#but like.....goddamn i do not want to go whatsoever
beskad · 11 months
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rig-a-rendal · 1 year
scared to keep this 500-word blurb about the civil rights movement in my review of "some like it lukewarm" because it doesn't ascribe to Internet Morality (i.e. I say that having Charlie Smalls on the show is actually a big deal for the legitimizing of black artists in the eyes of the show's largely-white audience). I know the jackals are going to gut me for "congratulating the white production team". I know they're going to be mad I'm promoting small, step-by-step practical change instead of adhering to the impossible standards of wokeness.
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s0urte3th · 1 year
mom is bitching at me how i need to wear short sleeves TOMORROW, and just get over it
#‘you NEED to wear them tomorrow’ or what.#youre gonna take my phone away? im just AnXioUs and need to get the fuck over it?#woman youre lucky i dont fucking take my car and leave. youre lucky i don’t disappear without a trace.#‘we love you and dont care and dont judge!’ i understand that. i do.#but sometimes that just doesnt matter. you can say that to me all you want and ill always have a voice saying otherwise!#i cant just get over this hump. i dont know how to explain it to you but i just cant. its not that simple.#i cant just.. get up and get moving like you want me to. i dont know how to tell you that im absolutely fucking exhausted.#‘youve been taking a break for 6 weeks now’ and? i worked my ASS OFF. FOR 5 FUCKING YEARS STRAIGHT. I DESERVE A BREAK!#IVE EARNED A GODDAMN BREAK. IVE EARNED A FUCKING SUMMER OFF. THIS IS MY FIRST SUMMER OFF IN 5 GODDAMN YEARS WOMAN#i dont care if you think im being lazy. im sorry i dont work the same fucking way you do! but thats a you issue!#‘you need to get your life together’ WELL I DONT WANT TO! I DONT WANT TO RIGHT NOW! I WANNA BE A STUPID COUCH BUM!#i basically just learned that EVERYTHING. I WORKED FOR! IS USELESS! i pushed myself to the edge a constant amount of times over the past 5-#years for NOTHING. because i am incapable of doing anything without someone telling me to or holding my hand.#how do you expect me to know what to do with my fucking life when the life i thought i always had was just shattered?#ive trailed off my planned path! i didnt plan for this! i never thought it could happen! i thought id be PERFECT!#imagine being told your entire life how smart and capable you are only to fail right as someone isnt holding your hand anymore.#just#whatever man. if i dont wanna wear short sleeves i wont. if i dont wanna go outside i wont.#i didnt want to interact with the world anyways. especially after finding out that i dont fit in whatsoever.
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castielsprostate · 1 year
words are confusing me and im gonna be sad in tags
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ms-demeanor · 9 months
any thoughts on the new post that staff went scorched earth on which is now making the rounds abt tumblr live? it basically screenshots all the tos and claims if you've ever opened the app (or in some rbs, unsnoozed live) tumblr has gotten your data. on the one hand i feel like this is fearmongering, but on the other its true that MOST sites have your data as is so its pretty standard. you seem pretty knowledgeable abt data gathering so i was wondering abt your take
This is going to be pretty unkind but watching tumblr users interact with staff and live is a great primer on how conspiracy theories happen.
Nobody on this fucking website knows how to read a ToS, nobody on this website knows how anything fucking works (sorry, this is not a dig at you but how would tumblr "get" your data from you clicking or unclicking live; the only data that tumblr has on you is the data that you have put on tumblr what data do people think that clicking the "new" button is scooping up that is anything beyond interactions or posts or IP addresses which are the things that tumblr already has information about like you do not introduce new information into the tumblr ecosystem by clicking a button you haven't installed anything you haven't changed permissions on your browser if everyone is so goddamned scared about live stealing their data i strongly recommend they stop using anything but public internet through an anonymizer and making sure location data is shut off on all of their devices and anyone who is flipping their shit about the type of data that live is collecting but who is using chrome on any device needs to chill the fuck out about live and flip the fuck out about google)
this is like that post about twitter's content policy that circulated the other day or that post about deviantart's content policy that circulated ten fucking years ago nobody knows how to read legal documents and nobody knows how to read technical documentation and this comes together into unholy matrimony on the no reading comprehension at all moral panic website
live never violated the GDPR it was just rolled out in the US first but the entire userbase decided that because it hadn't been rolled out simultaneously in the EU and the US that it was SO UNSPEAKABLY PRIVACY VIOLATEY THAT THE EU HAD BANNED IT FOR ITS CRIMES with, like, nothing whatsoever backing that up because, again, even at its most intrusive Live collects about as much data as Twitter or Yelp, both of which are *capable* of meeting GDPR standards with that level of data collection (even if musk sometimes makes decisions that violate GDPR).
Live is significantly less intrusive than any facebook product, than Amazon, and than any Google product. If you use youtube logged in, don't worry about live, the horse is out of the barn and tumblr is the least of your worries *regardless* of live. If you regularly use Google as a search engine please god learn how to evaluate and compare risks across platforms because Live is like a coughing baby compared to about a dozen things that most highly online people interact with every single day.
If you don't want to use live don't use live. Clicking the button doesn't magically transfer your secret FBI file to tumblr and even agreeing to the ToS doesn't share anything that tumblr doesn't already have if you don't continue to interact - if you don't interact with live after agreeing to the ToS it's not collecting any data except your non-interaction.
For everyone who is losing it over Live just turn off your goddamned location on your fucking cellphone and turn off your location on your goddamned computers and that's it, you're good, you're fine, relax. If your response to "turn off your location" is "but I need it for _____" then don't worry about Live, whatever "_____" is was already collecting and selling your data.
Do you use an activity tracker? Congrats, you have much, much bigger privacy issues to worry about than tumblr live.
Okay but also I yelled about that post and the very many ways in which it was incorrect in January.
And I happened to take an archive of the page at that time because I'm a paranoid motherfucker.
And if you want my guess as to why staff went "scorched earth" on that post it's probably because if you scroll down to the bottom of the page on the archive, OP calls on everyone looking at the post to send a kind fuck you to the CEO then tagged his tumblr.
If you look at the other posts that went scorched earth in relation to tumblr staff they were also posts that very pointedly directed a lot of ire at a single staff member.
I don't think that any individual tumblr staff members are above criticism and I don't think that staff as a whole is above criticism but part of learning to read a ToS is understanding that someone can be shitty and vague and use TERF talking points and skirt the line and be technically okay under the ToS while someone can have a legitimate gripe about another user being horrible and manage to violate the ToS by accidentally spinning up a harassment campaign or suicide baiting someone.
Shitty people like nazis and terfs thrive on being edge cases. They are very good at finding a boundary and standing juuuuuuuuust on this side of it and going "la la la I'm not violating the ToS, you can't stop me!" and that blows and it leads to a lot of people encountering a lot of shitty stuff on a lot of websites but personally I'm pretty glad that there's a lot of gray area because when you cut out gray area that's when you see things like It's Going Down getting banned as extremist content alongside white supremacists. Please continue to report nazis and terfs, and when possible go deep into their pages to report because a pattern of behavior is more likely to get recognized as hate speech than a single post that gets reported a hundred times. Please block as many people who it's harmful for you to interact with as possible because it's clear that staff is not going to do the kind of work protecting users that users would like staff to do.
However I just can't get angry on behalf of a blogger who got nuked for saying "Hey everyone who hates this feature that we all hate please go tell the CEO to fuck himself at this URL specifically" - that is an extremely clear violation of the ToS because it is absolutely targeted harassment.
So now tumblr-the-userbase is going off on its merry conspiracy way skipping through fields and lacking reading comprehension and saying "users are getting banned for reporting the crimes of tumblr live and its gdpr violations" and ignoring the fact that the post was nuked because the last line was saying "hey everyone, let's all individually tell the CEO to fuck off in messages sent directly to him that are certainly not going to include any threats, exaggerations, gore, etc. etc. etc."
If I were to make a post that had 50k notes and the last line was "and while you're at it, please send tumblr-user-ms-demeanor a personalized message telling them why they're a terrible person so they know what we think of them" it would absolutely be reasonable to say that was harassing that user. And that post did it with the CEO. Who is not above criticism (and I have my criticisms! I don't think he really gets tumblr and that's a problem!), but jesus fucking christ don't tag the goddamned CEO or any other staff member in a call to action asking users to send them messages saying "fuck off" this is literally the stupidest thing I've ever seen a tumblr conspiracy theory coalesce around.
Anyway thank you for giving me a place to vent i've been getting more and more pissed about this for three days. Everyone feel free to kindly tell tumblr user ms demeanor to fuck off.
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
One of the craziest parts of living in our current era is thinking about all the ways our ancestors had to suffer. Once, a long and terrible time ago, there was no button you could push to summon food delivery to your current location. Even calling someone on the phone for pizza delivery is a relatively recent invention. The vast majority of humans to ever experience life on this planet have gone without it.
You're wracked with guilt now, aren't you? Me too. I figure you can do one of two things about it: renounce all convenience out of penance for your selfishness, or really lean into it. The latter one is definitely the way to go, as you owe it to your forebears to do as much crazy shit as you can with the resources they helped unknowingly provide to you.
I have no doubt whatsoever that Great-Grandpa Switch would have happily searched for transaxle parts on RockAuto. Hell, he might not have even gotten trapped under that tractor and thereby been forced to eat the wolves that came after him for sustenance, which would mean that I never would have been born. And he probably would have liked Burger King, too, although back then the Actual King frowned on the idea of pretenders to the throne.
What I want you to do tonight, or maybe even today if you live in Australia, is go turn an electric light on. Turn it back off. Turn it back on. And marvel at how the sacrifices of your distant predecessors helped equip you with the ability to not trip over your goddamn cat when you're getting up in the middle of the night to eat a few slices of deli ham from the fridge.
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its-your-mind · 2 years
“oh clearly jon feels no emotions and is in complete control of himself at all times. this man is a logic machine.”
did we??? listen to the same podcast?????? this man feels first, thinks later. there is a strong emotion? get ready for jonathan jarchivist sims to act on it with little-to-no second thoughts. rational thinking who. we throw ourselves full force at the first thought that comes into our head. like, we are talking about the man who:
busted into the office of a guy he hadn’t talked to more than twice since he woke up from a six month coma, sincerely offering to gouge out his eyes and run away with him, and was Absolutely Gobsmacked when he was refused
was prefectly ready to let a face-stealing monster live… right up until it reminded him that it had killed his friend without him realizing (that “…what did you say” is one of the lines that gives me GOOSEBUMPS every time)
dove headfirst into a pile of evil sentient worms to grab a tape recorder bc he was so determined to not die as aNOTHER GODDAMN MYSTERY
let his survivor’s guilt from when he was eight drive the major decisions he made for the rest of his life
threw himself into a fear dimension of evil loneliness to save the man he loved (who had refused to speak to him for months) at the probable expense of himself who knows
had so much MALICE in his voice when he killed peter lukas like damn girl you do not get that emotional when you’re just killing someone bc they’re evil or whatever. there was Hatred there. go off queen.
literally was willing to sacrifice an entire WORLD so that no one would ever f e e l what he had to feel when jonah voicesnatched him
LITERALLY speedran a love story in like six weeks in scotland. this man was SO READY to be in love it’s ridiculous. so was martin. I love them sm
heard his predecessor was dead
came to the conclusion that he was next
what should we do with this?
oh I know
stalk every one of my coworkers bc clearly one of them is out to get me
committed himself to living in the archives forever bc he didn’t want to put georgie or “god forbid the admiral” in danger (has his priorities STRAIGHT he does)
oh annabelle caine has martin? and an artifact that completely knocks me on my ass and takes away all my powers? off to hilltop road we go come on basira we have spider ass to kick
threw himself into a coffin to save a woman who LITERALLY was ABOUT TO KILL HIM bc he just wanted to HELP and everyone around him was HURTING SO MUCH
was insulted when a statement giver called the institute stupid and immediately discarded all professionalism and clapped back by calling her wildly successful youtube series dumb
also immediately discarded all professionalism when disgusted by a teeth apple “we do NOT want it.” like damn bro this traumatized doctor brought this bone apple teeth proof in for you and you are too grossed out to grin and bear it
was slightly annoyed by the fact that martin was not the Ideal Assistant. Offhandedly mentioned on an official recording that he wanted an evil flesh witch to slowly kill his literal employee by a series of freak accidents that resulted in the loss of one body part at a time. this man has no chill whatsoever.
took so much satisfaction in killing jonah magnus. like jonah told him not to be dramatic and jon PROMPTLY started monologuing while stabbing douchard directly in the chest.
“I don’t want to die”
sounded so SMUG when he told the eye he was gonna go apologize to his boyfriend. like yeah stupid all-powerful fear god I have a BOYfriend and I LOVE him suck on THAT
remember when he decided to doom his whole world bc he wanted to stop anyone else from feeling like he did? yeah that plan went out the window fuckin imMEDIATely as soon as his beloved martin walked into the room. oh, he’s in the world I’m going to be dooming? well fuck didn’t consider that part. welp guess he’s just gonna have to stab me. and then we will hold each other and declare our love and kiss and hope to still be alive and together somehow as the world collapses around us. our love didn’t save us but it was here and that mattered. okay list cancelled I’m gonna go curl up in a ball for a little bit. ty for your time.
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carlyraejepsans · 5 months
I’m wording this ask so terribly sorry.
So you know sans like the back of your hand and can pinpoint inaccurate portrayals of him but is it like that for the other members of the main cast too? Are there any characters you don’t really get in that way?
the funny thing is, as much as people think of me as a sans understander, the other members of the cast being more self-contained and confined to the narrative makes them a lot easier to puzzle out and put into context. undyne, alphys, asgore, toriel and flowey specifically. their roles are so crucial and defined by undertale's story that they almost work like the gears of a well oiled machine. not only are they characters in and of themselves, but with their backgrounds being available to the player and not left to speculation, every aspect of their personality become integral to What Happens In The Story as well.
when you take sans, on the other hand, his character is still so shrouded in lore and mystery that i do NOT doubt i'm also getting a fair bit of him wrong. he's an unknowable motherfucker. i can study his voice, what we know of him, and draw patterns in his behavior all i want, but at the end of the day there's still a good chunk of context to his character that is necessarily left to speculation. of course, we do have a LOT of lore for his character, and what that lore says seems... pretty direct, at least in terms of character goals and personality (he lost some people/somewhere important to him, he tried so hard to go home, he failed. he knows about the anomaly and it basically caused an existential crisis, however his first instinct was still to empathize with it. he takes everything life throws at him in stride because he doesn't believe in a happy ending anymore. he'll hold onto anything that proves him wrong)
you know who doesn't give you anything at all though?
i do NOT get that guy. honest to god. sure, i can analyze his voice all the same, his personality and actions within the story, but papyrus is just as much of a lore mystery as his brother. with papyrus though? we get NOTHING. nada! he has the most lines out of any character and they tell you nothing about him. worse than that, what little info we get about sans' life "before" has almost no repercussions on papyrus whatsoever. homesickness who? scientific background who? knowledge of the anomaly who? sure, he's surprisingly strong and really passionate about puzzle construction. you can read into those aspects, but it's not anything that ties into any of sans' deal. which makes no sense because they're brothers, they got here together! why isn't sans' obvious baggage over his past something that connects them? at this point the only thing that makes sense to me is him being an amnesiac. which ig could tie into the whole "don't forget" motif. idfk man.
but like. that being said i can still more or less track the way he behaves around the other characters, the way he relates to them, his conflicts within undertale's main story etc. that's normal story analysis and pattern recognition. he's just... a bit trickier to puzzle out than the rest of the cast. goddamn him.
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lethby · 12 days
What's wrong with lesson 16 (everything)
A list by yours truly, who is about to collapse if she doesn't vent about it (TW: opinion lmao)
⍣ ೋ The time-travel shit
It creates so many problems and plot holes that could easily be avoided for no reason.
We leave everyone behind and it's never even addressed?? THEY'RE WAITING FOR US???
Barbatos, supposedly the one that cares about balance and timelines, just goes "well you're stuck here and I literally erased the other MC, good ending :D"
He told her "don't run into anyone" and she decides FIRST THING to head where all the noise is coming from, not trying to hide at all
⍣ ೋ No consequences whatsoever
It's awesome to know no one cared about MC dying
Sure, she's "alive" now, but everyone moved on so quickly??? Even Mammon, who was in the verge of a meltdown.
And it's all because we're Lilith's descendant how convenient
Even Belphie, our murderer who has hated humans for MILLENNIA, had a major switch up at this
Also, the brothers begin to completely disregard MC by treating her like Lilith
Look I understand, it's your dead sister and you miss her, BUT MC IS NOT HER. SHE IS HER OWN GODDAMN PERSON
But the worst part is... MC IS SO DAMN CHILL ABOUT IT
Even if she technically isn't the one who died, you'd expect some kind of uneasiness coming from her, SPECIALLY AROUND BELPHIE
Words can't express how much I hate it
⍣ ೋ Solution
I'm gonna make the devs a favor and fix their game
MC JUST REVIVES FOR WHATEVER REASON (Lilith's will, the last remnants of her powers, Barbatos' precautions...)
Now you don't have to worry about too many plot holes, focusing on just one timeline
Also this allows her to remember her death, making her trauma more intense and veridical
I know it sounds crazy but if they could pull off lesson 16, they can pull this off
Make the brothers indecisive
They got their little brother back, but at what cost?
Everything is fine now, right? But it's not. MC is not "fine"
Make them conflicted between taking MC's side and comforting her but also welcoming Belphie and make up
I can't stress enough how important this part is
Give her TIME to evolve, develop as a character, and understand her feelings
She wouldn't want to be around Belphie, at all
She might not even wanna be around the others, seeing as they treat her like nothing happened
Make her upset, confused, feel like she doesn't belong, ANYTHING
In fact, if you want to make her relationship with Belphie nourish, you can do that too by not just hey lol I killed you but I'm good now
Make her have nightmares
That's it
Make Belphie notice the dark circles under her eyes and the way she avoids him, then discover she has nightmares
The "now" Belphie could feel guilty
He might try to comfort her, only for her to shy away in response
Seeing as his apologies don't work this early into the trauma, he could enter her dreams and chase those nightmares away, every night, sacrificing his own sleep
THAT is a dynamic I want to see, personally
This could have been done with or without the time-travel, btw
In the time-travel, though, I was also missing some grieving from MC
Remember when I said to make the brothers conflicted? Make MC suffer more too
She wants to go back to her time, her universe, her family. They're waiting for her
But she also doesn't want to leave behind these demons, which have just found peace and happiness after a long time
Here's the catch, No matter what she chooses, she's forced to live her life regretting whatever decision she makes, since she can't make everyone happy and one side must suffer inevitably
An MC going through a heavy trauma and eventually (and slowly) overcoming it would just click with so many players
⍣ ೋ Conclusion
To me, the game didn't fully explore the feelings that going through that experience would bring for everyone, even if the idea itself was interesting. No, more like it didn't WANT to. Making MC go through all that would mean a lot of character development for a big amount of characters and little romance, which is what the game is about.
However, if you can't make that sacrifice, don't settle your game in a world rich in lore. And honestly, with all the explanations and back stories, I don't think obey me! is lacking on that. More so that, even if they were fully capable, they didn't want to go through all the trouble. Remember we're coming from an already fucked up scenario that took a lot of chapters.
Finally, this is just my opinion based on my experience. Of course, you don't have to agree with me in any way.
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I have to say, that was relaxing lmaoo
Anyways, since I really like this idea and I've seen several people do it, I'm gonna make my own fanfic exploring how I think lesson 16 would have turned out realistically, hope you stay tuned!
Lethby ༊*·˚
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toysrguts · 5 months
Jeff the Killer Headcanons!!
literally nobody asked for this but these have been sitting in a doc for like a year so i wanted to share :)) (I WILL DRAW HIM ONE DAY!!!)
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•19 yrs old and 5'9
•multitude of piercings: 14mm ear gauges, along with snake bites, nips, a navel, an eyebrow piercing on either side, second lobes, and an industrial on the right side
•is naturally brunette but dyes and cuts his hair himself. usually uses the cheapest black box dye he can find at the drugstore, and has a classic 2000s emo cut but messier and slightly below shoulder length (when hes lazy he just hacks away at his hair with a knife and calls it a day)
•picked up guitar playing cuz he thought it was cool and sexy but he totally kinda sucks at it (he cannot keep a hobby to save his life)
•raspy voice from smoking so goddamn much; in the morning hes practically whispering
•nails are always painted black but theyre always chipped cuz he picks his fingers when hes bored or anxious
•kind of a twink but has some muscle mass in his upper body (still skinny to the point where you can see his ribcage) (i guess hes more of an otter 💀)
•has a trampstamp he got while absolutely WASTED
•his car floor is completely covered in cans and bottles and garbage
•and it smells like cigarettes and is practically falling apart
•actually everything he owns absolutely reeks of weed and cigarettes and also blood
•bisexual and usually prefers he/him pronouns but he seriously couldnt care less
•cant go a whole 5 seconds without making a sex joke or mentioning his huge dick
•has a really bad temper and would literally pull a knife on you for beating him in mario kart
•favorite band is BMTH and enjoys hardcore, deathcore, and most metal genres the most
•insane pyrophobia due to trauma related to fire
•absolutely no shame whatsoever. literally wanders around the slender mansion wearing nothing but boxers and dirty socks with a cigarette in his mouth and a bottle of jack daniels in his hand
•wears crop tops occasionally just to show off the belly button ring (AND HE LOOKS AMAZING)
•really bad at showing affection but tries his best. he doesnt usually like showing his softer side and hes very defensive but you can tell he cares deep down
•super impulsive when it comes to killing. if something small sets him off he will not hesitate to go on a rampage. if someone looks at him wrong he'll overthink it and wont rest until they're bleeding on the ground gasping for air
if this does well i'll do part 2 cuz theres a lot more where this came from :D OK BYE HOPE U LIKE
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maxwell-grant · 1 year
I’ve been diving a bit back into Batman 66 for research, and this is the cliffhanger from the very first episode. As such:
Jesus Christ
For context: Batman had his drink spiked by one of Riddler's goons at a bar he was investigating in, and he realized this just in time to call Robin to his aid, but Robin was tranquilized and kidnapped by the Riddler's gang just as he left the car. The scene above is what happens almost directly after Batman does the Batusi, and together they kinda form a microcosm for the whole show: That it is super silly and played for laughs and done with tongue-in-cheek irony, but when you’re a kid or just suspend your disbelief more easily, this is all extremely real and serious, there’s hardly much that funny or campy about the plot here
Adam West is so good here, drugged and despairing and worried bad enough that his composure is gone. The scene is funny in one way, because it’s drunk Batman handing the keys to the Batmobile to the police because he’s too sloshed to drive, but it’s also fucking horrible, because he’s just been roofied and has to stand by as his partner / son is taken by very, very bad people who want to do very bad things to him and he’s completely helpless to do anything about it. I don’t think even the movies (outside of maybe The Batman’s scenes with Falcone) ever got this dark
Frank Gorshin is so fucking good here, so goddamn creepy. The episode itself pivots hard tone-wise to get to this cliffhanger and most of Riddler’s scenes beforehand were all fairly comedic, with him trying to destroy the Batmobile or handing Batman the lawsuit, but he ping-pongs masterfully between affable conversational charm laced with uncurable arrogance, smug satisfaction and high-pitched manic giggling that causes his whole body to spasm and bend and curdle like the laugh is going to leave his body, and then he just as frequently punctuates those with ice-cold homicidal whispering with not one bit of humor in it whatsoever, and he shuffles these three multiple times per scene or even dialogue
I wanted to more personally confirm the stuff people have said about his performance, that he was the only villain in the show who conveyed genuine, chilling menace (not sure if he’s the only one as of yet), that he was the blueprint that 70s-onwards Joker ripped everything from, and yeah, forget just the Joker, he feels like a baseline for so much of modern film supervillains on a scale maybe only matched by Heath Ledger’s Joker (that I can think of right now)
Batman really doesn’t break composure in this show that much and that’s part of the charm, which helps make these two first episodes and his desperation with Robin more notable. I know there’s one major scene in the movie where he goes berserk around the villains to protect his date, but I’m liking how this matches something that's a fairly consistent pattern with Batman media, from the early comics to this show to the cartoons even all the way to The Batman, which is The Riddler’s ability to fucking piss off Batman to the point his composure evaporates and he goes berserk with violence.
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malehypnofantasy · 10 months
As a programmer, I don't need to go to the office unless my boss told me so. Today, I have the luxury to do my work from the comfort of my bedroom, so I cannot help but directly checks out the personal messages I received
Rodrigo sent me this gorgeous pictures of his with the faint sheen of his sweat still covered that rugged bodybuilder physique of his. He worn the skimpy poser I gave him as a present for his obedience and he seems fitting wearing it
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"Just got back from the gym after finishing all my morning errands. You can join me here if you want, wife is going home late and I only have client after lunch,"
Fuck, if only I read this message earlier, I would be working from his home for the day. Well, still several messages to go. Alex. Fred. Lamar. Desmond. Jésus and.....wow, Derrick.
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"Can I see you today? It's been a while and I got no class or anything anyway, just a quick dinner with Trish before the party starts at 9 in my frat house,"
From the background, he's clearly in Trish sorority bedroom. The young broncos clearly have a great night last night, and he's still thinking about me? Cute. Let's put him on reserve, because Scott clearly sent the best tease of them all
Holy. Fucking. Shit
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The history teacher is clearly not playing around! Look at him dancing like a little slut! Fuck I think I'm leaking pre just from seeing his little dancey dance
"As I said, it's still summer break so I'm all yours, Master.
He's a playful guy from its origin, and the teacher for the drama club in his highschool too, so him being all teasing and erotic shouldn't be this surprising. But putting it into perspective, he's a well respected and charismatic guy in the local community. And now here he is looking so goddamn slutty with no authority whatsoever showing off his hairy muscular body for my enjoyment as if I'm a lover of his rather than a full-blown perv that hypnotized him by messing up his personal laptop where I put the subliminal background and audio that put him under my control.
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I really want to get fucked by Derrick's jock cock, but I think the history teacher brought his A-game today so I guess I'll reply to him
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─🕷────────────── Don't Lie To Me (Peter Parker x Reader -Angst-) ─🕷──────────────
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You know Peter is cheating on you, and you want the truth.
I had no specific Peter Parker in mind when I wrote this, but enjoy. Language, cheating, angst, implied sex ahead.
770 Words
Peter had been increasingly coming home later than usual. You were sick of him hiding his phone all the time whenever it rang. You hated to be suspicious of him like this but you had a gut feeling something was wrong.
That gut feeling was confirmed when you saw the text light up his phone when you both were in bed one night. He was asleep and went to bed clutching his phone in his hand. It slipped out to lay flat on the mattress beside him. You didn't want to accidentally wake him, so you got out the bed and tiptoed around to his side. Hesitantly picking up the glowing device, you read the message:
New Message From Felicia
Hey Spider...When can I see you again? Last night was too fun ;)
You felt your heart sink.
You started to breathe rapidly, trying to focus on something else before you had a panic attack.
You brushed yourself off for a couple of days thinking maybe it was a coworker. Maybe it was taken out of context. Your Peter could never betray you like that.
But when his phone rang with her name once again, he tried to hide it, and you had enough.
"I got promoted today" He said glancing at you and then digging into his pasta.
You stayed silent as you shook your head and raised your eyebrows. You held the metal fork, gripping it hard, wanting nothing more than to stab him with it.
He continued cautiously, it didn't take his spidey sense to notice your grip on the fork: "I think it'll be good for the both of us, and in a couple months I can probably become assistant manager of the company. What do you think?"
He waited for your answer, and when he received none he frowned.
"Baby, you're being so quiet, what's-"
"Yeah, Peter, I'm sorry for being quiet, and all, while you want to celebrate, but you know what I think? I think fucking other people while you know how much I love you is fucking cruel. Who the fuck is Felicia?" You exhaled through your nostrils, eyebrows furrowed as you let your hidden rage out.
You could see his face go pale, confirming you discovered something he always meant to keep a secret.
"She's...she's just...she's just a-" he stuttered not helping his case whatsoever.
"Peter. Don't you lie to me." your voice stern.
"She an old friend, we've been catching up and there's nothing going on between us." You could tell he was lying.
"Then let me see your phone, Peter."
"What? No, (y/-)"
"Let me see your Goddamn phone!" you yelled. You hated to yell but you were at a breaking point. You tried to stay strong, tears attempting to form in your eyes.
He reluctantly put in his password, and handed it to you while sighing deeply. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes.
That was really all you could say. Because the second you clicked on her contact the evidence spoke for itself. Dates they had planned, nudes sent, sexts exchanged. It was worse than you ever envisioned it would be.
You nodded your head accepting that this was reality as you prodded your tongue in your mouth before asking:
"What, so you were going to..just keep me around in case that didn't work out?" You folded your arms.
"It's not...it just kind of happened." he answered struggling to explain himself. What can he say? He was caught.
"But you still kept it going?" you threw your hand up and then back into your arm fold.
"I'm sorry." he says his voice starting to croak.
Your face was full of sadness, but you knew what you had to do. That trust was something that could never be replaced. And it's gone now.
"Sorry won't bring me back" you stated sadly.
You called a friend and asked if you could stay the night, telling them about the situation. You pulled your suitcase from the closet and stuffed as many of your clothes and items in there as possible.
You'd have to collect the rest of your stuff eventually. But tonight you just wanted to be away from Peter.
"Have fun with that" you said pointing to his phone as you left the house, pulling your suitcase behind you.
You got in your car and turned the key to the ignition to drive. Your tears finally flowed as you let yourself cry. You blinked rapidly and hot tears came rolling down, its warmth feeling oddly comforting in this cold time.
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Pt VII good omens S1E3 but i'm in a fever-induced haze and i watched it four days ago
Hello maggots it turns out I may have a viral fever... or perchance I'm just going viral in the GO fandom and Crowley being so hot has given me a fever (this is what I learned from years of studying thermodynamics). BAHAHAHAHAHAH anyway this is a LOOOONG post.
EDIT: There are time inconsistencies, as some of you informed me. Paint before wall slam etc. But this show does not follow linear time, just like me. Time is cosmic Play-Doh, and @neil-gaiman, Einstein and I are toddlers playing with it all bendy-bendy. We may have eaten some. I blame Neil. So I will correct nothing.
(im sorry to all my followers, the maggots, and everyone reading this post, i'm afraid this level of quality will be sustained for the rest of the post)
Whatever it may be... haveth my summary of Good Omens Ep3, or whatever I remember of it, anyway.
The second the episode started streaming everyone was yelling about the cold open in the chat.
I could be conflating this with Ep 1 but I think it begins with Aziraphale's gaslight gatekeep girlboss moment where he straight up LIES TO GOD about giving the dumb humans a flaming sword right after they fell from grace.
Hot take from someone who has negligible biblical knowledge, look at it, guys. What harm has an apple ever done to mankind (except to doctors)? Nothing. *nods vigorously* And then our lovely angel goes and gIVES THEM A GODDAMN FLAMING SWORD. Nice, fire and weaponry, this is going to go well for the world!
Anyway lesson is Aziraphale is a chaotic lil bastard and it's why we and Crowley love him.
Fast forward to uh, Noah's Ark... There is a unicorn and it runs away, which Crowley/Crawly seems concerned about. Azi is just chilling there watching all of humanity be drowned and Crowley, looking gorgeous may I add, walks up and she's like CHILDREN? WHY ARE YOU KILLING CHILDREN?
Did I mention that she looks gorgeous with those flowing locks because she does. It gives kind of Disney Brave vibes, doesn't it? Wait is David Tennant Scottish I WANT A DAVID TENNANT/CROWLEY MERIDA COSPLAY.
Anyway so Aziraphale and Crowley watch everyone drown etc
I may have missed a few centuries but then we have ol' Bill Shakespeare and Hamlet (David!!) and Aziraphale like the bean he is wants to cheer them on, and does it badly.
Crowley is standing there thinking man this angel is a fucking doofus why do I love him, and then they make a deal that allows them to do NO work whatsoever since their work cancels out anyway.
Aziraphale pouts at Crowley and Crowley melts inside and makes Hamlet a success though he doesn't even like Shakespeare's tragedies but Azi does and that's all that matters.
OH YEAH FRENCH REVOLUTION. Just to fuck with Aziraphale and because the painkillers are getting to me, I'm gonna do this one in my shit French (et non, je ne peux pas utiliser les accents, j'utilise l'ordinateur et je ne veux pas ouvrir Google). Alors, la revolution est la, Aziraphale veut manger (quelle surprise) et ses vetements sont tres chers, les sans-culottes le tueront, mais Crowley vient et Aziraphale dis "Crowley! Mon hero"
Okay I ran out of French but yes so he was gonna be hanged but Crowley came and Aziraphale's face literally melted and then he switched clothes with the guard and left him to die while he and Crowley went to dine happily (Aziraphale dined, Crowley was hungry for Azi because he has a watching-angel-eat kink).
Aziraphale being a casual accessory to murder/murderer is the most underrated part of good omens.
Fast forward and it's the holocaust and Aziraphale is tricked by some Nazis and they're about to kill him. But Crowley walks down the aisle to their groom, well, more like skips while yelping, and burns the place down for Aziraphale. Naturally Azi's like OH NO MY BOOKS and is ready to cry, then Crowley gently hands him the suitcase full of books unharmed and says just a little miracle for you, baby, want a ride home? And Aziraphale is left holding the books (which by the by Crowley does not care about, they do NOT read books, again, just for Azi) and looking like the happiest man alive and like he would die for Crowley.
Fast forward and we have Crowley in the sixties SERVING with her bob cut, anyone who doesn't like it can fight me to the DEATH, I LOVE HER, and anyway Crowley manipulates, manslaughters and manwhores her way into getting into the car with Aziraphale. He hands her a bottle of holy water because fuck heaven he would do anything for Crowley, and Crowley offers to drive him anywhere (mmmhm Crowley sure you're just being a gentledemon) and Aziraphale tells her that she goes too fast for him. IF THIS ISN'T CALLBACKED IN S3 WITH CROWLEY SAYING "YOU RIDE TOO FAST FOR ME, ANGEL" on a motorbike or horse or his peepee ANYTHING IDC im gonna throw hands.
I'm choosing to forget all the breakups so end cold open back in present day
They're in a paintball arena and Crowley presses Aziraphale into the wall while growling I'm not nice (ok Crowley bro maybe it's time to take a break from 2010s wattpad) and Aziraphale is just gazing adoringly at him. Ex-Satanic nun comes and is like oh my bad this is an intimate moment and Crowley turns around immediately cross that someone's interrupting them but Aziraphale continues to stare at Crowley's face hornily until he reluctantly looks at the nun too. Thanks for the acting choices Michael Sheen.
They hypnotise her and Azi melts when she mentions the antichrist's toesy-woesies and then they leave and Azi is hit by paint, Crowley circles him devouring him with his gaze and finally blows away the paint with an air kiss. I see you, Azi, I KNOW you can get rid of it yourself. Anyway then Crowley turns all the paintball guns into rifles and people start shooting and Azi is like THIS is my husband and they walk away to have drinks while the police swarms.
People were like 'Crowley only ensured no one got killed because of the look Azi gave him' like LMAO have you MET them? Aziraphale is always fucking down for murder, Crowley is the one being like FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AZIRAPHALE NO. Azi was like "shit we gotta kill the antichrist you do it" and crowley's like "bitch slow down we can literally just raise the kid right"
Anyway Crowley gaslights some demons about seeing the hellhound and ig whatever I said happened in Ep 2 with Dog actually happened here etc
The bandstand scene, fuck me. Crowley asks Aziraphale to run away together from the end of the world and Aziraphale says no and they're both sad
we're all sad too
the end
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Day twenty-two of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon.
Kon makes the softest little sound Tim has ever heard and kisses him back. His mouth doesn’t give like it should–at least, not like a fully human mouth would–but Tim doesn’t know if that’s the TTK or the Kryptonian physiology coming in. He really can’t figure it out right now, though, because his every single synapse is busy being obsessed with Kon in close and warm and kissing him so softly, and maybe that’s just because he has super-strength and doesn’t want to bruise the civilian but it feels . . . 
Tim doesn’t even have a sentence there. It just feels. 
Kon’s lips aren’t any more chapped than his hands were. His mouth feels like velvet over steel, like satin wrapped around a weapon, and the dichotomy is really, really doing it for Tim. 
So is literally everything about Kon right now, of course. 
Tim, clinically, wonders what TTK feels like. If that’s the soft velvet-satin sensation he’s feeling, or . . . 
Maybe Kon let his TTK down for this, he thinks, and then nearly burns alive at the thought. Maybe Kon trusted him enough to kiss him without it in the way, though: his strongest defense, his best trick, that whole sense. 
Kon leans back just enough to separate their lips, and Tim exhales raggedly. He thinks he can feel the shape of Kon’s smile against his mouth when the other takes a breath of his own. 
“You can take some pictures, if you want,” Kon murmurs lowly. Tim, again, nearly falls off the bench. “If you’re into that.” 
Tim actually does not even have the words for how “into that” he is, honestly. Like not even slightly. Not even a little bit. 
“Maybe a couple,” he manages. His voice is a little strangled, but more or less coherent, so he figures that’s–fine. Yeah. It’s fine. 
“Cool,” Kon hums, then presses one last chaste little peck to his lips before straightening back up and flicking open the button of his pants. “But close your eyes for a sec first, okay?” 
Tim considers spontaneously combusting, but just puts a hand over his eyes instead. Sure. Why not. He’s already doomed; might as well really commit. 
He hears Kon’s zipper go down. 
Christ on a cracker, he thinks only a little bit hysterically. This was not in any way whatsoever in the plan. Not even a little bit was this in the plan. Ever. At all. Ever. 
He should stop him. He doesn't even know what Kon's doing, but he should definitely stop him.
He does not. 
He hears Kon moving. Hears fabric rustle. Feels a lot of things, including the terrible and mortifying realization that actually the shopping bag currently in his lap is probably doing jack all for him because Kon has TTK and therefore doesn't actually need to see him to know that he's getting–
Never mind. 
Fuck, Tim is in so far over his head. He's definitely in over his head. He is in over his head and wearing cement shoes and the water level is rising. 
“Hey,” Kon says after a few more moments of rustling fabric, and Tim can hear the grin in the bastard's voice as clear as he heard that goddamn zipper. “Look what I found.” 
Tim opens his eyes with thrilled dread and horrified delight, bracing himself for the worst. 
It turns out to be worse than that. 
“Fuck,” Tim says, staring dumbfounded at Kon, whose cheeks are flushed and mouth is smirking and pose is casually merciless and . . . and oh fucking hell. 
Tim has no idea when, where, or how, but Kon has somehow dug up the tiniest pair of denim shorts he has ever seen in real life and a stretchy, loose-fit crop top T-shirt with a big bright S-shield that fits implausibly tightly across his pecs and exposes every inch of his abs and way too much of his Adonis belt and oh, okay, yeah, Tim was in no way braced enough. No way whatsoever. Not even slightly.  
He is suddenly mortifyingly aware of Kon having thighs. Like, he's noticed Kon's arms before–it would be physically impossible not to have, even through the leather jacket–but somehow he never noticed his thighs. 
Terrible oversight on his part, there. 
Tim swallows. 
“Oh, so you, uh . . . remember that conversation, huh,” he manages weakly, and Kon's smirk goes sly again and he makes a point of shifting into a stupid come-hither teen-zine pose that has Tim silently praying for mercy.
“I definitely remember that conversation,” Kon says. 
Tim honestly did not expect him to. Like . . . why would Kon remember that conversation? Just flirting around a little shouldn’t necessitate . . . 
It occurs to Tim that Kon might’ve remembered that conversation because he’d made the effort to. That he might’ve tried to. Tim had said there was something he’d like to see him in, and Kon had made it a point to remember that. And then a point to go and find it. 
Fuck, Tim thinks in near-hysteria, and only doesn’t burst into literal flames of mortification by the mercy of the multiverse. He told Kon he was into something and Kon went to the effort to make it happen for him. Because Kon . . . wants to do that, apparently. Wants to do things Tim is into. 
“Oh,” Tim croaks, and Kon bites his lip around a wider smirk and then just sort of steps back into his space a little and then . . . 
Then he plucks up the shopping bag in Tim’s lap by the handles, sets it aside, and replaces it. 
Replaces it with himself, to be clear. 
Tim blinks, very slowly, and every fucking drop of blood in his brain abandons ship to fly south for the summer. Kon’s arms are braced against the wall on either side of Tim’s head and Kon’s thighs are on either side of Tim’s thighs, and Kon is kneeling over Tim’s lap. Tim’s actual literal lap.
If there was any chance of Tim coming up with something coherent to say about that, the way Kon leans down into “close enough to kiss” territory would absolutely and entirely vaporize it. 
“Does it look as good as you thought it would?” Kon asks, his eyes warm and heated and bluer than anything and his voice a low and shameless purr. Tim continues to lack a coherent vocabulary to answer him with. “Tim?” 
“Asdfghjk,” Tim manages, which might be sort of like words or might just be the verbal equivalent of a literal keyboard smash, maybe, and then does the stupidest possible thing he could do, which is grab Kon’s hips and kiss him again. Kon makes that same soft little sound into it, going loose and liquid in his lap, and then wraps his arms around his neck and tries to eat him alive. 
Tim is in no way complaining about that, for the record. 
Bragging, maybe. Maybe he’s technically more bragging, in this scenario. In his defense, Kon is filling up his entire lap with an infinite expanse of smooth muscle and bare skin and a fucking S-shield crop top, which Tim would really have expected people to have more respect for Superman than to make and sell commercially but really should’ve known better than to, in fact, expect people to have more respect for Superman than to make and sell commercially. 
"Kon–" he chokes out unthinkingly as Kon drops his mouth down behind his ear to kiss him there, brain all fried out on Kon's weight pressing down into his lap and Kon's body against his body and Kon's mouth high up his throat, on Kon's bare thighs and exposed stomach and the stretch of fabric across his muscles and his–and then he very abruptly remembers that Kon never actually told "Tim Drake" his name and his eyes flare in alarm and he panics and Kon–
"Wow, you really did do your research," he observes in amusement, leaning back just enough to grin down at him. 
Tim is the luckiest son of a bitch alive. 
Also the stupidest, but that goes without saying. 
"Um," he says weakly. "Sorry?" 
"It's cool, babe, I'm starting to think scary stalker tendencies are just a Gotham thing at this point," Kon teases with another easy laugh, squeezing his arms around Tim's neck. They are unspeakably nice arms and Tim frankly does not deserve their presence. "To say nothing of the control freak stuff. I dunno, is there something in the water around here, or does it all just mean 'I like you' in Gothamite?" 
"So sorry," Tim stresses feebly, and Kon just smiles at him. 
"It's cool," he repeats quietly, ducking his head a little. "Seriously. I actually kinda like hearing you say my name. Or . . . okay, I really like it. It's still pretty new, to be honest, so I don't really hear it all that much. Shoulda told you it to begin with, I just . . . haven't had many people to tell, I guess.  But it's not like it's a secret or anything." 
"Ah," Tim says, his gut twisting with totally, totally inappropriate heat. 
"Wanna say it again, maybe?" Kon asks softly, leaning back in with just the faintest trace of glitter and warmth in his eyes. "Wanna say it all the time?" 
Tim definitely wants to do that, yes. 
"Kon-El," he says, and Kon smiles.
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ghostlythunderbird · 1 year
Hey Guys! I wanted to give you guys a sneak peek at what I'm currently working on.
This will be a Poly Relationship with a Female reader, which will include our top soldiers Ghost, Konig, and Keegan. It is also 18+ (This means Minors and Ageless blogs DNI) as there will be sexual themes later on but here's a snippet of what I have so far! This will be a Modern Omegaverse Dystopia, and I will be more than happy to answer any questions on this upcoming AU.
"God, if I knew how much of a handful you were, I never would have fucking agreed to this." The hurtful words spewed out of Keegan's mouth before Ghost or Konig could stop him. Those words made you bristle, your teeth clenching before slowly turning back to face the 3 significant alphas sitting in the living room. "Oh, you think you're angry because you agreed to mate with someone you don't know? How do you think I feel, being forced into a contract with not just one but THREE alphas I've never met!" Tears began to collect in your eyes as you tried to keep your gaze on Keegan.
 "At least you had a choice! How did it go for me? I was forced out of the only home I ever knew, only to be paired with three alphas, who, mind you appear to have NO experience being around an Omega whatsoever! Only to be locked on their knots and treated like a goddamn broodmare for the rest of my life." 
Tears began to run down your cheeks as your throat tightened, beginning to choke your words. "I wanted to live a normal life just like everyone else on this godforsaken planet, but no, I was told to sit down, shut up and be a 'Good lil' Omega'" Those words alone made your skin crawl; and it seemed your alphas shared the same sentiment. Konig's gaze dropped to the floor before shifting his body away from you, his scent becoming sour. The tension in the room continued to increase as your rant began its downhill slide.
"The only person here that's made me somewhat comfortable in this fucking house is Konig; you and Ghost have given me NOTHING. You've done nothing but criticize everything I've done since I got here, and you dare to say that YOU'RE angry over this arrangement?" A growl brewed in your throat. If your dam heard you right now, she'd die on the spot, saying it was Un-Omegalike. None of the alphas could meet your tearful stare; not even the battle-hardened Ghost could look at you. It only solidified that these alphas, ones you were supposed to bond with, didn't fully understand how you felt during this rough change.
You couldn't stand to be around them anymore; the need to return to your room, to your nest, was steadily becoming overwhelming. Swiftly turning on your heel, you began to leave the living room. The alpha's head snapped back to your frame as you walked away. The skull-faced alpha took a step past Keegan. "Love wai-." As you spun around to face him, your speed was near enough to snap anyone's neck. "Don't. You. Dare. Say that. After everything, you don't get to call me that; I can't fucking be in here with any of you right now. Just leave me alone" The snarl left your lips was deadly. Clearly stating, 'Leave me alone.'
The air was stagnant once you turned around and left. The Alphas soon looked at one another. No words were shared between them, but they were all in the same thought process.
They really fucked up.
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