#bruce feeling like he NEEDS to look after his little brothers after leaving them for so long.....
bitterrobin · 1 day
look man, I like the interpretations of "eldest sibling Dick Grayson taking care of his younger brothers" and I like the theme of "eldest sibling forced to parent his youngest sibling in the absence of their actual parent" when applied to the 2009 era in some places/circumstances. BUT here's the thing. DICK WAS NOT PARENTING DAMIAN.
Dick didn't even see Damian as his brother for a good stretch of their early interactions. To me that was highlighted perfectly well in Resurrection of Ras al Ghul - Tim is Dick's brother and he believes in him, Damian is not Dick's brother and he's simply a kid who happens to be related to Bruce. And characterization aside, if I'm to believe Tim stans and the comics I've read then yeah, Tim was Dick's little brother that he cared for above a lot of things. They did brotherly things unprompted, they hung out together, Dick offered advice and defended Tim from threats and in arguments.
To that end, when Damian was introduced and made a part of the expanding Batman canon, he was not considered a brother. He was a son, in name only, to Bruce. He cared for the boy, enough to fight Ras, but not nearly enough to take him from the League or just...talk to him? About their roles, about Talia. He just left Damian behind with Talia, assuming that they both knew and understood his intentions to leave them independent. And then once he died, Damian’s fate is left up in the air. We have no idea what he and Talia were doing in the stretch of time between Resurrection and Damian showing up randomly in Battle for the Cowl. Once Damian appeared, it wasn’t a “okay Dick time to parent this child because he’s your sibling” it was “ok Dick time to watch over this crazy kid who you have no connection to besides Bruce because you’re the only adult who can control him/communicate w him.” Dick treated him like an obligation because he’s a kid, but didn’t feel the need to “parent” him because they weren’t family. Damian wasn’t family to any of the people present in the early 2009 era, they didn’t care for him because they liked him or wanted to do right by Bruce (when even Bruce didn’t feel the need to parent him) they watched over him because he was a factor of chaos and displacement. Dick made Damian Robin to have a method of control over him that eventually morphed into a method of mutual trust. Their relationship did grow closer, but as mentor/mentee. Dick held responsibility over Damian as Batman to Robin. Outside of that structure, we aren’t shown Dick taking Damian anywhere just to hang out, giving him advice as a normal person, defending him from villains and fearing for his life. I think Dick’s expressed more concern for the villains Damian fought than Damian himself.
Dick didn’t see him as a brother for most of their Batman and Robin run. His fatherly aspects weren’t even mentioned, until they were retroactively implied in Nightwing 2011 and onward. So, he wasn’t parenting Damian. He wasn’t a teenager being saddled with the responsibility. He was 25-30 year old man looking after a volatile 10 year old kid because no one else wanted to do it. And then once Bruce reappeared, then Damian got a much more explicit father-son relationship and Dick was made into a more brotherly figure. I’m not saying they didn’t eventually get close, but fandom overstates just how much Dick did to care for him, and cut straight to Dick as Damian’s family when their relationship was never that close until the 2011 reboot.
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snyder-side · 18 hours
I am not exactly sure if this classifies as an Au or headcanons since Trolls Band Together was kinda short and for the life of me I kinda hate when movies are rushed and we get the cut scenes afterward only as a storyboard(I also tend to like the concept art more than the official art)
But enough of me ranting and more into me getting into what I think/want to happen to Brozone when the band split up
(I choose to call it their solo career)
John Dory(19):
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Seeing John Dory's entrance attitude and smugness truly made me think yeah this guy is definitely full of himself and in major denial about some things and what really confirmed my suspicion was when he said "I was the oldest I had no choice but to lead!"
So for his solo career, I thought maybe he did some odd job like bounty hunting, or perhaps he played hero with a small town with a small population of trolls or some other anthropomorphic species. Of course, anyone he would save or any group of bounty hunters he'd join didn't like him because he enjoyed taking control of the situation so much or bossing everyone around. He never liked being alone but he kept driving people away, so eventually he knew solitude was his best option, therefore living in Ronda alone in a forest. He did feel regret for driving his brothers away but only because he knew he was more familiar with bossing them around than some random strangers he'd just met. He kept the mindset of "Why should I feel bad when they're the ungrateful ones!" and "All I've ever done was look out for them, and I stepped up when Mom and Dad died!" after those thoughts he couldn't help but think "What are you doing John Dory?"
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I thought it would be funny if almost everyone at his little restaurant on Vacay Island or should I say Brandy's restaurant...well her dads knew who "Bruce' really was except Brandy. I like to think Bruce went to vacay island because either his therapist or himself thought he should relax more so he went on a "vacation". He chilled out, gained a little bit of weight making him lose his six-pack, and most importantly tried to win the heart of Brandy because she seemed to be the only one not falling for his charm. Brandy played a tsundere type of approach when it came to all his advances on her, but then it all came to a game of volleyball as Bruce's way of showing his dedication to her, of course some of the other players used his small stature against him and he was getting his butt handed to him. He was only able to score a single point (IDEK how volleyball works) and the way he leapt into the air had Brandy star struck, the that that was holding his hair back snapped and he used nothing but shear will power to spike the ball. I mean sure Bruce lost but did he really? He got the girl in the end so it's all that counts right?
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(So I don't really have much for clay because I used most of my ADHD superpowers on the other guys and there's not too much I can go on from the movie)
Now Clay just looked around for jobs, it was retail, then tried working at some corporate building but it all didn't exactly work out because none of his co-workers took him seriously. Feeling out of options Clay walked aimlessly eventually finding Viva and the Putt-putt trolls, at the time imagined them looking more post-apocalyptic and slightly barbaric and frankly chaotic, Viva needed drastic help because she was just a little kid like Clay. Clay offered to help her mainly because he has a tiny bit of OCD (Saying this because of how grumpy he looked when John Dory went off and did his own thing and him practicing and worrying before Brozone performance.) and Viva thought/thinks so highly of him and thought of him as serious which is all Clay ever wanted so he just felt at home...and may or may not have developed feelings for her in the long run. Still, hey I've already got into a Romance segment.
I'm going to leave this here and not do Floyd because I'll talk about his little solo career journey in an OC ramble. (I have no shame.)
Thanks for reading have a lovely day!
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hey-hey-j · 1 month
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he's making up for lost time
(tags by @sunfloweraro)
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flamingpudding · 7 months
How to human
Nightwing was sure he was being watched. He had been in the hero business long enough to recognize that feeling. The little irk, whisper in the back of your mind and the little hairs standing up. He was being watched. A part of him felt honored. He had gotten a little stalker like Tim had been to Bruce once. So, on some days, he made sure to do some extra flips and air acrobatics. No, he wasn't showing off to watchfull eyes, shut up little wing. But whenever he turned to the direction he felt eyes on him, he found nothing. He was worried that he was getting as paranoid as Bruce, but at the same time, he swore that someone had started watching him during his patrols, especially whenever he was in Gotham.
Red Hood grew more and more frustrated as the days passed. This wasn't his first time dealing with little stalker but usually, the street kids of crime alley knew when and when not to follow him around. The kid that was currently following him? The little shit was reckless af. Red Hood going to bust a drug deal? He felt that freaking kids eyes on him. Getting into a fight that ends with a shot out? That little shit was still there watching instead of leaving. But the kid was good, Hood had to admit that. Whenever he turned to scowl the little shit, they were gone. They avoided him the moment he puts his attention on them. But just the kid wait, he will get them one of these days. He was not having as much fun as his brother with his little stalker.
Spoiler preened at the attention she was getting. She had a little stalker! Not Red, not Orphan, not Signal, not Robin but her! She had a stalker of her own. Like Nightwing and Red Hood! There was a little kid interested in her and following her around during patrols. She probably shouldn't, but she did end up teasing the other about it. It most likely wasn't good either, considering all the things that could happen during their patrols. But aside from that it was an interesting feeling to have a little shadow that somehow can avade you. Just like Nightwing and Red Hood whenever she turned around or tried to actively look for her little stalker there was no one. But she knew the kid was there. Compared to the idiot boys Spoiler had gotten some cookies from Agent A to lure out her little shadow. Saddly the kid had been a no show but they did take the cookies when she had looked away for a moment. And a giggle told her that they liked them. She was at least making process in getting to k ow her stalker.
Danny, Dan and Ellie, after decades of having lived among ghosts in the ghost zone when realizing they didn't age like their human family, ended up spit back out to the mortal realm. (Clockwork had gotten fessed up with the Phantom trio and decided HE needed a vacation from them and Frostbite mentioned sending them to the morals would be good for their halfa health. So the decision was made pretty quickly, let the humans deal withvthe ghost kids for a while. He will force the trenchcoat magican, that liked to poke around too much, to check up on them sometimes.) The problem was, they kind of forgot how to be human. So what did they do? Follow around the one human that caught their attention and learn how to human again from them. To bad that the humans that caught their attention happened to be vigilantes and they only ever seemed to be the most interesting when they dress up at night.
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hypewinter · 8 months
Dick stared out at the snowy landscape past the window before turning back to his new baby brother. Danny was sitting in his high chair, happily munching away at some Cheerios. Looking at him now Dick thought back to how he had come to Wayne Manor just a few months prior.
Bruce had stormed into the Manor after coming back from a Justice League mission with a bundle in his hands. Dick who had stopped by the manor to steal food catch up with Alfred had been thoroughly thrown off by his father's open animosity. He could hardly recall the last time he'd seen Bruce this outwardly furious. The man's glare alone could rival Darkseid's omega beams. As Bruce sat down at the table, the two men finally got a good look at just what he was carrying. It was an infant. An infant who was fast asleep, his soft black hair falling over his eyes. Bruce quietly asked Alfred to prepare a room as well as all necessities needed for a baby. The old butler had immediately set off to just that.
Meanwhile Dick was quick to ask what had happened but Bruce didn't say. Even when the others gradually found what was happening and asked their own questions, he still refused to answer. Not even Alfred had been told where the baby had come from. The only information Bruce had offered up was that the baby's name was Danny and he would be staying at the Manor from now on. As for the rest of the details, he claimed he would tell them in due time. But Batman's "due time" was often too late to actually do anything about it so desperate for answers, the family had turned to their own investigations only to come up with nothing.
All files related to Danny were locked behind a mountain of firewalls and Oracle had apparently already been sworn to secrecy by the big man himself. Whatever it was, Bruce wanted absolutely zero interference, so for now, the family was forced to sit in their hands.
That led till now, 5 months later. It was mid-January and Dick was on babysitting duty. Everyone else was either out running errands or on a mission. Not that Dick minded though. Danny was incredibly cute and he loved taking care of him. Besides, it gave him the perfect opportunity to get Danny to see him as the favorite brother. Still, Dick couldn't help but feel couped up today. Maybe it was because it had been snowing the last few days leaving both boys alone in the giant manor all day long.
Dick stared wistfully out the window once again before an idea dawned on him. He turned back to Danny who had stuffed the last of the Cheerios into his mouth along with his entire hand.
"Hey Danny. Wanna have a snow day?" he asked cheerily. The boy cocked his head at Dick, hand still in mouth. Dick smiled wider. "I'll take that as a yes!"
Dick hoisted Danny out of his high chair and carried him upstairs to his room. After he set Danny down in his crib, he grabbed all the gear he needed. He picked out a long sleeve shirt with a cartoon star and big bold letters reading "You're a Star!" He also grabbed long socks, some elastic pants as well as jeans, a scarf, a blue beanie, and a pair of cute little mittens.
It didn't take long for Danny to be fully dressed for the outside elements. Though after Dick finished putting his shoes on, he squirmed a little and made a face.
"I know I know," Dick cooed. "But I'm pretty sure B. would make an exception to his 'no killing rule' if you got sick on my watch."
Dick admired his handy work for a minute (taking dozens of pictures as he did so) before picking his brother up and heading downstairs. After a quick pitstop at the door to grab his own jacket and gloves from the coat rack, he opened the door and greeted the chilly air outside.
Danny giggled as he reached up at the snow while Dick circled around to the side of the manor.
"Bitey! Bitey!" he squealed.
"Yep, Bitey," Dick replied with mild confusion.
Danny would say random things like that sometimes, forcing the world's greatest detectives to put their minds together in order to figure out what he was talking about. One time he just wouldn't stop saying "Em". It took everyone a whole day to realize he was referring to music. And an extra two days to figure out he was specifically referring to pop music.
Oftentimes he would call Barbara "Jazzy" and Duke "Tuck". On occasion he would even call Cass "Sammy". Every time he called something a new name, it was a race to figure out what he meant. Each time they figured out a new word, Bruce's face would darken and he'd disappear off to the Watchtower for the day. Something that was really starting to drag on Dick's nerves. It was like it was physically impossible for that man to share information.
Dick was startled out of his thoughts by a tug at his jacket and looked down to see Danny staring at him.
"Sorry sorry," he said with a smile. "Lost in my thoughts. Forgive me?"
Danny put on a pout but Dick knew by now that it was fake. One could tell by the mischievous look in the boy's eyes that he just couldn't hide. "So be it then!" Dick declared before pulling Danny close and snuggling into him. The boy shrieked as cold nose touched warm neck. "Fo-give! Fo-give!" he cried.
"Aw thanks," Dick said as he pulled away. Danny giggled again, his bright blue eyes crinkling with laughter.
The pair walked around in the snow for a bit longer before Danny started making grabby hands towards the ground. "You want down?" Dick asked. Danny nodded energetically.
Dick carefully set Danny down in the snow. The boy excitedly wriggled before putting his hands down to the snow. As Dick watched, there was a burst of light and suddenly there was a semi circle of ice, radiating out from their position. Dick stared at the ice in shock. Danny turned and blinked up at Dick, almost as if he were in shock too. But he very quickly went back to playing in the snow. Dick swallowed. Sure they all knew Danny had powers. It was pretty obvious when the third day there, he floated up to the ceiling. Still though, he highly doubted ice powers was up there on anyone's list of "abilities our new baby brother might manifest next."
Dick was so shocked all he could manage to utter was, "Huh. That's new."
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coupleoffanfics · 4 months
teehee I have a small thought (batfam related, yk that one where y/n gets killed)
imagine if y/n was brought back by the pit, but instead of being a "shell" in that hc u made, she becomes completely stoic, like just blurts out what she was feeling back when she was neglected with the most blank expression ever, I imagine it being more focused on bruce and Damian since yk..bruce was the shittiest parent ever, and Damian with his sparky ass insults.
You…God, damnit Anon. You summoned me and I suddenly have the motivation to write after reading your two requests.
I don't know if you wanted a one-shot or HC. So I just went with a HC because it's much easier to push out. Though if you want me to make a one-shot feel free to ask. I'll take 7 years to write it. Though at the end I did sort of a one-shot.
Damian should have known something was wrong when y/n didn't start thrashing around and attacking anything that moved after crawling out of the pit. She just stared at her hands, clenching them into firsts and then unclenching them slowly.
Maybe Damian was too relieved to see y/n breathing and moving to really care. Maybe he thought that she was just in shock. Coming back to life isn't always expected and it can take a real toll on someone.
Not to mention that y/n was, compared to her brothers, far weaker. Not just physically, but mentally as well. So it's not surprising that she was so docile, right? It's only a matter of time before that effect wears off and she'll be normal. Or something close to normal.
Okay, maybe deep down Damian knew that there was a chance that he wasn't getting y/n back. Everyone knew that there was no getting her back, but he was willing to take the risk. He came this far and it didn't take long for Bruce to pick up on what his youngest was doing.
Damian has his big sister back and he's not going to let her go again. It's only a matter of hours before Bruce comes breaking down the door to drag them back to Gotham. So Damian took the time to clean up y/n.
She was still in her funeral clothes for goodness sake. She reeked of death, but that didn't stop the boy from hugging her tightly.
While getting cleaned up, she doesn't say a thing. Or even make a lot of noise. It was almost like she was still dead.
By the time Bruce gets there, he's not surprised by Damian's actions. He thought of doing the same thing, but he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing. He couldn't disrespect her life by bringing her back. How could he dare think of that when she looked so at peace when she died.
He remembers how her body was tense before it became horrifyingly relaxed. There was a fear of death in those [eye color] eyes, he knows because he saw it. But it was so quick and fleeting that he could have missed it if he wasn't so close.
In a twisted way he wished y/n had clung on to him just like she did when she was a wide eyed little girl and cried. Cry that she didn't want to die. Cry that it was too early to leave now. Cry that she didn't want to leave them.
But all she did was give a crooked smile and mumble to herself as blood dribbled down her chin. She spoke incoherent things to herself. A name or two slipped from her cold lips, but they weren't ones of her family. From what he gathered it was just a close friend and her significant other's name. She died thinking of those who cared and loved her back. Not of the family that she couldn't stand to be around.
Even when her own adopted father held her dying from close, they were far from her line of thought.
So seeing y/n alive was gut reaching for Bruce. There was no pain, anger, sadness, or joy on her face. She was just there. Staring at him with an uncomfortable indifference.
Damian was ready to start a fight with Bruce. Not a physical one, but he would cross that line if he needed to. He was ready to defend himself in what he thought was best for y/n. Yet Bruce lets out a quiet sigh and tells that it's time to come home. How anticlimactic.
The plane ride back to Gotham is long and quiet. It also felt cramped by how close Damian was to y/n and unwilling to give her too much space.
By the time they made it back to the manor, everyone was caught up to date. The development is surprising to some while others not so much.
Everyone is in the bat cave. Gathered around to see y/n back from the dead. The silence is deafening as they wait for something. Just something from her, but she walked past them all. Out of the cave and to where her room was. Nothing was out of place in her room, though it was mostly empty after she had moved out a few years ago. She laid on her bed and slept as if nothing was amiss.
That's where the family infighting starts. Question of was this the right thing. What are going to do now? Why the hell did you think this was a good idea? There's going to be a lot of hash words being shared, but at the end of the day what was done was done and they had y/n back. They weren't going to mess up the second time.
Did they really get a second chance because it didn't feel like it. A week would pass and y/n has yet to come out of her room. She's alive and breathing because the trays of food left outside her door are always empty.
The camera's installed while she slept showed that she was doing nothing. All she did was lay in bed. She'd get up to use her private bathroom, but other than that there wasn't much. She was rotting away alone in her room.
This rang familiar bells in Alfred, Bruce, and Tim's head. y/n wasn't prone to long depressive episodes, so this could be something similar. The lack of socializing and excessive oversleeping was typically a big red sign for them to do something. In the past they would not force, but push her into doing social things or at least being out of her room.
They could approach this situation the same way, but they'd have to be extra careful. This was a unique and tricky situation to be in. It was also odd if not worrying that she hasn't succumbed to lazarus fever.
They could try to bribe y/n out of her room with activities that have to do with her old hobbies.
"Alfred is baking today, he said might need some help."
"I just stole the keys to the batmobile, you wanna take it for a ride?"
"Hey, do you want to…um, play a video game with me. I remember we used to play Hellflight Deadcraze a lot. They came out with the 3rd game. I just bought it today, so...Yeah."
Though the likelihood of that working is low. If they're really desperate to interact with her, they might as well just bust down her door.
At some point all the poking and prodding is going to irritate y/n. Whoever popped her bubble is going to be on the receiving end of pent up emotions.
I don't believe y/n would ever intentionally say how much the family's treatment harmed her. Again it would bubble up and fester for a while before she explodes. The thing about y/n is that she has an inferiority complex. In her life she aimed to please and help.
She understands that Gotham is dangerous. A lot of people need help and she couldn't bring herself to pull them away from their job. To her it would be like pulling a fireman away from a fire to chat as people burned alive. Even if the fire was out the fireman would be tired and need to rest, so she couldn't just pull them wherever she wanted to go. She shouldn't pester them.
In y/n's eyes, she was never worthy of being a hero because she wasn't good enough. She was never worthy of being with the family because she wasn't helping enough. She should do this to prove her worth. She's not worthless because she can do this for you and this as well!
She embodies inferiority and self-loathing. Someone that feels insignificant and has the strong urge to do more. She has- or had in this situation, hope. Hope that she'll be worthy of love. Love, affection, praise is what drives her and will seek it out if she's desperate. If she does ask or seek it out she'll be feeling guilty since she didn't really do anything to get it. In her mind she was being greedy and she couldn't help herself.
"Just stop. Leave me alone." Her voice was almost pleading as she gripped the wrapped gift box. The gift was a symbol of peace, almost a treaty. That's all it was supposed to be, but she acts as if she had been spat in the eye.
Seeing that Bruce wasn't listening to her, she dug her nails into the gift. Almost tearing into the [favorite color] wrapped paper. He stood before her like an unmoving entity. The longer he stood by the more she wanted to snap into herself. She didn't want to slowly curl into a ball. She wanted to snap herself together with a violent and almost sickening crack. This just wasn't fair.
Clenching her jaw, her voice became much colder. It wasn't as cold as the middle of winter, yet it still had a chill to it.
"I thought you'd get it that I didn't want this. I shut you out, but you- all of you just keep buzzing. None of you are getting the hint. You just keep coming back louder than before. Why can't you let me be alone? Why can't you act overworked and tired? Why can't you just leave things the way they were?"
Bruce was conflicted upon hearing her say that and would try to claim that everything is going to come around. Everything always comes around in the end and this wouldn't be any different. They are going to get through this as a family.
y/n's frown would deepen and her eyes would furrow at his attempt at comfort. She looks as if she just ate something that was expired, leaving her mouth with nothing but a nasty sour taste.
"Because we're family." She whispered to herself before almost grimacing at the words. Her voice became sharp and cold as a blade, "I don't understand why you'd suggest that I was still a part of the family. I don't think I've been family for a good while now."
She clicked her tongue as she dropped the gift box while looking Bruce in the eyes. "Come on, you can't say you cared about me after I stopped being useful. When did you realize that I wasn't anything special? Was it when I kept crying about punching villains or when I was too slow to teach."
Seeing the conflicted look in his blue eyes confused her. Why would the truth conflict someone unless it was pity. Even after all this she's just a pitiful little crybaby to him. One good hit and she's out wailing on the floor for someone to kiss her boo-boo away.
Somehow this hurt her. Her pounding heart felt like it was twisting on itself. She wanted to cry and laugh at how she thought things couldn't get any worse. Then somehow it did. The universe, the world, the Wayne had proved her wrong yet again. It was as funny as it was sad.
She could have broken down there, but she needed to hear it. She had to hear the truth, so she kept twisting her heart with her own hands. It didn't matter how much it hurt.
"Or maybe you were in denial? You had wasted a lot of time and resources on a dud. Then Damian threw cold water on you and left you shivering, right? I'm just leeching off of you and the others. Then…Then you choose them over me. I was an afterthought, or is that being too generous? Did I ever circulate in your mind before this?"
Her voice was becoming shrill and gruff like she was on the verge of tears. "When did you realize that I was dead weight, Batman? Did I make Bruce Wayne look more caring to the people when I talk about how much I love my family? Did my life serve any use or was I always just a speck of dirt on your shoes?"
Those words were far from the truth, yet with how she spoke Bruce knew that she believed in all that she was saying. Each and every word was true to her. Honestly he didn't know what to say. This was all too much. Having to hear your own child degrade themselves with such honesty was heartbreaking.
Taking his silence as a sort of confirmation, y/n ordered him to leave and of course he did. He'd fix this somehow. He just needed time. They needed time.
I cut off the ending because I didn't want to write too much. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. I haven't proofread this, Google Doc says there aren't any errors (probably a lie), and it's 3 in the morning. Goodnight.
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
Yk the one where batbro reader meets the justice league and the leave absolutely loves him? Could you do one with the young justice with Tim or teens titans with dick or the outlaws with Jason?
You know what? I will do all 3 of them. Even if it kills my fingers. Also, some Dick Grayson appreciation.
Summary: (Y/N) is loved by his brother's friends.
Bruce Wayne & male!reader
Warnings: a little angst, but it's resolved, cursing, the teams love (Y/N)...
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Ever since (Y/N) met the Justice League members, the news of a youngest vigilante spread like wildfire amongst the Young Justice, Teen Titans and the Outlaws. Jason, Dick and Tim weren't really sure how to feel about it. They were constantly asked about his younger brother.
If only they knew.
Tim looked over the files for the upcoming mission they had. It isn't under the Justice League, it was just under them. The more he looked over the files, the more it looked like a test created by Batman to test them all.
Their mission was to stop meta human trafficking, but it was connected to the Light. Batman didn't really involve them with the Light and they were only involved with the minor members of the Light.
If there is one member they never wanted to fight against, that was Ra's al Ghul. Tim didn't really want to face him. He saw enough of him.
And that's why he called (Y/N) to come by.
He needed a new set of eyes to look all over this. This was reeking of Batman influence, but if he voiced it to his teammates, he was sure that he was going to be called paranoid.
And again that's why he has called his younger brother. Out of all of them, he was the most objective and most realistic one. He looked up from the table when he heard the Zeta tubes going off, announcing the arrival of his brother.
Blue Beetle looked up too, confused as to who is entering the place. It's the same place where the OG Young Justice was and Blue Beetles eyes widened at the sight of the infamous (V/N). Tim waved his brother over.
He is still in his suit, mask on. There were some cuts on his suit and Tim saw that he came after patrol.
" Killer Croc? " Tim asked and (Y/N) nodded. Tim knew that (Y/N) is tired and he offered some coffee in apology.
" I'm sorry about calling you so late. I forgot the time difference. " Tim said, giving (Y/N) the papers to look at. (Y/N) sat down next to him, blinking to clear the tiredness.
" And what is the problem with the mission? " (Y/N) asked and the two brothers ignored the growing audience. Alongside Blue Beetle, there were now Kid Flash, Thirteen, Arrowette, Static and Wonder Girl. All of them looked at one another, clearly in shock to see (V/N).
" It reeks of Batman influence. " Tim explained and (Y/N) nodded. Tim's eyes looked at point behind (Y/N)'s shoulder.
Oh no. He glared at them, clearly saying try me.
" Robin, is that (V/N)? " Kid Flash started and Tim just rolled his eyes.
" Not now. " Tim said and (Y/N) just took a sip of his coffee. He really needed it.
" Is Batman really scary? " Kid Flash zooming to sit next to him.
" I have no comment on that. " (Y/N) said, looking up from the papers.
" Is Robin really addicted to caffeine? " Wonder Girl asked, sitting next to Tim.
" No comment. " (Y/N) said, turning the paper over. Now everyone was huddled over the two brothers.
Tim watched as everyone filed around (Y/N), asking him questions. There is a small smile on (Y/N)'s face as he talked to the team. He answered all of their other questions and Tim just looked at his brother.
Maybe this wasn't a bad idea. He stepped in when he saw how (Y/N)'s social battery is low.
" Well, he needs to go now. He came directly from patrol and he is tired. " Tim stated, moving closer to his brother.
" You need to come again! " Kid Flash said yelled to the duo as the brothers said goodbye. (Y/N) waived at them, saying he would.
Jason was sitting at one of the safe houses, looking over some files for the upcoming mission in regards to a mission related Black Mask. That man is a slippery little shit and he can somehow get back on his feet.
He took a drag of cigarette, shaking it off in the ash tray. This man is the biggest stressor in his life. Not even Bruce is this stressful. Roy and Amazon were crashing here too. Bizarro is somewhere around.
He looked up as he heard the door opening and some screams. After a last drag, he stood up, knees cracking from the long sitting. His guns were strapped on his sides as he made his way to the entrance.
He heard some cooing and some chuckles. Who the hell is cooing? He sighed as he saw his little brother, in his suit. Artemis is cooing at his brother. An Amazon warrior is cooing at his brother.
And Roy? He looked at him with a curious look in his eyes.
" (Y/N), you know I tolerate you. " Jason started.
" Likewise. "
" But what are you doing here? Not even Bruce knows about this safehouse. " Jason stated, raising his eyebrow.
" Before you say anything, he doesn't know that I'm here. Also, do you really think that Bruce doesn't know about this safe house? " (Y/N) said, pushing past the stuttering Jason.
" Also, I need some help. I'm trying to track down a contact of Black Mask. I know for a fact that you are an expert on that man. " (Y/N) said, plopping himself down on the couch.
" Jason, why didn't we meet this great kid? Why did you hide him? " Roy asked.
Jason rolled his eyes and moved back to the table to get his files and cigarettes.
" You still smoke? " (Y/N) asked, a frown on his face.
" Only when I need to destress. Which is often. Say something to Alfred and I will end you. " Jason said, putting the file and the pack down next to him on the couch.
" Alright, which contact do you need? " Jason asked, pulling up the list.
(Y/N) leaned into Jason, saying the name. Roy and Artemis looked at this adorable human. They were brothers, because Jason would not allow anyone to really lean on him like that.
" Okay, so this bastard is a cheeky one. " Jason started.
He was in the middle of an explanation when they heard Bizarro entering. He looked confused and then he just grunted. Jason nodded, seemingly confirming what he said.
" Yes, this is my brother. He needed some help. " Jason explained to Bizarro.
(Y/N) was a little bit tense at the sight of Bizarro. He is huge. A big rock.
" Relax, he is good. " Jason said to (Y/N).
" Alright. I should go. " (Y/N) said, standing up. " I got all I needed. Also, B wants to see you soon. For what, I don't know, but he needs to talk to you. " (Y/N) said and Jason raised his eyebrow.
" What? "
" Nice to meet you all. " (Y/N) said to the others as he left.
Once he left, Jason had to lit up a cigarette.
" Why is he so cute? " Artemis asked Jason. Jason rolled his eyes. He had an even better question. Why is (Y/N) so likable?
The last team that meet (Y/N) was Teen Titans. (Y/N) got into a big fight with Bruce and he simply didn't want to be on the same city as him. And what does the teen do in that situation?
He 'borrows' the car and drive to Bludhaven to his oldest brother and his team called Teen Titans. He knew that if he stayed in Gotham any longer, he was going to set the manor ablaze, alongside Gotham. He parked the car in front of the tower, just going towards the elevator.
He couldn't give a damn about the security. He could hear somebody yelling for him, but he didn't care about it. He needs his big brother. He needs an objective person.
And that person is his brother Dick.
He didn't see him when he entered the common room. However, everyone else was there and saw him. Raven, Beast Boy, Superboy and Starfire.
They all started at each other for a moment and it was awkward.
" Is Dick here by any means? " (Y/N) asked the team. Starfire looked at him for a moment before smiling.
" You are the famous (V/N). " She said and the others looked at him in shock, but the shock turned into recognition.
" Yeah... Is Dick here? I really need to talk to him. " (Y/N) said, feeling nervous now. He really needs to talk to him.
" He should be here any moment now. Please, make yourself comfortable. " She said, pointing at the couch. (Y/N) nodded and sat down at the couch. The team saw that something was off about (Y/N), but they knew that (Y/N) wouldn't say anything.
Dick came a minute later and after saying hi to the team, before setting his eyes on his brother. He saw that something was wrong.
" Hey, what's wrong? " Dick asked sitting down next to (Y/N).
" I need to talk to you in private. " (Y/N) said and Dick could hear the sheer sadness in his voice. He nodded and led him to his bedroom. He knew that (Y/N) was going to break at any moment.
" Now, tell me what happened. " Dick said, closing the door. (Y/N) sat down and looked down.
" I got into a big fight with Bruce. And I maybe took one of his cars to get here. " (Y/N) said, giving him a short version of what happened. Dick knew that now he wasn't going to get anything from (Y/N) if he pushed. For now, he hugged his little brother, holding the back of his neck. He felt something wet on his shirt, but he didn't say anything.
His brother just needed some comfort. After a few minutes, (Y/N) stopped crying. He tried to calm himself down and Dick just rubbed his shoulders.
" Are you hungry? "
(Y/N) shook his head.
" Tired? "
(Y/N) nodded his head. Dick nodded and helped (Y/N) to lay down on the bed properly. He helped him take his sneakers off and then his jacket.
" Rest up and find me in the common room if you are hungry. " Dick said, leaving the room. (Y/N) nodded and just fell asleep. Dick knew that Bruce would call later, but it wouldn't be good. Bruce and (Y/N) are kind of similar and that sometimes led to some conflicts.
But it never came to blow up like this. (Y/N) had never really done this to Bruce before.
(Y/N) woke up after a few hours, hungry and thirsty. He rubbed his eyes as he went to the kitchen. Dick was already waiting, getting ready to make some dinner. The rest of the team was on the couch and sprawled around. Raven was showing something to Beast Boy and Starfire was with Dick in the kitchen.
(Y/N) went directly to his brother, giving him a hug. Dick chuckled, ruffling his hair with his free hand. " I know you are hungry, just give me a minute. " Dick said, moving around.
" Sure. " (Y/N) said, rubbing his eyes. He let go and went to the couch. The team slowly migrated towards him, interested to talk to him. (Y/N) was answering all of their questions, happy to get some dirt on Dick.
Don't blame them, they all need some dirt on Dick. Speaking of Dick, he and Starfire just watched the interaction. It was cute.
After a few hours, Bruce came to get his son. He knew that the argument was stupid and that he was the one who started it. (Y/N) admitted that he was at fault too.
So, after some talk, they went back to Gotham.
And Dick? He was going to meet up with Tim and Jason. They need to figure out how (Y/N) was so liked by their teams. What the hell?
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months
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Lonely This Christmas
Pairing: Billy Washington (Trigger Point) x f!reader Warnings: Dark and obsessive behaviour, stalking, smut, dubious consent. Word count: ~4.5k
Summary: On a rare occasion when her and Billy both find themselves home for Christmas at the same time, they admit they've always fancied each other. However, as things develop between them, she soon realises that for Billy it's something much more sinister than a harmless crush. Based on this request.
Author's note: For my darling @heimtathurs. I don't have a tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
She walks up the pathway to the front door, the combination of the bitter cold and the handles of the plastic carrier bag cutting into her flesh causing her fingers to sting painfully. The cans in the bag clank noisily against each other as she jostles it from one hand to the other, raising her fist to knock at the door. Her breath comes in hot, cloudy puffs as she shifts from foot to foot, relief flooding through her as she sees the silhouette of her best friend, Lana, appear through the glass in the door.
“Let me in then!” She grumbles, pushing past and handing Lana the bag, once the door is open. “It’s bloody freezing out there!”
It’s December 23rd, and time for her and Lana’s annual tradition of Christmas Eve Eve film night - a ritual that they’ve managed to keep alive since they first met in secondary school, though as the years have passed their taste in films has matured and they can now sit and openly drink beer, instead of needing to sneak a bottle of MD 20:20 back and forth between them beneath a duvet, like they did as teenagers.
The location never changes - always at Lana’s parents’ house - even now that she’s moved out, she always comes home for two weeks over the festive period, and like clockwork the two of them sit on the sofa the evening before Christmas Eve and stare at the TV until they can no longer keep their eyes open.
She shrugs off her coat as she moves through the hallway, into the living room, the warmth from the central heating causing her skin to prickle with the pleasant rise in temperature. Rolling her eyes as she spies the DVD case for Die Hard on the coffee table, she sits heavily down on the sofa, kicking her shoes off and tucking her legs beneath her.
“We watched this last year,” she says to Lana, who follows a few paces behind, having deposited the contents of the bag into the fridge in the kitchen, “It’s not even a Christmas film!”
“It’s set at Christmas, so it’s a Christmas film,” Lana shoots back, handing her a can of Stella, before flopping down beside her and cracking open her own. “And Bruce Willis in that vest? I’m gripped.”
She snorts a laugh, opening her own beer and taking a deep sip, enjoying the way the coolness of the bitter liquid fizzes against her tongue.
“How’ve you been anyway? Your mum and dad not in?”
Lana swallows and pokes at the inside of her cheek with her tongue. “Nah, they’re out for the evening, think they could use a break since face-ache moved back in. I’ve only been back here a few days and he’s already doing my head in.”
She feels her cheeks heat up at the mention of Billy. She’d met Lana’s younger brother when he’d started at the same secondary school as them and, although he was a couple of years below them, she’d always thought he was cute. He was tall, if a little on the lanky side, and his floppy blonde hair and big blue eyes instantly attracted her to him. She’d kept the fact that she fancied him to herself though, feeling it was inappropriate to lust after her best mate’s brother, especially a younger brother.
As the years had passed, Billy’s seemingly permanent cheeky smile had faded into a persistent look of misery. He’d done badly at school, left with failing grades and been rejected each time he’d tried to apply to join the army.
Meanwhile, Lana had flourished, leaving school with a handful of As and Bs. She’d enrolled at college, before enlisting in the army and from there her career in the police force had taken off. She’d moved away from home, had a place of her own and had made her parents proud.
Billy, on the other hand, had struggled with chronic unemployment, eventually falling in with an alt right group who had set him up for a potential terrorist attack. He’d barely escaped the explosion on Cranstead Gardens, and had never really pulled himself back together afterwards. His relationship with his long-term girlfriend, Becky, had broken down and he’d moved out of their flat and back in with his parents, where he’d been living for the last six months.
She hasn’t seen Billy since they left school, but Lana tells her all about him whenever they hang out or chat on the phone. She’s always felt strangely protective of him, where Lana and her parents have given Billy a hard time, she has opted for a softer touch, believing he just needs someone to understand him.
“You can’t be so hard on him,” she says, finger pinging against the ringpull of her can absentmindedly, “he’s been through a lot.”
Lana sighs, grabbing the remote from the coffee table. “You don’t know him like I do. He’s not paying any rent, never tidies up, isn’t bothering to look for work. We can’t help him, he won’t let us, doesn’t wanna help himself.”
“Where is he at the moment?”
“Skulking around upstairs,” Lana nods towards the staircase. “First Christmas he’s not spent at Becky’s mum’s in a long time and he’s taking it…well, I couldn’t tell you how he’s taking it, he never leaves his bloody room.”
She nods sadly, letting the topic go as they settle back into the sofa cushions as the opening credits for Die Hard begin to roll.
“I’m empty,” Lana says around twenty minutes into the film, shaking her beer can. “You want another?”
“It’s alright, I’ll go,” she tell hers, taking her empty and heading towards the kitchen, eager for a break from a film she had no interest in watching last year, let alone again this year.
She chucks the cans into the recycling bin, before opening the fridge and retrieving two more. She yelps as she closes the door, startled by Billy standing there.
“Jesus, Billy–”
“Sorry, sorry…” he mumbles apologetically, a tinge of pink dusting itself across his cheek bones, as he averts his gaze. “Wasn’t tryna scare ya, just came down to make a cuppa.”
She exhales through her nose, a smile tugging at her lips. “S’alright. How are you getting on, anyway? It’s been a while.”
“Yeah…” he says uncertainly, filling the kettle from the sink and then flicking it on to boil. “Guessing you heard what happened then?”
She nods, placing the cans on the side and wiping the condensation off of her hands onto her jeans. “Lana told me. I’m so sorry, Billy, I really hope you’re okay.”
He says nothing for a moment, dropping a tea bag into a mug, followed by a generous pour of milk.
Milk first. Ugh.
“It’s been hard, y’know,” he finally says, “tryna find work, but there’s fuck all out there. What are you up to these days? You’re looking well.”
The sudden shift in focus doesn’t go unnoticed by her, he’s clearly not keen to talk about himself, but she can’t help but smile at the small compliment, feeling herself grow bashful.
“Got a job at a marketing agency,” she tells him, “nothing fancy, but it pays the rent.”
She’s actually a high ranking executive, living in one of the area’s most expensive flat blocks and has a tidy sum saved away for a deposit to eventually buy a place of her own. She’s unsure of why she’s downplaying her achievements, perhaps on some level she feels she owes it to Billy to not rub her success in his face when he’s clearly having a rough time of it.
The kettle boils and Billy fills his mug, stirring the tea bag around with a spoon, before squeezing it out with his fingers, making her wince - that has to burn, but if it does it doesn’t appear to bother him. He discards the used bag on the side, before turning to her. She can see what Lana means about him not tidying up now, it would have taken two steps for him to put it in the bin, and he hasn’t bothered. The laziness almost makes her want to laugh.
“So you and Lana doing your film night then?” He asks, noisily slurping his tea, then fixing her with a soft, yet unblinking gaze.
The intensity of his baby blue eyes flusters her, and for a moment she forgets what he’s asked, feeling the same old butterflies from their school days return. She clears her throat, shaking her head as if to rid herself of the feeling.
“Y-yeah…I’m surprised you remember. You were a teenager the last time we did one of those with you here,” she smiles warmly.
He nods, keeping a hand wrapped around his mug, pushing off of the kitchen side towards her and suddenly she’s aware of just how tall he’s grown, her throat running dry as she feels the kitchen counter bite into her back as she presses herself against it.
She deflates slightly, letting go of a breath she wasn’t aware when she’d been holding, a little disappointed when he brushes past her, lingering in the kitchen doorway.
“I remember,” he says, a ghost of the lopsided smirk she loved so much from their school days playing upon his full lips, “remember what a racket you and Lana used to make pretending you weren’t pissed on that nasty blue stuff.”
She grins, her gaze dropping as she fiddles with the cuff of her jumper sleeve, thinking back to all those years ago. “Sorry, Billy,” she finally says, looking up at him, “we’ll keep it down tonight.”
“No worries, I’ll be upstairs,” he tells her. “Enjoy your film.”
“Billy?” She calls softly after him as he moves to go back upstairs.
He turns, looking at her questioningly.
“You’re looking well too, by the way.”
The dusting of pink that had appeared across his cheekbones earlier now returns in earnest and he gives a simple nod before turning and heading up the stairs.
She deposits his now cold, used teabag into the bin, then grabs hers and Lana’s beers from the side and goes back into the living room.
The rest of the evening passes uneventfully, her and Lana finish off Die Hard, then move onto Gremlins.
On the couple of occasions that she goes upstairs to the bathroom she can hear the sound of Billy playing Call of Duty through his closed door. She thinks about knocking to invite him down to join them, but figures if he had wanted to do that he’d have asked in the kitchen, so she leaves it.
They’re halfway through Jingle All the Way when she feels her eyelids start to grow heavy. She leans forward, placing her half drunk can on the coffee table and turns to Lana.
“I’m gonna have to push off home, babe, I can’t keep my eyes open.”
Lana nods, pausing the film and sitting forward with a yawn. “Yeah, should probably get to bed myself. You gonna be alright getting home? Need me to call you a cab?”
“Nah, it’s only down the road, I’ll be fine walking,” she insists as she puts her shoes and coat back on.
“Alright, well, text me when you get home, yeah?” Her friend says, pulling her into a hug.
“Course,” she smiles, hugging her back and heading towards the front door. “Have a great Christmas. See you for New Year’s.”
Lana waves her off and as the front door closes behind her, she’s about to head back down the pathway when the glowing ember of the end of a lit cigarette catches her eye.
She turns to see Billy leaning against the side of the house, smoking a roll up.
“You off?” He asks, exhaling a plume of smoke that’s made larger by the cold that clings to the puff of his breath.
“Yeah. Was good to see you, Billy,” she says, trying to ignore how her pulse races at the way the soft glow of the street lamp illuminates the sharpness of his side profile.
“I’ll give you a lift, if you want?” He offers, crushing his cigarette beneath his foot.
“You don’t have to do that, I’m only twenty minutes down the road,” she says, suddenly feeling awkward, putting her hands in her coat pocket.
“And you could be five minutes down the road if I drive,” he retorts with a smirk.
She sighs, her gaze softening. Not having to walk home in the cold would be nice, actually. “Yeah, go on then.”
Billy walks around to the front door, opens it and fishes around on the key hooks until he has the set he needs. They walk down the road until they reach a red VW Polo and he unlocks it.
“New car?” She asks nonchalantly, having expected to see his old silver Vauxhall Cavalier.
“Nah, this is mum’s. Haven’t had a car since…well…y’know.”
Since it blew up. Fuck, how could she be so thoughtless?!
“Oh god, Billy, I’m so sorry, I–”
“Don’t worry about it,” he says, opening the driver’s side door. “Do you mind just giving me a minute before you get in?”
She nods, keeping her hands in her pockets, watching as feels all around the car’s interior, checking inside the glove box and under the seats.
Checking for explosives.
He finally settles behind the steering wheel, gripping it tightly, attempting to calm his breaths.
“Honestly, Billy, I don’t mind walking…” she says quietly.
He looks up at her, as though just remembering she’s there. “No…no, it’s fine. I want to do it. It’s good for me, I have to.”
“Can I get in now?” She asks, giving Billy a reassuring smile.
He nods, and she walks around to the passenger’s side, climbing in and buckling her seatbealt.
Billy starts the car and they drive in silence for a few moments before he finally speaks.
“You must think I’m such a loser,” he mutters, fingers flexing against the steering wheel.
She turns slightly in her seat, shocked by what he’s said. “I’ve never thought you were a loser. Please don’t say that.”
“I’ve got no job, no car, I live with my mum and dad, can’t even drive without needing to check I won’t fucking blow up first,” he scoffs, “don’t bullshit me.”
“I’m not!” She protests. “You’ve been through so much, Billy, you need to give yourself a break.”
His lips quirk, he pulls a hand away from the steering wheel to pull at the collar of his t-shirt. “S’not just what happened though, brought it on myself dad says. I’ve always been a loser, ever since school.”
“I never thought you were,” she assures him gently, “I actually really fancied you back then.”
Billy draws in a sudden breath, glancing sideways at her as he pulls up outside of her block of flats.
How does he know where she lives? Lana must have told him.
“And now?” He asks, turning off the engine and twisting in his seat to look at her.
It feels as though all the air has left the car suddenly, as they stare at each other. She isn’t sure what possesses her, perhaps the three cans of lager she’s drunk throughout the evening, but she finds herself leaning over the centre console and pushing her lips against his.
He reciprocates, soft and unsure at first, but quickly gains confidence, his mouth moving against hers with more urgency.
She cups his face, her fingers grazing over the stubble at the corner of his jaw that he always seems to miss when shaving and she smiles into the kiss, enjoying its roughness against her fingertips.
Billy seizes the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth and she moans softly as it slides against her own.
Their pupils are wide with lust, the windows of the car fogged up when they finally part for breath, keeping their foreheads pressed together.
He strokes his large hand over the back of her head, his voice barely above a whisper. “Can I come up?”
She swallows thickly, not wanting to reject him, but knowing it’s not a good idea to rush things. “Not tonight, Billy, I–”
He jerks away, hurt flashing across his features, rubbing his nose on the back of his hand. “Right, yeah, sorry, was stupid to think you’d want that…”
“No, no, it’s not that!” She says, reaching over and taking his hand in hers, running her thumb over his scarred knuckles. “We’ve waited so long for this, I don’t wanna rush it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want you, okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he says, his shoulders relaxing as he breathes an audible sigh of relief. “Can I text you then?”
“I’d like that,” she looks at him through hooded eyes, “let me give you my number.”
“I’ve got it, don’t worry.”
Oh. Something else Lana must have given him.
“Alright then. Well, goodnight.”
She leans over and pecks him on the lips, then exits his car.
When she goes to sleep that night it’s with a smile upon her face, knowing that her childhood crush feels the same way that she does. In the back of her mind, she knows that Lana will go mad when she finds out, but that’s a bridge she’ll cross when she gets to it.
She is less than enthused when she awakens the next day realising it’s Christmas Eve and she needs to make her annual visit to her great aunt’s for room temperature sherry, mince pies and questions about why she isn’t married with children yet.
Her face lights up when she sees a text on her phone from an unknown number and realises it’s Billy.
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She grins excitedly to herself, calling her great aunt and feigning a migraine, before showering and readying herself for her day with Billy.
True to his word in his text, the buzzer to her flat sounds an hour later and he is at her door a few moments later.
It’s awkward at first, as they both stand there sizing each other up, unsure of what to say or do, until he takes the initiative and steps forward to kiss her.
It all feels so easy and natural, as though it’s something they should always have been doing, and when he takes her hand in his as they walk into town she can’t help the way her heart skips a beat at how perfectly her hand slots into his.
They walk around the Christmas market together, hand in hand, drinking mulled wine. For the first time since they were at school together, she sees Billy laugh, a genuine, happy laugh. He makes jokes, a sparkle returning to his eyes and he looks so relaxed, she is finally able to see his potential again, all that he could be if he wasn’t constantly wallowing in self pity, lurking in Lana’s shadow and taking his parents’ criticisms to heart.
When he walks her home that evening, she doesn’t hesitate to invite him up. Gentle affirmations of “I had a nice time today” rapidly escalate to needy kisses as they tug at each other’s clothes. This is the Billy that she wants, and she sees no point in waiting any longer.
His large hands eagerly grasp at her hips as she pushes him down onto the sofa, straddling his lap.
They are a frenzied clash of lips, teeth and tongue, her hands finding their way into his hair, pulling his head back slightly to mouth at his jaw and neck. He groans at the sensation, hips bucking up to meet hers.
When he slides down his tracksuit bottoms and boxers to free the ample hardness that has been pressing against her thigh for the last five minutes, she lifts herself, meaning to remove her tights. She gasps when his long fingers pluck at the crotch, tearing them open and pushing her knickers to the side.
His digits swipe through the wetness of her folds and she shudders against him. “You on the pill?” He asks gruffly.
She nods in affirmation, a whine escaping her as he replaces his fingers with the head of his cock, slowly pressing into her.
The sounds he makes against her ear as he thrusts up into her are lewd, but with every grunt and breathy moan she clenches around him. This is a purely carnal act of desire, fulfilling years’ worth of pent up animalistic need. There will be plenty of time for gentle lovemaking, but right now she just needs to feel him, and judging by the way slams her down to meet each quick thrust, jaw slack and brow furrowed, she is certain he feels the same way.
The throbbing of him inside of her, as he spills deep within her, drives her over the edge and she peaks with a strangled cry, tightening around him in quick successive pulses.
They remain like that for a long while afterwards, resting against each other on the sofa, in the darkness of her living room.
“I’ve wanted this for so long, you’ve got no idea,” he whispers eventually, once his breathing has returned to normal.
“Me too,” she whispers.
“I wanna stay, but–”
“It’s Christmas Eve, Billy, it’s alright. You should get home before your mum gives you an earful.”
They pull unsteadily apart, adjusting their clothes, and she walks him to the door.
“I’ll text you, yeah?” He says.
“Yeah,” she smiles before kissing him softly, “Merry Christmas, Billy.”
“You an’ all,” he murmurs, pulling her into a tight hug and then walking away.
Christmas Day is uneventful. Presents and a roast at her parents’, followed by an afternoon of board games and films.
She gets a happy Christmas text from Lana, and smiles when she gets one from Billy too - the first he’s ever sent her.
By the time Boxing Day rolls around, she’s already thoroughly fed up with her family and eager to be back in her own space. She grins when her phone buzzes with a message from Billy.
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She pulls out her phone, thinking carefully about what to send to her best friend, before typing a message.
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She arrives at Billy and Lana’s parents’ house an hour later and is given a warm welcome by everyone. It’s strange not being able to interact properly with Billy, considering how close they’ve become so quickly over the last few days, however, he carries himself with a confidence she’s never seen him have in front of his family before.
He stands a little straighter, actually bothers to make eye contact when he talks to people. It spreads a warmth within her chest to see him no longer looking so downtrodden and defeatist, she can no longer sense the anger that used to simmer just below the surface like she used to be able to.
His eyes find hers whenever no one’s looking and she can’t help the smiles that she directs his way.
The leftovers have been dished up and they’ve been sitting around the TV for an hour when she goes upstairs to use the bathroom.
Noticing Billy’s bedroom door ajar on her way back downstairs, she can’t resist a peek inside. She’d never dared go in when she’d come to see Lana when they were younger. She pushes the door fully open, nose wrinkling at the rumpled bed sheets and assortment of dirty socks and boxers that litter the floor, but smiles as she casts her eye over the Oasis poster on the wall and the acoustic guitar that leans against the chest of drawers.
She twiddles absentmindedly with the PS4 controller, when a box that’s been shoved haphazardly beneath the bed catches her eye. She drags it out, pulling out a scrapbook that sits on the top.
Her heart hammers in her chest, her blood feeling as though it runs ice cold as she flips through it. It’s filled with old school photos of her, plus newer pictures that have clearly been printed off from her social media accounts.
Rummaging further into the box she pulls out items she’d assumed she’d either lost or that Lana had borrowed on the occasions she’d stayed over - there are scrunchies, old lip balms, even a pair of her underwear. Disgust causes bile to rise in her throat, a mixture of fear and disbelief quickly spreads its way through her body.
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” Billy’s voice says quietly from the doorway, causing her to gasp as she looks up in fright. “Doesn’t matter now though, don’t need that shit anymore, not now I’ve got the real thing.”
“Billy,” she pleads, her voice shaking, “what is all this?”
“I’ve always wanted you, never thought you’d feel the same though. She looked like you, y’know,” he tells her, stepping closer and shutting the door behind him.
“Who?” Tendrils of icy fear spread to her belly, every nerve in her body screaming at her to run, yet she stays rooted to her spot on the bed.
“Becky,” he says simply, “she was the spit of you. Only reason I went out with her, to be honest. I was gutted when she ended things, but she doesn’t matter now. Don’t need some cheap knock off, not when I have you.”
“Please, Billy, you’re scaring me,” she whispers, tears pricking her eyes.
“Everything’s gonna be alright. Job hunting, the bomb, none of it matters because I’ve got you.”
“Listen to yourself, this isn’t you,” she pleads, backing up on the bed away from him as he towers over her.
“You’ve seen how much better I am with you, you can’t take that away. I need you. And I make you feel good too. Look, you just need a reminder.”
He looms over her on the mattress, his hand darting between her legs and she whimpers.
“Billy, no, please…”
She wants to scream, to cry out and make him stop, but the thought of attracting the attention of Lana and her parents and them coming up here and seeing all of this is more than she can stand. So she lays there, lets Billy slide his hand up her skirt and into her underwear, hating the way her body responds to his trust.
“See?” He murmurs again the shell of her ear. “Only I can make you feel like this. Everything is gonna go my way now that you’re mine, you’ll see.”
Her vision goes watery, a combination of tears and building pleasure causing the poster on the opposite wall to blur.
She tenses as his fingers work her quickly towards her climax and she screws her eyes shut, shuddering with a quiet whine as she falls apart.
“There you go,” he coos gently, “I’ve got you now, and I’m never letting you go.”
The way he says it sends a shiver down her spine. Billy is a man with nothing to lose. He means it. He’ll never let her go.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 3 months
More of the brozone headcanons
John Dory is almost constantly complaining about either his neck or his back (lick my-) hurting
Bruce and Clay pull a Sokka and tell either Poppy or Viva that they don't really remember what their dad looked like but they often picture him looking similar to JD
Clay constantly leaves his clothes lying about and it pisses John off. And for once, Clay is NOT doing it on purpose.
I don't remember if I've said this already but John Dory takes it upon himself to do all of his brother's laundry. Like fold and everything. Problem is he doesn't tell them he's doing this. He just takes their laundry, washes it, dries it, folds it and puts it back. They only notice that their laundry has gone missing after it's been returned. The lil bros get together and are like "is it you? If it's not you then who?" Process of elimination at that point.
When Floyd drops something, he flicks it off before picking it up.
John Dory experimented with makeup when he was on his own. Not enough to be great at it or wear it all the time but enough. He definitely winged his liner with a knife.
Clay snorts when he laughs really hard
The younger brothers definitely still snitch on each other to John Dory. Clay being a little shit to Floyd and Floyd goes "John! Clay's being mean to me!" "Clay stop being mean to Floyd or so help me God, I'll come down there!" They all know it's incredibly childish and they're way too grown up to be tattling but that's not going to stop them
When they were in school, the younger brothers didn't do the thing of accidentally calling the teacher mom, they accidentally called their teacher John/John Dory/JD. John doesn't know about it and they'd like to keep it that way.
John likes cooking to music. He'll most often play some of their old albums and some of the other music their grandma had. It's all fine and dandy until one of the others walk into the kitchen and either scared the crap out of him or make fun of his dancing
The boys favorite candies: JD likes spicy candy and sour candy. Bruce likes the fruit candies, mike and ikes, things like that. Clay likes salted caramels and sour candy. Floyd is definitely a lover of chocolate but especially dark chocolate. Branch doesn't really have a favorite candy but if he had to pick he'd say gummies or gumdrops.
Floyd's room is decorated with posters and pictures all over the walls, you can barely see the actual wall.
Floyd convinces John to get his ears pierced after seeing John Dory just stare longingly at his ears (it sounds way weirder than it is 😆)
Floyd has the highest pain tolerance, then John, Branch, Clay and Bruce
Floyd definitely would walk around in an adult onesie (like a stitch one)
Floyd's favorite holiday is Halloween (or whatever it's called in their universe)
For Halloween, usually Clay dressed up as a superhero, Floyd was a princess, branch got roped into whatever Floyd was doing. The other two were "too old" to trick or treat but when they did dress up, John often went for either a hero or first responder. Bruce always tried the gory costumes
John feels like he can't do the things that his brothers do (mainly Floyd) with decorating their bodies. He's still got that "I need to be perfect" mentality, making him think he can't get body mods. Floyd convinces him to do the thing.
Floyd knows how to pole dance. He says he learned it for the exercise.
Clay still believes in Santa in secret
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scintillyyy · 4 months
"tim goes to arkh--wait, no, tranquil river mental hospital. tim goes to tranquil river mental hospital", a short, unedited dick & tim fic
Dick swallows hard as he looks at the entrance to this place. This place being Tranquil River Mental Hospital--the place that Tim has apparently been for the past few months. All those months that Dick worried, the last time he saw Tim branded in his mind--the anger, asking Dick to trust him. And as much as Dick didn't want to--he let Tim go. It was--he thought it was best to trust that Tim knew what he needed. Tim seemed like he knew what he needed. And Dick would just wait for him--and be there if things didn't turn out like Tim was claiming.
But then they did. Bruce--Bruce was alive. And Dick was elated. If Bruce was alive, then Tim would definitely find signs of it--and after he did, he would come home. It's what he said he would do.
So Dick waited. And waited. But there was no sign--none--of his little brother. Not even through Ra's coming to town and trying to take over Wayne Enterprises--only stopped because Barbara had somehow figured out his plans to use Tommy Elliot and attack Bruce's holdings. Dick's calls remained unanswered.
Which--Dick was starting to get really worried. Tim wouldn't brush him off like thay, not when everyone--Gotham--was in danger. Had something happened? Was Tim okay?
It was Barbara who found him, in the end. Tranquil River Mental Hospital over in Pennsylvania--that was where she located him. Said it looked like he had been there for a couple of months.
Two hours away. The whole time, he was just two hours away.
How had he ended up here, of all places?
The place looks nice enough. The drive up to the entrance through the grounds showed a well-kept lawn, pleasant looking gardens, large trees, and several recreational centers. About as nice as a mental hospital could look, Dick supposes.
He takes a deep breath as he goes inside. Thankfully, it doesn't look too clinical and sterile in there. The lobby is filled with warm colors and plants, and the sun filters in nicely. The receptionist looks up with a bright smile.
"Can I help you?" she asks.
"Uh, Dick Grayson," Dick says. "I, um. Called ahead. I'm here to see my little brother--Tim Drake?"
"Of course!" The woman says. "If I could just see some identification?"-Dick hands her his license and she scans it quickly before returning it-"That all seems to be in order. You can go ahead and follow me this way to our visiting gardens. Your brother will be waiting for you there."
The snake through the halls, past other patients in hospital scrubs. Dick starts to get antsy. This is a real mental hospital--the thought of Tim in here for the past few months...it's hard to imagine. They exit out a set of double doors and, oh--a lump forms in Dick's throat. Oh, Tim.
His little brother, there. Dressed in light green scrubs, looking healthy and no worse for the wear. It's--Dick could cry in relief. Tim looks up and something in Dick's chest stutters.
Why does he have such an angry look in his eyes? He almost looks as if he's genuinely upset to see Dick. Is he--is he still mad at Dick? He had been angry, yes, but when he left Dick thought--he thought that under all that, their bond still existed. Their trust in each other. Their brotherhood.
This Tim doesn't seem to feel that way at all, not with the stone cold expression on his face. The receptionist leaves them with a cheery goodbye and they just look at each other for a moment. Dick's smile falters. Tim's face doesn't loosen up at all.
Dick gingerly takes a seat at the table, across from Tim. "Tim, hey," he starts, keeping his voice gentle.
"Dick," Tim snaps. "What are you doing here?"
How can he even ask that? "What do you mean--Tim, of course I came for you. You're in a place like this--how? Why? No, wait, I mean--how are you?"
"Oh, you care about that now? You don't think I'm crazy anymore?" Tim spits, sounding downright hostile.
The wild accusation stings. That Tim would ever think that if him- "Tim," he says, trying his best to be patient. "I never thought you were crazy--grieving, yes. Crazy, no."
Tin snorts derisively. "Sure," he says sarcastically. "Which is exactly why you conspired to put me in here."
Dick can feel the moment his temper snaps. He can be patient with his little brother--but he also won't just sit there and let Tim say these awful accusations to him. "I don't know what exactly you think," Dick says testily, "But I've been nothing but concerned about you, Tim. How dare you-"
Tim's demeanor changes on a dime. Dick stops talking, slighly startled at the sudden change. Tim slouches back in his chair and lets out a tired groan. "Man," he says, flashing a grin at Dick. "I thought that guy would never leave. Hey, did you sneak me in some O'Shaughnessy's, by chance? This hospital food is destroying me slowly."
Dick just blinks. What just happened? Tim just looks expectantly at him, with a hopeful smile on his face. "Tim?" Dick asks slowly. "Care to explain to for the class what's going on?"
Tim looks confused for a moment before his face lights up in understanding. "Oh. Ohhhh," he says. "About that. Sorry, Dick. I didn't mean--anyways, it's just that there's this therapist here and he's smuggling in some nasty drugs for some of the patients, and then blackmailing and extorting them. This guy I got to know--Aaron--got all mixed up with him, so I'm trying to catch him in action. It's just that he never preys on anyone who seems to have a good support system, so I had to, you know, make it seem like we were in a rough spot."
Tim is smiling at him guiltily now. Things click into place for Dick. It's like that time--it's like just after Tim's 16th birthday, when Tim asked him to fake fight with him for whoever he thought was watching him. It--well, Dick would have done a better job if he had known he was supposed to improv. The least Tim could have done was give him a clue.
But looking at him and the guilty expression, Dick doesn't have it in him to stay mad. After all, this is his little brother--and he's finally found him.
Dick lets out a small sigh. "Fair enough, Tim. I just--what are you even doing here? How did you get here?"
"So...if you're getting straight to the questions...I take it this means there's no fast food, then?" Is all Tim says. Dick shoots him a look. Tim holds his hands up in mock defeat. "Kidding. Kidding. Anyways, I ended up here because Tommy Elliot somehow managed to send some goons that found me over in France. They pretended they were from Bruce--made a bit of a public show that Bruce was all worried about my erratic behavior, that you had told him I had gone crazy and run away and needed help-"
"They said I said that?" Dick asks sharply, worried a bit now. He has working with Tommy Elliot to hide Bruce being gone, and Tim knew that. "You didn't believe them, did you Tim? I would never-"
"Course not," Tim says. "That was classic Tommy Elliot being Tommy Elliot, trying to sow discord. Anyways, I wasn't in a good position to have a big scene be made about it--it would've potentially screwed up some pretty big things, or exposed us all, and I had to make it seem like I was stuck in a place where I wasn't able to interfere with their plan--so we had really no choice but to go with them."
"Oh, yea--we. Tam's here, too. And let me tell you she was not happy about both of us getting thrown into a mental hospital. She's still mad at me."
"Tam--Tam Fox? Lucius's daughter?" Tim nods. "What was she--you know what, never mind, you can tell me later. So what--you've just been here, then?"
"Yup," Tim says, popping his 'p'. "Jokes on them, though, because healthcare still uses faxes--and so does Babs, it's the most secure form of communication after all. I was able to get her everything important about Ra's' plan in time."
So that's how Babs found out. Probably also how she found out Tim was here.
So she could have told him more of the situation he was walking in to. But she didn't.
She's probably...still kind of mad at him, then.
That's not important right now, though. "So you've just been here, what? Pretending to be trapped?"
Tim nods. "Yea. I could probably have gotten out at any time, really, but there's a lot going on here that I couldn't just leave be, y'know. I got kind of busy." Clearly, with the drug dealing therapist. Tim shrugs. "And it hasn't been all bad. They do have a fun W&W group that meets on Wednesdays for game night. Danger Dan does a really good DM."
Danger...Dan. Dick shakes his head. "I was worried about you, you know. And you were right here playing with Danger Dan."
"Sorry," Tim does look a bit ashamed. "I did--I wanted to call, but I couldn't let them catch on. It sucked for sure. I wasn't--I didn't-"
"It's okay," Dick says. Tim looks relieved. They sit in a companionable silence for a moment before Dick lets out a sigh. It feels weird bringing this up to talk about while Tim's in a mental hospital off all places, but...he has to. Tim deserves to know. "I need to tell you. Tim--you were right. Bruce--Bruce is alive."
Tim just tilts his head to the side. "Well, yea," he says. "I mean, I knew that--know that. I've got a giant bag of artifacts buried in the Serenity Woods to prove it, too. Turns out places like this don't really allow ancient batarangs, yea? They consider it contraband. How'd you figure it out?"
Dick...doesn't really want to get into that. "I, uh," he says. "We found some evidence. At the manor." That's vague enough. What Tim doesn't know won't hurt him.
"Oh, Mordecai? Let me tell you, that's just the tip of the iceberg here, Dick," Tim says. "I can draw you a map, make sure you grab the bag before you go."
"I--of course," Dick takes a look at the time. Visiting hours are almost up. It flew by. Dick's disappointment matched by his relief that Tim's okay. He wants nothing more than to take Tim out of this place, bring him home.
But. Tim clearly knows what he's doing, has known what he's doing this whole time. He's all grown up now. It's not for Dick to interfere. "Tim? You're going to come home soon, right?" he asks.
Tim smiles. "Yea, soon," he says. "Between you and me, I think Tam might actually smother me in my sleep if I don't get us out of here after I'm done with this case."
Dick chuckles. "Well, we can't have that, can we. You'll be okay? Call if you need anything. Especially if you need to get into a big blowout of a fight, really sell the whole 'family thinks you're crazy' thing. I can mock fight with the best of them, as you well know."
"You're at the top of my list to call, Dick," Tim says with a smile. "Just--next time? Bring O'Shaughnessy's, or I'm not gonna pull my punches."
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floressokaap · 4 months
"What Was I Made For?"
Pairing: John Dory x Reader
Content Warning: none! Enjoy! :)
A/N: Hello! The majority of my fics will be AFAB w/pronouns unless specified/requested! Thank you!<3
Photo credit: etherealfeature on Instagram!
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John Dory. You really didn't know exactly how to describe him. Many people describe him as somebody with narcissistic tendencies, and absolutely selfish. And, they were right. But what a lot of trolls didn't realize was the fact that you are in love with him, and he unfortunately stays trapped inside his mind for so long that he doesn't quite realize how good he has it right now.
After saving Floyd, everyone that parted ways started their recovery process due to their own talents getting slowly sucked out from them by ex superstars Velvet and Veneer. Floyd stayed with Branch in his underground bunker, Clay went back to the mini golf course with Viva to situate her reunion with King Peppy after the last Bergen attack, and Bruce went back to Vacay Island to be with his kids and Brandy. What did that leave you to do? The only thing you ever thought to do; To take care of John Dory and help him recover in Rhonda, wherever the roads took you both.
"JD, what are you doing?" Your ears perked at the sound of blankets rustling against the couch cushions. There was silence before a response was heard.
"I'm not doing anything, I'm resting like you're wanting me to."
You put a magazine down on the table and glanced over at him. He was slowly reaching for his jacket and goggles, and seemed restless. "We need food-" "JD, we already have food here for the both of us." He clenches his jaw slightly. He knew you were going to be hard to get through. "I need to check Rhonda's oil." He quickly sat up, and threw his fur coat on, slapping his goggles into position against his forehead. "You need to rest-" "I don't need to, I can't just NOT do anything, I'm the leader, I HAVE to be productive and do my part to make sure everything's perfect."
"John Dory, we're not doing this again."
He continued standing up and walking towards the side door. He looked down at the door handle, contemplating on your concerns before brushing them off his shoulders and walked out on you. You furrowed your brows and sighed in frustration.
You couldn't count how many times John Dory would have his perfection episodes, and pushed himself over the limits. Every time you call him out on those moments and try to calm him down, he refuses, and shuts himself out. You let him have about ten minutes of alone time outside before you eventually stood up from your seat and walked out Rhonda's side door. You expected him to be near her, but he was nowhere to be found. "C'mon JD.." you shook your head to yourself as you slowly walked around the forest where you were camping at. You started to worry before you found him sitting on a fallen tree log lying against the ground. He had his head lowered, and his forearms against his legs, staring at the earth beneath him.
You smiled in relief, because he didn't go very far as you knew deep down, and you slowly made your way to the seat right next to him. His shoulders fell more when he snapped out from his train of thought, and glanced over to look at you. You could see the pain in his eyes. His eyes were dry, and the crows feet near his eyes were more prominent and defined. "JD, are you.. alright?"
"Yeah, of course I'm alright!" He put on his photogenic leader and big brother smile on his face. Why couldn't he open up to you.
"JD, I know you're not alright, something is really bothering you. Why do you feel like you need to be perfect all the time? Even when your body doesn't even have the strength to begin with?" His jaw slacked a little at your forwardness, but he then clenched his jaw and darted his eyes away from yours. "Please, don't shut me out like this. You do this every time." He squeezed his eyes shut. He hated being confronted like that. He knew you, and he knew you would keep trying for an answer. He didn't have an escape from you. He let out a very shaky and slow sigh. There was no going back for him.
"My brothers, they all said I never changed. I mean, we almost didn't even save Floyd because of it." He shook his head disappointedly to himself and balled his hands into fists. "I'm the oldest brother, the leader, it was predetermined for me to be this way! And everybody has something to say about me! Why! They can't see the work I put into everything I do to be perfect! My brothers can't see that either." He frowned a lot, and his ears drooped downwards in disappointment, vulnerability, and freight. "I have to be this way, for everybody's sake. My own sake. This is what John Dory is. This is what I was made for. I was made to carry the responsibility. What else could I have been possibly brought here for?"
You immediately reached over and put your hand on top of his before he could even mutter another word out from his lips.
"JD, you.. you are so smart, strong, talented, and it kills me that you can't see that in yourself. So what if your brothers are right? There's nothing wrong with that. It's something different when you don't feel like you deserve that kind of commitment from people, even your own brothers, because you're too good for it. They say those things, and bring up a lot of the past because they care for you, and they really do love you. You can't change the choices you made when you were a teenager, but you can decide how that will build your character in this moment." John Dory stared at your hand slowly intertwining with his, you could see the tears in his glistening eyes. You could see the vulnerable, younger, and even current John Dory in his eyes. You could feel the fear, worry, responsibilities, and faults he made; and how much it absolutely eats him up and keeps him hostage in his own mind.
"(Y/N), where is this all coming from? Why?-"
"I've always felt this way, JD. When I got to know you and your brothers while we were journeying to Mount Rageous, I realized that.. nobody really hardly ever gives you enough credit for the things you deal with alone. Your brothers' own experiences with you are valid, but, I see the work you're putting into making sure you're still needed here, as a big brother, and.. as the man I'm in love with." You feel your heart shoot itself into your throat before sinking straight down to your stomach.
John Dory's eyes immediately widened, as his shoulders and back tensed up. You could sense the change of mood in him, and there was no way he was going to run away from his problems now like this. You tightened your grip on his hand and leaned towards him, putting your lips against his tense ones. It felt like time had completely frozen, but the world was still spinning as you felt John Dory's lips move and lean into the kiss more and his calloused gloved hand cup your cheek shakily. He then pulled you as close as he humanly possibly could with his arms wrapped around your waist. You could feel the passion behind his lips, and body language, along with the tears going down his tired cheeks. He pulled away from your lips slowly, and immediately slid his goggles off his face, tossing them aside to the ground and starts pressing his forehead against yours, letting the tears fall down from his cheeks.
"(Y/N).. thank you. Thank you so much."
"You don't need to thank me for that, JD. It's true. Everything that I said was and is true. I will stand behind it every single second of every day. I promise you that." His eyes stared at you lovingly as a soft smile spread across his face showing the slight wrinkles and crows feet that peek from his eyes and mouth.
"Oh, uh, here, you must be cold." He took off his fur coat and wrapped it around your figure. "We've been out here for a while now." You nodded and proceeded to stand up from the log, holding your hand out. "Let's go warm up inside Rhonda." John Dory nodded as he took your delicate hand in his rather large and tough hand. He smiled lovingly at you as he guided you back to Rhonda, who still kept her engine on and the inside very warm for you two.
You adjusted the couch cushions and made room for you and John Dory to spoon together, him being the little spoon tonight while you wrapped your arms around his torso.
"I love you, (Y/N)" You smiled lovingly to yourself as you squeezed him softly. "I've waited a long time to hear those words from you, John Dory." "Oops, sorry." He laughed playfully and nervously as he rubbed and massaged your knuckles with his thumb.
You pressed the side of your head against John Dory's shoulders, listening to the calmness and relaxation of his body. This may have been the only time he's ever been this way, for anybody, even himself.
But who knew that with the cards he was dealt with in life would be the turnaround point of his character, and even your own freshly started relationship with him; And you would be there every step of the way. That meant through the days he is the happiest with himself for being a good leader, and through the days where he would question his entire purpose with trying to maintain the perfect harmony, the perfect family and if that was really all there was in this world.
He knows now that's not true, and he can once in his life relax and be comfortable with himself, regardless of the past life he made.
He can finally start living his new life, with you and his real, true, full family.
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puppetwoman17 · 9 months
Injustice What-If:
The Superman brought to the Injustice universe to battle his evil counterpart returns to his home universe. He’s grateful to see all of his friends, reflecting back on how horrible that other world was.
He gives his Lois a giant hug and caresses her stomach where their child is, swearing that he will never become like the other him. He mourns that he’ll never be able to see Green Arrow again, but is happy for him nonetheless.
He smiles at his world’s Diana and Bruce, his best friends, his confidants who will set him straight if he goes overboard. He’s grateful for Barry and Hal, and Victor and Arthur. For a moment, he flashes back to Hal in that yellow suit and Victor with that glowing red eye of his, more machine than man.
Clark is happy.
Then he sees Shazam. He sees Billy, coming from school, with both homework and Champion work to do. He’s confident and excitable and isn’t able to hide the beaming smile when he sees Clark. He begins ranting about his stupid teachers and how long and boring school is. How he couldn’t wait to get out of there and go fight some demons or robots or wizards.
Clark’s smile drops. The rest of the League notices and immediately asks what’s wrong. Is he tired? Is he overwhelmed? How can they help?
He can’t look at him. Clark can’t look Billy in the eyes without knowing what happened to his other self. What he caused. Who he killed. His stomach drops and he feels tears begin to well up in his eyes before he quickly blinks them away. Billly doesn’t need tears right now. He doesn’t need to deal with the problems of adults like he had to in that other universe. Like hell would Clark allow that to happen.
Billy leaves soon after, claiming he has to finish his work quickly if he wants to get to patrol faster. Clark nods slowly as he leaves before turning to look at his confused cohorts.
Diana asks what happened. Why he reacted like that to Billy in particular. Barry agrees and asks if the little guy got hurt or something. Dr. Fate is the only silent observer.
Clark looks them all in the eye, and tells them everything. About how horrible the other world is. How horrible his other self was. The constant death and despair.
And then, he tells them what he found out before he left. Why that world’s Shazam wasn’t there.
The other Clark killed him.
Billy was the only one who spoke out against the other Superman’s war-crazy plans of conquering other planets. Other universes. It was a no brained that the Champion would be the most against the tyranny. And yet, no one helped. No one said a thing.
No one moved in to protect the boy when Injustice-Superman’s breath froze Shazam’s mouth, preventing him from speaking the word that might’ve saved him. No one spoke when hot laser eyes burned into Shazam’s. No one helped move the body when it fell to the ground.
The League is horrified! Angered and disgusted and every other ugly feeling. Diana is distraught that she just watched the boy she, and everyone else, thought of as a little brother be killed before her very eyes, and by one of her closest friends! Hal wants to kill his other self for preventing the other Barry from helping, and Barry just wants to throttle the other Superman. Victor doesn’t move a muscle, but more could be said in how he glared at the metal encasing his body. He swore that he would never let the machine take full control. Now he knew why.
Bruce wants to go back. See the other Billy’s grave. He wants to find their Billy and give him the biggest hug, shove food into his arms and a blanket over his shoulders.
Of course, Billy knows already. He felt it in the Rock, heard the whisper of his death in another world by a distraught Wizard. He actually isn’t all that surprised. Of course a world like that would do something horrible to him, why not?
But that doesn’t stop his surprise when League members hang around him more often than they already do. They don’t get clingy, per we, but they do lose their shit when he isn’t in the room. They sneak a little money into his pocket when he says no, and they, on more than one occasion, wrestle each other for some aloe time with Billy.
He’s just glad they haven’t asked him if he knows he’s dead in another universe.
He’s going to the funeral soon. And he’ll be one of the only people there.
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ktkat99 · 7 months
Reverse Robins prompt if you're looking
Batman swears he doesn't want a partner. Until he meets Damian. Talia drops him off to be raised by Bruce and, as Bruce has no other kids, the two are free to train as they pleased. Damian grows up and moves out, taking his own section of Gotham to protect under his new, adult identity.
Batman, struggling to get himself reaccustomed to working without a partner, meets Tim.
Tim knows who they are and has been following them, taking pics and copying their moves to teach himself martial arts for years.
He's seen Batman having trouble and insists that he needs a new Robin.
After protesting and trying to chase him away, Bruce finds out just how alone Tim is at home and decides to take him up on it.
Damian feels replaced and is immediately antagonistic to Tim.
He hates how happy the damn kid always is.
He hates how Bruce is spending more time training him.
He hates how Alfred has changed typical meals that Bruce liked to remove seafood, which Tim is allergic to.
When Tim asks to train with him, Damian goes far too hard on him.
When Tim sleeps over and eventually moves in, having officially been adopted, Damian wastes no opportunity to remind him who the Blood Son is, and tell Tim that he's just a stand-in. Basically cannon fodder. Bruce didn't *really* love him. He'd just needed a soldier.
Over the next few years, Tim gradually grows stronger, but also more withdrawn and depressed.
Bruce takes in Jason and Tim starts going solo on patrol, but he always makes time to train/hang out with/play with Jason, wanting to be the big brother Damian had never been to him.
And then one night Tim never returns to the cave.
There's no call.
No heads up.
No distress signal.
No one knows where he is.
No one can find him.
Damian insists Tim must have just left and openly mocks him for trying to get attention or having not had the spine to quit face to face.
Until Damian finds him three weeks later, having been captured, tortured, and turned into Joker Jr.
Damian is horrified and ends up killing the Joker to save Tim, but its too late.
Tim dies in his arms waiting for help to arrive.
They're all grieving and devastated, but no one besides Jason blames Damian for Tim's death to his face, making Damian feel even worse.
He blames himself for not helping search for Tim.
He blames himself for failing to save him.
He blames himself for being a bully, rather than a brother.
He finally has to take a break from being a vigilante and moves back to Nanda Parbat, throwing himself into his training and confessing what happened to his mother and grandfather.
When he's feeling able to resume his job again, Damian moves back to the manor and life goes on as much as it can.
They all still miss Tim.
But they're learning to live without him.
Talia and Ra's, seeing how rattled and off his game Damian was, decide to follow him back to Gotham, steal Tim's body, and see if they can revive him in a Lazarus Pit.
Tim comes back to life, but instead of returning home immediately, he watches them from a distance.
Damian has moved back home to the manor, despite having an apartment in the city.
Despite Bruce still having Jason.
Tim remembers how Damian used to treat him, all because he was adopted, and gets angry.
He becomes Red Hood, but while Jason!Red Hood's problem was that he wasn't avenged, Tim!Red Hood is more concerned with saving Jason from the abuse he had to endure from Damian.
He breaks into the manor one night as Red Hood, making sure to avoid every trap and alarm while still leaving obvious signs all over the cave and the manor, wanting to send the message 'I know you're Batman. I was in your house while you were asleep. I'm dangerous, and I know all your tricks.'
And then he goes upstairs to kidnap Jason.
Jason is overjoyed to find out Tim is alive, but right as Tim's about to take him and leave, another little kid is suddenly in the room.
Jason explains that Dick recently lost his family and Bruce took him in.
Tim knows he has to save both boys, but now is also even more caught off guard.
He'd spent so long trying to tell Damian that he was wrong, that Bruce really did love him like a son.
But the fact that he'd not only been replaced, but Bruce was still sending kids into battle, even after what happened to him was too much.
Tim tries to kidnap them both, but Dick, who's never met Tim before, gets scared and runs to Damians room for help.
Damian fights off the intruder, but then Tim's helmet falls off/Jason says his name/Damian recognizes the fighting style/he somehow finds out that he's fighting Tim and freezes, allowing him to escape.
Damian is shocked that Tim's alive and he and Bruce work to find him and bring him home.
Only, Tim doesn't want to come home.
Not when Damian is there.
Not with Bruce and Alfred, who never did enough to protect him.
He finally accepts, solely to protect Jason and Dick.
So the family gets to work towards the second chance they never thought they'd get, Tim gets a family who loves him, and Jason and Dick get a very protective older brother.
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flamingpudding · 7 months
Lost in memories
A/N: personally I am currently hating myself and the writer part of my brain for this. This idea got stuck in my head after I read a couple of amnesiac Danny fics and prompts. I needed to get it out of my head because it occupied to much free estate and distracted me from other things. So with all ideas that bother me like this I write it out. Also I have no idea if I will continue on this or if I will leave it like this that depends on how much free estate it continues to occupies in my head. But here a warning. It's Angsty (?), but if I continue this it will probably be Angst with a happy ending.
Things were good. Danny was happy. After having lost everything before and after many struggles he was happy again, having gained a second family. They weren't replacing his previous family but they helped him fill the emptiness that nearly tore him apart before. They helped him over his grief and hurt as well as protected him from himself and others.
He had more brothers and sisters than before, he even was a big brother now. There was a father figure now also, one that was at least somewhat better at parenting that his father was before but well not perfect with still a bunch of faults Jazz would have loved to analyse. And a grandfather that made the best cookies he had ever eaten before. Best of all they had accepted him the way he was too, even his ghostlyness.
It was also an added bonus that his new family put in the effort to help him have a better schedule and a more regulated life. It came in handy when your entire new family was in the vigilante business and had experience in managing and balancing it. With them he was truly feeling safe and happy now and wished for it to last for as long as possible.
To the Waynes Danny was the baby of the family. Sure he wasn't the youngest, that was still Damian. But Danny was the most open about his feelings and his show of affection from the moment they had saved him and managed to keep him. Alfred wasn't even sure if it was Bruce that had initiated the adoption or if it were the children that did it. After all Jason had stated his brotherly claim on Danny first before Dick AND Damian fought him over it, leaving an opening for Tim and Duke whisking in by having shared interests only for Cass beat them all by gaining his trust first and giving her the favorite sibling spot.
Eitherway Danny had wormed his way into the Wayne family after all the initial struggles and trust issues and became the perfect addition. His way of openly showing how much he loved and cared about his new family quickly stirred the protectiveness the entire bat clan had over him. He might be not as innocent as he appears but to them Danny was the baby.
That was why they were in a close to panic state now.
There had been an oversight on their part. They thought that after dealing with the Anti-Ecto Acts and the disbanding of the Government branch dedicated to hunt beings like Danny that he would be save with them. That there was no danger to him anymore. That he could be free now and do what he wanted, be it a vigilante or life a semi normal life. Sure they knew about the small reminds of these people but, the bats had made sure they never would get even remotely close to Danny.
Jason especially had enjoyed hunting these guys.
Yet somehow a small group of them had managed to evade their attention. They had napped Danny from them. Tim and their ghost boy had been out on a coffee-run they had been discussing on of their latest invention they were working on together. Something that was going to emulate Danny's ice to make it easier to catch certain rogues. Tim had left Danny's side only shortly to get their coffee order but that little time frame had been enough.
At first Tim had thought that his little brother was pulling one of his vanishing pranks on him again. But when Danny didn't reappear no matter how long Tim waited or how much he looked for him, he had grown more and more worried. To the point that he messaged the group chat, alerting all their other siblings.
From there they quickly figured out thanks to the surveillance cameras that Danny got abducted. The fact that the group that took him used tech that Danny personally had shown to them before was the glaring fact that a leftover group was the culprit.
Of course they had instantly gone to rescue their brother. They hadn't forgotten the horrors they had seen before when they had disbanded the original government branch. Even Dick came from Bludhaven to help, knowing the seriousness of the situation.
Yet when they finally got to Danny, it made them feel like they had been too late. Unconscious and a lot of green red blood and wounds placed right where years old scarring was. It had driven Jason into a green haze, something that hadn't happened since Danny had joined the family.
Right now Danny laid unconscious in the medbay. Jason and Cass were with him. The second eldest Wayne had refused to leave Danny's side ever since they had recovered him. Tim wasn't too far away from there either, guilt making him unable to leave. Duke was the one staying next to him for comfort. Damian was pacing by the Batcomputer with Dick trying to help their youngest calming down while Bruce was working on finding if there was anything more they might have overlooked.
A crash in the medbay caused everything to stop. There was only one second of stillness before shouting resounded from there. Making them all rush towards it. But that was what appeared to make the situation worse.
The moment they burst through the door of the medbay they found their brother hovering near the ceiling, staring at them all wide eyed. One hand was clutching the area around his stomach, no doubt having reopened the wounds Alfred had stitched up with that special thread that was only used for Danny, while his other hand was outstretched towards them with a green glow.
"Danny calm down! You're safe!" They heard Dick shout as he tried to get closer but stopped when Jason held an arm out to stop them from getting closer, shaking his head as he glared. It wasn't a glare directed at them but something was clearly making him angry. That was when Damian noticed it, Danny had flinched back at Dick's shout.
He flinched back, from them, looking every bit like he was about to run away.
That was when the rest of them finally saw how Danny watched them with eyes blown wide and filled with fear and panic. But worst of all there was no recognition in his eyes. He looked like one of those affected by fear gas, even though that stuff didn't even work on Danny. He wasn't in a rational state of mind.
"Danny?" Tim carefully asked, he didn't step closer. Doing that right now would most likely trigger their brother even more, he remembered all too well how flighty Danny had been with them in the beginning. He exchanged side glances with his siblings. They needed to calm Danny down before he ripped open even more wounds. They could already see green red stains showing through the shirt Alfred had dressed him in earlier.
"Who…" Danny's voice was barely hearable, cracking even. There was a glass of water by the bedside table prepared for this. But there was no way they could get Danny to drink it right now.
"Who are you people?"
It wasn't often that one simple question could cause so much heartbreak at once. But if your loving brother that has known you for a little over a year or two, the one family member that showed you openly affection and constantly reminded you how much he cared and had come to love you, says it then there was no other way to avoid the pain it caused. None of them showed it but they all felt it the moment Danny finished his sentence.
All the bat siblings had one collective thought as Damian clicked his tongue in an especially frustrated and annoyed way.
I am going to murder these Guy's in White.
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vinziel · 3 months
Hug Time? Male Reader x John Dory
A/N: First time writing angst. Yay.
Throughout the saving Floyd mission, you've noticed John Dory always tried to hug his siblings and you, but neither you nor his brothers hugged him. It seems you and his brothers are still uncomfortable. After a few months have passed since that day and you've grown accustomed to being touchy with John Dory but his brothers still need a bit of time, which was understandable, yet John Dory felt...distanced from his brothers, no matter how hard or how much he tried they never seem to get around and be comfortable with him. He thinks that maybe he'll never convince them but you always assure him that he can and it'll take time. John Dory felt assured but the feeling still lingered inside of him. One day, you were going out to buy some groceries, Bruce also came to visit at this time, John Dory, Poppy, Branch, Viva and the rest of the Brozone brothers were all talking inside the bunker, talking about anything really. Then the hug time bracelets went off and everyone started to hug each other, except for John Dory, whenever he would try to hug one of his brothers someone hugged them first, and he didn't want to just hug them still since he knew that they may not be so comfortable still. Now everyone has hugged someone.
John Dory was on the verge of a mental breakdown, he felt like crying, he was slightly trembling, thinking to himself "No John Dory, don't do it. Don't ruin the mood" He stands up and leaves without anyone noticing, he then goes to his shared room with you, locks the door and just quietly cries in bed. He had you and he was grateful but he still wanted at least one of his brothers to hug him or show the same affection he was giving them. He knew that he brought this upon himself but, it still hurts, to know your brothers still don't feel comfortable enough with you. Time passes by and Poppy notices John Dory is gone, and she gets a little concerned "Wait, did anyone hug John Dory?" She says. The brothers and Viva look at each other and shrug. All of them then went to your bedroom with John Dory room knocking on his door to no response.
You finally got back home with groceries, putting them on the table, you see a small commotion outside your room. "What's going on?" You ask, concerned and curious. "Well we're not sure. I think no one hugged John Dory during hug time, and we're trying to let him let us inside his room to maybe help him feel better" Poppy says before continuing "But he's not opening the door" You sigh, a frown on your face, visibly worried about how John Dory's feeling "Let me handle this" You say knocking on the door saying "John? Can you let me in? It's me, Y/N" The door then opens and you enter it, and close it, while the rest of the group goes back to the living room.
It was now just you and John Dory. He guys you, still quietly sobbing, as you take him to bed, sitting beside him "How are you feeling?" You ask, your voice is soft, stroking his hair, as you take off his goggles that cover his tear filled eyes, John Dory then just let's it all out on you, as you comfort him "It's fine, just let it all out" after a while of crying John Dory stops, it's been a while since he's ever actually cried so this was new, John Dory felt good letting it all out, as you both continue to hug "I just feel that maybe they still don't love me like a big brother. Maybe they'll never love me like a big brother, maybe I'll never get them to be comfortable with me. I-I" You sush him "Nonesense" John Dory then removes your hand and says "No! It's not nonesense! They still can't bring themselves to hug me, and every time it's just me and one of my brothers alone it's always awkward!" He yells, the walls were thankfully thick enough to make it soundproof which you're glad "I don't know what I can do to make them like me anymore. It seems no matter how hard I try, they still have resentment over me, no matter how hard they try to hide it, and maybe I deserve it. I-I just wish I can get them to at least not be awkward with me anymore, to be comfortable with me" He continues, his voice is breaking, he isn't yelling anymore, tears rolling down his cheek, he stopped hugging you, as he just puts his hands on the bed.
You always saw John Dory as being a bit too confident but now, it seems like this whole new side of him is new to you, he was being vulnerable with you, and he was letting himself cry, he's letting himself be all sad around you. You have a frown on your face, concerned for John Dory's mental health, you sigh and say "Look....sure it's true, you may have deserved this kind of treatment from your brothers but I assure you they still love you. It just takes time to get used to being around the person who was the reason you ran away from home, the person trying to force them to be perfect, so please John, don't give up and don't think that just because they haven't gotten comfortable with you doesn't mean they won't ever will" You kiss John Dory, in hopes it'll make him feel a bit better, John Dory kisses you back, and after pulling away, he smiles and wipes his tears "You're right, maybe they'll come around some day." He says "That's the spirit! Now let's go back to the living room." You exclaim.
Once you two are back in the living room, the Brozone brothers, Poppy and Viva, all hug John Dory, he's quite shocked by this, then Bruce starts to talk "We're sorry for not hugging you John. We know we may have been a bit resentful towards you at times but we want to assure you that we do still love you" Branch continues by saying "Yeah, we've seen your efforts in trying to make us be comfortable around you and we have been too harsh on you" All the brothers, Poppy and Viva then nod in agreement of Bruce and Branch's statement, John Dory starts to cry tears of joy "I love you guys. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that." He says. You watch this unfold with a smile on your face, appreciating the heartfelt moment. The day continues on as Bruce decides to cook you all dinner, you all eat together and The brothers now seem to be more comfortable around John Dory. Sharing laughs, sharing embarrassing stories about each other during the Brozone days (Mostly from John Dory). Yes this is truly the start of a new beginning among the brothers.
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morgansunflower · 1 year
Slammed Doors
Bruce Wayne X Wife! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language and angst
Arthur's notes! Third P. O. V
Requested taglist:@too-strong-to-lose
Losing her would end him. He couldn't even look at her thinking each time how close she was gone.
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"what the hell were you thinking Bruce?! Again for the third time this month!" she shouted at him losing her temper.
"I did not see the urgency of a fragment of my night to be so important" he coldly said pissing his wife off more.
"look in the damn mirror! You insisted me to stay on bench for weeks after I had a little stab!"
"that is an entirely different situation!" he defended "it nearly hit your main arteries! You're blind to think otherwise!"
"different?! You're driving me insane! Bullet number one your flank, the next your arm and the third your chest. You had a minor concussion! The only reason I know is because Alfred told me after expressing that he thought you told me.. Just a dammed text or call would've been helpful or dammit Bruce send someone to tell me. Don't tell Alfred not to worry with informing me... " she takes a deep breath forcing tears back "it's bad enough that you won't even hardly look at me" she mumbled
His heart cried while his anger overcomes his feelings of remorse. "you're so damn stubborn! We are not discussing this any further!"
"oh so that's it?! You get hurt and it's nothing" He walks away from her to the bat-mobile. "we are still talking about this Bruce!" he gets in putting his cowl on "if you drive away don't expect to sleep with me tonight or any other night!" she threatened with a cry.
"fine with me" he scoffed with a, grunt and then shuts the door.
The tires skid as he leaves. Y/N kicked the ground pissed. Early in the morning. She couldn't sleep last night, Bruce didn't even bother trying to sleep. She had stayed in the gust room unable to be around Bruce after their fight. She sits on the chair in the dining room. She hears Bruce hitting his fork on his plate abruptly. She couldn't make herself look at him. They had grown distant and cold over the last few weeks. The fight was the last straw to send them into turmoil with each other. It hadn't been this bad since he lied to her about Grayson's death. They had grown busy with their lives, patrol and work. Everything seemed to pulling them apart.
"is everything alright amongst you both?" Alfred asked bringing Mrs Wayne her coffee.
"were fine Alfred" Bruce said with a angered grunt.
Fine?! She needed to get away from him. She raises from her chair. She walked away and slammed the door to her current bedroom. She hears the door to Bruce's study slam shut. That's when she feels a tear roll down her face.
"Mommmmmy.. Are you ok?" Stephanie asked through the door
"things seem pretty heated between you and B" Jay said
"can we do anything for you?" Duke offered
"talk to us Ma" Tim pleaded
She takes a shaky breath and then clears her throat. "I'm ok my loves don't worry"
That night she laid in the guest room. She sighed heavily she hated absolutely hated fighting with him. She can't sleep.. She keeps thinking about Bruce and her fighting. She hears her window door opening. She sighs heavily, she really didn't want him to see her like this.
"I don't want to see you right now B"
"mother?" Damian softly said.
"hey mom, you ok?" Grayson asked right by his little brother. He turns to shut the window.
She sit upward turning the lamp on "oh hi Damian, hi Grayson. I'm sorry boys.. I didn't know it was you. I'm ok"
"what happened between you and Father?" Damian asked entering the room.
"seems like it was a pretty bad fight" Grayson sympathized, he knew from when he was Robin. If Mom was sleeping in a different bed things were really bad.
"oh.. It's, ok. We're just... Just.. Not happy with each other right now" she sighed defeated.
"is it something I did?" Damian asked
"oh no! No.. It's just.. It's going to be OK son" she assured him.
Damian laid beside her and rest his head on her shoulder. Grayson stands by the bed and lays the covers on them. He holds her hand to comfort her. It was so hard to hide how she's feeling. Especially to her older children.
"I gotta go drag Babs into bed or she'll be up for too long again, sleep well mom. Night Dami, night Ma" Grayson kindly said
"thanks son" she mumbled
It'd now been 5 miserable days. Bruce sighed looking at the wedding photo that was on his desk. He had to fix this before there was too much distance between the two of them. His heart was heavy as he craved to be near Y/N. He walked to the room she had been staying in. He didn't see her and her purse was gone. There was a box of Crackers on her nightstand. He smelled vomit? Why would she be going out if she is sick? He stepped into the bathroom. The room was clean. He looked in the medicine cabinet to make sure she was taking proper medication. Bruce nearly gasps from shock. He holds the special vitamins. He softly smiled. That night he told the children that their room was strictly off limits. He prepared their room for a elegant evening. Alfred helped of course. Bruce laid freshly made platter on the bed. He had their wine glasses placed on the platter and the bottle in the bucket of ice. Just as he was finished, he hears Y/N stepping to the room. He opens the door taking her hand and gently pulls her in the room. She was startled and then completely surprised.
"Bruce.. You--I.. I can't believe" she nearly burst into tears.
"I want to be a better husband to you" he pleaded kissing her temple.
He guides his wife to the bed. Her face was full of emotional joy. He adjusted the pillows for her. He holds her hand as she sits down. Bruce moved to sit on the other side of the bed. He takes a wine bottle and he moved to pour it into her glass. Her heart raced. She has to tell him.
"I think I may just have water...."
"really? This is your favorite flavor" he shows her the bottle label. Non-alcoholic f/f wine.
She smiled softly "but, don't you want?.. "
He pours the wine in both glasses "I could use a break"
"you know! I can't believe you know! I promise you that I was going to tell you"
"I know" he softly smiled
Bruce reaches his hand out to hold her face, he softly smiled she looks so beautiful so full of love, he wants to embrace her "29 days ago you were almost killed. You weren't br-breathing, your heart stopped.. Y/N" he sighed letting out a deep breath as he couldn't fight how truly terrible he felt "20 days ago on a cold night in Paris we had outstanding sex" he smirks kissing her knuckles, to which she softly laughed at his words. He rubs her temple tenderly "that night... I was terrified that the closer you stood by me.. The more danger you were in. I was wrong" she began to cry, he kisses her forehead "I was angry and... I was scared. I took it out on you, forgive me?" he holds both of her hands
"Bruce" she kisses his lips covering his heart in warmth of security "please.. Don't... Don't ever push me away again"
He reaches embracing her, the moment caused his breath to be stolen. She was still here. She still forgave him.
"I will never ever do this to you again. I will try my hardest to be the one you deserve... Are you hungry?"
She laughed with tears hugging him tightly "you have no idea"
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