#aroace energy
thefortysecondolive · 10 months
Conan Gray Crush Culture is an absolute god tier song choice for the exhibition scene and Isaac’s entire arc this season I was waiting for this
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someone tell me if it’s good I’m so nervous
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hiya-im-mary · 9 months
Here’s my hot take!!
When people try to make sexualities into Oc’s or characters,they always make their interpretation of asexuality a sad,serious,low energy “emo kid (derogatory)” ,while all the other sexuality characters are happy little goobers…it honestly irks me a lot >:(
Here’s an illustration to show what I mean!!
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I’ll just say this!! If you’re gonna try to force the diversity of a single sexuality into one characterisation…
(Please <3)
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helium-stims · 27 days
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More Pride Edits (original gif)
lesbian, gay, bi
asexual, aromantic, aroace
trans, genderqueer, nonbinary
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onesidedradiostatic · 4 months
sometimes I forget there are people who ship radiostatic in a different way than I do cause I'm just so used to tagging my very specific one-sided pathetic vox interpretation of it as radiostatic by now that it's like wdym not everyone sees it this way!?!?!??
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timelessstardust99 · 4 months
❝regeneration❞ | Alastor x time-Lord! reader
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note: this has been stuck in my head for a while, and I know it's random, but I really wanted to write a crossover one shot between HH & DW because I love these two shows so much T-T
Summary: after the battle between the extermination angels and the Hazbin Hotel staff, y/n had thought that all the drama was finally over and she could get back to trying to figure out how to get back to the doctor and their companion... That was the plan, but the universe seemed to have another plan stored for her.
y/n smiled at her friends, feeling relief washed over her as they finally finished constructing the new and improved Hazbin Hotel.She couldn't stop the swelling feeling in her stomach that something else would happen that day, but she had ignored it, continuing her conversation with her friends. If only she could include them as one of her companions, but the universe would never allow that, she doesn't even know why the universe would allow her in hell like this. She wondered if the doctor and his companion were looking for her.
It's been months since she last saw her fellow time-Lord and the human companion he had accompanied them. She had never been fond of humans, or human companions. Their lives were a blink, and they had such evil in their hearts. But after getting to know those human companions of his throughout history, she couldn't help but get attached to their species and their planet. Everything was so fascinating about them, especially when she had gotten sucked into Hell by accident when something had pulled the TARDIS. It was blurry on how they got separated, all she knows is that the two are either lost or are looking for her.
Her teeth grind together as she feels something beneath her skin pulse hard. No, not now. "Uh, hey toots, you okay?" Angel dust asked, which stopped everyone's conversations. y/n looked at them, a golden hue glistening from her skin.
"y/n, you've got, uh something on your skin." Lucifer said, pointing at his face. She stood up from her spot on the stool in front of the bar.
"no. No, no, no, no." y/n said, her body facing her friends. They've never seen a regeneration, they knew she wasn't humans, but the fact that this was how she would end her life, in hell of all places. She looked up at them, fear lacing her features. "No, please, I don't want to go. Not yet, I..." Tears started to stream down her face. Everyone looked at her as her hands started to also glow with the same sparkly golden hue. Alastor's smile strained, watching the person he surprisingly got close to, look at them helplessly.
"what's happening to you?" Charlie asked in a panic, wanting to help, but not understanding what to do. y/n turned around to face the front doors when she heard a voice she hadn't heard since the incident with TORCHWOOD.
"I'm regenerating..." She breathed, watching as a familiar blonde smiled her way. "Rose..." She said, watching the blonde walk up to her slowly.
"uh, who?" Angel spoke, confused.
"the first person to ever see this face. She's in another dimension, with another me. They're happy... She's happy." She watched the blonde raise a hand and put it on her cheek.
"I miss you," Rose whispered, letting her face go and backing up from her slightly.
"I miss you too. I'm sorry I never got the chance to tell you sooner," y/n said sadly, wishing she could actually feel her, but she couldn't. The time-Lord turned back around to her friends, her eyes meeting Alastor's. If there was anyone else she wanted her new face to first see, it would be the Radio Demon.
She held a hand out towards him, walking slowly to him, before stopping, the pain of the regeneration was great. She looked up at the ceiling, her arms now out. "Get back!" She heard someone yell as she screamed in pain, the energy leaving her body as it reshaped her cells into a new person. She didn't want to leave, but it was time. Sometimes, she hated to cheat death.
Once it was over, she leaned forward, gasping for breaths. Something with her voice sounded weird, but she didn't understand it. She grabbed her face and gasped, "oh my God! I'm a man!" y/n exclaimed, surprised with the new regeneration body. His eyes landed onto Alastor, who looked just as shocked as the rest. Never in their lives before death did they ever witness a regeneration. It was all new to them.
y/n walked quickly towards Alastor, which startled him, as he backed away and into the bar, sitting on one of the stools as y/n went between his legs to get a good look at the demon's face. y/n ran his tongue over his teeth, and gasped again, "new teeth! Ha! Now I know how the doctor feels! Hey, you're pretty cute for a dead guy!" y/n looked over Alastor's voice again before getting out of his space. "Boy, am I hungry. You've got apples? I sure do love apples! Honestly, I can never be sure though. New mouth, new rules. Such as, I have to go shopping for some men's clothes. Wow! I haven't done that in years!" He laughed. Though, before anything else could happen, he suddenly felt very sleepy. "Oh, boy, someone better catch me."
"are... Are you gonna faint?" Charlie asked, walking slowly over to the new figure.
"mmm, in about, twelve seconds." He stuck his tongue out. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as he fell forwards, Charlie catching him as the radio demon rushed to them.
"what just happened?" Angel was confused, like all of them.
"I have no idea." Vaggie shook her head with a sigh.
"I think I'm gonna need a drink after this." Husker grumbled, watching as Charlie and Alastor out the newly regenerated y/n on the lobby couch.
"you and me both," Lucifer nodded. Things would only get more interesting from this moment on. Especially with y/n already choosing his own companion, even though they're already dead. But what's the worst that could happen? By definition, he was a God, and he could do anything he wanted. Screw what the universe thinks, he doesn't have to be alone anymore. Sure he had the doctor and the companion, but he never had a companion of his own. Hopefully it'll be more forgiving to him this time.
This is just a one shot, but if anyone wants a continuation from this, I'll be happy to write this whole crossover into a short story, or something. Yes, it's still an Alastor story, and I know he didn't talk in this one shot, I just didn't know what he'd say in this situation, considering it was new for everyone in the hotel.
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danisha-tdh · 7 days
Happy pride!!!! Hope you and your characters have a fantastic pride month!!!!
Heck yeah!!
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Happy Pride Month to everyone!!
Have some the main trans-coded bros :3
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sysig · 4 months
i want to go on a big and elaborate date with papyrus SPECIFICALLY bc of the way u draw him bc he’s so bbg cutie patootie
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PapyrACE 💚💜 Happy Valentine's Day!
#DDoodles#UT#Papyrus#AroAce Papyrus Supremacy#Lol#I'm actually really delighted to see how much aroace positivity there is around the skelebros :D#I was a little on the worried side since y'know - Sans especially. I've been in the fandom for a while lol I'm Aware#But genuinely there's so much lovely energy towards the bros being aroace which I - unsurprisingly - am very inclined towards lol#Me constantly: And you're ace! And you're ace! And you're ace! Ace for everybody!#I'm tongue-in-cheek about my Projecting Constantly lol but I do try to base my headcanons on The Actual Text haha#I think Papyrus is kind of a no-brainer lol he literally turns you down if you go on a date with him that's pretty textual#And you have the option to completely avoid going on a date with him and he still clarifies platonic affection!#I like him very much haha <3#As for Sans I know some of it stems from my Handplates filter lol - their codependency points to an interesting interplay with romance#I'll start thinking about the Vargas Dating Sim again if I keep on that train of thought tho lol#But to me it feels more than just ''He's too busy'' or w/e - Feels Different#It's all speculation anyway haha - I'm glad you like how I draw Papyrus! :D He's the sweetest boy and I love him!!#Wanted to try something a bit Extra hehe ♪ I keep wanting to make animatics and the like!#Storyboards - animations if I can swing them lol - but I'm very impatient :P And perfectionistic >.>#So have something a bit more sloppy and silly :) It's good practice for me!#All told it wasn't too bad! :D I had fun making it and I'm fairly pleased ♪#Hope you enjoy hehe <3 Happy Valen's! :D
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chilikit · 10 months
aroace people will see isaac henderson and hit reblog
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aroace-kodama-sakuko · 8 months
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glamorousdame · 2 months
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Man is the definition of "wtf is romance"
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chaos-and-sparkles · 6 days
I yearn to talk about my Dracula!Holmes au, and the universe has seen fit to give me free will and internet access, so talk i shall.
Listen. Hear me out just hear me out.
We literally have Johnathan motherfucking Harker whose written POV we read Dracula from for like a solid half of the book, right. Well, no more, he's John Watson now babeyyy, a retired army man now gainfully employed as a lawyer who's off overseas to act as estate agent to the strange and eccentric client who has expressed interest in moving to foggy London... Count Holmes! [insert jazz hands]
Instead of being Evil(tm) and plotting to take over London or whatever, my guy is just Autistic. Also riddled with ADHD and in desperate need of some enrichment in he goddamn enclosure. He will also in fact be trans, because. Of course. Vampirism as a metaphor for queerness and the social ostracization that follows as a punishment and having inherently queer narratives intertwined in them etc etc... anyhow! Count Sherlock Holmes, vampire detective!!!
(I do also want him to be aroace, or aroacespec at least, but I'm willing to negotiate for the Johnlock and the Johnlock alone.)
Mina Harker here is of course the one and only Mary Morstan, although it is clearly a lavender marriage, because we aren't cowards in this household and so Mary gets to be gay with her Lucy equivalent here, just as god intended. I haven't decided who her Lucy equivalent will be yet but this au is still young (technically I've been going insane about it in my mind for like a month or two but whatever) and there's no reason we can't make up an OC for her Lucy.
John Watson, resident gay doctor lawyer, of course, is smart enough to realize the enigmatic Count Holmes' vampiric secret within like one adventure, but he sure is going to have a slow burn of realizing just how gay he is for said enigmatic Count Holmes. We, of course, get to witness this tooth rotting bullshit firsthand as we read his diary entries and some later letters to Mary.
And instead of being one long gothic horror narrative, it's just adventure of the week with your friendly neighborhood crime solving vampire, the various other mythical creatures who do said crimes, and Just Some Guy.
Just, every Sherlock Holmes adventure adapted into this au with other supernatural elements. The guy from the Red Headed League is a local villager being bamboozled by a leprechaun, the Silver Blaze thing is about a kelpie. Everyone including Sherlock was operating on the assumption that Irene Adler was a siren, but actually she was just a regular human, and instead of unlearning misogyny (bc I don't see trans vampire Sherlock living so long through changing times and society and being sexist), Sherlock has to learn not to underestimate the intelligence of humans.
Also, he's just really excited to have this new human, John, living in his castle. So curious, too, about humans, he has sequestered himself from them for such a long time and John seems like a very interesting one. He's probably the first friend Sherlock has had in a long time, too.
Also. Instead of being warded off or harmed by garlic, to Sherlock, garlic is just the vampire version of cocaine. He just gets high as fuck off garlic. Could live on the stuff. And the reason people think he's warded off by garlic is just because he was seen getting high off his ass, turning into a bat, and flying away in loop de loops upon consuming garlic one (1) time. And everyone thought it's his weakness. And he never bothered correcting them bc Why Would He. He's basically getting free cocaine left and right from villagers who are scared/wary of the supernatural Count Holmes and only go to him when there's no other option, and it's no bother to leave people he's not investigating alone.
I genuinely do think cocaine!garlic addicted Sherlock has so much comedic potential, it really is so beloved to me. Just imagine, if you will, an extremely put-upon John Watson caring for Batlock who has gotten high off his ass and refuses to stop flying into his own antique chandelier.
I was also thinking that it would be funny to have Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. Turner in place of Dracula's sexy vampire roommates or whatever those three were lmao (I couldn't think of a third character, sorry)
Also. Obviously. Van Helsing has got to be Moriarty, by virtue of opposition. I do think their whole deal has a lot of potential to be very funny and entertaining also. I am also considering it might be fun to have Lucy's other suitors be the Scotland Yarders, like Lestrade, Gregson and what have you, but that risks missing out on the very fun possible dynamic of "Sherlock being exasperated with the dumbass out of their depth Yarders he keeps helping" raised to like the hundredth degree so. I honestly would like people's thoughts on that.
Anyway so YES, Dracula au please and thank you. Maybe with endgame QPR Johnlock? Yes? Please? Queerplatonic husbands Johnlock is my shit.
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theposhperyton · 2 months
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All evidence suggests yes
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#starting a new power scaling system for the warlords of the sea but im rating them based on whether i think theyre an ally or homophobic#kuma is an ally because photos dont lie and hes clearly wearing an ally pin#also you cant spend that much time around somebody with the title “Queen of the Queers” and somehow be homophobic afterwards#unless youre sanji but hes still on his internalized homophobia growth arc. i believe in you buddy you can beat this#crocodile is trans and baroque works is the alphabet mafia in a literal form#with that said. he has the energy of “im not homophobic yall are just annoying”#doffy has the energy of a homophobic homosexual#like hed kiss a guy and then call him a f*g and throw him out a nearby window#jimbei joins the strawhats so ofc HES an ally#blackbeard sucks but i dont think hes homophobic#hes one of those people you meet and theyre just the worst all around and youre like “man this guy has gotta be homophobic”#somebody mentions their partner and you go “oh boy here it is” but he just has no reaction whatsoever#hes such a problem but at least hes not homophobic on top of everything else#Gecko Moria is such a virgin that i dont think he knows being gay exists any more than he knows being straight does#Typa MFer who thinks “sex” is just a synonym for gender#also hed see your top scars and get excited because he thinks youre a zombie#gecko moria probably thinks LGBT is an acronym for some branch of the navy that he doesnt know (or care) about#Because Boa lives on Sapphic island i would jump the gun and immediately say she's an ally but i feel that its more complicated than that#not unlike moria. she also doesnt actually have a real strong grasp on being straight vs being queer#but thats just because shes used to everybody being whipped for her equally#somebody tries to explain it to her and shes just like “??? but theyre all obsessed with me?”#if she ever encounters a gay man it will be a reality shifting event for her#id say itd be the same if she met a sex/romance indifferent aroace but like#monkey d luffy#its already happened#mihawk is probably both an ally and queer himself but he just minds his own business so much that we may never know#one piece#seven warlords#warlords of the sea#bartholomew kuma
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muzsmoux · 2 months
im aroace but if a tall muscular woman looked me up and down and raised an eyebrow i would not hesitate to get under her no questions asked
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im glad your connie left you
Chat is this real
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