#and asking you to show me where you felt tingly
foxtooth420 · 9 months
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samsno1 · 3 months
Just finished it and i loved it so much! could i request a part 2 to Dream Of Me..?
Dream Come True
Sam Winchester x F!Reader
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IT'S HERE!!!!! okay, so many of you asked for a p.2 and it's here, finally. Thank you to everyone who left comments under Dream Of Me and now you have the second part. By the way, I think this shows my slight (huge) obsession with Sam's muscles and my lack of knowledge in blowjobs
Read "Dream Of Me" here
Summary: Sam's avoiding you, he's weird ever since he woke up and you had to question him about it sometime.
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected piv (which is fake and i do not encourage), oral (m. and f. recieving), nipple sucking, fingering (sort of), marking, angsty??? maybe, kissing, cursing, use of y/n, dean is done with these two, english is not my first language, NOT PROOF READ, ALL MISTAKES ARE MINE
WC: 11.6K (shhh, don't talk about it)
You can learn how to change Y/N for your actual name here
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As soon as Sam arrived in the library and saw you standing there in those jeans that did wonders for your legs he immediately felt the room grow hotter. He felt like a high school boy who had just hit puberty with the way he was feeling today or as if it was the first time he dreamed with a woman in his bed – or other places for that matter. He did have feelings for you for some time, but everytime he thought about you, he thought about the sweetness of your smile or the way your laugh sounded when you were slightly drunk. Not about how loud he could make you scream his name.
Sam wasn’t innocent, and neither were you. He knew that you weren’t – he had heard, when the motel walls were too thin, the bed hitting against it and some curses of pleasure out of your mouth. And you most definitely knew he wasn’t, telling you and Dean the history he had with Ruby in excruciating detail even made you feel tingly inside.
Sam tried, badly, to be nonchalant about it around you but it was so difficult. Your plump lips moving as you explained the case, sometimes your tongue darting out to wet it, were driving him insane. He paid much more attention to the way you spoke to him with your hand on his shoulder during the drive to the case, your breath lightly hitting his face and reminding him of the hot kiss you shared in his head, your hand practically burning on his skin through his flannel. And when you finally found a motel to crash in for the time you stayed there, you started loading the gun barrels inside the boys room while Sam attempted to research and Dean was reading lore books on the small table the room had. The way you worked your fingers with your gun was so erotic without you even wanting it to be. Sam was on the verge of breaking as he stared at you, who was oblivious to his looks.
But one person that wasn’t oblivious was Dean Winchester. When he looked up from his book to Sam, ready to ask him a question, he almost immediately closed his mouth when he noticed Sam was doing anything but research. He looked at the way his brother was sitting, with an elbow on the table, resting his head on his hand, torso slightly turned in your direction, eyes trained on your hands. Dean then looked at you and was shocked that you hadn’t even acknowledged Sam’s stare. He smirked to himself as he shook his head in disbelief.
Of course Dean knew about Sam’s feelings. He got him to admit to his crush on you one night where the brothers were in a bar alone and you were in a hunt by yourself. Sam had just hung up his phone after talking to you, his slightly slurred words made you chuckle in the other end of the line and, when Sam put his phone down on the table, he wrapped one hand in his beer and sighed dreamily, staring mindlessly at his thumb that brushed the bottle left to right.
“Her laugh is so beautiful, it matches her” He murmured and Dean almost choked on his own beer, eyes widening at his brother, eyebrows furrowed. As if Sam had realized he actually said it out loud and not just thought, he looked over at Dean, face to face with his brother’s amused look. Sam just sighed disappointedly, knowing that there was no way he was escaping this, not even giving the ‘I’m just drunk!’ excuse. So, he just accepted it “Don’t tell her…”
As if all dots connected, Dean leaned back on his chair, a grin on his face as he thought about the interactions you and Sam had with each other and how it was actually quite obvious. “You like her?” Dean asked the obvious and Sam just nodded. After that, as the amazing older brother he is, Dean promised he wouldn’t utter a word to you about this and he was keeping his promise up to this day, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t tease the youngest about it…
“Hey Sam, have you found anything?” Dean spoke up and that seemed to wake Sam up from his trance. He cleared his throat and desperately tried to make it seem like he was concentrated fully on his assigned task.
“Um, y-yeah, all the victims died of blood loss and.. and there are bite marks…” Sam said, making you look up at him too, throwing your hair back with a movement of your head. Your hands had stopped working on the guns and you got up from the bed you were sitting, leaving the weapon behind. You walked until you were behind Sam and, using his body for support, putting your left hand over his right shoulder, you leaned in to look at the screen, confirming the information yourself.
Sam stiffened up the moment you got closer to him. With the way you were leaning in – your hand on him again – made him take a deep breath to stay put. He had his eyes glued on the laptop screen because he feared that if he glanced at you in any way he wouldn’t be able to control his most primal needs – A.K.A. avoid his sinful thoughts to take over and a boner to rise. He could feel your warmth behind him and, as you nodded and walked away, completely oblivious to the whirlwind of emotions in his head, he finally felt like he could breathe.
“It’s clearly vampires. Thank God we didn’t have to turn libraries upside down to figure this one out” You said with a slight smile to Dean, your arms crossed in front of you. He closed his book with a thud, thankful for not having to do much more. You turned back to Sam who, at this point, had also closed his laptop and seemed lost in thought.
To get your suit in your bag – that you left over the other bed –, you had to go past Sam and, as you did, you brushed a hand over his arm and got closer to his face, snapping him out of his thoughts. You lowered your voice a little, for Dean not to hear what you were about to say, a worried frown in your face.
“Hey, are you doing okay? You seem off” You ask, slightly tilting your head, your eyes searching into his for any kind of discomfort, be it emotional or physical.
Alarms went off inside Sam’s head and, as soon as he could gather his thoughts together, he suddenly stood up, making you pull away from him and widen your eyes, startled. You furrowed your eyebrows at him and he swallowed deeply, trying to moist his dry throat.
“I’m fine” He mumbles before going to the bathroom, brushing past you in a hurry, his arm bumping against your shoulder. You stare at the shut door once he locks himself inside, mouth agape and an offended look on your face. You turn to face Dean again, questioning him with a look. Dean shrugs his shoulders and gets up from his chair.
At this point you felt kind of…hurt. You had done nothing to Sam, not that you were aware of, and your face dropped. Dean felt the need to guarantee you that it was probably nothing but even he was confused. Sam tended to long to be beside you, to touch you, or have any excuse for you to touch him. He swallowed his jealousy when you had asked Dean once to take his shirt off to care for his wounds. That day, as you stitched the gash on his brother's abdomen, Sam stared daggers at Dean, who felt the need to reassure him that you were all Sam’s, that Dean saw you as a little sister and nothing else. 
This kind of avoidance towards you was weird to the point even you felt affected by it. You weren’t one to take things to the heart – you’re a hunter for fucks sake – but when it came to the boys, especially Sam, you felt worse than ever. They were often harsh, either with each other or with other people. Of course they had to be tough and mean when it came to it due to their line of work but, behind closed doors, they were the sweetest people you’ve ever met, always caring for you and one another and often sacrificing their own comfort – and sometimes their lives – so other people can sleep without worrying about what’s lurking in the night.
Still, it hurt when you became a victim of their temper and Sam being the one shutting you out this time was not only unexplainable but also like a punch to the gut. Let's say the tall, muscular and smart guy Sam Winchester was had you falling for him quickly – and, soon, harder – than you expected. He always tried to be as sweet as he could be and as understandable. He had a natural instinct to comfort the victims you guys often talked to, always the one to do the talking. You had noticed the way he approached the subject with care, especially if the victim was related to the interviewed in any way, and had taken that as a mental note. Hey, he’s good with words. 
But, Sam could also be firm and assertive when it came to it. Once, while you and him were interrogating a guy who wasn’t cooperating at all with you, even when you both were disguised as FBI, Sam snapped. His big hand came with full force against the table, his palm facing down and a loud bang echoing through the small room. It startled you to the point where you jumped slightly, eyes wide as you looked at your ‘partner’. Sam was fuming. His nostrils were flared and his eyebrows were low, casting a shadow over his eyes. He slowly leaned in closer to the guy's face, a wicked grin emerging on his face.
“Look…” He started, voice low, raspy. He gently pulled his suit aside, secretly showing the man his shiny, silver gun safely resting against his hip. You watched as the dude swallowed harshly and his eyes stared at the weapon. “If you won’t cooperate with us…” Sam straightened up, holding both his hands behind his back as he started to walk until he stood beside the guy. He leaned towards his ear, the guy completely frozen. “We are going to rip the truth out of you” He whispered.
You had struggled to keep your composure. The way Sam showed his power over the man – who ended up telling both of you his side of the story after the threat – was distracting. It was safe to say you had discovered something about yourself that day. You had sat the whole ride back to the motel with your legs crossed to numb the throbbing between your thighs as you imagined Sam talking to you that way, in different settings. A cold shower was barely enough to calm you down.
The mix of all these things and other little stuff about the younger brother is what made him special to you. And, now, he was avoiding you.
You sighed and walked back to the bed, sitting beside the guns you’ve left scattered over it, facing Dean’s direction. You leaned on your knees with your elbows, holding your head with your hands, squishing your cheeks and making your pout more prominent than intended. Dean looked at you with pity.
“Did I do something? Say something?” You ask Dean, looking up at him. Dean shakes his head and sighs, getting up from the chair and walking to the mini bar. You knew exactly what he was reaching for and you stretched a hand out to grab the beer bottle once he handed it to you. You opened it easily with your hand and took three big gulps of it. Dean opened his as he sat down beside you this time, on the bed, and threw the lid over the bedside table, the material clinking against the wood.
“Nah, you didn’t do anything, he’s just in a mood” He said but it didn’t seem to help, your face still sad and your head far away, filled with the wrong thoughts. He sighed and gave you a side hug, your head laying against his shoulder. Dean rubbed his hand up and down your upper arm mindlessly to comfort you. “Don’t worry about it sweetheart, you did nothing wrong, he’s just…being Sam, I’m sure this has nothing to do with you, okay? I’ll make sure to kick his ass later” He smiled.
You smiled slightly at the last part, shaking your head at the older Winchester, the typical brotherly teasing something you grew fond of.
Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Sam was trying to keep it together. He had never felt this way before and it was driving him crazy trying to stay away from you because, at the same time he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable if anything he did or said showed his attraction – physical and emotional – towards you, he was dreading this. He longed for your closeness, for your touch, not necessarily in a sexual way, much like the one of concern you had just given him. But right now everything became sexual to him, just your hand over his arms was enough to drive goosebumps over his spine.
He washed his face with the cold water from the sink, brushing his wet hand through his hair. He breathed deeply and dried his face, ready to leave the bathroom and go back to acting as if he didn’t want to kick Dean out of the room and have you right here, right now.
Once he opened the door, he regretted it almost immediately. When he saw Dean so close he clenched his hand against the door handle, swallowing his jealousy. You weren’t his, he reminded himself, he didn’t have the right to be jealous of someone that wasn’t his. But, oh, he was. It was uncontrollable, but undeniable.
He watched Dean’s hand rub up and down your arm, your head laid over his shoulder so comfortably. He bit the inside of his cheek as he approached the both of you to place his laptop back into its case. You had noticed his presence, lifting off of Dean and looking at his side profile. He won’t even look at me. You glanced at Dean, who had also realized his brother’s behavior, and gave him a disappointed look.
You sighed through your nose and grabbed your gun to put in the waistband of your jeans. You also took your bag that you always had with you on hunts, separate from the one with your personal items, and threw it over your shoulder. Dean just stared as you got ready to leave, not stopping you. He needed some alone time with Sam to ask him what the fuck was going on.
“I’m going to the car, we can leave once you’re both ready” You said. Dean acknowledged it with an ‘Okay’ and Sam just hummed. You opened the door and left, angrily walking towards Baby.
As soon as the door closed behind you Dean got up from the bed and aggressively spun Sam around, grabbing at his shoulder.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Dean interrupted, and an angry scowl on his face. He whisper-yelled, still worried that you might hear them. Sam gave him a confused look and Dean rolled his eyes at the stupidity of his brother. “Why are you acting like this with her?”
“Acting like what?” Sam bit back, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Stop pretending like you don’t know Sammy! Why are you ignoring Y/N all of a sudden? Weren’t you the one all” Dean raised his hands, doing quotation marks with both his index and middle fingers “‘head over heels’ for her, hm?”
Now it was Sam’s turn to roll his eyes. He crossed his arms in front of him, slightly looking down at his brother due to the height difference. “It’s nothing” He mumbled, looking away. Images of you roamed around his head at Dean’s question and it reminded him why he was doing this in the first place. He was avoiding you for your own good, you and your friendship with him.
“It’s not nothing, damn it, the girl thinks she did something. Did she? Because you sure make it look like you are angry with her” Dean kept poking at the subject, getting on Sam’s nerves. His face softened once his brother told him you felt bad. “What happened?” Dean asked again, this time a little more softly after he noticed Sam’s face drop at his words.
Sam sighed and looked around the room, nervous. He didn’t know if he should actually tell Dean about this – he’d definitely make fun of him endlessly. But still, he didn’t know if making you sad was worth it. He ran a hand through his hair, something he did when he was under pressure and mumbled “I had a dream”
“What?” Dean asked, not understanding whatever language his brother just spoke.
“A dream”
“Dream? What do you mean?”
“I had a dream…with Y/N”
“What do you mean a dream with–” Realization suddenly hits Dean “...Oh” and he relaxes his eyebrows, like he just made sense of everything that happened that day. Then he smirks. Smirks and starts to laugh his ass off as Sam just stands there, cheeks flushed, waiting for his brother to calm down. He knew it.
Sam started to smile slightly as his brother kept trying to talk over his laughter, his embarrassment almost gone. Once Dean finally took a few breaths, a hand on his chest as he dried his fake tears and his laughter died down with a sigh. He looked at Sam who stood there absolutely flushed.
“Man, that’s why you were taking longer in the shower than usual” Dean said with a fake disgust in his face. “Remember me to wash that bathroom twice before using”
“Shut up” Sam mumbled and looked away, suddenly deep in thought. Dean stopped joking and crossed his arms, giving Sam a silent questioning look. Sam glanced at his brother. “What?”
“This kind of still doesn’t answer my question. Why are you avoiding her?” Dean asked and Sam looked at him like he had three heads. “Shouldn’t this make you, and I can’t believe I’m saying this but, excited to be around her”
“Dean, come on, I don’t want her to think I’m a pervert and, besides, she doesn’t even like me that way” And when Sam said that, Dean’s eyeballs almost popped out of his head, his eyes widening at his brother. Dean pinched the bridge of his nose, asking the Lord above – better yet, Chuck – to give him the strength to deal with Sam’s stupidity.
“Do you not see it?” He asks. Sam makes a face.
“See what?”
“Oh my God, are you blind Sammy? Or just severely oblivious?” Dean inquiries. “She’s so obviously into you it hurts to watch”
“Dean, please–”
“Don’t ‘please’ me! It’s so clear! She’s always near you when she has the chance, she always insists on helping you when you get hurt on hunts, she looks at you like you’re the last man on Earth, she always worries so much about you…”
“She does the same with you and…” Sam bit the inside of his cheek “...you guys seemed pretty cozy when I came out of the bathroom”
Dean almost hit Sam right then and there, or took one of the guns and shot him through his leg – as a warning. How could he even…?
“Are you fucking serious? That girl is like a sister to me. And why would I even flirt with her when I know you’re into the chick? I’m bad but not that bad, I ain’t stealing your girl” Dean reasures Sam.
His girl. Dean said. But you weren’t his. Sam sighed and rubbed his hands over his face, a million thoughts running through his head. He walked close to the bed and sat down, his and his brother’s guns slightly bouncing over the mattress with the added weight. He held his head in his hands, his hair falling beside his face, his elbows propped over his knees.
“What am I supposed to do?” Sam asks, helpless. Dean shakes his head.
“Talk to her, it’s as simple as that” Dean responded as if it truly was that easy. Sam thought about it. You weren’t gonna hate him for liking you and, maybe, Dean was right and you liked him too. It was a 50/50 chance between rejection and love. He weighed his options and decided in his mind.
Sam suddenly got up, startling Dean. He grabbed his gun and bag, walking around with a determined gaze. Dean accompanied his movements with his eyes, wanting to question the youngest about what conclusion he had gotten to but he was soon with a hand on the door handle and he looked back at his older brother, smiling.
“Let’s go, we have things to kill”
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It was safe to say that seeing you in a suit didn’t help Sam’s mind as it roamed back to those thoughts. As said before, you looked good in absolutely anything, but boy could you absolutely tear a man apart with the way you looked. You styled your hair in a more professional way using Baby’s rear view mirror and it looked amazing, your strands glowing in the faint daylight the day had left.
You were both standing close enough so that Sam was able to smell your perfume and the scent of your hair products. It became harder to concentrate on whoever you were interviewing, his eyes wandering to stare at the back of your head, wanting to see inside your brain for any message that said ‘Hey Sam, I’m into you too!’
Dean had gone elsewhere to deal with other things regarding the case so that left you and Sam. Alone. You felt, for the first time in years that you knew Sam, awkward to be around him. On the ride to the witness’ house, you barely talked, something that rarely happened between the two of you. You thought about asking what was wrong but that didn’t work the first time so you hadn’t done it again.
Right now, you sat on the passenger seat of the Impala, staring at Sam's hands gripping the steering wheel. He had hardly looked at you throughout the whole day — or so you thought.
Sam was in an intense battle inside his head and the way you kept looking at him wasn't helping. When he left the room after talking to Dean, he thought he felt brave enough to tell you everything he wanted to but, once he saw you sitting in the backseat in all your beauty, he was reminded of why he hadn't done it before.
He looked at you in secret everytime you were distracted. The way your hips moved when you walked, the way you crossed your legs in the seat every now and then. Oh what he wouldn't give to squeeze your thighs between his fingers right now. You had your arms crossed in front of your chest and — may Sam be forgiven — but the way it made your breasts look when you did that.
He gripped his fingers against the steering wheel even tighter, grounding himself from his thoughts, his knuckles turning white. He sped up the car, unconsciously trying to get back to the motel quicker.
You looked at his side profile then, a quizzical look on your face. He still didn’t look at you.
“Sam” You called. He didn't acknowledge it entirely, his head to focused on not getting a boner at the thought of fucking you in the backseat. You inch closer to him, a hand on his shoulder, “Sam!”
“What!” He answers, dryly. You brush it off, already used to his attitude for the day.
“You don't need to go that fast, we aren't in a hurry, God damn” You huff and pull your hand away from him, sinking back down in your seat angrily.
“Okay, sorry” He mumbles. You feel your phone vibrating in your pocket. A message from Dean. You take your phone and read the message. “Found a bar, don’t wait for me to get back ;)”. You chuckle and send an answer back knowing you’d probably only see him next morning. You told him to be safe – in all ways – and not drink too much. Sam looked at you from the corner of his eye. “Who’s that?”
“Madonna” You reply, sarcastically. He doesn’t say anything so you look at his face, which has an annoyed expression over it. “It’s Dean, he found a bar, told us not to wait for him”
Sam hums in acknowledgement and silence settles again, letting your mind wander over the possibilities of why Sam was acting with you this way. You were usually pretty playful, talked a lot with each other, either in the car or before you both parted ways to sleep, each in your own room. This silence, this avoidance was driving you nuts trying to figure out what happened. You felt like crying, honestly, overwhelmed with this feeling inside you. These feelings, plural. Your feelings for Sam mixed with this sickness that downed on you when you would notice he could barely say a word to you.
Lost in your head, you almost didn’t notice when Sam parked Baby in the motel's parking lot, only realizing it when the comforting hum of the engine went away. You both got out of the car, getting your bags in the trunk. You weren’t in the same room as the boys but you felt the need to talk to Sam so, when you came up behind him to his door and got inside his room, stepping in and quickly closing the door behind you, he was confused.
“Aren’t you going to–”
“What’s going on?” You asked, throat tight and heart aching, but you refused to cry. Sam furrowed his eyebrows and you stepped closer to him, standing barely two feet away from the Winchester.
“You’ve been acting cold towards me all day! All damn day. And I have no idea why.” You pressed your index against his chest accusingly, pushing him back slightly, not because you were necessarily stronger, but because you caught him off guard, your outburst was unexpected.
“I didn’t–”
“I tried, okay? I tried to figure out what I did but I…I don’t know. I tried to talk to you earlier today and you brushed me off, you seem incapable of looking at me properly, you’re cold, you’re quiet and I have no idea why so, please tell me. What’s going on?”
Your eyes were glassy and your heart was racing. Sam was speechless, he didn’t know you were feeling this way. Dean had told him, of course, but he had no idea you were actually that affected by his distancing. And to think that he only stood away because he didn’t want to make you feel bad or creeped out about his nervousness, it had the exact opposite effect. He felt his heart sink as he saw you holding back tears and his first instinct was to wrap his arms around you.
You hugged him back, thankful for some reassurance that he at least didn’t hate you, your arms wrapped around his waist and your face pressed against his chest. Sam caressed your head, your hair feeling soft under his fingers.
“You didn’t do anything, Y/N, don’t say that” He told you.
You pulled away from his chest to look at him. “Then tell me what’s wrong”
Sam sighs and closes his eyes momentarily. He had imagined this moment thousands of times, where he told you about how he felt. He couldn’t believe it would be after he ignored you because you were too hot to handle. He looked at you again, drowning in your beautiful eye color, one that he could stare for hours at its beauty. He then looked up, asking for the strength to tell you all he wanted, his throat visible to you as he swallowed his nerves.
“Actually, yeah, you kind of did something” He says, moving his hands until he was holding your upper arms, a smirk on his lips as he eyes you down. You opened your mouth, shocked, but, before you could say anything, he continued. “You drive me crazy, Y/N”
You stood still, scared to move as he talked. You were confused, lost. Hadn’t he just said you had nothing to do with this? Meanwhile, Sam just looked at you for a few seconds, silent. He took you in completely, your body still hidden under the FBI suit but he felt like he already had it memorized. He wanted to touch you, to feel you and he felt like, if he held back any longer, he could lose you. Lose you to someone who wasn’t scared of loving you. “Sam, I don’t–”
“Just– Look at you. You are one of the most amazing women I know, you’re strong, you’re smart, you– God, there’s no words that can describe just how incredible you are. You care for people more than you do for yourself and, even if that makes me angry sometimes, it just shows how big of a heart you have” He takes a breath. “You can be dying but you’d still put a bandaid on someone's scraped knee just because they asked you to, because you care.”
Sam slowly moves his hands to hold you by your neck, his rough palms hot against your skin. You had no words, you just hoped that your eyes could talk for you as you stared into his hazel ones. You had so much to say but words refused to form in your mouth. You never thought Sam would be the one to confess, hell, you never thought he even liked you that way. Hearing him say those things was like getting hit by a train of happiness. You raised your hands to wrap around his wrists, gently holding them as you prayed for him to continue.
“You’re the girl I picture to be forever in my life, if not as a lover, please let it be as a friend. I can’t bear the thought of losing you, but, at the same time, I can’t keep these feelings to myself much longer. If you don’t want me that way, it’s fine, but I need you here with me, one way or another” Sam finishes and starts searching your face for any kind of reaction. He just put his heart in your hands and it was up to you to shatter it or not. He felt his nerves on fire. He rubbed his thumb against your jawline to keep himself grounded and hold onto the comforting thought that you hadn’t pulled away from his touch.
You suddenly smiled, wide and proud. Sam seemed to relax when he saw it, a breath he didn’t know he was holding coming out of his mouth. You felt a rush of happiness go through you as you realized he wasn’t avoiding you because he was mad at you, he was avoiding you because he wanted you so bad he felt like he could make you mad. And that was so Sam. It was exactly like him to tone down his own feelings because of other people and how they might feel, even if it eats him on the inside. What felt even better is that he managed to muster up the courage to come here and tell you about everything in the most Sam way possible, in a way that made shivers run through you.
“Sam Winchester, if you don’t kiss me right now I might just–” He didn’t even let you finish, his plump lips crashing against yours in earnest. He waited months for this and there was no way he was delaying this further. Your words are swallowed down by his mouth along with a surprised gasp you let out. One of his hands went further until it held you behind your neck, his thumb still caressing your jaw as relieved breaths came out of his nose, he was so nervous he would get dumped and his heart crushed that kissing you felt better than anything he ever imagined. The dream might’ve been good but actually kissing you felt so, so much better.
Your lips were sweet and your skin felt soft, a big contrast against his rough hands from handling weapons and burning bones. Those dreams of his came to mind yet again, the thought of exploring your whole body with his mouth made him groan, opening his mouth and teasing your lips with his tongue so you’d open them. You gladly did, letting one of your hands wrap around the base of his neck, pulling him in. 
He lowered one of his hands to your waist through the inside of your black suit, pulling your body flush against his, squeezing your skin through the layers of clothing, eager to feel every inch of you. You groaned at his touch, a surge of heat polling into your belly. His hands took the opportunity to explore what he could – like dream Sam did – trailing his fingers up your back and you shivered, the light touch just making your need for him bigger.
His tongue explored your mouth, the kiss growing more heated within the moment. He starts to gently take the suit off your body, sliding it against your arms without breaking the kiss. Sam thinks for the first time in the last few seconds. He thinks about all the times he imagined being able to do this and, now that he had the chance and his feelings were reciprocated, he wanted to make it as good as possible for the both of you. He pulls away, wanting to make sure that you are on board with this.
His breathing is heavy and his cheeks are flushed as he looks at you, pupils dilated with desire – desire for you. Not once in your life have you thought that Sam would look at you that way – and God how much you dreamed of it. He was always much more secretive with his antics than Dean was, often keeping to himself instead of bragging about it, but you knew. You knew he was a passionate lover and the way he behaves just gives away how much of a gentleman he must be in bed. 
“Is this okay? Are you okay with this?” He asked you, voice filled with lust and deeper than his usual. You could’ve melted right then and there as he looked between your eyes, searching for any discomfort. Instead of telling him, you decided to show Sam how bad you wanted him. You slowly walked back, dropping the suit he already had taken halfway off from your body to the ground. You didn’t take your eyes off of him and he stared intensely at you right back, attentive to what you were going to do.
Your hands slowly trailed up your body, roaming through your curves and you see Sam swallow, his fists clenching and unclenching beside him, his throat so deliciously biteable. Once your fingers arrived at the top button of your white shirt, you started to unbutton one by one, slowly. You took your time, eyes trained on his with a smirk on your lips. You were playing bold but the way he was looking at you made your knees weak. His eyes were analyzing every movement of your hands and he stood unbelievably still, like a hunter watching its prey, careful to not scare it away.
Once the last button was undone, you dropped the white clothing to the ground. You now stood in your bra, the cold of the room hitting your skin and making goosebumps rise over it. You got closer to the man again and he accompanied you with his hazel orbs, now a tone darker due to his dilated pupils and the poor lighting in the room. You took one of his hands and placed it against your bare skin, the hot touch making you sigh before grabbing him by the neck with the other hand, bringing his face closer but, instead of kissing him, you placed your mouth closer to his ear.
“I want you, Sam” You whisper in his ear and leave a kiss right below it. Sam squeezed his eyes shut, keeping as much control as he could, biting his lower lip. He groans and a ton of thoughts go through his head – you, naked below him, your attitude gone as he fucks it out of you, pleasurable moans of his name coming out of your mouth. I want you, you said. He strongly grips your hips with both hands, making you yelp, and pushes you towards the bed, manhandling you successfully. Once your back is against the mattress, Sam immediately attacks your neck, kisses and bites making you sigh his name and arch your back into him.
“You have no idea what you do to me” He mumbled against your skin. And, really, you had no clue. He had spent the whole day thinking about this exact moment. The whole day, more like the last 4 months. The months where he had the urge to smash whatever man’s head that flirted with you against a wall and kiss you right then and there, in front of everyone to show who you truly belonged to. “For ages I’ve been thinking about you like this, you are everything that I think about and it’s driving me insane. You drive me insane”
He bites you particularly harder and you moan, your hand flying to his head and tugging at his hair. “Sam!” Your plea came out pathetically needy and he pulled away from your neck to look you in the face, his strong arms caging you beneath him and making you focus solely on the grin he had displayed on his lips. He kisses your lips again, passionate and needy, a groan rippling deep in his throat.
With his lips still glued to yours, he tugged his own suit away from his body, fumbling with the clothing and throwing it away so quick you barely noticed it, loosening his tie and bringing his hands right back to your body, because now that he could touch you, there was nothing in the world that could take him away. He landed his hands on your ribs and trailed then behind your back, his fingers teasing against your bra.
He broke the kiss and with unsteady breaths close to your mouth he asked: “Can I?” as he teases his finger under the bra strap. You hummed in approval and grabbed both his cheeks, giving him a firm peck on the lips to emphasize it.
“Yes, you can, please” You say. It came out much needier than intended but Sam didn’t seem to mind. You thought he didn’t, but he did. He smiled at you, feeling pride in the thought of making you needy and, hearing your voice – that’s so assertive and strong on a daily basis – breathy and desperate, made him wonder why he hadn’t done this earlier. You looked stunning under him and no dream could ever picture what he was seeing. Your eyes hooded, mouth agape and thumbs caressing the stubble on his face, eager to touch him as much as he was to touch you. He was looking right through the gates of heaven.
He proceeded to unclasp your bra, gently taking it off of you. He does all that without taking his eyes off your face and only allows himself to look down once the undergarment was long forgotten, laying on the ground. You didn’t know what to do or where to look, turning your face from him and feeling your cheeks heat up. You, of course, had been with other men in bed and you never truly cared if they didn’t think of you above a one night stand – you didn’t think much of them either. But Sam made you feel nervous. He was being so caring up until now, contrasting against most men you’ve been with, the thought of not reciprocating it properly made you shy below him.
He was appreciating the perfection he had under him, his fingers trailing your sides affectionately when he noticed your face turning away. You were biting your lip and avoiding his piercing gaze and he raised a hand to hold your chin, slowly turning your face to look at him again. He kissed you to ease your nerves but, this time, it wasn’t lustful, it wasn’t simply a carnal need, he kissed you with love, with passion and you could feel it tearing through your soul, his feelings pouring out and painting your insides.
He pulled back again and his eyes traveled through your face as a smile painted his lips. “You’re beautiful” He says and you smile back at him widely, your heart racing in your chest. You didn’t know what to say to that so you grabbed at his loose tie that hung just below your jaw and pulled him in harshly, smashing your lips against his. The unexpected move made Sam lose his balance and you took the opportunity to change your positions, laying him back on the bed as you straddled his waist with your legs.
Sam gripped your hips as you made out, gently rolling you over him and you felt it. You felt him under you through the clothing you both still had on and a whine escaped your lips into the kisses. Sam leaves your lips to start attacking your neck, leaving hickeys and bites behind. He was holding onto the last ounce of control he had, you were just so much. Every little noise you made went straight to his cock and he couldn’t handle it anymore, you still had too much clothing on and he needed to do something about it.
Sam turned both of you over again and left your lips to stand straight in front of you. The sight of you half naked, splayed out over the bed, hair messed up, shiny spots from his saliva against your neck and collarbone was very close to the sight he’d dreamed about. But a hundred times better. Because this was real, he was touching you, kissing you, marking you and making you his.
He felt suffocated in his own clothes and he took the opportunity to take off his tie and his white shirt along the way, slowly revealing his defined body. You swallowed to try and not drool over the sight, his strong physique covered by a thin layer of sweat, the tattoo he had on his chest contrasting against his tanned torso and few scars he had here and there. Some were white, others were pink-ish – more recent – but he looked fabulous no matter what. You’d seen him shirtless before, while patching him up or when the bunker was too hot for either of the brothers but none of those situations were as intimate as this. He was half naked only for your eyes to see – as much as you were for his.
He noticed your stare and he smirked as he approached your lower belly with his mouth. You held your breath and closed your eyes as his mouth made contact with your skin. From then on, he kissed his way up, biting here and there in places only you would know if the mark was still there the next day. He kissed your own scars that were scattered through your torso softly, treating them with care because, as much as him, you had gotten hurt on hunts. Besides, he found it amazing how strong you were. He admired you and your scars were there to prove to everyone who saw you that you were a fighter.
His hands came up alongside his kisses, caressing your sides so lightly it was almost ticklish. When his mouth got to the valley of your breasts he looked up at you, a question in his eyes. He had his hands placed right below your boobs, not moving, not touching them, just there as he waited for your approval. You were burning up from the inside out, the sight was so much. His eyes pleading for you to let him touch you, his hair making a curtain around his face.
“Touch me, Sam” You whisper, knowing that even if it wasn’t loud, he could hear you. He grinned and went right into action, his hands filling themselves up with your breasts, his thumbs teasing your nipples. You let out a low moan, the little stimulation you got from his fingers finally doing something to soothe the fire inside you.
He joined with his mouth, sucking and licking deliciously at it. You flew a hand to tangle into his hair, unconsciously tugging at his roots when he lightly bit at your nipple. Sam would groan against your skin every time you would tighten your fingers in his hair and he felt like he could cum just by hearing your faint pleas and breathless whines. He continued kissing up after that, his hands still squeezing your breasts lightly.
His mouth marked your collarbones with hickeys, painting your skin with reds and purples. He nipped at your neck, sucking at your pulse point and you bucked your hips against his, the pleasure too much and too little all at once. He was taking his time with you, appreciating every second that he could get and yet you felt his desperation when he tightened his hands around your boobs once your crotch hit his.
You tugged his hair harder to bring his face close to yours and Sam complied. You smashed your lips against his, the kiss all tongue and teeth, completely desperate. Your breathing was heavy and Sam brought his hands to your back, lifting it off the bed and making your chest glue against his, your sensitive nipples grinding against his skin. You clawed your nails on his shoulders to keep yourself together, markings that looked like half moons left behind in your desperation to remind you all this was real.
You dragged your hands down his arms, nails lightly scraping over his skin, and gently guided his forearms down, his hands going along. He proceeded to rest his palms over your covered ass, groaning in your mouth when he realized what you were insinuating. You wanted more, needed more.
You pulled back from his mouth just enough so you could talk. You opened your eyes to see one of the sexiest views you’ve ever encountered. Sam’s mouth was open, unsteady breaths hitting your mouth as his eyes stared down at you. You brought a hand to his cheek and just appreciated the sight for a moment before your mouth gave him an open mouthed kiss below his jaw. You felt goosebumps down your spine when he moaned lightly at your action, his hands squeezing at your ass. You placed your mouth close to his ear and Sam closed his eyes, waiting to see what you were going to do now.
“Fuck me, Sammy, don’t hold back” You whispered and Sam’s knees almost gave out, the nickname he usually hated hearing sounding so sweet coming out of your mouth. He pulled back to look at you.
“Are you sure?” He asked, looking between your mouth and your eyes. You nodded.
“Yes” Was all you had to say before he grabbed at the hem of your pants, dragging them down your legs. He distanced himself from you to kneel between your legs, face to face with your covered pussy, the only thing you were wearing now being your panties.
After discarding your pants, Sam roamed his hands slowly up your legs, from your ankles to where your hips connected to your thigh. You were clenching and unclenching your fists beside your body, holding your torso up with your elbows and looking down to see him hypnotized by your soaked underwear, his eyes glued. You were embarrassedly wet and, as Sam dragged a finger over it, grinding against your neglected clit, you bucked against his hand, whining.
“Sam…” You pleaded and he finally looked up at you. You were taking deep breaths, your chest going up and down, decorated by the marks left by his mouth and teeth. You looked stunning. “Do something” 
And he does. He kisses right above your covered sex and you moan deep in your throat again, fingers gripping the sheets. Sam was feeling pride in himself. He was the one who got you like this, not any other man. He was the one you were begging for and he was the one who was going to give you everything you wanted. He wanted to worship you atom by atom of your being because that was what you deserved, he was going to treat you like the goddess you were.
He hooks his fingers in the waistband of your panties and, like he was opening a present he long wished for, – which was kind of true – he takes it off so calmly you were close to combusting. When Sam finally sees you completely nude for the first time, only for his eyes to see and outside of his dirty dreams, he hums in delight. Fucking hums. He’s done for the moment he sees your cunt, wet and glistening just for him. Oh how badly he wanted this, for so, so long he wanted you like this and now he was finally fulfilling his deepest desire.
He squeezes your thighs in his hands before reaching for your sex, his middle finger collecting your wetness in his finger. You buck against his hand again, this time even more sensitive and neglected than before. And you cry out, not with tears, but a desperate sob for attention. Sam notices that and looks up at your face to see your eyebrows furrowed and a sheen of sweat in your forehead, you looked so fucked out without even him actively doing anything. He softened and caressed your sides with his hands, soothing your nerves – or trying to, at least.
“Shh, pretty girl, I’m gonna take care of you” He says “I’m just appreciating how perfect you are, taking my time with the girl of my dreams”
Your face softened and you felt your cheeks warm up even more than they already were. You bit back a smile. You felt unique at that moment, as if you were the only woman in the world as he said the sweetest words inches away from your pussy, it was almost laughable to think that one of the most romantic things you’ve ever heard was said between your legs.
Sam smiled at you and started kissing your inner thighs, so close yet so far from where you truly wanted him. He loved kissing your skin, he loved to feel you and you were keeping that in mind. He expressed his love physically rather than using words and you were just realizing it wasn’t just in bed he was like that. He always wanted to cook for you, he knew how you liked your drink, he would take care of you when you would get too drunk or when you were hurt or not feeling great. He hugged you, kissed the top of your head, pranked you. He gave you his jacket when you were cold or for you to use as a pillow when you were sleeping on a longer ride. He protected you, even if he knew you didn’t need it, either literally, putting his body in front of yours when someone or something threatened you, or not letting you go alone on hunts – including this one, where you had offered to go alone to questioning and, even if he was technically avoiding you, he wasn’t going to let you go solo.
Sam had loved you for so long and you were oblivious. Were. Because now he was digging his fingers in your thighs, mouth closing over your clit and you were arching your back. His stubble scratched your inner thighs, adding more to the building pleasure in your belly. He sucked at your cunt so skillfully that you wondered how long you would last like this and how much he had practiced to have a mouth that was able to do that. He moved his hands to your ass again, bringing your hips up and burying his face deeper into your heat.
He felt like he could die happy between your thighs because he wasn’t leaving there anytime soon. You were delicious and he was drinking in your noises like a drug, getting high off his lust and your taste. He hummed and groaned against your pussy, his cock pulsing so bad it practically hurt, almost cumming in his pants just from this.
“Sam– Oh God, please, please, plea–se” You cried out, the pleasure almost too much, the foreplay making you sensitive to a level you felt everything ten times harder. Sam knew exactly what he did to you, it was like he edged you consciously, knowing you’d beg for him louder once he finally got to touching you. And damn him because it worked, you were a moaning mess and he would be lying if it didn’t stroke his ego to hear you plead for him, submitting to his ministrations so quickly, it was adorable.
He was eating you out with everything he had, digging his nails on your skin. You were soon close to the edge, tightening your thighs around his head so he would not pull away. Everything around you consisted only of him, his scent, his noises, his body, him. It was overwhelming and, with a loud cry of his name, you came, hard.
The room went out of focus, your eyes rolling back in pure pleasure. You had trapped Sam’s head between your legs and he hadn’t stopped. He kept licking you clean, completely lost in your pussy. He could stay like that forever, until his jaw went sore, just so that he could hear you over and over again while he’s nose deep into your cunt. He only comes back to the real world – the one that doesn’t consist in an infinite loop of your voice moaning his name – when you pull at his hair and your thighs open space to let him get up.
“T’much Sammy'' You say, breathless. You bring him up from your cunt, and look at his face, glistening with your juices, a giddy smile on his lips – like a kid who just got a truckload of candy dumped at their house – and cheeks red from the heat. You smile back at him and giggle. Who would’ve thought that he would make you cry for him to touch you and, minutes later, you’d be laughing at his mischievous grin from making you cum.
You brought him back up with a hand behind his neck and he gladly crawled on the bed until he was face to face with you again, his hands supporting his upper body so he wouldn’t crush you. You looked at him for a few seconds, a look that you intended to fill with love and care and he reciprocated, his head angling 45° with a gentle smile that made him look absolutely adorable. You put a strand of his hair behind his ear, which proved useless as it fell right back to curtain his face, his hair being too straight and too soft to hold up like that. You chuckled lightly and pulled him in for a kiss.
You could taste yourself on his tongue, the saltiness making you hum in his mouth. The kiss grew heated fast and you started to roam your hands over his chest, his muscles tensing under your light palms. You explored his body as much as he did to yours, caressing over every visible muscle he had – which, honestly, was a lot. When you got to his abs, Sam broke the kiss to let out a shaky breath. He gently grabbed your wrists and kneeled on the bed, his body now in its full glory above you, the lightning in the room making his body even more defined.
With your wrists in his hand, Sam dragged your palms, that were flattened against his skin, lower. And lower. Until you were touching the hem of his pants that he still, incredibly, had on. You stared at the bulge he had right below, swallowing thickly and letting out a deep breath, your cunt clenching in response. He looked big. You should have an idea, Sam was 6’4, of course it would be proportional to his height but God if it didn’t make you think about swallowing him down, the tip hitting the back of your throat, tears welling up in your eyes as he fucked your face.
“Want me to take them off?” You hear his voice, snapping you out of your fantasies. You looked up at him and down again. You hooked your fingers in the waistband and, on cue, Sam let go of your wrists. You slowly brought his pants and underwear down at the same time, too eager to keep up the foreplay and too desperate to tease.
When you finally see it, an audible groan reverbates in the back of your throat. Sam moans lowly, the pain from the constriction caused by his boxers and pants finally going away and making him even more aware of the neglect his dick got up til now. He watches your reaction carefully and, one of the first things you do is throw your legs back, standing on your knees, one hand supporting your body as the other stops midway to his dick. Sam felt his whole body burn with need. God what did he do to deserve you.
You were on all fours in front of him, head inches from his cock, eyes now looking up at him with a question. You felt like if you opened your mouth you would drool, you needed him inside it and you were silently asking him if it was okay.
Sam angled his torso to bring his face closer to yours, grabbing your chin with his hand and giving you a firm peck on the lips. “Do it, beautiful” He whispered against your mouth and straightened up again and you confirmed with a nod before wrapping your hand around his dick.
Sam breathed out when you started to pump him, your hand doing light movements. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of your name, a silent plea and you gladly listened. You wrapped your mouth around the tip, just the tip for now, and circled your tongue around it, the salty taste of precum invading your mouth. Sam’s hand instantly flew to your head, encouraging you to take him deeper, but not forcing you. Still, you started to relax your throat and took as much of him as you could, hollowing your cheeks.
“Y/N, baby, Jesus” Sam sighed and your insides tingled. You took what you couldn’t take in your mouth with your hand, squeezing and pumping using your spit as lube. You could feel Sam holding back, his hips stuttering every now and again. You braced yourself, deciding to give him more, and placed your hands on his thighs, tapping it twice with your index finger. Sam looked down at you, swallowing his breathy groans. He damn near came just by looking at you, those beautiful eyes staring up at him, your mouth wrapped around his dick. He concentrated, remembering the silent message you sent him.
“I don’t want to hurt you” He said and you did your best to shake your head no in your conditions. You won’t. And emphasized it by squeezing his thighs and pushing your head forward. Sam sighed and nodded. “Okay, but if it’s too much, tap three times, get it doll?” He asked. The nickname made you shiver, his voice sounding so sweet calling you that. Brushing it off you tapped his thigh three times, just for him to know you understood what he said. 
Sam started to rock his hips back and forth slowly, using your mouth for his pleasure. All you did was relax your throat as much as you could and breathe through your nose. He started to quicken up within time, losing his control as his release came closer. He was grunting and moaning and all his noises went straight to your pussy. He let out sighs of your name, his head thrown back and his neck glistening with sweat, his Adam's apple bobbing everytime he swallowed.
Too enamored by his noises, you lost focus and gagged on his cock, tears stinging your eyes. Sam loudly moaned your name at that, hips faltering as he tugged at your head to take your mouth off his cock. His breathing was heavy and his mouth was dry and he stood face to face with you to kiss your lips again, moaning inside your mouth. You were a bit disappointed that he hadn’t cum but you swallowed his whines gladly with your mouth, clasping your hands on each one of his cheeks. He pulled away and caressed a thumb over your lips.
“What have you got in that mouth of yours sweetheart?” He asked with a smirk and you bit your lip.
“Says the one who was eating me out like a starved man” You replied, wrapping one arm around his neck as your index finger traced his lips before giving them a peck, smiling once you pulled away. He smiled at you before wrapping his arms around your waist, like he would in a hug, and throwing you back. You shrieked as you landed on your back and Sam laid practically on top of you, attacking your face with tiny kisses, making you laugh under him.
Once he stopped, he just stared down at you. “Hi” He said.
“Hi” You whispered back after your laugh died down.
“Did I already tell you you’re beautiful?”
“You’re beautiful” He said, again “I’ll never stop telling you that”
“I can deal with it” You teased and he chuckled, going right back to kissing you.
Sam was one of a kind. You had taken some time to truly understand why you had fallen in love with him in the first place but there was not just one thing that made Sam Winchester special, everything he did just added up. From the huge things to the tiny details, he just was so easy to fall in love with and these moments were definitely one of those in the list, in which, no matter the situation, good or bad, Sam could make you smile.
As he kissed you now, his hands roamed your body like he had done before until two of his fingers teased at your entrance and you rolled your hips against his hand. Blowing him had made you aroused again and you could feel your wetness coating his fingers. Sam smirked in your mouth before slowly inserting his middle and ring finger inside your wetness. Your mouth left his to let out a moan, your foreheads glued.
Sam opened his eyes to watch your expression as he hooked his fingers inside you. You whined, your eyebrows furrowed and your nails left angry red trails over his shoulders. He lowered his head to kiss your neck open mouthed. He started to scissor his fingers inside you, preparing for what you knew was coming and you gladly relaxed around his fingers, grinding your cunt on his digits.
“Sweetheart, I need to be inside you, I need you” He whispered in your ear and you whined at the thought, nodding in approval.
“Yes, Sammy, please” You breathlessly said. Sam took his fingers out from your hole and you held back a complaint from the emptiness once you saw him pumping his hardened cock with the hand he used his fingers to prepare you, lubricating himself with your juices. He lined himself up with your entrance and looked at you again.
He wanted to watch you as he sunk himself into your heat and that’s what he did. He slowly started to enter you and your mouth opened in a silent moan at the stretch. He was filling you up deliciously well, right in the division between pain and pleasure and, the deeper he went, the harder your nails dug on his shoulders.
Sam was also struggling. Your tightness enveloped him in a way no one had ever done before and it felt so fucking good to bury himself inside you. He started to distract you from the possible painful stretch with kisses over your collarbones and neck, focusing on relaxing your body so he could make love to you properly.
At last, you felt his pelvis connect with yours and you were so amazingly full. His dick hit places inside you you could never reach alone and it felt incredible. 
Once you were used to his size and craving more, you rolled your hips against his, making Sam suck in a breath. He was trying to keep his composure but he was holding on his last ounces of control and when you moved he damn nearly lost it.
“You can move” You whisper and Sam wastes no time fulfilling your request, immediately starting to pump into you. He was euphoric, his mind was blurry as only images of you naked under him and begging for him to fuck you went through his head. You would tighten your walls around him from time to time and that would cause his breathing to falter and his hips to stutter.
You weren’t much different, every buck of his hips would hit you in a spot that made you see starts. You were already overstimulated from his previous ministrations so you knew you weren’t going to last long and, from the way Sam was twitching inside you, you knew he wasn’t going to either.
“Sam, I’m s’close” You moaned close to his ear.
“Me too, baby” He said as he brought his hand to press over your lower belly. You nearly screamed as he did that, you could feel him even better, his shape feeling like it was being permanently molded inside you. Along with it, he reached a thumb to rub over your clit – his big hands be damned – and at that you finally went over the edge with a desperate cry of his name. 
Your vision blurred as the only thing you knew was real was the feeling of emptiness since Sam was chasing his own release after leaving your warmth. He pumped his cock a few times and proceeded to cum over your belly, painting your skin with his liquids. You were spread out on the bed for a while longer after that, Sam panting above you, his softening dick still in his hand and you completely fucked out with a lazy smile on your face.
Once that high passed, Sam took you to the bathroom – bridal style – and cleaned you up in the bathtub with warm water and gave you the privacy you needed after he sorted himself out too, leaving the bathroom on his boxers.
You took your time, using the toilet so as to not get any infections and leaving the bathroom completely naked, too lazy to actually put clothes on. You just wanted to sleep beside Sam and wake up happy in his arms.
He saw you coming out of the room and smiled, eyeing you up and down.
“No clothes?” He asked
“Unless you’re uncomfortable, I think we’re past that” You joked and he shook his head.
“I don’t mind, come here” He said, opening an arm to invite you to lay over his chest and you gladly did, jumping on the bed and wrapping your arms around his torso, laying your head on his firm chest. Sam covered both of you with the white sheets, hiding your exposed body under them. You laid silent for a moment, just drowning in each other's company as you listened to his steady heartbeat.
Sam caressed your upper arm, his mind running with a thousand thoughts in which a thousand and one consisted of you. 
“Hey, want to know something?” Sam asked. He was taking advantage of the situation because now he was confident enough to do so, and he wasn’t delaying this any further if his mind would allow him. You lazily looked up at him, your chin now resting on him. Your eyes stared at him with so much appreciation that he felt even more encouraged to tell you what he wanted to.
“I think I love you” He blurted out. You felt your face warm up and smiled widely, but didn’t lose the opportunity to tease him for his choice of words.
“You think?” You raised an eyebrow. Sam panicked inside.
“No, I mean that–”
“I think I love you too” You interrupted before he could say anything else, your giddy smile never faltering. Sam relaxed and pulled you in for a kiss to seal this promise.
Who would’ve thought that Sam would have his dream come true at the end of everything. Yet, here you were, half-asleep in his arms after you admitted your love for each other.
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A/N: Notes and reblogs encourage me to keep writing, feedback makes those writings better. Thank you for reading. XoXo
882 notes · View notes
princessedesfleursss · 3 months
Pairing: carlos sainz x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: blowjob (male receiving), pole dancing (lol), sex
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You caught him staring at you. A tall and handsome man whom you were sure was way more than a few years older than you. You felt tingly- the way his darkening eyes were checking you out. You waited until his eyes finished scanning your body and landed on yours. You slightly smirked at him with a raised eyebrow. He chuckled back with a slight shrug. You rose your glass addressing him and he reflected your actions.
Smiling at yourself, you bottomed your drink and went over to the dance floor where your friends were at. It was a typical uni weekend where you had decided along with your roommates to hit the club. The minute you did hit the club word had gotten out that there’d be some drivers from the race that was held earlier that evening.
Dancing your way into the middle, you let yourself get lost in the music. Your friends circled you, the blonde one next to you leaning into whisper, “There’s this like super hot guy who’s checking you out.”
The one next to her, winked at you while acting all surprised. You swatted her shoulder sending a smirk her way.
“I heard he’s a part of the group of racing drivers who dropped by- Carlos Sainz,” your friend whispered.
“He’s probably not the fastest when it comes to getting girls I guess. He’s been looking but not doing nothing,” you screamed back at her over the music.
Unbeknowst to you and your friends, the handsome guy you guys were talking about was lurking close by and he happened to hear the comment you had just made on him. Chuckling at your naivety, he inched closer to you. Your friends nodded at him approvingly and moved onto their dancing partners.
As the music and lights changed to the new song being played, you felt a strong pair of arms envelope your waist. You leaned into the chest knowing exactly who it was.
“I’m not fast enough?” A thick Spanish accent asked.
Grinning at the question you turned yourself around in his arms and hooked your hands around his neck, moving along to the beat of the music.
“Took you some time, Carlos” you teased him.
“So you know me?” He asked with an amused smile.
“Happened to hear your name.”
He chuckled at that knowing you were playing hard to get. But he wanted you. He wanted you now and he would do anything to get that. The minute he had laid his eyes on you when you went over to the bartender to get your drink- in a dress that sparkled so bright he could see you as you walked over to the dance floor, strutting over to your friends.
You looked back at him feeling bold, “Wanna get outta here?”
Pulling you closer to him, Carlos replied back, “Hell yeah.”
Smiling at his response, you clasped your fingers around his much larger hand and dragged him out the club. On your way out to the back, you waved at one of your frequent friends who let you access the VIP lounges at the club. Carlos simply followed you as you took him up the stairs and into a room with darkened glass. From above you could see the entirety of the club but from below no one could see what was going on up there.
Locking the door, you pushed Carlos to the sofa and went over to the pole in the middle of the room. Meanwhile Carlos poured himself a drink. Spreading his jean clad thighs further apart he got comfortable in the sofa. You looked at him with lust filled eyes and twirled yourself around the pole, keeping his keen eyes on your bending figure.
Carlos watched in interest, his pants getting tighter around the crotch and his mind crowding with the things he wanted do to you.
The music was louder in the room than it was downstairs. You let yourself drown to the music as you showed off some pole dancing skills you had learned when you had come over for private parties with your friends up here. And then the when the music changed you got off the pole and crawled over to where Carlos was seated. You made sure to swing your hips as you moved closer to him. Carlos downed his drink when you sat yourself right in front of him.
You leaned up to kiss him and he grabbed the back of your neck doing exactly what you wanted. Hot, passionate lips clashed onto each other as you moved your hands all over his clothed thighs. Pushing yourself off of him, you signaled at his jeans. Carlos obliged, unzipping them and letting you do the rest. You pulled them down to wear you could see his throbbing & veiny dick clearly.
Looking back up at him and making sure to maintain that eye contact you went down on him, taking as much as you could at once. The rest was covered using your steadily moving hands. Carlos groaned at the feeling of your velvety mouth envelope around his erection and let you do your thing for a while. When he was getting closer, he wrapped his fingers around your hair and deep throated you making you almost gag around him. All the while you looked back up at him as mascara painted tears ran down your face.
He tapped the side of your mouth and you let go of his dick with pop.
“I wanna cum inside you cariño,” he demanded at you with a stern voice.
Sliding out of your panties, you sat atop him while he locked in your lips again, pulling you into a heated makeout session. You panted as you humped yourself on his thigh.
“Want you,” you panted in the middle while you tugged at his hair, “inside me. Now!”
It took Carlos no more convincing, and within a matter of movements he was inside you. You dug your head into his shoulder as you took in the scent from the shirt he was wearing. Lifting your head up a little you placed kissed on his neck and whispered, “Fuck me Carlos.”
Guiding your hips he set your pace. As exhausted as you felt you kept going wanting to feel you reach your high. When Carlos was close as he subdued his fast pace to slower and deeper thrusts. You held onto his shoulders as he marked hickies all over your chest.
“I’m close,” you murmured at him.
“Come with me baby,” he muttered back, “Fuck just like that.”
With that, the ever twisting coil inside you came undone and you felt his whites warming up your insides at the same time.
You tried to catch your breath as you laid your head against his chest. Too exhausted to speak or anything.
“You’re the best fuck I’ve ever had,” you murmured as you lifted your head up to peck him on the lips.
Carlos slightly chuckled at your comment, feeling himself going soft inside you. But the moment you stirred when he guided your face to leave a ravishing kiss he got hard again. With widened eyes you broke off the kiss and looked back up at him.
“Shall we continue this in my hotel room?”
Leaning down to seal a kiss in agreement to his suggestion, you rolled off of him and pulled your panties back up.
Before you were walked out of the private room Carlos pulled you into a kiss and spoke to the shell of your ear,
“This was way better than winning the race.”
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wanderingelvis · 6 months
Omggg cg!Elvis x littleF!reader who’s sick and keeps slipping into littlespace cuz of how sick she is so he takes care of her despite the possibility of him getting sick? 🥺
Thank you so much for the request!! I hope you like it <3
🧚 Masterlist 🧚
Word count: 2,135
Pairing: Early 70's CG!Elvis x Little F!Reader
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Oh Lord, you were trying so hard, so so hard to be a big girl.
You knew that Elvis had so much on his schedule, the Colonel was working him and you too by default. You'd been on the road with Elvis, helping out where you could like the good little girlfriend you were, but it had become all a bit too much and you had caught some sort of bug that was making you feel all kinds of miserable.
And when you were ill, well, that was the most sure fire way for you to slip into little space. You just weren't very good at being independent and coping with the overwhelming and horrible feelings you were having.
But you were trying, you really, really were. You didn't want to interfere with the schedule, Elvis had a lot on his mind and you'd be damned to cross paths with the Colonel when there was so much money to be made. Even when you were feeling your best, you still didn't like to even be in the same room as the Colonel.
All morning you'd felt achey, sore and tingly all over with a fever creeping in. Naturally, you'd been quieter than usual, trying to stop yourself from slipping but it was becoming inevitable.
Your body just wasn't strong enough and you felt exhausted and vulnerable as you sat in Elvis' dressing room as he did a run-through of his show tonight.
You'd found a spare blanket and you were curled up in the corner of the large couch as members of staff and the Memphis Mafia alike walked past you, a few giving concerned looks your way, in particular, Red, who watched as you rested your head on your arms and closed your eyes.
See, being in the state that you were in meant that you had absolutely no concept of time and when you were woken from the light slumber you were in, you had no idea how long you'd been asleep for.
"Baby?" That familiar deep, Southern voice hushed, laced with concern as your eyes sleepily opened, staring up at Elvis who was studying your state with worry on his face after Red had told him that you seemed unusually low today.
You blinked adorably up at him and if you weren't so apparently sick, Elvis would do the most unspeakable things to you.
Elvis sighed, realising how wiped and sick you were as he put the back of his coarse hand on your forehead to check your temperature, which was far too high for his liking.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, you felt all achey and sore and your head was just so fuzzy that you were pretty much ready to let tears spill down your cheeks.
And Elvis could tell. He'd been with you for long enough now to know your little space 'tells'. You'd go non-verbal, your eyes would get all big and round and glossy, because even after all this time, you still got nervous about being little in front of Elvis - a fact that Elvis actually thought was very sweet and endearing. You'd start chewing on something too, whether it was your toy stuffy, your lip or your fingers, you'd chew on something as you tried to get all your thoughts in order. And there you were, chewing on your lip as you trembled from the fever.
"Oh little one, you ain't feelin' too good huh?" Elvis cooed, to which you shook your head ever so slightly. "Oh baby. Need me to look after you, princess?" Elvis asked as you pushed yourself up feebly, the blanket pooling by your waist as you nodded and rubbed your eyes sweetly.
Effortlessly, Elvis scooped you up in his big, strong arms and your head automatically went to rest on his shoulder as you began to chew on your fingers anxiously, wanting this horrible feeling to go away.
"Y/N is comin' down with somethin' nasty, I'm gon' take care of her, let everyone know they can go home, I ain't leavin' her today." Elvis said to Jerry before he carried you to his private elevator that took him right to the suite that the two of you shared at the top of the International.
As soon as the doors closed, Elvis began to rock you gently. "Gon' get you undressed baby, take off all yer clothes and get you in the tub, give you some medicine that's gon' make you feel all good n'better then we're gon' get you into bed to rest n' take it easy. How does that sound pretty girl?" Elvis soothed.
You nodded into his shoulder, feeling vulnerable and weak as he held you tightly, you couldn't help but let out a couple of sniffles too.
"Little one, d'ya think you can use your words f'me?" Elvis said. He knew you'd go non-verbal whenever you were feeling overwhelmed and little, and usually he wouldn't push you, but when you were feeling little and sick, he needed to know that you could still understand what he was saying and there wasn't anything more serious that was underlying.
"J-Just, don't feel good Daddy." You whimpered and oh if Elvis' heart hadn't broken in two when he first saw you on that couch, it certainly had now.
The name that you'd just called him was definitive confirmation that you were deep in little space and you needed to be treated as delicately as possible.
"I know baby, I know you don't, Daddy's gon' take care of you." Elvis promised, kissing the top of your head as you got out of the elevator into the suite.
Elvis wasted no time in taking you straight to the bathroom, sitting you atop the bathroom the counter as he rolled up the sleeves on his blue silk shirt, one that you'd actually picked out for him because you thought he would look "extra pretty" in it and began to run the bathtub full of warm water for you. He then went through the bathroom cabinet, through the one that held all of the medicines you may need for any particular reason, before he found the right one for your fever and chills.
"Now, you gotta be a brave girl f'me, I know this don't taste too good baby, but it's gon' help make you better, 'kay?" Elvis said as he poured the medicine onto a spoon, ready to feed you as you watched on, grimacing a bit, you hated having to take medicine.
"I don't wanna..." You practically whispered.
"Darlin', I know it ain't nice, but you gotta take it like a good girl, can you do that fr'me?" Elvis said, his tone becoming a little sterner than before, you taking your medicine is not something he was going to compromise on.
You nodded but not without small tears forming, making Elvis feel quietly guilty, he wished that it was him that was sick, he'd give anything to swap places with you. It really did pain him to see you in this state.
"Okay, open them pretty lips fr'me angel, just like that, good." Elvis encouraged as he fed you the spoon with the medicine.
He used his pointer finger on his other hand to poke just under your jaw ever so slightly to close your mouth around the spoon. "Good." He hissed, nodding in approval at how good you were being.
Slowly, he took the spoon out of your mouth as he studied your face, your eyes staring up at him as your nose scrunched up at the sour tasting medicine.
"Baby, that medicine ain't gon' do a damn thing stuck in your mouth like that." Elvis half-heartedly chuckled, knowing you were being a little too stubborn for your own good. "Swallow." He commanded gently.
And, like the good girl you were, you did just that - although with a grimace on your sweet little face the entire time.
"Good girl." Elvis praised softly, as he began to take off your clothes for your bath.
You watched as his coarse, ring-clad hands traced your skin, causing shivers to travel through your already sensitive skin. Elvis hushed you reassuringly, saying sweet nothings to reassure you that you were okay, that he was your Daddy and he was going to make you better, and you believed him.
After you were fully undressed and after Elvis checked the water temperature, Elvis helped you into the tub where you instantly loved the sensation of the hot water on your shivering skin.
"Does my little girl like that?" Elvis smiled warmly as he watched you smile for the first time today, even if it was only a small one.
You nodded as you brought your knees to your chest to rest your head on your knees, your head tilted so you could watch your Daddy.
Elvis grabbed a loofah and took to gently washing you, getting you all soapy and lathered up in the suds as he watched you practically preen in delight at his touch.
"Bein' such a good girl fr' Daddy, ain'tcha?" Elvis soothed.
"Yes Daddy." You said sweetly, your eyes closed in bliss as Elvis continued to wash you all over.
"That's right, that's my girl." Elvis praised as he held out one of your arms to wash it, as if you were some sort of a doll for him to move as he pleased. You were so malleable and so sweet and Elvis loved nothing more than to take care of you.
When Elvis was done washing you, he scooped you up out of the tub and wrapped you up in a fluffy towel, holding you tightly and peppering you in kisses, eliciting a few soft giggles from you.
He knew you were feeling little, you were so overwhelmed and he knew the last week had taken it's toll on you. You were a little people pleaser, so much so, that you'd taken on much more than sweet, little you could manage. You would comply to anyones request and you'd caused yourself to become burnt out and Elvis couldn't help but feel responsible for not stepping in sooner - even if he knew that if he had stepped in, you would've begged him to let you help out as much as possible because you were just a little angel sent from heaven. Elvis quickly got you dressed into your favourite pyjamas that you wore when you were feeling little. They had cartoon horses on them and you'd adorably named each one, one morning whilst Elvis was reading his paper and drinking his morning coffee.
He took special care as he dressed you, mindful that your body was still tender and sore.
As Elvis led you to your bed, you began to feel all drowsy and achey again, making you extra clingy and needy with Elvis, but he secretly didn't mind.
Elvis tucked you up in bed and placed your stuffed bunny in your little grasp, smoothing back your hair that had fallen in front of your face.
After placing a kiss atop of your head, Elvis began to make his way from the bedroom to let you sleep before he heard a whine come from your lips.
"Oh honey, what's the matter?" Elvis cooed, making his way back to the bed before you reached out your arms wide and made grabby hands at Elvis, making him chuckle ever so.
"Daddy, stay," You whimpered. You were not in any fit state to not be close to Elvis. "Don't go, need you." You mumbled cutely.
Elvis smirked as he began to remove his shoes and get atop the bed, next to you, placing one arm across the pillows where your head rested so that you were able to slot into his side and snuggle into him as you clasped onto your stuffed bunny too.
"I ain't goin' anywhere baby, now rest your eyes honey, you need to get your strength back little one." Elvis instructed, his fingers running through your hair, sending shivers through you as you let your eyes close.
Elvis continued to play with your hair as he reached over to his bed-side table with his other hand and grab the telephone.
"Jer? Yeah, Jer, tell the Colonel to tell whoever needs to know that the show ain't happenin' tonight, reschedule, cancel, I don't care. I gotta take care of Y/N, ain't no way I'm leavin' her tonight, not in the state she's in. Okay. Thanks Jer." Elvis said into the receiver before putting it down again.
You couldn't help but feel bad as you nestled into Elvis' side. "Daddy?" You said meekly.
"Yes baby?"
"You don't got to cancel your show Daddy." You said softly, your big eyes looking up at his blue ones.
"Little one, I ain't ever wanna do a show if you ain't in the crowd." Elvis said firmly and you knew he wasn't going to budge on the matter - and with that you drifted off in the arms of your Daddy.
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imaslutforbill · 1 month
hi ^^ can u write a smut (😭🙏) where bill is changing his tongue piercing when y/n walks in and he like asks her which one he should pick and then y/n says smt like "i don't really care, you look cute either way" and bill goes "let me test them then" and he ends up going down on her with all the diff tongue rings to figure out which one feels best
ofc i can bb <33 thank u for the request, i love this sm!
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Pairings: Bill (2008) x Female reader Summary: Bill is changing out his tongue piercing and asks Y/N which one feels the best while going down on her. Warnings: kissing, fingering, oral (f receiving), just smut
I walked into the bedroom that Bill and I shared together. I saw him sitting on the bed going through a small bag with some different tongue rings in it.
"What're you doing baby?" I asked, sitting down next to him on the bed. Bill looked over at me. "Which one do you think I should do?" he asked, showing me the different tongue rings. I couldn't choose, they all looked the same to me, just different colors. "I don't really care, you look cute either way regardless of what you choose" I replied, slightly smiling and leaning in to kiss his lips.
He kissed me back but with a little force, which kind of surprised me for a second, but I liked it. Bill broke the kiss and kissed my neck a little causing a slight moan to escape from my lips. "Yeah? let me test them then, " he whispered. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "Tell me which one feels the best, baby"
Bill laid me down on the bed while on top of me, our hands intertwined as he kissed my lips passionately. His kisses were so addictive, I couldn't ever get enough of those sweet lips. He stopped the kiss and got off on top of me, I could see how hard he was under his pants already.
Bill got on his knees and started unbuttoning my jeans. He slowly took them off and he could see how wet I was through my panties. I was soaked for him. He smirked at the fact, "Already so wet for me.." and in just a second, those were off too.
"You ready baby?" he asked seductively "Yes, I need you so bad Bill.." I said eagerly. He went between my legs and started sucking and licking on my clit. Bill had in his regular metal tongue ring and the cold metal swirling against my sensitive clit felt unreal. "Oh fuckk! ohmygod.." I moaned, gripping my hands onto the sheets. I tried to close my legs a little but he aggressively kept them open, sucking harder this time making me cry out his name in pleasure. God it felt so good, I felt like I could cum at any second already. Then he suddenly stopped which disappointed me. "Why'd you stop?" I whined "How did that one feel y/n?" Bill asked, looking up at me while kissing my inner thighs.
"It felt..so fucking amazing" I said in a breathy tone. He looked proud of himself "You taste so good baby, so fucking good" he said as he got another one of his tongue rings but this time it was a silicone one with those small and soft spikes on them. Bill took out the metal one and put the silicone one in.
"Now, tell me how you like this one.." he said quietly before quickly going down on me aggressively and devouring my clit as he licked and sucked on it with the tongue ring in. I gasped and moaned as he went harder. This one felt a little rough and the soft spikes on it made me feel so tingly and extra sensitive which was a new feeling, but it made my stomach feel tingly as well. He kept going until I felt overstimulated and I could just feel my orgasm approaching soon. That was until he stopped again. "No baby I was so close, come on" I said once again in a whiney tone. I was a soaking mess.
"Stop whining and be a good girl for me." I did exactly what he said. Bill took out the silicone one and then looked at me before saying "I got something even better just for this. I know you'll love it" He smiled slightly at whatever he had planned next.
I was intrigued. He got out another one that kinda looked like his regular metal ball one, but this one was a little more horizontal. "Just lay down and feel this baby" Bill opened my legs again and before I knew it, it was a vibrating tongue ring which I wasn't expecting at all but the second his tongue and the vibrating sensation laid on my sensitive clit, I felt like I was in another world. "mm!! holy shit!" I moaned out, putting my hands through his hair and tugging on it but it didn't bother him. I could feel him smirking while absolutely devouring my pussy like there was no tomorrow. He pulled my legs closer and swirled his tongue all over my bud in circular motions.
Bill suddenly put two fingers inside me making me gasp even more "Oh my god yes! please don't stop baby holy fuck you feel so good..!" I moaned out as I threw my head back with my eyes tightly closed, still tugging onto his hair. His fingers felt so good as they went in and out of my wet pussy at just the right pace. I was definitely overstimulated now. I felt that knot in my stomach slowly coming undone and my orgasm was about to take over me.
"F-fuck I'm gonna cum..!" I managed to say as he went faster sucking and finger fucking me. Bill stopped for a second to say "cum for me baby, cum all over my fingers". In seconds I felt my orgasm wash over my body while my legs shook and I came all over him. He moved his mouth away from my pussy and licked all my cum and taste off his fingers.
Bill took out the piercing and looked back at me as I sat up from the bed. He got up and kissed my neck "God I love tasting you.." he said behind my ear, making me shiver. "You don't have any idea how good you feel. That was the best idea like fucking ever" I replied with a weak smirk and exhausted tone.
"So, which one did you like the best?" Bill asked while having his hand on my thigh. "I think you know the answer to that."
a/n: helloo guys so i rly hope you like this, ik its a little long but this my first time writing smut so im sorry if its not the best😭🙏 but anyways i love u guys <33
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sir-kuroo · 9 months
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OSAMU stops by one rainy night to deliver something more than just his onigiri 👅
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒 ⋮ blowjob, creampie, titjob, handjob ◇ @enchantedforest-network
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“Yer onigiri delivery for dinner.” You were surprised to see Miya Osamu of Onigiri Miya right at your doorstep completely drenched from the heavy rain outside.
Taking the bag from his hand, you offered, “...You might get sick. Do you, uhmm, wanna come in?”
Samu stared at you in a brief contemplation before stepping inside your home.
“Make your self comfortable...” you signalled as you placed the bag on the table.
You never thoroughly noticed his physique before, but now his huge built made you and your compact apartment much smaller in comparison. His black shirt clung tight to his muscular frame, accentuating his strong arms and broad shoulders. You gulped.
You shook the thought away. You invited him in to take shelter and nothing more. “You could be freezing. Let me get you a towel so you could dry up.”
“Sure, thanks,” he smiled and you blushed. Your eyes drifted to his resting hand on the top rail of a chair. You looked back at him and noticed that he was following your gaze. You held each other’s eyes and you clenched your thighs together, feeling a bit weird in between.
“T-The towel...” you blurted out.
“Yeah...” he said with gaze still heavy on you.
You turned to fetch the towel and you felt his stare followed you.
Yes, as cliche as it may sound, you had a long-term crush on Osamu. You never got a chance to talk to him casually aside from the moments you’re buying from his shop...as a customer.
Now’s the first time you’d been this close yet there’s so much unexplainable going on that made you feel tingly and agitated.
“Here’s the towel...” you said, returning to where he was.
“Thanks,” he replied as he pulled up on his shirt from the nape, taking the wet garment off himself and revealing the well-sculpted abs he had going on under his black tee all this time.
Your breathing turned heavy at the sight of his body, dragging your gaze to the every detail of his chiselled frame until you met eye-to-eye. His gaze was sending pulses in between your legs and you couldn’t help feel restless.
How could he not stare when his favorite customer asked him inside her home, wearing just an oversized shirt and skimpy shorts that showed her sexy thighs. Fuck! He could even tell you didn’t have a bra on. Were you teasing him? Seducing him? Whatever the hell it was...he’s down for it.
Your eyes locked as you matched each other’s ragged breathing. He took your hand, the one holding the towel, and slowly pulled you closer, closer and closer to him. He brought you against his skin, gaze not leaving you as you wiped away the dampness of his body. Your throat was drying up at every droplet of water against him. You wanted to lick it. To lick him.
You looked him in the eye almost pleading and he held your gaze. His hands found their way underneath your shirt with his calloused skin searing your soft ones as he caressed your side. You were heaving in despair until he finally caught you in an open-mouthed kiss. The towel dropped on the floor as you held onto his biceps. The kiss deepened, your bodies pressed against each other and your heads filled with nothing but uncontrollable want.
“Osamu...” you moaned when his lips began exploring your neck.
“Samu,” he corrected. “Call me Samu.”
You looked at him with half-lidded eyes as you dragged your fingertips along the plane of his chest. “Samu,” you breathed out like he’s the only water that could quench your thirst.
“Y/N...” and it came out from him like ###, while he started tugging the bottom of your shirt and you helped him taking it off you by kneeling before him. Now, you were face to face with the bulge on his pants. You needn’t ask permission as Samu already had his fingers tangled around your hair. You just knew it. His want to feel you and your desire to take him in.
You pulled his pants down revealing his hard cock that made you lose control, gliding your tongue across his length and swirling your tongue around the tip. You felt your pussy throb and you knew you want all of him, so you sucked him whole.
“Fuck– That’s it, Y/N...” He grunted as he closed his eyes and hung his mouth open.
His encouragement fueled you to deliver better. You brought your lips and tongue to play with his tip as you had his length in between your naked breasts. His hips automatically jerked, fucking your tits like crazy as you actively licked off the pre-cum oozing from his head.
Samu’s low groans and grunts intensified your craving not just to have him in your mouth, but also inside you as you felt something dripping down your thighs. He knew it too with the way you were swaying your hips as he thrust in between your breasts.
“Up,” he commanded and you heeded. He spun you around, your back pressed against his chest. He slipped off his hand inside your shorts and you shimmied the clothes down, taking it off. He reached for your already wet pussy. His index teasing your clit and you moaned, arching your back and your ass now rubbing along his erection.
“Augh–“ he groaned, finally deciding to raise one of your feet on the chair as he set on fucking you while standing. His hand groping your breast while the other guided your hips in meeting his strokes. It happened all too fast that you felt such relief and pleasure in having his dick wildly ramming into you. Your legs began shaking at his quickened pace, so he flipped you facing him and seated you on the chair. Holding your legs up, he was thrusting thoroughly that the chair began tiptoeing. You could fall off at any moment so you laced your arms around him and he caught you in his arms, carrying you, just before the chair fell off. His hips not stopping, still ruining you and making you lose your mind.
“Aaah...aaah!” You’re crying out while he responded with low groans.
Who would have thought that you wouldn’t just have Samu’s onigiri for dinner, but his hot and delicious cock too not just in your mouth but in your hungry pussy as well.
“Saamuu! Samu! Samu!” You cried out as you stiffened around him; your toes curled as you stretched your back, eyes wide in orgasm.
“Fuck!” He gritted his teeth. “Y/N...” One pump, “Y/N,” and then another one, he’s so done and through, pouring everything inside you.
He had you in a tight embrace as he settled the both of you on the floor with your legs still wrapped around his waist.
Samu was running soothing circles on your back as you catch your breath and you were peacefully resting on his shoulder when you heard your stomach rumble. He lightly chuckled and you remembered you hadn’t eaten dinner yet.
“It’s...still raining outside. Would you like to stay for dinner?”
Actually, you didn’t have to ask. “Sure,” he also hadn’t eaten you yet.
JOIN THE 🍷 𝐄𝐗𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄! Get tagged whenever I update ♡
⏝︶︶⏝︶ ୨୧ ︶⏝︶︶⏝
© nekorei 2023 - All rights reserved. No work shall be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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idksmtms · 2 months
cowboy like me (David Von Erich x reader) - evermore series
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A/N: It was 3am, I was listening to Evermore, and this popped into my head as the perfect title for a David fic. I’m taking some parts of the song for the storyline but not the full thing so Ig try to spot where it pops up!
Summary: He was wearing a cowboy hat and he asked you to dance. 
Word count: 4,183
Trigger Warnings: 18+, she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, profanity, heavy angst, major character death, movie spoilers!!!, grief  (please let me know if I missed any) 
Disclaimer: This is based solely on the portrayals of the brothers, not the real people. I do not own any of The Iron Claw characters. I do not claim to own any of The Iron Claw characters. I do not own any pictures used nor do I claim to do so. 
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :)
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“Hey, you wanna dance?” There was a tap at your shoulder and you turned around with a mischievous smile. 
You knew exactly who it was. He had been glancing at you all night, only the smallest smille of embarrassment any time he was caught. You were waiting to see when he would make his move, when he would finally decide to stop watching and actually speak to you. It had been a while since you actually wanted a guy to speak to you. You tilted your head back so you could meet his eyes, slightly taken aback at how tall he actually was now that he stood right in front of you. 
“Oh I don’t know, dancing is a dangerous game, you know,” you shrugged, pursing your lips though that did nothing to hide the shine in your eyes and the tilt to your lips. He just laughed, though it was more like a huff out of his chest and he dipped his head lower so his hair fell forward. It was like locks of sunshine, and you stopped yourself from reaching out and touching it, wrapping it around your fingers. 
“I’m ready to take that risk, are you?” He reached his hand out, and your stomach felt all tingly, your hands beginning to shake just slightly. You reached up and hit the edge of his cowboy hat lightly so it dipped forward. His smile widened and he stepped even closer. “I could even request a song if you don’t like this one, I have an in with the band.” He smirked proudly at that and you laughed. 
“Oh yeah? How so?” 
“Well,” he turned to face the stage and you moved with him. He pointed to the lead singer, a young kid barely out of highschool with a bowl cut and the talent of a true musician. “That, right there, is my brother.” Your smile widened and you turned to him, mouth open and laughed incredulously. 
“You’re kidding?! He’s so good! Does that mean you’re a talented musician too?” You asked, though you suspected that really wasn’t the case. 
“Unfortunately not,” he sighed in such an exaggerated manner that you pressed your hand to your mouth to hide your giggles. “These hands were not made for the guitar,” he held them up and showed them to you but you were now overcome with your laughter. 
He opened his mouth to say more but loud hoots and cheers began to rise from the connected patio and both of you turned to see a young man fall back onto his feet from his position over the keg, beer shining on his cheeks and wetting his shirt. You began to laugh hysterically as he cheered with everyone else, going so far as to rip his own shirt down the middle. 
“That is also my brother,” the man beside you sighed and you just continued to laugh, turning back to him and reaching out to gently grasp his hand. 
“Let’s dance,” you said, pulling him toward the dance floor. You both wriggled your way to be near the front and you threw your hands up into the air, moving your hips side to side along with the beat. You could feel him press against your back, his lower sternum pressed to your back. His hands slowly rested on your hips, as if trying to give you the space to push him away. You just smiled and threw your head back to rest on his shoulder for a moment. His hold on you tightened and he began to move with you, smooth motions that meant he was surely a practised dancer. 
You danced until you couldn’t anymore. You danced until your feet hurt and if you didn’t have something to drink you would die of dehydration. The last song had been a slower one, you had swayed with him to the crooning voice and gentle guitar melody, your head against his chest, arms wrapped around him as his were around you. He lay his cheek against your head, blond hair falling around your face and hiding you from the party. You closed your eyes and focused on his heartbeat, on the warmth of his body that gently touched your skin, like sitting close to a heater that was put on the lowest setting. As the song began to change, you pulled away from him and he smiled at you, gentle and cute, the kind of smile that made you want to pinch his cheeks and kiss him until you couldn’t breathe. 
“You want something to drink?” You asked, lips brushing his ear. He shivered in your arms and you moved your mouth without saying anything in the hopes that it would happen again. 
“Yeah, I’ll come with you,” he grasped your hand and began leading you toward the table in the patio with all the drinks and solo cups. You glanced toward where his (presumably) other brother had been, and you caught his eye. He was smiling at you, arm wrapped around the girl with him. He dipped his head in a nod and your own smile grew. 
Both of you stood in front of the drinks and the crisps and after grabbing the only bottle of unopened club soda, you reached into the bowl and grabbed a handful of crisps as well. He laughed at you as he took a beer from the cooler filled with melted ice. You just shrugged, chugging from the bottle like you had never drank water before. 
“So, what exactly is your name?” He asked, and you spluttered, water dribbling down your chin and onto your top. You coughed and laughed, choking and giggling as he smiled and began patting your back. 
“My name, heh, guess we never did tell each other,” you huffed after the burning in your nose finally subsided. “Y/n, you?” 
“I’m David, David Von Erich.” He said his name with pride, shoulders lifting slightly and you nodded. He reached out and gently wiped the water from your chin and the edge of your bottom lip. Your entire body began to tingle, your lips especially. 
“So, David, what are you studying?” You shoved some of the crisps into your mouth and then offered him your hand. He gently pried one from your grip and popped it into his mouth as he shook his head.
“I don’t go to school, I’m a professional wrestler.” You raised an eyebrow before stepping back and eyeing him up and down. You pushed out your lips and furrowed your brows, nodding as if you were appraising a piece of furniture. 
“I see it,” you finally said, putting down the soda to pinch at his arms and lightly tap his stomach. He just laughed, tipping his hat with a ‘thank you ma’am’. 
“You study here then?” He asked, taking a swig from his bottle. 
“Yup,” you nodded, “second year nursing student, so call me if you need someone to patch you up after a match.” He laughed again and you couldn’t help but smile as well. 
“I’ll do that then, though expect a call every weekend,” he raised an eyebrow but you just nodded, eating more crisps to hide your smile. 
He was the most jovial person you had ever met. Even his voice, all deep and southern, still sounded so happy any time he spoke. A dimple appeared in his cheek and you reached up and poked your finger into it. 
“Sorry,” you blushed, cheeks burning, “I just wanted to feel how deep it went.” He only smiled and grabbed your hand, bringing your pointer finger back to his face and pressing it to the dimple. This time you laughed, moving to grip his cheek in your palm and falling forward to press your forehead to his chest. 
“I have never met anyone like you, David,” you mumbled against his shirt and you felt him sigh, leaning down as you moved your head back. He wasn’t smiling, just staring into your eyes, and then he was kissing you. His lips were so soft, like marshmallows covered in butter. You pressed harder against him, wanting to meld into his skin. He tasted like beer but you didn’t mind. He kissed you like he would never kiss you again, like your lips held the antidote and he would die if you even tried to move away. Your hands slid into his hair and he groaned, gripping your waist so tight that the waistband of your jeans began to dig in. 
He slowly began to pull away, but it seemed like a struggle as every time his lips almost detached from yours, he began to kiss you again. Finally, when your chest was heaving and you couldn’t stand on your own legs, he pulled away, eyes fluttering open. You gazed up at him as if he was the first human being you had ever seen and he felt his entire body flush with pleasure. 
You could see that the crowd had begun to dwindle and one of your friends was standing by the door, a clear signal that she wanted to leave but had no one to go with. You sighed, gently banging your forehead against his chest a couple times before smiling up at him sadly. He was about to ask what that smile was for, about to pull you into another kiss to wipe it from your lips, but you quickly reached up and plucked his hat from his head. He blinked owlishly, and you just deposited it onto your own head, pulling it down at the back so the front didn’t dip into your line of sight. 
“So you have a reason to try and find me,” you winked, and then spun on your heel and jogged toward your friend. He was left standing there, statue-still, watching after you. Just as you were about to step out of the door, you turned back and winked, tipping the hat in his direction before disappearing. 
It was three days later when he finally saw you again. The day after the party, he had gone back to the college and asked around for the nursing building. He had walked around the entire thing, peeking into lecture halls and classrooms to no avail. The next day he stood outside the building from nine am to three pm, watching every student that walked in and out, but you weren’t there then either. On the third day, he did the same thing, slowly losing hope as the minutes ticked by. 
This would be the last time he would try. He was already skipping out on helping his dad and brothers put up fencing, and they were all asking about what exactly he was doing going to the university every day. He was desperate to see you again, hat be damned. Then, just as he was standing to walk back to the truck, a group of girls came walking out of a building next to the nursing one. They turned and took the path that went by the bench he was sitting on. Someone in the group laughed, a loud sound that echoed off the buildings and he watched the group as they got closer. A girl near the middle was the one laughing, and in her arms, she was carrying a cowboy hat. His heart leapt and he jogged closer, squinting in the sunlight. 
There you were, head thrown back in laughter, a bag over your shoulder, and your arms wrapped around his cowboy hat, pressing it closer to your chest. David’s smile almost broke his face and he almost ran over to you, forcing himself down to a jog so he wouldn’t be out of breath when he met you again. 
You noticed him approaching and your cheeks began to hurt, lips pulling up and eyes squinting with glee. Your heart was running though you weren’t, and you began to walk even quicker, leaving your group behind. You stopped just when he did, not barely two feet away. Your friends called your name but you ignored them, holding the cowboy hat by the rim and moving closer to him until your chests brushed together. You reached up with both hands and settled it on his head, shifting it from left to right until it was centred but still stayed leaned back so you could look into his eyes. His beautiful, beautiful, eyes that you had dreamed of for the past three days. 
“You found me,” you breathed out, voice slightly higher than usual. 
“Took me long enough,” he chuckled, reaching out to cup your cheek. He didn’t wait another breath, just leaned down and kissed you, nose pressing into your cheek. You laughed into the kiss but wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself as close to him as you could. You could hear your friends gasping and whispering in the background, clearly so could David as he began chuckling into the kiss, but neither of you pulled away until you had had your fill. 
“So that means you’ll let me take you out on a date, right?” He asked as soon as you had detached yourself from him, and you began to laugh though you were breathless. You nodded vigorously, pulling out a notebook from your bag and ripping out a piece of paper from it. You pressed it to his chest and wrote your number on it, scolding him to stay still as he giggled about the sharp tip of the pen feeling ticklish. You folded it up and pressed it into the chest pocket of the jacket he was wearing then reached up and quickly kissed him again. 
“Call me and maybe we can play that dangerous game again,” and then you walked back to your friends, dragging them away from where he was standing as they giggled and squealed questions at you.
David stood there for a few moments just staring at the spot where you had stood and smiling like an idiot. He reached up and touched his lips, pressed his finger to his dimple, then yelled a ‘WOOHOO!” into the air, pumping his fist up before walking back to the truck, with such an aggressive spring in his step that he was almost skipping. 
David turned onto his back in the bed and groaned. His stomach had been hurting randomly for the past few days and he couldn’t understand why. But then his eyes landed on you, curled up around a pillow beside him but with your back pressed into where his chest had been moments before, and any other thought went out of the window. 
You had this thing about being close to him, even in sleep. You loved hugging a pillow, but you had to have your back pressed to him in some way. Sometimes, if he moved onto his other side during the night, he could hear the little snuffles you let out in your sleep before shuffling back until you could feel him again. It might be his favourite thing about you. 
You had been dating for half a year now, the best six months of his life, and last weekend he had gone and bought a ring. Kerry had said it was too soon, but still came along to help him pick it out. Kevin and Michael had come too, each one pointing out different rings they thought you would like. He mostly ignored them because he knew you, he knew exactly which one to get, and they were mostly just there because they had jumped into the truck before he could peel out of the driveway. 
It was sitting in his left cowboy boot under the bed right then, just waiting for the perfect time to be pulled out and presented to you. He was thinking about doing it after he came back from the match in Japan, that way if he won, you could marry a champion, and if he lost, this would be the perfect thing to console him. He knew you would say yes, you seemed to love him enough, but doubt was the brain’s best friend, and he knew he would worry about your answer until you finally gave it to him. 
David turned back onto his side as a pang of pain shot through his stomach again and he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling himself close to you until he could press his nose to your hair and breathe in your smell. You seemed to purr or hum, snuggling further into the bed and him, and he closed his eyes to go back to sleep. 
“How’s Japan?” You asked him excitedly. You were in his room, on his bed, the phone sitting on his side-table and the handset sandwiched between your head and shoulder. You were painting your toenails a beautiful sunshine yellow with red accents to match his costume. 
“Bright,” he chuckled, “Tokyo is all lights and people, nothing like home.” He seemed to sigh at the thought and you wanted to reach through the phone and kiss him. “How is home by the way? How’re the brothers?”
You basically lived in their house now, had done for the last month or so. David never wanted you to leave and living there was better than a cramped student dorm anyway. He drove you to the university for all your classes and you came along to watch his every match. You helped his mom cook dinner, ate with the entire family every night, and then you went to sleep in David’s bed. Well, your bed too considering that the sheets now had small flowers on them. 
The rest of the room was beginning to look a little more mixed as well. His dad had moved the old vanity from storage into David’s room by the window so you had somewhere nice to get ready. His cologne and your perfume shared the windowsill, and your different craft projects now took up any random free space. A second side-table had even been added and you kept a framed picture of you and David on it. 
“Same old, same old,” you sighed down the phone, sticking your tongue out as you tried to paint right to the edge without getting any nail varnish on your skin. “Kerry’s been practising and working out like crazy, He caught his hand in the wiring of the fence yesterday so I got to practice my stitching skills,” you could almost see the smile on his face. 
“He’s ok though, right?” He asked, and the urge to hug him was almost paralysing. 
“Yeah, he’s all good, keeps trying to train with the punching bag and I have to stop him every damn time,” you huffed and this time when he laughed you stopped painting your nails to press the phone a little harder to your ear. You wanted it to be as close as possible, as if he was sitting right next to you, just laughing by your ear. “He’s gonna rip his stitches David! He refuses to listen to me, and it’s not like your dad is any help, he just wants Kerry to keep training.” You huffed again but there was no malice in it. 
“You know what they’re like, he’ll only learn his lesson once he’s ripped them and feels the pain,” David pointed out, and you knew he was right. “How’s Michael?” 
“He’s ok, but I do feel a bit bad for him. Now that you’re not here to focus on, your dad has a lot more time to try and push Michael to wrestle, and the poor kid just wants to play guitar or go practice with his band.” 
Since David had left earlier in the week, you had made sure to be the one to pick Michael up after school so you could take him to practise with his band. You did whatever you could to distract their dad so Michael could even practise in his room. Last time you asked Fritz to go into extreme detail about his gun collection and even though he could clearly hear Michael playing, your acting was convincing enough to make him keep going until the last gun. 
David didn’t say anything for a few moments, and you knew he was struggling with his feelings. He never quite knew how to feel about his dad and brother’s constant conflict. His dad was his mentor, the reason he was where he was, but he could also see how his dad hurt his brothers, how he had flipped on Kevin like it was nothing, and refused to even acknowledge that Michael might not want to wrestle. 
There was a muffled groan from his end, like he had bit down on something to stop the sound but it hadn’t completely worked. There was a cough, wet and ragged, and your heart began to pound. You sat up straighter, disregarding the clink of nail polish bottles. 
“David? You ok?” You asked hurriedly. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, just have a little cough,” he brushed it off but he sounded more tired than before. 
“Are you sure? You don’t sound great,” you clutched the phone with both hands, trying to listen to a sign of anything else. 
“Seriously, I’m alright, just a little cough, I promise. It’ll go away soon, I already got some cough syrup for it.” 
“Ok, ok, good, you’ll tell me if it gets worse, right?” 
“You’ll be the first to know,” he placated, and you could hear the smile. 
You were both silent for a few minutes, just listening to each other breathe. You wished you were there with him, to do all the little things you know he would ignore when he was on his own. You wanted to check his temperature, pour out the cough syrup for him and force him to drink it. To run your hands through his hair and wrap him up in a blanket. Instead you stayed quiet until a few more minutes had passed. 
“I miss you,” you whispered, and you heard him take a deep breath. 
“I miss you too, but soon you’ll be able to say you’re dating a champion,” he joked but you didn’t laugh. 
“I already do.” 
You were at home when the news came. You were sitting on David’s bed, hugging his pillow and trying to figure out the time difference so you could stop worrying about why he hadn’t called yet. The bell rang from downstairs and you began to wonder who would come visit in the middle of a workday. You waited for any indication that you were needed but you couldn’t hear anything, just murmurs. Something dropped and hit the floor, like a stack of papers or a phone. It was quiet for a few moments, the air almost sterile of sound, then the main door opened and closed and you heard a car engine slowly begin to fade away. Dread settled on your chest, like an anchor slowly being pulled back onto a ship, heaving and heaving slowly onto you. You ran down the stairs, almost slipping on the wood in your socks. You came into the dining room where Fritz was sitting at the table, the phone in front of him but the handset on the floor. 
“Is he okay? Is he hurt? What’s the-” 
“He’s dead.” 
It was quiet for a full minute. Then someone hit a gong right next to your ear. It rang, over and over and over. It wouldn’t stop ringing. One of your hands came up and began to claw at your ear, bending the shell and pressing it down but the ringing wouldn’t stop. There was gauze over your eyes, you stared at the phone, at the handset on the floor, but you only saw bits and pieces, flashes of white. 
“A ruptured intestine,” he continued, “they found him in his bed, must’ve passed in the night.” 
It echoed in your brain, bouncing around in the spinal fluid. You heard ‘a ruptured intestine’ over and over and over. You sat down on the floor where you were, the skin on your legs rubbing uncomfortably on the rug. You pressed your hands to your head, hoping if you squeezed it enough everything would stop. But it kept on. 
‘A ruptured intestine, a ruptured intestine, a ruptured intestine.’ 
His boots were still under the bed. You had gotten on your knees once, and looked at them, just sitting under the bed, waiting for him to return. You had to look away, had to stand and move, because you knew that if you didn’t, you would have just stayed on the floor and cried for the rest of your life. You couldn’t even touch them. 
Every night you lay in the dark and stared at the ceiling. Some nights you cried so hard Doris came in and lay next to you, shushing you like a baby. Other nights you just stared. Stared and stared and stared. Some nights you whispered to yourself, and it was always the same thing. “I’m never gonna love again.” 
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lovelyjj · 4 months
You know that one scene in walk to remember the play where he kisses her in the play even though it wasn’t part of it I think that would be so cute with jj and like the reactions that come with the scene honestly the whole movie expect the ending let’s skip the ending the play and the posters they make his character gives jj vibes
a walk to remember
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1.5k
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The play was going pretty smoothly. You were singing your solo. You were wearing a beautiful light blue silk dress and JJ was practically drooling. You looked so pretty like an angel sent from heaven above. And your voice alone was simply breathtaking.
JJ was watching you sing in awe. He couldn’t believe his ears or eyes for that matter. Your voice was making him feel things. As you sat down and sang the last bit of the song JJ watched you intensely.
When the song has finished JJ leaned over and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was quick and soft but you still felt butterflies erupting in your stomach. It was also extremely tender. You were very surprised that he kissed you. JJ was nervous to kiss you but when it happed it felt right. Like your lips molded perfectly together.
JJ’s chest was warm and he felt tingly throughout his body. Your heart was palpitating. Your lips were locking together. JJ’s head lingered in front of you as he looked into your eyes after the kiss and then the curtains closed.
There were a group of girls in the audience that let out a huff and rolled their eyes. Your father who was also in the audience put a hand over his mouth in surprise and concern.
After the play JJ tried his best to get you to talk to him. You were still mad at him for embarrassing you in front of his friends.
JJ was at the lockers with his friend group when you asked him if you’ll see him after school to practice for the play. His response was “in your dreams.” His friends all laughed. You embarrassed nodded your head and walked away.
You weren’t ready to forgive him just yet. JJ made multiple attempts to try and talk to you but you shut him down each time. It wasn’t till he showed up at your house with a gift for you that you started to think maybe he really was sorry.
The evening air was nice so you decided to sit on the porch and read. What you didn’t expect was for JJ to be walking up your porch steps with a bag in his hand.
“You,” you stated.
“Me,” JJ responded.
JJ pushed the bag out in front of you and you asked, “What is it?”
“I got you something,” JJ spoke as he handed you the bag.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll see you at school,” JJ said goodbye.
As JJ walked away you opened your present. It was a necklace with a shark tooth hanging from it. It looked like he made it. It was a purple rope with a shark tooth charm. You assumed it was real.
JJ was halfway down the porch steps when your father came outside.
“Mr. Maybank,” your father called.
“See you later, Mr. Y/L/N,” JJ responded.
Your father walked over to your place on the bench and sat down. JJ had driven away.
“That boy is bad news,” he stated.
“Dad,” you whined.
“No y/n I’m serious. Boys like that have… they have expectations.”
“Ok and?” you replied.
“Listen. I just want you to be careful.” Your dad warned.
“Dad it’s just a necklace.”
Your dad nodded his head but looked like he was deep in thought. You told him you were going inside. You went in your room to put on the necklace, feeling happy.
At school a few days later you were walking down the hall when JJ’s ex girlfriend came up to you.
“Y/N, Hi,” she greeted.
“Hi,” you responded.
“Listen, I just want you to know, no hard feelings. JJ and I are way over.” She explained.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” you confessed.
She nodded then said, “Y/N. You’d be so beautiful if you knew how to do your makeup.”
“Come on, eat lunch with me,” she insisted.
You walked into the lunch room with her but you couldn’t help but notice everyone laughing.
“Wow. Is that you?” she asked holding a piece of paper.
It was a picture of your face on another woman’s body in a bikini. The picture had the words “virgin mary” on it.
“Nice bod,” JJ’s ex girlfriend teased.
You were horrified. Everyone was laughing at you! Your breathing started to become small and shallow as well as short. Everyone was looking at the poster or you and it made your skin crawl.
You turned around to run away but you were met with a hard chest.
“Whoa. Whoa, Whoa, whoa.”
“Look, this is about me, ok?” JJ reassured.
“This is not you.” He explained.
“Stay here,” JJ soothed.
JJ grabbed the poster out of his ex girlfriend’s hand and walked up to one of his friends.
“Hey, man. No wonder you been keepin’ her locked up, man. I had no idea that this was underneath all that.” His friend laughed.
JJ shoved him. Then JJ punched him.
“We’re through!” Dean shouted.
“That’s great,” JJ responded.
“We are through forever!”
JJ walked over to you and cupped your face with his hands on ether side of your face.
“Are you ok?” JJ asked.
You nodded.
“You made a mistake JJ,” Dean yelled.
“You sure? Let’s get the hell out of here.” JJ insisted.
Once you got out of the school and outside JJ was very attentive.
“Baby, Baby, I’m sorry.” JJ apologized.
“Ok? They’re animals all right?” JJ expressed.
“You want me to take you home?”
You nodded your head trying to wish away the tears in your eyes that were tempting to slip down your cheek.
“alright let’s get out of here,” JJ soothed.
When you finally arrived at your house you and JJ were parked right outside sitting in the car.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” JJ fussed over you.
“Mm-hmm. Im fine. Thank you for everything.”
“Oh, you’re welcome.”
“Hey… Um… I wanna a-ask you something.” JJ stuttered.
“Will you go out with me? On Saturday night?”
“I’d love to,” you said enthusiastically.
JJ took you to a nice fancy outside restaurant. You were wearing a pretty blue dress with white flowers on it, with a white sweater. JJ noticed how you were also wearing the necklace he gave you. That made him proud and happy.
“Are you sure this is ok? This place is really nice,” you were worried that he was straining his wallet.
“Yes it’s fine get whatever you want,” JJ smiled.
After looking over the menu and ordering sweet teas you looked over and saw a few old couples dancing. This made you want to dance with your date. You waited till after your meal to ask JJ.
“Would you like to dance?” You asked after the waiter took your plates.
“Um sorry, I don’t dance.”
“Me neither. I mean… not usually in front of anybody,” you explained.
“Well no, I mean, I… I don’t at all. As in, I can’t.” JJ responded.
“Everybody can dance. Come on, you can’t be that bad.”
“Please?” you begged.
“For me?” you asked.
“Come on.”
JJ caved. He caved because he would do anything to make you happy. He would do anything for you and anything to see you smile. The two of you went on the stage and slow danced.
You laughed at JJ as he stepped in your toes. The closeness of the dance made your cheeks turn pink.
“So what are your dreams?” You asked.
“Hmm my dreams, maybe get out of OBX, go to Yucatán, surf all day.” JJ smiled.
“What are yours?” JJ questioned.
“Let’s see. Read a lot of books, travel the world, I want to be more confident, get a degree, ya know the same ambitions as everyone else.” You listed.
“Those are good ones,” JJ complimented.
“Yours at good too,” you added.
You and JJ fell into conversation about anything and everything as you danced. There were lights around the stage that added to the atmosphere.
After you were done dancing JJ drove you to the pier. He parked in a parking spot that overlooked the ocean. Then he got out temporarily tattoos.
“Okay butterfly, rosebud or star?” JJ asked.
“You choose,” you responded.
“Butterfly,” JJ chose.
“So… where do you want it?” JJ questioned.
“Right here,” you said as you pulled your dress sleeve down and shoved your shoulder forward to give access to the back of it.
JJ used a wet rag to place the tattoo on the back of your shoulder. Then when it was done and revealed a beautiful dark butterfly he blew on it for it to dry. You loved it.
Then the two of you started to walk around the pier. It was dark, but you enjoyed the night air as you walked and talked.
“I might kiss you,” JJ announced.
“I might be bad at it,” you worried.
“That’s not possible,” JJ reassured.
JJ kissed you with passion. The kiss was soft and gentle but you felt sparks. Your lips locked together in a heated kiss. It didn’t last too long but it was long enough for your stomach to flip. The night ended with JJ confessing his love for you. And you thought maybe just maybe you could love him back.
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hotnbloodied · 9 months
Yan!Scaramouche (Wanderer) X Reader
!Warning! This post contains yandere themes and topics that may be uncomfortable to people who are sensitive to the topic, read at your own discretion.
Setting: You are a young researcher who thought Scaramouche was super cool and knowledgeable when you first laid eyes on him, surely you can be friends with him right?
TW: Unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship, obsession, dub-con kissing
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He might not have stood out to other people during the Akademiya Extravaganza regardless though, people knew him around the Akademiya for his vast knowledge and the extravaganza was where you first learned about his existence. You were a young researcher yourself from the Vahumana Darshan so you looked up to him. You really wanted to get to know your senior a bit more so you asked around trying to see if you could meet him.
This doesn’t go unnoticed by Wanderer who confronts you one day. “What do you want?” He says in a slightly annoyed tone, “you’re going around causing a ruckus.” “I’m sorry! I just really wanted to meet you, you were so cool during the Akademiya Extravaganza that I just couldn’t help but want to meet you in person!” “Hmph, well, here I am.”
The two of you met up more and more as you loved hearing him talk about his vast knowledge, admittedly though his gloating sometimes was a bit much even for you. You started packing lunches for him as a form of thanks for him helping you with your research which he responded by saying it was ‘unnecessary’ only to leave a clean box each time. This went on for months and when your research paper was finally completed you celebrated by inviting him out to eat at a restaurant. “It was thanks to you that I was finally able to publish my paper!” “Hmph, it was nothing. Even an ant could have done it.” You laughed at his harsh tone, “I’ll be out of your hair now, let’s toast to a research well done!” He didn’t respond to that only to look pissed throughout the rest of dinner.
The next day he expected you to knock on his door again just like you’ve been doing for months but you never showed up. In fact for the next two weeks he didn’t see a hair nor shadow from you. It drove him almost insane to the point when he saw another researcher he knew he'd seen you giggling and conversing with before, he had to hold back on taking out his frustrations on them. “Hey you,” he called out to them. “Huh? Yes?” “Where is [y/n]?” “Didn’t you hear? Rumors say that they were called home to attend a marriage meeting.”
Scaramouche turned and walked away from the confused researcher. Marriage meeting? Then what were all those times when you praised him, when you brought him lunches, when you asked him about his day? Where they all lies? How dare you lead him on? The more he thought the more he fell to his delusions. Little did he know it wasn’t a marriage meeting, in fact it was only due to you being invited to attend your cousin’s wedding. By the time you were back in Sumeru city you missed being around the hustle and bustle. But since entering the city again you felt this nagging feeling of being watched which you brushed off as just being tired from the trip.
Right after you returned to your quaint little apartment someone immediately knocked on the door, much to your confusion. You were face to face with Scaramouche. “What are you–” before you could continue he pushed you to the ground, hand over your mouth as a strange wind shut the door behind him. Panic quickly made blood rush to your head as you looked up only to be met not with the usual smug aloof expression but one of devastation as tears flowed freely from his eyes. “Why did you leave me?!” “Huh…?” “If you were going to leave me in the end, why did you treat me like I was special?!” “Scara–”
Lips crashed with yours and sucking with such force that you thought he was trying to suck the soul out of you, it got to the point where your head felt tingly from not being able to breath well. After the intense make out session he clung to your body and wouldn’t let go. “It doesn’t matter where you go from now on…I will never leave your side.”
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allywthsr · 11 months
Hii! United fan here who’s still not over the mount signing😁😂Can I request a mason mount x fem!reader where she goes with him to the signing with his family and she’s just there with him throughout the day
Based on this video <3 https://youtu.be/tv_C7cv7wY8
NEW BEGINNINGS | (m.mount)
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summary: Mason has his first official day and needs you by his side
wordcount: 2.4k words
pairing: masonmount x fem!reader
warnings: mason and you being horny, but nothing graphic
notes: hope you enjoy! I have no clue how english football works behind the scenes, so I hope it kind of makes sense! Like and comment your thoughts please!
”Mason are you ready? We need to leave in ten minutes.“, you shouted through the still empty house. You hadn’t had time to unpack all of your stuff yet. Too busy settling into the new city and Mason was too busy doing stuff at the Manchester United centre.
A loud ”Yes, just finishing my hair.“, was screamed from upstairs. You chuckled, feeling the butterflies in you stomach, you were probably more nervous than Mason. You just couldn’t help but feel excited for this new chapter while still mourning the move to Manchester. You had loved the house in London and you loved how your friends all lived nearby. Now you had to start over and make new friends, you just hoped the other wags would be nice to you and you wouldn’t have to stand alone during the first game.
When a shaking Mason arrived at the bottom of the stairs, handsome as ever in his black pants, white shirt, and red Manchester utd jacket, you had to hug him, hoping to take some nervousness off of him and just flick it away.
”I‘m just as nervous as you are, baby. It’s going to be fine. I‘ll be there, your whole family will be there and you have us. Whenever you feel like shitting your pants, just squeeze my hand, okay? It’s going to be alright.“
He took your hand and squeezed it real tight. You let out a laugh. ”Not now love, you‘ll be fine, believe me. Later when we‘ll be in bed you‘ll laugh about how easy this day was.“
After that, he came closer to your ear and whispered: ”Later in bed, I‘ll do many things but laugh, babygirl.“
This going straight to your core. Babygirl was a nickname he only used in the bedroom or to rile you up during the day. And well, it worked. You squeezed your legs together to relieve some pressure that build up.
Mason gave you a knowing look and smirked. What a dipshit. He gave you a kiss on your neck where he sucked the skin a little and then loosened the hug. You wanted to kill him for leaving you like that.
With a smack on his bum, you made your way to the car, ready to go.
When you arrived, you first met up with his family. They stood in the car park next to their cars waiting for you and after a round of ’hellos’ and ’heys‘ you were ready to go inside. Mason had a strong grip on your hand and you squeezed it from time to time to show your support.
When you saw the cameras and the crew waiting for Mason, you wanted to go to his family who were walking a few meters behind, so you wouldn’t be in the shot, you weren’t the star of the day after all, but he kept a firm grip on your hand.
”You said you would stay by my side, I can’t do this alone now.“
You whispered a small ”Okay“ before he went a greeted the crew waiting for him. After going in and greeting the lovely desk lady and getting the tour through the halls of the center, it was time to go outside. You were stunned by the big history this club held, while never leaving Mason's side. You felt sorry for the viewers who expected to see Mason but got a free upgrade with you on his side, you also didn’t think it was something the crew imagined as they first looked a bit confused and asked several times if he was ready to film.
When you went outside and saw the set up you gasped, it looked so sweet, and after greeting and shaking hands with everyone you could go and have a better look at it. Seeing his new jersey laying on the stool you felt tingly inside.
You wanted to lose the grip he had on your hand and let him do his thing but he refused and just squeezed your hand, showing he needed the support. So you went together to the backdrop and he finally let got off your hand to inspect his new jersey. While you placed your now empty hand on his back to keep the contact and support for him.
”Pretty cool huh?“, he looked at you after unfolding it and holding it at the top, while you gripped the side to stretch it a little for a better look. You felt the material and looked at it. Mount number 7, also something you had to get used to after he had 19 at Chelsea, but seeing how iconic number 7 was, you just hoped for him to feel as good as the other boys did in it.
After turning it around you said: ”It‘s not bad is it.“ he turned to the camera and said with a little wink: ”You heard the lady, it’s not bad.“
You rolled your eyes playfully.
”Makes me wanna go on the pitch and play“, you smiled at him and started to inspect the background they set up. Seeing the baby picture, you took a closer look. You couldn’t believe how cute your boyfriend was even as a child, with the sweetest little ears and his hair perfectly styled. The fan picture made you excited, to see his new fanbase, hoping they wouldn’t kill him on the pitch, seeing the negative comments people left on his and your Instagram. And the illustrated picture of him in the Manchester Utd kit looked amazing. You hoped that you could take it home afterwards and hang it on the wall. You needed some pictures on the still-empty walls in your new home. After that, it was time to pose for pictures. So you let go of his back and joined his family, who were already talking about the experience and the energy this place radiated.
Little Summer was buzzing with excitement and had a lot of energy, so you ran around the terrace with her for a little to calm her down. Her brother Archie laid in his stroller and the sight of him made your ovaries scream. He looked so small and sweet, you imagined what it would be like to start a family here with Mason. You two always talked about how you wanted to start a family soon, but that was always before the transfer to Manchester started, now you didn’t know where he stood regarding that topic.
But Mason was just as excited as you were. Seeing you with Summer made the butterflies in his stomach fly around even more, he couldn’t wait to have a little Mason or a little Y/N running around your new home.
The pictures and videos he had to do were absolutely gorgeous, seeing him sitting in that chair did mad things to you, you just wanted to hop on his lap and do unholy stuff, but not when his family+his new crew was watching. But you definitely needed to buy a chair for the new house, it made your mind crazy and horny. After he did the media pictures it was time for family pictures for memories. The whole family gathered behind Mason and you. Mason held one of the jersey's shoulders, placing his hand on your back, while you held the other shoulder, placing your other hand also on his back, and posed for the new family picture. Mason also wanted one with only you so you did the same pose as before. And after FaceTiming his sister from Australia he felt way less nervous than this morning when he really got on your nerves. Before the alarm clock even rang, he woke you up by poking his pointer finger in your face because he couldn’t sleep anymore and felt like throwing up. You tried to get him back to sleep but it was impossible.
The video camera documenting every step you guys took made you feel a little intimidated. It wasn’t like Mason and you had a secret relationship or something like that. It was actually pretty open, often posting candids of the other on an Instagram story, or making a post about the other, but getting the official welcome on the YouTube channel was something different.
Standing next to Mason when he gave his first autograph on the new jersey, you let out a surprised sound because of how good it looked.
”Smashed it, Mase“, you told him. It looked fucking good. You wished you could take it home as a memory for later.
After walking on the green ground for the first time, you couldn’t wait to see him on the pitch, where he hopefully gets the treatment he deserved.
The interviews didn’t seem to end, the questions got sillier the longer you walked. Thankfully you had his family next to you, to keep you company. After the interviews you went to the next media station, the official signing picture. While walking to the assigned room, you were stunned again by the big halls and pictures plastered on every wall. After Mason took pictures alone while signing the contract, with his parents and family it was time for the two of you. You stood on his left side and placed your hand proudly on his shoulder while having the biggest grin on your lips, just like Mason. This was a big deal to the both of you, a new club, a new city, a new beginning. You were ready for it, scared, but ready.
”I‘m super thirsty, is there somewhere where we can get a drink?“, Mason asked. He really was thirsty but he knew the rest of you guys could also use a break. Little Archie got fussy throughout the day, not wanting to be any longer in his stroller and also desperate for a drink. So you all settled in the cafeteria, having a coffee or a water and just enjoying the peace. Mason also removed his Manchester United jacket after a: ” It’s pretty warm, innit“. While Mason held your hand under the table and placed them on his thigh, he talked to his parents who sat at the same little table as you two.
”What’s now on the Agenda“, you asked, feeling yourself getting tired after walking around the center all day.
”I think it’s a photoshoot next to the ’The theatre of dreams‘ wall, seeing and shooting in the locker room and seeing and shooting in the stadium. It shouldn’t be that long anymore my love“, he squeezed your hand. With a tired nod, you got up as the press agent, who had shown you around all day, came back from her little break, and told all of you that it was time to continue the tour. Walking to the ’The theatre of dreams‘ wall, you woke up again and got excited to see the holy ground soon. And after he finished the photoshoot, it was time to see the changing room. Passing through the door the room looked huge and you felt the energy of the players. Seeing his jersey hanging on the wall over his new seat made your heart swell. This was his dream. Playing football somewhere where he is appreciated and loved, and you had a good feeling about this place. Sitting on his new space, he got his pictures taken and then it was your turn again with the family as well, he wanted to get as many pictures as possible, needing to fill up the empty spaces on your wall at home. Standing up and walking into the middle of the room more questions were asked.
When they turned the lights red, he took your hand, squeezed it, and gave you a knowing look, which meant dirty thoughts, but played it over with a cool: ”It’s game-time baby“.
Summer was jumping around with the lights dimmed, being super excited over the change of color when Mason took her in his arms and turned around in circles. Her screeching could be heard from miles away, but it made everyone happy to see she also had a good time and wasn’t bored or making a fuss.
Walking on the holy ground of the stadium, gave Mason goosebumps as he walked around and mumbled the word ’special‘ a bunch of times. Looking at you with his big smile, he took you in his arms and just stood like that for a few seconds. Suddenly feeling very grateful that you chose to come with him on this new adventure. After a kiss on your forehead, he let go of you and you joined his family again, not wanting to be in every shot of the video or pictures. While walking through the tunnel to get to the last picture point of the day, you felt Summer taking your hand. The darkness scared her a little and she chose her auntie Y/N to protect her, everyone cooed at the interaction.
After he had his last official picture taken, under the ’The theatre of dreams‘ quote, it was time for family pictures. Everyone turned their back towards the camera and posed so it looked like you were absently staring at the pitch. It turned out to be your favorite picture out of all the ones you took today. But of course, you took one facing the camera, which also looked pretty cute.
Someone shouted: ” It’s a wrap everybody, thank you“, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Feeling the pressure flooding out of your body, you looked at Mason and you could see in his eyes how relaxed he was now.
After saying goodbye to everyone, you made your way to the cars, saying goodbye to his family as well, as they made their way to a hotel they found not far from your home. You would have loved to host them in your new house, but you barely had time to put up any furniture so the guest rooms were filled with boxes. They decided to stay in a hotel and help you the following days to make the place a bit more homier faster. After all, Mason had a busy schedule and couldn’t help as much as he wanted to.
But in the end, you were glad they weren’t staying at your place because Mason ended up showing you, how he really wasn’t laughing in bed at the end of the day.
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shinestarhwaa · 7 months
16,25,32,69-yunsanhwa please? thxx.!
I got a little too excited with this one HAHA I'm sorry, I hope you enjoy it cuz I rly did xo
Tumblr media
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Ateez!Yunho/San/Seonghwa x manager!reader
Word Count: 3k
Tags/warnings: Idol!AU, Dom!Yunho, Dom!San, Sub!Seonghwa, Sub!reader, Foursome, Dirty Talk, M x M (only SanHwa), bottom!Seonghwa, top!San, oral sex (f and m receiving), fingering (f receiving), unprotected sex, vaginal sex, anal sex (m receiving), lots of orgasms, handjob, Seonghwa is a wee bit pervy, voyeurism
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123 @mjyungi
It had been a fun evening so far, walking around the city with the three boys. They treated you on a meal and you showed them various locations and even took videos of their silly Tiktok ideas.
They were lovely really, very different from the artists you had worked with before. You've had two managing jobs before but they didn't last long because of various reasons, but you got hired by KQ for Ateez and you couldn't be happier.
It paid well and they treated you nicely. They always made you laugh and made sure you were comfortable while you're the one who should take care of them instead. Somewhere in your heart you felt like they truly cared for you and you really felt like you didn't deserve them.
After safely getting them back to their hotel, San invited you and the other two boys into his room for a nightcap. After some begging and pleading you finally agreed and entered his room.
As Seonghwa and Yunho had already sat down on the chairs you stood a little awkwardly beside San's bed, drink in your hand. "Just sit, manager-nim," San pouted, pulling your sweater. You couldn't help but smile at the boy and you nodded, sitting down next to him.
The conversation carried on normally until Yunho decided to ask you more personal questions. "So, you're not involved with anyone, manager-nim?" He asked. You shook your head and laughed a bit sheepish. "No, it has been a while, I'm too busy with you idiots," you answered with a grin.
"Oh, really? Well then I'm sorry," Yunho apologized, "we should make up for that in some way right?"
You locked eyes with Yunho as your mouth went dry. What did he mean by that? "I mean, it is only fair," he carried on, "you're taking good care of us as our manager, Y/N, but who's gonna take care of you?"
The way his name fell off your lips made you feel all tingly, a feeling you tried to ignore and block out, but it was impossible because his deep voice send shivers and all kinds of signals directly down to your core.
"I-I...," you stammered, "I can take perfectly good care of myself, I have my own apartment and I don't have debts-." "I believe that isn't what Yunho meant," Seonghwa chimed in. His stare was a little more intense than you were used to from him, his soft and shiny boba eyes gone.
"You know what we mean," San suddenly hushed by your ear, "who's there to please you? I bet we can do it better than you and your little toys could." "T-toys?" You gasped. "We know what's in that red bag of yours, remember the day you slept in our hotelroom last month?" San asked, reminiscing the night where you lost your keys so you crashed on their couch.
"You looked in my bag?" You asked, nervously. "Well, it was open for everyone to see so, yes, I saw what was in there," San confessed. "But believe me, my cock is bigger than that, I could please you so much better than that thing... I bet all three of us could."
You swallowed thickly and crossed your legs. "I-I don't know San, this all seems quite unprofessional," you muttered. "It's just one night, Y/N, and besides that, no one has to know about it," Yunho said. You hesitated, looking at the gorgeous men in front of you.
It was too good to be true right? Three hot and famous men wanting to have sex with you in a beautiful hotelroom on the other side of the world? But how could you say no if they looked at you like this?
"How... would that work?" You asked carefully, earning a few glances and smirks from the boys. "Well you know how sex works right? You can't be a virgin," San grinned. "No, no I know... I'm not a virgin," you said, blushing, "it's just... how would it work with the four of us...? You'd all be naked in front of each other, is that not a problem for you?"
San smirked and let his hand glide over your thigh. "I'm kinda excited about it, actually," he confessed. "Always have been curious about seeing their cocks hard and leaking...," he went on, "and Seonghwa hyungies hole."
Seonghwa blushed and his eyes went wide as he tried to hide his growing boner with his sweater. "Wh-whatt?" He giggled as he looked away, unable to face him. "You heard me." What did he say?
"I don't care what you guys want, all I know is that right know I'm gonna rip off those stupid tight clothes and I'm gonna ravish your naked body," Yunho grunted. "Hm, we'll share," San said.
San kissed your lips and you immediately melted in his embrace. You had always wondered what his arms felt like, his big strong arms that drove every woman on the planet absolutely insane and they felt great.
San kept kissing you as Yunho got on his knees in front of you, pulling down your skirt and spreading your legs a little, seeing the wet patch on your underwear. "Ooh, did we get you wet, Y/N?" Yunho smirked. You broke off the kiss with San, already missing his soft lips as you nodded and slipped your panties off. Yunho nearly growled at the sight of your bare pussy in front of him, running his hands over your soft thighs.
San undid your blouse and bra in a few simple motions, leaving you completely naked. You felt so exposed, looking at the three completely clothed boys and they caught up on it quickly. One by one they started to undress, leaving just their underwear on.
Yunho got between your legs again and licked a stripe up from the bottom of your cunt all the way to your clit, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud. "O-Oh, Yunie," you panted out, making Yunho grin as he heard the nickname you always gave him roll from your tongue in the form of a moan.
"Yunie, Yunie, Yunie!" You moaned as he fucked you with his tongue and occasionally sucked on your clit. "Stay quiet dear, they'll be able to hear us," San smirked as he kissed your neck and fondled your breasts. You saw Seonghwa in the corner of the room, clearly nervous but palming his crotch as he watched Yunho eat your pussy.
"A-Are you not joining in, Seonghwa?" You asked him, as you were kind of hoping he would come closer and pleasure you. He was a little shy, but he nodded and came closer, sitting on your left side. "If we're gonna do this I want all three of you," you said in a husky tone as you kissed his neck and latched your tongue on his sensitive skin.
His brows furrowed and he swallowed thickly, clearly getting harder from your actions. Your hand reached Yunho's dark hair and pulled it slightly. He looked up at you from between your legs and moaned against your pussy as he kept eating you out.
"So when did you start thinking about fucking me?" You panted out as you grinded your sex on Yunho's tongue. "Hmm, for months now," he moaned against your cunt. You moaned out his name again, a little louder this time.
"You want them all to hear, don't you? You want everyone to hear how good Yunie's making you feel?" San smirked. You couldn't even form a proper sentence because Yunho was currently bringing you to fucking paradise on that skilled tongue. Your moans grew louder as your orgasm washed over you, body trembling in San's embrace.
"Fuck, that's so hot," Seonghwa breathed out as he watched Yunho ride out your orgasm, licking your pussy clean. "Yeah? You want in too, hyung?" San smirked. Seonghwa bit his lip and nodded. He really seemed to be a bit more submissive towards the other boys, wondering what he would be like to you.
"Kiss first then," San stated, pulling Seonghwa closer by his neck and crashing their lips together. Fuck. You were squished between them as they made out, your pussy clenching around nothing as you got needier and needier.
Suddenly you felt two of San's thick fingers in your cunt, pushing in and out of you, making you moan out. Seonghwa reached for your pussy too, rubbing your clit with his middlefinger as San kept fucking you with his fingers. You cried out and clenched around their fingers, the pleasure being so good. ''O-Oh my fucking God,'' you moaned out as Seonghwa picked up the pace. This way you could never last long.
Before you knew it you came again, arousal seeping out of you and coating San's fingers. The boys pulled their hands away and ended the kiss and San held his fingers in front of Seonghwa's mouth, ordering him to lick them off. Seonghwa sucked San's fingers clean while looking at him so intensely as you pulled San's underwear down.
San's dick was rather girthy and thick and it nearly made you drool. Wow, fuck. You got on your knees in front of him and Seonghwa followed your lead. ''I think our hyung is a little needy for cock, don't you think?'' Yunho grinned as he sat on one of the chairs, stroking his erection through his underwear. ''Are you needy for cock, Seonghwa hyung?'' San asked, raising his right eyebrow.
Seonghwa's cheeks and ears were red, so embarrassed but God, it was so cute. ''Can I?'' Seonghwa asked with a small voice. ''Hm... What about Y/N then?'' San asked. Seonghwa thought for a few seconds until Yunho showed up naked and sat next to San. ''She can suck my cock first.''
You swallowed thickly as you saw his big cock sitting between his legs. ''Wow,'' you breathed out, ''where the fuck do you hide this thing?'' Yunho laughed and leaned back a little. ''If you suck it well enough I'll let you ride it.'' You nodded and quickly got to work.
Yunho's muscles tensed when he felt your hot, wet mouth swallow his cock. Your head bobbed up and down as you used your hands on the part you couldn't fit in your mouth. The idol threw back his head and moaned out as he watched your 'innocent' eyes look up at him.
Suddenly you heard groaning beside you as well, making you let go of Yunho's cock with a pop and watch the two men in awe. Seonghwa was sucking San's dick as if it were the sexiest porno in existance, it looked and sounded so incredibly sinful.
The slurping sounds and the moans Seonghwa let out as he gagged on San's cock made your pussy throb. San was moaning and thrusting his hips upwards, fucking his hyung's throat. You gasped as Yunho grabbed your by your hair and forced you back down on his cock. You moaned and gagged around his member as he made you choke on it, fucking your mouth just the way San was doing to Seonghwa.
Yunho and San gave each other a glance, smirking as they were abusing your throat's for their pleasure. ''Fuck, that's so good, such a good girl,'' Yunho moaned as he felt his release coming closer. ''Are you gonna cum Yunie?'' San smirked. ''Fuck yeah, gonna paint her throat all white, ah!'' he moaned out as he came deep in your throat, forcing you to swallow his seeds. You let go of his cock with a pop and you panted out.
Seonghwa was still working on San's cock, drool all over his chin and down the base of San's shaft. ''I'm gonna cum in your mouth now and you're gonna fucking take my load,'' San grunted, ''you're gonna fucking take it, okay baby?'' Seonghwa moaned around his cock before swallowing the big load that San released with a loud moan. Seonghwa panted heavily when he got off his wet cock, tears in his eyes. ''That's a good boy,'' San said as he caressed Seonghwa's hair.
''Fuck, this is the hottest thing I've ever experienced,'' you breathed out as you got on Yunho's lap, hands over his toned chest. You pushed him down to lay flat on the bed as you mounted his cock, letting it sink all the way in. You let out a long moan as you felt him stretch you out.
''I-I want all of you, please, all of you at once,'' you whimpered as you bounced lightly on Yunho's length. ''Oh? You want all of us at once? What a naughty little girl,'' Yunho smirked, ''well you heard her boys.'' ''Hm, you're one to like having all her holes filled don't ya?'' San smirked. ''You're not fucking my ass San, do you understand? You're not fucking my ass'' you said, rolling your eyes, knowing about his ass-obsession. San laughed and nodded as he got behind you. ''I promise I won't fuck your ass, only Hwa's.''
San slid his rigid cock right next to Yunho's, deep into your pussy. ''Oh-Oh my God!'' You cried out. ''What about me?'' a now naked Seonghwa asked with his boba eyes. God, those eyes. ''Kiss me,'' you whimpered, pulling him close by his hip. Seonghwa got closer and passionately kissed you on the mouth, driving you inside with his soft lips.
Yunho and San slowly started moving inside you, making you moan into Seonghwa's mouth. You took his long cock in your hand, pumping it up and down slowly, trying to match Yunho and San's pace. Seonghwa moaned along with you and bucked his hips up.
''I had no idea Seonghwa hyung was this filthy,'' Yunho smirked as he rolled his hips up into you. San and Yunho were moving faster, fucking you harder and it felt so good that you could barely keep on kissing Seonghwa. You kept moaning and moaning, eventually breaking the kiss and resting your head against his shoulder. You kept pumping his cock rapidly, earning the most beautiful moans from the boy.
''O-Oh my, you're driving me insane,'' he moaned out. ''Hmm... I always knew he was filthy, I still live with him,'' San smirked before continuing, ''He's always fucking touching himself, fucking himself, listening to us when we're jerking off, he's a little pervert,'' San smirked. Seonghwa could only nodd, whine and moan at San's words,
''I-I'm sorry, I don't wanna be a pervert,'' he cried out, ''I-I just couldn't help it!'' ''It's okay babyboy, it's okay,'' San cooed, ''I'm gonna take care of you after this.''
San's hips thrusted quickly into you, his balls softly clashing against your ass. ''Fuck, you are so good for us,'' Yunho moaned. ''Y-Yes, so good for you, so good for you, I'll fucking let you ruin me whenever you guys want I promise y-you can use my pussy,'' you moaned out. ''Oh? You want us to use your pussy as a good little fucktoy when we're on the road? Well I cannot say no to that.''
''Yes, please, please, please!'' You begged them as you kept working your hand on Seonghwa's cock. He bucked his hips up in the air and started fucking your fist, cumming all over it with a loud moan before he could even announce it.
''What a filthy boy,'' San said, smirking as he pounded into you, repeatedly hitting your g-spot. You let go of Seonghwa's cock as you felt forward onto Yunho's chest, moaning out from the friction you got on your clit. ''Oh look at you, you're close aren't you?'' Yunho said, smirking. ''Y-Yes, Yunie, yes! G-Gonna cum so hard,'' you moaned loudly. San and Yunho thrusted a few more times before they send you over the edge, making you scream out in pleasure.
Only seconds later Yunho came as well, spilling inside you with a loud moan. He pulled out of you and so did San, seeing him watch the three of you by himself. San laid Seonghwa down and smirked at the innocent-looking boy. ''Shall I fill you up now, huh?
''Y-Yes, please, please I've been wanting you for so long,'' he cried out. You and Yunho felt quite fucked out so you laid in his arms as you watched San lube up his dick and slide it into Seonghwa's puckering hole.
''I'm gonna fucking make you scream, hyung,'' he panted out as he let the older one adjust to his size. ''Please, have no mercy on me, I can take it.'' ''I know you can, I've seen that dildo underneath your bed,'' San smirked. Seonghwa's eyes grew wide as San moved inside him, starting off with a rough and fast pace.
He already earned so many sinful, slutty moans from him, making you think that Seonghwa went in the wrong entertainment business cause damn he was sexier and hotter than any pornstar you've ever seen.
''Yeah, you like that baby?'' he smirked as he plunged deeper inside him. San grabbed Seonghwa's cock and jerked it off as he kept fucking him, turning him into a moaning mess. ''I-I'm not gonna last long like this!'' Seonghwa moaned out, ''Your cock is too good, too fucking good!''
San smirked and absolutely went nuts inside him, ramming his cock deep inside him and letting out the most animalistic groans. ''Fuck me, fuck me hard, give me your cum, please!'' Seonghwa begged. With a few more jerks of his hips San released inside Seonghwa, moaning out his name.
Seonghwa moaned louder as he felt his orgasm approach, clenching down on San's cock, milking him dry. San's dom facade slowly broke down as his pleasure took over and watched Seonghwa unravel beneath him, spilling all over his hand and abs.
After getting cleaned up you wished the boys good night before getting back to your own hotelroom, rethinking the shenanigans of earlier and you couldn't help but smile. This was definitely not gonna be the last time this was happening.
What happens in London, doesn't stay back in London. It's comin' back home, you thought.
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fhrlclln · 2 years
Omg so like what if reader is at a party and it's late at night but there are some guys there that are scaring her. Her dad isn't home to call to come pick her up and she can't drive since she's been drinking so she calls eddie instead. He does have a reputation in town and he looks mean so when he shows up everyone kinda moves out of his way and he goes to look for her. Once he gets her home and cleaned up for bed he starts scolding her for being so thoughtless (responsible eddie showing his age lol) but she starts to cry because he's never talked to her like that and he ends up feeling really bad and it's just them having like a little fluffy moment. Also I'm thinking this is like further down in their relationship where her parents know about them and stuff.
older!mechanic! eddie x fem! reader
I LOVE THIS IDEAAAA, thank you anons 🙌
and yes, eddie being his old matured ass, he is very protective of reader. i am kneeling rn. 🧎‍♀️
also, so sorry i took so long to respond !!
also here’s the imagine connected to this !! older!mechanic! eddie
suggestive themes under the cut
“pick up, pick up, pick up. pleaseeee.” you muttered to yourself nervously, the landline phone on your ear close, glancing back and forth from where you are in the kitchen, glancing to see the group of guys staring at you from the far corner of the living room. the sea of people dancing only the barrier as you quickly looked away. you cringed, glad you still had some sense even though you felt drunk as hell. a party had been going on the up street neighborhood, it was like all house parties, everyone is invited and everyone is free to join. college frat parties like so.
it was fun at first, but you are just itching to go home now after one dude had been too intent on asking you out a while ago. you already told him you had a boyfriend— which was entirely true, but the said creep didn’t back down after countless no’s and fuck off’s. but you managed to stray away, and now his group are watching you like hawks, ready to strike at your most vulnerable. which is why your drinking stop, you already felt tingly and dizzy and it was time to go home. the music was getting boring anyway.
you opted to call your dad but he wasn’t home, probably having a drink with his friends too. you couldn’t call your mom, knowing she’s asleep and could literally yell at you for being at a party and would make things worse for your headache. you decided it would be eddie, who’d you call. your parents trust him enough knowing the established relationship between you two. and to mention, your dad is so very fond of him. a win-win perhaps.
“hello, who is this?” your breath stilled as the ringing finally stopped as you heard his voice. not enough time to respond back, still a little dizzy as he cuts you off. “if this is that one jackass prankster who keeps barking, i’m fuck—“
“eddie. it’s m-me.” you meekly replied, feeling groggy as you hiccupped.
“sweetheart? what’s going on? where are you?” he immediately asked as you hummed sleepily. wanting for him to be here.
“can you come pick me up?” you hiccupped, “‘m at a party right now. i need you.” you glanced back to the group of guys staring at you. you let out a shaky sigh ass you could hear eddie shuffling in the other line. “there’s a bunch of creeps staring at me. please hurry up.”
“creeps? baby, are you alone?” eddie asked worriedly, hearing the music blare in the background of your voice.
“y-yeah. ‘m friends—“ you hiccuped, lying a bit knowing he’ll be mad that you’re alone. “my friends are somewhere h-here…i’m in the kitchen.” you gulped, feeling the nausea slowly start to sink in. you whined as you rest your head on the wall, holding the landline phone dearly on your ear.
“give me the address now. i’ll be there soon.” you muttered the address coherently, saying it two times wanting him to come to you quickly. the sound of a squeaky door opened loudly on the other line as eddie’s footsteps were heard. “you just stay there where you are, sweets. do not fucking go anywhere alone.”
“i will, eddie.” you whispered hearing him hang up as you lazily put the phone back on the receiver. you leaned on the counter, sobering up a bit as you tried your best not to fall down on your ass.
to say,
eddie was fuming, in utter complete rage. he swerved his van to a vacant spot in front the roaring house. getting out hurriedly as he slammed his van door shut. the party was still lively with a lot of people in it from outside to inside. music blasting from the inside, horny young adults kissing, drinking— he could remember the times he had been in parties back then making bucks from dealing, but that didn’t mattered now. he can smell the alcohol as he neared the door. he opened it, earning the attention of the people near the entrance.
“shit, that’s mr. munson—“ one of the boys muttered, staring at the leathered jacket man with a hint of fear in his face. eddie felt the whole room stare at him now, all partially intrigued and intimated seeing the tall mean-looking man step forward to the sea of people. a shiver ran down eddie’s spine, concealing his discomfort of the stares, it felt he was in highschool again— which sucked.
“move.” he grumbled to the dancing people blocking him towards the kitchen. they immediately part a way for him, seeing him already unpleased with the scent of sweat and alcohol in the air. god, he hated parties so much. all stood silent as he finally sets his eyes on you and to an incoming man inching towards your sunken form, as you desperately tried to hold yourself up the counter. he felt his heart surge knowing you mentioned some guys giving you the creeps, in which he immediately stomped to stop the said man eyeing you.
the creep furrowed his brows as eddie came into view before he could grab you. “hey, man. what the fuck—“
“fuck off.” eddie’s voice dropped as the creep backed down. a vein bulge on forehead as the creep scurried away, knowing hell who eddie is. oh, eddie knew he had a reputation in this town for looking intimidating. he still dressed the same like in highschool, just that the evident matureness on his face and more ink on his body caused him to be gossiped around how scary he looked.
which was not true. at least to you, as you felt arms wrap around your waist. you were about to protest until the familiar scent of oak cologne and cigarettes passed your nostrils. your heart thumped as you immediately looked up to see the man you’ve been waiting for as you drunkily smiled at him. your boyfriend. that looks pissed.
“eddie!” you hiccupped, jumping up to encircle your arms around his neck. his shag hair brushing against your cheek as you nuzzled closer to him. chest brushing against his.
“baby, let me get you home.” he mumbled, patting your back gently. you nodded, kissing his cheek as he kissed your forehead. not caring if anyone saw the you two. on the way out, people eventually parted a way for him and you, not questioning anything, it felt sort-of a win, knowing his intimidating presence made anyone flee. hurtful it felt sometimes, but at least the drunk you in his arms said otherwise. you were clingy, clingy for his touch and his affection. he gave it you before you’d sober up and the massive scolding he’ll have to do afterwards.
eventually he helped you up the stairs now in your house, up to your bedroom. your mother was asleep and you told him to be quiet, afraid you both would be getting a yelling from her. you got to plop down to on your bed, before you could feel yourself blacking out. every ounce of strength you had left diminished after such a exhausting night. you tried not to sleep, hearing eddie shuffle inside your room. you could hear him open your closet, shuffling through your clothes then back to somewhere else. you groggily let out a sigh, brain a little mushy but a little sobered up.
“sweetheart, sit up for me.” he tapped your thigh as you lazily complied. sitting up with a groan, back slumping forward as eddie held your face up. your eyes fluttered to see him holding a towel, he gently wiped the sweat on your face. his calloused hands gripping the side of your head as gently as ever, you rubbed your face against the palm of his hand, feeling a little fluttery how good he smelled up close. the comforting silence passed by as you started to feel the drowsiness again until he finally spoke.
“i thought you said you had friends over at that fucking frat party.”
“hm? i-i did, they’re—“
“don’t fucking lie to me, sweets.” he sighed, letting go of your face as he threw the towel on the bed. crossing his arms as he stands in front you with a clipped look on his face.
“i swear, eds, i was just having fun.” you mumbled embarrassingly, feeling his anger.
“fun? that was fun? getting almost cornered by those creepy shitheads was fun? do you have any idea how fucking worried i was, y/n?” you stilled, not used to hearing your name come from his mouth, let alone how angry his tone is. you stared at him in silence, his nostrils flared as the vein on his forehead bulged. you averted his gaze, feeling shameful. his eyes burned holes through you as he waited your answer.
“i’m sorry.” you quietly mumbled, feeling your eyes water. “i-i just wanted to drink ‘s all—”
“i fucking swear, in the middle of the fucking night. you’re hurting my head...” he grumbled, stepping away as he rounded to your closet, opening it as your lip trembled. he never talked to you like this, it was the first time you ever heard him so pissed off at you and you felt bad. your fingers fiddled with each other, disappointment filling your chest. you merely look down at your hands, tears dropping as you tried to hold-in a sob, feeling a little pathetic now that you were fucking crying just because of this.
eddie sighed to himself, picking out clothes in your closet so you can change in. he wasn’t necessarily mad-mad, just that it pained him to think about if a scenario like this could happen again. he wouldn’t restrict you from parties, hell, he was an active out-goer back then in his young 20’s. right now, he didn’t think of it as fun anymore sometimes. he works, he has a job, numerous responsibilities, he doesn’t remember half the thrill he had back then unlike you now. he guessed this came with his oldass.
he turns around, freezing on the spot when he sees your head titled down, little sobs coming from your mouth along with sniffles. you were trying so hard not to make it obvious but seeing as he saw you, the tears started flowing again. guilt filled his chest as he cursed to himself seeing that he had made you cry. shit.
“hey, hey, baby. why you crying, sweetheart?” he kneeled down to your level, grasping your hands to his. you looked up to his brown orbs, the tears blurring your vision. you sniffled, feeling like you made a fool out of yourself infront of your own boyfriend.
“i-i’m sorry. i’m used to to you…” you paused, gulping. “not seeing you angry at me. i-i’m sorry, eddie.” you sniffled, wiping away the wet tears as eddie softens his gaze. “just wanted to have fun this night. you were working and i didn’t have anyone else. i’m sorry.”
“i know, sweetheart.” he says heartedly, this week has been busy on him. he spent days in his shop, working for every customer. “but you know you gotta take care of yourself.”
he wipes the tears on your cheeks as you look at him, nose sniffling as you nodded, still feeling a little sleepy. eddie hummed seeing as you eyes sparkled as he gives you a small smile, indicating everything was alright. he leaned in, capturing your pouty lips to his, soft and slow as you eagerly reciprocated, missing his closeness. sitting up straight, letting out a small moan between as his tongue joined in, making the sweet kiss a little sloppy. all pent-up feelings being brought out. the stubble of his beard sent shivers down your spine when it tickled your chin. you pulled him closer, wanting everything for him to be on top of you right now. but he had the opposite idea as he pulled away making you whine lowly.
“not tonight.” he whispered hoarsely, cigarette scented lips too intoxicating for you to not stare at them as he chuckled. “you’re wasted and tired. i’ll give it to you in the morning, don’t worry.” he kissed your cheek with a promise as you nodded, pecking his lips, thankful he was here for you making your heart flutter. how did you bagged a man like him? you always wondered how lucky you are right now.
“i love you.”
“i love you too, sweets.”
WHEN IS IT MY TURN?!?! anyways i’m back. 🙄
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zyonsay · 2 months
Hey I wanted to ask if you could write a Yuki Tsunoda X male reader smut? :)
Maybe where the reader helps Yuki steam off after a bad race or something Yknow? I'm sorry I'm not that creative with ideas 😭
I hope you can make sense of it haha And if you don't want to write for him that's okay as well<3 (or if I didn't saw his name in the list for the people you don't write for, I apologise)
Pearl Necklace YT22
fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: Maybe he needs to blow off some steam
Reader: Male
Warnings: NSFW, Choking, Biting, Blood (Everything is consensual)
Now playing: 'Take me to Church' by Hozier
AN: Hello guys! This took longer than expected haha, but im kinda happy with the outcome. idk its 1 in the morning so i might be wrong lol. But anyways, first Yuki content on my blog!! love that <3 This somehow has me thinking of vampire Yuki......
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Gloves flew through the garage, one landed on a stack of tires the other fell to the ground and was left there. He ran a hand trough his black strands, muttering something while walking down the pit lane. Some worried looks were thrown his way, but that only made him angrier. He didn’t need any pity, who did they think he was? He could swear that he felt his blood blubber and boil in his veins.
While fidgeting with the baseball cap in your hands, you closely watch the screen, a camera was being shoved in Yuki’s face. God, this feels like watching some stupid drama show and not a sports program. His now ungloved hands were balled into fists and his expression looked sour, or at least the look in his eyes did, since he was still wearing his helmet. With a swift movement Yuki escaped the media and made a run for the team hospitality, where you had been waiting for him. You would’ve watched the race from the pit wall, but a terrible headache had come over you. The sun was cruelly shining, and your headache just got worse, so you retreated inside to take some meds.
The door was closed, not so gently though. You heard muffled steps and the low rumble of your boyfriend. He was easygoing and a fun guy for sure, but he was also very critical of himself. Whenever he didn’t place well, Yuki always thought that it was his fault alone. A few moments pass and a head of raven hair peeked trough the door. With little to no care he slid of his shoes and kicked them aside before taking a few quick steps towards you. Knowing how he must feel you rushed off your chair and immediately into his arms. “Hey there.” The whisper that fell from your lips was very quiet, only you two could hear it. Well, there weren’t many people around anyways, but you still kept your voice low. His shoulders were tense and maybe it was your imagination, but he seemed to be shaking with anger. “I don’t wanna think about this bullshit right now.” Yuki scoffed slightly, his silky black hair was messed up from the balaclava and his eyes darted around the room in a nervous manner. He slid one of his hands behind your neck, like a threatening snake, but you know that he’ll always be careful with you. With a swift motion, he had pulled you into a kiss. It was hungry, even starving. There was a longing sensation in the way his breath trickled down your cheek, he wasn’t begging. He was demanding.
A soft gasp fell from your lips, then a small hum of pleasure slipped out too. His eyes darted up to yours, it almost seemed as if his pupils were dilated like a cat who had just discovered it’s prey. His hand came up from underneath your shirt and gripped your throat. Yuki’s body was pressed against yours, squishing you in between his warmth and the door of his driver’s room. Your blood was stirring and swirling around your veins, a tingly feeling had sat itself in your stomach. Admittedly, you felt bad for Yuki but something about him being furious is so irresistible.  The thoughts in your head were shushed away by the growing feeling of dizziness, his hand hadn’t left your neck yet and you were struggling to get any air. A smile tugged at his lips, before he loosened his grip and pressed a few kisses along your jaw. Heavy breaths made your chest heave and sink, you gently pushed your boyfriend backwards. Your gaze darted towards his dark eyes. They were almost completely black, only from very close up you could see a hint of brown in them.
The back of Yuki’s legs hit his chair, which was pulled out from underneath the desk. He reached back and scooched the chair closer to him, and then sat down. He tauntingly tilted his head, waiting for your next move. His eyes were trained on yours, it almost seemed as if he was testing you. But you weren’t gonna let him have this. You too tilted your head, keeping eye contact with him. The driver’s rooms are small, so only a few steps were enough for you to stand right in front of him. His dark lashes fluttered while his characteristic smile spread over his face. “Come here.”, he whispered while gesturing to his lap. You were about to swing your leg over his, as he quickly turned around you your back was pressed closely to his chest. He reached around your torso and began unbuckling your belt. His lips lingered over your neck; his breath felt awfully hot on your skin. Yuki’s soft kisses quickly turned into love bites and his hand was teasing you trough your underwear. This was too much and too little at once, you could’ve exploded right there. In a swift motion, he had pulled down your boxers. The cold air hit your member and a shiver ran down your back, this made Yuki smile, you could feel it on your neck. His left hand massaged your thigh while his other one gently took your cock and began stroking it slowly. Way too slowly. Out of desperation you bucked into his hand, earning you a chuckle and a light slap on your thigh. A sweet whine escaped your throat, and you leaned your head back against Yuki’s shoulder. Your boyfriend hummed in approval, “Does that feel good?” Yes, it did. God, it was fucking incredible. Caught in a haze, you could only stammer out what seemed to resemble a weak ‘yes’. Soon after he sped up his movement, tightening his grip around your dick slightly, shortly after being rewarded loud gasps from you. He was enjoying this scene, it put him at ease. You were melting like putty in his hands, in moments like these he could do anything with you. This sense of control pleased him tremendously, but this was a mutual game.
Yuki bit down on your shoulder, leaving deep teeth marks in your skin. One day you would have to get those trending bitemark tattoos for sure. But for now, the pulsing raspberry redness was more than enough. Once again, he sped up and kept kissing your now sensitive, irritated skin. A hot, sweet feeling was pooling in your stomach. A stinging sharp pain surged through your neck. And before you knew-
-it had stopped. Yuki’s teeth were sunken deep into your skin, when he let off small droplets of blood began pooling in the dents his teeth had left. They were crimson red and looked like beautiful red pearls. You whined and winded in his touch, from pain, frustration but mostly from want. He delicately hummed before gently licking a long stripe from your shoulder up to your jaw, savoring the iron-like taste of your blood. “Love you.”, he whispered before he began jerking you off again.
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Hey Yves wanna see my wicked cool tattoo? 😏* pulls up my sleeve to show him a large bold ‘YVES’ tattoo’d on my forearm*
"Ah." Yves uttered softly as he bent down to inspect the ink work. But his eyes aren't focusing on the artist's skill, rather, the way your body reacts to something foreign invading it, like a tattoo. He took note of any redness, texture or anomalies on the artwork.
He already knew that you were about to get one, Yves was even flattered that out of all the words and quotes you considered, you preferred his name to be permanently a part of your body. He only wished that he could have been the one who worked with the tattoo gun, that way, he could obtain more data regarding your skin and flesh. Moreover, this was one of the few rare instances where he could (begrudgingly) further study your behavior towards pain while allowing himself to directly inflict it onto you.
Yves would have taken in all the reactions, micro or macro, while enduring the needles too, but alas, he has to rely on pixels from the hidden cameras and microphones. It's definitely better than nothing, but there was just so much wasted information without him being physically present there, up close and personal.
You weren't sure if Yves liked it. He's staring at it blankly while gently tracing the pads of his fingers against your bare skin. It felt tingly.
"I'm flattered." He smiled. Yves knew you got this just to see how he would react, not necessarily because you wanted to be branded with his name. It's plain. Yves looked back up to you.
"What do you think about it?" He asked, somewhat catching you off guard. So you started to explain, fumbling over your words but pointing out the obvious: you wouldn't have gotten it if you didn't like it.
He hummed in response. Caressing your forearm tenderly as you watched him with anticipation.
Maybe you expected him to freak out, Yves seemed like the type of person to be discouraging permanent body modifications. You thought he would disapprove of it, at least to a certain degree.
But you're unsure what to make of his attitude, he's ominously vague about it. So you decided to ask him directly about what he thinks, straight to the point and no fluff.
Your direct question was met with a loving kiss on the forehead.
"You're adorable." He murmured. Cuddling you against him. Instinctually, you wrapped your arms around his torso while he went on to run his manicured fingers through your hair.
"What else can you tell me about it?" He whispered while holding you close.
You stuttered, you didn't know how to answer that. So you hesitantly told Yves you have nothing else to say.
He stayed silent and continued with his affectionate touches. Somehow, you felt uncomfortable not saying more, so you began grasping at straws. Telling him about how you love him so much, and you wanted to have his name on you for some reason.
You elaborated more than you needed to, somewhat cringing at yourself the deeper you fall into this chatty spiral. But you kept on going because it increased your unease when you stop talking.
While you're distracted and sounding like a broken record, Yves took the opportunity to usher you to the living room sofa. He rummaged through your bag, which is a normal occurrence on its own, so you never stopped to question why he is going through your belongings hourly.
He pulled out a tube of tattoo aftercare ointment that was given to you by the parlor, unscrewed it open and dispensed a pea sized amount of cream onto his fingertips.
Yves wordlessly urged you to continue blabbering by body language alone, showing that he is very interested in what you have to say and subconsciously encouraging you to overshare as usual.
He applied the cream onto your tattoo, alleviating it of any itchiness or soreness. The entire time, latching onto every word you said and permanently etching them into the sulci his brain.
It didn't even register in your mind that Yves knew how to care for a fresh tattoo despite not having one himself. You didn't realize how he automatically knew what to do, where to find it and what to use, as if he was there when the tattoo artist had explained it to you.
You simply accepted that Yves knew what was good for you and allowed him to act accordingly without your explicit permission.
You accepted that Yves will take care of everything.
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creelteeth · 2 years
plz ur perv steve is keeping me alive
him n fem reader being besties???
shes so... dumb. shes smart in school but when it comes to anything sexual, she doesnt know anything. doesnt know why her tummy gets all warm n her... down there gets all tingly when she calls steve at night or first thing ij the morning bc theyre best friends, and she just loves his voice.
him messing w her, playing with her hair and squeezing her sides, kissing all over her face n telling her how pretty she is. when she whines, he knows why, but asks anyway
"stevie.." shed pout, "feels funny.."
"where at princess?"
"d..down there..?" pointing shyly between her legs
"oh, those are you princess parts, honey. i can help make it feel better, want me to help?"
pleaseeee , innocent/inexperienced reader with perv!steve. i can’t do the term princess parts i’m sorry
you’d taken your rightful place in steve’s lap while he argued with eddie who was sat across the table. you and the rest of the gang agreed to meet at harrington’s to hang out and play some board games— that quickly turned into a mess of lighthearted arguments about eddie pocketing monopoly money when no one was looking.
“i saw you take a twenty from the bank!“ steve shouted, the leg you sat on bouncing rapidly.
“you must be seeing things, pretty boy.” eddie smiled coyly, shrugging off his accusations.
you could feel steve tensing up under you, he was never good at losing games. he’d gotten rather heated over this round and that showed through his incessant foot tapping.
you sat through it for a bit but at some point you started to feel.. odd.
the position you sat in was no longer comfortable, your thighs squeezed around his, hips shifting from side to side. steve felt you moving around, snaking an arm around your waist to try to settle you but it seemed to have the opposite effect. his fingers pressed into the soft part of your hips, something about that touch coupled with the vibration from his leg pulled the quietest whimper out of you.
luckily only steve was able to hear what came out of you. leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder, kissing your cheek.
“what’s the matter, pretty girl?” he whispered, feeling the heat grow between your legs.
“dunno.” you mumble, eyebrows knitting together trying to shift back to the position that granted you the most pressure against your sex but you couldn’t seem to find it.
“just feels funny.” you huff, growing frustrated by the lingering ache.
steve waited a moment, looking over at the three others in the room. they were lost in their own conversation, trying to figure out what game should be played next. he took the opportunity to slip his hand down, fingers ducking beneath the fabric of your skirt.
his index and middle finger found your cunt instantly, fingers pressing into the wet spot that had formed on the cotton.
“is this what feels funny?” he spoke into the skin of your neck, careful not to draw attention.
the contact caused you to inhale sharply. you were use to this feeling, it was something you got pretty often when you were around steve— though for some reason tonight it was starting to ache a little extra.
“feels..” you shift, scooting back from his touch a bit.
“feels tingly.. a-and warm.” you whisper back, genuine confusion in your tone.
steve couldn’t help but smile, fingers finding your cloth covered mound again. pressing a bit harder this time.
“aw, love. how about i help you?” he suggested, finger toying with the sensitive button.
you couldn’t muster out a response, only nodding weakly at his words. clit throbbing against the pad of his finger.
“hey, dickheads— “ steve wolfwhistled at the trio, all three of them cutting their eyes at him. “she’s not feeling too great, i’m gonna take her upstairs. start the next one without me i’ll be back down soon.”
neither nancy, robin, or eddie seemed to respond much. waving him off while they shuffled through stacks of cards.
steve had gotten you upstairs pretty quickly, sitting on the bed and pulling you into his lap. he had you sitting with your back to his front, looking at you through the mirror at the end of his bed.
he brought your legs up to spread them, both of his hands keeping your thighs apart.
“alright, now- i wanna help you get rid of the tingly feeling but if you decide you don’t like it just tell me okay? might feel.. strange at first..” steve looked at your reflection, eyes fixed on the wet spot in your underwear.
you had somewhat of an understanding of what was going on. usually when steve left you with these tingly wet feelings you would try to fix it with the stuffed bunny he gave you but it never seemed to work. your legs got tired , or you just couldn’t find the right place. it only left you frustrated.
feeling his hands smoothing over the inside of your thighs made your stomach flutter. “need your help, stevie. please. ” you whined, hips beginning to stir.
“such good manners.” he cooed, pushing your legs farther apart before letting both hands slide down your inner thighs. “gonna fix it for you, it’ll feel all better soon don’t you worry.”
you nodded sheepishly at his words, eyes fixed on the mirror. watching his hands ghost over your lower half.
after some time of touching you over your clothes he guided you to take them off. sliding the pristine white cotton off your legs, crumpling the pair up to stuff under his pillow for later.
“look at that.” he groaned, his fingers spreading you open to reveal your arousal covered cunt.
you had a hard time looking at yourself in such a lewd position, your body growing goosebumps from the image before you.
“steve..” you whined out, desperation growing.
“i’ve got you, princess. be patient.” steve instructed, fingers moving through your folds.
he spread the wetness around, index fingers sliding down and then back up. he was careful with your clit, pressing into it gently, making slow circles.
the new found sensation was much different than the vibration that came from his thigh, it pulled the most pitiful whines from you.
your hips bucked against his touch, eager for more.
“o-oh.. stevie. feels.” you stuttered a bit, head dropping back against his chest.
when he noticed you looked away the circling stopped, pressing his finger flat against the swollen peak. the harshness making you hiss.
“gotta keep your eyes open for me, princess. come on- “ he spoke calmly, free hand grabbing your chin to tilt it down so that you could see the mirror again. “there we go. look at this pretty pussy you have, all wet for me.”
you struggled to open them at first, almost embarrassed by the mess that was being made between your legs. that embarrassment quickly overcrowded by the haze that washed over you. the circling on clit becoming less gentle when he knew you could handle it.
he brought his legs up over yours, ankles pinning yours down so that you couldn’t close your legs. the sticky wet sounds echoed through his bedroom, coupling with the hushed pants that came from your open mouth.
“doing so good for me.” steve praised, kissing down the side of your neck, other hand coming up to squeeze at your chest.
moving his attention from your clit, he dragged his index finger down to your leaky opening. tracing the entrance with the tip of his finger before sliding inside.
the stretch wasn’t much but it caused you to mewl out, the sticky squelch only getting louder when he began to curl his finger. the feeling of him prodding against your spongey wet walls making your whole body tremble.
“ s’good stevie.” you hummed, hips rutting upward.
the heel of his palm pressed flat against your clit, providing a nice amount of pressure while his finger worked inside of you.
if you weren’t so wrapped up in your daze you would’ve felt the throbbing bulge pressed against your back. though steve didn’t seem to care about it either, far more focused on bringing you to your end.
soon that feeling started to become overwhelming. he tugged lightly on your nipple, pinching and rolling it between his fingers. your body writhed from the attention given to both areas.
you whined, trying to clamp your thighs around his wrist but his heavy legs had yours trapped.
“ s’too much.” you panted, the pit in your stomach growing hotter and hotter.
he didn’t slow down, trying his best to coax the orgasm out of you. you were only seconds away.
“come on, sweet girl. just let it happen, it’s okay.” he spoke against your skin, planting wet kisses across your jaw.
his voice brought you a bit of comfort, comfort enough to stop fighting off the orgasm begging to come through. within seconds of his permission you were trembling.
“oh! oh fuck— steve!” you squeaked, climax hitting you like a truck.
he removed his legs from yours, allowing you to finally squeeze your thighs shut around his wrist. your hips rutting upwards against his hand, trembling and whimpering your way through it.
he kept his hands on you until you settled, sliding the his finger out of you to then collect some of the arousal that dripped onto your thighs.
“here.” he spoke, slipping the slick covered finger into your mouth. “clean my fingers up for me.”
you did as you were told, sucking the wetness off, moaning at the taste. once clean, steve pulled his fingers away, grabbing at the back of your head to tilt it so that you could look up at him.
he leaned down, the tip of his nose brushing against your as he spoke. “you did so good for me, princess. are feeling better now?”
he waited for you to nod before attaching his lips to yours, tonguing the inside of your mouth to get a taste of the mess you’d made.
you laid limp against him, body exhausted from the event. he wanted to hold you but knew he had to get back downstairs.
“come on.” he sat up, guiding you off the bed with him. “let’s go back to our friends i’m sure they’re missing us.”
you stood, smoothing down your wrinkled skirt. you looked around the room for your underwear but they seemed to have gone missing.
“b-but my .. panties. i lost em.” you pouted, crossing your legs and wincing at the wet noises that came from your thighs squishing together.
“you don’t need em, baby. they’re not gonna know, we’ll put a blanket over you. “ steve smiled, taking your hand to begin guiding you back to the den.
you huffed, following behind him like you always did. nervous that they’d somehow be able to recognize what just happened to you.
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sinsinsininning · 4 months
Maybe a fluffy Eustass Kid x reader where reader is also missing a limb? Idk I just think it’d be cute for them to take care of each others shared struggles😭 ((fantom pain, still being able to feel their limb, etc))
Awww that’s kinda sweet!
Ok upon reflection I realized that this came out more angsty than intended but it’s fluffy to me 😢
I showed this to a mutual and they said “that’s so sad” and I had no clue I was like what 😀?
I hope you like this
TW: vague body horror, amputations, panic attacks, drinking, crying
“Stop crying,” Kid pinches your ear lightly, no real malice in it. “People will notice. You don’t want that yeah?” He’s right, you don’t want that not here in this dingy bar, but you can’t stop the shaky breathes you take as you try to will the tears away.
“It hurts.” You gasp out finally, you’re not sure how he hears you despite being tucked away from most of the noise. “It hurts and it shouldn’t.” You feel like your leg is on fire, the leg you’d lost not so long ago, the stitches finally gone but your mind rejected that memory.
Kid doesn’t say anything, his gaze sweeps over the crowd as you shiver and whine quietly beside him. Finally he jumps up, yanking you with him. If anyone notices you tucked awkwardly under his arm they don’t speak up, your face is obscured by his luscious coat. You felt the cold night air before you realize you’re outside now, he doesn’t set you down as he heads for the ship.
You grasp his shirt and shudder hard again as he veers off from the path, going towards the sand and water instead the docks. The burning, tingly feeling in your not leg keeps you from asking him anything. Finally he stops, without setting you down he manhandles you in front of him, at any other time you’d be dizzy at the sight of his one hand easily holding you up, but not tonight. Kid yanks your false leg off with his own metal arm, the sensation of the wire nerve connectors separating was unpleasant but not painful. It gives you a weird respite from the burning and you’re able to squeak out a ‘what’.
“Keep still, gonna make it turn off.” He grunts and steps closer to the water, you can feel the ocean licking at your one set of toes as you whine and try to squirm away. He glares at you and dunks your legs into the water.
You shriek, both in surprise and discomfort, the water is cold and soaks through your sock and shoe, he shoves you until the water covers your amputation site. It’s jarring and uncomfortable, but the burning you felt slowly fades away as you’re overwhelmed but the cold. You claw at his arms futilely, knowing he’d let you up when he was done, whenever that is.
After several uncomfortable hours minutes, Kid finally pulls you out. You cling to him as he carries you back up the shore, grabbing your prosthetic leg as he goes. You don’t want to cry, not again, in front of him again, but the tears returns regardless.
It’s different this time, it’s relief, beholden, as if your gratitude is melting from your eyes. You want to thank him, but it’s useless, he’d never accept it. His duties as a captain, as your captain, are vast and unknowable. So you hiccup into his neck as he takes you onto the ship, to his- your- room.
He doesn’t coddle you as he finally sets you down, resting you gently on the edge of the bed. You slump into the blankets, exhausted and dizzy. Kid eyes watch you for a moment, like he can’t quite decide what to do with you, finally he moves about the room, oddly quiet as he puts things away for the night.
“Sorry, Boss.” Your voice is hoarse as you speak your first real words since the bar.
“Shuddup.” He says quickly, but there’s no bite, not after all this time. You watch as he takes his coat off, it takes effort to keep your head lifted but you want to watch him. You always do.
His belt is off next, as is his shirt, he doesn’t comment on your staring. He’s probably used to your starry eyes on him doing the most benign tasks. His metal arm is next, his face is tight when he disconnects is, but he doesn’t make a noise, setting to gently next to your leg.
“Do you feel them too?” You ask quietly, it’s maybe the most personal thing you’ve ever asked him. Neither of you pry, everything you know about each other is offered.
“Not much anymore.” He says, your not shocked at his answer, just that he gave it up so easily. Even mundane questions turn into a battle of shouts with him. “It goes away with time, I think.” He says with finality, yanking his boots off next.
You think it’s sweet he’s trying to console you.
“I think it’s cause my captain is so tough.” You say as sweetly as you can manage, head finally lolling back against the blankets. He likes when you say that, my captain, something you save for moments when he won’t let you say everything you feel.
Kid crashes in the bed next to you, which causes you to squeak and swat at him. He laughs and yanks you up the bed to rest properly again the pillows, it feels wonderful but you still try to sit up.
“I should shower.” You say struggling to roll out of his grip.
“Nah, morning will do.” He yanks you back to him.
“I stink.”
“No you don’t and even if you did I don’t fucking care.”
“I should at least change.” You relent, but he still rolls his eyes.
You try to sit up again, but he just pulls you closer to disrobe you, fighting your squirms and attempts at self reliance. Finally your clothes and shoe are off and he’s tugging the many blankets over you bodies. You burrow into his side, he’s warm and loose, moments like these make breathing easier for you.
“Thank you.” You’re pushing your luck with him tonight, but you can’t help but milk the moment a little more.
“Told ya to zip it.” His voice is a rumble against your cheek and you smile, he could probably feel it too. “I’m always gonna take care of ya, but you gotta keep it down. I gotta reputation to keep.”
You sigh and hum at him, digging further into his hold, his shoulder warms your cold nose as you drift off.
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