#beginner writers
nivtee · 1 year
hello !
do u have any tips for baby writers such as myself? especially on how to write characters and not make them sound very OC -🐛
hi 🐛!!! ahh!! honestly i consider myself a baby writer, but even so i've been writing for years. writing isn't just something to treat as 'oh i have the ability to type letters so i will' you actually have to care about what you're writing!! here is a small list of tips i have about writing and writing characters!!!
im really glad you like my writing!! but i still have a ways to improve myself, which is a big reason as to why i started uploading my writing in the first place.
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— read either the source text or some fan favourite fics of your character. what is different and what is similar through each of the different texts? use similar language and actions when describing the character
— figure out what is and isn't attractive. this works for platonic and romantic relationships, is their character a bit too bland for you to write about them in the way you want? change them slightly, make a 'grumpy and mad at everyone' character only like your character, or set it up in a way where they're slightly calmer around them.
— if you think it's getting to out of character, try shifting the focus away from that character. if you're writing about james potter (source: marauders) and he starts sounding like lip gallagher (source: shameless) then step back and write about lip, otherwise you'll blur the line between your characters too much.
— but, who cares? they're your characters for a reason, if im going to read what you write, i want to know you wrote it and not some random kid trying to write. i want to see what you do to bring characters bring to life, show me how your remus lupin is different from the real remus lupin.
— its hard to figure out where you would start and stop, especially when writing one shots. in my opinion, look at what you're writing (smut, angst, fluff ect) and start from there. smut is usually best to end just before the slow act, where as fluff should go through the entire act, angst should almost always end during the peak, where there's a chance to end positively or not.
— the whole 'show don't tell' rule is stupid, because sometimes i want to hear the characters blatantly say their sad. i like feelings being brought up and told, be bold.
— your writing is just that; yours. if i wanted to read the same thing over and over, i would, but i look for new stories and new portrayals of the characters. i want your story to impress me, even if its a 'two characters, one bed' trope. tell me how your story changes it up, and how you make the story play out.
— when you struggle writing a scene, stop writing, put on some music and imagine what's happening in the scene. what do you see? put some dot points of what's important to you in the moment, is the wind blowing? does the air smell weird and does your character notice?
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im not amazing when it comes to writing, but if you ever need some feedback (honest but not harsh) feel free to send me a message and/or your work!!
( i love to read and im a huge fan of helping others! )
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amcarterwrites · 3 months
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hey there!
i’m a beginner writer here to toss around some ideas and maybe even get some feedback… 🤷‍♀️
now i say beginner but thats js bc my writing isnt very, yknow, good but its whatever
i’ve been working on this story for a good long while and have finally begun actually writing my ideas down sooooo
but a lot of topics will be covered in the story so here are some trigger warnings💕✨
kidnapping, torture, abuse (physical, emotional), parental abuse, manipulation, self harm, eating disorders, death, sibling death, parent death, divorce, homophobia, bullying, mental illness, addiction, murder, and just all around violence :)
my creative adventure will begin with outlines of all my characters and before anyone says anything yes the two main characters are lowkey basic but can you blame me bc i was in elementary school when i created the characters (it was not that violent at all back then jsyk‼️‼️)
and i would rewrite them to be less basic but unfortunately i have what could probably be described as an unhealthy attachment to them
if you read all this
nice job👍
idk like thanks for sticking around and whatnot
i’ll be putting that first character outline up in a few days
and i hope you’ll stay tuned⁉️⁉️✨💕
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psychicfestlove · 2 years
There is weariness in the air, the fall equinox,the crisp cold weather, the sort that leaves your hands dry and encourages icy windows. If it will snow this year I do not know, the shed behind my house could not take it and neither could I. Sunless and chilly, the flowers will hibernate and I wish I was able to company them. This will be a long winter of uneven days and nights. Of navy blue skies that will seem close to reach. The wind will betray the leaves making it look like a spectacle. I will watch and be silent, keep to myself and store away the warmth of summer.
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Juicy Tips: Maintaining Focus
One of the biggest difficulties in the writer’s life is maintaining focus! For some writers this isn’t actually too difficult, but many of us also have the tendency to struggle with this. It can be much harder for writers who are neurodivergent, or it can simply be based on how big your workload is! Either way, here are some tips that might help you to improve your focus when writing.
Personally I’ve also found it difficult for the longest time. There are all kinds of ways you can trick your brain into working more efficiently while writing, though, and I’m just going to share some things I’ve picked up over the years. Some have arrived via my own discovery and others have been taught to me by mentors and tutors. The goal of this juicy tip piece is to help out writers who are struggling to focus on their work for any reason. It may or may not help you out! Here’s the basic rundown:
Setting The Mood
The brain is pretty easy to train, pavlov style, if you know how. The story goes, ring a bell every time you feed your pet and your pet will eventually become hungry whenever they hear the bell.
Try setting up a routine to get your brain into “writing mode” and stick to it, more or less. What I like to do is brew a hot drink, get myself a snack and then put on one of my playlists. Sometimes I might even go outside for a quick walk before sitting down to write. I find that some genres of music also help me write better than others. I also have two specific places in my apartment that I like to write, and I like to make sure that I’m fully comfortable so I can concentrate.
Setting up ‘rituals’ and specific environments to write in can gradually improve your ability to focus and produce more writing. It isn’t by any means a quick solution, but in the long run it can be the best decision. If you have a hard time remembering, maybe write something on a post-it note and place it near your work space to remind you of your rituals.
Fine-tune Your Surroundings
Make sure your surroundings are fully prepared for your writing session. Anything that can distract or disrupt your work flow should be dealt with. If you need to put your phone on silent, go ahead and do that. If you have books and comics on your desk it might be a good idea to move them out of arms reach so you don’t feel tempted to read instead. 
Make sure your work area is tidy, too. If you have a lot of clutter and chaos on your desk or table, and I mean more than usual, go ahead and move some stuff around. I know I’m guilty of leaving things out on my desk and it tends to make my space feel more cramped. A messy space can worsen messy thinking, and tidying it up can help you get into the right mindset. If you want to really focus and work at your best, tidying up can make a world of difference.
Anything that you might need should be close at hand! You should have a drink, a light snack and other essentials handy. I like to have a chapstick on my desk, for example, as well as a pen pot and all the notebooks and scraps of paper I might need to look at for notes I’ve made. If you have a corkboard, this is a great place to pin up notes for quick access. It’s important that your space is constructed to help you write and to keep you inspired.
If it helps, hang up things that inspire you - decorations, artworks or even photographs that spark some kind of creativity in you. I’ve got all sorts of things pinned up on the walls in my office area, from my own artwork to posters to decorative items I found in thrift stores. Surround yourself with inspiration and make sure you’re comfortable.
Break Down Your Tasks And Notes
A task can feel much more intimidating and harder to pull off, if it seems nebulous or unstructured. We all have different ways of compartmentalising our tasks, whether it be with a list or a table, or even just using sticky notes. If you don’t know what works best for you it may be a good idea to experiment.
Making some form of organised document to tell you what needs to be done can make the whole task of writing easier. This can be in regards to juggling multiple projects, or even just in the context of one thing you’re working on. If you’re struggling to plot your stories or plan your essays, maybe starting with a list of things that need to occur within the work will help. From there, you can create other lists to keep track of names, dates and even story beats. Before you know it, you should find that your ideas are a bit easier to process. Sometimes you might need a table or graph of some sort for your world building. You might find that other formats work better for you. No matter how you use these things, they can help you map things out and break them down. Making your information and notes easy to read will streamline your workflow.
You might find that planning too much is dangerous though - never over-do it with your lists and tables. You don’t need a list for everything or a sticky note for everything; sometimes you might find that mixing and matching these methods is best for you. Eventually you will find the sweet spot that most writers have, somewhere between neat organisation and improvisation.
Enlist Assistance Where Needed
Know when to tackle something head on, and when to admit that you’re not able to do it alone. It’s best to have friends that are also interested in writing so that you can assist each other whenever needed or even just show them your ideas so that you can enthuse about them together. The added enthusiasm of others can be a strong motivator to continue, and they could even offer input to help develop your work.
Even if you don’t have writer friends, you can always bring in friends who have enthusiasm for fiction in general - a friend who is an avid reader, or who has interest in the genre or format you’re writing in. They could always offer input as well, in a pinch. Don’t be afraid to ask, even if they’re not able to help. It’s always worth trying to reach out. Other writers and enthusiasts can be found online as well, if real-life friends aren’t able to assist you.
For more informative posts, inspiration and ideas to help you improve as a writer, follow this blog! I post often and also take requests for specific advice. FJWS is funded by your donations.
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urnumber1star · 2 months
That moment when the unrelated scenes you've been writing for two weeks both somehow connect (i have no idea how this happened)
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sjwilson98 · 7 months
AI for writers?
Let’s be honest and admit we all need a little (or a lot in my case) help with our writing. Whether it is in the form of line by line editing, or using spellchecker, or if we are needing a new perspective from a critical eye. It’s okay to admit it. In the past, authors had no spellchecker, no editing, and sometimes no one to help them with a plot. Writers were on another level. There was…
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pluckycanadian · 1 year
April Showers Bring May Poems
April showers bring May…poems? Maybe! I get our gut reaction when we hear ‘poem’ might be resistance, reluctance, and, honestly, downright boredom.  BUT. Did you know there is scientific evidence that reading even one poem daily can make your life richer, deeper, and more meaningful? It’s true! You can follow that rabbit right here – Here’s What Happens In Your Brain When You Read a Poem. Now…
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writingwithfolklore · 2 months
10 Tips for New Writers
Find people to write with (another beginner writing buddy, critique groups for beginners, a mentor or teacher, online writer groups that you trust)
Accept all feedback, but you ultimately decide what changes to make
If you want to traditionally publish your writing—don’t post it online. Anywhere.
Be choosey with who you share your writing with
Rejection does not determine your writing’s worth.
First drafts are meant to be bad—you can’t edit a blank page
Write as much and as often as makes you happy
Try out lots of different techniques until you find the one that really works for you
Write what interests you—not what you think others will be interested in
Ultimately, writing is supposed to be fun—don’t be afraid to have fun with it!
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five-sided-dice · 7 months
Tips for Beginner Writers
1 - Make a chapter out line as you go, so if you need any sort of information about what's happened in the book, you don't have to scroll through each and every paragraph you wrote.
2 - Your first draft is not Your published book, you're gonna have to revise it and edit it a lot over the while, so Let it Suck. It'll turn into a second, third draft, and published book in the end.
3 - What matters is that you wrote, not how much you wrote. Try to set a daily number of words for you to write, that way you get consistency and it gives you a routine to follow.
4 - Remember that many books have been written, many with the same premise, but by different people. If you worry that your idea is too average or too oversaturated remember this:
5 - Don't make scenes too long, dont detail what you don't need to. If your character is going to develop via an event, detail it where needed, don't detail every little thing because it makes the scene unnecessarily long.
This Idea has been written before, but not by you.
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amcarterwrites · 4 months
I'm so excited to share my first blog post on Practical Advice on Literary Device for Beginner Writers! I'll post every other Wednesday and hope it helps you drop the shame on your creative writing journey.
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3amsr · 4 months
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psychicfestlove · 2 years
The sun's too warm, the days too short, the days too good. I wonder if this is it, it's pink and yellow and beautiful. The outline of your silhouette engraved in my mind and your words like gentle bullets to my heart. The places you've touched me have been tattooed by your marks. I crave even the deepest of your scars.
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blakbonnet · 2 months
my queers in christ we must fight homogeneity in fandom; it's evil and the death of creativity and a brain killer, we do not want to be smooth uniform identical shiny rocks, reading the same characterisations over and over again, we do not want to reiterate the same takes or the same fics, we want the creepiest weirdos coming up with shit so fantastical that it becomes fantastic, that is the point of it all
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zxmickeyzx · 10 months
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Miles has always had an interest in fashion. It was another way for him to express himself, so he took a lot of pride in his appearance. There's a reason why Ganke keeps trying to steal not only his shoes but other clothes. Miles was definitely a trendsetter when it came to looks. He also loved to help out and model for the local fashion students, and in return sometimes he got to keep original work. 
His fashion even showed up in his everyday crime fighting side. It didn't take long for the media to catch on to his fashion looks. There were media blogs that were dedicated to catching all his styles. He couldn't take all the credit for his fashion on his Spiderman side. Most of the credit went to Kenneth Kingston. They were a student at Mile’s school who got bullied at his school for being non-binary. They met while he was patrolling the city and heard them crying after getting bullied so bad at school that day. He decided to sit down with them and talk to them. Turns out they both really loved fashion, and that was the start of their friendship. As Spiderman he would always check up on them and talk to them about fashion which led to Kenneth creating some fashion pieces for his Spidersona. At school Miles slowly became friends with them, which was a bit hard since they were a senior and their schedules were vastly different but eventually they made it work. 
Miles encouraged them to apply for fashion school and even volunteered to be their model as both Spiderman and his everyday self. Kenneth eventually put two and two together and found out his identity over a model schedule mix-up. They appreciated Miles' effort in being a good friend to them and making them feel accepted. From there on Kenneth became Spiderman's personal stylist, but Miles still had a lot of say in what his suits looked like and even still made some of his own with Kenneth’s inputs. Kenneth eventually got a scholarship to his dream fashion school in the city. But they still hung out at fashion shows where Miles would model. 
Currently Miles was wearing black baggy techwear cargo pants with red outlines on the pockets and red straps with buckles that ran along the pants. He also was wearing his classic red Jordans that Ganke loved to steal. He had a black Hoodie with a red line that was on top of his arm instead of inside it. The hoodie has a long turtle neck that works as a mask. Today was supposed to be his day off where he would attend the student work fashion show with Ganke later at night, but his best friend canceled on him at the last second. He wasn't supposed to be patrolling as Spiderman til later after the fashion show so he had time to kill before the fashion. So he decided to walk around the area while listening to his music, eventually he found himself walking past an alleyway filled with art when he senses a presence behind him. 
Miles turned behind him to see Hobie, Gwen, Pavitr, and Margo with a portal behind them in civilian clothing. Currently the alley was empty so there was no worries about anyone seeing them. Miles raises his eyebrow in confusion. He didn't know they would be coming and hasn't gotten a message from HQ about any emergency backups needed for missions. 
“Hey guys, what brings you guys here?”
The Spider Gang takes a bit to respond to him, staring at his outfit and really taking it in. They don't usually see him in his element, most of the time they see him in his spiderman suit, school uniform or his jacket and jeans which he uses as a quick outfit when he is running outta time or he is rushing to get outta the house. Patitr was the first to break the silence.
“Dude! What are you wearing?!” He exclaims gesturing to his outfit.
Miles tilts his head confused with their reaction to his outfit.
“Just some streetwear. Why? Does it look bad?” Miles starts to look down on his outfit. He thought it looked okay, he even got some compliments from some people he walked by. One girl even asked where he got his hoodie from. Did he embarrass himself again? 
“No! You look great!” Pativr walks closer to Miles to get a closer look at his outfit. “You have your own spider merch? It looks sick! I want my own merch”
Miles just chuckles and shakes his head.
“What brings you guys here? Do I need to come to HQ?”
There was a pause before someone responded.
“Nah Mate, we came cause we got done with a mission early and wanted to hang out with you”  Hobie answered. “Pav’s right you look good.”
Miles got a bit shy and felt his cheeks heat up a bit from the complement.
  “Yeah! We were just a bit surprised by your outfit, we’ve never seen you wear anything like this.” Gwen adds.
“It does look really cool!” Margo says walking closer to Miles to also get a better look at his outfit.
“Thanks, I usually like wearing things like this but I'm always in a rush and never have time to put an outfit together that I am actually proud of. I’ve been getting better at it though. I guess you guys always catch me when I’m at school or in my Spider suit.” Miles grins, he is glad that it got their stamp of approval unlike his spider suit with “bleeding armpits”. 
“Were you going to anything today cause we did come by to hang out. We can leave if you're busy.” Gwen rubs their arm a bit. They did come last minute and didn't want to interrupt whatever Miles had going on. 
“Nah you guys are alright! I was just wasting time before the student fashion show my friend is gonna be in. Not sure if it's your scene but you guys can join me if you want. Ganke just canceled on me so I was going to go alone.”
There was a smile of relief that showed on Gwen’s face. 
“I’d love to join! I have yet to see a fashion show unless you count any thats been attacked!” Pativr answers first.
“I also would love to see it!” Margo says right after.
“Me too!” Gwen finally answers.
“Sure mate, I haven't been to one in awhile. I wanna see what this place has to offer in the fashion sense.” Hobie walks up to miles and wraps his arm around his shoulders. Miles felt his cheeks heating up again at the action. He is glad you can't see red easily with his skin color. 
“Great! Let's go a bit early so we can sit together!”
Miles leads the gang to where the show is being hosted. It was in the auditorium of the school Kenneth attended. Once they got to the door they saw a long line to get in. The gang except Miles look nervous that they wouldn't be able to sit together. Miles just walks past the line and goes around the corner where there didn't seem to be a line, only a person near the backdoor. The person's face lights up with recognition and opens the door for Miles and the gang which confused the gang a bit.
As soon as the door opened, they were greeted with the scene of busy fashion students and models making quick last minute edits to their designs. Most not really bothering to look at the crew. Those who did greet Miles, and Miles greeted back. 
Pavitr walks close to miles and whispers to his ear. 
“Dude! I didn't know you were so popular!”
Miles smiles.
“Nah man, I just come here often cause of my friend. I’m gonna say hi to them before we go find some seats. They designed my merch maybe they can for you too”
“Wait, they know?!” 
“Yeah, they found out a year ago” Miles says nonchalantly.
“Dude! Why haven't we meet them yet?! We met Ganke.” Pavitr says in disbelief 
  “They’re just very busy with school. Fashion students work hard man” Miles answers. 
Before Pavitr could respond again someone shouted Miles name.
“Miles! Thank god you're here man!!!”
A person with light brown curly hair wearing a gorgeous red turtleneck dress that reached to the ground with a flowy bottom. They wore gold dangling earrings and gold bangles on their wrists. They had a lanyard with their photo Id with a nonbinary flag sticker in the corner. They make their way to the group and grabbed miles a bit away from the group. 
“You're in time! I need you and Ganke to model! I know he hates it but two of our models called out.”
“Kenneth man, you know that I will, but Ganke canceled on me. But maybe one of my friends can?” Miles gestures towards the gang. 
“Oh my god! How rude of me! Are these your friends from that spider place?” Kenneth whispers the last bit. 
Gwen is the first to hop on the situation quickly. 
“Hi! I’m Gwen! This is Hobie, Pavitr, and Margo! It's so nice to meet you!” She gestures for a handshake and Kenneth takes it.
“Its nice to finally meet you guys in person!!! Im Kenneth, they/them pronouns. Im sorry to ask this last minute but can one of you guys model with Miles? The outfits are meant to be matching outfits.” 
Before any of the spider gang responds, Hobie answers.
“I was briefly a runway model.”
The spider gang was shocked that Hobie volunteered first.  
“Perfect! Jenny! We got two models!” Kenneth call out.
“Good! We can do your segment now.”
“Before we start let's get Miles' friends to the VIP seats!”
“We get VIP seats?!” Pavitr was practically jumping in the air. He was just too excited to see his first fashion show that would include his friends.
“I’ll record and send it to Peter B!” Margo smiles.
“And maybe Jess!” Gwen adds. “Miguel will probably see it too.”
Hobie seemed unbothered by that but Miles was a bit nervous because they have never seen him model before so he was a bit nervous.
“You guys are in for a treat. Miles is a great model, you see him solo, the audience loves him. Sadly its pair and last minute so it will have to be a normal walk.” 
“You ain't seen nothing, me and Miles have chemistry” Hobie grins looking down at Miles. Miles couldn't look him directly in the eye, a bit nervous about the situation. 
“I look forward to it, but enough talking, Jenny have someone take Miles' friends to the VIP. We need to get you guys ready.”
The gang went their separate ways. Kenneth started getting Miles ready. Miles has some new black cargo shorts with oversized pockets and black straps. He had an oversized short sleeved black t-shirt with gray flannel long sleeves under the shirt. He had on chunky black and white converse. It's definitely a different aesthetic that miles didn't usually wear but could get behind. Miles glanced at Hobies outfit. As usual he looked amazing. 
Hobie has on long black cross earrings. His free locks were tied up, he still had all his piercings on. Kenneth said it really added to his look. Hobie had on a smaller but still loose fitting t-shirt except it was cut short with a wide belt with his high waisted black cargo pants with also grayish straps. He had white long sleeve under shirt and wore gray combat boots.  Miles didn't realize how long he was staring at Hobie, but Hobie did and gave Miles a smirk. It caused Miles to have a mini panic. 
Hobie was really cool to Miles, and he never forgot how much Hobie helped him out during the incident before the chase, and how he helped Miles after the whole thing with spot happened. Hobie was just a good friend and Miles just really appreciated him. He didn't like like Hobie that way.
That may be a lie, but he can deny it. 
The fashion show was starting soon, Miles and Hobie only had to sub in for one part luckily. It was the matching outfits section which could be seen as couples or as best friends wearing them. Miles assumed they would be doing the best friends version. He was a bit nervous since this would be his first time subbing as a duo, when it's just him he can do different tricks to please the audience but he doesn't know what to do with Hobie on stage.
Hobie could sense Miles being nervous.
“Don't worry about a thing, you’ll be great out there. Just walk how you usually do and leave everything on the stage.” Hobie smiles. “Just do you Miles and I’ll do me”
It was a nice thing for him to say which made him a little less nervous. He just needs to keep reminding himself to leave it all on the stage. 
After what felt like eternity, it was their turn to walk on the stage. Behind the side curtains of the stage Hobie and Miles were on opposite sides. Miles on the right and Hobie on the left. Miles looks at Hobie and sees him mouthing the word breathe.  
And that's what he does. ‘Leave it all on the stage Miles. You can do this!”
The last duo returned backstage and now it was their turn. As soon as the lights hit his face he got into his groove of doing the walk and showing out Kenneth's outfit. He wasn't sure what Hobie was doing, but Miles focused on the audience. It was all good til he felt Hobie’s hand pulled him and twirled him close to him . 
Miles was startled at first. He finally took a look at Hobie who just smiled and winked at him. Miles wasn't really sure what was going on but at that moment he just fully let go. Hobie and were now waltzing the stage, switching sides and twirling each other around. Miles couldn't help but smile brightly. He was having fun dancing with Hobie.
When they get to the front of the stage Hobie takes the opportunity to dip Miles with his right hand holding Miles waist from the back and his left hand holding Miles right leg from underneath the knee.  
 Hobbies eyes look into his eyes without breaking contact. For a second it was just him and Hobie. He wanted the moment to last longer.
Hobie then brings Miles close to him, letting his right leg down and slowly taking his right hand into his left without letting go of his waist with his other hand. After a couple of seconds Hobie twirls to the left side and holds up their hands for a bow which Miles follows. 
Thinking that the moment was over Miles was about to walk down the stage back to the changing rooms, but Hobie had other plans. 
He dragged Miles and jumped off the stage and ran through and out the auditorium. Ofc Hobie wouldn't finish the actual runway. He wondered if they ruined the runway but at that moment he didn't care. It felt exhilarating. 
Hobie was laughing and smiling and Miles couldn't help but join him. After a bit Hobie stops running at an alleyway, not really knowing where he was. Miles is catching his breath for a bit and looks up at him still holding his hand. Hobie smirks.
“Fun wasn't it?”
“...Yeah it was fun” Miles answers. “But I think we should head back before Kenneth comes for us for running away with their designs.”
Hobie shrugs.
“It will be fine, we are giving them more publicity.” 
Miles shakes his head.
“You're amazing, you know that?”
“Nah, but you are though, but you're right we should head back soon”
Miles looks at their hands, and Hobie looks down as well.They both look at each other in silence for a bit.
Then Hobie lifts Miles' hand to his mouth.
“Or maybe we should stay here till the show ends?”
Miles smiles, his cheeks hurting from his smile.
“I’d like that”
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urnumber1star · 1 month
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That awkward moment when you're writing in public and that one person is reading your work over your shoulder and you just have to look at them like "I'm not psychotic I promise"
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