#authors self-rec
stellagioia · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
I finally have time to sit down and actually reply to this. Once again, thank you @stephmcx for thinking about me. Self-love is still something that doesn’t come naturally to me but I am proud of my writing so I’m happy to share!
Here’s my five favorite fics:
1. One Day More
What if… there was an explanation for Steve’s sudden decision to leave the island? Something he couldn’t share with anyone, not even his best friend?
This is the story that shaved years off my life and made me come to terms — or at least tried to — with the mess that was the series finale. Trying to make sense of what didn’t wasn’t easy, but I needed the boys to be reunited and on their way to something close to happiness. Together, as it should be. I still get feedback about it and it’s probably my most “popular” fic, the one with the most kudos and comments, so it deserved the first spot.
2. E Ho’okō Kuleana (To Do One’s Duty)
When the Governor is kidnapped and her life threatened by a vengeful criminal, Steve ends up making the ultimate sacrifice to save the island.
My one and only attempt at “Major Character Death”. I knew a lot of people wouldn’t read it, and yet I put it out there.
3. Drowning on Dry Land
“I can’t, Lou…” Steve whispered as soon as the woman disappeared from their sight, his voice so quiet that he almost missed it. “I can’t be the guy who shoots his partner. I just—I can’t be that guy…”
This is the first multi-chapter fic I wrote, and definitely one I’m proud of. I was still new in the fandom and unsure about my writing, but the idea of friendly fire wouldn’t leave me alone and Steve was the right character to explore it.
4. The Hardest Place to Be
Short coda to the pilot. Following the events of the episode, this is my take on what Steve might have done during his first weekend back on the island.
A character study of fresh-out-of-active-duty and traumatized McGarrett that picks up right where the pilot ends.
5. Echoes from the Past
Part 6 of the "Rescue Me" series. Sometimes, it's the little things that harm you.
Steve McGarrett and trauma - aka how PTSD can sneak up on you when you least expect it.
Again, I’ve been so removed from writing and fandom lately I don’t know who to tag, so anyone who feels like sharing their work is welcome!
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
thank u SO much, my dear, I love that you sent me these things and forgive me for responding to you until now, I was thinking very carefully about which ones to select! 💗💗💗
I couldn't choose just five, sorry, so I took five characters (sorry if I cheated) I hope you read them if you like
Sirius Black: Hell and heaven (this has a second part)
Paul Atreides: Husband
Kaz Brekker: Dressing for revenge and Portrait
Eddie Munson: Just keep driving, Eddie the Banished (3 parts), Complicated freak and A couple of curious cousins
Spencer Reid: Emergency room, Decoy (my most famous work lol), Birthday wishes (2 parts) and the SPENCER'S FLUFFTOBER
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megamindsecretlair · 4 months
Beginner's Guide to Your Fanfic Tag Game
Thank you @nerdieforpedro for the tag! I love self fic recs because I love seeing writers love on their skill! Im gonna do 5 as well. But you can choose how many you wanna do. And gonna challenge myself not to recc the same fics in the past 🤣
1. Through the Fire - Franklin Saint. It still has one of the best comments Ive ever gotten on my fics. I pulled from the show and it gave it more depth than I realized. I adore it 🥹
2. The God Who Stole Me - Loki. I feel I write Loki pretty well. And while I have a series with him, my one shots are so cute 🥹 this does have a degradation kink, but like all of my stories, it's always love at the core of it.
3. Break Me - Tyrone. I tried a new dynamic and I really love how it came out. It's the right amount of toxic and sweet and Tyrone being the one sprung or harboring feelings is something I deff thought was cute.
4. Have Mercy - Tyrone. This one was just pure nasty 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and purely for my own enjoyment. And if you're going to start anywhere with my writing, may as well start with one of the nastiest ones. To get my back blown out just like that? Whew 🥲 Yall would never see me again, Id never let that mf breathe without me 🤣🤣🤣
5. A Little Mad Sometimes - I had been feening for Ghostface smut and this was my first time writing a three-way. Yall dont understand the chokehold Scream has on me 🥲 or Matthew Lillard. I finally watched Five Nights at Freddys and may have to do a fic for him 😮‍💨
No pressure tags: @notapradagurl7 @wide-nose-and-wonderful @mybonafidefeelings @saturn-rings-writes @harmshake @halfofmysoulsblog
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apolline-lucy · 10 months
marketing my book is so hard because I don’t wanna be like ‘hey I wrote this cute but kinda spooky sapphic fantasy with witches and monsters and mystery, please add it to your tbr on Goodreads and buy it next month when it comes out’ but at the same time that’s exactly what I should be doing lol oh to be a writer in this economy
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andithiel · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
Aaaah omg thank you for this ask my dear friend 🥹 I loved your list (found here). I did this 1,5 years ago (that list can be found here) and I didn’t want to repeat myself so I’m going to go with stuff that I’ve written since (as if that would make it easier) *cries in ambivalence*
Sweet Desire (Scorbus, just short of 6k, rated E, first person POV) I wrote this for last year's next gen fest. I was in a major writing slump and couldn't find any inspiration until I found the prompt "first time oral sex" and for some reason that inspired me. I had so much fun trying to convey that giddy teenage trying new things together in a trusting relationship, and I hope I pulled it off. Scorbus is pretty tricky for me to write but I really enjoyed spending time with these two lovebirds.
Sinking/Floating (Drarry, 963 words, rated T, second person POV) This was also something that made something click in me when I saw the lovely imovie of @bluebutter-art 's amazing fanart So rest your weary heart with me. I wanted to convey the same feeling I got when looking at Blue's art, and it took me a while to get there but I'm still very proud of how it came out.
Take that ride (Drarry, 1,6k, rated T) Inspired by Dance to this with Troye Sivan and Ariana Grande. I tried to capture the feeling of the song and include some of the elements in it, and tried to focus on the sensory despcriptions (which is something I tend to forget when writing), and I think it's one of the things I'm most proud of.
Let me show you (Drarry, 556 words, it's only on tumblr but I guess I'd rate it T) Sometimes inspiration just hits. You go about your daily chores and thinks about the fuck or die trope and then BAM! You need to write a 500 word drabble about mutual pining and Draco heroically chasing down Harry to offer his services.
microfic for the prompt "Truth or dare" for last year's flufftober I'm just super happy and proud that I managed to get this amount of story into 50 words, go me!
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minutiaewriter · 2 months
Available now! Hera Part II: To Touch the Heavens
available here as either a paperback or an ebook
reblog and spread the word!
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Rynn Hera’s journey to reunite with the stars continues in this sweeping second installment of the HERA trilogy. Having just found High Priestess Velle Deka and learned how to reach the celestial spring, Rynn, Kilderan, Yojackson, and Aome set off on the second leg of their journey guided by nothing but their hope, fighting for their lives to ensure Rynn’s safety within the spring, or so they believe. But secrets and hidden desires hang over everyone’s heads, causing trust to be tested and the truth to eventually unravel. 
💙 Thank you to everyone who has supported the HERA journey so far, I couldn't have done it without you cheering me on and words are never an adequate means of expressing the gratitude I feel for my writing community.
HERA taglist:
@andromeda-grace @toribookworm22 @tzipor-feather-blog @chickensarentcheap @elijahrichardwrites @little-mouse-gardens @sarcasticjuiceboxes @royal1asset-if @aquil-writes @elizaellwrites @once-upon-a-springtime @whumpy-writings @mrbexwrites @aninkwellofnectar @ishipgenfics @creatrackers @eccaiia @primroseprime2019 @words-after-midnight @carrioncircus
please let me know if you would like to be added to the official taglist!
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fellshish · 1 year
I’m late to fan fiction friday but do you have recommendations for the angstiest destiel fics?
I do have some recs for you kind stranger!
Immediately this one came to mind though it’s only for the strongest among us [sam dies so cas may live] though the writing is worth it
Here’s a scoop of regarding dean memory loss angst that has such Vibes (3.4k, M). Of the same author, a belphegor taunts dean and cas fic so delicious (2.6k, M)
Mostly dean focused but soooo good we mustn’t forget half empty (37k, M)
Master of angst northernsparrow really devastated me with this fic i still think about from time to time. Human cas arc taken seriously (64k, T). I’ll throw in this one if you read the tags carefully (15k, E)
How about a little mute dean? (1k, G)
This one of course omg (93k, E)
And because self promo is a good thing this is my angstiest destiel fic where dean hurts cas just so he wouldn’t reach his moment of happiness and the empty wouldn’t take him haha that’s fine right. Right
Also @ people feel free to reblog with more recs!
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Phullo there, I’d like to ask you a question! I hope I won’t be such a bothersome.
So, I’m planning to write a story about Laughingstock and since I find your storytelling very pleasing I figured it’d be a great idea to ask for your advice about the writing!
My Idea in general for this story is just Howdy taking a day off from working in his bodega. And basically, he’ll be just wearing normal clothes.. shocking truly.
And thennn, Barnaby and Howdy accidentally stumbled into each other’s path. They later then of course had a very long conversation that lasted until evening maybe.
Of course there’ll be some fishy moments like them looking at each other with goggly eyes and other cheesy romantic nonsense- but it’s just mainly them having their usual conversation with a ‘couple’ of jokes here and there. It’s supposed to be a sweet memory for them to remember basically.
So, what I’m really trying to ask you for is- how the heck do you start a story exactly and not make it into just the dialogues? Like, I want my story to be kind of long but I’m afraid it’ll be just them, y’know, talking and I really don’t want it to be boring.. therefore, I really need your help.
I am so sorry if it’s such a bad timing considering the fact that you just had an interview which I am very proud for you for that! Even if it didn’t go as expected at least you did good half of it.
Soo, yeah! I’d very much appreciate your advice and I am sooo sorry that this was soo long!!! And again, a bad timing too.. but hey if you got any time, please consider answering. Thank you..
Also any response yet? On the interview of course.
hmmm... in my experience and Knowledge Accumulated Over The Years via reading And writing... the best place to start is to just drop in. no story introduction, no "it was a dark and stormy night", just Start. it sounds like your story begins with Howdy taking the day off, so maybe kick off with him getting ready / choosing an outfit, or w/ him reflexively almost opening the store before he stops and chides himself for almost forgetting that he's taking the day off
to combat the dialogue, maybe detail him leaving the bodega to go into the neighborhood. what does he see? hear? feel both physically and mentally? is there anyone else out and about? set the scene! ive been struggling with this too lately since i haven't seriously written in a while and i haven't been reading actual books
WHICH! IMPORTANT TANGENTS!! read well-written books, Not fanfic! im not saying dont read fanfic ever or i'd be the world's biggest hypocrite, but also read actual books. it's important to study how published authors write, how stories are structured, dialogue and action. because these books have more often then not gone through a Rigorous screening process. multiple drafts, beta readers, publishers reading it with great scrutiny before agreeing to publish - of course there are exceptions, but a lot of books are the highest quality they can be, and will outshine most fics. because, and i say all of this as good things, fics are unregulated. most dont have beta readers. a lot are from amateur authors new to the scene. there will be spelling mistakes, weird grammar & sentence structure, etc - most fics have Entirely different writing styles from each other. so if you only read fanfic, That is what your brain will learn, and it's gonna be harder for you to write. published books have less variation in styles, and the styles are subtler. there's less spelling mistakes if any, so your spelling will improve. your internal vocabulary will expand. even if you don't consciously study what you read, your brain will pick up on & internalize patterns, how action works, how dialogue works, how to structure a story, all that good stuff. if you want, i can recommend well-written books! i've been an avid reader since... like, ever. i've got recs galore! you can tell me your preferred genre & literary interest and i'll probably have something for you! and if you're not big on books, well... get out of your comfort zone lmao, books are fucking awesome and i guarantee there are plenty out there that you would love.
and when you're writing dialogue, intersperse it with little actions or the main povs' internal dialogue. if there's a natural lull in the conversation, explore that lull! what do the characters do in this moment? what's going on around them? sprinkle bits of setting in so that your reader knows where they are and what's going on.
plus, exploring the non-dialogue sections of your story can, and often will, spark inspiration in your brain for scenes and actions to fill out the story if you want it to be long (but also! if you just want to write the scene of their conversation, that's the beauty of fanfic - there's no requirements. do whatever you want lmao). when Howdy is going into town, maybe Wally calls him over for a quick pose - does Howdy say yes or no, and how does that decision change the story? maybe Julie invites him to join her in a game, or Eddie stops to talk to Howdy about him being out and about. maybe there are some complaints over the bodega not being open. what's the lead-up to Howdy and Barnaby running into each other? do they literally run into each other? what happens when they do? those are just a few possibilities of many!
remember, when you're writing, you're that story's god. you can do literally fucking anything. you decide what the characters do, where they go, what happens in their world. that mindset should help you bolster the plot instead of just "these two characters have a conversation", yk?
i hope this helps!
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jtl-fics · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Thank youuuu <3
1.A Work Etiquette Faux Pas
The start of my Hatford Family Values series. I love writing the Hatfords as like a wildly supportive and overly doting family for Neil that he is LARGELY unaware of. Like he knows they support him and care for him, he is not aware that they are banned from quite a number of pubs throughout the isles for getting overly enthusiastic in their cheering for his games.
2. Better than Imagined
I just like writing Andrew being all smitten and Neil still managing to be respectful. Also my first toe dip into AFTG fandom so it holds a special place in my heart.
3. Fluent Freshman (Rough Draft)
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Gotta say I'm quite proud of how far FF has gone considering this was the tag I put on the initial idea post.
4. I'll Take Care Of You
Mind the tags but Neil's time in the nest and his lack of memory of it is something that has....so much angst potential.
5. It's Just You and Me, Just Us, And Y(our) Friend Kevin
Still my fav thing I wrote.
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dionyrtal · 2 years
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tomorrow is her 2nd anniversary <3
thank you so much for your support, i can't believe it has been two years since i chose to publish my work with the whole world. what a ride! :')
(a kind reminder that the ebook is 0.99 and paperback is 5.99 on all platforms)
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sabinabardot · 1 year
what are the queers reading these days in YA fantasy? as a queer myself, I don't know and it's imperative I get some book recs so if you have any good ones feel free to reblog/shoot me an ask/dm me!
self-promo welcomed, always looking to support indie authors
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wilfriede · 12 days
💗 Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love! 💗
I'm not really a writer, so I'll go ahead and talk about my podfics instead :)
First off, my favorite projects tend to be the ones that have extensive music (or sound effects). One reason for that is that it feels very satisfying when all that work pays off and I manage to realize my ideas in a way that I'm happy with. But also, the stories of these projects tend to be special and meaningful to me. I have to have that one idea of what I want to achieve with music or effects, and that always comes from the story itself, whether it's a certain mood, writing style, structure or just one specific scene or image.
I'm collecting these types of podfics in two series on AO3: Adventures in Soundtracking for music and Adventures in Soundscaping for effects.
As for specific podfics, confining myself to 5 favorites is hard, haha, but here goes:
For music:
The Forever War: (Fandom: Original Work, Length: 7:02) @mangacat201 had introcuded me to the soundtrack of "Penny Dreadful" score shortly before I began working on the podfic and at some point it just hit me how well it would fit the atmosphere of the story. With her amazing help I gave the podfic a complete underscoring of music and I am so, so happy with how it turned out.
For Soundeffects:
Unmade: (Fandom: The Murderbot Diaries, Length: 37:57) This is a murderbot fic, so it has ample opportunity for voice effects for bot entities and feed communication. Moreover, the plot and writing style lends itself to moody, creepy horror vibes and I had a lot of fun with that. I had incredible help from midnightlover01 on that one, who set up all the filters/effects for the different voices and who created (!) some of the moody ambience and soundeffects herself.
For Soundscaping:
The best damn books in the galaxy: (Fandom: The Locked Tomb, Length: 4:23) This is a tongue-in-cheek introduction to The Locked Tomb bookseries. @lady-harrowhark wrote this specifically for me to record, and it was so funny and poignant and cleverly written… To really convey what's going on in there, I went all in on the soundscaping. I couldn't be prouder of the result :D
For Recording Experience:
Illusion: (Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada, Length: 21:46) It's always such a joy when an author's writing style fits me and the way I read. I had the most fun recording @chilly-flame's Illusion for that reason. And because Miranda is a lustful vampire in this one and I could go to town on the breathy voiceacting for her. It was one of my most fun recording experiences. (This one was particularly hard to choose, because I've also recorded stories by @kellychambliss and @gveret-fic where I could feel right as I was recording that this was going to turn out good. It's always such a cool experience.)
For Editing:
Gummy Cooks Ramen: A Dramatic Reading (Length: 2:33) Do you know this video of a Discord chat about cooking ramen, set to The Hall of the Mountain King? Well, during Voiceteam Mystery Box a couple of podficcers decided to record it and I had the absolute joy of editing it and fitting it to the music. Did I spend several days on not even 3 minutes of audio? Yes, yes I did. Was it worth it? Most emphatically YES. It's my proudest editing achievement :D
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Fic Authors Self Rec
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
I was tagged by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin and @magpiepills ❤️
1. Sard’ika Sessions - On my top five list of my own fics because I love Din Djarin (yes his character among other things) and that I’m exploring many avenues in this fic and there’s slivers of fluff. 🥰🛸
2. Tell Me How You Want Me - My first Pedro fic I wrote. You never forget your first and Marcus was really not looking forward to that cookout. Turned out it was good. 😊
3. The Long Road to Together - My Tommy Miller fic. It started with a man-bun and became a friends to lovers story. It has a few depressing parts but has a sweet core of two idiots who should have gotten together years ago. The pregnancy kink was very strong. 💪🏾
4. Now, to be fair, this one was a two parter so it counts: I’ll be your fool sugar and Let me at them nylons . So I write about no-outbreak Joel in a healthy relationship. He has a thing for a certain item of clothing. Had a lot of fun with it and had them being extra corny. 🌽
5. Let me wash your hair - One of my Frankie one shots, it’s one where I’m not traumatizing the poor man. Instead he’s having his hair washed by his wife. Very sweet and fluffy. He deserves it and more.
Well, these are my top five of my own fics. 😊
No pressure tags, show me your…fics! 😉
@fhatbhabie @musings-of-a-rose @morallyinept @perotovar @sp00kymulderr @trulybetty @frenchiereading @undercoverpena
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they-reap-what-we-sow · 7 months
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here's a spreadsheet with details and links for all the fics!
this list will remain open and viewable to everyone, and if anyone would ever like to add their fics to this, just send me the link in dms or my inbox! thank you to all the authors who put their fics forward, we love you creators, and thank you to all the readers who check these fics out!
@selkienight60 @writergeek @tevyaa @frogwithapen @librarylexicon@aeligsido @batboycentral @babbling-bookends @canonicallyshort @acesphrases @starsonthewalls @wildsofmarch @ Trixie
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deardiary17 · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! ❤️
Thank you, Niyati!
The Good Things in front of the Fireplace (TenRose)
“Be patient, love,” murmured John into her lips, “good things come to those who wait,” and he untied the bow of her sash before standing up from his place on the sofa and lowering down on his knees in front of Rose. or Newlyweds John and Rose enjoy each other's company on a rainy day.
Two of a Kind (NineRose)
Both Doctor John Smith and Lady Rose Tyler are disliked in high society. That will bring them together, perhaps?
Maple Syrup (TenRose)
“Sleep, Rose. You go and catch your forty winks,” the Doctor whispered and added after swallowing loudly, nervously. “I’ll be here, I’ll keep the nightmares away.”
Going Blind (NineRose)
The Doctor and Rose have to unveil a plot to save an honest leader from an assassination plot. It's nothing new for them both, only this time, they have to do it while dancing at the ball with one of them blindfolded per said ball's rules.
Pink Petals (NineRose)
John wondered if it was the sound of the rain violently thumping the windows or the wind’s ominous howling that sparked the nightmares for Rose that night.
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ashesandhackles · 10 months
Fic Author Self Rec
Thanks for the tag, @turanga4 ❤️
When you get this, reply with your 5 favourite fics that you've written. Then pass it on to five other writers. Spread some self love.
My favourite fics are some of my popular ones and I talk about them all the time, so I am going to showcase the little known ones I have soft spots for.
Ariadne - Cho/Harry, canon compliant. Set in OOTP.
When I was rereading OOTP, I was utterly fascinated by the mess that is Cho/Harry. (The messier a relationship, the more I am interested in it). Grief propels this teenage relationship, and there is a certain morbid quality to Cho's attraction to Harry in OOTP. It's her need to be as close to, or have closure to her feelings about Cedric that she processes via her attraction to Harry. And that eroticisation of grief is incredibly - true to life and deserves exploration. This was my attempt to explore that using the myth of Ariadne and the Minotaur to add a surreal quality to Cho's inner life.
Purple Haze - Ron/Hermione, canon compliant.
This bi4bi Romione was written for @thethreebroomsticksficfest Pride fest! The envy/attraction paradigm is a pretty common experience for queer kids - do I want to be them or do I want them? and I wanted to take some really pivotal Romione moments in canon and offer a different interpretation for the potent jealousy both characters display at different points in the series. I actually remember struggling with the Fleur/Hermione scene in the beginning, and I remember hashing it out with @artemisia-black who was such a lovely sounding board for it!
Also, I was pretty daunted at writing Ron - a character I think I understand well, but cannot, for the life of me, write his voice. I still feel the choices I made for his POV is a style I am comfortable writing rather than something that actually suits him, but I'll get better I suppose.
Breathe the Air of Elsewhere Places - Asexual Charlie.
Also written for the @thethreebroomsticksficfest ❤️ As a 31-year-old queer woman who keeps getting asked when I plan to marry etc, I wanted to push back against privately, in my fanfiction world, to heteronormative ideas of happiness. Charlie of this fic is very comfortable with who he is, but is also looking for a home - however that might look like. I have also had a queerplatonic dynamic in the past, and wanted to pay a little tribute to thr relationship which has profoundly changed me (as it would change Charlie). I directly lifted - "I believe in serendipity when I'm with you" from there. Anyway, found family tropes for life.
October - Gen.
Three drabbles written for the Halloween celebrations at TTB. One focuses on Barty Crouch Jnr, one focuses on Ginny and one on Snape. I am particularly proud of "Disappointing Fathers" which was my attempt to get into BCJ's head.
Death, a Thief, an Old Friend - Harry & Hermione.
Using oppositional sides of thematic narrative which Harry and Hermione occupy with regard to faith/death to explore their friendship. Inspired by @bluethepineapple who said this: "Hermione serves as Harry's antithesis on the Death theme dripping through the books. When it comes to symbols of Death, it is Harry and Hermione who are in conversation with each other, and this conversation is series wide. The Grim (Harry responds to this with humour, avoidance) while Hermione fights the idea that it is an omen. She represents the fight for life, and fear of unknown that comes with Death. The story repeats this symbol with the Veil in OOTP, and then again, the grave and Resurrection Stone in DH."
Tagging @thecat-isblogging-blog @artemisia-black @yletylyf @saintsenara @hinnyfied @lanaturnergetup @somesunlitdays @broomsticks
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