#and just went to town on a single mob
neriyon · 1 month
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Ran a few duty support runs today and Ryne decided to go and steal lb from Alisaie
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Eddie's hard work has finally paid off. Corroded Coffin is the new sensation and soon enough, Eddie gets an invitation for an interview, one that could promote the band on a much larger scale. He's excited but also terrified and Steve, being the supportive boyfriend he is (and also CC's unofficial mascot, "the yellow sweater boy" or simply "Stevie" to the fans) offers to go with Eddie. Eddie introduces Steve as his "emotional support ex-jock" and it goes well.
Until it doesn't.
Eddie gets more lively as he talks about the band's beginnings, the inspiration behind their songs and their influences, his own musical idols and influences. He's at ease, gesturing animatedly as he explains the evolution of the band's style, so he's caught off guard when the interviewer brings up that fateful spring of 1986. Eddie freezes, opens his mouth but nothing comes out. The memory of snapping bones, feeling of helplessness...it all comes flooding back.
But where Eddie feels like curling up into a ball and hoping the world will finally leave him alone, Steve is ready and prepared. He grasps Eddie's shoulder - Eddie blurted out a confession in one of his concerts so it's no secret for his fans that they're together, but why tempt fate - and gives the reporter a wide smile, sincere to someone who doesn't know him. He slips into his charming persona and speaks for the first time during the interview. "Thank you for asking this question," he says and the drop of poison easily dissolves in the sweetness of his voice. "I hope my recollection will be enough because I sure don't want to have Eddie go through all that horror again. But I assure you...I was there for nearly all of it. So ask away. I'm glad to finally set the record straight."
And so Steve talks about that March, about how Eddie found Chrissy dead in his trailer, mutilated in such an inhumane way his body took control and got him out, no call to the police, not a single thought. He mentions there was a witness who saw him enter the trailer and immediately stumble out, not enough time to harm anyone (Max has stuck to this story and never changed it, no matter how much anyone pushed). He talks about how he met Eddie later, how shaken he was and how the town started a manhunt for Eddie for no good reason, except that he was different. "He started a club for kids who were outcasts, who just wanted to remain children for a bit longer - and the whole town went to hunt them down. They attacked a thirteen year old girl. They beat up a fifteen year old boy just for belonging to the club."
Now it's Eddie's turn to grasp Steve's shoulder, his arm, worried about his sharp tone, his hardly contained anger. But Steve carries on, staring the reporter down as he stutters that he will have to verify this information. "This is rather different from the official story," he says, his forehead glistening with sweat.
And Steve just flashes the disarming smirk that established him as King Steve once upon a time and tells him to verify it all, please. Because Eddie Munson has nothing to hide and neither does the Corroded Coffin. "It's not different if you paid any attention to the police report," he mentions calmly, leaning back in the chair. "People don't like to speak ill of the dead, but a dead person is exactly who's at fault here. Jason Carver riled up the mob. He bought a revolver after he did that, publicly for self-protection, but..." he shrugs, buries the edge in his voice under his charm yet again. "We have a witness that heard him admit who it was for." Dead men tell no tales, but Nancy Wheeler sure does.
And as the reporter scrambles to put together a coherent thought, Steve lands the finishing blow. "It's a shame you only invited Eddie to discuss this," he says and the sympathy in his voice is almost believable. "After all, his band mates were also targeted and attacked."
The reporter stares at him, speechless.
"Oh, you didn't know?" The disbelief is genuine for once and he leans in, looks the man straight in the eye. "Jason Carver and his friends went to interrogate the band, you know. Only to talk, they said. Except they almost broke Gareth's hand during that talk. Once again...there is a witness. A different one, if you were about to ask. Perhaps you should talk to them too, I can give your their contact details. You know," he adds, smiling at the reporter, "I am incredibly thankful you brought this up. There aren't many who are willing to dig up old wrongs to set things right. I wasn't sure what to expect of this interview, there was always a possibility of someone malicious taking advantage of this traumatizing event, just to get a shocking scoop on a bunch of guys who have worked incredibly hard to get where they are. I was wary because there are always people willing to destroy lives just to get a bit further in theirs. I'm so grateful you aren't one of them. Because I see you as someone who wants to do more than shock their audience...I think you're someone who wants the truth, no matter how ugly it is."
And no matter what the reporter intended before, he is that man now. He nods frantically, assuring Steve that he will bring justice to Eddie and the Corroded Coffin. Steve Harrington has that effect on people - if he believes in someone, that belief is often enough to give that final push. Anything to keep Steve Harrington's faith, not to disappoint that earnest look in his eyes. Eddie almost feels sorry for the reporter - after all, he knows the best what his boyfriend is like when he doesn't hold back. It's a sight to behold.
After a few reassurances from the reporter, the man finally turns to Eddie. "I apologize for bringing up bad memories, Eddie," he says and perhaps this time he means it. Eddie would like to believe that. "Is there...would you like to add anything?"
Eddie thinks screw it and firmly grasps Steve's hand, homophobia be damned. He needs to get through this. "Yes, actually..." he says and his voice is low, almost broken, but at least it's coming out now, carrying the words he's wanted to shout at the world for years now. "That night...was probably the worst night of my life. Worse than when I almost died. Well. When I actually died before someone brought me back," he smiles at Steve, briefly, before turning back to the man scribbling down every word. "It took me a long time to realize I couldn't have done anything to save Chrissy. Hell, some days I still don't believe myself, I'm thinking if I've done something differently, been faster, but...in the end, it didn't matter. Doesn't stop me from feeling like I failed her."
Steve knows these things, of course. That's why he doesn't interrupt, just strokes his thumb over Eddie's whitening knuckles.
"Chrissy Cunningham was a wonderful, bright girl. She was friendly to everyone, even outcasts like me. There is no way in hell I'd ever want to harm someone that...that warm. Kind. The truth of the matter is - for years I didn't defend myself against these accusations that still appear from time to time, no matter what the official investigation said. I didn't sue anyone even though I was advised several times to do so, for the slander, the attempts at my life. Because you...because I felt guilty just for being there. For surviving when she didn't." He looks at the reporter with full force now, straightens his spine. "But I knew Chrissy Cunningham and I know she wouldn't want anyone feeling guilty for something they didn't do. She brought joy to others, not misery. And I want to honor her memory. So once and for all, for the record - I didn't kill Chrissy. I never hurt her, couldn't have. But I still keep her with me as an inspiration, as a soothing voice behind every bitter thought - I don't talk about her, don't use her story for publicity because she didn't, doesn't deserve that. But she's what I think of when I see bright smiles of our fans, when I see young people having fun at our concerts - I wish, more than anything, that she could have been one of them. So I try to bring as much joy into this world as I can to make up for the empty space she left behind, even if that might never be enough. That's all."
The interview spreads like a wildfire. Headlines like "Corroded Coffin's Eddie Munson breaks silence for the first time!" or "CC's frontman reveals details of persecution and mass hysteria in 1986". The news pick up the story, question the people in Hawkins who deflect or begrudgingly admit to their actions, justifying their deeds...but some of them talk. Karen Wheeler becomes the star of the show, recalling in horror the hunt for her daughter and her son's friends. "I vouch for Steve Harrington's recollection," she says firmly, shushing her husband's feeble attempts at deflection. "I'm glad someone finally had the courage to call the spring of 1986 what it really was - a witch hunt."
Eddie finally has the courage to do what he's wanted for years - he names the next album This One's For You, Chrissy. The world knows now, it knows that he mourned for her in his own way and that she meant so much to him, as a first extended hand, as a symbol, as a human being. He donates as many profits as he can to a foundation in Chrissy's name, providing the much needed mental health support to Hawkins children and teenagers. And piece by piece, Eddie Munson heals.
Before the interview becomes the sensation it is, Eddie crushes Steve in a hug and thanks him for everything, for making this burden easier. He's still worried his words will get twisted, that there will be a new wave of hatred, but Steve just chuckles and kisses his head. He reaches into the leather satchel he had at the interview and presents Eddie with a dictaphone - everything they've just talked about recorded. "Please, Eddie," he rolls his eyes in that bitchy way that has Eddie swooning, "I may be pretty, but I'm not stupid or naive."
Apart from the much needed closure and at least partial justice, there is an unusual side effect to this whole ordeal - Steve gets a new nickname in the Corroded Coffin fan base. After the way he handled the interview, after shielding Eddie and his band mates from unwanted attention, he becomes "The Guard Dog Steve", also lovingly referred to as "Golden Retriever Steve". Eddie loves it. Steve finds it ridiculous, but it makes Eddie smile so maybe it's worth it.
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delicatebarness · 18 days
safe & sound | chapter one
Summary: An attack on the estate causes the security to tighten and means the worst of the Rogers comes home.
Warning: Mob AU. Age Gap (Bucky - late 40s/Reader - early 20s). Dad's Best Friend. Mentions of Violence/Blood/Bones. Mentions of weapons. For Peter being 3 and a half minutes older, he is an immature man-child.
Word Count: 1322
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A/N: I wrote this and the last chapter of I Think He Knows in the same night and I am such a wreck. Oops, I dropped this.
Tags: @wintrsoldrluvr | @mostlymarvelgirl | @abaker74 | @scott-loki-barnes
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It started as a seemingly ordinary day, the morning sun casting long shadows across your family’s estate as you went through your daily routine. Your newly assigned bodyguard, Sergeant James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, always stood at a discreet distance away, scanning the surroundings with his practiced vigilance. 
You adjust your bag on your shoulder, giving Bucky a small smile. You always felt a strange sense of comfort knowing Bucky was near. He was more to you than just your protector; he’s your father’s best friend since childhood and second-in-command. You’ve known and trusted him for your entire life.
The estate’s iron gates creak open as you walk towards the car waiting to take you into town. Bucky’s posture remained relaxed, but you noticed the slight tightening of his jaw. He’s always alert.
The Rogers Estate; is strategically located offering privacy and security. Situated in a sprawling countryside upscale neighborhood. Surrounded by acres of lush greenery and perfect landscaping. Shielded by towering walls and guarded gates, the head of the Rogers family believed security was paramount. Installing state-of-the-art surveillance throughout the entire grounds. There was not a single blind spot, he saw everything. 
Yet, no fortress is impervious, and danger always finds its way in.
Suddenly, a screech of tires shatters the silence of the estate. A black van swerves into the driveway, and masked men with guns begin to pour out. The peaceful morning instantly turned into chaos as the men began shouting orders and brandishing their weapons. 
“Get down!” Bucky barked at you, pushing you behind a marble column. 
Drawing his weapon, Bucky fired with deadly precision. Your heart pounded in your chest as you crouched low, bullets ricocheting off stone and metal. You weren’t entirely native to your parent's work, you’ve always known they had enemies, but this was the first time you felt their malevolence so close. 
Bucky moved like a predator, every shot he took neutralized a threat. He was outnumbered, but his determination and training kept him in control of the situation. As you peek out, your fear mixed with awe at his focus.
Your breath catches in your throat as you notice one of the attackers rushing towards you. Bucky’s gaze met yours for a brief moment before he was able to react. In what felt like the speed of light, he tackled the man to the ground, disarming him and delivering a punch so brutal it left the man unconscious.
In the distance, you notice the familiar SUVs arrive, the estate’s backup security. The shoot-out ended as quickly as it began, leaving an eerily silence in its wake. 
Bucky reached out to help you to your feet, his pull gently. “Are you hurt?” he asked with urgency as he examined your face. 
“No, I’m okay,” you reply, your voice trembling. “Thanks to you.” you offered him a small reassuring smile, and he returned it as he reached out, rubbing your cheek with his thumb for only a moment. 
Your father, Steve, arrived moments later, his face contoured into a controlled fury. Rushing over, he embraced you tightly before turning to Bucky.
“Who were they?” he demanded, his eyes turned a deeper shade of blue with his anger.
“They looked like Rumlow’s,” Bucky replied, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. “It seemed like a random hit. But,” his voice trailed as he took another glance at you. “We need to tighten security all the same, they knew when to strike.” 
Your father nods, his expression hardening the more the gears in his head turn. “I’ll speak to Stark,” he stated firmly, referring to Tony Stark, a longtime ally of the Rogers family and exceptional in mechanics and technology. 
As your father began making calls to arrange meetings, you stood by reaming close to Bucky. His eyes, usually sharp and focused, softened as he looked down at you. He placed a hand on the small of your back, ushering you towards the safety of the house. 
Inside, the atmosphere was tense but yet, controlled. Bucky remained close by your side, guiding you to a secluded area of the house, away from the commotion your father brought back in with him behind you. 
Before you can fully process the events that happened moments ago, the door bursts open with a thud, and Natasha, your mother, storms in. Her eyes were wide with fear and desperation, a look you had never seen your mother sport.
“Are you alright?” she demanded your answer, trembling with emotion as she rushed toward you. Her hands reach out to cup your cheeks, moving your head and twisting your body to assess any signs of injury. Her controlled demeanor which she usually wears, shattered.
You met her gaze, she searched for reassurance in your eyes. “I’m okay, Mom,” you tried to reassure her, your voice threatening to discredit you. “Uncle Buck kept me safe,” you shot her a small smile. 
Grasping you into an embrace, she turned to Bucky, “Thank you,” she whispered, sincerity laced in her tone. 
Bucky nods, “I won’t let anything happen to her,” he vows to one of your parents, for the second time. 
As the days passed, you found yourself seeking peace again in the tranquil embrace of the garden. The vibrant blooms and gentle rustle of leaves provided a calm sanctuary for your mind. 
You were suddenly startled by the sound of approaching footsteps. Glancing up, you saw Peter, your twin brother, emerging from the shadows. His presence casts a shadow over the serenity of the garden. 
His gaze was cold and calculating, “What are you doing here?” his voice dripped with contempt as he approached. 
He was, ever the hostile older, by 3 and a half minutes, brother and you could only assume that his mood had only worsened since your parents cut his business trip short. Despite sharing the same bloodline, your paths diverged sharply. 
“Reading,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady as you gestured to the book you were holding.
Peter scoffed. “Of course,” he muttered, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the garden. “Always so sensitive, one little scare and you seek refuge in pretty flowers.” 
Your grip on your book tightened, and the sting of his words cut deep, “Just leave me alone.”
A cruel smile tugged at the corners of Peter’s lip, his eyes gleamed with malice. “Make me,” he taunted, snatching the book out of your hands. You watched with frustration as his actions were fuelled by his desire to provoke and intimidate. 
“Give it back, Pete,” you demanded, rising to your feet.
Peter laughed, a harsh, mocking sound that echoed through the garden. “What’s the matter, little sister?” he continued his taunts, flipping through the pages. “Can’t handle a little fun?”
Your fists clenched, the urge to lash out nearly overwhelming. But, the years of conditioning yourself to keep emotions in check and not be like him, held you back. “Just give it back,” you repeated, your voice almost breaking.
His grin only widened, he thrived in your discomfort. “Or what?” he challenged, “What are you going to do about it?”
Before you could respond, a voice cut through the tension, sending both you and Peter snapping your heads around in surprise. 
“What’s going on here?” Bucky stood at the edge of the garden, his expression was a mix of concern and disapproval as his gaze flickered between you and Peter. “Peter, your dad wants a word with you,” 
Hesitating for a moment, Peter narrowed his eyes in defiance. But, he ultimately tossed the book aside with a dismissive flick of the wrist, indifference spread across his features. As he disappeared toward the house, you let out a shaky breath. The tension drained from your shoulders as you kneed down, reaching for your book.
In your haze, you never noticed that Bucky had also knelt. For a moment, his hand grazed over yours and your gazes met.
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rbinsgf · 1 year
Turn the other cheek, and I take it on the chin /Part 2/
Part 1
The sky was blue, two and two made four and Eddie was a coward.
Those were the irrefutable truth of the world. Eddie used to call his behavior "self-preservation" when he ran away from cops and angry jocks mob, or when he skipped a class he couldn’t understand, or when he ran away after witnessing one of the most traumatizing death in the history of mankind.
But as he saw Robin Buckley angrily stomping down his stairs and into his basement, he couldn’t qualify his next course of actions of anything but cowardice.
He had known day more glorious but as he shielded himself from the furious woman with a, for once, quite Mike Wheeler, he couldn’t care less about his image in front of his club.
Hypocritical right ? Yeah that’s another truth Eddie was very well aware about himself but who would dare look him in the eye and spit that fact in his face ?
Robin Buckley actually, as she did not hesitate to shove Mike out of the way and grab Eddie by the collar of his worn out Hellfire shirt, bringing him dangerously close to her angry red face, and shoving him against the wall.
"You, Edward Theodore Munson, are the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen. How dare you force those big monologues on conformity and "Hawkins’ monster" on us on top of those poor cafeteria tables, only to turn around and do exactly what you so loudly claim to be against ?"
Eddie was petrified, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from hers. The basement was as quiet as ever, everyone seemed to hold their breath, too scared they might remind Robin of their presence.
"Steve changed, actually no, he didn’t change. He just had the courage to show his true self, he stripped away from the role that was forced on him by his parents, friends, everyone in this shitty town and by you too. He would and has put his life on the line so many times for every single one of you," She said the last part louder, slightly tilting her head to the side towards a specific side of the table but never moving her rage filled gaze from Eddie’s wide eyes. "He trusted you Eddie, he confided in you and what did you do ? You humiliated him by using his vulnerability against him. I hope you’re happy your pathetic little audience appreciated the spectacle." A protest formed itself on Jeff’s lips but was quickly shut off by a quick glare and an honest to god growl from Robin.
"You know what truly breaks my heart Eddie ? Steve still defended you and he doesn’t even blame you ! Do with that information what you want but I hope it makes you feel so bad you won’t be able to look yourself in any type of reflection for as long as possible."
She slowly stepped away from him, releasing her grip on his shirt and making a show of dusting him off,
"If you want to know what I think of this shit show Eddie. You don’t deserve him." She turned around, facing the kids, "and you guys are a bunch of ungrateful brats who don’t deserve Steve and all that he does for you."
She only looked at the older Hellfire members with disgust before turning back to Eddie. The man in question was looking at the ground, his head hanging guiltily and shoulder hunched.
Robin stepped back into his space, her mouth close to his ear, and let out her final strike in a quite sigh,
"And to think that man saved your life.."
With that, she left as she came, the front door banging loudly behind her.
That last sentence she had whispered in his ear sent a glacial chill down Eddie’s spine. It stabbed through his chest in plain and shameful guilt. Eddie sat heavily on his throne. A throne that Steve had spent two weeks making since the basketball team had burned his old one when he was on the run. He lost himself in a spiral of shame and regrets, cringing at himself as he pictured how it all went down earlier and how, even after noticing Steve leaving, they’d kept that same behavior. Laughing at the expense of the poor man like hyenas. One by one, the older members left quietly. The kids stayed a little longer, sitting in silence before all leaving in a quiet agreement. Eddie only registered Dustin telling him they will be using the phone to call for a drive home. A drive home that, for the first time since the boys had joined Hellfire, wouldn’t be Steve.
Eddie had fucked up, that much was very clear. He also knew why he said all those horrible things, he craved the validation and admiration of his sheepies and hellfire friends.
The only way he had found to maintain those was to do what he had always done.
To the detriment of his friends, Eddie was a hypocrite, selfish and coward man. Eddie saw an opportunity to remind his club of who he was, Eddie "the Freak" Munson, natural nemesis of the jocks.
Robin’s words kept circling in his mind viciously.
The sheer fury that emanated of her trembling frame was enough for Eddie to imagine how bad his words must’ve affected Steve.
He knew those exact words would hurt him and he still said them.
He also knew Steve, through and through now, and with that came the knowledge of what Steve might be thinking about himself right now.
Because his sweet, kind and good Steve, didn’t even blame him one bit. Eddie’s words had definitely hit a very tender spot in Steve’s myriad of insecurities and self doubts.
The man was probably descending full speed through the worst of his self deprecating thoughts right now.
Eddie wished the bats had eaten him alive as the thought of Steve believing Eddie saw him for who he was not.
Eddie would rather Vecna came back as a zombie than Steve Harrington taking his stupid, stupid words at heart and believing them.
If Eddie was going to do one last thing, it was to make sure that Steve knew he wasn’t seen as anything but the painfully good man he truly was.
Resignation filled his mind and he pushed himself up from the throne, walked out of the basement and took the keys of his van before stepping, in the soon to be dark, street.
Eddie was going to see Steve, apologize but most importantly beg the man to not take Eddie’s words for one of the universe’s truth.
It’ll be the last thing he’ll do if Robin Buckley didn’t kill him before for daring to stand in the same vicinity as her friend.
Here’s part 2 !! And Eddie’s pov yay !! I’m so grateful for your response to the first part as it’s also a response to me getting back to writing and it motivates me so much guys !!!
Next part will be up in a few days since I’m going back to college full time but I’ll do my best to update this little fic as soon as possible !
I tried to tag everyone who asked for it and hope it all worked ?
Love y’all gang ! 🫶🏼🧡
Tag list : @liketheocean @cameheretoread @doubleb11 @m-owo-n @moonage-daydreaming @shitnshit @throwbackthrowaway @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @zerokrox-blog @summer1066 @thesuninyaface @i-less-three-than-you @gamerdano @ineffablecolors @warriorwerewolfheart @tinysuits @cr0w-culture @thatonepotatochild @classicwho @lololol-1234 @what-is-life-but-an-empty-void @victor-thee-corvid @little-gae-shit @livelaughlexa @a-little-unsteady @stevie-crow @val-from-lawrence
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sashaisready · 6 months
Chapter Eight - She said stop
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again.
Warnings: Drinking, some noncon kissing/groping with minor character
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Chapter 9
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It had been three weeks since the phone call and Bucky had not been back to the bakery since. Neither had any of his men.
You knew you should be relieved. You had been uncomfortable having such close association with a mob boss and being on the periphery of his world, you couldn't get used to being followed or having watchful eyes accompany you everywhere you went. You weren't confident schmoozing in high end restaurants or being someone's arm candy. This was a clean break, it was over.
But...you missed him. You didn't want to admit it to yourself, but you did. You missed looking up as he came in and finding his smile in the doorway. You missed the way he looked at you, gazing at you intently as you spoke to him. You missed the fluttering in your stomach when he joked with you, the jolt of electricity when you passed his card back and your hands grazed. You missed his shocking blue eyes, the way a single glance from them made you feel like a deer in headlights.
You had thought about texting him. But what would you say exactly?
Hey! I know I rejected you but can you come back to the bakery and flirt with me? 🙂
Hi! I'm sorry I said no to the date – I'm a big coward and I'm scared you'll think I'm unsophisticated and boring (and maybe slightly scared of your job? Idk) xx
I know you hate me and I get it but can you just come to my apartment for a few hours and lie on top of me?
You sighed as you adjusted the cake stands and began to wipe down the counter.
"That's it" Wanda snapped.
"What?" you asked.
"You. You haven't stopped moping and sighing since that call. And as you're not going to call him, we are going out tonight. No arguments" she said sternly.
You scoffed. "Out where? I'm not in the mood Wa-"
"I just said, no arguments" she interrupted, folding her arms. "You're going to put on a tiny dress and we're going to get drunk and dance and maybe hook you up with a hottie. This place is closed tomorrow for Pepper to do her audit so we don't need to get up for work - no excuses".
You roll your eyes, knowing full well she'll wear you down eventually so you might as well give in now and save yourself the bother.
"Fine..." you huff. "But you're buying the first round..."
"Good" she sang triumphantly. "Let's get you cheered up..."
Later that evening you strolled into a nightclub at Wanda's side. You liked dancing but clubbing wasn't really your scene, still - it felt good to be out and getting your mind off things. You were wearing a blue dress, one of your favourites. Not too revealing but it highlighted your best features and you felt good in it. You wore heels, they were a decent height – but still comfortable and not the ridiculous type you couldn't walk in. Wanda had styled your hair and you'd both gone to town on her impressive make-up collection, carefully accentuating your eyes and lips. You both drew a few admiring stares from men as you strolled in which caused Wanda to shoot you a wink.
You hadn't been here before, it was somewhere Wanda had heard about. It was busy – but not too packed. The atmosphere was lively and buzzing, a mixture of people dancing and splayed over the seating areas enjoying their drinks. There were a lot of handsome guys here, none quite as handsome as Bucky (you couldn't help but think), but still easy on the eye.
There was a VIP section in the far corner, roped off and protected by a couple of burly bouncers. You couldn't see much due to the angle of the seating (you supposed privacy was a VIP perk) but a throng of beautiful girls dressed up to the nines were being ushered inside.
"Drink?" Wanda shouted over the music as she gestured with her hand to her mouth.
You whipped back around to face her, nodding enthusiastically as she drags you over to the bar.
Wanda ordered two fruity cocktails, handing you one as she pulls out her purse to pay. You push her bag away from the bar.
"I'll get these" you said firmly, retrieving one of the hundreds from your own purse.
"I have built myself up something of a nest egg recently..." you wink.
Wanda laughs and takes her drink as you hand the money over to the bartender.
"Can you break this okay? Sorry..."
Working with cash yourself you know it can be a pain when someone gives you a large bill.
"No problem..." he laughs as he takes it from your hand.
You sip your drink eagerly as you lock eyes with him. You suddenly feel a flash of recognition, but can't place him. He had dark hair and glasses, and seemed to look back at you with the same hazy recollection as he handed over your change. Was he a customer? Maybe.
You were just about to ask if he ever went into the bakery when Wanda hurriedly pulled you to the dancefloor. The mystery man was suddenly forgotten as you followed her, stuffing the bills back into your purse.
Unnoticed by you, the barman watched as you disappeared into the crowd and hummed thoughtfully, then craned his neck to peer over at the VIP area.
Wanda was right, this was just what you needed. You were letting loose on the dancefloor, the alcohol sweeping away all of your inhibitions as you moved to the music with your best friend. Your mind began to clear and soon enough you weren't thinking of anything, no Bucky, no work, nothing. Only the song that was playing and the freedom that you felt in that moment.
You and Wanda took turns going to the bar over the next few hours, bringing back all manner of elaborate cocktails and shots as you slowly began to feel intoxicated. All on Bucky's dollar, of course. You weren't a lightweight by any means by hadn't drank like this in a long time. The bartender you recognised had been replaced with another, and you'd already forgotten his face as you enjoyed your night.
After some more dancing Wanda mouthed that she needed the bathroom and you nodded, asking if she wanted company. Just as you asked her - a cute blond guy appeared next to you, grinning and dancing close. He had a sweet smile, very all-American and clean cut. You smiled back at him.
Wanda's eyes flitted between you and the blond, then grinned and shook her head at you – implying she was fine to go by herself. She gave you a knowing look and shot off to the Ladies, leaving you alone with him.
The music was loud so he leaned over and spoke into your ear.
"You wanna dance?" he asked.
You turned to face him and nodded enthusiastically, he smiled and took your hand – and the two of you moved to the music for a few songs. Occasionally he gave you a little spin or dipped you, which made you giggle. His hand felt nice in yours and you allowed yourself to get swept up in the warmth of him, powered by the booze in your veins.
"I'm John, by the way. John Walker." he said into your ear.
You smiled, leaning to him and telling him your name.
"I think you're very pretty" he shouted over the music, just as the end of the song dropped out, meaning his voice carried loudly across the dancefloor. A few fellow clubbers turned to look at him, and you cackled as he hid his face in mock embarrassment.
"Thank-you" you replied bashfully.
"Can I get you a drink?" he asked.
You nodded – but then realised you hadn't seen Wanda in a while. You surveyed the room for her as John went ahead of you to the bar.
You soon saw her curled up on a sofa with Vis, who must've shown up at some point while you were dancing. They were making out heavily as usual and you rolled your eyes, smiling. Wanda caught your eye and grinned at you, pointing at John and giving you a thumbs up. You rolled your eyes again, miming 'get a room' as Vis saw you and gave you a wave.
You chuckled at your friends' antics as you got to the bar. John had ordered you a gin and tonic and moved it in front of you as he paid. You furrowed your brows slightly, he hadn't asked what you wanted and you didn't really like gin much. You weren't a big fan of people making decisions for you without checking. Still, you didn't want to be rude so accepted it – giving him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, you were a bit tipsy and wanted to go with the flow.
John smiled at you as you sipped the drink. You smiled back, feeling a bit shy and unsure of what to say. The evening's beverages had gone to your head a bit, making you feel a bit unsteady on your feet.
"I meant what I said" he shouted over the music, leaning into you. His breath was hot on your ear and you realised he was slurring slightly. "You're really pretty".
You blush, smiling up at him. "Thanks, that's sweet of you".
Without warning he pins you against the wall of the club, shoving his tongue into your mouth and harshly groping your breast with his hand. The kiss is rough and sloppy, he tastes like stale beer. He misses your mouth initially so you end up with his saliva spotted across your cheek.
You gasp and roughly push him off of you.
"Hey! Stop, John!" you shout angrily, wiping your mouth and adjusting your bra where he had felt you up.
He rolls his eyes and moves in again. You move your head to face him and glare daggers at him.
"I said stop". 
He scoffs. "C'mon don't play hard to get, honey. You've been rubbing up against me on the dancefloor and you let me buy you a drink. We both want this".
Your jaw clenches as you feel your rage simmering.
"We were just dancing, I didn't sign a contract to do anything else. And I don't even like gin" you scold.
He laughs mockingly at you. "All girls like gin..."
You raise your shoulders in disbelief. The worst part was you had thought he was cute and probably would've made out with him eventually. But not like this. And not now he's behaved this way.
You roll your eyes and go to move away from him but he pushes your shoulder hard against the wall and tries to continue the kiss. You hit him, hard. The back of your hand strikes his cheek with a loud 'thwack!'. The sound rings out even over the loud music and he cries out, staring at you in disbelief.
"I said stop..." you repeat defiantly.
His eyes harden, he glares at you with fury and his face contorts into an ugly grimace. You feel your breath hitch as he bares his teeth.
"You little..."
But he halts as a gloved hand comes down hard on his shoulder and yanks him away. John is suddenly jerked backwards.
"She said stop..." warns a low voice.
"Who the fuck asked you-" John yells as he turns to face whoever dared touch him.
Both yours and John's faces fall as you realise who it is, but for slightly different reasons.
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enchantedbarnes · 5 months
Recommendations #2 💌
Well hello again. Just in case you make your way through my first list, here's some more reading material for you 😉
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I went digging to find some past gems - these lists are also partly selfish so I can go back and re-read them easily.
💖 Thank you to all of these creators for all the writing you've shared with us. I very much appreciate all of you! 💖
And to all you readers out there, I hope you enjoy and send some love to all of these beautiful writers 🥰
If you haven't already, you can check out my first Recommendation List - Here ❤️‍🔥 make sure they get all of the love too
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Caught In The Fire by @dreamwritesimagines
Pairing: Mobster! Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: In a city ruled by gangsters, nothing is ever simple.
Delicate Edges by @wkemeup
Pairing: Bucky x reader (Biker!AU)
Summary: Your family’s beloved flower shop was not the only thing you inherited when your parents passed. Trapped under a mountain of debt to the Hydra club, you bear the cost of your father’s desperate bargain. It’s only in moments when the charming Bucky Barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. But a war is brewing. The border is crumbling. You're trapped in the middle. And Bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
Sunrise by @wkemeup
Parings: Bucky x Reader (veteran!bucky x librarian!reader)
Summary: After an explosion takes his arm and his only sense of belonging, Bucky is discharged from active duty and sent back to civilian life. Left with a storm of unchecked guilt, Bucky is content to live out the rest of his days in the hollow comfort of the dark. This is, until Sam drags him down to the local VA and he meets you. (Modern AU)
In the Embers by @foreverindreamlandd
Pairing: Firefighter!Bucky x Fem!Plus Size!Adopted Rogers!Reader
Summary: It’s been years since you’ve been home, and you didn’t expect it to be in the aftermath of your life falling apart. Though much has changed over time, one thing has stayed the same: Bucky Barnes is still the boy next door, and there’s no running from him now.
Awake My Soul by @foreverindreamlandd
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: It's been five years since the zombies started invading, and despite everything you've been through, you've survived up until this point. And now you must survive your most dangerous challenge yet...the grumpy, untrusting, captivating Bucky Barnes.
Check out their Bucky masterlist 😍 -> Here
Beneath the Milky Twilight by @bucksangel
Pairing: Ceo!Bucky Barnes x Personal Assistant!Reader (Sugarbaby!AU)
Summary: Being Mr. Barnes’ personal assistant has been tough, balancing a full time job while taking care of your younger brothers has you running yourself thin. Then, things take a sharp turn after a dinner with your boss when you disclose your financial situation.
‘The Road Goes Ever On and On’ by @rocketrhap3000
Pairings & Characters: Bucky Barnes x singlemom!reader, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson (eventually), and OC three year old Jasper :)
Summary: Life as a single mother of a three year old certainly has its struggles. But when a sweet stranger makes his way into you and your little boy’s life, a one of a kind connection sparks. 
Yours, Mine, Ours by @coffeecatsandcandles
Pairing: singledad!Bucky Barnes x singlemom!pediatrician!Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes has been raising his girls, Rebecca and Winnie, for the last two years. He'd lost all hope of falling in love again until he met you, a pediatrician with two children of your own- Elliot and Willow. He falls in love and he falls hard, but the challenges of being single parents still weigh on you both at times. Luckily, you'll always have each other.
Also you need to go read their entire Masterlist
Mob!Bucky x Fairy Masterlist by @kinanabinks
Pairing: 18+ | Mob!Bucky x Best Friend!Reader
the adventures of bucky and his little fairy.
Appointments by @noctumbra (prev buckycuddlebuddy)
Pairing: tfatws!bucky barnes x reader
Summary: in which bucky gets a fuck buddy and rediscovers his body’s needs and himself in the twenty-first century.
We Fell in Love in October by @noctumbra (prev buckycuddlebuddy)
Pairing: farmer!bucky barnes x reader
Summary: in which october brings love for bucky with his favorite season surrounding him.
As It Was, Baby (AO3) by @nexusnyx
Pairing: Neighbor Bucky x Reader
Summary: Living right across from James Barnes was certainly an experience, but a much different one than most people expect. A neighbour who is respectful, funny and brings you food every now and then is any girl's dream. Too bad you're only his neighbour and nothing else. Or, at least, that's what you thought.
One stormy night changes everything and discovering that you mean more to the Sargent than you expected has life-altering consequences.
Bring Me to Life by @nameless-ken
Pairing: Dad!Bucky x reader
Summary: Bucky is a struggling single father trying to take care  of his daughter when a stranger welcomes them into her home and brings a gentle love back into their life.
Masterlist for nameless-ken -> Here
Unexpected by @nameless-ken
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Summary: Our mutual friend dropped out of this trip at the last minute, so hi I guess we’re spending the next two weeks together.
The Bienville by @indyluckycharlie
Pairing: Modern AU Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky is the young CEO of his family’s publishing house. A year into the role and working his ass off, he’s finally taking a much needed vacation (upon the advice of his well-meaning family and friends).
Solo and feeling a little lost, Bucky finds himself getting a little attached to the front desk receptionist, a local who grew up on the islands and dreams of bigger things.
All You Need by @barnesafterglow
Pairing: publisher!bucky x author!reader
Summary: just after finishing college and your first novel, you meet bucky barnes - a friend of a friend, a publisher, and hopefully something more
No Day But Today by @buckysfaveplum
Pairing: bucky barnes x artist!female reader
Summary: bucky finds himself enamored with the girl upstairs who paints on the fire escape.
(loosely inspired by mimi and roger from rent)
Brotherhood and Bullets Masterlist by @rookthorne
Pairing: Biker!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
The 107th motorcycle club has been the protector of their collective hometown for many, many years - shouldering all the bloodshed and loss that came with it. Little did you know, you'd become the President's own twisted version of an angel on his shoulder; the tips of your angelic wings tinged red by your own demons.
Check out rookthorne's full masterlist -> Here
The Old Man's Grocery Order (AO3) by yarnforbrains
Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader
Summary: The grocery order was the same every week, and every week it came with the same instructions: Don’t ring the bell. Leave it and go.
It wasn’t the most polite message, but that’s about what you expected from someone with a grocery list like this...You figured it was an older man.
Our Home to Heal by @subwaysurf45
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: working at the VA, you’ve found your place. helping people in the sobriety unit as well as cooking for the food bank, the VA had everything for you. Bucky Barnes has a not-so-good first impression but after dealing with a dark recent past he finds you to help him heal. 
Snow by @delaber
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Tired of your constant bickering, Sam sends you and Bucky on a mission alone. When the worst possible outcome happens and you’re forced to spend several days together in a small cabin, you finally get to see a different, more pleasurable side to the man whose flesh you’ve always had a thorn in.
Finding Home by @jobean12-blog
Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x reader (Animal Rescue AU)
Summary: You meet Bucky while he’s out walking Alpine in the city. It’s love at first sight and to make it even better he just opened up an Animal Rescue, Shelter to Solider.  But will his past stand in the way of him finally finding his home. 
Stud and Smartie Universe by @navybrat817
Pairing: Mechanic Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader (Stud and Smartie)
AU Summary: You're crazy about your handsome roommate. Luckily, he feels the same way about you.
Your Hands Have Made Some Good Mistakes by @thenhewaswrongaboutme
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky has to spend six months locked up with a stranger. His teammates went on an international press tour and left him behind. They hired someone to supervise him, per the conditions of his pardon— a roommate, they said. A roommate?
Happy New Year
and Happy Reading!
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(Dividers by saradika)
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oh-hell-help-me · 1 year
Day 12: Regal
The Library incident wasn’t the last time Luigi felt watched, but it was the last time he mentioned it.
For whatever reason, the feeling came at odd hours of the day, always at random, and always when there seemed to be no one else there.
For once, it made having a babysitter easier: if he ever felt too uncomfortable, too anxious, he could simply sit close to the Koopa and not have to worry about explaining himself.
The ease in which Bowser would sometimes pull him closer made Luigi feel floaty and fluttery.
Still, his ‘probation’ had to eventually come to an end, and Bowser had duties that needed privacy. There wasn’t much more of a need to drive the point home (the point being to STAY SAFE).
So, the first day he’s released from Bowser’s surveillance, he heads to the newest industrial Training Facility.
Luigi knew, distantly, that it was empirically stupid to do so. However, he also knew that -if there was any chance of observing anything without disturbing anyone, he’d have to go incognito.
Arriving at the facility was easy, as was procuring a Visitor’s ID. It didn’t hurt that the receptionist was actually a familiar old Shy ‘Guy’ named Shyly, who is part of a book club that held daily meetings in his favorite cafe.
After catching up on the newest Murder-Mystery book, he headed towards the Training Area.
It was a sight he took in with excitement -fawning over the new equipment, admiring the way various Koopa Kingdom citizens met each task with gusto, and even analyzing the way the trainers of each station handled those who don’t exactly have opposable thumbs.
He stayed for hours just watching.
Yes, the irony is not lost on him.
In hindsight, that was probably what caused things to snowball at the castle.
According to Clawthorne, his disappearance had not been a big concern at first -after all, his visit to the facility was during a break day, and everyone -including Bowser- assumed he simply went to the town square again.
And then everyone realized that his assigned guards were still at the castle.
By then, Bowser was seen to have been dashing through the halls, checking rooms, and loudly (loud enough to be heard across the other side of the castle) calling his name.
(Dagby quietly adds that the king sounded scared -more frantic than he had ever been heard.)
After the first hour, the castle went on a lockdown that had every ambassador and diplomat secluded in their quarters and soldiers patrolling/checking every room inside the castle walls.
The second hour had led to patrols outside the walls, most heading towards the square but with a few checking the town's perimeters for any sign of green.
The third hour had drawn a quiet conclusion that Luigi was nowhere in sight. That, even as a town mob (larger than the one amassed after Hackson) joined in the search for the human, there wasn't a single trace to be found.
So, by the time the fifth hour rolled in, the Koopa King had insisted on joining the search as -Flambo would quote for Luigi's future recklessness- "Of course, no one can find a human who has the brain of a chicken nugget!"
Luigi would have protested this, but...
It also explained why, in a span of seconds, Bowser broke the Facility's door and Luigi's impression of just liking the Koopa's regality.
From his position next to the greenhouse fabrication line, Luigi is understandably spooked into a yelp that immediately grabs the Koopa King's attention.
Luigi would never admit that the about-face of a visibly agitated Bowser had done things. NEVER.
Regardless of what Luigi would have said, or tried to do, Bowser had stomped up to the human fast enough to have on-lookers do spit-takes.
"YOU DIPSHIT! YOU-" He grabs Luigi around the waist with both hands. "YOU UTTER MORON! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?"
Luigi, of course, is lost. "I- I don't-?"
Luigi is frozen in his grip, hands grasping at clawed thumbs as he is pinned by Bowser's gaze.
"But? I was here-?"
"BY YOURSELF!" The Koopa roars and the look in his eyes makes Luigi squirm. "YOU HAVE FOUR GUARDS! FOUR! FOUR TO CALL ON SHOULD YOU NEED HELP!"
Luigi tries to reassure him. "But I was fine-"
The human is at a loss for words. There's... not much to argue against that.
"I CAN'T- I can't-" Bowser seems to be catching his breath, but he didn't seem to be calming down.
"Bowser..." It might be the tight grip on his ribs, but Luigi isn't too sure that it's not from how close the Koopa is -and how his whole face shows fear.
This... isn't right. Bowser never shows fear -not like this.
"I can't lose you."
It's like the air was sucked out of the room, and Luigi could feel his eyes grow hot and stinging.
Bowser shouldn't sound small.
He shouldn't be shaking like this -in a way that is only felt in his grip on the human.
And- and that's his fault, isn't it?
"I-" It's hard to speak, but Luigi will manage. At least for this. "I'm sorry."
The grip on him gentles, but is still firmly clasping him to the Koopa.
"..... Just-" A small squeeze, one that brings Luigi close enough to feel Bowser's heartbeat above the plastron. "Don't do it again."
"Okay. I-" It's hard for Luigi to raise his hands away from that slowing heartbeat, but he manages to cup the bottom of Bowser's jaw and bring their eyes together (and yes, he is trying very hard to not focus on the feeling of those scales, the way the Koopa easily lets himself be guided...). "I promise."
Their faces are so close, and Luigi swears on his mother's apron that Bowser is the one getting closer. It's something he doesn't question -doesn't want to question when the Koopa's eyes hold an emotion that has Luigi's heart racing.
He hears it beat in his ears, getting faster when Bowser's eyes dart lower, and then back to his eyes.
He hears his own breath hitch, distantly, and is very much aware of the rumbling sound coming from Bowser.
He hears... wolf-whistling?
Both the Koopa and human look away from each other, stiffening as they realize they are still in public.
In front of over a hundred-dozen people.
It doesn't take Luigi long to register the context -and their interaction -and -and...
"Oh no...." Luigi tries to curl up into Bowser's hands, but his fingers prevent any curling, never mind a position that would let him be swallowed by the earth.
Bowser snorts. "Maybe this would teach you to not wander off again."
Luigi wants to retort that it very much will if he has to look anyone in the eyes, but...
He looks back up, right up to Bowser's eyes again.
He... doesn't seem to be bothered?
And then the Koopa looks down, giving a soft look -a warm look, one that he had only seen on the faces of couples or-
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thechanelmuse · 2 years
Cumming, Forsyth County, GA
Black Americans have had 15 million acres of land stolen through terror, lynchings and genocide down to 1 million. 
This is just one of many that deal with the ethnic cleansing of Black Americans by white mobs. You may have heard of Oprah doing an episode in 1987 about that county. (Episode: Oprah Visits a County Where No Black Person Had Lived for 75 Years.) Sundown towns, of course. No longer completely completely white, it is still largely white. Mrs. Elon Osby and every last descendant needs to gather their docs and get every single acre back. Everybody living all comfortably there and shit gotta go. It is what it is. We’ve been needed an Anti-Black Hate Crime bill. But the Democrats, who Black Americans have loyally voted for with no tangibles in return, obviously feel it’s of no concern. The likes of Buffalo, anyone?
Did I mention this town is close by Oscarville, the Black American town under that man-made lake, Lake Lanier? 1912.
Add this onto the reparations claim and charge genocide.
SN: An almost silent shakedown almost went down in the small Black town of Mason, Tennessee not too long by the state’s comptroller. Thank goodness people caught wind outside of that town and seize of control (before a shift) was unsuccessful.
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billycorn · 1 month
Rollcall - Part 2 (Part 1)
‘I can’t fight this battle for you, but I can promise to stay by your side.’
The words rang in her mind, a reminder of her greatest lie, and a testament to what she left behind. When she said those words, she had meant them. She just didn’t know how little time she had left.
Still, even though her words had been made a lie, she couldn’t regret them. Given another chance, she would say them again, and again, every single time, and she would stay by his side for as long as she could. Team Rollout would go down in history, she was just sorry she couldn’t be there to see it.
She couldn’t remember much after defeating Dialga, just saying goodbye to Phanpy, and watching as Temporal Tower grew small in the distance. As she’d ascended higher, more of her senses had begun to fade. Her touch went first, followed by her sight. It had bothered her greatly. There isn’t much to smell, taste or hear in space, but a moment longer in which she could see Phanpy, feel him beside her, would that have been a mercy, or would it have stretched unbearably?
As the thoughts ran rampant through her mind, she noticed something odd. A cold rush of air, the sensation of falling: she could feel?
A dull blue light appeared and for the first time in months, her eyes fluttered open. Dialga’s silhouette could be seen in the light and its voice boomed. ‘Young one, your sacrifice was a noble one, and I thank you. Now, I repay your kindness. My apologies for the delay.’
The light flashed and her head spun with sudden dizziness, but as it passed, she noticed something. She could hear a noise, like waves crashing. There was something underfoot, coarse, and rough. The fading light of day was warm on her skin.
Opening her eyes, her jaw dropped. As if she was seeing it for the first time all over again, she couldn’t believe the sunset could be so beautiful. She didn’t want to look away, afraid that it would disappear, and this would all be revealed as a cruel fantasy; it wouldn’t be the first time.
Whether this was real or not, there was something she had to do. Hurrying to the waterside, she gazed upon her reflection and couldn’t help but smile. Just like all that time ago, she had awoken on the beach outside Treasure Town as a Spheal. Only this time she had her memories, and a clear mission.
Rolling as fast as she could, she raced along the path towards the crossroads. Past Spinda’s café and up the stairs. Straight over the grate, she rolled into Wigglytuff’s, quickly making her way to the second floor.
No one was around, the guild almost seemed deserted, but the laughter emanating from the mess hall gave them away. Slowing her pace, she breathed deeply and wandered into the mess hall. For a moment, she watched them from the shadows. Her family, they were all right there.
Stepping into the light, she called, ‘is there a plate for me?’
In an instant, the guild fell silent, the only noise belonging to the crackle of the torches and a dull thud as Wigglytuff’s perfect apple fell to the floor. As quickly as the silence had fallen, it was shattered as everyone lost their damn minds.
The guild exploded in a cacophony as Spheal was mobbed and nearly crushed under the aggressively affectionate group hug. Phanpy barrelled through his friends to reach Spheal and he threw himself upon her. He clutched at her desperately as tears spilled forth and she returned the gesture with equal fervour. The guild members retreated a moment, allowing the pair some space to just hold each other.
Wigglytuff stepped close again, laying a gentle hand on Spheal’s back. ‘Welcome home.’
The next day Team Rollout would have to venture into Apple Woods again because the guild’s pantry was devoured as they partied late into the night.
When Phanpy awoke, he greeted the day with a cheerful, ‘good morning!’
Which was met a moment later but Spheal’s half-asleep, ‘morming.’
They gathered for morning assembly, bellowed their cheers and during rollcall Spheal yelled, ‘eleven!’
Phanpy’s eager - ‘twelve!’ – only a moment behind.
Months had passed since the events of Temporal Tower. Time had been restored, life had returned to normal for near every Pokemon, and two faces had returned to Treasure Town. Phanpy’s partner had come home, and so had the sincerity in Phanpy’s smile.
At the edge of the crossroads, they did their final checks before leaving for Apple Woods, and with a shared smile, they yelled, ‘let’s roll out!’
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goldenbeastkeeper · 4 days
Stupid, stupid, STUPID.
They only went into town to try to see if they could nab any decent towels or dresses or anything someone might have put out to dry that they could use as a blanket. It was cold and they weren't sure if this was the beginning of winter or the end of it or if this part of the human realm was always this cold. All they knew was that it was cold and that they didn't do well with cold. Grimwalkers were meant for warmer temperatures, not . . . this.
So they'd gone into town to scout out any clotheslines that might have something big enough to keep warm in.
It was a single slip up. They hadn't even found anything yet while they were wandering around, but Valor got distracted, lost concentration on the illusion spell keeping his and flicker's eyes a natural human color. And what distracted him? The return of a party of witch hunters that they knew had been sent out to find them after they'd been spotted with their ears out in the forest two days ago.
Someone noticed the slip up and called the party to them, noting the unnatural eye color that matched those creatures in the forest, and Valor grabbed Flicker's hand and bolted.
He was sure, had they needed time to actually grab their pitchforks, they could have outrun them. But as it was they were hot on their heels and it was all they could do to keep ahead of them.
The sound of their shouting started to fade and Valor risked glancing back to see just how far behind they'd falle-
With an "Oof-" he collided directly into . . . something, and found himself stunned on the ground in front of . . . Oh titan.
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He was hyperventilating as he stared up at the very tall person in front of him. The cloth he'd used to cover his ears had fallen on the ground. Flicker was pulling at his arm to get him to keep running, even as they stared up at her, too.
Then Valor was scrambling to his feet and bolting, once more, in a different direction from before. He held tight to Flicker's wrist as he dragged them behind him.
The mob of witch hunters grew louder as they pursued.
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btskitten7 · 9 months
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Silent Grace| vi: The (half) Truth
Ship: Min Yoongi x Fem reader
au/genre: Mafia!au
rating: M
wc: 4.6k
Chapter warnings: drug mention; stalking; period talk with Seokjin(lmfao); lovers fighting:(; setups.
summary: Yoongi's guilt is eating him alive and Hoseok can't leave well enough alone. Yoongi finally opens up to you but how honest can he be?
tagss: @shadowyjellyfishfest @baechugff @maunosorioh @shelylamc @princess-sunshyn @scuzmunkie @wanceu @coldcoffee2121 @maunosorioh
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Once Hoseok gave Jimin and Yongbok the go to pursue you, he went straight into action. Only hours ago but he decided to waste no time. “Felix” Jimin called out as he entered the male's working quarters.
Yongbok stood to his feet in attention “Yes sir?” Jimin chuckled cringing at Yongbok’s “sir”.
“I’m not Taehyung nor am I Hoseok. I don’t like the power trip titles and if we want Miss Nurse to believe we’re related, you should get used to just calling me Jimin.”
Yongbok’s cheeks flushed red. He had always been so respectful regardless of age. Even though Jimin, Hoseok, and Taeyung weren’t that much older than him, he always felt a sense of authority when it came to them. He looked up to them, he wanted to be just like them. He wanted to follow in their footsteps. So whatever they needed him to do, he’d do it with no questions asked. Even if it was to go against his own family.
“I’m sorry si-Jimin. It’s just hard. I respect you guys.”
“I know. But for me, respect is showing loyalty. No matter what. You’ve done that. You already have my respect. It’s why we’ve taken you under our wing. We see potential in you,” Jimin started as he placed all the things he’d gathered about you on the table, including the photo of you and Yoongi which caught Yongbok’s eye instantly.
“That’s the nurse that helped you that one night. Who is she to Yoongi?” he asked remembering the night perfectly. He wasn’t there but he was watching the cameras. When he got word that something happened to Jimin, he instantly figured out what hospital he was at and acquired access to the cameras.
“She’s someone close to Yoongi. She’s his girlfriend or wife, whatever Yoongi decides he wants to call her.” Jimin said looking at the photo that lay in Yongbok’s hands.
“She must know a lot about their plans then if he’s willing to let her be this open. Although a small part of me doesn’t believe that she knows anything at all.”
Jimin hummed, “You think so? Why do you say that?”
“Because, ever since boss had me watch her for you guys, I’ve been studying her persona. She wouldn’t hurt a fly nor be a mob boss’s queen. I’ve watched her care for the worst criminals random people and kids to one of our own. She doesn’t treat anyone differently. She cared for you with the same respect. If she had known and was okay with it, she wouldn’t stay in the medical field. Yoongi would have had her be their personal medic.”
Jimin chuckled and nodded in agreement “You impress me sometimes, Felix.”
“But that’s what we think as well. I’m just too sure why Hoseok is interested in her all of a sudden. We’ve only been back from Korea for a year and he’s back on Yoongi’s trace. Yoongi already told us not to show our faces on his side of town and here we are.” Jimin sighed.
“We should trust the boss. He always knows what he’s doing. He’s the boss for a reason.”
Jimin could argue with that. He trusted Hoseok but it just wasn’t like him to be secretive about something like this. Especially about Yoongi. He had hardly said anything about him after all this time but now, he’s all he can talk about? Jimin felt that you were just an excuse.
“I trust him, of course. There is no questioning that. Back to the task at hand though. How much have you found about her from what you gathered.” Jimin asked sitting on Yongbok’s desk. He quickly pulled up every single file he had on you.
“It’s not much but it confirms what we think about her. She’s as innocent as they come. The only thing she has record-wise is a speeding ticket which was wiped clean. Turns out, she was following the flow of traffic and had no choice but to keep up with the car in front of her and behind her. So the judge let it go. But other than that, she lives up to her nurse status. She graduated top 10 of her class. All A’s. She isn’t rich but her family is well off in middle class. Her father is a manager for idols and her mother owns a small bakery. She has two siblings. Both of them moved to the States but they come here frequently to visit.” Felix explained flipping through different screens on his tablet that connected to the multiple TV screens that were plastered on his wall. Jimin looked at every bit of detail closely.
“Her name is Yn. The only thing I can’t seem to confirm is whether or not she’s Yoongi’s girlfriend or wife. It’s always been hard to find much of anything concerning Yoongi so I didn’t expect to find anything new.” Yongbok Continued. Jimin nodded before pondering on your name a little more.
“No.no this is good. It’s a good place to start. We know where she works, we’ve studied her hours, we know enough. Check and see when she goes back to work, we should start this as soon as we can.”
Yongbok nodded. He sat his tablet on the table before sitting in his desk chair. His fingers danced against his glowing keyboard and his eyes were peering through his black locks that rested slightly over his eyes, focusing on the screens before him.
“I should have it in the next 30 minutes.”
“Good. In the meantime, we should also have one of our soldiers gain some type of access to the hospital at all times for when we can’t. They could keep an eye on things while we aren’t able to.” Jimin added as he lifted off of the male’s desk and dusted his clothes off.
“I’ll work on that as well. I’ll have someone start today so it doesn’t raise too much awareness”
Jimin hummed “Perfect. I shall return. Also,” he started “see if you can look up her high school records.”
Jimin headed out of the office and down the hall, nodding to the passing soldiers as they greeted him. Jimin stopped “Hey Mingi,” he started “go see Yongbok, tell him you’d be perfect for the job”
Jimin didn’t stick around long enough to hear what response the kid had, he didn’t care if he was honest. If the kid knew what was best for him, he’d be at that door already.
Something wasn’t sitting right with you after your call with Yoongi. You couldn’t put your finger on it but you knew, just something wasn’t right. Things are just…not adding up to you anymore. From his office having a digital lock on it, to Yoongi’s unusual outburst about a random guy, and now he’s drunk calling you begging you to tell him that you loved him.
You were still lost in thought, you didn’t even notice Seokjin standing in front of you.
“Uh, Yn?” He called out breaking you out of your train of thought.
“O-Oh! Hey Jin! Good Morning. How’d you sleep?” You asked with a cheery voice causing Seokjin to chuckle. He wholeheartedly can see why Yoongi fell for you. He understood why Yoongi wanted to keep you desperately.
He would too.
“I didn’t get much sleep last night. I had some work to take care of. Did you sleep okay?” He responds as he grabs a coffee mug from the cabinet.
“You should take a break sometime. You can run yourself out if you all keep going like this.” You sighed before taking a sip of your coffee. “But I slept pretty good until..” you started trailing off.
You hadn’t noticed it but Seokjin’s attention turned to you instantly. He had long forgotten about his coffee. While Yoongi was away it was his responsibility to make sure you were entirely safe. He’d hate himself if something happened to you and he was unaware or worse you found out something.
More than that though, Yoongi would probably go psychotic if that happened.
“Did something happen? Why didn’t you come get me?” Seokjin replied protectively which almost surprised you.
“It wasn’t something I thought I had to disturb you for. It’s nothing serious. I promise, I just thought started my cycle” You held back a chuckle seeing Seokjin’s expression change from a serious one to a more nervous one.
“O-oh y-yeah. Maybe you shouldn’t uh… yeah maybe I should be left out of that type of thing-” He stuttered.
“I mean if you are interested to know, I don’t mind giving you a heads up” You joked. Seokjin shook his head immediately.
“No, no, no. I think that’s something only Yoongi should know. You can gladly never tell me about that type of thing” He chuckled nervously.
“I’m just teasing. I would never.” You laughed. “But I do..have a question about something if you don’t mind me asking?”
Seokjin took a sip of his now lukewarm coffee and nodded. “What’s that?”
“When you guys go on your trips for work, do you guys have off time?” You asked.
“Not really. The only time we have ‘off’ is when we are eating or sleeping. If we don’t have anything more to do there, Yoongi’s pretty restless to get back to you. Unless there’s a day in between two work days, we just do work and come right back home.” Seokjin admitted.
“Ah..” you started. “So you guys don’t go out drinking much either?”
Seokjin shook his head. “Hardly ever. We don’t have time for those types of things and I don’t like going out to drink when I can do it at home. Yoongi and Namjoon think the bars are too loud. We are nothing like how we were when we were teens.” Seokjin chuckled.
You glanced at him with a blank stare. Now you were positive something else was going on.
“I’m going to call Yoongi, I’ll be right back,” You said grabbing your phone and heading out of the kitchen, leaving Seokjin with his coffee.
You dashed up the stairs and into your room, closing the door and catching the attention of the nearby maids. Kai included. You dialed Yoongi’s number and paced the floor.
You weren’t mad, you didn’t care if went out or not. You needed to know why his behavior has been so odd lately. Your mind began thinking the worst. You’ve seen things like this in the movies that Yoongi hated to watch with you. Once your partner starts acting off and gets mad for no real reason, they usually are already seeing someone else. Odd, but you couldn’t deny the signs. Finally, Yoongi answered after the second ring.
“Hey Blossom, we’re headed home now-”
“What happened last night?” You got straight to the point no matter how much hearing his voice gave you butterflies.
“What are you talking about? I told you,” he said sternly but still sweetly.
“I’m serious.”
Yoongi grew quiet. He was a little confused more than anything and didn’t know how to address this. He was in the car with Namjoon, Namjoon’s father and his father. All eyes were on him the moment he answered the phone and said ‘blossom’
“I’ll be home in a moment. I will talk to you then.” He said calmly.
“No...I can’t until then. I want to know now. What happened? What did you do last night to make you call me drunk off your ass?” you demanded an answer.
Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose as his father chuckled.
“I said, I will talk to you when I get home,” Yoongi said trying his best not to allow his father to piss him off to where it’ll make you think he was talking to you.
“Yoongi no. Are you seeing someone else? What is going-”
“YN,” he raised his voice shocking everyone who heard. He decided to ignore the fact that you would jump to that conclusion so quickly. Especially when he has never given you a reason to think something like that. Yoongi sighed hearing your breath hitch a bit. “I will talk to you later.”
You didn’t say anything more, you just hung up the phone.
Yoongi looked at his phone which now displayed his wallpaper of you and him, sighing. He locked his phone and placed it back into his pocket.
Namjoon knew not to ask anything about that at this moment but the fathers could care less.
“I thought you didn’t care about Yn?” Namjoon's father joked.
“No no Kim, remember? He said she doesn’t excite him” Min chuckled to which Kim chuckled and nodded. “Ahh, right.”
Yoongi couldn’t deal with his father any longer.
“Pull the fucking car over,” Yoongi said to which his driver obliged. Min chuckled again.
“Don’t tell me the big boss-to-be is going to leave his car?” Min taunted his son. Yoongi shared the same chuckle with a dark grin.
“Of course not, father. I’m not the one that’s leaving” He lifted his dark eyes to his father. “You two are”
Namjoon’s eyes widen at Yoongi’s boldness. Both Kim’s and MIn’s chuckles ceased
“I played your game. I did what you asked. I got the deal done and as far as I’m concerned that didn’t include my driver being your Uber. One or two things can happen. You can stay and shut the fuck up or you can keep talking and get the fuck out. I’ll accede however you want to continue. How about you Namjoon?” Yoongi turned to Namjoon speaking calmly and hardly phased by their reactions.
“I’m right behind you boss” He smirked.
“You can’t be fucking serious? Do you know who you’re talking to?” Kim snapped.
“Yes sir, I do. The former boss of the Min family. As far as I’m concerned.” He shrugged.”I no longer have to worry about him or the bullshit that comes out of his mouth.”
Min chuckled and nodded.
He didn’t like being disrespected, especially not by his own son but he couldn’t help but be proud of his son. He knew that his father would be proud of the king he created.
“No, no Kim. It’s alright. He’s right. In a few months, he doesn’t have to worry about me or anything I say. I will no longer be the boss. But let’s make something very clear. Yoongi” Min said with a crooked smile.
“I may not be boss and I may not own you anymore-”
“You never owned me. Let’s make that clear.” Yoongi snapped.
“But I created you LET’S NEVER…forget that,” he said leaning forward. “You would be nothing if it wasn’t for me and your grandfather.”
The tension was rising between the father and son. It was getting harder for Yoongi to play along in his father’s game. He was able to bite his tongue about his life being chosen for him, he ignored it when it came to his mother, but he draws the line with you. They all knew what would come from this life. They knew the outcome no matter how ‘good’ one was or how many allies one had. You didn’t. You didn’t have a choice in this life just like him and Namjoon. The only difference is they knew they had no choice, you didn’t know you had one. Yoongi couldn’t stand the power trip his father had. It sickened him. He walks around as if he owns it all.
The fucked up part is that he does.
He blamed no one for his father’s behavior but his grandfather.
Yoongi hated his grandfather. Even before he understood what his father was doing. His grandfather never showed his love for anyone. Not even now, on his deathbed.
“I’ll always be your father. We will always be blood. And whether or not you like it…,” he smirked “You’re just like me. You’re just like your grandfather. You can never get rid of us”
Yoongi’s eyes never faltered but he cringed at the thought of being his father. Min nodded toward Kim.
“Let’s go, Kim. Oh and son just some fatherly advice,” he said opening the door, “You might want to watch those you allow so close to you. You may not think I don’t know everything but there’s always someone willing to fill me in. If I were you...I’d hurry and tell ‘Blossom’ who she’s sleeping next to. You don’t want someone to…spill the beans as they say. Have a good day Son. Namjoon”
The two men left the car without a word more. Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked at his driver.
“Take us home.”
Thirty Minutes later, Yoongi entered his home and headed straight to his room to greet you. He didn’t cognizance anyone else. He was focused on you.
Once entering the room you were leaving the bathroom, completely ignoring him. He reached out and grabbed your waist, stopping you in place. You moved from his grip and continued on your way. He wasn’t having your attitude either. Yoongi gripped your waist again but this time he pinned you against the wall and looked directly into your eyes. He couldn’t help but notice the water dripping from your hair and down your body.
“You wanted to talk. So let’s talk. What on God’s green Earth do you think I could be doing with anyone when I’m not here? When every moment I have of free time I’m either with you or talking to you. For fuck sake, even when I’m working I’m still talking to you when I am able” He asked almost disrespected that you would question him like that.
“You’re being weird! Your behavior from a couple of weeks ago to last night with the drunk calls and texts. This isn’t like you! You were on a work trip but you go and get shit-faced. You’ve never done that! Not even when we go out together. You hardly have a drink if we go out and you regulate mine. I even asked Seokjin. He said you guys don’t go out when you go on these trips but all of a sudden you go out and get drunk like that? At first, that call worried me but now I’m starting to wonder if that’s your guilt eating at you about something!” You admitted.
Yoongi’s eyes softened with a soft sigh. He dropped his hands to his side and took a step back. She’s right. His guilt is eating him alive but it’s not about him messing around with someone else.
“Blossom…why would I ever cheat on you? Does that make any sense? I came home when at the time I told you. I never not answer your calls or texts unless I’m working which even then I still get back to you. The only time I don’t is when I’m either driving or talking to my father. You’re my entire world, my entire universe. Why would I do anything like that to hurt you? I want to marry you one day-” Yoongi’s eyes went wide as your head snapped up to look at him.
“Y-you want to what?” You stuttered.
Yoongi’s cheeks flushed red before gaining his composure.
“I-I want to marry you.”
After talking with Kai and Seokjin after the fight, he came to that conclusion after some thought.
After talking with you, Kai was furious.
She loved Yoongi as if he was her own. She helped his mother raise him when Min was away. She vowed to stay with him until she couldn’t anymore. She was going to do everything in her power to ensure two things. That Yoongi got his happiness and…he never became anything like Min.
She watched Yoongi come in that night and go to his office. She decided not to say anything to him then, But the next morning she asked to speak to Yoongi as soon as possible.
“What were you thinking?” Kai semi-yelled.
Yoongi and Seokjin hung their heads low avoiding Kai’s gaze.
They hated to get scolded by Kai, even when they were younger. She was motherly and sweet, but her motherly side was scary. It probably scared them more than standing in front of death itself. It was all out of love though.
“I wasn’t…” Yoongi mumbled.
“Clearly. Yn didn’t deserve that. She was heartbroken in that room.” Kai added.
That broke Yoongi. He knew he had done some damage, Yn was still closed off from him this morning. He didn’t expect everything to go back to normal but he didn’t like you being standoffish with him.
“I know Hoseok left a bad taste in your mouth since that night but Yn has no idea about any of that.” Kai sighed.
“I have to agree boss,” Seokjin started, “I told you the moment you decided to pursue this relationship. You can either give her a choice or choose for her. You’ve chosen for her. I told you before things get serious, you need to tell her what her destiny is if she decides to be with you. Here we are lying about everything to accommodate you. Granted, you are the boss and we will follow what you say, but I’m worried that the outcome is going to be a greater loss, than a gain.”
Yoongi couldn’t face either one of them now. He knows they are right.
“You’re right. I should have said something a long time ago but I didn’t think I was going to fall in love with her. I thought after a few months we’d be done and just friends, but here I am years later utterly obsessed with her. I can’t see my life without her. I don’t want to.” Yoongi admitted.
“You may have too.” Kai sighed Yoongi looked at Kai with sad but understanding eyes.
“You need to tell her everything or at the very least what you truly do on these ‘work meetings’,” Seokjin sighed “We know you love her, you’re in love with her. But if you truly love her..you’d tell her before she finds out. Worse if Hoseok or your father decides to tell her.”
Yoongi sat back on the couch, fumbling the small black box in his hands.
“I want to marry her. I want to have a family with her.” He whispers as tears begin to fall down his cheeks.
“Then be honest with her. Start with Hoseok.”
“You do? Really?”
Yoongi saw the sparkle in your eyes, he loved that. His being the cause of that made him happy.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” He chuckles.
“Because you don’t talk about things like that and you’re acting weird. I don’t know” You blushed. Yoongi chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist, giving you a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I’m sorry about that. It’s just that... I want to keep it for a long time, forever if I can. I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose you.” Yoongi sighed rubbing your waist. “And I can’t believe that I found someone I want to get married to. I find myself daydreaming about us having a family and you being pregnant taking our kids to school and shit like that.” Yoongi chuckled which made you giggle “It was just weird for me too.”
“That's cute that you think about things like that.” You smiled. “When did you want something like this to happen?”
“Like yesterday.” Yoongi snorted which caused you to laugh again.
“But I know there’s some things we need to talk about..”
“Oh?” you tilted your head “Like what?”
Yoongi sat down as he pulled you closer to him, sitting you on his lap.
“The reason why I’ve been so on edge is because..someone from my past has popped up again. We have a long history. He was my best friend.” he started.
“That’s a good thing, right? You should invite him over to rekindle” You said playing with the loose strans that framed Yoongi’s face. He sighed shaking his head.
“We aren’t on good terms and I don’t want to rekindle anything. He…hurt me…deeply. A hurt that can never be forgotten. His name is Hoseok.”
You frown softly as Yoongi’s eyes start to water. You gently took Yoongi’s hands into yours, rubbing them softly before bringing them to your lips and kissing them. You can tell that whatever this ‘friend’ did hurt Yoongi and it made sense why it would make him feel on edge with their return.
“What did they do? Were you able to forgive them?”
“We were all so close. It was always Hoseok, Namjoon, and Seokjin, two of our other friends, and I. Every day we would meet up after school since Seokjin, Namjoon, and I went to different schools than us. We would write songs together, dance together, play ball…just have a good time overall. They were the people I was closest to. When I was in school talking to you, I was with them. But that all changed when he set my brother up and didn’t take responsibility for him getting hurt. He had the nerve to blame me for it. All because I would go along with his unreasonable plan. He’s the reason neither of my brothers will speak to me and they are no longer around. My brothers and our other friends decided to stick with him while Seokjin and Namjoon stuck with me. I had never experienced pain like that. I don’t think I ever healed from it either. I think I just like to pretend none of them exist.” Yoongi’s deep voice cracked speaking about his past. “He betrayed us but yet my brothers still chose to go with him. It’s why I don’t allow myself to get close to anyone these days.”
Your heart sank. You always knew Yoongi had two brothers but you found it odd when they would never come to any family functions or why his father pretended Yoongi was his only son.
“O-oh baby…I’m so sorry. Your brothers… do they still communicate with your parents at least?” you asked.
“My father disowned them. He will never talk to them again. My mother still talks to them every once in a while but she never talks about it. She knows how upset it makes my father. They haven’t been back in Korea in years. With this old friend back, it’s only a matter of time before they come around as well”
Yoongi knows he should go deeper. But just this alone was too much for him. How could he possibly talk about something that could make him lose someone else? You cupped your hands on each side of his face before kissing his forehead sweetly.
“I’m sorry for not asking what was going on and just assuming the worst. I couldn’t even imagine something like that happening to me. But..” you started as you lifted Yoongi’s face to look in his eyes. He lifted his glossy eyes to meet yours with his hands wrapping around your waist.
“You don’t have to keep yourself hidden from me…I want every part of you. No matter what. I’ll always be by your side.”
The tears ran down Yoongi’s face like a river stream. Hearing you say those words meant a lot to him. It served him a great deal of comfort even if he knew all that could change once he told you.
“Would you still love me if I was a monster?” he whispered. “If I hurt people?”
You frowned slightly confused.
“You wouldn’t do it without reason.”
Yoongi bit his bottom lip nervously…
He needs to just say it…
“Baby I-”
“I’m sorry to interrupt but it’s time to collect the shipments.” Seokjin entered not fully understanding what was going on.
“Give me a few-”
“No..baby. Go handle what you need to okay? I will be here. We can talk then.” You said sweetly rubbing Yoongi’s face.
“Blossom..I’m a mob boss..” 
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star-keepr · 10 months
hi this is a silly stupid fic I thought would be cool to write but please be warned when I write gore I spare no details, @x-ca1iber has had to learn this the hard way so please proceed with caution <3
(btw I have no idea if anything like this has been written before so if it has been I apologize in advance)
credit to @clownsuu I believe they're the one that created this au
TW!!! gore, pain(lots of it), sharp objects, fear, mafia(?), guns, death
Welcome To The Family - Y/N x Mob au Wally
Today was the day of your 'interview', you knew you couldn't miss this one as it was extra important. Being part of a mob wasn't exactly anything new to you, although it had admittedly been a while. You would have stayed with your own, if they weren't all shot down by a rival gang. The only reason you survived was because your mom was good enough to hide you while the whole ordeal went down. They aren't fond memories to think back upon, and now that you're thinking about it, you start to become a little nervous. Would a mob accept a member of a former rival family? No, no, you've gotten this far. The boss would have definitely said something by now if you weren't welcomed.
The gloomy city streets glistened a little from being coated in a fresh layer of rain in the buttery colored streetlights. You didn't want to check the time due to your hurry, but from looking above at the dark cloudy sky you guessed it was around 10:00 pm. This part of town was always deserted, everyone knew it was gang turf. That's what made you so unnerved to return here. Just little you wrapped in a concealing coat silhouetted by flickering streetlights.
Eventually you made it to the building you were instructed to enter, it's a little old looking like an almost abandoned apartment. You knocked on the door. No answer. You waited a moment, then tried hesitantly to knock again, but before you could, the door cracked open to reveal a tall green man with... did he have four arms?! He gave you a suspicious glare through the small crack with a single eye.
"Y/N L/N. I'm here about the job offer?"
You hold up a rather elegant looking card with the boss's info on it, a surefire way he told you to get into the building if his bodyguards didn't trust you. The door opens up a bit more as the tall green man (you think he's some sort of caterpillar??) takes the card and inspects it thoroughly, looking over both sides like his life depended on it. After a very long and suspenseful moment, the caterpillar looked back at you, handed you back the card, and stepped aside for you to enter.
"Follow me."
The inside of the building extremely contrasted its outside, as the inner workings of this place were very clean and fancy. A chandelier above, marbled quartz flooring, and a big staircase in the middle with what seemed to be more quartz for the railings. The stairs were covered in velvet, and felt soft under your worn out shoes. You now feel extremely underdressed, even the green man leading you is in rather dapper attire. There were doors at the sides of the giant hall that you assumed lead to other rooms, and while you listened carefully you could hear... at least two people yelling in one, a tv show blasting from another, a man screaming for his life in another, and you swore there was a gunshot noise that wasn't from the tv.
The green caterpillar stopped to turn and wait for you, you hadn't noticed you stopped mid-staircase to take in all the sounds and sights. You look embarrassed and quickly catch up with him.
A few more staircases and a rusty elevator ride later, and you soon both arrive at the boss's office. A weird sense of dread seemed to suddenly coat you like a weighted blanket, but you did your best to shake it off. The caterpillar seemed to notice this, and while he was obviously not one to talk much, he patted your back gently as he opened the door.
"Just be cool."
As if the building itself couldn't get more luxurious, the boss's office was no exception. Comfy velvet chairs, custom carved desk and shelves, and in the middle of it all a rather peculiar looking man with his attention focused on whatever papers he had in front of him. The caterpillar stays by the door, but upon realizing the boss didn't notice you come in, he knocked lightly on the doorframe, causing the man to look up. Wow, what a sight! You had seen and met him before of course (otherwise you wouldn't have gotten this job offer), but there was something so magical seeing him in his true environment. When you met him he was disguised as a painter at a local café. No more façade now though. His curly hair was tied into a loose ponytail, and he wore a loose dress shirt with suspenders and faded pants that seem to have once been colorful. The most notable feature however, besides the piercing stare and rings on his fingers, was his lack of two eyes. One seemed to be sewn shut with a long nasty scar running through it. It gave you the creeps. Then, with a voice as smooth as honey, the man spoke.
"Ah, hello doll. I'm so glad you decided to accept my offer."
His words felt cold as they slipped into your ears. His small smile, while an attempt to be a warm one, just looked sinister. You force a little smile back.
"Come, sit, I'm so excited to learn more about you."
You didn't dare disobey and quickly took a seat across from the man. You were both aware of how powerful he was. He reached down to open a drawer, pulling out a file with info in it. As he opened it and began to read, you realized it was a file on you. How the hell did he even get that?? Isn't that only for government clearance?!
"So, I hear you've had some experience with a... 'family' like this before?" He says this from behind the file, setting it down open-faced to look you in the eyes once more.
"Yes, I- well- I have. I'm sure I don't need to remind you what happened to them though..."
The man had both fists under his chin listening intently and calmly.
"Which one? You'll have to humor me, doll."
"Do the... [lastname]s ring a bell?"
He seemed to perk up at this.
"Oh yes, I knew the father quite well. I thought they were all killed though. I suppose I'm mistaken."
"I was the only one to survive."
"Tsk tsk. Too bad. Now I understand you were.. a bit smaller back then? Still an adolescent? Do you think you'll be able to improve upon being here should I choose to let you be a part of this family?"
You nod confidently.
"Yes, sir. I've been a hitman ever since my family's massacre, I've learned a lot and I know I'll have a lot to learn from here."
"Of course, the assassin gig... so I trust I won't need to go over any basics with you then? Checking if you know how to pick a lock, if you can disguise yourself, et cetera?"
"No need."
He nodded thoughtfully.
"Good... Well, I see no reason yet as to why you shouldn't join us, although I hope you know that you'll have to quit that assassin job. And... one other thing."
You heard the caterpillar shuffle behind you, and upon looking you noticed he had locked the office door and was now standing in front of it. You started to get a little unnerved, but you said nothing as you turned back to the boss.
"What... what's the 'other thing'?"
He smiled to himself and got up from his desk, pulling out a little wooden box.
"Well, anyone can say they're loyal to us. I must admit I trust you more than a few of the other family members, but it's just a formality to *prove* you won't leave or betray us."
You start to squirm in your seat a little, curious as to what he could mean.
He removed a scalpel from the little box and held it up in front of his scarred closed eye.
"I'll have to take your eye."
A wave of fear washed over you as those words escaped from his sly smile. You thought about escape but then remembered your only way out of the room was blocked by the caterpillar man.
"Don't worry, it's a simple procedure, everyone else has done it and they're fine..."
The boss muttered in a soothing, almost singsong way as he began to put on surgical gloves.
"Wait...! Is this really necessary?? I mean, you said it yourself, I'm pretty trustworthy-"
You began to try and bargain with the man with a shaky voice, it's almost hard to believe he's being fully serious about this. Maybe.. maybe it's just some sick prank? Yeah, they must just be dunking on the new guy... at least, you prayed that's what it was.
The man then stood in front of you, scalpel in hand.
"Stay still, I need to find a way to do this neatly.."
He muttered, testing the scalpel at different angles just inches away from your eye. You couldn't help but shake now.
"Wait, you're serious? Am I going to get some painkillers...?"
The man chuckled softly.
"Oh doll, it wouldn't be a pledge of your loyalty if you didn't feel the pain..."
He placed a hand gently under your chin, the other poised in the position he wanted with the scalpel.
"Now this may sting a little... oh, and please try not to scream too loudly. We don't want to alert any others."
You couldn't help but flinch away. The boss noticed this and lowered his hands patiently.
"Now now, you have nowhere to escape. And just think, a whole new future is waiting for you just a few slices away."
You cup your hands over the eye he was aiming at shaking your head a little and backing up.
"I- I just- I've always been weird with eye stuff, I couldn't even get contacts in without chickening out. I don't know if I can do this."
The man just smiled softly.
"It'll be over before you know it, I promise doll."
You take a moment to look around you, thinking deeply.
"I-... I don't have a choice, do I?"
The man sighed lightly.
"I'm afraid not. I've learned that just getting it over with is better than letting the fear consume you."
You were still shaking as you looked down into your hands. You really didn't have a choice now.
You almost couldn't believe yourself as you shuffled back to the chair and sat down, it was almost as if another entity was controlling you, something with a higher presence. The man gently placed his hand under your chin once more, the other poised above the target.
"Take a deep breath in three, two..."
(okay here's the really gory part so just another fair warning)
Before you could think you felt the sharp blade of the scalpel plunge beside your eye into the socket. You let out a yelp as it moved, this was... so much more than a little sting. You didn't know whether to close your eyes or keep them open while the boss worked, both options were unbearably painful. Bloody tears immediately filled your vision, and it was starting to go red and fuzzy as the scalpel made its way deeper into your eye socket. You did your best not to scream, not to move, as you knew it would only make the process more painful, but damn was it difficult. You could hear as the blade severed the first of several nerves in the back of your eye connecting it back to your brain.
"You're doing great doll, keep being as still as possible for me..."
Another few nerves were severed, and you immediately lost sight on your left side. You were silently crying now to somewhat replace screaming, fat blood-mixed tears flowing down your cheeks. The last few nerves were severed, and you didn't feel your eye anymore. You obviously still felt immense pain, it just didn't stem from your eye itself anymore. Your vision was dizzy and blurry now, and you could just make out the man's hand reaching into your eye socket and pulling out something white and overbearingly bloody. Everything sounded rather muffled and distant now, but you could tell he was happy from his tone.
You then felt the sting of a needle, some cotton, then some gauze being wrapped around your eye.
"You did so well!"
The man chimed, looking down at you. You could see the blood stained clothes and gloves.
"Welcome to the family."
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Of Ghosts and the Living
I know that people love writing about our beloved Hawkins residents leaving that shithole behind for good and I can see the appeal, really, but. BUT. Hear me out.
What if they all tried, really tried to start over somewhere else, to leave the trauma behind, only to come back years later because no matter how well they do for themselves, they just can't find the connection, they always try to find alternative ways to explain why they flinch when electricity starts acting up, why they start to shake when hearing certain songs and even after so many years, when they form friendships and relationships outside their little group, they find them shallow and based on lies, because even if their feelings are real, they can't share the most important thing in their lives, what formed them into the people they are now.
But they don't want to just revisit the demons of their past, because all of them are survivors and all of them just don't wait around looking pretty while commenting on how fucked up everything is, they brainstorm, they research and they solve. And as years go by, they flock back together, determined to fix their dump of a town, because fine, if it calls to them, if it drags them back, that's one thing, but if they are to stay there, they will fucking make sure it's a place worthy of it.
Nancy comes back to Hawkins as if she always belonged there, proclaiming that "someone needs to take journalism seriously around here" and, as with everything she sets out to do, succeeds in showing the people of Hawkins that there are things beyond their small community, eventually starting her own newspaper and hiring local misfits and curious minds. In early 1990s, she would put together a huge special on the causes and effects of the Satanic panic, bringing up the events of 1986 and shoving a mirror in the faces of Hawkins' bigots, Jason Carvers of the town and all others who never hesitated to follow the likes of him. Sure, it might be controversial, but she answers the criticism with ease. "I was here. I remember that it took an earthquake to stop that lynching mob that went even for CHILDREN. Mr. Munson's uncle was harrassed for weeks and even after his nephew was proven innocent, some people still tried to play vigilantes. I understand why some or you might want to forget about it, but Mr. Munson doesn't and neither do I."
Jonathan is by her side, always, going anywhere and everywhere as her photographer and more. He spent so long being torn between his perceived duty as a big brother and a good son and wanting to live his life that when Nancy came back with the goal to fix Hawkins from the inside, he followed without any doubts, because he admires her, admires her strong will and he still loves her, trauma or not. With his mom, Hopper, Will and Eleven back in Hawkins as well, he finally doesn't have to choose. He and Nancy work as a single mind, his photographs and her stories completing each other.
Dustin has a great mind that could do so much, but he loves his mother and doesn't go too far away to college. When he returns, he finally ties the knot with Suzie and they both get jobs at the Hawkins middle school, Suzie sharing the wonders of technology (especially computers) with the kids and Dustin gradually replacing Mr. Clarke when he retires, bringing the same enthusiasm and sense of wonder into classroom that he loves about his former teacher. He is the patron of the AV club and keeps a close eye on the Hellfire Club as well, always making sure to tell the outcasts, the sensitive kids and anyone he sees as a good fit that there is a place for them in the local high school where they won't be judged, that he used to be like them too.
Mike and Will remain closest from the party, especially after Will finally shares his feelings. He no longer feels like a mistake, not after seeing Steve and Eddie together before they leave for Indianapolis for their studies, not late but in their own speed, like with everything. And Mike accepts him, no questions asked, nothing changing between them. Will's crush sizzles out, but never his love for Mike. They remain best friends and pair up for work, Mike as a writer and Will as an illustrator. Together they produce the most intricate, magical stories about kids just like they used to be, a town maybe just a bit too similar to Hawkins. There are monsters in their stories, there are challenges and suffering, but there is also hope, there are quiet and domestic happily ever afters, not idealized but warm and real, because there needs to be life after tragedy and hardship. They get moderately popular and they do a lot of public readings in Hawkins' rebuilt library, sometimes organizing workshops for anyone and everyone who needs some magic in their lives.
There is a lot of commotion when Lucas announces that despite his talent and drive, he won't pursue basketball as his careeer. What he went through changed him and in the months of ups and downs, constant questions if Max would ever walk again, if her sight would heal, all of that hopelessness makes him throw himself into any and all information on physical therapy. He keeps up with the newest discoveries in the field and when he finishes high school, he already knows how he wants to spend the rest of his life. From all the unofficially adopted Harrington-Munson nuggets, he takes after Steve the most, he wants to fix things, to protect. He checks on all his friends and pushes them to take their health seriously, especially Steve. "I know you don't like it, but you need to, man," Lucas, now as tall as Hopper, tells Steve. "I know there always seem to be bigger things to worry about, but you need to. We all love you and we'll be damned if you don't live long enough to see your Harrington grandkids." He knows how to motivate people and the spark in Steve's eyes tells him that that was the right note to play. He opens a small practice and helps heal the town in his own unique way.
Max's sight has never fully returned, she can see, but there are frequent headaches and blurriness. But it's more than she thought she'd have, so she'll take it. She takes up Flo's old job in the police station, using her inner fire to scorch any and all policemen who might be slacking in their jobs, judging people too soon, not helping as they should - with Hopper's quiet blessing, of course. More than often she ends up in the city council meetings, petitioning the mayor and anyone who will listen - and they WILL listen - to provide better accessibility options for everyone. She got lucky and her bones mostly healed, but many people have permanent injuries from the earthquake and they need, they deserve the town's support for sticking around, for not abandoning this shithole. Vecna could not extinguish the fire in Max and neither will this stupid, uncaring town, not when her loved ones find their way back, one by one. She was welcomed by them when she needed a home and now she's holding the fort, making sure they come back to a kinder place.
Eleven goes far with Hopper, Joyce and Mike's support. She understands how difficult it is for people like her to fit in and it takes her long to realize what she wants to do. When she catches up, even though her speech would always remain a bit stiff, she shares with Joyce that she'd like to help kids like her, kids who don't have the necessary skills and knowledge to keep up in school. And Joyce supports her daughter through everything she wants and needs, reassures her when her application falls through the first time. "You've done great things, sweetie, and you will do many more. I believe in you." El gets into the course on her second try and her blended family throws her a huge celebration, somehow managing to create an eggo cake. It's monstrous, but El loves it and she loves her studies too. The more she learns about special education, the more passionate she feels about it. And what place is better suited for her new mission to save the world than the first town she felt home at?
Steve is, surprisingly even for himself, like her. When he finally untangles himself from the clutches of his family's expectations, he has a drunken night of revelations with Robin and, very quietly, admits to her that he wishes he could have done more for the kids, that he still feels like he failed them. After being rightfully chewed out by Robin and almost crushed to death in a hug, she halfheartedly comments that she too would have benefited from having a school counsellor like Steve is, someone who actually saw some real shit. That simple sentence lights a spark in Steve and before he knows it, he's signing up for classes in the local community college, taking his education seriously for once. He learns many ways to help others and can't wait to utilize them. When he finishes his studies in Indianapolis, Eddie has already finished his own and is working in a music store. He wrings his arms and stutters when talking to Eddie, his self-proclaimed beloved nuisance, explaining that he feels obliged to go back, to do something good for that messed up place, and asks very quietly if Eddie would come with him because even if this is his calling, Eddie is more important, he always will be. His heart almost leaps out of his chest when Eddie sighs, kisses Steve and mentions that moving all their crap is going to end them both, so they'd better start packing. Steve gets a job at the Hawkins High and starts fixing the town, one cheeky teenager at a time. He takes up basketball coaching too because "those shitheads need some outlet for their aggression."
When they come back to Hawkins, Nancy has already written her piece on the events of 1986 and people still watch him with wary eyes, but also with some sympathy and regret. Eddie would never admit it, but he too felt the pull of the town, he was so fucking tired of running and it wasn't just about wanting to stay with Steve, but also about fighting for and winning his place under the shitty Hawkins sun. Eddie finds his calling in music, no surprise there. He still plays in a band, sure, but more than enchanting crowds with his guitar and husky voice, he loves providing an escape for all the kids, young adults and adults who are like he used to be, lost in life and just searching for something to fill that gaping hole in their hearts. He becomes a music tutor, even approved and recommended by the local school, and guides all those lost sheep, providing recommendations and developing their natural talents with patience he'd never have for himself. Even the shiest students laugh at his antics and Eddie finally understands they all can't be heroes like El, Nancy and Steve, but while they go around saving their minds and homes, someone has to save their souls too, right?
Robin seems to think like Eddie, but she goes the whole official way. She's smart, really smart, and she wants to share her message of acceptance or death with the whole world, or at least the place that made her realize she was different - the high school. She effectively rambles her way in, gradually taking over the school band and the theatre group, then, with a passionate speech, usurps the music teacher's job. There are a lot of changes, but not many people want to spend their retirement in this unlucky town, she just gives a little nudge, gentle as a brick. She is just relentless, just as she was in Pennhurst, and nearly went to Nancy for a suitable set of clothes because she really, really wanted the job. Nancy just laughed and sent her on her way, saying that the clothes couldn't hide her personality and really shouldn't, because she'll do great just as she is.
And maybe, eventually, the ghosts of their past fade out and disappear, only returning here and there, just to remind them where they came from, but this time they know how to cope.
When Nancy writes a piece commemorating the cover up tragedy that took her friend Barb and all those other people, when she walks around the former Harrington's pool, she shivers, but Jonathan's hand is on her shoulder, warm and reassuring, and he was there with her, he knows how she feels, carries around the same guilt, buried in a shallow grave in his soul. And knowing she doesn't carry that secret alone might just be enough to finally remember Barb not with sadness and guilt, but with affection and gratitude.
When Steve sees a boy who has the same look he used to have, cold and cocky, but with oh so poorly hidden emptiness underneath, he thinks back to his father, to the years he spent as an empty shell, filling himself in with what he thought would finally give him that seal of Harrington approval. He comes home to Eddie, mentioning how it feels like looking in a mirror, and Eddie hugs him and says "if you could change, so can he, Stevie. If anyone can show him how to change, it's you." And so he does, it takes him weeks, months to break through that shallow facade, but slowly the boy opens up to him, talks about his dad and stepmother and Steve can finally see a reason for his own fucked up family life, because he actually can relate to this kid and he can help him. When his new report card comes in, grades much better now and the kid - no, young man - talks to him excitedly about a major he's considering, Steve comes home with a bottle of wine and kisses Eddie in the doorway because he can't keep his happiness in, he finally has a purpose.
When Eddie visits one of his students near the trailer park, he can't help but stare at the spot where his and Wayne's trailer used to be, Chrissy's final moments replaying in his head with terrifying clarity. But Robin is there too, coming with Eddie to offer the kid a spot in the school band because he has been gushing about her abilities for months, and she hugs his waist and mutters "I know, I know." She tells him how she knew Chrissy, how she was so kind even to the weirdos, freaks and misfits. After they are done with the visit, Robin directs him to a flower shop and they get a bouquet of flowers, visit Chrissy's grave and give their thanks, Eddie admitting to the cold stone with her name that he loved her vibrancy, her smile, he loved her and wished to know her better. Robin says very little, but she knows and more importantly, she understands.
Gradually, it just falls into place. There are dates that remind them of the worst times and they visit the graves together, bringing flowers and reminiscing, only instead of saying "sorry", they say "thank you". Nancy thanks Barb for reminding her who she really was until the very end. Max and El thank Billy for his sacrifice in Starcourt, ensuring they all would live to see another day, eventually leading to Vecna's downfall. Eddie and Robin thank Chrissy for showing them that not all popular kids were bad, for accepting them. Will thanks Bob for being the father figure he so desperately needed, no matter how briefly. There are pictures of their lost ones in their homes, not hidden like guilty secrets, but proudly on display, these people shaped us, they made us into who we are now.
There will always be ghosts in Hawkins, but as they all find out together, the solution isn't always to run away from them. Instead, they would live with them, coexist and accept them. And eventually, after decades of rebuilding their community and transforming it into something their ghosts would have loved, they will reunite with them.
Hawkins wouldn't let them go. And collectively, they would decide that it's not a bad thing.
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across-violet-skies · 4 months
Febuwhump day 15: "who did this to you?"
Whumpee: Hyrule
Whump Rating: 8/10
TWs: blood, restraints, severe burns/being burnt alive, attempted murder
It had been a rough week.
After a surprise portal, the Chain found themselves stuck in Hyrule’s Hyrule, wandering through a forest that smelled of decay and rot. The monsters were relentless as they traveled, and Hyrule was running on empty trying to keep his blood from spilling.
Really, it was a miracle they even made it to a town at all, especially one that allowed the traveler to stay. It was quite clear that Hyrule was not popular in his time, with the way villagers and other travelers treated him. Before they were allowed to stay in the inn, several of the locals insisted on checking Hyrule over for any cuts or scrapes, refusing to allow cursed blood to sully their little settlement. They were only accepted once Time and Warriors had convinced the innkeeper that Hyrule was unharmed, and his blood wouldn’t leave his body.
The traveler went to bed early that night.
The one thing about the inns in Hyrule’s time was that they were all single rooms. The rooms were cheap, at least, since they had to pay for nine of them. It was even easier for them to leave Hyrule to rest and relax, hidden away from prying eyes and angry townsfolk.
Or, at least they thought so.
Never underestimate an angry mob, Hyrule thought to himself, struggling against heavy ropes that bound his arms and legs. They have no mercy for those who oppose them.
The sky was dark, only the north star visible through the haze that covered this world. The forests had eyes, trained hungrily on the brunette boy bound and gagged, tied to a thick iron pole. He screamed and cried as his flesh burned from the contact, fae blood pulsing through his veins as his desperate attempts to be heard were muffled by the large gag shoved in his mouth.
They were just outside the town limits, where monsters roamed free. A group of villagers stood around the pole, watching with darkened eyes as Hyrule sobbed, skin sizzling as it melted against the iron pole. Below him, wood was stacked up high, the smell of gasoline penetrating Hyrule’s nose in a way that made him choke and cough, tears streaming down his face.
He had no magic left to give. He had already been exhausted upon arriving at the town, and a few hours was hardly enough time to regain the magic required for any of his spells. He couldn’t even heal himself or throw up a shield as iron seared his back, melting the skin there until only muscle remained. It was beyond painful– Hyrule felt faint even before smoke filled his lungs, dangerous heat licking at his ankles as he hung above a raging fire.
As if the iron pole wasn’t torturous enough, they were burning him alive, too? At least his blood would burn with him.
Hyrule scrunched up his nose, ignoring the agony to try and shimmy further up the pole. No, he can’t give up that easily… what would Legend think? Wild? Time? Warriors? Did he really want Wind to have to see this? Four? Twilight? Sky?
He couldn’t give up. Not yet. No matter how badly it burned, he had to try and live. If not for himself, if not for his world… then for his family. His brothers. Hyrule coughed around the gag, eyes watering from all the smoke wafting up into his face. He had to break free somehow… the flames were getting closer.
As if the Goddesses had heard his plea, the clouds opened, spilling droplets onto dead grass and decaying wood. The villagers ran back to their homes, a few spitting at Hyrule before turning tail.
The rain dampened the fire, but did not put it out. However, with the pole slickened with rain, Hyrule managed to slide further down, carefully trying to burn the rope that bound his legs with what remained of the fire. Every movement was torture, but Hyrule remained strong, breathing heavily through his nose as the rope finally burnt, allowing him to shimmy further down to try and burn away the ropes around his wrists.
Once he was freed, Hyrule wasted no time jumping away from the iron pole, ripping the gag out of his mouth with a sob. His body wanted nothing more but to collapse, but he knew doing so would be a death sentence. While the rain certainly helped cover the scent, his blood was exposed to the air, and it wouldn’t be long before monsters came after him.
Hyrule stumbled, making his way back to town dazedly. Every inch of him burned, but his determination burned brighter. It was still dark as he swayed woozily, pushing open the door to the inn as he tried to get back to his room.
He was so close… but his body couldn’t take it any longer. Hyrule collapsed in the hallway, creating a loud thud as he made contact with the wooden floor. Awake, but only just, he laid there, unable to force his body to move any further.
Warriors’ door was the first to open, with the Captain holding a defensive position. Upon spotting Hyrule, he gasped, running toward him and slamming a fist on every door he passed.
“What the f-” Legend blinked, staring at Hyrule with surprise. He crouched down beside the traveler as well, frowning. “What happened to him?”
Warriors shook his head. “I don’t know! I heard something from the hall, so I went to check it out, and he was just…” He gestured at Hyrule’s limp form helplessly.
Legend sniffed, wrinkling his nose. “Do you smell that?” He questioned, narrowing his eyes. “It almost smells like…”
“...burning flesh…” The Captain inhaled, pressing his lips together. Making brief eye contact with Legend, Warriors carefully lifted Hyrule’s tunic, only to drop it immediately after. The skin on his back was burnt beyond recognition, red with white bubbles in some areas, and fully black and burnt away in others. It was nauseating, to say the least.
Legend gagged, turning away. “Fucking-” He shook his head, humming uncomfortably. “What the fuck.”
Time was the next to appear in the doorway, staring silently at the scene for a moment before he turned, disappearing back into his room. He returned quickly, shoving a bottle of red potion into Warriors’ hand.
The Captain was quick to feed it to Hyrule, sighing with relief as the severe burns on the traveler’s back healed over, the skin turning a sensitive pinkish color. The traveler took heavy breaths as the potion fixed the burns on his back, soothing his wounds.
“Traveler.” Time stood over the three of them, expression stern and fierce. “Who did this to you?”
Legend helped Hyrule sit up, carefully wrapping an arm around his back for support. The traveler flinched at the movement, and Legend backed away with a grimace as memories of burnt flesh swirled through his head.
“It’s fine,” Hyrule mumbled, holding a hand to his head dizzily. “It wasn’t… it’s not their fault.”
The Veteran scowled. “The villagers?” He guessed, wrinkling his nose.
Hyrule nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact as he shuddered. “They’re not monsters. They’re just scared.”
“Why are you defending them?” Legend huffed, baring his teeth in frustration. “They kidnapped you in the middle of the night, ‘Rulie, and then you come back like this! How are they not monsters?”
The traveler shook his head, staring down at his hands. The burnt rope ends rested in his lap, still looped and knotted around his wrists. Hyrule closed his eyes, exhaling. “I wasn’t supposed to come back,” he whispered, barely audible. He shook his head, tears pooling as he relived the recent memories. “I was never meant to come back,” he continued, slightly louder.
Legend was seeing red. “Those bastards tried to kill you?” He balled his hands into fists, scrunching up his nose. Hyrule winced, shrinking in on himself.
Time set a hand on the Vet’s shoulder, keeping him from getting up. “Nobody is going out there. We have better things to worry about right now,” he insisted. Time smirked, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “However, I do think a lesson could be taught to the people who did this.”
Warriors raised an eyebrow, nodding. “I like what you’re getting at, Old Man.”
“Hm.” Legend shrugged, nodding. “Fine, I guess.” He looked down at Hyrule, exhausted and miserable. “But I’m taking him to my room for the rest of the night. I don’t want any more surprises.”
“Good idea,” Warriors agreed, standing up. “We can work on a plan tonight while he rests. We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
Time nodded, offering a hand as Legend and Hyrule stood up. “Rest well, Traveler.” The Veteran slung Hyrule’s arm over his shoulders, helping him to walk back to Legend’s room. Once the door had shut behind them, Time turned to Warriors, expression cold yet fiery. “Rally the troops, Captain. We’ll need as much help as we can get.”
By daybreak, Legend and Hyrule were being ushered out of the inn, all nine of their number awake and ready to go. Time smiled, nodding at Wild as they stepped outside, packed up to leave.
“What the…” Legend trailed off, staring at the scene. All around town, various objects were floating, tethered to purple sacs.
Wild put his hands on his hips, beaming proudly. “Octo balloons!”
“As much as I’d love to stay here and watch, I think it’s in our best interest to leave now,” Warriors pointed out. “Traveler, think you’re okay to walk and navigate today?”
Hyrule nodded, still staring up at all the octo balloons. From barrels to chairs to even part of a fence, all sorts of things floated through the air. While their inconvenience certainly wasn’t on the same level as what the villagers had done to him, it was funny, and nobody had to suffer (well, other than him) because of it. He cracked a smile, exhaling. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
–> support me on ao3!
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winter-dayz · 5 months
Falling in Love with You
Pairing: Choi Lia x Reader (ft. Rosé Park) Inspired by The Holiday (2006) Genre: Angst; Fluff Words: 4497 Warnings: strong language; suggestive content
Masterlist | 12 Days of Ficmas Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“You can’t just break up with me!” He shouted at her as she stormed to the bedroom, following closely on her tail.
Lia wrenched her closet open, immediately tossing his clothes at him. “I can, and I did!” As he didn’t react to the soft shirts being thrown, she swapped tactics and grabbed his shoes, beginning to hurl his loafers at him. “You cheated on me. That means I break up with you!”
“I didn’t ‘cheat’ on you,” Ellis scoffed, several items fluttering to the ground as he made one-handed air quotes around “cheat”.
Lia paused, becoming deadly still, her face carefully blank. “Swear on my life. No, swear on our careers that you didn’t sleep with her, and I’ll believe you.”
“I’m not doin’ that. That’s so stupi–” He broke off as a sneaker whizzed past his face, “Hey!”
“You’re such a lying, cheating, scumbag!”
“At least I make time for sex!” Ellis finally snapped, admitting that he had fucked his assistant. “You wouldn’t touch, let alone kiss me, unless it was for a goddamn photo. You wouldn’t come out with me to parties, only publicity events. God, you weren’t even home to pretend like this was anything more than a business deal. All you do is work! No wonder people call you an ‘icy bitch’!”
“Get. Out.” Lia whispered, scowl dropping and face becoming blank once more.
Ellis rolled his eyes, gathering up his strewn belongings. “I live here. You can’t just–”
He cut off as Lia piercingly screamed, grabbing the baseball bat she kept beneath her bed in case of an intruder. “Get out! Get out! Get the fuck out!”
His eyes went wide, and he dropped his stuff on the ground, rapidly backing up. “Fuck, okay! Jesus… I’ll– I’ll just send someone for my stuff.” He stuttered, backing out of the room.
“That’s if I don’t burn it all first!” She shouted at him, following to make sure he went through the front door.
Just before the front door closed behind him, he threw back to her, “Your publicist is gonna have a field day with your mental ass.”
Upon hearing the front door finally slam shut, Lia slumped to the floor. She wanted to sob, wanted to be sad, but she couldn’t find it in her.
It’s not like she really loved Ellis or anything. He was more of a PR stunt than anything, but he was still supposed to be her boyfriend. They had a contract, for god’s sake!
With her reputation for being cold-hearted and his for being a player, their publicists thought fake-dating was the solution to their problems. Guess they didn’t account for the fact that Ellis really is a player and would cheat on her.
Now, Lia would have to deal with the backlash from both PR teams for breaking up with Ellis by herself, because god knows he wouldn’t take any responsibility…
She sighed, forlorn, and pulled out her phone. “Honestly, fuck this…”
She needed an escape. She needed time away from the limelight and the pressure of vocal training and fittings and interviews and, and, and…
She needed a proper holiday.
Lia pulled herself together, finding her phone among the mess in her room, and quickly dialed her assistant. “I need to get out of town,” she started as a way of introduction. When she heard her assistant hum in confusion, she continued, “I need some peace and quiet. I need… to be able to eat carbs without someone complaining I might’ve gained one single pound. I need to be able to go shopping or stroll in a park without getting mobbed. I need to just have some alone time. I need a vacation.”
“Do you have a place in mind?” Lia’s assistant sighed through the phone. She was very familiar with Lia’s determination once she had made up her mind on something; there was no use in arguing. It would just be easier to go ahead and schedule the trip.
“I’m not sure. Send me some options this evening. I want something quaint. Small but not rundown. A fairytale Christmas.”
Her assistant hummed again, already scrolling through a couple viable options. “How does ‘Christmas in the country’ sound?”
“Send it through.”
Snow fluttered around the car, and yet, Lia couldn’t find herself to be mesmerized as the driver from her private car drove off, leaving her to walk the rest of the way in the freezing, icy cold with all of her luggage.
By the time she finally made it to the cottage, teeth chattering and lips a little blue, she was exhausted. Lia managed to unpack her bags before collapsing onto the small bed. Unfortunately, even if she was physically exhausted, her mind was racing.
She stared up at the ceiling and blew out a heavy exhale. “I must be crazy…” With a look around the tiny cottage, Lia settled to give it one night. She would try relaxing and if she still felt crazy in the morning, she’d be on the first available flight home.
“Hey!” Someone shouted, banging on the front door and startling Lia awake in the middle of the night. “Hurry up and let me in! I’m freezing out here!”
Lia crept down the stairs, Rosé’s dog Hank already at the door yipping, and called out, “Um… Who is it?”
“It’s me, Rosie! I swear to God, if you don’t let me in I’ll–”
As Lia yanked the door open, a woman stumbled in cutting off her words. Her eyes blinked at Lia before she tilted her head like a confused puppy. “You are not my cousin?”
“Um, no. I’m not… Did Rosé not tell you?” The obviously drunken woman shook her head rapidly, and Lia sighed. “We exchanged houses for the holidays. She went to L.A., and I am… here. Well, at least until morning. I’m thinking I actually lost my mind a little bit, and maybe I should’ve just went to therapy or at the very least talked to my publicist or, God, even my assistant before just deciding to hop on a plane and come to a country I had never been to. And, oh, I’m so sorry! I’m rambling, and you’re still freezing…”
Rosé’s cousin smiled softly, sidestepping Lia to come in by the fireplace while Lia laughed at herself lightly. “It’s okay. I think it’s cute.” She added quietly, adding another log to the small embers. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you… I’m Lia.”
Y/N turned to smile up at her, and before turning back away, Lia swore she heard her mumble, “pretty,” but neither decided to comment on it. After a few moments of silence as the fire began crackling back to life, Y/N looked back over, “So I’m sorry for crashing your… hm, mental breakdown? I was out drinking with friends, and normally, Rosie lets me crash here, but I can head home in a bit. Just really need to warm up some…”
“It’s really no problem… You can, if you need to… spend the night, I mean. It’s really late to be calling a cab, and you can’t drive in this state anyway, so…”
Y/N smiled again, sweeter than before. “I really appreciate it, Lia…” Another breath of silence, both women curling onto either end of the sofa and watching the flames dance. “So… If it’s not too personal, what made you think coming here was a crazy idea?”
“I actually just went through a break up. Well, kind of… If I’m being really honest, I didn’t love him, or even really like him, that much. We were together mostly for PR reasons.” Lia shook her head, “I’m sorry. Once again, I’m rambling and definitely trauma-dumping on you.”
“No, it’s okay. Clearly you need to get it off your chest,” Y/N turned her body towards Lia, “And I’m definitely willing to lend an ear.”
Lia muttered a small, “thank you,” with a shy smile before sighing. “I guess, really, I didn’t want to feel alone on the holidays again. Last year, I spent my whole Christmas reading nasty articles and speculation about how I was definitely not going to be kissing anyone on New Year’s because I’m such a ‘frigid bitch,’ and the worst part is they ended up being right! I thought that Ellis and I would be spending at least this year together, but then he went and cheated. I know it was an orchestrated relationship to make us both look better to the media, but he still violated my trust and our contract. And so I just needed to get away. I don’t know why I thought coming somewhere where I’m totally alone would make me feel somehow less alone, but here I am, and hence why I think I’ll probably just leave tomorrow…” Lia took a deep breath, “Bet you’re so glad you knocked on that door tonight, huh?”
Y/N smiled, soft and eyes lidded, “I am, actually.”
“Um…” Lia blushed, briefly turning away. She rose to stand, Y/N standing as well, and Lia awkwardly waved, “Again, sorry for dumping that all on you… Good night.”
Before she could fully pass her, Y/N leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Lia’s cheek, close to the corner of her mouth. “Sweet dreams.”
They both froze and Y/N opened her mouth to apologize, Lia shook her head and held up a hand. “No, don’t… Just… Do you– Can you try that… again?”
Y/N leaned forward, hesitantly, and oh-so-gently placed a light kiss on Lia’s waiting lips.
Lia hummed, her eyes fluttering. “I’m sorry… One more time? I’m just… I’ve never kissed… another…” she trailed off as Y/N brushed her fingertips over Lia’s cheekbone.
She smiled and nodded, twirling a piece of Lia’s hair before tucking it behind her ear. As Lia’s eyes fluttered closed, Y/N leaned again. One hand brushed feather-light touches down her neck and over her shoulder, brushing her arm; the other hand reached up to cup Lia’s cheek. Y/N’s warm breath danced with a pleased exhale before her lips met Lia’s waiting ones.
Too soon, Y/N had pulled away, and Lia was chasing her lips.
Lia sighed, “You know… We probably won’t see each other again since I’m leaving tomorrow.” Y/N hummed. “So… would you maybe wanna…?”
“Wanna?” Y/N smirked, eyes hooded.
“Have sex?”
Y/N’s eyes glimmered with mischief, “First kiss with a woman, and you already want to get me into bed?”
“Oh my god!” Lia blushed deeply, putting her hands to her cheeks, “That was so presumptuous of me. I’m so sorry! I knew I had lost my mind–”
“Hey,” Y/N giggled softly, taking Lia’s hands in hers and leaning forward to press a kiss on each reddened cheek. “It’s okay. I was trying to tease you. If that’s what you want, I’m not saying no… I mean, Jesus, look at you… But, maybe let’s start a little slower and see how things progress, yeah?”
“I’d like that…” Lia blushed again, glancing down to her hands clasped in the other woman’s. “I’m still sorry. I’m not really good at any of this…”
Y/N cocked her head with a playful smile, thumb caressing Lia’s hands reassuringly, “This being?”
“Um… sex…”
“Well, I just don’t believe that for one second.”
Lia shrugged, “It was one of the things my ex threw in my face when we were together. Not that we had that much of it since I was always so busy, but he definitely made a point to tell me when it was bad.”
“Hmm, I guess we’ll just have to see,” Y/N smirked, leaning in to press their lips together again.
The next morning, Lia made her way to the kitchen to find Y/N dressed and fixing hot tea. Lia cleared her throat, “Good morning…”
Y/N smiled over at her, “Morning. Tea? Coffee?”
“Oh, tea is fine. Thank you…” Y/N placed a mug down at the table for Lia, and they both settled into a moment of silence. After she sipped her drink, Lia cleared her throat again, “So listen… Last night was a lot of fun, but I really meant it last night when I said that I’m leaving today so… I’m sorry, but it can’t be anything serious…”
“Lia,” Y/N smiled over her mug of tea, “You really overthink and apologize too much, you know? It’s really okay. I know that was new for you. I’m glad to have given you that experience, and, by the way, your ex is extremely mistaken about you.”
“Oh definitely. I think that maybe you just had a bad… partner.” Y/N grinned, standing to wash her mug out as her phone began to ring. Lia glanced over seeing: ‘Sawyer’ flash across the screen but kept her mouth shut as Y/N continued, “Either way, I know you said you thought you’d be leaving early. But, if you change your mind, I’ll be going out to dinner and drinks with a group of friends at this pub tonight. You are very welcome to join if you do decide to stay in the country.”
Lia hummed, smiling into her own mug of tea, while Y/N readied to leave. “Thanks… I’ll– I’ll think about it.”
Y/N walked in, glancing around for her. Lia could see the question and subsequent disappointment in her eyes.
The woman’s discouraged eyes hid behind a smile quickly though as she settled into a booth with her friends, pouring herself a drink from the pitcher already at their table. The little group joked and laughed, the sound of Y/N’s giggles carrying over the crowded pub to where Lia admired from afar.
Lia sipped her own wine, head rested on hand, as Y/N finally spotted her. Y/N’s eyes lit up, smile widening. Lia wiggled her fingers in a small wave, and Y/N giggled again, nodding her head to motion Lia over.
“You stayed,” Y/N said breathily when Lia reached their table.
“I stayed.” She affirmed.
“We have got to stop meeting like this,” Y/N snickered, placing coffee in front of Lia as she plopped down at the kitchen table.
Lia groaned, blowing on the mug before taking a sip. “How are you so bubbly this morning? I feel like my head is going to split in half.” Y/N slid into the seat across from Lia, trying to subtly move a piece of clothing to one of the other chairs. Lia noticed and gasped, regardless, “Oh my god! Is that my bra!?”
Y/N hummed, mirth dancing in her eyes as she sipped her tea.
“I can’t believe we had sex again, and I can’t even remember it…” Lia groaned.
“We didn’t.” Y/N corrected, a soft smile.
“We didn’t?” Lia sighed in relief but then straightened up, “Well why not?”
Y/N laughed, “Call me old-fashioned, but one doesn’t have sex with women who are unconscious.”
“Unconscious. Oh my god…” Lia groaned again. “That’s so embarrassing! Why did you even stay the night?”
“You asked me to.”
Lia glanced up from where she had put her head down in shame, just catching the soft smile Y/N was giving her. She opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by Y/N’s phone ringing; the name: ‘Oakley’ flashing across the screen.
“I’m sorry… I have to take this.” Y/N moved outside, and Lia stood to wash the dishes.
As she did, she noticed how Y/N laughed and beamed at the conversation with whoever Oakley was. Lia tried to tamp down the flare of jealousy—she really did—but it bubbled up anyway. Flashes of her ex with his assistant flitted through her mind, spiking her anger, but she breathed through the rush of emotions. It’s not like her and Ellis were real; it’s not like her and Y/N were together. She had no reason to be jealous, angry… upset. She should just put on her mask. Ice queen.
Eyes closed, meditatively breathing, Lia doesn’t notice Y/N come back inside.
“Hey, we should go into town today. Maybe get some lunch and actually get to know one another…”
Lia’s eyes flew open. “Like a date… why?”
Y/N smiled at her, head tilted fondly, “Because I’m really running out of reasons why we shouldn’t.”
At lunch, Lia hesitated to start a conversation. She wasn’t sure what to ask; she wasn’t sure how to date.
“So… What do you do for work?” Lia managed to ask, finally.
“I’m an editor. Rosie and I both went into book publishing. She took the art route; I took the written word.” “You studied that in school then?”
Y/N hummed, “Double major—literature and creative writing. I minored in journalism to really make sure I had a good grasp of the field.”
“So you’ve always known what you wanted to do?”
She hesitated, eyebrows scrunching and a soft laugh coming out. “This is feeling a bit like an interview.”
Lia blushed, scoffing at herself as she realized the other woman was right. She was being too intense—barely giving Y/N a moment to breathe, let alone eat her lunch, in between questions. “I’m sorry. I’m interrogating you…” Lia conceded. “I just– To be honest, I haven’t been on a date in a really long time, let alone a first one. I told you my last relationship was fabricated by my PR manager and that was for a reason…”
“Well…” Y/N cleared her throat, holding her face as neutral as possible, “We’ve already had sex so let’s just relax a bit, yeah?” She bit down on her giggle at seeing Lia duck her face to hide her blush. “Are you blushing? Why?”
Lia cleared her throat, taking a sip of her water, “You just… make me nervous.”
“Well now, I’m blushing,” Y/N smiled at the other woman, “I like you, Lia. Let’s try this again.”
“Okay, you can do this…” Lia breathed, hyping herself up to knock on the door. As the door opened, Lia smiled at Y/N and rushed out, “So I was home, doing nothing and just… thinking of you. And I know I said ‘nothing serious,’ but I do like you, and I just thought that–” Dishes clinked in the background, “Oh… You’re not… alone, are you?”
Y/N grimaced, and Lia blushed deeply, embarrassed; but before either could speak again, a small voice chirped up, “Mommy? Who is it?” A little girl, the spitting image of Y/N, pushed past and stared up at Lia.
“Um, why don’t you come in… Oakley, baby, go wash your hands for dinner.”
As the little girl ran off, a teenage girl following behind, Lia turned back to Y/N. “So she’s your…”
“Daughter, yes.”
“And the other girl…?”
Y/N smiled, hanging up Lia’s coat, “That’s Sawyer. She’s Oakley’s babysitter. I often invite her for dinner when I’ve worked late. She’s basically another daughter if I’m being honest.”
“So are you… divorced? Or…?”
“Neither.” Y/N grimaced, setting a place at the table for Lia. “Oakley’s biological father bailed on us the second he found out. He was my college sweetheart, and yet, I haven’t heard or seen him since. At this point, I really don’t want to. It’s hard, but I have Sawyer and my parents and Rosie helps too when she can.”
Lia began to respond but was interrupted as Oakley and Sawyer returned, everyone settling at the table.
She expected the evening to be awkward, having intruded on the family, but it was nice. Lia was able to see a new side, a silly side, to the sexy, mysterious woman that had begun to capture her heart. A soft smile permanently etched onto her face at the way Y/N interacted with her daughter, and Lia watched them with—in Sawyer’s whispered, teasing words—heart eyes.
After Sawyer had left, with the leftovers wrapped up and a warm drink in hand, and Oakley had been put to bed, Lia and Y/N cuddled into the sofa with glasses of wine.
“I don’t want to be pushy, but… why didn’t you tell me about her?”
“You didn’t want ‘serious,’ and I didn’t want you to feel like I was pushing something onto you that you didn’t ask for.”
“But you didn’t even give me the choice.”
Y/N sighed, “You’re right, I’m sorry, but you have to understand this from my perspective. You are a beautiful, strong, independent woman. I think you’re amazing, but I also know I’m the first woman you’ve ever considered romantically… I’m a bit hesitant, especially when I have my daughter to think of. You told me you didn’t want to be serious, and I respect that. But this part of my life is about as serious as it can get.”
Lia pouted for a minute, head falling back on the couch. “You’re right too. This is so complicated…”
“If you don’t want it to be, that’s okay. We can just be friends for the rest of your time here.”
“I do like you, though, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled sadly, “I know… I like you too, Lia.”
Lia sat alone, flipping through the channels while she ate her fettuccine. She glanced over at her packed bags, waiting for her flight the next day. She pouted down at Hank, blissfully asleep on the couch next to her.
“What do you think, Hank? Should I call her or maybe just–” She was cut off by a knock on the door. Confused, Lia got up to answer the door, not even able to get a greeting out before warm lips are meeting hers.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N breathed out when their lips disconnected. Her forehead rested against Lia’s, and she rubbed their noses together against the biting cold. “I should’ve called and warned you I was coming over. I just… I know you’re leaving tomorrow, and I was thinking about you. And… I didn’t want to miss one last chance to see you.”
“Don’t apologize, I’m glad you’re here.” Lia smiled, tugging Y/N’s hands to pull her inside.
“What are you doing?” Y/N laughed breathily.
“Taking you to bed.”
After a couple hours of slow passion, they were both simultaneously exhausted and fully awake—not wanting to miss any remaining moments with one another. “So…” Y/N whispered into the night, out of breath, while Lia cuddled up to her. “What happens now?”
“Well, logically, I fly back to L.A. tomorrow. So, let’s just say that we try long distance?” Lia suggested, before continuing the theoretical, “It’d probably be fine for a while, but if we’re being honest, my schedule would be packed with the New Year, and you have your own full-time career. Plus, you have Oakley. So either one of us flying back and forth at a whim is a bit unrealistic. We could definitely keep up with calls, texts, even video chats, but how soon before we get tired of that? How soon before we get agitated and start arguing? Then one of us says something the other doesn’t mean. And we break up. And then we’re sad all over again, freshly broken hearted.”
Y/N scoffed a laugh in disbelief. “You are so pessimistic sometimes, you know?” She pulled the other closer into her, warmth radiating from every place their skin touched. “I have something to add to your little scenario that you may not have considered…”
Lia hummed, and Y/N hesitated before glancing over to meet her eye, “I’m in love with you…” She breathed out, watching as Lia’s own breath caught and eyes widened. “I really didn’t think I’d ever feel this way again. I know it’d be difficult. I know a lot of this is new for you; honestly, it’s a bit new for me too. I haven’t been in a real relationship since Oakley was born. And I get that’s a whole other layer of ‘serious.’ I’m a package deal: buy one, get one free… But I know what I want in life, and what I want is you. I love you, Lia.”
“Jesus, you can’t just drop that on a girl…” Lia smiled softly, a hint of awkwardness in her eyes that Y/N read easily
Y/N grinned back, “Don’t say it back. I don’t want you to unless you really mean it. I just wanted you to know how I feel about this situation. I wanted you to know that even with the crazy schedules and the long distance, I want this. I want to try with you.”
Lia’s eyes softened, reassured, and she leaned in to press her lips to Y/N’s, moving to straddle her once more.
Y/N closed the car trunk, and Lia turned to her with a smile, barely concealed tears rimming her eyes. “Okay, so this isn’t a big deal, right? We agreed we could try long distance. We’ll call, text. It’ll work out… Right?”
“Right,” Y/N agreed, soft smile in place, but Lia could see the subtle tenseness in her jaw, her eye twitching as she tried not to let any hurt show.
“Okay. Good.” Lia grinned up at Y/N, “Then, I’m just going to kiss you like I have a million times before. And we won’t say ‘goodbye,’ it’s just ‘see you later.’”
Y/N nodded and leaned over, placing a sweet kiss to Lia’s lips. “See you later.” She whispered, barely pulling away.
“See you later,” Lia affirmed.
Staring down at the ground, Lia shuffled into the car and instructed the driver to head out. She tried her hardest not to let the “not-goodbye” get to her, but it still felt so final. And she wasn’t ready to give up yet.
Her heart ached. It felt cold. She didn’t want to be icy. She didn’t want to lose Y/N.
“Stop the car!” Lia cried out as they reached the edge of town, “Please go back.”
“Did you leave something?”
“I definitely did.” Lia sobbed lightly, her heart feeling warmer and lighter as they reapproached the cottage.
She ran up the walk, bursting through the door to find Y/N curled into a ball on the sofa, bawling.
Tears streaming down her own face, Lia approached Y/N and perched onto the cushion beside her. “I was on my way out of town, and I had a thought. Why would I leave before New Year’s Eve? I mean, that doesn’t make sense if you think about it… I know you didn’t exactly ask me out, but you did tell me you’re in love with me so I wouldn’t want to be rude and miss our date…”
“I have Oakley on New Year’s Eve. Sawyer usually stops by as well.” Y/N sniffled. “Sounds perfect,” Lia beamed, pulling the other woman into her arms.
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samkat10423 · 17 days
Monty Llama Ranch
In danjaley's Veronaville, she recreated the Monty Llama ranch on a 40x40 lot. I wasn't sure what to do with it, but then inspiration struck.
As I mentioned before, I downloaded an empty version of Riverview from Mod the Sims. BIG mistake. HUGE mistake! When I went into MasterController to set up family relationships, I discovered that all the old Riverview residents were listed - along with my new families. So, I went over to Nraas and read a few posts. Then I deleted the Mod the Sims town file, and reopened my game to a new Riverview. Then - with the help of MasterController - I nuked all the sims in town. Only that insane Heather Rhodes-Carpenter (or whatever her name is) was left. Brought back memories of when I played SimCity. And best part - none of the previous residents showed up in the town resident panel when I clicked on the tab to set up relationships. THANK YOU, Twallan - wherever you currently are!
After replacing all my new lots, I had the afore-mentioned Llama Ranch lot to place. When I nuked the town, the game placed all those lots that come with Ambitions. And since I didn't want a junkyard smack dab in the middle of a residential area, I nuked it and thought, "samkat, you could use that ranch as a junkyard!" But where? Then a light went on inside my tiny brain and I stuck danjaley's lot out where that crazy bunker sim lived. It was a 60x60 lot, but that was okay with me. Anyway, here it is:
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Danjaley's lot was just an empty shell, with minimal landscaping. Also, it was clean, clean, clean - unlike my grungy-looking version. So, the first thing I did was grunge the place up, then placed all sorts of weeds and flowers all over the place. I also used Sandy's 'Trashes' sets from over on @aroundthesims to make the place look like a proper dump. In my town history, the other sims in town have been using the old ranch to get rid of their junk - usually in the dead of night, since they don't want to get on the bad side of the Montys.
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Local homeless sims have been camping out here, to get out of the rain and cold. I used stuff from Sandy, the bed from WOE, and that medieval stove from TSR. That KFC box on the cement block is a toilet. I got it a long time ago - along with the trashcan outside that works as a frig - as part of a hobo set. That straw bale acts as a sofa.
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Then, in the other room, I placed that time machine and the inventor's bench. Plus some more of Sandy's stuff - this time her pets bed sets. After placing spawners all around the place, I was done. Go, me!
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Then I went over to that Hidden Cove road and moved in my Mafia family. While I was in Monte Vista, I read that one family's bio about, "We are the sims to fear!" So, I figured I'd move them here. I know over on Wiki, some players have made the Capps into a mob family, but I don't see them that way. They just hate the Montys. The rest of the sims in town, they could care less about. Anyway, this house belongs to that Moretti sim from Monte Vista. (I used a lot of houses from that world, just reworked them to fit into this town.)
Anyway, in my town history, he was drafted here, and decided to move with his single mother - the late, great Heather whatshername. I did change her name to Maria Moretti and his first name to Michael. Then, with MC, I gave him a father - the former head of the local mob! And then I killed her! Yes, I did!
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This is the inside of his house. He really hasn't gotten around to decorating it yet, since the first thing he had to deal with when he got here was to learn he was related to the most feared family in Veronaville, and then his mother's death. He did get some stuff for his mother's cat - named appropriately, Jinx. But not much else.
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