#and every time I write support it mysteriously starts working again
xoxoemynn · 4 months
my kingdom for a working queue
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arabellaawrites · 10 days
infrunami | cl16
[ drabble ]
by which, she loved him too early, he loved her too late
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
warnings: none
a/n: hello everyone! this is my first fic ever and I'm so happy with how this turned out! I hope it was an enjoyable experience and I hope there wasn't any element that was unpleasant or unenjoyable for yall! I'm aware that it lacks dialogue and everything is past paced and doesn't have much room for detail! I swear I'm working on that and once I've perfected that art, I hope my writing will be more enchanted etc! alright enough yapping. enjoy the fic!
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back then, you and arthur hated watching charles kart. the idea that you both needed to sit under the scorching monegasque sun for afew hours was never exciting but at least you get to watch arthur’s older brother, charles, kart. you’ve always fancied charles ever since arthur introduced you to him at the playground.
he was 3 years older then you and was the exact opposite of arthur, he was matured, well mannered and wasn't childish like you both were. that's what you love so much about him.
until he started going around europe to join racing series, when Arthur broke the news to you, you acted like it wasn't a big deal. you'll still get to see him on the television or during family holidays, right?. but that also means you'll be seeing him once a week or every few months, eventually a week turned into a month, a month turned into a year until suddenly you wont be seeing him at all which broke heart.
soon it was arthur who left you to follow in charles footsteps, racing across europe, joining f4 and achieving great things. unlike Charles, Arthur still kept in contact with you, constantly inviting you to his races and you both still enjoyed each others company, f4 soon turned into f3 and nothing has changed you still admired Charles from afar and Arthur would constantly ask "do you still have a crush on Charles?" or the occasional "y/n you have to let go" but you never did, Charles was your first love and you wanted him and only him.
every night you sleep in bed, tossing and turning, with arthurs voice continuously replaying in your head, but he was right you do have to let go.
when Charles first debuted for formula 1 for haas was when he first reached out to you in years with no contact. inviting you to join the paddock, to see him race in the pinnacle of motorsport, you were above and beyond the moon. strutting down the paddock next to Pascale and Arthur towards the hospitaly while also trying not to pay focus on the ever lasting sounds of camera shutters and kept your composure.
it has been years since then now Charles was in his 6 years in formula 1 and you have never been prouder, seeing him through his ups and down, supporting him through out all the hardships that this sport had caused him.
you often found yourself in and out of college trying to balance study with the constant travel to different races to support your best boys, Arthur and Charles. which alway lead you to end up in his, Charles, driver room before a race reassuring that he'll be fine and his team wont let him down again.
"your the best, y/n" he smiles before suiting up, making you stunned in place with a subtle blush spread across your face as you took his compliment.
barcelona 2023, and you just arrived at the Ferrari hospitality per usual, greeting the staff and Ferrari mechanics as your make your way inside until you bumped into someone making you tumble back as the mysterious man reaches for your waist, holding you steady, you smiled at him and apologized which made him smile back and that's where thing took off.
ever since that day you took has been seeing each other non stop and with that it ruined you and Charles relationship, plans were often cancelled, phone calls were usually ignored and text messages were left unopened. this took a toll on Charles, he's new profound feelings for you was too strong and by the time he realized that he has fallen, it was too late.
"mate please!"
Charles begged to Arthur over the phone, trying to figure out what his feelings were and was trying to piece in the clues in himself. he was frustrated, angry and confused he loved you but it was too late.
while you were living your best life, you had a partner in bed, your home always had that comfortable warm presence of your new boyfriend everything felt perfect, he was everything you ever wanted.
he was also everything Charles ever wanted to be, your man.
until one rainy Tuesday afternoon where everything went downhill, you just came home from them store and was welcome home by the repetitive sound of feminine moans that rang threw out the house. your groceries dropped to the floor followed by the sound of glass in your bag smashing which made the moans stop and your boyfriend ran out to where you were standing. "please I can explain this-" he frantically said while holding on to you as you tried to push him away, "I-ive heard enough! just leave and get your stuff while your at it!" tears swell your eyes as you tried to swallow the horrid sensation in your throat and pushed him away before running back into the rain and in your car. you broke down in heavy tears, your heart ache with hurt and sorrow as you try to make way to Charles place.
"y/n- who did this to you..?"
Charles said as he watches you stand in the rain, mascara running down your face and your clothes all soaking wet, without hesitation he pulled you inside and wrapped a towel around you,
" he cheated on me! how could he-"
you sobs onto him, "he was my-" hiccups "he was my everything and he just!"
you weeped into his chest as he held you tight and tried to calm you down. eventually you stopped crying and lifted your head from his chest
"cha.." you called out to him as he stroked your head and then looking down on you.
"know that I've-" you were cut off "yes I've known...I was an idiot, y/n...I realized too late. I really did love you...I was.." he sighed and looked down at her, "give me another chance, y/n.."
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 months
Hello! I just reread “sun eats the moon” for the 12th time now and I cannot get enough of it. The way you write is just incredible. The way you wrote Gojo and his obsession with the reader was just so horrifyingly fascinating to read. Every time I go back to read their interacts I keep noticing different layers between them and it’s just amazing!!
Though, I think my favourite parts was the scenes between hiromi and the reader. It’s clear that he could tell something was going on, but he didn’t exactly know what (And the foreshadowing of him urging the reader to leave before it’s too late amazing amazing amazing).
And I loved your “lame solar system analogy” (your words not mine 😝). Maybe I’m overthinking it but there’s this one part in the last scene where the reader describes Gojos smile as bloody, and then when she looks up at the moon, she realises that it’s a blood moon. Just the foreshadowing of that??? Amazing, I love love love rereading your work and just finding little things like that!!!!!
I’m so sorry for the long message, but one last thing I promise. I just love how much of a mystery Geto is. Till the end of the fic, I could not understand whether he supported his best friend or the readers (maybe a bit of both?). Did he care about the reader, or was he more concerned about gojo? He did stop Gojo’s plan to baby trap her but now that I’m reread their interactions I’m wondering if it was more for Gojos sake than hers….
Again so so sorry for the long message. I hope you have a great rest of your day!!! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next!!!!!
omg omg omg omg the smile on my face as I read this??? and on my BIRTHDAY as well???? ty ty ty ty best birthday present ever!!!!!!!!!
I've never written Higuruma before, but Im so glad I added him in that fic because clearly so many people enjoyed his parts. I'd actually written a scene where Higuruma is finally breaking away from the private sector and asks if the mc wants to be his paralegal even though he won't be working at the firm anymore. The reader would agree but then right after that gojo would come in and ruin EVERYTHING (because he is Gojo Satoru). But I didn't know how to fit that in, so I had to leave it out. But I did enjoy writing their camaraderie with each other. You can interpret what he knows as whatever you want, but I tried to imply that Higuruma thinks there is something weird going on between the reader and gojo but he can't put his finger on it. At first, he assumes you're uncomfortable with him solely because of how much Gojo flaunts his wealth, but the more he observes you, the more he realizes you're....afraid of Gojo, you barely want to be in the same room as him. I think he'd try to put some distance between you and him, but obviously, in the end, it didn't work out.
I just love repetition and symbolism so so much so im so sorry in advance if I annoyed yall with the 'sun' and the 'moon'. And yes!!! ahhh!!! im so happy you caught that foreshadowing with the blood moon cuz that's exactly what i was going for!!!!!
Honestly, the moon itself is such a great metaphor for womanhood but im gonna get off my soapbox before people start throwing things at me. I am definitely not allowed to speak about feminism considering what I write is like 96% pure misogyny.
Oh, Geto Suguru. Hes not on the reader's side, nor is he on Gojo's side. He's on Geto Suguru's side;)
one thing i will note tho....he noticed the reader before gojo satoru did. that's all i can say tee hee.
AHHHHHHH BUT THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THIS SWEET MESSAGE AND thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble for 15 minutes.
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slyandthefamilybook · 23 days
Noah's Spring Jewish Book Review
this isn't gonna become a regular thing, don't worry. I just need to gush some about these books. I'm gonna keep the reviews short too because who's got that kind of time!
So far I've read 4 Jewish novels this spring and I'm working on a fifth. We'll go in chronological order
1. Thistlefoot by GennaRose Nethercott
~ Two estranged siblings, Isaac and Bellatine Yaga—the grandchildren of the famous Baba Yaga—inherit their ancestor's chicken-footed house. They travel the country putting on puppet shows and exploring their own mysterious abilities, all the while trying to escape from a threatening figure known only as the Longshadow Man, as well as their own pasts. History relives itself in a book filled with magic and mystery ~
This book was so damn good. Every other sentence is tattoo-worthy and hits you like a sack of bricks. The characters feel so real and raw while also managing to fill out their respective roles with a sense of poetry. The book has a supporting cast of memorable characters and a sense of real danger throughout. Every so often the house will interject in a way that reminds me so much of my bubbe (עליה השלום). I've read reviews that said it dragged on a bit in the second act but I was enraptured the entire way through. It's also pretty gay, which I always appreciate. 10/10
2. When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb
~ An angle and a demon—best friends for 200 years—set out from their tiny Pale shtetl to America in search of a girl who hasn't been heard from. They're accompanied by Rosie, a spunky and fire-spirited girl from their shtetl desperate to get away and have an adventure in the far-off West ~
No book has made me feel quite so seen as this one. As someone who grew up Orthodox there's virtually no representation for people like me. The majority of Orthodox characters in media are trying to get away. None of them love it quite so much as I do, as much as the characters in this book do. From Little Ash tucking his peyot behind his ears like my older brothers used to to the angel waking up to daven shacharit. Sacha Lamb takes the brave stance of "what if Jewish theology is real, actually" and it shines on every page. The writing effortlessly intertwines spirituality and reverence with a classic Yiddish folktale. It's also pretty gay. 10/10
3. From Dust, a Flame by Rebecca Podos
Hannah, the descendant of the famed Rabbi Yehuda Loew, wakes up one morning to find herself transformed, her eyes turning to yellow slits. Her mother seems to blame herself without explaining why, and soon after disappears. After receiving a mysterious letter, Hannah and her adopted brother Gabe travel to upstate New York to meet their mother's family, to learn the secrets of her past, and of their own lineage ~
I'll start off by saying I'm not sure if I was the target audience for this book. It was good, don't get me wrong, but the writing wasn't to my taste. It was a little... blatant, where I prefer prose to be a bit more subtle. Again, nothing wrong with it, just not my particular thing. I definitely relate to Hannah and Gabe a lot, each in their own way. A lot of the book felt very comforting and familiar to me. The book is equal parts supernatural action and intriguing mystery, and keeps you engrossed til the end. It's also Extremely Gay 7/10
4. The Way Out by Gavriel Savit
~ Yehuda Leib and Bluma set out from their tiny Pale shtetl, each on a mission of the utmost importance. Yehuda Leib is looking for his lost father, and Bluma is running from Death. Navigating the Far Country full of demons, goblins, and angels, the pair fight their way through history and mystery alike, and prepare to make war on Death himself ~
This book. Oh boy this book. Where do I start? This book made me cry several times, which hasn't happened in over 15 years. This book said everything about death I've been feeling since my bubbe passed away (עליה השלום). This book genuinely made me re-think how I view G-d? All that and more in less than 400 pages. This book harmonized with my soul. This book changed who I am as a person. This book made me crumble to dust and then built me back up from scratch. 10/10
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writersundersiege · 4 months
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New Girl in Town Part 3
Rafe Cameron x F! Reader
a/n: Hello, everybody, so this is my first time making an authors' note. I want to place one on this one since I’m new to posting, and also, this chapter took me two days to write, considering I did try to go in and add more depth to my characters. I want my reader (aka you) to have a broader sense of the world. As you can tell, she knows a lot about stuff most people don’t learn, has been to places many of us haven’t had the opportunity to visit and has experienced things I can only hope as a writer is not something you have experienced. But for the margin of you who have experienced any of these warnings below, If you need any resources, please reach out. I will work on putting resources on my account later on or anyone to talk to; my messages are always open to you all as readers of my work. Feel free to ask me questions, give me criticism, or suggest things to the story. I want to continue this for as long as you enjoy it. Thank you for supporting my work, and I hope you enjoy the new chapter
To read any other parts of this series, click here:
The New Girl In Town - Masterlist
Summary: Rafe accepts the request from your father to fill your place at the clothes drive. When he gets there, he bumps into an unlikely but friendly face, your brother Jason. During the setup for the event, Rafe gets the chance to talk to your brother and find out more about you. What if he finds out your story goes deeper than he thought? Also, what will he do when he discovers more information about your friend who mysteriously pops into town
Warning: Grief of losing family and loved ones, fears of self-harm, peer pressure, allowing someone to binge drink, mentions of potential assault, swearing, self-doubt
As Rafe pulls up to the front of the country club, he parks and throws his bike helmet off immediately. He hurriedly starts walking, hand ghosting over his pockets, double checking for his wallet, keys, and phone and that they’re all still with him. As Rafe walks to the front, his palms are getting sweaty. Rafe never gets nervous. Usually, he’s the one controlling the situation, but with you, your family, it is so different it’s like you will slip out of his fingers the moment you make contact, like handfuls of sand slipping through every time you pick it up.
Rafe stops looking into the country club one last time, taking a deep breath. Rafe has never felt as though he deserves good things. Ward has always rewarded Sarah; the town continuously believes he’s either causing trouble or breaking someone’s daughter's heart; he’s aggressive, psychotic, and a loose cannon when it comes to you, you’re like a ghost to him; no matter where he goes, the image of you haunts him. He wants one thing to go well, one thing to go his way this time, and that’s the things with you.
Straighten up, he clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair as he begins the walk back into the country club; his phone pings with a message. He quickly pulls out his phone while still making his way inside
Unknown number: Thank you so much again, Rafe! I don’t know what I’d do without you, and I owe you one! 🫡💕
Rafe: you can always count on me, angel, always. Also, I’ll never turn down a good favor 😉
He watches as three bubbles appear like you’re about to answer when he runs smack into someone, sending him flying back and stumbling a bit; this has Rafe looking up, starting to say, “Watch where—“ and he cuts himself off because standing in front of him smiling from ear to ear is Jason holding a box of clothes while some still laid on the ground from the collision.
“Rafe, right? he says, smiling with a chuckle. “Seems like I can’t escape you, man if I’m hearing about you or seeing you, I'm nearly trying to knock you on your ass,” he leans down, picking up a shirt from the ground. “Are you here to help with the clothes drive?” Your brother turns to look at him, eyes big and bright like yours are but also kind in a way that makes Rafe want to spill his guts to the guy and tell him his life story; your brother has a soft smirk on his face, not one that is intimidating or meant to be mischievous but one that shows humility like he knows it’s not how Rafe would prefer to spend a random Thursday in June.
They were finally coming to full height, looking at each other. Jason looked to Rafe like an old friend waiting for him to tell them all the things they’d missed in the years past. Smile lines prominently shown on his cheeks, and his eyes creased on the corner just like your whole family has; it made Rafe wonder how often you all smiled to have such prominent and similar facial marks that show happiness and this aura that looks like the dude is being basked in the sun in the middle of a June evening in Kilandre.
Rafe, who at this point has bent down to pick up the last shirt to return to the box, having tucked his phone in his pocket, long forgotten is your response left unread and unanswered.
Rafe decides it’s now or never; he has to play some moves right for a bit, with no snarky attitude or outbursts; he must get this right with your family and you. Show them just how much of a lovely gentleman he can be.
Smiling back and placing the shirt in the box, he looks up to meet your brother's eye, channeling the irritation and pent-up anger from earlier into charm and charisma; both aren’t so far from each other; all depends on lines and delivery.
“ I am here to help. I was not expecting it, but I’m happy to be here. Also, don’t worry about bumping into me. I should have watched where I was going.” Smiling and shaking his head, he motioned with his head inside. “Well, get in there, man. Moms about to give out-groups.” walking down the steps and to your blue Jeep of all things, he turns back to Rafe, calling out, “Also, you’ll have to try and nab us a spot with some of the girls, few in there are our age and they are pretty girls,” you brother says with an awarding smile on his face and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, spinning on heels jogging over to the back of your Jeep.
Rafe shakes his head, looking down, knowing there isn’t a single girl in the whole country club, hell, on the entire island, perhaps even this planet that compares to you. All the more, he’ll help your brother out. What better way to get close than becoming your brother's best friend? A smirk evolves on his face now that right there is a plan and a good one.
Rafe walks through the entrance down the hall to the ballroom area where they usually hold parties and events; there are tons of different Kooks from Figure 8 here to help; he sees a few of the women Rose gossips with after pilates on Wednesdays, a few of the single kook dads who you can tell their sole purpose of helping was your mother who they are ogling, as well as a few of the islands Kook kids Sarah and Topper stand near Ally and Kayla two girls they all went to school with and a boy who he can’t see with his back to Rafe.
Scanning the room more, Kiara is sitting crisscross on the ground, folding baby clothes and watching as your mom describes the night Kiara’s parents are seated at a table behind your mom, quietly talking and writing on papers. Suddenly, Rafes broke from his search of the crowd as your mom's voice rang in his ears, making a beeline for him. “Rafe, you came?” she said this with so much joy, not like she expected him to fail or disappoint her; then, before he knew it, she was wrapping her arms around Rafe's large frame, his arms limp at his sides, patting her back where he could reach but smiling and laying his head on your moms saying “Of course, I’m here Andy, where do you need me I’m ready to help however I can.”
Your mom pulls back, showing her glittering smile, stilling, holding Rafe by the shoulders and gently reaching up to pat his cheek. “You are a good boy, Rafe.” she moves her hand, turning him to look at the crowd. “your sister, I believe she is here. You can stand with her. I’ll put you in a good group, don’t you worry,” she gives Rafe a wink and chuckles, walking off back to the table where Kiara’s parents sit and kneeling in front of the table, looking at the papers they were writing on.
Once again, he eyes the crowd, scoffing when he watches a few of the single dads congregating and staring at your mom's behind, kneeling until one the guy he believes to be Mr. Chusing, who owns a law firm here in Kilandre. he watches as Mr.Chusing kneels right next to your mom and put his hand on her lower back. Your mom stands immediately and politely puts her ring finger on her chest, prominently showing the man her ring. Rafe smiles, shaking his head, knowing your family is a good set of people.
Rafe looks around again at the group standing with his sister; Sarah and Topper are focused on a guy who looks his age; he notices the guy talking animatedly, which makes everyone laugh. Sarah was laughing so hard she had to wipe tears from her eyes. He walks toward the group when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns to find your brother; he looks at him, and he shakes his head as if saying “No” and then shakes his head to the other side, where Kiara sits folding, and he follows him.
“Trust me, you do not even want to go over there, no matter how much fun they look like they are having; that kid is a rat,” Rafe frowns, looking over at the group again as he sits next to Jason, not too far from Kiara folding sock’s together.
He looks at the group, inspecting the boy; he is pretty tall around Rafe's height but not much muscle in his upper body, a thinner build, his hair is a sandy blonde color and curly, kind of like he just got a perm, he turns and sees the guys face he’s pretty tan with a set of perfect white teeth just like your family and even from here Rafe sits he sees the green of his eyes were like sea algae growing on his iris.
Rafe looks at your brother, who is already scowling in the boy's direction. “What did he do?” Jason harshly folds a pair of jeans, looking down on them, not meeting Rafe's eyes once. “He has no respect, loyalty, grace, love, compassion, empathy. I don’t know humanity,” shrugging his shoulders and slamming the pants in the box sitting next to him
Kiara looks up from the baby clothes she sits with, eyebrows arching at Jason. “You good?” she asks like she’s confused. Jason shakes his head, looking down at his hand, shaking and flexing his fingers a few times. Rafe and Kiara look at each other, and she stands to move closer and kneel by your brother. They look back down on the newly bright boy, who seems to be slowly withering in front of them.
“What’s up, bro?” Rafe reaches his hand over to your brother's shoulder with uncertainty; when he makes contact, Jason’s head drops down, hands coming to his face. “You know I was supposed to be with him- them. When they went out there, I was supposed to go with Luca and Cameron on that fishing trip, and I wasn’t because of a damn Stats test. I couldn’t break my honor roll; I couldn’t stop..” Jason’s words are muffled and broken off at the end because he’s looking down with his hands over his eyes, the energy to finally let go of what he’s been holding in dwindling before it’s even sparked.
Rafe knows immediately where this is going for them. He saw it on your face when he asked, and he’s seeing it all over again: a family that seems so picture perfect having a moment where it looks like the world shatters, but for just a moment, you’ll never let them see it too long, but why? Maybe it’s the same reason Rafe is known as the aggressor because of the sentiment he thinks of repeatedly when he’s alone; if people knew the truth, would they still like you? or would they hate it just as much as you do?
What broke Rafes thought was your brother looking up, eyes tinged pink with the welled tears created from the silence, and him looking at the boy across the room leaning into Sarah’s ear to whisper something that made Topper look like he was about to pop his lid. “I may hate myself every day for not being there with them. But I thank god every day for keeping me here and sending me home when Luca was pronounced dead every day to catch that sick son of a bitch over there” Rafe and Kiara both turn to look at Jason with a questioning look he can already feel anger bubbling within him knowing something happened.
“When my sister found out Luca was gone, she was a mess for weeks. Honestly, it would have been months if it weren’t for Luca’s best man, best mate since birth, Ethan; he spent every day with (F/N) and took her to the beach to be near Luca, the aquarium where they had their first date, it was great for months he was the only one who could get her to sleep and eat, but it all went downhill on the six month anniversary and a certain area that struck me as strange one not but basically there is this hiking trail in the neighborhood we lived in back in Malibu that goes up to the cliffs it’s gorgeous and super secluded it was only a place Luca knew and took (F/N)” Jason paused looking down grabbing more clothes to fold
“Cameron told me that that was Luca and (F/N)’s spot..” He trails off, not waiting to discuss this part, but it’s intentional for the story. On the other hand, Kiara gets it immediately, knowing this must be hard for him to talk about on a typical day, but more so for two boys; he called his family and is now gone. Rafe completely misses the hint and frowns at Kiara, giving her eyes like, ‘wtf.’ She looks at him and says, “Sorry for this, Jason, Rafe; it was the first place she was intimate with someone. Get it now.” Rafe's eyes go wide, and he feels his heart drop to the pit of his stomach, but the story can’t wait for him to recover
Jason looks up with the tiniest chuckle. “Don’t worry, dude, it took Cam a while to tell me, too. I played dumb. I didn’t want to know what it was my baby sister was up to in that way anyway; on the six-month anniversary of Luca and Cam's death (F/N), she was distraught; she still had hope he was coming home, but by nearly half a year without him, the light for her simmered out. Everyone was over at our house here and there all day, and nothing. None of her friends, our extended family, or even Luca’s mother could get her out to accept a plate. Eventually, we let her be; we didn’t want to overwhelm the hurt she felt already because none of us knew exactly what she felt.” he looked down, shaking his head. Rafe brings his hand back to his shoulder, squeezing it. At the same time, Kiara says, “ Jason, you don’t have to tell us if it’s something that makes you uncomfortable.” this makes the older boy in front of them shake his head more. “ no, I’ve kept this on my chest too long, and every time I bring it up, everybody else shuts it down cause he’s family in their eyes if he said nothing happened they believe him. I need somebody else to listen and hear me out.”
Kiara looks around to see if anyone has moved since the start of this conversation, and Rafe settles back, one eye on Jason, the other on this new kid he doesn’t like in his peripheral. Kiara turns to Jason, letting him know no one’s listening and he’s good, indicating they haven’t moved a muscle or a manicured nail yet. Jason clears his throat and says, “That night, by ten thirty, I had enough. I hadn’t seen my sister in over 24 hours at that point, and I was scared. They were special to me; I mean, Cameron was my best friend since I was born. I didn’t care if she wanted to scream at me or have me hold her and cry with her. I just wanted to see my sister was okay, so I snuck to her room and knocked slightly, opening the door to check on her, and when I opened the door, she was gone.” he looked down at his hand, ringing them together back and forth like a wet rag eventually he looks up like he saw a ghost in front of him “I’ve never been more scared in my life than running to her bed and feeling that her sheets were cold she hadn't been there for at least an hour.”
Kiara put her hands on his to stop him from rubbing his skin raw. “ immediately, I went to find my friends to see if there was anything; when I checked her location, she was at her spot, but what I couldn’t understand was why she would go someplace so desolate, so lonely by herself first I was screaming waking up my parents I thought she was doing something horrible until I thought a little deeper and the only person we didn’t see all day long who didn’t come to help the family as well as Ethan.”
At this point in the story, Rafe is already seething with anger thinking about you being taken somewhere so dangerous at such a late hour; Rafe turns to laughter looking at the boy, staring at the boy across the room with a vicious look, and Jason, scowling at the boy, for whom he feels so much anger as well. Kiara, in some act of comfort, holds Jason’s hand, rubbing her hand over his knuckles, trying to calm him down. Jason clears his throat once more. “When I got there, she was so drunk she couldn’t even tell me her name; she doesn’t remember that night. He swears up and down nothing happened, but it seems like ever since that day, he will not leave her alone. It’s like he believes what belonged to Luca now belongs to him, and I can’t take it; every time I see him, I want to kill him.”
Rafe turns for a moment to look at your brother's face for the first time since he met your family; he sees the slightest glimmer of darkness behind his eye, the same kind Rafe has; the same one so many people in this town warn others about with Rafe, and then just like the sun on a rainy day it’s there and gone before you believe you saw it. His eyes only showed the cloud of grief and hurt.
Rafe pats his back again and says, “You’re in the Outerbanks now, bro, and your sister is safe; the people out here, our people, we’ll have her back.” Kiara gives Rafe a look like you can’t be serious about telling this boy he can trust any kook; the only trustworthy people on this island were the pogues and, more specifically, her group of friends.
Like always, though, with rich boys, they band together, not even acknowledging the look on Kiara's face. Jason looks up and says, “Thank you, Rafe. I appreciate you hearing me out, and my sister was right about you, that’s for sure.” Rafe's eyes blow out, and his neck turns red as he shakes his head and says, “Your sister is something else.”
To further this thread of thoughts in Rafe's mind, he feels his phone ping twice and pulls it from his back pocket
(F/N)🌊💕: Angel huh? I like that one, and yes, Rafe, I now owe you A favor that means only one. Don’t think I’m out here doing favors for anyone!
sent at 6:15 pm
(F/N)🌊💕: We should hang out sometime, maybe catch some waves tomorrow??
sent at 7:00 pm
(F/N)🌊💕: I’m heading to bed; let me know :) Thank you again, and see you around Reef 🪸🐠
sent at 7:30
Scanning these messages, Rafe starts to type a response before he’s even finished reading but immediately deletes it, thinking it better to let you sleep since something made you sick. Turning to your brother and pondering just what did make you head out? He asks, “Hey, what ma—“ but before he could finish, your mom was calling groups
“Okay, everyone, we will split into groups to make distributions easy. Take a little of each kind of clothing, men to babies, with you. The spot I give you is where you will be sitting at a distribution table, which my wonderful daughter (F/N) and her friend Ethan helped set up.” Ethan smiled and waved around at the people who were looking for you “ (F/N) who is unfortunately very sick and has to raincheck on being here was the mind of this event, and she was overwhelmed and overjoyed of the community outreach here; it shouldn’t take us more than 45 minutes to get rid of these items and help some families in need.” Everyone starts to clap. Jason stands and lends a hand out to Kiara and helps her stand as Rafe stands and moves to make sure he has a good line of sight on the pretty boy with no manners.
Everything is muffled as he stands examining the boy who’s most likely 20 feet across the ballroom from him, trying to catch a slip of any kind and the fun demeanor he’s been portraying all evening. Still, he seems respectful and well-mannered. Rafe watches, knowing under the stone image of a nice guy is a monster clawing its way back out.
Rafe hearing his name is what diverts his attention. “Rafe, would you mind leading the last group?” he looks to your mother, smiling; he shakes his head, dying inside but smiling, saying, “Would be happy to Andy.” This being out, Rafe sees for the first time in the evening; the boys' eyes snap, and it is immediately like the pin pulled from a grenade getting ready to blow.
Rafe sees Ethan’s eye lock with his; you would think Rafe has lit his house on fire and spit in his face with the disgusting face he throws his way. Rafe stares back, the usual dark look in his eye, a smirk on his face, knowing now this kid knows the monster has met its match. Looking at Ethan but saying to your mother, “Where would you like us?”
Rafe is walking outside to your jeep with your brother in hot pursuit, with no emotions, as he carries boxes to be loaded in the back. His group comprises Jason, Kiara, Sarah, Topper, the girls, and the goon. They all agreed to take separate cars, Kayla and Ally with Kiara in her vehicle; Topper and Sarah were so kind as to offer to take Ethan, leaving Jason to drive Rafe in your jeep. As they loaded the back with their few boxes, Jason turned to Rafe with an almost incredulous look. “I know what I told you is a lot to believe—“ Rafe stops him by simply saying, “I see it; in his eyes, he’s done something, and he doesn’t like me 'cause she does.” They had an entire moment of understanding between the young men he had done something that night, and now they both knew, and they will know what happened eventually.
This has both boys rounding the car and hopping in. Jason turns on the car, but before turning off the country club driveway with his hand on the wheel, he turns to Rafe again. “Just don’t let him provoke you, bro; he can be complicated. I told you the kid likes to be a bit of—“ Rafe looks at him with literally no emotion on his face saying, “a bitch.”
Jason laughs, throwing his head back against the headrest for the first time since he greeted him; he sees brightness return to Jason’s face; he lays his head there a moment, laughter dying back slowly. He shakes his head, bringing it forward. “Ethan is a crude bastard, and he’s not afraid to say what he thinks even if it's stupid, but he also likes to pick a good fight.” This has Jason looking at Rafe dead in the eyes, more serious than he’s seen or heard anyone in your family this far.
He says, “Don’t let him provoke you.” Rafe frowns, but Jason looks at him like a kid whose parents picked him up during a fight at school, and they’re waiting for him to say what he knows and won’t. Rafe starts to get a little pissed. “What makes you think he’ll—“Jason eyes him again, turning to drive as Rafe sits back silently for a moment. “I won’t. I’m here for her, and she wouldn’t, so I won’t,” Jason chuckles. “She’s got you wrapped around her finger already, huh? Yeah, she has that effect.”
Jason smiles, looking forward to driving them to the Heywards Shop to set up a pickup for clothes. Rafe stares out the window, watching the yellow streetlights mix with the blue-green hue of the evening sky and looking out at the hint of the stars he can see shining in the night sky. He thinks of you and how fast his heart beats when you smile and how warm he feels when you are next to him. You make him feel and think so differently in a way that makes him want to explore and experience things as you do; he wants to see things from a positive and enthusiastic perspective.
Against his better judgment, he pulls his phone from his pocket and pulls up the contact he’s already saved for you and the messages you’ve already shared.
Rafe: I'd take any favors you’d give, and also, I’d love for you to tell me where, and I’ll be there; sweet dreams, angel. ❤️
All rights belong to the owners of Netflix and the Outer Banks. I do not own any characters except OC characters. The fiction is simply for fun. All copyrights belong to the original owners.
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cherubispunk · 5 months
Damn, what a year right? As I’m sitting here stuffing my face with Christmas chocolate, I’m thinking about some of the bad stuff, but also all the good things. I joined the fandom at the the beginning of this year and in the middle of that I lost my account and hand to repost everything 😱😭
I know. SHITTY. But!!!! I’m taking some time to thank you all for making this one of the best fandom experiences I’ve had. Thank you for your interactions with cherub. Your love, support, re blogs, comments, all of it. It means the utter world to me and I cannot stress that enough. You are all such wonderful people.
There are loads of you out there who I want to thank but I’m going to stick to a few that have been my rock through the shitstorm of 2023.
First, @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin. Ange. You are one of the kindest most genuine people I know. Being your mutual is an honour. You’re so generous and always there for me to rant and rave or obsess with. For that I cannot be more grateful to you. Your fics are beautiful and so is your mind. The love you show me and cherub is more than I could ever ask for. So thank you. Xx
@chaotic-mystery and @tightjeansjavi I know we don’t talk as much as we used to when I first joined the fandom. But just know I think of you two often. I love love love!!! your work and if I’m having a bad day I always pop back to it to make myself smile. I hope you two are doing better and that the new year shines in your favour.
@planet-marz1 mari!! Where do I even start? Your mari mail makes me giggle every time I see hbo Joel and pixel daddy Joel in a tutu or a tiara, or even as a snail. I’d love them as a worm, and I’d love you as a worm. I’m so excited to see what more you have in store for us with your writing because from what I’ve seen so far you are insanely talented!
@joelslegalwhre Em, you’re so sweet. You really are! And I’m so happy that we’re mutuals. I can’t wait to obsess over more Joel with you and get to know you more too. I love seeing you pop up in my inbox every now and then.
@jenna-ortega OH MY GOD I don’t THINK YOU UNDERSTAND THE VERTIGO BRAINROT I STILL HAVE!!!!! I often re-read it as a bedtime story because the premise of that fic is just chef’s kiss! Can’t wait to read more in the new year of you choose to continue bby
@chloeangelic thank you so much for your kind words on cherub part one and two. It really means the work that you loved it so much. Your reblog made my Christmas. I was giggling and kicking my feet the whole time and read it over and over trying to let it sink in that such a great writer ENJOYED MY WORK!! So thank you again l, sending much love your way, chloe. Mwah!
A few more honourable mentions go out to @swiftispunk @netherfeildren @janaispunk @saradika @morning-star-joy @psychedelic-ink @persephone-girl @walkintotheriveranddisappear @worhols @pedrit0-pascalit0 @morallyinept @cupofjoel @cavillscurls @joelsgreys @joelsflannel @joelscruff @joelsversion @wannab-urs @notjustjavierpena @millerscoffee @beskarandblasters @dilfspitdrinker @bbyanarchist @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @reddedmiller @toxicanonymity @thetriumphantpanda @cool-iguana and so many more for their work and the interactions we’ve shared over the year.
I hope with all my fanfic writer heart that the new year inspires you and shows you love, warmth and happiness. Keep smiling cherubs! Xxxxxx
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andreafmn · 1 year
Collision | Chapter 19
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Word Count: 3.6K Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same. Chapter: 19/? A/N: Um, cannot believe this story is at 19 chapters already. like, what? I'm thinking of separating the series into each of the books, that way we don't get to like 100 chapters because it's basically just a Twilight rewrite 😅😅 My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts  or buy me a coffee to support me and my love of writing Follow 😊 -> TikTok • Instagram • Business If you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post! Please check if you’re tagged in the story, I’ve reached the limit of tags on Twilight again it seems. 😅
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Chapter 19
(Y/N) felt guilt surging through her as she knocked on the door of the Swan residence. She knew she had been in pain. That just like Bella she had been abandoned by the person they thought was the love of their life. But she had crawled out of the dark hole she had sunk into, fighting tooth and nail against everything that wanted to keep her down. Although, she could still feel their claws scraping at her skin, breathing down her neck, and whispering their return.
But even if she still wasn’t a hundred percent healed and she still cried herself to sleep on the nights she was alone, she wanted to at least help Bella take the first step out.
“(Y/N),” Charlie smiled. “Thank you for coming over.”
“Of course, Charlie. I just wanna make sure Bella gets better, or at least start to.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask you. And you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” he stammered slightly. “Before the Cullens left, there was talk in the town about the doctor. You know, about who he was seeing…”
“You’re wondering if we were together?” (Y/N) smiled, pushing down the sadness that was threatening to spill out with her words. “Well, I’ll let you know that those rumors were true. And, yes, just like Bella, he broke up with me and left. I’m guessing that’s why you asked me to talk to her.”
“It is,” he smiled awkwardly. “I’m not usually keen on small-town gossip, but I’d heard that you had been in a funk since they left, and I put two and two together. And seeing how well you’re doing now, I needed to throw out a hail Mary and see if you could help Bella.”
“It’s okay, Charlie. I knew that people talked about us,” she said reassuringly. “And though it’s been hard, with the help of my friends and family, I was able to start piecing myself back together. I only hope I can help do the same with Bella.”
“I hope so to,” he breathed defeatedly. “I have to run out to work right now but you can help yourself to anything in the kitchen or you can get some pizza, or even take Bella to the diner. I’ll cover the whole tab.”
“I think we’ll manage, Charlie. But thank you,” she chuckled. “I’m no miracle worker but I will try my best.”
“That is all I can ask,” he said. “You probably won’t be here when I get back, so I’m gonna thank you again for trying with Bella. I’m glad that she has people in her corner like you.”
 “She will always have a friend in me.”
(Y/N) waved the man away as he left the house, pointing her upstairs in the direction of Bella. With the man gone the house was eerily quiet. If she hadn’t known the other girl was in her room, she would have thought Charlie had left her in an empty house. There was no sign of life. And she hated how familiar that felt.
She walked up the creaky stairs, bracing herself for whatever version of Isabella Swan she would be faced with. She knew what losing yourself in heartache looked and felt like, and it was not pretty.
The door to Bella’s room was open, still no indication of movement, and for a second (Y/N) felt like she was intruding into someone’s privacy. Until she saw the girl’s figure as still as a statue on the far end of her bedroom staring out the window.
Bella looked paler than usual, her cheeks slightly sunken and her eyes wearing dark bags under them. She hadn’t been sleeping or eating well and it was evident on her body. If someone had told her that the Swan girl had not moved from that chair in months, she would have believed them.
“Hey, Bella.” (Y/N)’s voice startled her. The girl jumped as though her systems had jump-started at the sound of another presence. “Don’t know if your dad told you but he asked me to come over. I know we haven’t seen each other in a while.”
“Oh, hey,” she muttered. “Yeah, I think he mentioned something.”
“I guess it’s no surprise that he asked me to come talk to you, huh?”
“Because of them,” she sighed.
“Yeah,” (Y/N) smiled painfully, sitting on the ledge of the window right in front of her.
She had practiced a speech at home, words of encouragement that would hopefully chip at the wall Bella had built around herself. She’d practiced speech after speech, picking from every talking to Sam and her mom had related to her, every phrase that made her own heart soften.
But standing before Bella, the words had died in her throat. There was nothing she could say to make it better. No amount of bullshit could make her better. What the Cullens had done to both of them Would not be remedied with a conversation. And that was all (Y/N) had.
“How’d you do it?” Bella asked after a few minutes in silence. “How were you able to move on from him?”
“To be honest… I haven’t,” she sighed, the confession tasting acrid on her tongue. “And I don’t think I ever will. I don’t think you ever really move on from someone you were ready to give up your whole life for.”
“But you seem to have it all together now,” she exclaimed. “You’re in med school, you’re going to parties, you’re working at the hospital. And you look happy.”
“I’ll let you in on a secret, Bella. That’s the beauty of pretending. People don’t question someone that looks happy,” (Y/N) smiled softly. “I’m not doing any better than you just because it looks like I am. If I’m telling the truth, I am still as heartbroken as I was the day they left. I just decided that pretending was easier than hurting.”
“I just feel like I’ll be in pain for the rest of my life,” the girl cried softly. “I just wish there was something I could use to numb it all. I just want it to stop.”
“That’s not the answer either, Bella. And I would know. I spent the first two months drowning my sorrows with vodka,” she confessed. “And even if I felt numb for a few hours the pain was still there. It always will be, I think.”
“Then how do we make it through? How do we stop it from hurting more?”
“I don’t think we can stop it from hurting. All we can do is keep going regardless of how much it hurts,” (Y/N) offered. “But if they get to go on with their lives after leaving us as they did, then we owe it to ourselves to do the same. The best way to make them pay is to show them our lives went on without them.”
“It’s just,” her voice croaked. “I don’t think I can. Actually, I don’t think I want my life to go on without Edward. I had never seen forever the way I saw it with him. Didn’t you feel like that with Carlise?” 
At the sound of his name, the knot in (Y/N)’s throat tightened. It had been months since her ears had listened to that combination of letters. Everyone around her had quickly picked up on the situation and they had more than willingly stopped mentioning his name.
But there Bella was, speaking it into existence as if it wasn’t the most bitter word to let pass through her tongue. She said them like the beautiful names they were, like the sweetness of them wasn’t overwhelming in her mouth. She spoke like a girl that was still in love and had no disdain for the person that had hurt her. And (Y/N) wondered how that could be.
His name was laced with so much anger and sadness that (Y/N) couldn’t even bring herself to even think about it. Yet, Bella had said it and it had felt like a punch to the gut. Because she had once also said his name with so much enchantment and care, and it made her miss those days. The days when she could call his name and instantly be filled with happiness and excitement.
“I did… I do,” she corrected. “But I don’t want to. That’s why I’ve been trying my hardest to move on, even if it’s just one day at a time. I want to get to the day where when I dream of my future he’s not there. I crave the morning I wake up and my heart doesn’t ache anymore, where I can trust someone else to tell me they love me and mean it. We gave them our hearts, Bella, and they threw it away like it meant nothing. I’m not telling you that you have to move on. But I am telling you that it’s the best idea.”
Bella simply nodded for a second and agreed when (Y/N) offered to get some pizza to fill the silence. Everything that (Y/N) had told her she agreed with, to an extent. If the Cullens weren’t coming back like it seemed they weren’t, then she wanted to take her life back in her control like (Y/N) had. But she couldn’t help the tiny drop of hope she held that they would return, and she could settle into their life as she had done once and fulfill the plans she had made with Edward.
As (Y/N) served herself pizza, Bella sat there, picking at the slice that was on her plate, the words slowly digesting into her system. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. Anything.”
“If he had offered to turn you –before everything happened—if he had told you that he would have turned you and asked you to leave with them.” She stared deeply into (Y/N)’s eyes, her tears glistening in the rays of the morning. “Would you have done it? Would you have gone with him?”
“The rational side of me wants to say no. That I would have thought twice about leaving my family and friends again, that I would have given myself a few years to be human and experience life while my heart was still beating,” she chuckled, drying away tears she had not known were pooling until they fell down her cheeks. “But my romantic side, the side that was desperate to be in love, knows I would have agreed just if it meant that I would have him by my side for the rest of my life. I would have given up everything even for just a few years with him.”
“What if he came back? What if he came back and asked for another chance?” Bella was desperate. It was the first time she could ask these questions. The first time she could talk to someone that knew everything and could answer back. “Would you give it to him?”
“That’s a difficult hypothetical, Bella,” (Y/N) laughed. “I think there are too many variables at play for me to know if I would.”
“That’s because you’re thinking with your rational side,��� Bella teased slightly, the semblance of a smile playing on her lips. “I’m asking your romantic side. Would that side want Carlisle back?”
(Y/N) kept quiet even though she knew the answer. It was hard to say it out loud. To admit that regardless of how destroyed he had left her that she would want him with every fiber of her being. That if tomorrow he reappeared that she would fall back into his arms and pick things up where they had ended. But it wasn’t fair to her, to the little progress she had made without him.
Still, she was being truthful. “The romantic side would gladly take him back,” she said sadly. “But it’s not just to the side that’s put in the work to not let that happen. What will it say about me that someone could hurt me in the way he did, and I welcomed him back into my life?”
“Oh,” was all Bella responded, her head falling as her skin flushed red.
“Would you take Edward back?”
“I would,” her voice peeped meekly. “I love him too much not to. But I wish I was like you. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt as much.”
“It will still hurt, Bella. It’ll just be easier to act like it doesn’t,” (Y/N) shrugged. “Look, Bella, no one can tell you to move on. If it was that easy, we wouldn’t be here. But you need to at least take the first step. Staying in this room, waiting for the day things just change will not work. It’s on you to start a new journey.”
“Okay,” she sighed. “I know you’re right. It’s just so hard.”
“I know it is. If there’s anyone that knows, it’s me,” she smiled. “But you’re not alone. You have people around you that love and care for you. Let them.”
“I’ve pushed them away. I pushed everyone away.”
“The ones that truly care will still welcome you back. Just take it one day at a time, Bella. But take it out of this room.”
“Thank you, (Y/N). It’s comforting to have someone to talk to so openly about this. Things won’t change quickly, but I’m willing to give it a try.”
“That’s all I’m asking,” (Y/N) said, giving the girl a hug goodbye. “If you need anyone to talk to, don’t hesitate to call, Bella.”
“I will,” she smiled weakly. “Take care of yourself, (Y/N).”
“You too, Bella.” 
(Y/N) couldn’t believe she had confessed to everything she had worked to shove into the deepest corners of her mind. She didn’t want to admit the hold he still had on her. That at any second, he could waltz back into her life, and she would still be as in love with him as the day he had left. It was hard to let those words pass through her lips. Because once they were out, there was no way to sink them back in.  
It was strange and unnerving to hear herself say those words out loud. She had kept these thoughts deeply buried in her brain, scared to ever let them come out. Especially around Sam and Paul. Even if the Cullens had not been their natural-born enemies, she was sure they would have still hated them. More after their patriarch had broken her heart. Other than them, there was no one else she was close to that she could really talk to. They knew everything, and for her to be able to open up completely she needed people who knew everything.
Still, as much as she loved Sam and Paul, they were the least objective people in her life. They were genetically predisposed to not be objective. (Y/N) would go to them for everything else, just nothing that had to do with the Cullens.
But Bella was no better for her. Her scales were tilted toward them. If she took anything from her conversation with the Swan girl was that no matter what they had done, she would forgive them and sink back into their life as if nothing had happened. It was terrifying and just the smallest sliver of extraordinary. Her loyalty to the Cullens transpired her pain. Maybe she knew something (Y/N) didn’t.
As she neared her house, she started burying those thoughts deeper and deeper into her mind, afraid that they were visible on her face. Even if she knew how unrealistic it was –and that the only mind reader she knew was miles away—she couldn’t help the embarrassment that rushed to her skin in shades of red. And if they did, she knew they wouldn’t mention it. At least, not to her face. That much she could expect.
What she didn’t expect was to find Embry Call sitting on her porch. He wore a stressed look on his face, nights of little sleep evident on his face. The boy she knew had always been very happy, quiet but joyous. And though he seemed to be the same happy boy, there was a weight to him that was undeniable.
“Embry,” she called out as she got out of her car. “Is everything okay?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. I guess,” he smiled forcefully. “Well, not exactly.” 
“Why don’t you come in, Em? It’ll be more comfortable to talk.” 
“Sure, thanks.” 
The boy quietly followed her, somehow trying to shrink his 6’4” frame. It was something he did ever since he shifted. The first time he had joined the pack after his first transformation, he had tried to sink into the background as much as he could. The last thing he wanted was to step on anyone’s toes, even if he had been told that he wasn’t.
(Y/N) directed them to the kitchen, quickly setting out drinks and food for the kid, knowing he’d definitely be hungry. “Help yourself to anything,” she said as she noted him sitting on his hands. “Mom still buys food like Sam and his friends come over to ransack our kitchen.” 
“Okay, uh, thanks.” 
“We’re not strangers, Embry,” she smiled kindly. “You can let loose with me.” 
“I’m sorry, it’s just I’m not used to being around other people that aren’t Jake and Quil.” 
“I get that.” She joined him at the kitchen table, sitting before him, a cup of water in her hand. She was all talked out for the evening, but she could see just how much he needed a friend at that moment. “So, what’s going on, kid?” 
“You know we’re only three years apart, right?”
“Still makes me older than you,” she laughed with him. “But, seriously, what’s up?” 
“Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m here,” he chuckled dryly. “I guess ever since I had my first shift I’ve been feeling kinda lonely. Lonely and confused. It took a couple of hours for my whole life to change and now I don’t really have anyone to talk to about it.”
“How are things at home?”
“Well, mom is always angry at me, but at least she’s stopped yelling. Though I don’t know if I like that better,” he responded sadly. She could see he was biting back tears. His lower lip was quivering and his eyes were pooling with water. “I know you weren’t here when it happened, but do you know Ms. Uley took everything?” 
“To this day they don’t really talk. But when I got here, I didn’t understand why my brother wasn’t home or why he and mom were fighting, or even why we couldn’t even spend time together. I knew he was hiding something, and I guess it hurt to think that he didn’t trust me enough to tell me whatever it was,” she recounted. “It’s a strange thing to watch from the outside. I mean, hearing rumors that my older brother, the man that basically took care of me when I was a kid, had started a gang and was recruiting other from the rez was astonishing. It wasn’t something I could even fathom.  But I don’t know how my mother felt when Saam started disappearing or when he moved out. She won’t talk to me about it.”
“He wanted to waive the silence rule for me,” Embry said sheepishly. “After the first week and seeing how hard it was at home, he told me I could tell my mom everything.”
“But you valued why it’s a secret,” she confirmed. "I understand that. And I also understand how lonely being part of the pack is. Especially coming into a place where you essentially know no one. But open yourself up to them. If you let them in, they will do the same. They’re your family now, Em.” 
“I know. I guess it’s just still all so new to me. I’ve been used to the same people my whole life; I’ve known only one truth my whole life, and it all changed.” 
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but would you ever ask your mom about who your dad is?”
“Don’t think I could ever ask without proving where the suspicions came from,” he shrugged. “Just like everyone here, I was under the impression that my dad was someone from the Makah tribe. She told me that much. But now…”
“That’s okay,” she smiled comfortingly. “But, Embry, I want you to know that regardless of what’s happening at home or with your friends, you’re not alone. You’ve got the pack and you’ve got me, okay? If there’s anything you don’t feel comfortable speaking to them, my door is always open. And if they’re ever giving you shit, I’ll put them in their place. They’re there for you, and so am I. I hope you know that.”
“Thank you, (Y/N),” he smiled brightly, a few tears falling down his outstretched cheeks. “It’s good to know I still have people I can lean on. You’ve always been nice to me, and I don’t know why.” 
“We all need a little kindness from time to time, Embry. I’m just doing my part in it.”
“Well, it’s greatly appreciated. And even if it doesn’t mean anything, I’m also here for you if you need someone to lean on.”
“It means a lot, Em,” she smiled. “More than you know.” 
The more she talked to the people that most needed it, the more she started to believe her own words. Maybe there was light on the other side of this mountain. Maybe (Y/N) would one day see the morning when the thought of him didn’t send a stake through her heart.
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@catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @daniallh @lis-likes-fics @agent-anna @blightwulf @mauvette268 @marvelatthetwilight @beefwhobarksandisalilmadalot @juniper-a @jules-bea2308 @comic-book-overload
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Always Him : Chapter 49
Word Count : 1.1k
Warnings : swearing, brief mention of sex, brief mention of drinking, food mention
A/N : I apologize for the delay in the ending of Always Him! I tried to work on it alongside School of Mysteries but then I got really sick and had major brain fog. But I'm starting to feel better finally so I should have the ending to both Always Him and School of Mysteries out soon! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
            She wasn’t sure what she was expecting when Hongjoong brought her here. Maybe the guys standing in a line, each taking turns explaining why she should forgive Hongjoong. Or something that spells out his confession so he wouldn’t have to say the words himself. But the room was practically empty except for the piano in the center.
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            Hongjoong sat at the piano, patting the spot beside him for her to sit. Hesitantly, she sat next to him. She could feel her heart pick up pace as she tried to avoid looking at him, instead opting to watch his hands on the keys. They sat like this only one time before.
            She woke up in an empty bed with an intense headache. Memories of the previous night flashed in her mind. Going shot for shot with Hongjoong who later had her pushed against the wall, his lips on hers then moving to her neck. Her legs were wrapped around his torso, his hands supporting her by her ass. It was wrong but it felt so right. She could only hope San and Seonghwa didn’t hear anything.
            “Good morning!” Seonghwa greeted with a smile. “Breakfast and coffee is on the table.” He said, pointing to the table San was already sat at. “Figured after going shot for shot with Joong you could use the coffee.” He teased and she stuck her tongue out at him. “Love you too idiot.” He pet her head before heading out, most likely to go see Kayla.
            “Is Joong still sleeping?” She asked as she sat across from San.
            “Nah. He got up earlier and ate. He’s probably in his room working on a new song.” She nodded, digging into the breakfast Seonghwa made. She listened to San go on and on about something she didn’t remember, secretly grateful for his outgoing personality so she didn’t have to sit with her thoughts.
            Sleeping with Hongjoong wasn’t something she thought she’d end up doing, but she didn’t regret it. Honestly, she wants it to happen again. And again. Over and over until his name is the only thing she remembers.
            When she was finished eating, she went back upstairs, hearing soft piano music playing from Hongjoong’s room. She opened the door a crack seeing him sat in front of his piano, playing some keys, pausing and writing something down, before continuing to play.
            “If you’re going to stare, just come in and sit next to me.” Hongjoong said after some time. She tried to stutter out an excuse but he just chuckled and patted the spot next to him. “Let me play something for you.” She approached slowly, taking the spot with slight hesitation. He looked over at her with a look in his eyes she couldn’t explain. Something in between adoration and love.
            This would be the moment Hongjoong would site as the moment he realized his feelings were far more than platonic.
            “I remember it too.” He said softly. She glanced up to see him already looking at her. “Sitting with you like this in my room. That’s when I realized I liked you. Little did I know I’d fall in love with you so quickly.” Her eyes were flittering across his face, studying every part, looking for something that screamed this was a lie. A dream. Not real. “This is one of many songs I wrote for you. Listen carefully.”
            She found herself staring at his face as he began to play. He had played this song so many times he had it memorized, barely looking at the paper in front of him. It’s like the notes and lyrics were burned in his mind, able to see them even when his eyes were closed.
            Memories of her and Hongjoong flashed in her mind. Walking around hand in hand, laughing about whatever story he was telling. Scooping icing off the slice of cake they were sharing and wiping it on his nose just for him to lean in and press his nose against hers so they both had icing on their nose. The way he’d hold her when it was just the two of them, staring at her like she was the only girl in the world. The way his lips felt against hers.
            He gave her butterflies but also made her feel safe. It was so easy to fall for him behind closed doors. Behind closed doors where he’d whisper I love you against her skin as he pressed kisses all over her body. Behind closed doors where he looked at her with so much love, hold her with so much care. They belonged to each other behind closed doors.
            But when the door opened, she was just a friend. Someone he enjoyed spending time with but saw as his best friend. He wouldn’t touch her, barely look at her, as if she had the plague. It caused her to be confused, leading to a downward spiral she hadn’t had since Jeongin. Yet even as she laid in her hospital bed, she only wanted Hongjoong.
            Even when she was moving on, her heart still longed for Hongjoong. So much pain and suffering was dealt, yet her body screamed for him. When another man touched her, it felt wrong. Felt like betrayal.
            He confessed with his song. One he wrote during the time he loved her behind closed doors but not in public. Back when he kept pushing her away because he didn’t want to be hurt again. But now he’s willing to put his heart on the line, hand everything over to her and hope she’d give her all to him again. Give him the second chance he definitely doesn’t deserve.
            Silence surrounded them as the song came to an end. She was still staring at him and he turned his head to look at her. “I love you, Y/n. More than I’ve ever loved anyone. I want to be with you, all strings attached, everything on the table. The ball is in your court. You decide.”
            She pressed her lips to his, their times together flashing in her mind like a home movie. All the love and all the tears. The game of push and pull they played for far too long. Hongjoong pulled her closer, trying to deepen the kiss, but she pulled away, the answer so clear to her now. It was practically punching her in the face. Mae and Kayla were right. She knew.
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spotsandsocks · 6 months
✨ 2023 writing round-up ✨
Tagged by (and I might have missed some people sorry) @exhuastedpigeon @jamespearce9-1-1 @heartshapedvows @thekristen999 @jesuisici33 @daffi-990 @hippolotamus @wikiangela
Links to all 23 fics I’ve written which I’ve just realised coincidentally matches the year maybe I shouldn’t work on that Christmas fic after all 🤔 All under the cut cos that’s quite a few and your dash does not need to be bothered by that! 😆😆 I will forget to tag someone I know it, so if I do I didn’t really and you’re tagged too cos you’re wonderful
💕💜💕Thank you to each and everyone of you who talks to me, tags me, supports and encourages me, reblogs and likes. Sends asks and questions and prompts and love in my direction. Thank you for sharing your time, talents , your words and creative skills with us all. You make my days brighter and more fun. I adore you all and wish you all a happy kind and peaceful 2024. 💕💜💕
Home Wanted 6k established Buddie new pet based shenanigans 🐀🐁🐀
Could Have Should Have Would Have 3k my biggest hit this year angsty then sweet
Who You Gonna Call? 9k Eddie calls Buck and works out how he feels
This Must Be Love 5.7k fluffy valentines fic featuring pea puns 🫛
Just another minute 1.2k 6x10 spec
No Place 8.4k coma!buck spec fic with a few similarities to what we got actually
It's Such A Feeling 1.8k couldn’t remember but apparently hand appreciation fic that gets smutty 😉
Date Night 2k I got stuck on bus for almost 3 hours and this happened - surprisingly popular considering I had no plans to write it until traffic hit!
The Answer I Needed 2.4k Buck is always there for Eddie 5plus 1 across time till love strikes
Always There 1.6k Tía Pepa sees all at Christopher’s birthday party
Everything But (temptation) 4.7 5plus 1 of Eddie being a flirty tease and driving Buck crazy
Worth the wait5.7 same fic but from Buck’s perspective
Good Knight Sweet Prince 167,316k ahh my best beloved started in 2023 and finished this year. I adored writing and sharing this what turned out to be epic length fantasy au. Knights princes dragons thwarted love and a happy ending what can I say if that’s your thing give it a go.
Let me stay by your fire (for nothing warms me like you do)4.5k couldn’t let go of mediaeval theme so knight Buck this time coming home to his blacksmith friend Eddie. Oh and bees. 🐝
Something Worth Staying For 21k an enemies to lover (although not really enemies) small town newspaper au where Buck turns up and Eddie hates him until he doesn’t. Featuring my real life computer disaster 😆
Tied To You From The Start 13.4k a challenge I took on and did rather well if I say so myself 😆😆 paranormal mysterious shenanigans. Buck in peril and on the run Eddie trying to save him from his own self sacraments and hot sex.
The Comfort of Your Hands 2.9k inspired by an anon talking about Eddie running fingers through Bucks hair. No plans for this one it just happened and again was well received. Maybe I should stop planning fics and just see what happens.
The Price of Love (is high) 7.7k autumnangstfest drama. I put them both through it. All past traumas coming back to cause trouble.
Your heart or mine? Yours every time 3.6k a hungry vampire!Buck and Eddie get stuck in a lift … things occur
100 word fics added a short fic to this little collection i actually love doing these. It’s a great challenge
Only one answer 590 couldn’t remember.. had a look and went oh yeah that was cute. Proposal fic in under 600 words
In my defence I was left unsupervised 1.3k Buck gets bored with sissors Eddie likes the results … who could resist buzz but Buck… not Eddie it seems
The Lost and The Found wip 5/10 48k this was not meant to be this long but guess what.. got carried away and plot is plotting and demands around 100,000 at least in the end I suspect. 5 chapters out number 6and 7 before Christmas this counts as 2023 doesn’t it? Come join me for the ride
@daffi-990 @shortsighted-owl @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @loserdiaz @the-likesofus @stagefoureddiediaz @yelenasbuddie @hoodie-buck @buddierights @bekkachaos @thekristen999 @ronordmann @caroandcats @spaceprincessem @disasterbuckdiaz @heartshapedvows @underwater-ninja-13 @wildlife4life @wikiangela @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @giddyupbuck @housewifebuck @honestlydarkprincess @pirrusstuff @elvensorceress @jesuisici33 @eddiebabygirldiaz @jamespearce9-1-1 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @wh0re-behavi0r @princessfbi @jacksadventuresinwriting @ci5mates @katries @megsvstheworld @like-the-rest-of-la
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hoseokspudding · 1 year
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  ˖ ৎ୭ ॱ ₊ . * Starburst
𓂂 ࿐ ۫ ִ ⸼ Synopsis: You, as the girlfriend of Korea's top actor, began to suspect him of cheating when you discovered a text from a mysterious woman and that he's coming home late and not paying attention to you.
Characters: Zen from Mystic Messenger
Parrings: Zen x Jealous blackfem reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort Nsfw
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Afab reader, unprotected sex, cussing, angst, nipple play, cream pie, pet names, make up sex, soft, tummy bulge, gentle, jealousy, suspecting of cheating, mentions of slight racism
。゚♡ ˖ ࣪ ୧ 。: Author's notes:
Eek! Hello everyone this is my first fic here on Tumblr and my first NSFW fic I ever wrote ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ. I hope that I did a great job and met everyone's expectations. I really want to thank @dejwrites for inspiring me to come back to writing and giving me tips as well. I want to thank @hachikosworld for giving me advice as well.
It been a long time coming but I just want to thank all my moots and new friends for being so patient with me. This community is so friendly and I'm excited to continue writing and creating new friends along the way. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it. I really tried my best and I hope it shows (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Also feel free to message me and inbox me. I really want to make friends and share headcanons and all my silly ideas with everyone in the community.
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"You know what? I'm done!"
You stormed out of your and your boyfriend's apartment after arguing with him about how he is always late from work and barely spends time with you. Not to mention that you discovered a suspicious text from a woman on his phone while sitting on the couch earlier that day, leading you to suspect him of cheating.
It wasn't always like this at first. When you two first met it was the summer of your first semester, studying abroad in Korea where you met the now infamous Zen. You bumped into him while grabbing some coffee from the local convenience store and while holding the cup in your hand, you accidentally bumped your coffee against the male spilling it all over the long haired male. Things began to blossom for the both of you and as a compromise he asked you for your phone number, and then eventually a date.
Hyun was a very unknown actor when you two first started dating, and you stood by him, supporting him anytime he had any qualms about making it into the business or, more specifically, about getting any roles. Fortunately, things would turn around when he finally earned a leading role in a drama. You were really delighted and encouraging of him. However, because of his breakthrough performance, he became overloaded with work and kept busy, which meant that you and him were able to spend less and less time together.
It was difficult to see Hyun surrounded by beautiful women all day, every day. You went insane at the thought of them touching or even talking to him; you craved his touch to be yours alone. People knew Hyun as Zen, his stage name, and as prince charming, but the public would never know about the Zen you knew; the one who would die for you, the same one who would have you pinned up against the door, kissing you all over.
Zen's heart broke into a million pieces; he couldn't believe the girl he adored would suspect him of cheating on her. He was aware that the acting life could be demanding, with him required to make television appearances, award shows, and weekly appearances on an idol show. "(Y/n) dear," he said, looking down at you with his crimson red eyes, "I know I've been extremely busy with life, but I genuinely care about you dear. I know the press can be very intrusive, and it's difficult to keep us a secret–" you snapped again, "that's the thing, Hyun!" You addressed him by his given name rather than his stage name. "I'm sick of it."
"I'm sick of hiding, and it doesn't even feel like we're dating. We can't go out without you wearing some shitty outfit to disguise yourself or coming home late and immediately going to bed because you've been so busy. I'd like to know how my boyfriend is doing whenever he comes home." You were visibly upset with Zen to the point where tears started streaming down your cheeks. You were tired of his empty promises that he would make it up to you whenever he was too busy with work. Even though Zen would lavish you with designer purses, flowers, and even fund your shopping sprees, you still wanted your boyfriend to be there, right?
Your heart ached for him, especially at night when you wanted to cuddle and be held by him all night.
You were tired of not seeing him in the morning while he'd disappear all day without texting you for days. You yearned for the time before he became famous and it was just the two of you; yes, you were poorer back then, but you made it work.
Zen felt terrible for the way he had been treating his partner and for letting you go through this. He believed that by hiding your relationship from the public, he was shielding you from any negative attention he would face for dating in the godforsaken industry. Out of all the professions he could've went into he had to be an actor? He was also aware that he would face prejudice for dating a black woman, and he didn't want you to encounter any racism from his supporters, neighbors, or online users.
Zen was doing his best to decipher the situation as you were outside your shared home and he didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to himself, but he was concerned about you and your feelings.
He began to speak with his smooth, buttery voice. "You may not want to hear this, but I apologize. I didn't think about your feelings at all. You must have been lonely all day while I was at work. I know it's a lame excuse, but I'm genuinely tired when I get home from the set," he began.
You stood there in silence, listening to his explanation for why he was always canceling your plans and spending less time with you. You faced him with your hands on your hips. You also hoped he explained about that girl.
"This new project has been mentally and physically draining, but that doesn't give me the right to abandon you like that. You know how much I adore and care for you, and I would hate for this to tear us apart." He looked at you sympathetically and slowly approached you, grabbing your hands. He stared at your eyes, making sure you knew how sincere he was.
"The girl in my phone is actually a screenwriter trying to pitch a show to Netflix and asked if I wanted to be a part of the plot. I met her on the show I'm known for." You blushed in embarrassment, feeling childish for jumping to conclusions and not trusting your boyfriend.
You puffed up your cheeks, refusing to admit you were mistaken. Zen simply smiled reassuringly. "I don't blame you, princess; I'm surrounded by women all day, and it must be exhausting to think about it. I would have been jealous if you were constantly surrounded by men. I don't give a rat's ass about them because you're the only girl I have my heart set on. To me, you're the most beautiful girl in the entire fucking world. Princess, I love seeing you smile."
"It's simply that I want the rest of the world to know that I exist and that you are mine. I despise seeing you on television with these bitches when it should be me and you "You began to cry out of frustration, but you felt relieved knowing that he listened to you and understood how hurt you were.
Zen slowly embraced you in a hug, allowing you to cry out for him. In all honesty, he didn't know what to say. He wanted the world to know you existed as well and that you guys will be able to spend time with him in public free to do whatever you wanted, but he was well aware of the risks involved. However, he needs to think of something quick before he loses you.
"Please smile for me princess, I really enjoy seeing you smile," he said as he wiped your tears from your now puffy cheeks with his thumbs. "I'll figure it out, okay?"
"Please allow me to make it up to you." He took your hand in his and began walking back inside the house. You were well aware of what that meant for the two of you. You couldn't help but be moved by what Hyun said; he wasn't the type to make empty promises, so when he said he'd figure it out, he meant it. Not to mention how much you missed him and craved his attention and love.
He picked you up and carried you to your guy's bedroom, where the two of you would occasionally make love when Zen wasn't too busy. You held him tightly and let out another smile. He carefully placed you on the bed, taking care not to injure you. He then sat next to you, admiring your beauty.
"Everything will be fine," Zen assures you as he kisses your neck and holds your soft, moisturized, delicate hands. He worked his way around your neck, sucking and pulling at the napes of your brown skin.
He began to roam your body with his free hand, groping your breasts through the shirt you were wearing, feeling your bra holding your breast for dear life. He was so passionate with the way he touched you that you moaned softly. You'd think that with his stature, he'd be harsh, but instead he touches you with loving and passionate hands. He yanked on your shirt and started removing it, then slowly removed your bra, exposing your breast, which perked nicely for him. He started sucking on your tits.
He began by swirling his tongue against the buds of your nipples, then sucking and gently messaging the other breast with his free hand. You moaned again, his veiny and massive hands feeling amazing as he continued to fondle your breast.
After leaving hickeys on your massive tits, he made his way to your neck. He made his way to your lips, leaving a trail of love marks on your neck. As he hungrily kissed you, he couldn't deny how much he missed those plumped lips of yours and how those plumped lips of yours would be stained with gloss that would later end up at the base of his cock.
Zen couldn't help but become greedy; it was as if Zen hadn't drunk water in years and had finally gotten a chance to. He took a step back to examine you, which you were already a mess due to the constant attack on your neck. Your core couldn't help but become saturated with your juices, which oozed like honey from your cunt.
"Awe, I've been far away from my bunny for too long that she hasn't been taking care of," he smirked, before slowly removing his clothes as well. It was impossible not to notice the tint rising from his pants. Zen gently slapped your hand as you reached out to him "No, it's my turn to please you. You waited far too long" He then removed his boxers, revealing his cock, which was surrounded by a bush of white hair. He then untied his ponytail and let his long white hair fall down.
Zen slowly removed your short skirt, and seeing the dampness forming on your panties turned him on even more. He started rubbing the fabric of your panties, causing you to throw your head back and moan. He smiled and kept pressing his digits against you, enjoying how your panties got wetter and wetter with each press. He then pushed your lacy white panties to the side and slid a finger inside you, preparing you for his member. "How long has it been since I've last played in your pussy, eh? It's so lovely and juicy, and it's only for me."
You couldn't help but curl your toes and moan as he reached places you'd never be able to reach with your hands. Zen craved more of your moans because they were so addicting. "Please H-Hyun...I want more," you begged him. "Whatever my princess wants, she gets." Oh, how you missed Hyun, not Zen, the guy you fell in love with, the guy who was so in love with you that he was pussy whipped by everything you did.
He grew tired of using his fingers after a while. Zen got on his knees, gripped your thighs, and began licking your wet region, making slurping sounds as he hungrily sucked your clit as he craved to taste your juices and hear your voice desperately call out to him. You whimpered and whined for him as his tongue maneuvered every inch of you, exploring every crease. You couldn't stop yourself from grabbing his long silky white hair and calling out for him. "Z-zenny soo good," your voice would trail off as you moaned his name. You threw your head back and moaned once more.
Fuck. He was in desperate need of you. He craved you more than his cigarettes, and he desperately wanted to be inside of you, reclaiming you, reminding you that he still loves and cares for you. He wanted you to scream his name into the sky and let everyone know that you belong to him, even if he's busy with work.
He stepped away from you and licked his lips; he began catching his breath, allowing you to do the same. After a few seconds, he began to position himself near you, bending down to kiss your neck as he slowly began to slide himself into you. You began to grunt, remembering how good his cock felt inside of you. You yelped and bucked your hips slightly, feeling the pleasure return to you.
He gave you a moment to adjust yourself, knowing you hadn't done anything in a long time. "I'm ready now," you said, giving him permission to begin. Hyun then began to pump inside of you, drilling the inside of you with each pump. He drew you in closer and continued to plow your insides, his hips digging into yours. You immediately grabbed his arms and cried out to him, desperate. God, you missed it, the way he would passionately fuck your brains out.
Your brows knitted up as he began to burry his cock inside of you. With each stroke he made, the sheets of the mattress began to bundle up as you held on for dear life. Giving you deep and slow strokes at first so you could feel how much he loves you. Hyun quickly abandoned that, however, as he became desperate for you.
Hearing you moan and groan his name was so addicting. Your body wasn't helping him either, as your pussy started making gushy sounds due to how wet it was. He was feeling so good that he couldn't help but make elegant sounds himself. As he continued to probe your insides, his face turned bright red.
He knelt down and kissed your lips, sucking the bottom of your lips and letting out a couple of moans that sent vibrations against you.
You started touching his nice chiseled body all over, running your soft hands all around his chest, feeling each peck. You had always admired his gym physique. He was always going to the gym in his spare time and when he wasn't spending time with you. You smiled through the entire kiss, enjoying how he still kisses you so beautifully as he drilled into your wet sticky core.
He pushed your legs against your head without warning. You looked at him, completely dazed by the fact that he was now fucking you deeper than before, reaching into places and repeatedly hitting your g-spot. You yelped as a rush of pleasure washed over you. You dug your manicured nails into his skin, "Hyun! P-please," you said as his pumps increased in speed.
His cock was so deep inside you that you could see it poking around in your stomach. His manhood was constantly striking your cervix, intensifying your pleas for him.
Zen grinned as he looked down at you, seeing how messed up you were beneath him. "Did my baby miss getting fucked like this?" he asked. You blushed and shook your head yes.
More and more pleasant sounds escaped your pretty lips as Zen continued to pump his girth into you. As you approached your climax, your stomach began to twist and turn into knots. "F-fuck" was all you could say at this point. "I'm going to c-cum," you moaned. Zen's voice twitched as he neared his climax. He grunted and moaned a few times. "I-I'm close behind you," his breath became shaky as he desperately wanted to fill your void with his cum.
You let out a yell as you came, and Zen, after a few pumps, had also reached his climax as well. He drew away from you and began catching his breath; he was drenched in sweat that trickled down his body. You were soaked in sweat, and your make-up was practically ruined by dried tears on your cheeks and smeared mascara.
"Want another round, eh?" He stated this while looking down at you. Zen pushed his hair back away from his face, allowing you to really take in his beauty. You couldn't help but fall in love with him all over again. You laughed softly and drew yourself onto him, anticipating what the night would bring the two of you.
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Thanks for reading! Reblogs Likes, Shares and comments are greatly appreciated ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
Tags: @zhenzhenist @dejwrites @hachikosworld @iin0va @sailewhoremoon
© Hoseokspudding 2023 all rights reserved. my work is not to be stolen, translated, reposted or copied.
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magicalink · 2 years
Catboys in the house!
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Definitely not me brainrotting all day long about living in modern Inazuma AU with my top husbandos as cat boys who one by one joined the household...
...ok maybe a bit. Been thinking about this all day so now that I'm finally out of uni ima sit down and write it and maybe post it.
Contains: f!reader x catboy Venti, modern AU, romance, fluff, all in all plot and the smut comes after the NSFW banner, use of alcohol but it's not drunk sex, I swear Venti has a normal dick in this story
Shoutout to @stygianoir who supported me through the whole process of writing this!
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Venti was the first cat boy you met in your life. But in the beginning, you had no idea that he was one!
You met him in his human form and had a crush on him. He was a mysterious guy, you didn't know what he did for a living or where he lived. You always tried to get to know him more but he always giggled and skillfully evaded your questions.
One day you invited him to your house for dinner and when you were sitting at the table he told you he wanted to ask you a question. You got your hopes up thinking maybe he was gonna ask you to be his girlfriend but he asked something weird instead.
He asked you if you would ever adopt a cat.
You were weirded out by such an out-of-context question but you answered anyway. He didn't like the answer though.
You said you didn't want to have any pets.
"You don't like catsss??" he pouted with his teary puppy eyes.
You started stammering, captivated by his charms, and clarified. You did like cats and other pets but you didn't like the part of taking care of them, so that was why if he was about to offer you a cat in adoption you would have to say no.
"I see, I see" he said, scratching his chin, replacing his pout with a mischievous grin. What was he scheming? You didn't know. The dinner ended shortly after and he left your home kissing you only on the cheek. You were disappointed, and hella thirsty for him.
After that, he disappeared for a long time. Wasn't out of character of him, though. He had always been hard to find, so you didn't give much thought to it. You only had to wait until he decided to drop by your neighborhood or your usual hanging out spots like he always did. So you focused on your work.
That week, like Venti was some sort of wizard who predicted the future, a stray cat appeared in your neighborhood. At first, you thought he left it there, but you had no evidence to prove it.
You felt bad for it so you left a little bowl of water outside your door for it.
"But I'm not gonna give you food, ok? You have to find a home and leave!" you told the kitty. Damn, now you were talking to animals like your mom used to do when you were little. You couldn't help it, you like animals too much, especially cats. But you won't budge! Cats need special food and a litter box and toys, and that costs a lot of money! And the tiny house you could afford didn't have much space. The backyard was way too small for pets too.
"Don't you understaaaand?" you cried one day when the cat marked you by rubbing his head against your feet, just like he did every day when you got home from work "I can't adopt you!" you said, more desperate to convince yourself than the kitty while you tried to dodge him to get to open the door.
"Nya!" the kitty exclaimed, rolling onto his back to show you his tummy. So cute!
He was a black and white kitty with green eyes.
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You couldn't help but crouch to caress his soft stomach. It was so fluffy!
But it was a trap!
He took advantage of your position to jump and slip into your house!
"YOU'RE SUCH A RASCAL!!" you screamed, stepping up to storm inside your invaded territory, looking for him. He was already laying on the couch like he was the king of the house!
You towered in front of him with a somber face, arms crossed over your chest.
"What do you think you're doing, little flea bag?" you scolded.
"Nya?" he tried to convince you by doing cutie things and showing you his tummy again. But soon he was kicking his little paws when you lifted him in the air, holding him with your hands under his front paws.
"You're just like a friend I have..." you said under your breath "Out you go!" you added, leaving him out and making sure he wouldn't slip between your legs back in "And don't pull any more tricks on me or I won't give you more water!" and you closed the door.
But he never left. Every time you thought he had finally left the neighborhood, he appeared back at your doorstep, especially when you got back from work. He greeted you with nyas and rubbed his head against your feet.
One week you were particularly down because you hadn't seen Venti in a long while. He had never disappeared for so long before! You missed him. And the kitty was so mischievous that it reminded you of him. So you got out to play with him and caress him. Before you knew it, you were pouring milk instead of water into his bowl.
And he adored it! He drank lots and lots of milk!
"Hey, easy, boy, milk's not good for adult cats, you can't drink that much!" you said patting his head "I'm not gonna give you any more for a while"
He protested in his cat language and tried to get more by rubbing his head against your legs more.
"Damn you really do remind me of him..." you sighed, giggling, and crouched to pet him.
Again he took advantage of this to knock the milk carton off your hand with his head to keep drinking.
"VENTI!" you scolded without thinking.
The cat froze instantly, the fur of his whole body standing and his ears pressed to his head. He arched his back, scared.
"Sorry kitty" you said, covering your mouth and lowering your voice "You misbehave a lot, but I didn't mean to yell you" you gently patted his head. He hesitated for a minute but let you pet him.
But suddenly you picked up the carton of milk and walked back to your doorstep, without even saying goodbye, abandoning him outside.
"Dang I can't believe I just called a cat by his name...I'm beyond fucked" you cursed under your breath, closing the door and laying on it to try and compose yourself. You had thought you just had a crush on Venti, not that you were head over heels for him! This was bad.
You couldn't see it because you were inside, but the cat rolled onto his back happily a couple of times before disappearing from your neighborhood.
You decided to go to sleep early because of how battered you felt. Falling for Venti was bad. He was a mysterious and erratic man, always disappearing and never telling where he was. Like a stray cat! You thought that if he had liked you back, he would have taken one of the million hints you had thrown at him.
You sighed, thinking back it really looked like you were throwing yourself at him. At this point, you were probably embarrassing yourself, especially that night when you invited him for dinner and he left with a kiss on the cheek. You hoped he didn't realize the disappointment in your eyes.
You thought it was time to forget about him and move on. It was very difficult because you were constantly thinking about him, even at work! But you decided to do your best, and so you told your friend kitty one day when he appeared by your kitchen window, meowing for milk.
You opened the window and let him in, pouring some milk into a bowl and placing it on the counter for him to drink. He drank and was soon purring and letting you pet his head and stomach. He noticed you were a little down and tried to cheer you up by rubbing his nose against your arm.
"You know, little friend..." you sighed "The reason why I'm sad is that I have another friend. I mean, a human friend. I haven't seen him in a while...I miss him..." you added sadly, his fuzzy head giving you a bit of comfort "I wanted to be more than friends with him, but he doesn't like me back. So I've decided to forget bout him for good!" you exclaimed suddenly.
The kitty choked on his milk and started to shake his tail desperately from side to side.
"What happened, buddy? Got a furball on your throat?" you said worriedly. You kept caressing him to try and make him feel better, but he kept meowing furiously.
"Great, now I'm talking to a cat 24/7" you thought "I must have finally become completely crazy" you sighed again.
That day it was impossible to get the kitty out of your house. You tried lifting him up, but he hissed and gave you a little scratch. So you gave up and let him stay for the night.
"It'll be only for today because I don't know what's gotten into you, so don't get your hopes up!" you assured. He purred happily as if he understood your words and pounced directly to your bedroom "Ohhh don't even think about it!" you said, closing the door in front of his nose "Sleep on the couch, and there will be consequences if you lay a single scratch on it!" he hissed on the other side but you didn't open the door.
The next morning, he was nowhere to be seen.
"Hmph" you said under your breath "I should have totally named him Venti. They are completely alike"
You made yourself breakfast and then left for work.
You were determined to continue with your life but that very same week the real Venti decided to reappear. He "coincidentally" bumped into you when you were getting out from work. Like always.
He looked at you with a smile wide from ear to ear. You tried to not pay much attention to him.
"Venti. Sup? Long time no see" you murmured, avoiding eye contact and pretending you weren't happy to see him, trying to ignore the pathetic thumping of your heart.
"It really has been a long time, Y/N!" He exclaimed still smiling, walking around you to meet your gaze "I've been sooo busy lately I couldn't drop by! It was sooo boring not being able to talk with you!" He insisted with a giggle.
You looked up at him hesitantly.
"Hum, really?" You murmured, not trusting him one bit.
"Yeah! I relized I was so dumb I didn't even ask you your phone number!" He said while pulling out his phone.
You stared at him half-heartedly, with wide eyes. You really hoped you weren't flushing. Your friends had warned you multiple times about this type of men! Disappearing just to make you desperate for them and then "casually" dropping by to ensure you don't forget about them and keep you hooked! You mustn't give in so easily, you had to resist!
"Oh...I...didn't realize" you were able to lie. A layer of sheer sweat formed on your forehead. It required all the strength in your body to keep your hands from pulling out your phone. You weren't gonna give him your number! No way!
"Really? That wounds me" he said with his usual cheeky smile "But here's mine" he said, putting the screen of his phone right in front of your face to make sure you saw it.
Well, that changed the game a bit. If he was willing to give you his you thought it wasn't that bad if...you slowly pulled your phone out of your pocket and he interrupted your train of thought by snatching it from your hand, quick as a cat. Sadly, you had already unlocked it.
"Venti!!" You protested, trying to get it back in vain.
"Wait, it'll just take a minute!" He giggled, keeping the phone out from your reach "Ready! I added myself!" He said upon returning it to you "Now send me something, so I can accept you!"
You let out a deep sigh. He was such a rascal!
"Hi" you typed to send him. Then you looked at how he added himself: Venti♡ with a little heart at the side. You knew by the warmth that you flushed violently up to your ears.
"There it is!" He exclaimed with another big smile "I added you too!" And he sent you a big "Hellooo" that instantly appeared on your screen.
How did he added you?? What name did he put in his contact list?? You were so desperate to know that you tried to take a good look at his screen but he was swift to evade you. Damn that was so suspicious!! You were afraid that he was just playing with you, so you did your best not to let your hopes get high, to pretend you didn't care about him!
"It was nice to see you, Venti" you said with a poorly drawn smile "I'll be heading home"
"So soon?" He pouted "We haven't seen each other in a while...so I thought we could hang out...I mean, it's Friday..."
You were already walking away.
"It's Friday and I've been working a lot the whole week, I'm really tired" you sentenced.
He realized the situation was extreme so he had to go all out. So he gulped down and dropped the secret weapon:
"Oh, c'me on. I wanted to take you out on a daaate, I promise it'll be a quiet place so you can recharge your energies...pretty please?" He said with puppy dog eyes.
Your breath hitched. Did he just say...
You did your best to calm your breathing and hide that you were beyond excited. You looked at him with squinted eyes. Where was the trap this time??
"C'me on, Y/N..." he said with an apologetic smile, picking up your hand and lifting it up to his lips "I promise it'll be short. Then I'll escort you to your home" and gently grasped your skin with his silky lips.
Your eyes got wide open and he thought they looked beautiful because of how bright they lit. You blinked a couple of times silently, in disbelief. That subtle touch had made your whole body melt and a wave of electricity get up your spine. You tried your best to hide it, pressing your toes strongly to contain the emotion.
"Well...I guess...We could hang out for a little while..." you murmured, looking away, your mouth dry from the nervousness.
"Yay!" He celebrated, pulling from your sweaty hand to take you downstreet with him.
He dragged you for several blocks until reaching the big Narukami Park. There he lowered his pace and placed his hand on your back.
"The scenery here is beautiful and relaxing, see?" He insisted with a wide shining smile "We can rest here for a while"
"Okay..." you murmured shyly "I guess we can stay for a bit..."
The truth was that the park was indeed a relaxing location. The trees were in full blossom and there weren't many people around that day.
"We can sit on a bench and watch the sunset" he suggested, lifting his index finger "Look, there's a food stand over there! Do you want anything?"
"No, Venti, it's fine. I'm fine, let's go sit over there" you replied, holding your elbow with your opposite hand. You were still nervous and your rather uninterested attitude was making him really worried. Maybe it was too late! Maybe he had already lost you for good!
"C'me on, c'me on, Y/N" he insisted, pushing you towards the food stand. You didn't realize, but his smile looked rather frail "I'm getting a milkshake! You choose whatever you want, since I was the one who got away I'll invite you, choose anything you want!"
You gulped when you where right in front of the counter, intimidated. Venti was already ordering the most silky sweet, creamiest milkshake in the existence when you sighed and pulled out your wallet.
"T's okay, I'll get an icecream cone, but don't bother paying, it's embarrassing" you said, hoping your cheeks weren't too flushed.
"That's no good, Y/N, no fair, I wanna do it, really!" He pouted.
"You-don't-have-to!" You pouted back, extending some money to the vendor. Venti pulled your hand down.
"But-I-want-to!" He protested, inflating his cheeks.
"It's embarrassinggg!" You complained.
"Just this time!" He exclaimed, giving the money to the vendor who didn't bat an eye because he was extremely used to taking the cringy shit of the couples at the park "For me?" He said with the puppy eyes when putting the cone in front of your nose.
You sighed with resignation, finally accepting it.
Then he pulled from your arm to make you sit with him in one of the beautiful black iron benches under the purple trees.
You relaxed upon sitting, finally paying attention the the breathtaking scenery. At least for a minute, your senses took over your mind.
The lilac leaves were swayed by the breeze and silky petals fell from the treetops. The sweet smell of the ice cream mixed with the one of the flowers. The birds were chirping sleepy sounds for calling each other to their nests to sleep. You let out all the air you where holding in your lungs while Venti was embarrassing you.
You were in complete serenity until the obnoxious sound of him slurping his milkshake shattered the peace to pieces.
You huffed through your nose.
"It wasn't necessary" you repeated, looking at the cone rather embarrasedly.
"Humm, stop mentioning it!" He complained with his mouth stuffed. The saccharine smell of whatever he was swallowing was disgusting.
"What do you do for a living?" You asked out of the blue, still lost in thought.
Venti choked on his smoothie and had to punch himself in the chest several times to avoid dying.
"Sorry!" You exclaimed, retrieving your gaze from the sky to look at him and help him, patting his back.
His eyes were disorbited and your cheeks turned a bright red when you realized what you just had said.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that was very rude!" You started apologizing frantically "I d-didn't mean...I just didn't want you to waste money on me!" You tried to explain.
Venti did his best to compose himself, fixing his clothes, and then let out a little chuckle.
"Nothing it's a waste if it's for someone like you" he said with a charming smile. You rolled your eyes and averted your gaze as if you weren't flushing like a tomato and your heart wasn't thumping.
"I'm a musician" he added to break the sudden tension.
"Oh" was the only thing you could utter "I...see"
"Want me to play you a tune?" He asked, putting the milkshake asside to rummage in his satchel.
"Sure" you answered, leaning towards him with interest, starting to relax again.
He pulled out a mandolin and started playing.
You didn't know which song it was. But for you, it was the most beautiful you had ever heard.
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The moment was perfect. The flowers, the trees, the wind, the delicate melody his graceful hands were pulling from the strings, his sweet voice dancing through your ears. His silky soft braids swaying with the breeze.
You looked at him spellbound, immobile until he broke the music with an even more delightful sound: his laughter.
"Y/N" he murmured sweetly "Are you going to eat the ice cream or not?" He asked giggling, making you realize how bad it was melting, about to drop on your clothes.
You hurried to lick it all over to prevent it from staining you, embarrassed while he laughed at you.
"I did-didn't relize!" You stuttered, looking up back at him when you thought you were safe.
But you weren't.
Because he lifted up a naughty finger to daintly wipe some ice cream off the corner of your lips.
You gasped, shooting a surprised gaze at him.
He locked eyes with you, but his were serene, framed by his rosy cheeks that were raised in a warm smile.
"Venti!!" Was all you could say to scold him, giving him your back to hide your flushing.
"Ehe!" He chuckled.
The conversation kinda died down after that, but he sat closer to you and you didn't flinch. You enjoyed each other's company in silence.
You watched the sunset together.
When the sun was finally down, he said it was rather chilly and he didn't want you to catch a cold, so he said he would take you to your house.
On the walk home, you pondered heavily in what to do. You were head over heels for him, it was impossible to deny. And today he was making clear advances towards you. But should you trust him?
He had never been like this before. He seemed to be blind to all your signals in the past. You had thought he wasn't interested in you. Plus, he was the kind of guy to just dissappear and reappear out of nowhere constantly. What if he was just playing with your feelings? What if he just left you right after you opened your heart to him? That would be so hard to endure!
You grapled the hem of your jacket with your fist.
You didn't want to waste this opportunity either. What if he was sincere? What if there was a chance, no matter how small and futile, of you being with him?
That made your heart throb harder than any rollercoaster could.
You really did want to give him a chance.
So you decided to stop acting so distant and take the risk.
"Soo, we're finally here!" Venti exclaimed upon arriving to your doorstep "As promised" he said with a wide smile.
He hoped for you to return it, but he found a sad expression on your face. That got him worried.
"I don't want it to end" you murmured shyly, way too low for him to hear.
"Sorry, what did you say? Y/N? Can you repeat?" He pleaded, starting to get scared. Did he do something to upset you??
You swallowed heavily, thanking he didn't hear you sounding like a little child who had to leave the amusement park. You cleared your throat.
"How about you stay for dinner?" You said, trying your best to sound like a mature adult who had her shit together.
Venti's eyes lit up like a birthday cake candle and in an instant all of his fear was replaced with mischief.
"I thought you said you were tired..." he teased with a cheeky smile.
You huffed. Yeah he didn't deserve the chance!
"You're right, I should go to sleep" you grunted, sticking your keys in the keyhole to try an open the door.
"Kidding, kidding, I was kidding!" He begged between laughs and cries "I was just worried for you, didn't want you to make effort cooking for me!" He said pouting, joining his hands in a little plea.
"Hmmm" you squinted your eyes at him. He gave you the puppy eyes like always. You sighed "We could buy something at the convenience store a few blocks from here" you sentenced, pointing with your thumb in its direction.
"Great idea!" He cheered, grabbing your hand to drag you there with him. You loved when he did that. His hands were so warm and soft.
So to the convenience store you went, bringing back a bunch of onigiris for dinner. You learned that Venti really liked fish, especially tuna, which was the filling of the majority of the onigiris he chose for himself. Also he liked alcohol, and offered to pay for it if you let him choose his favorite beer for you to taste it.
"Make yourself comfortable" you said upon entering your house, taking your shoes off "The kitchen is over the.." you started saying, but Venti was already setting the table.
"What? I've been here before. You invited me for dinner before" he said too nervously to be in character.
"I know" you said, staring at him blankly. What had gotten into him? Who knew? "Oh" this time you interrupted yourself, going back to the door "I almost forget"
You grabbed the kitty's bowl from your porche and took it to the kitchen counter to fill it with water.
"Whatya doing?" Venti asked, munching on a tasty smelling tuna onigiri.
"Oh, I didn't have the chance to tell you" you said, retrieving the now full bowl to the porche "There's a stray cat in the neighborhood. Im leaving him water till he finds a new home"
"I see" he smiled, looking at you with his face rested on his knuckles "What is he like?"
"T's a cat" you shrugged, piercing him with your words as you walked to the table "I don't know, he kinda reminds me of you. Too bad he's not here for you to see him. I'll try calling him, maybe he'll come and you'll meet him" you said, pulling the milk carton from out of the fridge.
"D-don't worry, it's not necessary, ehe!" He exclaimed rather...nervously? Seriously what's up with him? So cheeky all day and now he's stammering?
"I thought maybe you could adopt him" you said, tapping the window ledge with the carton in hopes of calling the cat's attention.
"Why don't you adopt him, Y/N?" He asked.
"I told you, it's a lot of work and I'm not home enough time for a pet, I work a lot"
"What if it was a cat that didn't need much caring?" He pouted. You raised an eyebrow looking in his direction.
"Kitty!! Are you here tonight? I'll give you milk, c'mere, I know you love it!" You said through the open window "He's not coming, how strange"
"Don't worry, Y/N, he most probably is having fun around the neighborhood" Venti said, pulling from your arm to make you sit by the table "Come here eat, these onigiris are scrumptious!" He exclaimed, shoving one into your mouth.
"You're the one who is scrumptious, you and your delicious hands" you thought but obviously didn't say, while chewing.
You quickly forgot about the cat and started the dinner part of the date.
You ended up liking the beer Venti picked, so both the drink and the food was delicious. Not to mention the company.
And the conversation!
Dang you simply had too much fun with Venti. You could hear him talk for hours, no matter what senseless shit he was saying. It was something about the half animal hybrids the goverment was so annoying about on TV. You were nodding the whole time. Maybe you weren't paying complete attention to his words because you were staring at his lips... But eho could blame you? He was too charming! You wanted to hear him forever.
You took a look at the clock in the wall and realized it was really late. But you didn't want him to go! Too bad for you, he followed your gaze and saw the time.
"Ooh, look at the time Y/N" he exclaimed "I'm sorry for entertaining you, you must be very tired..." he added, grabbing his hat and standing up to head towards the door.
You followed him with a sad face, look set on the floor. You had a sea of doubts, but nonetheless you dared to tug his sleeve.
He froze in place. Was it really happening?
"Stay..." you whispered shyly, a soft blush on your cheeks.
Dang it was happening! Venti turned to you with a happy birthday smile.
"Can I??" He asked excitedly, his eyes shining like stars.
"J-just...just for tonight" you said embarrasedly "It's late...and it's cold" was your poor excuse.
"You're so caring Y/N" he said, placing his hands on your shoulders, raising your body temperature pleasantly.
You looked up at him with a shy but fond smile that he corresponded. He tightened his embrace around you and tugged a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Thank you" he said softly. You were fidgeting with your toes, lost in his eyes. Your face slowly started leaning towards his.
Then he decided it was time to seal the pact.
So with his heart beating intensely, he leaned down to kiss you.
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And it was heaven to you. After so many months of agonizing wait! His lips were the softest, freshest thing you tasted. The man didn't know he had just broken a dam, but he began to understand when you started a full make out session.
That made him even more excited! He kissed back with passion.
And it was so wonderful! You thought your feet were floating in the air...No, wait, they were actually floating in the air! He had lifted you up!
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And he was taking you...where was he taking you??
"Venti..." you gasped the little second your lips got separated "Where are we...?" You asked shyly but he slienced you with another kiss.
Then he stepped into the living room to lay you on the couch and hover over you while showering you with hungry kisses.
The tone of the kisses rose rapidly just like your body temperature. You panted in between his bites. You tried your best to enjoy the sight in front of you and save it in your memory–he looked gorgeous towering over your body like that, taking the lead as his sweaty locks covered his shiny eyes and his braids tickled your chest– but you were so embarrassed that you couldn't help but to avert your gaze from his and close your eyes from time to time, a bit overwhelmed.
"Y/N..." he whispered with a serious face, panting as he grabbed your chin to make you look at him.
You complied but as soon as you locked eyes your cheeks were painted red. You slowly raised your hands to tug his shirt, your lower lip quivering.
His curled in a naughty smile, taking a hand to were yours gripped his clothes. He started to unbutton the shirt slowly.
Dang that wasn't your intention. But you didn't complain. Little by little, the image of his soft and light chest unveiled in front of your eyes.
You let go of the hem of the shirt to shyly slip your fingers under it, caressing his warm and terse skin.
He loved how your eyes lit up when you did it.
He let out a chuckle and you chickened embarrasedly, but he again shut you up with a passionate kiss.
You hugged him tight against your face, one hand reaching his back under the shirt and the other tangled in his silky black hair. You started to love touching it. Caressing it, combing it with your fingers, just running them through it, sniffing its soft scent of flowers. It sent you in a dazzle.
"Venti..." you murmured against his ear.
He took his kisses down you jaw until reaching your neck, leaving small pecks until starting to nibble on it. You let out a little ashamed moan and that only fanned the fire further.
He let all his weight deliciously on you, his kisses starting to include naughty teeth.
Then you started to feel a bulge in his pants grazing your legs.
Your heartbeat raced and you felt a little wet downstairs.
You pulled from Venti to be able to kiss his face. His cheeks were warm and soft. They weren't as flushed as yours though. But they looked round like apples from how much he was smiling.
In between kisses, he humped a bit into you, and when he realized your legs spread by themselves when pressing his bulge against your jeans he rose his head to look down at you.
Both your gazes shone with expectation.
He saw the yes in your eyes and his lit up like stars, hurrying his hands to pull your pants off.
He had ome arm out of his shirt and was ready to snatch your sweater off your body when you struggled to say:
"Venti wait...!"
"Is something wrong?" He asked, scared by your sudden stop.
An awkward silence followed.
Your eyes shot in different directions and you fidgeted with your hands.
"You know..." you murmured.
He stared at you with a nervous smile. He didn't know.
You sighed with resignation and escaped from under his body, standing besides the couch.
Before he could start panicking because he thought you regretted the whole thing, you grabbed his hand and dragged him to your bedroom. When he realized where this was going he started panting from excitedness.
You opened a drawer in your wardrobe you haven't used in a long while. Your face red as a tomato, you nervously pulled out a condom and threw it in his direction.
He stretched his arms in a desperate try to catch it. He cheered victoriously when he succeded.
"Got it!" He exclaimed, waving it in his hand.
You gave him your back, covering your face with both your hands.
He giggled.
"Y/N? Don't tell me you're gonna shy out on me now. There's no need for you to be embarrased in front of me, y'know?" He whispered as he slowly approached you to place a hand on your shoulders.
You gulped. You really wanted this but couldn't help but to be flustered. He was always so bold and lighthearted!
"Sorry..." you muttered, eyes set on the floor.
"Okay, okay, I understand..." he smiled while kissing your neck delicately "I'll prove it to you. I'll show you all of my secrets so you know you don't have to be shy with me" he said.
You stared at him curiously and watched as he procceeded to throw all of his clothes to the floor withour shame.
"Venti!" You exclaimed, taking both hands to your head in shock. But what a pleasant shock. He was beautiful.
He gently picked up you hand to kiss it courtiously like always, with seductive eyes and a mischievous smile on his lips. Then he sat on your bed to pull from your hand, inciting you to sit with him.
"C'me on Y/N..." he pleaded with the puppy eyes, looking at you with the package of the condom in his mouth, careful not to rip it with his teeth "Pretty please?"
You were practically drooling at this point. You got rid of your sweater and your jeans clumsily and tossed them to the floor, remaining in only your undergarments.
You kneeled on the bed in front of him, observing him nervously.
He wrapped your waist with his arms and started caressing and grabbing everywhere he could.
"You're so needy" you panted a mock, laughing at his recklessness.
"How could I not, when I finally have you like this?" He whispered in your ear, giving you goosebumps.
"I thought you didn't like me..." you lowly said, resting your chin on his shoulder.
"Sorry for making you feel like that" he replied, caressing your head with one hand and your waist with the other "I just...needed to feel sure you really wanted me" he added with a nostalgic smile, his mind filled with memories of you.
"I thought I had humilliated myself throwing myself at you!" You protested, hiding your red face in the crook of his neck.
He giggled.
"Now I know I can trust you my secrets..." he said with a naughty smirk.
"What secrets?" You asket curiously. He had been saying that way too often.
"Oh, you wanna know?" He giggled.
"Of course I want!" You exclaimed.
"Okay then, let's...oh!" his skilled fingers unclasped your bra with a swift movement.
"Venti!" You whined, feeling the cold on your breasts when they sprang free. He emitted a weird pleased sound upon seeing them. Kind of like...a meow? Your gaze was clouded with shyness.
"Cute, so cute!" He exclaimed "Lemme touch and I'll show you everything!" He begged, his mouth wide open. You didn't pay much attention, but his fangs suddenly looked bigger.
"Okay" you said shyly, throwing back your shoulders to open to his touch.
It was weird because you weren't too used to be touched there, but soon you felt it was nice. His hands were soft and warm and started kneading in the fat of your breasts smoothly.
"Beautiful, you are soo beautiful" he chanted, starting to...purr?
He leaned to kiss you and you started making out again, this time you got more loose and the pawing was mutual. You enjoyed thoroughly being finally together, your hearts beating in unison as you explored every single part of each other's bodies.
"You smell so good..." Venti panted as your teeth clashed in a heated kiss. You let out a little moan and started humping against the bulge in his boxers, already as needy as him.
He dedicated you a sparkling smirk and everything that followed was just perfect.
He layed on his back and pulled you on top of him. You had no idea when or how did he put the condom on. Or when your panties had dissappeared. But it didn't matter, all that mattered was to take him whole as finally yours.
You spread your legs around his slender hips wide open and sat on top of his cock, sinking him in without any difficulty.
You let out a little embarrassed moan and he rejoiced. You hung on his shoulders for support as he started moving way faster than you expected. He had so much energy! It was hard to keep up with his pace, but you were so crazy for him that you followed close behind.
You had a crush on him for months. But you never expected him to have such wild lovemaking! It was amazing. The best banging of your life. He had you moaning his name lile never in your life. You enjoyed it so damn much you fell sound asleep upon finishing and slept through the whole night and morning. Good thing it was Saturday, because you didn’t wake up until 12 pm!
When you did, you lazily opened your heavy eyelids, light was seeping through the closed curtains. Your head pounded and your whole body was sore. You slowly sat on your bed and let out a huge yawn. You were a bit confused. Had everything been a dream? You started scanning the room. Impossible. There were clear signs that there had been another person in your room with you.
Then, where was Venti?
You felt a little pain sting in your chest when the thought of him having left crossed your mind.
He couldn’t be so mean, right? He said he really liked you. You walked to the bathroom and to the kitchen in hopes of finding him, but you had no luck. So you returned to your room with a sad and somber look on your face. 
“How could I be so dumb?” you thought, filled with anger. “I should have known better…”
You were about to cry when a loud shriek scared the shit out of you upon throwing yourself on the bed. You had landed on…a cat?!
You couldn’t believe your eyes when your old friend, the black and white cat appeared from under the covers, still lamenting because you had crushed him.
"Archons please, have mercy on my soul” was all you thought, quickly picking up your clothes to get dressed, taking a guilty look at the numerous empty cans of beer on the kitchen table. You were ready to turn yourself in at the police station.
But the kitten started meowing desperately, tugging at your sweater sleeve with his claws.
“Wait! Y/N! It’s me! Remember?” the cat exclaimed after coughing a bit, his feline jaw suddenly turning more human-like.
You stopped in your tracks and took a good look at him, skeptical.
The cat giggled and jumped onto the bed again. Then, in front of your eyes, his body started growing and changing. It wasn't a monstruous process. It looked rather graceful. But it was the weirdest thing you had seen in your life.
He grew arms and legs, his feline jaw turned into a human face and almost all of his fur disappeared. You witnessed him turn into Venti. Into a weird version of Venti you blurrily remembered from last night. All adorable, with black cat ears and a tail, long sharp fangs waving from the corners of his lips.
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"So I wasn’t drunk!” you uttered, not sure if you were less or more confused.
He shook his head energetically.
"But you sure were passionate" he chuckled, rolling onto his back in your direction, his tail curling in the air.
You stayed mute for a couple of seconds.
Then you sat on the bed and rubbed your head with your hand. Venti raised his brows.
"What's the matter?" He asked.
You were confused.
You certainly weren't drunk last night. At least not on alcohol. But you were so drunk in love and infatuation that you hadn't paid any attention to the now obviously important things Venti had told you from the beginning of the night.
Your head was spinning, you kept rubbing your temple. You felt guilty.
"Y/N? Are you ok?" He asked, a bit worried, getting up to sit beside you. He held your hand against his cheek and started licking the top of your head with a half-human, half-cat tongue like it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Venti..." you started, your breath a bit altered "About last night..." you had to admit his licks, although extremely weird, were comforting. But you couldn't enjoy them in this situation.
"We had our first time, remember?" He said playfully, sitting on your lap, still in his humanoid form "It was amazing, all lovey-dovey as I expected! But I didn't know you could be so wild!" He giggled, playing with your hair.
"I know, I know, I just...it's just....This is a bit too much. I mean, when you said you had a secret, I didn't think it was something so important" you stammered.
He looked visibly confused.
"With all the foreshadowing, I thought you could start to imagine it" he said, furrowing his brows, a bit uncomfortable.
You covered half your face with your hand, wiping some droplets of sweat.
"Why...why did you choose me to trust me your secret?" You whispered with a thread of voice.
"What do you mean, Y/N?" He asked, suddenly reincorporating on your lap "You...you told me you were on the hybrids side, that you thought the goverment was being unfair..." he murmured, starting to get worried.
"I feel so bad right now" you said while wiping away the sweat "Now I realize how little attention I was paying to you the whole time"
Venti jumped from you lap to the ground, landing on both feet, and he ran towards the door.
"You're not going to turn me in, right Y/N??" He asked, terror written all over his face, ready to run to the kitchen and escape through the window.
"What?! No!" You exclaimed, extending your hand in his direction. You slapped yourself. You were acting like an idiot. Not only you were uncapable of reafing the situation last night but now you were scaring him "I'm so sorry Venti! It's just that...I've been so selfish and dumb..." you lamented, locking your desperate eyes with his.
"What do you mean?" He asked, still doubting if he should go back to you in bed or jump through the window over the kitchen counter "I don't understand you! I thought you were on my side!"
But he couldn't run away when he realized tears were forming on your eyes.
"I've been an idiot!" You exclaimed "When you said you had a secret I never thought you meant something serious, I thought you were playing! And, when you mentioned the government during dinner I thought you were making small talk and was just staring at your lips like an idiot! I just gave you an empty answer and...and...when we were in bed last night...all I cared was being with you and didn't even pay attention at the giant cat ears in top of your head!" You blurted out, leaving him in shock.
"Are you on our side or not?!" He exclaimed, his ears now sticked down to his head in fear.
"I never thought this was a real thing!" You said, and it was the truth. You had thought it was just another big hoax invented by Inazuma's government "I had never seen an hybrid before!"
His heart racing like the one of a cornered animal, Venti didn't think more about it and tried to run, not even caring about all his belonging staying in your house.
But you jumped towards him and, unbelievqbly, were able to catch his foot. He looked down at you in terror.
"I'm not gonna turn you in, Venti, I swear!" You finally broke down and cried.
He gulped, his sweat dropping onto your body on the floor. His hands were trembling. He was still scared, but he couldn't leave you like this. He couldn't bear to see you cry.
If he had trusted you the first time, when you weren't even paying attention, why wouldn't he trust you now, that you knew the thing was for real?
He slowly reached down to you, his fur on his tail stil standing, and he helped you sit on the edge of the bed. You surprised him by throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him while crying.
"I'm sorry Venti, I'm so sorry, I swear I'm not gonna tell a soul! I thought everything was fake, but now that I know it's real I swear I'm on your side!" You exclaimed, hugging him as tight as possible "How can they be so cruel? You're people like everyone else!" You sobbed on the crook of his neck.
He slowly relaxed and started caressing your hair with one hand and your back with the other, trying to comfort you.
"Shh...don't cry..." he cooed.
"But I was so selfish, I didn't pay attention to a single thing you said" you lamented, looking up to him with glossy eyes.
"It's not your fault I'm so charming" he winked at you with a little smile.
He was able to pull a little giggle out of you.
"Well, this all explains why you were so wild last night..." you murmured as he wiped your last tears away with his thumb, paying close attention to the little marks he had littered across your body.
"Was I too rough?" He asked, brushing his fingers delicately over a hickey he had left on your neck. "Does it hurt?"
You shook your head.
"What hurt are my limbs, I'm not used to such hustle..."
"Would you like to get used to it?" He proposed with a naughty smirk. Your eyes sparkled. But wyen you were about to squeal, another thoughr crossed your mind.
"Wait a minute!" You exclaimed, pushing him back with a hand in his chest "Show me again your kitten form!" You demanded.
"W-what for?" He asked with a nervous smile.
"Just show me! I want to check something"
He obeyed and with a graceful pirouette he turned back into a full cat. A black and white cat you knew all too well. Now that you were finally paying attention, you connected all the dots.
You stared at him skeptically for a minute.
"YOU RASCAL YOU WERE SPYING ON ME!!" You yelled, standing up and starting to throw clothes and pillows at him. He jumped and ran towards the kitchen.
"Aaah! Y/N! Forgive me!" He exclaimed when he managed to humanize his jaw while dodging your attacks "It was necessary!"
"That was a violation of privacy!!" You exclaimed, managing to land a pillow on his back.
"I needed to know if you were trustworthy!!" He excused himself, jumping onto the counter.
"I TOLD YOU I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU WITHOUT KNOWING IT WAS YOU!" you screamed, picking a water atomizing and aiming it at him.
"I needed to know if you really liked me!"
"..." he ran out of excuses.
"YOU ONLY APPEARED BACK AFTER YOU HEARD I WANTED TO FORGET ABOUT YOU!" you shouted, pulling from the trigfer and spraying him with the water.
He hissed, all of his fur standing on end.
"Y/N please forgive me!" He exclaimed in between laughs.
"Now I understand why the government wants to catch you! You are dangerous!" You said, catching him by the scruff he started to kick his paws into the air "I could totally turn you in...but I know I will torture you better!" You joked, threathening him with the spray.
"Nooo pleaseee, Y/N, pleaseee, I'll take it as we're even now, pleaseeee!" He begged, aiming his huge kitten eyes at you.
"Hmmm, I'll think about it..." you smirked, leaving the spray on the counter to carry him with both arms like a baby. You left a little peck on his fuzzy head.
He looked up at you.
"C'me on, we were about to talk about something important" he said, tugging your sweater with his claw.
"I don't know, maybe I'll be the one playing hard to get now!" You said.
"Noo, come on, I said we are even now!" He pouted, but you shook your head, laughing "Okay, I will have to use my charms then!" He exclaimed, jumping from your arms to turn into a full human again, landing gracefully on both feet like a dancer, just like always. He gave you a seductive look.
"Would you have me as your boyfriend?" He whispered with half-lidded eyes, lifting one of your hands to his lips to kiss it.
You covered your mouth wirh your other hand, blushing. So this was getting serious!
"I'll have you, just as you are" you smiled sweetly "The whole of you" you added, gently patting his head. He understood and let out his cat ears and tail.
"Even if I'm wanted by the government?" He asked, his heart thumping hard in his chest and his eyes shining with emotion.
"Of course" you said, hugging him tightly "I will protect you with my life" you promised.
He tightened the hold around your body and lifted your feet a few centimeters in the air out of excitedness. Then you both giggled and shared a loving kiss, sealing this new pact between you two.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
Sooo...I sat down and started this on my last day of classes before my vacations and definitely didn't expect this to be so long! I just finished it today, two weeks later! My initial plan was to write a brief summary for each character but this ended up being a whole episode of how Venti entered our lives. And he's only the first of 5 catboys who are coming to revolutionize our home!
In the next episode: Xiao!
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rhythmic-idealist · 11 months
The shorter (better) version of this post that contains every detail ever— Some of you know my partner @crimeronan.
(This is the part where I gush about my partner. You can skip down a few paragraphs if you wanna.)
If you do know—or know of—Kitkat, you might know them as a resource, or as a writer, or as that person who has been known to sit down and write six paragraphs of advice to the scared young person in their inbox.
Watching their blog I see people trading autoimmune stories, younger queer and polyamorous people asking questions about what it's like to be in your mid twenties and settled into those things, and people who found stories who resonated in ways stories don't always succeed at.
Or maybe not! That’s my platonic partner of four years. Happy to introduce u.
(This is the part you can skip forward to.)
If you ARE aware of Kitkat, you might know a little about their running 2+ year health mystery, and about the recent updates that it is FINALLY starting to be solved. Kitkat has been too sick to work consistently for a very long time, has lost multiple freelance writing clients to ChatGPT, and has been doing physical gig delivery work to try to make up the gap—while remaining too sick to work a majority of the time.
This post exists because their car broke down.
To say the money situation is already tight would be, though I’m sorry to put it like this, understated. Basically: because of this auto repair bill, they’re not going to be able to make rent.
A little info about what we're doing moving forward: I'm gonna be moving in next month, finding a job that will train me instead of the original plan of finishing trade school first (I'm happy about this turn of events for many reasons! Just explaining where I fit in the whole financial constellation). And at that point, I'm gonna be helping with bills, since Kitkat's entire focus right now should be on getting well again. I expect we as a group will probably be okay once I’m in Oregon and more established/able to help out with the household income.
The problem is just that things aren’t there yet, and this isn't money we're going to be able to make back later. Kitkat has been too sick to work consistently for much too long, and that's just untenable without looking for community support right now.
Kitkat has limited mobility and is going to need to get to upcoming appointments, and speaking honestly, also just really needs access to a car to make things like groceries feasible. She’s not the only one in the apartment with limited mobility or chronic pain.
The bill has come out to $717.80.
As of now, rent money has been used to pay it—the car has been repaired now, but that money was for rent and daily expenses. There is already financial assistance in play, particularly Medicaid. As it stands, because of this bill, they're not going to make rent.
To account for GoFundMe's fees of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction, the goal has been set to $750.
If you’re in any way able to give, the link is here: https://gofund.me/c0f9d7fe
Otherwise, a share goes a really long way.
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Thank you a ton for reading this far. Please know: this post is an appeal to those among us who have disposable income and are looking to donate some of it. Take care.
Thank you.
Date posted: July 27th, 2023 Updated: August 10th, 2023 because I noticed donations are still trickling in wah??????? 🥹😭
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laylajeffany · 1 year
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Word Count: 800,000+ (in-progress, with regular updates) Rating: T
Summary “Wednesday, you are so new to love’s torturous sting. It simply takes time to get used to the poison, my darling. You have to build up a tolerance for it. Then – you’ll start to wonder how you ever lived without it.”
Enid accidentally summons a demon in an attempt to communicate with her wolf, and somehow – that is not Wednesday’s biggest problem upon the return to Nevermore. With a raging suspicion that Principal Weems was not actually murdered, Wednesday starts to unravel her latest mystery while trying not to unravel herself. As emerging powers cause her to manifest physical symptoms, Wednesday has to learn to rely on those around her if she is going to grow as a Raven.
Ultra slow-burn WenClair, moving forward in an organic relationship, building from roommates to best friends to more. Picking up on some plot points from S1, Wednesday develops not only new abilities, but emotions and friendships as she examines her life through her new lens of Nevermore.
If you're new to this fic and unsure about starting due to the length, below the break will give you a spoiler-filled idea about when some of the major plot points/relationships happen.
Author's Note As I am squeezing in my writing time before vacation, I am reflecting on how proud I am of this fic. This is year 21 of writing fanfiction for me, and of course as we grow, our talents naturally increase, but I have never felt so accomplished about a piece of writing before. If you need some light reading (lmfao this fic will top one million words by the end of summer), I would like to recommend my own story. I don't ever do that and I probably won't do it again - but writing this fic has been such a bright spot in my life, and every opportunity I have to carve out a few thousand words I feel myself transcend.
When I received an old Addams Family book in the mail (here) a few weeks ago, I was flipping through and found the above summary of Wednesday. I have never felt more proud to be borrowing another character, as I feel that I do Charles Addams' Wednesday justice in this writing as we explore her sensitive/poetic side in addition to the harshness of her 2022 adaptation. (Don't worry - Enid will find Wednesday's sixth toe when she finally visits the Addams family home in Chapter 21.)
Chapters 1-5: Wenclair Roommate Friendship developing as Wednesday realized she'd genuinely missed Enid over the summer.
Main focus of early chapters is Wednesday trying to determine how Weems is alive, focusing on her powers starting to develop as physical symptoms and discovering more about how to tap in to her Raven abilities with the help of her mentor, the new administrator, Dr. Zypher. Dr. Zypher (39) is a herpetologist with a psychic ability to work with reptiles. She has been dating the only other known Raven, Emiliana, for 23 years, since they met via Larissa Weems at Nevermore. These two OCs have a very supportive and important role in the story. (We needed adults and ALL the important ones were killed off in S1. These OCs have been extremely well-received by the audience and are real people with flaws and strengths, distinct personalities. No Mary-Sues here, I promsie.)
Chapter 6: Enid breaks up with Ajax, Wednesday and Enid get closer than ever when the spirit Enid released attacks again. Wednesday vows to protect her. As Wednesday has found Weems trapped in her accidental shape-shift, she starts looking for divination-related ways to change her back. Wednesday starts to have to cope with very uncomfortable feelings that emerge from the ever-darkening of her visions as her powers start to grow massively.
Chapter 8: Wednesday starts to think she's closer to Enid than she ever has been to anyone else before. Wednesday learns about the importance of being vulnerable and showing some feelings. Starts to explore ways to protect Weems in her lower life form.
Chapter 10: Wednesday wonders what attraction is supposed to feel like, starts to think there may be something wrong with her. She knows what she is feeling for Enid is more than friendship but isn't experiencing physical attraction. Wednesday casts a powerful protection spell for Enid. Enid reveals that she imprinted on Wednesday during her first transformation and this has caused her extreme stress and alienation from her pack.
Chapter 11: Wednesday and Enid confront the spirit again. As it tries to possess Enid, Wednesday's protection spell holds and she confesses that night that she won't let anything happen to her because she loves her. She admits, she isn't sure if that love is romantic. Enid agrees with the sentiment and they decide to give it all more time. The girls start to work together to help Wednesday divert from the negative energy within her divination as part of her Raven nature to blend their energy together, earning more positive energy for Wednesday shared by Enid. Enid's mother is determined that Nevermore finds something to do about Enid's imprinting.
Chapter 13: Finally, the girls are dating after the full moon. It's adorable. Enid talks to her father and requests him to visit Nevermore.
Chapter 14: Things really take off with ways to help Weems transform Halloween - Wednesday temporarily banishes the spirit with Enid's help as they have grown so close.
Chapter 15: Wednesday starts to lose herself to divination a little bit as she becomes more desperate to complete the transformation on Weems. Dr. Zypher's Raven girlfriend arrives.
Chapter 16: Wednesday finally puts the pieces together and knows what she has to do to transform Weems. Enid's father arrives - she formally leaves her pack and considers Wednesday her main family. The Addams Family have accepted her whole-heartedly.
Chapter 17:-19 Successful transformation of Weems leads to extreme physical consequences for Wednesday. Lots of Wenclair Hurt/Comfort Wednesday resolves lots of tension with her family
Chapter 20: Closure of the first semester of events Wednesday invites herself into the "Nevermore Network" - an ambiguous concept alluded to throughout the story of how the Outcast world is all connected. These adults are increasingly interested in Wednesday's extreme shows of power and she goes behind her family/admin wishes to meet up with them when she returns to school in January.
Chapter 21: Yuletide & New Year - Enid at the Addams Family House
Chapter 22: Start of Second Semester at Nevermore Wednesday gets herself involved in some major drama within the Outcast community via the Nevermore Network Setting the stage for the second semester of events
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sasusakucoded · 8 months
Sakura is a junior high student doing a part-time job at the newly built library. To encourage the villagers to come and use the facility, they hired people that will read stories, do spoken poetry, and do other things to entertain the visitors at certain schedules. Sakura reports for work after her class at 5 PM.
Her favorite thing to do is to recite her self-written poems that are sweet and sometimes thought-provoking. The villagers frequent the library around late afternoon just to see her perform. They like her delivery and the message of her poetry.
Three weeks in and Sakura becomes more confident with her presentation. She likes the fact that everyone seems to appreciate her work. Happy audience makes her happy. Until she notices a student who has never clapped for her like the others.
From the logbook, she knows a few details about the guy. His name is Uchiha Sasuke and he goes to the library daily at 4:30 PM and stays until 6 PM. He usually borrows books about mystery and Science.
His ignorance motivates Sakura to write more poems with deeper meaning. Every day she checks for his reaction. And every day she gets upset because he doesn't even lift his head to see what's going on.
Sakura starts to get frustrated. Are her poems not worthy of his few minutes? Does he hate library performances in general? Are his readings that important to keep his eyes locked on them? These thoughts bother Sakura.
There are only few junior high schools in their village and she realizes that she does not know where he studies. "Maybe he's an outsider.. But it's odd to go here everyday if he's not from here. There's a logo around his arm but I can't see it clearly from where I sit," she wonders.
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She takes note of his uniform and opens her laptop to search for it. She sees 3 schools but none of them has the same uniform as his. She scrolls down further and sees the schools from another category. "Special Education.. Konoha School for the Deaf?" Sakura feels bad for being upset at someone without knowing his situation. "That's probably the reason why he never spoke with any of the library goers."
From then on, she stays for another hour at the library after her performance to read books about sign language. She tries hard to learn it as fast as she can by reading and watching videos. She makes poems specifically for him. She's not sure why she's exerting this much effort for someone she doesn't even know but it makes her happy somehow.
Now every time she's at the library, she makes sure that she sits where she can see him. She likes it when he's so serious reading a book then he smiles all of a sudden. Before leaving, she borrows the book that he's currently reading, curious of what it is about. "What are you doing, Sakura?" This thought comes to her mind every now and then but she still keeps her routine of learning for and about him all the same.
When she's confident enough to perform her piece, she asks a teacher from Sasuke's school to check her signing. The teacher is very fond of Sakura, especially after learning why she's doing it. "Ah, Uchiha Sasuke is our top student. He's kind but he's always alone. You know, it's harder for deaf and mute people to make friends, so he'd rather study during his spare time. I'm glad that someone his age is taking interest in sign language to talk to him. I support you fully."
The next day, the set-up for the performance is prepared differently. The main lights are turned off, only illuminating the mini stage and Sasuke's usual seat. Because of this, Sasuke has no choice but to look where Sakura is standing.
Sakura waves at him and he nods. She starts her poem using sign language. Sasuke is shocked and amazed at the same time. He has never felt that happy before. How can a stranger make him feel that way just by doing sign language?
I don't want to swim on the surface anymore I never want to pretend again that I know you completely Let me dive deep inside you Take me in Allow me to look into your secrets Make me feel every breath I take Make me crave for it more Carry me to your darker side Where you are afraid to allow anyone Pull me deep inside Make me one of your secrets
He stands up and signs to her, "you did well! That's beautiful!"
Everyone claps for Sakura but at that moment she only sees him. The audience goes back to what they're doing but Sakura's eyes are still glued onto Sasuke.
He smiles at her and motions to sit with him if she's done. She follows suit and he immediately thanks her for the poem.
"That's a really meaningful poem. Thank you very much. I'm Uchiha Sasuke."
"Nice to finally meet you, Sasuke. I'm really gald uou liked it. I'm Haruno Sakura. I perform here every 5 PM."
"Sakura.. That's a beautiful name.. So, when did you learn sign language, Sakura?"
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veilder · 2 months
please excuse my word vomit but I shortened the hell out of my caption to avoid being annoying and your tags on my art sent me into a frenzy haha
so my favorite pre relationship dynamic for convin (and in my current fic) they start out as enemies with benefits who accidentally develop feelings but are in denial and know the smart thing to do is to stop and so every time they hook up is the last time (until the next time). and you’re right I drew gavin with the pained expression bc he’s the first one to realize his feelings are feelings but he doesn’t think he deserves connor and he thinks connor wants this to stay physical and that hurts but 1. he thinks he deserves the hurt and 2. he’ll take what he can get for as long as he can get it (hahaha ow). I’m allergic to happy endings in my own writing but I wholly support your happily ever after 😄
also no pressure at all just floating the idea but I’d be so down if you ever wanted to do a collab :] anyways yeah I’m happy you liked my pic and your comments always bring me joy, keep on being wonderful
Omggggggg, what a great ask to get!!! Thank you so much for sending this! 🤩🤩🤩 So, one, your idea behind your art is wonderful and fits them both perfectly. Two idiots getting in over their heads and catching feelings? Yep, that's them, lol. Although, I'm already imagining a happy ending for the two of them, even in that scenario, so whoops! XD I know for me, when I saw your art I was thinking that they were set to be separated. Specific scenarios were still up in the air (i.e. investigation gone awry, some sort of terminal condition, human!AU college fling, historical!AU, etc), but there would be some sort of circumstance that would drive the two of them apart. And this would be the scene of them making the most of their last days together, with Connor throwing his whole self into it while Gavin, in an effort to make the inevitable separation hurt less, begins to withdraw, even though it hurts him. And it would lead to a really messy breakup where they both say hurtful things and are just left with so many regrets. But then... there would be some sort of timeskip and they would meet again, both very changed now but never forgetting the impact the other had on their life. And again, something would force them together, whether it's work or some sort of mystery or even just running into each other over and over again. And they would both realize that the other hasn't really changed as much as they initially thought. That he's still the man they fell in love with. And that those feelings are far from dead. And eventually, things would rekindle in a burst of passion and long-held feelings and it would be terrible and beautiful and cathartic and so, so painful all at once. They'd wake to a morning of regrets and, in their fear, again try to sever ties. But they'd be miserable about it and all the life would drain from their days. That burst of brightness they'd slowly brought back to each other has once again vanished and they're both left in the dark. And then, idk, the plot would pull them together one final time and they'd get to have their moments of peril and heroics and emotional confessions. And finally, finally they'd confess their feelings for each other. The feelings they've had for so, so long. And they'd both realize what absolute dipshits they've both been, that they've both felt the same way for years and were just too emotionally constipated to do anything about it. And then I'd probably undercut it with some sort of big BLAMO moment where one of them gets taken out by the bad guy (I've decided that there's a bad guy now XD) and they'd be dying in the other's arms. And you'd think that that's it! That, after so much build up and them finally getting on the same page with each other, that they won't get their happily ever after after all. But then idk, there'd be some clever deus ex machina I seeded into the story early on that comes through for them and they both live and the bad guy goes to jail and everything is GOOD! And then sappy epilogue. XD ...Ugh, see? Look what you're making me consider here with your beautiful art?! I'm plotting. Multi-chapter plotting! UGH! 😫😫😫 No, but seriously, I adore that art and felt so damn inspired when I saw it? I wish I'd had more energy to do something with that, but alas! I was just getting off work and it was very late. 😓😓😓 BUT THEN YOU SENT THIS AND MENTIONED A COLLAB AND NOW IT'S ALSO VERY LATE HERE BUT I'M JUST 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 BECAUSE DAMN SON, I WOULD LOVE TO COLLAB?! Like, I legit cannot make any promises, I've had the worst case of writer's block ever now for a couple years and counting. But even if it's just, idk, discussing ideas or chatting about these idiots or something, I'd so be down for it! Definitely feel free to hmu whenever!!! I'd love to chat!!! :D
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stargazer-sims · 4 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Thanks @dandylion240 !
I decided to do Yuri (again). Sorry this turned out to be super long!
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Yuri Okamoto-Nelson
His career experience has always been in communications and public relations. After having worked for a couple of other firms, he founded his own communications firm 10 years ago. It's called Brave Communications (styled as BRAVE Communications), and they do PR, media releases, business publications, social media management and other professional communications. Their various slogans are "Choose BRAVE", "Take a BRAVE step forward" and "BRAVE ideas change the world". For the first eight or nine months, Yuri worked with just a part-time administrative assistant, but he soon got enough clients to be able to pay his assistant full-time and to hire another person. In the second year, he took on a business partner, James Fairchild, who came from another firm and brought some of his client base with him. Yuri is still the boss and the majority owner, but he and James consider themselves equal in every other way. Like Yuri, James has a disability, and they often cover for each other if one of them isn't well. The running joke among the staff is that the proverbial ship would be sailing without a captain if Yuri and James were both unwell at the same time, but luckily that hasn’t happened yet. The other running joke is that James and Yuri have somehow mysteriously scheduled their respective flare-ups not to occur at the same time.
He's always loved writing stories, but never did anything with that creative aspect of his considerable writing skill until he and Victor adopted Caroline. He struggled to connect with Caroline at first, but unexpectedly found the path to bonding with her was through making up stories with her. When he and Victor would babysit Fox and Takahiro's kids, one of Yuri's contributions was invariably story time. The Abbottsford kids excitedly told their parents all about how much they enjoyed it, and one day Fox casually asked Yuri if he'd ever thought about writing a children's book. Yuri hadn't, but the comment sparked ideas for both him and Fox, and it soon led to a collaboration between them, with Yuri writing and Fox illustrating their creations. They've published three children's books together so far, and are currently working on a fourth (and fifth, if you count the one they're helping Caroline and Forest to create).
He's been in Canada nearly half his life at this point, but despite becoming eligible for Canadian citizenship years ago, he still has permanent resident status. That allows him almost all the rights of a Canadian, with the exception of holding a Canadian passport, voting or being elected to government, so not being a Canadian hasn't affected his daily life all that much. Because it's not possible to be a dual citizen of Japan and Canada, he hesitated about giving up his Japanese citizenship, but he's finally decided this year he's going to apply for Canadian citizenship, along with his friend Takahiro who recently made a similar decision.
He's developed an unexpected friendship with his younger brother Kinai (who is actually his nephew, but who was adopted by Yuri's parents). When Kinai was born, Yuri wanted nothing to do with him, and was actually disgusted at the mere thought of his existence, but just like Yuri's younger sister Shirayuki before him, Kinai soon won Yuri over. These days, Kinai looks up to Yuri as an example, and Yuri enjoys being a friend and extra source of support for him. Kinai wants to come to Canada to work and study for a year or two, and Yuri's current mission is to persuade their parents to let him.
His recent obsession is in trying to grow strange and exotic plants. It all started with his first cowplant, Ushi-chan. His current cowplant is called Milk Tea, and he's also successfully cultivated orchids, dragonfruit, and trash plants, along with some alien plant species. His long term gardening goals are to grow a Sixamish "unidentified fruit object" and the rare Death Flower lily.
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