#and I can't believe people care about my opinion haha
bruciemilf · 2 years
,,,, russian bruce wayne
Russian Bruce Wayne
Listen. Listen. Not fully compacted into something coherent, but I'll do my best, because this idea has been haunting me, -
SO he's russian on his mother's side!! Martha Wayne immigrated in America when she was a teenager, nothing to her name but hope in her chest and her mother's pearl necklace in her pocket
She always got ugly looks for speaking in her native language and her accent. Slowly, it melted into something perfectly English, but she still spoke Russian at home and especially to Bruce
Little Bruce loved Baba Yaga as a kid and dressed like her for Halloween every single year; Nobody really understood it, but a glare from Alfred was enough to fill a bag full of candy
Martha and Bruce would talk shit in front of Thomas' faux philanthropist friends, but they were on wildly different spectrums
Martha, whispering: You see that man, Brucie? He sold his soul to greed. He's a worm of a human and his morals are rotten. That's why his eyes are dead
Bruce: haha, he's balding at 25
Martha, Alfred, and Bruce cooking beef stroganoff, syriniki, borscht, and Bruce's absolute favorite- pirozhki.
Martha also played the piano and LOVED Swan Lake so, so much. It was the one song that calmed Bruce during night terrors.
When he reaches eight, it all stops.
He eventually reconnects with his Russian roots in his 20s, when he's in college and his literature teacher shares a DISRESPECTFULLY incorrect opinion about one of Dostoevsky's works.
His teacher scoffed, " Well. Didn't know we had a Russian citizen here. "
" Not a citizen, but I AM a Russian descendent. My mother was an immigrant. That's kind of how America was formed. It's a pretty significant thing that happened."
Imagine you're a Gotham criminal and Batman starts muttering things about you in Russian. Somehow that's even more intimidating than anything he does.
" I can't believe they're more afraid of someone who doesn't speak English than a guy who beats up people dressed as a bat."
Alfred hums, sloooowly pulling away the vodka cereal Bruce made. " I can't imagine why. You're the poster child for mental health, sir."
" Not funny, papachka"
" For you."
When Dick is brought into the nest, Bruce struggles a bit with showing his affections; He only has money to offer, but Dick is happily uninterested in that, and seeks Bruce out instead.
yes he's supposed to be on patrol. No, he doesn't care, Jim. It's all worth it when Dick takes a single bite and he has stars in his eyes and vines his little but strong arms around him, " this is PERFECT! Thank you so much, dad"
Air freezes in his blood, " ... Of course, ptichka."
He absolutely uses russian proverbs all the time (mostly when his children need to be reprimanded and reminded that making jokes is illegal when they're on duty)
Damian 100000% prides himself on knowing russian and communicating with Bruce the smoothest.
It becomes a competition soon enough. Bruce is SO tired but the way they butcher words is funny, so he just pretends they're right.
The League finds out when Bruce snaps and calls Hal Cyka in a low, angry mutter while stomping away from his stupidity. " ... Bless you? What did he call me?"
Diana, struggling so hard not to laugh. " He said you were a genius."
" Huh. Had no idea he was French."
Meanwhile Clark is losing HIS shit because wow, Bruce's russian might be the hottest thing he ever heard. Please, this dork would absolutely try to learn Russian and talk to Bruce more.
He's absolutely horrible with it but Bruce is just very excited. He definetly chuckles (which. Wow. Clark couldn't even make him GRIN 3 weeks ago) " You just asked me if I sleep with my dentist."
" ...Oh. I...Was trying to ask you for drinks. You can kill me right now. Please?"
" Maybe another time, solnyshko. Take me for a drink first."
Clark inhales. " oKaY thank yoU."
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moonsaver · 25 days
Moon.. I've come back for the 3rd time...
I came across someone who said that Sunday's wings are clipped, and it got me thinking. A bird with clipped wings usually has impaired flight. So what does this mean for Sunday?
He could have done it to himself as a form of self-restraint to stop him from getting distracted by temptations and to stick to getting towards his goal. However, that.. It wouldn't make sense, not for me anyway. For a man who wishes that he could fly with his sister, it would be a rather acontradictory action.
No, wait. He certainly could have done it due to his self-destructiveness. He feels as if he himself does not deserve the privilege and the freedom to be able to fly because he does not matter. All he is supposed to do is reach his goal and make the people in penacony not have to be burdened by the harshness of reality, all of that for the exchange of himself. If this were true, then in the end, he became the very bird he wanted to cage in order to protect.
hhgKHQH but then there's Mr. Gopherwood.. according to research, there are some bird owners and trainers who choose to cut primary feathers to inhibit flight. So what if Sunday was forced to have his wings clipped because of the dreammaster, to control him, to ground him?
It could take months or even years for a previously clipped bird to heal, depending on the severity of the clip and how long its wings were clipped. Even then, if the birds wings were cut incorrectly, it may never be able to fly ever again. Perhaps this is why he said, "We were supposed to fly into the sky together," followed by him saying, "If only I could.", because he meant it both literally and figuratively.
In the end, no matter the reason, Sunday is still a bird trapped in a cage, unable to spread its wings and fly.
Hello nonnie! Always happy to have returnees, haha.
Also, this is very neat. Heartbreaking of course, but very neat.
I personally don't believe Sunday's clipped wings came to be as a form of self-harm. But I could be wrong? Majorly, I believe it would mainly be attributed to more of a symbolization, and some "incident" that would happen that follows it.
The analysis about gopher wood doing to to sunday seems more plausible, although that's also a bit conflicting in my opinion. If gopher had directly clipped sunday's wings, I feel as though sunday would have much more built up resentment towards him, despite as a reverent dreammaster. However, at the same time, sunday was highly manipulated by him, so perhaps he never did anything about it. In the end, I dont think gopher would have done it himself, at least not directly. Perhaps it must have been a form of punishment? A sort of "sacrifice" to be tethered to his responsibilities as the Head, instead of Robin who chose to become a singer? Maybe an accident? Who knows. But there's huge symbolization about him being the bird that can't fly, versus Robin soaring the skies, as they envisioned with the Charmony dove. It's also a huge thing with "staying safe and being taken care of in exchange for freedom" vs "risking everything in order to pursue what you want", it's a sort of condensation of their personal ideals.
Regardless, that's just how I feel. I could be wrong, because I don't think I'm that good at analyzing or such, lol. Anyways, this is very interesting to ponder about.
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messenger-of-stupidity · 11 months
As a bisexual with a raging hand fetish, when men, women, and everyone in between or outside of wear rings, it is something glorious.
But as much as I would adore every character wearing rings, I just don't personally believe they all do. Could they all pull it off? Abso-fucking-lutely.
But here's my opinions that no one asked for but people are getting regardless. Starting off strong with the Shaw Pack. (I'll do the listeners in part two)
David - I'm sorry but the only ring he wears and is going to wear is his engagement/wedding ring. No matter how much Angel wishes he would wear others.
Asher: no rings, but his nails are always manicured. He loves getting designs done. (Besides wedding ring ofc)
Milo - thumb rings. That's all I have to say. He wears a promise ring on his thumb since he doesn't want people to think he's married since he and Sweetheart agreed that marriage wasn't for them.
Christian - he likes wearing rings on his middle fingers and pinkies.
Arden - nah.
Amanda - she gives off bracelet vibes.
DAMN SQUAD (+ Cam) -
Gavin - he's got the rings that have chains to connect it to the bracelet. He knows he has nice hands and likes to accentuate it in whatever ways possible.
Lasko - he had a fidget ring on his thumb of his non dominant hand so whenever he is talking someone he can spin that bitch like a record player
Damien - I wanna say yes, but he wouldn't. The metal would take longer to cool off and it would just be a pain. He doesn't know when he's going to have high emotions that raise his temp.
Huxley - no. The rings would get dirty if he was digging in the dirt and he doesn't want to dirty them because that "like, not very cool to do ya know dude?"
Caelum - Freelancer once tied a piece of string around his finger and he shows it off everywhere he goes because it's his favorite piece of jewelry.
Cam - yes. He wears fidget rings but they only exist to gift to his more anxious charges so he can help them. It's easier to keep them on hand for when needed. (Haha get it?)
Sovereign-related storylines (+ Hush) -
Elliot - yes. I can't really explain why but he gives like twisted metal delicate ring vibes. He definitely has pinkie rings, if not others.
Blake - as much as I want to say yes because I adore him... No. he doesn't. 😭 He feels it would get in the way of him tracing the designs on his listeners skin. Plus if he's touching them, he doesn't want anything between him and them, rings included.
Avior - Yes. Very much yes. Yes bark bark grrr woof bark awoo
Vega - considering he doesn't really care for human materialism, I don't see him wearing rings. Unfortunately. Fingers crossed that Warden convinces him to.
Brachium - yet another I wish was true but he hasn't ever been to the mortal realm in person so he's never had the opportunity to try rings. I think he would look nice in them though. 👉👈
Hush - he seems to be having an interest in humanity, so I can see him exploring it. He figured out rope knots so he obviously been researching. So yeah, I could see him playing with rings.
Unempowered (+ Morgan for organization) -
Aaron - No he doesn't. I can't explain why but he doesn't give me that vibe.
Ollie - yes. But for one reason. Erik said Ollie is most like himself and Erik wears rings. (Does that make me simp for his hands? Perhaps. but that doesn't matter nor is it something I will ever put where he will see it.)
Guy - I'm going to say yes. He consistently takes them off and tries to use them as currency to Honey so he can have the hoodie. He takes them off before going to work since he works with his hands (ehhhn)
Ivan - sometimes. It's not a habitual wearing, but rather needs a reason.
Geordi - he used to. Then they felt like they weighed his hands down too much. He talks with his hands a lot, he's very expressive.
Morgan - No. Another that doesn't give me that vibe.
Vampires -
Vincent - Yes. He was the reason I made this post because I wanted to talk about how fucking amazing he would look in rings. 🤤🤤🤤
Sam - He doesn't seem much of a ring person for some reason. He would look good in one, especially when driving.
William - Yes. He likes to buy one at each turn of a half century. He has favorite ones he wears all the time. They have big jewels and are older than most vampires in his clan.
Adam - he only lost his head, not his hands. He was wearing spooooky rings when he died. (Plus he liked the way Lovely shuddered ever so slightly when the cold metal of his rings dug into their skin just before he bit them. ... God I'm a simp)
Quinn - yes. Just... Yes. He also had those full finger rings. The ones that have claw at the end, you know what I mean. He wears those to draw blood from his victims needlessly. It only serves to bring them pain. (I'm going to hell for this thirst)
Alexis - yes. It makes her feel superior to have pretty things.
James - he only really wants to wear his wedding ring. He only wears other rings to make people believe all his rings are decoration and people don't go looking for his partner.
Marcus - no. I don't know why but no
Anton - also no. He could look nice in them though I think.
Brian - his wedding ring. That's it.
Xavier - before he died, he wore rings when he wasn't playing. He didn't mind the cold material.
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yoihoshi-maki · 2 months
Reyna no last name was found outside a top secret World government building when she was 1 year old, years later she has now became the richest and the most feared spy in the government even tho she is only 16, with the government injecting a chemical that can give her fast healing and reflex’s, she became the top spy with the help of her friends( 5 friends) she saved the world on multiple occasions. Now with a new threat not on the world but more on Max Verstappen and his small family, the government sent her to watch over them, what she didn’t know about this, was that she will find the love of family the warmth of it and the love of an actual lover.
Tumblr media
Name: Reyna
Age: 16
Birthday: May 21 2007
Occasition: Spy
Nationality: Korean
Knowledge: She was trained in every field of science, mathematics, languages, English, combat, and weapon training
Title: mother of women, spy of century, the most savage woman, The North Star, the she-devil,
“i don’t make the same mistake twice…..I make it four or five more times just to be sure”
“when Life gives you lemons, squeeze them in people’s eyes”
“its called karma and it’s pronounced ‘‘haha fuck you!’l
“ you know……slapping is an option….…right?”
“ I am her favourite godmother go suck a dick if you think otherwise”
“remember when I said Oh I am so in love with you?……..No okay me either”
“ I don’t care I claim these People as my children”
“ Twinkle twinkle little Shit I hope you get hit by a truck “
“ I know how to swear in 21 different languages “
“ you would think people would invent fly cars but no we are stuck on the ground “
“ you want my honest opinion …..you look like a rat”
“ ……SHIT IS THAT A ROCH…Oh wait it’s just you”
“ So who’s dieing today”
“ someone better being dying because it better be worthy of me stopping my show”
“ Hold on guys I need to take a shit”
“ Well, you have two choices, either you tell me who is sending you or I could stick this thing, sooooooooooo far up your ass that your whole generation line will feel it every time they take a shit got it?”
“ your too kind to me…”
“ you love me?…..”
“ let my family go!”
“ P I am back with new stories!”
“ thanks…..dad”
“ mom what are you doing?”
“ max and Kelly adopted me so I will forever love them “
Aiden: I have an idea, how about we kill them
Reyna: Aiden no
Aiden:Aiden Yes!
Reyna: Did it hurt when you fell-
Lando : From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt-
Reyna: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs.
Lando: ...
Reyna: You just laid there for 3 minutes .
Reyna : What’s the dumbest thing you believed as a child?
Lando: That naptime was a punishment.
Oliver: what’s on your mind love?
Reyna:………… arson
Oliver: okay that’s enough phone for today
Lando: I can't imagine what Reyna is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
*reyna in the back holding a pan over her head ready to smack an opponent*
Emma: drop it!
Reyna: b-but-
Emma *glares*
Reyna: your no fun* throws the pan away hitting the guy by mistake and walked away*
Reyna : When I get Doordash I order 20 Cheeseburgers at a time and heat them up throughout the week so that I don’t have to pay the delivery fee multiple times.
Oliver: I hope you understand how food poisoning works.
Reyna : I hope food poisoning understands how I work. I never met a burger i couldn’t eat.
*reyna walking around with Penelope*
Reyna: so you see P, that’s why you shouldn’t date yet
Penelope: I am only 6
Reyna: oh….well never too early!
Oliver: you need a kiss?
Reyna:*hugging him tightly* yes please
Reyna:*beating a enemy agent in the verstappen home*
Max:*walks in* what are you doing
Reyna: preparing for when P gets a boyfriend
Max: let me join
Max:*cuddling with Reyna* your so cute
Reyna: *half sleeping* I could break your spine in 51 different ways
Max: I know 🥰
Reyna: so you’re telling me that these girls find a rich person and fell in love for the first time?
Penelope and oille:*nods*
Reyna: sign me up
Oille sighing dreamily with a love sick smile: I think I am in love
Auther leclerc: call the doctor
Reyna: *watching Emma holding a brick over her head ready to hit the ex boyfriend of Kelly* “ drop it”
Emma:*pouts* but-
Reyna:*glares* if I couldn’t then you can’t
Emma: asshole
Reyna: * walking in the wrong apartment, stopped dead in her tracks seeing two people having their’fun’* I am so sorry!!! KEEP MAKING BABIES I SUPPOSE!!!* runs away*
Max: Reyna Verstappen! Come down here
Reyna: ………I swear I didn’t eat the last donuts
Oille: I love you
Reyna: thanks bro I love you too
Reyna: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Oille : Aww-
Reyna: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Ollie: when I look in your eyes I see little stars
Reyna: ………..thanks?
Ollie: Are you ready to commit?
Reyna : Like, a crime or a relationship?
Ollie: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Reyna : Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Ollie: Yes.
Reyna : I'd sleep.
Ollie: Reyna and I are no longer friends.
Ollie: I’m in love with you.
Reyna : We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Ollie: I know.
Reyna : Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Ollie: My hands are cold.
Reyna : Here, let me hold them.
Ollie: My lips are cold too.
Reyna : *covers Ollie's mouth with their hand*
Reyna : I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness—
Ollie: Hi.
Reyna : *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Reyna : I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Ollie: This is a lie.
Ollie: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Enemy agent: *tells his sad life story* I wish I was dead
Reyna: *crossed arms* I could throw you off a building if you wish?
Everyone: !?!! what no! Reyna! Reyna Verstappen! Baby no!
Ollie: baby you need therapy
Reyna: what! He wanted to die I am just giving him a push!
Max: well she is right-
Everyone: Max no!
Kelly: Max Verstappen!
Max: *hands Reyna a ring* I need you to promise this to me, that you will wait until your marriage to have………sex
Reyna: I am only 16!?
Max: promise me
Reyna: fine
Max: good I will be doing this for P too so-
Emma: we have something to tell you…
Reyna: who died?
Emma: what-
Reyna: you’re pregnant!?
Emma: how-
Reyna: is someone in the hospital?
Emma: you got it on the second try-
Emma: how- yes
Reyna: I am a trained spy I know everything
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gauloiseblue · 24 days
Ok so, you don't have to do this if you're not accepting requests. But I am way too insane about IOFAB and idk why. It has been in my head since the beginning of May. I couldn't focus for weeks, that's how good it is (it didn't really help that the Kendrick v Drizzy beatdown happened).
Can we have more stuff in the IOFAB verse? Maybe something from König's POV (this guy has to be aware that he's just making her hate him even more)? Maybe life after the last escape/shooting incident can't believe the guy actually did multiple rounds with a bullet in his shoulder that's gotta hurt, pregnancy, or kids? Or maybe domestic horror fluff (if that's actually a thing)? Or something about how he managed to keep reader as his lawfully kidnapped wife (this guy definitely put trackers in her ring)? I just realized that I keep referring to reader/darling as his wife even though they ain't married yet Or maybe even an alternate timeline in which deals with what would happen if they did meet but those guys had to actually disclose that they found those survivors which would mean König would not be able to have her?
IOFAB König is so different from the other yandere Königs because he actually shows his hand right in the beginning. Like he's not just some oWo shy guy that is a yandere that goes “maybe I should keep you here with me so that you wouldn't leave me, schatz haha jk... unless 🙂”. He just straight up “You're with me now. Sooner you accept it, the better it will be for you”. He wouldn't hurt reader but he definitely wouldn't hesitate to drop kick a kitten or even his children if they would somehow aid her in her escape.
Something something he would put the world at her feet but wouldn't ever let her see her family ever again. Something something you could put the world through eternal winter and starvation but he won't ever let his goddess go, not even for 6 months. Something something he would hunt her down in their next life. Something something God never blessed him so he's taking one of His blessed angels for himself. Something something he's worshipping the ground her chained feet walk on. Ok now this is getting too long. In short, this guy warrants the “Why are you like this” microscope and “You're not a human nor a dog but a secret third thing” and you don't have to but if you want to, please please please please please can we have more IOFAB?
Zero, you're now officially the number one fans of IOFAB XD idk if I should be glad or concerned about it.
I mean, if you wanna theorize about their future and stuff, I'll gladly answer it. But for me, the story already ended here. I don't really plan to write a continuation of it. Maybe I'll write a lil bit of it in other people's POVs but that's it.
As for König's POV, I think we've covered a lot about his psychology. Like, of course he knew she hated him, but it wouldn't last. If he keeps on giving her what she needs (tolerance, space, care, etc), she'll eventually come to love him, or at least tolerate his presence. It's like a 'trust the process' situation.
I won't really write about pregnancy and kids, because it's more fun when I let the reader decide what's best for her. My actual HC is she'll only have 1 kid, and it's a boy. That's it.
There are 3 endings that I've thought about, it's either; (1) she manages to escape with the help of the maid (The Handmaiden storyline, wlw), (2) she's staying with him until the end (Göth's dream), (3) she's rescued by the third party, there's a possibility that he or the reader dies in this scenario (the realistic ending). But I won't make either of them canon, bc where's the fun in that?
As for the AUs, I haven't got the right idea for it. I think yours is good, but I honestly don't know where to start 😅
Personally, in my humblest opinion, I think shy yandere shouldn't exist in fiction. I fucking hate it, because it's very manipulative in the cheapest way. Like, they'd appear "harmless" like a weirdo, but would go 180° at any given chance. And what makes me hate them the most is that they'd go back to their shy shell when they're being cornered. They can't and won't take any responsibility for their actions. Oh, he kissed you without your consent? Well, that's your fault bc you seduced him (even if you didn't). Every time I read about a shy yandere man, I just wanna bash his head with a bat. Like, you're not fooling anyone with that attitude. Just take what you want and admit it, even if it means you have to be ruthless.
I must admit, IOFAB König does hold a "secret third thing" vibe, because I don't think he exists irl in terms of personality. He's like, if patience is taken too far, and if patience is the source of horror. He doesn't really worship her, but he views her as the rarest and the most exotic thing. If you ever read about the exotic animal keeper, or the curator of the rarest arts, then you'll understand why he behaves that way. They're very patient, and they're very possessive of their treasure. If the tiger that they keep bites their arm, they won't put it down. They'll find a way to tame it—they'll try to win its affection instead. If one particular art requires so much maintenance, and so much cost to keep it in good condition, the curator would pay for it. They won't abandon the art piece, because they know how much it's worth. That's how König views his wife.
I know it sounds like he's objectifying his wife, but sometimes humans love their things more than other humans. I'm just using that feeling as the base for IOFAB König.
Maybe I'll write about the domestic horror stuff, but I still don't know how, so no promise 🤔
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arliedraws · 1 month
Hello, I wanted to know your opinion on...If Dumbledore had known regulus death circumstances....would he have reconsidered his Sirius trust issues? Because I don't understand ....why he would do that to him....Harry is really a weapon to him...and still got attached to....he says so when he explains after Sirius died...can you believe this man....Harry just went through such a harrowing experience...and he says to that boy...sorry for getting attached to you...I can't...it just burns in my memory and crawls back up unexpectedly...to leave me more in melancholy. Sorry for ranting...I just thought you might have good insights into it.
PS: loving all your art btw...keep it coming.
Aw, thank you!!
Hmm. Let me piece together what I think you’re asking about.
1.) If Dumbledore had known about Regulus’s death and attempt to destroy a Horcrux, would it have changed how he saw Sirius? Would he have trusted Sirius?
The first thing to consider is that Dumbledore, like anyone who would have known both brothers, would have seen the Black brothers as two completely different people. Dumbledore’s thoughts about Regulus would not have influenced his opinions of Sirius. By the time Sirius had left Hogwarts, there is little evidence to suggest Sirius and Regulus ever saw each other again—they were done with each other. The second, I don’t think Dumbledore distrusted Sirius so much as he saw him as a liability. Sirius did everything Dumbledore asked of him and never gave Dumbledore a reason not to trust his loyalty.
2.) Here is my full disclosure: I really like Dumbledore as a character. I love that he is the other side of the good/evil coin—like Voldemort, he demands loyalty, he cannot fathom that someone would betray him, and he preys on the most vulnerable people to do what he believes is right. When I was in grad school and learning about teaching climate change literacy, I read an article that suggested that a movement of activism is most likely to succeed when the leader of the movement has great ambition and also an emotional detachment from those people that they lead. You must inspire loyalty but have the strength to carry on when your fighters are wounded or die. This is a callous, terrible way to live—but does this not sound like Dumbledore?
Dumbledore is cruel in his ability to overlook deaths caused by the Movement. For Dumbledore, when an Order member dies, he rarely needs to do more than mourn and say, “At least they died doing something noble.” Besides, Dumbledore does not fear death—this is what he sees is his advantage over Voldemort who, as we know, fears death above all things.
Suffering, however, upsets him. Why doesn’t he ever check in on Harry? Because he would have to admit that Harry was suffering. Why not tell Harry the truth? Because he cannot bear to see Harry bear that weight, and he would rather shelter Harry from the truth to spare him this suffering (and haha doesn’t he wait until he’s dead to ‘tell’ Harry that Harry must sacrifice himself?) . Dumbledore avoids seeing pain when he can because he is empathetic but cannot afford to be (at least, so he believes). Dumbledore loves Harry very much. He fights between being the leader he believes the world needs and his natural inclination to care about people.
I love when people have such personal, visceral feelings about liking and disliking characters, but your local literature teacher here really hates to designate a character as a “bad person” vs. “good person.” Dumbledore is neither. In the series, he demonstrates great kindness and great cruelty. That is the ENTIRE point of Deathly Hallows. Any single person is capable of being terrible.
We often consider Dumbledore’s cruelty because of how he treats our favorite characters, but also consider the things he did because he felt a sense of empathy—he saved Sirius even though it would have suited his cause to let the Dementors Kiss him; he even saves Buckbeak too (does he make children do it? hahaha yeah, so still a complicated thing). When we look at this action, neither Sirius nor Buckbeak’s survival serve Dumbledore—they are both, essentially, useless to him. Yet he cares for the people around them and hates to see the people who love them suffer.
Is this a Dumbledore defense post? Abso-fucking-not. He doesn’t need defending. The thing that makes him interesting is that he GENUINELY cares about people but forces himself not to. Isn’t that fucking delicious? It’s so twisted and awful and fascinating. Dumbledore fears love as much as he lauds it—love can make you lose your way; love can distract you. He loved Grindelwald. It was love that drove Harry and Sirius apart. Love is what killed James and Lily Potter. Love killed his sister. He recognizes the power of love because it is LOVE that has always been his downfall. Yikes!
Anyway, this got much longer than I anticipated. Thank you for the ask—it made me really think about why I appreciate Dumbledore as a character!
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simplepotatofarmer · 6 months
pfft, what did your previous reblog say? sometimes i got the feeling you meant /r crivals but i didn't want to say anything haha
i've been lying this whole time but only kind of.
like, i want to make it clear that my opinion on c!rivals duo is complicated. i genuinely believe, from the bottom of my heart, that you can cuddle and hold hands and all that and it be 100% platonic and that c!techno in particular is exactly that sort of person. i think you can even give your buddies a kiss no sweat.
and i do, genuinely, without doubt, believe that c!rivals duo have a love for each other in canon that's platonic. overall, when i'm talking about c!rivals on this blog, i mean it in the completely platonic sense.
i just also think that they could easily go into the romantic sense and i like that idea because i think they understand each other and it would be built on a level of trust and respect. that's like. really appealing to me. i also think they could do the whole 'not platonic, not romantic, but secret third thing' as well.
basically, i just fucking love c!rivals duo. and i love c!dnb and want them to kiss sometimes /r. i can't help it.
i just never admitted to it because one time i reblogged some c!dnb art without even knowing it was c!dnb and then i got harassed into oblivion for literally two months. over fictional characters.
now i just have been through too much crap not to admit that i care so deeply about these two characters, in all forms - platonic, romantic, qpr - and want to talk about them and share my love for them with other people. <3 <3
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amemenojaku · 3 months
Hisami and Zanmu for 1 on that ask game!
When I started shipping it if I did: Since day 1 when I read Hisami's dialogues, like most people I believe lol. I mean, how can you see her and not start cheering for her to get what she wants... Since it's still pretty recent I can add that two lines in particular made me seriously consider it and think about it beyond 'this is nice/funny': when Hisami tells Zanmu that she doesn't have to hold back around her, and when Zanmu tells Hisami that she knew Hisami would mess up on purpose, and that she'll give her a reward anyway - both are about danmaku obviously, but it got my brain gears turning >:]
My thoughts: They've slowly but steadily been going up my favorite ships, especially for the past 2-3 months... They work well together. Obviously I'd love the ship in touhou where one of them has a big fat actual canon crush on the other one, I've been in this hole since 2010 or something so Hisami's kind of a gift... but also in general I think it's a good spin on the boss/henchman trope when the boss is some mega charismatic chessmaster who could probably get anyone they want on their knees and yet their subordinate is one of the only people they can't fully predict/control. The wild card aspect is really funny to me and I love seeing fanworks where Zanmu's like... fondly sighing at Hisami's antics.
Things done in fanworks that annoy me: I think there's too many fanworks where Zanmu looks generally uncomfortable around Hisami despite never doing so even once ingame, and also too many fanworks where Hisami harasses Zanmu, sometimes to make very early 2000s jokes in very poor taste... I won't name anyone but there's a few big yuri artists on twitter who do that and it makes me want to bash my head against the wall when they get praised for it just because their artstyle looks good..... On a more positive note there's a few people who've been creating constantly good content of this pair and I think given a year or two nature will be healing!!
Also I'm of the opinion that Zanmu's fairly tall herself, just a bit shorter than Hisami, so I'm not big on the crazy size difference stuff (funny coming from a seishin fan, I know......)
Things I look for in fanworks: MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING!!! Getting to know each other past the infatuation (in Hisami's case)/the curiosity (in Zanmu's case) in deeper ways. I promise this isn't about sex lol (I do think about that too but not here rn) I really want to see how their relationship can grow and I especially want to see Zanmu enjoying it (as a petty reaction to the stuff listed above...). In their case I think physical intimacy would be a good setting for that kind of scene where their emotional bond grows, so that's what I'd go with if I were to create something like it, but anything can work if it's done in good taste imo. And in general I want to see Zanmu answering Hisami's affections with a positive emotion... whatever it is... I'm desperate.......
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: It's difficult for me to imagine Hisami with anyone else, although I do think she'd have physical relationships with a bunch of women while her feelings for her boss are still unrequited. Zanmu on the other hand I can picture being interested in a few other characters like Reimu or other onis or even the sages, but ultimately not as something she'd commit to and take seriously. The only real endgame is still zanhisa haha
My prefered future/ending for them: Whenever Zanmu considers them close enough to tell Hisami to drop the honorifics and overly reverent language when they're alone, and whenever Hisami feels comfortable doing that would be the ideal "endpoint" for me because of all the things it implies :) I don't care if at that point they actually consider themselves in a relationship or if they just aknowledge there's something going on. Though if they do get in a relationship proper I imagine they'd be very discreet about it. Also I think Hisami should get a promotion so she can directly work as Zanmu's prefered right hand arm man. woman. her everything. her confidant. her silly rabbi
What is their favorite activity together: Probably drinking. I imagine with how old she is and hanging out with onis Hisami's built up a decent hold on alcohol, and Zanmu appreciates it. They reminisce about their respective pasts and talk about the inner workings of hell and Zanmu gets a huge ego boost from showing off her 4D chess plans and Hisami praising her for it
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ryttu3k · 5 months
BECAUSE I AM DUMB (and it is almost 2am) I sent you an astarion ask for the ship ask, but my brain meant wyllstarion! (apparently my brain decided that astarion is intrinsically connected to wyllstarion)
Haha, all good! <3
[ship meme]
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
lmao it was a post about that clip saying that Astarion used to dream of marrying a man like Wyll. Just the thought of Astarion feeling like he's too old and jaded and cynical for this very pure romance, but Wyll still being young and idealistic and intensely romantic and, you know what, he's going to woo the heck out of this mysterious and charming elf he's crushing on.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Okay so. I have a List.
They bring out the best in each other. Wyll encourages Astarion, by his actions, to help people, to do good, to be heroic. Wyll so wholeheartedly believes in being a hero that it just... starts rubbing off on Astarion too. Conversely, Wyll can be selfless to a fault, and Astarion can sort of reel him back a bit, get him to think about himself and his own needs. I absolutely believe that left on his own, Wyll would agree to Mizora's deal and sacrifice his own freedom for his father, and Astarion is probably the one best positioned to get Wyll to think about his own future and reject the pact.
The contrasts and parallels in their story. The obvious contrast, monster vs monster hunter, starting out (more or less) chaotic evil vs lawful good, but eventually meeting somewhere in the middle (see: above point about bringing out the best in each other). And then the parallels - both of them are heavily under the influence of someone else, seemingly abandoned by the gods and any other important support structures (Astarion being cut off by Cazador from any kind of support, Wyll being disowned by Ulder who I still haven't forgiven, he was seventeen years old!!), and their main narrative arc is about breaking free from their respective tormentors, and working out who they can be as their own free people. Why not do that together?
The romance is so healing for Astarion. More one-sided here, in that it's more of a benefit for Astarion than it is for Wyll, but a slow courtship is exactly what Astarion needs, with this foundation of trust building, knowing that Wyll cares about him for more than just what he can do in bed.
The mutual attraction. They're so down bad for each other. Using your own post here, Astarion critically fails a charisma roll and Wyll is just. Lucky for you I'm into that shit.
The hands the hands. The hands!
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Honestly, I think they genuinely do work best as a poly ship (or like, a QPP thing) with Karlach. I love all three relationships individually, but I also love them together (there's a lovely post on their dynamic as a trio here, looking at them platonically, but it still holds out for a romance). Wyll and Karlach's storylines are intrinsically bound together, and indeed the only way for Karlach to have a happy ending at this point is with Wyll and/or a love interest accompanying her back to Avernus. I... can't really see Wyll being able to brush off not helping Karlach, leading to her death; I think if she does die, he'd be deeply depressed and feel a lot of guilt for it.
Astarion, too, really values Karlach. He's the most gentle about her if Tav is torn between them, there's just this very sweet dynamic between them. And Karlach clearly adores both of them too! She and Wyll become best friends, she's basically ready to go to war against Cazador to protect Astarion, there's just... so much love and care between the three of them that I can't see any one of them wanting to leave one of the others behind. My 'canon' ending for them would be all three going to Avernus (which Wyll openly offers to do and which Astarion is 100% willing to do as well), finding a solution for Karlach's engine and Astarion's sun issues, and then returning to Baldur's Gate to start working out a future - together.
So in conclusion:
Astarion/Wyll: Good shit.
Wyll/Karlach: Good shit.
Karlach/Astarion: Good shit (but please fix the Origin spawn Astarion ending, Larian!!)
Karlach/Wyll/Astarion: 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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zee-143 · 2 months
I'm so fucking mad guys. I dunno, I just wanna rant a bit
I'm sure some people know about the whole Seunghan and Riize situation (super stupid btw) and I just can't be normal about it anymore. Why hasn't SM told us ANYTHING about with what's happening with Seunghan. When they had to put him on hiatus, oh no big problem. They could write a novel about that. But when it came to telling us about what's really going on behind everything, not a word. It's annoying and worrying. It hurts. Being a Riize fan from day one,THIS makes me SO PISSED AND SAD. The worst is why can't Seunghan himself say anything about this!! We've heard all this shit from the company, fans, haters. Everyone but him. And he's the main person of this situation. So why not give him an actual place to speak? He deserves an opinion as much as everyone else and I understand if he doesn't want to. Which is totally relevant but we still need something. Just something!! I can't believe new fans won't know who Seunghan was because SM are just trying to erase him completely.. Even in the newest recording of Siren, they completely erased him from the song. And besides everything about Seunghan, Riize just can't catch a break. Being called ugly on several occasions, fake rumours for no reason (especially dating rumors) and SM doesn't seem to care. I would take the boys my self and create a company just for them. I hate what's going on. They have talent and sooo much potential. Why would anyone not even want to see a slimmer of success from something like that? I don't understand all the drama and the hate. It's unnecessary and toxic. I hope everything gets better in the future for them. All 7 of them! I shouldn't be complaining about this. I really shouldn't but I miss him too much!! Its immature and repetitive but ATP idc. Anything to get him back and Riize all at peace...Briize❤Riize
-Sorry this was so long. Just had to rant haha. Thanks if you read all of it. Maybe you related to it, if you did, do say!-
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noemitenshi · 7 months
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ok so, the mommy issues: he does have them though i don't think they are sexual in nature (which is also why i don't like to call them 'mommy issues'--- theres always a certain… connotation attached (and on top of that it sounds, to me, like blaming the victim. not saying you're doing it! not at all! Just describing my aversion to that particular phrase as best as i can)).
So what that whole thing boils down to is that he never experienced the love of his parents, that's where it stems from. That's part of why he fixates on Madison so hard. BC already in the first ep of s3, moments after he greets madison, he watches her declare her love for her kids and for travis. "do you love him more than your life?" he asks her and the way he looks at her… like that's such a strange thing to him and at the same time he'd wished someone would love him that much. or like even half as much. hell, he'd take a quarter! It's kinda heartbreaking. He's drawn to such a love and jealous too. Of course he is, he never got it. And then he finds out who her son is she got in such danger for and… is angry at him. Angry that he has such love in his life and just--- treats it with such disrespect (=bc he's a junkie and also bc he clearly ran away from his mom). I think it reminds him of the relationship with his own mom, how HE had such love for her and how she had only disdain for him and for his love. And while he can't hate his mom - i mean i think he does. but he also loves her. feelings for his mom are complicated… but with NICK it's not complicated. He can just hate him. So yeah there's a lot of projecting going on. None of it sexual though, I don't believe so. Explains part of his fixation though. AND THEN on top of her apparent love, she immediately turns around and tries to manipulate him. "My, my son, he's out there, somewhere. Alone. I'm sure if you were lost in the wasteland, your mother would do anything to find you" Definitely he loves the way Madison could play his games (the way she did even as she was disadvantaged, even as she was scared), the way she tried to manipulate him AND also the way she loved, those two things drew him to her. Personally I think he was most taken in by the 'she keeps at it even while she's afraid what he'll do' thing she had going on. Pushing onwards despite. Does it remind him of himself? Most certainly. He loves to draw that out of her, that bravery, that opposition. After all, he likes people pushing back it's attention, it's caring enough to engage with him, not just dismissing him… And I think a third aspect in their relationship is that he also wants her to.. teach him, in a way. Because they're pretty similar - both manipulative and clever, wanting to control all others around them and not afraid to do what needs to be done (in their eyes) - but then! She's got a family that loves her. If she could just teach him how she did that… he could have a shot at that too. At long last he could have that, too! If only she could teach him her secret.
So yes, his family did fuck with his head badly, he's certainly got issues. And it comes out as desperate to make connections, as soaking up attention and affection wherever he gets it, no matter how dangerous it is. He knows full well Madison is playing him but he just can't NOT engage, at least in s3. I'm so fucking happy for him he got over that in s8. How heartbreaking would that have been otherwise… And I think the reason he got over it is because he finally got what he was craving - someone that loves him. Not wanting to use him or someone who merely tolerates him, but honestly, truly loves him. First Serena (I assume) and then definitely Tracy.
Now about the 180 he did wrt killing Madison - honestly that's just bad writing in my opinion and having everything rushed because they wanted to do too much for 12 eps. That's how it felt while watching haha. (Same btw for Tracy suddenly saving Madison what the fuck come on get out of here with this shit omg). Anyway, what I could imagine is going on here: he knows he's fucked (chances of surviving this and actually getting tracy to safety pretty low) so he does what he thinks will most likely ensure Tracy's safety. Getting on the good side of these people (by saving Madison).
It's still a stretch, I know, but makes more sense than 'he saw into her eyes and realized bla bla bla' come on! Orrrr maybe he realized her dying now, without anything she believes in is no punishment for her. She *needs* to believe in the same shit Serena did so it really hurts her when she dies. She'll feel like she's losing out on something, or whatever. Now it seems like she welcomes death. She even said it to him didnt she. Something along the lines that padre will be safe without ppl like them around. She wants to die. So. He saves her. (Just like she didn't kill him when he begged her back in s3. she just sent him into exile). I kinda see this one as the most likely explanation. Also makes sense he wasn't paying attention to Madison, just worried about Tracy. Because that's his number 1 prioority.
Now naming Tracy Tracy still has me scratching my head and calling bullshit. Sorry, no in-universe explanation for it, writers were being stupid. Probably thought 'oh this will show he really really cares about family bc he named her after his mom' or whatever.
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zmediaoutlet · 18 days
okay first of all. Lovee the takes on each character/ship dynamic. second this one is kind of a given so I completely get it if you don't really have any opinions at all about them but I was wondering what your thoughts are on Sam/Jess. Obviously most people just think about them in the existing dynamic of the show but idk! Personally I find their dynamic to be really interesting in the context of what Jess is representative of to Sam. Especially in that time of his life. So I guess it's more of a question of if Sam/Jess is interesting to you, what makes it so and your thoughts on that.
As a backup question to that, thoughts on Dean/Jess? Dean/Jess/Sam?
eyyyy continuing the wine party into post-workout saturday morning tea party --
to be honest friend, I'm falling into the "most people" category here because my real opinion about Jess is that she... basically isn't a person. And I love that for her, sincerely. Some characters really are tools in a story to spin in forward, and I am soooooo tired to death of all the carrying on about "fridging" and whatnot. Some characters are characters and some characters are narrative tools and, yes, bad luck to the angry ladies out there, spn is a show built on super classic-traditional bones about men who are getting revenge for the dead wife and what they learn along the way. That's good and fine. I'm into it.
with that aside, and given that she is a tool, I just -- don't... care about her. Like I thought about writing a fic one time as a demonstrative exercise called "Five Personalities Jessica Moore Could Have Had," because she's such a blank-slate (again, correctly!) in her like five minutes of screen time. We can't even count the djinn dream of Jess, because that was a pretty vision dreamed up by Dean to hurt himself worse, lol.
but as you say, her being representative of something to Sam is legit interesting -- he didn't fully engage in the relationship, he was gonna marry her without telling her the truth -- like a gay man desperately hitching himself to a nice wife in some misguided attempt to "fix" it. Like if he just tried hard enough he would be someone other than who he is. Which is the whole Sam-at-Stanford story, really. And it's an important part of his story -- the hero has to go away from home and return to it with a better sense of who he is -- but it makes Jessica entirely figural and metaphorical instead of being, again, a person. Like when Sam says in whatever late season ep that he "still thinks about Jess," I'm left going... really? Because even by late in the first season he's reoriented into the family revenge story, not specifically the for her revenge story. But if we reorient that to "I still think about the life I could have had" -- that, I believe. And she'd be part of that. Whatever her actual personality was. Apparently she made cookies. How... fridged wife of her.
WITH all that said, what I'm most interested in with stories that circle around Jess are stories that completely ruin that relationship, haha, because the whole point of it in the larger frame-story of Supernatural is that it has to end so Sam can get back to his real life. So -- if it's an AU where Sam for some reason stays at Stanford and they do get married, I'm only interested if their marriage kinda sucks and they get divorced by year five. (e.g. maybe, like his mother, he pretended he could be 'normal' but he keeps sneaking out on hunts after all, and Jessica thinks he's cheating, and they end up dead bedroomed, etc etc.) Or, if it's set during Stanford, I'd go for an almost horror-story dramatic irony fic where she's introduced to this tall hot guy by her smiling blond classmate Brady and we can see fate rearing up to grab her by the neck, and she feels almost compelled to stay, and she doesn't know why when Sam keeps obviously not telling her things but she forcibly dismisses it from her mind and goes he'll tell me someday. And then it's November 2nd. :)
Dean/Jess similarly I guess I'd only be interested in from a symbolic sense -- Dean attempting to get closer to Sam any way he can in the period of not-talking. I have no interest in Jess living -- her job is to die -- so it'd have to be still at Stanford, and it'd be a really tight window to make it work in a way that wouldn't screw up everyone because Dean isn't a piece of shit and Jess (being a figural Nice Girl who Dies) can't be a cheater. Maybe in the very early Sam and her have only gone on like one date but they're not an 'item' yet, Dean sees her at the bar after Sam leaves and decides he'll take her for a spin...? Eh, that's too mean. So, I guess not for me. And I never like ot3s so the other one is not for me either. But if you can make it terrible and Jess dies at the end anyway, maybe!
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featherlumina · 1 month
8, 12 and 17 for the ask game 😁
Thank you so much @duttfisch! Apologies for the Genesis spam below, haha. XD
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about.
GENESIS BEING INCLUDED IN THE NIBELHEIM INCIDENT. People treat this like some unholy retcon, the greatest narrative sin Square Enix could've committed via the Compilation. And I for one think that's a complete over-reaction.
Seriously. Sure, Sephiroth's definitely not in a good mental headspace by now, but having Genesis water the freshly planted seeds in Seph's mind in the reactor only serves to drive him further down in a really believable way. I always found it a little odd how quickly Seph seemed to spiral in the OG (admittedly Rebirth handled it better), so I think the addition of Genesis makes the scene more fleshed out and raises even more questions for Sephiroth to investigate in the manor.
And a fun one for good measure that's been disproven by Nomura himself - the fact that everyone is like 'hurr durr Genesis can't come back cause Gackt says no / Square won't pay for his likeness'. Admittedly less people are using this as a 'ew no Genesis is icky he can't come back' now, but it was SUPER annoying for like a decade up till this point.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them.
Feel like I should be putting my clown makeup on at this point because yep, my answer's Genesis! Again! XD Between the rest of the awesome peeps / moots on Tumblr who've argued for why Gen actually is or has the potential to be really interesting, I think it's fairly obvious why, but I'll summarise my view.
Basically, Genesis suffered from poor writing. Between that and the intense LOVELESS quoting making up the majority of his dialogue, I can see why it frustrated people. But if you look beyond that you'll discover some really neat stuff:
Having Genesis (and by extension, Angeal) as prototypes to Sephiroth actually makes boatloads of sense scientifically. You can't expect ShinRa to pop out Sephiroth on the first try, can you?
Genesis can basically go toe-to-toe with Sephiroth for an extended period of time, which is just... insane, when you think about it. Cloud and Zack have both reached similar heights but Sephiroth is just on a whole other level, so the fact there are a select few who can last against him is just really neat.
Bro had his world shattered and understandably lashed out at the company that shaped and controlled his entire existence. We're on Zack's side for Crisis Core, but it's pretty clear the real world-destroyers are ShinRa, and I think Crisis Core could've done a better job at helping us see Gen's perspective a bit more.
His aesthetic is just gorgeous, let's be honest here. That red coat is iconic and I want it. Superb character design (bless you Gackt for choosing red over black or white.)
Canonically he was well-liked and respected by the majority of SOLDIER, given that he convinced so many SOLDIERs to leave with him. People don't just follow you to the ends of the earth willy-nilly. Also, despite being an 'introvert' and averse to large people groups, he displayed kindness and gentleness with his younger comrades. Gillian called him 'such a good boy' for a reason, damn it!
...and I probably have more, but my hands are tired. XD
17. There should be more of this type of fic/art.
Honestly, I'm a sucker for hurt/injured/degrading Genesis and him both going through trauma and then being comforted and cared for by his loved ones. It's a major part of why I started Thing With Feathers after all. XD
I also love seeing how people explore Genesis' relationship with his changing body/his wing. I could read stuff about that for days.
Also would love to see more written redemption arcs for Genesis, whether it's through 'what-if' AUs or post DoC.
Lastly, I'm not hugely into overly sexual stuff, so any of the above fics without anything explicit is just *chef's kiss*. Of course I understand that many folks love the spicy stuff on its own or mixed into a plot, and that's okay! Just not my cup of tea is all.
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maverickbackalley · 2 years
i need to hear you talk about krisnix
What why? I'm totally normal about them ahahahahahhaha..haha.. 😞
Okay so I don't waste hours of my time (Future Mav: LIAR) and yours: I love them, your honour. It's not a relationship anyone should put up with in real life so there is a shock and appeal to their dynamic that none of the other main ships can offer. Krisnix ooze venom, animosity, and this indescribable tension that's fascinating to see blossom in these two powerhouse attorney's dynamic. The pair is just so damn diabolical, manipulative, and ideally comes with so much psychological horror that makes you question your own sanity and realise how quickly you would lose the game if you were swapped out with either of them. Underneath it all though, Krisnix is basically a pathetic pissing contest between two cunning individuals and that's stupid enjoyable for me to watch from the sidelines. I love how many different routes people can take with their actual romantic relationship too. Is it all an act? Rivals with benefits? Do they care about each other? Are they just keeping their enemies close and maybe at some point took the saying a little too literally?? Are there genuine feelings there after 7 years and one or both of them absolutely hate themselves for it??? So many possibilities and it's so riveting to think about. Like, 7 years is a LONG TIME to put up with someone purely out of spite. These idiots routinely ate dinner together in canon for crying out loud! Neither of them seem the type to happily put up with that with zero gain or case development for that long. (For my own reference: My longest relationship was almost 8 years and while it feels like no time at all looking back in the present, if I sit down and truly dissect it so much positive and negative change and development took place during that timeframe that it's actually quite jarring. I think that's one of the things that makes it hard for me to believe that nothing happened between them.) Kristoph is such an enigma and so full of sinister potential that his clash with an established bleeding heart like Phoenix is so compelling. I honestly have a hard time describing their appeal and always feel like there is more that I just.. can't quite put into words. So hopefully even an ounce of this makes a lick of sense outside of my head.
On the flip side, I will say I'm not the biggest fan of every portrayal of the ship. I feel like some people lean too heavy on physical domestic abuse (not talking BDSM. I don't want it misconstrued that I see these as one and the same since I believe there is also a large chunk of BDSM!krisnix out there) and completely neglect the brilliant minds at play. Or focus too much on making Phoenix an absolute pushover like he's too dumb to catch on to even the bare minimum attempts of Kristoph manipulating him. To be honest, some of these feels like throwing Dahlia-era Phoenix at Kristoph and it's like.. hmmm.... noooo. He's not that same person if you're writing for Beanix. I think that would probably be my personal gripes with the pairing if I had to be critical of it. There is a fine balance to their dynamic that's hard to capture, in my opinion. Like I don't even feel I could properly do them justice outside of memeing it up. Which is partially why I haven't done any real art for the pair despite them being one of my personal favourite and being all too aware that they have little to no content. They are like the definition of "It's Complicated" and I love canonically knowing how the story starts and ends. But that 7-year gap is just a juicy wealth of knowledge soup that I and others can throw whatever the fuck we want into it and boy does almost every spoonful taste delicious.
...Well that was more than I expected to write. ENJOY. Feel free to let me know your krisnix thoughts as well!
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prince-kallisto · 11 months
Isle of Sages
Thinking about the island that NRC and RSA are both on, the Isle of Sages is very interesting name, and I realized how perfect it is. Of course, the island could be just named after the plant, thus rendering my argument and research useless, BUT ITS FINE...
The philosophical definition of a sage is someone who attained wisdom. This varies from the philosopher, who seeks understanding of the world and makes theories (just like me fr). By the way, there was also a title given to wise men in Ancient Greece, totaling up to The Seven Sages/Seven Wise Men. But when delving deeper into what makes a sage, it defines the differences between NRC and RSA, and I think two characters in particular highlight it:
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Dire Crowley and Ambrose the 63rd.
To some groups in Ancient Greece, sages were revered as wise people, living the ideal life, and the word is sometimes evens synonymous with 'good person.' It's to the point that sages were regarded as god-like, and their actions were what a god would do. Sages were the only individuals who know true happiness and could never be harmed by life's troubles, illness, or even death. Nothing would contaminate their soul, for they knew true peace. Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor, even said sages were "who [had] knowledge of the beginning and the end, and all pervading reason which orders the universe in its determinate cycles till the end of time." Hm. Depending on the theories you have about the outcome of TWST, this quote hits a little close to home.
On the other hand, Plato, a famous Ancient Greek philosopher, DESPISED sages- or to be exact, sophists. Sophos is the greek word for wise man/wisdom, which could loosely be considered the equivalent of a sage. Coincidentally, sophists were TEACHERS who were said to have specialized in their craft, often in politics or ethics. However, their classes demanded steep prices, and Plato vilified them. In his work, The Sophist, he describes them as merchants of false knowledge, hunters of the young and wealthy, and athletes in the sport of words. They were delusional over their own god-like status. Basically, Plato believed that a sophists priorities were filling their classes with wealthy students to make money, as they searched for power over true knowledge. A sophists teachings revolved around persuasion and public opinion over law and justice. Basically, they made their living through deception (according to Plato).
...See where I'm getting at here?
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With sages sounding like absolute saints or the rottenest swindlers, it sounds exactly of what's going on with NRC vs RSA, and no one sums it up better than the Headmages of their respective schools. Crowley is...well, Crowley, who is revealed to uphold nepotism in Book 4 with Kalim being Housewarden, is overall very, very greedy. Thinking about it, there's a money-related motivation in nearly chapter? The prologue with him and the chandelier, Book 2 with the Spelldrive games, Book 3 with the contract he made with Azul to share some profit from the Mostro Lounge, Book 4 and Kalim, Book 5 with the festival and ratings, Book 6 has Idia's family pay him off, not to mention any side events haha. Nearly all of these cases involves students. Plato is rolling in his grave
But Ambrose the 63rd gives off a more traditional wise and caring mentor vibe, who knew there was something wrong at the end of the Book 5 (personally i want to punt that old man out a window BUT the vibe of his character is important to note) because of the leftover magic in the stadium. He's not above showing off, so there's still that hint of eccentricity from the character he's twisted from: Merlin from 1963's Sword in the Stone. Speaking of Merlin, apparently he was considered the most powerful wizard in the world with THE ABILITY TO SEE THE FUTURE. By TWST standards and the fact that fae exist, Ambrose may not be in the top 5 mages, but he has to be incredibly powerful! The Marcus Aurelius quote feels so oddly relevant that I can't convince myself that it's a coincidence anymore. What do these old men know??
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There is a layer of significance in the island's name, because in the Phantom Bride event, Rook even says that Crowley is his sage. Honestly, I think Rook is a little sus and I want to theorize about him too, but there is an actual connection between Crowley and a sage.
In the end, as like most of my theories, I don't actually know what any of this means haha. I'd like to think that it's a testament to both Crowley and Ambrose's power, and how their rule has 'shaped' the students that they govern. In Book 1, Riddle states that Crowley's habit of tolerating troublemakers is going to throw everything into chaos one day- and I don't think he's far from the truth. It really goes to show how Crowley might just be the one pulling the strings behind the scenes, and how his own corruption is seeping into his surroundings (may or may not be literal 👀)
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fandoomrants · 4 months
ty for your response.
I think that fans usually prefer romantic pairings between characters who have nothing in common, or they're kinda of enemies... yk what I mean? like, fans ship Harry with Draco and it's literally the most popular hp ship but on the other hand, not so many ship Harry with Ron (who was willing to sacrifice himself for Harry in the third book). their friendship, their bond, especially in the books, was as strong as James and Sirius's friendship, and Weasleys loved Harry the way Potters loved Sirius. that's why i believe wolfstar still would be more interesting ... and tragic, oh god.  yeah those were just my opinions ofc ,and maybe I'm wrong haha
and please write abt tall Sirius with short, ty mwah <3
I mean, yeah, I can kinda see it and I can kinda see the appeal, even though I personally never shipped Harry and Draco (but there's this book Carry On which is basically a parody-of-a-sort (in a good way!) of Harry Potter and other popular YA books (mainly hp as we have this whole wizarding school) and there the enemies really become lovers and I ship it soo...) but I somewhat understand it. Also, sorry but for me if that person is not completely annoying and riling you up, it's not love xD I think that's why I also ship Jily, tbh, I wanna know more about them too. This being said, I know there are people like that out there too, but I'm so glad Snape and James aren't a popular ship 😂😂😂 I said I don't hate ships but I just don't think my heart would have survived if this was everywhere. Also, it would be definitely one of the unhealthy ones.
But yeah, I totally agree with Ron and Harry being as close and James and Sirius and I actually think that these friendships are totally the best. And they shouldn't be ruined by romances. People should just normalize people being really close without anyone being in love with the other.
Still, I do ship Wolfstar a lot, maybe one of the few ships I have that is friends to lovers, lol. And yeah, in their case it's gonna be extremely tragic. Likee, the Prank. Idk, I'm the type of person who makes bad decisions and my friends are constantly angry but I don't know how you recover from something like that. And that's nothing. I can't stop imagining these twelve years where Sirius was in prison and knew everyone assumed he had killed his best friend. But that's literally nothing compared to how Remus must have felt. Like, what?? Your two best friends are dead and you assume that the third one (or your lover) did it?! In any case it's crazy.
Edit cause I totally forgot: I don't wanna think of Sirius with short hair, tho 😭 Like, I don't care that much about height difference but I can't imagine him with short hair. I want to believe it was just shortER. Bc he had long hair in PoA because of his time in Azkaban but he later kept it long too. So he either realised it's better, or at least at some point he had it like that. I mean, suits the whole motorbike vibe too.
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