#author patreon
jasmynmorning · 28 days
DEBUT Dark Fantasy Romance Author
My dark fantasy romance novel, "The Shadowbearer's Curse" debuts Sept. 2024 on Bisexual Day 🩷💜💙
For exclusive book series updates and access to the official Discord (launching Summer 2024!), enlist today at the Earth Tier. After the book's release, additional tiers will unlock for some fun, interactive (and spicy 🌶️😱) benefits.
Thank you for the support! :)
"The first installment of "The Shadowbearer Trilogy" invites readers into a world of self-discovery, deception, and the unyielding shadows that torment our souls."
In an enchanting forest, Micah crosses paths with a mysterious man, igniting an unexpected romance that challenges all of his preconceived notions about his identity. But as their bond deepens, they face an ominous presence that threatens to change their destinies forever. With each step closer to the truth, Micah finds himself increasingly entangled in a maze of betrayal and forbidden desires, compelling him to grapple with the essence of loving without conditions.
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morbethgames · 3 months
Everyone, I’ve been working on this for months now, and the impressive and also sad part is; it’s only halfway done! But it’s also 60k words and brings the average playthrough of the demo to 65k words long, so I figured it was worth uploading. Can’t go too long without an update, right?
In this update, pair with Lance and Alvarez as you infiltrate the abandoned warehouse with the S.W.A.T. team on a mission to take down the suspects and end put a close on this case once and for all! There are a lot of different branches to this one. Like… maybe more than I realistically needed. But, I wanted people to be able to craft their own story and make sure they had something to come back to a second time around if they were so inclined. I may even go back and add a little more to parts of this scene before the official release, but that’s a discussion for another day.
Thank you all so much for supporting me, whether you’re a paid member or a free member, and I hope you all continue to enjoy the story I’m crafting!
You can check out my Patreon here for side stories, original short stories, audiobook readings and more! Morbeth Games | Creating Interactive Fiction | Patreon
You can play the demo here! https://dashingdon.com/play/morbethgames/the-bureau-wip/mygame/
You can talk about the game here! https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/wip-the-bureau-chapters-1-3-600k-words-updated-12-22-2023/99993
Stay Brilliant,
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Made $85 selling books this month. This is a record I think. Who says the industry is rigged in favour of lining distributor pockets.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
The process of updating my paperback prices (and all my files) gave me stress hives, so that's fun.
Also, if you suddenly can't see Phangs in your ebook/paperback retailer of choice, that's why. I had to upload new files to correct some minor typos and also update some metadata, so I'd no longer be deadnaming my illustrator. And that required me to take them off the market so the new files could be processed. They should hopefully go live sometime this week.
Payhip files are also updated to correct metadata, but there should be no pause in availability there.
I have no control over when the new prices will roll out, but looking at Ingram, at least, the new price changes will go into effect on March 10th, 2023. The paperbacks will be $17.99 from here on out. Sorry. Ebook prices remain the same. Thank you for both understanding and encouraging me to up my prices so that I'm actually making money instead of losing it. I'll get a whole two dollars going forward! Instead of a penny 😅
Edit: Also, all the ebooks have been added to Smashwords. It just took 3 years and Draft2Digital acquiring them so I wouldn't need to remember another login for me to do it 💀
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kideternity · 11 months
Hi, I know this isn’t what I usually tend to post, but I thought this was important to share. Long time comic book writer Len Kaminski, most notably the author behind venom: the hunger, is currently without stable housing or income and is looking for a new place to live. The gofundme attached goes into more detail about his situation. I wanted to help spread the word since he’s one of my favourite comic book writers and it’s really fucked up to see that this has happened to him, so if you’re able to, please donate or at least spread the word
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rs-hawk · 7 days
My Brother’s Hot Friend: Week Four
FtM Reader x Dragon
Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week Four
Drake and you are wrestling on the bed, with you trying to push him off. “I told you that I don’t want to take it off!” Of course rationally you knew he was right, but did he have to be such an asshole about it? You sniffled, tears pricking your eyes.
Instantly Drake stopped, dropping back to his knees on the edge of the bed. “Did I… hurt you?”
“No,” you said quietly, scooting up against the head board as you sat up.
“I’m sorry. I’m just worried about you throwing up and having that on for extended periods of time can hurt you already. If you’re wearing that and something happens, taking it off is going to delay help to you too. A few seconds can matter in those situations,” he finally said, his voice gravelly. “Y/N I… I can’t lose you.”
You rolled your eyes, folding your arms across your chest again and looking away from the vague silhouette of his you can see with the little light in the room. “You don’t have to act like that.”
“Act like what?”
“Act like you care about me.”
“I do care about you!”
You snorted, pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around your legs. “You don’t have to lie to me. I know you’re only taking care of me to help out my brother.”
He crawled closer to you on his hands and knees, his form suddenly seemingly hulking. “I did not.”
“You don’t even like me. You only ever put up with me because you’re my brother’s best friend,” you muttered, leaning your face against your arms.
He pulled your hands away from your legs, leaning his head on them next to your face on the leg. “Silly boy. That’s not true.”
“Yes it is,” you insisted despite your breath catching in your throat from his face being that close to yours.
Drake sat up straighter, using his long fingers to tilt your chin up to look at him. His eyes seem to glint amber in the moonlight. “Y/N, that is not true.”
“You’re so hot,” you blurred out, your lips slightly parted, feeling your eyes cross slightly as you stare at his eyes.
He chuckled, and this close, you smelled smoke. Did he smoke? You’d never seen it, but suddenly you remembered all the times there had been the smell of smoke when he was around. Maybe his parents smoked?
“Thank you. You’re so handsome,” he said in a possessive voice, almost a growl. His free hand snaked around your waist, tugging you closer to him, your bodies pressed together. “I’ve always thought so.”
Don’t wait to read the next installment and don’t forget to vote on what happens next! Check out my Patreon
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pegglefan69 · 2 months
Norris wasn’t sure if his Waiting Room Friend was gay or a hipster. (The possibility that he might be a gay hipster, or even a metrosexual had also crossed his mind.) His Waiting Room Friend was short and fat and hairy and always dressed Mod-meets-modern or Peacock Revolution with the Technicolor toned down. Today’s outfit featured a chartreuse turtleneck and several strings of multicolor glass beads. His jacket– brown corduroy, with pointy lapels–was draped over one shapely, skinny-jean-clad thigh. His hair was wavy, tousled and dark. As always, he was stunning, but his clothes gave Norris zero concrete hints as to his sexuality. ... Their introductions had consisted of, “Can I get a light, big guy?” Norris had glanced over, seen nothing, and then looked down. “Oh. Sure.”  Despite his Waiting Room Friend being a foot shorter than him, it felt to Norris like it was the other way around. His presence was magnetic. It compelled him. They didn't even spend a lot of time together– just talking and smoking, leaning against the concrete pillars a little bit down the plaza –but the way he considered anything Norris had to say, however quietly or sporadically he said it, had Norris thinking about him long after they’d parted.
Chapter Five of my ongoing novel project is here! It's a long one! We learn a little about Norris' teenhood, meet his crush, & he & Rufus attempt to start their search for Rufus' apprentice, but run into a magical complication.
If you haven't started reading yet, & 'early 2000s trans Goth accidentally gets involved in a gay wizard’s revenge quest against his former apprentice/lover’ sounds like fun, you can start reading here, for free! 🧙🌈
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viiridiangreen · 6 months
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bacchanal-if · 1 month
May's Short Story and Bonus Content Polls Are Up!
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The polls for May are now up for the Courtly Charmer Tier! The theme for next month is: Repasts. Decide which character I write about and what kind of bonus content I will provide.
To sign up for the Courtly Charmer tier and access the polls, please do so here!
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aterimber · 23 days
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Do YOU like Destiel?
How about domestic Destiel with kids?
Follow along on the somewhat connected saga of short stories showing the ups and (mostly) downs Dean and Cas face while trying to navigate keeping their family together over on my Patreon!
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morbethgames · 2 months
Next Week On Patreon - Nameless Legends!
Alright everyone, time for a little tumblr post here. Next week on the Patreon is a first look at the world I'm contemplating playing around with after The Bureau series is over. Still a long ways out, but if I write scenes related to that world for content here on Patreon, I'll slowly build up a lot of content I can use to kickstart myself into that world when the time is right!
Nameless Legends -
is an idea I had that was kind of a mix of the Fate anime series and the Soul Eater series. Heroes and villains alike get pulled from the past at random when fate deems they have a chance to redo a regret so large that they feel their life was unfulfilled. People in history or stories told that aren't part of the stories themselves. Their names never come up. Their own stories never told. It is a chance for them to be remembered by whatever brings them back.
The catch? They are always tied to a person living in the modern day for one reason or another. They are bound to them by fate and feel a pull so strong that it makes it hard for them to rip themselves away, even if they wanted to. The PC is one such person.
You, the player, will choose in the beginning of the game which notable person of old you will be the bloodline of; the infamous Anne Bonny or the noble Arthur Pendragon. Depending on what bloodline you pick will determine what nameless legend will appear by your side.
This first look into the story and the world introduces one of those legends. A pirate by the name of Charles Connolly. Her Irish accent is only outshined by her ruthlessness with a blade, and that certainly shows in this upcoming short story that will be available on the Patreon NEXT THURSDAY!
To read the previous short story starring an AU version of Team Leader Hawks and a spicy ending, click below and become an Agent Tier member today! There's a version for both Female and Male Hawks!
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aimee-maroux · 9 months
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New story up for patrons with a fun and sexy illustration by @mcsiggy 🔥
While at the Festival of Drunkenness in Dendera in Egypt, Ariadne catches the eye of the powerful goddess Hathor...
Illustrated version for $10+ patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/illustrated-of-x-88387809
Plain text version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fiction-queen-of-88387046
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vyriadurav · 7 months
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New short story, These Bodies of Ours, is now up for my one dollar and up patrons! This is a short story about a dense egg and a stealth trans woman falling in love and playing a full-immersion VR game together. Link
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esuemmanuel · 6 months
Como si hubiese caído de varios metros de altura, abrí los ojos, sobresaltado y dolorido, sudoroso y trémulo. Un ardor me carcomía el cuerpo entero, pero más en el área de los brazos, del pecho y el cuello; era un dolor punzante, como si me hubiese quemado o, peor aún, arrancado parte de la piel y del músculo. Los huesos también me dolían, pero de frío… Quise ver en dónde estaba, pero me absorbía la oscuridad en la que me encontraba. Era una negrura infinita que provocaba a mis pupilas dilatarse de manera extraordinaria y, a pesar de eso, seguía sin poder ver nada, ni siquiera era capaz de ver lo que tenía a unos centímetros de mí, mas, lo sentía… Percibía, gracias al temblor que hacía trepidar a mi cuerpo, que estaba desnudo, aunque en las partes que más dolía me percaté portaba como un tipo de tela, quizás alguna venda para proteger las heridas que me ardían. Quise moverme, pero no podía. Mis muñecas estaban sujetas a algún tipo de cadena, lo pude saber al tratar de moverlas y escuchar ese sonido incomparable que suele emitir el hierro; no eran cadenas simples, aunque en su diseño lo fueran, su material era resistente y sólo con un tipo de herramienta en especial podría romperlas. No quise asustarme, traté de respirar, de recordar, de entender cómo es que había llegado a esa situación, sin embargo, la cabeza no me daba para más. Los dolores del cuerpo eran todo lo que podía tolerar en ese momento, mi mente estaba bloqueada, quizás sedada por algún tipo de medicamento o droga para mantenerme sosegado. Traté de hablar, de pedir ayuda o, al menos, preguntar si había alguien más ahí conmigo. No sé qué pensaba en ese momento, pero...
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francescaswords · 7 months
Introducing ROTTING TREES, a Bezzina's Emporium of Magical Artefacts and Antiquities novel
Ta dahh! Cursenovel is called ROTTING TREES, and you can read it from 11th December at the No.1 Readers’ Club on Patreon.
All the women in Ariel Scarlet’s family die before the age of forty. Family legend blames a cursed Victorian necklace, and Ariel is determined to discover who cursed it and why. Sophey Cartwright works in Bezzina’s Emporium of Magical Artefacts and Antiquities. She can help Ariel find out the truth... but is Ariel ready to face the past and choose her own place in history?
The prologue is on Patreon now and I can’t wait for you to get to know Sophey and Ariel. I’ve put together a little info post on my blog.
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rs-hawk · 3 months
Want To Get More Content?
Hey my lovely fellow monster fuckers lovers, just a little reminder if you’d like to support me, you can check me out on Ko-fi or Patreon. Each website has exclusive content so make sure to check out both if you’re interested.
I’m in a precarious position at my day job as I ended up reporting some harassment, racism, transphobia and just general bigotry from both my management and employees, and I was put at another location that is twice as far away. Unfortunately, this is putting a huge strain on me mentally, emotionally and especially financially. It’s the main reason why I’ve been kind of MIA lately. The investigation is likely to go on for over another month, and I’m spending about a whole shift’s work on gas a week now. I would really appreciate anything anyone buys because even $1 will get you something on both ❣️
I would also love to connect with other authors/artists about how they handle their day jobs (especially large corporations) who’s discrimination against them impacts their work and how they help work through it because I’m feeling very dejected atm.
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