A determined glint flickered in your eyes, a spark of defiance against the unknown future.
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***EECKKK!! I'm so hyped for this, lol. Just get ready for all the fan-service cuz y'all know i love being delusional, lololo
Anyways, here's a sneek peak, I have like 10+ completed and should start updating regularly in about a week (i plan on having 20+ completed so I won't keeping you guys waiting too long in between updates) See y'all next update ❤️
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longreads · 1 year
But what do we really mean when we call someone eccentric? The word renders a verdict of harmlessness: A person’s style, conduct, or mannerisms may be memorable, but not concerning. And truthfully, we need people who are a bit of a character (to use an equally common euphemism). Their difference reinforces our sense of stability, their peculiarity a necessary splash of color in a landscape of conformity. We love to hear about them, to speculate why they are as they are — the odder, the better. Whether in documentaries like Grey Gardens or the five stories collected here, well-reported tales of quirkiness always invoke a small thrill, vaulting their subjects out of the realm of local gossip and into a wider imagination.
However, it’s no accident that every entry here concerns individuals who are, to varying degrees, rich or famous. The sad truth is that the lives of the everyday working class are seldom celebrated, and least of all those whose habits and personalities fall outside of the bounds of “normal.” To quote a character in Ellen Raskin’s novel The Westing Game, “the poor are crazy, the rich just eccentric.” Wealth affords many privileges in life, among them the indulgence of oddity, and such indulgence is only magnified in the face of celebrity. Behavior that would be considered problematic becomes acceptable, even admired as a natural by-product of genius.
Check out “Pawns, Puppet Heads, and Paranoia,” Chris Wheatley’s quirky new reading list on eccentrics!
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quirkwizard · 8 months
As you all may know, My Hero Academia has reached a momentous milestone in its story. Something that has had so much time and effort put into it, you can't help but celebrate it. No, I am not talking about reaching 400 Chapters, but something even bigger: Aoyama finally managed to hit someone.
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Not a robot, not a piece of debris. Not a glancing blow, not a near miss, but an actual human target. After not hitting one person the whole story, he finally did it. All it took was the destruction of a prized possession, the harassment of a psychotic villain, the potential death of a beloved character, an assist from Hagakure, and probably the worst physical, emotional, and mental trauma Aoyama has experienced in his life. I'd say it was worth it.
And for any of you claiming that Hagakure's sudden appearance to reflect the laser shots back at the assassin is a Deus Ex Machina, I just want to point out that Hagakure was clearly shown there whenever the story cut back to Aoyama and Fat Gum fighting the assassin. She's in every panel with them, and I can't believe people are missing it. A perfect set-up and payoff for Aoyama and his biggest struggle as a character Bravo, Horikoshi.
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
A/N: I am dedicating this month to autistic readers and women-identifying readers as well courtesy of women's history month and autism awareness month as well. Most will be drabbles so between 1k and 1.3k words
You had a habit of fixating on things. Whenever something caught your interest you needed to know every single thing about it. A lot of people found this annoying about you but, you didn't care. Who wouldn't want to know everything about a subject if it interests them, right? There is nothing wrong with spending hours sometimes well into the night googling and reading articles, journal entries, excerpts, and other things as well about it. You would go to the first person who would listen to you and, that was normally your mama. Sometimes though she was too busy or too tired to listen to you even though you would keep going until she yelled at you to stop. It didn't hurt your feelings too bad because she promised to listen to you another time and promises were everything, they were someone's word. Right now though? Your fixation was Katsuki Bakugo. You would observe him and everything that he did. The color of his hair when it shined in the light, when it was the 100-watt bulbs in the common room, sunlight, bathroom light. The way his skin glistened the angrier he got and the more he moved and used his quirk. The shade of red his eyes turned depending on his mood or the outside weather, even who he was talking to. He was a whole puzzle, more like a 5,000-piece puzzle and you loved to do puzzles. The only problem is that you cannot find it in you to interact with the 5,000-piece puzzle.
"Hey Y/N?" You turned jumping a little not hearing or even seeing Izuku walk up to you. You liked Izuku a lot. He was the first one you told that you were autistic and he still treated you the same but with more understanding. He had patience explaining things to you that you didn't understand as well. Also, he would let you hold onto his 100% cotton burgundy t-shirt that smelled like citrus. "I didn't mean to scare you but, I got some more stuff you can write down in your notebook if you want?" Oh yeah, you told him about your infatuation with Katsuki and he was more than willing to help. The whole 'Dekusquad' actually agreed to help at your pace though because they didn't want to rush you or overwhelm you.
"Thank you Izuku, let me just get my blue notebook with my pen." You pulled out a blue composition notebook that you kept for strictly Katsuki. You would think you would have a red or orange or even a green since those were his colors but, you wanted something simplistic and in your favorite color. He was your favorite person besides Izuku anyway. 
"I know you have a lot about him but, there is no such thing as too much right?" You nodded your head in agreement looking down at his hero analysis book. He had a lot of them chock full of details, especially of his classmates and you thought he was pretty cool. It was nice to have someone who didn't mind listening to your rambling on and on about a topic and never getting bored. He even showed the same interest and you listened to him as well. 
"Do you think he hates me?" You didn't think he did, it was no harm in asking. You had a habit of not 'reading the room' whatever that meant and jumping to conclusions, assuming really the worst. Izuku gave you a look as if you said something wrong.
"What makes you think he hates you? Trust me on this Y/N, Kacchan does not hate you. It's the opposite actually but, that's something you're going to have to find out for yourself. You will find it soon enough. You can even ask him." You did not want to directly ask him. Every time you had a conversation with him you felt that you were not getting anywhere talking to him. However, you managed to catch his interest in cooking and gave him different spicy recipes and regular recipes he can cook. He even cooked some of them already and would come to you for suggestions as well as tips for your quirk. Since you had a magnesium quirk he suggested the best non-flammable items and where to get them at. That was the basis of your friendship but, you did not want a friendship. You wanted to hold his hand and smell his hoodies and t-shirts. Give him cheek kisses too if he wants but holding hands and spending time with him is good enough for you too. 
"Do you think I am overthinking it? Should I just ask him? How would I ask him?" He was always with Ejirou, Hanta, Mina, and Denki. He never really got time to himself except for when he was going to bed. He hated being disturbed because he got up at 4:45 AM. You knew this because you were up at that time going to bed at 9 PM unless you were researching a specific topic or doing homework that you couldn't finish during the day.
"I think you can ask him at night right before 8:30. He would not mind if it is you knocking on his door." You weren't sure what he meant but, that must be a good thing. That means he would not mind you interrupting his sleep. He has to like you in some shape or form. 
"Thank you Izuku." You grabbed his notebook to write down anything new while listening to the buzz of the deku-squad talking around you. You looked up one time to look around spotting Katsuki looking at you already so you attempted a smile. He seemed to freeze before giving you a small one back. Just as quickly as it appeared it was gone. You filed that away of things you liked about Katsuki for later. The rest of the day went by fast with you mostly in your head and Aizawa as well as your friends coaxing you out of your head. It was very nice and sweet of them to do that for you. It was finally night time and everyone was in the common room watching TV when at 8:05 Katsuki announced he was going to bed. You waited another 5 minutes before waving goodnight to your friends and heading upstairs to the dorm. You weren't going to yours, you were going to Katsuki's. You made it to his dorm and before losing your nerve like you always did you knocked three times lightly. You danced on your feet a bit nervously until the door swung open.
"Didn't I fucking say-" He stopped mid-sentence when he saw it was you and you completely froze up. Everything you were going to say just went out the window and now your mind was blank. You couldn't even get out what you wanted to say. 
"I-uh, umm, I just-I don't-Uh." You were stuttering and beginning to panic too. This was not how it was supposed to be. You looked up at the feel of a hand on your head and playing with your hair. You looked at Katsuki who was smiling softly at you. 
"Take your time I'm in no rush." He was being very nice to you and his voice and hand were helping to calm you down. Finally, you were able to formulate words. 
"You're very pretty, um, you're very nice to me too, uh, I was wondering if, I can hold hands? No, uh, yeah I want to hold hands with you, kiss your cheeks, and cuddle. That's what people who want to be more than friends do right?" It was silent and you thought you said the wrong thing until Katsuki pulled you in for a light hug. You were confused but, tried to hug him back even though it felt weird, right? 
"We can do all of that at your pace, yeah?" He meant it! He wanted to do those things with you! He really did! You looked at him giving him a crooked smile. 
"Yeah! Thank you Katsuki." You closed your eyes leaning against him a bit as he guided you inside to talk. Izuku was right.
What do you guys think?
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makethiscanon · 9 months
One day, Aizawa decides to check that his students aren't relying too heavily on their quirks, and that they'd still be able to hold their own in a fight should their quirks be erased.
What ensues is a brawl where Bakugou, Ojiro and Kirishima emerge victorious, and everyone else is sentenced to weeks of hand-to-hand training led by them.
Ojiro is especially happy. He's never felt so validated.
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mysteroads · 8 days
So, fast background: It still bugs me a bit that Decay isn't Tomura Shigaraki's natural quirk.😔 There were some great parallels between him and Eri that I really liked. However, I adapted!🎉 And now I'm going to share! 'Cause that's what you do on this hellsite!😈 Mwhaha! Enjoy this short excerpt from my fic Indomitable Will. (Context: Tomura's decided to put AFO down for good and is deep-diving KingdomHearts style, and interacting with stolen quirk vestiges.)
This quirk looked so broken. Hunched shoulders, too skinny with a jutting collarbone and visible ribs, badly cut hair all clumpy and unkempt, knobby fingers covering its face like a weeping angel. Its edges were in a constant state of fraying. 
Or Decaying.
“You caused me a lot of problems, you know,” he told it quietly. The quirk huddled in on itself even more, trembling from head to toe. “My family, my dog, my favorite controller… all of them dust. But it’s not like you had a choice either. You didn’t pick me. You weren’t even whole. But… looking back, I think you at least tried your best to keep me safe.”
The trembling didn’t stop, but the covered face turned toward him.
“Half of the problem was me. I was always fighting you, subconsciously rejecting you. I mean, kinda obvious why, but it didn’t really help me. You know what, though?” And now Tomura smiled again, the memory of Deika City still a shining moment for him. “We were pretty badass once we got in sync.”
The quirk stood up straight, lowering its fingers enough to peer at him with dull eyes the same color as his. 
Tomura held out his free hand. “This time, let’s choose each other. I want you. No one fits me better than you. We’re two pieces broken by the same hand, two things reshaped to become weapons and not allowed to become more. No one understands us better than we do. Please, be my partner again?”
Decay skipped shaking his hand and instead threw itself at him, wrapping twiggy arms around his neck and pressing its face against his chest. Tomura bit his lip so he didn’t make any more pathetic noises and hugged his quirk as tightly as he could. “I missed you,” he admitted. “Thank you.” 
A breath, then Decay slipped back inside him, settling under his skin like a contented cat. And it didn’t itch at all.
Tomura felt whole for the first time in months. 
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evilkat23 · 2 months
Because I can't get over this idea, I'm sharing it here!
WARNING: SPIDER TALK FOR THOSE WITH ARACNOPHOBIA! Last night before bed I was thinking about all the Spiderman AU's with Izuku and that got me thinking
So, I was like "What if Izuku was like Tsu…and his quirk was just Spider" and that got me thinking.
Like the only thing he has in common with spiderman is that he can climb on walls.
But like his freckles are actually tiny eyes so he has 10 eyes. He can climb up walls and make web (not with his butt lmao.) with his fingers actually. And he acts like a trap spider in that when he's comfortable he'll make a cubby for himself.
Now this is where the more quirky part comes in play in that his arms and legs are retractable. So he does have eight limbs but he keeps the extra two stored away lol and like Shoji if he loses a limb he can grow one back, but it takes time.
He is also known for scaring the daylights out of people by finding a nice corner of the room and making himself a nice web and sleeping.
I was even thinking of giving him a paralysis venom like some spiders have and being up to jump pretty high and far. He and Tsu have a bit of a rivalry going on with them both enjoying their love of dried bugs. However Tsu has tried to eat him and he has trapped her in his webs many times. He and Tsu also have a common weakness, cold, if he gets too cold his body goes into hibernation and he may even curl up like a spider to try and stay warm.
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
Impress you
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Denki Kaminari x Male reader!
TW: Mentions of death, burns and hospitals!
The last things that Kaminari had heard were the sounds of blaring sirens, and saw Y/N run over to him in a state of panic before slipping into an unconscious condition.
After a few hours of undergoing multiple blood tests and scans, Kaminari had finally woken up. He was very confused at first before everything came rushing back to him. He groaned, rubbing his head slightly, having a massive headache. The painkillers were definitely starting to wear off. He wasn’t in good shape at all, it only took the blonde a few moments to realise he was hooked up to multiple machines, his body littered with bandages.
Y/N walked in, holding a warm cup of hot chocolate in hand. He saw Denki awake, immediately rushing over to him before gently placing a hand upon his forehead. “Kami, what were you thinking?” He asked, putting the cup down on the table.
“I was trying to impress you, did you not think that was impressive?” The other responds, pouting slightly as he reaches up and cupped Y/N’s cheeks with his good hand.
“I don’t want you going to extreme lengths that could cost you your life in order to try and impress me Kami, you know I love you so much. You impress me without even having to try to.” Y/N smiled, leaning down and kissing his forehead gently.
The blonde's cheeks heated up as he maintained eye contact with Y/N, nodding a little in response. He lacked self-confidence when it came to his quirk. It was extremely powerful, he still hasn’t mastered it yet. He gets frustrated when he hasn't seen any progress, whilst with his classmates they have already discovered their potential about their quirks. His brain still always short circuits after over using his powers, he had advanced a lot, he just didn’t think it was good enough.
One of the nurses knocked on the door, walking in with some papers. “Did I catch you both at a good time?” She asked, Kaminari nodded and smiled slightly as Y/N took a seat on the chair beside his bed.
“I wanted to inform you Kaminari about your condition. I’m afraid you will not be able to participate in any sort of training or use of your quirk for a little while until your body fully heals. You will need to take it slow, you’ve got pretty bad injuries.” She went quiet before speaking again. “If you do something like this again, you could possibly be putting your own life into danger.”
The blonde sighed softly as he listened to the nurse.Y/N stood up, bringing a hand up to Denkis face as he cupped his cheeks gently. “Promise me you won’t do something like that again?” Y/N spoke, Kaminari gave a small nod, leaning into his boyfriend's touch.
A/N by Owner 1: Thank you guys so much for over 200 followers and over 5000 likes, we really appreciate it!
-Written by Owner 2
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thebluespacecow · 2 months
Just-just listen, okay? This is nothing, nothing at all. It’s not in character, or driven, or anything, but it still is. So, have it. Have my Izuku Midoriya (kind of)xReader blurb. (It was written in a car.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                   
You belong in seaside castles with wast, silent ballrooms. Sounds of the shore spilling into large, open windows. Your skin adorned with silvers and pearls, draped in linens.
Not here. Not in plain smothering meeting rooms with people who'll never see beyond your surface. Not with your elbows scraped raw, knees bloody and aching, having witnessed and done things you will never speak of outside of low murmurs in debriefings.
Fuck. Izuku thinks.
He doesn’t belong with you ether. Not in his office or on rooftops sharing little bits of yourselves over sweats and coffees he insisted you try. Not in his glass house, not quite a home, not in the one you speak about having back in your country. He shouldn't get to see it, not it's ancient doors and dented stone steps, not the soft and tender parts of yourself you must hold and leave there.
 Then why did you let him witness and handle some little, aching bit of your soul in the palms of his hands? Why did you wrap your fingers along his as they trembled, as if your eyes hadn't gone red and glassy by simply doing so? Why is he the one splayed along the arm of your couch, laughing with you into the quiet of night, something warm and fluttering filling his gut?
You are greatness and grace, an electrifying power hidden along the marrow in your bones. All wrapped in the wonder of knowing you, how your eyes feel tracing the non-existent pattern of his freckles. Eternally busy, at least he wishes you were. Maybe then you couldn't turn him stupid with a quirk of the corner of your lips, amused or questioning, it doesn’t matter.
You blur at the edges, in the morning sun, between his fingers. Some part of you feels uncharted and yet still like something intimately known, like a sea of winking starts.
He imagines your water's warm, soft like milk, on his calves, staining his pants. He imagines you're warm and soft too, as is, not draped in linens and silks or infused with the sun. But just as you are, blood and bones, and greatness, held at your seams together with skin.
Would you let him? Hold, touch you. He thinks. Would you let him learn your softness? Burrow some bit of himself next to the parts of you that hurt, ache in their tenderness, the same as him. Press his forehead to yours like a bunny saying sorry, apologizing for simply being someone you know, at your feet, in your home, staring up at you as if compelled to by your sky’s.
Somehow, you've come to occupy the little cracks and spaces of himself he wasn't even aware were empty.
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autumnmobile12 · 4 days
Horrifying Theory:
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This wasn't an accident.
Manga spoilers below.
I say it wasn't an accident because we find out in a later chapter that All For One was lurking around on the mountain.  Since I don’t think he’s the type to be out for a casual stroll just because, this would imply heavily that someone, either himself or one of his underlings, was keeping tabs on the situation in the Todoroki house.  Given that he has his 'friends' everywhere, this is not beyond the realm of believability.
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However...he just happened to show up on the very night Touya’s Quirk went out of control and nearly killed him?  Sure, we can be allowed a coincidence for plot convenience but…
Also recall that All For One did (and still does?) have a Quirk that forced other people to use their Quirks.  He used it on Kurogiri and Magne back in the Kamino Ward Arc so the LoV could make their escape.
He could have started Touya’s fire.  He had the means.
And he has a motive.
Because in Touya's flashback after waking up from the coma, AFO essentially tells him his body was destroyed and his Quirk is significantly weaker, but they may be able to restore him and asks if he's interested in 'joining their family.'
May be able to restore him?
Okay, we have seen AFO and Ujiko accomplish some pretty terrible but, scientifically speaking, impressive feats in biology and modifying Quirks. I'm calling bs on them not being able to put a physically broken teenager back together in the three years he was in a coma. That 'join the family' offer was a caveat and a manipulation of the ‘I will hurt you so I can help you,’ variety. It was supposed to foster a sense of gratitude and loyalty in Touya so as to make him a potential candidate for the whole vessel thing if Shigaraki didn't work out.
Except that plan went awry when AFO seriously underestimated Touya's obsession for his family/father's attention. Touya rejected the offer and ended up fleeing, and they let him go as a lost cause because they believed he'd be dead in a month anyway.
Touya didn't burn himself. All For One did.
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moon-delia · 1 year
★ ៸៸៸ CH. QUIRKS 2 ╱ post ❜ ✸ ៸ !?!
The problem with character quirks is that if overused, and done badly, what could be a fun and memorable way to distinguish one character from another can quickly become grating for the reader and stop them from wanting to turn the page.
★ ! AVOID THESE ❪ 🎧 ❫ ៸ !?!
# ៸ steer clear of clichés. Some character quirks and certain words have been overdone to the point of being farcical (although, if writing satire or a genre where readers expect certain tropes, go to town with the cheese!).
# ៸ avoid stereotypes. Racist, sexist, ableist, or any other type of stereotypical observations are not quirks. Mental health issues and disabilities are not quirks. Think about why you are giving certain characters a unique trait, how it fits into the plot, and try to be original with it.
# ៸ don't overdo it. If all your characters are ever so quirky it will detract from the story. It's important to create unique characters, yes, but each one doesn't have to be weird and kooky. Sometimes having a fall guy, a straight and serious foil, can enhance the hero's quirkier traits.
★ ! PLAN IT ❪ 🎧 ❫ ៸ !?!
# ៸ think about what you're trying to say. Every character in your story should look and act a certain way for a reason. So imagine your cast, (create a vision board on Pinterest if it helps with physical features), and ask yourself why they look and behave the way they do.
# ៸ make a list of your characters' quirks. Try to be original, amusing, or endearing. Don’t match a quirk with a character for the sake of it, make sure it’s relevant to who they are, what they are trying to achieve, or to the outcome of the story.
# ៸ make your characters rounded. Ensure their name, backstory, and how they interact with the rest of the characters matches their personality and quirks.
# ៸ remember quirks are a reflection of a character's disposition. Think about their mental state, their personality, their backstory, and their constant state of mind.
Here Are Some Ideas For Character Quirks:
# ៸ physical quirks.
★ a birthmark
★ wears braces
★ tall / short
★ tattoos / piercings
★ keeps dying their hair a different color
★ unusual hair color
★ noticeable scar
★ walking habits
★ sleeps in a strange position
★ avoids eye contact
★ sits extremely straight
★ laughs behind their mouth
★ claps to accentuate each word
★ moves arms and hands a lot when talking
★ does little dances when happy
★ raspy voice
★ talkative
★ sings when speaking
★ they clear their throat before speaking
★ hums all the time
★ says ‘err’ or other fillers a lot
★ loud talker/quiet talker
# ៸ behavioral quirks.
★ obsessive cleaning
★ tying their hair up
★ sleeves always rolled up
★ always chewing their lip
★ cracking knuckles
★ extremely loyal
★ people pleaser
★ unnecessarily rude
★ fusses over people
★ makes their friends gifts
★ chews their nails
★ twirls their hair
��� uses the same word over and over
★ swears a lot (creative swear words are the most fun)
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winxanity-ii · 19 days
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 00 Chapter 00 | Blurb⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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❘ prev. chapter ❘༻✦༺❘ next chapter ❘
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In a blink, the bulky bully found himself on his knees, gasping for breath.
❝W-What? What are you—❞
You loomed over him, your grip tightening around his tie until it strained and choked off his pathetic pleas. A low, menacing growl rumbled from your chest, vibrating through him. ❝Shut up,❞you hissed, the words laced with icy venom. His eyes widened in sheer terror, and any further whimpers died a silent death in his throat.
Suddenly, the squeak of approaching shoes cut through the tense silence. You snapped your head up, eyes flashing with icy fury that locked onto the two remaining lackeys. Irritated, you barked a single word, ❝Sit.❞
The command was laced with such power that the two boys could only exchange panicked glances before they found their minds going blank and mindlessly following your orders, collapsing onto the ground like obedient dogs.
The indigo-haired boy, still sprawled on the ground, could only watch in utter shock as the tides turned completely.
Turning your attention back to the trembling bully at your mercy, you felt a tremor run through your own hand. ❝Bitch?❞you hissed, your voice barely above a whisper. The name sent a surge of rage coursing through you, your eyes flickering with an otherworldly, yellow glow. ❝How dare you, you filthy, lowly being,refer to me as such!❞
You leaned in closer, your voice dripping with venom. ❝Do I look like I belong amongst the inferior pests you call friends and family? Like I...❞You trailed off, your rage reaching a boiling point. With a final, earth-shattering roar, you threw back your head and declared, ❝I'm not bitch! I am a god!❞
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Oh, how you despised them.
As the Control Devil, you couldn't help but see them for what they truly were: inferior pests that belong beneath your thumb.
So imagine your surprise that you found yourself dying at the hands of one and waking up in a world where 'Quirks' define one's worth, with no recollection of who you were.
But as whispers of your past life soon began seeping through the cracks of your new reality, you decided that a life without your reverend Pochita wasn't a life worth living.
So the question remains: What's left for you to do?
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╭─↬ ❗𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆❗ ↫─╮ There will be mentions/descriptive scenes of the following:
╭ ⁞ ❏. Language ┊ ⁞ ❏. Stalker-Like Tendencies ┊ ⁞ ❏. Toxic/Manipulative Behavior ┊ ⁞ ❏. Alcohol Usage ┊ ⁞ ❏. Gore/Violence ┊ ⁞ ❏. Apathetic/Antisocial Behavior ┊ ⁞ ❏. Minor/Major Character Deaths ┊ ⁞ ❏. Yandere Tendencies
Lol, I don't know if I got them all, so if you see anything I didn't list, come back and comment right here so I can add them to the list later ➡
Enjoy (•͈˽•͈)
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actingphilosoph · 1 year
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I really don’t have an explanation for this one, I’ll be honest
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