#arcana scenarios
ꕥ Asra Headcanons: Jealousy ꕥ
If ever there was a healthy relationship, it would be one with Asra— it's something that is very important to him and something he actively works to maintain
Despite his willingness to spend his near every waking moment with you, he's very accommodating when it comes to you needing space
It's this same mutual trust and stability that makes him so comfortable with you spending time with other people
Despite his maturity and security, the beginning of your relationship (like any) was a period of heightened emotion. In the midst of it all, despite himself, Asra still had tiny inklings of self doubt and worry when it came to you being alone with people who had little reason not to be more than friends
He hated his anxiety about it, and felt guilty that there was still any part of his mind that struggled to trust you and your devotion to him
From the start, however, he'd never found himself feeling insecure when you two were together among other people. He always felt that being around you was very grounding, and you seemed to be able to restore all his sensibilities
By now his trust in you is unwavering, and he feels fully secure in the place he has in your heart. There are, however... a few small exceptions to his confidence
It hits the hardest when he's away for long periods of time. Every idle moment is spent thinking of you, and he makes sure to communicate with you as frequently as he can, but eventually the guilt of leaving you alone catches up
He has immense gratitude for the people in your life able to keep you company in his absence, but sooner or later the regret begins to take the shape of a benign jealousy that others are caring for you when he ought to be
He hates feeling so helpless, but the longer he's away the more that shame piles up on his heart. The muted envy that others are getting to do his job is never resentment, he's too grateful that you have support around you. But he certainly does wish he were there with you, reclaiming his responsibilities as your partner
Beyond that, there's little that could put a dent in his faith in your relationship. He knows any attempt to alter your mutual affection will be entirely unsuccessful
If someone does try to make a move on you, he feels in no way threatened, but he's quick to indulge in a little flaunting. A hand sliding down around your waist... Leaning close to your face to speak to you... A kiss to your knuckles... Standing close enough to you that his body brushes yours... All little ways to simultaneously flirt with you and deter those interested
Overall, he's nearly never jealous, and could hardly be a better partner if he tried 🫶
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
ArcTwi Characters pulling MC' left hand: OUR SUMMONER!!
Mammon pulling their right: MY HUMAN!!!
Lucifer: Mammon you could just say ours too you know
Crowley pulling their feet: MY ERRAND RUNN-- I MEAN MY CHILD!!
ArcTwi & Mammon: eh? who's this guy?
MC: my neglectful dad
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greyspirehollow · 19 days
We lock eyes again [Request]
Pairing : Quaestor Valdemar x Reader
Fandom : The Arcana visual novel
Warnings : none
Summary : You do not remember how long it took you to finally find a suitable host for your soul, and go on a quest to find your long lost anchor to the mortal world ; the one who your thoughts inevitably converged towards, stubbornly holding you back from crossing the threshold of the afterlife.
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It had been centuries. It had been too long. You'd lived many ages : through the eyes of the salmon, deer, and wolf. You would see it in your dreams ; the time you spent in limbo, waiting, patiently...Although, when you awoke, these dreams didn't make sense anymore ; only leaving behind a lingering sense of longing, a feeling that you had to find... What did you have to find? You couldn't put your finger on it...
You sighed, sitting up in your bed and stretching. Another one of those dreams... But you didn't have time to reflect upon them, today. Asra wanted to introduce you to the court of Vesuvia, as a sort of starting point to your journey as a magician's apprentice. You feel as if you've done this before. You got up, yawning, and rummaging through your wardrobe to find something decent to wear. Once you had your outfit all sorted, you decided to add a twinkle of jewelry, just to make it all a little less dull. You had heard about this kingdom's history : struck by a terrible plague that had decimated thousands, sacrifices, memory loss... It was all a bit confusing, so you had only paid attention to the plague bit. Asra eventually knocked on your door "Are you ready?" ; you quickly adjusted your attire before hurrying out of your room "yes! I... Do I look ok? is it not... a little too much?" the magician smiled, looking at you fondly "you look perfect. Now, let's go ; we shouldn't keep the Countess waiting." You followed, walking through the sunlit and busy streets of the kingdom, looking around with delight. You had not left the shop much when you had gotten here, and the lively markets, the colors, and the people actually did you some good (to your surprise).
Your eyes widened slightly as you and your master arrived at the Palace's gates ; you looked up at the shiny architecture with sparkles in your eyes. What snapped you out of it was the voice of the guards demanding you introduce yourselves. Luckily, the Countess had seemingly told them about you and Asra's arrival, as the guards let you pass after having heard the magician's name. You then advanced past the gates, still awestruck. You felt as if the sun was illuminating the Palace in a magical hue, and the more you approached, the faster your heart thumped in your chest. It wasn't just the Palace's glory : you had a feeling. Something that made you apprehensive yet eager to go inside. You felt as if you knew something, but at the same time it was missing ; you had to go in the Palace, but you couldn't figure out why ; it tugged at your heart, pumping adrenaline into your veins, as if strings were drawing you towards the place... However, you kept this to yourself, and quietly followed Asra as you both made your way towards the throne room. Now that you thought about it, you didn't see anyone guide you towards there, and you suspected Asra had come to the Palace before.
However, no one was sitting on the throne. You raised a curious eyebrow, but before you could utter a word, your master uttered a little "ooh" of realization, before saying : "She must be in the drawing room. I wouldn't be surprised if she wished to introduce you to the courtiers as well." You nodded. That made some sense ; even though you were slightly disappointed : you would've loved to meet the Countess in a more private setting. You followed Asra nonetheless. A few turns later, you both found yourselves in said drawing room. The Countess was elegantly sitting in a one-person sofa, while she conversed with five figures, which the diversity of... Struck you, to say the least. Despite your unease, you followed Asra inside, as the magician bowed to the woman whose purple hair draped over her shoulders with shocking delicacy. "Countess Nadia" ; you bowed as well. She smiled "Ah, Asra. And you are..?" she asked, looking at you with a soft yet undeniably authoritative gaze. You managed to stutter out your name, giving her a short bow of the head. "I am glad you two were able to join us for tea. Please, be my guests ; make yourselves comfortable. I will have a cup made for you this instant. Portia?" She called out to a servant, whispering to her something before the young lady hurried out the drawing room, to presumably go fetch the tea.
It is then that Countess Nadia gestured to the other people in the drawing room. So they were the courtiers, you thought, as she went over each of them, your gaze following accordingly. Procurator Volta. Consul Valerius. Praetor Vlastomil. Pontifex Vulgora. Quaestor-
You let out a soft gasp ; no one heard you. Your eyes widened as they locked with their red own. Suddenly, everything made sense. This is why you were here. This is who you had been seeking. The dreams connected themselves, perfectly falling into place at this exact moment. You remembered it all now, the limbo, your adventures from body to body, your struggle and ghostly tears, the longing, the waiting, all that for this person right there, sitting on this sofa amongst the others...
They looked surprised as well, their eyes never leaving your own, as they seemed to be deep in thought. The conversation around you faded, your whole attention focused onto them. The memory flooded back in your mind, nearly playing out in front of you...
The little cottage. The lingering scent of herbs and wood in the air. The shelves with dried plants, stuffed birds and other animals, skulls they had found on their trips to the forest... And Valdemar themselves. They excitedly opened their journal on the desk, signing you to sit next to them enthusiastically. "Here ! -they said- I've found something ! I think you're going to like it..." You smiled and chuckled. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you managed to capture a frog" They snorted at your reply "I'm past that. No, look... I've managed to make an antidote with snake venom ! I just diluted it, added some... ah, I forgot the plant's name- it's all in my notes, look" they were smiling widely as you approached, standing mere millimeters away from them, your hand brushing against theirs as you flipped through their research journal. It smelled peculiar, it always did : a mix of something like oak and leather, with a hint of vegetation. "It's impressive..." you nodded as your eyes squinted slightly, having a hard time reading certain words because of their highly cursive and optimized handwriting. Valdemar looked at you expectantly. "It is brilliant" you finally said, looking back at them. Your heart skipped a bit at that precious smile of theirs, which pushed their freckles-adorned cheeks. Oh, how you'd kill to pamper those in kisses... "why, I'm quite proud of myself" they said, looking back at the pages. However, their grin faltered slightly "...but what if... what if all this disappears? what then?" your heart ached slightly. You knew how important their researches and breakthroughs were to them. You didn't resist this time : you wrapped their arms around them "do not fret. Your knowledge will not be lost." you spoke softly, hoping to soothe their worries, even temporarily. "...You're right... It and I will live on forever..." They say after a few beats of silence, embracing you back. You smiled, content to see them somewhat reassured.
With that, the memory faded. Your throat tightened and you had to excuse yourself. Your eyes hadn't left Valdemar's for all this time. You made your way to the bathroom, closing the door, but not locking it. You took in a quivering breath, the tears coming to your eyes despite your best attempts at holding them back. Tears of joy...
After a while, someone softly knocked on the door, but before you could get a chance to answer, the door opened, revealing the Quaestor. They stepped inside, carefully closing the door behind them without a sound, and pulling down their mask. As they set eyes on you, their expression softened somewhat. You sniffled, quickly wiping your tears away. You were about to say something, but suddenly stopped yourself. No. You didn't need to talk.
You looked at them... They had changed... You were unfamiliar with this lab-coat, those supposed horns wrapped in bandages, and this sickly green skin... But you'd recognize that thin nose and those thin lips, those freckles and those wide, curious eyes, even if they had turned red, anywhere. You had to bite back both your tears and a smile, as you felt them examine you. They took a step or two towards you and carefully lifted your hands into their own, as if to take a closer look at them. They were... Confused. And a foreign feeling tugged at their heart. They didn't know what it was. They just knew it was... Human. Which only confused them further. Scared them, even, although they wouldn't admit it.
Your eyes.
Your soft hands ; their thumb brushed onto the back of them.
Why do you feel so familiar?
This specific accent they heard when you greeted the Countess earlier.
Your warmth.
It's all so familiar...
Who are you?
Why can't they remember?
They remember someone, they can't say who. They remember them like an essence. A feeling. Nothing concrete. They don't remember their face or their voice but they know how they felt around them. They know they talked to them, even if they don't remember the words they said. It's all blurry. It feels like a dream...
Had it been too long? Did their deals make them forget? Why did you trigger their pseudo-memories of that someone?
They don't remember...
Their brows furrowed as despite their best attempts, the answer just wouldn't come back to them. Their grip on your hands tightened slightly.
But you do. You remember now. You can't help a soft smile from tugging at your lips as you look at them fondly. They haven't changed one bit... Factually, they did. But to you ? They were still the same. Deep down, they were still your sweet alchemist. You had missed their voice... You had changed as well, beyond recognition. You were aware of that. Those tedious years you spent in limbo had carried you into body after body, having to live as a wild animal once or twice as to not disappear... You wouldn't tell. Even if your soul was the same. They would either recognize you, or they wouldn't, and you were perfectly fine with both. Your alchemist... They were there, in the flesh. You had to hold back your tears of joy, yet again.
Valdemar sighed, briefly closing their eyes. "...I do not know who you are -they started-, nor do I know where you come from" your heart tickled in your ribs. They locked eyes with you again. "... But I feel as if I am happy to see you again". You nearly lost it, briefly closing your eyes and tilting your head down as to not burst in tears "strange, -you started- I feel the same about you" you chuckled. "Maybe... Forces we don't know of are into play?" you looked back up at them. They didn't seem to like that idea too much "I hope not... I would rather know who is playing with me like that" their tone held nothing negative. You couldn't help but chuckle again "w-well..." you cleared your throat, trying to keep your voice from shaking too much "Whether it is planned or... conducted by something in some way... I don't think this is too bad, eh?" you tentatively asked. They seemed to turn the thought into their head, their red eyes briefly flickering to your hands.
"...I suppose not."
You nodded, fighting for your life tears to not roll down your cheeks. You knew it made you look somewhat suspicious, but if they'd noticed, they didn't comment on it.
"...Say, -they spoke once more- what do you think after... the end of your meeting with the Countess, we spend some time in the library? I feel as if... We have... uhm... Something to catch up on." oh Gods, they absolutely hated when things were blurry and inexplicable. You nodded, practically beaming "I-I would love to." you said, once more looking at your hands in their own.
You both exited the bathroom, hand in hand. You softly let go once you had come back around the drawing room, and Valdemar did the same. However, they sat down next to you. While you joined the conversation between Nadia and Asra, their eyes never left your hand resting on the sofa, withing reach, and once more endless questions tossed and turned in their head... But it looks like the mystery of you was going to stay unsolved...
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chaotic-kitty · 2 years
The Arcana: Muriel NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: Explicit content. Minors DNI
Hey hey. Ummm…..I uploaded this a while ago but the post was glitching and so I took it down. I forgot to put it back up, so here we are. Gonna try this again. Enjoy! 😭💖
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Muriel can be relatively quiet afterwards. He makes sure you’re both cleaned up and taken care of. Also checks in on you to see how you’re feeling. Will happily just lay there cuddling with you, either in silence or talking quietly with you. There are times when he is more talkative and playful afterwards.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Muriel doesn’t like his body. Doesn’t like his hands, his arms, legs, anything. All he can see is the bloodshed his body caused in the past. He sees a body that he thought his parents couldn’t feed. He doesn’t like the scars that cover his body, as they are a recollection of stories he’d rather forget. He doesn’t see how one could necessarily like their body, or a specific part of it. But once you come into his life, he gains an appreciation for different parts of his body that he never had before. He appreciates his hands for being able to hold your hand or stroke your hair. He appreciates his arms for being able to hold you. He appreciates his chest and abdomen because of all the times you’ve snuggled up there. He appreciates other parts for being able to bring you pleasure. He just appreciates himself after you. 
As for his favourite body part on you, how could he ever pick just one thing? He loves and adores everything, every part of you. From your eyes to your lips, to your chest and your legs. He loves everything.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
When Muriel cums, boy does cum! No matter how long between sessions, he still has a lot of it. Doesn’t mind the taste of it, in fact, he likes the taste. Cum in general also doesn’t bother him.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Muriel doesn’t really have dirty secrets. Perhaps the dirtiest secret he has is, he actually feels sexual urges and desires much more than he would like to admit or more than anyone would guess. He tries to suppress it or ignore it, but every so often he’ll give in. Once he ends up in a relationship, he’s able to feel and experience those feeling on a much deeper level.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Muriel doesn’t have any experience with sex or relationships in general. Muriel has never had the desire to be intimate or with anyone because of how he views himself and his relationships. It’s not because he didn’t feel attraction or desire, he just didn’t let himself feel those things. And he viewed himself as not worthy of love in any of its forms, and also couldn’t comprehend how anyone would ever want him. So, you are the only experience he has.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Muriel’s favourite position in the beginning is Cowgirl, and other positions where his partner can be on top. This makes him feel better, knowing that you are, for the most part, in control. And he’s less worried about crushing you or hurting you. 
Once he’s gotten more confident, he likes wall sex and fucking you on countertops, etc. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Muriel will likely be more serious and focused on the task at hand, but, he will also have times when he is goofy, humorous, and smug! The latter becoming more frequent as he becomes comfortable with sex and learns more about his partner and what they’re like in bed. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
The carpets match the drapes. Muriel doesn’t groom himself down there, at all. He washes himself (obviously) but keeps everything untouched or untamed.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
He can be tentative at first, but, he’s always gentle and caring. Often checks in with you. Besides being hesitant at first, he can get very into it. Not so great with the romance, but does try to be romantic! Especially on special occasions.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Has tried it on multiple occasions. But he very very very rarely does it. He can give into the urge when he has it but resists as much as possible. He views it as another kind of pleasure he’s not worthy of.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Breeding kink?
Size kink
Praise Kink
L = Location (Favourite places to do the deed)
His favourite location is anywhere as long as it’s with you.😏 Though, he prefers in the comfort of home…..and a bed. It makes him feel safe and less anxious.
He likes to know that you’re not being heard or people aren’t going to walk in. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Muriel gets turned on by you, mainly. It can be quite easy to turn him on. Anything from teasing him, to him just watching you do some you love. Anytime he sees you gushing over something, or being confident doing something, he just thinks about how he loves you and just spirals from there until he’s needy for you. 
He also just gets spontaneous bursts of horniness.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Chocking, slapping, spanking, etc. Any form of physical “harm” is off the table, even if it’s for pleasure. He doesn’t like hurting you or thinking he’s hurting you. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Loves oral. Like, LOVES IT. Well, giving it at least. He relishes in being able to bring his lover that kind of pleasure. And adores your reactions. As for skill, he’s surprisingly mind-blowing at it. 
Ever heard of the expression, “[eating] like a man starved”? That’s Muriel when it comes to giving oral.
As for receiving it, once he’s experienced it, he enjoys it! More than he would care to admit. It is something that he doesn’t ask for, though, and is shy about it when he’s offered.
P = Pace (Are they fasts and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
Muriel’s pace is usually slowish as he’s scared of accidentally hurting you. But, his pace depends on what kind of mood it is and what you’re enjoying. If you’re making love~ or heavy in a romantic moment, he’s likely to be all round more sensual, pace included. If you’ve both reached a point where you’re absolutely desperate for one another, his pace is likely to be hard and rough as he chases his own high as well as bringing you to your high. Whatever the mood, his pace will match.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t like the idea of them that much, especially in public. Anytime that you do it, which is rarely, it almost always leads to you two fully going at it.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
In the first year or so, he’s not up for taking too many risks or trying too many things. He’s willing to experiment with different positions or techniques in that time, but not up for anything more than that. Eventually, though, he’ll try expanding his horizons, so-to-speak. But, he will still have things that fall outside his boundaries that he will not likely try. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
It really depends. On average, he can last a round or two back-to-back. If he has enough alcohol in his system, he may be able to go for more. Sessions can last up to an hour or more, especially as he spends a lot of time with foreplay and making sure you’re satisfied.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Muriel doesn’t own toys. He would also be very hesitant to have them used on him, and even more hesitant using them on you. Might warm up to the idea once you’ve both become more experienced and comfortable with one another.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
When he’s comfortable enough? A whole damn lot. Everything from teasing you and getting you riled up even before anything happens, all the while acting nonchalant about it. He’ll tease you by kissing you everywhere but where you want him, and will keep this up until you’re begging him to please you. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He grunts. It can be pretty loud, but he tries to not make any noise. Once he gets more comfortable, he won’t hold back as much. He sometimes moans if you get him really riled up, and you’re teasing his most sensitive areas. When he does moan, it is a beautiful and unrestrained sound. Will probably blush very hard if he hears himself moan.😂
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
While there is no place like home, as long as you’re away from people, Muriel will happily engage in sexual activities with you in the woods (forest areas). 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s big. Like BIG. In length, but more so in girth. His size doesn’t change that much when he’s erect. Because of his size~ it is not very likely that you’ll be able to take all of him, even if you try different positions. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not that high, not that low. Pretty average. Unless, you’re deliberately trying to turn him on using the methods that get him going. If that’s the case, his sex drive can be high.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
He falls asleep only after you do. This can be a matter of seconds if he’s fought through his tiredness. He just likes to know that you’re definitely safe and okay. And he’s usually the first one up.
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pepperfellover · 9 months
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Death cast her Blaze or Gays or whatever this looser said
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cheemken · 19 days
Ahoy! Marvin from Ao3 here!
I thought I'd share with you some of my own Regulus and APPLe backstory thoughts as I too love the homunculus!Regus idea.
My personal theory/headcannon amalgamation is that Regulus was created by a separate arcanist (Henceforth refered too as Regulus' Mother) either through or as a byproduct of producing the Philosopher's Stone. APPLe was a lab assistant to Regulus' Mother, possibly an earlier creation.
Due to the nature of the philosopher's stone, Regulus' Mother was under a lot of pressure to hand it over by the Manus. In addition, she was under pressure by the Foundation to give up both the Philosopher's Stone and Regulus due to the nature of homunculi (as I'm pretty sure it'd be considered something like cloning with a LOT of regulation so in the foundation's eye's it's a big no-no).
As a way to deny both the Manus and the Foundation her life's work, Regulus' Mother had APPLe take the Philosoper's Stone and smol Regulus, with her final orders to APPLe being to keep Regulus safe.
APPLe was able to escape with the Stone and Regulus, but is unsure of the fate of Regulus' Mother and is hesitant to comment on her.
Omg hi hey!! Welcome hahah
But yeah omf
Oughgh homunculus Regulus is just so full of potential I love it, but that'd also be dope if her mom was taken by the Foundation, idk if she'd be dead, but it'd be fucked up if she wasnt
Cause imagine if she was still locked up in the Foundation, probs one of the arcanists that Mesmer Jr has to watch over and such, and she hears word abt the rebellion, sees Regulus and APPLe as part of it, imagine how much that'd fuck her up bc why is her daughter here??? APPLe promised he'd keep her safe, so why are they here??
But then she hears word of Team Timekeeper having more autonomy now, how Regulus was just under the Timekeeper, and it made her breathe a bit better knowing that the foundation didn't find out abt Regulus' origins and her connection to her, bc if they did, then they'd probs lock her up too
But also it'd be dope if the Manus did take her instead, imagine her having a fake Philosopher's Stone w her as she tries to cover for APPLe to escape w lil Regulus, and the Manus figured that oh, it's a fake ass Philosopher's Stone, the real one is w her daughter still, thus in the prologue they were after Regulus
Also also, omg sorry I have a ton of thoughts abt this, if both APPLe and Reg's mother's bodies got fucked over to create Regulus. Like ofc, human transmutation, cause not only did they create the Philosopher's Stone, but Regulus as well. Like, idk ig it'd fuck APPLe up more if Regulus is a spitting image of him, but has her mother's personality down to a t
Makes me imagine like, a time tho when APPLe was raising Regulus, they're out and abt cause hey, he can't just keep her locked up in the ship y'know, and Regulus sees other kids w their parents, thus making her ask abt it to APPLe. Just chmdnd lil Regulus asking APPLe if she too had a mother like them, and he just,, couldn't tell her the truth yet, bc her mother is gone, never got to have a second chance like him
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pomegranateboba · 6 months
ArTw Incorrect quotes (10)
If Summoner and Sirius had a child (F/MC)
Child: Why does Mom wear makeup?
Sirius: To look pretty.
Child: But she's already pretty.
Sirius: Aww
Child: Dad, you should wear makeup
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queen-of-the-moss · 1 year
Dating Muriel
Short Drabbles:
Muriel gives the best cuddles, it's like being wrapped up with a giant teddy bear.
VERY physically affectionate when he's comfortable.
He always wants to hold your hand, and he won't tell you, but part of it is because he loves to see how tiny your hands are compared to his ♡
He uses the "3 squeezes" code ( 3 squeezes mean "I love you")
He wakes up early so he can feed the chickens and always invites you to come with him.
You find out that Muriel actually hums to himself while he does simple tasks, it's a low rumble, and it's one of the most soothing sounds you've ever heard.
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cyanide-rifle · 19 days
Thinking of portia
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pinkaditty · 8 months
just saw a bimbo!reader x incel!idia shroud...
...what if i did something self-indulgent...
haha jk!!! ...unless...?
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amber-of-tharaval · 4 months
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Please be kind and respectful when interacting with me. I don't have the high motivation when it comes to writing like before due to being busy with studies and of course being a college student. I'll write at my own pace when i get the inspiration for it.
Please don't interact with posts that are rated 18+ if you're a minor (unless you're that one specific person i know very well- you know who you are cause we talked a lot). When following me, make sure to have an age indicator in your blog or anywhere cause otherwise i may have to block you. Blank blogs will be blocked on sight.
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Canon x Summoner/Reader
Canon x OC/Self-Insert
Headcanons, scenarios and fics
Fluff, angst, humor, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending and self-indulgent stuff
Female and gender neutral readers
Implied smut or slightly suggestive content
Slight dark themes like yandere
Crossovers (preferably with my OM! MC)
Pure NSFW (Might find me writing this elsewhere- won't say where-)
infidelity/cheating, underaged characters, incest, etc.
Mental illness or any kind of disorder
Polyamory fics
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☼ Asra headcanons: in the morning ☼
Wakes up all sleepy and bed headed, wearing comfy oversized clothes, to shuffle over to where you've gone and nuzzle into your neck, hugging your waist
Wants to be near you and touching your skin almost constantly, as if he needs to make up for lost time he spent sleeping
In reality, it's more so that he can hardly fathom that you're here with him, in his home, after sharing his bed— and seeing you in the morning so trustingly welcoming him into the vulnerability and domesticity of this disheveled, unpolished facet of life just fills his heart with more love than he can express
So, he tries to take in as much as he possibly can, relishing and treasuring these domestic moments with you
Being Asra's partner, you'd have to get used to his eyes fixed on you constantly. Especially in the morning. Each new day he begins with you by his side is one more day he falls in love with you all over again, and it's all he can do not to admire you with awe
Doesn't matter your body type— doesn't matter how messy your hair is when you wake up, or how tired your face is— he simply adores all of you. Every little curve, every little detail, every motion you make... he takes it all in with such affection, as if he'd spend every heartbeat away from you replaying these memories desperately
His favorite possible way to spend mornings with you is slowly waking up with coffee or tea, huddled up under a blanket at home with the windows open to hear the birds
Truthfully, it's this scenario that plays in his head most often when he's away from you for long periods of time. Apart from... other idle fantasies
Asra enjoys singing, but most often it's during moments like these— he'll hum softly, blissfully content with you leaning into him. But don't think he doesn't know what he's doing when you're snuggled up to his chest and can hear the deep, honey-smooth rumbling of his morning voice... he knows you too well for you to be able to hide the way he makes you melt
WILL tease you about it. Occasionally he'll leave it be, instead just smiling with amused affection. If he does tease you about it, though... it would easily be one of those instances where your next response redirects just how passionate the morning was about to be. He's a sucker for morning makeout sessions... Drowsy, sultry, lingering kisses? Asra does NOT need to be asked twice
Admittedly, the aforementioned scenario is most likely played out if you wake up at the same time. He wants to be as close as possible facing you, completely intertwined with you (legs, arms, hands in hair, everything). This all starts out entirely pure; simple and sweet affection and devotion. He'll shower you with half-asleep kisses, murmuring questions about how you slept. Needless to say, the mood can very easily be shifted...
He's somewhat of a morning person, especially with you in his life. Frequently you'll wake up to breakfast waiting on the nightstand, with Asra already back in bed close next to you. Acts of service are a close contender to physical affection for him, though he's glad to express his love in just about any form he can
Overall, every morning with Asra is a lovely one and you can rest assured you won't spend it feeling unappreciated <3
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lucent-blade · 7 months
You cannot fucking fix Devil Lucio, you can sex him, you can romance him, you can try, but you cannot.
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greyspirehollow · 6 days
Pairing : Quaestor Valdemar x Liam (mc oc) ; platonic Fandom : The Arcana visual novel Warnings : angst ; hurt/comfort (still not good at warning tags grgrg)
Summary : Reverse ending ; Thinking they have betrayed him by aiding Liam becoming the new Patron Arcana of Death, the Devil punishes Valdemar (nothing related to assault, don't worry). But this cruel treatment will not go unnoticed...
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The room was dark. The only source of light was the faint red glow of the chains that bound the Quaestor kneeling to the floor. The air was filled with the scent of burnt papers and parchments. They could still feel the trace of the quiet tears they'd shed when the Devil left, despite keeping their face as expressionless as possible. They were pretty sure they had bruises, and the tip of their right horn threatened to fall off at any moment because of how they'd struggled against their binds. They knew their labcoat was scratched, and that their bandages were loose. They could feel strands of hair tickle the skin of their cheeks. This... was simply cruel. Unjustified. After their centuries, their millenias of loyal services, how could the Devil possibly treat them like this?? They hadn't crossed any lines, not in the terms of their deal at least... So why? Their gaze remained on the floor as they let their thoughts consume them. What else could they possibly be doing? Struggle against the chains some more? To what end? They wouldn't yield.
But their train of thoughts was interrupted by the distant muffle of voices...
In the corridors, some of Death's troupes looked around the rooms, opening every door they could, seemingly searching for something. Or someone. The skeletons were quick and efficient as Death advanced slowly, surveilling the operation. His cape flowed softly with each step he took. The skeletal soldier's search was fruitless so far, but it was also interrupted by a red figure down the hall. "...Vulgora." Death muttered, similarly to a greeting. Probably posted there to guard the halls, the Pontifex yielded a double bit great axe. But their expression lacked the usual bloodthirst and thrill of battle. As if... They didn't want to fight. Death was skeptical ; they'd always loved fighting. But he didn't have time to reflect upon that much : they charged at his soldiers, determined, and made the bones cackle and fall to the ground each time they'd seem them rebuild themselves. Death marched towards them, and drew their sword. He did well, because the Pontifex charged at him next. He blocked their attack, momentarily face to face with them. "They're on the second floor" if it could've conveyed confusion, Death's skeletal face would've upon hearing Vulgora's words. "The last door to the left." They sounded... worried. Death nodded and pushed them off, letting them pretend to fight off part of his troupes and taking only three soldiers with him as they rushed upstairs. He heard the Pontifex pretend to chase after them, and give up once he was halfway up the stairs. He climbed the marches one after the other.
The sounds and muffled voices grew closer. Valdemar couldn't make out the words being said -what was the point, anyway?- but could only distinguish the clinking of metal on the floor. The steps grew closer.
"General ! They're in here !"
The door was pound against, exactly five times, before it fell off its hinges, hitting the floor with a loud thud and blowing an air current that made them squint their eyes, in addition to the sudden pool of light red light pouring from outside the dark room. They caught the glimpse of four silhouettes, three human sized ones and another, more imposing, standing in the center. The three smaller frames returned into the corridor, and seemed to go keep an eye on the surrounding area, the light they basked in revealing skeletons in armor. The Quaestor's gaze then landed on the fourth shadow : it slowly started approaching. On the floor, it noticed the carcasses of journals, books, files and parchments. And a copious amount of them, too... Two little green lights served as eyes to them, and Vlademar recognized those. Their teeth greeted together, but they couldn't find anything to tell him. Liam. The reason they were in this mess in the first place... That foolish necromancer, taking the place of the thirteenth major Arcana... They briefly looked back at the ground, but their head instantly snapped back up as they saw him crouch down beside a burnt book, about to touch the crispy pitch black pages. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF THAT!!" They shouted, instinctively getting up on their feet, only to be dragged back down by the red chains, drawing a pained grunt out of them. Their shoulders hunched slightly. Liam's hand immobilized in the air and he looked at them. They briefly wished they could still read his expression in this moment... "...Your research." he simply commented. They knew he was right. He got up, and slowly walked towards them. Their gaze was suddenly drawn to his sword, as it morphed into a scythe in his hand. They looked up right at those greenish lights he had for eyes now, their gaze unwavering. Death towered over them... They looked at him grip the weapon with both hands and raise it above his skull. He was going to do it, wasn't he? They weren't even mad. They found themselves... Strangely determined. Fine. After all, maybe it was the greatest service he could make them in th-
The chains...
He'd aimed for the chains. Eyes wide, they looked at one of the metallic binds that was snapped in two by the scythe, and had fallen to the ground. Liam then snapped the other one.
They felt the remaining ones around their body loosen, setting their upper body free. They looked at their shaky hands, and then back up at Liam.. Confused. He'd crouched down to their level. Despite the lack of... basically anything that could convey emotions on his face, they felt no ill will or threatening aura coming from him. As if... He wanted... to help...
"Do you think you can walk?"
The lich's raspy and otherworldly voice asked. "How can I possibly trust you?" was their immediate response, which they briefly regretted. Liam didn't seem fazed however. Even... Understanding. He removed the glove of his right hand, exposing his bones to the dark room's air, and reached for one of the burnt books that laid at their feet. They were about to protest again, gripping his wrist to yank it away from the fragile paper, but as soon as one of his bony digits made contact with it, it's as if the book was reborn. The pages found their normal consistency, and their handwriting appeared through the book again. Their jaw hung slack in a mix of confusion and bewilderment. "I thought... Y-you said it didn't work with..." they looked back at his orbits, inhabited by those two green lights, their gaze unable to hide their emotion. "This is... One of Death's tricks. A very brief reversal of time. It only works on objects..." He replied, as he got up and removed his other glove, going around and picking one by one the journals, the files and parchments, each seemingly coming back to life as he touched them. Valdemar was stuck in shock, still on their knees on the floor, the overwhelming amount of emotions swarming them without a single warning. He... He had to have ulterior motives. It couldn't be out of... kindness. Their brows furrowed "What do you want?? wh-why are you doing this?!" as they got back up on their feet, their hands slightly shaky. Liam looked back at them "...Do I need a reason to help a friend?"
Friend...? "You mean... Fiend." "I mean... Friend." Shock appeared on their features once more. Death took a slight breath and spoke up again : "But if it is easier for you, consider this a thank you for helping me get where I am now. A... Payback, if you will." he paused, turning around to face them "But the truth is, I only wish to help." The Quaestor stood there, dumbfounded, their brows knitted together due to... Whatever emotion they were currently feeling. They observed as Liam went around the room, picking up each and every single document that the Devil had previously burnt right before their eyes. They watched as he carefully arranged it all in a pile, then a mount as more and more documents were added. They took a few steps forward, their shaky hand reaching for one of the journals, flipping through the pages, then reaching for another one, and another, and another... Tears welled up in their eyes as they held at least a dozen against their chest, crumbling back to their knees and hunching protectively over them, as if they'd vanish if they let go. Their researches... Their life's work, their reason to live... Nearly wiped out like a speck of dust. They couldn't help the tears. Yes, they could muffle their sobs, and yes, they could hide their face against the pile of journals, but they couldn't stop the subtle shaking of their shoulders... Nor the bony hand that gently settled on their back and started caressing it soothingly, Liam crouching beside them.
After a while of such deep and sudden emotions, Death stood back up, ordering his three soldiers to fetch the others, so all of them could carry the mount of documents out of this place. Valdemar took with them as much as they could, their legs slightly wobbly from the whole ordeal, as they, Death, and the soldiers hurried downstairs. They left the damned halls of the Devil's palace, and at the entrance, the Quaestor's eyes widened as they laid upon a familiar centaur-like figure. The horse skull turned to look at them "well, would you look at that! Quaestor Valdemar, in the flesh. It's been a while" Death. Their throat tightened and they looked at the ground in shame. This... All of this was starting to become a little too much. "Cut them some slack" Liam spoke softly, patting Death's flank. "I'm going to need you to carry them home. The Devil's not been kind with them..." Death nodded, although slightly bitter, lowering themselves so Valdemar could mount them, while the lich walked on foot. The Quaestor desperately clung to the journals in their arms, and as the gentle rocking motion of Death's pace nudged them, they felt exhaustion start to close onto them, despite their best attempt to keep their eyes open and surveil the soldiers which carried the rest of their researches.
They woke up in what looked like a cottage, resting on a couch, with a thick blanket over them and a plush pillow under their head. They blinked awake, looking around, noticing Liam sitting at a table. The lich was studying what looked like maps ; there was a warm fire going in the fireplace. Their eyes lingered on the flames for a while before returning to Liam. They observed his skeletal hands carefully holding the paper, before their red eyes looked out the window, into the snowy forest around. The sight felt much less dreadful than they remember. The soft creaking of Liam's chair drew their attention. "Ah, you're awake. How do you feel?" It was... paradoxal to have Death sound so soothing... Or maybe it wasn't. "...Better." Warm. "That is great to hear." he put the map down on the wooden table, getting up to reach for a set of keys and picked two from it. He then walked over to Valdemar and gently placed the keys in their hand. "It's to access a small shed I have built nearby. I've made it so your research could be stored there, in Death's realm." yet another emotional blow for Valdemar. But of gratitude, this time. They closed their eyes and let out a soft sigh to keep their composure. "...Thank you." Liam nodded. "It's my pleasure." He was about to return to his table when Valdemar gripped his sleeve. He turned around. They'd stood up ; they seemed to be contemplating something. Their eyes briefly scanned Liam up and down, before they gulped and extended their arms, before wrapping them around him, in a clumsy hug. A warm feeling spread in the lich's chest as he embraced their smaller frame back.
Valdemar could've never guessed Death's embrace could ever be this soft and welcoming.
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kaitlyn-pink · 6 months
Going hard on the shitposting later today when I’m free 😼
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d3sperate-enuf · 1 year
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It has come to my attention that I have 216 followers and have yet to do anything.
Honestly I'm disappointed in myself but then again I don't know what to do.
Any suggestions? Ideas? Help
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