#black panther color purple too
xo-tough-love-xo · 6 months
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You are working as an animal keeper at a zoo for just one day. Your job is to feed the following animals. However, you are free to so it in whichever order. Please choose the animal you feed first.
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themodernwitchsguide · 6 months
altars for greek gods (pt.2)
this post includes zeus, hera, poseidon, hestia, hephaestus, dionysus, ares, demeter, and athena. for part 1 including hades, persephone, artemis, apollo, aphrodite, hermes, and hekate click here.
keep in mind that typical offerings to any god includes meat, wine, grain (usually barley), honey, and incense (myrrh and frankincense would be period appropriate), but i'm listing some specific offerings that can be given if you'd like
colors can be used for candles, banners, decor, whatever you want
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Colors: white, blue, and grey for association with the heavens, yellow and black for association with storms. gold because he's the King of the Gods
Offerings: rain water, oak, olives/olive branches/olive leaves, vervain, cinnamon, laurel. images of himself or lightning bolts are particularly recommended for Zeus
Crystals: diamonds, gold (i think pyrite, aka fool's gold, would be offensive), turquoise, lapis lazuli, celestite, iron/steel, any quartz
Animals: eagle, bull
Colors: blue and white for association with the seas, gray for association with storms, brown for association with the earth/earthquakes
Offerings: coffee, mint, ocean water, salt, seashells
Crystals: coral, petoskey stone, abalone, opal (especially water opal), blue calcite, aquamarine
Animals: horse, bull, dolphin, hippocampus
Colors: red, pink and white for association with love and marriage. gold because she's the Queen of the Gods.
Offerings: iris, rose, patchouli, coconut, cypress, maple, peacock feathers, pomegranate
Crystals: pearls, garnet, citrine, diamonds, lapis lazuli, topaz, opal, moonstone, rose quartz
Animals: peacock, cuckoo, cow
Colors: red, orange, and yellow for association with fire, brown or white for the hearth/home.
Offerings: tea/coffee (especially if you drink it with her), pine, bread, cider, apples, anything on fire, cinnamon
Crystals: amber, jade, garnet, ruby, carnelian, sunstone, amethyst, honey calcite
Animals: donkey, pig, crane
Colors: red, orange, and yellow for association with fire, metallics for association with metalworking.
Offerings: spicy things, hot beverages, handmade things, dragon's blood incense, seashells, anything on fire
Crystals: metals, fire opal, honey calcite, obsidian, hematite, carnelian
Animals: donkey, dog, crane
Colors: purple and green for association with grapes/wine, leopard/tiger print for his holy animals
Offerings: grapes (or any derivative), alcohol, cinnamon, ivy, pinecones. there's a particular emphasis on non-physical offerings with dionysus, like playing music, partying or sex/masturbation
Crystals: grape agate, leopard jasper, crazy lace agate, tiger's eye, garnet, rose or rutilated quartz, amethyst, jade
Animals: panther/leopard, tiger, bull, serpent, dolphin
Colors: red and purple for association with war
Offerings: spicy things, yarrow, chocolate, basil, cinnamon
Crystals: bloodstone, garnet, red jasper, smokey quartz, black tourmaline, hematite, metals, obsidian, carnelian
Animals: eagle owl, barn owl, poisonous snakes, boar, vulture
Colors: green, brown, and yellow for association with the earth/harvest. black for her ruthlessness
Offerings: oats and grain, anything baked, flowers, spices (like cinnamon or cloves, allspice is good too), leaves that have begun to change colors for fall, mint, poppy
Crystals: jade, tree/moss agate, carnelian, amber, aventurine, rutilated quartz
Animals: serpent, farm animals (especially pig), gecko, turtle-dove
Colors: white and grey/silver for association with wisdom. red for association with war
Offerings: anything handmade, olives/olive oil/olive branches/olive leaves, snake shed, cedar, cypress, cinnamon
Crystals: metals, celestite, fluorite, lapis lazuli, bloodstone, obsidian, iolite
Animals: snakes and owls
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rayrayvan · 2 years
It's okay, I forgive you
Pairing: Shuri x fem!reader
Note: This request was made by @kingstormpostsshit and I hope you like this piece. Enjoy everyone 🤗
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As the Shuri coped in her lab figuring out how to recreate the heart-shaped herb, you and Riri helped make suits for the battle between Talokan and Wakanda.
“Griot what’s the probability of the herb?” Shuri asked her AI and when Griot told her it was about 97% , you immediately stopped what you’re doing and rushed to her side.
You embraced her immediately “Well done my love” You told her “Will it work?” Nakia asked, “It will work if it closes” Shuri told her “Griot print it out. The three of you rushed to the printing machine and the process of printing started.
After it was printing it closed up and glow into a purplish color. Nakia hugged Shuri and both nodded to each other.
“Just prepare if I ever I have a cardiac arrest okay?” Shuri told both you and Nakia as you settled your kimoyo beads to her chest “Wait cardiac arrest?” Riri was baffled at how the ritual would go. You leaned closer to your girlfriend and held her hands “Just promise me, come back to me, to us, to Wakanda okay? I love you” You whispered and kissed her forehead lovingly “I love you too, I’ll be back” She promised you
As Nakia started the ritual and Shuri drank the purple liquid, you three awaited for it to work.
Suddenly Shuri woke up, Nakia rushed to her side while you wait “Who did you see?” Nakia asked but Shuri was hesitant to answer “It didn’t work, it’s not, I know it’s not” Shuri repeated over and over and you were quick you hold her “Shuri we don’t know, calm down my love, it’s okay” As you reassured her, she pushed you accidentally and you flew across the room and slammed into a window pane. Riri was quick to your side to aid you. The pain you felt was running through your back, some broken glass scratched in your arms. Shuri was in shock that she did something to the last person who knows her more than anyone even herself.
As Riri helped you stand up, you broke free from her grip and limped your way to your shocked girlfriend. “Hey , Shuri look at me” You told her and cupped her face between your palms “I hurt you” She repeatedly whispered and her eyes are frantically looking everywhere except your face “Shuri, it’s okay, hey, it’s okay, I’m okay” You told her . She looked directly to your eyes and when she saw blood in your cheek, she sobbed “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” She repeatedly apologized to you. You embraced her quickly and told her it was okay and you forgave her.
A few hours went by and you were patched up, you offered to help them build weapons and armours for the fight. As Shuri was building her Black Panther suit, her eyes were always on a look out for you and when you caught her looking at you, she’d look away, so you decided to approach her. “You seem to miss me everytime I’m out of your peripheral view” You told her jokingly and as she looked up to your face, her eyes saw how patched up your arms were so she averted her gaze. You took notice of this and told her to look at you.
The hesitation to look directly at your eyes was evident around her face, so you cupped her face between both of your palms. You smiled when you saw her eyes, she was slightly taller than you so you had to raise your head to look at her beautiful face. “My love it’s okay, I forgive you” You told her but she went on to saying “How could you forgive me? I almost killed you, I cannot lose the last person who knows me well. I’ve lost too much , losing you would break me. You’re the only person left to keep me sane. I’m so sorry Y/N” She cried and you hugged her “It’s okay my love, I’m right here.” You told her reassuringly.
And that day on, you both made silent promises that were kept to yourselves. Shuri vowed to handle you with care and love. As for you, you vowed to stay beside her side and when things get tough, you stay for her.
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 6 months
Some of the biggest Oscar snubs:
1. Angela Bassett (What's Love Got To Do With It?)
2. Denzel Washington (Malcolm X)
3. Whoopi Goldberg (The Color Purple)
4. Eddie Murphy (Dream Girls)
5. Angela Bassett (Black Panther 2 : Wakanda Forever)
6. Will Smith (Pursuit of Happiness)
All of these were great performances too🔥 What some other movies you think got snubbed by the Oscars?
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slayerchick303 · 11 months
I just finished Home, and I have some thoughts:
Rhodey was in a hospital gown when he got out of the pod! I swear to all that is holy, if they have him been replaced by a skrull after his injury in Civil War, I will march on Disney headquarters! That would cheapen Tony's death, funeral, and Rhodey's amazing conversation with Sam in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I said I'd freak out if they made the swap previous to FATWS, and I meant it!
Gravik's human face was a man he killed, so I'm assuming the same is true for G'iah. If she is indeed going to be Abigail Brand as leaks have suggested (meaning Abigail Brand is dead), I'm going to be mad! Like legitimately disappointed. Brand is one of my favorite parts of the Astonishing X-Men comics run. I ship her and Beast so hard.
When was Everett Ross swapped? It has to have been after Black Panther because he would've reverted to his skrull form after being shot and/or Shuri would've noticed while healing him. Has a skrull infiltrated Wakandan leadership?! How many? For how long? Because that's BAD. Imagine the havoc skrulls could wreak with Wakanda's resources.
The CGI in this was pretty good. Especially compared to other recent Disney+ titles. That being said, I hate a lot of how they used it. Giving G'iah a huge Drax arm?! Bad choices in multiple ways: A.) the big Drax arm looked so weird as did other things. B.) do they think Marvel fans are too stupid to get what they were doing if they didn't make her arm huge? They should've kept Emilia's arm the same size, only given her Drax's tattoos and skin color at most. We would've understood. C.) the clothing changed too! How does that make sense?
Is Gravik really dead, though? Is Raava? We don't know if Raava has super skrull powers, but Gravik had like EVERYTHING. That seems like it should make him pretty invincible.
How did people not clock how off Rhodey was? There was like an enormous change in his personality. Raava was a jerk!
So, Fury and Sonya only tranqed those secret service members at the hospital. That wouldn't automatically make them revert, right, or every skrull would be outed when they fell asleep. If all those guards were humans, they were legitimately the worst security detail ever. That one guy literally listened to SkrullRhodey pretty much out herself and did nothing. He didn't even warn the president Rhodey was acting uncharacteristically. Every member of White House personale will have to be tested somehow. Maybe check for purple blood?
I really thought Ritson would die at the end. I guess he's just awful (which is unsurprising). I'm glad he won't be president much longer, as Harrison Ford is taking over the role of President Thaddeus Ross in Captain America: Brave New World. That being said, part of me worries that President Ross might be even worse than Ritson.
I kind of loved Varra and Fury's ending. It redeemed the awful, "I guess we'll never know moment."
****EDIT:**** I didn't think about this at the time, but I saw someone else bring it up. G'iah has Captain Marvel powers now! Doesn't that mean she should be caught up in the entanglement mess Captain Marvel, Photon, and Miss Marvel are dealing with in The Marvels?! That's an ENORMOUS plot hole. Not to mention, G'iah is ridiculously overpowered now. People complain about how powerful Superman is, and G'iah is so much worse.
I enjoyed Secret Invasion, even if it wasn't the best Disney+ show. The comics are still WAY better. Regardless, I'm looking forward to The Marvels even more now.
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painting-warhammer · 2 months
Callidus Assassin in the style of Ann Takamaki/Panther (Persona 5)
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My personal best miniature paint job yet! At least, it's a personal best to me. Still plenty of flaws! Commentary under cut.
This is where a lot of what I'd learned really started coming together! A lot of Warhammer and painting channels will talk a lot about edge highlighting and it's pretty important to be sure, but a YouTuber named Ninjon broke it down in a way where I understand how and where to do it. Namely, you're supposed to think about light sources. I did that for Ann's hair and her boots; the undersides have their darker shades, but anything from topside is very bright.
The next big change was learning Ardcoat. With my Sylvanas figure, I completely fucked that one up, but with Ann I definitely put a fun candy gloss on top of the Baal Red contrast and the boots after I edge-highlighted. True, I could have added those highlights in a risky attempt to recreate a lycra effect, but as Ann already sorta sneaks around and is constantly mobile, I thought it would sell the illusion to have the lights move with her rather than make a single stationary reflection pattern.
The pink gloves were almost a disaster; I got a cheap, super viscous acrylic that made this lumpy gel as I painted, but after some trial and error I got it to cooperate.
The basing is still touch and go. I genuinely did try to edge highlight the bullet decals and the rocks, honest; I was actually hyped because I wanted to make it the stylish red, white, and black that Persona 5 is famous for. But in the end it came off as looking unpainted when I added whiter highlights, so I just doused the whole thing in Black Legion contrast.
The base was a happy accident. It's not how I initially wanted it. I put Mordant Earth down, thinking I would flow some red shader through to make a weird lava-ish effect that had the bright red of Persona 5 again, but they just mushed together to make this weird mud. A bummer, but it did teach me how to make mud in the future!
And the base. Yeah you're supposed to put black on the rims, but I had to go for style.
Overall, I just feel proud of this one, whether or not I should. I'm always glad when I get to use a color scheme completely different from canon or at the very least different from the on-the-box demo artwork.
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The boots were me flying blind, and admittedly on Ann/Panther herself, they're a slightly darker red rather than an outright purple, but I thought purple was a bit more dynamic and I did it for the belt and various other straps as well.
I'll admit I had no good ideas for the poisoned needles, I just doused them in Barak-Nar Burgundy and moved on. The guns and sword I had an idea for, I was going to go for implying they were a polymorphed Morgana, but it just didn't seem interesting. I definitely just half-assed them, but I think it's fine given I wanted the attention on Ann herself. So even the weapons, something I struggle with to make interesting, turned out okay, I think. I got 'em done and moved on.
A small detail I thought was fun: the goggles. I made them Ann's specific eye color! I think they stand out pretty well on the overall model and they don't clash with anything.
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Also, Baharroth Blue is the color I love/use way too much, and if it's not on my figure somehow then is it really complete? I think not. 😜
This isn't my favorite figure, but it's the one I pull out when I want to flex a little. I still got one more where it's from a media franchise to go before I post my main army. It's not going to be as good as Ann, but then again I don't know if I'd call it finished per se. Until then!
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solomiracle · 4 months
when i think of them, i think of...
inspired by this post by @shoccolatine, check it out!
his smile — whether seductive, sadistic or genuine
reds, blacks/greys/whites, golds
his study — the skull on the wall, fireplace, the red velvet chair | you reading by the fireplace, enjoying the quiet crackling sounds as he works
his demon form — the red gloves, the horns, the wings, the peacock feather details on his clothes, the diamond on his forehead
his fur lined coat, his gloves, his tie
his eyes, specifically the reds at the bottom
apples, poison, fangs, blood
ghosts, grief, loss | him petting a sleeping cerberus as he sits by lilith's statue. he's silent, not wishing to disturb her
how much he loves his family — how he's willing to be a villain to anyone he feels may harm them, from you to his own father
cosmic and body horror, upside-down crosses, eyes, destroyed psyches, crackling, warped reality, the sound of bones snapping
the skeleton in his room
records, wine, comfortable silence, quiet nights
him laughing as he and you drive in a getaway car
his laugh, his smile, his sunglasses, his jacket
that little pose he does where his hand kinda covers his lips, usually done when he's feeling confident
his silliness — the dumb excuses for doing (or not doing) something, his even dumber schemes, running/hiding from lucifer, his tsundere-ness, how he says "yikes!"
gift boxes, jewelery, gold, silver, money (coins and paper)
casinos, the word "jackpot", poker, slot machines, cards, dealers
the casino fight scene in black panther, specifically the part where claw's hand thing shoots the cabinet and the money flies everywhere
his wings
his familiars | him petting and praising them for doing a good job, like catching stray grimm or reporting important info
him punishing people who don't pay back their debts — they find themselves in an empty street, fog rising and crows soon surrounding them
how much he respects lucifer, how he followed him into hell without question
how despite all the fighting and dumb stuff that he does with his family, he still values his role as a big brother
this card (the pre-devil's flower)
him at his pc, laser-focused in on a game. he's glaring at the screen, fangs bared, determined to win
his room — the bathtub, the jellyfish, the aquarium, the figures, henry 2.0 in his little fish bowl
headphones, game controllers and consoles, screens, neon colors (greens, blues, purples), keyboards
anime, magical girls, figures, sparkles
his tsundere-ness and shyness, how he gets flustered so easily, how cute he is when he blushes, your love and affection for him being "too high level"
how he seems to have a soft spot for the twins
his demon form — the tail, the diamond pattern along his neck, his weird zipper jacket thing, his horns | (a fic i read where the author described his horns as antlers, and they headcanon-ed that they shed every season)
fish, colorful coral reefs, bright blue seas, bubbles, beaches, snakes
deep dark oceans, octopus/giant squids, sea monsters, ships, the navy, admiral uniforms, lotan
orange cats, piano music, books, libraries, coffeeshops, soft greens and browns
him sitting in a greenhouse. sunlight filters through the glass walls and plethora of green plants. he's smiling as he reads a book, an orange cat sleeping in his lap
his professionalism — he has many connections, and he prides himself on his intelligence. "people respect someone who's well-informed."
how he's a gentleman, almost like a fairy tale prince
love and lovesickness | him writing love letters and poetry for you, a giant smile on his face as he comes up with the most beautiful words to describe you
him becoming incapable of reading love stories when you're away, for all he can think about is you while reading them. his fingers delicately trace the spines of his many romance books, but he refuses to open them. just the thought of doing so is too much to bear
his room — the beauitful shade of purple, the window, the books, the candles
fire, chaos, destruction, broken buildings and bones, screaming, rage, fangs
his eyes, a beautiful green
his demon form — the feather boa, the horns, the ribbon ribcage design on his shirt
the things that make him stand out compared to his brothers, compared to everyone — his symbolic animal is a unicorn (the only fantasy animal), his black eye shine, his butler outfit is the only one with three patches on the sleeves
his pose — one hand on his hip and the other on his chest, just like lucifer...
pinks, yellows, oranges, and more pinks
his cute smile and giggle
his demon form — the bat wings, the gradient horns, the bleeding hearts on his arm, the asymmetrical legs | (the redesigns i've seen from people where they include a scorpion tail)
scorpions, sand, heat, blood, bloodlust, hearts, gore, passion, obsession, love
diaries, glitter gel, sparkles, cute nicknames
spotlights, music, singing, stages, partying, drinking, clubs, sex
bunnies, strawberries, fluffy and fuzzy textures, fangs
his eyes | (the fics i've read where the author describes their color as champagne)
him lying in bed on his stomach, fresh out of the shower in a cute robe, slippers, and headband. he's writing in his diary, kicking his legs, smiling as he thinks about you
lipstick, blush, makeup, nail polish, influencers, devilgram, livestreams
(red) hearts, both the symbol and the organ
his positive energy — his ability to light up a room, how he wants everyone to join in and have fun, asmo nights, how he sees the beauty in everyone
how much he cares for his family — he painted their nails so everyone would know them as brothers, how he's determined to make sure satan feels included
his insecurities — he ties himself to his image and appearance, to the point that when you were the first to compliment his personality alone and not just his looks, he was surprised
how he acts like a helpless damsel in distress while also being the most viscous character
that scene in season one, where he said that if you were thinking about belphie while with him, he would rip your heart out | (it made my heart beat faster, but not out of fear)
reds, oranges, yellows
the sun, bright blue cloudless skies
him being the cause of plagues and famines. a scene of him summoning swarms of locusts to gorge on crop fields, leaving nothing left, still unsatisfied
wheat and corn fields, apple orchards
his wings | (i saw someone describe them as fairy wings)
dense, mossy, and enchanted forests. twisting trees and twinkling fairies, mushrooms and flowers growing everywhere
bugs — bees, butterflies, flies, grasshoppers, beetles, locusts
bears, squirrels, lions, grass, honey, fluffiness, cuddling
his smile, how adorable his blush is
calling him beautiful or sweet, watching him blush in embarrassment. a big, ravenous demon turning into mush after being complimented by a human
how he loves his family more than anything — his extreme survivor's guilt over lilith, how he said he would die for lucifer, how he became enraged and even attacked lucifer once the truth about belphie's whereabouts were revealed
even with how he's a big brother to belphie, they're still twins, making him the youngest of the brothers as well — he has his own bratty behaviors, throwing tantrums, being a karen at restaurants, stealing food from levi every morning. he's the biggest brother, but he's still another baby of the family
his hair
his jacket and shirt | (they both look very comfy, and i would love to wear them)
hunger — hell's kitchen, banquets, expensive meat, clusters of grapes, plates, forks and knives
fangs, tongues, gore, cannibalism
dark purples and blues, blacks, white accents
space — starry night skies, the moon, constellations
sleep, teddy bears, pillows, blankets, dreams, illusions, ghosts, nightmares, fear
the cow jumped over the moon nursery rhyme
cow print — it's on his pillow, his demon form's jacket, and his swimwear jacket too
his horns, which are similar to that of a dorset horn sheep
him looking down at sheep mc's bell in his hands, a solemn look in his eye. maybe mc's in the human world, or maybe it's been years after their death
regret and grief — not being able to save lilith, his love for humans turning to hatred, his fight with lucifer, the attic, lesson 16
how he and lucifer were said to be close before the attic...
beel, lilith, and love — he doesn't blame beel for saving him, and called beel an idiot for believing otherwise. he learned about the circus in the human world, and pretended to be a ringmaster while trapped in the attic. he let lucifer get rid of lilith's room, and said goodbye to her
his sarcastic and bratty little shit-ness — his "innocent" bitchass smile, his giggle, how he embodies the youngest sibling and baby of the family, the anti-lucifer league
a fanart i saw of him in his TSL outfit, the description being "the princess is locked in the tower for a reason..."
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cleric4vampire · 5 months
tag game ~
Thank you for tagging me @bhaalsdeepmuse, and for making the specification that this could be for Tavs/Durges, too. I started filling this out for myself, then before I knew it, I was like, "wait... what color do I view myself as? what IS my favorite food? what would I BE if I was food? Who... who even am I" and I noped out of there real quick 💀
SO here is Aune. durge!Aune this time as I did something like this for tav!Aune already —
Rules: Use this order and insert images according to how you view yourself/your character!
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Animal — Black panther; It's her preferred wildshape, as she was raised beside a displacer beast for some years
Place — The fungal forests of the Underdark
Plant — Ghost pipe (monotropa uniflora); specifically, the rare red variant. (Tav!Aune is the standard white version!)
Character — Herself, I guess...? 😂
Season — Winter, as well as the very end of autumn
Hobby — Cultivating mushrooms. She prefers growing them on dead bodies, though 😌
Color — Muted earthy greens (& purples)
Crystal — Bloodstone (& obsidian)
Tagging: @dragon--sage @dolceaspidenera @witch-from-a-block-of-flats @birb--birb @bi-ace-mess @solasgreatlydisapproves to do this if you so desire, for whomever you please <3
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i-am-blue15 · 7 months
If the Mystery Kids had Symbiotes
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Raz: Psycho
Colors: Green with Red
Special Ability: Getting access into Raz's brain grants it not only his many psychic powers but also a new ability to control the minds of a select few in close proximity.
Lili: Wildfire
Colors: Dark Magenta with Green
Special Ability: This symbiote is actually impervious to extreme heat, making it one of the most resilient of it's kind, and can even control plant life to some degree thanks to it's host's specialty in herbaphony.
Dipper: Nightmare
Colors: Dark Purple with Red
Special Ability: It can morph new and different body parts such as extra eyes, heads, arms and mouths, a tail, wings and even go full quadruped like a goopy alien panther.
Mabel: Hysteria
Colors: Yellow with Pink, Purple, Green and Orange
Special Ability: Probably the most quick and agile of the Symbiotes. It's speed is so drastic, it's difficult to keep eyes on them and dodge it's attacks before it's too late.
Coraline: Shadow
Colors: Black with Blue
Special Ability: Has a cloaking ability, turning itself and it's host invisible. It's the most stealthy of it's kind.
Wybie: Overdrive
Colors: Silver with Black and Green
Special Ability: It can break small pieces of itself to possess machines and electronics like cars, construction equipment, etc.
Norman: Poltergeist
Colors: Dark Green with Light Green
Special Ability: By bonding with Norman, this Symbiote has access to his unawakened medium potential, allowing it to generate spectral lighting and even levitating off the ground like a mad poltergeist (hence the name).
Neil: Quake
Colors: Red with Orange
Special Ability: It's durability and strength are nearly unmatched, capable of creating shockwaves that can take you flying.
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cessmaga · 1 year
My own DC x Marvel headcanons cuz I don't see people doing it! (or AU??)
Ironman adopting smart or tech related kids, that's it that the headcanon
ironman thinks batman is a weird stoic emo dude until batman actually trolls him alot and it shocks him, and for that they would troll each other
ironman and batman: *debating which of their suit is the best* the black panther, who has the mix of both of their suits: 🧍
superman and captain america would respect each other and besties even
I think superman and the hulk will have a bond, they would be friends
tony stark would bully lex luthor alot
black widow and black canary would bond from their himbo archers
I think hawkeye and green arrow would some have rivalry or some sort of frenemies
blue beetle (jamie) and spiderman are besties because yes and I think firestorm too
the justice league and the avengers refers to each others as neighbors and they trust each others secret identity even
when the avengers found out shazam is a ten y/o child they all kinda freaked out
thor would be billy's mentor figure and he would stay at the avengers building most at the time
batman has the most team ups with the avengers
and I would like to think they would have a game competition of them
the justice league main colors is blue and purple and the avengers main colors and red and white
not really a headcanon but I see superman, batman and ironman as a trio cuz they both has "man" of their superhero name and back then I don't really know much of marvel I only thought dc and marvel are the same
well now I still see them as such cuz why not lmao
and decided to throw antman and spiderman too now they are group of five now
and I ain't changing it cuz it got stuck with me now
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
Just Saw "The Color Purple" Last Night!! 😁😁 (My Movie Review)
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WOW! Where do I even begin?? First of all, let me just start off by saying that I LOVED this movie! I really enjoyed it. 😃 You just knew that you were in for a wonderful ride when you heard the opening number to this film. I love musicals just in general, but there's just something extra special about seeing black talent, black voices, and black actors dancing, singing, and acting onscreen. 🥰 The whole entire film was a magical moment for me, and a sense of great pride. Sort of like the feeling I got when I saw "Black Panther" in theaters for the first time. 😊
I will say too that this film was very well shot. I kept being in awe of the cinematography, the camera angles, the vibrant colors, the use of lighting, the gorgeous shots of Georgia, etc. It was so very well done. You can tell that they spent a lot of time, hard work, and energy on this film to make it very special and of high quality. 👌🏾
I also loved how this film kind of had a stage/theater feel to it. You can tell that it was a musical theater play before it hit the big screen.
The Music The MUSIC!!! Oh the music!!! 🎵🥰 I've never seen the stage play musical, so a lot of the songs were new to me, but I liked a lot of the songs that were in the film. I also loved how they kept some of the original songs that were in the original 1985 film, like "Miss Celie's Blues (Sister)", and "Maybe God is Tryin' to Tell You Somethin'". 😊
The Acting The acting was very well done. I felt like everyone pulled their weight and there weren't any "weak links" in the cast at all. Halle did amazing....I think she has a great career ahead of her in acting if she keeps it up. Danielle Brooks...Omg she was AWESOME. I almost feel like she stole the show in some scenes lol....
Colman Domingo did a great job. I think Danny Glover was a bit more unlikable in the original film, but Colman is a very good actor, and I felt like he did a great job in this role.
I love my girl Taraji! She is SO very talented! Her voice is really great too. While I was watching the film, i couldn't help but remember everything she was saying on the press tour regarding unequal pay in Hollywood, and anytime I saw her onscreen I just couldn't believe that someone with her great talent still feels like she has to fight and scrap to just get a smidgen of what other actresses get in HW, and how she's always having to start right back at the BOTTOM. Smh...it's really sad. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Fantasia Barrino....OMG.... Like, I remember this woman on American Idol!!!! I am so proud of her and how far she's come. 😊 She did an AMAZING job in this! She thoroughly deserved her Golden Globe nomination. 👏🏾 She probably won't win, but she definitely deserved her nomination. I always feel like when someone has to not only act but also sing, dance, (or even play a musical instrument) onscreen, they usually are doing WAY more "work" than others who are just having to simply "act" onscreen lol. I will go to my grave saying that. But! I know this year is a pretty tight race for the "Best Actress" category, so, if she doesn't win, then it is what it is. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Just being nominated is an honor.
The Pros:
This is more like a pro AND a con (I'll explain)... But the fact that they cut out a lot of stuff from the original movie kind of made the story move a lot quicker, and I appreciated that!
I liked that the film didn't feel AS heavy as the original 1985 film. The film still had a lot of heavy elements in it (don't get me wrong), but you don't get to experience just HOW heavy the film is because there's a lot of singing and dancing, and they kind of gloss over certain things in the story (imo). This is actually probably a good thing, especially for a film coming out during the Holiday season lol.
The acting was superb.
It seems that they added a few more things to this film that was in the original book by Alice Walker, so that was a nice touch.
The Cons:
I liked how they cut stuff from the film, but at the same time I didn't lol. I'm so glad that I saw the 1985 version FIRST before seeing this version, because I think there would have been some elements that I wouldn't have fully appreciated because I didn't have the context. The 1985 version is pretty long and more slow-moving, but I felt like it added way more depth to everything that was taking place in the story. The 2023 version almost banked on the fact that you've probably already seen the 1985 version, and they didn't spell everything out for you...which, again...imo was a good thing and a bad thing at the same time lol. I can't explain it.
Overall, very well-done movie! Loved the acting, loved the music, loved basically everything! 😊
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roseamongroses · 8 months
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[ID: Digital fanart of Shuri and Riri Williams from Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever. The art is messy with thick lines and the colors are tinted purple and red. The background is messy, purple scribbles. We see the two characters from the bust up. Shuri is a black woman with an afro with a taper fade and fangs. She wears a white and blue turtle-neck and three silver ear piercings. She leans towards Riri with her eyes closed and one arm wrapped around the other woman. Blood drips from her fangs and mouth. Riri is a black woman with cornrows and moles. She wears a blue-green tank top with a heart graphic and thick, gold hoops. Riri is leaning against something, with her eyes closed and expression calm. Her neck is bared to Shuri with two, bleeding holes dripping with blood seen. Her top is stained with blood too. End ID]
is it gay to suck ur homies dry???
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luucypevensie · 4 months
🦙 + my beloved Rue?? 🩷
(Also fair warning: I’m gonna be on planes for most of the day so it might take me a little longer to reblog these. 😅)
YAY, MORE ASKS ABOUT MY FAVE VOODOO WITCH! THANK YOU FAE! Tagging @dancingsunflowers-ocs and @eddysocs because they love Rue too
1. Their go-to song to cry to: About You by the 1975
2. Their love language: Rue is an acts of service girl; you can see her helping Bianca with studying and cooking her meals that she loves
3. Their favorite holiday movie: Gremlins (Rue is a horror movie aficionado)
4. Their pettiest moment: During the time where Rue and Bianca were enemies, Bianca had made a snide comment about how a test they took was pretty basic and only a brainless fool would fail it. This infuriated Rue to no end, and she spent the whole day studying for the next quiz. When it happened, Rue managed to surpass Bianca with a perfect score (including bonus questions) and she said to her smugly “Who’s the fool now, Bianca?” Hence began Nevermore’s nerdiest rivalry to lovers storyline
5. Their favorite ‘60’s song: L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole
6. Their nicknames: Rue (nickname for Prudence), Voodoo Bitch (by Bianca during their rivalry)
7. Their go-to karaoke song: Rehab by Amy Winehouse
8. A color you associate with them: Black (but dark purple would be a close second)
9. An event from their Prom night: I don’t know if Nevermore would even have a prom night, but I’m sure that if they did, the kids who consider themselves normal would do something to ruin the night like dump garbage all throughout the dance hall
10. Their favorite wild animal: Black panthers of course!
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skylarstark4826 · 2 months
Today was the day of the reaping. Shuri woke up to see her brother, T'Challa looking at Shuri with a gentle smile. Oh, how she loved her brother.
"Brother if that soft smile of yours will help me today, best I take it." Shuri smiled at her brother, joking first thing in the morning on the most dreaded day of every young child's life.
T'Challa laughed."I appreciate you trying to liven up the mood, but you're late. Bucky's waiting for you outside."
Shuri widened her eyes. She had overslept. She was supposed to hunt with Bucky before the reaping starts.
She rushed out of her bed. "Shit shit shit shit!" Shuri said as she scrambled to grab her clothes. She checked the clock and it said 12. The reaping starts at 2.
"Shuri language!" Her mother yelled from the kitchen.
"Sorry, mother!" Shuri yelled back. Things were falling over as she bumped over them.
Shuri always woke up as early as 5 in the morning so she can spend the entire day hunting and scavenging food she can sell to the hob. However every reaping she always woke late. It's the nervousness and fright. Shuri was and is always scared that she will have to fight people who don’t deserve death but also leave her poor mother and sick brother.
However, T’Challa was once so strong that he provided for the family alongside their father. It was a shock that he became sickly. One of the many assumptions on how he became like that was because of the death of their father. After he died in an explosion, T’Challa became sick, he can’t use his bow or his bare strength. The strength that ran in the Udaku blood.
Ever since then, Shrui provided. She hunted using her brother's bow and used her father's wisdom to guide her in her hunting.
However, the earnings she had on shooting rabbits and squirrels were not enough to sustain her family for more than two days. That’s why she had signed in for a system that allowed poor and starving citizens to receive rations. Luckily it lasts them for weeks. The downside of it is that your name doubles every time you sign up. Shuri is now 17 and she had signed up since she was 12. Meaning her name is on the bowl, 18 times. T’Challa could have helped but Shuri was firm about never allowing him. She couldn’t bear her brother fighting in the games. He’s 18, almost 19. He’s close to being safe.
Shuri waved her brother and mother goodbye as she dragged Bucky by the arm.
“Woah, what’s the rush, Uri?” Bucky said as he was dragged towards a tree quite far from Shuri’s house.
Shuri let go and sat down. Frustrated and scared. Her face didn’t show it but her actions speak for it. “I have a feeling I may be chosen as this year's tribute…”
Buck gave her a small chuckle before sitting beside her. “You won’t.”
“How can you be so sure?” Shuri said.
Bucky smiled warmly at her, a smile assuring her, a smile that always made her feel safe. “I just do.”
Shuri smiled back as she stood up and walked towards her bow. “Let's practice before 2.”
Time passed quickly. It was already one. Bucky said his goodbyes so he can change. Shuri quickly went inside and took a bath.
Shuri left the bathroom and by the time she glanced at the clock, it was already 1:25. She had to hurry up.
“Shuri, I laid out a dress for you,” Ramonda said by the doorway, a soft smile inlaid on her lips.
Shuri glanced at the table where a neatly laid dress colored light purple was. “Mother if this is one of your favorite dresses during your youth, I can’t accept this.”
Ramonda went close to her daughter. “My girl, my sweet Shuri… you had worked too hard for this family. I want you to have something, something from me, something that means great importance to me.” She hugged her daughter tight but reassuringly.
Shuri breathed in, hugging back. “Thank you, mother…”
Ramonda broke the hug as she left the room.
Shuri glanced at the soft purple dress in satin and wore it with utmost care. She took one glance in the mirror and she found it odd at first yet she was satisfied.
She left the room and bid goodbye to Ramonda. T’Challa was waiting for her. The walk on the town square was quite short, yet the comforting silence they had comforted Shuri.
Almost everyone was there. Shuri and T’Challa stopped walking to glance at one another. “I wish you safety, brother,” Shuri said as she hugged T’Challa to which he reciprocated. “So do I sister.”
They nodded at one another as they signed in and walked toward their designated crowd.
It has now begun. One of the most dreaded days. The reaping.
A woman with blond hair stepped out. Pepper Pots. She chooses the tributes for District 12 every eight months. Her blond hair was shiny and golden. This year she wore a dark blue dress with crystals that surrounded the hem. She was less fancy than the other tribute choosers.
"Happy hunger games everyone and may the odds be ever in your favor." She said gently. That's why Shuri liked Pepper. Her voice wasn't too high-pitched. She was gentle.
"I believe I shall waste no time." Pepper walked towards the ladies' bowl. "As usual ladies first." She began picking carefully. Shuri was nervous.
Pepper got the paper. Everyone held their breaths, terrified that they might be chosen.
"Ariya Shaul?"
Shuri widened her eyes. Ariya was just a 12-year-old. She helped her mother raise her. Shuri was like an older sister to the girl and she loved her like she was her own sister. Shuri had to do something.
"Come on up sweetheart," Pepper said extending her hand.
Fear was visible in the girl's eyes, people near her could see the tears formulating in her eyes. Ariya walked towards the stage. People made way for her to walk to which Shuri quickly ran after her.
"Ari! Ari!" Shuri called as she ran towards the girl. The peacemakers stopped her. "Let go let go!"
Ariya turned around, waving a small goodbye to Shuri.
"I volunteer as tribute!" Shuri yelled out loud as she squirmed around the peacemaker's clutch. They let her go upon hearing her declaration. Shuri pushed them away, facing Pepper and Ariya.
"My... We have our first volunteer... In a while. Come on up." Pepper beamed softly at Shuri.
Ariya shook her head refusing. She was a quiet girl who knows how to control her emotions, but right now, she was frightened. You could see it on her face.
"Sister please don't do this..." Ariya whispered. Her voice is so soft and meek upon begging Shuri.
Shuri smiled at the girl and patted her head. "It's okay, little dove," Shuri whispered to her.
Ariya began to run toward her only to be stopped by the peacemakers. "Shuri! Shuri! Please no!" She cried out loud. T'Challa carried her away.
Shuri stepped on the podium, her head high. She refused to cry, to look weak. She refused to look like prey.
"Wonderful! Your name?" Pepper asked as she held the mic close to Shuri.
"Shuri. Shuri Udaku." She replied, her body frozen.
"Well thank you for being this district's first female tribute. Has been a while." Pepper stopped for a bit before she walked towards the bowl for the men. She was quick to pick up the paper.
“The male tribute for district 12 is…” Pepper opened the paper. “T’Challa Udaku.”
Shuri’s face turned to dread. She glanced at her brother who was walking towards the stage. Was she going to kill her brother? The question wasn’t answered as a voice objected.
“I volunteer as tribute.”
Everyone looked at the voice. The man in the front row walked towards the podium. Pepper gave the mic to him to which he held it to introduce himself. “Namor.”
Pepper nodded. “There we have it everyone, this year's tributes for District 12. May I hear a round of applause please?”
Instead, no one applauded. Instead, they created an X using their arms. A sign of respect in their district.
Shuri glanced at Bucky whom she nodded.
The peacemakers guided them to separate rooms. Sure he sat and waited for the door to open and it did open. Her mother, her brother, and her other brother, all entered and hugged her. “Mother… brother…” She whispered.
“Please. Please be careful my daughter.” Ramonda hugged her tightly.
“Im great at surviving mother. I will be fine.” Shuri made a mental note not to cry. If she did, it would make her seem weak.
“Now I want all of you to listen up. We have many trinkets that mother had that she passed on to me. Sell those. It will give you money.”
Bucky nodded. To them, he was like family. "Here. I want you to have this." He gave Shuri a pin. A beautiful gold panther pin. The carving was beautiful, it captured the panther's body and face well, and it was real gold! This could provide a family for a year or so.
"Buck, this was your mothers... are you sure?" She whispered.
Bucky chuckled. "This was supposedly my gift for your birthday but I guess I can give it to you right now, as an advanced birthday gift. Also serves as your lucky charm."
"Buck... thank you," Shuri said as she hugged them tightly before the guards pulled them out.
"Be careful!" She yelled at the. One last time. Shuri placed the pin in her pocket, her memory of home.
She and Namor were transported to a vehicle that drove towards the train. It was pure silence.
When they did reach the train, she was told to sit.
“I’ll fetch Tony, both of you, talk and stay put okay?”
Shuri nodded. She looked beside her to see Namor looking at her. “Hello.” She greeted, softly. Quite afraid if her voice croaked, glad it didn’t.
“Hi.” He replied.
“Thank you for volunteering for my brother. It means the world to me.” Shuri smiled gently at him.
“No, it was nothing. He was well respected, it’s fair that I try to do something for a man who does not deserve it.” Namor smiled back. “The name Namor.” He reached out to her, to shake her hand.
Shuri nodded as she shook his. “Shuri. Let us win this game, shall we?”
“Yes. Yes, we shall.”
Shuri was comforted by the thought of how nice he was. She was about to ask about his skillsets when Pepper, accompanied by their supposed mentor who won the games 25 years ago, who happened to be drunk, crashed on the nearby table.
“You drank again! Even when I told you not to!” Pepper furiously said as she pulled Tony and dragged him over to sit in front of the two tributes. “For the last time Tony, you can not drink when the new tributes are here. It leaves a bad impression!” She sat beside him and wiped his face.
Everyone in Talokan knew the chemistry between Tony Stark and Pepper Pots. They themselves are the only ones who weren’t aware.
“Do we have a strategy?” Shuri asked. The attention was on her now.
“Let me tell you, kid. Don’t die, avoid careers, learn basic survival techniques and you win the games… hypothetically.” Tony said as he flinched at the roughness of the towel to which Pepper was rubbing his face with a pissed force.
“I know how to survive in the wilderness.” She replied.
“That’s great! Now don’t die. Easy.” Tony sarcastically said as he reached for the water which Namor smacked from his hands. The glass flew towards the window. The glass shattered at the impact.
Shuri widened her eyes as she glanced at Namor who was looking at Tony with a darkened face. “Namor you shouldn’t have done that.” She whispered to him.
“Shuri he belittled you. I have seen what you can do. This… so-called mentor of ours sees no hope for his trainees.” Namor replied, his voice louder than Shuri's.
“You know what I can do?” She whispered once again.
Namor ignored what she said and continued to look at Tony menacingly.
“HAHAHAHA! That’s great! Good strength and speed! I’m starting to like you.” Tony said. “Did you see that Pep? We got a strong and fast guy.” He turned his attention from Namor to Shuri. “What can you do?”
“I can hunt. I use a bow really well, I have good strength and speed too, and I know how to survive in the wild.” Shuri replied earnestly.
Pepper smiled. “Tony these kids are promising. Help them.” She said as she tightly held his hand to which Tony yelped in pain.
“Fine. But we can start tomorrow, I need sleep. My head aches.” He then stood up and walked to his room.
Everyone watched as Tony left.
“I too need sleep, see you tomorrow dears!” Pepper went in the opposite direction.
After everyone left Shuri drank the water from the glass in front of her before saying something. “Thanks for trying to defend me. I didn’t need it but thanks.”
Namor sighed before he stood up, he went near the door before stopping. “You don’t deserve to be undermined. I’ve seen what you can do.” He didn’t turn around. He just left.
Shuri was baffled as she sat alone, reflecting and thinking of home. She misses her mother who always hugged her when she was down. She missed her brother who always was there for her, who taught her what he knew, and who taught her everything. She misses her best friend, Bucky, who was her partner in crime in almost every shenanigan she did. She misses that ugly cat that belonged to T’Challa. She misses home.
Shuri unknowingly fell asleep at the dinner table. But she awoke for some time after she felt a piercing gaze directed at her. Shuri opened her eyes to see Namor standing in the doorway.
“Good morning Princess.” He smiled softly at her. “Did you have a good sleep?”
Shuri looked around, confused. Turns out she didn’t go to her room and fell asleep thinking of her family.
“No, not really. My body feels like shit.” She replied.
“I can take you to your room, I can see you’re too exhausted to walk.” He went near her. “Hop on my back.”
“Are you kidding?” She chuckled but she noticed he wasn’t joking. “You aren't kidding?”
He nodded. “Just accept it.”
She reluctantly agreed and hoped on his back. After all, she was so exhausted.
They arrived in her room and he laid her gently on the bed. “Goodnight Shuri.”
“Good night Namor.”
Though Shuri hoped to have a dreamless sleep, her mind had a different plan. She dreamt of home. She dreamt of eating bread with Ramonda and T'Challa while she threw bits of it to his ugly cat which she named Bubi.
The dream was peaceful. Felt too real.
"Up up up! It's another day wake up!" Pepper said as she knocked at Shuri's door. Pepper continued to knock until she heard Shuri's annoyed groan.
"Meet you at the dining cabin before 7, hurry up!"
Shuri heard the clacking of her heels fade away. "Well, another day close to death." She whispered to herself. Opening the closet was a dark violet jumpsuit paired with a black jacket. Shuri pinned the panther pin on the left side of her chest and zipped her jacket.
Shuri left her room and walked down the cabin to see Namor walk towards her. His room was just one room away from hers.
"Morning." He greeted first. Shuri was still adjusting to her new surroundings. That includes new people.
"Morning. Sleep well?" Shuri asked attempting a conversation. The only friend she had was Bucky so talking to strangers of people around her age or her brother's age was difficult.
He nodded. "Was okay, I usually wake up at 8. You? Slept well?"
"Aside from a dream about home? Yeah kinda."
Namor gave a small laugh before the door automatically opened. Namor gestured for her to get in first to which Shuri went in.
"Good morning dears. Breakfast?" Pepper said as she watched both Namor and Shuri sit in their seats.
Shuri's eyes marveled at the food in front of her. The aroma, texture, and color hypnotized her. Though it was tempting to just eat it all up, she knows basic etiquette. Something her mother taught her.
Everyone began eating, Pepper began chatting, asking about how they felt or how they will survive. Mostly Namor responded. Shuri only replied to a few questions.
"Great now Pep, deer boy, and crazy cat girl ate without me," Tony said as he walked towards the table, beside pepper.
"Crazy cat girl?" Shuri asked as he chewed her chicken.
Tony nodded while reaching for the bread. "Yeah cause you can be gentle, then feisty, then aloof--- a whole mood swing, hence crazy cat girl."
Namor gave a small laugh. "I would usually disagree but for once you are right."
Shuri looked at the men, confused and slightly offended. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever call me however you like but I need to know to play the games."
"Well before you enter the games, you please the people first. Thus sponsors. You two need sponsors to survive the arena, they come in handy for things you'll need. If they see you need burn ointment, they'll get it for you."
Shuri and Namor finished eating.
Namor leaned towards Tony, his ears listening with great interest. "So one of the tasks I need to accomplish is to please the capital?"
"Yep," Tony said. "You may wanna start now." He whispered as the train began slowing down. They were in the capital.
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wakandafibers · 1 year
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I made Nakia her arms and detailed her outfit today. She's all finished -- and look, little purple flowers just sprouted up on the lawn again just like they did the day I finished T'Challa. 💜🙂
This Nakia is based on a deleted scene she had with Everett Ross in Black Panther, but she had worn the outfit this outfit was inspired by in other scenes in the actual movie.
I also have a Funko of her wearing the outfit so I used it to help with color references as I was literally too lazy to grab some screencaps like I normally do.
Everett still needs his arms to be made and then the detailing to his outfit, so he'll most likely be the next doll that's finished and then I'm not sure which doll I'll make next. I've been thinking of an Erik and of course some more versions of T'Challa. Queen Ramonda would be great as well so who knows.
I would like to make a couple of more dolls on a bigger scale like the ones I tell little drabbles/stories with, but those take even longer to make so time will tell.
Anyway, thanks for checking out/hanging out with my Black Panther Dolls here and there, and for liking/following/sharing the silliness. 🙂💜🧶
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paramounticebound · 1 year
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what’s your phone wallpaper :  This is my home screen and this is my lock screen, and both pieces were created by the amazing @dappermouth.
last song you listened to : Madness of an Architect by High on Fire
currently reading : About to start reading a self-published comic from a local artist called ‘Bryn’.
last movie : Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
last show : Ted Lasso
what are you wearing right now : Sweat pants and a shirt that only says “hello there” which I bought for the sole purpose of channeling my inner Kenobi
piercings / tattoos? : 6 ear piercings, two nose piercings (idk, they’re probably closed by now rip), and 9 tattoos
glasses ? contacts? : Glasses because I don’t trust myself to put things in my eyeballs.
last thing you ate? : Thin mint girl scout cookies and I ate way too many :’)
favorite color(s) : Silver, black, blue, purple
current obsession :  Uhhh, it’s always reptiles and it’s always Star Wars.
do you have a crush right now? : Yes??
favourite fictional character : Please. Okay, uh, a toss-up between Darth Nihilus, Connor Kenway, and Khaaaan!
Tagged by: @the-blackest-spider thank you!<3
Tagging: @vuulpecula​ @fasciinating​ @transcendcnce​ @godresembled​ @mehrere-musen​ @starnamedlyra​ @dethqveen​ @the27percent​ @donutdollie​ @commandsir​ @eskelwolf​ and YOU!
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