#and while lucifer USED to be the same way... his sense of self has been crushed (at this point in time)
loserifer · 25 days
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i survived another week under capitalism's thumb. w me. anyway, here's some Tension >:)
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there's obviously a lot I want to see in nightbringer, but one thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is solomon. I want to see why so many demons (including the demon brothers) see him so badly. he doesn't treat the mc, a human, the same way he treats demons and we don't ever get to see him be an asshole but I kind of want to? just to see how much his character has grown
according to the game page apparently solomon is helping the mc mask as a demon too so it would be fun for others to notice that solomon is very nice to some random "demon" they never seen before lol I just want to let him live up to his reputation for once, we hear so many things about him from others in the game, but he's always such a sweetheart to mc, and the few scenes we do see of him being a sneaky or a little mean don't seem like enough for demons to feel the way they do about him
also mc pretending to be a demon would be so easy, like the mc is so fucked up I feel like even real demons would find them off-putting, especially if they play it up a bit
While talking with MC in S3 I believe, Solomon says he only started treating the demons he had pacts with (72 of them) like friends recently. I believe it's heavily implied that up until that point he treated them as tools for him to use rather than actual people.
He also got Asmo blackout drunk while Asmo was already in an upset/vulnerable mood in order to make a pact with him, solely so he could get closer to Lucifer. Current Asmo says he doesn't mind, but past Asmo might have actually being pissed about it, Lucifer (& Belphie) would have definitely been pissed about it given how Lilith's interactions with humans went
Given those two points^ there's a high chance he tricked more of his 72 demons into pacts with him
He was also working with/for Michael at the time and I don't think there'll be many demons with anything good to say about Michael, specially at a time where the war had just settled down
Also in one of the recent events MC asks Solomon to tell them something scary (or something to that effect) and he tells them about taking control of the Devildom - Barbatos (who's known Solomon for a long time and is very observant) says that Solomon sounded a little too sincere
Also I really wanna know why he got basically kicked out from the Sorcerer's Society that he helped form and why he had a falling out with his previous apprentice that was so bad that even thousands of years later he still isn't welcome within the society
Plus his whole thing with the ocean! Living by the ocean for a time, liking fish but hating the ocean! If they follow the irl myths it probably had something to do with Asmo and I can't wait to see that trainwreck
Oh yeah gen MC has shown multiple times that they're very down with setting people on fire, very down with destructive violence and very turned on (or at the very least, not disturbed) by the brothers casually mentioning things like eating humans or eating/killing them even (*cough*halloween event*cough*vampire event*cough*paws event*caugh*) and has NO sense of self preservation to the point that it usually freaks the actual demons out
I can't wait to see how this shit plays out. I hope MC gets to be just as unhinged as in og OM!
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muzzleroars · 2 months
A thought for plant!mike(dk if youd decide it to happen ornot so i'll treat it as an au) gives such a great sense of hope if you think about it. Like a new era sprouting and it causing old wounds to heal slowly but surely. Obviously it needs new tending to, new ways of tending to oneself, learning how to treat oneself better, but there IS hope. There IS a way to keep going, even if it's not like it used to be.
I hope i dont sound like mad ramblings but michaels healing and becoming a living garden is just such a gentle thought of hope
i really think so too...michael is ultimately representative of god's rule, he defines himself purely in terms of god's kingdom and what he did for it. so naturally, in god's absence, he becomes a living corpse - everything he was, his whole identity, has died yet he has not, a body given so wholly over to its service passing away while michael himself is left behind. i talked about this a bit, but the archangels are meant to reflect the fallout of a fundamentalist family after a fracture, with michael as the child that took over the place of someone who "betrayed" the family (in lucifer) and so forced himself to become the perfect version of faith and loyalty. he didn't want to end up like lucifer, he didn't want any other angels, especially his siblings, to suffer in the same way, so he hollowed himself out to be nothing beyond a perfect servant. he is the prince of heaven under god's rule, and so in god's departure he shambles on, a zombie rotting away even as he becomes more desperate than he had ever been to be perfect for a now absent father. an ideal martyr, yet repellent to the cloistered halls of heaven.
but that world is falling apart as much as he is and he can now only collapse entirely to ruin...or he can adapt. he can find his place without god, something once unthinkable, revolting even, but that comes into more clarity as he grows close with v2, as his brothers continuously reach out to him, as he sees a heaven still in need of help. like gabriel, it isn't something that's easy or clean, instead revealing a staggering amount of regret, a terrible, suffocating guilt he'd forced away so he was no longer michael but just a prince. so often in it, he can't believe he actually deserves a second life, but he is stilled by the plants that cling to him, the plants that slowly stitch him back together with the help of v2 and raphael. they need him....humbling in so many ways, but they weave into him and bring him back to life. he lives through them and they through him, a symbiotic life forming out of a crumbled empire closed up in the body of its prince. he is the whole world reclaimed by nature and revived from the dead - his body the skeleton of decayed monuments now made more beautiful by the verdant life that wraps all around them. his trips to earth with v2 would be so much more then, he would see himself all around and see this is what life is, what god left to them all. he knows he is still a corpse beneath it, but he's blooming with life again, he can care for this new self and actually find his true happiness in this body. he feels through the flowers, he sees them change their colors for him, and to care for them is to care for himself once more.
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*MY Opinions on dating the Obey Me! brother's*
Couldn't find someone to write it for me so I'm doing it my self(I've never written before, especially on Tumblr, but this idea is driving me insane so I'm putting it in words for my own sake)
Like i said this is mostly for my sake but if anyone can relate or has they're own thoughts on it pls tell me, would love to talk about this more. 😊
This is my opinion/reasons why i personally would never by romantically involved with any of the brothers
English is not my first language so excuse any/all Grammer mistakes cuz I'm also on mobile while writing this lmao
Warning: Slight NSFW (mostly talk), cursing, talk about hitting/hurting someone
I still would be friends with them, i wouldn't treat them differently but when it comes to being romantically involved with them I would a hundred percent say no, regardless if I like them or have been with having sex with them for a while and feelings arose (so fwb or whatever).
So this is kinda my take on how would I be/explanation if the brothers sin got to much for me or if they were to ask me out and i said no and they were to ask me for the reason.
Lucifer - I (personally) would not date this man bc he's the embodiment of Pride itself and he refuses to be wrong(even if he is) and I'm way to stubborn so we'll clash a lot. Also something I've seen is Lucifer getting mad at mc for failing grades or whatever and MC apologizing like??? I'm sorry but who do you think you are?! Like I struggle with my memory and that frustrates me a lot so if i fail and this man starts to shit on me for it acting like he's a saint I'm gonna drag him out of anger. I'm talking about I'm gonna bring up every single thing he's done wrong, especially how he's the reason all he's brothers fell bc they followed him after he fell(this is mostly based on a other headcanon/theory i found a while back that really intrigued me). Like he'll have to kill me to shut me up bc I hate people criticizing others as if they're perfect or ignore their efforts to do good(like how they all bully mammon despite how they all use there sin as an excuse just like he does)
Mammon - so i wouldn't date him cuz he'll steal from me and if he does I'll brake his ankles without hesitation. Also while i do feel bad for this man being bullied despite greed being his literal sin if he were to steal from me(i collect a lot of stuff like Levi lol) i would make this man wish he died in the war or I would either make him get my item back, buy me a new one or pay back i spent. And honestly? If that were to happen, him stealing, i wouldn't really trust him anymore or at least have the same level of respect for him bc how can you be a thousand year old demon and not have a sure way to have money? Like? My man you're freaking greed! There are humans rn that are a thousand times more greedy than you'll ever be like wtf? How can you be outstaged like that? And he doesn't even really buy stuff(besides cars) he just spends it the minute he gets it but again how can you not know how to make money already?
Levi - sooo oof this is like so hard bc while Levi has almost the exact same taste in everything as me i wouldn't date him bc of his insecurities and hear me out. I know that makes me sound bad but i also have similar insecurities if not the same but i don't use them the same way i feel Levi does? Like i genuinely feel he uses them as a guilt trip bc he wants you and only you and doesn't want to share? Idk if that makes sense but i personally cannot be with someone that needs constant reassurance everytime you even breath near another person and i have my own issues to deal with so i can't be with him
Asmodeus - so here's the reason i won't date him and i stand by it a 100%. This man will cheat on you literally all the time and also he will make you insecure. I'm sorry but i refuse to believe that a single human can keep the avatar of Lust satisfied like that makes no sense to me? The minute y'all finish fucking he's gonna go out and get with some succubus bc he's still horny and ik for a fact he'll say it means nothing bc he loves you and you should understand bc of his sin. Now onto the insecurities, humans have a lot things that causes wrinkles or blemishes hell even ageing a year can change you a lot so i feel like Asmo would point that out A LOT as small comments like "mc try this new cream for your face" or whatever like at first it might seem sweet but it will bring you down.
Satan - okay so I'm actually very 50/50 with this man bc i feel like he'll be a good partner and he's the only one that actually tries to be in control of his sin but that's not always the case. Here's the reason i won't date him, i feel like it'll be a lot of like walking on eggshells with him bc from what I seen it's the small things that make him angry and i wouldn't want to be with a partner that might possibly hurt me for something i couldn't control you know?
Beel - again another character I'm very 50/50 with bc i genuinely see no issue with Beel or his sin. He does seem like a good partner that cares for them and his loved ones. The only issue i see is slightly similar reasons to Satans, that i might be in danger so it's like a gamble with them. Bc Beel goes full demon mode if he's to hungry or you eat his food(even though he's always eating your food), so that's dangerous bc he can hurt you/eat you.
Belphie - so I wouldn't date him for two reasons. One i truly believe this man is a narcissist or just plain psychotic. He'll gladly hurt you bc he knows with a few words you'll forgive him and come back. Two Just his sin. If you want to date this man DO NOT except to go out or celebrate ANYTHING bc he won't care/try to do anything. He'll sleep through it and not feel bad bc i feel like he'll say that you should know who he is by now and not be mad so yeah. Also he killed us so fuck him for that.
So yeah that's that. Lol i only wrote this bc i saw some writing about the brothers sin and how MC would react but they seemed so sad?(on MC's part, like how MC handled it) Idk if that's the correct word it just seemed to basic? I'm aware that everyone's writing is different and how they interpret the brothers/MC so this is my take on the whole thing and how i would be.
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raydays-swap-au · 9 days
Alright, so right now I'm making a sketch for my swap!Eve design, but while doing so I sort of realized some color stuff in relation to demons/sinners, angels, exorcists, Adam, Vox, etc.
[ Ramble under the cut if you're interested in design nerd stuff, which may or may not have already been noticed by others online, and sorta goes into speculation/theorizing territory ]
Alright, so while it's sort of obvious at first glance, heaven and hell are very red- and blue-aligned respectively. And if you take a look at how this type of general coloring is used in Adam, Lute, and Vaggie, it's actually pretty interesting if you ask me ( mainly when it comes to Adam though. )
Now, first and foremost I should mention this isn't a catch-all thing. I'm sure there's some characters this doesn't apply to, but I'm not gonna check every character to see if my theory runs true with every character. Not to mention accents colors likely don't have a significance every time in every design lol.
Anyway, take Charlie, Lucifer, and a few sinners like Alastor, Rosie, Husk, Mimzy, and Velvette as examples. They're all mainly red in their color schemes. On the other hand, Emily and Sarah are both very much blue and are both angels. While we don't exactly see how Lucifer looked before he fell, nor have we seen any other angels ( not counting winners, ) there is a chance Lucifer was mainly blue before The Incident similarly to some of his pre-fall fanart.
Now, if we take a look at Vaggie and Lute, both of them have yellow, purple, and red in their designs. Vaggie mainly looks to have a magenta-ish red and dark purple in her design, but her irises are actually a very pale yellow. Lute, on the other hand, is mainly gray, having purple-ish undertones, with yellow accents and irises, but her scleras are actually a very faint red too.
This is obviously pretty interesting already, but if we combine this to look at Adam, he is actually mainly wearing blue and yellow. Taking a look at the previous ( general ) colors assigned, he wears the main colors of both the angels and the exorcists.
If we go with the theory that he's actually human and somehow got into heaven without dying first or something, this could actually be a nod to how he's pretending to be an angel and exorcist, quite literally wearing a mask to pass as one. Like, it's literally pointed out on his fan wiki that he wears the mask even in casual settings.
On top of that, it's interesting he chooses yellow to be his face color. While the majority of his "body" aka clothing is blue, the more important parts of his designs are yellow. This not only is shown in his face- as in the first thing most people look at on a person- but his arms and wings are also yellow. While the wings are part of his body and therefore more significant, his arms is what he uses to do stuff ( like kill. ) This shows- in my opinion- that not only does he want to be percieved as an exorcist more than an angel, but he also acts as one mostly. Similarly, his actual eye-color is a yellow-greenish color.
It could also be noted that exorcists have that red in their design because they should be demons/hellborn/sinners/whatever, but were made to be angels/exorcists, and therefore aren't. Why doesn't Adam have any red in his design then? Cuz why would he add red in his performative mask, if red is what demons are "supposed" to be/represent. Like, it'd make more sense to just use the colors accociated purely with exorcists with angels and exorcists, without "showing" the bad. Obviously he's terrible at this when it comes to his personality, but still.
And to add onto that: Vox is sort of the exact same way to some extent. He wants to appear good and have a good image, but he's actually a horrible fucking person ( I still love you Vox dw <3, ) which is why he's mainly blue, but has red accents that's his real self. It also follows how he's sort of bad at keeping his actual self hidden ( at least when Alastor is involved lol )
Also, if you follow this logic that the color used on you can reference your morality/what you are, it actually goes to show why Charlie is right in the sense not all sinners are bad. Why? Cuz sinners and winners all have an aray of hues on them. Sure, they usually fall into the same category ( fx. Winners have pastel colors usually, ) sinners aren't all completely red- some not having any red on them, fx. Angel Dust who's pretty much just pink. Some sinners are also blue+red ( Vox, ) pink+yellow ( Niffty, ) green ( some background sinners, ) and so on. Either way, my point is that morality is far more nuanced ( in some cases, ) and isn't just black and white ( or in this case: blue and red )
Idk I just thought it was neat, and while I could be reaching, it's still a fun thing to notice and theorize about. I'll go back to drawing now :3
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
18 + Castiel/Crowley for the hug prompts
tight and desperate hug huh. there are so many crowstiel eras i could have set this in that made perfect sense. that would be great to write in.
anyway here's endverse.
|| AO3 || DW || FFNet || PF || SW || WC: 500
"High again, are we? It's becoming a pattern." Castiel is on the floor. He can't remember exactly when he got there, but he knows how. He'll always know how. There's nowhere else to end up when your wings get cut. He blinks his eyes open blearily. There's a familiar face staring down at him, and his expression doesn't hold pity or disgust. Only the terrible aching empathy of being the last left.
"Come to ask us to hide you?" Castiel asks, as though he has the power to make that decision. Dean would shoot Crowley where he stands. Crowley's mouth twists into something that could have been a smile, once. It's all ash, now.
"Do I need a reason to visit my favorite angel?" Castiel should probably get off the floor. He's naked, and he's cold, and he was human long enough to love and lose hot showers. Then again, whenever Crowley usually shows up while Castiel is nude, they end up fucking. He stays longer when they have sex. He doesn't taunt Castiel for the way he clings.
"Compared against who? Lucifer?" Crowley stiffens at the name. Castiel doesn't. So goes their mutual senses of self-preservation. "You shouldn't call me that, anyway."
"You are what you are," Crowley argues.
"Until I'm not," Castiel says back, "and I'm not."
He waits for Crowley to snipe at him again. It never comes. Something splintered and horrible as rotting driftwood lodges in Castiel's gut. "Why are you here, Crowley?"
“Like I said, isn’t it enough to want to see you?” Castiel stands up to get a better look at him. He's more well kempt than anyone else in the Apocalypse. All that lingering hellfire in his body has to be good for something other than running away, and Crowley uses it to iron his suits. "You are the one who leaves the devil's trap open." In the very first end days, that invitation had been open to any demon who dared. Now, Crowley's the only one who it would keep out.
Castiel is still alive for the sake of loyalty. Crowley is still alive for- He might call it cleverness. Castiel would call him a coward and mean it as a compliment. Most of the people who made it past the end of the world were cowards. The brave ones all got themselves killed.
He’d never want Crowley to be brave or loyal.
"Don't go." It's a useless thing to ask of him, and so Castiel says it with very little hope. Crowley was never an angel. He's hardly even been a friend. He has been a constant, and even, at times, someone who makes the dying world a little brighter. Now, in his eyes, Castiel sees the same fear he's seen in bitten men before they're shot to spare them the virus.
Crowley says nothing but wraps him in a hug so hard it bruises Castiel's ribs. Castiel holds tight, until he can't, and he doesn't.
He never sees Crowley again.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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icharchivist · 3 months
What I really liked about Heart of the Sun was the aspect that immortality is a fundamentally miserable experience. I know Granblue has been pulling that tooth for years now, with Belial himself being arguably one of the first people to voice that thesis, but yeah
Your body may live on, but your personality, you yourself and all your memories fade and so you do end up dying, piece by piece, day by day
It's the true death of self, yet you can't stop, because your body keeps trudging on
It's a real Ship of Theseus situation that's very fascinating to think about
I guess that part isn't as pronounced with primals, but the Phoenix shows what Belial has been implying, you just can't fucking form bonds with people for fear they'll crumble to dust in your hands and so you end up isolating yourself, because you don't want to go through grief every couple of decades
The Phoenix doesn't even see people as people, we're basically insects to her, because she exists on a fucking planetary timescale
Something about it's better to have loved and lost, but these people have decided that they don't want to deal with those emotions altogether and so fully close themselves off from forming connections
The person Belial is truly attached to us Lucilius, an Astral, who's also technically immortal, or at least would have lived for many centuries more if it weren't for Lucifer
I'm rambling, but it's fascinating to think about
No yeah i 100% agree with everything you say.
I think it's a really interesting deep dive on immortality, that, yes, has been kinda hinted at before, but it's really there that we see the full consequences of it.
Like, we've had Belial's suicide rant, we've had Cosmos's own agony, there was also Baldr's whole plot there as well... but all of them, by being primals on a timescale of 2k years, were more about personal feeling, and also something that Satyr in CBTSLBTS also comments on about how, since there's a lot of immortal primals who know the same pain, maybe they can live in together.
Belial held on to Lucilius, and while he doesn't say it i'm sure Beelzebub was a constant in his life. Maybe Lucifer was too in some way. Cosmos had Lucifer at some point, she also had Yuni, all of that.
But i think really showing us via Abramelin just how horrible eternity can be was the best way to really drive home how viseral it felt. I think even more so since Abramelin doesn't have a body which was made for eternity, compared to the primals, so his brain would deteriorate with time as well. And unlike the primals who at least have each other, he doesn't have anyone just like himself to compare to.
Like, the others primals who hate their eternity still feel the agonizing part of it all -- but it was interesting to see on a Skydweller scale just how visceral it is all about.
And likewise about Phoenix. It's something we discussed a few time here about Astrals and how their immortality makes thing easier for themselves so they don't rely on one another. In a sense, Phoenix has the same logic, but on her own personal scale, so she cannot process how any of this should matter to her. The Omnipotent is the only being she can match in time. So of course eventually after million of years knowing everyone has a shorter lifespan than yours, why would you even bother yaknow.
it's really fascinating and i really love how Granblue asks us to think about how the lives of those immortals suck in their extremely fantasy way. Like the primals who are programmed with a purpose that they will seek to fill no matter how they feel about it, or immortality and its consequences. It's not things that are directly relatable (not as 1-1 thing, obviously as metaphor they can be), but Granblue really ask you to think hard about how those things would impact those being.
I find it so effective and i love it so much. It was a fascinating event to read on that regard.
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The Prince of Wrath
OK, I need to get this off my chest or else I’ll go berserk.
Ever since Asmodeus showed up in episode 7 of Helluva Boss in all his sexy glory, my mind has been bursting with headcanons about the other Princes of Hell (aside from Lucifer), one in particular.
The big, bad head of Wrath himself: Satan.
Perhaps it has to do with how his app we see in that same episode implies he’s big and muscly, or how all the details we have of Wrath’s environment and residents give glimpses into his personality and values?
In any case, big thanks to the person behind this post about their own headcanons about the Big Red D himself. It really got me inspired to do some of my own cuz, oh Lord, do I!
Speaking of the aforementioned post, its ultimate conclusion is that Satan is a warmongering, bloodthirsty god-tyrant who demands maximum savagery from his subjects and revels in the spectacle of violence itself.
Honestly, given all of the context the show’s given us so far, this take makes absolute sense. I can totally see Vivziepop’s Satan being a cross between DC’s Mongul and Bleach’s Kenpachi, championing violence and bloodshed by upholding conflict while constantly on the hunt for worthy opponents himself. Any self-respecting imp would want to worship such a figure.
If I may, though, might I suggest an alternate interpretation?
A very lengthy alternate interpretation?
First off, Satan will be jacked.
I think we can all agree on this.
Unless Vivzie pulls a MuscleBob Buffpants by giving us a Satan that’s actually a weakling (an epically hilarious thought), it’s safe to assume the Big Red D is built like a shit brickhouse. 
And thicc. No joke. You’d be amazed at all the real-world art that depicts this guy with cake.
After all, he’s the king of Wrath itself which means he’d have to be sporting God knows how many pounds of raw muscle beneath his clothes as each step of his massive cloven hooves shakes the very land like an earthquake. Like Asmodeus, he would tower over his followers, his height a constant reminder of his power and authority.
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As for his attire, given the Wild West/country-style aesthetics of his respective Ring, it’s safe to assume Satan will have a cowboy theme going on too, just like how Asmodeus has his whole slutty showman schtick to match the flashy lascivious clubs in Lust.
Gotta be on brand, ya know? 
That said, being the leader of a such a war-driven group means he’d have to do more than dress like a simple cowboy. His looks would have to scream something that fully encapsulates him as not only a figure of worship and authority but also of chaos.
Now depicting him like a sheriff makes sense initially since that’s a position of power, except sheriffs back then only got jurisdiction over small areas - and the Ring of Wrath is assumedly anything but small. Plus again, chaos.
By that logic, making him a mayor also only works to an extent since this is a higher position, but the problem here is that it implies a certain level of detachment from the action. A big no-no for the ruler of war.
In short, neither job fully captures the feel of someone large and in charge of a land where power is the end all, be all, let alone someone who is the undisputed king of letting loose and wrecking massive shit.
Hence why I suggest a third option: gang leader. 
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Think about it. With all the wars and fighting Wrath’s denizens do, it makes sense to envision all of them as part of a widespread band of outlaws, further adding to the contempt towards imps like Moxxie or perhaps even Blitzo who go against the grain. 
Depicting Satan this way would best capture the sense of worship offered to him by the imps, what with the sense of loyalty and all, while also sticking to the authority he has over Wrath. Plus, I can see him riding around the deserts on his own massive steed to survey his subjects to insure nobody’s getting ideas of overthrowing him (not that he wouldn’t welcome any bastards naïve enough to try).
Side note: it’d be sick if the ‘face’ we see in his exercise app turned out to be based on a mask he wears. Would really tie into his theme of putting up a tough front, which I’ll get to in a bit.
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Of course, being the embodiment of a sin, Satan would have to be more akin to a gang leader god, one whose sheer strength could level an entire mountain range in seconds while his unmatchable marksmanship is the stuff of legends. A literal force of nature few would dare to question, never mind challenge.
A true undeniable king.
Except it might not be as clear-cut as that.
One thing Helluva Boss has been consistent in is its inversion of tropes, or at least mild tweaking. Look at how Asmodeus interacts with Fizzaroli as Moxxie and Millie leave the stage in Episode 7, for example.
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If we can expect hidden depths like this to be a trend for the other Sins, there’s no sure telling the kinds of nuance Vivzie and her crew could implement. After all, Hell (and Heaven for that matter) in this universe has more going on beneath the surface than appearances suggest.
And that makes sense. Lucifer, Satan, Asmodeus: all the Seven Sins were somebody else before they fell. The mere fact they’re rulers of Hell now doesn’t negate certain aspects that persisted after their descent.
Then who was Satan once upon a time? What name could he have bore before becoming the Prince of Wrath?
Though the answers differ wildly across sources, one grips my imagination the hardest (mostly due to me having a certain game series on the brain).
God’s former enforcer and executioner. An angel of justice and fairness and, most importantly, divine retribution. The one who rebelled against a false God (perhaps an angel other than Lucifer hoping to overthrow the true Supreme Being) on behalf of humanity’s freedom.
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Only for humanity to disregard said freedom in favor of blissful ignorance and mindless content, leaving the one who championed them not only disillusioned but embittered. Deeply so.
So much in fact that while he never fully lost his sense of justice after falling, he had done a complete full-reverse in his mentality regarding it, going from Right Makes Might to Might Makes Right.
In other words, you can only achieve the justice you seek as long as you have the power to do so. Otherwise, you best as hell either get out of dodge or brace yourself to get trampled.
Given the culture of the Wrath Ring, said ‘power’ is commonly taken to mean ‘physical strength’, although if Moxxie and Blitzo are any indication, imps have been exploring other avenues of strength as well (though perhaps not always with justice in mind necessarily).
Again, fitting with the Wild West theme since a good number of gunslingers in history originally came from law-abiding backgrounds while others tried to go the straight and narrow after leaving behind their criminal lifestyle - to no avail of course.
On the topic of law-abiding, someone that powerful and with experience in law enforcement would be indispensable to Lucifer as the big boss himself would need some way to maintain control over all of Hell, let alone defend it. Perhaps a second-in-command? 
Which would strike me as odd considering someone like Satan would wind up ruling over imps, who rank at the absolute bottom of Hell’s hierarchy alongside hellhounds. On the one hand, you could argue this works just fine for the big guy as he has a perfectly dispensable army at his disposal.
If he couldn’t care less about his imps.
But - and humor me on this - what if he did?
If so, then surely he’d do more to better imps’ social status in Hell (even if only for the sake of his own pride), except that would entail invoking a total rehash of the hierarchy, which would require him to defy not just Lucifer who stands at the very top but the other Princes as well.
And he can’t risk depriving imps of their idol if he were to die in the attempt, let alone worsening their already god-awful reputation. After all, history would simply see a rebellion led by him as a grab for power, nothing more.
Then it hits him: who needs power most?
The weak, the feeble, the downtrodden and frustrated. The ones constantly put down for no reason other than enforcement of the social quo.
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Because that’s how change and justice mean something in the first place, by starting from the bottom up. By imps along with any low-level demons who may follow rising up and putting pressure on or even uprooting the higher-ups to enact proper change.
And how do they achieve this? With the proper resources and connections, with the right tools and information. Perhaps even from some secret allies, one which happens to be a certain devil.
Yeah, the big bad Satan himself backing an imp rebellion from behind the scenes.
After all, what’s better than seeing your followers achieve their own justice? (Unless they’re like, say, Striker who’s only in it for his own personal gain. In fact, it’d interesting to discover Satan would find such a motivation disgusting.)
As for his actual character, while we’ve already covered most of his general beliefs, there’s still plenty to extrapolate about him. 
Being the Prince of Wrath in conjunction with his possible backstory, it’d be natural to assume he’s masculinity incarnate, boasting an air of swaggering confidence and dominance wherever he goes.
By that same token, he would take immense pride in his physical prowess, hence why he goes great lengths to maintain his chiseled physique, not only in strength but also in stamina, flexibility, and other bodily attributes. 
In short, he’s a gym rat. A very, very big gym rat.
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Furthermore, as he’s head of Hell’s military forces, he also takes care in maintaining his combat capabilities, including marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat. This way he’s always ready for a scrap, no matter the scale or opponent.
As a result, while he could come off as arrogant and aloof (and for good reason), Satan is actually very vigilant and dedicated to his job, a job so important to Hell’s stability that he imposes high (albeit somewhat narrow-minded) standards on not only himself but also his imps and to an extent others in terms of battlefield performance. 
To that end, he highly values self-sufficiency as much as he does loyalty and obedience as he can’t be around to baby every single person. He’s a ruler and a commander, not a babysitter. This can also make him very unforgiving to anyone he deems a failure or weakling since, again, he has no time to coddle fools who refuse to grow spines.
Just because he might care about his imps doesn’t mean he won’t show them tough love.
On the other hand, if you are someone who succeeds in meeting his standards, expect nothing short of the utmost respect. For an imp, it’d be like finally getting the approval of a super-strict and highly accomplished father...except now they would have the immense pressure of keeping their self worthy of said approval. Yikes.
If you’re someone who can actually match him in skill and power, however, that’s when things get truly interesting.
While the canon could depict him as a scoundrel who will do anything to win, it’d be interesting if it showed him having a twisted code of honor instead. Going back to my theorized backstory for him, for Satan it’s not enough to merely win. You have to win for the sake of your ideals, prove you have what it takes to see your beliefs through no matter who stands in your way.
Perhaps in a way this could be how he secretly assures to himself that his former angelic self might have been right all along, that standing up for others isn’t weak or foolish.
That said, he could still be a massive dick. For one, he’d be above asking anyone for help because why would he, the Sin directly behind Lucifer in terms of power and authority, ever need someone’s help? He’s the one people rely on, not the other way around!
Same with showing emotion - or rather any emotion that isn’t some degree of rage, hate, joy from combat, or even just casual grumpiness. In fact, if he were to have neuroses similar to what I’ve been listing, he’d likely have a complex about seeming weak or needy, perhaps even resorting to cruel quips if he so much as thinks someone suspects those of him.
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At least out in public. Behind closed doors, he could turn out to be an absolute teddy bear who has all sorts of ‘feminine’ hobbies like gardening and knitting that he wouldn’t dare reveal to anyone he isn’t close to. 
Plus, he could be utterly touch-deprived and desperate for even the smallest drop of affection since being the Ruler of Wrath doesn’t seem like the kind of position where you can afford to come off as mushy.
In fact, it’d be interesting if Asmodeus weren’t the only one with a secret little relationship on the side for this very reason.
Speaking of relationships, it’d be both hilarious and highly ironic if Satan, the embodiment of Wrath itself, were the voice of reason among the Seven Sins. 
I mean Lucifer would have to keep someone so powerful close by for more than one reason, and anyone in charge of the military forces for Hell has to be able to keep a cool head. Somebody capable of both sheer strength and complex strategy is far more intimidating than a mere brute, after all.
Granted, we may not know the personalities of the other rulers yet but if Ozzie is any indication, we can expect them to be a colorful bunch, so it’d make sense for at least somebody among them to be the levelheaded one. Honestly, I could easily see such a Satan often having to reign in the antics of Asmodeus - and possibly Leviathan too if the theatre mask app is any indication (dramatic ass sea monster king when, Vivzie?).
Basically this GIF in a nutshell.
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Now while I’ve already gone in depth about how Satan might be towards his imps, it’s still worth noting that he did not deign to show up during the Harvest Moon Festival in Episode 5. Perhaps he thinks himself too above such an event or maybe he has too much on his plate to waste the time - maybe both.
In any case, there could be some level of affection Satan holds for his imps but at the end of the day he is still their leader and them his followers.
That said, I feel if he did care about his people, he might in turn have some level of contempt towards Sinners since even they rank higher than imps and hellborn in general on Hell’s hierarchy. 
As for how he could view Heaven and its denizens, the Archangels in particular, well that would be plunging deep into headcanon territory (well deeper) and this post is long enough as is, so I think I’ll wrap things up right here.
Thanks for reading!
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
Nightmares That Are Plagued By You
Written August 12th (posted here November 12th)
Warnings: PTSD, Panic attacks, nightmares, self-harm (ripping off wings), referenced alcohol abuse and caffeine addiction, (past) canonical character death, overworking
Pairing: Some Lucifer and Levi, Lucifer and brothers
Type: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Hurt No Comfort
Words: 3407
Summary: Lucifer constantly overworks to escape the sheer amount of trauma the war and Lilith's death inflicted onto him.
No matter what he does, the memories still haunt him. Luckily, he has a ton of people that care about him. And they are all ready to help.
The sound of a pen scratching against paper was the only sound being made.
Lucifer worked tirelessly. Paper after paper flying by.
He couldn't even distinguish the differences anymore.
All of them felt the same. A continuous cycle of writing and signing off his name.
He had barely gotten any sleep the past week. Nightmares of the war and fall playing on repeat anytime sleep overtook him.
His failures became neverending taunts made to torture him.
Time blurred together. He buried himself in his work more than usual.
Bottles of demonus emptied out in single sittings. Nightmares plaguing him while he was awake.
A sense of fear around every corner.
Paranoia becomes a constant feeling.
Every creak of the floorboards, every sound of somebody outside the door, every noise his head made up, every scream of his brother's and sister making him jump.
Fear of the known and unknown. Fear of what he had become.
His ears rang and his vision was constantly blurring in and out.
A headache was around the corner. His eyes burnt as well.
But he refused to sleep. He had to stay up. He had to keep working. Had to keep his pride.
Nobody can see him like this. Not when he's suffering.
Even if the work is too much, he can't complain.
That would show he wasn't good enough. That he was weak.
He wasn't weak. He was Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride. Prince Diavolo's right hand man. And he used to be a seraphim, And God's favorite at that.
He was Lucifer Morningstar. He could handle a little bit of extra work.
He could handle not sleeping.
He could handle stupid nightmares that won't leave him alone.
He had to.
He couldn't fail.
His shaking hand cramped around the pen. Had he been writing that much?
Maybe he was just gripping it too tightly, at an awkward angle.
It wasn't because he couldn't handle it. Only a simple mistake.
He looked at the stack of unfinished paperwork. Why was it so high?
No, don't think like that. You got this. You can handle it.
He grabbed the next paper, eyes burning as he looked at it.
Another bill because of Mammon.
What was he gonna do with him?
Why was he so tired?
He can handle this. It's okay.
Black spots danced in his vision. Head lolling downwards.
He shook his head, trying to wake himself up.
It was barely effective. Eyes still closing against his will.
He had to stay awake. Falling asleep was a sign of weakness.
And he wasn't weak.
But, he couldn't fight it anymore. His vision blanked as he finally fell into unconsciousness.
Barbatos made his way to the House Of Lamentation.
He was there to collect Lucifer's work, and drop off new work for the next month.
He already asked for extra work from next month. So, there wasn't as much work for the month as usual. Less than a week's worth.
With a knock on the door, Satan quickly opened it.
He had a book in his hands and a gray cat resting on his shoulder.
Without a word, he walked away.
It was no worry, as Barbatos knew where to go.
At the end of every month at about noon, he would collect and drop off whatever work needed to be.
He'd then quickly greet Lucifer and remind him to take a break. (Something he unfortunately, never did.)
He stepped into Lucifer's office, his heart dropping at the sight before him.
Lucifer was slumped onto his desk, writing hand still in the air, slumped against his head in an uncomfortable position.
His pen was close to falling out of his hand and it was a wonder how it hadn't yet.
Contrary to popular belief, he did actually care for Lucifer. And a lot at that. Much like the Young Lord, he had grown very fond of the man over the years.
Seeing him constantly overwork himself like this was heartbreaking.
On his desk, the pile of finished work was stacked quite high.
Unfinished work was only a couple papers.
He'd had over two months worth of work. He took extra of his own work. Also offering to take papers from the other's.
How had he managed to do so much?
Barbatos made a note to himself to never allow Lucifer that much work again.
He seemed to continue working until he was finished.
No breaks allowed until everything was completed.
Drowning himself in work at every opportunity.
He decided to let Lucifer sleep. He needed it.
Instead of dropping off work, he took anything unfinished and added it to his own pile. The work could easily be done by somebody else.
Barbatos could help cover it as well.
He grabbed the unfinished work as well, balancing them both with ease.
He decided he would need to discuss this with Lucifer and the Young Lord later.
He needed proof, or else Lucifer would deny it.
He set down both piles, making quick work of retrieving his D.D.D from his pocket and snapping a photo.
He then put Lucifer into a more comfortable position. He would've moved him, and is more than capable of. But, Lucifer would reject the amount of help he'd already given. And Barbatos wasn't keen on getting on the man's bad side.
After grabbing the piles once more, he left the office, ready to inform the Young Lord of what he saw.
Lucifer awoke to his head pounding wildly.
He groaned as he stifled a whimper. He shouldn't, couldn't, show pain.
He was okay. He just needed to take something to ease the pain before he started working again.
But, when he looked up at his desk, none of his work papers were left.
He still had a couple of his own things, bills, taxes, or checks.
Everything that wasn't personally addressed to him, was gone.
All the student council work. Any RAD paperwork. All of it was gone.
Confusion stirred through him before realizing what could've happened.
He picked up his D.D.D, noting the date.
Barbatos had been by
It's honestly no wonder.
He should've known that would happen eventually.
But he had lost track of time.
His eyes burnt again as his head spinned.
Even after the small nap, he was still exhausted.
Of course a little bit of sleep wouldn't make up for the all-nighters he pulls often. Or the restless nights that never left him alone. Especially since the Celestial War.
He needed a coffee. He couldn't sleep yet. No, he'll just fill out his own personal papers.
Sleep is for the weak. He could handle it. The second he closed his eyes to rest, he would hear the screams of Lilith.
He'd hear the distant echo of spears crashing.
He'd hear Belphie screaming in grief, begging for it to be a lie. Everything to have been a bad dream.
The sight of Lilith's wounded body in his arms as she whispered her final words.
Burnt grass and blood covering a battlefield, one that broke out in the Celestial Realm only to be carried out across the three realms. One he caused.
The feeling of her body going cold as the last bit of warmth and joy left her body.
Diavolo's hand resting on his shoulder as he told him there was not much he could do.
His screaming, pleading, and begging for something, anything.
Lilith as a human child. One that unknowingly left her six older brother's alone.
He sighed as he firmly pushed himself up.
As he did, his head spun, and his legs felt weak.
He stood for a second, hoping to steady himself.
Luckily, it didn't take too long for the dizziness to override.
With another sigh, he ventured out of his room.
The stairs creaked awfully loud as he made his way down to the kitchen.
Various sounds and noises could be heard behind some of the brothers' doors.
Coins clinking in Mammon's room. An obvious indication that he was counting grimm.
There was no noise from Levi's room. Maybe he was finally using headphones? His loud animes always blasted through his door, even in the dead of night. But, nothing sounded.
There was no noise from Satan's room either. A glow underneath the door showed that he was most likely awake. Reading was a quiet hobby, after all.
He'd rather not talk about the noises coming from Asmo's room.
The light's were out in the twins bedroom. Sometimes munching can be heard from Beelzebub. But, at this second he may have been sleeping.
He smiled softly, thinking about his brother's.
Even if they could be a pain in the ass, he loved all of them. And he wouldn't ask for any of them to change.
Playing Blackjack with Mammon, trying to understand even a little bit of Leviathan's slang, indulging Satan in whatever prank he decided to pull, going out drinking with Asmodeus, taking Beel out to Hell's Kitchen, letting Belphie nap on him when he forgot his pillow.
All of the little things. The time he spent with his brother's. It all helped him keep going. Continue to work. Continue to deal with whatever trouble they got into that week.
They were all his little brother's. And he got to watch them grow into the demon's they are today.
And if somebody asked him if he could change anything, he'd say no.
But deep down, he knew there was something that he really wanted to change.
He wished the eighth door wasn't concealed by magic. And instead, a lively young girl resided there.
Her death had ruined their family.
Everybody worked together now, and would temporarily forget their pain.
At the end of the day, nightmares and pain plagued them all.
Memories from the war cursed them.
Even Satan had to suffer.
His birthday was the worst day of all of their life's.
The worst day of Satan's life.
It was a painful date that made them all question their own existence.
One that made them pick up the pictures that once laid face down.
A day where Satan questioned his place in the family.
All things Lucifer could not help with.
They didn't deserve that.
None of them did.
Especially not Satan. The young demon that was thrown into pain and suffering the moment he opened his eyes.
Satan had every right to resent Lucifer for the life he brought him to.
He felt like he failed them. And he wished he did better.
His train of thought was interrupted as he reached the kitchen.
There were lights on, even when it was way past eleven.
Was Beelzebub here? Is that why he heard no munching coming from the room?
Though, when he stepped inside, instead of Beel, Levi was sitting on the counter.
He kicked his feet to some sort of tune that was probably playing in his head.
His eyes were closed. A deep look of sadness showing in his features. He was eating a slice of cold rainbow pizza.
Lucifer made his way over to the coffee maker, grabbing the appropriate things.
Leviathan opened his eyes at one point, legs only kicking ever so slightly now.
He awkwardly cleared his throat, and in a tiny voice asked, "Oh hey Lucifer, why are you up?"
Lucifer could hear the anxiety that dripped from the younger's voice, but chose to ignore it.
He looked into his anxious eyes, "Making coffee. I still have work to do. What about you? Why are you awake?"
Levi looked down, eyes darting around as tears pricked the corners of his eyes, "W-Well, one of my favorite character's died. It happened in today's update. I couldn't sleep."
While he didn't really understand Levi's connection to fiction, he knew how important it was to him, "Oh."
The third born's eyes widened. He seemed to take his words as a bad thing, "I know- I know it's really stupid! He wasn't even real and it was obviously coming for a very long time! All my Otaku stuff is so stupid and-"
Lucifer sighed as his headache worsened at the rambling, "Levi."
When he spiraled like this, it wasn't easy to snap him out of it, "I'm gross and I care about stupid things. I'm way too emotional all the time! Maybe I should just die like he did!"
Lucifer froze for a moment before composing himself, "Levi."
Leviathan's eyes snapped up towards him, "Your interests aren't stupid. We all have different things we care about. If he was important to you, that's all that matters."
Slowly, Levi nodded. His anxiety calmed, "How about you go back up to bed? Find a nice distraction? It's okay if you don't sleep tonight, just make sure to catch up."
He knew his words were a bit hypocritical. He never slept the correct amount.
Levi stood up, freezing at the doorway. He awkwardly glanced at the floor. Lucifer knew what this meant.
He stepped over and hugged the demon. Levi returned it, relaxing a bit more in the comfort of his older brother's arms.
The hug soon split as Levi left to return to his room.
Lucifer stayed there, staring at the empty space Levi had left.
He only moved when the coffee maker beeped, signaling it had finished.
He slowly poured his cup. Red eyes staring at the dark liquid.
He helped Levi.
Earlier he believed he failed them.
But, was there reason to believe he also helped?
His brother's often ran to him for help, venting issues to him, many hugs following these moments. And even Satan came to him. Even if his words screamed in rage were said differently then the teary ones of say Asmo or Mammon.
They all relied on him. That was his position as the eldest.
He didn't listen to these thoughts for long. Terrible memories Drowning out the good.
His spiral began again.
His help was only temporary. They were all still hurting, and he couldn't stop that.
He still failed. He's the reason they were sad in the first place.
It's his fault.
He stumbled into his office. His coffee, which hadn't been drunk at all, sat down onto his desk.
He sat, back to the front of his desk.
Unlike Levi, who was upset about a current issue, Lucifer was stuck in the past.
His eyesight flickered. Images of the war mixing with his office.
He was holding a sword, flying just enough to keep him off the ground.
Angels who used to be friends, who used to look up to him, threw themselves at him as an attack.
Spears clashed angrily, bows sounding as the band recoiled with the shot of an arrow, swords being swung wildly at whoever was marked as an enemy.
He stood in the middle of it all, desperately trying to fight off the many angels. There were too many.
He turned around to push off an angel from behind in a moment of misjudgement.
Sneaking up on him, a spear was stuck through him.
Even if it was something he could handle at his power, pain still shook his body as he collapsed.
He screamed loudly, demon form bursting out as a defense mechanism.
Arms curled around his abdomen, trying to soothe the nonexistent physical pain.
Anger ran through his body. He hated himself. He hated this.
She was gone. Father had betrayed them.
How could an innocent girl like her die? How could he allow that?
Pure throbbing rage ran through him, he clawed at everything in sight as some kind of stress relief.
He ripped at his wings in a blind panic. Now four wings are still too much. He couldn't do this.
Please it was too much
Get rid of them
Why aren't they coming off
They were too heavy
His mind was blank.
He screamed in agony.
Pain from both his wings and from the memories were way too apparent.
He ripped harder. They have to come off. Why won't they come off.
Suddenly, his hands were pulled away from his wings, he screamed and thrashed.
Painful sobs raked his body as he continued to squirm, trying to fight against the hands wrapped around his wrists.
His screams faltered and the scene of the war faded around him.
It made him acutely aware of how he couldn't breath.
He tried to painfully suck in air. Nothing seemed to make it past his lips. Everything he tried to breathe in was sobbed out.
He choked on a sob, airway restricting painfully.
He began to cough. Angry deep throated coughs shook his entire body; as his tears streamed down, hot and angry.
He breathed in deeper, finally calming his breath. Even if only slightly.
Working up enough courage, he looked at the sight in front of him.
Mammon held his wrists with a strong look of concern painting his face.
Asmo matched the look, on his knee right next to him.
Back at the doorway stood Beelzebub, Belphegor, and Satan.
They all looked worried, especially Beel, but none of them made a move to step closer.
In between the two groups stood Levi.
A face full of guilt. As if he was responsible. As if his sobbing fit only thirty minutes before somehow led to this pitiful sight.
Staring up at them only made him feel worse.
This is the family he swore to protect.
The family he had failed.
He never helped them. Minor kind words did nothing to ease monsters that overtook his little brother's.
They were all suffering. And he could do nothing.
His pride consumed him. He realized that they were all seeing their older, supposedly stronger, brother in such a pitiful state.
A feeling of fear and anger passed through him, "Get out…."
They all looked startled. Asmodeus let out a small and confused, "What..?"
"Get out!" It was not a request, but a demand made with pure anger lacing his words.
Out of what he thought to be fear, all the youngest brother's left.
Leviathan stayed exactly where he was.
Mammon moved closer to him, attempting to wrap him in an embrace.
More anger ran through him. He had to do something to keep his pride.
He needed to show he wasn't pitiful.
With strong force, he shoved Mammon away. The second born flew into a table, a startled yelp escaping him.
Levi gasped, not sure what to do.
Lucifer stood up, using his desk to steady himself, "What part of 'get out' do you idiots not understand!?"
His scowl fell into another look of fear.
What had he done?
Levi stood far away, ready to back up. Tears streamed down his face at a constant rate. Pure terror radiated off of him.
Mammon tried to stand. He had a slight limp in his step, keeping his weight off his right ankle. Blood streamed slowly from his temple. Pain was evident on his face, though it looked like he was trying to stifle it.
Lucifer made a choked out gasp, stumbling backwards at the sight.
What had he done?
He continued to hurt his brothers.
They would be better off without him.
Before he could even process what he was doing, he began to run.
He didn't know where he was running to. His mind was completely blank as tears streamed down his face.
The door slammed open and then shut behind him. He left the house, not questioning the worry that would bring on to the others.
His pounding headache tore at his head. His legs were sore and weak. Wings are still painful and raw after the ripping. Blood drips down them in long thin lines.
He kept on running until inevitably, he collapsed.
Body too weak after the abuse he had been putting it through.
Headache pounding relentlessly.
He gripped at his head, a scream of pure pain and terror running through him.
Laying his head against the cold, wet concrete, he wondered how he ever ended up in this position.
Overtaken by pain, both physical and emotional.
The Avatar of Pride.
Yet, he was lying down on wet concrete in the dead of night.
What a pitiful sight.
Michael always wished to see him as a demon. See him as striking and beautiful as ever.
He would be so disappointed to see him like this.
Lucifer let sleep overtake him.
He was tired, after all.
Chapter 2
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quietwings-fics · 8 months
all ash, now
(Other Links: Dreamwidth - FFNet - Pillowfort - SquidgeWorld)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warnings: N/A Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Crowstiel Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Croatoan/Endverse (Supernatural), Angst, End of the World, Hugs, Sad Wordcount: 500 Summary:
The world ends. Castiel is the only angel left, and he's hardly even that. Crowley is the only demon who survived Lucifer, and he won't be that much longer.
jackelope-scope asked: 18 + Castiel/Crowley for the hug prompts
"High again, are we? It's becoming a pattern." Castiel is on the floor. He can't remember exactly when he got there, but he knows how. He'll always know how. There's nowhere else to end up when your wings get cut. He blinks his eyes open blearily. There's a familiar face staring down at him, and his expression doesn't hold pity or disgust. Only the terrible aching empathy of being the last left.
"Come to ask us to hide you?" Castiel asks, as though he has the power to make that decision. Dean would shoot Crowley where he stands. Crowley's mouth twists into something that could have been a smile, once. It's all ash, now.
"Do I need a reason to visit my favorite angel?" Castiel should probably get off the floor. He's naked, and he's cold, and he was human long enough to love and lose hot showers. Then again, whenever Crowley usually shows up while Castiel is nude, they end up fucking. He stays longer when they have sex. He doesn't taunt Castiel for the way he clings.
"Compared against who? Lucifer?" Crowley stiffens at the name. Castiel doesn't. So goes their mutual senses of self-preservation. "You shouldn't call me that, anyway."
"You are what you are," Crowley argues.
"Until I'm not," Castiel says back, "and I'm not."
He waits for Crowley to snipe at him again. It never comes. Something splintered and horrible as rotting driftwood lodges in Castiel's gut. "Why are you here, Crowley?"
“Like I said, isn’t it enough to want to see you?” Castiel stands up to get a better look at him. He's more well kempt than anyone else in the Apocalypse. All that lingering hellfire in his body has to be good for something other than running away, and Crowley uses it to iron his suits. "You are the one who leaves the devil's trap open." In the very first end days, that invitation had been open to any demon who dared. Now, Crowley's the only one who it would keep out.
Castiel is still alive for the sake of loyalty. Crowley is still alive for- He might call it cleverness. Castiel would call him a coward and mean it as a compliment. Most of the people who made it past the end of the world were cowards. The brave ones all got themselves killed.
He’d never want Crowley to be brave or loyal.
"Don't go." It's a useless thing to ask of him, and so Castiel says it with very little hope. Crowley was never an angel. He's hardly even been a friend. He has been a constant, and even, at times, someone who makes the dying world a little brighter. Now, in his eyes, Castiel sees the same fear he's seen in bitten men before they're shot to spare them the virus.
Crowley says nothing but wraps him in a hug so hard it bruises Castiel's ribs. Castiel holds tight, until he can't, and he doesn't.
He never sees Crowley again.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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demoniccaterpillar · 1 year
I did a few more answers to questions from the spirit worker ask list.
17. How often do you talk to your spirits?
That depends on my relationship with them. I'm pretty much constantly connected to Azazel, so we're communicating through clairaudience and telepathy throughout the day, and I have a similar open connection with my personal companion demon (his name is Shaliss, but I don't talk about him much online since he's only known to me). I talk to Dantalion and Valefor multiple times most days too, since they're the other demons who are almost always present (Dantalion is one of my Patrons and Valefor's my self-assigned "guardian demon"). I also communicate with my celestial night fairy familiar at least once or twice a day, and try to remember to say "hi" to the other lower spirits on my property.
I talk to the other Divinities I'm really close with (Ampelos, Lucifer, Vine, and Hekate) at least a few times a week. I also do a regular schedule of brief honorary rituals every week to Thor, Persephone, Dionysus, and my agathos daemon (house guardian spirit) mainly as a way of reminding myself to keep in touch with them and the rest of my inner pantheon.
How much I communicate with spirits outside my inner pantheon really varies. I've talked to Apollo every day for the last few weeks, but there have been times I went months without contacting him. Ultimately, who I talk to depends on a combination of what I'm working on (part of why I've talked to Apollo so much is because everyone around me is sick so I've been doing healing magic and also making wards against them sharing their plague with me) and whether the Divinity chooses to come around on their own.
It's true that I'm always able to make contact with at least some of my spirits, but I do need to emphasize that I didn't start out with this level of connection. In the beginning I had the same issues most spirit workers do, with my clair abilities not always working and Divinities ignoring me. Over time, I worked to strengthen and expand my natural clair abilities until they were reliable and also developed very deep connections with the spirits at the center of my practice.
25. What common advice given about spirit work do you NOT agree with?
I think the threat of "imposter spirits" pretending to be well-known Divine Spirits is vastly exaggerated by many spirit workers, especially in the Demonolatry community. Most powerful Divine Beings protect their names, meaning they deal with any lower spirit who uses that name to impersonate them, and it's rare malicious spirits take that risk. Plus, if you have even the most basic spirit senses, you'll be able to feel the difference between Divine energies and everything else once you've experienced true Divinities. If you're new and doubting if a spirit is really Divine, just do a strong cleansing while the spirit is present. Real Divinities won't be removed by cleansings or standard negative entity banishings, and shouldn't mind if you do one with them there.
Another claim I've seen frequently is that all real Divinities will follow general codes of conduct with mortals, or at least not engage in certain behaviors (the details of these codes and forbidden behaviors vary depending on the values of the mortal writing the advice). I totally understand why people want to believe Divine Beings won't do things they find morally repugnant, but that doesn't make it true. Every Divine Spirit I've met has their own personal code of ethics, which vary wildly between them, and many couldn't care less whether their ethics align with the morality of a given mortal or culture. As enlightened consciousnesses Divine Spirits aren't generally seeking to inflict pain or do harm, but it's extremely hubristic to think the entire Divine World will abide by your values or the values of your culture.
I suspect this thinking connects with the excessive fear of imposter spirits, since I frequently see people say things like "if the deity you're working with does X, then they must be an imposter". Not only is this overstating the presence of imposters, it's dangerous advice because it carries the implication that you no longer need to worry about a spirit doing "X" once you've confirmed their Divine identity, and that may not be the case.
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Can you do the brothers reacting to S.O. MC always having an unidentifiably "familiar" scent and then finding a spray bottle with the brother's perfume in it, diluted so that it doesn't overpower MC's but still gives them a subtle trace of the brother's scent? Which brothers do you expect would take up the practice so that they always have MC's scent lingering on them?
So cute!
I think demons and angels would have a better sense of smell than humans so wearing one of the brother’s perfumes would be like Mc marking themself as the demon’s partner.
It’s not foolproof of course, after all, other demons can buy the same perfume. But between the brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos everyone wears different scents so it would be clear to all of them whos perfume you are wearing.
Lucifer has been using the same cologne for several decades now. It’s honestly surprising that it hasn’t gone out of style, or become associated with old people(Like how certain human colognes or perfume is only used by your grandparents). It’s distinctive but elegant and simple enough to be timeless.
Lucifer first notices how your scent is oddly familiar a few weeks after you return to the Devildom with Solomon.
Something about your new scent is immensely gratifying to his senses.
It makes his pride flare, and he finds himself far less worried about his brothers or Diavolo trying to steal you away.
Much to his embarrassment, Lucifer finds himself nuzzling into your neck as if to scent you while trying to identify the change.
It’s early yet and you’re still curled up asleep in his bed when he finds the simple-looking perfume bottle on your desk as he is fetching you a fresh set of clothes to change into.
He stops to examine the bottle, thinking that perhaps he should bring this to you as well. Although he loathes to let you cover up his scent.
He opens the bottle to ensure it won't completely overpower his scent on you, and for a moment he thinks he must have used a bit too much of his own perfume this morning. He sniffs it again and realizes that while it is similar to his own scent, it’s different. Muddled, diluted with something, water, and perhaps a bit of your own perfume/cologne.
His lips curl into a smirk as he realizes that he’s caught his cologne thief. He’d assumed that he’d simply misplaced a bottle of his cologne but now realizes that you must have taken it back to the human realm with you and made this.
Lucifer falls in love with you all over again. He is so enamored with the idea that you want to smell like him, essentially letting other demons and angels know that you are his.
When you wake, he is sitting next to you. Still smug. Pride radiating off him in self-satisfied waves. Toying with your perfume bottle. “Mc, my dear, if you would like to let others know you are taken I would be happy to mark you more clearly.”
You swear he likes to fluster you just for his own enjoyment.
“When this is gone,” he says holding up the perfume bottle “you are welcome to more of my cologne, you needn't resort to thievery, my love.”
He won’t take up the practice himself, but if you have to be away from each other for an extended time he’ll ask for a bottle of your perfume/cologne to keep your scent fresh and near.
Mammon is snooping in your room again. Not to steal this time, he swears! It was just to figure out what kind of gift you’d like.
The perfume bottle looks expensive, so he picks it up. Thinking that buying you a new bottle might be a good gift.
It doesn’t have any labels so he opens it to see if he recognizes the fragrance.
He is so, so embarrassed to find out that it is a diluted version of his scent! Poor Mammon, he is so flustered when he finds out that he drops the bottle, shattering it on your bedroom floor.
Suddenly it all clicks into place for him. The reason he had been so much more protective of you. Why he had found himself resisting the urge to mark you as his more than he usually had to.
You’d been making yourself smell like him, marking yourself for him. Mammon is over the moon. You want to be his. You’re already together of course, but you want other demons to know you’re together.
It takes everything Mammon has to stop himself from going to get you right now. From bringing you to his room and marking you himself.
But he’s got a bigger problem to handle first. Your room is a mess, floor covered in glass and perfume and he’s got to fix this before you get back.
When you open your door Mammon is still trying to clean everything up and air out your room, you recognize the scent of the spilled perfume and you feel the embarrassment overwhelm you.
Mammon is looking at you, face red and stuttering out an apology. “I swear I wasn't trying to steal nothin'. I just-” He flounders gesturing to your desk “it was an accident Mc! Picked you up a new bottle of mine so you can…” if possible his face gets even redder.
“Mammon if you don’t like it I can stop.”
“What? No! Of course, you’d wanna smell like the great Mammon! Besides, I don’t want anyone else thinkin they can make a move on ya. You should keep doin it.”
Mammon won’t ask for any of your perfume/cologne but he will borrow(steal) a little of it every once in a while. Mostly when he’s going somewhere he can’t take you. It makes him feel closer to you. And it has the added benefit of preventing any demons from making a move on him, letting them know he’s taken.
Levi can’t quite put his finger on where he’s smelled your new perfume/cologne before.
It’s familiar, but he can’t place it no matter how hard he tries.
For some reason, it makes him less jealous when his brothers are around you. Like he doesn’t have to worry about you realizing they are better than him anymore.
Levi might not notice what your new scent is but his brothers sure do.
Asmo gives you knowing little winks and you could swear you’ve seen Mammon crinkle his nose in distaste at you.
Levi doesn’t figure out why your scent is so familiar until he finds you in his room pouring some of his perfume into a different bottle.
You’re startled when Levi takes the bottle from your hand and tilts your head to the side to smell your neck.
He takes a step back from you red to the tips of his ears “M-mc you-” He gapes at you for a moment “You can’t just do that without warning me!” he whines. “You know other demons can- my brothers can- it’s like you’re telling everyone you’re mine.”
“I know, Asmo gave me the idea. He said demons use their scent to mark their significant others. I’m sorry Levi, are you mad?”
“Mad? You want to smell like me, how could I be mad when I’ve wanted to-to mark you for months? I just didn’t want to...creep you out...with all that. Y-you can still use my cologne just ask. Thought you were Mammon stealing for a second.” He says covering his blushing face with his hands.
Levi is awake for a long time that night, even after you’ve long since drifted off curled up next to him in his bathtub bed. He’s caught up in the fact that you want to smell like him and he wonders if maybe he could do the same thing with your perfume/cologne.
Eventually, he’ll ask for some of your perfume/cologne but it’ll take him several weeks to finally blurt out the question.
Somehow your scent is different, more familiar.
It sets him at ease, like seeing you in his jacket or finding you sleeping in one of his shirts.
It clicks that you are using his scent when he notices how fast he is going through the bottle of his cologne.
His face heats up and oh my, you’re using his scent. That's why it was so familiar.
Once the surprise has passed, his lips curl up in a wicked grin.
Oh Mc, Satan is so pleased. He is so in love with you.
He has you meet him in his room to confront you. His cologne in hand, lips curled up in a smirk. “Is there something you’d like to tell me, Mc?”
You tell him about how you dilute his perfume with yours so that you smell a little like him and meekly apologize for stealing from him.
Satan’s smirk grows as you explain, and when you fall silent he pulls you into his arms. “I like having my scent on you kitten. But you know there are other ways I can leave my scent on you if you’d like?” he murmurs, kissing across your cheekbone and down your jawline.
He sounds so confident but there is proof of his own emotions in the red dusting his cheeks.
Satan might dilute some of your perfume/cologne if there is a particular reason he wants other demons to know he’s taken. Maybe an event he can’t bring you to or if there has been a particularly stubborn demon not taking no for an answer.
To be honest Satan would rather have you leave your scent naturally. By sleeping on his pillows or wearing his jacket.
If you have to go to the human realm without him for any length of time, Satan will pick up your habit and start diluting some of your chosen scent with his while you're gone.
It doesn’t take long for Asmo to figure out why your scent is so familiar.
He knows exactly how long a bottle of perfume will last him and has a sixth sense for knowing when someone has moved any of his beauty products.
“Mc, darling, it’s sweet that you want my mark on you but if you keep stealing from me I’ll have to punish you,” he sings.
“Is that a promise Asmo?”
He brings you your very own bottle of his cologne.
The fact that you dilute his scent with yours brings Asmo to his knees. It’s so cute! But also such a tease! He’d love to leave his scent on you in other ways too.
But first, he just wants to curl up and cuddle with you. Knowing that you want to advertise your relationship so openly makes him feel truly loved.
The feeling overwhelms Asmo and he is so, so happy that his feelings for you are returned just as strongly.
Asmo will definitely take up the practice so your scent always lingers on him as well.
Asmo is not ashamed or shy about your relationship and any demon who insinuates he should be is playing a dangerous game.
There is no hesitation in his voice when he asks for a bottle of your perfume/cologne in exchange for his.
He likes knowing his scent lingers on you and flaunts the fact that yours lingers on him.
Expect to exchange bottles of perfume on holidays.
Beel’s nose picks up the change in your scent immediately.
It’s familiar and yet hidden beneath your own scent just enough that he can’t place it.
This is frustrating for him because he’s never had so much trouble placing a scent before.
But he likes the addition as well.
In the end, it’s Belphie who rats you out to his twin. “You know I'm sure Beel would have more fun if he got to mark you himself, Mc.”
Beel puts down the muffin he’d had halfway to his mouth to look at you, realization flashing across his face.
He smiles happily at you, light blush dusting his face.
He’ll give you your own bottle of his cologne.
But he’ll also explain how having his scent linger on you is a way that demons mark their significant others. He wants to make sure you know that you are advertising your relationship to other demons.
When you assure him you’re ok with that he’ll ask if he can do the same with some of your perfume/cologne. That way other demons know he’s yours too.
Belphie notices right away.
It’s obvious that the new addition to your scent is his when you’re napping in his bed with him and the new portion of your scent blends seamlessly with the blankets and pillows around you.
Belphie gets a mischievous smirk on his face as he nuzzles his face in your hair. “There are better ways for you to wear my scent, Mc.”
He doesn’t stop you from using some of his perfume to dilute and mix with your own.
In fact, he encourages the practice.
He likes the fact that other demons will know who your heart belongs to.
With his scent lingering on you it’s very unlikely that other demons(his brothers) will make a move on you.
He won’t adopt the practice himself.
Not because he doesn’t want to, but because it’s a lot of work to dilute perfume so perfectly.
But if you were to make it for him, he would wear it everywhere.
He finds your scent calming, so having it linger on him would be very nice. Why else would blankets occasionally go missing from your bed?
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Hey, Hey, Hey! It’s been a minute but I didn’t wanna spam ya with requests while you have life stuff to deal with ☺️
This is similar to my Savage!MC ask but the brothers reacting to MC snapping at them and defending Mammon before calling the brothers out whenever they go too hard on him. Let’s be real, Mammon just acts on his sin and gets punished but when Lucifer’s a prick and threatens MC; crickets.
When Beel eats everything and damn near causes everyone to starve as well as threw a tantrum and nearly injured MC over custard;everyone turns a blind eye.
Levi guilt trips and whine over the smallest things but says the worst insults to Mammon and tried to kill MC over TSL.
Asmo acts like he’s above everyone and prefers to tend to his looks than help others (such as during the castle tour) but he gets no scolding.
Belphie routinely harasses Luci with Satan (who loses his temper) AND they all either threatened/killed MC but should Mammon do anything, he’s the worst. Even though Mammon:
- Never threatened MC
- Does shit for his brothers when asked (he may joke of needing a grimm but he’s an Avatar of greed and still gets the job done)
- Is very loyal to them
- And is a good brother to take falls for them. He knows how to sacrifice for them and the slightest inconvenience gets him thrown under the bus
These guys ain’t shit and I wouldn’t wanna be around them until they learn how to treat him better and equally work on their flaws rather than rip on Mammon, who’s a whole ass victim despite being the second strongest brother who takes it because he genuinely loves his brothers yet gets shit on by them so much.
Ooh this savage MC has nothing but heart eyes for Mammon and it's adorable. Right this one is going to be angsty and it's going to sting. I'm doing this in a short story instead of a headcannon cause it just seems right that way. Hope that's okay?
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It was just another one of those days Mammon tried to steal his brothers stuff and sell it again. Another day of being upside down and being laughed at. Normally he wouldn't care - it was the usual routine. But something seemed off this time.
"Mammon.. are you okay?" You approach him. He was rubbing his shoulders and arms as if to comfort the pain. He looked more tired and pained than usual.
"Ah I'm alright MC. Just the same old ya know?" He laughed. It sounded hollow yet it pierced your heart.
Enough. Enough of this. You weren't going to stand by and watch this happen again.
"You should rest." You place an arm on his shoulder and take him to his room. Making sure he's asleep, you leave. You have some problematic demons to deal with it.
"Ah MC? What brings you here? You seem rather disturbed." He asks as you storm into his study, fuming with anger.
"You tell me, you sadistic peacock." You had lost all sense of self-preservation and normalcy. Just echoing the rage in your brain.
"Excuse me?" Lucifer said, half-amused, half-shocked.
"Either you stop treating Mammon this way or I will make your life hell." You grit your teeth.
"I already have my brothers doing that what more will you do MC? Besides Mammon had it coming. He went stealing Levi's and Asmo's things again." Lucifer said nonchalantly.
"What do expect from the Avatar of Greed? He's just acting how he's cursed to. Just like the rest of you, nicompoops. Stop listening through the door and come inside." You said loudly.
The other brothers were still in the corridor nearby overhearing the whole thing. You could hear them gasp loudly at your boldness and scutter inside one by one.
"Now let me elaborate, so you rotten cucumbers understand me clearly." You cleared your throat.
"This little snake in tried to kill me because I may have known a little bit more about his favourite anime than him. Where's his punishment?" You point at Levi.
"MC I'm sorry...I couldn't help it was too new to me." Levi started. "But Mammon keeps stealing my things how is that fair-"
"And you keep throwing us into new kinds of disasters with your game hoarding problem."
"If you're still mad about the TSL incident I swear I take it all back-"
"Shut up snake, we know the reason. You're the Avatar of Envy. Getting jealous is your whole point. So you didn't get punished. Moving on..." Your finger now points to Satan. "This wild cat."
"He also threatened me cause I didn't want to make a pact with him. And when he actually flies off his handle, he wrecks his room and half the house down."
Satan seemed like he wanted to say something but he scowled and looked away.
"However I won't be too hard on him, cause he tries to keep his thing in check. And the whole reason he even has Wrath is because of Lucifer. So I get your hate towards Lucifer, but Mammon doesn't deserve any of it."
"MC you know I can't tolerate stupidity-" He grumbled.
"Oh must be hard looking in the mirror then, with all your failed pranks. And speaking of mirrors, this over- perfumed mannequin." You turn to Asmo.
"How have I possibly hurt anyone MC? You know I stand for Love too right?" Asmo said, batting his pretty little eyes.
"For someone who stands for LOVE, if you can even call it that," You make a disgusted face, "You surely love making a mockery out of your elder brother and revel in his misery, you over- perfumed potato."
"But I never cause problems do I? Why must I be punished just for standing by?"
"Your high and mighty sense of worth is an illusion you live in. You dress up pretty and act social to validate yourself, trying to conceal the ugliness within. Truly you are nothing but Lust. Also you're the reason we almost got eaten by a giant snake." You shake your head. "Now speaking of eating..."
"This giant food vaccum." You point to Beel. "He tried to eat me over a custard. Like excuse me? There's still plenty of food outside? And let's not forget that week we all had to eat cup ramen for a week cause he finished the whole pantry."
Beel softly muttered and apology and looked down.
"He even ate the walls and pillars once! Surely those renovations cost way more than however much Mammon steals? Where's his punishment?!"
"MC enough. He's sorry already." Beel's twin spoke up. You glared at him and smiled. "Don't worry I saved the best for last."
"This lazy murderous cow." You walk up to him slowly. "Not only does everyone have to your chores - you love causing chaos."
Belphie laughed, "That I do. But that's only with Lucifer. What else did I do?"
"Oh you want me to go there? I surely will." You say with a sting in your eye. "In your plan to avenge your sister, you killed what was left of her in the first timeline. And your brothers just stood by and watched. Where's your penance, you murder hornet?"
Belphie's eyes grew wide. Everyone looked shocked and uncomfortable. You never brought this up before now.
"But why bother asking you about it. I should be asking the ultimate punisher of this family." You turn to Lucifer.
"Ah! If it isn't Diavolo's pet dog! How is your master today? Does he treat you the way you treat Mammon? Is that why you come here to take your revenge on your little brother instead? Tell me Lucifer does Diavolo punish you then?"
"MC, I understand you maybe upset but you are crossing a line here." Lucifer stood up with a gutteral growl.
"Sit doggie. I didn't ask for you yet." You commanded. Lucifer sat back down as with great force. He stared at you flummoxed.
"Did you forget about the pacts already, you pompous goat? You have threatened and tried to kill me more than anyone else in this family so congratulations! I will use my pacts way more generously now." You mock bowed in gratitude.
"You might win in a fight against him but let me tell you this..." You stared back at the others.
"Mammon is the second strongest in this family. If he wanted to - if he REALLY wanted to, all of you would be turned to dust. He is stronger than all of you - but he hides it. He supresses his powers and his anger because he loves you too much. How could he ever hurt his little brothers?" You felt tears in your eyes at this point.
"AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY HIM? He's only acting on his sin! Just like the rest of you! Why must he be singled out and mocked at? I won't allow it. Never again."
"If you hurt Mammon again, I swear you will have to face me. And before you think you have a chance against me, do remember the pacts you all happily made with me I will not hesitate to use them against you dysfunctional lot-"
"MC... Stop." You felt Mammon hug you from behind.
"Mammon? I thought you were asleep." You say looking back at him. His tears were misty but his smile more full.
"And I thought I was supposed to protect ya, human! And you're out here protecting me..." Mammon trailed off and held you closer.
"We can protect each other."
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demonsandco · 3 years
Smut Alphabet - Lucifer
All the letters for Luci have been answered now, so here's a post compiling them all together!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
When he’s the one in charge, Luci acts like the king of aftercare. As much as he loves seeing his partner fall apart, he always makes sure to put them back together in the end. His go to thing is running a hot bath for his partner, letting him clean them up while also giving him a reason to hold them close and relax for once. After the bath, he’s pretty much at their beck and call, willing to run out and get them anything they need until they're ready to go to bed. It’s one of the only times when Luci won’t put up a fight about going to bed at a decent hour, instead opting to snuggle under the covers and pulling his partner close to his chest.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For a long while, Lucifer’s favorite parts of him were his wings, but now they carry too many memories for him to view them with the same light. Now, his favorite body part would be his hands. He has long fingers and a firm grip, perfect for grabbing his partner’s wrists with one hand and pinning them down.
When it comes to his partner, Lucifer’s favorite body part of theirs is their neck. It’s such a vulnerable part of their body and it’s his favorite place to leave marks. It’s a trust thing for him, as well as something that makes him feel powerful. Knowing that he could kill them in a second with his sharp teeth pressed to their throat, yet they trust him not to hurt them excites him to no end.
(cont under the cut)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Lucifer cums a pretty average amount, but he can do so quite a few times in a row. His favorite place to cum is in his S/O’s mouth or on their face. Marking them in such a way feeds into his pride, and he can’t help but admire how wonderful they look covered on his seed. He would never force them to swallow it when he does this, but if they choose to, he is left feeling awed and even hornier than before.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Lucifer is more than prepared to take this secret to his grave, but he has, on more than one occasion, fantasised about having a pact master use their pact with him during sex, with consent of course. It’s the idea of trusting his partner to the point where he puts his life in their hands and gives them complete control that gets to him. He’d be able to just lay back and stop thinking for once, while they use him however they see fit, without him needing to make a single decision. If his actual S/O ever suggests something like that, he’d be overjoyed internally, but he plays it off as simply playing along with their idea. He refuses to let anyone know how much he enjoys the thought because of how embarrassing he finds it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Lucifer has quite a bit of experience, but only when it comes to sex involving BDSM dynamics. He doesn’t mind hooking up with someone if he has the option to have complete control for the night. The type of sex he’s used to is very much lacking in emotional connection. He’s left feeling a bit unsure of himself when it comes to more vanilla sex, being the submissive one, or just sex that involves emotions. He knows what he likes and he’s very skilled in the physical aspect, it just takes him a bit of time to get into the flow of things with a partner that he actually cares about. Especially when emotions are involved. He desperately wants his partner to know how much they mean to him, but he’s not quite sure how to translate his emotions into actions from the very start.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Lucifer’s favorite position is surprisingly vanilla in nature. Call him old fashioned or cliché, but he’s very fond of the missionary position. It doesn’t matter to him who’s on the top and who’s on the bottom, he’s fine with filling either role. He enjoys the closeness that it offers, pressing his chest against his partner’s and feeling each time they take a breath. Plus it offers so much versatility! He’s in the perfect place to kiss his partner as much as he wants, but he can also bury his face in their neck, leaving kisses and love bites, while also muffling his moans.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Lucifer very much prefers to take things seriously. He likes keeping the mood sensual and heated, and goofiness gets in the way of that. Some playfulness or teasing is perfectly fine, and even encouraged by him, but outright humor or jokes is something he’d rather avoid. If his partner insists on being humorous, he’d see it as them being bratty, and won’t hesitate to gag or punish them if they don’t listen to his warnings. It makes for a very easy way to rile him up, if that’s what they’re looking to do. His only focus in the moment is their pleasure (or pain) and his behavior reflects that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
As with anything to do with his appearance, Lucifer takes meticulous care of his body hair. He constantly keeps it trimmed and short, even if he doesn’t have a partner who would be seeing it at the time. He’s prideful of how he looks and puts a lot of time into looking well put together in all aspects, even if no one will see it. He has a nice amount of body hair in general, though, his pubes leading up into a thin happy trail and a light dusting of hair over his chest. It’s all black in colour, just like the base of his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Surprisingly, Lucifer is very intimate in the moment. He considers sex itself to be an intimate and romantic activity. He needs to trust his partner quite a bit to feel comfortable letting them see him in such a potentially vulnerable position and that really shows. Even if he’s acting rough and dominating, he still can’t help but let a bit of softness and love seep into his words and actions. It’s one of the only times where he can voice his emotions easily, without his pride getting in the way.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Despite having a very high libido, Lucifer rarely takes the time to take care of his needs. He usually puts it off in favor of working, until he suddenly realises just how long it's been, and how needy he feels. It leaves him feeling so pent up and tense, not to mention unbearably sensitive, but getting himself off just doesn’t leave him feeling satisfied enough to be worth the time. He would much rather get off with a partner than on his own, and he’s willing to stay all worked up until then.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
This comes as a surprise to no one, but Lucifer loves bondage. Having his partner tied, watching them wiggle helplessly, unable to escape his touch, never fails to excite him and make his heart race. However, not only does Lucifer enjoy tying up his partner, he also loves to be the one getting tied up. The feel of tight ropes biting into his skin as he squirms under their gaze sends blood rushing straight to his dick. Especially when he thinks about how much trust he’s putting in them. He’s leaving himself open and helpless, yet he knows that they’ll never do anything he genuinely dislikes, just as he would never do that to them
On a similar note, Lucifer is also very fond of temperature play, especially when combined with bondage or even sensory deprivation. He likes the subtle blend of pain and pleasure that comes with it, alongside the anticipation of not knowing which will come next. He could spend hours teasing his partner like this, watching their reactions and listening to their cries. Of course, he’ll also let them return the favor, tying him up and teasing his senses with ice cubes and hot wax. He’ll hold in his reactions for as long as possible, and it’s hard to break him, but if they know where to target, they’ll have him begging soon enough. The span of his back, as well as his thighs are extra sensitive and dripping wax across his spine while sliding some ice over his inner thighs will leave him desperate and begging in no time.
Unsurprisingly, the Avatar of Pride has a huge praise kink. Lucifer craves praise from his partner, enjoying the feeling of pride coursing through his body when his partner tells him how good he feels and how well behaved he is. He strives to please them as much as he can, and the validation that he’s a good boy sends pleasure coursing through him. Of course, Lucifer also gets pleasure out of giving his partner praise, too, when he’s the one in charge. He wants them to know how proud he is of them when they’re being good.
On the opposite hand, Lucifer gets a weird amount of pleasure out of being humiliated. He isn’t fond of humiliating his S/O, being humiliated? Having a mere human exert that much power over him? It excites him to no end and he can’t explain why. If they treat him like he’s a lesser being, spit in his mouth, step on his cock, anything like that, Lucifer finds himself cumming so embarrassingly quick. He has to be in a specific headspace to enjoy it, but when he is, having his pride crushed in such a way feels like such a thrill.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Lucifer is a very private man and refuses to risk being caught in the act. The riskiest he’ll get is his office, but more often than not, it’s going to take place in his room. He prefers to take his time with his partner anyway, and that's much easier to accomplish on a comfortable bed, rather than somewhere else. He has more than enough self control to avoid doing anything too sensual outside of his room, where he feels safe.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He’ll never admit it, but seeing his s/o acting bold or taking charge never fails to excite him. It makes his mind wander and Lucifer can’t help but imagine them acting that way towards him, disregarding his rank and power and taking control of him. He’s almost ashamed of having such fantasies, but that just serves to excite him further.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Exhibitionism of any level is a big no for Lucifer. He has a hard enough time showing regular affection in public, and anything even remotely sexual in nature crosses his limits. He considers what he shares with his partner to be very personal and vulnerable and he refuses to have anyone else see him in such a state. He’s also not fond of anyone having a chance to see his partner in a disheveled state. In his mind, their body and reactions are for his eyes only. No one else even comes close to deserving to see them like that.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Lucifer very much prefers giving oral over receiving, and he’s damn good at it, too. He loves the amount of power it gives him, allowing him to control exactly how much pleasure he’s giving his partner. He knows exactly how to use his mouth to get specific responses from them. He’s also a quick learner and adapts to his partner’s preferences very fast.
While Lucifer doesn’t hate being on the receiving end, it takes some time for him to be open to the idea. Letting his partner have so much control over his pleasure leaves him feeling vulnerable and he has a harder time controlling his reactions. It takes every ounce of control he has not to grab the back of their head and set the pace himself, but he finds that it’s more worth it in the end to give them complete control.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Lucifer’s pace heavily depends on the mood of the night. If both he and his partner are stressed and need some relief, he’s more than happy to go hard and rough. He does enjoy taking his time, though, and if his schedule allows it, he’d much rather keep things sensual and slow. Intimacy is a very important part of sex for him, and a fast pace feels like it brings things to an end too quickly for him to fully enjoy it all the time, but he still likes the roughness of it. Regardless of who’s in control of the pace, he enjoys it best when there’s a healthy balance, starting out hard and fast, before gradually slowing down and letting some romance seep in, only to speed up once again as he and his partner get close to finishing.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Lucifer is a very busy demon, meaning that sometimes all he has time for is a quickie, but that doesn’t mean he likes them. When he’s with his partner, he wants to be able to take his time with them, keep a slow and sensual pace, but he often can’t find the time for it. He always thinks a quickie would be better than nothing, but they often just leave him feeling even more pent up and desperate.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Lucifer isn’t the most open person when it comes to experimentation. Mostly because he’s already had experience with many kinks throughout his long life, and he feels that he’s got a very good idea of what he’s into. There are very few things his partner could suggest that he either isn’t completely against or that he hasn’t already tried. If they do manage to find something that he’s unsure of yet, he’s more than happy to try it out for them, as long as it’s in a controlled environment. His partner has a much higher chance of getting him to experience something new if he’s the submissive one for the night. Chances are he’ll end up enjoying it, even if he was a bit unsure at first. He thrives off of pleasing his s/o and they’ll quickly find that he has very few limits.
Lucifer is very fond of everything being safe and controlled, regardless of who is in charge for the night. He outright refuses to do anything he’d consider obscene anywhere that someone else could walk into. He wants anything that happens to stay between him and his partner, and his not a fan of risking that in any way.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Lucifer has quite a lot of stamina, when he's not exhausted and overworked, at least. He's not exaggerating when he says he'll keep his partner busy all night long. He can take a few more rounds than the average human, but they last for ages. He's skilled at holding off his own orgasms, capable of making his partner cum on his cock a couple times at least, before finally letting go himself. He uses this to his advantage often, wanting to make sure he completely satisfies them before reaching his own peak.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Lucifer has a rather impressive collection of toys, or perhaps tools would be more accurate. He doesn't own anything like dildos or vibrators, but he has everything from different styles of restraints, to paddles, to whips. He has no qualms using some of the… less extreme tools in his collection on his partner, and he's not opposed to adding some more commonly seen sex toys to the mix, as well. If they show interest, he's more than happy to switch roles and lend them his tools, but he greatly prefers the feel of his partner's body, rather than a plastic toy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Lucifer is a huge fan of teasing his partner, but he’s very easily swayed by begging. He could genuinely spend hours teasing them and finding new ways to make them react, but as soon as they beg him for more, he loses all semblance of patience and control. Hearing his partner beg feeds straight into his pride, and he’s always weak when it comes to their wants and needs.
Lucifer himself is rather fun to tease as well. It may not be his favorite thing, but he enjoys it from time to time. It takes a lot of practice and patience to actually break him, though, but it’s more than worth it in the end. What’s better than seeing the Avatar of Pride crying and groveling, pleading for his partner to let him cum?
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Lucifer purposefully keeps himself quiet, doing his best to avoid making any sort of embarrassing noises. It works pretty well for him at first, the most that’s coming out of his mouth being soft gasps or groans from behind his clenched teeth, but the closer he gets, the less controlled his voice becomes, letting sweet, delicate moans slip out. He’s still not the type of person to be extra loud or talkative, but it’s not uncommon to hear soft words of praise in between the whiny noises he can’t seem to silence anymore.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Despite the sadistic and domineering persona he puts on, most of the time, Lucifer actually prefers to be the submissive one. He spends every waking moment of his life feeling like he needs to be in control and trying to take care of everything, that what he really craves is to just lay back and have someone else take the reins. It takes a huge amount of trust for Lucifer to admit this, but once he does, he’s willing to let his partner do whatever they want to him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Lucifer's dick is an impressive sight, but isn't too intimidating. He has a lot of length, more than the average human, and just enough girth to provide a stretch, without requiring extensive prepping. His skin flushes easily, making his a cock a pretty pink colour when he's hard. The thing that stands out the most, though, is that he has piercings down there. There's three to be exact, all lined up on the underside of his cock, forming a Jacob's ladder. They match the nipple piercings that he also keeps hidden under his clothes.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Lucifer’s sex drive is pretty high compared to the average human, but it really isn’t very high for a demon. He’s always so pent up, however, that you’d never be able to tell that. He’s always busy, and when he does have time to spend with his S/O, he wants to do something romantic with them first, constantly pushing aside his need in favor of something else. By the time he’s finally alone and in the mood with them, he's so desperate and sensitive that he comes across as constantly horny, when he’s actually just denying himself until he can’t handle it anymore.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Lucifer has a horrible sleep schedule and struggles to get some rest even when he’s tired. The chances of him falling asleep before his partner are extremely low, even if they wore him out. Even if he doesn’t have any work he feels pressured to finish, chances are that once he finishes taking care of his partner, he’s still going to stay up. He’ll stay in bed if they ask him to, but he’ll find something to read or put on some soft music to keep him busy for a few hours, until he finally feels like he can rest.
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tarysande · 3 years
Oh no, I've been thinking.
Okay, I can't stop thinking about something ending-related. I don't know this for certain, but based on previous statements and such, it feels like the writers were always aiming for a bittersweet ending. Like, no matter what else happened or how the story evolved, come hell (lol) or high water, that ending couldn't just be happy. For reasons. I guess.
Now, I don't mind a bittersweet ending ... if it makes sense for the ending to be bittersweet.
I critique stories for a living. I'm literally taking a break from the developmental edit of someone's novel to write this post. And the persistent thought that bugs me about the Rory setup is that it is so artificial. Time travel is a pain in the narrative ass. Time travel suddenly introduced in the sixth season of a show that has never touched on time travel? As an editor, I probably would've pointed out that time travel for the purpose of angst, especially time travel without rules that make sense ("I don't know anything about time travel! Except I do know you have to take the most painful path!"), seemingly introduced as a final ploy to make that bittersweet ending work ... well, to me, it breaks the narrative contract they established with the audience. Your audience is going to be confused. An editor's job is to alert the writer to any potential confusion so it can be fixed before the story goes to print, etc. Confused audiences get mad, annoyed, frustrated. They feel hurt. They put down the book and don't pick it up again. Usually, writers don't want that. But they're so close to their work that they need a completely outside perspective to say, "Hey, I'm not sure you realize this, but..."
I mean, I keep referring to Rory as "deus ex daughter" because in literary terms, she is a blatant deus ex machina. Rory is the god in the machine of the Bittersweet Ending.
Now, I loved a lot of S6. I did. My overall feeling about the season is not negative. But ... I can't stop thinking about why the things I didn't like REALLY didn't work for me.
I loved the emotional growth we saw in Lucifer and Chloe facilitated by the question of parenting and parental love. I did. And I would have loved to see a lot of those notes hit not with an angel kid out of nowhere ... but with the daughter already in the picture. Especially because it would have circumvented the icky idea that a child has to be one's flesh and blood to induce such feelings. I also understand that coronavirus and Scarlett's age and schedule made this difficult. But I just can't swallow that the only way to wrap up the story of this show--a show about found family, non-traditional family, friendship, connection, FREE WILL, love in all its many shapes and forms and colors ... was to introduce a brand new character via a device (time travel) that fails to make sense almost every time it's used, no matter the medium. (And then had only that brand new character be there when her mother died. Don't even get me started. Ugh.)
If time travel was always going to be on the table, couldn't we have found a more plausible way to use it with the characters we already knew, loved, and had spent four or five seasons with? A time-travelling older Trixie, say? If you're going to use the impossible device, just ... twist it another way to make it work.
Okay. Okay. So, leaving Trixie aside for now just like the show did, let's say we leave everything about the season the same, even Rory. Do you know what ending makes more narrative sense?
Future Rory sacrificing herself by NOT forcing Lucifer to make a cruel and impossible "choice" so the baby that might have been her grows up with a family that loves her. Chloe's already pregnant. That's not going to be undone. And this nonsense of a "closed time loop" falls apart if you side-eye it for even a few seconds. The Rory who came from the future never exists except in the memories of those she met when she came back from that future. Chloe and Lucifer lose that daughter even as they gain the new one whose existence is not a tool of unrelenting fate because wow this show has always been about free will what the heck happened there yikes. And a choice made under the duress Chloe and Lucifer were under, forced out of them, and forcing them to "choose" a life apart for *handwave* Reasons has nothing to do with free will. A "choice" made at gunpoint is not a real choice. Future Rory basically bullied them into ensuring she got to exist--something, quite frankly, neither her parents would have done.
Instead, how much more appropriately bittersweet is it if Chloe and Lucifer lose that child while gaining one who, because of that angry time-travelling version, will never suffer as she did.
Also as an editor: the groundwork for my version is already laid, by the way. It should have been Rory learning about the importance of free will over fate. The importance of personal sacrifice. The importance of not thinking your young self knows best ... because experience and therapy will help rid you of that self-centered world view. That's the contract the writers made with us with this show. And Chloe and Lucifer have already BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT. (See: the end of S4.)
Furthermore, this season finally HAD Chloe and Lucifer DEAL WITH the only thing that actually would have contributed to a narrative, characterization-based reason for Lucifer to disappear: His history of running and his putting Chloe on a pedestal. Once they really talked that out, his "disappearance" became a Rory-induced trauma of inexplicable fate that flies in the face of all the progress Lucifer made over six seasons. (I would rather have had more of that and less of mysterious disappearing oh no plot.)
And I'm sorry, the "Once you get to Hell you're going to work 24/7" excuse given for why Lucifer won't be around and why he can't make time for Chloe until she's DEAD(????!???) is ... it's lame. If AMENADIEL AS GOD can make time for his kid's birthday party, I refuse to believe Lucifer can't work out some Hell/Earth-work/life balance. Never mind that in the show about partnerships, the Bittersweet Ending just ... destroyed it. Chloe was planning on being God's consultant; she could have helped Lucifer solve Hell's Trauma Mysteries (it's what she did with Jimmy, setting up that yeah, Lucifer could do it alone like he accidentally did with Lee, but doing it with HIS TRUTHSEEKING PARTNER would be more effective). Just as Lucifer could have continued helping HER solve some of the problems within "that corrupt little organization" of hers.
tl;dr: I think the writers fixated so completely on their version of Bittersweet that they missed all the foreshadowing, groundwork, and clues that were right there, already built into the story, poised for a different kind of ending than the one they once imagined. That's why so many parts of it feel almost-but-not-quite right and why these aspects are so off-putting. That's why it's just not ... organic. It's something squeezed into a box it grew out of ages ago.
Ironically, certain elements of this season involved the writers insisting on the FATE they decided long ago instead of letting the story and the characters have the FREE WILL to choose a different, more fitting, more organic ending--one that had long-since evolved past that original flavor of Bittersweet.
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
I’d like to request hc’s of the Brothers and Diavolo reacting to an MC that’s so cute, she could pass off as a doll. If she stands perfectly still, she could pass off as a full sized doll until she moves again. She has adorable doe eyes, wears cute clothes (Lolita fashion or just has an anime girl style), and even makes cute desserts. If the usual MC was weak and frail to them already, Doll!MC seems so dainty, precious, and fragile; these guys would ban paper if she ever got a paper cut.
Oooooo this is really interesting! I can just imagine Doll!MC just making everyone so scared every time she moves because they could probably hurt themselves just bumping into a wall because they look so fragile lol. These were short, so hope you enjoy!
Update: here’s part 2 with the other Undateables!
The Brothers and Diavolo Reacting to Doll!MC
...maybe he made a mistake in picking you for the exchange program after all
You just look so delicate, and just so pure. 
You have definitely made cute little snacks and brought it to him while he locked himself in the office with paperwork
He lowkey highkey likes it no matter how he brushes it off with the usual thanks. Keep doing it, MC, he really appreciates it
When you get in trouble and he gives you the usual lectures, he can’t look into your eyes for long
Geez, he already can’t stay mad at you for long but now he can just feel his resolve cracking
If you get hurt oh Diavolo prepare for helicopter parent Lucifer
As soon as you accidently cut yourself in the kitchen (it would be the tiniest cut, barely noticeable),  you’re no longer allowed in the kitchen unsupervised and can’t handle anything with a sharp end (whether its a butter knife or kid proof scissors that would be safe for Luke to use unsupervised)
“Let me do it for you, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Lucifer, thank you but I’ll be okay. It’s just a frosting spatula it’s not sharp-”
Will punish his brothers 10x worse and demons 100x more if he finds out you got hurt (doesn’t matter what the injury is, could be so much as a paper cut there will be hell to pay)
Constantly checks on you when he can’t see you in person
Handles you so lightly that you barely feel his touch
Move over Belphie, you’re the baby of the house now 
Protective x100000
Is still tsudere around you, but doesn’t insult you as much
Who are you kidding as soon as he looks into your cute doe eyes, he forgets what he’s saying 
Complains about having to do stuff for you but doesn’t mind at all really. He loves it because it feels like you’re depending on him, and that makes him feel worth something.
“C’mon human, let the Great Mammon carry your books! You’re gonna hurt yourself and I don’t feel like hearing Lucifer’s mouth today!”
It was just your planner and a small recipe book that Luke gave you, and it weighed less than 10 pounds but okay. You don’t complain either when you see that he genuinely wants to help and do these things
Basically your loud guard dog and secret service agent rolled into one
He’s gotten into trouble more than once for “protecting you”. A student barely bumped your shoulder and Mammon already tackled him. Lucifer was not pleased (but he secretly understood)
He can’t help it that you’re weak and surrounded by hungry demons! It’s a pain to go through this much effort to just protect you, since you look so helpless
MC he’s just worried that you easily break if a demon so much as breathes on you but he likes that he can protect you because he knows that he can keep you safe. You’re just too cute and sweet okay??
Also stand in his room after watching a horror movie to freak him out and he’ll be sounding like Mariah Carey lmao
Is for sure having an otaku/weaboo freakout moment
You blend in with figurines so well, every time you come into his room he asks you to stand next to them so he can feel that his collection is complete 
He does it sometimes when he streams so people can think he has a rare limited-edition life sized doll that they can’t get. Makes him feel superior 
You’re like an anime character but in real life and he does not know how to handle it 
Can’t stare into your eyes, it makes them too flustered because he’s used to seeing it in his otome games and not from an actual person that he likes
Who needs maid cafes when he has you? You even dress and make anime themed desserts (once he built up the courage to ask you to make it for him)
Has to calm his beating heart every time he talks to you, you’re too precious for him MC! 
Your like his very own idol, minus the singing and dancing. However, if you can sing and dance....
Levi.exe has stopped working 
Thought you were a real doll until you introduced yourself
He really thought that someone brought you to life Pinocchio style
You looked like a princess from the many stories that he read, and he was smitten
Treated you so graceful and elegant like until he had his rage moments, which he told you to stay far, far, far away from him until he calmed down completely
Secretly placed a hex on you to where if someone tried to attack you or touch you with harmful intentions, they would be somehow be subjected to looking at their worst fear
You were wondering why that random stranger was just staring wide at you with extensive terror, but then you saw Satan grinning, so you left it alone. You thought it was just some weird demon thing
Loved when you made him cat-themed desserts
If you wore cat ears while doing it, he will turn extremely red
If you meow for him, he won’t know how to handle himself 
You are just the cutest thing he has ever laid his eyes on!!
Besides from himself of course, don’t get it twisted he’s still #1
He has most definitely had more than one photoshoot done with you both. And you guys have been trending on the Devilgram a couple of times already
Really you guys trend at least twice a month, and his fans love you!
They always ask where he got the doll from but he always laughs and says that “it’s a secret”
Imagine their shock when they see you walking and talking at RAD, some are amazed and some are downright scared
Fashion shows! 
He lives for dressing you up in cute clothes. Your style already suited you and he had great tastes so the new outfits he got you were just *chef’s kiss*
The cute little desserts that you made for him, he always posted it on the Devilgram before he ate it. They were just so cute MC and he couldn’t not show his fans!
Is the most careful brother when it comes to keeping you out of danger. He refused to let his body or skin damaged, and he wasn’t about to let it happen to you either! You are both way too dainty and fragile to let anything happen
Also spa days and self-care nights weekly!
You’re the perfect match made just for him MC
He finally has someone that can understand his struggle of being beautiful, bless you MC
Soft boy is scared of touching you :(
He towers over you, and he’s scared to even be near you
It takes some time, but he starts to warm up to you
Is always gentle with you, no matter the scenario
Holding hands? He is hardly gripping your hand, said hand fitting loosely in his
Getting hugs? He’s meagerly holding you, not wanting to crush you
You once complained to Beel that it wasn’t fair to get half done hugs (if you were hugging, you were getting a real hug, not a scared one). 
He made you swear that if he was hurting you to let him know, so now you have your very own signal to use for him just in case
He was very tempted to wrap you in bubble wrap and just carry you around like that
He LOVES your sweets, even more than Luke’s and Barbatos’
No matter the size, he loves them, mainly because you made them and it was made with love, just for him
It always makes him feel so warm inside, and he doesn’t feel his appetite gnawing at him like usual
No one is dumb enough to try anything with you both in his presence and not, unless they want to end up either a: deep into the ground or b: into his stomach
You just make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and he just loves everything about you. He just loves you
Hm, you look cute 
For a human
Acts like he doesn’t care, but you’ve caught him blushing before (he still does it too)
Won’t outright admit that you’re charming in your own little way, but he does in his sarcastic way like usual
“MC, you’re such a half-pint. You’re like my personal sized teddy bear.”
Has cuddled with you like you were his personal teddy bear (and still does, but you don’t complain at all)
Has a secret sweet tooth and eat your desserts whenever you make it just for him (and he doesn’t even share it with Beel, that monster)
Demons just have to look Belphie in the eyes, watch him flex his claws, and they all of a sudden forget about whatever they were planning. Good
He hates that you look so fragile, but at the same time he kinda likes it
You just look so soft, and you’re just so kind
It makes him feel like he’s protecting and caring for you, and that makes him feel calm and peaceful 
Please make sure that he’s okay MC, he’s scared that he’s gonna mess up again
The Prince of Hell is both surprised and pleased at your appearance
Do all humans look this charming or is it just you??
If someone as soft as you can survive living and going to school with demons, then this is great
Knew that you weren’t a doll, but still liked to admire you like one
Has asked more than once for pictures, you are just too enchanting!
Wants to have a portrait painted of you so he can hang it up in the castle
LOVES you baking for him! Loves when Barbatos does it too (even though it is kinda part of his job), but it feels different with you. It feels...domestic in a sense. Makes him feel like Diavolo, your friend and very interested in being your boyfriend, instead of Lord Diavolo, the prince that will be residing over Hell in the future
No one would be foolish enough to hurt you. If someone was, they wouldn’t even get the chance to lift a finger before they were directly dealing with him. Don’t take his kindness for weakness, he still is a demon after all, the future King of Hell to be exact
Was scared of touching you at first, but quickly grew out of it! He can handle his own strength, and you guys also have a signal to use just in case he does squeeze a little too tight
Will want to dress you up in royal clothes (if you were okay with it). Nothing is wrong with your current style, as a matter of fact it suits you! He basically just wants to play a fancy game of dress up/have a fashion show with royal clothing
Will take 100s of photos, no exaggeration
Asmo will be jealous, so be warned
Plus, he wants to know how his future lover/ruler would look in a crown so he can start taking measurements. You can never be too ready, right MC?
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