#bts writing cafe
0x1addictsong · 2 years
The Tale of Tea~♡
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1. The Weird Guy
It was 6:45 in the morning & Hyong was serving not so many customers. And she knew, like every day a weird, tall & buff guy will arrive by any time soon.
Well it's been almost 1 year, he literally comes every day with a huge mask on his face which practically hid his whole face. Eyes? Nah, she couldn't even see that because of his damn long bangs & a cap.
The bell rang, signalling a customer has arrived. She was like ninety nine per cent sure that it would be that weird guy again. Like most of the day, he was again in all black. She also loved black, but seems like this guy was addicted to black.
He came to the counter & she knew what he wants. Nothing but just a normal warm tea. Well, she always expected that a guy like him would prefer black coffee or something.
But for her surprise that guy was a tea person. She wasn't that fond of tea but she neither disliked it.
Like everyday he payed the bill & left the cafè. And there she was, watching his leaving figure, actually staring.
She was becoming curious day by day. Always shrugging it off thinking it was none of her business. But the thing that was making her more curious was, Why do he always appear at the same time without any delay? Nor she knew his name, of course how could she, he never uttered a single word. Except for the days, he was new;
She still remember, the moment he came inside, every workers & even customers started staring at him, not as a weird way but in a admiring way with a slight confusion.
Admiring cuz, his body was so well managed, and anyone could tell, he's a gym person... And in confusion cuz, he wasn't showing his single skin.
Sometimes she got really pissed off because of him but again her subconcious self remind her, it's none of her business.
"It's already seems like winter."
She whispered to herself, rubbing her both palms together. Walking towards her house after her shift was over, she put the earphones in her ears, & started singing along the song.
Met alot of people
But nobody feels like you
So, please don't break my heart
Don't tear me apart
I know how it starts
Trust me i've been broken before...~♪
Hyong was currently living in Vietnam. She had been working for almost 2 years in the cafè. & got graduated from a university, which she entered with a scholarship.
She reached her house & threw herself on the bed.
"Today was really exhausting."
Mumbling to herself she got up & went to freshen up.
Ik this is so short, but i promise i'll make it longer day by day... If you see any kind of mistakes, feel free to tell me...
Synopsis : Hyong was a normal graduated girl who was living her boring life in Vietnam, working in a café with her co worker & best friend Fei. Being uninterested in everything, she suddenly grew curious about this one wierd guy, who always used to come at the café, at an exact time, & would order a tea, wearing all black, showing nothing but just his eyes. Where will Hyong's curiosity for the stranger take her? (Or not really a stranger...?)
Tags : @gyucupid @skwangyu @shieunviya @kimteume @m4rsluv @venompinks @mini0o @loviefm @lqblackpinku @sweetsoogyu @soobscribe @straypink-no-fanwars @guccitaegii @txtcorrect @taegguksm @tearbtss @incorrect-treasure-quotes @whendidmythoughtsgocrazy @blovedhobi @btsaestheticpicss @bookworm-on-rainy-days @mcadiary @parkjun @txtswt @trearsure @owggi @definitely-correct-bighit-stuff @howfe @jungoosite @vanteditsx @mcadiary @tricssi @facepalmmylifeu
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7brownsuga7 · 2 months
bts x idol!gf headcanons pls!!
i’ve been loooving ur bts boyfriend headcanons so far! ur so talented
Omg thank you so much 🫶🏽 I actually enjoyed writing this. Here you go & enjoy! <3
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• Tries to be discreet with your dating but will accidentally leave hints like some of your merch/stuff in the background of his pics/lives.
• Paparazzi pics in museums & galleries. Definitely off guard
• Always in touch when the other is away.
• Will publicly share your music/projects. Is a big supporter
• Spotting’s in clubs. Shades on dancing the night away. Y’all are definitely the talk of the night
• You both subtly post things on your story that insinuates that you both might be dating. Same location, same background, posting pics at same event or place. Posting songs that relate to each other.
• You both definitely talk through your stories. Talking to each other through songs or silly captions etc
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• Will shut down any bad rumour about you. Very defensive when it comes to you.
• Big supporter and is at all of your shows/events cheering you on if he can.
• Goes on live wearing your merch
• Lives where both of you are cooking together and bickering with each other about who’s better or who does it right.
• Idk I can see y’all presenting together?!! And kinda teasing each other. (I see this before you start dating. And this causes speculation which kind of initiates both of you dating??)
• You both definitely post pics of each other being a mess. Off guard pics 100%
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• Song covers while he plays the instrumental for you on his guitar or piano
• Will stick up for you and will shut down any bad rumour about you. Very defensive when it comes to you. And if you're getting hate he's gonna make sure it's dealt with
• Very protective when out in public together. Is like your own little personal bodyguard and will hold your hand and lead you away from the paparazzi/fans
• Will go on live and call out everyone for your fan edits. Even though he acts like he doesn’t like it he blushes and secretly saves them.
• He’s caught with your picture as his lockscreen
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• Loads of dance videos and choreographies.
• Lives where you both are just dancing and vibing in the practice room.
• Duet video dance covers that he begs you to do
• Cameos in each others MVs
• Has your merch. Has your photocard hanging on his jeans or bag for sure.
• Is spotted with your initials painted on his fingernails
• Always showing you off to the cameras with a big grin on his face. Showing your photocard, merch, his lockscreen of you, showing his nails or any jewellery with your initials on it.
• Taking selfies with your posters/adverts with a big smile on his face. Or even will do a little freestyle dance in front of it lmfao
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• Cameos in each others projects. Him more so in yours.
• Will talk about you in his lives. Will purposely make up a comment and read it out and then go on a whole rant about you. Will get shy and then wave it off
• Duet video covers that you beg him to do
• Posting pics with the same background/location so people know you're together
• Likes every and any fan edit of you both.
• You both are always spotted on little dates like cafes, pottery painting or just casual walks
• You both wear matching jewellery that he picked out himself
• Taking selfies with your posters/adverts with a happy proud smile on his face and the most sentimental and encouraging paragraph
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• Cameos in each others projects/MVs
• Loads of leaked messages of y'all being messy
• Loads of photo shoots from him. He loves being your personal photographer
• Will purposely like and interact with any conspiracies and speculations about you dating. (Before you both went public with your relationship)
• He will beg you to go on variety shows together. He sees it as something fun. I can see you both bickering during the recording and making fun of each other/ teasing. You both would kill it though even though you don’t take it seriously you’d probably end up doing great in the games.
• Public outing spottings. You guys are always seen out together holding hands or him with his arm around you. You guys always stop for pictures.
• You both wear matching jewellery to symbolise your relationship
• Y’all are always caught kissing in public. So many pictures have been leaked
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• Paparazzi pics of your date nights. Holding hands and running away from the paparazzi/fans as a game
• Very sneaky and lowkey. Like you're known to be dating but you're very sneaky with it. Always hiding from paparazzi and not really speaking about your relationship publicly.
• But will publicly stick up for you if there's rumours going around or hate. He's shutting that shit down
• Duet cover videos that you guys randomly post that has the fans going insane
• Hot dance covers. Y’all both being sweaty having re-recorded many times due to fuck ups, teasing and getting distracted iykwim ;)
• Always FaceTiming and calling when either of you are away. You both miss each other so much and you can't go without communicating. He literally will keep on messaging you if you don't respond
• Fan edits go crazy and he eats it up every time. He’s obsessed with watching them.
• I can imagine him calling you during his promotion sketch videos. Seen giggling on the phone to you, excited to talk to you after his promotions. Sometimes you might even make a cameo in them
• You’re always seen discretely wearing his clothes
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spiceofvy · 3 months
Can I pls request a BTS headcanons? They have a crush on their friend who is not a celebrity, so they can't confess to her because of their reputation/job, but they are really close. One day someone from their company revealed a sensitive information about them. So, the members and the company accused her of it because they thought that she was only with them to become famous. They didn't believe her and also told her many hurtful things. But later it was revealed that it was not her but someone else and she was telling the truth. Later they try to reconcile with her and asks her to forgive them but it was too late. Can you please write it as angst?
BTS - Thinking reader betrayed them
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cws: gender neutral reader, sfw, angst with no happy ending
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Seokjin: He goes for the confrontation. Inviting you out to a cafe, to talk to you. He asks you for your reasoning for hurting him like that. But he is not truly alone, he has some trusted staff members a couple of feet away from the two of you in the cafe some tables away. So he doesn‘t feel alone in this situation. He breaks up with you on the spot. You don‘t get any chances to wash your name clean, he made his decision when he heard the news, and as the oldest, it is his job to make sure that he protects the other members, even if it means kicking you out of his life. But then he learns the truth? He regrets everything he ever said to you. Being so quick to judge you. He asks you to come to the cafe again, so you can talk it out. You don‘t show up. You don‘t answer his calls. Neither do your friends. So he stays behind, feeling like he lost the light in his life. And the worst part is that it's all his fault.
Yoongi: Also chooses confrontation. The moment he hears from a trusted source what you did, he is standing on your doorstep. He just wants to know why. Why would you hurt him like that? Why did you choose betrayal? Why him? Hasn‘t he been through enough? Can‘t he have a single nice thing? Why? Why would you do that? And he says so many things he didn‘t think through. So many hurtful words he could never take back. So many things he never wants to take back after what you put him through. You deserve to feel just as terrible as he does after you broke his trust, broke him and his idea of love. The moment he learns the truth his world breaks apart. He isn‘t gonna be seen for days. No one gets to talk to him. He will never forgive himself for what he put you through. Not that he could ever deserve forgiveness.
Hoseok: Has a hard time believing what he hears. There is no reason for you to hurt him like that. You love him. You would never use him just to get information you could sell. All those times you told him that you love him weren‘t all lies. You wouldn‘t do that. But he lays awake at night trying to find an explanation but all his thoughts lead to only one solution. He cries that night. When he forces himself to come to terms with the bitter truth that is that there is no other explanation but you betraying him. He gives you a chance, just one to apologize. To tell him the truth and maybe he could forgive you and you could stay friends. But you don‘t, you swear that your story is true and he just isn't able to believe you. When everything turns out to be a lie and he tries to talk to you, he realizes that his keys no longer fit into the door of your apartment. And maybe, he thinks, he deserved that.
Namjoon: He is beyond distraught. He is heartbroken. In his mind you broke his trust, you threatened him and his band, his family. He could never forgive you for that, no matter how much he loves you. No one is allowed to betray him and his boys like that. But what hurt even more was him finding out that he was wrong. That you never betrayed him like that, that this whole time you were honest to him. This is what truly breaks his heart. He hurt you, he lashed out at you, he made you cry. And he can never forgive himself for that. He is too scared to reach out to you. How could he apologize to you after that? So when he finally brings up the confidence. It‘s way too late. And honestly? He can‘t find himself to judge you for that.
Jimin: No. He doesn‘t believe it. Why would you betray him? You have no reason to. You love him, just like he loves you. You love each other, and anyone who says anything different is wrong and a liar. Those are all lies. It takes a huge intervention from the rest of his members for him to ever question you. But then, what they say makes so much sense. And they wouldn't lie to him either. Or say something they are not 100% sure that would be the truth right? So as much as it pains him, he calls you and confronts you with what they said. You swear you‘re telling the truth but the fear stays and so he leaves. When the truth comes out he runs to you, banging on your door, begging, pleading for you to hear him out. But now the fear is within you, and so you decide to not let him come back.
Taehyung: He knows what betrayal feels like. Too often people hurt him and used his belief for the good of the people for their use. So when the people he trusts the most, his brothers and his bandmates tell them what you supposedly did. He is done with you. No second-guessing, the pain he collected over the years immediately resurfaced and now he is lost without knowing who he can truly trust. But then when he does learn the truth he turns all his anger to the rest of the world, to everyone who lied to him about you. He wishes he could go to you and just take everything back he said. But he is scared and so he just turns away, staying along with his pain.
Jungkook: Not quick to judge but also not stupid. He trusts his team and the other members so when they tell him the „truth“ about you he doesn‘t even want to confront you about it. He is in pain and just accepts their words. He only meets you to give you back your stuff and then moves on. Or at least he tries to, but in reality, he is still in pain. Cuts everyone off for some time. But when he hears the truth he needs to see you. He needs to talk to you and apologize for not believing you. And when you don‘t hear him, telling him that he had his chance to believe you and now it‘s too late, he lashes out, not to you but to everyone that told him those lies about you. He didn‘t fight for you back then but he will at least make sure that everyone knows what truly happened.
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thoughtsforsoob · 2 months
bf!huening kai (i have been in love with this man since debut. My bestie and I say he’s my little white boy😉)
omg he is such a sweetheart :( he is always gonna make sure that you're doing okay. 
He texts you multiple times a day just to check up on you
Especially if he knows you’re going to have a tough day
This sweet boy goes all out on those days where he knows you’re either going through it or doing to go through it
If even slightly mention that you have a big test at uni or you have an important meeting at work, he is going to pull out all the stops
He’ll start the day by cooking you breakfast of your choice
He then goes onto making your lunch and packing you plenty of snacks
He even writes a little sweet note and put it in a cute little lunch bag he kept for these types of situations
You’ve got this baby! Your Huening believes in you!! Lots of kisses when you get him will be guaranteed if you promise to try your best. - sincerely, the cutest and best boyfriend in the whole world
He calls you down into the kitchen and eats breakfast with you, feeding you a few bites at first since you were still pretty sleepy
He cleans up the table and washes the dishes while you're getting ready for the day. He just doesn't want you to have to worry about cleaning when you’re stressed out
Once you’re ready to go, he makes sure you have everything in your bag and gives you your lunch box and water bottle. He even packs in a sweet drink for you to enjoy with your lunch
He gives you a kiss and a hug on your way out, “have a good day! I'll come home after you tonight but you can tell me all about it as soon as I get home.”
Speaking of hugs…hyuka is the king of hugs
He's big, tall boy and he just looks so cozy to me
He hugs you so close and your face is always squished into his chest but you never mid because you get to inhale his scent that you love so much
When he finds out that you love the way he smells, he always slips his hoodies in your backpack/work bag during the cold seasons and if you mention your work/classroom is cold. 
He loves seeing you in his clothes because they’re usually just long on you since he’s pretty tall
He’s such a nerd omg
When he finds something he really enjoys, he will share it with you
He’ll talk your ear off about some new video game he and beomgyu started playing together and you just sit there, looking at his adorable little face as he talks excitedly.  
He always asks if you wanna try to game too and if you say yes, you better believe he is so happy. Happiest boy in the whole world 
He swear he falls deeper in love with you when you share interests with him and when you listen to him ramble about said interests
All he's ever wanted in a partner was someone to listen to him and here you are!
Your arms of plush animals…
He's got so many of them that at some point, he started to move some of them into your apartment
When he is eventually given clearance to move in with you, the both of you go apartment hunting with a very specific requirement 
One extra room for your plushie family and other collectable items
You two are just little dorks in love at the end of the day
I think i've mentioned this in another work of mine but family is really important to Huening 
He gets together often with his siblings and talks to his parents on the phone almost every single day. If he can't chat on the phone with them, he texts them when he can
He really wants you to get along with his family bt totally understands if you seem nervous
He would never push you to do anything you weren’t ready for so he’ll give you plenty of time to prepare
When you meet his sisters for the first time, it was at a cafe. It turns out that you had pretty much no reason to be nervous because there was an instant connection between the 3 of you
His sisters were made aware by kai that you were nervous so they just went in for it and introduced themselves right away
After that, you 3 were joking around and having fun, not wanting to leave each other so you all went shopping together right after
Kai was so happy to find out you get along with his sister but also nervous…you 3 were going to terrorize him for the rest of his life
He was okay with it because he loves you 3 so much
When it comes to meeting his parents…he waits until you're ready and when you finally are, he has them come to the both of you
Again, there was an instant click, especially with his mom
She brought a baby album full of his pictures and she shows you all of them, giving the back stories
He gets all red and shy when she shows you one of him in the tub, playing with his rubber duck bath toys
“Mom! Not that one!!” he whines and pulls you closer to him, shielding your eyes
You and his mom trade numbers and she sends you a picture of the picture so you’re good on that front
Moving away from meeting his family…this boy is just so attentive
God forbid you get sick or even worse…get your period! 
He is on you, throwing all the blankets you own on top of you, stuffing you full of homemade soup, and asking you if you;re okay every ten minutes
Poor thing is just really worried about you
He knows that he'll never understand how it feels to be on your period but he tries his best to be supportive
The cutest thing he does is his famous tummy rubs to help soothe your cramps and warm you up
He is the best boyfriend ever, me thinks
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serenecypher · 3 months
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Bangtan Host Club Chapter Three
Genre: BTS Ot7xf!Reader, Poly!AU, Fluff, Romance, Crack-ish, Eventual Smut.
W/C: 2592
Summary: Tired of your boring mundane life? Become an exclusive member of The Bangtan Host Club™ today and let 7 charming men help you out.
Warnings: This chapter is rated PG13, but future chapters may include Mature Themes. The reader goes through the five stages of grief. 😔
Disclaimer: Please do not copy/translate or cross-post my work. The tag list is open. Just DM or send an ask to be included.
A/N: Hi! Sorry for the long wait. Thank you guys so much for being patient. 💕 This chapter isn't edited very much, so I am sorry for any dumb mistakes. Please do send my any feedback! 👉🏻👈🏻
Also, now that we have met everyone, here is the cast:
Kim Namjoon as “Takashi Morinozuka”
Kim Seokjin as “Tamaki Suoh”
Min Yoongi as "Umehito Nekozawa"
Jung Hoseok as "Mitsukuni Haninozuka”
Park Jimin as “Kyoya Ootori”
Kim Taehyung as “Kaoru Hitachiin”
Jung Jungkook as "Hikaru Hitachiin”
Congrats to everyone who guessed the right picks lmaooo! I had so much fun writing Chapter 3, I hope you enjoy it. See you sooooon! <3
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Chapter 2 << Chapter 3 >>
You can count the number of times you have felt such unbridled mortification on one hand. One was when you were playing the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz showcase during your elementary school talent show and, just as you got on the stage, could not for the life of you stop the unrelenting hiccups out of performance anxiety. Or, that one time in middle school, when you spilled all of your half-digested breakfast on the shoes of that one senior guy you had a crush on because you had a bad stomach flu.
This, you internally scream at yourself, is probably the most dread you have felt in all your adult years.
The receipt you can not avert your eyes from shakes between the tips of your index finger and thumb. Is it your hand that is shaking? You really can’t tell. Something bitter twists in your chest that makes you repeat as you squint your eyes at Hoseok. “What the fuck?!”
He looks at you stunned, but definitely not unprepared. He sighs deeply as he tries to console you, “I am here to help you with any concerns you might have.” 
You snap your head to look at the rest of the people in the Cafe- Club- whatever this place is. There are various degrees of horrified looks on the faces of the other- are they supposed to be patrons or customers or-? God this is so confusing. You let out the longest sigh and your other hand, the one without that malignant piece of paper, rubs across your face. 
“There is no way in hell I am paying this.” you declare, looking right back at Hoseok. Just minutes ago you would have never thought of him as someone you’d have talked to in this agitated manner but also minutes ago, he wasn’t a person who claimed you owed his establishment all your family assets and then some. 
There is a loud scraping of a chair behind you and before you can turn to see who it is, Seokjin’s gentle voice is carrying through the room. “I am deeply apologetic to our guests tonight but due to unforeseen circumstances, the club will reschedule your time with the hosts at a later date. Kindly grant us an excuse this once.”
There are murmurs and hushed whispers behind you. The obnoxious sound of various people shuffling footsteps toward the exit amidst the awkward silence that had followed your outburst is acting as the fuel to the simmering rage in your chest. You feel more than see the icy glares people direct at you for ruining what was probably supposed to be a night of entertainment and good company for them. The thought makes you shudder as embarrassment crawls up your spine. You fix your gaze on your tapping shoe against the plush carpet and cross your arms in front of your chest. 
“Now,” Seokjin continues once it is only you and the other hosts remaining, “What might be the issue, beautiful?”
You inhale deeply before you turn to him, expecting him to look irritated by you. Instead, his eyes are full of mirth as he lifts an amused eyebrow at you. His hands rest on the table in front of him, palms down as he leans his tall frame forward. It irks you. 
“I said I am not paying that ridiculous amount for a coffee I did not even finish. You can not make me.” 
Seokjin’s lips form a small o shape as he pretends to sincerely consider your words. “It is not the coffee you are paying for though, darling. That is complimentary.” He says it like it is obvious. You feel a familiar twitch in your temple. “You are paying for the additional services you have utilized this evening.”
You can feel yourself seething but for the sake of not becoming liable to any property damage, you reign your fury. “I will do no such thing. I had no idea what kind of an establishment this is.”
“We keep that in mind.” Taehyung intervenes, his dark brown eyes sparkling at you intently. “Besides the several, and might I remind you, very prominently displayed boards with our club trademark, the first visits to the guests are usually not chargeable, a free trial if you will.”
“You, however, took four of us with you, to your apartment no less, and Namjoon Hyung even did locksmithing for you.” Jungkook adds from where he is standing next to Taehyung. He smirks at you, and it takes everything in you from banging your fist on the nearest table. 
“He offered!” You argue, wincing at the sound of your voice. 
“He is supposed to. Accepting is completely beholden to you.” Seokjin adds with a tilt of his head to the left that you can only assume to be satirizing. “The club hosts offer services to the guests and if they choose to accept them, they are liable to the charges.” he says, shrugging those ridiculously broad shoulders of his nonchalantly. 
You scoff at this, your glare now directed at Namjoon, who to his credit looks like a big puppy that has been reprimanded by his owner for bringing the newspaper in the mornings, only slightly covered in drool.  
Your shoulders slump in defeat. They are not wrong, you think. When you enter a place that offers you any kind of service, and you make use of said service, you are, as a consumer obliged to pay the fee for that service. “I can not pay that amount. I do not have that kind of money.” At this, the room falls into silence. God, these hosts must earn so much that the concept of living paycheque to paycheque must be alienating to them. 
After what seemed like an eternity, when it was probably only six minutes tops, Jimin who had been sitting on his chair quite comfortably so far takes an exaggerated inhale before intoning, “Well, we might be able to offer you something to help with that.” 
You look at him sheepishly and he continues, “If you can not pay us in terms of funds, pay us in service.” 
What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Is this like some sort of hidden camera prank? Are Pauly and Vinny about to come burst down the doors as a cameraman pushes his gigantic camcorder in your face yelling “You just got MTV pranked!” 
Your bewildered expression must have been too obvious because Jimin adds “I am serious. Work for us.”
Now you are even more confused. Work for them? As an employee? You can not be a host. You have a day job. A job that feels like going through the depths of hell every day, but a job nonetheless. Your tongue twists in your mouth as you try to swallow saliva down your dry throat. “What does that mean?”
“You said you worked at LinkSol, right? By Hwan Sana?” Jimin asks and it's as if he just talked about Voldemort judging by the dramatic gasp from Seokjin’s lips and his hand on his chest, clutching pearls. “You should come work for us, as our manager. Trust me, you’d be doing yourself a favor too.” 
“That’s your solution? Servitude compulsory labor?” you resign. “Do you think we are in the 17th century?” Change is not a friend to you. Yes, your job is torture but you’ve grown accustomed to the routine. This is asking a lot of you. 
“Why, you got something better?” he counters. “We can not waive off your fee, you can not pay it to us. We have an open position and you are at a shitty job. The way I see it, there are no losing parties.”
“You will get to work stable hours that are open to negotiation. We will pay you a salary, also negotiable, from which we will deduct a monthly interest that will serve as your payment.” Jimin pulls out his phone and taps away for a few seconds before humming to himself and adding, “It will take you about 18 months to pay off everything and then you are free to discuss the position as you wish.”
18 months? That does not seem like enough time to pay off everything, does it? Exactly how much are they planning to give you as a salary? Before you can ask, you bite your tongue, wise words from your mother at your college graduation dinner resounding in your head, “Never let an employer know you were expecting less payment for your hard work than what they offered you. They must recognize some worth in you that you may be oblivious to.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, trying to paint the most corporate expression on your face as you return a single nod toward Jimin. “That seems reasonable, but I would like to discuss everything from the profile and my responsibilities openly before deciding.” Jimin presses his thick lips in a flat line, nodding his agreement. 
“Of course, take your time. We can set up a formal meeting anytime you want this week,” he informs.
“And,” you interrupt, suddenly remembering how you got yourself in this position in the first place, “I want it all in writing. No more errors in intentions.”
There is a cough from behind you by Yoongi which sounds suspiciously like a chocked back chuckle. Jimin too bites the inside of his cheek, eyelashes fluttering as he nods again. “We will make sure.”
“Now that all that is over can we please just have something to eat Hobi Hyung? I am starving here.” Jungkook sighs dramatically. “And you, come sit with us, we are not working anymore and I know you are exhausted so you might as well eat now.”
You eye him suspiciously. The other boys all walk up to his table as Namjoon and Hoseok go back toward the kitchen. Even though you trudge over to his table, you can’t help but snark at him, “Would this not be added to my debt to you?”
“Fiesty.” he grins and pulls out a chair for you. “And no. Like I said, we are off work so consider this just a dinner with your future colleagues.” 
You hum dejectedly as you sit at the table with your arms still crossed over your chest. This evening has been a year’s worth of events for you and you seriously can not keep your head up anymore. So you lay your head on the soft white satin tablecloth and groan mutely to yourself. 
“It won’t be that bad working here, pretty girl. You’ll see.” Taehyung says softly from where he sits beside you. You raise your head at him, without straightening your back completely, and are surprised to find him looking at you with no more amusement, just what seems like empathy. Your heart betrays you by fluttering. Why do all of them have to be so attractive? It would be so easy to hate them right now if that wasn’t going on. Life is so unfair.
Seokjin’s hand rests on your shoulder giving it a slight squeeze. “You are so knackered. What were they making you do at LinkSol?” 
It is a rhetorical question, you know that, but you’d just love to dump all of your exhausting work stories on someone if only you had the energy to do that. So you just whine noncommittally and put a pin on telling those stories some other day. After all, they are going to be your “colleagues” as they said. Seokjin takes your palm in his and gently starts to massage your hand. His large hand engulfs yours as his thumbs press into the center of your palm. You give him a confused stare.
“What?” he questions softly.
“What are you doing?” you ask, pointing your nose down to where he is still caressing your hand.
“What does it look like I am doing? I am helping you.” he says it like it is the most obvious thing you could have asked him. 
“Don’t think so deeply about it, sweetheart,” Jungkook says as he grins softly at you, “Hyung has a habit of doing things like that. Just let it be, he means no harm.”
“Yeah, but he is annoying as hell.” Taehyung chips in.
This makes a scowl appear on Seokjin’s face. “I taught you better than that, you shameless brat.” 
“You didn’t teach me shit.” Taehyung gruffs, although he does seem to quiet down after that. 
Jimins rolls his eyes at the both of them and diverts his attention back on you. “I have a better question. I get it about Jin Hyung, he gives off that vibe,” which you think is a slight hidden in the guise of a statement towards Seokjin, “but you didn’t think that we were acting… unusually, around you?”
To be honest, yes. It was definitely strange how these incredibly attractive men were the embodiment of cats with a ball of yarn with you, but that is the point. You were so distracted by the way they looked and how they were very obviously flirting with you that you never even questioned why. You weren’t going to tell them that though. How flustering that idea is, makes a sheen of sweat break out on your hairline. “N-no. I didn’t think of it as anything out of the ordinary.”
It seems like you picked the wrong choice because an impish grin curves along Jimin’s lips as his eyes linger on yours. “So it is a normal occurrence for you. People just flirt with you wherever you go?”
When he puts it like that, it makes your cheeks burn. It is further compounded by Taehyung who admonishes Jimin, “C’mon, Hyung! Stop teasing the poor girl.” He gives you a smirk and a dramatic once-over, before adding “I mean look at her. I wouldn’t dream otherwise”
The way his gaze is suddenly heated makes you choke on your own spit a little. Your heart stutters in your ribcage. Even Yoongi who has been decidedly quiet this entire time leans forward on the table from across you. “Cute.” he mutters, his sharp eyes boring straight into you.
Jimin sighs a deep breath. He plays with the button on the cuff of his shirt as he looks down at the table, “I am not questioning it. I just don’t think I like the idea too much.”
What was that about being “off work”? Aren’t they supposed to not be this charming anymore? Then why are they so intent on making you feel so bashful?! Before you can put too much thought into the matter, the doors to the kitchen open, and Namjoon and Hoseok carry with them two large trays full of food and coffee. As soon as the trays are placed on the table, Hoseok wraps his arms around you, pressing his chest to the back of your chair.
“I am sorry that this is how things turned out, angel.” he whines and Namjoon gives you a small smile as he takes a seat beside Seokjin, “Look on the bright side though. Now we can share all the sweets we want and play together.” he giggles. You smile gratefully at his optimism.
Maybe it won’t be that bad, you think as Jungkook passes you a plate of sandwiches. They seem like nice people, they are allegedly paying you a much better salary than you get at your job, and if nothing else, at least they are a nicer view instead of the drab walls of your office.  
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Taglist: @im-sinking-in-mud @comingupwithacoolnameishard @loumin908 @btsizlyfe @talyaaas-blog @ldysmfrst @socksfirst1 @aliceoracleollormusic
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bluemari23 · 5 months
main masterlist
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this is going to be my main masterlist where everything is going to be organized☺️
I write for whichever member I choose to. this is my blog and I reserve the right to write whatever I wish.
8:32 | choi seungcheol
where you feel insecure during a cuddly morning with your boyfriend
lemon tart | choi seungcheol
a new cafe for a much needed date brings out tons of giggles and plenty of kisses
soul glow | choi seungcheol
you attended your first concert, waiting a long time to see your ult group perform. unable to recognize a soul bond taking place, you leave early, leaving seungcheol to scramble to find you.
soul haze || choi seungcheol
soul glow pt.2
you had just gotten home after leaving the seventeen concert early, only for your phone to start ringing with what you think is the biggest joke of the century. it turns out, that maybe you left too early.
anything for you | choi seungcheol
where he can tell your feelings are becoming too much again and he decides to keep you with him for the day
new _world || choi seungcheol
the night of your 18th birthday left nothing to be desired; waking up to no hint of any soul bond left you one of the unbonded. almost eight years later, however, you find out that you are very much not unbonded, and that your soulmate is someone who you admire. very much.
darl+ing you || choi seungcheol
new _world pt 2
You were on your way to South Korea, leaving your life behind to follow your soulmate back home. Your anxiety runs amok, and Seungcheol tries his best to get to know you better.
don't wanna cry || choi seungcheol
you had been ignored and neglected again, on the night of your soul bond anniversary. you were tired and felt defeated. and it took just that for your soulmate to snap out of his funk and remind you of why you were soulmates.
sparkling || choi seungcheol
literally falling for your soulmate was not what you had in mind when you got up for your first day of work that morning.
muscle tension | park jimin
you feel a little stressed after a family visit and your husband helps relieve some tension
cake cake cake | jeon jungkook
 your boyfriend eats the cake for a party and thinks he can get away with it
hey soulmate | min yoongi
your first day on the job doesn’t turn out the exact way you envisioned
inspiration | min yoongi
you had been called to your soulmates studio for "inspiration" and walked into an unexpected but not unwelcomed situation
remember our touch || bangtan
you try to push away your bad memories and your soulmates help you replace them with good ones.
warm and soft | kim hongjoong
your soulmate knows exactly what to do when he can tell your stuck in your head, needing to just feel him against you.
dancing like butterfly wings || park seonghwa
you’ve been feeling a little down lately as you experience another flare up, and not wanting to feel like a burden, you try to to hide it from your soulmate.
festival love || kim hongjoong
 you wait patiently for your soulmate to finish his practice rehearsal for the famous festival so you can go spend the day together before his performance. Things don’t necessarily go as planned but everything turns out alright in the end.
dazzling light || kim hongjoong
your soul bond activates at a concert and you seriously doubt your actually going to be able to meet them, not when they are on the stage and more than likely can't see the soul light that surrounds you.
bts and how they would kiss their s/o
bts and the place they like to kiss you the most
bts and how they would react to being jealous
bts and how they would react to their s/o being shy with other people
bts members and how they would react to their foreign s/o being the 8th member of bts (poly)
bts members and how they would react to their non-idol s/o (poly)
bts and how they would react to their s/o falling asleep in their lap
bts and how they react to their s/o's natural hourglass figure
bts and how they react to their small/petite s/o
bts and how they would ask you out after you've been friends for a while
bts and how they would react to their girlfriend trying to hide their pots flare up
bts and how they react to your niece/nephew saying their name
bts members and how they would love their plus-size s/o
bts when their independent soulmate suddenly wants to be babied
hybrid!bts when they are clingy with their mate
bts: sacrifice you or the world
bf!seungcheol and how he loves his plus-size s/o
© 2024 bluemari23. All rights reserved. 
These works nor any part of their content may be republished, reproduced, translated or used in any manner without the express permission of purpleyoonn. These are works of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. 
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tiedyeflannels · 4 months
Never Did, Now I do
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Namjoon x reader
Also known as: The five times you blew a kiss to Namjoon and the one time he finally blew one back.
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: Hi!!! I'm here with a Namjoon fic!!! I got inspired to write this one after watching an edit of Namjoon lives so... Anyway, the text that's "italicized" and in quotations, is dialog in English. Hopefully that makes sense... I hope you enjoy!!
one. - The earliest memory I have of him was when we were 6. 
It was a random afternoon when my parents decided to take me to the park. I was happily playing by myself when someone bumped into me.
“Hey, watch out!” I turned to look at a boy with an apologetic smile that showed his dimples.
He bowed slightly.
“Sorry! I just wanted to know if you wanted to play together because I saw that you were playing alone,” he wondered, scratching the back of his neck.
“What if I was happy playing alone?”
He nervously looked to the sides.
“Well, sorry for bothering you then,” he said as turned like he was about to run away before I grabbed his arm. 
“Hey, I was just kidding! I would love to play with you, um…” I trailed off.
He perked up, “Oh, it’s Namjoon.”
I held out my hand for him to take. “My name’s Y/n! Nice to meet you,” I said, shaking his hand.
We must've been playing for quite a bit of time before our parents called to each of us, saying that it was time to leave. We both groaned, but promised that we would play again when we saw each other. My parents called me again and I started to jog over to them before stopping and blowing a kiss to him. Something I saw my parents do a million times to say ‘bye’.
“See you later, Namjoon!”
two. - I remembered doing it again when we were 13.
“Aren’t you nervous,” I asked as we entered the underground cafe where the rap circle was bound to take place after checking in.
He shook his head as he marveled at the people gathered in front of the stage and the stage itself.
“Nope, why would I be,” he asked looking at me. I gave him an ‘are you serious right now’ face.
“Um, because… I don't know… You’re going to perform in front of people who have been doing this way longer.”
He chuckled, “The way I see it, I’m here to learn, not teach. Those who teach should be the ones that are nervous.”
He smiled brightly, showing off his dimples. I nodded as I took a deep breath.
“Are you nervous for me?”
I shook my head, “No, there’s just a lot of people.” 
“I think you are,” he teased as I looked away.
He placed hand on my shoulder, garnering my attention.
“Y/n/n, there’s no reason for you to be nervous. I’ll be just fine. I have you here to support me and my amazing mind.”
I rolled my eyes, smiling. “Okay,” I nodded.
Moments later, someone on the loud speaker announced, “Coming up, Runch Randa!”
I started clapping with the crowd and looked over to Namjoon, who wasn’t clapping, but smiling and that’s when it hit me.
“Wait, that’s your stage name?”
He nodded.
“Are you gonna keep it when you’re older?”
“Is it bad,” He questioned.
“No,” I shook my head as he chuckled.
“Don’t worry, I’ll come up with something better later, but I’ll keep using this one for now. Plus, I’m not sure I’ll like doing this,” he said, gesturing to the stage.
I watched the person currently performing on stage.
“I’m sure you won’t get enough,” I smiled.
As they finished up their song, we walked over to the stage.
“Thank you for being here.”
I smiled.
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss this for the world! You’re gonna kill it, Mr. Randa,” I cheered.
He smiled before he took the stage. He took the mic and then looked over to me. I blew him a kiss for good luck before he looked forward with determination and started his song.
three. - Another time when we were 19 and he was about to debut on the big stage with BTS.
“I’ve gotta visit more often,” I said, walking into the green room.
“Y/n!” The guys called out as Namjoon turned away from the wall to look at me.
“Happy debut day, you guys! I’m proud of you all,” I said as I walked around and gave them all a hug.
I saved the best for last and stood in front of Namjoon.
“Congrats on debuting, Joonie! I got you something,” I said, holding up the gift bag with black tissue paper sticking out.
He took the bag and looked at me with a confused face.
“It’s nothing too big! I just wanted to get you something,” I said as he placed it on a nearby table and started to open it.
He pulled out a leather bound notebook with a leather strap wrapped around it to keep it closed.
“Y/n/n…” he trailed as he looked at me. I smiled at his reaction.
“If you open it, there’s something written on the inside of the cover,” I pointed out.
He did as instructed, pulling the strap apart and opening the book.
He read aloud, “‘To: Namjoon, Wherever we are, no matter how far apart, I will always be rooting for you! - Y/n’.” 
I looked at him expectedly, “Do you like it?”
He quickly pulled me into a hug.
“I absolutely love it, thank you,” he whispered, nuzzling into my neck.
We pulled apart after a moment and I watched as he put the notebook back in the bag and set it by his things before walking back to me. 
“BTS, you’re on in five minutes,” one of the stage managers called.
All the boys got up, ready to perform.
“We gotta go, but I’ll see you later,” he said and I nodded as he started to walk over to the other members. 
Right before he was going to walk out, “Namjoon!”
He looked back and I blew him a small kiss.
“Good luck out there! I’ll be watching from the sides.”
He smiled and nodded before leaving with the others for their debut.
four. - Again when we were 22 and they were leaving for their Wings world tour.
“I’m not late, am I,” I asked running up to the group that was about to leave for their Wings tour.
Some of them were giving the managers their bags, so they could put them in the trunks and the others turned to look at me.
“What’s that,” Taehyung asked, pointing to the three bags I was carrying.
“Oh right! I brought you guys some food because I wasn’t sure if you’ve eaten since it’s really early,” I said, handing a bag to Tae, Yoongi, and Jin as the rest gathered around.
They all said their ‘thank you’s as they started to dig through the bag, taking out some of the food I packed for them.
I smiled, “Of course! I wanted to see you guys off, but I can’t do it at the airport so I had Namjoon text me when you would leave for the airport.”
I looked at him and he nodded.
“Aww, that’s sweet,” Hobi exclaimed as he brought me into a hug which led the others to hug us effectively making a group hug. 
“Take care of each other and have a safe trip! I’ll see you at your last concerts,” I said, pulling away from the group.
The managers let them know that they would have to leave soon and that they should get ready to leave. 
We all said our ‘bye’s before they started to get into one of the cars.
That left me with…
“Y/n,” Namjoon said, grabbing my attention as I turned to look at him.
I hummed in response.
“Thanks for coming to see us off.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t miss this for the world… Though, it’s super early,” I said through a yawn.
He smiled.
“Plus, who’s gonna remind you to make sure to not lose your passport.”
He laughed, “That was one time!”
“Doesn’t matter! Knowing you, you would probably lose it again so make sure to give it to Yoongi or Jin,” I teased as a smile grew on my face.
“I’m gonna miss you,” he said, pulling me into a hug.
“I know, but I’ll see you when you come back.”
I pulled back, holding both of his hands and looked at him.
“Look at you, going on your first long-term tour! I’m so incredibly proud of you, Joonie,” I smiled.
He pulled me back into the hug, holding tightly. “I’m really gonna miss you, Y/n/n,” he whispered.
I tightened my hold on him, too, “I’m really gonna miss you too, Joon.” 
We stayed like this for a bit before Jin yelled, “Namjoon, the managers said we have to get going soon!”
He quietly groaned in frustration and I laughed as I pulled away because I know that he rolled his eyes.
“Please be safe and stay healthy. If you ever need anything, I’ll always pick up, okay?”
He nodded.
I nodded too before sighing, “You should get going.”
He nodded once more before he started walking toward the cars with the other members. He was about to get in when he looked back at me. He waved to me and I smiled as I blew him a kiss and waved before he got in the car and closed the door.
five. -  The last time was when we were 25 and I had to leave for a while.
“Are you sure that you’re going to be okay,” Namjoon asked, taking the last bag out of the trunk and placing it on the ground.
I smiled at his concern.
“I’ll be okay, Namjoon.”
“I’m just making sure.”
“Trust me, I’m not one to lose my passport unlike some people,” I teased.
“You’re never gonna let that go, are you,” he rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless. 
“Nope,” I shook my head and he sighed, accepting his fate.
He walked up to me, rolling the suitcase over and handing it to me. I placed my bag strap over the handle and let it rest on the top of my suitcase.
“Remind me again, how long are you going to be gone,” he asked. 
I rested my hands on the handle of the suitcase as I thought, “Hmm… two, three years maybe.”
He groaned, “That’s so long…”
I chuckled, “It’s not that long. Three years can pass in the blink of an eye.”
He nodded and sighed lightly, “I know, but I’m gonna miss having you around all the time.”
I pushed my suitcase to the side and walked up to Namjoon, pulling him into a hug which he immediately returned.
“I’ll be back before you know it. I promise,” I whispered, nuzzling my face into his neck. 
We stayed like this for a few more moments, then I gave him one last squeeze before pulling away from him and taking out my phone to check the time.
“I should get going before I miss my flight,” I said as I grabbed hold of my suitcase.
“Would that be such a bad thing?” 
I smiled sadly at his question. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to stay here, with him, but my job had offered me an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up so I agreed with the clause that it wouldn’t be a permanent relocation. 
I started to back up, so I could put some distance between us.
“I’ll text you when I land, okay?”
“Okay,” he nodded.
With that, I turned and started to walk away. I was about to go through the doors to the airport, but stopped and turned to face Namjoon before blowing him a kiss and waving goodbye.
He smiled as I turned to leave him for a while with a promise that I’ll return soon.
It had been two and a half years since I moved to the US. 
Namjoon and I haven’t kept in contact as much as I thought we would. When I first moved, we always made it a point to text each other a couple of times a week, but we both started to get really busy so we couldn’t talk as much.
Now here we are, barely talking to each other unless it’s a holiday or birthday. Though, I always made sure to keep up with what he was up to and that meant watching his lives. 
I saw the notification when I opened my phone once I put my stuff down after I got back from work. I tapped it to open it up as I placed it on the kitchen island and propped it against the closest object.
I went to the fridge to grab the leftover take-out from the other day and proceeded to put it in the microwave to heat it up. At the same time as me starting the microwave, the live finally loaded and I could hear Namjoon talking.
I watched him just talk for a bit before the microwave beeped, signaling that the food was done heating up so I walked over and took it out, then went to get a fork out of the drawer before going back to the island so I could start eating. 
After a while, I saw a specific comment: Oppa, why do you blow kisses at the end of your lives?
He must’ve seen it too because he answered, “Because you guys ask.”
I smiled and he continued, “And because someone very close to me did it all the time for me, but I never did it for them. I haven’t seen them in a while and I kind of regret not doing it back all those years, so now I do it for you.”
After a bit, he started to say ‘bye’ to Army before blowing a kiss and turning off the live. I smiled sadly as I pressed the home button and turned off my phone, thinking about what he said earlier.
I sighed when I got up and put my dishes in the sink, ready to go to bed, hoping that I would be done with my job in America soon, so that I could go back home…
~ Two months later ~
“Congrats, Y/n!”
I looked up from my computer to see Lyn standing over my desk, grinning like a maniac.
“What do you mean, Lyn,” I questioned, tilting my head to the side.
“Well, you know how you always say that you want to finish up here so you can go home? Now you can!”
I shot up from my seat once those words left her mouth.
I looked at her in disbelief, “What, really?!”
She nodded happily, “Yep! Everything was finalized earlier today and they just sent out an email stating that everyone from the Korea branch is good to move back starting next week.” 
I smiled brightly at the news. I finally got to go back home, where my family and friends were, where Namjoon was.
one. - When we were 28 and he finally blew one back to me.
I was walking with a staff member through the halls of the concert venue that Namjoon was set to perform within the hour. It took a few minutes before we arrived at the “Artist Room”.
The door was open, seeing that there was staff frequently going in and out of it so I peaked my head in.
He was sitting on the couch, hunched over, and writing in a journal with a frustrated expression on his face. I quietly chuckled when he shook his head and scribbled over what he just wrote before sighing. 
My gaze fell to the journal and after a few moments, I realized that it was the journal that I gave him all those years ago. I remembered that he once told me that he explicitly uses it to write lyrics, which makes sense watching him right now.
“Do you always write lyrics before a performance,” I questioned.
His head shot up to look at me and he dropped his pen, whatever he was writing was forgotten. I smiled as I walked further into the room, stopping a few feet in front of the coffee table as he stood up. 
He quickly rounded the table, scooping me into a hug and spinning us around. I laughed at his excitement before he stopped and set me down.
He backed up and looked at me with a small smile and surprise in his eyes. “What are you doing here?!”
“Well, I couldn’t miss my best friend’s first solo concert, now can I?”
He pulled me back into a hug before he said, "I'm sorry."
“For what,” I chuckled confusedly.
“For not trying harder to keep contact with you.”
I hugged a little tighter, “It’s not your fault that we were both super busy. Plus, our timezones weren’t exactly the nicest.”
He pulled back, “Wait- ‘weren’t’? Does this mean…” 
I happily nodded.
“Yep, I was cleared to move back last week so some of my things are still on they’re way, but I’m back for good!”
A giant smile made its way onto his face, showing his dimples as I told him the news.
We just stood there, looking at each other until a staff member tapped me on my shoulder and told me that I should head out soon for the performance. 
I nodded and sighed, “Well, I should probably get going. I got front row tickets, so I’ll see you after your performance.”
I started to back away from him, but grabbed my hand right before I was about to leave. I looked at him with curiosity.
“Will you go out with me,” he blurted out. 
My eyes widened in surprise at the question, “What?”
“You leaving for so long made me realize how much I like having you by my side. It was hard not being able to call you just to talk about random things or accompanying you to get ice cream at 2 a.m. because you were craving it, but didn’t want to go alone. It broke my heart when I let you go, but I don’t want to make that mistake again so… will you go out with me?”
I looked at him and saw nervousness overtake his face, but there was still hope in his eyes.
I couldn’t say that I didn’t feel the same way because I did. I couldn’t imagine not having Namjoon in my life and the time that we spent apart made me realize that I wanted to be with him, too.
So after a few seconds of deciding I smiled and nodded, “I would love to.”
He smiled and was going to say something, but I held up a finger in front of him to stop him.
“BUT right now you have a performance, so we’ll talk about this afterward, okay,” I raised my eyebrows.
He nodded. “Okay, I’ll see you after the show,” he said as he let go of my hand.
I backed up a bit, ready to take my leave before a thought popped in my head.
“Oh right!” I blew him a kiss, “Good luck out there, Joonie!”
With that I turned around and almost through the door, until Namjoon called my name.
I looked back at him and he finally blew a kiss back.
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frieschan · 1 year
bangtan with an idol gf // bts hcs
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➳ member/s featured: kim namjoon, kim seokjin, min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook x f! reader (separate)
➳ unrequested | headcanons // fluff/crack
➳ TW:
➳ summary: how would our bangtan boys be like with a girlfriend who is a fellow idol?
➳ AN: decided for a small break between workin' on querencia, if you have the time, pls check it out here! its a hybrid ot7 x m reader fic :) i hope more ppl would like it since its mainly my first time to create a full story.
➳ extra info: y/n's filler name will be yona as an abbreviation from 'your name' (yona), she is also around the age as vmin except older than the V
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—KIM NAMJOON ; rap monster !
-ˋˏ ღ shipname: yojoon
-ˋˏ ღ library dates are a must, or even a hole in the wall cafe/library
-ˋˏ ღ listening to him ramble about a new book he read because he's ur baby
-ˋˏ ღ having plant kids that the both of u post about
-ˋˏ ღ you usually have to drive for him or the two of you bike to your destination, a few fans catching the two of you
-ˋˏ ღ he loves writing lyrics or poems about or for you, actually some of his songs are about you
-ˋˏ ღ cleaning after him was part of your resume in becoming his girlfriend.
-ˋˏ ღ he's broken so much shit in your house it's not even funny
-ˋˏ ღ he's your clumsy little boy
-ˋˏ ღ he also has rizz. very good rizz
-ˋˏ ღ always knowing when you're nervous around him with that fat brain of his (smart boy also)
-ˋˏ ღ he always gets so strained as a leader of the biggest kpop group and then having to translate for his brothers, he ends up just collapsing to you and sleeping for a while to recharge his battery
-ˋˏ ღ sometimes you think about the time he brought his bike inside his producing room
-ˋˏ ღ "jagi that's not a good idea-"
-ˋˏ ღ "army needs to see my bike!"
-ˋˏ ღ sometimes he doesnt even understand his strength cuz one time when you were on his favorite spot on the couch, he picked you up so fast
-ˋˏ ღ "Why are you so light? Are you sure you're eating enough?"
-ˋˏ ღ you and bts work together on babysitting namjoon always
-ˋˏ ღ you also know about the fact he watches porn.. a lot
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—KIM SEOKJIN ; jin !
-ˋˏ ღ shipname: jinna
-ˋˏ ღ you two are such a handful oh my god
-ˋˏ ღ even though he's the oldest, he acts like a baby with you and whines about everything
-ˋˏ ღ but then he can also baby you
-ˋˏ ღ he loves feeding you food or cooking with you on camera
-ˋˏ ღ He has 'Eat Jin' while you have 'Cook Yona' which is honestly really cute omg
-ˋˏ ღ whatever you cooked on Cook Yona, Jin would mukbang it in Eat Jin, sometimes he even shared! (barely)
-ˋˏ ღ you honestly love trying to fatten him up cause he's a sucker for food
-ˋˏ ღ usually once you guys are full, it's either you start cleaning and he starts gaming or other way around
-ˋˏ ღ one of your cute habits is whenever his break cheeks show up, you pinch them a lot
-ˋˏ ღ also he scolds (raps) you like every other member
-ˋˏ ღ you were with that one cooking episode where jungkook and taehyung were cooking, you felt so bad for them but it was hilarious to watch
-ˋˏ ღ whenever he games, you always make little snacks for him because you know he gets really mad at the game but its even worse when hes on an empty stomach (you dont want his yelling to disturb your sugar gliders)
-ˋˏ ღ you like to have jungkook over sometimes so he can play with jin since you THOUGHT that would make him yell less (no the yelling doubled.)
-ˋˏ ღ you recorded the two of them playing together and caught jin smacking jungkook for snatching his food (IT WAS FOR THE BOTH OF THEM.)
-ˋˏ ღ just dance nights are very common for the two of you after that one in the soop episode
-ˋˏ ღ fishing dates are suddenly also a thing now because he said so
-ˋˏ ღ his dad jokes make you sob on the inside, but then again the boys think of you as their mom since you worry your head off like one
-ˋˏ ღ "that brat is fine, he does dumb stuff a lot"
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—MIN YOONGI ; suga !
-ˋˏ ღ shipname: yoona
-ˋˏ ღ to start this off, you bullied yoongi with the others.
-ˋˏ ღ YooNa moments are really hard to catch on camera, because yoongi has a preference on keeping a lot of your vulnerable moments private but when they do come up, THEY'RE ALWAYS LIKE A KDRAMA
-ˋˏ ღ there was this one scenario, both of your kpop groups were attending an event and were sat next to eachother (totally not on purpose uhuh)
-ˋˏ ღ the thing was, your company failed to think that your outfit wouldn't give you enough warmth, and the even was out in the open so you were freezing to death (BRUH)
-ˋˏ ღ and yoongles was kind enough to shrug off his coat and put it over your shoulders
-ˋˏ ღ he got rewarded with a kiss in private :)
-ˋˏ ღ whenever he has birthday lives, you're always there with him or well- you're in every live he has
-ˋˏ ღ he was wearing some goofy shades and a party hat while you were just watching
-ˋˏ ღ "you look like a clown, pabo (fool)"
-ˋˏ ღ "someone doesn't want cake"
-ˋˏ ღ you both glared at eachother after, even though you couldn't even see his eyes
-ˋˏ ღ the armies were just laughing their asses off in the chat
-ˋˏ ღ anyway, you honestly love his gummy little smile or the way he's an old man in a young body
-ˋˏ ღ your relationship reflects that statement, the both of you prefer being traditional most of the time
-ˋˏ ღ sure he loves watching movies for hours and taking a nap, but nothing would ever beat just watching the moon together
-ˋˏ ღ when he was nervous about releasing his first album, you were with him every step of the way! the production of music, drafting of ideas, the photoshoots
-ˋˏ ღ when you were gone for months on end because of a tour and press conference across the world, yoongi was absolutely depressed
-ˋˏ ღ he ended up releasing his frustration through music specifically, so far away that featured Suran
-ˋˏ ღ when you listened to it, your heart honestly shattered
-ˋˏ ღ that day, you promised yourself that you would always be with Yoongi, you will never be far from him for over 2 months, it was what made your relationship grow so much
-ˋˏ ღ you had seen every side of him, the raw energy of agustD, the creative and sweet Suga, then the truthful and reflecting Min Yoongi
-ˋˏ ღ and he had seen every part of you, Yona's love for her fans, and Y/N's truth
-ˋˏ ღ the both of you are absolutely in love, soulmates even
-ˋˏ ღ everyone is convinced that the two of you were made for eachother
-ˋˏ ღ the both of you love arguing with eachother as a joke and he just starts being a baby
-ˋˏ ღ you remember the one time you stole his last tangerine and he was so upset (not really but he wanted to be petty) that he THEN finished all the ice cream in your freezer
-ˋˏ ღ yes you ranted about this to your fans and yoongi heard, so he just walked up to you and started clinging onto you to annoy you
-ˋˏ ღ "YAH! Get off you man-child!"
-ˋˏ ღ "What if I say no"
-ˋˏ ღ "god!"
-ˋˏ ღ "Yes?"
-ˋˏ ღ you hated him being such a smart ass too but like it's okay i guess....
-ˋˏ ღ one time you slapped cat ears on his head and he was just flabbergasted while staring at you
-ˋˏ ღ (you snapped pics so fast and sent them to the guys)
-ˋˏ ღ ANYWAY you bullied him by constantly calling him cute and whatever (maybe even ahjussi)
-ˋˏ ღ ok but then he calls you a grandma too
-ˋˏ ღ sitting on his lap or on his sofa while he produces music is really calming for u
-ˋˏ ღ just baskin in eachothers presence <3
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—JUNG HOSEOK ; j-hope !
-ˋˏ ღ shipname: yo-hope
-ˋˏ ღ he's your sunshine and you're his moon omg
-ˋˏ ღ it was such a 'sunshine and the moon that protects it' trope and the fans loved it
-ˋˏ ღ hobi was always there to cheer you up after a really stressful day at work and you loved him so much for it
-ˋˏ ღ it was absolutely amazing to come home to him after a bad day since he knew what to do to cheer u up and make u happyyy
-ˋˏ ღ when some antis were hating him, you couldn't care less if you had gotten backlash, you defended him in every way you could
-ˋˏ ღ at this point, hobi was all you could ever care about since the two of you had supported one another since day one
-ˋˏ ღ when you two announced the two of you were together, the positivity that came out was overwhelming and the both of you were absolutely overjoyed with it
-ˋˏ ღ yo-hope was one of the favorite ships in the k-pop community because of the contrast between the two of you
-ˋˏ ღ you were actually the one that got hobi to start doing lives again!!! you always encouraged him and made sure he heard the things youd end your live on
-ˋˏ ღ "Okay guys, if Hobi ever goes on live, please show him as much support and love you can! for me!"
-ˋˏ ღ and on hobi's first live, you were there and made sure to check if some of your fans had actually showed support and sure enough, it was full of usernames that were referencing your kpop group
-ˋˏ ღ you and hobi are almost inseparable unless absolutely necessary because whenever you arent around, sweet boy feels so incomplete
-ˋˏ ღ there are like hundreds of compilations of Yo-Hope moments, a lot of the time you would just walk up to hobi and cling on him cause you need your charger
-ˋˏ ღ You love watching the boys kinda just grab hobi and hug him too, cuz he really is bangtan's sunshine
-ˋˏ ღ when the maknaes mess around with hobi, you swear hobi should be in the maknae line
-ˋˏ ღ whenever hobi is about to collapse laughing, you always catch him while laughing yourself (you cant deny it, there are 10 minute compilations of it)
-ˋˏ ღ you know when he has his moments when he's really stressed and down, overthinking about a lot, but you're always there to keep him up
-ˋˏ ღ you'll always be his moon, his partner, his soulmate :)
-ˋˏ ღ okay not going to lie, you and yoongi have beef over who gets jhope more (literally glaring at eachother from across the room)
-ˋˏ ღ it's okay though! the both of u decided to glare at anyone who messes with hobi
-ˋˏ ღ (i'm totally not buttering u guys up bcuz jimin's hcs r so funny)
-ˋˏ ღ Jack in the Box was a wild experience for you, Jay was a whole other entity when you watched him perform
-ˋˏ ღ hobi wanted to show armies that he wasn't all smiles and that he also struggled, YOU WERE ALL FOR IT!!!!
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—PARK JIMIN ; jimin !
-ˋˏ ღ shipname: yomin
-ˋˏ ღ jimin.. the punching bag of bangtan for the amount of funny and embarrassing stuns he has pulled
-ˋˏ ღ the both of you are such lover girl x lover boy though
-ˋˏ ღ jimin could care less about the cameras around, he wants his baby!! the editors can deal with cutting it out!!!!
-ˋˏ ღ he loves to just like.. snatch you away from everyone and like keep you on his lap
-ˋˏ ღ "jimin, can I get off-"
-ˋˏ ღ "No"
-ˋˏ ღ In terms of man child-ness, he and taehyung are verrryyy close
-ˋˏ ღ sometimes the three of you hangout, taehyung ends up being like the sibling you bring around while you and your s/o go out and buying the kid so much food
-ˋˏ ღ at this point, you don't know if taehyung comes for the food or for the companionship BUT ANYWAY back to jimin
-ˋˏ ღ you and jimin act like such a married couple (hes totally not planning to propose uhuh mhm yessir on god)
-ˋˏ ღ the two of you bicker and then end up having a whole kdrama scene and I think the other BTS members are really tired of it but who cares you two love eachother
-ˋˏ ღ the way you two guys met was the funniest part
-ˋˏ ღ you and him were hosting together, and while interviewing someone at a table and sitting down, jimin immediately fell down on live
-ˋˏ ღ you were fighting for your life to not laugh while the interviewee was just there flabbergasted
-ˋˏ ღ that's how you two became such a lover girl and lover boy couple
-ˋˏ ღ when his new album came out, he absolutely demanded you would make a cameo in the 'Like Crazy' mv and you ended up in it
-ˋˏ ღ so now you're in the theories for the music video but like it's okay cause they're entertaining
-ˋˏ ღ jimin probably reads fanfics of YoMin and he loves to be shameless about it when he's with you.. what a brat
-ˋˏ ღ speaking about brat, he has such an attitude sometimes oh my god
-ˋˏ ღ out of everyone, he also has such a strong satoori and it's funny and scary at the same time
-ˋˏ ღ HE SOUNDS SO CONDESCENDING- he loves using it when a guy tries harrassing you while the both of you are out
-ˋˏ ღ You know that one video with Taehyung and Jimin together, and Jimin starts threatening you in Satoori? Yeah imagine that 💀
-ˋˏ ღ he's so mean sometimes too I swear- he loves teasing and bullying you
-ˋˏ ღ In the name of your stans, you will beat Jimin up one day, just not today
-ˋˏ ღ when the both of you are live and you find yourself without your indoor slippers he's yelling at you like:
-ˋˏ ღ The armies and stans were just watching this happen like it was normal. They're all used to how you and Jimin are like when the two of you are together
-ˋˏ ღ They saw you smack jimin and then Jimin stared at the camera with his mouth agape
-ˋˏ ღ and then the messages were like "BEAT HIM UP Y/N" "GO OFF QUEEN" "MOREEEEEE 🤾🏻‍♀️🤾🏻‍♀️" "let her COOK"
-ˋˏ ღ and suddenly jimin was lying down on the floor while you scrolled on your phone
-ˋˏ ღ yeah you made him beg for forgiveness
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-ˋˏ ღ shipname: taena
-ˋˏ ღ "tan-ahh don't keep Y/N all to yourself!!"
-ˋˏ ღ you were yeontan's momma ever since you and taehyung got together and it was obvious who was tannie's favorite
-ˋˏ ღ you loved to take pictures with yeontan and post it on social media, showing the world the adorable teacup pom with his popular momma! all with taehyung's permission of course
-ˋˏ ღ in one of taehyung's very much rare lives, the three of you were in bed with acoustic music playing in the back
-ˋˏ ღ though the live was very short, armies could fully see the love and admiration taehyung had for you
-ˋˏ ღ actually- he even decided to kiss you in front of the cam 😭
-ˋˏ ღ the next day, the clip was all over social media, taehyung personally thinking they're just overreacting about the whole ordeal like he's not one of the most powerful men in Korea 💀💀
-ˋˏ ღ but tae is your baby tbh (he's the goofy little dork in the relationship and you have to take care of him)
-ˋˏ ღ taehyung has this one cute habit where if he goes on live, he HAS to talk about your idol career or you in general at least.. like three times
-ˋˏ ღ everyone needs to know the beauty of Korea is his of course!!
-ˋˏ ღ you honestly love listening to his deep husky voice in their songs.. you love all of them but nothing beats taehyung's solo songs for you (they are in your everyday playlist)
-ˋˏ ღ the both of you love to wear matching outfits when you have to go out, and the fans go wild for it!
-ˋˏ ღ I swear to god you've seen a shirt with a picture of u and taehyung matching on it 😭
-ˋˏ ღ whenever your schedules let you, the three of you like to go out in the early morning to walk around the empty streets of seoul like a little family
-ˋˏ ღ this doesnt stop taehyung from wanting 3-5 kids in the future though
-ˋˏ ღ you and taehyung absolutely value time together since the both of you are constantly doing someone with their idol career, but at the end of the day
-ˋˏ ღ the both of you still lay in the same bed just admiring eachother
-ˋˏ ღ taehyung maybe locking yeontan out of the room if he was feeling a bit frisky that night
-ˋˏ ღ but anyway, this little dork loves showing you the random stuff he buys and it's honestly concerning and funny at the same time
-ˋˏ ღ and he's so freaking blunt about it omfg
-ˋˏ ღ "look at that chair with an ass on it" "tae, jagi, what the fu-"
-ˋˏ ღ even then, he still wants you to cook for him cause he's a lil baby that can't take care of himself omg
-ˋˏ ღ taehyung loves to abuse his tata mic face on you and it makes it so hard to say no to him, the situation goes like:
-ˋˏ ღ "Jagi, I want a bread maker"
-ˋˏ ღ "Tae, no, why in the name of Bang-PD would we need a bread maker??"
-ˋˏ ღ *tata mic face*
-ˋˏ ღ "oh my god- you are such a baby, fine ugh"
-ˋˏ ღ tae also has this one habit of like making up his own language or something, and the fact that you've spent years with him and as his soulmate, you are his translator alongside Suga
-ˋˏ ღ you find it absolutely endearing and adorable though
-ˋˏ ღ you know how taehyung is blunt yeah? he has said with a straight face before the following:
-ˋˏ ღ "If this idol thing doesn't work out for us, we should become a farm family and have an army of 5 kids and then an army of chickens to attack jimin-shi when he visits us"
-ˋˏ ღ lord have mercy on Y/N- WAIT 5 KIDS? 💀
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—JEON JUNGKOOK ; jungkook !
-ˋˏ ღ shipname: yokook
-ˋˏ ღ the only thing he likes about the two of you being idols is that the both of you have a gigantic privilege
-ˋˏ ღ he absolutely hates the fact that the two of you lack privacy and the hate that comes from some 'army' (bruh)
-ˋˏ ღ other than that, he still is absolutely in love with you, full of adoration in his adorable doe eyes
-ˋˏ ღ you know how he's the ambassador of Calvin Klein? You're also an ambassador so CK decided a couple shoot with the both of you would be good coverage for them
-ˋˏ ღ another pro about the couple shoot is that you can make it clear to your fans that the both of you are very much devoted to each other
-ˋˏ ღ weekly training together is a must! an absolute must!!! or else kookie will get sulky and sad for the rest of the week and cry to bam or something
-ˋˏ ღ on one of his late night lives, you had walked into the room while he was talking to army, he had the galaxy doohickey on and a candle next to him
-ˋˏ ღ "hi tokki" you greeted him with a soft smile
-ˋˏ ღ "noona!" he immediately took his attention off the chat to walk to you and give you a kiss
-ˋˏ ღ the army were going crazy in chat with "YOKOOK!!" "MY SHIP SAILED" "Love to YoKook from ___!! <3"
-ˋˏ ღ after the small kiss the both of you sat on the couch and you greet the army with a wave and lazy grin
-ˋˏ ღ you and jungkook made some small talk while some music played on the tv, you could only assume that he was doing some karaoke before you got home
-ˋˏ ღ while the two of you talked, you caught a glimpse from chat that includes "Kookie looks so inlove with her🥺🥺", "He grew up so fast and now he has an amazing gf 😭", "His eyes tell so much!!!!"
-ˋˏ ღ the smile that appeared on your face couldn't be contained, the moment jungkook saw your smile, he turned to look at the source and he couldn't help but smile himself at all the comments
-ˋˏ ღ "Thank you for all the support, Army. I'll always hold Army, BTS, and Y/N close to my heart"
-ˋˏ ღ honestly you made him pull out the slight busan accent (its so hot bruh wtf the little sigh at the end) and you loved the way it sounded
-ˋˏ ღ You went to go do a quick errand in your shared bedroom so you left Kook alone in the living room to do whatever he was doing
-ˋˏ ღ what you came back to was absolutely adorable and hilarious.
-ˋˏ ღ you saw a kookie in slumber, a chat going wild the moment they saw you, and the candle still burning.
-ˋˏ ღ you laughed as you read some of the comments from chat and blew out the candle, you bid army farewell with a promise that you will take care of the golden maknae
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741 notes · View notes
melancholy-of-nadia · 3 months
love u lately (m) #8 | myg/knj/pjm
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title: love u lately​ chapter title: #8 - split pairing: yoongi x f. reader, namjoon x f. reader, jimin x f. reader (yoonminjoon x f. reader) rating/genre: m (18+) ; smut ; college/university au , pseudo frat! bts; best friends! yoonminjoon friends to lovers; summary: Your dilemma of trying to decide between Yoongi and Jimin was already stressful enough, but to add Namjoon to the mix, has you slowly falling apart emotionally, mentally and academically. When your university's Annual Valentine's Day Night Market event opens up the opportunity to spend time out with Yoongi and Jimin, will you finally be able to tell them how you feel? Or will your own indecisiveness lead you all to a falling out? warnings:  LONGEST CHAPTER SO FAR, reader is anxious and stressed throughout this whole chapter, breakdown from stress, fluffy lowkey date stuff, MORE CONFESSIONS, kissing, THE LONG AWAITED THREESOME, MLM kiss, bro helps put on lube on other bro, vaginal fingering, breastplay, ball fondling, eating out, blow job, dick slapping, possessiveness, double vaginal penetration, reader on BC, Yoongi and Jimin reassurance through it, pet names, clit stimulation, double creampie, uh i think that's it a lot happens, oh yeah...eventual angst, alcohol consumption, arguing, pettiness, secrets revealed, namjoon? note: everyone, please say thank you to @daegudrama for editing this chapter and fixing the smut because i can barely write smut! total word count: 14.8k drop date:  March 2nd, 2024, 1:30PM PST cross posted on AO3 here ← #7 | Series Masterlist | #9
February 12 [Tuesday]
The atmosphere in your business communications class is tense, and you can feel the pressure of your stressed thoughts hanging over you. You’re supposed to be presenting a case study on a local cafe from your hometown where you used to work at in high school. The topic revolves around marketing and finance initiatives to enhance the cafe's traffic and sales. This includes a presentation and paper deliverable. 
You stand at the front of the room, a faint sheen of nervousness glistening on your forehead. The slides projected on the screen behind you outline various strategies to revamp the cafe's image and attract more customers. Yet, your words stumble, and your sentences lack the usual confidence you had the semester prior. Professor Michaelson, a stern figure in the business world who now teaches as a side hobby, observes with a critical eye.
As you fumble through the presentation, you catch the gaze of JB watching you with an expressionless demeanor. Great. Nice to see your ex-crush is silently judging you. He adds to the pressure, making you acutely aware of the less-than-impressive performance you’re delivering. The weight of recent decisions, or lack thereof, regarding Yoongi and Jimin looms over you, clouding your ability to focus on any of your school work these days.
Professor Michaelson raises an eyebrow, signaling his dissatisfaction with your lackluster presentation. "Is there a reason you're not fully engaged today, Y/N?" he questions, a hint of disappointment in his voice.
"I, uh, apologize, Professor," You stammer, attempting to regain composure. "It's just been a bit hectic lately."
"Life happens, but it's crucial to maintain professionalism, especially in a business setting." he admonishes. "Proceed with your presentation. We'll discuss your performance afterwards."
The classroom clock ticks away, each second stretching into an eternity. As you continue stumbling through the slides, your mind involuntarily keeps drifting. Fuck, why is it so hard to come up with the right words to say? At some point, you feel like you’re rushing to reach the end without even trying.
“Thank you Y/N, that was enough. Good work.” Prof. Michaelson interrupts right as you’re on your final slide.
Oh no, it was bad bad.
The ordeal finally comes to an end, and you step back to your seat. You always told yourself you wouldn’t let your relationships get in the way of your academics, but now, it finally has. And you are so fucked.
As the class progresses, you try to shake off the lingering embarrassment. Each step feels heavier as you leave the classroom, disappointment with yourself settling like a stone in your chest. Once the class ends, Prof. Michaelson hands you a graded rubric with additional comments. You don’t bother reading them and just rush out of the classroom, feeling tear threatening to roll down your cheeks.
And once you’re out of the building, they do.
Your own letdown sits heavily on your shoulders. In that moment, you wish you could rewind time, erase the awkwardness, and salvage whatever dignity remains. But could you have done any better? As you wipe away a frustrated tear, you can't help but wonder how you let things spiral out of control.
“Maria! I don’t know what to do!” you exclaim, your voice laced with exaggeration. Amidst the bustling environment of the dining commons, you feel anxious, playfully pushing Hwasa back and forth as the two of you navigate the lunch line. It’s usually not that busy on Tuesdays, but today it is. 
Hwasa, undeterred by the apparent crisis, responds with humor, “Switching to my Catholic name?! Oh, girl, you really do need some salvation.” She laughs, effortlessly maneuvering through the crowded space as she fills her tray with an array of buffet options.
“I’m being serious here! I honestly can’t pick either of them and I also can’t give Namjoon an answer. And this whole thing has been bothering me to the point I just failed one of my big projects for business comm!” Frustration bubbles in your tone as you slam your tray down, earning curious glances from other students in line.
“Oh God, okay.” You two walk over to an open table and sit down on opposite sides of each other. “Maybe reject them all? That’s the safer option right? No one will be truly hurt especially because you’re emphasizing not ruining your friendship. And you all move on, date other people and still maintain that friendship! The end.”
“Yeah…” You pick at your food with your fork aimlessly, not making any effort to eat it. “I don’t even know if we could ever be the same as we were before this…deal.” “But were things even the same before you decided to fuck Yoongi?” Your eyes widen, darting around to ensure no familiar faces are within earshot. “Hey, hey we’re in public! Someone we know could hear us.”
Hwasa sighs, lowering her voice. “You were already uncomfortable when Namjoon and Jimin were seeing people and wanted to get more serious with those girls. Yoongi clearly liked you before that party too. I wouldn’t doubt the other two also had those feelings before that, but were just better at hiding it. I don’t think there’s any ‘normal life’ to return to before you all started to address the elephant in the room.”
She’s right.
There was already something there whether you noticed it or not. At some point in time, the idea of liking you was planted in their heads, and eventually growing into love. You just don’t know when and while you hold a lot of love for them, you’ve always pushed the idea of romantic love for them aside as it didn’t seem realistic, or even good to think about. Keeping it platonic was easier anyways.
Up until recently, though, when whatever pent up sexual frustration and desires took charge on your relationships with two of your best friends.
“You’re right. I’m just going to have to acknowledge the risks and deal with the consequences of my horniess and feelings.”
Hwasa chews her food before responding matter-of-factly, “And whatever happens, I will be there to comfort you! You can use my boobs as a pillow and spill your tears onto me.”
You laugh loudly. “Always appreciate knowing you will be there during my lowest lows with your chest as comfort.”
You both finish lunch and head over to her dorm to rest before your next class in an hour.
“So…is your decision coming before or after the Valentine’s Night Market?”
The Valentine’s Night Market. You had totally forgotten that Hwasa invited you and the boys to come by for one of ASU’s – the student org she’s in – annual night market event. It was mixed celebration for Lunar New Years and Valentine’s Day here.
"Oh, Valentine’s Night Market. Totally slipped my mind," you admit, realizing the distraction of your personal matters overshadowed the upcoming event.
Hwasa grins, "Well, I’m tabling and selling kimchi fried rice and hotteok. Do you still have some time to help out a little? Just for the first hour! Jieun will take over after!"
You don’t have any set plans to hang out with Yoongi and Jimin besides saying that Valentine’s Day is the day, so you might as well tell them to come to the event and hang out with you there. It could make things less suspicious to others. You also wonder what Namjoon’s plans are so you can avoid any distractions that day too.
"Yeah, sure, I can help out for a bit. But, let me check with the guys about it." you say, pulling out your phone to send a quick message in the Sanctuary group chat.
You [1:15 PM]: Hey, what plans did you guys have in mind for Valentine’s Day evening? There’s the night market event on campus, and I’m helping Hwasa table for the first hour. You guys should come and we can hang after?
While waiting for their responses, Hwasa continues, "Please! I hope they say yes. Plus, it'll give you time to think about your decision more. Trust me; selling hotteok is like therapy." Your laughter punctuates her words, easing the tension.
Not long after, your two best friends respond back.
Yoongi [1:21 PM]: We wanted to wait to hear what you had in mind and do that, but this sounds good. We’ll be there.
Jimin [1:22 PM]: Yeah, let’s do that. Beats sitting around and overthinking.
With your plans in place, you turn back to Hwasa.
"Looks like I can work the shift!"
“Fuck yeah! I appreciate you helping out, let’s try to get everything sold.”
The anticipation for the event in two days starts building, and you both dive into more detailed planning and strategizing. Hwasa's vibrant personality coupled with her contagious excitement feels motivating, and you find yourself getting into the spirit and readiness to confront your feelings.
February 14 [Thursday]
If only your anxiety would be weaker than your drive for motivation.
The soft rays of the setting sun filter through your bedroom window, casting a warm glow on the floral print ruched spring short dress you twirl in front of the mirror. It was a gift from Yoongi for Christmas, paired with the long star earrings Jimin gifted you. The whole ensemble makes you feel delicate and coquette. You feel a little embarrassed to find yourself dressing up for this, but you figured if you might as well go all out for what could be the last day you do something like this.
You’re on a mission tonight.
After doing a soft makeup look, you grab your small black flap bag walking downstairs. 
You texted the house gc earlier letting them know you'd be out helping at the night market. Hoseok responded saying he'd be there too because his dance club group was doing a cover performance. Seokjin mentioned he’s also going to be there tabling for Kappa Psi Pi. Jungkook and Taehyung were going out bar hopping with a few other guys hoping to get lucky for the night. Jimin and Yoongi said they would be in the library studying for a midterm, which didn’t raise any suspicions, surprisingly.
As for Namjoon…
“Tiny, where are you going all dolled up?”
You are caught off guard by Namjoon's call from the kitchen where he is eating a bowl of cut fruit. He stands leaning against the doorway, looking at you from head to toe, licking his lips after each juicy bite of fruit. Is that melon? When your eyes leave his lips to look into his gaze, you become frozen. Huh? This never happened to you before. What an interesting thing to see how his actions leave you feeling a little nervous now, especially after what he confessed to you not that long ago.
“I’m helping table for V-day night market with Hwasa at 7:00, then I’m going to enjoy the event after my shift.”
Namjoon nods, his gaze holding a mix of understanding and something else. “That…sounds pretty fun.”
“What about you?” Namjoon forgot to respond to the group chat, so you’re curious to hear of his Valentine’s Day plans. You don’t think it will involve him on a date after his confession, so you wonder what else he has in store.
He sets his bowl down and steps closer, whispering near your ear and causing a shiver down your spine. You’re suddenly more alert than you were previously.
“I wanted to spend time with my Honey, but that will have to wait.”
You’ve heard his low raspy voice many times before, but for some reason, it feels very erotic in this moment. If he commanded you with this voice all the time, you would do whatever he pleases. Your breath catches, and questions swirl in your mind. Hold on, what does he mean that will have to wait? For what?
Before you can seek clarification, he adds, “I’m going with Soyoon, John and San to a live art gallery event up in the big city. John’s band friends are going to play.” 
“A-Ah, I see.”
He gets up from his leaned position and looks at you softly. Has it been a long time since Namjoon looked at you with that much love and care in his eyes? You feel like he’s become much more serious with you since you started college. This act feels nostalgic.
He pushes a few loose strands behind your ear, “Don’t get jealous okay?” He chuckles, his signature dimples coming into sight.
“Huh?! I wasn’t even thinking that!” you stammer, attempting to brush off the implication despite failing as your face blushes.
In this moment, he pulls you into a tight hug. Your cheek presses against the fabric of his gray shirt, and you soak in the comfort he provides. It feels so nice. So safe. After a long time, in his arms, you feel at home.
“Well whenever you’re ready, I’ll be there no matter what.”
You assume he’s talking about you answering his confession from the trip.  
Whenever you’re ready, he says.
“Thank you Joonie.” You sigh deeply into his chest, words sounding a little muffled.
Could it be that Namjoon’s the true answer to all your problems, not Yoongi or Jimin? But it still doesn’t feel right. No matter who you end up ultimately picking, you still feel like you won’t be happy. Even if the other two guys say they will be happy, will they actually be okay with seeing their two best friends happily in love?
And if you end up with one of them, what’s to say the relationship will last? What if you two fall out of love for each other and ultimately break up? Will you be all alone at the end this time, no best friends to lean back on to help you rise up once again? You hate to admit how much Yeonjun’s after image lingers in your mind whenever you think about the future of a relationship. Despite how he was just a brief happening in the summer breeze, the lasting impact of his final words remain.
You bid goodbye to Namjoon, who leaves first as John’s ‘96 Toyota Corolla stops in front of the house to pick him up. Soyoon waves to you excitedly from the back seat as she sits next to San. 
As the car fades in the distance, you walk in the opposite direction to campus.
After walking for about 8 minutes, the quad comes alive as you step onto its paved pathways, filled with the vibrant tapestry of the Valentine's Night Market. Strings of twinkling lights drape across the trees, casting a warm glow. Stalls adorned with heart-shaped decorations and bursts of red and pink hues line the paths, creating a whimsical atmosphere.
As you immerse yourself in this enchanting setting, a mixture of emotions washes over you. The sweet aroma of various treats wafts through the air, enticing passersby. Stalls offer an array of delectable delights, from cotton candy in shades of pastel to heart-shaped cookies intricately decorated with icing. The scent of hotteok wafts from Hwasa and Jieun's stall, where they expertly flip the sweet korean treat on a sizzling griddle.
“Oh! Honey! You’re here–” Hwasa pauses, checking you out from head to toe. “Looking cute as fuck, bestie!”
“Thank you.” You reply sheepishly, using your arms to flatten your dress from any wrinkles. “The whole setup for the night market looks so cool this year!”
You look up and all around, colorful lanterns sway gently overhead with wishes and messages from students written on small notes. The gentle breeze causes them to dance in the night, adding to the ambience of the market. The gentle hum of laughter and conversation blends with the cheerful melodies of the band playing at the very center of the quad.
A few Carnival rides spin and twirl at the far end of the quad, their lights tracing intricate patterns against the night sky. The Ferris wheel, glimmering in pink and red, stands tall, offering couples a romantic view of the campus from above. Nearby, a carousel with whimsical creatures invites laughter from those enjoying a nostalgic ride.
Various booths offer interactive experiences, adding an extra layer of fun to the festivities. A photobooth machine captures candid moments against a backdrop of sparkling hearts, while a fortune-teller booth held by the Harry Potter club promises glimpses into the future. Students crowd around games of skill and chance, trying their hand at winning prizes that range from plush toys to heart-shaped trinkets.
“There’s carnival rides too?” You gasp seeing them in a section beside the built stage at the center of the quad.
“Yeah, we got a few international students who joined this year willing to fund for better stuff.” She leans in close to your ear and points carefully at two people named Giselle and Ten standing around another booth. “So you better go enjoy it after! We also have a few bands playing, so even more reason to stick around.” 
“That’s so cool! I’ll keep that in mind!”
Hwasa hands you a cute apron with hearts and stars from a box below the table. "Okay. Time to make those hotteoks, bestie! I have Peniel and Junny handling the kimchi fried rice, so don’t worry about that."
You walk around to enter the tent then tie the apron around your waist. You stand next to the griddle gradually heating up. Hwasa takes charge of coordinating orders and managing the flow of customers. The scent of sizzling batter and sweet fillings fills the air as you expertly flip the hotteoks, ensuring they are cooking to perfection. 
Peniel stands in the next table over, clad in a stylish apron with the words "Best Chef in the World" emblazoned on it, working diligently at the adjacent stall, skillfully frying up batches of savory kimchi fried rice. Junny sits while on his phone as he waits for people to come by and order. The enticing aroma of Korean spices wafts through the air, drawing in hungry students with each tantalizing whiff.
After a while of a couple of orders coming in, Hwasa glances at her watch and nudges you. "I need to run to another booth to get more change. Can you handle this for a bit?"
"Uh, sure!" you respond, taking the cash box and flashing a reassuring smile. As Hwasa disappears into the bustling crowd, you focus on the task at hand, jotting down the few orders you get and going back to the grill. Dammit, why did she have to leave you like this until God knows when?
Suddenly, two familiar figures approach the stall, dressed in outfits that catch your eye. 
"Angel isn’t getting any orders." Yoongi speaks first with a grin, his eyes lighting up with surprise and amusement.
Jimin chuckles, “I guess it’s a slow night for our darling."
“H-Hey–” You pause as you check them out.
Yoongi sports a black bomber jacket that complements his laid-back aura. Underneath, he wears a simple white tee, creating a clean and modern look. Paired with dark jeans and sleek Airforces, his overall ensemble has your eyes glued to him. His hair is also in a bun, which you hadn’t seen him do before. Has his hair grown that much?
When you turn to glance at Jimin you see he’s opted for a varsity jacket that injects a dose of sporty charm into his outfit. Jimin’s black hair is slowly catching up to the same length as Yoongi’s. The jacket, with embroidered details and a slightly worn appearance adds character to his look. Beneath the jacket, Jimin wears a snug-fitting black shirt, with distressed jeans and comfortable converse sneakers to complete the look. 
They look so fucking good. The urge to pounce on them is high, and you wonder if it’s your hormones talking. They’ve been yapping all day keeping you at your wits ends. You wish you were done with your shift so you can go run off with them, but you still have another 25 minutes to go. Lost in thought, you don’t realize that your gaze lingers on them for more than a mere moment. It isn’t until Yoongi notices and chuckles. Shit, they’re going to tease
"Cat got your tongue?" he teases, a smirk playing on his lips.
You roll your eyes, trying to mask the blush creeping up on your cheeks. "Uh, I'm just appreciating the fashion show you two decided to put on tonight."
Jimin grins, nudging Yoongi. "Well, you know we always dress to impress.” Jimin jolts slightly as he remembers something “Oh right! Here, we got you something.” 
Jimin holds out a small bouquet of pink roses, their sweet fragrance wafting through the air. "These are for you," 
Yoongi follows suit, "And these are from me. We thought they might brighten up your evening."
The corners of Yoongi's lips lift into a warm smile as he reaches behind him, handing you a small vibrant bouquet of sunflowers – a burst of yellow that seems to carry the sunshine itself. 
Your heart swells with gratitude as you accept the flowers. "Thank you both," you express genuinely, fingers gently tracing the petals of the sunflowers. "They're beautiful, just like the two of you."
Jimin’s cheeks tint with a subtle blush, and Jimin chuckles, playfully nudging him. "Looks like our darling is smooth with words too. Must be how you’re getting customers tonight"
As you place the bouquets in the back table, you're drawn back to the present, realizing you're still on your shift. "Oh! No, actually, tabling has been pretty slow overall!" you exclaim, eager to change the subject to calm your heart down. "Hwasa's off getting change. But is there anything I can get you guys while you're here?"
"Can we get you now?" Yoongi bluntly asks.
Yet again, you find yourself caught off guard by his boldness. He never used to be like this, but ever since you two started this deal, you feel like you awakened another side of him.
“Sorry boys,” You shut down the flirting efforts, instead playing hard to get. “Unless you wanna help me sell these hot…buns? Then maybe I could finish faster and go?”
"You know what, Honey? We'll help you out," Yoongi declares, rolling up his sleeves with a mischievous grin.
Jimin joins in, "Yeah, we can't let you work too hard on Valentine's Day."
You chuckle, appreciating their willingness to lend a hand. “Come around back and get to work then!” 
This actually proves to be a good idea for you. Once they start working, they start to bring in a crowd of people. The two men take turns flipping hotteoks, playfully teasing each other and engaging customers with their charisma. Jimin, with his infectious smile, handles customers with so much ease, while Yoongi adopts an exaggerated seriousness as he grills, drawing amused glances from onlookers. You’re left in awe at the efforts of your best friends and how reliable they are. 
When Hwasa comes back, she’s amused at the sight bringing in so much traction. 
As you all finish with a good chunk of the orders, she finally steps inside the tent and you hand her the stack of orders you all took. “Thanks to these two, we've made an impressive number of sales. I think this is my cue to go?” You look at her with stars in your eyes, hoping that this will be enough t satisfy the greedy tiger that is the treasurer of ASU, Ahn Hyejin
“I guess you have done your part, Y/N.” She turns to face Yoongi and Jimin. “Now, go enjoy the night with her! I have some people coming in at 8 to handle things from here."
You and your three best friends nod at each other and leave the stall to go explore the rest of the night market, which is now filled with more people. Couples stroll hand in hand, sharing stolen glances beneath the glow of the market lights. You wonder if you’ll ever get to experience something like that. Laughter erupts from other corners filled with various groups of friends exploring diverse offerings. Everyone’s creating memories that will linger long after the night has passed. Will this night be a good memory for you three as well?
In that moment of many thoughts, you feel Yoongi and Jimin’s fingers gently interlace with yours. Oh? Not “Oh” in a confused way, but “Oh” as a casual remark of an action that’s filled with normalcy. It’s something that feels just so natural for you three for as long as you’ve known each other. Your hands in theirs as you weave through the lively crowd of the night market embraced with its infectious energy leaves you feeling at ease. 
"You look adorable in that dress, Y/N. We didn't even notice what you were wearing under the apron earlier," Jimin remarks, flashing his signature eye smile as he stops walking. Yoongi chimes in, "Yeah, the gifts we got you suit you well."
Blushing at their compliments, you glance down at your outfit, feeling grateful for their attention to detail.  “O-Oh, thank you. I just felt like it was the right day to wear it.”
See? There’s times where comments, no matter how normal they may seem for long time friends, will actually get you flustered. Damn their words of affirmation hitting you right where you feel it.
As you wander through the stalls, Jimin spots a photobooth and suggests capturing a few memories together. His eyes gleam mischievously as he proposes, "Hey, why don't we take some photos? You know, like old times."
“Like the times we would take photos in the photobooth after we saw a movie at that run down theater in middle school?” You giggle.
“Exactly like that. You would always make us take those!” Yoongi reminisces.
In the spirit of spontaneity and nostalgia, you agree, and soon, you three find the empty photobooth with a charming backdrop, pay the small fee and enter it.
The first photo captures all three of you in silly poses. Yoongi throws a peace sign, Jimin puckers his lips in an exaggerated kissy face, and you make bunny ears behind Yoongi's head. Laughter erupts as Jimin clicks the photo, freezing that moment of carefree camaraderie.
For the second shot, you find yourself sandwiched between Jimin and Yoongi, each of them throwing a peace sign while you sport an exaggerated surprised expression. 
For the final shot, Jimin eyes Yoongi, seemingly having a pose idea that you’re unsure of. Yoongi nods curiously. Jimin positions himself on one side of you, and Yoongi on the other. Milliseconds before the camera clicks, Jimin and Yoongi simultaneously plant soft kisses on your cheeks. After the shutter goes off, the moment is frozen in time on the strip as it comes out of the photo booth machine. For a split second, you're caught off guard, the warmth of their lips leaving a lingering sensation on your skin. The shock registers on your face, captured perfectly in the photograph.
"Wait, what!" you exclaim, your eyes widening in shock. 
"Surprise!" Jimin grins, stepping out to grab the photo.
"Yeah, gotcha." Yoongi adds, a playful glint in his eyes.
Your initial shock turns into shy laughter as you realize the mischief they've just orchestrated. "Hey! That was so uncalled for…"
Jimin chuckles, "Gotta keep things interesting, right?"
Yoongi smirks, "Consider it payback for all those times you surprised us being a minx."
You burst out laughing, which leads to them into a laughing fit seeing you feeling happy. Agh, they always gotta tease and expose you like this! You playfully swat at them, still processing their unexpected actions.
After leaving the photo booth, the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bungeo ppang fish bread catches your attention. The scent triggers a childhood memory, and you excitedly share, "Hey, let's stop by this stall! I haven’t had a bungeo ppang since I was in elementary school."
Yoongi and Jimin exchange amused glances, remembering your tales of childhood cravings. You ate so many when you would go over to Yoongi’s house because his mom would make dozens of them for their church fundraisers. You even got the nickname “little bungeoppang” from Yoongi’s mom because of this.
The club's fish bread stall boasts an array of flavors, from traditional red bean to modern twists like chocolate and custard. They order a variety, hoping to recreate a bit of nostalgia for you.
While enjoying the warm, sweet taiyaki, you notice a towering structure at the far end of the quad—the Ferris wheel. Your eyes light up with curiosity, and you turn to Yoongi and Jimin, "What do you guys think about riding the Ferris wheel? I've always been a bit nervous about heights, but with you two, it might be fun."
Jimin grins, "That sounds like a great idea! We can keep you company and make sure you feel comfortable."
Yoongi adds, "Don't worry, we'll be right there with you. It'll be a fun experience."
Encouraged by their reassurance, you join the line for the Ferris wheel. It’s not a gigantic ferris wheel that you’ve seen at amusement parks, but it’s fairly midsize that would let you see a large portion of campus up at the highest point. The anticipation builds as the line inches forward, and soon, it's your turn to board one of the colorful gondolas. The Ferris wheel slowly ascends, offering breathtaking views of the night market below.
Is it the worst moment to admit that you’re a little scared of heights? Probably. You know you wanted to ride this, but now that you’re on it. You’re a little anxious. It’s not even that high! Get it together, Y/N.
Your fear must be easily sensed, because Jimin decides to wrap an arm around you, offering support, while Yoongi holds your hand on the other side. You wait for them to make fun of you for wanting to ride the ferris wheel despite being scared of heights, but those words don’t come. 
As the gondola reaches its peak, you glance at your university campus and down at the bustling market, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Yoongi whispers, "Look at that view, Angel. It's beautiful, isn't it?"
With their comforting presence, the nervousness begins to fade, replaced by a sense of joy and exhilaration. You’re okay. You’re safe with them. The Ferris wheel ride becomes a shared adventure, a moment suspended in time between the colorful lights and the starry sky.
As the Ferris wheel descends, you all step off and exit the area. It’s a relief to be touching the ground once again. You tag along behind Yoongi and Jimin and become the person to recommence the hand holding once again.
In the distance, the rhythmic beat of a live band permeates the air. The music carries a unique blend of energy and emotion, drawing you all toward the center of the quad where the performance unfolds.
Yoongi tilts his head, recognizing the sound. "That sounds like Sammy's band," he remarks, his ears attuned to the familiar tunes. With curiosity guiding your steps, the three of you make your way to the source of the music.
As you three approach the middle of the crowd watching the performance, the silhouette of the keyboardist catches your eye, and you're taken aback. It's Yijeong, playing alongside Sammy's band. You shoot a puzzled look at Yoongi, who smirks, "Sammy asked for Yijeong's number this morning. Dojoon got food poisoning, and they needed someone to cover for him."
The stage is bathed in a warm, golden glow, and the crowd buzzes with anticipation as the band gets ready for their next song. 
“We are ‘The Rose’! Or ‘Windfall’...we haven’t decided on our official name yet. My keys guy got food poisoning so a good friend came to cover. We have two songs coming up next. One is a cover of one of my favorite songs and the other is an original song written by us, so enjoy!”
The first chords of the cover song, "Pristine" by Snail Mail, resonate through the speakers. Sammy’s, the lead guitarist, fingers dance effortlessly across the strings, conjuring a haunting melody that seems to linger in the night air. The drummer – which Yoongi comments is Hajoon – sets a steady beat, creating a rhythmic foundation that anchors the ethereal atmosphere.
As Sammy begins singing, his voice filled with both vulnerability and strength wraps around the lyrics. Each word is like a brushstroke on a canvas, painting a picture of longing and introspection. The crowd, drawn into the magnetic pull of the music, sways in unison, a collective dance to the emotional cadence.
Internally, you're caught in the vortex of emotions. The lyrics of the song, like a mirror reflecting your own inner turmoil, resonate with the complexities of your relationships. The notion of wanting to be one with someone echoes the silent desires you've been grappling with, a yearning for unity in the midst of uncertainty. You can’t be with just someone. You realize you have to be with them. But why is the answer so obvious, yet feels impossible?
When the song finishes, The Rose transitions seamlessly to their original song, "I Don't Know You.” Sammy’s voice takes center stage, followed by bassist Jaehyeong pouring raw emotion into every note. The melody weaves through the air, intertwining with the radiance of the lights above. The keyboardist, Yijeong, adds a layer of depth, his fingers dancing across the keys like a silent storyteller.
With each lyric, you find yourself pulled deeper into a contemplative state. The longing expressed in the music mirrors your own inner conflicts. I want to know you.  It's a phrase that reverberates within you, a sentiment that resonates with the intricate dance between friendship and something more.
In the midst of the performance, you glance at Yoongi and Jimin, their eyes reflecting a shared understanding. You wonder if the song is hitting them as much as it’s hitting you right now. The energy from the stage lets your surroundings become a realm where emotions are laid bare. Yoongi and Jimin both hold internal diaries with thousands of words that have not been said aloud.
The chorus swells, and you're compelled to reach out, gently tugging at their arms. The gesture, a silent acknowledgment, weaves seamlessly into the fabric of the music. The lyrics, "Do you want me? Your lover who will never change. Even your bitterness, makes me obsessed," echo in your mind, prompting introspection and a deepening realization.
Suddenly, against the backdrop of the music, Yoongi and Jimin exchange glances, and a shared realization flickers in their eyes. The intensity of the performance and the emotions it evokes push them to reveal what's been lingering in the air.
“Y/N, I’m in love with you.”
“I’ve loved you for a long time, Y/N.”
Jimin and Yoongi speak simultaneously, though Yoongi says a slightly different declaration. You’re speechless. You had anticipated hearing these words after being able to connect the dots, but to actually hear them. At this moment, it’s surreal. This feels like a dream. You don’t want it to end. Because when it ends, things might not ever be the same. And that scares you.
While their words of confession are simple, their love conveyed more in the language of shared gazes and repressed emotions that leave you with a myriad of questions. Even though you had a feeling, you are still left awestruck. The melody, the lights, and the atmosphere seem to crystallize in that moment, etching the beginning of a new chapter.
I love you. Despite such a simple three word phrase, you can’t sayt it right now, You can’t even gather all the words you want to say right now. Maybe because you feel nervous right now, but you will save it for when you go home. And that’s now. You all need to go back now. You need to be somewhere where you can throw all your love and make it known how much you care for them. You just can’t do that here.
The urge to go to the sanctuary that will let you liberate your feelings before it feels like it’s too late.
Without any other words, you respond with a smile, bright and with hidden intentions. “Let’s go home?”
With no questions asked, they seem to understand your intentions and take you away.
The atmosphere in your room is heavy with unspoken emotions as you all made your way back home from the night market. The walk is quiet, with occasional flustered glances exchanged between you, Jimin, and Yoongi. The air is tense with anticipation and uncertainty.
Upon entering your room, the tension lingers. You go sit in the center of your bed and gesture your two friends to join you on it. It takes a moment to collect your thoughts, wanting your own words to sound heartfelt before breaking the silence. 
"Yoongi…Jimin…." That sounds too serious, but there is no way to just confess something that has probably been 10 years in the making without you really realizing it.
Jimin looks at you with a mixture of hope and anxiety, while Yoongi maintains a calm demeanor, his eyes reflecting understanding. You take a deep breath, grappling with the weight of your decision.
"I don’t even know what to say, but I appreciate both of your confessions.” You pause for a moment, letting out a sigh, before continuing, “I want to say I love you both too. A lot. More than I ever thought I did before, and this whole deal really opened my eyes to those feelings.” You glance at both of them, trying to gauge their own reactions to your words. In a way, it’s like reassurance to convince yourself to keep going. You’d probably crawl into a hole and die if maybe you heard wrong earlier and now they’re incredibly confused as to why you’re saying this.
But it’s not like that at all. Yoongi’s cat-like smile right now is one of those things that has always reassured you when you were uncertain in the past.  His eyes turn glossy, while trying to put up a composed exterior, as he patiently waits to hear you say more. Jimin, on the other hand, becomes flustered from hearing your confession. You notice him fidgeting with his fingers and biting his lips, which is something he only does when he’s feeling shy. If only you were aware that every beat of their hearts echo in silence and anticipation. 
“I never imagined myself in this situation,” you admit, “But it’s clear that my feelings have evolved so much after realizing the small things that you’ve done for me, not just recently, but ever since I met you two. And eventually I realized that I love you two in different ways as well.” You take a deep breath, attempting to articulate the intricate dance of emotions within your heart. 
“Yoongi, you’ve always felt like my other half.” You confess further, “It’s like we’re always in tune with each other’s thoughts and feelings. I feel like you complete parts of me that I couldn’t find on my own.”
"Especially during those times when my relationships soured and I struggled trying to socialize with new people," You admit, your voice taking on a more reflective tone. "You were there for me, Yoongi. Your understanding and steadiness became my anchor in those turbulent moments. When I felt lost, your presence brought a sense of calm and assurance. You've seen me at my lowest, yet you never wavered."
You reach out towards Yoongi’s hand, thumb tracing the back of it. "Jimin, you're someone who makes me feel so free," you confess, a genuine smile playing on your lips. "You've always managed to coax me out of my shell, and without you, I don't think I'd be the person I am today."
Jimin's eyes light up with a mix of gratitude and happiness.
“And," you add, a hint of playfulness coloring your tone, "I can't forget that you were my first kiss. It was a moment filled with happiness and warmth, a memory I cherish deeply. You made me feel safe, and I truly always look back to that time when we were young and innocent."
You lift up your hand to caress Jimin's cheeks, which flush with a rosy hue. A mix of surprise and joy twinkle in his eyes.
"Thank you for sharing your feelings with us," Yoongi speaks first, his voice a gentle melody that resonates in the room. "It means a lot to know that I mean so much to you in that way. We've been through so much together, and knowing that feeling is mutual is the greatest feeling ever."
Jimin shares his gratitude as well and adds, "I never expected to hear such beautiful words from you. It's like a dream come true knowing that you love me and think about those things too.”
They’re so sweet, you think. A part of you internally questions if you’re really deserving of their love, but you push it away. You can’t let anything stop you right now. “There’s a lot more I want to know from you, but for now, I wanted to ask if we could do something before…this all ends.”
Curiosity sparkles in their eyes as they turn their attention to you. "What is it?" Yoongi inquires, his voice filled with a blend of interest and anticipation.
Jimin, on the verge of voicing his thoughts, begins, "Is it..."
“Could we…try a threesome?”
The suggestion hangs in the air, catching them off guard. Jimin's eyes widen, surprised by the proposal, while Yoongi raises an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing on his lips.
"W-Wow…holy shit…" Jimin stammers, his cheeks turning a subtle shade of pink. “Say no more, I’m fucking down.”
You chuckle nervously, "Really? It’s just for tonight. A final hurrah before…whatever happens."
Yoongi smirks, "Well, that's unexpected. Are you sure you're up for it? I mean, I’m willing to do it."
You nod nervously, determined to bring a sense of ease to the situation. "It's our last night under this deal we have. I’m also on birth control so we could try anything and everything. So whenever you’re ready—"
You stop speaking as you notice their eyes darken slowly, lust hidden behind them. Without a word, their actions become synchronized, and the atmosphere shifts subtly.
Jimin, always the bolder one, is the first to make a move. His lips press against the sensitive skin of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. You inhale sharply, the unexpected warmth of his kiss catching you off guard. Meanwhile, Yoongi's gaze remains fixed on you, a mixture of desire and uncertainty in his eyes.
As Jimin's kisses trail up toward your jawline, Yoongi gets closer, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on your waist. The room is filled with a soft, anticipatory hum as their actions synchronize, creating a symphony of sensations.
Their lips meet at the curve of your jaw, and for a moment, there's a gentle collision of their lips. It catches you off guard, though Jimin doesn’t seem too shocked and Yoongi remains neutrally curious. You find yourself gradually immersed in the experience and wanting to see how things could go.
Before things can get more interesting for you to see, their lips soon meet yours in a shared kiss that starts tentatively. An initial awkwardness you felt asking for this melts away, replaced by a growing sense of connection. The taste of both Yoongi and Jimin on your lips creates a unique and intoxicating blend. Sweet, intoxicating and sinful.
Yoongi unzips your dress from the left side and both men begin removing your dress, their hands move with a synchronized urgency. As your dress falls away, you sit there before them in nothing but your lingerie, vulnerable yet empowered by the raw desire written across their faces. You feel a rush of heat flood your cheeks as their gazes linger on your exposed form, their desire palpable in the air.
They immediately begin undressing themselves, losing to their own lust, throwing their clothes on the floor and pushing you down on the bed. Yoongi begins fondling your breasts, fingers inching toward your core. Jimin on the other hand, frees your right breast from your bra cup and attaches his lips to your nipple.
"Mmph," your moan escapes your lips as you arch your back, feeling the heated, sloppy kiss of Jimin's mouth all around on your tit. He's unrelenting with his hold and you are helpless under his touch. Your breasts have always been so sensitive that it makes you nearly lose it already. The idea of you so weak for him and nobody else that you can’t even stand. The sensation continues to shoot through your body like an electrical current, making your core clench and your hips buck slightly.
Yoongi inches closer, his gaze never leaving your face as he keeps one hand gently kneading your breast while he uses the other to slowly begin tracing circular patterns over the lacy fabric covering your clit. The anticipation is almost unbearable, building a crescendo of desire that threatens to consume you. You need more of them.
With a sudden urgency, you pull them down onto the bed, your eagerness surprising both of them. Their soft laughter only fuels the fire as you straddle Jimin to kiss him more, your hands grabbing his hardening cock under you and giving it several strokes. He deepens the kiss almost immediately and as soon as your mouth opens for him, your tongues brush against each other in fervor. It's so sloppy and carnal and just simply pornographic, but it's also filled with enough emotion and intimacy to make your knees buckle. You move your hand to massage his balls in time, and he nearly keels over, mouth falling open. He lets out a gasp when your thumb circles his throbbing tip. 
On the opposite end, Yoongi kneels down, his free hand lifting your hips upwards before his mouth leans in and meets your swollen clit.
You hear smacking sounds immediately, and combined with how this feels, his skillful lips and hands have you crying out, squirming, and grasping onto Jimin for dear life. Yoongi called this ‘taking you to Hong Kong”. You still don’t know why, but fuck, does he do it so well. It’s literally your favorite thing in the world since this deal started.
With his tongue licking and circling your clit, you know you aren't going to hold on much longer. He moans against your hard bud, enjoying this just as much as you are. His fingers dig into the soft skin of your ass spreading them apart adding yet another sensation. You try to not let the coil in your stomach release wanting to hold onto this feeling for as long as possible. It feels somewhat embarrassing if you’re the one cumming so much so soon.
Though, it’s inevitable that you’ll go insane from all these different sensations.
The intensity of the moment is palpable. You continue devouring Jimin’s lips, feeling his body heat and sweat against yours. Yoongi removes himself from you, denying the orgasm from coming. But you’re too focused on Jimin to worry about it, which makes Yoongi irritated.
This leads to him slowly sliding up beside you and gently running a hand along your ass, his fingers grazing the lace of your panties. The sensation is electrifying, and you can't help but moan softly into Jimin's lips.
"You want more, don't you?" Yoongi whispers seductively into your ear. His voice is low and rumbling, sending shivers down your spine. You nod eagerly, unable to find the words to respond.
“Hehe…Darling’s so needy,” Jimin pulls away from the kiss, giving you a knowing smile. In perfect harmony, the two men begin to undress the remaining lingerie, their hands moving with a fluid movement, their eyes never leaving yours. You feel vulnerable and exposed, yet simultaneously aroused and empowered by their desire for you.
Their fingers gently caressing your skin, you feel an electric current running through your body. They lay you down on the bed, positioning you on your hands and knees, facing the large mirror on the wall. That cursed mirror that you had once faced previously, though just with Yoongi.
You take a deep breath as you see your reflection, your arousal evident in the flushed skin and dilated pupils. Yoongi moves in behind you, his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him. You feel his erection against your ass, a silent reminder of what is to come.
Jimin kneels in front of you, grabbing his cock and slapping it across your cheek, bringing your attention back to him. And he says you’re the needy one. Ha. You aim your head towards his waiting length and open your mouth. He thrusts in slowly, filling your mouth without trying to make you gag on it. Not today!
As you begin to suck on Jimin's cock, you feel Yoongi's middle finger slide into your pussy, mimicking the motion of your mouth. He pumps his finger in and out, with each second making you go into a trance. The tiny moans you let out at just one finger pushes him to add another right next to it. The way your walls contract as if fighting back against him pushing and pulling and spreading you open is driving him insane. He wants to feel it for himself, squeezing and milking him for all he’s worth. Your sounds of pleasure fill the room when you pull your mouth away from Jimin to control your breathing.
“Make those pretty sounds louder. You already know how much I love to hear them.” Jimin coaxes you further. You’ve known he gets off on your moans since the first day you fucked him.
Yoongi watches your reflection in the mirror, a mix of lust and satisfaction playing across his face. He's always been fascinated by the way your body responds to him, the way it seems to crave his touch.  He feels euphoric whenever he gets to fuck you like this, but even more right now.
Jimin’s aware of Yoongi’s possessiveness as he watches this exchange, his heart pounding in his chest. He wants nothing more than to fuck you and even him if the opportunity presented itself. Though the latter is not for today. It would be a dream to just do this in the future and give his best friends the pleasure they so desperately crave.
As you continue to suck Jimin's cock, Yoongi increases the pace of his fingers thrusting inside you. You feel like you're on the edge of something incredible, a pleasure so intense that you can barely breathe. He's unrelenting with his grip and you are helpless under his touch–his fingers are pumping faster and faster until you’re a trembling mess. Yoongi holds your hips up with one arm to keep you stable.
After your quivering stops, he pulls out his fingers.
“Mmh.” You groan around Jimin’s dick, which entices him to go faster.
“Hold on. You’ll get what you want. Be patient.” Yoongi chuckles in response as you whine from the loss of feeling him. After, he positions himself behind you, his cock throbbing against your entrance. He pushes himself inside you, filling you completely. You moan around Jimin's cock, the sensation of being filled by both of them in different places is overwhelming. Yoongi grips your hips, setting a leisurely pace as he watches the mirror. You glance upwards at Jimin, whose head is thrown back in his pleasure. Your fingers dance across the toned muscles of his stomach before gripping his hip urging him to push further.
Jimin pulls out of your mouth when he feels himself getting close. He doesn’t want to finish in your mouth. He’s done that many times before, and wants to change things up. There’s something that he has in mind that he wants to try.
He moves towards Yoongi and tells him that he wants to trade positions, telling him to lay under you instead. Yoongi immediately gets what the younger man is plotting and moves to position himself under you, his cock glistening with your juices. He lines himself up with your entrance, slowly pushing into you. A soft moan falls from your lips. This new angle hits new spots inside you. When Yoongi doesn’t immediately thrust, you rock your hips watching carefully for a reaction on his face. He grabs your hips holding you in place as Jimin situates himself behind you. “Darling, is it okay if we try double penetration?” Jimin asks, very shyly.
Your eyes widen a bit. You haven’t tried this with either of them before simply because the thought of it scared you and you also thought it was unsanitary. So you haven’t done this with anyone. You don’t know if you’re ready for that tonight. You’re honestly more open to doing it in one hole for now…Wait could you even do it? Could they both fit… Well it’s worth the shot. 
“Could you guys do it in the same… hole?” You try to word out. This feels embarrassing. Your horniess is going to jump out the window trying to have this conversation. Please just agree to it, guys.
The two men sense your timidness and nod.
“Yeah, that sounds more exciting.” Jimin smirks.
“We’ll try it.” Yoongi moves some strands of hair behind your ear to have a better view of your face. God, you’re glad they can’t see you blushing so hard in the darkness of this room with only the moonlight coming in.
“There’s lube in my bedside table.” You mumble not wanting to believe you are saying that out loud.
Both men raise an eyebrow and you playfully hit Yoongi’s chest. Behind you Jimin opens the drawer to retrieve the lube without a comment.
“Damn, Y/N, were you planning this?” Yoongi smirks and you lean forward to kiss him so he won’t be able to say another word. 
He takes his opportunity to hold the back of your neck and thrust into you until you have to pull away. Your moans fill the air only fueling the fire inside of Yoongi and Jimin. After a few more seconds Yoongi pulls you off his cock and against his chest stroking your hair. Behind you Jimin opens the lube bottle squirting a generous amount onto his hand. You hear the bottle click shut and he tosses it to the side. 
Your head lifts enough to see Jimin stroking his cock in the mirror. Yoongi’s grip on you tightens momentarily as a shocked gasp is pulled from his plump lips. With a look over your shoulder you see Jimin coating Yoongi’s cock with lube. His small fingers wrap expertly around his best friend’s length. 
There’s definitely something here you need to uncover in the future, but for now, you enjoy their acts.
When both men are properly lubricated you guide Yoongi back inside of you. He slips in easily and Jimin carefully lines himself at your entrance, and very, very slowly pushes his way in. Oh no, there’s a sting already. You feel a few tears pooling as you try to accept more of him. Fuck. You don’t think you can do this.
“Angel, it’s okay. Just take a deep breath and relax your body. Take as long as you need.” Yoongi reassures you and you nod. Things like this remind you why you love this man so much.
You take his advice, taking short breaks in between to get comfortable as Jimin keeps going. You feel both of them filling you, their cocks stretching you wide. Once they’re fully in, you wait a bit to adjust to the sensation, taking deep breaths to relax yourself. It feels so weird, but so comforting. It’s something you can’t explain unless you experience it.
Yoongi starts to thrust, his cock slamming into your pussy with quick force. Meanwhile, Jimin starts to match his pace, his cock sliding in and out of you in perfect sync with Yoongi's thrusts.
You cry out in pleasure, the sensation of being completely taken overcoming you.
You can't help but scream as the ecstasy builds inside you. Your body starts to shake, and you know you're close. Yoongi and Jimin are not far behind you being much more vocal than any other time you’ve been with either of them. This must feel just as earth shatteringly pleasurable for them as it does for you.
"Fuck, yes!" Jimin growls as he slams into you, his eyes locked on your reflection in the mirror. "That's it, take it all! You’re so good!" His voice is deep, hoarse with desire as he watches your arousal grow with each thrust.
Yoongi’s eyes never leave yours, his expression a mix of pleasure and anticipation. He thrusts deeper, harder, feeling your muscles clench around him as you near your release.
"Fuck, angel, you feel so amazing," he whispers, kissing your sweat-slicked forehead.
Suddenly, the three of you are lost in the throes of passion, your bodies moving together in perfect harmony. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fill the room, mixed with your gasps and moans of pleasure.
Just as you think you can't take any more, Yoongi and Jimin both pick up the pace, their bodies moving with a rhythm that's both primal and beautiful. You can feel their erections throbbing inside you. Yoongi takes this opportunity to start kissing your breasts and sucking your nipples. Jimin moves his hand under you to flick at your clit, adding an extra layer of stimulation that sends you over the edge.
Your body tightens around them, signaling that you're about to cum. Yoongi and Jimin feel your muscles contracting around their cocks, and they know that you're about to explode. They both thrust harder, trying to push you over the edge.
"Fuck, I'm going to cum!" Jimin growls, his hips bucking wildly. "Finally going to fill you up!"
"I'm close, too," Yoongi gasps, his eyes locked on yours. "You feel so fucking good, angel."
Your body trembles uncontrollably as they continue to fuck you, their cocks hitting your sweet spots over and over. The pleasure builds and builds, until finally, you can't take it anymore. 
“F-Fuck! Mmh!” Your orgasm explodes once again through you like a lightning bolt, your body shuddering and quivering. Almost simultaneously Jimin and Yoongi finish inside you. The sensation of their cum fillig you to the brim feels so odd, but equally satisfying. Jimin collapses onto your back panting in his euphoric post orgasm haze. 
Jimin pulls out first watching as the mixture of his and Yoongi’s cum drips down the length still inside you. Yoongi pulls you off his length watching as your legs quiver their cum trailing down your leg as he lays you beside him. Jimin goes into your bathroom to grab a towel, dampens it in water, and dabs it gently on your lower regions to clean. Feels as if the evidence of what transpired earlier is being erased. Just like when the clock struck midnight and Cinderella’s transformation became undone. Though, it’s not even midnight right now.
With a soft sigh, you lay down beside Yoongi after Jimin finished cleaning you, your body trying to get comfortable on the bed. The sheets beneath you are a soothing touch against your skin and surprisingly, not really wet at all from the orgasms. You can even feel the residual warmth from the shared moments with Yoongi and Jimin.
Jimin, attuned to the unspoken rhythm of the moment, gracefully positions himself on your other side. He mirrors your movements, creating a seamless transition as he settles beside you. The bed becomes a canvas for this intimate tableau, the three of you forming a gentle embrace.
Now, you find yourself sandwiched between the two men who have become such integral parts of your life. Imagining the scene right now in third person feels weird to think about. The afterglow of shared experiences paints a soft glow on each face, and a sense of tranquility permeates the room. The warmth of their bodies on either side of you creates a space of comfort, a sanctuary. 
With a synchronized movement, both Yoongi and Jimin turn onto their sides, facing you. Their arms encircle you in a tender embrace. You really do feel so safe here in their arms. Their fingers trace soothing patterns on your skin, and their touch becomes a delicate dance, a silent expression of their feelings for you.
As you bask in the post-intimacy tranquility, Jimin breaks the serene silence. His voice is a gentle murmur, "So, about what we talked about earlier... any thoughts on who you're leaning towards?" His eyes, a mix of hope and excitement, search yours for an answer.
Many thoughts flood your mind about what to say, and you take a deep breath before responding, "I…still need another day, Jimin. It's not an easy choice. I think this whole thing made it harder for me to decide…" Once you finish speaking, you can sense the disappointment that flickers across both of their expressions, but it's Jimin's reaction that stands out. The excitement that had danced in his eyes begins to fade, replaced by a subtle irritation.
Yoongi nods in understanding, his expression stoic. "Take the time you need, Y/N. We want you to be sure."
Jimin, however, turns his back to you, a silent gesture of frustration. Despite staying in the bed, the shift in his demeanor is noticeable. He remains present physically but seems to withdraw emotionally. Unable to ignore the tension, you decide to address the unspoken. "Jimin, are you okay?" you inquire gently, your voice barely above a whisper. His back remains turned to you, a subtle resistance in his posture.
A sigh escapes him, and he shifts slightly. "Yeah, I'm fine," he mumbles against your pillow, his voice a delicate blend of resignation and disappointment. It's too obvious that he’s not okay with this.
Yoongi, sensing the undercurrents, tightens his hold around you, offering silent reassurance. He understands the complexity of the situation, respecting the need for time and clarity.
In the quiet moments that follow, Jimin speaks up again, his voice softer this time, "I just thought... I don't know. It's frustrating, that's all."
 His vulnerability becomes more apparent as he wrestles with the emotions stirred by the unfolding events.
You reach out, your hand gently finding its way to Jimin's shoulder. The touch is a tender acknowledgment, a silent assurance that the complexities of your emotions are not lost on you. "Jimin, I promise to give you guys an answer soon. I just need a little more time…” You think you should tell them about Namjoon telling you he’s in love with you. Transparency rule, right? They would understand you want to think this through more knowing how this is a tough decision. “Namjoon told me he likes me awhile back. He told me I didn’t have to give him my answer right then and there, but now that’s also been stressing me lately.”
Jimin, still facing away from you, visibly tenses at the revelation. It's as if the room, already steeped in complexity, has become even more intricate. Yoongi's grip around you remains steady, but you can feel him tense up a bit from the mention.
"Namjoon?" Yoongi's voice carries a mix of surprise and, perhaps, a hint of insecurity.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Jimin, still facing away, speaks, his voice edged with a touch of frustration. "I... I wanted to figure things out on my own first before bringing it up," you admit, your gaze shifting between Yoongi and Jimin. "It's not like I kept that from you intentionally. I just needed some time to process and evaluate everything."
Jimin remains silent for a moment before speaking, his words measured, "Evaluate things now that you're considering him too?"
Yoongi nods, his expression unreadable. "This doesn't make things any easier for us." he remarks, a hint of weariness in his voice.
He's right, and you know it. Maybe you shouldn’t have opened your big fat mouth. But you had to be honest with them about what’s been going on. Taking a deep breath, you continue, "Namjoon is our best friend too, and I don't want to ignore his feelings. I need to figure out what’s the best thing to do and how it might affect all of us."
Your words hang in the air as you all settle into an uneasy silence. There’s just too much right now leaving you grappling with uncertainty. With a shared understanding that words might not provide the resolution needed at the moment, you decide to let the night take its course.
Yoongi, sensing the need for a change in the atmosphere, suggests, "Let's get some rest. We can talk more tomorrow." He turns to face away from you and wraps himself up more with the blankets and sheets on your bed.
Jimin, still facing away from you, doesn’t say anything. 
As you lay there, staring at the ceiling, you can't help but wonder if there’s even a good ending in store for you. You think through hundreds of different scenarios, but can only imagine hurt at the end of them. Sleep eludes you for a while, the pressure of your decision stressing your mind.
The room gradually quiets down, and the soft sounds of nighttime take over. 
February 15 [Friday] You wake up the next morning, entangled in limbs and surrounded by the body warmth from the men who made love to you the night before. You are still half-asleep when you hear a voice calling out your name. 
When you get up, your eyes bulge out from the immediate sight of Jungkook at the foot of your bed. 
“Jungkook? What the fuck.”
You’re so close to yelling, but quickly remind yourself where you are and what day it is. It’s your room at the Beta Tau house and it’s Friday. Wait fuck! Why are Jimin and Yoongi still in your bed? The jolt you did in reaction to Jungkook causes the two men beside you to wake up. Yoongi looks grumpy as he slowly gets up, while Jimin cutely rubs his eyes. Once they make eye to eye contact with Jungkook, they’re wide awake.
“Y/N… Jimin…Hyung… you all need to be more careful.”
“Jungkook, how the fuck did you get in here?” Jimin groans.
“Through the door like a normal fucking person.” Jungkook looks at each of you and sighs. “I knew about Honey and Yoongi that one time, but when the hell did this all happen?”  
“Long story.” Yoongi takes this time to respond, rather shortly as he puts his hands through his hair. “I’m not even going to ask right now. It’s 7am in the morning. I was about to go to the gym before class, but saw Jimin didn’t even come back last night and his location was off. I was worried so I came in to ask you and then I see this…” You’re not going to lie, you feel embarrassed that you got caught like this. “Anyways, get back to your rooms before anyone else notices.”
“Jungkook…” You look at him with sincerity in your eyes.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to blabber about this. I wouldn’t want to cause anything bad in the house.” He reassures you and leaves the room. Yoongi and Jimin get off the bed, get dressed and exit the room. They don’t address you as they leave, which leaves you feeling a bit hurt. But you can’t blame them. They were definitely expecting you to pick one of them. Now you told them Joon’s in this …”competition for your affections”. And you said you’d need one more day to give them a response. You wouldn’t be too surprised if they’re mad, even if they’re not explicitly showing it. But you’ll do it today. Nothing will stop you today!
Anxiety gnaws at you more with time.
As the day progresses, you find yourself immersed in thinking about your school work, while the unresolved situation with Yoongi and Jimin lingers in the background. Despite the attempts of your friends to engage you in conversation during lunch, you can't shake off the cloud of unease that shadows your thoughts.
After your only noon Friday class, you join Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin for lunch on the lawn behind the Redwood Literature Hall. The atmosphere is somewhat warm as the sun shines brightly. The laughter and casual banter between the guys fills the air. However, your mind remains preoccupied, distant even as you nod and smile along with the conversation.
Namjoon, perceptive as ever, seems to catch on that something is bothering you. Instead of directly addressing it, he smoothly transitions the conversation, attempting to involve you more.
"So what game are we playing for Friday Night Game Night?" he asks, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes.
"Huh?" You're momentarily caught off guard, the shift from your internal thoughts to external conversation a bit disorienting.
"What? Did you forget we scheduled game night this week, Tiny? We've been trying not to miss doing this at least once a month with everyone," Namjoon chuckles as he reminds you. 
"I'm sorry. I've been busy thinking about school work."
"You don't have anything tonight, do you?" Namjoon inquires.
"I..." The truth is: you don't want to have game night tonight. It's ironic how, just a few months ago, you were in Namjoon's shoes—eagerly asking if people would join game night and witnessing the waning interest in one of your favorite pastimes with the Beta Tau boys. Skipping out now might raise suspicions, especially since you assume Yoongi and Jimin will be there. Running away from the situation is not an option.
"No, I don’t. Maybe we could play drunk Jenga with the rules on the blocks? I think it's in Hoseok’s room. I'll ask him for it later." you suggest.
"Ooh, we haven't played that since last year!" Taehyung chimes in, with food in his mouth before swallowing.
"Sounds chill then." Namjoon continues eating some of the salad in his bowl before adding, "Wait, I'm going to have to leave game night a little early because I have to finish helping San and John with a film project in the library. Gonna pull an all-nighter. You guys won't mind?"
"No, we don't mind!" You and Jin say in unison, reassuring him. 
"Yeah, go help them. You won't miss too much, well maybe Jimin getting naked or something." Taehyung's playful remark elicits laughter from the group, momentarily lightening the atmosphere. You join in the laughter, appreciating the effort to inject some levity into the conversation. As you all finish your lunch and head separate ways, you continue to prep yourself internally to confront them with a final answer. But when?!
Before you know it, you’re there.
Night falls, and all the boys gather around the expansive U-shaped couch in the living room of the Beta Tau house. The room is bathed in lighting of string lights hung haphazardly across the walls. Jin hung them months ago after he found out how much nicer the house looked with ambient lighting on at night. The music resonates from the Samsung TV, streaming from someone's Spotify account—most likely Jungkook's, given how similar the songs are to your music tastes.
On the coffee table sits an array of American and Korean snacks, creating a tempting spread that the guys start to grab. The assortment includes chips, popcorn, and desserts, complemented by an enticing mix of beer and soju. You grab one of the Strawberry flavored sojus and take a sip out of it. Mmm. Still gives you trauma from your first college hangover, but you need it to get through this night. Your eyes shift to Yoongi and Jimin, who sit to your right, conversing with Namjoon and Jungkook. You haven’t talked to them all day and you’re wondering if something is actually up beyond what they say.
Sudden anticipation rises as Hoseok makes a grand entrance, unveiling his stash of hard liquors from the top kitchen cabinet, eliciting cheers and excitement from everyone in the room. Hoseok, holding up a bottle of whiskey, interrupts the banter, "Enough chit-chat. Who's up for some real fun?"
Taehyung, his eyes gleaming with excitement, exclaims, "Count me in for anything that involves these bottles." He starts looking through all the bottles..
“You really went all out tonight! Some of these are expensive as fuck.” Jungkook, clearly impressed, examines a bottle labeled "The Yamazaki" and asks, "Hyung, how did you manage to snag this one?”
“My sister’s boyfriend gifted this one to me.” He giggles, grabbing shot glasses to place on the table for everyone. "Enough about that, we're doing shots out of this whiskey.” He gestures for everyone to grab a glass as he pours everyone up. Raising their glasses in the air, Jin proposes a toast, "To being single, wild, and free!"
That’s…for fucks sake. 
The room falls into an awkward silence as everyone stares at Jin, confused by the unexpected toast. “What? Are we not single, wild, and free?”
“Hyung, it’s...that was just weird.” Jimin narrows his eyes, clearly puzzled by the sentiment.
“Just take the shot already, guys!” Jin chuckles, his ears reddening from embarrassment in the face of the disapproval of his toast. The room erupts into laughter, breaking the brief awkwardness, and everyone throws back their shots, the smooth whiskey burning down your throat. The hints of fruit to the wood-like taste made it somewhat bearable. You’re definitely a soju and wine girl. You don’t know how the guys love hard liquor.
As the whiskey warms everyone up, the group gathers on the floor around the coffee table, where the Drunk Jenga tower awaits its fate. The wooden blocks contain a unique challenge or rule at the bottom of it that you must do when you decide to move it.
Namjoon, already showing signs of tipsiness, gives the tower a skeptical look. "This better be worth the trouble."
Jimin, on the other hand, seems more excited, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Come on, Kim Namjoon, where's your sense of adventure?"
The first few turns are light and easy, with challenges like “Arm Wrestle", “Make an animal noise” and "clothes swap". The atmosphere is lively, and the guys are getting into the spirit of the game.
As the rounds progress, you all reach for your drinks more frequently, the clinking of glasses punctuating the room's growing merriment. The initial caution around the game transitions into a more carefree atmosphere as bottles are passed around and everyone takes hearty swigs between turns.
Namjoon, always one to embrace a challenge, starts pouring stronger drinks for himself, Yoongi, and Jimin. "Let's spice things up, boys!"
The room resonates with laughter and cheers as the alcohol takes its toll. Yoongi, normally reserved, finds himself loosening up, his witty remarks becoming bolder. Jimin, with his playful nature, encourages everyone to take bigger sips, and everyone starts getting more suggestive blocks.
The tower, now a precarious construction of wooden blocks, becomes the focal point of the party. Namjoon, fueled by liquid courage, seizes a block that reads, "Twerk on a table."
A hush falls over the room as Namjoon considers the challenge. Without a second thought, he positions himself on a sturdy table, sending the tower into a swaying frenzy. The guys watch in a mix of shock and amusement as Namjoon begins a twerking performance, his moves dangerously close to toppling both the tower and the table.
Jin, caught between laughter and concern, yells, "Namjoon, be careful! We can't afford to lose the Jenga tower yet!"
Namjoon, lost in the moment, twerks with unbridled enthusiasm, nearly bringing chaos to the game. The room erupts in cheers and applause as he completes the challenge, stumbling off the table with a triumphant grin.
As he gets off the table, he seems to be out of it, but then sobers up suddenly to say, “Fuck, I gotta go meet up with the other guys. I’m gonna call it a night for me!” 
Everyone bids him goodnight as he probably won’t be back until the next morning. He grabs a jacket, a hangover drink from the fridge and water before you watch him head out the door. You hope he’ll be fine.
You all continue playing, the tower becomes less stable. It was Yoongi’s turn next. He pulls a block with finesse, reading it aloud, "Kiss, Marry Kill? You mean Fuck, marry, kill?"
Taehyung grins, rubbing his hands together, clearly enjoying the chance to make Yoongi spill. "Alright, pick 3 of Honey’s girl friends."
Uh what. Did he just seriously just ask that? You immediately raise an eyebrow at Taehyung for saying such a thing, but he doesn’t notice.  Wait, is it bad that you're reacting like this? But that’s so weird to ask in general. 
"I don't think I can answer that." Yoongi responds directly with a cold tone. He grabs one of the bottles of soju from the variety pack next to the table in preparation to pour in his shot glass as he chooses to take a drink instead of answering. It makes sense to you why he wouldn’t answer, given what he confessed the night before. 
Though, the tension in the room becomes palpable as Taehyung's question hangs in the air, seeming to try to think of a way to convince him to respond. The playful atmosphere takes a sharp turn, and you can sense Yoongi's discomfort with the unexpected question.
A tense silence lingers for a moment before Jimin, unable to resist the opportunity to stir the pot, chimes in, "Why not, Yoongi? It's just a game. Scared your choices will upset someone?"
What’s he up to? You don’t get what he’s talking about. He must be drunk. You see Jungkook and Hoseok rush to get water to sober him up, sensing trouble. Taehyung and Jin sit there watching, unable to move as they’re also confused as to why Jimin is trying to incite something.
You shoot Jimin a sharp look, your patience wearing thin. "Jimin, he can answer it if he wants. It's just a game."
He smirks, an edge of bitterness in his tone, "Yeah, just a game. Just like this whole situation we’re in, right?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Your eyes narrow, the playful atmosphere taking a sour turn. 
Yoongi, sensing the escalating tension, intervenes, "Alright, enough. Let's not ruin the night with unnecessary bullshit. I’ll take the shot and we move on."
The other guys are very confused at the sudden argument happening. Oh god, if Jimin doesn’t shut up right now, everyone’s going to find out.
You roll your eyes, growing weary of the veiled remarks. "Jimin, seriously, just drop it. This is not the time or place. It’s Friday Night Game Night."
He smirks again, a calculated move to get under your skin, "Oh, but when you’re the one deciding the time and place for stuff and never going through with things, that’s fine?"
"Hey, we talked about this already. Why are you acting like this?” Yoongi becomes growingly frustrated. Okay? What did they talk about that you’re missing out on exactly? This is getting ridiculous. You’re clearly missing a big piece of a puzzle that you didn’t know existed.
Jimin ignores his efforts of mediation, unwilling to let it go. "Maybe if someone could actually make a decision, we wouldn't have to keep playing these games."
Your patience snaps, and you retort, "Maybe if someone wasn’t acting like a child, we could go outside and have a mature conversation about whatever you’re fucking on about!"
“Maybe if I fucking told you earlier about the pact me, Yoongi, and Namjoon made in high school. We wouldn’t have ever gotten in this dumb ass de—” Jimin’s words are immediately cut off by Yoongi’s attempt to shut him up by covering his mouth. A struggle ensues as Jimin fights to break free.
Your eyes widen, a mix of shock and seething anger crossing your face. "Hold on. What? What pact? This is all news to me."
Your mind races, trying to comprehend the revelation. A pact made in high school? Over what? Don’t fucking say it’s a pact so they wouldn’t sleep with you. What the fuck. The realization hits like a sucker punch, leaving you feeling betrayed and blindsided. How could they have gotten into this fuck buddies deal and have clearly broken the honesty rule since day 0?  Even though you were feeling bad only a few months ago when you had slept with Jimin. But at least you came clean to Yoongi as soon as you could. 
But what the hell is this?! Who in this damn world would be okay with hearing their own best friends making some fucking bro code deal under the table?
Yoongi groans, speaking calmly, "It was supposed to be a stupid thing, just a way to avoid drama between us. I didn’t think it mattered anymore. We didn't think it would become a big deal anyways."
Your voice trembles with a mix of anger and hurt, "A big deal? You guys are my best friends and hid some fucking pact that you made a few years ago? How is that not a big deal?"
Jimin uses whatever strength he has while drunk to free himself from Yoongi's clutches. Though, his expression remains unapologetic, he shrugs, "It was for the best…at the time. We didn't want to ruin our friendship over a girl. Didn’t think it would affect us as much as it did. "
You scoff, disbelief coloring your tone, "A girl? I’m literally your fucking best friend, Park. So, what, you guys broke it how? Deciding to fuck me and forget your bro code!?”
As if the universe was suddenly signaling the end of this ordeal, the sudden jolt you made as you yelled at him causes the jenga tower to fall. The wooden blocks scatter across the table and on the floor, making the impact of the argument land even harder.
The bomb was dropped.
The room is engulfed in a heavy silence, the weight of the revelations settling in like a thick fog. The other guys exchange uncomfortable glances, sensing the gravity of the situation. Taehyung’s jaw is on the floor as he glances around, but cannot say anything. You hope to God he just doesn’t either. Knowing him, he’s going to make things worse without trying. Jin rubs his temples, while looking stressed, but somehow not that surprised.  Jungkook and Hoseok return with water bottles, trying to diffuse the tension by offering it to Jimin. They also heard everything as they were in the kitchen, but do not comment on it. Jungkook was the only one who knew, but even then, the deal and pact is definitely news to everyone else.
This doesn’t stop the emotions swirling within you. Unlocking Pandora’s box that revealed the pact feels like a betrayal. You just can’t believe a secret pact between your best friends was kept hidden for years. How long? Was this when you were dating Yeonjun or even before those events? What about during the virginity race? Jimin's nonchalant attitude adds fuel to the fire, leaving you feeling beyond upset, hurt, and confused. He’s choosing not to answer your question. 
It has to be because you hit the nail.
Yoongi, attempting to diffuse the tension, steps forward, "Look, we didn't plan for this to happen. We didn't think it through, and it got out of hand. We're sorry for not telling you earlier."
His apology hangs in the air, and you struggle to find the right words. You’re livid and they don’t even get it. Anxiety builds within you and now, the air starts to feel thick in this room, and everything seems to close in on you. You think you’re going to throw up if you continue staying in this room around them.
“Um, guys…maybe we should take a step back, cool off a bit. I have a lot of questions, but we can talk about this more calmly later." Jin, always the peacemaker, breaks the silence cautiously.  
“Yeah, let’s take a break for now to sober up.” Hoseok adds.
Yoongi nods, a mixture of frustration and resignation settling in. "Yeah, maybe we should."
It would be good to step back right now and get your head wrapped around all of this, but you need to leave the house to do that. You can’t be around them right now. You need to go see Hwasa. Jieun. Soohyun. Soyoon. Fuck if you know who else, but you just can’t be here any longer.
"I'm leaving." Standing abruptly, you snatch your phone from the couch and grab your hoodie hanging by a chair. The room falls silent as you declare your departure, the heaviness of betrayal settling in your chest. Fueled by anxiety – the urge to throw up and the sting of unshed tears. You never envisioned yourself in this situation, feeling deceived and in a way, taken advantage of.
"What?" The question from Yoongi hangs in the air, a desperate plea for an explanation. You move towards the door in a hurried rush, a whirlwind of emotions overwhelming you. 
As you make your way to the exit, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook rush towards you, concern etched on their faces. They don’t want to let you out while you’re drunk and vulnerable, but you’re too out of it to consider that. Jimin remains seated on the floor next to Taehyung and Jin, waiting for the inevitable. Yoongi attempts to grab your hand, a gesture of known comfort, but you vehemently shoo it away.
"Don't touch me!" The words escape you, laden with hurt. You’re caught offguard by your own voice coming out. You come to a sudden halt, attempting to regain control over your breathing, needing to calm the storm within before you say things you don’t mean. The truth hangs heavy in the air, and you feel compelled to address the turmoil.
"I...I genuinely love you guys a lot." The confession spills out, a raw and explicit expression of the emotions coursing through you. "I struggled so much, agonizing over who to choose because I can't imagine a world without either of you by my side. The same goes for Joon. I enjoyed the times we had during this deal, but I wasn't going to pick any of you.” You turn to look at Jimin’s direction, who refuses to face you. “I wanted to put our friendship first and minimize any damage out of love and respect for you guys. But it seems like you guys weren't even considering that when breaking your little fucking pact!" The words linger, a bitter truth exposed in the wake of shattered expectations.
Yoongi stands there unable to respond, frustrated. Your eyes lock with his. Tears glisten on the brink of falling, reflecting a different kind of hurt behind his eyes – a hurt you can't bring yourself to delve into at this moment. Not in your current state.
Choosing to break the eye contact first, you turn away and head out the door, leaving the Beta Tau house behind. You don’t know when you’ll be back. You don’t want to be back anytime soon.
You headed to Hwasa's dorm, hoping to God that she's in that dorm on this Friday night. Because you're going to fall apart at any second as you trudge through the streets and onto campus.
As you make your way through the campus, you find your gaze involuntarily drawn towards the library. The familiar sight triggers the reflex to seek solace in Namjoon's company. Under normal circumstances, he would be your go-to person when something immediately troubled you or when things went awry with Yoongi and Jimin. However, this time feels different. 
You shouldn’t go see him for now.
You carry on going onto the path toward Hwasa's dorm, hoping she's there to provide you support and understanding you desperately need in this moment of vulnerability. The anticipation and anxiety mount as you reach the building, your hands trembling as you dial Hwasa's number, yearning for a comforting voice in the chaos that has engulfed you.
“Y/N? Hey? What’s up—” “Please come to the front of your dorm building.”  You interrupt her before she kept on speaking.
“Wait, Y/N what’s wrong—”
It’s this simple question that becomes the tipping point to you finally bursting out in sobs. No guys to hold you back, no deal to keep thinking about anymore.
“I-It’s over.”
tbc ?!!??! :O a/n: welp. the bomb was dropped. um. yes, that really just happened. the next chapter will be ... insane as well. I'm already writing it and I want you all to prepare yourselves! Anyone have any thoughts or theories on what will happen to our favorite quad and the rest of the house? i'd love to hear about them so lmk hehehe thank you all for reading!
➸ let me know what you think OR join the taglist! ➸ love u lately series masterlist
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kookslastbutton · 2 years
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Welcome to my library!
To check out a book, you must be 18+ as my work includes nsfw themes and are not suitable for minors. Secondly, please keep in mind that I write for a diverse audience. OCs within my fics will have minimal physical descriptors. I personally see my OCs as being about 24+ as well, but they are all most definitely 18+.
That said, thank you for stopping by. Please enjoy! 🥰
If you'd like to see older works head over to the archive.
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Guide ✒
fluff (🌹) | smut (🔥) | angst (⚡) | favorites (♕)
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coming soon...
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Drabbles — ✨
End of the Line (M) 🌹🔥⚡//established relationship [1.3k]
"Your relationship with Seokjin hits a bumpy path when he notices you've been spending more time with his friends than him. It's an understatement to say your boyfriend has had enough of it."
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Series — 🌙
Those Eyes Chico (M) 🌹🔥⚡♕// slow-burn, coworkers2friends2lovers
"As the new marketing director for Min Yoongi’s upcoming D-Day album & tour, you’re expected to bring your expertise to the table. This shouldn’t be a problem—you’re the best in the business and you’re used to drawing a strict line between your professional and personal life. But what happens when the lines you’ve fought to keep as separate blur for the first time?"
series masterlist
enamored (M)🌹🔥⚡♕//strangers2lovers, independent artist au
"Min Yoongi is nothing who you imagined him to be when you saw him preform at the local cafe in town. Yet little by little he surprises you with his true self, until somehow you find yourself completely enamored with him."
one [4.6k] | two | three
Oneshots — ☁
what love feels like (M) 🔥🌹⚡♕//marriage au, parenting [6.7k]
"Being a mother to a beautiful baby girl and wife to an adoring husband is the most rewarding feeling in the world. But you also work a full-time job, are overtired most of the time, stressed, don't have any alone time, look very different than eight years ago, and sex? Well, that hasn’t happened in weeks. The gravity of the situation weighs on you until one day, all of your deepest insecurities rear their ugly head–that your husband might not love you as much anymore and someone could take him away from you."
take care of you (M) 🔥🌹⚡♕//established relationship, vacation au [7.5k]
"To keep your fiance' from burning out you suggest a weekend getaway to Gapyeong, a charming town about an hour outside Seoul. You've specifically asked him to leave his work equipment at home but like a deep-rooted habit, he still brings it with him. You're left with no choice but to find a way to get his attention back."
Best Intentions (M) ⚡🔥 //s2l, slight thriller, mafia au [3.4k]
"As vice president, you are obligated to attend your boss's wedding–you're also his friend. But while you should be focused on the newlyweds, you find yourself far too interested in the attractive best man and the woman who happens to be his plus one."
Still got it (M) 🔥🌹⚡♕ //marriage au, pwp [2.3k] (my first bts fic )
"On your 10th wedding anniversary you decide to voice out some slight marital concerns to your husband Yoongi. You also slip out that you don't think he can get you off given the fact that the last time the two of you got it on was months ago. Yoongi makes you eat your words."
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coming soon...
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coming soon...
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Series — 🌙
Guilty Pleasures (M) ⚡🔥🌹♕//loverstoexesto ?, colleagues2?, unrequited love (not poly)
"Three years of being Seoul's power couple earns you nothing but a big fat divorce settlement and your face plaster on every gossip column around town. You're angry, hurt, and desperately want to move on, but worst of all? You're still in love with the man who started the whole mess, even though the most he can ever see you as is a friend. The renowned actor you've hired to be your company's new endorser seems to have a soft spot for you though. He's easy on the eyes, you'll admit, but who actually wants a divorcee like yourself? It's unrealistic really."
series masterlist
Oneshots — ☁
Loverboy 🌹🔥⚡♕//established relationship [7.1k]
"After a startling conversation with your coworkers, you start feeling insecure about your sexual prowess. You don't initiate as much, you haven't worn lingerie yet, and you're still timid about doing much seducing with your body–are you giving your boyfriend boring sex? Taehyung reassures you that you are perfect and have nothing to worry about."
Reflections (M) 🌹⚡🔥♕// photography au, modeling au, strangers2lovers [11.3k]
"As a new hire at one of the most prestigious jewelry brands in the world; Adrien & Rosamel in Paris, you've been trying to build your professional portfolio for months. So when global brand ambassador Kim Taehyung comes in for a photoshoot but his personal photographer is unavailable, the company offers the gig to you. Oh of course you take it in a heartbeat—it's a given."
Baby Maker (M) 🔥🌹♕// pwp, marriage au [2.4k]
" You're pissed at your husband for being late to your weekly baby-making sessions."
high tide (M) 🔥🌹⚡//established relationship, pwp [2k]
"Due to Taehyung's job as a cruise ship Captain, you are constantly miles away from each other. Weekly phone calls help and this one gets a little nasty and a lot sweet."
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Series — 🌙
Guilty Pleasures (M) ⚡🔥🌹♕//loverstoexesto ?, colleagues2?, unrequited love (not poly)
"Three years of being Seoul's power couple earns you nothing but a big fat divorce settlement and your face plaster on every gossip column around town. You're angry, hurt, and desperately want to move on, but worst of all? You're still in love with the man who started the whole mess, even though the most he can ever see you as is a friend. The renowned actor you've hired to be your company's new endorser seems to have a soft spot for you though. He's easy on the eyes, you'll admit, but who actually wants a divorcee like yourself? It's unrealistic really."
series masterlist
Too Late To Dream (M) ⚡🌹 🔥 ♕//marriage au, age gap
"You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same."
series masterlist (completed)
Love's Remedy, On Fire 🌹🔥//college au, strangers2lovers
"Jungkook is a romantic. He comes from a highly intelligent family who wants him to carry out the lineage. Being this way, he goes to college to be a pharmacist but his friends say college isn't just about studying! With a little persuasion, he goes to his first frat party thinking his hat will help him pick up a girl-or woman he means."
series masterlist (3/4 complete; #4 on hold)
Oneshots — ☁
in your arms 🌹🔥♕//established relationship, comfort, pwp [1.6k]
"You wake up next to your boyfriend for the first time since moving in with him."
prove it to me (M) 🌹🔥♕//one sided enemies2lovers, friend of friend [5.3k]
"I'm not your baby Jungkook. Remember that." Those are the words you say right before jumping into a one night stand with Jeon Jungkook, the man who's constantly annoying you with his college fling stories. You decide maybe just this once, you'll play into his game and prove to everyone that he's no more average than the rest."
Lovin' You Right 🌹🔥♕//neighbors au, inspired by jjk seven, enemies2lovers [2k]
"Your new badass neighbor won't leave you alone. You know the type, the guy your mama wouldn't want you bringing home. He'd break your heart as quick as he'd take it."
Can’t Help It, I Love You (M) 🌹🔥♕//established relationship [3k]
"Finally getting a day off, your boyfriend takes you out on a date. Everything is sickeningly sweet until you visit a cute little lingerie store. All he wants to do now is get busy in the dressing room."
When I Say Forever (M) *requested* 🌹🔥♕// wedding au [4.6k]
"It's your wedding day and the slightly shy yet handsome, doe-eyed stranger who chased after you when you dropped your wallet on the street three years ago just happens to be the man standing before you today." *requested*
Returning the Favor (M) *requested* 🌹🔥⚡//e2l, brothers best friend au [3.9k]
"Your brother's best friend crashes with you for the weekend because he doesn't have room at his place. How delightful for you...especially when you overhear Jungkook telling his buddy over the phone that you couldn't turn him on even if you wanted to—fucking prick. You will not be an object of embarrassment, he will."
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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kingofbodyrolls · 11 months
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Hello! 🌸
My name is Lissa and I’m a 93 liner. I have been writing for many years, but only recently got back to it. I only write for BTS, and please look at my masterlist for all my writings 🥰
I enjoy reading as much as I do writing, and I love spreading joy and happiness 💞
I’m also on ao3 → kingofbodyrolls.
Newest work (24/05/24) (dd/mm/yy)  → Last Night in Magic Shop [pjm]
Please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. doing so will be considered as plagiarism and appropriate action will be taken. 
You are more than welcome to reblog, like and comment my work 🥰
Genre + emoji meaning/key: Angst = 🌩️ || Smut = 🥵 || Fluff = 🥰 || Comedy = 😂 || Yandere = 😈 || Thriller/dark = 👻 || Personal favorite = 💯 || Completed = ✅ || Ongoing/writing = ✍️
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Sprout [series ✅💯] 21K - 🥵😂 You love your plants, you love your garden, you do not love your new neighbor. You hate him with all your might— he wrecks everything you hold dear so you do the only reasonable thing: retaliate.
→ Series masterlist
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... yet to come!
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Friendcation [series ✅💯] 110.5K - 🥵🥰😂 Going camping with your best friends seemed like a brilliant idea when you initially made the plans. But when you harbor secret feelings for one of them, what will become of you being close confined for three months? Trouble, that’s what.
→ Series masterlist
Learn to Love Again [one-shot ✅💯] 19.4K -🌩️👻🥵🥰 People always leave. They become beautiful stars shining bright in the night sky. When life hands you lemons, you’ve been told to make lemonade, but that is hard when your soul and heart is breaking apart. When you rescue a tiny cat and meet a handsome stranger in the cafe, you finally feel yourself healing – but when they too leave, how are you going to learn to love again?
→ Learn to Love Again
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... yet to come!
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Coming Home [series ✅💯] 44K - 🌩️🥵🥰😂👻😈 When your best friend, Park Jimin, who you’ve had a crush on since forever, suggests you stay at his house to heal and find yourself again after a series of traumatizing events had haunted you for years, you don’t hesitate to accept. Within those walls, a safe haven is woven, where wounds can heal and memories find release. As he nurtures your shattered spirit, an unexpected intimacy unfurls, leaving the fragile barrier between friendship and deeper emotions in question - can you keep your feelings hidden?
→  Series masterlist
39,5°C (Fever) [one-shot ✅] 6.2K - 🥵 When you get sick you want three things; rest all day, eat your comfort food and have as many orgasms as you can.
→  39,5°C (Fever)
Stuck in a Snowstorm [one-shot ✅💯] 6.1K - 🥵😂 You don’t know how you ended up here. Stuck with your mortal enemy, Park Jimin, in you car – in a fucking snowstorm.
→  Stuck in a Snowstorm (part of 'the winter collection')
Stuck at a Christmas party [one-shot ✅💯] 5.1K - 🥵😂 It’s Seokjin’s Christmas party and you’re trying your best to be social with your friends, but it’s really hard when you feel the burning stare of your nemesis, Park Jimin, lighting your skin on fire. It doesn’t help when you feel his hand between your legs under the dinner table.
→  Stuck at a Christmas party (part of 'the winter collection')
My Heart's Home [series ✅💯] 237.6k - 🌩️🥵🥰😂 You’d never thought you’d step foot back at the ranch– a place you used to call home a long time ago. When you are forced to go back, reconcile with your sister and a certain childhood friend that you had long forgotten, will sparks reunite?
→  Series masterlist (ft. Jungkook)
Last Night in Magic Shop [one-shot ✅] 12.5k - 🥵🪄 You find yourself down at the local club, Magic Shop, because your best friend feels like your lovelife is dry as ice. You did not plan on meeting a handsome stranger, who moves his body like an angel, but speaks like the devil. Feeling like he might match your nasty needs, you take him home, enjoying an unforgettable night filled with pleasure.
→  Last Night in Magic Shop
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Skinny-dipping [drabble ✅] 1.7K - 🥵🥰
→ Skinny-dipping
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Say that Again (I Dare You) [one-shot ✅💯] 13.1K - 🥵 You moan in your sleep, and your boyfriend knows this, but when you keep moaning another man’s name in your sleep - and that man just happens to be one of your friends? What will Jungkook do?
→  Say that Again (I Dare You) (ft. Jimin)
Say I Do [one-shot ✅] 5.2K - 🥵 You and Jungkook tease each other at your wedding reception.
→  Say I Do
186 notes · View notes
fatesmono · 4 months
jungkook as your college bf
✮⋆˙ hey ! this is a new series im starting of bts as different tropes, and we’re starting off with my favorite boba eye’d baby star, jungkook !
✮⋆˙ i hope you enjoy ! if y’all have any requests for what you wanna see me write, i’ll do anything, doesn’t have to be k-pop or bts related !!
✮⋆˙ enjoy reading my loves !! <333
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ᡣ𐭩 bumped into him trying to rush to your psychology class
ᡣ𐭩 was running when suddenly you slammed into a very toned and muscular chest right as the bell rang that it was 12
ᡣ𐭩 when you looked up, there we was. the boy from your statistics class.
ᡣ𐭩 “oh geez im sorry about that, i didn’t see you there. you’re [y/n] right?”
ᡣ𐭩 and from there, it was history. you two started studying for the upcoming test
ᡣ𐭩 you guys would spend the next two months going from studying to “studying” that involved you two mainly steaing glances at each other and then holding hands which finally turned to him asking you out
ᡣ𐭩 your guys’ first date was him taking you to a cat cafe you wouldn’t shut up about during your study dates
ᡣ𐭩 always helps you study for your tests, even if he has no idea about the class or what you’re learning
ᡣ𐭩 “okay okay you can do this my star, what are the two roles of carbohydrates in cells ? you know this, i know that you know this”
ᡣ𐭩 on your third date, he told you of his soulmate story and how he knew you were the one because a bell rang when you first met
ᡣ𐭩 stayed up all night with you when it was finals week
ᡣ𐭩 places tiny kisses on your head whenever you get frustrated  about something you can’t figure out
ᡣ𐭩 let you take a nap at his dorm bc you knocked out struggling to figure out what the hell a “phospholipid bilayer” was
ᡣ𐭩 he surprised you at your dorm with flowers at the end of finals week to show you how proud he was of you 
ᡣ𐭩“it doesn’t matter what grade you get, all that matters is that you got all your tests done and i am so proud of you, lets go get some ice cream, my treat”
ᡣ𐭩 you two stayed together for the rest of your college years and you took got photos all throughout the ceremony 
ᡣ𐭩“happy graduation baby, i knew you could do it, and we did together, like we always will”
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clubdionysus · 1 month
[BAD DECISION #3] Coffee
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warnings: hangovers, language
soundtrack:leave (get out) - jojo, coffee - bts, hangover - woosung
wc: 2k
bd total wc: 540k (on-going)
minors dni | AO3 | series masterlist 
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"No you don't understand, I'm actually dead," Hoseok groans into the staff room fridge, where his head is currently resting on an empty shelf. His eyes are closed, and he's been in there so long that the fridge door light has cut out. 
He's not been in the fridge since last summer's heatwave, so you know his hangover really must be as bad as he's making it out to be.
"Stop," you lightly scold him, shooing him away so you can grab the vitamin drink you'd put in there at the start of your shift. You swear by it as your favourite hangover cure, and in fact, it's your second of the day. Something about the ache in your head just won't budge. "You'll let the cold out, Hobes."
"Good," he huffs. "It's a sauna in here." 
It's spring, and summer is yet to fully ripen. There are far hotter days to come, but Hoseok's body is trying to flush the alcohol from his system in the easiest way possible: sweat.
"Whatever was in those little purple shots was lethal," he whines, slumping down onto the single chair in the kitchen. It's cramped, and really not big enough for two people - windowless, but at least there's a vent. 
It doesn't really matter what the staff room is like. You rarely spend any time there; always front of house instead.
For the past two years following graduation, you've been working at Pot & Paint - a painting cafe downtown, where people paint canvases while enjoying a fresh brew. 
Time passes by slowly within the four walls, but peacefully. The fumes get you a little lightheaded sometimes, but for the most part it's a dream of a job. Easy money. Hoseok had taken you under his wing in your first week, and had been stuck to you like dried acrylic ever since.
Days are relatively similar, and yet always different thanks to the customers. You have your set jobs - make coffee, clean brushes, fill water trays - but it's seeing what the customers create that really makes the job so much fun. 
You and Hoseok place bets on which half of the couple will be the better artist, on colour combinations, whatever you can think of. Neither of you ever win anything of much value ("Drinks on me", "I'll make you a coffee", "I'll empty the bins") but it's a way to pass the time, nonetheless.
You rank the best to worst of the day's paintings, but only ever out of earshot of customers. At the till, you will always smile and enthuse over their creation. What's important, you think, is that they're creating at all. To diminish someone's endeavours in such a public manner would be cruel. Art is subjective, after all.
What is objective, however, is how fucked up you both managed to get thanks to Purple Starfuckers. The bartender really hadn't been kidding when he said they were delicious. 
"Amaretto..." you begin to list, but trail off, for the fact you don't have a clue. Can barely remember how you even came across such a delicacy.
Mortifyingly, though, the events in Jimin's apartment are mostly crystal clear. The sex? Meh. A bit iffy. Not much to write home about. The disruption you caused, only to summon a topless bartender? Yeah, a lot more to write home about - but also far more cringe than you can bear to deal with when your head is so tender. 
Hoseok is none the wiser.
He'd crashed at your place and had been woken to a very grumbly rendition of Jojo's Leave (Get Out) when you found him passed out on top of your bed. He'd refused, and so you'd climbed beneath the duvet, him on top, dead to the world until Danbi came through a couple of hours later wrapped up in a blanket of her own.
"Tried calling you," she'd groaned, flopping down onto your bed. "Wanted to order breakfast but apparently neither of you seem to know how to answer a bloody phone."
"Mine's dead," Hoseok had mumbled beneath a pile of pillows. He'd migrated to below your duvet by this point, the pair of you still in last night's clothes. 
You hadn't even showered - the whole reason you'd excused yourself from Jimin's. 
But maybe it was a lie, after all. Maybe you didn't really care about making yourself decent. Maybe sharing a bed with him would have just felt too similar to sharing a bed with your ex. You weren't ready for intimacy, no matter how meaningless.
The beauty of Hoseok was that he'd kicked you fourteen times within thirty minutes. You couldn't fool yourself into thinking there was anything intimate about it.
You'd fumbled around, hunting under your pillow for your phone and almost thought you'd found it. Was about to pull it out when you realised it wasn't your phone at all. Thanked your lucky stars. Would have had no choice but to simply die if you'd started waving a vibrator around in front of Hoseok.
Still, no phone, though. Your clutch was in the kitchen, by the front door, so you assumed it must be in there.
Not checking until after you'd consumed your body weight in hangover waffles, you were confused to not be able to find it anywhere. Your clutch, your bra, your bed, the kitchen, the bathroom - you'd checked them all and yet it was still nowhere to be found. 
"You get a cab home? Might have left it in the taxi?" Danbi had suggested, which was entirely plausible. 
"Maybe," you hummed with a small pout. "I'll call them later."
Later came, and later went - still no phone. The taxi company hadn't had one handed in, which left only one location it could be. One you really hadn't ever planned on returning to:
Jimin's place.
"I don't even know his name!" You cringe when Hoseok asks you about it a little while later.  "Well, no. I know his given name, but fuck knows his family name. Wouldn't be able to find him even if I had tried."
It's not the paint fumes making you feel lightheaded today - it's the roasting coffee beans. The idea of drinking it makes you feel like you're gonna hurl, but you know your body will probably thank you for it later.
"And you're sure he was called Jimin?" He asks, staring down at his phone. He's crouched behind the front counter, not willing to deal with customers but knowing he needs to be semi-present in case the boss pops by. "Sure he wasn't called Jeongguk?"
You hum a little in confusion as you take a sip on your americano. Tastes like shit. "Jeongguk?"
"Yeah, Jeongguk." Hoseok grunts. "Jeon? Ring any bells?"
Oh, how you wish it didn't. You also wish you never made coffee, but hey, bad things come in threes, right? An awkward encounter, a mind-splitting headache and now a terrible cup of coffee. No more bad things.
Except you're forgetting the fact you also had a shit shag, so the quota of three had already been met. Your coffee's just started the cycle all over again. One down, two to go.
"Er, I think so?" You shrug, playing things so cool that Hoseok notices your change in demeanour. There's a smirk on his lips as he glances up at you. 
"He messaged me. He's asking after you."
It's at this point that you think your hangover will catch up with you, and you'll actually be sick. Right on the counter, maybe. There's a sink behind you, but you're already mortified so what would the harm be?
"Let me see him," you say almost instantly, pushing away vomit-inducing thoughts. You just want to check. Make sure it is him, and not some weird coincidence. 
Hoseok passes you his phone, and there he is: Mr Purple Starfucker himself. 
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His Instagram is sparse in recent updates, but there's enough of a back catalogue to clue you in on an idea of 'him'. Beach pictures, sunsets, the kind of generic shit everyone likes, but there's something about the way he captures such scenes. Makes them infinitely more breathtaking, you think.
The gym selfies? Yeah. Leaving you a little breathless, too. That's neither here, nor there, though. You'll blame it on the hangover.
"Yeah, yeah, guy from the bar," you reply all nonchalantly, before clicking back into Hoseok's messages.
JustJK: Hey - I work at Dionysus. Think your friend left her phone there. Just let her know I have it and for her to get in contact with me if she wants to come by and get it.
Hoseok thinks nothing of it as you begin typing back - trusts you not to be doing anything untoward. Also is dying too much to care.
seokshine:  hii!! sorry it's me (the friend lol), hobi just gave me his phone!!
JustJK:  Disco Ball?
seokshine:  disco...ball????
JustJK:  You were dressed like a Disco Ball.
seokshine:  thank you?
JustJK:  You're welcome.
JustJK:  I have your phone.
seokshine:  life saverrr, thank you so much <33
JustJK:  I'm at work tonight so you can swing by the club. If not I'll be at the gym this evening? I go to one downtown so it's easy to get to. Just let me know and I'll make sure I have it on me.
The idea of going anywhere near alcohol given your current state repulses you - but equally, so does the idea of going to a gym.
The only plus side would be that you'd maybe get to see his a-
No, no, no, you mentally reprimand yourself, and cover the thoughts of his torso with mental images of Jimin - sexy, charming, average shagger Jimin - because he's the one you hooked up with. 
You'd just been reeling from the sex when you'd seen Jeongguk last night. Easy to let the hormones take over - but he'd been shirtless and -fuck - his tattoos had been so intricately carved into his skin that all you wanted to do was study them and -
Get a grip, girl.
"So?" Hoseok asks.
"So he has my phone. Left it at the club," you lie. "Says I can either get it from the club tonight or he can take it with him to the gym. My choice."
"So... watcha gonna do?" Hosoek asks, none the wiser of the mental hoops you've been jumping through from such a simple decision. Not like it's life or death. It's gonna be mortifying regardless, having to do a second walk of shame in front of Jeongguk.
And so you sigh, and type through a message back to him.
It won't be long, you figure. You won't have to stay. Just get in, get your phone, get out. Never see him again. 
Cool, Jeongguk replies. See you then. 
When you hand your phone back to Hoseok, he raises a brow. "Really? This is the decision you made?"
And unfortunately, all you can do is say 'yes', before you excuse yourself to the bathroom so you can hurl in peace.
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soraviie · 1 year
crushing on a friend.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━ navigation
━ about: fluff + crack + some smut ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: [..] means an upcoming 18+ segment so if you're not a fan of that, feel free to skip. Just wanted to write something easier so headcanons it is
━  can be read as a continuation of "you're a friend of a friend"
━ previously posted on soraviii
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art galleries, raspy laughter, late-night bike rides with your hands wrapped tight around his warm waist is what you must be thinking
and well, it is true
but the first thought that crosses his mind is:
he's kind of a goof and the universe has conspired to make his life an utter hell
so mostly his grand romantic gestures crumble like a tower of wet, rotten cards
bike rides? ends up driving into a bramble
bought you flowers? ends up tripping and hurtling the bouquet underneath a car
but enough about Joon taking L's
so obviously the situation is not ideal and halfway he doesn't even understand these feelings he's slowly gaining knowledge of
has probably googled "heart fast rate why???"
(it's because you fixed his shirt, drama queen)
asks you to be travel buddies!
Switzerland, Chicago, Amsterdam, wherever he goes, he asks you to join
"It's normal to ask friends on a trip, right," he reasons to himself
loves to have you hanging around his hotel room
lays back on the bed with the TV in the background and talks to you about anything that comes to mind then
often has meals with you
late night snacks in the hotel room, dinner in a cafe abroad, breakfast brunch squeezed in between his hectic schedule
giggles a lot
giggles x 10 when drinks, say, on one of those late-night dinners
oh, 100% a giggly, blushing mess when dining with you and intoxicated; the whole world becomes so fuzzy and nice because he's with you and even if you're not together you're friends and enjoying each other's company
does get more nervous around you, to the point you can definitely spot the difference
becomes more silly, is more concerned about making you laugh
uses any and all possible excuses to grab you by the waist
bike comes too near? grabs you by the waist to "protect " you
you're in a crowded place? grabs you by the waist so you don't get lost
if you got a special interest and or hobby, does his due research and often brings up said topic
then gets that dopey look in his eye as he watches you rave on excitedly
like the kind that has cartoon hearts in his eyes
everyone can tell he has a thing for you
you're so present in his life that people have started calling you mini Mon :(
when he catches feelings begins to call you cute 24/7
because he likes cute things :(
even if you two are around common friends, sticks to your side the entire time and talks with you more than anyone else
asks you to take his Instagram pics mostly because if he's on a walk, you're there with him
if you've got social anxiety, frequently checks up and lets you know you can use him as a "get me out of here quickly" card
will immediately fake a yawn and go "this has been fun but I've got a busy day tomorrow, see ya"
you're breathing the outside air in under a minute if that happens
always assures you that it's completely fine if you want to leave; you shouldn't torture yourself for the sake of other people
(always wants to rub your back when this happens but he restrains himself, keeping his palm to his side even as it burns on and on to just reach, to just feel your warmth)
doesn't go to your place often but when he does it's healing
late-night talks with a drink of your choice
he doesn't want to trouble you too much but with a little bit of nudging he ends up spilling his worries and anxieties
listens thoroughly to your advice
if you don't know something, let's say about an art installation or how one specific tax works, always frees the time to explain it
you could have problems with registering for something and once he sees the message, puts things aside to voice message you on what to do
he doesn't call all that often but if he does you know he's missing you like crazy
doesn't say it, of course, he's not there yet to confess quite so soon but you can tell - his voice is gentle and deep, and he doesn't enunciate his words properly cause he's just so tired, but he couldn't sleep without hearing your voice
if you have the hots for someone, where before he would tease you about it, make some (savage) fun about it, now he's choked by jealousy
"you're constipated or something?" you ask him, peering dubiously over the table
"No, why?" with furrowed brows, he sputters.
"You're making a face. That face," you gesture vaguely around his envenomed expression. "You usually make that face when your gut stops working."
"It's working just fine," he scoffs. "You're just a gross little gremlin."
"Jeez, all I said was that the waiter is hot you don't need to - THERE'S THAT FACE AGAIN!"
if you have a partner...
please, just don't, 'cause this has been fun and it won't be any more
Namjoon gets sullen, he feels like he's doing something wrong, the very act of falling in love with you as he knows with unshakeable certainty you return home to someone you call love...
well, he'd rather just lay down in the snow and wither through the ground
so just, please, don't have a partner, he won't stop you, of course, Namjoon is perfectly aware he can't ask anything of the kind from you when he's keeping quiet about his feelings but still...it'd break him, not completely, but enough to make it hurt
plays with your fingers :((
always cuts it short with an awkward cough as though to suggest he'd done it without realizing it, because he's too wrapped up in himself to tell you that he's in love but still does it time after time
if you get along with Monie, he sulks
"He likes everyone more than me."
and if you don't...
then just scolds the poor thing lmao
"They mean well, why you're such a spiteful dog (-_-)"
has masturbated and thought accidentally about you before realizing his crush
afterwards, he couldn't look you in the eyes for 3 to 7 business days
not so rarely fantasizes about you while getting off and then immediately feels guilty about it
probably moans your name with praise as his eyes scrunch shut and he gets lost in the unfolding scene of his frenzied brain
ngl probably thinks of blowjobs a lot
favourite go-to fantasy is you making eye contact as your mouth is wrapped around him
sometimes he forgets about all the technicalities of what could be, what is and what he wants to be and lets himself slip
that usually involves compliments, tugging you onto his lap, giving fleeting kisses anywhere except your lips, saying he's better than whomever you find hot
straight up asking would you sleep with him
(has done so only once out of fear of scaring you away)
when hit with unbridled jealousy, puts his hand around your shoulder, and refers to you as "mine" despite knowing you will have questions about this he can't help himself
subtly checks you out especially if you're wearing something more revealing than usual
if you're showing signs of being flustered...
oh, boy, you're in a world of trouble
"come here," in that deep ass voice
if you want his opinion on an outfit, he 100% leans back and asks you to give him a twirl
likes to stare at you, not even thoroughly sexually but he just likes to zone out and admire you from a near distance
sometimes calls you "baby" mostly when thinking of something else and forgets you're not officially his baby, just one in his mind
either takes the longest time out of seven to fall in love with a friend or the shortest, there's literally no in between
the type to find everything you do cute
he doesn't verbalize it but you can see it on his face
the enraptured smile he has around you!
might as well scream to the entire cosmos he's caught a bad case of feelings
incurable one at that
the easiest how to tell of his feelings is his enthusiasm to contact and/or meet you
calls out of the blue and plays it off completely casual
confused, you see the ID and pick up the call on one unassuming late evening
"Did you sit on your phone or something?" you frown
"Can't I sometimes check if you're alive or not? Is it a crime?"
ever think he's too cocky for his own good?
pull up the picture of him in the maid outfit - instantly humbled
but this works only once, afterwards, he just leans into it and says his legs look sexy or something
roasts you
he's in love with you but Yoongi will remain Yoongi
he's soft about it however and secretly enjoys if you give him back the same attitude
sneaky yet deliberate hand holding
frequently lets his hand brush up against yours
it's like a drug to him
does things for you (acts of service king!) like say, peel tangerines for you, cut up fruits, peel shrimp
shares his food with you, especially the things you like
if you're out eating somewhere makes sure they have your favourites
praises might be rare but you know he believes them whole-heartedly
once in every blue moon arranges a get-away, particularly if you've complained about being stuck at home too much
the boys all inspect him with big, wide eyes wondering what could he possibly need the weekend free for
"______________ wants a change of scenery."
"oooOOooooooooOoo _______________ wants a change of scenery ~~~"
they rip into him without mercy for being such a simp
and if anything goes wrong, when it's supposed to be p e r f e c t
he becomes genuinely upset
"Can I not get nice things just once? Just this once can something not go to shit!"
doesn't, of course, flip out often, if ever, just sometimes it occurs and he's very sulky
you can reach him 24/7 (he's always on that damn phone T-T)
will scold you if you have bad eating habits
"Turns out I have not one Holly, but two," he grumbles, shuffling through your door with a takeout in hand. "I have to make sure you're fed and with enough liquids. At least, Holly has cute ears."
"I'm not your pet!" peeved, you turn to glare at him, but Yoongi only shrugs.
"Could've fooled me."
hOld hIs HaND nOw
it legitimately twitches if yours is anywhere near
if he's not super tired, is constantly cracking jokes around you
definitely lets himself be more playful with you than at the start
when he's jealous, he just looks disgusted like on the brink of vomit
obviously, you don't receive an explanation as to why his face looks as though he was just forced to lick a toilet bowl
proper gentleman
patiently waits for you to get ready
subtle but frequent touching
fidgets a lot and stares awkwardly away, cause he's just so shy when it comes to you
"how many stares until marriage"
he'd rather die than admit that question is in his google search
off-handedly, tells you you're pretty
sometimes ties your shoes??
darts his tongue over his lips when he finds you sexy
also, gets this zoned-out look in the eye
like his soul leaves his body for a second
if you wear something rather fitting or revealing, he swallows nervously and rasps that you look good
it's not that he doesn't ever think of you in that way, wondering how would it feel like or that he doesn't not want to jack off to the thought of it, but more like he doesn't allow himself??
like he can let his mind wander and then realize the direction of where this is winding up on and he goes: "No! No."
this is the one aspect I think he would oppress quite hard
mostly because it feels weird for him to make these hypothetical scenarios and then look you in the eyes all without saying a word
almost in a way he pushes these thoughts off until and if you get together
that said has had a session with himself in which the main fantasy was eating you out on a piano, legs quivering around the sides of his head as you yanked harshly on his hair
subtly touchy
say, instead of holding your hand he shakes it
every time you meet, he's just like "welcome, hello." *shakes your hand*
lame jokes and wordplay about you lowkey dating him
clings to you like a koala if it's cold
particularly fond of back hogging
not hugging, hogging
try and get rid of him when he's in the clingy mood
does the absolute most if you're not paying attention to him
if you're on the phone when he's talking - will pinch you
sometimes breaks into your house
you wake up one day, wondering why the hell is TV going off at full volume
and you see Jin lounging on the couch, eating cereal (yours ofc) and tossing a casual greeting:
"You took your time. If I'd been a burglar, you'd be so dead."
crashes at your place when is his drunk giggly self
imagine JK's birthday live
but he doesn't leave lolol
so the thing is, he has joked about wanting to kiss you for a long time
teasing before, just being silly, without meaning quite anything
which guarantees him a sort of immunity now
as he still jokes about wanting to kiss you, maybe even puckering up his lips just to see your reaction
but where you think it's a joke, he means it oh so earnestly
responds with "you're cute" when you say something gross
"oh, I'm going to hurl all over these fucking stairs"
"ur cute" *cue drunken swaying*
constantly is hounding to get some drinks
maybe because it’s less conspicuous than dinner
maybe because if he’d see you, cheeks glowing in the candle light across the table
he’d have to have an untimely funeral 
but jokes, of course, on him
cause you’re no less lovely sitting by a bar, laughing at his jokes, face and gaze flushed with inebriated joy
avoids eye contact like his life depends on it cause it does
you know of “hyung will do it” now get ready for “honey will do it”
quite possibly squabbles with you as he instantly jumps into things to help you out
shamelessly uses you as an excuse to not go out or get away from a social gathering 
“Ah, you see,” he smiles, the fake little bitch. “__________’s tummy is making funny noises, better to avoid unnecessary evacuation.”
presses you for a crumb of affection but when you give it, vehemently protests - ears, neck, face bright fucking red
politely yet savagely rips apart any love interest you might have
“But who am I to judge?” he says smugly once finished destroying some poor stranger who made eyes at you
repeats your whining in a cutely mocking tone
goes off in your texts and calls if he’s even mildly annoyed
which is how you get the learn the precious knowledge of how Jungkook had his toe stuck in Jin’s asscrack for a fleeting second 
the more resistant you are to play along with some of his jokes, the eager he is to make them 
yes, your mortification provides him much needed joy
can and will literally come over just to do dishes and dip without any explanation
okay, so he’s over a lot
has a fruitless ongoing debate of why should some of his things be at your home
It’s for cOnVeNieNcE, says he
and not at all because he has the delusional idea that he can move in first and then become your partner
he’s your little house husband 
constantly has gifts for you
especially when he visits, which, as mentioned, is all the time 
often comes bearing fruits and snacks, but the presents have included and not been limited to - a jumper, a jacket, fridge magnet, shitty freebie, matching couple bracelets, tickets to a show and, of course, the most noteworthy - his own signed selfie
he hangs it up in the entry hallway
and, despite how many times you remove it, it’s always somehow there the next day 
along with heavy stream of complaints about how unappreciative you are of being friends with a superstar
jokes this time on you, he thinks you’re the star 
nap in his presence and be prepared to be made fun of, bothered and getting air blown in your ear
sometimes lets his intrusive thoughts win and bites your hand 
cooks for you and makes such a fuss about it
even as you point out he’s not fucking invisible and you can, in fact, see his grin spreading from cheek to cheek 
much like Yoongi, it’s not that Jin’s the innocent soul out there and lives without harbouring a single impure thought about you 
that’s not the case
but more so he simply does not allow himself to often venture there
it’s not polite first of all and second, he doesn't wield the best poker face against you 
but if he lets himself wander…
oh boy, imagine it nasty, imagine it wild, and with no small amount of soft domming
just for the sheer torture, he might not touch himself at all and just think of scenarios
is particularly fond of overstimulating fantasy and you pleading out to him in soft whimpers, clutching at his broad shoulders
that fantasy wholly fulfils his wish to be needed and it’s a secret pleasure of his
hearing fantasy you praising him about how he’s taking care of you like no one else…
well, it makes his entire skin burn as though fevered
sometimes his fantasies include light bondage and food play,  both on you and him
has cracked a sharp smirk imagining how would it feel like to be tied to the bedpost and be had in your way - scratched, marked, absolutely drained dry and punished
in those scenarios, he always imagines you jealous
he likes thinking about you being jealous
it ties back to the being needed wish fulfilment of his 
Jin himself doesn’t often get jealous but when he does he becomes authoritative
guides you away from the conversation; firmly puts down all your protests and points out why that person is no good for you
sometimes whispers in your ear to do something without whining
that is the riskiest he’ll get
but that inquisitive line of whether you’d obey his order or be a brat fuels him like no other
the only one whose feelings are not in fact typed in 108-size letters on his face, in bold print, mind you 
so out of all the boys, he would be capable of keeping up the front for years
and quite believably so 
he thinks about it a lot - what would happen if he did confess, what if he didn’t, would it change anything?
but that currently is only for him to know
what he shows to you is exactly what you make him - the best of himself
sometimes you see how sulky and depressed he becomes, but it’s not as much as he puts a facade in front of you when that frown turns it to smile
(well, partially it does but he also knows you can see right through his masks, that’s why you’re so scary; so scary and lovely at the same time)
it’s not so much of a pretence as much as he genuinely feels his heart lighten whenever you’re around
is deathly afraid of disappointing you and maybe it does make a foundation on why he doesn’t come outright about his feelings
but that’s the story for another time
in this situation, it means, however, you are an exclusive guest of his world
no, not guest - citizen
quietly consults you on things that he struggles with and in return earnestly listens to yours
becomes a glue in your life
whenever something threatens to chip off, be it your confidence, your stability or financial state, he’s first in line to help 
holiday periods are the most stressful time
because he’s always searching for the best possible gift for you 
it has to be  p e r f e c t
perfect gift for his perfect person
which is why he collects detailed mental notes about everything you say you want and/or need
and along with that never fails to gift something handmade
pots, jewellery, even if it’s something stupid like a worm figurine, you know he meant it explicitly for you and tried his very best 
actually doing those things in his free time is a stress relief
because when he’s there, in the dark studio, alone and buckling under pressure, the thought of your smile is the only thing that keeps him from snapping completely 
has picked up knitting solely to make you some mittens
now, look me in the eye and tell me that the image of Hoseok dripped out in an absolute rockstar of an outfit knitting a bright yarn with a focused expression doesn’t melt your heart 
often calls you after award ceremonies, shows, concerts, flights
voice tired and fragile; he just needs some comfort
so largely a late-night phone call is a semi-routine
but when you meet, Hobi has no time to rest - it's time to feed and care for you
has a thing for offering you food
doesn’t flirt often but when he does…
…loses all shame 
usually laughs afterwards to brush it off
at times, gets really nervous around you 
notably in settings that make one think this is a date
bounces his knee like crazy if you’re sitting near him and he can feel the warmth radiating off your body 
*opens up one button of his shirt* you’re interested in this ;)?
pretty much allows you to do anything you want 
loves to style you 
falls for your traps all the time
you can pout and whine, and he’ll get anything
will drop everything if you call him crying
pays so much attention to all your details he prepares things before you even arrive and/or ask for them
say, you’ve been sneezing a lot, has tissues nearby
say, you’ve got a hydrating schedule, pours you a glass of water before you even get up to do it
invites you to places all the time
even if he knows you’re going to decline
the point is he’ll always be there to greet and hang out with you 
actually battles with you when you put yourself down
all the things you point out as ugly, he reframes as “cute”
has taken about a thousand of your pictures
for one week he made one as his lock screen but then changed it out of fear you’d notice
at times, he holds your face in his palms 
for a short amount of time but it makes both of you feel butterflies
gives the dryest, most judgmental look to whomever tries to make a pass at you 
he doesn’t even say anything merely one look can make a person lose all their self worth
often invites you to dance, always assuring that you don’t need to be coordinated or anything, he just wants you to enjoy yourself 
gets off on the thought of you quite regularly 
has literal library of fantasies about you
most of them downright nasty
filthy and rough is his go to 
including but not limited to, fucking you in doggystyle and holding your arms crossed behind your back
has a thing for smudged mascara streaks 
and probably spitting in your mouth
at his horniest, imagines a sloppy blowjob, pushing your head down on his cock and hearing you gag repeatedly 
very much is driven by hard domming and allowing himself to feel like you’re his
which, of course, does hollow him out a bit when he realises the stark opposite in reality 
he doesn’t exactly have a problem about picturing you in various dirty scenarios 
as, no matter what he imagines, he never ever projects it onto you - he fully realises this is his own mind and he’s intended to keep all these fantasies there
even if you got together I don’t think he would confess what he thought 
he’d just brush it off casually - that yes, he has had some sexual thoughts about you but he wouldn’t get into it 
likes mostly to jack off on the bed as that’s where his fantasies revolve around
he knows he can’t shake off these thoughts as he has tried and failed so he leans into them but this is a very private and secretive part of himself Hoseok never wants to share 
no matter where or when, is always ready to meet you 
at times, you’re the only thing that gets him out of the bed
good old fashioned Jimin things - shameless, needy for touch and with a big whooping praise kink
fail to compliment him and you’ll get those upset eyebrows, pout and whining combo
has a kink for your thighs
doesn’t matter what kind they are, big, thin, hate them or love them, he’ll have his hand there and be damned if anyone tries to remove it ;)
you can suggest any plans and he’ll happily join you 
you want to stay home? he’ll stay in your home too lmao 
kisses, so many kisses
and it’s only because it’s Jimin that you don’t notice because he’s affectionate to everyone, right?
particularly fond of neck kisses
and hickeys, the possessive little bi-
oh, and nosing at your neck, he loves it all 
constantly piles up food onto your plate 
sometimes he wakes up and is extra in love with you 
on those days there’s nothing past his lips but rows of giggles
at other times, he wakes up pissed off and tired
he doesn’t speak at all then but still holds your hand 
to let you know he’s not mad at you but at the world
you’re his happiness fairy how could he ever be mad at you 
when he falls in love he becomes uh…gentler
like before his method of waking you up would be to toss a pillow into your face or just jump on top of you, now he’s a tad calmer about it
never ever get sick 
he loses his mind then
gets jealous quite easily 
he’s well aware of it but, damn it, sometimes the sharpness just slips 
“Why don’t you run off to your other friends if they’re so wonderful?”
crawls back in like 5 minutes afterwards
but if you piss him off…
…still forgives you
the longest he’d been mad at you was two days 
he wholeheartedly believes you can do no wrong
the literal embodiment of: “I have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life. “I know this and I love you.”
someone could complain of how you cussed them out and punched them for good measure and at most Jimin would arch an eyebrow, and ask dryly: “what were you doing provoking them?”
speaking of, doesn’t shy away from saying “I love you”
will show up on your doorstep if you don’t contact him for like…a day lol
“so…like…” he pants, out of breath. “You’re busy or something? What’s going on?"
mentioned before, but it deserves a spotlight - constant touching; rarely his hands are completely away from you 
loves to squeeze you like a stress ball, especially, how to say it, if you’re curvier in some places
doesn’t function well (re. at all) if you have a love interest on the side
literally doesn’t matter how great they are, Jimin thinks they’re below you 
has probably been confronted by many of your possible dates, love interests, and partners, because it’s so obvious he’s in love with you 
MOREOVER, he just acts like such a boyfriend thus most people stay far away from you as Jimin glares daggers across the distance
another one to designate you as a travel buddy
has schemed the evergreen “there was only one bed” trope
the only thing it lead to was him having atrial fibrillation for several hours as you snored softly by his side
will sit in your lap, will tug you into his lap, literally doesn’t matter, either way, is heaven
hour-long conversations occur with alarming frequency
without fail asks often how much you like him
he just needs to hear that confirmation
gorges on your snacks >:(
so incredibly focused on you, he can almost read your mind 
you don’t even have to say it, if you’re sad, he’ll understand and will begin to comfort you 
prefers to watch you without you realising, be it right by your side or across the room, he’ll have a small, proud smile blossoming on his face wherever you should be
fond of dragging - by the waist, by the hand, will lug you around if he wants to :)
might just be your biggest fan
practically lives at your place lol
“Just trust me!” 
usually, you end up getting into some shit after he says this
hounds you to cook for him
probably sets his own selfie as your lock screen
add a heart to his contact number or face the consequences :)
sings at you often
has somehow gotten a hold of your childhood pictures and does treasure them like his own heart
has tried to kiss you a thousand times but always chickens out at the very last second
what if he ends up losing you? that’s just not a thought he can ever bear
insatiable thirst 
another one who doesn’t feel all too guilty about thinking of you in that way lmao
he just reckons that these thoughts will happen so instead of pretending he can stop them, Jimin just lets them unfold in his own privacy
doesn’t have set roles like either he wants to dom or be dommed
he just wants you, so it ends up switching a lot
has thought about you scolding him, tying him up and leaving pretty nail marks 
has also thought about tying you up and them overstimulating so much tears are running down your cheeks
probably has had both of these fantasies in the same night
that said, has some kinks that appear frequently 
cock worship 
the way his ego gets stroked thinking of you going haywire about his ehm…endowment 
you professing you’re his is a must in every scenario
sensual BDSM is also one of his faves
blindfolds, silk bondage, wax play
everything that asks for equal trust and submission (on both sides) drives him nuts
might even edge himself with these fantasies
picture them in clear detail and not even touch himself
so that eventually the relief is so overwhelming, he gets dizzy
definitely moans your name 
blatantly checks you out
holds intense eye contact just to see you get flustered
gets inappropriately and insanely hard when you’re mean and fired up
going to a club with Jimin, means a lot of grinding and whispering in your ear
presses your delirious, intoxicated figure into his, so close that at one point you could swear that the point of where you ended and he began was obliterated
has lowkey sent you his nudes and asked which one looks better
probably has had hookups with other people and couldn’t get off if he didn’t pretend it was you 
that’s the only thing he’s ever gotten conflicted about
Bold, with a capital B
acts like your boyfriend, no question about it
good night texts
weird, cryptic, out-of-context selfies and videos sent in the middle of the night
your gallery has 1001 pics of Tannie
and also his fe- *gunshot*
gets so giggly if you’re jealous
it’s honestly hilarious that you feel the need to worry about him not being enamoured with you 
lives to tease you 
if you’re more a tsundere and/or reserved type…
…lord help you 
he will make it his life mission to smother you in love
lowkey kidnaps you for car rides and to accompany him on the chores 
shameless about asking for attention and affection
he’ll just take it if you’re stubborn T-T
sends you love songs passed off as music recommendations 
loves to surprise you with little gifts 
wants to be pampered and will fight for it to happen 
has millions of your pictures in his camera roll
not only set your pic as his home screen, but it’s also his MF LOCK SCREEN 
has one picture of you framed in his house
speaking of - always finds excuses for you to hang out in his house 
“Stay,” he whispers, catching you by the elbow as you try to leave. “Just a bit longer.”
misses you constantly
invites you to slow dance 
is the most confident *cough* delusional about you both ending up as a couple 
has made people blush with the way he stares at you 
“He doesn’t even blink,” someone laughs, the sound falling thin and awkward. “It’s like he wants to eat you or something.”
gives those types of hugs where he envelops you fully, resting his chin on your shoulder
has lowkey obsession with linking arms as you walk 
if you’re fighting can’t think straight until it's resolved
though, of course, he’s very stubborn about it cause Tae will remain Tae
you might naturally ask - if he’s so brazen why doesn't he just confess 
well, it’s more so for your sake than his own
'cause while Tae is ready to commit, he treasures your comfort 
so for the time being he’s okay with all of this; as long as you’re happy 
probably carries some sort of token of yours wherever he goes 
will fight for your honour until his last breath 
doesn’t allow anyone to tease you, not even the boys, that’s only for him
singing matches in the car
regular movie nights during which no one is even watching the movie lmao 
entrusts you with Tannie
though not before completing a two-hour-long presentation about how to properly care for the guy 
mentions you constantly 
the members are probably exhausted from hearing about how great you are
says “I love you” often but always becomes wistful 
‘cause you’re not his yet properly 
uses all of your shit >:\
from shampoo to dishtowel, what’s yours is his lmaooo
is honestly so annoying
and cOckY
he knows you love him (even if it’s just as a friend for now) so he just gets on your nerves a lot 
purely because he can 
and then gives that shit-eating grin 
because what are you going to do about it? ;)
pull his hair? ;)
scold him? ;)
oh no ;) what a nightmare ;))
he doesn't much interfere with you getting a side fling (he thinks of himself as your main man)
but he won’t pretend he’s happy about it 
will visibly sulk and get upset when you mention someone else’s name
generally have the foulest of moods if you’re attention is grasped by another
wants to go to the gym, just to impress you 
with little success
matching shirts and accessories, notably while on vacation
if he cooks for you and you don’t like it, pouts for an entire hour
watches out for you constantly 
ropes you into ridiculous games 
always accompanies you with his gaze
when travelling pulls up your picture and stares at it, will do so even in a crowd
doesn’t often let himself slip in sexual thoughts
in his mind that’s just for the future
as it’s simply inevitable you’ll end up together
however, when he does, he solely fantasises about you getting off
how would you do it, would there be toys, would you moan, would you bite your lip that sort of thing
sometimes in those fantasies he imagines you know he’s watching you and put on a show
Taehyung loooves a good show
has a thing for voyeurism
wears shirts that barely cover his chest and then sits on your bed, saying nothing but meaning everything in the half lidded stare, in the slow way he moves his hips…
if you wear shorts to bed, will check you out while biting his lip
loves to be all over you when intoxicated
has probably kissed you drunkenly once 
and now it’s referred to as “the incident”
a literal fucking SIMP T-T
prepare to be bugged every time, all the time
does and says the most ridiculous things just to be noticed by you 
does your chores and/or accompanies you on grocery runs
will scoff if you give him attitude but secretly enjoys it 
is unintentionally bold
he could completely say “love took shape when I first laid eyes on you” without breaking a sweat
but holding your gaze for longer than 5 seconds? nah, find someone else to do it
actually don’t 
Because, and you knew this was coming, 
p o s s e s s i v e 
but in like a healthy way
he would never think of prohibiting you in any sort of way 
baby wants you to grow and flourish :(
but others are a fair game lmao
your little storm cloud glaring left and right, brewing and just wanting to be left alone with you 
“That’s mY bUsInEsS,” he huffs when asked about this
and also not??
it’s hard to explain
ig depends on whether he wants to be praised or be granted your blissfully annoyed attention 
scared shitless of telling you how much he loves you but he’s also so obvious it’s really doing him no favours
no. 1 back hug enthusiast
and I know I said this a lot already about the other boys, but Jungkook is really the no. 1 
likes to hold you and from the side, it looks like he’s holding you down so you can’t escape
“Jungkook, would you ease? They’re not running away.”
usually follows your whims and wishes (‘cause of the SIMP status) 
but at times he can get so obstinate about particular topics
no amount of arguing or reasoning can persuade him 
“No, and that’s final (-_-)”
usually, it revolves around your health or going out with someone (or sharing food lmaoo)
big on gestures of affection, both from you and from him
think of like peeling a perilla leaf, or putting something on his plate that you know he likes
literally swoons over these things
because they’re so domestic and so important to him 
it’s proof that you’re close to him
you’re like a star in his sky so he just assumes everyone is out here trying to marry you 
even if it’s not remotely true
hangs out at your place and invites you to his 50/50
sharing takeout or dinners at random places is a must
whatever stupid joke comes to his mind, it’s shared with you 
doesn’t cook for you often but enjoys the hell out of it lmao
look at him being a good husband material 
spaces out on you a lot 
can forget to talk and listen because he’s just staring 0.0
shamelessly abuses the power of his doe eyes
anything to make you forgive him lol
will steal your food
you can come home and find entire cupboards absolutely annihilated 
loves to gift you cute things 
while he may not understand some of your hobbies or interests, especially if they’re the polar opposite of his, he always tries his best to make you feel heard and be respectful
teases you a lot
pokes and pinches you if he feels like it’s been too peaceful for too long 
imitates you, endearingly 
kiss his cheek and watch him self-destruct from inside
when abroad often sends you little voice messages just before falling asleep
with his voice all groggy he confesses how much he’s missing you 
…and your cereal
smells your hair, especially when cuddling
you can be laying peacefully 
and then you hear the “pfffffffff hmm pffffffffffffffffff”
may even gift or suggest some shampoos and shower gels whose scent he enjoys 
has to physically restrain himself from slapping your butt 
he’s in the middle level of tapping his spank bank if you know what I mean 
it’s not rare but he prefers to distract himself in other ways
otherwise looking at you afterwards is just too damn awkward
that said, his favourite fantasies are different than others because he’s not actively thinking about sex
(well, sometimes he does but that’s another story)
however, he’s really into groping
into soft and lazy makeout during which he can grope you all he wants
it’s domesticity for him 
taking things slow as well as having your agreement to everything he’d suggest
he loves to fantasise about that freedom, that should he want to he could just take you on the couch 
have your legs shaking and arms clawing at his back 
it’s just comfortable
has a thing for fucking you while you wear only his shirt or hoodie
he likes to think about how he’d be kneading your ass, teasing and turning you on 
how soft and warm you’d be 
how you’d taste and feel 
has a small brat-tamer streak within him as ironic as it is given who the og brat really is
so occasionally he’d dip into those fantasies of playfully subduing and edging you till begging comes up ;)
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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kayleefriedchicken · 5 months
This delusional user wants to read fluffy fanfics but is nowhere near good enough to write her own. Sigh.
So if anybody comes across this ask, can you please tag me if you are kind enough to write the following SKZ plots?
1) BTS x SKZ crossover with you as the main character. One of them is your best friend, the other is your brother, and the others are the supporting cast. Go with the flow, as you wish.
2) You are gorgeous, intelligent, and the light in everyone's life. Except that you were brought up with the idea that curvy can never be pretty (toxic family 'ideals' and the likes), so your self-confidence is all pretence because you never give yourself enough credit. You grow up in the shadow of your perfect baby brother (one of the SKZ members, of course), the only one who believes in you, is immensely proud of you and whom you love to the ends of the earth despite the toxic environment you two were brought up in. Said baby brother just wants you to heal, to love and be loved, and to have faith in yourself. Enter, [insert SKZ member - haven't decided whom yet, TBH] and a fluffy, angsty, heartwarming love story ensues.
3) I've always loved the idea of an overprotective younger brother who just wants his beloved sister to be happy and loved (I'm an only child, can you tell?), to stop being that stereotypical selfless noona who sacrifices her happiness for him just so he can be a success story. Maybe her happiness ends up being one of his members, and who cares if he's younger? It'd be an interesting direction, this oneshot or series.
4) What would SKZ be as an overprotective baby brother to his naive older sister?
5) SKZ being overprotective brothers of a member's noona, who's always looking out for them and whom they love like she's their own. The main plot being said noona's abusive ex-boyfriend harassing after he had the audacity to cheat on her. It can be a romance trope or just a platonic story, but I'd love for it to be SKZ as SKZ without it being an alternate universe (although an A/U might also work if the storyline is in that direction).
6) Been listening to 'Wow' by 3Racha on repeat and imagining the Noona they refer to is Y/N. Imagine this, you're the new manager that JYP had decided to add on to SKZ's entourage but SKZ don't know it yet. The boys saw you one morning at the nearby cafe and many mornings thereafter, just before you were officially onboarded. There was something about you that caught their attention that Han came up with this song about. Oooh, just imagine the chaos when you're finally introduced to them?! It'd be such a juicy story to read!
7) Am I the only one who's thinking of the backstory of Silent Cry? It's such a beautiful song and I've thought of some that will make a great fiction. My favourite is the one where, in an alternative idol world, you are Han's elder cousin whose family took you in after your parents' death - you're successful in your corporate job, beautiful, curvy and married to your childhood sweetheart; it seemed like you have everything on the surface. But you hide a secret, even from your doting cousin (who's like a baby brother to you) and his members (who love you like their own sister) - your husband is a manipulative, abusive man who had successfully hidden his dark side until a year into your marriage. Your once-natural confidence and bubbly self is now a facade, stripped away as soon as you're home alone; a facade so good, even Han never suspected until the boys dropped by unannounced at your hotel room while you're on a business trip, with the intention of surprising you for your birthday. You were sporting a fading black eye and bruises to your arm, which you tried to hide behind tinted glasses and a bathrobe you'd hastily pulled over your sleeveless top. The events that happened after - Han and the rest of SKZ finding out then working hard to bring you to your senses (in the midst of it, the song Silent Cry was born), finally peeling off society's toxic mindset and stigma of divorce, and liberating you from 2 years of hell. I've had variations where this is a platonic trope, a romantic one with one of the members, or even something in-between that is suggestive of a possible romance between you and one of SKZ. I would be so in-love with this series, I think I'll keep reading and re-reading this; I'm a sucker for sibling love (only child problems) and rescue stories involving a victim who'd usually be so strong (because it shows that anyone can be a victim, so we shouldn't be so complacent of those around us). Anyone willing to take this on?
8) On the way back to your car after a particularly gruelling night shift, you come across a horribly injured man in the back alley. You're a doctor with a strong belief in helping people in need, no matter who they are, and an equally strong belief in doctor-patient confidentiality. Which works well for the injured man because, unbeknownst to you, he's a member of a deadly underground group - the SKZs. He refused help at the hospital you work in, nor at any other hospital, so you made the decision to bring him home to treat his injuries. He's gone 24 hours later with a cryptic'I owe you my life, thank you' note, and that was the end of it. Or so you thought. Since then however, your very normal - very repititive - life has been a series of interesting incidents, including making the acquaintance of your mysterious new neighbour who, for some reason, seems familiar to you.
9) Your younger brother is one of the members of SKZ, and you get along fabulously with him and his group. He may be younger than you but, having lost your parents as teenagers, he has taken it upon himself to be your protector - sometimes even shadowing you on your dates without your knowledge (at the protest of his members because they felt it was a little too much - "Let your sister have some breathing space, for goodness sake, she's not a child!"). You sing really well but have never been interested in the music industry, finding passion in the law and are a successful lawyer. You have been featured in some SKZ and 2PM songs though, the uncredited female voice in some of their popular songs (let's pretend there are such songs). One day, you're pushed to the limelight after the firm you work in successfully saved an orphanage from losing its home (which was donated to them by an anonymous millionaire). You were, of course, the lead lawyer in that case. With that case being in the news constantly, your connection to the music industry (i.e. your brother) and singing talents are revealed. Fellow writers, take this forward however you see fit.
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
One-Shot Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
Individual Masterlist
This is my one shot masterlist which will include all of my one shots and one shots series including poly and individual member. I will have each one shot categorized by member or if they are poly au. 
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“and you’re gonna be happy…and you’re gonna be happy. when everything is new, zero o’clock”
When everything seems to go wrong, you come home to the comfort of your boys and realize that maybe the universe isn’t against you.
idol!bts x office worker reader
mean kitty, soft kitty
Your injured form was the last thing Jin had expected when waking up one morning. But after healing you, and watching you leave, he wished he would wake up to you again, if only to see if you were okay. The rest of his home felt the same way, and when a storm comes, it brings you back to the men who made you feel safe.
hybrid bts x hybrid reader
“You are ours, little one. And we would crush the world in our fists, watch it crumble to pieces just to make sure it remains so.”
You had decided to make a change, not realizing your men would notice. The consequences bring to light your own insecurities, with which the boys decide it’s time you realize how precious you are to them.
mafia bts x plus-size reader
Eye Of The Beholder
As you begin to notice minute details unseen to you before, you start to realize that what you thought was the truth, was anything but. The people you thought were acquaintances had different ideas of their meaning in your life, and needed to show you who they really were to you.
mafia bts x neurodivergent reader
Doughnuts and Shell Casings 
you finally gather the courage to leave your routine and do something different. your expectations are blown out of the water as you meet your soulmates in a less-than-expected way. 
mafia bts x cafe owner reader
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Secret Story of The Swan 
You were staring into the stream, contemplating life when someone decided to take matters into their own hands. 
hybrid mafia bts x human reader
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My Queen 
Seokjin had just returned to find his court and staff were not treating you how they should when he was gone. You were hurt, and his instincts were telling him to claim you and make sure you were unharmed.
Pairing: Vampire King Jin x Human Reader
My Home 
It was close to winter, and your medicine was nearly complete for you to use. But when it came to, you helped another whose wounds were life threatening. Now, random items kept showing up on your porch, with each item bringing you closer to the creature you healed. And when he returned, he saved you. Now, with him, you felt like you were home.
Dragon Yoongi x Human Healer Reader
My Prisoner 
You were trying to buy a new notebook for your writings, not expecting to get lost in a forest you didn’t recognize from your map. After passing the same tree multiple times, you stop to rest for the night, only to be captured and taken to a King’s castle for judgement. You weren’t expecting a Fae King to keep you as his…prisoner?
Fae King Hobi x Writer Reader
My Goddess 
You tried to escape again, only to epically fail. Nothing seemed to work, and Hades just smiled as he watched you walk away. He knew the real reason you kept trying to run away, and was just waiting for you to realize it.  
God of the Underworld Namjoon x Human Reader
My Light 
“Your beauty brought out the light in him, made him see how dark the world truly was He couldn’t bare the thought of leaving you in the dark.”
Your uncle had left you a home in some seaside town you hadn’t heard of. Moving out there was easy, but living there was harder. Until he found you, then…you didn’t know what to think.
Mermaid Prince Jimin x Human Reader
My Witch 
It was Halloween night and you were in the old church fulfilling a dare your friends tasked you with. Little did you know you were being watched, and he had been waiting a long time to finally make you his. Now, you were his, and he wasn’t letting you go.
Taehyung x Human (witch) Reader
My Mate 
Your village was surrounded by a never-ending forest. Every 20 years, for as long as the village people could remember, offerings were held for the beast who roamed the forest. It was the only way your village could remain safe. This times offering, you were one of the women being offered up to the beast. You only hoped that you could make it out alive.
Werewolf Jungkook x Human Sacrifice reader
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