esuemmanuel · 6 hours
I recover my calm, my tranquil palpitation, my serene breathing… all that I need to be in Me.
Recupero la calma, el palpitar tranquilo, el respirar sereno... todo lo que me debo para estar en Mí.
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esuemmanuel · 8 hours
I am reborn near your lips, your eyes, your touch and your voice. You are the reason for my prose; the gourmand muse I need to feel to live this idyllic trance that helps me write. I cannot exist if I don't bring you with me and make you moan… Here in my ear Here in my flesh Here in my blood and my heartbeat.
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Renazco cerca de tus labios, de tus ojos, de tu tacto y tu voz.
Eres tú la razón de mi prosa; la musa golosa que necesito sentir para vivir este idílico trance que me ayuda a escribir.
No puedo existir si no te traigo conmigo y te hago gemir…
Aquí en mi oído Aquí en mi carne Aquí en mi sangre y mi latir.
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esuemmanuel · 10 hours
I give myself moments of solitude and music to be able to get closer to you and breathe…
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Me regalo momentos de soledad y música para poder acercarme a ti y respirar...
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esuemmanuel · 10 hours
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Lin Jinfu
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esuemmanuel · 11 hours
I wish most of what we dream or wish would come true, but the universe does not work like that, it is dedicated to give us what we deserve or need, even if we do not see it or feel it as a punishment, although if I had the power to end wars, I would end them. However, my power is not enough and my longing may not be aligned with the ends of the universe. And there are things that are the way they are because that is the way they must be, whether we understand it or not. The universe is the only one capable of understanding itself and we, as part of it, have the obligation to understand it, giving ourselves to the task of understanding ourselves. The reality is that the yearnings of the flesh have nothing to do with the work of the macrocosm and, once this is understood, we cease to yearn for illusions which, because of their lack of substance, cannot exist on this plane. After all, one must accept what is and be grateful for what one receives.
Ojalá la mayor parte de lo que se sueña o se desea se hiciera realidad, pero el universo no trabaja así, éste se dedica a darnos lo que merecemos o necesitamos, así no lo veamos o lo sintamos como un castigo, aunque si yo tuviera el poder de acabar las guerras, las acabaría. Sin embargo, mi poder no es suficiente y mi anhelo puede no estar alineado con los fines del universo. Y es que hay cosas que son como son porque así deben ser, lo entendamos o no. El universo es el único capaz de comprenderse y nosotros, como parte de Él, tenemos la obligación de comprenderlo, dándonos a la labor de entendernos a nosotros mismos. La realidad es que los anhelos de la carne nada tienen que ver con la labor del macro cosmos y, una vez que esto se entiende, se dejan de anhelar ilusiones que, por su falta de sustancia, no pueden existir en este plano. Después de todo, se debe aceptar lo que es y agradecer lo que se recibe.
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esuemmanuel · 11 hours
There are people who write because they have hands, not because they have heart. These are the people who will never understand what it means to be a writer, what you have to have in order to let yourself be poured on the pages, because not everything poured has to do with emotions or love, but with the simple desire to create something that takes us out of the routine or idleness, and that… only those of us who write with a reason beyond our egos will be able to understand it.
Hay gente que escribe porque tiene manos, no porque tiene corazón. Es esta la gente que jamás comprenderá lo que es ser escritor, lo que se tiene que tener para vía de dejarse verter en las hojas, porque no todo lo vertido tiene que ver con las emociones ni con el amor, sino con las simples ganas de crear algo que nos saque de la rutina o de la ociosidad, y eso... eso solo los que escribimos con una razón más allá de nuestros egos vamos a poderlo entender.
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esuemmanuel · 11 hours
If we have taken up the pen, it has been to exploit it with all the passion we have engendered in our entrails, not to wield it on the leaves as if we were afraid of the word. If that happens when writing, it is better not to do it; that way we will avoid ridicule.
Si se ha tomado la pluma ha sido para explotarla con toda la pasión que hemos engendrado en nuestras entrañas, no para pasearla sobre las hojas como si le tuviésemos miedo a la palabra. Si eso sucede al escribir, mejor no hacerlo; así nos evitaremos el ridículo.
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esuemmanuel · 11 hours
How refreshing it is to read the freedom in the other - which is also me - but with different parameters and existential phases. I like it.
Qué refrescante es leer la libertad en el otro —que también soy yo—, pero con distintos parámetros y fases existenciales. Me gusta.
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esuemmanuel · 12 hours
My essence hangs from the leaves… from the ink… from heaven… from hell… and from You.
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Mi esencia pende
de las hojas...
de la tinta...
del cielo...
del infierno...
y de Ti.
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esuemmanuel · 14 hours
If you are not aware that what you feel is linked to what you think and is resolved in what you do, you better stay away. Incongruity is an evil in the social sphere; let's try to avoid it as much as possible, learning to connect our three centers; life and the world will thank us for it.
Si no eres consciente de que lo que sientes está ligado a lo que piensas y se resuelve en lo que haces, mejor ni te acerques. La incongruencia es un mal en el ámbito social; tratemos de evitarla lo más que se pueda, aprendiendo a conectar nuestros tres centros; la vida y el mundo nos lo agradecerá.
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esuemmanuel · 14 hours
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Blows of light and air that frighten me and pain my heart, turning me into a bundle of madness; foolishness that riddles me and annuls me, upsetting my foundations and my soul in armor.
Heart's palpitations that torment me, enclosing me in a translucent box that suffocates and perverts me; the mind escapes me, harassing my feeling… and the feeling stings in my blood, hastening its beat.
That I am afraid, that I dread… and I close my eyes to avoid falling into the abyss of pain!
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esuemmanuel · 14 hours
How could I have kept silent about this infinite need I have to caress myself with words and not want to suffer from insomnia, if I have forgotten to lull myself to sleep with my own hands while resting under the moon, thus letting silence steal the most sacred part of Me?
¿Cómo he podido callarme esta infinita necesidad que tengo de acariciarme con las palabras y no he querido padecer de insomnio, si me he olvidado de arrullarme con mis propias manos al descansar bajo la luna, dejando así que el silencio me robe lo más sagrado de Mí?
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esuemmanuel · 16 hours
I see the sunset fall over the waves of the sea, and the clouds, in their cottony sumptuousness, rise in the skies, covering the moon and its twilight with their grayish hue… And I think of you, suddenly, as the invitation to drink a sip of the most exquisite nectar; thus, orange and indigo, hoisting to the foam that my lips already kiss as I savor your translucent lunar silhouette.
Veo caer el atardecer sobre las olas del mar, y las nubes, en su algodonosa suntuosidad, se elevan por los cielos, cubriendo con su grisáceo matiz a la luna y su luz crepuscular… Y te pienso, de pronto, como la invitación a beber un trago del más exquisito néctar; así, naranja e índigo, enarbolando a la espuma que ya besan mis labios al saborear tu traslúcida silueta lunar.
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esuemmanuel · 1 day
Hoy estoy aquí. ¿Mañana? Lo desconozco. Y, sin embargo, estaré… y seguiré estando, porque lo que Yo Soy es Esencia de lo Eterno.
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Today I am here.
I know not.
And yet I will be…
and I will continue to be,
because what I Am
is Essence of the Eternal.
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esuemmanuel · 2 days
I am aware that I dream, that I lie submerged in the maelstrom of an illusion, that I seduce the shadows and sing in the light, while my hands are pressed with insinuation. I am aware that my eyes are closed, but my forehead is open to the reality that never tires of reminding me of my ephemeral eternity.
Soy consciente de que sueño, de que yazgo sumergido en la vorágine de una ilusión, que seduzco a las sombras y a la luz canto, mientras mis manos se prensan de la insinuación. Soy consciente de que tengo los ojos cerrados, pero abierta la frente a la realidad que no se cansa de recordarme mi efímera eternidad.
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esuemmanuel · 2 days
How smooth and calm are the words that come from virgin hands; they touch and penetrate, dilating the heart in their own way and enjoyment. From those words is my heart and soul. From those hands are my eyes and my sacrum. From that Virgin, it is me.
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Qué tersas y calmas son las palabras que surgen de unas manos vírgenes; tocan y penetran, dilatando el corazón a su manera y disfrute.
De esas palabras es mi alma y corazón.
De esas manos son mis ojos y mi sacro.
De esa Virgen, soy yo.
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esuemmanuel · 2 days
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I wanted to tell her "I love you", but I saw myself surrounded by people, what could they care what I felt? That's why I took her by the hand and carried her away to another place where we could be alone and my heart could be given to her, because to have her on the tip of my tongue and to keep it quiet is to keep her for myself… and, from the world, to rescue her. She knows that I love her, that I care for her and value her; I don't need to tell her that in front of the world. She trusts me… and I, in return, have given her everything. We just need to feel free to enjoy every word, as if we were alone, because, in reality, no one is watching, only our eyes.
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