#a lot of these r quite silly but they are just the vibes that come to me
faebriel · 1 year
Hiya Kai! Hope your day is going good! Do you have any hcs about pre-canon cWil, cSchlatt, and cNiki you'd like to share? :D I miss them so bad
hi holly!!! i hope you're having a good day as well!!! :D i've been writing a lot of these three lately so here are a few random headcanons and such :3
the vibe for the trio in my mind is kind of. wilbur and schlatt are already old friends. wilbur meets niki and they become close friends as well. so it's a bit of a situation where niki and schlatt would consider each other friends but wouldn't really if it wasn't for wilbur. neither of them really acknowledge it but there's a quiet (almost jealous?) little back and forth between them bc they're so different, and wilbur is kind of caught in between. this doesn't become a Problem until later though
schlatt tries teaching niki card games but she has the most godawful pokerface ever. cannot lie to save her life (and often times they're not playing for anything more drastic than who shouts the first round of drinks next time they go out or something so the stakes are not necessarily high. fortunately)
similar wavelength niki and wilbur keep gravitating towards teaming up against him in card/board games bc he wins most of the time otherwise and he's like that's not how you play the freaking game
niki bakes just kind of bc she likes it herself but it does mean whenever they're hanging out she usually has something she can offer them and can make things for birthdays and such. wilbur and schlatt try baking her a birthday cake once and well you saw how wilbur's attempt went in the apology stream. imagine that but two people collaborating who are 1. even less experienced in baking and 2. really don't want to ask for help
by this age (like...late teens early twenties) wilbur is dimly aware there is something not quite right with how his brain works. schlatt is kind of stubborn in the "there's nothing wrong with me" camp but there are early signs of what becomes bigger issues later (insecurity around his health, addiction, etc). as of yet, they kind of consider niki as ""normal"" (ie not like them). wilbur and schlatt are both keenly aware of what each other are dealing with but wilbur's number one priority is that the mask never slips around niki ever. this doesn't last (and kind of drives another division between him and niki vs him and schlatt)
wilbur and schlatt spend some time counterfeiting enchantment books for a living so wilbur and niki decide to spend the time becoming fluent in standard galactic. schlatt is 100% certain they are doing it to talk shit about him (he's only correct like 26% of the time /lh)
wilbur came from the antarctic empire while niki and schlatt were born in warmer regions so he thrives in the cold. they absolutely do not. wilbur stands in the street in a thin button up like wow the weather is lovely today :) while the others have three layers on
kind of friend group to sit in a (minecraft) parking lot 2am and shove each other around in the (minecraft) trolleys. niki complains if they don't put them back after though (works in minecraft retail and hospo)
they have a collective bad habit of getting into spats and not really apologising for them. like two or the three of them will get into a blowout argument one night and the next morning they'll make coffee or go on runs or buy each other drinks or just kind of hang out in each others' space to show they're not mad anymore, but they're not very good at actually saying sorry. or admitting any of them were wrong lol
had a few too many on a night out almost got matching tattoos. got turned away by the tattoo artist for being clearly wasted (in later years this would be called a dodged bullet)
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tgcg · 12 days
Ya got any tips for writing dialog for the sillies?
i wish i could come up w anything deeply helpful irt this but i just kinda "feel it" & it "happens", generally in a way i find hard 2 explain to people... i will give it a go though
i made a post abt the kind of mindset i have when i write karkat dialogue here https://www.tumblr.com/cgtg/739174575193112576/do-you-have-any-tips-on-writing-karkat-dialogue a while back though🙂
for dave i think id have an even harder time explaining it, but my dave is rly heavily influenced by post-irony & ytp. whenever i write dave i just kinda follow a stream of consciousness that is dubious about shit and loves to laugh i guess? i rlly don't know how to describe it. i tend to reread canon dialogue particlarly from act3-6 for inspo, sometimes i'm straight up using my own brain with some kind of dave-filter
when i write them together i like 2 live in the beautiful world where they both agreed to be earnest with each other, probably my best example of that is "candid detail". i don't do that all the time bc i also like to write em with their guards up e.g. "bad mouther hole master", theres a lot of points in their relationship that have rly fun dynamics 2 me.
i guess i also do them kinda silly. ive been told my dk is quite silly. i like 2 imagine they know how to make each other laugh. they also learn a lot from each others perspectives on things, like insecurities or bad experiences or even just what they like / what art is to them, stuff like that. in my interp they do rly end up having a lot of things in common ideologically bc they're both at their cores very soft people.
it's all abt big long sentences with an undertone of quiet empathy. it can also be about aggressively bumping shoulders w their own egos too because that's fun
fundamentally though, i write them 2 be genuinely interested in what the other has to say. like, curious about each other. it gives u rly fun back & forth that isn't too mean-spirited & is more playful/genuine... i think it's rlly easy to write them totally discrediting each other's viewpoints which i do sometimes too (again, FUN !) but if u do it in the wrong context it just comes off as needlessly sardonic & harshes the vibe. i mention that bc i have a hard time balancing their egos & genuity myself sometimes
also very important to know when to have them run their mouths & when to have them sit their asses down & LISTEN. i tend to have them run their mouths a lot in scripts i havent finished/posted, just bc i have so much fun doing it, but it makes the dialogue so long-winded that i can't turn it into a comic... yeah definitely part of it is remembering they both know how to be succinct when they need/wanna be and aren't ALWAYS flapping their mouths. sometimes i realise a script is going in a direction that could be a whole other convo & that's when i tend 2 nip it in the bud
i really dont kno if any of this is helpful but i hope it is a little 4 my kinda... process i guess 🙂
thank u 4 asking me abt it ! if i think of better ways 2 explain it i will share in da future i hope u r having a good day
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jesuisgourde · 2 months
Okay, All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade is out in the states, so time for a listen and a rambling track by track reaction. I'm listening to the whole album through and writing my thoughts, and then listening to it once more and adding any other observations.
I've already heard Run Run Run, and like I said before, it feels very classic Carl track. It's very catchy. I think I have the same complaint as everyone else, which is that it feels over-produced. No one should autotune the Libs, the whole point is that they're a bit wonky. Also I don't like that they've fucked with the equalizer and the vocals sound weirdly muffled? Also, upon this listen-through, this song reminds me a little of Frank Turner, which is a weird musical callback to like 2012. My favorite thing in any song is when the instrumentals cut out and it's just drums and vocals, so I love that as the ending of the song. This whole album has so many varied cultural references which I find very entertaining. Does Peter yell "Get your pants off" or "Get your hands off"?
Already I like the lyric to Mustangs A LOT. Feeling a Lou Reed influence there. Love Peter's high-pitched backing vocals and also the Pigman reference. I really love Libs songs where it's just a little scene set to music. And this is exactly that, in such a good way. Again, not a fan of the mixing. What is it with producers these days and mixing so shittily that the vocals get lost in the background instruments, and everything gets muddied? I had the exact same complaint with the last Manics album. Anyway, love the little jokey bits at the end. The second verse about the nun is such fantastic imagery. (Lastly, I thought it was Mustang, singular? But it's plural on Spotify?)
I Have A Friend has an AMAZING chorus I love it. Also that solo guitar bit from Carl right after, I literally could see him hopping up and down in my head. Love Peter's rolled R's. Okay, upon listening the second time round I really really really like this song. The lyrics are incredible. I think they're my favorite on the album. Social commentary but also absolutely beautiful and amazing imagery.
Merry Old England has a bit of a Hamburg Demonstrations vibe to it, which I love. The further I get into this song, the more I love it. It's such a creative and sarcastic critique of Tory policies and all that. Again, I've criticisms about the mixing. Also the pretty violins makes me miss Miki Beavis's wonky violin in Madres, which I think suits Peter/The Libs way better. Still, they add a nice touch.
Ohhh I love Man With The Melody, the clear pretty vocals. I like that each of the Libs have their own verse, that's so cool! Fuck the autotuning though. I really like this song. Melodically it sounds like a sequel to Milkman's Horse, and thematically a sequel to Fame And Fortune. It sounds like a "reply" or a look back at Anthems. Very pretty, with the lovely piano and minimalist guitar.
Hahahha Oh Shit! feels soooooo early 2000s American pop, in a fun way. It reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it. Something that was on the radio a lot in like 2003 or 2004 maybe? This is clearly a Fun Song, like a slosh your drinks around while dancing all goofy type song. Peter's "And that was the news today" at the end is so silly. I think this track is my least favorite but it is fun.
I already know I love Night Of The Hunter. Firstly because anything that uses the Swan Lake motif has my heart instantly. But also because I love the lyrics, I love when Peter writes songs about noir-type vignettes. Finally, some good shared vocals that aren't drowned out by instruments. Gosh, I love the lyrics of this song, I love the dual meaning in that it is technically about an actual noir film but could easily be talking about Peter's past as well. I really like that the lyrics get priority on this one and the instrumentals are pushed back in the mix with the Swan Lake motif coming forward sometimes. It feels like it needs that minimalism.
The guitar on Baron's Claw is already great from the start. I hear Peter's taking a leaf out of Daniel Darc's book with the close-in breathy vocals, which I'm so into because since I learned about Daniel Darc from Peter and Frederic Lo I've actually fallen in love with his music too. Melody-wise it's very close to The Glassblower from the Fantasy Life album, which is my favorite song off that album, so I'm not surprised I like this song too. I like the story in the song and I like the jazzy brass and piano and Peter's vocals. It feels like it's being sung in a smoky jazz bar. This one is so good.
Shiver is sooo catchy. I find myself humming it sometimes at work even though I haven't yet absorbed all the lyrics in my memory. This is also the real "Libertines mythology" song, so of course it's good. The fact that the lyrical subject matter is made up only of criticizing the monarchy and talking about specific Libertines lore is just so them. It's so short, though! I wish it were longer!
The guitar on Be Young is so chaotic lol. It reminds me of Horrorshow a bit. Okay, actually this whole song is chaotic. Melodically, lyrically, it sounds like they were crashing around in the studio while recording, which is very fun. The random calypso bridge bit is so....random! I like it, just a surprise in terms of musical style change. Suddenly they're the Clash! A fun way to pay homage to influences, I think. Also Carl yelling "Woo!" and then collapsing into a cough at the end is really really funny.
I can definitely hear the early-ness of Songs They Never Play On The Radio. You can tell the scaffolding is there from that early set of Libertines-to-Shambles transition songs like East Of Eden/Love Reign Over Me/Merry Go Round etc. I really really like the guitar on this one. And the vocals are so nice. Again I don't like the mix, where Peter's voice is a bit overtaken by the muddiness of the backup singers and instrumentals. But I do like this song a lot. The lyrics are pure Libertines mythology. Ahahah the dogs howling! The bit of acoustic and messing about and chat, I really like that. I think it's a really lovely ending to the album, just a glimpse of them obviously being friends and having fun. It's like a beautiful reply to the question "What became of the likely lads?"
As I've only listened through the album in full twice at this point, I'm sure my thoughts will change over time. But at the moment I think my favorite is torn between Night Of The Hunter and Baron's Claw. I Have A Friend and Songs They Never Play also are just so lyrically good. Least favorite is definitely Oh Shit. I'm excited to see which songs grow on me and in what ways.
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play-on-skinners-box · 7 months
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I wanted to do more Raincode furries cause they're honestly so fun and are really good practice because I'm kinda rusty in general. I only did Yuma and Makoto this time just cause it's a more manageable workload and they are some of the last ones I'm especially passionate about.
OKAY SO, at some point scrolling on tumblr I saw this post by Nadox showcasing a piece of Yuma's concept art, and in the art he was depicted with long hair. They theorized that this was what Number One originally looked like and he sheared his hair into that wimpy fresh almost bowl cut so he could pass as a trainee, AND I L O V E THAT. I herby declare it as correct on the grounds of I said so.
Going along with this idea, Yuma is a young wolf that has a lame haircut so everyone THINKS he's just a dog. I know a wolf in real life would be a lot harder to reasonably pass as a dog, so this requires a bit of anime logic tomfuckery, but I'm fine with that because Raincode already deals in its fair share of logic jank. I am simply being true to game in that regard! The way I drew him already isn't super wolf-like cause I made him all squishy looking like human Yuma, and made the veerrryyyy tips of the ears flop over because the pointy ones just didn't feel quite right. I know real wolf ears are only ever depicted as pointy but it was for the VIBE. Yeaahhh in hindsight I might have taken a few too many liberties. I suppose to make it a little more sensible you could say he's a wolfdog and not full wolf or something. Other than the logic I really like this choice because everyone would naturally assume Yuma's just a pathetic little puppy dog when his real identity is hiding in plain sight!
I went back and forth on alot of the fur aspects. How smooth is too smooth? How much of it should just look like blunt cuts? Should I even give him his human hair? Usually I don't like giving my furries human hair in general because I want them looking a lot more like animals rather than people, but for Yuma his hair is such an important part of his design that I ultimately decided to keep it on both him and Makoto.
MAKOTO IS A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING AND THAT IS SO FUN, SO SILLY, SO GOOFY, HOOOORAY(Specifically a dall sheep cause they have those big curly horns). In theory, the hardest part of choosing an animal for Yuma is that whatever his animal is needs to tie into Makoto, and also be able to be implemented in a way where their connection isn't obvious. Makoto having a mask helps of course, but if you pick a really distinctive animal for Yuma you'll have to come up with better ways to hide it. Others have gotten a lot more creative with how Makoto hides his species, but I didn't do that and went in the full direction of just giving him a disguise. Its a littlllleeeeee lazy but I'm too smitten with the idea to care. I was a little confused on what to do with the tail. I considered just chopping off the majority of it to make it look like a short little sheep tail and put the justification for it in his suuuuppper tragic past(Though I honestly don't know if homunculi can regenerate like lizards). Luckily, the pose makes it so you can't see it anyway so I don't have to grapple with the responsibly of weather or not I need to brutally amputate one of Makoto's body parts. I consider this a win.
Disregarding his actual animal, I think the sheep is also weirdly fitting because of some of their associations. When I met Makoto I wasn't sure what to make of him besides being cautiously optimistic about him not letting Yuma die(What a fool I was), and sheep/lambs/rams and animals in that ballpark can vary wildly in their depictions from literaly the devil to good little fluffy guys!
For his actual look I wanted the sheep parts to look costumey sort of. I was going for a similar effect as the blood in chapter 0, where it's very noticeable but you write off the weird things about it because it's not immediately relevant. So, the mask has fake horns attached. The hand hooves are just little caps over the paw fingers, and there are two gold and silver caps to mimic his rings and point to their artificiality. The feet are also fake and are suppose to look a little clunky like Makoto's actual shoes. His hair is also much more full looking, a little less limp; because his actual ears need some place to get tucked away. I think the main problem with this design is it'd make for a really awkward reveal, cause when he dramatically gets the mask taken off then he'd just be a canine with hooves.
For both of them I think wolf works very well in terms of their characters and their shared forte. Yuma spends most of the game struggling with needing to rely on others, and Makoto has been carrying the weight of Kanai Wards secret on his shoulders alone for like three years. They also both have the Coalescence forte, which by it's very nature requires the help of other people, and at the end of the day being with others and working together is what brings them farther then they could do alone(even if some of the themes get muddled at the end and arn't really as clear as I'd personally like I find that Kodaka's games can have some not so rock solid theming with shakey conclusions but this is what I chose to take away from it)
These aspects of their characters fit perfectly with the stereotypical idea of a strong and stoic lone wolf in contrast to real wolves being pack animals that work together to survive!
I thought I'd like Yuma's design more by a landside cause I've grown really fond of his human design, but I actually really love this version of Makoto. I guess any designs with horns or hooves just appeals to me in a way that paws don't. Still really happy with these two. They could most certainly be worse! I think they're both cute little guys though and I learned a lot about how to like, render from this so that's a bonus!
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
“I’m always with you”
Heartslabyul: You give them an omamori (Japanese luck charm)
I swear I’m not biased- okay maybe-
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Ace Trappola
🌸Charm of Luck (開運)
He can scoff and tease you all he wants, but deep down he really feels overwhelmed by childish, innocent but adorning love for your gift to him.
He hangs it on his pencil case wherever he goes, unties it and brings it to all his basketball practices and matches.
Ace gets especially worried when he misplaces it, and remembers to always keep it in his bag from now on.
When you catch him bringing it wherever he went, he scoffs and brushes it off, but there’s no mistaking the red blush dusting his cheeks.
“W-what?! Me thinking this silly little bag can do me anything? Don’t be crazy! I-it’s just, you know, a gift from you that I would be kinda sorry if I just don’t use it…” <3
Deuce Spade
🌸Charm of Success (勝守)
From the knowledge of what those simple words sewed onto the bag was enough to make Deuce heartfelt. He’s so touched that you wish success for him in NRC!
He ties it onto the zip of his bag and makes sure it’s EXTRA tight so it won’t come off.
He also puts it on his pencil case during class times and written papers as well.
He wholeheartedly believes that your little bag of luck can bring him success in a way (although it doesn’t always).
But even so, he treasures your gift as much as he treasures you.
You are his gift sent by the sevens too, you know? <3
Trey Clover
🌸Charm of Family (家内安全)
Trey smiles warmly with adoration and sweetness. It means a lot that you also wish his family safe, and perhaps your future family with him.
Trey is a well rounded man who treasures family a lot. Sometimes he can’t help but worry for them a little while being in the prestigious college.
He ties it around his purse, stuffing it in his pocket as he gets calls from his family members and asking him when he would come back home to spend time with them.
He may not full heartedly believe in the charm bag’s magic, but he might after this. 
“Soon, mom. And also… I’d like to bring someone else with me who I’d love them to be part of our family, too.” <3
Cater Diamond
🌸Charm of Happiness (幸せ)
…Anddd he’s breaking down to tears.
Cater’s touched by your little gift, and that you wish him all round happiness. 
He ties the charm bag as a phone accessory and takes pictures of himself and you together. He thinks that will amplify the happy vibes, ya know?
Cater genuinely has never been this happy before the more he spends time with you, and NRC has been just a little more brighter as he brings this little charm of yours around.
“S/o, we should totally have matching omamoris! Matching items are cute couple things, don’t you know?~” <3
Riddle Rosehearts
🌸Charm of Education (学業成就)
It’s so pretty.
Riddle feels quite surprise to receive a gift from you, and he feels all warm and fuzzy inside when he knows the true meaning behind it.
He doesn’t believe in luck, but knowing that the charm was for him to study well and often, it really does make him study better.
He ties it around his pencil case and would occasionally look at it to find encouragement to press on when he’s tired.
He makes sure he never loses it, he won’t ever allow that situation of your gift going missing in his hands.
He gets all flustered when he tries to thank you, though.
“Um, R-rose? Thank you for your omamori gift. I’ll be sure that maybe I can learn to make one too and give it to you so as you feel that… I’m always by your side… even when I’m not always…” <3
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monaorekoz · 16 days
A list of Manga I recommend
Recently I’ve been reading a lot of manga and stuff, but I also haven’t posted in AGES due to exams and i feel an urge to YAP about some like a madwoman. Trigger warnings will be listed in each description because my tastes are super weird. Super Dark shit, contrasted with silly cutesy love stories.
Goodnight Punpun
Trigger warnings: Depression, Suicide + Suicide ideation, R/pe, domestic violence, explicit sex scenes
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Starting off strong with an Inio Asano manga, Goodnight Punpun is a realistic narrative about the ups and downs of the protagonist, Punpun’s life. In fact it’s one of my favourite manga about the human experience. It’s a story of absurdism, the ability to accept your life and to move on despite it being completely meaningless in the long run. It’s perfect for anyone who enjoys more dark and complicated manga.
Juujika no Rokunin
Trigger warnings: Murder, death, r/pe, torture, gore
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I’ve read this one more recently and have only just really started it if I am honest and my first comment is: This. Is. Dark. It’s extremely dark for a shounen manga. My jaw had dropped numerous times reading this. Like, Jesus Christ? The story follows a boy named Uruma who suffered extreme and endless bullying throughout his childhood. The group of bullies end up being responsible for the death of Uruma’s parents, as well as the hospitalisation of his younger brother. He vows to avenge his family by undergoing training from his World War 2 veteran Grandfather. It feels kinda stupid in some places? but in a way that only animanga could pull off for it to properly hit.
Warnings: Sex, Nudity, Violence
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Zetman gives me so many DC vibes I love it so much for that. It’s about a teenager named Jin, who has the ability to turn into a superhuman named Zetman, and Kouga, a rich boy who uses technology. They both fight against the same thing, but for different reasons. I feel as though Zetman transgresses against most superhero stories, as Jin becomes a hero out of responsibility, while Kouga becomes one simply out of a sense of justice and desire. Despite their differences they come together to protect the world.
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Emanon follows the story of a woman who has lived various lives for billions of years, since the creation of life, the catch being she is able to retain all memory of the past lives. She is a character with no clear purpose, no direction. She just wanders, wanders and wanders. The story is fairly simple, it’s just a recount of her life but I still find there to be something incredible special and beautiful within it.
Kaiju No. 8
Warnings: Death, violence
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Kaiju No. 8 is a very typical shounen story in some aspects, but also very unique in others. In the world of the story, it’s inhabited by monsters known as Kaiju, as well as the protectors of the world known as the Defense Force. The story doesn’t quite start there, as it begins with Kafka, an adult man who’s job is simply cleaning the streets after the Defense Force defeat any Kaiju. After an accident, he ingests a kaiju which gives him the ability to transform into one and from there he decided to join the force to fulfill a childhood promise with his friend.
The fragrant flower blooms with dignity
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Moving on from the depressing, serious stuff, this manga is literally the cutest. It’s a silly little spin on the story of Romeo and Juliet, and it follows Rin, a teenage boy who appears scary but is gentle at heart, and sweet, quiet girl Kaoruko. The two hit it off immediately, but the problem is the two attend rival schools in their areas. I love the characters so much. All of them have a place in the story, all of them develop. Plus they’re all just sweet as hell together.
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tsunflowers · 6 months
yeah tsunku (main hellopro song producer + guy who is basically gets to play god of that collective) really liked r&b stuff and was great at producing tracks for it but he gave a lot of thsoe songs to the younger members who couldn't carry the vocals as well so it's a little silly sometimes. There were definitely a few Morning Musume songs I know of with a lot of Indian apropriation with the belly dance type thing too though.
He also had this weird fascination with Hawaii being cute and sexy so there are quite a few songs like that.
Morning Musume had some spinoff groups like Country Musune (Girls from Hokkaido or something) Ice Creamusume (inexplicably ice cream themed Taiwanese officially licensed Momusu cover group) and Coconuts Musume which was made up of several kaigai girls that one of Tsunku's associates brought back to Japan on vacation
One of their projects HelloPro Kids had a handful of units of really young girls who made silly songs for kids, but then one of their most popular ones minimoni dropped THIS???
and then went straight back to making silly songs about numbers and their favorite fruits??
My favorite group °C-ute was a HelloPro kids group that sort of went the same route but stuck with it, and five of the original lineup stayed for the entire group's career, with bo new entries, so it was a rare thing
When they got older they took a more sexy/pop thrn but it was less r&by
In the 90s/2000s tsunku used to pick a bunch of girls from the collective and make shuffle units, for a televised project covering the making of the MVs and a contest for the CD sales. Anf these songs were so good but he really unleashed his weird thing for certain types of music.
Shiawase Desu Ka may be one of my favoritr HP songs but the breakdown?? uhh huh yeah come on sexy 8! and the rap came out of nowhere where does this fit??
okay. sorry spent too many years of my life accumulating hp knowledge and I have the flu or something so this happens
you are truly a hellopro scholar...
I never thought about what it would be like to have a career where you write and produce songs for other people and the influences that you like might not suit them. if you're a singer and you love r&b you can just add some r&b vibes to your music but it seems a little harder to add some r&b vibes to the songs you're writing for a bunch of teenage girls...
the outfits in that minimoni song are atrocious but they're such skilled dancers and the song is good too. this mv and the mv for shiawase desu ka are like time capsules to me. it's like I've been blasted back to 2002. I almost can't focus on the music bc I'm too busy looking at the outfits
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ink-stained-words · 2 years
Listening To My Best Friend's Metal Playlist - Part 2
Ruby Tuesday (Bonus song!): It's so calming?? Very vibey, & I love the guitar noises, but I also love how relaxing it is. Quite funky. It'd be fun to play. Most everything would be fun to play. It's a very good thing our band's gonna be around for forever, bc there are so many songs. Anyway I very much get the status now. It's lovely (8/10)
Straight Through The Heart: Ooh this is the first Dio song on here. I love the vocalist, his voice is very distinct. I've heard this song before, I think. The chorus sounds familiar. But I never processed the lyrics. They're quite good. The refrain is so funky, & there's cool guitar sounds! (7/10)
Invisible: This song has emotion vibes. More angry than sad, which is exciting. I especially like the chorus, it's so fun?? It'd also be awesome to sing. Lots of fun lyrics & rhythms. I can see Eddie listening to this song. The song said "we're 18 & invisible" & that is not incorrect (7.5/10)
The Last In Line: Oh I really like the lyrics of this one. I could make pretty much any of them into a status. I quite like the sound of this band, it's much different than Metallica. It registers a bit higher. Point being, very very good noises. Superbly vibey (7/10)
One Night In The City: There is a very funky instrument halfway through, I love it so much. It sounds like a little wooden xylophone. The vocals are also quite good. It simply has Vibes. I especially like the lyrics. Bonus points for the fun little instrument (7.5/10)
Fever Dreams: This one sounds deeper already. Darker, ig? Grittier? Something like that. It sounds awesome. A lot more theatrical. Imagine hearing this one in a movie soundtrack. The guitar also sounds echoey. How do people move their fingers so fast, I simply don't understand. (8/10)
Stand Up And Shout: Alright yep I can see where you're coming from, with this being your favorite Dio song, holy shit. The vibes??? It's so??? Aaaaa. That's the entire extent of my brain, it's just. God imagine hearing this in concert, the sheer energy would be mind-blowing (9/10)
Electric Eye: This band sounds quite cool thus far. Are these the growling men? I think so. I think my dad's played this song before, it sounds familiar. It's so funky. I like the way their voices are modulated a bit. Why don't songs these days have guitar solos. They need them (7/10)
Breaking The Law: Pfft, his voice sounds silly. The way he says words. Emphasizing the R's. I can't describe it but it's so funny to me. Ooh this part is cool. I like how they use different effects, it sounds neat (7/10)
Painkiller: Wow starting off strong with a drum part I could absolutely never play. He is much more scream-y in this song. It's cool! Just an observation. Oh you've definitely played this one during Spotify hours. The layers in the music are awesome, they stack fantastically. There is emotion in here but it could just be Emotion TM. The guitar is doing things!!! So so well (8/10)
Run To The Hills: Iron Maiden!! Exciting. It's going faster & faster, this would be both an awesome & terrible song to drive to. It's extremely vibey though. I like the drums. The sound of the guitar solo is spectacular, it's just. It sounds awesome. I'm out of descriptive words. It's simply Awesome. Ooh cool voice things!! Brilliant (8/10)
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throughalleternity · 2 years
For the writing asks:
and 🧠 for Alex?
If that’s too many feel free to pick and choose! Hope you’re having a good day :)
Hey there! It is not too many, and I have in fact rambled quite a lot:
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
So, whether this will actually be posted is anyone's guess since I've been starting and not finishing things, but my focus right now is the genderfluid!Lucy + Director Sanvers sex convo that I never thought I'd post, so that's been fun to start digging into again. The vibes I'm going for are probably like "To love and to be loved"—them figuring out boundaries together, a little fumbling, and a lot of love. And it kicks off with an airborne packer, hence "dick fic" in my tags lol (kudos to @endersbegin for that setup and for nudging me to write!)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
I do not consider humor a skill of mine 😅. I think my attempts at humor end up as silliness rather than wit, and I wouldn't say I laughed, but this one was fun in "I love you snow much":
“The view is beautiful.” Alex [said.]
“It is.” [Lucy's eyes dragged] over Alex and Maggie for a moment. “The lake and forests aren’t bad either.”
Maggie snorted... “That’s the best line you could come up with, Lane? Sounds like you’re finally running out.”
Here, it's (a) me enjoying the lightheartedness, and (b) me grinning at myself for kinda lampshading this moment, where I'm like, I'm not witty enough to properly write Lucy like that, so I'm going to write an eyeroll-inducing line and then try to convince you that Lucy's usually better than that.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Hmm, I'm pretty nice I think, so not really! Or like, if I'm mean to a character (and I suppose the reader by extension), then it's usually not in a playful way 😅.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Common advice, but it bears repeating: write what you want to read. Writing is (or at least can be) super hard! But hopefully it's also enjoyable, and a little bit (or a lot) of some self-indulgence is one of the best ways to make it fun, imo. I think that's especially true when you're first starting out—just building up some experience writing fic does a lot on its own. You can worry about the minutia in later fics or later edits. So I'd say that writing begets writing, and the most important thing is to just put some words down on the page and enjoy the journey.
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them—for Alex
A nb!Alex hc snippet, because I couldn't restrain myself:
The first time they see a nonbinary character on TV, it doesn't do much for Alex. And maybe that's weird, they wonder. They couldn't tear their eyes away from the screen while going through the list of shows and movies that Maggie gave them, the ones with women and sidelong glances and touches and kisses.
But whatever, it's fine. Alex figures that the representation just isn't all that important to them anyway. They've started volunteering at the LGBTQ center with Maggie and Lucy when they can, and that by itself—seeing kids grow into themselves, and actually setting up a nonbinary young adult as a mentor for kid who's not quite sure what he is—that's a type of fulfillment that Alex hasn't found anywhere else.
So Alex shrugs and doesn't worry about it. Adding a nonbinary character as a criterion for finding what to watch would make it that much harder when they were already trying to account for their girlfriends' tastes.
It's not until later, cuddling in the middle of the couch next to Lucy, a barely-awake Maggie propped against the arm, that Alex really gets it. Because this time, this character, this story—
The work part of Alex's brain that never completely shuts down wonders if someone has finally managed to hack into human brains, because with each passing moment, mere pixels and sound waves resonate more with something tucked away inside them until feelings come surging up to the surface.
"You okay?"
Alex startles, hurrying to blink away the tears Lucy's spotted. "Yeah." They try to compose themselves, pulling their hand away from Maggie's to wipe at the corners of their eyes. "Yeah, I just..." They make some sort of noise in an attempt to explain, finally letting their head fall against Lucy's shoulder, sighing when she kisses their temple.
"I thought you might like this one," Maggie stirs, finding Alex's hand again and squeezing.
"Yeah," Alex says weakly.
"Yeah?" Maggie sits up off the sofa arm, shedding the vestiges of her half-sleeping state to study Alex. "It's okay if you don't. I didn't mean for it make you cry."
"No." Alex picks her head back up, shaking it back and forth. "No, these are good tears. I, I really loved it."
"I'm glad." Maggie smiles and tucks herself into Alex's side when they hold their arm out.
"You going back to sleep?"
"Probably shouldn't," she says, closing her eyes anyway.
[Okay sorry to abruptly end, but I'm cutting myself off because this is just fluff now 😅]
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cantalooprat · 1 year
Soul Vibration
What I Liked
hhhhh god the first person pov was. at first. i rly dont like first person pov but the best way to use first person pov is an unreliable narrator trope and it works so well here. chi nan is rly truly dense/maybe in denial? low self-esteem? but he rly doesn't know when ppl like him and even all of salinger's gentleness just goes over his head like ur so nice to ur fanboy salinger-oppa but that's also part of why salinger has grown to love him so much. like some parts were? p obvious to the readers prob? like when salinger wrote wish it is love and had a second helmet made but chi nan is just like, wow that's nice ge! and i am there like, salinger is prob falling in love w u, u silly boy
soul vibration really is the perfect title for them, what salinger and chi nan have rly could be described as simply as "soul vibration". the series of fate-like coincidences, the way their tacit understanding just forms so naturally, as if they were two halves of a whole just waiting for the other to come to them... tbh with the way salinger treated his past lovers and music and how his confession would be "would you start a band with me?", he somewhat reminds me of the 52hz whale, living in this world with no one else quite on the same frequency as he is. but then comes chi nan, who loves him, who loves his music, loves rock, and the text doesn't say it, but i really do wonder if this is salinger's "first love", in a way
i also like the romantic, whimsical, poetic, yet melancholic vibe that permeates the whole story, told in chi nan's rose-colored filter of his idol salinger, the admiration that has turned to love somewhere but is untold, maybe because chi nan doesn't quite know when it became love or doesn't admit it due to a mental block, his concern over his hearing loss and how he lives every day like it's going to be his last to be embraced by music
it's full of vibes is like a crap way to describe this wn but it rly do be full of vibes. mb bc it's in the pov of a songwriter but the prose is filled w metaphors of an ordinary sort of beauty that could be turned into art bc that's how inspiration is, how something so trivial could become a muse... it's the sort of story that evokes something like an image as simple as the first ray of sunlight of a dawn breaking through the night, in between tall skyscrapers of an indifferent concrete forest, but also the silent roar of a blackhole spinning endlessly in the depths of the universe as a new star is born in a different corner... im just rambling at this point lmao
the vague happy ending told in post-ending extras, just enough to give a taste of what happens but not elaborated enough that it gives a lot of room for readers to imagine what happens after...
What I Disliked
dr solo and ending the story just as they get together /crying
more abt the tl, but there r like plenty of grammar mistakes n typos. via lactea i believe u can do better.
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yoshkeii · 3 years
"𝚂𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎."
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࿐ character(s): Kuroo Tetsurou, Daichi Sawamura, Suna Rintarou
࿐ genre: sfw, soft/fluff
࿐ type: headcanons (hcs)
࿐ requested by: N/A
⌦  male!reader (he/him)
⌦ ‘some tiny and cute things i think the boys do that i find very intimate’n’sweet.’
A/N: more self-indulgent things bc i can <3.
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❀ i can find this man to be very affectionate and even clingy when it comes to you, even if you are out in public, but he’s not too clingy in public but definitely behind walls and in a comfortable space. 
❀ he loves, loves to kiss, no matter if its receiving or giving- the kisses can last a quick second or a long moment, there really is no inbetween. 
❀ quick kisses often consist of him softly kissing your forehead, cheek, all-over your face, lips, and even hands.
❀ whenever you both cuddle and are comfortable, he sometimes will grab your hands and kiss your palm, even knuckles as his amber eyes look up at you from his position. a sly but dorky smile creeping on his face.
❀ removing your hands from his grasp you hide your face with your hands, completely flustered and caught off guard. the chuckle of Tetsurou's laugh leaving his lips before he peppers your hands with kisses, eventually removing your hands and peppering your face. earning soft giggles and laughs between you both.
❀ after long, exhausting days of work he loves to come home to you. of course he does, he looks forward to the cuddles and nice ‘welcome home’ greeting him at the door as you softly peck his cheek. his face flushing up lightly.
❀ but besides the most soft quick kisses, the long passionate ones are far different. 
❀ tiring days are when he’s most desperate, yearning affection from his boyfriend who’s already at home. as soon as his eyes sees you once he enters the shared home, he rushes over towards your figure. always hugging from behind before making you face him, smashing his lips on yours. 
❀ it was affectionate and rushed before it gradually eased down into softer movements, as it does you can feel the soft smile he makes during the kiss. he really missed you.
❀ im sorry- that these are just him kissing you- but he would never slip up the chance to kiss your handsome, beautiful, cute face. istg. he wont.
❀ this man will chase after your lips once you pull away too-
❀ anyways- its not just him kissing you all the time,, mostly. but he will hug you from behind. quite often! its a common thing in public actually...
❀ i kinda see him as the type to watch you from the doorway as you obliviously do something. not noticing the bed-head male in your peripheral vision.
❀ this often opens a chance for him to sneak a hug from behind and/or a kiss on your head. easily making you startled and maybe- screaming- if possible.
❀ hearing his dumbass laugh as his grip tightened around your torso, staying there watching you slowly continue your work. knowing you’re- maybe- a little angry at him from the scare, but he definitely know you’ll warm up quickly. you always do.
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❀ i really need to write more this man, bc oh i so so so adore his ass so much. he gives off such a comfy and safe vibe to me i’d give my life to him. 
❀ I- aNYwAYS- 
❀ he would hug you a lot. so much. and it feels for secured n safe, its a haven in between his arms. even comfortable too from the warmth he radiates, cuddles with him doesn’t often need too much blankets knowing Sawamura can be a heater by himself.
❀ man just gives the biggest, warmest hugs.
❀ he doesn’t mind hugging you, holding a hand, or linking arms to make you feel his warmth when cold. he actually likes it but won’t bluntly say it unless he wants to tease you.
❀ and oh yeah, he keeps the things like those to himself until he uses it as a teasing weapon. smiling to himself as he stares at your flustered expression that stared back at him, your eyes averting and face quickly hidden in embarrassment.
❀ kisses aren’t too common unlike Tetsurou, but he will do them behind walls. just soft pecks on your face whenever he feels affection and giddy or really whenever he misses you- 
❀ cuddles with him are sometimes giggly! just relaxing against each other as you both talk about silly things and hectic things that happened in your day or past, laughing at each others stories. 
❀ hearing one another’s hearty genuine laughs never fails to awestruck the other in the heart, but it easily plays off from the unwavering laughter you both have. only to cuddle into each others body once more.
❀ seeing him win any games with his team, and he sees your figure rushing off towards him. Sawamura will not hesitate to lift you up as he hugs you, feeling your feet above the flat surface you slightly panic but peering down at your boyfriend’s face instantly removes the anxious feeling at the genuine happy expression he has. 
❀ sometimes he’ll twirl you around in his arms lightly before settling you back down with a nervous laugh, embarrassed he just- did that- but he brushes it off really quickly unless his teammates nag him about it. 
❀ honestly the man to encourage his s/o whenever they are down, using words or even reassuring actions somehow boosts the mood (or at least eases the tension down.)
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❀ kinda- kinda see him as a cuddle bug. i genuinely do.
❀ he would never refuse a cuddle-session that includes you in it,, and will d r o p everything he’s doing just to cuddle with you, seriously. he’ll use it as a excuse to avoid doing work sometimes- but you’ll scold him about it later.
❀ big spoon him and he’ll love it, every moment of it. he feels nice and comfy in this position often.
❀ whenever cuddling he will give you little pats and messes with your hair if you let him, and the occasion soft pecks on your face. usually your cheek, nose, or forehead.
❀ sometimes will squish your face with his hands, he often doesn’t do so because of how calloused and rough his hands can be because of practice and being a middleblocker. so he’s conscious about it with you, but the reassurance you give relieves him.
❀ during cuddle sessions, Rintarou would definitely show you things on his phone he’d think you like. knowing your interests rather well from listening and remembering conversations you’ve had.
❀ speaking of him remembering things, he keeps mental notes on passionate subjects or things you like. and sometimes will surprise you about it with an accumulated gift or item.
❀ Rintarou is really supportive of whatever you are passionate about or into, will literally slander who discourages or fucks with you. and he won’t hesistate, you are his king, prince, emperor- his everything. he’s not gonna hold back on that poor person who makes you feel bad.
❀ whenever he sees you cry, he’s the type to instinctively wipe away the tears. his thumb brushing your cheek and below your eyes as the tears flow, watching you let it out before embracing you into a hug. muttering soft reassurances and patting your back before you ease down.
❀ and thats when he cues his dumb jokes and sayings to you, using it to hear that soft laugh erupting from your chest.
❀ during games his eyes would drift towards the crowd just to find you. Kita and/or ‘Tsumu would bark at him about it, wanting to get his attention during the game-
❀ he’d share videos everytime the miya twins do stupid shit and have crazy antics, whether that’s sending you a video or a photo with a dumbass caption. hoping to make you laugh from it on the other screen.
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neoheros · 4 years
how would haikyuu boys handle falling in love feat. kuroo + akaashi + tsukishima !!
kuroo tetsuro
being in a relationship with him is just a pretty chill experience tbh
i feel like kuroo wouldn’t really date anyone he’s not close to on a comfortable level
people be like: omfg he looks like a player tho
he’s literally not ???? like y’all telling me this man doesn’t look like the idea of having to interact with people he doesn’t know repulses him ? bye
he’s not ignorant, he just isn’t the type to get out there unless necessary yk?
he’s got a good friend group and he’s totally satisfied with that !!!!!!
so when he was 100% sure that he saw you as somebody he’d want to be more than friends with he was just like :0
kuroo at 5:37 am, thinking of that one time you handed him a bottle of water first: oh— oh shit
he doesn’t act on it first though because y’all have been friends for so long and what if you don’t like him back ???
he didn’t wanna ruin the thing he had with you because you were literally the only one who tolerated him sending tiktoks at 4 am in the morning
kuroo: omfg have you seen this one yet
you: bro it’s almost 5 am are you on crack
but eventually he got tired of just staring at you and admiring you from afar and having to make up some excuse when you catch him cause he just really likes looking at you :(
you: bro stop staring at me
kuroo: no, your face bothers me
you: due to personal reasons i will make you pass away ❤️
so one day he just decides to shoot his shot yk?
if you reject him that’s fine, he’ll just have to send numerous tiktoks to wash away the awkwardness afterwards
like he’ll be upset about it because holy crap he flat out adores you at this point but he’s also got a sense of boundaries and will totally respect your decision
BUT !!!! when you told him you liked him too he just 🥺👉👈
this man had the goofiest grin on his face for weeks on end and his heart is all over the place because all the things he imagined in his head to do with you is finally gonna come true !!!
don’t be fooled though !! nothing will change from your friendship !!! you’re still both really chill with each other except now y’all can hug and kiss and !!!!!
kuroo: don’t i look kinda good in this picture though
you: not really, let me take a better one
kuroo: stop taking me out of frame
in retrospect, it’s really fun to be in a relationship like the one you two have because there’s not much things to disagree on and the dynamic you both have just go so well !!!
there’s also not a lot of new things to do or be uncomfortable about because y’all have already done everything as best friends !!!!!!! it’s 🥺
you, seeing kuroo staring at you: what’re you looking at me for
kuroo, unnerved: you’re so pretty
you, caught off guard: it’s my time to pass away now i see 😌
you two joke around a lot but that doesn’t mean you two take whatever you say to heart
somewhere along the line, this made kuroo a bit worried on how you took his intentions though
he knew you were cool with messing with him but sometimes he wonders if what he says ever gets to you
so one night while the two of you are eating frozen yogurt in his car, you in his hoodie and just straight up vibing to the tiktoks that played as background music
he looks up, spoon in his mouth, “you know that i love you, right?”
“you’re so cheesy,” you tell him, laughing while you scroll up to the next video on the fyp
he leans back in his seat, eyeing you under the single yellow light of the car
you, barely looking up from your phone: i love you too though
akaashi keiji
being in a relationship with akaashi is quite literally the most gratifying thing
he’s 97% of your wise decision making and you’re very much thankful for that
when he first met you he honestly didn’t know what to think
his first impression of you? an indecisive impulsive mess
his second impression of you? a very cute indecisive impulsive mess
there’s not a single doubt that he was crushing on you H A R D
he doesn’t pay attention to it though because he knew how crushes often worked and most of the time they didn’t really work out
but the more he looked at you or stared at you from afar with a silly grin that he doesn’t even realize, everyone around him notices just how silent you make him
leave it up to the fukurodani volleyball club to be the best matchmakers in the world
so one night while akaashi was chilling in bed he gets a text from bokuto telling him about an impromptu team hang out sesh
akaashi: it’s 7 pm ..?
you, in the group chat: theres never a wrong time for milk tea !!!!!
when you sent that everyone else in the chat was just so frickin ecstatic because now that you’ve confirmed you were going, it’s obvious that akaashi was now too
he arrived like 2 minutes early from the designated time and the way it wasn’t at all shocking when no one else arrived except for you
akaashi: well they totally bailed :/
you: hey at least now we have a list of people to take revenge on when the purge strikes
it’s okay though because the two of you make most of the night anyways !!
you never thought sitting outside of a 7/11 at 7 pm on a friday could be fun but as you sat there with boba tea and a ramen cup with one of your closest friends next to you, you were just !!!! so frickin soft
akaashi on the other hand didn’t feel anything but utter nervousness the whole time
it was so cold under the night sky and you were so close to him, he’s praying that you take the redness on his cheeks from the weather and not from the rapid racing of his heart
bokuto texting him: bro i swear to god if you’re not taking this chance to shoot your shot i’m >:(
he’s so nervous because it actually was an ideal time to tell you how much he liked you
plus he’s pretty sure that you were eventually gonna notice just how often he glanced at you whenever you came to their practices or in general
so he’s like fine then !!! he’s gonna do this tonight and if you reject him then he’s just gonna have to deal !!!!
akaashi, anxious: hey i really li—
you, cutting him off: i like you a lot and i’m pretty sure bokuto did this on purpose because he knows and i’m sorry if it wasted your time !!!!
akaashi, less anxious: oh
he just smiles softly and tucks your hand in his and tells you he’d like to walk you home that night
after that something just changed between the two of you
suddenly he’s walking you home everyday with little forehead kisses before he leaves
going grocery shopping with him when you run out of food at home because he’s the only one who knows about your secret snack stash
akaashi: you don’t need that much yakult
you: ? don’t be alarmed but i think we just found the reason of our first fight
whenever you go out with him to shop for anything at all, he always has to be the person in front when you walk because he’s the one pushing the cart with his left hand while his right is tightly interlocked with yours
you just stray behind him, pointing out all the things you’d like and he’s the one who decides if it’s worth to buy because you’re absolutely sure that you’d be dead broke if you were left alone
akaashi: this hoodie looks cute, do you wanna try it out
you, recalling the four sweatshirts you haven’t returned to him: nah i have enough
sometimes you’d get in the cart whenever the grocery store you’re in is mega big and he’s just gonna have the most unbothered face as people eye him because he’s pushing a fucking cart with a person in it
you’d get worried though thinking that you’re too heavy for him to push around so you insist to get off but he just doesn’t let you because you were so cute and 😤
akaashi is just so frickin soft when it comes to you like most of the time when someone idly mentions your name a smile immediately comes up to his face and he doesn’t even realize it
he also almost always wake up to numerous snaps of you at 3 in the morning just doing the most random things
he goes through them with such a silly grin and has to fight the urge to screenshot all of them cause u were so FRICKEN cute
akaashi, looking at a photo of you with tears down your face from 4 am: that’s my baby 👉👈
everyone around y’all are just on the fence about the two of you dating since neither of you really cleared what was going on ???
you were scared to call him your boyfriend because there was never really a discussion about it and you didn’t want to come off as assuming
but one afternoon right before he left when he dropped you off at your house, he just stopped and looked at you and you were so confused
akaashi, taking off his sweatshirt and giving it to you: the news said it gets cold tonight
you, on the verge of tears: oh 🥺
tsukishima kei
he’s a salty little shit who complains 24/7 and that’s about as canon as it gets
BUT but !!! if there’s anything tsukishima is good at and i mean anything !!! it’s being observant and keen on the people around him !!! ESP TO YOU !!!
at first you were always just kinda there ?
like he noticed your presence cause you shared classes with him and you were also at his practices a lot cause you and kiyoko would walk home together
so he knew of you but didn’t really know know you, yk?
but then one day yamaguchi came to him introducing you because apparently he’s the only one left on the team who hasn’t met you and it may or may not be because you were low key scared of him
it’s all good though cause once you two shook hands and talked he became more open to actually including you in his life
you guys made out to be good friends considering that you balanced out his snarky attitude with your even worse comebacks
like they weren’t really all that clever but it’s annoying enough to get him to shut up when you want him to
everyone on the team was super surprised at the fact that you were able to talk to tsukishima like that but also they were like: “please don’t ever stop???”
so you became from someone he barely realized was there to always looking for you first when he enters a room
yamaguchi: you know some people would call that having a crush 😗
and he’s all confused cause he knew that the possibility of him getting through high school without having a crush was very slim but jesus christ a crush on YOU??
tsukki, internally: god has favorites and it is not me 💔
but when he gets over the idea that it’s completely revolting to like you like that he realizes something click and suddenly it wasn’t an annoying idea to see you romantically
so in full tsukishima style he asks you out and was pretty surprised when you said yes but you weren’t cause he wasn’t even mildly subtle at hiding his intentions
you: does this mean you won’t be mean to me anymore 🥺
tsukki: no but that’s a nice try ❤️
even when the two of you started dating, he didn’t really want anything to change cause he liked the dynamic he had with you
he was very relieved that you weren’t easily offended and you didn’t really get on his nerves a lot
you guys were hot heads but you also respected each other 🥺
something you quickly became accustomed to after dating though is being codependent when it came to sleeping
you’re usually always over at each other’s houses and his mom is totally over the moon at the fact that his son found someone like you
so every afternoon after school you two are at either houses and just chilling and vibing because school do be very tiring tho
most of the time naps happen and even if it is super hot outside and you’re on the verge of a heat stroke, you just can’t get comfortable unless you’re touching him yk?
tsukishima’s probably the same since he really likes it when his leg is over yours or when his arm is touching your arm
you, under a blanket against tsukki’s back in extremely warm weather: it’s hot
tsukki, sweating: yeah
you: so anyways
he didn’t even realize how much he’s used to you being there when he falls asleep that at night when he actually needs to rest and you’re not anywhere near him he just can’t ???
tsukishima, snapping you a picture of him with tired eyes at 2 in the morning: you ruined my life
you, just as tired, quickly replying: uno reverse card bitch
so it’s 2 am and neither of you can fall asleep and it’s just an entire frenzy of tiring yourselves out
the two of you end up facetiming and just talking endlessly about random thoughts and perspectives on people
his voice is 100% groggy and every 2 minutes he’s yawning but he really likes it when he’s talking to you because it’s always better when it’s you in the mix
he’s telling you all about how he thinks dinosaurs are super cool and fantastic that when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep he’s just like 🥺
he stares at the screen for a while, suddenly regretting that he wasn’t there to make sure you were comfortable
he’s got the softest smile on and he doesn’t even care that he’s staring at you while you’re asleep cause you just looked so peaceful and warm and sweet
tsukki: that’s my baby 🥺
he feels another yawn come up and he ends the call, hoping that the tone won’t wake you up when he does
at this point he’s also on the verge of falling asleep and he’s very glad that he talked to you because you always knew how to get him out of things like this
tsukki, texting you: thanks for falling asleep on me SNAKE
tsukki: love you, gn <3
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Obi-Wan Kenobi NSFW Alphabet
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 A/N: Posted, unedited, and then I’m gonna nyooom to bed. I know these have been done before, and there are some really great ones out there! I just wanted to add my flair to the mix 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
It’s been said before and I’ll say it again: Obi-Wan Kenobi is the absolute king of aftercare. His soothing, deep voice against your ear, hands gently helping you clean up, arms pulling you into his chest. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hands. It’s a practical, logical option among a question laced with the opportunity for pride, which isn’t becoming of a Jedi. He likes what noises they bring from you, how he gets to hold you with him. He likes them because what they can do to you.
On you, he loves your eyes. He’s absolutely captivated with you, and while he certainly enjoys many areas of your body, he adores how flashes of emotion will shine through when you’re too overwhelmed to speak.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Obi-Wan loves to mark you with it, especially on the soft, tender flesh of your inner thighs. He feels coming on your face is degrading to you, and if that’s something you’re into, it’s going to take a long conversation, maybe several for him to consider it. 
Now, I have to thank @maybege for this one, because this wasn’t a thought I can take credit for, but I agree that he has a bit of a breeding kink, which you can read about in detail here.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
He likes the borderline sacrilegious way he uses the Force on you. Maybe it’s because it doesn’t feel unhonoring to the Force. On the contrary, it’s times like these with you he feels singular to the Light in a way that isn’t replicated anywhere else, doing anything else. So the way he holds you down with it, touches what his busy hands can’t reach? The way he melds your minds into one, your thoughts bonding in imitation to your bodies?  
It’s against the Jedi code to be attached, but the longer he’s with you, the more he’s intimate with you, he begins to wonder if Love and Light aren’t sometimes one and the same.
(My trademark is beginning to be Smutty Premise but Make It Feelings, prime example above. I have too many feelings about this man. )
 E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
SO much debate regarding this one, and I could see it both ways. Maybe he’s adhered to the Jedi Code to the strictest degree. But if I’m real? That charming, flirtatious confidence about him? I don’t think that comes from a man who hasn’t had at least a few attachment-free lovers before. Regardless, with his ability to discern so well and quite literally read your mind if you consent to it, he knows how to get you right where you need to be.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He’s happy to mix it up, try new things, different angles, but his favorties are anything where 
He can see your face, press his lips to your mouth or neck
He can touch other parts of you: fist a hand in your hair, drag his knuckles down your stomach, play with the sensitive flesh of yours that longs for his attention
He can penetrate you as deeply as possible
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Just like in the rest of life, he’s more serious, but that dry wit is right under the surface, ready to bubble up when the moment is right. If you’re the one to be a little goofy? It depends on his mood. Sometimes, he’ll chuckle against you, fondness flooding his face. Other times, he’ll shoot you a stern look that shoots right below your stomach because. He’s not playing silly games tonight, but your body shivers in anticipation for the game he does want to play. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Well kept, trimmed, darker than the coppery tresses on his head and face. He shyly, secretly loves it when you decide to kiss down the trail of it that starts below his navel.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s a romantic. One of the most authentic ones to ever grace the galaxy, kept tightly maintained under serenity and his reserved demeanor.  But when he has the outlet for it, when he’s with you behind closed doors, all the affection he can’t display in public is bottled up, just waiting to pull you into his arms and show you everything you’ve both missed.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don’t think he’s one to do it much. The man hardly gets enough sleep and I’m pretty sure Cody is the only reason he remembers to eat half the time, and doing things for himself is hardly his forte. Seldom he’s desperate enough for the sleep, and he’ll indulge just for the release. Or when the ache of missing you is heavy in the front of his mind.
But once. You asked him to. While you watched. 
Normally so put together, so in charge of himself, he flushed head to toe, but obliged you all the same, quirking an eyebrow in challenge.
Let’s just say you couldn’t help but add your hands and mouth shortly after.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Besides the slight breeding kink already discussed,
Praise Kink, both exuberantly giving and reluctantly receiving
Dom/Sub vibes, mostly for the trust element. While I agree that he has some serious switch! Energy, I think he leans heavily into being a Dom. (all under the condition of lots of conversation because: consent king!) Loves watching you squirm under his husky commands, adores the way you clench harder around him when he calls you “little one,” how you just become so open in countenance and body when he pins you against the wall or the bed, how startlingly fast you become aroused when he takes your chin between his fingers, forcing your gaze up to his.
Biting/marking. Possessiveness isn’t something he fosters nor appreciates, but when he gets to mark you, your skin carrying the discoloration of where his mouth loved you lavishly, something deep in him sparks. He felt awful, the first time he saw it, and you had to reassure him profusely that you wanted it, that you craved the proof of the love you two had to keep secret. And the scratches between his shoulders? The bites into his clavicle? Well, his body is littered in scars he couldn’t be more indifferent about, but those he will treasure
Overstimulation, see U for Unfair
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s a private man, so anywhere he knows you two won’t be interrupted. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. Sometimes it’s as simple as the way you laugh, and he somewhat hates how his body decides to take that innocent cue. Sometimes it’s the way your clothes fit, either tightly accentuating or loosely alluding to. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything you say no to. Again, Consent King, and he won’t ever cross a line. For him personally, he won’t ever do anything that will seriously hurt you, even if you’d ask. He just couldn’t ever lay a hand on you that way.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Preference is definitely giving, and you were monstrously unprepared for how amply his tongue and lips deliver pleasure.
After convincing him that, yes, I want to do that, and he lets you get your mouth on him, he’s a mess. This is where you get to grate against the unwavering wall of his self-discipline, urging out the sinful noises he makes, even as he cuts them short, even as his knuckles turn white in tight fists in their fight against the sea of sensation. He has to shut his eyes. Because when he opens them? When he sees your lips stretched around him, swallowing down what you can? He’s not going to withstand that for as long as he wants. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It again depends on his mood. Either. Both. But his unshakable patience is certainly best suited for slow and sensual. Deep thrusts. Thorough kisses. Languid movement of his hips.
Although. You will never forget the first time he bent you over the nearest surface and took you from behind.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If a quickie is all there’s time for, he’ll concede on it, but he certainly prefers when he gets to take his time with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Depends on what. If it’s getting caught, he’s likely to not, since too much is at stake. He’s willing to hear you out, within reason, but he’s always the voice of reason, tending to not do anything seriously risky. Although for experimenting, he’s such an inquisitive man, loving to learn, that he’s willing to try new things as long as they’re at least somewhat grounded.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Um. Um. Jedi thrive on stamina and patience, and Obi-Wan’s chosen lightsaber form (which he’s been deemed the master of), is based on the principle of stamina and outlasting your opponent. So, take that for what it’s worth.
Hint: it’s worth a LOT. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Don’t imagine he’s much for toys, he prefers to imitate whatever sensation via the Force or with his body.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It’s the only thing he’ll do in public, touch you with a tendril of energy when he’s across the room. Plant an impression of a thought against your mind.
And when he has you to himself?
Overstimulation. Teasing you to the brink and back sometimes. Sometimes letting you fall over the edge again and again, your body trembling and aching, overwhelmed at his pointed, too-knowing attentions.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not loud, but he tries to muffle his moans when they slip, but he can’t always catch them, and he stops trying so hard when he learns how much you love his noises.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
When he learns how much his voice impacts you, he’s  thinking of the next thing he can whisper to you the next time he gets you alone. It’s where his mind just lives any moment he has to spare.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Welp. I’m gonna try to be classy here.
Someone said somewhere on this website (I lost the post somewhere, please let me know if anyone finds it!) that he has the politest BDE ever, and that’s the funniest truest thing.
Maybe it’s the way he sits with his legs spread, maybe it’s the way he caries himself. 
(Or maybe it’s the way we know Ewan isn’t shy in his nude scenes for a reason)
But yeah.
I can’t imagine he’s anything except just factually acknowledging of it, but the way you react to it? Well, if he feels just a little prideful at that, no one needs to know that except him. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s pretty tied to you. He’s gone years without, but when he has you, it’s awakened a kind of hunger he feels barely equipped to handle.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on the situation. Usually, your hours together tend to be limited, and he wants to savor it. But he also loves the feeling of resting, your body against his. The deep sleep he gets just being with you usually takes him hours of meditating to achieve. 
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factual-fantasy · 3 years
20 old asks that I should’ve gotten around to answering ages ago.. 😬
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Daww shucks, I’m glad I could make this year a little brighter for you. :}
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Aww! Thank you! I’m so glad! I’ll be sure to keep making it! :D
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Oh yeah, this show has got some good angst factors floating around in it behind the scenes.
And really? Huh, I always imagined that he was just holding it with his hand draped over his abdomen. :/
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Why thank you!  ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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Hmm.. headcannons? Well... let me see...
I think that chances are? Captain Barnacles would teach some other crew members how to pilot the Octopod in case of an emergency. Like Peso, Tweak and Kwazii for example, maybe even Dashi too. Kwazii already knows, but I feel like he’d get some proper lessons in case of a serious emergency.
Also, I feel like Peso would be effected by this experience quite a bit. I always imagined that growing up with a huge family? He’s used to being surrounded by loved ones and safety at all times. Now that he’s an Octonaut.. he doesn't have much of that anymore. I imagine he’s always a little on edge because of that and doesn’t like to be alone. Imagine how alone and scared he must’ve felt when every single crew member was down and out and he had to pilot the Octopod through the roaring 40s! I still don’t know how he did it. 
Peso would probably become really jumpy and nervous for about a week after the incident. Not wanting to be left alone, especially not alone in the HQ. Because if he’s alone in there and something goes wrong? He might have to pilot the Octopod again.
I also feel like.. you know.. after seeing the Captain nearly pass out right in front of him? He’d be on edge and kind of following him around for a while to keep and eye on him. 
There’s a lot that can be said about the aftermath and how everybody copes with what they experienced. 90% of the crew was poisoned and then their medic had to pilot their ship out of water so rough, that even the Captain himself would call a challenging task. 
Just imagine if you were in the crew’s shoes, how would you feel if that happened?
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I don’t blame you for not realizing I was gone, I forgot I was taking a break too XD.
As for the comfort habits? Hmm... I hope its okay that its going to be text and not a drawing. So, things that certain characters do to other characters to show affection? I cant be too sure..
For Captain Barnacles though? Its always a paw on the shoulder, its like his default. You did something very well/correctly? You in need of some comfort? He wants to show you that he cares about you? Captain Barnacles will manifest beside you and pat you on the shoulder. I think for this reason specifically, none of the crew members get startled when some one touches their shoulder suddenly. They instantly think its something positive coming from the Captain.
Maybe Kwazii would reassure them everything is going to be okay, and then go out on a mission to do everything he can to fix the situation? That sounds like something he’d do. Maybe he’s not too great at comforting people so he just seeks out to fix the problem that’s making them upset in the first place instead.
I feel like Peso would... uhm.. well.. hmm.. comfort habits, something he does do to comfort others... Uhm.. I mean, I know how he likes to be comforted, but not really how he’d comfort others..
Well.. uh.. I’m having trouble with this one. I think most of the other crew members would just stick close by to who ever needs comfort. No one really likes to be alone when they’re upset..? Sorry, my brain is mashed potato's right now, I cant think of anything coherent. <:/
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If I remember correctly, I grew up with the UK version. I always would watch Octonauts on the family computer on YouTube. And YouTube only had the UK version it seemed so that’s what I’m familiar with.
It still feels so weird to hear Peso and Dashi’s new voices in the Netflix adaption I tell you what.
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Daww thank you! I’m glad you like my silly little headcannons! Here, have another!
The Captain sleeps with a weighted blanket because it mimics the feeling of having a thick fur coat, which he grew up with and no longer has.
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Thank you!! UHG all these compliments! Its too much! XD
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I mean, hey, yo do you man! I personally don’t ship anyone so its none of my business.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Haha I will do my best, and hey! I’m flattered that you were drawn to my Transformers art! I feel like it was the least liked of my workings..
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Thank you! That’s all so sweet!.. Although I wish I could say I don’t feel pressured to post more stuff.. dang near have and elephant sitting on my chest.
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I feel like a case where they’d all have a sleepover is either just for funsies.. or if they all went through something really scary. Something that effected them all and they’re all still shaken up.
Perhaps then they’d all gather in one room for a night to sleep soundly, being reassured that every crew member is safe and accounted for.
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If Ratchet ever did, he sure wouldn’t like him. XD
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Thank you! I often use Peso’s, (and Dashi’s) British voice when thinking about his dialogue.
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Hmm.. I’m not sure, I don’t know many shows. But I can probably guess what kind they’d like.
I can see the Captain liking light hearted shows/movies about family, what ever those medias may be.
Kwazii likes anything action packed and/or scary pretty much. Doesn’t even really matter what the shows about, he just likes scary and actiony things.
Peso probably likes lighthearted and comedy themed shows/movies.
Dashi probably likes romance movies, but the lighter ones, not the like.. rated R ones.
Shellington probably just watches documentary's and educational shows because he’s always looking to learn new things.
For some reason I feel like Tweak would like movies/shows that have a superhero type element to them. Like My Hero Academia for example.
I feel like Professor Inkling would probably like old timey comedy shows, like The Three Stooges! I bet he’d love that, and I’d totally watch it with him XD
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They all seem like nice characters. Pinto is a pretty cool little brother, he’s always rooting for Peso you know? Aside from that one episode. Everyone’s siblings seem pretty nice.
Koshi is a little baby bean, best little sister ever. 
The Captains sister its awesome, 10/10, 100%, she’s fantastic. Giving Captain Barnacles silly nicknames and being supportive of him. Telling her cubs all about how strong and brave her brother is and junk, the best sappy supportive sister ever.
Pearl seems pretty nice too, she gives off motherly/big sister vibes. Over all I think the sibling characters are pretty neat and fun, I wish we got to see them more often. <:{
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missnight0wl · 2 years
Are you going to check out Magic Awakened when it comes out? Should release soon. Perhaps the story will turn out to be better than HPHM? I watched some videos of the Y1 story on youtube and saw that the DADA professor is a witch wearing a hood all the time so you can't see her face. I don't know why but she already intrigues me. I'm kinda getting Rakepick vibes from her. She doesn't seem to be super relevant in Y1 but I'm hoping she'll get more focus later.
Yeah, I’m going to check it out! Although I’m gonna be honest, I don’t have high expectations.
I didn’t look too deep into the story, but from what I’ve seen, the first year feels more like… a bunch of the side quests and not really a cohesive story? I dunno, but it’s kind of weird that I basically still don’t know what this story is about. Does it make sense? Not really, but that’s kind of the point. I’ve heard that it gets more fleshed out in later years, but weirdly enough, it’s apparently also not really connected to MC, like at all. And while it might be an interesting choice to not make your protagonist a Chosen One, it’s a bit alarming if your protagonist feels detached from the story entirely. But… we’ll see about that one, I suppose.
Either way, there are two things that concern me way more about HPMA. The first one is the fanservice. It’s just sooooo in your face. Like, of course that Hagrid takes you to Diagon Alley because why not. And of course that Harry Potter himself happens to be around when you look for the platform 9 ¾. And then we have Flitwick teaching Alohomora by using Harry and Ron as an example... And I saw that other spells also have descriptions including Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure that the Golden Trio became super popular after the war. But I just doubt it’s how this popularity would show. I don’t know, it’s just quite immersion-breaking for me personally.
And I know that a lot of people criticise HPHM for the fanservice as well, but I feel like HPHM at least tries to incorporate it into their story. For example, they came up with their own All-Wizards Tournament. Was it super original and creative? Not really. But I suspect that HPMA would make someone tell us about the time Harry was in the Triwizard Tournament, and then we’d cut to the recreation of the scene where Harry retrieves the Golden Egg.
The second one is the whole cards system. It’s just... really not my cup of tea. It seems boring and tedious. And sure, you could say the same about tapping in HPHM. But here, I can at least learn something about the characters, or there’s even a joke sometimes etc. The cards system? Eh… I guess there’s some strategy to it, but as I said, I simply don’t find it appealing.
That being said, the DADA professor caught my attention, too! And I agree she’s quite intriguing! Her name is apparently Brindlemore. And you know what? I get what you mean with Rakepick vibes. In fact, when I saw her for the first time long ago, I had a silly thought that she is Rakepick. It’s not entirely serious, of course. Like, I doubt the devs would use one of the HPHM original characters. Still, I just love the idea of Rakepick going back to teaching after the war because I believe she truly enjoyed it, and I want nice things for her. And it’d make sense that she’s hooded all the time, right? I mean, if she was a double agent all that time, and so she wasn't sentenced for her "crimes" with R, but hiring her at Hogwarts was still considered controversial by some people? And just to be clear: I realise that it wouldn’t work at all for the version of Rakepick fucked up by Jam City.
But even that aside, I also hope that Brindlemore will get some more relevant role in the story because she seems neat.
Long story short, I do see some potential in HPMA, but I think it’s safer to be sceptic for now. In the worst-case scenario, I’ll leave the game with no hard feeling. Otherwise, I might be pleasantly surprised.
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kat-tamin · 3 years
Kat Tamin NSFW Alphabet
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Warnings: Language, Smut 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
She’s good with a bit of cuddling afterwards, but only for a bit. After a while, her brain just goes, “Okay, what’s next?”. She’ll talk about what just happened, what you liked or didn’t like, if you enjoyed yourself. She’ll offer you a drink or a snack or a shower if you’re at her apartment. She doesn’t mind if you stay the night, even when you’re just a one night stand. She’ll make you breakfast in the morning then send you home. If she’s at yours, and she’s not staying the night, she’ll give you like twenty minutes of cuddling before calling an Uber to go home. 
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Man or woman, Kat loves an ass. She loves when you wear tight pants or underwear that showcases what you’re working with. She loves grabbing it, biting it, slapping it. She loves holding onto it when you’re fucking her, leaving fingerprints and nail marks on you.
You love her neck. She has a sensitive spot right under her ear that if you suck on, she’s instantly wet beyond belief. You love to mark it as your own, with lipstick, with your teeth. You love seeing them the next morning, a reminder of your love.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Kat loves cum, especially in her mouth; that special nectar that is you. She loves to go down on you, and when you cum, she makes sure a drop isn’t spilled. She’ll swallow everything you have, then kiss you, make you taste yourself on her tongue. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She feels like a bad feminist, but sometimes she just wants to be absolutely railed by a guy. She wants that total lack of control. She wants to be used as a fuck toy, with no concern about her pleasure. She wants to be fucked over and over until she can barely keep her eyes open, covered in cum.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
She definitely knows what she’s doing. She may not have a lot of experience with long term relationships, but she’s had quite a few casual relationships. She’s more experienced with women, but she’s had a few male friends-with-benefits situations.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
She loves 69ing, because it brings out her competitive side. She loves it when she’s going down on you, and you have to keep stopping what you’re doing to moan or gasp. She’s determined to make you cum first, and you usually do, with a big groan into her pussy, which usually sends her over the edge.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She’s more serious in the beginning, not wanting to make a wrong move or say something stupid. Once you’re comfortable, that’s when she gets more silly. She’ll laugh at the noises or the little oops that happen naturally during sex. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Kat can be very romantic if that’s what you want. She can go slow, making sure to touch every inch of you, take her time to worship you. She’ll say how beautiful you are, how much she loves you; kiss you soft and sweet while you’re fucking.
J = Jack off (masturbation head canon)
After a long, stressful day, she just wants to relax, turn her brain off. Sure, you making her cum would be nice, but sometimes she just wants to use her vibrator and go to sleep, without having to worry about anyone else.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She has a pegging kink. It’s not something she’s explored much, she hasn’t found a guy willing to do it, but she thinks about it a lot. Sometimes, a guy will give her the go ahead to use a finger or two, and she gets so excited. Something about the taboo of it, the total submission of a guy under her, makes her so fucking wet.
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
Her favourite place is at home, in her own bed. She doesn’t have to worry about roommates, or what your bathroom is like. She likes the familiar surroundings so she can focus totally on you, not whether you’ll be mad when she leaves.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
If you’ve just met, a good back and forth conversation gets her interested in you. She’s attracted to people with good vibes and a good sense of humour. If all those things are combined, she’ll go home with you.
She loves a strip tease from you, the slow reveal of skin, bonus points if you’re not wearing any underwear. The confident smile of you waiting for her to come home from work, already wearing sexy lingerie is an instant turn on. She loves someone who knows what they want, especially sex. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Since working at SVU, non-con or dub-con is an absolute no. Even if you ask her to take you against your will in a kink scene, she won’t. If a “no” slips out of your mouth, even if you’re just playing, it’s an instant stop. If either of you has had a few drinks, or smoked a bit of weed, she’s reluctant to fuck you. She’d rather just make out for a while, just in case you’re not as in control as you think.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Her head game is immaculate. Guys, girls, it doesn’t matter, her tongue knows exactly what to do and where to go. It may be sloppy sometimes, but it feels so fucking good. As mentioned, she loves drinking cum, draining you dry. After a few rounds, it’s her turn: usually with her riding your face, hands in your hair.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She doesn’t have a preference, likes to decide in the moment. She seems to know exactly what you need/want, and on the rare occasion she gets it wrong, she’s quick to adjust.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She’s game for quickies, even if you don’t get to do it often, but she’d rather take her time with you, so you can each cum a few times. Sometimes when you’re out in public, she’ll give you a Look, and you know you have to find a private bathroom stall, and quick. She’ll use one hand to pleasure you, the other pressed to your mouth to stifle your groans, a whisper in your ear to be quiet.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She’s still young, so she may not know what she likes, so she’s all for experimentation in kinks. She wants to explore what makes you feel good, too.
If she’s sleeping with a guy, risk is a no-go. She has an IUD but still makes you wear  a condom. She always asks if you’re clean before fucking you the first time. She has no time for STDs or God forbid, a pregnancy.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
If she’s with a woman, she can go for hours, especially if she doesn’t have to work the next day. Most of that time is spent on you, making you cum over and over until you have to push her away because you can’t take anymore. If you’re too exhausted by then, she’ll use your body to get off: your thigh makes an excellent substitute.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
She has a vibrator and a couple straps. The vibrator is more for herself than you, but if you have your own, she’ll use it. Her straps are high-quality, in a variety of sizes, and she loves to use them. She loves fucking you with them, making you deep-throat her cock. As mentioned, she wants to peg, so she has a few plugs just in case the situation arrives. 
She’s cool with you using straps on her, too. She loves riding a cock, and you love the look on her face when it hits her just right, her eyes rolling back in pleasure.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She’s a Service Top, first and foremost. Your pleasure is her pleasure, so she doesn’t like to tease. She’d rather make you cum over and over until you’re so sensitive, you can’t be touched.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She’s more on the quiet side, she’d rather it be you making the noise. She’ll praise you, tell you how pretty you look with her fingers in you, how good you taste. She lets out quiet gasps and curses while you fuck her. If you’re fucking her hard enough, she’ll start speaking in Arabic. You have no idea what she says but it just spurns you on even further. When she cums, it’s usually with a quiet groan of your name.
W = Wild card (a random head canon for the character)
She has a bit of an exhibition kink, even though she knows she’s the last person who should be doing it. Locked bathroom stalls, private offices, the gym locker room, the darkness of a cab’s backseat, are all fair game. Her favourite thing to do is to get a hotel room with a big window or balcony and fuck you, hoping passerby's can see and hear you when you cum.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
We know she’s got a boxer's body, all plains and hard edges. Her whole body is pure toned muscles, with a glorious set of abs you love to lick. She likes to keep herself tidy and trimmed, but not bare. Waxing is very low on her priority list, and if you can’t deal with a bit of hair, she knows you’re not the one.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Probably a couple times a week, depending on if you both have the time, and if you’ve had a long day or not. Weekends and days off are when you make up for what you missed during the week, with a couple rounds in the morning and at night. If Kat wants to do it, but you don’t, she’s happy to take care of it herself, and you do her the same courtesy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
You always fall asleep first, no matter how much or how little sex you’ve had. You usually fall asleep in her arms, but once you’re out, she moves so she can sleep comfortably, with a bit of space between you.
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