#breakfast was at 5:30 am and lunch was at 4 pm. and dinner was at 8 pm
isdalinarhot · 10 months
when i read elantris i was going to school full time still. but i was commuting so i didnt have a meal plan. but i had an 8:30 am class and a 2:30 pm class (and on mondays a 6:30 pm class that went until 8:30 pm. pro tip to college students that follow me: don't do this) so i was at school through lunch. but at that time i was going to be moving out of my parents' house in like, a month, so i was saving up money to buy, like, ikea furniture and shit, so i couldn't just go out to eat five days a week. all this is to say, i was not eating lunch most days during that period of my life. so when raoden was like oh my god im so hungry it hurts oh my god im suffering oh my god i would do anything for food please please please i was like *ate breakfast 8 hours ago and will not get to eat for another 3 hours voice* ME TOO MAN. immersive experience
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mikeldluffy · 3 months
Day in the life of Sanji
9 AM: *makes a fine breakfast for Nami and Robin (refuses to share with the guys and especially Luffy)*
9:30 AM: *gives Zoro a nice breakfast too because he is also a simp for Zoro and needs a "back up" plan for if Nami or Robin reject him
11:00 AM: *prepares a delicious lunch (the reason y he started cooking early was because he needed enough time to make food for Luffy and then everyone else)*
5 PM: *still chasing Luffy*
6 PM: *after he successfuly got rid of Luffy he prepares dinner*
9 PM: *again chases Luffy and kicks him for a bit*
10 PM: *sleeps*
9 AM: *does it all over again*
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ratpyramid · 5 months
My morning routine as a creature in the caves of Svalbard:
4:00 am - Get up, go to the bunker and scratch on the walls. Maybe whisper a bit
6:00 am - go back to sleep for an hour
7:00 am - Wake up and have a bath in the freezing water
7:45 am - Eat some fish, a slow, relaxed breakfast
8:15 - Do my rounds of the caves, check no one has gotten in while I slept
9:00 am - If there's no one there to torment, I do some light reading
10:00 am - Sort out any new teeth boxes or just do some general tidying to make sure the ominous atmosphere remains
11:00 am - Make my way up to the bunker to destroy some equipment
1:30 pm - Lunch
2:30 pm - Make my way up to the bunker to imitate someone there
3:45 pm - Go back to the village and wander
5:00 pm - If no one has come down, I might go back up and do some more imitating
6:00 pm - check up on the snow storm
7:00 pm - My work day is over
7:30 pm - eat dinner (more fish, a polar bear or someone I caught)
8:15 pm - More reading, maybe distort the twisting passages
10:30 pm - I go to sleep
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average-joseph · 9 months
My interpretation of the junior Welton schedule. (Naturally every grade is different.)
That clock chimes at 5 am because Welton is dumb.
I'm assuming they have an hour before they have to start actually doing things. An hour to get ready. Another half hour to eat breakfast. Then I assume an extra 30 minutes before school officially starts.
8:00 am - 8:55 am. Chemistry.
9:00 am - 9:55 am. Latin.
10:00 am - 10:55 am. Trigonometry.
11:00 am - 11:55 am. English.
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm. Lunch/recess.
12:35 pm. - 1:30 pm. Study hall. (If somebody actually knows what this class is tell me, because I couldn't figure out why Mr. McAllister would be teaching a class not in his classroom if it wasn't.)
1:35 pm. - 2:20 pm. Gym. (10 extra minutes for showers.)
2:30 pm. Dismissal.
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Whatever extracurricular they're apart of happens. (Neil has theatre from 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm.)
They have some time most people dedicate to homework, then 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm is dinner then from there it's just rec time.
The study group is at 8:00 pm so I'm guessing they have 45 minutes to study, then they would have more rec time until 9:00 pm. They have 15 minutes to get ready then lights out at 9:15 pm.
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✨🌟💫Golden Trio DR💫🌟✨
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<{ • First Name: Mars • }> <{ • Middle Name: Fynn • }> <{ • Last Name: Black • }> <{ • Nickname(s): None • }> <{ • Age: 16 • }>
<{ • Pronouns: He/Him • }> <{ • Gender Identity: Genderfluid TransGuy • }> <{ • Romantic Orientation: Gay Demiromantic • }> <{ • Sexual Orientation: Gay Fraysexual • }> <{ • Other Orientations: Ambiamorous; Homoqueerplatonic • }>
<{ • Parent(s): Sirius Black and Remus Lupin • }> <{ • Sibling(s): None • }> <{ • Other Family Member(s): Harry Potter (god-brother)(cousin); Draco Malfoy (cousin); Other Unnamed Family Members • }> <{ • GodParent(s): James Potter and Peter Pettigrew • }> <{ • Partner(s): Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Best Friend(s): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Fred Weasley; George Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Luna Lovegood; Draco Malfoy • }> <{ • Friend(s): None • }> <{ • Dormmates: Trevor Garrick; Draco Malfoy; Blaise Zabini; Freddie Lilac • }>
<{ • Hogwarts House: Slytherin • }> <{ • Wand Type: Hawthorn, 11”, and Thunderbird Tail Feather • }> <{ • Abilities: Expert at Legilimency • }>
<{ • Description: Wavy Black Hair (wolfcut, i use it sm i know, but i love it); Black eyes; Lean, muscular body; Top and Bottom surgery scars; Several scars all over body; Oval face; Sharper jawline • }> <{ • Style: sweatshirts and sweatpants; baggy jeans; converse sneakers; flowy black and white shirts; lots of jewelry (rings in particular); tons of piercings • }> <{ • Positive Trait(s): Intelligent; Sarcastic; Good memory; Witty; Funny; Quiet; Book-ish; Creative • }> <{ • Negative Trait(s): Whiny; Anxious and Depressed; Tired always; Easily Overstimulated • }>
<{ • Hobbies: Chaos-making with the Twins; Potion and Spell-making with the Twins; Poetry; Painting; Searching the Hogwarts Grounds to add more sections and rooms to the Map; Reading • }> <{ • Likes: Food; Sleep; Spending time with cousin; Working out; The Library • }> <{ • Dislikes: Bullies; Schoolwork; Bedtime; Boredom; Time away from partner and besties • }> <{ • Favorite Class(es): Potions and Divination • }> <{ • Least Favorite Class(es): Astronomy • }>
<{ • Pet(s): Ferret (GreenBean) • }> <{ • Extra: Schoolwork is easy and I can always get it done quickly; Voldemort and the Death Eaters (or any alternatives of those) do not exist; Sirius, Remus, James, Regulus, Peter, they all live and they’re all good; Cannot die; Cannot get significant trauma there; None of my family or friends can die • }>
<{ • Schedule • }>
<{ • 6:00 AM-7:00 AM: Breakfast Time • }> <{ • 8:00 AM-9:00 AM: Potions • }> <{ • 9:00 AM-9:30 AM: Free Time • }> <{ • 9:45 AM-10:45 AM: Charms • }> <{ • 10:45 AM-11:15 AM: Free Time • }> <{ • 11:30 AM-12:30 PM: Herbology • }> <{ • 12:30 PM-1:30 PM: Lunch Break • }> <{ • 1:40 PM-2:40 PM: DADA • }> <{ • 2:40 PM-3:10 PM: Free Time • }> <{ • 3:20 PM-4:20 PM: Divination • }> <{ • 4:20 PM-4:50 PM: Free Time • }> <{ • 5:00 PM-6:00 PM: Magical Creatures • }> <{ • 6:00 PM-7:00 PM: Dinner Time • }> <{ • 7:10 PM-8:10 PM: History • }> <{ • 8:10 PM-9:00 PM: Free Time • }> <{ • 9:10 PM-9:40 PM: Astronomy • }> <{ • 9:40 PM-12:00 AM: Free Time • }> <{ • Curfew: 12:00 AM • }>
<{ • Classes • }>
<{ • Potions (Slytherins and Gryffindors): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Charms (Ravenclaws and Slytherins): Luna Lovegood; Trevor Garrick; Draco Malfoy • }> <{ • Herbology (Hufflepuffs and Slytherins): Trevor Garrick; Draco Malfoy • }> <{ • DADA (Slytherins and Gryffindors): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Divination (Slytherins and Ravenclaws): Luna Lovegood; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Magical Creatures (Slytherins and Gryffindors): Harry Potter; Hermione Granger; Ron Weasley; Ginny Weasley; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • History (Hufflepuffs and Slytherins): Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }> <{ • Astronomy (Slytherin and Ravenclaws): Luna Lovegood; Draco Malfoy; Trevor Garrick • }>
<{ • Me In This DR (Picrew Form) • }>
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peek-seek · 1 year
Revelation Pt1
Jake Sully x reader x Neytiri
(I'm obsessed with avatar right now)(this takes place after avatar 1)
(I am kind of bullshitting some stuff, I only have so much knowledge)
(okay last bracket, the talking bits my be a bit meh and it takes a couple chapters to actually get to pandora)
summary(ish not really): You were human, a scientist sent on a mission to Pandora. The escape from reality of hell on earth. The planet of new beginnings.
You've heard of Na'vi and what the humans that previously went there did. You know that going there means you won't get the warmest welcome and possibly meet with death because of what the RDA did, what humans did.
But you wanted an escape, to set your life a new. you were tired of going to the same 9 to 5, eating the same canned food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the occasional different flavoring.
You hated the feeling of just existing and never actually living, you loathed it. Feeling transparent, never exploring who you are, too consumed in fitting to standards of everyone around you so you didn't have to deal with useless conflict. You hated never being able to be you and never being able to explore it.
You hated having no one, not even yourself to turn to. Being alone was fine, but being lonely was miserable and you'd do almost anything to escape feeling that again. So when you saw a flyer asking for volunteers, you grabbed it, reaching and seeking a chance for escape.
The sheet asked for volunteers or people previously in the program to undergo training for a year before going to pandora. Pandora was already a place of interest before this offer, you only looked at a book or two here and there about the planet at the public library.
You looked into the species, the language, and some other cool facts in a kids book. Although, you didn't delve into things about Pandora, you just skimmed what was there and called it good.
The planet was always a place you wanted to go to but you thought you lost your chance to go so you never really explored the idea of going there, until that flyer.
You were excited to say the least, but also a bit doubtful. You probably wouldn't know much compared to the other volunteers and might end up embarrassing yourself. But you still wanted to go or at least see if you actually had a shot at going to Pandora. And it isn't like you were entirely clueless, of course you were pretty much clueless about a lot that involved Pandora. But you did get your masters in Micro Biology, just never pursued a job with it in mind.
You had no clue why they asked for volunteers or why they'd have flyers out for civilians to grab as they pleased, but you couldn't give up this chance.
The date on the flyer was a week away and you were nervous? Anxious? Scared? Nope. You were all of the above. Because you didn't know shit, you have no sense of direction if you managed to get on the planet, and have a selective(terrible) memory. So even if you tried to study, you'd probably forget it all as soon as you walked in due to stress. You aren't the most graceful person either.
You decided to pray to whoever and cross your fingers and toes and hope that it ends up okay. While you waited the for the upcoming interview, you stressed, researched, worked, and slept.. a lot. That whole week was a haze mostly due to the amount of powernaps and cramming your brain with information of past studies that didn't make much sense.
The big day finally came and you were scared shitless. you went to the place that the flyer said and arrived a half hour earlier (around 4:30 pm)so you had time to calm your nerves and possibly go over the flashcards you prepared.
You seemed to lose track of time skimming the cards because the clock said 5:05pm. Once you fully processed that you are late, you bolted out of your car and hauled ass to the building. It was a breath takingly beautiful building but you unfortunately didn't have time to admire the scenery.
You opened the door to see a room similar to a classroom, you took the closest empty seat and noticed about 70 or so people there. Some guy who was roughly 50 was talking in the front of the room, you'd assume about what the training would consist of.
You leaned over to the person beside you and mumbled," Did I miss much?"
They replied with, "He just began the introduction and basically said what we'd train. And that there would only be about 20 of us who'd be able to go to Pandora."
You look up and decided it would be weird if you didn't give your name," Thank you, I owe you one. My name is y/n, and you are?"
"Ezra, and no problem." You both draw your attention to the head of the room when it sounded like the guy, or rather Dr.Porter seemed to be talking about something important.
"As you all know, Pandora is a dangerous place, not only due to the species there, but due to our reputation. The first rule is that it is forbidden to go into Na'vi territory, if you do not obey that rule, you will be killed. That was out agreement with the Na'vi. If we break that rule, you are not only putting yourself in danger, but the whole squad. I hope if you listen to any of these rules that you will at least listen to this one.
The second rule is no dating, it makes things messy, it's unprofessional. And the third is pretty obvious, don't do stupid shit that could endanger your squad. Testing will begin shortly, we will test you on physical health, what you know, and if you are compatible. You see that in front of you is paper and pencil, good luck."
You are left flabbergasted because you thought testing would be at the end of the year and not now. You nervously glance at Ezra. "Good luck." is all he said and you shakily replied the same.
You hesitantly grab the the pencil and put your name on the paper. You think it'll now take a miracle to get in to the program. 'Fuck it' you thought and scribbled out the answer to the ones you knew and guessed for the ones you didn't. You were bullshitting left and right and prayed you would pass.
With that the writing portion of the test was done and you were now onto the compatibility test where they look at your DNA and blood. They took you to a different room after you handed in your paper. The room was pretty much a waiting room you all sat at and they called your names one by one, just like at a doctors office.
A nurse came out looking at her clipboard and said your name. You immediately jumped from your seat and followed her to yet another room. It was your standard room with a bed and wrap covering it. You laid down and waited for a doctor to come in. They ran a bunch of weird tests while you sat patiently for it to be over.
Once they were done with that a different nurse came in and simply said the next test will begin shortly and that he'd take you to the place it was being held.
You were sweating a bit thinking about the next test. But before your mind could waver too much, you were already at the door to the testing grounds. The nurse opened the door, gave you a quick good luck, and sent you on your way.
The room was quite big. It had really tall ceilings, and was pretty spacious. You see a group of people in white coats recording data on the volunteers that were being tested. One of the recorders asked you to stand by a group of people and you noticed Ezra and decided to wave him down. You guys talked for a bit about the writing portion of the test. You both wished each other well and parted ways so that you could take the last part of the test.
The testers told you to do as many jumping jacks, pushups, squats, and line sprints as possible and then told you to lift the heaviest weight you could. Your limbs were jelly and you think you went to the afterlife about 12 times by the time it was over. They said you could go home and rest and that they'd call you if you got in.
You didn't expect much but at least happy you tried. You got in your car, drove home, and landed face first on your bed and slept like a rock, you called off work, no way were you going tomorrow.
(okay, that was the first chapter, I am kind of going with the flow for the plot. I don't have much in mind other than reader is gonna get in on that jake and Neytiri action. I don't know if I'll update regularly but I liked writing this so far and am planning on working on the next chapter after I post this. I also do not know how long or short this series will be but I hope you all enjoy it)
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holidayvisa · 4 months
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6 January 2024 - We woke up at 6:30 am. Dion fed me some oats and berries for breakfast, and we were in the car driving towards the Blue Mountains before 7 am. We arrived at the Mt. Wilson Fire Station just before 9 am and parked the car there. We packed our bags and walked to the road to start our first and likely most difficult part of our canyoning day - hitchhiking. We got to the road and stuck our thumbs out! After a surprisingly short amount of time, a pickup truck pulled over. There were two big pitbulls in the front seat. The man driving let the pitbulls out, and they were the cutest, nicest, friendliest, and happiest pitbulls! They were wagging their tails and just wanted pets from me and Dion. The driver of the pickup truck put the two pitbulls in the bed of the truck, and Dion and I squeezed into the single passenger seat of the pickup truck. During our drive with this generous driver, the guy told us how he'd smoked weed for 45 years, and he only got busted for the first time last year. They fined him $3000 and took away his driver's license for 6 months. But he's got his license back now! The driver drove us all the way to the start of our canyon! We started hiking around 9:30am and finished the hike in just before 11 am. The hike in had some gorgeous views out into the Blue Mountains.
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Dion and I changed into our wetsuits and ate some lunch before beginning the canyon. This canyon had several technical downclimbs and A LOT of swims. SOOOOOOOOOO many swims. And some of the swims were quite long and cold. The wetsuits were absolutely necessary. The downclimbs were fun and interesting with cool moves to search for and figure out. There were countless waterfalls from small tributaries that made the canyon look like a fairytale world. Many of the long swims were in sections of the canyon were the canyon walls were 40+m tall, and very little light made it down to the bottom of the canyon. These sections were very spooky, swimming through dark water that I couldn't see down into, like some monster was going to come out of the depths and pull me down. I think Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker felt similarly in the trash compactor. There were sections where a whole bunch of debris had gotten jammed in a constriction, and Dion and I had to maneuver and climb through these jams. All the rocks were covered in bright green moss, making them super slippery to stand on or place a hand on. We saw a bunch of wildlife! We saw: 4 yabbies (crayfish), a couple lizards, one Blue Mountains tree frog, some fish, about ten thousand tadpoles, a couple of kookaburras, and one wallaby! The first yabby was kind of small, so I thought that was the norm, but the other three that we saw were probably 9 or 10 inches long!
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We were out of the canyon around 4:30 pm, and we began the hike out back to the fire station where we'd left Dion's car. The hike out of the canyon had some beautiful views into the valley and canyon that we'd just come out of.
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There were some really tall ferns, that looked like trees, rising about 10 m up from the ground.
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We got back to Dion's car around 5:15 pm, so around an 8-hour day in total, including hitchhiking. Here's the track
On the way home from the Blue Mountains, Dion and I stopped at a Pub for dinner and devoured some pizza. Dion dropped me off at a train station in Sydney so I could train/bus back to Dee Why.
I'm grateful to Dion for feeding me, for driving, for having the motivation to do this canyon, and for his company. I had a great day exploring this cool place with Dion today. I'm grateful for the opportunity to experience Bell Creek Canyon and see all the wildlife that we were lucky enough to see. I'm grateful for delicious pizza at a pub in the Blueys.
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emily12345678910 · 2 months
Hello, I hope this finds you well, may I request a chuuya x pm!moon please (info on her is on my page) thank you
Sure ^^
Chuuya x pm!moon
Big mission
Warings: cuss words,fluff (let me know if there is anything I missed)
Characters: Chuuya,Mori,Liam (Moon's brother I hope I spelled that right) and some random guy
The day/night before
Chuuya and Moon were called into mori's office they went together mori said "i want you two to watch someone for the week get some good rest tonight you two your gonna have to wake up around 4 am to leave" Chuuya and Moon looked at each other then bowed and said "yes sir" then walked out
Day 0 (the drive there)
Chuuya and Moon woke up at 3:30 am to get ready and everything Moon told her brother about the mission then Chuuya and Moon met at 3:50 am and at 4:00 am Chuuya and Moon drove to the place it took most of the day moon wasn't driving so after they got breakfast and started to drive again Moon fell asleep in the car she actually couldn't sleep the day before so she was sleeping for a long time when Chuuya and Moon got to a hotel she was still sleeping so Chuuya just picked her up and brought her in a room to lay down they already had lunch and dinner (he woke her up for it and she fell back to sleep) so Chuuya just went to bed
Day 1 (Monday)
Chuuya and Moon woke up early in the morning then drove to the place and watched for hours the person didn't go out mori told them he was scared to go out at night so they went back to the hotel and went to bed (after eating)
Day 2 (Tuesday)
they woke up again early in the morning and went to watch again still he didn't leave they brought food and ate the food still watching out for the person still he didn't come out it became late so they went home and went to bed
Day 3 (Wednesday)
they got food again and drove to the place again and watched for the guy again he never came out it got late so they went back to the hotel and went to bed
Day 4 (Thursday)
they left early in the morning again and left to watch they were bored so much again they ate it got late no sight of the guy so they went back to the hotel and went to bed
Day 5 (Friday)
they woke up early in the morning again and left they thought it would be the same thing get there,eat,watch,sleep they were in the middle of eating lunch then Moon saw the guy "hey look look it's him" Chuuya looked and said "fuck yea that little bitch is dead for making us wait days" Moon said "you know what the boss said" Chuuya responded with "yea yea catch him and bring him back" they put their food away since the guy got in a car Chuuya followed but the guy realized Chuuya was following him so the guy started a race with Chuuya then Chuuya said "hold on tight" Moon put her seat belt on (since they didn't need it but now they do) and Chuuya drove fast after probably 50 minutes of a case Chuuya cut the guy off then the guy got out and ran and do did Chuuya Moon drove the car trying her best to follow where they went Chuuya got the guy and Moon found them Chuuya threw the guy in the trunk and closed the trunk door Moon got out of the car and went in the passenger side and Chuuya drove the car back to the port mafia base when they got there Chuuya made the guy float in the air while walking to mori's office Moon was following they got in mori's office he said "oh hey you guys did it only took 5 days but hey just throw him on the ground" Chuuya removed the gravity from the guy and he fell down mori said "you guys can go now thanks bye" they left and got some good sleep
Sorry if the words weren't said right I typed fast so I also hope you liked this ^^
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444meat · 2 months
awake at 8:30 am again so here's another post about having a sleep disorder. (might make these a thing)
something people don't really consider about having a circadian rhythm disorder is that having a fucked up sleep cycle makes it really difficult to have a decent eating schedule
like how do you figure out when to eat? you eat breakfast when you wake up and lunch around noon and dinner usually around like 7 pm right? that's kind of the average one, isn't it?
so i woke up yesterday at 4:30 pm. health issues mean i can't eat for a while after i wake up, but even if i could, lets say i ate breakfast 5 pm. then i guess i could eat lunch around midnight. but where it gets complicated is dinner, because ive been trying to sleep since 4 am. i should be asleep right now. i spend all night thinking about how i should be sleeping, so i stay in my bed, and then i forget to eat anything. i eat significantly less when my sleep schedule is backwards than i do when it's the right way around. which just makes it all Worse
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gandhi23 · 11 months
My daily routine
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In the morning I always get up at 5:15 and I make my bed then, I take a shower, I brush my teeth and I get dressed. At 5:45 am I go to have breakfast until 6:30 next, I come back to my room to clean and prepare myself to study At 7 o'clock I go to study in my classroom until 11 o'clock, there I have a break it always makes me happy because the food is so tasty, next I come back to the classroom to study again.
In the afternoon I always have lunch at 2 o'clock I hardly ever eat soup and rice I usually eat only rice because I don't like soup then, I go to study again until 4:45 pm because then I have to do sports, I often go to run to Chocolatera or El Morro it's very tiring but I like going to see the beach next, I come back to my room to take a brief shower
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In the evening I go to have dinner at 6:30pm until 7 o'clock then I can do only three things going to the bar, going to the laundry or going to study, I always go to the bar, and finally at 10 o'clock I go to bed.
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kakodaimones · 3 months
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Workday Schedule
5:00 AM - Wake up 5:15 AM - Meditation and visualization for clarity and focus 5:45 AM - High-intensity workout (weight training or cardio); Shower 7:00 AM - Breakfast (lean protein, complex carbs, healthy fats) 7:30 AM - Review emails and respond to urgent messages 8:00 AM - Strategic planning session (review goals and progress) 9:00 AM - Deep work session (High-priority tasks and projects) 12:00 PM - Lunch (nutrient-dense meal to fuel productivity) 12:30 PM - Networking calls or meetings 1:30 PM - Creative brainstorming session 2:30 PM - Delegating tasks and managing teams 3:30 PM - Review financials and investments 4:30 PM - Personal Development and Recreation 7:30 PM - Dinner (healthy and balanced meal) 8:30 PM - Wind-down routine (meditation) 9:00 PM - Bedtime
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anaenglishcorner · 11 months
Intermediate A: The Daily Diaries
Ciara Everard
Irish 800m champion
January 7, 2017
I’m an athlete. On weekdays, I always get up at 8 am. First, I go for a run. I’m usually out for 30 minutes – not long. Then I go home, take a shower and have breakfast – banana pancakes and a cup of tea. I’m not a morning person, so I usually need some coffee, too!
From 10 am to lunchtime, I’m in the gym. I don’t like it, but I know it’s good for me! Aſter that, I go home and make lunch. I usually have an omelette, some fish and toast. In the aſternoon, I’m always really tired, so I sleep for about 30 minutes. At 3 pm, I get up, read my emails and do some work.
At 5 pm, I go for my evening run. Then I exercise and take an ice-bath. At 7 pm, I go home and make dinner. I usually prepare my meals on the weekend so I don’t need to cook every night.
In the evening, I relax and watch TV. Finally, I have a snack and go to bed at 11 pm.
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We use sequencing words (first,after that,then and finally) to help the reader understand the order of things in a text.
• We use First to say what we do first.
• We use Second or After to say what we do after another thing.
• We use Finally to say what we do last.
Practice Activity for June 5th: Write a short blog post about your day. Add details and use sequencing words (first, after that,then and finally) to explain the order. You can include 4 activities you do in your normal life.
P.S. Leave a coment on a classmate's post.
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starandsims · 4 months
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Book 1: Normal Type | Chapter Forty-Two: Day in the Life of Zera
6:00 AM: Wake up
6:30 AM: Breakfast
7:00 AM: Get dressed and changed
7:30 AM: Get dropped off at daycare
8:00 AM: Work on grab milestone
9:00 AM: Snack
10:00 AM: Nap
11:00 AM: Diaper Change
12:00 PM: Lunch
1:00 PM: Reading Time
2:00 PM: Diaper Change
3:00 PM: Nap
4:00 PM: Get picked up and go home
5:00 PM: Playtime with Daddy
6:00 PM: Dinner
7:00 PM: Diaper Change
7:30 PM: Bedtime stories
8:00 PM: Sleepy Time
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dreamslogs · 1 year
December 5, 2022: Log #81
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🌨️Weather: Rainy with a high of 49, low of 41, humidity of 75%, feels like 43
🎄7:30 AM: Wake up, turn on ambient lighting, drink coffee & eat breakfast in bed
I ate a premiere protein strawberry shake
🎅🏻8:15 AM: Do my morning routine & get ready for the day
💄Todays Makeup
Concealer: Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer
Powder: Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder
Eyebrows: Kosas Brow Pop Clean Dual-Action Defining Eyebrow Pencil & Kosas Air Brow Tinted Clean Volumizing Eyebrow Gel
Lipstick: Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey
Setting Spray: Milk Makeup Hydro Grip Setting + Refreshing Spray
Perfume: YSL Black Opium
🎄8:50 AM: Leave for campus
🎅🏻9:10 AM: Hang out with my friends from Japanese class & study for my Kanji test
🎄10:10 AM: Japanese class
🎅🏻11:30 AM: Eat lunch with my friend
I ate a chicken udon bowl
🎄1:15 PM: Go to the Anthropology Lounge and read an ethics article for Biological Anthropology
🎅🏻2:25 PM: Work on a Forensic Anthropology presentation
🎵What I Listened To While Working: BoA on shuffle
🎄4:00 PM: Biological Anthropology ethics discussion
🎅🏻5:15 PM: Head home from campus
🎄5:30 PM: Work on Forensic Anthropology and Fiction Workshop homework
🎅🏻8:00 PM: Take a shower & do my nighttime routine
🎵What I Listened To While Getting Ready: The Magnus Archives
🎄9:15 PM: Settle down in bed with my fairy lights, a candle, and eat dinner while watching Criminal Minds
I ate chicken nuggets
🕯️Candle Scent
Bath & Body Works: Cinnamon Spiced Vanilla
🎅🏻11:00 PM: Go to sleep
🖋️Notes on the day🖋️
Today was a good day! I was a little productive and got stuff done, but I was super exhausted. I never accidentally fall asleep and then sleep straight through until morning. I’m trying to prepare myself for finals next week - so this week I need to be super on top of things.
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Study Tip #4
Make a full day schedule for school days and for weekends from the minute you wake up to the minute you go to bed have a schedule that you are following so you can keep on track. Here is an example of my school day schedule:
6:00 am - Wakeup
6:05 am - Make bed
6:10 am - Bathroom + skincare and brush teeth
6:25 am - Breakfast
6:45 am - Get dressed + perfume and jewelry
6:55 am - Hair and makeup
7:30 am - Go to school
8:00 am - Period 1 & 2
11:15 am - Lunch
12:05 pm - Period 3 & 4
2:10 pm - Home
2:30 pm - Snack
2:40 pm - Relax
3:00 pm- Homework + studying
4:30 pm - Relax
5:00 pm - Dinner
5:30 pm - Shower + Skincare
6:00 pm - Revision
7:00 pm - Workout
7:30 pm - Relax
8:00 pm - Pack lunch for tomorrow & pack backpack
8:30 pm - Read
9:00 pm - Get ready for bed + relax
10:00 pm - Go to sleep
Make sure you are giving yourself time to relax and process the day this schedule is just an example you do not have to follow it but you can take inspiration from it.
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mariavlc82 · 1 year
Please tell me more about your mealtime schedule. What time do you eat breakfast and lunch if your dinner is at 9:30?
Ok, quick lesson about mealtimes in Spain:
We usually have 5 meals per day.
Times change depending on your job/school/life schedule (and names may change from one region to another) but an average day in Spain could be
Desayuno (Breakfast): First meal of the day, anytime between 7 and 9 am.
Almuerzo: Mid morning meal, anytime between 10 and 12 am.
Comida (lunch): This is the biggest meal of the day, anytime between 1 and 4 pm.
Merienda: Mid afternoon meal, anytime between 5 and 7pm.
Cena (dinner): Lighter than lunch, anytime between 9 and 11 pm.
My schedule usually looks something like this
Desayuno: I don't like coffee and I am not usually hungry when I wake up so I tend to skip breakfast.
Almuerzo: Around 10 am (but sometimes I eat this meal twice, because I skip breakfast and get really hungry).
Comida: 2 or 2:15 pm
Merienda: 5:30 or 6 pm
Cena: 9:15 or 9:30 pm
Some people do the five meals per day, others do four; I personally don't know anyone who does only three. Our breakfasts are very light compared to those of Northern Europe or the US. Almuerzo and merienda are lighter than lunch and dinner.
It might seem like we eat A LOT but no, we just eat frequently.
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