#all of which i have family history of‚ along with being born with two heart conditions. i'd need to address it.
blakelywintersfield · 2 years
#cw for eating disorder stuff i guess?#oh the absolute irony that consistently consumes my entire being and existence#i used to count calories to limit my intake so i'd start to lose weight#now i'm counting calories to make sure i'm eating *enough*‚ because my weight has dropped significantly in a matter of a month#and while i want that weight loss to continue‚ if i don't eat *enough* calories‚ it exacerbates my rheumatoid arthritis#on top of that‚ aside from a goiter‚ i display all the major symptoms of hyperthyroidism.#and with me having RA‚ i'm at an increased risk of developing *other* immune disorders. so it's not out of the question.#but if i *do* have hyperthyroidism‚ the medication to address it will stop the weight loss. which i don't want. but i'll need to take it.#because long term effects of untreated hyperthyroidism can cause osteoporosis‚ heart problems‚ and vision problems#all of which i have family history of‚ along with being born with two heart conditions. i'd need to address it.#but the medication to treat it also has a common result of weight gain. and i don't want that. i don't want to gain any more weight.#i'm finally losing weight. i'm finally‚ FINALLY under 200lbs. i haven't been under 200lbs for YEARS. i'm almost in the 170 range.#i don't want to stop losing weight. and i especially don't want to gain any weight.#i'm honestly hoping the test results come back negative. maybe it's just a combination of my RA and working more or something idk#i would avoid getting tested altogether but between the long term health impacts of untreated hyperthyroidism and the hair loss#i have to. like i have to rule it out as a cause for the hair loss‚ along with my DHT levels. i just. ugh.#my urges to kill myself are finally under control‚ and now 5 other health issues have taken it's place.#i'm so tired man. i just want to exist at ease. i just want to function normally. i'm so tired of having to fight every day.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Queen Of My Life (Aegon x Reader)
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“I will be queen and write history like my ancestor (y/n) Targaryen”
“The story of (y/n) was your brother Rhaegars Favourite, she was known as “the miracle queen”
“The miracle? Why?I’ve only known a few scattered parts of her”
“She is known as the last good leader along with her husband king Aegon, they were the first and only couple that ruled United and seemed to listen to the worries of their subjects”
“She cared for the small folk?”
“The didn’t call her “our sun” for nothing”
(Y/n) was not supposed to be born, a child created after the night Rhaenyra laid with Ser Criston Cole, it might sound evil but as her belly grew Rhaenyra wished for the babe to die, to get rid of it.
The babe came out quickly and earlier than expected, a healthy girl that wailed loudly as she fussed and screamed to get away from her mothers grasp, it was almost like the babe had heard every thought her mother had, the hostility that was created as she was growing inside a womb that it’s owner wished she was dead.
The only person that (y/n) truly loved was Laenor, he adored his daughter and spoiled her to no ends, she had everything laid beneath her feet with one click of her fathers fingers, before her dragon hatched Laenor would take her up in the sky just to hear the little girls sequels of bliss.
“You did it!”
(Y/n) bursted in the room with a dagger in her hand, her fathers dagger that she had just lost. Rhaenyra was quick to restrain her daughter from cutting through her chest, the whole room erupted with chaos as the boiling pot that was her daughter temper seemed to have blown up and was ready to burn everyone.
“How dare you blame me?”
“How dare I? You killed my father just to marry your fucking knight in shinning armour”
The scariest part was not (y/n)s tone nor the raised tone that pierced through eardrums, it was that there was no emotion in her eyes, just plain darkness, Rhaenyra was truly backed against the wall to fight for her life.
Criston Cole was the one to thankfully be brave enough to pull (y/n) away, unfortunately due to her erratic movements the princess had managed to cut herself, earning a deep clean cut from bicep to wrist, her cry of pain was deafening as her blood spilled down to the floor, Criston wanted to throw up at the sight of his daughters blood intertwining with mourning for another man she called “father”.
“Take the princess back to her chamber Ser Criston”
The queen commanded him to which he heartedly agreed. Swiftly he lifted her up to hold her in her arms, she was just a kid, a kid that attempted to not only kill her mother, to also strike down the future heir and accuse her of murder, the queen had followed the two with her eyes as the knight exited the room, leaving all of them in despair over the event.
“We should call a maester for the princess”
Alicent suggested mostly to herself as she spoke to a hushed tone, the queen sped to the princesses room to find her laying in her bed while Ser Criston had torn off his cape to stop the bleeding, Criston was a tormented father that had his hands tied when it came to the matter of his daughter, when she was born he knew it in his heart that the babe was his kin, how could a father stand watching his only daughter lay wounded?
On the morrow Rhaenyras family departed for dragon stone, except (y/n) who had requested to stay behind and become the queens lady in waiting, queen Alicent always felt for the young girl who had inherited Cristons eyes, she could somewhat understand why Rhaenyra had a certain grudge against (y/n), to gaze upon your own daughter and see a man you hate.
One of the few times (y/n) was seen smiling was at her wedding with Aegon, Aegon fell for the princess ever since they were young, he had a very special gift from her that started from his thigh down to his knee, (y/n) and Aegon were extremely competitive so one time during training (y/n) requested real swords, Aegon being the arrogant prick he could be lazily swung his swords while (y/n) bend down and landed a nasty cut.
“How does it feel to be my lady wife?”
“Nothing has really changed, except the fact that tonight we have to land a small little cut on you”
(Y/n) and Aegon were drawn to one another long before their wedding, Alicent had betrothed them to shut the rumours of the princesses moans coming from Aegons room, while partially to quickly hide the fact that (y/n) had not bled for two moons.
Aegon giggled at the comment as he took her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles, after that his other hand caressed her still flat belly lovingly, his babe was safely growing inside the woman he loved.
“It’s a boy”
“I did not know I was marrying a witch”
“Heleana saw it, we will name him Saeror”
“Saeror?! What type of name is that?”
“Saeror the future king… has a nice ring to it”
Aegon surprised them all, he became a wonderful lord husband and stood honourably by his wives side through good times and bad times.
Aegon was present when Saeror was born, he had pushed the maester away to hold his babe, he would have never thought that he would take one look at a bloody little thing that resembled a small kitten would make him so happy, Aegon laughed loudly as Saeror wailed his way into the world.
“Saeror, You will be our legacy little one”
Reluctantly he passed the babe to the wet nurses so they can take care of the newborn, carelessly he wiped his hands to his clothes before kneeling in front of his glowing wife who sheepishly smiled at him, content with bringing the future heir to the world without any complications.
Aegon caressed her hair while his other hand held hers tightly, she had blessed him with a new family, (y/n) shed light in his life like the beacon of old town, how wife was the fire that burned him so sweetly.
“A lot of women say they do not wish for their husbands to be in the room while giving birth, it is said men do not look at their wives as women any more”
“I do not view you as a woman, I worship you as a goddess”
“I did good”
“You did wonderful, queen of my life”
Rhaenyra had been absent to every important event, the wedding, the birth of (y/n)s first born, any feast that was held for (y/n)s honour Rhaenyra had an excuse to not make an appearance, sending only a letter as a “congratulations”, the bitterness within (y/n) took over her brain towards her mother in a quick pace.
Quite the contrary with her good mother queen Alicent, she had stepped up to take great care of (y/n) and showed her the way to be a queen, Alicent was determined to be the mother she did not have, she was aware of what life was like without that maternal figure and would hate herself if she allowed that curse to be casted upon another woman.
(Y/n) had proven to be restless, giving birth to three sons one after the other. Saeror, Zenea and little Aemond in honour of her good brother who hugged (y/n) tightly and whispered a subtle “thank you” in her ear when they announced the babes name to the court.
“(y/n) and Aegon the generous” where known within kings landing due to visiting orphanages often to take care of the children as well as funding maesters to visit anyone in need of medical care from the small folk, adored by the public was an extremely brilliant move against the heir Rhaenyra who had fled the capital and lived her life hiding away instead of building her claim.
(Y/n) and Aegon were seen with their children and Ser Criston Cole along with Ser Erryk to kings landing, listening to the small folks worries and strolling through paths like common folk, another clever move was throwing feasts for the children’s namedays were everyone was welcomed, the masses were fed and give their blessing to the princes, Lords from all of Westeros would travel to make alliances with the Targaryens, to offer their daughters for the princes.
“Push my love”
“I cannot, I am tired”
“Come on sweetling this is your fourth time in this bed, you are strong”
(Y/n) pushed with all her might while Alicent and Aegon held her hands to support her and pass their strength to her, (y/n) grunted and breathed heavily to push a new life out of her. She fell in her husbands arms once she felt the relief of the babe releasing from her womb, the sound of a newborn weeping would never get old to the couple, Aegon engulfed her with his arms to bring his sweaty mess of a wife in his arms to kiss her temple.
“Praise the mother, my queen you did well”
“Is our boy healthy?”
“A strong boy sweet one”
Alicent reassured the princess as she followed the wet nurses who did the usual routine for the babe before bringing it to the mother. (Y/n) held her new babe in her arms while she was still being held by her husband, tears that were shed from his eyes hit her shoulder.
“What will we name him?”
“I was thinking Naemor”
“Welcome to the family Naemor”
Aegon cooed at the babe who had started to calm down in his mothers arms. Aegon gave another kiss to his wives head, she deserved all the gold in the world for the sacrifices she had made, to create a home for him in her arms and create a human from his seed, she was his miracle.
“Your grace, your presence is requested to the throne room”
“Oh seven hells I completely forgot of the hearing”
“Is that today? We must get ready”
“My love, you are to remain abed”
“No, I will not give her that satisfaction of missing this, help me please or I’ll do this without you”
Aegon had no choice but to comply to his wives wishes and offer his hands for support to get her up on her feet. Ser Criston watched silently for a moment until he mastered the courage to take a few steps to stand next to the princess.
“A boy?”
“Indeed, here”
Carefully (y/n) laid her newborn babe in the knights arms, Criston could not believe his eyes, a fourth grandchild was presented to him, he was as perfect as the rest of them, they were times that he had cursed himself for what he had done, to fall for Rhaenyras act and entertain it to the point that he risked the highest honour and toyed with his life, this is the moment that gave his life meaning, to see your daughter prevail and become the strongest Targaryen of the entire kingdom.
Once the wet nurses were excused and (y/n) dressed in her gown with the assistance of her husband Criston stayed in the room to rock the babe for as long as he could, away from the prude eyes of the servants.
“You have a beautiful family… princess”
“Aegon could you please take the babe?”
Aegon gladly reached for the babe to cradle him in his arms, the newborn had drifted off to slumber as he was safely rocked by his grandfather.
(Y/n) froze in her spot for a moment as she eyeballed the knight who also did not move a muscle, it was her that fell in his arms for a tight hug. She was not dim witted, the stories had reached her ears ever since she was a toddler, Criston was there for every step of her life, protecting his kin from the shadows.
“I will take revenge for you, do not worry… father”
Criston only caressed her long dirty blonde hair, it was very few times that (y/n) could truly show affection to her biological father, after such an emotional event of giving birth Criston was one of the closest people she had, her true father that was there for her more than her mother had ever been.
“You mustn’t walk in your condition, I’ll carry you there”
“No I-“
“Hush now princess I’ll let you down before the doors agape”
It was pointless to put on a fuss, her father had her off her feet in a blink of an eye while her husband Aegon was on their side with the newborn babe. Soon enough they reached the throne room doors and Criston Cole kept his promising by allowing the princess to stand by herself.
“Princess (y/n) and prince Aegon of house Targaryen”
As the doors unlatched to reveal the couple (y/n) felt like her “family” threw daggers from their eyes to the princess, a part of her wanted to know what was it that she had done that cause such hatred, the other part was quite content with her own family.
“I apologise for the interruption your grace, we happily announce the birth of our newborn son Naemor”
“A fourth son… let me see”
“Allow me my moon”
(Y/n) mumbled to Aegon as asked for their son to take him up to the stairs to the frail grandsire. (Y/n) was in agony the minute she took a step in the room, labour was one of the most excruciating pains she had experienced, however no one could see her pain, the prideful princess smiled as she bend the knee to let the king gaze upon the child.
“A strong son from the most beloved couple of the realm”
“You honour me your grace”
“I believe we need to circle back to the reason we are all gathered here”
“I can understand it might bring a certain uneasiness to you that you are not the centre of attention, still do allow your own daughter to present her son-your fourth grandson- to the king -our father-“
Aegon snapped at his half sister, (y/n) smirked at the sharp jab her husband had landed. Aegon would go to war for his family, he had grown to be a man because of the influence (y/n) had on him, she made him stronger, sharper, a proper king and a protector of the realm.
(Y/n) was proud of the man she had married, she had to admit that when she was to be wed to him she feared for her future, what if Aegons passion for her burned out? What if his taste for wine got the best of him?
Questions that clouded her judgement had kept her up until the dawn of her wedding day, now there he was, not an ounce of quiver as he went toe to toe with Rhaenyra to defend his queen.
“We have decided as a union that our presence is important since we would officially want to announce that we side with prince Jacaerys when it comes to the claim of driftmark”
“My brother is the second born of our family, our… late father Laenor had wished for him to inherit it, the power of the ocean runs through our veins”
“What do you know of Velaryon blood princess? I could cut my wrists and you would still not recognise it”
“ I only recognise the blood of a man like Laenor, a knight that fought to defend the realm against the common foe, I do not wish to witness the blood of a villainous brother that stops at nothing to gain power”
(Y/n) had stepped down from the throne that her grandsire was occupying, Aegon paced quickly to her to take their son from her with one hand while the other snaked it’s way around her waist for support, he was observant enough to pick up on the slight trembling of her hands, she was growing tired and the argument of Ser Vaemond was not helping.
The king declared as loud as he could with the combination of stomping his cane to the ground for a louder pause to the heated conversation. (Y/n) and Aegon turned their backs on Ser Vaemond in order to face the king out of respect, (y/n) even leaned her head to Aegons shoulder to get closer to him, his musk scent was a familiar thing she could focus as she was feeling her knees fighting to keep her up.
“I have heard enough, it is a day to celebrate not to kill each other. I hereby reaffirm Prince Jacaerys of house Velaryon as the future heir of lord of the tides, I should also announce that prince Aegon with his lady wife princess (y/n) of house Targaryen will be declared as my… heirs to the throne… after me”
“It cannot be”
“Aegon and (y/n) have proved themselves worthy of the throne… Rhaenyra, my sweet daughter… you will inherit the… Step-ahhh”
“Call the maesters!”
Aegon felt his wife tense at the scene that was playing in front of them, the time she had always been waiting for was happening, her grandsire was announcing her as his heir instead of Rhaenyra.
The grunts of agony that shook the room from her grandsire caused the small babe to start fussing, wails erupting from her new born son while Aegon started to lightly bounce the babe in his arms.
“Hush little one, you father is here”
“We must go, come my moon”
(Y/n) took Aegons hand to lead him out of the throne room while everyone was preoccupied with tending to her grandsire the king, her pain however caused a flinch while a hiss was uttered from her causing her to come to a halt.
“You need to rest”
“We do not have time for that”
“I do not care what you say, the throne will be there after you take a bath and sleep for a few hours, Ser Criston take my wife in our chambers, I will handle the rest”
“So the king died right after he declared a new heir?”
“If he had announced it to the court as you say, why did war ensue?”
“Princess Rhaenyra fled to dragon stone with her family to call banners for support to her claim, the king had passed before the official ceremony could take place”
“And what of queen (y/n)?”
“Her and king Aegon were crowned before the masses at dawn, the small folk cheered at the announcement of that the couple were crowned as king and queen of the realm, men offered to be trained as knights to protect the new queen against princess Rhaenyra”
“So a mother and a daughter went to war”
“Queen (y/n) was known for one phrase”
“The blood in the veins is thicker than the water in the womb”
“The Beloved queen was an intriguing character, a powerful woman with endless potential, her story is the second most astonishing one after Aegon the conqueror”
Requests are open!
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nite-puff · 1 year
Tonight’s one of those nights where i can’t fall asleep unless I jot something down.
So here’s my long list of Takemichi Yukimaru headcanons! Because he’s nothing if not free real-estate for them.
This will mostly be backstory with some smaller, more light-hearted, headcanons interspersed throughout. Enjoy!
(cw for mentions of abuse. he’s still a danganronpa character) (this is also my longest post. by a long shot. i just have a lot of thoughts on him)
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- my intense desire to make my favorite characters latino in some capacity out of self-projection is very real. so in my mind, michi’s half-japanese, half-latino (whichever region is up to you. he doesn’t really know himself, but i will always be compelled to say mexican because i am biased). (edit: also because “michi” is a term of endearment for cats in some latin american countries. so that makes the nickname itself a little cuter. he’s like a little cat guy compared to the owadas, who are strongly associated with tigers.)
- his father was born and raised in japan and his mother moved from overseas to japan out of desire to travel during a gap-year from college. the two met during her stay and had a very explosive and passionate start to their relationship. like a long honeymoon phase. his mother actually decided to stay longer than her intended visit after she found out she was pregnant with michi, and the two were soon married. the rose-tinted glasses were still in full effect at this point in their relationship.
- michi’s hair color is naturally dark brown, like his mom. he actually inherited a lot of his mom’s physical features, including her short stature. what he got from his dad were a couple a facial features, but most notably his yellow eye color.
- also transmasc michi is so real. he doesn’t realize it until a little later in his life. a little while after meeting mondo.
- while things started out fine after michi was born, things were bound to turn sour. the honeymoon phase ended. the added expenses of a new baby along with the already poor state the family was living in raised a lot of tension in the household, and his father quickly became abusive toward his mother. michi didn’t remember much, either because he was very young when it all happened or because his brain did a good job at repressing some of the memories, but what he does remember is particularly bad.
- The only good memories he has of his childhood are with his mother. like her reading him stories or teaching him some simple words in spanish. and her favorite songs, which she would play to him a lot. the reason why he doesn’t have many memories of her is because she left when he was five. neither him or his father know her whereabouts, but michi likes to believe she’s back overseas with her family. she left behind her old cassette collection, something that was largely untouched until michi got a little older.
- michi actually really liked school. he’s described as being a smart kid, so i like to think that he did well in his classes. while he still did well as grew older, his studies took a major backseat after he met the owadas.
- he met mondo first. they went to the same grade school together and mondo was a grade higher than michi. i think that their initial meeting went something along the lines of michi witnessing mondo deck a kid who was picking on a girl classmate of his. michi is immediately enamored by this boy who wasn’t afraid to fight against bullies like that. he is less enamored by the fact that mondo immediately scared the poor girl away as well after trying to talk to her. he was an interesting character, and michi really wanted to be his friend. they proceed to do that little kid thing where they hang out for like 15 minutes, like each other’s vibe, and then say something like “we’re best friends now.” and the rest is history.
- to harken back to trans michi. mondo is taken aback by this supposed girl who wasn’t scared of him and wanted to actually be friends with him. his small naive kid-brain at first thought this could be his shot at a relationship, but 15 minutes into knowing michi and mondo abandoned the idea because michi was perfect best friend material. and because he kinda got scared at how much this kid wanted mondo to teach him how to sucker punch someone.
- mondo and michi’s friendship took off like it was nobody’s business. They were hanging out anytime they could see each other on campus and quickly got to learning about each other. mondo talked a lot about daiya and how cool he was. he mentioned how his older recently got into motorcycles and even got one from one of his friends, and how michi should come over to his house one day to check it out. michi shared a lot of his favorite music with mondo, which mainly consisted of that old cassette collection mentioned previously.
- michi doesn’t actually meet daiya until a year or two into him and mondo knowing each other. he randomly picks mondo up from school on his motorcycle. the gang had already started then, so he had his hair and makeup done and was wearing his gang jacket. michi would probably still say that it was the coolest thing he’s ever seen. mondo asks if michi wants to go with them, and it’s the first time michi doesn’t immediately go home after school. he’s in his last year of grade school at this point.
- another year goes by and michi grows closer with the brothers, basically becoming the honorary third owada brother. he gets to learn a lot about the gang, motorcycles, fighting, etc. he even starts learning how to ride his own motorcycle after daiya mentions that he may or may not be fixing one up for him. he still hasn’t joined the gang at this point because daiya won’t let him. he’s too young and has to be at least the age that mondo was when he joined. which meant michi had to wait until his next birthday.
- while all of this is happening, tensions are brewing back at his home again. michi was a able to avoid his father’s abusive tendencies for the most part because he’s at work when michi is home from school/hanging out with the owadas. but he later had a change in work schedule and soon found out about what michi had been out doing using context clues. the diamonds have also gotten some traction, so the larger population of their hometown are starting to know about the new gang, including michi’s dad. michi elects to ignore this and just doesn’t acknowledge his father when he sees him, but things all come to a head one day and the two of them fight. not physically, verbally. it’s very ugly and it ends more or less with his father telling michi that he can go join the gang if he wants, but he’ll never be allowed to live in his house again if he does. michi storms out and goes to his room, and it’s the last interaction the two of them have. michi is gone with his belongings the next morning.
- he is welcomed into the owada’s home with open arms, joking about how he practically lived there already. though he does sleep on the couch because the small apartment the brothers rent out only has two bedrooms. he doesn’t mind this.
- michi officially joins the gang on the day of his birthday because he is so excited to do so and can’t wait another day. he is also given the motorcycle daiya mentioned as a present.
- he gets the makeover! complete with bleaching his hair, doing the makeup, getting a couple piercings! and getting his new gang jacket courtesy of mondo.
- michi was picked on by some of the gang at first, mostly because of his height and softer features. not much happened outside of that because it was established upfront that michi was close to the brothers, but most importantly, close to daiya. he also shut the naysayers right up after his first gang fight with them. he displays some unnaturally good skills at fighting other guys twice his size.
- michi grows to be a great fighter, even surpassing the owada’s in that regard. he’s the leader of the elite guard and Mondo’s bodyguard for a reason. mondo taught him the basics when they were younger, daiya taught him some of the more higher-level stuff as he grew older, and michi perfected his technique with the sheer amount of practice he did. it was a lot. all so that people wouldn’t pick on him or abuse him anymore.
now for some random, not that important headcanons as a break from all the story:
- michi is allergic to dogs. that made living with chuck very awkward when the little guy was still around. he’s perfectly fine around cats though
- his fan club is very quick to form. it started out on school grounds with some girls who found him cute following him around. news gets out that he joined the crazy diamonds and he gets more attention the higher he climbs up in the ranks. daiya jokes that michi is the most popular crazy diamond member, second only to himself. he teases mondo with the notion as well. michi avoids all interactions with his fan club and is greatly embarrassed by it. to the point that he gives them dirty looks if he sees members following him.
- i cannot for the life of me decide if i want michi to be homoromantic asexual or aroace. so i just combined the two. he’s asexual and arospec and if he were to pursue a romantic relationship, it would be with a guy. he’s thought about this more than he’d like to admit.
- mondo being genuinely curious as to why michi hates his fan club so much leads to michi clumsily coming out to both of the brothers and admitting that he doesn’t really like girls like that (also that he just finds the fan club annoying). they ask how he feels about guys, and he genuinely can’t give them an answer because he doesn’t know how he feels about guys. daiya tells him not to lose so much sleep trying to figure it out. he’ll know when he knows.
- michi sometimes likes to collect more cassette tapes for his collection. he can’t waste too much money on them but he’ll sometimes buy a couple if he thinks it’s music his mom would’ve liked.
- michi never forgot those small bits of spanish his mom taught him. his pronunciation is shoddy and he’s not by any means fluent, but he knows what they mean.
- when daiya and mondo are talking about the switch in leadership, michi is the first to come to mind for mondo’s right-hand man. it’s a no-brainer there.
- he’s been to juvie the same amount of times mondo has. the two are just always together when they’re caught.
- he continues to be more intelligent than what he lets on. this mostly shows through his more level-headed personality because he doesn’t fall for the things that are clearly meant to get a rise out of him. mondo does though, so it’s good that he can be the reasonable one to drag him out of a situation like that.
back to the story:
- on the night of the race, michi can’t stop himself from following after the brothers some time after their race started. he’s always had a strong need to protect people, and he’s scared of what mondo could do while that angry and recklessly driving his motorcycle. he doesn’t see the accident happen, but he’s the first to show up to the scene after it occurs. he’s the first person mondo tells his lie to.
- the weeks after daiya’s death are rough. michi isn’t as bad as mondo was, but he’s still grieving. he doesn’t expect mondo to be back on schedule as quick as he is and even encourages him to take a longer break. he’s ignored.
- michi is uncomfortable having to be back to the gang so soon, but he has to because he now basically has the highest non-leader power. at this point, he is immensely respected by the rest of the gang, and new members who try to make fun of him are shut up by the older members.
- mondo at first doesn’t plan on going to hope’s peak when he is given the invite and even starts writing the letter telling them such. michi convinces him to go, telling him it would be stupid to give up an opportunity like that. that serves as excellent angst material after michi learns about the killing game and mondo’s death.
- michi is left in charge of the gang when mondo is gone and can be considered the third leader of the crazy diamonds, even if it’s not official.
- kinda random, but michi is jealous of mondo and taka’s friendship at first. like, who’s this other guy claiming to be mondo’s best bro??? this hall monitor, straight-laced, son of a cop no less. that period of time doesn’t last very long because michi is quick to figure out mondo’s more than friendly feelings toward taka. before either of them do. jealousy becomes pity with a side of secondhand embarrassment from watching mondo deny his feelings for taka then witnessing his terrible attempts at “flirting” when he does realize said feelings.
- then he’s kidnapped, demon game, library, gontakerus, yada yada yada. we know this.
- there’s something so cool about thinking of michi as “the last crazy diamond.” idk maybe the title is just cool. but he still holds hope that some of the other members are alive and out there somewhere. he makes it his mission to find them and restore the gang. he kind of blames himself for not being there to protect them when the tragedy does happen. he doesn’t think about how he really had no choice in the matter.
- also michi, takaaki, and hiroko found family dynamic is so real. let that boy have a loving mother and father figure in his life. he needs it.
- he never really gives up his goal to find some crazy diamond members, though it becomes less about restoring the gang and more about wanting to see his old friends again. but that mission is put in the backseat after he’s found by the future foundation.
um that’s mostly it, but here’s a non-despair universe thing:
- the tragedy never happens, and mondo hands the gang down to michi after he graduates from hope’s peak. michi is an awesome leader and hands the gang down to his successor because he wants to try his hand out at getting a higher education. what he wants to be, he has no idea (because i have no idea).
- also michi is mondo’s best man at the ishimondo wedding. because why wouldn’t he be?
i love michi, i wish he was real.
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hauntedkidpersona · 2 years
Doom's Soulmate// Chapter - 1
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Pairing: PolyBts x Reader
Summary: I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone-
Warnings: Toxic behaviour, Insecurities, Gender inequality, angst, depression, sexual assault, Kidnapping, obsessive tendency, jealousy, possesive behaviour, minor character death, Nudity, Anxiety, Panic attack, Manipulation, Emotional and Physical abuse, gaslighting, blood play. Eventual smut, Supernatural, soulmate au, Vampire au, Fanfiction. Eventual smut.
Genre- Fanfiction, polyramous relationship.
Word count: 10k+
Soulmate. The missing piece of your soul. A gift but are all gifts worth taking?
Masterlist- Chapter-1
A/N- Tumblr is shit. I have been trying to edit my chapter and it always crashes down like wth. So pls, ignore the You's and the she/her. Tolerate this Y/N for one chapter, the next wouldn't have such problems but yeah. Until Tumblr let's me peacefully edit, which for now is impossible :(
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—"𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙚𝙚, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙤 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮. 𝙉𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙙."
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Soul's true mate
One that transcends life and death. It was a strange term that got carried away as a lesson from one generation to another. It was hailed as God's greatest miracle, a gift to mankind and creatures alike.
Unlike, Vampires or werewolves. Humans had it hard when it came to finding their soulmate, for they didn't possess that intensity or yearning the others had. They are fickle beings chasing after passion, jumping from one person to another without waiting for their true one. Though selfish, the Gods took pity on some forlorn beings that yearned for that eternal love. One that transcends birth and death, a bond that doesn't die with the end of life.
"In olden times, the orthodox people were generally against this union. The people wished to have their pedigree pure and untainted from anyone. That time was tragic, but that tragically gave birth to the greatest lovers of all time." Your history teacher spoke lowly, her voice wrapped like a soft lullaby. One that had you shiver in anticipation, heart thumping at the very thought of meeting your soulmate. Your world had many lovers but no one was close to the two couples whose story was a tale passed on from family to family. Both were born in different timelines, both suffering different obstacles but in the end, both being worshipped like no other. There was something truly magical in the love that one can possess for one's soulmate. One that compels you to fight against the world for them- the society, your family, your friends. Everyone. Five thousand years ago, the world was heavily gender-biased. Women were to stay within the walls of the home and married off at a young age. It was the time when any step towards love would cause a direct blow to one's character—
The class bell rang, as the teacher finished her topic. One that had you frown, wishing the time to go back so that you can hear more tales of soulmates.
And to say, the world's first couple came out of it is truly remarkable. It was one of your guilty pleasures and you would be damned to let the only thread that makes you feel connected to your future lover be whisked away like that.
"Mam, you can have the next lecture too." Your words earn a few disapproved groans from the class who were seconds away from lunging at you audacity. Not that you care.
Anya chuckles, fixing her specs to look down at you with a small smile. "I wish but I have a lecture in another class darling."
You pout, eyebrows squeezing in a frown. Nonetheless nodding as you watch Anya go along her merry way while the students go back to their gossip session. But you were far from gracing reality, having found solace in your imaginary world. And so you dream with eyes open, the only giveaway to it being your smile.
Oh, what would you do to hear 'My Y/N'
My beloved.
Love of my life, the light of my heart, wife to my children and-
"Earth to Y/N." Your deskmate aka Elora called you out. Effectively breaking your train of thought.
You grumble 'way to break someone's fantasy' while glaring back at her. Why is the world so hell-bent on breaking your fantasy of perfect heaven?
"What is it?"
At your reply, the girl smiles, "Can you let me borrow your assignment?; I will return it by tomorrow itself, I swear"
You nod, letting the girl take it away without batting an eye. "Return it by tomorrow itself,"
The girl nods, hurrying out of the class after her work is done. Straightforward much.
You sigh.
Your life has been boring, plain boring. No friends, No social life. So non-existent that sometimes your afraid that getting used to being lonely is scary.
But At least, you enjoy being lonely. So it won't be a problem, right?
You had been the topper of the class all your life, maintaining that rank throughout high school and now in university too, your the same nerd. But without the glasses. A girl who didn't like mingling with people too much. You hate small talk and more so hate unnecessary attention. But as an ambivert, sometimes your extrovert nature would come off as a shock to others but that was like once in a lifetime event. Or as your non-existent friends called it- a miracle in itself.
But it had been years since you last saw that side of yours, maybe it's dead now? Who knows?
In their world, all types of creatures lived. Werewolves, vampires and even hybrids were no exception to the rule of soulmates. The law that governs the world and keeps it in sync, is one that was the very base of pure unadulterated love. Knowing that there is someone out there, made just for you.
One that will be your lover for all eternity, being by your side for all lives.
One that will not turn out like them.
Your parents.
They were soulmates too, but they were just not the right pair. Your father hated your mother, calling her damnation. Something that was forced upon him, as he quoted 'love shouldn't be forced, even if it's from God himself.' He just never loved her mother.
You still recall the very night your family shattered. The day your mother cried when your father slapped her while you could do nothing but witness it like a nightmare.
As a result, you got trust issues and believing others became a task in itself.
That same night your mother had broken down and confessed to your then 14-year-old self. How she wished her soulmate was different but no, he was a cruel bastard who saw her as anything but a burden.
Shaking your head, you walk back to your dorm. No point in digging old wounds.
On Saturdays, they had half days which meant freedom and some much-needed rest. And the thought of your warm bed, had the women almost running.
As soon as you reached your room, you heard a distinct moan.
"Oh Daddy, spank me."
The words had your skin pale, eyes scrunching into disgust as your mind thought of the various things your stupid roommate is doing in there.
Fuck. Fuck, you had warned your roommate to not bring her hookups inside their room but no the women dared to do just that. She must have forgotten that today is your half-day which meant you would be back soon. No wonder you had been smelling so much room freshener, your roommate going as far as cleaning the room and changing bedsheets. Too good to be true but then, Y/N would be too tired to give a fuck.
But fuck. You should have given just that.
Banging on the door, you furiously awaited your pathetic excuse of a roommate to get out.
"Yuna, you better open up. I am gonna fucking file a complaint against you," you scream, not caring for the looks you got. Gone was your introverted self. You were raging inside, furious at how you were fooled to believe a lie from a pretty mouth.
Their dorms had like one fucking room with two beds on either side. And you cant help but pray that they didn't fuck on your precious sheets. If not, you would chop off his balls and shove them up his ass. To hell with the rules of murder, you would go to jail happily.
Your constant banging finally bore fruit as the door unlocked with a slam. Almost having you trip, as your fist lands on a very naked chest. Quickly backing away, you rub your hands on your dress. As if the touch burned you. 
"The audacity. You should be happy, you even got to touch me without me killing you." The very naked man chuckles, his voice anything but humourous but you didn't care.
Pushing past him, you enter your room. Eyeing your bed with a look, you sigh in relief, at least you won't go to jail today.
"I can explain," A timid Yuna speaks, making you look at her with a murderous glint.
"Save it, you very well know that the deal doesn't include bringing your hook-ups here. Tell me, since when were you sneaking these vampires inside our room?" Your voice coming out colder than she expected.
The seven males in their room were anything but normal. By the looks of it, you can guess they are vampires. Their pale skin is a dead giveaway and how could you forget this group who rules the whole campus? Charming poor girls, breaking hearts and then tossing them away was anything but pleasurable in your eyes. Instead, you despised the sight of them, and so you ignore their stares. Refusing to look, and more so refusing to even talk.
"Hey, just because you aren't getting some. Doesn't mean you reprimand others for enjoying sex, nerdy." A voice growls, followed by multiple sounds of approval to the same.
You, once again ignore the very naked seven men in their room. Your eyes refused to indulge the bloodsucking vampires. You had nothing against the vampire but these seven were your worst enemies. You hated their ways, everything about them was like poison on your skin. They were the typical bad boys every good girl would fall for, at least that's what you have heard in the stories. Sadly, real life had the same version of it too.
And from childhood, if you have learnt one thing then that is to stay away from any people who give all the red signals and the bangtan boys were the definition of that.
The rumours surrounding them were anything but good. They were spoilt, rich brats who had it easy in life while people like you had to struggle all the way to reach the prestigious university which students like you can't even afford without scholarships to back them up. And it stings when they never do age. Like, why are you even hogging the university seat if you aren't interested in jobs? For people like them, it would be a fun time-pass but for people like you. It's their ticket to sit for an interview.
Even though you don't care, it isn't like rumours will stop and once in a while, even you indulge cause well, it's stupid to see all girls hoping to change their hearts and ending up nowhere. 
As much as you know, their group was very tight-knit. Such that students doubt that they are in a relationship. Who cares anyways.
Namjoon. The leader was very much giving you a death glare. That much you were sure of, you could almost feel his gaze drilling a hole inside your head. That guy was intelligent, you have to admit but his character was not that great. He was mostly known as God of destruction and the guy seemed true to his title. Though you would rather call him a devil of destruction. He changed his hook-ups like he changed his clothes, breaking hearts like it was some sort of sporting event. Never wearing or seeing them again.
Seokjin. The one who revels in the title of being the most beautiful man in the whole bangtan. But he was more of a snake who only liked compliments. He was the man who could have any woman with his beauty and to say he was prideful would be an understatement. His ego was as big as the Statue of Liberty—
And yup he had that look that said, you did a mistake by halting their crazy polygamous sex.
From around the corner, you could see yoongi making himself comfortable on the couch. That guy was as cold as the night, while hoseok was frowning. Not that you would care, his fun was ruined but your whole plan to rest was fucking destroyed too.
Jungkook and taehyung were very much the same as their leader. Glaring at you. And Jimin, the man who threatened to kill you for touching him was very much a dick. As always.
"Yuna, how many days?" You say softly, once again, ignoring the boys.
Your roommate mumbled, something. "Five"
"What? Are you kidding me girl, Five days? Seriously." You scoff, hoping that it wasn't true. That your roommate wasn't lying to you for this long, even if it wasn't that long but still a lie was a lie.
And you hate liars more than anything.
"I am sorry, I won't do it again." Yuna frowns, looking up at you with a look that very much says 'your overreacting.'
You scoff. "Look, I don't give a flying fuck about your sex life but at least you should have the decency of standing up to your promise. It was you only who brought up this deal and you broke it. You and your hook-ups can leave now, find yourself another roommate who can tolerate you and your cheating ass. And I hope your soulmate to not have any hope in you waiting for them for they would be greatly disappointed to see you like this."
You can't believe Yuna, the woman who seemed so sweet would do something like this. Fucking someone who isn't your soulmate is very much a crime, if not a sin in your eyes.
Yuna, was a dhampir. Her parents were mate's. It was a rare case, cause Vampire-human bond was unheard of, but nonetheless there were few who fell right into it. It was sheer luck cause Vampires age of finding their soulmate is around 800 years and human's is merely 21 years. And Dhampirs like Yuna are ready for a soulmate when they turn 200 years old and as much as you know, Yuna is still very young for a soulmate, which let's you know that they are just not meant to be.
In a flash, your body leaves the ground. Slamming against the wall with brute force. It had you gasping, eyes growing wide at jungkook who was very much interested to end your life.
Once and for all.
His eyes were red, a rage burning inside them. "Who the fuck are you to govern her life? She is ours to claim. Her soulmate and yours can Go. To. Hell."
You could feel his strength by the way he squeezed your throat with the intent to kill. One snap and your a goner for all he cares. He was the predator, and you the prey. You could feel your heart beating fast, mind stuttering to grasp the change of scenarios. But you would be damned than let them have the pleasure of seeing you in pain. Your eyes stung, not at the threat but at his hands that were touching you. The way he manhandled you, had you remind of your father. It made you feel humiliated, and if you had learnt anything from your mother's mistakes then it was self-respect. 'Never let any man hurt you as your father hurt me' your mother's words rang inside your head like a mantra. And your body jolted, anger seeping into you like molten lava. You tried to speak, hands clawing at his grip brutally.
"Jungkook no," Taehyung and Jimin quickly came to push the man back. Effectively loosening his grip on your neck. Staggering down, You gasped. Your Hands fled across your throat as you coughed violently. Your heart trembled, almost pushing you into a full-blown panic attack. No no. Not now.
Not here.
Deep breaths. In and out.
Your fine. No, you are not. These people cheating on their soulmates is not okay. How could they be so cruel? They aren't giving a chance to the fate designed for them. Their soulmate, your heart goes out for them. It was as if you were watching your mother, coming down with all the hope and love in the world. Only to get crushed by her soulmate.
"Are you okay?" Hoseok came down to help you up but you scowled at him, taking the message, he immediately takes a step back.
"Don't, take care of your stupid kid." You spat, voice dripping in acid.
Jungkook growled, "You bitch, It's our choice whether we want to love our soulmate or not. Love isn't forced, even if it's from God himself."
His words stung, and in him, you saw the spitting image of your father.
At your distraught look, Jungkook smirked. "Cat got your tongue, I bet your soulmate would himself get rid of you-
A deafening sound fills the room into pin-drop silence. A few gasps were sounded, as Yuna rushed in to check him.
Your eyes glared at him, as you tried hard to blink back the tears. "Not everyone is a monster like you. Certainly not my soulmate or Yuna's. But who am I talking to, a vampire whose heart doesn't even beat? How can you define love? What do you even know about love? Your a selfish person, the same God your loathing for your fate is the same God you pray to when someone close to you is on the brink of death. I just feel sorry for your soulmate, and don't worry. If I ever got a soulmate like you, then I would rather choose death than have a monster as my fate."
Your voice cracked, as you bit your lips to stifle your cries.
Turning back, You rush out of that room. Not wishing to face any of these monsters and let them have the joy of seeing your tears.
In a matter of seconds, their good time got turned into a very heated argument between Jungkook and that girl who was albeit furious.
Hoseok watched you run out of the room, ignoring his calls. He doesn't know why his heart squeezed at your trembling figure. The way you spoke about your soulmate, defending him while reprimanding them was borderline annoying but somewhere he could see the way you look at them. The look that very well calls them sinners, someone who has done a grave crime. He almost felt bad for you. "Jungkook, you have to apologise to her. You can't raise your hand on women, is this what we have taught you?" If there was one thing bangtan dreaded more than Namjoon, then that was his anger. Hoseok hardly got angry but when he did, all hell would break loose. For some reason, he couldn't ignore that look of pure betrayal in your eyes. The way your hands trembled as you called out your lying friend and then Jungkook just had to go and threaten you.
Which had him pissed.
Pissed at Yuna for lying that her roommate had no issues with them coming over.
"Oh Hyung, let her go. Who cares, we can complete what we left behind." Jimin shrugs, walking over to Yuna who bites her lip in anticipation.
"Hyung, she doesn't have any right to question our choice. Just because she believes in soulmates, doesn't mean we all do too." Jungkook scoffs, refusing to apologise.
Hoseok was so done with his attitude, even though he knew they didn't believe in soulmates but that didn't mean they should kill anyone who don't. "Shut up jungkook, don't forget Yuna lied to her friend and even us. If anyone is to be blamed, then it's her."
Namjoon sighs, "Guys, let's go back. I don't want you all to fight here."
"But Master-" Yuna starts, hoping to get them all in the mood to start what they didn't finish but Taehyung raises his finger. Stopping her from speaking any further.
Jin's eyes narrow at the woman "Babygirl, aren't you being a brat now? Just go and take a cold shower."
"You all can go, I and Jimin will stay."
Hoseok clicks his tongue, eyes swirling in anger. "Are you defying your Hyung?"
Yoongi sighs, looking around nonchalantly. His advanced sense smelling the slight change in the environment outside. The smell of petrichor lays heavy in the air, followed by the clouds grumbling.
"I am going home, you guys should leave before the rain comes."
It was going to rain.
The clouds covered the entirety of the sun. The park being eerily silent. You just got back after filing a complaint against your roommate and Jungkook. Your teacher has assured you of the necessary actions, for which your glad. Though she was slightly taken aback when you wished to be present when they were punished. St. Xavier's was a prestigious university and in no way will they stop you from getting justice. Or in simple words, payback. You want everyone to apologise to you, especially that brat Jungkook. It wasn't your fault for being sensitive. You weren’t someone who would give up on waiting for your soulmate. He was your hope in the dark, the one who would say 'I am not like your father, I love you with all my heart.' your heart litterally worshipped him without even meeting him, such was the extent of this love. YOU were borderline obsessed with him.
A harsh wind blew against your skin, and the trees rustled; creating a perfect ballad of nature. You smile, looking around to find nobody. Stretching your arms, you let your back rest against the tree. The ground was cold, as the rain fell. Nearly blinding the view of your dorm right across the road. It felt good, the silence was peaceful. The world and the people were too much for you anyways..
"Rain, Rain. Oh clouds, Rain Rain." You chuckle. It almost felt liberating, to watch the sky rumbling as if agreeing to your little wish. The downpour only increased in intensity, earning the women to squeal in delight. As a child rain was your favourite season. You were born in the dark of night, though your mother was terrified for her newborn baby who might be scared of the lightning outside. But turns out, the then baby Y/N felt joy at the sight of rain. It was the sign, that your birthday is nearing. Quickly running out of the careful shade of the tree, the woman let her sandals slip out of her feet.
"I could almost hear my mother shouting, Y/N don't you dare go into the rain." You laughed, head falling back at the thought of your mother standing with a broom in her hand. It wasn't an odd sight for her to chase you around with a broom. It only made your childish self enjoy the chase, for you knew she could never catch you. Oh, how you wished to be a kid and not go through a world which seems nothing like the world you once believed in. Strange, how as a kid you dreamt of being an adult and enjoying life but now that your standing here. All you wish is to go back and enjoy that carefree life.
A twinge of sadness grips you, squeezing your form which looks up to the sky with an almost melancholic gaze. "I hope my birthday will bring my soulmate closer to me." You smile, feeling the bitter tears mix alongside the rain. Twenty years, were a long wait for you. Maybe in some corner of your mind, your waiting for someone who cares for you. It's a strange wish but then hoping wasn't a sin. If it was, then you weren’t all alone in it, right?
Morning arrived like an icy serenade, a coolness to bring out the warmth within. And then there was you who had been ignoring your roommate like a plague, coming home late and leaving early in the morning. It was like, you hardly stayed at the dorm because seeing Yuna made you feel bitter.
Sunday was your day to stay in bed but then you would have to face her.
No thanks, you had rather stay in the library than go back to the room.
In a matter of weeks, you would get to shift to the right wing of your dorm. By enquiring, you got to know that one student has suddenly left the dorm mid-term due to family issues and as the room has one more bed, you were given a choice to shift there. And you were fast enough to grab the opportunity. Even surprising the dean with that reaction. Anything to get away from that stupid roommate. Literally. You were too early, the library being dead silent. Not one student at sight, sighing softly. Y/N went to the literature section to grab a book on the way. You didn't even check what book you got, cause well anything is fine as long as you don’t have to sit idle.
"Hey, Y/N" A soft voice called out to you, turning around you see your senior.
"Good morning, Ankit." You wave, which came off too excited than you could have shown.
Ankit chuckles, waving right back. "Looks like someone is very happy to see me."
'Of course' you giggle to yourself. 
Ankit was a pure gentleman in your eyes. you met him in the library, where he helped you in balancing the mountain of books which you almost dropped if not for him. He was a sweet guy who was famous in class, just because he always spoke respectfully to everyone. He even talks sweetly, and you think that's his charm for women to have a crush on him.
"No, I just thought I won't get to see anyone and then I got to see you." You smile, looking around "I see, today your on the duty of a librarian."
You wriggle your eyebrows, earning a laugh from the man.
"Yes, and I see you are interested to know about vampires. May I ask why?" Ankit drawls, eyes snooping down to yourhand.
You look at the book, grimacing "I grabbed whatever I could, didn't know my luck was so bad."
"Why so sour?" Ankit asked, pulling back the chair for you to sit. Smiling at his gesture, the woman plops down.
"Some Vampires don't have a heart then why God even appoints them a soulmate?" you rant, not caring for anything. Your fingers tapped lightly against your neck, the skin was sensitive to touch but had you flinch ever so slightly.
Across you, Ankit listens to every word, eyes growing wide when his gaze falls on your neck. The purple handprint on it was anything but normal, "Oh dear, what happened to your neck?"
Y/N hums, oh what would you do if it was him in his place? your soulmate. You bet that Ankit's soulmate would be so lucky to have him.
"A vampire did that to me." You speak softly, voice lowering by a few octaves.
Ankit immediately went close to you, "You should go to a doctor, that needs to be healed as soon as possible."
You shake your head. "No, not until he is punished."
Ankit grimaces, ready to talk to you about this but you give him a stubborn look. Letting him know, you won't do it. You had been like this, since childhood. Stubborn. And if there's anything that you hate then it's men, anyone who makes you see bits and pieces of your father is a monster in your eyes. All your childhood, you had mostly ignored males just as you have pretended to love your father. They all were the same, in front they acted sweet but inside they were bitter. You recall, how once a boy in your school pushed you away just because you were in a hurry to submit your assignment to the teacher. You had threatened to let his name be known to the teacher but no, the boy had an attitude problem. You remembers how your eyes stung, a rage bubbling inside your heart. Your classmates were watching but no one came up to help you at all. That day you felt so alone, among the crowd of hundreds. There you knew, you had to become your own saviour instead of crying out for help. With great difficulty, you had explained the humiliation to the teacher.
It was as if you were violated. As a girl whose body was going through changes, you were angry that a boy couldn't even respect your personal space. He touched your boobs while pushing you, which didn't sit well with you. At all.
And at last, you were satisfied when the boy was left to kneel on the ground.
Tears were the representation of the hurt caused by others. Unlike others, you didn't see it as a weakness. No, but you refused anyone to see you cry, that vulnerable state being just for you and no one. You cried every time someone hurt you, every time someone made you feel bad. Every night, you cried to sleep. Not knowing, whether to hate your father or not. He loved you dearly, cause you were his blood but when it came to your mother. All you saw was a monster, one that didn't give a fuck.
And that was it. There you promised yerself that you will earn so much money that your mother lives her life in luxury. Which will start from divorce first.
And that's how you started working hard to come all the way here. Away from your small Village. Away from the people you grew up with. In search of that one joy that could make your mother proud of you.
Her daughter's success.
"What is new in fiction?" You cough, hoping to distract him.
"Oh, we have the new book of the Bodyguard series, you can check it."
You nod, excited to read the steamy romance of the Princess and her bodyguard. Only you knows how long had you been waiting for the book since its release last month. The forbidden love that had you crave more. You were a huge fan of steamy romance and your favourite genre was Romance. Especially the one where the royals are included.
"Oh great, let me check them." You stand up, going back to keep the Vampire book in the literature section.
But you were stunned to see the familiar face of a guy you very much despise. Ignoring his presence, you keep the book back in its rightful place.
"I am sorry on behalf of jungkook," Namjoon speaks plainly.
You scoff, "Well that sorry would be effective if it comes from him. Not you"
Namjoon clicks his tongue, eyes narrowing at you. "Because of your complaint, he is grounded. I don't think he can come,"
"Oh, what punishment did he get?"
Namjoon looks taken aback at your excited tone, but still ignores it, "His parents came to know about what he did to you, and let's just say he got punished for it."
You hum, not commenting on it. It wasn't your place to do but atleast your heart is placated with the thought of punishing the guy who dared to say bad things about your soulmate.
"When will his parents come?"
Namjoon scowls, knowing well that it was you who filed a complaint against Jungkook. But the women not once seemed guilty, it was as if you were happy at the news. Something that irked Namjoon greatly.
"If you could have waited until today, then Jungkook would have apologised but what you did was extreme."
You chuckle dryly, "His apology? Will it heal my skin or will it remove the memory where he tried to kill me? Words are nothing but empty. I would rather accept actions which I took by the way,"
To say Namjoon was stunned would be an understatement. You really have no idea what trouble you have brought yourself into. Out of the seven vampires, if there was someone as stubborn as you. Then it was jungkook, and not to mention how he was seconds away from rushing out of his room to kill you. If not for his father throwing him off, he would have been here already.
Why were you so hell-bent on getting yourself in trouble?
He couldn't comprehend your attitude, this matter could have been taken care of. Heck, they would even let you have their blood to heal your wound fast but judging by your unbiased hatred for them.
Namjoon doubts, you would accept their help.
He hated how he couldn't read your expression, something that his vampire self took pride in. He just knew what women wanted- sex, orgasm, name it and he was up to fulfilling the wildest fantasies of their minds. Some women even had a kink for blood-sucking and even though he wasn't, particularly in that. He would still indulge in them, but as a vampire, they had blood banks so sucking it directly from the source wasn't that appealing but he did it once in a while. Though he left his old ways a long time ago, he and his mate's didn't fuck another women after Yuna came into their lives.
Though the rumours about them never ceased, even now, he gets many women's request for one-night stands. Sometimes it's even annoying when they can't take no as an answer.
This guy was so annoying.
You didn't have any choice but to stay in the library, and this Namjoon was hell-bent on making you take back the complaint you have filed. One thing you refused to oblige. You liked how desperate Namjoon was, opposite of that cold and cruel guy you met back in your room. But then, he is a fuckboy. Someone you shouldn't mingle with, much less talk to.
Namjoon muttered, "Your attitude is getting to me? Can't you talk without ignoring my eyes, do I repel you that much?"
You roll your eyes at him, "I don't have to see you to talk to you or have you forgotten that we speak through our mouth? Not eyes."
Namjoon chuckles, dark eyes raking over you. "Princess, aren't you one spoilt brat."
Your face morphs in disgust, "None of your business, I ain't studying with your dad's money."
Namjoon glares at you, his eyes intimidating you but you quickly avert your attention back to the book in hand.
He sighs, "Jungkook's Father is the owner of this university and let's just say, your gonna be in trouble if you don't pull your complaint back." For fuck's sake, can't he leave you to your own devices? Even if he was some President's son, you wouldn't have spared him. What makes him think that you would be scared of him? If anything, you were enjoying how his father is punishing him. At least someone has brains, unlike that Jungkook who most probably thinks from his dick.
"Well, Namjoon. For your kind information, I don't give a fuck. Jungkook could be anyone but he won't get away with insulting my Soulmate. Let this be his lesson to not mess with me" You huff, annoyed as you make a beeline to go out of here.
Namjoon frowns, watching you leave. In all his vampire life, he hasn't met anyone with such intense love. He has lived, longer than any vampire but never once has he found a one-sided love like her. What guarantee is there that your soulmate will even reciprocate your love? But then, it doesn't look like you will stop. He hasn't met one like you. Not until that two couple whose story is worldwide famous. He met them with luck but goodness their bond was so bright that he had to hold himself from getting envious.
He was from the immortal race of vampires, the purebred that walked upon this earth thousands of years ago. He and Seokjin were seemingly called as the Vampire Kings, both in terms of race and in beauty. Though Jin is older than him, but nonetheless they are a pair. A force to reckon with.
Following weeks seemed hectic for you who had no time to even spare. Juggling between study and your work assignments, you absolutely forgot about jungkook and your little wish to be present when he is called in front of the principal. Until your teacher reminded you of Jungkook's reputation and that your complaint had already been a blow. Rumours are spreading fast, but you don't care.
You have to be present in Principal's office by evening.
But for now, you are gonna enjoy the cooking course you have joined for learning a thing or two.
All your life, you have been dependant on your mother. And in university, they don't have to make food which can become a problem in future. So here you are, watching over as the teacher explains them about the ingredients for curry rice.
Your favourite.
"Let it be for twenty minutes, and your curry would be ready to be served."
She nods, standing right across her while looking over the steam coming off the pan.
After her class is over, the woman hurries back to the Principal's office. Not wishing to be late. As soon as she turns the doorknob, a wave of cold air hits her face; entering slowly she looks around to find Jungkook and the Principal alongside Jin.
The three were watching her like a hawk, almost making her trip over the attention.
Pulling through, she tugs her head down in respect. "Good evening, Sir."
The man smiles warmly. And it almost felt like jungkook was smiling, the resemblance being the same but the character. Not so much.
One thing that she loves about Vampire kind is their youthful skin. But then they were immortals, they cannot die and for that She pities them. A basic right was stripped from their life. Their creation in itself a damnation.
Legends say that the Vampire race were the creation of Lucifer. He had made them for the sole purpose of creating havoc on the realms but then, the Lord of the heavens intervened. Which led the Vampires to get reduced to ashes. But there were few lucky ones who escaped and carried their legacy on earth.
"Jungkook, apologise to her," And that smiling man disappeared, face morphing into that of anger and plain disappointment.
Jungkook glares at that woman who dared to file a complaint against him. He couldn't believe this fragile being is gonna make him apologise. He couldn't tolerate this insult, never. "I am not apologizing."
As soon as he spoke it, you glare at him with a sharp look. Lips curling into a mocking smile "Oh Man up, My guy. Seeing you, I pity your brain. Has it become rusty after not being used as much as your nether regions."
And that was it. Before he could snap at you, Jin pushed him down. His hand almost crushed his shoulder with a force, one that had him whimper. His face turned bright red, the thought of the women hearing it was shameful. As soon as his eyes raked over your form, Jungkook saw just that.
That girl was smiling, as if satisfied by Jin who put him in his place.
This nerdy was getting on his nerves now.
"I am sorry," He mumbles, hoping to be done with this shit.
His father is looking at him, but he won't repeat his words. If she can't accept it, then she can go to hell.
Jin shakes his head, "Little louder, Jungkook."
Jin sighs, the maknae was stubborn. Before he can reprimand him, Y/N starts laughing. One that had him whip his head so fast that he was sure his neck groaned in protest, "Leave it, a egoistic person would rather be stubborn than accept his mistake. Your the live example of how maturity isn't defined by age, one can find a kid even in a Vampire. Very well, I shall take my leave sir. I have important matters to see other than a spoilt kid's temper tantrums."
And with that, Y/N storms out.
Jungheo nods, albeit begrudgingly as she leaves. "Jungkook, you don't have a soulmate. Doesn't mean others don't, I think you all should leave Yuna before her soulmate arrives." Jungheo slams his hand on the table, furious at his son.
Jin's jaws tighten at that, "Twenty years ago, It was Yuna who made us feel love. You very well know, Vampires especially us purebred have no mate. We have already accepted our fate, but I believe it's Yuna who is our mate. Her presence calms us, I believe her being a dhampir isn't what's swaying your decision. Even jungkook felt that soul love, it was what saved your son from going into depression and killing himself in the process."
Jungheo scoffs, "Oh pls, if she was your true mate then I wouldn't have had to hear about your hook-ups. Just admit it, your unable to find your soulmate and that dhampir is just a distraction. But the real question is, until when?"
At this, Jungkook growls in anger. "We are sure, Yuna is our mate. Her blood is the sweetest and for your kind information, we are already planning our marriage."
Jin clicks his tongue. Their race was cursed from the start, even though they were blessed with mates but finding their mate was like finding a lost needle in the Marianna trench. Impossible. They had lived their life awaiting for their mate, but that time had never come. He has watched his lovers aching for their missing piece, hoping until nothing was left.
In his whole Vampire life, he has never tasted anything as sweet as her blood. It was almost addicting, a drug. His mind would become hazy by just one drop of her blood. So much that the blood from the blood bank wasn't even close to hers. Yuna, his beautiful mate. The one who was made just for them.
Jungheo scoffs, "That doesn't mean you go around scaring students. Today Y/N came, tomorrow someone else. I want you all to refrain from meeting Yuna for a week and If I saw you anywhere near her dorm then I won't hesitate to destroy that dhampir."
At his words, their blood ran cold. If Jin had a heart, he was sure it would have stopped beating completely.
Jungkook growls, "Don't you dare!"
"Oh I would. This is your punishment for not apologizing properly."
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"No Dad, I am not marrying him. Why can't you understand?" She spoke desperately, hoping that her father changes his decision.
But no.
The man was as stubborn as he can be.
She had just showered, hoping to jump in between her warm covers. Hoping to sleep before her roommate arrives but no. Her Dad had to ruin it all.
"Daughter, your gonna be Twenty-one years old. Its time for you to get married." Her Dad's stern voice rumbles through the phone.
Clasping her hand on her mouth, the girl desperately hopes to not cry out and scream at him. He was selfish, he didn't want her to meet her soulmate. He wants her to have freedom in choosing her love, but what's the point when she can't have her soulmate in her fate. "I won't marry him."
He knows well that all her life she has never mingled with boys, always staying true to her soulmate.
What was her biggest salvation, seemed a jail for her father who wants her to be free and have a choice.
"Your my daughter. Do as I say, is this what you give me for funding your education and bringing you into the world child." Her father shouts through, his words stemming guilt and pain.
Guilt for not being enough and pain from not getting what she has literally came into the world for. Her soulmate.
As a child, she has heard the tales around soulmates. How they carry the bond from birth after birth, it was what her child heart treasured. From then on, her imagination revolved around her soulmate. For him, she learnt all the skills that were necessary for a women.
Her village was backward in terms of education, the people were stubborn to let go of their traditional values and embrace the future. Which led to them having to leave the village in pursue of studies, though her friends were not so lucky for their parents never supported them. While she was fortunate to have her mother as a strong support system. And now that her marriage talk is coming up, she desperately clings to the shattered hope.
Praying to the Gods above,
'Pls bring my soulmate.'
"Y/N it's your turn." She snaps out of her thoughts when her classmate nudges her.
They had a music lesson today, more like a test where they had to sing a piece. Her eyes were gloomy, she didn't even feel like getting up today but then this test would end up getting a minus point in her grade. And her father didn't need another reason for her to come back.
At his thoughts, her tears stung as she rapidly blinked her eyes. Not wishing to break down in front of so many people.
"Come, Y/N" Her sir's call pulls her out of her gloomy thoughts. Nodding profusely, she goes on the stage.
Yoongi watches Y/N, her eyes taking in the surrounding with a neutral look. But in it, he could sense a hint of grief. Her face looks dull, even as she pulls over a soft smile. She looked mysterious, her beauty haunting him like a nightmare.
If he looks past her loose clothes, he could see she had a great figure. Her face resembled a full moon while her eyes reminds one of a deer. Big and beautiful, her skin was soft. The cold weather seemed to contrast her beauty. Almost as if he was in presence of a snowflake.
He awaits with bated breath, the entire room falling silent for her to start.
Y/N looks up, as she took a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she retracts inside her safe haven, away from the outer world. Away from the hurt.
Confining into the darkness, she carefully touches the familiar edges of love. Softly, she starts to string the verse. Carefully threading it through the broken pieces of her heart, voicing it out into a rhythmic trance.
I am mad with love
And no one understands my plight.
Only the wounded
Understand the agonies of the wounded,
When the fire rages in the heart. Only the jeweller knows the value of the jewel, Not the one who lets it go. In pain I wander from door to door,
But could not find a doctor: Harken, my Master,
My pain will subside When love himself comes as the doctor.
Pin drop silence.
It was as if someone sucked away his breath, was she some angel. Her voice was so sweet, almost as if she might disappear right now. It stirred something deep inside his cold heart, which wasn't even present at the first place. Yoongi was breathless, and so were the students who slowly started clapping. Some boys even going as far as whistling.
"Wow, Y/N. You can truly represent our university in the upcoming music contest," Their Music sir pats her back, even as he goes on to shower praises on her vocal skills.
"Thank you sir," Y/N smiles, looking around as in that moment. Her eyes fell on him.
And Yoongi froze at her attention. Her eyes left him as fast as it could, as if his sight burned her. Which stings him, he has never found anyone who has shown an attitude to him. He, Yoongi who is called as the most cold guy in the whole university just got a cold shoulder from her. But he wasn't angry, no quite the opposite. He was intrigued, curious to see how she might unveil.
He watches her like a hawk, getting down from the stage as the women hurries out.
But with his advance vampire speed, he reaches right in front of her.
Which results in her colliding straight to his chest, causing her to flinch as she stumbles back. Quickly catching her arm, he steadies her. Looking up at him, Y/N gives him a look.
From close, she is such an angel. He can trace every part of her. She didn't wear makeup unlike others of their class, and her hair was pushed back into a simple braid. But he could still catch a few curls escaping through, something that only added to her innocence.
There was certain rawness to her emotions. He could see she was waiting for him to speak, her face giving away no emotion of some sort. Just waiting, patiently for something to happen. "Can you tell me which piece you used now?"
"It was self-made," She replies, not indulging him into any type of conversation. Just straight to the point.
Yoongi nods, surprise taking over his features. He can't believe she made such a beautiful piece, it even contrasted to their theme for love. Though her lines were more of a pained love then showcasing joy but he guesses, it was how she viewed it. An artist represent their pieces through songs, writing, poetry and even painting.
Even his lover, taehyung was an art enthusiast. He loved painting, loved to draw them and bring out his emotions through his paintbrush.
"If you don't mind, can I know who was your inspiration behind making this song?" Yoongi wants to know, no. He hopes she let's him know. Was it a lover? Was it her boyfriend but she is mostly talking about her soulmate.
She doesn't seem like she might have a boyfriend. Atleast that's what he has heard from Namjoon who was annoyed the amount of times she brought her soulmate in the conversation.
Heck, even Jin said the same thing. She wasn't particularly angry at jungkook hurting her. Her anger was directed at his talk of spewing insults at her soulmate.
"My soulmate," Y/N replies looking him into the eye, and he swore he saw a deep longing in them. Pushing past him, she takes her leave.
And Yoongi is left to stand and watch her fade into the hall. She was so blunt, as if she has been speaking about it since long. Humans hardly waited for their soulmate, heck by now they would even lose their virginity and have boyfriends until they reached the ripe age of twenty one.
But she is different. So different from the humans he knew.
And Yoongi couldn't help but become jealous. Envious of her soulmate who will get her as his, he wouldn't even know what hit him.
Perhaps, his fate has reached a point where other's fate seems more appealing than his own.
Particularly some girl named Y/N's fate.
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Its almost Midnight as Y/N finishes her study. Stretching her hand, she almost groans. Her limbs protesting against it. Her back hurt while her eyes were burning from lack of sleep.
College was boring. And on top of that, her letter of transferring to the other dorm hasn't been confirmed yet.
Touching her forehead, she could feel it slightly warm.
Maybe she even has a fever. Ugh, so annoying.
"Hey, you bitch. Why didn't you donate blood for me?" A furious Yuna storms in.
The headache, the homework and the audacity of this bitch. Too much.
Looking back, she narrows her eyes at Yuna. "My blood, my choice. And stop calling me with your name now."
It wasn't like her dad was gonna send her money, and she had one more year to go. But luckily she was also clever for donating her blood, where she made enough money to get through graduation and sit for placements. Their college was run by a Vampire which meant, there were vampire students too. And to dissuade vampires from sucking blood from the humans, the Principal had specially made a Blood bank where humans could donate. Not only that, If someone liked their blood which they did. They can even charge more money, and she knows that a Vampire addicted to her blood is like a plus point.
You can have them dance to your whim, and they will. Just so they could have a taste of your blood.
Y/N is majoring in Computer science, her core subjects were a bitch but then it also gave her a promising future. Maybe after this, she can do her MBA and earn more for her mother.
Yuna scoffs, "Why? I am even paying you tenfolds. Do you want more?"
She shakes her head, "Nope, I just left it. You know, we have a choice to pull back if we want to and I did just that. Not a big deal, go find someone else"
Ignoring her rants, Y/N stands up. But it wasn't long when her roommate slams her body on the wall. Pinning her down with a brute force, as pain shoots through her arm. Her head spinning with the impact. It was agonizing. Her ears were ringing, as she attempts to push the girl away but nothing seems to work.
"Now, where were we? Yes, your blood." Yuna smirks, sniffing her throat as her eyes grew wide.
"Don't you dare, I will make sure you pay for this." Y/N grits her teeth, her hands burning with the force this bitch has on her.
Her skin felt numb, and then there was it. A pain of a thousand needles pricking her.
Ignoring her warning look, Yuna bites down at her neck harshly. Almost breaking her skin down to her bones.
Y/N's screams reverberated into the still night, as she cried out for help. Her breathing was erratic as her heart plummeted against her chest. Pain shoots through her arm, spreading through her body like a forest caught on a wildfire. Black dots arose in her vision, which she blinked back. Fighting through it.
Yuna drank her blood, taking huge gulps. Nowhere near stopping but before she could drain the life out of her, a force pulled her back.
Almost throwing her against the wall. A cracking sound of bones breaking through the room.
Taehyung glared at Yuna, "Do you have a death wish,"
Looking back at Y/N's barely holding conscious form, Taehyung rushes to help her. But one whiff of the air and his eyes grew wide, the delicious smell of her blood was addicting. So potent that he felt his steps stagger, it was the most mouth-watering smell he has ever inhaled. So much that he had to cover his nose. His mind stutters, unable to comprehend the situation. How is this possible? Taking this as a chance, Yuna escapes as He shook his head, he could catch her some other day, now is not the time to think. He had more important matters at hand. And that being her. Y/N
After dinner, Taehyung thought of taking a small walk around the campus. He came to know about what actually took place in between Jungkook and his father. Jin told them about not meeting Yuna, even though he was pissed about it. He can't help it. That nerdy had to go and complain, it wasn't like jungkook wasn't going to apologise.
And on top of that he was craving Yuna's blood, it was the sweetest. Like honey, the blood that he has on daily basis can't even come close to hers.
A cry for help had his vampire senses thrown into action, he could smell it. Blood. And it came from Yuna's dorm. It was the smell that had his vampire arouse from its slumber. The urge to hunt was strong but the moment he picked up the potent sweetness. His eyes widened as realisation dawned at him.
His mate is hurt. And that was all it took for him to speed up. Hopefully the window of Yuna's room was ajar.
Quickly transforming into bat form, he flew across the window only to see Yuna having that nerdy on a tight grip. The women's face was pale, as Yuna drank her blood. Nowhere stopping. And that's how he had to pull her back using vampire strength.
The bloodlust, once awaken was very hard to control. A Vampire couldn't handle it, much less a dhampir like Yuna.
His heart ached. Ached for the women whose smell permitted the four walls of the room.
He couldn't believe it, it was all along her. Y/N, she is his mate. Not that Yuna. They got fooled by a bitch like her.
Rage. Burning hot rage burst through his veins, it was as if he could destroy the whole campus for making his mate suffer. Quickly going back to her, he takes her in his arms. Her blood was seeping through her shirt. Nowhere to stop.
"My love," Going near her throat, he licks her wound. Coating the two punctured skin with his saliva. He groaned, the taste was so addictive. It almost took all of his energy to not claim her as his.
So much for patience.
He chuckles, eyes filling with tears. Caressing her cheeks, he plants a chaste kiss on her forehead. "Five thousand years, My Love. And your finally here, in my arms."
Taehyung can't believe his fate was here. His destiny, his angel. The one made just for him is finally in his arms. He can't believe that bitch fooled them into believing she was their mate. She even went an extra mile to get his precious mate's blood in her system.
It didn't take long for him to join the pieces. Why Yuna only met them on particular days, and why she went to have blood as her food instead of human food? It wasn't like she can't taste human food, but how come she knew that Y/N was their soulmate.
No doubt, he is puzzled. She made them fucking believe that she is their destiny.
Effectively fooling them in the process.
How much deprived they were to be fooled like that?
Though taehyung had his doubts, as to how drinking her blood didn't give him as much pleasure as sniffing his true mate's blood. Yuna was a dhampir who they met in a club. She was average but instantly got their attention.
It was at that moment when they felt the soul bonding, the intense feeling that had him and his lovers close to tears.
It was the second time, they felt that soul-bonding.
The first being exactly twenty years ago. If only he knew that it was just his soulmate announcing her arrival in their world.
Twenty years ago, at Midnight. When the whole world was doused in inky darkness, just like his heart. She came in, raging like a thunderstorm. Demanding what was hers and they failed to recognise it. A fool, Indeed. It was the very first time, he felt a spark. An intense love which only meant one thing. His soulmate was reaching out to them, letting them know that losing hope was never an option.
She was young, his soulmate. Young and beautiful, just like her heart. His.
Only theirs.
She looks no more than twenty in human years, which meant that once their physical bonding takes place. Which he hopes will happen sooner so that they can share their immortality with her, it's how vampires who tend to live longer than any race survive.
If not for their soulmate, half of the race would have been wiped out by now. A human-vampire bonding was rare but not impossible.
Gently scooping her up, in his arms. Taehyung quickly leaves towards his mansion.
Wanting his lovers to know who was their true mate.
Reaching his room, taehyung gently places his angel on the King-sized bed. Grimacing at the blood that stained her shirt. He hated how she had to go through so much pain, nearly losing her life in the process.
"Hyung, everyone. Come into my room, I found our true soulmate." Taehyung screams into their shared mind link, as he awaits for them.
In few seconds, he hears the door slamming open. Yoongi entering inside followed by the other five.
"What do you mean by true soulmate?" Yoongi frowns, but stops in his track when he sees Y/N laying on the bed.
Quickly rushing near, Yoongi panics. "What happened to her? Who did this? And wait a minute, why does her blood smell so..." He trails off, brows knitting in confusion.
Namjoon and Jin share a look, both equally surprised Nonetheless horrified.
Hoseok and Jimin came off as confused as them while the youngest maknae watched Y/N with a distinct look.
"I found Yuna sucking her dry. If I was one minute late, she would have-" Taehyung's voice cracks at the end, as he desperately holds himself from not breaking down.
The thought of loosing his mate without even meeting her was too much.
"How could this be possible?" Jin scowls, "-Yuna was our mate, not her. Are you sure the blood on her skin isn't Yuna's."
Jin couldn't believe it, the one who was his mate was Yuna. Heck even Jungkook couldn't digest it. Forget about Jimin and all. They all had the same sets of questions, none being ready to accept someone else in place of Yuna.
Taehyung pinches his nose, annoyed at his lovers to not get the message.
"Forgive me, My angel." Quickly nearing his mate's unconscious form. He nips at her fingertips, effectively drawing a drop of blood.
The reaction was instant. Jungkook lunged towards Y/N, followed by Jimin as Jin and Namjoon ran to pull them back. The addicting smell had their Vampire senses heightened, their eyes turning blood red with their fangs protuding.
Yoongi had to physically bite his lips, to the point of drawing blood. He was the nearest to her, and he would be damned if he hurt his precious mate.
Unlike others, he didn't need any proof to accept her as his soulmate. He hated Yuna's guts, she was an attention-seeking bitch who had little to no regard for his personal space. As a soulmate, which she wasn't. Yoongi didn't understand why she couldn't grasp his emotions or why she always pushed him into a situation he hated altogether.
Out of all of them, If there was one who maintained his distance from her than it was him.
But to say, that she had been fooling them all along had his hands itching to kill her. Do something, anything to harm her the way she harmed his mate
"How? I can't believe it." Jin mumbled as he reaches near his mate. She is their mate, Not Yuna. Her blood was ten times more addicting then Yuna.
There was no doubt but-
As Vampires, If there was blood that could make them lose their minds then it was the true mate's blood. Just as werewolves had their mates recognised through the most mouth-watering smell, their kind recognised mate through the blood smell. He couldn't believe their mate was in front of their eyes, why the smell was so potent on the other bed. And why Yuna acted as if she slept on her roommate's bed most of the time.
She knew, Y/N was their mate and yet the bitch played them.
"We can't smell her blood from afar, which means she isn't twenty-one yet?" Hoseok questions, unlike others. He was calm at the betrayal of Yuna.
He was just glad his mate was finally here, and he couldn't wait to shower her in love. To claim her and share his immortality with her. He frowns when he remembers how she hated them, the thought had him whimper slightly. He doesn't want their mate to hate them.
It wasn't his fault, yes they almost got fooled by Yuna but that doesn't mean he didn't deserve a chance to make it up to her.
Taehyung glares, "Yuna already knew she was our soulmate. She paid Y/N for her blood, which was why her blood was so sweet. Though not as potent as our soulmate's. That vile woman wretched us like no other, I hope she rots in hell." Slowly, he went out to explain the situation of what exactly happened.
Opposite him, Namjoon was nowhere calm. His mind was going through all questions, was the love that he felt through the soul bond, not Yuna's? Two Damn years, Fuck. And he called himself the most intelligent vampire. Yeah, A Vampire who can't even find his mate.
It was he who told everyone about Yuna and it was he who picked up the soul bond first.
But the situation was so bad, that the moment he felt the soul connection. It was Yuna whose eyes he saw first, and damn he feels like he failed his mate alongside his lovers.
What's the point of being a leader?
All along, he thought his soulmate was cheating but no. It was them. It was he who was cheating on her, unlike her whose love was enough to get them through.
No wonder, he felt envious of how Y/N always spoke about her soulmate.
As if her world revolved around that same word and now that he knows, she is his mate.
Namjoon can't help but feel his chest fluttering in love. His cold body feeling a warmth so foreign that he was afraid he would never be resurrected back. Neither he wished to be back.
Jimin watched with a batted eye as Jin and Namjoon hurried to get their mate into fresh clothes. He could see Jin totally acting like a mother, fussing around Y/N as he asked Taehyung to rush down and get some energy drink for her. Even Yoongi who was cold all along seemed to be smiling with a fond look.
This scene looked so domestic for someone like him who always wished for a family.
Though in it, he mostly saw Yuna but now that there was Y/N. He can't help but feel guilty. As if he has cheated on one soul he vowed to love.
But no, he was cruel to her. Heck, they all were.
They were this close to fucking that bitch, her roommate. At this, his eyes stung. She will leave them, who would want a mate who has cheated on them?
"Hyung, will she hate us?"
At his broken voice, Yoongi looks up. "That only time can say, Jimin."
He nods, her view getting blurred due to his tears. Quickly wiping it, he blinks. Not wishing to get her out of his sight.
The first thing he will do as soon as she wakes up is apologise. He can spend an eternity in trying to makeup for all the things he did wrong.
It was Jungkook who had the hardest time swallowing the bitter pill of truth. He can't. No, he couldn't take that it was her who was his mate all along. No, how could he? How could he hurt her? He almost killed her on the first day of their meeting. The only memory she has of him is that of fear. Fear of him killing her.
Turning around, Jungkook storms out.
Taehyung watches his lover get out, the other five sharing the same look as him. "I hope he is fine."
"He will be, don't worry. " Namjoon calms them, as their attention goes back to their mate.
"And here I was jealous of her mate." Yoongi chuckles, his thumb drawing circles on her head. "When I should be proud of my mate."
Jin nods, "So it was her. Twenty years ago, it was our mate who came into the world. Isn't she?"
"Yes, she did. That's why, we and Jungkook. All are living in peace, she brought our soul to us. Our soulmate." Hoseok sighs, eyes twinkling in love as they all watched her breathing in, she looked so much at peace that Namjoon wished to just hide her away from the world.
Only for their eyes to see and hold.
It was 3:00 am
Everyone was awake except Y/N. Taehyung was particularly glued to her side, so were the others. Even jungkook wasn't far, having returned after his nightly walk to blow off some steam.
Taehyung smiles fondly at her,
But it wasn't long to see her face scrunched up, morphing into that of distress "Is she having a nightmare?"
His question pulled everyone from their thoughts, as Jin rushed to check her. "Oh no, she is burning."
At Jin's words, all rushed to get something to put her fever down. It was Jungkook who brought a wet towel as he settles it on her forehead. Yoongi and Hoseok getting on either side, a wet towel in their hands to wipe her arms and hopefully bring down her temperature. In haste, Namjoon had brought a warm oil to massage her feet, rubbing it to keep her from feeling awful. He had read somewhere that it helps.
He hopes it does.
Jin brought medicine for Y/N. He even went an extra mile to dissolve the pill in a mango juice so that his precious mate doesn't have to tolerate the bitter taste.
Taehyung had his arms securely wrapped around his mate, squeezing her cheeks in a pout. He beckons jin to feed her medicine.
Jin, taking the hint. Pushes the spoon inside her mouth, as Y/N starts squirming.
Refusing to open her mouth.
"Baby, it's okay. Good girl," Taehyung pulls her up, not wishing the liquid to go into her wind pipe.
At his words, Y/N whimpers as if she is in pain. Their heart squeezed seeing her whimpering, oh how they wished the medicine quickly starts doing its work.
Her temperature was down but not fully. Jin has went an all out for closing all the windows, keeping the fans off and making the room as warm as possible. He brought all the blankets from his room, especially his favourite ones. Even though he can't sleep, but atleast the material is soft to touch. It gives him peace, and he hopes it does the same to her.
All along, taehyung had her securely tucked under his arms. Laying down beside her. One moment they were watching, and the next, Y/N's arms were wrapped around his waist, head resting on his shoulder. While she breathed right across his neck.
Taehyung, tilts his head. Happy that his soulmate is seeking him out. Gently placing a kiss on her forehead, he squeezes her hand. Hoping to never let go.
While the others could only watch in jealousy, to say they were envious would be an understatement.
Jimin huffs, "This isn't fair, you can't hog her to yourself."
Taehyung smirks, enjoying their faces of pure envy. The hyungs may not show their jealousy openly, but the maknaes could. "Well, it's her choice. Which is me for now."
Jimin groans in annoyance. Oh how he wishes to wipe that smirk off of his face.
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Y/N squints her eyes, as she felt the sun hogging her face. Ugh, so annoying.
She turns over, hoping to snuggle against her teddy bear. But is shocked when she feels something much big than her pluffy bear. Followed by a very masculine chuckle, one that had her jolt up. Scrambling away in fright.
"Oh." Her mind doesn't even register as the world moves slowly. But this is what happens when you suddenly slip and fall back on the ground.
Her head hit the ground, as a pained whimper escaped her.
Ah, it hurts.
Y/N felt tears brim at the corner of her eyes. Why is her morning like this? She now remembers Yuna attacking her and a bangtan member saving her. Taehyung, was it? She doesn't know, but her neck is itching like crazy.
And all this frustration leads her tears to open up like some unwanted guests.
In a second, Jimin is near her. "I am so sorry, did I scare you sweetheart?" He pulls her up, but even that earns a pained groan from her.
Her hip hurts, and her head feels like someone smashed a coconut on it.
"What happened?" She hears someone entering the room, "-Jimin, Did you scare my baby?"
"hyung, I didn't."
Someone pulls her towards them, as Y/N squirms to get out of it.
"Don't touch me," Regaining her footing, Y/N pushes herself out of stranger's arms. Making some distance, she looks up to see Jin. Her gaze whipping at Jimin and then to the room.
This wasn't her room.
"Calm down, you were attacked last night. Taehyung saved you and brought you here." Jin scrambled to explain the situation to her.
And finally she calmed down a little, atleast she isn't kidnapped.
She almost thought it was their way to punish her for complaining against their youngest member.
"We changed your cloth-" Before Jimin could finish, Y/N screamed.
"Who gave you the permission? How dare you? Why did you cross the line?" She accuses, not believing they changed her.
It was shameful, even embarassing. But nothing came close to her anger. How dare they? They could have let any women change her but no. The earth should split open so that she can hide inside it and never return. Oh fuck, pls someone just swallow her. They just did not do what she thinks they did.
"You had blood all over, If we got a female who would be a vampire only. What guarantee was there that she wouldn't suck you dry. " Jin argues, even as she looks away.
Not taking any of it.
"It's ironic coming from you who can't even control your kid. Wasn't he the one who tried to kill me? Why should I even believe you all? You could have killed me and no one would even bat an eye." She drawls sharply, watching as Jin's expression hardens.
A pained look crossing over.
Even Jimin beside her looks worried.
What happened to this people? Why are they suddenly so expressive. Grimacing, the women pushes past them. Wishing to go back but before she could, Jimin stops her. "We are your mate,"
Y/N's mind stutters, as she looks back to see Jimin pleading her.
Almost desperate.
"What's the month now?" She questions him, almost coldly.
Jimin winced at her tone, but nonetheless replied. "June, why?"
Y/N smiles, albeit mockingly. "oh I thought, It was April's fool. Sayonara peeps."
And just like that, she leaves. Jimin and Jin stood there, unable to stop her. She doesn't even believe that she is their mate. Were they so bad? Minutes later, a happy Yoongi and Hoseok enters the room with breakfast. But are rather taken back with their mate being missing from the bed. Even Namjoon had to hold back taehyung from going to find her wherein Jungkook had timidly asked Jin and him about what happened.
"She thought we were pranking her when I said she was our mate." Jimin finishes quickly, not wishing to break down mid sentence. Even though his lips trembled, eyes gloomy at the thought of her blatant rejection.
At his words, all Vampires take a sharp intake of breath.
Jin chuckles, eyes holding a pain similar to Jimin. "She thought that we would kill her, she didn't believe us at all."
At this, Jungkook flinched. Knowing well, what she meant.
Hoseok jumps in quickly, "No worries, I bet her birthday would be around the corner. She would know herself that we are her mate guys."
Yoongi nods, hoping for the best, "Yup, it's just around the corner."
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To say your week was weirdly ridiculous was an understatement.
First, you went to complain against Yuna and found out she is nowhere to be found. As if the girl, literally disappeared in thin air. Next, the bangtan boys were annoying the heck out of you. You just didn't know how to not go along the day without snapping at them.
Everyone of them was annoying you to the core.
So much that you wished to strangle yourself.
And yeah, Y/N wasn't over how they could change her clothes. In her hurry to get out, she didn't even ask which idiot decided it was good to change her top. And on top of that, she wasn't even wearing a bra which wasn't her fault. She doesn't wear bra while going to sleep.
This idiots saw her most precious part. Ugh, she hates them so much.
She almost cried at the thought. It was her soulmate's right. What for is she saving herself? No wonder these vampires were heartless and pathetic. They just didn't know anything. Atleast some of them were.
She just wishes to murder them, and then bury them so that no one knows her embarassing moment.
"Can you stop following me," she glares at Namjoon who is walking beside her.
Why the hell is he stalking her like a creep.
Namjoon looks around, slowly looking back at her as he points at himself. "Are you talking to me?"
She rolls her eyes, nodding.
He smiles brightly, "I wish to apologise for my friends behaviour. They didn't mean to scare you, if you only give us a chance to-"
"No thanks," with that, she enters her class.
Namjoon frowns at her. Looking no less than a kicked puppy who just got rejected in the most harshest way possible. What will he say to Jin who is hoping to apologise with his world class cooking. He just hopes, Jin doesn't kill him for not carrying his message.
With a sigh, he enters behind. Even though, Python programming wasn't his subject but then who could stop him. He will lay low so that no one knows it's him.
Entering inside, he looks around. Eyes falling at his mate who sits in the front bench. oh well, she was a nerd. Just like him.
Quickly going beside her, Namjoon takes a seat. "Hi"
Y/N ignores him, not batting an eye as she flips through the pages of her book.
Throughout class, Y/N ignored him while he just enjoyed the way she got annoyed and tried to complain to the teacher but sadly. The teacher didn't say anything. Why would she? It was their university, more like it was his mate's but the people usually avoid them. Letting them do whatever they want as long as they are in limits. It isn't like Namjoon is bullying her, he is just staring at her. His mate. His soulmate. His fiesty Queen. As soon as the class ends, Y/N hurries out. Almost as if she was on fire.
"When exactly is your birthday?" He calls out, hoping she replies.
"Why, want a punch from my soulmate?" She scoffs, looking back at him with a mocking smirk.
"I can't actually punch myself but let's see," Namjoon chuckles, enjoying as her frown deepens.
"Oh pls, You got Yuna. Go there and stop flirting with me. Nothing will work with me, try me." She flips her hair, going out as Namjoon only seemed to fall harder at her charms.
She was sweet. Spicy and sour and bitter. His mate was a whole package.
Yoongi even told them how she sang a song solely made for her soulmates. It was as if he couldn't take it, the amount of love his soulmate had for him was hauntingly mesmerizing. And today he and his mate's would love to join yoongi and hear their mate sing. Hopefully.
Jungkook feels sad. Sad that their mate thinks they are pranking her. But then, he deserved it. He can't believe that Yuna could do this to them? He was trying to find that bitch but no. It was as if she never existed. Which was bullshit. Unlike his hyungs who were waiting near the stage, all giddy for Y/N's performance. He seems to be scared more than happy, almost guilty. It wasn't like she would be happy seeing him. Last time, he was very rude to her. He even refused to apologise properly, and now all he feels is regret.
Sensing his inner turmoil, Jin pats his back. "Once regret has done its job, my love, move on and put those lessons to good use."
"Yeah, we have an eternity to apologise to her." Jimin smiles, hoping to lift his spirits but nothing actually works.
Jungkook watches as Y/N comes up. A small smile stretching across his face, she looked ethereal in that white dress.
Coming up, she looks around. Taking in a deep breath, Jungkook watches her move. Every little tap of her finger, the flutter of her eyes as she closes them. Slowly starting off with a tune, her right hand moving gracefully as if tracing every nook and crany of the music.
The word fate is at the tip of the pen;
Fleeting time has merged the yearning tree into bones;
Withered and fallen in a place,
Book of our fate has no words as the fragrant ink reads of deep feelings and the tears mark the letter with separation.
Rain comes in a blink; this yearning of her is endless.
Sadly, 'Parting with one's love is pain'
Tapping gently, Y/N looks right to watch a boy with a sweet smile. He mouthes her with 'Your doing great' and the full blown smile that the seven Vampires saw her give him had them itch in jealousy.
As soon as her performance ends, Y/N skips to the guy.
"Hey, You here?" She smiles, actually embarassed that he had to see her singing. But then he was her favourite man, so much that she even secretly hopes he might be her soulmate.
He is so perfect. And no wonder he resembles her imaginary soulmate so much.
The faceless guy who wears a tuxedo and asks for her hand. One where they dance until their feet becomes sour from all that activity. She would love a guy who isn't like her father, someone who is totally opposite of him. Patience, Kind, Respectful. In her eyes, no amount of money or gifts can make her happy. Cause Money, even her father has but what makes one feel loved is the tiny things. The small actions, even though minuscule could make one's heart flutter at the consideration. Its a dead give away of how much the other pays attention to one's partner.
And let's just say, the closest she had someone like that is Ankit.
"Hi," Their moment is interrupted by Taehyung who gives a sharp look to Ankit.
She tilts her head, looking over to see his other members. Standing right around the corner. Frowning, she looks at him. "As far as I know, you aren't in this class. None of you except yoongi, right?"
Taehyung smirks, "Yes, care to join us for some coffee?"
She shakes her head, ready to refuse him.
"We helped you when you caught fever at the dead of the night. The least you could do is join us for a while, don't you think?" He raises an eyebrow, looking at her accusingly.
Wait a minute.
She and fever. And they were caring. Impossible.
Though her catching fever is possible. She ain't superhuman for goodness sake. But when it came to them, she can't help but be suspicious.
Are they planning on taking revenge? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows. But then they wouldn't call her for a coffee. She bets no one can even touch her in such a place, right beside a crowd and in broad daylight.
"Are you sure, you didn't hit your head somewhere?" She grimaces, not wishing to join them.
By now, Ankit had left to submit the entries to the teacher. Sadly, leaving her to deal with him alone.
At this, he narrows his eyes at her. Stepping closer, he brushes her curls, gently pulling it behind her ear. "In your case, I am hundred percent sure princess."
His actions had her stumble back, but damn his vampire speed to pull right back into her personal space like he owns it. The fuck.
Splaying her hand across his chest, she pushes him back. Albeit, she tried but no. The guy didn't even budge so she took a step back to maintain a distance. The action, only causing the man's grin to widen. "First, stop hogging my personal space. Second, stop forcing me. A no is a no, I am busy today."
Looking at Ankit, she sees him talking to her Music sir. "Ankit, let's go."
Ankit whips his head, smiling widely at her as he rushes to her. "Yea, I suggested your name for the upcoming competition. I hope, you win this. The prize includes a hefty sum of money."
Her eyes twinkles, "Oh wow, I hope to win this then."
Across them, Taehyung watches the interaction with a frown. He hates Ankit already, how dare he steal his mate? And how dare you to even talk to him after rejecting his offer? Ugh, he wants to cry and throw a tantrum. But sadly, that will only work on his mate's. Not his soulmate.
Before he could turn around and go away. She calls him back, "Hey, I think I can join you all."
"Really?" He looks at her excitedly, only earning a frown but he doesn't care.
"My lecture got cancelled so.." she shrugs nonchalantly, making sure he knows that she isn't doing it for them. Its just her using the offer for the spare time she has in her hands now.
And so here they were, at lover's delight cafe. A haven for couples like them, but Taehyung is left annoyed at the way his soulmate is looking around with a disgusted face. Even going as far as shuddering at the thought of them bringing her here out of all the places they could have brought her.
For a second, he thought his soulmate was anti-romantic. Other people can't get enough from praising it and she can't get enough from hating it.
"Erm," hoseok clears his throat, hoping to diffuse the situation. "Y/N what coffee would you like to have?"
"I don't drink coffee, tea would suffice." She hums, looking around as her feet taps on the floor.
They could almost sense her nervousness.
"Oh, so tea? We could have some donuts to go with them." Jin intervenes, hoping she likes his choice.
"um, I would have tea with no sugar. And as for donuts, I will pass."
Taehyung frowns at her, not knowing why she is not having sugar in her tea. Does she not like sweet things? Did he do a mistake? Ugh, so stupid. She looked at them as if they were someone worth to keep distance from. His soulmate. His very half part doesn't want to be in his presence. The thought was painful, it made his immortal heart beat with nothing but grief.
"May I know why you don't like sugar?" Yoongi speaks, his face neutral and devoid of any emotion.
"I just don't like it," She shrugs, piping their interest but refusing to add anything but a chunk of meat.
Namjoon nods, ordering what she wants without any further questions. While the others opted for a cup of warm blood, not that they could have anything else. The whole time, a painful silence was around. In-between, Hoseok and Jimin tried to start a conversation but they were dejected when their soulmate gave one word answers. Jungkook was so silent that he might not even be here.
Occasionally, Y/N did smile at them. But that's that, in that smile they didn't see any warmth. It was as if she was smiling out of pretence.
And it didn't help, when they saw her smiling so beautifully at someone who isn't them.
Yoongi, finally done with the cold atmosphere speaks up. "Jimin didn't lie when he said your our soulmate."
At his words, the whole table crashed into a deadly silence. Not that it wasn't already.
"Vampire can sense their mate through their blood smell. When Yuna attacked you, Taehyung knew that you were our soulmate." He explains further, as Jimin looks at Y/N. Almost nervously.
The Vampires were awaiting for her response, hoping that she didn't think it was them pranking her. No. They could never prank on their soulmate.
"What is this nonsense?" Y/N stands up, glaring at each one of them. "If you all are thinking you could fool me then your wrong. And If you think I will cheat on my soulmate then your in for a shock, I won't. And for a second, if you were my soulmate. I would be highly disappointed, you all don't even know to respect a women. Some of you won't even bat an eye before killing her. So, please. My soulmate won't be like you all, he will be more like Ankit."
At her outburst, Jimin's eyes darken. His fangs protuding, not liking how his soulmate is thinking about some other man. "Kitten, don't test my patience."
"We are your soulmate and you can't change that, on your birthday. You sure as hell will get our bangtan mark, The black rose." Namjoon scowls at her, dark eyes raking over her form with a devilish glint.
"You are ours, only ours." Hoseok confirms.
"Only ours to fuck and ours to claim." Taehyung growls,
"Only ours to keep." Jin hums.
"For the rest of eternity," Yoongi smiles.
"In every birth, your ours." Jungkook ends, their collective response earning a shiver from Y/N who was gaping like a fish.
This can't be happening.
No way, are they her soulmate.
Is the God dead or what? Her prayers are answered like this? She can't believe she got cheaters as her soulmate. The countless days of yearning gave fruit but what was the result. A bitter fruit. One that can't even be enjoyed, heck even be felt. The truth of it all felt so bitter on her tongue that she wants to throw it out, not wishing to even have a taste. Out of all creatures, she had to get this devils only. This monsters who cheated on her, with whom? Her roommate. Wow, just wow.
She laughs, clapping her hands. Fucking fantastic is her fate.
Her destiny.
She is to suffer like her mother only? Then, why did she even came to earth? She should have died at birth itself.
"No, I don't-t accept this." She frowns, her face torn in disbelief over everything, "Never."
And she ran. Not caring. Away from them. Away from this hell fate.
'Run Y/N. Run. Don't look back,' her mind yelled orders on her entire body that was quickly thrown into action.
Rushing out, she clasped her bag tightly; dashing straight into the crowd of people who watched on as she was being followed by the Vampires who screamed at her to 'stop.'
But she gave a deaf ear.
Her feet thumped on the road furiously, moving forward, her breath coming in small spurts, hot and nervous. At her sides, she could hear the baying howls of the Vampires and the looks of the people who watched on but she didn't care to stop and explain herself to everyone.
She would rather be damned than be caught by them.
Their words were ringing in her head, over and over like some mantra. She knows, if they catch her. There is no way out for her.
Just like her mother, she will have to live in a loveless marriage. And that too with cheaters,
Atleast her father wasn't a cheater. Guess, her fate is only worse from here on. But she was also stubborn, picking up a fight against everyone who thought that she would accept this fate.
She maybe naive, but she ain't a fool.
Fingers curled into sweaty fists, she hopes to trap some warmth from her dress, almost wrinkling it as she swung forward; her whole being yelling for some rest and air to breathe in. It's either escape or hell for her.
In a moment of being off guard, her feet plunged, giving up, almost tumbling her over as she barely manages to not touch the ground. She was trying hard to zip through the crowd in a zig-zag way, hoping to stop them from using their vampire speed. Lest they catch her and she doesn't want a repeat of hell. She has watched it, as an audience while her Mum was the centre of it all.
And now universe was playing a cruel joke, swapping her place from an audience to the main sufferer. Just great.
Her lungs and heart were pumping, but the air didn't seem to be enough as she stood for a moment, panic trembling in her exhausted limbs.
"I have lost my way." She mumbled, her voice coming off shaky. Almost pushed to its limit.
Where was her dorm again? Ugh, fuck.
Looking around, she watched everywhere to see any signs of them and was shocked to see Namjoon just a couple of feet away.
Quickly taking the left street road, she ducked, hoping they don't catch her. Every now and then, she looks back in fear; eyes analyzing for any danger,
"Women. Get out of the way," a voice yelled at her from behind.
Looking back, she saw a truck; only an inch away from her. In fear, her feet strutted as if a stone and the very next second she felt a harsh pull on her right hand, pulling her away from the street.
The action caught her whole body off guard as she lost her balance, falling backwards. Before she could hit the ground and hurt her head; a firm grip on her waist ensured by a benign grasp of someone's hand obstructed her.
Looking up, she comes face to face with her saviour.
"Tell me, why would my bodyguard find my Granddaughter in such state. That too, in the middle of a road." Her Grandpa's stern voice earns a shiver from her.
"Grandpa, I was scared." She spoke, truthfully. Not that she could lie to her Maternal Grandfather. He would catch her in an instant and she doesn't want that.
As soon as Rahul, the bodyguard found her, she was taken back to her Grandfather's house. To say he was shocked seeing her in this state, would be an understatement. He was furious, asking. No demanding her to tell the name and he will handle them.
Unlike her father, he loved her dearly. He was the wealthiest, someone who is feared as a business tycoon. His name was spread far and wide, she remembers how he even tried to fund her whole education. Wishing to send her abroad for studies but her father was like a needle blowing up all the balloons of her hope like they were nothing.
All he wants is for her to marry a guy who has a fucking Government job.
"Oh my lioness, who are you scared of darling? Your Grandfather is still alive baby, tell me. What happened?" At his kind words, she teared up. Even as she called him out, muttering 'Nana' like some chanting she speaks to get away from the dark. If there was anyone who made her feel safe then it was her Grandfather, how she wished to just hide in his arms. The world is too cruel for her. "My Mates aren't what I wished-d for," she hiccups, trying hard to explain her dilemma but failing miserably.
Chris looks at his grandchild, albeit painfully. Pulling her in his arms, he shushes her, patting her back. "No sweetheart, my strong baby. Nana will protect you, don't cry. Your my strong baby, right?"
She nods, hugging him tightly.
"Your mates, do you have more than one darling?" He pulls away, wiping her tears fondly.
Even though deep within he was already planning to burn down the entire city. He bets her uncles and aunts would gladly join him to punish everyone who made their beloved darling cry like this. Her mate's have to pay for hurting her like this, his precious baby.
"I have seven Vampires," She grimaces, shuddering at the thought of their words.
His eyes widen at the number. No way, this must be a defect. "And what did they do?"
Y/N looks up at him, her lips trembling as she bites on her lower lip to not break down. "If I wasn't their mate, If I was just a women. I don't think, they would even care." She taps at her throat, the fading lines of the fingerprint; a proof of how much she hates her destiny to pair her up with monsters.
"Don't tell me, one of them did this?" He growls, his wolf clawing to get out and rip that bastard to shreds.
Yes, he was a wolf. His whole family was and so was his daughter who was hated by his soulmate just because she was a werewolf. That sick bastard.
"They did," She looks up at him, tears cascading down her face.
"No, don't cry." He wipes her tears, brushing her face worriedly.
"Your gonna stay here and heal. Both physically and mentally. Understood?"
She nods, as he pats her back. Calling for a maid to accompany her to the room.
As soon as she leaves, Chris calls his friend. Spewing orders of suing that damned University which couldn't even safeguard it's student. This bloodsucking bastards, he hopes to drag the leeches into the court. Demanding compensation for the damage done to his grandchild.
One week passed in a blur for Y/N who spends her time doing nothing. Literally.
Thanks to her Grandfather, she didn't even have to go back to her university to give exams. He had pulled some strings to have her give exams online, from the safe haven of her room. No disturbance whatsoever. And she was happy that he knew what she wanted and took immediate action.
Holidays have started which meant she had some months before next year commenced. In advance, she has asked her Grandfather to let her exchange college to distant learning, to which he agreed almost instantly.
Her papers were ready, submitted and stamped with her new University's mark.
At her request, Chris even agreed to not say anything to her mother. She doesn't want her to worry, though her father still calls her for that marriage but now she just ignores his calls. Instead talking to her mother, even though she hates lying to her. Y/N doesn't have any option.
It was midnight.
The night resembling her emotions. Empty and dark, and yet in them she found the stars and the moon.
This days, she is feeling too lonely. Almost couped up in a bubble, she even hates to leave her room. Her anxiety was the one that had her take a drastic step of changing her college. She didn't have guts to go back and face them, much less look at them.
The clock struck 12:00 and she felt a prick on the back of her hand. Looking down, she watches the trail of black rose blooming across her skin.
Taunting her. Tainting her skin in inky blackness and she was left in nothing but broken hopes.
"Happy birthday, My baby." Her mother's voice speaks, as the women laughs off her grief.
"Mummy, I will call you in the morning. I am so tired-," She fake yawns, hearing her Mum whispering a sweet 'Good night, My heart's piece' and she sure felt her eyes tear up at that.
"I love you, Ma" She smiles when all she wished was to say 'I wish you were here'.
And that's when, they cut the call.
Acting excited even though she wasn't.
So their words were true. She was really damned for all eternity. She isn't sad, no. Disappointed, yes. Life always has a way to hurt. Guess, this one too was a cruel play of destiny. She hates how she has a mate who is opposite of everything she wishes in mate. Soulmate is supposed to feel like a gift from the God, her liberation
Her salvation.
Then why is she finding nothing except pure hell. Does a vampire know anything about human emotions? Are they nothing but food in their eyes? Vampires don't even bat an eye at a human until it's for satisfying their hunger. She can't accept a soulmate who resembles her father, no. She might be hopelessly in love, but she isn't blind.
Not like her mother.
She won't suffer, she had rather cut ties with them then keep them near and suffer for all eternity.
She can't forgive them for cheating on her. What right they have to claim her? She isn't an object to be claimed? She would rather die then let anyone stomp on her self-respect. Without her wish, even God can't push her to them.
Heck, no one can.
Taking a deep breath, she looks at the moon. It was a calm night, unlike her thoughts that seemed anything but calm. Like a lightning, it struck her heart. Ruining the pillars of love, the seeds she watered came off. Leaving nothing but a barren land in its stead.
Closing her eyes, she let's her tears drown her into a pool of sorrow. It came as a much needed relief, a silent scream to everything that didn't go her way.
Her heart was breaking, her hopes getting shattered.
She shuddered at the thought of the seven Vampires. Their words of claims, scaring her body of flesh and bones.
It made her want to run far away and hide. Her body trembling, her mind screaming to go away from all the red signals. She has heard that Vampires drink the blood of their soulmate, which means more pain. No, she can't take this.
She didn't ask for a love this painful.
"Wonder, why only I am damned?" She smiles, her skin cold to touch. Bare to the harsh wind that gave no mercy to the lonesome heart.
"Maybe, I should just die. Maybe I should," She hiccups, looking up at the Moon. Her balcony was filled with her tiny sniffles, the best day of her life turned out to be a living nightmare.
"Y/N, you will become sick baby. Get back in here." Chris sighs, pulling her inside gently.
Her skin was cold to touch. laying her down, he covers her up in warm blankets. He couldn't see her suffering like this, his heart couldn't take it. His precious grandchild was suffering alone, he knows she doesn't have any friends. From childhood, she was closed off. Not mingling with friends, not talking at all unless necessary.
She was a closed bubble, not trusting anyone. How could she? The one who she trusted the most was the one who betrayed her.
In her eyes, her father was her hero. But his baby had to suffer and see her perfect world break apart. This only led to her not trusting anyone else, she never accepted anyone in her heart. She acted cold so that people didn't see her broken self, but only he knew how fragile his baby is.
"Happy Birthday, My princess." He sighs, kissing her forehead.
Y/N looked oblivious, her exhausted form lulled into a dreamless state.
She woke up late today. Not that she minds but she was taken aback when she heard how her bath has been prepared. Her Grandfather having asked the maids to make her feel like a literal princess. It made her feel special, atleast the warm bath calmed down her nerves. Decked up in new clothes, her hairs were delicately unveiled and brushed to perfection.
Coming down, she was greeted by her aunt Felia and Uncle Philip alongside Chris.
"And here comes my darling," Felia hums, quickly coming to pull her into a warm hug. " Happy birthday baby."
"Happy birthday, angel." Philip bows down, earning a snort from Chris who smiles fondly at her.
"Princess loves me the most, after all I wished her after her mother." Chris smirks, enjoying the way his uncle glared at him.
"Oh you two, stop fighting. Now back to question, we are throwing a grand party for you and don't worry. We have made sure your parents don't know about it." She winks, making her laugh at the way she spoke. As if it was a top secret mission.
Oh how her childhood self would love to play along.
"I brought this especially for your birthday." Felia takes her hand, slipping a emerald bangle across her wrist.
She smiles, loving it already. "Thank you, aunt. It's so beautiful,"
Felia nods, patting her head.
As they all start discussing about her party, Y/N sneaks out in hope of getting some alone time. With this in mind, she takes off to the mango fields right across the forest. Walking around, as she took in the serene place with a dazzling smile. For a fraction of second, she wonders what her soulmates are doing? Are they with Yuna? The thought was painful, it squeezed her heart to accommodate the fresh wound. It wasn't like they would like her?
She has always been called weird. From childhood she hated milk, not because of taste but because of a memory that she hates. Her father used to force her everyday to drink two glass of milks, even if she would throw up. He didn't backed up, she recalls the times she fought, cried and threw a tantrum. But nothing worked, it was as if all her pent up frustration was now on the milk which she hated.
Till now, she doesn't drink milk. Even if she tries to, she throws up. Her body just can't accept it.
But milk products are her favourite, cause they aren't included with her bad memories. She has pcod, which keeps her from getting regular periods. Her condition causes her to not have sugar, even spicy food. Her favourite is out of the domain. Cause then, she would have pimples all over her face which aren't pleasant at all.
She doesn't drink, doesn't smoke. She isn't even allowed to go clubbing and her family is extremely religious which means she isn't even allowed to consume any form of meat.
Not that she is complaining, she just thinks why would anyone like her like this. But she can't help but take pride on herself, unlike the girls of her age, she doesn't run behind the pleasures of life. She was someone who would wait for as long as she can to lose her Virginity. To her, the union of one's soul is more important than the physical aspect. And she hates skinship, like so much that she gets irritated when someone tries to do just that.
She isn't comfortable with just anyone to let them come this close.
"Oh, see. What do we have here?" A voice had her whip her head for the owner who stood across the tree.
From the looks of it, he seems a Vampire. The pale skin was hard to ignore.
"This is private property, get out." She speaks calmly, not giving away how scared she actually is. This Vampires are not at all trustable, last time Yuna literally sucked her dry and she doesn't want a repeat of that.
The Vampire sniffed the air, as a sigh escapes him. "What a divine smell. Do you taste as good as you look?" He clicks his tongue, licking his lips that had her look at him in disgust.
"You have a blood bank for that," She argues, looking around to find some escape route.
She hopes her grandfather comes around, the patrolling guards won't be too far away either. She just have to scream and that will do the work. Y/N smiles, knowing the whole area like the back of her hand. She has come this way so many times as a kid, that she knows where is the hiding spot and where are the guards. For now, the nearest guard should be around somewhere.
He snorts, "I had rather have it from source then"
She grimaces, what is he saying? Rolling her eyes, she hums at him. "Don't take a step and you will be fine."
The Vampire smirks, "I intend to drink your blood so that is not possible, My lady."
In a flash, he was near her. As her heart beat literally jumps back in surprise. Quickly pulling back, she screams as loud as she could. The vampire quickly covers her mouth, seizing her hand in a iron grip. Squirming, she tries hard to get away from him.
"Ugh, what the-" And just like that, the Vampire stumbles back with a agonizing scream.
She pulls away, gasping for breath. Horrified to see the guy writhing in pain, as his skin seemed to be glowing in deep orange. In just a matter of seconds, the Vampire gets reduced into ashes. Scared, the women stares in disbelief. Rubbing her eyes, over and over again to get the sight out. Maybe she was hallucinating? How the fuck did that happen?
"Y/N are you okay," She hears Rahul rushing towards her.
Shaking her head, the women tried to speak "He-e that,"
Her brain shutters, unable to comprehend the turn of events. Her breath came out heavy, as her lungs gave out. It was as if she couldn't breath. "Hey hey, calm down. Look at me, deep breaths Y/N. Its okay."
She tries. She really does but no the scene replays like a haunting song at the back of her mind.
And the last thing she remembers before losing her consciousness is Rahul's concerned look.
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Yoongi was going mad.
It has been two weeks. Two whole weeks without his soulmate. Two weeks without seeing her or hearing her voice. His soul was hurting, it was as if he was on fire with nothing to qualm the burn of his heart. They were relentlessly trying to find her out but it was as if she wasn't even there in the first place.
Without her, the Vampires have been cranky and everyone was fighting. Trying to pin the blame on someone but alas, they couldn't push all the blame on one and be free of the guilt.
Currently Jungkook's Father is stuck in a legal battle with the head of the Adani's group. A case has been filed against the university, accusing them of not keeping the vampires in check. On top of that, the Chairman has asked for a sum of 100 million dollar as compensation for the damages done to the students.
The case was backed up by humans which garnered a hell lot of attention from the media. Vampires and Human's were hell-bent on calling each other out.
On top of that, Jungkook had stormed in with a pissed Jin. Calling each one of them for an urgent meeting.
The Living room was too silent for the seven of them, everyone keeping to themselves. Speaking less, and even staying away from their mansion. He has an inkling that the maknaes are doing their own search, not that he and Namjoon aren't doing the same.
But for now, his attention is drawn to Jungkook who by the looks of it, seems no less than a raging Bull.
Hoseok, starts first. "What is it?"
"Y/N changed her college, and on top of that. All her records are missing, including her personal address and phone number." Jungkook speaks, explaining out his dilemma.
Taehyung froze, not believing his soulmate would want to be away from them. Did they scare her that much?
Was she disappointed? Did she hate them? Oh how much he regrets for suggesting others for a coffee date. He was so excited to court her the traditional way but seems like, he was too ahead of himself. He shouldn't have been jealous of that guy she speaks to. And they shouldn't have scared her the way they did back then.
If not for him, she wouldn't have run away.
Only he knows, how scary it was. Watching her running away from them. And when they lost sight of her, it was as if all hell broke loose.
"What do you mean, all her records are missing." Namjoon fumes, as his jaws tighten in a burning hot rage.
Jin sighs, "Our University has a policy that once the student transfers, all their date and record will be deleted from the system. That means, tracing her will be next to impossible."
At this, Jimin stands up. "I don't believe it, ask her friends. Someone would have her number."
Yoongi shakes his head, "She doesn't actually, I have never once saw her talking to any of her classmates. Except Ankit."
At the mention of his name, all were tense. They hate Ankit, that much they know but if talking to him means getting back to her than they will do it.
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"So you mean, this bracelet protects me." Y/N tilts her head, taking in the scrambling explanation of her aunt who came off to be scared of his Grandpa.
After she fainted, Chris went berserk. He only calmed down when Felia explained that the Vampire who tried to harm her died already. She has given her a special bracelet. As a witch, she knows how to use her powers for saving others. After knowing how some stupid vampires hurt her, she was already working on it.
The bracelet has a special connection to Y/N's thoughts. When it senses her to be in a danger, the bracelet takes immediate action which it did back then.
"You can't give her that, it's illegal. The community will be at our throats for this." Philip, her uncle was very much against the idea of having her wear this bracelet.
Felia fights back, "Atleast it protected her when all of us could not."
And that seemed to shut all of them.
It was evening by the time she was done watching a movie. Felia and Philip had left for work alongside Grandpa. She was bored, two months of holiday and she is already hoping to be back to work. It lets her mind keep itself busy, away from the thoughts of her mate's. But alas, her luck was never on her side.
Going towards kitchen, she looks around. Not seeing anyone, she comes to the conclusion that the maids have left.
Which means, she is free to make whatever without any of them insisting to make it for her.
It's not that she doesn't like them helping her, but the lessons she learned in her cooking classes have to be used somewhere. Her condition doesn't let her have anything too sweet, which was why her morning starts with a cup of warm water and some chia seeds.
Everyday she works out for atleast an hour, eating healthy and avoiding spicy food. Though someday, she does eat spicy food, cause well. She can't help the craving.
Deciding to cook, she takes out a pack of ramen. By the time it's done, she will have something to watch.
Keeping the flame low enough, she leaves for the living room. Going through some channels, to see what she could watch while eating.
Deciding on a horror movie, she hums.
Time flew by, as the night descends on the land. Her Grandpa had called her to let her know the venue of her birthday party. She was in no mood to celebrate, but still she tried to dress up a little. Choosing a white gown, she went ahead to do a little makeup here and there. Finishing it with a light nude lipstick.
Going down, she meets Rahul who escorts her right into the car and off they go.
Twenty minutes into the party, and she already has her eyes set on the food and the cake. Sadly, she had to stand beside her Grandpa and listen to the strangers talk. Sometimes, even nodding to let them know she is all ears. The venue was beautiful, it gave her royal palace vibes. And she is already in love with the decorations. Everything seemed perfect.
Her aunt had told her to invite her friends, but as she didn't have any. She refused.
Though, she did call Ankit. Even giving him an invitation. Which he accepted wholeheartedly.
He doesn't know that she changed university, though he did worry about her absence in the library. She waved it off by saying she was just enjoying holidays back at her home. And he did accept it, not prying for more.
"Are you bored?" Chris nudges her, as she shakes her head.
"No, just thinking."
"About what?"
She looks over the food section, "As to when will I get to eat all that."
Chris laughs, as she pouts. It's not funny.
"why don't you go and start, I hope no one will mind. After all it's your birthday." He pats her back, encouraging her to go and dig in.
Giving him one last look, she walks over to the food section. The waiters looking at her, and for a second she felt exposed. Not used to have any kind of attention. Gingerly she tucks the strand of her hair, twirling it whilst biting her lip.
"Y/N, do you need anything?" A man in his thirties, somewhat greets her.
She looks at him awkwardly, now who is this guy?
"Oh, my bad. I didn't introduce myself." He offers his hand, as she takes it in a greeting. "I am Thomas. Thomas Swan."
With that, he places a chaste kiss at the back of her hand.
"It's pleasure to meet you, Mr. Thomas." She speaks, as he nods at her.
Five minutes and she is still listening to Thomas explaining his business. The food is beside her and her stomach is growling. Which she hopes, he doesn't pick up. That would be more embarassing for her.
"I will be back in a minute," She pulls out an excuse, smiling to let him fall into her trap. Which he did.
"Okay, sure. I will wait"
And off she goes, huffing. Why does he has to wait near her food? Now how will she sneak around. Deciding to not think much, she moves towards the balcony. Fishing out her phone, she frowns. A message from Ankit.
Message- Sorry, something came up. But don't worry, your friends will be there in my stead. Happy birthday<
And now she is confused, which friends is he talking about?
Messaging back, she hopes he replies.
And he does.
Message- Taehyung and the others, aren't they your friends?
The fuck.
Don't tell her, he told them where she is? Oh fuck, oh God no.
Deciding to test the waters, she messages him about what does he mean by 'your friends will be there in my stead' she quotes it exactly how he did.
Message- I told them the place where your birthday party is there. Actually, they were worried about you? Why were you ignoring them because of a petty fight? It's okay if you don't tell.
Oh, this dumbfuck is gonna get her in trouble.
How she wishes to smack his head, again and again.
She has to leave. Now.
And there she rushes right out, giving a quick explanation to her Grandpa that she ain't feeling well.
"Should I come with you? Wait, let me call a doctor. You just go into one of the rooms above and rest. It's okay." Chris checks her forehead, but frowns when he doesn't detect or pick up any kind of sickness.
His wolf was sniffing, but nothing came.
While she was sweating, knowing her lying will always be caught.
"No, I want to go home Grandpa. I am tired."
Chris narrows his eyes, "What is happening? Tell me, and don't leave anything out."
She groans, throwing her hands up in defeat. "My mates are coming here, I don't wanna meet them. That's what is happening. Now can I go?"
Chris sighs, watching as she looks around like a deer caught in headlights. Her little outburst had garnered attention of few people.
"How much will you run? You have to face them someday."
By now, Felia and Philip also come along. Sensing the distress in the air that was hard to ignore.
Before she could speak, a commotion had her whip her head towards the direction of the entrance.
From the sea of people, she could make out a man she dreads to meet. Jungkook.
"Oh fuck," With that she rushes in the opposite direction, away from them. They are here. They are fucking here. Great, just great way of celebrating her birthday.
Climbing the stairs, in haste. She tumbles, slamming one of the room's door. Entering it, she goes to close it as quick as possible.
But a hand stops it, looking through the gap. She sees Jungkook, who is glaring at her.
Eyes red, and fangs protuding.
"Don't. You. Dare. Run. Away." He punches each word, forcing the door to open.
In front of his strength, she was hardly a match.
Stumbling back, she makes a beeline to go out into the balcony. But Jungkook was fast to catch her, yet again. Seizing her arm, he wraps his hands around her waist. Successfully trapping her.
"Let me go, right now." She fights back, trying to push him away.
Jungkook glares down at her, eyes taking in her form. "Never."
Only he knows, how much he had been beating himself up for the past two weeks. It was hell. Literal hell for him. She has no idea how much he had been desperate to find her. As soon as they got to know where she is, he was fast enough to leave. Rushing right here, only to smell his soulmate. It was pure ecstasy that had his vampire genes raging, wanting him. No demanding he claims her.
And the moment she ran, his instincts kicked off. No way, was he letting her escape now.
His eyes moves along her body, frowning when he doesn't find the soulmate's mark. "Where is your soulmate mark?"
"I don't have one." She bites back, making his frown deepen.
"Darling, you do have. Did you use makeup to coverup your mark?" He hums, looking down at her.
She looks away, refusing to meet his eye. "I am no darling of yours, you stupid brat. Just shut up and leave me the fuck alone, you dumbfuck."
At her insult, his grip tightens. "You are, and no one can change that."
Y/N glares at him, "I had rather die than have you as my fate. Listen closely, I have nothing to do with your cheating ass and who in the right mind accepts a guy who tried to kill her. Certainly not me."
Her words were a stab to his heart.
Before he could apologise for everything that went wrong, a furious hoseok enters into the room.
"Jungkook, give her space. Will you?" He snaps, at him. Not at all enjoying the way his soulmate is struggling.
And Jungkook does, leaving her in an instant.
Behind him, Jin and the others come up. Instantly met with her smell, which only confirms that she is their soulmate.
Before coming here, Namjoon had to literally face her Grandpa who threatened them. If they made her cry, than they could say goodbye to their soulmate. The thought of not meeting her was enough for hoseok to rush up and pull the maknae back.
They didn't want to give Y/N more reasons to hate them.
Jin is the first one to approach her, "Please, give us a chance to explain."
"I don't want to,"
It was yoongi, who had a hard time with her attitude. "Don't be childish."
Y/N laughs, "Childish, says the one who was cheating on me. You all can't even respect my choice, and that explains everything."
Taehyung frowns, "We want to apologise, We really didn't know that-"
She cuts him off, "Didn't know that your soulmate will found out, or didn't know that that you even have one."
Her words cut in deep, leaving nothing but hurt in its wake.
It was Jimin, who took the initiative and went down on his knees. Shocking everyone. "Please, forgive us. It was Yuna who fooled us, she used your blood as a way to get to us. We were stupid to believe her, heck she even tried to kill you when she came to know you are no longer giving her blood. That night, Taehyung found you and eventually we got to know about you."
Namjoon hissed, "We already caught that bitch,"
It was Jungkook and Hoseok who caught her, but nonetheless it was them who actually killed her. Giving her one of the most painful death but that was a story of another time. For now, his attention was on his mate who was looking at them with an accusing look. Not giving away any more emotion, while she seemingly takes in their explanation.
Y/N looks away, angry stare steering close to the wall "That doesn't give you a ticket to cheat. Before Yuna, how many women's you all fucked, huh?"
Yoongi snaps, "Do you even know Vampires aren't that lucky with mates, how the fuck are we supposed to know that we would meet ours?"
She can't take it.
She wants to scream, shout at them. They are justifying their cheating, telling what. That they thought they had little to no chance meeting her. She knows vampire live the longest, but that doesn't mean they act like a petty fuckboy. And from her anger and disappointment, stemmed guilt. Guilt that why she even saved herself for them. She should have enjoyed sex, fuck as many boys as possible. And she hates, she didn't. All her life she was nothing but a stupid wallflower. Awaiting for something who isn't even waiting for her was a painful pill to swallow.
Love isn't forced, even if it's from God himself.
Her father's word rang in her head, as her inner demons laughed at her. What did she think? Her soulmate would wait for her. Vampires live for a thousand years, so of course waiting was pathetic. She was ridiculous. A human and Vampire's ways are so different and yet destiny brought them together.
They can't understand the burning pain of longing, why would they? They had countless women to warm their bed. She was getting attention only because she was paired up with them.
Jungkook wasn't killing her, only because she was his soulmate.
Otherwise, why would he respect a women like her? She wasn't someone who can draw attention to her.
She is a liability. Nothing more.
"I was really a fucking fool to wait," And with that she rushes inside the bathroom, slamming the door closed.
It was Namjoon who rushed behind her, slamming his hand on the door. "Y/N, open the door."
Yoongi stood there, as her words rang inside his head. Haunting him. Did she regret waiting for them? Of course she did. Unlike them, she waited. Even though they had hope somewhere to meet their soulmate one day, they never did act upon that feeling. He could see from where she is coming.
It was jin, who pulled Namjoon back. "Give her some space, will you?"
Seconds after, they could hear the shower running.
Hoseok looks at the door, "Is she bathing right now?"
"Maybe she doesn't want to hear us," Taehyung's eyes were gloomy, his heart aching for his soulmate.
And so they waited, outside the door. Listening to the shower running non-stop. Namjoon had went down and explained Chris about the situation. And in return, he was told to have patience and wait. His soulmate tends to close up when she is overwhelmed.
Felia and Philip had, once again threatened to burn down the whole Vampire community if they saw them hurting even a strand of her hair. To which, Namjoon had swore he had rather die than hurt her.
Here, Yoongi was leaning against the bathroom door. Hoping to pick up anything but other than the water running, he couldn't hear anything. How much long does she intend to shower?
He was growing suspicious now.
Y/N sighs, her steps staggering. She was so hungry. But atleast she escaped the vampires who were very much hogging the bathroom door. If only they knew that the bathroom was connected to the other bedroom.
What a fool Indeed.
She was lucky, she chose that room.
She was totally drenched from head to toe. Not her problem, in haste of escaping, she switched on the shower head. She hates how her gown is sticking to her like a second skin, only making her more conscious.
Peering over, she sighs. Atleast the party was over.
Her Grandpa must have booked the whole palace for a night, which meant she can sleep in any room.
But for now, food it is.
Carefully looking around, she goes near the food section.
Half an hour later, she is humming in delight. The cake was delicious, so was the pasta. She ate two times already. She knows the combination of anger plus hunger is never good. But now that the problem is solved, she can leave. And no way is she going up, lest getting caught by them.
Instead she explores the palace, looking over the walls and the marble flooring.
Feeling sleepy, she went ahead to open one of the rooms close to her.
"My my, aren't you a walking temptation." A familiar voice had her her frozen.
Looking back she sees Thomas, the man whom she met in the party. And to say, he was checking her out had her shudder. What a creep. "Leave, you fucking creep."
At her words, Thomas growled. Forcing her to make a distance. He slammed the door close, locking it securely.
Her heartbeat rose, he was a werewolf. That much she was sure of, looking down at her hand. She cursed. The bracelet wasn't there. Oh now she remembers, she herself got the bracelet out. As it was not matching to her dress. Fuck, she was no witch like her aunt or a werewolf like her uncles. How is she supposed to defend herself?
Fear grips her heart, as her stomach churned. She was seconds away from throwing up.
"My Lady, care to join me," His voice sliced the air like a blade of a shovel, wrapped in brittle ice of autumn. Hearing the sound of footsteps, she looked at the man who has plunged her heart in terror. Even in darkness, his cold stare penetrates her body of flesh and bones.
Backing away, Y/N looks around for some escape.
The bathroom door was far away, she sure as hell won't succeed. But the balcony was just behind her.
Quickly rushing on her mind's orders, she is inches away when Thomas slams her back. Throwing her on the bed with a brute force. "You know, I was waiting for you. Guess, the waiting did help. The reward is exquisite."
He licks his lips, as she trembled. What a sick bastard.
Before she could stand up, Thomas had her arms locked. Pressing his weight to ground her, his other hand touched and squeezed her body. "Ah, bad girl. Escaping will only elongate your punishment."
Her eyes stung, she is gonna be raped.
His hands sneaked inside her gown as she thrashed violently. Pressing her thighs to stop him, "NO, HELP. GRANDPA,"
She screamed but was soon cut off by Thomas who smashed his lips on her. He cupped her vagina, as she cried out. Shaking her head to get him away but nothing seemed to help.
A distant sound of clicking was heard, followed by a sound of bats. She watches on as seven bats enter the room through the balcony. In a second, they were transformed into her soulmates. Namjoon rushes in, pulling back Thomas who was too lost to even care about the surrounding.
"You fucking bastard," Namjoon growls, throwing the man on the ground.
Y/N shivers, watching them beat Thomas black and blue. That bastard was already outnumbered. Their eyes were red, fangs protuding. Jungkook was the one who slammed him against the wall, hands squeezing his throat in a death grip.
All he could see was red. He wants him dead. He wants everyone who hurts his soulmate dead.
In a second, the cracking sound of his windpipe breaking was followed by his painful howl. Fucking mutt.
It was hoseok who approaches her, slowly. As if she was some fragile glass who will break any second.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" He spoke softly, which only made her tear up more.
Painful sobs shook her body, as she hid her face in between her arms. At this, Hoseok's heart broke. His baby. Gently nearing her, he pulled her into his arms. And she didn't protest, instead she latched on it. Hiding her face in his shirt, while she shed tears.
His grip tightens across her, "It's okay, we are here. Your safe."
Jin who couldn't handle her sobs, went close to hoseok. "Darling, he is dead. Can you come towards me, I promise I will take you away from here."
He knew, this room wasn't an ideal place for her to sleep. And the dead body of Thomas was anything but a sight to see.
Slowly, she looks up at him. Nodding when he spoke of taking her away from here. "Daddy,"
He froze. Daddy.
At this, all of them perked up. "Y/N?" It was Taehyung who spoke. Confused at her choice of words.
Y/N frowns, "Daddy, want kissy"
Now even Namjoon had a hard time taking her words in. The women in front of them was different. She spoke like a kid, her voice being the same but her eyes. They looked more innocent, almost naive. The Y/N he knows wouldn't act like this at all.
Jin watches as she made grabby hands towards him, "Daddy, pick."
And he did, taking her in his arms. While her legs wrapped around him. Resting her head across his shoulder, she sniffles. "Cold."
And Jin understood what she meant by cold.
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It was midnight. They just got done talking to Chris who explained her condition. Worried to death about his Granddaughter who didn't recognise him at all. Their soulmate was a little, and somehow the earlier incident with Thomas triggered her to go into headspace.
She was brought into their mansion, though they had tough time explaining her as to why they couldn't give her a bath or even change her clothes.
She had almost threw a fit, crying about them not loving her.
Yoongi's heart broke at her cries but they couldn't do what she wants them to do. Instead, a human. Particularly a women gave her a bath and dressed her up.
After bath, she demanded for some ice cream. Which was obviously refused by Jin who didn't want her to catch a fever. She threw tantrum, yet again but failed to accomplish the ice cream.
"Bad daddy, Stoopid." She points an accusing finger at Jin who gasps, hands flying over his heart dramatically.
"Daddy is good, not bad. He is beautiful, not stupid."
Taehyung laughs, enjoying the comedy all along.
All of them were gathered around the living room, looking at their soulmate with a fond look. From the past thirty minutes, she is pestering Jin to give her an ice cream. But no, hyung was stubborn. But sadly, their soulmate was not someone to back down. She stood her ground, trying to coax Jin to give up.
Y/N pouts, crossing her arms. "Want another daddy,"
Jin's eyes widen. "No,"
"YES," She stomps her foot, grinding her teeth in annoyance.
"Baby, he is bad daddy. Come here, I will give you cake." Jimin cooes at her, and that seemed to do the trick.
In an instant Y/N was rushing towards him, crashing straight into his arms. "Yes daddy."
"This is unfair," Jin huffs, as Namjoon laughs at the eldest who dramatically falls on the ground.
Taking this opportunity, Jimin brings her into his room. Switching on the tv, with a random drama. He pats her head, "I am bringing your cake, until then you watch this. Okay baby."
She nods.
Following week was a beautiful dream, one from which Jungkook never wants to come out. Even though Y/N was still a little, she didn't leave any chance to make them happy. Always tailing behind Jin while he went to prepare food. Dressing up in Gucci with taehyung, playing songs with Yoongi. Occasionally singing. Reading princess stories with Namjoon. Watching movies with Jimin and hoseok. And then playing games with him.
They were also now blessed with human tastebuds, which means the food no longer feels like a poison. The first time, they got to know about this was when Y/N dragged Jin to eat with her. And the latter was helpless, but his eyes twinkled when he tasted the cookies. And now Jin was always in kitchen, trying some nor the other recipe.
Even though their main food was blood, but now he was happy to accompany Y/N while eating.
But deep down, he was scared? Someday she would come out of her little space, then what? Will she leave them?
The thought was painful, but he couldn't see her suffer like this too.
"Jungkook, go and wakeup Y/N." Jin calls out from the kitchen.
"Okay," And with that he rushes towards Yoongi's room.
Last night, she was with Yoongi. He knows cause they were present when she was tucked in by Jin. Namjoon reading some bedtime stories while the others joined her in the bed. Cuddling and showering her in kisses.
But what he wasn't expecting was Yoongi to be backed up against the wall.
While a furious Y/N stood across him.
"How dare you bring me here? Where is my Grandpa, tell me."
Jungkook's eyes widens.
She is back.
And she is bad.
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four-color-words · 7 months
Bailey Adler - An Intro
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((Notice: I wrote this while extremely goddamn sleepy, so if I need to elaborate or make something clearer or whatever, lemme know and I'll try my best after I get some sleep))
So, I try pretty hard to keep this sideblog restricted to canon-only stuff. But if I'm gonna start talking about my silly little fanfic on here, I ought to talk about the oc it centers around
Takeoff is the first arc of Bailey's story, and serves as her origin. The front half of it, I like to imagine, takes place in the background of a Flash comic. The back half of it, which I'm currently writing, is a backup or secondary story. Bailey's theoretical solo wouldn't start until she takes up the Golden Eagle mantle, passed down from Charley.
(fun fact: I came up with her around eight years ago, and she's actually what led me to learning about Charley -- but I decided I would have more fun (and achievable) to try and explain how and why Bales was inheriting a mantle, than trying to come up with a new, unused name for her)
Bailey's a complicated character, and it's hard to summarize all the stuff she's got going on. She's very emotionally-driven, and she wears her big bleeding heart on her sleeve. She doesn't exactly like this about herself, but she's been trying and failing to change this for two decades; it's in her nature. And, really, it's the fact that her emotions do run so deep and strong that leads to her becoming a superhero.
Bailey grew up in a small Oklahoma town, and as far as she's concerned, the less she has to talk about that, the better. She moved to Central City to try and not only start a new life, but to forget her old one. Helping her best friend with the rent was a bonus.
Unfortunately, the past won't let Bailey just walk away. Bailey lands a job at a local museum -- no, not that one -- just in time for a haunted suit of armor, a cold case disappearance, and a whole lot of mystery to cross her path. As secrets start to rise to the surface, Bailey finds her own family history might just be tangled up in this web. And untangling it all might mean facing the parts of her past -- and her relationship with her mother's side of the family -- that she really doesn't want to.
Bailey discovers her great-grandmother, Rachel Faulkner, was born Rashel Tavros, of Thanagar. And while this does explain a few things about Bailey's own life -- in particular, why she's always been stronger and tougher than she wants to admit, and why she's always overestimated other people's vision and hearing -- it also leaves her with a lot of questions, and a sense of duty she can't quite shake. She's forced to acknowledge that she's not a normal human. She has gifts and abilities that set her apart from the rest of the populace. She has power -- and we can all finish the old adage.
But she also made promises to her father and sister that, on some level, she feels like she's breaking if she starts being a superhero. Reconciling that and dealing with the guilt, however, are just things she's going to have to do. She does inherit the Golden Eagle mantle from Charley, though I won't say exactly how or why until after Takeoff's finale gets published. (because otherwise I'm not gonna ever write it)
A lot of Bailey's character and story revolve around the ideas of breaking out of cycles of abuse and neglect, what really defines a family, and a whole lot of stuff I'm struggling to put into words.
But while Bailey has, like, so much angst and emotional turmoil, she's also just a big ol' goober. She talks to random pigeons and sings along to the radio while she does chores. She gives her friends stupid nicknames as a form of affection. She offers the neighbor kid cookies because she baked too many at three am, and then realizes how fucking weird that is as a complete stranger. She flirts with people and then freezes like a deer in the headlights when they flirt back. She spent the first twenty-ish years of her life dreaming of being Space Indianna Jones. She's a history and literature nerd, and she will infodump at you about the similarities between art movements across three different planets.
She's a giant dork, and I love her
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miguel-ohara-wifey · 10 months
May I request headcannons for a spider woman reader who’s in her 30-40s and is super motherly but an absolute badass.
Specifically with a platonic Gwen who basically gets adopted by Reader.
Sure! Finals be upon me so this took longer than I wanted to, but here they are! Thanks this request is a breath of fresh air next to the horny sluts I get in these asks! This was a lot of fun!
Being Gwens adopted mother
Rating: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
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-Gwen’s a secretive one; anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain could tell you that. Considering she lost her mother because she could even know her, her best friend before her very eyes. And had betrayed her only real friend afterword out of terror of losing him. You were understanding.
-What you didn’t expect was for her to latch onto you of all people. You were the cool seasoned spiderwoman out of a sea of other cool seasoned spiderwomen. What made you so special in her mind is beyond you. But you can’t help but be charmed by her daughterly affection for you. So you’d go along with it.
-Teaching Gwen how to eat upside down, the best air tricks while webslinging. And letting her leech off of your Netflix account after her dad cancelled there own subscription.
-Listing off the best excuses when she needs to rush into spidersona. Showing her the subtleties of spidey sense, possible scenarios where it won’t go off. As well as tricks for web fluid conserving to prevent running out in fight or swing. Gwen was eternally thankful for all your aid and would start giving you gifts on holidays. She got you a new guitar after you told her the last one you owned broke years ago
-Despite barely touching a base in so long, you’d accept her request to start a band with her. To start preforming in your two’s everyday lives alongside one another. The idea brought you to the verge of tears.
-It was like you had your kid back all over again, however after Gwen made a reckless decision which caused her serious injury. You backed off.
-History was repeating itself before your very eyes, you had a daughter of your own who wanted desperately to be a hero. To follow in your foot steps to protect the city and everyone in it. She tried to keep a spliced ship together with her body alone in order to keep everyone alive. She failed.
-You’d refuse to go to another child’s funeral, you made excuses not to go out on patrol with Gwen. You’d pretend not to be home when she came to visit you. And would make sure you weren’t at the HQ when she was.
-You knew it was a cruel thing to do, but it was for the best. Your first family showed you what good you are for kids. What you regretted was going along with it at the start. It was wishful thinking, but after Gwen almost got crushed to death by a helicopter trying to save the reporters inside of it. Luckily only her leg was caught in the impact. You can’t indulge her anymore.
-You didn’t have the heart to throw away the brand new base she gave you. Probably cost her hundreds of dollars and so much time to make up the money. You were casting such a generously warm soul aside. But you’re too exhausted for this. You can’t live in fear so you reject it. Going back to your generally solitary life.
-Until a couple weeks later Gwen knocked on your window when you were home and she saw you. Anxiety cut down through your body from your head. She let herself in as she yelled to have an explanation for why you’ve been avoiding her. You blatantly lie that you’ve just been busy.
-Then her tone gets weaker, her volume drops. Getting teary eyed as she asks what she did wrong. You try to tell her she didn’t do anything wrong. Gwen contradicting the sentiment drives your interaction into an argument. With Gwen sobbing and yelling as you try and fail not to raise your voice. Gwens screeching pushes you over the edge confessing how it was you who failed Andrea.
-Andrea is, was, your daughter. She received spider powers being born from your genes, since you’d been changed by the radioactive spider bite. She wanted to be just like you. To be a hero, to do good. And she died.
-You insist to Gwen that you can’t go through that again. You don’t care for a meaningful death for your daughters you want them to have a meaningful life. Gwen was silent, the tears stopped. A grin cropped above her chin earnestly asking that you see her as your daughter. You cry out after a sniff of course she is.
-Gwen goes to hug you, you can’t resist folding your arms around her as well. Gwen promises she’ll be more careful. And for what it’s worth she knows how it feels to have failed to save someone. Shes all too familiar with the weight engrained in your very soul having to see the light leave someone you loves eyes. She’s familiar with the darkness that sets in when witnessing such a glimmer die.
-You apologize for ghosting her, she promptly forgives you.
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goatpaste · 2 years
can we see your sbr Giorno's friends?
yknow i was gonna just draw Gio with maybe one or two of the ideas for lil buddies she'd have and talk about them a bit
but per usual I went over the top and drew her a whole main group of friends so here you hope this is what you wanted
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a solid lil group of five that vary in how much iv fleshed them out,, i just have for sure i wanted a lil Lisa Lisa type lady to be in Gios group, and settled on all of them being named after Renaissance paintings and painters.
I dont have much thought out in the ways of them meeting one another or any goals for them, or stand abilities or much of that. But know that these guys are FRIENDS and can fit SO many issues in them <33
I do think giving it a more p4 storyline kinda vibe thats more center to one small area problem and being on the more slice of life style of story telling could be fun...
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Mona, the oldest of this lil rag tag group, meant to be a lot like a Lisa Lisa type for the group ^^
im thinking shes the only non stand user of their group but mm debating it truly. I imagine a more focus on her character as one of the last of the guards to be full tried in spin for this use. if she had a stand to any degree it be like gyro where its hardly a thing.
I also do like the idea of her having history or forming a connection with Jorge with him being a reoccurring character through Giorno as the two grew up kinda distant but fairly close none the less form of cousins to one another.
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Taking, obviously a bit of inspo from the Pucci's on this one. Floridian man struggles with microaggressions on multiple different fronts, loses faith in god and struggles to figure out how to see the good in life.
I dont know much of what i wanna do with his stand but Daisy did suggest an invisibility facet to them,,, potentially thinking to take some inspo from portal on this one specifically with the slime they introduce with being able to build up speed or make bouncy floors and stuff, something along those lines but a lil more built up,,,
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very silly wild girl kinda character, a real richy rich philanthropist type. All talk, wouldnt know how to handle herself if things went wrong for her for even a second.
i have NO idea what to do with her stand ability I just really like the idea of it being made out of fashion magazine clippings (again ty Daisy for such a baller suggestions)
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Of course theres our protag main girl, Giorno. Daughter of Diego and Hot Pants. Named after Diegos mother's maiden name. Very much meant to be like a mixture of P5 Giorno and Trish. Giorno whos a lil louder and meaner and has a bit of a more broken moral compass most of the time but is just more or less broken as a person who cant seem to be able to snuff out that last little golden light in her heart that tells her to do good.
Her stand Born to be, which is the name I think I'm 100% settling on for it... im still not 100% sold on what I exactly want its power to be, but I am thinking it would be like a "healer" type stand of the group and having a "mending" like ability with being able to patch anything together or treat any material like fabric and sew it to other materials like a brick wall to clothing fabric. or sewing parts of concrete together to make a wall... just throwing some ideas at the wall, seein what sticks.
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And! last and youngest member of the group, Venus. A bit of a loner who has suddenly found herself glued to Gios click and cant seem to figure out why shes so terribly fascinated with being around them. Yes Mona is teaching her spin and Gio is like a russian doll with layers she wants to unwrap, but she doesn't need to hover around them everyday for that... So she's kinda wonder what the deal with that is? is it? a sense of found family??? or?? something? gross..
As for her stand i again dont have anything set in stone beyond it being able to do stuff with technology, maybe like an old school paisy park kinda beast. maybe something to do with noises,,,
I do like the idea of Venus learning spin from Mona and Venus using it like a dog toy for Atomic dog and playing fetch with it as a way to incorporate her stand ability with her spin ability.
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birthofvcnus · 8 months
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[Description: An Instagram post from Palestinian-Dutch model Bella Hadid.
[Forgive me for my silence.
I have yet to find the ideal words for this deeply intricate and horrific past 2 weeks, weeks that have turned the world's attention back towards a situation that has been taking innocent lives and affecting families for decades. I have much to say, but for today, I will keep it short.
I've been sent hundreds of death threats daily, my phone number has been leaked, and my family has felt to be in danger. But I can not be silenced any longer. Fear is not an option. The people and children of Palestine, especially in Gaza, cannot afford our silence. We are not brave - they are.
My heart is bleeding with pain from the trauma I am seeing unfold, as well as the generational trauma of my Palestinian blood. Seeing the aftermath from the airstrikes in Gaza, I mourn with all the mothers who have lost children and the children who cry alone, all the lost fathers, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, friends that will never again walk this earth.
I mourn for the Israeli families that have been dealing with the pain and aftermath of October 7th.
Regardless of the history of the land, I condemn the terrorist attacks on any civilians, anywhere.
Harming women and children and inflicting terror does not and should not do any good for the Free Palestine movement. I believe deep in my heart, that no child, no people anywhere, should be taken away from their family either temporarily or indefinitely. That goes for Israeli and Palestinian people alike.
It's important to understand the hardship of what it is to be Palestinian, in a world that sees us as nothing more than terrorists resisting peace. It is harmful, it is shameful, and its categorically untrue.
My father was born in Nazareth in the year of the Nakba (the displacement of 750,000 Palestinans in 1948). Nine days after he was born, he, in his mothers arms, along with his family were expelled from their home of Palestine, becoming refugees, away from a place they once called home. My grandparents, Never being allowed to return. My family witnessed 75 years of violence against Palestinian people most notably, brutal settler invasions which led to the destruction of entire communities, murder in cold blood and the forcible removal of families from their homes. The practice of settlements on Palestinian land still continues to this day. The pain of that is unimaginable.
We must all stand together in defending humanity and compassion - and demanding that our leaders do the same. All religions are peace - it is governments that are corrupt, and intertwining the two makes for the greatest sin of all. We are one, and God has created all equal. All bloodshed, tears, and bodies should be mourned with the same respect.
There is an urgent humanitarian crisis in Gaza that must be attended to. Families need access to water and food. Hospitals need fuel to power generators, tend to the wounded and keep people alive.
Wars have laws - and they must be upheld, no matter what.
We need to keep pressure on our leaders, wherever we are, not to forget the urgent needs of the people of Gaza, and to ensure that innocent Palestinian civilians are not the forgotten casualties of this war.
I stand with humanity, knowing that peace and safety belong to us all.
End of description]
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doshi-sukiru · 2 months
You said that the Jade Emperor had a good relationship with Fanji's family, but what does Fanji think of him considering that the Jade Emperor has a history of having even members of his own family killed (a child literally the man does not believe in anyone) and severely punishing many people?
Okay, in terms of "good" relationships, the relationship between the heavens and Fάnjῑ's family is a little lower than that. Fάnjῑ respects the Emperor and those who are born to ascend to the heavens, and he tolerates their actions (mainly because at the end of the day he has no real power over them-).
When it comes to Fάnjῑ's personal opinion, however, he finds the Emperor to be a truly, downright awful being. Despite the Emperor blessing him with one of heaven's maidens as his wife, the moment Macaque's powers were revealed to become destructive, he was forced to let the guards take his son up to the heavens and be disciplined by Lady Guanyin, similar to how Redson was in JTTW.
Along with that, the power that was released by Macaque ended up corrupting a part of Fάnjῑ's wife, making her go mad with the idea that her children- which were Rumble and Savage at the time since Macaque was already in Heaven- were not safe in the kingdom that was basically built up of demons. Because the Emperor saw this as a threat being related to Macaque, he chose to handle this personally, and had her removed from their lives entirely.
ADDING that with the known idea that every day in heaven is a year on Earth, the emperor chose for Macaque to stay in Heaven in 30 days with Guanyin to "ensure that his power can be properly controlled in his body", while casually not telling Fάnjῑ about this decision.
So Fάnjῑ was basically forced to care for two newborn twin cubs while also waiting endlessly for when his son would return to him (or if he would ever return to him at all). This then causes Fάnjῑ to be constantly paranoid about Macaque. Of course, this trait did affect Macaque just as much, because he soon began to show a similar paranoia for Wukong and Jῑnzi (specifically Jῑnzi since Macaque's paranoia spikes with every loss of his family members).
This is why he had an incredible dislike to Wukong because anyone that showed themselves to be a nuisance or a threat to the heavens could've meant harm to his children (something no parent would ever want). The reason he was willing to accept Azure was because Azure was seen as a worthy person in the Emperor's eyes- he used to feast with many of the great lords and gods in Heaven often. Someone of high status as well as someone who stands on the Emperor's side with pure-hearted intentions is more than worthy for his son's hand (which never happened).
So all in all, relationship wise? Emperor is an asshole through and through. Fάnjῑ does respect him, but in the way a peasant would to a king- while they are grateful, sometimes they find the actions of the king to be cruel and unjust to their lives, but they have no choice but to accept their fate.
also which post did I say that I can't remember-
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trashexplorer · 2 years
BLCD Review: Cosmetic Playlover
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Title: Cosmetic Playlover (コスメティック・プレイラバー)
Author/Artist: Narashima Sachi
Release Date: 2022/11/26
Itou Kento x Kobayashi Chiaki
Takatsuka Tomohito
Oono Tomohiro
Synopsis: Trash
“No or stop, you unexpectedly say cute things.”
The beautiful assistant, Natsume, is forced to do pair sales with his junior Sahashi. Sahashi, who doesn’t take Natsume or his work seriously, overtook him in sales and annoys Natsume as he’s trying to act as a good superior… Once his act gets discovered, he’s threatened into becoming his sex friend?! Plus, he carelessly flipped Sahashi’s switch on!
“Is it all right if I get serious?”
This is a story set behind the cosmetic shop counter, with feelings of love appearing as Natsume finds his heart beating fast, although it irritates him.
Review Proper
When I was a wee young lass of years six, my grandmother called us out from our seaside exile to come live with her in the main house after my father’s death. I was a child of the sea, so adjusting to life in the city was difficult. The main house was just rows upon rows of hallways and rooms, and it was always deathly cold—concrete. Even at that tender age, I knew that the house was shrouded in mystery, but it probably was just a reflection of our equally mysterious family. Every morning on my way to school, I would pass a small, oddly framed family picture along the hallway which showed my grandparents sitting on a red velvet couch while my father, uncle, and my aunt stood behind them. By the time I became a freshman in highschool, everyone in that picture had already passed...except for my aunt who had her face scratched out of it. She had been missing even before anyone from our generation was born, so no one knew where she was or how she’s doing. She was our family’s biggest mystery and, quite possibly, the answer to every other mystery. She was the only one who knows our family’s history, after all. More years pass, and we’ve lost the house along the way, completely eradicating any chance our questions had of ever being answered. Now, we have all learned as a family to leave our curiosities to rest and focus on the present.
But who would’ve thought that at age twenty-five, another big mystery would find itself in my hands? 
The mystery of how Cosmetic Playlover ever got green-lit for a BLCD adaptation and multiple manga sequels, that is.
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I mean, I knew it was gonna be bad from the Sakura Riko-looking art alone, but I didn’t know that it was gonna be that bad. I’m not even comfortable branding it as something that came out in the 2000′s ‘cause that would be an insult to some of them. Oh, I know. This is FUCKING SHOUJO SMUT PLOT BUT WITH TWO DICKS.
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“Omg, Chesk. You’re overreacting.” No, I am not. Cause they have sex like 15 pages into the first chapter and right after Sahashi unzips Natsume-san’s pants, he gives it a squish squelch with a finger then puts his dick in it??? HOW WAS HIS ASSHOLE ALREADY WET??? EITHER HE HAD A PUSSY OR HE HAD DIARRHEA. See, I could forgive things being rushed in the manga ‘cause pages, ya know? But I expected the BLCD to give them more time, BUT NOOOOOO. THEY WANTED TO MOMOSE AN THE SHIT.
Anyway, I won’t talk too much about the plot here. It’s really just your run-of-the-mill shoujo smut with a rapist, black-mailing, edgelord top and a simp for a bottom. 👍 Their climax wasn’t even worth noting. Natsume-san was getting wrongly accused by stealing this one guy’s customers, so he keeps harassing him and Sahashi finds Natsume-san’s notebook with all his customers’ info on them and says the notebook was persuasive evidence that he wasn’t stealing the customers. EXCUSE ME??? WHERE ARE YOU TAKING THIS CASE??? AUDIT???
Moving on to the technicalities of things, I actually listened to this mainly because this would be Chiaki’s debut (Sugar Drug’s was actually released the same day, but I’m not too keen on Takuma being on top). Oddly enough, I think I have almost all of the CDs he’s been cast as a supporting role, so I was looking forward to him leading this time. How did he do, you ask?
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That was
Ngl, this was even worse than Horie Shun’s debut. I’m not sure what happened here ‘cause he acts pretty decently in his other CDs, but he even struggled with stuff outside the bedroom. He never got his surprises right, for one thing. Both the timing and the sounds he made were so unnatural. But the most unnatural bit of it all were his moans in bed. He goes to deep but also uses vowels too big at every given chancee, it just—HE REALLY JUST “AHHAHUHUH” THE WHOLE TIME IT WAS SO FUNNY I KEPT LAUGHING THROUGHOUT THE BEDDINGS I’M SO SORRY. I can see that he’s trying to emulate the Tachi of maybe 2013, but he really doesn’t know how to do it properly. I would’ve preferred it if he just went the quieter route, if that’s how it was just gonna end up as. 😬 His moaning drowned Itou Kento out a bit that sometimes I just forgot that he was there lmao. Hopefully, he did better in Sugar Drug ‘cause Taku’s not that uhh great as a top, so if they both underperformed, that CD’s doomed lmaooo
Itou Kento did well here even though I kinda didn’t like how he started. This is a higher tone than what he usually uses, and I could just visualize what kind of shape his mouth was making that it just bothered me. Thankfully, grew on me after a while. His topping style here was a little reminiscent of Nakajiki’s usual, and I found that endearing. My man learned topping from his top. *wipes tear
The rest of the supporting cast did great too. I found it so funny that Takatomo was acting as a man much older than the two leads when he’s literally the same age as their actors lmao. Our other Tomo’s also showing potential. I’ve seen his name pop up quite a lot recently, and it’s just a matter of time before he gets a lead role. Hope he learns from this.
 Yea, so this was bad overall. If you’re a fan of this series, why? I wouldn’t recommend it because of the acting. It unfortunately sticks out like a sore thumb. I’m not sure if Mari—MARINE?! NO FUCKING WONDER! Yea, this’ll probably have sequels since the manga has 7 volumes and is still ongoing, and Marine loves that weird shit, so... Do I have any other recommendations? I don’t think I’ve ever listened to another BLCD that revolved around cosmetics. That was actually a good concept, ngl. But did this expound on the cosmetics? No lmao. 
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seanssimsblog · 7 months
"Aspens’ Great Awakening" - 1841
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Looking back at the Howell Plantation, Aspen, the middle daughter, is still emotionally and mentally broken into shambles. She's been depressed ever since Nora's and Reginald's escape, which has been a year since then. She has been absent from the motherly love and affection Nora would constantly show her, which her biological mother would fail to provide since the day Aspen was born. She misses the charismatic uncle figure that Reginald was to her, along with his clever jokes that would make her laugh all day. Aspen misses the life advice that the both of them gave her, which she desperately needed as a young woman in 19th-century South Carolina who was an ally for negros; advice that was generally needed to make it in the world, again, which she would never receive from her actual parents due to them spending most of their time away from the family all in the name of reputation, money, business, and capitalism..
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While walking through the house and thinking about life, Aspen overhears her parents in the study room, discussing how they should either set out a bounty for the capture of Reginald or if they should simply have Reginald captured and hung from a tree. With Aspens’ blood reaching a boiling point, Aspen bursts into the room's double doors and lets out the anger that she's held in for the longest. "HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE THE BOTH OF YOU... WHO ARE YOU TO DICTATE HOW ANOTHER HUMAN BEING SHOULD DIE? YOU ARE NOT GOD... DON'T YOU TWO REALIZE THAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS SOCIETY!?" Aspen shouts.
Amalia, dropping her glass, looks at her daughter with pure disrespect and disgust. "Now you will stop this.. you will end this foolishness right this instant! Who are you? Because you're certainly not the daughter I've raised... I will not have a daughter moping and crying in my house over some no-good n*ggers!" Amalia angrily replies to Aspen. "I'm not the daughter you raised, huh? You've never raised me... Nora did... Nora told me how you made her care for me when she was only 13 years old... as if she knew ANYTHING about motherhood when the main thing she needed was a mother HERSELF... But I guess that just didn't matter to you people, huh? Because all she was to you was a DAMNED SLAVE!?" Aspen shouts.
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As Aspen's words strike her parents to their core, Aspen's father, Parker, arises from his seat, striking Aspen with all of his strength. Aspen lets out a pained yell and looks back at her father in disbelief as he walks out of the room. "See, look what you've made your father do. You ought to snap back into reality, girl, and you’d better do it quickly, or else you will be out of the house; out of this family!…, do I make myself clear?" Amalia declares to Aspen. Amalia then proceeds to go after Parker to try and console him.
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The only thing that Aspen could do was cry, as she was lost for words. She didn't understand her parent's way of thinking at all and how they could be good and upstanding Christians while keeping other human beings in bondage for their own personal gain, controlling them as if they were God himself. This marks the day when Aspen would change her mindset completely; she wasn't a woman for the white race but a woman for the human race. Aspen would go on to secretly converse with white abolitionists and discreetly help any enslaved persons that she would encounter in any way that she could.
Her heart ached for Nora and Reginald, as well as the remaining slaves the family possesses. Aspen would soon start to build a plan, a plan that would go down in history. A plan that would free her family's slaves and reimburse them for all of their labor.
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heartsofminds · 1 year
15 questions
thanks for the tag @gretagerwigsmuse. the inner leo in me will never not take the opportunity to talk about myself 😉 so here we go! 
1. “are you named after anyone?” 
my parents took one of the most popular girl’s name from the late 90s to the early 2000s and changed a letter to make it unique...worked out though because it was my great grandpa’s name who died long before i was even thought of. 
2. “when was the last time you cried?” 
watching the new avatar like three weeks ago. the ending had me FUCKED up. 😭
3. “do you have kids?” 
no! but in the future (which is not near at all) i want two or three and we’re all gonna be besties. 
4. “do you use sarcasm a lot?” 
yes. being a facetious bitch is one of my defining traits if you know me irl. 
5. “what’s the first thing you notice about people?” 
maybe a weird answer but i kind of get a read on their vibe first? idk. i love people watching and analyzing things so i always secretly watch and observe before approaching. 
6. “what’s your eye color?” 
i have dark brown eyes! 
7. “scary movies or happy endings?” 
i literally cannot compartmentalize scary movies so my heart rate is elevated for a three-day minimum after watching one. happy endings certainly for the win. 
8. “any special talents?” 
okay okay okay. i have a special talent for reading people’s political compass by just looking at them and it’s always semi-accurate. also for finding characters from tv shows or cartoons that resemble people i know irl. 
9. “what are your hobbies?” 
okay, so i adore writing (stuff outside of fanfics, too. i use it as a coping skill so whenever i write about a situation that upset me, i know that i’m over it). i also love running. i’m trying to get my guy friends to teach me how to play pool. 
10. “where were you born?” 
the land of lincoln lol. 
11. “do you have any pets?” 
no! our family dog passed away like two years ago after having her for twelve years. 
12. “what sports do you play/currently play?” 
i did a little stint with cross country in middle school but quit before high school. i also played soccer and volleyball pretty competitively (club travel teams) throughout high school. now i run mostly but i’m thinking of joining rec volleyball and soccer leagues! 
13. “how tall are you?” 
curious to see if y’all think i give off tall girl energy or short girl energy before i tell you....but i’m 5′1, sadly. 
14. “favorite subject in school?” 
GOD i love history. was literally obsessed with american history after the gilded age in high school and it just kind of..comes easy to me? i’m poli sci now in college and absolutely ADORE my con law classes. 
15. “dream job?” 
i would LOVE to be a prosecutor who deals with special crimes! but ultimately, i want a job that allows me to think critically, express empathy, and help people along the way! 
tagging: @hangmanapologist @roosterbruiser @inklore @callsignvalley @sunlightmurdock @currentlybradshaw and anyone else who wants to do it! 
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Rime a Stepdad (ft.MC)
Did not proofread. Wanted to do this one for a while. This fic is all over the place. On Spring break. Shitshow all the way. Relish daddy rime!
Daddy Varela!? Deer stud became a papi??!! DILF??!akdjkksjjjsks…. What? How? Him? 😳 Well he knows the "How" part. And besides his bed manners surpassed your expectations. Ahem. Anyhow, you said something? Oh…ah….you're not pregnant. You have a kid/kids but from a previous relationship. Yep. That makes more sense.
Congratulations, you look horrendous in white anyway. The jig is up MC. "R-Rime!!" Kidding. Am I?.... *flock his white tinted nose*
Establishing your relationship with rime can be three scenarios. First can be straight-up enemies but one day he sees you with anisa talking in the courtyard on her shift. She giggles hair poofed at whatever nonsense you said to make her show her fangs. He gets a bit closer overhearing your two's chatter. "I can't imagine how you do it, MC?" "I make do as I go along. It's challenging but I love them to the moon and back!" Wrinkling his nose at your lady's talk he peaks from behind the wall to see a picture on your….box thing. Rectangle tool. Earth garbage. (Of course, you're in the photo but another/others appears next to you with a smile) "Being a single parent is brutal. I just hope I can get home to them again before they notice I'm gone. They just turned….!" "Aw!" Walking off you leave rime to be dumbfounded at the brutal truth he wished he hadn't heard. His whole goal is to wipe your existence from the planet. Now his scarred chest flares up aching with every breath he inhales through his flared nostrils. Jaw tight and back hitting the pillars his muscles constrict on themselves like a coiled serpent. Skin heated at the tips of his fingers he curses his mortality for tugging at his melted heart strings. "Damn it all!!" He despise you. Even so, his new goal is getting you home quickly to be rid of your ugly mug. 
Second and third stage is beneficial adversaries to tough love friends to potential lovers.
Will ask questions and concerns. You tell him things here and there. Like their favorite hobbies or likes and dislikes. Nervous. Super nervous of their impression of him. Especially if you told them the backstory of how you met. Man needs a drink. When he does meet them for the first time is surprised at their enthusiasm. Your kin flaunt to him for his features. And his height. Climb him. Babies squealing for him to hold them. Kids will ask HIM questions on his magic. Teens just shrug and nod at him chiming in when he talks to them. Instant connection. Man is relieved. 
Personally, his family history is tainted. In hindsight, he's the type to be difficult with children altogether. In time he bends the knee for them to rain terror on their enemies. Which he becomes their dark knight. 
If you adopted he isn't surprised of your kindness and love. It's the idea of you not being able to conceive that makes him want to hug you close murmuring reassurance that you are a great parent no matter how burnt out you are. 
If they're your own he admires the strength you have to carry a person/ person's for nine months. Unless they were born early or late. Then he sometimes rubs your stomach scar if you got a c-section to kiss your cheek with a sly grin. "Hello, indestructible!"
From newborns to toddlers, he is out of bound to this paternal instinct thing. Definitely not a clue what to do in this situation. In time he asked you in the roundabout way of your kin. "MC! They keep reaching for my antlers make them stop!" "They are just curious rime." Huff's and complains but over time gets used to their touch. Small hands and toes. Diaper changing makes him ill. Disappers for a minute to warm the bottle up and hears the baby/babies cry and immediately returns to hear them stop. Walks out again to hear them scream their lungs out. "Give me a break! I'm just a man!" 
I have a feeling for kids age 3-10 he plays fetch with them and MC tells him to actually engage in playtime. "Their not dogs. Skips rocks with them or tell them to play outside." "How was I suppose to know that they can handle advance topics at their age." (Child/children tug his skirt) ".....What now?" *holds up the stick* "AGAIN!!" Looks to MC with a raised eyebrow. "Hhmm, see they know the basic hands on activity." "Your ridiculous." "I'm a genius."
Teenagers vs rime. He let's them sneak out the tower sometimes. When he scolds them he secretly buys praises their mischief, cleverness with sweets. Vibe all day long. Outfits on point. And insults on blast. If caught by guards he pretends not to know them until they are kicked out  or banned. "You got caught….HOW!!?" "Look on the bright side." "...Bright side?" "MC loves me/us more than you so forgiveness is key." Chases them around a merchants table as they laugh at his attempts to catch them. They make silly faces at him all day long till MC and Felix comes along to scold them. 🤪😝😗🥴. Rime finally tackling them and tickling them to the point of tears escaping them. "Yield or suffer!" *cough* gasp *sputter* "n-n-n…never!!" 
 When the children fall sick he is by their bedside checking their fever and cooing silly stories to them. Reads to them with illusions. Cooks rarely but does it when they ask for his meals. 
Plays hide and seek with them with sage and tulsi till they lose them. Then he'll breaks lose as all three panic and tell at each other.
Elowen just swishes her tail at the fools looking under the mess halls table with giggling troublemakers. "Spin three times and quack like a duck. Then slap yourself. The kids might appear." "Listen feline we are NOT doing that." "Fine get yelled at by MC"..." What was the first thing you said again Ellie" "Tulsi!!" "What!"
Buys them endless clothes and jewels. Gets their ears pierced.
One day they go up to him and ask if they can call him "dad" he runs into a door. Talks with MC for hours and hours till he goes up to them and approves. Ruffles their hair. Prefers to be called dad, pa, father, and so on. 
Drops them off to their biological guardian (your ex) to keep that bond. God knows his relationship with his parents are none existent. If you are a widow will celebrate the anniversary with the kids to remember the happy times. Just wants you and them to be happy. 
Doesn't diminish their relationships platonically or romantic. Respects their own choices and gives them honest advice. Never lies to them.
One day you all hang out and he notices you've all fell asleep and couldn't be happier how is life turned out. Grateful. Loved. And adored. He is in heaven.
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theunicornsdotnet · 2 years
I took the time to (extremely painstakingly) auto transcribe this section from the ebook, but of course support the author if you can, or if you're simply curious to learn a whole lot more about The Unicorns' many Canadian contemporaries.
from Hearts on Fire: Six Years that Changed Canadian Music 2000-2005 by Michael Barclay, Chapter 16: Drunk Clowns of the Victorian Era
Released April 26, 2022
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The Unicorns were definitely real, though much of their story is hard to believe. "It didn't make any sense how badly they wanted to be taken seriously," says Richard Reed Parry of Arcade Fire, "contrasted with how not serious it came across. It was phenomenal."
In the space of 18 months, the Unicorns transformed from a band who once spent an entire show motionless in sleeping bags to midwifing Arcade Fire's success to having the Yeah Yeah Yeahs beg them to stay together after turning down a multimillion-dollar deal. All this happened to a band who were prone to onstage fistfights, whose one and only album was about how much the two core members hated each other. They formed in high school in tiny Campbell River, B.C. , on northern Vancouver Island. One of their last gigs was at Orson Welles's house in L.A. for a debutante's birthday party. In between is one of the most unusual stories in the history of Canadian music.
Nick Thorburn grew up in Prince Rupert, near Haida Gwaii and the Alaskan border. When he was 14, his family moved to Campbell River, a working-class industrial town where he was bullied relentlessly. Music was his salvation. He went to punk shows in nearby Courtenay, seeing Vancouvers Submission Hold and an early version of Hot Hot Heat. When he was in grade 12, Thorburn noticed a kid two grades below, wearing a plaid skirt and a T-shirt that said Share the Power. His name was Alden Penner.
Thorburn was obsessed with music; Penner actually knew how to play it. "I didn't have a guitar or any skills," says Thorburn. "When Alden asked if I played music, I lied and said yes." They quickly agreed he should just sing. "We did these youth centre, rec centre shows," says Thorburn. "I was really trying to do a Peter Murphy thing, because Bauhaus was my vibe. The bassist was a punk guy. The drummer was into funky stuff. Just a criss-cross of styles. I was paranoid that I was a terrible singer. I quit out of total fear of being exposed as a fraud." in 1999, upon graduation, he split for Montreal to study film. A friend from Cortez Island had told him the city was a paradise for people like him.
Montreal was everything he hoped it would be. "My head exploded," he says. "Every night, it was outrageous." He put up an ad to start a band. Chloe Lum responded. Shewas a visual artist who was about to start Da Bloody Gashes with her boyfriend, Yannick Desranleau. She needed a roommate; Thorburn needed an education. "She was really cool and really rock'n'roll; he says. "She had all these records and gave me a really quick, total musical education, took it up to the next level and turned me on to so much. I'd go to shows as much as I could. I didn't have any money. Nothing. I also didn't drink. My costs were low There was this thing at Concordia called the People's Potato, which was free vegan food. I would eat that every lunchtime and take leftovers for dinner. It was perfect and cheap."
Thorburn's film career got off to a rocky start. For his student project, hewas determined to make a movie with Corey Haim.
The Toronto-born troubled Hollywood child star (Edison Twins, Lost Boys) had reportedly moved to Montreal. Thorburn saw an opportunity. He hit the phone book and started calling Haims. The second one was the actors uncle, who offered to pass along the message.
"Great!' Thorburn responded. 'We met at a party a few nights ago and really hit it off. I'm a young filmmakerwho'd like to talk to him about my next film."
"Okay, I'll give him your number and maybe he'll call you."
One minute later Thorburn's phone rang. It was Haim, confused but curious. "I kept up the facade for 20 seconds; says Tborburn, 'and then I said, 'Look, I gotta level with you. We didn't meet. I just wanted to work with you.' He was really impressed and moved by the gesture and the effort. I didn't know what would happen. He agreed to do the movie."
Thorburn now needed to raise money for what might be more than just a short student film. "It was scandalous. but I did a benefit show at the Jailhouse [club] called Save Corey Haim, implying that he was dying and we had to raise money to save him," he says. "We raised all this money to fly him in, even though he was coming in for a wedding; he actually lived in Toronto. It all didn't turn out so well, ultimately.
"The film was about me trying to get Corey Haim to be in my film. It was all non-synch sound and I was into experimental stun, so there were sock puppets. It was a chaotic mess. There was a final scene I'd envisioned where he'd sit down at a diner and tell me he couldn't be in the film. Ultimately, he showed up really late and there was a guy with him who was really freaky. He wanted me to come to his car and give him the money. Everyone on my little crew was like, 'Don't do it, he'll lust leave.' it got really weird." The director of photography then smashed the camcorder tape with all the Haim footage and demanded a kill fee; Haim later threatened to sue. The film was rescripted and ended up being iust about the initial phone call.
Thorburn returned to Campbell River in the summers and reconnected with Penner. They played a few shows on the Island, hitchhiking with their gear, and one at Ms. T's Cabaret in Vancouver. In the fall, Thorburn returned to Montreal and tried to coax Penner to join him, while they wrote songs by emailing sound files back and forth.
One night at an experimental improv jam-- of which there were many in Montreal at any given time Thorburn saw a drummer play a kit with his foot on the snare drum. "He was amazing and doing some crazy shit. l wanted
to befriend him." This was Jamie Thompson. Thompson grew up in Guelph, Ontario, making music in a scene that included Royal City and Gentleman Reg, in whose band Thompson played alongside Tim Kingsbury (later of Arcade Fire). He fell in love with Montreal before he moved there. "l'd taped this old NFB movie about a drummer named Guy Nation, called Le roi du drum, and watched it ioo times," he says. "He played on garbage cans and had this weird successful-slash- unsuccessful career. I developed this really romantic notion of Montreal as this exotic place that was cool in a way I didn't understand." it was. "When I moved here in 1999, the rent vas almost nonexistent. I paid $150 a month."
After meeting Thorburn, Thompson moved into an apartment with him above a butcher shop at St. Laurent and Pins, and then underneath him in the Fattal Lofts in St. Henri, a building that Maisonneuve magazine described as "infamous in Montreal for their cheap rent, custodial negligence and infestations of misfits, artists and crust punks.' During the day, Thompson busked in Metro stations to make rent. At night, he played in a live house music band, Gazelle, who were big enough to play a major outdoor stage at the Montreal Jazz Festival that year, in front of tens of thousands of people. He backed up Spek of the Dream Warriors for a while. Above him, Nick Thorburn and Richard Reed Parry paid $600 for an enormous space as well as access to a concrete jam spot in the building, dubbed the Bread Factory.
Alden Penner came to visit several times from the West Coast,while he and Thorburn pieced together the Unicorns Are People Too EP, which was mostly Penner's guitars with Thorburn's drum programming. "That was the best creative situation for Nick and Alden," says Thompson, "because as soon as they had to be in the same room together, things got more difficult." Nonetheless, Penner soon moved into the Bread Factory. Some of the Unicorns' earliest Montreal shows were in another loft, where Chloe Lum lived, above the club Barfly on St. Laurent. Brendan Reed, later of Arcade Fire, was an early Unicorns drummer; he set his cymbals on fire at one show, opening for the Microphones. Another drummer was Michael Makhan, the co-owner of St. Laurent vegan restaurant Aux Vivres. Thorburn sent demo CDs to every promoter in town. But he didn't have any money for postage, so he'd put packages in the mail without stamps addressed to himself, with the promoter as the return address. "We'd write these letters that were like hostage negotiation letters," says Thorburn. "Not with clipped out letters, but the tone was very forceful. 'Trust me, you have to do this.' The kind of brash hubris only a 21-year-old can have."
Sometimes it worked: in May 2003, upstart promoters Blue Skies Turn Black started giving them opening slots for Metric, the Walkmen and one of the band's heroes, Texan outsider artist Daniel Johnston. But the Unicorns burned a bridge with the big boys early on. In April 2003, they were begging to open for Cat Power, whose showwas put on by the big promoter in town, Greenland Productions.
"We had no bona fides," says Thorburn. "They're like, 'No.' We tried towill it into reality, so we showed up early during soundcheck and started loading our stun in through the back door of Theatre Outremont. We started eating Cat Powers rider. Her tour manager walked in. 'Uh, what the fuck are you doing?' 'Oh, we're playing, Greenland said we're on the bill.' She's like, 'No, you're not on the bill. Get out of here.' That was our promotional attack. We wanted this to exist so badly. I also wanted to have fun. There was a prankish, impish component to it. 'Why do we have to be so serious about all this? Let's just fuck around a little bit.' That was the MO for the early days."
Two months after the Cat Power incident, the Unicorns started recording their debut album. "lt was made in our practice space, the Bread Box, this concrete box inside the Bread Factory," says Richard Reed Parry, who had by then recorded the Arcade Fire EP in Maine and was also working on his own band, Bell Orchestre. "The whole thing was made using my instruments: some synths, an amp I had, a glockenspiel, an Echoplex. I was like, Huh, someone's getting really creative ith my stuff! That lit a fire under me."
Local sound tech Mark Lawson volunteered to help them put it together. "We basically won the lottery when Mark Lawson got involved," says Jamie Thompson. "He had all this know-how and put all this effort into crafting a record that sounded pretty good. I think we spent $300 total to make that record, and most of that was for renting mics."
Jamie Thompson wasn't yet officially in the band during the recording; he also fell ill, so Penner played some of the drum tracks. "I wasn't sure I wanted to be in the band," says Thompson. "l got an offer to play in a cover band that was very highly paid. I probably could have made more money doing that than being in the Unicorns, ultimately. It was steady, shitty work. But I made a decision: I'm going to literally sell all my belongings and go on tour."
Thompson had other concerns and terms upon joining a band that had once played a gig at the Mile End Greek pub Pasalymani's dressed in sleeping bags and performing a puppet show. Thorburn booked a show at the Jupiter Room in the summer of 2003 where neither of his bandmates showed up which was fine with him. "Jamie and I were at loggerheads a lot," he says. "Jamie has a very strong personality. Brilliant human being. I felt a little threatened. Alden had maybe double-booked, but we got in a fight and broke up temporarily. I was outside the Jupiter Room and saw two guys panhandling, so I offered them $10 each to come on stage and be my backing band."
What should have been disastrous turned out to be a turning point: Gary Worsley, who ran local noise label Alien8, was there and intrigued. By the end of the night, he wanted to sign the Unicorns whoever that might be.
The three original members put aside their differences and took the plunge. Alien8 didn't do indie rock. They specialized in abrasive electronic music, both locally and internationally. "I don't know what they thought of us," says Thorburn. "l think they saw the playful, experimental side. We were into all that stuff, too: Merzbow, Phycus, Brian Damage from Unireverse. A lot of drills, buzzing and true industrial sounds. We were influenced by that, but we were also into Simon and Garfunkel. We were really trying to fuse those two. They courted us by taking us to Aux Vivres, and we split the cheque when the bill came. I was like, Oh, is this how the record biz works?"
The album eventually sold almost 100,000 copies. "I think we recouped" Thorburn deadpans.
lt was time to break out of Montreal in July 2003, they had a show booked at Clinton's in Toronto, with Constantines side project Woolly Leaves and comedian Nick Flanagan. They bought a used Honda Civic for $200, from a guy who warned them that it needed a ton of work and needed to be certified. "We said. 'Okay, no problem!' and immediately drove to Toronto," says Thorburn. "We had to pull overevery 30 minutes because it was overheating. The last leg, we had to push it on the side of the 401. It took us 12 hours to get from Montreal to Toronto." (It's normally a six-hour drive.) Miraculously, they made it to the show.
The only other rock band on the Alien8 roster was Soft Canyon, the new project for Andrew Dickson. from the much-beloved garage band Tricky Woo. The two bands embarked on a national tour which should have been a great gig, except that Soft Canyon was a psychedelic country-rock band that didn't sound anything like Tricky Woo, and whose album had a lukewarm reaction. Turnout across the Prairies was low. And the Unicorns' Honda Civic fared only marginally better than it did on their Toronto trip. But there was no turning back. All three were committed to the road, come hell or high water. The next 18 months was full of both.
On the West Coast, they spent some time at home in Campbell River and, with some parental help, bought an '80s RV camper van in Victoria for $2,000, as a low-rent touring bus for the broke band. "It immediately started falling apart," says Thorburn. Exhaust fumes easily penetrated a hole in the floor. The heat didn'twork, so the windows had to remain up. Carbon monoxide poisoning was a serious concern. Nonetheless. it became the Unicorns' touring vehicle for three straight cross-country trips.
"We drove that RV from Victoria to Halifax to Victoria to Montreal," says Jamie Thompson of the fall of 2003. "Touring in that thing in the winter in Canada, you'd be sitting with a blanket over you, shivering, blowing steam while wind came in the cracked manifold in your face for a 20-hour drive from Edmonton to Winnipeg. We left it parked somewhere in Montreal. We left the doors open so that homeless people could live in it for a while."
The shows were sparsely attended: 15 people, maximum. Most of them came from local campus stations, after the band sent all the station managers CDs with a unique typewritten note.
The album, Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?, was released in October 2003. It was deeply melodic and based in popsongcraft, and it was deeply weird. The synths sounded like they were barely being held together. The guitars were scrappy indie rock.
The live drums and drum machine were mostly rough; Thompson only plays on a couple of tracks, and it's pretty clearwhich ones. Yet everything also sounded carefully planned: the dynamics, the directed tempos, the instrumental choices. "I Was Born (A Unicorn)" became an immediate set highlight: in part because it's driven by a relentless Thompson beat, in part because of a three-chord riff with West African overtones, in part because of the dance breakdown in the middle, in part because Thorburn and Penner don't just trade lines but get into an argumentwhile doing so ("I write the songs' / 'No, I write the songs!").
American campus radio loved it. Will Butler of Arcade Fire was working at Chicago station WNUR at the time. "People were losing their shit over it," he says. "WNUR was deeply committed to being weirdos. We played Lightning Bolt. We were playing '70s minimalism, like Terry Riley We were on the early Rapture train; with later Rapture, wewere like, 'Bah. This is essentially a hit: But the Unicorns threaded the needle. They were just weird enough. The music director would write a little review on the sticker of every CD, and on this one he said something like 'the possibilities of pop music but it's experimental.' The Chicago nerds thought it was amazing." Reaction across the continent was similar, among snobs and non-snobs alike.
At the Pop Montreal festival a couple of weeks before the album release, the Unicorns tried to put their CD in the hands of as many bands as possible. It worked. Hot Hot Heat invited them to tour in November. Though they were fellow Vancouver Islanders of the same generation, there were no previous social connections. Hot Hot Heat was, well, hot at the time.
The Unicorns saw a great opportunity until they learned that Metric had been added to the bill. 'We were really pissed,' says Thorburn. "This was going to be a big break, and now we were first of three on the bill and our [guarantee] went down. We were only getting $100 a night. Hot Hot Heat were doinga victory lap and were in celebration mode. We were tagging behind in this RV that was barely able to get to the next town, waking up to frozen bottles of water in the van."
Jamie Thompson enjoyed himself a bit more. "I watched their set almost every night," he says. "Such joy: [drummer] Paul [Hawley]and [singer] Steve [Bays], especially, were so fucking psyched to be doing that. Their positivity was infectious to me. It made us feel like we were supposed to be there. Whereas a month earlier we were playing to 10 people in Regina. Psychologically to me, the tour felt right. It felt like what should be happening."
The crew was a different story. Thorburn recalls, "One of the last shows we did with Hot Hot Heat, the tour manager came back from dinner and was like, 'Oh, that lobster was so delicious.' Welvere starving, and we were like, 'Do you have our meal buyouts?' He just callously laughed in our face and said he'd used it toward his lobster dinner. This was after touring with these guys for three weeks. The tour endedwith two nights at [Toronto's] Opera House. We were always pissing peopleofr. We did something on stage, I don't remember what it was, and we got kicked off the tour on the second-last night. Their merch guy opened for them instead."
The Unicorns' stock was rising while they were on tour with Hot Hot Heat in the fall of 2003.
On November 11, Pitchfork gave the album an 8.9 rating. It appeared on several year-end top 1O lists. Vice magazine, stared by Montreal pranksters infiltrating Brooklyn hipster circles, declared the Unicorns "the best band in the world." in December 2003, they were the top seller at the U.S. online music retail outlet Insound (the indie rock equivalent of Amazon at the time). They spent the first four months of 2004 touring the U.S. extensively, with venues selling out and increasing in size with each return visit. Unlike every other ladder-climbing careerist indie rock band, the Unicorns were wildly unpredictable.
"Alden and I were big practisers, and Nick wasn't," says Jamie Thompson. "When we first started, Alden and I could keep it really steady. Nick would sometimes lose himself, but it created this interesting approach. We couldn't just nail our songs perfectly every night, so it had to open up. We could just show up and improvise. Maybe we'd just make weird noises until someone started playing a song. Nick got tighter obviously, just touring and touring. It made us unflappable. We had so manyweird things happen because we created a situation where weird things could happen."
That extended to their dealings with the press. They claimed to be Scientologists, or that Thorburn and Penner met while nose modelling. All these claims were taken at face value, especially at Pitchfork, which ran a rambling, nonsensical and lengthy transcript of a conversation. (One headline, from Prefix magazine: "We Spent an Hour with These Guys and Didn't Find Out Dick.') On stage, the heterosexual band all wore pink, which four years before the advent of Pink Shirt Day led to speculation that they were gay. When asked directly in the press, they would neither confirm or deny, which was understood to be a tacit admission, not unlike Ricky Martin or Michael Stipe's public stances. "In the early 2000s," says Thompson, "any straight guy would deny it right away.' 'I think we're all fairly straight," says Thorburn now, when asked to clarify. "But hey, it's a spectrum, baby!" Meanwhile, some zealous fan started posting extremely detailed erotic fan fiction online called "Uniporn"; assumed to be yet another prank, it was too weird even for the actual Unicorns.
Ever savvy, they also knew that few things drive media attention more than a beef! Beatles vs. Stones, Blur vs. Oasis, Tupac vs. Biggie. In one early 2004 interview they took shots at fellow Montreal band the Stills, who were signed to Wce's new record label, 'exposing' the band's ska past and exclaiming, "Fuck the Stills!" The Unicorns' manager, Dan Seligman, soon got a call from Vice's Suroosh Alvi, who told him point blank, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." To make amends, the two bands played shows together in Cleveland and Baltimore.
"At the end of the night [the Stills] were like, 'Hey, that wasn't cool,'" says Thorburn. "We apologized and we moved on and after that we were friendly. Only Oliver [Corbeil], the bass player, kept a grudge going. Everyone else realized it was just playful poking.'
Adding to the unpredictabilitywas roadie Max Groadie, part of a planned posse that never really took shape. "I had read that Toni Braxton had gone bankrupt because she had a 60-person entourage that travelled with her all the time,' says Jamie Thompson. 'For some reason, I said to Nick, 'We should do that!' We could show up in town and find the weirdest people and eventually have a 60-person entourage of the craziest people anyone's ever met.'
They made a list of all their favourite freaks. starting with a guy named Bill, who wasdown on his luck and washing dishes in Victoria. He didn't know anything about music, never mind tuning guitars, but they hired him and dubbed him Max Groadie. Sound tech Mark Lawson became his boss and minder.
Because Groadie wasn't much of a roadie, he started developing characters that became part of the show "He had this one character, King Cobra," says Thompson. "He found a pair of fake leather pants at a thrift store. He'd be topless and had a big Elvis pompadour wig and a cane with a dragon on it. He would come out and just heckle us, or whatever."
"Whatever ' took a turn toward the particularly strange at the Knitting Factory in New York City, in May 2004 at a gig with the still-unknown Arcade Fire. The Unicorns had just paid themselves for the first time in six months; until then, all money had gone straight to food and gas. They were selling out shows and selling tons of merch, and Dan Seligman gave them a big cash payout before the first of two Knitting Factory shows.
Thorburn bought a new guitar. When he went on stage, he left the rest of the money in thebackstage area. When he got off stage, it was gone. At least he had his new guitar.
The next night things got weird. Max Groadie came out in his topless get-up and asked the crowd, 'Who's going to crowd-surf me?' People cheered. Groadie continued, 'Okay, who's going to KILL ME?'
"It was like, What the fuck?!' says the normally nonplussed Thompson. "It was super awkward. Then he took a bear-bottle of honey he had shoved down the back of his pants, poured it all over his chest and said, 'Who's going to crowd-surf me now?' Everyone's like, 'Nooooo!' He said, 'Fine,' then turned around and hugged Nick and got honey all over his guitar. We started the next song, and Nick couldn't play. It was his older guitar, thankfully, and so he just smashed it. He got off stage. Me and Alden were still playing, and we think, 'Okay, I think that's that. Good night, everybody!'
"Backstage therewas this documentary film crew from New Orleans who'd come to some shows. I got off stage, and everything was chaos. I played mediator a lot, because Nick and Alden genuinely hated each other. I was trying to calm down, and there was a camera in my face. 'Can you get the fuck outta here?!' I found out later it was Kurt Braunohler, the comedian. He'd just answered a Craigslist ad to help work on a documentary. I don't know where any of that footage went, by the way. We just never heard from them again. We didn't have time to think about it."
"Max Groadie was the linchpin, or the scapegoat," says Thorburn. "His role was to funnel and pour all of our anger and frustration onto him--we weren't yelling at him, but we were encouraging him to be destructive. He was our impish mascot and would go on stage and do disruptive things that would antagonize the audience and the headlining band and the venue. There are lists of people we had to apologize to. We could easily have just said, 'Sorry, that's Max Groadie, our crazy roadie. We can't contain him, but we'll try harder next time."
"At one show he took Thousand Island salad dressing from Ben Kweller's backstage area and spit it into the front row of the audience. The tour manager, who is now Arcade Fire's tour manager, made us apologize to Kweller's guitar player. She said, 'You know, he asks for this salad dressing every night. It's the one thing on his rider. He finally got it tonight and you guys spewed it into the crowd.' People were so mad. We did a show for the CBC and Max Groadie came on stage and started ranting about how the CBC was a secret society. The show was entirely unusable and wasted all this time and money. It never aired.
"We never understood what consequences were, because we were falling up while fucking around," Thorburn continues. 'It was working. We weren't malicious. We weren't trying to hurt anybody. We justwanted to be playful with the nobility of rock'n'roll, which we thought was stupid. These bands from that time like Interpol or the Futureheads and all these pretentious British rock bands who were so self-serious. I mean, fuck you, this should be fun why not be crazy with it? I'm glad we got that out of our system at 21 or 22. I think you're supposed to be a little irreverent and impish at that age. But you gotta do it before you're 25. After that, it's just a bad look."
None of this scared Arcade Fire. They were more than excited to accept an offer from the Unicorns to open an American tour in June 2004. They'd just finished recording Funeral, had just signed to Merge Records and were ready to take on the world. But the Unicorns had also stepped up their game. "It was the first time I'd seen a band become a real band," says Richard Reed Parry. "When we met them at the first show of our tour, they'd been on the road for many months. They were burning. People were so stoked to see them, and musically it was just so awesome. They'd transformed themselves. They were still a weird indie band, but it wasn't scrappy and art-schooly anymore. It was really heavy and saying something quite profound while still totally irreverent. I was jealous. And there were only three of them. Nothing beats that."
At the Milwaukee stop, they played a bar where the stage had a gear-loading door directly behind it that led to the street. In the middle of a Unicorns song, a stranger opened the door, poked his head in and looked around. The crowd started laughing; when the band noticed, they invited him in but told him he had to rap if he wanted to stay to see the show.
"Nick ushered him up to the microphone," recalls Parry, "and then he just started freestyling in Spanish, like a baller, and he loved the attention. He totally killed it, and they went with it."
This attitude endeared them to risk-takers in every town. "We ended up with a lot of celebrity fans, people in comedy and film, especially in Los Angeles," says Jamie Thompson. Fellow Canuck Michael Cera, a 16-year-old actor on the show Arrested Development, was vocal about the Unicorns being his favourite band. "It wasn't just that we built a big following--in terms of crowds they weren't huge shows, necessarily," says Thompson. "But the key people got into it at the right time."
The irony of their success and onstage chemistry is that the two principals fought constantly and quite literally. "l mean, we'd made a concept album about how much we hated each other and wanted to break up," says Thorburn. "We were ready to call it quits before we even started playing the game."
"Nick and Alden were already fist-fighting--like legitimately fighting, not a stage thing--backwhen we were still opening for people at Casa del Popolo,' says Thompson. "Usually Alden would get Nick into a submission hold, because Alden had a bit more natural aggression. Nick has a different aggression. I'd usually lust try to keep the energy of the show going and keep playing. But occasionally I'd go break it up. One time in Chicago, I broke up a fight with them and then Nick tried to fight me, so I picked him up and threw him over a couch. It wasn't a fair fight between me and either of those guys, really."
"We were thrust into this position where we were constantly working and we had the stamina for it--or Jamie and I did," says Thorburn. "We embraced it. Jamie and I had fights that final year as well, and sometimes on stage. But for the most part, it was Jamie and I versus Alden, or Alden and Jamie versus me. It was this weird triangle where we were trying to consolidate power. Alden wasn't happy playingbigger shows. Jamie and I relished it: why not have this be as big and fun and exciting as it can possibly be? And use this platform to do something different? And if nothing else, to entertain ourselves, like projecting My Dinner with Andre behind us as our light show."
Things got bigger and more exciting when they went to Europe for the first time in August 2004. Someone who worked for XL Recordings was a big fan and offered to be their driver in the U.K. , pro bono. At that time the label vas known for Badly Drawn Boy and the Prodigy (later on as home to Radiohead and Adele). The Unicorns were big fans of the U.K. grime records XL was putting out by Dizzee Rascal and Wiley. They took a meeting at the label's ofhce with CEO Richard Russell.
"They made us an absurd offer," says Thompson. "I won't speak numbers, but it was a ridiculous, stupid offer, an insane amount of money." It was iust to license the debut outside of North America, with an option on the next two records. Penner was dead set against it. He didn't provide any reasons.
That European leg ended in Paris--badly.
"We ended up breaking up on stage that night," says Thorburn. "l smashed a microphone stand into this brick wall and chipped the wall and the venue refused to pay us. There was this big kerfuffle. Geoff Travis of Rough Trade records was there and was like, 'l need to sign this band.' He came backstage andwas like, 'Get back together. I like it.' We thought, Fuck it, let's do it."
"The Rough Trade deal was maybe 10% of what XL had oHered us," says Thompson, "and Alden was like, 'That's great! Let's do that!'"
Penner had become obsessed with the DIY philosophy of Fugazi and their main mouthpiece, lan MacKaye. Manager Seligman gave MacKaye's phone number to Penner and told him to iust call him. Which he did, repeatedly. Penner wanted the band to start booking their own shows and charging a cap of $5 at the door, like Fugazi did. To pacify him, Thompson and Thorburn let him book three shows in Vancouver and Victoria at the end of the September tour, places where he'd have some connections.
"Needless to say, those Vancouver andVictoria shows didn't go that well," says Thompson. "But Alden doubled down. I would understand if we were being chewed up by the machine. But Dan Seligman was our manager, and he's maybe the best person I've ever dealt with in the entire music industry. He didn't tell us to do anything. I don't care if his title is 'manager' and there's a history in the music industry of managers being horrible. Alien8, same thing: run by two guys, theyweren't a problem. Our booking agent was one guy. Our publicist was a one-person operation at the time, while taking care of his sick mother. We did all-ages shows all the time."
After yet another North American jaunt, the Unicorns went back to Europe, beginning in London with an official Rough Trade showcase at Barfly in Camden. It was packed with a who's who crowd. Onstage tension was high.
"There was some weird technical glitch on stagewith a rented synth and we ended up not really playing a show, just making noise and screaming at each other," says Thompson. "We went backstage, sitting on a couch, no one'slooking at each other. Then Karen and Nick from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs came in and were like, 'Guys, thatwas so great! We loved it!' We're like, 'You loved that?!'" The two bands had never met before; the Yeah Yeah Yeahs were just finishing the tour cycle for their breakthrough debut. They all retired to the New Yorkers' hotel room, where they drank and talked for two hours about how to manage internal conflicts. The Unicorns were urged not to break up and left that night with an opening slot for the American stars at a sold-out gig in London a few nights later. But because they dallied on accepting the offer, the Unicorns ended up third on the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' bill, playing right after the club's doors opened to a tiny fraction of the 3,500 ticketholders. "The writing was on the wall," says Thorburn. "You could only put us back together so many times."
It wasn't the ideal time to tour the other side of the world. But they had six dates in Australia booked for December 2004 with one odd stop en route: the 16th birthday party for the daughter of Russian aristocrats held at an L.A. mansion once owned by Orson Welles.
"It's weird, but Alden was super into doing that," says Thompson. "It seemed against anything he would have wanted to do." The girl's family paid for the band's flight and hotel room on top of their fee. While there, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs invited them to a dinner party with Beck, who wanted the Unicorns to open for him in Montreal on his next tour. Back at the hotel, however, the Unicorns decided once and for all to split.
That clarity made the Australian dates somewhat easier, even though Penner and Thorburn didn't speak once during the two weeks there. "We flew there and had five days off in Melbourne," says Thompson. "Everyone had their own hotel room, which was the height of luxury. The people we worked with there were amazing. Then we went back and played a huge sold-out show in Houston, three times the size we had before, maybe 1,000 people. More people than had ever come to see us in the States, bigger than L.A. or New York. We kept telling people it was our last show and nobody believed us. Nick got annihilated, wasted. We snuck a bunch of kids in the back of that show, and they came up on stage and danced. Nick disappeared after, and so did Alden."
"There was a bootleg recording of that gig floating around, and it's horrifying," says Thorburn. "I was just gone. I knew it was the end. It was a funereal air in the room. Very dark and very negative. We left Houston and we both went back to Campbell River; we might even have been on the same plane but did not speak. Then [Penner] called me a week later and said, 'l can't do this anymore.' I said,
"l was really interested in the dynamic between Nick and Alden," says Thompson.
"Nick does film stuff. He put out a graphic novel. If you said, 'We need someone to design a toothbrush!' Nick would probably be good at that. He's a super creative, visionary guy. He's not an obsessive, music-specific guy. He was more of a frontperson and wanted that attention. Alden was really obsessive, had a very introverted approach to things. He might want to go live in a cave and just play guitar. That's an interesting mix of guys."
On December 28, 2004, 14 months after their debut was released, a message was posted on the band's website: "The Unicorns are dead R.I.P."
After the breakup of the Unicorns in December 2004, Nick Thorburn didn't want to face a Montreal winter. He went to L.A. and urged drummer Jamie Thompson to join him.
They started plotting a new band, Islands. They knew what kind of baggage they carried. "I didn't want to be that joke that isn't funny after awhile; says Thorburn. "Something that really bothered me about how the Unicorns were framed was that it was whimsical and quirky. 'They play toy instruments!' These things that weren't true. We were playing synthesizers from the '70s and drum machines from the '80s; those aren't toys. But that was the narrative and it irked me. I hated bands that were 'adorkable,' I really wanted to make serious music that could move you but also make you laugh. When Jamie and I started Islands, we wanted to try some things. Some of those things were to write explicitly sad songs or romantic or emotional songs, and that's what I've tried to do ever since."
First, however, came a hip-hop project. With Steve Mcdonald of Redd Kross and future Red Hot Chili Pepper Josh Klinghoffer, Thorburn and Thompson started backing L.A. rappers up live. This evolved into something they called Th' Corn Gangg, which didn't exist past two SXSW performances and one sold-out L.A. gig. "My great regret in life was not doing more Corn Gangg stuff," says Thompson, "because that was an amazing project."
Instead, focus turned to Islands demos, also done in LA. with Steve Mcdonald. Though happy with the results, Thorburn and Thompson wanted more of a Montreal vibe. They returned to the Unicorns' birthplace and invited their friends: all but two members of Arcade Fire, most of Bell Orchestre and Wolf Parade, Snailhouse's Michael Feuerstack, Jim Guthrie, bassist Patrice Agbokou. The debut, Return to the Sea, came out on the short-lived Equator Records, a label founded by Matt Drouin, a high-school startupwunderkind. They turned down an offer from Universal, because Drouin, who was now Metric's manager, could get them more money from Canadian granting agencies than the major label was offering as an advance. And yet, says Thorburn, "I never received a single dime or saw a single royalty statement from Equator."
Beck kept in touch, and the oder still stood to open his Montreal show at the Bell Centre, which would be Islands' ofhcial live debut. The band, all clad in white, featured Feuerstack, Agbokou and two string players who'd never played a rock show before. Jim Guthrie was also on board. Says Jamie Thompson, "For me, growing up in Guelph, that was like Paul Mccartney joining the band. lt was a huge deal."
The debut was well received, the tour well attended; there was also a tour opening for Hot Hot Heat. But by then Jamie Thompson was exhausted and wanted out. He'd assumed financial and managerial duties since Islands' inception, as well as tour managing, and it all got to be too much. He left in the spring of 2006, just a few months after Return to the Sea came out. "In high school, I figured I'd be an unknown jazz musicianwho died penniless, like all my heroes," he says. "When success came, I was determined that no one was going to take it away. I'd be on the phone, doing emails and spreadsheet work, and we're on a bus and everyone else is having the time of their lives, drinking and partying, and there was more and more shit falling on me. We'd do wild things, and I'd have to talk to the cops all the time and I'm not a huge fan of talking to cops."
One night in Providence, Thorburn led the crowd out of the club and played the encore with acoustic instruments in an adjacent basketball court; people stuck around to play a game afterwards. Good times. The next night in Manhattan, the same stunt didn't fly and led to the promoter telling Thompson that they wouldn't be paid. "While everyone else is having this wild, transcendent experience on the streets of New York, I'm talking to cops and finding out we're not getting paid," he says.
"I had to put gas in the bus and pay this guy and that, and it got more and more stressful. In L.A. , Nick had been taping smoke bombs ontothe headstock of his guitar and lighting them off at shows. The person at [influential California promoter] Goldenvoice came up to us and said, 'We've heard he's been doing this thing. We're telling you right now, if he lights off a smoke bomb, you're not getting paid and Goldenvoice is never working with you again. Just so you know.' I went back and said, 'Dude, you have to not do this.' But he has an antiauthoritarian thing, and now I'm the heavy. He ended up doing it, and the woman chewed me out like crazy afterwards. That was it for me."
Around the same time, Alden Penner re-emerged in Montreal with a five-piece called Clues, co-founded with Brendan Reed, an early Unicorns drummer. They put out one record on Constellation in 2009 before packing it in.
He surfaced again in the Hidden Words, a conceptual project based on Baha'i texts, at a time when he was reconnecting with his faith. It was primarily a three-piece with violinist Marie-Claire Saindon and Jamie Thompson, with whom he'd reconciled over a long and apologetic phone call. After releasing one Hidden Words album on Bandcamp in 2011, Free Thyself From the Fetters of the World, "he had some family issue and had to go away," says Thompson. The album has since disappeared from all online platforms.
Improbably, the Unicorns reunited in 2014. Or perhaps it had been prophesied: the last thing they releasedwas a single called '2014' in 2004. Penner was in a better emotional and musical space; his 2014 solo album Exegesis was deservedly acclaimed. Penner and Thorburn had talked occasionally over the years about doing something, but the ice finally thawed when an invitation from Arcade Fire came to open some key dates on the Reflektor tour. Uncharacteristically, Penner agreed to six shows and signed all the contracts before telling his bandmates. "Which is hilarious, but that's life," says Thompson.
Penner told the Kreative Kontrol podcast, "It's not really a cash grab or based on any sort of nostalgia coming from those who've been calling for it for a long time. It feels like a point in my life where it'd be nice to honour that friendship. It's never too late to do that sort of thing, even though it might feel that way as you get older."
"We hadn't played in 10 years," says Thompson. "We rehearsed in L.A. for a couple of days before. On the first song on the first day, we just counted in and played it perfectly. It was super normal, very casual and natural for us to be playing a huge show like that."
There were two shows at the Forum in L.A. and three at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, followed by a hometown show headlining the Metropolis as part of Pop Montreal. Offers flooded in to keep it going, including one from the Pitchfork festival. Thorburn says, "Alden and I couldn't come to a resolution about how to perform live, the scale of the live show, and Jamie's involvement, so I turned it down."
Is there not a certain beauty, Thompson is asked, about burning so brightly before imploding and then having a brief, triumphant return? "Yeah," he laughs. "But I'm over 40 now, and there would also be a beauty in being able to buy a house."
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lunarcovehq · 8 months
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Aaliyah Rose is a vampire that currently resides in Echo Acres and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 5 years though we’re not quite sure if that’s true... not a lot of what she says checks out...
DATE OF BIRTH: April 21, 1712
OCCUPATION: Fence/Owner of Eclipse
FACECLAIM: Emmy Rossum
SPECIES: Vampire
Trigger Warnings: Death, violence
Aaliyah Rose is a lie, and she’s okay with that. 
Born a long time ago in a town with a new name in a country that no longer exists, Alina Roth was the daughter of a wealthy, prominent, but not noble family in Cluj,Transylvania, in 1712. This was a turbulent time period for not just Transylvania, which was newly under the control of the Habsburg dynasty, but also the city of Cluj itself, which would be plagued with all manner of economic disparity. The Roths were lucky, though. The Roths managed to maintain much of their wealth, and Alina was able to grow up comfortably, if not always happily. Alina’s life was very much not her own. She was married off at twenty-one, and she had given her husband both his heir and a spare by thirty, along with two girls. No more, she said. Her job was done. No more. 
With no love lost between her and her husband, she was allowed to do as she pleased, even if that wasn’t much. Alina attended social events when they presented themselves. She languished in her home. She occasionally saw to her children. She paid no mind to the goings on of the people beneath her. It was all so droll. Her life was so droll, endlessly unexciting. Alina did not know of the quiet rage building in the world. She did not know of the quiet rage building within herself. She had no words for the discontentment in her life. She wouldn’t have those words for a very long time. 
There was a fire. Whether it was set on purpose or on accident is anyone’s guess, but it overtook her husband’s estate quickly, and Alina was couldn’t find her way through the smoke. She choked on it, succumbed to it, until she felt hands on her shoulders, something cold in her throat. The next time she woke, she was dead. It was a strange feeling. The woman with her was a face that Alina had only seen in passing, a maid from the kitchens. She’d turned Alina on a whim, and now she was stuck with a useless progeny. And useless Alina was. She had no life skills, no fostered talents. She’d been raised to look pretty, to provide a beautiful portrait, little else.
That ended up being no matter. Alina took to being undead in ways that she had not taken to her life before. She reinvented herself everywhere that she went, leaving behind bodies and broken hearts like a trail. Her name changed frequently, so much that Alina Roth was a woman in the past, buried under a pile of rubble. A forgotten name in history. But she was not forgotten. She met people, had fun, learned, blood always tastefully dabbed away from the corners of her lips after a long night faded into a red dawn. She would later claim to be the inspiration for several notorious vampires throughout history and literature, but that is a story for another time.
Years faded into decades, into centuries. The monotony came back, the ennui. She felt again like a young woman in an estate, except now she could see the world and do whatever she wanted, and none of it had any real meaning. She was a ghost with a body. She drifted around without cause or care. 
Aaliyah Rose woke up in 1993. She was walking through an alley in New York when she saw a mugging in process. She didn’t know why she stopped it, only that she did, and it felt good. All those years, all that strength and speed and power, and she’d never truly used it. God, it felt so good to use it. She became something of an avenging angel, though there was nothing angelic about her. Aaliyah Rose was the embodiment of 90s grunge and post punk rock, bruised knuckles that healed by the end of the night, a cigarette between her teeth, a cracked baseball bat in her hands. She learned to feed off of criminals, the worst that society had to offer, and she learned that she didn’t want to just fight the good fight; Aaliyah just liked fighting. Gone was the bride trapped in the country estate. Gone was the languishing vampire wiping away blood with silk. 
Claiming to have been turned in the mid-90s in Seattle, Aaliyah traveled with open eyes, getting her hands dirty in ways that she never had before. She started getting more involved with less than legal activity, telling herself that the best ways to feed off the scum of the earth was to work with them. She started out running jobs and providing extra, supernatural muscle, her frame deceptively dangerous. She worked her way up, becoming a rather reputable fence. After all, she’d been around for a long time, even if she was pretending not to be. At some point, Aaliyah ended up making her way to Lunar Cove, joining the clan under her new name and lifestyle, though she kept traveling, returning to town sparingly. She forged new connections and ended up getting involved with several different crime families. About twelve years ago, she was working in Chicago and ran into some Twilight fanatic that clocked her in as a vampire. There was always a bit of fear that reared its head when mortals figured out what she was; Aaliyah was old, and she’d seen the decimation that hunters had caused in the past. It was easier to pretend that she was younger. It put less of a target on her head. The kid had seemed clueless, though, so she took him back to Lunar Cove to abide by the accords, and that was where he stayed, as far as she was aware. 
Aaliyah started to realize that the town was a decent place to set up base, taking ownership of Eclipse and making the club into a "reputable" supernatural black market. Aaliyah Rose had a reputation of being one of the best fences on the east coast, able to buy and sell stolen goods with a quick turnaround. Her business was fair, or as fair as it could be, but Aaliyah loved when things went wrong. She loved when tensions got high, when fights broke out, and, more than that, she loved breaking fights up. She continued traveling, coming back to town frequently, and, when needed, recommending the town for the occasional supernaturals that she met that needed a place to go. About five years ago, when some former associates needed a place to go, Aaliyah told them about Lunar Cove and ended up just sticking around. She had plenty of business, plenty of things to get into, and, in the end, she could always leave again if she wanted. After all these years, she was a master of reinvention.
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undead-merman · 3 years
Heyo! I loved your headcanons for the brothers and Simeon as sirens, they were a truly *chef kiss*. Can we also have siren Barbatos and Diavolo? Yandere too and sfw, please!
Thanks in advance!
I'm always down to write Aquatic monsters.
🧜‍♂️Siren Diavolo and Barbatos🧜‍♂️ as a yanderes GN- reader SFW
Diavolo is much, much larger than other sirens. While sirens grow to be about a foot or two bigger than humans, Diavolo is massive, fifteen feet long and with tons of bulk and muscle to match his massive size. He looks more similar in size to a giant than a siren.
Despite his size he is dazzling in the sun. When his crimson hair catches beams of light he looks divine, almost like a holy glow surrounds him as he rests on the rocks. His tail is the same stunning red as the blood red sunset and has a bright pearlescent. His scales are just as reflective and polished as a bright red sports car. His skin is deeply kissed by the sun, making his skin look smooth and shiny. His nightshade red fins are long and butterfly shaped; they trail slightly behind him like silk.
He wears all kinds of jewels and golds, all of them perfectly fit around his skull and fins. They drift perfectly around his large frame and glimmer even in the smallest amount of light.
Diavolo is the only siren able to keep his glamor up even if he’s excited, in the water, or even angry. He has full control over it and only shifts to it when he’s actively trying to strike fear into something or someone. His true form is like that of sea monsters in folktales, monstrous in size and able to take a ship down into the dark depths of the open ocean, to swallow whole crews, and create winds and storms as he lets out a devilish scream which can be heard for hundreds of miles around.
Royalty amongst Loners and Sunken Hideaway
Despite their lone lifestyles, only really enjoying the company of their mates, most Sirens look to Diavolo as more of a god than any type of king or prince despite having the title of prince. They worship his power and bow down to his whims and needs. They bring him tributes in the form of small treasures and Diavolo returns these gifts with blessings of more intoxicating songs, stronger wills, his watchful eye and protection, or just overall greater strength. Diavolo seems to freely give these boons no matter how small the gift.
Since he’s a well known and well visited siren, he’s built his home in the sunken ruins of a castle in a city whose culture and history has died long ago. It’s well taken care of by servants who have pledged their lives to Prince Diavolo and are surprisingly pleasant and tolerable with one another. They equate this to Diavolo’s power and grace but only those who are truly loyal to Diavolo stay here.
His voice can bring either madness or blessings and can be the most beautiful thing your ears could ever hope to hear or one so evil, devious, and grotesque you’re driven into a hypnotic bloodlust to those with even the strongest wills. His lullabies sound so melancholic.
He hides away in a large garden which has its own open air biosphere bathed in light by a glass ceiling which has yet to crack yet bathes the whole garden in a beautiful light. A single golden curly willow grows in the center with dozens of flowers growing around it. Here the air is surprisingly fresh and floats on the surface never touching the water around it like it’s a time capsule. He’ll lounge here to clear his head watching the butterflies that have grown here, alone and have never seen the outside.
Spending time with you
You and only you heard his song and wept. The feelings of his loneliness tugged at your heart instead of your head being filled with euphoric thoughts of power and blessings or instantly pounding through your skull until you screamed. You truly heard his song, understood the lyrics behind them and felt the way he did when he sang them. When he saw your face littered with tears and face hot with sympathy for him he felt his whole body go numb. You were something special, someone truly remarkable. He needed to know more about you.
And so started a passion in his heart to learn everything about you, your traditions, your light quirks, your hobbies and everything he could possibly learn. It sent him down a rabbit hole of studying humans that he refused to climb out of and gladly let swallow him if it just allowed him to get closer to you and understand you better.
He doesn’t mind what form you see him in, as long as he can see you he’s thrilled and happy. He’ll approach you like a dog, his tail swishing excitedly as he asks you questions he formed in his head from the day. He has to be careful in his true form otherwise he can cause a lot of damage to the nearby area and draw too much attention to you two.
He loves to pick you up and hold you, be in his true form or not and travel with you on his back, or when his true form shows in his hands or on his head as he intentionally kicks up some water to playfully mist you. Moments like these make him forget he was ever even alone to begin with.
If you ever wanted to see some kind of sea creature or visit some island he’s happy to oblige bringing the creature over with his divine rule over the ocean or happily just takes you there one day while making you cover your eyes to surprise you. The look on your face makes his heart swell so much he almost feels like it will jump out of his mouth if he’s not careful.
Dark Tendencies
Diavolo isn’t against using others to get what he wants, he'll ruin everything for anyone or anything to get what he wants. He’ll destroy small islands and wipe out ports so nothing can distract you from dates he takes you on.
If he feels like you aren’t close enough to him or are drifting away from him, for some reason or another, he’s simply going to just pluck you away from your old life so you don’t have any excuse to be away from him anymore. You're his now, you don’t have to worry about that silly stuff anymore, both of you can be together now. Why not just get married now? It would be much easier. Siren’s don’t marry, they just pick a mate but he’s willing to put the frills on it for you and your human ways. He finds it cute!
He doesn’t ever connect the dots if you struggle against him or plead for him to let you go, he’s wrapped up in his own delusions of you being a happy little couple that he’ll blame some outside force. If you go along with him he’ll remain peaceful and sweet.
He absolutely hates it when other sirens see you and while he’s not outwardly violent to them he is quite hostile. Grinding his teeth and asking them to look away from you while his tail twitches with the intent to lash out.
He gave you your own little haven to decorate, he gave you the garden all for your own. He even made sure to promise to give you your own space and privacy here, just as long as you come to his call. Don’t worry though, only you, him, and Barbatos know of this place, and you can’t run from him here!
Misc stuff
His scales shed infrequently since he doesn’t get into fights with other sirens since all of them know better. His scales are radiating with his power and are well known to bring massive good luck to all those Diavolo gives them to. He’s always giving you things made from his scales and he’s so thrilled to see you in them. He likes adding them to a circlet crown he had made custom just for you so you can match him. He plans on matching you to him with every little piece of jewelry, even down to matching rings.
He requires you to sleep with him. He can sleep out of the water perfectly fine and just pulls you into a lavish den he made for the two of you. It’s somehow unbelievably cozy sleeping with him. His body is warm and everything he set up is the best out there. He just holds you in his warm arms and nods off with you.
He’s quite a picky eater. He refuses to eat anything he doesn’t like and will only eat it if you so happen to beg him to, but only if you're insistent, otherwise he’s already slowly drifting away from it.
For a siren he’s smaller than most. He’s quite slender and not much muscle to him, but despite his size, his appearance is perfect in every way, not a hair out of position, not a scale that isn’t out of polished or asymmetric, and his skin without a blemish or scar to be found. He takes a huge amount of time to groom himself perfectly.
His scales more resemble sea snakes, even having black stripes like them, though his tail is a solid dark seafoam green. He’s not especially radiant compared to others, but he doesn’t mind at all, he prefers to melt into the background more.
His tailfin is wide though, having a lyretail shape with black stripes going across it. It’s the same dark color as his scales and he has only two side fins but they look like long ribbons stretching from his hips to about halfway down his tail.
His glamor when melted away leaves behind an even darker looking creature. He looks like a stormy sea and is covered in nasty sharp thorns that don’t just stop at his elbows but lead down to his hips and thin yet long and sharp claws and stark black webbing in between without a tear or hole.
Serving Another
Serving the Royal Family was an honor his family was born with for generations and one he realizes the importance to. Diavolo is powerful enough to sink ships and cities and he provided some of that power and grace onto him rewarding him and his ancestors before him for loyalty, slowly turning Barbatos’s family into nearly just as powerful creatures as him.
He enjoys watching the whims of a child like god try to make sense of a kingdom, it's good fun to see him enjoying his life he is able to live vicariously through his high energy.
He puts his all into everything he does, he hates wasted efforts so he does everything he can into what he does but it gets tiring. Sometimes when trying to sleep, he finds himself unable. He’s always had poor sleep but he’s dealt with it for so long now that it's normal for him now. He starts his morning eating a small slice of kelp known for reducing head pain, all while preparing for the morning.
Spending time with you
If Diavolo took an interest in a human then you certainly had to be interesting. Well when he met you and saw you drinking tea with a huge Diavolo stretched around the floating garden. He just knew you were a human with a soul like no other.
He often brings you your favorite beverages and chats with you, simply at first to get to know you but he found you captivating, each word you spoke he held onto like it was the last he would ever hear and it was gospel. He smiles as you recall old memories, describing how you ended up here. The way you phrased things was unlike anything he had ever heard.
He’s taken the time to find old waterlogged books that were left abandoned in the old library and help restore them for you to read. Inside you find wondrous and fantastical stories of this old kingdom all of them enthralling, and as you read he’s happy to bring you a beverage once more and enjoy your company even if it’s in silence.
Once he’s grown closer with you he often finds himself giving you lingering touches as he pats your shoulder for your attention or grazes his hand on yours when delivering food to you. He even says the most romantic and poetic things to you without even noticing. He falls in love slowly but deeply and almost innocently. He just treasures your time and you as a person, never judging or doubting you.
There was a day when he had pulled you into a parting hug, wishing you a goodnight as Diavolo would return you to the surface but he had simply fallen asleep in your arms. Even Diavolo was shocked as he had never done anything close to something like this. It turns out Barbatos is at the most ease when he’s with you. All of his sleepless nights had just suddenly caught up with him.
Dark Tendencies
His love quickly shifts one day when he see your finger pricked by a stray thorn from a wild flower and as he wiped up the blood with a handkerchief and sees those butterflies fluttering around the wound to drink the blood he realised just how fragile you really were and how nature and life take advantage of that as soon as it could. He couldn’t take losing you. So one day he calls you and just takes you. You think it's just another visit with Baratos fetching you but he takes you to a deep and dark underground cave. Soft phosphorus moss grows all over in cushioned patches and with every step it glows brighter under your feet.
He explains it all to you, openly and honestly but no matter how you plead or try to reason with you, he believes you need to be down here forever. Away from the outside world that would care so little for the death of you and move on like nothing were to happen. He wanted you safe, around and immortalized; he'll never forget you.
He provides you with an array of pleasantries that would have no chance of harming you. He’s damn near baby proofed the small cave but he ensures it's as comfortable as it can be, bringing you three meals a day, all of your favorite drinks and snacks even if you fight him or give him the silent treatment he’s never neglectful of your needs. He believes one day you’ll come to see how much he did for you and understand he just wants you safe.
Misc stuff
He’s a clean freak and refuses to let you sleep on dirt or muck, he’ll thoroughly wash the moss through and treat it so it feels like you're walking on clouds without feeling any slime, having bugs, or being dirty. It's so well taken care of that they look fake.
He hates crabs. He hates those distasteful bottom feeders, their disgusting pinchers and empty eyes. He’s sure to keep them as far away as he can, if startled by one he slams it with his tail with enough force to turn it into little pieces and he’s still frightened by them despite the power difference.
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