#also sorry if the audio is loud it sounds fine to me but my ear is kinda meh
Fallout video update
Read more bc I'm shy I don't usually edit videos
I like this more but I'm still not happy happy with it I'm not sure why, but I did add captions for the song so there's that
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All About Eavesdropping - Loki x Reader - Words: 1,835
“You want us to what?” You yelled. 
“I need you and Elsa here to go to Greenland for about a month,” Tony said. You stared at him from across his worktable in his lab. 
“Why in Valhalla would we need to do that, Stark?” Loki retorted. “And don’t call me Elsa.” Tony had called the two of you in there right after breakfast saying that he had a very important job for you. This, however, did not seem to be all that special.
“For purely scientific purposes, of course,” He replied, mouthful of blueberries.
“And those would be?” You sighed, facedesking. 
“The new winter stealth suits I designed. I need them tested in the field. I’ve run as many lab tests as possible but,” Tony shrugged. “Field tests are absolutely necessary. Everything you’ll need is either in these boxes or in the house in Greenland. If you want to take any other personal stuff you’ll want to grab it before you leave.”
“And you think we’re the best for the job?” You asked.
“He’s already a popsicle so if it gets too cold he can deal with it and you can heal yourself or him anyway,” Tony said like it was the most logical thing in the world. Loki tensed at his words but didn’t say anything about it.
“Fine,” Loki grunted. He grabbed the box Tony had marked for him and headed for the doors. 
“You leave at 6! Don’t be late!” 
“I wouldn’t dare disappoint you, Stark,” Loki sassed before finally stalking out. 
“Have fun!” Tony grinned at you, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“First of all, perv. Second of all, ain’t gonna happen!” You replied. “Why are you doing this? This whole thing is a direct attack on a part of him he doesn’t like to address!” 
“Well I figured he has to grow up one day and deal with it. We all have inner demons to fight. I figured I’d help him.”
“A bit not good there, Sherlock.” Tony snorted in laughter and shook his head. 
“Would you rather I send him with Steve?” Your eyes widened comically.
“Nope!” You exclaimed, popping the p. “I think we’ll do just fine.” You grabbed your box and headed out as well.   
By 6 o'clock, the two of you were flying out on one of Tony's jets. "So, what do you think of the new suits?" You asked Loki, trying to make some conversation.
"They are no match for true Asgardian leather and would be greatly improved by at least a cape," He replied sounding rather bored. 
"Oh," You said. "How exactly are we to be testing the suits again? I forget what Tony said."
"He said nothing, darling. It was all in his infernal little packet." You blushed lightly at the pet name and nodded. 
"Alright, well, I guess I'm just going to," You paused, unsure of what to do. It was obvious Loki was not interested in conversation but there wasn't much to do on the jet. "I'm just going to sit over there," You said, getting up quickly and moving to the other side of the jet. The rest of the flight was quiet, Loki only speaking up to alert you that you were about to land. 
"Surely the man of iron could not possibly want us to stay here," Loki said, getting out and seeing the small house.
"Maybe it's bigger on the inside," You said hopefully. Gathering your few things, you both headed in. "Oh this is so much worse," You groaned. The large main room consisted of the dining and living rooms and the kitchen. However, it was very sparsely decorated. You could see a stack of groceries in the kitchen along with a note. Loki wandered off to explore the bathroom and bedrooms, you assumed, while you read the note. 
"Find anything of interest?" Loki called out, surprising you.
"Just that Tony said if we didn't like the food or somehow ran out there's a grocery store about 10 miles away."
"And just how does he expect us to go there?" Loki yelled, getting increasingly frustrated. 
"The note says our transportation is out back." You walked down the small hallway to the back door and looked outside. Stifling a laugh you called out, "Hey, Loki! I think your ex is here!"
"My who?" Loki replied, very confused. "I have no 'exes', as you call them, on Midgard." You smirked and moved aside so Loki could look. When he saw what was in the backyard, a strange look crossed over his face. "Run," He said in a dangerously calm voice. 
"I beg your pardon?" You replied.
"Run if you don't want to lose your phone," He smirked back. You laughed but you did take off running. He chased you back out to the main room but you ran out the front door. "Don't think you can escape me!" He called out. 
"Wanna bet?" You called back, running to the backyard. You quickly jumped on one of the two horses you had seen and took off. 
"Oh, you'll regret saying that, my dear," Loki grinned, getting on the other horse and taking off after you. 
The next few days continued in a similar pattern. There wasn't much to do so you and Loki would often spend your time exploring the woods behind the house or riding the horses or just talking. Loki had warmed up to you quite a bit, pun intended, and you were quite happy. Of course, you recorded the events of each day in your diary. Well, it was less of a diary and more of a collection of special moments you wanted to remember and sketches you'd made. You had just finished writing today's events when you heard a loud clatter and Loki call you from the kitchen.
"Y/N!" He said. "Can you come here please?" You quickly put your notebook in the nightstand drawer and hurried out to the kitchen.
"What in the world happened, Loki?" You exclaimed, holding back a laugh. Loki was laying on the floor, covered in a mixture of flour and eggs it seemed, with various cups and bowls around him. 
"I was attempting to reach a mixing bowl on the top shelf when I slipped on an egg and pulled the shelf down," He admitted.
"You're telling the truth!" You gasped, openly chuckling at the situation now.
"Of course, love! I couldn't lie to you." You blushed brightly, as he often made you do with those pet names. 
"Uh, well," You stuttered. "Why don't you go wash up and I'll finish," You paused, glancing around. "Whatever you were making."
"I was attempting to make breakfast," He grinned. "But I think I should make myself clean instead, hm?" 
"Yes, you should," You smirked. "Wouldn't want anyone thinking you were greying early."
"You-" He exclaimed, standing quickly. For a moment you thought he was truly angry, but his eyes sparkled with mischief. He reached onto the counter and threw a handful of flour at you before running off to the bathroom. You laughed, dusted yourself off, and got to work on breakfast.
About an hour later, he came back out and sat across you at the counter. "Your breakfast, my prince," You smiled, presenting him his plate. He smiled and you ate in silence for a time. 
"I've been reading a lot lately," He commented. 
"Mhm," You replied, mouthful of syrupy pancakes. 
"The last book I read had some rather interesting sketches in it too."
"Really?" You asked, truly interested. "I love art. Can you show it to me?" You took a large gulp of milk as he replied.
"My dear," He said, setting down his fork. "I read your diary." You coughed, almost choking on your ill-timed drink. 
"You what?" You screeched. "How dare you invade my privacy like that and-"
"Don't you care to know what I thought?" He interrupted.
"Why? So you can laugh at me, oh Mr. High-and-" He cut you off by leaning over the counter and kissing you earnestly. "Oh, that's nice," You said once you pulled away. 
"Just nice?" He smirked. "I guess I'll have to work on that." He kissed you once more before you pulled away, cheeks flushed and eyes wide.
"I just remembered something!" You gasped. 
"What's wrong?" You quickly pulled out the pamphlet Tony had made you about the suit testing. You then gestured to a paragraph under a subheading of RECORDING ANY AND ALL TEST RESULTS
Loki grinned and leaned into you, lips brushing against your ear. He whispered something and you giggled. "Loki!" You gasped. "We can’t do that here!"
"Oh, yes," He purred. "We can do it anywhere we want if we're creative enough." 
"But outside is so much more exciting," You grinned. "So," you paused, struggling to find the right word. "Freeing!"
"Please do not do anything outdoors where I can see!" You heard a loud voice yell. You both quickly realized it was coming from the monitoring system.
"Steve? Is that you?" You called back with a chuckle. 
"Yeah, Tony insisted I take a turn on guard duty," He grumbled. "Look, I'm sorry I interrupted," He paused awkwardly. "Whatever you were doing but could you please not do it outside? Outside has cameras." Loki laughed loudly and you did too. 
"We really didn't mean to prank you, Cap. I thought Tony was on the other end of that mic."
"I however have no objections to how this turned out," Loki added. You whacked him arm lightly and shook your head. "Truthfully, though, we were only speaking of testing another aspect of the suit. I whispered to Y/N my idea and-"
"I get it," Cap replied quickly. You couldn't see him but you could tell he was embarrassed. "I'll make you two a deal. Behave yourselves, finish the tests, and get home early and I'll help you prank Tony here in the tower. Ok?"
"You have yourself a deal, Captain," Loki grinned. 
"Alright. I'm going to take a nap now. Don't do anything stupid."
"Oh we won't," Loki smirked, wrapping his arms around you and planting light kisses on your neck.
"Loki!" You squealed.
"Do you want to prank Tony or not?" Steve yelled. "I can't see you but I can hear you! And that didn't sound like suit testing. Get to work! If you do as you're supposed to, you'll be done in a week."
"Yes, sir," You both grumbled. Loki, ever the mischief maker, wasn't about to let up. He grabbed a towel and twirled it, smacking your backside with it as you walked away. 
"What was that for?" You asked.
"Loki, did you just-"
"For purely scientific purposes, I assure you," He replied. Steve groaned in frustration.
"This is gonna be a long week."
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bratkook · 4 years
rough hands. (m) jjk
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pairing : tattooed!jungkook x tattooed!reader (slight fuckboy!jk)
word count : 12k, (i hate myself why cant i ever write anything shorter than 10k goodbye)
genre : (fr)enemies to lovers, smut, this is for @mygukandonly​ ty for the idea and for sharing my thirst for jungkook lmao also ps. if you read this/enjoy it pls reblog bc tumblrs tags are dead af tysm
warnings : overstimulation, dirty talk (its kinda sweet tho?), playful banter during sex, unprotected sex
summary : how is he meant to confess that he’d tear off his left arm for you if you asked when he can see the way you look at him in disgust when his nervous rambling leads to retelling the raunchy stories of girl’s past
The muffled sound of your roommate and his best friend laughing in the kitchen can be heard through your bedroom wall, a smile spreading across your face when you hear Hoseok’s telltale joyous laugh, no doubt in the middle of telling a story. 
You rake your fingers through your hair once more, fluffing it up and stepping back from the mirror to give yourself a once over, your hands tugging down on the tight dress you had on. The black shiny latex hugging your curves in all the right spots and you smirk as excitement fills you when you think of the dumb shit you and your best friend Rina were going to get into tonight.
In the kitchen Hoseok pours another shot for himself and Jungkook, the two of them energized at going out tonight as well, the video game demo they had been working on at work had gotten approved, being given the green light to move further into it so they would be celebrating tonight. The rest of his friends were set to arrive at your shared apartment for some pregame drinks before they left to their designated bar of choice.
“Y/N! Take a shot.” Hoseok shouts out when you step out of the hallway, his head peeking out by the breakfast bar to see you. He’s wearing a simple white tshirt, his colorful tattooed arms on full display as he holds out a shot glass for you to take. As you step closer to grasp it Jungkook’s eyes bulge out at what you’re wearing, he chooses to throw back his shot, letting the burn of tequila take his mind off how hot you looked. Jungkook has had it bad for you for so long, you and Jungkook have ran in the same circle since high school, not exactly friends but there was always a mutual friend linking you two together.
Jeon Jungkook has always been shameless, even at the young age of 16, when his hair was all bangs and the only thing on his mind was bands, shows, and girls. His debauchery only worsened in college when his muscles bulked up and he started experimenting with tattoos, there is nothing horny college girls love more than a man with long black hair and inked sleeves so of course he embraced it. 
The social circle you two shared slowly dwindled away after the first year of college as people dropped out, moved out of state or started a career while you finished your schooling. Because of that, you hadn’t really seen or heard much about Jungkook during your last year of college, not sure if he ever finished, dropped out or took a year off. It wasn’t until fate had you responding to a room mate needed ad that lead you to Jung Hoseok and in turn leading you right back to Jeon Jungkook, full circle.
And in that reunion it was made clear that he had stayed exactly the same, the same 16 year old mentality trapped inside a bulked out tattooed man, his new found goal being getting under your skin because he loved seeing you upset.
Your eyes meet Jungkook’s as you grab the shot glass, standing right beside Hoseok as he pours himself yet another shot. He just smirks at you, noticing your added height with the platform shoes you have on, “If you wear those shoes you can get on all the rides at Disney.”
He hides his smile behind the glass, seeing you roll your eyes as you throw back the shot, glaring at him once you swallow it, “Oh shut up, I’m normal sized, it’s not my fault you’re a fucking Titan.”
Hoseok laughs loudly at your comeback, his shoulders nudging Jungkook and seeing him fighting back a smile at your reaction, “Touché.”
The contents of the tequila bottle start to dry out so Hoseok pushes it away, opting for grabbing a cup to start making drinks to pace himself until his friends show up. You have the beginnings of a buzz warming you up, sliding out your phone to see that Rina texted you to come over, wanting to pregame as well before you went out together.
As you start texting her back your ears tune in to the story Jungkook had decided to start telling, reminiscing on the last time they had all gone out to that dive bar. His hands are animated as he tells Hoseok about the drunk girl he had his eyes on, the both of them ending up in the gross bathroom while she gave him a sloppy blowjob, stopping halfway through to puke all over the floor and how it had absolutely wounded his ego. Him and Hoseok are bent over in hysterics as you lock your phone and roll your eyes, like clockwork Jungkook had to start talking about his sexual escapades, “And that’s my cue to fuck off.”
You shove your phone into your tiny side bag as you start to walk away and Jungkook presses his lips together as he realizes once again he said something he shouldn’t have. Hoseok turns to look at you, “You sure you don’t wanna come out with us? It’ll be more fun than that fetish club you’re into.”
You laugh at him, acting as if he didn’t frequent that club as well, “Is Iseul joining you?”
He frowns at the mention of his girlfriend, getting a little sad that she would in fact not be joining him, “No, she’s got an early shift tomorrow so she cant.”
“Sorry but if she’s not there I’m not interested.” You tease with a shrug, throwing your arm up in a wave before leaving your apartment, the door slamming behind you.
Jungkook instantly sulks once you’re gone, mentally slapping himself for always managing to say stupid shit around you. He couldn’t help himself, the small crush he had spawned in high school when you were still the timid girl that wore band tees two sizes too big, and now that you had matured into this, all leather and stockings and tattoos that rivaled his, that crush had bloomed and with it came plenty of wet dreams and fantasies. 
He knew he stuck his foot in his mouth every time you two ended up in the same vicinity but his usual confident and cocky self became a nervous fucking wreck around you. His brain chose to either rile you up with mean jokes or let his mouth run on autopilot. Unfortunately the only two topics programmed in consisted of shit regarding his job as an audio engineer for video games or his raunchy one night stands. More often than not it was the latter, talking about vulgar things made you walk away, if he talked about technical shit that you didn’t know about, it left room for questions from you and more of a chance for him to embarrass himself.
He uncaps the tequila bottle again and tips it back, taking a swig from the bottle and accepting that he’d have to live with annoying you from afar.
Its not until you come home that night, absolutely hammered, while hes there that he gets the first glimpse that maybe his dreams aren’t so far fetched. He’s stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living room, the buzz of the night having left him a while ago, a bowl of cheerios in his hand that he’s currently shoveling into his mouth when you stumble in, tripping over the doors threshold as you giggle and attempt to shut it quietly as to not wake up Hoseok.
Jungkook smirks with a mouthful of cereal as you press your forehead against the door and double over in hushed laughter, no doubt remembering something stupid that happened earlier. “You okay?” He finally speaks up, scaring you, you whip around in shock and slam your back against the door, a small whimper of pain leaving you as you slide down until your butt meets the floor.
“Oh shit.” He sets his bowl down and goes over to make sure you’re okay, your body is slumped on the floor with your legs sprawled out and he forces himself to just stare at your face, a small frown on it now that you realize how drunk you are. But thanks to that, the usual dont touch me attitude you normally have is missing, letting Jungkook scoop you up by the arms. He swallows as his fingers go down to tug the hem of your dress since it had rode up from you sliding down, his fingers lingering slightly on your thigh.
Your head lolls over now that he’s holding you up and away from the wall, a small smile on your face as you stare at him, your finger coming up to gently prod at the bar he has in the center of his lip, seeing them curl up as well because fuck are you drunk.
Your eyes are having trouble focusing on him with the dim light and the two shots you took just as you left the bar finally settling into your system but you make him out just fine, the weird orange glow coming from the kitchen illuminating him enough for you to see him. “You’re really cute in this lighting.” You slur out.
Jungkook just blushes, not knowing how to respond to you because you complimenting him was not the norm. When your brain decides that your head is far too heavy to hold up it drops back, showing him the expanse of your neck and the beautiful peony you have at the side of it, just under your ear, leading up to the spot where your neck meets your collarbone and Jungkook can’t stop himself from thinking of sucking hickeys into the skin there, the purple splotches coloring the blackwork tattoo.
“Wow, you’re sloshed.” He hauls you up, the muscles on his body clearly not being for show as he carries you to your room. He flicks the light on and gently places you on your mattress, hearing you groan in protest but otherwise not moving. His hands start to unbuckle the straps to your shoes, cute leopard print platform heels with the words doll face adorning the toe strap and it was very much you.
They land on your hardwood floor with a loud thud but you don’t register it, your eyes staying shut as you shove your face into your sheets. He opts for leaving you in your dress, shoes were fine but clothing was uncharted territory so he just unfolds the fluffy throw blanket at the edge of your bed and drapes it over you. His hands turn you over until you’re on your side, a stack of pillows at your back so he knows you won’t run the risk of choking on your puke if the situation arises. When he knows you’re no longer at risk of dying he starts to get up, your hands coming to grasp his and it startles him to see your drunk eyes blinking at him softly.
Your lips are moving but he can’t make out what you’re saying so he inches closer, “Huh?”
When hes about a foot away your hands cup his cheeks and bring him in for a quick kiss, the scent of vodka filling his nose as he feels the softness of your lips, “Thank you Jungkookie.” The phrase slurs together in an almost incomprehensible sentence but he hears it as he pulls back, your eyes shutting and your hands dropping and laying limp beside you as you knock out.
Jungkook just stands at the edge of your bed, watching you sleep for a moment before he scurries out to the living room, forgetting about his cereal and collapsing onto the couch to crash, his hands rubbing his eyes almost as if he’s trying to wake himself up from the dream he swears hes in.
His night had been restless, he couldn’t even blame it on sleeping on a couch, he usually did that when he and Hoseok went out and he had to carry his best friend home. No his dreams had consisted of you and that damned latex dress, the small innocent kiss you gave him spurring him on, so he was thankful when he woke up and no longer had to be scared of you walking in on him saying some shit in his sleep.
Hes currently sprawled out on the couch, shirtless with his grey sweats on, one hand tucked behind his head as the other fiddled with his phone, scrolling through instagram and shamelessly rewatching your story for the millionth time. He just couldn’t stop replaying a video of you speaking into the camera, very drunk with a massive smile as you tried to get your friend who was in the background to face the camera, erupting into a laugh that made him smile along.
His finger presses down on his screen, pausing the video as his ears pick up the sound of a bedroom door opening, either Hoseok was up or you were. He wasn’t sure who he was hoping for but when he sees his friend walk out of his room with bedhead he wishes it was you.
Hoseok smacks his lips together a few times, his squinty eyes looking at Jungkook as he smiles, “How’d those jäger shots treat you?”
Jungkook laughs as he recalls Hoseok egging everyone on to take more of them, sitting up and ruffling his wavy hair, “I can still bounce back as quick as I did when I was 16.”
Hoseok just groans, his palm rubbing his forehead, “Wait until you hit 26.” He waddled into the kitchen and begins rummaging around, the sound of pills shaking in a container being a telltale sign that Hoseok desperately needed advil.
“Hungry?” He calls out and Jungkook hums in response, he was very hungry, he hadn’t wanted to get up and make himself food since last time he did he had mistakenly used up the last of your oat milk and you had been furious, tossing the empty carton at his head when you had tried to make yourself a bowl of cereal. “You cool with pancakes?”
“Dude you could give me a still frozen eggo waffle and I’d be grateful.”
Hoseok laughs loudly at his statement, pots and pans clanking together as he sets up and Jungkook winces, your bedroom shared a wall with the kitchen so it was only a matter of time until the noise woke you up.
It takes roughly 15 minutes of Hoseok chatting and the noise of the mixer to stir you from your sleep. Your mouth is dry and your eyes are pulsing from your headache when you fully awake, pushing yourself up from your bed you’re confused as to how you even got into it. The black dress you wore dug into your skin, the straps leaving deep imprints in your shoulders from the way you slept.
“What the hell.” You moan out, rolling your neck and staring down at the mountain of pillows that were laid out in a specific shape. Had Hoseok hauled your ass to bed last night?
The muffled sounds of chatter start back up, the smell of pancakes slipping under the crack in your door and you grin, hoping Hoseok had added chocolate chips into the mix.
Pancakes were a necessity right now, your stomach felt hollow and from past experiences if you waited too long to eat after drinking all night your hangover would last way longer, so you stand up, your sore feet aching as you shuffle to your drawers and pull out comfortable clothes.
When your door creaks open Jungkook stops talking, his fork staying impaled in the pancakes as the sound of your feet padding on the hardwood floor gets closer. Hes sat on the tall barstool facing the breakfast bar, Hoseok stood on the other side of it, both of them in the middle of eating when you finally show yourself.
Your eyes zero in on Jungkook and you frown, hes sitting shirtless, half of his back and side facing you, letting you see the swirls of black ink that cover the majority of his body. Your eyes follow the dragon that starts on his shoulder, tracing the head all the way down as its body curves and twists until the tail peaks away under the hem of his sweats, but you can’t drool over him, no matter how delicious he looked so you opt for being a brat.
“Don’t you have a home?”
Hoseok chokes on his laughter, seeing Jungkooks cheeks redden as he stares back at his plate. Did you not remember planting one on him last night? You were very drunk but c’mon, could the universe throw him a bone for once.
“Here, your stacks are over there, chocolate chips and all.” Hoseok flicks behind him, your gaze following and seeing the plate of pancakes with your name written all over it. The smile you have contrasts deeply with the look you had just given Jungkook, you were a sucker for chocolate chip pancakes.
You walk into the kitchen space and fix yourself up a plate, scooping out some of the leftover eggs in the pan and choosing to stand next to Hobi instead of sitting beside Jungkook. You’re both crammed on the small counter space beside the sink, the two of you had never gotten around to buying a dining table and always suffered the consequences so you always managed. 
You lift up the plate to your nose and inhale, sighing in appreciation, “Hoseok, Iseul is one lucky lady. Why hasn’t she put a ring on it yet?” You tease, setting the plate down and grabbing the syrup bottle to drown your pancakes in the sticky goodness.
Jungkook is blatantly staring at your plate in disgust, his eyes looking between his plate and your own, your pancakes covered in the thick syrup, the excess dripping off and pooling into your eggs.
“Jesus what.” You snap, setting the bottle down rather aggressively, sending him daggers as his face scrunches up at your food.
“Thats fucking disgusting.”
“You like your pancakes bone dry, I don’t fucking judge you so don’t judge me. We’ll see who’s laughing when you’re choking on your dry ass food.”
Hoseok just stands there as he eats his eggs, a stupid smirk on his face as you banter like children. It’s always entertaining for him, he wishes he could record every interaction because you and Jungkook were the same person, the same sick sense of humor and quick drags made for some interesting comebacks.
He can see Jungkook getting increasingly flustered as you both continue shooting insults at each other about breakfast food, the dreaded oat milk fiasco being brought up and when you point your fork at Jungkook threateningly thats when Hoseok steps in as referee. “Alright, alright children enough!”
He raises his arms up, silencing you both and forcing you to drop your makeshift weapon, “Jungkook, you know the oat milk scandal is a sensitive subject so minus 10 points for bringing it up.” Jungkook glares when you poke your tongue out at him, “And Y/N, Jungkooks right, you drowning your shit in syrup is disgusting so minus 15 points for that.” And now Jungkook is grinning at you mockingly, enjoying the shock on your face as you look at Hoseok, calling him a traitor and picking up your plate to go eat in your room since no one fucking appreciates me in this stupid house!
When your door slams shut Jungkook chuckles, his tongue prodding at his cheek as he shakes his head and resumes eating his breakfast. Hoseok holds his coffee cup next to his lip as he stares at his friend, “You two fight like a married couple.”
Jungkook’s reaction is immediate, scoffing and rolling his eyes, “She’s just annoying.”
Hoseok hums, nodding along like he believes Jungkook, “Ah, so are we both still pretending you don’t have it bad for her?”
That gets a real reaction from the younger boy, his eyes darting to the wall that you share with the kitchen before glaring back at his friend, “Dude!” He whines, his shoulders sagging, “Do you want her to hear you?” Hoseok just cackles, grabbing his dishes and placing them in the sink to start washing them. Jungkook just continues grumbling to himself, his fork clanking against the plate as he stabs his pancakes aggressively.
“Give yourself some credit Kook, she doesn’t hate you like you think she does.” Jungkook found that hard to believe, your morning greeting of accusing him of being homeless due to him always being at your place showed him how you really felt, but last night was the first time he had felt like maybe deep down you thought he was cute enough to kiss.
“Last night,” he starts off, setting his fork down, “she came home at like 4am totally wasted, I don’t even know how she managed to climb the stairs up to the front door. I carried her to bed and she uh, she kissed me.” He whispers the last part, his eyes glancing at the shared wall again, praying you were listening to music and not hearing this conversation.
Hoseok shuts off the faucet, whipping around with wide eyes, “Huh? Like coherently kissed you with tongue down your throat or like drunk peck kissed you?”
“The second one.”
The expression on Hoseoks face doesn’t comfort Jungkook, he’s pouting in sympathy, “I mean, she kisses Iseul with tongue and everything-”
“Okay but-wait what?” Jungkook stops himself from interrupting further, his interested piqued in hearing about you and Hoseok’s girlfriend making out. It was a regular occurrence, if you both got drunk enough the compliments began and before Hoseok knew it you and his girlfriend were swapping spit and then acting like nothing happened as you entered the dance floor.
His friend rolls his eyes at the look Jungkook throws at him, “Yeah, I think Iseul loves her more than me.”
“Okay well tell her to get in fucking line.” Jungkook jokes, “But no, she kissed me last night and considering she doesn’t like me within her bubble it has to mean something right?”
Hoseok pats his hands dry as he approaches the breakfast bar again, Jungkook looks unsure, his teeth nibbling on his lip piercing as he stares at him. The conversation had switched over drastically from Jungkook pretending he wouldn’t lay his body across a puddle of water for you to cross, now he looked like a nervous teenager that didn’t want to get rejected by his crush.
“I don’t know dude, you’re gonna have to say something to find out.”
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Hoseok knew more than he would ever tell Jungkook, you had openly confessed to wanting to climb him like a tree only if he wore a muzzle a few months back so Hoseok knew Jungkook had a chance at least. The only issue was he wasn’t sure just sleeping with you would be enough for his friend, the crush he had been harboring was too strong for a one night stand and he wasn’t convinced you’d want the same so Hoseok kept his mouth shut, letting you two figure it out.
He tried his best to make it so you two would be around each other, always inviting Jungkook over or inviting you out with them but Jungkook never did himself any favors, he needed you guys to hang out in a different environment that didn’t require loud music and other girls so when his girlfriend suggests taking a weekend trip to her family’s lake cabin he doesn’t think twice before inviting you to join.
The weather lately had been miserable, the highs skyrocketing into the 100s so you didn’t hesitate to say yes, on the condition that you could bring your best friend with you just in case the rest of Hoseoks friends were just as immature as Jungkook was.
When the day comes you and your friend have to leave a few hours after the rest of the group does, having to wait for Rina to get off her short morning shift before you embark on the 2 hour drive. So walking into the cabin you’re met with some unfamiliar faces staring back at you from their place on the couch. You give a wave, spotting Iseul on a lounger, she smiles widely and hops up, bounding over to you and wrapping you in a hug.
“Yay, you made it!” She pulls back and greets Rina, standing beside you both and gesturing to the full room. “Guys this is Y/N and Rina.” They all wave back as she starts to introduce them in order, Jimin had red hair and a nose ring, Yoongi had grey hair and a rose tattoo on his hand, The last one to be introduced is Taehyung, brown hair and a wide smile, giving you and your friend a wave. Jungkook and Hoseok give you a wave as well, no introductions needed for them.
Due to your late arrival all the rooms have already been decided on, Jimin and Yoongi lucking out with securing the master suite but you and Rina had no complaints, grateful to have even been invited.
Now that introductions were out of the way and everyone was here Hoseok announces that hes gonna start up the grill outside to make some food. Everyone gets up to start assisting but you and Rina head back out to haul your bags in along with the alcohol and groceries you bought.
The weather is humid and gross, your skin tacky with sweat so you’re wearing the least amount of clothing you can. Already in a stringy gray bikini, a loose cut up tank top and the shortest shorts Jungkook has ever seen on you. Your tattoos on full display, the florals that cover your entire left arm, reaching your shoulder, he follows them up and over his eyes glued to the bold lines on your back that peek out when your shirt moves.
When you bend over to set down the box of drinks he stares at your ass, trailing down the soft skin of your thighs that were bare compared to the rest of your body. Tae elbows him harshly, “So thats Y/N I’m assuming?”
Jungkook grunts in response, swallowing when he sees you pull your hair up, exposing your neck and that tattoo he desperately wants to mark up, “You ever gonna make a move?”
“I don’t have the balls.”
Tae hums, “Great, well I do so see ya.” He slaps his arm and Jungkook thinks hes joking until Taehyung actually makes his way over to you, offering to help carry your bag to your room upstairs. The grateful smile you give him makes Jungkooks face twitch, you only ever smiled at him like that when you were wasted
Taehyung wasn’t actually going to hit on you, he wasn’t a cruel friend. He was just going to flirt harmlessly, give Jungkook a reason to fucking make a move. Rina is all giggles as she watches you follow Tae up the stairs, pointing towards the room you had been assigned.
As he walks in front of you, making friendly conversation you take the time to stare at him. It seems all of Jung Hoseoks friends were fucking god sent, Tae’s fluffy brown hair and kind eyes were easy to warm up to, his style more toned down than Jungkooks, only a few minimal tattoos scattered on his arms.
He sets your bag down on the bed and turns to you with his hands on his hips, “Thank you.” You mutter out, walking over to the window and shutting the blinds slightly to stop the sun from beating into the room and warming it up further.
“Yeah no problem, have you ever been here before?” He asks, making himself comfy on your bed.
“No, never. Super glad to finally have a friend who can say they have a lake house though.”
He agrees whole heartedly, the both of you making your way back out of the room and into the dining room to try to see what you could help out with.
It only takes less than a hour for everyone to gather around the table, munching on their hamburgers and hotdogs as you listen to Hoseok, Yoongi and Iseul talking about the summers they used to spend here during high school, all of them having grown up together.
“You two went to high school together also right?” Iseul speaks up when the laughter dies down, her fingers pointing between you and Jungkook. She smirks to herself when she sees the look on Jungkook’s face, swatting Hoseoks hand away from her side as he tries to pinch her for putting the two of you on the spot, he knows what shes up to.
“Oh, yeah we did.” You sigh, shaking your head as you think back to high school and all the cringeworthy things that happened. “Had a lot of mutual friends but uh, we didn’t have lake house summer hangouts like you guys did. The closest we got was backyard house shows during the summer that reeked of B.O.”
Jungkook lets out a laugh, nodding along as he remembers the shows your group would end up at. The group you had was a pretty huge on, all of the kids in your grade that liked the same music tended to bunch together and do things as a herd so even though you technically went to shows together it wasn’t one on one.
“Wait, do you remember that show the summer after high school where I dove off the stage–“
“Your dumbass always did that.”
He waves you off, determined to tell the story he sort of remembered, “I know, but this time all I remember was jumping off and then waking up with everyone huddled around me trying to call an ambulance.”
Your eyes widen as you recall the exact day he was talking about, it was a typical backyard show with too many underaged kids getting drunk off beer. Everything was set up like it normally was, a makeshift stage and amps against the brick wall with a small crowd huddled around it. The only difference was this house had a pool, an empty one, and although everyone had been cautioned to stay away, once people got hammered nothing mattered.
The crowd surrounding the stage was teetering close to the edge of the pool so you and your friend at the time chose to watch from the sidelines, and thats when a very drunk 17 year old Jungkook hopped onto the stage, wobbling onto the top of the drum kit and catapulting himself into the crowd. They had managed to catch him and started crowd surfing him back, right into the empty pool. Jungkook had been tossed into the deep end, head first and you had seen it all happen.
“There was so much fucking blood.” You shiver as you recall the group of you running into the pool to make sure he was alive. He had managed to bust his head open and as you saw him with blood dripping down his head you realized then that you really didn’t dislike him as much as you claimed you did because you really didn’t want him to die.
Jungkook throws his head back and laughs loudly, morbidly recalling how his friends had told him to go to the hospital in fear that he had a concussion or needed stitches and even though he said he was fine he was lowkey scared to sleep that night and not wake up the morning after.
Everyone laughs along, enjoying the way Jungkook turns a traumatic story into casual conversation. When Jimin asks what he did after he gained consciousness Jungkook just smirks as he drinks the last of his beer before shrugging, “I drank some more and got back into the crowd.”
You just cover your face in second hand embarrassment at the memory, a few laughs slipping out because yeah it had been slightly traumatic but also kinda funny.
“Have you changed much since high school?” You lift your head and see Taehyung had addressed his question to you and Jungkook chuckles under his breath, remembering your quiet demeanor.
It wasn’t until college that you came out of your shell, gaining confidence and experimenting with your fashion and hair colors, the tattoos covering your body increasing quickly. But Jungkook could say your personality has stayed the same, sure you were no longer timid, quick to bite back now but the personality he had found himself latching onto had stayed the same. Even when you two distanced yourselves he always thought of you, he liked to think it was fate that had you and him both knowing Hoseok.
“Definitely, for the better though.” Jungkook eyes his friend like a hawk, the small smirk on his face as he stares at you from across the table, making eye contact for a second before looking back at you. Jungkook sees the way you lean on the table, your cheeks tinting when you see the way he stares at you.
“I’d love to see photos, ya know, to compare.” The laugh you let out has Jungkook sulking. Taehyung was charming, all the girls flocking to him and usually Jungkook was the same but he turned into a jackass around you.
Hoseok sees his sulking friend and claps his hands to get everyones attention, “Alright I’m sure we’re all still sober enough to not fucking drown, lets go swim. I’m melting.”
Rina heads to the room to change since she was still in her work uniform so you wait for her on the back deck, resting on the porch rail and watching as they haul over fold out chairs and floaties to the water.
If you thought Hoseoks friends were hot fully clothed seeing them all taking their shirts off left you speechless, you stand with a wine cooler in your hand as one by one they start undressing. The only ones missing were Tae and Jungkook, both of them having been put on clean up duty.
“I wish this was a brazzers video and I was getting railed by all of them.” Your friend sighs as she pops up beside you and you just nod along, the two of you wiggling your eyebrows at each other.
“You coming?” Taehyung speaks up behind you, smiling to himself from having heard your friends statement and you two jump, your friend scattering away and saving herself from further embarrassment, she had her eyes set on Yoongi so thats who she was currently warming up to.
“Yeah,” you breathe out, taking in his shirtless body, his toned chest out in the sun like the golden god he was and then out comes Jungkook, his long black hair pushed off his face, fully shirtless in black swim trunks. As he stands next to Taehyung your mouth waters at the sight of both of them, Taehyung’s shoulders were wider than Jungkooks but the black and grey art work spanned across both of his arms and chest, leading to his back is definitely your type.
He catches you staring and smiles to himself, making a show of stretching his arm out to wrap around Taehyungs shoulders, shaking up his body, “Race you in?”
When he looks at you too you gulp down the last bit of your drink, setting down the bottle and slipping out of your clothes, not giving them a second glance as you scream out “Go!” and take off.
The dirt you run on slightly burns your feet and when you hear Jungkook and Taehyung catching up you scream, urging your legs to pick up the pace.
“Loser has to skinny dip!” Taehyung adds on to the rules, enjoying the annoyed look Jungkook sends his way, he knew what Taehyung was doing so he lurches forward until he’s right behind you.
You scream again when large tattooed arms wrap around you and haul you up and over their shoulder in a flash. You register that it’s Jungkook when you peak up and see Taehyung struggling to keep up, how Jungkook was able to carry you while also beating him had him baffled.
Jungkook would be damned if you had to strip in front of his friend so he feels no remorse, a smile stretching across his face when he hears you laughing, his hands are wrapped around your thighs just below your butt and he’s tempted to smack it but the cold water of the lake splashing onto his legs snaps him out of it.
“Fuck!” You screech as Jungkook enters the lake, the freezing water shocking you and he laughs again, sliding you off his shoulder to stand up on the lake bed.
“I didn’t expect it to be that cold.” He shivers next to you, dunking his head into the water before popping back up, his labret piercing glimmering in the sun.
Taehyung makes a show of splashing his way in, the water spraying everywhere and it has you shielding your face with a laugh, “Fucking cheater, is this your plan to see me naked Jungkookie?”
Jungkook smacks the water, the droplets spraying across Taehyungs face but he embraces it, laying back to float on the water with a smile, “No one said anything about getting naked until you spoke up, just say you wanna show off your monster cock and go.” He jokes, hearing Taehyung explode into laughter, choking slightly on the water as his head slips under from laughing.
You roll your eyes at the topic of dicks, “I don’t have a monster cock, unless you’re into that.” Taehyung teases you, trying to get further under Jungkook’s skin
“I could be.” You play along, it was now Jungkooks turn to roll his eyes, sinking further into the water until only his eyes were visible, could he drown himself here? He’s pretty sure you wouldn’t even notice if he didn’t come back up for air considering your eyes were glued to his friend. Jungkook was going to fucking strangle Hoseok for inviting him.
His eyes drift over to the right, seeing Hoseok, Iseul, Yoongi & Rina taking turns jumping off of it while Jimin floats on a flamingo floatie a few feet away. He starts to paddle his way over, not hearing any protest from you or his friend just reassures him that he made the right choice.
When Taehyung deems Jungkook is far enough he calls you closer, “Wanna know a secret?” That piques your interest, inching towards him with a curious face, “What if I told you I know someone who has a massive heart on for you.”
“Heart on?”
He laughs again, raking his hair off his face and nodding at you, “Yeah heart on, like a boner but for your heart.”
Note to self, yes all of Jung Hoseoks friends were just as immature as Jungkook was.
“I would tell you that I hope the person you say isn’t secretly married with kids.”
He floats onto his back again, his arms lazily paddling him to circle around you, “Oh no, our Jungkookie is definitely single.” He brings one hand up to cover his mouth, pretending to have slipped up.
“So what you’re saying is you don’t wanna fuck me?”
Your response is not one he expects but the way he bursts into laughter makes you smile, you had caught on to Taehyung’s antics, noting how he was friendly when you two were alone and only amped his flirting when Jungkook was present. You weren’t sure why he was using you to irritate Jungkook but if what he said was true it surprised you.
His loud laugh draws everyones attention and he rights himself up as to not choke on water again, “Like a brazzers video was it?” He teases, “He told me about your little smooch a few weeks ago.”
“Im sorry our little what?”
He wipes the water off his face, “Yeah, you came home drunk as fuck and he took you to bed and your predator ass planted one on him, with no consent. Shame on you.”
You splash water onto him, Jungkook sees it from his spot on the pier, a scowl on his face at seeing you acting playful with his friend, blissfully unaware that he was the topic of your discussion.
“Can you please grow a pair and tell her you love her.” Iseul moans out when she sees the look on the youngests face.
“Wait what?” Your friend asks and Jungkook turns around to give Iseul and Hoseok an exasperated look, “Seriously?”
Iseul just shrugs from her spot sat on the wood, not giving a damn about outing his crush in front of your friend and Hoseok just smiles, his foot planting on the center of Iseuls back and giving her a shove until she screams as she gets pushed into the water, beer bottle and all. He gives Jungkook a highfive until Iseul pops back up, her eyes full of rage as she holds up her ruined drink, “Jung Hoseok what the fuck!”
“Sorry babe, you kinda deserved it.”
Rina nudges Jungkook with her knee, her face making it very clear that Jungkook needs to fess up before she very loudly called you over. He sighs and hauls himself up until he’s standing and even though he’s towering over her Rinas face doesn’t soften, “Stop staring at me like that.” He grunts, “I just have a crush on her, its not like I confessed to something despicable.”
She crosses her hands over her chest as she stares at you and Taehyung still talking in the water and she can tell you’re not into him, you were both playful but she knew you very well, your flirting tactics not coming out to play with Taehyung but Jungkook doesn’t seem to notice this. She also knew that you’d secretly bend over for Jungkook if he ever asked but he didn’t have to know that right now, “Well you better say something cause it looks like your buddys making more progress in one day than you have the entire time you’ve known her.”
He groans in annoyance again, flicking water droplets at her face and deciding he was over this conversation, walking back to the cabin, not caring that he was dripping water everywhere.
You see him stalking away looking pissed off and Taehyung smirks, after coming to terms with the fact that you had in fact kissed Jeon Jungkook it only took a few more minutes of talking for you to also start confessing to not exactly being opposed to sleeping with him as well. Taehyung nudges your shoulder, “I swear to god if you don’t follow him I will be offended. No ones telling you to bang him, just talk because he swears you hate him.”
When you turn to glare at him he spits water at you until you’re relenting, “Fine, but if this is some sick prank I’ll shove my foot up your ass.”
“Ooh kinky.” He winks at you, laughing and beginning to paddle away when you turn and start wading out of the water. The sun beats on your back as you step out of the cold water, and you’re tempted to just go back and act like your conversation with Taehyung never happened but you’re curious now.
When you reach the back porch you hose yourself down, getting rid of any of the mud you trudged over before patting yourself dry with the towel you laid over the porch railing.
From the pier Iseul is pulling herself back up, announcing that she was about to go inside but Hoseok grabs her, all of them noticing you following Jungkook, “Fuck no, Y/N and Jungkook are the only ones in the house.”
She lets Hoseok keep his arms wrapped around her and smiles, crediting herself for being the one to push you two together and Hoseok groans, attempting to push her back into the water but she latches onto him, making them both tumble in with a splash.
You shut out their screams when you step into the house and close the sliding door, entering the kitchen and spotting Jungkook stood against the island, one of your wine coolers held against his lips. When he sees you staring at it he pulls it away quickly, “Shit, I’m sorry. I should’ve asked before grabbing one.” The last thing he needed was another oat milk fiasco.
You just shrug as you approach the island, resting your body against the granite across from him, “Nah, help yourself. Whats got your panties in a bunch?”
He sets the bottle down softly as he watches you, your hands clasped together, stretched out in front of you as you bent over the counter innocently. His teeth tug at the bar in the center of his lip, his inky strands covering his eyes but you can see his gaze peeking through, “Did I ever do anything to you for you to dislike me this much?”
You straighten up at his question, a frown tugging at your lips, you didn’t dislike him, you found him immature and he liked to push your buttons on purpose but you knew he was harmless. Obviously Jungkook didn’t know this considering Taehyung had just told you he thinks you hate him. “What, Jungkook I don’t dislike you?”
He scoffs, taking a swig of his drink with his brows raised, not believing you in the slightest, “Then why are you so mean to me when ever I’m around you.”
“Because you’re mean to me! You always say shit to get under my skin.”
Jungkook laughs at that, pushing his hair back and tossing the empty bottle into the paper bag set up on the counter, “Yeah because you’re easy to annoy.”
Your arms stretch out at his statement, “And so are you, you don’t see me moping like a baby. Besides I didn’t do anything to you out there so don’t try to pin your bad attitude on me today.”
He opens the fridge again, pulling out a water bottle instead before turning back around and staring at you, “Really, you didn’t do anything?”
You glare right back at him, walking around to meet him and snatch the water bottle out of his hands, call it even for him taking one of your wine coolers. “Please enlighten me on how I managed to ruin your day by not saying a word to you.”
Between you two running into the lake until he paddled away the only exchange you had was a curse word & Jungkook acknowledging the freezing water, where could you have possibly pissed him off.
He chooses on foregoing grabbing another water, his hands crossing over his chest, the muscles bulging out at the action but you force yourself to look away, “You objectifying my friend and talking about his monster cock isn’t you doing anything?”
You freeze from drinking the water, your cheeks ballooning out as you keep it in your mouth because what the fuck. Objectifying? You swallow the liquid, full on laughing now, theres no way he’s being serious. “You were the one that brought up his dick, are you dense?”
Okay, you had him there but he wasn’t going to admit defeat that easy, “Sure and you kept it going.”
You laugh louder at that, twisting the cap back onto the water bottle and tossing it at his chest lightly, smirking when you see him scramble to catch it, “The amount of times I’ve had to hear unwarranted stories about your dick in or around someone is fine but me joking with Taehyung is crossing a line?”
Jungkook presses his lips together, his mind repeating what everyone has been telling him all day. Tell her you jackass. “Yes because it fucking sucks hearing that shit from you.” He bites his tongue, stopping himself from blurting out the most important part, but his statement is enough to get you to believe what Taehyung had said earlier. Did Jungkook actually have a heart on for you?
“Why, are you jealous?”
“Yes.” He admits almost immediately, his response catching you both off guard, but the smirk on your face only gets bigger. Jungkook is wary of your reaction, not exactly fond of the way you look like you just caught your prey. When you reach out, your fingers gently touching his shoulders his wariness only deepens.
“Why would you be jealous about me wanting to fuck your friend?” Jungkook says nothing, your fingers continuing to trail up and down his shoulders softly and he likes the feeling of you touching him, wanting to lean into your touch but he’s not sure if you’re fucking with him or not. “Who knew all it would take was one kiss for Jeon Jungkook to get possessive.”
He blanches at your sentence, “Wait you remember?”
“Of course I do,” you lie, not wanting to tell him that Taehyung had been the one to remind you. You wanted to see how far you could push him until he admitted to something. The typical Jungkook you were used to was the one who went to bars and clubs and managed to score a handful of girls numbers before taking one home, the countless stories you’ve heard being proof of that. The Jungkook stood in front of you did not live up to the reputation you had seen.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I mean you were wasted so I just didn’t think you’d remember...” he trails off, unconsciously stepping back until hes pressed against the fridge.
“You wanna refresh my memory?” You’re half teasing him, half serious, enjoying seeing Jungkook looking like he’s about to explode.
He doesn’t get a chance to respond, the sound of the sliding door making you take a big step back before looking over. Jimin had his head peeking through the opening, a small grimace on his face as he realizes he interrupted something, “Sorry, we’re gonna go tubing if you guys wanna join.”
Jungkook hopes you say no because he can’t find the balls to speak up but you nod instead, turning to face Jungkook again, “Maybe later then.” Is all you say before turning around and following Jimin back out to the lake.
He watches you leave, bending over the island and groaning into the granite, where had that come from and why was he kinda into the way you spoke to him? Jungkook stands back up, taking a gulp of his water and following after you and Jimin.
Even when you’re all gathered on the boat, Rina being dragged in a giant circle tube beside Yoongi the both of them screaming, he can’t get your conversation out of him mind. His eyes focused in on seeing you laughing hysterically as you record your friend, a smile spreading across his face because your laugh is contagious.
When you hop onto the tube next, dragging Taehyung with you to further egg Jungkook on, Jimin slides over beside Jungkook and sighs, “Sorry about barging in earlier.” Jungkook just shakes his head, telling him not to worry about it, he didn’t mind it. Your words had spurred him on and all he wanted to do now was rip off that lifejacket you wore and take you in front of his friends but he knew no one would appreciate it.
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Later in the night everyone gathers inside and does their own thing, a few people playing board games while you retreat into your room, feeling sluggish from the water and sun so you sleep through the dinner everyone eats.
When you finally emerge from the room, your hair damp from your shower you find the living room dimly lit and empty, the clock above the stove letting you know it was 9 at night. There was two plates left out on the counter, wrapped in foil and you knew it was meant for you. As you near it you see the scrap of paper next to it, Iseul’s handwriting standing out.
Left on a hike to go stargazing, text us when its clear to come back.
You frown at the message, what did she mean by that?
Regardless you peel back the foil and smile at the food she had left for you, popping it into the microwave and picking yourself up to hop onto the counter as you wait.
When you slip your phone out and start to scroll through your socials the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs scares you, your eyes flicking up and seeing Jungkook trudging down, a baggy crew neck on him and his face looking flushed from the sun hitting it.
“You didn’t go on the hike?” You ask as he approaches you slowly, his face looks sleepy and you can tell he also took a nap from the way his eyes blink at you lazily.
“Hike?” He rasps out, his hand ruffling up his already messy hair, a small frown on his face from the foggy feeling he still had from just waking up.
“Yeah,” you hum, pulling out your plate and starting to eat it on the counter, “they left on a hike or something. Theres a plate there if you haven’t already eaten.”
He looks at where you’re pointing and he smiles when he sees it, his eyes also spotting the note left and skimming it. His friends were such instigators.
He lingers behind you, torn between eating or doing something to you. You’re hunched over the counter, your legs rocking you against it as you happily much on some of the roasted potatoes. His eyes lingered on your legs, your skin still exposed in a loose pair of cotton shorts, a baggy tshirt hanging off your shoulder and letting him see the tattoo of a bee hovering over a sunflower.
You can feel him stood behind you and you freeze, looking over your shoulder at him with your brows raised, “Why are you standing like that?”
He shakes his head, relaxing the stiff way he stood and leaning against the counter instead, flicking his hair out of his face as you keep staring at him. “Just thinking about what you said earlier.”
You pop a piece of chicken in your mouth as you hum, “What did I say?” pretending to act confused, a smirk curling up on your lip when you see the deadpan look he give you as he pushes off the counter.
The nervous Jungkook from earlier is gone, the shock from you egging him on earlier had passed and it just solidified that he wanted to have you. “About me refreshing your memory of our little rendezvous.”
You laugh at his term, setting your fork down to fully turn to him, “Do you want me to kiss you again?”
He smirks at you, now standing a foot away from you, your back pressed against the counter as you craned your head up to stare at him, “Among other things.”
“Other things?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, his hand reaching out to cup under your chin gently, “I’d like to bend you over this counter and fuck you until you’re crying. If you’re into that.” He smiles at the small gasp you let out, your eyes gleaming with desire at his words. You had thought you had the one up on him earlier but his change was a welcomed one, you wanted to experience the Jungkook you had heard about, rough and cocky.
You rest back onto your elbows as you stare at him, letting his thumb rub under your lip, “Oh really? Are you all talk?”
Jungkook scoffs, dropping his hands to cage you between him and the counter, his head dropping down a bit until your noses nudged together. “No, I always deliver.”
You don’t get a chance to respond, his head tilting slightly until your lips are together, the cold bar of his piercing pressing against you. Jungkook feels you relax into the kiss, glad that you weren’t pushing him away like he always swore you would. When he tests the water, gently licking his way into your mouth you groan, your hands coming up to clutch onto his sweater to tug him closer until his leg is between yours.
Kissing Jungkook felt natural, maybe it was the pent of sexual frustration you two had apparently had with one another but you just wanted to get to it. You drop one hand to trail down his thigh, palming his growing erection through his sweats.
He groans, pulling back from the kiss to rest his forehead against your, his soft breaths hitting your face as you continue to stroke him. “Feel that?” He hums softly, “Just wanna fuck you.”
You laugh gently, kissing his neck and feeling him roll his hips into your grasp, “How are you supposed to make me cry when you’re this needy?” Your teeth nip his skin, his hips stuttering when you do.
Jungkook just chuckles, the sound continuing when he trails his own hand down until hes dipping into waistband of your shorts, his fingers coming into contact with the wet spot on your underwear, “Keep it up.” He warns, “I’ll remember that in a bit.”
Your hands tighten their hold on him when he pushes your underwear aside to touch you directly, his fingers teasing your skin softly until he’s rolling your clit in a tantalizing manner. When you drop your head back and glare at him he just smiles, “Who’s needy now?”
“Still not crying.” You bite back.
Jungkook looks at you with his brows raised, new set determination on his face as he nods, stepping back from you and hooking his fingers into the waistband of your shorts and underwear, tugging them down your legs in a flash.
The cool air inside hits your wet folds and you gasp, kicking your discarded clothing aside on the floor and letting him drop to his knees in front of you. His long hair falls in front of his eyes, his hands grasping the top of your thighs to slide your legs apart with a grin.
He can see you wanting to speak up so he beats you to the punch, his nose nudging into your clit as he teasingly dips his tongue in between your folds to lick a broad stripe up. You let out a shuddered laugh, your hands reaching down to tangle in his head when he spreads you open with his fingers and starts to eat you out like a man starved.
Your eyes shut, your head falling back at a particular hard suck he gives your clit, his tongue going back to circle around your entrance to lap up your wetness. He groans at the taste of you, your hands tugging at his hair when he falls into a rhythm that has you quivering.
He slips two fingers into you, the feeling of your walls clamping down on him making him moan in anticipation of how you would feel around his cock.
Just like Jungkook is in every aspect of his life, he’s shameless in the way he pleasures you, the sounds of him slurping against you in combination with his fingers thrusting into you has you hurdling towards the edge faster than you’d like to admit.
You rest your weight on your elbow behind you, feeling your legs start to tremble and Jungkook notices, his arm wrapping around your thigh to help stabilize you. He can’t even get himself to gloat at having you fall apart this quickly, instead he enjoys you rolling your hips into his face, tugging his hair hard, your inner walls spasming as you reach your climax.
“Oh fuck.” You moan out, squeezing your eyes shut as your whole body is lit up, Jungkooks tongue continuing to flick your clit as you cum, his fingers slowing down slightly as you come down.
He can hear you breathing harshly, your fingers gently raking through his hair while he gives your pussy one last kiss before hes standing back up. His mouth and chin are covered in your arousal, his hand tugs up his shirt to wipe at his face, peeling it off his body and tossing it carelessly onto the floor.
“You’re not crying but its a start.” He mumbles out, his eyes trailing over your face as you stare at him fucked out. His talk was true, the small tidbits you’ve heard of him being able to make girls cum in record time hadn’t been a lie to boost his ego.
You look between you both, seeing his cock tenting in his sweats and you smile as you reach your hand into them, wrapping around his heavy length. He sees how your eyes widen at his size, you can tell he’s big and you haven’t even properly seen it yet.
When you tug them off you marvel at his size, big dicks would forever be your weakness and of course he’d have one. “I really wanna suck your dick,” you start, a small smile creeping up on your face as you give his cock a small pump, “but I’m not trying to barf my dinner up on the floor. Can’t have two girls puking over your dick in your lifetime right?” You knew his dick would make you choke and if you hadn’t just eaten you wouldn’t care, but barfing was definitely not a kink of yours.
Jungkook rolls his eyes, a laugh escaping his lips, “You’re the worst.” He shuts his eyes as you both start to chuckle. Jungkook doesn’t care, he was trying to make you cry, he didn’t need to have his dick sucked to do that.
“Its not just my height thats Titan size huh.” He jokes, laughing harder when you release his dick and groan, your faux annoyance being shown when you let him slide your shirt off of you, his hands coming up to cup your exposed breasts.
“No, I am not calling your dick Titan sized.”
“Oh no?” He asks, stepping closer until his length is pressed between your folds, a slow thrust starting that has you groaning, “This Titan dick can make you feel real good though.” He can barely utter out the sentence until he’s laughing again, burying his head into your neck at how stupid he sounded.
“You’re insufferable, I swear if you have an attack on titan fantasy I am walking away.” He lets out a playful whine, his mouth latching onto that tattoo he always wanted to kiss, his tongue softly licking at the skin as he sucks it, pulling back and humming when he sees the purple splotch in between the petals of the peony.
“I’m not that big of a weeb, can still make you feel good tho.” He mutters giving your lips another kiss, feeling you smile against him, your hands pushing him back by the chest.
You turn around, bending over the counter and shaking your hips slightly, “Show me.”
He bites his lip, his eyes staring at the slick coating your pussy, trailing down your thighs and he feels his dick twitch, not needing to be told twice. Jungkook presses his length against you, rutting between your folds, the both of you sighing as he coats his dick in your wetness.
“Remember, I wanna see you crying.” Is all he says before he’s pushing into you, the tip of him slipping in and he marvels at the way you spread around his girth as he thrusts further into you, a small moan leaving you when he bottoms out.
You wanna tell him that you won’t be crying tonight but the way he fills you up has you seeing stars, his dick nudging all the right spots inside of you so all you can do is tighten your walls around him and gasp for him to move.
Jungkook grasps your hips, his thumb tracing the outline of your back tattoo as he pulls back and starts a slow pace, determined to find the rhythm that has you falling apart.
When your hands grip the counter in front of you, helplessly trying to find purchase, your fingers knock into your dinner plate and swipe it into the sink beside you but you don’t register the noise and Jungkook grins when he hears the loud moan coming from you when he dick hits the back wall of your cervix.
You’re still sensitive from your last orgasm, so the feel of his thick cock stretching you open has you keening, your hips rutting back to meet his thrusts that have grown in speed, “Who’s needy now huh?” He grunts out, loving the sound of your skin slapping together, “Trying to fuck yourself on my cock, maybe you should do all the work then.”
When his hips still you whimper, twisting your head around to see him giving you an evil smirk, “Go on.” He urges, guiding your hips with his hands to get your started.
A heavy sigh fills the air as your hands press firmly onto the counter to ground yourself as you start to rock back onto him, a slow start until your need to cum again takes over and you speed up your movements.
“Good girl.” He praises, his hand reaching forward to push your hair over your shoulder, his hand trailing down your spine until it reaches your ass, his hand palming your flesh as he groans when he locks into the view of his dick, seeing the way you’re creaming on it.
The sweetest moans reach his ears, he can feel the way your velvety walls tighten around him further, “Fuck Jungkook.” You moan out, you can feel the sweat building up on your skin from exertion and he takes sympathy on you, knowing you want to cum again.
He leans over a presses a kiss against your shoulder before he takes over again, resuming the brutal pace he was pounding you with earlier and you sigh in relief, fully slumping forward and letting him have his way with you.
“You feel so good Jungkookie.” You breathe out and he smiles as he lets his hand slip around to your front, his fingers finding your clit again and the contact has you moaning again. His rough hands helping you reach your peek again, “Oh my god, don’t stop.”
He doesn’t plan on it, loving the way you’re clamping down on him and mumbling nonsense into the cool granite, “Don’t worry, I got you.”
With a few more thrusts you’re falling apart, pressing your forehead against the counter and moaning his name out louder than you thought was possible. Your friends made a good call vacating the house because there was no way you’d be able to keep quiet.
“Thats it.” He coos, pulling his hand away from your clit without slowing down his pace. Your legs felt like jello, glad you had a place to rest on while he continued to jackhammer into you. The first signs of overstimulation started to prick into you, small whines leaving your lips and Jungkook takes notice.
He pulls out of you slowly, his hands grasping your hips to turn you around. Your body is pliable in his hands, letting him move you and haul you up onto the counter, your feet dangling off the edge and a hazy smile on your face.
He presses another kiss against you, letting your tongues tangle together as he grabs your arms and wraps them around his neck, coming back down to hook under your thighs as he slides back into you.
The way you groan into his mouth makes his cock throb, your soaking entrance letting him glide right into you, “Hurts.” You whine out softly when he starts to thrust, not sure if you’d be able to handle another orgasm but Jungkook shushes you softly with another kiss.
“You can do one more for me right baby?” He asks, sucking on your lower lip as he rocks into you slowly. His eyes are half lidded and you can feel how hard he is in you, your body still trembling slightly from your last orgasm but you nod anyways, letting him kiss his way down your face until he reaches your neck again, soft praises leaving his lips.
Your fingers tangle into his hair again as you slump against him, letting him hold you up. You trail along his tattoos, tracing the giant death moth spanned across his collarbone, the tip of the wing reaching the bottom of his neck.
He’s grunting softly against you, getting lost in the feeling of you, the added touches and kisses you plant on his skin igniting the fire inside him. His arms scoop you closer, his hands spreading against your lower back as he speeds up his thrusts, your legs still wrapped around his arms.
The way his dick curves inside you has you moaning again, the pleasure creeping back up and your head falls back as you feel the pressure building again. You’re not sure you could handle coming again but Jungkook seems determined to get you there, rolling into you, the feeling of his pelvis rubbing your clit is too much. Your hands cling onto his back, your fingers digging into the flames and dragon that occupied the space.
“Fuck I can feel you squeezing me.” He gasps out, “You can cum again sweetheart its okay.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, hearing him grunting into your ear, his voice dropping into a gravel as he nears his edge as well. You’re clinging onto him for your life, gasping loudly when you reach your third orgasm of the night, the force of it making your mind go blank.
You don’t tune into to the small shriek of his name, the growl he lets out when you tighten around him tighter than before, his hips rearing into yours in a sloppier way until he’s cumming, hips surging forward to bury himself deeper into you as his cock twitches.
You come back when he moans your name out, the feeling of his cum filling you up making you mewl against him. He thrusts shallowly a few more times before pulling out with a sigh, letting your legs fall limp over the edge.
His cum drips out of you, slipping through your folds and down your ass until it pools onto the counter beneath you and he smirks, his eyes coming up to look at you and his expression gets bigger when he sees the tear streaks on your cheeks. His hand cups them, his thumb sliding across your face and wiping them with a laugh, “I told you I’d make you cry.”
You don’t have it in you to be the usual brat you are with him, not after cumming this hard three times in a row so you just pout at him and lean forward to kiss him again, this time being more gentle and slow paced than the last.
“How was that?” He mumbles against your lips, letting you pull him in to you, wrapping your arms around his tiny waist as you nuzzle into his chest.
Jungkook feels you laughing against his skin, “How was that?” You mock as you give him a squeeze, “Let’s just say I’ll cry over your Titan cock any day.”
The both of you burst into laughter, Jungkook pressing a kiss onto the top of your head as you two just stay there. Jungkook and you had officially crossed the line from being bratty friends to sleeping with each other. Neither of you knew what it meant but it seemed like a conversation for tomorrow morning, right now you were content with just holding him.
So when your phone vibrates beside you you’re reluctant to pull away, so Jungkook compromises by reaching it for you and handing it over.
You see its a message from Iseul and you unlock it, your face heating up as you groan and show the message to Jungkook, his face turning just as red as he sees what she sent.
Iseul 10:15pm : Thank you for the show, I hope you two realize we have security cameras in the kitchen and living room you horn dogs.
The two of you peek over at the corner of the room giving a wave and smiling shyly at the blinking security camera staring back at you. Maybe she could send you the footage for keepsake.
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a-singleboat · 4 years
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: literally, please do not hate me for this, i just wanted to write domestic dream x reader
Warnings: I think a swear, there’s also a kiss that gets a lil steamy
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If there was one good thing about a global pandemic, it was that it meant you got to spend more time at home and less time actually working. Of course, as an educator, you had to still work but at least you got to do it from the comfort of your own desk. The office space was one that you shared with your boyfriend, which wasn’t an issue most of the time. 
But if there was one bad thing about a global pandemic, it was that you had to stay home. While your boyfriend was content to stay at home, you were not. Your need to be out and about had you on daily walks nearly every day but as your self-imposed quarantine grew longer, you found yourself opting to stay home. 
Though, today was different. Today, you had taken it upon yourself to go out and get the groceries while Clay stayed home to work. And by work, you meant to stream a video that most likely would be extremely loud and distracting and you really couldn’t bring yourself to do any work while that went down. 
So there you were, an hour later, arriving back at the home that you and Clay had bought together not too long ago. You’d gotten more than you anticipated to get, finding that it had taken you several trips in between your shopping cart and the trunk of your car to load everything in. You checked your watch. Clay had been streaming for about half an hour before you left and from what you knew, most of his streams didn’t usually last more than two hours. 
You called his phone, juggling the milk in one hand and a reusable bag in the other. Your own phone was pressed between your ear and your shoulder as you used your pinky to open up the door connecting the garage to the house. He picked up a moment later. 
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked. You could hear the sounds of his keyboard clicking in the background, a pang of guilt running through you as you realized that he was most likely still streaming. 
“Nevermind,” you were quick to say, setting the milk jug on the counter. “You’re still streaming, just wanted to know if you were done and could help bring in the groceries but I can do it.” 
“No, just give me a moment,” Clay said, shifting his focus from you to his stream. “Guys, I gotta go help my girlfriend really quick. Uh, George and Sapnap, entertain the stream for a quick moment.”
You heard him take his headphones off and get out of his chair before the office door opened upstairs. You hung up the phone, grinning as he slid around the corner with a smile on his face. 
“Hi, baby,” you greeted him, kissing his cheek when he walked over to you. He blushed, peppering your face in kisses in order to hide his embarrassment. “How’s the stream going so far?” 
“Terribly,” Clay groaned, rubbing his upper arm. He had told you that he was doing a stream involving a shock collar but you weren’t expecting him to do it today. “But maybe if you sat in the office and watched while I streamed, it wouldn’t be as bad.”
You scoffed, pushing him away from you. You took up the milk jug, opening the fridge and sliding it into its place. “Or, you can go get the rest of the groceries from the car and then maybe I’ll consider it. I still have to grade my papers, too, bubs.” 
“I think the high schoolers can wait a little longer for their grades, babe,” he deadpanned. You looked over at him, laughing when you saw his pouted lip. He’d switched tactics by then, trying to get you to do what he wanted by attempting to look as utterly adorable as possible. It was endearing, that much was true. 
“I’ll stay in the room instead of doing my work out here while you stream, how about that?” You asked, starting to unpack the groceries. He immediately perked up, nodding rapidly in agreement with the compromise you offered. You rolled your eyes playfully. “Now go get the bags from the car. You’ve got people waiting on you.” 
His eyes widened as he realized that he had abandoned his audience of nearly a million viewers. He ran out to the car and grabbed the groceries in record time, coming back and setting them on the counter before giving you a quick kiss on the lips and yelling, “I love you!” as he disappeared back up the stairs and into the office.
You took your time putting the rest of the groceries away, listening to the faint sounds of Clay in pain for about ten minutes before ultimately deciding that you should make good on your promise. 
You entered the room, closing the door behind you before grabbing your laptop and wheeling your chair over next to his. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before settling in next to him. It was mostly peaceful, Clay trying to hold in his screams as to not startle you each time he got shocked. At one point, he had decided to take a break to try and calm down. You took his hand in yours, rubbing soothing circles into the space between his thumb and his index finger. 
“You okay?” you asked, looking up at him in concern. You had finished grading maybe a third of your papers, having been distracted by the gameplay for longer than you cared to admit. 
“I’m fine,” he mumbled, wincing as he realized his mistake. He pushed the headset off his ears, yelling into his mic for George and Sapnap to shut up before putting it back on. You couldn’t hear what his friends were saying but you could read the chat that was displayed on his second monitor, his viewers going insane as they asked who he was talking to. 
He muted his mic as quick as he could, looking over to you with wide eyes. “I’m so sorry, babe. I completely forgot I had my mic on.” 
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, still rubbing circles into his hand. “We’ve been together, what, five years? They would have found out sooner or later.”
“But your job…” he looked at you. 
“They don’t need to know my real name,” you giggled. “They’ll most likely end up calling me ‘Dream’s Girlfriend,’ or something. Like how they call your mom ‘Dream’s Mom,’ and Tommy’s ‘Motherinnit’.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Talk about me all you want,” you assured him. “But just don’t say that I’m a bitch and that you don’t like me.”
“The bar is so much lower than I ever imagined,” he quoted back at you, laughing slightly as he turned his mic back on. You figured you wouldn’t be getting any more work done that night so you opted to close your laptop. You scooted in closer to him, steering clear of the shock collar on his arm.
“Hey, guys,” he talked to his chat. “Sorry I keep disappearing on you guys. Uhm, I guess we can take this moment to have a chat? I kind of want a break from getting shocked a thousand times over.” 
He disconnected his headphones so you could hear the conversation going on between him and his friends as well. Immediately, the familiar voices of George and Sapnap flooded the room, both yelling about how Clay had never told them about you before. 
You leaned in closer to the mic, looking back at Clay and laughing for a bit before speaking up. “Hi, guys!” you said. “I’m, uh, Dream’s Girlfriend, I suppose.”
“‘I suppose,’” Sapnap chortled as he repeated your words. You flushed, realizing your most likely poor choice of words. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Be nice, Sapnap,” George scolded the younger man. You couldn’t help but laugh. “She’s probably nervous or something.”
“I am very nervous,” you giggled. You felt Clay’s hand grab yours, squeezing slightly as a bit of encouragement. “Uh, someone in the chat asked how long Dream and I have been dating… It’s been a little over five years now. We celebrated our anniversary back in July, actually.”
“Best five years of my life,” Clay added, reaching out to tickle your sides. You shrieked, squirming away from his hands. 
“Baby, no!” you yelled, gasping in surprise as you fell over into his lap. He pulled you in close, settling you on his lap as he read the chat over your shoulder. 
“What’s her name?” he read. “Her name is Dream’s Girlfriend. When did we meet? We met while I was still in school, actually. We were friends for, I think, two years before I asked her out.” 
You nodded along. “Yeah, two years sounds about right. Also, I distinctly remember it being me to ask you out, not the other way around.” You brought your watch up to your face, noticing the time. “But I digress. I have to go make dinner so you should hurry up and beat Minecraft so we can eat together.”
“What are you making?”
“I’m thinking ziti,” you teased, getting up off his lap. You gave him a quick kiss before leaving him to his stream. You grabbed your phone off your desk before heading downstairs, opening Twitter as you went. 
See, that was the thing about total anonymity. You could have a stan Twitter account, decorated by Clay himself, to keep up to date with everything going on in his life. While he asked about your day, you could take your lunch break to catch up on the latest Twitter events. 
Today, as expected, the latest Twitter event was you. People were going crazy, tweeting about Dream’s Girlfriend and speculating on who it could be. You liked a few tweets, laughing at the ones that didn’t make sense as the pasta boiled. A few mutuals, people you had actually become close friends with, were messaging you like crazy, all shouting about, well, you. 
I wish I were Heather, your friend typed out, sending the audio clip from the five minutes you’d talked during. You got a good laugh out of that, reacting to her message with the laughing emoji. You finished making dinner, occasionally responding to the group chat as you did. About thirty minutes after you’d left Clay, you finally heard him wrapping up the stream, thanking his viewers before signing off. 
“I’m gonna head to dinner now,” you heard him say to his friends. You didn’t hear their response but you heard Clay’s, which was, “Yeah, I know.”
He came bounding down the steps about ten minutes later, stretching his arms over his head as he yawned. He rubbed his arm a few times, wincing as he felt the aftershocks from the shock collar. 
“Do you want to take a bath tonight?” you suggested, plating the pasta for him. He entered the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your midsection as you finished pouring the pesto sauce on his plate. He pressed feather-light kisses into your neck, tickling you with the facial hair he had grown over the past couple of weeks. 
“And maybe I’ll shave,” he contemplated, tickling you further. You giggled, reaching a hand up to scratch his growing beard.
“I like it though,” you admitted. “Makes you seem older, more refined.”
“But you won’t let me do… things when I have a beard.”
“Because when you do things with a beard, it causes, like, carpet burn.”
He hummed. “I’m going to shave.” 
“You should check Twitter, by the way,” you mentioned nonchalantly. “Your stans are having a meltdown.” 
He pulled out his phone, holding it in front of you as he opened the app. Immediately, his feed refreshed and there was nothing but mentions of Dream and his mysterious girlfriend. One tweet caught your eye, reading, I don’t think that Dream actually has a girlfriend and it’s just Sapnap with a voice filter on. 
You both laughed at that one, taking his phone so that you could like it and respond, You got me, with the laughing emoji after. “That’s just going to confuse them more,” he said, shutting his phone off. “But enough about that, dinner looks amazing.”
“Made with love,” you cooed, turning in his arms to give him a kiss. He moved the two of you to the side, pressing you against the counter instead of the stove. Your arms made their way around his neck, twisting into the base of his dirty blonde hair and pulling hard enough to pull a soft moan from his lips. 
He was the first to pull away, his need for air outweighing his want to continue kissing you. You continued to kiss down his neck, giggling when he groaned in reaction to you sucking a hickey into his sweet spot. 
“I love you,” he said, once you’d finally separated. “And I know that everyone is excited that I have a girlfriend now, but if you start seeing hate, please tell me. I don’t want you to have to go through that alone.”
“I love you, too,” you sighed, tracing shapes into his chest. “And I’m a big girl, Clay. I’m sure I can handle a few trolls on my own.”
He put his hand under your chin, gently guiding your eyes up to meet his. “I know you can handle yourself, but you shouldn’t have to. Promise me you’ll tell me.”
It was cute, how overprotective over you he was. He looked at you with concern, looking to be debating between sending a tweet to his fans to be respectful and making a video and posting it. Most of his fandom was respectful, though there were a few people that went out of their way to send hate. 
You sighed, lowering your shoulders and settling into his chest. He rested his chin on the top of your head as you muttered a quiet promise to him. You knew that Clay just wanted to keep you safe, which was part of the reason as to why you gave in so easily. He only had your best interests at heart and you knew that. 
“You’re the most important person to me, I hope you know that.”
“I do,” you said softly. “And you’re the most important to me. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
@beautiful-holland​ @toms-order​ @starlightfound​ @grandmascottlang​ @positiveparker​ @bippity-boppity-boopa​ @caswinchester2000​ @andreasworlsboring101 @imladylunaticbitch​ @paige0103​
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puredivinity · 4 years
—chemistry; eren jaeger
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❣︎ very, very self-indulgent. not sorry <3, also unedited.
❣︎ warnings: nsfw (18+), explicit language, fem!reader, eren is a little shit but we love him <3, ch*mistry
❣︎ word count: 2.4k
❣︎ eren’s masterlist
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Zoom classes are the worst. Well, you’d argue that all classes are the worst, but these in particular? Terrible.
Especially when you’re just listening to a teacher drone on and on about various things, like their day, their life, and worst of all, chemistry. The damned subject that you dreaded logging on for. The subject that made you want to throw your entire laptop out of the window where it’d land on an unsuspecting pedestrian. Yeah.
Fuck that.
Professor Ackerman was explaining something about the structure of atoms, and you dozed off more and more as time went by. You couldn’t care less about atoms, where they come from, their make-up, and whatever the fuck else he had to say about the periodic table. You’d tried to take notes while he was talking, but had given up on that quite a long time ago. Your pen sat flat on the almost blank sheet of notebook paper, save for the half-assed title of the notes.
 Luckily for you, your camera was off so no one could really tell that you weren’t paying attention - or rather, had completely distanced yourself from your computer. Your chair creaked as you leaned back and pushed your headphone in your ear, closing your eyes while you relaxed to the soft tunes of the audio playing. There were several things you’d much rather be doing right now: Sleeping, eating, finishing, Unsolved Mysteries, and various other things, including your boyfriend. 
Speaking of him, he was in the room opposite you. The two rooms shared a wall, so you could always hear what he’s up to over there. You popped a headphone out of your ear and quickly muted your computer, soon picking up the sounds of Eren playing Overwatch. He never did plug in headphones to his computer - to your dismay - instead opting to have the volume on full blast while he did whatever he did. That often bled into your class time and every time you’d unmute your microphone, your classmates and professor would hear either the boring voice of his professor or when he wasn’t in class, him yelling at the TV or one of his friends.
Eren got a little enthusiastic when playing video games, and now that you were in an apartment, it caused more of an issue. He had a tendency to be quite vocal, regardless of what he’d been doing. Singing in the shower, cleaning (when you forced him), talking on the phone, playing games, everything. Any and everything you could think of, Eren would probably find a way to be loud while doing it. That, and how to cause a problem. He wasn’t a child, but the man sure knew how to cause a ruckus and look good while doing it.
I mean, you couldn’t really say much either. You had your moments where you didn’t use an inside voice, just like he did. You know, when you’d gotten a problem wrong, stubbed your toe, played a horror game and got scared - which Eren laughed at you for - or when he was hitting the spots that made your vision go blank. So you know, same boat. 
As you sat there, your mind wandered and the professor’s voice became more and more distant as time passed. You’d drifted into your own la-la-land, sinking further into your plush desk chair. The memories of the previous night worked their way to the forefront of your mind, outshining all other potential thoughts. The two of you had a competition last night, trying to see who could hold out for the longest while 1v1-ing in Overwatch, using Widow. It was a rather intense game of self-control and neither of you could really keep it to yourselves; when you flicked his nose, your hand lingered for a second too long, or your eyes lingered where they shouldn’t. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Eren’s mischievous stare dissipate for a brief moment when he snuck a fast glance at your cleavage, because of the tank top you were wearing. Both of you opted to wear rather revealing clothes to rile up the other. Well, it was partially for this, but also because your house was a literal sauna.
But—it worked. You were ready to give up before Eren - him being the daredevil he was - but he’d broken before you, giving you the victory. Once you’d raised a triumphant fist in the air after winning, you’d noticed that Eren wasn’t doing his usual complaints about the match in its entirety, typically saying things like, “I wanna go again,” or “Babe that’s not fair, you cheated.”
Instead, you’d spun around to find him eyeing you up and down, licking his lips. A prominent bulge was visible through the thin fabric of his basketball shorts since he hadn’t worn underwear for the occasion. And neither had you. Both of you wanted to be easily accessible for the other, not wanting to waste too much time given that you were already fired up to begin with. Neither of you really had the time to waste  - you were far too impatient for that. You just wanted to fuck, and fast.
The quicker the better, he’d say.
“Congrats, babe. You win,” Eren gave you a soft round of applause once he’d finished. “I lose,” he stood up from his place on the couch, stalking toward you. Warm hands came to rest on your waist and tugged you forward, coming face to face with him. He grinned at you, admiring the astonished but intrigued look in your eye. “I think you deserve a reward for that, don’t you?”
You didn’t need to say that; the way you melted into him told everything. To him, your body language said everything words couldn’t, and he was more than fine with that. You fucked on the couch that night because you were too needy to make it up the stairs. Not that anyone complained, you know.
The recollection of the prior night made you touch your lips in remembrance and a delightful thrill to slide down your spine. Maybe that’s why you were so tired - no, you knew that was why. You slept for four hours because Eren kept you up. But hey, you had one hell of a time. You squeezed your thighs together, suddenly noticing the influx of heat down there. 
Fuck, you thought. You’re in the middle of class - one that you’re not too focused on - and you’re horny. Eren’s playing a game and you didn’t want to bother him - but alas, you couldn’t help yourself. Pausing your music, you plucked your headphones from your ear and set them on the table, double checking that your camera was off before you swiftly exited the room. As you approached Eren’s room, you could hear the clacking of a controller get louder and louder. Blue LED lighting peeked out from the crack in the open door, bleeding into the hallway. You gently pushed it open and poked your head inside, observing the scene in front of you.
Eren was indeed playing Overwatch, currently in the middle of a quick play game. He had his headset on and was wearing just shorts and a lightweight jacket he’d had since you’d known him. His phone was toward the head of his bed, forgotten since he’d been playing. You assumed he was playing with Armin or Jean, since they were usually who he’d be grouped up with. And Jean also was who he’d screech at constantly.
“Babe,” you whispered, trying to catch Eren’s attention. It rarely worked, especially when he had his headphones on, but you didn’t want to yell and tell the others you were there. Jean would probably make some joke about the two of you fucking, which was exactly your plan, but you didn’t want to let him know that, of course. He’d never let either of you live it down. Eren didn’t really give a shit.
As you’d expected, Eren didn’t hear you. 
“Babe,” you called, pushing the door open some more to reveal your figure. You rubbed your legs together, fully stepping in the room and closing the door behind you. 
Upon noticing you, Eren pulled back one side to free his ear, so he could hear what you needed. “Yeah?”
“I’m horny,” you said, snorting at how Eren dropped the controller; ready to get to work before he stopped. 
“Aren’t you in the middle of class though?”
“Yeah, but my professor is rambling on about atoms. Well, at least he was before I stopped listening.”
Eren playfully rolled his eyes and chuckled, double checking that it muted him before he patted his lap, urging you to come sit. You straddled his lap and draped your arms over his shoulders, and his hands squeezed your thighs.
“But wait,” you paused and your eyes flickered to the TV and back to Eren. “What about your friends? The game?” 
Eren had already buried his face in your neck and had planted light kisses on it before you spoke. “They can wait,” His words vibrated against the flesh, muffling them slightly. His teeth nibbled on your collarbone and you gasped; able to feel Eren smirk against you. Cold hands wormed their way up your shirt, brushing your warm skin. Fingers curled around the hem of your shirt and tugged upward, prompting you to lift your arms for easier removal. He tossed the fabric to the floor, where it lie soon to be forgotten alongside your underwear. 
Eren leaned forward to capture you in a hungry kiss, swallowing your moans as he rubbed two fingers along your folds. Your hips involuntarily rutted against the digits, trying to create more friction and gain more pleasure. A needy whine slipped from your lips and your hands moved to grip his shoulders, pleading with him to stop teasing you. 
While he slipped two digits inside of your hole, your hand flew down to palm him through the thin fabric of his shorts. You rocked against his fingers while he rutted against your hand. His teeth nipped at your bottom lip and took the flesh between them. “Eren,” you breathed once you’d pulled away from the intense kiss. “Fuck me.”
Eren wasted absolutely no time, tugging down his shorts enough for his hard cock to spring free. And in one swift motion, he buried himself deep inside your walls. You moaned in tandem with his movements, his cock slowly sliding in and allowing you to feel him. Every inch of him. “Fuuck,” he groaned, looking up at your pleasure-filled face. “You feel so fucking good, Princess.”
“So. Fucking. Good,” He stressed each word with a quick jerk of his hips, breathy gasps falling from his parted lips. You took a pert nipple between your index and thumb fingers and gave it gentle squeezes and pulls to add to the pleasure you were already feeling. Eren’s other hand moved from its place on your steady hips, down to your clit, and began pinching and rubbing it. “Shit,” you whined, hips jerking with every pinch. 
Eren pulled you down, so you hovered over him and shifted to get a better angle. One hand continued their work on your clit while the other gave rough slaps to your ass, which echoes throughout the room. “You look so fucking hot babe,” He said and licked his lips. His words only edged you further and further, and he could tell they worked by the way you clenched him. “‘M gonna-“ You silenced him by sealing your lips to his again.
He responded to his by grinding into you and flipping you over on your back, never breaking the kiss while the two of you got situated. His hand slid underneath your knee and pushed it up toward your chest, exposing more of you to him. A quick rush of his hips led him to a rhythm, and he held it, plunging deeper and deeper inside. His mouth muffled the cries that tried to fall from you, instead swallowing them. You rutted against him with fervor, wanting - no, needing - him to go faster.
Luckily for you, he took the hint. 
You broke away from the kiss to let out a loud cry as Eren anchored himself, driving further in your core. His balls pounded against your ass as he continued and your hand shot out to bury itself in his brown locks. You twirled a couple strands around your finger, giving them quite the pull and relishing in the moan that came from the man above. He loved getting his hair played with. 
“Eren,” you cried, feeling the knot in your stomach preparing to burst. “I’m gonna cum, baby. I’m gonna cum so fucking- Oh!” You’d been stopped midway by another harsh thrust of encouragement from Eren, which was enough to send you toppling over the edge. A lightning bolt shot through your veins from top to bottom and your toes curled, back arching off the bed as your body convulsed from the impact of your orgasm. Eren pulled out and stroked himself a few times to get him there, hot and sticky ropes splattering on your belly.
The two of you sat there for a moment and your heavy, labored breathing filled the room, shushing the sounds of the still on TV. You hadn’t noticed that you’d drifted off until the gentle swiping of a tissue on your stomach pulled you back in. Eren finished cleaning up the mess and sluggishly yanked his shorts up to toss the dirtied tissue in the bin beside the door, soon returning to your side in the bed.
“Fuck chemistry.” You mumbled and wrapped yourself in Eren’s duvet. 
“I agree,” He responded, snuggling up to you, planting a light kiss to your sweat covered forehead. Eren licked his lips afterward and scrunched his face up at the bitter taste, making you giggle quietly. 
For a moment, the room was quiet until your ears picked up snickering and laughter from Eren’s headphones. “Babe,” you nudged him. “Do you hear that?”
Eren strained his ears for a moment to listen, immediately shooting up once he realized what it was. He turned his controller back on and pressed the home button, clicking over to the ‘Party' section, only to find out that he, of course, was not muted.
“Fuck me,” Eren groaned and scrambled to turn off his PS4.
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403 notes · View notes
tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Gender of the Reader: Female
Word Count: 1.2k
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Sexual Language; Dirty Talk; Dom-/Sub Dynamics (Switchy Kook and switchy Reader; Kook was dominant at first and slowly turns into subby! Kook 😇💕); Wall Sex; lowkey Strength-Kink; Marking; Petnames; Praising; Begging; Mentions of Pubic Hair; Teasing; soft Edging; unprotected vaginal Sex (please stay safe!); Creampie; Mentions of Face-Sitting; Mentions of Cumplay;
A/N: Like usually, my dear Sibi @borathae was my Muse again after we thirsted about Jungkook's bulky Biceps together and she gave me a lot of Inspo for this here! ♡ (It's also more like another thing to tease the shit out of her and make her feral and angy at me 😂 Sorry not sorry Babe 😇)
Her Statement in one Audio Message:
"Why do you do this always to me? I swear, I'll never gonna tell you any of my fucking kinks again because you just gonna fucking use them against me!"
....yes, I would say that's kinda accurate? I'm sorry not sorry? 🤷🏻‍♀️😁
Synopsis: You don't know why but today was the first Day you realized how buff and bulky Jungkook's Biceps are. And the fact that they look delicious when they're tensed up...
Sources: My Inspo-Sources for this Fanfic/my Header
▪ My Writings
▪ My Blog Navigation
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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A guttural, almost animalistic grunt leaves Jungkook's throat as he crashes with his muscular and well defined body once more into yours and pounds you against the hallway wall.
His forearms are hooked under your knees and holding you up against the wall, giving him the best access to bury his thick length with every thrust balls deep into your juices dripping cunt.
Jungkook lowers his view to the spot where you two are connected, a deep feral growl found his way out of his gritted teeths. The cute curls of your pubic hair are drenched in your arousal, in lube and probably in his precum too and glisten seductively in the dummes light of the hallway.
His almost wolfish noises send an electric shock of lust down your spine. You feel it, deep down in your chest, how a loud moan full of pleasure and primal sexual desire builds up and waits for his chance to be freed.
Your own sounds of pure and raw need joins Jungkook's audible expressions and creates a filthy and so intoxicating melody. The exchange of his deep growls and your moans and whimpers makes you even wetter and lets Jungkook's girthy cock twitch noticeably in your pussy.
You purr in delight as your lips came in contact with his soft and sweaty skin and immediatedly starts sucking harshly on his smooth skin.
A trembling and high-pitched whine escapes his so beautiful swollen lips, a noise which stands in complete contrast to that low growl before. Quickly he presses his lips together and hid his flustered face with red flushed cheeks in the crook of your neck.
At the beginning of this naughty intercourse he was surrounded by such a massive Dom Aura. He pounded the shit out of you and showed no mercy, loved the feeling to be fully in charge and used you like he desired. As if you are his little fuckdoll.
...and honestly, you loved it. Even when you're more a Switch with a strong dominant side, you truly loved it to get manhandled by him.
But his Dom starts to crumble, piece for piece he falls slowly apart and reveals his strong submissive Side. Kook's sweet whimper and his adorable Shyness about his cute noise draws the attention of your inner Dom to your sweet and shy Boy.
Your Switches works perfectly with each other. Whenever Kookie turns back into a more submissive behaviour, your own Dom comes out and couldn't wait to claim tje precious Boy as your own again.
The need to mark him, to re-new the fading hickeys and to ruin him all over again is incredibly high. Your mouth leaves a trail of dark marks behind and wanders over to your personal favourite spot, his pulse point.
Jungkook gasps and a strangled, whiny moan comes in pants over his cherry red lips. Greedy desire shoots through his veins and his hips speeds even more up, fucking into you in a rapid pace and are searching for any kind of relief.
You're lost in your own pleasure but you are still able to manage to clench around him just right. It drives him insane and he's not joking at all.
He knows this feeling, it feels like as if it's already too much but still not enough for him to cum. He gets this feeling very often since you two are in a relationship, you're almost always able to make him feel this way.
This feeling is tortourious but also unbelievable amazing and it already made him lowkey addicted to it.
You chuckles at the sight of him in front of you, he's all subby and and needy for you again. Gently you push the few sweat-soaked strands of hair out of his face before you lift his chin up to you to give him a long and passionate kiss. He mewls and his body trembles when he hears your greedy growl as your palm and fingers wraps around his buff and tensed up biceps.
"Hm? What was that? Was your inner Dom not strong enough to keep the façade of being all bossy up? Was your sweet Sub stronger than you want to admit, so you turned in my sweet precious Baby Boy again? Oh Baby, don't be shy~ being a submissive Boy isn't a Bad thing at all! You know how much I love it to have you that way, my sweet Darling~", you coo at him and make him blush even more.
Your teasing words makes him all flustered and shy but whebeveryou call him 'Baby Boy', his cock twitches inside of you and tiny whimper comes through his slightly open lips.
"Bab- Mistress! P-Please... I-I need to c-cum! I can't take it and longer...", pants Jungkook in a whiny and trembling voice, some hiccups follows and it sounds like he's near to tear up. Maybe from your teasing words or the humiliation of his own body to fall so quickly back into his submissive position.
"Oh Baby, don't cry, okay? It's absolutely okay and normal to fall back into the position you're most used to. It's fine, Baby Boy. Cum for your Mistress, stuff your creamy cum deep inside of her pussy and fill her all up to the brim~", you wisper sweetly in his ear. Pulling him with your calves on his lower back even further into your greedy cunt.
"O-Oh my God, y-yes! T-Thank you so much, Mistress, thank you! Will fill you up like the Good Boy I am!", he cry out and promises you over and over again.
It doesn't take long anymore, just a few more thrusts to make Jungkook cum deep into you. Shoots rope after rope of thick creamy white cum into your tight, velvety walls until you feel in a special way pretty full. Yes, your sweet Boy is a very healthy Boy and has huge loads to give and to play around.
"That's it, pretty Boy. Such a good Boy you are for me~", you praise him softly and smiles fondly at him while you play gently with the hair in his nape. Nevertheless, your Darling is a shy bean and doesn't dare to look up at you. Until a certain realisation hits him.
"Miss... You didn't cum. Can you sit on my face so I can make it up to you? Pretty Please? Wanna make you feel good too and wanna taste myself in your pretty pussy...", he begs and looks now into your face with those adorable big doe eyes.
Gosh, why is this Boy just so awfully cute and sweet?! You can barely say no to such loving doe eyes.
"...oh Baby, you're too cute for your own good! Go on then, get yourself what that Golden Boy desires."
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583 notes · View notes
oikaw-ugh · 4 years
HAIKYUU DEBATE NIGHT!!! (Inspired by Going Seventeen Debate Night)
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*taps mic* Mic test? Mic test?
Akaashi: 1, 2, 3, 3, 2 , 1, 1, 2 ,3
Ahhh. They’re working. Good evening, Akaashi!
Akaashi: Yes, they are. Good evening to you, too, Leia. And to anyone who is watching this, good evening, morning, afternoon.
Ah, yes. Hello, viewers! This is Leia!
Akaashi: And Akaashi.
So, how are you, Akaashi? Are you feeling fine? Have you eaten your dinner? Do you feel uncomfortable? I have a better seat it’s called ‘my lap’-
Akaashi: I am fine. Yes. Yes. No. And I’d rather sit here, thank you. Why don’t we introduce our debaters for the night?
But you could really use my lap-
Akaashi: The debaters, Leia-chan.
Ah, right! Anyways! On the right we have:
Akaashi: And on the left we have:
Alright! We have fully introduced our wonderful debaters for tonight! But before anything else, we would like to know their name as a group.
Akaashi: Right team, have you decided on a group name?
Oikawa: Ah, yes! The moment we knew we were in the same group…
Suga: We knew what to name ourselves c:
Atsumu: We will be called ‘Pretty setters plus a Wing Spiker’
Pretty Setters plus a Wing Spiker: 👁️👄👁️
Tanaka: In my humble opinion, I think tHAT GROUP NAME IS TRASH.
Kenma: *sigh*
WOOOW! I LOVE THE DYNAMICS OF THIS GROUP ALREADY! Oozing with unity and familiarity. Don’t you think, Akaashi?
Akaashi: …Yes. Now, to the left team. Have you decided on a group name?
Tsukishima: Why me?
Kuroo: Come on now, don’t be shy. Tell them our group name!
Tsukishima: ….
Hinata: Come on now, Tsukishima! Say it! Say it!
Tsukishima: …. 3rd Gym Debaters.
Akaashi: 🙂
Ah…but quick question, though. Why?
Bokuto: OH! Because Kuroo, Tsukishima and I used to hang out at the 3rd gym a lot!
Ushijima: I played at Season 3.
Osamu: Hinata and I both have three syllables in our names. ✨
Tanaka: *suddenly feels fine with their group name*
Tanaka: *slight*
Akaashi: …..  🙂🙂🙂
Wow. Logical and makes sense. Before anything else, Akaashi, would you please say what happens at Haikyuu Debate Night once again?
Akaashi: Right. Here in Haikyuu Debate Night we are going to talk about issues that we experience in our daily lives. We will have in-depth and logical debates about them.
And with that, Haikyuu Debate Night starts now!
Pretty Setters plus a Wing Spiker: *claps in a way a decent audience would clap*
Bokuto and Hinata: WOOOOOOH!
Kuroo and Osamu: *claps like a child*
Tsukishima and Ushijima: *too embarassed and too stoic to clap*
Just to make sure, I will state the rules:
This is a team-based debate
Each team take turns to restate their logical arguments.
Each team can counter other team’s logic and they can counter-counter-argue.
The debate will end when both teams have no logic.
Easy as 1, 2, 3!
Akaashi: Now, I’ll reveal the first topic: Supervision vs. Superhearing
Supervision gives you the ability to have superb vision to the extent that you can see through human’s pores - which I find disgusting, by the way. Whilst Superhearing gives you superb audio processing to the extent of hearing a person’s whisper who is 1 km away from you.
Akaashi: With the Pretty Setters with a Spiker in favor of Supervision and with the 3rd Gym Debaters in favor of Superhearing.
The debate starts with the 3rd Gym Debaters’ arguement.
Hinata: First of all, when you have superhearing, this helps in volleyball! With this, even when the setter hasn’t called for you, you immediately know they’re calling for you!
Kageyama: But superhearing only grants you to hear anything that is 1 km away from you, not somebody else’s thoughts, dumbass.
Hinata: 😡
Hinata: You’re right.
Hinata: But still! If I can hear someone who is 1 km away from me, shouldn’t I be able to hear someone else’s thoughts who is a couple of meters near me?!
Tsukishima: Oh my God. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Kageyama: What?
Atsumu: Yer honor, the moment this tangerine spoke, this debate has lost its logic!
Akaashi: You know-
Kuroo: Your honor, let me redeem what my co-debater has said!
Kuroo: *stands abruptly*
Kenma: Here he goes...
Kuroo: What he’s trying to say is, imagine yourself in the court. And everyone is so intense to the point they mutter their thoughts out loud. Now, imagine your setter wanting to do a synchronized attack to surprise the opponents. The setter wouldn’t need hand signals or whatever.
Bokuto: Yeah! All the setter needs to do is *whispers* synchronized attack! And the team would immediately know!
Tanaka: Oh, he’s got a point-
Kenma: But that can also happen if you have supervision. Your vision would be enough to immediately sense the slightest difference of how your setter would be tossing.
Kuroo: Ah-
Bokuto: Oh, shit. He’s right.
Osamu: But wouldn’t supervision be overwhelming? I mean, everything around you is a hundred times clearer than how you usually see them. What if you get overwhelmed with how ugly Tsumu is at court-
Atsumu: You piece of-
Osamu: Then supervision wouldn’t be as effective as superhearing, don’t ya think?
Kuroo: Right! I was about to blurt that out. 👀 *he didn’t really think of that*
Kenma: I see where Atsumu’s brain cells went.
Atsumu: Excuse me? 😲😲😲
Okaaaay we’re kind of drifting away from the debate, aren’t we? 3rd Gym Debators, any more arguments?
Kuroo: None, your honor.
Akaashi: I’ve been trying to correct this but we’re only moderators, Kuroo-san.
Right. Now, Pretty Setters plus a Wing Spiker, it is time to present your arguments.
Sugawara: Kenma has emphasized this out but supervision can come very handy such as how the team can use it to their advantage at court. However, supervision can also be very effective for other things.
Sugawara: For example, what if you’re trying to read the person beside you at the bus’ text? With supervision, reading it wouldn’t be as hard-
Osamu: Wait, are you saying you’re using your supervision for the wrong cause-
Osamu, please respect the speaker of Pretty Setters and a Spiker. Rebutting is banned for now.
Osamu: w h a t 👁️👄👁️
Tanaka: I still don’t like the group name-
Sugawara: With my supervision, I can immediately know if the person I am beside with is having a fight with their loved one! Or they’re cooking ramen for dinner. How convenient, right?
Oikawa: Right!
Atsumu: True.
Kenma: ….
Tanaka: It sounds wrong but it is definitely, right!
Tsukishima: How is invasion of privacy right-
Sugawara: I rest my case!
Tsukishima: hOW IS-
Akaashi: Okay, 3rd Gym Debaters, you may now counter-argue Pretty Setters’ argument.
Tanaka: It’s Pretty Setter with a-
Bokuto: Your honor!
Bokuto: *reading on his paper without pauses* Allow me to show to you why supervision is a necessity, and is sensible and more practical than supervision! Superhearing can make me hear things louder and clearer!
Everyone: And?
Bokuto: That would mean I can hear the cheers of the crowd for me and even those who are 1 ki-meter away from me!
Akaashi: It’s 1 kilo-
Bokuto: That would mean I can hear Hinata’s cheers for me even if I am in Tokyo! 😊
Tsukishima: *facepalm* I’m sure Miyagi and Tokyo is not just 1 kilometer apart-
Kuroo: Shhh! You’re ruining our argument!
Bokuto: 😊😊😊
Ah…Is that all, Bokuto-san?
Bokuto: Yes. 😊😊😊
Ah…thank you. *clears throat* Okay, Pretty Setters?
Tanaka: I TOLD YOU, IT’S-
Oikawa: Your honor, I would just like to counter-argue Bokuto’s statement. How is hearing people’s cheers a necessity, Bokuto-san?
Bokuto: Well, it’s-
Oikawa: See? It does nothing. Can hearing other people’s cheers help you as you play? No. It can only rile you up. But do you know what it really needs to be good at playing?
Oikawa: *stands dramatically and goes towards the center*
Hinata: Good jump?
Kageyama: Good set.
Oikawa: Almost there, King.
Atsumu: Good hair?
Tanaka: Kiyoko-san.
Ushijima: Talent-
Oikawa: I don’t want to hear that from you.
Suga: Good teammates?
Oikawa: Almost there, Mr. Refreshing-chan.
Osamu: …I was gonna say skills but-
Oikawa: B O O M ! Exactly! Good skills! What’s the cheering going to do if you suck at playing and you can only receive by using your chest?
Tsukishima: OOMF-
Kenma: Pfft.
Osamu: That was uncalled for!
Oikawa: 💅
Bokuto: A-Akaashi…
Akaashi: I’m a moderator, I’m sorry.
Hinata: *loud gasp* 👁️👄👁️
Kuroo: That’s gotta sting.
Oikawa: Back to my point! What do you need for you to have good skills? *snaps* G o o d   e y e s i g h t .  💅
Tanaka: *Gasps like he just invented the cure to this pandemic* Right!
Atsumu: Oh, shit. That’s true. *Matrix moment*
Oikawa: *flicks hair* I think I have proven my point on point. And with that, I rest my case. *goes back to his chair*  💅
Okay! Thank you for that Oikawa, love. Now, for the 3rd Gym Debaters.
Ushijima: *stands* Your hono-
Ushijima: I haven’t said anything yet.
Oikawa: Your presence alone is attacking me!
Tsukishima: Now, that’s ad hominem.
Oikawa: nOw tHat’S aD hOmInEM
Suga: Tsukki >=[
Akaashi: Anyway, Ushijima-san, please continue.
Ushijima: Right. Your honor, I would like to add to my co-debaters points. First of all, the other party is only focusing their arguments to how effective supervision would be if you are on court. Well, I would like to emphasize how effective superhearing can be even off court.
Kageyama: *is all ears because he respects Ushijima*
Sugawara: I’m sorry. Mr. Volleyball-is-life is gonna talk about using superhearing without the mention of volleyball?
Ushijima: First, superhearing is very useful when it comes to helping other people. Even if I am busy trimming the grass or harvesting the crops, I can hear someone’s cries no matter how faint they could be.
Oikawa: Are you a farmer-
Ushijima: I can also use it as a pre-caution. With my superhearing, I can hear when a truck is about to hit me or an arrow is flying towards me. It can also help me when I accidentally lost Tendo at the grocery store. But most importantly… *flipping page*
Pretty Setters Squad and a Wing Spiker: …
Ushijima: It can help me locate other players’ breathing when playing hide and seek.
Pretty Setters Squad plus a Wing Spiker:
Kenma: Anti-climatic.
Tsukishima: *deep sigh*
Ah…thank you, Ushijima-san. That was…sensible. Pretty Setters?
Kageyama: *stands up stiffly* Y-Yes!
Suga and Tanaka: *claps*
Oikawa: *rolls eyes*
Atsumu: *whistle* Go, goody-two shoes!
Hinata: *sits properly*
Tsukishima: Another idiot-
Kageyama: I-I am here to defend my house’s stand! *flips page* I am here to point or to present some major flaws if you choose superhearing! F-First! It is considered as an invasion of privacy! What if you hear someone confessing under your 1 kilometer radius? And you hear them getting rejected? You are then violating that person’s privacy!
Hinata: But-
Kageyama: I’m not yet done, idiot!
Oikawa: He’s not yet done, shrimp!
Note: they screamed that together.
Hinata: 🥺🥺🥺
Kageyama: T-Two…superhearing can be very overwhelming. What if you are in the middle of the city? Surrounded by the crowd, specifically. how can you focus or how can you stop yourself from hearing them?
Kageyama: Also, you cannot block superhearing BUT you can block supervision by closing your eyes!
Hinata: But we can block it by listening to music!
Oikawa: What? Are you saying you’re gonna listen to music for the rest of your life just because of your superhearing?  💅
Tsukishima: *yawn* What about supervision then? You’re gonna close your eyes for the rest of your lives?
Oikawa: That’s…
Pretty Setters with a Spiker: 👁️👄👁️
Tanaka: But at least closing your eyes is not as dumb-looking as plugging earphones for the rest of your life!
Tsukishima: *triggered*
Atsumu: OOMF
Akaashi: Okay, hush, everyone. 3rd gym debaters?
Osamu: Your honor, allow me to end this debate once and for all.
Kenma: That would mean you ran out of logic-
Osamu: One! Superhearing is very convenient. I can hear a single whisper as long as it is 1 kilometer near me. You whisper you ran out of paper while you’re at the grocery story? Don’t worry, I’m on my way to give you some!
Sugawara: What-
Atsumu: They can just buy at-
Osamu: You’re a teacher and you forgot to tell the class about their homework? Worry not! I heard you and let me tell my classmates on yer behalf.
Osamu: You think Atsumu is ugly? I will look for you from the crowd and I’d tell you “Lmao ikr.”
Atsumu: What the fu-
Kuroo: *stands up from sitting* What good will your superhearing give you if…
Pretty Setters and a Spiker: ….?
3rd Gym Debaters: ….?
Akaashi and I: ….?
Kuroo: If you can’t hear how my heart beats for you?
Sugawara and Oikawa: *groans*
Kenma: *disgusted look*
Atsumu: 👁️👄👁️
Kageyama: *blushing idk why tho*
Tanaka: …. *Wonders if Kiyoko-san would hate him if he couldn’t hear her heartbeat*
Hinata: *mindblowned like a 10 yr old who saw porn for the 1st time*
Tsukishima: *pukes in virtual*
Osamu: *confused boner*
Ushijima: *didn’t understand why everyone is so surprised when what Kuroo said is true*
Kuroo: *places finger on temple* Let that fact sink in.
Bokuto: *still mindblown*
Pretty Setters plus a Spiker?
Atsumu: Yer honor, supervision is WAY MORE convenient. It can help me with it, I can easily locate the ball! I can easily find the other pair of my shoe, ye know? I can clearly see how Osamu is way more stupid than me-
Ah, Tsumu, we don’t tolerate lies in this debate.
Suga: That’s right, Tsumu. Don’t lie.
Atsumu: 👁️👄👁️
Osamu: PFFT
Akaashi: *is confused whether to laugh or to feel pity*
Atsumu: That’s mean.
Atsumu: WITH SUPERVISION, I wouldn’t lost my mother at the grocery store! Also, I can immediately find my teammates who are playing a prank on me. I also have the advantage in hide and seek! 
Ushijima: I can hear the other players’ breathing-
Atsumu: Plis don’t expose how weird of a person ye are, dood.
Kenma: *grin*
Tanaka: *raises hand*
Yes, Tanaka-san?
Tanaka: To counter Kuroo’s claim though...what good would it bring if I can hear your heart beat if I can’t see your worth?
Pretty Setters plus a Spiker:
Atsumu: Holy shit. That’s some cool angst. *places left hand on waist and right hand on chin*
Oikawa: *looks away as he surprisingly felt that*
Kenma: What...
Kageyama: *is blushing again idk why*
Suga: I--I am---I *chokes*
Kuroo: *silent because that shit hurted*
Hinata:  *mindblowned like a 10 yr old who saw porn for the 1st time* (2)
Ushijima: *knew about this fact not too long ago so this does not surprise him*
Osamu:  *confused sad boner*
Tsukishima: *is done*
That got me thinking, too...
Akaashi: *silent because he is analyzing*
Tanaka: *suddenly feeling proud* nOw, LeT tHaT fAcT sInK iN...
OKAY! Kenma and Tsukki, any thoughts? You have been silent the whole duration of this debate.
Kenma: *disgusted face* I’d rather not. 
Tsukishima: I refuse to partake in this idiotic debate.
Akaashi: *totally understands the setters’ decision*
Well...ummm...okay...So I guess both teams have lost their logic?
Akaashi: Right. 
Akaashi: Please leave your thoughts and your votes on the comments down below.
Once again, this is Leia.
Akaashi: And Akaashi.
Both: Your moderators and this is: DEBATE NIGHT!
also everyone: *still feeling angsty with Tanaka’s statement*
also Tsukki and Kenma: Finally, it’s done!
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negans-wifeyy · 4 years
The Babysitter
Tumblr media
Summary: Jeffrey Dean Morgan gets down and dirty with his babysitter. 
Pairing: Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader
Warning: Heavy smut, major negan vibes
Tags: Seduction, angry sex, older man/younger woman (the reader is 18 and in high school), mdom, sub!reader, teasing, oral sex(woman receiving), unprotected sex(oups), etc.
Word Count: 2398
A/N: The premise of this story was heavily inspired by an audio from the subreddit gonewildaudio. I’ll put the link in the comments since tumblr won’t allow me to publish anything with a NSFW link in it. If you haven’t discovered GWA yet, you’re welcome. Also, the story involves Hilary Burton portrayed as a shitty wife but it’s nothing against her or her actual marriage to JDM. I just needed to include her in it for the story to make sense. 
Ever since you were little girl, you’ve lived next door to the Morgans who were known in your neighbourhood like the white picket fence family. Last year, much to everyone’s surprise, Mrs. Morgan separated from her husband, Jeffrey, and even move out of their house. Now that they shared custody of their two boys, you’ve become Mr. Morgan’s trustworthy babysitter on days where he was working late. Three times a week, you’d babysit his kids after high school. You went to a private school at the other end of town but you always made sure to arrive at his house on time to welcome the kids home. Their mother would always pick them up from kindergarten and dropped them off for you to watch them over the evening. Often times, you’d rush out of your last class without even having time to change from your uniform just to be punctual. Today was one of those times, except that it was now an hour past the hour that Mrs. Morgan would usually arrive with her children. She was very much late and you tried to call her multiple times, but got no answer. Concerned, you reached her husband to let him know about the situation.
"Hello?" Jeffrey answered over the sound of a loud car horn.
"Hi, Mr.Morgan" You said. "This is Y/N. Are you driving?”
“Oh hi Y/N, I am driving but you can talk if there’s an emergency."
"The boys aren’t home yet and I arrived about an hour ago. I called your wife on her cellphone several times but only got her voicemail" You informed him.
"That bitch" He muttered under his breath. "Listen, my phone is about to die but I left work early today so I’m on my way home now. I’ll be there in a few.”
“Alright see you soon” You said before hanging up.
Not even a couple minutes later, your very enraged neighbour storm in his house while you were waiting for him in the living room. He directly went to grab the home phone and furiously dialled his wife’s number. You were sitting on the couch and watched as he stood next to the kitchen counter angrier than you’ve seen him before.
"Hello Hilary?? Where the fuck are you?!" He shouted at her. You couldn’t pick up what she was saying back but you listened closely to the entire conversation. "The babysitter’s been waiting for you to drop off the kids since 4! [... ] We had a fucking deal, Wednesday to Friday, Y/N watches them until I get off of work! [...] Oh, so now you have a problem with our agreement?![...] This was your idea! This is all on you! You decided to move out after the divorce and take our children with you! I want to see my kids! [...] Of course I’m getting mad. You— Hilary? Hilary?? Hilary??!"
Jeffrey threw the phone on the floor breaking it into pieces. His face was all red and a vein popped up from his forehead from being so angry. You stood up a bit shaken by his actions and didn’t know whether to stay and calm him down or leave to let him cool off.
"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lash out like that" He apologized in a calmer tone."It’s just been hell lately trying to co-parent with Hilary. She wants to get full custody of the kids and is trying to make me look bad for leaving them with you during my nights that I’m supposed to spend with them."
"No need to apologize, I’m more sorry to hear about it. Are the kids ok?” You asked.
“Yeah, they’re fine. They’re with their mom and aren’t really aware of the drama”
“That’s good. And are you ok Mr.Morgan?”
“I have to be. But deep down though, I’m boiling inside and I just can’t believe she would do that! " He rose his voice yet again.
"She'll come around I’m sure about it." You tried to reassure him so he wouldn’t lose his temper again.
"No she won’t! That bitch is depriving me from seeing my boys and I bet her manipulative ass is gonna get away with it. I can’t believe I’m even getting mad right now! That’s exactly what she fucking wants!!" He vented to you letting out all of his repressed emotions. But, he wasn’t done yet. From the rage written all over his face, he was on the verge of really blowing up. "God I’m so... I’m so fucking pant up right now!!! I just.. I just need to pin someone down and fuck them hard until they come on my cock!!"
That was really unexpected. You were so stunned by the profanity of his statement that you stood in place wide-eyed, swallowing a huge lump in your throat. Any other person would be shocked by the obscene language that Jeffrey used but for you, it’s was surprisingly turning you on.
"I’m so sorry again, I can’t believe I said that out loud.” He said almost out of breath from yelling so much. “I hope I didn’t scare you?”
"Euh.. no. It’s ok don’t worry” You said as you cleared your throat.
"It’s just been so long ever since the divorce that I’ve... you know, done it. Our marriage was built on makeup sex from always fighting, so every time I get angry now, I can’t help getting aroused. And umm..." He declared before stopping briefly to walked around the counter and come closer to you. You were so nervous the more he closed the distance between you two. "It surely doesn’t help, when a young, attractive woman like you is dressed up in her cute schoolgirl uniform, calls me Mr.Morgan with an innocent voice and looks up at me with her dewy eyes."
He was now standing in front of you so closely and eyed you up and down like he desired you more than anything in the world. You could feel your heart pumping through your chest and your palms were sweating from the sexual tension building up. Plus, he was looking really handsome with the business suit he was wearing which turned you on even more. You’ve always been attracted to your neighbour but feared that your major age gap would be an issue for him. From the way you both stared deeply into each other’s eyes with lust and desire, you knew now that it wasn’t an issue at all. He moved his hand to your face, palming it and thumbing your bottom lip.
"You are so fucking gorgeous" Jeffrey said to you and all of the sudden, his lips crashed onto yours. He kissed you so passionately as he grabbed the back of your neck with one hand and cupped your ass with the other. "You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this"
"Me too. " You said with your hands laying on his chest. His heart was also beating really fast.
"You know, I’m 100% sure that my attraction to you is the reason why Hilary doesn’t want you babysitting the kids. She would always get jealous of the way I looked at you when you’d come over." He lowered his head to your neck to give it gentle kisses and continued to talk in between them. “I’ve always fantasized about having you and right now, I want you more than anything.”
The way he talked while sucking at all your sensitive spots, you couldn’t help yourself but moan gently. Jeffrey moved up to your earlobe to nibble it with his mouth.
“Here’s what’s going to happen.” He whispered into your ear with his raspy and dominant voice. “You’re gonna lay down on the couch and I’m going to lick your cunt until you cum all over my tongue. After that, I’m going to fuck you hard and fill you up with my cum. Are we understood?"
"Yes Mr.Morgan” You said to him, which made him smirk slightly in satisfaction.
"Good girl" He told you as he sat down on the couch. "I want you to take off all your clothes first. Slowly. "
You did as you were told by starting to unbutton your blouse. Jeffrey was eyeing your every move and he let his hand wander down to his dick that was rock hard through his pants. Then, you got rid of your skirt, leaving you in your bra and panties. Normally, you would have been really insecure stripping down in front of someone. But, by the way Jeffrey was touching himself and looking at you like you were the sexiest thing ever, you felt really comfortable. As soon as you took your bra down, he motioned to you with his finger to come closer.
"Sit on my lap baby girl" He demanded to you and you followed his order. "Now grind on it”
You whined your hips back and forth on his thigh and Jeffrey took advantage of your proximity to massage your breasts and take your nipples in his mouth. He nibbled and tugged on them which made you even more excited and grind on him faster. The friction on your clit was getting you closer to your climax.
"That’s it Y/N. Keep grinding your pretty little pussy on my thigh. I want you dripping from your wetness.”
“Oh god! I’m gonna cum!” You cried out as you almost reached orgasm.
“No, you’re not.” He spat at you and took you off of his lap. He pinned you down on your back and laid on top of you. His eyes were filled with rage and his hand was now wrapped around your neck. "You don’t get to cum until I tell you to. Do you understand?"
"Yes”. You responded softly.
“Yes who?” He demanded and squeeze his hand on your neck, choking you gently.
"Yes Mr.Morgan.” You managed to say out of breath.
“Good girl. Now let’s see how wet you are for me” He slid down the couch and spread your legs to settle in between them. Jeffrey cupped you sex over your panties to feel your wetness. “Wow, you are dripping. Am I making you this wet?”
“Ye-Yess Mr.Morgan." You breathed out heavily as he started to rub you slowly. You rocked your hips forward following the motion of his hand.
"Don’t get too eager now baby girl, I haven’t even tasted you yet.” Jeffrey stopped rubbing you to take your panties off. He kissed down your leg slowly and when his mouth got in front of your sex, your whole body squirmed in anticipation. But he wanted to keep teasing you and kissed your inner thighs instead. When he saw that you were getting more and more excited, he licked up the length of your slit before sucking gently on your throbbing clit. You arched your back in pleasure and Jeffrey stared up at you being completely intoxicated by his oral skills. As if eating you out wasn’t enough, he pushed two fingers inside of you without warning and curled them upward to rub against your g-spot.
“Oh fuck it feels so good!!” You gasped. "Keep going!”
You grabbed both the side of the couch and Jeffrey’s hair for balance. He devoured and finger fucked you more rapidly without breaking eye contact with you. You were on the verge of cumming but remembered that you weren’t allowed unless he told you to.
"Do you need to come baby girl?” He asked you.
“Yess!” You whined out desperate.
“Beg for it.” He demanded
“Pleeeease Mr.Morgan can I come?!” You pleaded.
"Come for me right now, all over my mouth and my fingers."
"Fuckk yesss!!! You screamed out loudly and your entire body convulsed from the intensity of your orgasm. As you were coming down from it, breathless, Jeffrey moved up to kiss you so you could taste yourself. His entire mouth and beard were drenched with your cum.
“I need to fuck you right now. I need to feel that tight little cunt clench around my cock. Are you ready baby?” Jeffrey declared to you. You nodded in response and reached down to unbuckle his belt. You grabbed his dick inside his briefs and stroke it gently.
"You are so big Mr.Morgan, I wonder if I could fit you all in my mouth” You told him amazed by his size. His lips were parted and he moaned softly from your touch and your dirty talk.
"Fuck. That would feel so good” He suddenly stopped your actions and grabbed both your hands to pin them on top of your head. “But you’ll get to suck my cock another time. Right now I need to be inside of you really badly.”
Jeffrey took his member in his hand and teased the tip up and down on your entrance before penetrating fully. You took every inch of his massive cock without any time to adjust as he rammed inside of you faster and faster. His rough strokes in your cunt were hitting all the right spots and you moaned louder than you’ve ever moaned before with any other men.
"Oh fuck yesss!! Don’t stop!" You screamed.
"Your pussy is so tight around my cock! Fuck!" He grunted ou loudly. He put his hand around your neck again to choke you as you were gasping for air. "Beg for my cum!" 
"Please!! I-I want you- oh fuck!" You tried to beg but failed due to the amazing sensations and Jeffrey’s hand around your throat.
"I said: beg for my cum!" He commanded you.
"C-Can you please cum inside of me while I come around your dick Mr.Morgan?!"
“Cum right now!”
Your body twitched, your toes curled and your eyes rolled back as you came harder than before. It felt like an out of body experience and not a few seconds later, Jeffrey came too.
“Oh fuck, I’m cumming!! Take my load deep in your tight cuuunnt!!" He moaned and filled your pussy with his cum.
He let go of your hands and neck and before he collapsed on top of you, you kissed him yet again still aching for more.
“That was amazing Y/N” He told you with a grin so wide, you could see his dimples form. “Why don’t you join me in my bedroom for the night? I am not quite with you baby girl."
"Yes Mr.Morgan." You eagerly responded and returned his grin with a cheeky smile.
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idyllicstarker · 4 years
Could you do a selectively mute peter parker fic where peter after years of not speaking finally speaks to Tony to confess that he is in love with him?
I found this extremely hard to write and I’m not too sure why, so I’m sorry if this isn’t too good for you. I hope you can forgive me! Also tumblr said no to paragraphs so I’m sorry about that too!
Warnings: Mute!Peter, very minor sexual implications
Everyone always told him it was a shame that no one had noticed young Peter Parker closing in on himself - maybe then, early intervention could have been taken, and Peter wouldn’t be silent now. In a way they were right, after the death of his parents, Peter had begun to speak less and less. It was a slow, and gradual decline. His speech became shorter, less frequent, but when he did speak, he was smart, for a child, so no one really thought it was a problem. He was sad, not quite old enough to recognise the trauma, but enough to feel the loss and confusion.
When his Uncle Ben died in the fire, well that’s when people really began to notice it. Peter wouldn’t speak, not unless he was called for. His sentences became short, sharp, and straight to the point. Never speaking longer then he needed to.
And then one day they just stopped altogether.
It wasn’t that Peter had lost it, no, he chose this. He chose to go quiet because it just seemed far easier. And although it was a difficult task at first, he soon realised it was one of the best decisions he’d ever made.
Not speaking allowed him to listen - pay attention to things he wouldn’t have before, because he didn't have to open his mouth and join in the conversation. He was allowed to just observe for the most part. Of course people still spoke to him, but very few did, they didn’t like it, they found it awkward, or not worth their time. It didn’t matter to Peter. He wasn’t selectively mute to be special, it wasn’t a personality trait or a quirk - he did it because he felt safer when he was locked in his own silence. He knew, at first, if he was to open his mouth everything he felt would spill out, it frightened him. Now, it was a habit, and some days he knew he wouldn't be able to speak even if he wanted to.
Thus, young Peter found other ways to communicate. At first it took a lot of getting used to. Having to scrawl down on paper what he was trying to say; or type into his phone for it to repeat it back aloud; being shouted at by teachers when he wouldn’t answer a question by voice when he was picked on; adults and children alike finding him rude for not replying. Many still thought that, but those close to him, and those in school, knew by now that Peter just wouldn’t speak, no matter how much you shouted or scoffed at him.
Well.. almost everyone. Flash, for example, was still trying to get Peter to speak to him. He called him weird, abnormal; said he was attention seeking, even hitting and kicking him in order to try and get Peter to yell out. But the most he got was a pained whimper or grunt. But it didn’t matter. Peter was still happy. Despite what other people thought.
Meeting Tony had been interesting. Him and his friends had gotten into the habit of learning sign language to communicate. It was helpful and they did it naturally. But Tony, and the rest of the avengers, took a bit of time in understanding Peter. But they never once got frustrated. And Peter was glad - having been asked countless times before why he “wouldn’t just speak”, it was nice to not be questioned for once. They tried, they all did, to be patient with him, and Peter was thankful. In meetings, he’d raise his hand, and Tony would allow him to let his typed out comment repeat his idea aloud, he was never left out of forgotten. Just because he wouldn’t speak, it didn’t mean his ideas went unnoticed, they were listened to and heard, but most of all, appreciated.
“Hey Peter, can you pass me the screwdriver?”
The younger male looked up from his desk in the lab at Tony, who was tinkering away at some device opposite him.
They two quickly fell into some sort of routine in which Peter was there most nights, helping Tony out and just.. as Peter liked to call it: hanging out. It wasn’t just a figment of his imagination, in a way they were actually doing that. Tony sometimes insisted that he slept over, or ate with him. And sometimes, after a particularly long day, they’d settle on the couch and watch a movie. It was everything Peter had ever dreamed of from his idol and more.
Except maybe for the fact that Tony treated him like a son. Now don’t get me wrong, he was flattered, but the crush he was harbouring for the older male, not so much.
Biting down on his lip, Peter nodded his head, despite the fact that he knew Tony wasn’t even looking at him. Grabbing the screwdriver he hopped down from his stool before walking over to pass it to Tony. “Thanks kid”, came the reply, causing Peter to sigh softly.
‘Kid’, he hated it. He hated the word because it only confirmed what Tony thought of him. And as selfish as it was, Peter wanted more. He wanted Tony. Every moment he spent with him he found himself falling madly and madly in love with him and it just didn’t stop. Every accidental touch left energy buzzing through his veins. And it hurt, it hurt so bad, that Tony didn’t feel it too and only saw him as some sort of child.
Moving back to his stool, he sat down, and pulled his tablet towards him. He pressed on the pre command “you’re welcome”, and listened as it emitted the words.
A couple of months back Tony made him the special tablet to make typing out audio quicker. It had precommands for efficiency and Peter could set it to save anything he’d like. Peter almost cried when Tony gave it to him because apart from Ned (who’d learned sign language for him; mj of course already knew it) no one had ever tried that hard to ensure Peter could have a normal conversation with them.
It made everything so much easier. From simply talking to Tony, to answering questions in class, to ordering food in a restaurant.
His fingers brushed over the screen affectionately before his gaze moved over to where Tony was hunched over his workbench. Peter’s lips turned up in a smile at the sight. The man was covered in various smudges of a dark liquid Peter couldn’t identify. His face was scrunched in concentration the way it always was, lips pressed together, eyebrows furrowed together, jaw clenched.
It made Peter laugh softly, typing out a quick sentence. “You need to relax Tony, anyone would think someone is forcing you to work!”
The man looked up with tired eyes, before rolling them slightly. “I am relaxed!”, he protested, before sighing and setting down the screw driver at Peter’s ‘don’t even start with me’ look.
“Alright kid, fine. We’ll finish up for today. We’ll go take showers and then watch a movie, I think Chinese tonight?”
Peter’s smile grew at the offer, shyly tucking some hair behind his ear as he nodded. The smile that grew on Tony’s face had his heart fluttering quite softly. The man was so handsome, from his rugged jawline that Peter desperately wanted to press kisses over, to his eyes. They were always so soft and affectionate when looking at him. Those times when Peter gazed straight back into them were the times where just for a moment he could kid himself that Tony actually felt something back. Something more than pity for the silent kid with the traumatic past. But of course, Tony didn’t, and that was the reality. Tony could have anyone, beautiful men and women alike, he wouldn’t even look twice at little old Peter if he wasn’t his so-called ‘intern’ or on his team.
Peter blinked quickly as he was snapped from his thoughts at the sound of Tony’s concerned voice. He smiled to show he was okay, before hopping down from his stool. Tony had come to stand in front of him, not sure on why Peter had suddenly lacked life, so when Peter stood, their bodies brushed against each other gently. Peter swallowed, a small blush falling over his pale cheeks, but of course Tony took it as embarrassment at being questioned instead, and laughed.
The sound only made Peter blush harder, shaking his head as he scrunched up his nose before sticking out his tongue - a pattern of expressions Tony had come to know as a playful ‘don’t be mean.’
He smiled softly, reaching out a hand to ruffle Peter’s hair. The boy in turn let out a huff, and swatted his wrist away. Grabbing onto the tablet he began to type before eventually his words sounded out. “You’re a mean old man!”
As soon as Tony heard it, he laughed out loud, shaking his head, wrapping an arm around Peter’s shoulders and beginning to lead him out of the lab. “I’m not that old, you’re just a baby”, he said in response.
Any other person may protest, or shrug and let it go, but to Peter, he felt a horrible pang in his chest. A baby, that’s all he was to Tony. He smiled sadly, suddenly interested in his beaten up old converse, and yet still overly alert at the fact that he was tucked against Tony’s side - and yes, the man smelt good. Hours in the lab did nothing to Tony’s hygiene, a loss of cologne maybe, but the musky scent of sweat and hard work only delighted Peter.
He swallowed tightly, willing himself to not turn his head so that he could get more and instead began to type once again.
“My therapist is coming tomorrow, so is it alright if I stay over, I don't see the point in leaving and coming back”
Tony nodded his head, “Of course Peter, you know you don’t have to ask”, he hummed softly, and Peter smiled. It was times when Tony said little things like that, that kept him happy.
The therapy began within weeks of Peter and Tony growing closer. Despite still not knowing the direct cause of his silence, let alone working to get him to speak more, it helped him come to terms with the traumatic events of his past. And it helped, it did, Peter was happier, he smiled more. Despite protesting Tony paying for it at first, the man simply shrugged him off. And even now, Tony would say it’s ‘money well spent as long as you’re smiling.’
Eventually they ended up outside Peter’s designated room, and Tony let go. Peter already missed the warmth and safeness he had felt, but of course he simply nodded at Tony’s commands of “take as long as you need, and I’ll meet you downstairs”, as the man walked away.
With a sigh, Peter walked into his room. Setting the tablet down on his desk he closed his eyes for a moment. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could go trying to hide it. He was certain everyone could see the way his pupils dilated when he looked at Tony, the softer loving smile on his lips, the way he gazed over him longingly. Everyone could see it but Tony.
He’d gone through months of this. Tony being seen with various people, and Peter even seeing some leaving the tower. It was torture for him because he wanted to be the one in Tony’s bed. And yet he couldn’t.
When Peter was done with his shower he made his way downstairs. Tony was already in the lounge, sitting down on the couch, remote in his hand as he seemed to be watching some type of football. He had on grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt, and Peter had to bite down on his lip because Tony just looked so good when he was relaxed and casual. Don’t get me wrong, the expensive suits were sexy, but the intimacy of seeing Tony like this was always something he didn’t quite get over.
The arms of his hoodie pulled over his fists, he shuffled over to the couch, smiling softly at Tony as he set the tablet beside him.
“Hey kid”, came the greeting, Tony bowing his head slightly, “why don’t you choose something to watch and I’ll order some food. You want the usual?”, he asked.
With a slow movement, Peter took the remote from Tony’s outstretched hand and nodded his head. He remembered… he always remembered what he liked. The thought made his heart swell as he began on to Netflix and tried to concentrate on finding an interesting movie but it was hard when he was so close to Tony’s warm body. The man’s legs were open, leant back against the couch, strong thighs apart. The sinful things Peter would do to get between them.
He clenched his eyes shut. No! He couldn’t be thinking like this. Letting out a soft sigh, he stopped on a movie he thought they both could enjoy before shuffling to cross his legs underneath him.
“You know Pete, me and you don’t really talk. You don’t tell me about yourself.”
Peter was confused at the sudden words, turning his gaze to look over Tony, but the man’s own gaze was down on his phone, seemingly still ordering the food. Licking over his bottom lip, Peter shrugged before beginning to type.
“Well… what do you want to know then?”
Tony smiled, but stayed silent for a moment, before setting his phone down and turning to look at the younger boy.
“Well, I know about your friends. But what about someone special in your life huh? Rumour was it, for a while, that you and MJ were a thing?”, Tony questioned.
The moment Peter received his reply he began to splutter, hitting his chest to try and get his heart to restart. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting but, it wasn’t that. His pulse sped up, and suddenly the room was way too warm. Did Tony know? Had he been reading his thoughts or something - no, that wasn’t possible… but this didn’t make sense.
With trembling hands he resumed typing, hoping he wasn’t acting too suspicious. “No.. no, we’re not.. I don’t really like anyone.”
Tony scoffed, shaking his head. “Come on kid that’s gotta be a lie. Look at you. You’re beautiful. Even if you think you don’t like anyone, someone has gotta like you..”
Tony continued but Peter wasn’t really concentrating. He didn’t know if he wanted to blush at being called beautiful by him, or throw up at the questioning. It was a lot, and suddenly Peter didn’t want to be beside Tony at all. He could still hear him talking, but he couldn’t make out anything he was saying. Everything was so blurry, everything felt so out of place. Peter knew now was his moment but his hands couldn’t type. They refused. His heart however was screaming.
It all happened so quickly before Peter could even register he’d done it.
“It’s you. I love you Tony.”
The voice that spoke was quiet, raspy. From years of barely being used. It sounded soft, but yet husky, it hadn’t quite got used to it’s vocal chords. Peters hands were shaking and his eyes widened as he’d realised what he’d done.
One quick glance at Tony, and he noticed the man’s own eyes were wide open too. He clearly hasn’t been expecting to hear Peter actually speak. It was the first time he’d ever heard his voice. But that wasn’t the only reason why he was shocked. That confession… he hadn’t been expecting it.
But Peter knew at that moment he’d messed up - or at least that’s what he thought. He was ready to run, bolting up, but was surprised to feel a hand grab onto his own, and pull him back down. He refused to look at Tony. But he didn’t need to.
A calloused but gentle hand grabbed onto his cheek, angling his head to face him. Yet Tony didn’t speak. Simply leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to Peter’s soft lips.
When he pulled away, Peter’s heart was racing. It was like someone let off a firework inside of him. Everything was on fire, in a good way. He was slightly panting as he looked over Tony’s eyes, and then his lips, gently curled into a smile.
“I love you too Peter”, came the gentle words.
Peter’s eyes widened in disbelief, shaking his head, yet Tony only chuckled and pulled him to his chest. Peter let out a soft relieved breath as he turned his nose against his neck to breathe in his scent. He didn’t speak, but Tony wasn’t expecting him to.
“We’ll work on you speaking again, okay?”, Peter nodded. “But please, please don’t hide from me, I want to hear you sweetheart.”
Peter smiled, curling up more against the older man. “Okay”, he croaked out. More confident now, it was obvious.
There was so much more that they needed to discuss, but for now, he was silent, but he knew he didn’t have to be forever.
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hypnoticwinter · 4 years
Down the Rabbit Hole part 10
The door opens and the bell rings and Peter and I both look up; the lady I’d ran into earlier on my first day in Gumption walks in and nods to Peter. Through the course of the story we’d finished breakfast and then I’d walked with Peter down to the 7-11 and he’d clocked in and started his shift while I sat on a stack of beer cases and listened, turning the voice recorder to its highest sensitivity to capture everything he was saying. I could always go back and take a transcript later if I had to, if the audio was too loud or too distorted.
Her eyes stray over me but whatever she thinks she doesn’t betray anything with her expression. I’ve reached out automatically and covered the voice recorder with my hand as soon as I heard the door open; it was an automatic action, quick as a whip, no conscious thought required, and I slide my thumb down its ridged side, click it off.
“Hey, Michelle,” Peter says.
“Hey, Peter,” she says.
He glances at his watch and whistles. “I didn’t realize it was four already.”
“Time flies when you’re having fun,” she says, a slight layer of sarcasm flavoring her words. I can feel my hackles rising but I ease myself down. Peter’s eyes flick over to me.
“Well,” he says, and I feel my mouth drop open.
“No way. You can’t be serious.”
“You aren’t going to finish the story?”
Peter grins at me. “I have to go get ready,” he says in a soft voice. “I’ll finish telling you later.”
“Oh my god.”
“What?” he repeats.
“What the hell happens to Makado?”
“She…” he starts, and then stops. I can see a flicker of pain cross his face like the dappled back of a fish beneath a sunstruck river. My heart falls within my chest and I realize that I’m becoming far too invested to be objective, I need to take a step back. “She made it out fine,” he tells me. I don’t believe him.
Despite all of my efforts to cajole him he won’t tell me any more. He assures me that we’ll have enough time tonight, that it’s going to be a lot of sitting around and waiting while I film far-off dots moving around under the cover of darkness and that he’ll tell me then. It smells like a cop-out to me, like he just doesn’t want to get into what happened to Makado.
It’s unbelievable enough already, though, isn’t it? Amalgams and copepods and all of that stuff. I hear it and I think, oh, this is the plot to a movie. This isn’t real, it can’t be. Even though I’m only a few miles from it, even though I’m going to be going there tonight, it doesn’t feel like the Pit is a place that actually exists. It feels like somebody is pulling my leg.
Or it would, if it weren’t for the look on Peter’s face when he talks about Makado. That at least is real. Whether everything else around it is fake, I guess there’s a little kernel of doubt still sprouting in my head somewhere, the tiny eternal skeptic inside of me that isn’t willing to believe anything it can’t touch or feel or see itself.
We walk out of the 7-11 together and look at each other. Peter nods. “Same place as where you followed before. You know how to get there?”
I nod as well. “Line up the two rocks and the cactus with the setting sun and walk straight until I hit the three boulders in the dip of the hill.”
“Good memory. If you mess up you’ll be able to see us probably anyway, I’ll have my flashlight.”
“How many people are coming?”
“Besides you there’s three others, one guy from the cult for his initiation and two others who…well, you know.”
“Yeah. Was that what Erica was talking to you about the other day?”
“When she pulled up at midnight or whenever? Yeah, she was just telling me who to look out for. Because those guys want to be able to get back out again I have to give them different instructions, that kind of thing.”
I shudder in spite of myself. “Well, see you tonight.”
“See you,” he says. He turns and walks quickly away and then past the corner of the building and I am alone. I stand there for a moment and then lean up against the side of the building. The sun is hot but not terribly so and here in the shade it’s really quite a nice afternoon.
A car pulls up and turns into one of the pumps. It’s the second customer I’ve seen all day. The guy looks over at me but it isn’t anyone I know or have seen before, and after a moment he puts his card in and fills up the tank, then drives off.
I look round and, after a moment, let myself slide down the faux-brick façade of the 7-11 and stretch my legs out in front of me. My knee cracks like a gunshot as I do and I wince. I take my phone out of my pocket and dial a number and listen as the harsh buzzing tone drills one, two, three, four, five times into my ear, and then there’s a click and the answering machine picks up.
“Hi, you’ve reached Mark Dzilenski. I’m not able to take your call right now but if you leave me your name and number, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks, bye.”
“Hi, dad,” I say, and I feel a wave of emotion pressing at me that I refuse to confront. I swallow. “I’m sorry our call got disconnected the other night, I think there’s something wrong with my phone. It was good hearing your voice, I’m glad you and mom are doing okay.”
I lick my lips. Alright, Roan, you’ve been very glib so far. Spit it out.
“I, uh,” I start. Come on. “I got some news the other day that I wanted to tell you, I…”
“If you are satisfied with your call, you can hang up, or press 1 for delivery options. To re-record –“
I hang up the call, and then I stand up. I rummage in my bag for a cigarette and light it, and then walk slowly back to the hotel, taking my time. I’m meeting Peter at one in the morning but my nerves are already balling around themselves in a panic. I feel like I’m going to be sick.
“So what?” I ask out loud. I look over and see my distorted reflection looking back at me in the thick glass window of a closed barbershop. I look tired. “So what?” I mutter again. I look at the me in the window a little longer but I don’t like the way she looks at me so I toss my cigarette on the ground and crush it out and hurry a little more. It feels like there is a cloud looming behind me but it’s just in the sky, promising rain.
When I get back to the hotel room I unfold my laptop, dump the audio files from the voice recorder back onto it, and then I connect to the extremely rickety wi-fi network the motel offers and I look up what exactly the penalty is for trespassing on federal property. It’s not that bad, actually; a misdemeanor in all cases, at least under federal law. I don’t know if the site around the Pit is solely administered federally or if state law would also apply, though. Or would it count as trespassing on a military base? Apparently that can be a felony, if it’s important enough or if you’re being malicious about it. I do more googling around but the information I turn up is cryptic and limited. I wonder, not for the first time, if I’m putting myself on some kind of list doing this sort of research, then shake my head. Whatever.
The evening passes slowly and my nervousness doesn’t fade no matter how many cigarettes I smoke, leaned over on the wiry metal bannister, staring off into the flat, unexciting horizon. I watch television just to pass time, let Baggage and The Price is Right and Family Feud wash over me like an ocean, like waves, like I’m drowning. Am I drowning? If I were sane I think I’d feel like I were drowning.
When the time comes I put some pants on, long ones this time, shrug into my jacket, make sure I have my voice recorder and my camcorder and my slim little folding knife, more of a letter opener than anything else. I laugh at myself when I tuck it into my pocket but I still do it.
“Alright Roan,” I say to myself, staring in the mirror, sounding braver than I really feel, tucking my hair back in a ponytail. “Let’s go commit a felony.”
 * * *
 Peter raises his hand in greeting as I crest the hill and I wave back at him, click the light on my phone off and move down, join the little circle. He’d said there would be three others; two are here so far. One is a small Asian girl, so skinny it looks like she’d burst into flame if she crossed her legs too fast, and the other is a tall, heavy guy, looking like he’s in his late forties, balding hard. He has bags under his eyes and he keeps reflexively running his hands together. “Hi Lily,” Peter says to me and I blink and almost look behind myself to see if there’s someone back there, but he winks at me and I realize I’m supposed to be Lily. I wonder if there’s anything else important he’s left out.
“Hey,” I say. The Asian girl glances at me and then looks away again. Her eyes are very dark and it looks as though she’s chewing lightly on the inside of her cheek, sucking it inwards and holding it between her teeth and then letting it go again.
“This is Bao and Rey,” he tells me, indicating each of them. I nod at them.
“Hey,” I say again. “You guys, uh…excited?”
Peter shakes his head minutely and I feel faintly embarrassed, like I’ve said something I clearly shouldn’t have without realizing the taboo.
To their credit, they definitely do not look excited; nervous is more accurate. Perhaps haunted would be appropriate as well. Rey keeps glancing out into the darkness as though he can see something moving around out there; I can see his eyes focus on something and track it for a while before slipping off like a thrown egg slipping slowly down a window. I look out into the darkness as well but even though my eyes aren’t as adapted now thanks to Peter’s big utility flashlight throwing enough light to make me squint, it is very clear that there is nothing out there, nothing large enough that he’d be able to see it and track it like that.
I want to talk to him, I want to take out my recorder, I want to pry my way into his head, but I restrain myself. This is clearly not the time. The camcorder is still in my jacket pocket, the bulky night-vision attachment screwed onto its snouty muzzle already, fully charged and ready to go, but clearly I am supposed to be pretending to be one of these people. While we lapse into another uneasy silence and Peter checks his watch, I consider my new existence as Lily.
These two people are clearly so far gone that they barely recognize me as a person, let alone the deeper distinction between Roan and Lily. The way Rey keeps seeing ghosts and watching them like he’s ready to bolt or to fight, the way Bao keeps jumping at sounds none of the rest of us can hear, clearly they’re the two who are – what even is the right word? Afflicted? Who are, at least in Peter’s estimation, beyond retrieval?
I look at Bao. She’s young, maybe about my age, maybe a little younger. Twenty-two or twenty-three? Very possibly. Bao…the name sounds more Chinese than Japanese or Korean but I don’t know enough about Eastern culture to positively identify her, plus obviously there are more Asian countries than just China, Japan, and Korea. And if I’m supposed to be one of these people then should I care? Should I be getting into character?
I look again at Peter and feel a faint spark of anger at the fact that he didn’t let me know, didn’t warn me, but then I realize he didn’t really have a way to – he doesn’t have my number, and maybe this was something that resolved itself later in the afternoon after we’d parted, this need for secrecy.
I’ll draw the line at aping those nervous tics. Just watching these two is making me sad, giving me a feeling like someone’s taking hold of my heart and squeezing. It feels cruel, knowing I can do nothing.
Clearly the reason I’m Lily is because the third person, the guy from the cult, will know I’m coming, or at least will recognize my name. I think back and wonder if anybody had had a chance to take a photo of me while I was out walking around the town, but I’d have given people so many opportunities to take one without me noticing that it’s pointless to dwell on.
Surely if there was some sort of danger, if the cult knew for sure I would be here and they were perhaps willing to prevent me from coming somehow, Peter would have contacted me. He knows the motel I’m at, he might not know the room but if Erica Walken could get the phone number to it, surely Peter could have as well…right?
I toss my head, work my jaw sideways. It feels like it wants to crack but it doesn’t; I can feel the tension in the bulgy little knot of muscles down the side of my cheek. It doesn’t matter. I’m here, and I’m going in with them, cult or no cult.
There’s a crunching of feet on the dry hard earth behind us and Rey and I both turn to watch the third guy, tall and dark, making his way down the hill to us. He’s young, with a trimmed beard, and close-cropped hair. His eyes are very small; they linger on me for a moment and then flick to Rey and Bao.
“Alright,” Peter says, “everybody’s here. We’re going to be going under the fence through a hidden tunnel. It’s going to be tight so you guys are going to have to drop to your stomachs and crawl. It was going to be a waste-drainage pipe but they didn’t give the contractors they hired to do it the right plans and so it turned out that they were digging right on top of one of the power lines for the electric fence. They just left the pipe in there and put a fake rock over the entrance.”
I almost laugh when I hear that. It’s too easy. There must be a catch, mustn’t there?
“The pipe is going to let you out on the side of the patrol road inside the fence,” Peter says, looking between us. He weights his words carefully. “There should not be a patrol moving at the time that we go through,” he says, “but on the off chance that there is, whoever is in front needs to just freeze and wait, you understand?”
He looks around at us until we each nod. It takes Bao the longest but she does acknowledge, at least, that he’s speaking. “You,” he says, pointing to the guy from the cult, “your name is Marcus, right?”
“That’s right,” he says. He has a slow, deep, purposeful voice.
“You’re going to be in front. I don’t normally come in but I will be this time, I have some business to take care of inside. Me and Lily here,” he says, pointing to me, “will be in the rear. You two will be in the middle,” he says, and Rey and Bao nod, a little quicker this time.
“Once we’re inside, you’re going to be going in through a disused emergency exit that they haven’t sealed up because the Pit uses it to breathe. I’m not going to lie to you, it won’t be pleasant. It’s going to be tight, hot, smell horrendous, and it’ll be pitch-black, but it’s a one-way trip without any side branches, so just push through it and you will get through and out into the old Bronchial section. It’s been a long time since I’ve been there but all of my information says that any damage is fairly minimal and you should still be able to get through. Once you’re in, you’re on your own. If you want to come back out, take the same drainage pipe that we go in through and be careful not to cross the road right in front of a patrol. This area that we’re in, there aren’t any cameras, there’s no other detection, so as long as you look out for patrols, you’re fine. If you get caught, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. If you don’t tell them anything, the worst they can do is felony trespassing and a $500 fine. It isn’t great but it also isn’t the worst thing in the world. Understood so far?”
We all nod. My heart is beating quickly; I can hear it in my ears, a little thump reminding me that I’m really doing this, I’m really going to do it.
“Great,” Peter says. “Once you’re inside, the deeper you go the less likely it is that someone will catch you. Flip side is, the deeper you go, the more likely it is something will catch you. Anything with a sign that says ‘LVC’ or ‘Main Gullet,’ don’t go that way, you will get caught. I don’t know what you want to do down there or how long you want to do it for, doesn’t matter to me, but try not to get caught. And one more thing,” he says, looking very seriously at all of us. “Do not, under any circumstances, try to go in or out any other way than the one we’re going to take. That means do not go down to the main orifice. That is the most watched area in the entire facility and it is completely open. I know that this way isn’t great but it’s safe, easy, and it is unobserved. Everybody good?”
Once again we all nod, but I wonder whether or not Rey and Bao have really absorbed the information. Rey keeps watching things moving around in the shadows and Bao’s eyes are unfocused and glassy, and her head rocks lightly to the beat of something none of the rest of us can hear.
Peter gives instructions on how to get to the entrance, which I can now identify as being the same way as he and Makado got out during the disaster, the same breathing orifice that they’d pushed their way through four years ago.
Something about the…the enormity of it, of the thing beneath us and ahead of us and surrounding us, is getting to me. I can feel my skin prickling and a flash of heat passes over me suddenly and I nearly gasp but I contain myself. It wouldn’t do to have a panic attack right now, I tell myself, and I slowly, gradually, get myself back under control. I can feel my hands shaking at my sides and I shove them deep into my pockets. I want a cigarette.
There is finally, it seems, nothing left to talk about, no more instructions or warnings Peter can give us. He nods to himself, going over some kind of mental checklist, and then shrugs. “Alright,” he says. “Let’s go.”
 * * *
 Fifteen minutes later I’m already laughing at myself for getting so worked up over something so banal. Yeah, the other day when I followed Peter it had seemed like very serious business but here, actually making the trip myself, I can’t help but feel like it’s very small potatoes. It’s just a fence, I say to myself as we walk up to it, and then that turns into it’s just a waste drainage pipe, one that I have to shimmy through on my belly, grimacing as dust and grime gets on my nice coat, but it can’t be helped.
Peter’s behind me and Bao is ahead of me; Peter is staring at my ass, I’m sure, but then I realize that it’s pitch black in here so maybe I can give my ego a break and not assume it’s all about me. I keep having to prop myself up on my hands and knees to readjust the camcorder and make sure I’m not smashing it to bits on the hard floor of the pipe, but eventually we make it through and then we’re standing on an identical bit of hard, scrubby earth, except now we’re on the other side of the fence. As I watch, Bao, Rey, and Marcus all take off along the path, crossing it quickly and dropping down into the ditch below, and then they are just dark silhouettes making their way beneath the sharp half-moon. I get out my camcorder and flip it on and start filming them; the night-vision is really not that effective but it’s way better than just filming in the dark.
Peter clambers to his feet next to me and dusts himself off. “Well,” he says after a moment, “there they go.”
“They really don’t get caught?”
“Not usually. The ones who’re there to, you know, die to it, they go as deep as they can as quick as they can, far as I understand it, and the people with the cult tend to stay in the upper areas. There’s not very many personnel in the Pit right now so the odds of running into somebody is slim.”
I point ahead of us. “Can we go sit on that ridge? I want to get some shots of the Pit itself.”
“Sure. If a patrol comes we’ll have to duck down but it should be alright.”
We make our way across the road and down onto the ridge. I find a little flat section for us to sit on and then I pick out the three dark blobs making their way carefully up the hill. I whistle softly. “That’s the easiest way up there?”
“It is,” he says. “It doesn’t look like it but there’s a clear path, you just have to be careful of your footing.”
The figure in front stops for a moment. I can’t tell from this distance but I think it might be Bao. She stops and turns and looks across the great downward sloping crater of the Pit, and I pan the camcorder around and take a shot of it as well. I frown at the image. “That isn’t flesh down there, is it?”
“No,” Peter says. “They filled it all in with concrete. Do you see that little dark spot over there?”
I look where he’s pointing. “Yes.”
“That’s the orifice. They don’t keep it dilated as wide as they did during the park days, and the elevator is way smaller, too. There’s a little command center down in the gullet but it’s like, maybe a quarter of the size of the LVC. They’re all about minimizing impact now.”
Bao seems to be rocking unsteadily back and forth there on the trail and I turn the camera to record her. “So what happened to Makado?” I ask.
“I told you, she got out fine.”
“You know I don’t believe that.”
“It doesn’t matter if you believe it, it’s the truth.”
“Alright, can you introduce me to her, then? I’d like to meet her, or at least have a phone call.”
Peter laughs. “I really don’t think you’d want that.”
“Why not?”
He makes a little grunting noise. “I think you’d find that she –“
“Holy shit!” I blurt. Peter jumps next to me, looks around wildly.
“What is it?”
I’ve already gotten to my feet. “Bao just fucking ran back down the trail and someone else lost their balance and fell off,” I tell him, pointing at the dark object bouncing down the cliff face towards the white concrete below. Whoever it is they’re flopping like a rag doll, and I wince with each impact. “Jesus Christ,” I say, pointlessly. Next to me, Peter curses.
“Stay here,” he tells me before hustling off into the darkness. It looks as though he’s heading for Bao; I can barely see her but it looks as though she’s collapsed against a large boulder maybe a hundred yards away at the base of the hill, her shoulders shaking.
Well, Bao’s fine. I guess. She must have lost her nerve. I turn around, peer through the screen of the camcorder. Whoever she pushed, either Marcus or Rey, he’s reached the bottom by now and slumped into a huddled pile at the bottom of the crater. I can see one limb extended out limply like an exclamation point. I look back at Bao; Peter’s reached her and is hunched down next to her, trying to get her to move. She’s hugging her legs to her chest and I can see her shaking her head frantically. Did she do it on purpose? I didn’t see the whole thing but it looked like she just panicked.
When I turn back to Rey I can see him moving, trying to get up. “Oh fuck,” I say. He pushes himself up on his hands and then his arm gives out and he falls and lays there. I can just barely see, through the camcorder, his chest rising and falling. “Goddam it,” I say to myself, and then I fold up the camcorder and stuff it back into my jacket pocket, and then I get up and start to carefully pick my way down the heavy rocky incline of the crater lip.
 * * *
 I’m scared. I’m not ashamed to admit it, I’m terrified. I’m scared that someone is going to see me, is going to see whoever it is at the bottom, Rey or Marcus, and roll up with the black helicopters and take me wherever the Men in Black take you. It’s an insane, worthless fear but I still feel it. About half of me wants to bolt and run, scurry my way back into that drainage pipe and out and never look back, but I look at the lump ahead of me, hardly even seeming to be a person, no matter how beat up, and I see him again trying to rise and again falling and then I’m down there with him, my ankle aching from where I stepped wrong and very slightly rolled it, and I get down on my knees next to him. “Hey,” I say, “I’m here, it’s okay.”
He’s muttering in anguished Spanish to himself and I have to repeat myself a few times before he cracks his eyes open, his face dirty, blood from a cut above his eyebrow seeping down and stinging at his eye. He says something to me in Spanish and I trot out the little I know. “No entiendo,” I say, “Uh. Habla ingles?”
“Yeah,” he coughs. “You’re – Lily?”
“My name is Roan actually. Are you okay? Can you stand?”
“Roan. Like the horse. My parents were hippies.”
He looks at me like I’m speaking Greek and I might as well be. I put my hand out. “Can you stand?” I ask again, and he takes it. I help him pull himself up but his leg buckles beneath him and he lets out a cry of pain that echoes in the deserted Pit, bouncing off the soft white concrete expanse.
“I think I broke it,” he says. “Oh god.”
He’s staring around again, wilder than before. I look around in spite of myself but as I knew there would be there’s nothing there. I reach into my pocket and click the voice recorder on.
“What do you see?” I ask him.
“You don’t see them?”
“No, I can’t,” I shake my head. “What are they?”
That gets his attention and he tears his eyes from whatever vision he can see cavorting around us. He looks at me closely. “You don’t…you don’t see them?”
“Oh,” he says, sounding disappointed. He tries to rise again but I put my hand on his shoulder.
“Wait,” I tell him. “Your leg must be broken, we can’t –“
“I’m so close,” he says. His eyes are wild now, and fixed on me. Before I can take a step back he’s thrown his weight towards me awkwardly and grabbed my arm. His hands are sweaty. “You have to help me.”
“Put your arm around me,” I tell him, crouching down. He’s heavy enough that I don’t know whether I’ll really be able to help much, but if I get on the same side as his hurt leg I can at least make sure he doesn’t have to put weight on it. The hard part will be getting up again –
Rey cries out again and I wince. “I’m sorry,” I tell him. “This is going to be rough but we have to get you up.”
“No,” he says, leaning on me. His face is pale now, his mouth tight and drawn with the effort.
“No?” I ask. “Come on, we need to leave like right now –“
“No,” he repeats, one shaking finger extended out ahead of us. He’s pointing to the tall gantry of the elevator down into the Pit. “We have to go there,” he says. “I have to –“
“Absolutely not,” I tell him. “We have to go –“
But he is starting forward towards the gantry and I curse and walk with him, because if I don’t he’ll fall, he’ll cry out again, he’ll fucking crawl on his hands and knees over to the goddam gantry, I can see it in his eyes, I know he will without even wondering how I know, and even though the lurching pace we set is clearly causing him pain, he urges me forward without any regard for his leg, hanging uselessly at his side, the foot jostling along the concrete every now and then and making him groan, a low deep animal noise that makes me feel as though I’m going to be sick.
We make it about halfway before a deep, rumbling alarm starts somewhere and ratchets up to a screech and all the lights click on and turn the night to day. All the strength seems to leave my body; I almost collapse. “Oh fuck,” I say.
“Come on,” he says. I glare at him; I’m sweating, the tight grip he has around my shoulders is starting to hurt, and he isn’t exactly slim. It’s taking all of my effort to keep him upright and walking and I am so close to just dropping him. I give him a dirty look and try to summon up my willpower, every single ounce of meanness and cruelty in my body and just twist out of his grasp and let him fall, but I can’t do it.
“Goddam it, Rey,” I tell him. “It’s a fucking elevator, they won’t let you on, there aren’t going to be stairs you can go down.”
“Come on,” he says again. The closer we get to the orifice the deader his voice gets. He keeps looking over his shoulder but there isn’t anything there, at least not yet; a pair of headlights are cresting the ridge and I can see people piling out of what looks like a Humvee but they aren’t anywhere close to us yet.
I reflect, briefly, on how useless this venture is; we probably could have gotten away if Rey hadn’t insisted on coming down here to peer down an empty elevator shaft. And if I hadn’t had such a damn big heart I could have gotten away, at least. Felony trespassing; well, I have the money for the fine, at least, but that’s got to be at least a year in federal prison, nothing to sneeze at. Maybe they have special accommodations for sick people? At the very least once I tell all of the prison lesbians what’s wrong with me they’ll –
“YOU TWO DOWN ON THE EXCLUSION PLATE!” a tremendous voice yells down at us through a megaphone. I nearly jump out of my skin but somehow manage to keep ahold of Rey. “STOP WHERE YOU ARE OR WE WILL SHOOT!”
I stop but Rey keeps going. “Rey, stop,” I tell him, but he doesn’t pay any attention to me. We’ve gotten far enough now that the end is in sight, the gantry is maybe twenty or thirty feet ahead of us and the yawning hole in the concrete is visible, but I can’t see inside it, not from this angle. “Rey!” I yell, but he pushes me back and I stumble to my knees. Rey breaks into a shambling run, or tries to anyway, but his leg simply is too hurt for him to put any weight on it. He nearly falls but he catches himself and bounces back up.
The first gunshot is unbelievably loud, even though it seems to come from a mile away. I hear it crack and I scream and fall down to my knees, my shoulders cringing together without any conscious effort on my part. I can see a spray of concrete splinters rising at Rey’s feet like shrapnel, and I realize the shot missed. He’s nearly there. I don’t know what he wants to achieve. I throw my jacket off and wrestle with the pocket, pull out the camcorder as quickly as I can force my shaking hands to operate, and snap it open so quickly I nearly break it. I start filming just in time to see the third, fourth, and fifth bullets bury themselves in him, two in his shoulder and one in his thigh. I cry out again but Rey is utterly silent. He’s down on his hands and knees but he tries to rise, and then another bullet catches him, this time in the back of the head, and he is down for good, and I realize that I’m crying, even while I’m trying very hard to keep the camcorder steady to get the shot of Rey’s supine body, one hand extending forward, reaching for the edge of the orifice, just ten feet away from him, a shocking red spray of arterial blood staining the concrete ahead of him like a punctuation.
Then two pairs of hands catch me under the shoulders and haul me to my feet and someone takes away my camcorder and they shove my head into a hood and then I can’t see. They force my hands together behind my back and handcuff me and I want to say something witty, quip something vaguely salacious like ‘easy boys, get to know me first before you get out the handcuffs’ but I can’t make my voice work the way it ought to and I’m still crying and shaking and I realize as they half carry half drag me to some kind of vehicle and fold me into it that I’ve wet myself, and any sort of bravery I might have been able to muster disintegrates into a painful, sharp-edged mass of shame and fear and embarrassment and a feeling not unlike I’m falling, like what I thought was just a rabbit hole has turned into a bottomless pit.
Continue with Part 11
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the-hidden-writer · 4 years
An Odd Family Tree
A series of snippets from the lives of the FitzSimmons family, set post 7x13. Also, the series of events that lead up to the birth of their grandson.
Available to read on AO3 and FF.net.
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Epilogue (1)
.Q.000000073.FS.M. D_01.15.1985_2153. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So, um, hi. It’s me. This is attempt seventy-three at getting this stupid thing to work, blah blah blah, etcetera. I, uh… miss you, wish you were here, all the usual stuff. Love you.”
“Maybe you should, perhaps, at least consider giving up? This is, as you said, the seventy-third attempt at a successful communication, and since it is taking up a considerable portion of your time-”
“No. No way. I’m not gonna give up now. I mean, you helped me build it! You’re seriously gonna let all that hard work go to waste?”
“That was not what I was implying. You could, instead, view the problem from a different angle.”
“Which angle, Enoch?! You think I haven’t done that already?! This stupid machine already has too many damn angles!”
“If you are counting the inner components then there are approximately-”
“Yeah, didn’t mean that literally buddy. But I guess you’re right. Like normal. Ugh... I kinda wish I’d properly thought about this before I- wait, did you hear that?”
“Hear what exactly?”
“D- there! That beeping noise. You heard that, right? I’m not just going insane?”
“I have noticed that you display multiple symptoms of psy-”
“Hold on, it’s still online!”
“Oh. It is.”
“It- It’s transmitting fine, recording smoothly, sound quality’s decent so remind me to fix that but… it’s working. It’s actually working!”
“Well done. But I do have to warn you that this technology should not exist on Earth in this time period.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Right, Enoch, I’m gonna need you to get out of here. This beautiful thing is finally working and I kinda wanna use it before it blows up or something.”
“Of course.”
“Uh… in private? Alone?”
“Oh, I understand. You wish to record your message alone. Without me. In that case, I will take your leave, Director Shaw.”
“See you, buddy. Right. Now I just gotta press thi-”
.Q.000000074.FS.M. D_01.15.1985_2157. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Um… I… *ahem* This is a message for Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons. It’s a for-their-ears-only sort of thing, so if you’re not either of them then… uh… stop listening? No! Actually, if you’re not Leopold Fitz or Jemma Simmons, make sure this message gets to them. Please.”
“...I’m guessing this is Fitz or Simmons listening now. Hopefully both. Well, uh… it’s me! It’s Deke! I can’t believe I finally got this thing to work, haha. Uh… yeah.”
“So… you’re probably wondering what’s going on over here. SHIELD got blown up and- oh yeah, you guys were here for that. Or Nana was I think. It’s been a few years, I can’t remember exactly. Gotta adapt, y’know?”
“Speaking of! The second you guys left I might’ve accidentally become director of SHIELD. Which wasn’t my fault! I was nominated! Besides, I don’t know what was supposed to happen so…”
“Right, how am I sending this message. Funny story, actually. A few months after you guys left, Enoch turned up at my mansion and casually asked if he could murder me. Not our Enoch, by the way, this timeline’s Enoch. And he only wanted to kill me because he said I was this huge anomaly in the fabric of the universe and I could potentially doom humanity by just being here. Which sounds kind of dramatic, but nothing’s happened so far so I’m guessing we’re in the clear.”
“Basically, I managed to convince him that I was a good guy. I told him everything that happened and showed him my scars and everything to get him to believe me. And he did… eventually. He even helped me to build this quantum processor. Since this side is working now, I’m guessing it’ll work on the other end too. I’ve set it up to be like a mailbox that picks up anything that’s sent from the other end, so you won’t have to do the DNA-gene-splitting thing that I had to do to make sure it found you. You’re welcome.”
“It’s only audio for now. The 80s are great, but the technology sucks. And if we wanted to record video then I wouldn’t be able to buy supplies without getting asked about it. Equipment is expensive. Who knew. I’ll try and figure out at least how to send an image because I bet you’re missing my beautiful face.”
“That was the other thing: I miss you guys. It’s strange… I’ve spent most of my life on the Lighthouse and I knew a whole bunch of people there. Then when I came with you guys, sure it felt weird with them not being there, but I never really missed them. Probably because they came from that place.”
“But I miss you every day. Literally, every single day. And I love you. People look up to me here, but I don’t exactly have any family. I’ve got the Deke Squad, I guess, but they’re a different type of family. Not like you two.”
“So um, please send something back whenever you get this. I’ve set it so whenever you send something back, it’ll arrive here straight after I send the message you last listened to. I feel like I’m a time travel master now.”
“So I guess I’ll just… wait here. For your reply. Or just any sort of confirmation that you got this message. I’ll try and send you both a message at least once a week but it’d be great to get something back. I’m looking forward to hearing your voices.”
.Q.000000079.FS.M. D_02.15.1985_1623. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Hey Nana and Bobo, it’s me again. Here’s the thing- it’s been a month. It’s been a whole month which is making me think that it’s something on my end. I’ll try and find the problem and fix it since I’d hate for your messages to get lost in that weird void between me and you.”
“But, if I’m gonna be honest, I realised that I don’t actually have any way of knowing if you guys made it back or not. Heck, I don’t even know if you managed to stop the chronicoms. And since I thought of that, I really can’t stop thinking about it, and it would really help if you could just let me know. Doesn’t have to be a whole message, just a yes or a no would do. You could even shout at me and I’d celebrate.”
“Seriously, if you’re all dead then… then I’m the only one alive. Again. I know I’m like 40 years behind you anyway, but it feels like the Lighthouse all over again! I got brought back from that and I felt like I’d cheated the system. Like- Like I didn’t belong, and I got out fine while everyone else stayed there and still had to suffer whatever’s going on up there. And this time I cheated because I’m the one who offered to stay behind and so I’m alive again while you’re all dead. I should’ve let Sousa do it, at least then I could’ve died with you.”
“No, no. You might be alive. You’re probably alive. I’m the one who’s… just send me something back. Please.”
.Q.000000127.FS.M. D_04.13.1985_1829. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Nana, you won’t believe who invited me to a party! Pegs did! She was like, hey, I need you to be a distraction, you’re coming with me. Which is awesome because it’s like the first time she didn’t insult me in a sentence! Yeah… out loud that sounds kinda sad. But it means a lot to me, and I’m pretty sure you were a fan of Pegs or something? Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”
“Anyway, so, we went to this party and she said that since SHIELD is safe enough to be publicly known again I’d need to meet some guy that would help with finances. So we’re at this party, and Pegs takes me up to meet the guy. I promise, all I did was introduce myself (I was actually trying really hard to be serious and polite) and I asked his name and Peggy lost it. She literally almost fell onto the floor, she was laughing that hard. Yup, you heard me right. Peggy Carter. Laughing.”
“The guy, Harry I think his name was? No, Howard. Yeah, Howard was his name. So this Howard guy looks super offended and asked me if I knew who he was, and I said no because I honestly didn’t, and then Pegs offered to buy me a drink. I know! And she didn’t even yell at me for calling her Pegs!”
“So yeah, that happened. Since then she’s been smiling at me? I don’t know what I did, so I thought I’d throw it to you two to see if you had any ideas. You can boast to your friends that your grandson charmed over the great Peggy Carter.”
.Q.000001032.FS.M. D_07.12.1988_2306. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Hey Bobo, hey Nana. I’m kinda tired so I’ll keep it short today. The Deke Squad got an award today. It’s funny, I was so busy with SHIELD that I’d forgotten that we had that many fans.”
“Having a double life sounds fun, but trust me it’s hard. Ha.”
.Q.000001051.FS.M. D_10.22.1988_0642. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“I finally finished my first original song! Are you proud of me?”
“Since we won that award, every night I’ve been having visions of Bobo shouting my head off that all I do is steal stuff. So since I’ve been messing with music for so many years, I figured, how hard can it be?”
“...It’s very hard. But! It’s completed, and it feels good that I can at least announce that to someone. Even if those someones can’t answer me back. But that’s fine.”
“The song’s called Alya, and it’s all about family. That was my Mom’s name, by the way. Alya. I can’t remember if I ever told you that.”
“If you want songs about you, then you’ll have to let me know, okay? Cool.”
.Q.000001132.FS.M. D_11.25.1989_1903. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So, um… Hydra attacked. Big time. We beat them in the end, but we lost a whole bunch of agents. Joe was only nineteen and he told me I was his hero. They shot him in the head, I had to identify his body, and I... And that’s… that’s on me.”
“If only I’d taken that shot when Daisy told me to. I could’ve killed Freddy and none of this would’ve happened. I practically killed all those agents and I… Sorry. You don’t wanna hear this kinda stuff.”
.Q.000001193.FS.M. D_03.09.1990_1903. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore. I’m guessing that you aren’t getting these messages so it doesn’t feel as weird to me anymore. And if you are… then I’m sorry you have to hear this. But you’re the only people who I’d want to hear it anyway.”
“Ever since they made me director of SHIELD, I feel like I’ve been faking my way through it. I faked my way through the Lighthouse, I faked my way into money and fame, I faked music for a fake band and I faked knowing how to be a director. I’m just… God, I’m just not cut out for it. People are dying and I can’t stop it. SHIELD needs an actual leader, not a fraud like me.”
“Peggy does a lot, but she’s got her own responsibilities to manage so I get the brunt of it. There’s a few super clever agents that can easily take my place.”
“See, I don’t wanna be director anymore. But if I’m not… I don’t know what I’d do with myself. I don’t have anyone here, I don’t belong here, and I- I’m just nothing when you strip away my lies. And I wish that was an exaggeration.”
“And you know the worst part of it all?! I don’t know whether you guys are even alive! I send you these messages every week and I put my heart and soul into them and they could be just disappearing into nothingness! Then there really is nothing!”
“So… just in case you are listening, I love you. You did so much for me, you gave me a chance when nobody else would. It’s odd saying goodbye to thin air, but hey ho. And if you’re dead, then I guess I’ll see you soo- WOAH!”
“Hey- Hey, Pegs! What are you doing here?! G-Get out, this is private, this is my house what are you-”
“Shut your idiotic mouth and hand me that gun.”
“Peggy, I-”
“Hand it over, Deke. Now.”
“Fine, here. But listen-”
“No buts, Shaw. Are you out of your mind? What were you thinking?!”
“Director Shaw.”
“Enoch, not you too!”
“Oh. It appears we were just in time.”
“You’re bloody right we were. Thank you, Enoch. You made the right decision coming to find me. Now Deke, you need to talk to me, alright? Whatever’s on your mind. You trust me, don’t y- wait... what is that?”
“This? U-Uh, noth-”
.Q.000001196.FS.M. D_03.14.1990_1903. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Pegs and Jarvis took me on a picnic the other day. Honestly, the number of times people thought I was their son was hilarious. It was like ten different people. You should have seen the look on Peggy’s face when this girl asked what it was like being a mom to the sensation that is Deke Shaw. I can’t wait for cellphones.”
“They remind me of you two, y’know. Pegs and Jarvis. You’re all super sweet and smart and determined and kind and they just really remind me of you. Well, if you were both super old.”
“...Don’t tell Peggy I said that.”
.Q.000001872.FS.M. D_07.17.1993_1108. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“They just invented Zima! I can finally stop pretending to drink! You guys should both drink it in celebration. It’s a big day for me.”
.Q.000001627.FS.M. D_12.17.1991_2157. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Howard Stark and his wife got killed last night. Peggy and Jarvis are broken. I didn’t know them that well since he kind of hated me, but I feel really bad for his son.”
“I think I might go pay him a visit. See if I can cheer him up. Trust me, getting orphaned suddenly like that sucks.”
.Q.000001873.FS.M. D_07.17.1993_2351. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So, um… kinda embarrassing story time. I ordered like 20 crates of Zima, but I couldn’t wait so I went and bought one from the store. And, uh… I couldn’t stomach it. It’s been so long since I actually drank that my body’s given up on me just like everyone else. Which is fine by me, but…”
“Now I don’t know what to do with 20 crates of Zima.”
.Q.000002309.FS.M. D_09.12.1995_1342. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“So some alien woman crashed into Earth this week. It was a pain to sort out, but I sent Coulson and some guy called Fury on the case. Fury has a cool name, but he’s a bit mean sometimes. I guess it’s fitting.”
“Oh yeah, I recruited Coulson. I decided to steer Mack towards more traditional engineering since I’m guessing he’d get sick of SHIELD. I got May though. It’s weird being older than them all and not being able to say anything.”
“Anyway, apparently the alien woman might be Kree? I hope not. I really, really hope not. ‘Cause if she is… well, something about this whole situation already rubs me off in the wrong way. Just… I didn’t wanna hear the word ‘Kree’ ever again.”
.Q.000003295.FS.M. D_05.21.1998_2126. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“We broke up the band today. We had a good run. I wish you could’ve seen us perform at least once. Miss you.”
.Q.000003995.FS.M. D_01.01.2000_0034. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Happy new year! We’re in the third millennium now so I’m catching up to you! Yeah, I know that’s not how it works, but a boy can dream, right?”
“I tried drinking again but it didn’t work out. Oh well.”
.Q.000005617.FS.M. D_11.04.2008_1738. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Little Tony turned into a superhero. Iron Man, they’re calling him. I feel like storming into his house and yelling about how much danger he’s putting himself in. He could get himself killed, and then what’ll I do?!”
“...Is this how you guys feel all the time? I don’t like being the responsible one.”
.Q.000010007.FS.M. D_05.30.2012_1519. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Coulson is dead. I- I killed Coulson. There were all these aliens that turned up and we had to try and get the heroes to work together and I asked Coulson and Fury to help a-and that bastard trickster killed h-him. I want to kill him with my bare hands.”
“The heroes teamed up and stopped the invasion. I d-don’t really know why. When I heard about Coulson I just locked myself in. Tony said they fought for me, but that makes no sense.”
“I just… I can’t believe I screwed up so badly. Coulson was supposed to have a good few years ahead of him! H-He was supposed to bring the team together! I’m too old for that now, and I’ve messed up. I’m s-so sorry, but I… Coulson’s dead.”
.Q.000010015.FS.M. D_06.22.2012_1712. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“I’ve decided to retire from SHIELD. I really, really can’t do this anymore. Besides, I can barely sit up straight. Fury can take over. I just need time to think.”
.Q.000132907.FS.M. D_01.16.2059_1712. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Getting old is such a pain, right? Dr Dunphy said my time’s starting to close in on me now, and that just sounds so weird to me. All my life I’ve been hopping through time and death just felt so distant. Like I was immortal or something.”
“Guess we know that’s not true.”
“Now’s as good a time as any to surprise you, then. Back when I first met Enoch, we built an LMD version of me. Surprise!”
“Ha, bet you’re not that surprised, are you. Especially you, Bobo. This quantum bridge is just about strong enough to let one person through. Only problem is that once that happens, there’s no chance of communication from either way. And plus I was running SHIELD back then, so I didn’t get the chance to get back.”
“So when I do kick the bucket, Enoch will switch it on and help me get to you. I know it’s a bad thing to say but… I’m really excited to die.”
.Q.000138056.FS.M. D_04.01.2061_0932. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Happy birthday to me… h-happy birthday to me… happy birthday dear De-eke, happy birthday to… to you.”
“I hope… I hope he has a better life than I had. Give Mom and Dad a hug from me. Do you think… my Mom and Dad will be there once I go? Does the afterlife have timelines? Ha…”
.Q.000138058.FS.M. D_04.05.2061_1002. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Enoch asked me whether… whether I wanted my life memories or just my… 1985 memories. I don’t want that version o-of me to have all these memories. I don’t want h-him to know he k-killed Coulson…”
“Calm down, Mr Shaw. Try and make sense for your memoir, okay?”
“B-But then I wouldn’t be able to tell you the stories. There’s so many stories I want to tell you, so… he’ll use these memories. There were good times too.”
“I c-can’t wait to see you, Nana, Bobo. See you soon.”
.Q.000138059.FS.M. D_04.10.2061_1425. STATUS:[Online] [communication_input]
“Hello, Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. My name is Enoch. I am a sentient chronicom from a planet that revolves around a star in the constellation you know as Cygnus. I regret to inform you that your grandson, aged 107, passed away this morning.
“As per his final request, I have sent an LMD version of Deke Shaw to what I believe is your timeline somewhere within a 10-mile radius of your location.”
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“Move out of my way before I make you.”  Yes please- maybe Shane threatens this to Ryan because Ry won’t let him go in a cursed cupboard or something (maybe Ryan holds him back like during the Annabelle ep) and Ry adamantly blocks him anyway and Shane inevitably ‘makes him’ move
Thank you so much for the suggestion!! This little thing was so much fun to write, I hope the dynamics are alright. Also bless the people who sent me asks for prompts, anons or otherwise, I see ya’ll, but I am sorry when I say I make no promises on delivery time. Love you all the same
Here we go!
Wood creaks. Ryan hates everything about this room. 
From the distinct lack of dust on the furniture to the delicately billowy white dress that hung between the beams of the ancient four-poster bed, the covers rumpled and pushed back as if someone had just slept in them.  
He especially hates that look in Shane’s eyes as his friend assesses the scene in front of them, a sly curve to his mouth. 
“That’s where the daughter hung herself,” Ryan half-whispers into the silence. They’re on their own for the moment, go-pros strapped to their chests and cameras in hand. He shivers as his brain very helpfully presented him with the crime scene photo in full color, sometimes it really isn’t good for one’s health to have a good visual memory. “People say they have trouble breathing here, pricks on their wrists, that sort of thing, cause she slit hers before, well." 
Shane’s eyes are bright with interest, leaning over the guard rope into the enclosure, making full use of his stature to get his nose within three feet of the dress itself. He sniffs at it and Ryan stares at him. Sometimes he wonders why his stupid heart chose to beat for this man. 
"Dude get back, that thing is cursed!” Ryan grabs Shane’s arm and tugs, and the other man leans back but doesn’t budge his feet, turning to level Ryan with a long-suffering grin.
“Oh really?”
“Yes really,” Ryan huffs, letting go of Shane so he can point at said piece of clothing accusingly, “The people who’ve touched it after her death have all suffered in some way, serious injuries, depression, psychic breaks. Every, single, one.”
  "Impressive,” Shane hums, tapping at his chin with a hand while he studies the layers of fabric so light any whiff of air would send them trembling. “That’s one hard-working ghost! The spiritual PAs gotta get the lady an employee of the year award." 
"Yeah she’s got a pretty good track record,” A nervous laugh escapes him at the words, the air in the room weighing heavy in his lungs. Ryan had expected the stuffiness with the age of the house, but it hadn’t really hit him until the lights had gone out and the silence descended. The only sound is the gentle rustle of their clothes and small creaks in the floorboards as Ryan shifts his weight around, fiddling with the seam on his jacket sleeve. 
“You think she’s gonna come out and haunt me if I touch it?” There it is again, that look in Shane’s eyes, half mischief and half insurmountable determination to keep giving Ryan heart attacks. 
“I said it back at the studio and I’m still going say it now, you taunt the ghost all you want, just don’t bring me into your shit.”
“You did join me against our old pal Goatman,” Shane’s eyes twinkles and Ryan’s chest does a thing. 
“Tha-that doesn’t count,” He sputters, indignant, “There wasn’t anything there that time, we got lucky.”
“Says the guy who keeps trying to prove ghosts are real,” Shane grins, “Come on Ryan, wouldn’t it be great evidence if I get murked by a ghost? Then you can go celebrate with your Boogaras.”
“Fine by me.” Ryan mutters darkly, rolling his eyes when Shane pantomimes death, with explosive hand-blood spurts and everything. By the end of it, Ryan’s pointing the camera down at where Shane has melted onto the floor, both of them giggling like preschoolers. All ghost hunters are like this, Ryan thinks, they must be. Some good serious work right here.
“Phew,” Ryan wheezes, wiping a tear from his eye and holding out a hand to help Shane up despite himself, “Okay we need to get started, we’ve gotta leave enough time to sleep here too.”
“The Shanster does need his beauty sleep,” Shane quips, chuckling when Ryan looks at him somewhere between fond exasperated, “Okay okay, you said the daughter’s name is Elizabeth?”
Ryan nods, stretching out his arm to extend their audio recorder into the enclosure. This is one of the more active locations they’ve been to, and no way is he going to give Shane the opportunity to blame the EVPs he’s going to catch on their own clothes.
“Elizabeth? Or Eliza, are you here with us?” Ryan asks, feeling the pressure in the room again, but he’s done enough of these investigations that his voice is steady, “Our colleagues have seen you before, can you move something or say something to show us too?”
“You could rustle that dress right there,” Shane says, and the seriousness in his voice brings a smile to Ryan’s face, maybe if that respect can last they’ll actually get something good.
“Were you cursed?” Shane’s sweeping his eyes over the room, and the silence stretches for a good while, then he turns to Ryan and shrugs, “Nothing, I’m getting nothing.”
“I’ll scan the audio later, in the meantime,” Ryan ducks down to dig out the spirit box from his pack, fiddling with the dials and turning it on. He winces with Shane when the thing gives a loud screech before settling into the rhythmic skipping of channels. “Whoah there, was that you Eliza?”
“We need to bring earmuffs next time,” Shane mutters just loud enough to be heard over the noise and Ryan bats at his arm, straining his ears to pick out any response. He didn’t see Shane get that look in his eyes again.
Movement, his brain registered, oh shit it’s the ghost, Ryan thinks, whipping his head around to look, and oh shit Shane’s gonna touch the dress. Instinct kicks in, and he almost drops the spirit box as he leaps over the guard rope to stand in the other man’s way. 
“No,” Ryan half shouts, Shane coming to an abrupt stop in front of him, tilting his head and looking at the bundle of silk over Ryan’s shoulder, still with that sly smile on his face.
“No.” Ryan says again, firmer this time. 
“It could make her show herself.” Shane looks down at him, and sure he’s got a point. But. 
“It’s dangerous,” Ryan doesn’t really like the slight whine that creeps into his own voice, but fuck it, with all he jokes about killing Shane, he can’t not care. “It’s not worth it.” He says stubbornly.
“Aww, are you worried for me?" 
"I have to be! You’ve got like negative self-preservation.”
“Do you want evidence or not?” Shane quirks an eyebrow at him and takes a step forward, there’s barely a foot of space between them now, Ryan swallows. 
“Yes but not if it gets you killed, or-or cursed!’ He sounds breathless to his own ears.
"But it’ll be for science! Think about it Ryan, you’ll finally have concrete proof of death by a ghost, caught on camera.”
“Nope, not happening." 
Ryan’s expecting Shane to drop it, to back away so they can continue on their usual routine of questions and a bit of insulting for the ghosts. But Shane leans forward, forcing Ryan to tip his head up to look at him, the other man’s face set with determination, eyes twinkling.
“Move out of my way before I make you.”
Ryan shivers, he couldn’t help it, painfully aware that the motion is made more obvious with their bodies so close together. Shane’s eyes have gone dark, or maybe that’s just the shadows playing tricks on him. For a man who’s a big goof ninety percent of the time, the big guy can sure pack some intimidation points. Pity Ryan’s gotta fight him on this. 
"You’re gonna have to make me.” Ryan’s voice shakes just a little, something in his stomach fluttering and fingers flexing around the sharp lines of the spirit box. His face feels hot, but he hopes Shane won’t notice in the dim light, he really doesn’t need more things to make fun of Ryan for right now.  
“You know I can just reach over your shoulder right?" 
"I’ll fight you.” Ryan warns, though he doesn’t sound too threatening. He would have brought up his arms too, if only there was space for them. 
“Are you now?” Shane’s smiling down at him, eyes definitely darker than usual. He crowds Ryan until the smaller man takes another step back, “Careful now, you’re awfully close to the dress yourself.”
“Well fuck, guess I’m dead then,” Ryan says weakly, feeling the phantom cold of fresh air brush against his back. He should have at least two more feet of cushion, he’d eyed the distance when he jumped in front of Shane, but how many steps has he taken already? It’s hard to keep track when he could feel Shane’s breath on his face. “Better me than you.” he manages, barely. 
“How noble of you.” And then Shane’s leaning down even more, still not letting up on the space between them. Ryan’s breaths are starting to speed up, fast, shallow little things that rush in and out of his lungs without actually doing their job. He can step away, he should really, the cameras are still rolling. But Shane’s face is so close and there is a headiness to the tension between them and all the places they’re not touching. 
For a second something like uncertainly flickers in Shane’s face, his eyes search Ryan’s face for… something. Ryan can hardly move, his own gaze glued to the other man. What Shane sees must confirm his beliefs, since he sinks his head down, lower. Ryan’s eyes flutter closed.
And Shane kisses Ryan’s nose. 
“Wha-” Ryan makes an indignant noise and has to catch himself before he takes a step back and curses himself via ghost dress. He feels plenty cursed already, what with his heart beating thunderously in his ears and his stomach doing all sorts of acrobatics he hasn’t given it permission to. 
“What was that?” He had meant it as an accusation, but a small smile escapes him as he looks back at Shane, watching in quiet wonder when the brief worry melts away from his brow.
“A truce.” Shane’s voice is quiet, a soft tilt to his mouth, and Ryan’s knees feel weak. His body parts are just all ganging up on him today huh. 
‘Oh, um sure,“ Ryan stammers, breathing still unsteady, "Jus-um just don’t touch the dress, please.”
"Lets trade,” Shane’s eyes are twinkling again, mischief dancing in them, “I leave the dress alone and I get to kiss you, properly." 
"That’s not how it works,” Ryan grumbles, ducking his head and flushing furiously, but he knows Shane sees anyway. Shane’s full-on grinning now, Ryan doesn’t think he has ever seen him with this much gently suppressed excitement. I gave him that, he thinks, wild. 
“Okay fine. Just this once.”
“I’m good with that,” Shane sinks his voice a few octaves deeper and says with mock seriousness, “But Mr. Bergara! I do believe further such business negotiations would be beneficial to–”
“Oh stop,” Ryan chides, staring into Shane’s laughing eyes as he bunches a hand in the other man’s collar to pull him in, “Just kiss me, you idiot.”
And he does, and Ryan can’t remember a room he likes this much.
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Could we get a threesome with Joe and Ben bc I'm just a big whore??? Also ur like the queen of tiresome fics sooooo. If not that's okay! D18: Don't come yet + D13: Let me help you forget that jerk D12: let's put that mouth to good use + D47: all mine + B30: I'll always be here for you + b26: it's not morning yet Thank you lovie, congrats on you reaching a big milestone!!
Sorry this took so long to get to but you’re in luck!! I’ve been listening to Todd audios, I’m really in my Joe and Ben feels, and I’m also a big whore so threesome it is! (also dsjkfhksdhjfk if you’d told me this time last year that someone would call me the queen of threesome fics I’d have called you a fuckin liar. I’m just a dumbass virgin, I don’t know a goddamn thing about threesomes. Thank you so much)
Ended up a bit long so under the cut
D18 - Don’t cum yet + D13 - Let me help you forget that jerk +  D12 - Let’s put that mouth to good use + D47 - All mine + B30 - I’ll always be here for you + B26 - it’s not morning
600 followers celebration blurb prompts
Nights out with Ben and Joe were never uneventful. Quiet nights in your favourite booth at your favourite bar somehow always managed to turn into drunken dancing or loud and offkey karaoke or any other number of activities you’d never do while sober. Things had gone differently tonight though. You’d had just enough to drink to dull the anxiety and inhibitions that usually pervaded your brain and kept you quiet, and had set your eyes on a very attractive young man standing by the bar. Ben and Joe cheered you on as you walked over to make your move. It went disastrously and the two men had quietly watched you walk back to your booth, head bent and shoulders slumped like you were trying to make yourself as small as possible. One look at your face and they were both hurrying to get you out of there, Ben rushing to pay the tab as Joe slung his arm around you and led you to the door. The two of you began the walk back to Ben’s place, slow enough that Ben had no trouble catching up. 
“You wanna tell us what happened?” Joe said softly, still not letting go of you. 
“He wasn’t in to me. Which is fine but he was really harsh about it.” 
“Just said some stuff about my appearance and how I’m not the sort of chick he’d go for. Very detailed, he was.” 
“Wanker.” Ben said loudly, “Insulting out Y/N. How fucking dare he. Shoulda given him a thump while I was at the bar.” 
“Don’t know if that’s helping, bud.” Joe said, softer than Ben though that wasn’t hard. Looking down at you again he said, “C’mon, let’s get you home. We’ll find something to cheer you up.” 
“Thanks guys,”
You did feel marginally better by the time you reached Ben’s door, his and Joe’s constant chatter enough to lift your spirits no matter what. Once inside Ben offered to get everyone another drink, suggesting a few rounds of drunk Mario Kart as a possible way to spend the night. You and Joe agreed, both of you flopping onto the couch like you lived there. You kicked off your shoes and leaned back into the couch. Joe kept looking at you, still a little worried by the way you’d been as you left the bar, but you seemed fine for the most part. Maybe a little quieter than usual but you’re always quiet until you get a few drinks in you and you hadn’t had quiet as much as you would have on another night. Ben came back, three glasses in his hands and a bottle of gin under his arm, distracting Joe. 
“Not the best but it’s all I’ve got. You guys fucking cleaned me out last time and I haven’t had a chance to restock.” Ben dropped onto the couch on your other side, handing out the glasses and pouring everyone a few mouthfuls. 
“Hey, we’re not the ones who just kept topping up glasses. You’re gonna run out of booze if you just throw them around willy-nilly.” 
“Shut up Mazzello and drink. I’m going to demolish you.” 
You stopped listening to them bickering over who won last time, taking a sip of the gin, still thinking about what the man at the bar as said. Suddenly the question spilt out of you, cutting through both their voices. 
“Do you think I’m fuckable?” 
“Jesus Y/N,” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“The guy at the bar. One of the things he said was I didn’t look properly fuckable. Said I looked too sweet to be a good fuck so he wouldn’t bother. Was he right?” 
“Y/N, c’mon,” 
“You’re our friend, love.” 
“Yeah, we’re not gonna talk about you like that,” 
“So he was right.”  
Ben sighed and then tipped what remained in his glass down his throat, “Okay. I am going to tell you something right now, but only because you’re upset and you don’t deserve to have some wanker make you feel like this and I fucking hate seeing you thinking hateful things about yourself.” 
“What is it?” 
You felt Joe lean in on your other side, curious.
Ben squeezed his eyes shut like not being able to see you would make his confession easier, “Lately I’ve…fuck, lately I’ve been thinking about you while I wank.” He peeked at you through one eye when you didn’t respond, finding both you and Joe staring at him. That hadn’t been what you’d expected. 
“Yeah, really?” 
“Shut up Joe,” Ben said waving him off as he turned back to you, “yes, really.” 
You paused, considering his words. It’d be a lie to say you’d never thought of Ben in the same situation. Or Joe for that matter. And it should have been enough to know Ben thought of you like that, the very idea making you shiver, making your heart quicken and your pants wet. But you wanted details. You wanted to know how he’d pictured you. Maybe you could use it later. 
“Anything specific?” 
“Honestly?” Now that he’d gotten over the initial embarrassment of admitting what he’d been doing he was much more open to discussing it, the weight of his hand suddenly far more noticeable against your knee. “I like the idea of making you lose control. You’re usually so softly spoken and polite and I don’t know, stuck in your own head I guess, and I kind of want to change that. There’s one fantasy I keep going back to. You, tied to my bed, begging. I keep imagining you moaning my name, so desperate that you’ll say anything, do anything without hesitating or overthinking.” 
Without knowing when exactly, you’d begun panting. Ben smirked at you, fully aware of the effect he’d had on you. 
“Well shit,” Joe said, breaking through the haze in your brain, “That was hotter than what I’ve been picturing.” 
“Y-you’ve been picturing?” 
“You didn’t think Ben was the only one, did you? We’ve spent enough nights together to have me…wondering. Started after I crashed at yours one time, few months ago, I was on the couch and you snuck out to the kitchen for a drink of water, wearing just the shirt I let you borrow that you never returned.” 
“Looks better on you anyway. I assume you had panties on underneath but I couldn’t see them. Couldn’t help thinking maybe you didn’t. And then I couldn’t stop thinking about bending you over the sink. Ended up having a shower at three in the morning just to get off cause I couldn’t stop thinking about how good your cunt would feel. Amongst other things.” 
“Other things?” you whimpered as Ben’s hand slid further up your thigh but when you turned to look, Joe caught your chin and brought your attention back to him. 
“What d’you say you let me and Ben help you forget that jerk from the bar. We’ll fuck you the way you deserve.” 
You weren’t sure you’d be able to do more than whimper if you opened your mouth so you nodded, eyes locked onto Joe’s. 
“No, baby, you gotta talk,” Ben said softly, his hand replacing Joe’s on your chin as he turned your head to look at him, “wanna hear you ask for it.” 
You could feel your face heating up, the words catching in your throat. 
“Don’t be shy princess,” Joe said softly against your ear. 
“Please fuck me,” you squeaked. 
“That’s our good girl,” Ben’s praise sent a wave of heat straight to your core before he leaned in to kiss you. He was firm but soft, holding you still as he gently encouraged you to part your lips for him. Joe leaned in to suck at your neck, one hand resting on your waist as the other began moving slowly up your leg. You whined as he tickled the apex of your thigh. 
“Oh she sounds so needy already. What d’ya say we get her out of those clothes.”
Ben pulled you to your feet and reached for the hem of your shirt. Joe, still sitting on the couch, wrapped his arms around your waist and began unbuttoning your shorts, leaving a line of kisses down your thigh as he began wriggling them off you. It was overwhelming, your brain not knowing who to focus on as Joe sucked a hickey into your leg and Ben squeezed your tits through your bra. 
“Aww princess, this all for us?” Joe said as he pulled your underwear down, “Naughty slut’s excited to have us both I think, should see how fucking wet she is Ben,” 
Ben grinned at you as he dropped his hand from your breast, sliding a finger along your slit. Your whine turned into a yelp as Joe leaned in and bit your arse, laughing when he pulled back. 
“You weren’t kidding, Joe, she really is soaked.” Ben held up his finger in front of you, glistening under the overhead light, before taking it between his lips. “Dibs on first go of her cunt. Need to taste her properly.” 
“Okay but I get to fuck her first then.” 
“Sure,” Ben reached around to unclasp your bra, seemingly oblivious to the way hearing them talk about you was turning you on, “Bedroom?”
The next thing you knew was Joe’s lips crashing against yours as they led you towards Ben’s room. He pulled away once you reached the bed, pushing you backwards, sending you sprawling on your back over the middle of the mattress. You tried to push yourself up on your arms to see where the other two were but before you got too far you were on your back again, Joe pulling your arms over your head. 
“Lie back Princess,” he said softly, “Ben’s gonna take good care of you.”
You didn’t have much time to react before Ben was on you, tongue flicking slowly over your clit, almost lazily. Gradually he sped up, your breathy gasps turning into breathy whines as your arousal built. Joe kept a firm grasp on your arms as he murmured filthy words to you. 
“Seeing you like this is better than I ever imagined, Princess.” 
You squirmed as Ben trailed his tongue down to your hole, back arching as he pushed inside. Joe readjusted his grip on your wrists, holding them in one hand as he placed the other on your throat to pin you in place. 
“Can’t have you squirming too much, trying to grind against Ben. Not allowed.” 
Ben threw an arm over your hips to hold you down as he continued to lick and suck at your cunt.  
“Does that feel good, Princess? You like having Ben between your thighs?” 
“Yes, fuck, so fucking good.” 
“You want him to make you cum?” 
“Ask nicely,” 
“Please, Ben, please make me cum,” you whined, raising your head as much as you could to look at him. Joe’s hand was still at your throat but only loosely, at least for the moment. Ben raised his own head to look at you and grinned, pushing two fingers into you as he lowed his mouth back to your clit.  
“Such a pretty sound,” Joe growled softly in response to the moan you released as Ben sucked on your clit.  
“Ben, oh my god, yes,” 
“Don’t cum yet, Princess.” 
Ben’s mouth left you again, right when you felt on the edge of your orgasm. 
“What was that for?” you whined, looking up at Joe. 
“I don’t want you to cum just yet.” 
“Please, I need to, it’s not fair.” 
“No, it’s not really. But I want you fucking dripping and desperate when you take me.” 
“I can be desperate after I cum I swear,” 
“I don’t believe you. No, the only way you’re cumming tonight is while you’re cunt is stuffed full of cock. Right Ben?” 
“That’s right Joe,” Ben chuckled as he lowered his tongue back down to your clit. It wasn’t long before your orgasm was once again approaching. Joe tightened his grip on your throat as you began begging, trying unsuccessfully to pull your hands free so you could hold Ben against you. 
“I’m getting bored of your begging. You know it’s not going to work, so let’s put that mouth to good use instead. You felt yourself being pulled along the bed until your head was hanging off the edge. Upside down you watched as Joe striped off. 
Without thinking you did so, letting Joe push his cock between your lips. Ben readjusted his position, making you moan as he dived back in.  
You were completely lost, unable to think about anything but how good it felt being between them. Joe went slow, easing himself into your throat. He was the complete antithesis of Ben who seemed to go harder and faster every time Joe paused, like it was his personal mission to break you and make you cum without permission.  
“God I love your pussy,” he rasped, lapping at you between each word. You jolted every time, not sure whether you were trying to get away from him or closer. 
“Does baby wanna cum?” he asked in a mocking voice, pushing his fingers back inside you. 
You moaned around Joe, making his hips buck forward, his cock slipping further down your throat, until your moan ended in a gag.  
Ben laughed, “too bad baby. Your pussy is all mine and I say not yet.” 
Joe pulled out of you and you took the chance to gasp for air. “I think you mean all ours,” he looked down at you, “Her pussy is all ours. And I think it’s about time I got to use it.” 
“Alright, alright,” Ben muttered as he dragged his fingers from you and brought his hand down on your cunt, leaving you with a single stinging spank before you felt yourself being flipped over and dragged around. You barely had time to register to the new position before Joe was pulling your hips into the air and sheathing himself into you fully. 
“God you’re close aren’t you, Princess? Fucking squeezing me. Ben really did a number on you,” 
You dropped your forehead to the mattress, moaning as he started thrusting into you.  
“It’s okay, you can cum whenever you want, Princess.” 
Almost as soon as he said it you came, clutching at the sheets as Joe swore behind you. Gentle fingers on the back of your head made you look up. 
“That was pretty fucking hot,” Ben said, looking down at you as he stroked his cock. He’d undressed while your attention was elsewhere. “But I’m feeling mighty left out right now.” He tapped his cock against your lips and you parted them, taking his head into your mouth. Ben kept his hand on your head though he let you set the pace. It was easier to control from this position, though the force of Joe pounding you didn’t help, pushing you forward so Ben slipped into your throat. You could feel another orgasm approaching, your moans building again as you remained trapped and full of cock. Joe was grunting as his grip on your hips tightened, driving harder as he neared his own release. He slipped a hand down to your clit and rubbed it in tight fast circles. 
“I’m not – fuck - I’m gonna cum.” 
You let Ben fall from your mouth as Joe buried himself deep in your cunt, grunting as he came, triggering your own climax. You whined as he pulled out of you, giving you a tired spank. 
“My turn,” Ben said, “help me get her round,” 
Joe nodded, both of them grabbing you and spinning you back to your original position on your back. Ben took hold of your ankles, pulling your legs around his waist as he sunk into you as deep as he could go. 
“You’re taking us both so well, Princess. You gonna cum for Ben too?” 
“I don’t kn-now if I c-can,” you whined as Ben pulled out of you slowly, almost all the way before he pushed into you again. 
“You can. And you will. We’ll make sure of that.” Joe climbed onto the bed, lying on his stomach with his feet hanging over the end. Propping himself up on an elbow he leaned down to kiss you slowly as Ben started pumping into you faster. Joe began trailing his other hand down your body, pulling at your nipples until you whined again.  
“She likes that Joe, I can see what you meant about her squeezing. Fuck,” 
Joe chuckled as he stopped kissing you, “What if I do this then?” He grinned at you as he shuffled down the bed, kneeling so he could slower his head to you breast. Using his tongue he drew circles around your nipple, pinching the other.
“Shit. Not gonna last much longer like this.” 
“C’mon Princess, gotta cum again. Show Ben how good you feel when you cum.” 
Joe switched to suck at your other nipple as Ben brought his hand to your clit. You had no choice but to let another orgasm roll over you, stimulation coming from every direction to pull you over the edge. Ben moaned at the same time as you, hitting his own release as you clenched with yours.
You were completely spent. It took all of your remaining energy just to move up the bed and lie back against the pillows. You didn’t even bother with the covers, letting Joe and Ben sort them out as they climbed in on either side of you. 
“Feel better?” Joe asked softly, draping one arm over your stomach. 
Ben snuggled up close, pressing his nose into your neck, “Y’know I’ll always be here for you. We’ll,” he preempted Joe’s outburst, “We’ll always be here for you.” 
“You mean this is on the table every time a guy turns me down?” 
“Not what I meant, but maybe. We’d do anything to cheer you up.” 
“Mission accomplished.” 
You fell into a comfortable silence for a while, the heat from both men and the sounds of their breathing lulling you into a doze. 
“I spose I should go home now,” 
“What are you talking about?” Ben asked. 
“Figured you’d want your bed back.” 
“Fuck off. It’s warmer with you both here.”
“God why would you volunteer to leave? I’m staying here til Ben kicks me out.”
“More likely to kick you out than Y/N,”
“Rude. But come on Y/N, you really think we’d let you go?” Joe squeezed you tight. 
“Yeah, you’re not going anywhere until tomorrow. I’ll make you breakfast and everything.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah of course. It’s not morning yet, you’re not getting out of here.”
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So this was for the BangtanArmyNet Writer and Content Creator Summer Exchange ‘19.
My Partner was the amazing @painfulbutsweet​ who created the amazing gifs and footer you see before you. Was truly a pleasure collaborating and I hope I gave you the Dom Jimin you deserve :P. WE SMASHED IT!
Our Scenario/keyword was: SUMMER CAMP
• Pairing: Jimin x Reader • Genre: Summer Camp AU
Warnings: Smut (Dom Jimin), BDSM themes (restraints, orgasm denial, spanking) , swearing, drinking games|
• Words 4697 • Please Enjoy!! You too @sibbyjin
“Are you ever going to have me on your team” Jungkook whined playfully at you
“Are you ever going to stop trying to convince me to sleep with you?” you served straight back, your response halted his growing smirk. The smirk carried on, but across Jimin’s face who was stood next to you.
When Jungkook told you that one of his friends wanted to apply for the team leader role opposite you, you were hesitant. Jungkook as amazing at dance he was and as brilliant as he was with the young teens at the camp he was still a bit of a cocky shit and the thought of having ‘one of his friends’ working with him seemed like the ingredients of a chaotic concoction you’d rather not willingly drink. 
All those doubts however, disappeared within minutes of Jimin of walking into the hall. Instead of the minimal swag Jungkook holds himself with Jimin walked in with nothing but grace and such a soft smile illuminating the flawless skin he was blessed with. His hair scruffily parted just off centre, the dark fringe hung over his olive skin with perfect contrast. The fluidity through his body when he danced was un-matchable, a delicate flower allowing the wind to take it where it dictated. It was mesmerising. His face was also incredibly expressive when he danced, you definitely saw hints of a duality; when his moves were more of the erotic kind, his kind eyes definitely flashed with a primal nuance.
Even talking to him he was polite. While everyone was setting up the camp for a few days before the kids arrived you learned he was incredibly attentive to very small shifts in people’s moods or behaviour. You ended up telling your friends he was an absolute marshmallow and now that was his nickname in their mind and yours and it also suited his hair colour which had changed to a pastel pink since his interview.
“Right guys!” you spoke loudly to be heard over the murmuring of 30 youngsters.
“Now you’re split into teams I’ll take the left group and Jimin you can take the right group” he nodded.
“One of the goals this week is to create a dance piece which will be performed at the end of week in front of your parents and the best choreography group will be chosen by our guest judges; more importantly it’s about making friends and enjoying the activities which we will be running when the dance practice and workshops aren’t”
“As many of you know there’s quite a tradition for pranks here, and while it’s amusing to prank the other team or its counsellors please make sure you have run the idea past the counsellor or leader for your team. For my team it will be myself or Hoseok” you motioned to him and he flashed his huge smile which easily could infect everyone with his positive bubbly energy. He waved to the kids, their faces buzzing with the fact that pranking is actually encouraged here.
“And for team B it will Jimin and Jungkook”.
“The other counsellors will be around to assist with the non-dance related activities as well. Any problems or worries you can come to any one of us understand?”
You received a unanimous mumble of yeses and nods.
“Right lets split up then, first task is to come up with a concept then we’ll re-join for dinner.
“Don’t think that just because you’re sweet you’re not on my radar for pranks” you warned Jimin with a sugary smile.
“Oh don’t worry just because you’re pretty doesn’t mean you’re off mine either” he countered with a devils grin.
 Your kids chaotically agreed on the concept of Day of the Dead. Quite a few of the kids are on their 2nd or 3rd time here so they quickly settled when they’d reacquainted with familiar faces. You were always surprised at just how focused the kids were when they needed to be.
The first of the two studios was on the left as you headed to the main camp area. On the outside it looked very much like a temporary classroom, tainted pale blue slats lining the building horizontally. A museum of moss was exhibited up the sides running through the flat top of the building. Inside it was like it had been fast forwarded 10years, soft wood flooring lined at your feet mirrors lined one wall. You’d also managed to bring in two fair sized flat screens and mounted them on the opposite wall; it’s always helpful to film and play back for the kids to evaluate their own form. There was also a generous cupboard which was home to some fitness equipment and assortment of mats. You and the others had brought in some classroom chairs and intermittently scattered them around the outline of the room; the other studio was a perfect mirror of the one you’d be working in.
 “Here” Jimin had wrapped you up in a blanket and offered you a hot chocolate delivering all of the comforts you wanted, including his company. You were drenched, the latest prank victim; well it was more a kidnapping than a prank. Jungkook had steam rolled you across his shoulders while you were on a break and launched you into the lake like you weighed nothing; and fortunately for him you was wearing a white tank top and you knew he enjoyed every second of it. Once you’d retrieved your breathe back from hilarity you made definitely made sure his arm was dead for a little while.
“Thanks” It wasn’t particularly cold, the sun was set high in the sky, rays gloriously drying of the excess water from your skin. The lake on the other hand was freezing, the blood running through your vein slowed the moment you were submerged.
Jimin plonked himself down next to you as your back rested up against a tree stump.
“Your face when he chucked you” he blurted out erupting into a restrained giggle. You halfheartedly slapped his arm as a smirk emerged at your lips.
“You two need to just hurry up and sleep together already, you’re already like a married couple”
Your eyes grew offended, you inhaled deeply lungs filling with a sense of insult.
“What? No way! The only reason he’s like he is with me is because I’m the only one that probably rejects him, he can’t have me and his ego hates it. That guy will be nothing more than an annoying friend to me”
Jimin’s faces was creased with amusement, his eyebrows raising at the response.
“Well glad someone’s strong enough to friend zone him, even at Uni he’d always get what he wanted”
“Yeah? And what did you get? You’re easily on the same” you hesitated a beat “attractiveness level” you asked genuinely curious. He gave you a sideways glance accepting the compliment as you waited for his response.
“Why thank you, and I have much higher standards than JK, I like to actually have a connection with the people I sleep with” Your eyes must have glazed over
“What? He asked amused
“How are you even friends you’re complete opposites”
“Someone’s got to make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble” he chuckled. There was short comfortable silence which was filled with calm contentment that relaxed you enough to just be at peace.
“You going to come to the fire pit later? The guys who have tomorrow morning off are dragging me to play drinking games, so this is me trying to drag you down with me”
“If it’s you then I’ll be dragged anywhere” he toyed childishly. You slapped him again with much more force this time.
“Seriously you’re such a dweeb!”
//Last class of the day//
You were engulfed in darkness yet you were almost vibrating with heavy excitement. You were doing your best to keep still, trying to avoid knocking anything and making a sound to indicate your presence. A thin strip of light crawled in from under the door as the room off from where you were came to life, you heard the scuffling of a hoard and muffled chattering noise.
Here we go you thought. You pressed your ear to the door for better audio quality.
“Mikey will you please set up the audio system” The indistinguishable chatter continued for a few moments until Mikey spoke
“Jimin it’s not working” Mikey whined.
“Okay let me have a look” You waited, patience shining through as your most redeeming quality; you heard the class steadily quieten into stillness.
A shot of loud music shocked into the room before it was snuffed out, instantaneously Jimin’s high squeal overtook the silence with the laughter of 15 knowing kids further taking over his noise. Your lips curved up, happy with the result.
He was primed
“Okay you guys settle down, are there any mats in the cupboard?” Jimin inquired.
“Yeah” a few voices answered.
Light footsteps closed you down. Your blood was rushing round so fast your head began to spin. The handle clicked and moved downwards as soon as the light hit you leapt from where you’d crouched.
Jimin’s body instinctively jumped backwards as his adrenaline spiked, the cry that you stole from his lips filled you with nothing but satisfaction, and a hell of a lot of amusement of course. His foot couldn’t quite find the floor he fell backwards cushioning his fall with his hands. Your hand shot to cover your mouth from revealing the extent of your laughter.
This was even better than you’d hoped.
You reminded yourself to massively thank Jungkook for telling you how jumpy Jimin was. The kids erupted into uncontained hysterics, you scrambled over to Jimin and took his hand and supported him as he got to his feet.
“Are…you… okay?” you managed. At this point he was chuckling away with you.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine”
“I would say I’m sorry but I’m really not as soon as Jungkook mentioned you scared easily I just had to” you explained.
Jimin face distorted slightly when he turned and was faced with multiple phones recording the whole thing. He turned to you face even more quizzical looking for an explanation
“They knew, I asked them to scare you first, I’m kinda sorry for turning your kids against you”
“Betrayed Guys!” He shouted to the kids recovering from their hysterics.
You threw your arms round him as a form of peace, he quickly tightened the embrace accepting happily the apology.
“You are definitely going to get it now” he whispered bittersweet in your ear before letting you go.
“Counting on it” you countered, smugness brimming from your cheeks while sticking your tongue out provoking him.
 The night crawled in, the crickets sprang into their chirping which was being harmonised by the crackling on the fire burning away in the middle of a triangular layout of logs.
You slumped down next to JK, you were protected from the cooling air in your grey jogging bottoms and an oversized maroon hoody.
“So how is it I’m the only girl here tonight” you inquired taking a cool boxed  cider from Jungkook. Observing your company of JK, Jimin, J-hope and Jin. All looking slightly alcohol flushed.
“Chloe just went to get the marshmallows”
“Thank god, so where are we at?”
“Never have I ever” Jin replied. Your eyes rolled instantly.
“Of course”
Chloe made her way back crinkling the marshmallow bag open, and like bee’s to pollen hands flew and began to empty the bag.
“Okay erm Never Have I ever given a lap dance in crotch less underwear” Hoseok put to the group, his eyes were fixed on yours cheeky smirk burning into you knowingly.
“You’re such a dick” you scolded as you swigged your drink and swiped his arm. He knew you too well. Everyone’s eyes widened, curious.
“Never have I ever…fucked in a swimming pool” you countered with an equally devilish stare in response.
Game on
The laughter was thick through the night as the fire grew to embers.
“Truth” You requested.
“You can’t have three truths in a row it’s gotta be a dare” Jungkook blurted.
Was worth a try
“Fine, dare” you huffed, too intoxicated to put up an argument which you’d lose anyway.
“How about you give you Jimin a lap dance” Jin suggested.
1. This was a terrible idea
2. You’d learnt way too much about Jimin this evening, apparently the little cutie was way less innocent that his saccharine appearance let on
3. This was a terrible idea
4. You were going to give Jimin a lap dance
“Who doesn’t want a lap dance by a girl smelling of smoke in trackies” you joked standing up
“Someone get some music” Hoseok demanded, you and Jimin shared a glance of unreadable intention, his face was so neutral you knew he was compensating for one thing or another. The others were all clapping like amused seals waiting for the show.
🎵I'm just a bachelor, I’m looking for a partner, someone who knows how to ride🎵 (Pony – Ginuwine)
“Seriously? This isn’t magic mike!” you chuckled making an unsure way over.
“Magic Y/N” Jungkook quipped.
Your eyes grew dark focused and held onto nothing but Jimins as they shimmered with an abundance of anticipation. Other than the intermittent giggling you would say you looked pretty serious.
When your body allowed the music to direct it and your hips swayed everyone else around you bled away into nothingness. You edged closer nudging his legs open and stepped in over one his thighs, you loosely grinded and teased your hoody up exposing your stomach and stopped at the peek of your bra before erupting into reserved laughter as your cheeks flushed.
You slithered back to your seat consciously avoiding Jimins reaction, the rest clapped and wolf whistled as you held you a bottle up in acknowledgement.
“Okay JK tongue away, Jimin it’s your go truth or dare?” Jin began.
“Truth, I do not trust Jin and his dares at this point” Unanimous agreement across everyone.
“Why do you have to attack me like this” he whined in response through a laugh
“Jimin how do you feel after that?” Chloe asked
“I am not answering that” reverting back to the sweet guy everyone’s accustomed to.
“Ahh he loved it” Hoseok wailed pushing Jimin off the log, sending his drink flying and everyone into a fit of intoxicated laughter.
 Well your early morning run was out, the grogginess saw to that. You’d manage to avoid any hangovers thanks to the couple of pints of water you’d forced down your neck before completely crashing in the tight single bed in one of the counsellors cabin. Sunbathing in your secret spot it is.
Your tie up black bikini was partially covered by a thin blue crop top and loose beach shorts, your hair was messily up in a ponytail freeing your neck to utilise the cooler breeze.
A brief knock.
“Come in”
“And how are you feeling this morning?” you asked a rather dopey looking Jimin.
“Surprisingly fine actually” he still sounded surprised, his blue Hawaiian shorts sat just above his knees, his sleeveless shirt gave you all preview of the side of his abs.
“What are you doing this morning?”
“I was just going to go to my sunbathing spot and sleep” the aroma of sun cream was radiating of your skin and seeped into the room.
“Mind if I tag along”
“Sure, if you’ll behave” you warned with a toy tone.
“Me behave? I wasn’t grinding on anybody’s leg last night” You exhaled a soundless chuckle and looked down at where your dignity had fallen in that second.
“Yeah, okay, erm sorry about that” you felt as if you’d just become marginally smaller and seeked solace back away from that memory.
“It’s fine, it could easily think of worse people to give me a dance” his words oddly comforted you and made you feel at ease with your alcohol driven behaviour.
“Bet JK was jealous right?” you added, Jimin laughed, hands brushing his hair away from his forehead.
“You bet he was!”
 The serenity of the spot you’d frequent remained unchanged, the lake pooled into the circular area surrounded by a parasol of green flushed trees. A wooden dock stabilised by sturdy pillars of wood rested down the middle of the seemingly isolated lake section. The steady slope leading into the lake was watched over by a domineering lifeguard tower, the white paint peeling off in tired flecks.
Your towel unpacked, unrolled against the wooden slats of the dock and contaminated pink across the natural scene. Jimin’s towel was a less eye catching black partnered next to yours.
“Beautiful isn’t it” you asked, glancing around heat flooding your skin slipping your sunglasses onto your face as you laid down only the bikini covering your skin
“Yes it is” he replied his eyes not once acknowledging the actual scenery.
“I thought I told you to behave” lolling your head to the side to ensuring you got a shaded eyeful of him losing his shirt before he starting basking like a beautiful picture beside you. It wasn’t long before the heat absorbed you into a drowsy doze.
 “Uhhh” you gasped for air that refused to refill in your chest, your heart halted before it went into a frenzy as you were jolted awake drenched.
Jimin’s hysterical laughing intensified into slowly suffocating as your wail reverberated through the quiet.
“You dick” you managed breathy with an eventual chuckle as your heart rate became manageable again. He was stood there holding a bucket, accomplished.
You rushed up and charged with full intent to push him with your full weight behind you. You failed, he achieved simply misdirecting your weight straight off the edge of the dock; but not before you clamped your hand onto his arm dragging him with you.
The pair of you surfaced gasping and slipping the hair from your face, the pink strands curving over his face dripping. You could stand up, just. The gravel rough at your feet. You hindered the glasses from floating away and tip toed in cautious steps towards the dock, the pair of you cursing at the temperature and jesting.
He’d managed to catch up to your heels, just his presence behind you contorted the atmosphere, heat rising from your chest sucking air from your lungs. His palm pressed at your stomach shifting your weight in the water to press to him. Delicate fingers swept the hair from your back over the front of your shoulder. His stung a kiss the nape of your neck, you suppressed a large exhale before manoeuvring yourself round in his arms.
“Can I help you?”
“I think we both know you can” your chest flush against his
“I think that’s very presumptive of you” you teased, he pressed your back against the pillar of the floating harbour stealing a moan past your lips. He leant slowly towards your ear
“Are you going to stop being a brat and let me fuck you already” If you had a drink you’d have choked, what happened to that sweet, humble guy? You was by no means complaining, the words trickled down and pooled in between your thighs.
“Don’t worry I’ll take the best care of you” he continued, nipping at the bottom of your earlobe.
I’m done
Your arms locked behind his neck in sync with your legs around his waist bringing him to a heated kiss, your back arching off the post and closer to him.
“In that tower NOW!” he growled after purring a groan through your kiss. Your lips tweaked up to a smirk toying with your bottom lips, his eye raging carnal intent. That itself send your pulse into overdrive. You obeyed, he’d grabbed the towels and blankets from the harbour and made the rickety wood planks more comfortable before he’d ordered you on your knees. Water still lacing your skin, the slow wind flowing through the viewing space bit at your wet skin. Jimin stood over you, contemplative. Water running southwards over every crease and indent of the muscle tone.
Fuck! I could be on my knees for him all day
“Now do I punish or reward you for your little dance yesterday” he spoke aloud rhetorically still mulling over the possibilities tugging at the string holding your bikini top together allowing it to fall to the floor.
“Think we need a bit of both don’t you?” your skin was on fire burning up with unbridled anticipation, his tone was much lower than normal, the bright squishy smile had been substituted to a determined lustful one. The duality this boy was capable of was unreal and you wondered how he’d be when you returned back to the others. He bent down in front of you taking your chin in the grip of his fingers waiting.
“Sure” you replied knowing full well that’s not he was after. His lips pulled up one side knowingly.
“If you don’t reply properly you’ll be the only one who suffers until I say so” he warned
“Yes..Sir!” You mocked, refusing to pacify completely to his will.
“That’s enough, hands out in front”
“If you play brat this is what you get, don’t think I’ve not noticed how much you want to feel all this” he eyes drifted down his body. Well now you can’t” he affirmed securing your wrists together with a length of rope he’d scavenged from the back of the tower. Safe to say you regretted your choices.
“If it gets too tight or sore tell me, okay?”
“I will”
“Good, now get on top” he asked, you sent a confused glance his way.
“Come on you basically outed your thigh kink last night” well Jimin had just rung the sweetest dinner bell.
Thankfully you had some self-control as to not squeal with excitement.
Finger massaged their way up his thigh longer than was necessary to slide the shorts up to the apex of his thighs.
His eyes intently watching you entertained.
“You don’t need these anymore” he yanked at the strings of your bottoms, you lifted yourself up allowing him to launch your last piece of clothing. When you sat back down you had to gasp, the introduction of his firm thighs against your already soaking core was bliss. Feeling the same thing a low groan rang in the back of Jimin’s throat. You stabilised your bound hands on his chest
“You feel so good, I want to see you get yourself off on me and stop when I tell you. And!  I want to hear you, don’t be quiet baby”
You may be on top but you were far from in control. You rocked your hips until you found an intoxicating rhythm. Jimin’s fingertips securing at the side of your thighs keeping you anchored against him. Your hips rocked faster chasing the end you knew would be denied, your breathy moans becoming louder and more vocal with each rock.
“Enough” he forced through his own moans when he felt your legs begin to quiver allowing your climax to simmer back.
“Fuck you look good on me” he panted
“You’d feel better in me” you quipped back apologetically pleading.
“Oh I don’t doubt that for a second baby” he replied sitting up from the waist a gasp gurgled in your throat as his thigh twitched beneath you, you slumped your arms over his neck. Strong hands slapped and gripped at your behind and pulled you closer
“Ahh” you wailed, a chimera of surprise and pleasure as the sting faded. A devilish grin formed at your vocal and physical response.
“Oh you like that huh?”
“Words” he scolded. Your body jolted in the opposite direction from the direction of his hand the sting harsher than before.
“Yes! Fuck!”
“Hands and knees” he barked, he supported you off to the floor, tracing his fingers down the centre of your spine which curved underneath his touch. You leant into his grip as his hand rested around the back of your neck, he tightened the grip softly to gauge your response; the squeezing of your thighs together gave him that answer.
“How about 3? I can’t punish you too much for winding me up as it was a dare. Count with me. His hand pre soothed the area and spent a few seconds running his hands through your arousal
Your wrists clenched within each other, your head resting on the top of them, eyes scrunched absorbing the sting
“1” said through gritted teeth.
“3” you whimpered,
“Well done baby” he praised “Fuck how much did you enjoy that, you’re even more soaked?” he gasped fingers running through you again.
“I’ll have to be harsher with my punishments next time”
“You presume they’ll be a next time?” you toyed through a breathless chuckle.
“Oh you can count on it, I have no intention of making this a one-time thing, you’re too perfect for that” your heart only barely managing to slow down now it had to deal with skipping an awe happy beat. The harsh tone had dissipated and was back to his normal softness until you pushed yourself to sitting on your legs.
“Did I say you could sit back up?”
The shift in tone knocked you for six, you loved it. You resumed your previous position, the ache between your legs tormenting you endlessly.
You heard the rummaging from the bag as he searched for the condoms, leaving the space around you lacking in Jimin and any contact. When he finally shuffled himself back down behind you he aligned his thighs with yours and pulled you back up by your hair directly onto his cock
“Fuck Jimin!” you cried adjusting to him. He tugged at your hair stretching your neck back exposing it to his assault of bites. His hand wandered soaking up the skin of your stomach and kneaded at your chest until his hand rested at the base of your neck pressing gently. Something about his hand lightly constricting sent your head spinning, endorphins flooding your already sensitive system.
“Don’t cum until I tell you” he growled starting bucking his hips into you, the pressure at your neck grew, as did his hand grappling at your hip keeping you steady. Your bound hands offering you little support only pushed you harder into his grip as you allowed your legs to support more of your weight.
Tangled hair clung to your skin, sweat now providing the adhesive quality. His grunts and groans were overshadowed by your ever increasing in pitch moans.
“Please can I touch myself” you requested with a breathless whine.
“Does this baby girl want to cum?”
“Please!” If he didn’t give you permission soon you was going to be in trouble.
“Not yet but yes you can touch yourself…fuck you feel so good on me” he choked panting at your ear. His thrusts slowed to hard and intermittent ones and you was ready to break the rules all over him.
With moans turning into desperate whimpers he finally gives in to his own pleasure as well as yours.
“Fuck! Cum for me baby” his words came out like a plea, relief to your ears. His hips jerking hard shoving you into a climax, legs quivering, your core pulsing harsh euphoric waves round his own throbbing cock. Your nails dug harshly into your thighs as the wave consumed and slowly dissipated from you.
Jimin untied your wrists in a rush, with your freedom all you managed was to slump down onto the blankets in a breathless hot heap. Recuperation was cut short with Jimin lying on his side next to you ghosting sweet tender kisses at your collar bone.
A small chuckle escaped past your lips.
“What?” his breath had yet to return fully, his hands soothing your wrists with delicate touches.
“How can you be such a cute sweet caring marshmallow and then fuck like that” you joked.
“Can I not do both? And did you just call me a fucking marshmallow?” he replied through wide, glazed over amused eyes.
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Rockstar- Brian May x Reader
So, I wrote this as a request from the darling @finnofamerica and I’m REALLY happy with how it turned out. It’s supposed to be a oneshot, but if you guys like it enough I might be convinced to write a part 2. Can be read as Brian or Gwilym!Brian. Written with help from @disasterdeacy. Unedited bc I just don’t have that kind of time. 
Summary: Reader is one of Queen’s newest roadies and catches the eye of none other than Brian May!
Word Count: 4,509
This IS 18+, There is a good chunk of smut in here. Also, drinking and a VERY BRIEF appearance of drugs. 
Brian, Roger, John, and Freddie were off to the side of the stage, waiting for the sound crew to set up their equipment so they could do a soundcheck. Roger, cigarette hanging from his lips, was gesturing wildly as he described his drunken escapades from the night before. When you accepted the job, you had only ever heard of Queen in passing, so meeting the band had never been a priority. You were their newest tech assistant, and so far your only dealings had been with the other roadies. They had been surprised that a girl was as good with the equipment as you were, but they accepted you quickly and showed you the ropes. It wasn’t your first gig, so it didn’t take you long to learn the nuances of this particular band.
You loaded up a couple amps on a cart and looked around to find one the other guys, but there was no one around. Thankfully at this point you had a general idea of the set up and started unloading the equipment on the stage. You started to connect everything and make sure it was all plugged up, when you noticed that one of the amps was a little static-y, even though there was no sound coming through. You started tinkering with it when Brian noticed and came running up to you.  
           “Hey, I don’t know who you are, but I don’t think you should be messing with that. You could break it!”
           You ignored him, and with one final readjustment, the static cleared. “I’m sorry, what was that you were saying?” You stood up to look the stranger in the eye and raised an eyebrow. He was incredibly tall, a halo of brown curls framing his face that featured kind eyes and a prominent, yet charming, nose. He was attractive, that was for sure, but you shook the thought from your head.
           “I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ He stuttered, but you interrupted him.
“Didn’t what? Think that a woman was capable of fixing such a complicated piece of equipment?”  
“No, that’s not what I meant at all. I’m sorry.” He sighed, looking down at his feet. “Do you work for the stadium?”
You scoffed. “I work for you, actually. Been working for you for about three weeks now.”
           Brian’s face turned a deep shade of red. “I-I’m sorry, I’ve never noticed you before.”
You were insulted, but it’s not like you had ever made an effort to introduce yourself to the band. You preferred to operate in the background. Out of sight, out of mind.
“Yeah, well,” you said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “It’s fine. I’m used to it.”
           Brian watched as you continued putting everything together. He furrowed his brow. He was positive that he wouldn’t have overlooked you. You were short- everyone was compared to him.  Long, Y/H/C hair framed your face, and your sharp Y/E/C eyes contrasted against your Y/S/C skin. Yep, he was absolutely certain he would have remembered you. “I find that hard to believe. What’s your name?”
           Rolling your eyes, you told him.
“Y/N?” He repeated, and your stomach fluttered at the way he said your name. Stop, you thought. He’s a rockstar, you’re nothing. “Well, Y/N, my name is Brian. If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from? Your accent is fascinating.”
“My accent?” You smirked. “You should hear yours.”
Brian’s face broke into the widest grin. “Excuse me, but I think you forget that we’re in England. This is what an Englishman sounds like.”
Both of you cracked up at that. When you finally stopped giggling, you looked up into his stunning, hazel eyes. “I’m from the U.S. *your home state here* to be exact.”
“Well, Y/N from *your home state here*, I hope you’ll forgive me for my egregious mistake.”
           You looked up at him, those eyes of his studying you carefully. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips. “It’s alright, Brian. It’s no big deal.”
           “Still, I feel just awful about it. Maybe you’d let me make it up to you by accompanying me to the after-party later tonight?”
           “Thanks but no thanks,” you shrugged. You always tried to get a nap in before the other techs stumble back onto the bus, loud and always inebriated. Even on the rare occasions they weren’t, you always found it difficult to sleep when the bus was on the road. “Maybe another time.”
           Brian’s face fell but he nodded. “Well, I genuinely hope I see you around, Y/N.” He started to walk away, and you felt your stomach pull. You didn’t know much about him, but he seemed sweet and genuine enough that you instantly regretted shooting him down.
Scrunching your face up, you called out to him. “Wait.” He stopped and turned to look at you. “I have to help load the truck back up after the show, but maybe after that?”
Brian’s face broke out into a wide grin. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” His smile was infectious, and you couldn’t resist the grin that played on your lips.  
The boys put on a good show, you had to admit. You had watched from wings and admired the way Brian’s long, slender fingers danced across the strings. You wondered what those fingers would feel like inside of you, if he could play you as skillfully as his guitar. Brian looked glanced over and caught you staring, and he chuckled as a blush crept across your face.
After the last piece of equipment made it onto the truck, you half-ran back to your assigned bus. You didn’t know when, or even if, Brian would find you, so you didn’t risk taking a shower. What if he had already forgotten you and was off buried in some groupie? You ignored your anxiety as you peeled off your sweaty t-shirt and jeans and started digging through what little you had brought with you on the road. Not much of a party girl, you didn’t have a skirt or dress of any kind with you. Sighing, you picked up a pair of denim shorts and paired them with a simple black tank-top and your Adidas. It wasn’t something one would typically wear to a party, you thought, but at least it was clean, and it matched.  You had barely finished applying a fresh layer of makeup when you heard the other roadies bustling in.
One of them, Tom was his name, was already drunk and stopped to look you up and down like you were a piece of meat. “Woah, where are you going looking like that, Y/N?” You had barely been on tour for a week, but already knew he was a pig. “I was wondering if I’d ever get to see those legs.”
He tried to reach out and touch your thigh, but before he could you grabbed hold of his wrist and twisted his arm behind his back. “Try to touch me again, and I’ll snap your arm like a twig,” you spat.
“Is this wanker bothering you?” You looked up to see Brian standing in the door of the bus.
Releasing Tom, you straightened up and smiled. “Nothing I can’t handle. Are you ready?”
He furrowed his brow and shot Tom a dangerous look before nodding and the two of you left the bus. Brian reached for your hand and you let him lead you through the back lot to a waiting limousine. He opened the door for you, and you found quite a few people inside. “Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Deacy, Freddie, and Roger.”
There were others, but Brian didn’t bother to introduce them. Those must be tonight’s groupies, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t help but wonder if you weren’t in the same position they were. It wouldn’t have been the first time a musician had won you over only to leave you high and dry for some new flavor. The girls assessed your outfit and shared a giggle between themselves. One was even so bold to whisper, loud enough for you to hear, “can you believe she’s wearing that to a Queen party?” Brian heard too and wrapped an arm around your shoulder protectively. Normally, you would have shrugged him off, but something about him was oddly comforting in this car full of strangers.
“How lovely to meet you, Y/N. Have I seen you before?” Freddie peered at you over his champagne glass.
Before you could respond, John spoke up. “She’s one of the new audio technicians. You’re the one that fixed my amp!” He beamed at you, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
One of Roger’s groupies sneered. “A roadie? How tragic.”
Roger whipped his head around and shushed her. “I think that’s bloody brilliant. Beautiful and smart, a complete package,” he said with a wink and Brian rolled his eyes.
You were relieved when the boys shifted their attention from you to the flowing alcohol. You sat in silence until the limo finally reached its destination- a large, fancy hotel. While the rest of the group was boisterous as they made their way up to the penthouse suite, you and Brian kept a few steps behind as you followed them. “So, are you excited?” He looked at you with a twinkle in his eye.
“I’m not really sure what I’m about to walk into, but I’m kind of excited, yeah.”
He chuckled. “There’s no telling with Freddie, prepare for the worst.”
The suite was already filled with people and loud music was blasting through some speakers that had been brought up. There were several bars set up, both inside and out, and a topless waitress carried around a tray of cocaine. You and Brian made your way over to one of the bars and ordered a couple of drinks. Sipping at your margarita, you surveyed the chaos around you. This is worse than a frat party, you thought- not that you had been to many of those either.
Brian intertwined his fingers with your free hand and led you to a velvet couch that was placed just far enough from the madness of the dancefloor that you could hear each other. He asked you so many questions that you wondered if you’d somehow stumbled into a secret gameshow. You told him about your favorite color, what part of England you stayed in when you weren’t on tour, what kind of music you listened to.
“What’s your favorite band,” he asked with a wink, expecting you to say Queen.
“So, don’t be mad, but I am the biggest fan of Billy Joel!” You giggled into your drink, taking another sip. Brian’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “He’s pretty big back home, I’m surprised you haven’t heard of him.”
“You know, I think I’ve seen Deacy with one of his records before. Kinda soulful- a bit jazzy, yeah?”
Laughing, you set your drink down on the coffee table in front of you. “Something like that.”
He continued asking you anything and everything he could come up with, offering you his answers to the same questions in return. When he told you about his interest in astrophysics, your genuine interest was a pleasant surprise, and you loved the way his eyes sparkled when tried to explain his research to you.
“I have one last question, for now at least.” Brian watched you carefully, trying to be smooth. “Would you care to take a turn ‘round the floor with me?”
“I think I might,” you said, and he stood up, almost too quickly, and helped you off the couch before carrying you off to the dancefloor. Moving to the beat of the music, you felt Brian place his hands on your hips. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Is, is this okay?” He stuttered, trying desperately not to offend you.
You grinned and placed your hands on top of his. “I’m not actually that bad, Brian. It’s just a front to keep the assholes away.”
He perked up and pulled you closer to him so that you had to put your arms around his neck. Leaning in, he whispered in your ear, “So does that mean I passed the test? I’m not an asshole?”
You pretended to think about it. “No,” you finally said. “An asshole would have already tried to get in my pants.”
“And who says I’m not trying?” He winked at you.
Your face flushed and you shot him a devilish grin. The alcohol was making you feel bold. “Maybe you need to try harder.” He groaned into your neck, the feeling of his breath on your skin giving you goosebumps.
The music continued to blare from the speakers all around the two of you, Brian’s warm hands migrated under your shirt. You looked up in surprise, feeling his long, skilled fingers gently pressing against the sweaty skin on your lower back.
“Is this hard enough for you?” Brian brought you closer to him, if that were even possible, placing one of his long legs between your thighs. You gasped at the feeling of him against your center, and you couldn’t help the shock that registered on your face as you felt the rock hard bulge pressing against your leg.
You hadn’t planned for this to happen, at least not this fast, so you placed your hands on Brian’s chest, pushing yourself off of him slightly. He noticed your apprehensiveness, and immediately backed up slightly, his leg removing itself from your core.
“Are you okay? Was it too much? I’m sorry, I didn’t…” Brian’s previous confidence was all of a sudden completely gone, replaced by a shy and extremely embarrassed tone of voice.
You shook your head slightly. “No Brian, you haven’t done anything, I just.. I’m not used to doing things like this.”
You hung your head in embarrassment, you had just basically admitted to a fucking rockstar that you were essentially an inexperienced baby, especially compared to him of all people. At least it wasn’t Roger, whose reputation definitely preceded him.
Brian smiled down at your hung head, his mind resting at ease at the fact that he hadn’t done anything to offend the beautiful girl in his arms. “That doesn’t bother me, Y/N,” he said, placing his hand under your chin to bring your gaze back up to his. “You could have just broken free of a nunnery and I’d still be here with you.”
You didn’t think it was possible to smile any larger than you were already, but Brian’s reassurance was enough to cause your face to be completely engrossed in the widest smile he had ever had the pleasure of viewing. “I don’t think I’m quite that tragic in the love department, thankfully.” Brian laughed, and dancing as he continued to hold you in his arms. You looked up at him with a serious expression. “It’s not like I’m a virgin or anything- not that there’s anything wrong with that!- but it’s just been a while. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“I am a simple man, Y/N,” he whispered in your ear. “Easy to please. Besides, I sincerely doubt you’ve ever left a man disappointed in your life.” You closed your eyes, relishing the way his hot breath felt on your sensitive skin. He noticed goosebumps appear on your arms, and he smirked to himself.
“Why don’t we put that theory to the test, then?” You practically purred.  
Brian, overcome with a rush of desire, decided he needed to have you. He quickly removed your arms from around his neck and held tight to one of your hands as he led you off the dance floor. You followed him down a long hallway and into one of the many rooms the suite had to offer. “There, that’s a bit better,” he said, shutting the door and blocking out most of the noise of the party.
While he was distracted by fiddling with the lock on the door, you kicked off your socks and shoes, slipped off your tank top, and quickly shimmied your shorts off your hips. You may not have had any party wear, but you had been smart enough to bring something other than plain, dingy, undergarments. When Brian finally turned around, you where lazily spread across the bed clothed only in a blue translucent bra and matching underwear. His eyes devoured your frame like a man starved. You had barely given him a wicked small before feeling the weight of the bed drop as he climbed on top of you.
“You are incredible,” he murmured, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. He took your face in his hand and angled it up to press his lips to yours. Though his fingers were roughly calloused, you were surprised at how soft and tender his pink lips were as the made their way down your neck to your chest. He deftly unhooked your bra and tossed it across the room. You whimpered quietly as he wrapped his hands around your breasts and took one of your nipples into his warm mouth, gently massaging the other with his finger. God, the noises coming from your mouth alone could have made Brian lose himself then and there. “I want to make you feel good.”
He almost jumped when your slid your hand beneath him to unbutton his pants. “I want to make you feel good too,” you whispered as you dipped under his waistband and pulled out his length. “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” He laughed but was cut off by a strangled noise in the back of his throat as you began to stroke him. Brian swirled his tongue around the tip of your breast, nibbling at it softly with his teeth. You cried out, and for a moment Brian thought he had hurt you. He started to pull off and apologize, but you laced your hand into his thick, brown curls and brought him closer. “Don’t stop,” you managed to get out between breaths.
Your voice sounded like velvet, enveloping Brian and clouding his mind. “God damn it, Y/N,” he purred against your breast, giving your nipple one last tug before bringing himself back up to your lips. You continued milking his cock as he swept his tongue across your bottom lip, which you parted to allow him to deepen the kiss. “’M getting close, love. Are you sure about this? I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do.”
You nodded, and he gently removed himself from your hands before letting his own hand wander south. One of his fingers graze the front of your panties, and he groaned. “What’s all this then?”
You tried to hide your face with your hands, but he lightly pulled them away. “Don’t be embarrassed. Tell me, love.”
“You. Watching you play. Then dancing with you, kissing you,” you whispered the last part against his lips, then he closed the distance between you. Clinging tightly against his chest, you shivered as his finger hooked into the waistband of your panties and pulled them down tantalizingly slow before tossing them in the same direction he had your bra. Finally, he grazed your bare core and started to massage your folds, collecting your wetness before finally slipping his index finger inside.
A sharp breath escaped your lips, and he held you with one arm as he began pumping his finger. “More,” you begged, and he kissed you again before adding his middle finger. You whined and pushed your hips against his hand.
“Shh, darling. I’ve got you. I’ve got you,” he repeated. He positioned his thumb to rub your clit as he continued to pump his fingers inside of you. Picking up his pace, Brian felt you tighten around his fingers and moaned at the sound and feeling of you coming undone at his touch. “That’s a good girl. Come for me, Y/N,” he said. You bit down on his shoulder as he guided you through the first orgasm you’d had in months. In your release, you hadn’t noticed the juices that had escaped and felt mortified at the mess you made, but Brian growled in appreciation. “Apparently I’m not the only one full of surprises,” he smirked, then sucked your juices off of his fingers, humming in satisfaction.
He rolled so that you were on top of him and you winked at him as you wiggled your body into position. Brian took his cock in his hand, giving it a couple pumps before reaching for a condom, but you shook your head. “I wanna feel you, all of you.” His brow furrowed, but you stopped him with a kiss before he could respond. “I’m on the pill, don’t worry.”
Fire flashed behind his eyes as he gripped your hips, lifting you up and slowly guiding you down onto him. He held you to his chest as you adjusted to the sudden fullness. You cursed quietly, and he stroked your hair. Nuzzling you ear, he whispered, “let me know whenever you’re ready, love.”
After a few more moments you finally gave him the go ahead. He took his time to feel every inch of your body, grinding your hips into him slowly. You cried out softly with each thrust, and you felt his fingertips brush a tear that had escaped down the side of your cheek. It had been so long since you’d had someone inside you this way, and even then they were nothing compared to Brian. You tried to sit up and take control, but it was too much. Brian pulled you back to his chest, brushing the back of your head with his hand. He moved to wrap his arms around your back and pushed himself up into you. He continued this way, holding you in place as he took control.
“You’re doing great, love. Taking me so well.” You both could feel that you were getting closer, and he rolled so that he hovered above you, continuing to pump in and out of your dripping cunt.
“Come for me, Y/N,” he said, reaching down to draw circles on your bud.  You wrapped your legs behind his back as you finally tipped over the edge, and the feeling of you clenching down on him brought Brian tumbling down with you. The feeling of his seed spilling into you was enough to make you cry out, chanting his name as you started to come down from your high. Brian collapsed on top of you, breathing heavily. Your eyes felt heavy, and you struggled to open them. Brian chuckled and leaned down to kiss your nose.
“That was… incredible,” you managed, wincing as he pulled out. “Did you, enjoy it?”
Brian threw his head back and laughed, pulling you into his embrace. With you stomach flush against his, he freed one of his hands and ran it along your thigh before dipping it between your legs, where his cum was slowly leaking out of you. “What do you think, love?”
You frowned at him. “I mean, that doesn’t always mean-“ He interrupted you by placing a hard kiss on your lips. “You are so beautiful, Y/N. Stop being so hard on yourself.”
Burying your head into his chest, you reached up and gently tugged on one of his curls. Brian wrapped his hand around your chin and pulled your face back out. His eyes were serious, and you melted under his stare. “Please?”
You said nothing but pressed your lips to his one more time before untangling yourself from his arms and the sheets. Bent over to pick up your clothes, you muttered, “You should get back to the party.”
Brian climbed out of the bed and crossed the room, closing the distance between the two of you before you could turn around. “Stop,” he pleaded. You continued, slipping your arms back into your bra and reaching behind yourself to secure it, but struggling. Brian took over, hooking the clasps together. You tried to turn around without meeting his eyes, but he caught your arm and brought you close to his chest. “What are you doing?”
Averting your gaze, you mumbled, “You’d gotten what you wanted, so I was just trying to make this less painful.”
“Make what less painful, Y/N?” Brian held on.
You finally looked up and locked eyes. “You’re a rockstar, Brian. I just figured you’d want to do what every other rockstar does, so I was giving you an out.”
Brian’s face fell, clearly hurt, and held you out in front of him. “Have I given you any indication that I would want that?”
You faltered. “No, but- “
“But what, Y/N?” His frustration was growing. “Why is it so hard to believe that I want you in my bed?”
“Because I’ve been through this before. I dared to think I was different and was left just as disappointed the next morning as one of Roger’s groupies.” You attempted a stony expression but were betrayed by the tears starting to spill down your cheeks. Brian’s hands journeyed to your face, tenderly wiping each tear from your eyes.  “My last job, I…”
“Shh, love. I understand.” You leaned into his hand and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “That’s not me, Y/N. I know we just met, but I feel a connection and I know you feel something, too. I want you to be here when I wake up, and for as long after that as possible.”
“I feel it too, Brian,” you murmured, breathing deeply to steady yourself. You couldn’t explain it, but you trusted him. “I’ll stay.”
From what you could hear through the thick bedroom door, the party was winding down. The clock on the wall revealed that it was close to 4 A.M. You stretched your arms, a yawn giving away how tired you were.
“Come to bed, love,” he whispered, and you nodded in response.
He walked over to where an assistant had set his suitcases hours earlier. From one of them, he pulled out an oversized t-shirt that he often wore to bed himself and handed it to you. After removing your bra for the second time that night, you poked your head through the shirt and let it fall around your shoulders. Brian had fixed the bed before climbing into it himself and held back the comforter so that you could slide in easily. He laid the blanket over you and you scooted deeper into the bed so that your back was flush against his stomach. You hovered on the edge of sleep, relishing the feeling of his arms around you. Brian began to softly sing to you, and you turned in his arms to face him, your nose touching his. “I thought you didn’t know who Billy Joel was?”
“Is that who sings this? It’s quite the lovely tune.” You pecked his lips and rolled back over. He continued humming the lines to “Vienna” as you finally gave in to the weight of your exhaustion.
Let me know what you think, lovelies! 
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yxppeo · 5 years
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pairing: chan x reader
genre: fluff
au: cafe, college
warning: none
summary: rest was not in this boy’s vocabulary
a/n: reposted from my old blog!
you were an employee at the cafe near your university
let’s call it the district cafe
chessy huh
after your classes, you immediately clocked in and worked until 8 with small breaks to get some homework done
you would sometimes work overtime and on holidays as well
needed that extra cash cuz you’re a broke bitch lmao
many people thought working at a place where you would see your peers might be embarrassing for them
thinking that they’ll be teased for working at a small cafe
but you were different
you would see many familiar faces from uni that would greet you with smiles as they ordered their coffees and pastries
they wouldn’t have to look at your name tag to know who you were
“hey y/n! can i get the caramel macchiato and a strawberry shortcake?”
“of course!” you smiled back, punching in the order
your manager was happy to have you as an employee
seeing that you were the only reason people still come to the cafe
you were the nicest cafe worker they would have ever met, and would come back for more
no matter how busy the cafe got, you still had a smile on your face
you knew a lot of your regular’s orders, and would have it ready as soon as they walked in
“hello y/n, can i have-”
“matcha frappe with cheesecake? already done.” you interrupted, winking at them
they would stare at you with awe as they paid for the food, giving you a very generous tip
one friday night, the cafe was running a little slow
there was no one at the cafe
which was weird because fridays were usually the busiest
but maybe because it’s the fifa world cup playing on tv, people stayed inside all day munching on nachos and screaming at the screen
you didn’t mind it though
there were times you needed peace and quiet
especially when you needed to clean up the tables
you looked at the clock
“4 more hours until closing.” you said to yourself
“hey y/n, you should go home, it’s pretty slow.” your manager said, catching your attention
you noticed she was wrapped up in her coat with her bag over her shoulder
ready to go home
“why? we’re open for another four hours.”
“fifa’s on and south korea is playing their first game.”
you looked at your manager
“hey, how about you go home and watch the game? i’ll stay here until closing.” you proposed
“really? you’re willing to do that?” she said, looking at you in shock
you nodded, giving her a smile
“yes, now go home and relax!” you said as you lightly pushed her towards the entrance
“you’re definitely getting a raise next week.” she laughed as she walked through the door, making you smile as you shook your head
you sat down behind the counter in silence
pulling out your laptop as you powered it on, wanting to get some homework done
ten minutes passed by as the bell on the entrance door rang
pulling you away from your studies, you stood up to see the person approaching you
you don’t recognize him, but you still smiled as you greeted him
“welcome to the district cafe, how may i help you?”
he looked at you, smiling before ordering
“he’s attractive.” you thought to yourself, noticing his cute nose and dimples that were prominent on his face
“i’ll just have an americano.” he said as he brought his wallet out
“okay, one americano for?” you trailed
“chan.” he answered
“right, an americano for chan coming right up.” you softly said as he smiled at you
chan sat down at a table, pulling out his laptop and headphones
plugging it in the jack and placing the headphones on his head
you delicately made the americano to perfection
you would usually call his name out to tell him his order was ready
but since it was just the two of you
you decided to leave the counter and give it to him personally
he looked at you, giving you a thanks before averting his attention back to his laptop
an hour later, you noticed chan was blankly staring at his screen, his mouth slowly open
he would drop his head a few times before jumping up and putting his attention back on the screen
you chuckled to yourself as you got up to make another drink for him
you walked up to him and gave him the drink
he looked at you with worried eyes
“uh, i’m sorry, i don’t have enough money for another one.”
you smiled
“don’t worry. it’s on the house. i noticed you were getting a little tired.” you said, sliding the drink towards him
he thanked you again
you took your laptop from the counter and sat across from chan
“do you mind if i sit here?” you asked
he shook his head
“nah, not at all, it’d be nice to have some company.” he said, giving you a small smile
which made your heart do a little flip
for the next hour, you typed away on your laptop as you flipped through your notebook as chan clicked and dragged his mouse, occasionally hitting a few keys
as soon as you were done, you looked at chan
he noticed eyes looking at him, so he looked up, locking eyes with you
he slid his headphones off
your eyes widened
“sorry to bother you, but i’m just curious, what are you working on?” you said, immediately becoming shy
he chuckled
“it’s fine. i was just working on a song. i’m a music production major.” he said, scratching the back of his neck
“can i listen? uh, that’s if you’re okay with that.” you blushed
“you’re in luck, i just finished!” he beamed, gesturing you to sit next to him
“wow his smile makes him even cuter.” you thought to yourself
you got up and took a sit next to him as he slid over to give you room
you looked at his laptop, looking at the different audio clips that were stacked on top of each other
you put the headphones on as you pressed play
listening to the music, you enjoyed the instrumentals as you bobbed your head to the beat
then you heard a voice singing
it sounded angelic, soothing really
“is that you singing? it’s beautiful.” you admitted, making chan blush a little as he smiled
the song ended, and you were left in amazement
“that was spectacular chan!” you told him
“really? thank you so much.”
and for the rest of the night you and chan got to know each other more
telling him about your major and whatnot
the both of you had laughs
he even offered to help you clean up
and even though you tried to refuse
his cute begging suddenly became your weakness as you gave in
you had a great time with chan
until it was closing time
“thank you for keeping me company while i worked.” chan said
“it was nothing.” you smiled as you slung your backpack over your shoulders as you closed the cafe
ever since that night, chan would come into the cafe and worked on his music until it was closing time
and you would do your homework with him
getting up on rare occasions whenever a customer or two walked in
there would also be times where you would have to wake chan up
telling him to go home and rest
but he was stubborn, telling you he’s going to keep working until the cafe closed
and you can’t really fight this cute guy
nor your rapidly beating heart
not only did chan become a regular
but he became a good friend
a few weeks later, the fifa world cup ended
which means the district cafe became busier
but it didn’t stop chan from walking in and ordering his usual americano and sitting down to work
he would notice how you would smile to every customer as you talked to them
and your small conversations with them
chan though you were cute and kind
and developed a huge crush on you
one day, you were working and before chan came in around his usual time, you had a customer who was friends with him
“vanilla bean latte for jisung!” you called out
jisung approached the counter, grabbing his drink
“thank you..” he said before looking at your name tag
“y/n - wait! you’re y/n?!” he exclaimed
“y-yes?” you responded, feeling a little nervous
“i’m friends with chan, and boy does he talk about you a lot.”
“he does?” you blushed
“yeah! he keeps talking about this cute cafe worker that he’s practically whipped for. no wonder his lyrics have been so sappy lately.”
“he likes me?” you asked him
“big time. anyways i’ve got to go, it was nice meeting you y/n.” he waved, leaving the cafe
as if he didn’t just expose his best friend
you blushed at the thought of chan liking you
you went through the rest of your shift with an extra bright smile of your face
chan walked in, which made your heart go !!!!
“hey y/n!” he smiled
which made you smile
“hey chan, let me guess, americano?”
he nodded as he placed the usual five dollar bill in front of you
as you entered his order, you looked at him
noticing the dark circles around his eyes
“chan, when’s the last time you’ve slept?” you said, catching his attention
he looked at you
“how long ago was january?”
you looked at him with wide eyes
“bang chan!” you said as you got started on his drink
“oops?” he nervously chuckled
“seriously, you need to rest. how could i have not known you haven’t been sleeping after you leave the cafe?” you said as you placed the lid on the cup, giving it to him
hours passed by as the cafe slowed down to the point where no one was coming in
and yet there chan was, sitting on his laptop
you sighed as you went into the back to grab your things
until you heard a loud thump
you quickly walked to the front to see chan’s head on top of the table
“oh my god.” you said, running towards him and taking the seat next to him
you shook chan a few times
“wake up! bang chan!”
he managed to lift his head up and leaned onto you
placing his head on your shoulder while asleep
your eyes widened as you felt his heavy head relax onto you
then you heard muttering
you turned your head to see bang chan slightly open his mouth
“y/n...y/n...why do you have to be so pretty?”
you almost choked on your own spit
“y/n, don’t smile at that handsome guy, smile only at me.” he softly said, sounding jealous
which made you smile to yourself
“shut up jisung, i’m not whipped for y/n. it’s not my fault i like her so much.”
you sighed
it was almost closing time
and you had to go home
“bang chan!” you yelled in his ear
scaring him as he jumped
“i’m awake!”
you shook your head
“how long was i out?” he asked
you smirked
“long enough to talk about your feelings for me in your sleep.” you said
making chan’s eyes pop out of his head
“what?! uh, y/n, i can explain-” he started
you interrupted him by planting your lips on top of his
chan melted into the kiss, smiling as he kissed you back
you pulled back
“don’t worry chan, i like you too - a lot actually.”
“you do?”
“yes you dummy. now can we get up because it’s closing time.”
chan looked outside the windows to see it filled with darkness
“only if i can crash at your dorm.”
“of course, let’s go so you can sleep.” you demanded
“yes ma’am.” he said as he got up, planting another kiss on your lips
“oh, and chan?”
“you taste like americano.”
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