#also sorry to Destiny players this is what all of you sound like to me (someone who doesn’t play video games)
emmaspolaroid · 19 days
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biblically accurate Ray
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I am not 100% if I have done this before so I am going to call this my updated Destiny 2 vs Warframe post. However, before I get into thing, please note that EVERYTHING I SAY IS BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCES IN BOTH GAMES and that my experiences may differ from yours and if you can't accept that then just stop reading now and go somewhere else. Now I shall get into my thoughts and opinions on both of these games.
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I am going to start with Destiny 2 here and the things that I like about it because, contrary to what one may think, there are things about Destiny 2 that I do like. While doing that I will also make comparisons to those same things in Warframe too.
If there is one thing I can definitely give Bungie credit for is just how good everything looks in Destiny 2. The environments, characters, weapons etc all look really, really good. They definitely have some extremely talented artists over at Bungie and it really shows. Of course, Warframe is also a very good looking game too and is also one reason why I like Warframe but, I think Destiny 2 has a little more going for it in the looks department.
Another thing, and this is something I really enjoy from Destiny, another thing that I really love is the music in Destiny 2. I can sit and listen to all of the soundtracks for Destiny 2 anytime and all day long too. Hell, sometimes I listen to Destiny 2 music when I am playing Warframe. But, on the same note, I recently listened to and downloaded the Warframe soundtracks and they're very good also! Sure, I'm not a fan of the lyrical tracks on the second soundtrack but the rest it and all of the first one are really nice to listen to anytime.
Yes, that is pretty much where things that I like about Destiny 2 ends so, let's get into what I don't like.
First up to bat here is that calling Destiny 2 a free to play game is an utter joke. What can one do as a free to play player in Destiny 2 anyway? Well, there is no base game campaign anymore which was the major reason I even tried Destiny 2 in the first place. You get a tutorial mission in place of that and the first mission of each expansion and that's really all the story content you get. You have a limited number of strikes, I think only three or four of them. You have Gambit which, honestly, I have no idea what this mode is as I've never done it. You have Crucible which is PVP which I imagine is a small amount of maps for F2P players. There's the Dares Of Eternity activity from the 30th Anniversary and then there are two raids and one dungeon. Yeah, as a F2P game, Destiny 2 lacks so much. Once you do these things beyond the first time, you'll see just how boring this game really is. Comparatively, Warframe absolutely EXCELS at being a F2P game, especially with the vast amount of content at ones disposal. You have like seven to eight planets to do all the nodes on, you have Duviri which also has The Circuit and Steel Path, you have the stuff associated with Railjack missions and so on! Best thing too is that a good amount Warframes and weapons can just be obtained from farming assassination missions and don't have to be bought from a store. Warframe has a terrific F2P structure that definitely sets it far above Destiny 2.
Of course, if you don't want to be a F2P player and don't want to sit in an empty well of content, you could always fork over somewhere between $160 and $200 to get all the DLC for the game. Oh yeah, you could also spend additional money on the season pass and in game shop too. What? You don't want to fork over more money for a game that you already paid money for? Yeah, no one wants to do that. This is the area where Warframe excels because it has an actual, sound F2P structure. Now, I've heard some people say that one doesn't have to spend a dime on Warframe and I am sorry, but that isn't true. The difference with Warframe is that one doesn't have to spend much on the game. To me, Warframe having a limited number of inventory slots is a major thing. Initially when starting the game, you have a whopping two Warframe slots and if you get more Warframes, it'll cost you 20 platinum per slot and platinum is something that has to be bought with real money. I myself have spent around $7 on platinum because of this, because I have 11 Warframes with a 12th on the way soon. I find it to be a little but looser when it comes to inventory slots for primary, secondary and melee weapons. But here's the thing, you can EARN more inventory slots by doing the Nightweave dailies so if you want to get more slots slowly, that's the way to do it. Also, yes, of course, like Destiny 2, Warframe has a store where you can buy stuff with you platinum. But, ultimately, Warframe is such a better F2P game that Destiny 2 will ever be. Clarification: It has been brought to my attention that it is actually possible to not spend a dime on Warframe, even on inventory slots for Warframes and weapons. This is possible because one is able to trade their leftover Prime parts for platinum. I myself have been showed this by a friend and I myself find it to be complicated. I just plainly forgot about this method until it was brought to my attention and I thank those who did for reminding me about this.
The next thing is that you basically can't play this game single player. Not only because the matchmaking system will match you with random players regardless of if you want to or not, but also because I found that a lot of things that are NOT those opening story missions for each DLC is just way too hard for a single player to handle. I find that Warframe is only a little bit better in this regard. Early on when doing planet nodes, you can do them my yourself no problem. I found though that once you hit Saturn, Uranus & Neptune, that pretty much goes out the window. But, those early planets are also not completely possible to do single player because the boss fights will require other players, otherwise they're way too difficult.
Kind of coinciding with missions is that I really with they would do away with parts of the mission where they don't allow one to respawn. I mean, even in a group this can be trouble and I don't think it's fair to the players to have be worry about dying and having to restart an entire leg of a mission over again. I am so, so glad that Warframe doesn't do this. However, Warframe only lets one respawn four times but, after that, you can rely upon other player reviving you. But, if you're doing something alone and go through your four respawns, then your fucked. But, Warframe definitely does this better in my opinion.
Events are kind of boring. At the time of making this, it is their Halloween event, The Festival Of The Lost, and the event is kind of boring. The event playlist consists of killing an amount of Headless Ones in an amount of time and then doing a boss. There are like three maps for this playlist and the boss that spawns at the end is always the same too. Yeah, I do it for getting gear and weapons and because I don't have much else to do but yeah, playing the same mode on the same three maps over and over is boring. I've honestly not taken part in any of the events in Warframe so I have no idea how they compare.
The lack of unique weapons is a small thing that bothers me. You could get a super awesome legendary weapon and yeah, it looks like 20 previous weapons that you have already used and the only reason it's even special is because of damage numbers or whatever. You have all these talented artists, surely you can make more cool looking weapons for this game. Warframe definitely excels here as they have completely different and unique weapons that looks very different from each other.
Now, I am going to make this a Part 1 post and am going to do the same thing as I've done here for Warframe in another post.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
The reason SBMM has "failed" in the past is that while objectively it is beneficial to the vast majority of players, ALL the PvP content creators are packed in the top 20-30% of the pool (probably even less than that). These players have a sense of entitlement in that because of the shear amount of time they put into the playlist, its design should cater to their needs. "I'm the one who plays this the most, therefore my voice matters" yeah, because democracy is most effective when the only people who get to vote are those who spend ALL their free time watching political speeches, right? The fact is that D2 PvP is at its best when people give zero fucks and use dumb shit like Khepri's Horn + Wave Frame GL, NOT when the exact same loadout is used over and over again like a goddamn copypasta. It infuriates me when creators complain about facing sweaty players when its like. MOTHERFUCKER that is your default playstyle even when CBMM was a thing don't act like you were a super casual dude in 6v6 you always played that shit like it was Trials. And the thing is that their fans are gonna start thinking that SBMM is bad even if it makes their experience objectively better, because they just repeat what their favorite content creator says without forming their own opinion.
Yeah pretty much this. It also doesn't only affect Destiny either. This mentality is pervasive throughout gaming. People who play video games for a living trying to assert that their enjoyment is the only thing that matters. That just doesn't make a single sense: Bungie, and any other company, wants to make money. They make money if people play the game. They want more people to play the game. The game has to be accessible for the lowest common denominator. It's literally that simple.
Also same, I am very confused about these people not wanting to "play sweaty" in every match because:
They are self-titled pvp pros. I though competition is the point? How are you proving you're a pro if you're stomping blue gear baby lights?
They play sweaty anyway? I don't see them doing anything other than meta, ever. I'm not exactly seeing these pros screwing around with meme loadouts in their games. I don't see them being last on the leaderboard. I don't see them being playful with others.
Matches are "sweaty" for normal players ALL THE TIME. When these pros talk about "sweaty" matches, they don't seem to understand that the rest of us do not have the luxury to stop sweating in pvp. Every match I get put into requires me to sweat my hardest so I can finish my bounties so I can get my pinnacle. They are so used to matches not being sweaty because their opponents have 0.6 kd. Meanwhile, my opponents are either on my skill level or above. Very rarely do I get a match with people below my skill level. And when I do, I just mow them down and mercy them and wow, it wasn't a sweaty match. And that sucks. If I want to mow down enemies, I'll play a strike.
Not even getting into the big chunk of people who have disabilities. To them, every match was not just sweaty, it was impossible. I genuinely do not care about 0.1% of the players who are pros and how difficult pvp is for them. It's equally difficult for them now as it is difficult for average players ALL THE TIME. And arguably, a new player or an average player or someone with disabilities will always have it harder than some content creator whose job is to play video games. I am sorry, but I have no sympathy for the 1% crying, pissing and shitting about how pvp will be hard now. As the gamers says: git gud.
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I hope so too. I hope they keep improving the system and that pvp ends up being enjoyable to everyone. I probably sounds like a huge pvp hater, but I actually enjoy pvp and competitive games. The problem is that I have no drive to participate if the odds are stacked against me before I even load in and if those odds cannot be improved by me.
Pvp is otherwise an enjoyable passtime for me. Especially when made accessible: being able to solo in Trials and to have Freelance weeks has been incredibly fun for me. I actively enjoy Freelance Trials. I also actively enjoyed Iron Banner with Rift mode as soon as I got done with the annoying triumphs (got Iron Lord in one week!). I really hope that these changes (or some version of them) become a standard for other modes (Trials desperately needs a fix on matchmaking, too many times I am on 1st win on my card and I get enemies who are on their win for the Lighthouse).
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Yep! They added a test run of it this season, to Control. They're monitoring statistics and overall reception and will prolong the testing for now. It's only in Control currently, but depending on how it goes, it may be spread to other modes as well. From the initial reports, it seems to be well-received by like, normal people. There's always a room for improvement of course, the system isn't fully done so there will probably still be hiccups and issues. Hopefully it smooths out in time.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
hello! I've just seen the Crowley reader thing and I'm not sure if you've ever played or seen destiny but I'd like to raise the chain with a young wolf reader.
basically reader would have the chaotic side of wild but worse. since the yw is a guardian they are essentially an undead immortal zombie gods killer who can be killed and brought back seconds later, that for them death is like tripping over (here's something to kinda explain what they're like https://youtu.be/He6CO2osqnU)
I think the chain would all have a collective heart attack if they saw player die and then just walk it off like nothing cause to them it really is
(sorry for the bit of ramble I've been tempted to write something based off of this myself but haven't had the time and wanted to share (also just gotta say I love your fics and writing and it's one of the main things that got me into Lu so massive thank yous for that ✨✨))
I've never played Destiny but my friend was always a huge fan.
Okay but this sounds hella cool, imagine Player being decapitated from a bokoblin just to jump up seconds later like nothing happened. Better start running Dink you picked the wrong mother fucker to mess with.
Also thank you so much! If you do write the fic I would love to see it!
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intothegenshinworld · 3 months
Fate’s Destiny ~ Chapter 12 || It's canon!
You somehow, not being able to explain it, had fallen into the Genshin world you know oh-so-well. You were no new player and had explored most of the nooks and crannies of the world. When you first had woken up in Windrise you wondered; it might be a dream, after all, you were behind your screen usually, and now- here? It made no sense, and the world was keen on keeping it that way.
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Warnings: Spoilers for main story.
Word count: 3.1k+
Auteurs note: My health is still undergoing challenges, but I was able to write this on my better days. If you liked this chapter, please leave your thoughts on this chapter behind in a comment or reblog <3 It'd make me more motivated to post the next chapter :D
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The conversation you had with Dainsleif last night left you feeling like he understood you better than any stranger should. It was as if he had anticipated finding the Creator, as if he was familiar with the aura and thus unsurprised when it led him to you. However, that wasn’t the most concerning thing about the situation. The juxtaposition of what follows has been plaguing your mind the entire morning.
Despite never mentioning it in the company of Lumine and Paimon, Dainsleif seemed to doubt your status as the Creator. It wouldn’t have been unusual, if not for the fact that he felt your aura. 
Up to this point, there was a clear division between the people who felt your aura and the ones who didn’t. The former had always been insistent on your identity. They never doubted you for one reason: the fact that they experienced this unknown feeling around you. You couldn’t explain it since you didn’t have any control over the aura, that much was obvious with the fact that seemingly at random some people experience it and others don't, but it felt terrifying to have an anomaly in this formula. 
Why did Dainsleif not believe in the Creator?
The more you look back on your interactions with Dainsleif, the more you are led back to your initial conflict: who is the Creator? 
Moreover, you wonder why you believe his convictions over your own. 
Lumine turns her head over her shoulder. “What’s your opinion about it?”
“Huh?” You pull yourself out of your daydream with a forceful blink. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
You gaze at Lumine. Paimon hovering at her side. The three of you are currently waiting in a small clearing on the side of the main road. Conversations from passing strangers echo in the background. They are accompanied by the sounds of galloping horses and carriages being pulled along. The sun hadn’t been up for an hour before your party had set out but somehow you were unable to avoid the now gathering crowds.
At this moment, you were waiting for Dainsleif to return. While Lumine insisted on staying at your side, he had offered to scout ahead. He’d keep an eye open for suspicious people on the road and potential shortcuts to use. He’d also be able to estimate when the crowds would get thicker and could warn you ahead of time so you’d be better prepared. 
Paimon holds her hands close to her chest, a clear sign of her worry. “Are you okay? Paimon thinks you seem a bit out of it.”
You force a smile. “Don’t worry about me. I was just thinking.”
“If you say so.” Paimon turns her worried frown upside down and places her hands on her hips. “Lumine was asking if you were alright with travelling on the main roads. Even with Dainsleif scouting ahead of us, it’ll likely get more crowded the closer we’ll get to Wangshu inn.”
Lumine adds, “We’ll keep you safe regardless, but I understand if you want to take a different route.”
You think about the last time you visited Wangshu inn. It had also been with Lumine and Paimon, the only difference being that you came from Mt. Aocang and thus barely met anyone on the road to and from.
More about your last visit, despite feeling like you’re missing something important, you can’t remember. 
Before you can answer, Dainsleif walks up to your group. He nods his head when you acknowledge him and then starts talking. “The roads are beginning to get busy. We should head out.”
“Oooo. Paimon wonders if we’ll arrive today.” She kicks her legs in the air excitedly. It had only been a few days since you departed from Wangshu Inn but she undoubtedly was missing a soft bed to sleep in. You did too.
Dainsleif crosses his arms. “If we make haste, we will arrive before sundown. Many people are currently travelling through Liyue Harbor for the upcoming Creator Fest, so we should remain unnoticed since everyone is focusing on their own business.”
You lift an eyebrow. “Creator Fest?”
“Hm.” Dainsleif closes his eyes and ponders to himself for a moment. “Though the name is self explanatory, it is a festival held to celebrate the creator. From my understanding, the festival is held once every five years.”
Paimon looks from Dainsleif to Lumine with a confused expression. When she sees the outlander mirror the same confusion, she fiercely disagrees. “Lumine and Paimon saw the preparations in Liyue Harbor. There, they said it was held every year.” She lifts a finger in the air and waves it around all-knowingly. “Paimon remembered it well because they had many stories of the festivals from last year.”
You turn your gaze to Dainsleif. He doesn’t seem confused, nor does he try to refute her claim and explain his. After Paimon rambles for a bit longer, he simply agrees and states he must have mixed up certain festivals. 
While Paimon gloats in her victory, Lumine’s scepticism doesn’t escape your eye. Just like you, she seems on edge. Until that, too, disappears. 
“We should head out.” Lumine states.
Paimon throws her fist in the air. “I can’t wait to eat some of that delicious food we had last time!”
With your cloak pulled over your face, your expression remains hidden to even your companions. A frown is settled on your face when you recall that the festival Liyue had been preparing for was meant for the resurrection of Zh…
What was their name?
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The morning continues to pass by in a hurry. As you persist your journey forward, Wangshu inn becomes a more prominent sight in your vision, growing taller the closer you get. 
In the end, Dainsleif’s words had proven to be correct. Many carriages that passed by were loaded with decorations, many of which seemed to fit Liyue’s colours but had the same details and signs as the books with your face on it. 
And when you and your companions fell into a comfortable pace, conversations started to follow.
One of the more interesting topics spoken about involved the anemo Archon. According to the other three, he currently goes by the name ‘Venti’. You knew that Lumine and Paimon met him during their heroic deeds in Mondstadt, but when you asked Dainsleif about the Archon, he answered with: ”I know everything that I should.” —a vague yet seemingly in-character answer.
However, that is not where the conversation ended. Instead you were dragged into an open discussion about the options you had, including Dainsleif’s personal thoughts on the Archons. 
He told both you and the other two, not to trust anything. Which was funny, considering he decided to travel with the Creator. 
You would’ve believed it to be a strange paradox if it hadn’t been for the conversation you had with him last night. 
Dainsleif walks in front of everyone. Always one step ahead. He doesn’t turn his head when he talks, but you know he is invested in the current topic. “I am merely suggesting that the Archons do not have the ability to answer all your questions. You should know this better than anyone, Lumine.”
She gives him a pointed look. Paimon answers for her. “Well, Paimon isn’t hearing any better suggestions from you. Besides, Paimon thinks it’s better than sitting around and doing nothing.” 
The pixie adds, “Besides, the tone deaf bard might look like he doesn’t care, but Paimon thinks he knows more than he lets on. Who knows? Maybe he can give us a push into the right direction.”
“I highly doubt it. Many times before, he failed to. I can't imagine why this time would be different at all.”
Paimon visibly deflates. “Geez. Are you always so pessimistic?”
“I prefer to call it realistic.” He corrects. 
Before the two can continue with their bickering, the gnosis in your pocket starts to rumble. Struck by surprise, you halt your movement. 
As you nimbly reach for the object, the others turn to stop as well. Dainsleif is the first to guess why. 
“The gnosis.”
“Yes.” You wrap your fingers around it and furrow your eyebrows together. Confused at why it started to rumble, you look up at him. “I thought it was broken.”
“It might as well be.” He replies despondently.
Lumine crosses her arms as she presses her lips in a thin line. She thinks for a moment, and then asks, “Is it glowing again?”
The object is firmly within your hold. As your grasp tightens, it hums in approval. 
Because you’ve been travelling through the main roads towards Wangshu Inn, your sudden stop has caused an unintentional roadblock for other passerbys. The majority of the people and carriages go around you, but the longer you stand still, the more the people stop and stare. 
They’re getting aware of your presence. 
From within your pocket, your fingers continue to be tightly wrapped around the gnosis. When you peek inside, you notice that you can’t see a visible glow emitting from it. While you can’t confirm if it lost its light entirely without revealing it to everyone walking on the roads, the constant vibrations from the object and the ground below was enough to confirm that it came back to life. 
At last, you reply. “I’m not sure about the glow but it’s pulsating geo energy.”
“Paimon thinks that’s a good sign, right?” The pixie holds up her hands to her chest expectantly as she looks around at the different faces in your party. 
Dainsleif grunts. “It’s hard to deduct any use of it when we don’t know what the gnoses can do.” He turns to face you. “The geo Archon has told you that it’d help ‘the creator’ regain their past memories. Think about it. Which part of his promise was wrong in the first place?”
You think back to the many days of trying to uncover the gnosis’s secrets without prevailing. In the end, the geo Archon couldn’t help you either. Their promise of helping you with your memories remains, but you’d have to wait for the Archon and the Adepti. 
When you find your answer, you create a new question. “Are you saying that the gnoses never held memories?”
“Not yours, at least.” Dainsleif answers.  
Lumine cuts in. “That’s why we’re going to Mondstadt. Aside from the gnosis losing its power, it never responded to anything Y/n did either.”
“Yeah! Paimon agrees with that. Rex Lapis seemed to be unsure after our last visit too.” She waves her hands in the air. “What if the gnosis has yet to recognise the aura?”
Your eyes light up. “That’s a great idea, Paimon!” 
With the gnosis constantly pulsing out geo energy, you probably needed to do the same before it could resonate with you. Perhaps you should’ve asked the geo Archon how they used the gnosis instead of continuing to ask about your memories. 
In the worst case, you could still ask the anemo Archon. If you have any luck, they’d recognise your aura like the geo Archon did, making it easier to ask for help and confirming your identity. 
A scream erupts from a woman on the other side of the road. Her hands reach up to her mouth, eyes wide as her previous relaxed face turns into one of horror. When you first hear it, you let go of the gnosis and reach for your hood to pull it down more, afraid that you have been discovered. 
Then, another one follows. The person next to her cries out terrified. You take a step closer to your companions this time.
You hear a weapon being unsheathed close to you. When you turn to the sound, you see Lumine at a ready stance to combat. And it continues. Another scream echoes through the crowd and when you finally look at the people, they’re facing away with their hands held together in suspense. 
If there is one thing you regret doing, it is standing motionless amongst them. 
Horses are forced at standstill and carriages stop in place. The previous laughter of children travelling alongside their parents are quieted and replaced by hushed voices. And because so many people had been travelling from and to Liyue Harbor, you feel like the entire nation can see this sight in front of them.
A huge wave reaches the tips of the largest mountains. It seems to be reaching for Liyue Harbor, until you see flashes of light shoot from a place you visited once before. 
The Jade Chamber,
You watch the lights of the once glorious floating palace flicker on and off. You hold your breath as you watch a battle between the ocean and the people of Liyue Harbor play out at a far distance. There is no way of knowing what is going on, until the sea calms down.
Before the waves lay upon the water, a few people have already begun to celebrate. Cheers slowly become louder and praise to the geo Archon is spread around before a loud rumbling emits from far away. This time, you realise it is not the gnosis putting out geo energy. And yet, it responds to the wave by tugging you forward. 
With the crowd stunned, it takes everyone a second to realise victory came with a precious cost. 
The Jade chamber tilts from side to side, as if it’s trying to regain its balance in a struggle against gravity. As the gnosis continues to pull more and more, you realise what’s happening before the crowd does. 
A few more elemental flashes of light dash around the Jade Chamber, and perhaps because you’re looking at it from a grand distance, you notice it has been falling down. 
When the chamber hits the midway point between its original position and the horizon, you see chunks of the building let loose. Some parts fall faster, while others cling on to the gravity defying magic they previously had. But before any part can reach the ground, it disappears from sight behind a set of mountains. 
The crowd is silent. You can only hear the winds blow against your face as you wait for the conclusion of the events. 
Then, a second low thud echoes through the city. It travels across the roads and the crowds try to protect themselves against the sudden soundwave. In the distance, from behind the mountains where it fell, dense smoke from the crash fumes up. 
“What happened?”
“The Jade Chamber!” 
And faster than the Jade Chamber could fall, chaos erupts on the roads to Wangshu Inn. 
People from behind and in front of you are trying to decide whether to turn back or to reach their loved ones in Liyue Harbor. Murmurs of uncertainty deafen your thoughts as you reach for the gnosis. With trembling fingers you take it out of your pocket, just to take a quick look. 
It radiates a dim orange hue. 
Paimon calls out for you as a carriage rides to crash into you. The horse pulling it seems to be out of control when it stops and stands on its hind legs, squealing if not screaming when the people crisscross in front of it. 
Dainsleif ends up being the one to save you in that scenario. He is swift when he moves between the people and pulls you away right before the hind legs of the horse move down and crash at the place you had been standing in. 
“We need to get out.” He yells to Lumine. “This isn’t going to get better, even if we get to Wangshu Inn.”
Lumine hurries over to you with Paimon at her side. She has put her sword back in its holder but seems to be alert nonetheless. “We should head back to Liyue and find out what happened.”
“Have you lost your mind?” Dainsleif shakes his head. He lets out a breathy chuckle. “You intend to go back in these conditions. Can you not see the outcome of that decision?”
A few people push past you and your companions. Luckily due to both Lumine and Dainsleif’s efforts you are able to keep your group of four united. With the chaos surrounding you, you hadn’t noticed you held the gnosis in your hands, visible in sight to any who would stop and look. 
Lucky for you. Not a single person had the time to consider standing still. Dainsleif seems to follow your gaze and you open your hands for him to see. For the first time since obtaining it, the object floats in your hold. 
Like a miracle, it seems to have recovered all its past potency in an attempt to guide you forward. Deep hums echo from within the gnosis, singing an unknown melody as a path opens up from where you’re standing to Liyue Harbor. Unknownst to the people in the crowd, they make way for you and your party. 
You reach up and intertwine your hold together with the invisible hold of the gnosis. A determined expression forms on your face when you look up. “It’s telling us to head to Liyue Harbor.”
Paimon kicks her feet in the air. “You’ve finally unlocked the powers!”
Lumine stands ready. “If we head out now, we can make it before the sun sets.”
A cynical laugh escapes from Dainsleif’s lips. “Have you forgotten how long it took you to get to Wangshu Inn?”
The outlander turns to him. “What do you mean? We all headed out this morning. If we make haste, we can easily return to Liyue Harbor before nightfall.”
With the gnosis in hand you look up at Dainsleif. A silent question lingers in your eyes and he shakes his head before you can ask him the question.
“If you intending on returning to Liyue Harbor, it will be the last time you’ll see me.”
Paimon throws her fist against his shoulder. Even with all her strength, he remains unchanged—safe for the frown that deepens. “Oh come on! Paimon knows you want to save everyone. That’s why you helped us with the Adepti last time.”
He turns back at you. You feel like there are so many things left unsaid but he simply turns and walks away. In the end, he didn’t give you a chance to ask him why he chose to leave. 
A hand is placed on your shoulder. When you look over towards the person who put it there, you see a resolute smile on Lumine’s face. Next to her flies the pixie. “It’ll be alright. You’ve got me and Paimon.” 
Her white-haired companion agrees as she throws her first into the air. 
You knew that the journey ahead of you would remain with many more questions left unanswered so you simply held onto the few things you could trust in. 
The gnosis agrees with you and a path forms once more. 
You run towards your destiny, followed by Lumine and Paimon at your side.
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If you liked this chapter and think I deserve a comment, please leave one behind! I appreciate it a lot and it'll make me more motivated to write in the future ♡
© intothegenshinworld. Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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che-chennya · 3 years
Malleus as a fellow player of Tomodachi Life is preparing Malleus-Mii to confess his feelings for Y/N-Mii, what would it be the worst that could happen?
Tagging @wolken-himmel​ and @infra-jaded​ because from the first one, I got inspirated by her writing and the second one was the one who proposed the original idea. 
Blame me if you find it hilarious, but I had to. 
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The moment had come. Malleus knew as his saw in his borrowed Nintendo 3DS saw a heart icon on the apartment of Malleus-Mii, apparently his Mii was in love with someone, mostly because it seemed like that. He touched the screen with his DS pencil and enter. Suddenly, his mini representation seems to have a problem, but there was no problem that Malleus, the creator of Gao Gao Island, couldn’t solve. So, he touched again the screen to know what exactly to do.
“I have felling for Y/N. I’ve got to tell Y/N”
— How scandalous — Malleus thought as he turned a little bit red, it seems that Malleus-Mii was a loyal representation of himself in that game. He tapped the option “I’ll help you” since he’ll support his Mii to have the courage to confess to his beloved Y/N.
“How should I tell Y/N?”
Seeing the options of how he could act to court Y/N. There were some of them which called his attention: Be traditional, be romantic, give a gift, sing a song, and others. It was time to think carefully which it would be the best option among them to Malleus-Mii court Y/N-Mii. Of course, he could serenade Y/N with a violin, but for the moment he only saw a guitar, and he didn’t even know if we could use it during the confession, so singing wasn’t an option. Giving a gift could’ve been a great option, but he wouldn’t be able to express all his feelings for Y/N if he didn’t have the right item in the game. Then, he decided to not pick that choice. Now, Malleus surely understand Malleus Mii in the game, it was a tough moment that would cause anyone to be, at least, slightly nervous. Then the traditional way or the romantic one was the final dispute at this moment. From these two options, he selected the traditional way, because he strongly believed Malleus-Mii wouldn’t dare to act out of his imagination. So, he proceeded to continue after thinking hard.
“Where should I tell Y/N?”
This was another question that could have been tricky, but he had already an idea. The season in Gao Gao Island was in summer, so maybe he could take advantage of the environment to confess. Even though the park was also a good place to tell his true feelings, he preferred the beach. After putting his mind on it, he tapped the screen again.
“Should I get changed first?”
Checking his Mii clothes, he couldn’t say he didn’t look appropriate to confess. Well, at least his Mii, because the real Malleus was playing in his pyjamas. Asking some advice might be the proper thing to do, but he heard from Silver that Lilia was participating in an event in his online game, and he didn’t want to interrupt his game session for this matter. So, when he went change in his dorm clothes with magic, he asked Sebek. However, his answer wasn’t that helpful at first.
— YOU WILL LOOK GREAT IN ANY COLOR CLOTHES WAKA-SAMA — he shouted unconsciously as he saw all the possible options of clothes in the game. Malleus, for all the time he had spent with his loyal servant, is used to Sebek’s way of talking. In fact, Sebek was passionate regarding the main colour of his Mii clothes. To sum up, what happened there, Sebek recommends dark green and black clothes, since those colours were the characteristic of him and the dorm, it fit him nicely, to say the least.
Now again, the ultimate moment had come, Malleus was watching with his full attention to the scenery, the dark night with the moon and the stars making some company to the ocean, who was reflecting the two Mii. Anyone who could see Malleus at this moment would think he is obviously excited about this event, it might reveal a bright future for this two, and if destiny happens to support his real feelings, the real Malleus and Y/N might start courting.
“I’ve had my heart set on you since the moment I first saw you…will you go out with me?”
Malleus heart was beating faster in a couple of seconds. It is short, but it was completely honest at the same time, Malleus like how brief his mini representation was to be a little vulnerable towards his feelings. Malleus-Mii finally said it to Y/N-Mii, who didn’t beam at an instant. Malleus now was wondering why Y/N-Mii didn’t answer until he heard something weird.
“Wait” an unexpected voice pop out and enter the confession scenario, a piece of dramatic music turned on when his face was revealed. It was the stalker hunter who knew no limits of privacy. However, Malleus didn’t know why Rook-Mii was there.
— What — Malleus was speechless regarding the turned off events. His Mii was standing somewhere over the place as he walked towards the two Mii. As Rook-Mii makes it to his point, he said “I love you too”.
“No, I love you more” And Malleus-Mii defend from that accusation as the real one was cheering for his mini representation. He didn’t expect that when a Mii confess to another Mii, there would be an interruption. — In other words, this means that Y/N-Mii must choose— Malleus softly said to himself while he was worried about not being the one Y/N-Mii choose. He was about to face it, that Y/N-Mii will choose now, but he saw that the three of them, turn their head looking at the ocean and he hears again another noise.
“Wait” a Lilia-Mii revealed himself bumping out of the ocean and the little dramatic music replayed. — WHAT, LILIA WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE? — Malleus shouted in his internal thoughts, he was more surprised that his father Mii was interested in Y/N-Mii, when in real life, he was the one who only knew his feelings towards Y/N. Could it be that Lilia was repressing himself to not feel anything like that so Malleus could have an opportunity? Malleus didn’t know. But this was like a betrayal, why didn’t he tell Malleus something? Anyway, Lilia-Mii went out of the ocean and ran direct towards the crow of people to say. “I love you the most”
Both Mii denied those words. And Malleus was doing the same thing, it was obvious that Malleus-Mii had the strongest feelings among all of them, they were the first Mii in Gao Gao Island. They know each other for more time than Lilia-Mii and Rook-Mii, they had shared more moments together.
“Y/N who do you choose?” He didn’t pay attention to who ask, but his heart had become more anxious when he now realizes that one of them might be the lucky one.
“I’m glad you feel the same way, Lilia” Y/N-Mii smiled directly to Lilia, being the only one standing while Rook-Mii and Malleus-Mii felt on their knees. He got rejected, his Mii got rejected by Y/N-Mii.
While Malleus has in his own world of thoughts on why he got rejected by Y/N, if everything was perfect between them to him, a noisy sound brings him back to his borrowed Nintendo 3DS. Malleus-Mii was crying on the floor of his apartment while he said “I got rejected”
— I’m sorry I failed you, Malleus-Mii— He truly felt pity towards his mini self, because he had expected a match between them. However, reality proves him otherwise. Not everyone can predict what it could happen, and it might be time to move on and feel happy that Lilia-Mii is the one who already conquered Y/N-Mii heart, but he suddenly remembers one thing. He didn’t save that action.
Yeah, no one will know that happened in the game, no one had seen the first option and that his Malleus-Mii wasn’t successful in his confession. No one will know that he restarted that file. At least, not Y/N. However, today wasn’t the day to do it, he needs to recover from this intense battle to Malleus-Mii confess Y/N-Mii while eating some ice cream to lighten his mood. He might figurate out how to make Malleus-Mii court Y/N-Mii better and max out their relationship but for now, he will take a break.
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emblemxeno · 3 years
JP vs. Localization in Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation
(Okay, for real this time lol)
Again, here’s a link to my sources post.
Fortunately, this route follows suit in terms of good localization quality after Conquest. It’s the shortest out of all the posts, since I don’t really have a lot to talk about. Mostly subtle line changes, references and a few key points of information that were cut out. I also went through Hidden Truths and Heirs of Fate to see if I could add stuff from those on here, but there were no big problems that I found.
Once again, the main part of this post will all be put under the cut. If a chapter isn’t covered, it means I didn’t think there were any differences worth talking about.
I’ll use localized names for characters and locations, unless I feel the need to do otherwise.
I’ll be using she/her when referring to Corrin in this post. (I flipped a coin to decide the gender lol)
Also, note that after Chapter 14, the translation of this route on Fateswartable ends, so I mostly relied on the English patch done by Serenes at that point forward. (I also used PegasusKnight.com as a reference to fall back on if I needed it)
Chapter 7
-A minor gripe I have with localization. The JP version compares Touma (Valla) to hell constantly. To jump ahead a bit, I believe in the JP versions of the End of All Sky/Land/Below tracks are even called The End of All Roads Heaven/Earth/Hell. The Vallites are also often called demons in the JP version, and Anankos himself is known as the ‘Invisible Demon Dragon’.
Another cool thing I just thought of too, is a connection to a popular Japanese short story. Zelda fans might be familiar with the story, “The Spider’s Thread”, which inspired the Ancient Cistern dungeon in Skyward Sword.
The beginning of the story has Buddha walking through paradise (heaven), before coming across a pond. The pond is filled with crystal clear water, and covered with water lilies/lotuses. As Buddha gazes further into the pond, he begins to see the depths of hell.
Sound familiar? “Azura is walking through Hoshido, before coming across a lake. The lake is filled with crystal clear water, and when she gazes into the lake she sees the fallen kingdom of her birth. Valla, the kingdom associated with water lilies/lotuses in the game, has been turned into hell itself.”
This association loses its meaning a bit when the comparisons to hell are a bit toned down, as well as when the Buddhist inspirations were kind of supplanted in favor of Greek renames. It’s not supremely important to the plot as a whole, but it’s something interesting I wanted to bring up.
-In the JP version, while explaining what happened in Valla, Azura eventually says “Using the art of manipulating people’s souls, he (Hydra/Anankos) made the people kill each other.” This bit of the people killing each other was cut in localization.
Chapter 12
-In the JP version, when Corrin asks Flora if she knows anything about dragons, Flora says “Sorry, I don’t know…The ancestral dragon of the Ice Clan has already perished and isn’t part of the legend. I don’t know what role it plays, sorry…” Localization makes her response “I'm sorry, but I can't think of anything... They've been gone so long that we don't even have tales of dragons in the Ice Tribe. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more assistance...”
So, the JP version explicitly says the Ice Dragon is dead (I believe Fates’ second artbook mentioned this as well), whereas the localization only says the First Dragons have been gone for a long time.
Chapter 16
-There’s not really much of a problem that I have with what Ryoma says about Corrin “having leadership qualities at a young age” but I wanted to do comparisons regardless cuz the word choice might lead one to different conclusions. In localization, Ryoma says this:
Ryoma: Huh... So she told us the same thing... I don't think it's in Corrin's nature to lie. And there's a leadership quality about her that just attracts followers. I remember being jealous of her as a child, in fact. Even at such a young age, she displayed the characteristics of a ruler. Silly to be jealous of her, right?
In the JP version, Ryoma says this:
Ryoma: Oh... So, she told you the same thing. …Corrin isn’t one to tell lies. She’s been like that since childhood. She’s always genuine and honest... She has this mysterious appeal that draws people to her. Seeing my younger sister with the qualities of being a ruler... Honestly, it makes me feel envious. …What a ridiculous thing to say, right?
Again, I don’t necessarily have a problem with how it was localized, but some might. The localization version might have people think that Corrin somehow was a fantastic leader at such a young age, but JP is more clear that it was about the qualities she had at a young age that would be valuable as a leader.
Chapter 19
-A minor gripe. In the localization, Azura says that Anankos uses his magic to send Vallites to Nohr and Hoshido to stir up conflict. In the JP version, she says he uses magic, along with the help of a body of water. That’s why whenever you fight Vallites outside of Valla proper, there’s a body of water nearby; Hoshido’s lake (and the ponds shown in Hinoka’s CQ battle which are in the capital) for Chapter 5, the sea for BR chapter 11, the burning falls for BR chapter 21, and the city for Rev chapter 13. Similarly, the consequences of being a victim to the curse are described as “turning into sea foam” in the JP version. Localization as a whole kind of toned down how much water has an influence on the story.
Chapter 23
-Probably the pettiest gripe I have lol. As Arete is fading away from Azura’s arms, Azura has a different reaction in localization and Japanese. In localization, Azura says “Mother? Mother!” while a voice clip of her in-battle pain cries plays. In the JP, she says  “*Sob... Sob*…! Mother... Mother...!”, while a voice clip of her crying plays. Her crying voice clip I don’t recall hearing anywhere else.
This is one of the few times in the you get to see Azura express a heavy and heartfelt emotion, since her rough childhood caused her to remain guarded and stoic around everyone. The equivalents to this scene in other routes is her death scene in Birthright, and her crying with Corrin over Ryoma’s death in Conquest; a normally unflinching and aloof character breaking down is a rarity, and indicates that the cause of it is something to take note of for the character as a whole. Localization softened this aspect, and I take issue with it, despite it probably seeming trivial to most other people.
Chapter 24
-When Corrin is questioning the phantom Mikoto, an exchange happens. In localization, part of it goes like this:
Corrin: But this can't be... Are you truly my mother?
Mikoto: I am. Even as a puppet of Anankos, my spirit at least remains my own.
Corrin: I... I believe you.
In the JP version, it goes like this:
Corrin: It can’t be... …Are you really my mother?
Mikoto: Yes... I became an Invisible servant, controlled by the Invisible King... Even so, I am your mother.
Corrin:  …………
Again, a minor thing that I don’t personally have issue with, but replacing Corrin’s silence with an admittance of belief could make some believe she has “reverted” back to being too naïve.
Chapter 26
-While Gunter is relaying his past, an exchange happens. In localization, it goes like this:
Gunter: I ask myself that, every day. I cannot understand the minds of royals. To you all, we commoners are little more than pawns in your schemes... Or weeds to be killed on a whim.
Corrin: That's not true...
Xander: Is that how people view the royalty?
Ryoma: Such an impression would easily breed powerful resentment...
In the JP version, Corrin, Xander and Ryoma don’t say anything. They just remain silent.
-Not a major problem so much as a general thing about the game, but I can think of like... at least three memes that Treehouse inserted into the localization. Now I like memes, but there is no better way to date your media nowadays. One of them was Kana’s “That’s dragon for I love you” which tbh, is kind of cute and isn’t the most well known meme so I guess I can let it slide. Another is Felicia saying “I had one job!” when she messes up in the dining hall, which isn’t that big of a deal since the dining hall is very optional.
The last one I can think of is why I put this specific grievance here, and it’s during Corrin’s speech before facing Anankos.
Corrin: We won't back down! This is my... This is our destiny! Ready your weapons! Fight for your friends! With the Seal of Flames... With the Fire Emblem on our side! We fight for our world!!
Yeah, she says “Fight for your friends” which is everyone’s favorite Ike line from Brawl. Now, this isn’t even a totally inaccurate translation either, but it kind of just... makes the moment funny for the player when it’s supposed to be commanding and serious I guess.
But yeah, not the most important issue by far, but something I’d thought to mention. Hell, it’s not even that bad compared to how they made Peri’s, Effie’s and Hisame’s quirks into exaggerated and tired jokes. And the Beruka-Saizo support. Never forget.
-When Azura and Corrin are by the lake and discuss the latter’s plans to rule, Corrin says this in localization:
Corrin: I'm going to make Valla a wonderful place! In honor of the true last king and for Queen Arete. And everyone who fought... I promise to make them all proud.
In the JP version, she says this:
Corrin: I’ll make the Invisible Kingdom (Valla) into a great land. For the previous monarch, Queen Shenmei (Arete)… And for all of my allies who fought beside me. I promise.
So, JP version only mentions Arete as the reigning monarch of Valla. Which makes sense, cuz unless there was some wild “keeping the bloodline pure” shenanigans in Valla, Arete being the Queen keeps in line with what we know about the rest of Valla’s history. Arete was royalty from birth, as was her sister Mikoto. Arete is the one who passed down Lost in Thoughts and the pendant to Azura.  
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kuroowo · 3 years
Know better
- Oikawa x GN!Reader
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Summary - Oikawa knows better this time.
Genre - Exes/Past relationship, Angst (but with positive/hopeful ending!)
Warning - Post time skip!
Note - Inspired by Kyle Dion’s ‘Hold on to Me’ & Rosé’s ‘On the Ground’! Look to my tags for some tidbits!
WC - 1156
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Oikawa is a decorated professional athlete with achievements and awards seemingly endless in his name. He’s also seasoned and secured as Argentina’s main setter, topped with skills that are praised five times over envious tears. It’s all the fact of the matter, undeniable truths that he along with many other volleyball players hold in high regard. But despite this, despite everything that he’s achieved in his life so far... Oikawa doesn’t feel as fulfilled as he thought he would be.
In fact, lately everything he once thought had held him back from his passionate pursuit of his life’s dreams, he’s found himself missing dearly. The flickers of melancholy in his chest, dull little aches that doesn’t seem to go away no matter what he’s tried, won’t stop reminding him of what he could have had if younger-him simply knew how to prioritise better. It makes him almost hyperaware of his past blunders, almost hating the effects it has on him ‘till this day. It’s glaringly obvious too when he goes back to his quiet apartment, when he scrolls through his messages, when he catches the glint of a broken promise from the corner of his eye. It cries out, pitifully, from the hollow little space carved from ages ago.
So, when Oikawa sees you in the cafe across the street, the very core of his heartache personified, before his very own eyes — this time, he chases after you.
“Hi.”, and your name follows. God, he loves it, he loves saying your name. He loves how it sounds, how pretty it spills from his lips, how comfortable it sits on his tongue, and Oikawa wants to say it to you forever — but he knows he shouldn’t. He knows he shouldn’t be intruding on your life. It’s unfair, and he knows that he has no right to be after placing his career miles and miles and miles ahead of the love you both once shared. Especially when you had been the one who tried to hold on, to fight for what you two had. Especially after he chose to turn his back on you for titles and achievements and passionate hard work, all having been celebrated with everyone who mattered in his life, save for the one person he yearned — yearns.
Oikawa knows it’s unfair of him. So damn unfair of him—
— But it feel so right. It feels like fate, like destiny, like everything is falling into place with just a simple utter of his name from your mouth. Tooru’s always loved the way you said his name, spoken so beautifully with your voice, and it’s something he’s beginning to realise just how much he’s truly missed. Not just to hear his name, but to be the one you’re looking at, to simply be in your presence. But he knows it’s not enough. He’s always been a little more than ambitious, to put it nicely, and he feels like he has to do something — anything, just to hold on this time because the truth is... he still loves you. It’s taken him a long time to acknowledge it, to even admit it, but he’s here now and he’d be an idiot to let you go for a second time.
“Is this seat taken?”, and Oikawa hopes it’s not. He hopes that you had never found someone else, as horrible as that sounds, and he hopes that you’re still in love with him the way he is with you. He hopes that you stuck to the main reason for not contacting him all these years, because you still love him too much to just be friends.
“The seat?”, your voice comes out hesitant, apprehensive, and Tooru knows you’re stalling. He knows you’re, understandably, dubious about accepting this olive branch he’s (a little carelessly) extended. Oikawa feels a little more than hurt and disappointed at your uncertainty, but at the same time, a little more than hopeful at the lack of outright rejection. He clings to that subtext, that optimistic implication, but your darting eyes reminds him of his grief and he can’t bring himself to blame you. He knows that this, everything that you two are right now, is his fault. You’re distant, far, hard to reach because young Oikawa Tooru didn’t know how to juggle his priorities better, and it’s not far-fetched to say he regrets that. He regrets it in everything that triggers the aches to reverberate in his heart, and he feels bitter that it’s come to this. But he doesn’t stand down. He doesn’t want to. The part of him that’s matured since years ago tells him that he should — walk away and stop bothering you, but the bigger part of him he knows he can’t.
He feels guilt creep up on him a little for it, for acting this way with you even after all these years, after what had happened, but Oikawa just can’t let you go again.
“Yeah, I wanna catch up with the cutest person I know! It’s been so long, and I...”, know better now. Don’t like how you’re not in my life. Can’t seem to truly enjoy anything that we made ours. Wish that I never broke up with you. Miss you so many nights before I sleep. Am still so, so damn in love with you. “I’m sorry.”
He knows two simple words probably aren’t enough. It’s not enough to convey the magnitude of what he’s trying to express, it’s not enough to show how much he regrets his past choices, and it’s definitely not enough to ease the hurt he put you through.
But watching him, Oikawa Tooru, a man so stubborn and so prideful, apologising to you so sincerely, you know it’s enough to remind you of the love you felt — feel for him. And with that, you know it’s enough to have him read you like an open book, with hope bursting at the seams with his revelation. But he doesn’t want to jump to conclusions yet, not until he’s heard your answer. He may be able to see how you held love for him the same way he does for you, but it’s not that hard to see you weighing the pros and cons in your head either. Hell, he can practically feel the gears turning in your head from where he was standing, but Oikawa doesn’t let it damper him. Especially not when he knows how much he wants to spend the rest of his life waking up by your side, knows how everything isn’t at fulfilling as it can be without sharing it with you in his arms, and knows how he’d never be able to love anyone the way he loves you.
Tooru does know better now, and even if he is a little unfair, he stands opposite of you, waiting with a bated breath and optimism curling around his heart at your soft gaze, anyways.
“It’s not taken.”
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shoichee · 3 years
Hi, congrats on 100!! Could I please request 27 for Kasamatsu? Thank you very much, and good luck on your finals! :D
Kasamatsu x Reader
27. “If we get caught I’m blaming you”
Word Count: 4416
prompt list here
Note: the Replace novel starring the Kaijō team was a HUGE inspiration for this, and dear anon who requested this, I hope you’re still around;; I’m sorry it took so long EEEEE But yes! I did okay on my finals anon! I hope you’re doing well too~
»»————— ☼ —————««
“If we get caught, I’m blaming you.”
“Look it’ll be quick… n-no one’s here as far as I know.”
“J-Just… be quiet for a s-second, okay?”
“H-H-Huh?! Ah…”
Huh? Kise stopped himself before leaning closer to the edge of the building, slightly doubting his ears. Wasn’t that Senpai’s voice? With someone else…? Alone?
“Oh come on, why are you even block the wa—oh, ohhhhhh, are there any cute girls nearby?—”
“Shh,” Kise hissed, harshly waving his hand over Moriyama’s face to give a signal to stay quiet. “Listen…”
“A-Are you done, Kasamatsu-san…?”
“I-I-I… uh, just…um…”
Kise and Moriyama shared a look of shock… then registration… and finally a look of that spelled nothing but trouble. Immediately, they both simultaneously crouched to squat and share their “realizations” together in hushed whispers.
“Quick—when was the last time Senpai talked to anyone outside of basketball?”
“Hmmmmmm, certainly none of the girls I’ve tried to approach.”
“No, that’s obviously not what I meant!” Kise said, facepalming. “Anyone in your year that he’s been talking to? Maybe anyone in class?” Moriyama continued to hum in deep concentration before he lifted his index finger in a “eureka” moment.
“He’s been talking to (y/n)-san in the hallways recently!” he quietly exclaims, pounding his fist against his open palm to emphasize. “Though their conversations have sounded nothing remotely romantic. No charm, I say.” He struck a pose after to imply that he himself was the charismatic individual.
“.... Right,” he deadpanned, expecting nothing less from his quite… eccentric upperclassman. “Welp, now that we narrowed it down who he might be talking to, I don’t wanna spy on them… but I’m really curious if it’s really this (y/n)-san you mentioned.”
“Well,” Moriyama pouted with a grumble. “One peek wouldn’t hurt.”
“I guess you’re right…”
Kise cautiously scans his surroundings and gauges the situation “clear” to slowly peer from behind the corner of the building, where both of them had been seeking shelter from for the past several minutes. Moriyama follows suit, poking his head out just underneath Kise to see.
Kasamatsu’s back mostly covered your figure, but the view of what was happening did not slip by either Kaijō players’ eyes. He had his arms partially around your head while you were pressed up against his chest. You were gripping onto his loose blazer on his sides to presumably stabilize yourself while Kasamatsu was… fiddling with something on top of your hair? Even so, there’s no denying that the both of you were currently very, very physically close.
“Look… d-does it really take that long to take out petals from hair strands?” you mumbled, looking up at Kasamatsu’s face while trying not to move your head to avoid disrupting his “handiwork.” “I can do this myself....”
“W-W-Well, you can’t risk yourself being unkempt when you go back to class.” Kasamatsu gave a poor attempt at trying to lecture you, judging from his stammers and the way he slightly turns his head to the side to avoid your curious scrutiny. “It’s more thorough this… way. It’s the w-week where these blossoms fall rampantly… you have to be careful where you’re walking under…” In turning his face slightly towards Kise’s and Moriyama’s direction, his exposed flushed face puts the cherry blossom trees around them to shame.
So that’s what he was doing. Kise narrowed his eyes in pity at his captain, and Moriyama expressed a similar expression at Kasamatsu’s struggles. The poor captain’s hands were shaking non-stop. Not only that, he’s been darting his eyes everywhere since you’ve been gazing up at him from below. No wonder he’s been standing there unable to quickly pluck off the petals.
“Should we leave our captain alone to let him lead his own destiny?”
“What are you even talking about, Moriyama-se—”
“W-Whoa!! What a(l)e you [guys doing] he(l)e? Why a(l)e you sneaking a(l)ound (r)ike that?”
Kise and Moriyama instantly whip their heads behind in a panic, seeing a curious Hayakawa jogging up to be with his teammates, and the both instantly pounce on the poor rebound player to slap desperate hands over his mouth.
“Mrmpgh—?!! Lef—What [is going] on?”
“Hayakawa-senpai, please—just be quiet for a sec!”
The ruckus causes Kasamatsu and you to break out of the oddly intimate moment to face towards the direction of the sudden noises. After looking at each other questionably, albeit briefly and with stiff eye contact, there was an unspoken consensus for you two to investigate behind the corner of the building. Imagine both of you guys’ surprise when you two see a tangle of limbs between the Kaijō starter players. Kobori somehow arrived prior, separating poor Hayakawa from his two assailants.
“What… What the hell are you guys doing?!”
“Kasamatsu-senpai!! Is it t(l)ue [that you] and (y/n)-san a(l)e da—mrmf—!”
“Ahaha… we didn’t expect to see you here, Senpai~” Kise smiles with a slight grimace, hand still firm on Hayakawa’s mouth.
“It must be fate, yes surely!” Moriyama confidently speaks, flipping his fringe. Both Kise and Moriyama drop Hayakawa and straighten themselves up. “How else would we encounter such a situation as unique as this?”
“Why are you all here?” Kasamatsu sputters indignantly, but everyone (except you) saw how horrendously red his face was. You peek out from behind his back curiously, noting how Kasamatsu did a 180 in his personality compared to whenever he spoke with you.
“Kasamatsu-san… are they your teammates? You seem very close with them.”
“Now, now, Kasamatsu-san… we’re only here because we were concerned where you went is all,” Kobori reassures a flustered captain. Kise only stares at him incredulously, but it seems that Kasamatsu, as usual, buys into Kobori’s naivete.
“I see…”
“Wow… the fact that your entire group came to look for you is very sweet of them,” you chime. “They really care for you, Kasamatsu-san…” When you elbow him at his ribs playfully, he immediately straightened himself like a plank.
“Well… it’s almost time for class, so I have to go, see you all!”
“W-Wait, your… uh, hair, um—”
“I can get out the rest of the petals in the restroom, but thank you for trying! I’ll see you later!”
“R-Right…” He puts up his hand in a shy wave as you dash away, but he immediately drops it once you are out of the vicinity to hound on his teammates. “Were you watching this entire time? And stop with the looks—that’s creepy as hell!”
“Senpai, could it be that you and…”
“Kasamatsu-senpai! I’m (l)ooting fo(l) you!”
“N-N-No!!” he denies, ready to hold an iron fist to stop their antics, but Kobori gently holds onto his raised arm.
“Alright, let’s calm down a bit,” Kobori reasons with a placid smile. “I’m sure we’re all a bit curious because you hardly talk to anyone outside of basketball, right?”
“Have you heard of the prerequisites of the key elements of the blooming spring, Kasamatsu?” Moriyama asks, immediately drawing confused looks towards the 3rd-year.
“Moriyama-senpai, we have no clue what you’re talking about,” Kise says, asking the question that’s occupying everyone's mind.
“The key elements…! In the season of new birth, to enrich the experience, they are ‘hanami,’ ‘plums,’ and ‘spring cleaning!’ Of course, the prerequisite to these would be…”
“Please stop—”
“... to have a cute date.”
“... This is ridiculous,” Kasamatsu says irritatedly. “I’m going to class.” He immediately speed-walks to the adjacent building, leaving a scheming group behind.
“You know, if it’s true that he does like (y/n)-san, shouldn’t we help him? It’s the least we can do for our captain,” Kobori suggested.
“That sounds too troublesome,” Kise frowns, averting his gaze to also start to walk away, but Hayakawa immediately latches to his arm to pull him back.
“Don’t be (r)ike that! We have to do this as a team effo(l)t!”
“How did it become like this?!”
“Well…” Moriyama audibly ponders, stroking his chin. “If we make this successful for Kasamatsu, perhaps this can be a template for our own love lives! A sign that we will meet our fated ones this spring!”
“Yes, yes! Mo(l)iyama-senpai is abso(r)ute(r)y (l)ight!”
Oh god, Kise mentally sighs. What has he gotten himself into?
“Why are you guys surrounding me like that? Did you not hear me say that we have to change quickly? We can’t have the lockers for long today, considering that the janitor will come to do their routine clean-ups.”
“According to my online research,” Moriyama states, “this mint-scented deodorant will guarantee mutual attraction from the person you like.”
“Ignoring what Moriyama-senpai said,” Kise elaborates, scratching his head. “Is it really true that you like (y/n)-san? Otherwise, they’ll keep getting the wrong idea, senpai.”
Kasamatsu gapes like a fish, pulling his shirt collar as he starts to sweat and flush.
“Kise! Be a bit tactfu(r)! You do not unde(l)stand how to app(l)oach this!”
“What’s there to understand, Hayakawa-senpai!? It’s better to be direct about this, or otherwise we’ll be doing this for nothing!”
“Kise may be right,” Moriyama muses. “To be honest gives a feeling of a fresh start in the spring. Kasamatsu, you should follow this example and leave all the baggage behind to obtain a new start.” Kasamatsu could only stand there glued to his spot as his teammates continued to corner him, blocking any possible route to the locker exit.
“I… I…” he gulps. “Th—... that’s… I… like…” His voice dwindles to the softest whisper, but it easily resonates throughout the locker room, where the team had fallen silent in straining to hear and hang onto his every syllable.
“So you do like (y/n)-san,” Moriyama exclaimed, the first one to break the silence. “I see, I didn’t think they were your type.”
“H-Hey…?! Can you not say it like that!?”
“You can’t distort the truth, though. Anyways, you should chat with (y/n)-san nicely.”
“I already do!!” Kasamatsu half-shouts, but he immediately bows his head down shyly. “Wh-What’s a… good topic, you think… to talk to (y/n)-san…?”
“Huh? Just normal topics,” Kise replies, not sure what Kasamatsu meant by the question.
“What’s… normal?”
“Just talk to them like you’ve always done, senpai.”
“Y-Yes, but… h-how can I talk to hint that I l-l-l-like… never mind this is hopeless—”
“Ask them to come watch ou(l) next match [and have] (y/n)-san chee(l) fo(l) you!!”
“N-No! Anyone would run away from that!”
Their conversation was suddenly interrupted when the locker doors opened with a bang, with a very weary janitor standing with his equipment on standby. With a flurry of apologies to the janitor, Kasamatsu recovers himself and ushers everyone out before bidding him a good evening. Walking out of campus several minutes later in silence, Kobori breaks the silence.
“Why don’t we help you, Kasamatsu? Maybe through different methods you will find the best way to ask for a date. Perhaps asking for a cup of tea would be sufficient…?”
“I’m not gonna involve myself with this! No way in hell!”
“Senpai, so you’re just gonna wait and let it fester—u-uwah?!” Moriyama immediately sprays the mint-scented deodorant down Kise’s back to silence him before turning back to Kasamatsu with a straight face.
“What if someone else steals (y/n)-san away for their own elements of spring? After all, it is the perfect atmosphere for them to communicate with the person you like with pickup techniques, with high chances of success.”
“N-No way (y/n)-san would just go along with a random stranger!”
“Who knows? Maybe they’re more suave and have that particular charisma that they’re secretly weak to.”
“Moriyama-senpai, you might be going too far…”
“Kasamatsu, he’s right though, if you hang around (y/n)-san more, not only would you learn more about them, but you’ll protect them from potential unwanted people.” Kobori’s calm voice rang louder above the clamors of the starter players, and everyone immediately looked to Kasamatsu for his response. Kise mentally sighs at how Kobori always manages to misinterpret Moriyama’s words.
“Fine—but only to make sure (y/n)-san will be safe! Don’t get any funny ideas!”
Praise. Make them laugh. Praise. Make them laugh. Say something interesting. Say something interesting. Praise. Use a normal topic.
Kasamatsu stands at his usual spot, waiting for you to leave class and meet up with him after school. Only this time, his hands grow clammy, his thick brows deeply furrowed as he wills himself to stop shaking. His teammates spying on him from behind the hallway corner certainly wasn’t helping him either.
“I told you, there’s no way I’m gonna involve myself with this!”
“Come on, Kasamatsu,” Moriyama sighed, shaking the mint-scented deodorant on hand. “We talked about this yesterday. You agreed to this, remember?”
“It was to make sure no one weird bothers (y/n)-san! Why do I have to go along with this?!”
“So you’re fine if I hold (y/n)-san’s hand in the name of destiny…”
“To hell with that!—argh—you!”
Moriyama immediately sprayed the can on the captain’s neck, watching his spine jolt and jump before he was met with an intense glare.
“You’re the captain, right? Come on, you have to show us how it’s done. We all want to see the ways to push the boundaries of romance. Who would lead us if you don’t?”
“What kinda—”
“I ag(l)ee with Mo(l)iyama-senpai! Take the (r)ead, Kasamatsu-senpai!”
“Wouldn’t Kise be someone better to learn from if you wanted to learn how to hit on people?!”
“Senpai, I’ve never done such a thing in my entire life.”
“Kasamatsu, I’m sure Moriyama is just telling you how much we all admire and look up to you. Naturally, we want to see how our captain fares in these situations. Besides, as a team, if something happens, we’ll be there to cover up for you.”
“Well… if you put it like that Kobori… all I have to do is talk to (y/n)-san… right?”
“That’s the spi(l)it!”
“... Kasamatsu-san? Helloooooo…?”
You wave a hand repeatedly over his face, and he immediately blinks and flinches back when you pull him back to the present. He’d been standing still for the past five minutes.
“Are you okay? You’re all tensed up… if something’s bothering you, wanna talk about it?”
“W-W-Well… wh-what’s… up.” Normal topic, normal topic.
“Well, nothing much really,” you say, smoothing out your blazer. “I got out the petals but barely made it to class in the nick of time!” You laugh at your own recollection, and he immediately flames a radiant flush.
“Is it me… or is our captain…. really, really stiff right now…”
You perk up at the noise and slightly tilt to the left of Kasamatsu to discern the source of the hushed whispers… only to spy a conspicuous group of basketball players. You merely raise a brow at your discovery, but you return your attention back to Kasamatsu before he notices your change in gaze. The Kaijō teammates were too busy shushing each other to notice your attention on them.
“Ah, yes! Kasamatsu-san, you just had your trigonometry test right? Those identities and proofs are always so difficult to remember… how do you think you did?”
“Wow, that was too quick of a response! I didn’t know you were that confident about it—obviously not a bad thing if you studied for it.”
“N-nn.” Come on, say something interesting. Interesting topic. Something you like. “U-U-Uh… w-weather…?”
“The weather…?” You look outside the window in confusion before you make a face of realization. “Oh! Like how’s the weather?”
“Well, it has been a bit windy with all those branches and leaves flying around, but I think it accompanies the refreshing atmosphere of spring very nicely, don’t you think?” You turn back to face Kasamatsu, who’s been slowly bowing his head down gradually more and more the entire time to avoid scrutiny.
“You’ve been… really quiet since lunch. I’m serious, if something happened… is there anything I can do to help?”
“Kasamatsu, take advantage of the elements of spring! The elements of spr—”
“Moriyama-senpai, shut… up…!”
“Hey—what are you—?”
“Wait!! Kise! Don’t push, [or else] we a(l)e gonna fa(r)(r)—!”
Right on cue, the gradual leaning weight from the three players on Hayakawa at the bottom gave way, and everyone tumbled out smack dab into plain sight. Kobori was the only one who managed to break his fall and stayed behind the corner, holding onto Kise in a failed attempt to stop him from exposing his presence. Kasamatsu breaks out of his shy stupor and turns around to see awkward smiles and chuckles.
“Y-Y-You guys—?!”
“Ahaha… sorry Senpai… the floor was a bit… slippery?”
As Kasamatsu forgets about you in dropkicking Kise, you note how the other upperclassmen had their own little quirks in interacting with the captain. Seeing how assertive and gutsy he was compared to talking with you makes you feel unbelievably warm. Little did anyone know, you held a hand to your face as you turned away to let out a chortle before you collected yourself again.
“Ah, I guess I’ll be going now! Your practice will start soon right? I’m sure your friends were only waiting for you… Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Kasamatsu-san!”
“W-Wait—” Kasamatsu drops Kise from his collar before he turns to you, but in making eye contact he immediately loses courage again. “I-I-I… s-see… you.”
“Of course!” You give a close-eyed smile before you leave.
“You missed the opportunity to set up the atmosphere,” Moriyama sighs, staring wistfully at the mint-scented deodorant. “Was the mint scent not enough?”
“It was going fine until you crashed in!”
“Now, now, there’s always a next time…”
As the upperclassmen continue to bicker and banter (mostly one-sided from Kasamatsu’s end), Kise, who was dropped on the floor by Kasamatsu moments prior, silently stares at the direction you left. Did you leave because you knew how embarrassed Kasamatsu was from that incident?
For the next few days, Kasamatsu has been quite clipped with you, reduced to mere “nn’s” and “no’s” during your conversations, and Kise doesn’t know whether you’re just as oblivious as Kobori or whether you’re ignoring it to spare his remaining shreds of dignity. He mentally sighs at how oddly persistent Moriyama is about this even though the captain refused all of his ridiculous “suggestions” every time.
“I believe Moriyama is trying to help out Kasamatsu as a close friend,” Kobori had said, when Kise grumbled about his tenacity. “He just wants the best for him.”
Even so, Kise still heaves a sigh when he sees Moriyama and Hayakawa with an agitated Kasamatsu, knowing that whatever is going on won’t be smooth-sailing. He had no choice but to join them when Kobori sneaked up on him to sling an arm around his shoulders and called over the trio.
“Huh… what’s up with Kasamatsu-senpai?”
“Ou(l) captain is af(l)aid [because someone] da(l)ed to app(l)oach (y/n)-san (l)ight now!”
“Huh? Is that really a problem?” Kise shoots a tired look at the rebound player, but Moriyama solemnly sends a gaze to where he assumed was where you were at right now.
“I knew my online research would come in handy…! Someone also has the knowledge of taking advantage of the perfect atmosphere! Look at the intimacy shared between the two…! The undeniable auras exhibited by them, and elements of spring they embody together!”
“What the hell! No way!” Even through the denials, Kasamatsu looks visibly distressed about the possible “new revelations” between you and what looks to be a close companion of yours.
“I’m gonna have to agree with Senpai on this one, Moriyama-senpai.”
“(R)ook! They finished ta(r)king and (y/n)-san waved them [off with] a smi(r)e!” Kasamatsu whips his head at the speed of light to see you sending them off with the smile Hayakawa spoke of as your friend exits the campus gate. At his dilemma, Moriyama gently nudges his arm to encourage him to go talk to you.
“... According to my online research, talking under sunny weather with a fresh scent is the formula to having the desirable spring experience.”
“Oh shut up, will ya?” Kasamatsu mumbles half-heartedly, but he slowly walks in your direction before he stops to turn back. “You better not interrupt.”
“We [will be all] the way back he(l)e to suppo(l)t you!”
With a final sigh to expel his nerves, he gives a nervous smile to his teammates before coolly walking until you turn to face him once you hear his footsteps. Almost immediately though, his calmness easily dissipates into thin air once again, and his teammates only look on in dismay and worry from afar.
“Er…” Come on, just be direct. Talk normal.
“Y-You were… d-datin—I mean t-talking, with… someone…”
“Oh, you saw? Yeah, I asked them to meet up with me here actually.”
“Is… that so?”
“Mmhm, I asked for their notes to compare to mine because I feel like I can’t get a hand on the subject sometimes.” Kasamatsu finally finds his voice for the first time in a while when the conversation finally re-enters familiar platonic territory.
“Was it… trigonometry? I did, um, do well on it last time, so…” Normal topics. Normal topics.
“I know,” you laugh. “You told me that a few days ago, remember?”
“W-W-Well…” He coughs to clear his throat and find his voice. “Y-You could’ve… a-a-asked—er…” You patiently wait for him to try to finish his sentence, and out of the corner of your eye you accidentally made eye contact with Kise from the distance.
Kise didn’t expect for you to notice the group even from a sizable distance away. He stayed still for a few seconds to make sure the shared eye contact wasn’t a fluke. Seeing how Kasamatsu was standing there like a statue again, he puts a flat hand next to his lips to discreetly mouth out:
He’s jealous.
To his surprise, you caught onto his cues, giving a subtle yet playful smile of your own before you carefully mouth out:
I know.
The others don’t seem to notice the secret exchange, all too focused on the poor captain bowing his head down out of extreme shyness. Kise doesn’t even know why he’s doing this, but perhaps Kobori was right that it’s only right for the team to help out their hardworking captain.
“Ah, Kasamatsu-san?”
“N-Nn?” He lifts his head up abruptly at the call of his name, and he turns red from mortification at the realization that he stood there like a dunce for the past several minutes. He doesn’t even have time to react to you stepping closer to him with an outstretched hand, and he stands motionless as you slightly fiddle with his cropped hair before you pull out a vivid cherry blossom petal.
“Remember what you told me?” you muse. “That ‘you can’t risk yourself being unkempt?’ After all, you’re right… it is the week where these blossoms fall rampantly… Must I also remind you to be careful where you’re walking under?”
At this point, Kasamatsu is sputtering like a broken engine, his mind barely functioning enough for him to think about putting a hand over his face in a desperate attempt to cover his frenzy.
“I, um, I…”
“Ah… can I ask you something first instead, Kasamatsu-san?” you gently interrupt him, and he flits his gaze back to you before staring at the ground again, and you took that as silent confirmation. “A-Are… are you free to go cherry blossom watching this weekend…?”
He snaps his head up in shock, only to see you slightly pink after that slight stutter in your question. It was your turn to avoid looking at his face.
“N-nn, I’m-I’m free.”
“Ah, that’s great…!” You muster your own courage to hold his clammy hands at his sides. “Can I ask to confirm if this is a romantic date between us?”
“Y-Yes,” he says in a hurry and you only laugh at his shyness. But his piercing eyes focus on your figure before he frees his hands from your loose clasp and reaches out to you, albeit with a slight shake in his hand still, before he clumsily takes out a petal from your hair. “It was… stuck.”
“See?” you shyly tease. “I knew it shouldn’t take you long to take out petals from hair.”
He completely lost his cool in front of you again.
You didn’t really care though… not when he looked absolutely endearing with the onslaught of petals settling on top of his head and shoulders to complement his flushed face.
“So are you two dating now?” Kise asks you. You both coincidentally met up at a hallway intersection the next week.
“Well, I think that’s a bit too fast,” you inwardly laugh. “You know how he is more than anyone.” Kise gives a light chuckle of his own before he asks you the question that’s been on his mind for a while.
“Hey (y/n)-senpai, how did you know Kasamatsu-senpai liked you?”
“It was pretty clear from that time last week that you knew how he felt.”
“Ah… well, remember when he was… trying… to tidy up my hair? When you all spied on us?” you say, continuing when Kise gives a slightly sheepish nod. “It felt… different from how we normally talked. I’m sure he felt it harder than I did. I’ve always been nervous talking to him, but… seeing him so flustered and shy like that made me connect the dots, and then, I became more at ease and knew to be patient, realizing that he does hold a degree of feelings for me. I just didn’t know when was the right time for us to take it a step further.”
“I see. Yeah, that makes sense.”
“I must say, please send my thanks for the rest of the team. I think without you guys, this wouldn’t have happened as smoothly… or quickly.” At your words, Kise only sweatdrops as he remembers Moriyama’s antics, Hayakawa’s over-enthusiasm, and Kobori’s good-natured naivete.
“I’ll… send your regards to them.”
“... Why do you look so hesitant?”
End note: the cherry blossom falling season only occurs in the first to second week of April, which would conflict with the timeline of this scenario IRL. The Japanese new school year also coincides with this week, and as 3rd-years, Kasamatsu, Moriyama, Kobori, and the reader would be college freshmen instead. If I wrote it in terms of “last year” with the 3rd-years as 2nd-years, then Kise would still be in Teiko. So for convenience sake… ignore the “realism” in the setting for this :^)
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Honor him. Younger Mercenary Oberyn Martell x f!reader fanfic. #Writer Wednesday 05/26/2021
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Summary: You receive the worst news, Oberyn Martell died, your first lover and the first adventure you lived.
Once when you were younger you ran away from your house escaping an unhappy engagement and the promise of a dull life. But your family hired an elite force of mercenaries to find you not knowing that their leader is a Prince of Dorne.
Word count: 6,5k (ups sorry)
Warning: Blood, violence, Oberyn’s death is mentioned as canon in the book and show, Ophidiophobia(fear of snakes), unhappy arranged marriage, alcohol. +18 SMUT (it means no minors, pls) virgen f!reader, oral sex (f¡ receiving descriptive, male receiving mentioned) p in v sex (unprotected cos there’s no durex in Essos BUT USE PROTECTION IN REAL LIFE PEOPLE) grieving.
A/N: I'M SORRY I'M LATE this is for #Writer Wednesday, the challenge created by @autumnleaves1991-blog
I read the books a long time ago, yep, I’m one of those people that said “I’ll finish them when George publish them all” so I got ASOIAF wiki and run with it, so buckle up for some bad geography from Essos and inaccurate cultural stuff. I think this is the longest thing I’ve written and the smuttiest, so sorry if it’s cringy.
Honor him
“Apparently he won the combat but the wounds were too severe and he died”
You raise your eyes from the book. One of the young servants whispers to another collecting the dead leaves on the ground.
“What is it?”
They rise from the ground nervously expecting that you will scold them for gossiping
“We heard the news from the world. A bard was chanting them on the market, my lady” she approaches the fountain; you’re seated on the ceramic tile, feet inside the water, refreshing from the blazing sun in this part of Essos.
“And what did he say?”
“He said there was a trial in Kingslanding. For the death of king Joffrey, and it was his cousin...”
“His uncle, the imp” clarifies the other and the other girl rolls her eyes
“Yes, his uncle was on trial for his murder. And Prince Oberyn from Dorne was his champion”
“The imp asked for a trial by combat, you see, my lady” adds the other
“He battled the Mountain; he crushed the prince’s skull apparently”
“But! but! His blade had poison on it so the Mountain died too” says the other girl excitedly
“Oberyn died?” you mutter, your hands are limp and you don’t realize that you have drop your book until you hear the “blop” sound in the water and it splashed your tunic
Your mind travels to years past in an instant: A journey through the vast empty lands of this continent and how you loved for the first time.
The pages of your book are getting more and more transparent while the black trickles of ink disappear in the water. You wish to scream, to rip your clothes and your hair out of your scalp but you do nothing.
“Are you alright, my lady?” the girls look at each other when you don’t move or try to retrieve your book from the water.
You always thought the greatest pain he gave you was leaving you at your father’s door many years ago, but now he’s gone forever. You always thought, while looking from your window at night, that you will see him one day, coming back on his dark horse ready to steal you away again, but now that he’s dead that small hope, that tiny flame that you kept in your heart is gone.
Your childish hopes and dreams of reviving your first love are shattered. It’s true that your life has changed, you’re a grown woman now, wiser and experience but you still fantasize over him, seeing his face and his hands on your lovers.
“We should call physician” you heard them whisper, but so far away
“Where is he anyway?”
“At his clinic, you silly girl, run”
“You do not need to call him” you mutter “I’m fine. Excuse me”
Not caring for splashing water all over the house, you run to your chambers and collapse into your bed. Buried in the soft pillows, you cried, muffling your howls with them so nobody could hear. Late in the night the moon and stars shine bright casting bluish shadows in your room.
Your body is tired but restless and in the night shade a timid ray of white light illuminates that small scar in your forearm in the shape of a half-moon. And you kiss it, at least you will always have something of his carved in your skin.
Many years ago. Essos.
“You’re cheating, boy” the big man slams the table, the wooden pieces and the coins that all the players have laid at the center fall down. He points at you spitting from a mouth full of crooked black teeth “Show me your arms, boy, I know you’re lying”
“I’m just lucky, sir” you raise your blouse’s sleeves and your arms up innocently and somehow it makes him angrier
He insults you in whatever language he speaks and slams the table up, the players run and the loud tavern suddenly gets quite, waiting for the next movement. You’re an ant in front of that enormous giant, when he stands tall and walks menacingly towards you, you freeze, he doesn’t listen to you when you apologize, it doesn’t matter anyway, you just did to gain time and look for an exit but the room is too crowded.
“Here, boy, I’ve also many tricks under my sleeve” he has a dirty bag hanging from his belt and takes it and throws it at you. It lands at your feet and for a second you smirk not knowing what a bag could do to you, but then it moves and in a blur you see a green and yellow thing twisting until you feel it pressing and slithering over your body. The snake, a beautiful, shiny creature with vibrant colors faces you hissing and shows its fangs. Everything happens to fast. Out of instinct you protect your face with your arms and the animal understands this as a threat and it bites. The pain rings like a bell all over your body every nerve in your body aflame.
In a second, cold blood wets your face and you gasp when you see the snake’s head slide to the side separated from its body with a clean cut.
“I’m sorry for the demise of your little friend” A tall lean man stands beside the giant. You can’t see his face, since he’s covered with black turban and his body is in full armor. One of his arms still holds a curved sword that has snake blood on it; the other has a dagger pointed to your enemy’s neck.
“That viper was worth more than you or your little friend and you will pay for it”
“I doubt it. You know my little friend here” and he points his sword to you “it’s worth a lot and if I don’t tend to her wound rapidly she will die and that’s a shame. So, decide now, do you want to be a setback or do you want to keep living your stinky life longer?”
By brute force, the giant decides his fate and tries to disarm the man who in a swift movement cuts his throat and his blood and destiny joints that of his pet.
“You’ve been quite difficult to find, child” he opens the fabric covering his face. His eyes are dark, dark beard covers his defined jaw line and an amused smirk graces his handsome face. “Let me see that arm” he lowers his weapons, shamelessly cleaning his dagger on the back of the dead tall man and walks to you until your back is pressed against one of the tavern columns. Sheathing his sword, his hand takes yours and raises your arm, evaluating the wound and he hums deeply “Oh, sweet child”
“Am I going to die?” you cry
“If it’s my father who commands you to find me, I beg you to let me die; I do not wish to go back. Death is better than that dreadful place” you shake your head determined but terrified at the same time. He looks at you with his brow troubled
“Death is never better than anything” and he drags your arm to his face. His dark gaze fix on you while he sucks on the wound so hard that for a moment you think he’s drinking your life away. But then he lets you go and spits to the ground “Let’s hope that’s enough. You will come with me so I can give you the antidote”
“I told you, I have no desire to return to my home”
“It’s a pity, then, that I don’t care about that” he grins.
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He gave you so many small jars to drink. Some tasted sweet some bitter and some other made you want to vomit and not drink or eat ever again. But you’re alive. A few hours passed, and then a day, then two, and you’re irrevocably getting back home.
You’ve learnt that your father, in an attempt to find you, has commissioned this elite group of mercenaries to retrieve you; and he’s the leader. It’s a small company but that doesn’t make them any less dangerous. All of them seemed to have many different skills, weapons hidden at every corner of their body, they speak languages you don’t know and you ride your horse tied to it watching each one of them with a suspicious look. After two days riding with them you have decided that there’s no way you could escape now. There’s always one of them standing guard and just a small glare your way gets every thought of escaping out of your head. So, even if it’s dramatic, you decided that your best option is to die. A few days in the desert without water and food and your father will receive a corpse.
“Drink, little girl, you’re withering like a flower” the leader, the man that saved you, says handing you the waterskin
“No, thank you” you turn your head, seated under the shadow of a very thin and dry bush. The orange and violet light announces the immanent sunset where you have stopped for the day.
“You’ve been refusing water all day. You have to drink” he says and pushes the waterskin to your face once more.
“No, thank you” you repeat and he sighs. Thinking you’ve won as he throws the waterskin by his side, you smile subtly until he’s close, crouched down, knees over the sand, looking at you.
“Maybe being a spoiled little flower works for your father, but not to me. Drink or I will make you” He takes your chin and raises it to meet his eyes
“I’m not thirsty” you say, your lips are already dry and they hurt, your tongue is thick inside your mouth and your body screams for just one drop.
“Don’t challenge me, child” he lowers his voice and you gulp
“I’m not a child” you protest, he keeps calling you that and honestly you don’t think he’s much older that you
“Then why do you behave like one? Drink, for the last time” His mouth is a fine line now and his grip on your chin is a little bit firmer
When you don’t answer he opens the waterskin and tucking on your lower lip he pours a small trickle of water in your mouth. The liquid taste sweet, your body works on it own and you open your mouth to drink more with desperation.
“So you weren’t thirsty...stubborn girl” he smirks and you want to slap his smug and beautiful face
He stops pouring water and laughs when you rise up drinking the last drops before he puts the cap on it.
“Look at you, not a withering flower anymore” the mercenary brushes his knuckles over you cheek and you feel them burn “What else do you want?” his thumb caress your chin gathering the small drops of water on your skin and spreads it over your lower lip.
You feel your bones burning, a tension in your lower belly that you haven’t feel many times and that makes you ask for something you don’t even know, so you just answer a timid yes and let him guide you to the fire and the rest of the company.
One of the mercenary is skinning some rabbits, methodically pulling the skin off with blood hands and a deathly gaze fix on you “So she decided to join us” she says
“Oberyn can be really persuasive” another, a big bald man with a beard tinted in blue, adds
So his name is Oberyn, where have you heard that name before?
“Remember that her father is paying for the whole of her, untouched he said” a lean blonde woman, with her face full of black and blue tattoos, is lounged over the bags sharpening her knives
“Well, I hope he doesn’t see her arm, that viper left her with a beautiful scar” Oberyn sits down and helps the mercenary skinning the animals and impales them and puts them to roast on the fire
“I’m not talking about that kind of viper...” she says and the company laughs
“I’m right here” they stop laughing looking at you as if you have done something they deem impossible
“So she speaks” the bearded man says
“She does but it may take some convincing” Oberyn smiles at you over the flames that illuminate his striking and sharp features “If you wish to eat, sweet flower, why don’t tell us how did you escape? We love a good story while we camp”
“Your father was convinced some ragged boy had stole you from your palace” adds the blonde woman
You smile, feeling some kind of pride for your plan, that, looking at it from perspective, did not grant you what you wanted but at least you had a good run. You tell them about how you disguised as a ragged boy lurking a few nights prior your escape so that the servants suspected about somebody being guilty of your disappearing. And how you ran away the night of your betrothal and made it look as if somebody had kidnapped you.
“I ran out of money in Lys so I had to beg, or steal, or gamble for a few coins. And then you found me” you finish your tale, sucking on your fingers, the meat is the best you ever tasted but yet again it must be the hunger from this days refusing to eat or drink.
“I’m almost tempted to let you go, young one, you seem a very resourceful girl” the beard man that you now know as Uhlan smiles at you proudly
“Think about the money” the blonde woman, Rikan, chew on a bone and toss it to the fire
“I’m always thinking about it, why do you think I’m a sellsword?” he jests
“Because you were a street rat with a broad back as broad as your stupidity and it’s the only thing you can do” Rikan spits and Uhlan laughs, a deep and low chuckle that resonates as a thunder.
“She’s a little princess, she couldn’t have survived much longer” the other woman, Shifa adds, the rest of the company has changed the way they look at you, but her. She still squints at you
“There’re princes that have survived worse” Uhlan counters and suddenly there’s a heavy and uncomfortable silence over them. You look at all of them trying to understand and you see Oberyn looking at his feet until he claps his hands together “Let’s get some sleep, we have a long way ahead”
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It’s surprising what food, water and company can achieve. You’re smiling more, you almost forget that you will be delivered to your father and future husband within days, Uhlan tells you about his many adventures, how he almost die in Yiti, how he rode once with a Khalassar and that he had seen the great shadow in the East. Rikan has gifted you a knife “a girl needs to defend herself” she said and proceed to show you how to kill a man in many different ways “If you want to kill your husband though, you must ask Oberyn, he’s the one that knows about poisons and how to kill somebody without raising suspicions”
“How does he know that?” you ask, leaning to the right so you get close to her horse, Oberyn rides beside Shifa before you; both of them speaking in a language you don’t understand
“He has studied many things; he’s been all over the world. He was almost a Maester once, but preferred to travel, fight and fuck the world before he gets back to his duties”
“He’s a prince” she whispers a mischievous smile on her lips “he doesn’t want to talk about it, because it makes people treat him differently or underestimate him. So don’t tell him it was me, blame the big rat”
“Did somebody call me?” Uhlan screams at the back
“You do have a sharp ear when you want, my friend”
You arrive to Myr at dusk. The city is still vibrating, the merchants offering everything you could imagine and the streets smell like thousands spices. And you absorb it all with wide eyes and open mouth.
“It’s a beautiful world, my sweet flower, and you wanted to end your life” Oberyn raises his voice over the people chatting and selling stuff
“If only it could always be like this” you answer, your smile dies in your mouth remembering this is a passing thing. The adventure will be over soon.
“Life gives us many opportunities to dwell in its pleasures; you have only to acquire a keen eye to recognize the perfect moment to seize it”
“Are you implying that I will have another chance to escape?” you scoff
“Maybe...if that is what you want or maybe to enjoy your life as a married woman, who knows”
You sigh deeply trying to ignore the thoughts about your future husband, that drunken bastard, boring and dull that your father chose.
“Or you could run away and avoid your responsibilities; you can create your own destiny, my sweet flower”
“And that’s what you are doing? Avoiding your duties?” you stop in your tracks and he watches you for a moment, chewing on his lower lip
“Maybe” he answers finally
“I’m tired of being treated as if I was overreacting being a spoiled child while you are here doing exactly what I did, ran away, from the duties of a noble life. I’m not overreacting; all I want is to decide if I want to live my life bearing children for my fool husband and maybe die giving birth or out of boredom and disappointment or try my luck in the wild world. Isn’t that what you are doing? Travel, fight and fuck the world? What’s the difference between me and you?” The people surround you, the company has already enter the tavern in front of you knowing they shouldn’t meddle
“Travel, fight and fuck the world seem a pretty good title for a book. Maybe when I’m old I will write my adventures under that title” he laughs
“I’m glad I amuse you” you spat with your arms crossed
“I apologize if I made you feel that I was underestimating you. Do not confuse my laughter with mockery, I know how you feel and I understand.” He comes close to you, each hand on your arms, pressing them lightly “Believe me, I wouldn’t have accepted this job if your father didn’t pay so well. I have to get back home and I want to leave my company with enough resources so they can continue on their own” he explains, he bends his neck so you are so close you can smell his scent, leather, horse and the dessert. “But that doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy ourselves while it lasts” Oberyn smiles and passes his arm over your shoulders “Have you tasted the wine from Myr?” you shake your head “It’s the sweetest”
The wine is starting to play with your mind, your smile falls languidly over the corner of your lips and you don’t know why you’re laughing but whatever song Uhlan is singing is the funniest thing you’ve heard. Rikan laughs by your side, her laugh is actually sweet and high making her look less menacing. Shifa is the only one that doesn’t look amused at all and he drinks from her goblet eyeing the tavern, especially you, with hatred.
“C’mon, Shifa, we know you can smile” Uhlan grabs her in a bear hug but she squeezes herself out of it
“Let me alone, you brute”
“You haven’t talked much since we retrieve the little girl over here, tell us what’s going on in that little twisted mind of yours?” the man jokes and the other mercenary glares at him
“I’m going to my chamber” She drinks the rest of her drink and strides to the rooms, pushing the drunken people in her way
“Leave her, Uhlan! She’s just jealous that her prince is not directing his attentions only to her lately” Rikan says winking at you
Oberyn has been absent having a conversation in another table until he comes back with a serious expression
“I’m partially offended that you think our company it’s not worth your time” Uhlan says sliding to give him enough space to seat by his side
“Huh, so I guess Shifa is not the only one jealous” Rikan drinks looking at him over her goblet
“Shut up!”
“Where is she?” Oberyn asks
“She went to her chamber” Uhlan serves him wine “So what was about those ugly bastards that got your attention; I thought you had a very refined taste”
“Those are Westerosi men; I wanted to get news of the world. Some of us still appreciate the pursuit of knowledge, my friend” Oberyn taps on his big shoulder
“I appreciate the pursuit of a good fuck better, my friend. Let’s see if those Westerosi want to share some news with me, Rikan are you coming? I’m always lucky with you around”
“I don’t like Westerosi” she snarls
“I don’t care, I just need you to be there so they take a good look at your ugly face and they get convinced that fucking with me is the good option of the two of us” he jokes with one of those thunder like chuckles
Rikan laughs and she follows him, waddling towards the men’s table.
“I should go to my room” you say, rising too fast and the whole room twists and turns
“You liked the wine, I see” he observes you grab the wooden table for your dear life until you find your balance
“Too sweet, I haven’t noticed it until it was too late”
“Let me guide you then”
Oberyn grabs you by your waist and helps you climb the stairs to the second floor. People gather around the aisle, laughter and moans fill the air and the heat of Oberyn skin over yours and the boldness giving by the alcohol make you pressed your body against his a little tighter than its necessary.
“This is you” he says opening the door for you
“Is it true what you said about creating our own destiny?” you collapse on his firm chest, your hands brushing over his neck
“Yes, sweet flower”
“Sweet flower” you mimic his accent “Say it one more time” your glossy lips, sticky with wine, leave a kiss on the tan uncover skin of his chest. His laugh makes you raise your head
“You need to sleep, child”
“No, no!” you slap his hand away when he tries to push you inside the room “Don’t call me that, I’m not a child. I’m a woman” you try to fix your posture to seem taller but you body stumbles to one side almost falling down
“What you are is a very inebriated girl. Good night, my sweet flower” he says closing the door
“Are you going to Shifa’s room?” the words escape your lips before you can think and he lingers on the door with an eyebrow raised
“Why do you ask that?”
“I don’t want you to go to her” again the words are out before you process them
“And what do you want me to do?” Oberyn closes the door behind him. And you breathe deeply a mixture of excitement and fear.
“Stay with me” you mutter
“Believe me I would, but you don’t know what you are asking. It is the wine speaking”
“No it’s not” you pout again falling into his arms, hearing how you sound like a spoiled little girl, you cough “It’s not” you repeat
“Right, let me take you to bed then”
You gasp looking at him with wide eyes. Oberyn hugs your body and walks towards the simple bed at the corner until you both fall down on the soft mattress
“Oberyn” you whisper “I have to tell you something before we...”
“Tell me, sweet flower” He lays beside you, posing his head over his fist
“I’m...I’ve never...” you stutter
“No need to worry” with his free hand he starts to brush his index finger from your brow to the tip of your nose so slowly and softly that you feel your eyes closing down
“Are you trying to make me sleep as if I was a puppy?” you slur
“Shh” he continues until the room goes dark and you cannot open your eyes for much that you try
“Sweet dreams, sweet flower” you hear before you blank out.
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The sun pierces your eyes as if its rays were daggers. The company laughs at your expense, but yet again, Shifa hisses and insults you in some language but it’s evident that she said something nasty because Oberyn glares at her.
“No more Myr wine for you, little girl” Uhlan laughs helping you get on your horse
“Never” you murmur
The pain in the back of your head and the unstoppable thirst you have makes you moody, and it doesn’t help that you know you’re one day away from your home. But everything is worse with the hard sting of jealousy. It’s not that Oberyn does much, but he rides along side her, speaking in that stupid language you don’t understand, and she makes him laugh, he watches with attention whatever she points at during the way. He looks at her, talks to her. All you want is to rush your stupid horse and take her place.
It gets worse when Shifa sees you observing them; knowing damn well what you feel, she becomes softer, leaving touches on his skin, whispers things on his ear. And you can see the intimacy, the camaraderie that they share and that you will never have. And she’s a woman not a little girl, fierce, independent, and strong; and you cannot stop comparing yourself to her.
You arrive to a small town in between the domains of the two free cities, just hours away from the gates of Pentos.
“We will spent the night here, we need to be presentable for tomorrow”
The town has a small and humble bath house. The simple exterior made of red brick doesn’t show the beauty it has in its interior. The garden inside is made of brick and ceramic creating beautiful arches that frame the pool in the middle; green vines crept over the walls and the tender murmur of water is the only sound you can hear.
“We have rooms to accommodate you for the night once you’re done with your baths” the lady, owner of the house, announces and snaps her fingers towards the servants so they get everything ready.
“Thank you” Oberyn says bowing his head “Wash away the dust of our journey, my friends. Specially you, Uhlan” he jokes, slapping the big man’s belly
“You’re as stinky as me, my prince, but the Gods didn’t give me a beautiful face”
The company strips shamelessly, you think that they’re so comfortable around each other that they don’t think twice before submerge their naked bodies in the fresh water.
You stay by the side, taking off your shoes and rolling your sleeves so you can wash your feet and face. You avert your eyes when you see that Oberyn’s armor is on the floor. Your eyes fixed on the water and the blue tiles at the bottom, but you cannot stop from raising your eyes just a little.
His magnificent, strong, and tight body, his beautiful golden skin is marked in scars in some parts, you see the muscles on his legs tensing and relaxing as he gets in the pool. Your eyes travel through the room to avoid seeing him in his full grace.
“C’mon child, you don’t want to be stinky when you meet your father” Rikan splash water at you
“Let her be, she’s scare of my big cock” Uhlan laughs
“That thing that you can barely get up? C’mon, child, it is harmless” The blonde mercenary swims towards you and grabs your hand to pull you in
“Rikan, leave her, let’s finish and we will leave her some privacy” Oberyn says under the small waterfall brushing his skin with a small piece of soap
“Your husband’s eyes will be the only ones that will see you naked” Shifa says and she swims towards Oberyn. Her body is toned and muscular. She joints him under the water stream and when she tries to touch him, he moves away.
You don’t want to smile, but you do, until you remember that he refused you the other night and tonight is the last night you’ll spend with them. Shifa will have him for whatever time she wants.
Eventually they leave the pool, putting on some fresh clothes and rubbing some scent oils on their skins and they look different, less mercenary and more like elite warriors with a thousand adventures to tell. You will miss them; they are the only friends you have ever had.
“Thank you” you say stopping their banter over who’s going to take which room, they look at you confused “Thank you for rescuing me” you say with a trembling voice
“It’s nothing, child” Uhlan says and you see his big eyes shine
“We will give you some privacy” Rikan nods
When they are away you take off those stinky clothes you’ve been wearing since you escape. You moan feeling the water soften your muscle and you enjoy the strong cascade of water hitting your back until your bones feel like liquid inside your skin.
“I never expected you to thank us for getting you to your father” his voice gets you out of the trance, and you don’t open your eyes when you hear the soft sound of clothes hitting the ground and the splash of water when he gets inside the pool again.
“I didn’t thank you for that, but for rescuing me” you answer still your eyes closed under the waterfall “And saving my life” you pass your hand over the now healed wound, a moon shape scar where he suck the venom out of you.
Oberyn fingers grab your wrist, raising your arm towards his lips and planting kisses alongside your veins until he arrives to the thicker skin of the scar, sucking again on it.
“Do you still believe that it was better to let you die from the snake’s bite than to be back home?” he whispers against your skin, his beard tickling you over your pulse
“I still can run away” you open one eye. Oberyn looks amused at you
“Will you?” he asks saving the distance between you
“I don’t know. Will you come get me if I do?” You approach him, intertwining your hands on his neck
“The world is big and beautiful; it will be a shame that a sweet flower like you rots in a place like this all her life” he turns his head and leaves a kiss on each of your arms
“So that’s a no” you laugh but the pain in your heart is real
“I have to leave Essos soon, I guess the time for adventures is up” he exhales deeply
“Just the last one then” you’re surprised of your boldness when you rise on your tiptoes to kiss his lips
It is soft at first. Just tasting him, tempting him to show you more, and he does. Oberyn opens his mouth and sucks on your lower lip and when your mouth is open he savors you with his tongue. He holds your face on his large palms guiding you softly until the kiss deepens and your hands leave his neck roaming through his back and he reciprocates. His hand caresses every inch from your neck to your arms. You moan in protest when he breaks the kiss but then his kisses move to your neck nibbling your skin. He pampers every part of you with his attention, soft kisses and bites over the top of you breast.You cry out laughing when he grabs you and rise by the waist so he can access your tits. You circle his waist with your legs and you hold yourself on his shoulders.
Any good sense in you, any coherent thought gets lost one his mouth sucks on your nipples and you kiss his head trying to control your panting. The sounds that come out of you seem so far away, his low grunts and moans over your breast melt you and you feel the heat gathering between your legs.
“My sweet flower, you have the sweetest tits” he moans and he lowers you so he can kiss you one more time. You run your fingers over his dark hair, his impossibly close to you but you need more. You need him like those drops of water he poured in you the first time. The hunger, the jealousy and desire you felt these past days have reached its peak and you think your heart will collapse. You repeat his name on his lips like a plea.
Oberyn carries you to the side of the pool, and you feel your cheeks burning, your body in goose flesh feeling exposed and at his mercy now that the water is not covering you. He takes his time admiring you, his brow eyes eating every pore of your skin. Kissing your legs he parts them grabbing you by the hips he positions you just at the edge of the pool. He palms your breasts one more time, gracing each nipple with a small pinch that makes you moan loudly. You get flustered, gaining a bit of your conscience back
“No need to be shy, my love, let go. I wish to hear every sweet moan, drink every drop of this sweet cunt” he plants a kiss on your navel, before lowering his face. His first lick between your lips makes you marvel of the unknown sensation. His eyes are fixed on you while he licks faster and sucks between your small lips, when you tense, every single fiber of your body burning, he changes his rhythm, lapping languidly all your sex and back again, fast and slow, and never too much. Until you’re gasping for air and pushing him away
“Please, it’s too much”
“Let me show you, trust me” his wet mouth bites you inner thigh before he starts again. This time you reach the point of no return faster. A wide abyss before you where you skin burns and you heart beat faster until you fall, crying his name. And he holds you, planting kisses all over you body, every part he can reach. The gasps lead to laughter
“What happe...how?” you ask
“I have many things to show you my sweet flower” he smiles
Oberyn lets you in his room. The warm night breeze moves the white curtains and the moonshine casts its rays so you can see him get on top of you with the warmest of smiles.
“Do you still want this, my flower?” he asks
You grab him by the neck and let your lips answer for you. Lowering your touch you push his back so he presses his body against you even tighter.
“Please, please” you beg on his ear
He reaches between your bodies and brushes the tip of his cock on your lips coating it in your arousal, before pushing gently. You gasp at the intrusion; it’s not pain what you feel but definitively a bit uncomfortable at first
“Let me in, my sweet, relax for me” Oberyn bends his neck to kiss and bite your tits. The pleasure turns your body into a withering mess until you’re full of him.
He moves lazily at first letting you grow used to his length and width while he observes your face
“Is it alright my love?”
“I need more” you murmur
“More?” He rises, pressing the weight of his body on his knees and opens you wider grabbing the soft skin on your hips “Like this?” he thrusts deep and fast with each word and you nod biting your lip. His pace is unforgiving, and you cannot think, all you can feel is him, and his sweet words and praises combined with the slaps of wet skin and the creaks of this old bed. Your fingers scratch softly on his chest trying to hold into something when you feel that abyss again, but this time you let it go and it hits you harder. Oberyn collapses over you letting your cunt squeeze him even tighter, slowly dragging himself in and out until he sense his release coming and he pushes harder once, twice until he spills his warm seed.
You kiss his brow, wet from exhaustion and the pool, in a way the cage he’s forming with his body pressed against the mattress is the freest you have ever felt.
The dawn wakes you up, many years later, a harrowing pain in your chest remembering how he kissed you a thousand times, how you slept caged in his arms for a few hours and then woke up with his face between your thighs
“Does it hurt?” he asked and you flinched, feeling the swollen and sensitive skin “I will kiss it better” he said. And you made love again, he moved you in the bed showing how to touch your body and how to touch him, how to pleasure him with your mouth as he did to you. Until the sun invaded the room and crashed your safe space between the shadows. You could no longer hide from your destiny, it was time to go.
He left you, a small and decent kiss on your hand and bid you farewell wishing you a happy life.
You remember running, not paying attention to your father’s complaints and your mother’s cries while you soon-to-be husband drank wine unbothered by the whole thing. You ran to the balcony watching his dark horse taking him out of the city.
He never looked back, and with his parting figure you promised you will live your life happy even if you have to run for it. That you will live adventures on your own until life gives you the last drop of its joy and pleasure. In a way you promised to honor him without knowing one day it will come true.
So you woke up, older, wiser, in your own house, after many adventures lived, and after a sleepless night mourning him, you grab paper and ink and write:
“Travel, fight and fuck the world: the Adventures of an Unusual Lady”
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bredforloyalty · 2 years
samruby, deancas, and samcas pls
sorry i went to sleep and then had to think about this lol <3 thanks for the ask, love you sil
and OOF if you're asking so nicely i'll ramble on about supernatural..... but, i'm gonna, take the can of worms that is deancas and answer an anon (later) instead of dumping it all here, i'll tag you!!
samcas: starting with this one because i'll handle it quickly. more quickly. it doesn't interest me much, because i don't feel anything in particular about cas ? :( i can see an appeal somewhere, i see the appeal in all pairings with sam! tbh! an angel and lucifer's vessel sounds nice, they would make each other better in the long run imo. kind of, less toxic than anything i'm ever interested in. that's nice, good for them for real, i like the concept, in a parallel universe i'm a samcas enthusiast. but i somehow don't care about castiel enough to be invested, maybe..... am sorry. rating is not tragic or obsessive enough
samruby: :)) sexy bc blood drinking is inherently sexual, also for other reasons (they were clearly into each other like i can see the real-life connection right there on the screen c'mon. also thematically sexy lol), and i love manipulation. love me a doomed romance type thing! actually i thought about them for a couple minutes and now i'm crying!! so that's normal. i love them, they're interesting in canon and i've never really felt the urge to fill any holes with uhh fan content. samruby feeds me well as it is 🥴 continuing beneath the cut because i can't shut the fuck up
so the tragedy, that i feel normal and not crazy about, what really gets to me is ruby, i think she loved sam as much as a demon could love. he was the path to her god, she saw his destiny and not who he really was, or wanted to be. it's heartbreaking that she gifted sam power when he felt, was powerless, when he was virtually at his lowest, alone completely, and she did what she thought was the best thing she could do for him. and it's even,, something sam had struggled with, constantly, up to that point, the demon blood, something rotten in him. he needed to believe he's not rotten, that's how this ties into the tragedy of sam's life. i think. ruby was there to mold him into the literal antichrist, the role he was meant to play, when he needed someone to depend on, and sam never recovered. the rest of his life, that addiction haunted him, the darkness of that, the impurity, she made it so sam's worst fear or maybe just one of his worst would be confirmed: he'd never be clean.
i really liked it when someone on here said ruby trapped sam in a monstrous prophecy. he didn't even get the chance to be good, to prove himself, And sam's relationship with ruby put a strain on his relationship with his brother, who's the most important to him :/ and sam lost trust in himself, his own judgment, that might be hurting me the most, he made his own choices and did the best he could in absence of dean and the consequences were like, beyond dire. i think something was permanently broken there. that depresses me because i feel for this fictional guy very deeply. ruby was at the center of this, although it wasn't quite.. her fault? like of course she didn't orchestrate all that, she was just a player and she has a background and i see where she was coming from. i can empathize
ruby thought she was building sam up, and she ruined him. but was there love? they needed each other. i think they liked each other, too? there could've been something more, in, um other circumstances... if what they wanted didn't differ so.. drastically. but that's all tragedies, isn't it?? it hurts because of what could've been. anyway, samruby is sooo compelling to me
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I am not 100% if I have done this before so I am going to call this my updated Destiny 2 vs Warframe post. However, before I get into thing, please note that EVERYTHING I SAY IS BASED ON MY OWN EXPERIENCES IN BOTH GAMES and that my experiences may differ from yours and if you can't accept that then just stop reading now and go somewhere else. Now I shall get into my thoughts and opinions on both of these games.
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As noted in the last post, this one will be all about Warframe. I am first going to start with the things that I like about Warframe and while I am doing that, I will be comparing those things to how things are in Destiny 2.
Now, the first thing is something I pretty much already said in the post, so I am not doing to dwell too much on it. But, basically I think that Warframe is a very good looking game. I do, however, think that Destiny 2 is the better looking game of the two.
Also, as stated in the previous post, Warframe has a very amazing soundtrack. Again, I don't like the vocal tracks but, all the other tracks are so good and I love listening to its soundtrack. Same can be said for Destiny 2 and its soundtracks. So much amazing much that I can listen to anytime.
Warframe absolutely EXCELS at being a F2P game, especially with the vast amount of content at ones disposal. You have like seven to eight planets to do all the nodes on, you have Duviri which also has The Circuit and Steel Path, you have the stuff associated with Railjack missions and so on! Best thing too is that a good amount Warframes and weapons can just be obtained from farming assassination missions and don't have to be bought from a store. Warframe has a terrific F2P structure that definitely sets it far above Destiny 2. Calling Destiny 2 a free to play game is an utter joke. What can one do as a free to play player in Destiny 2 anyway? Well, there is no base game campaign anymore which was the major reason I even tried Destiny 2 in the first place. You get a tutorial mission in place of that and the first mission of each expansion and that's really all the story content you get. You have a limited number of strikes, I think only three or four of them. You have Gambit which, honestly, I have no idea what this mode is as I've never done it. You have Crucible which is PVP which I imagine is a small amount of maps for F2P players. There's the Dares Of Eternity activity from the 30th Anniversary and then there are two raids and one dungeon. Yeah, as a F2P game, Destiny 2 lacks so much. Once you do these things beyond the first time, you'll see just how boring this game really is.
One area where Warframe excels because it has an actual, sound F2P structure. Now, I've heard some people say that one doesn't have to spend a dime on Warframe and I am sorry, but that isn't true. The difference with Warframe is that one doesn't have to spend much on the game. To me, Warframe having a limited number of inventory slots is a major thing. Initially when starting the game, you have a whopping two Warframe slots and if you get more Warframes, it'll cost you 20 platinum per slot and platinum is something that has to be bought with real money. I myself have spent around $7 on platinum because of this, because I have 11 Warframes with a 12th on the way soon. I find it to be a little but looser when it comes to inventory slots for primary, secondary and melee weapons. But here's the thing, you can EARN more inventory slots by doing the Nightweave dailies so if you want to get more slots slowly, that's the way to do it. Also, yes, of course, like Destiny 2, Warframe has a store where you can buy stuff with you platinum. But, ultimately, Warframe is such a better F2P game that Destiny 2 will ever be. When it comes to Destiny 2 thought, if you don't want to be a F2P player and don't want to sit in an empty well of content, you could always fork over somewhere between $160 and $200 to get all the DLC for the game. Oh yeah, you could also spend additional money on the season pass and in game shop too. What? You don't want to fork over more money for a game that you already paid money for? Yeah, no one wants to do that.
Now, something I like with Warframe is that I am only picking between the Warframes I have. What do I mean by that? Well, what I am trying to say is that, unlike Destiny 2, I am glad that in Warframe I am not gaining gear and weapons in missions that I am equip and upgrade for whatever the next mission is and then get rid of that stuff because I got better gear in said next mission. That is something I genuinely get annoyed with in Destiny 2, like why I am spending all this time putting resources into gear and weapons that I am going to ditch after one mission?
There's probably much more I like about Warframe that I am just forgetting in this moment or that is just more rehashed from the previous post. So, I am going to move on to what I don't like about Warframe.
Somthing I think that Warframe really lacks is cohesive storytelling. This came up very recently when I made a post about the Duviri Paradox and how the story was very lost upon me and someone said that it makes more sense after one does The War Within quest and I'm over here like, yeah, and one can't do that until The Second Dream is done and I just don't understand this method of out of order storytelling. Thing is, I don't think that Destiny 2 is any better in regards to storytelling. Given that the games base campaign no longer exists and that Bungie just deletes their old DLC stories to fit whatever the current story is doesn't help either. Maybe don't do so many world shattering events and have to keep resetting the story. Clarification: When I talk about how Destiny 2 has a lot of DLC stories that have been deleted, I am NOT talking about the lore of the game because the game's lore in certainly intact. What I mean by DLC stories being deleted is how The Red War campaign, Curse Of Orsiris campaign and Warmind campaign have been deleted, vaulted and made inaccessible by Bungie themselves.
I do wish that Warframe had a little more interesting things going on when it comes to level design. I mean, one could do like three different types of missions in a row and all three of those missions could very well be on the same looking map and that's kind of lazy if you ask me. Of course, for Destiny 2 this is largely dependent upon if you do or do not have all the DLC. If you're a F2P player then yeah, you're going to be doing things on the same three to four maps but will have more map variety if you have all the DLC.
Warfame could definitely benefit from more enemy variety. Like, every mission you do you'll either be fighting Grineer, Corpus, Infested, those things you fight in the Durviri Paradox and that's it. Sure, there are different sub types of each of those but an entirely new enemy faction would just be so terrific. Destiny 2 isn't any better in this regard either. Enemies in Destiny 2 are either Cabal, Fallen, Hive, Scorn, Taken or Vex and that's it. Sure, that is more variety than Warframe but it's still so limited.
Ultimately, I still and will always regard Warframe to be the better game between the two. But, I still do enjoying popping on to Destiny 2 for a short time and doing some a strike or two as I do think that Destiny 2 is fun game...just that Warframe is a lot more fun and the better game in my opinion.
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babiesdreams · 3 years
Hiii this is my first time messaging your acc. But I have listened to drivers license alll day lolz- and I was thinking. Do you think you could write a blurb of mark and a younger female. (Obviously not so young you could pick the age lolz) but just basically everything that was based off the song in a story I feel like it would be like yes v v v sad but worth reading. Anyways you don’t have too I just had this sitting on my chest :,))))
This made me so sadd, but I also love this song TT
Driver’s licence Mark Lee.
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I got my driver's license last week Just like we always talked about 'Cause you were so excited for me To finally drive up to your house But today I drove through the suburbs Crying 'cause you weren't around
Your hands clench around the car’s steering wheel. The red light forcing you to stop. Your eyes get fixed in Mark’s house, and your memories hit you like bullets. His smiles, his words, his laugh, the way he held your hand, how he wiped your tears when you were sad, and yet there you were, crying, helpless and without him. 
And you're probably with that blonde girl Who always made me doubt She's so much older than me She's everything I'm insecure about Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs 'Cause how could I ever love someone else?
You see Mark’s figure and hide inside your car. His hand, holding her’s, it just breaks your heart in a million pieces. He’s smiling at her, the same way he smiled at you. He’s happy with her, just like he was with you. Yet you couldn’t forget him. How could you forget him?
You always thought he was gonna be that someone, that person you never had to lose, but destiny decided things weren’t gonna follow your plan.
And I know we weren't perfect But I've never felt this way for no one And I just can't imagine How you could be so okay now that I'm gone Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
Yes, you remember the fights, and the lies, and the way you screamed at him. You remember every detail and try to replay it like an old song. Because even if they were sad, they were moments with Mark, and that made it worthy. You remember his song, how he wrote it for your birthday, how he said you’d always be together.
You couldn’t believe that your first boyfriend was really acting like an asshole, like he didn’t ever love you. You felt stupid, just like a fool who fell for a scam. Yet, completely unable to hate him.
And all my friends are tired Of hearing how much I miss you, but I kinda feel sorry for them 'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do, yeah Today I drove through the suburbs And pictured I was driving home to you
You recall your best friend’s words, how she said that he was just a player, just another dude. But you knew it wasn’t true, and that was the saddest thing about it. You knew he was worthy, and you lost him. In your mind it was all your fault, for letting him go.
Loud horn sounds wake you up from your trance, tears floating down your wet eyes. You’re completely unable to move. The whole situation, the sounds, Mark’s figure... It’s all too much for you to react. He starts getting closer to you, letting the girl that was with him protest at his action. 
He opens the car door and gets you out, parking the car aside right after, which makes the whole situation calm down. You don’t want to look at him, but his eyes are fixed on you and you can’t help it. 
His mouth starts moving, but your ears don’t hear a thing. His angry expression makes you get sadder somehow. “What is wrong with you?” He screams. You look away and open the car’s door, but he closes it again. “Let me go, Mark” You say, now more calmed down. 
“Tell me what’s wrong?” He says softly. “You know what is wrong” Your eyes don’t even look near him. His hand makes your chin lift up, looking at him. “Tell me” His voice sounds so full of love, just like it did when he used to say “I love you” to you.
“How could you forget about me?” Your voice sounds hurted, getting into his mind in a painful kind of way. “I will never forget you” His serious tone really gets into you, making you believe every single word that comes out of his mouth. But your eyes rest on the girl’s body, as she waits for Mark to come back.
You open the car’s door and get inside of the car. Mark’s eyes look at you through the glass, wanting to make you stay, but also wanting to let you go.
Masterlist –requests open– How to request?  Check out your score.
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@cayde-6 is my Destiny blog so if that replies to you instead of this one then that's why.
Edit: To those who want to be assholes about me thirsting over fictional characters y'all must be fun at parties, like is it a crime to like something because y'all seems to think so. Yes I know damn well that not a single one of them would even tell me the time of day but I don't have any chance in real life so let me fucking dream.
Also Adler is one of the tamer characters I thirst over.
Update 11/3/21
For those having an anxiety/panic attack I am completely open to helping distract you via DM, Discord or even Xbox/a crossplay game.
People who are under the age of 18 years old, I thought about it and I highly apologize but I really struggle with having no filter, I am sorry but I can't. I'm positive there's others in this community who will happily talk to you but I don't want to stress myself out watching what I say because it's one thing to slip up in front another adult but I internally beat myself up for slipping up in front of kids, I don't need to get anxiety when you're the one that needs to be calmed down
Anyone 18+ y'all have full range of things but if your uncomfortable with swearing let me know so I can senor myself as best as possible (warning I will slip, I have basically zero filter).
List of games I own, all on Xbox One:
Various Call of Duty games (Great at zombies, okay at Warzone and it's clones, I haven't played regular PvP for a long time.
Destiny 1 and 2 (Raids and Grandmasters are a if I feel like it and usually I don't, but don't be afraid to ask because while I suck at them I'm a Titan main that is all terrain and have almost all the exotics. Sorta okay at Trials of Osiris, Gambit I'm a Dredgen with a 6 times gilded title. Normal Crucible I'm decent with but not sweat level.
Minecraft, Minecraft Xbox One Edition I can play console's hard mode without sound if that gives any experience of how I am. Online realms I never went onto. Xbox one Edition snow and flying I was horrible at.
Green Hell (This one I'm good at and currently have saves at day 20+ except for one that got just broke somehow.)
Ark Survival Evolved (I got over my trauma but I have stupidly bad luck with tames.)
Games I can download as they're already in my Xbox, can download free games in Xbox store too. I don't know if all of these are multiplayer because I game share with my dad and he's the one who's download most of these so be aware I probably don't know how to play.
I almost own all Resident Evil games and I believe the only one I currently don't have is Code Veronica.
Elder Scrolls Online. I'm a tank Nord and can run a few things before my carpal tunnel kicks in.
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links
Battlefield 4
NHL 19
Madden 16
Madden 18
NBA 2K 20
Neverwinter (whichever update it's on)
Red Dead Redemption II
Smite (whichever update it's on)
Tom Clancy's The Division 2
There a few more but I believe they're single player.
Interests are: Call of Duty, Resident Evil, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblade, Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural (have stopped on season 9), Doctor Who (need to watch 12's last episode then start 13's), Five Nights at Freddy's, Warrior Cats books by Erin Hunter, Voltron (no ships please), World War II, Spirit Animals book series from scholastic (need to finish series 1 and 2), art, Jurassic Park/World, Power Rangers, Team Fortress 2, Digimon, Naruto (haven't watched them all, only watched a handful of Baruto episodes).
I like the Disney Twitches movies, the Lion King movies (know a bit about The Lion Guard). I do like the Cars movies.
Am familiar with the MLP that just ended with Twilight Sparkle but haven't seen all the episodes, I usually play where's Doctor Whooves (the pony version of The Doctor from Doctor Who.)
I collect crystals because pretty rock is pretty.
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fardell24b · 3 years
Mysteries of Lawndale - Esteem of the Investigator - Part 1
Mysteries of Lawndale 01: Esteem of the Investigator Part 1
Lawndale, MD
15 September 1997
A blue Lexus approached a suburban High School.
“Girls, I just want you to know your mother and I realize it's not easy moving to a whole new town -- especially for you, Daria, right?” Jake Morgendorffer asked.
 In the back, his daughter Daria, asked “Did we move?”
 “I'm just saying you don't make friends as easily as... uh, some people.”
 Daria looked at her younger sister. “Quinn, for instance?”
 “That's not what I meant... necessarily.” Jake turned the radio off. “The point is, the first day at a new school is bound to be difficult...”
 Daria smirked and took out a device from one of her pockets. She pressed a couple of the buttons and the radio turned back on, with the volume increased. “Speak up, Dad! Can't hear you!”
 “Uh, where was I?” Jake asked. He turned the radio off again. “Oh, yeah...”
  Stacy Rowe saw noticed a cute, athletic, teen, with long red hair emerge from a Lexus wearing a stylish athletic outfit. “Hi! You're cool. What's your name?”
 “Quinn Morgendorffer.”
 “Cool name,” Stacy’s ... fellow Fashion Club member (and President), Sandi Griffin, said.
 “Will you go out with me?” An instantly besmitten boy asked.
 “Not right away, I’m going to take a while to settle in. Find all the clubs that I’d be interested in,” Quinn said.
 Sandi took that as a cue. “Sandi Griffin, Fashion Club President. Your outfit is quite interesting.”
 “Thanks,” Quinn said. Her voice then showed her interest. “Fashion Club, did you say? I’m in!”
 “Cool!” Stacy said.
 “Not right away, there is paperwork to fill out,” Sandi said.
 “Can it be filled out in a day?” Quinn asked. “Best not to waste time.”
 “Of course,” Sandi said, taken aback.
 “Cool, see you later!” Quinn said as she continued towards the school.
Daria entered the school. Instantly she noticed many things that didn’t seem right. ‘Of course, Highland wasn’t ‘right’ either,’ she thought. Her trained investigator’s eye saw a great many security cameras along the length of the corridor she was entering. ‘There are at least eight. That’s overkill.’
Another thing was the prominence of the football team amongst the posters advertising the school’s clubs and sports teams. She touched a button in one of her pockets and slowly rotated as the camera hidden in one of her coat buttons took photos. ‘That’s a fifth of that film used,’ she thought when she was done. She then looked for the principal’s office where the new students were to report.
Daria and Quinn were not the only students to begin at Lawndale High that day. There were at least ten others. After signing them into the enrolment books as attending, Principal Angela Li lead them on a tour of the school.
“Gosh, Daria, do you have to take notes now?” Quinn asked as they exited the door from the main block to the playing field.
 “You know me, Quinn, insatiably curious,” Daria answered.
 Quinn sighed. She knew that Daria could find a mystery anywhere.
  Later they returned to the main administrative area of the school.
“As you can see, our Lawndale High students take great pride in their school. That's why you'll each be taking a small psychological exam to spot any little clouds on the horizon as you sail the student seas of Lawndale High,” Li said, saying the school’s name with reverence.
 “S.O.S., girl overboard,” Daria said.
 Quinn sighed.
  A quarter of an hour later, the Morgendorffers were in the school counsellor’s office.
 “Now, Quinn ... what do you see here?” Mrs. Margaret Manson said as she held up a picture.
 “It's a picture of two people talking.”
 “That's right. Can you make up a little story about what it is they're discussing?”
 “They are talking about their activities after school, and whether they could find time to be together during their busy afternoon,” Quinn began...
 Quinn finished five minutes later.
 “Very good, Quinn! Now, Dora, let's see if you can make up a story as vivid as your sister's.”
 “It's Daria.”
 “'I’m sorry... Daria. What do you see in the picture, Dara?”
 “Um... a herd of beautiful wild ponies running free across the plains.”
 “Uh, there aren't any ponies. It's two people.”
 “Last time I took one of these tests, they told me they were clouds. They said they could be whatever I wanted.”
 “That's a different test, dear. In this test, they're people, and you tell me what they're discussing.”
 “Oh ... I see, All right, then. It's a guy and a girl and they're discussing... why a herd of beautiful ponies that had been running free across the plains were now captured and held in a rodeo arena...” Daria smirked.
  After the Psychological exam (by a quack, Daria suspected), the Morgendorffer siblings went to their classes. Daria went to history.
 It was clearly American History. “Class, we have a new student joining us today. Please welcome Daria Morgendorffer. Daria, raise your hand, please.”
 “Well, Daria! As long as you have your hand raised...” Mr. Anthony DeMartino chuckled evilly. “Last week we began a unit on westward expansion. Perhaps you feel it's unfair to be asked a question on your first day of class.”
 “Excuse me?” Daria asked.
 “Daria, can you concisely and unemotionally sum up for us the doctrine of Manifest Destiny?”
 “Manifest Destiny was a slogan popular in the 1840s. It was used by people who claimed it was God's will for the U.S. to expand all the way to the Pacific Ocean. These people did not include many Mexicans, nor Native Americans.”
 “Very good, Daria. Almost... suspiciously good. All right, class. Who can tell me which war Mainfest Destiny was used to justify?”
 Daria watched as a teen in a football uniform answered the question with the name of a war over a century later. She took down the notes.
 Football players unable to answer history questions properly.
 A moment later followed by
 Also applies to at least one cheerleader.
  “Either someone gives me the answer, or I give you all double homework and a quiz tomorrow. I want a volunteer with the answer. Now!”
 Daria raised her hand.
 “Daria, stop showing off!”
 ‘Of course.’
  The Morgendorffers were having dinner. “... so for now, I’m vice president of the Fashion Club, member of the Anime, Chess and French clubs and on the tennis and track teams and that’s it,” Quinn said. She lowered her voice. “They don’t have a sparring team, can you believe that?”
 “Sounds like well-thought out decisions, honey,” Jake said.
 “As long as you can join the pep squad and mathletics teams later – if you want. Never know how much we can handle till we try, though,” Helen Morgendorffer said.
 “What about you, Daria? How was your first day?” Jake asked.
 “There is no Mystery Club. Also, my history teacher hates me because I know all the answers, but there are some interesting idiots in my class.”
 “That’s great!”
 “I mean..”
 “Daria, your father's trying to tell you not to judge people until you know them. You're in a brand-new school in a brand-new town. You don't want it to be Highland all over again. As for the Mystery Club, perhaps you can make one?”
 “Perhaps,” Daria said.
 “Is that all?”
 “It boils down to trust.”
 “Exactly. It all boils down to trust. Show a little trust.” The phone rang and Helen answered it.
 “I hope that’s not the Italian or checkers clubs, badminton team or booster society again!” Quinn said.
 “Hello? ... Yes. ... Uh, yes, she's my daughter.  ... I see. Listen, will this require any parent-teacher conferences or anything, and if so, is this the sort of thing my assistant can handle? ... Okay, great. Bye!” She hung up. “You girls took a psychological test at school today?”
 “Yeah?” Quinn answered.
 “Daria, they want you to take a special class for a few weeks, then they'll test you again.”
 “Oh,” Quinn said.
 “It seems she has low self-esteem,” Helen said.
 “What?! That really stinks, Daria!” Jake said.
 “Easy, Jake. Focus. We tell you over and over again that you're wonderful and you just... don't... get it!” Helen said, she slammed her fists on the table. “What's wrong with you?!”
 “Don't worry. I don't have low self-esteem. It's a mistake,” Daria said.
 “I’ll say!” Jake said.
 “The school councillor is a quack. I have low esteem for people like her.”
 “Now, Daria, how did you get that impression?”
 Daria looked her mother in the eyes. “She kept mispronouncing my name.”
 As her daughter walked off, Helen began to think about it.
  Daria was out in the yard, taking notes when Quinn came out. “Starting your investigations already?” she asked.
 “Yes, you did notice the irregularities at the school?”
 “You mean all the cameras?”
 “Not just the cameras, the prominence of the football team in the in-school advertisements,” Daria said.
 Quinn thought for a moment. “You’re right.”
 “Lawndale may not be the ordinary suburb that Mom thought it was.”
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
I'm that anon with the cutting request. It's ok that you don't want to write it I understand that like you said it's a really sensitiv topic😊 Can I have a Headcanon with the RFA+Minor Duo who play Shooter Games like Borderlands, Bioshock or Games like that together with MC who loves this kind of Games and is really good at it insted?
RFA + Minor Duo with a Mc who likes and plays shooting games and is good at them 
Okay babe! Here you are! Sry for the long wait, I also had to watch some videos on YouTuber since I’m not a gamer, lol! I hope you enjoy it!
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,,Oh oh oh oh oh!’’ you suddenly cursed as loud noises were heard.
Jumin Han just came home and rushed into the living room where he heard your voice.
He was a bit scared of what he would find there. There were loud noises, but all he found was you playing a game.
It was winter apparently, and you seemed to run.
,,Are those little dragons?’’ he suddenly asked you, making you shriek and look up at him.
,,Oh dear, Jumin, you scared me!’’ you giggled and kissed him.
,,Welcome home, husband. I’m sorry that I didn’t welcome you,’’ you told him and hugged him.
The game was on pause and somehow Jumin wanted to know what you were doing.
And so, just a few minutes later the both of you sat in front of the device while you began to explain what the game was about.
,,Like, basically you fight against different enemies and gather different things until you get a key to open the -’’ suddenly you stopped.
,,Actually no, let’s just play. I don’t want to spoil it for you,’’ you laughed and made him play.
At first it was pretty hard for your husband, but you also got to laugh a lot, making him grin too.
,,Woah, I never thought that we wouldn’t win something, but we have to play the second game to see what we really are fighting for. That’s a good marketing technique…’’ he mumbled.
You nodded.
,,It is and I think that they were also pretty good at it,’’ you nodded and showed him all the games you owned.
,,Let’s have a game night, Jumin!’’ you tapped him and began to play once again.
,,You’re a gamer?’’ Zen asked you when you begged him to enter GameStop.
You nodded and looked at their latest games.
,,I love shooting games and I’m good at them. I know everything, Borderlands, Bioshock, Call of Duty. Hell, there are so many games!’’ you laughed and looked at him.
,,I don’t believe you. How can a girl be good at such violent games?’’ Zen asked you, making you fired up.
The both of you spend the whole night playing together and really - you were always the winner.
You even showed him some new tricks and taught him how to play different games.
,,Oh babe, I never thought that you could be so good at them. I mean, I’m baffled!’’ he laughed as he looked at the ranks.
You nodded and clapped on your shoulders, turning off the TV and kissing Zen.
With your hands you signed a gun.
,,Hands up and promise me that we will play every weekend so that you can become better or you’ll embarrass me when I make you meet my friends!’’ you laughed and kissed Zen, who was now  kind of scared of your environment.
,,What is my husband doing?’’ you asked him as you looked over his shoulder, seeing that he was playing LOLOL.
,,Mhh… you still play it?’’ you asked him and got a nod.
,,I need to teach you one day. It’s such an amazing game!’’ he happily told you, making you shake your head.
,,Everyone has a different taste but,’’ you began ,,I know games which make you fall in their abyss even more than LOLOL,’’
Well, this was something that your husband just couldn’t believe and so the both of you made a bet and began to play all the games you knew.
However, you won and ended up playing three hours with him in some shooting games.
You were pretty good at them and Yoosung wondered what you were doing all your life.
,,I think I know now why you always defended me and supported me,’’ he began as he paused the game to brew you some coffee and take out some Honey Buddha Chips you stole from Seven.
,,Yeah, because we’re the same. You don’t wanna know how many lessons I missed,’’ you laughed and began to explain to him how to play Devil May Cry, turning on your PS4 and grinning like crazy at him.
,,Oh, I don’t think that these kinds of games are my taste,’’ Jaehee honestly told you.
The young brown haired woman was still hesitant and looked at the console as you tried to pressure her into playing.
,,Killzone: Shadow Fall, old but gold,’’ you told Jaehee, wetting your lips as you put the DVD into the device.
,,Shouldn’t we watch Zen’s DVD instead?’’ she asked you.
,,Shooting games really aren’t something for me. I don't like the violence in there,’’ she told you.
You nodded and then made a good deal.
,,Let’s play one round. If you hate it so much, we will watch two DVDs, but f you like the first round, we’ll play a second one and watch only one DVD, okay?’’ you asked her.
Indeed, Jaehee found it rather interesting.
Yes, there was a lot of blood and it seemed a bit...odd, but she did want to play a second round.
The two of you, however, didn’t stop at the second round, but instead spent more hours playing the game.
You were so good at it that Jaehee just couldn’t stop observing you.
And besides, her fingertips were itching to play too, and so you spent way more time than you actually planned in front of the TV.
,,OH MY GOSH!’’ you suddenly whined.
,,Mh?’’ Saeyoung asked you as he worriedly looked at you.
,,I can’t play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive anymore!’’ you whined louder.
,,I always knew that you weren’t an innocent lady like everyone said,’’ your fiancé chuckled and began to type something on the computer.
Half an hour later, he finally told you that you could play again.
,,You really hacked the server?’’ you asked him. However, before he could even answer, you were already deep in your game, not looking to him anymore and instead shooting down your enemies.
,,Holy cow, babe, I’m scared of you…’’ he laughed when he saw how good you actually were.
You happily grinned since you thought that Saeyoung was joking, but the truth was that you were really amazing.
,,Your opinion on Destiny 2?’’ he suddenly asked you.
,,Mhhh…’’ you mumbled and shook your head.
,,So many problems. They didn’t reset the trials and now we have Loot-Problems,’’ you sighed.
Saeyoung nodded as he followed you.
,,So my 606 is a gamer. I like you even more now,’’ he laughed and kissed you.
Afterwards, he played with you and noticed that you were much better than you seemed.
Your boyfriend looked away as you shot down another enemy.
,,I don’t like it,’’ he whispered and made you look at him.
,,I’m sorry, Saeran,’’ you apologetically smiled.
You felt guilty since you really loved shooting games.
However, over the years, Saeran got used to the games you played, to the noises of the guns, screams from characters, and to the sounds of the characters walking through the forest.
And at some point, he even tried to play it too.
However, even though you were a really good player, you were pretty bad at explaining.
But at least it was always pretty easy to decide on a present for you.
Weekends like these were always the best.
The two of you on the couch, the console in your hands, and you guys playing together to shoot down enemies.
,,We’re a dream team!’’ you laughed and kissed him.
,,We will always be,’’ he nodded and kept shooting down another figure.  
Since Jihyun’s eyesight wasn’t the best yet, you tried to hold back.
But there weren't many times when the both of you could play.
Even though you were a big fan of violent and loud shooting games, you were still a mother.
And so you wanted to protect your daughter Lucy.
But you still played a lot and you were still the best between the both of you.
,,Hahaha, you still can’t achieve that level,’’ you teased him.
You still remembered when you first confessed that you liked to play these kinds of games.
Jihyun didn’t really like it since there was a lot of violence and triggers.
But by now he noticed that as long the both of you kept playing with limits, playing was okay.
And he actually enjoyed going to conventions with you and Yoosung, shooting pictures of all the new contacts you guys made and then returning home.
25.03.2020// 22:10 MEST
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