#being too sexy for his shirt is an emotion
sandushengshou · 6 months
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@pscentral​ event 21: growth ↳ from "Love is the last thing I desire." to "I love you. I've loved you from the moment we raced each other in that park. I've loved you at every dance, on every walk, every time we've been together, and every time we've been apart."
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yuujispinkhair · 4 months
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You are watching Sukuna. And Sukuna is watching his brother's girlfriend... Until he is watching you.
-> This is Part 2 of this drabble
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Modern!Sukuna x Reader (female) Fluff + angst with a happy end. Word count: 4k. Angst, lots of pining, unrequited love at first, mentions of alcohol. There is no cheating. Sukuna and Reader get their happy end. Minors don't interact.
This small series was inspired by this beautiful art by @nayasch.
Also, for the best experience, I recommend listening to "Is there somewhere" by Halsey while reading this. I had it on repeat while writing. Divider @/hitobaby
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It's a spilled drink that brings you closer to Sukuna.
Just a moment ago, you were holding your breath as you walked past the tattooed, pink-haired boy who makes your heart race, too shy to even look his way when you were so close to him. But then someone knocked into you, and now you are standing there like a deer in the headlights, your hands wet, your shirt ruined, staring wide-eyed at the big red stain soaking the front of your crush's white t-shirt.
You faintly hear some guy behind you apologizing. You have no idea if he is apologizing to you or to Sukuna. All you know is that Sukuna is glaring daggers at him,
"Get out of my sight before I punch your stupid face!"
And then those beautiful maroon eyes snap to you, and you forget how to breathe. You wished for Sukuna's gaze to find you, dreamed about it all the time. Hoped he would notice you, hoped that fate would hand you a chance to get closer to him. But now that it happens so unexpectedly, you don't know what to do. A muttered "S... sorry." leaves your lips.
Sukuna's gaze travels from your face down to your shirt, which is just as soaked as his. And that attractive lopsided smirk appears on his face, the one that gives you butterflies, especially now when he is standing right in front of you, close enough to touch. He shrugs,
"Wasn't your fault. I'm gonna change into a fresh shirt. What about you? Want one, too?"
You barely manage a nod before Sukuna starts walking away, and you quickly follow him to his room with your heart beating up to your throat.
He doesn't bother turning away but just pulls his soaked shirt off right in front of you, making your stomach flutter and your face heat when you see his firm abs and chest adorned with those sexy tattoos.
He laughs softly, probably seeing how flustered you are by his bare chest. But he doesn't comment on it and hands you one of his clean shirts, a white one like the one he was wearing before you spilled your drink over it.
He leaves the room after slipping into a fresh shirt, leaving you alone in his room so you can change in peace.
You sit on his bed afterward, pulse fluttering as you feel the soft fabric of Sukuna's shirt on your skin. You bring it to your nose to inhale its scent. It's fresh out of the laundry, so it mostly smells just of fabric softener, but it was in his dresser with his other things, and you can very faintly smell his cologne on it, making you close your eyes and sigh softly, overcome by a longing so bad it almost makes you choke up.
It's ironic. As if fate is taunting you. Here you are, sitting on Sukuna's bed and wearing his shirt like a girlfriend would. But he is already gone again, back to the party, where he will gaze at his brother's girl with the same longing in his eyes that fills yours, too, when you look his way.
Your hand reaches out to touch Sukuna's pillow, fingers sprawling over it, while you stare longingly at the dent where his head rests every night. What you wouldn't give to sleep in this bed with him. Feeling his strong arms around you, your body snuggled against his. Holding him, loving him, showing him that he can have all those things he longs for.
If only things were different.
It's hard to pull yourself away and leave Sukuna's room again. You feel a strange mix of emotions as you walk back to the party. Exhilaration upon getting Sukuna's shirt and being in his room, mixed with that familiar heavy feeling in your chest because you know he isn't yours, and he probably never will be.
You enter the living room and see him leaning casually against the wall in his fresh shirt, tattooed arms crossed over his chest, biceps flexed enticingly, head tilted back, a bottle of vodka pressed to his lips as his eyes are once again on his brother and his girlfriend, who are dancing in the middle of the room.
You leave the party shortly after to go home and crawl into your bed, still wearing Sukuna's shirt, hugging your pillow to your chest, wishing it was him.
Is he alone in his bed, too? Does he yearn, too? Does he, too, think about the one he craves but cannot have?
The thought makes your heart throb painfully.
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Another party, another evening of watching the boy you secretly love from your safe space across the room. His gaze is unsurprisingly on the girl standing next to his brother. Yuuji says something to her, and she laughs happily and hugs him tightly, nuzzling her face against his shoulder. And you see Sukuna's jaw tighten, see his Adam's apple bob as he gulps hard, see the burning jealousy and pain in his eyes.
You blink against the tears threatening to well up in your eyes. His pain is almost palpable to you, but no one else seems to see it. No one seems to care enough to really look at Sukuna. They all just see Sukuna's mocking smirk and the arrogance and roughness he wears like armor. They don't see the pain in those beautiful maroon eyes. They don't see that his heart is aching.
Maybe you only recognize the signs because you feel the same way.
Maybe it is this all too familiar pain you see on his face that makes you brave tonight. And after all, you have a good excuse to walk up to him and stop in front of him, tilting your head to look up at his beautiful face, and say softly,
"Hey, Sukuna... thank you for the shirt you gave me last week. I wanted to give it back to you."
You don't really want to give it back. You have slept every night in it since last week, snuggling into it, inhaling the faint traces of Sukuna's scent, dreaming about having him in your bed, hugging him, feeling the warmth of his body seep through the thin fabric of the t-shirt.
But you reluctantly put it in the washing machine yesterday, folded it neatly, and put it in your bag to return it to him tonight.
You hand him the shirt, and Sukuna takes it, his large hand with the tattoos and various rings brushing over yours, sending the butterflies fluttering in your stomach like crazy. You know how nervous you must look when you smile a shaky smile at him,
"Thank you again. That was really nice of you."
There is surprise in his eyes as if no one ever tells him he is nice. Maybe he isn't. Or maybe people just don't see the small, nice things he does sometimes. Maybe he doesn't want them to see.
"No problem, princess."
You lie awake that night, in your own shirt this time, but with Sukuna's low, velvety voice playing over and over in your mind, calling you princess. You know it means nothing, but it still makes your heart race and a giddy smile lift your lips.
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You clutch your drink tightly as you watch the boy you secretly love from across the room, just like you do every weekend. If only you weren't so shy. If only you were brave enough to walk over to him without needing a reason like giving back his shirt.
You sigh longingly as your eyes trail over Sukuna's face. Longing is what you can see on his face, too, as his gaze is on the happy couple at the other end of the room. Your chest feels so tight that it hurts.
I want to take the pain away from you, Sukuna. I wish I could be the one to make you happy.
But you are standing here, and he is standing over there with his eyes on someone else.
A sad love song starts playing and the air in the room feels suffocating all of a sudden.
Maybe you should leave.
What are you even doing at this party, where you are surrounded by so many people but feel more alone than at home, where it is only you and your bed?
What are you doing, coming here week after week just to stare at a boy you can't have? Hurting yourself when you see him looking at someone else. Drowning in desperation when you realize week after week that he is just as alone in his pain as you are and that you will probably never be able to break through his walls.
He is in pain, and you are in pain, and nothing will change about that.
Might as well leave and never come back. Stay away from those stupid parties. Find other places to go to. Maybe after some time, you will be able to forget about pink hair and black tattoos and maroon eyes.
Right when you push yourself off the wall, Sukuna turns his head. That beautiful maroon gaze lands on you, and all you can do is stare back at him.
Time seems to slow down as you and Sukuna look at each other across the room. You are sure he can see the tears threatening to spill over, can see the pain in your eyes, can recognize it for what it is because he carries the same pain in his eyes.
Maybe that shared pain is what makes him slowly walk over to you. He stops in front of you, his typical teasing smirk on his lips, but the same sadness still unveiled in his eyes.
For a moment, you think he will ask you to go to his room with him to fuck. And it fills you with dread because you know you would just be a rebound. You would just be someone he uses for sex to take his mind off the girl he really wants. It would mean nothing to him. And yet, you know that you would say yes. You would go with him, would lay down in his bed, would let him take everything he needs from you until you have nothing left. And in turn, you would take anything he is willing to give you, too, even if it was just meaningless sex. Because even if he just used you to distract himself, it would still be better than nothing. Even if it were just impersonal sex, without any feelings involved from his side, you would still go with him just to feel his skin on yours.
But to your relief, the question never comes. Instead, he says in that calm, low voice,
"You look like you aren't enjoying this stupid party either. Even the pizza tastes disgusting. I'll make something myself. Wanna join me?"
You follow him as if you are in a daze. Everything around you is blurred as you walk behind Sukuna's tall figure, following him to the kitchen, your head spinning, making you feel light-headed even though you barely drank any alcohol.
You sit on the kitchen counter while he cooks. Studying his beautiful face while he is focusing on the pan in front of him. The pain in his eyes is not as burning anymore while he stirs the vegetables and adds various spices. Maybe this is why he wanted to come here. Maybe cooking distracts him enough to ease the pain at least a little.
Those maroon eyes you love so much meet yours while Sukuna tells you how tired he is of those parties all the time and those people he cannot stand in his apartment. He doesn't say what he really means, but you know. How tired his heart is of the longing, of the pain, of having to pretend like he is ok.
You tell him he is a good cook when he hands you a spoon to try, and a smile flickers over his face. A genuine smile, not the typical smirk. And it makes you fall. Makes you tumble down an abyss that you know you will never be able to get out of again. As if you needed to fall even more for him. As if you weren't already too in love with him.
You know you are lost. Lost in everything that makes Sukuna Sukuna. You thought you knew him and already fell in love with what you knew about him on a surface level. But now you have caught glimpses of the boy beneath the surface, and it makes you fall even deeper in love with him. Makes your chest hurt even more. Makes your every fiber scream with longing.
He hoists himself up on the kitchen counter next to you, handing you a plate and grabbing one for himself, too. You sit in silence, eating side by side, while the sounds of the party dimly drift to your ears through the closed door.
You praise his cooking skills some more because you are too nervous to think of anything else to say and because you like the way his lips curl in a smile again and how the pain in his eyes is almost completely gone when he turns to look at you.
He tells you where he got the recipe, how he adjusted it over several weeks, and that he enjoys cooking a lot. The way he says it doesn't sound like he is simply doing small talk, but rather as if he is letting you in on a secret. As if this is a side of Sukuna that people aren't supposed to know.
And you smile softly at him, hoping it conveys that you are grateful that he lets you share this moment with him.
His thumb brushes over the corner of your lips to scoop up some stray sauce, making your heart beat so fast you think you will black out.
When you leave an hour later, you tell him that you really enjoyed yourself,
"Thank you for letting me try your food. It tasted delicious... and I..."
You want to tell him how happy it made you to spend time with him, just the two of you in the kitchen. That you will always keep those moments in your heart like a treasure. But you are too shy to say those words out loud, and so you trail off sheepishly, smiling nervously at him and nodding awkwardly.
"Bye, Sukuna. Have a nice rest of the night."
He watches you closely with those beautiful maroon eyes, a thoughtful expression on his face, saying nothing. But he holds the door open for you like a gentleman in those old movies.
You can still feel the ghost of his touch on your skin when you lie in bed with a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your chest for the first time after coming home after one of those parties.
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You are standing in a corner, taking a sip from your drink as your gaze wanders to the tall figure leaning against the wall across the room. Tattooed face and arms, pink hair, and maroon eyes.
You are prepared to see his gaze glued to his brother's girl. You are prepared to see the familiar longing and pain on his face. But you frown when you realize Sukuna's gaze isn't staring at a fixed place but instead wandering slowly through the room, scanning it as if he is searching for something or someone, even though the object of his pining is right in front of him. And yet that gaze slips over her and continues to wander.
Until it lands on you.
It catches you so off guard that you spill your drink again. This time, only over your own shirt, but you cannot bring yourself to look at the mess. Your eyes are on Sukuna, watching wide-eyed as he walks toward you, brushing past the girl you thought he would look at without so much as sparing a glance at her.
He looks amused when he takes in the mess on your shirt. A raised eyebrow, a boyish grin lifting the corners of his lips, a long tattooed finger pointing at your chest,
"Need one of my shirts again?"
You are back in his room a few minutes later, changing into one of his clean shirts while he has his back turned to you, making your heart beat so fast that you fear he can hear it thundering in your chest.
He leans against his desk while you sit on his bed, finding it hard to breathe with how nervous you are. With how lovesick you are for him. The longing to hold him so bad that you feel dizzy from it.
And he talks to you, tells you about a new recipe he tried, about a cooking show he watched, about this and that. Like he wants to keep you here in his room. Like he wants a reason to stay here and not go out to the party again. Like you are his escape.
His shirt feels soft on your skin, his bed so tempting under you. You grab a small pillow to hug to your chest, and the butterflies flutter like crazy when you smell Sukuna's cologne wafting off it.
He jokingly asks you,
"Did you spill your drink intentionally so you could get one of my shirts again? Liked it so much, huh?"
And you chuckle and tell him,
"Well, the end justifies the means. That shirt you gave me last time was really comfy. I slept in it a whole week."
You feel your face heat up when you realize what you just admitted. But Sukuna just laughs, and those beautiful maroon eyes sparkle like two precious jewels.
He tells you to keep his shirt this time.
"So you have something to sleep in."
And your voice wavers nervously, but you still tell him:
"You are really nice, Sukuna. Do you know that?"
He scrunches his nose at that,
"That's something I've never heard anyone tell me before. Are you sure you got the right Sukuna?"
"Yeah. In my eyes, you are nice. At least when you want to. You give me your shirts, and you let me try your self-cooked meals, and you hold open doors and talk to me and... make me feel less alone on these parties."
The last part comes out in a whisper, your emotions threatening to choke you up as you are overcome by your feelings for him. Being so close to him, spending time with him, seeing him smile and joke around with you. Sharing those moments with him that seem like something special.
Sukuna's eyes widen, an emotion flickering over his face that you cannot place. Surprise, maybe, but also something else. Something much softer. He looks away for a moment, staring at his wall that is adorned with pictures of pretty landscapes and bright red shrines and an old man standing in the middle of two pink-haired boys.
When he looks at you again, there is a vulnerability in his eyes you have never seen before. His voice is soft when he tells you,
"You make me feel less alone, too."
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Sukuna kisses you for the first time at a party two weeks later. And it is not a kiss in the middle of the party. It is not a kiss in front of his brother and his girlfriend. It is not a kiss meant for someone else. It is not a kiss to make someone jealous. It is not a kiss only for the show.
No, it is a kiss that is real. In his room, where he sits next to you on his bed. It is soft and slow. Sukuna's hand is cupping your cheek gently, his lips brushing over yours slowly as if he is scared to hurt you or hurt himself. As if he is scared that he is fucking things up. Or maybe as if he fears he doesn't deserve this.
It's a kiss that makes you fall apart and makes you whole at the same time.
You kiss him back as tenderly as he kisses you. Slow and gentle, your eyes closed, your hand landing on his neck and caressing the short stubble of his undercut. You kiss him like you are writing poetry for him with your lips against his, putting all the words you are too shy to say into this kiss, all your longing for him, all the tenderness you feel for him, all your love. And he kisses you like he is a drowning man who finally reached the saving shore.
You walk out of his room side by side. Sukuna holds your hand, tugging you along to the kitchen to cook another homemade meal he wants to share with you.
Your heart feels like bursting with happiness. No traces of pain are left in Sukuna's eyes when he hands you a plate of stir-fried rice. And that smile is lighting up his face again. He is so beautiful, and you tell him so without worrying that he will make fun of you.
He kisses you again when he walks you to the door, right there in the hallway where anyone can see, his lips lingering against yours before he pulls away as if he doesn't want to let you leave.
You smile at him and nod when he tells you to text him once you are safely home.
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"I like you."
Sukuna tells you in a soft voice while you are straddling his lap, currently cleaning some food experiment gone wrong off his tattooed face with a wet kitchen towel.
Wide, terrified maroon eyes look at you as if their owner thinks he just handed you a knife for you to ram into his chest and twist in his heart. It makes your own heart throb painfully even as you feel elated to hear that your feelings are reciprocated. Seeing this rough boy so scared. Scared of his feelings, scared of admitting them. Scared what you will do with that confession. Because all he knows about love is that it is painful and that it hurts and never gets returned.
You want to cry for him. For the boy who, until now, only knew meaningless sex and hopeless longing for what he thought he couldn't have. For the boy who believed that love wasn't meant for someone like him.
The first tear slips out of the corner of your left eye as Sukuna's large hands sprawl over your waist possessively, and he repeats his words despite the fear so evident in his low voice, the words nothing more than a hoarse whisper,
"I like you so fucking much."
Your hand with the towel is hovering in midair, your lips twitch, and finally, you cannot hold back anymore, and the tears spill over, running down your cheeks in hot rivulets. A broken sob falls from your lips, followed by a choked-up sounding:
"I like you too."
Sukuna closes his eyes for a moment, long black lashes fanning over his skin, a beautiful image that makes you drop the kitchen towel and cup his cheek with your hand. Your thumb brushes tenderly over the tattooed lines on his skin when those beautiful eyes open again and look deeply into yours.
He is braver than you are. Adding more to his confession. Making sure you can destroy him fully, if you like,
"Do you know what I mean? I.. I think I am in love with you."
Your voice is thick with tears, but you continue despite the fresh tears welling up in your eyes, despite how much you are trembling in his arms,
"I... I am in love with you, too. Have been for months. Or maybe I was in love with an idea of you back then. But now I know the real you, and I fell even deeper in love with you."
You can see in his eyes that he half expected to get turned down, and it breaks your heart for him, even while happy laughter bubbles out of your trembling lips.
You cling to him when he kisses you, never wanting to let go again. Filled with the need to show him that this love won't hurt. That it won't slip through his fingers. That love can be good and safe and give him peace. That he deserves love, too, and that you are here to love him with everything you have.
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It's another Saturday, and you are at Sukuna and Yuuji's apartment two hours before the party starts, helping them with the preparations. Yuuji's girlfriend is there too. You feel a bit awkward, a bit uneasy when you see her. But she smiles a genuine smile at you and greets you with a hug.
You work next to her for an hour and realize that she probably never was aware of Sukuna's feelings. She might look at Sukuna, but she doesn't truly see him. She only sees Yuuji. Her gaze is filled with love when she looks at him with an expression on her face that lets you know she has found her person.
You turn around to glance at Sukuna, a mix of fear and hope in your heart. What you see makes your chest fill with warmth. Sukuna isn't looking at Yuuji's girl. He is looking at you. Looking at you with the same expression as Yuuji's girlfriend when she looks at Yuuji. And you know that Sukuna has found his person, too. 
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You wake up in Sukuna's bed with his tall, firm body behind you, just like you do almost every morning now. You feel his lips against your skin, trailing gentle kisses up and down your neck. His voice is still hoarse from sleeping when he murmurs,
His arms tighten around you and pull you even closer to him. And you answer with a smile audible in your voice,
"All yours."
Your cheeks almost hurt from smiling so broadly when you feel Sukuna's matching smile against your neck and hear his whispered:
"Just like I am all yours."
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I cried so much while writing this and listening to the song and looking at the beautiful fanart and the sadness in Sukuna's eyes. This version of Sukuna is my Achilles heel. I love this broken mess of a boy so much. I want to love him so bad and make him happy :(( This story hit me so hard, and the kissing scene is one of my favorite scenes I ever wrote. I am so emotional right now, but also so happy to share it with you.
Thank you so much to everyone who commented on the first part of this story, wishing for a happy end. I needed a happy end too, and I am so glad I wrote this!! This story is very personal. I could relate to Reader 100%, and I got the impression that a lot of people could see themselves in her, too. So I hope you could enjoy your happy end with Sukuna, just like I did 🖤
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pseudowho · 6 months
Post-ShibuyaAU! Grey Nanami Kento Headcanons, Part 2
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(help me find the Nanami artist in the banner, for crediting and thanks/permission!)
As an accompaniment to my story, Grey (link here); an AU where Nanami survives Shibuya exploration because I'm never going to be over his loss.
Part 1 of Greynami Headcanons, link here
Christmas Greynami Headcanons, link here
Warnings: Severe injury (burns, eye loss), PTSD, alcohol use, depression, light smut, angst, AU headcanons
Before he met you:
AU!Nanami Kento who takes up smoking again, a habit he had while working as a salaryman. His voice becomes rougher, more gravelly, irritated by the tobacco.
AU!Nanami Kento whose parents weep and stroke his healed burned face the first time they see him post-Shibuya, devastated by the suffering their little boy has experienced.
AU!Nanami Kento who sees that pain in his mothers' eyes every time he visits her. She can't help it. She's just heartbroken she couldn't keep her baby safe.
AU!Nanami Kento who begins to screen his parents' calls, not visit for dinner like he used to, and sends birthday gifts in the post instead of in person. Causing them distress by exposing them to his brutal injuries is a stress he's too fragile to cope with.
AU!Nanami Kento who listens to his fathers' long voicemails every night after a few drinks.
AU!Nanami Kento who often doesn't go home between missions, sleeping against walls in old buildings instead, a cold uncomfortable sleep preferable to a deep sleep with nightmares.
AU!Nanami Kento who alters his wardrobe after his tie, which he was unusually fond of, was destroyed by Jogo's flames. He can't find the tie for sale anymore. His beige suits just don't feel the same without it.
AU!Nanami Kento gives the last vestiges of his emotional energy to Yuuji, knowing he needs support, not wanting Yuuji to know he's struggling, not wanting to add more to Yuuji's already full plate.
AU!Nanami Kento who used to daydream about being a father one day, but now, being loved and giving love in return feels so remote and unlikely
After he meets you:
AU!Nanami Kento who tries to hide his trauma at first, afraid it will be too much baggage for you.
AU!Nanami Kento who is grateful to the very depths of his soul when you make it clear that he could never be too traumatised to be loved; you are each others' therapist, confidant, and sexy best friend.
AU!Nanami Kento, who struggles through reducing his alcohol and cigarette intake, with your steadfast support.
AU!Nanami Kento whose home screen photo is one of you asleep, snuggled into his chest, drooling; you hate it, he absolutely refuses to change it.
AU!Nanami Kento who confesses to you on one snowy evening walk; he tells you the moon looks beautiful tonight and you're on tiptoes kissing him before he can even finish his sentence.
AU!Nanami Kento who takes up baking bread overnight if he can't sleep, the process cathartic and soothing. You know he's had a bad night when you wake up to warm bakery smells.
AU!Nanami Kento and you, whose home becomes a refuge for all the kids who know where the spare key is hidden.
AU!Nanami Kento who has made up the spare room for Yuuta, Inumaki and Nobara at separate points in just one week.
AU!Nanami Kento, who makes sure you buy extra bottles of burn ointment, and delivers them to Maki when he gets the chance.
AU!Nanami Kento, stood at the bathroom counter which you sit on, facing him, your legs wrapped around his hips, as you gently shave around his scars. Kento rests his hands on your waist, slipping his fingers under your shirt, just to feel your skin.
AU!Nanami Kento, whose towel comes loose and drops to the floor, staring into your eyes in challenge. You last a few seconds before your eyes flick down, drinking in the beautiful nudity of him.
AU!Nanami Kento who immediately throws you over his shoulder, and carries you to your bedroom while you squeal and laugh, being promptly de-clothed by him.
AU!Nanami Kento who behaves the second time you sit on the counter, to finish the job you started; he looks at you with a naughty glint in his eye.
AU!Nanami Kento who, with your support and continuous company on his missions, finds his power grows rapidly; he manages five black flashes in a row, and feels he may be nearing domain establishment.
AU!Nanami Kento who, after a rocky start with Higuruma Hiromi, becomes his firm friend, forming an intensely unstoppable duo. Ino is only a little bit jealous.
AU!Nanami Kento who finally calls his parents with your encouragement. He can't help but tell them about you immediately. They're thrilled, and want you round for dinner as soon as possible.
AU!Nanami Kento who is mortified as you and his mother coo over his baby photos.
AU!Nanami Kento who is stunned into silence when, in the car on the way home, you wonder out loud if your babies will look more like you or him.
AU!Nanami Kento who throws you into bed the moment you get home, face between your legs and drunk on the taste and sounds of you, until you're begging him to come closer; he graciously complies, his mind full of your future home, tiny footsteps and laughter as you cling to him in bliss.
AU!Nanami Kento who goes looking for rings on his days off; it's a huge decision, and one he ponders over for months, so in the meantime, he buys you a watch which perfectly matches his own.
More love for Greynami. I'll do some bigger stories at some point too.
Part 1 of Greynami Headcanons link here
Thanks as always to @silkspunweb for being my muse and fellow unhinged friend.
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tlou-reid · 7 months
Cheese Danishes ❤︎ Aaron Hotchner
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♡ SUMMARY: aaron is struggling to navigate his feelings, and his fears, as his relationship with his younger graduate student neighbor progress
♡ WARNINGS: smut (piv) mdni, oral (fem recieving), fingering, fluff, angst mentions of criminal minds-esque violence, mentions of haley and george foyet, age gap (mid 20s/mid 40s)
♡ NOTE: the timeline on this is wonky when compared to the show. in my head, aaron and jack did go into witness protection and left for a while, but once foyet was caught aaron returned as unit chief to the BAU. so the team is made up of the people in the later seasons, including prentiss, but aaron is still in charge.
Part one
Aaron pulled your body tighter against him amidst the start of the season’s first snowfall. “Thank you,” he mumbled, pressing a gentle kiss to your hairline. It wasn’t very often he allowed himself to stay after you two had been intimate, only after he had been away for a rough case. You basked in the attention every time.
As much as you wanted more, your relationship with Aaron has been primarily physical. You could count on one hand the amount of times you two had a connection outside of sex. It wasn’t necessarily his ideal either, but life gets in the way when you’re pulled away to attend to serial killers every week, in between spending time with your son.
You two lay together for a while, not saying anything. This was the time you used to pretend things had turned out the way you wanted them to. Of course, you lusted over him when you first met. Something about having a sexy, older neighbor fulfilled a fantasy you didn’t know you had. But, over the months you got to spend with him, both before and after your drunken declaration of interest, your feelings for him had evolved.
You’d learned how much more he was than his stoic exterior. He was gentle, like the way his calloused hands caressed your hips as he pulled you into his lap while you made out. He was funny, constantly teasing you for your abnormal habits. He was kind, making sure you were safe and sound before he retreated to his home.
But, most of all, he was distant. Physically distant a good portion of the time, being needed in different parts of the country at any given time. Mostly, he was emotionally distant. It was as if something was tormenting him most of the time, keeping him from truly giving himself to you. Even when he was buried deep inside you, it was as if there was a gap between you, preventing any real connections.
He gave you an even tighter squeeze, warning you he would be leaving soon without using words. You hoped he didn’t notice the way your body tensed back up when he did this, knowing how empty the house would feel in just a few minutes. He let out a familiar sigh, before pressing one more kiss to your forehead. “I should probably head back,” he spoke his usual phrase into the darkness of your bedroom. You nodded against his chest before pulling yourself away from him, allowing him to get up.
He noticed the way you pulled your comforter closer, trying the replace the warmth he had been providing. Aaron’s heart broke, wanting to crawl back next to you and hold you close for the rest of the night. For the rest of his life, if he could.
But, he couldn't. He knew that. If he allowed himself to be honest with you, to tell you all the ways he has fallen for you since you showed up on his doorstep with a container of desserts, he would ruin everything you had. Whether it be from him not being able to handle his own emotions, or something as terrifying as George Foyet, something would ruin the sparse nights he got to spend with you. He came with too much baggage, too many ways you could be hurt, to allow himself to have everything he wants.
So, he slips back on his pressed slacks and buttons up his white shirt. He moves quietly, trying to convince himself you are falling asleep, not worrying about what he is doing. Your soft voice ruins this, “Let me know when you get home,” you say, as you do every night he’s here. He lets out a sound of agreement, even though he knows he won’t do it.
The room falls quiet again as Aaron tries to find his suit jacket. He uses his phone flashlight and sees the arm sticking out from beneath your bed. He quickly bends over to grab it, hoping you don’t hear the way his hips creak as he lowers himself. Throwing his jacket over his arm, he finally makes his way to the door. He’s one step through it when you speak again, “Aaron?”
“Yes?” he replies quietly, ignoring how timid your voice sounds. “Maybe we could get lunch or something soon?” Your heart beats against your chest, reverberating in your temples as you ask. It doesn’t make sense. You have no problem letting him know when you’re soaking through your panties because of the lewd photo he sent you, but you’re on the verge of a panic attack as you ask if he’d like to have a meal with you.
“Yeah,” he nods, actually meaning it. He would love to have lunch or something with you. Of course, no one knows if it will ever actually happen. “Cool,” you let out a sigh of relief, “I’ll text you.”
“Yeah,” is all he says as he closes your bedroom door, making his way back to his house. Your body shivers with both chill and loneliness when you hear your front door close.
Aaron’s shoulders were slumped as he made the trek across the street. He threw his jacket over his shoulders, but not putting his arms through the sleeves, to try and protect him from the cold. This year’s winter had come in full swing this week, with the first snowfall happening tonight. He couldn’t make out where the little hand on his watch was, but he knew it was some time after midnight.
He was carrying a lot of guilt and he had no one to share it with. He couldn’t tell you because the repercussions could result in you losing your life, the same way Haley did. He couldn’t tell the team because they didn’t know about you. And that was all of the adult people in his life, pretty much.
His key turned in the door and he let out a sigh. He’d forgotten to turn his heat on when he left for the last case, so it was freezing inside. He stopped in the hallway to change the thermostat, before making his way to the bathroom. He turned on the shower, letting it properly heat up before he began to remove his clothes.
The cold he was feeling was both literal and metaphorical. The chill air burned his skin, opposite from the way your warm touch soothed it.
Aaron felt like he was on autopilot as he cleaned himself, put on his warmest pajamas, and made his way to his bed. It felt bigger than it did before he left. He fell asleep pretty quickly, both from the strenuous case and the orgasm he had not that long ago.
The next morning, you were woken up by the sun casting through your window. You had forgotten to close the curtains last night. You reached for your phone, seeing two messages from Elise. ‘Meet us for brunch?’ and ‘Bring your old man ;)’. The “us” in question was her and her new girlfriend, Annie. They were a cute couple: they seemed like they were made for each other.
You texted back, asking about the time and place, choosing to ignore her second message. When you got up to get ready, you couldn’t help yourself from peeking to see if Aaron’s car was parked across the street. It wasn’t, so you pretended like you didn’t consider asking him to go to brunch.
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“Alvez,” Aaron’s voice cut through the chatter in the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing, focusing on the glare on Aaron’s face as he continued, “Stop.” Luke had been teasing Spencer, making the entire team laugh. Luke didn’t answer, knowing it wasn’t worth messing with him anymore. The entire team had picked up on the attitude Aaron had been carrying around lately. There was no more room for teasing in the BAU, as he always seemed angry nowadays.
As the team finished debriefing their last case, Emily lingered inside the meeting room. “Hey, Hotch?” She questioned, usually being the advocate for the team. Aaron didn’t answer but shifted his attention away from the files in front of him and to her. “Everything okay?” she asked.
“Just fine, Prentiss,” he lied, becoming embarrassed under her harsh stare. “Hotch,” she cut through the silence again, “we both know that’s not true.” As much as she was trying to be sympathetic, her prying was just pissing him off. “What is going on in my personal life is none of your concern.” He ended the conversation bluntly, not wanting her to pry anymore.
Like a dog who had just been scolded, Emily made her way out of the room. Hotch lingered for a little longer, hoping the team would disperse before he made his presence known again. He pulled his phone from his pocket, thinking over what Emily was saying to him. Something was wrong, but nobody could fix it. Nobody but you.
Your phone dinged from its spot beside you, and you tried to not let your professor see you reach for it. Sure, you were a grown woman who was allowed to be on your phone, but you didn’t want to seem rude by being distracted from his lesson. You set your pink pen on top of your notebook and lowered your phone into your lap. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you saw the message was from ‘Aaron <3’.
It had been about four days since he left your house and he had not texted since. You refused to text first, not wanting to appear desperate. ‘Hello, I am dropping Jack off at a friend’s at 6:30. Could I come over after? I can order us dinner.’ You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face. You quickly typed out a reply, ‘My class ends at 5 and I have to stop by Elise’s to pick something up. Meet at my house at 7?’. He replied with a thumbs-up emoji.
Your leg excitedly bounced throughout the class, willing the clock to move faster. Your notes were messy due to your brain moving faster than your hand could go. When the professor finally wrapped things up and asked for any final questions, you shoved things into your bookbag, knowing you’d regret it the next time you needed something from it. You were the first one out the door.
You tried not to speed as you drove to Elise’s. You were picking up a new dog bed that Anna was getting rid of. Your dog, Jackson, would love it. You left yourself in her house, yelling out to let her know you had arrived.
You had not been completely honest with Elise. You had told her your relationship status with Aaron was complicated, which was half-true. It was very complicated, but also very non-existent. You rushed through your interaction with her and Anna, ignoring the joke she cracked about you having a hot date.
You arrived home close to 6:45 and immediately made your way to your closet to throw on something nicer than the leggings and sweatshirt you wore to class. You used the extra time to clean up around the house.
Aaron knocked on the door at 7:00 on the dot, making you giggle at his punctuality. “Hello,” you smiled at him as you opened the door. He said his greeting and leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. You could feel your face warm up at his actions. When he came in, you two settled on the couch, catching up on the things you had missed in each other’s lives.
“Is that new?” Aaron asked, putting at the large dog bed Jackson was resting on. Your heart swooned at him noticing such a small detail. “Yeah! Elise’s girlfriend, Anna, was getting rid of it. She fosters dogs most of the time but she had to stop after the last one got adopted because her dad moved in with her. He’s sick, so she spends a lot of time taking care of him.” Aaron nods in understanding, “You spoil him, huh?” You giggled at his answer, knowing most of your paychecks went to funding Jackson’s expensive lifestyle.
It didn’t take long for you to wind up in his lap, his hands gripping your ass. He was holding you close, pressing his tongue into your mouth. Aaron had a lot of skills, and kissing was probably one of his best. When you pulled away to breathe, he made quick work of moving his lips to your neck, sucking on the tender spot beneath your ear. You let out a gentle moan, moving your hands from around his neck to tug on his hair.
Your moment was interrupted when your stomach grumbled, surprising Aaron. He pulled away, looking up at you with wide eyes and puffy lips. You giggled out an, “I’m sorry.” Aaron soon joined you in your laughter. “You said we’d order food! I haven’t eaten since breakfast!” You smiled, enjoying this sweet moment with him.
He tapped your side, signaling you to get off of his lap. He reached for his phone, “What do you want to eat?” You two scrolled through your options, settling on a local pizza place. Your stomach grumbled again after he placed the order.
It didn’t take long for the pizza to arrive, and you two watched silly YouTube videos while you waited. The evening was filled with giggles and greasy pizza. It was everything you wanted with Aaron.
Once your bellies were both full and the paper plates had been thrown away, you two resumed your position on the couch. You were back in his lap and his lips were back on your neck. His hands were tight against your hips as you rocked against his cock, which was growing hard underneath you. The room was filled with languid sighs and deep moans as you made out.
His hands slid up your sides, moving to pull your shirt off. You separated for just a second, just long enough to lift your shirt over your head. Once it was thrown by the brand new dog bed, Aaron’s large hand was reaching up to cup your bra, quickly aggravated by the material blocking your skin. His hands moved to unclasp it, not letting his lips leave yours. The bra joined the shirt, and Aaron brought one of your nipples into his mouth.
The rough skin of his right hand felt like heaven on your right breast, eliciting moans of his name to fall from your lips. He was leaving deep, purple marks around across your tits, fueled by the sounds you were making. The light tugs of his hair had him painfully hard in his dress pants. 
You pulled away to look him in the eye, “Bedroom?” Aaron shook his head no, lifting your body to lay flat on the couch. “Wanna take you right here,” he rushed through. Stoic, well-spoken Aaron Hotchner was reduced to slang like “wanna” in these moments with you.
From his spot between your legs, he kissed down between your chest, down your stomach, to the waistband of your pants. He looked up at you, asking for permission to take them off. You nodded and your pants quickly joined your ever-growing pile of clothes. “Aaron?” He let out a ‘hmm’, entranced by the wet spot in your panties. “You’re wearing too many clothes.” This broke him out of his spell and he stripped himself down to his boxers.
His hands made their way under your thighs and leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your clothed sex. “Take ‘em off?” You nodded at his words, lifting your hips so he could pull them off. As soon as your panties were off, he licked a long strip up your slit.
You let out a moan as he began to bury himself into your pussy. His tongue delved into your hole and his nose nudged your clit. Your hands flew to his hair, pulling him closer. You weren’t sure if he could breathe with how he was pressed into your pussy, your juices spreading all over his chin. Once your grip on his hair relaxed a bit, he pulled his face away. As he slid two of his thick fingers into your hole, he said, “Taste so good, honey.”
As soon as he finished his sentence, he moved down to use his tongue to draw little figure eights along your clit. You let out a loud moan, “Aaron, ‘m gonna,” you cut yourself off with another moan, “gonna cum.” Your thighs held him in his spot as you reached your high. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t move from his spot as you came on his fingers.
His fingers didn’t stop as he rode you through your orgasm. Once your thighs relaxed, he brought himself up to you. You could see the way your juices glistened on his chin as moved himself to kiss you, then you could taste them on his lips.
“Taste yourself?” He asked. You felt your pussy clench at his filthy words and gave him a shy nod. He smiled, before resting his head in the crook of your neck, pressing more kisses into it. Your arms came to wrap around him, holding his bare chest against yours. You two stayed like that for a little bit, basking in each other’s aura.
“Gonna fuck you now,” He informed, lifting his body a little. He looked you in your eyes, making sure you were still okay with it. You nodded, reaching down to align his dick with your entrance. He kept his eyes on you as he pushed in, noticing the way your eyes rolled back when he bottomed out.
Aaron’s cock wasn’t too long, but the thickness of it left a satisfying burn inside you. Aaron wasn’t one for an intense sex life. He was mostly content with missionary, enjoying the closeness and eye contact that came with it. You’d begun to get him out of his shell, testing things like riding him and doggy style throughout your three months hooking up.
His thrusts were deep and slow, drawing out the delightful burn in your pussy. After your previous orgasm, the stretch of his thick cock was almost enough to send you over the edge again. Everything about him was intentional, especially the way he held your legs so he could angle himself to hit the spot inside you that made your toes curl.
“Faster,” you moaned out, needing more. “You take what I give you,” he demanded, letting his rare dominant side come out. He knew you liked that by the way you clenched around his cock, squeezing him just right. It only took a few more strokes for him to start increasing his speed, never wanting to displease you.
He was chasing his own high, bottoming out with every deep thrust. You could feel the way you were leaving a ring of your arousal at the base of his dick. “Aaron,” you sighed out, trying to let him know you were about to cum again. While you couldn’t get the words out, he could tell by the way your muscles were beginning to tense up and you were letting out higher-pitched moans.
The way you clenched his dick had his orgasm following close behind your own, allowing him to ride you through your high. He let out a deep sigh as he came down, burying himself back in the crook of your neck. He placed gentle kisses along your neck as your hand drew loving circles along his shoulder.
You willed him to keep his head buried in your neck so he wouldn’t see the way your eyes began to fill with tears. It’s not that you were sad, or even disappointed. There was a deep longing feeling in your chest. In your heart, you knew this was where you wanted to be, but, in your brain, you knew it wouldn’t last.
Aaron let himself lay there with you for a while. He didn’t move as his dick softened inside of you and as your loving caress left goosebumps in their wake. Despite the chill in the room, he was comfortable.
A few moments pass before he pushes himself off of you, making his way to the bathroom to clean up. When he reappears in the living, he asks “Do you want to take a shower?” You eagerly accept his offer, getting up to guide him to your master bathroom. He smiles behind you as you turn on the water.
You’re very surprised at his actions but scared that if you mention how different he’s acting, he’ll stop. He usually doesn’t stay to clean up with you, besides retreating to the bathroom. You both step into the shower, muscles relaxed by the hot water. Aaron flinches away from it. “Too hot?” You ask, forgetting that not everyone takes scalding hot showers.
“I’ll get used to it,” he compromises. It’s a tight fit, but you both make do. He’s the first one to reach for the wash rag. Soaping it up with your lavender-scented body wash and bringing it to your shoulders. He allows himself to enjoy washing you, taking time to massage and caress your skin. He moves gently and lovingly, as if he would break you if he pushed too hard.
Despite the amount of times you had sex, this shower was the most intimate thing you and Aaron had ever done. It would’ve been easy to convince yourself that you two were a couple, one that is deeply in love and would never hurt each other. However, you could never do that because of the gnawing knowledge of his future departure. You weren’t a couple and he would be retreating to his home any minute now.
Aaron let you stay under the warm water as he washed himself, both of you opting to not worry about washing your hair tonight. You stepped out first, grabbing a towel off of the rack attached to the shower. You wrapped it around yourself, moving to get Aaron one from your towel closet. He enjoyed the warmth of the shower while you were gone. Once you appeared in the steamy bathroom, he turned off the water and wrapped himself in the towel you handed him.
It was quiet for a moment, both of you just enjoying the presence of each other. Aaron was rubbing the towel, trying to dry his hair when he spoke up, “I don’t believe I have any clothes here. Do you have any you think could fit me?” You were gobsmacked at his words. Luckily, you weren’t facing him, so he didn’t see the way your mouth dropped in surprise. You quickly turned around to face him, “Are you staying the night?”
“Is that okay?” He sounded awkward, not really knowing what to do. Sure, he’d left every other time, but he thought it would be okay since you spend so much time together anyway. He was trying to be better than he was before, trying to overcome the fears that had been keeping him from truly being with you. “Of course it is!” Your voice was excitable again, almost as lively as it was the day he met you. “I think I have some sweatpants, I can look.”
Your heart was pounding as you left the bathroom to dig through your dresser, seeing if there was anything you wouldn’t mind Aaron keeping. He followed behind you, settling on the edge of the bed. He was distracted as you looked, admiring you in just a fluffy towel. He wished he saw this side of you more often.
Once you found an old, gray pair at the bottom of your third drawer, you tossed them at him. You got dressed and he slipped them on, choosing to forgo underwear rather than put on the precum-stained ones from earlier. “What do we do now?” You asked sweetly, not really knowing how to go about this sleepover, but excited to have it nonetheless.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” He suggested, subtly pointing at the TV hung on your wall. “Sure! What kind of movies do you like?” You asked him as you moved to sit criss-cross on your bed. He chuckled at your cute demeanor, “Me and Jack tend to watch action or comedy, but I love a good romcom now and then.” This sent you into a fit of giggles, picturing Aaron curled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, and ‘When Harry Met Sally’ being the only thing illuminating his face in the dark room.
“I don’t see what’s so funny about that,” He said with a fond smile on his face. He laid down, leaving space for you to curl yourself against his side, tucked right into his armpit. You felt like you belonged there. “I just didn’t realize you were such a softie,” You said with a few more giggles. He shifted his head down to look at you the best he could, “I can be.”
You two settled on ‘Do Revenge’, playing into Aaron’s apparent love of chick-flicks. You two got comfortable under the covers. About halfway through, Aaron heard your gentle snores filling the room. He reached across you to grab the remote and turn off the TV. He reached back over you to put the remote on your nightstand, pressing a kiss to your forehead before he settled himself down, falling quickly into a deep slumber.
The next morning, you woke up to an unfamiliarly cold room. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, looking at the messed up bed. Your gaze followed the blanket that had been thrown around to an empty bed.
Your eyebrows crinkled in confusion, remembering that Aaron had spent the night. A part of you hoped when you got up, he’d be making breakfast for you like the husbands always did in the cheesy romcoms you two talked about last night. The other part of you knew he had left.
To confirm your suspicions, you made your way to the living room, trying to ignore the steadily increasing beat of your heart. You made your way to Jackson, who was asleep in his brand-new bed. You sat next to him, tears filling your eyes. His clothes were gone. Even the stupid sweatpants you let him borrow. Jackson snuggled closer to you, almost providing the warmth Aaron took with him when he left.
You let yourself lay there for a while, dwelling on the hurt in your heart. It wasn’t as if this was unexpected, but he could’ve had the decency to not lie to you. You explicitly asked him if he was staying the night and he said he was. How could he just leave? As if your time last night didn’t mean anything? As if any of the nights you two spent together didn’t mean anything?
You were forced to get up when you heard your phone alarm going off in your bedroom, indicating it was time for you to get ready for work. You had a busy day ahead of you that would consist of work and catching up on homework. You didn’t have time to worry about a man who wasn’t worrying about you.
You felt numb throughout your whole shift. You ignored Elise’s texts asking you to go out tomorrow, considering you hadn’t had a Friday night out in a while. You ignored pretty much everything, burying yourself in your tasks. You were on autopilot as you drove home. You quickly took care of Jackson, taking him on a brief walk and feeding him. You went out your back door and followed it until you knew you couldn’t see Aaron’s house. You didn’t want to think about him, and you definitely didn’t want him to see how sad you were.
You did homework for the rest of the night, ignoring the world around you. You didn’t turn on the TV or look at your phone once. You took another scorching shower, basking in the burn it left on your skin.
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You went on like this for another day. It wasn’t until you returned home from work late on Friday night that you had to come face-to-face with your feelings.
It was actually your choice. No one forced you to slam your car door as soon as you saw Aaron get out of his in his own driveway. No one forced you to stomp your way across the street. No one forced you to yell his name.
No, you were solely guided by your own anger, your own sadness, to approach him. You didn’t know who was around, and you didn’t really care as you started yelling at him. “Fuck you,” You spit out first, “You said you were staying. I wanted you to stay. But you fucking left. I was going to make you breakfast, you know that? The best fucking baker around was going to make you breakfast. But you left. Without saying goodbye.”
You didn’t normally cuss, or yell, really. The anger you felt became too much and you were talking before you could really think about what you were saying. Your eyes started to fill with tears. “Y/N,” he interrupts. He wasn’t yelling at you, more raising his voice so you’d let him talk. “I didn’t want to leave you.” He confesses, a guilty look spread across his face.
You’re instantly quieter and the tears start falling as you speak. “You didn’t?” You quietly question. You wanted to be angry. You wanted to scream and cry and cuss at him so he could feel just a little bit of the hurt you felt when you woke up yesterday morning. But that wasn’t in your nature. You were good and kind and sweet, not mean and nasty.
“No, honey, of course not,” He speaks softly, taking a few more steps towards you. You let him rest a gentle hand on your shoulder as he continues, “I got a call from Jack’s friend’s mother. They had snuck out and gone skateboarding. Jack fell on his arm and they were on their way to the emergency room. I had to meet him there.”
Guilt started to fill your chest as you listened to his explanation. “Aaron, I’m so sorry,” You breathed out as he pulled you into his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close as he spoke, “There’s no need to be. I should’ve called you but I got distracted with work.” You nodded against his chest. He held you as you calmed down, letting your tears subside. “I’ve got to run, we’re leaving for a case and I forgot my go-bag,” You nod at his words, “Be safe, please.”
“Of course,” He said as he started taking a few steps backward. He turned around and made his way to his door. His hand was reaching out for the knob when you called his name. “What are we?” You asked the dreaded question that had been weighing on your chest. It seemed childish, but there was no other way to phrase it. You hoped he wanted to be in a relationship. You hoped he wanted you the same way you wanted him.
“Honestly, I’m not sure,” He said as he made his way back to you. “I owe you a conversation, that’s for sure.” You nod at his words, “When can we have it?” You asked, knowing he needed to leave for work. “I’ll text you as soon as we wrap up the case.” You nod again as he makes his way back to his front door.
He’s the one who turns around this time, calling out your name. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes, “For everything that happened before. I’m going to make it right as soon as I get home.” You give him a soft smile and a gentle nod before turning around to make your way home. 
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It takes a full week for the team to wrap up the case. Reid and JJ ask if they can spend the night in Phoenix, not wanting to be on the jet at three in the morning. However, Aaron vetoes this immediately, knowing he needs to be home as quickly as possible to talk to you.
He texts you while Luke drives the SUV, letting you know he will be boarding shortly and to expect him to be over sometime in the morning tomorrow. You’re fast asleep and do not reply, but Aaron knows you’ll see it in the morning. 
And you do. You check your phone first thing in the morning. Usually, your Saturdays are spent catching up on missed homework throughout the week, but today you immediately made your way to the kitchen. When you are stressed, this is where you usually find yourself. You threw on the “kiss the cook” apron Elise had given you a few Christmases ago, pulling up the recipe for raspberry cheese danishes you had seen online the other day.
You had just put them in the oven when you heard the knocks on your door. Aaron had gotten just a few hours of sleep before he made his way to your house. His heart was beating in his chest as he waited for you to open the door.
All of his nerves quickly dissipated as he saw you in your apron. He smiled at it, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you in for a kiss before either of you could even say hello. You giggled when he let you go, opening the door wider so he could come in. You were glad he greeted you the way he did. It took away some of the awkwardness that was looming over you due to the conversation topic.
“It smells phenomenal in here,” he complimented as he made his way to the dining room table. He sat down at the of the table and you settled into the seat on his left. “I’m sorry I had to run the other day, duty calls.” You nodded in understanding at his words. “Did you think about my question?” You asked timidly, wanting to get the conversation started so it could be over sooner.
“I did,” he said with a thoughtful nod, “I’m not quite sure how I would define us if I’m being honest.” His answer left you speechless. Not in a bad way, and certainly not in a good way, but in a way that signaled that you didn’t know how to reply. “I mean, I don’t know how I would define us back then.” He continues on.
For the first time since he kissed you when you opened the door, he made eye contact with you. “I would like to define us as a couple now if that is alright with you.” He didn’t miss the smile that quickly spread across your face and the way you started to twiddle your fingers. “Aaron Hotchner,” You let out an overdramatic gasp, “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
Aaron laughed at your theatrics, “Yes, I am.” You immediately threw yourself in his lap, pressing a kiss to his blushed cheek. “I would love to!” He could feel you smile against his face as you threw your arms around his neck. He let you love on him for a little bit before you made your way back to your seat. “I think there are a few things I have to tell you first, though,” Aaron informed again and you noticed the way his body tensed up. You didn’t say anything, creating a safe space for him to get anything he needed off of his chest.
“Ever since the day I barged in after you left me that voice message, this is what I wanted. I wanted to kiss you when you greeted me at the door. I wanted to watch cheesy films with you. I still really want all of that,” He let out a deep breath, “but I come with a lot, Y/N. Even just being with me puts you in danger. My last relationship ended due to my job, and I lost her. My wife, she, uh,” His eyes began to well up with tears.
You reached your hand out to hold his, understanding what he was trying to tell you. His wife, Jack’s mom, had died because of something related to his job. You weren’t going to force him to continue if it was this painful for him to talk about. “I understand,” You spoke gently, not wanting to upset him more, “And I’m okay with that risk.”
Aaron nodded at your words, not really knowing if you meant them. You did. Even if you wouldn’t admit it quite yet, you were in love with Aaron. You understood his job was scary and he dealt with a lot of evil in his line of work, but not even that could keep you from wanting a relationship with him.
“And, there will be times when I’m not around. My job, it is very demanding and very important to me, and to the world, I think. When they need me, I have to go.” You knew this part, he was away a lot. That’s why you had spent so much time texting before he was aware of the crush you had on him. However, before you could respond, the oven dinged, telling you it was time to take out the danishes.
Without thinking about it, you jumped up from the table, exclaiming, “My danishes are done!” Aaron laughed at this, following you with his eyes as you made your way to the oven, pulling out the desserts and sitting them on the counter to cool. You were looking over them are you spoke, “I know that, Aaron. I’m a busy bee, too. I think I’ll be okay when you’re away.”
“These look this delicious,” he complimented, reaching for one. You quickly swatted his hand away, “They need to cool!” He laughed and pressed a kiss to your neck. “What are they?” He asked, not moving his face from the crook of your neck. “Raspberry cheese danishes! It’s a new recipe.” You could feel yourself getting giddy at the thought of Aaron Hotchner, your boyfriend, and personal taste-tester.
“Well, they look and smell amazing. You’ll have to make some for the BAU holiday party.” He said, very casually. You froze in your spot as he unwrapped from your figure. “You want me to go?” You were surprised at his invitation. From getting to know him, you’d realized that the people in the BAU were some of the most important people in his whole life. “Of course,” he smiled, “Everyone brings their significant others.”
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♡ TAGS: @himboelover @zaddyhotch @lcvdoll @h0t-as-h3ll @lamentis-10 @cherubswhispers
disclaimer: i will only tag accounts that have an age on their profile that indicates they are not a minor
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munson-blurbs · 5 months
Tui request?? Eddie gains a little weight after the baby is born and Ms heart looks amazing post baby and Eddie becomes sort of self conscious and Mrs sweet heart shows Eddie how much she loves his dad bod
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
Summary: When Eddie starts feeling insecure about his newfound dad bod, you make sure to prove how sexy you think he is.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (m! receiving), p in v, breeding kink, Reader breastfeeds (no lactation kink), mention of weight gain and a "junk food diet"
WC: 1.7k
A/N: Thank you to @jo-harrington for helping me with the pacing and to @corroded-hellfire for help with the dialogue!
Eddie Munson thought you were stunning the night you met at the Hideout. On your wedding day, he surmised that he was marrying the prettiest woman in the world. And when you got pregnant with Hendrix—especially once your bump became more prominent—he’d sworn up and down that you couldn’t possibly get more beautiful if you tried. 
That statement, of course, is easily refuted by his current sight of you with six-month-old Hendrix nestled into your chest. You gently move the rocking chair back and forth as the baby drinks from your breast, your shirt hiked up so he can easily latch onto your nipple. You wince slightly as he suckles, though it isn’t nearly as painful as when you’d first begun nursing him. 
“He’s getting so chunky,” you muse, running your finger over the roll that’s formed on his little wrist. You look at your husband to gauge his reaction, your smile fading when you see his distant expression. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” It’s a blatant lie, and you both know it. 
You sigh, carefully adjusting your position to sit forward a bit. Hendrix is unfazed, too focused on his lunch. “Tell me the truth. You know I always find out, anyway.”
“You’re right,” Eddie agrees with a small laugh. There’s no sense in trying to hide it, not when you can read him like a book. “Guess, um, guess I’ve just been noticing that Hendrix isn’t the only one putting on weight lately.” He looks down at his stomach guiltily.
A delicate frown tugs your lips downward; you notice for the first time that he’s wearing a jacket despite the warm May weather. “So? You’re adjusting to being a father of two. Instead of both of us taking care of only Harris, we now need man-to-man coverage.”
“Yeah, but you’re fuckin’ gorgeous,” he protests. Your pregnancy glow has carried over to a new-mom glow, despite the exhaustion. Christ, you even make sleep deprivation look good. “And you’re the one who had the baby.”
“Eds,” you say softly, the weight of his statement heavy on your shoulders, “you spent my entire pregnancy and this post-partum hell reassuring me that you loved every version of my body. Why wouldn’t I feel the same way about yours?” Hendrix has stopped eating, so you fix your shirt and prop him up to burp him.
He shrugs, cheek pinched between his teeth to stifle emotion. “I dunno, I just…” he exhales long and loud as he searches for the right phrasing. “Your body made life; mine made the decision to eat chicken nuggets and mac ‘n cheese off of Harris’s plate instead of vegetables.”
You offer a hint of a smile at his humor, though his words are laced with true insecurity. “Let me put this little man down for his nap and show you just how incredible that body of yours is.” There’s a mischievous glint in your eyes when you stand, the baby satiated and ready for his midday sleep. Harris is at Charlie’s house for a playdate, which means you and Eddie essentially have the afternoon to yourselves.
Hendrix’s milk-drunk state has him falling asleep quickly, and you take Eddie’s hand and lead him to the bedroom. As soon as the door shuts, your arms are draped over his shoulders, and you press your torso to his. You give his earlobe a little nibble before bringing your lips to his neck.
“You know what I see when I look at you?” you start, letting your hands rest on his biceps. “I see the arms that carry our boys to bed every night.” You leave a delicate kiss on the spot you just mentioned before gently pulling off his shirt. “And your chest is perfect for any of us to rest on.” Another kiss, this one received with a shiver. 
He shakes his head. “‘S not how I used to look,” he responds guiltily. “When I was younger, I lived off of Doritos and Mountain Dew–didn’t gain an ounce. Guess it’s catching up to me now,” he grimaces, giving his belly a little pinch.
You intercept the motion, gently pushing his hands from his stomach. “Did I know I love this tummy most of all?” When he cocks a disbelieving brow, you smile and elaborate. “It reminds me that you don’t have to settle for a junk food diet anymore. We’ve created a little home with safety, love, and delicious food. I mean, you could do some sit-ups, I guess, but…” you shrug, scrunching your nose as you say the words, “I kinda like having a little something extra to hold onto.”
“Really?” He still doesn’t allow himself to fully accept this truth, so you try another method.
“Really,” you affirm, pulling him in for another deep kiss. “I need you,” you growl, your core already flooded with need at the prospect of worshiping him. “Need you so bad.” 
Eddie moans under his breath when you suck a bruise just above his collarbone. His hands grip your hips to tug you even closer, and you can feel him stiffen in his jeans. With a knowing grin, you drop to your knees and leave a hickey right next to his navel. 
“You are,” you mumble against his skin, fingers coaxing open his pants button, “ridiculously sexy. ‘S not fair.” You unzip him, pulling down his jeans and boxers in one swift motion. His erection stands at attention, and you intend to show him plenty of it; but you have one last item on your agenda. “Eds, this ass? God, I could bite it all day.” You giggle as you lean around to sink your teeth into the meat of it, and he yelps in surprise. “Only want you, Eddie,” you say, now looking up into his eyes. “Only ever wanna make you feel good.” 
“Oh, fuck,” Eddie groans, throwing his head back as you flatten your tongue and lick the underside of his shaft. “Thassit; take your time, Sweetheart.”
You take the tip between your lips, swiping at the pre-cum already dripping from it. Slowly, you allow more and more of him in your mouth until your nose brushes his pubic hair. 
“Mhm. Kee-Keep going, mmf, little faster now.” 
You eagerly oblige, swirling your tongue in that way that drives him wild; sure enough, you feel his thigh twitch next to your cheek. You assumed he would finish in your mouth, and you look up at him in confusion when he pulls out of it. 
“I gotta…fuck…gotta be inside that tight pussy of yours.” He grabs himself at the base, eyes begging for you to let him in. 
You shed your clothes and toss them in a heap on the floor, walking towards him and pushing him onto the bed. He grins when you straddle his waist and kiss his lips hungrily. 
“Gonna take care of you tonight, Eds,” you coo, grinding your wet center over the ridges of his cock. “You always make me feel amazing, honey. I wanna return the favor.”
Eddie nods, adjusting his hard-on so you can sink onto it, enveloping him in your warmth. He stretches you perfectly, and you let him know with a pleased moan. 
“Oh, fuck,” he hisses, nails digging into the flesh of your ass. “I’ll never get tired of that feeling.”
“Good,” you smirk, letting him bottom out before you begin moving again. His grip stabilizes you enough to ride him, rolling your hips teasingly. Your lips are beckoned by his chest tattoo, and you plant kisses all over it. “Mine.” You claim him with that one word, and he gives himself to you fully.
You sit back up to bounce on him, his hands reaching for your breasts and gently cupping them. A whine emanates from your throat as he thrusts up into you with more rigor.
“Kiss me?” he pleads, lifting one hand to clasp around the back of your head, bringing your face closer to his. There’s no need to ask twice; you lean in and kiss him passionately, 
As much as you want to take the lead, you can’t deny how incredible it feels when he thrusts upwards. You whine pathetically as he drives his cock deeper within you. 
“Take it so well, Sweetheart,” he grunts, pinning down your thighs. “Got me tempted to knock you up all over again.”
His words have you clenching around him, your breaths shallow. You brace yourself on his chest, moaning out his name. 
“Eddie, your body,” you whimper, unable to complete the sentence. Your mind is too focused on your building orgasm. 
“What about it, honey?”
You take as much of a breath as you can. “Your body makes me feel so fucking good.”
“Prove it,” he growls. “Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.”
Pleasure washes over you, his length brushing against your sweet spot and driving you over the edge. “I-I’m cumming—”
“Mmf, m-me, too—fuck!” Eddie’s eyes roll as he finishes, pumping you full of his release. He pounds into you, draining himself completely. 
You lay on top of him until he whispers in your ear, “Sweetheart? I gotta pull out.” Sure enough, he’s gone completely soft, absolutely spent. 
All you can manage is an mmh, pouting when he withdraws. Eddie laughs kindly and kisses you, one hand cupping your cheek. 
“Have I ever told you that you’re the best wife in the world?” he asks, nose gently nudging yours. “Not just because of all that—which was phenomenal, by the way. Five stars.” You swat at him and he laughs harder. “I feel so…safe when I’m with you.”
Your lips ghost the tip of his nose. “You are safe with me,” you remind him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he says, holding you as close as he can. He pauses for a beat before speaking again. “Can I ask you something?”
Eddie clears his throat. “That thing about liking when there’s something to, um, ‘hold onto,’” he starts, cheeks filling in pink, “did you mean that?”
It’s your turn to kiss him passionately, lips parted, tongue grazing his. You roll your hips again, fingertips brushing the soft side of his torso. It reignites the fire within him; his cock twitches slightly. 
“Does that answer your question?”
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justmeinadaze · 5 months
Little Girl Gone (Steddie X You)
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A/N: This is the story I mentioned yesterday! Trying something new for me but I hope y'all enjoy it. I've always found Mafia Eddie incredible sexy <3. This is an AU with a mixture of Stranger Things you will definitely recognize :). I wrote with the idea that Hawkins is a big city so keep that in mind lol
Warnings: Mafia Gangster Eddie/ Officer (slightly mean) Steve Harrington/ Doctor Fem Reader, SMUT, use of the color system, degrading if you squint, spanking, dirty talk, etc.
ANGST, Obviously (and not just because I am me lol), Eddie runs a rival gang in Hawkins and is in love with Steve (Romeo and Juliet style), Steve mentions being jumped and Eddie retaliates getting hurt in the process, mentions of murders by Eddie, Reader takes care of them both performing surgery on the gangster, guns are pulled and our boys are threatened, cliff hanger ending because I can.
Word Count: 8284
"Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster Run little girl, run little girl, bang, ha."
“Officer Steve Harrington.”, you read from his chart as you enter the exam room before flashing him a big smile. “I’m Dr. Y/L/N. How can I help you today?”
“My, uh, Captain said I needed to come get a checkup. I was wounded in the line of duty a few days ago.”
“Oh no. I’m really sorry to hear that. May I ask what happened?”
“Does that matter?”, he snapped.
You dealt with sassy patients on the regular. It came with the territory especially in the area your office was located in. In this part of the city, your clinic usually catered to people who didn’t want to check in at a regular hospital because their name could get dinged for other offenses. You always felt like everyone deserved care so when you opened your clinic, you made sure to do what you could within the means and resources you had available. 
Officers normally never entered your building but within these past few months you had seen them more and more frequently. You had heard rumors of a new gang in the area trying to make things more…democratic…so there was less chaos in the streets but in turn that brought more of a police presence because most of the people around here hated being threatened into submission reacting violently if need be. 
Thankfully, you weren’t easily shaken so this admittedly good-looking man of the law raising his voice didn’t frighten you one bit. 
“It does if you want me to assess you properly.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“I like to be polite at first. Now, are you going to tell me what happened or should I mark in your file here that you refused to answer so your Captain can deal with you?”
Steve’s amber eyes scanned you over briefly before a small smirk painted his beautiful lips. 
“I got jumped by one of the rival gangs in the area. Beat me up pretty good.” 
Sitting in your wheely chair, you slid toward him and carefully lifted off his shirt, his face wincing as he lifted his arms. Large purple bruises were splattered along his ribs and around to his back. Just from the wounds alone, you could tell he was kicked and punched repeatedly. His face had some scratches and swelling but it looked like nothing compared to his upper torso. 
“Oh wow. I’m so sorry. Did you go to the hospital?”
“I did. They did some X-rays and shit. Thankfully nothing was broken but, obviously, moving around has been hard.”
“Beside the bruising, have you experienced any other pain? Like a sharp stabbing pain in your side or anything like that?”
“Uh, no. Just emotional pain.”, he chuckles as his eyes look past you into a memory. 
“Ok, I’ll get you some medicine I think will help as well as some cream to sooth the pain of those bruises and swelling. I’ll be right back.”
You weren’t gone long but as you were returning you could vaguely hear his voice through the door between you both. 
“Naw, she said she’s going to get me some meds and shit…Baby! Seriously, you worry too much. I’m fine… No, NO. Don’t you dare go over there or I swear God—” Hastily, he hung up his phone when he heard you knock and reenter the room he was in. “Sorry. That was my, um, my boss checking in. Just reiterated what you told me.”
“Good. Now this will help with the pain…”, you instruct as you hand him some medication before flashing him the cream. “…and this will help with the swelling. Just put this on your bruises every six hours and you’ll be good to go in no time.”
Opening the bottle, you squeeze some of the medicine in your hand, and gently rub it along his admittedly muscular abs. 
“You’re, um, going to feel it tingle a bit and feel warm but after a few moments it will cool down.”
That smirk you saw previously appeared on his lips again when he caught you staring as your hands slowly rubbed along his skin. 
“That feels really good actually. Your hands not the cream.”
“Hm. I’m sure your girlfriend touches you enough.” Steve raises an eyebrow at your insinuation. “I mean unless you call your captain ‘baby’.”
A slightly nervous sigh leaves you as the officer’s grin grows and his eyes meet yours. 
“Hm. Bad girl listening in on my phone calls. Do you always misbehave like that?”
“This is my clinic, Officer Harrington. I can do whatever I want especially when I have signs everywhere that say, ‘No Cell Phones in the Exam Room.’”
His palm abruptly takes hold of your wrist, pulling you closer to him till your nose was just above his own.
“This may be your clinic, honey, but these are my streets. I keep order here.”
“I think the gangs here would disagree.”
“Pfft, like you know anything about what goes on out there.”, he spits as he lets you go.
After throwing a scowl his way, you pretend to be preoccupied with washing your hands.
“I know that when I first moved here, the fatality rate in this area was extremely high until that new gang leader took over the Munson crew. I believe, if the rumors are correct, the new boss is actually the son of the old leader Al Munson. Since the son has taken over, oddly enough, the streets have become safer. More kids come out to play and I’ve seen less addicts in the last couple of months.”
As you dry your hands and turn to face him, you notice the hardened look on the officer’s face as he listens to you speak.
“I also know there have been more of a police presence on this side of town as well. I’ve seen a lot of innocent civilians put in ambulances or worse due to the push back of change. Tell me, Officer Harrington, which side are you on? Which gang did that to you? The Munson’s or The Carver’s?”
“I’m on the side of peace. That’s my job.”, he seethes through gritted teeth.  
“Yeah… you’re good to go, officer. Have a nice day.”, you growl in annoyance as you leave the room without waiting for him to retort.
Today had been an incredibly long day. After your appointment with Officer Harrington, you had back-to-back visits from so many clients just needing a little bit of help. Your mind was racing as you and your staff did what you could but the truth was you desperately needed more funding. You were running low on supplies and the equipment you had wasn’t the best. It killed you to see your patient’s sad faces when you strongly recommended they head to the nearest hospital for certain tests that you just couldn’t provide at that time. 
Your mind was still racing as you began to gather your things to head out for the evening which is most likely why you didn’t even hear him till you exited your office and were met with a gun pointed at your face. 
“Don’t be scared. I’m not…I’m not here to hurt you. We need help.”, Steve panted with a heavy breath as the weapon shook in his hand. He was still dressed in the uniform he was wearing when you last saw him but now it was stained in blood and sweat.
Roughly, he took hold of your bicep and dragged you to your waiting room where another man was sitting with his head leaning against the wall. You knew he wasn’t a cop because he wasn’t dressed like the man beside you but instead in an expensive looking black suit with the white button up shirt underneath his jacket now stained with red. You noticed immediately his palm was holding his side and that area of his clothing was a darker shade than all the rest. 
“I can’t help with a wound like that. He needs a hospital.”
“Oh you don’t say?”, he snarled as he tugged you to his chest. “If I could have taken him to a fucking hospital I would have! But I brought him to you, now HELP HIM!”
“Steven!”, the long-haired man grumbled as he looked your way. “Be nice. She’s just being…honest. Right, sweetheart?” He sighs when you nod and tries to get to his feet but the officer is quicker, running to his side to help him stand. “See, the thing is, princess, if I go to a hospital I’ll die anyway…because they will put me…in jail especially after they find out…what-what I did tonight.”
“What did you do?”
“That doesn’t fucking matter right now. He’s losing blood and fast!”
Swallowing nervously, you step forward to unbutton his shirt and examine the cut you found. He needed stitches as soon as possible and most likely a blood transfusion unless someone got to his wound fast enough. Gesturing them both to follow you, you power walk to an exam room and begin searching for supplies as Steve carefully places the man on the table. While he removes the bloody clothes from his top half, you prep a syringe.
“Is he allergic to anything?”
“No. What is that, that you’re giving him?”
“It’s a pain killer. It won’t be as strong as ones at a hospital but…”
As you stick the needle into his stomach just above his cut, he flinches causing Steve’s expression to flood with worry as he moves the man’s hair out of his face. After quickly cleaning the area, you let out a long sigh as you glance their way. 
“Even with the shot, this is going to hurt a lot I’m afraid. I’ll try to go as fast as I can but, officer, if you can distract him that may help.”
The man on the table chuckles as he turns his head towards his friend. 
“She keeps calling you ‘officer’. Did… you not tell her your name? Or did you… scare her too much to use it?” He cringes as he hisses once you begin sewing in his stitches. “You like to…pretend to be so badass…but we both know you’re a…sweetheart.”
“Pretend to be a badass, huh? You’re one to talk.”, Steve scolds in a light sounding tone as he softly places his forehead against his own. “Eddie, I told you not to go over there.”
“They tried to hurt what was mine…”, he growled low in his throat even making you pause for a moment before focusing again on your task. “They wanted to send a message, well, message received.”
“I could have handled it.”
Grabbing Steve’s cheeks roughly, he brings his lips to his own. 
“No one takes my things and NO ONE hurts what’s mine. You belong to me, baby, and I promised I’d keep you safe.”
Finishing his sutures, you bandage him up and wrap some gauze around his lower waist. 
“Thank you.”, he whispers exhaustedly as he extends his shaky hand towards you. “What’s your name, pretty girl?”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N. You’re safe and I promise neither of us are going to hurt you. I’m Edward Munson but you can call me Eddie.” Your eyes widen as you slowly back away from them causing Steve to rise to his feet. “Ah. I see you’ve heard of me. Then you know you can trust me.”
Eddie tries to stand as well but sways before Steve steadies him. 
“You…you should be in a hospital. That wound needs to be looked after and you need to rest.”
“I can take care of him.”
“No. No you can’t. That’s why you brought him to me.”, you sass in frustration as you try to display an air of confidence. Both men scan you over as they try to get a read on you as you continue. “If you refuse to go to a hospital, then give me your address and I can come—”
“No. No addresses. We can’t have you giving it to the police.”
“Oh you mean you?!”
You and Steve square off, tightening your stances as you glare at each other until Eddie laughed beside you both. 
“Brave girl with attitude. I like it.”
“I don’t. Little girl needs to be put in her place.”
“I highly doubt you’re the man to do that.”, you sass.
“Yeah well good thing there’s two of us, honey, and trust me, whatever I start Eddie can definitely finish.”
Sighing, you fold your arms as you argue with the internal dialogue inside your head. 
“You can come to my apartment but I have one condition. After he heals, I never want to see either of you again.”
Their eyes meet for a moment before Eddie finally nods. 
“You have a deal, princess.”
“Um, I don’t have a spare room or anything but the couch is comfortable. Just make sure to stay on your back if you can.” Eddie nods as Steve places him down and hastily begins removing the gear attached to him. “Let me grab some blankets and pillows.”
Disappearing into your bedroom, you grab any extra bedding you had and began to head their way but paused when you heard them talking. 
“Why are you being mean to her? I thought you said she took care of you.”
“She did. I just… I was worried about you. It’s my job to take care of you to, honey.”
“And snapping at the woman who’s trying to help will do what exactly?” Steve laughs through his teeth at Eddie question. “I think it’s because you like her.”
“Pfft what?”
“Oh, look at Officer Harrington blushing.”, the long-haired man teases as he reaches out to touch the boy’s face. “I know I just met her and she was busy saving my life but I can see why…”, he chuckles before wincing as he grabs his side. 
“Are you alright?”, you ask as you come back to the living room and kneel down on your knees in front of him. 
“Yeah, I’m alright. I’ve been through way worse than this.”
You take quick note of his wound before handing Steve the things you found, watching with fascination as he tosses the things for him to the side before placing the pillow on his lap and guiding the man back to lay down. 
“If, um, if you notice it bleeding through or he starts getting a fever, come and get me immediately.” 
The officer nods as he throws the blanket over Eddie and comfortingly rests his hand on his chest, his thumb gently running along the man’s tattooed skin. 
Your alarm goes at 4am that morning, startling you as you shoot up right. Groggily, you shuffled to your bathroom and grabbed the items Eddie would need so you could change his bandages. Both men were fast asleep when you entered the living room, Steve still clinging to him with his other hand very close to where his gun was resting on the little table you had beside your couch. 
“Mr. Munson?”, you whisper as you sit on the coffee table across from them. When he didn’t stir you couldn’t help but take the opportunity to visually take in one of the most notorious gangsters in the city. You had never seen a picture of him and he definitely wasn’t what you pictured when you heard the rumors from people in the clinic. 
He did have an air of control surrounding him but his voice and face were incredibly soft especially when it came to Steve. You heard him get upset though so you imagined that amplified out in the streets and you hoped you never met that version of him. He had a lot of tattoos painting his upper torso that seemed completely random except for the symbol of his gang that was tattooed on many other men and women you had seen previously minus the tiny initials “S.H.” inscribed within the design. 
Eddie was fairly muscular appearing more toned in his abs and upper arms. Slightly blocking your view was Steve’s massive palm over his chest, almost as if that was his way to make sure the man was still breathing. He had been exceptionally rude with you but with the gangster, he transformed before your eyes, becoming softer and listening to everything the other man said without question. They both obviously seemed to care strongly about each other which you found slightly amusing given their slight Romeo and Juliet story; one being a cop and the other a criminal. 
“Mr. Munson.”
Extending your hand, you tried gently shaking his upper shoulder and in one swift motion, he grabbed your wrist and held you tightly as he raised his fist in the air prepared to defend himself. Swallowing nervously, you froze as his intense eyes scanned your own. 
“Fuck. Fuck, I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t…” Eddie promptly let you go and winced as he sat up in front of you. 
“No, no. It’s ok. After what happened, I completely understand. I just need to check you out and rewrap your wound.”
“Would it be easier for you if we went to the table?”
“Oh, no, this is ok but I do have to turn on the light.”
Eddie follows your eyes as you glance towards Steve. 
“Trust me, it won’t bother him one bit. I don’t think he’s had a consistent night’s sleep since he was hurt.”
“How long have you two been involved?”, you ask as you begin the task in front of you hoping to distract him as well from the pain. 
“In my business or each other?”, he smirks when you breathily laugh. “Both answers are more or less the same. He had the balls to arrest me on a charge we both knew wouldn’t stick. I knew he was different when he tried to get me to flip sides and sell out my friends. Usually, cops knew better than to do that especially with me.”
The gangster paused when you tried to clean his cut, flinching as he gritted his teeth. 
“What happened? Did he take you in?”
“No, I did when I let him fuck me handcuffed in the back of his cruiser.”, he chuckled, slightly surprised when you did as well. “We’ve been watching out for each other ever since. He’s actually not as big of an asshole as he seems. Steve just has a big heart and wants to take care of everything himself. He likes to be the big, strong man, you know? That’s why he’s been so short lately.”
“What happened there? He didn’t tell me; just said he was jumped.”
“I don’t think that’s something you should know. The less we tell you the better.”
“Mr. Munson, you, a well-known Mafia style gang leader, showed up at my clinic after hours with a police officer bleeding out. I think that line has been crossed.”, you grin up at him finding his eyes watching you again. “I assume it was someone from Carver’s side. You told Steve something about them sending a message.”
“Yeah… Jason Carver isn’t exactly a fan of mine even more so since I took over. My dad was always a…shoot first ask questions later which is why he’s in jail right now. He was sloppy and greedy like Jason. I don’t want to hurt people I don’t have to.” Leaning forward, you start wrapping the gauze around him but you can’t help to inhale the strong scent of cigarettes and cologne. You don’t see it but his own head tilts slightly, inhaling your shampoo from the night before when you finally had time for a shower and the regular smells of your office that attached to your skin. 
Eddie’s lips ever so slightly grazed your shoulder that was exposed due to the tank top you were currently wearing causing you to shutter softly as you pulled back to cut the bandage. 
“Are you afraid of me, Y/N?”, he asked in a low tone that had you exhaling as you tried to maintain your composure. 
“Mr. Munson, I work in a city filled with crime and scared citizens. I don’t really have the luxury of being afraid.”
“That’s not what I asked you.” Calloused fingers reached out to grip the bottom of your chin and forced your eyes to meet his. “Even though I take no pleasure in it, I have hurt and killed people. I killed two people just last night. Carver got the idea in his head that roughing up the man I love would have me submitting to him and his whims. I’m not the submissive type and I made sure he knew that by slitting the throats of the two men that put hands on him. I don’t regret it and I’d do it again.”
“How did you get hurt then?”
“Unfortunately, Carver isn’t an idiot. He had more men appear and try to take us out. Steve showed up and someone pulled a knife… Let’s just say that someone got in a good attempt before I snapped his neck.”
The way he spoke about such violent things was so even, almost as if he could be reading from a grocery list. This was his every day and you could tell by his tone he knew it would continue to be. But there was something about him… something that made you feel safe. 
“No, I’m not afraid of you, Mr. Munson.”
“I think under the circumstances, you can call me Eddie.”
A cell phone ringing pulled you both apart but didn’t stir the man it belonged to as he continued to snore with his head leaning over the back of the couch. 
“Steve. Steven.”, the man called as he shook his arm rousing him from his deep sleep. “Your phone is ringing.”
Without opening his eyes, the officer reached into his pocket, producing his device, and placing it to his ear as he answered with gravelly “yeahs” and “mhmms”. 
“I have to go in. Someone called in about the shooting on the eastside and they found Carver’s guys.” Rubbing his eyes and as if he forgot you were there, Steve tenderly kissed Eddie’s lips before rising to his feet and putting on all of his gear once more. “Please keep an eye on him and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“I have to go to work.” Pausing, he exhaled heavily as he turned and flashed you an annoyed look. “I have to. It would look weird if I didn’t. I’ve never missed a day but if we leave early enough…I can bring him with me and keep him in my office.”
“Is it ok to move him that much?”
As if to prove a point, Eddie rose to his feet. 
“I’ll be ok. I’m a quick healer. Don’t worry about us.”
Thankfully, you didn’t have too many patients today so you were able to keep yourself locked in your office with the gangster you were attempting to hide. As soon as you brought him in, he fell asleep on your office couch, allowing you to leave him be so you could do what you needed. 
As you were reading a chart however you heard giggling in the exam room beside your office and quickly went to investigate, finding Eddie sitting next to a child on the exam table making her laugh. 
“Look, princess, you can’t trick me like that.”
“It’s thumb war! You have to be stronger.”
“Ok, best two out of three.”
“Kylie, sweetheart, what are you doing here?”, you beam trying not to startle either of them. 
“Hey Dr. Y/L/N! My mom told me to come down to see if you had any more samples of my inhaler.”
“Oh, honey. I don’t. I’m so sorry. I usually try and save one for you but I had another patient who had an emergency so I had to give it to him.”
“Why do you need an inhaler? Is it for the other people whose breath you take away because you’re so adorable?”
Kylie giggles as she turns towards Eddie and blushes. 
“No! I have asthma. My mommy brings me here to get my medicine because we can’t afford the stores.”, she sighs as her head hangs.
The man’s eyes meet your sympathetic ones before softly smiling and giving the little girl his attention again. 
“Hey. Can you keep a secret?” The small child nods in earnest making his smile widen. “Have you heard of a little convenience store called Cunningham’s Corner? It’s about a 5-minute walk from here. Go to that store and ask for Chrissy. Tell her Eddie sent you and you need an inhaler. She’ll give it to you for free.”
Kylie’s eyes widen as if this man just told her a fairytale.
“Mhmm. But you can’t tell anyone! Because then other people will take advantage.”
After giving him a hug, she jumps down from the table and starts to head for the door. 
“Hey! Here. Give Miss Cunningham this paper when you tell her what you need, ok?”, you instruct as you hand her a prescription with the name of what she needs. 
“Ok. Thank you, Dr. Y/L/N!”
“Thank you. That was really nice of you.”
Rising from his seat, he waddles with you back to your office. 
“It’s not a problem. I heard her coughing and crying so I wanted to make sure she was alright. Is she a regular?”
“Yeah and, unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for her to come by herself. Her mom is a single mother who works 60hrs a week trying to make ends meet. They came to me when she started having her symptoms but there’s only so much I can do here with my resources.”
“Are you underfunded?”
“Yeah. I do what I can but because of where I’m located…”
“Why don’t you move to a better location?”
“I can’t do that. I can’t leave these people. They need someone to help them since a regular clinic would immediately turn them away since a lot of them have no money or no insurance.”
“You’re a very kind woman, Y/N.”
Flashing him a smile, a knock makes you jump as you quickly get up to see who it is. 
“It’s Hawkins PD Detective Jim Hopper. I’d like to have word with you for a moment.”
Right as you scan your room, Eddie hides himself in front of you against the wall so he wouldn’t be seen when you finally open the door between you and the gentleman.
“May, uh, my we come in?”
“We?”, you ask as your eyes flick to the wide, stern eyes of Steve behind him. “What’s this about, detective?”
“I don’t know if you heard but we had a gang related fight in the area and we got some intel that Edward Munson may have been severally wounded.”
“Ok? And what does that have to do with me?”
“It wasn’t far from your clinic so we thought, maybe, you heard something or saw something?”
“What time was this?”
“Around 7-8pm.”
“My clinic closes at 6 so—”
“I mean, as a doctor though I’m sure you work late hours—”
“Not last night.” Out of the corner of your eye you see Eddie mime with his hand for you to calm down a bit and you close your eyes as you sigh before responding again. “I’m sorry, Officers. It’s just been a rough week. I left early last night to come in early this morning and do some work. I haven’t heard or seen anything but I can be on the lookout.”
Hopper nods, tilting his hat as he begins to walk away. 
“I’m just going to give her some details and information so she knows what to be on the lookout for exactly.”, Steve informs his colleague who confirms before disappearing to lean against the waiting room desk. 
Pulling out his notepad, he steps closer to you pretending to write things down. 
“Where is he?”, Steve whispers, smirking when your eyes flick to the side. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
“You like it.”, Eddie murmurs. “Should we be worried?”
“No, a few of Carver’s guys are in the morgue.” 
You had seen many people come and go during your time as a physician so when the officer shook his head looking away down the hallway, you could tell he was lying. 
“What aren’t you telling him?”
Steve’s angry, amber eyes met yours as an annoyed grunt left his lips. 
“Nothing. Stay in your lane, doctor.”
“Hey.”, Eddie growled low beside you. “Watch your tone. You wouldn’t keep anything from me would you, Steven?”
“I was questioned this morning seeing as how I was jumped and then suddenly men from Carver’s gang show up dead.”, the cop sighs. “I told you not to go over there.”
You could feel the tension rising between them but you were still being watched and couldn’t risk the gangster being seen. Eddie was slipping to far in his own frustration to think that far as he began pushing off the wall to scold his partner but you quickly placed your hand on his chest lightly pushing him back down. 
“Did you get in trouble?”
“No.”, he responds to your question. “But I am being watched a lot closer hence the detective.”
“And your bruises?”
“You were hurt to. Is the medicine helping at all?”
Steve’s eyes take in your face clocking in your genuine concern. 
“It is actually. Thank you.” When you smile back at his answer a tooth filled grin paints his features. “I, um, I should be done here by about 7 or so. I’ll head to your place, come get him, and then…we’ll be out of your hair.”
“Ok, so, make sure to keep this clean and if you find yourself in any excruciating pain or like I told Steve if you get a fever come back to me so I can take a look.”
“Hm. I thought you never wanted to see us again.”, Eddie teased as he carefully put back on the shirt you gave him. 
“I don’t but that doesn’t mean I want you to get sick or die or whatever.”
The gangster’s smile grew as he watched you blush. 
“How come you don’t have a boyfriend or husband or whatever?”
“What makes you think I don’t?”
“Because if you were our girl, there’s no way I would have gone two days without calling or checking in and I’d definitely have something to say if I found two men sleeping here.”
“Our girl?”
“Oh, sweetheart. Any woman I date is with Steve as well and most can barely handle my attitude and temper let alone both of ours.”
“You seem nice enough to me.”
“I can be mean when I want to be.”
“I’m always busy…to answer your question. A lot of relationships I’ve had can’t handle my schedule.”
“Hm, I understand that. Steve and I have conflicting schedules all the time.” Eddie’s eyes watch you as you gather the trash from cleaning his cut and head towards the trashcan to avoid his gaze. “But we make time for each other. That’s what you do when you care about someone.”
“Yeah, well, I guess no one really cares about me.”, you sassily smirk as you sigh and wash your hands in the sink. 
Feeling the energy shift, you turn coming chest to chest with the man himself.
“I care about you. Steve cares about you.”
“I’m pretty sure Officer Harrington hates me.”, you giggle but it tapers off when his face remains stoic.
“He doesn’t. He wouldn’t have brought me to you if he didn’t trust you.”
“You don’t know me, Eddie.”
“I know enough.” 
Shaking your head, you laugh again trying to lighten the intense atmosphere as you begin to walk back towards the living room but his hand promptly grabs your bicep and moves you till your standing in front of him once more. 
“You saved me and helped him. I just watched you all day take care of people who can’t normally afford care. You have a kind heart and you’re extremely beautiful. Do you know that? Do you know how beautiful you are?”
A knock on your door startled you but not him as he continued to stare down at you waiting for an answer. Silently, you allowed Steve entry who immediately took in your rattled appearance. 
“Everything ok?”
“Mhmm. I was just asking Y/N if she knew how beautiful she was.”
His gorgeous, honey hues widen slightly as if he was surprised before turning his attention back to you. 
“You know you are, right?”
“I-I think you both should leave.”, you whisper with little to no confidence in what you were saying. 
“Is that what you want?”, he mused as he strolled further into your apartment. “Because we can leave right now and like you asked, disappear from your life forever. Or, maybe, you can let us thank you properly.”
“I thought you didn’t like me…said you wanted to put me in my place.”
They both chuckle making your face turn a deep crimson in embarrassment.
“Baby, that doesn’t mean I don’t like you. It just means that I think I’d have a lot of fun playing with you.”
“Playing with me?”
Steve subtly nods his head as Eddie slowly moves closer to the living room where you two were standing. 
“Teasing you, kissing you, taking care of you…taking control of you and your gorgeous body till you’re begging me to let you cum.” Tilting his head, his eyes meet yours as his fingers caress your face. “When’s the last time you had someone take care of you?”
The other man comes up behind you, sandwiching you between them as he gently places his palm on your stomach under your blouse. 
“I asked you something, honey.”
“It’s been a while.”, you jest making Steve smirk as Eddie stepped closer to you till your back was to his chest. His hand continued to run along your skin with his fingers just barely floating under the waistband of your pants before coming back up to rub your stomach. “I’m scared.”
Everyone freezes in place at your words but as the gangster tries to drop his hand, you quickly catch it and hold it in place back on your tummy. 
“Of us?”, he asks.
“I don’t want to get in trouble.”
Resting his head on your shoulder, his palm wonders again this time going further as you feel him slide into your underwear and cup his hand around your heat. 
“You won’t, sweetheart. I promise, you’re safe with us. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”
“And neither will I. I can protect you from getting in any kind of trouble with the law or anything like that. You have two men here who control both sides of the coin…” As Steve’s voice dropped into a more and more seductive register, Eddie’s lips gently pecked your shoulder and up to your neck as his finger graze your clit while gliding them through your folds.
“You just need to let go and let us control you.”
“Fuck.”, you groaned as he slid two of his digits into your core.
“Is that a yes?”, Steve chuckles sassily as he watches your eyes close as you lean your head against his boyfriend.
“I think so, Harrington, because pretty girl here is just dripping all over my hand.”
“Yeah? We need to hear her say it though. Do you want us to take care of you tonight, honey?”
“H-He—mmm—Eddie can’t with his…with his cut.”
“Oh trust me, Y/N, that won’t be an issue. Now answer my question, please.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I want you to take care of me.”
As if they could read each other’s minds, Eddie’s hand slipped out of your pants and Steve picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and carried you to your bedroom. 
“Ow! Something in your vest is stabbing me, Officer Harrington.”, you giggle before he tosses you onto your mattress. 
“Sorry. I forgot to take this stuff off. I was blindsided by a stupid question when I came in.”, he grinned as he began removing his equipment and placed them on your bedside table. 
Eddie carefully climbed in and you hastily set up pillows so he could lean back comfortable against your headboard. 
“Thank you. I don’t think that question was ever answered. DO you know how beautiful you are?”
“Sometimes I need reminding.”, you sigh as your nervous eyes meet his soft ones. 
“We can do that, sweetheart.”
Taking hold of your cheeks, he brought your lips to his and your body ignited with an electricity you had never felt before as his lips carefully but firmly mingled with yours. Steve’s laugh echoed through your room as he looped his arm around your waist and pulled you away from the gangster to bring you in front of him at the edge of the bed. 
He had taken off his shirt and out of habit as a doctor you scanned his bruises to make sure he was ok. Clocking your care once again, his fingers gripped your chin and brought your mouth to his own.
“It’s ok. I’m still a bit sore but you helped me a lot.”
As he continued to kiss your lips, you allowed him to undress you making him pause when you were fully naked in front of them. 
“Jesus Christ.”
“I told you, princess…beautiful.”, Eddie grinned.
Smiling widely at their compliments, your hands roamed Steve’s chest, kissing a trail along the way till you reached his belt and fumbled with the barrier before fully pushing down his pants. You gasped when his cock sprang free causing them both the chuckle again as you practically gapped at the size. 
“I know. It was a shock to me to.”, the gangster teased as the officer stuck out his tongue playfully. 
“You liked it. And I promise, honey, you’ll like it to.”
Gripping the base, he held his mushroom tip towards your lips and moaned when your tongue darted out to lick the small beads of precum that had begun to leak. Steve pulled your hair into a makeshift ponytail so he could watch as you slowly wrapped your mouth around him and gradually began bobbing your head.
 “Shit. Atta girl. Flatten that tongue. J-Just like that.”
Another set of hands softly ran down you back and over your ass before the cool sting of metal hit your behind. 
“Did you like that, pretty girl? Did you like Eddie spanking you?”, the officer asked when you moaned loudly. 
Fingers glided ever so slightly through your pussy lips and even you couldn’t deny hearing the squishy sound of your slick that obscenely filled your bedroom. 
“Oh Stevie. She definitely enjoyed that.”
“Yeah? You like it a bit rough, little girl?”
Eddie guided his middle and ring fingers inside of you eliciting a mewl from your throat that had the man inside of your mouth grunting with pleasure. 
“Fuck. I think…I think you can take me a bit deeper.”
Thrusting his hips a bit, you gag around him spilling drool and spit down his length as you mentally take note of the fact that that wasn’t all of him you choked on. 
“Come on, honey, take more. I know you can, baby.”
Tears stream down your face as you try but barely take more of him in. Gripping your jaw, he pulls out of your mouth and leans his face in front of yours as his eyes search yours. 
“Green, good. Yellow, slow down. Red, stop. What color are you at, Y/N?”
“Fuck… green.”
“Ok, then why are you crying? We haven’t even fucked you yet.”
“I-I-I wanna take more. I want to make you feel good to.”
You heard your tone as it came out of your mouth but you barely recognized it. You sounded like a child who was told she couldn’t play outside because it was raining. What was it about these men that transformed you in this way? In relationships or even one-night stands, you never cared about this kind of thing. Usually, men never complained and you were never fully satisfied after they left resorting to your vibrator to get you the rest of the way. 
But for whatever reason, you wanted to impress them. You desperately wanted them to feel good because some part of you had a feeling that they were going to do the same for you. 
Steve’s eyes softened as Eddie’s fingers slowed inside of you. 
“Be nice to her, babe. She’s got a good heart and she did take care of us.”
“Can you keep your mouth open for me, pretty girl?” He grins when you nod your head, wiping your tears with his thumb before kissing your cheek. “And you are making me feel good. Your mouth feels fucking amazing.”
You beam with pride as you do what he asked, whimpering when Eddie began building you up again. 
Holding your head still, Steve guided his cock back between your lips, doing the slow thrusts he was doing before as you kept your mouth closed around him. Your eyes squeezed shut as his pace began to quicken, his tip occasionally hitting the back of your throat. 
“There you go, baby. T-That’s it. See? Doing—fuck—doing so well. Now, stay still.”
As he began fucking your face, the gangster matched his pace making you groan as obscenities flowed from the officer’s mouth.  
“Shit. Take it, little girl. That’s right. You love the taste of my cock in your throat, don’t you?” Reaching over you, his hand calm down hard on your ass and your palm pushed at his legs signaling you needed air. “Are you gonna cum? Ask him, Y/N. Ask Eddie if it’s ok.”, he commanded as he forced your head towards the other man. 
“Eddie, please. Please… can I…”
“Yeah, princess. Cum on my fingers.”
You collapsed as you came, moaning loudly into the mattress as you tried to catch your breath. You weren’t given much time however as Steve manhandled you till you up on your hands and knees again with your face hovering over the bulge in the other man’s pants. 
After unbuckling his belt, he pushed them down just enough to free his own cock from his denim confinement and you didn’t hesitate as you wrapped your tiny hands around his thick girth. Hands clung tightly to your waist and you braced yourself when you felt Steve collect some of your arousal with his length before gradually pushing into your entrance. 
“Oh, fuck me.”
“How does she feel, Harrington?”
Your eyes fluttered closed as you tried to focus on the man in front of you, letting a long glob of spit land on his tip as you stroked it with your hand. 
“S-So…So fucking tight.” His palm came down on your ass and you groaned as he continued to push further inside of you. 
“I like my view here. Make—mmm—make sure you fuck her nice and deep. Beautiful girl deserves it after everything she’s been through.”
“Oh, don’t worry, honey. I plan on ruining this little pussy.”
Eddie chuckles as he watches Steve lick his lips as your cunt tightens around him at his words. 
“What about you, princess?”, he murmurs as he tenderly pets your head.
“He’s…so BIG.”
“Yeah, he is. Does he feel good?” You nod as your head hangs and he promptly grabs your jaw forcing you to look his way. “Say it.”
“Fuck, Steve, you feel so fucking good!”
“That’s a good girl.”
You mewled when you felt him bottom out, his hips connecting with yours, allowing you to feel every inch before he pulled back and slammed back into you. Eddie’s mouth fell open as you bobbed your head on his cock. While he wasn’t as big as his boyfriend, he was definitely thicker and you felt like your mouth was full of him. 
He was much gentler with you, continuing to play with your hair and mutter praises as Steve pounded into you, rocking you further down the gangster’s length as you choked and spit around him. 
“God, honey, this pussy is too…fucking…good.”, Steve grunted, smacking his lower half into yours between each word. Leaning over you, he rolled his hips, pushing him impossibly deeper into your cunt as your eyes rolled back. “His dick tastes amazing, doesn’t it? Mmm—fucking love when he shoves it down my throat.”
Moving out of his way, Steve envelopes Eddie into his mouth making the gangster moan as he extends his hand to tangle in his hair. As his boyfriend continued to fuck you, your own groans vibrated against the long haired boy’s balls driving him crazy as he growled through his clenched teeth. 
“Fuck! You’re both so fucking sexy. That’s it, baby boy, take my cock.”
After pumping his hips a few times, Eddie let him go and Steve pushed up onto his knees pounding into you till you were seeing stars. Taking the man’s length in your mouth again, you mimicked the other boy’s movements trying to keep a steady pace as you hurdled towards the edge. 
“A-Are you about to cum? Fuck, Y/N, you better fucking ask one of us, little girl, if you want to fucking cum!”
Your glassy, needy eyes met the chocolate ones of the man in front of you, pleading as you began to shake.
“Ask, Y/N.”
“Please, Eddie! Please, I need to cum!”
Taking a hold of your hair, he firmly tugged you till your face was fully visible. A small smile flickered across his lips, watching you struggle till he finally nodded granting you permission. 
Steve reached around and took hold of your throat, lifting you till you were pressed against him, squeezing you tightly as he fucked you through the most intense orgasm you had ever had. 
“Good girl. Good fucking girl. Are you on the pill?”, Steve roughly growled in your ear, his rhythm and intensity increasing when you said yes. “Good because I’m going to fill up this pussy and you’re going to take it like a good little girl. You’re going to take everything I give you and be fucking thankful.”
He grunted in your ear as he held your lower half against him as he rolled his hips aggressively, pumping his release into your cunt.
“Steve.”, Eddie called in a firm tone you barely heard through your haze.
“Excuse me, honey.”
Carefully, he pulled his softening cock out of your aching hole and gently laid you on your side before crawling up the gangster’s legs and taking him into his mouth. You watched with hooded eyes as his boyfriend took him all the way down his shaft, massaging his balls with his palm, as Eddie groaned.
“That’s my good boy. You wanna swallow my cum?”
Steve nodded as his eyes met his own and with a few thrusts of Eddie’s hips, his head fell back as he released his spend down the man’s throat. After sharing a soft but passionate kiss, they turned their attention to you.
“Are you ok, babe? Do you need anything? Water?”
“Will you lay with me?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, of course.”
You didn’t even hesitate when you scoot to Eddie’s side and wrapped your arms around your stomach, placing your head on his chest. The last thing you remember is feeling warmth behind you and the sound of Steve’s steady breathing on your skin before you fell asleep.
Your head shot up when you heard shouting in your living room. Eddie and Steve were missing but the voice you heard definitely wasn’t theirs. Quickly throwing on the officer’s shirt you listened as the voice continued.
“Did you really think you could come on to our territory, break into one of our stash houses, and kill a bunch of our guys?”
“I think the real question you should be asking is how easy it was for me and my guys to break in.”, Eddie responded angrily. 
“Shut the fuck up, trailer trash! You think because you moved out here and took over Al’s business, you’re different but you aren’t. You’re still that garbage that he left behind with his brother before you suddenly decided you wanted in. Ah ah ah! Don’t make me shoot you, Steve. I have no problem killing a law man.”
“If you’re not here to kill us, Andrew, then what do you want?”, Steve spat.
Glancing quickly around the room, you realize his gun was still in its holster near your nightstand and as quietly as you could pulled it from its home. Tip toeing out into the hallway, you held it in front of you as you peaked around the corner. 
The person you didn’t recognize had his back to you as he pointed his own pistol at Eddie and Steve who both had their hands raised where he could see them. 
“Jason just wants Edward so we can make an example of him and what happens when you cross the Carvers.”
“I think you underestimate the Munsons, Andy.” Slowly, you creeped up behind him, praying he wouldn’t turn around. “Unfortunately for you, I’m not going anywhere. I hope Jason understands that this wasn’t a good move.”
“Yeah well, you can tell him yourself. Now come on or I will shoot him.”, Andrew threatens as he points his weapon Steve.
“Not if we shoot you first.”
At Eddie’s words, you cock the gun and pull the trigger.
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sturniolo-rat · 2 months
Pathetic Part 1
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Chris Sturniolo X Dom!Reader
A/N: you asked for it and I delivered. I am but a humble civil servant born to peddle smut to the masses.
Contains: p in v sex, female masturbation, overstimulation, toys, bondage, begging
TW: Shouldn’t be any
In which Chris is horny after coming back from tour and he ends up getting vibed like a needy slut.
Chris wants to be touched. He just returned from a tour, and Matt has dropped him off at Y/N’s house. They’ve never been apart that long, and he misses being touched. He’s been hugging fans for a month, but those are friendly touches. Chris needs the type of intimate touches only Y/N can provide.
He knocks on her front door, and she takes a while to open it. She wasn’t expecting him until tomorrow. She thought since he got back at midnight, he would unpack and get some rest. She’s in her hot girl jammies. The special pair of pajamas that every girl has for when they want to feel sexy while they sleep. Not sexy in a lingerie way but sexy in a casual “I didn’t put any thought into this; I'm just naturally this hot” kind of way. Y/N’s are a pair of very short pink pj pants covered in strawberries and a cut-up D.A.R.E t-shirt that falls sensually off her shoulders. 
At the sight of her, his eyes start to well up, and he envelops her in a hug, sneaking his hands under her shirt to touch the skin on her back. His emotional greeting takes aback Y/N. “Fuck, I missed you so much.” He says into her neck with great frustration.
“Oh, my baby, you don’t have to cry. I missed you, too,” she says in a nurturing tone, rubbing his back. Let’s go inside, okay?”
“Mhmm, okay,” he says in a small voice. She leads him by the hand into her house. He is mesmerized by the way her thighs rub together when she walks, the way her hips move, and her ass jiggles. She’s so fucking sexy. When they reach her living room. In that same small voice, he says, “No, not here.” Never letting go of her hand moves, he moves so close to Y/N that their chests touch. “Upstairs,” he whispers. 
“Why? I was just gonna-”
“Please, I need you.” He interrupts, his voice cracking.
 She puts her hands on his face and kisses him softly. “You want me to play with you, kitten?”
“Mhmm, please.”
“Okay, baby, come with me.” She walks him to her room, and he doesn’t know what to expect, but he knows he’s going to be taken care of. Come on, let’s get these clothes off you.” He raises his arms so she can lift his shirt and remove it. Then she helps him out of his sweats and boxers. When he’s all naked, she runs her hands up his sides and over his chest, giving him chills. She has to stand on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear, “You’re so pretty, Kitten.” 
“Thank you, miss.” his cheeks get all rosey, and he gives her a tiny smile. 
 “Welcome, baby. Lie on your back for me. Hands above your head and  head on the pillow so you’re comfy.”  Y/N watches as he gets into position. He’s not being bratty tonight. He must really be desperate, and that’s just how Y/N likes him. She opens the nightstand to retrieve a long red silk ribbon to tie Chris’s hands. The sight of her bringing out the ribbon makes his cock jump.
“Miss,” he whines because she’s taking so long to touch him where he needs it most.
“Hush, kitten.” She stands in front of the bed and slowly starts to take her shirt off, making sure her hands linger on her curves, and her hands stop to squeeze her breasts before pulling it over her head. She bends over to touch her toes before sliding her shorts down her legs. Chris is surprised she’s not wearing any panties. She doesn’t need to tease him like this; he's already so hard and ready for her. 
“I’m gonna touch you now.” She looks at her acrylic nails. They’re short, stiletto-shaped, freshly done, and extremely pointy. She walks to the side of the bed and gently glides her nails from his neck to his chest. It tickles, so he smiles a bit. She drags them over his nipples. They start to pebble, and she stops to flick and suck at them. Some men don’t have many nerve endings in their nipples, but Chris isn’t one of them. His nipples are sensitive, and he loves when Y/N plays with them. Once his nipples are as hard as they can be, she runs her nails down to his navel. The sensation gives Chris goosebumps. She figures tonight is an excellent time to try sensory play. He needs to be touched, and she’s teasing him by touching him in a way he doesn’t expect. When her nails reach his lower half, his hips start to buck in a silent plea for more contact. She pulls her hands away, and he moans out of frustration.
She grabs something else from the nightstand before she sits in front of him on the bed. Her legs are open, feet flat on the bed, with her pussy on full display. “Miss, please,” he begs.
“I’ll get to you soon.” Y/N runs a finger through her folds.“But I have to take care of myself first.” She says breathily and starts to rub slow circles over her clit. She lets out a soft moan. He tugs against his restraints. It’s so hard for Chris to watch Y/N touch herself. It’s unfair that she’s not touching him and even more unjust that he can’t touch himself watching her. “I wanna be able to give you all my attention when I pleasure you.” 
Once she gets her clit is all warmed up and engorged, she takes out the vibrator from behind her back. Chris remembers the very distinct moans that it elicits from her. She turns it to its first setting. Then runs the tip of her toy against her opening to get it nice and wet before she holds it onto her clit. The steady low vibration feels so fucking perfect. Her eyes shut, and she bites her lip to hold in her moans. She wants to cum quickly so she can focus on Chris, so she speeds up the vibrator. “Oh, fuck.” She rubs her toy up and down her clit. Chris can’t help but watch as her legs shake and her hips start to buck. She’s going to cum all over that toy, and he’s never wanted to be an inanimate object this bad in his whole life. 
“Fuck, I wanna see you cum, miss. Please, please cum.” He says, knowing it’s what she needs to hear to get her there. With his words on her mind, she throws her head back and lets out a roaring moan. Her pussy starts to clench, and she cums. 
When she comes down from her high, she hears the feeble cries Chris has been letting out. “Oh, kitten, did you want a turn?” She teases. Y/N moves on the bed to sit at Chris’s side and holds the vibrator up. “I know we haven’t tried this yet, but I thought you’d like it.” She turns it to its second setting. The one that transitions back and forth from slow to fast vibrations. Holding it only centimeters away from the tip of his rock-hard cock she asks, “Do you think you’ll like it?” 
He nods his head eagerly. “Yes, miss, I do. I really, really do.” She lowers the toy onto his cock, but it starts fast, and he winces because he isn’t ready for it. As it slows to a low rumble, his muscles relax, and he is able to bask in the pleasure. He’s never felt anything like this before. Y/N starts to rub the vibrator in circles over his head. He closes his eyes, gets lost in the feeling, and lets out a low string of moans. Just as he’s getting comfortable, the vibrations gradually speed up. “Yes, yes, yes.” His moans get louder, and waves of deep pleasure roll through him, but only for a moment because already it’s slowing down. Y/N makes up for the lost sensation by stroking the base of his cock. He goes through another cycle of high vibrations, but her hands are touching him this time. His abdominal muscles start to constrict, and his hips begin to buck up into her hand. “I’m gonna cum! Can I please cum?”
“Oh, you wanna cum, kitten?”
“Mhmm, yes!” He whines.
She removes the vibrator and stops moving her hand. “Well, I don’t want you to cum, just yet.” 
“Fuck!” He cries and kicks his feet in frustration.
She puts a finger to his mouth. “Shhh.. I don’t want to hear another complaint come out of your pretty little mouth.” 
“I just want you to touch me and make me cum please.” He begs, his breathing uneven and heavy. Before responding, she swings her leg over and straddles him. 
“I am going to make you cum. I promised I would take care of you.” She grabs his face with her hand and gives him a soft kiss. “And I always take care of you, right?”
“Mhmm.” He says, looking at her with those doe eyes. She sits on his lap with her pussy right up against his base. When she looks down, she sees the tip dripping precum onto his stomach. He is in complete and utter agony, waiting for her to line him up and sit on his cock. He rocks his hips to create some friction. He just slips himself between her pussy lips and gently jerks himself off using her folds. Y/N likes watching him get his dick all wet with her cum. She almost abandons her plan and just pushes him inside, but instead, she follows through and grinds her pussy onto him. He’s whimpering now. 
“Please sit on my cock, I’ll be so good.”He’s so close to getting what he wants, but she’s just not giving it to him. Y/N grinds her hole all the way up his cock until he’s convinced she is going to let him in, but she pulls back at the last second. He lets out a little yelp, and she leans down to give him a long, passionate kiss. She moves her hips faster, and she uses her hands to pinch his nipples. He throws his head back and lets out a moan from deep in his chest. “I’m so close!”
“Oh, how close are you, kitten?”
“Please, I’m so fucking close!” She sits up, and all of the contact he so loves is lost. “No, no, no, don’t move, please!”
“I’m sorry, baby, I know, I’m so mean. I just wanna make sure when you cum you truly appreciate it.”
His eyes are closed, and he feels defeated and hopeless. Y/N takes this moment to sink down onto his cock. His eyes shoot open, and he lets out a gasp. “Yes! Thank you, miss,” she places her feet flat on the bed and uses her knees to bounce up and down on his cock. Fuck he fills her up so nice. She leans back, using his legs to keep herself up and bouncing. He doesn’t moan anymore; he whines and yelps and mewls at her every movement. He’s so fucking pathetic he has a year running down his cheek. 
Y/N can’t move any faster on to him, so she says, “Buck up into me, kitten, make yourself feel good.” He does. And he does it really fucking fast. He’s jackhammering into her, and she frees one of her hands to rub her clit. Her pussy is tightening around his cock, and she’s moaning like crazy, even louder than with the vibrator. He’s so afraid to tell her how close he’s coming to an orgasm, but he knows that it’s what good kittens are supposed to do. 
“I wanna cum with you!” 
“Mhmm,” she nods.
“Please, miss, can I cum with you!” He doesn’t realize she already said yes. He’s losing his faculties to his impending orgasm. 
“Yes, baby, you can cum! You can with cum me, and in me, and afterward, we can do whatever the fuck you want because you’ve been such a good fucking kitten for me!”
He doesn’t say anything as he climaxes; he just lets yel, which causes his voice to break. The sound of it pushes Y/N over the edge, and she sits back down on her knees, still keeping Chris inside her. She continues riding him softly, clenching and unclenching herself around him, gently milking his cock. When Chris finally returns to planet Earth, he’s okay with the small movements. Pretty soon, though, it starts to hurt. “Oh shit. That hurts a bit.”
“Hmm? You don’t like it anymore? You were just begging for it a minute ago.” She is highly amused with herself.
“That was different, and you know it.” He cringes.
“But still no safe word from you, huh? Who’s to say I’m not just giving you the thorough fucking you deserve?” She continues riding him as she unties his hands from each other. He’s much stronger than Y/N, so he uses his hands to hold her hips and stop her movements. 
“Thank you, miss, for the thorough fucking, but I think the fun is over.” He says in his “real man that is 2x stronger than you” voice and playfully moves her off him. 
“I was so freaking awesome tonight.” Y/N is so proud of her dom performance. “I pulled out at all the stops.” She counts on her fingers
“We had bondage, toys, edging, and overstim!” 
“Yes, you did great, baby. You took advantage of my very pathetic state, and it was amazing.”
“And I didn’t have to plan it! I crafted it on the spot like a fucking evil mastermind!” 
“Alright, don’t get ahead of yourself. I bet you I could do better on short notice.”
“Fuck you! No way!” She smacks his chest.
“Well, the next time you come to me in a pathetic touch-starved state, we’ll see who doms better.”
@rafecameronsbitch @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @mrsmiagreer @lovergirl4387 @gdsvhtwa @ashley9282828 @j-worlds-blogblog @stephanienwf @achrisgirly @draculaura123 @abbypost @cind2224 @tuffsturns @crazychrisl0v3r @ryli3sworld @bkwrld @pinkishpearls @pepsienthusiasts @stunza @chrattstromboli @sturnssmuts @angelic-sturniolos111 @69isabella69 @maryx2xx @sturniolo04 @bigbeefybitch @klaus223492 @r93339
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prettynice8 · 6 months
Kinkmas Day 7: Cockwarming
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This lovely man
Warnings: kissing, fluffy, already boyfriends, non-sorcerer reader, no actual sexy times, cockwarming DUH, angst?
Summary: Gojo finally breaks out of the prison realm and you're the first person he goes to see, awwwwww.
Word count: 692
You were just reading a book when the love of your life walked through the door. To say you were in shock would be an understatement, your face was totally frozen in surprise, your jaw almost hitting the floor. You thought you were dreaming, there is no way he broke out so soon, though he is the strongest.
"Hi." He greeted simply, tears welling up in his eyes after finally being able to lay his eyes on you. You jump out of the couch and dash towards him, trapping him in the tightest hug you can manage. He hugs you back even tighter, holding you in his grasp as if you will fade away if he lets go. Tears well up in your eyes as well as you finally get to touch the man you love.
"Easy now, I wasn't even gone for that long." He said, smirking and giving out a light chuckle. You are utterly speechless, not knowing what you could say, so you settle with just hugging him. The moment is really sweet until this fucking asshole has to ruin everything.
"Awe you missed me didn't you. Come on, I wanna hear you say how much you miss your awesome boyfriend." He said, breaking your tight embrace, changing to holding your face in his hands. "'Oh Gojo, hold me, make sweet, sweet love to me with your big dick'' He mocked, making his voice higher to poorly mimic yours.
You're still too stunned to care, just happy to be in his presence. He stops messing around when he notices that you are actually crying. now.
"I really did miss you. You do know that right?" He asked, holding your shoulders while looking deep into your eyes, his blindfold already off so he can see you and all of your beauty.
"Yeah, I know." You replied. You think you're in a dream, this almost is just too good to be true. "I just, I mean, like how, and when-" he cuts you off by kissing you, hands wrapped around your waist, in which you return instantly.
"Shush now, don't think about it, just be happy that we're together again." He assured, picking you up bridal style and leading you to your shared bedroom.
He lays you down and joins suit, sitting up right. Finally, the two of you can be on the same bed after nearly two weeks of being apart. He starts to kiss you once again, which you graciously accept. His hands roam your body, longing to be as close to you as possible. Yours do the same, breaking the only to take off his shirt, then going back to his sweet lips. He does the same to you, finally being able to feel your supple skin.
You get on top of his lap, still lovingly kissing while feeling his hardened abs up and down. He caresses your back, chest, face, and your everything. The kiss becomes more passionate, your tongues colliding and sliding perfectly with each other, talking would just be a waste for them.
The room becomes increasingly warm with the sexual tension in the air. You can't take it anymore; you need to feel him in you. You take off his pants, happily surprising Gojo as he does the same for you. You offer him one final kiss before he plunges into you.
Then he stops, holding once again in a tight embrace while his hard dick is balls deep in you. You were shocked, surprised, and confused, just all the emotions.
"Can we just, stay like this?" He questioned, wanting only to be in your presence after being apart for so long. You were frustrated at first, but all that was necessary to change your mind was looking into his sparkly blue eyes and absolutely understanding what he was talking about. You snuggled up into his chest, both your mind and body being enclosed by only him, Satoru Gojo.
"I'd love nothing more." You replied, loving every moment of this tender embrace, this show of love and affection. You go to sleep in his arms, finally being able to be with him once again.
Notes: fuck jjk for killing off this amazing man, this is in honor of the hottest guy out there.
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mysadcorner · 10 months
Could you write stealing clothing from (Bale) Bruce wayne headcanons please??
Stealing Bruce Wayne's (Bale) Clothes Headcanons
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-Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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• Bruce would be speechless if he ever caught you wearing his clothes without telling him beforehand. It would certainly be in a good way, though. It entices him and he approves of it fully, especially if his clothes end up being massively oversized on you due to how large he is and much he works out.
• He would be more than happy for it to happen often, and wouldn’t do anything to stop you. He loves the fact that you’re comfortable enough to wear his clothes, especially as he hasn’t had many people want to be close with him like that in a genuine way. The more you wear his clothes the better.
• Having others see you wearing his clothes wouldn’t bother him in slightest, as long as you aren’t uncomfortable by it. Someone simply being around his home while you wear one of his shirts makes him feel closer to you, and warms him inside knowing that you’re willing to be public about your affection toward him, even if it is just a small simple gesture.
• If Bruce ever felt like he was going through too many of his clothes, or you were simply taking his favourite pieces all the time, he would then buy more to make sure he always had enough around for the both of you. He doesn’t want you to wear his clothes less and if that means having duplicates of his favourite clothes just so you can both wear them then he’s more than fine with that. And it’s not as though he can’t afford to do so.
• Seeing you wear his shirts to bed make things even more intimate, and you probably find them more comfortable than wearing normal nightwear. You can always be sure that his clothes are well made and breathable meaning you won��t feel restricted in them, and due to the size of his shirts they’ll cover you well. Despite him sleeping shirtless most nights, he finds you sleeping in his clothes quite endearing.
• Bruce finds the sight of you wearing his clothes incredibly attractive, and it’ll probably be the cause of him initiating intimacy more often when he has the time to. You’re adorable and sexy at the same time, so depending on whether you want an intimate or relaxing time with him he’ll be more than willing for either.
• He will always encourage you to wear his clothes more often and will even start to consult you about the clothes he buys before he decides on them to see what you think about them and weather you would like to wear them too. He may even go out of his way to wear his clothes for a short period of time before handing them over to you if you prefer to wear them with the smell of him on them, or will let you use his cologne to make the shirts smell more like him when he’s away for a while.
• When you have decided on your favourite pieces of clothes to wear of his, then he’ll start to form emotional attachments to those specific pieces. He becomes associated with you through the clothes you’ve chosen and is reminded of you every time he picks out his clothes for the day by seeing each of those clothing items. If you’re ever separated for a while he’ll take some of these with him as a reminder of you and may even hope to see you wearing them again once he gets back.
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hauntedwitch04 · 8 months
I hate you Black
Regulus Black x reader
Words: about 4.1k words
Warnings: some angst, sexy Reggie and some funny times
Author’s note: Hi everybody! It's so good being back, I missed writing and this is the first one-shot I write in a lot of time, so I'm really grateful for every tiny bit of love you gave me. This is my first time writing for the kinktober, hope you enjoy my writing.
P.s. i don't really now how much is hate fuck this fic, but here we are.
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KINKTOBER -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. KINKTOBER TAGLIST 2023
DAY 1: Hate fucking
To say that Regulus and I do not get along is an understatement.
We have been part of the same group of friends, namely the Marauders, for years now, since both my brother, James, and his brother, Sirius, are best friends, in fact they often consider each other almost brothers, on the contrary however the two of us have not been able to find common ground and usually always end up insulting each other and playing stupid jokes to irritate the other person.
Since our first year at Hogwarts, we have clashed because of our pride and desire to prove ourselves better than the other, and this challenge has continued outside of school, in everyday life.
This party is no different.
Sirius and Remus wanted to inaugurate the new apartment they decided to get, to live together, after being together for almost a year already, and so they threw a party with all their closest friends, including me and the younger Black.
I don't quite remember how I ended up straddling him with my hands around his neck, but I do remember the reason for that choice. Between his various jokes and yet another spilled glass on my favorite shirt because of his "carelessness," although we all know that if anyone is graceful it is him, the moment he mentioned what is now my ex-boyfriend. Just before coming to the party, in fact, that asshole decided to break up with me, telling me that he never actually felt anything really important for me, and that I was merely a fling that lasted too long and that now he actually already has another girlfriend and I was just in the way. A year and a half. We stayed together a year and a half, and he had to say that and turn away without looking back, or without a bit of shame or guilt, he didn't even apologize to me for shamelessly cheating on me. Part of me didn't even want to come to the party, but I love Siri and Remmy too much to let them down, so I took heart and convinced myself that I would have a good time, but at Regulus' words, "Where's your boyfriend? Is he tired of you too?", I saw no more. Smoke began to come out of my ears, my vision turned black, and inside I felt only a single emotion.
I realize what I was doing only after James detaches me from Regulus, while Sirius grabs his brother, and pulls him away from me.
"Are you totally crazy? You could have killed me!" Says Regulus shocked as he holds a hand to his throat, still struggling to breathe.
"Too bad, it will be for next time then." I answer coldly, to go toward the hall to get my coat, while I quickly apologize to the hosts and say I have to go home, because I don't feel too well. Both James and Sirius, Remus and Lily try to stop me, thinking it's because of guilt, but I really don't want them to see me crying and having to explain later that my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and left me, and now I just feel like a pathetic little girl who can't be loved.
I hurry out of the house and immediately get hit by the cold autumn wind, which envelops me like a hug and shakes my hair, making it go over my face, thus tickling my nose. I smile and start walking toward my house, although it is quite far away, in fact I had come with my brother. I try to contain my emotions, but the tranquility and peace of the city at this hour give me enough security to let my tears flow freely down my cheeks. There is not a living soul to judge me, or so I thought.
I hear footsteps approaching behind me, someone is running toward me, so I turn around and see a breathless Regulus Black standing still, leaning on his knees and signaling to me to wait a second.
I try to wipe away my tears so that he can see that I was crying, but it is too late now, because his expression immediately changes and he seems confused by what he is seeing.
"I don't need your stupid excuses, go back to the others and tell them the bitch is not ready to be insulted by you again." I say trying to distract him as I turn and start walking faster, but a hand grabs my shoulder and makes me turn around.
"Are you crying?" Regulus asks, under his breath, as if even he does not believe the scene before him.
"Has anyone ever told you that you are as sharp as Sherlock Holmes." I say trying to wriggle out of his grip, but he brings his second hand to my face, and wipes away a couple of tears that had reached my chin.
"If it's something I said, I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't want to come and apologize, they forced me, however, I never wanted to make you cry, I was just playing with you." He continues, not caring what I had said. He looks me straight in the eye and I see his sincerity, and I don't know why I start to cry more. He looks at me unsure of what to do, before hugging me. As we are squeezed in that hug I tell him the real reason I was crying and apologize to him for what I had done earlier at the party. As I finish my story, he pulls away from that hold and looks into my eyes again.
"Hey, he's the asshole, not you. And he's also stupid if he didn't see the magnificent person he had beside him." He tells me firmly and sweetly at the same time.
"Says the boy who has been insulting me since we were eleven years old." I reply sarcastically as I stare into his eyes, and I can't lie to myself. I've always thought Regulus is a handsome boy, but damn, right now he looks like a deity come down to earth to teach us what beauty is.
"Hey I may be an asshole, maybe even a little stupid, but it's not like I'm blind." He continues, smiling at me as he looks at my lips. "You know I think I found a more appropriate way to apologize." He whispers as he moves even closer to my lips.
My brain cannot process the moment, everything seems fuzzy. Its scent, fresh mint, coffee and cigarettes, intoxicates me like a drug, and I can't do anything but screw it up to do what my instinct tells me to do.
"Know that it will not be easy to make it up to you for everything you have done to me. You were very, very mean to me." I whisper before kissing him, tired of that game.
I feel like giving my first kiss for the second time. Our lips chase each other, eating each other, needing each other. I feel my hands run through his hair, while his rests on my hips and draws me to him in a death grip.
We continue kissing, and time seems to stop, even the dry leaves seem to stand still in the air, waiting for our future to be drawn, anxious to see our next move.
Eventually we part, to catch our breath, and a faint laugh escapes from my lips.
"Know that I hate you anyway." I tell him and he can't help but chuckle, before taking on a serious look.
"Would you like to come to my house. You know I'd like to apologize for good, and show you that you've had really bad taste in men so far." He says seductively in my ear.
"You have to be careful what you say Black, because it could backfire on you with this sentence." I reply, trying to hide the emotions it is stirring in me.
"No baby, I'm going to show you how a real man should treat you, and not the idiot you used to date." He continues, whispering on my lips, before leaving a light kiss, as light as a butterfly resting gracefully on a flower.
"Know that this does not take away from the fact that I hate you." I reply, still partly in trance after that kiss.
"This just means that I will have to work harder at apologizing." Regulus replies, before stepping back a little, and removing the scarf around his neck, to give it to me. I didn't even notice that I'm shaking, too engrossed in this moment.
"Come on, let's go to my place, it's not too far." Says the boy, putting an arm on my shoulder, thus blocking any possibility of my thinking with his intoxicating scent for the second time this evening. After a few minutes of walking we arrive in front of a dark door, for which young Black quickly pulls out the key to open it.
Once inside the house, I am amazed at how the entire apartment is furnished. Dark furniture stands out against the green and white walls. Soft lights illuminate the rooms, giving it a cozy atmosphere. Every item is meticulously placed in a studied spot, everything is perfect, every note played with the right pitch to create a wonderful harmony.
I am lost in looking around the room when I feel a pair of hands drawing me toward them.
One hand gently removes my scarf, while another turns me around. In Regulus' eyes I see pure pleasure, and this only creates an unpleasant wet feeling in my panties.... We look at each other for a second before pouncing on each other like hungry prey, moving slowly down the stairs and into the bedroom. He pulls me back until I touch the bed with my knees, then drops me down, pulling away from the kiss. I look at him and see his lips red and swollen as he struggles to catch his breath. His hair is messy from my fingers, yet he has never looked more beautiful to me than in this moment. I watch him slowly approach the button of my jeans like a fierce lion studying its prey, and then with a precise and quick gesture, unbutton my pants. In the blink of an eye these lie on the floor, tossed from some indefinite part of the room. The only thing now separating him from his goal is my underwear, but before he can take the next step, I gently place a foot on his chest and look seductively at him.
"Hold your horses Black, if you want to play with me you have to do it right. One garment each at a time, I lost my pants, now you have to take something off." I say looking at him carefully, and he chuckles at my words.
"You can be really obnoxious Potter, you know that?" He asks wryly as he removes his sweatshirt, revealing his bare chest, since he has no shirt underneath. For a moment I am breathless at that ethereal sight. Her white skin glows in the moonlight entering the room. His physique is muscular but not overly so, I can tell he works out a lot and holds himself, but it's also not excessive. I get flashbacks of seeing him practicing Quidditch at Hogwarts shirtless with sweaty hair in the wind, and immediately I find myself having to make the physical effort to not cum in that same instant.
"I try my best." I respond seductively as I watch him lower himself, going on his knees, getting to be at the same level as my pussy.
"Now if you don't mind, I have a promise to keep: to prove that your asshole ex is nothing compared to me." He says before pouncing on me as if I were a feast. I don't have time to respond because he immediately starts kissing my inner thigh, both from the right and the left until he reaches his booty. Slowly, with his teeth, he grabs my panties, leaving a few wet kisses on my skin and making me shiver, and slowly he slides them all the way down my legs.
It is the most terrible, nerve-wracking, and sexy torture I have ever had to endure.
"I thought you were supposed to make it up to me Black, not make me madder." I say in a voice little louder than a sigh as I feel his hot breath on the center of my pleasure.
"Oh baby, I still have to start apologizing, and get ready because I want to do it right." He says, as he caresses the most intimate part of me with his lips. A second later, pure pleasure invades my every sense as he begins to kiss the lips of my pussy. I feel his tongue caressing me, as my hands wriggle in his hair, drawing him ever closer to the center of my pleasure, and with my eyes around his name like a song, between moans and expletives. I hear him smile at my reaction, and just as I was about to respond rudely to him, he increases my torture by adding a finger, taking it in and out of my opening. A few minutes thus pass, me hovering on the edge of pleasure, just as he looks up and shifts slightly. His mouth is completely wet from my pleasure, while I curse for the missed orgasm.
"You'd better finish what you started Black, because I swear that on the contrary you can distantly forget any chance of me being more generous to you." I say, trying to catch my breath.
"I was just catching my breath for the grand finale." He replies with a small smile, seeing my desperation.
"Go fuck yourself."
"I think that's what we're doing baby. What, I'm too good and you're not used to feeling so much pleasure?" He says smiling again as again, he turns me around kissing my entire thigh.
"By Merlin, how I hate you Black." I gasp, between groans.
"Try to convince yourself of this all you want honey, but we both know that right now your orgasms depend on me." And with that he begins his feast again, with more eagerness, and again, in a few minutes I am again on the brink of absolute pleasure, but this time I manage to go further, and for a moment I feel like I can touch the sky with my finger. I feel the blankets tighten between my fingers as I moan his name, almost screaming it, as if I want the world to know who was responsible for so much pleasure.
A few seconds pass, as I try to regain possession of my body and mind, before he speaks again.
"Fuck, that was the sexiest thing I've ever seen." He says giggling, before starting to kiss my body again, slowly, savoring every inch. He pulls off my shirt, as I now recovered from all that unexpected pleasure, taking off my bra. I see him staring at my breasts, before teasing my nipples, one with his tongue and one with his fingers. He bites, sucking my breasts, leaving signs of his passage as I try not to lose myself again in that spiral of pleasure.
"Damn, you don't know how long I've wanted to touch them, taste them, mark them as my own." He says in a gasp, before switching nipples and moving on to the other. Meanwhile then I try to distract him by opening his pants, but as soon as I try to touch his dick, he stops and moves my hand away, looking me straight in the eye.
"Tonight is just for you, not for me, now let me continue and make you feel like the goddess you are." At her words I can't help but hold back a sigh of pleasure.
"Now I understand why everyone was falling at your feet in school, you really have a gift for talking to girls." I say, as I feel his lips go up my neck, leaving me biting and hickeys as he passes.
"Too bad the one girl I really wanted did nothing but blow me off and tell me she hated me." She tells me, before kissing me passionately. Somehow I can still taste myself on his lips, or rather in his mouth, as we explore every nook and cranny of it with our tongues.
"Maybe he was telling you that he hated you, because all he could do was wish to fuck you in the broom closet." I answer between kisses as I hear him take off his underpants and pull down his underwear.
For the first time I realize perhaps truly the situation I am in. Our naked bodies, rubbing against each other, dancing a love dance of their own, as we struggle against each other to win.
He chuckles at my words as he moves to kiss me along my arm, while using his hand to reach over to the nightstand to grab a condom and put it on as he counters.
"And I would rather tell you that I hated you than confess that every night I dreamed of fucking you against a wall." He pauses for a moment, and smiles at me before continuing, with that obnoxious grin of his. "Although I would have said you were more of a quickie in the bathroom type."
"It happened only once, and with a Ravenclaw prick who had already done half my year, while I was half-drunk at a party, after watching you stick your tongue half a foot down the throat of a Hufflepuff slut." I confess by looking into his eyes, and I notice that amidst the pleasure now also shines a spark of astonishment. "Now get a move on, though, Black, for now you're all talk and no action." I continue, with an amused little smile.
"Merlin, if you say one more word, I swear I'll plug your mouth with your panties." He says, taking his dick in his hand, aligning it with my entrance.
"Oh you just have to try, assh- Oh my god!" I try to respond, but he blocks me by entering me overbearingly, immediately I feel my body almost leave the earthly world for pleasure. His dick is bigger than I would have expected, and certainly bigger than my ex's. Immediately he seems to touch all the places that give me the most pleasure, and my mind cannot process a concrete thought.
"I hate you Black." This is the only thing I can say as he is still still inside me, making me get used to his size. "I don't think I can do without your dick from now on, and this is all your fault." I continue as he tries to move slowly, in and out of me, as he murmurs a few dirty words under his breath.
"Oh you are adorable baby." He says before kissing my neck again as he increases the force and speed of his thrusts. "But if you really think I would let you go after this time you are crazy. I hate you too you know, I hate the fact that I am now addicted to this tight, hot, wet pussy of yours. Fuck I think I've found heaven." He gasps near my ear. We continue this dance like this, until a few minutes later, we are almost at the height of pleasure.
"Please Reg, don't stop. I'm cumming:" I plead with him, before stifling my continued moans of pleasure, leaving kisses, bites and hickeys on his neck as my hands scratch his muscular back. I feel him stiffen at my touch.
"Me too baby." He gasps, then increases the speed. A few thrusts, and we both reach orgasm.
We remain still for a moment, enjoying that feeling of pleasure and the warmth of the closeness of our bodies. We don't say a word, let silence fill the space between us, before we kiss again.
This time the kiss is different, not passionate and oozing sex like the others, it is more gentle and sweet, as if through that contact we want to express all those repressed feelings kept inside us all these years and that we cannot describe in words.
He moves from on top of me and lies on his side, while still keeping his arms around my waist. I slowly feel fatigue take possession of me as he gets out of bed to head for the bathroom and get a towel with which my private parts, now too sensitive, in fact a shiver runs down my spine and he seeing it apologizes to me.
When he is finished he lies down again beside me and hugs me, making me feel warm and safe. Just before I fall asleep I look into his eyes and manage to say something.
"You're on the right path to forgiveness, but maybe you need to try a little harder." And he can't help but laugh at those words. "I don't hate you that much anyway, I guess." I continue, as I snuggle against his chest.
"Fortunately." He replies. "Because I don't hate you at all, maybe just the opposite I dare say. "
The next morning I wake up after him. Regulus is already out of bed. He is wearing a pair of sweatpants, and he is shirtless. I can tell right away that he has just gotten out of the shower because I can see his wet hair, however, I can hear him talking to someone on the phone. Feeling my eyes on him he turns and sees that I am awake, and he smiles at me.
"Yes Sirius, I promise I didn't say anything stupid." He says with a bored look on his face as he watches me sit up in bed, my hair still tousled from sleep.
"I apologized, very deeply last night, but I may have to do it one more time to make sure you understand what I meant." She continues to talk to her brother as she gives me a wink and immediately I feel my cheeks go hot from what she said.
"Yes, yes. I love you too. Bye Siri, see you later." He greets his brother as he turns around and then sets the phone down on one of the pieces of furniture next to him, and there I realize all the marks I left on him last night. In the night we then woke up and made love a couple more times. Just thinking about it I feel my pussy getting all wet, even just remembering all that happened.
"I was going to make you breakfast before you woke up but since you are already awake I would suggest you take a shower while I make you breakfast. Is that okay with you?" He asks me, and I can't find my voice to answer him, so I smile and nod. He smiles back, leaving me a kiss on my forehead and then goes downstairs to cook.
I stay in bed for a second and letting out a sigh I realize perhaps for the first time that I hated Regulus Black so much, that I ended up falling in love with him, since the line is so thin that for a long time you can think you are hovering between the two, and only when you land do you realize that you slipped into one of the two worlds long before.
Remus watches Sirius talk to his brother on the phone as he asks him if he finally apologized to little Potter. Once the call is over Sirius puts the phone down and looks at his boyfriend.
"They fucked." Remus says, before sipping coffee from his favorite mug.
"They got laid." Sirius confirms, laughing, while Lily, who had stayed over with her boyfriend James, sighs with relief.
"Finally, the situation was becoming unbearable. By now all you could do every time was expect them to jump at each other's throats with a knife or fuck in the guest bathroom." Lily says as she looks at James, who has a horrified look on his face.
"Hey, we're still talking about my little sister!" He says, looking at his friends and his girlfriend.
"Look at it this way, at least now we're really brothers." Try proposing Sirius.
"And probably uncles, too." Remus and Lily say in unison.
No one can hold back a laugh seeing James' horrified face.
TAGLIST (Kinktober special)
@samanddeansannoyingsis @forsiriussake @thedogisontopofyhecarmom @estrellademiel @ohemgeewhat @kidsaproblem @camelliaflow3r @the-house-of-rose-and-ember @hi-my-name-is-riley @morganalatina21 @nightfiress @shodowbane09 @theyluvtrinity21 @supernatural-lvr
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linos-luna · 3 months
If your not too busy, can I request and Yandre smut with Seungmin, kinda like he’s a perv best friend type thing, the thought of it has been driving me nuts, only if you can or want to, love your work 🧡
Love the idea ☺️
Staring ❣️🔪
Yandere!Perv!Seungmin x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: Yandere! , smut, implied drugging, groping, masterbating?
——————————————— 🧡
Seungmin knew it was a problem. You two have been friends for years and for whatever reason he couldn’t get himself to officially ask you out for a date. It’s not like you’d reject him, especially since you just broke up with a boyfriend. But there was some sort of sick thrill he got from thinking and looking you the way he does without you knowing. Maybe one day he’ll finally do it…
But right now, he felt a little bad. Here you were, telling him about your mixed emotions from the break up and all he was paying attention to was your chest.
You had invited him over to hang out and just vent and Seungmin didn’t mind. He’s been over many times before and you were comfortable at home so you wore some sweatpants and a shirt with no bra. It wasn’t anything scandalous but every once in a while, the shirt would lay flat against your chest, making your nipples show through the fabric. Honestly, you didn’t even notice… but Seungmin did.
“I don’t even know why I’m so upset… he was awful to me.” You frowned while wiping a tear from your cheek. “Literally the worst!”
“Don’t cry, y/n…” Seungmin said while gently rubbing your knee. “It’s normal to feel like this. “You were in that relationship for a good amount of time.”
Seungmin hated your ex. He wanted you to break it off for so long. He wanted to hurt that ex so bad. He didn’t like that man being intimate with you. Seungmin liked watching you pleasure yourself, that other man just got in the way. He has so many pictures…. Beautiful pictures… he can just get lost in the thought of them.
You sighed, knowing that he’s right. It startled the man a bit as he was snapped out of his thoughts. Tears rolled down your cheeks, some, dripping go your shirt before you leaned back on the couch. Seungmin noticed the wet fabric sticking to your skin… and he couldn’t look away. Instead, he continued to rub your knee and move up your thigh but you were too emotional to notice.
“Anyways… I’m sorry for dumping all that on you… you’re probably sick of me now.” You said with a frown. “It’s getting late. You probably wanna go home now…”
“I’m not sick of you.” Seungmin replied. It’s okay to rant. We all need to rant sometimes…” He stood up and paused, thinking of something. “Hey y/n?”
“I’m really tired. Not sure I wanna drive back home.” He chuckled. “Mind of if I stay over? I can get comfortable on the couch.”
“Oh sure!” You smiled. I’ll get you some blankets and pillows.”
Seungmin smiled as you went to the closet to look for the items. He looked through his bag and found what he needed.
“Hey, do you want some water before bed?”
“Oh sure, I’ll get it—”
“Oh no it’s okay. I’ll get it!” He interrupted. “Just finish what you’re doing.”
“Oh okay.”
~~~~ 🧡
Seungmin gave you the glass of water before you went to get ready for bed. As you got changed, you took a few sips, humming softly while moving some hair from your face and removing any jewelry.
Seungmin waited patiently. He stuffed a small ziplock bag back in his bag, seemingly proud of what he’s done. Now all he needed to do was wait. And it didn’t take too long. You don’t even have the energy to turn off your lamp before passing out on the bed, hand next to the empty glass.
Once knowing you were asleep, Seungmin quietly creeped in and looked at your sleeping form. The covers were at your hips and shirt slightly raised.
So beautiful… he thought to himself as he gently lowered the sheets and moved your arm to your side.
“My god…” the man whispered to himself. “How come you’re so hot..? So sexy….” He grunted a bit, as if frustrated. “You do this on purpose… you let that other man fuck you… fuckin disgusting…”
His fingers traced your stomach before lifting your shirt over your bare breasts. He paused for a moment, his hand hovering over your cold hard nipple. “You don’t mind, hm? I mean… you are mine…”
He lightly groped your breasts, taking a deep breath as he felt himself getting aroused so quickly. “G-god, y/n… the things you do to me…”
You let out a small moan as he squeezed your breast a bit hard. It was making Seungmin lose it; his pants were incredibly tight and uncomfortable.
“F-fuckin bitch…” he grunts. “You do this on purpose…”
Seungmin couldn’t help himself. He was rubbing his bulge over his pants while taking deep breaths.
You only moved slightly, a light moan escaped your lips but not much else. But even that slightest noise was getting Seungmin way too worked up.
The man continued tracing his fingers down your body, pausing at your panties. He found the frilly pink material so cute.
“Why oh why…” he sighed while rubbing the material. “Why did you let such a man touch you… he was stupid….” Seungmin continued rubbing circles around your clothed cunt. “You were always mine… I know everything about you… and yet… you never gave me a chance…”
Again, you let out more breathy moans but still unmoving.
“Even while sleeping, you’re getting wet.” He chuckled. “You really are desperate for me huh?”
Slowly and gently, he slid the pink panties off of you and quickly slipped it in his pocket. He was mesmerized by the way your slick wetness stuck to the material. it was making his face hot and it took everything in him not to fuck you right then and there. He could wait to use them later.
Seungmin then moved the blanket back over your waist and took your limp arm. “I know you’re desperate. But do you know how desperate you make me?” He asked as if you were actually supposed to answer. “Well. You can feel.”
He unzipped his jeans and moved your limp hand to his boxers, touching it to his hardened bulge over the material.
“Maybe by the end of the night you’ll realize…” he paused and took deep breaths as he moved your hand. “Y-you’ll realize… you’re mine… and only… mine…”
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luveline · 1 year
hi babe! could we get something suggestive with joel? maybe he and reader find somewhere to bathe / shower and he gets a bit flustered? would be funny through his stoicism lol. i’m nineteen!
thank you for your request! reader is 20s or older cw MDNI very suggestive/ light smut, heavy petting, joel being a voyeur
The river water is very, very cold. Gooseflesh ripples over your skin and all the hair on your arms stands on end as a small breeze whips past you. 
"Christ," you say, startled. 
Standing a little ways down the river, Joel waits for you to get out with a hand on the gun he has pointed at the ground. He lifts his gaze at the sound of your cursing and you cover your chest too slowly. 
"Sorry," you say, your arm held over your breasts. "It's just the wind. Surprised me." 
He clears his throat and looks away. 
For fucks sake, you think. At least he didn't see any lower down. Kneeling as you are, the water laps at your navel lazily. You look down at the rush of clear water over the stone riverbed and fight the urge to drown yourself. 
Joel just saw your tits. Covered in soap. He just saw more of you than he's ever seen before, all 'cause of a cold breeze. 
You wash the soap from your chest and under your arms. You dunk your head in the water and rake it away from your scalp, and when you emerge Joel's watching you again. 
You cup your chest. "Do you mind?" you ask teasingly, though you're starting to forget how cold the river is, a hearth of heat lit in the pit of your stomach. 
Joel tucks his gun into his belt and starts to pace toward you. 
"You'll shoot your ass off," you say, parroting something he loves to say himself. 
"Think that's the least of my worries." 
Look, you're no sex weapon. Everything you know about sex is from books, everything you know about kissing from Joel. You don't have a clue what he likes or what he wants, but the tightening of his pants gives you a clue. 
You part your fingers, letting your nipples peek out between them as you push your hands up your chest before letting them fall. "Fine," you say softly, nearly indecipherable over the sound of the river around you, water trickling over rocks not too far down, "it's your funeral." 
He squats down near the edge of the river. He's still on higher ground than you, but his closeness makes you nervous. You drop your hands deliberately between your legs as you enter into a staring contest with him, willing him to be the first one to look down. 
His brow is low and gives away little emotion. In your peripheral you can see his hands, his huge, thick-fingered hands, rubbing down to his knees. You break his held gaze first and follow the length of his thigh to the bulge between them, your mouth suddenly dry, your stomach burning with a foreign feeling. 
You look up. 
Joel gives you a smile. A real smile. 
"You come on out when you're ready," he says, standing up. He turns and walks back toward your camp on dryer land. 
You don't have a towel to dry off with when you get out of the river, but you wring your hair of as much excess water as you can. You put on a blessed pair of clean underwear and a shirt and make your way toward him, bare-legged and barefoot. He's waiting for you near the propane stove, one leg stretched out in front of him. He looks up when you're close. 
"You look cold." 
"Warm me up?" 
He puts his hand on your leg. You smile, your heart pounding fast against your chest as he eases you over one of his legs.
"There," he says as you sit, spreading your legs wide and tugging you up the length of his thigh. "Warmer?" 
"Not yet." 
"Where are you cold?" he asks, the beginning of a doped up smile on his lips, his hand playing with the hem of your t-shirt. 
You lean forward until your lips are near his ear. You wish it were to be sexy, but really you're too shy to say it to his face. "I think you got a good look at where," you murmur. 
His palm flattens over your soft stomach. Rough skin moves up, and up, each inch dragging until his fingertips nudge the damp underside of your breast. 
He grabs you more suddenly than you'd thought he would, squeezing, heat of his palm against your cold skin. The sound you make breaks any hesitancy that he has left.
"This okay?" he asks, leaning in.
You nod into a kiss, hands framing his scratchy face, and though you try to lead he quickly takes control, kissing you searchingly as his hands get acquainted. His nose nudges against yours and you part your lips, sigh turning to a pant at his less than gentle treatment.
You move your knee in until it's snug against the hard bulge of his cock. "Someone's excited…" you whisper, looking down at your knee. "Don't have to spy on me, you know? All you had to do was ask." 
"Sure wasn't spying when you got a handful. Why don't you show me again?" He lifts your shirt up to your collar, letting it rest on the swells of your breasts. His thumb brushes your nipple. You know it's to torture you.
You hesitate, holding your hands to your sternum. 
"All I had to do was ask, right? I'm asking, baby. Touch yourself."
You look out over his shoulder at the clear expanse of river, and then behind you. Joel takes your face into his hand and pulls you back around. 
"I'm keeping an eye out," he assures you. 
You know he is. You feel safer with Joel than anybody else no matter where you are. You lean back in his lap, trailing your fingertips up the expanse of your naked, trembling abdomen, fingernails scratching lightly 'til you reach your chest. You cup your breasts and bring them together, watching in awe as his eyes noticeably darken, his eyebrows pinching together. 
You meant what you said. All he has to do is ask. 
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itsmealaiah · 2 months
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TW: comfort angst, use of alcohol, drinking, p in v sex, protected sex, AFAB reader, she/her pronouns, idk how to describe it so like make up sex?
Request: (by @il0vet0mk4ulitz) hopefully u write this on ur massive writing request rampage, can you write about tom and y/n being connected again by seeing each other at a bar after being broken up for 4 years. he's older now (2014 era) and they go back to his, catch up on things and then start to kiss which leads to sexy time tyyy love <33
Rating: mature themes ahead! mdni, please mind the tags!
WC: 2.3k
Not proofread!
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The dim lighting of the bar made it difficult for Tom to make out any distinct features of the woman across the room, but he could tell it was you. Four years ago, you had been inseparable, but now, you were strangers. He hadn't seen you since you left him that day, and the pain had been unbearable. But tonight, as he watched you laugh and sip your drink, he couldn't help but feel a spark of hope. Maybe this was the moment he'd been waiting for, the moment when fate brought you back together.
He gathered his courage and made his way over to your table. As he slid into the booth next to you, you looked up at him, your eyes widening in recognition. "Tom?"
"Hi, y/n," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. He didn't want to scare you off. "It's been a long time."
You nodded, still looking a little unsure. "It has," you agreed. There was an awkward silence as you both took each other in. Tom hadn't realized how much you'd grown up since he'd last seen you. You looked so confident and put together now. "How have you been?" you asked, breaking the silence.
"I've been alright," Tom replied, gesturing for the bartender to bring him a drink. "the band's been pretty busy. How about you?"
You told him about your new job, the apartment you'd moved into, and the trips you'd taken over the past four years. As you talked, Tom found himself lost in your eyes again, the pain of the past fading away. It felt like no time had passed at all. When the conversation began to flow more easily, he reached over and took your hand in his, giving it a light squeeze. You looked up at him, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips.
"So," you said, clearing your throat, "you still live around here?"
"Yeah," Tom replied, nodding. "I moved into a new place with bill when we broke up. It's nothing fancy, but it's close to everything."
You looked down at your hand, still intertwined with his. "I'm glad you've been doing alright," you said softly. "I've missed you."
The words hung in the air between you, heavy with emotion. Tom leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, "I've missed you too, y/n." He could feel the tension building between you, and he knew that if he didn't make a move soon, he'd regret it.
Slowly, he traced his finger along your jawline, down the length of your neck, before pulling you closer. Your lips met in a tender, hesitant kiss. It was as if no time had passed since the last time you'd been together, the kisses still seemingly full of love.
As the kiss deepened, you could feel the tension begin to ease from your bodies. You wrapped your arms around him, pressing your body against his, wanting to feel as close to him as possible. Tom let out a low groan, his hands sliding up under your shirt, tracing the outline of your back.
Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the feeling of being together again. The music around you faded away, the noise of the bar disappeared, and it was just the two of you. It felt right, so right, like nothing had ever changed.
Eventually, you pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavily. Tom's eyes were still locked on yours, his expression a mixture of desire and tenderness. "Do you want to come back to my place?" he asked, his voice husky.
You smiled, feeling a shiver run down your spine. "I'd like that," you replied, a note of longing in your voice. "I'd really like that."
You finished your drink and stood up, allowing Tom to help you gather your things. As you walked out of the bar, you felt a weight lift from your shoulders, as if you were finally able to breathe again. The night air was cool against your skin, and you held onto tom's, drawing him closer. He wrapped his arm around your waist, his hand finding the small of your back as he led you to his car. The drive seemed to pass in a blur, your heart racing with anticipation of what was to come.
When you finally arrived at his place, Tom fumbled for his keys, unlocking the door and ushering you inside. The apartment was cozy and warm, with a comfortable couch and a well-lit kitchen. You followed him into the bedroom, your gaze sweeping over the familiar surroundings. The bed was unmade, the sheets tangled and inviting. You couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to lie there with Tom again.
He closed the door behind you and turned to face you, taking in your appearance. You could see the desire burning in his eyes, and it sent a shiver down your spine. "You're even more beautiful than I remember," he whispered, his voice rough with emotion.
Slowly, he reached up and cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing against your cheeks. His eyes never left yours as he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, their softness molding against yours. Your bodies melted together, his strength holding you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist. His hands roamed down your back, feeling the smooth skin beneath his fingertips. You could feel the hardness of his erection pressing against you, and it sent a wave of desire coursing through you.
You broke the kiss, gasping for air as he trailed his lips down your neck, sucking gently on the soft skin there. His hands moved lower, sliding over your hips and then lower still, until they were cupping your ass. He squeezed gently, pulling you closer against his hard length. You moaned, arching your back as you felt the need for him grow more urgent.
He turned you around, pressing you against the wall, his body pinning you there. His kisses grew more urgent, his tongue dancing with yours as his hands found the buttons of your shirt. With shaking fingers, he undid them one by one, revealing your bare skin to his touch. He traced the outline of your breasts with his thumbs, causing them to peak through the lace of your bra. You arched your back, wanting more, needing him closer. He reached behind you, unclasping your bra with practiced ease, freeing your breasts from their confines.
He cupped them in his hands, his thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples. You cried out, the sensation almost too much to bear. He leaned down, taking one of your breasts into his mouth, sucking gently at first and then harder as he flicked his tongue against the peak. You moaned, your head falling back against the wall, your body trembling with desire. He switched to the other breast, treating it to the same attentive love, teasing and pleasuring until you were lost in the sensation of his touch.
Finally, he released you, breathing heavily against your neck. You could feel the heat from his body, the hardness of his erection pressed against you. He unbuckled his belt, lowered his pants, and kicked them off, revealing his arousal. His hands went to the button of your jeans, and then with a gentle tug, he slid them down your hips, over your legs, until you were standing before him in only your underwear.
He stepped back, taking in the sight of you. You could feel a blush creep up your neck and onto your cheeks, but the desire in his eyes made you feel beautiful, desired. He moved forward again, his lips finding yours in a deep, hungry kiss. His hands moved up your sides, cupping your breasts once more, before sliding down to your hips, helping to guide you to the bed.
As you fell onto the mattress, he followed, his weight pressing you into the soft surface. His kisses trailed down your neck, over your collarbone, to your breast. He cupped your breast in his hand, his thumb circling your nipple as he lowered his head, taking the hardened peak into his mouth. You moaned, arching your back, the sensation almost too much to bear.
He moved lower, his tongue tracing the line of your ribs before reaching your navel. He teased it with his tongue, circling it before finally dipping inside. You gasped, your hips lifting off the bed as you felt the need for him grow more urgent. He slid his hand down between your legs, feeling the wetness of your arousal. He parted your folds, exposing your swollen clit, and began to tease it with his fingers.
You cried out, your body trembling as he brought you to the brink of orgasm. You felt the sensation building, growing more intense with each stroke of his fingers. You arched your back, your legs falling open wider, giving him better access. And then he pressed two fingers inside you, finding your g-spot, and began to thrust. You screamed, your body convulsing as the pleasure overtook you. You came hard, your inner walls squeezing around his fingers as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over you.
He held you close, his lips moving over your neck and shoulder, his breath hot against your skin. You felt his erection pressed against your leg, and the thought of him being inside you for the first time in four years sent a shiver down your spine. He rolled off you, reaching for a condom from his bedside table, and rolled it on with practiced ease. Then he was back on top of you, his weight pinning you to the bed. He positioned himself at your entrance, his eyes meeting yours in the darkness.
With one smooth thrust, he was inside you, filling you up in a way that had been achingly empty for so long. You cried out, arching your back as he buried himself to the hilt. The sensation of being connected to him again was overwhelming, and you felt a fresh wave of desire wash over you. He began to move, his hips slapping against yours in a rhythmic cadence that sent shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
He held your gaze as he fucked you, his expression a mix of desire and tenderness that left you breathless. His fingers dug into your hips, urging you to meet his thrusts, and you felt yourself falling deeper and deeper into the sensation. He was so big, so solid, and the feel of him moving inside you was almost too much to bear.
You moaned, arching your back as he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside you. He growled, his hips snapping faster in response. You could feel the heat building between you, and with each passing second it grew more intense. You tried to match his pace, but found yourself unable to keep up with his strength.
His movements became rougher, more demanding. He slammed into you, over and over, their bodies slapping together in a rhythm that felt almost primal. You could feel the head of his cock brush against something deep inside you with each thrust, and it sent sparks of pleasure coursing through your veins.
"That's it, baby," he growled, his voice raw with desire. "Let me feel you." He gripped your hips tighter, his thrusts harder, his pace more demanding. You arched your back, meeting his force with your own, unable to resist the urge to match him stroke for stroke.
His lips found your neck, sucking and nipping at your skin as he continued to thrust. You felt the pressure building inside you, the familiar tightness in your belly that signaled your impending release. You cried out, your body tensing as the sensation overwhelmed you.
"Yes, that's it," he groaned, feeling your body tensing around him. He slammed into you one final time, his cock throbbing as he came, filling the condom. You could feel him shudder above you, his weight bearing down on you as he rode out the wave of pleasure.
He collapsed onto you, his weight pressing you into the mattress. His heavy breaths fanned your neck as he came down from his high. You lay there, feeling his weight, his warmth, his presence. You could feel the stickiness between your legs where he had been inside you, the residual ache of being filled. It was all so familiar, yet so foreign at the same time. It had been four years since he'd been inside you, and the feeling was overwhelming in the best possible way.
You smiled to yourself, remembering how he used to tease you, make you moan. You could feel the heat in your cheeks as you recalled the way he would look at you with such desire, his eyes dark and intense. You traced your fingers over the skin where his had been, feeling the roughness of his stubble against your palm. It was then that you realized something: despite all the pain and hurt that had come between you, there was still a connection there. A connection that went deeper than words or time.
You felt a pang in your heart as you thought about the years that had passed, the fights you'd had, the hurt you'd caused each other. But in this moment, with his weight bearing down on you, you couldn't help but feel hopeful. Maybe, just maybe, you could find your way back to each other. Maybe you could rediscover the love and passion that had brought you together in the first place.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. You could feel his lips move against your skin, his breath warm and steady. He kissed your shoulder, his lips soft against your skin. "I've missed you, you know," he murmured.
You opened your eyes, looking up at him. His gaze met yours, and for a moment, you could see the vulnerability behind the familiar mask of strength. "I've missed you too," you whispered, reaching up to touch his face. "So much."
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Taglist: @madzandmore @il0vet0mk4ulitz @20doozers
Requests are open! keep sending them in 💗
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babygorewhore · 4 months
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Daddy Issues part two
You deliver your next payment to Rafe Cameron after your agreement to save your dad’s job. But you start to develop more than an arrangement emotions. And Rafe isn’t exactly the commitment type. Part one
Hi!!! I hope you enjoy part two!! I’m so nervous for sequels lol. But this is filth guys. Warnings! Oral! Fem and male recieving. Degrading! Unprotected sex! Spitting! Some angst but good ending! Abusive dad! Violence! Probably not in order but oh well. Barely proofread. Okay anyway enjoy. Thank you to dolly for beta reading!!!!
It was time for your next payment.
Rafe had instructed you to wear your favorite outfit, one that no one had ever really seen before. He wanted to be special and he wouldn’t tell you what he assigned you to do once you arrived at his penthouse.
He told you the key code as you typed it in and the door unlocked. Your heels clicked against his floor as you peeked and saw him leaning against the wall. He looked even hotter with his white half unbuttoned shirt and dress pants. His hair was starting to fall from being slicked back and he gave you an appreciative smirk.
“You look sexy, baby girl. Come here.” He beckoned with a finger and you quickly obeyed.
Your dad had been out of jail for three days and was mostly gone making up his lost hours at work. The drunk bastard hadn’t paid attention to how you got him out as he shrugged past you this morning while you tried to recover from last nights fucking session.
You were still sore in between your legs but Rafe couldn’t get enough.
And neither could you. This was becoming addicting and you were also afraid. You were starting to want more and notice small details about him. How he liked his coffee once he let you go yesterday morning. And the momentary second he held you last night after you came. His fingers could be soft and gentle as they traced over a small scar on your body.
He didn’t ask where it came from and you didn’t feel like telling him about the time your dad threw a beer bottle at you and it cut your skin.
Rafe seemed to understand your situation more than he ever let on. But you didn’t dare to ask.
As you got to him, he grasped your chin and admired the makeup you put on and started to spin you.
You wore a favorite dress, knee socks and a pair of heels. Your hair was loose which was a rare thing since it was usually up during a long shift.
“God, you’re fucking gorgeous. Too bad all that makeup is gonna be wasted.” He growled and his hold tightened. He immediately pushed you to the floor, wasting no time getting you on your knees with an expectant look in his eyes.
As you reached forward to pull his bottoms down, Rafe’s large hand lightly smacked your cheek. “Remember what to call me? Or do I need to remind you?” You had halfway pulled down his boxers.
“Yes, daddy.” You whispered and he gave you a half smile of approval.
“Good little bunny,” His sentence ended in a moan as you stroked the soft skin of his dick and spit on the precum tip.
Rafe brought out a side of you that you only secretly fantasize of being. Nothing much was off limits with him and you didn’t feel afraid to allow yourself to be as dirty as possible. You ran your tongue on both sides of his cock before kitten licking the growing beads on his tip like the obedient girl you were. Your hands teased him as you rotated motions on his dick. You had learned over the past short days what felt good to him from your lack of experience.
But Rafe wasn’t in a mood for teasing as he yanked your hair back, hard and slapped the tip against your tongue and shoving inside your mouth. You initially freeze, still getting used to the feeling as your throat wants to close but you force yourself to relax and breathe through your nose. His skin gently grazed your teeth as your cheeks hollowed as he started violently thrusting.
He started to throat fuck you, his precum sticking to your breath as you attempted to pull back to swallow but he only held you harder as your hands were pressed against the wall to steady yourself with fingers splayed. “Daddy, I can’t breathe.” It sounded like a jumble but you knew he fucking understood you by the way he laughed with sadistic humor.
“You can fucking take it, you dirty bitch.” He says between thrusts as your eyes were welled and shed tears.
Your gag reflex wanted to kick in but you remembered his previous words about breathing through your nose.
It was painful in the most delicious way as Rafe bobbed your head but then as he came to his edge, he removed you and you felt him cum all over your face. Your mouth, jaw and neck was covered in sticky fluid as you blinked and went to rub your eyes. You coughed slightly with a drunken moan.
“You’re such a whore, you know that? Letting me fuck your mouth. Smear all that pretty makeup. We’re not even halfway done with what you owe me.” He growled and nudged you flat on your back.
He easily shoved your dress and exposed your bare pussy. It tightened around nothing as he dreamily ran his fingers along the slit. “Only I get to do this, understand? Only I get to fuck this little cunt.”
“Yes, daddy.” You whined as he plunged his middle and ring finger inside you, curling them as your walls clenched around his digits. He pumped them slowly in a come here motion, his thumb able to stroke your throbbing clit as black prickled the edge of your vision.
All your problems felt forgotten as he widened your legs, your heels making a slight noise against the wooden floor as he bent your knees. He took out his fingers and then straddled you. Like last night, you expected him to start slamming into you but he pulled both legs over his shoulders, your back arched off the floor.
He was able to hold your thighs as his heavy cock stretched you out and started relentlessly thrusting. Thank god you were wet enough as he humped you like a fucking animal, “that’s it, baby. You’re doing so good.” Your eyes widened briefly before your core fluttered intensely.
He never praised you in a genuine way but you didn’t echo it as you tried to hold onto his arm. “Thank you for fucking me, daddy.” You managed between his movements. His mouth was parted as he grunted, his hair fully across his forehead.
He made you swear up and down that you wouldn’t use birth control and you kept your word. Your own release came and spilled all over his cock in a shrill noise that escaped your abused throat.
Rafes own cum coated your insides as you felt his hand shake around your thighs. You both stayed there for a few seconds.
You briefly wondered if he would give you the same fluttering gentleness he did last night but that hope quickly vanished as he pulled off, leaving you on the floor. “Get cleaned up. I’ll take you home.” He said dismissively and your heart ached as he walked away, getting dressed again.
You shouldn’t expect any different. This wasn’t a relationship. This was a business transaction and ownership. Everything he said was just in the moment. But the hurt was still there. You had done all this for a man who didn’t deserve it and now…was it worth it?
You did it more than your asshole father. You were doing this because you liked Rafe Cameron.
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He had the decency to wait for you to enter your home as he dropped you off. Your dad had taken the car but you were met with a disaster as you closed the door with your heeled shoe. Your dad was sitting on the floor, empty beer cans surrounding him as you made a noise of frustration.
“Where the fuck have you been?” He slurred and paused at your messily wiped off face. “You out there whoring yourself? To that Kook?” His words were a slap as he stood.
“Yeah, dad. I had to hook up with Rafe so I could get your ass out of jail.” You ground out. “I don’t want to hear it.”
Your dad scoffed. “I don’t give a shit what you do out there. But when you get in here at least have some self respect. You’re no better than some slut.”
“Stop it. Stop talking like I’m a piece of trash!” You shouted. “I do nothing but try and keep this house and fucking help you!”
The hit came without warning and faster than you ever expected. You scattered on the carpet. Clutching your cheek, your dad kicked you without warning. “Coming into my fucking house, talking to me like I’m a little bitch. Who the FUCK do you think you are?” He hit you again, harder and your mouth was bloody.
“STOP IT!!” You screamed. “DAD STOP! I’m sorry!” You sobbed.
The door burst open, slamming against the wall and you saw Rafe’s tall form fill the space. His blue eyes caught you and they burned with rage as they saw you in a heap. His head snapped at your father who loomed over you unsteadily.
Rafe lunged at him and landed a sickening punch. You heard the crunch of your dads nose, knocking him against the wall. Rafe punched him again in the face, the jaw, his stomach and finally he blindly wailed on him. “Don’t you Fucking Ever Put Your hands on her!” He roared at your father who was slipping on the ground, his eyes shut and bloody.
“Stop! Please!” You shrieked at him, scrambling to stand. “rafe, please!”
That made him slow and jerk his head towards you, his knuckles bloody and his shirt haphazardly to the side. He breathed hard before focused again on your father. He yanked him closer by his collar. “You ever touch her again, I will kill you. You understand, motherfucker? I’ll fucking kill you.” He shoved him away allowing him to fall on his broken nose.
Rafe pulled off his jacket as he approached you. “Here.” He said gruffly and put it around your shoulders. “We’re fucking leaving.”
You shivered in his car as tears streamed down your face as he drove you back to his house. The drive had been silent. Rafe had taken you to his kitchen where he got out an ice pack and pressed it against your cheek. It was almost awkward. Being in his home without the immediate fucking. And he wasn’t used to being kind. That you could tell by the way his eye contact wavered.
You still hadn’t spoken. You had drank water to try and clear the blood from your mouth. “Thank you, Rafe. I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t save me.”
He shook his head. “Don’t thank me. I-I’m really sorry.”
That took you aback. “You’re sorry?” You questioned.
“Yeah, I am. I never should have taken you back. If I knew how bad he was I would have-“ He clenched his jaw and gingerly stroked your hair out of your face. “I treated you like shit earlier. That wasn’t cool.”
His struggle for words was endearing as you let him figure out how to phrase it.
“You’re gonna stay here. Take a break. You need to heal. You know I’ll take care of you? You don’t need him anymore. I’m your daddy now, princess. Don’t even think about that piece of shit.”
Your eyes watered again and you nodded. Not having the energy to put up a fight. “Thank you, daddy.”
Rafe nodded. “Good girl.” He glanced down and lifted you up on the counter. You gasped and he settled his fingers on your legs.
Rafe lowered until he was on his knees. You looked at him with shock as he separated your thighs, and his gaze was predatory as he looked at your cunt.
“I only do this for you, bunny. No one else gets daddy’s tongue” he ran his tongue along the slit before it laid against your clit.
Your head rolled back and you cried out as he sucked the center before lapped at your pussy like a starved man and kept you from jerking around. Your thighs went around his head as he moved his head to capture your cunt, his sloppy lips sucked and slurped every ounce of arousal you gave him. This experience was so different and better than you thought. Rafe Cameron on his knees beneath you was a rare sight and you couldn’t get enough of his moans. He repeatedly went from greedily licking your clit to putting his tongue inside until you were riding his face. Your ass was on the edge of the counter as you whimpered and whined his name.
“Daddy, I'm gonna cum.” Your breathing was fast as you covered his mouth with your creamy fluid and he groaned deeply and licked up the mess.
He stood and wiped his chin with the back of his hand before kissing you. You tasted yourself on his tongue as he sucked your lower lip and when you winced he stopped.
“Sorry, princess.” He chuckled and nodded. “Well, I’m not really good at this. But I don’t want to just fuck you. Just so you know.”
And those words were in his language the most sincere he could tell you. And you accepted it.
@xxbutdaddyilovehimxx @xxhellfirebunnyxx @drewstarkeyslut @imyourdaninow @ifeeltoofuckingmuch @slvt4jamesmarch @take-everything-you-can @lesservillain @emsgoodthinkin
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dimepdf · 1 year
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. the movie date you go on with Micah ends up being a bit more than PG-13.
─── ☆ notes. i'm always willing to help a fandom in need,, also just finished the game like yesterday and the way i instantly logged in a scrolled for fanfic i need to be TAMED .
─── ☆ length. 2.2k words (22 mins) .
─── ☆ genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni, idiots in love, takes place after good ending, praise kink, Exhibitionism, handjob, oral sex(male receiving), height difference, size kink, cheesy fluff, movie date, consent is sexy, Micah’s is a head pusher, comment if i miss something | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
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Perhaps it was strange to let the man you had just met online persuade you to go on a movie date with him.
A swarm of not only butterflies but possibilities clouding your thoughts—mostly concerns given the fact that this all could be a trap to lure you away from your home just to kidnap you, or worse, maybe he was just a massive fuckboy toying with your emotions all this time.
However, there you were, nervously shifting your weight as you waited for Micah to arrive as you stood close to the entrance.
It had been a while since you had experienced such anxiety, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering at just the mere thought of some boy like you were back in middle school.
Maybe the reason you had felt like this was that Micah had put you under some strange spell, and you wanted to curse him and his stupid golden eyes, and his stupid lips, and his stupid face.
Oh brother, you had it bad. 
He wasn't hard to miss due to his tall, goofy build, which gave the impression that he was some sort of model strutting down the runway. Once he caught your attention, how dare he look so good a shiver ran down your spine making you straighten up once his sight was on you.
“Well don’t you look beautiful Angel,” his screen lit bright catching sight of his lock screen. 
You had caught just a glimpse of it the day he had first visited you: a very adorable picture of Skrunkly all dressed up in a dinosaur onesie. Just as you caught a glimpse before it had been tucked away in his jean pocket.
“I should be telling you that.” His attire was usual, nothing out of the ordinary from what you had seen him in the comfort of his own home. 
Ripped jeans and a neon sweatshirt that was pulled just above the bend of his elbow gripping the muscle against his golden brown forearm, you had to stop yourself from drooling over him let alone reaching out to touch him like a kid in a candy store.
Though Micah on the other hand could read your mind, as much as that would have been really cool. 
Instead despite your efforts of self-control he is the first to wrap his arms around your torso lifting you just to the tips of your toes against his hard chest into a bear hug enticing you with a laugh to break the tension. 
“Oh my gosh hi,” you giggle with your cheek pressed against his shirt, “did you miss me or something?” Micah lets out a shy noise, something close enough to a whimper to have you figuratively clutching your pearls. 
Nothing could ever brace you for hearing all the little noises Micah would make in real life. “Hm maybe?” he drags out, the hum of his voice comforting you as he lets you go. 
You make the mistake of glancing up at him, the eye contact makes you both melt as his smile curls into a bashful expression, his hand reaching out to hold yours. 
You weren't naive nor blind you saw that Micah had practically towered over you but there was just something about seeing his slender fingers completely engulf yours that made your nerves tingle from the contact. 
You also saw Micah would stare at you as if you were the most precious thing he had ever laid his eyes on like you were the most beautiful good in the world to him.
Which was ironic, given that you also thought the same about him as well. “Do you wanna go in now?” you manage out, still standing in his touch despite offering neither of you moves, both almost afraid to pull away first.
“That sounds like a good idea,” he says almost breathlessly.
Being the first to pull away you offer him a small smile, your fingers still laced together as you step away the small squeeze of his hands in yours giving comfort as he follows behind you almost like a lost puppy. 
Even despite his large build and tall height, Micah was really just an anxious nerd who liked to cover up his anxiety with bold confidence and sarcasm. 
Micah finds ease in watching you guide him through the theater taking lead as if he hadn't looked like some scary guard dog lingering behind you.
The movie you chose was something based on your favorite novel, a romance no-brainer months ago.
When you had first seen the trailer, you never would have thought you’d be seeing it while having the same shy relationship as the main characters instead of torrenting off of some rip-off movie site with a hentai ad in the corner. 
Micah, being the gentleman, was offered to buy snacks, convincing you that since you were the one to buy the tickets it would only be fair for you to let him spoil you with snacks.
You were weary of it even with the knowledge of him having a hefty amount of money tucked away in his many accounts.
It only took him a flash of that adorable toothy smile to have you pipe down and walk to the cinema room with his arms occupied with the list of snacks that he had convinced you to try. 
The theater seats were mostly empty with only a handful of people occupying the seats making it possible for you and Micah to slip to the back right before the lights could dim.
Exciting not just from the movie but sitting so close to Micah as the screen flits to life makes it hard for you to settle comfortably in your seat practically trembling as you sucked down your blue slushie. 
And as the movie continues, you realize why there weren't many people occupying the seats.
You wanted to give it a chance, hoping that maybe the Hollywood famous actors would be able to save the rest of the film as it continues.
But you're still bored. Not even the pile of snacks could help you from your mood souring as from the time you had turned your head Micah had managed to completely inhale almost everything within your taste.
The man doesn't at all seem too fazed by the horrible hating let alone the choppy plot in fact he just looked happy to be there.  
His big glistening eyes and fisting a handful of popcorn in his mouth yet he had still managed to look so perfect under the movie's light. 
You had felt so embarrassed finding his dazed and confused look so attractive he was practically good enough to eat.
So you do the closest thing to that, shoulder bumping into him as you lean over the armrest and place a peck just against his cheek.
The gesture catches him severely off guard flinching at the feeling of your lips against his skin. 
Before he could open his mouth and protest you lean in for another, this time with him facing you so your lips could meet, and the first thing you notice was how he tasted like chocolate and the flavor from your slushie that you shared. 
You wanted to taste more, pressing your tongue into his mouth a small sigh of contentment rolling from his throat as he parts his lips for his tongue to meet yours. 
It feels different not from his split tongue but his piercing ball that was cold from the ice from your drink. 
When pulling away the first thing you see is Micah's frowned expression almost as if he were in concern about why you had just decided to suddenly pounce on him. “Uh, thank you?” The cute reaction keeps you from leaning in again, having to cover your mouth from laughing out loud. 
“Oh shut the hell up.'' He doesn't bother retaliating instead taking the lead with the palm of his head reaching to rest gently around your throat, the pressure of his palm not enough to choke you but instead better to angle you just right for his kiss. 
You're convinced that he could hear your heart thumping against your chest, wanting to break from your rib cage just to present itself to him.
The thumping only gets louder as his fingers hover lower towards your thighs, and the kiss only gets more intense feeling your other heartbeat as Micah’s hand grasps at the flesh as if he needed to hold onto something so tightly to keep himself from bursting at the seams. 
“I kinda wanna leave,” you whisper into his ear after breaking away again, Micah makes a small noise of the struggle.
His head ducked away from your voice as a reaction to the sexual implication of your offer. 
You had practically seen the man's tits and yet here he was squirming in his seat not being able to look you in the eyes. “Don't you wanna finish the movie first?” His tone is whiny, dragging at the question in a way that hinted that he too felt the alluring feeling boiling in his chest and that only added more fuel to the flame inside of you. 
“I kinda wanna suck your dick though,” you say bluntly, almost panting at the way Micah’s eyes widened. 
His canines poked from his mouth as he bit back his lip even in the dim light had you seen the way his cheeks turned a dark shade of purple. “Unless you want me to do it here?”
Micah hesitates, his lips parting to answer but closing the moment his eyes flickering to yours just to look back at the screen. 
Instead of nodding his head, spreading his legs apart even with his eyes glued to the screen. 
You waited to watch him for another sign of confirmation, your hopes being answered as his hand engulfs your wrist. The feeling of his fingers trembling against your skin as he places his hand on top of his erection. 
There was just something about him being so excited. So needy for you that he had managed to be so hot and bothered as you felt up the outline of him. 
Squeezing and groping at the hilt of his dick watching the way Micah twitched and fidgeted under your hand. 
The hitch of his breath as you unzip his jeans and finally break through his layer of clothing. “It's big,” you muttered dumbly as his length twitched against your grasp.
“Oh my fucking god.” Micah leans his head back against the headrest, covering his face with his hands as his body reacts out of his control. 
Fully had you pulled his dick out exposed, you're a bit nervous only allowing your hand to do what you assumed was natural when in reality all you really wanted to do was yank down your pants and take him until he was buried inside of you nice and snug. “Can I put my mouth on it?” 
You swear that you had just witnessed Micah physically reboot, his hands pulled back just enough to peek over at your eyes glancing over with that same nervous look. “Please.” he whimpers, promptly turning his head away once more.
And who were you to ever reject his pleas, having to angle yourself over the armrest just to hunch over his lap Micah readjusts himself for you to have better access to your mouth. 
Your tongue glides against his tip tasting not exactly what you had expected cum would taste, feeling his hips jolt a bit as your mouth wraps around him. 
It takes Micah everything he has to not outright groan from how good your mouth had felt around his dick, the feeling of getting a blowjob with a bunch of strangers in the room only adding to the feeling as he squeezed his eyes closed.
His hips stutter with every tug and pull of your hand, working at the base of his dick the length that you couldn't get to with your mouth. 
Your head bobbed up and down working for his orgasm: the small noises he couldn't help to hold back only being covered by the volume of the movie speakers loud enough to be a whisper were his small moans.
The feeling is just so unbearable, his hands wandering to the back of your head only with the intention of holding back your hair to get a clear view.
But the moment that his fingers wrap around he couldn’t help but press down just a smidge and the noise that you make around his dick makes him want to cum down your throat right then and there.
His senses come too as you pinch his thigh instead of glaring at him even as you crawl to the floor in between his thighs the new look of determination written all over your face. 
A whole new angle just perfect enough to fully deepthroat him, Micah swearing under his breath as your mouth coaxes an orgasm from him. 
It takes a moment for him to gain his composure, kneeling in the aisle licking your lips, and meeting his gaze. 
Giving him a small smile, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek, the brush of his thumb against your bottom lip making you open your mouth with frowned brows watching as the male processes that you had swallowed all of him. 
The way his dazed expression crumbles to something else, your eye catching the attention of something else. “Oh, you’re hard again.”
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greatstormcat · 3 days
Hi there. I wanted to make a request for something a bit personal. All this week, my family has been criticizing my weight (which I have struggled with my whole life) and told me point-blank that no one would ever love me because of it. That being said, I would like to request a writing with Soap. Let's say the reader has been avoiding sex with him for a while. They'll kiss and stuff, but as soon as he starts pulling her shirt up, she pulls it back down and makes some sort of excuse. This goes on for a while until Soap confronts her about it. She basically then goes off, pointing out all her bodily flaws and how fat and hideous she thinks she is and asks him how he could ever think she was sexy. And all he says is, “How can I NOT?” And he makes love to her and every time she makes a complaint about her body or calls herself ugly, she shushes her, ultimately taking her in front of a mirror and making her look at herself and how sexy she looks taking him. And when they're done, Soap should talk about how she's not fat, she's cute and squishy.
Hi anon, thank you for waiting for this! I’ve been really busy and did not want to put up anything half-arsed because this is a very important ask! Anyone who makes you feel like that sucks, and I’ve been there myself with family commenting on my weight. I had a whole rant lined up but then I realised that Soap already had it in hand, so I will let him takeover from here…
TW: MDNI 18+, bodyshaming and fatphobia, emotion support, p in v
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It was getting harder and harder to make up excuses. Each time you came up with a reason you couldn’t stay over at his place, or a reason your clothes had to stay on when you did agree to sleep in the same bed, literally sleep, his eyes narrowed. You couldn’t keep this up, it was too hard, too unfair on this sweet, loving man. 
Johnny had come into your life like a wrecking ball, all loud mouth and charming personality. You had been swept off your feet by him the moment you’d seen him in the pub, a rare and welcome night out with friends, and he had zeroed in on you. He’d made you feel like you were the only other person in that hot, noisy and packed pub, his eyes locked onto you the moment you spoke to him to say hi.
The last few months had been amazing, he doted on you, texting or calling each day he was away from you back at base. He worshipped you, wanting nothing more than to hear you laugh and be near you. The problem was he was getting very amorous. Kissing and cuddling on the sofa was turning into heavy make out sessions, his hands grazing over your curves and teasing just beneath the hem of your top. 
It made you increasingly uncomfortable, your doubts about how he’d react to seeing under your baggy clothes ate at you. Unfortunately, you’d become so used to being put down about your weight, being told you were undeserving of love and affection, that you had never really let your walls down around him. The rot ran deep, right to your core, whispering to you that he wouldn’t stay and this was only a fling for him until he got bored and left for someone more like him.
Finally, things quickly got heated when he pushed you, trying to get you to tell him why you’d shut down and withdrawn from him completely after another failed make out session where you'd retreated to your room and shut the door in his face. He just burst in, demanding to know what the deal was.
“If I let you see me naked you’ll leave!” you blurt out finally, throat tight with the hot threat of tears. Everything seems to stop once you let the words out, and he stands there staring at you with an unreadable expression as you sit on the end of your bed.
“D’ya think I’m that shallow?” he demands into the thick silence, and the pain in his voice cuts like a knife into your heart. “D’ya really think I’d do such a thing? What have I said or done to give you that impression?” He edges closer as he speaks, until he reaches you and then kneels down in front of you.
“No, I don’t think you’re shallow,” you mumble weakly, trying to avoid his eyes but he cups your face in his large, warm hands and forces you to look into his crystal blue gaze. There’s nothing but affection in those eyes, love and concern for you blinding you like the sun.
“You are beautiful, and I want to be with you just as you are, right here and now,” he says softly, but with an edge of steel beneath the silk of his words. “Anyone who says otherwise and fuck off. If I hear them say it, it’ll be the last thing they ever do. You hear me?”
There’s no way to hide from him, and you nod, letting out a sigh of relief that’s quickly muffled by his lips.
“You’re beautiful just the way you are, have been since the moment I first saw you,” he says as his lips trail across your cheek and chin, down to your neck. “I dinnae care what size or shape you are, hen, I love you for who you are. As long as you are happy and safe, I’m the luckiest man alive to be by your side.”
Suddenly, you realise that having spoken your fear out loud it holds less power over you, and your shoulder relax.
“C’mon, get up,” he says gently, and you stand up, letting him position you in front of your floor length mirror. “Tell me what you don’t like,” he instructs you, standing by your shoulder and locking eyes with you in the reflection.
“Well, the rolls around my middle,” you admit weakly, hands fluttering to cover them automatically. With a smile, he takes your hands away and crouches in front of you, lifting the front of your top to reveal the skin beneath. Stretch marks catch the light but before you can react his lips are pressed to them, the soft warmth making your breath stutter.
“Tell me another one,” he groans, peppering more kisses to your stomach while you think.
“My thighs,” you say before you can think about what he has planned. Warm hands caress your thighs through your leggings, and his breath ghosts through the fabric before kisses land. “Fucking hell…” you groan, “do you really think I’m sexy?”
“How can I not, when your this fuckin’ perfect?” he answers between kisses against you hip. It continues like this, you name a part of your body you’ve been taught to hate, and he worships it. Slowly but surely, you allow him to remove your clothing so he can fully show his adoration for every inch of skin, and you feel yourself come alive beneath his affection. The feel of his body against yours spurs on the growing heat between your thighs, and the moment you beg him to go further, he does.
You lose yourself in his loving embrace, letting him make you feel utterly beautiful as he draws wave after wave of pleasure from you. Letting yourself go, throwing alway all of your doubts and fears, it feels totally natural to feel his skin pressed against yours, sweating making your both glisten as you pant and groan. He grinds into you, spearing his cock deep into you, all the time whispering praises and prayers to your dips and curves. Only when you come undone around him does he stop, the snap and pull of his hips filling the quiet until he follows you over the edge.
“Was that okay, love?” he asks hoarsely, panting heavily as he settles you against his side under the covers. “I don’t want you to regret anything.”
“That was amazing,” you breathe in response, heading still swimming slightly. 
“Good, you deserve nothing but praise. You’re mine, and you’re perfect in all your soft, squishy glory.”
You can't help but chuckle at that, especially as his rough palm rubs appreciatively over your soft hip as he says it.
"So you think I'm cute?"
"Aye, that's it," he chuckles back, placing a kiss on your forehead.
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