#but i woke up ate apples and peanut butter
i have like. vague amounts of notes still in my notes app abt nefise but it is 2am and at last i shall head to bed bc i have an appointment thing i have to go to tomorrow 😔
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jjkeremika · 5 months
Peanut Butter Kisses (levi ackerman x reader)
levi’s guilty pleasure food is peanut butter. he loves the goopy spread, pairing it with apples, celery, breads, or even just on its own. he sneaks downstairs in the early morning for a taste, hides in the kitchen during the film to take a heap. you’ve spotted him a few times dipping his finger in the jar and plopping a bulky glob into his mouth; like he didn’t just make a scene over you unhygienically eating out of the crisps bag. you never said anything; you let him play his persona and kept his secret a secret held close to your chest.
normally he was maybe a little plain but especially very clean when he ate, rarely applying condiments and leaving little crumbs, keeping the plate tidy, and stacking everything up at the end.
but peanut butter was sticky and gooey and oily and residual. it left water-impartial remnants and unsavory textures on utensils and dishes and clothes. it left a dry and sappy mouth with a smacking tongue and a double need to swallow. it lingered with a ghostly veil over lips and a distinct smell.
he’s embarrassed because he’s conflicted; he shouldn’t like it; kenny told him that when he was young—because it was a messy, rare commodity back then and levi “will become a tidy, tasteful, and thoughtfully-frugal man.”
one day, a little before levi usually woke up for his snack, you peaked into the kitchen, immediately went to his “secret stash,” fished out an open jar, and ate a spoonful. you ran your fingertip along the spoon, collecting a film of peanut butter and applying it to your lips like a balm.
he tiredly walked into the kitchen, yet still brightly smiled once he spotted you near the counter, hiding the loose jar behind you. his hands graced your hips and your lips joined for a kiss, one that he immediately moaned into once the taste of peanut butter touched his tongue, “h’oh, you taste so fucking good.”
you exhaled hot breath onto the skin behind his ear, heard the sharp inhale and felt the hairs rising to meet your lips. “i applied some to my nipples, too,” you said in a hushed, half-whisper, leaning back to see his gorgeous face and dilated pupils, “wanna’ see?”
the whine he released was gutturally primal, escaping from the depths of his lungs and breaking from a caged lifetime of unnecessary guilt. his pupils veered towards max dilation, and his restrained erection eagerly ached as his eyes roamed your face, struggling to focus between your eyes and your lips. “oh, yes,” he answered desperately, “absolutely yes.”
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hanrolld · 7 days
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28/05/2024 ໒꒱★˚⁎⁺˳ .
hey! I almost went to sleep without writing!! Today was a stay at home day and it was cozy, I don’t think I’m becoming a homebody but I had a great time at home, I woke up and helped my dad with some documents for the house that we live in, then my mom cooked lunch and for some reason my internal clock as not clocking because I go to shower at 8 or 9 I woke up at 9:40 and when to shower at 12:55 so… something to improve there, I took my vitamins im taking vitamin C, vitamin D3, ginseng and Magnesium at nighttime, after eating I showed my mom some tutorials on word to help her in her new work (now she works with my dad) and then I when to my bed and saw some really good self improvement videos, after literally think I’m my room for hours I when to ate dinner I made a peanut butter pancake with jelly apples and cinnamon, it was delicious, I fixed my night table bc it was kinda messy not all that’s left is my closet and the my stand yeppie, now I’m in my bed about to sleep at 11:26 again my bed time is at 10:30 so let’s go to sleep good night, love you! Say it back!
Tumblr won’t let me paste the links for the videos so I’m gonna write the tittles so you can look it up if you want to:
You new life is gonna cost you your old life by Ri Turner (8:32)
Your old self is gone but your new self isn’t fully born yet by Ri Turner (11:34)
Make peace with not being “picked” by allisonthemystic (33:06)
LET THEN - JUST LET THEM by looking at life with Dee (6:59)
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I am so so so proud of myself rn, all I ate yesterday was an apple with some peanut butter at 7 pm, and because I ate that I was able to skip dinner. Woke up this morning barely hungry at all, so I’m just having some coffee to wake up with. I doubt I can make this a 24 hour fast so soon, but even if I can’t, I’m very proud ^w^ been 17 hours already so not a bad start.
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pbandjesse · 11 months
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I am back home. It is nice to feel clean and be back in my own bed. And with James. Who is currently folding laundry. It is so nice to feel normal.
Last night was a little tough though. I would end up falling asleep pretty quickly but at 2 it started storming really bad. A branch fell on the roof and startled me awake. And then the sound of how loud the rain was was pretty distressing. I was smart and had left my headphones near me so after double checking that the world was not falling apart I was able to put my headphones on and fall back asleep.
It wasnt the best sleep. But it was fine. And I woke up before my alarm around 8.
I didn't feel great. Like I would be fine but my stomach hurt very much. After I got dressed I went for a walk to take a water bottle I found to the office and made Alexi laugh when I pushed myself up against the screen to say good morning. Literally for no reason just being silly.
I walked to homestead. Where I was happy to see the turkey was in the enclosure but he was all wet from the storm. And then the chickens and duck were as well in their new pen. They don't have a good enclosure down there so I'm sad they were out in the rain.
I went to pet the goats and found that one of them was in their harness but both his legs were in one leg hole. So I fixed it for him and he let me pet him under the chin like a dog and it was so cute. But then the other goat was jealous and jumped up on me with his hooves!!! It was mostly silly but also dirty on my sweatshirt!
I left them and went to find mushrooms. I did find two! A blue one and a white. It was fun. And then I was back at my building. I had an apple and peanut butter. And soon Tatiana was there. It was her last official day!! I'm going to miss having her with me! So wildly helpful.
And I wanted to make sure her projects were all done and I got her a box to put things in. I would send her away at the end of the day with some art supplies and other things I thought she might like. But we aren't there yet, she was still helpful all day.
I would cover my cheek with googly eyes for no reason. I would leave one there all day. I told Tati that it was the new style.
She would just laughed at me.
Our groups were late. We were not shocked. But it would be fun when they did come. Woodlands did well. No accident penises or otherwise. And the pioneer group only had 6 kids and that was so nice. I wish we would have more small groups cause it's great. I enjoyed talking to them and they made good art. It was fun.
Lunch was a weird pizza. I had a little piece of it but would heat up my dumplings I brought from home and ate on the porch at the office.
Eventually I would go back to my building and hung out in my hammock and read until it was almost time for day camp. I went down to use the bathroom and I don't understand why it is always soaking wet in there. I am almost positive a pipe is dripping because it never dries. It's gross but it is also the closest bathroom.
When I got back day camp one was there and they would do so good with their pieces. Kenny made a very small black rectangle with eyes. Harper told everyone what to do, as she does. It was fun and silly and I enjoyed talking to Sasha who was covering the group during a break.
It was hard to make them leave at the end. One little girl did not want to go, even after I talked to her about how I was so glad she enjoyed it but it was time to go. And Sarah had to sit with her outside because she was so upset. I didn't want to smother so I stayed out of it but I felt bad. I'm so glad she liked art so much!! But things end and you have to go to the next thing. I get it though I also don't want to leave my building.
Our break turned into an hour because tipis has a medical issue with someone getting hit with a water bottle in the head. But once they came they mostly just wanted to do clay. A few did metal stamping and another did some sewing. But me and Candela sat and caught up. She just got in from Italy and I was excited to what she got a scholarship to move to the states for two years for her degree! I'm so happy for her. And I got to tell her some stuff about the wedding. Which was nice, I haven't been able to do that much lately.
We had our last group. And we did it! We had enough spoons that everyone who wanted one got to use it and I was thrilled. And it was just a nice thing to end the day with. And the kids made great work and it was good. I was happy. It was a good day. I got to help kids make art. A few came for string. I got to be my best self.
Tati would finish packing up her things and she told me that it was fun hanging out and she thought I was fun and it made me feel so nice. And I was only slightly emotional when she left for the bus.
I would spend the next hour cleaning up the building and putting things away and getting ready for next week. And while I was seeing about paint and starting an example Celia would come join me to sit for a little. She wasn't feeling great but I think she's just on the down swing from the concert on Wednesday. But I hope she isn't actually sick.
I would have to head down to the bears soon enough. I got my bags and drove down there and would speak to so many people. Sometimes I think me being down there isn't helpful but honestly tonight a lot of people didn't know where they were supposed to go. So I was helpful and that was good. The sun kept being exactly in my face though and I had to keep moving and I think I was making the parents laugh. Mostly they were all really nice. I loved being helpful.
At 615 I started to leave but I got a message from Jorge and wasn't sure if he got my response so I went back to the regular route out and got stuck in a little traffic jam. But I had some chips and I got to wave at people. I stopped to tell Chris I didn't want any of the children he was offering. And then after waving goodbye to Charlotte and Candela and Dachelle I was on the road home.
And it was a mostly pleasant drive. Except when someone was driving 30 in a 65. But mostly it was fine and I was just happy to be home.
I had a little chat about how beautiful out it was with a nice man on our stoop. And then I was upstairs and hugging my James and it was so good to be here.
We would hang out while I unpacked things. I would end up brushing Sweetp which we never do and we filled the brush three times! I guess we should actually brush him now? He has never needed it before just maybe his coat is changing as he gets older and thats why he has been looking oily.
James would start laundry while I started counting my squares for my knitting project. I have 121 done! I have one more ball of yarn and then we will see where I am but I'm excited.
I got showered. And James made me an omelet for dinner. And now the sun is down and I am very much ready to go to sleep.
Tomorrow I am running the market and in the evening we have Sam and Paul's engagement party! I'm looking forward to seeing them.
I hope you guys all have a good night. I hope you are sleeping well and taking good care of yourself. I love you. Goodnight!
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uglyfatsack · 2 years
I have been such a fatty today, I woke up around two in the afternoon and was able to supress my appetite until around 5. But I was getting dizzy so I had a small apple because I was starving. I had a can of black beans, some oyster crackers and granola. I Ended up eating a lot of peanut butter and jam out of the jar which made me feel sick. I Fell asleep and woke up at midnight because eating makes me sleepy and I've been super depressed. I was hungry again so I ate a cup of noodles but didn't feel filling enough so I ended up binging on some microwaveable mashed potatoes it says 3 servings worth. I think I still did ok today since I'm just starting out. The reason why I thought it be a good idea and I had to strength to start starving myself full time is because I had a stomach bug this past week so I lost my appetite completely. My appetite has obviously come back but my stomach still feels messed up. I just tried to throw it back up but it's hard so I decided that I'll just try to starve again tomorrow or eat a minimum of 300 cals. I'm really not doing OK mentally and I'm scared I don't know how im gunna hide this from my sister and therapist. I'm so disgusted in myself for being at my heaviest it said a number you all would be disgusted in me too I need to get down under 200 but the depression and losing job after job and not taking my meds has really taken a toll. I wish I could just go back to the hospital but my sister is about to have a baby and the holidays are coming up
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mythoughtsbysms · 1 year
Date Plans
Do not repost this post. This is my original work.
Sunday Morning
It’s 7:00 am and you woke up to your alarm going off. The room was warmer than usual because you decided to close the window since it was raining badly the night before and didn't want water going into your room. It was foggy outside and you decided to get up and open the curtains all the way and open up the window to let some fresh air into the room. 
You grabbed your phone and went into your kitchen to make yourself a honey latte since you really liked it yesterday. You made yourself peanut butter toast with some banana slices and strawberries with a couple of hard-boiled eggs. You sat down on the couch and opened up your phone to see if anyone texted you during the night. You saw a notification that Matt has texted you very late last night, you were asleep at this point. 
Matt: Hey Y/N! Sorry for the late text. I wanted to make sure you are okay and say I'm sorry about the kiss tonight. I didn’t want to come off pushing or trying to rush things since we are now getting to know each other. I understand if you don't want to go on with our friendship. I want to make sure you are happy and feel respected. 
Y/N: Hey Matt! I’m seeing your text now. I was asleep when you sent your text. You didn't do anything wrong! I appreciate that you wanted to make sure I felt respected. I was worried that I did something wrong. You left so quickly. Are you doing okay? Of course, I still want to be friends with you. You're really cool and sweet. 
Matt: Hey. Yes, I am doing alright. I’m happy that you want to continue our friendship. I really enjoy spending my time with you. You're an amazing woman and I’m grateful to have you as my friend. 
Y/N: Aww... I’m grateful that you are my friend too!
You were so happy that you both are on the same page and communicated what was going on on both sides. After you were done eating, you went and got dressed so you can run some errands. You wanted to go to Blick’s art store to purchase some Prismacolor color pencils, some Copic markers, bristol paper, and a couple sketchbooks. You also needed to stop by the store to pick up some groceries and flowers. Flowers make you happy because they are calm and feel as if they have a personality of their own. [ Your favorite flower(s) ] is/are your favorite. 
While you were getting ready, you picked out an outfit. You are wearing black flare pants, a loosely fitted cream sweatshirt, a black beanie, a loosely fitted black shirt jacket, and a pair of black ankle-height UGGs. Once ready, you grab your water and stopped by the local coffee shop to get yourself a matcha latte with honey and went to go Blick’s. 
While shopping at Blick’s, you were picking out some colors from the Prismacolor pencil section thinking about texting Matt to see what he is doing but decided not to because he could be busy and you didn’t want to disrupt him from his work. You went on the purchase the supplies you needed and wanted and went to the grocery store. Before you left, you wrote down what you needed because you planned on baking more treats since you and Matt ate the other ones up. 
Whole Foods List:
Fruits: organic honeycrisp apple and avocado.
Vegetables: organic cucumber and baby romaine lettuce.
Pantry: 100% organic cacao powder, 100% organic cacao bar, canned pumpkin puree (2), canned refried beans (3), and organic peanut butter.
Dairy/Dairy Alternative: soy milk (2).
Misc: flowers for the kitchen table.
You got what you needed from the grocery store and walked home. Luckily, it wasn’t raining outside, so nothing got wet from the rain. When you got home, you put everything away and took care of the flowers. The flowers were [ your favorite flower ] and looked amazing on the kitchen table. I made the space look complete. Now that everything has been taken care of, you made yourself a classic peanut butter and homemade raspberry jam sandwich with some chips on the side. It’s simple but it was good. Sometimes, having something simple hits the spot, especially on a busy day. 
 A few hours later, you were relaxing on the couch eating a snack, and watching some [ your favorite genre of videos ] on YouTube on TV when Matt texts you.
Matt: Hey Y/N! I wanted to see how you were doing. You’ve been on my mind all day. 
Y/N: Hey! I’m doing alright. I’ve run some errands earlier and now I’m watching YouTube on TV while eating a snack. What’s going on?
Matt: Cool. Nothing much just been working on some music for an upcoming single. May I ask you something?
Y/N: Oh cool! Of course, what’s up?
Matt: I know we just met and started becoming friends but, I was wondering if I can take you out to dinner sometime? I’ve been developing feelings for you and wanted to take you out but wanted to take it slowly so you didn’t feel rushed.
Y/N: Matt, I would love to go on a date with you! What date and time were you thinking?
Matt: Awesome! I was thinking before my tour starts (January 27th) since I’ll be busy with music for the next couple of weeks. How about January 20th at 5:30 pm? 
Y/N: *checks calendar* Yes, that should work!
Matt: Great! See you January 20th at 5:30 pm! I’ll pick you up.
Y/N: Perfect! I’m looking forward to seeing you.
Matt: Me too. :)
You spent the rest of the night watching TV and relaxing, You went to bed with butterflies and love in your stomach. You were so excited but the date is a month away. You wrote on your to-do list things you need to get done prior to the date to help make the days fly by quicker. 
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edboyblog · 1 year
Bruh I woke up at like 4 in the morning nauseous and I literally had to take out my retainer and sit by the bowl for like an hour bc I was throwing up💀💀💀💀 (this wasn't a purge btw)
The last thing I ate was a snack of an apple and a TBSP of peanut butter so that's all I saw in the toilet. I love that snack but now I'm thinking I should take a break from it it really turned me off 😭😭 it was all I tasted too🤢🤢
I wake up at 6 everyday so I lost like an hour of sleep that I NEEDED I'm so tired now and my stomach is killing
I feel like I'm gonna have diarrhea later now but can't do anything rn bc I'm waiting for my class to start 😀
At least I'll lose some weight 🙃🙃🙃
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losersimpforsunjaesol · 2 months
Day 9 of getting my sh!t together! (£D TW)
Hiii! Today marks the 9th day of this challenge and as I said, I'm going to go on a restricted diet influenced by the military diet and try to fix my lifestyle. I woke up early morning and went for a walk, I walked for over 2 hours. After coming back, I started my day with a glass of warm lemon water.
At first, I thought the diet would be challenging since the amount of food is very less. To my surprise, I did not feel hungry at all. I was full the entire day and did not feel as tired as I usually do. My favorite part of this diet was having ice-cream at the end.
Anyways, it was fun. Here's what I ate the entire day:
1)1 Wholewheat Multigrain Toast With 1.5 tsp of unsweetened crunchy peanut butter.
2)1/2 grapefruit.
3)Black coffee
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1)1 Slice of Bread Toast
2)Seasoned and boiled chicken breast with hot sauce (I used garlic, giner, lime juice, vinegar, pepper and paprika to season it. Boiled the chicken till the water dried. It tasted so good.)
3)Tender coconut water
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Evening snack:
Just black coffee
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1)Chicken and beans(I boiled the chicken and beans the same way I did for lunch and left a little bit of broth).
2)1/2 green apple.
3)1 scoop of vanilla ice-cream
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This was today's menu. Nor once did I felt snacky or felt like taking a bite of chocolate or cookie. The green apple and vanilla ice-cream for dessert just made my entire day.
Here's my song recommendation for the day:
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deyzalee · 2 months
Dear God,
Thankful and blessed today. I woke up early with the help of my alarms. I prepared myself for 25 hours duty. I ate tinolang tanguige fish for breakfast. I arrived at Saif’s house safely. I cared and monitored my patient. I did inventory. I rested and wait for the time. 1 hour duty ended and I transferred to Hamda’s house safely. I cared and monitored my patient with the help of Fatima and with you Oh God. I scrolled my social media accounts, chatted my family and friends. I played cooking fever a lot. I watched random videos. I ate rebisco biscuit with peanut butter for lunch. I ate half of green apple dipped in a salt. I watched random vlogs. I ate rebisco with peanut butter and drank blue berry shake for my dinner. I did cortex. I read few pages of the Bible. God, please heal my constipation. Its 5 days already that I did not pass my stool. I drank movicol 3 sachets already and two tablets of dulcolax. I read few pages of the Bible. Still monitoring my patient until my off duty. Have mercy on us Oh God. Guide us always to the right path. Remove sickness, danger and negative things in our life. Answer our prayers in your perfect time. Thank you and I love you God.
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Day #1 - October 14th;
Woke up exhausted. Slept well, but just really physically tired. Had a spinach, berries, yogurt and banana with protein powder smoothie. Felt worse. Got to work and felt awful. Contemplated going to the walk in clinic to see if this is some kind of chest infection I’m fighting.
Ate watermelon, drank some water, had some almonds and some made good cookies. Then some of my stuffed salad. Had a chai latte at lunch. Felt better. Much better.
Drank more water. Had an apple and some peanut butter. Had another coffee. Felt significantly better. Energy levels depleted a bit after the caffeine wore off but survived the day.
Dinner was venison steak, peas and home made fries. Also had a chocolate dipped ice cream bar for dessert. Pretty sleepy and after being tired all day I will definitely be going to bed early. But it’s a start! Hoping to smash it again tomorrow.
I am documenting to track my nutrient intake and continue to be aware of my plant based fuel, along with my energy levels and overall physical state. I’m not doing well, and it’s time to do better.
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mythicalcoolkid · 5 years
Getting hit hard with that "healthy doesn't mean filling"
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
HI WELCOME BACK! if i could request 'modern dad' levi x reader. i don't mind the format. im so happy your back!
HI! I MISSED U SM!!! Also this idea has been living RENT FREE in my brain so thanks for sending it in. If you're looking for more of this content I have a WIP that features dad! Levi x nanny! reader if you haven't checked it out yet go give it a read :)
Summary: Levi is a dad :)
Word Count: 1.3K
Levi knew that parenting wouldn't be easy. He had grown up with a sketchy idea of what it took to parent, having lost his mom so young and living with his detached uncle. So when you told him that you were pregnant with teary eyes and a quivering lip he had turned his back, unsure of his feelings.
At first he felt guilty, putting this burden on you. You however assured him that it was fine, that you would do whatever made him feel most comfortable. You had even had the audacity to suggest raising the child on your own, he of course refused.
Growing up in a single parent home had been less than ideal for himself and he would rather be caught dead than being a deadbeat dad. So after about three days of space, he came to you and told you his feelings. He told you how much he would hate to see you go through pregnancy alone, hate to see the child grow up as he had.
You had hugged him and cried into his chest as he rubbed your back. Now, nearly three years later, he couldn't have been happier with his decision. Even if he was covered in mashed peas and baby barf for the majority of those years. He wouldn't have traded it for the world. Every morning your daughter woke you up at six with tiny hands smushing cheeks and knees digging into ribs. She had his hair and eyes, but all of your charisma. She was stubborn and loud, extroverted and curious of the world. Levi had feared that he wouldn't have known what to do with her. The first time he held her in his arms was indeed the first time he had ever held such a small human.
Growing up in such a small family, he had never grown accustomed to children, as he cradled her small head, your hands guided him to support her bottom as you pressed her into his chest. He barely fought the tears form his eyes as the nurses congratulated him and you on your first child. She wore a small pink hat, swaddled in one of the hospitals newborn blankets.
Now she was racing around the house, bare feet slapping loudly against hardwood floors, sticky hands smearing handprints on his white walls. But he wasn't mad about the noise, or the mess for the first time in his life. He watched you as you parented her effortlessly, encouraging her to use her words and reading her mood flawlessly.
If she was fussy and extra stubborn, you would ignore her wails and snotty nose, instead heading into the kitchen to cut up an apple and dish out some peanut butter. As she ate the snack with tear filled eyes you nudged Levi's side and grinned softly at him.
"Peanut butter fixes everything." You explained as you leaned into his side. He scoffed and watched her scarf down the last of the apple slices, completely complacent.
"Now tell me what's wrong." You encouraged her and she let out a loud sigh.
"I wanna go outside." She said, her cheeks smudged with peanut butter. Levi turned and grabbed a fresh wash cloth, wetting it with warm water and crossing the room to clean off her rosy cheeks.
"Baby, it's raining outside." You reasoned and she grunted as Levi scrubbed her face.
"I wanna catch frogs." She whined and Levi's lip curled in disgust. Ever since Hange had babysat that one rainy weekend she wouldn't shut up about frogs.
"Okay, let's get your rain boots on." You said, heading towards the mud room where the shoes and coats were kept.
"Yes!" She squealed, throwing her arms around Levi's neck and pressing her damp cheek to his. He huffed, pulling her from her seat and carrying her after you. They found you pulling on a pair of old boots and a windbreaker, Levi helped Violet into her own rain gear. She could hardly sit still as he fastened the last button on her rain slicker. "You comin?" You asked as you pulled the garage door open, pressing the button to raise the garage door.
"I'll pass." He said, ruffling Violets dark locks before pulling her hood on.
"We'll bring in the findings." You said as you stepped out of the house, Violet hot on your heels.
"Those slimy things are not coming in here." Levi called after you as you waved a hand dismissively over your shoulder.
Thirty minutes later you came in sopping wet with a bucket full of bull frogs. Levi had tried to wrestle you out of the door but Violet reached into the bucket, pulling out easily the biggest, slimiest frog Levi had ever seen.
"His name is Booger!" She exclaimed as she held the fat frog by it's armpits.
"Get. That thing out of here now." Levi said, taking a step away from his daughter who took two tiny steps forwards. You hardly covered your laughter as Levi grabbed a nearby wooden spoon and pointed at Violet who continued to pursue him into the kitchen.
"Daddy look at his pretty spots!" She insisted as the frog let out a chorus of loud croaking. You set the bucket of smaller frogs back into the garage and pulled your phone out of your pocket to record the scene unfolding.
"He's ugly, get him out of here."
"Apologize!" Violet gasped, using her fingers to cover the frog's ears.
"No, get it out." Levi brandished the spoon, Violet squealed and thrust the frog forward with a toothy grin.
"He wants a kiss!" Violet giggled as the frog croaked loudly again.
"So help me I will drop kick that monstrosity out the front door." Levi growled, shooting a pointed glare at you and your camera.
"How rude!" Violet huffed, turning around with a loud squeak from her boots as she made her way back towards the garage.
"Unless you take the cleanest shower of your life, I will not be sleeping with you tonight." Levi threatened as you took the frog from her.
"You'd love that wouldn't you." You giggled as you pocketed your phone and turned to go release the frogs. He sighed loudly and placed the spoon back on the counter as the door closed behind you.
That night was spent bathing Violet head to toe after she splashed in one too many puddles. This was the part of parenting that Levi had no problem with, he was an expert at scrubbing her pale skin clean and picking up the trail of toys she left in her wake. He wrapped Violet in a warm towel as you finished up dinner in the other room. He helped her into her pajamas and she looped her arms around him with a content sigh.
"You're better at that than mommy." She complimented and Levi's brow furrowed.
"What do you mean?" He asked as he carried her into the dining room.
"Mommy's good too, but you always do it best." She smiled and Levi grunted, lips turning up in a small grin.
"That's 'cause your mom's shit at cleaning." He reasoned and Violet giggled. You came in, placing a plate of mac and cheese down in front of her as Levi planted a kiss to the crown of her head.
"And you suck at cooking." You countered and Levi quirked a brow as he looked down at the boxed mac and cheese that Violet was so eagerly shoveling into her mouth.
"Anyone can make boxed mac and cheese." Levi teased and you punched his arm with a pout.
"Shut up." You giggled and he rolled his eyes, pulling you in for a tight hug, you wrapped your arms around him and eased into his grasp. How had he gotten so lucky? He wondered as he held you close, the rain pattering outside as flashes of lightning lit up the dim room.
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y0itsbri · 3 years
hii bri, how are you? 🥰
how do you think ian and mickey spent their weekend? ☀️
hello twisha my beloved 💞 i am well thank you ☺️
(thank you for the ask, this got kinda long oops)
ian started out saturday morning with a quick jog around the neighborhood. he easily could have spent the weekend morning sleeping in late and snuggling with mick, but they had plans for the day so ian wanted to start off the day with his normal routine.
he picked up smoothies on his way back from his run, a 'berry good' workout smoothie with added kale and protein for himself and a peanut butter banana chocolate smoothie for mickey.
mickey was already awake when ian got back. well 'awake' was a strong word, given that he was wearing his blanket like a cape while waiting for the coffee to brew with half closed eyes. he perked up a little bit as the door locked close behind ian. ian set the smoothies on the counter and gave mickey a lingering hug and forehead smooch because he's too irresistibly cute in the mornings.
they have a chill morning sitting out on their balcony until debbie comes over to drop off franny around noon. over the past few months, franny had gotten really interested in her uncle ian's gardening and he promised to take her somewhere real cool this weekend.
debbie and ian chatted by the doors while franny enthusiastically showed uncle mickey a super cool rock she found yesterday and mickey told her about how he knows this 'dinosaur guy' who has some super cool rocks that they keep in a museum. franny asks if the dinosaur guy wants her rock for the museum and he tells her he'll ask him next time he sees him.
they pack some snacks in a backpack and head off to garfield park conservatory. they were a little out of their element but they got their tickets for all the exhibits. ian's expression matched franny's in its awestruck wonder as they took in the sights. mickey and ian took turns taking pictures of each other and the flowers in a very 'tourist mom' fashion. franny insisted taking a picture of them together and directed them exactly where to stand. mickey stuck his tongue out in the photo and got reprimanded by franny who insisted they smile, almost a mirror image of her mother's attitude. mickey smiled in the next photo, but ian leaned over to kiss mickeys cheek. franny threw her arms up in frustration and they finally complied. ian lifted franny on his shoulders for the rest of their time at the conservatory.
franny fell asleep eating goldfish crackers on the drive back to their apartment. mickey gently picked her up and carried her inside, setting her on their bed to nap while he and ian started making dinner: french fries, chicken strips, and apple slices. they cracked jokes with each other and one of ian's belly laughs woke up franny who ran into the kitchen, crashing into his legs and hugging him. he told fran to pick out a movie to watch while they ate dinner.
franny is well equipped with using disney plus, so she put on 'luca.' they all settle into the couch and eventually settle into each other once they had finished eating, franny making her way onto uncle mickey's lap with ian's arm around mick as well. one of mickey's fingers traced ian's wrist before linking along with his fingers. ian spent half the time watching the movie and half the time staring at his enchanted husband.
after the movie finished, fran turned around to look at them and asks uncle mickey if he had been crying. he denied it but ian and franny shared a knowing look. ian affectionately squeezes his shoulder while franny gets herself some oreos from the kitchen while they wait for debbie to come pick her up.
ian and mickey spend the rest of their night drinking some new beer ian had picked up at the liquor store and watching sitcoms to relax and relieve the big emotions that came from the kid's movie.
sunday morning was spent in mickey's favorite way, sleeping in late with his husband. the soft warmness of each other and the blankets covering them being pure bliss.
mickey popped some frozen waffles in the toaster for breakfast while ian turned on the tv to catch some of the morning news. it's kind of a gloomy day outside, but that's okay because it's their cleaning and grocery shopping day anyways. ian had followed in fiona's footsteps by making sundays chore days... whenever he felt like it at least.
mickey swept the floors and did laundry while ian wiped down the countertops and made sure the dishwasher was loaded. mickey bitched about one of their neighbors from down the hall, but then revealed that said neighbor had invited them to their barbeque down by the pool next weekend. mick had said he would have to make sure ian didn't have any plans. even though he was content with the friends he had, ian was proud that mickey had become more amenable to the idea of hanging out with new people sometimes.
now that they regularly shop at a nicer grocery store, ian had been determined that they eat better. but somehow, every time they go shopping, they end up with half a cart of frozen meals and snack foods. there's not much complaining because that shit is good. it is what it is.
the other week, ian had picked up a guitar on sale from the music shop next to his yoga studio. both ian and mickey had been fucking around with it in their free time. this evening, mickey tried teaching ian what he knows about guitars, but it went a lot like how it went in friends when phoebe tried to teach joey guitar.
eventually, mickey ended up on the balcony for a smoke while he scrolled through instagram, seeing a new post of mandy in some fancy sunglasses and palm trees in the background. he double taps and comments some dumb shit knowing mandy is probably rolling her eyes at him from a thousand miles away.
ian was just getting off facetime with lip and freddie when mickey comes back inside. ian tells him about all the cute shit that freddie has been up to lately and lip's success at his new part time job where he mentors kids interested in robotics and coding. ian also mentions that carl is stopping by after his late shift so he can bring them takeout for dinner from their favorite asian restaurant on the south side.
they ate their stir fry, spring rolls, and crab rangoons with the house's specialty sauce as carl complained about his new partner and mickey muttered an 'acab' under his breath before ian kicked him in the shin.
after carl left, the boys headed to the bathroom for a rather spicy shower and then laid in bed watching tiktoks with ian's head resting on mickey's chest as they fell asleep. 🖤
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deyzalee · 6 months
Dear God,
Thankful and blessed today. All is well after my 25 hours duty. I told Sir Abdul to drop me at Lulu hypermarket near Reemal mall. I had my grocery. I rode a taxi and I arrived home safely. I fixed my grocery items. I ate ginataang mais. I had my self and skin care routine. I drank my vitamins and medicines. I slept and while sleeping I experience left calf cramps. I woke up at 5PM plus. I ate green apple dip in a bagoong. I ate peanut butter biscuit. I scrolled my social media accounts, chatted my family and friends. I watched Batang Quiapo. I prepared myself for 1 hour duty. I arrived at Saif’s house safely. I cared and monitored my patient with the help of Ate Carme and with you Oh God. I did cortex. We had little chit chats. Ate Carme shared pasta for me. 1 hour duty ended and I arrived home safely. I prepared myself for workout. I did 1000 jump rope and 1 minute planking. I freshen up and did my self and skin care routine. I read few pages of the Bible. I played cooking fever. I will watched random videos. I drank Badam. I will drink my medicines. Have mercy on us Oh God. Guide us always to the right path. Remove sickness, danger and negative things in our life. Answer our prayers in your perfect time. Thank you and I love you God.
0 notes
makbarnes · 3 years
Endless Love
Chapter 2
It had been a few days since the escapade in the laundry room with Bucky and you were avoiding him any way you could. You heard screaming coming from his apartment and the door slammed. Looking out of your peephole, a man in a blue cap and a leather jacket was walking away and Bucky was watching your door. Flicking his hand back he shut the door behind him. You kicked one of Tatum’s toys and went back to what you were doing.
Setting Tatum down for her nap and grabbed a cup of coffee while opening the file on your counter. Grabbing a pen and making a few notes. Hearing your doorbell you sit down your pen and open your front door.
“Delivery for {Y/L/N}.”
“That's me.” The guy handed you a clipboard and you scribbled your name on the dotted line. They then handed you a long box with a pink bow on it.
“Thanks…” Shutting the door behind you, you take the box over to your counter and open it. Revealing a huge bouquet of flowers you picked up the small note.
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you…
Bucky had sent you flowers as an apology for kissing you the other night. The beautiful red roses popped against the cream tissue behind them. Grabbing a vase from a cabinet nearby you filled them with water and set them as a centerpiece on your small table. Chewing your bottom lip you opened your door again and glanced back in the direction of Tatum’s room. Stepping out into the hallway you left your door open and knocked on Bucky’s. Listening you could hear your heart racing about a thousand miles a minute. After a few minutes of waiting you knocked again but there was no answer. Hanging your head down you walked back into your apartment and admired the roses. Pushing them out of your mind for a little you decided to fix something for Tatum when she woke up. Taking some tortillas you spread out some peanut butter and strawberry jelly. Rolling them up into a small burrito you took a knife, chopping them into little rolls. Setting them in a line on a plate, you put away the jars and got another small bowl out. Getting a mix of fruit out of your fridge, along with some leftovers from the other day for you. Sticking the bowl into the microwave, you pressed a button, and put a mix of grapes, blueberries, strawberries, and some shredded coconut. Running them under the water, to get the chemicals off of them you laid them out in an orderly fashion. Grabbing a knife you cut the strawberries in half, along with the grapes and tossed the blueberries into the bowl, tossing them with some coconut. Hearing the microwave go off you set your leftovers on the stove as you heard Tatum waking up, and you went to her room, helping her out of the bed.
“Did you have a good nap?” Tatum shook her head and moved past you, to her small bathroom. Still being fairly new to the bathroom you always checked to make sure she knew, call it mother’s worrying. Waiting for her at the door Tatum tugged on your hand and you went with her to the main room.
“Are you hungry?” Picking Tatum up you set her in the yellow high chair that you kept in the kitchen, and set down the little table that connected.
“Apple, Orange, Grape, or Milk?” Setting down Tatum’s disney sippy cup on the counter you smiled as you could see her trying to decide.
“Apple.” You nod your head and got out the quart of juice you kept in the fridge, filling the cup. You secured the pink lid, and set it in the corner of the little table while you grabbed the plate and small bowl, setting them in front of her. You kissed Tatum’s forehead, before pouring yourself a glass of water, you moved one of the chairs from the table and sat it in front of her. Tatum grabbed a piece of a grape ,sticking it in her mouth and chewing it. Taking a bite from your food you felt something hit the side of your face. Instantly hearing Tatum start laughing you saw a blueberry roll into your view. Leaning over, you grabbed the piece of fruit and threw it in the trash can.
“Tatum, You don’t play with your food. You eat it like this.” Eating a grape from her bowl you booped her nose as she picked up one of her PB and J pinwheels, eating it quietly. Humming quietly while you two ate Tatum’s eyes locked on the flowers Bucky had sent you.
“Pretty red plant.”
“Bucky sent them to me.”
“Is he gonna be my Daddy?” Your face went pale and sent shivers down your spine . Tatum had asked about her dad a little before but you found a quick way around it. “Mommy?”
“Uh, no honey. Bucky just likes us, that’s all. He is just being nice.” Tatum’s smile faded a bit and you rushed over to the sink to clean your dishes while Tatum still ate.
“Hey, I have an idea. You wanna go to the park?” You asked her kneeled down beside her highchair. “Park, Park!”
“Then you better finish eating.” While Tatum ate the remainder of her food, you packed a small bag with a jacket for Tatum, along with your small first aid kit you kept and a change of socks.
You glanced around you and Tatum was eating her last bit of fruit, picking up the two empty bowls, sticking them in the sink, washing them quickly as Tatum finished her juice.
“Alright little missy, let’s go get you dressed.” Helping Tatum out of the high chair you walked with her to her closet and held her up on your hip.
“What do you want to wear?” Tatum tapped her chin. Copying what you did when you worked on the files and she pointed to her orange striped shirt that was paired with a pair of jean shorts. Sitting her off of your hip you grabbed her small orange clasp shoes. Moving Tatum toward the bathroom you grabbed a cloth and wet it with water. Going over her skin and face you wiped away any dirt and grime that was built up. Also wetting her hair and taking a comb to it. Pulling the shirt over Tatum’s head, you pulled her hair out from under the shirt and helped her into her shorts. Sitting her up on the counter you combed her hair back and scrunched it a little. Sticking an orange headband you pushed back her bangs and pushed a few strands behind her ears. Picking up her shoes you clasped them on her feet and she smiled happily at you. Getting her off the counter, Tatum grabbed your hand leading you out of the house.
Arriving at the park Tatum rushed toward the swings and you helped her into the swing.
“Push me Mommy!”
“Okay, let me set the bag down.” Sitting the bag next to the swing’s post you pushed the back of the seat gently. Tatum swung forward slowly and you pushed her up as she swung back toward you. Tatum giggled as she went higher in the air, Swinging her legs along with her movements. After a few moments of pushing her Tatum turned her head back to you and pointed over at the track.
“Mommy! Look, it’s the man with the shiny hand.” You stopped pushing Tatum to see Bucky jogging around the track with his headphones plugged in his ears.
“Do you want to go say hi?” Tatum nodded at you and you helped her out of the swing. Grabbing the bag Tatum rushed a bit ahead of you and you followed after her. Tatum hopped in front of Bucky’s way and he stopped, looking down at her. Bucky kneeled down and pulled out his headphones.
“Hey Doll, Where’d you come from?”
“Tatum...Don’t run off like that again. Sorry, she wanted to say hi.” Bucky stood up to meet your gaze.
“No problem, you two are welcome anytime, even just to say hi.” Bucky rubbed Tatum’s head and you picked at your nails a little.
“Thanks for the roses.” You played with your hair while Tatum glanced at the swings again. Tugging on your jeans Tatum pointed over at the swingset.
“What is it sweetie?”
“Can he push me on the swings.”
“I’m sure Bucky’s busy, why don’t you let me?” You took Tatum’s hand while she looked at Bucky with puppy dog eyes.
“Oh, why I’d be glad to.” Bucky reached out his hand to Tatum and you nodded at her giving her the go ahead. She took Bucky’s outstretched hand while he led her over to the swings. Picking her up he placed her in the same swing she was in before. You set down your bag in the same place and leaned against the pole while you watched Bucky push Tatum lightly.
“Careful, sweetie. Hold onto the ropes.” Tatum’s hands wrapped around the ropes while Bucky pushed her higher. Seeing the way Tatum was with Bucky made you more interested in him, than you should have been. Normally you wouldn’t let your child be a matchmaker but Bucky was great with her. Sweet, caring and cautious, answered every question and listened to everything she said. Smiling at Tatum you pulled out a bottle of water that you packed and took a sip from it.
“Do you want any Bucky? Tatum, are you thirsty?” Bucky shook his head while Tatum said the exact opposite. Grabbing her small sippy cup that you kept cold, Bucky stopped Tatum from swinging, and you handed her the cup. Tatum took a few sips before handing it back to you, tucking it back into the side bag Tatum gripped her hands together for you, wanting out of the swing.
“Can I go play on that?” You nodded your head while going over to a close bench with Bucky, sitting down next to you. Your eyes didn’t keep off Tatum for long while you chatted with Bucky.
“Ya know, I don’t send roses to most women.” Your face flushed a little, knowing where he was heading with this.
“Oh so you have a type?.” Bucky laughed a little at your sarcasm.
“Something like that. To be honest I haven’t seen anyone as beautiful as you in seventy years or more.” Blushing heavily you moved your hair a little to cover your cheeks.
“And I was hoping that you would go out on a date with me tomorrow night around seven?” You made direct eye contact with him, probably looking like a crazy person you were smiling so much.
“If I can find a babysitter in time.” Bucky took your hand in his own.
“She can come too.”
“Past her bedtime.” You waved your free hand over to Tatum who was starting to go down the slide and smiled the whole way down. Running over to you Tatum saw Bucky’s hand and your own.
“Mommy! Did you see that?”
“I did sweetie.” You picked Tatum up, placing her in your lap. Bucky stood up and said goodbye to you two before jogging off.
Fixing the black sleeve on your blouse you pulled your hair back into a ponytail and curled the ends with a comb. Rolling your eyelashes over your index finger, you walked out of the bathroom to see the babysitter, Natalie rocking Tatum in her arms.
“I think someone is up past her bedtime.”
“I’m sorry, I tried to get her to rest but she wouldn’t” You took Tatum from her arms and bounced her a little.
“How do I look?” You tugged the skirt down a bit and smiled.
“Beautiful” Natalie cleaned up a little while you bounced Tatum around and started singing to her.
“Where are you going Mommy?”
“Well, Mommy is going to hang out with Bucky.” Kissing her head, some of her hairs got stuck to the lip gloss you were wearing. Humming a little tune you heard a knock at the door and motioned for Natalie to open it. Seeing Bucky in dark jeans with a light blue button up you smiled.
“Okay, let me just put Tatum to bed and I will be right out. Make yourself comfy.” Bucky came in and stood near the door not wanting to disrupt anything.
“But Mommy I want to go with you.” Tatum begged, clinging onto your black top.
“Sweetheart, It’s past your bedtime...How about I sing you a song before I go?” Tatum settled for that and you carried her off into her room. Pulling down the cover on her bed, you laid her on her back and handed her the small puppy she had left last night.
{Heaven’s gift to me just the way you are, A new aged child from a distant star. It feels so good just to be, So close to your love. You are heaven’s gift to me...You are so sweet and pure, just the way you are. Mama’s precious jewel, and Mama’s rising star. There’s so much in life for you to see. And so much to be, you are heaven’s gift to me.}
Tatum’s eyes closed and you kissed her forehead before sliding up the gate, locking her safely in bed. You closed her door and carefully walked into the main room, where Bucky was leaning against the wall, close to the hallway and Natalie was sitting on the couch.
“Okay, she should sleep till I at least get back...if she wakes up play number three off of this CD. You tapped a case on top of a small stack and smiled at Bucky.
“Okay, I’ll be back around...when?”
“Actually we will be right across the hall. I figured we would stay close just in case something happened. Not that it will.” Bucky took your hand and led you across the hall into his apartment. Seeing two black sleek candles in between two place mats and two glasses with champagne. Shutting the door behind you as he led you over to the table, pulling out the chair you slid into it gently.
“You look beautiful as always.” Bucky complimented while he brought over two plates, sitting one in front of you and one in front of his seat. Popping the champagne bottle, he filled your glass half full and did the same with his own. Sitting the bottle down in the middle of you two and sat across from you.
“Bucky, this is…wow. Did you make this?”
“Yes, it’s vegan lemon asparagus pasta. I didn’t know what you liked or if you are a vegan or a vegetarian so I didn’t take any chances.”
“Oh no, I don’t have any reservations about food.” Bucky smiled as he watched you take a bite and smile at the taste.
“I heard you singing to Tatum. You’re a beautiful singer.”
“Thank you, I um, had a plan to go into singing but then I met Loki then Tatum happened and I went with my backup plan. Can’t raise a child if I became a nationwide star.” Bucky cleared his throat while you drank some champagne.
“Did Loki steer you away from your path of becoming a singer.”
“He was the type of guy who wanted to keep you under wraps all the time. Always wanting to know where I was, what I was doing, and who I was with. I was branching off, becoming a star and I guess Loki hated that he had to share me. But then when we found out about Tatum he started distancing himself from us, being away in Asgard more and it just wasn’t good.” You felt a few tears filling your eyes, and brushed them away while eating some more of the pasta. Bucky stayed silent for a few minutes and just ate.
“So Tatum has never met her dad?”
“Well he held her once right after she was born, but then left and I have never seen him since.” Finishing off your glass of champagne Bucky poured some more into your glass.
“Enough about heartbreaking...I hope you don’t mind me asking this but can you tell me about the forties?” Bucky’s face lit up and he patted his mouth with a small cloth, cleaning it off.
“Oh you would have adored it. I lived with Steve for most of my time before we went off to the war, but not to worry I didn’t leave any girl behind waiting. I hadn’t found the right one.” Bucky winked at you and a blush was rising to your face again.
“Now if we had gone out on a date back then. It would have been dancing, dinner and a movie. I would have taken you to my favorite club along with the most famous restaurant we had back then. Then I would end the evening with either a movie or a stroll down the street, walking you back to your house and maybe a kiss to end it. If I liked you enough.”
“Sounds amazing. Bet you were a heartbreaker.”
“No, I didn’t date much, couldn’t find anyone.” Giggling, you finished off your plate and Bucky jumped up instantly. Sitting the plates on his counters and clicking the radio, hearing smooth jazz starting to play Bucky held out his hand and you stood up, letting him bring you close to his chest.
“Bucky, I can’t dance.”
“Everybody can dance, Angel. Most people are horrible and don’t have me as a dance partner.”
“Do I sense bragging, Barnes?” Bucky swayed slowly with the music and you relaxed against him. Bucky followed the beat of the music and you smiled. You could feel the warmth coming off of his body. Spinning outwards from him you went back into his hold and smiled a little.
“So this is what dancing with James Barnes is like?”
“Hehe, Why, you bored already?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Mhm.” Bucky continued swaying with you and kissed the top of your head.
“Anything else I should know about the forties?”
“Well the food now is much better than then, also there are lots of more choices with clothes.”
“Sounds fun, when can we go?”
“If I could go back right now. I wouldn’t. I want to stay right here with you and Tatum and the Avengers.” Your breath got caught in your throat for a little bit before ignoring it. This was the best date you had been on since Loki left. The music stopped and Bucky twirled you out once more before offering you more champagne or something else.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“Not at all.” Smiling at him you kissed his cheek and sat down on his couch, patting the pillow next to you.
“Can I ask you another thing? Why me? Out of any woman that you could have, you chose a single mother with a heartbreaking past.” Bucky wrapped his arm around you and sighed deeply.
“Well One, You are a beautiful woman who has a job and still can raise her own beautiful daughter. Two, After everything you smile and act like it is no big deal, You are standing proud and strong on your own little rock. Three, I can empathize with you, about what seems like anything in the world. Four, You’re awesome sense of style and five. Eh, you’re hot.” You ended up laughing at the last two and leaned closer into him. Feeling a force moving your lips closer and closer till you heard a small knock at Bucky’s door. You hung your head down and stood up to see who was out in the hallway. Natalie was standing outside with Tatum on her hip and her face was in that I’m sorry don’t be mad I ruined your date look. You walked over to the door and grabbed Tatum from her.
“What is it baby?”
“She has a temperature of one hundred and two so I thought she needed her mom. I’m so sorry.” Natalie yawned a little and you sent her home before she got sick. Bucky blew out the two candles and you bounced Tatum a little.
“The date was perfect, Bucky. Thank you.”
“Is there anything you need or that I can help with?”
“No, I’m just gonna take her home and keep a watchful eye on her.” Tatum coughed near your face and laid her head on your shoulder. Bucky walked across the hall and opened your door for you.
“You feel better and you keep your nights open.” Bucky kissed you on your cheek lightly, shutting the door behind him.
“No offense kid but you couldn’t have let us kiss?” You took Tatum into her bedroom and rushed to get her some medicine and the thermometer. Taking it again, seeing it was the same you fed her the dosage of some medicine before kicking off your shoes and standing in the kitchen. Hearing a knock on your door you sighed hoping it wasn’t anything important. You opened the door and Bucky was standing there with a can of tomato soup in his hand.
“Bucky, I have soup for…” You were cut off by Bucky slamming his lips into your own. He shut the door behind him and moved you up against the wall. Your lips in a hot synchronizing motion. Bucky dropped the can of soup on the small table without looking and felt your tongue teasing his own. Pushing back your own he felt every curve and indentation in your mouth before stopping.
“Goodnight.” Bucky winked at you before quickly leaving your apartment and heading back to his own. In shock of what just unfolded you pulled your hair down and licked your lips.
“Damn.” You muttered before heading off to take care of Tatum and hopefully get some rest after that.
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