#absolutely unstoppable duo
shunsuiken · 4 months
luka from hsr 🤝 itto from genshin
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konantheestallion · 6 months
can't believe i had that much to say about sasuhina in the year 2023 but here i am lmao
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foxgonyoom · 1 year
I’ve seen posts about how MK should get to go apeshit, and I’ve made my own about how Nezha should get to go apeshit, but consider:
MK and Nezha BOTH going apeshit
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youneedsomeprompts · 6 months
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requested by: various anons requests: see full requests at the end of the post
Feel free to use and reblog!
Part 1 (kinda): 10 marriage of convenience prompts
#1 - freaking out briefly every morning when they realise they're sharing the house with their newlywed spouse #2 - finding out new quirks of the other with great fascination #3 - trying to willingly make the other a part of their daily habits #4 - getting that strange feeling in their belly whenever they introduce the other as their "spouse" #5 - being awkward around each other because they don't know how polite or how casual they should be #6 - being nervous because how do you do the married thing? #7 - slowly but surely growing fond of the other #8 - getting used to the other's company and being completely thrown when they're suddenly in a situation on their own #9 - making time to have dates to get to know the other better because you should know your spouse, right? (there's absolutely nothing romantic about it, alright?) #10 - biting their tongue because somehow everything they say comes out as flirty and that's not who they are, right?
#11 - "We have to be married, but we don't have to pretend we are that lovey-dovey newlyweds when we're clearly not." "I'm just trying to be nice." #12 - "You... look pretty." "Really? You never said that before." "Well, then certainly I was blind." #13 - "Wow, you're actually really fun to be around." "Well, and you really have to work on your compliment skills." #14 - "You don't know how glad I am that fate brought us together. This is much more pleasant than I had thought." #15 - "I think we're doing this pretty well. I am certainly glad to have you by my side while figuring out all this being married stuff." #16 - "Who would have thought we would end up like this?" #17 - "Thank you for being so patient with me." "How I see it, marriage isn't about intense feelings and going all in for one particular moment. It's about making a promise for the future and every day to come to stick it out together and be each other's backbone. What is marriage if not patience?" #18 - "May I ask you something? Why me? It's certainly not because you were madly in love with me. So, why me?" #19 - "We're the bestest of teams, aren't we? Unstoppable! The ultimate duo!" #20 - "Even though this was meant to be a rational affair and just a wise deal, you changed my life. Marrying you was both the best and the most nerve-racking thing I could've done."
(requests: hii i was thinking could you do like a newly arranged marriage thing and like action prompts and dialogue prompts where they haven't gotten too comfortable around the other yet but they're starting to like each other or something 😭 I hope I could explain it somewhat well; Hey could you do an arranged marriage prompt where they don't hate each other but are just nervous around each other ish; arranged marriage secret affection prompts?)
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phoenixkaptain · 9 months
My favourite part of Dick Grayson as a character is that he is never afraid of Bruce.
Like, Jason has his fear of disappointing him, Tim is a bit intimidated and has his hero worship, Damian fears that Bruce’ll kick him out the way he thinks Talia did, but Dick?
Dick is so unconcerned about Bruce at every possible moment. Even the earliest comics had Dick calling Bruce lame to his face. Dick works with Bruce and his partner for years and they understand each other on a deep level and Dick multiple times calls Bruce a fucking square.
Dick does not tell Bruce anything. He does not write home. If Bruce wasn’t in the room with him when Dick got called to go somewhere, I’m pretty sure Dick would not have informed Bruce that he was even leaving, let alone where he was going. The Teen Titans joined the Peace Corps, they were in Washington for at least a few days being trained, and Bruce finds out that Robin joined the Peace Corps from a newspaper. Dick does not tell him anything.
Dick and Bruce have such a fascinating relationship to me because Dick really doesn’t treat Bruce as his dad so much as he treats him like a particularly obnoxious older brother. Bruce treats Dick like his little baby bird who he cares about and doesn’t want to get hurt, but Dick is over there like “ugh, Bruce is so overdramatic” while he nearly drowns for the fifth time.
In early Teen Titans, there’s no question that Robin is physically the weakest member. Aqualad and Wonder Girl both have super strength, Kid Flash’s speed means that he doesn’t need super strength, but Robin is by far the easiest to capture. He gets caught very consistently through the early issues, albeit people can only catch him if they take him off guard, but it’s a lot easier to catch him off guard in early comics. Robin is the brains of the group, the others look to him for direction and depend on him to make plans that will work and panic when Robin gets nabbed because what will they do without Robin??
Robin gets captured a lot in early Batman comics too. Robin is the ultimate damsel, but he’s never really in very much distress? Like, Bruce and the Teen Titans are distressed, but Robin just looks maybe a bit surprised and bored. Robin never seems to take his own mortality into account when he does things, meanwhile literally everyone else does.
Dick only ever really gets annoyed with Bruce. He bever gets mad at his teammates, even when they question his ability. For the most part, Dick doesn’t even respond when they underestimate him to his face. I have no idea what’s going on in Dick’s head, but he isn’t a part of Aqualad and Kid Flash finding each other and him annoying in their first team ups and he never gets upset when they don’t believe in him.
Then, on the other hand, Bruce calls the music Dick is listening to noise, and Dick immediately is annoyed. Dick and Bruce having a turbulent relationship is more apparent later on in the comics, but Bruce is truly the only one in all the galaxies who gets under Dick’s skin as much as he does.
And it’s funny because fandom likes to paint Dick as bitter that Bruce didn’t adopt him, while I think Dick would have blown his top if Bruce even tried to adopt him. Dick had parents, he never views Bruce as a parental figure. Don’t get me wrong, Dick loves Bruce. Bruce does so much for Dick and Bruce is protective of him and Bruce is open about his affection, but Dick just doesn’t view him as his father.
I really think Dick views Bruce as more like a guard dog than a father. He talks so casually to Bruce, but he’s more formal to other adults. He complains about Bruce not trusting him, but doesn’t care when his teammates don’t trust him either. He views the rich billionaire vigilante who can take down a god in a fight as fucking lame.
Their relationship is amazing. They get along great. They’re a perfect duo, they work in tandem, they’re absolutely unstoppable together. If Bruce talks too much Dick will roll his eyes. They trust each other with their life. Dick is never telling Bruce anything. Bruce says “I guess I can spare Robin for a minute” and Dick is like “I would be perfectly content to never return home for the rest of my days.”
Of all the Robins, Dick is absolutely the one who respects Bruce the least. He loves the guy, but he just canNOT take him seriously.
(Do you think it was the time Bruce sent a box of bats to someone? Or the times Bruce gets captured and has to be rescued by his damsel side-kick? Or the way Bruce is like an overprotective mother, coming this close to reminding Robin to wash behind his ears? Or the way Bruce lets Robin say whatever he wants and never gets upset or offended or even hurt?
Or, maybe, Batman tripped on his cape once, and Dick just can never forget.)
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duckiemimi · 9 months
while i do find some merit in the “geto was doomed from the very beginning” headcanon, i like to think that had he been given more time (and support, and a clear head, and space to grow, to learn and unlearn), geto could’ve made genuine change to the system by actually including his fellow sorcerers in his cause; perhaps not by eliminating non-sorcerers, but by yuki’s second option: to break away from cursed energy entirely (god, imagine geto and yuki working as a duo—unstoppable). the “dragonfly” undergoing, catalyzing, metamorphosis.
i think people find poetry in the idea of fatalism, of geto being born cursed because of his cursed technique, but in my opinion, that concept goes against what jjk is striving to convey in its thesis—that change is absolutely possible.
after all, if it took multiple cycles of six eyes and limitless users to finally get to the gojo satoru we see today, the gojo satoru who broke and is breaking through generational chain, then geto—not bound by that same millennia of fate—could’ve done it, too. the problem lies within the system, not his biology. there is always going to be a second chance, no matter how unforgiving the world can seem.
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soapyghostie · 2 months
I come with an idea… Michael Myres and or Ghostface with someone who is very much feral, I’m talking ankle biter type person. Would crawl up walls if they could, makes the most demonic noises known to man just for the fun of it >:)
Hope you don’t mind if I tried something a little bit different… Poly Billy and Stu! I’ve only written for Billy and Stu separately once and I didn’t feel like writing separate headcanons for them. I thought it was a good request to do a poly relationship with Billy and Stu since all of y’all are feral, chaotic human-beings. Hope you enjoy!
Billy Loomis & Stu Macher
Billy and Stu absolutely fucking love you! You are just their type. Y’all often have a lot of wild and chaotic nights together, filling it with laughter and mischief. Billy and Stu are known for making mayhem and your feral nature adds a whole new level of unpredictability to this chaotic duo. 
Billy and Stu are deeply head-over-heels in love by your feral tendencies. They are attracted to your wild spirit, and they’re constantly amazed by your ability to move with such primal grace and ferocity. 
Your strong desire to want to crawl up walls and make demonic noises just for the fun of it only serves as fuel for Billy and Stu’s fascination with you. They love nothing more than watching you unleash the gremlin side of you, and they often find themselves joining in on the fun with you, whether that’s playing a prank by egging/rolling someone's house or throwing over-the-top parties. 
Despite the amount of mischief y’all get into, you have a surprisingly tender side, despite your gremlin tendencies (feral (Y/N) will forever be a gremlin in my eyes now), that you only show to Billy and Stu. You may be fierce and untamed, but when it comes to your partners, you are fiercely (see what I did there) loyal and incredibly loving. 
Billy and Stu are overly protective of you, always keeping a watchful eye on you to make sure you don’t get into too much trouble. They like mischief, but you take it to a whole other level. They know you probably could handle yourself, but that doesn’t stop them from wanting to keep you safe at all costs. 
All three of y’all are very different, yet, y’all still complement each other perfectly. Billy’s charm and charisma, Stu’s quick wit and humor, and your feral energy all blend together to create a relationship that is exhilarating as it is passionate. Y’all thrive on the excitement and the intensity of y’all’s dynamic, and y’all wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
Together, Billy, Stu, and you are like an unstoppable force, like a tornado, to be reckoned with. Whether y’all are causing chaos wherever y’all go or simply enjoying each other’s company, y’all are always the life of the party. 
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boonsmoon · 2 months
Could I request Buddha and Qin Shi Huang (seperate if its okay) with fem reader that has bunny ears and a bunny tail (some smut if that's okay :3)
As per this post, I said I won't write lime/lemon, that includes smut However I will write sfw headcanons for both men Fair warning: I haven't read the manga, so pray for my Qin
Request Masterlist Buddha x f bunny!reader, Qin Shi Huang x f bunny!reader Genres:🎊🌸💞🧪
Funny Bunny
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Now let's go with the quick assumption you're a spirit of some type, that means you've probably been in Valhalla your whole life
With this, you have most definitely seen Buddha around
He chills with nature and you kinda are nature?? You may have even hung out with him before Ragnarok started
Either way, you both didn't get along at first
Yeah you kinda look like a bunny, but you aren't one... having him give you carrots all the time got pretty insulting
Eventually you snapped and told him that the ears and tails didn't limit what you could eat, plus carrots aren't even nutritional to rabbits!
He has promoted you to broccoli, but he ain't sharing that candy
Yes, you two are like the cutest couple, but also happen to be the sassiest
For a spirit you sure can carry the wrath of a god
He will pet your ears but consensually, we don't talk about the last incident
Overall, y'all are just some silly, go with the flow fellas, 10/10 couple
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Qin Shi Huang
Bro I'm gonna be honest, neither one of y'all remember how you met
One day he just spawned and you had to learn to tolerate him
You still question how a blind man was able to snatch your ears and feel them, how did you not see him there?
It doesn't matter now, he wouldn't dare do such a thing now
At least when he shares food it's a decent variety, you've been upgraded to fruits and even meat if you want
Not quite a power duo, but more of a "fuck around and find out" couple
He has to skills to back up his confidence, you have deception to hide your abilities, kinda OP if you ask me
You will actively rant to him about how humans clearly don't understand food and animal compatibility
You've never gotten a carrot from him, not even indirectly, purely from your ranting
This is a fair relationship though, so he rants back about gods being absolute idiots
Overall, y'all are an unstoppable force in Valhalla, there is no immovable object for you two, also 10/10
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praying these turned out decent
i got a bit silly with this one if you couldnt tell
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gowonders · 9 months
go you girl ♥ ot5 + you!
aka.. y/n getting princess treatment from her members and having the best relationship with them
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notes : hiiii! this is one of my favorite things to write i am absolutely in love with sixth member reader.. anyways this could be seen as romantic or platonic!! definitely written with best friends to lvrs in mind but that’s because that’s my fav trope.. gulp
warnings: fem reader, not proofread, lowkey tension in yeonjun nothing bad though, serious mutual pining in beomgyus, size difference with reader and hyuka.. (tell me if i missed any!)
yeonjun :
y’all definitely have sibling-type relationship..
BUT NOT IN A GOOD WAY. on camera y’all act like you 100% hate eachother.
maybe the best fans are getting is a forced hug
maybe a shared slam on one of your other members..
but behind closed doors? you’re actually best friends.
laying in his arms as he plays with your hair as you watch a corny movie, painting his nails, helping him pick out outfits, maybe even doing his makeup is some of your favorite things to do together…
maybeee you have some tension after that one “challenge for acting!” on m2…? (PLEASE KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.)
maybeeeeee he actually kissed you when you get back to the dorms!! we’ll never know! 🫣
onto princess treatment.. you definitely get it from this man.
remember the whole sibling thing? yeah.
”don’t you want something from the store?”
”yn, do you want me to buy you this?”
”i’ll get it for you. oh my god.”
rumor has it, if you complain about not having something long enough it’ll appear in your room along with your favorite snack~ yeonjun swears it’s the hybe santa..
soobin :
you guys are an UNSTOPPABLE DUO.
sometimes it feels like you’re the only two with sense in that group ….
you two have bonded over the fact that maybe you’re the only sensible ones in there!
he hasn’t told you.. but he definitely likes spending alone time with you.. so he lies and says you’re definitely better than everyone in the group (you’re not. you’re literally worse than huening kai..)
”no no no no yn!! you’re so responsible!” you spent 200 on albums for a group you fangirled for the other night.
he also loves giving you nicknames!! maybe it’s the leader in him, but he’s almost like your father figure?? (it literally doesn’t matter how old you are, he’s like your second dad.)
”silly, mini-me, *something based on your animal*” it is never ending!!!
you being the only girl doesn’t help how he practically acts like your dad…
”ynnnnnnnn.. when did you go to sleep last night..”
“um!!! 9:00!”
“then why did i hear the door close at 11:00? huh??”
“i was practicing….”
he gives you THAT look. you know the one your parents give you when they’re upset?
”im not mad. just disappointed.”
”okay daddddd..” new nickname am i right?
this man is the king of princess treatment.
opening your water for you.. you didn’t ask?
“i knew you would…” he says, handing your the bottle with a shrug.
beomgyu :
well well well if it isn’t my favorite man to write for mutual pining!
like.. you two have been best friends since you were trainees..
and you too were so obvious with the flirting…
beomgyu would always hug you from behind at practice, pretending to be interested in what you were looking at..
he really just likes hugging you..
but i feel like your relationship would just be very touchy yk??
likeeee.. let’s say you’ve been going to the gym more, the second you wear even a shorter top..
he is poking those abs ‼️
”i dunno yn.. might be getting better than taehyun!”
OR HES ALSO LIKE YEONJUN. he loves having you in his arms, telling jokes and random gossip as his fingers ghost over the neck he’s “jokingly” marked when you were both drunk..
his favorite thing to say to you is “i’ll do it!”
”i got it!” “let me do it yn!!”
this man will never let you do anything yourself..
he’s grabbing things from a cabinet you could totally reach, buying you things you can most definitely afford, even doing your hair for you sometimes (which he’s surprisingly good at ??)
he’s also very very very protective
like he’ll get you a blanket if you’re wearing a skirt, or he’ll stand behind you on tour to make sure nobody is being a weirdoooo <3
(can y’all tell i gushed on his..)
taehyun :
you two are the embodiment of sunshine protector x sunshine!!!
in “ to-do “ you could literally be jumping around and giggling in one side of the frame and taehyun could just be like
it’s like a perfect combo , like one of you do too much one of y’all do little!!!
he loves hugging you.. and you love it too!!
the way his arms wrap around you tightly, the way he picks you up a little, and the way his fingers linger around the hem of your shirt before he pulls away..
his cute little thing he does is he always takes your recommendations..
like i 100% see him adding the song you recommended to his playlist or the drink you always drink sitting on the desk in his room
”what do you have there, tyunnie?” you ask as you peer into his room. “the snack you always make me get at the store.. wanted to see the hype!” he smiles sheepishly.
he loves buying you things too
but he’s less shameless about it :3
‘I was at the store and I saw that album you wanted, can I get it for you?’ he texts you while he’s out and about !!
he just loves getting you stuff it’s insaneee
he’s also like beomgyu in the way he will do everything for you
”nah nah nah let me get it.”
king of princess treatment tbh
huening kai :
you two are always caught together
“have you seen huening kai?” “umm probably with yn but that’s just a guess!”
he loves sharing things with you too
like snacks or drinks, indirect kissing?? who cares (huening kai.. his cheeks are always pink when you take a sip from his can >_<)
he loves laying in your lap
(but this might be because i will forever head canon hyuka as a thigh/tummy man…)
he literally just loves laying on you
but you don’t care 👍👍
extremely obsessed with matching items
you guys have matching plushies and keychains just to match a few!
he literally started to look for things that reminded him of you to buy you
like he bought you a plushie of your rep animal just because
“you literally did so well ynieeeee!”
gives excellent hugs too
i feel like he’d also be really helpful if you had a wardrobe malfunction (+funny..)
wide eyes as he lowkey messes up the choreo to help fix whatever was wrong with your outfit :>
fans say y’all are basically siblings too
im just saying i headcannon YOU TWO as the best duo 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
༘⋆🍊💿💭 ⋆˙
i hope you liked theseeee! if you want i would love to hear any feedbackkk! have a nice day ♥ ♥
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
With a s/o who literally got underestimated by some then they kick their asses with Fyodor ,Chuuya and dazai?👉👈
Pls imagine them just watching 😭
this idea is so silly! i love it so much oh my lord. thank you for requesting!!
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Their S/o Gets Underestimated; Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Format: Scenarios
Possible warnings: Violence, mentions of blood, catcalling, you being a badass
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Osamu Dazai
Today you and Dazai were tasked with gaining vital information from the Port Mafia. Out of the two of you, you were the one that excelled in physical strength. You were smart too, yes, but not as smart as your boyfriend. He was the one that made hyper intelligent plans while you were the one that carried them out. Together the two of you made an unstoppable duo for the agency.
“It should be here,” you said as you looked at your watch. “We’re early.”
“Ah that’s good news! Now we have time to look around the perimeter just in case there’s an ambush!” He said rather childishly despite how insightful the words he spoke were.
You pressed your ear up to the entrance of the building. You then heard a faint conversation on the other side of the walls. “We can’t. They’re already here.”
Dazai loudly exhaled as he put his hands in his jacket. “Let’s go in then. I want to go home already.”
You nodded as you opened the door. The first thing you saw inside were two grunts holding sophisticated guns. They immediately looked at you and pointed their firearms at you.
“Hey! Can you maybe not point those at us?” You asked, already mildly aggravated.
One of the grunts put down his gun, but the other held his ground. “And what’re you gonna do if I don’t? Kick my feet?”
Dazai decided to step in. “We’re here for the information.”
“Well now I don’t feel like givin’ it to ya!” He pointed a finger at you. “They decided to act like they own the damn place right off the bat! They don’t even look that strong too!”
“Excuse you! I’m very strong!” You raised your voice.
Normally you don’t get mad this easily, but this grunt decided to underestimate you! You absolutely hated it when people did this to you. What was even the point of it?
“Really? ‘Cause you don’t look it!”
Your eye twitched as you turned to Dazai. “May I?”
“Go right on ahead,” he smirked.
You quickly thanked him, then started to approach the grunt. You cracked your knuckles before punching him straight in the face. You felt your knuckles start to slightly bleed, but it was worth it.
The grunt fell onto his ass with a bloody nose. He then looked up at you with fear in his eyes. “You punch like a girl.”
“Oh that’s it!”
You went to kick his side and rough him up further, but you felt a hand on your shoulder. You whipped your head around and was greeted with the sight of Dazai slightly smiling. “That’s enough.”
You sighed as you retreated behind him. Eventually Dazai got the information that the two of you needed, and on the way back you broke out into idle chitchat.
“You know, you’re very strong,” Dazai complimented.
You looked up at him with a small smile. “Ah, thank you. It means a lot coming from you.”
The two of you had eventually reached the agency’s front doors. Dazai grabbed your hand and looked at the blood that was slowly dripping down your knuckles. “We need to get you fixed up.”
You only nodded as he opened the door for you. Today was a good day.
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Chuuya Nakahara
Today was Chuuya’s day off and you decided that you wanted to go out on a date with him. It didn’t take him much convincing since the last time the two of you went on a date was weeks ago. He wanted to make up for some lost time. Chuuya felt bad that he couldn’t give you all of the attention you deserved, so this was the least he could do.
You practically dragged him to the restaurant that you made reservations for. You had your arms wrapped around his right arm, making sure to have a secure grip on him.
As you were about to enter the building, you heard some whistling directed towards you. You and Chuuya looked at where the noise was coming from.
A man in his forties was smirking at you. He was wearing an expensive suit and tie, and his hair looked messily slicked back. It made you nauseous.
“What’s a darling little thing like you doing with that short ass, huh?” He asked loudly.
“Short ass?! Listen here buddy, they’re my S/o and I’m—“
“I got this.” You put a hand on your boyfriends shoulder, cutting him off. You then redirected your gaze towards the creep. “This here is my boyfriend, and we were just about to get dinner. Now please leave us alone.”
The male clicked his tongue. “Or what? Are you going to have your boyfriend beat me up since you’re so weak?”
Your grip tightened on Chuuya’s shoulder. Who did this guy think he was?! “He doesn’t need to protect me, but he may need to protect you from me.”
“What, are going to tickle me? Don’t make me laugh!” He exclaimed.
Right as the man finished saying that, you ran towards him and swiped his legs from beneath him. He lost his breath from the fall onto his back, so he desperately tried to get air back into his lungs by breathing rapidly.
You turned right back around and walked up towards Chuuya. “I think I lost my appetite,” you murmured.
You absolutely hated being disrespected like that. You knew you were strong, but sometimes people thought otherwise just based on appearances. It rubbed you the wrong way.
Chuuya smirked at the man on the ground. He knew full well that you were capable of beating him; you weren’t Chuuya’s other half for nothing. He made sure that you were able to defend yourself in case you were attacked from a rival group trying to lure him out. In fact, Chuuya had personally trained you. It was tedious, but it payed off.
“C’mon let’s go! I don’t want to be here anymore,” you said as you tugged on Chuuya’s arm. “A crowd is forming and I’m very uncomfortable.”
Your boyfriend chuckled as you dragged him away from the scene. “You were so badass, did you know that?”
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Today you two had to visit the Sky Casino. Sigma’s mental state wasn’t in the best shape, and you took it upon yourself to make sure he’s okay. Fyodor could care less, but he decided to come along anyways because there was something he needed to do. You didn’t dare question him; it’s not like he’d tell you anyways.
You two walked into the lavish entry hall hand in hand. The casino was huge, so the chances of getting lost were high.
The two of you rounded a corner and was met with the sight of a grown woman trying to steal a wallet from an unknowing guest. You immediately went in to stop her. Yes, you may be in the Decay of Angels, but you disliked it whenever people committed meaningless crimes. This woman was dressed in very expensive attire, so it’s likely that she already had a lot of wealth.
You grabbed her wrist. “Put that back.”
“Excuse me?!” She whipped her head towards you. “Who do you think you are?!”
The amount of makeup she wore made you feel nauseous. “You don’t need that money.”
“Shut your mouth!” She yelled. “You’re assaulting me!”
You frowned at her words. “You were the one robbing that man!”
“Okay and?” She gave you a smug look. “It’s not like there’s much you can do! You’re not law enforcement.”
Your grip on her wrist tightened. “I can do something, but I’m sure you won’t like it.”
“What are you going to do then, huh?” She gave you a cocky smile.
Your grip on her wrist shifted to her hand. You then applied pressure onto one of fingers. You wanted to break her hand, you really did, but it appeared that the woman was already getting cold feet.
“No! Don’t break it! Fuck okay fine, I’ll leave and give him back the wallet! Alright?!” She begged.
You shrugged your shoulders and let go of her hand. “I’ll hold you up to it then.”
The woman put the wallet back into the man’s pocket and ran away. As you saw her retreating you turned back to Fyodor. You then straightened out your outfit with a slight frown.
“I’m sorry about that, Fedya,” you spoke. “She just bothered me a lot.”
Fyodor only smirked as he wrapped one of his hands around yours. “Don’t apologize for that, my love. In fact, I do think she deserved it.”
You nodded as you started to lead him to Sigmas office. “She even doubted my skills… What a bitch.”
“If you so wish I could dispose of her later later,” he chuckled. “It wouldn’t be that hard of a task.”
You shook your head. “No, that won’t be necessary.”
“I see,” Fyodor hummed. You two were now just outside of the casino managers office. “Though, I’d like to say that you’re quite strong. I’m lucky to have you at my side.”
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this was fun to write!
requests are open <3
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mooncalf87 · 2 months
Could ask about some headcanons on Rosoie and Alastor's beginnings in friendship?
Rosie and Alastor becoming friends HCS!
They knew each other sense around 1934, but didn't really acknowledge each othwrs presence until 1950
They met at an overlord meeting
They actually hated each other in the beginning. Tried to one up each other for a solid decade until they were sent on an overlord heist together and bonded
FINALLY became friends in 1959, a good 25 years after they met.
They immediately hit it off once they bonded. Gossip girlys. The heist they were sent on was actually a failed mission because they kept getting too damn distracted
Once they became friends there was no looking back. They were the overlord power duo. Carmilla, the one who had sent then on that heist together, regrets every decision she has ever made.
When they became friends Rosie was married to a man named Henry, who was an absolute Susan-ish BITCH, so alastor helped her get rid of her
Murder besties from day one. These two are unstoppable if you put them into a room together with some weapons
Rosie got married again in 1964 (alastor called her a crazy bitch. (He was right too this guy was a jackass))
When the Disney movie "Pinocchio" made its way into hell with the sinners, they watched it together. Were absolutely terrified. They have seen the horrors that come with cannibalism and murder, but nothing could have prepared them for THAT.
They got legally married in 1971. It was a good way to fend off unwanted sutors from rosie
Once the new/proper LGBTQ terms finally started making their way into hell Rosie was HOOKED. She tried to educate alastor (he didn't listen. At all.)
They actually lived together in the apartment above Rosies Emporium for a while. A good twenty years before Alastor disappeared and then showed up at the hotel. Rosie never got rid of any of his things once he left. He still have a spare radio recording room in her hall closet.
Annnnddd that leads us to present day!!
I take any hc requests!! Check my pinned post! :3
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phantomposting · 1 year
Time for another soupy 4am half asleep romps cause this idea is keeping me awake. Sorry in advance for grammatical and spelling errors.
So I've been stuck hyperfixated on twin aus lately cause I'm an absolute sucker for supportive found family stuff. However I've begun to run out of ideas to rotate in my brain and timeline out. This one popped in my head yesterday tho and it's been stuck in my noggin ever since.
Instead of just one twin going missing from the league on a mission both end up lost. Maybe the league assumes Damian and Danyal died and the bodies simply couldn't be recovered. Either way they stick together both ending up with the Fenton's in aminty Park Illinois.
Damian is still his prideful headstrong self. It takes him a long time to actually bond with Jazz due to his stand offish nature. But eventually they become close. Danny has just about the same character development but he is inseparable with Damian and Damian helps him become a little more self confident.
When it's time for the accident to occur both twins are caught in it. Both gain ghost powers and walk the fine live between dead and alive. Danny has a protection obsession and a minor space obsession, Damian has a protection obsession in the sense he must keep his family safe and his minor obsession is animals.
Danny takes up the alias Phantom and Damian takes up Ghoul. Together they make an unstoppable undead vigilante duo many of the ghost rouges refer to as the demon twins. Damian absolute retained more of his league training than Danny so Damian has an easier time at the whole ghostly hero biz than Danny. But he's very encouraging towards Danny in the hopes up helping him and his confidence. Probably has a bit that focuses mainly on that struggle with his confidence.
Phantom still has his white hair and green eyes and ice core and Ghoul has white hair and blue eyes and a shadow core. With this shadow core he can manipulate the shadows to give him the cover of darkness or make shadowy weapons. He uses this to take a more stealthy assassin approach to his heroing.
Eventually down the line the Fenton parents fond out Damian and Danny's secret. I like to think Danny couldn't stand to keep it a secret anymore but Damian didn't deem it safe enough to open up yet. As a result Danny opens up only about himself which leads to Jack and Maddie trying to "fix" him. Damian rescues him and they go on the run.
They end up on Gotham and the bats start getting suspicious of the two meta children going around fighting crime in their city. Don't they know there's a no metas rule?
Chaos ensues and Bruce finds out that these two homeless meta twins are actually his children and he has to slowly earn these kids trust so he can help them and bring them into the family. Lots of chaos, trauma, and happy moments later and the whole batclan welcomes the two with open arms :D
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blukiar · 1 year
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🐺"Pick it up-"         🐱 "-If you dare!~" 
Really enjoyed working on this one! I love the thought of them being the perfect duo, an absolute, unstoppable force! My top 2 faves of the entire movie
Like I said before on my twit, I wanna draw everyone from the cast (except big jack) but it won't happen immediately like this one tho as I do wanna draw other things first
That being said, I really love how this one turned out! the bg was a bit of a challenge tho
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paintbrushnebula · 1 month
My college professor: Mr. Paintbrushnebula, are you still with us?
No Professor, my mind is far too busy thinking about how Rapunzel and Miles Morales would be absolute BESTIES.
They'd share their art with each other and do art trades, and swap stories about their adventures. Rapunzel would go on for hours about all the kingdoms and magical creatures she's encountered while Miles would ramble about all the crazy incredible dimensions he's been to. They'd vent to each other about how restricted they felt back when everyone was trying to control their lives and keep them from choosing their own path. Ooh! And they'd totally swap favorite foods! Miles would give Rapunzel some Spanish recipes. Now here they are making pastelitos de carne together!
Oh and you better believe Eugene Fitzherbert and Gwen Stacy are an unstoppable duo who'll take over the world!
While their partners are chatting, Eugene and Gwen are sitting in the corner munching on the pastelitos their partners just made while sharing how they got together with them. Gwen goes, "we met up once and saved the multiverse together, then two years later I climb through his window and I say, 'wanna get outta here?' He says yes!" Eugene's mouth goes agape and says "NO WAY THATS (almost) EXACTLY WHAT I DID-" They then break out into a series of competitions to prove who's the better athlete, like who can scale that building faster, who's got the coolest backflip, etc. Eugene thinks Gwen's eyebrow piercing is super cool, then he goes on about how as much as he'd like one, his face is just too darn immaculate and unblemished for him to ever pierce its perfectly pristine hide, then he shares his "invaluable wisdom" about haircare with a Gwen who has long fallen fast asleep. Then they're discussing their experiences as ex-fugitives. Eugene tells Gwen about his experience with the Captain of the Guard, how he would hunt him down like a wild dog. Gwen says "oh hey I had to deal with a Captain like that too. Tried to shoot me too. Yeah. He's my dad," then goes right back to scarfing down her pastelito while Eugene nearly chokes on his.
I just think they'd be neat ^_^
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Here is my take on The Atlas trilogy characters after reading the first two books.
Libby Rhodes - I find her type characters annoying, but omg I loved her in The Atlas Paradox, and while I ind Ezra interesting, you go girl kill his ass. Also I need more of her alone, mainly using her power alone, but I want to see that from both her and Nico, while they're both physicists, I think it would be cool to see even more differences between them.
Nico de Varona - I feel so bad for my man his boyfriend is being hunted and his girlfriend got kidnapped and his bestie is having god complex issues LMAO, no seriously love him, liked him in the first book, loved him even more in the second, him AND GIDEON love it. Also nearly cried when it was said how alone my guy is, he needs family and he will look for it no matter what
Reina Mori - her god complex is so fun yet so crazy to watch unfold, while she is on the side I think her inner monologue is very interesting to read. Not my favourite character, but she and Callum are imo a great duo, need more of them. She and Parisa should just kiss and be besties.
Parisa Kamali - An icon, a legend, gave us the spiciest scenes in the book so we love her for that. Her power and character is perfect, mainly her decline and her helping my boy Nico. Didn't care for her and Dalton that much (overall I didn't care for Dalton) BUT very excited to see more of true Dalton (The prince?) in book 3
Tristan Caine - GET YOUR FUCKING DADDY ISSUES IN CHECK PLS AND THANK YOU!!!! Jk I love all my bitches equally, but him getting so close to all male figures in his life... nope, him and Atlas could make an unstoppable duo but worry not! His gf is back :) Overall Tristan was always a very hit or miss character for me, can't put a finger on why.
Callum Nova - I love him, like forreal, he is my new obsession, he is absolutely hilarious, I love his energy, the shit he causes, he is there to just do shit and I live for it!! Also made me cry, and you know I love blonde bitches that make me cry (cough cough Howl). Overall I need to read more books about Callum Nova type characters, because yes please. Also dw you don't have to hide your hairline from me I will cure your alcohol addiction <333
Ezra Fowler - girlbossed too close to the sun, very interesting tho, but I love Libby more
Gideon - LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVEEEE pls stop talking to your mama
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little-diable · 1 year
Lucky Shirt - Prof!Benedict Cumberbatch (smut)
I got the chance to work with @writingliv once again – yes, I am very much fangirling, y'all know how much I adore Liv – and boy, I am so proud of us and of this beautiful fic we've written together. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Professor Cumberbatch was perfect. He was sweet, supportive, ever-willing to help. He was attentive and loved to praise your achievements. It came to no surprise that you had ended up trying and succeeding at becoming his favourite student. The two of you had become an unstoppable duo, however, could there be more than mere passion for academia behind it?
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, lots and lots of tension, small sprinkles of angst, age gap, professorxstudent relationship
Pairing: Prof!Benedict Cumberbatch x fem!reader (about 9k words, she's a long one)
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Professor Cumberbatch led a life full of rules, keeping clear schedules, boundaries, and conversations. Honest, passionate, and helpful would probably be the three words most people would use to define him. A life dedicated to teaching, to helping, to learning. He never swayed away from his clear-cut schemes unless it was for somebody else’s benefit. Selfless… Professor Cumberbatch was also incredibly selfless. 
You, however, would think this set of facts did not do justice to his character. Professor Cumberbatch was not just selfless. He was an absolute saint. He had been your point of guidance since you first joined his class in your last year of undergrad and had offered you a place as a research assistant as a Master’s student. He had happily stayed until late hours helping you with your first dissertation and had never failed to answer any question related-or-not to his topic. Benedict Cumberbatch was your hero, which made your crush on him so much more inappropriate. 
You had tried to stop thinking about him that way, feeling guilty at the idea that this saint of man was so willing to help you and take you under his wing, and all you did was fantasise about him breaking all the university rules and fucking you. It was an awful feeling, especially when you were sure he didn’t feel the same way, but it was something you couldn’t yet find a way to get rid of. 
So here you were, sitting in his office, wearing that baby blue shirt he had once complimented a year ago or so, waiting for him to come back with news on whether you had been accepted to attend the most important conference in your field. You had excused your continuous wear of the shirt by referring to it as your lucky colour, making it the perfect attire for any important moment you had shared with the professor. 
Your black heels had been incessantly tapping his beautiful Persian rug as you tried your best not to bite your nails when the door of the office finally opened incredibly slowly, and a gloomy Cumberbatch appeared on the opposite side wearing a shirt of a starkly similar colour as yours. “I am sorry…” he started to speak, and you felt your heart drop immediately, your hands moving to your face, covering it. “That you will have to cancel all your plans for the week April 19th because we are going to the conference!” He shouted your way, a gigantic crooked smile filling his mischievous face. You couldn’t believe it, instantly uncovering your face and checking his expression for a bluff. 
You couldn’t help yourself jumping up from the excitement and reaching for him, giving him a hug. Your professor seemed to equally disregard all decorum, wrapping his hands around your waist before whispering to your ear, “it seems like your lucky colour works.” You tried your best to hide the growing warmth on your cheeks as he let go of you. 
“Thank you so much for this! I am so excited! I cannot believe it!” You replied once the two of you were at an appropriate distance again, still looking at each other with the utmost admiration and excitement. 
“Do not thank me. You did this all yourself. I just had to answer a reference request, and you may be surprised about this, but I find it incredibly easy to tell people how incredible you are.”
“Can anybody tell me when Operation Overlord was fought?” Professor Cumberbatch’s voice echoed through the classroom, eyes flickering to meet yours at any given chance. It felt like you two were playing a game, a game whose rules you have long forgotten, unable to focus on anything but him. 
Him, the one you dream of when the nights grow warmer, when the heat fills your bedroom like the heat filling your veins whenever he speaks to you. 
Him, the one that makes you tremble whenever his skin meets yours, never in an inappropriate way, though forced closer like magnets unable to part.
Him, the man that popped up in your thoughts when you wake and when you are about to fall asleep. An ever present sensation you slowly but surely adapted to. 
You didn’t pay attention to the answer of the student that tried to catch the professor’s attention for the past minutes. Your thoughts weren’t able to grow quiet, a loud sound that rang through your mind like a song you couldn’t stop singing. It was wrong, so awfully wrong, and yet you couldn’t stop yourself from craving his touch, wanting to feel his body pressed against yours without any clothing caught in between. 
Professor Cumberbatch needed a few moments to rip his eyes from your features, breaking eye contact with a slight scowl tugging on his face. The nagging voice inside your head made you wonder if he was annoyed with the other student for cutting your shared moment short. There was always something so intense about the way he looked at you, forcing you to sit straighter, eyes unable to move away. 
“Anything else you want to add to today’s lesson? If not, you are good to go.” Your heart picked up its beat as his eyes found yours once again, a silent way of communicating, asking you to stay behind for a few more moments. The other students pushed past you all too impatiently, wanting to flee from the classroom, but you didn’t move, not able to even try to imagine another place where you’d rather be. 
“I won’t hold you back for long, I just wanted to give you these folders. It’s everything they gave me for the conference.” Your fingers brushed his as you took the folder, breath hitched in your chest. His eyes followed your every move, watching you thumb through the papers, unable to bite down your smile. 
“I am so excited, I can’t wait for us to go there!” Your voice left him smiling, unable to bite down his excited grin. Your nerves were running wild, wondering how being at the conference with him will play out, praying to whoever was listening that you’d be able to also focus on something else besides the gorgeous professor you wanted to call yours.
Soft music filled Professor Cumberbatch’s office, ringing in your ears without distracting you from the essays you were grading with the professor. It wasn’t unusual for you to join in on his later sessions, finding comfort in his closeness, even though you wouldn’t share many words, just a few glances here and there. 
“What is it? You are biting your lip again.” Professor Cumberbatch’s voice ripped you out of your trance, eyes snapping up from the paper. Heat flushed through you as you let go of your lip, teeth no longer buried in the warm flesh. 
“Sorry, I struggle to follow their argumentation, it simply makes no sense, and you know how much I hate saying this.” Your voice was soft, not wanting to interrupt the calm atmosphere you two were trapped in. You watched him move closer, admiring the way he carried himself, the way his beige trousers hugged his legs, and how the rolled up sleeves of his black dress shirt exposed just enough of his muscular forearms and the watch clinging to his left wrist. Fuck, you’d dream of this tonight, you were sure of it. 
“Let me have a look.” The professor sat down next to you on the comfortable sofa placed in the far back of his office. The scent of his cologne crawled up your nostrils, making you shudder as his leg was pressed against yours. His eyes carefully followed the sentence you had highlighted, concentrating on the arguments the student seemed to have struggled with. “Yes, I see what you mean. Leave it on my desk later, I’ll add some comments myself.”
He pushed the essay back into your hands, eyes meeting yours. Neither one of you dared to move, eyes not wanting to break contact, hearts calling out to one another without finding the right words to express what was burning on the tip of your tongues. He broke the intense moment first, clearing his throat before he rose back to his feet. 
“I think I’ve kept you here long enough, you should get some rest and start packing your bags.” Disappointment filled your system, slowly nodding your head as a quiet “Of course” left your lips. And with one last glance shared, you left his office with a racing heart and sweaty palms. 
You arrived at your apartment and dropped on your bed, sighing loudly. It was getting too difficult to deal with, to keep your gazes in check, to keep him from knowing how you felt. It was overwhelming. It was driving you crazy. You were growing so desperate for any hint of reciprocation that you had started to imagine things, seeing lust in his gaze when it couldn't be there, when it shouldn’t be there. 
You decided to check your already packed bag one more time, giving into the parting words of your professor. All the outfits for the conferences lay perfectly organised in your bag, each accompanied by a pair of matching lingerie. No. you were not planning on sleeping with anyone at this event. It was just an old trick that you had once read; wearing matching lingerie makes you feel confident even outside of the bedroom. 
You were about to close the bag when your phone rang on your nightstand. You picked it up, surprised to see Professor Cumberbatch calling you at almost 1 am. 
“Hello?” you picked up, your fingers playing with the silky material of the matching nightgown to your lingerie. 
“Hey there, apologies for the late phone call,” his voice sounded tired and stressed. You knew exactly how badly he wanted all his students to do well, and grading always put him in a bit of a bad mood. 
“No problem, Professor. Is everything okay?” your question was filled with worry as you sat down on your bed and wondered if he was still in his office. 
“I was just thinking about our conversation from earlier, and I was worried you would think I dismissed you because you couldn’t finish correcting that paper. You know how much I appreciate you helping me with corrections, and I wouldn’t want you to think anything bad of my dismissal. It was just so late and… I sometimes worry that I am stealing all your time. I am sure you have better things to do on a Saturday night than spend it with me, correcting papers with me.” He ranted away nervously. You could hear the sound of his dress shoes in the background as he paced through the room. 
“There is no other place I’d rather be,” you blurted out right away, immediately realising the finality of that statement. 
“Really?” he chuckled bitterly, “I am sure any other woman your age would disagree. Your twenties are important for your career but also to go out, have fun, make friends, and make mistakes. Please don’t let me keep you away from doing all of those things.”
“I am having fun, and I have friends,” you laughed, slightly hurt that he thought you were a complete loser. 
“You know what I mean,” he chuckled, embarrassed. 
“No, professor, I am not quite sure. From what I understand, you think I am a loser with no friends or fun,” you laughed, teasing him further. 
“What I was trying to say is that there are significantly funner things to be doing on a Saturday than correcting papers with me. At your age, I was doing much more interesting things, at least.”
“What were you doing, Professor?” It was an inappropriate question, especially in the tone you had spoken it. You were not sure where it had come out from, but the exhaustion and comfort of your bed had pulled it out of you. 
“I don’t know…” he seemed to be thinking, trying to understand himself where he wanted to draw a line before this conversation broke his rules, “I was partying, drinking, getting into trouble, trying to get girls.” 
“I do all of those things,” you replied confidently, a foxy smile on your lips and a particularly strong inflexion in the all. 
“Girls?” he asked, cursing himself right away for falling into your obvious trap. 
“Girls… boys…” you laughed, “I am usually not the one trying, though. Especially recently, nobody has really caught my interest that way.”
“I guess I should take advantage of it and continue to monopolise your time until you do,” his answer sent a shiver down your spine. It was late, and neither of you was thinking perfectly straight. 
“I think you should,” you replied before a yawn took over your voice. 
“I should let you get some sleep. We have a long week ahead of us. See you at the station tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, Professor.” 
You watched the scenery pass by, the lush green countryside, the houses that seemed empty and once left behind in a hurry to disappear from rural places like these. Your heart ached at the thought, finding sadness in the empty places, wondering who had once lived inside these buildings. 
It had been a good two hours since you had met the professor at the railway station, boarding the train to the conference. And while he was sitting next to you, elbows and thighs close to touching, eyes focused on a book he was reading, you didn’t find the needed comfortableness to focus on your book nor on your notes. 
Your mind painted a colourful picture, wondering how the upcoming day with him so close would play out. Even though you were used to seeing him every single week, this was something new, something exciting, something that left you gasping for air. 
“Are you cold?” His voice stroked your limbs like the soft April breeze, hands instinctively finding your arms. 
“No, I’m alright, thank you.” You shot him a tired smile, cursing yourself for going to bed that late. A yawn clawed through you, eyes momentarily fluttering close. Perhaps you’d be able to find a few moments of rest, nothing long, though just enough to settle your mind and heart. 
It felt like a trick of your brain, focusing on the elbow that was slowly pressing against yours, the forearm that met yours on the armrest separating your seats. Your heart was back to jumping in your chest, pounding louder than the rattling noises of the train. 
While your mind started overthinking his move, trying to read between the lines, your body seemed to understand what it was supposed to do. All too slow, you placed your head on his shoulder, eyes not daring to flutter open in case you read the signs wrong. A soft exhale of air left the man, hand finding your knee to squeeze your soft skin. 
“Get a bit of rest.” His voice successfully managed to lull you to sleep, heart slowly but surely finding a pace that would allow you to rest. 
“We are here,” a voice shook you softly awake as you realised you had fallen asleep on the man’s arm. You instantly retracted back to your seat, putting as much distance as the train allowed. He looked at you entertained as he stood up, offering you his hand so you could do the same. 
You grabbed it slowly, savouring the way his slender long fingers held yours so confidently and got up. 
“The hotel is just a 10-minute walk from the station,” Cumberbatch added as he brought down both of your bags from the shelf at the top and then handed you yours. 
You made sure to fill up the walk with every possible fun fact you had on the city, describing the few monuments you passed by and making sure you to search for your professor’s eyes, incredibly afraid that you had crossed a line by falling asleep on him. He listened to every single one of your words attentively, nodding and smiling as you made the third energy joke in a row. 
“We are here,” Cumberbatch finally interrupted you, pointing at a beautiful historic hotel. You exhaled, thankful that soon you would be able to be in your room, away from him, and finally able to think straight. 
The two of you entered the hotel and approached the reception, where a pretty, tall girl offered you a smile. “Hi, how are you? We have a four-night reservation under the name Cumberbatch. Two rooms.” 
“Mmh… Cumberbatch?” the woman spoke back as she typed the name. A worried expression crossed her face before she looked up, meeting your eyes first and then the professor’s. “I only have one room for two reserved. Not two rooms.”
“That cannot be.” Benedict’s voice was firm and serious as he calmly placed his arms on the front desk. 
“I am very sorry. People sometimes get confused when booking from more than one person and assume there are separate rooms.” She spoke politely, showing her best apologetic look.
“I will then pay for an extra room,” Benedict replied, not once turning to look at you. 
“We are fully booked,” the woman replied, pressing her lips together, “I am very sorry.”
“There must be SOME available room,” he doubled down before you interrupted him. 
“It is fine. We can make it work. The room has a couch, right?” You tried to ease off the tension, smiling at both your professor and the receptionist. 
“I am so sorry. I have no idea how this mistake could have happened,” Benedict apologised for the tenth time as you reached the elevator, his eyes as soft and heavy as he tried to find a solution to this situation. 
“Professor, it is completely fine.” You finally stopped him as the two of you entered the elevator, “there is a couch in the room. I am happy to sleep there.”
“I won’t let you sleep on the couch,” he replied, shocked that you would even think that was an option. 
You sighed, closing your eyes, trying to decipher whether this was a dream or your worst nightmare. All you wanted right now was to be alone, to be by yourself, away from the overwhelming need this man filled you with. You had no idea how you would survive sleeping in the same room, regardless of whether it was on a couch, on a bed or on the ground. 
The two of you walked towards the room’s door as Benedict bit the inside of his lip to stop himself from apologising again. He opened the door and was met with a queen-sized bed and a tiny minuscule couch. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, turning back around to you to apologise once again, but you stopped him.
“Let’s grab dinner! I heard some people from the conference are also staying at the hotel and grabbing dinner close by! Let’s go!” You patted him on the back and dropped your bag, ready to leave the room and what it would bring in the following days. 
His heavy steps pounded against the ground, following you back towards the elevator. An almost uncomfortable silence was now following you two around, urged on by the inappropriate thoughts you both couldn’t shake off. Perhaps dinner would manage to distract the two of you for a moment, letting go of the tension and relaxing in comfortable chairs with other academics close by. 
“Some more wine?” Benedict’s breath tickled your neck, forcing you to swallow loudly as you wordlessly reached your glass out for him to refill. His gaze was stuck on your features, on the smile you couldn’t stop from widening whenever he spoke up, murmuring facts about the academics you were now surrounded by. 
“You have to tell us, (y/n), how does working with a stubborn man like Benedict Cumberbatch work out?” Your chuckles rumbled through you, eyes finding the piercing ones of the man sitting next to you. By now, you have forgotten most facts Benedict had shared with you, could barely remember their names, and yet you tried to play along, elbows placed on the table with your face placed in your hands. 
“Let me tell you, it’s an utter nightmare.” Laughter boomed through the evening, through the garden that surrounded a few tables and chairs. The cosy atmosphere that lingered in the restaurant eased some of your tension from earlier, allowing the two of you to breathe calmly. “I am very lucky to have him by my side. No other professor has ever taught me this much.” 
The hand of his that was resting on the back of your chair found your shoulder, fingers stroking your skin softly to communicate the gratitude he was feeling. Benedict was all too used to praises, and yet your words had a new meaning to them, making him sit a bit straighter as he began to pay attention to how some of his colleagues looked at you, unable to bite down their curiosity. 
“I am the lucky one, I’ve rarely met students as bright as (y/n).” Heat flushed through you, forcing you to take another sip of your wine. You weren’t nearly as tipsy as you wanted to be, unable to accept his praises, the words he spoke that left your insides churning in excitement. 
“Be careful, Benedict, otherwise, we may steal her from you.” One of the men sitting close to Benedict spoke the words without much thought, or so it seemed, not expecting the hard expression to widen on Benedict’s features. The professor didn’t reply, eyes searching yours as you shot him a small smile, hand finding his knee before you could give the gesture much thought. His muscles tensed underneath your hand, but before you could even try to move your hand away, he placed his hand on top of yours, squeezing yours. 
“We had a long day, we should catch up on some sleep. Have a good evening.” Benedict’s words forced you to your feet, murmuring a soft “Goodbye” to the others. Your breath got stuck in your lungs as Benedict’s hand found your waist, pulling you closer to him as he guided you out of the restaurant. Once again, you felt your thoughts race, focusing on the way his fingers stroked your clothed waist, guiding you through the warm evening towards the hotel. 
No further word was spoken as you stepped into the elevator, standing in front of Benedict with your eyes searching his. You couldn’t ignore the way his eyes flickered between your lips and eyes, praying deep inside that he’d finally close the gap. The two of you stood closer than needed, with his hand still placed on your waist and your hand finding his other one. Perhaps this was the moment you had been desperate for years, hoping that he’d finally cross the invisible line between you.
The mere thought of finally feeling his body pressed against yours left heat to fill your veins, heart pounding in your chest. But before either one of you could move again, the elevator came to a halt, forcing the two of you to step out. Only as the darkness of your shared hotel room lured you closer did you begin to realise that the night wouldn’t end like you had hoped it would. 
He turned on the light and spoke, “I will take a shower before going to sleep, but don’t wait up for me, sleep well, (y/n). Please take the bed.” 
Benedict entered the bathroom and left you alone in the bedroom, leaving you to wonder what you had possibly done wrong to ruin such a perfect moment, to stop him from kissing you. You sat on the bed, defeated, as you heard the sound of the shower turning on. Fuck. Maybe it was the alcohol or the burning feeling on your skin, but this felt like too much, too close, too little. It was ridiculous, nothing that deserved you crying over it, yet you could feel your eyes tearing up. The need was too much. He was too much. It almost felt unfair for him to leave you wanting the way he did. 
As the sound of the shower stopped just for a second, you snapped out of your pity party, cleaning the tears from your face and getting changed before your professor could exit the room. You opened your bag and searched for your pyjama, only then realising you had brought your nightgown as your only sleeping option. You sighed loudly, covering your face and then dropping your arms to decide. 
“Fuck it,” you spoke to yourself as you took off your clothes, putting on the nightgown that barely covered your ass and left little to the imagination for much else. If he could tease you all night, touching your waist, looking at you the way he did, you could do the same and even if he was not interested at all. Even if you had made every sign up in your mind, no man would not at least be tempted by such an outfit. 
The bathroom door opened a few seconds later as you were busy folding your clothes back into your bag. You didn’t even dare to turn around to meet his gaze, suddenly feeling a wave of embarrassment overcome the boldness of the alcohol. 
Your professor cleared his throat, and you finally met his gaze, feigning being completely and totally oblivious to what you were wearing. His blue eyes looked almost black by how dilated his pupils were, and you couldn’t help but offer him an innocent smile. He was wearing a loose black T-shirt and some grey pyjama pants. 
“I am sorry. I didn’t think I would be sharing my room tonight,” you acknowledged the outfit, walking by his side, brushing his arm just so slightly before entering the bathroom with your toothbrush at hand. 
Benedict had to command every single one of his muscles not to turn around, not to look at you walk into the bathroom, not to follow you, to pin you against the sink and fuck you right there. 
You left the door of the bathroom open as you brushed your teeth, giving him the possibility to look into to watch as the hem of your nightgown rose high enough to show the curve of your ass. He, however, didn’t. Going straight to his couch and grabbing a pillow and duvet from the cupboard, and laying down. 
You exited the bathroom excitedly, hoping to have one more chance to tease him before heading to bed but found him already deep asleep. Facing the back of the couch as he uncomfortably tried to fit within it. 
POV Benedict
He didn’t dare move, eyes squeezed shut, arms wrapped around his too tall frame for a couch this small. Benedict tried to listen to your breaths, counting them to try and figure out if you were already asleep. His cock was aching, twitching in his boxers in a desperate need to be touched by you. 
Fuck, he felt like a young boy, unable to guide his body, to pick up on his needs and urges, and to stop himself from giving in before it got too much. He hadn’t expected you to wear something like this, something that left his heart racing, pumping blood straight to his cock. It was torture, the worst situation he had been forced to live through so far, Benedict was convinced of it. 
The second his mind painted a picture of your body pressed against his, he shot up from the couch, searching the false comfort the bathroom offered him, door falling shut with a thud. He could only hope that you were truly asleep by now, not picking up on his movements, the heavy breaths leaving him.
His hand pushed his boxers down his legs, just enough to free his hard cock. Precum was bearding his tip, veins shining through the thin skin, fuck, how much he wanted to feel and see your hands wrapped around him. Would you use your mouth on him? Would you stroke your tongue along the underside of his cock before sucking on his tip?
A heavy moan threatened to leave him, caught seconds before it could echo through the bathroom. His teeth left marks on his lower lip as his hand picked up its pace, fucking himself without any mercy, working on the fleeting time night offered him. Deep down, he hated himself for pushing you away this very night, wondering why he hadn’t given in, why he hadn’t chased the closeness you had been willing to offer. But something had held him back, something he was now regretting.
He couldn’t stop another moan from not leaving him, eyes squeezed shut, head rolled back. His orgasm was close, a desperate need to finally get over the sensations the mere sight of you had pushed through him. Benedict had to stop himself from choking on your name, from talking to the (y/n) he imagined kneeling in front of him. 
With one last heavy breath leaving him, white cum began to cover his hand, sticking to his skin. Benedict pumped his cock a few more times before he let go of his cock, settling down on the toilet seat.  
POV Reader
This night probably counted as the top three worst nights of sleep in your life. You had spent it between nightmares and sweats, waking up every couple of hours, feeling incredibly restless. You were thankful to see that it was already 7 am the next time you were shaken awake by another terrible dream. It took you a second to ground yourself; remember where you were. You instantly turned to the couch and found it empty, the bedsheets of your professor perfectly folded on top of it. 
You scanned the rest of the room, sitting up, finding it equally as empty. A mix of disappointment and relief filled your chest as you were equal parts thankful he wouldn’t have to see you with this exhausted face and sad you didn’t even get a glance at how he looked right after he woke up in the morning. 
You checked your phone and found a message from him, “Good morning! I wanted to give you some privacy before the big day. I will be waiting for you at the lounge if you want to grab breakfast together.”
You smiled at the message, forgetting all about last night. Everything was okay. The two of you were okay. He was your professor, after all, your rock. He had every right to reject you. Everything was okay. 
You took your time getting ready, trying the different outfits you had brought as options and opting for the simplest one. Your ‘lucky’ shirt, some black suit trousers, and black stilettos. You exited the room confidently, your bag with your presentation at hand and your earphones in your ears. Your “gameday” playlist playing at full volume. 
You entered the hotel lounge, finding your professor sitting on a beautiful leather couch, a newspaper on his lap. He was wearing a white button-up and some navy trousers. You approached him eagerly, removing your earphones and greeting him with a smile, “good morning, professor.”
“Good morning,” Benedict spoke, not meeting your gaze once. Eyes stuck on the newspaper. 
“Should we get breakfast?” You kept on the smile, sure, he was just very enthralled by whatever he was reading. 
“I have actually already eaten,” he replied with a sigh, intensifying his gaze on the paper. You pouted, disappointed, confused by his sudden coldness. “I have some meetings to attend before your presentation. Do you mind if we meet there already?” 
You hesitated in answering, trying to keep the disappointment on your face from turning into clear sadness. He finally looked up, noticing your silence. His eyes were empty, cold like they had never been before. 
“Of course,” you finally replied after he raised an eyebrow, “I…I will just go over the presentation by myself.” You had to look away before your eyes started to water, which seemed to pull a reaction right out of you. 
Benedict stood up and placed a hand on your shoulder, “you will do amazingly. You are smart and incredible. You don’t need me for this. I will be in the crowd cheering.”
You tried to look at him, thankful that it had just been a small weird moment of coldness, but he had already started to walk away towards the exit of the hotel, leaving you standing there.  
Were this many people always supposed to be at the event? Had everyone just suddenly realised your topic was cool and decided to listen to you talk? Where was he? You were starting in mere minutes, and there were barely any seats left. Where was he?
You squeezed the flashcards in your hands, trying to stop the trembling in your hands. You peeked once again from the stage, searching for him between the rows of mostly middle-aged men. 
“You are going up in three,” some random guy with an earpiece said as you nodded emphatically, shutting your eyes and trying to control your breathing. 
You stayed there for a couple of seconds, controlling your breathing, reminding yourself that this was your research. That you could do this alone. That you didn’t need anybody else. You were about to open your eyes when a hand on your shoulder startled you. Blue. All you saw was blue for a second until you could focus on the rest of his face. He had changed. He was wearing your lucky colour.
“Everything will be fine,” Benedict nodded softly, a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead as he seemed slightly out of breath. 
“You are here,” you exhaled the words out. 
“I am sorry, I-” he lowered his gaze in shame, but he was stopped by the earpiece guy announcing you were up. “You can do this. You are smart. Your research is incredible, and you are so incredibly charismatic that I wouldn’t be surprised if every professor in the room would try to steal you after this. Go show them how amazing you are. I am here.”
You nodded emphatically, instinctively pulling him into a hug and burying your face in his chest just for a second, feeling as he stiffened under your touch. You let go of him and nodded a little more, breathing in and out and walking onto the stage. 
“Thank you, everyone, for listening,” you closed your presentation as the room broke into a myriad of applauses, a feeling of euphoria filling your chest as you turned to look to your professor, that stood still behind the curtain, giving you the most idolising smile you had ever seen.
You walked out of the stage with a gigantic smile straight towards your professor, whose hands immediately cupped your face, “that was incredible.”
“Thank you,” you looked up at him, immediately filled with all that tension that had been there the night before. 
You were interrupted by a group of listeners approaching, and Benedict immediately moved away from you, looking down, realising the inappropriateness of his proximity. It felt as if this moment managed to rip you out of your trance, the bubble of excitement and happiness had popped, and once again doubts began to fill your mind. You were hurt, sad, and angry that Benedict hadn’t been there to support you through the hours leading up to your talk, hiding away from you rather than murmuring comforting words. 
Whatever game he was playing, it was a game you found no pleasure in, growing antsy as you began to overthink what had happened in the past hours. From the second he had told you about the conference, Benedict had promised that he’d be with you on that very special day. He’d guide you like a mentor, like a friend, empty promises you were now clinging to. The ship had left the harbour, but the waves of anger had ripped it to the cold ground before the crew could swim to safety. Swimming had always been easy with Benedict near, but drowning had felt so much easier today. 
The glass of champagne felt cold against your palm as you let your eyes wander. You were able to spot a few familiar faces in the crowd of scientists you were trapped in, celebrating your and their success. Benedict stood close to you, focused on the conversation he had been pulled into, unable to escape before the others had noticed him. 
“An impressive talk, (y/n), I hope you’re proud of yourself.” One of the men you and Benedict had dined with yesterday evening was now standing in front of you. He was handsome, almost as tall as Benedict, but his eyes didn’t have that mesmerising blue colour you’d always recognise, his hair wasn’t brown like the coffee Benedict would bring you whenever you helped him grade essays, and his hands weren’t as big as the ones you wanted to feel on your body. 
“Thank you! I am very happy about the crowd’s reaction to it.” A smile tugged on your lips as you took a sip, buying yourself some time. Fading seconds Benedict used to study you, the fake smile he instantly saw through, the slightly uncomfortable shifting of your weight from one leg to the other. He stepped closer, hand trying to come to rest on your waist, but you pulled away before he could touch you. “Excuse me, gentlemen, I’ll get myself another drink.” 
You felt his eyes burning through your back, standing on the spot you had been standing on seconds ago, jaw muscles clenched. With every step you took away from him, your heart picked up its pace, pounding in your ribcage, fuelled by your anxiety and anger. Why did he have to be so cold towards you this morning? Why did he have to chase the distance rather than finally closing the small gaps between you? 
Slowly you made your way through the crowd, holding onto your refilled glass with an iron grip. You weren’t nearly as tipsy enough as you wanted to be, pouring down big gulps to try and get rid of the tension that held your system hostage. Piercing blue eyes found yours from afar, wordlessly guiding you closer, surrounded by men and women you haven’t met before. 
“May I introduce you to my wonderful (y/n)?” Benedict’s voice had a strange undertone to it, pronouncing your name with a newfound possessiveness dripping from it. This time you didn’t get to pull away as his hand gripped your waist, pulling you into his side. Your thoughts were racing as fast as your heart, but you tried to smile at the people that now shook your free hand, eyes not wandering from your features. Benedict’s fingers kept boring into your skin, not giving you the slightest chance to even try and escape him.
Only as the people moved on, finding new conversations to get lost in, did you manage to free yourself. With your gaze set on your glass, you took a step away from him and another before his patience seemed to snap. His big hand came down on your wrist, the other took your glass from you to place it down on the nearest table before he started pulling you through the room.
“Where are we going?” He ignored your question, pulling you outside into the hallway.
“What is going on with you? You’re behaving like a child.” Benedict’s words cut right through you, forcing a scoff from you. For a second, you allowed yourself to study him. His eyes no longer reminded you of a cloudless blue sky, but rather an angry storm threatening to unleash its power, fuck, why was he still so very handsome.
“I’m the one behaving like a child? You left me hanging this morning, even though you promised not to leave me alone before the talk!” He clenched his jaw, eyes growing even darker as he took a step closer, towering over you.
“Is that how you speak to your supervisor? I’d be careful of my tone if I were you.” You barely recognised his voice, dark and husky, leaving your thighs clenching and your hands shaking. Even though you were angry at him, so fucking angry, you couldn’t help but let your gaze flicker to his lips, wanting to feel them pressed against yours. 
“Are you threatening me? You know what, fuck you, Benedict!” The words left you before you could stop them from rolling off your tongue, trying to turn away from him with hurried steps. But you didn’t get far, pulled against his hard chest with one of his hands cupping your warm cheek and the other resting on your waist. For a few seconds, Benedict studied you with dilated pupils and heavy breaths spluttering from his thin lips. Seconds that passed by all too slowly, torturing you and your racing heart. Something seemed to give him the final push, lips meeting yours before you could speak another word. 
Your mind didn’t get any time to focus on the situation, guided by your body, by the way your lips moved in sync with his. For years you had tried to imagine what kissing Benedict may feel like, but this was a new sensation, something raw, something full of emotion, something you were addicted to from the first second on. Your hands found his suit jacket, clinging to him for dear life as if you were scared he’d part from you way too soon. 
His tongue moved along your lower lip, coaxing a moan from you. The kiss grew more heated with every passing second, relishing in one another’s touch, the beats of your racing hearts, the blood rushing through your veins, a beautiful mixture. Benedict slowly parted from you to catch his breath, staring down at you with a smirk, an expression that left your insides churning in anticipation. With his hand finding yours, he wordlessly pulled you down the hallway towards the elevator that would take you up to the floor of your room. 
Was this it? Was this the moment you had thought of too many times to count? Was this the moment you had thought of as your wandering hands took care of the ache between your legs? 
The second the doors of the elevator started to close, you were pulled in for another kiss, pressed against the mirror you didn’t dare look at. You could only guess that you looked like a mess, hair tousled, lips swollen, eyes wide – all because of the man that couldn’t stop touching you. 
“I,” Benedict murmured against your lips, hands toying with the fabric of your lucky shirt, struggling to find the right words. “I’m sorry for being this cold towards you, I still struggle with what you make me feel, and with the power my position holds over you, I don’t ever want you to think that I’m using you. You need to know, if you want me to stop, you can always say so.”
His thumb ran along your swollen lips, unable to bite down his smile as you pressed a kiss to his digit. The elevator came to a halt, allowing the two of you to find your way to your hotel room, pushed inside by his big hand finding your lower back. Benedict didn’t let you get far, hands pulling you against his chest, eyes getting lost in yours. 
“I need your spoken consent before I touch you.” His lips ghosted over yours, patiently waiting for you to speak up. It took you a few seconds to speak up, unable to concentrate on anything but his touch, the fire he had unleashed inside of you, a fire so daunting he wouldn’t ever be able to tame it. 
“Touch me, please, professor.” The use of his title seemed to push Benedict over the edge, growling against your lips as you were guided towards the big bed. His lips found your throat, sucking on the spots that left your toes curling and your heart skipping needed beats. Skilled hands undid the buttons of your shirt, pushing the fabric off your shoulders to expose the lacy lingerie you were wearing. Benedict marveled at you, freezing the moment for seconds as his eyes took in the sight in front of him, wondering how and why he got so lucky. 
You murmured his name, snapping him out of his trance, hands working on his shirt. The moment pushed your nerves over the edge, hands struggling to undo the small buttons, signing in relief as he pushed you away, tugging the shirt over his head. Benedict didn’t give you any time to take in his upper body, the muscles you wanted to run your hands across, the freckles and small spots you wanted to kiss, forced down onto the bed. Your professor towered over you, lower lip caught between his teeth as he watched you undo your bra, exposing your breasts to his wandering eyes. 
“I’ve been waiting a long time to see you like this, at my mercy, ready to give me whatever I’m asking of you.” His raspy voice left you gasping, eyes rolling back as his hands undid your trousers, helping you out of them. By now, you were only wearing your soaked-through, lacy panties, a sight that could make the blind see again, Benedict was sure of it. A work of art, the finest creation his eyes would ever get to take in. He wanted to take his time with you, wanted to love on every inch of your skin, but his own desperation drove him closer to you, shuffling out of his trousers with hurried movements. 
He crawled up your body, flipping the two of you around for you to settle in his lap, feeling his hard cock pressing against your core. Fuck, you were already done for, balancing along the line of your state of pleasure only he’d push you into. His hand found the back of your neck to pull you in for another kiss, eyes fluttering close as his free hand found your chest, cupping your breast, tugging on your hard nipple. Moans clawed through you, all too shamelessly, all too freely, unable to hold back the sounds he elicited. 
“I knew I'd never be able to hold back once I touched you, and I was scared of losing my control around you.” You knew he was talking about yesterday evening. You knew he was trying to smooth out the wrinkles on your heart he had crumpled like a piece of paper, and yet you couldn’t focus on them. You kissed him again, murmuring a soft “I need you, professor” against his lips. 
His strong hands found your hips, grinding your core against his clothed cock, making your breaths get stuck in your lungs. The both of you were close to snapping, skipping the foreplay just to feel one another, and yet Benedict tried to hold back, not wanting to end your moment together this fast. Your legs quivered, the feeling he pushed through you with the grinding movements left your walls clenching around nothing, forcing a “More, please” out of you. 
“Ask for it properly, you know how to be a good girl for me.” Benedict’s teasing words left you whining, eyes fluttering close as he stopped your movements, holding still to patiently wait for you to express your every need.
“Want your cock, fuck, need you inside of me.” A growl was forced out of Benedict, flipping you around once again, panties forced down your legs before your mind could even begin to catch up with his movements. With your body fully exposed to him, you were lying beneath him, staring up at him with lust-blown pupils and your teeth buried in your lower lip. His big hand found your core, brushing his fingers through your folds, moaning as he felt your wetness. You were dripping for him, body showing him how much you needed his touch, how desperate you were for him, for his fingers, for his cock. 
His soft fingers circled your pulsing bundle of nerves, forcing your back to arch and your hands to fist the fabric of the blanket you were laying on. Benedict found himself obsessing over your sounds, hoping that he’d get to coax them out of you for endless nights to come, very well aware that he’d never be able to part from you and your bond again. 
“Oh fuck, don’t stop.” He had pushed two fingers into your tightness, curling them against your swollen spot. Both of you knew that he was teasing you, fucking you all too slow, wanting to prolong the moment for as long as possible. Curses rolled off your tongue, forcing one of your hands to find his forearm, nails clawed into his skin, set on leaving marks he’d have to hide for the next few days. 
“So desperate for me, so pretty, I knew you’d be perfect for me.” His praises left your skin growing warmer, eyes unable to meet his intense gaze. You felt your orgasm growing closer, wanting to let go, giving room to the intense sensation you were aching for. But just a second before you could give in with his name rolling off your tongue, Benedict let go of you. 
Your eyes snapped open, staring at him with parted lips and furrowed eyebrows, a moment of confusion passed as you watched him reach for his wallet, pulling out a silvery foil packet. His eyes searched yours as he pulled his cock free, boxers left on the ground next to your panties; you couldn’t pay any attention to the fabric, eyes wandering down his naked frame, taking in the sight of his hard cock. His tip was flushed red, length twitching in his grasp, close to combusting. 
“Are you sure about this? We can always stop.” Benedict was once again towering over you, not daring to move as he stared down at you. With one hand, you pulled him down to you, lips finding his as you murmured a soft “Fuck me”. Skilled fingers rolled the condom down his cock, aligning himself with your entrance before he slowly pushed into you. The both of you had to halt for a moment, eyes squeezed shut to take in the new feeling, adjusting to the tightness of your walls to the size of his cock. 
“Move, please.” Your command was met with a groan, building a slow rhythm that took a few thrusts for you to get used to. The moans that tried to claw through you were held back by your pressed-together lips, not wanting to give your loud sounds enough room to reverberate through the thin four walls you were surrounded by, something Benedict easily picked up on.
“Don’t hold back, let me hear you, love.” The use of the nickname broke the dam, allowing your sounds to rumble through you. Your nails left marks down his back, scratching at his skin in a desperate try to hold onto him. His hips met yours with every thrust, forcing himself deeper into you, needing to etch this every moment into your mind. “You’re doing so well, my pretty girl.” 
The second his tip met your swollen spot, you choked on your gasps, letting go of a high-pitched “Oh god”, very well knowing that you’d cum all too soon. Benedict’s smile began to widen as he picked up on your desperation, fingers finding their way back to your clit. You gripped his shoulders as your orgasm began to rock through you, filling your every pore, overtaking your whole body. 
Benedict fucked you through your high, getting lost in your pleasure and drunken features, feeling his own high filling his body. He gave it a few more thrusts before he came, holding still as his cum filled the condom.
The rest of the week was spent between conferences, lingering touches, and long nights of fucking. Benedict could barely keep his hands away from you when you were in public. His eyes were always searching for you when you weren’t by his side. His hands perpetually on your waist as the two of you made small talk with other academics. Sometimes you couldn't make it until the night, sneaking into an empty hallway, a bathroom, back to your room. He was addicted to you, and you could barely believe all your dreams had finally come true. 
It was safe to say your grading sessions were never the same again. They mostly occurred in his house now, and they included dinner and a couple of fucking-breaks. They weren’t as efficient but significantly more fun. 
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