littleluminaryzzz · 6 months
*glitching static can be heard from the background
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THE SMILING CRITTERS EP██S██ "My BestFriend" A special Episode where Catnap had turned into a smaller and cute little kitty, this episode is for the new Catnap Plush that had been released to the public, this time more cuter and more cuddly than before. It gives off Lavender scent and you no longer have to pull its tail to give a lavendar scent, as our new CATNAP PLUSH can automatically released it as soon as you are sleepy. . .
Here is a clip from the lost episode:
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Catnap: "Dogday? He's my Bestfriend! My ███████ . ."
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ravixen · 2 years
happy early bday aeris! for the prompt game, 2 and woozi?
"it's you, it's always been you."
➔ drabble game vii || request || bestfriend!au
➔ warnings: none || 400 words ➔ notes: not really angst ; thank you for the well wishes!! i wish i could've had more time to work on these drabbles and get them out sooner. i knew i was busy but wanted to make the effort anyway :( hope you like this!
In retrospect, April Fools Day was arguably the worst day to confess to your crush, but to be fair, life-changing epiphanies rarely care about time and place. And that's what Jihoon had at 3am on a Friday night, so late that it could be considered morning: the life-changing epiphany that he's in love with his best friend.
He's not sure what made him come to the conclusion, but it was strong enough for him to roll out of bed and text you a quick hey, i think i like you, too. can we talk tmr? before he could forget. He supposes, again in retrospect, that you were justified in avoiding him all day, but it certainly didn't feel good in the moment. He kept checking his phone every few minutes, and Soonyoung went as far as pocketing the device until Jihoon explained what was going on.
"Are you stupid?" Soonyoung deadpanned, uncharacteristically serious for once. "Go see them in person!"
And that was the push he needed to drive to your place, a small bouquet of your favorite flowers clutched in his sweaty palms. A few petals shook to the floor as he rang the doorbell and waited for your footsteps in the foyer.
It's you, it's always been you, he wanted to say. Sorry I'm a few months late. The words died on his throat when a different man opened your door, greeting Jihoon with a warm smile.
"Hey there! I haven't seen you in forever," he said. Jihoon recognized him as your co-worker. "Y/N and I are just getting ready to go out; they're in the bathroom. Did you need something?"
In retrospect, Jihoon should've considered this possibility. In retrospect, he should've known that you wouldn't wait on him forever...and who would spill about their love life to the person who broke their heart?
"Oh...nothing," Jihoon said, pasting on a smile that he hoped your new partner wouldn't see through. He pushed the bouquet forward. "This was on sale and I thought it'd look nice in their kitchen."
"Thanks, man, they'll love this! Do you know these are their favorites?"
He did. In retrospect, Jihoon should've left then. Instead, he stalled for a few minutes, long enough for you to come to the door and meet his gaze. The silence and your stricken expression was enough for him to know that he was too late.
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imagine-svt · 3 years
imagine pretending not to hear bestfriend!minghao through your noise-cancellation headphones, but when he quietly admits that he likes you, thinking that your music is too loud, you can't control your expression. you're left gaping at a flustered minghao
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Best Friends to Lovers
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1,128
Warning: Swearing.
Summary: Being best friends with Bucky was great until feelings got involved.
Buy me a coffee
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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As you trudged through the tower, you were in need of letting off some steam. Your normal sparring partners were either occupied with something important or they were gone. Your feet led you to your last hope.
Opening the door, he had on that smile, that always caused butterflies to flutter in your stomach, while the scent of him filled the air.
Crossing your arms you let out an annoyed huff. You both knew it was in fake annoyance.
“Barnes,” You groaned in defeat. “I need a sparring partner, and you’re my last resort.”
He chuckled deeply. The same chuckle that made you want to jump his bones whenever you heard it. “I don’t know whether to be offended or happy at that statement.”
Scoffing again you began growing impatient. “Meet me at the gym in five then.”
“Woah wait,” his large warm hand catching your wrist in his hand, tugging you backward. “We can walk down together, I just need to change quickly.”
Nodding your head, you followed him into his room. It was a familiar place since you were there almost every day once a day, sometimes more.
“Is anything you do ‘quick’ anymore considering how old you are?” You questioned fighting the urge to giggle.
His fingers dancing along your sides and ribs was his answer. The sound of your laughter filled the arm, as you attempted to squirm away from him.
“You talk such a big game, for a little girl.” He teased, with his infamous smile.
“B-Bucky,” You laughed. “P-Please.”
“Please what?” He smirked. “You know the rules.”
Rolling your eyes, you attempted to halt his motions. Sweeping your leg against his, you both went tumbling to the floor. Swiftly, you straddled his waist, gathering his wrists in your hand locking them against the floor.
“Fuck your rules, Barnes.” It was your turn to smirk. “I’ve always hated those damn rules.”
His piercing blue eyes widened at your actions followed by your words. His mouth was slightly agape.
“H-How...” His voice trailed off.
You chuckled. “If we all learned one thing from Cap, it’s to go for the legs.”
He closing his eyes he groaned, letting the back of his head hit the floor with a thud. “You’re such a brat.”
His words caused the butterflies to come back and flutter around in your stomach like you were about to reach the highest drop on a roller coaster.
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
Opening his eyes again, they pierced in yours. This time they weren’t the same bright blue eyes rather dark and stormy ones.
Knock. Knock.
“Babe?” A feminine voice asked through the door. “Ready for lunch?”
Inhaling a breath, you quickly rolled off of Bucky. Heat arose in your cheeks at the events that had just played out. You crossed your arms over your chest.
Getting to his feet, he shot you a sympathetic look.
“Save it, Barnes.” You sighed sadly. “You always chose her over me.”
“Y/N...” He whispered. “She is my girlfriend.”
Rolling your eyes, you whispered back. “Yeah and I’m your best friend.” You unwrapped your arms vaguely gesturing around you. “Dude, it’s bros before hoes. Not the other way around.”
Dropping his gaze, he frowned at your statement.
Not allowing him to answer, you stormed out of his room practically tackling his girlfriend on the way out.
“I can’t believe I’m about to say this.” Sam groaned rubbing his face in frustration.
“Then don’t.” You snapped, standing up, getting back into a sparring stance.
Shooting you a stern face Sam continued. “Maybe you should cut Barns some slack.”
Scoffing you, threw your punches each being blocked by Sam.
“I mean, it’s affecting the both of you.” He reasoned. “It’s been over a week already, Y/N.”
Frowning you grabbed your water bottle and headed for the locker room. Taking a shower the words Sam said rang true.
How much longer did you think you could keep this up? Bucky is your best friend....isn’t he?
Walking out of the locker room, you were greeted with a waiting Sam. He had made plans to show you the new bookstore he had stumbled upon one day.
The ride there was silent. Neither one of you wanting to talk about something as mushy and gushy as feelings.
Perusing through book isles, Sam finally broke.
“They broke up you know.” His voice sounded from one aisle over.
Frowning you hadn’t known they broke up. Guilt and dread overwhelmed you.
“Now’s your chance.”
“Sam.” You warned. “He’s way out of my league. ‘Sides he doesn’t feel the same.”
“Doesn’t he though? Actions speak louder than words.”
You scoffed. “Some of us still need validation.”
Deciding you had enough of the conversation, you ventured further into the store.
Little did you know, Sam had called the man in question beforehand allowing him to head every word confessed.
Months went by before you started noticing the team had begun asking weird around you.
You didn’t live with them at the tower, you wanted your independence so you opted to live in a small studio apartment close by. You had gone out of your way, to avoid Bucky.
It had been successful up until this point.
Knock knock.
Echoed through your apartment.
“Coming!” You yelled, racing toward the door.
Flinging it open, you reached into your purse fumbling for cash.
“How much do I owe ya?”
Ice raced through your veins as you froze in place. That deep voice was one you had gone months without hearing.
“Please.” His voice broke. “Please let me in.”
Daring to sneak a glance at the man, you took in his look. His clothes were disheveled, hair a mess, while his normally cheerful blue eyes were now bloodshot.
Taking you both by surprise, you moved to allow him in.
Shutting the door, two strong arms wrapped around your middle yanking you to their body. Bucky held onto you as if you were his lifeline.
His scent of cologne and soap filled your nose. It was only when he was clinging onto you, that you noticed he was soaking wet.
A roaring boom echoed along with a bright flash of lighting.
Breathing against his neck for a little while longer, you began pulling away. Leaving his arms wrapped around you, he rested his forehead against yours gazing into your eyes.
The feeling of soft lips against yours caught you off guard. No, you didn’t pull away rather, you lifted your hand into his hair while the other rested on the back of his neck.
Pulling away, you could barely open your eyes. If you opened them that would mean two things. First, that the kiss was over. Second, it was very real.
“It’s always been you.” He whispers.
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yoongsjingles · 4 years
Yakult Soju
↣ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | jungkook x reader
↣ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1,685
↣ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 | bestfriend au, childhood friends, exes, fwb - angst, fluff & chsmut
↣ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | a drunk Friday night with your best friend, who also happens to be your ex, leads to questionable decisions (series)
"What episode are we on again?" You shouted towards the kitchen where Jungkook was supposedly making his specialty cocktail, a mixture of too much soju and too little Yakult. There are a bunch of things Jungkook is good at, but being a bartender is definitely not one.
With two large mugs in one hand and a bowl of heavenly caramel buttered popcorn in another, the doe eyed boy appeared from your kitchen with a cheeky grin that could easily be explained with the fact that he mixed way more soju than the usual, "10?"
Friday nights had always been a night with Jungkook, whether it was watching Pororo in front of the television with matching PJs because your mother thought it would be 'cute' or hanging out in the bedroom complaining about high school. Ever since the both of you got into college, Friday nights were usually spent dressing up and queueing outside clubs, waiting to get in. And now years later, despite graduating and getting jobs that ate into your own personal schedules, the tradition still continued, albeit most Friday nights were spent catching up over dinner at Sally's, a diner nearby, before calling it a night because the both of you were just so damn tired from the long week.
Tonight however, was different. Tonight, you had called him in the middle of your work day, frustrated and upset because your boss told you off for someone else's mistake. Tonight, he suggested having take-away at your house while watching movies. "Like old times," he convinced you over the phone call.
"Maybe we should change our usual Friday night plans," You suggested as you picked up a mug and took a sip from, which you were pretty sure was 90% soju and only 10% Yakult. The boy was definitely out to get you drunk, not that you were complaining, "Sally's is getting boring and Friday night movies aren't too bad, especially with alcohol."
He let a chuckle from his lips when he saw you wince from the contents of the mug, "Please, any Friday night with me is never bad."
His comment earned him a playfully hit to his shoulder, "Just because you said that, you are my leg-rester for the night."
Moving his legs in a way that was comfortable for you to rest on, you sprawled your own on Jungkook's lap, digging into his thigh slightly a few times, just for revenge.
The boy felt no pain at all, and even if he did, he showed no pain and instead snorted while throwing a popcorn in the direction of your face, "You always do that anyway. Now shut up, the episode already started."  
As ridiculous as that statement was, you tried not to laugh. You were a talker during movies. Ever since you watched Mickey Mouse and saw Goofy walking on two years while Pluto walked on four, despite both of them being dogs, which confused the heck out of you (and still puzzles you now). Even then you were a talker during movies, which explains perfectly was why Jungkook never wants to go to the cinema with you, especially when it was a new Marvel movie that was showing.
It was two mugs later, or maybe even three, not that it made a difference because even if your life depended on it, you probably couldn't even count how many fingers you had right now. Somewhere between what was the sixth or seventh episode, you found your head on Jungkook's lap, the hem of his shirt rubbing between your fingers, a bad habit you picked up when the both of you were dating.
"Yerrr know," his voice was laced with alcohol, yet it was barely louder than a whisper. The television was still turned on, with its noise filling the background.
"It's kinnnda sad, yerr know, that we didn't work out. I always assumed it would," With a fuzzy gaze, he tried his best to look deep into your eyes, "because it's you and me."
It was a no touch subject.
Jungkook was your best friend who grew up next door. The both of you dated, albeit briefly, when you chose the same university he did, 202 miles away from Busan, in the bustling metropolis called Seoul.
Four months. That was how long it took for the relationship to end, for reasons that weren't understandable. He just showed up at your door one day, after a small fight and suggested for things to turn back to what it was before. For the immense love you had for the boy, something about the pain in his face when he showed up made you agree, no questions asked.
He remained your best friend, Jeon Jungkook, the boy who stood by you in everything. And the both of you pretended like the four months had never happen.
But here he was, slightly drunk, caressing your hair with a little pressure, just the way you like it, bringing up a topic you so badly want to avoid. While most days you were brave enough to walk around the world, boldly with nonchalance like you weren't President of the 'I don't know how I feel but I don't think I love Jeon Jungkook, not in that way at least' club, this time you couldn't.
You were probably quite drunk. Not as bad as the time Jungkook had you piggyback you home from the club because you passed out but you probably couldn't walk straight if you tried.
He smells really good, like laundry detergent and aftershave with subtle tones of cedarwood from his cologne and chamomile from his shampoo
You were aware of how close your hand was to his stomach. One careless brush away from his shirt and you would be able to feel well-defined abdomen he spent hours in the gym training for.
The confused face on his look from your lack of reply is gone because you've been too busy inside your head making a list.
He's closing his eyes, maybe his head feels a little woozy.
He's leaning in, face dangerously close that you feel his breath on your skin.
You feel his soft plump lips on yours. Delicious.
The thought hits you like the world's fastest high-speed train. You were kissing Jeon Jungkook. Any sense of intoxication you had a mere five seconds before has been washed out of your system, like gravel roads on a terribly rainy day.
You were kissing Jeon Jungkook. A part of your knows you should stop it. But the small annoying voice at the back of your head, the one that unfortunately makes the decisions when you're drunk, kisses him back, desperately, like it is the first time the soil is seeing rain after months of drought. You slipped a hand behind his neck and he hoists you up, your legs straddling his but lips never leaving.
You've kissed Jungkook before, so many times. First kisses, forehead kisses, goodnight kisses, make out kisses, but nothing compares to the way his lips feel right now. He tastes of soju and Yakult and of a boy you've known for years.
Desperately, you nibble on his bottom lip. A low groan emerges from his throat and that sound itself sends you into an overdrive of ache and longing for the boy in front of you. His mouth makes its way down your throat, alternating between leaving soft pecks and what you are pretty sure will be bruises when tomorrow morning comes.
In the four months that you've dated Jeon Jungkook, you've never had sex with him. He was your first boyfriend and every time things got too heated between the both of you, he had always pulled back, assuring you that he would wait until you were ready before excusing himself to 'fix' his problem in the toilet. But six years has passed since, and the girl in front of him right now is not the same inexperienced girl he broke up with.
As his lips found your collarbone, you took his earlobe between your lips and sucked on it for a little moment, before nibbling it like how you knew he liked it.
"Fuck, can I please?" He whined as his fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt. A brief nod from you was all he needed to pull your shirt off your body, hands roaming the expanse of your stomach and back.
Growing more greedy, you slipped your hand under his shirt, fingers ghosting over his lean abs several times. He was making you weak by the second. To fulfil your aching need, your hands found home on his waist, gripping it firmly before you began to slowly, teasingly grind against him.
"Please don't, Ja-gi…" He breathed, eyes shut close in pleasure from the friction you were giving him, "if you start, I don't think I have the will to stop."
"I want this," You cooed. That was all it took for his hand to move from your stomach down to your hip. He pushed you down harder against him as he began grinding his own hips up into yours, both your moans painting the walls in unison.
Your head was messier the morning after than it was last night because…
You couldn't remember much of last night after the both of you had decided move to the bedroom because it was more comfortable
But there was a certain soreness between your legs, so you can be quite sure there was sex involved
You turned your head to your right expecting to find Jungkook but there is no Jungkook to be found
You have a head splitting hangover because it hurts to turn your head
Why is Jungkook not here? Did he leave?
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in which you’re bestfriend with Kyungsoo, and he called you muffin
(re-upload, ‘Muffin’, on AFF 2018)
“Have a nice day.” You said.
“I won’t.” he coldly replied.
You rolled your eyes and left his side to walk with Chen. “If only he could be nicer.” You mumbled and Chen chuckling beside you.
“Then what? You gonna date him if he’s nicer to you, muffin?” Chen teased you with the nickname you got from him.
“Shut up.”
“Ah, sorry, you have a boyfriend.”
Chen continue laughing while you grumbling. You’re waving your hand to your friend, “Wendy! Wait!”
You semi run towards Wendy leaving Chen and your grumpy childhood bestfriend, Kyungsoo.
“How’s the exam?” Wendy asked while sipping her slushie.
“Surprisingly good!” you grabbed her slushie and sip it. “Can’t believe I answered all the question.”
“Hey, ladies.” Wendy’s classmate, Suji greet you and her. You’re not very close to Suji but she’s a pretty and nice girl, “wanna go grab lunch?”
You remember you promised Kyungsoo to have lunch with him after he handed the paper, “I’ll skip, I’m going to have lunch with Kyungsoo later.”
“He’s your boyfriend? I’m in the same science class with him.” Suji said.
“No, no,” you gestured your hands like an X, “we’re just childhood friends.”
“She has a boyfriend.” Wendy pointed at you, “Lay, from Art major.”
“Oh, I see… and Lay’s gonna join you for lunch later?” Suji asked.
“Uhm, no… he got another paperworks… so…”
“And he’s fine with your relationship with Kyungsoo?” 
“Of course,” you laughs, “they’re friends… I know Lay from Kyungsoo.”
You’re waiting for Kyungsoo at the College park and you saw him walking with Chen and Kai, “Dyo!” you called him by the nickname you gave him, it’s from his surename, Doh.
He turned to see you and nod, “what?”
“So what are we having for lunch?”
He raised his eyebrows a bit, “lunch? I just had lunch with them.” He pointed the two other boys.
“Well, I’m hungry after finishing the paper.” He said it calmly, “you haven’t eat? It’s almost 3 pm.” 
“Because you—“ you harshly inhaled air and finally said, “yeah I haven’t eat, I’m just gonna grab whatever in the convinience store and eat it while walking home.”
You turned around and fished your cellphone from your bag and call your boyfriend.
“Hey, babe.” He answered.
“Where are you? I’m hungry, wanna go grab lunch?”
“I had one, you haven’t eat?”
“Not yet…” you sighs.
“I can’t go anywhere now, I’m still working on my final project.” He said. “You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine… bye…” you hung up and walking towards your house, it’s not close from the Campus but you feel like enjoying the nice weather.
You knew who’s voice it was but you keep walking.
“Where’s your lunch?” Kyungsoo jabbed your shoulders while panting after he ran after you.
“I haven’t buy one.”
“Let’s go.”
“Huh?” he pull you to a small market and next thing you know you’re sitting in front of bibimbap stall and Kyungsoo already order one for you.
“Even tho I told you to have lunch with me, if you’re hungry then go eat by yourself first.” He said while mixing the rice for you.
“I’m unlike you,” you said, “if I promised something to someone, I’ll keep it.”
He laughs, showing his cute gummy, “good girl,” he patted you head, “now eat.” 
You shove the spoon to your mouth and you know he’s watching you.
“Where’s Lay?” he asked.
“Busy with final project.” You shortly replied.
“Neglected again~” he sang the last part just to make you pout.
You scoffed while busy chewing your food.
“Hey, I saw you talked to Suji before.”
You turned to see him with squinting eyes. Kyungsoo never asked about a girl like this before. “Yeah.”
“She’s pretty like cupcakes.” He said.
You rolled your eyes, you have a history about you nickname that related to Kyungsoo and cupcake.
“We’re at a same class.” He murmured.
“Yeah, she told me that—“
“What if you set me up with her?’
You almost choked on your food, “you… w-what? You like her??”
“Well,” he shrugged his shoulders, “she’s cute.”
“You don’t like cute girls!”
“And who are you deciding what kind of girls I like?” he mocked.
You munch your food slower, “so… you like Suji?”
“I don’t know yet… but I think she’s cute.” Kyungsoo chuckles.
it wasn’t a double date since you were on a date with Lay and you told Suji if she wants to join, and you saw a brighter smile when you mentioned that Kyungsoo might be there too.
Lay and Kyungsoo talked about games they were playing and Suji seems to enjoying the conversation and you can’t help but observing how Kyungsoo being gentle to Suji. He likes the girl. You knew.
Moreover when Kyungsoo offering to walk her home.
He likes her.
You knew.
“How is it with her?” you asked Kyungsoo when you met him in front of your Campus gate.
“Come onn… you know whom I was talking about.” You took the cola from his hand.
“We talked a lot on the way home.”
He’s turning to see you, “I like her.”
You stop walking.
“Muffin?” he stopped and turned his heels and stretched his arms out, “my cola.”
The following week you saw Suji’s social media when he posted her picture with Kyungsoo and the caption was: love.
“Oohh~ my Kyungsoo have a girlfriend~” you teased him when you met him later on at the subway station.
He smiles widely, something he rarely done. “we went out just us few more times before I told her if she wants to be my girl.”
“Tell me the details!!” you asked when he pull you to the train and he found you both seats.
“What details? We went out for a meal and on the way home I told her that I like her, she said yes.” He plug the earphones on his phone and scroll the music directory, press play to a song and offer the other end of the earphone to you.
You took it without saying anything, “you happy?”
He nodded, “told you, I like her.”
“Valentine’s coming, do we have plans?” you asked Lay.
“Of course.” He kissed your hair, “dinner?”
You nodded while looking at him designing something on his computer tablet, “I hate your projects.” You murmured.
Lay laughing, “why?”
“I’m jealous that you put more attention to them than to me.”
Lay clicked ‘save’ and put it down on the table, then he joined you on the bed, his bed, “you missed me, aren’t you?”
“I’ve told you that million times but you always said: my final project this, my final project that.” You pouts and he kiss the pout away.
“Let’s go on a date on val’s day. I’ll book a place for us.”
He said that but he was the one coming to you asking, “have you book a restaurant for us?”
You can’t  help but furrowing your eyebrows.
“Hey, Soo.” Lay greets Kyungsoo who walks with you towards your class together.
“Me? Do I have to book it for us?” You raised your voice.
Lay looks confused, “yeah, no?”
“No.” You replied, “you said you’re gonna book a place for us, you told me that! Oh my God, Lay, I can’t believe—“
“You guys can join me and Suji.” Kyungso cuts you before you explode.
“Why would us??” you shout at him.
“Hey, babe, come on, we can join Kyungsoo and Suji… come on…” Lay tried to hug you.
“Yeah, me and Suji is gonna celebrate val’s day at the french restaurant down the street, it’s new, the place’s nice and the price is good, not gonna robbed us as student.” Kyungsoo explained.
“Let me go!” you escaped yourself from Lay and left them.
“Book another table for us, please.” Lay said to Kyungsoo and go after you.
You know you should’ve been mad to your boyfriend when he called you saying that he couldn’t make it to the val’s day dinner, but you really can’t because he said he’s stuck on train from Seokchon to Seoul due to heavy snow.
Then Kyungsoo came to your house. Alone.
“Where’s Suji?”
“She has to go to the hospital.” He said.
“Everything’s okay??”
He nods, “her little sister fell from bike and she has to be with her mom because her father is out of town.”
“Why don’t you come with her?” you asked.
Kyungsoo shook his head, “I haven’t being introduced formally to her parents.”
“Isn’t it the good time to be introduced to her mom at least?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “she said otherwise.”
You didn’t say anything for a while, looking at the bright winter afternoon, you two just sitting side by side on your house’s patio.
“Cold.” Kyungsoo murmured.
“Let’s get inside.” 
“Let’s just go to the restaurant.” Kyungsoo suggested, “I already made reservation, my reputation is at stake.”
You crinkle your nose, “you made two reservations, right?”
“Yeah, but the other one is under Lay’s name… just let the restaurant thinks that guy is irresponsible.”
It’s a set menu you got, pretty appetizers for each, steaks as the main course and one nice vanilla cake and ice cream as dessert for both of you to share.
Kyungsoo read a table tent that said something about special menu.
“Have you ever tried caviar?” he asked.
“Not yet, but I really want to try one… people said it’s amazing.”
“Who’s that people?” Kyungsoo raised one eyebrow.
“Uhm, some people on TV.”
He scoffed, “they give it for free as special val’s day menu.”
Kyungsoo showed you the promotion then you raised your hand to call a waiter.
“Can I help you, miss?”
“Yes, uhm, can I have one sweet potato crème fraiche caviar?” you said, and Kyungsoo silently cooing at how you pronounce a hard name.
“Oh that special menu?”
“Yes,” You said, “it’s free, right?”
“Correct! It only have one super easy requirement to get that menu.”
You both raised your eyebrows, “requirement?”
“Just kiss your partner.”
“You don’t really want that caviar…” he said.
“I’m curious, and this actually a good chance I can taste that expensive shit…” you murmured, “but… well, damn you Lay Zhang!!” you cursed your MIA boyfriend, “where are you when I need you.”
“Okay let’s call that waiter and claim the caviar.” Kyungsoo said.
“What??” You saw him staring at you. “but the req—“
“Don’t act like we’re not each other’s first kiss.” He said just above whispers, and you’ll lie to yourself if you said you didn’t feel that bubble inside your chest.
“But that was…” you didn’t continue because hell, you were friends for ever with him and there’s no way you feel this way, and there’s no way he’s involving any extended feeling when he pick up that first kiss topic again.
Yes, you were each other’s first kiss, but that was because the 12 years old you and him were curious about how it feels when lips meet other lips, and it happened after you two watching a foreign TV series where the heroine kissing the love of her life.
“Have you ever kissed someone?” Kyungsoo asked one day when you both walked home after a piano lesson.
“Yeah.” You murmured.
“Okay, never, but I know how to kiss.” You said.
Kyungsoo scoffed. “how?”
You gestured your fingers, putting it together, “pout your lips and go forward and stick it to—“
“Stick it???” Kyungsoo flinched, “stick??”
You sulked and walked away while he was laughing.
“Stop calling me that!” you walked faster.
He ran after you and pull your shoulder, “let’s try.”
“Try what?”
“Kissing.” He said.
“Okay then be a lip-virgin forever.” Kyungsoo walked passing you.
“Huh?” you started to worry, will someone kissed you later? or you will be a lip-virgin forever. “Dyo! Wait!”
“Stop calling me that!”
“Kiss me!”
he turned around, “huh…?”
you stood right in front of him, and your height was similar to him, it was years before he suddenly grew much taller than you. 
He was staring at you, and you can’t help but lowering your gaze. And when you’re looking at him again, he immediately avoiding you.
“So, w-what should I do first?” he asked.
“Just… uh…” you really can’t lift your gaze, suddenly he put his palm on your shoulder, and his feet move forward.
“look at me…” he said.
You lift your face and realised how close you were. Then you saw him started to close his eyes, and so do you, and after a long excruciating second, you’re finally feel something soft touching your lips.
His lips stayed there for another few second before detached them from yours. It was just a long innocent peck. But you and him were walking home in silence after that.
And no one talking about it again.
Until today.
“Are we really… gonna…” you search for Kyungsoo’s ‘I’m just kidding’ but you saw his flat face.
“Yeah, why not.” He shrugged, “I never had caviar, you too, and the requirement is only kissing you… easy.”
“Easy?” you scoffed, “kissing me is easy?”
“Lay knew better I bet, but, come on, nothing to lose, we would only gain two crème fraiche caviar in roasted sweet potato.” He made a yummy gesture by kissing his thumb and index finger together.
Yeah, what would be so hard with kissing him, right?
“Okay.” You said and Kyungsoo casually raised his hand to call a waiter.
“Can I help you, sir?”
“Can we get the caviar?”
“Of course, just show me your love to your girl, sir.” The waiter smiles.
And Kyungsoo reached out to palmed your jaw, briefly caressing your cheek before lift his gaze to meet yours, and your brain start telling you that this isn’t right. You should stop him, you shouls say no, you should—
His face is getting closer, and closer, and he tilt his head.
You hold your breath.
He stop for one milisecond before capture your lips.
You gulp when he touches your lips.
And he kissed you.
And you kissed him back.
And he move his lips between yours.
And you don’t know when and how but your hand is on his nape.
You pulled away and he’s startled. The waiter didn’t seem to notice because he’s smiling happily while preparing the caviar for both of you.
You couldn’t focus on whatever happened after the kiss. And the caviar that served tasted bland.
“You haven’t forgive me.” Lay sat across you in a fast food stall near your college.
“For stuck inside the train in the middle of the snow storm that made me unable to spent val’s day with you.”
“That was two weeks a go.” You continue your meal.
“Yeah, and you act so cold since then.” He tried to get you feed him.
“I’m fine, I’m always fine… even if you’re never there for me, I’m fine.” You fake a smile.
“See… you’re mad at me.” He sighs.
“Do you love me?” you stopped eating.
Lay stop trying to steal your food and looking at you instead, “that’s another way to say yes.”
“A lazy way to say yes.” You corrected him.
Lay shrugged his shoulder.
“You never said you love me, you choose lazy way to answer me when I asked if you ever love me. God…”
“Are you on period?”
“This has nothing to do with my period, Lay, you’ve been so insensitive and deserting me a lot! And I’m tired of trying to understand you!”
“Whoa-whoa… wait, babe, when did I—“
“When? When, huh? It was when you always put you final project whatsoever first.”
“But that’s for my future!” he said.
You stopped.
“You’re being selfish.” Lay said.
“Oh…” you paused, “am I?”
Lay nodded.
“Okay, let’s put your future first…” you said, “go focus on your future first… and if we meant to be together, let’s meet in the future.”
“W-what do you mean?”
“Let’s not see each other again as couple… let’s just be friends.”
“You break up with me?”
You nodded, “I’m sorry for disturbing you from focusing on your future.”
“But babe…”
“Stop calling me that.”
“You’re just mad, babe…”
You stood up and Lay also standing up, “I’m not kidding, Lay, I’m tired of this relationship where I was the only one trying to hold on the thin thread that connect us… I’m sorry, but I really can’t continue this.”
You didn’t cry on the first day you broke up with him, but cried the day after. However, it was a year full of him. Something is definitely missing.
And Kyungsoo, someone who suppose to be your bestfriend is busy with his girl, you knew they’re get along well when Wendy told you that Suji introduced Kyungsoo to her family.
“So… now the family already know you?” you match Kyungsoo’s pace on the way to subway station.
He was a little startled but then he look straight ahead again without giving you any answer.
“I texted you yesterday.” You said.
“Oh, I haven’t replied?”
he hasn’t even read it.
“I called you few days a go.”
“I saw the missed call but I was out with Suji.”
You just nodded while glue your lips together. There was stung in your heart to find out that Kyungsoo doesn’t even know that you broke up with Lay. He didn’t even give you a chance to tell him.
He stepped inside the train. Without pulling you in.
He stand in the corner, the train wasn’t packed but he didn’t go finding a seat either. So you stand beside him.
“Sit there if you want.” He said pointing at an empty seat.
“No, i—uh, I wanna talk to you.”
He pull out his cellphone and plug the earphone. You were lowkey waiting for him to give you one earphone but the hope crumbled when he said,
“Hello, hey, I’m at the train right now… you’re already at campus?”
He’s calling Suji and left you awkwardly standing next to him.
Two stops later you find an empty seat near you, and you left Kyungsoo to sit down, didn’t realised that Kyungsoo finished the phonecall and staring at your sad face.
Next day kyungsoo waited for the subway but he didn’t find you, and the next day, also the day after. You weren’t avoiding him, you just went to Pohang because one of your older cousin’s getting married.
At the fourth day, you were already at the station waiting for the train when Kyungsoo appear beside you.
“Where were you?” he asked but the train coming and the pulled you inside and found seats for you, then he pulled his cellphone, you looked away, trying not to care if he’s going to call Suji again, but then you feel him slip the earphone into your ear.
“Listen, new song I discovered.” He said.
You didn’t say anything, keep your face away of him, and slowly release took the earphone off and give it back to him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing.” You stood up and standing near the door even tho your destination is still three stops away.
Somehow you couldn’t understand what you feel about him, is it about the kiss? Or your disappointment towards him because he wasn’t there when you’re down after broke up with Lay.
“Why you’re sulking?” he asked when you both get off at your stop and walking towards the campus.
“Me? When?”
“Now.” He said.
“Oh, since when you know me that well till you know that I’m sulking?”
“Well, it doesn’t need to be genius to see how you fold that face into an ugly frown.” He shrugged.
“Don’t talk to me as if we’re close.” You walk faster.
“Huh? What do you mean? We are close.”
“You think so?” you turned to him, “are we still close now? Because as far as I remember, I didn’t neglect you when I have a boyfriend but look at you! You didn’t even reply my messages, you didn’t pick up my calls, you didn’t talk to me!”
“I didn’t ask you to do all of that to me while you have boyfriend.”
“Oh, so you think if you’re dating someone, you could just throw away your friends??” you raised your voice.
“I never threw you away! I’m just being a normal me, and I’m sorry if my girlfriend is actually paying attention to me, unlike your—“
“I broke up with Lay.” You said, “more than a week a go. And I’m trying to tell you this, I need you but you’re busy with your life!”
Kyungsoo called you but you runaway.
you murmured the nickname he gave you. Muffin. It was from the incident of your birthday years a go, when you had your 11 birthday, when you specifically asking for a cupcake for your birthday and Kyungsoo gave you muffin instead, telling you that they looked similar. You sulked for day and he teased you by calling you that, until now.
And as the courtesy of how Kyungsoo love to get you on the edge, he always giving you muffin in your birthday and told you to eat the cupcake.
You told him it’s a fake cupcake, muffin is not pretty like cupcake, muffin is ugly and by him calling you muffin, you knew he lowkey telling you that you’re ugly like muffin.
“Kyungsoo’s here.” Your mom knocked on your door.
You sat on your bed when he’s get into your room.
“Hey muffin…” he said.
“Stop calling me that!”
he smiles and gave you a cute box.
“If you dare buying me another dozen of muffin, I’m gonna hit y—“ you opened the box and found cupcakes inside.
He sat beside you and took one of the prettiest cupcake and feed you.
“How’s it?” he asked while you munch.
You only responds with a hum.
“Do you like this better?”
you never care about how it taste but actually it tastes like a birthday cake, a classic vanilla with overly sweet icing.
“Do you know why I prefer to call you muffin than cupcake?” he asked.
“Because I’m not pretty enough like cupcake?”
He shook his head, “because muffin tastes a lot better than cupcake.”
You didn’t say anything, just let him continue.
“muffins has various flavour inside, could be banana muffin, choco chips mufin, blueberry… and all flavour is inside the cake… unlike cupcake, cupcake is just a vanilla cake with icing. A plain cake with over decorating outside. And for me, you’re pretty inside, not outside.”
“So, I’m not pretty?”
“Hm, of course you’re gonna take it wrong.” He sighs, “who says muffin is not pretty? Muffin is honest… do you think cupcake is pretty without all the icings?”
“You mean cupcake is like girls with thick make up?”
You tried to hold your smile. “I’m gonna tell Suji you said her make up is too thick.”
“When did I said that?”
“Hey! Remember you told me Suji is cute like cupcake?”
“When did I??”
“You did!”
Kyungsoo waved at you in dismissal. “Anyway, I’m sorry about you and Lay…” he caress your back.
“It’s fine… it’s time… I’ve been very patient for too long.” You said, “and you’re right, my boyfriend is not paying attention to me like your girl…”
He chuckled, “you’ll find someone who deserves you soon, muffin.”
You talked to him for another hour before he bid himself goodbye, and when you walked him outside, you realised you want to see him longer.
 He startled when he heard you calling him with that name, not Dyo.
“Have you ever think of not being friends with me anymore?” you asked.
He shook his head, “when you were mad at me yesterday, I thought I lost you as my friend, and I don’t want that.”
And that brought you back to your place. He doesn’t want you and him to be more than this. “w-what about something else… other than being enemy.”
He stopped, but his gaze linger, he was staring at you and from his eyes, you knew he get what you mean. You saw the complication in his eyes.
“Sorry, I mean—“
“I have a girlfriend.” He said.
And so time flies, spring’s here, the flowers bloom and the weather getting warmer. Kyungsoo still remind friends with you, only he’s few feet farther than before. Many things changed after the whole blurry confession you told him, and you never blame him.
Lay finished his final project and he called you, he even went to see you several times, telling you that he’s sorry and if there’s another chance for him but you haven’t give him answer.
It’s still breezy but you decided to drive yourself to the beach at the city side. Suddenly you saw someone walked towards you, someone very familiar.
“Muffin…” he smiles.
“How did you know I’m here?”
“Your mom.”
You made an ‘O’ with your mouth.
“All good?” he asked.
“Lay wants to reconcile.” You told him.
“Oh…” he walks beside you, “and?”
You just shrugged your shoulders.
“You don’t love him anymore?” he asked.
“I don’t know if I could love him again when I have someone else occupied my mind…” at this point, you don’t care. You knew you like Kyungsoo and if he can’t like you back, and he feels disturbed by your confession, he can leave and you two can stop being friends.
“Oh…” he still walking beside you. “I broke up with Suji.”
You stops, letting him leaving you behind. But after few steps he turned around, “I can’t stay being his boyfriend while my mind is occupied by someone else.”
You can’t help but asking, “who?”
“A friend a kissed on valentine’s day.” He murmured.
“You choose a muffin instead of a cupcake?”
He nodded, “always choose a muffin, because it tastes better.” He smiles.
You scoffed.
“Soo…” he stepped closer, “instead of just thinking about each other… why don’t we date each other?”
“Since when did you like me?” you asked when he come even closer to you.
“Since I called you muffin for the first time.” He put a strain of your hair behind your ear.
“That long?”
“Hmm… but I’m afraid to ruin what we had…” he whispers.
“What about now? You’re not afraid to ruin what we have?”
Kyungsoo pull you into a hug, “being with or without you ruining me in different ways, and I choose to live the present, to show you how much I want you more than a friends do…” he kissed your hair, “muffin… I want to be with you for the longest time.”
You snugged deeper in his chest, “me too…”
He pull away a bit just to tild his head, “be my girl…” he said before leaned down to kiss you before you could say yes.
But you knew, he knew you’d say yes, because you kissed him back.
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v-love · 4 years
Smile (Teaser)
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(Moodboard found on Pinterest)
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Taehyung x Reader
+18 fic
a/b/oAU, BestfriendAU
Trigger Warning: Mentions of death and mentions of a near death experience
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“Smile!” Taehyung says as he takes a picture of you. You smile at the camera happily as he does, feeling content with him. You were only 13 and he was 14. Best friends since birth, until that day. You were walking with him from school, it was about 4:30 pm when it happened. Your screams could be heard from miles away. Bangs from a gun could be heard as well. Taehyung’s ragged breathing could be heard after everything happened.
Pain. You felt pain everywhere, especially your limbs. You held Taehyung by close to you, crying as you call the police. He had been shot. Twice. Sirens, crying, screaming, could be heard from everywhere. “Tae...Tae Tae please...don’t close your eyes...” you try to keep him awake. The EMT’s get him up in a stretcher and you follow them quickly. Suddenly everything went blank in your memory. You suddenly couldn’t remember anything that happened.
Bright lights. That’s all you could see when you woke up. Your mom was there when you collect your thoughts about where you were. “M-Mom...? Oh my god! Taehyung?! Where is he?!” You yell frantically. Your mother held you down and calms you by telling you he was stable. Of course you wanted to see him so you do.
Crying. That’s all he heard when his senses came back. He opens his eyes and there you were, crying. “Y/n...” he sees the way you look up fast. “Taehyung!” You immediately race up to him. “Are you okay?! Pain anywhere?!” You say practically yelling in desperation. He lets out a chuckle. “I’m okay, nothing hurts for now.” He tells you. He sees you relax and smiles, asking you what happened.
As you tell him, tears pour down your face. When you’re finished telling him all you remember, he softly hugs you as best as he can. “Hey...smile. Don’t cry just smile.”
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Hey!! I hope you liked the teaser to this story, please dm me if you want to be tagged in the first chapter!!
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sunshineboy42 · 6 years
“I miss you.”
“So do I, all the time.”
“No,” you whined. “I miss you more.”
“Come here, baby.” Jaehyun sighed fondly and stretched out his arms. You did not even hesitate to rush into his embrace. His tall frame enveloped your petite body so well. You snuggled into his chest, your cheeks rubbing against him. You heard the low chuckle that made his chest rumble.
He dipped down and placed kisses on the crown of your head. His arms tightening around you as he rubbed your sides, but not enough to suffocate you. You felt so secure and at ease.
You tugged on his hoodie string only to meet his affectionate gaze. He let out a soft hum and you knew he was waiting for your incoming question already.
“Could you lend me your hoodie?” 
You weren’t expecting him to remove his hoodie immediately upon your request but he noticed that your eyes lit up the moment he started removing it. He saw this question coming already, considering how he was wearing the hoodie you liked the most. It was soft, warm and fluffy. It was even in your favorite shade of blue – baby blue.
He wore it over you as he stood there, only in his sweatpants now, admiring how adorable and tiny you looked in his hoodie. He walked to the room and grabbed a white tee shirt and donned it over. 
He held your hand and pulled you towards the couch, laying in a comfortable position before pulling you towards him and having you lay on his chest. The television was turned on but it was more for the background noise than the actual entertainment. The both of you laid in comfortable silence, staring at each other, giving each other pecks here and there, hands never leaving each other, occasionally turning your heads to watch the television.
For the rest of the night, you remain clung onto him. The thunder boomed and the rain fell even harder. But that night, you two were just in your own world. 
Warm and secure.
His light musky cologne was not overpowered by his natural smell. He smelt so nice, so comforting. He smelt like your home. You couldn’t even believe the both of you were together and he was yours to call “mine”.
Wait, no.
He’s your home. 
Forever and always.
hello!! this is just something short and very very random that i somehow came up with within twenty minutes and i have to go shower now so i can’t really edit this short thing so do pardon any mistakes you may find! nonetheless, i hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think about it!
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mcspcyz · 7 years
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i’m willing to suffer if its for you, my love.
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littleluminaryzzz · 6 months
"Opposites attract this, Opposites attract that" HOW ABOUT LESBIANS WITH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHEMISTRY?!??
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"Bobby bearhug is one of my best friends..I love how much she rambles all about my drawings about how good it is! and yet No matter how hard i try, i can never paint her perfect smile..." [CraftyCorn Speaking]
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"Shhh..Don't tell anyone, but i think Craftycorn is my favourite. The others are lovely but, she's exceptional.. Those artworks of her, i can feel them..there full of effort and love. Seeing one of my friends expressing there love freely, makes me so happy. I finally understand why she could see the beauty in everything if not anything given shape.."
"..It's because she is the most beautiful friend i've ever met."
Shhh there having there moment
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ravixen · 3 years
Can I request a hip hop unit where you being their friend told them "I want to kiss you"
And then they go like "what why"
"because I love you"
Out of nowhere because the girl has no time to waste
svt + "i want to kiss you"
➔ reaction || requested || bestfriend!au || f2l!au || hip hop unit
➔ 205 words ➔ notes: slice of life ; the request says girl, but just a reminder that i write the reader as they/them if pronouns are used at all :)
SEUNGCHEOL: you didn't even get to the second sentence tbh. as soon as you say "i want to kiss you," he asks if you're sure, and the slightest nod has his hands coming up to cradle your face. he's been waiting for this for forever, so right now it's do first ask questions later.
WONWOO: his heart is pounding so fast, he can barely hear your second sentence. his "what, why?" was reflexive; he wasn't actually looking for an answer, and even though your answer is short, he can't process it. give him a moment to get his bearings before he tugs you closer.
MINGYU: congrats, you've successfully broken him. the fact that you want to kiss him and that you love ― not like, love ― him? how can you hit him with two surprises like that? his brain is running faster than he can think, but he goes on auto-pilot and pulls you close.
VERNON: this catches him completely off-guard. "wait. wait wait wait, can we talk this out first?" you can't drop a confession and a first kiss at the same time without warning. he wants to make sure this isn't a moment that will mess up your friendship before he does anything.
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t0ngue-tech · 4 years
Longing For You | Three
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“’N-No! We’re best friends.’ You chuckled softly. ‘We’ve known each other way before elementary school.’
Hoseok gave you a look of worry as you finished your sentence, but you smiled and shrugged at him. You were used to saying it.”
↠ angsty highschoolAU bestfriendAU ↞
word count: 4.3k
↠ series: 1 | 2 | ↞
A/N: I UPLOADED AGAIN???? WHAT WORLD AM I LIVING IN LMAO??? hennywayz, enjoy the chapter my loves ♡
Hors d'oeuvres . 
Your mother specifically said hors d'oeuvres and you were expecting small sandwiches or a fruit platter, but your mother had you cooling three racks of cookies and deep frying breaded pork chops on the side. Leave it to your mother to make an entire meal as an “hors d'oeuvres .”
One by one, the council members appeared and they each offered to help you in the kitchen. It was starting to look like a normal lunch-get-together with the entire squad and you made a mental note to start the meeting once everyone settled down. 
“We should always have meetings at your house, y/n” One of the members, Jimin, took a nice bite out of a pork chop and made himself comfortable on your couch.
“Yeah! And thanks for the food, y/n.” Nayeon chimed in and took a seat next to you on the floor.
“You’re very welcome. It was my mom’s idea to have this much food and I bet all of you five bucks that she’s going to walk in the door later with either dinner, dessert, or both.” You smiled fondly. Even if cooking and cleaning everything afterwards was tiring, you appreciated your mother’s initiative in taking care of your friends and treating them like her own children.
“Okay everyone, I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but we should get started on this meeting. We have a lot of shit to get through.” You pulled your laptop from the coffee table onto the ottoman in front of you. “And the first order of business is the damn winter formal.”
An orchestra of groans floated around your living room and you couldn’t help but laugh. You all have been purposely avoiding planning for the formal because trying to think of a theme has been a train wreck. Everything that you all came up with prior to this meeting all sounded remotely similar to what other high schools were doing or it didn’t have any pizzazz. 
“Can’t we start on the other things?” Hoseok asked from the kitchen.
“I’d love to but Mrs. Kwon is going to grill me if I don’t have the proposal done for the formal by Monday.” You groaned. Being student council president was fun and all, but because of your position, you took the majority of the heat.
The living room fell silent as you all took a brief moment to think of a theme. You thought about all of the failed suggestions and after thinking too hard, your mind wandered off to last night when Taehyung called you a Disney princess. 
“Okay, this may sound cheesy, but hear me out,” You started. “‘A Winter Fairy Tale.’ We could have white and blue decorations and kind of branch off a Disney theme.”
“Oh my god,” Dahyun exclaimed. “That sounds so cute! Everyone is gonna feel like princes and princesses!” She stood up and twirled around in her skirt with a cookie in one hand.
“I’m for it.” Jimin smiled and everyone else chimed in, agreeing and spewing out decoration ideas. 
If only you had thought of this idea sooner then Mrs. Kwon would have spared you the lecture from the previous week.
“Pssst! Y/n.” Nayeon scooted closer towards you while some of the others were in the kitchen stocking up on cookies after working for about an hour and a half. You tore your eyes from your laptop to give Nayeon your undivided attention.
“What’s up?”
“I was wondering…” she started off quietly. “Is Taehyung seeing anyone or likes anybody?”
It felt as if your chest caved in a little.
“Uh, he hasn’t mentioned anything about someone he likes, but he’s currently not seeing anyone either.” It pained you to be honest, but you didn’t own Taehyung. He was your best friend not your boyfriend and he was allowed to date whoever he wanted.
“Oh! Okay. I was wondering if you could put in a good word for me? I always thought he was cute and maybe I could ask him to the dance.” Nayeon stared at you with puppy eyes that gleamed in natural lighting and you felt guilty for even considering lying to her.
There was nothing wrong with Nayeon. She was with the council since last year as secretary, but she decided to be a council helper so she could focus on cheerleading during her senior year. She was trustworthy, reliable, and had an aura everyone loved. There was nothing about her that Taehyung would hate; she was perfect.
“S-Sure, Nayeon. I’ll be sure to work a little bit of magic for you.” You smiled weakly and patted the top of her head.
Her eyes lit up and she squealed in delight. “Thank you so much, y/n! I would have asked someone else from the basketball team, but I know you two are best friends so you know, you know him on a more personal level.”
Yeah.. I do..
“Thanks again, y/n. I’ll get us more cookies.” Nayeon stood up. “How about a refill on juice?”
“Yes please. Thanks.” You watched as she retrieved your glass and walked away with an extra pep in her step.
Ugh. What the fuck am I supposed to do?!
“Did Nayeon just asked to be set up with your Taehyung?” Hoseok whispered and crawled over to sit next to you.
You raised an eyebrow at the “your Taehyung” comment before answering him. “Not exactly. She wants me to put in a good word for her because she wants to ask Taehyung to the formal.” It was clear to Hoseok that your eyes weren’t matching your smile.
“Are you really going to go through with it?”
“I have to, Hoseok. Taehyung isn’t my boyfriend.” You sighed. “Plus, Nayeon is a great girl. Taehyung would like her a lot.” This wouldn’t be the first time a girl asked you to set her up with Taehyung nor would it be the first time he’s had a love interest.
Your movements against your keyboard began to slow down at the thought of Taehyung possibly having another girlfriend. Maybe it wouldn’t bother you as much if Nayeon wasn’t close to you, but that wasn’t the case. 
You were definitely overthinking this whole situation. 
She wasn’t asking you to set her up with Taehyung, she didn’t even ask for his number, but you were taking it to the next level on your own.
How were you supposed to even do this?
The meeting ended around five and your suspicions were right, your mother brought back food for the council members. There were now extra pieces of pork katsu, cookies, boxes of pizza, and a box of custard filled donuts--she wanted to make sure the members had food to take home.
You were in the kitchen with your mother and Hoseok who stayed back to help clean up the dishes and any other mess you all made. Your father was on skype and after catching up with him, your mother went to her room to discuss business matters in private with him.
“Is it lonely since your dad is always away?” Hoseok asked.
“Ehhh...sort of, not really. He calls periodically and texts me every morning so it’s like he’s still here but cooped up in his office 24/7.” You handed another plate for Hoseok to dry off. “I can’t believe you haven’t met him in person yet. I’m pretty sure he would love you just as much as he loves me.”
Hoseok chuckled. “You’re sure about that? He’s not going to accuse me of being the boyfriend of his precious-only-daughter or say anything else?”
“Yes! Trust me. My dad’s brother recently got married to his boyfriend of four years and he’s his number one supporter if that’s what you’re worried about.” You smiled softly at Hoseok and he nodded in relief.
“Ugh, I’ll be back. Bathroom again.” Hoseok winced and darted down the hall.
“I told you to go easy on the donuts and cookies!” You called out after him.
The doorbell chimed and you were already 100 percent sure that it was Taehyung. You sent him a photo of all the food you had and his instant reply was “SAVE ME SOME OR ELSE” with multiple crying emojis at the end.
You opened the door and a blush rose to your cheeks.
Taehyung’s hair was tousled in all sorts of directions and he wore a plain white shirt that you loved seeing him wear. His cheeks were slightly flushed, probably from running to your house and he had a dust of sleep still settled in his eyes.
God, he’s so cute.
“Well, good morning. Tae.” You smiled.
“Food.” He answered instantly.
You moved out of the way and gestured him to walk into the kitchen. ���Use one of the plates on the drying rack! I really don’t want to wash a new one.”
Taehyung began ranting about how exhausting his day was. He only meant to drop off his mother to work, but his basketball friends called to have a game at the park. Then, they went to have lunch at the mall so they could set new high scores at the arcade. Before he knew it, Taehyung had to leave to pick up his mother and she needed to do a little grocery shopping. As soon as he got home, he dropped onto his bed and drifted off to sleep before waking up five minutes later to your text message.
“Why don’t you just pack up your food so you can go finish up your nap.” You suggested.
“You see, that’s where your bed comes to play,” Taehyung replied with a mouthful of pizza. “I can take a quick nap here after digesting so that I’m refreshed to do some homework when I get home.”
This would’ve been the perfect opportunity to ask Taehyung what he thought of Nayeon or if he even knew her, but the words were caught in your throat. 
What am I doing? Just say it, y/n! Say it!
“Oh, hey Taehyung.” Hoseok walked into the kitchen wiping his hands on his jeans. You had to admit, you were relieved to see him.
“Hey, Hoseok.” Taehyung waved his pizza slice in the air.
“Is your mom still on the phone? I’d like to say goodbye before I go.” Hoseok quickly helped you wipe down the island counter and put away the leftovers in your refrigerator.
“Yeah, she’s still in her room. I’ll tell her you said bye though.” You smiled at him and handed him his food to take home.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” Hoseok placed his hand on your lower back and Taehyung propped his head up.
“What’s happening tomorrow?”
Hoseok explained that the council finally came to an agreement about what theme to do for winter formal and that while waiting for Mrs. Kwon to look over the proposal, it would be best to at least have an idea on what the layout of the gym would be. Taehyung clasped his hands together and begged the both of you to tell him what the theme was, but no matter how much he begged, you insisted that he waited until the announcement came out for school.
“Aw, I thought we were boys.” Taehyung pouted.
“Sorry, Tae.” You chuckled. “The announcement should probably be out sometime next week.”
“Yeah. I think everyone would love the idea.” Hoseok added. “Alright, so I’ll come by to pick you up around 10:15? Then we’ll go and get Jimin at his house.”
“It’s a date.” You joked and Hoseok rubbed your lower back. “Come on, I’ll walk you to the door.”
Hoseok fist bumped Taehyung and followed right behind you. “See you, Taehyung!”
“Yeah. See you!”
You planned on sleeping by 11 pm, but of course that didn’t happen because Taehyung stayed until 1 in the morning talking with you and having a quick chat with your father via skype. Now you were groggy and starving because you had no time to heat up any leftovers for breakfast. On the bright side, Hoseok picked you up with coffee waiting for you in the cup holder. At least this was going to keep you full until you had time to eat.
The layout of the gymnasium worked perfectly for the “winter fairy tale” theme everyone chose. There was enough room for tables, the dance floor, photo booth, and decorations. Dahyun suggested a carriage near the entrance of the gym as a prop and large pieces of cotton to replicate snow, hence the name winter fairy tale.
After scoping out the gym, the three of you headed off to the council room to do some more planning. 
“We should get started on fundraising for the costs. I mean, we still have enough money from prior fundraisers but we also need money for senior prom and we have to go all out for that.” Jimin suggested.
“Hm, you’re right. We can definitely do the bake sale again. We raised a lot of money from that last year.” Hoseok typed away at your laptop that you brought with you. “Any other ideas, y/n—? Y/n!”
You jolted up from your seat realizing that you had fallen asleep. “Oh, God. I’m sorry.”
“Long night?” Jimin questioned.
“Yeah. Taehyung didn’t leave until one in the morning.” You rubbed your eyes and leaned back in your seat.
“Taehyung? Was he there at the meeting?” Jimin mumbled to himself. “Hey, what is the deal between the two of you anyway? Are you guys dating? You’re together almost all the time.”
“N-No! We’re best friends.” You chuckled softly. “We’ve known each other way before elementary school.”
Hoseok gave you a look of worry as you finished your sentence, but you smiled and shrugged at him. You were used to saying it.
After a little more intricate planning, Mrs. Kwon entered the council to officially approve of the theme for the winter formal. She even took a look at the fundraiser ideas you three brought forward and took the time to fill out the proposals.
Now that the theme was out of the way, this meant you were going to be extremely busy with the rest of the responsibilities that came with the winter formal like money, forms, entertainment—sigh, I feel like death is inching closer and closer to me.
Jimin treated you and Hoseok to lunch at a small burger joint near the school because he could automatically feel the stress weighing on the president and vice president. Even if the three of you tried to avoid the topic of school, it naturally came up because you were seniors who were a part of the student council that had extracurricular activities and had lives that involved family and friends. Although the main topic was school and stress, the afternoon was spent well with good company; it was something all three of you needed.
You ended up staying out a little later than you had planned and it was all thanks to Jimin, who wanted to try out the bakery that opened in the next town. He offered to drive Hoseok’s car and you each gave Hoseok money for gas.
The afternoon was great, but it was even greater going to the bakery and back home; singing your hearts out to Jimin’s playlists, taking the wrong exit, spending a little too much money on baked goods and lattes, and attempting to be friends with stray cats near the bakery.
You haven’t felt this stress-free in weeks.
“Sigh, Hoseok. Today was great.” You sighed happily. Hoseok helped you carry your things onto your porch because he had to get back home to finish up some homework.
“Hell yeah. We should do it again sometime.” Hoseok suggested and you readily agreed.
“Hey, Hoseok.”
You both turned around to find Taehyung standing in your driveway with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his hoodie.
“Oh, hey, Taehyung! Hold on, I’ll be out of your guys’ hair soon—y/n, here’s your satchel.” Hoseok shimmied the strap of your bag off his shoulder to put it over your own. “Alrighty-roo, I’ll see you two tomorrow. Y/n, I’m gonna be about thirty-minutes late to the meeting tomorrow because of science team duties.”
“Yeah, no problem. Drive safe.” You smiled and waved him goodbye. “Taehyung, can you help me?”
Taehyung assisted you up to your room where he propped his entire body down on your bed. You waved the takeout box of almond cookies near his face and he immediately jumped up to snatch the box out of your hands.
“Oh. My. God. Where did you get these?” Taehyung asked with a satisfied groan.
“Jimin, Hoseok, and I went to the new bakery. We have to go there dude! It’s quite the drive, but their mocha lattes are uh-mazing.” You hopped on top of your bed and laid your legs out over Taehyung’s thighs.
“Oh shit, okay!” Taehyung swallowed the rest of his cookie. “When do you want to go?”
“Uhh…” you suddenly remembered how busier you were going to be and frowned. “Ugh, actually, I’m not even sure when. The winter formal is going to keep me extremely busy now that the theme is approved.”
“That’s alright, y/n.” Taehyung reached out to lift your chin up with his fingers. “We’ll figure out a date soon enough.”
Your cheeks instantly burned at the touch of his fingers. How were you going to put in a good word for Nayeon when you felt this way about him? But you thought about all of the good words there were to be said about her and you decided to grow a pair and just do it.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and clenched your bed sheet. “H-Hey, Tae. What do you think of Nayeon?”
“Nayeon?” He repeated with a cookie stuffed in his mouth. “The one from council?”
You nodded your head.
“Hm, I don’t really know her that well. What’s up?”
It pained you staring into his eyes. Taehyung was not your boyfriend. He was not yours.
“Well, she’s honestly a sweetheart a-and…” you bit the inside of your cheek. “And she thinks you’re cute.”
Taehyung smiled and raised his eyebrows. “Really? Wow. She’s a cheerleader too right?”
You nodded again, slowly this time.
“Hm, I guess if I see her tomorrow I’ll say howdy.”
You snorted. “Please don’t say howdy. I’m begging you.”
“Wha—why not?!”
Taehyung playfully argued with you about how his howdy greeting was not as embarrassing as you thought it was. He mimicked the way he used a cowboy accent and tipped an imaginary ten-gallon hat. You laughed until your stomach hurt and tears rimmed your eyes.
Your smile slowly faltered as you thought about how there was no way Nayeon would ever change her opinion about Taehyung. He was goofy, welcoming, and incredibly kind; any girl would be lucky to have him--you were already lucky to know him on such a personal level for so long.
Ugh. People. Communicating. Eye contact. Exerting energy.
It never occurred to you how tired you were until the students in your classes were giving off a lot more energy than what you were used to. They all were laughing and smiling while you were huddled in your seat wanting nothing to do with anybody or anything. The mindset you were having was not good, but in your defense, you didn’t sleep well last night.
You kept tossing and turning thinking about how happy Nayeon and Taehyung were going to be together. They looked like an attractive couple in your head and you were just making it harder for yourself to go to sleep. It was obvious that you were overthinking everything--you’ve been doing since Nayeon asked you about talking to Taehyung. You were constantly reminding yourself that she was only asking you to speak well of her not setting them up for a date, but the war of selfishness and friendship was raging inside of you. How were you supposed to sleep?
Now, here you were, bags under your eyes and a sick feeling in stomach. Even the radiant atmosphere of your council peers couldn’t fully lift up your drained spirit. 
The meeting consisted of designing the form for the winter formal and picking the announcement date; it was a good thing that the winter formal wasn’t as big of an event as senior prom, although the workload was almost similar.
“Okay, Hoseok and I are going to be here early tomorrow so that we could put up some fliers before the entire student body shows up. Dahyun, and Jimin, you three are going to put up the posters tomorrow during lunch. Nayeon, Doyoung, and Wheein, just have lunch in the council room just in case students show up to ask questions on the formal--Mrs. Kwon is going to be here too.” You spoke at the head of the room and scribbled in your notebook, making changes to your schedule. Everyone agreed and you adjourned the meeting to tomorrow.
Your peers all waved goodbye and advised you to get some sleep because the dark circles under your eyes were prominent. After each of them left, you slumped onto one of the chairs and sighed loudly.
“Did you drive to school? I can take you home if you’re that tired.” Hoseok tidied up some of your paper to give you a break from standing up for so long.
“I’m fine Hoseok. I drove today.” You tipped your head back and covered your eyes with your forearm.
“So… did you talk to Taehyung?” Hoseok asked quietly.
“I...did…” you replied softly and brought your head back down. “Heh… he’s willing to talk to her to, you know, get to know her and stuff.”
Hoseok blew out a breath and stood behind you to stroke your hair. “Hey… it’s alright… I-I’m sorry, I don’t really know what to say.”
You smiled and stood from your seat. “It’s fine, Hoseok. I’m just overreacting. I don’t own Taehyung. I can’t make his decisions. I’ll be alright.”
Hoseok tried to give you a comforting smile, but you could tell he was hurting for you. He knew you were going to have to brace yourself for conversations with Nayeon about Taehyung and vice versa, he knew all too well how much it hurt to see the person you like go out with a good friend and he just wanted to be there for you.
“Okay…” he handed you your bag. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”
You dragged your feet against the tiles in the hallway while Hoseok had his arm around your shoulders. He was telling you a few stories about his skype dates with Seokjin to cheer you up because you always enjoyed hearing about their relationship. You had to admit, you were a bit jealous but you were extremely happy for them nonetheless. 
“And then he lifts up his burger and goes ‘burger-ndy!’” Hoseok failed to hold in his laugh as he talked about his boyfriend’s puns. “I swear his puns are the worst sometimes, but this burger one was pure gold.”
You laughed full heartedly hearing the delightful squeaky sound of Seokjin’s laughter in your head. “I guess you can say puns are his resPUNSibility.”
Hoseok pulled you into a headlock and you choked on your laughter, apologizing and begging him to let go. “Maybe you should stop talking to Seokjin. His jokes are rubbing off on you and I already have to deal with him, I don’t want to have to--” His voice grew softer and his footsteps halted.
You wriggled out of Hoseok’s, now loose, headlock and questioned why he stopped all of a sudden. He stared off into the distance and you looked forward, breath caught in your throat.
In the distance, you saw Nayeon leaning against the row of lockers with Taehyung standing off to the side. Judging by their smiles, it seemed like they were having a riveting conversation. You watched as Nayeon pointed towards the nearby classroom and Taehyung nodded. She disappeared into the classroom and your heart broke at the sight of him smiling as he watched her go inside.
Suddenly, Taehyung turned his head to find you and Hoseok. He flashed his boxy grin and stuck two thumbs up. Even with tears in your eyes, you grinned and returned the gesture. Hoseok also gave Taehyung a thumbs up and then waved at him after catching a quick glimpse of your facial expression. Hoseok put an arm around you and guided you back towards the other exit of the building.
You walked silently beside Hoseok for a few minutes and before you even reached the exit doors, you stopped walking and felt a tear roll down your cheek and you began to chuckle to yourself.
“Ha.. heh… it’s--why am I crying?” You tried to laugh about it, but all you could see was the pure bliss on Taehyung’s face as he watched Nayeon go into the classroom. “Why am I…?”
Hoseok whispered your name and enveloped you in his arms. He rubbed your back and softly repeated it’s okay, it’s okay.
It wasn’t okay. You were going to have to stand by on the sidelines once again as Taehyung got himself romantically involved with someone, but it was different this time. You knew the girl. She was a dear friend of yours who was perfect in every way possible while all the other girls Taehyung ever dated or had a thing with was someone he knew from another friend of from class; you didn’t know them personally. You had a gut feeling that everything was going to work out perfectly between Nayeon and Taehyung. Why wouldn’t it?
This wasn’t supposed to hurt this much.
It wasn’t okay, but it was going to have to be.
♡ rae jagi
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anon-luv · 6 years
I’ll Never Be Her *(FINALE)*
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Pairing: Jimin X Reader
Genre: Angst/ Romance
Summary: You loved him with all your heart, but he could only give you half of his.
Jimin was the love of your life, your night in shining armor when she wasn’t around.
She was his ex girlfriend,  his first love, actually she was his many firsts and she kept coming back.
He had warned you she was his weakness, but you didn’t listen, because to you having him even if it was only partially was better than not having him at all.
At least for now.
Rated M: Sexual Scenes and Languages that might not be appropriate for all ages.
Word Count: 5.2K+
Author’s Note:  Hey loves. Sorry for taking so long writing this chapter. I wanted it to feel realistic and not too overwhelming since the whole story was quite an emotional bomb. There is an epilogue coming out which will have a few surprises and let you peek in into Jimin’s and (Y/N)’s life 2 years down the road.  You can choose to stop here or go ahead and wait for the epilogue, it is up to you loves. It will be a short epilogue drabble so it may be up by next weekend. Thank you all for sticking through this!! I know we all divided into Teams for the boys and we all cried and debated over y/n’s life together. I hope you enjoyed this story and I am hoping you will enjoy my future ones. I have so many things going out of hiatus that will continue to be written and some new projects I am working on. My upcoming works so far include(for those curious souls): 
Goodnight Moon (BadGirlGoodBoyAU Jungkook OneShot)
Countdown To Us  Chpt 2 (SoulmateAU) TaexReader, YoongiXReader
Aphrodesia Chpt 1 (Jungkook StripperAU)Untitled (Jin BestFriendAU One Shot)
New (SEQUEL to Borrowed) Yoongi X Reader
I want to thank all my readers and mutuals for their support.
Specially @b-angst-tan who has been a lovely editor/ beta love her!!
I also want to thank @msserenityli for helping me choose the twins names lol. That took me forever and a day.
It took me forever to get the courage to post this, so I really hope you enjoy. Show me some love. I really enjoy reading your comments, messages, and tags when you reblog. LOVE YALL!
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You were more than sure there was a knife piercing through your lower abdomen as you yelled obscenities up in the air for the world to hear.
Magical. That was what the birthing coach had repeated countless times as Jimin held your hand as you practiced breathing techniques in that vomit-green mat.
LIES! They had all been lies. The feelings, the breathing techniques, and the way Jimin had held your hand while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
“I FUCKING HATE THAT MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH AND HIS FREAKING SPERM. CURSE HIM TO HELL!!!!” you yelled as Jin’s car came to a complete stop in front of the hospital driveway.
“I think you need to relax and breathe, remember like Ms.Hope made you do in those classes you took,” Jin said with a grimace as he jumped out of the car to help you out.
You glared at him through the window as he rushed his way into the building only to come out running with a wheelchair in tow, “You mean the ones you forced me to take??”
“Hey, I didn’t tie you down and take you against your will, I just signed you up and paid without asking you first” Jin opened the door carefully helping you up and placing you on the chair. A nurse came out after him to escort both of you into the lobby where a few other ladies grimaced your way as they patted their stomach while they panted almost in a synchronized fashion.
“We just need some information sweetie, think your partner here can take care of that while we wheel you to the back to start our assessment??” the older looking nurse asked as she took over the wheelchair.
“We are not together together, but sure. Don’t worry about it (Y/n), I got this.” Jin replied as another wave of contractions hit you full force.
“Ahhh ….okay...okay” you shouted as you were rolled into a light blue hallway, Jin no longer by your side.
You took deep even breaths trying to relax your tensed up muscles. Your birthing plan had not included a solo labor, but unless Jimin had some sort of superhero intuition you would have to adapt and conquer the situation.
“Okay hun, let’s get you in a gown before anything. How far apart are your contractions??” she asked as she assisted you on your swollen tomato red looking feet.
“Umm…. I would have to say between. Every 6 to 8 minutes and about 30 seconds each… I think-” you replied slightly stuttering as the weight of the situation started falling upon your shoulders, you were about to become a mom. Your eyes widened with a mixture of excitement and fear.
The nurse smiled softly in your direction, “Don’t worry about it. You got this, you are a strong one I can tell” she said winking your way.
You nodded at her silently as she started making her way out of the room.
“Go ahead and rest. The doctor should be in at any second” she said closing the door behind her.
You made yourself right at home laying on the strange and slightly hard medical bed. The monitors in the room were scattered around the place making the place feel a tiny bit intimidating. The 40 inch TV on the wall seemed oddly comforting and homey and you would be more than delighted if you could only figure out how to turn it on without falling on your face as a weird plan started flowing through your mind of standing on a chair and jump to reach the power button. The plus and minus button on the white control on your bed seemed to be the solution as you examined it closely, scared it would send one of the monitors into a frenzy you clicked it cautiously as if the slow touch would lessen the trigger of whatever was about to happen.
“I hope to the heavens this doesn't set off an alarm” you whispered to yourself as you made your mind up to click the plus sign. As soon as you pressed the red button the bed vibrated and roared to life as your feet rose up in a surprisingly high speed tilting your feet up towards the air whilst your hospital gown scooted upwards leaving all your lady bits uncovered.
With your luck, it shouldn’t have come to your surprise to hear the door slam open right on time to witness your a la nude display, a deep low chuckle flowed through the air, “I see you are anxious to get them treasures out huh??”
“Oh shit, I mean I am sorry for cussing … I just… sorry Doctor Kim” you stammered out trying to cover your blushing cheeks with your hands.
“Don’t worry about it, darling. I heard you cussing down the hall, as long as those bad words are not thrown my way we are all peachy in here, now let’s get them feet back in place huh??” he replied with a chuckle as he pressed a button on the side of the bed leveling you out back in place and raising the headrest a tiny bit making everything more comfortable.
You eyed the handsome doctor from top to bottom taking in the contrast of his serious demeanor versus his kind words. As if he knew he was carefully examined he threw a rectangular smile your way quickly lifting up the tension in the room.
“These beds can be tricky, and quite amusing if you are in the right mood.” He said as he slipped on some gloves, “Now let’s take a look and see how far along you are. Open your legs slightly for me… this might feel slightly uncomfortable. Do you blush quite this often on a daily basis??”
Your blush depend as you managed to shake your head no as you felt a cold sensation making you jump slightly in place.
The door opened once again at that exact moment, Jimin’s head poking in looking flushed and slightly out of breath, “Sorry am I late??? I came here as fast as I could manage with the after-school traffic” he said as his eyes wandered around the room taking in the dull colors on the walls and weird medical jargon scribbled across random anatomy posters, then landing straight on the sight of Doctor Kim with his hand right up your gown.
Jimin coughed awkwardly, trying to remind himself he was in a professional setting and that he had to get his mind out of an endless pit of the gutter it had landed on as his instinctive self-had placed almost automatically as he came to the realization of how handsome Dr.Kim truly was.
“Actually, you are right on time to assist on labor pains. She is dilated at a 6 and currently on active labor" Dr. Kim explained as he stood up taking both of his gloves off as he walked towards Jimin, “Now it is expected of the father to assist the mother of his children through this enchanting life changing yet painful journey through comfort during these times, but if you give her any trouble I will personally kick your ass out of here, and it will no longer be Doctor Kim in the room, but Kim Taehyung just an FYI buddy” Dr. Kim stated as he gave him an innocent broad rectangular smile his way and a wink your way.
“Epidural??” Dr. Kim asked as if the previous conversation hadn't happened a few seconds ago.
You nodded, “I think I am going to….Ahhh,” you said being cut off by another rush of contractions.
“Got it… the anesthesiologist will be right in” Dr. Kim stated as he walked out of the room leaving you alone with a disheveled looking Jimin.
You frowned his way trying to ignore his presence yet failing. You were clearly mad and frustrated at him and he knew it.
“(Y/N), I am sorry… I  had to go” Jimin began to explain as he approached your bedside. His voice barely above a whisper and trembling at the end. You knew he was on the verge of tears, but at this point, you could care any less as another yelp came from your lips from the stabbing sensation on the back of your spine. You breathed in deeply trying to ease the painful sensation that had traveled upwards making your whole body squirm uncomfortably.
“You … didn’t have to go Jimin. No one was holding a gun to your head. You went because you wanted to, you needed to be there for Stephany, even if it meant leaving me behind AGAIN” you said as the pain that flowed through your eyes switched to rage as you eyed him from head to toes.
“No no, that is not at all what it is. It has never been Stephany (Y/n). I went to say goodbye. Yoongi called me, and he told me he was planning to propose a change of scenery to Steph and I knew I had to say goodbye, not to Stephany so much as I had to go say bye to Nataly. That little girl is like a niece to me and she reminds me so much of the bright and cheerful Stephany I had once called my best friend. She has so much light in her and I… that little girl is like a piece of Stephany I thought had been lost and I am so scared that she will get hurt just like her mama did. I have been there for her just as much as I have been there for her mom, and I know the whole situation Stephany is putting Yoongi and Nataly through is completely unfair to the both of them. I should have been there for you… I am sorry” Jimin replied as he buried his face in his hands, “I am so sorry, and I know that won’t change a thing but-”
“AHH!” you screamed as your uterus roared to life once again making every other issue in the world seem minute to the immense pain now bursting through you.
Jimin ran towards you grabbing a hold of your hand immediately, “Breath (Y/N), Breath…”
“Easy for you to say you son of a bi...AH!!!!” you replied earning you a grimace from Jimin’s whose hand looked redder than a tomato as you held on to it as your life depended on it.
Sweat was now dripping down your forehead as Jimin ran his fingers through your hair and counted breaths easing you out of the contraction.
“That felt like it was a lot longer than the last one,” you said as you adjusted yourself. The previous discussion left behind as the reality came once again crashing full force in your face, “Jimin… I am scared” you admitted in a quiet sob as he scooted himself into the bed beside to you.
“It is okay to be scared love. If you weren’t I would be scared. Our lives are about to change in a manner of hours...maybe even minutes. You and I have not had the greatest of relationships in the world, and I took you for granted for so long… I can’t even fathom to ever forgive myself, but I can tell you right now that I am going cherish every single second of the day beside our little angels tenfold. You are my family (y/n), and if you can give me another chance to prove it to you...I would give my world up for you. I know today was not the greatest of examples, and once again I shouldn’t have been scared to let you know what was going on. You are more than just my girlfriend, you are my partner in crime and I should treat you as such. I LOVE YOU! I will love you always and forever...even if you choose not to be with me anymore” Jimin said as tears slowly traveled down his reddened cheeks.
You took a deep breath swallowing the words he had spilled as a sweet hot chocolate on a cold winter’s night. The tension that had been sown into your aching muscles relaxing almost into nothingness, but before you could utter a word another contraction pushed through the surface once again throwing you into fits of rage.
“JIIIMIIIIN!!!!” you yelled painfully as he bravely took both your hand in his.
“Breathe (y/n). Close your eyes and imagine little hands and feet, and the smell of baby shampoo, the pain is worth it …. The pain will be less and less” Jimin tried to soothingly whisper in your ear.
“BULLSHIIT!!! This pain will not goo AHHHWAY!” you said almost ripping his hands off as you grasped onto them tighter, the pain increased to a level it hadn’t before knocking your breath out of the continuous rhythm it had settled into before making you slightly dizzy and nauseated.
Doctor Kim came in with a smile on his face, “Well won’t you look at that monitor, we are definitely close, and the anesthesiologist is barely on his way! Let me check you once again because your contractions have definitely increased in duration… If you excuse me”
Jimin nodded looking at the doctor wide-eyed as he assessed you once again as the cold sensation of the gloved made you wiggle with the alien sensation.
“Well...we can’t wait much longer you are at a 9 now. That was quick…” Doctor Kim said talking more to himself than anyone else in the room.
The door opened as Jin walked in looking at the floor lost in thought, “I swear they have way too much paperwork….. Like how many times did I have to print your name?? Don’t they have those sticker name labels or something??” he complained as he plopped himself on the nearby couch finally looking up to inspect his surroundings. Jin smiled at the doctor and then looked at Jimin with relief clearly radiating off him.
“You made it!!” Jin screamed enthusiastically. I frowned his way as I put two and two together, but right before I could question him….
“You kissed??” Jimin asked completely shocked sending a death glare towards Jin.
“I smell drama” Doctor Kim said winking at both their ways.
“She was confused Jimin… she could only think of the worst possible scenario at that point, and I mean it wasn’t even that long of a kiss cause her water broke….and wait doctor shouldn’t you be doing something?? You wink too much” Jin said defending himself as your screams only got louder.
“You do wink too much...Look I don’t care about the kiss. All I know is that I am glad you were there when I wasn’t. Jin you deserve…” Jimin said to Jin almost completely blurring your loud pants only to be cut off when you screamed once again.
“JIMIN MAKE IT AHHH!” you said as the pain started to subside once again.
“Okay, well the epidural won’t do much at this point. We are going to go ahead and prep her for delivery. Are you ready to start pushing??” Dr. Kim asked as he started to make his way out the door.
“I don’t…” you stuttered.
“PERFECT! What about you Daddy??” Dr. Kim said genuinely smiling at Jimin for once.
Jimin looked your way as his face brightened as fresh tears traveled down his cheeks, “More than ever”
Jin grimaced as he stood up from the couch, “This is my queue to walk out of here before my face hits the floor. I fainted when they showed us the birthing video in class, I can only imagine what a live one will do… I will go wait at the waiting room with Nat and Yoongi”
You turned towards Jimin questioningly, “Wait… why is Yoongi here?? Is Steph okay??”
Jimin placed a finger on your lips, “Shhhh…. I will explain later. Steph is no longer my problem. This is a moment for you and me only. Everyone else is a speck of dirt in this infinity galaxy that is us, now are you ready?”
“More than ever” you replied as Jimin kissed your forehead. For a second a smile adorned your face...For a second until another contraction made its way.
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2 pairs of eyes, 40 baby toes, 2 pairs of chubby little feet, a full set of hair, one head a little on the bald side with very light thin hair, and 2 cries that sent your world into a spiral of happiness.
Roilan was born at 20:17 with a full cry that rattled throughout the hallway, a future opera singer was what Dr. Kim said as soon as he burst into baby cries.
Leilani was born at 20:25 a lot more stubborn to let the world know she had made an appearance. It took a bit of coaxing to get her to cry, but as soon as Doctor Kim assured her health seemed to be at 100%  she was back asleep almost automatically.
There was something incredibly magical of watching Jimin cradle both babies as he sang soft sweet lullabies as their little hands wrapped around his fingers.
“They are beautiful” Jimin whispered to himself as tears threaten to spill down my face.
“To be honest they look like little old people, a little swollen and wrinkly but nonetheless beautiful” a deep voice called out from the door, “It happens with all newborns, so don’t worry in about a few hours the swelling goes down and they look a hella lot cuter”
“Yoongi??” you asked out loud confused as he entered the door with a very excited Nataly in his arms. As soon as he placed her down on the floor she came running towards you with an excited and curious glint in her eyes.
“Aunty (Y/N), did you already have your parasites??” she asked clapping her hands in delight.
You raised your eyebrows confused, “What Natty??”
“Yeah, my dad was talking about how babies eat out of the mommies like parasites” she explained nodding her head in full understanding.
“Well … umm... That is strangely correct, but it doesn’t sound too nice to call them parasites, but we can call them Leilani and Roiland.” you replied as you patted the unruly golden hair on her head.
“Leili and Roy!!” she scram now running towards Jimin who quickly smiled her way as she kissed both heads and started talking to babies as if they could understand her perfectly, both pairs of eyes trying to focus on her for now blurry figure as they tried to suck on their hands.
You turned to look at a smiling Yoongi, “Parasites??” you questioned him with an eyebrow raised.
“You tell me how I was supposed to explain it to a little girl. She asked why every 4 words… Anyway, congratulations love!” he said engulfing you in a hug which you returned automatically.
You looked behind him expecting to see Stephany walking in at any second. Yoongi’s eyes traveled to your line of sight, “No, she is not here, and she won’t be around for a while”
“But you and Nataly?” you asked concern written along the creases in your forehead.
Yoongi just shook his head, “Steph thought it would be best to let us go, at least until she is better, but at this point… I am not sure if she is coming back”
You nodded now understand as to why Jimin had run away from your side earlier today. You turned to look at Jimin and Natalie as they simultaneously sang ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ to the once again sleeping twins.
“I am sorry Yoongi I wish…” you replied only to be cut off by his hand interlacing with yours.
“No. There is nothing any of us could’ve done to help her. We tried. We all did. Jimin sacrificed so much and at the end of the day, she always fell back to old habits. I had a lot of people tell me she had to hit rock bottom to actually try and help herself out of this, and maybe she finally did. All I need is that little girl by my side to keep me going. She deserves a whole lot more than I have been able to give her in her short life, and I am going to make sure I fulfill my duty as her father and best friend. My focus will be on her. She needs me, and if Stephanie ever decides to come back... Well, that would be nice, but I am done waiting” Yoongi said confidently, “Now I am sorry to interrupt your moment, but Nataly and I just came by to say goodnight. It is late and time for her bedtime. Jin wanted us to wait a little longer, but Nataly wanted to see the babies before she fell asleep.”
Nataly kissed Jimin and the twins goodnight and then jumped on the bed to kiss your forehead and engulf you in a hug with her tiny little arms, “Love you, Auntie”
“Love you too princess. Be good with your Dad” you replied as you watched her jump into Yoongi’s arms as a gummy smile appeared on his face.
She smiled back at you, “Always”
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Jin came in an hour later with 2 giant bears. One pink with a giant tutu, and one blue with a baseball bat. He tiptoed into the room afraid to wake up the twins as they both slept on their baby hospital beds.
“You know Jin you can just walk normally in here,” you said to encourage him to walk quickly to your bedside. Jimin had fallen asleep in the recliner as if he had been the one who had just given birth and pushed out two little humans through his privates. Soft snores spilled from Jimin’s plump lips as Jin peeked in to see the twins.
“They are so cute and tiny” Jin squeaked out in a quiet yet excited tone.
“Yep yep. I make cute babies..what can I say” you replied winking his way.
Jin placed the bears on the side table and then sat on the edge of your bed, “Winking might just be contagious, you are not allowed to hang out with that doctor anymore (y/n). I am glad everything went okay.” his eyes traveled to a sleeping Jimin, “and I am glad you are happy”
You nodded as you reached over to take his hand, “I am… and I am sorry.”
“Wait, what are you sorry for??” Jin asked quietly tilting his head to the side making his manly features look like those of a lost puppy.
You sighed scared to speak the words out loud, as if by not saying them everyone can go about like it had never happened, “The kiss” you stuttered, “I am sorry it took me so long to realize how you felt, and I am really sorry…”
“You don’t have to say it” Jin cut you off looking towards Jimin, “I know…”
“But you don’t. If things between Jimin and I weren’t so complicated. If I had the strength to just let go….it would be you” you said as silent tears traveled down your cheek.
Jin scooted his way closer to you and grasped your face with his hands delicately as if you were made out of this world’s finest crystals, “(Y/N), that is the thing… I am not what you want. You and I are best friends no matter what, through thick and thin. Maybe I should’ve told you how I truly felt, but I knew that with what was going on between you and Jimin it would be taking advantage of the situation and I didn’t want that. I wanted you. I want you.”
You shook your head, “Jin you deserve so much more than me. You need to be someone's number one, just like you told me so many times. You are gold Jin”
“You are gold” Jin replied instantly, “I think I need to go ahead and go home for the night. I will go by your apartment and make sure the doors are locked”
“Thank you Jin,” you said unsure of what you should really say.
Jin nodded and turned to face the door walking almost reluctantly out the door.
“Wait, Jin!” you yelled unconsciously.
Jin turned to face you puzzled at your sudden outburst.
You slowly sat up from the bed and wiggled up on your feet slowly marching up to him, not quite sure about what you were doing at this point.
As you stood right in front of him you tippy-toed and laced your arms around his neck and rested your head on his chest, “I love you Jin. I love you so so so much, and I wish I could be in love with you too, but I am in love with Jimin and it would be highly unfair to you.”  You separated yourself from his chest and peered up into his eyes, “Best Friends??”
Jin leaned in and placed a soft kiss in your forehead, “Best Friends until a Zombie Apocalypse falls upon us and I get bitten, then I can make no promises I will want to eat your brains… of course if it makes you feel any better I would choose your brains over any others”
“You are so weird” you chuckled as you let him go.
The soft cries of Leilani shook you both back to reality, “I am thinking she might be hungry, she has only woken up to eat so far”
“Time to go then,” Jin said waving a small bye as he stepped away.
As soon as Jin was out of sight you heard some movement from the corner of the room “She is more than likely hungry”  Jimin’s voice surprised you as you scooped her tiny body up in your arms.
“I think so too. She is a sleepy head” you sat on the bed and latched her onto your breast which she quickly took as her little hand went into a tight fist.
Jimin walked towards Roilan who was still quietly sleeping, “I still can’t seem to believe they are already here”
“Yeah me either,” you said smiling.
“(Y/N), I heard what happened with Jin, and I am sorry for everything I put you through, but is it true?? Are you still in love with me”
You nodded right away, “I have no doubt I am, but to be honest I am not sure what I want to do right now. I need to focus on the babies and every time I let you in we fall back into the same routine. We can give this another go, but we would have to start from the beginning once again you just have to give me some time to adjust to everything.”
“You can have all the time you want” Jimin replied as a bright smile appeared on his face, “This is like the best day ever”
“Calm down there. When I mean from the beginning I mean literally dates and all” you replied, “Nothing too serious or dramatic until I feel comfortable”
Jimin nodded, “I will take anything I can get, but will it be too much to ask for a kiss??”
A deep voice broke through the room catching you and Jimin by surprise, “Did you not hear the lady?? She said to CHILL! Anyway congratulations on your bundles of joy, how are you feeling??” a civilian dressed Doctor Kim Taehyung asked as he approached you with a small gift bag, “This is for your minions and this is for you” he replied handing you 4 large sunflowers that shined as bright as him. A small card rested upon the petals which you quickly opened curiously. A blue inked phone number was scribbled across with a smiley face.
“That is my personal number in case you ever need anything… and now that you are dating… casually...” Taehyung replied winking playfully your way.
You chuckled at his joking demeanor while Jimin’s sudden change of mood was written all over his frowning face.
“Anyway I have to go sleep, the bed is calling to me. Goodnight!” Doctor Kim said walking away without giving Jimin another glance.
“Goodnight Doctor Kim” you replied earning you a cheeky smile from the clearly amused doctor.
“You can call me Tae,” he said as he skipped his way out the door.
“I don’t like him,” Jimin said sitting next to you in the bed.
You rolled your eyes at his pout and then leaned in quickly to kiss him catching by surprise.
“But I like you...scratch that I love you. I am so in love with you” Jimin rambled on and on until you once again leaned in to capture his plump pink lips. You knew you had told Jimin you wanted to take things slow and at your own pace, but you had a feeling that wouldn’t last too long with all these boundaries you were trying to set between the both of you. You were so head over heels in love with him, and you could finally confidently say he felt the same.  At that very moment, everything felt perfect, and then not only one cry but two cries erupted loudly through the room forcing both of you to separate from the passion filled kiss.
“Welcome to parenthood” Jimin whispered happily.
“That smile won’t be there for long, especially at 3 in the morning Jimin” you replied as you traded babies now latching Roilan on, “Leilani requires a burping session and then diaper change”
“Yes Ma’am” he replied in an over exaggerated deep voice as he saluted.
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Hey loves. Sorry for taking so long writing this chapter. I wanted it to feel realistic and not too overwhelming since the whole story was quite an emotional bomb. There is an epilogue coming out which will have a few surprises and let you peek in into Jimin’s and (Y/N)’s life 2 years down the road. Some stuff will not be pink and fluffy, and there is like I said a little twist in the story which to be honest I am still debating myself about. You can choose to stop here or go ahead and wait for the epilogue, it is up to you loves. It will be a short epilogue drabble so it may be up by next weekend.
Thank you all for sticking through this!! I know we all divided into Teams for the boys and we all cried and debated over y/n life together. I hope you enjoyed this story and I am hoping you will enjoy my future ones. I have so many things going out of hiatus and will continue to be written.
My upcoming works(for those curious souls):
Goodnight Moon (BadGirlGoodBoyAU Jungkook OneShot)
Countdown To Us  Chpt 2 (SoulmateAU) TaexReader , YoongiXReader
Aphrodesia Chpt 1 (Jungkook StripperAU)
Untitled (Jin BestFriendAU One Shot)
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Best friend AU
"Don't you realize? You are my music, you are my soul. And if you leave me you take my soul with you!" I grabbed unto his arm, pleading him, begging him not to leave me. "Took you a damn while to realize that." And with that he grabbed my neck and pressed my lips to his. I've imagined this a thousand times before, with a thousand different situations, and I thought I've imagined it all already. But this? This was everything.
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smoljams · 6 years
‘Nothing Like Us’ part 1/? ~ Jungkook Imagine
Ughh im bored and just thought up this scenario bcs i have no life. I’m sorry if this is bad, its my first one!! x 
genre; gonna be a ‘best friends to lovers’ type fic if you want me to do more parts, just let me know :))
warnings; its my first time and there's a couple swear words 
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“Y/N~ahhh come dance with us~” 
You look up from your phone to see 3 pouty faces looking down at you - Tae, Jimin and Kookie. It’s currently 9:25 am and the three of them are full of energy, dancing around to various songs; ranging from CL, to Blackpink, to PSY, to even their own music. 
“Please jagiiii” Jungkook was now kneeling in front of you, they really wanted you to join in huh? You sigh and get up from the couch. Immediately you had three grown men hugging you all at once, unintentionally squishing you. 
“Yay come on Y/N. Lets dance to airplane pt 2!” giggled Tae. You were the same age as Jimin and Tae, just a couple of months younger, but it always seemed to surprise you how someone with such a deep voice could act like a 2 year old. You loved it though! You loved all your 7 best friends. They’ve always been there for you since you could remember, that’s why you decided to move in with them 4 years ago. And if you were completely honest with yourself, it was probably one of the best decisions you have ever made.  
“Noooonaaa” Jungkook whined “come stand by me~” 
You didn’t even have a choice, before you knew it he was pulling you over by your arm. 
*roughly 1 hour later*
“Hey guys we’re ba- wow there’s a party going on in here” Hobi laughed as he walked in, the others from the hyung line following behind. Hoseok being Hoseok, he joins in with the funniest aegyo dance moves ever. 
The other 3 hyungs make themselves at home; Not really paying attention to the noise as it's normal for the younger boys to create chaos. That is until ‘Rainism’ comes on. 
Not knowing the dance to this one, you sat down next to Yoongi on the sofa. The way Jungkook's persona changed - going from the cutest baby boy to the hottest man you've ever seen - had given you butterflies. Everything about him had you in a trance.
His tousled, brown hair was like hues of a woodland, with each strand sitting perfectly on his head, weaving together to frame his golden face. His gorgeous dark eyes filled with confidence and lust. Your own eyes wander down, his jawline flawlessly sculptured, outlining his mesmerising profile. His face was strong and defined; his features carved from granite. Jungkook’s usual boyish ‘bunny’ grin had now been tugged upwards, forming a sensual smirk on his god-like face. Oh boy, he knew he looked heavenly. He was wearing a black, oversized t-shirt and misty grey jogging bottoms; his strong forearms disappearing into the short sleeves - the outfit might be basic but Jungkook looked surreal. Every dance move flowed faultlessly. His big hands and long, yet strong fingers made you feel some type of way. His lips were parted slightly, his breath rough and slightly jagged, concentration evident on his beautiful face. 
He had never looked like this before. Looked so different. Looked so perfect. You hadn't realized that Namjoon had walked into the room, let alone sit the other side of you, that was until he elbowed your arm.
"Hey y/n, I wouldn't get too lost in the maknae like that" Joonie laughed. "It kinda seems like you have a crush on him"
You did have a crush on him. But you could never admit to that. Jungkook was one of your best friends, one of your roommates, and as far as you were aware, you were the only girl he could talk too without malfunctioning. His has always been so comfortable around you and you the same with him.. But you suppose that’s just because you act like ‘one of the guys’. Come on, you think to yourself, he’d never like you back, he is Jeon fucking Jungkook, and you’re just Y/N. You can’t confess to him because he’d say no and then it’d be awkward for everyone, wouldn't it? The last thing you want to do is jeopardize not only you and Jungkook’s friendship but your friendship with the other guys too. 
“um Y/N..you okay there?” Namjoon’s hushed tone quickly brought you back to reality. 
“Yeah Namjoon I’m fine, I’ve just got a headache.”  The small white lie slipped out, but you don’t think too much about it - it’s not like you could have told him the truth. 
Out of the 7 guys, Namjoon is the ‘big brother’ figure for you. He was the one who invited you to live with them 4 years ago, made you feel right at home in South Korea, helped you develop your pronunciation, and, well, annoyed the fuck out of you when he felt necessary. Perhaps it was because you reminded him of his younger sister? It must have been pretty difficult for him to leave behind his baby sister, while he travelled the world, selling out arenas with his best friends - whereas a normal dude would be at home, making fun of his sister and scaring away any other guys who dared to go near her.
Unfortunately for you, Namjoon is an intellectual. Of course he saw straight through your lie. But that doesn’t mean he’s going to call you out on it, oh no, he’s going to do anything and everything in his power to get you closer to Jungkook.  
A/N: omfg was this any good? Please let me know if you want a part 2 - i have so many ideas for this bestfriendau! Thanks for reading!!xx 
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mochenes · 4 years
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[3:47] bestfriendau!jaemin
He patted your back as you cry to his shoulder. You never felt neglected before. Only one guy, your ex have done this to you.
"It's alright, it's alright..." he softly said. "If I came across that bastard, I'll call the hyungs for backup."
You nodded to his word as if to convince yourself that it is indeed alright. But he and you know deep inside that it is not. And it will never be.
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