#acceptance batch no. 4
robotsandramblings · 1 year
a silly fun little headcanon/idea: for the OG Clone Force 99 foursome, their "Havoc" designations are... quite literal.
((this is all based on the idea that Wrecker is Havoc-1, Tech is Havoc-2, Hunter is Havoc-3, and Crosshair is Havoc-4.))
naturally, when they were younger, they caused a lot of, well, havoc! much to the annoyance of the Kaminoans. who started keeping records of their shenanigans. Tech found the reports, showed his brothers, and they tallied them up, and discovered:
Wrecker caused/got into the most trouble, followed by Tech, then Hunter, then Crosshair.
of course, this caused a big argument, because clearly Crosshair starts a lot of shit, and deserved to be #2 at least.
in actuality, Crosshair is #4 bc he was just better at not getting caught. even as a kid & teenager, he preferred secretive 'warfare' from afar or in 'the shadows'.
Hunter is #3 because of a small temper. he's started many a fistfight when his brothers were being picked on or insulted.
while he's hardly one to start fistfights or prank the regs, Tech is #2 because of two things: his affinity to ignore rules in pursuit of knowledge, and Crosshair and Wrecker's ability to coerce him to join in their shenanigans. (esp if it's a prank. Tech wants to make sure they're successful.)
Wrecker is #1 mostly because he ends up protecting Crosshair when he starts shit. Crosshair has a way with words that Wrecker doesn't. and Wrecker has a way with pushing and punching that Crosshair doesn't.
and also from protecting Tech when he inadvertently says something insulting and inadvertently starts shit too.
and of course, like Hunter, Wrecker is just defending his brothers in general from the bullies.
and like Tech, he's in the pursuit of knowledge... except his pursuit involves a lot more explosive materials and devices.
anyways, so on top of this, the Kaminoans (and probably the ARC troopers / clone commanders on Kamino) have repeatedly yelled at them "Stop causing so much havoc!!" to the point it becomes their inside joke. if they go for training or lunch or anything, and someone asks them "and where are you off to??" they'll reply "we're off to cause some havoc, sir/ma'am" with their little grins.
so naturally, it all comes together as part of the inside joke. when Wrecker comes last in some stupid test, they remind him that he's still "the #1 havoc on Kamino." when Tech comes first in almost everything, they remind him that "you're still only the #2 havoc." when Hunter or Crosshair's ego get a little too inflated, they remind him that "yeah but you're only the 3rd/4th best havoc."
and when they finally graduate, and they get their own ship, and debate for hours on what to call it, Hunter finally remembers that list of incident reports and that silly little inside joke, and knows exactly what to name their ship. (well, the first part.)
and he knows exactly what call signs they are going to use.
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iftitah · 15 days
accidentally opened lj's whatsapp chat from april 2023 and almost kmsed reading 2 texts couldn't even scroll above
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Trying to watch tbb s1 knowing good and damn well what happens in s2
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tiffanyheights · 2 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#Styling on em, big B's with the Benz out ...
emilio sakraya, destin conrad, noah ricketts, kim chaeyoung (irris), simone ashley, and jamilla.strand are now taken!
 ⚝  —    ◜ EMILIO SAKRAYA, 23, HE / HIM ◞ “ did you see  [ OMAR SAIDI  ] walking around the heights? aren't they that [ CO-COO OF HIS FATHER'S PRODUCTION COMPANY ]? the one from [  MANHATTAN, NEW YORK ], right? that got that [ MARQUISE  ] ring for their birthday? from what we've seen of them, they have a tendency to [ PUT THE BLAME ON OTHERS  ] when rumors about them spread. yikes, i guess? i think they're a part of the [ CAST ]. oh, and i heard about how [ *** ] don't tell anyone you heard any of it from me, though. “ {  ale, 22, she / they, pst  }
 ⚝  —    ◜ DESTIN CONRAD,  24,  THEY/THEM ◞  “  did  you  see  [  HALO LEWIS  ]  walking  around  the  heights?  aren't  they  that  [  FASHION DESIGNER ]?  the  one  from  [  ATLANTA  ],  right?  that  got  that  [  ASSCHER  ]  ring  for  their  birthday?  from   what  we've  seen  of  them,  they  have  a  tendency  to  [  SHUT DOWN  ]  when  rumors  about  them  spread.  yikes,  i  guess?  i  think  they're  a  part  of  the  [ CAST ].  oh,  and  i  heard  about  how  [  *** ]. don't  tell  anyone  you  heard  any  of  it  from  me,  though.  “  {  NINE,  23,  THEY/THEM,  EST  } 
 ⚝  —    ◜ NOAH RICKETTS,  26,  HE/HIM ◞  “  did  you  see  [  TAYLOR MARTIN  ]  walking  around  the  heights?  aren't  they  that  [  TRYING AND FAILING MUSICIAN ]?  the  one  from  [  LOS ANGELES  ],  right?  that  got  that  [  MARQUISE  ]  ring  for  their  birthday?  from   what  we've  seen  of  them,  they  have  a  tendency  to  [  LISTEN, GATHER, AND PLOT REVENGE  ]  when  rumors  about  them  spread.  yikes,  i  guess?  i  think  they're  a  part  of  the  [  CAMERA CREW  ].  oh,  and  i  heard  about  how  [  ***  ]. don't  tell  anyone  you  heard  any  of  it  from  me,  though.  “  {  ORI,  24,  HE/HIM,  CST  }  ⚝  —    ◜ KIM CHAEYOUNG (irris),  25,  SHE/HER ◞  ��  did  you  see  [  SEO DASOM  ] walking  around  the  heights?  aren't  they  that  [  MODEL  ]?  the  one  from  [  MIAMI  ],  right?  that  got  that  [  PRINCESS BEZEL CORNER  ] ring  for  their  birthday?  from   what  we've  seen  of  them,  they  have  a  tendency  to  [  LASH OUT  ]  when  rumors  about  them  spread.  yikes,  i  guess?  i  think  they're  a  part  of  the  [  CAST  ].  oh,  and  i  heard  about  how  [ *** ]   don't  tell  anyone  you  heard  any  of  it  from  me,  though.  “  {  MARS,  23,  HE/THEY,  EST  }
 ⚝  —    ◜ simone ashley ,  27,  she/her/hers ◞  “  did  you  see  [  kamala srinivasan  ]  walking  around  the  heights?  aren't  they  that  [  singer and actress ]?  the  one  from  [  los angeles, california  ],  right?  that  got  that  [  princess  ]  ring  for  their  birthday?  from   what  we've  seen  of  them,  they  have  a  tendency  to  [  react ambivalently  ]  when  rumors  about  them  spread.  yikes,  i  guess?  i  think  they're  a  part  of  the  [  cast ].  oh,  and  i  heard  about  how  [  ***  ]. don't  tell  anyone  you  heard  any  of  it  from  me,  though.  “  {  diana,  26,  she/hers,  est.  } 
 ⚝  —    ◜ JAMILLA.STRAND, 23, THEY/SHE  ◞  “ did you see [ MERLOT ZAAL ] walking around the heights? aren't they that [ SUPER MODEL ]? the one from [ ATLANTA ], right? that got that [ EMERALD ] ring for their birthday? from what we've seen of them, they have a tendency to [ GIGGLE ] when rumors about them spread. yikes, i guess? i think they're a part of the [ CAST ]. oh, and i heard about how [ *** ]. don't tell anyone you heard any of it from me, though. “ { ocky, 22, they/them, EST }
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olivianyx · 23 days
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I think I found a new method based on those trending tiktok trend that goes like 'we're besties, of course we make fun of the same person for the 700th time and never get bored' or 'I'm the oldest child, of course I'm responsible for my siblings' mistakes' and blah blah blah. I made this as a method 😭 (don't judge me, it's just for fun)
This method mostly helps for rampaging or vaunting. You can use this as robotic affirming too.
Step 1: know clearly what you desire. Cus sometimes you prob be confused what you want, so know what you really desire.
Step 2: have a mental idea of it or a visual of it. If you can visualise, that's fine. If not, go on Pinterest to find it.
Step 3: Ask yourself, if you have what you already desire, what will you feel or do with it. If it's a material, how would you wear or keep it. If it's love or peace or something that's not materialistic, how would you feel everytime. Ask yourself and write it down or type it in your notes app.
Step 4: the actual method! suppose you wanna be an IT girl/boy, so you go affirming in front of the mirror or to yourself! If you have a friend who's manifesting just like you, try this trend in terms of manifestation with your bestie 😭 you need to affirm or rampage like ----->
'I'm an IT girl, of course I'm the most prettiest of them all'
'I'm an IT boy, of course I'm the most handsome of them all'
'I'm an IT girl/boy, of course I'm rich asf'
'I'm an IT girl/boy, of course I'm sexy'
you can use anything that implies the fulfillment of your desire aka which you already have. So you can affirm that you're rich, pretty, handsome, successful, happily married or you have your desired job or you were accepted into your desired university or anything you desire.
Flashback to 2019
I manifested meeting my old friend with this method. The last time we had met was back in 2019, and she moved to Germany in 2020. We still had contact through Instagram. But still we we're besties since we were like 7 😭 as I had no friends back in quarantine, I only had a few online friends and her (her name's Dina btw)
Time skip to now
So I saw this tiktok trend was everywhere, so I wondered why can't use this as a method. So I went affirming in front of the mirror (actually you don't have affirm in front of the mirror if not comfortable) 'we're besties, of course we're together since 13 years and we'll still be always' and 'we're besties, of course we can't wait to meet each other everyday'. Guess what? In the next days, she texted me that she's moving back to Sydney 😭😭😭 I was fucking sunghooned 😭😭
I was like gurl what? How? When? Why? Where? She told me that she wanted to medicals along with me since arts is not interesting 😭 she was accepted into our uni a month ago and did not tell me 😭 now she's gonna join my junior batch and study with me! I was sooo happy y'all 🥹🥹🥹
Believe in yourselves, there's already movement. Just like in my case there's always movement even before you notice. So don't give up! Keep persisting in your assumptions! Love y'all bye 🫶
(I'm sorry it was short, since uni's being a bitch 😭 comment if you have any doubts, I'll gladly answer them 🫶)
- olivia 🤍
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mrcaptainrex · 3 months
I don’t get why y’all are so upset about Phee’s “lack of reaction” when she talked about Tech.
1) She’s a pirate. She has likely lost a lot of people she cares about, and has learned to accept it when it happens.
2) I don’t know why you guys think people who live in the Star Wars universe have the same access to mental health awareness that we do. You think Emperor Ballsack has some kind of “talk about mental health” initiative or some shit??
3) Yes, they were a flirty thing.. but they weren’t really a couple yet? Do y’all want her to be in full mourning regalia because her situationship yeeted himself?
4) She is actually much more mature than the Batch in an emotional sense. She has lived more of a life than they have, and she probably knows how to handle her emotions better. She probably moved on a while ago and learned to cope with Tech’s death.
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saggitary · 5 months
Rex accepts that Echo is choosing to join the Bad Batch after Skako Minor but then it turns gleeful knowing that he just unleashed one of the 4 reasons he’s going gray at 13 years old onto a group of people that were never properly terrorized.
After all the shit he went thought with that group (thinking back to him punching Crosshair in the face) he all too happy to be sending his gremlin of an arc trooper to whip them into shape.
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leavingsunsets · 1 month
Idia going on his first date with his partner and we just take him to a picnic in the middle of the woods behind the school building.
this sounds ominous... like u just take him... to the middle of the woods.... and on the first date... next thing u know its late at night and ortho cant find his brother... but yes i love picnics !!! :D srry if its a little OOC
"𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗃𝗈 𝗌𝖼𝖾𝗇𝖾?"
[ᴵᵈⁱᵃ ˢʰʳᵒᵘᵈ ˣ ᵍⁿ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ]
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"Uh, no."
"Oh, boooo. Why not?" You lean on the multitude of pillows on his bed. One of them was a plushie of you, requested by yours truly. Head all round like ball. You squish it.
"Because, really, out in nature? Me?" Idia lowers his Nintendo, looking at you incredulously. "You're asking the introverted tech guy if he wants to go and eat out in the forest?"
You roll your eyes. "Oh, come on, it's not as if I'm asking you out on a hike."
He sticks his face back in the screen. "Same point, I'm not going out to the woods just for lunch when I can have it here."
A sigh. This was a real struggle sometimes, especially with a boyfriend who's not so willing to entertain such cheesy ideas, let alone even imagine doing it.
"Come on, pleaseeee? It'd be really romantic."
"What, you gonna lead me there with a blindfold too?" He snorts while pressing away at the buttons. You throw a pillow at his head. It hits him but he only snickers and lets it fall.
"No. Its not like it's some sorta secret spot anyways. You can literally see the school from there."
He hums, tilting his head as a victory flashes across his screen. "Mmmmmaybe...."
"What, Idia. What series do you want me to binge with you now."
An excited grin stretches on his face. "Attack On Titan, full 4 seasons marathon. And-" he rolls his chair near the edge of the bed where you lay, "gaming session. My game of choice this time, since you always pick Mario Kart because I KNOW you searched up the cheats for that."
"Proof?" You ask smugly with your head resting on your palm.
"Stop using my tablet to google 'Mario Kart glitch hack combo'."
You click your tongue. "Fine. Deal."
"WHOOOOOO!" Idia cheers, pumping his fist.
. . .
It's quiet. Here you both sat, food and drinks alike between you as you're sat at opposite edges of the picnic blanket. You squint your eyes at the stark contrast between the food he brought and yours.
"....I brought Doritos and monster cans because I thought you'd want them," you whisper, looking at the nice weaved basket beside him.
You grip your 7-Eleven plastic bag in shame.
"Wha- Do you think I'm some sorta junkie??" Idia sputters, gaping at you. "And I baked this all for you, you jerk!"
"Well, you were just so against this! So I wanted to make you more comfy! Er, ease you in the vibe, you know?"
"What am I, some sort of screen addict? It's not like I don't know how to be outside, I just don't like to!" It's like there were metaphorical tears streaming down his face. "What sort of ipad kid do you think I am for you to pull this environment adjustment move on me?"
"Fine, fine, I'm sorry, Idia. It was a little insensitive of me."
"Ortho even hyped me up. He said you were probably going to surprise me with cute kitty cupcakes." Idia says, staring off in the distance with blank disappointment.
You groan loudly. "Ughhh baabeeee, I said I'm sooorryyy!"
"Don't 'babe' me! I made you a nice batch of food in this aesthetic cottagecore basket and you waltz in with two cans and a Dorito!" Grumbling, he crosses his arms, turning to the side. "I'm kicking your plushie out of my bed tonight."
At this point, you just sprawl across his lap, and he still doesn't look at you. "Don't do it, pleaasee," you beg muffledly, "I'll make it up to youuu."
"It's gonna take a lot more than just some sorries for this offense."
"...I'll move my minecraft bed beside yours this time."
"I take it back. Apology accepted."
You lift your head, deadpanning. "So you were still mad about about that?"
"Heheha, yeah I was," he giggled. "So, uh, wanna eat? I think it's cooled by now."
"Oh, yeah," you get up off him, fingers eagerly reaching for the basket. Taking it in your arms, you flip it open, only to pause when you see the contents inside.
"...cute kitty cupcakes?" you mutter in wonder.
"Yeah." Idia mumbles, fiddling with his jacket strings in an attempt to act nonchalant about his growing embarrassment.
It's quiet, and before long, you can't stop the cheeky smile creeping up your face.
"Who surprised who now, huh?"
"You're still on thin ice."
"Okay, okay, I'm eating."
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cottonlemonade · 2 months
Plan B
word count: 1015 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Kuroo x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff, pining
warnings: none
synopsis: he is trying to convince you to go out with him
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The café was in its typical morning lull when you came in. After the coffee rush of the business crowd and students on their way to class there were now only a few people seated comfortably around the small round tables, chatting idly and enjoying a piece of quiet in the hustle of a new Monday. This was your favorite time of the day. The early spring sun was shining happily through the large front windows, making the dark wooden walls appear as if dipped in honey. The smell of freshly brewed coffee mixing with the soothing scent of cookies, all amidst the faint sound of traffic humming underneath the soft clanking of spoons gave you a deep sense of calm.
After the daily round of hellos and how-are-yous, you put on your black apron and got to work in the kitchen, starting on the preparations for lunch.
“Manager?”, an hour later as you just put the finishing touches on a batch of orange drizzle muffins, one of your baristas poked his head through the door and gave you a look. You sighed and joined him in the front by the cash register. Sure enough the tall man waited for you, a wide grin across his handsome face.
“No.”, you told him before he even got the chance to say anything.
“And good morning to you, too.”
“No.”, you said again, beginning to prepare his usual order of simple green tea.
“Just one cup of coffee, we don’t even have to leave the premises.”
“400 yen, please.”
He counted out a small stack of coins on the counter and crossed his arms.
“Where is your cheer squad today?”, you asked, referring to his usual companions of a broad guy with spiky gray hair and a smaller one whose smile rivaled the sun in brightness. Needlessly supervising the last drops of hot water in the to-go cup, you made sure to add the exact amount of tea leaves to a little bag, just so you didn't have to look at him and his ridiculously confident smirk.
“Eh, I think they got tired of you rejecting me.”
“Interesting, any chance that’ll happen to you, too?”
“Sure, I’ll stop”, he slid over to where you were finishing up his order and lowered his voice, “when you stop blushing whenever I ask you out.”
He accepted his order with a wink. “Thank you. See you tomorrow.”
When the door closed behind him, you found your barista leaning against a counter with a cocked eyebrow.
“That makes seven!”, he announced, pointing to a small blackboard on the back wall where you usually wrote down the groceries needed that week. In the lower left hand corner he and the rest of the staff had begun to keep a tally of how often the guy had asked you out so far.
Seven times in three weeks. You smiled against your better judgment. You knew not to take him too seriously. Knew it was just a game to him. When he came in for the first time you had almost dropped a mug, because how could someone look this casually seductive?!
It wasn’t that you didn’t have the urge to say Yes just for the hell of it. But you weren't in the mood to be a short-lived plaything for a guy who probably only thought chubbies were easy. And thus began a regular routine of rejecting him. You didn’t know whether you actually wanted him to stop or if saying No to him had just become a reflex. A wise one probably.
Kuroo groaned and gently hit his head against his desk. Of course the thought that he might be an actual creep for asking you out so much had occurred to him but when he made his initial attempt, you had said Yes at first before immediately changing your answer to No. How on earth could he prove to you that he wasn‘t kidding when he told you that you were on his mind all day? Your smile, your voice, your exceptionally squishable body all brought new amounts of cute-aggression into his life.
At this point he was running out of options. Maybe… maybe he should just wait until you approached him instead - if you ever would, that was. He needed a new idea.
And so, one misguided day, he listened in on the gossip of his coworkers who talked about what mundane things they found attractive in a guy. And that’s how we got here:
Kuroo sat at a large four seater table in the corner of your café. Papers were strewn about, magazines lay open for references. He had loosened his tie and opened the top two buttons of his crisp white shirt; his reading glasses were pushed back onto his nose in regular intervals. It was warmer today. So warm that he had discarded his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, wristwatch glinting in the soft glow of the afternoon sun. He gave a little frown and absentmindedly bit his bottom lip as he consulted one of the articles, sometimes silently mouthing along to paragraphs he read, twirling the pen in his long fingers. He lifted a page to read the next, making a note on a separate sheet, the muscles in his forearm taut while he wrote.
He looked up at nowhere in particular, then closed his eyes and stretched his tired neck, the open shirt tightening around his broad shoulders, the line of his jaw highlighted by the golden light beaming through the large windows…
"Sir.", a waitress stepped professionally to the table, a towel neatly tucked in the waist cord of her apron, hands politely folded in front of her stomach.
"The manager isn’t here today."
His cheeks started to burn, "Why- I mean… what?"
"And while we do appreciate what you do for the ambiance", a subtle gesture pointed out the girls, women and the barista staring, some even holding up their phone camera, giggling behind their hands, "this isn’t a library, so please order something or free the table."
"…O-of course."
[part 2]
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9800sblog · 1 year
pick a card tarot reading - which version of you will meet your forever person?
what's your character development before they come along? or have they already arrived?
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from left to right, up to down: red nails - pile 1, yellow helmet - pile 2, kitty - pile 3, pool - pile 4
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pile 1
cards: knight of swords reversed, 7 of wands, ace of swords, ace of cups, 10 of cups
this is one of your happiest chapters, the end of a book that has a sequence, a teenager in the end of a coming of age movie. you're not prepared for your whole life or done developing, but you have gone through rigorous moments already. this is a new beginning, you're stronger, smarter, happy, but irresponsible or scared. you think you're better than everyone, you have better ideas and values, you might be right, but there's no need for a fight, you're a rebel in a small idle town. you are unique, you bring freshness into the world with your talents and experiences but you may not have the exact type of support you need to succeed with those right away, your person will be that support, you're gonna have to rely and trust on them to be the backbone of your newest story. you're a little cynical, sarcastic and defensive. you may be very into a specific social fight but not know enough about the subject to actually take part in it. you know this is your person because they're gonna go against tradition to take care of you and make sure you're safe and happy.
gilmore girls vibes! the whole show and all characters fit this description, if you see yourself in them at some point in your life, that might be when ;)
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pile 2
cards: king of wands, 2 of cups, 5 of cups reversed, 2 of swords reversed, the hermit
introspective, experienced and major respect to the elderly, understands the value of interchanging informations and respecting others' boundaries. probably a loner tho, you have accepted your fate as the old neighbor with 5 cats, whatever these cats may represent for you. ironically, you're so comfortable alone that you're attracting many people to you. you're someone that others are curious about, you're different than the rest and they wanna hear your opinions on different things, you may be the quiet kid that somehow got friends without saying 2 words. you're seen as wise and confident, you feel like it's a lie, that you ain't nothing special, you're just different from this batch but there are others similar to you out there; that's your person. your person has these same life experiences and you'll know it's them because you've never met someone as similar to you before. they'll probably surprise you because you're so used to being alone you plan a whole future of loneliness.
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pile 3
cards: page of wands, the emperor reversed, the world, page of pentacles reversed, the devil reversed
childlike wonder, you're almost crude, if this word can be used for people. someone who refuses to grow up and be an adult for whatever reason. you're probably focused on inner child healing - that may be as simple as watching childhood movies, playing on an inflatable bed or more thoughtful as allowing yourself to make mistakes and exist as a regular person. this is giving me the feeling of summer, so this may be a version of you who knows how to have fun and forget responsibilities or goes to your family's for a while and allow yourself to be taken care of. you engage in worldly behavior without any shame, it's literally harmless in this case, it's good and healing to your soul. if you have a position of power, you'll have stepped down from it because it's too much pressure and you wanna enjoy life more. you'll know you wanna be with them forever because it'll feel easy, they are perfect, an angel sent from above and you may feel a little inadequate at the time, but you'll get over it because you're cool as fuck.
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pile 4
cards: the magician reversed, 4 of cups, queen of swords reversed, judgement reversed, the star reversed, 8 of cups reversed
your whole life is upside down, this is probably a depressive episode. you don't have patience, energy or hope even for the near future, you may be physically sick too. you know you're worth more than this, you wanna change but you think you don't have the resources. you feel lazy and bored, harsh on your words with yourself and others, you may have a creative outlet that you don't share with the world yet, it may be the thing that's gonna change your life. you're scared to show people you're unwell, but you desperately need help and you feel like you're making a wish on a dead star. your person shows up during your darkest time to help you get out of it, they'll give you that nice butterfly feeling, tingling on your tummy and warm on your face ^^ you'll know this is your person because you usually like nobody, including yourself, but this soul is just like yours and you think they're the most beautiful thing you have ever seen in your entire life, maybe too good to be true - they're not. you like the same things and match very well, this person deals with emotions in a different way than you and you will start seeing the world in a different perspective.
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greycaelum · 10 months
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters: { Salve }
—Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Genre: fluff, small mishap in the kitchen
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (1.6k)—/ finger cut from a knife, caution: hot oven, discussion on cursed techniques—/
𑁍 A/N: I'm very busy with life before college starts so, here's a little piece for everyone while I'm out sorting my stuffs
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It's one of those weekends when you are ready to clean a chaotic kitchen after a good time baking some sweets with the family. A small recreational afternoon after a tiring week for everyone to unwind and just have fun as a family.
Saika seems to have inherited her father's addiction to sweet things and you are really worried for her health. After all, even if you forbid sweets in this house their Papa will always find a way to sneak some for the kids.
Kouki on the other hand would eat anything his Papa gives him. You're not sure if you should be thankful your son isn't a picky eater. It seems like his stomach would accept anything that classifies as food.
It's hard not to watch the three of them all huddled up on the counter wearing the same kitty apron. Their fluffy white manes are like those pretty cats you see in tv shows. Satoru is leaning on the counter with his hair down and sunglasses. The two munchkins are sitting on the counter wearing a chef's hat and reading the recipe.
They look so cute~ so perfec—
"2 cups of sugarrrr~"
Satoru sang and dumped 4 cups of sugar into the cookie batter.
Actually no, they're a disaster.
He looked up to you and grinned.
"Aweee c'mon Honey, it won't hurt just to be extra extra sure it's sweetttttt! Cookies are supposed to be sweet, right kids?!"
"Right!!!" The two stooges of their Papa chorused.
"Baking needs to be measured, okay? It's not gonna come out right if you don't measure it correc—"
Satoru put a finger on your lips and shushed you making the kids giggle while you glared at your husband who winked at you and gave your pursed lips a small kiss of bribery.
"I got this. You just sit there and relax, okay?"
You're left with not so many choices but to watch the kids adjust the recipe to whatever Satoru tells them.
This isn't gonna be good... Maybe you should make a batch of your own and just let them play on whatever devil spawn of a cookie they end up making.
Satoru preheated the oven while the kids cut the cookies in shape cutters custom-made just for today's fun. It includes Panda, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Yuta, Maki, Toge, and even Todo miniature figures.
For some reason, Kouki likes hanging out with his Aoi-nii. Todo can actually be very chill with kids.
Satoru finally popped their cookie tray inside and clapped their hands while they waited.
"Why are you all crouched down there? There are seats here."
You sighed at the three cats (yes, their father is included) all crouched down side by side in front of the oven with their chins on their knees watching their cookies getting baked.
"Heyyyyy..." You pursed your lips and eventually joined the huddle, the four of you sat on the floor with the kids playing with you and Satoru to pass the time. Some thumb wrestling, tickle fights even rock, paper, scissors.
It's just like this, the simple moments of family time that you crave the most.
12 minutes passed and the 'ting' of the oven made the four of you excited (half of you dreading you'll run straight to the toilet in one bite).
Satoru carefully took out the hot tray while you were making something light for dinner. A light vegetable soup and some fried tofu and pork.
You chopped the carrots into diced and for a split second on your peripheral you saw Kouki trying to grab a cookie from the scorching tray distracting you altogether. Mother instincts leaping on action.
"Kou!" You hissed and just in time Satoru grab Kouki's hands away from the hot metal but you didn't escape the sharpness of the knife.
"Hon!" Satoru put the knife away and held your finger with a cut bleeding profusely. "Can you get the first aid kit on the toilet Kikufuku?" Satoru turned to his son who immediately ran to the toilet.
"It's fine, I'm fine. The wound is not that deep." You sighed as Satoru seriously washed your wound but the blood does not stop. "Love, I'm not gonna die from a cut." You held back the urge to chuckle at Satoru's serious face as if you were hacked by a machete.
"Right, and I'm not going let you bleed like a waterfall either." Satoru snaps and drags you to sit on the tall counter chair while he tries to apply pressure to stop the blood.
Kouki came back with the kit and Saika immediately opened it.
"Mama, I'm gonna make it go away. Sho-chan taught me how to." Saika confidently brought out gauzes and betadine.
You chuckled at the little girl who wants to push her father away so she can treat you. For some reason, she really likes hanging around Shoko and often talks about being a nurse.
"Cat, clean your hands," Kouki remembered, pulling the stool so his sister could wash her hands and hop back to you.
"Princess, can you sit and behave for a minute? Papa is trying to help Mama first, okay?" Satoru frowned at the blood and was too busy to deal with the little one.
Unlike Shoko, he can use Reverse Curse Technique only to himself. He doesn't know how to heal others. Ironic.
"Papa, it's not like that." Saika huffed. She put her hands on her hips and stared at her father.
You notice your daughter's defiance and nudge Satoru. It's not like the wound is too big to worry everyone.
"Papa, Cat can do it... I saw it." Kouki interceded and for a second you thought his eyes glimmered like Satoru's.
Satoru stopped and looked at his daughter with a stubborn look on her face. He sighed.
"Cat... Well, how would our little princess do it?" Satoru crouched down and looked at her eye to eye.
"It's very easy." Your four-year-old daughter beamed and held your wounded finger. "Imagine two opposite waterfalls..." Saika murmured, concentrating on your finger.
A chill ran down Satoru's spine. Kouki didn't take his eyes off his sister and mother's interlocked hands.
"And the calm point they meet..."
A faint glow emanated on your finger and the deep cut that was bleeding was gone and there is no mark of a scar at all.
Saika's face brightened and turned to her Papa.
"See! I told you, Papa. I can do it. Sho-chan can do better though." Saika pursed her lips but smiled anyways turning to you.
"Did I do good, Mama? Is it good?" Your bubbly daughter jumped up and down and her brother ruffled her hair praising her a lot.
"Uhuh? What does my Cat want to be when she grows up?" Satoru chuckled as he carried his daughter in his arms.
You and Satoru looked at each other. A long silence before you both snap out of it and pat Saika's head, telling her she's so good.
"Where did you learn that Cat? Did Sho-chan teach you?" Satoru asked the smiling toddler.
"No, I just watch Sho-chan. She doesn't let me inside when a patient comes in so I just watch behind the door." Saika put a finger over her lips and shushed. "Don't tell Sho-chan, okay Papa?"
"I'm gonna be like Sho-chan! I'm gonna be a doctor." Saika clapped.
"See, I told you she can do it." Kouki grinned, looking at his sister being tickled by their Papa.
You ordered takeout instead and the kids happily ate their dessert and played in the backyard while you and Satoru sat beside each other, drinking some milk tea and shortcake.
Kouki has the color of your eyes, but there are several times that when you look into his orbs, the only thing he inherited from you is the color, the rest looks exactly just like Satoru. Vast and unfathomable. There are times you wonder how vast does your son actually see?
"Y'know, I struggled with reverse cursed technique until 16, I couldn't understand it very much." Satoru started while Saika tackled her brother down.
"Mnnn, even you struggled with it... Now that's something." You hummed and sighed. Your head found rest in Satoru's shoulders as he intertwined your hands and kissed the back of your palm.
There are only a few sorcerers that can perform that advance cursed technique, much severely few are those that can heal others, like Shoko. But even Shoko cannot fully explain how the technique works.
"How much does that take a toll on the brain? Unlike curse energy that comes from the stomach, reverse curse deals with the brain, no?"
"My wife is so smart, are you seducing me? Teheehehehe~" Satoru winked at you making you roll your eyes.
"Mnnn, it depends. The reverse cursed technique is more complex than it sounds. It boggles my mind how our 4-year-old daughter could even do that without being taught properly." Satoru chuckled seeing Kouki easily pinning down his sister and tagging her back and running again.
"You saw the wound she healed. It didn't even have any speck of scar Satoru. Even Shoko cannot heal wounds that cleanly. A scab or a scar is always present over the wound." You fear the situation that arises with this kind of technique. The ability to heal any kind of wound is one matter, but repairing it with no scar at all... You know it's another story. The underlying fear of her talent being exploited lingers at the back of your mind.
There are so many out there who would want to covet such precious ability themselves.
You watch Kouki playing with the bright clear marbles with blue streaks inside with Saika who is just as enamored by the swirling curse energy inside the crystal produced by her brother.
"We'll protect them." Satoru pulled you closer and kissed your temples.
It seems like your children will never fail to keep you and Satoru surprised at every chance they try.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld
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dindjarindiaries · 2 months
Senator's Shadow - Masterlist
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main masterlist • hunter masterlist • ao3
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This mission was supposed to be easy, but it's quickly become one of the most dangerous Sergeant Hunter has ever embarked on.
When Hunter and the rest of Clone Force 99 accept a mission to protect a senator on her homeworld of Eirus, things quickly take a turn. Not only has more than half the planet's population sworn themselves to the Separatist cause, but also the senator's freedom fighter past has made her a target to even more of her own people.
Hunter, already set on fulfilling the mission to protect the senator, grows even more protective upon his and the senator's shared attraction. These simmering feelings only add to the danger as Hunter, for the first time ever, must face a war of his own within the greater scope of the Republic's: either he sticks to the rules that have long since been set before him, or he risks breaking them in a way he may never come back from.
And Hunter's never been keen on following orders.
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pairing: hunter (the bad batch) x fem!reader rating: mature (18+) tags: bodyguard romance, forbidden love, fluff & angst, emotional & physical hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence, injuries & blood, trauma, eventual/mild smut timeline: between tcw s7 and tbb s1
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7*
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54prowl · 9 months
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Get dressed for the creepiest and crawliest event of the season! Do you wish to attend? Just answer the google form HERE and DM to reserve a slot. Payments will only be accepted via ko-fi. Have any questions or clarifications? Send them my way!
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badbatchsprincess · 2 months
Heated ~ pt. 3
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Some suggestive themes regarding heat cycles and general awkwardness. Also Layla is a playful omega causing trouble for the boys.
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
A sweet scent filled your nose, drawing you slowly from your slumber. Reaching out with your hand, you were met with the softest sheets you’ve felt in a long time. A silky hand lightly traced along your cheek and combed back your hairline in a soothing manner. You leaned into the touch, finally starting to come back to consciousness.
“Hey, pretty girl,” a saccharine female voice lulled you back.
You groaned, feeling the aches returning to your body as your eyes fluttered.
With a slow blink, you winced at how bright the lights were, longing to return to the comforting darkness behind your eyes.
“Her vitals are coming back,” the voice said, moving to brush your hair away from your face. “You can get the General now.”
You finally started to adjust to the white lights. Looking around, you took in the stark hospital room, along with the massive window of stars to your left. Sitting on the stool next to you was a face you didn’t expect to see outside the field.
“Layla?” you croaked, feeling how hoarse your voice had become.
“Hey,” she gave you a sweet smile, never leaving your side.
“Where…?” you tried sitting up, but she gently kept you lying down with a small, manicured hand. “W-where am I?”
You recognized the room as a Republic vessel. This certainly wasn’t the Marauder.
“You’re on General Skywalker’s Venator,” she informed you.
You scrunched your nose in confusion. “H-how?”
“Your squad brought you here,” she kept combing your scalp with her nails. “You had a pretty bad accident.”
You stared at her, struggling to piece together the events that led you here. How had you ended up back on Skywalker's ship? Wasn't he on Coruscant for repairs?
"Why are you here? You never leave the clinic," you noted, trying to make sense of the situation.
"I wouldn't have, but I was with the boys when they received the call," Layla explained, with a sweet smile. "They thought I should come and be with you. And there was no way my boss was turning down a directive from General Skywalker."
You sighed, still grappling with confusion. Where was your squad? Was the 501st here? Your mind raced with questions until Layla offered you a glass of ice-cold water, which you eagerly accepted.
You looked down at your hands, seeing the deep purple bruises on your left wrist along with the scraps and cuts. Suddenly, you started to remember what happened. The wild look in Hunter’s eyes as he manhandled you around the ship. The way he threw you like a rag doll, trying to tear the implant out of you. You gasped and went to touch your shoulder where he had cut you.
Layla watched you with concern. "It's okay. We patched you up. The sniper did a decent job, but you passed out when they brought you on board."
"What?" you looked at her, recalling Crosshair's unexpected assistance and protection.
You remembered his uncharacteristic behavior, both his hostility and his unexpected care. It was a jarring contrast to his usual demeanor.
“Strange Alpha,” she smiled. “He snarled at us when we tried to get you to the medical wing. He only agreed to let you go when he realized omegas would be treating you. I thought he was going to take Kix’s head off. He carried you all the way up here.”
You looked at her with shock in your eyes. Crosshair? He doesn’t give a crap about anyone… Especially not you…
“If you knew him, you’d be shocked hearing that,” you tried to laugh, but your throat was killing you. She laughed.
Just then, the sound of approaching footsteps signaled the arrival of General Skywalker. With a kind smile, he greeted Layla before turning his attention to you, offering a warm embrace that elicited a wince from your still-aching body. You didn’t miss the way Layla’s cheeks flushed pink in his presence. 
"Explain yourself," he teased, though his eyes held a hint of concern. "I thought you were tired of taking beatings, which is why you left us."
You chuckled weakly, feeling a pang of guilt at his playful reproach. You knew he and the others were likely unsettled by your departure. They didn’t like their pack mates straying too far.
"If I had known this was in store, I would have stayed," you joked, gesturing to your bruises. "Your hair has gotten long," you noted, observing its length.
An amused smirk played across his lips. 
"Can someone tell me what happened?" you asked, still bewildered. "How did I end up here? Where's my unit? Is Hunter okay?"
Anakin hesitated, exchanging a glance with Layla before responding. "Sergeant Hunter? He's alive," he assured you, explaining the situation as best he could.
“He’s alive?” you asked confirming. “I-I had, I had to…” you remembered pulling the trigger. The sound his blaster made and the look on his face when he realized what you did. The monitors next to your head started beeping faster with your anxious heart rate.
“He’s alive,” Anakin said trying to calm you. “They had to run some tests on him to make sure the chemical compounds were out of his system. I-I didn’t know exactly what happened until your pilot informed me. He said the Sergeant was exposed to drugs that caused him to attack you…”
“He brutalized her,” Layla growled, looking you over. You were covered head to toe in bruises. Layla had cried when she saw the cut he had made, tearing out your implant, then the bruises. When she had peeled Crosshair’s shirt from you, she had sobbed seeing the bruises littering your entire form.
You lowered your eyes to the sheets, starting to feel like you were going to cry again.
“He didn’t know what he was doing. He wasn’t in his right mind,” you whispered, feeling guilty for shooting him.
Anakin sighed and placed a hand on your shoulder, trying to console you.
“You did what you had to do, Tiny,” Anakin reminded you. “He’s a soldier. He understands that.”
Layla huffed. Omegas understood alphas can be cruel. That’s just the universe we live in. But it was eating up your friend to see the damage you withstood.
“We are working with the survivor. She’s trying to help us understand what happened to your Sergeant. But until then…” he stood up and walked to the door, “You have a lot of very anxious pack members waiting to see you.”
He opened the door, and not a moment later, two blurs of white and blue came barreling into the room.
“Tiny!” Fives and Jesse flung themselves on top of you. Anakin left with a smile, leaving you to be dog-piled by his men.
“Ugh!” you barked on impact. Jesse snuggled into your side while Fives curled up on your feet. Just like pups. You winced as their armor collided with the fresh bruises.
“Tiny, I thought you died!” Jesse wailed, clinging onto your side.
“I’m okay,” you petted his head.
“I’ll get some more bacta for those bruises,” Layla giggled and stood up, leaving the boys to rub up on you with their comforting scents.
“I was worried,” Fives squeezed your ankle. “We had just gotten to the hangar when we got the distress call.”
“How did you get here?” you asked.
“We met you halfway. The cruiser was en route for Naboo. Crait was one system over, so we just met in the middle. You had us all types of worried, even the General.”
“Are you hungry?” Layla asked suddenly.
You nodded. You couldn’t even remember the last time you ate. She left the room, presumably to get something from the mess.
“What happened out there?” Fives asked.
“Hunter got hit with something and went crazy. I had to shoot him,” you felt the tears coming back.
“Aw,” Jesse hugged you, “It’s okay, Tiny.”
“It doesn’t feel okay,” you whimpered, letting the tears fall. “He’s my Sergeant. I didn’t know what else to do. I was so worried I had killed him.”
Jesse just hugged you. They all knew about your aversion to guns. You spent your days patching up the aftermath; you never wanted to participate in the violence.
“Where’s Kix?” you asked, rubbing your eyes.
“He’s treating your Sergeant,” Fives chirped.
“And the others?”
“Who? The 99’s?”
“Yeah. They’re pacing a hole in the hangar bay floor,” Jesse chuckled.
“You should have just stayed back on base, Tiny,” Fives nudged you. “Could’ve been curled up with the Commander right now.”
You screeched and slapped him, “I almost died, and you’re making jokes?” Your grin gave you away. It totally wasn’t the racing heart monitor beeping aggressively in the background.
 The three of you laughed. It felt so good to have them with you; it made the constant body aches more tolerable. You missed your pack more than anything. You hadn’t ever fully recovered after Ahsoka leaving. None of you did. It felt like a massive hole every time you saw the boys. That’s why you had to go too. You had to get away for a bit. You saw the heartbreak in their eyes, but you knew it’s what you needed. But this, this was starting to make you feel like you belonged again, even without the rowdy togruta that made you all smile.
Layla returned with a steaming platter of whatever food they had in the mess. She settled back down next to you, setting it in your lap.
“Mmm,” you groaned, smelling the braised Shaak roast. You grabbed the spork and dug in. Jesse leaned over, snagging a piece of the meat and slurped it down. Layla scolded him, trying to protect your meal from their grabby hands.
You just giggled and listened to their stories about their most recent trip down to Naboo’s surface with intrigue while you finished off your food. You could have licked the plate and would have if there weren’t people watching.
While you were sipping the last of the blue milk, Layla took your tray from you and set it down on the nightstand. “The Sergeant has been medically cleared. I just wanted to let you know.”
You looked up at her, “Can I go see him?”
The three just looked at you a little uneasy.
“Are you sure?” Layla asked, clearly concerned for your mental well-being. The man did just brutally attack you not even 24 standard hours ago.
You nodded. You were sure. The guilt was eating you alive.
“Okay,” she nodded and helped you stand up. She helped you slip into a pair of loose white sweatpants and tied them around your hips. The boys turned away when she helped peel the gown off of you. You winced, raising your hands over your head, feeling every muscle burn and ache. She gently wrapped a fresh set of bindings over your breasts and lowered a loose white T-shirt, some of the physical therapy patients used in treatment. The material was soft and stretchy. You liked it. It was so much better than the cotton surgical gown.
“You can look,” you said to the boys, and they got up to help with your walk down to the hangar bay. Layla insisted you at least put on a pair of socks against the freezing floor while Fives wrapped your arm around his and Jesse supported your waist as the four of you made a slow journey down to the hangar bay. You practically let them carry you, quickly realizing you should have asked for a high dose pain killer. Hunter really had done a number on you.
“Are you sure about this, Y/N?” Layla asked one last time.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you nodded, “I just need to make sure he’s okay with my own eyes.”
Layla nodded and held the lift door open while you and the boys shuffled out into the hangar bay. Over to the left, you saw the Marauder parked next to a row of assault transports and drop ships.
“Woah,” Layla said, shocked at the sheer size of the military ships. You had forgotten she’s never been aboard a Venator before.
“Impressive, huh?” Fives laughed at her wide eyes.
They stopped when you made it around the corner. Over next to the Marauder was your unit sitting on some ammunition crates talking with the scientist from Crait, Rex, and General Skywalker. You stood there holding onto Fives when Tech noticed you. He perked up, getting Hunter’s attention. The Sergeant whipped his head around, staring at you. The first thing you noticed was the many layers of bandages wrapped around his middle and his shredded top. You could have thrown up seeing what you did to him. He still wore his lower armor, but his top was barely holding on by a few threads.
“Pip!” Wrecker yelled, getting everyone else’s attention.
You let go of Fives and slowly made your way over to the Sergeant. He stood there and lowered his gaze, unable to look you in the eyes. Your heart broke. You could see the guilt eating him up. Skywalker watched the Sergeant carefully in case anything changed suddenly; he wasn’t entirely sure how you were going to react. When you were close enough to him, you broke out into a jog, unable to bear it any longer. Letting out a low whine, you threw yourself at him, wrapping yourself into his chest.
He was shocked, standing there unsure what to do. He had expected you to tell Skywalker to execute him on the spot. Slowly, he lowered his arms and embraced you gently, still afraid to touch you. He didn’t want to hurt you again, no matter how warm your embrace was.
He smelled your tears before he saw them, and his heart shattered.
“I’m sorry,” you cried, pressing yourself further into his chest. You were desperate for his forgiveness; he could smell it all over you. But once again, he was shocked.
“Why are you sorry, Pip?” he looked down at you. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Crosshair grunted from behind them.
“I-I thought I killed you,” you sighed, feeling guilty for hurting him.
He let you go despite your protests and kneeled down in front of you. "I’m the one who is sorry, adi’ka," he said earnestly, now seeing all the damage he caused: bruises in the shape of his hands on your neck and arms. The smell emanating from him made you cry even more, and he felt terrible, the poor alpha. You knelt down with him and pressed yourself into him again, trying to comfort him. "Look what I did to you," his voice choked with emotion.
He was so upset and horrified. "You should hate me right now," he said.
"It wasn’t you, Sarge," you croaked out, trying to coax him into embracing you again. "And I hurt you. I could have— I-I—" You stuttered, looking at the side you put a bullet through, biting your lip until it bled. He let go of any restraint and wrapped his arms around you, tucking your head into his neck.
"I’m so sorry, adi’ka," he whispered, petting down your hair and holding you close.
The others watched the interaction in silence. Even the scientist, who was just getting to know these people, observed with curiosity, trying to understand your dynamic with these defective alpha clones.
"But next time," he pulled back, making you look him in the eyes, "you put that bullet in my head, or any alpha that ever hurts you. Do you understand?"
You just looked up at him, chewing on your lip, and gave him a little nod. He wiped your tears with his thumb and pulled you back into him. "You’re lucky, pip. It’s hard to stop an alpha like that. You’re a very strong omega."
You sat there shaking and bonding back with your sergeant, giving him the same comfort you needed. The others slowly returned to their conversation, but you two remained on the floor, sitting near one another. You kept yourself wrapped around his arm while he petted your damaged wrist, trying to soothe away the bruises.
"What possessed your team to go to Crait?" Skywalker questioned the scientist. She adjusted the thermal blanket around herself, appearing cleaner than before. She must have been able to shower and run a comb through her hair. It was a stark difference from when Wrecker had brought her on board the Marauder.
"We were informed that separatist forces were opening mining operations on Crait. We were instructed to figure out what they were looking for," she said. "When we realized the dangers of the compounds, it was already too late. My only speculation was that they figured out that the spice from Crait was different and it could affect your designations so drastically."
"What happened to your team?" Rex asked.
"I had a team of omegas," she said, looking at you. "They died from extreme heat symptoms. Their systems just gave out."
"And that explains what happened to Hunter?" Tech asked, noting everything down on his datapad.
"I believe so," she said, looking to the sergeant who protectively surrounded you. "It has all the normal symptoms of a spice high, but for the designations, it seems to elicit a different response. Omegas go into an incurable heat, and alphas become… something else."
You shivered, making Hunter tighten his hold.
"Why are the separatists collecting this spice?" Crosshair’s silvery voice cut in.
"I don’t have any confirmation on my theory, but—" She looked around at everyone present. "You have an entire army of Alphas. I can only imagine what would happen when they’re exposed on the battlefields… You’d all go mad."
"Thousands of rutting alphas in close proximity," Rex sighed. "They’d turn on one another."
She nodded.
General Skywalker immediately left to make a call with the council to report the findings. Hunter stood up, pulling you up with him before lifting you and setting you on one of the ammo crates. His alpha instincts were itching, desperate to care for you. He grabbed a spare blanket from under Tech and wrapped it around you before tucking you into a little cocoon.
Tech and the others watched in amusement, seeing their leader fuss about how wrapped up you were in the wool fabric.
You just smiled and let him get it out of his system, knowing he couldn’t help it. You both went through such a trauma. It was all part of the reconciliation ritual between an alpha and omega. You got a little emotional, realizing he may even view you as a pack member with how he’s acting. You’d make sure to ask him later on.
Then Layla dumped a metaphorical ice bucket on the two of you. "There’s something else I have to tell you, Y/N," she said, stepping forward, careful not to get in Hunter’s way.
"Hmm?" you asked, starting to feel a little giddy with all the attention.
"I-I…" Her face betrayed her soft-spoken nurse voice. She looked anxious. "I wasn’t able to give you a replacement implant… neither of you."
Hunter stopped what he was doing and looked at the medic.
She continued nervously, "We tested your hormones and found alpha pheromones in your bloodstream. It’s sending you into a breakout heat. We can’t give you another implant until you do."
Hunter suddenly lifted his hands from you and stepped back, realizing what he was doing. The two of you didn’t have effective suppressants and were acting like a bonding pair. It was your scent driving him to do all of this. He flashed back to him licking at your wounds on the ship. He could shoot himself at this very moment; the guilt was setting in again.
He looked at the medic. "What does that mean?"
You were a little annoyed he wasn’t touching you anymore, but you looked to your friend. "I have to have a heat?" You could cry.
She nodded, still keeping her distance from the alpha, not wanting to be perceived as a threat. "I was going to wait a bit and hope you’d have more time, but you’re both displaying traits that have me a little concerned."
"Well then we’ll have to keep them separate," Fives pointed out.
Hunter made a low growl.
Layla made a face as Hunter proved her point. Rex just crossed his arms and walked forward. "We can’t have an omega in heat on this ship. We have suppressors for a reason. She’ll force everyone into a rut, and then it would be a disaster around here.”
Layla also didn’t like the idea of being trapped on a ship full of horny alphas.
“So then what do we do?” Wrecker asked.
Hunter moved to get closer to you again, but Crosshair tutted, flipping the firepuncher to stun. The sergeant stopped and looked at his brother challengingly.
“You take her down to Naboo,” Crosshair said, keeping his weapon trained on his brother. “Leave her at a heat center and put Hunter back on his suppressors.”
You whined, not liking that idea either.
“Absolutely not,” Hunter and the other 501st boys objected.
“You don’t have a choice,” Crosshair drawled. “She’s slipping quickly, and there’s no other solution. I can smell her through the suppressants.”
“Crosshair would be correct,” Tech agreed. “I see there are five locations just in Theed. And while I acknowledge that heat centers are not ideal places, there is no one here equipped to assist Y/N without mating with her. Which we also know is not an option.”
You gulped when they all looked at you. Suddenly, you were starting to feel warm, knowing Crosshair was correct. You realized you didn’t have much time.
“I’ll take her,” Layla offered, knowing Hunter would put up the least resistance with her.
“You need a pilot,” Echo stood up. “I’ll come with. We’ll keep an eye on her,” he said to Hunter, trying to convince him to stand down.
Hunter’s scent was getting stronger by the second, and they knew you wouldn’t budge without his direct consent.
“Vod,” Crosshair urged.
Hunter looked at you with soft eyes. “Is that what you want, adi’ka?”
You tightened the blanket around yourself. “They’re right. I don’t have a choice,” your voice was meek.
He knew you were scared; he could hear your heart fluttering and your anxiety filled his nose.
He begrudgingly stepped to the side, allowing you to slide off the crate and limp over to Layla. She gave a quick goodbye before helping you over to one of the smaller transports. Rex gave the clearance while the other boys ran to fetch your clothes and shoes.
Crosshair kept his rifle aimed at Hunter while he fought all of his instincts to board the transport with you.
“It’s better this way,” Crosshair offered his consolation.
Hunter was devastated watching the transport leave the hangar bay and make a direct line to Theed.
“Alright, buddy, open up,” Wrecker tossed the bottle of suppressors at Hunter, who caught it and groaned before popping two in his mouth with a growl.
The heat center was nicer than you imagined. Everything in Naboo was actually so beautiful. You haven’t even been but you’d heard stories from some of the troopers. The whole planet was stunning, but the care put into all of their buildings was hypnotizing. 
You stared up at the art inside the dome ceiling while Layla and Echo checked you into the system. A protocol droid waddled up to you taking your small amount of belongings before walking you to your designated suite. You waved to Layla and Echo before disappearing down the stone hallway. Everything was starting to get foggy in your mind. You couldn’t even remember what Layla had said to you before she left. 
You were a little nervous. You had two years of suppressants to work off. You knew this was going to be a grueling week. 
“Here you go Mistress Y/N” The 3PO- Protocol droid opened the door for you, “This will be your home for the week.” 
You stepped inside smelling the sterile cleaning supplies inside the lush room. There was an area with a holoscreen, a small living room, a kitchen, bedroom, and full bath. This was way better than any place on Coruscant. You looked around getting familiar with the space. 
“Food will be delivered three times a day, but the door will remain locked until you’ve been cleared. It’s a safety precaution  for the other guests.” The droid rattled on setting your things down on the dresser top. 
“There will be round the clock medical care if needed. If you need anything please let us know.” It finished its routine before scuttling back to the door and closing it behind it. You heard the locks slide into place and settled in. 
It didn’t take long at all for the warmth to shoot up through your body again. You changed back into the comfier therapy clothes you had in the hangar bay before settling onto the couch to turn on the holonet. You preened at the smell of Hunter still lingering on your clothes. You had rubbed up against him leaving his smokey scent all over the soft fabric. You picked up the front of your shirt and brought it to your nose inhaling the scent. 
Shit. You didn’t remember it feeling like this. The warmth became scalding forcing you up onto your feet. You made a beeline for the bathroom turning on the fresher to cold. You stripped out of your clothes and stepped into the glass shower letting the cold water drench you. 
You sighed feeling the relief. That was then the slick started to produce between your legs. You whined trying to wash it away. When you were satisfied with being somewhat clean. You shut the water off and grabbed a towel wrapping it around yourself. 
A wave of cramps hit you making you yelp and double over. 
“Kriff.” You shouted feeling like you’d been hit by a bantha. What the hell did you sign up for. 
Crawling over to the bed you brought the clothing with you feeling the urge to start forming a nest. The cramping began to ebb the more you leaned into instinct. You rearranged the pillows to surround you along with the comforter and sheets. You placed the scented clothing right up against your nose obsessively breathing it in like oxygen.
You groaned feeling more cramps churning your insides. You reached down between your legs feeling the wetness spreading everywhere. You ran your fingers through your folds before settling on your clit. Desperate for some relief you began circling the nerves making yourself twitch. Your orgasm came quickly but it barely took the edge off. You were craving more. You needed to be filled and stretched. You craved a rough fucking. You tried again but once again it didn’t do much. You wailed and tossed and turned praying for relief. You really had wished you stayed with the Commander or let the Venator to fall into madness because right now you needed an Alpha. A big, strong, powerful alpha.
You wanted the Sargent…
When Layla came to collect you eight days later, she said you looked like a drowned rat.
The cleaning droids had come and gone, leaving the place sterile once again. They had washed your clothes, repaired your uniform, and shined your boots, leaving them outside the bedroom in a neat pile.
You felt yourself come back to yourself on the sixth day, but you weren’t totally back to normal. The box of toys left for your convenience had been thoroughly dirtied, along with all of the soft fabrics in your nest. You had even shredded the clothing scented by Hunter on one particularly bad night. The droids had pried the ripped-up fabric out of your pathetic grip and disposed of it, insisting it was a safety hazard, whatever that meant. On the seventh day, a medical droid determined you were out of the thick of it. The droid had also informed you that your bruises had healed entirely.
You were starving and dehydrated. The droids had left food, but you didn’t care one bit during the week. You couldn’t snap out of the frenzy long enough to eat anything anyway. Usually, an alpha has to command you to eat, and without that, you were lost to the madness of the heat.
Layla had helped brush your hair after your final bath. You had scrubbed down in scent-neutralizing soaps before slipping into the repaired Republic uniform. She put your hair in a simple braid, trying to keep the knots out. You munched down on the lunch served to you and happily drank the water, making your friend happy. You popped two bacta pills for the soreness and called it a mission complete.
When it was officially time to go, you thanked the droids before stepping outside with Layla.
“I’m almost scared to ask,” she sighed, interlocking your arms.
“It was horrible,” you shook your head, “Like the place was nice, but it’s been so long I almost forgot.”
She hummed, “That’s why you gotta find a hot alpha.”
“Well, I almost had one, but everyone tore us apart,” you nudged her playfully.
She gasped, “You’re a little-”
“What?” you laughed, “You said it first.”
“He looked like he was going to bend you over that container before I said something,” she pinched you and you squealed.
“Maker help us,” you smiled, noticing Echo waiting awkwardly in the lobby.
“I wonder what he’s like,” she whispered before Echo could hear. You just gave her a playful look. You had a feeling Hunter was a more dominant Alpha. He was a sergeant, after all. But especially since you’ve been on the receiving end of his full strength, you know he could manhandle you like you weighed nothing.
“I had a whole week to think about it,” you thought about how you had run your voice hoarse crying out for your sergeant. The omega in you had nearly snapped from him not being present. The scent on your clothes acted as a cruel torture.
“Hi Tiny,” Echo smiled sweetly. You skipped forward and hugged him.
“Miss me Echo?” you beamed.
“Always Tiny,” he ruffled your head, “You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I think so,” you laughed awkwardly, “Do I smell?”
“No, you’re all clear,” he took your shoulders in his grip and led you out of the building towards the waiting transport.
“Yay,” you were excited to get back to the Venator. You were hoping Anakin would let your unit stay until you received a new mission. You missed having so much personal space.
The ride back to the Venator was short from the surface of Naboo. Echo pulled into the hangar bay and set the transport down softly. You suddenly got a little nervous to face your unit. Not saying what you went through this past week was shameful by any means, it was just a bit awkward that they knew what had just happened. They knew way too much.
“I want to get your new implant in if that’s alright with you, Y/N,” Layla said, stepping off the ship with you. You nodded and opted to follow her out of the hangar bay and into the medical wing.
“I’m heading back to Coruscant now that I know you’re okay. Fives and the boys said that General Kenobi was supposed to be arriving soon with his unit. I just wanted to let you know. I think I’m heading out tonight after dinner.”
“Aw, okay,” you sighed, wishing you had some more time with your friend, “How was living on a Venator for a week?” you nudged her.
She smiled, “I don’t know how you think straight with so many hot alphas running around.” The troopers posted at the doorways perked up.
“It was weird at first, but most of them are alright,” you smiled, “Especially Rex’s boys. They’re very sweet.”
“Sweet?” her tone shifted to something sultry, “I wanna ride that captain.”
Multiple troopers walking by whipped their heads around to stare at your friend as you passed. You turned red and ducked your head laughing.
“Layla!” you chastised.
She just smirked, “I got a thing for blondes.”
“Oh my god.”
“…and authority.”
“Layla!” you screeched, turning down towards the medical wing.
“Have you seen the way he holds that gun?” she bit her lip, “Ugh, being an omega around all these soldiers is really difficult.”
“I’m going to throw you into a cold shower,” you pleaded for her to stop.
She loved making you loosen up and gossip with her. You had seen her during your trainee days and knew she was a little wild omega. The way she had those alphas in the club wrapped around her manicured finger always kept you entertained.
“I saw him out of the armor,” she mused, “Right after training. Mmm. I almost fell to my-.”
You rounded the corner to the medical exam room, finding said Captain and his boys waiting in the lobby, helmets in hand. They all turned to face the two of you, making you stop in your tracks and snap your mouth shut.
“Oh, hi Captain,” Layla’s voice was saccharine as she gave him a little wave and a once-over.
You giggled, walking forward through the crowd stifling both of your laughs.
“Layla,” he gave her a proper nod, “Tiny, you’re back?”
You panicked, “Yes, sir,” it came out more flustered than you had wished.
Rex raised a brow.
The boys watched you two disappear behind the divider curtains. You turned to her and silently made a funny face at her which she returned, “Yes, sir?” she mimicked silently before grabbing her injector kit.
“What was that all about?” Kix asked, looking up from his datapad.
You didn’t miss the way some of the boys tried to silently laugh at the very awkward interaction.
“Nothing, Kix,” you smirked.
Layla bit her lip, “Up,” she patted the table.
You jumped up, moving your collar out of the way. She sterilized the injection site before placing the mechanism up to your skin. As Layla finished administering the implant, she couldn't resist adding a playful jab. 
"Try to keep this one inside you this time," she quipped, her tone laden with mischief.
Kix, caught off guard, choked on his own breath, nearly dropping his datapad in surprise. His eyes widened as he struggled to compose himself, realizing the unintended innuendo.
Tiny yelped at Layla's crude joke, a mix of embarrassment and amusement coloring her cheeks. She shot a quick glance at Kix, who was now sporting a flustered expression, his cheeks flushed.. 
More snickering erupted from behind the privacy curtain, where the other troopers couldn't contain their amusement at the exchange.
"I'll try my best," Tiny replied, her voice tinged with laughter, trying to diffuse the tension. But the mischievous glint in Layla's eyes hinted that she was far from finished.
Before Kix could recover from his embarrassment, Layla leaned in conspiratorially, her voice dropping to a whisper. "You know, Kix, I've heard suppressant injections can be quite stimulating."
Kix's eyes widened even further, if that were possible, as he struggled to find a response, his mind clearly racing to keep up with Layla's playfulness. She bent over giving him a good look up her uniform skirt when she grabbed the bin of implant cartridges.
Tiny, trying to contain her laughter, shot Layla a warning look, silently pleading for her to stop before things got even more awkward. But Layla, clearly enjoying herself, wasn't about to let up.
"Just be careful not to get too excited," Layla added with a mischievous grin, before finally pushing Tiny out of the exam room.
As they emerged from behind the curtains, Tiny couldn't help but blush furiously, knowing that the entire 501st garrison had likely overheard the entire exchange. But Layla seemed unfazed, her playful demeanor still intact as she greeted the troopers with a sly smile.
The sight of Kix, still visibly flustered, only added to the amusement of the moment, as the troopers exchanged knowing glances and suppressed giggles. Just as you passed through the curtains, she gave you a sharp slap on the ass and a wink before turning back to her injector. Your cheeks burned hot pink as most of the 501st garrison looked at you with varying smirks.
You gasped and covered your mouth, refusing to look Rex or anyone in the eye before scurrying out of the lobby. You could feel everyone’s eyes glaring into the back of your head. I’m going to kill Layla.
“Alright, who’s here for a replacement?” you heard Layla’s teasing voice behind you. Then a symphony of troopers were suddenly vying for her attention, just begging to go first.
With a sigh, you’d had your fun, you realized you needed to show face with at least one member of your unit so they knew you were still alive.
Even though you had absolutely no clue where they could be. If it was up to Wrecker, they’d be in the mess. If it was Tech, they’d be in the engine room, probably causing curiosity-based chaos. Crosshair would be in the armory, and Hunter? He’d probably be in the barracks somewhere. You decided you weren’t in the mood for guessing and just pulled out your com device, “Hey, is anyone there?” you asked.
You waited a few seconds before Wrecker answered, “Pip is that you? Are you back?” he sounded happy.
“Yeah, Wrek, where are you guys?”
“We're in the barracks,” Tech replied.
“Okay, I’m coming,” you turned around, walking in the other direction.
The walk to the barracks was short. A couple of nice troopers pointed you in the right direction, and before you realized, you were there. The massive blast door was hard to miss. The door slid open, revealing your unit lying around in various bunks. Tech sat, legs crossed, leaning against the headboard of a lower bunk, messing with the electronics of his helmet, while Crosshair took the top. He was tossing and catching what looked like a silver ball into the air while swinging his long leg off the side in front of Tech’s face. Wrecker was in the center of the room, chowing down on a ration bar, while Hunter and Echo sat facing one another in the middle of a conversation.
“Pip!” Wrecker put down his ration bar and ran over to you. ���Hi, Wrek, ahh!” you screamed as the big guy wrapped his behemoth arms around you and lifted you off the ground like a little tooka cat.
“Wrecker, put her down,” Hunter chastised.
“Ugh, fine,” he settled you back down gently before stepping back and grinning down at you, “I missed Pip. The pack wasn’t the same without you.” Your heart fluttered at the thought that he saw you as pack.
“I missed you too, Wrecker,” you smiled.
“How was the heat center?” Tech asked, looking up from his tools.
You shrugged, feeling a little embarrassed, but you had to clear the bantha in the room. You knew they had to be curious. “Ehh,” you bit your lip tilting you palm side to side, “It was far better than any place on Coruscant but nothing I’d like to repeat anytime soon.”
“It had good reviews on the holonet,” Tech replied.
You giggled. Of course, he studied the reviews.
“You look thin,” Crosshair pointed out, displeased, “Did they even feed you?”
“Thanks, Cross,” your mood soured, feeling a little self-conscious, “And yes, they gave me food.”
He snarked and went back to tossing his toy around in the air.
“I’m shocked the GAR didn’t send you guys on a mission somewhere while I was gone,” you said, realizing how bored they appeared. Had they really been here the whole time?
“Command heard about what happened. I think they felt bad and decided to give us a small break until you got back,” Hunter said sympathetically, standing up from his bunk.
You just nodded. He looked at you strangely. You were hoping he didn’t still feel guilty.
“And,” he shifted to one side, looking uncomfortable, “They want to know if you desire a unit transfer after everything that’s happened…” he looked deflated.
Wrecker whined from behind you clearly upset with that possibility. You looked at him and the others, realizing how sad they looked at Hunters news. 
“A transfer?” you clarified.
Hunter nodded his head.
“They want to know if you don’t feel comfortable,” Echo said calmly.
You just stood there a little in shock.
“We’d understand if that was the case, Y/N,” Hunter said, trying to be the good sergeant. You gave it a moment of thought before turning to look at Wrecker, who looked dejected.
“No?” Hunter repeated, sounding relieved.
“No,” you crossed your arms, “I’m not leaving… Do you want me to leave?”
Hunter shifted a little, “I don’t want you making a decision based on our feelings. We’ll be okay if that’s what you want.”
“You’re my pa-…you’re my squad,” you stood your ground, feeling a little insecure. You didn’t miss the way Crosshair stopped for a moment at your slip up. Did they not want to work with you now? Did you and Hunter mess up the dynamic? You couldn’t smell it, but you were certain Hunter could pick up on your stress.
“Pip is staying!” Wrecker was jovial. He was pumping his fists in the air like a little kid.
“I’m relieved to hear you are still wanting to work with us, Y/N,” Tech looked at you.
Echo got up and gave you a hug, “I was worried I was going to be losing my favorite stakeout buddy.”
You hugged him back, “I’m not going anywhere as long as you’ll all have me.”
They just smiled and started to settle back in.
“So what do we do now?” Crosshair asked. Clearly, none of them have ever been trapped on a Venator for long periods of time with nothing to do.
“We wait for orders,” Hunter said, sitting back on his bunk.
You slipped off your boots and curled up on the bunk next to theirs. You had a week of sleep to catch up on, and frankly, you were just excited to have a proper mattress to sleep on and you could move on from this horribly awkward situation. 
You were positive the missions would come rolling in soon. You guys were the best after all.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
I loved writing the Layla scenes so much. I'm hoping now that we have a baseline for the story I'll finally be bale to start working on Y/N's relationship with the bad batch.
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lucky-ducky006 · 24 days
TBB headcanons that nobody asked for ❤️
Pt. 5 Echo
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He thought he knew what he was getting into when he joined the bad batch, but he was very wrong.
Poor bby is exhausted being their mother.
He was the only one who could convince Hunter to get any sort of medical attention.
Is constantly stressed out and feels like he has 4 copies of Fives to deal with. One was more than enough to begin with.
He never seeks comfort but he doesn’t reject it when it is offered.
Choked up just a little when Tech had him memorize all their plans and mentioned plan 99.
Kinda picky but mainly bc he judges food based on looks and just refuses to eat anything he thinks looks gross.
He can cook decently since he can follow directions but he doesn’t care to.
He had nightmares for a while after he was rescued but over time they became less frequent. He does have trouble falling asleep most of the time so he takes medicine to help.
Scolds the batch like they’re his children.
Wrecker and Crosshair call him “mom” or “mama echo” to make fun of him but deep down Echo doesn’t mind bc he does kinda think it’s funny but he won’t let them know that.
If one of his brothers is being annoying he jabs them with his fake arm.
Echo is the only one Hunter has ever vented to.
Considering Echos old squad, I imagine he also understands Crosshair to a certain level. Crosshair rejects him saying he doesn’t need his help/pity. On some occasions he does accept it tho.
Sometimes the rest of the batch forget Echo is a reg and talk crap about them and Echo just silently listens until they realize.
Pretty good driver. He’s the only other member of the batch Tech completely trusts to drive 😭😭
Doesn’t like spicy food.
Takes him a bit to warm up to people unless it’s other clones.
Not an animal person.
That’s all for now 💜💜
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heyclickadee · 25 days
I would also accept:
1. Someone plunking CX-Tech down on a cybernetic surgeon’s table and saying, “Fix him.”
2. Tarkin finding CX-Tech barely alive in the ruins of Tantiss and plopping him in a bacta tank, because he wanted to interrogate the batch anyway, he’s one of the few people who would know Tech by sight, and, hey, free assassin.
3. CX-Tech popped himself off the wall five minutes after everyone left the room because the force will not allow him to die.
4. He survived because, hey, guess what, Nala Se tested Omega’s blood’s ability to work as a binder on the batch when she enhanced their abilities, and Tech’s been very mildly force sensitive this whole time and he keeps himself alive by sheer force of will.
5. He was the partially successful m-count transfer Hemlock mentions, and same as above.
6. No explanation whatsoever. Just put Tech back with his family eventually.
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