#and of course it's jason from 2009
dootys · 1 year
Happy Friday the 13th!
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I couldn't help but do a small quick drawing of this mama boy again
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Dick Grayson & Tim Drake: Reading Guide
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Once upon a time, two kids met at a circus... and the rest is history.
table of contents:
who are these losers?
what's fun about them?
why a reading guide?
how does the reading guide work? (tl;dr: there are quick recs, a selected chronological list, and a complete chronological list)
where is the spreadsheet? (x)
who are they?
Dick Grayson and Tim Drake: the first Robin and the third Robin.
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Also known as the circus boy and the earnest computer geek, the hotshot and the pretender, the slighted prince and the new apprentice, the acolyte and the hanger-on, Nightwing and Robin, Batman and Robin, Batman and Red Robin, and Marcia and Cindy (BftC 3, N 110 & 119, B 617, DC 677, Detention Comics 1, R 168, RR 14).
Or as Jason calls them, "You idiots" (TT 47).
More seriously, Dick Grayson is one of the most enduring comic characters ever - he's been around since Detective Comics 38 in 1940! He's Batman's first ward, first partner, and eldest son. When Dick's parents are murdered, Bruce identifies with him, comforts him, and takes him into his home, where Dick ultimately volunteers to join his crimefighting mission. By candlelight, the Dynamic Duo swear an oath: That we two will fight together against crime and corruption and never swerve from the path of righteousness!
Tim Drake was created in Batman 436 and formally introduced in Lonely Place of Dying. He's a lonely kid who imprints on Dick when they meet as children, and Dick hugs him and promises to do a quadruple somersault for him; he's horrified and worried about Dick in the aftermath of the Graysons' murder, which he witnesses. He watches Batman comfort Dick, deduces Robin's secret identity, and becomes a secret devotee of the Dynamic Duo. Though he admires them both, it's ultimately Dick who he idolizes and tries to emulate when Bruce is spiraling: Batman needs a Robin. No matter what he thinks he wants.
Their slow-burn strangers-to-friends-to-brothers-to-antagonists-to-brothers-again arc develops from 1989 to 2011, and it's one of the standout examples of the DC Post-Crisis era's commitment to gradual character development and careful continuity.
what's fun about them?
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SO MUCH!!! But one of my favorite things is their friendship has RANGE!! They go from sweet kids to tense strangers to loyal friends to brothers over the course of real-life years and tons of comics. They fight, they tease each other, they get protective, they worry, they chase each other down, they walk away... there's just so much story here.
They meet at the circus as children, when both their parents are still alive. They meet again, years later, when Bruce is reeling from Jason's death and they team up to stop him from hurting anyone. In the early days, they're brothers-in-arms and never quite family - instead, Dick is Bruce's loyal-but-estranged eldest son, and Tim is Bruce's new loyal-but-wary apprentice, with his own family and his own semi-estranged dad. The slow process of evolving toward found-family is a delight to watch.
They work together as Nightwing and Robin over four years of in-universe time and for over twenty years of real-time, gradually forging a fierce bond of friendship and, ultimately, brotherhood.
Then Bruce dies, and they have some huge fights.
But even when they're estranged, even when they're not speaking... they never stop loving and trying to protect each other. No matter what.
why a reading guide?
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Quotes from New Titans 60 and Batman 441 (1989), Nightwing 25 (1998), Nightwing 69 (2002), Red Robin 1 (2009), Red Robin 12 (2010), Gates of Gotham 3 and Detective Comics 874 (2011)
I think reading guides are cool!! And somebody asked me about one!
More generally, I think reading guides are always helpful, but especially with Dick & Tim... you know, when I first started out trying to read their comics, I got kinda overwhelmed. Because on the one hand there's SO MUCH CONTENT - they're one of the classic enduring friendships in all of post-Crisis! their relationship is a HUGE BIG DEAL! they're constantly calling each other and hanging out and supporting each other and arguing!
But at the same time, all of that content is scattered across lots of different books, in Robin and Nightwing and Detective Comics and Batman and New Titans and Titans and Young Justice and Teen Titans and Shadow of the Bat and Gotham Knights and Birds of Prey and Showcase and DC Holiday Specials and so on and so forth. There's not One Definitive Place where you can read The Dick-and-Tim Story.
So: a reading guide!
how does the reading guide work?
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Dick and Tim are in over 400 comics together and over 800 comics each separately. That's a whole lot of comics! So I've made a spreadsheet with three different reading guides, depending on how interested you are in these two:
1-5 Quick Recs: If you just want to check out a couple comics, check out these quick recs for "if you like fluff," "if you like angst," etc.
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200 Starter Comics: If you want to do a comprehensive, chronological Dick-and-Tim read without committing to all the comics, this list has some of their major team-ups plus some solo comics so you know what the heck is going on. Most of them have a "sneak peek" you can use to decide if you want to read it.
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Big List: A complete list of all the comics Dick and Tim are in, in chronological order, with links to dc.fandom and to DC Universe Infinite. It has filter views.
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This spreadsheet was a labor of love, obsession, and SO MUCH PROCRASTINATING doing other things. I update it sometimes.
where is the spreadsheet?
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it's here. have fun <3
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Hi do you happen to know who in the batfam went to (still in) university? You know, as a billionaire himself Bruce of course consider his kids' education and all.
Barbara: Graduated from high school at sixteen; graduated with honors from Gotham State University; received a Master Degree of Laws from Harvard University
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Gotham Knights #25
Dick: Dropped out of Hudson University after one semester
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Batman #330
Jason: Died before he could graduate high school, but was educated to college levels during his Robin training
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Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth
Cass: No formal education
Tim: High-school dropout; got into Ivy University, then didn't bother actually going
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Red Robin #16
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Detective Comics #981
Steph: (Presumably) still attending Gotham University
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Batgirl (2009) #1
Duke: Still in high school
Damian: Homeschooled for most of his childhood, then switched over to private school
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Super Sons #10
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Okay so I might be overthinking this, but I feel like Scarlet was set up to be both a foil and villain towards Damian and also for their relationship to sorta mirror Bruce and Jason's.
If you don't know who Scarlet is, let me introduce you to her a sec before I explain.
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So this is Scarlet. Her real name is Sasha. She got introduced in the first issue of Batman and Robin (2009). Of course, then she looked like this:
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Her dad and uncle are both goons, and they're all immigrants from Russia. However, her uncle is killed by Professor Pyg and her father is turned into a dollotron in front of her because they were planning on leaving, having encountered Batman.
However, Dick and Damian aren't looking for Pyg right then - or at least, not that they're aware of. They have an encounter with Le Cirque d'Etrange and discover a man they had been tracking, the Toad, found dead. They get a lead, but unfortunately get into a fight, so Damian takes an opportunity to sneak out alone and track down their lead. This is where he meets Sasha, who has started to have the dollotron process performed on her. She tries to warn him that it's a trap.
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The dollotrons, however, manage to quickly overwhelm him. Damian wakes up to find himself to find himself tied to a chair. Sasha is strapped to a medical table, about to have the dollotron process finished on her. Damian breaks free and frees Sasha, promising to get her out, and together they begin fighting Professor Pyg and his dollotrons. Sasha lights him on fire and he tries to flee, which is when this happens:
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Then Dick shows up, although the building burns down. But Sasha escaped. The Dollotrons were all brought to the hospital, and that night, she kills her father.
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Jason saves her, and offers her a place as his partner, which she accepts. After this she becomes his partner/protegé/sidekick and goes by the name Scarlet.
Okay, so that's Scarlet. Now I want to draw attention to specific parts of her story where she mirrors Jason.
- Dad is a goon
- Is captured by a Rogue who has threatened their parent
- Is severely injured by and loses parent to said Rogue
- Wayne fails to save them
-attempts to kill father
-becomes a villain who believes that they're in the right
idk. Maybe I'm reading way too much into this. But it just feels purposeful to me. Like maybe Damian was supposed to find a way to eventually save or redeem Scarlet, where Bruce failed to with Jason. That maybe they could grow, become better than their predecessors.
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heroesriseandfall · 1 year
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Tim Drake on trauma and tragedy: what makes a hero, and what destroys one.
Comic sources:
Robin Vol. 2 #101
Red Robin #22
Detective Comics #619
Identity Crisis #6
Robin Vol. 1 #1
Robin Vol. 2 #132
DCU Halloween Special 2009, “Our Father’s Sins”
Teen Titans Vol. 3 #51
Robin Vol. 2 #167
DCU Halloween Special 2009, “Our Father’s Sins”
Image descriptions in alt text are also copied below read more.
1. Tim Drake’s narration box from Robin #101, that says: “Does it take more than just the desire to be a hero—do you have to have the trauma and the tragedy to go with it?”
2. Two comic panels from Red Robin #22. The first shows Tim Drake in a cemetary at night, wearing a maroon dress shirt and dark slacks with his hands clasped behind his back as he stares down at a grave that says “Janet Drake, wife” on it. The second panel shows a hand laying in a pool of blood. Reflecting in the blood is a scene of Batman holding Tim Drake in his arms. Tim is not wearing a mask but he’s crying and gripping tightly to Bruce’s arms wrapped around him. It is drawn similar to the scene where Jack Drake dies.
3. Comic panels from Detective Comics #619. The silhouettes of Tim Drake and Alfred Pennyworth stare up at a glass case holding Jason Todd’s Robin costume. Alfred has his hand on Tim’s shoulder as Tim says, “Strange…Dick Grayson’s parents died…and gave the world Robin. And poor Jason…his parents, too.” Alfred leads Tim away from the case, toward the Batcave stairs, as Tim continues, “Maybe…maybe it’s something we all have to go through before…before we put on the suit!” Alfred says, “Heaven forbid, sir! Don’t ever think like that! Not ever!” The last panel shows the solitary glass case with the Robin suit, surrounded by a small circle of light before the rest of the cave is in darkness.
4. Comic panels from Identity Crisis #6. A green narration box says, “…and, of course, fathers.” It shows a scene of young Bruce Wayne in a suit holding two roses with a desolate expression as Alfred Pennyworth stands behind him in a thick, dark coat holding an umbrella. It’s night, there’s a lamppost to the right, and it’s raining as Alfred looks down at Bruce with concern and says, “I’m sorry, Master Bruce.” The scene changes to an adult Bruce Wayne with a young Dick Grayson, standing next to each other in a large circus tent as a police officer walks by. Tears are streaming down Dick’s face as Bruce looks down at him and says, “I’m sorry, Dick.” The scene changes again to Bruce in a suit, standing in a cemetary at night as he looks down and says, “I’m sorry, Tim.”
5. A comic panel from Robin Vol. 1 #1 showing Tim Drake holding Jack Drake’s limp hand as Jack lays in a hospital bed. Tim looks tired and numb as he thinks, “His hand is so small in mine. I remember when I thought it was the biggest hand in the world.” The scene shifts to Tim in the back of a car as Alfred, looking concerned in the driver’s seat, glances back at Tim. Tim has his hand on his forehead as he stares out the window. Tim continues to think, “It’s strange to be leaving them. So many times they travelled the world and left me behind. But more than anything else, this journey is for my parents.”
6. Comic panels from Robin Vol. 2 #132 showing Tim Drake in a dark suit standing under a tree with a despondant but serious expression as he says, “If you’re asking if I plan to continue as Robin, the answer is yes. I’m more determined now than ever before.” The next panel shifts to show how Bruce Wayne is standing beside Tim in a similar suit, holding something under his arm and looking sad. Tim continues saying, “But don’t for a moment think I’m now like you, Bruce. I’m not about to let these losses turn me into another copy of you—grim and vengeful and closed off from most of what keeps us human.”
7. Comic panels from DCU Halloween Special ‘09 #1, which shows three panels, the first of Bruce Wayne in a light brown suit smiling with his face partially in shadow. Tim Drake’s narration boxes say, “When your father died…you hid all your pain and sadness away—” it cuts off to show Tim looking forlorn as he says, “What did you do?” His narration box continues from the previous, “—inside the Batman.” The last panel shows Bruce with his arms folded and a grim expression as Tim asks again, “What did you do? Bruce, what did you do?”
8. A comic panel from Teen Titans Vol. 3 #51 which shows Tim Drake as Batman from the side, facing off against a younger Tim Drake as Robin. Batman Tim says, “If that’s true…then how do you explain my continued existence? That you’ve not yet wised up despite all the dead loved ones in your life lately is an insult to their memories. But you still have it in you to step up before it’s too late—before even more Titans have to die.” Robin Tim looks angry and spreads his arms, getting up in Batman Tim’s face as Robin Tim says, “And by ‘step up’ you mean kill, right?”
9. A comic page from Robin Vol. 2 #167 showing Tim Drake in a tattered red-and-black Robin suit standing in the rain in front of a gravestone that says, “In loving memory: Drake. Jack and Janet.” Tim says, “I’m tired of pretending that not having you here isn’t killing me. That every time I lose someone else, it doesn’t take a little part of me with them.” Tim clutches his own head and continues, “Before…before it happened, you told me it was all worth it. This life was all worth it, and that I should never question it.” Tim bends over, forehead and hands pressed against the top of the gravestone, and continues saying, “Well, I’ve been trying…please believe that I’m still trying… but every day I have to find another reason to put this mask back on. Sometimes it’s for Bruce. Sometimes for Conner, but a lot of times, I do it for you. Because you were brave enough to understand the man I wanted to be.” Tim falls to his knees in the mud and raises his arms as he continues saying, “And you lost your life because of it. If I was just some normal kid with some normal life, you’d be alive today. Maybe mom would be alive today. Were your lives really worth all the others I’ve saved? God, how can I even ask that?” Tim crosses his arms over the top of the gravestone and lays his head against it as he continues, “Dad, I used the night of your death as a reason—no, an excuse to turn into someone else…” Tim drops lower, almost laying down but with his hands still clutching the gravestone as he says, “…And I came here tonight to tell you it won’t happen again.” Tim finally turns his head to look behind him, a hand still on the grave as shadows and light play across his fierce expression. He says, “I’ll never give up, dad. Not while there’s a breath in our bodies—neither one of us will ever give up.”
10. A cropped comic panel from DCU Halloween Special ‘09 showing Tim Drake’s sillhoette in his Red Robin suit, walking away in the foggy night, toward a tall gate and fence past rows of gravestones. Behind him, the angle of the lighting makes a long shadow in the rough shape of a bat.
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Bat Family Ages (with Sources & Panels)
Notes: I'm NOT using a "year zero"; the calendar year before "Batman: Year One" is "1 Year Before Batman".
Ages at the end of Preboot (Batman: Year Twenty)- Bruce (45), Renee (37-38), Kate (33), Babs (27-28), Helena (26-27), Dick (26), Cass (21), Jason (20-21), Steph (19), Tim (17 18), Damian (10-11).
Bruce Wayne- 26 Years Before Batman
Renee Montoya- 7th September, 19 Years Before Batman
Kate Kane- 14 Years Before Batman
Barbara Gordon- 8-9 Years Before Batman
Helena Bertinelli- 8 Years Before Batman
Dick Grayson- 1st Day of Spring™, 7 Years Before Batman
Cassandra Cain-Wayne- 26th January, 2 Years Before Batman
Jason Todd- 16th August, 2 Years Before Batman
Stephanie Brown- 1 Year Before Batman
Tim Drake-Wayne- Batman: Year One
Damian Wayne- Batman: Year Nine
Long Version
Bruce Wayne- 26 Years Before Batman
On the 4th of January, Year One, a 25 year-old Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham after 12 years abroad on 4th January, months before his first outing as Batman (Batman: Year One #1). Unless his birthday is between Jan 1-4, Bruce turns 26 the year Batman is born.
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Dick Grayson- 1st Day of Spring, 7 Years Before Batman
Dick Grayson's origin story is appears in the tail end of Batman: Dark Victory, which takes place in the 4th and 5th years of Batman's career.
In its sequel, Robin: Year One, Dick begins attending Bristol Middle School. And in Batman & Robin (2009) #13, Dick, as Batman, tells the Joker he had already figured him out at 12 but The Joker doesn't appear in Robin: Year One. So, Dick is probably 11 when he becomes Robin, in Year Five (Dark Victory). Dick is 19 years younger than Bruce.
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Important for later, Dick becomes Nightwing, aged 19 (Nightwing: Year One and Batman #116) in Year Thirteen.
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Jason Todd- August 16th, 2 Years Before Batman
According to his death certificate, Jason Todd was 15 years and 8 months old when he died on the 27th of April (Batman Files). His birthday is August 16th (Detective Comics #790). At this time, Dick Grayson was 21, having left the Robin mantle 2 years earlier; at 19 (Batman #436). Jason is around 5 years younger than Dick. He was hence Robin for less than 2 years, from when he was 13 going on 14 in Year Thirteen up to 27th April, Year Fifteen.
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Stephanie Brown- 2 Years Before Batman
Steph is 15 when she debuts as Spoiler (Secret Origin 80-Page Giant). At the same time as her debut comic, Deathstroke (1991) Annual 1 has Dick saying he, one of the oldest Titans, is no older than 21 (the age he was when Jason died). Dick is 6 years older than Steph. So Steph debuts in Year Fifteen; the same year Jason dies and Tim becomes Robin.
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Steph becomes Batgirl right before her freshman year of university, aged 18, going on 19 (Batgirl 2009 #1). This is in Year Nineteen. Which means that Preboot ends in Batman: Year Twenty as Steph has not yet entered sophomore year. Convergence takes place after of course.
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Barbara Gordon- 8-9 Years Before Batman
Batgirl (2000) #45 shows that Babs was already Batgirl at 18. As an adult, Babs is 5'11" and yet she did not meet the minimum height requirements for the GCPD or FBI during Batgirl: Year One. She must have become Batgirl before she stopped growing, and so was at most 16 during Batgirl: Year One. She also says that she is older than Dick in Batgirl: Year One but they must be close enough in age for them to go to prom together (Detective Comics #871). My theory is that Babs didn't go to her own prom because she skipped grades and was or felt too young so her high school prom was actually when she went with Dick to his. Babs is somewhere between 1-2 years older than Dick.
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There's more evidence for this. Dick is already a Teen Titan during Batgirl: Year One and in New Titans #89 said that he knew Donna Troy since they were both 13. So Babs likely became Batgirl between Year Seven and Year Eight, when she was 15-16 and Dick was 13-14. Also, Dick and Babs have a picnic as friends 12 years before The Black Mirror, in Year Twenty, so these ages are pretty perfect.
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Important for later, Babs is shot by the Joker just before Jason is killed and becomes Oracle before Tim becomes Robin. This is in Year Fifteen; she is roughly 22 here given that Dick is 20-21 at the time. No panels just math :P
Cassandra Cain-Wayne- January 26th, 2 Years Before Batman
Cassandra Cain debuts in No Man's Land aged 17 (Batgirl 2000 #1) and turns 18 on the 26th of January the following year, though she only learns this after it has passed (Batgirl 2000 #33). Later that year, Bruce brings her to Jason's grave on the 16th of August, the day he would have turned 18 (Detective Comics #790). She is 7 months older than Jason.
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Helena Bertinelli- 8 Years Before Batman
Helena Bertinelli was 8 when her family was murdered and the events of Huntress: Cry for Blood takes place 15 years after, following directly after No-Man's Land. Huntress is hence 23 following No-Man's Land. Cass turns 18 soon after No-Man's land, so Helena is around 5 years older than Cass.
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But, Cass is born in January and Helena could be born later in the year. Helena Bertinelli is 21 years-old during Huntress: Year One; when she becomes the Huntress. She soon moves back to Gotham after Carvinal in Venice (late Jan-early Feb), and encounters Barbara Gordon as Batgirl. Babs is at most 22 here so Babs is close to 1 year older than Helena and Helena is slightly older than Dick. Huntress debuts at the tail end of Year Fourteen.
Damian Wayne- Batman: Year Nine
Dick and Stephanie call Damian a 10 year old in Batman and Robin #2 and Batgirl #17. One takes place before Steph starts uni (since Damian appears in Batgirl 2009 #1) and the other takes place during Steph's second semester of freshman year (Batgirl #13). So Damian is 9 years younger than Stephanie. He first appears aged 9 at the start of Year Nineteen and becomes Robin later that year, aged 10.
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Renee Montoya- 7th September, 19 Years Before Batman
In 52 #14, published in 2006, we see Renee's passport and date of birth: 9/7/1970. It is the 14th week of the year so she would be 35 going on 36. 52 takes place in Year Eighteen, the calendar year Damian turns 9, so Renee is 27 years older than Damian.
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She debuts as the second Question in 52 #48 the same year, aged 36.
Kate Kane- 14 Years Before Batman
Kate Kane is 32 at the time of Batwoman: Elegy, in Year Nineteen, since she was in the same class at West Point as the real-life activist Dan Choi, which means that she was part of the US Military Academy Class of 2003. Damian is 10 at the time so Kate is 22 years older than Damian.
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Tim Drake-Wayne- Batman: Year One
Tim's age is THE weird one because DC are hellbent on keeping him at 17. It's too much for my brain, like how is he still 17 in Red Robin?? Let's say he seems to be only a year younger than Stephanie Brown a la Secret Origins 80-Page Giant or that he was bitten by a strange vampire bat during the One Year Later time skip. Your pick.
Fun fact: Dick permanently becomes Batman at 25 (in Year Nineteen), which is possibly the same age Bruce was when he became Batman.
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atwingeofcringe · 6 months
A/N: i didnt mean for this to be so long but i was thinking about it for weeks! also this changes the end of the 2009 reboot! hope you guys like it! Summary: you come to Jason's rescue Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Reader Warnings: guns, blood, death, use of female pronouns towards the end Word Count: 3,039
The rain harshly pounding on the roof of your cabin roused you from your sleep. Still, you lay with your eyes closed, not wanting risk being awake for the rest of the night if you did. Bright flashes from the lightning could still be seen from behind your eyelids. Ugh, it’s going to be hard getting back to sleep like this.
It wasn’t until a loud, rumbling boom of thunder that was strong enough to shake your cabin slightly that you jolted up. Yeah, you’re definitely not getting back to sleep. You sighed, trying to calm yourself from the silly jumpscare and rolled over to cuddle your boyfriend for comfort. Another sigh escapes you as your hand felt around in the dark on his side of the bed, only to realize he wasn’t there.
There was nothing concerning about Jason not being home at this hour. He’s gotten home at later hours before. But as you looked out the window at the storm, the rain pummeling the glass, you couldn’t help but feel something was… wrong.
You swung your legs over the side of the bed and planted your feet on the floor. Wrapping your arms around yourself as a chill tickled your skin, you made your way downstairs towards the kitchen. Another boom of thunder caught you slightly off guard as you stepped into the kitchen and you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe some tea will calm me down.” You mumbled to yourself and flipped on the light switch. At least the power is still working. You picked up the tea kettle from the stove top and filled it with water at the sink.
As you waited for the kettle to fill to your desired amount, the feeling of something being wrong came back to your mind. You shivered slightly and hoped Jason was okay.
“Of course he’s okay.” You told yourself and carried the kettle back to the stove. You turned on the burner, got yourself a mug from the cabinet, and set it o the counter. “He’ll be back soon.”
Your attempt at comforting yourself wasn’t working that well. Thoughts of Jason in trouble flooded your mind no matter how much you tried to push them back. You haven’t seen him since yesterday evening. He always told you told you stay in the cabin late at night. It’s too dangerous since it’s harder to see the traps he’s set up and the locations of other traps change all the time.
Just as the kettle went off a new thought entered your mind. What if he’s in the tunnels? You know that a little over a month ago he started holding a girl captive down there. You were confused since he had never done that before until you noticed the locket hanging around her neck. She resembled a young version of his mother.
You heart ached for her as you knew Jason would never let her go. Sometimes you’d sneak her extra food if she was still hungry but you’d never stay long enough to converse with her. If you did, you know you’d be tempted to let her go and you never want to betray Jason.
You quickly turned off the burner, moved the kettle to the other side of the stove, and rushed out of the kitchen. Your shoes were quickly thrown on and you made your way to the wooden hatch door. It was hidden under the rug in the living room. Jason, despite your protests, built it so he could have easier access to the house from the tunnels, just in case.
The tunnel entrance was shallow and well lit, making it easy for you to confidently sink in. You had the bend over for a while as you walked through but it eventually opened up into a wider area. The place was dead quiet and all your hopes of Jason being there were dashed away.
Still, you decided to have a look around to see if you could get a clue to where he was. So far nothing seemed strange or out of place except for some things that were thrown about. It wasn’t until you got to the corner where he was holding that girl that your stomach dropped.
She was gone.
You ran back through the tunnels the way you came and lifted yourself out of the hatch. Panic quickly took over your body and carried you to the front door. You stopped momentarily to grab the shotgun that leaned against the wall and threw open the front door. The storm was was the least of your worries.
You had no idea where you were going but you ran anyway. The pelted your skin as you refused to slow down. A barn came into view and you recognized it as the one Jason frequently took kerosene from. You pushed yourself to run just a little faster. A faint rumbling sound could be heard over the rain as you approached.
Two voices could be heard, a man and a woman. The woman’s you recognized as the one Jason had chained up in the tunnels. Rage was now building up inside you. You readied your shotgun and stepped into the entrance of the barn.
The view before you tore your heart in two and tears pricked at your eyes. The two people were turned away from you, breathing heavily, and comforting each other. In front of them was Jason, a bear trap clamped onto his shoulder, the attached chain was looped around his throat while the other end was tangled in the wood chipper. Jason’s name ripped through your throat in an agonized scream causing the two people to whip around in surprise.
“Clay, that’s her!” Screamed the girl. “She’s with him!”
“Shut the fuck up!” You screamed back, tears now streaming down your face. “Let him go, right now!” The shotgun in your hands was now aimed at their chests. They stood there stunned, unsure of what to do. “I said now!” You cocked the shotgun causing them to jump.
“You’re fucking crazy!” The guy, Clay, yelled.
This only angered you and without thinking you aimed the shotgun at his legs and pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped through his skin and he screamed out in pain, falling to the ground. The girl screamed out his name and sank to the ground with him, trying to put pressure on his wound.
“Don’t fuck with me!” You warned. As if the gun shot wound wasn’t enough.
“Okay, okay…” the girl trailed off as she started sobbing.
“Get up, now!” Your gun was aimed at her head. Slowly she rose to her feet, her eyes never leaving the gun. “Now, turn that machine off.” You demanded.
With the same slowness, she turned around and proceeded forward. You followed her with your gun now pointed at her back, stepping past Clay. He watched you with a fierce anger in his eyes. You couldn’t blame him. But you, too, are willing to do what it takes to protect your loved one.
The girl reached out to the lever of the wood chipper. Before she pulled it, two hands reached around you and grabbed your gun, trying to pry it pry it from your hands. You spun around and tried to shove the gun forward, intending to hit your assailant in the face with it. A second pair of arms prevented you as they pulled you back.
“Hurry up!” The girl screamed. “Take the gun!”
“I’m trying!” Clay grunted.
His grip on the shotgun was like iron and it was getting harder to keep your own grip as he pulled. In a fit of panic you forced your elbow back, hitting the girl in the face, causing her to let go. Then, you reared your leg back brought it up with as much force as you could muster, kicking Clay in the groin. He released the gun and doubled over in pain on the ground once again. You cocked the gun and spun around just in time to see the girl rushing at you for the gun again. Still panicking and without a second thought you aimed the gun and pulled the trigger.
“WHITNEY!” Clay cried out. He finally found his sister after 6 months of nonstop searching and she was suddenly ripped away from again. This time, with no hope of returning.
This surprised even yourself. You had no intention of actually killing them, just scaring them enough so they’d do what you want and then never come back. Your hands began shaking and your grip on the shot gun loosened. “I… didn’t mean-“
You were cut off by Clay grabbing the gun from your hands and shoving you to the ground. Now, you were on the other end and you were terrified. You glanced behind Clay where Jason still was. His body bent backwards over the wood chipper that was still rumbling loudly. The sound of the shotgun being cocked made you look back up at the person before you.
“We just want to be left alone…” you said weakly. “I was going to let you go, I swear!” You tried pleading with him.
“He kidnapped my sister!” His face was red with anger and tears flowed down his face. “And then you killed her!”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!” Your whole body was shaking now as tears streamed down your face as well. “Please…” you trailed off, knowing you had no right to beg for your life after what you did. You bowed your head and clamped your eye shut waiting for your final moments.
“No, you don’t deserve to live after that.” It seemed he was hesitating though because after a few seconds nothing came.
As you opened your eyes you spotted Jason’s machete within reach. An idea formed in your head and you slowly looked back up at Clay. “You’re right, I don’t.” Your voice came out shaky. “I feel terrible for what I did and nothing I say or do can bring her back. This wasn’t supposed to be the outcome.”
He stood there silently, a look on his face that seemed like he was deep in thought. It was a slight movement but you noticed his finger loosen on the trigger and you took that as your moment. You kicked Clay in his knee, sending him stumbling. As he tries to regain his composure you dove for the machete. In the blink of an eye Clay was aiming the shotgun back at your head as you looked up into his eyes. They were wide with shock as he looked down at the machete buried deep within his chest. He dropped the gun and gripped the handle of the weapon sticking out of him, stumbling backwards a couple feet as blood seeped out of his mouth.
You breathed heavily as his body fell to the ground, lifeless. But you didn’t stare too long as you remembered Jason. You forced the lever into the off position and everything suddenly fell silent. The chain around Jason’s neck was stuck in the wood chipper and would be impossible for you to yank out.
“Come on, come on!” You pleaded through gritted teeth as you now tried to pry open the bear trap on his arm. It took a lot of force but you managed to get it off. You guessed it was the adrenaline. With the bear trap now free you could loosen the chain. You did it slowly and meticulously so as not to possibly hurt him any further.
When he was finally free his body slumped to the ground with a loud thud, dirt, dust, and straw went flying. With the last bit of your strength you shoved him over onto his back and looked him over. He was wearing a mask you hadn’t seen before. Your eyes traveled down to his chest where you finally noticed the stab wound. They had stabbed him through the center of his chest with his machete.
“Jason…” the tears were flowing again. “My Jason…”
You laid your head on his chest and your heart leaped with joy and relief as you could hear his heart beat. It was faint but still there and that’s all you needed to keep your hopes high. Sitting back up, you cupped the side of his face with one hand and shook his shoulder with the other.
“Come on, wake up! We need to get you home!” You sniffled. When he didn’t move you shook him again. “Jason, please!”
No matter what you tried he just laid there. You didn’t want to give up but you were lost on what to do. You settled with the fact that you’d just have to be patient and wait. Not wanting to leave him there you placed your head on his chest, avoiding his wound, and listened to his breathing and heart beat. Your head followed the shallow rise and fall of his chest and you curled into him.
The rain had long since stopped and the the sun is now coming up, birds chirping happily outside together. You grew tired as you laid there on Jason’s chest after the adrenaline wore off, but you fought the urge to sleep in case his condition worsened. However, you were pleasantly surprised when he suddenly sucked in a deep breath.
You tried to sit up to get a look at him but he aggressively grabbed you and was now hovering over you and pinning you down. His eyes showed he was panic and anger, not realizing what was happening.
“Jason, wait!” You yelled, brining your hands up to protect yourself.
Your voice broke him out of his panicked state and he stared down at you, breathing heavily. Slowly, he got off of you and looked around, spotting the bodies of the two people he was after earlier. He looked back down at you and pulled you up into a tight hug. Not tight enough to hurt you but enough to to convey how he was feeling. Fear, relief, disappointment, happiness, and anger. Overall he was happy you were ok and sorry that he worried you so badly that it came to this. He doesn’t like for you to see these things.
You pulled away enough to look up at him, your watery eyes braking his heart. “We need to get you home to fix your wounds.” You said beckoned him to stand with you.
His wounds didn’t hurt that much, he’s had worse. But he’d follow you and let you take care of him if that’s what will help you. He stood and walked over to Clay’s body, ripping his machete out of his chest and hung it from his belt.
His hand reached out for you to take it but you suddenly remembered something. He watched you, confused, as you walked over Whitney’s corpse. But his confusion was soon alleviated when you walked back over to him and holding out your hand. You were holding his mother’s locket. He gently took it from your hand and popped it open, letting his thumb run over the picture his mom.
You rested your hand gently on his shoulder, getting his attention. “Let’s go home, okay?”
He looked at you and nodded, tucking the locket away in his pocket. You picked up the shotgun then he took your hand and lead you out of the barn and back home.
Once back at the house, you lead him to the bathroom so he could clean up. You laid out clean clothes for him and took his dirty ones to the laundry room. You’ve always hated cleaning blood but at his point you were used to it. You let out a soft sigh as you closed the door to the washing machine and headed for the front door again. Jason had dropped his machete on the floor there since you didn’t want him carrying it through the cabin. You picked up and brought it to the kitchen to clean it off in the sink.
Seeing the letting and mug sitting out made you remember you were going to make some tea. You felt now you needed it or more than ever. Setting the machete down in the sink, you turned and behind heating up the kettle again. You also pulled another a second mug out the cabinet just in case Jason wanted some too. He usually didn’t but after what happened last night, he might.
Jason wrapped his arms around your middle, making you jump slightly. How can such a large man sneak around so quietly? You turned around in his arms and hugged him tightly, being mindful of his wounds. He’s still wearing that mask from earlier. When he left the cabin in a rush yesterday he was wearing his cloth mask. Now he’s wearing a red and white plastic mask.
“Where did you get this?” You asked cupping his face. Of course you weren’t expecting him to answer, though.
He just leaned down and pressed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. He sighed, slowly rocking you side to side in a comforting manor.
“Can I take care of you now?” You asked, giving him a pleading look.
He nodded and sat down at the table, letting you look him over. His more serious injuries were already wrapped up and cared for since he didn’t want you to see them. He waited patiently as you tended to his smaller ones and fussed over him. He hates to see you worry but he can’t help but love that you make such a big deal over him. It makes him feel loved and his heart full.
When you finished, he gently took your hand, stopping you from walking away to put the first aid kit away, and placed you knuckles against his mask where his mouth is, as if he was kissing them.
‘Thank you.’
You smiled and placed the first aid kit back down, bringing Jason into another hug. His arms wrapped around your waist and his head rested against your chest, breathing in your scent.
“I love you, Jason.”
Jason pulled you into his lap and held your hand over his heart.
‘I love you, too’
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(House Of Ashes) Jason Kolchek & Salim Othman's Outfit
Note:This Is Basically Remastered Version of My Old Works Back in 2022. I Decide to Improve Some Outfit And Of Course Include The Weapons that Used in the Game. Honestly I Never Played this Game At All. I Only Know this Game From Tumblr's Forum About Shipping Between this two Character with Codename "JaLim". But I Found the Other Reason To Loving This Game: It was Brought The Iraqi Conflict Of 2003 Mixed it with Horror Elements which I Found it Interesting. But Without Futher A do Let's Let This Show On The Road.
thanks to @hornydotsblog For Borrowing Her Sims for My Promotions. Such Magnificent Work, Sister and Keep up a good Work
🇺🇸Jason Kolchek
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First Lieutenant Jason Kolchek (cir. 1973) is one of the five main protagonists and a playable character in The Dark Pictures Anthology's third installment, House of Ashes. He is a United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance First Lieutenant and the squad leader of Mailman 2-1. Jason is a white American man. He has a white complexion with smooth skin, brown eyes and short brown hair.
For personal items, Jason wears a Blue T-shirt, a gray-green  shemagh, black watch on left wrist, and a gray baseball cap with  "Remember 9/11" marking. He has two tattoos on his arms: one on left  forearm, other - on right upper arm 
For his Marine uniform, Jason wears interceptor PASGT vest in  woodland camouflage with small bags and tan backpack. He also dons  3-color desert camouflage fatigue pants with two kneepads and combat  boots. During the operation, Jason wears an earpiece with a small light  and radio on his left ear and is armed with a modified M4A1 carbine.
Set Include:
- Jason's Uniform:
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1 Color Swatch
Male Only
Custom Thumbnail
Full Body
Age Range:Teen-Elder
Jason's Baseball Cap:
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1 Color Swatch
Male Only
Custom Thumbnail
Baseball Cap Category
Age Range:Teen-Elder
🇮🇶 Salim Othman
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This outfit set is created from Lt. Salim Ohman's character from the  "House of Ashes" game series, which is a young Iraqi officer. But this outfit set quite resemble on what Iraqi troops wore during the Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom campaign.
Actually since 1980s, Iraqi forces haven't clear pattern of uniform, in other words, Iraqi forces utilised anything they could wear to their troops, even some source show the usage of DPM camo set within the Army mixed by the SSh-68 helmet or what we show here. The outfit itself might be an influence from the old British army's field dress, as well as in other Arab states at that time.
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- Salim's Uniform:
1 Color Swatch
Male Only
Custom Thumbnail
Full Body
Age Range:Teen-Elder
-Iraqi M80 Helmet:
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-1 Color Swatch
-Custom Thumbnail
-Brimmed-Age Range:Teen-Elder
Weapons (Exclusive to This Set)
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I personally fond of the weapons design in this game. but sadly I disapprove of the anachronism featured in the accessories selection. Starting with the Magpul products, Magpul Industries was established in 1999, resulting in its existence by the time of the Iraq War. The products depicted in the game were not accurate. Firstly, the MOE (Magpul Original Equipment) product lines were not officially released until 2008, which makes the stock on the M4A1 anachronistic. The pistol grip is not an original A2 type pistol grip since it does not have a finger hump, and there is an extension to the receiver. The handgrip could be a MOE handgrip, but it could also be the Magpul MIAD (Mission Adaptable) handgrip with adjustable back and front straps. The MIAD was released earlier than the MOE, but it was released in 2004, a year after the game's setting. The Marines used Magpul EMAGS (export mags) that had flat sides and a witness window for ammunition. These magazines were not released until 2009. The old steel or aluminum STANAGS would be accurate. While the M4A1 was correctly portrayed with a quad-railed handguard, the type of handguard used for military-issued carbines was incorrect. The rail that should be used is the Knight's Armament Company M4 RAS Forend. The rail system in the game seemed to be heavily influenced by the UTG two-piece handguard and the Surefire M82 handguard. While according to three veterans I talked to about military issued small arms (two Army and one Navy) it is possible to set up your rifle with what you want so having the UTG handguard is not impossible, but it begs the question of why these Marines would go out of their way to pay for the lesser quality of the UTG instead of using the standard issued Knight’s system. UTG was most likely what developers had access to for a reference.
[Custom]Colt M4 (Custom #65)
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But Fear Me Not I Eventually Decide to Fix All Those Fiasco With more Era Appropriate and Authentic M4 With Genuine Colt M16A2 Pistol Grip, Real M4A1 Stock, Steel STANAG 30-Rounds Magazine, Authentic Military-Issue Quad Rail Made By Knights Armaments Company (KAC). With Trijicon The Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (ACOG)
-Glock 17
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While Glocks did exist by 2003, but the Glock shown in the game would be 15 years too early because the game used the Generation 5 model of Glocks and Glock’s Gen 5 came out in 2018. The Gen 5 is characterized with the beveled front of the slide and frame, hole in the middle of the guide rod, front slide serrations (although the real Gen 5s’ serrations are straight, not slanted), no finger grooves on the the bottom of the frame (where the flashlight is attached in the game), an ambidextrous slide release, and only one trigger pin.
Glock 17 (#Custom 21)
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I made another fix to make it Fit into Game Settings and replaced it with Gen 3 Glocks. as This Particular Generation was Introduced in 1998. The Gen 3 has finger grooves, no front slide serrations, no ambidextrous slide release, no beveled front slide nor beveled frame, a rail on the bottom of the frame and two trigger pins. Attaching an aftermarket flashlight is possible with a rail on the bottom.
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Just some Creativity Liberty I Take, Despite I Know the Facts AK That Used in Game in Fact Soviet Type 3 AK, But I Found it Interesting if they using Bulgarian Ones
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Iraqi Tariq Pistol
The pistol of the Republican Guard in the game was the Beretta 1951, or rather its Iraqi copy: the Tariq. The giveaway that it’d likely be the Tariq was the presence of a medallion on the pistol grip, something the original Beretta did not have. Besides the incorrect shape of the slide release and the three holes in the trigger.
@cctreasuretrove @sssvitlanz @exzentra-reblog @ts4-poses
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streets-in-paradise · 8 months
Hope - Clay Miller x Reader
Friday 13th (2009) Oneshot
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Warnings: Some cringy dialogue ( let's face it,the group are all cringy stereotypes lol). Allusions to Jason's story and some grim warnings regarding him. I'm also expanding the new rule introduced in the 2009 film, where sense of familiarity with his past not only distracted him but also made him spare a life for a while.
Summary: You are the only person who has given Clay any hope on the desperate search for his sister. Unlike most of the locals he had approached, some mysterious reason keeps you convinced that she could still be alive and on this determination you join forces with him.
Nobody else seems to mind about it and when the blatant disrespect from a tourist really pisses you off, you stand up for Clay giving him a frightening show exposing why he should care.
Tags: @drum-bot-brian
It was weird for Clay to find a self presented volunteer when the entire community was ignoring him, but when you approached him with the missing poster in hand offering your help he felt slightly relieved. At least he wasn’t completely alone and although you were a bit odd, you had a strong will to support him. Looking at Whitney’s picture, you simply stated that she looked like a sweet girl and that could possibly mean she could still be around. When asked about it, you acted as if some intuition based on practical knowledge would be telling you that. You wouldn’t tell him why, but you were convinced that she was still to be found. 
Of course, it was not going to be easy and the shitty attitudes you would find in the way were unnerving. The handsome, soft tempered boy you were following had the patience of a saint, but you wouldn’t stand it. The tone deaf blond guy at the gas station was the moment when you knew you had enough. 
After a very brief argument Clay was just going to leave, but you had other plans.  
“ He will wreck you.” You casually told the stranger in a sinister tone. “ Mock us while you still can, blondie. I believe his sister has a chance ... You? Not so much."
Everyone was weirded, but he thought you were just looking for a fight. 
“ Yeah, I don’t think so.” Was his self satisfying reply. “ You, him and who else?” 
It made you chuckle and you struggled for it not to turn into a full loud cackle.  
“ You aren’t from here, aren’t you? " You followed, giving a few steps closer to him with a weirdly intimidating demeanor. “ People don’t get to be jerks here and walk out harmless, the forest has eyes and its guardian loathes people like you the most..”
The asshole clearly didn't get to fully comprehend the meaning of your words. Still, you managed to creep him and his girlfriend, what was enough vengeance for you. The most inmediate reaction you obtained for Clay was a bit of hard to hide laughing, probably thinking that you were just messing with the guy, but he did capture some underneath intentionality in your strange warning.
He trully thought it was a joke, untill he later referenced it again in a lighter note and your face let him know it wasn't a funny little scheme he should feel thankfull for.
" You don't have to thank me, it's all real. " You cutted him off. " Weird things happen arround here, the kind that nobody would believe. People go missing to never be found and we pretend is not our problem … I need to help you because i really like you and you HAVE to get out from here as soon as possible. "
Your hand was shaking and he held it as as a reassuring gesture before inviting you to continue.
" If you know anything that could make this easier, please share it. "
Your soft look adquired a glimpse of skepticism.
" It doesn't matter. Even if i try to explain you, it would be impossible to make you understand. One does not believe it untill you see it and very few survive to tell the tale. "
He smiled and you couldn't help to internally melt to the softness in his expression.
" I promise i will believe you. Or at least I will do my best, anything that may help me understand would be amazing ríght now. "
The indirectly mocking tone in the last part made you smile back, then you swallowed hard ríght before starting your tale.
" To many persons he can mean different things, but I see him as a guardian of the forest. Not necesarily of the enviromental care type, but we know he hunts down people for doing stupid shit. It's a sort of local legend: a bullied kid who died back in the old summer camp and now remains as an undead watcher of the area. Legend says that once triggered he can't be stopped, but i believe different and that's why i feel your sister could be alive. "
He wasn't getting it, but kept himself loyal to the promise and didn't question you. His guess was in myth and reality mixing up to end up covering the activity of a serial killer whose victims were attributed to the legend by the locals.
One way or another, it wasn't the hopefull take he once expected.
" What made you think that? Besides from an obvious bias coming from your interest in me."
You felt a bit embarrased, but it didn't ruined your disposition to continue.
" I believe he is capable of sparing a life only when coming across things he finds familar. I saw it happening with my own two eyes. "
It wasn't easy, but you had to tell him the truth.
" Back in highschool I wanted so badly to belong, to feel how was like to be a part of something. I was hanging out with people who just wanted to make fun of me, fooling myself into believing someday i could be friends. "
You began to cry, pausing for an instant untill the sobbing would be slow enough to allow you finish.
" … They are gone and i'm still here. Common sense would be thinking i just hid myself well, i fooled him. I didn't, i can't help thinking he just pretended not to spot me. The pathetic, lonely, bullied looser must have have hitted close to home. "
You hugged him out of sudden and he didn't protest about it. Of all the weird things you said, he only understood you were admitting to be the only survivor of a massacre.
" Your sister seems like a lovely girl. If i'm still breathing, you can count there is hope for her. "
He had no words that could possibly express any processing of what you just told him, but trully appreciated the deep comfort of your embrace.
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
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Have I gotten over Batgirls ending? No, I haven't.   But there are a few things that give me peace when it comes to Cass still remaining as Batgirl for the future.
This does feel different than say 2006, 2009, and 2011. I feel okay here and not this overwhelming fear of dread or concern like in either of those years. The reasons being--
#1 Spirit World has her in it and as Batgirl. Six months (so far) of Cass as Batgirl in it. I'm square with that. Do I want the series to last longer than six issues? YES! I love Alyssa Wong writing Cass and gimme more of Haining drawn-Cass, please!
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Also, it looks like we're getting Dustin Nguyen variants for each issue. Took DC long enough to do more of this and if you aren't getting this series for all of the above-mentioned which is mystical antics with Cass teaming with Xanthe and Constantine-- then COME ON?!
#2 DC and more importantly WB is pushing the character.  We have a variation of Cass coming next week with Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham and of course Bat Wheels has her too!
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While neither is embracing the comic version, I'm actually okay with both interpretations.  Um...  cute my spoilerish thoughts on that.
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I really want a sequel short with an older Ka Li Cain suiting up as a Bat to combat a new mystical threat that ends up with BATman helping her. There are so many seeds throughout that showcase Kai Li is just as resourceful like Bruce was in the animated movie.
Then there's the James Gunn factor. The tease a month ago with him saying four characters Bleeding Cool listed should be in his universe. Cass does have good odds and the comic market might be agreeing.
Literally, searching now for Cass on eBay, the market is speccing HARD that she'll be showing up. They do get some things wrong, but my gut says this might happen. We have Cass in various things above and if is next-gen it makes sense for her to be Batgirl in Brave & the Bold.
Really my one fear is the latest teaser had Babs as Batgirl (no Cass or Steph). Literally, this was my third clue something bad was happening to Batgirls...
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It also feels so wrong that each hero has a generational link save well Babs in this teaser (save to Bruce). Literally, you could've easily put Cass in there and it ease some more minds.
But that leads me to one thing. I feel like Stephanie Brown is getting the short straw. I love the character, and I feel like if someone is getting shorted it's her sadly.
Cass has so much going still, but Steph? *cricket chirps* Literally, she should be involved in a comic too and I guess all we have is her helping Jason in the Joker ongoing.
Again, I feel like DC Comics fumbled the ball with Batgirls, particularly with Babs in those early issues, and because of that it never caught on until the later ones.
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I don't mind Babs in Nightwing as Batgirl or Oracle. I've more at peace of her balancing BOTH identities. Just that when she becomes Batgirl it SHOULD be a "business has about to have picked up" moment.
Babs as Batgirl shouldn't job (and if she is it's something she shouldn't have a chance against aka what Batman vs. Robin did last month. I can’t believe I’m saying something positive on this comic).
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It should be treated as a MOMENT. Really #13 gave us just that. A moment where Bruce/Babs/Zee helped out Cass/Steph. Also the tease in this week's issue is also good (more on that another day).
The biggest problem Batgirls had in those early issues was Babs stealing the spotlight from Cass/Steph and Seer in #5-8).  If you had Cass/Steph beating the Saints, Tutor, and Spellbinder. Add depth to Seer in #7-8?
We might have talked differently about this comic. But I'm not gonna fault the writers. They were given things beyond their control and did the best they could.
Clearly, #9 to now shows they can deliver some good stuff.  The problem is... a good chunk bailed prior. I just wish DC gave Batgirls a better chance.  I think all three characters are OWED that. After all the shenanigans done to them in the last TWENTY YEARS.
But the stuff I said earlier does make me feel at least comfortable that Cass can boomerang back. Because as I said numerous times over.
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I'll cherish these next issues more so now. If this truly is the end of this comic. Because this comic for all its faults was a GIFT. May not have been a flawless one it still was a gift. I'll keep treasuring it. #Batgirls4life.
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umbrellacam · 6 months
Cape comics truly are an inescapable rabbit hole vortex where attempts to make forward progress only dig you deeper
Goal: Read Gates of Gotham with robust context on concurrent batfam dynamics, for a clear picture of how things stand for them at the end of the post-Crisis era
Step 1: okay so Batman and Robin (2009) and a Red Robin re-read for Dick (+Damian) and Tim, as main. And Blackest Night: Batman, of course. Also Streets of Gotham probably, and selections from Dick's Batman.
Step 0: okay but for lead-in to those I need Battle for the Cowl
Step -1: and for the lead-in to BftC I need Bruce's death in Final Crisis (YAY DONE) and the arcs with Dick and Tim reacting/processing, so add Search for a Hero from Robin and The Great Leap from Nightwing (Batman RIP)
Step -2: and how can I really understand their grappling with Bruce's death if I don't get a clear picture of their relationships with him at the time, so let's add Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul (DONE YAY), Freefall (DONE YAY), Tim grappling with Steph's return (DONE YAY), Heart of Hush (Batman RIP) (DONE YAY) and Morrison's whole Black Glove storyline (DONE YAY). Now I can move forward into the BtfC lead-up, yes???
Step -3: .....shit, Jason is in Search for a Hero, Tim's lead-in arc. And also BftC itself. I've got everything up through Hush for him done, but that just means I finally need to do Under the Hood and a refresh of his Titans Tower appearance. And his ridiculous TentaTodd storyline in Nightwing Brothers in Blood after that.
Step -4: and for the proper lead-in to Jason's return, gotta do War Games. At least I've already done Dick's Renegade arc and Bludhaven getting nuked.
Step -5: okay so to do War Games, I need Jack finding out Tim is Robin and Tim's forced quitting (YAY DONE), and Steph's Robin run (YAY NEARLY DONE). Woo-hoo, almost ready to start War Games!!
Step -6: Hey this scene in the 'Tec #796 back-up with Bruce and Cass staging a fight with Onyx and Orpheus in Penguin's club is really fun, I want to know more about Onyx and Orpheus as undercover Bat agents, and I know Onyx is going to be in both War Games and UtH. Lemme back up a bit further and add 'Tec #794-795 for the context.
Step -7: Wow this L'Shea lady seems like a badass - wait what does she mean Batman delivered her baby?? I'd better go back a bit further to 'Tec #791-793 to find out!!! :D
LIKE IT'S SO DANGEROUS, I want to read one thing and it spirals and spirals and every time I cross a few issues off my list I end up adding like 5-10 more that are clearly very necessary, and the to-be-read list just keeps ballooning.
....I love it, though. Comics are fun.
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scintillyyy · 1 year
I don’t know if this counts as a subtype of fanon but with a lot of Tim and Jason fics I see a really weird pattern where Tim is more forgiving of what Jason did to him than what Damian or Dick did. The whole Robin situation with Dick and the Damian situation gets really blown up and make them out to be monsters but Jason gets a pass because they’re best buddies now. It’s really strange because I think Jason in canon treated Tim WAY worse than Dick or even Damian did. I can’t tell if it’s because the writers are Jason fans and want to make him look good or if they haven’t read the source material and just go along with the fanon narrative that Damian still hates Tim and that Dick “stole” Robin from Tim.
yes, i wouldn't say that that's its own subtype of fanon. that is, however, a problem caused by a myriad of factors, of which fanon is a definite part!
eta: sry for length, tumblr is denying me a readmore
it's strange, but not so strange to me, i guess. like, i don't like it, but since i lurked in fandom for a short time during the reborn era/right before flashpoint i kind of formed ideas of exactly...why/how the whole tim&jason thing happened and got pushed.
it's 2009-2011 and it's the heyday of tumblr headcanons. ones created by big name fans have a way of going viral and embedding themselves into the consciousness of the fandom. this is around the time we start to get the proliferation of the headcanon that tim was definitely stalking batman and robin at night and taking a million pictures of them and this basically starts to get considered canon by the fandom at large. there's still discussion of this today.
(now, i personally have mixed feelings on camera!tim. i'm not a fan of has all patrol routes memorized camera!tim, but i do like me a little bit of camera!tim. i tend to see the idea as more like what my husband tells me about people and emergencies. oh, there's something happening like a fire down the street? wow, can't believe it's time to go walk my dog. what do you mean it's 2:30 in the morning and that's weird? this is totally a normal thing to do, look at all these other 20 people who happen to be out walking their dogs at this totally normal time and all our routes happen to take us to the fire? this is a common dog-walking route! so imo, camera!tim as he should be is more--hey, we're at our downtown place and there's a robbery at first national gotham bank, guess i'm going to slip out and see if i can see anything and then take a photo if i do. i also think tim would be much more likely to take a bus to nyc and scope out dick's apartment but i am majorly digressing here-)
anyways, camera!tim and raised alone in drake manor!tim were very much two sides of the same coin and firmly embedded in fandom lore. and camera!tim forms....far more of a parasocial relationship with batman and robin than canon!tim ever did.
so then we have exactly when tim figured out dick was robin: he was nine. this is of course, only about a year/right before dick gets kicked out and jason becomes robin
so we have a tim, who is forming a parasocial relationship with batman and robin, and he only "has" dick as robin for at most a year and then he has jason as robin for three before he dies
so we now have a tim who has objectively "spent more time" with jason. ergo, you start to get headcanons that are like "hey, tim really only had dick as robin for a year. but jason, he spent jason's entire career with him. isn't jason so much more tim's robin on a personal level (because of all the time tim has spent in a parasocial relationship with him compared to dick)". thus, the proliferation of jason was tim's robin embeds itself into fandom lore.
meanwhile, we are also in the reborn era. fans (especially tumblr fans) are getting introduced to batfamily dynamics through the dissemination of comic book panels, rather than starting from the beginning and making their way through the entirety of canon. they are getting introduced to reborn dick and tim dynamics first, which are not good dick and tim dynamics since they are at a rocky-ish point and then they have to make their way backwards from there. so when you start from their absolute lowest point and work your way backwards, you go in with a certain bias and that's going to affect how you conceptualize the relationship. you see tim being treated (seemingly--and not my personal opinion) unfairly and you go back to when he was treated well and that is going to color how you see dick. you are not going to feel like dick deserves tim, if your first exposure to him is tim having robin taken away in favor of damian and then you look back and see the two of them doing so much better without damian. you're going to feel like dick is almost two-faced and was ready to drop tim at the drop of a hat once the "real son" came into the picture (again, i cannot stress how much this is not my personal opinion), rather than be like "wow, this whole era is really out of character for poor dick".
and really not helping the situation is that batman and robin is written by morrison, ergo we get morrison!dick and morrison!dick...doesn't really seem to care about or be very close with tim, sorry, "tim drake". so you get a dick who is very much investing all of his time and effort and love into rehabilitating damian, who only makes flippant comments about "how he could always give the job back to tim" as a gotcha to damian and calls him tim drake like they're acquaintances.
so this idea starts to form that dick no longer loves tim, since he has damian now. and that bias is going to color things like the hit list arc--every move dick makes is going to be microanalyzed to hell to support the idea that he prefers damian, ergo a lot of fuss is made over dick telling tim that maybe it isn't fair that damian is on his hit list and "lecturing" tim that damian bleeds a need to be accepted in the family, even after damian "attacked him", at the same time ignoring the fact that dick is basically telling tim that he completely understands why tim would put damian on the list and that there is an understanable logic to tim's approach, and just reminds him that bruce's secrecy about doing this exact thing bit him in the butt--which is a fair reminder at this point. and that dick does support tim keeping the list, and actively helps him to keep his private files more private away from damian's prying eyes. dick even says he plans on talking to damian (implied to be that dick will be trying to help damian understand that tim wasn't personally attacking damian or not accepting him because of this whole thing). damian, who "stole" robin and therefore dick's love from tim gets similarly microanalyzed--a lot of fuss is made over the "murder attempt" and it basically gets ignored that damian is very, very hurt that tim seemingly doesn't trust him/consider him part of the family despite all the hard work he's doing to be good which would indicate that he maybe actually wants tim's acceptance somewhat.
so we get a negative feedback look of dick+tim+damian dynamics that actively look for the absolute worst possible intention in dick and damian with every interaction they have with tim
and i'm going to tangent here on another thing i personally think comes into play here re: dick "firing" tim, especially in comparison to dick getting fired back in the day and why i think dick basically telling tim that he's ready to move on from robin and do his own thing is taken as dick essentially pushing tim out of the family
(and in no way does i think any of the following absolves terribleness of dick's firing by bruce)
so, when we consider dick's transition to nightwing, we have to consider the year: 1984. things were a lot different culturally, back then. this was still a time where you were getting married younger on average (1980 statistics show median marriage age at 24.7 for males/22 for females), so we're talking fairly soon out of college. once you've left the home of your parents, it's assumed you are gone for good--it's a sign of becoming an adult, starting your own family, creating your own home. culturally, it's not seen as terrible to expect that once your child (most likely male, female tends to have a little more leeway at staying with their parents until they're married) has hit 18 they will either go to work full-time, or go to college and work to pay for college themselves and then leave. so from a cultural perspective, it made sense that when dick "grew up" he had his own thing and he would be out of the family home (even if by force). at the time, a reader might be in the same boat as dick--so there's relatability there, it's not necessarily abnormal that someone dick's age is on their own or taking care of themselves by now, because it's not culturally expected that your parents would have to support you past the age of 18 (though this was far from a universal experience, i know)
but then we get to the year 2009. by now, cultural expectations of family support have changed drastically. if you tell your 18 year old child that they're on their own at 18, you're starting to be considered an unsupportive and "bad" family, because at this point you are willfully throwing your child to thousands of dollars of student debt and unaffordable rent/mortgage and potential homelessness as a result. on the other hand, good and supportive families do not do this. and not that tim would ever have to worry about any of this, but having tim be told that it's time for him to spread his wings at 17/18 might touch a nerve for people who have suffered as a result from being told by their family that at 18 they are now adults, when they have a crashed economy, no job, and potentially nowhere to live and they are being blamed for this and they have no familial safety net to fall back on. whereas it was far more normal for dick to leave to college at his age and then not return to his childhood home, and tim is the same age now as dick was at the time, tim moving out of the family home seems like much more of a punishment and as a loss of the family support structure which is seen as absolutely terrible, the worst thing that could happen, even if dick's firing was arguably much worse. tim's just vaguely *feels* worse (i mean, not to me, but...), because current cultural expectations for for 18 year olds have changed over time which causes them to be interpreted differently, i guess. add a dumb emancipation plotline and one might start to feel like tim is being forced out of the home and family at too young of an age, and that's considered highly cruel and the blame gets put on dick for doing this to tim (and damian, for making tim "so uncomfortable" in his own home so tim "had to leave"-- even though tim is the one who proactively realizes that he is chafing at the inherent constraints of living with dick and damian, not because he feels unsafe, but because he craves independence at this point and wants to do things on his own timetable without interference.)
and there's so much at the same time that clearly happens offscreen, but because there's no on-screen "resolution", it starts to get treated like it never happened. dick and tim clearly cleared the air after tim returned home and forgave each other. tim and damian clearly cleared the air after the hit list arc and settled into slightly snarky, but overall amiable relationship where they do care about the other's wellbeing. but since we don't have a panel we can disseminate that's damian being like "drake...im sorry...i shouldn't have cut ur line...forgive me pls..." (i don't think he needed to say this btw, i think they just needed to have a conversation about how it wasn't personal and yes, tim trusts that damian is improving and good) it gets twisted into, well, damian got to try and murder tim with no consequences and dick let him get away with it. since the resolution happened offscreen, it's treated like it basically didn't happen.
so you mix all of this together, and then everything gets blown up by the nu52, which totally tanks the dick and tim brotherhood into basically nothing while keeping the same pre-52 arguments of tim and damian hating each other, but there's no good reason for them to anymore, except that tim is now being written by lobdell
seriously, there's no real reason why codename:tim drake would not consider or accept damian as robin or a wayne. tim's whole thing here is he was never really robin, so why tf would be be mad about damian replacing him if there's no feasible way that that happened here? nothing makes sense, so it just flares up pre-52 tensions for no reason. oh and tim's apparently closest to jason now. dick only cares about damian because he has no reason to care about nu52 tim drake, there's no personal connection there. now those are acquaintances. and you have fans who are still trying to cling to pre-52 tim, but in this nu52 world and yea. then it really starts to look dick doesn't care about tim, only damian, and then our negative feedback loop of tim+dick+damian dynamics continues to spiral down and down and down whereas at least here in this new continuity, jason and tim seems to like each other best and we start to see a positive feedback loop of all the earlier mention ideas that jason was really tim's favorite/his special robin all along.
but, we still have the problem of jason trying to murder tim a bunch. luckily, lobdell chose to ignore that so we can too
we also have a transition around this time towards the idea that jason is actually justified in his murder/murder attempts because in 2010 the movie Batman: Under The Red Hood comes out and it is much, much easier to watch a 75 minute movie than it is to read 20+ years of comic book canon. and we have jason voiced by jensen ackles and telling bruce that bruce should have killed the joker just because he took jason away from him. which starts to garner a lot more sympathy for jason and jason's position of "actually, revenge murder is an objectively good thing, who wouldn't want their loved ones to revenge murder the person who killed them?". so we start to get those who don't necessarily see jason doing all the horrible things he did post-resurrection as objectively bad things or even meant to be objectively bad things, because jason's anger was righteous and his lashing out was totally justified. so we start to get twists that explain away or lessen the horribleness of his post-resurrection actions. does it matter that he killed drug dealers and ganglords? well, they were criminals anyways and he's protecting the poor people who would be victimized by them far more effectively than batman, at least! so the murder attempts (which i don't consider personal or a huge deal canonically, anyways) of tim start to appear in a not as bad of a light because jason is not a bad person since he is justified emotionally in his actions.
and then we contrast that to dick's perceived larger sin of "booting tim from the family" and feeling like since tim no longer has his family support structure to fall back on (which is not true at all) he gets drawn to jason, who similarly no longer has the social safety net of the batfamily so it's seen as the two of them having this in common. again, this is boosted by the nu52, which also basically ignores any previous bad blood between jason and tim and pushes the idea that they're both black sheep who find a kindred spirit in each other.
so jason's actions toward tim get explained and justified, whereas dick+ damian's actions get flanderized to the point of unrecognition and we end up with a fandom that is largely more forgiving of jason than dick based on severity of perceived slights and whether or not the other was justified in their treatment of tim (jason was, but dick definitely was not since he has no good reason to do what he did--again. not my personal opinion on dick.)
so to me, i think it's definitely a mix. people don't read the full source material because it really is a difficult thing to do and don't have what they consider acceptable on page reconciliation, fanon headcanons have proliferated and burrowed their way deep into fandom consciousness and get passed down and down getting worse along the way (honestly, i s2g i think i remember where the dick wants to throw tim into arkham one came from and i'm pretty sure it was along the lines of someone positing that maybe, do you think that when dick mentioned therapy to tim tim was terrified because the only option in gotham is arkham) (i could be making that up entirely, memory is fallible, but i think i remember seeing something like that along the way) and the perceived slights of dick being considered much more personal and far more cruel and you get a bunch of fans who want tim and jason to be the perfect brother duo/don't want dick to be tim's favorite.
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wesavegotham · 1 year
I'm mainly a Damian Wayne fan, so of course I'm mostly noticing Tim Drake posts when people also talk about Damian in them, but one thing at least I don't see a lot of people bring up a lot when discussing why Tim started struggling in the 2000s is the return of Jason Todd.
Sure, the death of Tim's father in Identity Crisis removing what set Tim apart from many batfamily characters was probably a bigger factor and DC making a different character Robin with Damian in 2009 also played a part (even though all this "DC pushed Damian and sidelined Tim" crap is simply a fandom myth, sorry, but DC pushing a new character and sidelining another looks very different), but a not insignificant part of Tim's character revolved around justifying Batman having a Robin again after Jason's death.
But in 2005 they brought Jason back, letting him finally have a voice in this discussion after getting victim blamed and used as a bad example that Tim wouldn't follow because he was "so much better than Jason" for 15 years.
Now Jason himself could be used to discuss his time as Robin and his death, you didn't need Tim to do it.
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Amelie & Other Marleys
Inspired by the wonderful @rom-e-o's post about how their OC would get along with the various versions of Scrooge- go check it out, it's wonderfully written!
Obviously, in my own AU/retelling of A Christmas Carol, Amelie Wilson is Jacob Marley's soulmate and greatest friend (besides Scrooge, of course). But would she be this way with any of the other Marleys from across the different Christmas Carol adaptations I've seen?
Also, just a quick heads-up- she's meeting all of them pre-death.
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol (1962) version, played by Royal Dano: Well, he seems chill, but judging by that portrait of him we see in Scrooge's office at the beginning of the cartoon, he'd probably scare her away just by looking at her. No thank you. 0/10.
The Stingiest Man in Town (1978) version, played by Theodore Bikel: He isn't really the most attractive man, but at least he's not as scary as the Magoo version. He also has a good singing voice, and judging by his tone during the song, Amelie would probably offer a shoulder for him to cry on frequently. 7/10.
Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) version, played by Goofy: He does constantly speak of "robbing widows and swindling the poor", but aside from that, Goofy's Marley seems to have had a soft side he'd reveal to only one person, and Amelie (who would also be an anthropomorphic dog- specifically a longhaired dachshund- in this version's universe) would certainly be the one for him to reveal it to. 9/10.
A Christmas Carol (1984) version, played by Frank Finlay: This version seems a little stuck-up, but not so much stuck-up as the 2022 version (more on him later). While Amelie wouldn't want to DATE him, she would probably enjoy sharing tidbits of advice with him. 4/10.
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) versions, played by Statler and Waldorf: Believe it or not, I actually think they'd be pretty high on the list for her. In the Present scene of my version, the Ghost actually does show Scrooge a vision where Marley and Amelie are cracking jokes about Scrooge just the way that Statler and Waldorf themselves would normally do, so I think Amelie's humor would click perfectly with them (again, she'd also be a Muppet herself in this version's universe). The only problem with them is: Which brother would she date, Jacob or Robert? Maybe both of them at once? 8/10.
A Christmas Carol: The Musical (2004) version, played by Jason Alexander: He's actually the one I got most of the inspiration for my own Marley from, from the talent for singing to the tendency to give massive hugs to those he loves/trusts the most. So of course she'd take to him right away! 10/10.
A Christmas Carol (2009) version, played by Gary Oldman: Hmm, we don't know a lot about what he was like before he died. He doesn't seem to be the guy who would have much of a soft side like Goofy's or Jason Alexander's version, though. She most likely would probably just want to be his friend, if anything. 4/10.
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (2022) version, played by Jonathan Pryce: Unfortunately, he seems far too snobbish and sassy to want to even interact with a cheery, affectionate girl like her, and I think that feeling of not wanting to interact with each other would be mutual between him and Amelie. Literally the only thing that might even attract her to him is the fact that he's always got Boris, the handsome bulldog, at his side. (Because yes, Amelie loves animals.) 1/10.
So, here's the final ranking:
Mickey's Christmas Carol
The Muppet Christmas Carol
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roseworth · 2 years
Hello, im new to dc and i was reading some Robin backstory but there's something i want to ask if you don't mind. I don't understand why Jason and Damian are hated as Robin? From what i read people can't accept Jason as Robin due to him being different than Dick but what's wrong with Damian? I see Tim being accepted despite fans anger over Jason before and he's the second most popular Robin next to Dick. I thought they'll do the same with Damian but it seems not? I understand that it's probably due to racism but is there other reason for that?
ok so. theres honestly not a simple answer to this but here we go
the thing about comics is that in the 90s there was a whole push for people wanting comics to be a little more mature and not just for kids so that adults could still read and enjoy them. and so all these kids/teenagers in the 90s were able to continue reading their favs as they grew up which is nice BUT it meant that they got very attached to tim as robin since he was robin for like. their whole childhood
so tim had a solo with 100+ issues and people loved it. and he was in things like young justice and teen titans that people also liked. and ofc he showed up in a lot of the iconic batman stories in the 90s. so then once damian comes along and is robin instead people in 2006 get upset because tim was their robin for years and they loved tim and now from their perspective tim is "forced" out of a robin role to make way for damian, leading them to hate damian (which is kind of the same thing that happened to jason, since dick had been the only robin so people loved dick for 50+ years then jason comes along and people are mad that hes not dick)
and damian was written like a moody 10 year old, and people hate when kids show emotions, so it led to people not liking damian since he was more emotional than tim and isnt a cut and clean robin
anyways damian also had some of the issues that people had to a lesser degree with jason, because damian way murderous when he first appeared. and jason (thanks to starlin) was okay with people dying. so basically they were a lil too okay with murder, again making them not a cut and clean robin and led to people not liking them
and THEN of course. we get into the racism. everyone always talks about how tim is the "relatable robin" because hes an upper-middle class white man which. um. sure. idc i wont get into that. but damian despite being drawn very white was not. not to mention the mischaracterization of talia leading to people being like "ooo damian is evil and terrible!" and people wanting their straight (lol) white boy robin back.
but thats a lot of what happened in the mid 2000s to make people not like him SO why dont people like him today!! (spoiler: the reasons are terrible)
basically a lot of people that havent actually read the comics today will love tim a lot and see that damian was mean to tim (tried to kill him. lol!) and say "grrr damian tried to hurt my sweet little tim 😡" without actually knowing or caring about damian.
then theres also the shit that still happens in the comics with damian in canon constantly being pit against batman and still wanting to kill ? like in teen titans 2016 he ran a private prison or something. idk i havent even read it because the idea sounds so stupid and i cant stand it. then in robin 2021 he was still willing to kill and all and was like "omg i dont have to hold back anymore 😍" because dc uses the same character arcs over and over and over and will never let damian get past wanting to kill 15 years ago
and of course. still the racism of people wanting damian to be a stereotype then getting mad at the stereotype that THEY shoved him into. and the same stuff from before
also a writer made damian say some homophobic stuff in like 2009 so to this day people are still like "wow.... hes homophobic.... hes going to kill jon for being bi...." despite damian not even being a little homophobic recently (except for what devin grayson did but shes going to hell for that anyways)
in summary. people all have their little beefs with damian for various reasons. its all petty shit and some racist shit and him not being the Golden Robin so people dont like him
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
Fare Thee Well Batman: Urban Legends
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Batman: Urban Legends ended this week sadly with #23. So in memorial, I'm going to talk about this series as a whole, what I truly enjoyed most about it, and of course, talk about Cass within this series.
I'm really sad to see this series go. It was a comic that allowed a MASSIVE amount of Batman stories to be told here by creatives who probably wouldn't get the chance elsewhere on other Batman comics these days.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold appears to be filling the void (come May), but it feels more like more major talents trying their hands at stories there. Not clear risks as we saw here.
That's probably the one thing I enjoyed so much about this comic. That it gave new avenues for creators and characters (we got a freaking multi-part Ace story in this! ACE!) to be seen.  Even for twenty-three issues, the book saw spinoffs. Because of this comic, we got Batman Beyond: Neo-Year and Sword of Azrael. Along with ongoings such as... Deathstroke Inc, W.I.L.D.C.A.T.s, Tim Drake: Robin, and Batgirls. Who knows? Maybe we'll see concepts near the end sprout fruit later?
For Cass, it was nice seeing the character have a clear presence in the book both in use via the Bat Family (and I'll always be grateful for artists slipping her in 🙏)...
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Along with appearing in various stories (she appeared in cameos when Oracle, Lady Shiva, and the BoP). Though, my personal favorites favorite appearances would have to be...
The holiday issue in #10 which was an inspired choice of the Batgirls being the Ghosts of Christmas. Though, I almost wish Steph got her old Batgirl costume as Cass and Babs had gotten theirs with the former appearing as the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
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Along with the first CANON call out to Cass being adopted into the Wayne Family since-- 2009! It does have a few questionable moments, but I can't fault writer Tini Howard for going with that above and Cass's actual gift to Dick for the holiday season being SOO in character.
Likewise, artist Christian Duce's two variants of Cass (the ghost and real) were exceptional. Just a fun little story.
"Wild Card" in #5 while the ending never truly gave us any payoff in the main Batgirls series (or anywhere else sadly with Ryan Wilder).  The story by Marguerite Bennett and drawn by Sweeney Boo still has an exceptionally cute opening with Cass/Steph.
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Sadly I just don't think the payoff in the end with Wilder was worth it (as well the character hasn't been seen since this issue). Which again, is the flaw of the book. Concepts are given and taken away.
#9 was probably the best main canon story of Cass we got in the series as whole with it being both the setup to Batgirls but really it just gave us the gift of Alyssa Wong writing Cass again (first writing the character in DC: the Doom & the Damned #1).
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Wong just GETS the character of Cass and it was an absolute treat just seeing Cass be Cass. Where she's allowed to be in her element and see things you wish you saw more of.
Like in this issue working with Batwoman. Yes, it would've been nice to see a story of them mending, but still seeing them teaming up is a treat into itself.
Likewise, Wong hammering the idea that Cass was fully Batgirl again as many times they could on the panel.
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Put Wong's stellar writing with exceptional art by Vasco Georgiev? 
*chef's kiss* 
 But the story I think I'll be forever grateful Batman: Urban Legends giving the character of Cass was #7 aka "Hunter... or Hunted" by Guillaume Singelin.
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The story is probably the best single-issue story in the entire series and one of the best stories of the entire volume (I think the only ones that could surpass it is the opening six-issue arc "Cheer" with Jason/Bruce and "Dark Knight of Soul" with Azrael.
The story is just stellar from top to bottom giving Singelin the canvas to layer a gorgeously drawn and action-packed short story that starred Cass.
It's one of the best modern Cass stories and one that I reread now and again. Just to take in Singelin's style and just the utterly breathtaking action. I'm glad DC gave him another Batgirl (Steph) in the secondary tale in DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War #1.
But man the one with Cass in #7?
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So again thank you to all the creators who were in this book and thank you for the wonderful stories you gave us.
They shall not be forgotten. 🙏🙏🙏
Nor the idea of Batman: Urban Legends which I think is an idea that should be continued or carried on another day (online via DC Infinite service perhaps?)
If not then the book should be remembered for what it tried and at times did succeed at. To that...
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