#and so when people remark on that aspect of. how i write i guess.
bsaka7 · 1 year
Sorry if this is weird or anything but re:the post you rb'd abt fanfic... i adore all your writing - you're such a talent, thank you for sharing the things you write!
I really do think of your stories a lot - as slashfic it is wonderful and very much appreciated, but so much of it just leaves me with a lasting impression of a theme or feeling that I can't shake; beyond the story itself. You have an incredible way with words, managing to convey things wholly but without any exaggeration, which makes for a perfect and usually heart-rending read
Thank you again :)
definitely not weird!!! i appreciate and cherish what everyone says about my writing and i am always deeply grateful for your comments. i'm clutching this ask like when otters float on their backs with the clam pressed to their chest!!! i often think that i'm -- trying too hard with fic, or i think too hard about it. i'm very glad that themes and feelings stuck with you because that is so often what i am trying to impart. i think -- i have these questions that go round and round in my head (connection, meaning, misdirection, etc) and sometimes my fic is a way of trying to figure out one perspective or another on those things, or is responding to something i've read in a book (i swear i'm not that pretentious okay. a little. but not TOO bad i hope.), or is just. i think this would be cool (or hot) can i execute it!! and i throw this all out to you guys and you are always far too kind. anyway long story short i really appreciate u and appreciate everyone who likes my writing haha!! i've only ever written like...history papers for school so you guys have seen nearly all the creative writing i've done in my entire life so it's very nice that you enjoy! and it's such an honor that anything i write sticks with u <333333333333333
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blues824 · 1 year
Hi! May I request the housewardens with a Raven!like s/o from Teen Titans?
💜 She's the daughter of a human mother and demonic father
💜 She's an empath and able/can sense both pain and disease and can remove them, assimilating them to her own body and expunge them but at a cost of great physical pain. She can also read the emotions of others and control them, also granting her telepathic-like insight into their minds.
💜 Her weakness is strong emotions. She has the ability to feel other people's emotions. But if she comes into contact with an individual with strong emotions whether good or bad, it will overwhelm her and bring her pain.
💜 Her main power is the ability to channel her Soul Self, projecting her spirit outside of her body to scout, fight, or manipulate objects.
💜 She is quiet, troubled, brooding, grim, moody, seemingly emotionless, intelligent, studious and sarcastic. She can always come up with a smart remark.
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Take your time with this ask, and don't rush to finish it :)
I apologize, but since I didn’t have any motivation I will be giving you three housewardens. Can’t believe I have over 700 requests-
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Riddle Rosehearts
He is very intrigued since you were a demon-human hybrid. However, you used your powers for good rather than how your father originally intended, and that’s something that he looks up to. You don’t let your parentage define you, and he takes a page from your book in that aspect.
Honestly, Riddle overwhelmed you a lot because he was always angry and in pain because of his past and how he is scared to disappoint his mother. When you told him, he realized that if he wanted to be with you then he needed to change his ways. So guess who started going to therapy!!!
Riddle doesn’t like your sarcasm, but you were very down-to-earth, which he appreciated. You both were quite the pair, only told of in old romantic but tragic novels. This most definitely showed in how you both liked to write letters to each other; a rather formal way of communication, reserved for the two of you.
When he overblotted, you were torn. However, you used your soul-self to battle him. He didn’t even see the raven before being easily taken down by it. The last thing he remembers before being taken to the infirmary was you rushing over and holding his body close. Even when he attacked you, your love for him was still there.
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Leona Kingscholar
He was wary of you because you were a very powerful demon, but you often used it for the good of others rather than just yourself. He respects the fact that you are trying your hardest to not be like your dad, since he tries not to suck up to his older brother’s expectations as well.
Unfortunately, his anger became an overwhelming source of emotion and energy for you, and you had to write a short note saying so when you saw that he was getting increasingly upset at you avoiding him. Once he was informed of this, he started taking measures to relieve his anger, like exercising more.
He loved how feisty you could sometimes be, especially when you were sarcastic. You both could go back and forth for hours because you both didn’t like losing battles. Instead of calling you ‘herbivore’, he probably called you ‘Poe’ after Edgar Allen Poe.
When he overblotted, you took quick action and used your Soul-Self powers. You used your actual body as a diversion so that you had the element of surprise, and it worked. As he saw the raven go back inside your body, he couldn’t help but feel proud of you for making such a quick decision without hesitation.
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Azul Ashengrotto 
He was intimidated by you. You were a powerful half-demon who couldn’t be kept under a contract because that’s not how this works. It’s like how he can’t steal the ears of a beastman because it was biologically instilled within them.
Azul doesn’t tend to show too many emotions, but you can sense his fear and insecurities and it makes you a bit anxious. You tell him this, and he just feels exposed. However, he has been taking active steps to getting to a place where he can look in the mirror and feel good about himself.
This cecaelia is the type to like your sarcasm when it’s directed towards someone who is doing something stupid (Ace). When it’s directed towards him, he is low-key kind of offended. Like, weren’t you supposed to be on his side?? You didn’t have to call him out on his shady business deals…
Anyways, when he overblotted, your speed wasn’t affected by being underwater. Someone might have thought you were descended from a sea animal because you actually moved faster. You used your Soul-Self and managed to defeat him while causing a distraction with your actual body (think scarecrow in a field). Last thing he saw was you running over and making sure he didn’t hit his head as he fell.
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personwhowrites · 9 months
TF141 + Alejandro and anyone else with spetsnaz soldier?
Ah,thank you so much for requesting this! Writing this involved doing some research so I'm sorry if some things don’t add up. It was hard to look up proper information about this specific topic. - P
John Captain Price
Price was one to hate the idea of getting help from any team he knew little about. Laswell was unsure if you were the right person to help them for a rough mission that involved training no one in TF 141 had. So you were called in, part of the Russian Special Forces which didn’t make Price happy but knew he had to do this for the upcoming operations.
He knew you were some different type of soldier, one to be trained to never break and stand the most harmful wounds. The Navy seals had nothing compared to your training, they went under stress but you went under the most unspeakable pain. Price immediately knew something about you would be hard to understand as you stood in front of his desk. Your hands behind our back, you looked at Price with a blank expression. You were trouble for sure, and Price knew it.
When Price tries to warm up to you, understand you better. You at all costs didn’t let him do such a thing. You would do things like roll your eyes, scuff at his questions and ignore any sign of good treatment. It’s not like you didn’t want to be someone close to him, it's just that you weren’t allowed to.
“Why don’t you loosen up with us! You have been with us for three months.” Price barks at you while he bawls up his fist. “I understand we don’t meet eye to eye, but I'm getting tired of being the only one out of the two of us that tries to mend things or get to know each other!”
“You expect me to trust some people so quickly.” You remark raising a brow. “Expect me to lower my guard out of nowhere and be buddy buddy with you and your men? Don’t expect such a thing..it's foolish, even a foolish man wouldn’t expect such a thing from me.”
“Watch the tone.” Price replies less angry and more concerned. “Listen, we both work in the army, at least we have some similar aspects...”
“You take the easy job, I clean up the mistakes your team can’t face.” You reply and narrow your eyes. “Mistakes that make me want to…” You pause and look away from him. “Forget it..”
Price still didn’t give up trying to get you to talk more, open more up about the training you went under and what type of personality you had. Until finally one day, he cracked you with a dumb question.
“So did you.. You sleep on some rocks? Cover yourself with them like blankets?” Price asks as Gaz walks in with some books. “Well? Did you while in the wild?”
You let out a chuckle and look at him with a smile on your face. Finally Price had cracked the code, you loved dumb questions or so he thought.
“Did you just smile?” Price remarks looking at face. “HA! I got you to smile.”
“I guess you did.. captain..” You reply and look over at Gaz. “I guess you did..”
Price never let that go, he would try to make you smile and even try to understand you. When it came down to training he would watch you do some training. Price was impressed for sure, and that was a hard thing to achieve. You warmed into his trustworth space, and well let him take you under his wing. Price made sure you could show your soft side with him, make yourself comfortable and talk about personal matters that were on your head.
When it came time for you to leave, you hugged Price and closed your eyes. Price was the first commander to make you feel safe and welcomed. Price of course assured you that you would always be welcomed back incase of anything. He did somewhat doubt if you would even consider coming to him for help.
Kyle Gaz Garrick
Unlike Price he was actually interested to meet someone like you. He heard about the training of a spetsnaz soldier and how they’re rough to understand. When you arrived at the base he gave you space, only watched you from far. Having some operations with you, he saw you were no joke on the battlefield and personally he felt some sort of admiration for you.
Gaz did approach you multiple times trying to make small conversation even though the others told him not to. You actually talked to him, but not just little talk you fully had good conversations. Your bond with Gaz made people question who you were really and how you treated other people. Sometimes it wasn’t the conversations that would make people question the bond with him. In the gym you and Gaz would work out together, or he would try to keep up with your pace. You took your training seriously and Gaz actually liked that about you.
You knew it was against your training to get close with someone. Yet something about Gaz made you feel okay, like you weren’t some killing machine that needed to keep themselves in check. Gaz was the one that made it possible for you and the rest of TF141 to talk and have a sort of bond. Gaz also was the person that told Price that you liked to be humored by dumb questions, knowing that would let yourself open up to him. There was some rumor that you and Gaz had more than friendship, but that was never confirmed or denied by ether of you.
“So, you don’t open up to people easily..” Gaz says walking alongside you. “Why is that? Do you have some dark past that made you not trust people?”
“Something like that Kyle.” You reply and look at him in some type of interest. “Tell me, why do you keep talking to me? I could possibly harm you.”
“You could, but you haven’t” Gaz replies and looks at you with a grin. “Even if its wrong to talk to someone like you. I can’t help but admire you..”
“Is that so..” You mumble to his response before smirking. “You are one interesting man Kyle..”
You and Gaz had first name bases, it seemed better to you. You disliked calling him Gaz, you felt like using code names as a regular thing was foolish. Kyle actually understood that and let you call him Kyle. Like mentioned before, he and you never denied the rumors about being in some sort of relationship, why do such a thing?
“Got three people asking us about our bond.” Kyle says looking over at you. “Why do people care about such a thing? It’s seriously so annoying how nosy people can be.”
“I don’t know, but honestly let them believe what they want.” You reply looking up from your phone and smile. “Plus, we can’t let some rumor break our bond..”
“Guess you’re right..” Kyle replies and looks at the clock on the wall. “Ready to get along with Price?”
Unfortunately all things do have to come to an end, which you and Kyle didn’t want. You grew really close to Kyle out of all the others and felt upset. When Price was informing you could come back to them anytime that their door for you is open. You stared at Kyle and hugged him tightly, you previously mentioned that you didn’t like physical touch, but that moment you broke down the safety of your walls to hug Kyle for the first time.
Kyle of course secretly kept in contact with you, sometimes telling you what's happening with the others. How he fell out of a helicopter multiple times and how he missed having you around. Of course you treasured those calls and messages with Kyle. It made you realize that without him, you wouldn’t be more open with anyone.
John ‘soap’ Mactavish
Soap had his doubts about you, knowing that anyone could backstab them made him uneasy about you. At that time Soap and Ghost had this own type of bond, they immediately looked at each other then at you. You stood next to Price, your arms behind your back, your blank expression not helping your situation. Soap of course kept his distance away from you, he knew what type of training you were in, what you did and what you were capable of.
On an operation he watched as you easily killed a kid, and a mother as they held a gun at you. There was no remorse in your expression as you kneeled down and took the gun from their hands. Soap never liked that Gaz had approached you, and you had accepted it. It felt wrong, so he would try to persuade Gaz to stay away from you. There would be a time you and Soap had a bad disagreement.
“Can you just drop it?” You say to Soap as he shakes his head. “I made one mistake, I'm not a perfect soldier!”
“Really? Who would have guessed such a thing!” Soap blurts back looking at you. “Looks like the so called amazing soldier can’t manage to do something! Get over yourself for once! We don’t care if you went into some dumb training that made you slightly better than us!”
“I never said I was better than anyone here!’’ You yell standing up from your chair. “God damn it! What is your fucking problem with me you.. you…Gavno!” (shit)
“English soldier!” Soap says, shaking his head.
“That's ironic johnny..”Ghost mumbles, watching everything.
Soap and you didn’t get along as much after that, even after Kyle tried to mend the bridge between you and him it didn’t fully work. Soap might have to do with that, he always thought you were better and needed to push himself harder so you won't believe he was weak. Which you never did since you always respected him even after arguments.
Eventually you two did have a calm peace, after missions where you two would somewhat praise each other. Gaz saw it as a win and so did Price at that moment, meanwhile Ghost didn’t care what was going on. Soap soon made the arguments happen less and less, you started to have normal conversations with him. Yet he could never compare to Kyle, and he knew that from the moment he saw you two bond.
“Favorite drink?” Soap asks you while you look at your phone. “Come on, im trying here.”
“Has to do with something fruity.” You reply back and look up from your phone. “Yours?”
“Price coconut water.” Soap says with a grin and sits next to you. “Why are you so cold, you never talk to the others like you do with Gaz.”
“I don’t know, why do you care so much?” You remark and look at him. “Long ago you hated me..”
“I didn’t hate you, I just didn’t trust you..” Soap speaks and looks at you. “I still don’t..”
“And I respect that about you John.” You reply leaning your head on his arm. “I really do..”
When It came time for you to leave, he watched as you hugged Kyle. He was surprised by it along with the other three. Soap knew and Kyle had a strong bond, but didn’t know how strong it was. Soap did feel slightly sad now realizing that you only got along with them at the end, you knew it would leave an impact on him and the others. Price telling you that you're always welcome with them made him think that maybe in the future you two would form a bigger bond.
He did sometimes ask Gaz how you were doing, He overheard Gaz calling you one time. Which also made him question the bond between yo and Gaz, but of course Ghost and Price made him drop it and focus on something else. He never did, he soon stole your number Gaz phone and contacted you himself.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
Ghost honestly didn’t care who you were and why you were there. He kept his distance from you and honestly didn’t mind having you around. You weren’t full of energy and always knew how to get the job done correctly. That doesn’t mean he didn’t have some issues with trusting you or even liking you. Like Soap he would at times get into small arguments about your behavior on operations, how you lacked communication and could have put the group in danger with your ‘reckless’ action.
Ghost did know about the training you went under, so at times he did understand why you were like that. Ghost for the most part didn’t approach you in the base unless it was something necessary or to pull you and soap away from each other after an argument. He did at times join in the argument if he saw his bf friend getting yelled at by someone. Which made things worse and Price would have to be one to break all of you apart.
“Well maybe if you didn’t lack communication we wouldn’t be injured.” Soap mumbled as you patched yourself up. “Did you not learn that in training?”
“Excuse me for not wanting to talk while an enemy was a few inches away from my position.” You declare back and roll your eyes. “You Scottish shit..”
“Fuck you too russian spy.” Soap burtled back annoyed by your comment. “Thinking you're better than us scottish and brits..”
“Oh!? Now I'm a Russian spy?! For fuck sakes im working with you and your trash ass team!” You yell getting up from your seat. “Man no wonder you can’t take a person out easily! You depend on each other like little rats!”
“Watch it.” Ghost says, looking at you with a stern look. “Watch your filthy mouth..”
“This what I mean! You gotta get your dog to protect you!” You snap back and point at Ghost. “Let your man fight his own battles or else he has no honor.”
“What did you just call me?” Ghost hisses stepping up closer to you. “Repeat that shit again, I fucking dare you.”
“Enough you three, just patch yourselves up.” Price orders looking at you and Ghost. “Now.”
You did have moments where you and Ghost would bond. Your past was something you never shared and his was the same. Two ‘different’ backgrounds that formed together once in a while. Ghost did bother you at times, making sure you knew this was his team and you're just a visitor, who would eventually leave them soon. He did this by annoying the fuck out of you, telling Gaz to stop talking to you, make things impossible to reach no matter your hight. So much more that he knew that would get under your skin.
“Will you stop that?” You mumbled as Ghost tapped his finger on the desk. “It’s irritating and...”
“What does the sound of me living also annoys you?” Gho mock you as he taps his finger again. “Can’t believe that simple tapping gets on your nerves.”
“It's not the tapping that annoys me.” You reply and look at Ghost. “Just stop that, it’s not giving me good memories.”
“Right..” Ghost mumbles before stopping. “Bad background story?”
“Bad background story..” You confirm and get up.
When it came time for you to leave, he didn’t really care but he did at the same time. Ghost didn’t get close to you like Gaz or Price, but still did in some way. Seeing you hug Gaz, only Gaz made him wonder if he would have gotten closer to you. Would you hug him? Thank him for months being there with them? Agree to keep in touch even if you really didn’t want to. Ghost had many mixed feelings about it, unsure if he trusted you deep down or if it was because you and him had something in common. A “Bad Background Story”
Ghost would of course lecture soap for messing you, even after not working with them. At times he would wonder the same things, maybe slightly even hoping that in the future you return and create some sort of bond that would help him advance more in life or help you advance more in life.
Alejandro Vergas
Alejandro accidentally rescued you from a cartel base. You were injured and were pointing your pistol at him. Which made him almost shoot you, if you didn’t have your uniform on, you would probably not even be alive. Rodolfo was with him when this happened, pushing Alejandro out the way thinking you would shoot him. Alejandro did cuff you, since he still didn’t know if you were someone they could trust. They even blindfolded you so you didn’t know what location they were heading to and where you were.
Alejandro was put on the edge when you told them who you were. Someone from the Russian Special Forces, he started to wonder what on earth an Russian would be doing all the way in Las Almas and especially alone. You didn’t respond, you didn’t tell him anything else which made him upset. He wanted to trust you, call you their family but you not opening up made it impossible. At this point, you noticed a TF 141 badge on his arm, but it looked different. It didn’t have the sword or the leaves but just the skull with 141 on it. You soon took notice that he could be an ally and help you communicate back with your own team or what was left of it. Which thankfully you finally opened up, but not a lot since you would have been mistaken by some other team with a similar symbol.
“Tell us why you’re here, no one will harm you.” Alejandro says setting a warm cup of coffee in front of you. “You don’t really seem to know what you’re doing, do you?”
“Task Force 141?” You say pointing at it while he gives you a blank stare. “Price?”
“Do you know him?” Alejandro says, looking at you with suspicion. “How?”
“Do you know them?” You reply back before looking at the coffee. “No? Yes?”
“Answer my question first, how do you know them?” Alejandro says now crossing his arms, his head slightly tilt to the right. “Well?”
“Worked with them a while back all I can say.” You mumble and look at him. “Guessing you did too..”
Alejandro did get you back to your team, there wasn’t a lot of communication with him. You only stayed for six days at Alejandro base. He was a busy man so he never really had time to talk with you or get to know you better. Later on he did after communicating with TF141, he now understood why you didn’t talk much or even suggested much when they needed help. You were a killing machine and he was slightly happy that the two of you crossed paths.
When you left, you did get handed a badge part of Price order to Alejandro. You didn’t put it on, but you did carry it and gave Alejandro a goodbye wave as you got into the helicopter with the rest of your team waiting..
Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra
When Rodolfo found you pointing a pistol at Alejandro, he didn’t think twice pushing Alejandro out the way and stood there in his spot. He didn’t like Alejandro bringing you back, he had heavy doubts about you, your uniform and how a person from russia was all the way over here like it was nothing. Getting involved with the cartel made him have flashbacks to the past..
Unlike Alejandro Rodolfo actually took his time getting to know you, a lot of time. He would try to crack you open, even with the language barrier between the two of you. Rodolfo would start some card games while Alejandro was busy away working on some project. Rodolfo got you to tell him you were a spetsnaz soldier, there should have been red flags. Yet Rodolfo didn’t become scared, in fact he became surprised since he knew the training spetsnaz soldiers went through.
“Go fish.” You say to Rodolfo as he picks up a card from a pile.
“Any sevens?” Rodolfo asks in a quiet tone.
“It’s my turn.” You reply and look up from your deck. “But go fish..”
“Right, sorry..” Rodolfo mumbles and looks at you with curiosity. “So.. you’re Russian?”
“I work for the Russian Special Forces.” You say and look at your deck of cards again. “Any fours?”
“Go fish…” Rodolfo replies and looks at you with more curiosity. “What do you do? Are you like some double spy or mayb–”
“Spetsnaz soldier.” You spat out and looked at him. “You should get the idea of what I am.”
Rodolfo, like Kyle, grew close to you after that conversation, two days later you left. Yet you didn’t leave without giving him a warm hug, which shocked him and Alejandro. When Alejandro told him you knew TF 141, he was slightly surprised that you never mentioned this to him. Rodolfro did manage to keep in contact with you, even sending you texts every so often wondering how you are. Rodolfo had a special place in your heart like Kyle did..
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Hello you beautiful person!
I've recently stumbled upon your founders headcanons and I have enjoyed them very much. So seeing that your requests are open, I have decided to send you this ask with a request. Or rather two ideas for fic/headcanons with Tobirama, as I have those two ideas in my head and I would like you to choose which one you like better to write about!
1) if you have watched the show "Gilmore Girls" and know the character of Lorelai Gilmore. I was wondering what would it be like if Tobirama was dating a reader who is similar in character to Lorelai Gilmore
2) an arranged marriage au, where reader is a princess from another country with a completly different culture to Konoha. Tobirama and Reader trying to figure out how to navigate such situation
Actually, a third idea, again this is if you feel like writing smth like this and I'm not sure if you write ship headcanons but:
3) MadaTobi x Reader polycule headcanons, as in Madara x Tobirama x fem!Reader, where all three of them are married, just general headcanons as how their life looks like
Again, please just write whatever you feel most comfortable with and what you like best, I just needed to get those ideas out of my head.
Thank you for your founders headcanons!
Lots of love and inspiration for ya!
Him dating Someone Similar In Character To Lorelai Gilmore || Tobirama Senju x reader
A/n : Hiiiii my dearest Mythy ! I loved your ideas even though I'm sorry I try to stay as canon as possible. So you can guess why I didn't choose the 3rd but hear me out when I'll be more confident I'd try to jump into less canon plot ! And for the 2nd, well you can't know but I hate royalty AUs. But that's just me 🤣 I really hope you'll like it ! 🥰💜
Warning : Fluff
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1283
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At first he didn't understand why you'd decided to stray from the path that would lead you to the future settled for you by your family, who had put a silver spoon in your mouth since you were a child
However, seeing how you behaved, he soon realized that you weren't exactly the obedient type. To sit in a corner and be pretty and do nothing more
He stayed away from you for a long time, observing your interactions with others, before making finally friends with you
At first he just thought you were some highly talkative and childish girl that didn't want to grow up. He was sure that would get him pissed off in no time
But as time went on, he began to realize different aspects of your personality
First of all, you were free-spirited and didn't need anyone to make a decision or follow your opinion, which is why you left behind the life your parents had prepared for you. It only added to the courage he knows you have within you
But the thing that really drew him to you was your rebellious side and your resentfulness, the latter reminding him of himself at times
Sometimes he'd give an opinion at an important meeting and only you would agree with him, and you were never the one to back down from a fight nor a verbal one
Despite your childlike side, you were very sarcastic when the occasion called for it. You always had a witty remark for every situation you found yourself in. Which was confusing at first, but over time he grew to love you and you charmed him in your own way
And then he loved to see you shut people's mouths with the ease you had with words
Well he liked a little less when he was the one whose mouth was closed shut by you, but he couldn't deny how attractive you were at those times
You had values he liked. Your unfailing loyalty and your independence, your cleverness and your way of putting things into perspective
Sometimes you'd make jokes and he'd find it hard to hold back his laughter. So much so that his cheeks would turn pink and he'd have to force himself to turn his head the other way. He couldn't understand why he found you funny when if the same joke had come from someone else, he wouldn't have appreciated it or would have told them to piss off
Especially when it came to your references to pop culture - which his brother adored so much - he would have found them too inappropriate for a kunoichi of your rank, but as it was you he could only secretly appreciate them
That's when he realized that what he felt for you couldn't just be sympathy or friendship, but perhaps - and he'd had trouble even imagining it - ...love
He hesitated a lot before making a move. Like inviting you to a date. If you can call it a date, he just said "Since you've got nothing to do, we could go somewhere"
"Go somewhere ?"
"Well yeah to sit and talk or we can still walk if you'd prefer" his voice didn't hold the same roughness as it uses to
He's lucky you understood what he was getting at, otherwise you wouldn't have gone along with his request
Surprisingly, it didn't go badly for his first date. After all, you'd always had a good feeling about each other, so there was no reason for it to go badly. Nevertheless, his hands were very sweaty, and he was afraid of screwing up and disappointing you or making you feel uncomfortable. But how could he when all his attention was on you. He even bought you mochis 😍
And then he hesitated, a lot again when it came to knowing whether he wanted to add depth to your relationship
It took him at least 3 months to push himself to ask you to be his girlfriend. He was so afraid of screwing up and losing you once and for all. He knew he had a temper and wasn't the easiest person to live with
He decided to believe in your bond and finally asked you to share your life with him
Though he almost asked you "Would you be mine ?" but at the last second it came out of his mouth as a "I guess...if you want to, we could...maybe...officially be a couple or something. Not that I care or anything, it's just that...well, I don't want anyone else to have you"
"Oh, you're finally ready to upgrade, huh ? Well, lucky for you, I have an opening for a dashing partner. Consider yourself hired"
Okay this time he couldn't hold back his blush, especially when you leaned in and caught his lips in a sirring kiss. You felt him smiling against your lips. He was so relieved you said yes... well in your own way but he wouldn't have it any other ways
But now that he was your boyfriend he couldn't help but be even more protective of you
And he scolded you a lot for your unhealthy eating habits. You were always eating junk food and ordering takeouts. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd seen you eat vegetables ( that's so unlike me lmao though I can't say the same for the coffee though 😂 )
You never cooked, so he offered to cook for you several times, but you always found an excuse to order food from outside
Even your drinking habits worried him a little. He was sure that if they drew your blood, they'd find coffee in your veins instead. You were totally addicted to coffee. You even asked for your ninja pills to be coffee-flavored
Of course Hashirama said yes and Tobirama went to yell in his brother's office when he learned about it
It was certain that if you hadn't had a good metabolism, you'd have fallen ill a long time ago
However, Tobirama is stubborn and he finally got you to eat vegetables at least 4 times a week. In exchange, you offered to share at least 2 evenings a week - if you weren't on a mission - making food-and-movie nights
Apart from your unsavory culinary habits, he was sure - no matter how flustered he was - that one day you'd make a good mother. He knew in advance that your child would be closer to you because of your childlike side and your sense of humor
You assured him that he'd find the room to fit in the life of your future child. And that he too would be perfect. Because if he saw himself always grumpy and not fun to be with it was just an impression because with you he was able to be more open... well again in his own way
In the meantime, he'd do anything to protect you. Since he's been with you, he's been surprised to discover a very protective side to himself. But most surprising of all was his jealousy and slight possessiveness. And while you love it says he hates it
He couldn't stand the idea of being so vulnerable. With you, however, the impossible was possible. With time, he was ready to show all his facets, just as you did
He found solace thanks to your extraordinary personality and he is so grateful that he found someone he can be open with without any fear of judgment
And it allowed him to experience of lot of firsts with you
And believe me all of them were quite the sight with him
But again nor you nor him wouldn't want to have it any other way
A/n : So can you guess I've never watched Gilmore Girls ? 😉 As I always say I hate to say no to an ask so I HAD to do my best to come up with a fic. I think it turned well 😙👌 Again my requests are open 🍟🥐
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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avelera · 1 year
I once thought having a character walk the reader through their reasoning in a story (that I wrote) was a little bit like cheating. There is a lot of writing advice out there that warns against being too blunt, too "on the nose", or too baldly stating what's going on.
But a remarkable thing happened recently in a story I wrote, when I had one character spell out his reasoning for what might have been an unpopular decision: all the commenters appreciated his perspective and agreed, what else could he have done with the facts available to him?
This was in interesting contrast to other decisions I had characters make in the same story, where I did not walk the audience through how this other character arrived to this conclusion. I left it incumbent on the readers to piece together the character's perspective based on the evidence I believed I'd put on the page. A lot of writing advice out there tells you it's redundant to depict a character and then walk the reader through their reasoning for how they make a major decision. But the comments I got in that instance were mostly people annoyed at the character! They got angry with him, or called him stupid, or deplored his choices. A few commenters noted that they could understand his reasoning, but they were still mad about it.
Now, it could be an apples to oranges comparison, I don't want to get bogged down in explaining the character decisions or the stories they were set in, but in both instances, I liked to think that I, as the writer, had put a similar amount of thought into both decisions made by these two separate characters. I knew in both instances that these separate decisions were going to be unpopular from a reader satisfaction perspective, because they prolonged the conflict of the narrative.
I have a few theories for why the audience feedback indicated that they preferred the decision where the character walked them through his reasoning first, and while I don't have a conclusive answer, I think some of it might be valuable for other writers.
To begin, there are only so many hours in the day. We tend to write for a reader we assume will be as attentive to reading and remembering every detail as we are when we write it, but most people (intentionally or not) tend to skim a bit when reading.
Taking a moment to pause and say, "These are all the decision-relevant details, and how this character sees them, and why they're making this choice, " so long as it is in a context that makes sense (in this case, explaining himself to a confidante) allows the reader to relax a bit and not have to play guessing games with which information is relevant, or have to think back too hard on why the character is making this decision, if for example the reader took a break from reading.
Remember, when it comes to a reader recalling which details are relevant to a character's decision, not all writers are Agatha Christie constructing air-tight mysteries (and I'm sure some pedant somewhere could point out to me places where even she is not). Even the best writers include details that don't matter in their story, and readers have to work to discern what's going to matter in the end. Taking a moment to confirm which details were relevant and which were red herrings or simply extraneous and possibly misinterpreted by a reader does, in fact, give satisfaction to a reader.
A lot of those writing advice books are from, "Writers writing for other writers." One of the most valuable aspects for me when it comes to writing fanfic is seeing how my readers' brains work through comments, a privilege not afforded to many published authors until well after the book is complete. A lot of fanfic readers are much less attentive to details than I think a professional editor or publisher or literary critic would be. And when those are the only people giving writing advice, ie, people whose literal lives and jobs are dedicated to reading, you miss out on the perspective of people who read only for enjoyment.
Because yes, a literary critic probably is tired of having the character's motivations spelled out for them. As are other writers, most likely. But your average reader might be distantly aware of advanced techniques insofar as they improve a story, but mostly, they're concerned with their own enjoyment.
For example, a lot of writing advice says to avoid exposition so many critics would in theory advise against including the initial Star Wars crawl where they set the scene of the story. They might say it's redundant and the story itself should explain all of those details within the context of a scene. But your average viewer doesn't mind and indeed, is in favor of this quick, clear dose of exposition to orient them in the story and tell them what's going on. Most audiences would rather have a little extra exposition, rather than be actively confused.
In many cases, many stories favorably credited for being, "subtle" or leaving a great deal to the reader's interpretation, are actually doing so less than one would think. Going back, one might notice that many elements of the story are spelled out clearly, even some obvious ones, so that the mysteries that remain are heightened and there's no distraction from extraneous details being misinterpreted by the reader. People are only focused on solving the mysteries the authors meant them to solve.
Obviously, being, "too on the nose" in your story can be dull and irritating or seen as amateurish. And ultimately, the best thing you can do to combat this is bring on a beta reader and empower them to cut passages that are too repetitive or obvious.
And, speaking for myself, this advice might not be relevant to you because I'm currently working on clarity in my own prose, in conveying the story I want to tell, to the point where I'm largely eschewing "read between the lines" moments or story beats based on the reader piecing together the unspoken. I'm leaning towards speaking everything and leaving only one or two threads lying around to be picked up by attentive readers, but very few of those are make-or-break for understanding my story. Perhaps at a certain point I'll loop back around in favor of poetic implication and subtlety and my current work will look amateurish to me by comparison :)
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mashounen1945 · 11 months
The Sonic comics' ... everyone (haters, fans, the writer) disappoints the world once more
Hold on tight, people. It's Salty Mashounen Time (with an extra dose of clunky English, written by a momentarily cranky Spanish-speaker).
Here's my attempt at a TL;DR of what happened recently:
The people writing IDW's Sonic comic started doing a bit of "harmless" teasing for gay pairings widely supported by the fandom currently —namely SonicXShadow and WhisperXTangle—, both in the actual comic's pages and outside of them. In the comic itself, they drew a panel showing Whisper and Tangle together and holding hands with a background suspiciously similar to the lesbian pride flag; outside of the comic, in Ian Flynn's personal podcast BumbleKast, he and some friend of his had the idea of celebrating Pride Month by making some sort of 50% parody, 50% serious, 100% hypothetical (officially) "Sonadow Special" where they spent almost half an hour theorizing how a romantic relationship between Sonic and Shadow would probably go in an official Sonic story (they supposedly did it all as simple fans and nothing else, and neither SEGA nor Archie officially had anything to do with this).
Sadly, Sonic fans reacted with all the grace and elegance of English hooligans in the UEFA Euro 2020 final (that is, exactly as expected of them). The bigoted vocal minority (AKA the daily bread in Sonic comics discourse) started harassing Ian Flynn for this, as well as all the shippers of all the pairings that aren't either SonicXShadow or WhisperXTangle. To make matters worse, some fans who aren't bigots or even support one or both of these gay pairings also started harassing Ian Flynn, for various reasons: trying to force him to turn any of these pairings into canon; scolding him because he gave false hope to fans while knowing full well that SEGA would never allow any kind of romance between main and/or recurring minor characters (whether from the video games or from the comic's original cast) to take place in IDW-Sonic; scolding him for actually saying there was officially nothing romantic between Whisper and Tangle in the IDW comic and SonicXShadow wouldn't happen in canon; accusing him of bigotry because that friend starring as his co-host in the BumbleKast had allegedly made a few homophobic remarks at some point in the distant past...
Flynn responded to this whole mess and tried to clarify some things via the following Twitter thread:
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I guess I can commend Ian Flynn for coming out and speaking to the fans like this. I'm still very critical of the story he's writing at IDW, and I still disagree at a fundamental level with his vision of the Sonic series and its cast, but he's a good person in the real world (at least as far as he lets the world know over the Internet); he's not a bigot like some Twitter users (of course) are saying, and out of everything he did as head writer of Sonic comics, considering the possibility of including queer characters and/or pairings is one of the very few aspects of his writing I don't have any problem with, and I can understand why it's so difficult for him to have a queer character/pairing materialize in the comic's story (now, if such thing is finally green-lit by both SEGA and IDW, I may have issues later with the idea's execution by Ian Flynn and co. in the story itself, since this already happened with some other good ideas Flynn came up with when he tried to actually put them on the panels of either IDW-Sonic or Archie-Sonic... but that's a different topic).
However, I can't help but feel jaded at him due to the very direct and reckless way he interacts with the fans. There are already arguments to be made for a content creator to maintain some healthy distance from their followers, but this especially applies to Ian Flynn: as someone who spent so much time dealing with the Sonic fandom while writing the comics (and even started his career as a Sonic fanfiction writer himself), he knows very well how neurotic Sonic fans (from any subset of fans) can get. There are also the added challenges that come with trying to introduce queer themes and also trying to get it right on the first try. The desperate thirst of the LGBTQ+ community for good representation in fiction is legendary (and justified since they're on the verge of genocide in the USA and the UK, which includes the very real fear of being not only physically wiped out but also wiped out from the collective memory of the peoples of their respective nations, the Alt-Right has already openly declared "culture war" on them), and on these issues, the old adage "don't make promises you can't keep" is more valid than ever: if you're not guaranteed that both your publishers and the IP owners will allow you to introduce queer themes into your story and also give you the freedom to deal with those themes as you see fit, you shouldn't even leave clues for the audience or put any hints or do any teasing, because the desperate LGBTQ+ audience is always going to take it as a sign that they finally have their representation secured, and then they'll get rightfully angry when that representation never happens or is insufficient or problematic.
All in all, engaging the fandom the way Flynn does is not only highly dangerous in multiple ways, but also some piss-poor PR on a similar level to what you'd normally expect from SEGA themselves. Now he regrets the fandom's reaction, and the fandom certainly sucks for doing crap like this, but to be fair, he should have seen it all coming.
And then there's the terrible long-term effect of this scandal. Due to this kind of reactions from bigoted vocal minorities in the Sonic fandom, the IDW comic had already become quite criticism-proof: any negative opinion is often labelled as "anti-SJW bullcrap" merely because the most vocal haters of Ian Flynn's Sonic stories used to be Alt-Right nutjobs, neck-bearded InCels living in their parents' basement and secretly (or not so secretly) lusting over female anthropomorphic animals, and reactionary conservatives absurdly nostalgic for Ken Penders. But now, IDW-Sonic will be seen more than ever as an unquestionable piece of top-class literature comparable to Sophocles's most iconic plays, thus worsening this "echo chamber" thing going on both among the fans and between them and the comic's writers.
I try not to believe in conspiracy theories, but a part of me is starting to think all of this was partially staged at least: perhaps Flynn realized the way he was writing the story for IDW-Sonic was alienating a lot of fans from multiple, pretty varied subsets, and now those fans could actually provide some reasonable arguments to back up their criticism rather than some predictable homophobic/misogynistic rant; maybe he genuinely thought IDW-Sonic is the best thing he ever wrote and even one of the best stories of its genre, so he just ignored all those readers he lost and focused on the readers he still has, or he agreed with some of that constructive criticism from disappointed fans and wanted to stop writing the comic like this (he does occasionally tone Sonic's "jerkiness" down for a few comic issues, before toning it back up for the next big crisis in the story) but SEGA had already grown fond of the "self-righteous asshole" Sonic, his hypocritical friends and the "bafflingly incompetent super-genius" Eggman created by Flynn for the IDW comic; in any case, Flynn could have amped up the "technically not official" gay innuendos in the actual comic and his podcast in order to get a reaction out of those few bigots in the fandom (and also to get a reaction out of hardcore shippers, who are another vocal minority of Sonic fans with their own issues), then let his readers' blind devotion and the Sonic fandom's paranoia do the rest, making any potential critic of IDW-Sonic be dismissed as either "pro-shipper obsession" or "just the same miserable crap as the Far-Right weirdos" or even both.
If you still feel like going out on the Internet and calling into question any of Ian Flynn's or his crew's artistic/writing choices (either in their role as official Sonic content creators or in any other "informal" situation such as their podcasts, social media accounts and personal forums), feel free to do so (as long as you try to do constructive criticism and aren't bigoted or too disrespectful, of course) but forget about invoking "Sonic Team's original vision", or pointing out any difference between the IDW comic and other pieces of official Sonic content, or pointing out incongruences between the IDW comics and the videogames of whose stories it's supposed to be a continuation, or anything like that. Some purist fans like to imagine SEGA and Sonic Team are the guardians of good/accurate portrayals, but that's just not true and was probably never true: either they don't give a damn about how Sonic is portrayed in the West anymore, or they do care, but they totally allow and endorse —either by action or omission— the current Western Sonic content (along with this sort of comeback of the infamous planned differentiation between Japanese source material and localized Western versions), regardless of whether they do so by action or omission; for all intents and purposes, the "bastardized" Western version of Sonic, whether or not you like it more than Japanese "original" Sonic, is currently part of Sonic Team's artistic vision as much as the videogames made in Japan are (IIRC, I've already talked about this in a previous post shortly before the release of Sonic Frontiers).
In any case, most of the fandom was always wrong in one way or another about Ian Flynn and his dynamic with SEGA: contrary to what his fans may think, any flaws of the IDW comic ain't due to Flynn and his co-writers' creativity being held down by SEGA or its mandates, and contrary to what purist fans may think, he's not irreparably ruining Sonic forever (at least, not as far as SEGA and Sonic Team are concerned).
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iphisesque · 9 months
hi gio can you please direct me to some jjk meta? honestly I did not notice the grooming thing with gojo and megumi and I want to talk about it with my mutuals, but none of them seem to have even considered this theme as well, I tried searching through the jjk tag but you and your circle are the only people talking about it 😩 also is it really true that gege said he hates gojo?
hi dear! starting from the easier question here, haha — gege has made reference to his dislike of gojo on several occasions, both in-story and in extra material! there's constant remarks in the text and paratextual materials on gojo's terrible personality and his creepiness and how much other characters dislike him (like nanami or utahime, characters gege writes as sensible and reasonable), and gege himself often makes sarcastic comments about gojo, i remember when gojo won some type of valentine's day contest in shonen jump gege's only comment was "well, i guess he's not dead yet" LMAO. i have seen some people say that in japan this type of needling from an author to a character can be considered a form of respect, but im doubtful as to how much water that holds, so take all that with a grain of salt.
as for the meta — i assume you mean meta about the relationship between gojo and megumi, of which there is a sore lack on tumblr! the jjk fandom on here is quite monotonous and self-righteous and it tends to coagulate around stsg, itfs or self-insert ships, and there's not many people who write meta in general (the most notorious one being lele of tempenensis), let alone meta for a "problematic ship" that doesn't have a large presence here in the first place. i myself emigrated to twitter to find more meta or analysis posts on gojo and megumi, where i encountered the proship side of the argument, or the people who are actually hardcore into shipping gofushi as a normal hot dreamlike couple while completely ignoring its canon aspects (here is why i don't "ship" gofushi); that said, there's a lot of people over there, even shippers, who are invested in dissecting their canon dynamic, such as seaurchincage who writes threads explaining nuances in japanese, or this specific thread by s0ftymegumi which is fairly thorough in collecting all the crumbs of gojo and megumi characterization. unfortunately there is no great big tumblr meta that i know of explaining why and how gojo groomed megumi yet, though we should probably write one at some point, but as you well know you can find a lot of smaller posts about it browsing me and my mutuals' jjk tags; it might seem silly, but the best advice i can give you is to reread jjk with this interpretation in mind and you will start noticing a lot of things to support it — this goes for anything really, i clocked the grooming subtext on my first read but i didn't clock the sukufushi subtext until my reread when i was already partially skfs-pilled.
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thorraborinn · 2 years
How is Jord viewed by modern Heathens? And how was she viewed by Heathens in pre-Christian Scandinavia and Iceland?
You probably did not expect my response to require a trigger warning but at the end of this post, behind a break, I’m going to talk about the intersection of domination of nature and the sexual domination of women by men in dróttkvætt poetry. All the straight-up non tw'd lore I'll keep before the break although it's a bit long. [edit] I guess tumblr doesn't do breaks anymore on the dashboard(?) so nevermind unless you're reading on my blog.
I'm actually preparing to write something about Jǫrð, after which I'll be better prepared to answer, but regardless there is a seeming contradiction when approaching Jǫrð: there’s a great deal of research to be done, and you always come up feeling like you’ve got very little. It’s like there is very little substantial lore, but it’s spread thin throughout the entire body of literature. One of the reasons for this is that the way that Jǫrð -- the goddess and person with parents and children -- is not differentiated from the actual physical dirt we stand on. The names Hlóðyn (or Hlǫðyn) and Fjǫrgyn are more likely to be used when describing her as a personality, but there are very many synonyms for earth and they can all be used for Jǫrð (fold, frón, grund, hauðr láð, land, storð, etc) and in poetic language the whole earth can be invoked with reference just to specific land formations, like mountains or hills. Interestingly, there isn’t really a clear distinction between Ymir’s flesh and Thor’s mother. Nordic poetry encourages these kinds of semantic slippages, so I don’t feel completely confident saying that it’s how everyone thought of these things, but there is really nothing to suggest that there is an “Earth goddess” separate from all the other aspects of the ground or planet.
Since I’m writing in English, when I say “she” it seems like I’m emphasizing personhood, but Old Norse does not make this distinction; inanimate objects can be “he” or “she” and animate ones can be “it.” So though Old Norse always uses the pronoun equivalent to “she” for Jǫrð, this is a baked-in aspect of the word being grammatically feminine, and not an assertion of her personhood.
She does appear in the famous prayer in Sigrdrífumál, referred to as fold, a synonym for earth:
Heilir æsir, heilar ásynjur, heil sjá in fjǫlnýta fold.
'Hail the Æsir, hail the Ásynjur, hail the bountiful earth.'
She isn’t mentioned very frequently in mythology “proper” except in relation to Thor. In Hárbarðljóð the ferryman (Odin) tells Thor his mother is dead to which Thor remarks that many people would find it quite remarkable if that were true (some translations of hverjum þykkir mest give the impression that Thor’s saying people would think it were good if his mother were dead, but I’m not reading it that way... I’m open to being told I’m translating incorrectly though)
Her father is Ánarr or Ónarr. Snorri says she’s a daughter of Odin, but as John McKinnell pointed out, this is probably a mistake. In some manuscripts the name Ánarr is written “annarr,” which means ‘second’; since þriði “third” is a name of Odin, it was probably assumed that “second” also was. Ánarr/Ónarr is a dwarf name, so Jǫrð is perhaps the daughter of a dwarf. How she is both someone’s daughter and the dismembered flesh of Ymir is not something I can answer. Her brother is Dellingr, father of Dagr (Day), and she has a half-brother, Auðr. Her mother is Nátt (Night) although there is some confusion in some manuscripts about this, and it isn’t backed up by skaldic poetry (though it isn’t denied either)
There was a goddess recognized in Roman-occupied Germania in the first few centuries, AD, called Hludana in Latinized Germanic. This name may be related to Jǫrð’s byname Hlóðyn. There are other theories about its meaning as well, so this remains speculative, but it is very possible.
Some scholars speculate that the reason Jǫrð isn’t emphasized more as a goddess is because there are other goddesses who play overlapping roles, such as perhaps Gerðr (and/or Sif?); or because Jǫrð was a goddess of very broad and general relevance and that Nordic people were more likely to recognize very localized beings instead, like perhaps Þorgerðr Hǫlgabrúðr. We might even try to speculate that Hlóðyn and Fjǫrgyn could be names of region-specific goddesses of the land, which became synonymous with the more general Jǫrð through poetic equivalences like those I mentioned earlier.
Now, there’s an important aspect that I’ve left out so far but should be discussed. Heathens don’t like to talk about it (or, generally, know about it), but we have a responsibility to be able to discuss and process it. In skaldic poetry, a king conquering territory is sometimes referred to metaphorically as that king seducing or forcing himself on a personified Jǫrð. This is discussed in Meeting the Other in Norse Myth and Legend by John McKinnell, pp. 154-5. This is depicted most clearly in Hákonardrápa, a praise poem for a heathen king of Norway who was also an actual literal mass rapist. Many feminist, decolonial, and ecological thinkers (I think most famously, but far from exclusively, Murray Bookchin and Abdullah Öcalan; see also the article by Vanessa Watts which is also included in the link I'll put at the end) have proposed that in the western world, men’s domination of land and non-human nature is conceptually linked to men’s domination of women; in Norse history and poetry this is made explicit. Jǫrð, who is both a woman and land, is overspecified as a target of violence in the thought-world of late Norse court poetry, and unfortunately that is the context from which we get the most evidence for Old Norse religion. I expect that if we had lore from other contexts, it would be quite different. I also believe that this relationship to the land is part of why we don't see more overt veneration of Jǫrð in the sources.
For what it’s worth, I don’t believe this was inevitable, and it definitely isn’t a fixed or essential part of Nordic paganism, but we should confront it rather than dismiss it, especially while modern heathens continue to dupe themselves into believing the problem with medieval Scandinavian rulers was that they were Christian, not that they were rulers. I need to research this more before I can comment on it confidently, but as far as I know, it’s believed that Scandinavian people held land in common in the distant past, and legally-enforced private ownership of land came later. It was probably unthinkable within Scandinavia itself, but during the Age of Migrations, war leaders would reward their followers by doling out conquered territory, giving the best tracts of land to the highest-ranking soldiers. This was probably the inception of private land ownership for Germanic language-speaking people; óðal was originally land taken from defeated enemies; óðal is violence. How it traveled back north to Scandinavia, I’m not exactly sure, but once it was conceivable elsewhere it was possible to recreate back up north.
The only reasonable conclusion for modern heathens is that developing a relationship with Jǫrð means accounting for the historical catastrophe of dividing the earth into privately-owned parcels and taking up the responsibility of repairing those relations with her, and the human relations that are contingent on that domination of the earth, not just by saying “Hail Jǫrð” at sumbl and repeating affirmations that we are grateful to her, but by addressing the fact that our entire modern capitalist system is built on her denigration and dispossession, that the entire western concept of the “human” is defined by domination of the planet (hence, places where Indigenous people were considered by European settlers not to be maximizing the productive output of the earth through agriculture was considered “empty” and up for grabs by settlers). Being recon means that when the product of reconstruction is historical failure, I have to take up the responsibility that my ancestors aren't around to shoulder.
The modern heathen who, to my knowledge, has done the most visible work toward rebuilding a relationship with Jǫrð and recognizing the responsibility that that entails is @falkabarn who hosts a ritual for Jǫrð every year and is currently working on compiling and editing a devotional (which, based on the timing of this ask, I suspect might have motivated it). I’m also aware that in Denmark, there has been some intersection of Nordic animism and direct action like tree sits, though I don’t know details about how they articulate their position. There is likely more that I don’t know about.
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(from the Tornsangerland Bli'r tree sit).
For a very small selection of alternative ways of relating to the land, see the "Week 1" section of the following reading list: https://yellowheadinstitute.org/an-indigenous-abolitionist-study-guide/
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pb-dot · 9 months
Film Friday: 12 Angry Men
I've been putting off writing about this film for a while now. Sidney Lumet's 12 Angry Men from 1957 is one of my favorite movies of all time, and yet it is curiously hard to talk about in the way I usually talk about movies. Well, it's time to try at any rate.
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12 Angry Men is a chamber play set in a cramped and hot juror's room and adjoining bathroom, and the titular Irate Fellas are the jurors in a murder trial. The case is against a young man accused of stabbing his father to death. At first, the case seems open and shut, argued with convincing evidence and eyewitness testimony. Only one juror, #8 played by Henry Fonda, votes for a not-guilty verdict and as the state requires unanimous guilty votes for the death sentence, the discussion is on.
What 12 Angry Men really gets right about the courtroom drama is that it understands that court proceedings aren't about observable truth, as Juror #8 says "I don't really know what the truth is. I don't suppose anybody will ever really know." Courtroom Dramas aren't even primarily about the drama, but rather the rhetoric, the arguments, and the strength of the story being told by the prosecutor and the defense.
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Juror #8 stands alone on his argument that although the prosecution served a compelling story in their arguments for the kid's guilt, there are enough holes in it that he is not comfortable with sending a person to the electric chair over it. At first, it's very much a story about resisting the Will Of The Group as a frequent argument that comes up is "Well we (the other jurors) think he's guilty." As the movie goes on #8 finds support first from the aging #9 and later as more of his fellow jurors, his opponents, such as they are, come into greater focus. These are Juror #3, a domineering patriarch type of person, Juror #4 a strict logical fellow, and Juror #10, who is a racist.
It is also fascinating to me how 12 Angry Men tells the story of the case the whole movie is about. We're fed bits and pieces of it as the jurors argue over the facts, but there never is a grand reveal or twist or "tell" as to what is really and truly the truth, merely aspects of the case as presented by the prosecution. The closest we get to a definitive Turnabout Point is when Juror #8 produces an exact replica of the supposedly unique knife used to commit the crime, as he purchased it within walking distance of where the victim and defendant lived. Now, this is a cool moment, but it somewhat detracts from it that this probably isn't legal, both in the "smuggling a knife into the courtroom"-sense and the "jurors going sniffing about around the crime scene"-sense. Even so, there's no denying it's a hell of a dramatic moment.
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Now all this talk about the case is well and good, but it should be remarked that this is very much a drama about the people in the jury room. 8's quest to raise the questions that the defense failed to even point out is one part of it, but there is also #9 finding a purpose at the tail end of what he considers to be a mostly unimportant life and #7 being confronted by his flippant attitude in the face of the serious matter of deciding between a man's life and his death.
There's also no getting around #3, the staunchest proponent of the Guilty verdict. It's clear from relatively early on that the big lad has a chip on his shoulder of some sort, although it isn't quite as easy to identify as #10 overt racism and classism, there is a silent seething anger to his persona that makes it clear he doesn't believe in the guilty verdict on account of the arguments being made. I would personally like the sequence where all of this comes to light to be expanded a little upon to really sell the emotionality of it all a bit more, but I guess one could only have so much catharsis in a movie in the 50's.
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In the end, 12 Angry Men is a powerful film about confronting bias and questioning the stories we are told about what the truth is, and it is, despite the limited location and low level of action, electrifying to watch. The dialog is sharp as a tack and the acting makes the most out of it to give the jurors distinct personalities and motivations both inside and outside of the case at hand. There really is something to be said for the limitations in the setting usually reserved for theatre, as it allows the human elements of this movie to really shine.
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
I agree with you I think homecoming is her least impactful filming and its not her fault its marvel for being so adament about keeping MJ some sort of secret if they just made it clear from the beginning they could have given her more character development in the first film. Not dune despite the few lines she had she made up for it with screen presence and the fact camera loves her and she knows how work the camera to capture the dreamy like presence of chanialso dune is just overall better directed.
Tom: chaos walking is worst performance but I think his least impactful has got to be current war, the was stealth released, trapped between and tom was decent in it but so few people actually watched that movie. At least people know of chaos walking at least it can be accessed on streaming platforms and least there was some promotion (daisy ridley) , the current war is barely accessible anywhere.
I agree with you I think homecoming is her least impactful filming and its not her fault its marvel for being so adament about keeping MJ some sort of secret if they just made it clear from the beginning they could have given her more character development in the first film. Not dune despite the few lines she had she made up for it with screen presence and the fact camera loves her and she knows how work the camera to capture the dreamy like presence of chanialso dune is just overall better directed.
Yea, it kinda sucks that Marvel was so worried about the "racial" aspect of MJ being a biracial/black woman in the new Spider-Man franchise that they thought that hiding her TRUE identity was somehow better..... But hey, those are the times we live in unfortunately. 🙄
I swear.....Racists ruin EVERYTHING. 😒 Like, we couldn't even have any character development and developing love interest btwn Peter and MJ in the first HOCO film because they knew people would throw a FIT if it was revealed early on that "Michelle" was actually THEE MJ.
I agree with you, we could have actually had some real scenes with Peter and MJ and a slow-developing love story that actually made some SENSE in HOCO, instead of them having to suddenly make Peter in love with MJ (somehow 😒) in FFH out of nowhere, when they had barely even said two words to each other in HOCO lol.
Then, they ruined the Star Wars franchise with their incessant hatred of John Boyega playing Finn, who's only crime was (get this) being BLACK in a Star Wars franchise film. 😒
Then, they ruined the Little Mermaid (or, at least tried to) with all of the nonsense remarks and TONS of think-pieces about how Ariel should have been "white" for a KIDS MOVIE smh.... 😒
Like seriously, racists just ruin stuff constantly all the time.
Anyway... Dune 1 was a GREAT movie (don't get me wrong), I just think that she wasn't given much to do? So in that way I felt her role wasn't as "impactful" as some of her others? 🤷🏾‍♀️ She had good presence though! But yea, she will have LOADS more to do in "Dune: Part 2", and I personally cannot WAIT! 😁
Tom: chaos walking is worst performance but I think his least impactful has got to be current war, the was stealth released, trapped between and tom was decent in it but so few people actually watched that movie. At least people know of chaos walking at least it can be accessed on streaming platforms and least there was some promotion (daisy ridley) , the current war is barely accessible anywhere.
You thought Tom did badly in "Chaos Walking"?? I don't think his acting was bad at all in "Chaos Walking". And I actually kinda liked the movie?? 😅 So sue me lol 🤷🏾‍♀️ I like Sci-Fi/Dystopian/YA films lol.
I have NEVER had an issue with Tom's acting in any film or Project I've seen him in. Most critics in fact agree that it's not Tom's acting that's the problem. Maybe sometimes it's the writing? Or, the directing? But usually NOT his acting.
But different strokes for different folks I guess. You didn't like "The Current War"? Or, are you just saying that it wasn't as "impactful" because it didn't have a wide release or wasn't easily found? I actually saw "The Current War" in theaters when it came out, so I was fortunately able to see it on the big screen. I personally LOVED it also! I thought Tom did a fine job in that film as well. He wasn't the lead, but he did well in the supporting cast. I think he does really well in ensemble casts honestly. He should do more of those!
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myfckingnameisnuwanda · 6 months
CH.1 With Love to Mom
November 11, day 5.
Hi, mom.
I have decided to start writing this, since it seems like we will be here for longer than we had predicted.
I don’t know where I am, mom, and I don’t know how to go back. I’m sorry.
We have found a cabin, and the rest of the boys that are stuck here with me are currently sleeping on travel beds that one of them stole from their Other Family.
You don’t know them, because I hadn’t particularly interacted with them before That Day.
Sam, the one that got the beds, seems to have disconnected himself from reality. He laughs in the face of everything that has happened to us up until now, and is happy everyday at the fact that we are currently missing school.
Felix is quiet, but takes an authoritative tone and displays options for us everytime we find ourselves between sword and wall. He is the one that found the abandoned cabin, and the one that put on the big pants and directly took us dumpster diving after the second day we had gone without food, ignoring all protests.
And Jake is mad. Almost constantly. He scares me, sometimes. Not because I think he will hurt me, but because I think he will hurt himself. I may have thought differently before That Day, but now I'm exposed to these guys twenty-four seven. It's impossible not to know them better by now.
I’m glad they are here with me, because I really really don’t know what I’d have done had I been alone.
This place is so strange, mom. And it’s not because it’s completely different to our world, as this place is remarkably similar (it follows the same physics, natural and biological laws, as far as I can tell, and has the same historical events as us, including the Wars, the Plague, the Dinosaurs, the Great Oxygenation Event, etc...), but because the only difference at all that I can see is that we don’t exist.
We were never born.
Jake’s mother is a real estate agent, not working two jobs at the same time as a cleaner and a waitress. She is also married to our teacher, Brian Bates. They seem very happy, too. His father is a police officer here, not an unemployed man that can’t even pay child support. I think Jake’s ire and fear mostly come from all that mess. I can’t imagine I’d be happy, either. The implication of what his birth did to his parents is not lost on any of us.
Felix is also having a hard time in that regard. His family seems mostly the same, except for one big detail. As he was never born, his brother, Oscar, never suffered the accident that took away his ability to walk. Sometimes, he says things that make me think he doesn’t even want to go back to our world, that he just wants to stay and be this Oscar’s older brother figure. His own existence be damned.
Sam and I don’t have it quite as bad, comparatively.
Sam’s problem, I’d say, is exactly the opposite of the rest of us, actually. His family is exactly the same, in every aspect. He just got replaced by a different Sam, that these people call Sammy. I asked him his birth date, and he told me that it was August 5. Sam’s birthday is February 1st. They are different people. The only reason I assume they have the same name and similar age, is because Sam’s parents wanted to have another child, and planned to have him accordingly.
Which brings questions about the rest of us, to be honest.
Well, I guess Jake is not a surprise, but I have some questions for you for if when we come back, mom.
Our family... is mostly the same, to be honest. You, dad and Nai Nai are the same people I know, with the difference that they don’t know me.
I was even able to explain our situation to the Other Father, appealing to his scientific curiosity. We regularly eat food at the restaurant. Sam likes the chicken feet.
Vivian... it’s obvious my existence made a big impact on her. She is a punk, mom (Felix taught me the term when I asked him after describing the clothing). Dresses in what I would have thought you would consider scandalous (and she even uses makeup and hair extensions!), but the Other Mother verily even says anything. I don’t know if it’s because she is used to it. I guess the difference between an only daughter and an older sister is bigger than I’d imagined.
It’s getting late, but writing this has already made me feel better about everything, and closer to you.
I miss you, mom. I miss my dad, my sister and my grandmother. I miss my world.
I hope I’ll see you soon.
With love, to mom,
<- Summary, Ch.1-Ch.2 In Betweens ->
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yjwhatif · 2 years
How are you feeling about the young justice news? I’m lowkey in denial about it and trying to hold on some form of hope.
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It all kinda sucks to be honest - though I am of the mind that there always a chance until they officially say there isn’t… which maybe also puts me in the denial column - but that’s what I’m going with 👍. Clearly there’s a lot going down with hbo max and Warner bros. (a lot that I’m not even gonna try and comprehend) but from what I heard, hbo max is getting merged with discovery plus to make a new streaming site - which to me meant there was probably no chance of any kind of renewal information for anything until TPTB got at least some of their shit sorted out with this restructuring malarkey. Guess I’m not absolutely losing it at the minute because I wasn’t really expecting to hear any good news for the time being - I’m just sorta seeing what happens.
One thing I will say about hbo max and its content is that they really need to do something about the fact that it’s not available outside the US. They have been denying so many people the opportunity to actually financially support the content they love - which makes absolutely no sense to me. I am someone who can’t access hbo max and therefore has had to find other means of watching this show that I absolutely love and want to follow along with the rest of the fandom - all because hbo max won’t let me give them my money… MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!! Now, the problem with using those other means is that it don’t help the show - I’m not paying to watch it as is intended - therefore TPTB can’t see my continued support because I haven’t gone through the official streaming site where those numbers are tracked. I want to support this show - I want to invest my money in supporting this show - but I can’t* - which totally sucks - and I know I keep repeating myself here - but it’s all so stupid!!!!
*except, that is, with the comics which I am buying both the digital and physical print versions of - so at least there that now… and I will be buying s4 when (if) it’s available for purchase elsewhere like S3 was… but is that enough? Probably not with the way things are going at the minute.
The other thing I keep thinking about with the information I’ve heard is that, the dude in charge basically wants to fix the dc cinematic universe so it’s more like the mcu with an actual 10 year plan and feels like y’know the actual comics universe brought to the screen… and I’m just like - you mean like what Greg and Brandon have been doing with young justice since day one?! Whether you like the stories they tell, or not, I don’t think anyone can deny that there’s an immense about of depth to this shows universe - it feels real and lived in - there’s history upon history that exists within it and it’s all so fascinating as I just want to know everything about everyone! I stand by my belief that nothing has ever captured and maintained my attention quite like YJ. I’m obsessed and I don’t even care because it is such a remarkable piece of creative construction that deserves to be explored and analysed and obsessed over. It doesn’t just copy and paste things straight from the comics or do the same things everyone does with the characters - grandon think and reconstruct and adapt things to make them concise and interconnected for the story the want to tell… and a hell of a lot less problematic in some cases! The characters have emotions and complexities and flaws and hopes and fears and histories - yj can put a character on the screen for 5 minutes and have me hooked on them - or they can have 5+ hours worth of exploration and development and I can write post after post after post with my current interpretations and understanding of their character as if they were a real living person. I love this show because there is love put into every aspect of it - and that is always something worth protecting and supporting!
I realise this has gotten kinda long (as usual) but what can I say, I don’t have anyone in my life to rant about these things to… I genuinely tried doing that today and all I got were cricket sounds… which is why, no matter what the outcome is with the future of the show, I will likely still remain here, ranting my random thoughts to whoever the heck wants to listen… (unless life dictates otherwise.) I am determined to get through the major backlog of asks that currently fill my inbox (honestly, I consider it shameful for how bad I’ve let it get - all I can say is I’m slow and my brain never works when I want it to… I apologise!) My goal is to get them done by the years end… but we will see if that happens.
Anyway, thank you for asking Anon - I shall be holding out hope with you! #SAVEYOUNGJUSTICE!💛
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pengosolvent · 2 years
I find myself going back to the 223 song you posted last year and I find it speaking to me all the time, or rather maybe just my OCs. I don't know if the intention was a romantic vibe of sorts, but It's resonated that way with me. I can't help but think of lovers who have spent a long time away from one another and reunite once again with an embrace. Maybe I'm wrong, but if you're willing to give a few details behind those lyrics, I'd be forever thankful for it.
I'd say your interpretation is some of the feelings in the song yes ... Sort of read more tag since long
King Deer and Bravocat are “lovers” (partners) but they become separated 223 is about King Deer's inner feelings He's generally really composed and a lot more "functional" seeming than bravocat is So while bravocat wears his ... odd behavior on his sleeve, king deer doesn't exactly do that he's a lot more reserved so 223 is a lot of feelings he doesn't tend to share at all the chaotic aspects of those feelings there is a lot of pain in relation to... trying to find a place to belong or feel cared about I wrote about this a bit on patreon a while ago, so i guess i'll try to take that and edit parts of it ---
“meaning: spoilers now for bravocats story this is the equivalent song to 224 on the bravocat album, but for king deer a big theme of bravocat's story is how opposite yet the same bravo and KD are 224 is essentially how bravo handles stress... everything feels slow motion, lethargic, not understandable but the stress is essentially.. short not that bravo gets over things quickly, but it's not really truly eliciting a reaction in bravo king deer though, while appearing calm and positive, thinks way too hard under the surface about whatever is stressing him while bravo is not very charming or sociable, and thus doesn't worry about that (or he does but not to a big extent), king deer is very charismatic and ... functional in society to put it lightly compared to bravo however, KD is very focused on always giving a pleasant presentation of himself to others when stress arises, it tends to bubble in KD. he never blows up, instead works towards doing whatever he can to fix whatever is stressing him which, in a sense is good but it can be limiting when the stress would involve him speaking up about something that is unpleasant to talk about the lyrics in english is representative of KD talking to bravo the concept of "god" in bravocats story is more so the concept of finding meaning/reason and if such a thing as meaning/reason even exists  
"Believe true, and know this:
i notice your heart's remiss.
Mine is too, but don't dismiss,
what I've learned wants no kiss." KD is trying to support bravocat, basically saying "look i know you're hurt and believe me i get that cuz i've been hurt too, but don't push me away. i'm not trying to get anything out of you." the last line specifically about the kiss is referencing that neither bravo nor KD are particularly comfortable with intimacy in different ways. they are both schizoid ( I am writing from experience in different lenses thru them i guess?) and while bravo has many of the negative traits and KD more of the "functional" ones, they both recognize and understand the way the other views the world (to varying degrees) but that is still frightening in a way. becoming close to someone, and knowing that, to most people, this would mean "romance" and neither of you have a concept of it and actively fear it i still don't understand romance as a concept anyway, the point is KD is trying to encourage bravo to not shut him out... bravo can be very self isolating and self-destructive sometimes depending on what he's focused on
"I know it's not my show
and I've been last to slow my hand,
yet god is not what I have found,
and I will not devise around this. "
another remark by KD to try to support bravo this one is basically something like... "listen, i know i'm not you so i can't understand your exact struggles and stresses, and i know i'm not perfect and i've probably hurt you without realizing sometimes... but that isn't inherently a bad sign. i haven't found this concept of meaning youre looking for, i've had to make my own meaning and i won't try to sugarcoat that, but i am here for you." [...] anyway, while KD tries to be pleasant, he also doesn't like to lie or give "disney" advice a big part of bravos stresses comes from not understanding if he has a place in the world or what it even means to be alive that sounds pretentious i dont know how to talk about my stories but, KD's balance of optimism and genuine firmness resonates with bravo and tends to calm him the spanish lyrics are more... KD's stresses with himself [Translation to english] " A smile doesn't fall, like the sun never fails. It doesn't matter what I feel, or what I dream, that's just how it goes. " KD is essentially a people pleaser and he will rather remove himself calmly from a situation than confront people. he's not a pushover per se, but he isn't one to stand up for himself unless he absolutely has to. sometimes this can make him feel trapped... and its a big part of why the bravocat comic even happens KD essentially wishes he could be superman and do everything for everyone and please everyone, but thats obviously impossible.. but he still tries too hard to go for that and he also tries to lessen any bad news ... sometimes by omission entirely which is its own can of worms”
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elvendorx · 2 years
Hi 👋🏼
So I saw your post about Harry’s patronus the other day and it got me thinking.
It reminded me how odd it always seemed to me that we’re told Harry’s deepest nature is like his mothers yet for most of the series he’s constantly being compared back to James. (They even share a patronus which the shape of is suppose to be a reflection of who you are.) It’s always how he does xyz like James, he’s as good as James at this or that, or the “ no I think your like James...”, we get the singular “less like James than I thought…” to make a distinction (but you could argue that James also wouldn’t want to put Sirius at risk. I firmly believe Sirius getting hurt is a line James won’t cross. Cause you know✨soulmate things✨). 
Like we get that he has Lily’s eyes, and that she was an “uncommonly kind witch” which pared with the deepest nature remark could be used to imply Harry is incredibly kind but I wouldn’t go as far as to call him uncommonly kind. In SWM we see more from her. Like her temper, desire to stand up for people which we could say Harry shares (James also shares a want to fight for what’s right but that a bit more complex with him) and she also fights backs a smile. Like it always bugged that we’re told this about his deepest nature yet the narrative never really backs it up I guess? Like we never hear about their similarities again outside of the green eyes. I get that Sirius and Remus are primarily James’ friends but they knew Lily. Sirius at least had a close relationship with ( her letter to him) the teachers at Hogwarts knew her, but we get a few lines about their deepest natures, their green eyes, a bit from Sluggy, and that’s like it? Which is just so strange to me. Like what? The whole idea of his deepest nature being like Lily’s hold no real weight narratively to me because nobody creates it. We’re told it and are just suppose to accept this and move on like it really means something when we’re never really give any reason as to what it means or why we should really care I guess? It bugs me how he’s suppose to be like his mother but hear about her so little in conjunction to her son.
I will mention that in Celtic mythology the stag is the “king of the forest and protector of all its creatures” (idk if jkr used that as inspo) and with James’ animagus form and patronus taking the shape of a stag it implies the stag is a real reflection of who he is as a person. Them having the same patronus puts Harry in line again with his father again opposed to his mother. It’s just something that has never made sense to me. It’s like we’re being told two different things at once. It’s like we’re supposed to believe one thing while being told/shown another.
It’s all very strange to me. I apologize if this makes zero sense. It ended up wayyy longer than I intended but I’m a big fan of your blog and you write so well about HP (especially my love j/s) that I felt compelled to share this since I never have before. I don’t really have anyone to share it with so again I apologize if this is just a bit too out of left field and an incoherent mess. It’s just some thoughts. Feel free to ignore it. ❤️💛
Hey! First of all, no way am I ignoring this, it’s such a thoughtful and insightful message, thank you, and I have to reply (even if it’s taken me a while) <3 I completely agree, there are sooo many contradictions when it comes to Lily and James and Harry and the patronus. This is the issue I have with Harry’s Patronus as well - it’s so unnecessarily gendered even though it’s inconsistent with 1. what we’re told about Harry’s character in this instance and 2. the precedence established by Snape’s Patronus, Tonks’ patronus etc. But it’s just bad writing and I’m more than happy to call JKR out for that lmao. I think within the narrative we’re probably supposed to see aspects of both James and Lily in Harry by the end of the series, but Lily can feel like such a stock figure that it’s not completely clear, and there’s still a sway towards James because we hear from his friends about him, as you say, and James’ best friend plays a significant role in Harry’s life, etc, whereas the closest we see of Lily’s friends in Harry’s life is Snape being his teacher and hating him lol. 
It’s actually really sad that Sirius and Remus don’t mention Lily because we’re supposed to believe from the letter that Sirius and Lily had enough of a standalone friendship to communicate with each other. Probably it would be explained as there was just too much going on with the second war so Lily never came up, it was painful for Sirius maybe, but I do just think JKR hadn’t thought that far ahead and came up with the letter post-OotP. Harry also doesn’t seem to think much about Lily until he witnesses Snape’s memory. He hears her scream in PoA and he sees her come out of Voldemort’s wand in GoF but Lily is very much Mother and James is fleshed out more with Quidditch, the Animagus thing, Sirius, Remus. JKR does that with female characters, makes them mothers and only mothers, whether they had more defining attributes before that or not (there’s nothing wrong with being a mother but the older/non-mothers are outliers in the series which is something I find personally uncomfortable). 
And I think a lot of the blank space around Lily can be put down to how bad JKR is at writing women and female friendships. I can only really think of Hermione and Ginny as a positive one, and I feel like the tone around Cho/Marietta and Parvarti/Lavender is supposed to make them come across as a bit silly (I haven’t read the full series for a while so that’s just an impression I remember from…years and years ago). BUT also James is shoved at Harry from when he starts Hogwarts, Petunia wasn’t someone Harry could talk to about Lily and so perhaps he detached from her a bit or she just took a back seat because information about her was less accessible (but we also don’t really see Harry try). I don’t know if I believe that was deliberate for the Snape/Lily friendship reveal or not.
I totally agree that Harry doesn’t read as especially kind either - maybe merciful, re: Wormtail and Snape, like Lily sacrificing herself for him and that maybe is supposed to signal their shared innate goodness as I feel like Lily’s sacrifice is one of the things that is routinely repeated about her through the series. Lily’s temper is also one of the consistent things we see in both SWM and The Prince’s Tale, but I love that connection of James and Lily’s quickness to fight, especially as we know from the prophecy that they defied Dumbledore thrice.
I actually think it’s in James and Lily’s similarities that Lily’s attributes get lost and they get emphasised as James’ traits or attributed to James when they fit with what we know about Lily much more neatly. One thing that sticks out to me  is Slughorn calling Lily “cheeky”, and I like to think that Harry’s comments like “You don’t need to call me ‘sir’, Professor” are more of a Lily than a James thing, or at least a Lily as well as a James thing. Harry’s comments can be very dry and sarcastic and we don’t get much sarcasm from James, he’s very on the nose and goofy in his humour. You also mentioned Lily’s temper, and I think we see that in Harry in OotP and we also see his cutting remarks when he’s hurt or angry - “You might even have a scar now, if you’re lucky. . . . That’s what you want, isn’t it?” to Ron vs Lily’s “I’d wash your pants if I were you, Snivelly”/“You didn’t think it was such a freak’s school when you wrote to the headmaster and begged him to take you”, although I doubt that’s what Dumbledore meant lol. Maybe also the dissimilarities between James and Harry indicate which elements of Harry’s nature come from Lily.
Dumbledore saying that Harry’s “deepest nature” is most like Lily’s is in response to Snape saying that “he is his father over again”. But Harry is never shown to be popular or arrogant or spoiled or cruel in the ways that James is - which are the ways that Snape means and I think it’s important to recognise that Snape talking about Harry being like James and the ways that the reader sees that Harry is actually like James are quite different. There’s also quite a distinction between the point that Snape talks about (Harry = arrogant bully) vs the point that Dumbledore is talking about (Harry’s deepest, innermost parts of his soul are like Lily) - so maybe his “deepest nature” isn’t actually the Harry we see often but the Harry that we see in those critical moments. I also think it's probably a tactic on Dumbledore’s part to get Snape to see Harry objectively  and he knows that suggesting Snape will recognise parts of Lily in Harry is likely to get him to at least try to find those attributes.
Harry discovering that James wasn’t perfect, and was more like Dudley/Draco, is an important moment for him, especially when it comes shortly before Sirius’ death. It’s this moment of him coming to terms with the realisation that he has to be responsible for his own character, make his own choices rather than trying to emulate his parents, that he can’t rely on their reputation because their reputation isn’t universally positive (in James’ case). And while even then we don’t get much more of Lily, or a deeper interest in Lily which I think could have been very interesting, I think that the qualities we see Harry taking on from OotP onwards are probably those that liken his deeper nature to Lily’s. Harry doesn’t correlate distinctly or completely with what we see of either Lily or James in the series, but that’s not a lot. In fact in HBP Harry seems to seek alternate parental figures in Dumbledore and the Prince in the absence of Sirius and maybe the slight disillusionment from James (I don’t think this is all-encompassing by any means but I think it would be especially difficult for Harry to confront in the aftermath of Sirius’ death when James and Sirius are so closely aligned).
I love the stuff about the stag, and it makes me a bit :( because James clearly does make himself this protective presence in his friends’ lives but he’s also 21 himself so I struggle to see him as this full-blown patriarch (even though that’s his role in the series), much like it’s hard to see Lily as this homely Molly-Weasley-to-be because she’s also only 21! Interestingly the name ‘James’ means supplanter/substitute and we know that JKR does pay attention to names somewhat and it seems that in a lot of cases James is like substitute/second family for his friends/Lily. But I think probably calling him James rather than a wizard name was just to show that he had a normal, comfortable upbringing.
And before I can find another point to witter on about, I’ll finish by mentioning the great point that casquecest replied to the original post with, that Harry’s Patronus changed after he adjusted his view of James to be more realistic. I like this idea of Harry coming into himself more post-war and his Patronus changing to reflect that, maybe he doesn’t feel like he has to be a leader or protector anymore.
Ty again for this thoughtful message! <3
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eolewyn1010 · 1 year
Do you ever suspect that Mary Shelley had an incest fetish? Because I do TBH...
Huh. I guess there could be a point made for Daddy issues, what with her difficult relationship to her father and the animosity she held toward her stepmother and all that. Maybe a little too dilettante psychologist for what you mean tho. So, from another standpoint (watch out, I'm babbling here):
I think her writing the Frankensteins the way she did was very much for the purpose of the story rather than self-serving, especially regarding Elizabeth. iirc, her first draft involved Elizabeth as Victor's actual cousin, and she only changed it to adoptive sister when people complained about the incest situation, removing the blood relation while very much keeping the emotional aspect of incest, with Victor intending to marry her who grew up alongside him in his household. I wouldn't exactly call it fetish material bc their relationship is kept in very non-sexual terms - there's only two notable instances where he gets physical with "Elizabeth". 1st, the dream sequence in which he embraces her and she turns into the corpse of his mother, and 2nd, when he embraces her actual corpse. While the former doubles the incestuous connotation, tying in with how in Victor's mind the relationship to his mother and that to Elizabeth overlap, he never expresses a desire of physical intimacy with a living Elizabeth; he only gets close to her when she's already lost to him. Hell, even his descriptions of her beauty read much like his descriptions of his mother; I swear he's more passionate when talking about Henry...
Thing is, all of this goes hand in hand with Victor preferring ancient philosophers over his contemporary scientists, with his failure to be a sufficient father figure, with him refusing to take criticism from outside, with his outright rejection of change even in the form of recognizing his own flaws and doing some character development. For a scientist who pushes the boundaries of progress, Victor is a remarkably backward character, averse to change even insofar as it would be his own maturing. And I think Shelley, daughter of a feminist and given a pretty thorough education by her father, was very aware of this when she wrote Victor. The incest motif is her way of illustrating Victor's refusal of growth and of opening to the world outside his familiar surroundings.
tl;dr - no, I don't think she had XD But it's a hell of an interesting question to discuss!
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idiopath-fic-smile · 2 years
YESSSSS (for reference, my version of the song lives here)
like i said, i felt some pressure writing my version of this one since in-universe it's the title track of the first album and the song Eddie at one point describes as the most personal, etc etc. this was also the first time i deliberately sat down and said, "yep, writing a song about a Stranger Things fanfic, on purpose this time."
i tried to write it in accordance with the fic description—song about El, starts quiet and then gets louder, deliberately variable in volume. i actually asked @greatunironic for any guidance she wanted to share and she referenced the Pearl Jam songs Jeremy and Alive. (i hope that had some impact on my approach; i was definitely aware as i was writing, how little like Pearl Jam i sound, haha.)
i think the weakest aspect of the song is the lack of specificity in the lyrics. i didn't rewatch Stranger Things to double-check some details that would've been helpful, like i couldn't remember what El's childhood lessons actually covered beyond presumably trying to harness the telekinesis and so on. as i recall, the kids have to teach her words like "pretty" and "friend" so presumably her non-supernatural education was limited.
i've thought a lot about Eddie in the fic describing "Girl With a Buzzcut" as his most personal song, and here is my elaborate justification for that:
hop aboard the headcanon express!
i think my iteration of the song is fundamentally about being dealt a very bad hand by life, at a time when you don't really have the tools to react in a healthy way, and trying frantically to find any path forward. this is already stuff that Eddie might relate to, within the confines of Stranger Things the show—having to grow up fast in some ways, being treated as dangerous. and then when you factor in The Most Remarkable Thing 'verse Eddie coming of age as queer in the late eighties/early nineties, i think that sense of you vs most of the world could really resonate, consciously or not. having to unlearn or reject everything the authorities have told you about yourself. being really fucking angry about it. carving out your own space and your own way to make sense of everything, more or less from scratch.
(Eddie in The Most Remarkable Thing had his name taken away, too, albeit in a different way, with the witsec alias.)
"fate is a four-letter word" = the notion that there is a place in the narrative El is "meant" to occupy (in her case: child soldier who is someone else's tool) and she is disregarding that. also that Eddie has a narrative purpose among people in Hawkins (satanic scapegoat) and he needs to find a way to move beyond that. (and on a more meta level, the fact that he dies in Stranger Things canon and we have all collectively said: Nah.)
i also think that it might feel more personal because it's about a friend of Eddie's, which i guess is paradoxical, but like. speaking only for myself, i don't really fret about putting autobiographical details in songs i write because it's just me. if a stranger walks away knowing more about me, i'm fine with that, i can handle it. writing a song for someone else can feel a lot more vulnerable because there is this profound sense of wanting to get it right, wanting to do them and their experiences justice and that can be super intimidating.
the line that i had a hard time singing in a level voice was "concentrate, now this might hurt a bit" because jesus, what a thing to say to a kid. it's not like riding a bike where there is some guaranteed pain but ultimately the trade-off is more freedom and mobility for the kid. it's "we have an agenda, and in accordance with that agenda, mitigating your pain is not our top priority." for the good of whoever we say this stuff is for the good of.
"every monster on your list is gonna be interred" = waaay at the end of the song, me suddenly remembering that the fic explicitly mentions that the lyrics refer to her fighting monsters. you win some, you lose some.
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