#atla vigilante au
splosh-crime · 1 year
Avatar: the Last Airbender - Vigilante AU
Do you ever think about that one time Katara became a vigilante eco-terrorist called the Painted Lady? I feel like that’s not talked about enough.
Here, Katara and Zuko become Best Friends/Vigilante Buddies without knowing each other’s identity
Platonic Identity Porn. If that wasn’t a thing before, it is now.
Sokka & Aang never discovered Katara’s identity as the Painted Lady but Toph knows all.
This could also be a modern AU, in which case all the Gaang are Vigilantes.
- Katara’s the Painted Lady; her mom, dad, and papa (Kya/Hakoda/Bato) were/are part of a secret group investigating and gathering proof of Ozai’s many violations of Native land rights treaties. Kya got badly injured or killed while investigating and Katara isn’t about to let that slide, even if her parents don’t want her involved. She becomes an ecoterrorist targeting Ozai Incorporated.
- Toph’s the Blind Bandit; she ran away from home and is homeless, surviving by being the champion of an illegal fighting ring. She helps out other homeless people whenever she can but doesn’t go out of her way to patrol or anything.
- Zuko’s the Blue Spirit; after being burned, Iroh discovered the abuse and took custody (which wasn’t hard since Ozai didn’t fight for him). Despite this, Zuko feels it’s his responsibility as a son to stop his father’s economic imperialism.
- Sokka’s a Kyoshi Warrior; part of a vigilante team led by Suki. By day, this team is just a Scout Troop that teaches self-defense.
- Jet runs a gang that doubles as anti-hero vigilantes called the Freedom Fighters. He takes in any homeless or abused kid he can and will do anything to keep them fed, happy, and avenged.
- Azula, Mai, & Ty-Lee are a bounty hunter trio hired by Ozai (a corrupt CEO). Azula’s still his daughter, but being in modern times didn’t stop him from molding her into a child soldier to assassinate his enemies.
- Aang’s a new vigilante trying to avenge the monasteries destroyed by Ozai’s corporation. He’s an exchange student living with Katara, Sokka, Hakoda, Bato, and/or Kya.
- Teo (the Mechanic’s son from the Northern Air Temple) kits out all the vigilantes’ gear, tech, and outfits with help from Sokka.
Credit to @symphony_sonata on Instagram for their modern civilian lives. Link: https://instagram.com/symphony_sonata?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)
I also got a lot of inspiration from searching “the blue spirit avatar” on pinterest if you want concept art.
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becasart · 4 months
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I missed drawing them 🥲
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dunnowho180125 · 2 months
yes again
OK OK ok so
Zukka AU where Zuko has a tiny bit more common sense and realizes his father is batshit insane a few months after the start of his banishment so he ends up being a menace for the fire nation (especially Zhao) and NOBODY can catch him and his crew (which are loyal to him cause Iroh tells them the story of his scar earlier) and one day he has to go to Kyoshi Island to restock and also to catch up with a friend (Suki) he made while talking shit about the Firelord but when he arrives everything is on fire because Zhao, who was tasked with the mission of retrieving the Avatar after informants report the Big Avatar Beacon, is an ass so Zuko goes to help and almost gets killed by Sokka, who does not know who he is, and they all end up with very awkward presentations to do but the Gaang doesn’t rly trust Zuko at first and then Suki (who know about the scar) makes a joke about “the Firelord burning Zuko’s other eye because it worked so well the first time” and they are all like yk what after much reflection we are adopting you and Sokka is like “Aang if you don’t kill the Firelord i will” and-
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Katara understands nuance. She knows that not everyone with fire nation blood in their veins is evil. She knows allies can come from unexpected places.
Still, she hardly expected the Blue Spirit, her Partner in Crime, to be the exiled fire prince. That had never even crossed her mind as a possibility.
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Meet Atlas Blake
Notes: This goes along with a series currently being written by @mayhemmanaged and @cassiemitchell!
Update 01/31/2024: This fic belongs to an alternative timeline of a fic that is currently being rewritten by the original authors. ATLAS’ CHARACTER IS MY OWN AND I REFUSE TO DELETE MY HARD WORK
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Atlas Blake aka Loki
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“Atlas Blake!” I hear my name called, and I release the hand of my long time high school sweetheart, looking over and smiling at Bradley before walking up the stage to receive my Masters of Law Degree. I hear the loud screaming from Emory, Birdie, and Bradley. My ride or die, the people I would do anything for. I remember the day I met Emory vividly.
I had just finished getting a scumbag placed into Jail for a year, due to a domestic dispute. The poor girl looked better now, but the photos I saw as evidence had her looking pretty rough.
It was a few weeks later and I’m sitting in the coffee shop near campus, drinking on a Caramel Macchiato, and studying to pass the next exam in the class to then move on to the next BAR exam, for my Masters of Law. I was having a hard time focusing though, some guy was trying to entice a woman to get with him. I’m sure the words falling out of his mouth were more on the crude side than the actual complementing side.
When he started to lay hands on her, and I noticed her flinching, was when I had had enough of this guy’s tomfoolery. I slammed my book shut, closed my laptop gently, and strided over to the two of them. I grabbed the guy by the shoulder and pulled him around to face me. “Now I know I have heard this pretty lady here tell you no more than once, so listen here buddy, I know about a thousand and one or more ways to get you served with a restraining order. Once again the lady said no, so I suggest you get moving before I start drafting an order up. Do you hear me?!” I say powerfully through gritted teeth.
The poor excuse for a man mutters something about being a bitch, and I just laugh it off. It's not the first time I’d heard that, and as a woman going for throats in law, I for damn well know it won’t be the last time. I nodded to the woman, glad to finally have the peace and quiet restored to the coffee shop, and I turned to head back to my table.
“Hey wait a moment?” I hear her say, “You’re one of the people that was on my defense team.” When I finally and fully get a good look at her, I recognize her from the trial that I had just done and internship on. I nod back to her. “I’m Atlas Blake, most call me Blake though.” She reaches a hand out to me, “I’m Emory. I’m so grateful for you and your team, and what you guys pulled off for me.”
I take her hand in mine, shaking it. “I’m just disappointed they only gave him a year, we had him set up for quite a few actually. Anyways, I’m glad that guy isn’t bothering you anymore, I’m just going to head back over there” I say pointing to my stuff, “and continue studying. It was really nice to meet you.”
“Hey Blake, would you mind actually sitting over here with me? My friend Birdie is running a little behind, and I’d love it if you'd sit with me until she got here.” Emory said. I nodded, “Yeah, just let me gather up my stuff really quickly.” I packed up my table, threw away my wrapper from my snack earlier, and grabbed my coffee and made my way back over to Emory. I sat down with her, and we just started talking. Once her friend Birdie got there, she introduced us, and we all sat there together just chatting away. She mentioned they were in school to get their MBAs and I told them how I already had my Juris Doctor and was currently finishing school to finally get my Masters of Law. Something about the three of us just clicked, and from that day we were thick as thieves, you could hardly separate us.
Now that the semester was finally over, I was set to take up Co-Ownership of Cora’s with Emory and Birdie. I was also in the process of opening my own law firm. I wanted to now represent and fight for broken and battered women and children. If they can't have a voice for themselves, then I’ll become their voice, and so I did as such. Whenever someone came in asking for a pomegranate scone, that’s when I knew it was go time.
Bradley was now a Lieutenant with the Task force out of the Austin PD department. He had started to hear about these vigilantes taking down men before PD could even get to them. When he started to bring it up at home that’s when I knew they were going to be on our trail soon enough.
The following day while in The Underworld with Emory and Birdie, I had mentioned how Bradley had brought up the vigilantes. “Hey has Bob, or Jake brought anything up recently, Bradley’s been rambling on about the ‘Vigilantes’ in the area. Should I tell him? I mean it would be a good thing if he knows right? Y’know having a cop on our side in case things go left?” I say questioning Emory and Birdie.
“Well, I mean Bobby knows.” Birdie squeaks out just loud enough for the two of us to hear.
“EXCUSE ME?!” Emory all but comes unglued.
“Em, you KNOW I get a little looser-lipped after tequila and an orgasm or two.” Bridie says as Em, nods slightly tilting her head to the side.I scrub my face, at the obvious truth tumbling out of Birdie’s mouth.
“Jesus, yes I do. Thank fuck you’re already married and can claim spousal privilege though.” Em retorts back to Birdie.
“I think it’s about time I start drafting up NDAs and we have the guys sign them.” I say to the others.
“Oh Loki, you know Bobby won’t spill. I told him if he narced on us he’d be castrated on sight. So you know we are good there!” Birdie comments, and I chuckle at her ‘castrated on sight’ comment.
“I sure hope you’re right there Birdie, but unlike Bobby, Bradley ain’t all THAT scared of us. The man knows I love him and his dick too much to let anything of the sorts happen to it. Shit he knows I’d draft up an insurance policy for it!” The room filled with the laughter of the three of us, everyone knowing the truth in that statement.
Later that night, I’ve finally gotten the full NDA written up and printed out, and placed into a portfolio. It’s sitting on the coffee table, dinner is on the stove keeping warm, and I’m sitting on the couch with a glass of wine, watching tv until Bradley gets home. About 30 minutes later Bradley strolls in. “Attie, it smells so good in here!” I chuckle and get up to greet him, placing a tender kiss to his lips, as my arms snake around his neck. “I made your favorite dinner bubs.” He groans knowing that it’s my Grandma’s secret family recipe for Chicken and Dumplings.
We dug into dinner, Bradley apparently was too busy today to eat lunch, so he brought his appetite home. It was a really good thing I made his favorite, hopefully this will butter him up to not explode when I tell him the news that not only am I part of The Furies, I’m also actually one of the Fates.
“How was your day at work bubs?” I ask, trying to pry at what Bradley may know.
“Well we’ve heard more about this vigilante group, apparently they are called the Furies. But honestly I think whoever is in this must be some kind of maniac. The way we keep finding these men, but not the attackers. They are meticulous, doing very well from leaving any sort of DNA on scene. Definitely a thorough person or bunch.”
I chew on my lip listening to Bradley talk about work and the Furies while I clean up our dishes from dinner and he takes a spot on the couch, queueing up a movie for us to watch. He spots the portfolio laying on the coffee table. “Attie, is this something for work?” I finish the dishes and turn to see what he’s referring to.
“Oh uh, kind of but not really bubs.” I make my way over picking up the portfolio and setting it in my lap. “We uh, actually need to talk about this bubs.”
He lifts up his arm for me to snuggle into his side, and then wraps his strong arm around me, embracing me in his warmth. “Bubs, I think it’s time you sign these papers.”
He places a soft kiss on my temple before asking, “Are you finally going to marry me, and this is a prenup?” His eyes light up like a kid on Christmas for a moment.
I shake my head no to him, “Bubs, can you just sign them, and then we can talk about it?”
He looks at me bewildered, that I would even ask him to sign these papers blindly. “Attie, honey, I’m dating a Lawyer, I know the first thing to do is read this, ask questions and then sign it.”
“Bubs please. Just sign them. Plus you’re a cop. You know all about doing whatever you need to do to get the task done, to get what you want.” I quipped back to him.
He sighs, and skims the document, and then signs it. “Thank you bubs. I love you.” I take back the portfolio, before he can do anything else to it. “What you just signed was an NDA, because I have something really big to tell you bubs.” I can tell the nerves are written all over my face, I can feel my skin crawling.
“Attie Honey, no matter what you tell me, I’m still going to love you regardless.” He says trying to calm my nerves and rubs my arms softly.
I sigh, “Bubs, you promise you’ll still want to marry me eventually too?” I give him the puppy dog eyes that I know he can’t resist.
“Of course Honey, nothing would ever change that, you’re the woman of my dreams, my high school sweetheart, hopefully the mother to my children one day.” He places a tender kiss on my cheek.
“Bubs, the NDA is about me. I’m not only one of the Furies, I’m also a Fate. So is Emory, and Birdie. We could stand to see women and children being harmed, or battered, or neglected. And let’s be honest, we all know how long it takes PD to get anything done around there, you said it yourself last week, they were dragging their feet.” I rambled on, a little longer while Bradley just listened.
“Attie, who else knows?” was all that he questioned. “Bob, and now you do too. I plan to find out who else knows, or plans on telling their significant others and getting them the same NDA you just signed.”
He nods, “Attie, this doesn’t change a thing for us, the only thing I want more than anything now is that you marry me. That way should something happen to you, I get notified immediately, that I’m your next of kin, and you for me.” He says holding me tightly.
I nod, “Of course I’ll marry you Bradley, whenever you want. Buuut first…" I trail off, and he finished where I left off, “I have to sign the damn prenup.” We both chuckle before agreeing to head to bed for the night.
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@startrekfangirl2233 @desert-fern @roostette @sarahsmi13s @lavenderbradshaw @lovinglyeternal @bradleybeachbabe @thedroneranger @cherrycola27 @twsssmlmaa @bobby-r2d2-floyd @that-one-random-writer @horseshoegirl @footprintsinthesxnd @genius2050 @djs8891
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juniperhillpatient · 4 months
someday I will write a story with a highlight specifically on Katara, Jet, & Zuko engaging in vigilante justice as a trio. I have certainly touched on this theme with these characters many times but like. The Painted Lady & Blue Spirit parallels. Jet & Zuko stealing food on the ferry & Katara delivering food to the village in The Painted Lady. there is definite potential in this specific trio committing crimes for the people….
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blinday · 2 years
I seem to remember that you like Zutara, what do you like about it, why do you ship it and what’re your favorite tropes with them
Well, actually, I started to ship it out of spite to piss off my boyfriend at the time, who was an avid Kataang shipper.
What I like about it? The way Katara is the one character that can put Zuko in his place and blorbify him at the same time. I love the way Katara can be so versatile depending on the relationship she is put on. With Aang she tries to be more understanding and persuade him when he's an idiot, while with Zuko she shuts him down and argues; she knows what language each person understands better. And I happen to like the arguing lmao
My favourite tropes? That's a hard question. I could instead list the tropes I dislike the most: when they are the only focus in a multichaptered plot fic, when other characters are bashed or ignored to make them look better, when their flaws are ignored for the sake of blorbifying them, and especially when they throw in Azula salt. OH WAIT-
The vigilantes trope. I love the vigilantes trope. Oh- and the ex-jock x former nerd trope in the university Au too.
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badlucksav · 2 years
will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays?
Rating: M
Pairing: Zuko/Katara, Blue Spirit/Painted Lady
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Katara has an unexpected visitor who brings bad news from their shared past.
Happy birthday to @kaylee4821. I hope you enjoy your gift!
But then she registers the figure leaning against her window. She would recognize the blue and white mask anywhere.
It’s Blue.
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rhapsoddity · 4 months
I miss my husband (Spectrum), Atlas. I miss him a lot.
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isthei · 1 month
atla small town modern au
it’s katara & sokka’s hometown in the southern water tribe, which is being taken over by ozai’s industrialist company as a factory town
their dad is the mayor but he’s gone missing so vice mayor bato has been handling the work and sokka is running his and katara’s household
(hakoda’s missing because ozai hated that he was enacting anti-firecorp policies)
bending is still a thing. katara is a starry-eyed soul who wants to leave her small town to learn waterbending in the big city
sokka is a total pragmatist who thinks the town would collapse without them (he MAY be right)
aang is an undocumented immigrant from the air temples who was sent on the run w gyatso towards the nwt with crucial info to bring to journalists to bust open the evils ceo ozai wrought upon the air nation (e.g. labor exploitation, chokehold on clean water sources)
he got this quest cos he’s still the avatar in this au
got waylaid and separated from gyatso (who might be dead?) and ended up in the swt town
now uses his bending in secret to stack shelves in the local supermarket while trying to figure out how to get to nwt
(he may or may not be putting it off because the responsibility terrifies him)
unbeknownst to aang (and most everyone), the situation in the air nation is getting worse—actual violence is starting to happen
the water damage siblings take him in because they figure it’s their responsibility as the mayor’s kids. but over time they find him so endearing he becomes practically family
zuko has been disowned from his father’s giant conglomerate and believes that by catching the runaway avatar he will be brought back into the family
he pushes iroh into moving into town. he thinks iroh doesn’t know it’s to catch the avatar
in the meantime he picks up a job at the local boba shop and accidentally becomes a vigilante
(sokka develops a huge crush on the mysterious blue spirit)
unfortunately for him the description of the runaway has been switched around, and he thinks toph (another runaway in the same town) is the avatar
toph is friends with aang and is gleefully misleading zuko
she and aang are both out of school youth. toph spends most of her time trouncing people in sports at the local courts but her spending money comes from a huge stash of cash she took out of her parents’ safe before running away
aang is a regular at the boba shop and befriends zuko. zuko thinks aang is just the avatar’s friend and aang thinks zuko is neat. they bond over being new to town
azula comes to town at some point and immediately realizes that toph is not the avatar
(iroh knew all along but doesn’t tell zuko because he a. it’s a good lesson for his nephew and b. he finds it funny)
azula enrolls in the local school trying to find the avatar, accidentally develops a homoerotic rivalry with katara instead
iroh takes her in and sets off her redemption arc
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observerkaine · 2 months
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Atlas mentioned Kraken once on stream so I ended up doodling fanart because angst. @rhapsoddity your au is really good and awesome.
Oh, what’s this? A secret drabble related to the art below the read more?
Boots stomp roughly against the asphalt as the two sprinted through the city. The skies above were overcast tonight, already having rained once. Sheriff’s breath came out in rough puffs as he pushed through the cold, eyes locked on the villain who continued to call back to him.
“Hurry along, little Cowboy! Where’s all the arrogance you normally have? You’d usually land a hit on me by now!”
“Arrogance? You’re mistaking me for Stratos, pal.”
He bites his lip as he pulls his hat down more onto his head, wind whipping around them threateningly. He can already feel his throat itching from the weather, no doubt a cold or some sort of ailment for wearing drenched clothes.
He roughly had to pull himself out of his own thoughts when Kraken suddenly drops down, swinging his knee up and ramming the vigilante hard in the chest before pulling hard on his lasso and swinging him forward once more for a second hit. Before the Sheriff can catch a second wind, he feels his body suddenly shift as the puddles around surge up and wrap around him, throwing him a few feet off the street and onto the docks.
He struggles to stand up, only for the water still around him to slam him back down, head colliding roughly with the wood.
“You know how rude it is to ignore someone when you’re in the middle of an encounter, dear Sheriff! If I didn’t know any better, I’d have assumed you’d been purposely ignoring me.”
He snarls, opening his mouth to argue-
Before his vision is swarmed with shifting shades of blue in the dark night, the water effortlessly forming completely around his form rather than just around his arms. He chokes as he feels it threaten to flood his throat, his lungs. For a moment, a spike of fear creeps into his chest as he tries to writhe free. He’s trapped, and he can’t see, can’t breathe, can’t do anything-!
He can only hear the water, footsteps… and muffled shouting?
He can feel himself shifted around as the shouting gets louder before suddenly going quieter, before a gloved hand roughly grabs his bandana and jerks him out of the water that flows around the pirate who seems to smile at him as much as is visibly possible with that mask over his mouth.
“Good news! Your involuntary assistance of acting as bait helped me catch that slippery little pest that’s been trailing me all week!”
Sheriff coughs and spits up water before slowly blinking his eye a bit more open. His fear only deepens as his focus is directed to the figure suspended over the larger mass of water.
Pyrolisk’s legs flail and twitch uselessly as he tries to kick at the villain, arms and head restrained and slowly drowning the fire based hero. His mouth moves, but any shouts are muddled out by the intense bubbling caused from his repeatedly doused flames. Any chance he manages to get his hands free, more water waiting below quickly surge up and secure him once more.
“S-Stop! Please! Leave him alone!”
Kraken doesn’t take his eyes off the hero, hand slowly closing more and compressing the water firmer around the hero’s head.
“Let him go! I- I’ll go with you if you leave him alone!”
The water stops and Kraken’s cold eyes slowly shift to him, eyebrow raised in silent question.
“The… the last time we fought, you said you’d wanted me, right? A-And Pyro intervened! So just let him go, I’ll go willingly!”
Kraken fully turns to him now, other hand still prepared to close fully.
“And what’s stopping me from just offing this hero and taking you regardless?”
Sheriff winces before slumping his head down.
“If… If you kill him, then you can’t hold this victory over him. You can’t brag to him or the other heroes that you’re the most dangerous threat around, and he’ll be proof that he’s only alive because you let him live…”
It’s agonizing how long the silence afterwards follows, especially when Pyrolisk’s movements start to slow down. The water is obscuring his face in shadows, no longer sizzling or boiling as his hands start to go slack. Then the water jerks forward and Pyro chokes a gasp as he’s slammed against the concrete, body trembling as it focuses on coughing up the water in his system.
“Normally I’d have let him die, let him sink. But, you do speak a point.”
Sheriff yelps as he’s slammed roughly to the floor, Kraken’s hand now outstretched to him. There’s a flash of pain before a sudden tightness in his nerves and veins, muscles flexing and throat dries as his body slowly rises up. The villain easily steps over the hero, only stopping to kick his back and rest his heel over his spine.
“Let this be a reminder to mind your damn business next time, okay?”
He looks up to Sheriff, a cruel glint in his eyes as he motions with his finger to follow along.
“It’s time to go, pretty boy~ This isn’t a request.”
Pyro weakly watches, with dots of darkness forming in his vision, as the Sheriff follows almost mechanically after the villain, gaze refusing to meet the hero’s. He slowly reaches out, hand trembling.
His vision blurs before his eyes shut, hand dropping as unconscious settles in finally.
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arbiterlexultionis · 8 months
Instant Eternity Pt. 2
So, Danny has the infi-map and uses it to go on vacations and the like to enjoy his now eternal life. The infinite realms are Infinite, really and truly. But locations within the realms correlate to spaces in the “real” world, so what happens when you travel beyond what should be the ends of the “real” universe in the realms? You find other universes. All universes, realities, multi and Omni verses connect with the Infinite Realms, hence the name kind of implying the existence of infinite realms. With the infimap Danny’s able to visit and explore these other planes of existence to his hearts content, and over the course of his travels makes a number of close friends.
He can’t just say goodbye forever, can’t leave them with no way to call for aid or call for small talk so, he comes up with a bit of a crazy plan to make sure all his new friends can meet each other and stay in contact. A combination of the infi-map, Fenton portal technology, time medallions/assistance from clockwork, help from the yeti’s and maybe even some help from Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate all come together to make a private club that connects to who knows how many dimensions. In a Ghost King AU his royal palace has all the normal palace stuff but surrounding Phantom’s Keep is a whole town for inter-dimensional travelers. The portals themselves are all in a massive tower, either leaning tower of Pisa style or a massive clock tower because of how much Clockwork helped out, arranged kind of like how all the statues of the avatars are arranged in the air temple in ATLA.
Danny’s sitting at his desk in his office while 7 Gokus, 13 Vegitas, 4 Beeruses(Beerusi? A pod of Beerus? Flock?) 10 Piccolos and 1 Gohan crowd the rest of his office. “Two Hundred and Forty. 2-4-fucking-0. That is the number of of Territories that have lodged official complaints about the ruckus your fights have been causing! Queen Patet sent a fifty seven page long letter asking me to give every single one of your dimensions eternal travel bans to all of your dimensions and every dimension where even one of you exist. Because the shockwaves from your fights were still strong enough to shatter glass when they reached her Territory. The territory of Vitrum, which makes Fucking Everything from glass! Including the Goddamn Buildings! They build their cities in massive glass orbs! More than thirteen hundred buildings torn down in one day. Including every single hospital they had. You fought for nine days straight. Get out. Get the crap baskets out of my office. Now. Go home. Let the Bulmas know that they’re paying the reparations.” They all file out of the office, Vegitas and the flock of Beerus mumbling about how they shouldn’t have made their buildings out of glass if they didn’t want them to get broken. The one(1) brain cell the group had, otherwise known as Gohan, was apparently the only one with manners, profusely apologizing and offering to help with the clean up even as he got shooed out of the office.
More then a dozen Quirckless!Izuku vigilantes come together to form a great big club to share intel that match’s across their various worlds, analyze quirks, train and give each other therapy. It’s all going well. Then the Batmen stop developing contingency plans for literally all the beings they meet here juuust long enough for their adoption senses to start tingling. The Dad Mights, Dadzawas and Dad for Ones put aside their differences to combat this new threat. The Spider-men are sitting in a corner grateful that their spider senses and Peter tingles helped them avoid all that nonsense. Until the Iron Dads show up. Then they’re all to busy running and cursing their Parker luck to be grateful.
Passing through a gateway to another universe that isn’t yours require approval from no less then half the visitors from that verse and/or Danny himself. Same thing goes for leaving the compound to explore the Realms.
All the adoption addicts from across the multiverse take one look at Danny, listen to all the rumors about his parents and go “Mine!”. Luckily for Danny he doesn’t really have to to worry to much, doesn’t even notice really, because 2.3 seconds after they did that they all turned to each other and went “No! Not yours, Mine!” The infighting has kept them busy ever sense. However, according to an ancient, sacred prophecy(something that Clockwork mentioned in passing 2 months ago) they will eventually all decide that Danny having a proper support network is more important then who his favorite supporter is. So he’s going to get parented so hard by all three hundred and eighty of them. More moms, dads, ma’s, pa’s aunts and uncles then he’ll know what to do with.
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shortprince-cos · 3 months
A list of my ATLA AUs so far!
Hidden Masks
Zuko wears a mask since he got his scar, so no one from the gaang recognizes him, causing him to infiltrate the group to try and catch the Avatar
Just a Man
Zuko is kidnapped by Hakoda as a baby on vacation at Ember Island. Hakoda raises him as his own.
Jet Sucks (name wip)
Jet kidnaps Zuko and Sokka, causing them to become reluctant allies that escape together.
Of Pirated Princes
Zuko gets kidnapped by pirates and is sold to Hakoda and crew, though they don't believe that he is actually Prince Zuko. They offer to take him home and end up keeping him while they look for his uncle with him.
A Flame Snuffed Out
Zuko gets amnesia after hitting his head too hard in the North Pole. The Gaang convince him that he was planning on teaching Aang firebending and take him with them for book two.
Salvage/TAOB w/Sokka (name wip)
Zuko gets purposefully captured by the Southern Water Tribe in order to get information about their war efforts, only to bond with Chief Hakoda and his son Sokka.
The Blue Spirit of Ba Sing Se
Zuko is permanently banished from the Fire Nation, so his uncle takes him to Ba Sing Se to live as war refugees. Zuko eventually becomes the vigilante known as the Blue Spirit.
Lying with Honor
Azula stands up to Ozai after he burns Zuko and ends up banished in her brother's place.
Moon Spirit Sokka
Sokka and Yue are swapped. Zuko is tasked with taking down the Northern Water Tribe and ends up falling in love with their prince.
Its a Long, Long Way to Ba Sing Se
After Katara decides to take her mini vacation away from the gang while they go to a library, she runs into Zuko in the Misty Palms Oasis. Before long, they both get chased by two random men (were those Toph's teachers?) and have to team up and travel to Ba Sing Se together.
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theotterpenguin · 5 months
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this is now just a masterpost to my fics
comments and reblogs appreciated (and visits to ao3 too!) :)
ummm, yeah, have a nice time (it got long so it's under a cut now)
fear has nothing AO3 - neil panic and h/c, oneshot
poppy seed roll AO3 - twinyard bonding, oneshot
fear, joy, everything - pixie hollow-esque andreil, multichap, has BB amazing art!
The Sweetest Dream Would Never Do - andreil fluff, multichap, has RBB art!
Always Come Home (To You) - andreil, met as children, multichap
Mers and Naps - mer!neil, andreil fluff, oneshot, inspired by art
Sorrys and Strawberries - cat hybrid!neil, fluff, oneshot
Running towards - oneshot, neil on the run ficlet
black cat and his kittens ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10 AO3 - vigilante everyone, dadzawa, multichap, incomplete
we're all hitchhiking in this car AO3 - dabihawks roadtrip au, oneshot
the fire triangle AO3 - bakusquad atla au, bnha, oneshot-
green friends and tired dads - oneshot, dadzawa, tsu&izu friendship
bonus unposted draft! - villain aizawa taking care of HIS kids
super cool ghost ice mega slide AO3 bonus unrelated snow LBM drawing - fun in the snow, danny cass and duke, oneshot
and you're always free to begin again ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, AO3 - twin danny and damian, multichap, incomplete
of clones and time bullshittery - complete multichap, danny&tim clonery, co-authored with Bewitched_Forest
+Who are these people in your house?! -There's people in my house?! (on tumblr as well)- feral detective tim is baffled and excited by weird amity park, oneshot
Danny's Winter Holiday - oneshot, the batfam tries to make danny happy
The Danny Test - part one of a series (i hope), oneshot, jack and bruce are long lost twins
Ten Broken Ornaments - oneshot, LBM shenanigans
The Bat and the Parental Mad Scientists - oneshot, the fentons ask batman for help in getting back their children
Wing Ficlets - three short stories, one DC, one DPxDC, one DP
A New Pup - multichap, cute omegaverse with O!bruce and pup!danny. technically wip but it's plotless, so
kool aid AO3 - crack oneshot
Stars (Dream a Little Dream) - vivisection, oneshot, mega gore warning!! part of EI, so it has amazing art and audio (again, extra gore warning!)
Danny and the (mini)Phantoms - funny and creepy shenanigans, oneshot, part of EI so it has amazing art!
12 Marshmallows - humorous, one-shot how many marshmallows is too many?
The Dog at the Park - oneshot, protective cujo pov
Baby yetis need their naps - oneshot, baby yeti danny + frostdad fluff
cuddles? cuddles AO3 - dad!bucky and son!peter, oneshot
tags for browsing: my fics: fics i've written my art: art i've made fic rec whateverday: my fic recs fanwork, random fanstuff: includes both my fics and my art (if i remember to tag them as such), my fic recs, but also fanworks from others (for example if i reblog something) second one has non-fanwork fandom stuff. idk pal, sometimes i'm tired and forget to tag stuff
[link count 11/05/24: 66 (just for me to remember)]
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thrushforreal · 9 months
What benders would the batfam be??
So, here we go with another one of my au thingies for my own au thingie. This time its Atla Themed! (Avatar: The last Airbender for those who don't know)
So when picking a time period of when this would happen, I thought about this quite a bit, I think it would be a couple of avatar cycles after Korra. Technology has progressed to the point where Bruce still does his dark Knight routine.
Okay, here we goooooo!
Alfred: He was a special operative in the Fire Nations army. He is a Fire Bender, and also knows chi blocking. After he retired from the army he was employed by the late Waynes as a butler and bodyguard where they lived in Republic City.
Bruce: Bruce is actually a Non-bender, although this does not mean he is less of a fighter against any bender. He's traveled all over the world and nations learning different styles of fighting. After returning back to his home in Republic City he started going out at knight as a masked vigilante based off of a bat spirit. He uses all the fighting techniques he learned while traveling as well as chi blocking, and technology.
Barbara: She's like Asami in the way that she is very tech savvy. Although she is an Earth Bender, who can use the subskill of Metal Bending. She moved to republic city with her father when he got a job on the police force there. They moved from a village on the edge of the Earth Kingdom, close to the Northern Water Tribe.
Dick: He is an Air Bender and is actually the person who taught Duck the subskill of Flight. His parents were Non-Bending Air Nomads and found their place in Haly's Traveling Circus. The circus was attacked while in Republic City, and not long after Dick was taken under Bruces wing and later adopted. He never got his arrow tattoos.
Jason: Before he died, he was sure that he was a Non-Bender, so he was trained in chi blocking. He was killed and was brought back by the healing waters of Lazarus, brought back as an Earth Bender with use of the subskill Lava Bending. His biological mother was and Earth Bender like him, and his father is from Fire Bender descent. There's the reason he can Lava Bend.
Cass: She is a Water Bender and uses a technique to use water to muffle her footsteps. She was trained in the subskill of Blood Bending while with the League. After joining Bruce, she was taught how to incorporate chi blocking into her fighting style instead of killing people. Her mother, Lady Shiva, is an Air Bender, and this allows her to bend the clouds (yes, they are made of water but also made of air. Only really talented benders or those that have Air Bending ancestry are able to do so. I'll explain more later if ya'll want.) and use them to shroud her presence.
Steph: She is a Non-Bender, this was something her father Cluemaster was not happy about. She took to the streets to fight him and learned chi blocking on her own, and later learned under Barbara and Bruce.
Duke: The Avatar of this time, born in the Earth kingdom. He is able to bend all four elements and also utilizes the subskills of flight and Spiritual projection from Airbending.
Tim: He is a Fire Bender, one of the few things he gets from his father. Along with his intelligence he also uses the subskill Lightning Bending, which he uses through his bo staff when fighting with it. he also learned chi blocking. As a result of his mothers Water Bending heritage he is able to make cold flames that people can walk through.
Trace: They are a Water Bender, from their mother's side of their family. Janet Drake wasn't a Water Bender like Jack Drake was a Fire Bender though. She discovered her ability for the subskill of healing after a nasty fight with a Non-Bender called the Joker landed some really bad hits on the people involved. They are able to heat their water to unbearable degrees because of their fathers Fire Bending. They are also trained in chi blocking
Damian: He is a Fire Bender, from his mother as Bruce is a Non-Bender. While raised in the League he was taught chi blocking as well as Lightning Bending. He was forced to try and learn the subskills of Lava Bending and Metal Bending. He was unable to Lava Bend but showed an ability for Metal Bending. He hasn't been able to hone his Metal Bending as of late, and is reluctantly learning more about Lightning Bending from Tim.
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