#This man is also a genious please go give him some love
Okei, huhhaehei this huhhaehei that but what about Jukka's yt channel covering songs like this?!!!! 🦆
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Hello I hope your doing well! I have a headcanon idea how would the brothers and previously undatebles react to a masseuse/masseur (people who give out professional massages)
Let's try this shall we~
Edit: I was informed by someone who is actually familiar with this field that the term Masseuse and Masseur can be seen as insulting in the profession, thank you for informing me again!
The Boys and a Massage Professional/Therapist MC
Warning: uncensored swearing, a lot of it asfkfkajshfkslajd
Tense shoulders that could cut steel, harder than a fucking nokia phone from centuries to eons of stress, if I was a professional at massages I think I would be itching to grab onto those muscles of his like dough.
He will probably feel chills down his spine whenever you are around.
Won't take much convincing if the time is right to ask him to please let you release the pressure on him because dear fucking lord I wouldn't be able to just stand and watch either.
Good fucking luck in the process, when I say this man is stiff this man is STIFF.
He will be feeling so much better by the end of it there's a chance he will be slightly dazed.
Also it improved his mood which led to less harsh punishments, which now has led to more demands from others than from Lucifer himself for you to massage him.
I think you should start asking for payment at this point-
And talking about payment, you will definetelly need to ask it from this one because after the first time you gave it to him for free out of your own good will he started to come back for it all. the. time.
Okay, he's cute and the sounds he makes are so 👌. But damn boy this is not exactly so easy so please give something back??????
Well, you just need to say the word and he will always have something in ready to give you. A date at a place you have been wanting to go for a good while now or something you have had you eyes on for a good time.
It's a very win win kind of deal.
Though at some point when you massaged his legs he felt so light he ran faster than he could control and almost ran into a wall, actually no, he did ran into a wall there's a crack in there ouch-
In which the cause of the second oldest running was probably to scape the demands for his money back from the third oldest, though Levi was definetelly too stunned by the lighting speed to react right away.
He now makes sonic jokes when refering to Mammon.
But going back to massages, this fucking snake has such a bad posture I would be in back pain just from watching him sit.
And don't expect it to be easy to fix that because everytime you touch him he just tenses up further.
I swear it would be easier to just knock him out and acupuncture him.
You will succeed at some point if you don't give up, and BOY he also makes some 👌😩 sounds.
They're a lot more dorkish and high pitched and he will definetelly not be functional by the end of it.
He will start trying to fix his posture from now on to not make your work go to waste.
A curious cat that would just straight up ask for a session (not for free of course he already has something to give you back in ready) after witnessing the shenanigans above.
Not so stiff as Lucifer but still fucking hard, which is to be expected since he has so much rage bottled up.
Chances are he's turning into his demon form unconsciously.
It's a bit of an intimidating session not gonna lie, he is basically using it to relieve himself from part of his wrath so with every groan it feels like he's going to jump at you and rip you to shreds.
He won't of course, instead he will smile brightly by the end of the session and give you your reward for such a good job.
It's honestly worth it though you will probably be needing a massage yourself after-
And that's where pretty boy comes in! He doesn't have a professional tittle on him but he has centuries of experience so that's close right?
He will have all things ready, just say the word and he will give you the best payment for all your hard work ever: a chance to relax yourself.
And man he's good.
It's also not very tiring to massage him either, his smooth skin is addicting to touch, the atmosphere he will help set up will be perfect, and he also spills a lot of tea in between so that's a plus for entertainment.
Seriously whenever it becomes too much to be with the rest of the brothers just hit Asmo up and he's gotchu.
Private spa day comming right up.
He won't ask because it will completelly scape his mind.
He plays a lot of sports and does a lot of exercising so of course he has a lot of sore muscles.
And you can't tell me you wouldn't want to massage his belly, he's a glutton, it's literally asking for you to massage there.
Baby boy is always so gratefull, thanks to your aftercare on his legs, arms and torso, he has never felt lighter!
Which has led him to accidentally break some of the gym weights, win a sports game almost all on his own and make another restaurant suffer because he felt he could eat more than usual.
Although I would like to say you should proceed with the massages with caution, his smile is too precious to ever say no to.
Easiest target ever, will probably sleep for 24 hours in one go right after.
And he won't wake up for shit.
Though once he wakes up after those 24 hours he will basically be wide awake for the next 24 hours, so honestly? This has turned out to be very useful in important ocasions.
Will often give out some whines in the middle of a session, possibly half asleep for the entire time.
I feel like he would feel quite ticklish in some places even though you wouldn't be purposelly trying to tickle him, probably.
And I know many of you love his laugh, so yeah that's a plus.
He will definetelly offer to massage you back, and yes he will be good at it, and no it's not because of experience, yes it's because he's too much of a genious and has basically learned through osmosis just from getting massages from you.
Let me tell ya, he's stiffer than you think.
Bad posture, centuries of responsabilities, strain from excessive use of magic and pacts and the weight of existence when you are both immortal and unable to die.
He could easily rival Lucifer and he won't even realize it.
Will definetelly agree to get a massage and will definetelly say "well I do feel a bit under the weather" and his muscles will definetelly feel a little bit more than just under the weather.
It's easier to chew on hard bread than massage Solomon.
He also offers to pay you back.
Do not agree to get a massage from him, I repeat, DO NOT.
If you didn't feel like touching that exposed waist of his then you're lying.
If you don't offer first, he will ask you for it at some point.
And man to have a literal angel right under you, letting out a few exhales of satisfaction and bliss with every move of your skilled hands and arms, sometimes a chuckle followed by a comment that could start a small conversation.
Smooth skin, perfectly shaped body, I don't think I would be able to get my hands off him either.
Massage his hands, from his palms to his fingertips, massage his shoulders, from his blades to his neck, thumbs pressing close to his spine.
He will gladly let you indulge yourself for as long as you wish.
Another one who's stiffer than you think.
You could literally jump on his back and it would feel like pavement.
Oh and he's now definetelly addicted to massage.
Of course he will also be paying you back with whatever you wish (don't make a joke and say something like 100,000,000 grimm, he will take it seriously-).
Depending on the day he may actually fall asleep, which is very cute.
On another note tho, have you ever thought about sleeping on his back? Because I have-
Good luck getting him to take off his clothes, even more good luck to catch him not being busy.
This man will gladly give out massages of his own (which could probably knock out a dragon because damn boy those hands are skilled) but will probably not be as easy to convince to get a massage.
It will take an extremelly tiring day to make him agree and it will be so worth it.
Why you ask? Because the look in his face will alway be so soft by the end of it. Pure gratefullness.
Since then he will start to actually seek you out from time to time, the little smile on his face almost looking excited.
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fczco · 4 years
PAPER RINGS | Spencer Reid soulmate! au
rea/n: hii, so this is my first time writting for spencer and i’m not sure if it’s ok. Sorry for any mistakes i did not re-read this before posting it, might do it later tho, english is not my first language so please be nice :)
REQUEST: this was a request from @urie-bowie-mercury​ “Hi, i was wondering if you could do a spencer x reader x soulmate au. Where the reader finds out they’re soulmates first and doesn’t think he’ll like her so she runs away. Angst but ends in fluff, if that makes sense. Thank you so much!”
WARNINGS: little bit just a little bit angst.
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Being best friends with Spencer Reid was one of the best things that happened to you in your entire life, even though you aknowledged each other’s existence for many years; your friendship had not started until a few years ago.
In fact, you two went together to school when you were kids. You knew what Spencer had gone through during his childhood, and you really wanted to help him, but you were afraid that if you did; those mean kids would do the same to you. So instead, being nice to him was what you did, sitting with him during launch or joining him on school projects, he barely talk, but he very much appreciated the gesture.
Everyone knew how smart Spencer is, and that was why the news of him moving to D.C to join the FBI did not surprise you at all. You wondered what had happened to Diana, he never mentioned her problems but you had heard your parents talk about it a few times.
But one saturday afternoon, your twenty third birthday day, you went with your mom and dad to visit your grandpa and that was when you saw her sitting by the window while writing on a little journal, you asked if it was ok to talk to her, the nurses told you it was, so you did. Diana told you about the letters Spencer sent and how proud she was of him, and she also mentioned how it was her birthday too, crazy, isn’t it?. It took you by surprise when before getting up and leaving she asked you if you were ever coming back, you said you would, and on the way out you could see Spencer arriving with a little present on his hands. And ever since that day, every time you visited your grandpa, you also did Diana.
An entire year went by and you were twenty four when you got an offer to work at a publishing company in D.C, which of course you accepted. 
It was one of the first mornings after settling in your apartment when it happended.
“y/n y/l/n” the girl behind the counter called your name to give you your order.
“can I have some extra sugar please?” she nodded and gave it to you.
You turned around and started walking towards the door, passing by a few people sitting at tables. 
“y/n?” you heard your name being called, and as you lowered your glance to the man calling, you noticed it was Spencer.
“Spencer! hi” you extended your hand for him to shake and almost instantly took it back, “sorry, I forgot” he smiled.
“What are you doing here?” Reid asked.
“In D.C? I’m working, first day today” you answered.
“Well, good luck then” 
“Thank you, have a nice one Spencer”
“You too” and just like that you exited the coffee shop.
After that day you crossed paths always, except for saturdays and sundays, and after a few times, you exchanged numbers, slowly becoming friends.
You couldn’t believe it had been four years since you met again.
It was not a secret you liked Spencer, a lot. His entire team seems to know, everyone except him. For being a literal genious, it was dumb for him to not realize you were over heels about him.
One night out with his team, while Spencer was in the bathroom, Morgan looked at you and told you  pretty boy was in love with you too, and that you two were meant to be, Penelope used the word “soulmates”. You laughed at them, but it certainly left you thinking about it for weeks, which ended up on you developing even more feelings for him. 
It got to the point when it physically hurt you not being able to tell him how you felt. He was way into his work to get into a relationship with someone, and you were not even sure if he liked you that way, maybe you were blind to the signs too...
Spencer was working on a case in Texas, and it had been almost a week since he left town for it. You took this time to think about it, almost barely doing your own work. The word kept appearing in your mind “soulmate”, and you started to think about all your life coincidences, school? sharing birthday with his mom? D.C? maybe the butterflies you felt when he did the most nomral things? both of you liking extremely sweet coffee?, “they are just coincidences, this is just a crush you are having right now, it will go away” you told yourself.
But it didn’t, it never went away, and every time it got harder, and harder, and harder to be around him and stopping yourself from kissing him or holding his hand.
It was your best option, if you stopped seeing him for a while, it would finally just go away, at least that was what you hopped.
He called, he came by your apartment, but you always found a perfect excuse to not answer the phone or the door.
In the other side of the story, Spencer was hurting, he needed his best friend, and he used all the time you two were not seeing each other to think, he always had a thing for you, and by saying always, I mean always since school to this current day. If he couldn’t have you like he desired, he will have you as his best friend.
It hurt you too, at the end of the day, he was your only friend in D.C.
While you kept yourself busy with your work, he couldn’t focus on his.
While he wrote letters to Diana talking about you, you visited her and talked about him.
“Honey, you need to talk to him, he loves you” his mother told you.
When you came back, two days after visiting Diana, you opened your apartment door and found Spencer sleeping on the couch.
“Spence” you brushed your hand through his hair and he slowly opened his eyes.
“I have the spare key” he said.
“I know” you smiled at his sleepy face.
“Where were you?” Spencer asked while sitting straight.
“I went home for the weekend” you sat next to him.
“No. I mean where were you the past two weeks?” 
“I just needed some time off”
“Some time off from me?” he sounded sad.
“I was worried you know?, you didn’t return my calls, I came by and you never opened the door when I know you were here because of the brownie smell, you didn’t even bother opening my messages”.
“I know Spence and I’m sorry but-” you looked at your hands and back at him.
“No you don’t know y/n, it hurts, it hurts because I love you” he never stopped looking to your eyes, “and I know you don’t love me in that way and I get it but please do not avoid me like that again I thought there was something wrong with me or you and then-” you cut him off by kissing him, finally, he instantly followed it.
“Spencer Reid I would marry you with paper rings anytime you asked me to” you said while pressing you forehead against his.
“What does that mean?” you laughed.
“It means that I love you too genius” now it was you who looked into his eyes and he smiled. Pulling you closer with a hug.
Soulmates? Could it be?
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litteidiot · 4 years
Plz headcanon request if that’s ok🥺👉🏻👈🏻 So like basically the boys are busy with somebody and then out of nowhere MC sorta just comes and sits in their lab,turns around facing them, hugs them and buried her head in their neck, and sorta just sTay tHere and the Bois become are forced to stay like this till the end of what they were doing even tho they get teAsed by whoever they were talking to. (Also MC amd Bois are In a relationship :D) thank you and please! I need that kyoot fluff🥺✨💞
Yes!!! SOMETHING FLUFFY!!! Sorry for waiting I’m kinda busy lately and I don’t have much time to write but here is your fluffy headcanon hope your like it!!!
If I fit, I sits
Type: Fluffy headcanon
Attention! Characters are not mine credit to the Mr. Love Team!
Working under his company for years and dating you for three months now, Victor thought nothing can surprise him when it comes to you
Mr. CEO that’s where you are wrong
Victor was having a video conference in his home office and you didn’t want to disturb him, you were in one of the rooms in his mansion
That damn place can fit two football team
You are doing whatever on your phone to pass time as you waited for him, but soon you got bored
Caring about nothing you walk into his office, Victor’s eyes widened for a quick second when he sees you in the camera
Like nothing happened you slowly walk over him and plopped yourself down on his lap
During the conference
You slowly swung your arms around his neck and then placing yout head in the croock of his neck, fitting so well, like that place was only made for your head
And you stay like this
For 2 hours straight
Victor is internally screaming because he can’t move
#SoftCEO is suddenly used around the LFG building the next day
Where Kiro goes, his Miss Chips goes too whitout exceptions
The crew get used to you being around him during shootings or song recording (even abroad) they now see you as a member in Team Kiro
It was a chilly weather and you were cold, all you needed is Kiro’s iconic bearhug under a soft blanket
But Kiro was on a table read for his new movie, he told you to wait for him in his dressing room
But. You. Are. Cold.
MC. Needs. Warm. Hug.
You stood up and went to find Kiro, and after a while you found him in one of the rooms
The crew looked up to see who is that and then returned to the script when they realized it’s just you
“Miss Chips, what are you doing here?” He asked in surprise seeing you
You said nothing, just sat on his lap and snuggled close to him. “I’m cold.” You murmured, so only he could hear it
Ma’am say no more
He hugged you close to him, and you sighed feeling his warmth. And you two stayed like that. You on his lap, and Kiro hugging you tight
His warmth was so good in this weather, you end up falling asleep on him
After the table read he noticed you fell asleep. He doesn’t had a heart to disturb your dream so he stayed there untill you woke up
He took a picture and posted it on moments (but of course made sure your face is not showing)
Like usual, you were bringing lunch for Gavin to the police station
Birdcop only eats instant noodle, someone has to feed him
You went to his office finding him deep in his work. It was kinda crowded there, so it was also a little bit noisy
“Gavin!” You called out his name, but he didn’t even look up. He was deep into some files you could see his brows furrow under his bangs as he concentrated
To get his attention, you walked to his desk, put the food container on the table and took a seat
Oh, yeah. Took a seat on his lap
Poor birdie he is red like a tomato
“MC-” He tried to compose himself while the whole precinct was staring at you two, chuckling at how their always serious captain is now red af
S.O.S Birdcop is overheating
“I brought you lunch.” You said in a happy tone, pointing at the box full of yummy food
MC get off of him he is dying
Nothing gets this man off guard
Like for real, Lulu is cool as a cucumber
So you needed a plan. You were curious how he reacts if you caught him off guard
Lucien was taking a class at Loveland Uni and you decided to go to his lecture
As you were listening, you noticed almost the whole class was girls. You couldn’t help it you felt a little bit jealous
He is your genious scientist, get your own!!
And then a lightbulb lit up. With a loud noise you stood up from your desk and like it’s the most natural thing you sat down on his lap, your eyes sending daggers at the girls
Not only Lucien looked at you in surprise but the whole class. You could even see a light shade of blush creep up on his cheeks
He quickly recovered and now his face was calm as always. “Ah, emotions and the element of surprise. I invited Miss Mc today to demostrate the element of surprise. I know she will act but I didn’t know when so it caught me...how can I say? Oh. Off guard.”
“Surprise is an emotion that can either make you feel good or it can make you feel bad. Surprise activates the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus and the bilateral hippocampus. The hippocampus is strongly associated with memory, and the element of surprise is, by nature, associated with experiencing something that you do not remember or do not expect.”
“I would like to ask all of you to make and essay and a research about emotions and how the brain reacts to it and which part is responsible for that. I give you 45 minutes.” He said and the class fell silent as they began to write
During that, Lucien leaned to close to your ear and whispered
“My little butterfly, are you jealous? You know I have eyes only for you.”
Now it was your turn to blush
This class is now a famous rumor in the university
It was so good writing all this fluff, my heart needed this.
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henry-stein-art · 5 years
The Ink Demonth [by Halfusek] Day 14: Theories
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\Also, you will get some violence (but no blood), sad and mature things/
I drew, do costume, animated a cutscene, I think it’s the good day for Writing! I never go watch, read or know theories because I’m not a fan of, I just wanted play the game, appreciate it, and try to understand myself the story, without any influence of others. Of course, it’s like I have do myself a theory, because I headcanon some details about some element in game (like the reason of the visible name of Frank Fontaine in the administration room) and write a pre-story for explain the game. Sorry for mistakes, english is not my main langage! Now, time for the (very long) reading and I hope you will like it!
One day, while Joey Drew, Wally Franks and Henry Stein share a dinner, they talk about this project to create an animation studio. Joey wanted to be between Warner Animation studios and Walt Disney studios, Henry was an artist, daydreaming and love drawing - and how beautiful was his draws - and Wally was a devoted man who help so much the both. In this era, making cartoon was a good thing, and has really a public for, because people needed sweet and happy thing to watch for forgot the society problems. Joey Drew and Henry Stein was two brother of a modest family, living in a rural area. Henry work with their father, and Joey choose general study. He couldn’t work like his brother because he was born with a bad leg, make him limp and can’t support heavy charge. The both mutually supportive but Henry keep a certain distance, seems being more independant and less talkative than his bro. Wally was their neighbour and becoming a friend. He come from rich family and studying at the city highschool. Before he meets Joey and Henry, he wanted become a pilot, but Mr. Drew has completely changed his view of the future, and now he want that people smile and laugh with some silly cartoons. And today, Joey Drew studios is a place for Bendy cartoon, a character born under the pen of Henry, on his desk. He had created a first version, but finally leave him because Joey told him that this Bendy look likes Felix the cat and he doesn’t want deal with Mr. Messmer for “copy” his work. Also, Henry rework on it, and finally found the final design. Shaped head round with two sort of horns on the top, black circle pie eyes, and a gentle smile of eight teeth. Dressed with a big bowtie and white gloves, for see the hands even if they are on his black body. In the corner of the hall, where the desk of Henry was, the cartoonist work on story-board and do some keyframes. Because the studio has no windows, there is few lights for keep his eyes safe.
Few days later, Wally bring to Joey and Henry a new guy. The name is Norman Polk, he told to Mr. Drew that he can give him some old projectors who belonged to his sister. The man was a little shy, no really talkative, and leave them quickly. Henry turn his head for see the eyes of Joey. A genious spark was in. With a little irony, he says:
“I know what you think, but you can’t take his life for our cheap studio.
—  Don’t be so rude, Henry. It’s cheap for now, but it will becoming a big empire!
—  What’s that mean, uh? Big empire? With only me for make cartoons? You want kill me!
—  You’re alone for now, and it will be hard to found someone who is talented as you in drawing, but this dream will come true. Trust me.”
Henry sight and smile. Weak body but strong will. And a little stubborn too.
Days and months passed and as Joey told, it was only the begining. Now, there is a woman for story-boarding and the sound. At first, Henry didn’t notice her, doing his work hard and stay at his desk. He don’t see the time, when the sun leave his place for the moon, and just leave his keyframes for basics vital thing, like eating or drinking. And there is this guy who bring them the projectors, Norman is a calm man, and do the work without say any words. The studio become a little more bigger, with some new room. Henry choose to stay in this corner of the entrance hall. As he said: “A cartoonist take some habit for a long time. And when he has it, he never change!”
Because this woman was a story-boarder, she leave the plan to Henry, but she never see him directly. Joey talk about him, and sometime she can hear the two man talk. But when she cross the hall, he’s never at his desk. The lady think this strange, and feel like he avoids her. She wants know why, so, in this morning, she come to the studio in a really early hour and wait at Henry’s desk.
“Hello? Miss? It’s my desk here.
The lady turn his head, surprised by Henry soft voice. When she see his face, his heart miss a beat.
— Uhm... Oh, uh... Sorry mister “the strange guy who is hiding of me”. Mr. Drew was not lying. You draw beautifully, she respond, trying to stay professional. — Thank you. But now, I need to sit here and continue my work. — You are so rude with a sweet lady! So, you win! I will not move!
Henry get distraught. That’s right, it was cold response. Fault to the fact that he works so much that he doesn’t take the time for friendship or even talk with others. He pick up a keyframes lying down on the floor and arrange his messy desk. The woman still not move, as she tolds. Embarrassed, Henry scratches his neck and respond:
— Yeah. It was rude. You will forgive me if I offer you a coffee? —  I drink tea with honey in and two lump of milk. Coffee is for rude man as you, mister.”
She crosses her arms on his chest and close his eyes. Henry understand this little game of her and go buy what she wants.
When he comes back with the tea, he sees Joey, talking to a tall guy, with a rude face. He hold a paper in his hands. The cartoonist see only the word “Money”. When Joey see him with the cup of tea in hands, he gives him a grin smile.
“I see you finally see Mrs. Weddersburg. So? Isn’t a beautiful lady? —  Oh, please, keep your eyes right off of my personal life. she's keeping my office hostage for this tea. It’s only this. — It’s not only this, Henry. I know you. We are brothers. — Not when we work, Mr. Drew.”
Henry leave and give the tea to the woman. She thanks him and say:
“I think you should put this keyframe after this one. And clean up a little your desk. See! A real mess! How you do for not lost yourelf? — It’s an organized mess. — So, Mr. Drew is your brother?
Henry raises an eyebrow, surprised of the question.
— Yes. But... We was always not really close. I consider him as a friend more than my brother. —  You are the less loved child of the both. Because is the younger one and his limping leg. That’s why you are independant, calm and rude with others.
A embarrassed silence echoing between them. Also, the lady stand up and smile.
—  Sorry for that. I... —  No, its okay, don’t worry. —  Maybe we can talk about this in my home, this evening? —  Uh... Wha... I mean, yes. Seems a good idea. —  I will buy coffee for this rude man who hide a sweet heart. —  My name is Henry. —  Yeah, of course, mister “I have an organized mess”.
The both laugh. Before leaving, the lady says:
—  My name is Linda Weddersburg. I will come after your work for go home.”
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One year later, Henry and Linda share their life together. Henry and Joey arguing more last time. The cartoonist feel tired of work, but Joey promise him that will becoming better in next week.
And the next week, while Henry working on a new cartoon, with a new character named Boris, a friendly wolf who love eating, he feel a little dizzy. So, he leaves his desk a little for walking around the studio. He falls on something, in the corridor where the desk of Linda is. A big pipe cross the floor. A sign advertise “watch your step” but it’s too late. Linda come out of his desk and help Henry to stand up, ask him if he’s okay. When the both follow the pipe, they found a new room, with Joey and this same tall man that the last time. Joey notice Henry and Linda and show the imposing machine in the middle of the room.
“ I present you the Ink Machine! With this thing, we can create more easier the cartoons! —  Thanks for that. It was nice if I didn’t fall on this pipe in the middle of the corridor. —  Are you ok? —  It’s late for the question but yeah, thanks for worry about my bones. So this thing can do my work? A machine? —  It’s more complicated. Just keep drawing. I will come later for show you how it’s work.”
The evening, the machine is started. Henry’s heart miss a beat and fall of his chair when he hears the machine start. He mutters to himself, a little frustrated because his ink fall on the floor, and ruined his keyframes. When he recovers and try to clean his work, the ink on his hands suddlendly moving by itself. Surprised, Henry scream, and go back from his desk. The ink cover his skin on his hands and soon his arms. When he look for someone can help him, his eyes cross something more horryfing. A creature, melted in the ink, stand beside the desk. Henry freezes, feel scary. His eyes are rolling back and he hears his own body fall on the floor. When Henry wake up, he sees the walls of his bedroom. He’s lying down on his bed. Linda is sit beside him. She look him with big eyes.
“Oh! You come back in the world of the living! How you feel? —  My head hurt like hell. What’s happened? —  When we found you, your desk was covered of ink, and you too. You had screamed, seems like you had see a ghost. —  It was not a ghost. It was... uh... An inky thing. —  Yeah, your eyes was covered by ink. How have you done this? It was like you take a bath in ink pool! —  Bendy. —  What are you saying? —  It was Bendy. It’s... It’s standing in front of me... The... the ink moving by... —  Shht, it’s okay. It’s okay. Calm down. You’re safe now. It was just overworking. You need sleep. I keep an eye on you, okey?”
When Henry goes back to sleep, Linda look him, worried. It’s more than overworking. It’s seems that his mind slowly break.
A week later, Henry finally come back to his work. He’s more quiet than usual and he losts his smile. His eyes are dull. Linda talk about it with Joey but the man seems doesn’t realize the mental state of his own brother, more worried for the future of the studio. Henry hears Linda arguing with Joey, saying: “You have no future if you kill your only one cartoonist!“ And Joey response scare Henry. His response echoing in his mind: “So, if I risk to kill him, I keep him alive myself!” Keep him alive? What’s that’s mean? Henry notice that he lost a reference drawing. The one for Bendy. He search in all his papers, and look on the floor. There is nothing. When he’s recovering, he sees a black four-fingered hand on the surface of his desk. This time, the cartoonist cover his mouth and nose. Maybe this ink creature can feel him only if it hear him. Suddendly, the creature grab Henry by the neck. He tries to scream for help, but the inky thing force on his neck. With his right hand, he cover the face of Henry. The man cry, despite him. He wants call for help, but no sound come out of his mouth. He chokes because of the ink dripping in his mouth and cough violently. The move save him, the creature lets him fall on the floor.
Henry stay lying down on the floor, he throws up some ink. He feels like his heart will explode, and try to calm down. But he fails. If it’s a hallucination causing by overworking, that’s mean he need to stop the job. He hears Linda run at him and cries: “Oh my god! Henry!” Linda shake him but he can’t move. He feels something wet fall on his face. Linda take his hand. “Henry! Please! Stay with me!” Henry found a little strenght for move his finger, but it’s the only thing that he can does.
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In an far echo, Henry hear Joey’s voice, arguing with someone else.
“It was an accident! I don’t even know what’s happened!”
And there is Wally’s voice.
“The pipe burst often...”
After a moment, Henry try to open his eyes. He hears Joey again.
“It was really an accident, Wally. I found the room open, this grinning thing wandering around. I can’t understand why it’s attacked Henry!”
Linda’s voice intterupt Joey and Wally.
“Because this thing wanted his soul. If it wanted kill him, Henry would be dead.”
And an unknow voice.
“About death, what will you tell to others? You will fake his death and replace it?”
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28 years later, in a little city, Henry come out for take the letters from the mailbox. He lives with Linda and has a beautiful child. He leaves finally Joey Drew with his studio, and found another job, far away from animation. His wife has a new job too, and the child go to the school. She sees sometime his uncle Joey, when he’s home or come here. Back to the living room, Henry sit on the sofa and take his cup of tea, prepared by his wife, and read the newspaper.
“See, honney? Local artist pushed himself too hard, found dead at desk. Heh! It’s my face! —  Joey could has doing better. It’s not your best profile. —  And black clothes doesn’t look good on me. It’s make me rude. —  Talking about the old things, give me your arm. It’s time to take your medicine. — Great. — Don’t give me that face, sweetheart. It’s for your good sake. It keeps you human.
Henry sight. He’ cleenching his teeth when the needle go throught his skin. When it’s done, Henry rub his arm and says:
— You mean it’s keep me alive. With this body stuck between an ink thing and a human. —  It’s okey, sweetheart. You have the same face that before. Your body is stable with this thing, even if it’s not pleasant. —  Thanks Joey, you have ruined my young life. That’s why I don’t want let our child alone with him. Joey is a specialist for take others’s life for his “empire”. —  It’s your turn to go wake her up, by the way.”
Henry kisses his wife softly and go in the child’s bedroom. Since the “accident” where Henry drown in ink, he’s not a normal human anymore. So, with the help of some others worker of the studio, they found a medicine for keep him human, the more as possible. Of course, because his ink part, he can does strange thing with his body, like the physics of the cartoons that he’s drew before. Linda comfort him by saying some joke, like is usefull for take too higher or far stuff that’s she needs for cooking. Or for keep an eye on their child when she sleeping, without disturb her. Also, he dreams almost all night the same thing, about him alone in the studio, wandering for get out and encounter ink monsters. Alison Pendle send them a letter for say that its normal, she get the same dreams where she meet Henry and try to explain that all of this never exist, just tought. Henry is right, his life was ruined and now, even if he lives, it’s changed. He can’t come back to the old town, because the newspaper announce his death. Linda sigh  and see a letter from Joey Drew. She take the envelope and says: “You even cheat the death itself, Joey.”
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franeridart · 7 years
Well, only the first episode for now but yeah!!! I can’t wait for my favs to show up aaahhhhhh!!!!!! 
Anon said:Omg, Kirishima, please teach me how to put on eyeliner, your eyeliner game is on point! (Seriously, tho, I love how you draw their eyes and how you draw Kiri in general. He seems so soft. Damn, Bakugou, I'm jealous that you can cuddle him)
THANK YOU!!!! And Kiri has really really pretty lashes in the manga too, doesn’t he? Bakugou too! They have seriously pretty eyes I spend a lot of time trying to get that right when drawing haha still not as good at Horikoshi tho after all, but what can we do~
Anon said:Every time I get a notification you posted something I get extremely happy! That's what your drawings did to me. How can one be so talented.
SOB thank you so much!! You being happy makes me happy so it’s happiness all around!!! What a good!!!
Anon said:Heey!! So I've been wondering... if Aizawa used his quirk on Hagakure would she become visible?? (Btw love your art)
Oh my what a question, I was actually talking about this not too long ago with a friend! And the conclusion ended up being that if her invisibility is a permanent mutation he can’t, but if she can turn it off at will then probably he can too! Right now we still don’t know how exactly Tooru’s quirk tho, so we can’t be sure which is the truth! (I like to think she can turn visible if she wants, but that’s just an headcanon with very little basis haha)
Anon said:Your erasermic art has blessed me 4ever thank u
NAH thank you for liking it and letting me know, man!!!
Anon said:I DIDNT KNOW YOU SHIP ERASERMIC OH MY GOD but seriously you're one of my favourite artists and the fact you like pretty much all the same things as I do is so amazing to me and it makes me so happy because I know that you may draw more of it in the future and I'll get to see more beautiful art if that makes sense lmao thanks for creating stuff 👌👌
Hahahaha yeah it’s one of my top ships in the fandom! Also the only one I read fics for aside from krbk I love them A LOT (and it’s all thanks to my sister who directed my attention towards them a long time ago now, thank you sis) so yeah I’ll definitely draw more of them in the future!!!! And thank you so much for liking my stuff!!!!!
Anon said:Hi! I just want to say I love your headcanon of Aizawa becoming a mentor/role model to Bakugou! Thank you for introducing me to that idea!
YOU’RE MOST WELCOME I’m just a huge huge huge fan of the Aizawa&Bakugou interactions and how much Aizawa cares for him and how much Bakugou respects and trusts him in return, so!!! I’m mostly just pushing on that canon stuff hahaha
Anon said:i came to love erasermic thru kiribaku tbh. like i saw erasermic fic in the kiribaku tag on ao3 and i read it for the bg kiribaku (kirishima was such a good boi in that fic ngl) and i was like hey erasermic isnt bad. then i saw your art of them comparing them and i was like hey this is good shit 😁👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 keep it up pal
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll t r y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
Anon said:Do you think Kyoka and Katsuki could get along? Over their like for punkrock maybe, and their gayness. Kinda like Todoroki and Momo's talks about their tiny crushes.
WHY YES ANON I think they could be the bestest of pals, I’ve actually drawn them together now and again cause I like the idea of them being friends so much - a list of some of the things Bakugou and Jirou do together:
make fun of Kaminari (Kaminari feels attacked and liked it better when Jirou was convinced she didn’t like Bakugou)
share music recs and go to concerts together (when it’s big ones they particularly care for they stand in line The Whole Day and at first it used to be sorta awkward but now being together makes the hours fly)
mutter sass and snark under their breaths to themselves in class and without meaning make the other snort or have to hide an actual laugh (they sit next to each other in class did you know that that’s my fav thing tbh)
say “god, I’m so fucking gay” and answer “mood” whenever Kirishima and Momo, like, exist or do anything equally outrageous
sit next to each other with their phones in hand in silence and at the same time look up with an intense/bored/obviously-judging-sero-come-on-look-at-them expression whenever anyone walks past them (they’re actually playing bullshit app games)
play bullshit app games in co-op or having each other as friends to earn more rewards cause they have a No-Judging policy going on between them that makes sharing this sort of otherwise embarrassing stuff with each other okay
Anon said:Hi!!! I love your art and I just wanted to ask....what band were you referring to when you said Mic named him after the band "eraserhead"? Could you possibly be talking about the filipino band "Eraserheads"?
Yeah!!!!! Tho I’m sorry to let you down anon, but I haven’t actually ever heard much from them (justttt one song two days ago cause I got curious) - I found out about them while looking up the movie!
Anon said:I love how you draw mic with his hair in a bun. It's super cute
THANK YOU!!!! But I can’t really take the merit for that, since that’s how he actually wears his hair (more or less) when he doesn’t gel it up for his hero costume!
Anon said:What is your favorite kiribaku au? :D
Oh boy, I sort of love everything and anything I’ve ever seen/read tbh, I’m a HUGE AU lover!! At the moment to anything with the fantasy AU (and dragon!Kiri is always a super welcome plus) is gonna make me go :O !!!!!!!! hahaha so maybe that, who knows! It’s for sure the one I think about the most!
Anon said:Hellooooo i love your art so much? Especially the bakushimas oh my god (also do you plan on drawing more soul eater *coughs*-deathstar-*coughs* in the future?) Have a good day!!
THANK YOU! And I dunno, maybe! If inspiration strikes, why not!
Anon said:hey guess what i just did... went through your ENTIRE art tag (all the way back to the knb and one piece), i found it really cool to see how your art has developed and see what your fav ship is at a certain time (and how you always come back to bokuroo)
Ah man thank you for spending all that time on my blog hahaha I wouldn’t say I always go back to bokuro though? It’s more like... whenever the manga brings the bokuros back I’m ready to start hyping all over them again hahaha my bokuro periods always happened while they were doing things in the manga, after all~
Anon said:u said u couldnt draw iida, lie of the century. i lvoe u
AHHHHH I’m glad you liked him!!!! I spent lotsa time on him in the past month or so trying to get a grasp on him, so I’m really seriously happy it seems to have paid off!! to quote Todoroki
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Anon said:where’s ur faq i’m on mobile
SORRY maybe you already noticed but I added the link in the description! 
Anon said:have you ever thought about if eri-chan can... erase her own quirk?? and would how they might handle it
Actually that’s the first thing I thought when Mirio got his own erased... well, it still depends on what exactly Eri’s quirk does? We sorta assumed she had the same quirk as Chisaki, but they aren’t actually related so who knows? I sure hope she can fix the damage done on Mirio, tho!
Anon said:Usjeiwiwj oh man, i love cats, my cat relates to urs big time ajsjehej
Cats are such a mess and I love them with all of my heart to be honest hahaha
Anon said:Do u have any, idk idea about traitor!Kaminari? I just imagine how would others react? I think it's hella sad, and still Denki never wanted this, something just go wrong in his life and it's breakin my heart... ARGH, sorry for interrupt you with something like that...
It’s okay, don’t worry about that haha but I can’t say I find the theory possible in the least, so I haven’t really spent time thinking about it at all? I mean, I can imagine it would be full of angst and regrets and a lot of tears and anger mostly from his close friends, but since I just can’t believe this theory I can’t say I have anything specific I can give you on this orz sorry!
Anon said:Who's get jealous and possessive between bakugou and kirishima?
Actually I dunno man, are they possessive and jealous? I feel like they both would like it when the other told them stuff like “I’m yours” or “you’re mine”, but being there complete and utter trust between them they wouldn’t actually be jealous or act in a possessive way... does that make sense? At most I think they’d be insecure in the beginning of their relationship, but once they managed to make it clear that yes, you’re the one I want, no one else, just you then they would have little to no problems in that sense haha
Anon said:So many people seem to misunderstand bakugou and I just really like how you portray him. Good characterization and good art! 💖✨
SOB THANK YOU !!!!! this means the universe to me oh g o d s!!!!
Anon said:Wait!! This isn't your main blog? Omg how did I not know this. What is your main blog (if you're willing to let people from this blog follow it haha)?
AHHHH yeah I have a main one this one is just for my doods!!! the main is @franeridan, if you wanna follow it! I’m mostly just crying over bakugou and kirishima and complaining a whole damn lot about... everything, tho hahaha
Anon said:I'm not the anon but u know the concept that kiri n Baku would meet when they were younger and when Baku was more... violent? (i know that's not the right word, I'm not a native speaker sorry!) Like I think kiri could actually make Baku less of a bully? Considering how much positive impact he had on his personality AFTER it already developed (like idk if this ask makes sense? What do u think?) ◇ (btw putting smth like ◇ was a genious idea ty, idk if u remember that ask tho?)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!!! Actually I’ve been thinking about this A LOT in the past couple of days and my conclusion ended up being that the key would be either for Kirishima to know Bakugou since they were really young OR for him to not attend Bakugou’s same middle school? Like, if they developed their personalities together, having someone like Kirishima around since they were kids could have made Bakugou develop differently, but if we go with the “they met in middle school” scenario then I think Kirishima would have had the same sort of...soothing? Effect on Bakugou only if Bakugou didn’t see him as a threat to his dream of being the only kid from that middle school to enter UA. Well, a scenario in which they had known each other since they were small young babies and Bakugou reached middle school going “the only one from this middle school to enter UA is gonna be me and Eijirou”, that would have been hella cute wouldn’t it hahaha growing up with a notion of us instead of just me would have changed Bakugou a lot, I’m pretty sure :D
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tcottagecheese · 7 years
So, I have this The Big Bang Theory AU
So I have this sorta AU of the big bang theory that start sooo early in the show, and it’s one that I live in a sad relationship with because the big bang theory was the one show I was heartbroken to hate.
So, basically, we meet the boys and Penny, and she IS this blond, Nebraskan naïve kid who’s just really into the United States’ dream of fame and fortune so she’s in Cali, and we happily go those three or four episodes where the blond dumb tropes where… eh, okay, and all the boys where just behind he creepy line in their adorkable type that you half cringed but they seemed more like Peter Pan’s lost boys and less future sexual harassment suits; so, we’re just a that point, then, STOP:
Because in my half-made expectations before the show actually got along, Penny, who has been spending most dinner nights with the boys save the occasional ‘girls night out trope’, has some ‘unnamed person over’ in the boys apartment, and they can be really impressed or snide about some unfinished equation on the board, and this will prompt her into explaining whatever crazy science scribble it’s on Sheldon’s board really earnestly, which of course send everyone into shock, only she brushes it off because when she was a little kid she was actually somewhat into science before it stopped being cool (as in, high school where all dreams go to die), so, she forgets about that…
EXCEPT then one day Leonard is SUPER stuck on something on the board, and she goes and just… puts those numbers that seemed to be just missing from it, and HEY YOU JUST SOLVED THIS CRAZY HUGE EQUATION HOLY SHIT
And then it turns out PENNY was a ‘WHATEVER BRANCH OF SCIENCE SHELDON AND LEONARD ARE’ genius all along, but she never allowed herself to be too much into it the mere basis behind it (math and physics) because growing up she had too much energy to just allow herself those hours listening to sciency diatribes to put into written all that stuff she always kinda got in a faraway sense, but now she’s older and can actually focus beyond bull-riding, she realizes that faraway thing is SCIENCE and IS HER THANG
ONLY excuse you, she has a dream, and it’s to be an actress, so she resists the call of math, and stubbornly continues auditioning and selling herself as THE BLONDE TROPE because she’s a sensitive artistic soul who will NOT be shackled by the rigor of scholastic paths
ONLY turns out that Caltech place pays really well, and she does like shoe shopping, so she allows them to lure her once in a while to the evilness of UNIVERSITY where she feels really awkward because as the show shows, CalTech seems like a really cut-throat place, and also she’s not into writing out long essays explaining her math thingy, no please. SO she continually escapes the clutches of Gabblehouser (? his name T.T)
WHICH BRINGS US BACK TO THE BOYS! who are super confused by this sudden turn of event (A WOMAN who is ATTRACTIVE and SMART and also their PLATONIC FRIEND *gasp!) and at first don’t really know how to interact with Penny, who as far as she is concerned still acts her same hot dumb blonde role, only better paid, cuz it’s not like her actual intellect changed, she just started using that part of it she disconnected from a whiiiiile ago, (so no, she won't suddenly turn into an overnight nerd more than she had always been, nor does she abandon her cute outfits and vanities and actual lazy personality)
And part of the show would be about the boys showing her the cool fun parts of SCIENCE without dumbing it down for her in that really insulting way they do it on the actual show
Part of it is also Sheldon going bananas because the faculty asked him to make Penny’s BRILLIANT UNADULTERED GENIOUS into hard, fast, college essay worthiness, and no, Penny, Chicago is not the right way for citations and STOP PUTTING CUTE SQUIGGLES IN THE PAGE FRAME WOMAN! CUTE SCIENCE IS NOT SCIENCE And also let’s stop looking at my equations I can do it myself, and poor Sheldon ends up having to translate pop cultured sass into gentile math for the sciency peeps, (P & S do always influence each other, after all) so we focus on their cute, quirky BFFsness (and maybe eventual romance, cuz I shipped them until HARD CHAUVANIST SHELDON EMERGED later in the show) and they have the time of their lives bickering over how Penny’s equations are too short and dry and to the point while Sheldon’s are whimsical and romantic and too drawn out.
And the other beautiful part of it it’s the boys are still having their go at love, except HERE they actually realize the kind of woman they want to date is LITERALLY RIGHT THERE to give them real life advice beyond ‘pick up lines/ew nerds are creepy’ and explains the things women actually want, like being respected for their intellect in whatever shape may come, as well as whatever employment they have –whether there rocket scientist or dog walkers or waitresses, as long as they work hard and honestly for a living no work should be made fun of-
AND because this is an AU, Penny actually, continually whoops their asses Nebraska style for being sexist little shits and thinking they can get away with it with their little underdog bullshit and off course it’s not something that happens like magic, it takes a series of dramatic, emotional, occasionally chaotic events that allows the boys to finally understand that they’ve been materialistic jocks all along, (really, just give them serious muscles and a backwards hat and they all become that really frightening coworker/schoolmate/ad infinitum that acts in that super unsettling way that they think it’s sexy-funny but it’s actually very threatening) 
SO: they find themselves on all too new path in their search for a partner: one in which they start to view women beyond the tropes and the ideals, and realize there’s some seriously cool chicks who are actually always that much more deep than they initially realized and perhaps they don’t find THE RIGHT ONE, but somehow they start gaining an increasing number of awesome, diverse women friends, and sometimes some of them grow to be more than that!
And of course, this is a COMEDY so, instead of the creepy ‘revenge of the nerds’ shenanigans that always leave u feeling that bit uncomfortable (using toy trucks with cameras to see under a person’s skirt in real life is SO WRONG so I don’t understand why it was okay on TV on a space where the guys were supposed to be her friends, in the very building where she lives and also that teddy bear with the camera that’s super illegal?) Penny and all the boys’ new woman friends teach them the WAYS OF LOVE into girls hearts, the REAL ONES like actively listening (not dude-listening where they nod and you can see them thinking ‘women talk’) and engaging in non-judgmental debate rather than lying about agreeing with whatever they think they want to keep them agreeable, and talking WITH them about the boys interests rather than AT THEM because seriously, there are many fun ways to join all the sci-fi, fantasy, etc fandoms with aspects of EVERYDAYS LIFE you just have to take an interest in what the other person likes and TRY to find a way to make the convo fun for both, which the boys by their very own plot are not very good about but the point of social awkwardness is that it can be helped by practicing in safe environments with people you trust,
but again, because it’s a COMEDY they’ll try too hard (like they’ll try to explain how PRO-feminism they are, except they’ll be so earnest and filled with facts about it that they’ll dominate the entire conversation and at the end of their date they’ll be like OHSHIT I DID THAT MALE THING) , or just plain be stuck in WTF-With-This-Century-Land (like a girl who aggressively insists on paying her own food but then gets super offended when they don’t open the door for them and the boys are like: I JUST WANT TO RESPECT YOU! And men who insist on fighting for WHITE MAN RIGHTS-hellyeah! and they want to jump in and argue that except Rajesh is the only actually culturally diverse and he’s kinda meh about it so they just flutter with indignation) or a trope where they’ll be watching some movie/playing a game that they REALLY love only half way through it they start to get really uncomfortable and then they’ll realize that’s its sexist in some way or another and they be like: THIS TOO?! DAMN YOU WHITE RICH MALE SOCIETY! YOU’VE LEFT ME WITH NO SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE THINGS TO ENJOY! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WAS WRONG WITH YOU IN THE 80s-90s?!)
All meanwhile Penny is seriously tripping cuz how the fuck did they make an 80 page long, long-worded, pompous pretentious essay on that itty-bitty, classy, elegant equation she wrote for funsies last week SHELDON WHY and now she has to read through it all when she just wants to go for a fun caltech-cheque spending shoe extravaganza and kick the traumatized boys’ asses on halo ½ which they have decided are the least offensive ones in the franchise and even though Penny is very ‘meh, its fine, women are used to it’ they’re like NO WOMAN MY GUILTY CONCIENCE WON'T LET ME ENJOY THE GAME AND ALSO IT GIVES YOU AN ADVANTGE CUZ WE’RE TOO BUSY ASSURING OURSELVES WE’RE NOT PART OF DA-SYSTEM TO SHOOT BACK!
So Penny learns to integrate this part of herself she always pushed aside and learns about being a practical adult while maintaining that sweet, yet dryly idealistic side that made her Penny, and also using your full potential in all that you do and probably something about balancing all the aspects of your personality rather than grabbing the ones you think will please people the most and shoving the other aside, and my babies will learn that once they put aside prejudice and insecurity and cynism by way OF TRYING HARD AND ACEPTING YOURSELF (as in the human that you are at your core, not all those things society tries to pin on you) even when certain parts of society aren’t always ready to take you as you are, rather than conforming and using this as an excuse to justify behaviour your ‘label’ accuses you of, you keep opening yourself up and never stopping from trying, (which is hard and not always short-term rewarding) it all leads to something beyond physical attractiveness and first-meeting impressions and tropes and prejudices and all that crap, it leads to TRUE HUMAN CONNECTION OF MINDS AND SOULS ALIKE.
And that’s the actual, awesome Big Bang of HUMANITY!
So, yes, this is what I had actually pictured back in the very first episodes before it all went so, so wrong. I really thought it was gonna be one of those progressive, dry/funny shows that show the fun side of progress like The Flash or Boy Meets World
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hellomynudebrain · 4 years
Celestial Witch Part 7
The next day, the party that came from Silk were depresed. Dahlia hit really hard their pride. The princes felt defeted, but Marywhite was the most affected. -I can't believe in Dahli'as words. I have to ask father about it!- She ran through all the place trying to look for for her father, until she found the redhead woman, who kindly and calm voice took Marywhite to her old master. The ex minester was sleeping calmy in a room that had a look like an infermery to the ill or the injured ones. But his calm time come to a end when Marywhite came and irrupted on the room. -Father,father! You're alive! Oh, father! - Marywhite fell on the edge her knees wheeping on the edge of the bed.  Alec gently put his hand on the back of her daughter, but that scene was cut with the suddenly arrived from  Marywhite's companions. The boys irrupteped in the room running and with anxiety on their  eyes. James was the most curious one and he wanted to ask to his uncle about the "sins" which Dahlia mentioned before.  He walk fast to the bed where his uncles was. -Uncle, I apologize for being rude beforehand, but what did you do to make Dahlia got angry?- The lack of patience could be seen through James' eyes. His uncle was cornered, but Marywhite wasn't happy. -James, How could you ask my father something like that?!- She directed a defiant gaze to her cousin, but her father stoped her in the act. -Marywhite, it's alright, sooner or later I have to face  James and you about it, but I never thought that their highness will be here to heard it too.- Alec turned his fqace a little and directed a gaze to princes. The knight, Justin adn the mage, Rin were confused, but since they were in that mess, there wasn't really other option to heard the story from the ex prime minester. -Please all of you take a seat and listen. Princes, I hope that the opinion you have about your father won't change after hear this.- All of them took a place to get seat and looked Alec with attention. -A long time ago, before the father of the princes took the crown. A war in Silk took place. Some people want that Ceasar took the position as king because he was the one who  inheritanced the throne, but also there were powerful nobles who wanted to Benedict as king. Benedict wanted to start a war with the other eight empires and be name as emperor, in exchange, Benedict would have helped the nobles to have slave market as opendly they wanted,  but the gods didn't let him, because they send a celestial knight to help Ceasar to fight against Benedict. That celestial knight had a special characteristic; she was an arcana witch...- Alec was about to continue but he was interrupted by Duncan. -An arcana witch? What the hell is that?! - Duncas asked was legit, since his grades in the academy were near Dahlia's score, immediately Rin answered with annoyed face, since it wasn't the first time he had to hear the no sense from Duncan. -An arcana witch is a ancien legend .They were beautiful as the nature and wise as the time, and even the elders say that they were powerful as the gods. The legend says that they posses powers as great as the same nature. They lived peacefuly in their own village only habitated by women. Men were banned, and the only way to continue their linage was leaving the village at the age of 16 or 18, find an ideal partner which had to react with their witch mark on the back of their neck, copulate and leave with their daughter in the third anniversarie from birth. But that had to change. One day when one of the arcana witches found herself a job meanwhile she was about to get married with man which a countness was particularly fond, the countness full of jelousy killed  her with bare hands, and found out that woman was an arcana witch and her blood made her look younger. The word spread and that hunt of witches has been begun. All the witches ran away from the towns. The village was about to get attacked but the elders make a spell that made their village disappear. The remain witches were captured, sold and killed. Their blood was used as the philosopher's stone, with the time the arcana witches became a legend and forgoten -Duncas was perplexed with the story about the arcanas and wanted to know more which Alec was about to do. -That's right, Rin. I couldn't expect less from the genious mage from the cademy, but there's somehing you missed- Rin felt attacked, how an olda man like the one who was about to die and couldn't protect the king would know more than him. -The story miss about something very important, when the witches ran away, the elders witches  throw a curse to their own kind which said that every witched in this land dare to stay, they´ll perish at a young age. Some of them were captured and die while they were kidnaped, some others where killed while their kidnapers took their blood and some others disguise themselves and lived until their time comes, most of them lived until their 20's at most. - The princes were confused and look to each other. Julius asked from a bed next to Alec's bed. -How this old legend has to do with our misfortune?- Asked Julius with  bemused eyes. -Because his highness, that arcana was Dahlia´s mother and my wife, Viola. - Alec answered sharply and dry, most of them got what Alec tried to say. Dahlia was an arcana witch. - Sir Alec, but how is that possible?! If all the arcanas disappear from the world and you told us the others died?!-  Rin was freeze with the declaration Alec made and abruptly throw the question half mad. -Sir Rin, let me finish the story and you can ask at the end. And to reply your question, the only way to long your life spam is driking aracana's blood or be a celestial knight - Alec answered back to Rin really upset for his way to speak to his elders, he might not be a noble anymore, but he still had his pride. - So, when the gods sent us Viola, at that time the crown prince Caesar, fell in love with her at first sight as well, Viola. They spend time together, most of us think they were good friends, but we were wrong, because even Caesar asked her to marry him. Finally, when the small war ended and Benedict was throw away from the empire. The crown princes had to marry, and for political reasons he had to do it with the princes' mother, Eco. Viola was disillusioned,   because she wanted to have a daughter and be free from her resposabilities as a celestial and the only way was to marry with a noble, but Viola didn't knew she was in love with a cunning man. Eco's family wouldn't have allowed to Caesar to take Viola as a concubine, but he couldn't afford to lose Viola as an arcana, because she will be of used. So he made her to marry with someone from Silk and with the promise he would visit her with frecuence.  But before that, he could research how to have 2 arcana wiches instead of one. The chosen men that the arcanas picked had the particularity of being the progeny from magical creatures, that way the mark on their neck would react, so Caesar took to every noble from Silk to gather in the palace and stood up in front of Viola. None of them had magical blood. Until he ha made me do it.  At that time I was engaged with Marywhite's mother and I wasn't chose by Caesar to be part of the selection, but lose Viola wasn't an option. I stood up in front of her and the mark on the back of her neck illuminated. I had to broke my engaged with the woman I love and marry Viola. She lost all the benefits of being a celestial, but her arcana blood was intacted. However, Caesar never visited her and not even sent her a letter. She was deppresed and stoped eating at the seven month  of her pregnasy. The help did what they could to fed her until she had to give birth to Dahlia. Viola died on the delivery. I was afraid of my own daughter, I saw Viola's power with my own eyes and immediately when she was borned, I sent her to the state on the border, nevertheless, Caesar made the engaged with prince Julius since Dahlia's birth, even if he knew about how much I was afraid of her. I don't know how she become like that, I was too afraid- Alec ended his stoy, but only made them more bitter about their own situation and made the room be quiet for a few minutes. At some point, the princes crussed gazes and thought the same, the only way to go back to Silk and how was through Dahlia.
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looking-for-todd · 7 years
Sorry - Dick Grayson x Reader (+Batboys/Bruce)
Anon asked: “Could you do one where the reader is Dick’s s/o but all the other batboys don’t like her cuz she takes up Dick’s time and the s/o tries really hard to get them to like her but they don’t realize and when the do realize they feel really bad for being mean to her”
 A/N: Finally posted something! It’s been months since I posted an imagine! I’m really sorry for taking so long :\ Hope you like it, though!
 Words: 2046
              “Can’t, sorry.” Dick said as he grabbed his jacket and left the manor. The three other boys looked at the now closed door in silence. It was the 6th time that week that Dick refused to be with his brothers, something that would almost never happen 2 months ago, but since he started dating Y/N, he just didn’t have time for them anymore. He even missed patrol 2 times. That would NEVER happen. Of course Bruce was not happy about that, he lectured the boy for 20 minutes but guess what? Dick didn’t care. He simply said it was important.
              “What could possibly be more important than patrol?!”
              “Y/N” Damian said between coughs and was immediately elbowed by Tim “What? Like we haven’t all noticed yet.”
               Nobody said a thing. It was true and they had mentioned it many times but he seemed to ignore it.
               Not that you were manipulative or a bad person. You were a really sweet girl and it was your boyfriend’s idea to spend so much time with you (not that it was a problem). You had no clue he was Nightwing so you asked him to stay over one of the nights and the other you just fell asleep. It wasn’t your fault him and his brothers were drifting apart. Well, at least you didn’t mean it.
               Months passed and your relationship couldn’t be better. You spent a lot of time together and he decided it was time for you to meet his family. You were really nervous but excited at the same time. Little did you know what was about to happen.
               “Hey” Dick  stopped at the top of the staircase “Don’t be.. scared when you see them.”
               “Scared?” you laughed “Why would I be scared? I’ve seen pictures of them before, remember?”
               “It’s not that” he scratched the back of his neck “My family can be a bit.. crazy.”
               “My family is not very calm either. Don’t worry, unless they are all professional serial killers that keep guns and knifes under their pillows, I’ll be fine.” You joked squeezing his hand.
               “Ah, right.” He laughed nervously swearing mentally to himself. He knocked on the door and an old man opened it.
“Master Richard” he greeted and then looked at you “Miss (Y/N)” he smiled “Welcome to the manor.” He stepped back from the door as a sign for you to enter. The place was bigger than what you were expecting.
“This place is huge!” you whispered excited to Dick.
“Just wait until you see the ca-“ he stopped himself realising you still didn’t know his secret.
“The what?” you furrowed your brows confused. “Were you going to say “the cave”?”
“Wha-Cave?” he laughed nervously “Nah, we don’t have a cave. I-I was talking about the.. cat.”
“Cat?” you arched an eyebrow.
“Yes, little Dudley. He’s this big..fat, hairy cat. He likes to hide from people, tough.”
“You never told me there was a cat.”
“There’s a lot you still don’t know about me, hun.” He sighed guiding you to the living room where his dad and brothers were waiting.
“Ah, Richard.” a tall well dressed man got up as soon as he saw you entering the room. “You must be (Y/N)” he greeted sending you a charming smile that almost made you blush. “I’m very pleased to finally meet you.”
“I am too.” You smiled gently.
He was looking at you as if he was waiting for something to happen. The room fell into an awkward silence and he looked over his shoulder seeing the other 3 boys still sitting on the couch. Bruce coughed and the older boy got up walking in your direction.
“Pardon me. My name’s Jason, nice to meet you.” He said without smiling but not necessarily in a rude way. He was also good looking but his blue eyes didn’t look as friendly as Bruce’s.
The room was silent once more. This time it was Dick who reacted.
“Tim, Damian.” He called coldly sending them reproving looks. One of them sighed and got up doing the same thing his brother did but the other one stayed where he was, mumbling something under his breath.
“I’m Tim.”
Jason walked to Damian and whispered “You little brat, get up and greet her, now.”
“Make me.” Damian challenged the older boy. He knew he wouldn’t try to hurt him in front of guests.
Jason narrowed his eyes and without thinking twice he grabbed his brother’s shirt by it’s collar and pratically dragged him to you.  Seeing no movement from him, you decided to speak first.
“You must be Damian” you smiled holding your hand out to him. Seconds passed and he still didn’t react so you placed your hand next to your body. You were a bit embarassed but you were not giving up easily. “Hm.. My name’s (Y/N) and-“
“I know who you are.” He interrupted you. You looked up to meet Dick’s eyes, unsure of what to answer. He  slapped his brother on the back of his head making him protest. Damian sent you an annoyed look and finally said.
“Damian.” He reached out his hand to you and you smiled greeting him.
“Nice to finally meet you, Damian.”
“Don’t make me hurt you.” Dick mumbled under his breath.
Damian rolled his eyes and said “Nice to meet you.” In a very forced way, but it was enough to you.
“and the rest is history.” Dick finished telling everyone the story of how you two met.
“How lovely.” Tim whispered uninterested in the conversation.
You forrowed your brows a bit confused and sad. They were acting so weird, so.. rude. Maybe it was just because you were a stranger next to them, or because they were having a bad day. You decided you would try your best to get them to like you by the end of the night.
“So, Tim” you called trying to interact with him but the look he sent you made you regret calling him. “I heard you like technology.” His eyes seemed to soften a little bit. “Dick told me you’re the genious of the family.” You tried complimenting him but he didn’t even smile a little.
“Oh, he did.” You nodded “Interesting thing he speaks about us.”
“What do you mean?” you ask confused.
“Oh nothing. I just thought he didn’t have time to talk about us, that’s all.” Tim teased looking at the boy standing next to you.
You pursed your lips and focused on the food on your plate.
“Tim.” Bruce said harshly. “Enough.”
“Yeah Tim, don’t be rude.” Jason took a sip of his water looking at you. “Excuse my.. brother’s manners. He’s not used to interacting with people.” He placed his hand next to his mouth as if he was telling a secret.
“Shut up, Todd.” Tim retorted.
The rest of the dinner was quite quiet and there was a lot of tension between all of you. Every time you tried to speak with one of the boys, it always ended with some kind of dry and short answer. Jason seemed the nicest of them all but he still didn’t talk much. You tried to talk with Damian once and that was enough, he clearly wasn’t interested on anything that you were saying, so you just gave up. Bruce and Dick were the only ones that were trying to keep a nice conversation with you.
“(Y/N), how’s college going?” Bruce asked.
“It’s very stressful.  I can’t remember the last time I had a proper night of sleep” you laughed slightly.
“Maybe if Richard stayed with us on certain nights you would be able to sleep.” Damian spoke calmly and in a low voice tone but as there wasn’t much noise, everyone could hear him.
“Excuse me?” you tilted your head to the side.
“You heard me. It’s all just a waste of time.” He shrugged.
“Damian.” Bruce sent him a piercing glare. “Apologise now.”
“I-It’s okay.” You flased a weak smile. You excused yourself out of the table and walked towards the bathroom where you looked in the mirror while trying not to cry.
“(Y/N)..” a sweet familiar voice called for you as two strong arms wrapped around your waist.
“What’s wrong with me?” you looked at your boyfriend’s reflection in the mirror.
“Nothing’s wrong with you, babe.” He placed his head on your shoulder. “They’re being dicks-“ he stopped himself laughing at his own words. “You are amazing. They are being really rude and I’m not liking It.”
“Neither am I. I’m trying to be nice but maybe I’m not being nice enough? I could-“
“Stop it right there.” He turned you around so that you could be facing him. “You are the most wonderful person I know.” He cupped your cheeks looking into your eyes. “You’re being too nice to them already, they don’t deserve it.” He whipped a few tears that had escaped your eyes “And they also don’t deserve your tears. I love you, okay? That’s what matters.” He placed a sweet kiss on your lips and that was highlight of the night so far.
“But what’s wrong then. Are they having a bad day? Are they always like this around strangers?”
“I don’t know what’s going on, to be honest. But I will find out.” Dick got out of the bathroom walking back to the dinning table.
“Listen here you bastards: What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Dick tried not to scream so that you wouldn’t have to hear it. “Why are you being such jerks to (Y/N)? She has done nothing wrong!”
You got out of the bathroom and made your way back to the table when you heard Dick reprimanding the others. You stayed outside the room, listening to the conversation.
“Nothing wrong?” Tim asked incredulously “She keeps taking your time, Dick! Important time. We need you on patrols! I had to do your shift twice! I have better things to do and they don’t involve wasting time with some girl!”
“SHUT your little mouth, Drake. I’m warning you.” Dick pointed a finger at Tim “(Y/N) is not “some girl”. She is my girlfriend whether you like it or not, so please, be respectful.”
Tim didn’t answer sitting back on his chair.
“She was crying right now in the bathroom because of you.” His finger pointed to the three boys. “Because she’s an amazing girl and she’s trying her best to be nice to you even if you keep on being rude. I regret bringing her home to meet you because you didn’t deserve to meet her. I really was hoping for this night to be a good one, but I guess a bike doesn’t work if only one of the wheels is spinning.” Dick sent one last look at the remaining people in the room before leaving. He left the room and you hugged him tighly as soon as you saw him and whispered a soft “Thank you.”
You had just entered Dick’s car when you saw three sillhouettes running in your direction.
“What now?” Dick sighed holding the steering wheel tightly.
You heard them calling your name so you got out of the car hesitantly. They stopped in front of you trying to catch their breaths.
“(Y/N)” Jason started “We’re really, really sorry for being rude to you. We didn’t mean to hurt you. It was childish of us.”
“Yeah, we are truly sorry. We were just jealous Dick was starting to spend so much time with you. I guess we were used to always having him around.”
“You seem to be a nice girl and we weren’t nice to you at all. We’re really sorry, (Y/N).”
You were really surprised but a wide smile still appeared on your face. You spread your arms so that you could hug them. “Thank you, guys. I’m also sorry for taking your brother’s time. I didn’t mean it.” You apologised. “Ah, forget it.” Tim shrugged. “I do understand why he did it, though.” You blushed at his words.
“So, we’re friends now?” you asked happily and they all nodded making you smile even more. The goal you had set in the beginning of the night had been achieved and you couldn’t be happier.
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windbiter · 6 years
mothman ep thoughts&prayers
first of all, the windbiter sounds are awesome. I’m not really focusing on the others, cause they have been talked about so much in this fandom already
when Ryan says Wingatron and how it’s a bad name, Shane looks actually so delighted. They do cut after that, but I bet Shane was like holy shit, that’s a way cooler name.
why does the mothman statue have butterfly wings if they’re supposed to be like batman’s??? Ryan you lied to us
holy shit guys, mothman has chesthair........
beautiful amber/ pure terror eyes
SHANE’S SCARF looks so niceeeeee
that sixpack mothman has looks just like there was 6 hotdogs carved into his skin. wait why is mothman a he?? maybe they’re nb species
the way the boys pointed out that ass. not straight. definitely not
shaniacs should all change their name into mothmaniacs
Shane said “thank you” to Ryan when he opened the door for him. just pointing it out, yknow
feels weird/ feels right is pretty much how their relationship would work tbh
BUT THEN Ryan tries to open another door for Shane but Shane just full on goes from the other passageway :D what’s on ur mind boi. he didn’t even hold the door for Ryan :D
I like how they both immediately said that the people couldn’t have made this up for the tourism, but Shane doesn’t trust Ryan’s bullshit sniff test
Ryan just str8 up acting like the mothman. what the hell were these guys on when they made this ep
that pizza looks so damn good tho I’m salivating
Shane not breaking eye contact when wiping his mouth. that’s not a straight
hahaha the pizza place owner trying to push back as much as possible, but still trying to sell the story, I mean.... go full on or go home. Especially in this town.
*church bells ring* “it’s time” - I wonder what this town’s religious people think of mothman. is he a creature of god?
the mutated birds theory is quite cool, but birds don’t act like that around humans.... this must be a full cryptoid
yeah... we don’t want you to get shot. but shane can get shot bc at least he would not die in that horrible yellow vest
are you a beer guy, a wine guy, or a field mice guy?
this... 1966′s youth was... pretty damn hardcore. double date at the TNT, cracking open a few field mice with the mothman. nbd
... some grass ...
the mothman mating calls are just. straight up the worst/ best thing they have done this far. it’s just like the hotdaga. you either hate it til you die or you laugh until you’re crying
Shane’s hair looks like he has put lots of stuff in it this time. what happened lol?
Ryan’s facial expressions are gold. enough gold for a worth it episode’s highest price place
how come they don’t die laughing over their own dumb sounds
how do you even file a report about seeing the mothman? like what, do you accuse scientists or ??? just say that there’s something dangerous out there??? I want to see this report
watch yourself! you watch yourself! you watch yourself! these.... kids
I love that little smile Shane has when Ryan says “he only moves when he wants to”. such a sweet inside joke feeling
and lmaoo, Ryan’s wink after that!!!! so precious
“batman, you’re my favourite superhero!” *mothman sounds* “never mind...” - honestly, this here is why HotDaga is so popular. Shane is a damn script genious
“shaped like a male” does that mean he has a dick?????? please answer Marcella my friend needs to know
holy shit Shane what is going ON in your head. You want people to come to you, naked, in a forest or a field, and offer themselves as a fest to you?? man I am kinkshaming
Ryan crushing that post-it note and throwing it at Shane’s big-ass forehead is great. I’m down for it
“Marcella, where did you get your sight?” “Ah, the Mothman hit me up with it”
one thing I have noticed in the fandom is that people either love the fact that Ryan pointed out Rick & Morty or they cringe. Still, cringe tho
popcorn-eating and freakishly laughing mothman is goals. having the time of his life
this bunker is so much creepier than some ghostly action places they’ve been to...
Home Alone: Mothman
Shane wants to own a taxidermied sandhill crane in his room. what the fucc. that’s. demonic
Ryan looks like a RAVE nun. what more can I say but holy
another good cryptid hunt by the masters of the Mothman Call
“we should be on Animal Plant” hahahha
the last bit where they give Mothman a “last chance”. what is this, holiday sale?
also I was sad to see no ending clip had been provided :/
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orenbeval-blog · 7 years
Rosie Watson’s diary - Sat.09/02/2030 (part 2)
Molly picked me up at half past eleven, as planned. She didn’t ask anything, she already knew, I could see. Of course. I wondered if Daddy knew too.
Stella, Molly and I went to that cosy place we only go before theatre or musicals. While the waitress was taking our order, I politely asked, very ladylike and grown up, if Stella was not working on Greg’s case this Saturday. She only smiled. Molly rolled her eyes at her. I love Molly. I really do. But Stella is like the personification of coolness. I mean… Yeah, Sherlock is cool too in his mighty posh “high standard cloths” attitude when he is all acting as the consultant detective everyone thinks he is… but Stella has this very cool touch that make even the “big guys” look all shy.  She doesn’t even need a coat or a cigarette to look cool. She just is. I once told her. And she just replied : “That’s because I am proud to be who I am.” I mean, how cool is THAT ?
“So, you are not working with Greg today ?”
“No, Rosie, obviously I am sitting here with Mo and you.”
“Come on Stella, answer.”
“Oh well, then. No, I’m not working on that case. Sally is. Your Sherlock Dad must have soooo much fun right now…”
She snuggled. Molly’s face went a bit sad : “Not a very bright day for poor Sherlock.”
Stella looked at her with an lifted eyebrow : “I beg your pardon ? I personally really pity Sally right now. She’s probably right now rolled over by a fast track train of insults and nasty comments and is being humiliated to the bones by Dark-mooded-genious-sorry-i-am-a-sociopath-Sherlock. He can be such an asshole when he wants to. And I bet he clearly wants to, right now.”
“Well… he…”
Stella just waved Molly’s try of an explanation off and grabbed her red wine glass. Molly rolled her eyes, again. Anyway, she remained silent and sipped at her beer. I could see they wanted to talk about something but didn’t really know how to. So I broke the ice.
“How long did Daddy have to wait after he proposed ?”
They both looked at me, then looked at each other, slightly puzzled. And suddenly it clicked. So Sherlock did tell them. Stella coughed a bit.
“Well… I can’t say, I’ve never been close to your parents. Between Sherlock Holmes and I, it’s really only professional. Never beyond. I think he is closer to Sally than to myself, actually… -she laughed a bit- I only got invited to the wedding as Mo’s “plus one”, that’s all I know.”
“Well… I actually thought it was Sherlock who proposed. He asked Greg how to do this.”
Stella’s eyes went BIG : “WHAT ?!”
Molly shrugged : “Well.. Greg used to be married… and he is a man, obviously, and…he is Sherlock’s closest relationship to what friendship might look like between two guys… is it so surprising ?”
“Well, no, put like that it seems pretty logical…”
“Anyway, Rosie, Sweetheart, what makes you think it was the other way around ?”
“Sherlock told me this morning.”
There was some short silence. Stella broke it.
“Rosie girl, you are a big girl now. Maybe it’s a bit early but well, I guess there is no choice left here, you will have to learn and face it.” 
She had a gaze exchange with a nodding Molly : “Grownups, adults, are not all super casual, super sure, super right, super strong, super responsible, super reliable, super mature and so on. Some are, but many aren’t. So is your Sherlock Dad. He has his own issues to deal with and he needs time to sort the things that happen to him. Every brain is unique and quite different from the other brains but some are a bit more unique and a bit more different than the average and they need some extra kindness and some extra patience. It’s all like a bridge… everyone takes the step they can take and in the end, everyone can meet. Doesn’t matter if one meet in the middle of the bridge or very close to one edge or the other. See what I mean ?”
As I remained quiet, Molly went on : “What Stella is trying to picture is that Sherlock is putting some effort, every day, to deal with the world. He doesn’t understand things as clearly as we usually do. It’s difficult for him. But he works on it on a daily basis. We don’t see it because it seems normal to us but for him it is exhausting. Anyway, he is adapting to us. And this time, he is overwhelmed and it is your turn to adapt to him. I mean, more than usual. See ?”
Stella got it from there : “It’s easy to loose one’s mind over Sherlock’s insensitive behaviour, to become resentful and to give up. But you know him, Rosie girl. You know he is reacting and behaving awkward compared to average. This is by no means different. He is just acting strange and this should not be compared with “normal behaviour”. See ?”
“I am sorry, Sweetheart, I should have warned you. I thought you would sense it. Or that John would explain this to you.”
“Daddy never talks to me about anything.”
“Sweetheart, that’s not true, and you know it.”
She made a little pause as she always does when she is on the verge to say something huge.
“Anyway… he does take it very seriously and he does care very strongly.”
“How do you know ?”
“Well... he talked about all this to Greg this morning. He told Greg you gave him those forms and he texted me about your argument. Look…”
She showed me here phone. I saw several text messages from Sherlock :
“Molly, I need help. As always, you are the only one I can get it from. I am too ridiculous to handle this properly. I’m lacking words, I’m lacking brain cells, I’m lacking everything, even confidence. Watson, I want to adopt her. Have already. Since John brought her back at 221B. Of course I did. You knew, John knew – of course John knew -, even Lestrade and Mrs Hudson and that girlfriend of yours, Hopkins… you all knew/know… But Court thing is just so… official. Need time to adjust. Like always. Watson is too young to get it right and John… well it’s John. Talk to her if convenient ? – SH”
“Talk to her anyway. – SH”
“Please. – SH”
When I looked up, Stella showed me her phone. Texts from Greg :
“Morning Inspector Hopkins. Hell down here, hope you enjoy your Saturday off. Inspector Donovan is turning insane. Sherlock Holmes is really difficult to handle this morning. He told me something barely making sense about some official adoption papers and an argument with Dr Watson’s girl… Is Holmes adopting the girl ? This is great and long overdue but… maybe someone should talk with the girl or with him or with Dr Watson… would you mind asking Hooper if she can do something about this ? I need my sanity back (and the sanity of ALL my inspectors) to keep things working here. Thank you very much.”
“PS : sorry to bother you but I don’t have Hooper’s number as I lost my phone last week. Maybe you could also ask her to text me or something, so I wouldn’t have to use you as her clerk. Thank you. Have a nice day.”
I swallowed hard.
Molly sat next to me to take me in her arm while I was starting to sob. Again.
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