#and then I get upset at running myself directly into the ground despite knowing better 😭
void-galaxy-shenanigans ¡ 2 months
Âżfeeling disabled by my own disabilities? a tragedy. never could've seen this coming.
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demoiselettes ¡ 2 years
hello there<3 may i request tanjiro, muichuiro and zenitsu with a darling that has anger issues, they distance themselves from them because they dont want to. Lash out! How do they react to this? ( Remember to take a break:) )
Darling with anger issues
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Pairing(s): Tanjiro x reader, Zenitsu x reader, Muichiro x reader
Category: hmm.. fluff? Slight angst?
Warning(s)/note(s): gn! Reader
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Tanjiro Kamado
•He’s honestly very confused.
•He doesn’t exactly mind you having anger issues(as long as you don’t act out of line, he’s had bad experiences with Sanemi) but he’s very unsure of how to approach you
•He’ll do his best to stop you from getting angry often, but when he fails to ensure this, he’ll settle for simply remaining by your side and to listen to you vent, or just silently rubbing your back and patting your head, if you let him
•When he notices you growing distant, he’ll panic an awful lot
•He’s afraid he might’ve done something to upset you
•He’ll pick what he deems to be a good time of the day to talk to you, preferably when the two of you are alone
•Then he’ll just ask you if he did anything bad, like- him????
•When you tell him, you’re afraid you might end up taking your anger out on him and hence the reason why you’re distancing yourself from him, he’ll start to fret.
•He’ll assure you that he knows you won’t do anything as such even if there is a possibility that you might, and he tells you he can at least try to and help soothe you
•He’s just so desperate to have you stay, at this point he doesn’t even mind if you take it out on him since he’s so used to being there for everyone :(
•He’ll give you space, and he won’t pry into your personal affairs unless you want to talk to him about anything, but he’ll try his best to convince you to stay
Zenitsu agatsuma
•Zenitsu is slightly less understanding than Tanjiro in the beginning.
•He’ll be upset as to why you get angry rather quickly, often narrowing it down to it being his own fault
•And it’s worse when you start growing distant
•He’ll be so scared that he really messed up this time and the moment he sees you he’ll straight up pounce on you, clinging and sobbing and asking what he did wrong
•He won’t even give you time to answer in between his cries because he’s already apologizing for whatever he could have done wrong
•You’ll have to ruffle his hair to get him to calm down, then explain the actual reason why you’ve been growing distant
•He’ll be slightly scared at first that you might actually end up lashing out at him like so many people have before but his love for you is too much :(
•Like Tanjiro, he won’t pry into your personal affairs but he’ll do his best to get you to stay close to him
•He’s very affectionate.. so the times when you choose to stay away from him is basically torture
•He’ll follow you around like a lost puppy, barely saying anything but trying to listen to your emotions to figure out what to do to make you feel better
•If you do end up lashing out at him, he’ll just look down at the ground and try to hold make sobs i’m making myself cry rn
•But he still won’t give up. He might be upset for some time, but he always ends up running back to you, so please don’t hurt him :(
•When he starts to hear the anger in your tone, he’ll automatically be at the ready to comfort you if need be, he just has to be close to you
Muichiro Tokito
•I’d be surprised if he did notice.
•See, despite his love for you, Muichiro is often in a world of his own and has little sense of what is happening around him unless he’s on the battle field
•And since he prefers to be by himself, he might take some time to notice you growing distant
•But even Muichiro can get clingy and in need of affection at time, therefore when he’s on his way to get some good ol’ [Name] time and notices that [Name] isn’t really in the mood, he’ll start worrying
•He’ll directly confront you about it. He’ll be unintentionally blunt like, ‘it’s rude of you to avoid me’ which, in Muichiro language, translates to: ‘i need hugs pls gimme’
•While you’re explaining, he’ll get a vivid sense of familiarity, like he’s interacted with someone who used to get angry rather easily as well..
•But the memory is too far out of reach, skittering right on the edge of his brain and he finds it annoying to try and recall, so with a click of his tongue his attention is back on you.
•He’ll be quite unsure of how to react, but the one thing he’s certain of is that he loves you.
•And he can’t stand you growing distant.
•So he’ll do his best to give you time to sort things out, even willingly helping out if you accept his help just to show you that he doesn’t mind you having anger issues because he can help you deal with them
•He might get angry a couple of times when you take your anger out on him, and this might result in him not speaking to you for a short period of time
•He then either forgets what happened or he decides he isn’t going to let the problem go about unsolved and let it sour your relationship and he’ll pull you aside to have a serious talk with you, during which he’ll try to solve things out
•He doesn’t like beating around the bush and is much more keen to be upfront about problems, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t try to be considerate when talking to you even if at times he accidentally ends up saying something rather hurtful. He just really loves you
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janekfan ¡ 2 years
Neither twin would look at the other. Not directly. And definitely not in the eye having walked away from each other to opposite ends of an empty clearing.
Wild Patrats had gotten into their supplies and devoured their rations.
They blamed each other. Shouting and angry, hungry and upset.
“I am Emmet! I am going to hunt for my own food. It is going to be great!” He turned away before the hot tears of frustration could fall down his cheeks. “You will wish you could have some!”
“Well, you will be wishing for Litwick to cook it for you because you cannot even build a fire properly! Come on, Litwick. We will go berry hunting and create something delicious and not share it with irresponsible little brothers!” He wasn’t doing a very job keeping his thoughts to himself if he really was only speaking to his partner Pokemon, but then again, Emmet didn’t think he even meant to.
“You are wrong Ingo! I can make a fire all by myself!”
Several hours later saw Ingo distracted and Emmet holding one of the thieves by the tail.
Ingo began to realize early on that he didn’t know which types of berries were even safe to eat. Sure, he knew how to identify the common Oran berry but he’d only gathered a few sorry specimens. Certainly not enough for a meal. That was Emmet’s department.
Emmet couldn’t bring himself to look away from the terrified eyes of the itty bitty Patrat held firmly in his hands. The idea of– Emmet felt sick. Ingo always “took care” of it the few times they had to resort to hunting wild Pokemon. His little eyes. How did anyone do this?? Emmet was vegetarian. From this moment. He put the critter aside and didn’t even try to stop its escape. He shivered.
“Rubbing two sticks together is harder than it looks.” Tynamo nuzzled his cheek over his shoulder and while Emmet was patting him back, noticed Ingo staring at him from across the field. “It is going so great over here!” The rubbing intensified. Ingo forced down a mouthful of bitter, unripe berry.
“An actual meal!” His voice boomed; spooking some flying types out of the surrounding trees. “Too bad you are not getting any!”
“I have a Patrat! I do not need your dirty berries!” Even though he’d let the small thing go. “Yum! Yup! So delicious!”
Night fell.
Emmet shook with cold in his sleeping bag. He was verrry hungry. And itchy! From the poison ivy he’d unwittingly rolled in while wrestling the rat. Trying to stop his scratching, Emmet listened to the sounds of his brother retching, most likely sick from his “actual meal.” He could see Litwick’s tiny flame and knew at least Ingo wasn’t cold but he certainly sounded miserable.
The sky split with a bolt of lightning and thunder rocked the ground. A second flash lit up their eyes where they met across the vast distance just before the rain came sheeting down.
Emmet was up and running before the first drop hit the ground. Soaked by the time he skidded to a stop beside his pale older brother.
“Emmet.” Ingo sounded tired and shaky.
“I am Emmet.” He tugged his sleeping bag over them both, hoping the waterproof layer was enough to keep the rain off them until it passed. “I am sorry.” Ingo leaned against him, pressing his clammy face into his neck and swallowing with a soft click.
“I am sorry too. I should not have said those mean things.” Their partners huddled closer, Litwick’s little purple firelight filling up the space with gentle heat. “I do not feel well.”
���I am verrry itchy.”
“Seems we have both learned valuable lessons on our Pokemon journey.” Emmet smiled at Ingo’s attempt at a silver lining. “There is a village close by; I saw it when I was examining the map. We can start out early and get there by late morning.”
“For a giant breakfast!” Emmet’s smile grew despite Ingo’s pained whimper. “Go to sleep. You will feel better soon.”
“Nngh…” Ingo leaned more heavily, being tugged down into sleep. “Hope so. G’night, Emmet. Glad you are my brother.” Emmet pulled him closer, watching the rain pour around them, finally warm.
“G’night, Ingo."
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thefanficmonster ¡ 3 years
Few Too Many
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, In-game violence and death, Suggestive comments
Genre: Protective fluff, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Jealousy is a dangerous thing, especially when the jealous person is armed with a gun....in a game of Counter Strike. At least Y/N’s friend will now know not to mess around and flirt with her, especially not with Corpse around.
Requested by 🐐 Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request! Sorry it’s taken me so long to complete and post your request but here it finally is! I didn’t want to make it IRL violence to avoid triggering anyone while I also felt it’d be very ooc for Corpse to beat someone up but I still hope you enjoy the fic if you come across it and read it! Love, Vy ❤
“Hey everyone!“ Y/N greets her squad as they all customize their characters while I sit there, observing and unknowing of what I’m supposed to do. “I invited Corpse to play with us today, hope y’all don’t mind.”
“Of course not! Nice to finally meet you, Corpse. We’ve heard a ton about you from Y/N, thanks for making our girl the happiest she’s ever been.“ One of her friends says, the tone of his voice suggesting he’s only half-joking with the dad like comment he made.
“Nice to meet you too, man. Glad I’m the one she gave the chance of making her happy. That’s all I ever wanna do.“ Though it may sound cheesy, as guys, her friends can probably read into how genuinely I mean what I’ve said.
Dating a girl with only guy friends has it’s pros and cons. Which outweigh which is still up for debate since I’m still researching, but so far so good in my opinion. This is the first time I’m interacting with them directly so I’ve still got a long way to go in terms of getting to know them and the details of their relationship with Y/N better. Regardless, I at least know they can easily understand me and put themselves in my shoes if I ever ‘mess things up’ with Y/N and she goes to complain to them - something that will most likely never happen. I’d never dare make this girl upset. Chances are, if I do, her friends won’t get to me on time - I would deliver my own punishment just the way I think I deserve it. However, there’s also the chance of them getting super protective of her and ganging up on me over something as small as a fight. By the many things and stories Y/N’s shared with me about them, I believe they wouldn’t think twice about kicking someone’s ass for her. They’re not massive dudes - I’ve seen pictures of them - but I for one don’t ever wanna see em angry.
“Ay bro, what’d you do to score our best girl? You must know what she likes. If so please, by all means, do tell.“ One of them, not the one who was previously talking, speaks up, his words making me furrow my brows in both confusion and irritation.
I open my mouth to complain as I slowly start cracking my knuckles when Y/N and her friends beat me to it. Thing is, Y/N’s friend group consists of three guys and her and yet four voices scolded the guy that made that suggestive comment. That being said, this guy probably isn’t considered to be one of her friends, at least not one that’s a permanent part of her friend group.
“Seth, cut it out!“ The guy I was previously speaking to says sharply before softening his tone to refer to me, “Sorry about my brother, excuse his lack of brain cells, please.“
Just then, I also receive a message from someone. Checking my phone, turns out it’s Y/N who by the way is currently in the living room while I’m in the recording room. Her text reads:
Y/N ~ Ignore Seth. I told Leo to not invite him but he’s still here somehow
I send her back a quick reassuring text before answering the guy I now know is named Leo, “No worries, it’s fine.”
“See? The guy can take a joke, you’re all just freaking out over nothing!“ Seth laughs, reminding me and the others of how loud he is compared to us.
Despite acting like it’s no big deal, I can’t help but admit to myself that this behavior of Seth’s has awoken a deeply buried suspicion of mine that’s not only mine but also arises in every guy whose girlfriend hangs out with a lot of guys. It’s not that I don’t trust Y/N - she could literally blindfold me and tell me to walk through a pool of lava, promising it wouldn’t hurt and I’d do it - but we all know about that saying that every guy in a group with one girl has liked said girl at least once.
Disturbing to think these four, including Seth five, dudes could’ve possibly been my competition at some point. It’s nice that they’re all super chill about it, mostly cause some of them have girlfriends as I was told.
Nevertheless, we get over that hiccup and carry on with the small talk and preparations for the game. Since it’s my first time playing CSGO, Y/N, Leo and her other friend Clancy explain the mechanics to me in detail to avoid me getting confused mid-game and getting myself killed. When they finish, we start the round and wait for the game’s algorithm to separate us into two teams which Y/N jokingly refers to as cops and robbers. Unfortunately, the end result of that separation ends up being me getting put in the terrorists’ force with Leo and Clancy while Y/N’s with the FBI, partnered with Seth and her other friend Evan.
“Alright, team, we shall now disperse. Corpse, remember, if you see more than one of them, radio in and lay low, we’ll be with you as soon as possible.“ Leo informs me as he runs off in one direction, Clancy going in the opposite. I confirm I understand and go along my way too, heading for this ancient looking structure that looks like it could belong in an old-timey movie. 
Walking in, I realize the place is way bigger than it appeared on the outside. A quick look up confirms that there are three fucking floors above, not to mention that the ground floor is huge. Luckily, there are many crates and barrels to hide behind if I come across an FBI agent. I sure as hell hope it’s Y/N, I could maybe even try talking her into giving me a second chance at life and pretend she never saw me. Come to think of it though, I’d probably prefer getting killed by her rather than her friends - especially Seth.
Given that we’re in a Discord call, I can hear all the conversation going on. They are all quiet though, I can just periodically hear the mumbles of someone muttering to themselves as they navigate the map cautiously out of fear of running into their opponent unprepared. The silence is put to an end though when Seth speaks up, addressing Y/N.
“Yo, your boyfriend’s with the terrorists, ain’t he? That’s like the universe giving you a sign that y’all shouldn’t be together.“ The fucker laughs at his own joke while I can literally hear Y/N rolling her eyes.
“Have you heard of Romeo and Juliet, Seth?“ She asks sarcastically, almost getting a chuckle out of me but I suppress it to avoid getting caught listening in.
“Yeah, they both die at the end. Fucking boooriiinngg.“ Just then, I spot two silhouettes entering the building. Aiming my gun at them reveals their names - just the people I’m currently involuntarily eavesdropping on. Seth and Y/N don’t notice me though so I quickly duck behind a crate and prepare to radio in when Seth continues verbally torturing Y/N and dancing on my last nerves, “I personally think the friends-to-lovers trope is far more interesting...“
Did this guy just- no, he’s gotta be fucking kidding me
I’m left with my jaw hanging in disbelief at this guy’s audacity. I have no doubt Y/N’s about to put him in his place herself but I just gotta have my own chat with this guy. And by ‘chat’ I mean I mindlessly rush out from behind the crate towards where I saw him and Y/N and open fire on him.  I hear his startled and upset screams with Y/N’s laughter in the background. She doesn’t try to stop me as a teammate of his should and would, instead she just observes the scene unfold, laughing her ass off.
“Yo man what the fuck was that for?!“ I hear Seth’s yell but only faintly since the sound of gunshots is still echoing through my headphones. Yeah, I’m not done shooting this fucker.
“Corpse...Corpse, buddy...“ Y/N manages through fits of laughter she cannot tame, “That’s a few too many bullets, he’s already dead.”
“And that was a few too many comments for him to be let off the hook.” I answer as sharply as I can with the new-formed smile on my face. What can I say, her happiness is contagious.
“Well, you got your first kill in CSGO. Good job, babe! I’m super proud of you!” She cheers for me, clapping her hands excitedly. 
“Nah that was my first overkill.“ I quickly add, with a more threatening tone: “And it won’t be my last.”
“Let’s just hope there aren’t few too many of these overkills either.“ She snickers.
“That doesn’t depend on me, babe.“ I say smugly, suggestively enough for Seth to pick up the dropped hint. Mother fucker’s officially been put in his place and I couldn’t possibly be happier - with the added bonus of getting a ton of laughter out of Y/N who also decides to walk away, leaving me unharmed but promising to shoot to kill next time she sees me.
I’m ok with that. She could kill me anyday.
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m-y-fandoms ¡ 3 years
COMMISSION: Kokichi Ouma x Female Reader - Love-Hate Relationship
Thank you to my patron/client! Kokichi is always fun to write
Summary: Kokichi starts to fall for the only person in the killing game who likes him. His best friend is always on his side and has true feelings for him both platonically and romantically, but will he ruin everything with his harsh words and lies?
Friends to Enemies back to Friends to Lovers LMAO - ANGST and FLUFF
Warnings: Vulgar Language, otherwise SFW - Admin Myah
Word Count: 5.1K words 
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When it all began, people didn’t like Kokichi. (Y/N) found this little fact out quite quickly. It was quite obvious. He was loud, and obnoxious, and stubborn, and whiny, and a great many other negative adjectives one would use to describe, say… an elementary school student.
 But! … he was also a great many other amazingly fantastical things, such as cunning, intelligent, hilarious, perceptive, adorable. These were the things (Y/N) saw in him, these and a lot more endearing qualities, these things the others seemingly refused to see in him. Even the more intelligent and reasonable of her peers, such as the intuitive detective Shuichi Saihara or the studied anthropologist Korekiyo Shinguuji could admit Kokichi was intelligent, but not much else. (Y/N) didn’t understand it. She truly didn’t think Kokichi was all that awful. Why weren’t they seeing what she saw? From the moment they all arose, groggy and confused in that eerie gymnasium together she knew he would be something special, someone to watch. She had a gift for reading people like that: their souls, their intentions, their true talents.
 The two of them, in time, had even started to become friends where he had none, and she essentially became his only link to the rest of the students. It would often go something like this: 
 Kokichi would reveal something critical, something hidden or potentially deadly that they all must know.
Kokichi, being the stubborn ass that he was, would lie about the details, or the information altogether, switching facts around and embellishing the story with fictional bits and bites.
The other Ultimates would ignore him, call him a liar, engage in some petty squabble.
(Y/N) would vouch for the little lord of lying, and the group would reluctantly scrounge up enough good faith to believe the pair.
 In times like those, (Y/N) would often chastise the tiny tyrant, forever asking him why he couldn’t just play nice and help the group out of the kindness of his heart?
 There was always some nonsensical, facetious, nonchalant response.
 And without fail, the more outspoken students would try to talk some sense into (Y/N), asking her why she put up with him, why she even tried to get to know him, why she liked him.
 But it was no use, she was drawn to him, and there was no stopping or changing it. (Y/N) was always one to latch onto the people who piqued her interest, who plucked her heartstrings, be it romantically or platonically. She found herself enraptured by his mind at first, then his looks, then the way he spoke, and more specifically... the way he spoke to her. 
 Yes, despite what the others thought, she found herself always defending him, and then, she found herself falling for him.
 And he would never in his life admit it, but he was starting to fall for her, too. 
 When the killing game first started, the others thought of him as a brat, just a nuisance. They ignored him and at worst, they told him off like the annoying kid on the playground. Back then, she would still hang out with him, ignoring his teasing jabs or even jabbing back. He found himself surprised with her comebacks and playful insults at times. 
 She was always around, and would never abandon him, a fact he most definitely took advantage of, for when the first killing happened, when Rantaro was taken from them and the killing game transformed from a hypothetical danger into a very, very real one, people started doubting and turning on each other. At that moment, he also was transformed in their mind. He was no longer a brat, he was becoming a villain and potential threat. People were choosing sides, forming cliques, trios, duos, going solo, and so on. 
 And she was always on his side.
 When it came time for their terrified little class of ultimates to enter the trial grounds for the very first time, her podium was directly across from his, as if by fate. Kokichi didn’t believe too much in fate… but he didn’t mind getting a perfect view of her all trial long. He found out quickly that he may come to regret the placement, however, as it also gave her a perfect view of him, and she was no fool like the rest of them. She would watch his expressions, catch the smallest twitch of his lip or raise of his brow. Much like Shuichi, she was one of the only ones who could study his words and actions and weed out the lies… at least most of the time. She wasn’t afraid to call him out on it, and she knew the tone of his voice better than anyone else there. She was making it terribly difficult for him to confuse others, extend the trial, stir up some fun… and he liked that about her. Someone who could keep up with him was certainly not boring… and extremely attractive.
 Even with so many people against him, dismissing both his lies and truths, verbally attacking him, she would hear him out, and by the end of it all, the innocent got out alive. The thrilling and bone-chilling trial ended with a correct verdict. Without their teamwork, even with Shuichi’s genius, it may not have been so.
 With the first trial’s conclusion, Kokichi’d made up his mind to stop simply admiring her and actually get to enjoy that not-boring personality to the fullest. That’s the most he’d give her: that she wasn’t boring, unlike the rest of them. Grabbing her hand, he whisked her away to uncover the newest research labs that Monokuma’d allowed them access to. They inspected them all top to bottom, together as a team. They eventually would do this to every unlocked location in the academy, making short work of the campus while harassing each other, badgering and bantering, hurling insults the entire time. She was the only one he couldn’t exhaust. Just when he began to think it might be a tad bit more romantic to pull some punches for her sake, he discovered he didn’t have to. She’d punch back, and just as hard.
 In fact, he liked her so much, that when his poor classmates were subjected to the horrendous Insect Meet-and-Greet event, she was personally invited by Ouma himself, and not hauled over Gonta’s gentlemanly shoulders and carried, or worse, knocked the fuck out only to wake up surrounded by bugs.
 “How charming,” she teased, rolling her eyes as he stood in the frame of her dorm room’s door.
 “Yeah, you should feel pretty special! I wasted precious energy coming down here to ask you to come!” He exhaled loudly, far too proud of himself.
 “Well, as much as I’d love to be covered in roaches and piss myself when beetles attempt to crawl into every orifice on my body, I can’t. Again, love to, truly, but-”
 “Awwww! But we hang out every night! And you’re lying! You’re never busy you dirty, rotten, lying loser! Who else hangs out with you beside me?! What else do you have to do if it doesn’t involve me? Your life’s a yawn unless I plan your daily itinerary!” He huffed, crossing his arms with a small stomp of one foot. “Gosh, I hate liars!” He pouted.
 “Pout all you want, I’m not going to your bug fest. I hate bugs.”
 “Wait ‘til Gonta hears about your very controversial opinion!” Kokichi gasped, feigning absolute shock.
 “You wouldn’t...” her eyes widened, knowing instantly that she’d fucked up. He didn’t reply, but simply smirked, an evil, plotting, crooked grin creeping across his visage. She sighed deeply, head hanging in defeat.
 “Be my date?” He held out a hand, wiggling his fingers temptingly. Her head shot up, an uncomfortable, flustered warmth running through her cheeks and to the tips of her ears. He caught this immediately, as he caught most changes in the air, and his face twisted into an equally awkward expression for a split second before his brow furrowed and he snarled. “Hurry the fuck up, shithead! You know what I meant! Let’s go or I’m having Tarzan put your ass to sleep!” He spat, and she simply giggled, grabbing his hand before being pulled off.
 “Your date huh? I can’t think of anything I’d love more than some worms in my shoes.”
 That morning when they awoke, Ryoma was gone, stolen away in what they assumed was either the night or the early morning. Kokichi was usually very much unfazed, desensitized to most shock and awe in life, but this time… it was different. He was upset, and visibly so, stomping around the crime scene like a child, brooding.
 It wasn’t the loss of a Ryoma, nor the gore and tragedy of the scene that had him so agitated, it was her reaction to it. (Y/N) wore her heart on her sleeve, and she wasn’t afraid to cry in front of others, so it was no surprise that she was in tears now. She’d cried over both Rantaro and Kaede’s deaths, but that was different. Kaede was a girl, and he didn’t care about (Y/N) enough back when Rantaro was killed to be jealous of her tears, but now… he was practically green.
 (Y/N) had actually been pretty close with Ryoma. Like she did with most people, she dug past Ryoma’s appearance and the story he wanted everyone to know, and what she found was a pretty amazing guy. She wasn’t as close to him as she was to Kokichi, but still…
 These weren’t tears of horror from seeing a dead body, or of witnessing a young person’s life cut short. They were tears of mourning the loss of a close friend, and Kokichi was positively boiling.
 By the time he’d managed to cool himself down while effectively hiding his meltdown from the rest of them, (Y/N) had wandered off to start the investigation and avenge her friend with Shuichi. Yeah no, that wasn’t going to happen. She was quickly swept away to start their own little search party. The two of them, the way it was supposed to be. Of course, he would never say all of these embarrassing thoughts aloud. He’d make up some stupid excuse for why she just had to come with him. But it wasn't personal, and he didn’t care about her.
 He didn’t
 He. Didn’t.
 Did he...?
 When it came time for the second trial, Kokichi made sure to make fun of (Y/N), calling her a crybaby, mocking her “endless blubbering” and all the valuable time she wasted doing it. He tried desperately, now at war with his own heart and values, to convince himself she was nothing to him, that she was just another pea-brained opponent in this death game, that she was a source of entertainment at best, and nothing else.
 “Shut the fuck up, Miu, nobody wants to hear that gross shit! Cream your pants later!” (Y/N) spoke across the circle to the blonde exhibitionist with a scowl on her face. Miu, in response, shriveled and whined. Kokichi couldn’t help but crack a smile. That was one of the things he loved about (Y/N), how she put people in their place.
 What?! Shit, no! Not loved… I mean she was cool, but... not - his mind raced, trying to shake himself back to the place he wanted to be. Shit!
 The trial went on, and with every word she worsened the self-made conflict within him.
 “How could you say that Kaito?!” (Y/N) howled at the Ultimate Astronaut, who was taken aback by her anger. Kokichi, too, found himself taken aback. Kaito was the “good guy”, the macho action hero, the protagonist’s best friend. While many called Kaito names, dismissed his ridiculous ideas, and even told him he was plain stupid and wrong at times, no one ever truly challenged the trusted hero duo that was Shuichi and Kaito, and certainly not with such unbridled anger. “You must have no idea what it’s like to go through depression, to not see the point in living anymore! How dare you speak ill of Ryoma?! How dare you say he used to be your hero?!” She knew what it was like, those dark thoughts Ryoma must’ve been having for years.
 Kokichi watched her, like a spitfire, a firecracker. He forgot all about his decision to let her go, to stop interacting with her altogether after today, and couldn’t help being pulled in. They spent the rest of the trial working as they usually did: together, as a team. He spoke up more, and they teased each other, flirting harmlessly and carrying on.
 And the others were starting to notice…
 “Man, can’t you two save it for when you’re alone?! Damn! I can practically see you undressing each other with your eyes, bleh!” Miu gagged before letting out one of her infamous cackles. (Y/N)’s face ran hot, instinctively leaning back on her podium. Her bottom lip caught itself between her teeth, at a loss for words as she met Kokichi’s gaze.
 “Yeah right, as if! I’d love to be discussing with literally anyone else here but you guys all have the personality of dirty pond water…” Kokichi sighed defensively, looking at his nails as if Miu’s words meant nothing to him. 
 (Y/N) knew how he was, she knew harsh words and lies were his coping mechanism, but she couldn’t help the way her shoulders sunk.
 Despite her hurting heart, when Kokichi - the shit-stirrer that he was - revealed Maki’s truth to the group after Kirumi’s execution, (Y/N) was the only one to throw herself between them, prying Maki’s hands from her best friend’s throat.
 “Fuck, now she’s out here tryna die for this asshole!” Miu crowed. “HA HA! They’re definitely fuckin’!” She held her stomach, practically in tears from her laughing fit.
“Shut up! Just shut up!” (Y/N) pushed past the crowd, tired of them, tired of the humiliation, tired of Kokichi, tired of all of it. She left the trial room, running all the way and not stopping until she was locked up in her room.
 After the public embarrassment and Kokichi’s heartless dismissal of their… complicated relationship, maybe….
Maybe now it was her turn to cut him off.
Days passed and she refused to see him. She stayed locked up in her room at night and avoided him during the day, well... avoided him as best she could. Kokichi wasn’t one to be ignored if he didn’t want to be. He persisted, harassing and tracking her around, begging her to talk to him, to play, to prank others with him, to investigate the new research labs, but she simply pretended he wasn’t there. It hurt, it really hurt to shut him out, but to go on with him acting like she didn’t matter in public and then deciding she did in private hurt even worse. Her loyalty could only go so far. She wouldn’t allow him to mess with her heart any longer… or so she thought.
Hours before the third trial was to commence, (Y/N) found herself outside of Korekiyo’s research lab when what looked like a walking corpse stumbled by. She cried out, running over to a dazed Kokichi, bumbling about light-headed and pale, with fresh blood running freely down his head.
 “Kokichi!” Her feelings be damned! She couldn’t just sit there and watch him suffer or worse. Who knew how much blood he’d already lost? Crazed with worry, she threw his arm over her shoulder, looking around frantically wondering why no one else had noticed him yet.
 The answer was simple: no one else cared. They probably had noticed and simply written him off. (Y/N) pouted, contemplating leaving him there… she was supposed to be mad at him.
 “Ohhhhh… gah! ...Damn you, Kokichi!” How did he keep doing this? How was he worming his evil little ass into her heart again and again?! She began dragging him down the stairs and toward the dorms. The investigation would have to wait.
“(Y-Y/N)...?” Kokichi mumbled in his ditzy state. “Hoo hoo! I thought we weren’t talkin’?!” He nearly tumbled from her arms, weak and wobbly.
 “Oh, shut up, asshole!” (Y/N) growled, nearing the dormitory area and pulling him into her room.
 “Man, that sucked!” Kokichi sat leaned against the glass of the sliding shower door in the small personal offshoot bathroom attached to her small dorm room. A cold washcloth sat covering his forehead, wetting the messy strands of his long bangs.
 “Tell me again why you didn’t just call for help once you realized how badly you were bleeding?” (Y/N) made small talk, wringing out the soiled rag she’d initially used to clean him off. He took a swig of some icy bottled water she’d provided and glowered, his bottom lip out in contemplation.
 “ ‘Cause I didn’t think anyone would come…” he spoke flatly, exhausted with the loss of blood and shittiness of it all. She froze, turning to him.
 “I’m sorry…” she sighed, replacing the washcloth on his head with some gauze that she started to gently wrap around the rather deep wound.
 “You should be! Hmpf!” He crossed his arms and she pulled on the gauze sharply, tightly constricting the oozing sore. “Shit!”
 “Don’t start, dickhead. You’re lucky I’m choosing to forgive you!” She chided. He shot her a dirty look, and for moments they sat in silence.
 “... For a moment I thought you hated me… like the rest of them,” he finally spoke up, any amount of silence torturous to his child-like psyche. She felt her heart sink.
 “... I could never.” She smiled softly, fighting off a nagging frown that threatened to present itself. Before he could make this even more awkward, she stood, taking control of the situation. “Okay, I’ll be right back, you stay right here. I don’t want you passing out again.” She took off, closing the bathroom door and sneaking away into the main room.
 Shuffling through her closet and by extension her Monokuma-provided wardrobe, she peeled off first her shirt then her uniform’s skirt, both now completely ruined by dark patches of Kokichi’s blood, her reward for carrying his sorry ass all the way here. Now in only her underwear, she reached for a replacement uniform and wandered over to her bedside table for her deodorant and some facial wipes. As she wiped the grime and sweat from the crevices of her oily face, the bathroom door slid open with an impatient force behind it.
 “I’m boooooooored-”
 “Ahh!” She screeched, rushing to cover herself up before she could even process what was happening, but the only things nearby were her comforter and intricate uniform.
 “Oh, God! Why are you naked?!” Kokichi hollered, his face turning beet red. (Y/N) pulled the comforter up and around her body, her uniform falling from the bed.
 “I told you to wait there!” Her cheeks felt engulfed in flames, the skin all over her body hot and her feathers effectively ruffled.
 “You didn’t say why! You didn’t say you were doing a strip show in here!” He retorted, covering his eyes with one arm, more for her to save face than out of his own desire.
 “Get out! Just get out!” She screamed, tears pricking her eyes.
 “Now!!” Full of a genre of rage he almost never felt, he conceded, stomping out of her room without another word.
 (Y/N) fell to her bed, screaming into her pillow like nobody’s business. She felt ashamed, mortified, infuriated. Why, for once, couldn’t he just listen?! Her body was never something she was confident in or proud of, and now, to have him, the guy she had feelings for see her like that, and not only practically naked, but caught off guard… it was as more than she could handle.
 The trial room was relatively quiet that afternoon. The usual suspects were chatting, defending themselves, accusing others. Shuichi was having a pretty smooth trial - a blessing in his eyes - with Kokichi not giving him an easier time than usual. When he did speak, it was his usual lies, with an underlying irritated tone, but he never spoke a word to (Y/N), and (Y/N) hardly spoke at all. After some time, someone addressed the elephant in the room… err, other than the murders, that is…
 “Soooo, uh…” Kaito, courageous as always, spoke out, “(Y/N), you awake over there? We could use some help to, you know, find the culprit so we don’t all bite it?” He was only somewhat gentle with his words, having already made up with her after the last trial’s argument, but anxious over the current situation. “Shuichi and I can’t handle this on our own! You usually have a lot to say!”
 “I resent that comment, Kaito, as I believe I help plenty, but yes,” Kiibo rolled his metallic eyes to the sky, ever focused on the current goal, “you do usually have more to say, (Y/N). We could really use another opinion here.”
 “Something wrong with (Y/N)?” Gonta, always concerned for his friends’ feelings inquired, brows furrowed in concern.
 “Hah!” Miu spat. “Of course something’s wrong! Haven't you noticed that little prick over there ain’t feedin’ us his bullshit nearly as much as neither?!” She pointed at Kokichi before placing a haughty hand on her hip. “He probably slipped her his little prick, and it was so tiny she was turned off for good! Probably can’t even speak, she’s so disappointed! Hella awkward!” She roared. Everyone exchanged the familiar looks of disgust or scorn that came after one of Miu’s outbursts, and as (Y/N) opened her mouth to defend them both, she was cut off.
 “More like the other way around!” Kokichi hurled Miu’s statements right back in her face, his knuckles crunching down on his podium with a vice-like grip. “After I saw her naked earlier, I was the one leaving with a softie!” He growled, his frustrations, self-loathing, and need to be in control and defend himself all culminating in these toxically destructive words.
 A few audible gasps were heard in the room, a few laughs from Monokuma and his remaining offspring, and the more mature students such as Maki and Shuichi simply sighing in exhaustion, wondering why they kept getting off track with useless information. (Y/N) felt her knees almost buckle.
 No. Not this time! She heard her mind shout at her heart, and she slammed her hands down on her podium, all embarrassment melting into pure rage.
“YOU- GOD!” An encore slam down onto the flat metal, “You FUCKING asshole! That’s not what happened you goddamn fucking LIAR, and you know it!” Her voice was hoarse with the force of it.
 “Uh oh! Struck a ner-” Miu began to speak.
 “You shut the fuck up!” (Y/N) pointed to the busty instigator before directing her venomous ire back at Kokichi, who refused to look her in the eyes. “I did everything to help you after your dumb ass fell through the fucking floor, and this is how I’m repaid?! I do everything with you and for you, and this is how you treat me?! Why do you always sit here and lie to these people about us?! Fucking shithead fucking-” she was struggling for words, holding back tears. “You tell them the truth, that I had your blood all over me from patching you up because no one else likes your sorry ass! Everyone else would’ve left you passed out on the floor or worse dead from blood loss or killed by the culprit who seems to be on a fucking spree!” She gestured wildly, talking with her hands. “You walked in on me changing my bloody clothes! It was your fault! Just like it’s your fault that you have one fr-” her voice broke, and she looked to her feet. “No friends. Fuck you… Shuichi just finish the fucking trial we all know who the culprit is.” She looked down the rest of the trial, saying nothing, hearing nothing, just a ringing in her ears.
 “This is reeeeeeal fuckin’ awkward and I hate it here,” Miu cooed, rubbing her hands together.
 As soon as the trial was over, Kokichi, feeling the weight of his best friend’s words, searched high and low for her. The campus was huge with many places to hide, but he knew her well, and he knew her favorite spots. He checked the AV room, library, casino, her research lab, and her room first, then everywhere else, asking anyone he came across about her whereabouts.
“Dude you messed up, even by your standards,” Kaito demeaned with a righteous fist in the air.
“I think it’s completely reasonable that she would not want to speak with you,” Kiibo sighed.
“Kokichi, you probably really hurt her. Just let her be, that’s the right thing to do,” Shuichi offered guidance even to the worst of his peers any time he could.
“Why are you speaking to me?” Maki walked away.
At long last, finding himself in the basement after wallowing around the school for a while, he opened the door to the AV room for some space and privacy, seeing as it was rarely used since Rantaro’s death. He gasped.
 “(Y/N)!” She turned from her position reading on the little couch, startled, and immediately turned back upon seeing the owner of the voice. He closed the door behind him, shuffling over with his tail between his legs. Quickly, before she could notice, he forced a rather convincing peppy voice. “The heck?! I already checked here!” She knew that. She’d been there earlier, and left when she heard he was making the rounds only to return later, but she didn’t say as much now. “Soooo? Whatcha readin’?” He grinned, plopping down on the floor beside her seated position on the couch. She didn’t respond, didn’t change her expression, and merely kept reading. “C’mon!!! Reading’s boring!!! Well,” he tapped his finger on his lip pensively “not always! But your taste in books is! Let’s at least go find some good shit to read together!” She had not the mental or physical energy, the want nor the need to banter with him. As far as she was concerned, this… whatever it was, was over. 
 Kokichi sighed, taking the hint to stop talking but not the hint to leave her the fuck alone. She would not physically kick him out, he knew this, and it seemed she wouldn’t do it verbally either. It was safer not to be alone, she rationalized in her mind… well, only if the group knew who was paired up and when, but he would never hurt her… physically. And she would never hurt him. And so, Kokichi resolved to sit there, just sit there and stare: at the ceiling, at her, at his thumbs. After the first thirty minutes he began to make pretend snow angels on the ground with his arms and legs flopping together and apart. He lapped around the room a few times, looked through the DVD options, sat with her on the couch, moved closer, then further, then closer, back and forth trying to get some reaction. Usually he could at least annoy someone into paying attention to him. Even negative attention was still attention. She was never like this with him. This was bad… he could feel his selfish little heart ache.
 An hour passed, and then another. She’d picked up a sketch pad she’d stored in the couch cushions, doodled, changed books, and now was reading again. He’d begun running his fingers up and down her thigh, making explosion and car noises when he hit her knee. And finally, he spoke.
 “You know, you’re super brave to be down here alone, you know... before I got here I mean… or at all really. Place is spooky… haunted since Rantaro got murked. No one comes down here but you. Surprised you’re down here… but I guess you always are.” He could feel the stone wall she’d put up between them. “You know, it kinda sucks, that we lost Rantaro…”
 “...and Ryoma, and Tenko, and Kirumi, Angie, Kiyo, Kaede…” she spoke up, irritated by his flippance. “Don’t forget them like they don’t matter.” He twiddled his thumbs in response.
 “At least you didn’t die…” he tapped on the back of the book you were reading, making the pages shake before her eyes.
 “Like you’d care if I did,” she replied without hesitation.
 “I woooooould,” he pulled at her sleeve like a toddler aching to be picked up.
 “I’m ugly. I’m fat and hideous and a turn off and just disgusting, right? So who cares if I die?” She spoke like she was reciting a grocery list: monotone, uninterested.
 “Well… I can still care about ugly people…” he batted his eyelashes innocently. The look she shot him told him she was not in the mode for jokes. “B-but, you’re not ugly! You’re way hotter than Maki or Miu or any other hag here! I just said all that stuff to catch Miu off guard! It was all a lie!” He was getting nervous now, sitting upright beside her on the couch.
 “That is not an apology,” she rebuked.
 “Aww come on, forgive me!” He collapsed, resting face down on her stomach and stretching his body out on the cushions behind him. “You’re my best friend…” His words were muffled, but she could make them out still. “You’re more than that…” her ears perked up, and she began to hear sniveling. Slowly, a wetness began to seep through her shirt onto her abdomen.
 Was he…?
 She placed a single hand on the back of his black locks and ran her fingers through the messy mop. The other placed the book on the floor then joined the other. For a few peaceful moments they sat silently while she stroked his scalp and played with the waves.
 “I’m sorry…” an apology came through his sniffles, but he would not lift his head up, never in a million years would someone see him cry genuine tears.
 “I can’t hear you,” she lied, something she learned from him. A devious smirk he could not see crossed her lips.
 “Yes you can!” Muffled frustration vibrated her tummy.
 “Well since I can’t hear you anyway this conversation is ov-”
 His head shot upward, a snarl crossing his red, moist, puffy face. He pulled his knees up, leaning forward with all his weight
And pressed his lips deeply into hers.
310 notes ¡ View notes
No more secrets
(This is set in 6th year, no voldemort being back business)
Sunlight filtered through the dormitory windows onto your sleeping form. You had asked your older brother to teach you a charm to bewitch your windows to reflect the weather outside, growing tired for the green murk courtesy of the black lake. You fluttered your eyes, blinking the sleep from them and rolled over to check the small clock at your bedside. Despite it being the weekend your body still woke you up at 7 am like clockwork, causing you to groan in frustration and smack your bedsheets
“Some of us are trying to fall back to sleep, you know” Daphne grumbled from her bed, beside you.
“Seize the day miss Greengrass” you replied, deciding you might as well get out of bed and follow your own advice.
You kicked your sheets off and made your bed before gathering your things and heading to the prefects bathroom for a shower. You returned to the dormitory with clean hair that smelt of your apple shampoo dressed in some comfy muggle clothes you purchased. Despite their shortcomings, muggles really knew how to dress comfortably. You had stumbled across Piccadilly Circus while trying to get to Diagon Alley during the Christmas break in your fourth year while on your own. In one of the shops you had seen joggers folded on a display and just had to purchase them, they were warm and soft, perfect for cold days.
“My, my what would your pure blood ancestors say if they saw you dressed like a muggle” Daphne teased from her bed.
“Someone has to be the family disappointment don’t they” You replied, putting your clothes in the laundry basket.
“I highly doubt you’re the family disappointment, Y/N, you’re top of the class in basically everything, you’re the first prefect in your family too!” Lily said. She was easily the most positive witch in Slytherin house and hated to see you bring yourself down like that
“Well, Granger is all those things and she’s a mudblood, our parents don’t care about academics as much as you’d think they do” Pansy interjected
“Pansy, no one asked you. As I recall this was a conversation between Daphne, Lily and myself” you snapped, knowing she was attempting to remind Lily of her half-blood status.
Pansy scoffed and rolled her eyes, over the last few weeks she had really been struggling to hide her dislike for you. It didn’t bother you, Pansy was a bitch to put it quite plainly. You wondered how someone could be so venomous and be content with their life.
You began to gather your things to head to the library after breakfast. 6th year meant you and your classmates were inundated with homework from all your classes. You hoped you could get ahead of your work so you could keep Sunday free.
“It’s literally Saturday, why are you voluntarily doing work?” Daphne asked, her head barely visible from under her duvet cocoon.
“If I didn’t, who would you run to at 11pm on Sunday evening because you forgot to write your charms essay?”
“You are a true friend Y/N Y/L/N”
“Hey, Y/N,” Pansy hollered
You looked at Pansy and waited for her to speak
“If you see Draco at breakfast, you mind telling him I’ll be a bit late?”
“I don’t think he’ll care Pans” Daphne replied for you
“Oh but he will, we’re going to the library to do out potions work together”
You were about to frown but stopped yourself, Draco had promised you that the two of you would write your 3 feet of parchment together. Lily caught your eye knowing how you felt about the platinum blond.
“Sure thing Parkinson” You said, with a sickly sweet smile.
You turned on your heel and went down the stairs into the Slytherin common room, despite it being only 8.30 on a Saturday morning, the common room was densely populated with slytherin students of all ages. A small group of second years were sitting on the floor playing gobstones in your path. They looked up and paled, scrambling to move out of your way.
“Scaring second years now are we Y/L/N” The voice of your friend Blaise Zabini asked.
“Me? Of course not, Zabini, I’ll leave that to you and your friends” you replied waking out of the portrait hole
“It hurts me that you think so lowly of us” He feigned hurt as he began to walk alongside you
“I apologise for hurting your feelings”
“What would your father have to say, hearing you apologise to a half blood”
“Here’s me thinking you knew me better, you already know I don’t care for the purity of blood”
“Where are you headed to after breakfast”
“The library, I’ve got a ton of homework to do”
“Have you heard about the party the 7th years are planning?”
“Nope, not that I’m interested anyway”
“This is coming from the girl who managed to get half the quidditch team drunk off fire whiskey the last time we had a party”
“What can I say, academia looks better on me”
“I can’t say I disagree with that. You should still come, bring your friends along too, it’s been a while since we all got together.”
“I’ll see if Daphne and Lily want to come along.”
The two of you had reached the door of the Great Hall
“There you are Zabini, we’ve been waiting for ages” Draco yelled from across the room
You and Blaise walked to your normal spot on the Slytherin table. He took a seat and you stood behind the bench.
“By the way, Malfoy, Parkinson said she’ll be late. Have to do the potions essay you promised you’d do with me a bit later”
“Y/N I-”
You rolled your eyes and opted to grab some sliced of toast wrapped in some tissue and go straight to the library rather than listen to whatever excuse Draco had planned to spew out.
You settled yourself near the fireplace pulling your textbooks out and laying them around you. You managed to write your charms essay, aswell as your Defence Against the Dark Arts essay and some reading for Transfiguration. You looked up at the big clock in the library and noticed it was past two, your stomach rumbled, clearly upset at the measly breakfast of 2 slices of buttered toast and some water. You gathered all your books again and stuffed them back into your bag and headed to the kitchens. The house elves were well aware of what you preferred to eat for lunch and handed it to you wrapped in a gingham handkerchief, you settled yourself by the window eating your lunch enjoying the view over the grounds.
You looked up to see the face of your academic rival.
“Do you mind if I take a seat?”
You shook your head and she sat down next to you.
“I was wondering if you could help me”
“Wow the great Hermione Granger needs help? From me?”
“I- nevermind it was silly of me” She got up feeling flustered and began to walk away
“Lighten up, Granger, it was a joke”
“What would you do if you liked someone, but they had a girlfriend and probably don’t like you back?”
“You’ve finally admitted you like Weasley huh” You patted the window sill next to you, prompting her to sit down
“What? No! Ron-“
“You do know Lavender has been slipping him love potions right?”
“But that’s against the rules! She could get expelled for that”
“She doesn’t care Hermione, if I were you I’d slip a bezoar down Weasley’s throat and see what happens after that”
“How do you know? That she’s been making him drink love potions?”
“I saw her buying some in hogsmeade”
“Well thank you for your help” 
“Can I ask why you thought I’d be the best person to come to for this advice?”
“Well to be quite frank, I don’t know myself. All my other friends are Ron’s friends too, I didn’t want them telling him anything. And we’ll you’ve been the kindest to me, and I would like to think despite everything you respect me. So thank you for your help” With that she got up and began to walk away
“Hey by the way, Granger, he’d be an idiot to turn you down”
Hermione flashed you a true genuine smile before returning to the Gryffindor common room.
You finished the remnants of your lunch and headed back to the dormitory. Daphne and Lily hadn’t left their spots on their beds.
“Who’s up for a party tonight?” You asked the both of them, a wide grin across your face.
After some further information from some 7th year girls, you, Daphne and Lily found yourselves standing outside the room of requirement at 9pm. Despite being a small, debaucherous get-together, in true Slytherin fashion the three of you were still impeccably dressed. You wore a thin silver satin blouse with a plunging neckline, a blouse he bought for you over the summer, along with some fitted black paper bag trousers and a pair of Chanel flats.
The door opened to reveal a room that looked exactly like the Slytherin common room only the table in front of the fire was covered in alcohol and snacks. Blaise, Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were sat in a small group off to the side. Draco’s head snapped up when he heard the door open and he looked as though his breath catched in his throat. You knew he was trying not to stare but it was like he couldn’t move his eyes off you. You’d be lying if you said this wasn’t the effect you wanted to have. Daphne ran off to a 6th year boy that she had been flirting with and you and Lily headed over to your friends.
“You made it!” Blaise exaclaimed getting up to hug you.
You saw dracos knuckles whiten even more as he gripped his butterbeer. You hugged Blaise back, after all, it was Draco who wanted to keep the two of you a secret. Blaise hugged Lily too and the two of you sat down. You made a point to sit directly opposite Draco, forcing Blaise to sit on the arm of the sofa with his arm resting on its back. A butterbeer had been forced into your hand which you sipped every once in a while whilst making conversation with your friends. You had noticed Pansy almost sticking to Draco’s side. She’d laugh overly loud at any small thing he said, even if it wasn’t funny, and failed to get Draco to dance with her numerous times.
After a while the 7th years announced the commencement of a drinking game. They placed an empty bottle on the floor and spun it, if it landed on you, you had to choose a truth or a dare, if you didnt want to do the option you selected, youd have to take a double shot of firewhiskey. You chose to sit it out, standing on the outside of the circle only a few steps away from Draco, who coincidentally also decided to sit out.
“I like the blouse” He commented, taking a swig of his butterbeer
“Thank you, it was a gift” You replied, folding your arms together to accentuate your cleavage. 
“Would have preferred you wearing it with just the two of us. Goyle won’t stop staring at you.”
“Well if you offered to take me to a nicer place than a broom cupboard or the empty classroom on the fourth floor, then maybe I’d wear it”
“I was told you were talking to Granger today”
“And? Am I not allowed to speak to people?”
“Not that filthy mudblood”
“Does it really hurt your feelings that bad that she’s smarter than you despite being muggle born that the ONLY thing you can comment on is her blood status?”
“I don’t want you to be seen talking to her again”
“Newsflash, you can’t tell me what to do. I’m not Parkinson, I won’t obey you like some lost dog.” And with that you moved further away from him leaning on a column in the corner of the room. 
So far people had only chosen to spill truths, some choosing to take shots instead of their truths. Daphne and her little boyfriend had been dared to enjoy 7 minutes in heaven, made possible by a random broom cupboard supplied by the room of requirement, it had been more than seven minutes and you were sure you’d get a detailed play by play back in the dorms. The empty bottle of fire whiskey landed on Charlie, he joined hogwarts in 5th year after being in America for the last few years.
“Truth or dare Charles?” Blaise asked, rubbing his hands together
“Who do you think is the most beautiful girl in this room?”
“Oh that’s easy, Y/N”
The whole group turned to look at you. You could see from the corner of your eye that Draco had tensed up. He himself slowly turned his head to look at you
“I have to admit, Charlie, you have great taste. You’ll go far in this world” You said, smiling.
“I’ll go as far as you want me to”
This caused the whole group to laugh and return to their game. You checked the clock and saw that it was getting close to 1am. You tapped Lily’s shoulder and she got up.
“Leaving already girls?” Blaise asked from his spot infront of the fire
“It’s getting late, parties aren’t Y/N’s scene anymore anyway” Lily replied smoothing out her skirt
“I’ll walk you back to the dormitory, I’m rather bored here myself” Draco offered, finally getting free of Pansy
“No need, Lily and I are big girls, we can get ourselves back without Filch finding us.” You replied cooly
“I insist”
“No no, Draco. Stay, enjoy the festivities”
You and Lily snuck out of the room of requirement and returned to the dorms undetected.
“What was going on with you and Draco?” She asked while the two of you were getting ready for bed
“It sounded like the two of you were having a tense conversation”
“You know how Draco can be, always trying to one up everyone”
“Did you hear about Pansy and Draco?” She asked once she was comfy in her bed.
“No” you put your hair brush back in the drawer and got under your own covers
“I heard from Marietta in the year above that Parkinson was bragging about how her and Draco went on a date today. Apparently he took her to the black lake for a picnic”
“Well good for them, I hope they’re happy”
“I know you like him but maybe now she’ll stop being such a raging bitch”
“Maybe, goodnight Lily”
“Goodnight Y/N”
You weren’t crazy, you knew Draco wasn’t stupid enough to even attempt to cheat on you. Your family was just as affluent and your father was just as influential as Lucius for him to know that a cheating scandal between two of the oldest pure blood lines would not turn out well for him. Yet it did nothing to stop the anger bubbling up inside you.
You and Draco began to get closer during your 5th year. You two studied together often and you both were prefects, made to patrol the corridors at night. It was inevitable for the two of you to strike up a bond. You didnt expect your bond to become so strong that an owl would end up dropping a letter on your bed one rainy summer afternoon, with a letter from Draco enclosed about how bored he was over the holiday. The two of you sent letters back and forth, he even floo’d into your bedroom when your parents were out. On the first hogsmeade trip of the year, he asked you to join him and he asked you to be his girlfriend. However, he wanted to keep your relationship a secret. He knew that people would talk and both of your parents would find out, it would lead to talks for the future, something he was not ready for. You saw where he was coming from and agreed, you just didn’t think it would end up like this. In the beginning he tried, he really did, he’d leave cute notes in your bag, he’d hold your hand under the table, save you a seat at dinner, even sneak you into his dormitory, but a few weeks ago, it all suddenly seemed to stop. But you were sick of it. You deserved to be treated better than you were being treated right now.
You awoke on Sunday feeling slightly less angry than you did when you went to sleep. Sunday’s were the day you and Draco would lock yourselves in an old empty classroom on the fourth floor and finally get to be yourselves. You went down to breakfast and sat in your usual seat, waiting for him to make his way down. You were half way through a bowl of cereal when you noticed him walk in with his boys, and Pansy. You dropped your spoon into your bowl causing milk to splash everywhere
“Merlin’s beard Y/N!” Daphne yelled, scooching to the side
You and Lily grabbed some napkins to clean up the small spillage.
“I’ve suddenly lost my appetite” You deadpanned
You got up and walked past draco, purposely bumping his shoulder on your way out. It hurt you more than it hurt him but you still had a point to make.
“Jeez Y/L/N, watch where youre-” Pansy Scoffed
“Oh fuck off pansy” 
You ignored him and carried on walking out of the hall. You heard his footsteps behind you and he managed to catch up to you, grabbing you by the wrist.
“What is the matter with you?” He demanded
“Me? What’s the matter with you?”
“Nothings wrong with me you’re the one acting crazy”
“Firstly, I don’t like your tone. If you’re going to shout at me I refuse to listen to another word.”
“I’m sorry but I don’t understand what the issue is”
“My issue is YOU”
You ended up raising your voice to a volume too loud for Draco’s liking and he pulled you into a nearby storage cupboard.
“This is my problem draco, being forced to hide everything. Arguing in a fucking broom cupboard for fucks sake.” You sighed
“Y/N, you know how-“
“No, I am tired, Draco, sick and tired of hiding, of keeping secrets, of not being able to come and collapse next to you when I’m upset”
“You can still do that,”
“No I can’t, you always surrounded by one of your posse members. If it’s not Crabbe or Goyle then it’s fucking Parkinson. Did you know she’s going round telling everyone you took her to the black lake for a picnic?”
“She said what? I didn’t even see her yesterday, Blaise and I went to the quidditch pitch after breakfast.” He had a face of visible disgust on his face at the thought of people thinking him and Pansy were a thing.
“Well yeah now the whole school thinks you’re going out with Parkinson and you’re not going to say anything to stop those rumours”
“You know why, princess”
“Yeah you don’t want to think about the future. But if thinking about a future with me really scares you so much Draco, why are you still with me? Surely if you just kept yourself single, you’d have no future to worry about and no girlfriend breathing down your neck”
“You know that’s not what I mean”
“Then what do you mean? Because -” you cut him off, you were starting to get annoyed and he could sense it
“If you stopped interrupting me, I’d be able to explain my thoughts” He said calmly, placing both his hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at him in the eye.
“Speak then”
“Yes I don’t want to think about my future. I don’t want to think about what ministry career I’ll be forced into to keep up my family’s reputation, who I’ll be forced to call my friend for the sake of appearances, what I need to name my first born child. I don’t want to think about all the skeletons in the Malfoy family wardrobe that I’ve yet to discover. This, me and you, it’s so innocent, so pure. You get me, you see me for more than my family name. And I want to protect this. I don’t want our parents getting involved and tainting what we have.”
“It’s the only way we-”
“Interrupt me once more and I’ll hex you.” 
You closed your mouth and decided to listen for just a short while more.
“However, if the key to your happiness, and the future of our relationship, is for everyone, including our parents, to find out about us. Then I will walk straight into that hall and stand on the table and announce it to the whole school.”
“You really mean that?”
He nodded
“So if your father sent you an owl tomorrow that says we have to get married in the summer...” you linked your wrists together behind his neck, swaying slightly as you looked up at him
“I’ll marry you. I would sacrifice my own life if it meant I could see you smile.”
“Bit dramatic there, Malfoy” you laughed
“You taught me well, Y/L/N”
“I’d rather you didn’t embarrass the both of us by getting up on the table. You can hold my hand though.”
“Anything for the Slytherin princess.”
You smiled and gave him a quick kiss before getting out of the broom closet. Draco took your hand and held it firmly in his as you both walked into the great hall.
He started to think out loud about his breakfast but you watched for the reactions of your peers as you made your way to your table, no one was really shocked, most of them looked up and smiled excitedly before chattering to their friends, you walked past the gryffindor table and heard the words ‘bet’ and ‘owe’ get thrown about. Once you got to your friends Draco waited for you to sit down, right next to Pansy, before sitting on your other side with his arm around your waist.
“Y/L/N and Malfoy? I never saw that one coming” Blaise laughed, the sarcasm evident in his voice.
“Well get used to it, Zabini, cause you’ll be seeing it a whole lot more” You responded, moving closer into Draco’s lap.
Long gone were the days of hiding, as well as the days of Pansy Parkinson thinking she could steal your man. 
163 notes ¡ View notes
aomineavenue ¡ 4 years
Homesick (Miya Atsumu x f!Reader) | 002. a mother’s nightmare
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Summary: Six years ago, L/N Y/N wouldn’t exactly say that she loves her life. It had always been problematic but her best friend, Miya Atsumu, since she was eight when she moved to Hyōgo, has always been there for her, and she wouldn’t change it for the world. However, things would always fall apart for her ever since, so she should have expected of such. Running away from her problems seemed like the easiest route to take at the time, so what happens when the past comes barging back into her life demanding answers? Will she be able to confront her demons?
Pairings: Miya Atsumu x f!Reader
Updates: irregular.
Genre: Angst, ANGST I LOVE ANGST, a lil bit of fluff here and there.
Warnings: Language, etc. (Will be mentioned once posted because I don’t want spoilers huehue)
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters except for the reader and my ideas. I do not claim any images used for content in this fic, everything goes out to their respective creators unless it is mentioned that it is mine.
Status: ongoing. | series masterlist
↩ the unexpected | a mother’s nightmare | no other choice  ↪
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However, as the door swung open, he hadn't expected the person standing before him. His eyes widen slightly as he feels his shoulders grow tense at the abrupt appearance. "What are you doing here in Kanagawa?"
"Aw," the person before him chuckles, a soft grin playing on his lips as he steps back to pull the door wider, "I miss you too, brother."
Osamu rolls his eyes as he steps inside, "No, seriously. What are you doing here?"
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"I can't believe you're here," 
You raise an eyebrow as you took a seat across from him, the soft chatter and calming music in the cafe flowed through the atmosphere, "Well, you said you wanted to catch up."
"Well, yeah..." He trails off sheepishly, "I just really hadn't expected it. Our last meeting only made it seem you were avoiding such conversation."
"You're right. I was, I kind of still am." You answer truthfully, "You have my friend to thank. Something about facing my demons one by one. It has been six years." 
He nods, a small smile on his lips as he spoke. "I suppose I should thank your friend then. Why don't we order something before anything else?"
Osamu stares sadly at the recent text you had sent to him, declining his offer to meet up once again, claiming that you were busy throughout the following week. He didn't want to doubt or push you, it didn't seem like you were pushing him away or anything either, but he still wanted to spend time with you. Only because the last time the two of you had met to catch up with each other, something was bothering him. He didn't know what, but the conversation the two of you shared in the cafe seemed as if you were being cautious with the information you shared. He couldn't blame you. It was going to take awhile before you could open up to him.
He enters the apartment complex that he was directed to by the address given to him, not bothering to scan his surroundings. He didn't know why he was here in the first place. Well, it wasn't as if he had anything better to do in the meantime anyway with his shop still under construction. He had officially made the decision to open his business up in the heart of Kanagawa just weeks ago, he wasn't going to admit it to anyone, but his encounter with you had prompted such a decision. Hence, he had been quite busy himself.
Stepping out of the elevator, he walks down the path towards his destination, stopping at a door with a golden plate with the numbers '210' engraved on it simply, nailed to its wooden structure. He brings a hand up and presses his knuckles against the wooden door before knocking on it gently at least three times to signal the owner of his arrival.
However, as the door swung open, he hadn't expected the person standing before him. His eyes widen slightly as he feels his shoulders grow tense at the abrupt appearance. "What are you doing here in Kanagawa?" 
"Aw," the person before him chuckles, a soft grin playing on his lips as he steps back to pull the door wider, "I miss you too, brother."
Osamu rolls his eyes as he steps inside, "No, seriously. What are you doing here?" 
Atsumu closes the door behind him before following his brother into the vast apartment, Bokuto coming into their line of sight who was sprawled comfortably on one of the couches in the living room, eyes focused on the show being projected from the flat screen television across the room, "We're using the Sports Complex here for our training the next couple of months, I figured it would be better for me to stay here instead of going back and forth between Hyōgo and here, plus coach's apartment is closer to the complex anyway." 
"And you didn't bother to share this information before you invited me over?" Osamu questions Bokuto directly who waves him off with a laugh as he says, "He said he wanted it to be a surprise." 
Osamu lets out a grunt of displeasure at Bokuto's response before plopping himself down next to him, his brows arched in curiosity as he looks around, "And what about the squirt and Sakusa? Will they be staying here with you guys? This place looks pretty big."
"Shoyo's coming over tomorrow," Bokuto shrugs his shoulders, picking up a piece of chip with his fingers from the bag of potato chips in his grasp, "Oomi on the other hand refuses to stay with us because of Atsumu's ‘unhygienic habits’, so he had decided to book a hotel room a few blocks from here." 
Atsumu huffs, running his fingers through his hair as he juts his lower lip into a pout, "I'm clean!" 
"Sakusa probably detest the fact you leave your dirty clothes everywhere," Osamu lets out a laugh, "So how've you been, Bo? I know you've been here the last couple of weeks."
Atsumu huffs, "I'm pretty upset you hadn't met with Bo when I told you, we would have met sooner." 
"I've been busy," Osamu shrugs before he snaps his full attention on his brother at the realization of what his twin was implying, "Wait, you've been here since then?"
"Yeah I have," Atsumu snorts, "Been staying over here with Bokuto, doing some extra training. He actually introduced me to these amazing kids! Reminds me of us, 'Samu when we were younger."
His brother tilts his head to the side, "Kids? You? That's cool, I guess. How do you guys have time to train some little kids while you have your own training?" 
Bokuto nods, "I mean it can be like extra training. I wouldn't want to disappoint them, really. Apparently, I'm the Great Uncle Bo who's the best in volleyball."
Atsumu watches his teammate plaster on a little grin and he couldn't help but let his own smile form at his friend's enthusiasm. "Well, it's only because you bribe them with food. Little Hiro is slowly warming up to me, just you wait, he'll adore me more." He teases.
Bokuto only rolls his eyes at him before glancing over to the wall clock nailed above the television, his eyes widening before scampering around the apartment to grab the things he needed, silently beating himself up for forgetting as the other two watched with amused curiosity. "I'll see you guys later!" 
The twins could only watch their friend move frantically around the room, "Why are you in such a hurry?" 
"I forgot I'm picking up the kids today for training." He huffs, a soft grumble leaving his lips after, "I'll see you guys later." 
"Oi! I should join you picking them up then! Why would Shizuma even ask you?" Atsumu protests, stalking after Bokuto, "This isn't fair. You just want to continue being the favorite uncle." 
Before Atsumu could tackle Bokuto to the ground to stop him, he slams the front door shut right in Atsumu's face. Osamu chuckles at the sight, "Who would have thought you would like kids? What's so important that you have to get those kids to like you anyway?" 
Atsumu walks back into the living room with a pout, "They told me Bo was cooler! It isn't fair, I've been so much cooler to them than he has." 
"Seriously, are my ears deceiving me or are you implying that these kids were enough to crush your pride?" Osamu teases, a small grin playing on his lips. "But really, tell me the truth. I know you. Why are you staying in Kanagawa?" He watches Atsumu shrug, keeping his gaze away from his, "Ah, let me guess? Yumi then? You're avoiding her?" 
Atsumu lets out a groan, "Lately she's been just so clingy and suffocating. It's not like we made things official or anything. I told her myself that I wasn't interested in that kind of relationship."
"I told you not to get involved with her," he chastised, "A few of my friends said she was toxic and yet what did you do?" 
Atsumu can only scoff, "Whatever, she'll go away eventually."
The two brothers continued to converse with each other as if they haven't seen the other in months when it had only been a few weeks since Osamu ventured to Kanagawa for his business scouting purposes. Eventually, Atsumu claimed it was probably time for him to head over to the Sports Complex since Bokuto was probably on the way from picking up the kids he shared to Osamu that he had grown fond of. 
Osamu watches his brother head towards the front door with his gym bag, a million thoughts swimming through his head. You. Should he come clean to Atsumu about reconnecting with you? 
He wasn't dumb, he knew how his brother had come to the conclusion of his true feelings for you ever since you decided to disappear, not that his brother would admit it to anyone, he did know his brother better, probably knew of it before his idiot brother came to realize. He knew what his brother felt since you disappeared. Anger. Regret. He knows that once you had disappeared that his brother had been beating himself up but at the same time he had learned to resent you for leaving him behind, not that Osamu would tell his brother off that if he were to be angry with anyone, it should be at himself for being so blind to your feelings for him. He didn't want to pour more salt to freshly exposed wounds at the time.
Despite you walking out on his brother had caused a drastic change in how Atsumu lived his life, he knows that somehow, deep down, Atsumu will always hold you dear to his heart, not that he would also admit to such, only spewing his distaste for you ever since you had left. He knew otherwise. Of course, a part of him wants to come clean to his brother, but a part of him also wanted to earn your trust first. He remembers how as much as the two of you shared memories created the past six years, you had avoided any formed conversation regarding his twin brother. He was torn.
"Hey 'Tsumu," Osamu calls out just as his brother was about to leave the apartment. Atsumu glances over his shoulders to look at his brother in curiosity. Osamu sighs with a shake of his head, "Ah..."
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The last two weeks felt emotional, yet weird for you. The twins started their training with their new favorite Uncle Bokuto, as they so put it much to Asuma and Reiji's dismay. You, as much as the rest of your friends, including Bokuto, were just as shocked when the twins had started calling him 'the great Uncle Bo', of course, you were quick to protest to the twins that Bokuto probably didn't want them to call him such, but with a grinning Bokuto, he quickly claims he didn't mind, repeating the name the twins call him as if it were a term of endearment. You had questioned the twins what had brought on the idea of calling Bokuto their 'great Uncle Bo' and Hiro simply responded with a "because Uncles are cool and he's the coolest so far!". Needless to say, since then, a competition for the Best Uncle title between Uncles had commenced.
The past two weeks since their training had started, the twins seemed to wake up earlier than usual, it was as if they had more energy than they usually had, often barging into your room to wake you up and pestered you to make breakfast before their Uncle Shizuma, who had volunteered to join their training to watch over them, picks them up half an hour early for their training with Uncle Bo and his friend who Bokuto promises to introduce once everyone's schedules were flexible.
However, as the holiday season for Galaxy Standard was fast approaching its end, you were far too busy to accompany their training sessions or even agree to a get together with any of the boys. Luckily, you had an assistant manager to help you around. It was finally a brand new season for the boys to go on tour, and setting up everything was a handful. You barely had any time for yourself.
Before your busy schedule had taken over your life, you were able to reconnect with Osamu at least once like Asuma had suggested. It was a brief meeting, but you enjoyed yourself nevertheless. Of course, you still refused to come clean over your little secret, you just figured it wasn't the right time nor was it something that should be discussed since it was the first time reconnecting with Osamu. Somehow, it wasn't the time to do so with your busy schedule, you were exhausted enough taking care of little pranksters that you call sons, that the drama that might ensue from a bomb confession like that would probably be the cause of your downfall. Dramatic as it sounds, you couldn't afford being mentally exhausted during the hectic upcoming weeks. 
You were grateful that Osamu kept his distance respectfully, not pestering you to be in his company, no matter how eager he had seemed. The two of you texted back and forth, him wanting to set up another arrangement to meet, while you—declining, well you were busy, it wasn't as if you were avoiding him, it was the truth. 
"Uncle Shizuma is taking too long!" Atsuhiko whines from the living room, staring at the front door with a pout, his arms folded across his chest, "Uncle Bo is waiting for us!" 
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle not being used to the twins addressing Bokuto, whom they had just met recently, as their Uncle, as you placed your work tablet on the coffee table, plopping yourself down on the couch that Atsuhiro occupied reading his little storybook about dinosaurs. Your arms instantly wrap around the little boy's body, pulling him closer to you. You nuzzle your nose into the crook of his neck, receiving a giggle from his lips as he protests, trying to pry himself out of your grasp. "What? You don't like mommy's cuddles anymore? Are you a big boy now?" 
"No mommy," he shakes his head as he puts the storybook away, only to wrap his short arms around your neck to hug you closer, "I love mommy's cuddles even when I get big. Just tickles." 
The doorbell echoes throughout the room and before you could muster any form of response, Atsuhiko jumps from the couch claiming that he'll answer it. You could only protest with a yell, extracting your arms away from Atsuhiro to follow him in case it was a stranger. 
"Uncle Bo! You're here!"
You halt in your footsteps as you blink a couple of times, wondering if you were hallucinating. Why was he here? How did he even know where you lived? 
"Uncle Bo!" Atsuhiro cries out, jumping out of his seat and rushing over after slinging one of the straps of his backpack on his shoulder, his other hand gripping onto his brother's own backpack to hand it over. You were confused at Bokuto's presence, however, your boys showed no sign of surprise but more on the side of excitement, practically giddy that their Uncle Bo had picked them up for training this time. 
Bokuto seemed to sense your confusion and gave you a sheepish smile, "I'm assuming Shizuma didn't inform you. Ah—anyway, he had plans today and said I should pick up the boys instead and take them to training, so he gave me your address. I'm sorry, it didn't cross my mind to contact you first. Is this okay? If not, we can cance—" 
You listen as the man rambles on, the boys waiting (Atsuhiko in particular) impatiently by the door, tugging on Bokuto's hands to grab the man's attention. You cut Bokuto's rambling with a wave of your hand, shooting him an appreciative smile, "No, Bo. It's okay. I'm sure the boys would be upset if you had to cancel training. I trust you enough," you trail off before teasing him with a grin, "You are after all, the great Uncle Bo." 
Your teasing sends warmth to the tips of his ears but he couldn't help but let his mouth widen up to a smile, "I suppose I am. I'll bring them back in one piece, promise." 
"You better!" You let out a laugh, ruffling the hair of your twin boys before bending down to press kisses on their respective foreheads, "Be good to your Uncle Bo, okay? Don't be too hard on him. Have fun!"
They nod their heads and left without another word, you watch them walk away with a smile on your face as they begin chattering with their, just as energetic, Uncle Bo. A part of you was bothered at the fact that your two boys didn't even bother to look back like they used to but, however, that quickly faded when the twins turned around once they neared the apartment complex's elevator, waving at you simultaneously, each yelling out how they will miss you and it instantly warms your heart. They were indeed growing up.
While you returned inside your apartment to continue with preparations for Galaxy Standard's upcoming tour, the trio left the apartment complex and got in Bokuto's car, the man making sure to secure the twins comfortably in the backseat. Hiko whined, practically begging Bokuto to let him sit in front like the big boy that he was, unfortunately, his pleas had fallen on deaf ears as Bokuto drove off. 
As the trio traveled, there wasn't any dull moment within the confinements of the four wheeled vehicle, not even a moment of silence with the twins rambling on about their favorite things to do and adventures they went on, while Bokuto, equally excited to share his own stories.
"Hey Uncle Bo?" Hiko calls out, stopping Bokuto from his own rambling about how he was during his own childhood years. He hums in response as he briefly glances at the rear-view mirror to acknowledge the little boy. "Do you have a girlfriend?"
Bokuto eyes widens at the question, spluttering incoherent sentences that made the twins look at him weirdly. He grips onto the steering wheel as he lets out an awkward chuckle, "Why are you asking?"
Hiro shakes his head at his brother, playfully smacking him on the head which causes Hiko to flinch and yelp out, rubbing his head with his palm to soothe the brief pain. "I just wanna know if Uncle Bo has a girlfriend!"
The man chuckles, keeping his eyes on the road as his grip on the steering wheel loosens up a bit, "Nah, no girl."
"Oh good," Hiko starts, a small mischievous smile forming on his lips, "Will you date our mommy then? She needs a boyfriend, you know."
Once again, Bokuto returns to his sputtering state while Hiro lets out a dramatic sigh, crossing his arms against his chest as he gives his twin a look. "I'm telling mommy." 
"You want me to da—date your m—mom?" Bokuto stutters, bewildered. 
Hiko ignores his brother's glares and shrugs his shoulders, "It was Uncle Rei's idea! Mommy was yelling at him the other day and after mommy pinched Uncle Rei's ear, I heard him grumble how mommy needs to ‘loosen up’ and get a boyfriend!"
Bokuto lets out a laugh in amusement, "Well, why not ask your Uncle Rei to date your mom then? Or Uncle Shizuma."
"Uncle Shizuma has a girlfriend," Hiro claims.
Hiko adds, "Uncle Rei said mommy might end up killing him."
Bokuto chuckles, "then, why me?"
Hiko looks at him weirdly, "What do you mean? You're cool!"
"Do you not want mommy as your girlfriend?" Hiro asks, folding his arms across his chest as if to judge his supposed favorite Uncle, the little boy waiting for the correct answer or else he would have to decide that he would no longer call this man his favorite uncle like he had claimed, "She's very pretty. Do you not think she's pretty?"
Hiko interrupts Bokuto with a loud huff, "You better think mommy's pretty or else I'm telling Uncle Asuma on you!"
Bokuto lets out a sigh, feeling warmth spread in his cheeks. He didn't know why, despite them being kids, the conversation itself was embarrassing enough, he wonders if the boys would end up telling you the conversation, or worse, Asuma or Reiji, the teasing would be endless. However, not wanting to upset them both, who are looking extremely impatient and upset waiting, he answers, "Yes, yes. Your mother is really pretty."
Hiko nods happily before looking at his brother with a wide smile. Hiro, satisfied with his answer for the time being, tilts his head as he asks, "So will you date her?"
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“Nice receive, Hiko!” Bokuto praises with a huge grin while Hiko throws his fists in the air at his achievement, he looks over to the side with a wide smile, “Hiro! ‘Sumsum! Did you see that?” 
Hiro nods his head in response, giving his brother a thumbs up while the man next to Hiro lets out a happy cheer, “Way to go, Hiko! You’re going to be better than your Uncle Bo in no time, even better than me, your Uncle Atsumu.” 
The little boy that stood next to the bleached blonde man, tilts his head back to look up at him with a raised eyebrow, “You’re not our uncle.” 
Bokuto lets out a laugh, Hiko on the other hand, not really understanding what was so funny, decided to mimic his actions anyway. Apparently, acting like Bokuto would make him look as cool. On the other side of the court, Atsumu juts out his lower lip into a pout at being teased, by a kid no less, “Hey, a guy can dream okay. You two will soon call me Uncle too, and you’ll understand that I’m way better than Bo here.” 
“I can’t believe you’re jealous, ‘Tsumu.” Bokuto teases with a grin, tossing the volleyball over to Hiko who receives the ball with ease due to weeks of practice. “You did it again, Hiko! I’m so happy! I can’t wait to tell your uncles and your mom the progress the two of you made.” 
“I’m not jealous,” Atsumu retorts, scrunching up his features in annoyance, “I just can’t believe these kids think you’re better than me when I’m clearly superior.” 
“But Uncle Bo is so cool!” Atsuhiko exclaims defensively, pointing at Atsumu accusingly with his index finger as if to scold the man for disrespecting his favorite Uncle Bo. He adds, “He’s going to date our mommy, you know.” 
Atsumu wiggles his eyebrows at his friend, “Oh?” 
“What? It—It’s not like that!” 
Hiko stomps his feet and drops the volleyball in his grasp, sending a glare at Bokuto. “Why not?” Bokuto just lets out a nervous laugh, receiving a huff from Hiko who then turns his attention over to Atsumu, “Well, do you have a girlfriend?” 
Before Atsumu can respond, Hiro throws his hands in the air and shakes his head at his brother. “You can’t just ask everyone if they have a girlfriend or not so they can date mommy.” 
Sensing the twins about to start arguing, Bokuto rests his hands on Atsuhiko’s shoulders to avert his attention while Atsumu did the same with Atsuhiro. “Let’s go back to practice, okay?” 
“Hey ‘Sumsum?” Hiro calls out after moving away from the man’s grip on his shoulders to grab a volleyball, “Can you teach me how to serve properly?” 
Atsumu nods, walking to the edge of the court with Hiro trailing behind him, picking up an extra volleyball along the way, “Come on then.” 
However before the two of them could walk further to their destination, Atsuhiro tugs on Atsumu’s jersey weakly, a frown etching on his features. He mumbles underneath his breath, his grip on the volleyball weakening, “’Sumsum...I don’t feel so good.” 
Before Atsumu can comprehend what was happening, he catches a glimpse of Atsuhiro collapsing onto the floor behind him. 
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bevvydraws ¡ 3 years
Needed Assurance (LBSC Lukanette Exchange)
Cross-posted from my AO3 !! 
This is my Valentine’s gift for @writtenbyrain <3 for the @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers Valentine exchange! 
This was my first time participating in something like this and it was so fun! 
Pairing: Lukanette
Tag: Hurt/comfort and identity reveal. 
Notes: I had so much fun combining the two prompts because its... admittedly two of my favorite tropes for this fandom 
Ladybug always enjoyed nights where she patrolled alone. Not that she didn’t enjoy Chat Noir’s company, but being alone gave her the freedom to take things as slow or as fast as she wanted. On days where a lot weighed on her mind, she would lazily swing through the streets, letting her thoughts wander as she tried to process things. 
Tonight was one of those nights. Earlier that day, her and Chat Noir had stopped Silencer. Luka had gotten akumatized in order to avenge her, and had confessed his feelings for her twice. The second time, he had looked at her with so much admiration in his eyes that she was sure she’d turn into a puddle of goo where she stood. That moment had been played on loop in her mind since it had happened, leaving both her head and her heart confused. So her solution was to take her time on patrol tonight, despite how tired she was, to give herself the time to work through her feelings. 
While lost in thought, however, she hadn’t realized how close she had gotten to a certain houseboat that was docked in the Seine. Stopping on a roof that gave her a clear view of it, Ladybug found herself blushing. Before she could quickly leap away in embarrassment, however, she caught sight of something that made her stop. 
Sitting on the deck of the Liberty was Luka. He was posed as if he were about to start playing, and curiosity led Ladybug to secretly swing to get a closer look. As she got closer, though, she saw a solemn expression on his face and became worried. Before she could talk herself out of it, she landed on the deck in front of Luka. 
“L-Ladybug?” Luka said, so startled he almost dropped his guitar. Despite the shock on his face, it was still obvious he was feeling down. 
“Hey,” Ladybug said softly, “I was just passing by and when I saw you I figured I’d drop in and say hello.” Despite her usual boost in confidence while wearing her mask, Ladybug found herself nervously looking away. 
“Hey,” Luka said, his voice lacking the usual humor it usually held. He still tried to crack a smile and a joke, though, “So, do you always stop by and say hello to random citizens or am I special, Miss Bug?” 
Ladybug blushed, “Well…” she looked away shyly, “Actually, I noticed you looked a little down.” She looked back at him, making sure to hold eye contact, “I thought maybe I could help. My ears might not work as well as Chat Noir’s but I am still a good listener.” 
Luka laughed lightly at her joke, which made her smile. “Thank you, Ladybug, but you don’t have to waste your time here. I promise I won’t let myself get akumatized. Once was more than enough for me…” the slight spark of humor that flashed in his eyes faded along with his voice. His gaze fell to the deck of the boat and he lightly bit his bottom lip. 
“Luka,” Ladybug frowned, stepping closer and putting her hands on his shoulders. He looked up at her, and his eyes looked like they were starting to mist over. Ladybug felt her heart break as she watched tears form in his eyes and fall silently down his cheeks. With gloved hands she wiped a few away before pulling him into a hug. “It isn’t your fault.” 
Luka, while not reciprocating the hug, didn’t pull away either, “I could have hurt her, Ladybug.” His voice quivered, and his grip on his guitar tightened. His arm brushed against the strings when he did that, and the discordant sound that it made only seemed to further express his feelings. 
Ladybug didn’t even need to ask who the “her” he was referring to was. 
“You didn’t though, Luka. She was fine,” She pulled away from the hug to look at him. His tears had slowed down considerably, but his eyes were still watery. 
“But what if Hawkmoth had turned me into a more violent villain? What if I didn’t have control over myself? I was so angry at what they were trying to do, he could have easily turned me into a brainless, rampaging akuma. And then she would have gotten hurt...” 
“Well, we could go back and forth all day about ‘what if’s, Luka,” Ladybug said softly, “But what matters is what actually happened. Did you hurt her?” 
“Not that she’s told me,” Luka frowned, “But I don’t think she’d tell me, just to keep me from feeling guilty.” Ladybug almost wanted to laugh at the accuracy of that accusation, but refrained.
“Well I can guarantee you that you didn’t hurt her,” Ladybug smiled, “I swear on all of my lucky spots.” 
Relief flooded his expression as he rested his head in one of his hands. His hand covered his eyes, and when his shoulders started shaking Ladybug realized it was because he was crying again.
“Oh my gosh Luka I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you again!” she backed away, panicked and unsure of what to do. 
“No…” Luka said between sobs, “I’m just… so relieved…” 
Ladybug was touched. Was Luka really so worried about hurting Marinette that he’d beat himself up this badly over it? She couldn’t have that. Ladybug sighed softly as she knelt down in front of Luka. She placed her hand on his knee and looked up at him, “Luka,” she said gently, “maybe you should talk to her about how you feel? I think she’d be worried if she knew how guilty you felt about everything.” 
“She already has so much on her plate,” Luka frowned, “the last thing she needs is to be worried about how I’m feeling. She worries about everyone enough already, so much that she barely worries about herself.” 
Ladybug couldn’t help but wince, feeling more than a little called-out, but shook her head lightly and gave his knee a gentle squeeze, “I really think you need to talk to her, Luka. The sooner the better.” 
“I don’t want her to see me like this, though,” Luka sighed, “It’s already embarrassing enough having you see me like this.” 
Ladybug frowned, “Luka, there is nothing wrong with crying, or being upset. You don’t have to keep it together all the time.” 
“Would you want Marinette to be embarrassed about crying in front of you?” 
“Of course not,” Luka said quickly, and froze as he got the point Ladybug was making, “Alright, Ladybug, thank you.” 
Ladybug stood, and as she gently stretched she looked Luka over. He had stopped crying, his eyes red but not holding quite the amount of hurt that they did before. He likely wouldn’t be back to ‘normal’ until he had talked with Marinette, and heard that she was alright from her directly. But Ladybug had given him the step in the right direction. She could finish things up as Marinette whenever Luka decided to talk with her. 
“You’re welcome Luka,” Ladybug smiled, “I hope you know how much Marinette cares about you.” 
Luka blushed, and she had to fight back the urge to giggle. “What do you mean? How…?” 
It was Ladybug’s turn to blush, and she turned away quickly, “Well, I’ve got patrol to finish! Enjoy the rest of your night!” and without looking back at him, she swung her yo-yo and disappeared behind the rooftops, leaving behind a very confused and flustered musician. 
When she got home that night and dropped her transformation, she immediately grabbed the nearest pillow and squealed while Tikki watched on in amusement. 
“So I’m assuming the patrol helped you clear your mind?” Tikki giggled with an all-knowing look in her eyes. 
Marinette chucked the pillow at Tikki, who simply passed through it. 
It was a few days before Marinette got to see Luka again, which made her feel both disappointed in relieved. Disappointed because she worried he may still be upset over what happened, and relieved because it gave her more time to think about how she would respond to him. She wanted to tell him not only that she wasn’t hurt by him, but that she had feelings for him, too. 
Part of her was incredibly nervous, she’d never successfully confessed to anyone before and the fear of failure almost consumed her, but Tikki reminded her that she’d had plenty of smooth conversations with Luka before. Now all she needed to do was bump into him. If she approached him too quickly, though, he might get suspicious. Especially if she started talking to him about when he was Silencer. 
But when she did see Luka next, waiting at the bottom steps of the school and anxiously looking up at her, she didn’t even get the chance to say anything at all. Because just as she stopped in front of him, a smile on her face and his name on the tip of her tongue, a large vine burst from the pavement a few feet away. Concrete went flying and Marinette pushed Luka to the ground, using her body to shield his. 
More large vines came up from the ground, destroying the roads and sidewalks. The large vines spread and began covering buildings. In the distance, she could hear a woman’s voice shouting about rude customers and no one respecting small business. 
“Of course,” Marinette griped. She looked down at Luka, giving him a quick once-over to make sure he was okay. Once she was sure he was free of injuries, she stood up, helping him up as well. “You need to get to safety, Luka,” Marinette instructed, “Go hide in one of the lockers, you should be safe there.” 
“You’re coming with me,” Luka said, gently taking her hand, “I’m not gonna just let you run headfirst into danger alone.” 
Marinette blushed, touched by the gesture, but also was frustrated. She needed to go stop the akuma! “Luka, I’m fine. I’m going to make sure everyone inside the school is safe. Please, please, get to safet--ah!” 
In a move that left Marinette speechless, he picked her up bridal style without warning and began running in the opposite direction of the voice of the akuma, “I’m sorry,” he huffed softly as he ran, “I just can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt.” 
Marinette could only stare up at him in awe, so shocked she couldn’t even protest. The look of determination on his face--his determination to protect her--made her heart soar. It wasn’t until Luka set her down gently in an alleyway, far enough way that she couldn’t even hear the ruckus of the akuma, that she was able to speak. “Luka, you don’t understand, I have to go back,” she wasn’t sure how she was going to convince him, but she needed to get away to transform. 
“Please, Marinette,” Luka plead, putting his hands on her shoulders, “I am well aware of how brave you are, and how strong, but I just can’t--” 
“Luka,” Marinette brought one of her hands up to rest on his, “why are you so worried? Is something bothering you?” Now wasn’t really the best time to have this talk, but Marinette was confident that Chat Noir could manage for a few minutes until she got to the scene. She couldn’t leave Luka when he was like this. 
“I… I could have hurt you…” he said softly, now not able to look her in the eyes, “When I was akumatized.” 
Marinette stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his torso gently, resting her forehead against his chest. She felt Luka stiffen for a moment before relaxing, before returning the gesture by hugging her closer to him, hiding his face in her hair. The warmth radiating off of him brought Marinette a sense of comfort she never wanted to leave. 
“Luka,” Marinette managed to say softly, “I need to tell you something, and I need you to listen to the whole thing before you say anything, okay? Even if I sound stupid.” 
Luka let out a huff that sounded like a laugh, “You never sound stupid, Marinette,” he said softly, “but alright.” 
Marinette closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying her hardest to get her heart rate to slow down. As she opened her mouth to speak she was once again interrupted by a vine exploding from the ground. Only this vine knocked into one of the buildings next to the alley her and Luka were hiding in. A large chunk of debris came hurtling toward them, and the next few moments were a blur.
“Spots on!” 
In an instant, she was swinging out of the way, with Luka held tight to her. She landed less than gracefully on the roof on the opposite side of the street. She grunted as she skidded across the top, trying hard to protect Luka from as much damage as possible. “Are you alright, Luka?” Ladybug asked, looking at the stunned teen. His eyes darted between her and the now rubble-filled alley that they were just standing in. He finally settled his gaze on her, eyes wide with wonder and admiration.
“Marinette, you’re… Ladybug?” 
Ladybug sighed, “This definitely isn’t how I wanted you to find out, especially after the talk we had before…” she looked out to the street and saw a figure dressed in black hopping along the rooftops engaged in combat. She couldn’t wait around any longer, “We really need to talk, but it’s going to have to wait.” 
“Mari--I mean, Ladybug!” Luka called, his hand reaching out for the now-standing Ladybug as she made her way to the edge of the roof. She stop and turned to look at him, eyebrow raised under the mask. Luka stood quickly and limped over to her, both of them wincing when it became obvious he was slightly injured. 
“Please, please be careful…” he said, before a small smile tugged at his lips, “I knew you were amazing, but this? You always manage to blow my mind.” 
Ladybug found herself overwhelmed by the love in his tone, in his gaze, and in the way he seemed to be holding himself back from asking her to stay out of harm's way. She wanted nothing more than to stay, to get everything off of her chest, and reassure him of his every fear. She had no idea how it felt in the aftermath of being akumatized, and could only imagine the anxiety that came along with the knowledge that most will never know exactly how much damage they caused. But she couldn’t, not right now at least. 
So she settled for the next best thing. In one fluid moment, she stepped closer to Luka, placing a quick but gentle kiss to his lips. Before he could respond, her yo-yo was sailing to attach to the building across the street, “I’ll be back for you, I promise! But for now, I gotta bug out!” 
As she swung towards the rampaging akuma, she heard Luka start making flustered noises, and Ladybug swore to herself that she would beat her record for fastest time defeating an akuma.
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zigtheeortega ¡ 4 years
calm before the storm
✿ pairing: bryce x mc
✿ word count: 2.5k
✿ warnings: loss, death, funeral – angst.
✿ author’s note: i didn’t necessarily think that bryce was written ooc, but the whole post-funeral sequence was pretty weird to me. i’m someone who copes very similarly to bryce, so i could see myself reflected in him a lot. and i thought the s*x scene was very oddly placed so, here’s me warping canon again bc i’m dissatisfied! lmao hope u enjoy <3 also this fic is very close to me emotionally – i experienced two close deaths in april and june. 
Since the moment his hands trembled amidst one of the most important surgeries of his life, Bryce was holding on by a thread.
With each half-assed joke he cracked, each wavering smile, each time he tried convincing others – including himself – that he was coping, he fell apart more and more.
The first night he went home after Spencer was quarantined, he trudged through the halls of Edenbrook, like he was dragging his legs through wet concrete. He was nearly magnetized to her bedside, not wanting to leave, but he needed to rest – he’d been awake for nearly a day and a half by the time he clocked out.
He blinked and he was back home. Couldn't remember how he got there. He was on autopilot and didn’t have a clue until he’d already wasted so much time. When night came, he couldn’t recall what he’d done that day.
The days between the diagnostics team finding a cure were torturous, the mere thought of not knowing what the future held – for the first time in his life – shaking him to his core.
He found himself paying close attention to Keiki. Each sarcastic quip, rude comment, or joke at his expense, he listened, soaking it up, no thoughts about the problem back in Hawaii. He whole-heartedly enjoyed her. Through one of the hardest times in his life, he was rekindling a relationship that never should’ve fallen apart.
The night he spent with Spencer, cuddled up next to her in his starchy hazmat suit, was the most daunting of them all. He was smiling and flirting with her, a little bit of his normal self shining through, but the crushing weight of his reality was distracting him.
This could be the last time that you see her smile.
God, he knew he had a killer smile of his own, but hers put the whole damn sun to shame. Her grin lit up her whole body, like every atom in her body was in it. And despite her sunken in eyes, her pale, sickly appearance, she still emitted those same infectious rays that he was eager to soak up.
This could be the last time that you hold her.
He curled himself around her, spooning her like he’d done a handful of times before. What he wouldn’t give to have a faceful of her hair again, the tropical scent so familiar to him that he couldn’t help but associate the scent of coconut with her.
This could be the last time that you feel her.
He stroked her face with a gloved hand, wishing for nothing more than to feel her smooth skin beneath his fingertips again. He pressed into her, hoping she could feel his warmth through the thin layer of fabric.
When her eyelids finally fluttered shut, overcome with exhaustion, his mind wandered to the possibility of it all being over.
And he couldn’t cope with that.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to.
When the treatment worked, and both she and Rafael were cured, it was the first time in months he’d experienced genuine joy. He didn’t know what higher power out there was looking out for him, but he silently thanked the universe for looking out for her. And for putting her in his life, and decidedly keeping her there.
The funeral was too much for him.
Seeing the two caskets, sealed tight, the endless arrangements of flowers, the sea of black clothing… it was overwhelming. Foreign. Like he was intruding on something so intimate that wasn’t meant for him to see.
And the sounds. He’d never forget it. Choked sobs from every angle, constant sniffling, a sporadic wail. The atmosphere made him antsy. His suit was itchy, his shoes were uncomfortable, and he was surrounded by grief.
Both Danny and Bobby meant a lot to Edenbrook, but it was nothing compared to what Spencer meant to him.
He must’ve slipped into auto-pilot (again), because before he knew it, the funeral was over, and he was outside of her apartment.
Wordlessly, he wrapped her in his arms, burying his face in her shoulder, the smell of her shampoo enough to bring him to tears. He was so fucking close to losing that forever. His free will to kiss her, to touch her, to hold her.
She invited him in, and every step to her room felt like each string that held him together was snapping, his sutures buckling under the weight he carried.
He was digging deep, trying to pull any kind of genuine quip from within him, to maybe – just maybe – convince Spencer he was okay.
But did he want to keep her in the dark?
Opening up was so fucking hard for him. Either he was a burden or he was let down by the people he confided in.
Trustworthiness was hard to come by, and Bryce knew that. That’s why Spencer was the first to know about Keiki, about his parents, about him. Not entirely, since he wasn’t ready for that just yet, but he was getting there.
It was a slow process, and he revered Spencer’s patience. Not once did she get upset with him for not sharing every detail.
And he almost fucking lost that.
His torturous inner monologue that he worked so hard to bury showed up when Keiki did. Guilt ate him alive, anxiety gnawed his insides, and regret feasted on whatever was left.
His mind was a hurricane, angry waves crashing painfully against his subconscious, the storm surge from his repeated trauma more than he could handle alone.
The one person he should’ve let in was almost taken from him, ripped from him like a surfboard after a wipeout.
He was drowning, and he flicked away the only hand that was outstretched for him.
And he almost fucking lost her.
The moment Spencer’s brows furrowed at whatever unconvincing mask he had plastered on his features, he broke.
His throat ached and flexed as he tried to choke back the tears, but he just… couldn’t.
Fuck, you’re so weak. He cursed at himself as the tears started flowing, warm streaks trailing down his bronzed skin, vision blurred like his head was under water. This isn’t about you.
The one time deflection was warranted, he broke down into a blubbering heap at her feet.
Like the angel she was, Spencer coaxed his body towards the bed, settling him against the down comforter before his legs buckled beneath him.
She gathered him in her arms, holding him exactly like he needed (like he wanted, but he didn’t want to admit it out loud).
She held him like he held her – like it was the last time.
The revelation tore him up inside, knowing she’d never take a second of their time together for granted again.
He pulled back, running a shaky hand through his hair, loose strands clinging to his damp forehead.
“I normally can hold it together better.” “You don’t have to do that around me, Bryce. You know that,” she encouraged, eyes still red-rimmed from the funeral.
“You’re the one that almost died, and I’m sitting here crying letting you comfort me,” he laughed through a sob, bouncing his leg on the ground nervously.
“You watched me almost die,” she whispered, squeezing his hand. “You’re allowed to be upset.”
His chin wobbled, and he rolled his lips to mask it. He took a shuddering breath, squeezing his eyes shut. “Spencer, I – have you ever…” He trailed off. Why was this so fucking hard?
“Have I been through this before?”
“Yeah,” was all he could manage.
She nodded. “Have you?”
She nodded again.
“It’s making me think about my life… and the people in it. And things I could’ve done differently… better.”
“What do you mean?”
“When I saw you in that room, after the gas started affecting you, and your face… it –” he bit his lip to hold back a soft sob. “It got me thinking about everything that we didn’t do.”
“Bryce…” she laced her fingers in his, rubbing her thumb methodically over his skin.
“We’ve barely seen each other this year, Spencer. I got caught up with Keiki, and trying to figure shit out, and –” he searched her eyes, tears welling up again. “When I saw you in that room, nothing else mattered.”
“More than one thing can be important to you –”
“You’re important to me, Spence. You deserve better than what I’ve given you this year,” he shook his head, tears spilling over. “I can’t lose you.”
“You aren’t losing me, Bryce. I’m right here,” she practically cooed, trying her best to soothe him.
“I shouldn’t be the one being comforted right now. Please,” he whispered.
She pulled back, scooting backward onto the bed to cross her legs, as he stood up, pacing.
“It’s like I’m fucking up left and right with the people who matter to me,” he fisted his pockets, avoiding her eyes as he strode across the room.
“You of all people should know that you can’t take the blame for things that are out of your control,” she murmured softly, tugging at a loose string at the hem of her dress.
“I know I can’t control it and that’s why it makes me want to tear my fucking hair out,” he said through gritted teeth, biting back tears. He didn’t want to cry anymore, but his body had other ideas.
“Bryce, you couldn’t have stopped a bursting gas canister. Nobody could’ve stopped it.”
“That’s not what I’m frustrated over. I’m… I don’t know how to say it without sounding like a dick and making this about me. There’s a lot going through my head right now,” he laughed humorlessly, stopping in the middle of the room directly across from the bed.
“Talk it out with me. I’ve got time,” she smiled encouragingly, folding her hands in her laps politely, like the angel she was.
God, sometimes he was thankful for his parent’s demonic behavior, because if not for the bad karma the Lahela’s accumulated, there’s no way in hell the universe would’ve balanced itself out by placing an angel like her in his path.
“On the one hand I’m angry at myself for not spending time with you like I should’ve,” he chewed his lip for a second, trying to gather his thoughts, before speaking again slowly. “I could’ve lost you and I was more worried about keeping secrets from everyone and dealing with shit on my own, you know? Which I never should’ve done.”
“But you didn’t and still don’t have to tell me anything. You’re allowed to have boundaries,” she interjected calmly.
“But maybe… maybe I don’t want that anymore,” he shrugged out of his tux jacket, draping it over the back of her desk chair as he spoke. “You still barely know Keiki. I barely know Keiki. And I holed myself up when you were waiting there with open arms. I don’t know. Maybe I just didn’t want to burden anybody? I don’t know.” He repeated, downplaying his own self–realization.
“And I’m frustrated because I don’t… know how to deal with this,” he gestured around the room, then to himself. “How to wrap my brain around all of it. This was the first time I lost anybody like this.”
“I wasn’t even super close to Danny and Bobby,” he continued, shoving his hands in his pockets to calm his shaking hands.
“Losing people is always hard. Doesn’t matter how close or distant you are to somebody,” she said, trying to hold his eyes, but he could barely look at her.
He’d never opened up like this before. He was so vulnerable… so exposed, and he was afraid. Afraid she’d run away. That she’d bolt the second he plopped his thick suitcases filled to the brim, nearly bursting with emotional baggage from the past two decades.
“I’m sad about losing them, definitely, and going to a funeral for the first time in my life really fucked with my head but… fuck, I’m gonna sound like such an asshole,” he willed himself to look up from his shoes, staring intently at her. “None of that even comes close to what I felt when I thought I’d lost you.”
“Kyra was hanging on by a thread while I thought you were –” he choked, pressing his lips in a firm line to stop his sobs, which escaped through his nose in short breaths instead.
“I’ve never felt pressure like that. And my life has been nothing but pressure.” The words were freely flowing from him, like a dam held together by a few twigs, snapping to release a flood that neither of them anticipated.
“You had to run towards your problems, not away from them,” she whispered, like she wasn’t sure if he’d agree. But the moment the words left her lips, it was like the puzzle pieces fell into place for him.
Maui should’ve been his safe haven, but from the moment his parents were exposed in every form of news throughout Hawaii, he was itching to leave. The island fever settled into his bones and never left. It was an ever present anxiety he struggled with despite finding a home in Boston, Edenbrook, and Spencer.
When shit went down back home, he ran. When people found out who he was states away from the fallout, he ran. It was predictable, methodical, like an appendectomy. The same muscle memory that sliced skin and fastened sutures with delicate precision pumped his legs until he was as far away from his problems as he could get.
“Everytime I lost somebody, it was because I chose to. This time it was like something was being ripped away from me, and I couldn’t handle it,” Bryce said, a profound statement that caused a pained whimper to escape his lips.
“Bry…” She breathed, scooting to the edge of the bed, gently tugging at his shirt sleeve to pull him down to sit on the comforter.
“You don’t have to have all the answers right now, alright? And you don’t have to carry all of this alone. I’m here. You’ve got all of us,” she said, motioning towards the walls of the apartment. “Sometimes just letting it out can take the weight off your shoulders. And you’ve got a heavy load, Bryce.”
She rubbed soothing circles on his back, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “I’m not leaving you.”
He held her eye, doe-eyed gaze piercing – Spencer could see right through him, and god did he love feeling seen.
There was nothing he could say to thank her properly for putting aside her feelings to listen to him for a few minutes. Those few minutes where he unleashed a small portion of the shit he’d been building up for years.
So instead he did what he’d been craving since the moment he saw her behind the glass.
He pulled her into a frenzied kiss, pouring every part of himself into the embrace, wrapping him in her arms like she belonged there, as if he was saying “I’m not leaving you, either. You’re safe now.”
taglist: @pixeljazzy ; @raleiighcarrera ; @senatorraines ; @felix-hauville ; @violinet ; @empressazura ; @serafinedupont ; @messofakind ; @altairadtaz ; @hudush ; @solarbridge ; @adriansbiss ; @bellarxse ; @havennly ; @writinghereandthere ; @levineseth ; @lahellacute ; @michellesnguyen ; @kelseaaa ; @natesewels ; @lucas-koh ; @rainesenator ; @montjoy ; @bryceslahela ; @crestfallenpixie ; @dudebro-lahela ; @ezekielbhandarivalleros ; @lgbtiangley ; @part-of-the-circus ; @nazariolahela ; @hazel-nguyen ; @la-huerta ; @adamdusmortain ; @thepotatobleh ; @distinguishedsaladoperawinner ; @bobbymckenzie ; @catsomi ; @neptunesascendant ; @pixelsandkink
[if i missed you, i wasn’t able to tag your url! i tagged anybody who interacted w the post so if you want to be removed please let me know]
108 notes ¡ View notes
englacial ¡ 3 years
A Warm Goodbye or A Message for the Future
I haven’t been active here in more than a year which is mostly by accident but also quite purposeful. I had intended to remain in the RP community but as is evident by my many returns, disappearances, and moments of unreliability, this is a chapter of my life that has come to an end. I say this with an abundance of love for what writing here has given me and also with renewed knowledge of what that progression has looked like for me. This community has been amazing and it has also been devastating for me at times. I have also played a role in that devastation and wasn’t always the best version of myself (and I’m still not). 
COVID certainly threw my life into turmoil and unearthed a lot.
In December of last year I went through a mental health crisis that landed me in patient for a brief period and also lead me to the deepest and most accurate understanding of my mental health I’ve ever contended with. Through the process of finding a new therapist experienced with dissociative disorders, I was diagnosed with DID and my whole life suddenly made sense. 
The ups and downs, the identity confusion, the loss of time and deep misunderstandings of situations I was faced with suddenly made sense in their entirety. Many gaps have been filled simply by working on this in therapy and it has forced me to reflect on my time in the RP community and how I’ve interacted with fellow writers, both good and bad. It’s also made it incredibly difficult to let go of this account and writing because for me, it was often the only opportunity I had to express myself as me. Roleplaying was an excuse to be a different person, an easy cover for what was actually occurring in our life. I haven’t always known how to do that nor did I fully grasp why OCs felt more like me than me (surprise! they’re me). There were times when my self-expression was really self-injurious and that is painful but necessary for me to realize and acknowledge. Trauma changes the ecosystem of the human body in upsetting and ugly ways. More than anything, I was escaping the recognition that in refusing to heal, I was often doing harm to myself and others.
Fundamentally, I was seeking human connection where I had been denied it and we were playing out parts and trauma we were forced to keep hidden. For me, DID is about multiple traumas I have faced and the way my body chose to cope with it. It means a lot for what my childhood looked like and the incredible survival tools necessary for me to grow into an adult.
When I first started roleplaying on tumblr I was just 13 years old. I’m now 24 and have so much still to learn. I knew I was different growing up. I knew I had experienced pain. I knew I had difficulties expressing myself. I didn’t know I had DID or why there was so much confusion crowding my experiences online and in, truly, the only space I was able to fall into away from the ongoing turmoil in my life. I went by many different names, played many different characters, and made many different friends but this was difficult and I was not always kind. Frequently there were dissociative barriers that presented as amnesia and compartmentalized selves that in DID are called alters. The consistency with which I was forgetting myself, my actions, and people I’d met was a major detriment and it also enabled adults in the community to take advantage of and use me. The RP community was the stage for which many people with more life experience than myself, hurt me as a child. As I remained in the community, I began growing into a very dysfunctional adult and a part of that was to hide from my past in the community and parts of myself I didn’t recognize or accept as being me (collective). It is very difficult to contend with actions you don’t remember and I was not ready to take accountability for what I did as a scared and hurt child and what I was running from as an equally scared and hurt adult.
Mental health has always been important to me. I have talked at length about being a survivor of CSA, trafficking, and other forms of abuse and neglect. I have talked about my struggles with PTSD and depression. Despite this I was still not healing. Acknowledgement of mental health only does so much if the process of actually healing is not accessible to you.
My biggest takeaway from the long term, trauma informed therapy I have started is that I really didn’t know what healing looked like until I not only had an accurate assessment of what the problem was but accepted it and stopped hiding from it. This is difficult with DID. It is designed to operate in the background. Not knowing precisely your own experience, not having all of your memories is a way to conceal pain, not confront it. Working with myself as a system has been the most fundamental building block in actually healing, in actually accepting my trauma, in accepting how my trauma lead me to being dysfunctional in my relationships and in how I interacted with the people I cared about. Before I started doing this, it was easy to distance myself from my own actions. I did not remember them, I believed it was another person (because often it was, though this does not distance the actions from myself), and I thought I could just move away from it because it was not representative of me. That’s just not true. System accountability demands that I confront in myself the ways that not holding myself accountable lead to harm caused. In the RP community, I have been antagonistic of others. I have concealed my identity when confronted with actions of my past that I did not remember. As a child I lied about my age to the appeasement of adults in my circle at the time who were grooming me and as a result people connected to me were hurt when I moved away from them as someone else entirely. So much happened in this community and with people I met that it was foundational in how I learned to cope (for better or worse) and how I carried myself going forward. The accounts I had here were more real than life to me. That for me was a dysfunction. I was hurt as much as I caused hurt and this carried over when people recognized me but I didn’t recognize them or I was pressed for information and suddenly realized I was multiple people. It happened so many times here that I don’t blame anyone for feeling distanced from me, hating me, feeling hurt by me. My sense of self was fragmented and so was my sense of my actions. As it comes together more clearly, I understand now that as much as I have faced harassment in this community and my share of hatred and vitriol, I contributed to it as well.
In order to truly say goodbye, I feel I must also directly hold myself accountable for harm caused by my actions while I shared space here.
I made friends who were hurt in the crossfire of my search for self, whose trust I broke and whose boundaries I did not respect. I don’t think I can ever directly apologize to these people for what transpired between us but I do understand with specificity what actions of mine lead to the dissolution of our friendship and the hurt that they felt as a result. Those things weren’t ok. Being aware of the circumstances that lead to them does not excuse them and I am sorry. For many years I was a steamroller of uncertainty and of cyclical harm.
What I want and what I want for others is happiness.
Happiness to me is getting to experience the full breadth of human emotion while living under a stable community that is providing all of the basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and materials to create goods and explore creative talents while simultaneously getting to share all of these things with everyone else inside the system. Being connected to others while having your needs met, is the only form of life that makes sense and for two full decades of my life, I did not have this. Many others don’t either.
Systematic abuse and denial of resources is something that follows people within their muscle memory patterns, nervous system, and within neurological pathways inside of their brain. People with dissociative amnesia are often among the most exploited because they were never given the tools to continue to build memory recall. When they are given all of these tools, we find that overtime they will continue to get better at recalling their lives and experiences, people they have met, and food they have eaten, joys they’ve shared. The brain is a muscle that retains everything that happens to it. It is incredibly absorbent and elastic. If something happens to it, it will remember. For people who have been systematically harmed, especially over extended periods of time, this can cause extremely difficult issues with memory recall. Eventually, these memories can return but it means removing people from systems of harm not by force but by replacing them with healthy and bustling systems that can offer them the love, tools, support, and nourishment for their body that they need.
Systemic malnourishment especially through resource denial under capitalism is a major contributor to this problem. Chronic dehydration’s link to memory problems, to name one example, is well documented. The issue with this even when people have access to all of that information is that they don’t have the reflexive memory abilities to continue to nourish themselves and be well. More and more these people and communities impacted by this kind of harm will seek refuge in accessibility (positive). If the tools are right in front of them surrounded by a multitude of people and supportive communities, they will have a much easier time remembering. Grounding is incredibly important even once outside of a system of harm because recall ability is a learned skill. People who have experienced repeated and/or prolonged abuse and harm (including systematic abuse like racism, homophobia, transphobia, et al.) have a much more difficult time learning and retaining this ability which contributes to the formation of dissociative disorders like DID.
The memories are still there, but it’s extremely difficult to begin to unravel that mystery when they are among the most likely to forget to remember. Recollecting memories is not only difficult for them, it is something their body has reflexively protected them against so that they can continue to survive in ongoing systems of harm.
When they continue to reproduce systems of harm, it is because they have been systematically gatekept from their needs and the healthy communities that can meet those needs from birth.
In order to help people suffering from dissociative barriers in terms of DID/OSDD, it is of utmost importance to continue to care for them as a collective so that they can then go on to care for themselves and give back to communities that they may have unknowingly harmed (this includes caring for yourself). It’s important to look inside of these communities and the conditions they’ve been living in with love and support. Sometimes the conditions are bad because they are incapable of caring for themselves after previous caretakers have abandoned them. 
Many people with dissociative disorders come from families who were absent for the majority of their lives even if they were living under the same roof. Sometimes these families will have noticed their child’s behavior, questioned where it came from and then find the answers are unexpected and daunting to take on. When faced with the question of whether or not their own child is safe to continue loving as a result, they will often continue to recreate systems of harm or are told by healthcare professionals to do things with their children that are not healthy for them which can on its own become traumatic.
The environments that dissociative disorders result from are very difficult to navigate. If you suspect you or someone you know is dealing with a dissociative disorder, it is important to keep in mind the circumstances endured that might have contributed. 
We cannot always be the protectors, we cannot always shield people from harm, we cannot always stop them from causing harm themselves, but an increased awareness and understanding looking in can help considerably. 
People with dissociative disorders are at high risk of being repeatedly groomed and harmed because of the nature of the disorders. They deserve the protection and security to fully form and emote as a human being without being harmed again, and when they themselves cause harm it is important to understand why this is happening and it is necessary when they realize that something is harmful that those behaviors and beliefs are replaced with new ones that are healthy, constructive, and more reflective of what they want. With dissociative and amnesiac barriers, this can become complicated but it is mandatory for system growth and healing.
Preventing harm starts in recognizing where it lives inside of ourselves.
To finish this post, I would like to share some poems that myself and others in my system wrote regarding our experience with DID:
Each time it happened I became another person But they always found me I tried my best to explain I’m still me but I need to be safe And no one listened I tried to show don’t tell I tried to scream it out loud Then I tried to forget it completely They always found me The caretaker inside of me was a flame I was forced to keep lit Sometimes kindness could not touch his flame The child hungered for a hand to hold but was held back from exploration No one told me I was we I had to dissect myself over and over in a lab that I created Now that I love myself Who is here to rejoice? -Beck
In my dreams I see a giant machine That I pilot I step inside my circuits Firing As a connection blooms to life I feel each part creak and crack As they move away and step forward The joints protest with disuse but Life bursts to turn on Twinkling lights of Motherboard parts that Illuminate metal I become like the moving backdrop to the stars a Galaxy swirling into A robot
Suddenly I feel afraid Am I just stitched together scraps that someone rescued from the crash? Am I the real deal? Or are my thoughts Synthetic projections onto a reality of my past that I’m just parts and not You Not Whole But wait I love the parts I Love the robot I see them woven together like A junkyard dragon that Soars overhead as a beacon of glittering silver held together by Intricate threads closer to a Kite Than heavy metal Something else entirely The machine cannot be confined to this earth It transcends infinitely It is life sometimes more than living -Aspen
I remember when I was small and I was running Through flowers Through mazes I remember when I was small and my palms would catch hold of blades of grass to brace my fall I remember being so small the ground would swallow me up Puddles like looking glasses That I dip into and Sink down to the bottom The boats crossing overhead While I swim I remember when the world was small and I was big Looking down at towns moving below Hiding in the ceiling as The room moves -Hannah
I have danced on the graves of relationships cast aside Pretending they were temples and not places of pain I am not the same ghost who haunts there Though some would see it in my face and hear it in my Disembodied voice Telling them I’m So over it... While the tears still sting I don’t visit their headstones anymore but the remnants of offerings I’ve made with Sweat/Blood Still linger like the bitter taste of Wine sipped in your honor or that I pour out at the soil marking where you left or where we stumbled A place you tried to bury me, too I don’t leave you to rest in peace I leave so I can -Jana
I see the revolving door of Our mind Many stepping in to walk through Sometimes more than one and It’s great I talk to them They’re my friends They go to work They wave and smile at me But I don’t step on Something inside of me holds me in place Afraid of the Spinning wheel Often I step on and just get Spun right out or I say the wrong things on the other side I don’t have the best reputation Some would say “She lies,” or “She’s so aggressive!” They see my teeth bared in anger and My arms folded over my chest to Conceal the soft spot under my armor where a spear might pierce They see me like a beast whose eyes glow red They do not know that the Wolf isn’t just a part of me and that I’m the monster they’ve seen There are others who have set fire to my path Concealing the tracks that reveal Villages I’ve been to Living peacefully before the Wolf leaps out and disrupts them Many people got too close or They hurt too personally and I took the blame for the abandonment and pain looking at a legacy where A scared kid devastated other scared kids I cleaned up after them and I Built my defenses to Hide them
She is like the Moon A part of her is always hidden
I bound these words into myself like A spirit possessed to make everyone else the Ghost So many people caught in the crossfire of Escaping abuse All of it is ugly I was built to chase things off The Wolf Creeping around the concrete walls as The Woman in the Maze Defending its center with Medusa’s untrained gaze A specter of someone loved and Incapable of telling them while Slipping further and further away from material safety The hurt doesn’t excuse the hurt Every move I make opens Old wounds that others have healed or forgotten but I’m still carrying If the women I’ve loved were all one person they too would Be like the moon Parts hidden or Omitted Because it’s easy to forget how They hurt me because I was a girl who loved girls -Jana
Some have said I was the first to look out over the edge and into the expanse of unknowns below without fear And I ache when they’re not right Being unafraid of dying is different than being unafraid of Death I know I’ve imagined myself there Not even as a last resort Thinking maybe this will be fun to try I’ve seen myself with my toes curling over ledges for purchase Tightrope walking the line between here and jumping Romanticizing the strength it would take to Let myself fall or Climb down the rope To meet Death again Her face kind enough for me to feel regret for a split second before Rebirth I’m not afraid of Death But the truth is I was never gazing over a ledge more than The bowl of the toilet Vomiting Closer to death on the bathroom floor Naked and feeble Than I was in imagined leaps of faith See, I still fear dying and no... I wouldn’t be the first Even in our family Death has our list pulled up and Our numbers on speed dial I think she’s watched me on my hands and knees mopping up blood and just Tapped her watch “Are we done with this? I have somewhere to be.” But that voice wasn’t her nor the tapping it was A mother sick of waiting for me to get ready for school or a counselor unflinching when I say I’ve watched friends die Until eventually there was just never enough time for dying and though I visited the ledge frequently in my mind and explored the chasm down in search I forgot about my body Nothing left to harm if I am In between here and there Then it just became what sacrifices I could make How I could fantasize about martyrdom and Sail forward into the pitch As someone else’s hero when Still I was just Killing myself What an unexpected turn for The Hero and yet I see it all the time These visions of divine masculinity Achilles in Hades All point towards her again Death’s hands firmly grasping his as he Dies for his friends like a valiant flame extinguished and Everyone weeps His devastation saving them... That was what I stacked myself up against Thinking the only service I could give to those I love was My life in its entirety Which is why I’m not The Hero I’m the Leader, the Counselor, the Friend, the Lover I’m pulling myself away from steps taken towards a drop because Unity is not forged by Taking a leave of absence but by Seeing pain in others and Not thinking you have to live for them Only wanting to survive with them Envisioning futures where you thrive with or without them knowing that The way you believed solidarity was Shared suffering and not Shared community in times of suffering Was a cowardice you will live to outgrow Now strength looks like pulling weeds for a garden Packing up boxes Reminding yourself to stretch or Focusing on your breathing as it guides you down into A hollow part of your body An energy tightening there and fanning out slowly as Intention Replacing the visions of a ledge with Floating Swimming out into a peaceful place inside of you and Breathing in again Calm and of course I wouldn’t deceive you The ledge is still a place I go to and Look down like scrying into Death’s vastness and I cry too It was never funny It was never beautiful Those are lies told to me and you The bones on the bathroom floor were me and even when I rattled No one answered -Tristan
When we love we love together I have never been a singular Inside me there are waves rippling on the shore Formative memories distorted and abstracted with each crash of foam against ground up trash I hear a knocking on the wall of our beach house as if a ghost hides inside When things happen I don’t understand I ask about the real children in the closets like me that I can’t touch Are they scared inside too? I see your eyes go glossy when you remember yours I want to ask about what about where and whom I want to know you’re like me I’m sorry I didn’t know that it was painful -Tristan
I want to tell you that you don’t have to be afraid But there are places you are no longer allowed This is so I can heal and not because I am protecting you I want to show my thoughtfulness The things I see in you The joy That joy hibernates inside me too The winter brings us closer together Generational trauma sprawled on a frigid map yet so cramped for a bedroom that gives me glimpses of the past Sitting cross legged on green carpet while I play games I pretend are me All my heroes have no gender No voice No face Please see me It is the greatest love I’ve ever known -Beck
I want all of our friends old and new to know: we are safe, loved, and cared for. Thank you for the memories and the systems of love you introduced to our life. We love and thank you. You met us without knowing and we felt seen here and this helped us to accept ourselves as a system. -Tristan (yes, really)
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zabrak-show ¡ 4 years
The Letter | Maul x Reader
Word count: 1.9k
warnings: fluff, mention of alcohol, nudity, gender neutral reader, adopted children, mention of slavery and trauma, so fluffy and sweet dear god, I hope that it’s not too cliche, sex is suggested, but never explicit.
a/n: I wrote this because I have been really stressed lately and also have baby fever really bad. I have never done a story like this from the reader’s perspective and tbh wasn’t sure if I would ever try, but I figured why not?! I also usually only write angsty things I’ve realized, like even when I think I’m being sweet it still ends on a bad note LOL anyway, I hope someone else enjoys this please leave me hearts and feedbacks. I’m new at this and need validation hahah xoxo
~*~*~*~AU where Maul left Sidious to become a bounty hunter. Y’all lovebirds met and adopted a couple sweetie night brother babies and settle down on Dathomir to live the domestic Star Wars dream.~*~*~*
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The hour was late and you were pacing around the large office in your home on Dathomir. The house was everything you could dream of for a home. It was a lovely 3 story, sprawling with more than enough rooms to make everyone happy for your family of 4. You had adopted two night brother children while your husband, Maul, had been on a mission to free them all from a life of slavery and subservience on Dathomir. After peace was established on Dathomir, you decided to settle down here for the kids and it really was a dream come true.
 You could not believe this was your life sometimes. Your husband was the most handsome man in the whole galaxy with his crimson skin, sharp facial features, and dramatic black tattoos decorating his entire body. Your two children, Zabrak boys, the older one with orange complexion and the littlest one, yellow, were sound asleep in their rooms above you. The bottom of your long black robe lightly crawled across the cool wooden floor as you made your way around the room, too restless to sleep, too tired to get anything done.
Maul had been gone three months now. He was set to return any day now and you hadn’t heard a word from him in weeks. His work was dangerous as a bounty hunter, but you had full confidence in his abilities. He was the strongest and fiercest person you’d ever met. Of course, around you and the kids was another story, but you knew the way he was raised by Sidious had led him to do some really dark things that made him more than capable of taking care of himself.
Finally, you decided to pour yourself a glass of Tevraki whiskey to help calm your nerves. You sat at the long dark wooden desk at the corner of the room and turned on the green lamp atop its surface. It was Maul’s desk and you usually never sat there to not disturb his things, but you hadn’t gone this long without seeing him since you’d been married and craved any sort of reminder of him. You ran your fingers over all the drawer pulls in a futile attempt to feel him through the things he touched repeatedly every day when he was home, noting where the wood and metal parts of the desk were more worn. You reluctantly pulled open one of the drawers. If there was one thing you weren’t, it was nosy, and you fully trusted and respected your husband’s privacy. It felt like you were being possessed by a hand not your own now opening the top drawer and seeing a small stack of papers. One folded neatly with (y/n) written on it in your husband’s handwriting. 
Oh dear, I really shouldn’t 
I mean it does have my name on it though…
No, it’s not for me to decide
Just take a small peak…
You were slowly opening the folded paper, despite the argument in your head, your hands had made up their mind and your eyes weren’t going to pretend to look away either.
My Dearest (Y/N),
I will never understand how someone so gorgeous inside and out could love a monster like me. I struggle to understand every day, sometimes I think you’d be better off without me. I am filth compared to your innocence and beauty. I look into our children’s eyes and see the same purity reflecting off their eyes. How lucky they are to have you as a parent, to learn about love, acceptance, and family. All things completely foreign to me until I met you. How can I teach the children these things, when I myself still have so much to learn?
  I get so scared, my love. Scared that I won’t be able to protect you all. Scared that I do not deserve this life. Scared that I will somehow hurt you or the children. I had my mind made up that my presence was a downfall to this family and would degrade us all into the grime and dysfunction I know all too well. I fear it is all I know and that I will always be drawn to it like a flii to bantha fodder.
Despite my fears, I can never leave you. I love you too much and I need you now more than ever. I remember once threatening to leave you before because I felt like you were better off without me. You told me that wasn’t my decision to make for you, and I don’t think I ever told you just how much that resonated with me. My whole life has been others’ making decisions for me and me being forced to go along with it. Here I was doing the same thing to you, something I never wanted you to experience. It horrified me and I pledged to do better for you, for myself, for our children.
I am so sorry you fell in love with someone as despicable as me. I wish I were not who I am. Every day I can only try to do my best and show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I wish I could give the entire galaxy to you, for us to both rule and unite. I know that is not what you want, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still day dream about it sometimes.
I don’t think I will ever be brave enough to give you this letter, but it has been a good feeling for me to get these feelings out somehow without using violence.
                                      Yours forever and always,
You held the note to your chest and held back tears, finally succumbing to them and just letting yourself cry. Hot tears rolled down your face, you were overcome with emotion, bursting at the seams with love and saudade. At once, you heard a door creak behind you. You had been so zoned into the letter you had completely lost track of your surroundings. You felt a slight panic at first from the noise, but then figured it may be one of the children up to go to the fresher or ask for a snack. Wiping your eyes, slowly you turned, and saw a tall dark cloaked figure in the doorway to the office. Highlights of ruby red could be seen through the shadows and you knew at once who it was.
“Maul!” you jumped out of the leather office chair like there were springs attached to your feet, entirely forgetting the open letter still sitting on his desk. You ran over to him so fast it felt like you were flying. You wrapped your arms around his neck in a long overdue embrace.
“My love, I am still dirty from my travels, I do not want to get my grime onto your perfect pristine self.” His voice was low and calm, just as you had remembered it and he smelled like blaster fire, ozone, sweat, and petrol.
“Oh I don’t care I missed you too much to ever care about that.” you didn’t let go as you spoke softly into his ear, “I was so worried. I...I thought maybe something had happened.”
He backed away shaking his head looking directly into your eyes with his alluring golden eyes, “No. No my sweets. I will always return to you. Always. No matter what.” 
With that he wrapped his hands around your waist so hard it drew the breath from your lungs and he lifted you off the ground walking slowly towards the ‘fresher. You held on tight, not worried about him dropping you, but simply to get closer to your lovelorn partner, drinking in his scent and making a mental note to store away this memory forever in your mind, to get you through future dark days.
He gently sat you atop the counter in the fresher as he began to peel off his bloody, singed, and greasy clothes. You didn’t have the patience to sit and watch so you began to help him, slowly lifting his shirt over his head, examining his gorgeous red skin for more wounds and tracing your hands along the old scars and tattoos that adorned his unique skin. He gently took your hand and held it up to his lips for a small kiss. You smiled sheepishly and he took your face into his calloused and strong hands and looked at you like he needed to study your face for a quiz on all your features.
“I missed you so much,” he said low and gravelly.
“I’m so happy you’re home, Maul.” you turned your cheek to kiss his hand, and he finished undressing to get into the shower. You lost yourself in a daze, watching his hands run soap and water over his naked form to wash off all the debris of his last hunt. You never even had to ask if he was successful anymore, he was always successful.
With a sudden jolt, you remembered you left the letter open on his desk.
“I’ll meet you in the bedroom, sweety.” you winked at him and started to walk out.
“(Y/n), I already know you read the letter you don’t need to try and hide the evidence.” Maul’s bright yellow eyes cut into your soul and you remembered he could read your mind.
“Oh, I wish you wouldn’t read my mind like that.” you pouted.
“Sweets, you left it out on my desk. I saw it when I walked in to hug you. It doesn’t take a mind reader to use context clues.” he laughed and you didn’t even care that he was teasing you, seeing him laugh and smile was the best sight in the galaxy.
“I’m sorry I read it. I..shouldn’t have. I should not have gone through your things, that was wrong.” your eyes got big to show your remorse at the decision. He stayed silent and you panicked at the thought of him being upset with you. “Can you ever forgive me?”
“Hmmm… well. You did go through my things without asking. And read a highly classified document, I’m not sure if I can forgive you. I wonder if there’s some way you could make it up to me?” He was now climbing out of the shower and toweling himself off, with a sly smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand to lead him into the bedroom.
His eyes never leave your elegant figure and you slowly begin to undress, dropping your long robe to the bedroom floor, but still wearing your thin black nightie. He delicately throws you on the bed and gets ready to climb on top of you, his own figure still slightly wet from the shower, when a clatter is heard from down the hall. Maul whips his head around to look at the door behind him with his killer instincts, your head peeking out to the side of his.
“Shhh… I think daddy’s home.” a small voice from outside the bedroom followed by a gentle knock at the door. Maul growled so lowly that only you could hear it. Your eyes grew big and you threw your robe at Maul to cover up with as the door handle slowly rotated and two orange and yellow faces peered out from the darkness of the hallway. The sight of Maul excited them beyond measure and they ran to tackle him now wearing your fancy robe. There was nothing but laughter, happy tears, smiles, and warm embraces. It was the most beautiful family moment you could ever think of having in your life and you truly did not want it to end...mostly. 
No use in lying to yourself, you could not wait to get Maul all to yourself again for even just a little bit.
tags: @wolfpack-arts-industries99​, @pinkiemme​
156 notes ¡ View notes
danddymaro ¡ 4 years
Dio Brando X Reader
Pairing(s) : Dio x Reader x (somewhat ) Jonathan | Part 1 Phantom blood | word count:  1528
And of course she likes Jonathan. 
This is the first part. Fair warning,  It won’t go directly in line with the actual story/ cannon events, but rather, go its own direction. 
(no worries it won’t be too long.)
Ages: Geez we never find out Dio’s age, but they were around the same right?
In pt.1 Episode 1 Jonathan is said to be 12. So i’ll put the reader at the same age and Dio just one older, because it just feels right that way.
Right here, they are at those ages. (12-13)
Lets start off sweet, shall we?
Part. 1 | Pudding
She never asked for much, because she had a lovely life. 
She had a roof over  her head, a caring family, so to speak, and she was in good health.
She wasn’t blessed with finery herself, but her simple upbringing humbled her into realizing there was more to life than riches.
What mattered most was being a good person. 
To help others, to spread kindness to everyone despite their social status...
Just as she leaned from the Joestars.
As she walked along the hall, she made sure to be quiet and not make  a sound, knowing that it wouldn't be in her best interests if anyone found out where she was headed, much less to know what exactly she was doing at such a late hour.
With a stealthy, little tap to the door (f/n) waited patiently, hoping it was enough to grab the attention of the person inside.
Having no luck, she repeated the same action, but this time with a bit more force. To add on, she brought her mouth close to the crease on the door, her voice low and secretive, “JoJo...” she called out, hoping she wouldn’t have to go beyond that and be louder.
“JoJo...It’s me, (f/n)” She added, waiting. 
It took a moment, but he responded back, sounding surprised, “(f/n)?”
He opened the door with the same look of shock she envisioned right on his face, “What are you doing here?” he asked with bright eyes. 
Immediately he moved aside, letting her slip in so he could close the door behind her and lessen their chances of being caught. 
“I know it’s late,” she started, “ but I came to give you this,” she said while extending her arms out slightly, a small cup and dessert spoon presented to him.
" Pudding?"  Jonathan said confused, looking down at the small cup in her hand with widened blue eyes."...Butterscotch pudding,"  he added softly, his shining eyes softening as he brought them back up to the young lady's face.
"You brought this for me, right? " he said just as gently, glowing with appreciation, already knowing the answer, but being left stunned for a better choice of words. 
"Yes," she said with a small smile, handing him the cup.
" You really went through the trouble?" He asked her , a small smile of his own present as his hands momentarily grazed over hers, his slightly larger ones barley covering hers.
It hadn’t been the first time she’d troubled herself, and yet he always found himself agape. 
Ever since they were children, she’d shown to be sweet and thoughtful, as well  as a true friend.
Eagerly she nodded, " It's just… your father sent you to your room without dessert," she answered him, saddened at the idea. " And from what I saw, your plate seemed as though you only got a couple of bites out of it…" she went on, remembering just how untouched it seemed. 
" I contemplated on whether or not to bring you something else, something to keep your stomach full until morning time," she added, " But I...I'm sorry I just wasn't sure if you were truly hungry, or if you'd even accept this to begin with," she explained, having known that the possibility of rejection was there.
Perhaps he wasn’t hungry alt all...
Perhaps he was too upset to even think about eating...
Or maybe, just maybe, he’d decided he no longer needed her...
The latter of the first two was a far stretch, but sometimes, every now and then , it would run through her thoughts.
Lately, since she’d grown older, it became something she feared over more.
Ever since she’d become to blossom, her feeling also grew as well as the pain of possible rejection.
‘Jonathan’s rejection,’ 
It would surely sting.
“I understand if you wouldn’t want to take it, I knew it was a possibility, and yet I still came,” she admitted, “ But of course, if you want, I can still go back, I know everyone else has retired to their quarters, your father included!" She informed him, her eyes shining with determination as she informed him of the last part.
"If you wish so, I'll be as silent as a mouse and come back in no time!" She said with a sure nod, turning to sneak her way back when he stopped her , his unoccupied hand wrapped around her wrist. 
"That won't be necessary," he said with a breathy chuckle, both touched by her efforts and amused by her eagerness.
The surge of  energy within her dispersed and went away, causing her shoulders to melt down, her eyes large and doe like as she stared up at him, " Are you certain?" She said with concern. 
"Because… I c-can go," she said with less bravado.
“I wouldn’t want to trouble you more,” he started, “Besides, this was more than enough for me, “ he assured her, glowing soft pink, knowing she made such a fuss about him.
His face heated more as his eyes fell down to the hold, remembering he was still touching her , “ It's kind… you truly are a gem (f/n) ," he told her. " But you shouldn't be here to begin with," he added, his brows creased with worry. “I truly do appreciate the gesture, but if you were to get caught...I could never live with myself knowing you’ve taken such a heavy fall,” He explained.
“It’s not like when we were children,” he reminded her, knowing that now she wasn't just  a child, but growing into being a woman, A proper one at that. 
And he was also not a little boy anymore, but a growing man.
The sternness his father punished him with was evident that the time of mistakes was over, and there were true seventies to his blunders. 
‘The same goes for her,’ He reminded himself, knowing that as a man, A gentleman,  it was his duty to protect her. 
And as a friend, it was his obligation to steer her away from danger.
“I know,” she answered back, half-hardheartedly smiling, “But old habits die hard,” she said with chagrin.
She didn’t want to stop, because if she could, she’d dedicate herself to him fully, making sure his blue eyes never had a drop of sadness in them ever again.
Smiling he shook his head, “ I know, but for me...(f/n), please,” He pleaded her.
Sadly nodding she reluctantly agreed, “Very well...” she responded, though sounding ever bit as unenthusiastic as she felt.
Pursing his lips he held her hand, innocently squeezing it in comfort.
‘Do you remember when Danny tore apart you're dolly?’ He suddenly wondered, remembering how much she’d cried back then, realizing she wore a  similar look of sadness, 
‘We’d really been nothing but children, six? Seven? I remember he was still a puppy.’ He reminisced, beginning to notice how much she’d really grown, as well as how much time had passed between then.
‘I had to hold you're hand...Just like this, ’ he added, feeling her own hand melt into his,
‘ Only that got you to smile. ’
And sure enough, his action  rose a gentle smile out of her , and looking up at him she nodded , understanding.
‘I miss those days,’ He thought with reminiscence.
“Though we can’t do this anymore in the future, I think that perhaps we can enjoy tonight, right?” he asked her with hopefulness. “ For old time’s sake,” he continued,  a touch of mischief present in his tone while he grinned boyishly.  
She immediately perked, nodding. 
“I’d love that Jojo,” She said merrily.
She then plopped herself onto the ground, eagerly falling into conversation with him, watching him eat the dessert while chuckling at her ramblings, something they were well aware would normally bring forth punishment. 
It felt like they were children again, being able to talk about anything their hearts desired, being as close as they wanted to without fearing the consequences of their proximity.
Without eyes to judge them they fell back in time to moments where their innocence wasn’t deemed improper behavior.
‘ I wish it could be like this forever, Just you and I Jonathan. 
With no judgment.
 With no fear.
 With no one to tell us what they think is happening.’ 
Time passed them rather quickly, soon leaving them standing before each other, ready to say their farewells for the night.
Sweetly he stared at her, for reasons unknown to him, growing shyer as she kept her eyes on him,
‘How have I just realized how beautiful  you truly are?’ he wondered to himself, trailing his eyes down to her level, noticing how much her former chubby, cherub face had begun to mature. 
“Goodnight Jonathan,” she said softly, also feeling tickled at his presence, wondering herself how she’d yet to realize until then that his features had begun to become sharper.
He’d also outgrown her already , and she was certain he wasn’t done growing yet, 
‘He’ll without a doubt be a handsome man,’ she told herself, knowing it to be true.
Responding back just as gently to her, he also said his goodnight, his heart bouncing happily as he took a mental picture of her happy grin.
Pt. 2 : Silver Tongue Fiend 
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scandeniall ¡ 4 years
leaving the fold
pairing: atsumu x reader
summary/warnings: Youre leaving the Jackals. That means your life, position, and soulmate./ mentions of death, (bsd verse so implied mafia), profanity
wc: 2.1K
notes: this is a bungo stray dogs type universe and yall are the port mafia in this case because i miss them :-). also this is more dialogue heavy than i usually do ???
“What the fuck am I hearing about ya leaving,” You mentally roll your eyes at the now likely dented wall behind your door that had been pushed open. You don't even look up from your laptop’s screen as you greet in amusement.
“Well hello to you Atsumu. You're back from your mission already? How’d it go, I’m sure it was like child’s play to you” The fist coming down on your desk does little to shock you, nor are you surprised when the top of your laptop comes crashing down.
“Cut the shit. You're trying to leave the agency-”
“Will you keep your voice down,” you hiss out standing from your desk to shut your office’s door. You ignore his comments about not giving a damn about his volume, despite him lowering it anyways. Turning back to face him, you eye him menacingly. “How did you find out.”
“So it's true huh.” His eyes glare at you just as deadly. “What were ya gonna do, just disappear one night. Ya know more than anyone here that leaving is a death sentence” His voice grows angriet the longer he speaks. “Besides, where ya gonna go. There's nowhere in this city that the Jackals don’t have eyes. We run the underground.” By the time he had finished the two of you stood face to face. “You’re an executive for fuck’s sake (Y/N) you can’t- ”
“Shugo was set up.” Silence settled among the two of you. Both of you thought about your fallen friend. You noticed Atsumu’s eyes undergo a range of emotions: confusion, comprehension. Shock, disbelief, and back to anger as he silently accused you of lying. “Foster purposely sent him on that mission, knowing he’d die.” You stand tall as the words leave your mouth, managing to calm your raging emotions. The only indication of any sort of emotional weakness came from the balled fists resting at your sides. “Why the hell would-”
“Shugo was planning on leaving the org. I don’t know how, but Foster caught word, and-” the words trailed off as you walked past Atsumu to sit on the corner of your desk. “He had a pregnant girlfriend. Said he couldn’t keep putting her or their unborn child at risk with this life. He proposed about a year ago.” You begin to fiddle with your fingers, ignoring the shock written all over the blonde’s face. “They’d been dating maybe two or three, I’m not sure. When they got engaged he told me he was gonna leave. That's why he started taking lower paid and ranked missions. Then, she got pregnant and that was the last straw for him.” The crack in your voice ultimately caused your friend to react.
“If he had him killed, why are you trying to do the same thing.” This time the words came out in hardly a whisper as you felt his body settle next to yours on the desk. The feel of one of his hands encasing yours brings you back to the reality you’d talked yourself into. “I can take care of myself and you know that. Youngest to become a Jackal’s executive ever, remember,” you lightly bump his shoulder as you tease. “Not to mention, I’m the best at hand-to-hand combat here.” At that Atsumu scoffs, “Yeah, because your ability is better for being on the defensive.”
“I can still kick your ass,” you shrug as the conversation dies down.
“You think, Foster is letting you out without raising hell.” For a second his hand tightens on top of yours so quickly that you barely notice. “Him bringing you into this world was like hitting a goldmine.”
“Which is why he wouldn’t kill me right away-”
“You don’t know that,” his voice begins to grow again. “Listen. I know why ya wanna leave, but it's a shitty idea. Ya don’t have anywhere to go, can’t get a normal job or anything. Ya know I loved Shugo too, but people here die all the time” You snatch your hands away at his words, pushing at his arm as it reaches out for you again.
“You can’t be fucking serious right now,” you laugh out humorlessly. Your mind flashes back to the dozens of conversations the two of you had over the years as you practically grew up together. “We didn't choose this world, it chose us.” The phrase he’d always tell you along with the kid who used to say it long forgotten. 
“Well one of us needs to be realistic. It's part of the life we all chose including him.” You shake your head at disbelief following his words.
“Get the fuck out Atsumu,” is the only thing you settle on. Your voice is low and dangerous, but he doesn’t move. “Now,” this time you were the one raising your voice. The thing you’d told him not to do as he walked in.
“We’re on the same level (Y/N). I’m not one of your damn subordinates,” the fellow executive bites back. He easily avoids the book you opt for throwing at him.
“Difference is, we’re in my office.” This time he narrowly misses the punch you’d thrown his way.
However in the attempt, he neglects the fact you managed to get behind him, until you had his arms pinned against his back. “I said get the fuck out.” You scoff as you let him go, now pointing at your door. The air is heavy, as the two of you seethe in anger. Atsumu shakes his head in disbelief as he nears the exit.
“Tell me one thing,” you raise your eyebrows signaling him to continue. “Where do ya plan on going.” The question was void of any real concern. In an attempt to further upset you it was asked in malice. Mocking you. Telling you that outside of the Jackals you had no one nor anywhere to go. And it pissed you off.
“Maybe the Adlers,” the words came out solely to spite him. The mention of your counterpart organization angered him to where his own ability activated. So you stood. Stood in anger as the books on your bookshelf flew to the ground and papers fluttered to the ground. “When you realize the way Foster is leading this organization will be our demise don’t come crying to me,” you yell over the sound of your office being trashed. 
“Fuck you”
“Fuck you,” the door slammed shut behind you and you were left with an aching heart and trashed office.
The argument with Atsumu had been over a month ago. And since then, the two of you didn’t interact unless otherwise necessary. Your missions together were strictly business, both of your subordinates easily catching onto the tension. Your comments at one another just too harsh to be considered the usual joking. Whenever you had to work together, you’d opt for not riding together to sights. 
The only time things seemed relatively normal were during executive meetings. You would take your rightful place as Foster’s right hand, engaging and giving updates and directives. You interacted with Atsumu as usual, even throwing in careful jokes and he’d reciprocated. He knew you still had every intention of leaving. You were stubborn. When you set your mind to something you followed through. It was one of the things he loved about you. Despite his hurt at that he didn’t want you to end up dead all because he couldn’t act in a mere meeting. 
You’d finished the last letter, the one actually designated for Atsumu. It was nearing 3am and you had to be gone soon. You looked over your now former office for the last time and sighed. Eying the letters in your hands your mind thought back to the people you were leaving behind. The closest thing you could call friends in this hellhole. Directly under you in ranks were the two you entrusted as the commanders of your infiltration unit; Bokuto and Sakusa. You’d miss the way Bokuto would laugh after a completed mission somehow making the carnage left behind seem a little less gut wrenching. You’d even miss the quips at your hygiene when you got unnecessarily messy during a fight. 
Then you had the guys under Atsumu’s command. His trusted commanders; Osamu and Suna, and the newest member of the organization. Hinata, a firecracker who was quickly rising in ranks.
The last letter belonged to your fellow executive. The one you shared nearly a decade’s worth of memories with. Your right hand on missions, the two of you clicking immediately and being able to act scarily in sync. the one who you’d have hundreds of sparring matches with and he’d pout whenever you let him win. The person who’d you stay getting into trouble about the base as kids, annoying everyone in your sight with pranks. The one you swore was your soulmate, despite the fact that the two of you could never be. Not with the lives you lived at least.
The buzz of the new burner phone you’d gotten shook you out of the thoughts. The text about who you were set to meet reminded of you of the time. Adjusting the straps of your backpack, you shut the light out of your office for the last time. You’d manage to drop the letters off, slipping them in the lockers of their respective occupants before sneaking off. You’d made it outside, before a voice sounded behind you. “Ya didn’t think I’d let you go by yourself now.”
Turning around you were met with Atsumu, who looked unusually happy given the situation. “Atsumu, I’m leaving and you can’t stop-” hands reached around your waist pulling you into him and effectively cutting you off.
“Of course not. Listen. You’re leaving but you're not going alone alright.” The way his index finger pressing against your lips causes your breath to catch. “It can’t be me. Not yet anyway. Listen, you were right about Foster. He’s trying to lead us into an all about war with ability users.”
That revelation causes your eyes to widen. You almost forget about the fact that Atsumu’s body was pressed against yours and that your lips were so close to one another. He only nods at your shock, looking around cautiously before continuing. “Bokuto and Sakusa are going with you. You need someone with some offensive ability, and you need Sakusa to keep you on track.”
“Are you serious,” you whisper. Your friends were coming with you? He only nods offering a smile that disappears just as quickly as it occurs.
“I assume you already had a plan for yourself. Got room for two more?” You quickly confirm, making a mental note to text your awaiting party. You also confirm after he asks you about a burner phone. “Alright good. Sakusa has my burner and some information about where we can meet up later.”
Your hands go towards his chest gently pushing him away. “I have so many questions right now-”
“Babe, you have to go. Morning guards will be here soon. We’re going to bring Foster down. For now Me, Samu, Suna and Hinata are staying here. Acting as normal. But we’re your inside eyes ok and when the time is right we’re here with you.” Your mind hardly registers the new nickname. He was with you. He believed in you and thought you were doing the right thing. The only thing you could do was wrap your arms around him in a hug. You only nod as he whispers for you to please be safe. 
“Fuck! Tsumu, I wrote you all-”
“Already got Samu on it. I knew you couldn’t just leave. By now he should have already picked the locks to your guy’s lockers. Now you have to go. Bo and Omi are waiting about 2 blocks down at the end of the street.” You find yourself nodding once again, this time caught off guard when his lips come down to meet yours in a quick kiss. You’re the one to pull away, this not being the time nor place. “Get the info from Omi- and we’ll figure out a meeting for next month.”
His words cause you to step away from him, taking a deep breath. “Be safe Y/N”
“Aren’t I always,” you shoot him a smirk before nodding. He watches as you depart, lost in how he was now going to have to act in order to uphold his promise to you. “You couldn't even say I love you? How lame,” the voice causes Atsumu to jump as he scowls
“Shut up Suna! You’ve been spending too much time with Samu”
a/n: not me making meian oda and coach foster mori LMFAO. Yall also peep how i made bokuto and sakusa both hirotsu. Ok so yeah idk if im making a part 2 so in the case that i dont (bc this plot wasn;t even supposed to get a happy ending)
atsumu’s ability is basically gravity control so basically chuya (yeah he manipulated it to trash ur office), you ability is smoke manipulation aka you can form it, its poisoneous but not deadly and can only really stun momentarily or be used as a way to impair vision. Atsumu got them dazai brains, and you got them chuya hands. But yeah you were the youngest exec like dazai due to a back story that u wont know unless i decide to make another part, and yall basically double black
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kayparker20 ¡ 3 years
Inner Turmoil - Chapter 6
I'm so sorry about the wait this time around guys. I threw myself for a loop with this plot and I've been struggling a lot to figure out what I want to happen next. I decided to focus on a minor issue while I brainstorm what happens next. It's a bit feelsy but it's not super dramatic. Also kind of realized it was almost too long so the next chapter will have a spicy start before the real plot happens.
Hope you enjoy this somewhat filler chapter!
Chapter 6 - Village Gossip
Ino sat at the front counter of her family flower shop, impatiently waiting for the jonin ninja in her store to get a move on. They would always come in, pretend to look around while gossiping, and never buy one thing. She hasn’t liked them since she heard them being hateful towards Kurenai-sensei, probably out of jealousy.
“Can you believe, of all the beautiful shinobi, he dates his former student?” The woman scoffed and brushed her fingertips over the petals of lilies in a bouquet. “I think I would have rather heard he was gay, before that.” Her long, charcoal hair was curled and flowing down her back in waves. 
Another rolled her eyes. “Yeah, gay for Might Guy, even.” Fiery redhead, model body. “Of course, Hatake was too perfect to have no flaws, I just didn’t think it would be something so repulsive like fucking children.” 
“Do you think she fucked her way into jonin level?” The darker haired woman speculated. She turned around and looked at some roses that had been to her left.
Ino had been idly doodling flowers on a piece of blank receipt paper before hearing the topic they had been discussing. Her hand stopped mid-petal at the last comment before she narrowed her eyes at the piece of paper.
“I mean, maybe. Must have been easy to become jonin when you’re the Hokage’s apprentice, and being taught by a legend.” She scowled. “I wouldn’t put it past her. I hear she’s quite the bitch at the hospital.” 
She felt her mother’s eyes on her as she squeezed the pen, staring daggers meant for the women at the counter. She took a deep breath, reminding herself she needed to stay cordial and polite because they were customers, despite how abrasive and tactless they were.
She flipped her long blonde ponytail over her shoulder before addressing the women with a sarcastic smile. “Excuse me, ladies, is there anything I can help you find?” Her tone dripped with deviance through her smile. Her whole body felt tense with her anger as she forced herself to appear relaxed and helpful.
Two can play this catty game.
The women turned in her direction, both sporting smirks on their expressions. They both stared at her as if she were boring before cocking their hips to the side and giving fake smiles in her direction.
“We’re just admiring, but thank you.” The redhead shot back in a clipped tone.
“Are you sure? I think a bouquet of yellow hyacinths, lavender, and iris would go nicely with your hair.” Ino offered slyly.
She stole a glance at her mother, expecting to see an expression of disapproval, and was surprised to see the faintest smile spreading across her lips. 
The darker haired woman narrowed her eyes, clearly catching the message. “You have something to say, girl?”
Ino kept her demeanor as she shook her head. “Oh no, I was just offering. Purple and yellow complement well, you know?” 
Before either woman could snapback, the elder brunette cut in politely. “Ladies, it’s time for our lunch, and we must close for the next hour, so please take your pick. We can check you out for your purchase. We’re glad to give you your flowers before we find our meal for the workday.” 
Ino’s mother sounded elegant and was the epitome of professionalism as she gave a gratuitous grin towards the women.
Both women huffed in defeat.
“No, miss, thank you for your time.” The darker haired woman gave a strained smile before she walked out, the redhead following.
As soon as the door shut, Ino let out an annoyed sigh. “Thanks…” She huffed before crossing her arms across her chest.
Her mother just shook her head softly. “Your cleverness and restraint amaze me sometimes. It was rather amusing.”
“It’s exhausting, not amusing. I much would have preferred to hit them. That was far from tasteful gossip.” Ino scowled. “How could they accuse Sakura of using sex to get rank! As if she isn’t a jonin level medic! Or uh, I don’t know, the medical director of our hospital! The disrespect!” 
Her mother sighed. “People are going to talk, and you have to admit it’s at least a little scandalous. Those women are just jealous, and will say anything to make themselves feel better.”
“That doesn’t make it right!” Ino argued.
Sakura walked in then, smiling. “What doesn’t make something right?” She inquired curiously. “What gossip did you dig up now, Pig?” 
Ino turned, her eyes wide to see Sakura. “Oh, uh, nothing!” She chuckled nervously. “Ready for lunch?”
Sakura looked at her surreptitiously. Clearly, something was up. “Spill it. Now.”
Ino crossed her arms, before giving her a defiant look. “And if I don’t?”
“Are you going to make me beat it out of you? Was it about me?” Sakura deadpanned. “You never refuse to tell me gossip unless it’s about me and it's negative.”
Ino hated how well she and Sakura knew each other in moments like this. They couldn’t hide anything from each other. She sighed before uncrossing her arms. “It doesn’t matter, I handled it anyway.” She said matter of factly.
Sakura stared at her friend before shrugging. “You’re telling me at lunch, come on. Off to get our dango and tea. Director or not, I still run on a schedule. And I got behind after being gone a couple of days.”
Ino lips spread into a teasing grin. “Behind because you were off saving my ass or behind because qualities like procrastination and tardiness are rubbing off on you?” 
Sakura gave her an unimpressed look. “I was late one time. Definitely behind from saving your ass from our deranged classmate.”
They started walking towards their favorite cafe. It was nice outside even if it was a little cooler. Leaves lay around the ground, dry and crinkling under their footsteps. She could only wonder what Ino was all in a tiff about today, being as she saw the very same women she knew to leave the shop with all too knowing smirks. She was also slightly discomforted by them because when they saw her, their expressions suddenly turned downright venomous.
It wasn’t too uncommon for her to get those as the news of her and Kakashi spread, once rumors became truths. It made her wonder about Anko’s offhanded ‘sex god’ comment. Maybe they were a couple of those one-night stands? She frowned at the thought, not thinking Kakashi would have entertained such rude women. 
“Aren’t those the women that you got upset at for talking at Kurenai some time ago?” She wondered to her friend aloud.
“Oh, yes.” She snapped back. “They’re worse than me for spreading everyone’s business and their bullshit two cents about it.” 
Sakura couldn’t remember the last time she heard Ino sound unenthused about new gossip. Usually, it meant it was about someone she cared about, and that it thoroughly pissed her off. Even more so unusually, she would normally be more than ready to rant her pretty reddened lips off about said women being conceited and judgemental and downright horrible. 
Yet today, her blonde friend was being clipped and avoiding discussing the topic. She decided to test it out again. “So what treachery were they discussing today?”
Ino hesitated. She didn’t want to tell Sakura the things people were saying about her and Kakashi. Her friend had been so happy. She seemed to glow this past month since she had started dating him. She didn’t need to be troubled by people thinking the exact opposite of a situation. 
She smiled at her friend. “Oh, not much. I just hate how they loiter in the shop and force me to deal with their presence, yet never buy anything.”
Sakura just gave her friend a bored look and rolled her eyes. “Oh, I’m sure.”
“That’s her. Can you believe such a young girl is with a man like him?”
Sakura instantly frowned, refusing to look in the direction of the people they just passed. She tried to remind herself what people said didn’t matter.
“I don’t think I want Mika to have a male sensei. Do they all prey on their students?”
Her expression turned into a downright glare. How dare someone to accuse him of such horrible things? Why did they blame him? Why was it so hard to just believe they loved each other? Hearing the things people said on the street made her miss the way their friends easily accepted them. 
“Must be easy to make jounin when you’re the Hokage’s bitch, and fucking one of the commanders.”
Ino watched as all the same bullshit those women had said in her little shop floated around them. Maybe she wasn’t really able to protect Sakura after all, but she’d be damned if she was the one who brought that sort of mood on.
“Don’t listen to it. They're wrong.” Ino said sternly, flinging hard glares directly at anyone who dared say something within their earshot.
“It was me those women were gossiping about in your shop today, wasn’t it?”
Ino snorted. “I told them rather professionally exactly how I felt about their false ass opinions.”
Sakura sighed. “I think the ones I hate the most are him being a pedophile, or me using him to get rank.” Her face contorted into anger. “I’ve been a jounin since before I even realized I loved him, for fuck sake!” Sakura growled out. 
“Does she pine after her whole team? First the traitor, now the sensei. Jinchuriki and socially inept next? Maybe she just whores around for them all.”
Now that one was just funny. She laughed as she and Ino entered their shop. “Alright, as if! Did you hear that one?” 
Ino raised an eyebrow. “Do you think Sai knows how to fake an orgasm like he does a smile? That’d be rather disconcerting. Being cute only gets you so far.”
They sat down at their table and ordered their tea and dango. The homey atmosphere of this place always put Sakura at ease. The place had always been so down to earth, and the staff here were so nice and she had known most of them for at least quite some time now. 
She remembers coming to this little cafe for the time with her team as a genin before Sasuke left. He claimed it was a treat for doing so well on a mission, before disappearing when it came time for the bill to be paid. She remembered feeling so angry back then, how dare their sensei pull some sheisty trick like that! But now it was just funny, thinking about times when their lives hadn’t changed so drastically.
“Watch out, Team Seven’s Mistress, coming through.”
Sakura wrinkled her nose. “Okay, now that sounds like a scandal for sure. I could never even dream of taking Naruto from Hinata, let alone sleeping with him. And don’t get me started on Sai.” 
“Shouldn’t she be here soon?” Ino inquired.
As if on queue, the bell rang as another customer entered, and it was their black haired Hyuga friend.
“Hina, over here!” Sakura called.
Hinata meandered over their table and sat next to Sakura. “Hi, guys!” She spoke softly, happy to see her friends.
“Tell Sakura here to ignore these stupid rumors jealous nimrods keep spreading,” Ino said blandly. “Well, at least the boring ones.”
Hinata raised an eyebrow. “There are ones that aren’t boring?”
Sakura rolled her eyes. “Apparently there’s one that I’m fucking my entire team.”
“Oh, now that’s just dirty! Who would do such a thing?” 
“Which thing, fuck the whole team, or fuck Naruto?” Ino said in a teasing voice.
Their friend turned beet red. “I-I don’t either Sakura or myself would uh… Have relations with an entire team.”
Sakura slumped in her seat. “You’re right, but people think my sensei is a pedophile. Which hurts because he would never have thought of me, or any of young girls, in such a way.”
Ino and Hinata watched as Sakura looked so hurt. How do you tell your friend to ignore things she hears whispered as soon as she comes into a room, or simply a vicinity. No one had to deal with something like that. Then again, neither of them were dating men much older than them, or ones who had been their teacher. But why does that matter when they’re adults now? Sakura had been a jonin for two years now after she and Shikamaru had gotten promoted when the fourth war ended.
“They are just jealous that a younger, prettier, and more talented kunoichi took their eye-candy off the market.” Ino insisted. “Easier to keep their ego intact if they blame him for being gross, or you for using him.” 
“I guess…” She sighed. “Look at me, worried about stupid gossip when my old teammate is hellbent on making me join him…” Sakura shivered at the thought. “Even now, there are three ANBU following me at all times.”
“Wait, even at Kakashi’s…?” 
Sakura nodded.
“I bet they watch…” Ino smirked deviously.
“Ino!” Hinata squeaked. 
Sakura just shook her head, more than used to Ino’s antics. She knew it would take her ‘innocent’ friend some time to get used to Ino’s crudeness, but she felt better being around both her close friends.
“Do you think people truly think that low of Kakashi? People think he would groom one of his students?” Sakura asked seriously.
Hinata shrugged. “You can’t expect people to necessarily think super well of someone who openly reads porn in public.”
“Hey, Icha-Icha is a wonderful series.” Ino piped in. “Even Sakura agrees with that.”
Sakura laughed at the comment. “It’s true, but I guess you have a point. No one sees that unless they’ve dared to read the beloved Ero-Sannin’s work. Lady Tsunade swears to burn every copy of those books, but she secretly has her first edition collection, signed by Jiraiya himself.”
“I guess society might accuse us of being molesters next, huh, Pig?”
Sakura frowned. “I sure hope not, considering I’m certain being a molester consists of much more than enjoying romance novels that might be slightly too pornographic at some points along with the good plot.”
Hinata giggled lightly. “I think anyone who had ever actually paid attention to you and Kakashi-sensei interacting would have realized you were the one going after him.” She smiled softly.
Sakura thought about that. She knew she never made intentional moves on Kakashi, but apparently everyone close to them knew they loved each other, or that there was at least something going on. She couldn’t help but feel touched at how accepting his friends were, even if Anko and Genma teased her relentlessly. Or made threesome jokes, which Kakashi bluntly shut down quickly. However, a large majority of people were the stark opposite.
She should have known that Ino’s ideals about them being shinobi bending morals a bit was closer to romanticism than what society thought in reality. She felt like she was just as much an adult as Kakashi and the rest, even in her 20s. She’s gone on deadly missions just like Kakashi, let alone with Kakashi. She’d been through a war. She’s damn near died, multiple times, and she had saved people’s lives and held the ones she couldn’t save.
Yet people dared to treat the situation like Kakashi was dating a child, instead of an equal? So what if he had trained her, it’s not like he ever made a move on her? 
Hinata was right, she made the move on him.
“I knew what I wanted, even if I only got the courage to express it with a little encouragement from sake. At first.” Sakura crossed her arms. “But why do we have to justify our damn happiness?” 
The waitress walked up to get Hinata’s order after that. “What can I get for you today, miss?”
“I’ll have green tea and a rice ball, please,” Hinata spoke softly with a pleasant smile.
“Sure thing!” She flashed a smile at them before striding away to take care of the order.
Ino sipped her drink before shrugging in response to the question. “I thought you already know people talk about anything we do, no matter what. Especially when they’re jealous, and you have plenty of things to envy.” 
Sakura huffed before. “Yeah well, I didn’t get them without effort, and that especially includes Kakashi.”
The girls fell silent. Hinata and Ino could only say so much in attempts to make Sakura feel better. It’s not like you could ignore an issue when everywhere you went you were hearing whispers or receiving horrible glares sent in your direction.
The waitress brought Hinata’s order about and paused a moment. She looked like she wanted to say something, but seemed a bit nervous. She chewed her lip subtlety before looking at Sakura.
Sakura raised her eyes to make eye contact with her and gave a polite smile. “Yes?” 
“Is it true that you’re dating Kakashi now? 
Sakura nodded, her smile fading slightly in fear of some directly aimed judgment. She came here often with Kakashi, he used to bring the whole team here. 
“I just wanted to tell you I’m very happy for you guys. I’ve seen you guys together often, and sometimes I wondered if you were the one he bought the lattes for every so often. He’s come here for a long time, but he always seemed so…” She searched for the word for a moment. “Aloof. Always polite, but kept to himself.”
Sakura nodded softly. “He’s uh… He’s been through a lot, even more so than the average ninja.”
The girl gave a sad smile. “So I’ve heard. When he started bringing you and those boys here, he seemed to change. Like a spark in him ignited. Is it true that the blonde was his mentor’s son?”
Sakura’s smile turned a little less stiff as she nodded again. “The Fourth Hokage, yes.”
Hinata and Ino listened with small smiles, glad to see their friend getting some positivity towards her relationship from someone other than friends. Hinata’s face flushed slightly at the mention of Naruto as she thought of him distantly.
“I’m sorry about the things I’ve heard people say. Anyone who truly has been around you can see the chemistry you have, sometimes I wondered if you were secretly together. I have never seen him so relaxed around anyone besides you.” She smiled brightly. “He had friends of course, like those dashing men, Asuma and Genma. Or the….very lively Gai.” 
Ino wrinkled her nose. “I don’t know if I’d consider Asuma-sensei dashing.” She muttered softly under her breath.
Sakura's eyes widened softly. “Thank you… It’s nice to hear someone say something nice about it.” 
“Sakura, it’s almost the end of your lunch break isn’t it?” Hinata wondered aloud, catching the time on the clock. She gave a soft smile before 
“Oh, look at that, it’s the rank climbing whore with her flower bitch of a friend.” 
I guess that’s one way you could refer to Sakura and Ino, at least within the last month. She couldn’t imagine how upset Ino would be if she would only ever be remembered as her ‘flower bitch of a friend’. She would probably be remembered as Ino-Pig, and she hates that nickname.
She could attest to the fact that she hated being referred to as a ‘rank climbing whore”. Didn’t have to sleep with multiple men or do something dirty like have an afraid to fall under the description of whore? She had only just lost her virginity to Kakashi a month ago… 
She sighed and reminded herself that these women wouldn’t care to hear technicalities and that it would probably only antagonize them to carry on with more horrible accusations and scornful comments.
The waitress instantly frowned at the woman. “I can ask them to-”
Sakura shook her head. “It’s whatever, don’t scare off your business. Thank you for your kindness.”
Ino instantly slid her gaze towards the nasty tone, sending daggers. “Are you even acutely aware that Sakura was made a jounin almost three years ago?” She spat. “Pretty sure she only got with Kakashi roughly a month ago, now carry on with your trivial lives.”
Sakura sighed and rolled her eyes, hoping the sting that suddenly arrived would go away with them. “Right, I need to go back to work. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” She stood from the table and turned for the door.
“Oh, did I hurt your feelings? Are you gonna go run and tell mommy Hokage?”
Sakura’s eyes twitched as she started gathering chakra into her fists, ready to shut them up herself. How much disrespect could someone dare to have? Was this really out of pure jealousy?
She kept telling herself none of this was worth getting this upset over. She couldn’t figure out if she wanted to cry from the humiliation or punch them through the wall of the restaurant. She had never felt so ridiculed before, and it was infuriating. 
“I’ll bet my old student would be an easy target to get some action from when I was bored. Especially from emotional types like yourself. Just a few sweet words and you probably melted for him.” The other woman cackled.
Sakura bit her cheek before she left briskly, ignoring the shrieking she heard from Ino, or how Hinata tried to run after her. She felt stupid for letting those women get under her skin, but she couldn’t help it.
This is what people were saying? What else was there? Did she seem that naive, that her sensei could take advantage of her? She knew there would be talking about this, but she never expected those sorts of accusations. She expected disapproval and even some daunting glares. 
She went straight for her office and buried herself in the paperwork she had to catch up. It was a decent distraction. Verifying shinobi physicals, signing them with her approval. Later they would need to be given to Tsunade. She signed paperwork regarding the children’s clinic she was opening with Ino, mainly financial documents for the grants involved in the program. More paperwork was needed to be signed for hospital grants for unfortunate patients.
Kakashi was walking to the cenotaph, feigning ignorance to all the looks she was currently receiving from the majority of the people he passed. Many whispers went about. Mostly about wretched of a man he was, accusations of pedophilia and grooming. Some against Sakura for whoring herself into rank, which didn’t make even a lick of sense if you asked him, considering she was made jounin after the fourth great war. 
He sighed softly. There were much bigger issues now that these people couldn’t even begin to think about. If he ever thought that beginning a relationship with Sakura would have put her in danger, he wouldn’t have indulged in the idea no matter what, if it had meant she would have been safe.
Granted, it was starting to be believed by Tsunade that Sasuke was coming for her either way because he did Orochimaru’s bidding. And healing arms isn’t related to Sakura’s love life. Sasuke was bothered by the fact that Sakura was with somebody else, but was it that she moved on, or that she was with Kakashi in general? That was the question that was begging to be answered in his mind at the moment. No matter what, she would be safe. She might not have any special jutsu, but she had quite the punch with her chakra latent strength, so even in the event he wasn’t there, she believed in her to protect herself. Not to mention the three ANBU guarding her at all times, and he knew one of them was Genma, though she didn’t. 
His mind wandered a bit as he walked from the cenotaph to training ground three, the same one he always used with his beloved team. His thoughts were everywhere, mainly on just how happy he had felt. 
Nothing felt more right than when he laid in bed at night with Sakura in his arms. Her hair splayed about the pillow, her face buried against his bare chest. Her skin felt so soft against his, even with the few scars she held in comparison to his body. Listening to her breathe lulled him to sleep every time she spent the night at his home. She was so warm and inviting, and she always clung to him.
She still had nightmares. Sometimes she just trembled in her sleep, others he woke up to her sobbing into his shoulders or screaming his name with so much agony in her voice it ripped his heart out. He couldn’t imagine what she was seeing, he didn’t like to think of the ways Sasuke may have conjured up to murder him. He always held her close and tried to comfort her, but this had never been his strong suit. He stroked her hair and told her how much he loved her. It seemed to work well enough most nights, and he was glad because he didn’t know what else to do and it made him worry.
The copy ninja expected to find the training ground empty, but what he found was craters and cracks all over the landscape, along with uprooted trees. Usually, this is what you found when Sakura was training.
Or when she was coping with emotional stress which she has plenty of at the moment. 
Was it Sasuke, or has the ridicule finally reached her? His clenched as he thought of everything he has heard whispered the past few days or the actual direct comments. Mostly from jealous women, some from other jounin who didn’t know a lick about them.
He meandered along, following the scent trail of jasmine perfume, as well as listening for either the next impact or the sound of her voice. He followed it well into the woods of the grounds. It seemed the damage done lessened the further he went, which concerned him. It felt like the anger was fading and turning into something more morose. He moved faster through the forest, catching a glimpse of a porcelain mask he recognized. 
What he found was far from angry, at least now. She was kneeling on her knees, still in her hospital uniform. She was covered in dirt and green stains from nature she decided to take her stress out on. Her hands covered her face, covered in blood, dirt, and scrapes; the telltale sign she had been too far in her emotions to protect herself or even think about putting her gloves on. Her shoulders shook and as a choked sob escaped her throat, his heart just couldn’t take it anymore.
This wasn’t the first time he found her like this, and it wrenched him every time. But it was different this time because it felt like it was his fault to some degree. He never wanted to be part of something that could hurt her so deeply. 
He approached her slowly, giving her all the time to notice his presence. When he came up to her, he crouched down and ran his fingers through her messy hair, letting the pads of his fingers drag against her scalp. She shuddered softly but didn’t say anything. He slowly sat down behind her and slinked his arms around her waist to pull her back snug against his chest.
She tried to force herself to calm down in Kakashi’s presence, but it only seemed to worsen. She reminded herself he wouldn’t judge her, that he’s never judged her. Wasn’t that one of the things she loved most about him? She still felt so stupid for getting this upset over some stupid bigoted opinions, from people who didn’t know a damn thing about her and Kakashi. 
Then again, was that the only thing that hurt so much right now? It’s not like Sasuke hadn’t just kidnapped her best friend or threatened her team leader, that she just started dating. That Sasuke hadn’t shown her just how he might wish to make good on his threat to kill her lover.
The feeling of his fingers running through her hair made a shiver run through her and she let out a shaky breath. She felt him sit behind her and the safeness of his arms pull her close. Her chest hurt and swallowed another sob, still feeling this dumb need to act strong in front of him. If he had found her here, clearly he saw the damage she had dealt to the poor training ground before her anger morphed into pain. She turned her body into him and rested the side of her face against his chest. The silent tears soaked into his shirt but she couldn’t stop them. 
She wiped her eyes hastily before the sob she’d been holding back ripped through her. The sound of his voice undid it and she was clinging to him desperately. 
“I’m here for you,” He placed a chaste peck on her forehead before tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ve got you, Sakura. I always have, you know that.”
He held her tightly before beginning to stroke her hair. “I know there’s so much going on right now. This stuff with Sasuke, and the talk around the village. Your nightmares. It can’t be easy, on top of continuing to work full time.” 
The sound of his voice was a thread she clung to. Hearing the rumble in his chest when he talked, alongside his heartbeat gave her something to focus on that wasn’t Sasuke, or horrible gossip, or Kakashi being killed in some way or another. She took a long, deep breath. Everything felt so heavy. 
She had just wanted to be with the man she loved, and she finally got that. Why did all this other stuff have to happen? Right as things started to get better, a wrench had to come in it. She knew that she still was with Kakashi, and she had high doubts he was going to leave, but she just wanted to enjoy it.
“Sakura, it’s going to be okay…” 
He took her face into his hands and guided her to make eye contact with him. Her aqua hues were shining with tears that were still flowing down her cheeks. He wiped them gently and smiled softly at her. 
She huffed and slid her fingers into his mask, dragging it off his face. “Better.” She muttered under her breath. 
Kakashi chuckled softly before pecking her lips with his now bare ones. “Oh, I’m sure you think so. Just think, you’re the only one who gets to see me like this.” He held her tighter. “Who gets to have me like this, all to yourself.” He pecked her cheek.
“I know…” A small smile spread across her lips. “Ino keeps saying to ignore it, that they’re just jealous.”
“Hm, she may be on to something. I’m quite the looker.” 
She rolled her eyes before sniffing once more. “Oh yeah, if only they knew what was under the mask.” She huffed. “Maybe some of them do…” She grumbled.
He shook his head, chuckling at the clear jealousy coming off of her. “Oh no. Not a single one night stand had ever seen my face. They would try, no doubt.” He pinched her ass playfully. “Only medics, who usually were too busy looking at the life-threatening issue on my body, and close friends have seen my face.” He smirked as he whispered in her ear. “Some medics are much cuter than others, and I might have let them drag my mask down and kiss me when I was drunk.”
She raised an eyebrow at him before a smile broke out across her lips and she giggled. “Better only be one of those.”
He nodded sincerely before pecking her lips. “Now, you’re smiling again and able to talk. What lead you to wreak havoc on this sentimental training ground of ours, and then break down?”
She averted her eyes instantly, not willing to fully pull her face out of his hands when they were so warm against her tear-soaked skin. Great, now she’s going to look ridiculous.
“Do think they’re right? That I used you to climb rank?” She mumbled.
He frowned. “I think that no more correct than me being a pedophile, considering the last time I check you were twenty. People twist things as they want to make reality appeal to them.” 
“Ino said something similar. A bunch of women took offense that you found someone prettier, younger, and more talented. If they blame us, then their ego is still intact…” She almost laughed as she remembered another one. “Did you hear the one that I’m fucking my whole team?” 
Of course, she found the humor in that one. “Whoever started that rumor must be oblivious because you’ve chased Sai and Naruto through the village with your chakra fists of wrath.” He laughed before pressing his nose against hers. 
“Now, what is actually bothering you? Because I know that you don’t truly care about anyone thinks unless it our friends or Tsunade, who have all expressed happiness for us, with threats to my life if I hurt you here and there…” 
He was meant with silence.
He sighed. “I’m the one who taught you to look underneath the underneath, and I especially know you’re bothered by way more than some gossip we knew would come.”
Sakura sighed and hugged him tightly. “I can’t stand this. I’m being guarded like a dog, all because Sasuke suddenly decides I matter because his snakey sensei put it in his head he needs me. I think I liked it better before when he was cold towards us.” 
He ran a hand through her hair. “I know. But it’s best to keep you safe, and are you going to complain that you have to sleep with me at my house.”
She blushed lightly. “I gave no complaint about that part. More about this part.” She gestured her hands before pointing. 
“One.” In a tree a few yards back.
“Two.” Leaning against a tree in the opposite direction.
“Three.” Right above her in a tree. “Which I believe I learned is Genma, because awhile  a senbon just fell in front of me before a curse was muttered by that one.” 
Kakashi looked up, noting she was right, that one was Genma. Shame on him for losing his anonymity so easily, but it wasn’t like Sakura hadn’t known who most of the ANBU were from treating them anyway. It’s a given he was the only one brave enough to be that close to his fiery little pinkette when she was at such an emotional high. He never knew when to leave anyone alone. He was one of the only people other than Sakura that insisted on ‘being there for him’ when he was having bad days.
“I also hate that I used to feel safe at home, and now I’m paranoid. All the time. He made it into the village without anyone knowing, all the way into my office! And he got out with Ino the same way!” She looked at Kakashi with an annoyed look.
“That bastard could be watching me right now, and I’d have not a single fucking clue!” 
He didn’t know what to say to that. He felt all the same, except he was the one who had figured out he was in the village, and he hated the lack of action he had taken then. He should have done something right then and there. But he gave his former student too much credit. 
And that’s how he feels like this is all his fault. But saying that wouldn’t help her. There wasn’t much he could do to change what was done, but he’d be damned if something happened again.
“Let’s go home and get you cleaned up, okay? I bought you some books while you were at work before I came here.” 
She smiled softly. He always tried, no matter how hard he felt like comforting was. Whether he knew it or not, he always made her feel better. As he stood up and put his hand out for her to grab, she grasped it tightly as he pulled her up. She inched up on her tiptoes to give him a chaste kiss before his hands gripped her hips and held her there to kiss her back.
“Thank you, Kakashi.” She smiled softly before pecking his cheek. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’d probably tear up all the training grounds, not just ours.”
She giggled softly. “Probably, but you didn’t have to say it.” 
He let go of her, just to grab her hand and start walking towards the end of the woods in the training ground. “Come on. Asuma and Kurenai said something going on a double date, and I think you might want to look a little less haggard for that.” He smiled.
She glared at him. “Haggard? That’s a bit extreme!” 
He chuckled as he dodged the fist he knew was becoming before he sensed it. “I love you, too.” He gave an eye crease as he pulled his mask back over the majority of his face.
“Hinata?” Naruto called out softly from his couch as he heard his door open.
“It’s me, Naruto!” She called back cheerily. 
“How was lunch with Sakura? Is she… Doing okay?” He asked timidly.
Hinata sighed. “She’s… doing alright. The gossip around the village bothers her but I don’t think that’s really it.” 
Naruto thought for a moment before sighing. “I don’t understand why he would do this. I thought his main goal in life was to gain power and kill Itachi, so what does Sakura have to do with that?” He grumbled. “She was so happy before all this. I just want to see her like that again.”
“Me, too,” Hinata said before sitting on the couch. “Ino said he acted possessive and jealous over the fact that she was with Kakashi. Do you think he’s always felt some way about her? Like maybe he’d come back for her once he killed his brother?”
Naruto frowned. “I think that’s what Sakura used to hope for, honestly. That he just had to do this one thing, and then he’d be able to come home. To love her, to be a family with our team. It’s what we all hoped for… in a sense. I think Kakashi was able to accept it sooner than we ever could that Sasuke was probably… never coming back.”
Hinata nodded, reaching over to grab his hand. “I know this is hard for both of you…” 
He just nodded as he continued to frown at the floor. “Whatever hopes those were, they were ruined. I’ll never believe he loved Sakura if he was willing to cause her so much pain, whether it was over jealousy or whatever.” 
“You should go train with your team some. It always helps me when I’m being bothered by something going on in life. I think it would be healthy for all of you.”
“You’re assuming that Sakura hasn’t gone and destroyed our favorite grounds yet.” A smile slowly spread across his lips. “Kakashi is the only one willing to go anywhere near her whenever she’s that upset. Sai and I prefer to stay far away from her chakra enhanced attacks.”
He thought for a while on that. It had always been that way. She and Kakashi were always there for the other. Just like most people left Kakashi alone when he was at the memorial, they left Sakura alone when she was destressing in training ground three. Yet, they both never left each other alone. He thought about how that’s what love is, what Sakura should get to experience. Not the way she felt for Sasuke, just this endless devotion with nothing in return. 
She deserved the way Hinata always made him feel, and hopefully how he wanted to make her feel in return. A relationship with trust, admiration, sincereness, and respect was what anyone deserved. He wanted that for Sakura, and he still believed that Kakashi was where she got that from. He had never seen anyone look so happy as they did when they finally got together.
It was so hard not to preach at anyone that said so many ill things about his two teammates within his earshot. It angered him to see their happiness brought down the way people were judging them. Granny Tsunade already warned him it would do no good, but he knew if someone dared say something bad about Sakura close to her, a chakra infused from the Hokage herself was coming their way. So why couldn’t they get mouth load from him?  Seemed unfair if you asked him, but he wasn’t in the mood to anger her with arguing.
“Kurenai-sensei and Asuma-sensei were planning a double date with them. I think they are trying to make Sakura feel better about the...dissent around the village.”
“Maybe that’ll be good for her. I don’t understand what the deal is anyway, I mean so what, he was our teacher? We’ve been in equal rank with him for almost three years now. And I couldn’t give a damn about some age difference when she could die tomorrow at 20 years old. Any of us could, right? We’re adults. It’s not like we’re kids anymore.” He huffed in annoyance.
Hinata sighed softly. “Just because we see it that way, doesn’t mean other people do. However, I’ve noticed most of the people spreading the rumors are women that wanted Kakashi themself. Ino said they’ll blame them to keep their ego intact.”
Naruto raised his eyebrows. “So basically a bunch of women Kakashi’s age is mad because he hardly gave them anything past a one-night stand. And that’s they were one of the lucky ones in the last decade, and now he’s with Sakura, who is youngers, prettier, and probably ten times the kunoichi they ever would have been…?”
Hinata giggled softly. “Yes, pretty much Ino’s exact words. Like typical, they’re putting down our friends to make themselves feel better.”
“Leaf shinobi are supposed to be better than that.” He grumbled before getting up from the couch. 
“Not everyone has the same ideals as you, Naruto. But your ideals are one of the things I love about you, that so many people love about you, and why you’ve inspired many others. It’s one of the reasons why one day you will make a great Hokage.” 
He smiled. “You believe in me, don’t you?” 
“I always believed in you, even when I didn’t believe in myself.” She smiled tentatively.
He pulled her up by the grip he still held on her hand before kissing her softly, winding his arms around her hips. “I love you, Hinata,” He mumbled against her lips, pulling her against him.
She smiled before pulling away. “I love you, too.” 
“Maybe we should plan a double date with them. That’d be awesome, wouldn’t it?” He grinned at her before pressing his forehead against hers.
“I think it's a good idea, and I’m sure they would enjoy it too.”
Kakashi brought Sakura a cup of tea and sat down next to her, handing her the hot drink of peppermint. She took it from him, instantly taking a sip from the cup.
He watched her closely. She was curled against the arm of his couch with her knees against her chest. Her pink strands just barely fell around her shoulders, perfectly framing her face. Her face was still stained with tears, but she had changed into one of his shirts and a pair of her shorts she had brought here. She seemed a little more relaxed, not so overwhelmed by the anger and pain. He could still sense how uneasy she felt, and he just wanted to make her day better. He hoped the dinner with Kurenai and Asuma would help lift her spirits some, a positive in all the negatives.
He loved her so much, and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her. He’d heard everything the village had to say, some of the things he had once thought about himself. That he had been disgusting. He hated himself for it. 
But now, he couldn’t think of life without her. Without being able to hold her at night, or to kiss her. Without being able to see the way she smiled whenever he told her he loved her. The warmth she held for him in her beautiful green eyes whenever she looked at him. He didn’t want to think of a day when his bed no longer had the faint smell of her jasmine perfume. 
“Kakashi…?” Her voice sounded soft and hesitant.
It pulled him from his thoughts instantly. “What is it?” He asked softly, looking up to meet her eyes.
“You’ve got that distant look you get when you’re thinking about something sad…” She set her tea down on the coffee table.
He tried to smile lightly to shake off her concern. “I’m okay, it’s nothing.” 
She rolled her eyes before shifting over to his side of the couch. “Okay, sure. I’ll pretend to believe that. Now lay down...”
He shifted so that he was laying on his back, and watched her curiously as she crawled over his body. She laid between his legs, resting her cheek against his chest. He shifted slightly to get more comfortable before wrapping an arm around her back. She let out a contented sigh before closing her eyes.
He ran his free hand through her hair gently as a smile spread across his lips. He kissed the top of her head. “If you wanted to cuddle, you could have just said so.” He spoke softly, a little surprised she had demanded affection. 
He thought she might get distant from him, too bothered by some of the things people dared to say, maybe even think they were true. He should have known she wouldn’t believe them for a second, but it didn’t stop him from preparing for the worst. He played with the ends of her hair, twirling the strands loosely around his fingertips. Her body felt warm against his, and it was a comfort he never realized he needed until the first time he held her so intimately.
“Does any of this gossip bother you at all?” She wondered aloud. 
Her voice sounded so small to him. It was rare she sounded so unsure. She was usually so confident these days. He wasn’t surprised to see that it bothered her, even if she felt it was stupid. He knew what was going to happen when everyone found out, but it didn’t mean he liked it or that it didn’t bother him. He used to listen to all the things that were said about his father, so the village dissent wasn’t new to him. Minato had urged to learn to ignore it long ago, but it did seem more difficult to ignore these, at least the parts where he was accused of some things he couldn’t even dream of.
“Some of it does…” He sighed. “I can’t act like people just assuming I’ve always had a thing for you doesn’t upset me. I also fear that you might feel they’re right, and it’s not true.” He tightened his arm that had been around her. 
He tried to figure out what to say that didn’t seem accusatory, but also still be honest with her about his concerns.“I don’t care what they think, but I worry about how what people say will affect you, and your view of me…” 
He watched her closely as she lifted her head to look at him. “I love you, and nothing anyone says will make me think any different of you. I just hate… It angers me that they just instantly assume you’re this gross creep when it was ME who initiated this relationship.”
She huffed before resting her chin against his chest. “If anyone should have ever felt harassed, it was you… But no, they just automatically assume you’re just this lecherous man that groomed me from the time I was twelve.”
“Well, I do read porn in public, so people have the right to believe I’m lecherous…” He smirked. “Not everyone knows it had some real plot to it, or care to know.” He brought a hand to her cheek and stroked her cheekbone with his thumb. “Just like they won’t care to know the real story behind us…”
She was looking into his eyes, at his face, before she bit her lip. “So, you don’t think I just used you and clung around you to climb the ranks as some of the women are saying?”
He scoffed. “Don’t tell me some jealous sluts are making you doubt your real abilities as a kunoichi? How would you have ever charmed me into giving you jonin rank? I was tough on you guys, not to mention I’m not the one to credit for your abilities.” He kissed her nose and then her Byakugou seal. “Tsunade is to credit for all your skills, not me. I’m not even the one who gave you the recommendation. I wasn’t allowed to be a proctor for your exam either, because you were my student and it leads to bias- negative or positive.” 
He pushed some of her hair out of her eyes again before smiling at her. “You earned jonin, and I’m damned proud of you for it. The other jonin kunoichis are just pissed because you’re better than them and they know it.”
“Mmmm, and maybe because I have Konoha’s number one bachelor all to myself?” She grinned, blushing softly at his words.
“Well, of course. Thank gosh, because the ‘hot-ake’ pickup lines at bars were becoming rather boring. And now, when a girl doesn’t know how to take a hint, I can just ask her if she likes chakra punches for a drink?” 
Sakura burst into laughter, burying her face into his chest. “Oh, yeah, that’ll make a great reputation for us to have.”
He sat up, taking her into his arms. “Team Seven already has quite the rep, I doubt that’ll change. Now, go shower for that dinner with Asuma and Kurenai. It’s my job to make us late, not yours, remember?” He carried his slender pinkette into the bathroom and set her on the edge of the sink.
She was beaming at him as she placed her hands on each side of his face. “I love you so, so much, Kakashi.” 
He gazed into her eyes, thankful for the happy glow returning to them. “I love you, too, Sakura. I always will…” He gave her lips a quick peck.
As he stepped back, she slid off the bathroom sink counter until her feet were on the floor. She began to strip before her eyes widened with sudden realization. “What the hell am I supposed to wear to this dinner on such short notice?”
“Oh, I got that covered. Dress in the bedroom. I hope you like it…” He gave a sheepish smile before leaving the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
He chuckled at the tinge of pink that spread across her cheeks. He wasn’t sure how that was worth blushing over, considering all the other things they’d done lately. He picked up her teacup from earlier and walked into the kitchen to put the dishes in the sink for later. When the shower turned on, he moved onto the bedroom, gathering up things he had grabbed from her house while she was at work.
He’d seen her go out in various settings enough in the past few years to know that his favorite person took care to do her hair and makeup. He had grabbed her makeup box, along with both her straightener and curler. He almost forgot the hair dryer at her house but had turned around at the door to get it. He wasn’t exactly sure what shoes she would want to wear. Looking back on past conversations he had overheard, this was supposedly a difficult task, according to Ino. He just grabbed the black, ankle high boots that had a buckle(which he realized was just for looks), and a small heel. Surely, those went with anything, right? Hopefully.
He grabbed a few more things before taking them back to the bathroom. He hung the dress up on the towel rack, as well as some underclothing he bought for his own eyes later. He looked around the bathroom. Never once had it ever felt small to him, but now he was wondering where the hell he was going to put three new additions. Did women need both a straightener and a curler?
“I think I’ll need to invest in shelves if you’re gonna be here forever.” He said in mock annoyance.
“I’m using your razor, just in case your mind, but it’s too late if you do…” Sakura said languidly, clearly paying more attention to her legs at the moment. “And what are you talking about?” 
“You’ll see.” He smiled before pulling the shower curtain aside. “Your lotion is on the sink when you’re done. If you need my help, I’ll gladly lather your legs with it for you.” He gave a wink before leaving again. 
“Oh god, we’d never make it dinner if I let you do that.” She mumbled affectionately as she finished the last stroke up her leg.
He stared blankly at the curtain once it was closed, wondering just how the hell Kakashi knew what lotion she even used. She shrugged it off, not putting it past him to look rather odd sniffing random lotions in the store until he found a scent he recognized. The thought made her heave with laughter as she rinsed the excess shaving cream off her legs. 
She stepped out of the shower, and her mouth fell open in her surprise. She quickly realized what he meant by needing to get shelves, as there was nowhere to put all her hair tools besides the straightener on the sink, hair dryer on the back of the toilet, and the curler on top of his medicine cabinet. Her lotion, which was the same bottle from her house, was sitting next to the cup that held his toothbrush. 
She grabbed the towel on the hanger, to see the dress hanging there, and her heart was full. 
It was a dark emerald green a-line dress. It had a sheer lace overlay that had floral patterns stitched into it. The lace continued over the chest into long sleeves, completely see through around her shoulders and arms, the solid colors would frame her chest. It was so dressy but simple all at once. Pretty but not too much, it was perfect. 
And then there was the navy blue lingerie set next to it that just made her turn rosy-colored all over again as she started to dry herself off even quicker.
“Kakashi, you bought lingerie?!” She screeched in embarrassment. 
 He laughed, having finally heard the response he had expected. “Sakura, I buy porn in public, I don’t think buying lingerie for you is that shocking.” He came into the bathroom. “I also noticed you were severely lacking any.”
She huffed and pouted in his direction. “Oh yes, because I had so much reason to wear it.” 
He raised an eyebrow in her direction in surprise. “You don’t need a ‘reason’ to wear hot things.” He stepped behind her and reached for the garments. 
He held them to her form as he spoke against her ear. “This navy will look stunning against your smooth and light toned skin. It’s strapless, so it won’t show through the sheerness of your dress. The woman said this lace is comfortable. And I honestly just wanted to see your ass in thongs. I am a pervert afterall.” He kissed the side of her head. “I’ll hook the clips for you if you’d like.
Sakura stared down at the blue fabric. She’d seen plenty of Ino’s lingerie, having been made to help her blonde rival choose which to wear on particular occasions. She had never felt the need to buy any. Ino seemed to only wear it on dates, and she never even bothered with those. Not to mention, it’s not like she even had all that much to show off. She bit the inside of her cheek before turning to face Kakashi. “Uh… Sure.” 
He frowned. “Is something wrong? You don’t have to wear it if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“N-No! It’s not that. I love them, I just… don’t have the body for it.”
Kakashi looked at her dumbly for a moment before turning her body to face him. “Sakura, I promise you, you do. If you didn’t have the body for it, they wouldn’t make your size, which I had to ask Ino for before you ask.”
“Oh, god! I’ll never hear the end of how romantic or hot or whatever it is that you bought me underwear that...might feel slightly more appealing than cotton.”
“Much more appealing than cotton.” He corrected her with a smirk before tilting her chin up and kissing her.
She returned the kiss before pulling back. “Okay, fine. Much more appealing. Now, get out so I can get ready. Your lips are way too enticing.”
“My kisses or the fact you can see them in general now, hm?” He teased.
Damn him.
“Both, now go before we’re late! You have to get ready too, don’t you?” She playfully pushed him towards the door.
“I won’t take anywhere near as long as you.” He shot back as she effectively pushed him from the bathroom.
When he heard the hair dryer turn on, he looked at the time and realized maybe he should start getting ready. He lazily walked back to his room. He pushed through the hangers that had old, worn out ANBU uniforms hung on them. He wondered if they would ever be used again. He found the smoky gray long sleeve button shirt he had been looking for. He couldn’t remember the last time he had even worn this shirt. He vaguely wondered if it had been the funeral service for Jiraiya. 
He stripped down to his boxers before grabbing the black slacks on the hanger behind the shirt and slipping them over his form. He grabbed the shirt and the tie, laying them over the bed.  He pulled a white t-shirt from the drawer and pulled it over his lithe form. He grabbed the button up and slid his arms through the sleeves. He buttoned it up to the top, leaving it open. He glanced at the tie, debating if it was necessary to wear. He tucked his shirt and buttoned the pants. He adjusted everything until it felt comfortable and wasn’t pulling one way or another. He grabbed the dress shoes from the floor of his closet, and her boots before walking back to the living room. 
She came out of the bathroom to see Kakashi folding up the sleeves on his shirt, which was a much hotter sight than she thought it could have been. She smiled lightly before sitting down next to him.
“Thank you for the clothes… And bringing all that from home.” She spoke softly. 
He nodded as he looked over, finding her as beautiful as always. The dress had gone to the middle of her thighs. He could see the difference in her wearing the bra instead of wrappings in her chest which was an appreciative sight he hoped for. She had put on some shimmery gold shadow and smooth liner along her lashes that ended with a small wing. Her lips were tinted pink and shined with gloss. 
She looked gorgeous.
“Nobody would ever think you were kunoichi if they didn’t know the only pink haired person in Konoha was none other than my lovely Sakura Haruno.” He smiled before kissing her cheek. “That dress looks way better actually on you than it ever did on a hanger.”
She smiled before leaning against him. “I like it. I’m kind of excited to go on a double date with them. It’ll be fun, right?” 
He cracked a half smile. “I’m sure you’ll make it fun.” 
She smiled before slipping the shoes and standing up. “Well, let’s go!”
She was brimming with excitement. She couldn’t remember the last time she had even worn makeup, let alone fully dressed up. She grabbed Kakashi’s hand as soon as they got outside of the apartment complex, and had not let go of it since. The subtle click of her heels as she glided through the streets to the park they were supposed to meet their friends at was enough to draw everyone’s attention to them.
He followed her idly, almost being dragged as she insisted on walking so much faster than he ever did. The way her eyes shined with happiness, and the way the light from the streetlamps caught the glitter in her shadow, was mesmerizing to Kakashi. She didn’t look like that for anyone, but she had done all that for him. He never thought she needed makeup, but the gold went well with her eye color. 
She didn’t seem to notice anyone looking at them as they walked together. When she looked back at him, all he saw was pure love and joy, and it made his heart clench. That’s all he ever wanted to give her, no matter what. 
“You look beautiful, Sakura…” He gave an eye crease and squeezed her hand lightly. 
A light blush dusted her cheeks before she looked away and walked to the gate of the park. Asuma and Kurenai were already there. 
“Hey, guys!” She grinned. 
“What do you know, Kakashi did wear something other than the jounin uniform.” Asuma said in a defeated tone. “I guess I owe Genma twenty bucks now.”
“I told you.” Kurenai said as she rolled her eyes.
“I still can’t believe he’s with her, of all women.”
Another woman sighed in annoyance. “Clearly, you don’t know what life is like as a ninja. Sakura is one of the most caring people in the village, and that vet was her sensei but only for a short time, she was mainly trained by Lady Tsunade.”
“She’s a child!”
Sakura turned her head towards the conversing women, surprised to see someone she didn’t know defending them. Curiosity shone in her eyes, and she felt Kakashi pull her towards him, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t worry about any of that tonight.” He murmured into her ear. “I’m not having some random opinionated people ruin your excitement.” 
She turned to him and smiled. “You’re right, I guess.”
“Kurenai said the women are being more brutal about this than they were when we started dating.” Asuma chuckled.
Kakashi scoffed. “Oh, trust me. I’ve heard enough for a lifetime, and it’s not even the only scorn I’ve dealt with, however, it’s for sure the worst.”
Sakura leaned up and kissed his mask cheek, leaving a slightly sparkled spot on the fabric. “Blame Naruto for convincing us to confess.” She giggled. 
He looked down at her before sliding his hand down to rest on her hip. “Sure, why not. But I don’t regret it either way.”
They walked alongside their friends into one of the fancier restaurants and sat down in a booth. They chatted idly for a while about anything and everything. Kakashi mostly watched Sakura, just happy to see her smiling nonstop. Happy to think it was things he did that made her smile and feel so happy. 
He watched her lips as she talked, starting to understand a little bit why she wore the lipstick in the first place. She always had pinker lips, but the red made them more prominent and seemed to demand his attention. He moved his hand to rest on her thigh, a bit surprised by how warm her skin was. 
“Wait for a second, you don’t even know who the ANBU that are assigned to guard you are? I mean I know anonymity is their thing, but usually, in guarding situations, at least the person being guarded knows?” Kurenai shook her head in disbelief.
Sakura shrugged. “I wasn’t told. It must not be that dire to hide who they are, because I doubt Genma would be careless enough to accidentally drop a senbon in front of my face.”
“The other two don’t know you outside of being Tsunade’s apprentice, my former student, and now my lover who is being threatened by a missing nin who was formerly your teammate.” Kakashi said lazily as he blinked a few times to focus back on the conversation.
“In other words, they probably don’t see a reason to reveal who they are if they don’t already know you.” Asuma affirmed.
“I picked who was watching you. I would have preferred Tenzou and Genma, but he’s still on our team and not with ANBU anymore. So just Genma will do, but I trained the others myself. They also think I’m a pervert.” He gave an eye crease.
Sakura rolled her eyes. “Overprotective? I’m pretty sure Shishou would have chosen decent candidates. I’m almost her daughter, according to Shizune. And that’s because everyone knows you are one.”
“Nope. She asked me to choose.”
“Ino keeps insisting the ANBU watch you guys fuck, and I insisted that there’s still privacy in guarding, especially when the last person she is getting guarded against is Kakashi, contrary to some of the villager beliefs here.” He added with a chuckle. “However, now that you mention Genma is there, I have some serious doubts.”
Sakura’s complexion instantly heated up into a cherry shade. “You don’t actually think-”
“Shizune threatened before I did, apparently.” Kakashi said with a chuckle.
Sakura stirred her miso soup a little more before taking another bite. “I sure hope it worked.” She mumbled.
She thought loosely about this moment, just out on a date with their friends. She had always wanted something like this. Just comfortable and genuine, just love. His hand on her thigh was surprising at first, but comforting. She didn’t miss the gazes that were pointed toward their table, or how people whispered, but she forced herself to focus on the date. 
Which wasn’t that hard as she kept stealing glances at Kakashi dressed more casually. She definitely could get used to him wearing clothes that fit his form a little snug compared to the standard jounin garb. She enjoyed the way the fabric moved over his well-toned figure but was still loose enough to only just barely give an outline of the muscles that flex under it.
She felt Kakashi’s hand slowly moving across his thigh, and she dared to glance at his face, which looked perfectly normal, and nothing like he was stroking her skin under the table. She gulped as she crossed her legs over his hand in an attempt to hide it from others. His fingers felt cool against her heated skin, and she was trying to fight off the building arousal. He only squeezed her thigh in response which led to her stifling what would have been a small moan. 
It was awfully hard to focus on anything people could have been whispering about them when she was trying to keep control of her pleasure, and she wondered if that was his goal. Or if he was just being the pervert he was and enjoying toying with her, having known how sensitive she is to even only his touch. Judging by the imprint of a smirk under his mask she could see if she squinted, it was probably both.
“I don’t think even Genma is stupid enough to test Kakashi on that matter.” Kurenai flashed a comforting grin. “So, how did you two finally figure out you both loved each other?”
Sakura smiled in return. “Well, drunk us shared a kiss, but he got all “this isn’t right” and I told Hinata about it a couple of days later.” 
Kakashi raised an eyebrow. “Naruto came to my apartment ready to beat the breaks off of me because she didn’t just tell Hinata, she sobbed to her about it.” He corrected her as he removed his hand from her thigh, letting his fingers slowly slide off her skin.
She shivered slightly before huffing with a pout. “I’m sensitive.”
“Oh, I know.” He gave her an eye crease. “I tell Naruto I love her and some other sappy shit, and he tries to convince me to tell her but I won’t. And he ended up convincing her to tell me.” He pulled her against his side and brushed his lips against her temple. “And now here we are.”
“Is this part where you skip me finding you two together?” Asuma asked with a knowing grin.
“I had suspected you had some type of feelings for her before the bar. I knew she did because she never smiled as much as she did around you. After the way you threatened the guy at the bar, I was for sure about you.” 
“Now just what made me so obvious?” Kakashi furrowed his eyebrows.
“You, well you with three careens of sake in his system, acted more like a jealous boyfriend as opposed to a protective team leader. Right down to openly wrapping your arm around her waist and stroking her hip.” Asuma deadpanned as if that was a stupid question.
Sakura’s cheeks dusted pink once again. “Ah, so that part didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else like I thought it had…” Her voice was quiet and timid as she felt Kakashi rubbing her hip through the fabric of the dress in the same manner as the night before. 
Kurenai laughed softly. “Kakashi hardly ever got involved with women, so when he does we pay close attention. Anko was the first to point out that he was way more touchy with you than any other one before.”
“Wait, really?” Sakura asked as her curiosity became peaked before amusement shone in her eyes. “Well, no wonder why every freaking woman in the town hates my existence right. now.”
Kurenai and Asuma both laughed at her amusement at that new fact. Their plates were about finished and it was seeming to be the end of the night out. They all said their goodbyes before heading back home for the night. 
The whole walk home, she couldn’t help but wonder how Kakashi was rumored to be phenomenal in bed. Well for her it was far from a rumor now. But how did he have that when he didn’t want to be touchy with the women? He would touch and stroke and kiss every inch of her body whenever they made love, and she couldn’t picture him being any other way. It seemed like it was half the fun for her. Then again, she’d never had sex before Kakashi, let alone casual sex. Maybe that was the difference?
13 notes ¡ View notes
diosefm ¡ 3 years
when: very very late, right before the rebel announcement where: the gardens triggers: shitty dads mentions: minos valey, @virgobydcsign @pista-clearmark @deezeeashfrost​
She might have completely ruined the only good thing going on with her life, but at least she's got Virgo again. And she feels things are different now. There is now a silent agreement between the two. They're trusting each other now, they're actually acting like siblings. It doesn't matter if their lives are in shambles, because now they know they can both rely on each other. The newly-found softness between has been translated into physical acts. Diose and her sibling sit in the garden, Virgo's head resting on her lap as they exchange whispers and secrets. They mention Blythe, Pista. Silly yet important things. Things they couldn't discuss before. After the chaos that happened inside the main hall, Diose is at peace now. Sort of. But that's quickly ruined as she hears the familiar sound of her father's boots approaching the pair. "Virgo, we have to go."
They didn’t expect this to be so easy. That after everything they could go running after Diose (literally) and things would be okay. That they’re comfortable here, the delicate scent of their sister’s perfume and the way they bind her secrets to their own. Their eyes drift closed as they listen. Tiny details. Sweet, lovely things they never should’ve missed in the first place. Diose’s shift into panic and their instant understanding. 
 “No.” Virgo stiffens, surprised by their own resolve. They don’t move, their head a solid weight in Diose’s lap. “I think we should stay.” They’re tired of being scared. Shadows cast across their face as Minos comes between them and the light trickling out from the party, almost tempting them to look. Almost. His silence betrays nothing.
Diose has never been scared of her father. When she was younger, the older Valey idolized him, relished on the attention he gave her. While the appearance of Virgo did cause a rift between the two of them, Diose remained his favorite his favorite due to her younger's sibling inability to honor the Valey name despite being the one with actual Valey blood in their veins. As glad as that made Diose at the time, she stopped seeing her father in the same way. And now? She is not scared for her, but for Virgo. So, it's surprising that their younger sibling chooses to not flee and face him instead. Diose knows she can stand her ground when it comes to their father, but has her doubts in regards to Virgo. Still, she is no one to contradict him, so she nods and waits. 
 Despite his age, Minos Valey stills stands tall and proud. His presence is imposing, able to instill fear in the most powerful of men. Because no one can beat him, they're all below him, he's made it clear. And when he speaks, it's even worse.
"You two ought to be happy now. You've been given everything, you were set up to triumph and you've thrown all of that away in favor of playing stupid, childish games. Was your pathetic display last year not enough for you, Virgo?"
They’d be lying if they said they hadn’t been expecting that. Minos did well to hold his tongue this far with regards to their tragic debut. Granted, he’d made a few comments here and there over dinner, but those events had always had company and their father was cautious. Virgo finds the truth now doesn’t hurt them half as much as it ought to. The thing which does creep under their skin, unsettling what calm they’ve found with Diose, is the expectation. So much pressure to hold up archaic ideals of perfection. Being pitted against each other and then against the world because one arrogant old man believes his legacy trumps all. They didn’t ask for this. Neither of them have ever been given much choice. 
 “We haven’t thrown anything away.” Virgo cracks an eye, squinting up at their sister. Even now they look to her for guidance. “Feels like half the guests tonight are dressed in Diose, that’s huge. She’s all the style recaps are going to be talking about for weeks.” Okay, that’s maybe not quite true considering the Games really are coming. But they know their point is solid. If they had the guts to, they’d add that Diose’s work is better for the change in her. They see what she’s done for Nelly. 
 Minos’ expression is unreadable. The art of intimidation is all in the subtleties, the way he angles his chin to look down on the both of them. “What good will that do? After the display you put on for all these esteemed guests?” A weighted pause. “You mean to make a mockery of all I’ve built for you.”
Diose wants to tell Virgo to shut up. They've been dealing with Minos's parenting for longer than they have. They've lived with him, had his eyes follow her everywhere until she decided it was time to flee the nest. She looks down at Virgo and can only shake her head. She's thankful, really. Virgo uses their turn to speak to compliment her, help her appear like she is still flawless and can do no wrong. Maybe Minos saw her that way once, but when Diose looks at him, sees the way her father clenches his fists, she knows how he truly feels.
"Wearing your sister's designs used to mean something. I could hardly hide my disgust when I saw the kind of individuals who dared to don your sister's designs. Rejects, vagrants. People who are not up to our standard, who do not deserve to break bread with us." A pause. "Let alone sit beside you two when the eyes of the Capitol are on you two"
His words sting. They hurt because she knows he is know speaking directly to her. It's a wonder how Diose is able to lift her gaze and look him right in the eye, hand buried in Virgo's hair. "I merely stood up for myself." She does not dare to mention Pista. She doesn't need her father to think of him, have him on his sights. It'll do no good. "Should I have allowed that man to humiliate me? He is nothing but a drunk. I don't understand why you must give him such importance." As much as she hates DeeZee, mentioning his name is not an option either. Pista cares about him, obviously. She'll protect him this one time. Not that his father can't figure out who is who. Diose just wants to direct his attention somewhere else.
"You're pathetic. Both of you are. Pathetic children tainting my hard work, embarrassing me in front of my colleagues. That is not the way we do things, Diose. Discretion is of utmost importance when dealing with vermin."
Virgo may have taken their father’s chastisement with relative ease (at least the won’t think too hard on it until later) but the way he speaks of Diose boils their blood. They think she’s done the right thing in extending her gift to the people they want to call friends. Nelly looks beautiful; Pista is worlds away from toiling over trains. Just because they aren’t Capitol penthouse elite doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get to share in their sister’s perfection. Diose is showing a side of herself they’ve admired for years now, the one she likes to pretend doesn’t exist: true kindness. 
 “It means more now,” they say, softly. Virgo wishes they’d been bold enough to swallow their anguish and ask Diose to dress them, too. The point doesn’t hit as hard when they’d deflected elsewhere. “Weddings are supposed to be about unity. That’s what Diose is showing, collaborating with the people who worked harder than all of us to be here. Not vermin, victors.” 
 Virgo wants to cringe at how pretentious, how idealistic, they sound. Words influenced by the low-budget dramas they love so much but can’t quite capture the heroism of. Speeches aren’t their strong suit. They reach up to squeeze Diose’s arm, gentle reassurance that they’re on her side. After all that she’s shared with them they need her to know they’re on her side. No matter what they say, they know neither would get through to Minos alone. Chances they’ll do it together aren’t great either. 
”Save your excuses. You ought to know better than to stoop to their level. Don’t you realize the damage you’ve done? It’s clear all those years of education were put to waste if you can’t outsmart that halfwit.”
Diose's night has been absolutely terrible, but she finds solace in the fact that Virgo and her are closer than ever. Still, Diose wants nothing more than to put her hand over Virgo's mouth and keep them from talking. She appreciates their words, she really does, but the last thing both of they need is to provoke their father. Diose knows very well what he is capable of when he is upset and she doesn't want her father to target Pista or Nelly. "He provoked me, and I'm your daughter. Should you not be on my side?" But she knows better than that, knows her father is only on the side or those who are winning. With Diose being the laughingstock of the night, she knows the only support she has right now is Virgo's.
"Unity? The only people that you should be concerned about are your family. Your sister's designs are now almost as worthless as yours. Do you not care about my legacy, or your mother's? I knew she spoiled you too much. You're soft. It's sickening. I won't be on your side nor your sister's when you two are determined to spend your time surrounded by people below us. I've had my eyes on both of you all night. Have you forgotten whose blood runs through your veins? That woman you're with has done nothing but spit on your family's work for years."
She feels her father's insults will sting more now that they're getting personal. Diose is certain she can handle at least some of his poison with the help of her remaining grace and poise, but it's Virgo she is worried about. Father is right, they are softer than any other member of their family.
Their father’s words begin to fall on deaf ears. If they’re being honest, they don’t fully understand the concept of a legacy. They’ve heard the word thrown around so carelessly their entire lives that it’s begun to lose all meaning, absent the ambition they’re sure it’s supposed to ignite in them. With Diose, they can see how someone might pin their hopes on her to make them proud. They don’t give themselves the same credit—and for good reason. All the time and money in the world wasn’t enough for Ma to make them who she wanted them to be, a fact she’s begrudgingly accepted. Virgo isn’t surprised to learn their father can’t handle that.
 Virgo’s eyes widen and they push to sitting, angled instinctively toward Diose.  As if they’d stand a chance at sparing either of them this lecture. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” they snap. The tangled mess of rage, and pain, and fear they’ve tended since the hijack flares once again. “That’s—it’s— nothing to do with you.”
“Everything you do, either of you, reflects upon my name. There are eyes everywhere, children, do not think that any of your pathetic attempts at stealth render them blind. Money won’t buy their silence forever. What do you think happens when people begin to question why my daughter has been seen cavorting with some middle-district victor? When they question our loyalties?"
Instinctively, Diose grabs Virgo's hands. For support, and in case she needs to squeeze it so let them know it's time to shut up. Their father isn't the one to give up. And the angrier they make him, the worse the consequences will be. As much as she'd like to properly fight the man and get rid of him at once, Diose still needs him. And he is too powerful. And maybe, she is scared, fearful of what the man could do to her since she's not his blood. Both of her parents have always emphasized how powerful Valey blood is and how lucky she is that they rescued her from Ten. She doesn't doubt her father would be quick to turn on her now that his brainwashing has stopped working on her. Virgo is his biological child, which she sees as an advantage over her.
He says eyes are everywhere and Diose feels like throwing up. She knows this, obviously. Both Virgo and her do as they've been confronted with footage of their wrongdoings before. It was easy to deal with it back then just because Pista wasn't involved. Diose can only guess Virgo feels the same way given how protective they've been of their crush for months. "My loyalties are in the right place. Can you say the same, father? You seem to be losing allies while we've gained new ones. Regardless of who they are, you have always said there is strength in number, have you not?" It's a stupidly dangerous reply, but she is tired and won't have him hurt Pista. Her own self is fair game, but he is out of the question.
"Alliance?" An horrid, sarcastic chuckle fills the air. "Clearly your mother didn't do a proper job teaching you where your priorities should be. And you," he turns towards Virgo, eyes filled with rage. "It has everything to do with me. Defy me again and not even your mother will be able to save you from my rage. Neither will your sister or the fools you two have been sharing your time and beds with."
We are headcanoning the rest because writing that man is exhausting, so bear with us.
Virgo and Diose continue arguing with their father. To give y'all some context, Minos keeps blackmail worthy footage of his kids. He is a producer and in charge of the propaganda you see everywhere, so he is omniscient. He has done this since they were both children and hasn't stopped. If anything, he has more of a reason to keep tabs on them now. He continues berating them about their recent choices and who they let his friends and colleagues see them with. By now it is pretty obvious Blythe and Pista are on his shitlist and he doesn't want them near his children. But do Virgo and Diose care? No.
When he implies he intends knows more than be is letting them know, the Valey siblings rightfully start worrying since if the man has managed to acquire footage of them on the trains, they're fucked. Diose is able to pretend she still has everything under control, but Virgo starts shaking.
Anyway, Minos grabs both Diose and Virgo and drags them towards the main hall. His intention is to take them home so he can fully unleash his fury without anyone seeing him, but Virgo and Diose are saved by the bell. Well, the rebel announcement. Everything is chaos. Virgo completely freezes. It reminds them of past announcements so they don't even react. Thankfully they got Diose who as we know is quick on her feet so she takes advantage of their circumstances, grabs Virgo, and heads straight towards her suite.
The spent the rest of the night having what is probably the most fucked up sleepover party you could ever imagine. Dioses tries her best to comfort Virgo while Virgo tries to fix Diose's cheek but they're both in such a weird state of mind they just stay up talking until they're so exhausted they pass out on Diose's bed.
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loki-lover84 ¡ 4 years
Season 01 Episode 03: “The Mark of Nimueh”
Guinevere had started spending more time with Brenna and I much like we used to, she’d been requesting our help with some tasks that had unfairly been assigned to her so of course we were more than happy to help her, I still felt a little uncomfortable around her though, I’m convinced that both her and Merlin like one another and don’t want to get in the way of my friends happiness but I also wanted that happiness for myself. I’d had a free morning and planned on going riding by myself, Brenna of course refused to let that be the case and wanted to join me which of course I allowed, I’d dressed in one of my more simplistic outfits a woodland brown shade of leggings, a faded white blouse with a dark corset belt, a dark brown pair of boots and a leaf green cape, my hair lowly tied back just so it was out of the way. I was about to mount H/n when I saw Gaius and Merlin pulling a heavy cart behind them, in a blink of an eye Gwen was there and he stood talking to Merlin before handing him a purple flower from her bouquet they spoke briefly once again, before Merlin and Gaius continued on the purple flower sticking out of the top of his blue neckerchief. I looked away mounting my trusty H/n before clenching the reigns tightly and galloping past Gaius, Merlin then Gwen without so much of a friendly smile accidentally leaving Brenna and her horse Raven in our dust.
All I wanted was a nice calm serene ride and now, I’m agitated and upset pushing H/n to their limits. I shouldn’t care this much, yes I’ve got to know Merlin better, yes I like him even more and yes I know his secret, I know he has magic but for all I know Gwen could know and feel all of these things too. What Merlin and I have isn’t special, it’s less than my bond with Gwen, with Arthur, with Morgana, with Brenna, heck probably even less than my bond with Uther. So why is it getting to me so much.
“Hey, Y/n you might want to slow down a bit, I’m sure you don’t want to take out all your frustrations on H/n.” Brenna yelled from behind me on a sprinting Raven.
I pulled the reigns slightly indicating for H/n to go at their own speed.
“What’s bothering you? You were perfectly fine, and looking forward to your morning ride and now you’re racing ahead as if you’re running away from something. I’d honestly thought you’d be glad Uther consented to you leaving the castle grounds so you didn’t have to sneak out but-“
“It’s Gwen.” I spoke cutting Brenna off.
“What’s wrong? Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s perfectly fine I dare say she’s even beyond that, I think she’s in love.” I reply.
“Well isn’t that a good thing?” Brenna asked as she rode beside me.
“Yeah of course it is just; I wish she were in love with someone else.”
“Why? Who is she in love with?”
“I think she might be in love with Merlin and…I think he feels the same about her. For all I know they’re already courting.”
“I doubt that they’re courting but, why is it bothering you so much?”
“I’m not sure.” I sighed, our horses stayed at a steady walking pace as we talked about other events in our lives but my mind focused on trying to come up with an answer to Brenna’s question.
An hour or so had passed by the time we decided to head back, I was feeling better despite still not achieving a conclusion. We dismounted in the courtyard and led our horses back to the stables before bumping into a rather on edge Arthur.
“Y/n. You’re alright.” Arthur exclaimed checking me over.
“Yes, I ‘m alright. Shouldn’t I be?” I asked confused at Arthur’s relief.
“There’s a plague spreading around Camelot and it’s very deadly we don’t know what it is but we know it’s some kind of sorcery.”
Fantastic something goes wrong in Camelot it’s magic. Uther finally let’s me go riding and now I’m back to being forced to stay in the castle and do nothing whilst the people of Camelot die.
“So what’s going on as of now to prevent it?”
“Father’s ordered me to lead some of our guards in tracking down the sorcerer behind it all.” Arthur answers, “You should probably get inside and let Morgana know you’re okay, she’s been worried about your absence.” I nodded my head leaving my horse for the kind stable boy to attend to.
As I made my way into Morgana’s chambers, I was barely even a step in when I was tackled into a tight hug from my sister.
“Thank goodness you’re okay!” She sighed in relief however still not letting me go. “I’ve been so worried.”
“I’m perfectly fine, I promise. It is ironic though, the one the one time I’m allowed outside the castle grounds, a plague infects Camelot.” I laugh in attempt to lighten the mood.
“You do realise that privilege has probably been revoked.”
“I’d go one step further and say it’s definitely been revoked.”
“Please pay attention to it though Y/n, for once listen to Uther. For me.” Morgana pleaded I couldn’t exactly refuse her and I wasn’t stupid.
“I promise.” I say leaving her room to get myself a drink.
Guinevere ran right past me sobbing, she was on her way to Gaius’s by the looks of things, as was I to see if there’d been any developments on the sickness situation. Merlin sped past me a bucket of water in his hands which did seem a bit odd, I was about to take a sip from my goblet when in a flash it was smacked out of my hand, it’s content spilling onto the ground.
“Merlin! Why did you do that?” I snapped as he’d appeared in front of me, I was dehydrated and desperately wanted a drink since I hadn’t drank anything since last night.
“Don’t drink that, in fact don’t drink any water.” Merlin ordered.
“What? Why?”
“Gaius and I believe the plague is being transferred through the water supply.”
“Couldn’t you just have used your magic and made my water safe to drink?” I huff feeling a headache coming on.
“You should probably keep your voice down, at this rate I think you want to see my head cut off. And also, Gaius told me not to use my magic for this, that we’d find another solution.” Merlin said as we walked to Gaius’s chambers.
The door was open and I could hear Gwen crying and pleading inside. When we entered Gaius was explaining the situation to her before apologizing to her. Gwen turned around tears streaming down her face as she ran from the room, I fled too wanting to catch up with her, to see if there was any way I could help her. Upon catching up to her I pulled her in for a hug.
“Gwen, what’s wrong?”
“It’s my father, he’s been infected Y/n.” She cried, “He’s all I have. There must be something they can do.”
I rubbed her back soothingly as her sobs came harder and less controlled.
“Don’t worry, I’m certain Merlin and Gaius will be able to come up with something for you and your father before it’s too late. Take the rest of the day off, Brenna and I will do the rest of your tasks today I’m sure Morgana will understand.” I coo to her in attempt to calm her down.
It must’ve worked because she’s pulled away and wiping away some of her tears before nodding and leaving the castle to spend the day with her father. I walk back to Gaius’s room and see Merlin is nowhere in sight.
“Y/n, can I help you?” Gaius asks his attention now on me.
“ Well yes, I was wondering if you could make me one of the draughts you used to do to ease the pain of my headaches.”
“Certainly, is that all?”
“No, where’s Merlin?” Gaius nods his head to the wooden door leading to the back room.
I smile and thank him as I walk over to the door and enter without knocking, quick as a flash Merlin shoves the book he was reading under his pillow before seeing that it was me.
“Didn’t mean to startle you, I just…I know Gaius said no magic but, it’s Gwen she’s only got her father she can’t lose him.” I say firmly.
“I know.” Merlin says pulling out the book from under his pillow. “And she won’t once I’ve got this spell perfected, he should be fine.”
Oh…of course he was already doing it. Why wouldn’t he be? He does love her after all.
“Right…I’ll leave you be then.” I say before hurriedly leaving and turning in for the night.
The next day Arthur had hurried out to the lower town to interrogate Gwen’s father as word spread that he was no longer sick which was great, Merlin must’ve done it however looking at it now and Gwen’s father being the only one to have survived did make it seem a bit suspicious.
“Y/n come quickly!” Morgana pleaded.
“What’s going on?” Brenna asked confused by my twins outlandish intrusion.
“It’s Gwen. They’re arresting her. They think she’s the sorcerer.”
I leapt up and ran to the throne room where Uther would inevitably pass his judgement on her Brenna directly behind me and Morgana a bit after her. We arrived at the throne room before anything happened and saw a pleading Gwen on the floor.
“He got better. He’s recovered, I didn’t do anything.” Gwen begged.
“I believe you.” Morgana says marching in with us.
“Perhaps this disease is not always fatal.” I say standing my ground beside my friends. “Have you thought of that?”
“Perhaps he recovered naturally.” Morgana adds.
“And what of this poultice that was found?” Uther asks calmly.
“What poultice? I don’t know anything about a poultice.” Gwen states.
“It was found in your house.” Uther says standing up from his throne to talk down to Gwen. “Undo this enchantment. Put an end to this contagion.”
“I can’t!”
“I can show you no mercy.”
“I am not a witch! I don’t know how to stop the illness.”
“If you will not undo your sorcery you force my hand, I must find you guilty.”
“But I can’t, I’ve told you-“
“It is my duty to pronounce judgement. Under the circumstances, I have no choice but to sentence you to death.”
“No.” Gwen whimpers.
“I can only that when you die, this evil plague dies with you.”
With that Gwen is dragged away still pleading her innocence.
“Are you seriously that blind! She’s clearly innocent,  yet you chose to believe otherwise because if you don’t then you have to face the fact that you don’t actually know what you’re doing!” I growl at Uther my glare piercing through to his soul.
“Silence! You will not take that tone with me, you will not disrespect me in front of the court. Need you be reminded what will happen to you if this behaviour continues!” Uther seethes venomously his glare just as harsh and yet I don’t back down.
“You can lock me away for a week, as long as you spare the life of a clearly innocent girl that’s done nothing but serve us and love her father.” I challenge I’m about to take it to a whole new level when Morgana intervenes.
“I know Gwen. She’s my maidservant, not an enchantress.”
“Have you ever seen an enchantress?” Uther asks coldly. “Believe me they bare no sign of the mark. There is no sense of evil in the eye.”
“I’ve seen the way the girl works. Her fingers are worn, her nails are broken. If she was a sorceress , then why would she do this, why would she kneel on a cold stone floor, morning after morning, when she could make these things happen with a snap of her fingers? Like an idle king.” Morgana finishes.
“You have no right!” Uther hisses at her.
“Yu have a right to cast judgement on-“
“I have a responsibility to take care of this kingdom. I take no pleasure in this.”
“You’re sentencing the wrong person.” Morgana’s voice comes softer this time not wishing to rile Uther up any more.
“She’s right, Y/n too. You hear the word ‘magic’, and you no longer listen.” Arthur joins.
“You saw yourself…she used enchantments.”
“Yes, maybe. But to save her dying father, that doesn’t make her guilty of creating a plague. One’s the act of kindness of love, the other of evil. I don’t believe evil is in this girl’s heart.”
“I have witnessed what witchcraft can do. I have suffered at its hand. I cannot take that chance. If there is the slightest doubt about this girl she must die or the whole kingdom may perish.”
“I understand that.”
“One day you may become king. Then, you will understand. Such decisions must be made. There are dark forces that threaten this kingdom.”
“I know. Witchcraft is an evil, Father. So is injustice. Yes I am yet to be king and I don’t know what kind of king I will be. But I do have a sense of the kind of Camelot I wish to live in. It will be where the punishment fits the crime.” Arthur speaks calmly trying to meet Uther on even ground.
“I fear you are right. She’s played with fire. And sadly she must die by fire.” Uther says before swigging the contents of his goblet leaving, Morgana exits the throne room in the opposite direction.
“Arthur, we can’t let her die she’s innocent.” I say.
“I’m aware Y/n but at this point I don’t know what we could do to prove her innocence.”  Arthur says as he two leaves the room leaving Brenna and I alone with two guards at the main entrance.
We decide to go and see Gwen in the cells to see how she’s coping but on our way down my sister rushes past us trying to fight her tears.
“Brenna, you go ahead. I need to see if my sister is okay.” I say hurrying after her. “Morgana, talk to me what’s wrong?” I ask despite being fully aware of the situation.
“She’s our friend Y/n. She’s going to pay the ultimate price for a crime she did not commit.” Morgan cries holding onto me.
“No she won’t. I won’t let that happen to her or anyone else that’s falsely accused.” I promise.
“How can you be so sure you heard Uther-“
“It’s me, I’m not going to randomly start listening to what Uther says and agree with it if I don’t, I fight him. Yes he may not like me as an outcome however; I’d have done the right thing, something Uther gets to say he does on the rarest of occasions.” Morgana was silent for a moment as we separated.
“Please help her.” She eventually whispered before walking away, with a new sense of determination I snuck past the guards as Brenna distracted them for me.
I heard voices as I approached, Merlin and Gwen.
“It’s all right. Don’t worry about me. There’s no point crying about it. I mean, I’m not saying that you were going to cry about me. Obviously I don’t think that.” Gwen stammered.
“Oh Gwen.” Merlin whispered, “I can’t have this happen.”
“Please, one thing. You, you don’t have to. But…”
“Remember me.” Gwen asked, my heart broke at her words.
“You’re not going to die. I’m not going to let this happen.” Merlin vows as he turns and leaves making me hide behind one of the convenient stick out-ish walls that are all over the castle as he runs right past me.
I step out and slowly approach her, her brown eyes glossy and wide from the tears that currently stained her cheeks. Guinevere was the most innocent and kind soul around, practically everyone in Camelot was friends with her or were at least pleasantly acquainted with her. If the public were allowed to give their verdict they’d all say she was innocent despite the heinous accusations.
“Gwen.” I spoke softly not wanting the guards to know I was there.
“Y/n what are you doing here? If you were to get caught goodness knows what King Uther would do.” Gwen said startled by my presence.
“It’s okay, I can look after myself. But now I’m here to look after you, I promise you Uther will not have his way, you will live I’ll see to that personally.”
“Y/n don’t make promises you can’t always guarantee to keep.” Gwen replied as a fresh tear fell down her face. “Could you promise me something else though? If I am to die tomorrow, please look after my father, he doesn’t have much and I know my death will consume him so please, show him the kindness you show to me and everyone else you encounter, don’t let him fall onto a dark path.” I kept her gaze, I could feel her hopelessness and her sorrow.
“I promise. If that day comes I promise you he’ll be in good hands.”
“Thank you.” Gwen whispered as I took my leave, Brenna once again following after me once I was passed the guards and rounded the corner.
“Y/n Uther is holding a court in process now if we hurry we could try intervene in some way. Brenna spoke causing me to run up the stairs and take the quickest route that would lead us the passage way at the front of the court room.
Upon arrival the double doors burst open and a semi-out of breath Merlin appeared.
“It was me. It was me that used magic to cure Gwen’s father. Gwen is not the sorcerer. I am.” Merlin boldly announced causing Gaius to stand abruptly.
“Merlin! Are you mad?” Gaius spoke in efforts to discourage him.
“I cannot let her die for me. I place myself at your mercy.”
“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Gaius tried as he faced Uther.
“I do.”
“Then arrest him.” Uther ordered taking his seat at the head of the table.
“Father, please I can’t allow this. This is madness! There’s no way Merlin is a sorcerer.” Arthur spoke quickly.
“Did you not hear him? He admitted it.”
“He saved my life, remember?” Arthur tried once again.
“Why should he fabricate such a story?” Uther then asked.
“As Gaius said, he’s got a grave mental disease.” Arthur attempted causing everyone to look over at Merlin.
“Really?” Uther spoke unconvinced as Arthur crossed his arms and nodded even though his face clearly gave away the fact that he was lying.
“He’s in love!” I blurt stepping into the room properly making everyone’s attention including Merlin’s to land on me.
“What?” Merlin asked taken aback by my accusation.
“With Gwen.” I continued to Uther.
“I am not.” He tried.
“Yes, you are.” Arthur said quickly siding with me, it stung slightly if Arthur could see it, it had to be true.
“I saw you with that flower she’d given you.” Arthur too nodded his head as he approached Merlin.
“But…I’m not in love with her.” Merlin said his eyes locked on mine.
“It’s all right.” Arthur said wrapping his arm around Merlin’s shoulders.
“You can admit it.” I added.
“I don’t even think of her like that!” Merlin snapped his eyes never leaving mine.
“Perhaps she cast a spell on you.” Uther teased before laughing making Merlin fall silent for a moment.
“Merlin is a wonder, but the wonder is that he’s such an idiot.” Arthur spoke shaking Merlin  whom remained quiet. “There’s no way he’s a sorcerer.”
“Don’t waste my time again. Let him go.” With that Merlin was released and Arthur moved back to his original position at the table.
Not sure of what else to do Merlin awkwardly left, Gaius soon politely dismissing himself to follow after the young sorcerer. Brenna lightly tapped my shoulder and signalled for us to take our leave back through the way we’d entered. We were making our way to the physician’s quarters when we saw Gaius and Merlin leaving it.
“Wait.” I called Brenna and I catching up to them.
“Ah, Y/n. I’m afraid my dear we can’t stop for too long your draught for your headaches is on my bench if you’d like to help yourself?” Gaius spoke.
“Thank you Gaius but, that can wait. Where are you two going?”
“We’re going to try to find out what is causing this disease to prove Gwen’s innocence.” Merlin answered actively avoiding looking at me, he must be angry that I told the court about his love.
“We’ll come too.”
“Y/n. I’m afraid I must insist that you don’t, this could be dangerous.” Gaius attempted to dissuade but, I was having none of it.
“No! I made a promise to myself, to Gwen and to my twin sister! I’m proving Gwen’s innocence whether you let me or not.” Gaius smiled, his eyes filled with pride.
“Of course, you and Brenna may join us but it could still be dangerous.”
“I’m not afraid.” I spoke confidently as Brenna nodded in agreement her face showing an equal amount of determination.
We walked just outside the castle grounds and along the side wall following it around until we reached a wooden door, Gaius pulled out an old key and unlocked the door as we hurried inside. There was one flaming torch at the entrance and the room only had a dark murky set of stairs that lead downwards, Merlin picked up one of the potential torches that lay on the dusty stone ground and lit it off the main flame creating our own source of light as we continued down the uneven steps. Upon reaching the bottom we found other torched lit along the walls granting extra visibility however, Merlin still kept a hold of his.
“This water supplies the whole town. Take a sample.” He spoke to Merlin as we approached a large basin filled with water.
To do as requested, Merlin handed the torch to Brenna before he searched through the satchel grabbing a vial and scooped up some water. Once he’d put it away securely in the bag Brenna handed the torch back to Merlin as we turned to leave.
“Let’s take it back and examine it.” Gaius spoke.
“Well I don’t know about you guys but that wasn’t remotely dangerous.” Brenna said a silly grin on her pale face.
There was a sudden roar behind us and a splash of water causing us to all turn back to the basin. After seeing nothing but suddenly no longer feeling completely safe we hurried back to Gaius’s.
“It was an Afanc.” Gaius spoke after finding something in one of his many books.
“An…A what?” Merlin asked looking down into the book.
“A beast born of clay and conjured up only by the most powerful sorcerer.” Brenna responded making us look at her in confusion and bewilderment.
“Now we have to find a way to defeat it.” I said.
“But where?” Brenna asked as we all looked up at the collection of books Gaius possessed.
“That could take days. Gwen’ll be dead by then.” Merlin spoke anxiously.
“Have you got a better idea?” Gaius asked a smirk made its  way onto Merlin’s face as he hurried away.
“Well seen as though he’s ran off we best get started.” I spoke up as I grabbed our first set of books to begin our search for information.
We’d made our way through a fair few books scanning the text on every page for anything about an Afanc,  Gaius ended up leaving to go on his supply run promising to be back as soon as he could. I’d moved onto another book when Merlin burst in looking at every book title and occasionally skimming through some text, but Brenna and I remained focused on our task at hand.
“Merlin, what are you doing?” A curious Gaius asked an energetic Merlin, as he entered and placed his satchel down.
“Looking for a book.”
“Care to tell me which one?”
“A book on elements.”
“Yes. Which one would I find them in?”
“Most of them. The study of base elements is at the very heart of scientific process.” I spoke up my eyes never leaving my book.
“But, how will they help me kill the Afanc?” Merlin asked.
“Well the Afanc is a creature made of earth and water, that’s two of the four base elements.” Brenna answered.
“What about the other two?”
“Well, perhaps they will destroy it.” Gaius suggested. “You want fire-“
“Wind and fire.” I interrupted putting my book down.
“How did you find this out?” Gaius asked Merlin.
“Erm…I just knew, ya’know. Part of my powers.” Merlin replies, my eyes widen in shock, I’d already assumed that Gaius knew but I’m pretty sure Brenna didn’t and here they were off handedly talking about it in front of her.
“What else do your powers tell you?”
“That I’m one side of a coin. The brighter side, obviously.” Merlin says quickly.
“And who’s the other?” Brenna asks seemingly unfazed by all the other revelations.
“That’d be Arthur.”
The door creaks open and in comes my sister.
“They’re bringing forward the execution. We have to prove Gwen’s innocence.”  She speaks.
“We’re trying.” Gaius replies.
“Please just tell me what I can do to help.”
“We need Arthur.” I say standing up.
“Arthur?” My sister asks.
“There’s a monster-“ I begin.
“An Afanc in the water supply that’s what’s causing the plague.” Merlin continues as walks toward Morgana.
“We must tell Uther.” Morgana insists.
“The Afanc is a creature forged by magic. Telling Uther would just blame Gwen for conjuring it.” I say and she nods.
“So what are we to do?”
“We need to destroy it. Then the plague will stop and Uther may see sense.” Merlin says.
Personally I wouldn’t bet on those odds but we have to have faith I suppose.
“And that’s why you need Arthur.” Morgana says having caught up with the situation.
“He’s our best chance.” Merlin says firmly.
“But he won’t want to disobey the King.” Brenna states, Morgana’s eyes flick between us.
“Leave that to me.” She says confidently as she goes to locate Arthur.
Gaius hands Merlin the key to the door from earlier and he leaves, me following closely behind him as Brenna and Gaius remain. Merlin and I wait for Morgana to hopefully show up with Arthur in the courtyard so that we can kill this creature and save Gwen’s life. We wait by the makeshift burning stake seeing Arthur and Morgana approach as we lead the way, Arthur drawing his before we even leave the courtyard. We reach the entrance, this time Arthur and Morgana light the torches and carry them as we head to the stone basin.
“You better be right about this Merlin.” Arthur says taking the lead.
There’s a low rumbling growl which startles my sister making her stop and gasp, whilst Arthur scans the area.
“You two should stay here.” Arthur says to Morgana and I.
“We’re coming with you.” I say forcibly.
“Scared we’ll show you up?” Morgana teases.
“Father would slam us all in chains if he knew I’d endangered you.” Arthur speaks honestly making me wince at the memories of my last chaining.
Morgana looks at me sympathetically before making her decision.
“Good thing he doesn’t know, then.”
“I’m telling you, turn back. You could get hurt.”
“So could you…if you don’t get out of my way.” With that my sister walks forward taking the lead.
“How’re we gonna find it?” Morgana asks after we hear the Afanc’s growl again.
“Just hope we do, before it finds us.” Merlin says as we continue on.
“Stop!” Arthur calls as we all turn back around.
“What?” Merlin asks before we see a sudden movement.
“It’s just a shadow.” Arthur dismisses, so we continue our search.
“Spread out.” Arthur suggests, there were only three directions to go so I went with my twin.
Within a couple of seconds we hear Arthur grunting and hurry back to him.
“What is it?” I ask.
“Are you alright?” Morgana adds.
“Yeah.” Arthur sighs.
“Did you see it?” Merlin asks hurrying back to us.
“What did it look like?”
“It, it’s quick.” Arthur right as my sister screams and the beast roars. “Where is it?”
“I think it’s gone this way.” Merlin calls as we follow him.
The Anfac grumbles as is slowly prowls towards us.
“Arthur, use the torch!” I command as he advances toward the creature.
Next to me Merlin begins to chant a spell of some kind whilst Morgana and Arthur are busy with the Anfac, I notice something I’d never noticed before though Merlin’s eyes go a beautiful shade of gold when he casts a spell. For a moment I’d completely forgotten the Anfac was there as I gaze in amazement at Merlin before a gust of wind winds through the tunnels and manipulates the flame on Arthur’s torch allowing it to consume the Anfac. We leave the tunnels after making sure the beast was indeed dead so that we could share our triumph as Arthur sends word to Uther.
Morgana, Merlin and I meet with Brenna and Thomas her father before we rush down to the prison cells, thankfully I’d been granted access seen as though I was with Morgana and we hurried to see Gwen. The moment the cell gate was opened Thomas ran in and hugged his daughter tightly overwhelmed with joy and relief.
“Thank you.” Gwen said to my sister as she parted from her father.
“Don’t thank me. It was more Merlin and Y/n.”
“Really?” She asked.
“He’s more the real hero here.” I said putting a smile on my face.
“I don’t know what to say.” Gwen sighed looking up at Merlin.
“I didn’t do anything.” Merlin laughed uncomfortably.
“I’m grateful to you all. Come on, Gwen.” Her father says as he ushers her out of the cells but not before Brenna pulls her in for a hug and leaves with them leaving me, Morgana and Merlin in the cell.
“Merlin, I wanted you to know…your secret’s safe with me.” Morgana says a serious expression on her face.
She saw, she heard I didn’t think she had but I was relieved that I now needn’t worry about hiding Merlin’s truth from my sister.
“My secret?” Merlin says acting oblivious.
“Merlin, don’t pretend. I know what you did.”
“You do?”
“Saw it with my own eyes.”
“You did?”
“I understand why you wouldn’t want anyone to know.”
“Well obviously.” I murmur.
“But I won’t tell anyone.” She says smiling up at Merlin as he smiles back at her. “You don’t mind me talking to you about it?”
“Er, no. You have no idea how hard it is to keep this hidden.” Merlin replies giddily as my sister laughs, I feel like I should’ve left already but for some reason I remained.
“Well, you can continue to deny it, but I think Gwen’s a very lucky woman.” Morgana finally says, so she didn’t see his magic and she too had picked up on their fondness for one another.
“It’s our secret.” Morgana says smiling as she places her finger to her ruby red lips prior to walking away and Merlin lets out a sigh.
“Well, it’s not much but, I still know. I haven’t forgotten and I haven’t told anyone.” I smile at him shyly trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah that’s true, you know, Gaius knows, my mum knows.-“
“Brenna knows.”I add.
“What? I thought you said you didn’t tell anyone.”
“I didn’t. She was in the same room as us when you and Gaius were talking about a book about elements, heck she even explained some things to you.” I defended before walking away from him.
Who does he think he is? Thinking that I’d betray someone’s trust like that. I think as I storm up to my chambers to retire for the evening after a hectic day. Brenna knew her services wouldn’t be required for the rest of this evening to I didn’t have her to worry about barging into my room as I began to strip out of my dress and corset abandoning my clothes on the ground before making my way over to my chest of draws and pulling out a night gown when I hear my chamber door slam shut. Instinctively I hide my exposed body behind the night dress.
“Y/n, Gaius asked me to-“ Merlin began before his eyes landed on me.
“MERLIN! Turn around!” I screamed at the raven haired boy, once he did I ran behind my changing screen and put the dress on.
Once I’d regained my modesty, I stepped out from behind the screen and picked up my abandoned clothes and put them in my laundry hamper.
“You can turn around no Merlin. What is it you wanted?” Merlin turned around to face me a familiar vial in his hand.
“Gaius told me to give you this, said they’d help with your returning headaches.” He said placing the vial down on my table.
“Thank you Merlin. Is there anything else you wanted?” I asked my cheeks still slightly flushed from the earlier incident.
“There is one thing.” Merlin said as he walked over to stand directly in front of me.
“Yes?” I questioned trying to slow my pounding heart.
“Why did you tell Uther I’m in love with Gwen?” Okay not what I was expecting if I’m completely honest.
“Well it’s just kind of obvious that she likes you and that you like her, so obvious that not only did Morgana notice but Arthur has done too.” I reply avoiding giving him eye contact.
“What does Brenna think, you value her opinion don’t you?” Merlin urges.
“Well…she thinks you like someone else.” Not entirely a lie.
“And who would that be?” He asks taking a step closer to me his eyes shining with mischief.
“I…I don’t know, she didn’t say.”
“Are you quiet sure of that My Lady?” He says suggestively, this time leaning closer to me.
“I’m honestly not entirely sure of anything right now.” I laugh anxiously not knowing how else to react to his intense line of questioning and closeness.
“What if I were to prove to you I didn’t love Gwen?”
“I seriously don’t know how you’d manage-“ I was cut off by Merlin’s soft lips landing upon mine, my eyes instinctively closing, I’d never been kissed before I didn’t know how to respond.
His lips moved against mine encouraging me to copy his movements as one of his arms slithered around my waist pressing me tightly to him, my right arm cradled around the back of his neck giving me some more support and deepening the kiss. Once I finally realised what was happening I pulled away.
“I’m sorry Merlin, I didn’t mean to…” I couldn’t finish my sentence I was blushing, my heart was pounding and I felt conflicted.
My friend is in love with him, I know she’s in love with him, I can’t be kissing him! I’m ruining her chance at happiness. But I could also be ruining my chance at happiness.
“No, please forgive me that was too forward of me.” Merlin stammers his cheeks pink as he straightens out his clothing, “I just thought…never mind.”
“Merlin. What did you think?” I ask eagerly as he scurries away bumping into some of my furniture, his confidence long gone his clumsiness now returning.
“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.” With that Merlin leaves.
I was overwhelmed by everything that had just happened. Why would Merlin kiss me? He likes Guinevere doesn’t he? Maybe he was just caught up from all the excitement earlier with the Afanc. If ever there was a time to have a Seer to show you or tell you your future. Attempting to push all my thoughts away and out of my mind I drank my requested draught from Gaius and staggered to my bed hoping to put this all behind me.
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