aromantic-enjolras · 7 months
I have been thinking lately, I have three Amis that I headcanon as aromantic, and they each deal with it in a completely different way.
Enjolras makes it part of his fight, wears it as a badge of pride and a challenge to question him. He knows about amatonormativity and will tell you all about it. He has a good support network and he knows it.
Feuilly wishes he had mental space to worry about it. It weighs on him, especially when he thinks of getting older and needing assistance, but those are vague, long-term concerns. He will worry about them once his papers are in order and he has a stable job.
And Combeferre just doesn't give a fuck. He has his science and his games and his friends and the rest doesn't even cross his mind.
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erosyrup · 3 months
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7/7: Enjolras (Les Misérables)
“he was serious, it did not seem as though he were aware there was on earth a thing called woman. He had but one passion--the right; but one thought--to overthrow the obstacle. [...] He hardly saw the roses, he ignored spring, he did not hear the carolling of the birds; the bare throat of Evadne would have moved him no more than it would have moved Aristogeiton; he, like Harmodius, thought flowers good for nothing except to conceal the sword. [...] If any grisette of the Place Cambrai or the Rue Saint-Jean-de-Beauvais, seeing that face of a youth escaped from college, that page's mien, those long, golden lashes, those blue eyes, that hair billowing in the wind, those rosy cheeks, those fresh lips, those exquisite teeth, had conceived an appetite for that complete aurora, and had tried her beauty on Enjolras, an astounding and terrible glance would have promptly shown her the abyss, and would have taught her not to confound the mighty cherub of Ezekiel with the gallant Cherubino of Beaumarchais.” — Les Misérables
Staring a mini series of aro-coded characters for Aromantic Awareness Week! Some are canonically coded as Aro, some are just my projections. Either way, I hope you like them :)
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I think Fandoms are Horrible with ace and aromantic. I mean if thay are not romanticly involved with a female thay are assumed to be gay but aro/ace people need representation. That is why i sport ace enjoras. Let people love each other as freands.
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enjolras from les mis is demiromantic, asexual, and gay (headcanon)
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submitted by @determinedowl23
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ive been convinced yall aro enjolras is superior enjolras
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u know when you are SO OBSESSED with a fic idea and u can't wait for it to exist and then remember you have to be the one to write it :////
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field-s-of-flowers · 2 years
#not aro but would you like my wikipedia-based evidence that Marius and Cosette are ace
Yes. YES I WOULD PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME <3 Also, do you want me to tag you on my ace!Marius posts? I have a couple of those too ^ ^
(Signed, aromantic-enjolras' main)
YES YES absolutely tag me in your ace marius posts, I would love that very much!
So here’s what Mario Vargas Llosa has to say about Marius and Cosette’s relationship in the novel:
“Now the love between these two is completely ethereal; the sex drive has been surgically removed so that their relationship can be purely one of feeling. Before the wedding the young people exchange one kiss, which is not repeated because, as the narrator says, neither Marius nor Cosette was aware of the existence of carnal desire...”
Llosa presents this lack of sexual attraction as a negative thing. I took one look at that and said “ace.” There’s also the fact that the two of them are never attracted to anyone other than each other, as well as how they’d much rather be chasing after Valjean on their wedding night than having sex.
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sparklygraves · 5 months
[Enjolras] etait grave, il ne semblait pas savoir qu'il y eut sur la terre un etre appele la femme. Il n'avait qu'une passion, le droit, qu'une pensee, renverser l'obstacle. (...) C'etait l'amoureux de marbre de la Liberte.
-Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
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aromantic-enjolras · 1 year
i know this isn't exactly your thing but it's definitely mine, so do you have any headcanons for qpr ExR with aroace enjolras?
Okay, you are right that this isn’t exactly my thing, I’m sorry it took me so long to answer this, anon (I just checked and this ask is from April!)! This isn’t exactly what you asked, either, but I hope it’s enough for you.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about “friendly exes ExR”, and it’s close-ish to a QPR, so I’m just going to talk about that.
Enjolras and Grantaire date for a while when they are in their mid-twenties. Enjolras knows he’s ace, by that point, it’s one of the first things he tells Grantaire, but he’s still working through the internalized acephobia, and that means he feels very guilty about “taking sex away from R”. He kind of overcompensates by going full in the “romance” part of it.
And you can imagine, Grantaire is over the moon about it. They power through the early stages of a relationship. There are flowers. Anniversaries. Public Displays of Affection. They are living together in less than a year.
Enjolras is trying, really trying, but after a point he can’t keep denying that the whole thing is just stressing him out. He’s not proud of the fact that his first reaction�� after they break up is relief.
Not long after their breakup, Enjolras comes out as aro. Grantaire consoles himself on the fact that he wasn’t the problem.
They keep a level of physical closeness that makes R’s partners squint suspiciously at them. Grantaire has a tendency to ruffle Enj’s hair whenever he goes past his chair, and Enjolras thanks him with cheek kisses whenever he does something nice.
Because of a misguided attempt at reconciliation at one point, Enjolras is the only Ami who has met Grantaire’s father in person. The man is all the way up with fascists in Enjolras’ “would happily shoot in the face” list.
Sometimes, when Enjolras is very tired, or feeling burned out, he approaches Grantaire and goes “can I have a hug”, very quietly. Grantaire doesn’t stop what he’s doing, but he opens his arms and lets him burrow his face in his chest. R laughing and joking with Joly and Bossuet with his arms around a curled up Enjolras is a pretty common image in the Musain. He’s soft and warm, you know?
On the other hand, Enjolras has gotten very good at recognizing the early stages of a dip in Grantaire’s mental health. He doesn’t usually handle them himself, because he knows he might make things worse, but he will absolutely warm Joly and Bossuet to go give him a hand.
On a happier note, they still go out for dinner a couple of times a month, or meet at one of their places if the money is tighter. They always make sure to have a free morning the next day, because they have rambly conversations/debates that span way into the next day.
I hope this scratched your itch a little!
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secretly-an-automaton · 11 months
Characters I claimed as aromantic based on minimal evidence ‘cause lord knows we don’t get real representation:
Sasha James (The Magnus Archives)
Diana (Market of Monsters) —this series does have some canon ace characters though
Lee Ping (Detentionaire)
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Arthur Lester (Malevolent) —this one’s a pretty widely accepted headcanon
Ororo Munroe (X-Men)
Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Enjolras (Les Misérables) —just listen to Red & Black
Bethany Walker (Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle)
Kira Yukimura (Teen Wolf)
Tiger Claw (TMNT 2012) —I can’t even begin to explain this one
Coraline Jones (Coraline)
Wybie Lovat (Coraline) —gotta love that aro solidarity
Elsa (Frozen)
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fivie · 4 months
Hello, if I may ask, do you have any headcanons about enjolras and courfeyrac in the umw universe?
Hello!! I'm about to become an unskippable cutscene 😃
I can't quite remember if any of this has already been mentioned in Enjolras POV chapters but I'll just list everything I've got lol:
- They met when they were seven years old. I've never thought all that much about their parents since they don't feature in the story (though it's safe to assume that Enjolras was already fairly estranged from his parents by the time he became a hunter) but I've always had it in my head that they were initially shoved together because their parents were part of the same social circle and did that thing where they decided their kids should also be friends. I think this happened a lot to both of them as kids and generally didn't work out, especially for Enjolras, who was a shy, serious sort of child and often considered either intimidating or just plain weird by his peers, but on this one occasion it turned out well! Courfeyrac immediately considered Enjolras to be extremely smart and cool, and while Enjolras (unused to positive feedback) was a little unsure of this at first, he quickly realised that Courfeyrac was genuine and they've been best friends ever since.
- They are a classic case of an extrovert adopting an introvert.
- Enjolras has always struggled with making friends—Courfeyrac was really his only close friend through their earlier years at school, but Courfeyrac is very outgoing and gregarious and has a lot of love to give and so he always had a lot of friends, and there were definitely times when Enjolras felt sort of jealous of that, and worried that Courfeyrac would lose interest in him in favour of others. It never happened, of course.
- They met and befriended Joly and Bossuet in their first year at high school, and Marius in their first year of university. 
- Their friendship has always confused onlookers since they seem so different, but they actually do have quite a lot in common, and the ways that they are different work to their advantage: Courfeyrac sometimes does need someone to be the voice of reason and responsibility, Enjolras sometimes needs someone to tell him to lighten up.
- Courfeyrac has always been the more emotionally intelligent of the two, but he used to joke that this was the only area in which he was more intelligent than Enjolras because for a long time he didn't consider himself particularly academically smart and would be quite self-deprecating about it. Enjolras never agreed with this assessment and Courfeyrac eventually grew out of the notion, which mainly stemmed from how the adults in their lives perceived him and his more boisterous personality.
- Courfeyrac is bisexual and figured that out pretty quickly as a young teenager. He had a lot of crushes throughout high school and dated quite a few people and Enjolras was woefully unequipped to deal with the emotional turmoil of these teen relationships but did his best to be supportive. For a while they both thought that Enjolras just hadn't reached “the stage” of being interested in dating etc yet, but after a while they realised that this supposed transformation didn't seem to be forthcoming and decided to do some research, leading to Enjolras happily using the aro/ace label for a few years. He was extremely alarmed when he later did develop an interest in a fellow student at university, leading to further research and an understanding that catching feelings is something that happens to him very occasionally. When he least expects it, you might say 👀
- Truly there's a whole slice of life teen drama here that I could get into if I wasn't too busy writing the monster-hunting plot 😂
- Enjolras really struggled with his decision to leave Lyon to pursue hunting without telling Courfeyrac, to the point that I have often daydreamed of an AU where everything is exactly the same except Enjolras ultimately couldn't go through with it and Courfeyrac ends up going with him.
- The characters have developed a lot in the ridiculous amount of time UMW has been ongoing, and I think if I was writing the earlier chapters now, knowing what I know, that Enjolras would have tried to explain to Courfeyrac where he was going, or told some lie to reassure him, or done something other than just vanishing and assuming Courfeyrac would get over it. I don't think him taking off the way he did in the story makes the most sense now, with how much weight their friendship has been given. But I'm locked into it by me from 10 years ago 😂
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bloodywonder1846 · 7 months
Alrighty screw it, here’s some neurodivergent & lgbtq+ headcanons of musical characters, as someone who’s both of those things
Disclaimer 1: Bigotry and dumbassery will not be tolerated.
Disclaimer 2: These are just my opinions, headcanons I made for fun. You don’t have to agree with them, and you’re free to have your own interpretations. Just be respectful.
• Enjolras is ace and on the aro spectrum. He’s never felt sexual attraction towards anyone, and he’s only ever been romantically attracted to Grantaire. (And France./j)
• Grantaire is gay, and very in love with Enjolras. I don’t think I need to explain any more than this, lol.
• Cosette is bi. She discovered this after realizing she had a small crush on Eponine as well as Marius.
• Marius is also bi.
• Eponine is ace demiromantic, and also nonbinary. (Specifically using she/they pronouns.) She could never understand how the people around them could fall in love so fast, and with people they hardly knew. She didn’t fall for Marius until they formed a close connection with him. Regarding gender, they’ve never felt like she wasn’t a girl, but they didn’t feel fully like one. She felt sort of like a girl, but also like something else. It took them a while to figure out what exactly it was because she never felt like a boy, they just only partially felt like a girl.
• Orpheus is autistic. His special interest is music, and he loves talking about it to anyone who will listen. (Usually it’s Eurydice or Hermes.) He fidgets and stims a lot, and is also very awkward and doesn’t quite understand social cues. He tries his best, but always finds himself accidentally making things weird. Sometimes he worries that Eurydice will stop loving him because of his autistic traits, but she assures him that she loves him for who he is. Also, he’s somewhere on the ace spectrum, though he doesn’t use any specific labels.
• Persephone is also autistic, though she is much better at masking it than Orpheus. She also has ADHD.
• I’m chill with many different interpretations of Sweeney, but I think it’s quite interesting to hc him as trans or nonbinary. (I mean, what cis person names themself Sweeney?/j) He was in the closet when he first started dating Lucy. He was terrified of coming out to her, but eventually did, and she was quite accepting. She was relieved that maybe this meant they didn’t have to keep their relationship secret, and this was also how she realized she was bi. He also came out to Mrs. Lovett at some point before being sent away, and she was also very accepting, and has proven more than once that she’s really good at using people’s chosen names, as it was really easy for her to start calling him Mr. Todd when he returned from Australia. (Also, Mr. T could be a very punny nickname in this case.)
• Sweeney is also autistic. He’s gotten decent at masking in public, but whenever he’s at home, he makes no effort to hide his autistic traits. He stims quite frequently, usually by aggressively shaking his hands, punching his arm, fidgeting, or pacing. (Is pacing considered a stim? I feel like I do that a lot as a stim, but idk.) He also has an incredibly strong sense of justice. This is most notable when it comes to himself and how he’s been wronged, but he also feels that way on a societal level too. He rants a lot about people who get mistreated and people who abuse their power. (Mrs. Lovett can attest to this, as she’s usually the one he rants to.) Prior to being sent away, he felt like Lucy was the only person he could truly be himself around. Post-incarceration, Mrs. Lovett ends up being the one to fill that role. At first he’s quite nervous, but he ends up opening up more, and realizes that she’s a safe person to be himself around. In fact, she’s the easiest person for him to be himself around, because she’s also neurodivergent.
• Speaking of which, I headcanon Mrs. Lovett as being autistic and having ADHD. She’s always got several different trains of thought, is all over the place, and though she’s chatty, she’s a bit awkward, and feels that Sweeney is the only one who truly understands her. She’s also had many special interests and hyperfixations throughout her life, and is known to infodump a lot. She stims by flapping her arms and doing little dances. She also has some vocal stims, like humming or singing random notes to herself.
• Mrs. Lovett is ace. For a long time, she never told anyone because she was terrified of being judged for it. She was also scared that no one would ever love her because of it, and though there was no way Benjamin could’ve known, she sometimes felt like maybe her asexuality was part of why he chose Lucy over her. In attempts to impress him years down the line, she’d sometimes act in ways that felt strange and uncomfortable to her. In order to make herself feel better about it, she’d tell herself that it was like a comedy act, and that it was more about being funny. (She’s also the type to be really good at making sex jokes because sex is a joke to her, although she doesn’t joke like that often. Her preferred sense of humor is puns.) After a while, feeling like she can no longer hide it, she finally comes out to Sweeney, and nearly breaks down crying while doing so, fearing that she’d ruined her chance at him ever loving her. To her surprise, he accepts her, and he comforts her until she calms down, letting her know that she never has to make herself uncomfortable for his sake.
• Toby is the kind of person whom people can’t tell if he’s gay or aroace. He can’t tell which one it is either.
• Tbh, every version of Wednesday Addams feels autistic coded to me, so I’m including musical Wednesday as well.
• Morticia Addams has bi wife energy. Gomez is her number one ally.
• Lydia Deetz is hella sapphic. The Maitlands are the first people she comes out to, and they’re extremely accepting. After a while of being nervous, she finally comes out to her father and Delia, and they also accept her. Delia isn’t super educated on everything, though she’s well-meaning, and she even buys a sapphic flag colored crystal for Lydia. Beetlejuice takes her to her first pride event. It’s chaotic for everybody there due to Beej’s presence, but it’s definitely a fun time for Lydia.
• I also headcanon Lydia as autistic. Her special interests are ghosts, horror, and photography, and she loves infodumping about them.
• Beetlejuice is pansexual. I suppose that one’s not really a headcanon and is actually a thing in the musical, but I still wanted to list it.
• Martha from The Secret Garden is ace and autistic. I mostly say this because I’ve played her once, lol. Idk, I just like the idea.
• Veronica Sawyer is the biggest disaster bi.
• Jo March is ace and on the aro spectrum. She doesn’t really care all that much about sex or romance, though she has occasionally felt romantic attraction. She doesn’t really care about gender when it comes to the people she likes, but she does also identify as sapphic because she really likes girls. (I mostly like the idea of her being sapphic because people suspect that Louisa May Alcott was, and she based Jo off of herself.)
• Christine Daaé doesn’t really use any labels, but she did once find herself crushing on both Raoul and Meg.
• Meg Giry is sapphic, which she realized after having a crush on Christine.
• Because of that one line in Driving Through the Moonlight, I have decided that Prince Topher is ace now.
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carphoegras · 2 years
like not to sound pretentious or gatekeepy but it really does infuriate me when enjolras gets boiled down to hrngh sexy revolution man (yes i am talking ab the joe quinn stans) bc this exact same thing happened in 2012 with aaron tveit and the second that happens u lose all sense of his character and complexity and then boom hes just another boring man for yall to write fics about.
even if we’re excluding the fact that enjolras most definitely is NOT straight (literally canon the book says hes not interested in women hes either aro/ace or gay personally i think hes gay but to each their own yknow) his one true love is france, not you, not ur self insert, its france and the second you change that you arent writing about enjolras. and i know it might not be that deep but the character assassination of enjolras always rises again every few years and bbc les mis is the worst culprit they absolutely destroyed him to appeal to a hetero audience and it just MAKES ME SO FUCKING MAD
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jewishdainix · 25 days
The thing about enjolras - and I'm saying this as an aromantic person - is that he could very well be aro but that doesn't mean that theres a platonic explanation for what he and Grantaure have going on. Because they would not be fucking friends
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probably-enjolras · 9 months
as things have been rotating in my brain, i'm pretty sure i'm fully aromantic and not just greyaro. i think i like romance as a concept but i literally cannot conceptualize it when it comes to myself. it honestly feels wrong and i don't it has ever felt right and that i've been trying to fit in to what people expect of me. every relationship i've had has been someone having a crush on me and me trying to feel the same way but it never works. i haven't had a point where i initiate it and every "crush" i've had i've realized is me thinking someone is cool and i just wanna be around them a lot, not do anything romantic, just kinda chill with bc they're fun to be around. i wouldn't mind a queerplatonic partnership, but i don't think i could ever have a full romantic relationship.
this has been something i've been struggling to come to terms with since i was 12 (i turn 20 next month) and i finally feel like i have accepted what i think i've always known instinctively.
full shout out to all the aromantic headcanons (especially aro enjolras ones) that have really helped me be like yeah, that sounds like me!
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kcrabb88 · 1 year
2, 19, and 23 for Les Mis? (Choose violence ask meme)
 2. A compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Ha, well, I have a couple of reasons for this one. First, I tend to think of Enjolras a non-sex having aro/ace, however! When I am convinced to ship him, I wouldn't put him in the category of top or bottom because he'd be versatile! He's all about equality, right? Also, I generally think people lean too hard into boxes for this type of thing? And sometimes create weird gender role stuff?
19. You’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
Hahahaha I feel like the only answer to this question is that I really like writing in Javert's POV? Do I agree with him? Fucking NO, but it's compelling and interesting to write from his viewpoint simply for the reason that he is SO deeply messed up and I like redeeming him and making him suffer, though admittedly writing him in the throes of a breakdown is one of my fave parts of that process.
23. Ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
Hahaha probably Valvert? I haven't written them in a romantic way myself, but I admit to having read fic for them in a post-Javert redemption situation, and you know, I enjoyed it! I'm not hardcore for it or anything, but the folks on that side of fandom are really nice and they write really well!!
Ask me my salty opinions!
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