#also got some sleep meds to help me fall asleep every other night
breakingjen · 5 months
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espressogirlfriend · 3 months
#dni#you know when your parents want to “protect” you and dont let you make friends go play out with other kids at the park.#or even take you to the park because of some reason only sensible to them#and then tell you explicitly that you have to take care of them when they no longer can provide whcih yes i was going to do anyway#but now they've said that + stuff about fulfilling their dreams they couldn't so it sounds like if you can't succeed at that they'll resent#you for the rest of your life#and then they tell you that they're sorry for not taking you on big vacations or buying you what you want since you were a kid and that#you can do it yourselves when you start earning money and after paying off your education loan + u have to help with the home loans somehow#and you have to wait for a couple years until the loans end so that you can finally get a masters degree you want#so you start to develop a fear of failure so crippling you're unable to the things you want or have or need to to just get through tomorrow#and you have trouble falling asleep and when you do sleep you wake up in the middle of the night only to cry yourself to sleep again?#do you also feel so sorry for yourself for having about 5% of the fun your friends are having every year#but then also feel miserable and hateful towards yourself because what have you ever done to deserve all of it?#sigh#but we stay silly#got my period for the first time in 5 months. after taking meds. cause? unknown#this is just me having a. moment look away
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d0youc0py · 1 year
Could you do any 141 member (I don’t really care I love them all) comforting civilian!reader while she’s on her period? Like the cramps, nausea, mood swings?
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He winced as another pained groan left your lips.
“Pain killers didn’t help?” He frowned. He laid down behind you tucking you against him. He pressed a kiss to the back of your head, his hands pressing down on the heating pad against your stomach. The pressure made you feel better and you softly grabbed his hand and put it under the heating pad, silently asking him to massage your stomach. “I got you.” He pressed another kiss to your shoulder.
“Are you done with your paperwork yet?” You whined.
“Ya, Sweetheart.” He lied. The thought of leaving you alone to suffer on the couch made his stomach turn. “You rest up, now and I’ll fix us some dinner later, yeah?”
“Don’t leave till I fall asleep please.” You requested, scooting closer to him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He’s literally the dream partner when it comes to this stuff
He has always been a very nurturing person
He has your special week marked on his calendar so he’s never caught off guard if you snip at him or you wake up and need to change the sheets
When he can’t be with you he always ships a care package to your house with all the things you could possibly need (snacks, pads/tampons, medicine, a card saying how much he loves you)
He’s the best honestly
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“Kid, open the door!” The door handle jiggled. You splashed cold water over your face trying to calm down, but no matter how hard you tried sobs wracked your body. You blamed the hormones. You and Simon were new in your relationship, about five months in, and you had just recently started spending the night at his place. You always had a plan for what to do if you got your period during the night but you didn’t plan for it to come almost a week early. You woke up feeling a familiar wetness and practically ripped yourself out of Simon’s arms. To make matters worse he had his thigh resting between your legs, meaning- you didn’t even want to say it. You shook the thoughts out of your head.
“Sweetheart, c’mon.” Simon sighed from the other side of the door. “You know what I do for a living, yeah? You think a little blood is gonna scare me off? I find that a bit offensive if I’m being honest.”
“It’s disgusting and embarrassing!” You shouted through your sobs.
“It’s not disgusting.” He shot back. “Whoever made you feel that way is a cunt. And it might seem embarrassing now, but I promise you in a week it’ll make you laugh. Out you come.” He shook the door handle again. He did make you feel better. “There she is.” He whispered. You looked him over, happy he had changed his sleep shorts. A clunky thumb wiped away a few remaining tears.
The man is completely unbothered
You can throw a whole hissy fit and he’ll just ask if you’ve eaten anything today
Bodily fluids don’t faze him at all- you could bleed, vomit and cry all over him and he’d just pat you on the back
He’s still doesn’t always understand how to take care of other people, so if you want/need him to do something all you have to do is ask
He never ever makes you feel bad/embarrassed about anything
“Si, you aren’t going to believe the blood clot that just came out of me.” “I’m proud of you Sweetheart.”
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“I just can’t believe he did that to her!” You sobbed, wiping your eyes on your husbands shirt.
“What a bastard.” He growled, wiping a tear from his own eye. He wrapped an arm tighter around you, throwing a few pieces of popcorn into your mouth.
“Get off the screen!” You shouted, throwing a few pieces of popcorn at the TV.
“Ya, fuck off!” Johnny yelled after you tossing a few pieces as well. You both looked at each other before bursting into a giggle fit.
Every time you on your period it seems like Johnny also goes on his
You would think both of you being so emotional would cause problems, but it really makes you feel less alone
He definitely steals higher grade pain meds from the base to help you (Price caught him and started doing it for his own partner)
Absolutely loves to take warm showers with you
This man is also unfazed by bodily fluids ;)
Whenever you feel sick he is on the other side of the door cheering you on
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You hated when you got your period and he wasn’t here. It always reminded you of how sucky life was before him and how much spoiled you are now. You pressed yourself deeper into his pillow, inhaling his scent. Your muscles relaxed slightly- but it was nothing compared to the real thing. The pain killers had yet to kick in and your body felt so hot and uncomfortable. Your ears piqued up when you heard the door open.
“Ky!” You screeched. The ache in your stomach couldn’t stop you from running through the flat to greet him. “What are you doing here? Your not suppose to be home for another two weeks?” You questioned between both of you pressing kisses against each other.
“I can just stay for two days.” He sighed, scooping you up. “I told Cap you weren’t feeling well- and let’s just say being the favorite has its perks.”
If you thought Price was good wait till you meet Kyle He definitely learned it from Price
Total Princess treatment to the max
“Ky, I can tie my shoes.” “Don’t worry bout it love.”
He shows love through acts of service so this is his time to shine ✨
Has a stash of all your favorite snacks/drinks for when the time comes
He usually puts you between his legs and the two of you play video games for the next eight hours- distraction helps take you mind off of the pain
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niuniente · 1 year
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I stumbled upon above image from this blog and went “Huh, that’s exactly how my fingernails grow. I know it can be a sign of a severe health problem but doctors haven’t found anything and my fingernails have looked like that for my whole life”. (I’d like to grow my nails long but I can’t because the pressure of the curving is too much and painful.)
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(and here’s a pic of healthy nails, growing as they should)
I checked the origin of the photo and found the blog I just mentioned. It’s run by an English person who was diagnosed with BJHS - Benign Joint Hybermobility Syndrome. I read all the person’s experiences and symptoms and yikes! That’s me! (with overlapping IBS and iron deficiency which can’t be treated)
“Benign meaning “it will not kill me,” not that it’s all fluffy-kittens-and-sunshine. Joint Hypermobility meaning my joints move too much in the wrong ways (yes, “double jointed,” though of course I have only a single set of each joint). Syndrome meaning that this problem creates a cascade of other issues throughout my body. BJHS is a connective tissue-based disorder. Somewhere along the line, my genetics have made it so that I don’t either produce enough of, or don’t process completely, the protein collagen. Collagen is like the scaffolding for every connective tissue in  your body. Connective tissues include: skin, muscles, ligaments, tendons, hair, bones, eyes, blood vessels, spinal discs, cartilage, the intestines, the heart, the liver… basically, everywhere. In fact, I can’t actually name a part of the body that doesn’t contain it.”
Here are the blog person’s experiences VS my experiences
Insomnia: did I mention the hyper-wired, jazzed-up, over-talkative, never-shuts-down nature of my brain? That I get more hyper the more exhausted I become? That I used to sleep so lightly that my roommate in college could wake me up by writing in her journal? Did I mention that, without the right meds, I probably get one or two nights of truly deep, restful sleep… a year? Me: Yup! I sleep so slightly that when I had a flatmate, I woke up when she touched the handle of her door. Though my insomnia isn’t as bad as this persons, I do regularly need melatonin to sleep normally. Otherwise I can’t fall asleep until 8am, even if I was super tired during the day. Otherwise I sleep well.
Liver metabolism: I have serious problems processing medications, as I have a liver that is slow to metabolize chemicals. I cannot take a very long list of drugs, including most pain killers. This also includes naturopathic treatments… even my own hormones! I get side effects (or no effects) with everything I take. As my naturopath likes to say: “You just walk by a chemical, and it affects you.” Me: My shiatsu healer said that my liver is not working properly. I have hormonal problems. Even with the IUD I still get them monthly, though IUD has improved my health tremendously.
Complex PTSD and anxiety: like the stuff combat veterans get, only not quite. Caused by excessive exposure to stressful situations that one cannot escape, like, say… a bully at work (not saying that was my situation. Just as an example…). Though I received great treatment, people with BJHS are prone to stuff like this: fight or flight, remember? Me: I’m getting better but I’m 24/7 anxious more or less. I hope I can continue having anxiety medication for “bad things” like traveling. Do you know how annoying it is that you love traveling and have traveled the same journey for 10+ years and your anxiety still says “Okay but this time, something bad CAN happen!!” I was also pretty much mute for 12 years. My muscles are tense 24/7 due hyperactive nervous system and anxiety.
Heart palpitations: yucky, but harmless Me: Sometimes they happen, ugh...
Irritable bowel syndrome Me: TELL ME ABOUT IT QoQ The IUD has helped with this, too, as apparently I also have endometriosis which causes IBS to some.
Sinus problems and severe allergies (go immune system, go!) Me: YUP! Just got finally an allergy medication after sneezing daily, 20 times a day for 30 years. I new life has began! My nose isn’t running! I don’t need to have a truckload of tissues everywhere!
GERD (bad acid reflux) Me: And it gets worse with hormonal changes... I’ve got 4 different medications for this.
Poor balance and an inability to fully understand where my body is in relation to everything else. Me: Not really my issue but I do get clumsy with hormonal chances. It’s a common joke between me and my sister by now.
An inability to regulate body temperature, including both freezing extremities and excessive sweating, sometimes at the same time Me: This is genuinely THE WORST! It’s -30C outside, I go there half-naked, walk for 3 minutes and I’m sweating like a little big. All my clothes are trenched with sweat in 10 minutes. I’m inside and it’s 23C and I need wool socks and wake up with a sore throat because it’s too cold. I also “catch” the temperatures easily and shower (or sauna) is then the only option. If I catch “cold”, I will not warm up no matter how warmly I dress and sit in front of a heater. If I catch “hot”, I will not cool down even if I sat in front of a fan naked with ice-cubes on my body.
Hair that breaks easily and nails that are bent and curl off the tips of my fingers, as well as fingers that wrinkle like I’ve been in the tub for days Me: Yes. I need to use hair oil daily and baby oil for body and my eyes are like Sahara desert. Nails curve and my fingers are always wrinkly.
I have painful big toe joints, so no high heels for me. Walking long distances can be a disaster, so good shoes are very important. I suffer from plantar fasciitis, which means the bottoms of my feet hurt, especially in the morning. Me: Same. I went to doctor to complain how my toes hurt but they couldn’t find anything. My soles hurt extremely easily - like 5h walking and I’m already in pain. Doesn’t matter if I’m 45kg or 100kg in weight, it still hurts the same. Fingers hurt all the time.
My immune system is hyper-active as well, mounting elaborate, full-scale mucus or lymph node or other responses to mild colds and viruses. I’m sick a lot longer than normal people, and a lot more seriously, yet it’s not due to a poor immune system, but rather one that’s too strong. Me: Same. Last time I was sick was in 2017. It was just a normal cold but it took 4 weeks from me to recover. I was bedridden for a week. I’ve not gotten covid and despite my shitty bowl I don’t get sick easily. I don’t remember the last time I was sick prior 2017. Probably in 2007? With a bit runny nose though.
Loose connective tissues mean joints that move too easily, which means pinched nerves and pain. Think about how it feels when you throw your back out, or get carpal tunnel syndrome. Now imagine this feeling all over your body.  My nerves get pinched, causing several types of pain. I get back pain, obviously. I get numbness and mild paralysis in my thighs and hands. I get weakness in my legs and arms, and sciatica/restless leg sensations if I sit too long. Worst of all, I get parasthesia in my fingers and toes (that’s the tingling, painful sensation you get when you sit funny and your foot goes numb, then starts to wake up). I have this sensation, in varying degrees, all the time. Me: I’m literally in pain all around my body from neck below, for 24/7. Only the level of pain differs. I get easily numbness to arms and legs. I’ve started to suffer of restless legs and middle body with heavy jolting, especially if I’m tired. If I’m stressed and go to sleep, my nose and lips switch a lot.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
I'm home. It was a long day. The night nurse asked me to stay a little longer to keep an eye on my dad because of his confusion. (Last night Dad tried to make an escape and they had to use soft restraints.) I told him I was tired and if I felt my dad was going to be a spaz and cause trouble again, I would stay. But if he seemed calm and sleepy with the new sedative they are trying, I would need to get home to rest. The nurse was cool with that, and my dad looked sleepy as heck, so I left.
The hospital is a bit frustrating with their closure procedures. They let visitors stay until 9pm. However, they close the main doors right at 9 and make you walk to the other side of the building to the secure exit. They also close off all the parking lot exits, minus the emergency one, directly at 9. Wouldn't it make sense to wait until 9:15 so people have time to get to their cars? And when they close off all the exits, you end up having to take this maze-like circuitous route to exit the parking lot. It literally takes more time to drive around that maze than it takes me to drive home.
My dad is really out of it. I am trying to be the best advocate possible and communicate to the staff how to help him become more lucid. HE NEEDS SLEEP. Like, long, restful, deep sleep. There hasn't been one time that has not fixed his confusion. But they are all trying to solve a bigger puzzle. They are like, "Maybe it is excess CO2 in his lungs. Maybe it is a new infection. Maybe he got COVID."
And I'm just like, "He needs sleep. Give him something to sleep."
And they are like, "Mayyyybe."
But I think that answer is too simple when they are in puzzle solving mode. So I broke it down...
"He had dialysis yesterday which wipes him out every time. Usually requires a 3 hour nap afterwards. But instead of napping, he had a catheter procedure with anesthesia. Then his foot hurt so bad he couldn't fall asleep all night. Plus they are giving him pain meds which always make him drowsy and loopy. HE'S EXHAUSTED."
And they were like, "Could be. We'll run some tests though."
I do think I convinced them to try and help him sleep with whatever options are safe right now. But I don't know if this sedative they are trying will end up having drowsy side effects which will cancel out the benefits of sleeping. I guess we'll see in the morning.
It really sucks that he choked on that food. He really didn't need this setback in his healing. It seems like the hospital always makes him sicker before they finally get around to helping him.
And lastly, podiatrists don't do weekends.
So it will be Monday until I know if my dad has a chance at standing and walking again. Why is a damned podiatrist the only one qualified at determining what to amputate?
I've been trying to brainstorm ways I could take care of him if he is unable to stand up on his own and transfer to a wheelchair or rolling walker. I know they have lifty things you can put over the bed. But I'm not sure that is a good solution for our house. I just wish I was strong enough to lift him on my own. He is just a tad heavier than I can manage. Maybe I need a mech suit.
There must be a solution though. Lots of people are without limbs. Hopefully I am just unaware of how caretakers deal with this issue.
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takoichigo · 10 months
I woke up at 8:30 PM today.
I didn't really sleep last night, caught a couple of hours between like 10 and noon, but I had to get up at noon and gather my laundry because a friend's mom volunteered to do it for me. I haven't really been able to do it myself in about a month.
I took a shower today too. I didn't get one before my appointment Monday because I overslept and I haven't otherwise left the house since last Thursday, which I think was the last time I showered. Don't get it twisted, I sit in the tub multiple times a day to relieve my pain that still isn't under control, but my hair...
...I have been losing it. A lot of it. Not all of it, and it doesn't hurt like I've heard it can with chemo. But colon cancer chemo isn't supposed to make all your hair fall out, it'll just "thin". It was already thin to begin with. I haven't looked in the mirror in a week, I'm kind of afraid I have bald spots. It's also much too long so I always just have it piled in a bun on my head (also to keep it out of the water when I'm in the tub).
I went off topic. Anyway. Showered. My laundry was picked up. Laid down and tried to watch some Red Dwarf. Made it through a couple episodes before I conked out. Slept from about 2:30 to 8:30. Woke up at 4, took my medicine, immediately fell back asleep. My bed has no sheets on it, I had to send the ones that were on it to be washed because my AC went out a few weeks ago and I've just sweated so much into them that they were stiff.
I'm not sure if I just was comfy because I'd showered and felt clean, or that I was not lying on a stiff sheet that smelled like B.O., or that only my daytime meds do enough for the pain that I can actually sleep, but I was out cold.
I guess I'm just nocturnal now. I hate this, I take meds at 11:00 PM to *help me sleep* and they fucking don't do anything in the face of the pain I'm in. I'm in the tub right now because the pain flared up and I couldn't lie there.
But I sent all my sheets and towels to be washed...which means I'm air drying when I get out I guess before I try to go back to bed. With no sheets on it. Not that I'm going to sleep. I'll sleep tomorrow during the day and be woken up by phone calls and texts and shit. Because y'know. Normal people hours. My laundry will be here in a few hours, she said she'd drop it off in the morning for me. I'm hoping I'm not asleep when she comes.
I can't do anything anymore. Especially at night, when the pain is the worst. So being nocturnal does nothing for me. Just being up out of bed is really tiring really fast.
But things are getting better I guess. The tumor has shrunk. The levels of the cancer indicator in my blood have gone way down (though they're still too high for a normal person). Blood count is too low, still, it's worse than it was before but I guess still not bad enough for a transfusion. No wonder I've been nearly passing out when I stand up.
I don't know what normal is anymore. I don't go out and do anything, I just...lie in bed. My car is still broken. I couldn't drive if I wanted to anyway... I'm way too weak and shaky, and sitting is almost always painful. Road bumps are god-awful. I've been playing Stardew Valley again because it feels like I'm accomplishing something. I've hit walls I don't want to deal with in almost every other game I have. Which sucks, but...why do I need to stress myself out over it?
My friends are really busy. I haven't seen much of them lately, and the one just always seems like I'm stressing him out when I do see him. The other one just got a new job and blanks out and freezes when I'm upset around him, which happens pretty often, because it's super easy to upset me. Usually just the pain will do it, but also, everything I'm going through is either terrifying or frustrating. I upset another friend the last time they visited, because they hadn't seen me so weak. Everyone keeps saying they're sorry I'm going through this. I hate hearing it. I don't want my friends to be sad or upset around me. I don't want to cause them to be stressed out. It's already so hard to ask for help as it is.
I don't really know why I'm writing this post. Honestly it just feels like I haven't talked to anyone in so long that's had enough time to listen. And probably no one will see this. Which is kind of okay. I feel like I'm just whining anyway.
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luimagines · 3 years
Maybe you caring for the chain? Like doing small things like helping tend to their wounds or brushing their hair. Love the blog btw!
A little TLC?
A little Fluff?
That's my JAM! You got it hun!
It's gonna be in bullet point list because I can.
Content under the cut!
Can you imagine this guy?
It's late at night and you wake up unexpectantly.
It was supposed to be your shift but it's way past that
It's even past the shift after yours
Time is still by the fire pit
You get up
You walk over to him
Place a hand on his shoulder
He looks up at you, tired as hell
He knows he's been caught.
"It's past your bed time Old Man"
"I just wanted to give everyone a little break."
And like?!
You push him aside gently and he lets you sit next to him.
You pull him towards you and you place his head on your lap
"What am I going to do with you?"
"It's not your job to take care of me."
"Someone has to. Malon will have our heads if you come back home any less than how you left."
You start running your fingers through his hair and he closes his eyes in bliss.
It's quiet and neither of you say anything.
Time quickly falls asleep from your touch and you stay up to take your watch.
You take the next watch after as well.
Soon enough the sun rises.
And you let Time sleep in.
What about Twilight?
Twilight was mid battle, fighting multiple bokoblins at once.
At some point he had lost his sword.
This boy hunkers down and starts swinging.
It's a one on five boxing match.
Twilight, to say the least, is not unharmed by the end of it.
You notice that he's not stable on his feet and has a few bloodied patches on his clothes, not to mention the (hopefully) small cut on his forehead.
It's more blood than you'd like to see.
You're quick to help and let him lean into your side.
You bring to the side of the fire, quickly taking out your personal med pack and begin to clean his face.
He's not seeing straight so he starts to speak nonsense.
"Twilight honey, please, don't." You try not to laugh.
"Have you seen them though?"
He's talking about you.
"They're so amazing. Did you know that? They're so cool. They know so much about history and animals and plants."
"Twilight please, I can't reach the cut. I need to disinfect it."
"And animals and Epona and Epona likes them so much. I want to show them my home and my family. Colin would love them. And I think they and Illia would be best friends."
You're blushing but it's soft and you're smiling because Twilight is smiling and he looks so happy at the thought.
You wave away Hyrule when he comes to check on The Rancher, letting him know that you've got it covered.
It's sweet.
His is a little more obvious
"Wild, what on earth?"
He comes back from an afternoon adventure.
He's absolutely filthy.
There's at least three sticks in his hair.
At least those are the ones that you can count because they're sticking out.
Multiple leaves.
You think you see something move.
He doesn't care.
You sigh and stalk up to him.
You grab his arm.
"You're my prisoner now"
Wild tries to fight you but you're determined.
You sit him and take out a brush, taking his pony tail down.
It's a long battle.
But after at least thirty minutes of fighting the branches and leaves and what might have been a tiny mouse like creature.
The mouse thingy just ran away.
You're trying to be as gentle as you can but Wild has a hard time sitting still.
Some leaves leave easier than others and there were actually seven separate branches in his hair that you take out one by one.
But when you get past the battle and clear the foliage, Wild relaxes.
Soon you're only brushing his hair.
He needs to wash it.
But you're not anywhere near any body of water so it'll have to wait.
Wild hums every time you pass the brush pleasantly through his hair.
Within moments his hair is soft and tangle free.
You look around him to look at his face.
He's calm and blissful.
You smile and go back to brushing his hair.
It's a calm afternoon from then on out.
Warrior isn't one to accept TLC in public but-
It's after a battle.
And you look over to Warrior who's taking off his armor at a painstakingly slow pace.
It takes him a while.
He grimaces in pain and begins to rub his neck and shoulder.
You bit your lip and sigh.
You make your way over to him.
"Need a hand, soldier boy?"
He's confused.
"If you got pain, I can help with that."
You don't want to make it a big deal or weird.
"I want your permission first. I'd have to touch you."
"Sure. Why not? Do it."
You nod and get behind him.
Soon enough you start kneading his shoulders and lower neck.
He grunts at the pressure you put on it but otherwise lets you continue.
He's stiff as a brick.
So you're there for a while.
But when you get tired or when he's better off than how you started (whichever comes first) you let him go.
He rubs absentmindedly where your hands just were and smiles in relief.
You grin.
"Any time."
Now Sky is a bit different
He's not shy about TLC
He's frequently the one to take care of the others
You however notice something off one day
His hand was always in a fist and you pulled him aside.
"You ok? What happened?"
Sky sighs, and opens up his palm
A large cut down the middle
It cut through his leather and gloves and was bleeding through the cloth Sky was holding.
You gasp and begin to help him out then and there.
"How did this happen?"
"It's not that big of a deal."
"It's your hand!" You take off the gloves as gently as you can and bring out your med pack. "You kind of need that."
You sit him down and clean it off.
He's quiet as you work, watching you tend to his wound.
He flinches slightly at the disinfectant and hisses.
You begin to wrap his hand with a clean bandage.
You're meticulous in wrapping it up completely.
It's slow and you're losing progress in travel time but neither of you care.
"You don't have to do this."
"I want to. You can't stop me."
"I'm pretty I could if I did."
"Yeah, probably."
More silence.
You take moment to study your work and gently turn his hand over.
You give it back to him.
"How did you even manage that? You're usually so much better at this."
"It's... embarrassing..."
"Do I even want to know?"
"...No... Thank you... For helping."
"Of course."
"Legend, sweetheart, what are you doing?"
He's the kind to avoid public soft and gentle actions
Even if he's the kind to desperately want them
He'll push people away and fail to satisfy himself by yearning from a distance.
One day, you have enough.
He's trying to sit next to you and he's fidgeting, internally fighting himself over something but it's too close to you to not notice.
You sigh and pull him close to you, wrapping both of your arms around him even as he tries to fight you off.
He's trying to struggle out of it but you just snuggle into his shoulder.
He doesn't fight you for long.
Legend borderline melts into your embrace and he hugs your arm in return.
"You've got a weird sense of pride, you know that?"
You start to run your hands through his hair.
Legend scoffs
"You're the one being weird."
"You are."
"Just say you want a hug."
"Well I guess I have to hug you more often then."
Now, you're pretty sure that The Traveler's love language is touch, so he's not shy about keeping his hands to himself.
There's always a hand on your shoulder, a comfortable hug when your sad, gentle fingers to wipe away your tears and he's doesn't mind when one (or three) members fall asleep on him.
"Oh my- Hyrule" You drop your defensive stance from being startled and stare at him.
He's bleeding from at least three different areas.
"Hyrule, sugar, sit down!" You rush over to him and help him get into a sturdy position.
You're quick to pull out a potion and help him drink it.
His hand makes its way onto your shoulder as he settles himself down.
You push his hair out of his face with frantic but gentle fingers.
"Hellllllloooo." Hyrule attempts to smile but his head swoops to the side, too heavy for him to keep it up.
"Oh, what happened?" You push up his sleeve and begin to treat the nasty scrape on his forearm.
You know the potion will eventually take care of the injuries
But you're impatient.
"I... Got caught up in a cave."
"Why did you go alone?" You stress as you begin to clean the blood off.
"...Couldn't find Wild."
"Oh my goodness, take me with you next time." You nearly shake him. "Don't go alone."
Hyrule nods and sighs in relief, as the potion begin to effect.
"That sounds like fun."
"Can you not get hurt, for just like... five minutes..."
"I can't make that promise."
"Promise me, you'll at least tell someone that you'll be going somewhere."
"I can do that."
Wind is down for anything.
He's not afraid of any sort of TLC.
You're sitting next to each other one day for dinner
You both eat until you're full and lean up against each other.
The warmth of the fire heats both of you like a comfortable blanket.
Wind leans up against you and sighs.
You smile and wrap one of your arms around him.
Wind then snuggles closer and hums happily.
You set your plate aside and begin running your fingers through his hair.
Within moments Wind starts to fall asleep against you and he lets himself fall even more against you.
"Sleep hon, I got you."
" 'mkay." Wind adjusts himself one more time and lets his breath even out.
You let him sleep against you for a while until you also decided to hit the hay.
One of the others sets up his bed roll and you pick up Wind.
You begin to make your way over and set him down but your resident pirate holds onto your arm
"-Don't." Wind whines.
You hide your snickers and try to get him to let you go.
He doesn't.
You bite the bullet and ask Hyrule to bring over your own bed roll.
With the help of some of the other boys, you get it set up as close as you can get it.
Adjusting your grip, you lay on your side and pull Wind close.
It's bedtime.
So you fall asleep next to him.
Four is actually little more like Legend in terms of initiating contact than he cares to admit.
He's not going to push anyone away if they come to him.
Even if he wants something as simple as a hug, he won't be the one to go and hug someone.
Someone will have to hug him.
But this boy yearns.
And he's bad at hiding it.
You take it upon yourself when he's being a little off to talk to him
Brush his hair
Hold his hand
Hold him close with your arm over his shoulders, a side hug when your both walking.
He lets you.
He leans in closer and tilts his head in your direction.
A silent request for pats.
If you've been playing with his hair for long enough, he'll let you braid it.
You take the time to keep it out of his eyes and occasionally put flowers in it when there's more down time.
Four won't say it but it's one of his favorite times
He wears his flower braids with pride
It's not something that he would do for himself but he wouldn't change it for the world.
It makes him feel special.
408 notes · View notes
extasiswings · 3 years
“i’ll keep you warm” eddie has a nightmare post-shooting 👀 (or however you wanna write it!)
This was not supposed to be this long...rated M-ish for some mild smut at the end. On ao3 here.
The thing Eddie remembers most about the shooting isn’t the shot itself, or the pain, or even the fear—it’s the cold. The icy numbness of shock curling down his spine, twisting through his veins like tendrils of frost creeping across a windowpane in winter. Cold, as his pulse skyrocketed, his body’s signals all crossed and confused and trying to circulate blood, not seeming to grasp the fact that his blood was seeping out onto the asphalt beneath him, that trying to circulate it faster was just making it worse. Cold, like he was a stupid kid at camp diving into a frigid lake before dawn, except above him was blue sky and a bright sun beating down and the fact that it was Los Angeles in May didn’t do a damn thing to help.
He couldn’t feel it. He could only feel the cold.
Buck, though—Buck, he felt. Buck’s hands burned, on his chest, his neck, his face, so warm that Eddie almost wanted to flinch away, but he didn’t. He was aware enough to realize that if Buck was warm, he was probably telling the truth when he said he wasn’t hurt. And that was good. That was all he needed to know.
The cold—
Eddie’s been through enough in his life to know that his subconscious works in weird ways. After Afghanistan he dreamed more directly of burning helicopters and gunfire, blood in his mouth and smoke on his tongue. Shadows and screams and guilt. After the well his dreams were of Christopher, Shannon, waves crashing on a beach. And Buck. Sunlight.
This time...this time Eddie dreams of drowning. Trapped beneath ice, his hands slamming against it, eventually forced to inhale—water flooding his mouth, his throat, his lungs—cold, cold, cold—
Sometimes after he wakes he’ll spend hours shivering. Phantom chills that won’t go away even when he wraps himself in blankets.
The therapist he’s mandated to see before he can be cleared for work tells him that the brain doesn’t always process trauma by taking the most direct path. Eddie doesn’t know why his has fixated on this. The cold. Maybe it’s just easiest. Because the shooting—
His chest gets tight when he’s walking in open air. Sweat breaks out across his brow when the sunlight glints off of windows. His pulse races.
He can’t breathe.
It feels a little like drowning.
“Do you feel safe?” Dr. Kingston asks one session. And Eddie thinks about freezing in a grocery store parking lot, gripping the edge of a cart to keep his hands from shaking, thinks about Buck curving a hand around his shoulder, solid and warm—
“Sometimes,” Eddie admits. “It depends.”
“Depends on what?”
He tastes the lie on his tongue before it slips out.
“I don’t know.”
When the world shut down and Eddie had to leave Christopher with his abuela so that he could keep working without worrying constantly that he was putting his son at risk, Buck’s was the obvious place to go. And Eddie doesn’t know if things would have been different if it had been just the two of them but Hen and Chim deciding it was also the obvious place for them to go meant there weren’t a lot of options for sleeping arrangements.
So Eddie shared the bed with Buck. And it didn’t matter if either of them wound up wrapped around the other, the lines of their bodies pressed close enough to bleed together. If they curled into one another like plants twisting to find the light.
It was...instinct. To seek comfort. Warmth. Touch. Both of them alone for so long, and just needing—
They never talked about it—there wasn’t anything to talk about. If it made Eddie’s heart race, if it made him ache for something he hadn’t expected and didn’t wholly understand, if when he returned home alone again his own bed felt too empty, that was his own problem.
Now, though—
Now, he knows. Because he stood frozen on the street and stared at Buck with Carla’s words in his head—make sure you’re following your heart—and realized oh. It hadn’t just been convenience, it had been love. Need and desire and love.
Now, he knows, but doesn’t know what to do with that knowledge, with the awareness he has suddenly. Buck is living in his house, in his space, helping him with Christopher and with his own recovery, making sure he takes his meds and gets to his appointments and does his exercises. Buck is there all the time and it’s a blessing and a curse because Eddie burns whenever Buck touches him.
And Buck touches him. A lot.
He hadn’t at first, right after Eddie came home from the hospital—Eddie would catch him sometimes looking like he wanted to, but holding back, reaching out but stopping himself, and Eddie never asked why. Even now he doesn’t think he ever needed to—he knows what it’s like to be afraid, to be unsteady, adrift, worrying that touching something you expect to be solid will reveal it’s just an illusion. Not wanting to find out if it is.
But Buck touches him now. And sometimes Eddie will wake up to find that Buck’s migrated from the couch in the living room to a chair by his bed, folded in and fitfully asleep. Buck never says, but Eddie’s pretty sure it’s so Buck can reassure himself that Eddie’s still breathing.
Eddie understands that need too. Sometimes he isn’t sure himself.
The first time it happens after Buck’s relationship with Taylor has flamed out—for himself, he and Ana have been over since just after he left the hospital—Eddie finally just gets up.
“Buck.” He curves a hand around the side of Buck’s neck and passes his thumb along the edge of his jaw.
Buck startles awake, looking somehow guilty.
“I didn’t wake you up, did I? Sorry, I know it’s—I can go back to the—”
“Will you just come to bed?” Eddie interrupts before Buck successfully talks himself into leaving the room. “Please?”
Buck’s eyes flick down to his shoulder. He swallows hard.
“I don’t want to—”
“You won’t hurt me,” Eddie promises. “Okay?”
Buck searches his face in the dark, but if he sees anything, he clearly doesn’t mind because he nods and gets up from the chair. When they both resettle on the mattress, Buck only pauses for a moment before curving around him like a parenthesis, his arm falling across Eddie’s waist.
Eddie’s breath catches.
“Is this—?”
Eddie closes his eyes and sinks into the embrace. If it feels just a little bit like cheating because he hasn't told Buck how he feels, that’s between him and god.
“It’s fine,” he assures, then adds to make it a little more fair, “you aren’t the only one who needs—you aren’t the only one.”
Buck relaxes at that, his grip tightening a little with newfound certainty.
When Eddie dreams, he doesn’t drown.
“You look good,” Dr. Kingston acknowledges two weeks later. “You’ve been sleeping better?”
“Yeah,” Eddie replies. “I stopped having nightmares, so I haven’t been waking up as much.”
He catches the surprise that flickers across her face.
“They stopped completely?” She asks. “Have you been doing something different or—?”
Eddie shifts in his chair and clears his throat. What is he supposed to tell her? That he stopped having nightmares when he started sleeping with Buck every night? He’s not really ready to unpack that with his therapist—he’s barely ready to unpack it in his own head.
“Just lucky, I guess,” he says. Dr. Kingston puts down her pen and levels him with a long look that tells him she knows that’s bullshit and is trying to decide whether to push or let it go until another time.
She lets it go.
“Well,” she replies. “I’m glad to hear it.”
Eddie feels like he’s dodged another bullet.
Later, though, he wonders if he shouldn’t have said more. If he shouldn’t have asked questions. Because he goes to sleep and—
The water is pitch black and freezing. Eddie’s eyes sting, but it doesn’t matter whether he keeps them open or not—there’s nothing to see. He kicks his legs anyway, swims up, up, up, even though it hurts to make his limbs work when they’re so cold. There’s a faint light—the surface—and he kicks harder, desperate to reach—
Ice. Nothing but a sheet of ice, solid and thick. His lungs burn from lack of air, his palms beat against the ice—
He can’t keep moving. It’s too cold. He can’t—
“Eddie. Eddie.” Hands seize him from nowhere, almost too warm, and Eddie could have sworn the ice had no cracks, but he’s being lifted out—
He snaps awake, gasping. Buck’s face swims into view, worry painted across every line. His hands are on Eddie’s shoulders.
They’re so warm.
Eddie shivers.
“You were hyperventilating,” Buck says. “I thought—”
“Just a dream,” Eddie grits out, trying to keep his teeth from chattering. He still feels frozen. Stupid—it was a dream, it wasn’t real, so he shouldn’t—it shouldn’t be this difficult.
He shivers again.
Buck’s brow furrows deeper.
“You’re shaking—are you cold?”
Eddie sits up and scrubs his hands over his face. He swallows back the denial on his tongue, the urge to run away and hide in the bathroom until a scalding shower makes him feel somewhat human again. Maybe he can’t always be honest with his therapist, but he can be honest with Buck.
“Yes,” he admits. “But it’s not—it’s just in my head. When I got shot I—it’s hard to explain but, yes. I’m cold. Freezing. I don’t know how—”
He cuts off and Buck shifts on the mattress, reaches out slowly so Eddie has plenty of time to stop him if he doesn’t want to be touched, and finally wraps his arms around him, pulling Eddie firmly against his chest.
“I’ll keep you warm,” Buck says quietly. And Eddie—
Something in him cracks. Not like ice during a thaw, but resolve after too much time of being worn down, pressure applied in precisely the right spot. He’s raw and ragged and his scarred heart hardly feels like anything anyone should want, but he’s so tired of pretending he hasn’t been trying to press it into Buck’s hands for a year in different ways. He’s tired of not asking and being afraid and waiting. He’s tired—
Buck makes a soft sound of surprise when Eddie kisses him. But he doesn’t push him away. And Eddie can’t help himself from pressing closer, curling one hand into Buck’s shirt and the other around the back of his neck and kissing him again and again and again, feeling altogether too frantic. He’ll probably find it in himself to be embarrassed in the morning, but want and desperation have left very little room for shame at the moment.
Buck kisses him back. His hands drop to Eddie’s hips as Eddie does his best to climb into his lap.
“Eddie,” Buck pants between kisses. “Eddie—I—” His head falls back and Eddie takes the opportunity to continue his exploration down the exposed line of Buck’s neck.
“Should we talk about this?” Buck finally manages, even as his own hands flirt with the hem of Eddie’s shirt.
Eddie freezes. The answer, of course, is yes. But talking is the last thing he wants to do when part of him still feels chilled to the bone, not wholly alive. He wants to be touched, wants to be consumed, wants to fall into orbit around Buck’s sun and never leave.
And it’s late. Dark. The two of them, the bed, the very room caught in a liminal space where anything could happen, anything could be said, anything could be forgiven. Eddie can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a dangerous one.
His mouth drags along the edge of Buck’s jaw.
“This isn’t because I wanted someone and you happened to be here, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
He doesn’t look at Buck’s face. It’s easier to not, to focus on something else. He stopped going to confession a long time ago, but he never had to look directly at his priest either, always some curtain or other barrier obscuring things, lending the illusion of privacy, anonymity.
“I’m in love with you,” he admits, and Buck’s hands flex on his hips. “I’ve been in love with you. So we can talk about this if you want, but—”
In an instant, Eddie’s on his back, the rest of his sentence swallowed up by the tongue sliding into his mouth. Buck is a warm, solid weight on top of him, pinning him, anchoring him, and Eddie finds he doesn’t mind when it forces him to be in the moment, reminds him that he’s fully in his own body.
“I love you, too,” Buck whispers when the kiss breaks, and then he’s pushing Eddie’s shirt up and off and dispensing with his own—
Shannon was his first. Eddie wasn’t hers and he remembers being glad that at least one of them had some idea of what to do because the second she touched him he was so overwhelmed by sensation that he could hardly think.
This is…not dissimilar. Buck’s chest presses flush against his, all warm, bare skin, and Eddie feels like he could drown in a different way. He arches up, seeking Buck’s mouth again, and Buck obliges.
Eddie’s focus narrows to certain points—the slick slide of Buck’s tongue against his, Buck’s hand ghosting along his ribs, the careful space between their hips and the low burn of heat in his gut that makes him want to close the gap—
His hands slide up Buck’s back slowly, his fingers tracing the knobs of Buck’s spine, the sharp edges of his shoulder blades—they dance along the line of his shoulders too, sketching the breadth that he’s noticed but never allowed his thoughts to linger on. His touch is careful, reverent, as if Buck is a holy thing that his stained, sinner hands have no business touching. Perhaps, in a sense that’s true.
He’s never been a very good Catholic, but sex—sex, desire, love—sex has always been something…sacred to him. In high school, he shied away from the locker room-style conversations about who went how far with whom, kept out of any discussion involving lamentations about still being a virgin at graduation. For one thing, he thought they were usually crass and disrespectful. But mainly he just—he didn’t care about waiting until marriage or anything like that, but he always knew he wanted to be in love. Hence, Shannon. And why there hadn’t been anyone after her.
Until now.
Eddie kisses Buck until his lungs ache, but he’s not close enough, feels like he can’t get close enough. One of his hands slides into Buck’s hair, but the other trails back down, presses lightly on Buck’s lower back as his own hips rock up, seeking friction. Buck swears against his lips and closes the distance—Eddie can feel him hard in his sweatpants and flushes, dizzy at the thought of having made that happen, dizzy at the thought of more, dizzy—
He feels very much like a clumsy teenager again, fumbling his way through on instinct. At least this sort of thing is familiar, even if he hasn’t done it with a man before. Buck grinds their hips together, the friction sending sparks through every one of Eddie’s nerve endings, and kisses down his neck, teeth scraping over his pulse point. Eddie gasps and Buck hums, low and pleased, against his skin.
And then, just as he thinks he’s used to the slow burn of pleasure, Buck shifts his weight and slides a hand down to toy with Eddie’s waistband. Buck meets his eyes in the dark and swallows hard.
“Can I—?”
This time, when Eddie shivers it has nothing to do with the cold.
“Please,” he rasps, and Buck smiles before tugging Eddie’s pants down just enough to wrap his hand around Eddie’s cock.
Buck’s touch is a little tentative at first, clearly unused to the angle, and the part of Eddie that’s still capable of noticing that spends a brief moment feeling grateful that he’s not the only one lacking in experience here. But what Buck may lack in experience, he makes up for in enthusiasm, experimenting with grip and speed and pressure to figure out exactly what to do to make Eddie gasp again, to make him bite his lip, to make him hide his face in Buck’s shoulder to muffle any louder noises he can’t quite hold back.
It doesn’t take long. Even before the shooting, Eddie rarely bothered to touch himself with any sort of regularity, and during his recovery he had even less of a reason to do so, what little energy he had in the first few months better spent elsewhere. He hadn’t realized how badly he needed it. But clearly his body did because his orgasm hits him like a train when Buck spits into his hand for extra glide and twists his wrist on the upstroke. He bites Buck’s shoulder and Buck’s hips jerk and then he’s just floating—boneless, breathless, and utterly wrecked in the best possible way.
Buck collapses on the mattress next to him as Eddie’s catching his breath—Eddie reaches out, his hand skating over Buck’s stomach, and makes a questioning noise. Buck laughs quietly and catches his hand, bringing it to his lips.
“I, uh—I’m good,” Buck promises, and even in the dark Eddie can see his cheeks flush.
Eddie curls into his side. “Really?”
Buck kisses him. “I don’t think you realize how long I’ve wanted to do that. Or how good you look. So, yes, I already—yes. Really.”
Eddie’s lips curve up. He presses a kiss to the edge of Buck’s jaw. As the immediate aftermath wears off, his eyelids start to grow heavy, his limbs moving a little less easily.
“We should probably shower,” he acknowledges, although the strength of the statement is likely diminished by the yawn that interrupts him halfway through.
“Probably,” Buck agrees, but he too makes no move to actually get up.
Pressed against him as he is, Eddie is warm and sated and content. He drifts, skirting the edge of sleep.
“I love you,” he says again. Because it feels important.
Buck hums. If he says something else, it’s too low for Eddie to catch.
When he dreams again, he doesn’t dream of drowning. He doesn’t dream of the cold.
Instead, there’s just light. Just warmth.
Just Buck.
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Fire Dogs: 4
It turns out that you didn’t break anything just deeply bruised. Steve brings you home and you feel terrible that he’s wasted his whole night on you and your drama.
“Do you wanna stop and pick up something to eat?”
“No, I’ve got dinner planned. As long as you’re okay waiting for dinner.”
“You’re supposed to take it easy.” He reminds you gently.
“Yea, it’s just Spaghetti. Easy.”
“Come on Fawn, you heard Dr. May, you have to take it easy.”
“I’m right handed, I’ll be fine to put some noodles into hot water and heat some sauce.” You argue and he sighs heavily as he slows to a stop at a stoplight.
“Can you just humor me for one night?” He asks giving you some serious puppy dog eyes. You feel that little prickle of an Alpha command but he doesn’t, like he’d promised.
“Fine. But you don’t get to pay.”
“Woah woah. Now that’s not the deal.”
“That’s the deal.” You argue and Steve glances over at you with an affectionate glare.
“Fine. Has anyone ever told you you’re bossy for an Omega?” He sighs heavily before asking, “What do you want?”
You end up picking up burgers at a little takeout place called Stan’s and eating them at home. Dinner with Steve is fun. He’s smart and charming and you enjoy spending time with him. When you’re done with dinner you grab your Stark Pad and head up to your room. You hear Steve in the shower and you manage to struggle out of your shirt and into your pajamas. You’re supposed to take some painkillers but you’ve got to be up for Sam in a few hours so you don’t.
You’re in way more pain when you wake up at 3:30. You wrap your robe around yourself and open your door. Much to your surprise both Steve and Sam are waiting outside your door.
“You owe me twenty bucks.” Steve says uncrossing one of his arms and holding an open hand out to Sam who pulls his wallet out and slams a twenty into Steve’s hand.
“Um, what?” You ask blinking at the two.
“I bet Sam that you’d be up to make him breakfast and something for Bucky before he goes to bed. Which also means that you didn’t take any pain meds.”
“I’m fine Steve.” You tell him trying to skirt past him.
“Uh, uh, uh Honey.” He pauses you with an arm in front of you, “I know you asked me not to but I wanna know why you need to do this? I just want what’s best for you.” You know he’s talking about not Alpha commanding you, part of it is a simple answer, the other part, not so much.
“Steve, I can’t just not do anything. Okay? I can’t.” You attempt to reason with him, “You guys are out there laying down your lives to help protect my home. I need to do something!” He studies you silently for a moment, just long enough where you’re almost uncomfortable.
“Okay Omega, but the second it’s too much take a break okay? And maybe take half of one of the pills Dr. May gave you. Just to help with the swelling.” He called you Omega again, not that you can lie about it now that Grant had called you an Omega bitch right in front of him. When Steve calls you Omega it’s, nice.
“Will you cut them in half for me before you go? I don’t have much range of motion in my left arm yet.” You ask softly, you have this weird feeling he might like to help take care of you as much as you like helping care for him, Sam and Bucky.
“Yea, I’ll cut one now and do the rest before I head out. If you’re too tired to get up with me please don’t okay?” You nod then follow him down the stairs.
Sam’s breakfast, and Bucky’s dinner, is a little more difficult with your aching body but if Steve notices any of your wincing he thankfully doesn’t say anything. You take the half pill that he offers then with Cooper on your heels trudge back upstairs. It takes you longer to get comfortable this time, you’re still awake when Steve and Bucky come to bed. You hear them talking quietly, you can’t really make out what they’re saying but Steve sounds annoyed. You can feel his irritation through the door and you’re worried you’ve done something. Hopefully you didn’t get him into any trouble with the other firefighters for leaving early.
You end up falling into a half sleep as the sun rises in the sky. You still hear everything going on around you but you can’t react, it’s a terrible way to sleep. You’re pretty sure you hear Steve open the door to check on you at some point, his scent invading the room when he cracks the door open. You relax further and finally fall into a restful sleep.
You wake up around one, Cooper is still laying at your feet when you stretch but he hops down and makes his way to the door with a wagging tail. You groan softly as you sit up, then make your way slowly to the door. You let Cooper out then struggle into your robe your arm aching. You make your way down to the kitchen to feed Cooper and find your bottle of pills full of halves. It makes you smile to see that Steve had taken the time to cut them, you take two of the halves, you’re not going anywhere today so you don’t need to be especially awake.
You do some drawing for your new book, it’s almost done and you couldn’t be more excited. Your deadline is in three days and with only two pages left to draw you’re feeling pretty good about everything. You’ve even decided what your next book is gonna be about, the therapy dogs that are coming in for the firefighters. You won’t use Cooper or any of the other dogs real names but you’re going to share the story.
You must fall asleep on the couch, when you wake Sam is in the kitchen humming away as he cooks. A warm ice pack falls off of your shoulder as you sit up, you grab it then move slowly to your feet. When you wander into the kitchen Sam gives you a broad smile,
“Mornin’ sleeping beauty. How do you feel?”
“Sore. Do you want me to take over?”
“Nah, Fawn. Buck said you didn’t even move when he let Cooper out and left. He did make sure you were breathing and put the ice on your shoulder. He said he wants to check it if you’re okay with that tomorrow before he leaves.”
“It’s just a deep bruise.”
“Yes but our Alpha told us to take care of you so we will.”
“Your Alpha? But you’re all Alphas?”
“Steve is a True Alpha.” Sam explains, “I thought he’d told you.”
“No, so he’s like, the leader of your pack?”
“What exactly does that mean?”
“He’s the boss.” Sam says with a shrug, “you like gumbo?”
“Can he Alpha command anyone?”
“Yea, but he wouldn’t. Not without good reason.” You’re almost positive that Steve must’ve Alpha commanded Grant.
“But he can.”
“Yes, why?”
“I think he did.”
“I mean, other than me. I think he Alpha commanded one of the doctors at the ER.” When Sam glances at you over his shoulder you look down at the warm ice pack you’re still holding. “Grant Ward, he’s my ex. He wanted to mate me but I just couldn’t, and he’s been making my life hard ever since.”
“You’re not a Beta are you.” Sam says softly and you look up at him in surprise.
“What do you mean?”
“Steve has been off, like he’s protecting an Omega but Bucky and I couldn’t figure it out because you smell like a Beta.”
“Please don’t say anything. If the town finds out I’m going to have every stupid Alpha at my door.”
“Not with Steve here you won’t.”
“You’re not going to be here forever. When you leave they’ll be all over me.” You tell him hurrying to his side, “Please don’t say anything!”
“I won’t, none of us will.” He promises and you give his arm an appreciative squeeze.
“Thanks Sam. And I do like Gumbo, thank you for cooking.”
“Of course Fawn. If you wanna keep working on your book I can let you know when the food is done.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yup.” So you do as he says and get back to work on your book. You’re on the last page when you hear him call for you.
“Thank you again for cooking. It smells amazing.”
“If I let Carol cook we’d both die.”
“She’s not much of a cook?”
“No, not at all.” He admits with a laugh, “I love the woman but she can’t cook.”
“Is it hard being in an Alpha-Alpha pair?”
“I don’t think so, but it’s definitely a choice we make to make it work.”
“Sorry, that was a very personal question.”
“I don’t mind, I’d imagine things are pretty traditional here.” You nod, “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Why aren’t you mated?”
“I’ve dated but after the shit with Grant I think I’m just scared. All the Alphas around here want an Omega and they think I’m a Beta so they don’t really look my way.”
“Are you just waiting for an Alpha?”
“No, if I met the right Beta that would be fine too.”
“Which of us smells best?”
“Nope,” you tell him with a laugh, “I’m not going there.”
“I had to try.” He tells you with a grin of his own.
“All I’ll say is that none of you smell bad. All comforting.”
“Good.” Sam says with a nod and you finish the meal in comfortable conversation. You shoo him out of the kitchen when you’re both done. Insisting that he go to bed so he’s rested for his morning shift. You take another half of a pain pill then start doing the dishes. You finish your last drawing then send everything to your publisher so they can check it over. By the time that’s done it’s nearly ten and Steve should be home soon.
You get off the couch and follow Cooper to the back door. When you open it Coop doesn’t move, just stares out into the darkness.
“In or out Coop.” You tell him and he ambles out into the yard. You close the door and head back to the kitchen to grab a bowl of Gumbo to start heating for Steve. You go back to the back door and when you open it you find Cooper isn’t alone in the backyard.
“Hi Omega.”
“What.” You gasp as Brock moves closer to your house. “Cooper!”
“I think he got out.”
“What? Cooper!” You call shutting the door in Brock’s face you lock it and hurry into the living room. The front door opens and Steve comes in, Cooper trailing behind him. “Oh, oh thank god. Oh Steve thank you.”
“He was hanging out in the front. How did he get out?”
“I don’t know.” Steve tenses, “Brock is out back. He apparently knows I’m an Omega.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” He goes to go past you and upstairs when you catch his wrist with your right hand.
“No! Please make him go away. I don’t know how he found out I was an Omega but he did. I don’t want him here Steve.”
“You want him gone?”
“Please Alpha.” You whisper and Steve nods before going to the back of the house.
Tag list:
@memyselfandmaddox @thefanficfaerie @patzammit @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @killcomet @thesassmisstress @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @giggleberts @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @eralen @valsworldofcreativity @strangersstranger @blackwidownat2814
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willwriteforhugs · 3 years
just a sniffle!- hwang hyunjin
boyfriend! hyunjin x reader- one shot !
word count: 1.6k
genre: fluff, domestic scenario
synopsis: after your boyfriend comes home from a long day, you swear you can detect a scratch in his throat... but he insists he’s fine. fast forward 12 hours, and hyunjin is practically bed-ridden with fever. and now what...
warnings: sickness/a high fever (obviously), minor cursing
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a/n: this prompt was requested by an anon!! i hope i didn’t take too long to put this out- it takes me forever to edit when the fic in question is a request, because i just want it to be perfect :’) anyways, to my lovely anon: thank you for the request, and i hope you enjoy!
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earlier, when hyunjin had told you he’d be able to get off early, you’d been over the moon- it was a rare occurrence, after all. your boyfriend has- as many idols do- an extremely hectic schedule, with practices often going late into the night. so when he’d said the two of you would be able to spend the evening together, it had taken all your self-control not to start cheering right then and there. but you had managed to stay calm- and still devise a thorough, detailed plan of how the night would go.
you would make dinner, and it would be ready by the time hyunjin got to your place- because who doesn’t love being welcomed by a warm meal? then, after you eat, hyunjin can run and get cleaned up while you do dishes. when that’s all done, the two of you can get down to business by binge watching all the drama episodes you’d missed. (you never watched them without him, even though you usually fall way behind in the show, due to his lack of free time. he insists that you shouldn’t wait- but you love to watch them with him, so you always let them pile up...)
now, in the moment, you scurry aimlessly about your apartment. dinner is ready, waiting to be served in the kitchen, so you walk around your front room. you know that everything is clean- this is the fourth time you’ve checked. but still, this isn’t an everyday thing, and you want the place to be tidy for your boyfriend. (you also know he doesn’t really care all that much- but it’s the thought that counts, right?)
your train of thoughts ends abruptly when a knock sounds from the front door. already smiling, you rush to answer it- and sure enough, there he is.
hyunjin stands in your front entryway, tilting his head as he looks at you. a smile toys at his lips, and he extends an arm. fighting your own glee, you lean into his embrace, breathing in his familiar scent.
“hey,” you say into his chest. he hums in reply, and you stand there for a moment, simply appreciating each other. after a beat has passed, you speak up again. “let’s go inside.”
the two of you enter, hyunjin closing the door behind him. he’s wearing a casual outfit, made up of just black sweats and a hat. you assume he’s already showered, too, because, well- you won’t lie- he usually doesn’t smell that great after a long practice. but he seems clean, and all for the better- that just means the schedule gets sped up, and more time for the two of you! 
as he usually does, your boyfriend wanders into your bedroom to set down his things, not lingering. he meets you back in the kitchen as you begin to serve the food. you see him smile at the spread, and finally he speaks: “wow, babe. that’s a lot of food.”
at the sound of his voice, you start a bit. it’s much lower than usual, and you detect a bit of scratchiness in it. without looking up, you make your inquiry: “are you feeling well? you sound a bit froggy.”
hyunjin snorts at your description. “froggy? you really are something...”
you smile, bringing two servings of food to the table. as you begin to eat, the two of you settle into comfortable silence. 
as the meal continues, though, you feel yourself begin to frown. despite his obvious attempts to hide it, hyunjin seems to be having trouble swallowing his food. with every bite, you see your boyfriend flinch just a bit. 
not being able to take it any longer, you set your chopsticks down. “really, hyunjin-ah. you don’t seem well, are you getting a cold?”
your boyfriend makes a mocking pouty face at you. clearing his throat, he responds: “i’m fine, y/n. i really am, so don’t baby me.”
you give a half hearted glare. “fine. but if you wake up tomorrow feeling like shit, don’t say i didn’t warn you.”
- - -
you had been right, of course.
and, for the record, you had warned him.
it’s 6:48 in the morning, and both of you were awake. you lean over in bed, switching on the light. laying in a pathetic lump on your other side, hyunjin groans loudly. you turn back around to face him. “hyunjin-ah, seriously. let me feel your head, you’ve been coughing all night!”
the lump that happens to be your boyfriend shifts to face you in bed. you frown once you can seem him clearly- his face is red, and his eyes are watery from the coughing. you place your own cool palm on his forehead, and almost jerk back in surprise. “babe, you’re burning up!”
flinging your blankets away, you spring out of bed. “hyunjin!” you groan. “i knew you sounded off, why wouldn’t you say anything?”
he coughs again, finally managing to clear his throat. in his raspy voice, he manages: “i didn’t want to ruin your night. i knew you were excited.”
you sigh, knowing the feeling, and hating the understanding. hyunjin was overworked, truly. he shouldn’t have felt the need to lie just to spend time with you, no matter how excited you were...
“c’mon.” you say nudging him in the hips. “sit up, i’ll get you some painkillers and water. are you hungry?”
he grunts in response. when you don’t move, he finally mutters into his pillow: “i don’t know.”
a smile tugs at your lips at this. “that’s alright. i’ll get you a bit anyways.”
you know that hyunjin’s dramatics are probably a conductor to this situation, but a tiny part of you is excited at this opportunity to spoil him, even if it’s at his expense. 
in the kitchen, you dig around for the promised medicine and some snacks, then pour a glass of water.
when you re enter your bedroom, you see hyunjin has managed to sit up. his tall figure is slumped as he leans against the headboard of your bed. nonetheless, he smiles as you enter the room. “you’re so pretty in the mornings,” he mumbles.
you gently smack his head as you set down the water glass. “oh, shut up. at least take the meds first so you’ll be able to defend yourself later on.”
at this, he chuckles- but the joy quickly dissipates as the laugh turns into a pained cough. you use your palm to rub circles over his back as he regains his breath. the fit passes, but the tension in the air doesn’t. 
in perfect unison, the two of you sigh.
hyunjin breaks the silence. “i’m so sorry, y/n. i should have just told you i wasn’t feeling well last night... maybe we could have caught it before it got this bad.”
you give him a bittersweet smile. “your pride can be a weakness, my love.”
at this, hyunin puts his hand to his chest in fake shock. “i can’t believe you’d say such things to me. and while i’m ill!”
“it’s just a cold, your highness. take the tylenol and see how that helps.” you pause, knowing that he is probably in more pain than he’s letting on- you can tell because he was covering it with humor, something he rarely does. “do you- do you want a washcloth or something? an ice pack?”
your boyfriend’s expression is warm. his voice is still uneven, and he responds in an almost whisper: “is that alright?”
your heart stutters at his demeanor. “yes, that’s alright.”
when you return with the cold washcloth, hyunjin has slid down a bit- now only half sitting up. his eyes are closed, though you suspect he isn’t asleep, at least not fully. but you can tell he’s exhausted from being up all night with his sneezing and coughing... maybe he really is asleep...
you make your way to him, and pause to admire his peaceful face. he truly is beautiful... you reach over and gently sweep his long hair away from his forehead, allowing your fingers to linger. he’s still very warm to the touch, and you can’t help but worry for him. after a moment, you swap your hand for the washcloth, draping it gently across his already damp forehead. 
you aren’t really sure how to properly care for a sick person, but a cold compress seems to be what all the dramas suggest. so you sit back down and hope for the best. 
a few minutes pass- hyunjin breathing peacefully in the bed, and you in a nearby chair watching him. suddenly, your counterpart’s eyes flicker open, deep brown eyes meeting your own. “y/n-ah?” he rasps.
you almost launch out of your chair. “yes? are you alright?”
hyunjin gives a half-hearted snort as his eyes drift shut again. he continues to speak without seeing you. “i’m fine. but- will- do you mind sitting with me? over here?”
you stare at him for a moment, processing. then you smile. “yeah, i can do that. as long as you don’t get me sick.”
“no promises.”
and with that, you crawl back into bed with hyunjin, his back to you. you scoot up a bit, positioning yourself so you can hug him from behind. you’ve never been the big spoon before- but honestly? you love it, and you bury your face in between his shoulder blades, filled with an overwhelming rush of affection.
“y/n?” comes hyunjin’s voice again, very quietly.
you don’t move, answering into his back. “yes?”
“i love you.” 
and with that, hyunjin slips back into sleep, this time nestled in your arms.
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some-dr-writings · 3 years
Shuichi, Kokichi and Nagito’s crush likes napping on his lap during breaks
Shuichi Saihara:
·       Ah yes, the Super High School Level Astronomer, it was no wonder Kaito would be friends with such a person, and whoever Kaito was friends with, all his other friends would be friends with them as well, that was how Shuichi had met you. Often in those nightly training sessions, for a break Kaito, Shuichi, Maki and whoever else felt like joining them that evening would jog around till finding you, telescope by your side. You’d speak of the stars, of legends that surrounded them, of how travelers of old navigated the world through them, how stars were born, what there different colors meant, and so much more. Folklore, history, science, didn’t matter, you knew and continued to learn about each and any possible aspect you could about those specks of light. However, you were rather quiet outside of those moments, though you weren’t closed off. It was more so, if you weren’t speaking of stars you’d just so intently listen to others.
·       … Maybe that’s how or why it happened? More often than not, when at school you were rather drowsy. You were often out, camping in the mountains away from the harsh city lights so when you were at school it was nice. When you were around, Shuichi made sure to spend time with you. You were able to speak so much without words, it was fun trying to interpret your expressions. Truthfully Shuichi didn’t think much of it at first, it was just how you were, quiet, yet outgoing, bubbly even. Others however had a more difficult time understanding you, somehow they didn’t notice the many little nuances that made up you, your slightest shift of expression or tilt of the head, your body language, how you spoke more so with your eyes, engaging in the conversations in your own way. How others couldn’t Shuichi had no idea at first, you were captivating, how could they NOT notice!?
·       At first he had thought it was simply him being a detective, often having to interpret and read people through his work with his Uncle, but… that was not quite it, there was more to this. I didn’t come naturally, he WANTED to understand you. He found himself drawn to you, your gravity too powerful for him to even consider resisting. And it seemed the same could be said for you too. Whenever break rolled around, no matter how short it may be, you’d always seek him out. Due to more often than not being awake through the night you’d nap, but Shuichi didn’t mind, not even when you used his shoulder or lap as a pillow. He’d read his novels aloud to you, or if he was working through a case, walk through his logic aloud, he’d just speak even if you were asleep, something in him just knew you were still taking this all in.
·       Even if he was somehow one of the few people who understood you, he wondered how you had even seen him yet. You were like a supernova in his eyes, so bright, so stunning, so colorful, leaving only beauty and wonder in your wake, how did you notice him? By chance did your heart race too at the thought of spending more time together? Did you also find a soft, comforting, warmth in his presence as he did you? Did you adore hearing him speak just as he did you? Whatever the case may be for you, he sure hopped it was something similar because he simply wished to your beloved stars above that you felt even half as amazing as he did with you, he just wanted you to know of such a fantastic emotion, it, no… you were astonishing and he simply wished to share and indulge in it with you.
   Kokichi Oma:
·       “Y/N!” “Hu-AH” You groaned, shakily pushing yourself off the ground. Then you noticed all your items had slipped out of your bookbag. You sighed, seeing all your papers had fallen out of your folders as well. “Geez, Y/N, I didn’t know you were so clumsy!” “Ah, just tired today I guess.” You noticed how Kokichi kept taking glances to you as he helped gather your items. Not surprising considering you literally just tumbled down a flight of stairs. Before you knew it all your supplied had already been collected and placed back in your bag. That was really quick. You winced as you stood up. Your knees almost collapsed under you and Kokichi was in the position to catch you should you have fallen but thankfully you were able to do so yourself. “Hey, hey! Where are you going?” “Oh, uh… umm.” You thought and thought but couldn’t remember. It was so hard, you felt like your mind was swimming and swirling, all thoughts fuzzy and difficult to reach.
·       Then suddenly you were being dragged along by the hand. “What the-” “You are coming with me! This’ll be fun! Especially if you have nothing better to do!” You were completely confused but more so shocked from the whole situation so you couldn’t really bring yourself to try to stop or ask where you were even going.
·       Koichi just kept running around, getting you completely lost. Eventually though he let go, dashing a few paces forward before tumbling and falling. “O-Oma!?” He simply laughed, sitting up. He hummed as the wind rolled past swaying his hair as he looked up to the sky. “Oh, Y/N, Y/N! Look at that!” You were confused looking up to the sky where he was pointing. “Ugh, you can’t see it from there, sit down already!” Taking your arm, he playfully tugged on it, but even that was enough to send you falling. Even with you sprawled across his lap, he managed to scooch over enough so just your head was there. “Perfect! Now, that cloud looks like Gonta; giant, kinda dumb, soft. And that one-” You were… quite puzzled. Clouds? Of all things? That was what he wanted to show you? You heard Kokichi speaking, but it was all noise to you, it held no meaning. You just listened as he droned on and pointed, the shadow of his outstretched arm conveniently covering your eyes.
·       You never really noticed how nice and soft Kokichi’s voice could be. Then again, he was always so loud or quiet, constantly shifting tone you never got the chance to just hear it… It was… rather pleasant. You wanted to hear him longer, engage in whatever game he was playing but so quickly your eyes drooped and all our senses simply lulled to nothing.
·       Then it was evening. At first the sight of those orange and purple hues confused you, but then- “Y/N, you’re alive! It’s been twenty years and Miu’s army of robots have taken over! We need you to join the resistance!” He couldn’t help but laugh at your absolutely baffled expression. “But that’s a lie.” “… oh yeah… Wait…” You suddenly completely awakened, abruptly sitting up. “It’s evening already!? Did we skip class!?” “It’s whateves, Y/N. Hope’s Peak doesn’t care if we skip class.” “No, not that!” You sighed, burrowing your face into your hands and mumbled to yourself. “I didn’t take the new meds again. Of course, I didn’t.” Huh, new medicine was it. Kokichi smirked, dragging you up onto your feet. “C’mon! You’ll make us late for dinner!”
·       The next several weeks were like that. No matter what you did you’d always end up napping on Kokichi’s lap at some point. This was much needed. Your therapist had been fired so you had to start all over with someone new, who wanted to give you new medicine meaning new side affects that could only be worked around via time management. It was a process trying to work out what amount you needed and what not. Napping with Kokichi was just about the only solace you had gotten in the chaos. When you had found a good balance of medication no longer were you exhausted in the day or losing sleep at night. It was great though, admittedly you missed it.
·       It had been about a week or so since your medication seemed to stable out and all was well with you once more. The bells for break had tolled and you left class. Break wasn’t long, but you didn’t care. Hearing shrieks and screams of terror and that ‘Nishishi” you knew you were close. Seeing Kokichi make his escape you simply went to one of the benches outside. And there you waited.
·       You still waited even after the bells signaling the end of break had tolled. “Oh? Y/N actually skipping class!? What has this world come too!? Soon the sky will be falling!” Seeing he wasn’t lying per say and just exaggerating you decided to answer. “I haven’t taken my nap yet.” You took his hand, pulling him onto the bench and you placed your head atop his lap. Though you weren’t not tired, a mid-day nap in the sun just felt so nice.
·       Thankfully for Kokichi, you were asleep so you couldn’t see his giddy smile. Though with this seemingly becoming the new norm you’d likely catch him one of these days. For now he’d just indulge in this moment with you, his crush and worry about that when it happens.
   Nagito Komaeda:
·       Though you were an Ultimate, an amazing person who could take care of themself just fine, Nagito worried about you. You slept, a lot. No matter when or where you could find a place to nap should you want too. It wasn’t all the time though, Nagito still had many conversations with you and had gotten to see your talent firsthand, an extraordinary sight! When you were awake, you’d spend much of your time with him, often over analyzing him trying to see if there was a scientific cause for the outlandish phenomena that was his luck. Not surprising since you were a scientist. At times Nagito wondered if your mind worked so hard when you were awake, trying to solve every last mystery the world had to offer, that drove you to exhaustion so quickly. That would explain how you could be so excitedly chatting away about one theory of yours or another only for you to suddenly fall over, knocked out. Thankfully it seemed Nagito’s luck would kick in moments like that so he could catch you before your face smashed into the ground.
·       Always following you around, trying to keep your drowsy tendency from getting you into danger, from just always being beside he had become your assistant of sorts. Though he would never dare to insist on it, he always sneakily became the one to carry your stuff around in the end, even if you had started your journey with them. Taking you by your shoulders he’d steer you away from bumping into other people or objects. He would take your hand, but he felt unworthy of such an honor unless you decided he could and he knew if he did a bright scarlet would erupt on his cheeks and his heart would pick up in pace, things you surely would notice with your keen eye. When you were awake, nothing could get past you, so Nagito would have to be extra careful. He couldn’t let you figure out his feelings. He simply didn’t have it in him to confess and he was garbage, surely you wouldn’t reciprocate his feelings, but if you did somehow, it’s not like he would deny you, someone like him had no right to deny an Ultimate, or so he thought at least.
·       Although… Nagito couldn’t help his feelings seeping out, no matter how much he had tried to keep them inside. Often, he was just talking and suddenly he’d be complimenting you and about to say he loved you and he’d have to cut himself off by causing an ‘accident’ like tripping over chairs or abruptly changing his words to say something else. He was always left a flustered mess.
·       It was just another day when Nagito strolled into your lab, finding your workspace was filled with many documents, many taped to white boards with string attacked to each and every last one, some string simply linking two pages on the same board, others stretching across the room, forcing one to duck, and twist to avoid them all, one could compare it to avoiding the lights in the laser filled room in some generic spy flic. “Hmm, but how to go about testing this?” “Testing what?” “Oh, Komaeda! Perfect timing!” You strolled over to him, looking through some file, seemingly not paying attention to your surroundings yet still avoiding all that strings. “Today I’m studying human communication!” “Uh huh.” “And I wish to test something!” You looked to him with those stunningly bright eyes as you explained, completely captivating him. “The power of words. I wish to see if they are like water in a pipe. For comparison, imagine a person as the pipe and the words water. I wonder if say a person is upset, if speaking to another person was the only way to alleviate the pressure of those emotions, or if just speaking aloud, even to no one, if that’d alleviate the pressure as well, OR if something else would happen. Yes, each individual is different, but there could still be a majority! I’m thinking we’ll go about-” a yawn escaped you before you continued. “about this… by…” You took a small notebook from your pocket, quickly scribbling down notes as Nagito lead you to a couch in the corner of the room. Nagito already knew this was coming considering that ‘pipe’ comparison didn’t make much sense since pipes would still leak, even if with another pipe around.
·       He sat beside you on the couch and moments later you rested your head on his lap. You tried holding up the little book to him and when he took it your hand and arm went limp, you already fast asleep. Nagito couldn’t help but smile, seeing you already so restful. As usually he looked through your notebook, seeing what he needed to prepare in order to set up your tests. Curiously he also looked over your notes, wondering how your interest in astrology the day prior lead to this through your connective thinking. It was always fun seeing how you could draw connections between seemingly completely unrelated topics, then again that was likely how you were such a good scientist. As he continued to read, fascinated by your research he began to wonder something. Looking to you his heart melted. “I love you.” Immediately his heart raced, and he felt that heat raising to his cheeks. What if a person were to vent to another, even if they weren’t paying attention? Perhaps because he still had told you, he still would have gotten this off his chest and he’d stop almost confessing to you so often.
·       That was how Nagito had begun to whisper his affections to you as you slept. It was a thrill like no other, fearing you’d awake right as he confessed his feelings, yet also endlessly excited by the thought as well. There was more than a fair share of times where he was almost caught, but it seemed you were none the wiser to his words of love.
·       “Hmm? Komeada? What are you mumbling about?” For a moment he froze, love struck at your soft tender expression. “Ah-uh-Oh? I was speaking? I apologize if I woke you up.” You simply huffed in response… a-and you just kept looking at him? Oh boy. Did you know? Was he finally caught? What would your response be? What did you think of him? “Thank you.” “Huh?” You smiled, nuzzling into him. “having this… instantaneous version of narcolepsy… Even though I started studying, I could never figure out how to stop it, maybe that’s because I get distracted easily, I- wait, no. No tangents.” You took a deep breath trying to reorganize your thoughts. “It… can be scary, one moment being awake then suddenly asleep. Before you I’d often sleep on the train and go way past my stop and get lost. There have also been a number of near-death experiences like when I fell asleep when walking across the street. I… it’s nice, knowing you’re around. To keep me safe and keep an eye on me. And I guess waking up to hearing your voice, waking up knowing for a fact I was safe… I don’t know, it was just nice, and I want you to know, I truly do appreciate you putting up with me.”
·       How… how could you make him fall for you more and more so effortlessly? Well, if you liked hearing his voice when you woke up… maybe… maybe next time he wouldn’t stop speaking of his love for you, even as you awoke. After all, he could never deny you anything, especially not your own comfort and ease of mind.
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aesthetic-angel612 · 3 years
Bucky was never a physical contact type guy, not even a handshake. Y/N was the opposite, but her powers slowly break his barriers.
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Bucky wasn't a hugger. Anyone with a brain knew this. He didn't like physical contact at all. It made him feel vulnerable, like anyone could do anything to him at any moment. The only person he let touch him was Steve which consisted of a pat of the back; and Bruce but only if he got injured. Apart from that, he never had any physical contact that wasn't violent. 
Y/N on the other hand, didn't mind it. She wasn't clinging to someone every second of everyday, but after a mission, he'd hug her team; when moving past someone, she may occasionally lay her hand on their waist to get past and when greeting she'd shake hands. Polar opposite to James. And she knew this. She learnt that pretty quickly. Whenever her hand would move towards him, he'd immediately flinch away. At the end of a mission, when she was hugging the others, he'd have his back turned with his head low, then eventually walk out the jet with his head hung low still. Y/N was confused but never questioned it. She knew she'd be able to break him, it was part of her powers. She couldn't explain how, but she just could, but it would take time. It was no surprise she wanted too...I mean look at him. He was attractive and he had so many layers to him and she wanted to unravel every one. 
The first time you touched Bucky was in the kitchen. HE was making a cup of coffee and you had poured yourself some water, he was in the way so you ever so slightly pushes past him, hand on his waist. You hadn't even thought about it, it was a natural action for you. This made him tense slightly but he soon relaxed as it was over quickly. Shaking it off, he continued to make his coffee.
The second time you touched, was on a mission. It wasn't difficult but you did need a hand. After being knocked to the ground, a piece of the ceiling had fallen on your ankle, making you groan in pain but also incapable of moving. Bucky being the only person close to you, ran over and scrambled to get the broken pieces off and reaching his hand out. Surprised, you grabbed it and he helped you to your feet. Limping, Bucky offered and you put your arm around his neck, limping back to the jet. This was possibly the most physical contact Bucky had got since the 40's and it was his choice. Even Bucky was confused, but it didn't bother him...you didn't bother him for some reason.
Later that day, when you returned back to the compound, you were alone in the living room watching tv with an ice pack on your ankle. Bucky came strolling in, looking for food from the kitchen, he spotted you and silently made his way over, taking a seat an awkwardly long way away from you, still next to do, just with a weird gap. 
"hey... you ok?" you spoke gently.
"Yeah" Bucky replied.
"Thank you again for helping me" you smiled. 
"no problem...h-how is it" Bucky questioned looking art your ankle.
Lifting it off the table in front of you where it was resting, you lightly run your fingers over it,
"sprained badly and pretty bruised" Bucky hesitantly moved closer to you and reached out, before asking if it was ok for him to touch. Receiving a nod, James gently grabbed your ankle and rested in in his lap, running his human fingers over the skin inspecting it, and pulling a face at the dark bruising. Smiling you just looked at Bucky's face observing him. You were getting through to him you knew it, and he secretly knew it even if he didn't want to admit it.  
As time passed on, months later, Bucky let Y/N in, the waist touches were common, high fives replaced the after mission hugs and hands were placed on knees when one of them stood up, giving the person acceleration. But one thing that still never happened were hugs. 
One night, during one of Bucky and yours weekly movie nights together, you found herself falling asleep, eventually your head full upon James' shoulder. In shock, Bucky tensed but for some reason, you had a power over him, a power he couldn't fight no matter how hard he wanted too. He gently moved you, so your head was in his lap. When the movie was over, Bucky carried you to your room bridal style, you soundly asleep in his arms.
Days later, you were sick. Somehow catching a cold you lay in bed, sneezing and not being able to breath properly and feeling nauseous , resulting in no sleep. On the verge of tears, you called for Jarvis,
"Jarvis, whos in the med room right now?" you squeezed out breathlessly.
"Mr Barnes Mam" 
"Can you ask him to bring me some medicine and a glass of water too please...maybe a bowl as well" I pleaded.
10 minutes later, a light knocked at my door was heard and in came a concerned looking Bucky. He placed the bowl on the floor next to me in case of an emergency and I took my medicine. 
"c-call me if you need anything" James awkwardly smiled.
"Buck... please stay" You coughed out. Eyes going wide, Bucky took a seat at the end of your bed, fidgeting.
"i-i know you hate it, but can i please have a cuddle? Just for a few minutes..." I wearily asked. 
Bucky shifted and got under the covers, lifting his arm up so I could cuddle closer.
"I feel so ill Buck" I cried silently.
"Where?" He asked and i pointed to my stomach and head. Thinking for a second, Bucky placed his cold metal arm on y forehead cooling me down. Sighing into his chest, I began to relax. Hours had past and Bucky was still here, eventually we'd both fallen asleep. And that's where the final contact wall was broken. From that day on, Bucky came to Y/N whenever he was tired, stressed, anxious, whatever and they slept while cuddling. Bucky Barnes. The man who didn't let anyone shake his hand, clinging onto this woman like she was his lifeline which to him , she was. She saved him from his mind she saved him from being scared of affection...
and she was the woman he eventually called mine.
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I’ve making headcanons about all of my hyper fixations for a while now and just dumping them on my friends so I’m gonna also dump them here.
If you’re into All For the Game , My Hero Academia, ATLA, The Raven Cycle stay fuckn tuned my doods bc I have a loooot of stuff rattling around my empty skull.
Not all of these are 100% mine some of them are already pretty popular and I’m expanding on them or I heard something similar and edited it to my own tastes
I’ll separate them by series,,,
Theres like one canon that’s mildly nsfw
TW: drug abuse
pro hero kirishima’s Red Riot™️ merch is insanely size inclusive bc he wants fatgum to be able to wear the hoodie that kiri’s pr team sent him but that’s not all,,
If he wasn’t super gay and in love with Bakugou he’d be very Into BBWs so again his merch is super size inclusive bc he wants everyone to be able to wear it
The company that makes the merch also takes requests for special made merch for people who’s quirks interfere with a “normal” size or dimension
ALSO ,,,,this man(kiri) is built like a fuckn MACK TRUCK OKAY he is 6’7” and cannot fit through doorways without ducking and turning a little to the side ,,, he is broad And still wears no shirt™️ ,,, this being said ,, bakugou is still around 5’8” and pretty slim don’t get me wrong he’s extremely strong and toned but he’s not huge,, it makes flying easier if he stays a little lighter ,,,,,,, the point is,, sometimes kiri will pick up bakugou with one arm and bakugou can’t even pretend to hate it anymore
Also,,,, fatgum has to use special pens and keyboards because of how big his hands are,,, he’s literally 8’2” I won’t take criticism on this
Fatgum actually loves wearing red riot and sun eater merch
Allmight and Inko start dating and one day when they’re out someone comments on how much all might “looks like a skeleton” and she absolutley lets loose on them for being so vapid and shallow and how “he’s risked his life to save people like you more times than you have ever even thought about being helpful in your life and it would serve you well to treat someone who’d die for you without even knowing you with more respect”
All might had to gently pull her away bc the guy was crying and she wasn’t anywhere near finished with him
Midnight is Asexual and aggressively pretends to be horny on main™️ because for one, it works with her quirk and two, nothing sells better than sex especially when you’re a woman.
Bakugou and kirishima use sign language to talk shit at Public events
Dabi is addicted to painkillers because he’s been on them his entire life,, he wakes up with the shakes and sometimes toga has to help him take his meds in the morning because he’s already in withdrawal
Tensei was the first one to realize that iida was autistic and immediately did copious amounts of research on ASD and how to be a good brother to him
sokka grows his hair as long as Zuko’s (except the sides obvi) and sometimes he’ll wear his hair in the fire nation top knot and zuko loses it every time
Azula gets help and now sometimes when she wakes up with the sun after a night of fitful sleep she goes to the courtyard to have tea with iroh. They never talk, but then again they never need to.
Sometimes after a hard day sokka falls asleep in the bathtub and wakes up to zuko warming the water back up and washing his hair for him
Suki lounges in zukos throne while zuko gets worked up about stuff and paces all around the room
Mai is on the ace spectrum
When sokka and zuko visit the southern water tribe zuko will firebend for the all of the kids in the village,,, they love him so much and sometimes sokka gets a little teary eyed watching him
Sokka braids zukos hair water tribe style and it’s the hottest thing maybe ever
Zuko takes sokka on shopping sprees pretty frequently and sokka fuckn loves it
One time someone has the nerve to call sokka “the fire lords sugar baby” and sokka just flips his ponytail over his shoulder Ariana style and says “and what about it?”
The Raven cycle
Ronan has 100% killed Robert Parrish in his dreams and when he wakes up to see Adam next to him he almost immediately wants to go back to sleep and do it again for all the pain he’s caused Adam
Gansey is oblivious to the fact that he is indeed shredded,, when he gets really worked up he moves his arms a l o t like rolls up his sleeves, crosses and uncrosses his arms and The gang’s favorite is when he puts his hands on his head and subconsciously flexes,,,, literally entire gangsey will group swoon at him and he genuinely thinks they are marvelling at his passion for whatever he’s worked up about
Ronan watched broke back mountain once when he was like 16 and now all he can think about is being a gay cowboy ,,,
Adam will read people’s tarot wrong if theyre douchebags
Don’t you think it’s funny that the ganseys don’t have any straight children?
Blue has a T-shirt from each member of the gangsey (except Noah,, rip Noah) and shes created a terrible Franken-T-shirt by ripping them up and sewing them all back together in an extremely ugly patch work thing
Adam talks in Latin in his sleep and it really freaks his roommate out,, like a lot,, not to mention the fact that Adam already creeps him out to begin with bc he’s got that other vibe that comes from being tied to cabeswater and lindenmere ,, 6 out of 7 days his roommate is convinced that he’s a witch or a fairy or something
Ronan teaches opal how to bake and opal burns everything on purpose
Neil has definitely killed multiple people to survive
Neil’s mom definitely made him kill someone at least twice to make sure he could kill to survive on his own if they got separated
he probably definitely still has nightmares about each one
Matt and Dan both had a crush on Neil for like 30 seconds and absolutely talked to each other about him
Ppl always talk about how hot it is to crush a watermelon with your thighs,,,, Andrew could do it with his arms
Aarons ass is so flat and Andrew has an absolute dumptruck
Kevin started out as one of those annoying “obsessed with WWII” history guys and now he’s actually very into queer history and will rant about the lavender scare for an hour if you let him
The foxes lounge room(?) has a dart board with riko’s face on it to this day,, they literally have a drawer full of copies the same image of riko and every time one gets worn out they put a new one up. It’s more of an inside joke now but wymack still hates that little puke even though he’s dead so it stays up
Post-canon Neil gets drunk and teaches the team how to steal a car by hot wiring Matt’s truck
Matt does drag for halloween one year and Dan liked it a little too much *cough cough* she pegged him while he was still in drag
Someone once asked Renee if she was “saving herself for marriage like a good Christian girl should” and Allison knocked them out cold and stepped over the body
Neil calls Aaron ugly to his face literally any chance he gets (I feel like this one might be canon but I actually don’t know What’s real anymore)
Andrew Unironically wears a pink apron that says “kiss the cook” that Nicky got him for Christmas when he bakes
Okay I think that’s it ? For now?? Let me know if y’all want more,,,,, I’ll separate them next time I just really had to dump these and I didn’t want to make multiple posts.
I made this at 5:30 in the morning sorry if it’s riddled with typos and errors.
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dontaskmetodivide · 3 years
migraine days
summary: Y/N experiences a migraine and Harry does his best to comfort her. 
tw: total fluff
1,598 words !!
a/n: migraines really aren’t pretty, so this isn’t a very pretty one shot, but as someone who get them i really wanted to write something about what h would do to comfort his girl during them.
You knew the second that your vision went blurry and your face got tingly that you were having a migraine. The piercing headache that you could only describe as the feeling of going mad. You were used to them, they sucked but you were used to them. You got them every month or so, and usually when they happened you would shut off your phone, lie in bed crying and just try to focus on your breathing. But once you started dating Harry, they got slightly more manageable. Harry always knew exactly what to do and how you comfort you, which made the whole experience a little more bearable.
You called Harry over to your flat around 8 pm, you both deciding to watch a movie and eat ice cream until you fell asleep, but around 10 pm you felt the strain on your head. 
You get up from the couch and go to the kitchen calmly, excusing yourself for a moment so that you can take your meds, hopefully in time to break the migraine before it gets too bad. Along with the small dissolvable tablet you take, you also chug a bunch of water, refilling the bottle twice before Harry enters the room.
“Y/N? What’re you doing?” He asks with a groggy voice, clearly tired from the late hour and all the work in the studio earlier in the day. His hands remain in the pocket of his sweatshirt. 
You set the bottle down on the counter and squint your eyes, trying to see Harry’s face clearly as you speak. “I feel a migraine coming, is all.” You brush it off but he takes it more seriously, walking around the island to get closer to you. 
“Oh, muppet.” His hands come up and cup your cheeks as he looks into your eyes. “Has the aura started yet?” He asks with concern laced in his voice, referring to the weird visual changes you encounter when it comes to your migraines. 
You nod and close your eyes, the light beginning to cause a light pounding behind your eyes. He kisses your forehead and you grab onto the sides of his sweatshirt for balance. 
“Want to head to the hospital?” He asks, and that was one thing you didn’t appreciate from Harry as much when your migraines would occur. He always wanted to take you to the hospital immediately, have you protected and cared for by trained professionals, and while it was very caring, you were stronger than that and could usually last a while before absolutely needing to go seek help. You always wanted to wait until you felt like you couldn’t anymore before going to the doctor. 
“No, I’m okay H.” You tell him, shaking your head with your eyes glued shut. 
“Let’s lay down, yeah?” He asks and you open your eyes, only to see spots, and agree with him as he urges you out of the kitchen. He leads you down the hall and to the bedroom, careful not to move too fast. 
As you get into the bedroom he turns off the lights, only leaving on the soft glow from the bedside lamp as you crawl into bed and shuffle under the puffy comforter. The pain in your head has now grown tremendously, and the small throbbing behind your eyes has now turned to vigorous pulsating on the front hemisphere of your brain. 
You don’t register that he’s left the room until you hear the door close softly, signaling that he’s returned. The bed dips next to your hip, so you open your eyes and pull the covers from your face slightly. 
Harry is holding a cup of water and some aspirin, as if it would do anything to help, but you appreciate the gesture none the less. You sit up slightly and he places his hand on your hip as you grab the water and pills from him, throwing them into your mouth and chugging more water. 
“Are you hot? Want me to turn up the AC?” He asks as you snuggle back under the covers. 
“Yes please.” You squabble out as you squint your eyes shut and try to get comfortable. Harry has learned all the things he can possibly do to make you more comfortable when these things happen. 
He knows that you like to bury yourself in blankets to try and block out the world, so the air conditioner temp needs be lowered so that you don’t overheat.
He swiftly gets up and goes into the hall, returning after a long second, and after another second you hear the blast of the vents being turned up. Harry comes around the bed and lays down beside you, placing a hand on your back over the sheets and rubbling softly. 
You started having migraines at a pretty young age so you learned pretty early that going to sleep is the best way to endure the pain. Most times you can fall asleep and once you wake the migraine has turned to a small headache, but you aren’t always so lucky.
You manage to sleep for an hour and a half before you’re sitting up and hunching over the side of the bed, about ready to vomit all over the floor. Harry is already handing you the small trash bin from your bathroom, that he must’ve picked up whilst you were asleep, and holding your hair back, tying it in a loose low bun with a band from around his wrist. 
You gag a couple times before you’re throwing up all the water you had previously consumed. “It’s okay, baby. Let it out.” Harry hums behind you as he traces his bitten fingernails over your back, scratching lightly. “You’re okay, I’m right here.”
After filling up the bucket way more than you’re proud of, your body begins to rest so you place it back on the ground, heaving from exhaustion. A silent cry begins to fill your chest from frustration and pain. Tears fall from your face onto your lap as your boyfriend cradles you into his chest and you grip onto his sweatshirt for dear life. 
Crying always made the headaches worse, but you couldn’t help it. It just hurts so fucking bad. 
You take a deep breath and attempt to get up to go to the bathroom. Harry stands up with you and you’re grateful because as soon as you take a step you feel woozy and your knees start to buckle. He grabs your waist with one hand and the back of your head with the other, helping you stand.
“Woah woah woah, love. Baby?” Harry says with a panicked tone as he helps you sit back down on the edge of the bed. 
“I’m- I’m okay. Just exhausted.” You tell him, holding onto his forearms still holding your body
“I think it’s time to go to the hospital, love.” He says as he scratches your scalp, hoping to relieve the pain in any way possible, and you nod, succumbing to the inevitable destination of this deceitful journey. 
He slowly releases your body and stands straight, grabbing your shoes and sliding them on your feet as you remain hunched over the side of the bed. He helps you stand and walk out of the house to the car. The car ride is silent, Harry kindly turning off the radio aware that sound worsens the effects. He keeps his hand on yours the whole ride, circling his thumb on the back of your hand. 
You get to the hospital and Harry parks close to the front of the ER doors, helping you out of the car and to the waiting room. Harry pulls your head onto his lap as soon as you’re seated, and you cradle your temples in your hands, silently begging your mind to give you a break. 
You aren’t sure how long it is until they call you back and get your situated in a hospital bed, Harry helping you change into the gown and turning out the lights for you to rest. He sits on the chair next to your bed, not releasing his tight grip on your hand as you close your eyes and rest your head against the propped up cushion. 
The doctor comes in shortly after that, letting you know how they will treat you. She had been your doctor before and knows just how bad this pain is for you. She examines you briefly, which is more painful than helpful to you. As she shines the bright light into your eyes you see Harry visibly wince and clench his jaw, knowing just how bad it must hurt for you. 
Once she’s done she sets up the IV catheter, the needle piercing your hand not even fazing you compared to the mind blistering pain in your brain. 
The doctor speaks softly as she consults you and sets up the IV drip. “You know the drill. We’ll do a fluid drip since you’re more than likely dehydrated, while simultaneously doing the pain reliever, which as I’m sure you know, will make you slightly loopy.” 
You let out a breathy laugh and look at Harry who just smiles and shakes his head at you, knowing what you’re thinking. “You’re responsible for anything I say or do.” You tell him, your voice sounding strained. 
The doctor smiles at the two of you before putting a “FALL RISK” band on your wrist and exiting, telling you to get some rest. 
Before the door is even closed Harry is hopping on the bed to lay with you, facing you and making sure to not mess up the tubes going into your hand. He rests his hand on your cheek and you close your eyes, focusing on the feeling of his hand rather than the pulsating in your head. 
“I’m sorry I ruined our movie night.” You tell him with your eyes closed, and you don’t hear anything after a second but feel his lips come into contact with yours. 
“Don’t apologize, pet.” He says, watching you carefully with compassion. “I’m sorry you ever have to go through this. If I could take it all away from you I would.” 
“I know.” You try to smile up at him. “Thank you.” You tell him, resting your forehead against his. 
i kinda wanna do a part two to this with loopy Y/N, so let me know if you’d like that lol thank you for reading, love you guys <3
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noteguk · 3 years
omg can we please get an extra about jisoo and oc's friendship?? ik u teased it a long time ago but i really wanna see their friensdship miss nala :(((
Yes!!! Here you go ❤️ I’m working on a drabble about the two of them, but this is a scene I thought about some time ago. There are some texts between jk and the oc when she got sick, and this happens in the same day.
“I told you not to go out without a coat.” That was the first thing Jisoo told you when she stepped into your room, a heavy plastic bag on her hand and an umbrella hanging on her forearm. “No wonder you got sick.”
You turned around on the bed slowly, looking at her through your swollen eyes. “Thanks, mom.” You sniffed, fighting through the shivers that cursed your body. “I didn’t think it would rain. And now I’m—“ You sneezed. “God. Paying the price.”
Actually, you didn’t anticipate that it would rain so much, even if all weather broadcasts had been warning about an upcoming week of storms and low temperatures. Half of your brain wanted to blame it all on Jungkook, your local dumbass, for not giving you a ride back home — the other half of your brain knew you were at fault for not asking him. Pride did wonders to your health, clearly.
The way you were wrapped in your blanket made you look like a human burrito, only your eyes popping above the heavy fabric, watching as your friend pulled a chair to sit by your side. Jisoo took one hand to your forehead, a worried expression plastered on her face. Her cheeks were rosy, so she probably ran to your place. “The fever went down, I think. I’m glad the meds worked,” she sat back, placing the bag on her lap. “I brought you the things you asked for, and managed to get the notes from the classes you missed. I also got that brand of chocolate you like, in case you get sad.”
“Awww,” you exclaimed. You couldn’t even taste anything, but you appreciated the gesture. “You’re the best. Thank you.”
She smiled, looking inside the bag and making sure that everything was still in there. “You did the same thing for me when I got the flu last year, it’s not a big deal… and I was worried.” Jisoo sighed, running one hand through her hair. She placed the bag on your nightstand, careful not to knock things down, and opened her backpack so she could reach for the notes she had promised. “You sure you don’t want me to take you to a doctor? You had such a rough night yesterday.”
It was true — the previous night was spent in feverish dreams and horrible headaches, shivers that wouldn’t stop no matter how many blankets you piled up on top of you. Yongsun passed by to check on you a couple times, but she had class early and ended up falling asleep a little after two. Jisoo, however, texted you every hour, wondering how the night was progressing, if you were feeling better or worse.
“It’s okay, I’m feeling like a new person. I think I just had to sweat it out.” You sniffed. “Did you get any sleep?”
She pulled the pile of papers out of her backpack and placed it on your nightstand. Jisoo sighed. “Like two hours after class. But I’m okay, you don’t have to worry about me.”
“Of course I worry about you,” you said, almost offended. You and Jisoo always ended up in some twisted altruistic competition when one of you was down. “Why don’t you go get some sleep in Yongsun’s room? I can call for you if I feel bad.”
Thankfully the sickness hadn’t stolen your thinking skills, because that seemed to be the compromise you two needed. This way, Jisoo could actually get some rest (your win) and also be close enough to help you in case you randomly got worse (her win). She seemed to understand that quite quickly, for she nodded right away. “Yeah. Okay, that works,” she said, getting up. “Try to get some rest too. And I’ll be just down the hall if you need anything.”
“Of course.” You yawned, already shoving your face against your pillow. “Thanks, Jisoo.”
She smiled. “No problem.”
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bimormondisaster · 3 years
Four times Crosshair helped his brothers and one time he did the best he could.
Hello! This is my first time doing something like this so I hope you enjoy it. I'm still very new to writing and I suck at editing so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
Word count: 2,781
Wrecker- Mentions of blood, violence, Hurt character.
Hunter- Mentions of overstimulation and migraines
Echo- Nightmares
CT-9904- That scene from s1 e1 tbb
Wrecker (Cadets, age around 16)
The feeling of the clone’s face against Crosshair’s fist was satisfying. Even after the blood started to cover his knuckles, he kept punching. It wasn’t until the cadet’s eyes closed that he stopped. He let the boy’s tunic go, and he hit the ground with a dull thud. He would wake up eventually and Crosshair would inevitably get punished but right now he didn’t care.
He was alone when he got the com. He was getting cleaned up after some private training., about to meet his brothers in the cafeteria but when Hunter told him that kriffen reg had landed Wrecker in the med bay he changed course.
He made his way to the medbay. Stopping only to wash the blood off his hands. Looking in the mirror he noticed his hair was getting grayer. He wasn’t sure why his hair was graying so early but he didn’t mind it. Wrecker always teased him about it but he thought it made him look more mature.
The med bay door slid open revealing Hunter sitting beside a bed as Tech paced. A droid was hovering over the bed occupied by Wrecker.
Hunter stood as he walked over. “What took you so long?”
“I was busy.” He forced himself to look away from Wrecker’s bloody and bruised form and to Hunter. “How is he?”
Tech answered first. “Under these conditions, there is a 15 percent chance that he will wake up in the next hour, Every hour after that the chance goes up by 7.5 percent until hour five where if he’s not awake by then the chances lower by-”
“He’s going to be fine.” Hunter supplied, sending a comforting smile to Tech. The droid left without a word and the boys settled down. Wrecker’s face was swollen. The left side of his face was covered in bandages, including his eye. Every moment that he watched, that he saw his brother in this state, his fury grew.
“What happened?” He asked through clenched teeth.
Hunter and Tech shared a look and Tech adjusted his goggles.
“No one knows yet,” Hunter said.
His hands tensed into fists. The quickly bruising knuckles protested but he didn’t care. That’s when he saw it. Lula, tucked in beside Wrecker, was looking almost as bad as its owner. One of the ears was hanging on by a thread and a leg was missing.
Without saying anything Crosshair stood up and grabbed the stuffed toy.
“I found the leg in the hall.” He pulled it out and offered it to Crosshair who took it without a word.
Crosshair didn’t know how to sew but he tried his best with the supplies he could find in the med bay. They all waited. Hunter as still as possible, trying to keep the squad as calm as possible. Tech buried himself in his padd and tried to distract himself. Although every hour Crosshair could hear him whisper the new odds of Wrecker waking up.
Crosshair folded in on himself completely focused on fixing Lula. His long legs protested being forced into the chair, his back ached from being slouched, but he didn’t mind. After two hours Lula was all fixed up. It wasn’t what Crosshair would call a good job, but it was the best he could do. He just hoped it was enough.
If Tech wasn’t dead at the end of this Crosshair was going to kill him. Not surprisingly the job went bad and now they were in a shootout. His scope allowed him to see the chaos in the warehouse from the hill he was nested on. Amongst it all was Tech. Who disobeyed orders and abandoned his cover; running like a kriffin idiot trying to get to the computer.
“Tech get under cover!” Hunter’s voice came through the comm.
“No can do Hunter. If I can just-” Tech was cut off as more droids entered the warehouse, open firing.
Crosshair cursed under his breath and started to pick them off. There was little chance of this mission succeeding but that’s where they worked best. In the midst of the blaster fire, yelling, orders being called, and explosions he noticed something. Another blaster was shooting into the warehouse at Tech who had, so far, dodged the fire purely by dumb luck. He watched carefully, tuning out the bickering in his ear.
A streak of a blaster shot through the air heading for the very clueless Tech who was pinned down. Without thinking he aimed. Time slowed as he watched the bullet fly through the air. His finger tightened on the trigger and in the time of a heartbeat he fired. The bullets collided and went wide, missing Tech who was quickly getting surrounded.
He aimed again, this time at the chains holding up the large doors. He shot. The first chain broke. Reaming at the other chain he fired again. His brothers could handle the droids, He’d handle the sniper. He shot again. The chain rattled but stayed in place. Another shot and the door dropped crushing the few droids underneath.
“Cross what’s happening? Was that you?” Hunter’s voice broke through the wall of concentration he put up.
“Little busy” He replied, moving positions to aim where the other nest would be and waited. One breath, two, three, there. Movement caught his eye as someone poked their head up. His finger tightened and he felt the familiar kick of his gun. The figure dropped and He stood.
By the time grabbed a speeder and made his way to the warehouse the fight was over and other than a few burns and cuts his brothers were safe.
Hunter was having another bad day. He didn’t have them as often as he did when they were cadets. He had learned how to suppress it better. Or, Crosshair suspected, how to hide them better.
However, he still had days where he was easily overwhelmed. They all knew the signs. Talking quieter, flinching more, headaches, tensing at the smallest sound, not wanting people to talk or touch him, sitting further away from the group. Crosshair had had migraines before and remembered how awful those were, he was glad that he would never have to deal with increased senses.
Hunter was in the cockpit looking out the window. Everyone had tried to give him as much space as possible so they were making themselves busy elsewhere. He set a steaming cup of the tea he always drank when he had bad days down as gently as possible in front of Hunter and sat across from him. They sat in silence for a time. He watched Hunter slowly sip the tea.
“Thank you,” Hunter whispered
“You should go lay down. I’ll keep the others quiet.” Although he had lowered his voice Hunter still winced.
“I’m okay, We’re almost to the mission anyway.”
Stubborn as always. Wordlessly Crosshair checked the computers, there was an uninhabited planet not far from them. He entered the coordinates and the ship changed course.
Hunter raised a questioning eyebrow and he just gave him a smile.
“Where are we going?”
“Jargon. It’s quiet.”
“Cross I-” He glared at the dash that beeped and sighed. “Thank you”
He hummed in acknowledgment. The mission could wait a few hours, or even a few days, as long as his brothers were okay.
Crosshair couldn’t sleep. He and Echo had just gotten back to the ship after a week away. Tech, Hunter, and Wrecker were still away and weren’t expected until at least the next day. Why Hunter decided to make him go alone with the new guy was beyond him. He wasn’t interested in making friends. He had his brothers and that was more than enough.
He laid in his bunk staring up at the ceiling. The ship was eerily quiet with everyone being away. As much as he wanted to enjoy it, it filled him with dread. He had grown to love the noise and chaos that came with the bad batch and missed it when it was gone.
He heard movement and was pulled from his thoughts.
“No… No” Echo was murmuring. He sat up and got out of bed to see what was going on. Quietly making his way over he could see Echo tossing in his bunk. His first instinct was to call for Hunter. This was more of his thing. However, that wasn’t an option.
Kneeling beside the bed he put a hand on the clone’s shoulder. “Echo,” Echo responded by getting louder.
“No! Please!”
“Echo!” He shook him. “Wake up.”
The tossing stopped and his eyes opened with a deep breath. He tried to sit up but the hand stopped him. “Rex will come back for me!”
“He already has.” He removed his hand and leaned back to give the man some space. Dealing with nightmares wasn’t anything new. They all had them.
Clarity came into Echos eyes. “Crosshair?” He sat up, still breathing heavily.
“You had a nightmare.” It was a fact and yet Echo looked down ashamed. Crosshair watched carefully as Echo looked everywhere but him. “I’m sorry I woke you.” With that, he laid back down. Crosshair internally cursed both the regs and Hunter.
Nightmares were a part of life for the clones however the regs had something against talking about them. They preferred to keep the pain a secret, pretend it wasn’t there. Why they were taboo to talk about was beyond him. He had spent many nights listening to his brothers talk about theirs and he had spent almost as much time sitting up with at least one of his brothers because of his own nightmares.
While he understood why and even accepted bringing Echo aboard he still wasn’t that close to him and didn’t plan on getting close. He was, after all a reg. A reg who had special abilities now, but a reg nonetheless. He knew that Hunter wanted him to let Echo in the way he had let in his brothers. He also knew that he didn’t care what Hunter wanted. However, as he watched Echo close his eyes and pretend to fall back asleep his heart twisted.
He stood. “Come with me.” Without waiting he walked out of the ship. On his way out he grabbed a blanket.
A few moments after he walked out onto the ship’s ramp, Echo joined him.
“Crosshair? Is there a problem?” He still looked scared. Like any minute he’d be sucked back into his dreams never to return.
“Sit.” Echo did as was ordered. Sitting on the ramp. The black sky was filled with twinkling stars. Cross put the blanket over Echo’s shoulders and sat next to him.
Crosshair was looking straight ahead. “If you are going to be a part of the bad batch you need to learn to accept help.”
“I don’t know what you-”
“Fresh air is the best remedy for nightmares.” He turned to look at Echo. “There is no use in keeping them bottled up.”
They sat there most of the night. Echo told him about his time before being taken, his brothers, his commanders. He told him about Fives and Rex. He told him about his time as an unwilling traitor to the republic he loved.
They both silently promised to not talk about that night again. Echo didn’t want to be embarrassed and Crosshair didn’t want this responsibility any more than he needed to take it. Or at least that’s what he would say if pressed.
The next morning Crosshair was woken up by his brother’s arrival. Their part of the mission was a success. And as the five of them walked into the ship and Crosshair figured that maybe four brothers wouldn’t be so bad.
Good soldiers follow orders.
The rest of the bad batch was in the hanger. Predictable. They always thought they were a step ahead. Now he would show them how flawed their thinking really was. They were cowards trying to run away.
Hunter walked out from behind the crates. Reckless a small part of him thought. He ignored it. He had eyes on Wrecker, Echo, and Omega. All behind the crates. Tech was most likely in the ship.
“Best stand down Sargent,” He said. They were in a standoff and Crosshair knew who would win when the time came. The traitors wouldn’t hurt him. “Make it easy on yourself.”
“Have you lost your mind?” Hunter replied.
“We should’ve killed that Jedi. You disobeyed orders” Why didn’t Hunter follow the orders? If he had just been a good soldier, a good leader, then none of this would be happening.
“I did what I thought was right.” Hunters snapped, stepping forward.
“You never could see the bigger picture.” He shrugged. “Now surrender.”
Let them go.
Hunter glanced back at the group as they prepared for a firefight. Wrecker put his helmet on.
These are your brothers.
“Is that an order?” Hunter looked back at him.
He let out a chuckle. “I guess it is.”
Don’t do this.
“Well, I guess I’m disobeying that one too.”
They stayed staring at each other. Waiting to see who would make the first move. He spat out the toothpick.
Stop, please, no.
His finger tightened as the thunder rumbled. He wanted Hunter to come peacefully. Why did Hunter never listen? He didn’t want to hurt them.
But he would do what he must.
In one motion he lifted his arm, set the blaster on it and fired. Hunter ducked and it hit the ramp of the ship. A part of him was screaming that this was wrong but he continued. The clones he was with open fired. Clone force 99 returned fire and two smoke bombs were thrown. They moved in.
He took aim again. This time using a heat sensor. He let off a few shots then waited. They needed to clear the smoke and when they did…
The sound of metal hitting metal rang through the air as the smoke cleared. Wrecker was in the middle of it and through one of the container lids, knocking some clones down.
Taking aim all he could see was the second one coming for him. He rolled out of the way as the containers fell where he was moments ago.
He aimed.
He shot, hitting Wrecker’s armour. He’d survive.
This time Wrecker fell. His brothers wouldn’t fall for it but the girl might and if he got a clear shot on the girl Hunter would soon follow.
Sure enough, a blonde head poked out from behind the crates and he fired again. He missed as she was pulled back undercover.
The ship started up. They couldn’t go. They needed to stay, needed to see that this was the right thing.
“Seal the bay doors!” He ordered. The clone to his right. He ran for the panel on the wall.
A light started flashing and a warning alarm beep. The door didn’t shut.
“Sir! Someone is overriding the controls.”
He took aim once again. Hunter was giving Omega orders. She would be his target as they tried to leave.
“Only one way out Hunter. Your move.” He said.
The voice was loud and annoying. He shook it off.
He put his finger on the trigger.
Hunter and Echo stood and fired. Moving into the walkway, towards Wrecker. Towards the ship. Moving forward to cover he fired. He made it behind the crates and mentally kicked himself. Why wasn’t he aiming properly? This should be over already.
The last clone fell, hit by the oncoming fire. He turned his head to try and see where they were but couldn’t see them. Only the blaster bolts. He stood and took aim. Hunter was in his sights. This time he wouldn’t miss and he wouldn’t have mercy.
His finger tightened on the trigger when suddenly electricity ran through the gun. He watched it drop and looked to where the shot was fired. Standing on the ramp was Omega. Blaster in hand.
He could swear he heard laughing from somewhere inside of him.
He pulled the blaster off of his hip and aimed. Omega shot first. Both the shots missing as he ran for cover.
You’ve lost. Let them go.
The ship lifted off and he ran towards it. Firing. None of his shots hit and soon the door was shut.
He stopped running once they were in space. He put the blaster away and took off his helmet. He looked into space as the mix of emotions bubbled inside of him. They left him. He failed his first mission. He knew Wrecker would live and his brothers would be okay. That’s all that matters.
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