michyribeiro · 2 years
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Misha Collins // Roadfood 1x04
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michyribeiro · 2 years
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“Dean, promise me something?” “What?” “Don’t look away.”
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michyribeiro · 2 years
Hi! I’m asking you, THEE cockles expert, what in your opinion are the top 3 undeniable no-het-explanation-whatsoever moments? I mean yes we should all pray4jensen because the man literally can’t control his face when Mish is near but there’re also things that make no sense at all if there’s no cockles. Also thanks for your amazing work on the cockles moments saga 💖
😂 okay first of all, while i’m flattered, i feel i must demur and say that i am not THEE cockles expert, i am only A cockles expert. plenty of other people know more than me, i just compiled what i do know.
that said, this is a great challenge, because it’s pretty hard to narrow it down to just three! i suppose i’ll have to go with just to most unbelievably blatant of spectacles that i don’t know how anyone can explain away.
1: the infamous anal sex fart joke. the joke is literally that misha fucked jensen’s butt too loose for him to fart normally. this is apparently a common joke among mlm, and i have been told that jensen mimicked the sound perfectly. 
also, his face after he said it. that’s a dude who’s practically glowing, but also can’t believe he just outed himself for a fart joke.
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2. straddlegate. i really don’t know how anybody can no-homo a guy needlessly throwing himself down on the floor so his “buddy” can straddle him and mime choking him while calling him a “sexy little bitch”, and then doing the world’s worst job at covering up his erection from it.
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3. when i say that they’re exhibitionists, i mean that they’re fuckin exhibitionists.
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bonus: it’s more subtle, but i’m not sure how one could hetero this kind of tender hand lovemaking.
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michyribeiro · 2 years
Hi! I’m asking you, THEE cockles expert, what in your opinion are the top 3 undeniable no-het-explanation-whatsoever moments? I mean yes we should all pray4jensen because the man literally can’t control his face when Mish is near but there’re also things that make no sense at all if there’s no cockles. Also thanks for your amazing work on the cockles moments saga 💖
😂 okay first of all, while i’m flattered, i feel i must demur and say that i am not THEE cockles expert, i am only A cockles expert. plenty of other people know more than me, i just compiled what i do know.
that said, this is a great challenge, because it’s pretty hard to narrow it down to just three! i suppose i’ll have to go with just to most unbelievably blatant of spectacles that i don’t know how anyone can explain away.
1: the infamous anal sex fart joke. the joke is literally that misha fucked jensen’s butt too loose for him to fart normally. this is apparently a common joke among mlm, and i have been told that jensen mimicked the sound perfectly. 
also, his face after he said it. that’s a dude who’s practically glowing, but also can’t believe he just outed himself for a fart joke.
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2. straddlegate. i really don’t know how anybody can no-homo a guy needlessly throwing himself down on the floor so his “buddy” can straddle him and mime choking him while calling him a “sexy little bitch”, and then doing the world’s worst job at covering up his erection from it.
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3. when i say that they’re exhibitionists, i mean that they’re fuckin exhibitionists.
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bonus: it’s more subtle, but i’m not sure how one could hetero this kind of tender hand lovemaking.
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michyribeiro · 2 years
Wouldn't he have Jensen to cuddle anyway if he wanted to? I mean isn't he also at this con?
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michyribeiro · 3 years
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michyribeiro · 3 years
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Misha Collins in TV series, 1998 - 2012
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michyribeiro · 3 years
Earlier today, I compared Cockles to the "&" symbol ... this is why:
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michyribeiro · 3 years
My gut is telling me that Jensen initially thought that the person hugging him was Rob-- who was coming out to tell Jensen that the panel was over; which is why when "Rob" walked over to his right side and touched his shoulder, Jensen looked all confused .... but then when he saw that it was actually Misha, he did a double take and burst into a glowing grin.
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[GIF Source]
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michyribeiro · 3 years
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... nope. No idea what you're talking about.
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michyribeiro · 3 years
What do I focus on?
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The stunning photography?
The subject?
The subject's hair?
The subject's jawline?
The tag placement?
Misha being on top?
Misha being on Jensen's (aka: the subject's) heart?
The fact that Jensen is reading Misha's book?
The fact that Jensen is reading the "Love Poems" section of the book?
The fingers in the mouth?
The post being posted on National Coming Out Day?
The fact that Danneel is my queen?
How I'm dying?
Omg omfg HELP!!!
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michyribeiro · 3 years
the enemy (spn prequel) of my enemy (j*red) is my friend
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michyribeiro · 3 years
lazofficial: Last night with the fam celebrating our Starlight’s birthday đŸ„ł đŸ’« 
.. and who knew @jensenackles could harmonize!!! He loves this song! 😂 #pipes (x)
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michyribeiro · 3 years
French dub of the confession scene from 15x18
Full transcript:
CASTIEL : Il y a une chose dont elle a peur, une chose suffisamment forte qui la mettrait hors d’état de te nuire. Quand Jack Ă©tait mourant, j’ai passĂ© un accord pour sauver sa vie.
DEAN : Tu as quoi ?
CASTIEL : Le prix Ă  payer, c’était ma propre vie. DĂšs que j’éprouverai un bonheur intense, le Vide sera immĂ©diatement invoquĂ© et il m’emportera pour toujours.
DEAN : Pourquoi tu me dis ça que maintenant ?
CASTIEL : Je me suis toujours demandĂ© depuis le jour oĂč j’ai acceptĂ© ce fardeau, cette malĂ©diction, ce que ça pourrait ĂȘtre ce bonheur intense que je n’ai jamais connu de ma vie. Jusque lĂ , je n’avais pas la rĂ©ponse, parce que la seule et unique chose que je veux, je sais pertinemment que je ne peux pas l’avoir. Mais j’ai compris maintenant, j’ai compris ce que c’est que ce bonheur intense. Il ne s’agit pas de vouloir le bonheur, il s’agit simplement d’ĂȘtre heureux, d’exprimer son bonheur.
DEAN : Mais qu’est-ce que tu racontes ?
CASTIEL : Dean, je sais
 je sais comment tu te vois en tant qu’ĂȘtre humain. Tu te vois comme tes ennemis te voient. Tu te vois autodestructeur, comme un homme en colĂšre, fracassĂ©, comme le bras armĂ© de ton pĂšre. Tu crois que la haine et la colĂšre c’est
 c’est ce qui te motive et c’est ce que tu es, mais c’est faux. Et pour tous ceux qui te connaissent bien, c’est Ă©vident. Absolument tout ce que tu as fait, que ce soit bien ou mal, tu l’as fait au nom de l’amour. Tu as Ă©levĂ© ton petit frĂšre au nom de l’amour, tu as combattu les tarĂ©s de ce monde au nom de l’amour. VoilĂ  l’homme que tu es. Tu es l’homme le plus compassionnel sur cette Terre. Tu es l’ĂȘtre humain le plus dĂ©vouĂ©, l’ĂȘtre humain le plus aimant que je n’aurai jamais connu. Depuis que je te connais, depuis que je t’ai sorti des affres de l’Enfer, tu as bouleversĂ© ma vie. Parce que j’ai senti que tu tenais Ă  moi, mais que moi aussi je tenais Ă  toi. Je tenais aussi Ă  Sam et bien sĂ»r Ă  Jack, mais si j’ai autant aimĂ© ce monde, c’est uniquement grĂące Ă  toi. Tu m’as transformĂ©, Dean.
DEAN : Pourquoi j’ai l’impression que ça ressemble à un adieu ?
CASTIEL : Parce que c’est un adieu. Je t’aime, Dean.
DEAN : Ne me fais pas ça, Castiel. Castiel.
CASTIEL : Adieu, Dean.
Thanks to twitter user DeanlovesCas2 for finding it and sharing the link with me.
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michyribeiro · 3 years
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^ So Soldier Boy, new character on The Boys that I will start playing in the new year, and one of the reasons why I’ve got [tugs beard] this happening.
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^ I was asked to grow it out and uh, and we’ll see what happens, so um, yeah.
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^ It’s uh, it’s getting to the point where I don’t, I don’t know if I can handle it. [scratches beard]
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^ So that’s, I
 [points to beard, shrugs]. Maybe they’re just doing that as like a hazing thing for the new guy.
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michyribeiro · 3 years
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Dean and Cas are getting married today. They’re both very nervous.
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michyribeiro · 3 years
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Title: Christmas Downhill
Author: @avengeful-bunny
Artist: @highbeeans
Pairings: Geralt/Jaskier
Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Christmas, Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, Hallmark AU, Modern AU, Fluff, Everyone Hates Valdo
Warnings: Illness
Length: 65k
Jaskier, a struggling musician on the outs with his wealthy, elitist family is invited to spend a very special Christmas at his childhood home...with his boyfriend that technically doesn’t exist. Enter Geralt, a Law student and part-time ski instructor who happens to fit all the requirements to play fake boyfriend in front of the family, for a small fee. With the magic of the season in the air, will the plan go flawlessly, or will a case of the feelings cause it all to go downhill? Either way, it promises to be a Christmas to remember.
Link to Fic
Link to Art
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