#and would make memes about how I hated anime and stuff like that
parkersgnome · 3 months
Ok now I kinda regret bringing up my anti-weeb phase
Pls don’t think I’m a hypocrite or think I just got into anime bc it’s popular guys. I went thru both an “otaku” phase and a “no anime” phase ;-;
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
MCYT with a reader who would literally get into a fist fight for them?? Literally, if someone even looks at them wrong reader will throw hands. It's literally that meme (Random person) "GET YO FUCKING DOG BITCH" (MCYT) "it don't bite" "YES IT FUCKIN DO-" I'm sorry I'm feeling silly 😔
OH MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE THIS PROMPT AND THE REFERENCE TO THIS MEME LMFAOOO OH MY LORD BSHWJRHEJJAJW ; very vine oriented so I apologize. you threw me into a loop referencing that
MCYT ; "anytime, anywhere, I'd beat a bitches ass for you"
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, slimecicle, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, talk of blood/injuries, physical fighting, vine cringe because I got very carried away and you can tell
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he was one of those kids in high school that made light offensive jokes but would never fight anyone over anything, he's not a violent person at all other than in his jokes
but God forbid some random person look at you two weird in public, you're on their ass
you're more offended that they were judging Tommy at all, you couldn't care that they were judging you
"sorry, do you have a problem?" You squint your eyes at the person, "me and my boyfriend are just trying to shop and you keep following us around and staring, like, can I help you?"
just a teenage Karen
yall do take it outside when the motherfucker follows you out and begins to record you
you beat this fuckers ass to a PULP
Tommy's just holding the few bags of stuff you'd purchased staring down, jaw on the fucking floor like "Oh my God wtf do I do"
he had the vlog camera on so he kinda got it all on video before he pulled you away from the person
yall sprinted the hell away bc the security guards were running towards yall 😭😭
#the person admitted guilt anyways and said they were planning to hurt you so no point in trying to track yall down for self defense
#i barely know the law shush
he physically has to hold you back from fighting people
"y/n, it's fine. they just want a reaction"
"let me beat them up!"
the other person's like "yo wtf is wrong with you????"
"sorry, my partner acts like a hostile animal when people piss them off, sorry"
he appreciates you defending him though, he does like using you as a weapon because he thinks it's funny
I mean at least you guys don't have to worry about getting kidnapped or anything because you'll be there to kick the motherfuckers ass
"Oh they don't bite, it's okay 🥰"
they just kind of accepted that you were like this
"I do not endorse violence unless you are y/n. I can't make them un-violent. I have tried, they're a vicious guard dog now"
hurricane Katrina? more like hurricane tortilla when you enter the building
yk the free style dance teacher vine? that'll be ranboo out in public and someone will stare at them all weird and you'll glare back
"walk away, walk away" you mumble, watching the person hurrily walk away as they see you like glaring daggers into their skull
your dynamic is the one vine that's like "Oh can I have a sip of your water?" and "It's not water or vodka, it's vinegar" "bitch what"
then you'll go make angsty edge lord posts to the one bojack horseman audio "I'm not a violent dog" and insert a clip of you beating the shit out of someone in high school
you post the "look at all those chickens" vine on your Twitter everytime you see a hate comment made for one of you
you love instigating fights w people online it's the funniest fucking thing
if you don't know how to reply to some dumbass edgelord response you'll just spam the guacamole vine until they shut up
"wait, why does y/n have so many soaps?"
Freddie's response to your violence is usually the saxophone seal vine. he genuinely laughs everytime he sees you fighting w someone online
sometimes you'll stream it while you wait for a response and while you're fighting online trolls who've been brainwashed by Twitter
"You're gay?!?!?!?11??11"
insert the "ms keisha dead" vine and the battle is over idk what to say
fight fire with fire I guess
she hates yet loves that you'd fight ppl for her
oh, someone treated her wrong? you'll be trending on Twitter for fighting the person
#y/u/n will literally be at number 1 for a week
people edit the fight too
she appreciates it though, even though she doesn't exactly like to promote violence, she'll accept it from you
"Oh, don't worry about them, they're just a little... nervous around people sometimes"
"nervous? girl that mf is SNARLING at me"
you'll see a post that's like "me when someone tries to start shit w my s/o" and reply with the "hahaha I do that" vine
when I tell you she CACKLES reading online fights with people 😭🙏
"get the F off my yard!" proceeds to have to drag you away from situations where someone's actin a little funny in a /neg way
he genuinely thinks you fighting people for him is funny
he'll tell the stories on stream and to his friends like "dude they fucked this guy up, I honestly feel bad for laughing"
honestly most the time it's people victimizing themselves
like that one meme where the lady very obviously and fakely falls over that bench on LIVE TELEVISION.
he's your biggest supporter
he's the old guy from that one vine of the kid singing "Oh wait a minute mister postman" and he does the whole ass high note
"here's y/n fighting someone for idk what because they're talking to the police 😋"
you're a problem at this point
you've physically fought so many wild racists for him it's crazy
he'll gladly cheer you on
"Oh it don't bite"
you proceed to bite the bitch
online fights are usually responded w the purple teletubby twerking meme
"L don't be a weak ass racist pussy next time"
you fight Logan Paul for some reason??? Twitter drama mostly
don't worry quackitys there to watch
17-3 don't worry... ehehehrhahahha
when he tells you that you need to stop instigating fights you send him the "They ask you how you are but you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine" meme BAHDNHAHA
"YOU KNOW WHAT DUDE? IM OUTTA HERE" vine in a nutshell with you two. I can't explain this but it makes sense I swear
"whatd you do to your eyebrows?" meme except its "Whyd you fight that person!?" "I don't really know!"
Twitter fights are like "and they were roommates!" "ohmygodtheywereroomates" I swear to fucking god
you love instigating shit with Twitter trolls
when you stand up for him/reply to edgelord haters for him he replies with the "country boy I love youuuuuuu" vine
"GIVE ME YOUR FUCKIN MONEY!" vine with the law and order intro is literallt how physical fights go
let's just say some stalker edgelords tracked you guys down at the streamer awards...
here you go trending on Twitter again
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slothkittfunsies · 3 months
Deep Dive into the issues on Alastor.
CONTENT WARNING: Racism, Aphobia.
Now that I created a blog specifically for stuff like this, It's time for the dive.
Alastor is a character that resonates with me, because this guy is supposed to represent me and my people (aspec/aroace community) and I liked his pilot personality. (That went to shit)
This man got so many issues, that i have to take the pen myself and scribble what Vivzie has wrote. So, Let's start, shall we?
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The first time I saw the Hazbin pilot, I got confused about what Alastor was supposed to be. I thought he was just a grey human wearing some kind of animal ears until the fandom said he is a deer.
A deer. Let that sink in.
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(Images for comparsion)
As someone passionate about the arts, this upset me. Sure, I haven't been to art school, but even I know you need to put the backstory and features in mind when designing a character.
Character design is NOT throwing things at the wall and seeing which sticks. It needs actual critical thinking. If your audience is confused about your character's species, it's time to go back to the drawing table (unless you have a reason for making it mysterious.)
Second, the overabundance of red is awful in terms of color theory. This guy is in Hell, which is also red, causing an eyesore. I got a headache when trying to focus on him on a red background. And also, colors have meaning. People associate red with danger, so the fact he even managed to get victims to kill makes me puzzled.
Also, the fact he's supposed to be mixed/black makes this design even worse. Why is he grey instead of brown, perhaps? Vivzie has a pattern of making POCs grey-skinned, which is, again, awful.
I think Vivzie only made him a POC due to the voodoo issue. I mean, just remove the symbols and you are done. But nah the symbols are too "aesthetic" to remove. So gotta change his race.
She could have used another symbols, like THIS for example:
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Since, you know, he's the "Radio Demon"?
Ok, this where I'm very confused.
Alastor is a radio host, and also a serial killer. He was born in the USA, got killed by a deer hunter by mistake, and lived in the 1920's.
This is what I gathered from being a superfan back then, and it sounds unorganised/cluttered. And the years he lived in make his design even worse. (Again! His clothing doesn't speak the 1920s!)
The fact he's from an old era, and yet speaks in modern slang is weird. He's supposed to hate anything modern, and yet he does it anyway? His saying "fuck" multiple times is so out of character for him. I guess the "If made by Vivziepop" memes have some truth.
Putting the fact he's mixed, makes the backstory more confusing. How did he manage to be a popular radio host at the time before the civil rights movement became a thing? He will have been put down like the rest of the POCs in America. Either that he's white-passing, or it's VERY difficult. Adding the fact he's a serial killer makes me think how the cops didn't get to him (the mere fact he's black should have got him questioned in 1920s America)
Now, for his identity. I'm mad he's the only aroace character in the sea of gays and bisexuals. (I'm not saying gay men and bisexual people should not have representation. I have to say that due to tumblr's piss poor reading comprehersion)
which made me go through on why Vivzie made him aroace in the first place. I don't know if this is true, but I heard she made him aroace because "he only loves himself"
Um. Here we go again with allos assuming we are non-empathic psychopaths for our lack of sexual or/and romantic attraction. I hope that's not true at all, but knowing Vivzie's past, I wouldn't be surprised.
Alastor would have been a great character if another person took care of it instead of Vivziepop. What I'm gonna say is, wasted potential.
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AITA for telling a school counselor about what my friend does online?
I (F minor) am in middle school. I have a group of friends, about 8 people, but this is about one girl in specific we can call Annie. All of us are mutuals on tumblr, twitter, etc. and we have a discord server too.
All of us are into a lot of the same things, like art, anime, video games, and have a lot of the same hobbies. Most of us also struggle with mental health stuff like anxiety and/or depression so we regularly talk to our school counselor (F, Idk how old she is).
Anyways, we're all really close and we get along really well for the most part, but lately Annie has been doing stuff that really bothers and worries us.
She's VERY into internet discourse. Has 10 paragraph long DNI page, is constantly starting fights with other people, etc. She usually argues about stuff like LGBT+ rights, womens rights, etc. but also a LOT of fandom discourse which is my biggest concern.
A lot of my other friends reblog/retweet stuff like anime gifs, fanart, memes, etc. but pretty much every post I see from Annie is her fighting with someone over shipping or something like that.
A lot of the posts are basically:
Her talking about how disgusting a certain ship or character is
How everyone who likes that specific thing is a degenerate, or freak, or pedo or groomer.
How if you like problematic ships you need to get a therapist, or you deserve to be hurt. Once I saw her arguing with someone who said they write certain stuff due to trauma and she said "You don't have trauma, you're either lying or you actually liked it and that's why you write such disgusting nasty shit"
Fighting with random people and accusing them of being a predator or a pedo
Breaking her own DNI (which says adults, proshitters, etc. DNI) and then getting mad at the other person for responding
It's really upsetting to see because she does this CONSTANTLY. She never seems to use tumblr/twitter to do things she actually likes. I never see her reblog gifs or memes or just silly lighthearted posts about stuff she enjoys.
It's especially upsetting because we're minors and she TELLS PEOPLE THAT. Like she's arguging with people that she thinks are pedos or child predators, while openly telling people her actual age. To me that's like covering yourself in bloody steaks and then jumping into water full of sharks.
I was really starting to get concerned because even in our private discord server she's always talking about how much she hates these people or whatever and how they should die, a lot of the time she says things like "they should get the wall" or "I hope their nasty fanfics happen to them irl that would teach them lol" and it really freaks me out.
She also talks about seeing the "child porn" that these people make which as far as I'm aware is drawings of characters but it still freaks me out how open and calm she is about looking at what she THINKS is child porn. I asked her if it's child porn why is it being linked in callout posts for other people (including minors!) to see and not being reported to the FBI but she just gets mad and changes the subject.
Me and our other friends have mentioned before that we don't like hearing about this kind of stuff but then she just gets mad and goes offline or gives us the silent treatment at school.
A month or so ago I got so fed up and upset, that I took a bunch of screenshots of her tumblr account and discord messages. One thing to note is that her username is VERY specific.
It's a combination of her first and last name and her birth year. Most people will not know that, but if you know her name and birthday, it's easy to tell it's her. She also goes by her real name online which I also screenshotted as proof it's her.
I brought all this to the school counselor, and I told her how worried I was about Annie, and how I think she's doing something really unsafe. Not only is she confronting people she thinks are child predators/groomers, she's telling people they deserve to get hurt in really awful ways, and looking at porn and I don't think this is good for her mental health.
The counselor at first was like "Idk are you SURE it's her? It could be anyone online!" But I insisted that it was and explained the username thing and that this was our private discord server so obviously I know it's her.
She thanked me for letting her know and told me I was being a good friend and then we talked about how I was doing, and then I left. I kind of forgot about it until a week later.
Annie wasn't online at all and I was kind of worried, but then I saw her on Monday at school. I was with our other friends and we called out her name so she would see us and come over and she LOST IT. She started screaming at us and telling us how awful we were, and how we ruined her life.
Idk what exactly happened, but apparently the counselor talked to her and her parents got involved? Her parents now monitor her internet usage, they have child safety stuff on the browsers, and she's only allowed on certain websites for doing research for school, or watching videos on youtube on their account so they can see what videos she's watching, or playing games on steam.
She said that her parents are also putting her in therapy once a week now (with an actual therapist, not the counselor) and she's only allowed to go out with an adult chaperone (either her older sister or one of her parents).
But... None of our friends know it was me who told the counselor. Annie has other friends besides us, so they're also "suspects" for being the snitch. It seems like half of our friends are relieved that Annie is kept away from that kind of stuff and the other half are mad at whoever the snitch is for ratting Annie out and resulting in her having less privacy/freedom.
At first I was happy that Annie was getting help and being kept away from this but now I feel really conflicted. I feel so disgusting talking to her and our other friends and pretending nothing happened, knowing that I was the one who told the counselor.
Annie still talks to us but she's a lot less open. We still have our discord server but apparently her parents will read through the messages to make sure she's not talking about anything bad and that she's only talking to us and not strangers.
What are these acronyms?
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moonkitty · 10 months
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ive been on this site for a decade now and im genuinely curious. where did they get this number from? like i get that i am 100% biased because i am obviously in gay circles on this site and not straight circles. and i feel that people who are making "are you lgbt" polls to try and "gotcha" staff are also in overtly gay circles. but im genuinely curious. where did they get the "1/4th gay people" number from?
like. what are they counting? induvisual blogs? side blogs? how many gay people dont actively post about being gay online? are they counting inactive blogs? tumblr was very popular in the early 2010s and i specifically remember a big handful of fandom cishet or unknown people on here at the time (who just did not know or post about being gay.)
how do they KNOW that 1/4th of the userbase is gay? wouldnt they then know what % of that are bigoted hate accounts then? what % are posting cp? or even just the % of bots? i know they obviously dont want to tell us that but seriously. where on earth did they get this number from?
regardless, i genuinely need to search ALOT for non bigoted blogs run by normal cishet people. because well, cishet people dont exactly post alot about being cishet unless if they fall under hate accounts. and obviously its not hard to find bigotry or hate blogs on here. im talking about normal accounts that post normal stuff like animals or memes or whatever. and even then you obviously arent going to know the sexuality behind the user of a random normal blog.
meanwhile i can go to any popular tag in here. ANY. POPULAR. TAG. and it is genuinely hard for me to find users who are not some kind of gay.
tldr: i am 90% sure they are pulling this number out of their ass or they are just straight up lying. i would love to be proven wrong
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shuttershocky · 8 months
Based on my (limited) experiences following the Type Moon fandom, it seems like there's such a wall between the fans of the "OG stuff" (mostly Mahoyo, Tsukihime, Kara no Kyoukai, FSN) and people who started with/also enjoy Grand Order, it looks like such a one sided thing where the fans of the older stuff tend to hate on FGO's writing and whatever it might have done to have done to Type Moon and Nasu's priorities, while the FGO fans just seem to enjoy the story while still being happy enough to support the OG stuff (Mahoyo/TsukiRe english release for example)
That incoherent wall of text is basically set up for me to ask what *you* think of FGO as someone who I imagine came from the older works. I'm curious about how you feel about the writing and stories in particular, from the arcs where Nasu started to be more involved (I haven't played them, but I believe it's Camelot?) since that's where I heard they started to get more elaborate. Do they live up to the experiences you've had with TM's other works?
Sorry for the long question, and I hope you have a great day!
Wow. I've been here for an incredibly long time if people no longer know about how much I used to play FGO.
Anyway, I would say what really sets FGO apart, not just from the rest of Type-Moon but even from other Fate works, is its scale, both in terms of the storytelling and its real life commercial value.
The hate you see many non-FGO playing TM fans have toward FGO is resentment towards how much it has simply taken up Type-Moon as a whole. The Tsukihime Remake was announced all the way back in 2008 and released in 2021 for example, partly because FGO taking off the way it did in 2015 meant it took up all their time and effort. They could not focus on anything else.
As their biggest moneymaker, it also began to warp the production of other works around it, as FGO had now become the main way by which people got into Type-Moon. Therefore, all things had to appeal to FGO fans in order to sell whether that was Fate/Extella Link pulling in FGO cast members like Scathach and Arjuna into the game, or Fate/Apocrypha's anime adaptation including as many FGO cameos as possible like Medea Lily (what was she even doing there lmao).
Of course, just adding FGO references doesn't automatically make something bad. Fate/Samurai Remnant for example has made fantastic use of FGO characters while mixing them in with new ones. However, you also get stuff like Melty Blood Type-Lumina having Saber, Ushiwakamaru, Dantes, and Mash all in the game while old fan favorite Melty Blood characters like Sion and Len are nowhere to be seen. You know that "Wi-fi is okay if you're close to the router" Melty Blood meme? That character Nanaya Shiki isn't even playable in the latest Melty Blood. When you see that and see not one, not two, but THREE FGO characters taking their place (Saber's a free pass), you'd see why there's a lot of resentment built up towards FGO by older Type-Moon fans.
As I said before, the difference isn't just in its commercial scale, but also in its creative one. Even in the most outlandish of settings, Type-Moon works are almost always smaller scale, character-centric pieces. Fate/Extra took place inside a supercomputer on the Moon, but it was about a glitch making an AI fight in a death battle between humans, and how that formerly blank AI feeling danger and wanting to live blurred the lines between what is human and what isn't. Tsuki No Sango (Coral of the Moon) was about a world 3000 years in the future, but the entire thing was a little space man in the palm of a girl's hand, listening to a love story about a man and a computer on the Moon.
For all its many similarities to previous TM works, FGO is still ultimately a save the world type of story. It starts with a demon destroying all of time, and then turns into a death game between entire timelines. It's big, it's bombastic, and it's instantly accessible, the kind of story structure you want to be able to fit the gacha format of an endless stream of new characters while keeping the ship steady with an overarching plot that lets you keep meeting an endless stream of new characters.
That's not really what I'm a TM fan for. I played FGO for its first 3 years, and once they brought out the Lostbelts I realized I was already satisfied and did not want to read yet another big world saving adventure plot all over again. I was pretty happy with how the first arc ended already, so my interest in continuing FGO shriveled up soon after.
Quality wise I'd say FGO is a very mixed bag, inevitable when FGO itself is a mix of very different writers (who themselves can be pretty inconsistent, Nasu included). Plenty of FGO chapters have also been cursed with subpar adaptations (looking at you, Camelot and Babylonia), further muddying the perceived quality of the stories.
I will say when FGO is bad, it's really bad (and often pretty racist), but when it's good, it's really good. For what I consider to be a mediocre baseline, FGO has some incredibly high peaks that rival the best in Type-Moon, and even when something is just okay execution wise (like Shimousa), some of the characters, concepts, and story beats are just so damn cool that they become intensely emotional and impactive all the same and inspire superior adaptations and follow up works (like Shimousa).
That being said, my favorite stories in FGO were the ones that would use much smaller scale, isolated adventures with a far stronger focus on characterization and emotional arcs that follow its thematic ones. Aeaean Spring Breeze is one of the best examples, being a tiny event about helping Circe move on from having been rejected by Odysseus in life, with some incredibly solid character work and a great understanding of how to mix the needs of a light-hearted comedy event with making genuine, emotionally compelling moments from a character that almost never speaks from the heart.
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rxttenbxnes · 26 days
Hello! Do you have any fun headcanons to share about Idia? Honestly, I just find it painful to see how badly this guy gets butchered in headcanons sometimes. People always forget that he is in fact a complete ass with a massive superiority-inferiority complex and not just a sad boi, or they overplay the weeb part and ignore how he has other interests like science and art, or they make him too pathetic by assuming he would still be a blushing incoherent mess like a year into marriage, etc. Anyway, it’d just be nice to hear the headcanons of an actual Idia fan since that’s the only way to get anything sane.
Omg totally, first I'mma do a little rant, I'll make sure to label where the HCS begin so y'all don't have to read my rants 😭
܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
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Okay we gotta acknowledge the fact idia is indeed, an asshole you guys. 💀Well not completely obviously but he's not just gonna be nice to you for no reason. He's not just some depressed dude needing sympathy.
The way Idia is so Infantilzed by the fandom it's actually gets me tweakin, You guys this actually makes me mad, he's not some sensitive bottom uwu boy that stutters 50 times every sentence In fact I honestly cannot see him being submissive half of the time, this man is actually a asshole on the low. Most people get the fact that idia would be submissive from his shy and closed off personality which is just SO wrong to me.
Idia is extremely pessimistic and if we're being real Idia is actually not a good narrator for his own experiences, the constant self deprecation mixed in with his his thoughts about being superior to others is so fascinating to me, one moment he sees himself as nothing but a piece of trash while in the next moment he's boasting about how he's the only one component enough to be ignihyde's dorm leader. He's such a complex character I can Yap about him constantly
I get making jokes and stuff but some people genuinely think idia is some stinky incel creep that hates women and just purposely chooses to not go outside and be chronically online. Like yeah, he has nerdy and loser like hobbies but this man literally has trauma and chronic depression, along with an anxiety disorder, it's not something he can just make disappear. He likes science, engineering, art, anime, games etc which is all just cool, it's not like he's some creep that's afraid to talk to people, nor is he some super submissive guy that'll fold for you in a tiny interaction.
Had to get ts off my chest 💀
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܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
܀⊹ ིྀ𝐼𝑑𝑖𝑎 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠 🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
🎧 Caramelldansen. Idia adores this song unironically. At first he had just saw the meme and quickly ended up falling into the whole thing, laying on the floor completely dazed out of his mind as the colorful lights flash in the background from the music video playing on repeat lol
🎮 I said this in my earlier post but Idia definitely draws his crushes all the time. Luckily he has a little self control and draws anime/manga characters in most of the pages, he's really protective over his sketch book due to 1.) His social anxiety and 2.) The fact that he doesn't want anyone to know that he likes drawing and observing people, especially his crushes.
🎧 Idia constantly has his headphones on, I know of a fact that Idia listens to Nightcore, anime OSTs, Vocaloid, animation meme music, Vkei, video game sound tracks and breakcore religiously. I think idia would honestly listen to everything he can get his hands on
🎮 I feel like he had a 2020 alt kid phase lol. I feel like quarantine would've been his time to thrive, his peak enjoyment of life would be set during this time lol. Being able to express himself like he wanted without others seeing??? Sign him up
🎧 Ironically, he's not super weak. I feel like he just sucks at physical activity, especially running since he doesn't leave his room much. His hands/fist are definitely strong, I feel like he has a strong hit.
🎮 That being said, I think Idia’s hands are large, thin and boney. They definitely have a few scars and calluses from all the machinery he works with, you can't tell me that his hands aren't pretty rough.
🎧 Idia is a fashion icon, in games. Not irl, he would never due to the attention it would grab him, though he definitely is into all of the alternative and Gothic fashion stuff. He'll give his characters the most perfect and pretty outfits and make sure everything is customized perfectly, not mind at all if it takes him hours to do so.
🎮 This man definitely collects figures. I feel like they're all anime and video game figures; he's even commission artist and such to make custom work of his favorite interest and brag online about it.
🎧 Has an habit of repeating words and phrases he likes over and over again. It doesn't matter if it's from an obscure meme that literally only 5 people including him know or if it's in a different language, he'll constantly reference and repeat it like no tomorrow.
🎮 He's a biter. He bites a lot of things randomly, he'd bite someone out of love if he got the chance. I'm telling you he'll just naw on random stuff, not caring if it's edible or not. It could literally be a plushy and he'll randomly bite it while he's hugging it.
🎧 Idia definitely finds confort in the rain and gloom weather. Really, he just enjoys typically gloomy things. It's extremely comforting and relaxing to him to just be able to sit on his bed with his headphones on while it rains harshly outside, making the world around him dark and gloomy.
🎮 Curses, like a lot. Gamer rage is real you guys and he definitely has it. If he loses a game too many times or gets too frustrated with his teammates, he'll curse like a sailor. His anger isn't directly to his teammates or anything, it's of him being frustrated with everything in general.
܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
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jewishcissiekj · 5 months
hi let's talk about her
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Honestly I have so much to say about her. so much. so here's some of it
-Asajj was last seen in canon in the Dark Disciple novel. Where she died. I would never recommend that book to anyone so if you haven't read it yet please don't. In short, after becoming a Bounty Hunter in The Clone Wars she grew out her hair, got a cool yellow Lightsaber and for some reason teamed up with Quinlan Vos to try and kill Dooku. They didn't manage to do it. And Asajj died (was fridged) trying to protect Quinlan. The Bad Batch will not contradict that, as was said by the creators. So this is just a summary for anyone who hasn't read it because I wholeheartedly believe that book is bad
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-I have not watched a single Bad Batch episode in my life. As a disclaimer. I started the first one, watched their TCW arc and saw memes screenshots clips and spoilers but I do not know this show. I will watch it now that Asajj's there tho
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-She does not have the same outfit anymore! It's a change, and we haven't gotten a clear look at her new design so idk how to judge it yet. Might be to look less recognizable, but it has a very different vibe than any of her prior outfits. There's a leftover shoulder pad and probably some other stuff from her last design but I feel like they kinda clash with the new one and tbb's design language in general. The Bounty Hunter look has a very TCWish feel to it and this one is a sharp turn in another, much more casual direction. I'm not inherently against it but I guess we'll see how it looks in action soon
-In my opinion the hair looks like shit. I don't think she should have hair ever. I don't understand why she can't be bald. Why is she bald when she's evil and has hair when she's a padawan (good) and when she is "redeemed"? guess we'll never know. It's a leftover from the cancelled Dark Disciple TCW arc design (and the Dark Disciple cover and promotional material ofc) and it's bad if you ask me but to each their own and if you like it good for you
-Her Lightsaber!!!!! Same case as the hair in terms of irl development but I like it so much better. The yellow just fits her character and it's pretty. Would love for her to find another one and get back to dual-wielding (I know that won't happen)
-The bag and pouches make me so happy as a design element do you think she carries a (tooka) cat in there
-Now, visually she looks great and the animation style is smoother and nicer than TCW (as is the quality), but what about the direction the character's going in? I didn't like her being dead before, but I felt like it was somewhat better than her being shoved into being a cameo character in new content. If you can't touch her after a certain point, you also can't mess her up. But I do wonder where they're going with her. A few questions:
-Asajj in canon is a directionless character. Also, a partially nonsensical and inconsistent character in her choices and storylines. I've talked about it a lot but in short she just feels messy. What's her purpose in life? Her motive? Her origin story doesn't really make sense, even. She's a Bounty Hunter, sure, but why? If all she wants is revenge on Dooku and maybe money (which was pretty much the case in Dark Disciple), what's she doing after the Empire? And more importantly, why?
-Obviously, the question I haven't asked yet because I don't like it: How the fuck is she alive? Nightsisters have a weird relationship with death but seriously, how?
-She's a Force User after the Rise of the Empire now, so what does he do about that? Is she founding The Path? Fucking around and finding out? Making a not-Jedi-not-Sith order with other force users she finds? Is the Empire after her? Do they know she's live?
-What about her girlfriend? Is Latts Razzi safe? Is she alright?
-Why is she in The Bad Batch show? Are we making her into a cameo character or is there a purpose? Why'd they bring her back? For fun? What is she doing after the show? Floating in dead space? Cameo-ing? Will we have a book?
-OK enough for tonight but if we see Quinlan Vos in the show I'll become violent (/neg). We probably will (he might just get mentioned idk).
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 5 months
Mind telling us how the dynamics of duos within teen Sector V are? Like 1/2, 3/4, 2/5, 1/3, 2/4 and so on lol. Just to get to know them and how they are as teens a bit better!
There's a lot to say here, so I'll start with Nigel and go on until everything is explained?? Before reading, I don't want hate or anything plz, this is what works for this AU but I pretty much can ship anyone with anyone!
Let's go!
Nigel and Hoagie like to work in tandem on new 2x4 tech for teen operatives to use. Hoagie has the ideas, Nigel refines them (and avoids Hoagie from making them too dangerous or unstable) and they build them together. Nigel hasn't always been one for manual work but lately he found out it helps him not to think too much. And Hoagie's more than happy to help "Big Boss" relax!
Kuki is Nigel's personal ray of sunshine (that's also why the whole school calls her that). She helps him to cheer up and see life in a different way, a more colorful and positive one. They don't even have to talk, Nigel just needs to sit next to her and plop his head on her shoulder and she knows it's time to work her magic on him! Also she somehow convinced him to have her test her "make up skills" on him. Don't ask why, that's how they roll. AND! Kuki's been in charge of taking care of Nigel's rainbow monkey plush since he left for GKND.
Because of something that happen to Wally years before (which, don't ask, none of them want to talk about it), these two are now really close. Especially Wally found a good friend he can talk to when life gets too hard on him, he knows Nigel will be more than happy to listen to him go off without judging or forcing a solution on him. Basically Nigel KNOWS the root of all of Wally's problems and understands his feelings. They don't like to show how close they are around, but if they find each other alone, it's feeling time.
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They know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE around the school, no one is safe, not even professors or the principal himself. They could crush everyone in one move... but choose not too because were would the fun be? Sill best friends, if you didn't know their history you could easily mistake them for a couple. Well, they are in fact planning their wedding, been doing that for 2 years now, but it always gets delayed because one of them changes his mind about a minor detail. Do they even argue? Are they actually together?? What is going on??? Only they know.
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Just a quick note: Numbuh 6 is still there and they still keep an eye on him, but he's been moved to another sector when they all turned 13. Because of his love for anime and manga, Hoagie is actually learning Japanese with her, because he thinks it would be cool to be able to watch anime without subtitles or worse, the... dub... EWW! Also they like to watch stuff together that Wally refuses to because it has romance in it, like Toradora! or even Sword Art Online.
Best friends forever. Kinda gay, but not all the way? Like IRL JD and Turk basically. They're so into anime and manga and videogames, they're NERDS but Wally usually hides it around people, Hoagie can't be bothered and you can spot him reading some manga no one even knew existed. They have a lot of inside jokes not even the others understand, especially the "chicken" one they've been keep going since they were 7. Also, they're meme masters.
How the heck are they even dating? Like, he's an OTAKU and she's the QUEEN of the school??? But it works apparently, and everyone is jealous and MAD at Hoagie because really, he's one of the LAMEST LOSERS in the school, just... how... WHY?? No one knows. But them. He makes her laugh and she keeps him with his feet on the ground. Been going for *looks at smudged note on the hand* 7 YEARS????
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A ray of sunshine and the prince of darkness. Happiness and rage, rainbow and clouds, colorful and black. They seem like opposite worlds colliding, but the whole school knows they're dating now. Took a bit of time tbh, it has its ups and downs, but they look happy together, so, what else could they want? 2 years down, their whole life to go.
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They have the love for make-up and fashion in common. Kuki likes to test her make-up skills on Abby, who's more than willing to let her go for it because she's actually good! They like to hang out at the mall, sometimes they drag Nigel with them for reasons (the boy needs some good clothes).
If Nigel's the one Wally can go to without expecting judging or answers, Abby's the one who can give Wally a solution for a problem he has. She loves the boy, wants all the best for him, it's just that sometimes... he's... really something to work with. Actually turns out these two are the best ones to put on a mission together. They know how to work things out.
Sorry I have no energy to do all the drawings for all dynamics, so I did the ones that inspired me the most.
Hope you liked it!
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bots-and-cons · 9 months
Can we get a movie night with thr cons? Maybe some old school scifi or horror movies? Pretty please?
I picked horror movies since I've watched more of those than sci-fi movies. HCs, because I can fit more stuff into those without it becoming a super long post. It has probably been like 10 years since I watched Halloween, so I honestly don’t remember much about it, but I just did some of the stuff that horror movies usually have. I did most of the cons
•It was a bit of a challenge to get everyone in the same room to watch a movie
•You picked the movie, because otherwise it would have been hours before you all could come to an agreement
•So you decided to go with a classic and picked the first Halloween movie
•Megatron was not super into the whole idea, but he was also bored out of his mind, so he figured he had nothing better to do
•He actually found the movie quite interesting, not particularly scary though
•He’s laughing at most of what others would consider scary or he’s loudly complaining about how stupid some of the decisions made in the movie are
•You’re the only one who dares tell him to be quiet, but it doesn’t really work for long
•Knockout was very excited to watch the movie, but when you mentioned it was a horror movie, he tried to get out of watching it, because he gets scared very easily and he absolutely hates jumpscares
•But you manage to convince him anyway, and he doesn’t actually hate the movie, he’s just very freaked out the whole time
•He keeps yelling at the screen every time the characters do something stupid: “Don’t go into the murder basement you freaking idiot!”
•Breakdown mostly just finds the whole thing funny, and he keeps laughing at all the scariest moments, because “How stupid is that?”
•He did get a bit sad when the dog died though, because he likes animals
•Starscream is probably most creeped out and he yelps and screams multiple times during the movie, because he also gets spooked by the jumpscares and he finds the music especially creepy
•If you were to start playing that music while sneaking up on him, he would scream and probably try to shoot the source of the sound, before realizing it was just you messing with him
•Soundwave doesn’t comment on the movie at all, but he is very invested in it, because he’s fascinated by the whole “I want to be scared” concept of horror movies
•He sends you memes with Michael Myers occasionally after that, because he wants to share them with you since you showed him the movie
•Shockwave keeps muttering “illogical” and “that makes no sense” during the whole movie, and multiple of you have to tell him to shut up, because he just keeps doing it
•Shockwave thinks the movie makes no sense and most of the characters are frankly stupid
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spopsalt · 3 months
The ones I sent earlier I more or leas grouped by a theme of why I hate them. But I can’t really categorize them anymore. So I bring you…
More miscellaneous She-Ra pins I found while sorting through Pinterest that made me want to die and my commentary on them. Pt. 1
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Idk if this is a joke about Catra hurting Adora, or a joke about Adora ‘letting’ Catra hurt her. Either way, I don’t like it. I really feel like this is another ‘Adora=Dumb’ jokes.
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Congratulations, you found the only four frames of Adora smiling in this scene, amongst a sea of shots of her being visibly uncomfortable. Personally, I don’t see it as a smile, more of her trying to put on a brave or determined face. But you could also easily chalk these frames up to an animation error. Not that a C//A Stan would listen. You get the idea.
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A lot of people say Catra is trying to make Adora jealous here. Nevermind the fact that both her and Catra are teens here, and Entrapta is in her late 20s/early 30s. Also, I find it odd how touchy Catra is and how much she manipulates Entrapta. If the ages were reversed, Catra would look like some sort of ephebophile or groomer. But Entrapta is the adult, and autistic. I’m not sure what that’s to imply. All I know is to me, it reads like a weird situation where the teen is being a predator to the adult, because the adult is autistic and therefore ‘younger’ than the teen. I’m not sure who wrote Catra and Entrapta’s interactions or if they realize how fucked up it is, least of all a show for kids. But suffice to say, I don’t like it.
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This one is a fun little exception. I don’t hate the meme itself. But I do hate the fact that it’s right. 2018 Sea Hawk on his own is fine, but I’ll now and forever be slightly pissed off knowing that OG Sea Hawk was a badass, and now we have an arsonist who can’t take anything seriously and who’s only motivation for anything is Mermista. I’m not saying the new SH is bad, but I am saying the OG one is a million times better for numerous reasons.
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Another case of sexualizing a minor. And would you look at that, it specifically says ‘small Adora’. Good God, they’re getting younger. I honestly can’t think of a better way they could indirectly say they’re doing this on purpose. It reminds me of that one episode of Helluva Boss at the summer camp, and how ‘Milard’ was being sent nudes despite people thinking it’s a tween they’re sending them to. The fact ‘Milard’ made the same meme face doesn’t help.
Wow. thay's a lot. For number 1: Adora literally looks terrified and uncomfortabe when Catra is attacking her??? She isn't thinking it's cute???
For number 2: She was smiling because she was playing along with Catra's act? You can tell that the smile is very forced, but noooo she secretly loved the dance despite the fact that she was visably uncomfortable.
For number 3: Again, like what you said this was in season 1, soooo Catra would been 17 while Entrapta was in her 30s...yikes. Also yeah Catra is wayyyy too touchy with Entrapta, like touching her hair and like leaning up against her and stuff like that...if the ages were reveresed, people wouldn't be thinking it's some cute thing
For number 4: I think this was a joke, but it still literally made me feel sick <3
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
The Clergy’s Eye employees/monsters ranked on how much I’d trust them to watch my cat Emma! I apologize if I misspell names or if I forget someone
For context: I wouldn’t be the Admin, and personality wise Emma is sorta like a dog. She actually likes playing in water, and she follows me around a lot. She is a hunter though
TLDR to start off
NO: Vinnel, Magus+Glauk, Krulu, Sybastian, Hellion
Its not that I don’t trust them, it’s that I don’t trust her: Morrel, Patches, The Bobbles (excluding Agner), The Cleric, Colmei, Gallon
Sure, why not?: Agner, Santi, Pebbles, Nebul
The best options: Fank-E, Grimbly, Belo
Now for specific reasonings!
Vinnel: Whether or not Vinnel is good at it, doesn’t matter (though I doubt he’d be great) I’m sorry Pinnie, I just hate Vinnel and want to spend as little time around him as possible
Magus and Glauk: Do I even need to explain? I mean she likes water but come on. I’d be better off leaving her to fend for herself
Krulu: He’d likely thing the task “beneath him” Unlike the previous ranking, though, I would consider him if he was the only option.
Sybastian: Sorta between “NO” and “Not that I don’t trust them, I don’t trust her” in that I don’t think he’d be all that good at caring for her needs, but also she might try and hunt the mimiclings which NOBODY wants to see the aftermath of.
Hellion: Yeah no I just don’t trust him
Morrel: I think he’d have enough self control to not do anything bad to her, but Emma? Listen she’s not a very bitey cat but you can never be too sure. And she is MUCH more likely to break skin than a human. Even if she doesn’t bite him and get poisoned, she’d still mess with the bobbles and knock over stuff in the kitchen and steal food. I care about Emma too much and I respect Morrel too much to put her in his care.
Patches: She’d just get in the way. Best case scenario she’d be sleeping in a spare pumpkin but let’s be honest she’s probably tormenting the bobbles.
Speaking of Bobbles..: No. She’d try and kill them.
The Cleric: They have bigger things to focus on. Plus she’d probably get tangled in the strings soo..
Colmei: If it weren’t for the bees, he’d go in the “Sure, why not?” category. But Emma HAS stuck her paw down a hornet nest before. Don’t trust her.
Gallon: She’d be a menace. Knocking over bottles, getting cat hair everywhere, stealing sips from drinks, getting caught in the goop a couple times. Not a fun experience and I respect Gallon too much for that.
Agner: Nothing notable to say! I think he’d do a decent job.
Santi: As long as he’d not feeding (don’t want to traumatize her or have him and whoever he’s fucking get stared at by a cat) I think he could do a good job!
Pebbles: Nothing notable to say, once again. I think it’d be cute though.
Nebul: Long as he can keep her chill and away from the products, I think it’d turn out well. Maybe he’d had to tell Purpur to be careful with her though. Give the “pets for sale” a little serotonin to brighten their day.
Fank-E: Omg I would get SO MANY cute silly pictures by the end of it!!! Probably make like ten more viral memes with her, get her internet famous. I would have to make sure he doesn’t dye her pink or something though.
Grimbly: I think he would LOVE her, as long as he’s on break. Pretty bows and glitter galore. Just uh, try not to get TOO much glitter on her, don’t want her to get sick. Maybe make it edible glitter for when she grooms her fur.
Belo: The best of the best and my first choice! I mean, cuddling with an angel already has to be an amazing experience, but a FLUFFY ANGEL? I think he would be determined to take good care of her too! Plus, they say cats can sense vibes, and I mean, considering everyone else Belo probably would have half decent vibes.
So that’s my ranking! Signing off
- Spooky Anon 🕸️
To be fair, I agree with most of these too.
Except Pebble and Fank-e, for similar reasons.
Pebble is too nervous. Animals sense that nervous energy and they generally don't like it. I think your cat may react aggressively or negatively in general based on that. And, at the first hint of aggression, Pebble is putting distance between himself and the feline. He might even lose her.
Fank-e is an animal repellent. He's very LOUD, makes odd sounds, probably smells like all sorts of artificial products that are awful to a cat's nose, and he's hyper. He'd love to spend time with your cat, but to her, he's probably the equivalent of a blaring alarm on two legs.
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We're back with "We See Red Flags, We Date Them" Family Part II
Introducing ✨ The Cousins ✨: 14 days with you MC, The Krows' Nest MC and Honey Hotline MC
Note: They are all sisters just like my first 5ocs (rh,stnaf, y&h, cs and cwp mc). Picrew link here.
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Facts about them:
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Name: Angel ▶ Age: 25 years old ▶ She/Her ▶ Shinobo Kucho (@14dayswithyou MC)
Occupation: Librarian
Like Sugar (RH MC), she has a low alcohol tolerance, who also text her ex when drunk (it runs in the family) but not like Sugar who pretend that nothing happen, Angel remember all of it and will regret it for 5mins, would probably send out of context memes.
Likes: Macaroons, Romance Books, Autumn, HARUKOOOOOOOO!
Dislikes: Her apartment, her landlord, her younger siblings (Honey) failing grades
She has a secret life as an otaku that only Sweetheart (STNAF MC) and Ren knows. Weeb Cousin and Boyfriend unite!!! Tried to cosplay Hange once.
A Swiftie 4 life! Everytime Mother Taylor release a new album/song, she create fake scenarios that Ren dont love her just to fully grasp the emotion of the song. (And Ren trying to memorize the lyrics of all Taylor Swift song)
Her motto in life: So it turns out that being an adult is mostly just googling how to do stuff. Send help!
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Name: Dove ▶ Age: 23 years old ▶ She/Her ▶ Voice HC: Misturi Kanroji (@thekrows-nest MC)
Occupation: Part time Vet assistant, currently studying Veterinarian Medicine
Mi Vida (Cannibal Sweetheart MC) and Dove are currently in the same university. Camping buddies with "YOU" (You and Him MC)
Likes: Animals, Macha Green Tea, Nature, Krow's sketches
Dislikes: Dirty Surroundings, Summer, Horror Movies
She met Krow in Mcdonalds when Angel (with his boyfriend Ren) make them order a chicken nuggets to avail student discount (and a happy meal). While River recording it for "memories" :D
Love to pats Krows head just to annoy him. Also hates chicken nuggets and fries. So, match made in heaven as they say.
Her motto in life: I stress about stress before that's even stress to stress about.
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Name: Honey ▶ Age: 21 years old ▶ She/They ▶ Voice HC: Daki (@ringringringbananafone MC)
Occupation: works as a part time cashier in a convenience store, currently studying Computer Engineering
Honey likes to do weekly 'therapy' shopping with her cousins: the twins, Cara Mia (CWP MC) and Sweetheart. Would cry later bc they all bought stupid things thay they didnt need after all.
Likes: Sherlock Holmes, spicy ramen, Mallows, Manhwa
Dislikes: Her older sister expectations, studying (sometimes), making decisions, responsibilities
Bestfriend with Ames and Seon. Prank buddies with Vain and Elliot.
Loves to flirt with Fone just to make him blush. (Note: Krow accidentally spill about Fone having a big crush on Honey in a truth and dare game with Angel, Ren and Dove.) Still dont know if they want a relationship with him or they just want to become Mallows Mom. Had major commitment issues.
Her motto in life: Will I end the semester or will the semester end me??? Stay tuned.
REN: I lost Fone and Krow
Angel, Dove and Honey: How did you LOSE Fone and Krow?!
Ren: To be fair, they are very small.
*Krow and Fone marching towards Ren with their pitchfork*
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lawlietscaramels · 6 months
It looks like asks are turned on! Can I request writing or, like, headcanons about how the death note characters laugh? I mean obvs there’s Kira’s silly evil laugh but what about pre-Kira light and L?
Laugh a Little Louder ╾ Cast
AAA so asks here work!! yes. yesyeysyeye though the Wammy's kids may be ooc. See my various chats and notes for reason why but without further ado, here come the laughs!
L Lawliet 🍰
first off, he doesn't laugh very often.
memes? nothing. jokes? nothing. sarcasm? nothing. This doesn't mean he doesn't find any of these funny, he just doesn't have the urge to actually laugh.
but Light falling down the Task Force stairs? YES.
L finds other things funny too but there's just... something special about watching Light mess up...
if he's around people he trusts he's likely to laugh more, at super not funny things especially. for example, bad puns, horribly edited memes or videos, and dark jokes are high on the list. (I may or may not also find these things very funny)
anyway that got into when he laughs. as for HOW he laughs: it varies depending on how funny something is.
Mildly amusing? Dry chuckle. almost sounds like a cough or the engine of a car if that makes sense. sometimes he will say (with no change in tone whatsoever), "haha. that was quite amusing."
Hilarious? the man is cackling and wheezing.
high pitched, like a hyena...
Light Yagami 🖊️
you guys might hate me but
Light is a GIGGLER!!!
this kind of embarrasses him so he can usually make it sound more like a chuckle, this is also how he does fake-laughs when he's Kira and wants to hide the crazy-laughs.
I think he'd find animals and cute stuff worth a little laugh just because it's amusing and they bring joy to his life
that said I think Kira version of Light wouldn't laugh as much. He's under a lot of stress, he doesn't see the joy in life any more. Light is just there to fulfil his mission, to cleanse the world of evil, and he's so dedicated to this cause that he doesn't find time to appreciate the good that already exists in this world
damn that got sad for a post about laughter
uhhh anyway other people laughing inevitably sets Light off too, even as Kira he struggles not to laugh when L or Matsuda does. Misa's laughs, not so much of a problem. They just concern him...
Misa Amane 💝
hold on this is kind of hard actually...
you know what, I think she'd make other noises instead of actual "laughs."
such as squeaking, squawking, honking, all those funny words used to describe people who laugh but don't really laugh. shakes her head and sighs a lot at dad jokes but she secretly loooves them.
if she actually laughs it will be hahahahahhahaa-gasp-hahahhahahaha where it gradually gets higher pitched and the sound stops and she's just breathing in a squeaky manner. Misa will also start waving her body and arms back and forth like she's going to hit her knees, but only hits air.
sounds a little like she's dying tbh
Misa used to be embarrassed about her laugh when she was little, but she grew to learn it just means she's happy! so she likes it
though she would never laugh if she's livestreaming or anything like that, like Light she'd have a fake laugh (a typical girly giggle) for such occasions.
Touta Matsuda 🦆
this guy is like so normal help hahjajjajjasjsj
I think he would often like scream and then laugh (especially on roller coasters, watching horror movies, being jump-scared, all that)
wheezes a little, goes "oh God- oh God- no no stop-"
his stomach starts to hurt because if Matsu starts laughing he just like. does not stop. he goes into hysterics.
would end up rolling on the floor and struggling to breathe
"Matsuda it was just a bad bee pun, are you alright?" because he'd suddenly be set off by one silly thing like that and just be chuckling and laughing and all for the next few hours. and expect it to start again if someone makes the mistake of saying "bees" in the next few days
Okay but his mouth would go all squiggly like Charlie Brown's when he's trying to hold in a laugh.
shoving his bright red face into a pillow and trying not to scream in laughter, literally this man is DYING at every lame joke. he loves really long jokes too.
this guy is not actually so normal after all...
Near 🧸
like L, he does not laugh very often
unlike L, this statement is ONLY true for when he's in the company of others. when alone I think Near does a fair bit of laughing, though it's quiet
it's just the kind of vulnerability and genuine enjoyment that he only feels safe to express when he's alone...
anyway Near's laugh is a little rough like he's not used to doing it. he might chuckle for a while, or just let out a quick and sharp "HA!" if he's more startled into laughter. the first one is more private, the second he might let out a couple of times in company
I think Near would also lie in bed at night and just laugh at the ceiling. maybe especially if he's had a bad day. it makes him feel a little better and reminds him that there are good things in the world! Because when Near laughs he remembers the other things that have made him laugh
it's a sign he likes and trusts someone if he laughs with them
Near can also mimic lots of different kinds of laughs. I feel like he's a storyteller, even if he only tells the stories to himself, so this skill can come in very useful!
Mello 🍫
less disturbing than Light's Kira laugh BUT IT'S STILL KIND OF SCARY IF YOU'VE NEVER HEARD IT BEFORE
but most people are quick to realise he's just laughing. laughing a little like a crazy person but it's easy to tell, if you take the time to observe, that he's just genuinely enjoying himself
Matt ALWAYS knows what to say to make Mello laugh
(Mello tries not to laugh at Matt though, mostly because he's a little ass who doesn't want to give him the satisfaction)
Actually, his laugh is kind of sweet to listen to in a way??
I don't know how to explain that and the villain-laugh headcanon fitting together but they do, just trust me. it may sound evil but it is super sweet
hahaha he thinks he's a badass his laugh sounds like he's a badass but somehow it's not badass at all.
The opposite of Near, he's more likely to laugh around others.
I think his favourite thing to laugh at is really bad movies. Just making fun of them, ridiculing the plot, and though some people thinks he sucks the fun out of it he finds it enjoyable
Matt 🚬
laughs often, doesn't GENUINELY laugh often.
he's a smoker right? well, I think that makes it clear that he's got a smoker's kind of laugh. he might end up coughing if he laughs too long
don't smoke kids
Matt's always had more of a throaty laugh though, he's a low chuckle kind of guy. unless he's tired or REALLY amused, in which case he'll cackle.
When typing he does a keyboard smash laugh: AJHSHAHAJAJA
I think he laughs at himself often. Matt in particular I haven't seen his dn appearances in years but I think he's a pretty chill guy most of the time, happy to give a laugh if someone insults his fashion taste.
not a headcanon but I wonder if a PC emoji would fit better...
Loves to make other people laugh too!! will lighten the mood or turn a chuckle into an uproar with a few really good bad jokes or a funny assortment of actions or impressions
He pokes fun at everyone and everything because when you take life too seriously, you don't enjoy it.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
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fractiflos · 6 months
Here's some ideas for Heroes Week!
And here's the link to the idea list I did. You can also use these any future fics (or drawings).
Hikage leads his fellow vestiges (except they're alive here) on a weekend camping trip. We can only imagine the chaos
In honor of Third's name reveal he has to be the victim of some AU where the original work stars a guy named Bruce. Or put into the outfit of a guy named Bruce.
All For One gets turned into a rabbit and Yoichi finds him, thinks he's an ordinary rabbit, and takes him home to where he lives with Second. He then suffers having to watch his brother live a happy romantic life with coral head. Naturally, he tries to communicate who he really is to Yoichi, who remains oblivious. Unfortunately, Second picks it up instead. Shenanigans ensue.
The same AFO hates his brother's boyfriend(s) stuff, blah blah blah, except... AFO isn't Yoichi's brother.
It's En's birthday and nobody has any idea what to get him. They all scramble to get a good gift and learn a lot about him on the way.
AFO is the owner of Cat Yoichi. He's one of those super annoying rich cat owners who brags about their purebred cat and how he only gives him *Expensive food brand that's actually really good which makes him even more annoying* and stuff like that. Cat Yoichi is very much an indoors cat, but only because AFO wants him to be. If he had his way, he'd be outside exploring all day. Meanwhile, Second and Third are alley cats starving for food. They see Yoichi living a good life and scheme to try and get in.
Some sort of farming game AU. I say Animal Crossing, but that's only because it's the only farming game I have played. Hikage enjoys his peaceful life maintaining his vegetable garden, only for a ridiculously loud neighbor (Banjo) to choose to put his house right next to his. And for added fun, Toshinori is the mayor of One for All Isle
Nana competes in a cooking competition.
You know all those jokes about men figuring out they're going to have a kid because they start making dad jokes and stuff? Okay, now imagine that All Might starts doing that after he meets Midoriya... And AFO notices the sudden dad behavior.
AFO messes up while cutting his brother's hair and Yoichi has too try and hide it.
Genderbend! I put this on the last one, but I haven't seen a lot of genderbent 4-7 so I'm putting it here too.
According to the wiki, Banjo shaved his head. What circumstances would lead up to that?
It's almost Christmas which means it's time for the MISTLETOE TRAP TROPE!
Yoichi sees what a great match Inko would be for the Eighth and ropes everyone else into helping them get together. To make up for her being unfortunate enough to marry his brother.
Something for the Vault Breakers ship! Yoichi is losing his mind trying to get the two together, because no matter what, they seem to think any romance-like actions come from friendship. "You two SHOWER together?" "Well yeah, we're saving money." "You KISS each other?!" "Of course, we do, we're best friends."
Referring back to a certain birthday post I once made, Hikage is a librarian in a small village who fights back when an evil CEO tries to destroy the forest the village is built on.
Users 1-8 are turned into animals (you pick which) and Izuku is forced to take care of them.
There has to be a classic trope in here: Yoichi is struggling to make ends meet as he tries to achieve his dream of becoming a manga writer. There's no way he's going to his brother, but he needs money and fast. He decides to get a second job at the coffee shop next door to his apartment, and ends up serving some very interesting people. Including a mysterious (and handsome) spiky-haired man.
To refer to a meme I once made, En, Banjo, and Hikage babysit little Izuku.
Villain Second and Third.
I forgot to put this on the last one, but please tag me if you do use any of these. I want to see it!
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silverus-kvassus · 7 months
I was a big fan of Soviet cartoons for a while before Treasure Island got popular and I remember being sad because it was quite a niche interest so when it starting gaining attention I was excited even though I hadn't seen it yet because I was happy that outsiders were finally watching and liking a Soviet cartoon even if it was one I didn't know much about... but I found out about the fandom and how bad it was it honestly made me sad as I thought people actually cared about the cartoon and Soviet animation and the fact that it seemed like they were just joining the fandom so they could just make weird headcanons, pairings, simp for the characters and make NSFW of them made me really upset especially with many of them being English speakers or Americans as it seemed like they didn't actually care about Treasure Island or Soviet animation and only got into the fandom because of a meme...
I have sadly seen this with other foreign cartoons and animation gaining outside fandoms especially ones I like and I don't understand this fascination but with Americans especially taking obscure franchises and turning them into the next garbage animation fandom... especially with how many bad western animation fandoms there are I guess the toxic ones especially have to get their grubby hands on franchises just to ruin them.
I also have noticed some of these American fans can be rather discriminatory towards the countries these animations come from and often judge them by American standards and often try to criticise or misinterept them because they are very misinformed or have some stupid standards and even try to call some of these franchises problematic just because they come from certain countries or come from different times where they would be products of them and even judge them based on their own modern standards and try to project modern ideals onto them even when they don't fit and have nothing to do with the original premise... they also can be quite toxic and try to force their ideals onto a franchise or fandom even when it has nothing to do with it and many of them only care about surface level stuff and don't seem to care about the creators who made it or the country it came from.
I'm not exculsionist or a gatekeeper as I usually don't care what people do in fandoms but I do draw a line when I feel like there's an issue as I hate people who just join fandoms just because they are popular and don't actually give a crap about the actual work in question and just use it as a way to be toxic and I have even seen people go as far as to disrespect the creators of said works and only join a fandom to criticise how bad the work is... like why are you even here then? And as someone who really loves animation and appreciates it, it saddens me to see people treat such works like this especially with how little attention foreign animation gets in the western world. Do we really need awful fandoms ruining them?
I'm not saying all people are like this and that we should force people to enjoy things a certain way but is it too much to ask to try and be respectful to some of these works especially when they hold so much value to other people and countries? Can't you just stick to your regular awful fandoms and not bring other works into this? And while I know people say that these fandoms after often the minority this really isn't the case for the obscure ones that get popular especially due to these toxic people.
It especially saddens me as there are some obscure things I've wanted to share and make art of but I'm scared of people getting their hands on it and ruining people's exposure to these works and while it may seem like I'm being negative that isn't to say that all obscure fandoms are like this as there are a lot of good fandoms that even if they are small don't have the same level of toxicity and plenty of people who do legitmately like these works and not for superficial reasons.
I'm sorry if it seems like I was ranting but I've seen this for a while and I wanted to vent about it but I'm sorry if this isn't a appropriate place to do so and if I'm being rude.
I agree with you in everything here. The hypocrisy of many really amazes me, because it is a living phenomenon and an indicator of the stupidity of some people. It's a shame that this happens.
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